Re: [CGUYS] wii/sony/xbox ratings

2009-04-10 Thread DBCfour
Speaking many here have ever been a participant in a Nielsen poll  
or survey?
Not me...
In a message dated 4/10/2009 10:11:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

And I'm  sure you'll be terrified by any discussion of what the Nielsen 
numbers  really represent. The Wii user is going to be engaged in vigorous 
activity  while the XBox user will be a lethargic couch potato. The Wii 
user will  play a vigorous game or two and get on with life. The XBoxer 
will sit  there and sit there and sit there. Possibly too lazy to even get 
up to  poop.

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Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-09 Thread DBCfour know what they say.  Ignorance is bliss! :-)
Plus, to be honest, how fast can you blink?   For those that it  takes 
upwards of a minute just to locate the correct button to click on, or  the 
right key 
to press, whether the result of that click/keystroke takes almost  the blink 
of an eye, or the full blink of an eye is simply not going to be  noticeable.
The people on this list are not your average go to WalMart or  Best Buy and 
buy an off the shelf product kind of consumers.  (Well, I  am these days 
because there's not much I can't get right off the shelf  anymore.)  
Basically, the laptop hunter ads are not targeted to those that  populate 
this list I don't believe. 
In a message dated 4/7/2009 1:52:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

To  imply that the average Joe knows anything more about their equipment   
than they read in some magazine somewhere is wrong.

Ignorance  raised to the level of virtue.

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Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-07 Thread DBCfour
In truth, most average users have never torn down anything.  They  don't 
tear down their TV's to tweak it's performance, they don't tear down their  
IPods, or their gaming machines, or their cars.  They buy  something that does 
what they want it to do for the price they're willing  to pay.  Period.
To imply that the average Joe knows anything more about their equipment  than 
they read in some magazine somewhere is wrong.
In a message dated 4/7/2009 12:56:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:


You sound like you've never torn down a Mac; maybe not  even a PC, to
replace or upgrade components.  You've probably never  spec'ed, sourced
and built a PC either.  Just another ignorant  WFB.  So Mac and PC both
use the same components, eh?  Salesmen  at Bestbuy must ka-ching! love

Thank you,

Mark  Snyder

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Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-07 Thread DBCfour
Hahaha...Not real sure that MS is to blame for the fact that we're easily  
entertained! :-)
This thread has been fun to watch though.  I will admit that!
In a message dated 4/7/2009 3:01:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

But we  are more entertained by them than the average joe. Have you seen 
the  various stop-motion dissections of the ads posted on YouTube? 

I hope  MS does not start issuing take down  orders.

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Re: [CGUYS] Another new Windows ad...

2009-04-07 Thread DBCfour
Hmmm...does make one wonder who on this list has a very expensive lil  red 
sports car doesn't it? :-)
In a message dated 4/7/2009 3:27:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Kind of  reminds me of he old school yard argument on whose daddy 
could beat up  who.

Or for the older boys who has the bigger  


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Re: [CGUYS] What Does a President Give a Queen?

2009-04-02 Thread DBCfour
You mean like how he claimed  to have visited 57 states?  He would have 
visited all  59 of them, but he missed Alaska and Hawaii! :-)
In a message dated 4/2/2009 1:38:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

At 01:12  PM 4/2/2009, Chris Dunford wrote:
during which Dubya thanked her for  helping to celebrate our
Bicentennial in 1776. The Queen is getting on  in years, but she's not quite
THAT old.)

Obama makes a lot of  speaking errors, but the press just doesn't report 

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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop

2009-04-02 Thread DBCfour
I dunno.  As the mother of four boys that have been doing the whole  game 
system thing since the Atari/Pong days,  according to my kids,  plus all of 
friends for nigh on too many years to mention, our current  XBox is better 
than anything  that's come before.  According to  them, the XBox is far 
superior.  Personally, I'm not real  interested in the graphics, sound, or 
else that they seem to  think makes it superior.  After a couple of decades of  
being Nintendo clan, I was a bit surprised m'self...but it is what it  is.  
Hasn't missed a beat since the original purchase.  If it  died tomorrow, I 
have more than gotten my money's worth.
PS.   A lot of people make fun of us old folks that buy the WII  fit. :-)
In a message dated 4/2/2009 8:56:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
However  those IC's still fail in those units.

Both my Son-in-law and his friend  had theirs crash in the last 3 months.

One extended warranty one  not.


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Re: [CGUYS] First Place? [Was: Not cool enough [was re: Laptop Hunters]

2009-04-01 Thread DBCfour
Uhhh...aren't we the target audience for Cialis and Viagra, Embril,  Enablex, 
etc., ad nauseam! lol
In a message dated 4/1/2009 7:26:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

That's  about right.

Enjoy your golden years!


At  06:00 PM 4/1/2009, you wrote:
  But yeah you are right, no one  seems to market to us except AARP!

Right, I forgot about them.  AARP and the wheelie chair guys, Hoveround.

Rev. Stewart A.  Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL  82

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Re: [CGUYS] Not cool enough [was re: Laptop Hunters]

2009-03-30 Thread DBCfour
Download Open Office? :-)
In a message dated 3/30/2009 8:11:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Nope.  But, when you publicly sneer at those who don't have  any choice
but to sit in the cheaper seats, then yes, you are an  elitist snob.

This is pointless name calling. The Mac is the cheap  seats. The Mac would 
come with the iWork productivity suite and iLife  media suite. All 
excellent programs. And no need for anti-virus  software.

She bought a laptop loaded with 30-day demos of the software  she needs. 
What is she going to do after 30 days as she is confronted with  all those 
pop-up windows demanding payment for continued use?  

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Re: [CGUYS] Laptop Hunters

2009-03-30 Thread DBCfour
Can walk into a store and buy it off the shelf?
In a message dated 3/30/2009 8:43:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Constance, if she only has $1,000, she only has  $1,000.

20-inch iMac is $999 at the Apple Online Store today. Right on  the home 

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