Re: [Container-tools] [container-tools] Minishift-1.4.1 release announcement

2017-08-10 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

On 10 Aug 2017, at 11:49, Gerard Braad wrote:

Hi Max,

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 5:31 PM, Budh Ram Gurung <> 
On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen 
One thing I noticed - shouldn't minishift delete ask for 
confirmation ?
You are absolutely correct here and we agree and hence we have issue 
[1] to

handle it. It will come with --force
flag to skip confirmation.

Right. This is an issue I personally filed somewhere in February. And
we have marked it as an 'easyfix', which means that the community can
have a go at it, as an intro or low hanging fruit. But this kind of
excludes us from working on it... until someone deems this very high
priority. Although I lost a test setup with this command, the
frustration hasn't been high enough to escalate and work on it. ;-)

We will be posting more recordings, and maybe even short videos about
the usage of Minishift. If you have a suggestion what you would like
to see being covered, just let us know.

will do.

Again, great stuff - I need to update and retry minishift now :)

Do not forget, updating is easy now:

  $ minishift update

minishift update
Error: unknown command "update" for "minishift"
Run 'minishift --help' for usage.
F0810 12:10:20.646212   17352 root.go:95] unknown command "update" for 


dammit - I'm behind! :)

Container-tools mailing list

Re: [Container-tools] [container-tools] Minishift-1.4.1 release announcement

2017-08-10 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

On 8 Aug 2017, at 15:52, Gerard Braad wrote:

Hi All,

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 8:44 PM, Budh Ram Gurung  

Release Highlights
- Improvements to user feedback during Minishift startup
- Introduction of the environment variable 
MINISHIFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL to pass extra flags to “oc cluster 

I made a small asciinema recording[0] that shows what these features 

Feedback welcome...



[0] :=

Gerard, that is very nice and informative!

One thing I noticed - shouldn't `minishift delete` ask for confirmation 

And what does the the `y` do in `MINISHIFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL=y 
minishift start --service-catalog` ?

Again, great stuff - I need to update and retry minishift now :)

Container-tools mailing list

Re: [Container-tools] [Devtools] openshift is way too permissive in the CDK/ADB

2016-05-18 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen
Yeah, if CDK was running with this enabled I would not be able to run 

in any meaningful timeframe on openshift.

I wish there was a better way though.

i.e. that I could set a flag for a specific deployment wether
it should be allowed to run as root or not without making this a fully 
global flag.

But in short - without this permission I don't see CDK/ADB being useful 
to anyone
trying to use it for docker based development because dockerhub just has 
too many

containers that requires it.


I think most teams at the Brno F2F were struggling with this. It works
locally, but semi-obscure failures when pushed 'live'. And out of the 
30 RH
engineers there, none knew 100% or was able to dig up a doc that 

why and how to fix it...

This is/will be a massive pain point moving from Dev to Production. 
very least we need some very clear, simple guides on how to make it 


On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Clayton Coleman 

It was a deliberate choice, predicated on other changes coming to
Docker (user namespaces) plus the desire to ensure demos run.

Ultimately, the CDK is a playground.  Putting up chain link fences
around the playground sends the wrong message.

I'd prefer to have it easier to go between the levels in the short
term than to ratchet it back.

On May 17, 2016, at 11:27 PM, Dusty Mabe  

Currently we are configuring openshift in the CDK/ADB to be more
permissive than it should be when running containers.

At [1] we are setting:

   oadm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated

From my experiments this means that containers run as anyuid and 

can be root, cc clayton for confirmation.

What this means is that we are misleading users to thinking things
will run in production OpenShift, when the production OpenShift most
likely won't have things configured this way.

We should probably not be doing this. Reverting this change will 
mean that proposed demos, etc.. should be retested on the newer 




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Re: [Container-tools] things i noticed about docker in abd

2016-04-06 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen


It seems the file partition of ADB and CDK differs  with respect to 
docker storage setup. The above issue  seems like to be in CDK but not 
in ADB.  Can you please confirm if you and Burr has seen these issues 
in CDK and not in ADB.

I'm 100% it was the CDK - we don't ship ADB in any of the stuff Burr 
been testing (CDK and Developer Studio setups)

ADB's / i.e. root partition is of 8GB and rest of the space is given 
to docker storage setup. [1]

Any reason why that was changed for CDK ?


Container-tools mailing list

[Container-tools] portable docker files with respect to volumes?

2016-02-22 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen


Been battling how to actually write portable docker files that will work 
in native docker, boot2docker, openshift etc.

Things works pretty fine until I hit volumes.

What is the best practice for allowing mount of a volume and that the 
user used in docker have access ?

with boot2docker my user must be root or not having (g)id 1000 otherwise 
it won't be able to write to the volumes [1]

openshift says my user cannot be root and I cannot rely on the numerical 
value of (g)id [2]

Thus how does one make a docker file that will work in both scenarios ?

Anyone with some tips on that ?



Container-tools mailing list

Re: [Container-tools] Why do we have "rhel-docker-eclipse"?

2016-02-06 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen
One primary was the goal. 

The rest removed or put in docs/examples. 


> On 05 Feb 2016, at 16:24, Burr Sutter  wrote:
> For the GA, I believe we should be down to 2 Vagrantfiles, not 3, right?
> Can we just eliminate “rhel-docker-eclipse”?
> ___
> Container-tools mailing list
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Re: [Container-tools] Version incompatibility of Docker client and server - projectatomic/vagrant-adbinfo issue #85

2016-02-04 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

On 4 Feb 2016, at 8:02, Bama Charan Kundu wrote:

My suggestion is to package equivalent docker client in the ADB box (
for Linux, OSX, Windows) and then we can expose these binaries through 

http server or equivalent.

Is there a working docker native windows client yet ?

btw. on the topic of supporting multiple versions - the way we do it
in Eclipse is that the spotify client we use don't perform the version 

So for now we survive on "luck".

Down the road we might have to extend the client to make it handle 
differences between versions or in worst case bundle multiple client 
jars to be able to target both the slower moving CDK and the actual 
docker which most will use in the community.


Container-tools mailing list

Re: [Container-tools] Prepackaged OpenShift template with CDK

2016-02-03 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

On 3 Feb 2016, at 16:29, Rob Cernich wrote:

- Original Message -

On 2 Feb 2016, at 17:46, Burr Sutter wrote:

We need something for a Java developer as well.

Max and Hardy should have the details.

We were actually discussing this yesterday and we are wondering
what templates/examples will make sense.

Hardy and I agree that we shouldn't add templates we haven't actually
tested to work on the CDK - so we need someone to actually go through 

Why don't you add everything that's in the ansible installer?

afaik the ansible installer is not used in the cdk.

Where can I find the source for the list that is included ?

I'd also be concerned if templates we ship through there don't work on 
CDK. Having them in CDK will at least get you bug reports if they're 
not working. (I'm assuming the CDK should function just like a regular 
instance of OSE.)

Yes, optimally it should - but reality have proven it is not there yet 


But outside that - could you give input which of the project 
templates we

available in the CDK today you think is a must to keep, which are 
nice to

have and
which should just not be there ?

You can see them by doing New Application in Eclipse - we'll give you 
a nice

search dialog; or you can use the web console to see them.

Note: please don't say "EAP", we need to go at the specific templates 

EAP has about 15 different ones.

On February 2, 2016 at 4:31:42 AM, Lalatendu Mohanty (


We are planning to ship one OpenShift template by default in the CDK

Vagrant box as an user should be able to setup OpenShift and run an

example without connecting to internet. [1]

Also we are planning to use nodejs-ex for the same [2]. Let us know 

you have some suggestion for us on this.





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