Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-23 Thread Robert Jasiek

Don Dailey wrote:

Can you dig out the textbook where you got this list from

Writing it down as if it were a formal definition was a joke, of course. 
I have made up the list myself but it has strong reasons: It is the 
essence of my study of theoretical informatics at university. Whichever 
good proof might have been made, it did apply all my points. Exception: 
it was a summary style explanation in some maths journal where the 
readers (mathematicians themselves) are expected to think 30 minutes per 
text line to verify and understand completely what they are just reading.

 and be more precise about what they are trying to define?

 a) the underlying theory is published,

Privately stored text won't do. You need to publish it to everybody. 
Explain the underlying theory, unless it is standard knowledge for the 
typical readers. E.g., alpha-beta may be well known but if you make 
inventions that change your specific alpha-beta search, then explain 
your new theory.

 b) the underlying theory is proven mathematically,

You are going to see endless lists of propositions and their formal 
mathematical proofs.

 c) the algorithm is published,

Not the source code of your implementation is interesting here but the 
algorithm independent of programming language, software, and hardware.

 d) the algorithm is proven mathematically,

Prove that it well-defined, complete, does what it is said to do, always 
does so, never does anything else, prove what the computational 
complexities of time and space are.

 e) the used computer environment is stated,

Mainboard, processor, operating system, etc.

 f) there is a statement that the computation has been done 
successfully and

Trivial, but you should add the running time taken.

 g) it is possible to repeat the computation independently.

Anybody with a different computer / different set of computers must be 
able to take the algorithm, implement it on a different computer, and 
invariably produce the same result.

For instance if I solve a Rubiks cube in private, is it sudenly not solved

Nobody won't believe you until you publish your used algorithm, etc.

 it just means that I cannot credibly claim to have solved it.

Indeed. Like claiming I have solved 19x19 Go yesterday..

 It's extremely common in

games research to have papers like this, where results are reported but
completely unverifyable and it drives me nuts.


robert jasiek
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-23 Thread Erik van der Werf
2009/5/22 Andrés Domínguez
 2009/5/22 Robert Jasiek
 Don Dailey wrote:
 Is the 5x5 claim the one you are skeptical about?

 IIRC, I am sceptical about both 5x5 (esp. first move not at tengen) and 6x6.

 AFAIK the claimed solution is tengen the first move. Maybe you are
 remebering some interesting lines that starts with (3,2) and (2,2):

 Subject: computer-go: 5x5 Go is solved
 Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 15:27:04 -0100
 From: Erik van der Werf

 Yesterday my program solved 5x5 Go starting with the first move in the
 centre. As was expected it is a win for the first player with 25 points
 (the whole board belongs to black).

My phd thesis also reports the values for other opening moves. (3,2):
B+3, (2,2): W+1, (edge) W+25.

For more info see:

If anyone believes he can refute these results I'd be interested to
hear about it (especially if you are high dan level). In my experience
it is often quite interesting to see where strong humans go astray.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-22 Thread Don Dailey
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Robert Jasiek wrote:

 Don Dailey wrote:

 7x7 isn't solved by computer, but the best ones play it extrememly well.

 When looking through sample game trees of small board computer play, my
 impression was that by far too many trivial moves were not analysed
 (properly): single passes or seemingly bad plays. When I studied J1989
 manually, I had to learn that single passes or seemingly bad plays can be
 good moves much more often than one fears. Therefore I am extremely
 sceptical when some claim is made about NxN was solved by strong programs.
 Usual strength is not a good measure here. Proofs or proof play are

I haven't heard any claims yet by anyone that 7x7 has been solved.   But 5x5
is claimed to have been solved by exhaustive search.   And an admissible
exhaustive search is a proof.   Is the 5x5 claim the one you are skeptical
about?   Because I am not aware of any non-proof claims.

In the case of 7x7 computer players,  the practical play is very strong.   I
think you can construct positions that may be very difficult for computers
to solve in 7x7,  but from the opening position you are going to find it
difficult to find a pathway that fools the computer - if you are on the
wrong side of komi.

When I did some experiments with Lazarus 2 or 3 years ago,  I noticed that
the overwhelming majority of games were one-sided when using any 1/2 point
komi once you went beyond a reasonable level.   As I cranked up the levels,
the number of upset loses diminished and I found a level where there were
no wins for the wrong side out of perhaps 200 games (don't remember the

I don't believe Lazaurs comes close to perfect play on 7x7 but I assume that
the 7x7 opening position is relatively easy to win if you are on the correct
side of komi.And it may be that the losing side also failed to take
advantage of the mistakes of the winning side.   So at 8.5 komi black always
won,  but this does not mean black always played the correct move.

- Don

 robert jasiek

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-22 Thread Robert Jasiek

Don Dailey wrote:
 Is the 5x5 claim the one you are skeptical about?

IIRC, I am sceptical about both 5x5 (esp. first move not at tengen) and 
6x6. But I do not recall more details. Maybe I have not read all 5x5 
papers about claimed solutions. If there is something with mathematical 
proofs (about the made CG calculations), I would want to read it when I 
should have time. So far I have seen only Erik's preliminary draft, and 
that was not on the level of complete mathematical proofs about a solution.

robert jasiek
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-22 Thread Andrés Domínguez
2009/5/22 Robert Jasiek
 Don Dailey wrote:
 Is the 5x5 claim the one you are skeptical about?

 IIRC, I am sceptical about both 5x5 (esp. first move not at tengen) and 6x6.

AFAIK the claimed solution is tengen the first move. Maybe you are
remebering some interesting lines that starts with (3,2) and (2,2):

 Subject: computer-go: 5x5 Go is solved
 Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 15:27:04 -0100
 From: Erik van der Werf

 Yesterday my program solved 5x5 Go starting with the first move in the
 centre. As was expected it is a win for the first player with 25 points
 (the whole board belongs to black).

Andrés Domínguez
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-22 Thread Don Dailey

A proper search tree is a proof,  but there is the issue of determining if
there are any flaws in the search and that would require some kind of peer
review including a code review.   For instance  the hash table
implementation may not be admissible unless the positions themselves are
properly stored which is not the usual technique in game search programs.
There is additionally the issue of GHI (Graph History Interaction) which
must be handled correctly to consider it a proof.My recollection is that
they handled the GHI problem correctly.   I'm not sure about hash table

So the game tree searched used in this program (I don't remember who did it)
may not be admissible as a proof and I think they actually gave their
disclaimers if I remember correctly.

Nevertheless,  if the program is reporting a win with a very deep search,
in my view it's probably correct although it cannot be trusted as an
absolute proof.

There is the issue of how much we can trust the result of that 5x5 brute
force effort.  A well engineered brute force alpha/beta search is almost
always going to produce correct results - especially if it was designed for
that purpose.   So personally I'm not heavily skeptical of the conclusions
reached although I know there is a some small chance it is wrong.

- Don

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Robert Jasiek wrote:

 Don Dailey wrote:
  Is the 5x5 claim the one you are skeptical about?

 IIRC, I am sceptical about both 5x5 (esp. first move not at tengen) and
 6x6. But I do not recall more details. Maybe I have not read all 5x5 papers
 about claimed solutions. If there is something with mathematical proofs
 (about the made CG calculations), I would want to read it when I should have
 time. So far I have seen only Erik's preliminary draft, and that was not on
 the level of complete mathematical proofs about a solution.

 robert jasiek
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-22 Thread Robert Jasiek

Don Dailey wrote:

in my view it's probably correct although it cannot be trusted as an
absolute proof.

A practical computational problem is solved iff
a) the underlying theory is published,
b) the underlying theory is proven mathematically,
c) the algorithm is published,
d) the algorithm is proven mathematically,
e) the used computer environment is stated,
f) there is a statement that the computation has been done successfully and
g) it is possible to repeat the computation independently.

robert jasiek
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-22 Thread Don Dailey

Can you dig out the textbook where you got this list from and be more
precise about what they are trying to define?It's obvious that they are
providing some kind of formal framework for establishing the CREDIBILITY of
a claim of proof,  not what a proof or solution really is.

For instance if I solve a Rubiks cube in private, is it sudenly not solved
because I did not follow certain arbitrary formalities?No,  it just
means that I cannot credibly claim to have solved it.

The 5x5 guys, in my opinion, did not credibly solve the 5x5 board.   But I
don't think they made extravagant claims either.  It's extremely common in
games research to have papers like this, where results are reported but
completely unverifyable and it drives me nuts.

- Don

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Robert Jasiek wrote:

 Don Dailey wrote:

 in my view it's probably correct although it cannot be trusted as an
 absolute proof.

 A practical computational problem is solved iff
 a) the underlying theory is published,
 b) the underlying theory is proven mathematically,
 c) the algorithm is published,
 d) the algorithm is proven mathematically,
 e) the used computer environment is stated,
 f) there is a statement that the computation has been done successfully and
 g) it is possible to repeat the computation independently.

 robert jasiek
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-21 Thread Don Dailey
I believe with CGOS rules,  it is believed to be 9.0

I don't know if there is a proof of that, but I don't think there is any

- Don

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Michael Williams wrote:

 What was the consensus on 7x7 komi?  It was discussed back during Don's
 scalability study, but I couldn't find the number itself.  Was it 9.0?
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7x7 komi

2009-05-21 Thread Rémi Coulom

Don Dailey wrote:

7x7 isn't solved by computer, but the best ones play it extrememly 
well.   Does anyone have any information on how well they play it?   
My guess is that with 9.5 komi,  a strong computer playing white won't 
lose much to anyone (as it's starting from a dead won position.)

- Don
Crazy Stone played a few games on KGS with a komi of 9, against some 
very strong players, including guojuan[5p]. I am convinced that the 
right komi is 9.

That was very long ago. I had to make a book in order to play the 
opening well. I expect the programs of today would not even need a book.

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