Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2015-01-02 Thread Bradford Wetmore

the Microsoft C Runtime Library makes use of this function in its
implementation of rand_s, so it's removal would break a lot of
programs. I think this is a relative guarantee that the function is here
to stay.


What are the fallbacks for SystemRandomImpl if /dev/urandom or the
rtlGenRandomFN/CryptGenRandom aren't available?  Is that something
you'll bake into TLR or will you do it here?

I think it's better to leave it to consumers (TLR/SplittableRandom) as
they know what's good-enough for them. The API allows for arbitrary
number of bytes to be generated and I don't have an easy means of
generating more than 8 random bytes just from System.nanoTime() and
System.currentTimeMillis() short of using SecureRandom as a fall-back.

webrev.03 only has new code, no changes yet to TLR/SplittableRandom,
so I'm not yet quite following where TLR/SR will be changing.  Also,
what is proposed for platforms that aren't Unix/Windows?  Should there
be a generic fallback mechanism like ThreadedSeedGenerator?  (Note,
I'm not suggesting using it, it's rather...SSLLLOOO...)

Are there other non-Unix and non-Windows platforms?

I'm not an expert in non-Oracle Java offerings, but what about the 
various Java ME devices?  Some of the embedded devices are 
Linux/Windows, but are there others?  JavaCard?

I know IBM has a large number of OS's they support, for example IBM i.

I know IBM supports Java on z/OS, but apparently that uses a Linux-style 
filesystem via UNIX_System_Services.

Not sure about others.

I saw a couple of other non-unix/windows OSs in a wikipedia comparison 
of JVM's, but most of them seem to be discontinued.

I think the planned
fall-back for TLR/SplittableRandom is to just use
System.currentTimeMillis()  System.nanoTime() - these are the defaults
now unless SecureRandom is requested.

Ok.  Since this isn't security-critical, IMHO there just needs to be a 
reasonable fall-back option in case /dev/urandom or rtlGenRandomFN 
can't be used.

I don't always closely monitor core-libs-dev, so please cc me if further 
discussion occurs in a different thread.

Cheers, and HNY to you and everyone else here,


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2015-01-01 Thread Peter Levart

Hi Brad,

On 01/01/2015 02:46 AM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:

To the actual proposal:

Overall, I'm ok with what's proposed.  This is more straightforward to
parse/understand than trying to adjust NativeSeedGenerator to
create/call directly (e.g. UNIX:  new
NativeSeedGenerator(/dev/urandom) or Windows:  new
NativeSeedGenerator()).  But I'd still like to understand why you
moved away from this.

One concern is that you're duplicating native libraries in java.base,
and it would be the third JDK library overall with this type of call.
There's one in libjava (for java.base/WinCAPISeedGenerator for and sunmscapi (for
jdk.crypto.mscapi/SunMSCAPI/  Would it work to
tweak the WinCAPISeedGenerator so you don't have to create a new dll
for java.base?

The SystemRandom JNI bindings for Windows are located in:

 java.base/windows/native/libjava/SystemRandomImpl_md.c as I understand they are also part of libjava. No new DLL here.

True.  My thought should have been about having very similar code 
duplicated in libjava.

I'm ok with this, though it's not really clear if/when MS will drop 
support for ADVAPI32!RtlGenRandom.  This always makes me nervous 
because whatever is put in will likely never change until some MS 
change breaks it.

the Microsoft C Runtime Library makes use of this function in its 
implementation of rand_s, so it's removal would break a lot of 
programs. I think this is a relative guarantee that the function is here 
to stay.

What are the fallbacks for SystemRandomImpl if /dev/urandom or the
rtlGenRandomFN/CryptGenRandom aren't available?  Is that something
you'll bake into TLR or will you do it here?

I think it's better to leave it to consumers (TLR/SplittableRandom) as
they know what's good-enough for them. The API allows for arbitrary
number of bytes to be generated and I don't have an easy means of
generating more than 8 random bytes just from System.nanoTime() and
System.currentTimeMillis() short of using SecureRandom as a fall-back.

webrev.03 only has new code, no changes yet to TLR/SplittableRandom, 
so I'm not yet quite following where TLR/SR will be changing.  Also, 
what is proposed for platforms that aren't Unix/Windows?  Should there 
be a generic fallback mechanism like ThreadedSeedGenerator?  (Note, 
I'm not suggesting using it, it's rather...SSLLLOOO...)

Are there other non-Unix and non-Windows platforms? I think the planned 
fall-back for TLR/SplittableRandom is to just use 
System.currentTimeMillis()  System.nanoTime() - these are the defaults 
now unless SecureRandom is requested.

Regards, Peter

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-31 Thread Bradford Wetmore

To the actual proposal:

Overall, I'm ok with what's proposed.  This is more straightforward to
parse/understand than trying to adjust NativeSeedGenerator to
create/call directly (e.g. UNIX:  new
NativeSeedGenerator(/dev/urandom) or Windows:  new
NativeSeedGenerator()).  But I'd still like to understand why you
moved away from this.

One concern is that you're duplicating native libraries in java.base,
and it would be the third JDK library overall with this type of call.
There's one in libjava (for java.base/WinCAPISeedGenerator for and sunmscapi (for
jdk.crypto.mscapi/SunMSCAPI/  Would it work to
tweak the WinCAPISeedGenerator so you don't have to create a new dll
for java.base?

The SystemRandom JNI bindings for Windows are located in:

 java.base/windows/native/libjava/SystemRandomImpl_md.c as I understand they are also part of libjava. No new DLL here.

True.  My thought should have been about having very similar code 
duplicated in libjava.

I'm ok with this, though it's not really clear if/when MS will drop 
support for ADVAPI32!RtlGenRandom.  This always makes me nervous because 
whatever is put in will likely never change until some MS change breaks it.

I'm not familiar with what Alan/Mandy/company have in mind down the 
road, but I haven't heard of libjava splitting.

What are the fallbacks for SystemRandomImpl if /dev/urandom or the
rtlGenRandomFN/CryptGenRandom aren't available?  Is that something
you'll bake into TLR or will you do it here?

I think it's better to leave it to consumers (TLR/SplittableRandom) as
they know what's good-enough for them. The API allows for arbitrary
number of bytes to be generated and I don't have an easy means of
generating more than 8 random bytes just from System.nanoTime() and
System.currentTimeMillis() short of using SecureRandom as a fall-back.

webrev.03 only has new code, no changes yet to TLR/SplittableRandom, so 
I'm not yet quite following where TLR/SR will be changing.  Also, what 
is proposed for platforms that aren't Unix/Windows?  Should there be a 
generic fallback mechanism like ThreadedSeedGenerator?  (Note, I'm not 
suggesting using it, it's rather...SSLLLOOO...)

The problem is also how to make access to this functionality for
different consumers that are located in different packages (java.util,
java.util.concurrent) and make it somehow usable also for external
access. There is a desire to use this also from stand-alone builds of
java.util.concurrent utilities. That's why my initial approach for
SystemRandom used a public API in java.util.

The approach used with sun.misc.Unsafe is probably not going to work for
user code in JDK9 with modules, as sun.misc will not be globally
exported. Are any non J2SE packages going to be globally exported? I see
jdk and are already mentioned as such globally exported packages
in modules.xml...

That's a good question for Alan/Mandy/company.

Martin wrote:

If you've been following this bug, I've figured why the NativePRNG$*
classes are initing and thus opening the /dev/random,urandom.  This
definitely needs some adjustment.

Something like the following could be used in NativePRNG and

(See the other active thread in core-libs-dev.)


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-17 Thread Peter Levart

Hi Brad,

I am glad that you came across all the threads on this topic. I agree 
with your evaluation of my comments from an early thread. I have gone 
through security providers infrastructure multiple times since then and 
I can see where my comments were incorrect. The confusion was mostly 
based around mixing SecureRandom.generateSeed () with 
SecureRandom.nextBytes () and their underlying implementations for 
different providers.

Now to answer inline...

On 12/17/2014 02:36 AM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:

Various comments for this thread from June/July/November/December.

Some of the comments I'm responding to may already be better 
understood than when they were originally written.

Peter wrote in response to a suggestion to use /dev/random:

Although the approach would cause some more classes to load, no
arbitrary providers should be initialized.

I think this is waht you get when you set
java.util.secureRandomSeed system property to true. TLR uses in this case.

For the no arbitrary provider part, that may not be quite correct. 
getSeed() creates/pulls from the default SecureRandom impl (i.e. new 
SecureRandom().generateSeed()), so it pulls in the Security Provider 
mechanism to determine the most preferred implementation, which could 
initialize additional higher-priority providers until an instance of 
SecureRandom is found.  For example, ucrypto on Solaris doesn't have a 
SecureRandom impl, so it would then fall back to PKCS11.

As has been pointed out, the various Oracle SecureRandom 
implementations and their preference order are a twisty maze of 
passages, somewhat but not exactly alike.  (With apologies to the 
Colossal Cave.)  The default preference order is:

Solaris (sparc/sparcv9/x86/x64)
PKCS11 - SunPKCS11
NativePRNG - Sun
NativePRNGBlocking - Sun
NativePRNGNonBlocking - Sun

Linux (x86/x64)/MacOS
NativePRNG - Sun
NativePRNGBlocking - Sun
NativePRNGNonBlocking - Sun

Windows (x86/x64)
Windows-PRNG - SunMSCAPI

Here's a few impl details for seeding calls.

generateSeed() routes to engineNextBytes(), which goes to the 
underlying PKCS11.

NativePRNG:  (Unix-only)
generateSeed() by default routes to /dev/random, unless the System 
Entropy Gathering Device (EGD) (set via a Security/System property) 
routes to something else.  (FYI: nextBytes() uses /dev/urandom.)

NativePRNG$BLOCKING:  (Unix-only)

generateSeed() always routes to /dev/random.  (FYI: nextBytes() uses 

NativePRNG$NONBLOCKING:  (Unix-only)
generateSeed() always routes to /dev/urandom.  (FYI: nextBytes() uses 

generateSeed() depends on the value of the EGD:

default EGD is:  /dev/random

Note: if string /dev/urandom is set, urandom is used instead.

Unix:  generateSeed() routes to /dev/random
   (NativeSeedGenerator: pure java)

Win:   generateSeed() routes to CryptGenRandom
   (NativeSeedGenerator + libjava native)

non-default (not /dev/random//dev/urandom):  URL is specified
UNIX/Win:  routes to URL

If both above fail:
falls back to ThreadedSeedGenerator (Pure Java)


generateSeed() routes to mscapi.PRNG/CryptGenRandom
Note uses libmscapi, not libjava.

That's right. Different defaults on different platforms and a 
possibility to configure preferential custom providers makes the choices 
for implementation of SecureRandom.getSeed() static method (which uses 
1st SecureRandom provider in the providers list) quite diverse. The 
problem I see here is different default behaviour depending on platform. 
A user can make a choice which SecureRandom algorithm the application 
code uses by explicitly requesting it (with 
SecureRandom.getInstance(algorithm)), but she can't choose the algorithm 
when she decides to use SecureRandom for initial seeding of 
TLR/SplittableRandom. By default on Unix you get a /dev/random kind of 
implementation for generateSeed() which is blocking on Linux. On Linux 
one would probably want to use NativePRNGNonBlocking which uses 
/dev/urandom for generateSeed().

One way to solve this is to extend the meaning of 
java.util.secureRandomSeed system property - besides true which would 
choose the 1st provider, one could specify the algorithm name. For 
example, on Unix one would choose: 
java.util.secureRandomSeed=NativePRNGNonBlocking to get a /dev/urandom 
based initial seed for TLR/SplittableRandom.

There's also a possibility to hard-code an explicit lookup for 
particular algorithms and use the one with highest preference that is 
available with a fall-back on 1st (default) provider. For initial 
seeding of TLR/SplittableRandom, security is not important, but 
initialization latency is, so the preference order for choosing 
SecureRandom algorithm is different for 

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-17 Thread Peter Levart

On 12/17/2014 06:37 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

Martin wrote:

If you've been following this bug, I've figured why the NativePRNG$* 
classes are initing and thus opening the /dev/random,urandom.  This 
definitely needs some adjustment.

Something like the following could be used in NativePRNG and 

Note that this code has a nasty bug - don't use it. I'll post a fixed 
source later...


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-16 Thread Bradford Wetmore

Various comments for this thread from June/July/November/December.

Some of the comments I'm responding to may already be better understood 
than when they were originally written.

Peter wrote in response to a suggestion to use /dev/random:

Although the approach would cause some more classes to load, no
arbitrary providers should be initialized.

I think this is waht you get when you set
java.util.secureRandomSeed system property to true. TLR uses in this case.

For the no arbitrary provider part, that may not be quite correct. 
getSeed() creates/pulls from the default SecureRandom impl (i.e. new 
SecureRandom().generateSeed()), so it pulls in the Security Provider 
mechanism to determine the most preferred implementation, which could 
initialize additional higher-priority providers until an instance of 
SecureRandom is found.  For example, ucrypto on Solaris doesn't have a 
SecureRandom impl, so it would then fall back to PKCS11.

As has been pointed out, the various Oracle SecureRandom implementations 
and their preference order are a twisty maze of passages, somewhat but 
not exactly alike.  (With apologies to the Colossal Cave.)  The 
default preference order is:

Solaris (sparc/sparcv9/x86/x64)
PKCS11 - SunPKCS11
NativePRNG - Sun
NativePRNGBlocking - Sun
NativePRNGNonBlocking - Sun

Linux (x86/x64)/MacOS
NativePRNG - Sun
NativePRNGBlocking - Sun
NativePRNGNonBlocking - Sun

Windows (x86/x64)
Windows-PRNG - SunMSCAPI

Here's a few impl details for seeding calls.

generateSeed() routes to engineNextBytes(), which goes to the underlying 

NativePRNG:  (Unix-only)
generateSeed() by default routes to /dev/random, unless the System 
Entropy Gathering Device (EGD) (set via a Security/System property) 
routes to something else.  (FYI: nextBytes() uses /dev/urandom.)

NativePRNG$BLOCKING:  (Unix-only)

generateSeed() always routes to /dev/random.  (FYI: nextBytes() uses 

NativePRNG$NONBLOCKING:  (Unix-only)
generateSeed() always routes to /dev/urandom.  (FYI: nextBytes() uses 

generateSeed() depends on the value of the EGD:

default EGD is:  /dev/random

Note: if string /dev/urandom is set, urandom is used instead.

Unix:  generateSeed() routes to /dev/random
   (NativeSeedGenerator: pure java)

Win:   generateSeed() routes to CryptGenRandom
   (NativeSeedGenerator + libjava native)

non-default (not /dev/random//dev/urandom):  URL is specified
UNIX/Win:  routes to URL

If both above fail:
falls back to ThreadedSeedGenerator (Pure Java)


generateSeed() routes to mscapi.PRNG/CryptGenRandom
Note uses libmscapi, not libjava.

Peter wrote:

The most problematic one is the default on Windows platform (the
platform that does not have the /dev/urandom special file and would
be used as a fall-back by your proposal) - This one seeds itself by
constructing an instance of itself with the result returned from
SeedGenerator.getSystemEntropy() method. This method, among other
things, uses networking code to gather system entropy:

SeedGenerator.getSystemEntropy() that includes the Network interfaces is 
only called when you need to seed the SHA1PRNG internal seeder in order 
to generate nextBytes().  generateSeed() doesn't trigger that internal 
seeder initialization.

So as you can see above, SecureRandom.generateSeed(int) is really 
variable in what you might end up with, and how much cruft comes with 
it.  For sure, the provider mechanism will be dragged in which is fairly 

Peter wrote:

So by default yes, plain NativePRNG (the default on
UNIX-es) is using /dev/urandom for nextBytes(), but this can be
changed by defining or securerandom.source system

EGD really only affects where Seed byes are obtained from, IIRC, 
nextBytes() is not generally affected by this value.  It does tweak 
which implementation is most preferred within the Sun provider, but the 
majority of the effect is in Native/SHA1PRNG choice of generateSeed.

The original suggestion back in June:

for directly calling into NativeSeedGenerator makes more sense if you 
want to avoid duplicating existing code and creating a new native 
libraries as in the current proposal (webrev.03).  Your data shows that 
this approach pulls in a much smaller subset of classes than using the 
full SecureRandom.getInstance().generateSeed() API.  I've gone through 
the threads a couple times now:  somehow I've missed the rationale for 
why you're moving away from this (.01) for webrev.03.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-09 Thread Peter Levart

Hi Doug,

On 12/06/2014 05:14 PM, Doug Lea wrote:

On 12/04/2014 07:22 PM, Doug Lea wrote:

Because Random, SplittableRandom, and ThreadLocalRandom all use the
same basic approach, they can/should use the same mechanism.

In other words, to establish a common default-constructor-seed
generator internal to the JDK. So we only need one environmental
seed to start it off, and can remove some redundancies.

In jdk9 with modules you could move the seed generator into a public 
class in a package that is not exported from java.base module (for 
example: java.util.concurrent.internal). Standalone j.u.c builds can be 
unchanged then.

Placing the mechanics in TLR seems to work out best.

Well, except that on Windows, we'd still need to create
a .dll just for the sake of calling CryptGenRandom (or
RtlGenRandom?), which seems like a bad move all around.
If we are trying to reduce initialization costs,
it would be better and faster if this were integrated
with other platform-specific JVM startup. (Requiring a
separate .dll also makes it impossible for us to create
standalone j.u.c builds for previews etc.) Which brings
us back to establishing some means of getting from the JVM,
only once, 8 bytes of environmentally-derived bits for a
within-JDK caller. Doing this might be a good opportunity
for exploiting any upcoming modularity support. Or short of
that, placing it in an existing JVM interface class like Unsafe.
Any thoughts?

What about if we change some existing J2SE API to be more 
resource/initialization-friendly. java.util.UUID currently uses 
SecureRandom. It could be changed to use /dev/urandom or RtlGenRandom 
instead (with a fall-back to non-blocking SecureRandom). Each random 
UUID instance contains 16 cryptographically strong random bytes (minus 6 
bits that are overwritten with UUID variant/version bits).

Regards, Peter

(Also, at some point we might reconsider our cowardice about not
improving the internal java.util.Random algorithm. j.u.Random is
much more commonly used, and does not fare well on quality tests.
On the other hand, the more that users instead choose to use
SR or TLR, the better.)

The main problem is code (not just JDK test code) that hardwires
expected* output under given seeds. Which might be
enough reason to leave it alone.
Do any CCC members have an opinion?

As a lesser but still worthwhile target though, I can't think of
a reason not to change java.lang.Math.random() to use TLR
to get faster and better-quality values. (Because there is no
way to explicitly seed Math.random, there is no hardwiring problem.)
Some existing javadoc for it saying that it creates a new
java.util.Random() should be deleted, although I don't
think it has any user-visible impact.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-06 Thread Doug Lea

On 12/04/2014 07:22 PM, Doug Lea wrote:

Because Random, SplittableRandom, and ThreadLocalRandom all use the
same basic approach, they can/should use the same mechanism.

In other words, to establish a common default-constructor-seed
generator internal to the JDK. So we only need one environmental
seed to start it off, and can remove some redundancies.

Placing the mechanics in TLR seems to work out best.

Well, except that on Windows, we'd still need to create
a .dll just for the sake of calling CryptGenRandom (or
RtlGenRandom?), which seems like a bad move all around.
If we are trying to reduce initialization costs,
it would be better and faster if this were integrated
with other platform-specific JVM startup. (Requiring a
separate .dll also makes it impossible for us to create
standalone j.u.c builds for previews etc.) Which brings
us back to establishing some means of getting from the JVM,
only once, 8 bytes of environmentally-derived bits for a
within-JDK caller. Doing this might be a good opportunity
for exploiting any upcoming modularity support. Or short of
that, placing it in an existing JVM interface class like Unsafe.
Any thoughts?

(Also, at some point we might reconsider our cowardice about not
improving the internal java.util.Random algorithm. j.u.Random is
much more commonly used, and does not fare well on quality tests.
On the other hand, the more that users instead choose to use
SR or TLR, the better.)

The main problem is code (not just JDK test code) that hardwires
expected* output under given seeds. Which might be
enough reason to leave it alone.
Do any CCC members have an opinion?

As a lesser but still worthwhile target though, I can't think of
a reason not to change java.lang.Math.random() to use TLR
to get faster and better-quality values. (Because there is no
way to explicitly seed Math.random, there is no hardwiring problem.)
Some existing javadoc for it saying that it creates a new
java.util.Random() should be deleted, although I don't
think it has any user-visible impact.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-04 Thread Peter Levart

On 12/04/2014 12:32 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Doug Lea wrote:

No public API because systemSeed need only be implemented
inside TLR, for its initial seed. Then the others can get their seeds
using ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(), unless
java.util.secureRandomSeed is set (which I didn't illustrate above).
In other words, across all non-secure generators, you only need
one system-generated seed.

That's good enough for seeding other non-cryptographically secure
PRNGs, but if you want each caller to get a
cryptographically secure random number, you need to avoid correlations
between them that would arise when you use a non-CS PRNG to generate
them from a single CS seed.

Unless java.util.Random is retrofitted to allocate new cryptographically 
secure seed for each new instance. In such case expression:

new java.util.Random().nextLong()

...could be used to gather secure seed. Perhaps even SplittableRandom 
could allocate new seed from secure source for each new instance (only 
in public constructor - not when it is split()ed)...

What makes those workarounds unsuitable is failure mode. Gathering 
secure seed is inherently coupled with possible failure which must be 
communicated explicitly to the consumer. But one must not be bothered 
with failure in situations where security is not a necessary ingredient.

So for  non-CS PRNGs, cross-seeding is a possible solution, but it's 
nicer for all of them to just use a common (internal) API.

As far as public API is concerned, there already is one: 
SecureRandom.generateSeed(). It's as good as SystemRandom (uses same 
primary means) and has a nice cross-platform fallback 
(ThreadedSeedGenerator). It's only drawback is that it comes with all 
the baggage of security providers (Java and MS Crypto API on Windows). 
But that's ok for user code perhaps.

So what we have here is two desires:
- we want a resource-friendly / with as little dependencies as possible 
way to generate some unique seed, with implicit fall-back which need not 
be secure
- we want a resource-friendly / with as little dependencies as possible 
way to generate secure random bytes that can be pseudo-random, but still 
secure, with explicit failure mode

I'll try to address this dichotomy in the next iteration of the API.

Regards, Peter

P.S. Is anyone interested in generating truly random bytes?

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-04 Thread Peter Levart

On 12/04/2014 09:20 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

P.S. Is anyone interested in generating truly random bytes?

Maybe not a good idea:

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-04 Thread Paul Sandoz

I think we may be over-rotating a little on this.

There is already a mechanism to create a cryptographically strong seed by 
setting a system property and using SecureRandom. That has a high 
initialization cost, but i think under those circumstances that cost is 
acceptable (it may well be possible to reduce that cost but i consider that to 
be a separate issue).

For the default case what we need is something with low initialization cost 
that is *good enough* for the majority of cases e.g. documents the lower bound 
of cryptographic strength.

I like Doug's approach to hide this under TLR, i think that fits well with the 
good enough aspect (cross seeding can be documented as an @implNote). But I 
still marginally prefer a public static method as well, and SecureRandom seems 
an appropriate choice (although it could easily be exposed on System or 


On Dec 4, 2014, at 9:20 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

 On 12/04/2014 12:32 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Doug Lea wrote:
 No public API because systemSeed need only be implemented
 inside TLR, for its initial seed. Then the others can get their seeds
 using ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(), unless
 java.util.secureRandomSeed is set (which I didn't illustrate above).
 In other words, across all non-secure generators, you only need
 one system-generated seed.
 That's good enough for seeding other non-cryptographically secure
 PRNGs, but if you want each caller to get a
 cryptographically secure random number, you need to avoid correlations
 between them that would arise when you use a non-CS PRNG to generate
 them from a single CS seed.
 Unless java.util.Random is retrofitted to allocate new cryptographically 
 secure seed for each new instance. In such case expression:
new java.util.Random().nextLong()
 ...could be used to gather secure seed. Perhaps even SplittableRandom could 
 allocate new seed from secure source for each new instance (only in public 
 constructor - not when it is split()ed)...
 What makes those workarounds unsuitable is failure mode. Gathering secure 
 seed is inherently coupled with possible failure which must be communicated 
 explicitly to the consumer. But one must not be bothered with failure in 
 situations where security is not a necessary ingredient.
 So for  non-CS PRNGs, cross-seeding is a possible solution, but it's nicer 
 for all of them to just use a common (internal) API.
 As far as public API is concerned, there already is one: 
 SecureRandom.generateSeed(). It's as good as SystemRandom (uses same primary 
 means) and has a nice cross-platform fallback (ThreadedSeedGenerator). It's 
 only drawback is that it comes with all the baggage of security providers 
 (Java and MS Crypto API on Windows). But that's ok for user code perhaps.
 So what we have here is two desires:
 - we want a resource-friendly / with as little dependencies as possible way 
 to generate some unique seed, with implicit fall-back which need not be secure
 - we want a resource-friendly / with as little dependencies as possible way 
 to generate secure random bytes that can be pseudo-random, but still secure, 
 with explicit failure mode
 I'll try to address this dichotomy in the next iteration of the API.
 Regards, Peter
 P.S. Is anyone interested in generating truly random bytes?

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-04 Thread Peter Levart

On 12/04/2014 10:40 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:


I think we may be over-rotating a little on this.

There is already a mechanism to create a cryptographically strong seed by 
setting a system property and using SecureRandom. That has a high 
initialization cost, but i think under those circumstances that cost is 
acceptable (it may well be possible to reduce that cost but i consider that to 
be a separate issue).

For the default case what we need is something with low initialization cost 
that is *good enough* for the majority of cases e.g. documents the lower bound 
of cryptographic strength.

I like Doug's approach to hide this under TLR, i think that fits well with the good 
enough aspect (cross seeding can be documented as an @implNote). But I still 
marginally prefer a public static method as well, and SecureRandom seems an appropriate 
choice (although it could easily be exposed on System or Runtime).


Right. I think the cleanest is to provide an internal public API 
(modules will effectively hide it from user code) and then expose it if 
desired by delegation or just use it internally. For JDK8u, the approach 
to disable the API for user code could use similar trick as Unsafe. If 
anyone wants to bother with reflection, let him do it. We can't prevent 
that in JDK8 no matter how deep the implementation is buried.

Here's the 3rd iteration of SystemRandom:

I managed to make LoadLibrary work (I used LoadLibraryA - the ANSI variant).

The API is back to getBytes() instance method and a getInstance() static 
method that lazily initializes a singleton instance. This way the 
initialization is clearly separated from use. Initialization is expected 
to fail if the system does not support the interface (/dev/urandom or 
ADVAPI32!RtlGenRandom), but use should always succeed unless there's 
something wrong with the state of the operating system (testing will 
show if my assumptions are correct).

The enclosed test results (on 64 bit Linux, i7 PC):

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 116368 ns, result: [47, -68, 15, -28, 76, -11, -70, -10]
Following 100 invocations: 0.624066896 s, (624 ns/invocation)

On 32 bit Windows 7 (VirtualBox guest on the same Linux host):

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 1329219 ns, result: [31, -5, 62, -34, -82, -69, 69, 80]
Following 100 invocations: 1.137231408 s, (1137 ns/invocation)

The initialization latency on Windows is higher that with code in 
webrev.02, but sill lower that when using MS Crypto API. I think that's 
because now the ADVAPI32.DLL is loaded lazily as part of singleton 
initialization, in webrev.02 it was loaded as part of libjava.dll, since 
it was linked with it, so the measurement did not include the 
ADVAPI32.DLL loading time.

We can now play in Java and use a strategy that releases the singleton 
after some time (thinking WeakReference) and ADVAPI32.DLL will be 
effectively unloaded and unmapped from the process address space. The 
same goes with UNIX variant and it's file descriptor open from 
/dev/urandom file...

I think webrev.03 is ready for testing.

Regards, Peter

On Dec 4, 2014, at 9:20 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 12/04/2014 12:32 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Doug Lea wrote:

No public API because systemSeed need only be implemented
inside TLR, for its initial seed. Then the others can get their seeds
using ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(), unless
java.util.secureRandomSeed is set (which I didn't illustrate above).
In other words, across all non-secure generators, you only need
one system-generated seed.

That's good enough for seeding other non-cryptographically secure
PRNGs, but if you want each caller to get a
cryptographically secure random number, you need to avoid correlations
between them that would arise when you use a non-CS PRNG to generate
them from a single CS seed.

Unless java.util.Random is retrofitted to allocate new cryptographically secure 
seed for each new instance. In such case expression:

new java.util.Random().nextLong()

...could be used to gather secure seed. Perhaps even SplittableRandom could 
allocate new seed from secure source for each new instance (only in public 
constructor - not when it is split()ed)...

What makes those workarounds unsuitable is failure mode. Gathering secure seed 
is inherently coupled with possible failure which must be communicated 
explicitly to the consumer. But one must not be bothered with failure in 
situations where security is not a necessary ingredient.

So for  non-CS PRNGs, cross-seeding is a possible solution, but it's nicer for 
all of them to just use a common (internal) API.

As far as public API is concerned, there already is one: 
SecureRandom.generateSeed(). It's as good as SystemRandom (uses same primary 
means) and has a nice cross-platform 

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-04 Thread Peter Levart

On 12/04/2014 09:20 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

So what we have here is two desires:
- we want a resource-friendly / with as little dependencies as 
possible way to generate some unique seed, with implicit fall-back 
which need not be secure
- we want a resource-friendly / with as little dependencies as 
possible way to generate secure random bytes that can be 
pseudo-random, but still secure, with explicit failure mode

I'll try to address this dichotomy in the next iteration of the API. 

I tried and found out that it is not that easy. The fall-back strategy 
is dependent on the use case and is better left to the consumer of 
SystemRandom which is just an interface to OS provided secure PRNG. The 
fact that we want to use it for seeding other PRNGs is just a coincidence.

Regarding the fall-back strategy: Besides System.currentTime() and 
System.nanoTime(), the following could be used in addition, to spice it 
up, and don't seem like dependencies that couldn't be handled:


Regards, Peter

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-04 Thread Doug Lea

On 12/04/2014 04:40 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

There is already a mechanism to create a cryptographically strong seed by
setting a system property and using SecureRandom. That has a high
initialization cost, but i think under those circumstances that cost is
acceptable (it may well be possible to reduce that cost but i consider that
to be a separate issue).

For the default case what we need is something with low initialization cost
that is *good enough* for the majority of cases e.g. documents the lower
bound of cryptographic strength.

Further, in these cases, we are not concerned about cryptographic strength
in terms of algorithmic unpredictability by attackers. The default
constructor methods promise only to use a seed that is highly
likely to differ across invocations, including those of different programs
running on different machines. Using initial system seeds that include
some environmental entropy is the best way to get the first seed.
It just so happens that crypto-based RNGs need to do this as well,
so we use the cheapest forms of them that we can (or just use a time
based seed on failure). Good-quality PRNG techniques produce
more default-constructor seeds after the first one.
Because Random, SplittableRandom, and ThreadLocalRandom all use the
same basic approach, they can/should use the same mechanism.
Placing the mechanics in TLR seems to work out best.
In which case only TLR needs a static atomically updated seed
initialized from system seed, further reducing static init overhead.
I think I've convinced myself that this is the most promising approach,
so hope to try it out based on Peter's versions some time in
the next few days.

Relately, Guy Steele and I have been sporadically investigating
minor algorithmic and implementation improvements for SR and TLR
(including systematic tests of more than 2500 variants). I suspect
that we will settle on one of these sometime in the next few months.

(Also, at some point we might reconsider our cowardice about not
improving the internal java.util.Random algorithm. j.u.Random is
much more commonly used, and does not fare well on quality tests.
On the other hand, the more that users instead choose to use
SR or TLR, the better.)


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Alan Bateman

On 02/12/2014 22:34, Martin Buchholz wrote:


Martin's pet peeve: use readFully (why doesn't InputStream support
that yet?!) copy-paste from elsewhere in the jdk.

I agree, I think this should be #2 on the list to look at as part of the 
I/O convenience methods thread.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Aleksey Shipilev

On 12/02/2014 01:02 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
 Please find below a patch to remove the networking code computing a
 seed in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom.

Looks good.

 We thought it a good idea at the time :-) but subsequently on certain
 platforms this results in very high initalization costs that can
 propagate to other classes such as ConcurrentSkipList*.

Yes, that irked me a lot at the time we introduced this.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread roger riggs

Hi Peter,

A few questions and comments:

 - Can/should this function be fit into one of the existing classes?

 - Is more than one instance needed?
   Seed material seems to be needed only as a one-shot so a simpler 
implementation that opens,
   uses and closes would leave fewer leftovers (and not introduce a new 
finalizer use).

- The Windows  native code could be simpler if the hCryptProv
   was returned from the init function and passed as an argument where 
needed in getBytes and close .

- The static checking tool we use will complain about JNI functions that may
   throw exceptions if those exceptions are not checked for.
   For example, SystemRandomImpl_md.c:80.
   The macros in jni_util.h like CHECK_NULL, CHECK_NULL_RETURN can be used.

Thanks, Roger

On 12/2/2014 11:42 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 12/02/2014 11:02 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:


Please find below a patch to remove the networking code computing a 
seed in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom.

We thought it a good idea at the time :-) but subsequently on certain 
platforms this results in very high initalization costs that can 
propagate to other classes such as ConcurrentSkipList*.

The short-term solution is to remove this code and fallback just 
using current system time. This needs to be back-ported to 8u40.

A longer term solution is to provide a simple public API to get 
access to some seed bytes that is optimal for the underlying 
platform, for example, based on Peter's investigations. For linux 
/dev/urandom is sufficient as a source of bytes. The main problem 
seems to be Windows. It would also be nice to back-port to say 8u60 
using a private API and update TLR/SR.


Here's a proof of concept for an API that just delegates to 
system-provided cryptographically secure (as declared by the 
system(s)) pseudo random number generator:

On UNIX-es this uses /dev/urandom (which is non-blocking and uses 
system entropy at least for it's seed):

On Windows it uses MS Crypto API's function CryptGenRandom (the JNI 
code is ripped from the, 
which also seeds from various system sources of entropy: 

The initialization overhead is low on UNIX (the enclosed test run on 
64 bit Fedora 20, i7 PC):

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 112315 ns, result: [25, 61, -12, -106, 75, -7, -73, -55]
Following 100 invocations: 0.636644474 s, (636 ns/invocation)

The same test run on 32 bit Windows 7 (as VirtualBox guest on the same 

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 4880788 ns, result: [-32, 53, -31, 62, 51, 83, 9, -5]
Following 100 invocations: 1.761087512 s, (1761 ns/invocation)

I think the initialization on Windows has an initial latency of approx 
5ms because it has to initialize the whole MS Crypto API with it's 
providers. But CryptGenRandom, which is part of this API, actually 
delegates it's work to RtlGenRandom function: 

...which might have lower initialization costs. Unfortunately, the 
wording in the Microsoft document states that it might be removed in 
the future. Perhaps we could try to use it and fallback to 
CryptGenRandom if it is not available...

Regards, Peter



diff -r 1b599b4755bd 
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ Mon 
Dec 01 17:59:39 2014 -0800
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ Tue 
Dec 02 10:53:47 2014 +0100

@@ -237,34 +237,7 @@
  s = (s  8) | ((long)(seedBytes[i])  0xffL);
  return s;
-long h = 0L;
-try {
-EnumerationNetworkInterface ifcs =
-boolean retry = false; // retry once if 
getHardwareAddress is null

-while (ifcs.hasMoreElements()) {
-NetworkInterface ifc = ifcs.nextElement();
-if (!ifc.isVirtual()) { // skip fake addresses
-byte[] bs = ifc.getHardwareAddress();
-if (bs != null) {
-int n = bs.length;
-int m = Math.min(n  1, 4);
-for (int i = 0; i  m; ++i)
-h = (h  16) ^ (bs[i]  8) ^ bs[n-1-i];
-if (m  4)
-h = (h  8) ^ bs[n-1-m];
-h = mix64(h);
-else if (!retry)
-retry = true;

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Doug Lea

On 12/02/2014 05:34 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

I support Peter's initiative and am willing to help review if we have
general consensus about the direction.

Peter's implementation scheme of using Unix /dev/urandom
or the Windows Crypto API (or something else on failure) seems
like the best options. I don't see why we shouldn't place this
as a jdk9 public static method in one of the existing random classes
though (Random, SplittableRandom, ThreadLocalRandom, SecureRandom),
rather than as separate entity. (If desired, for jdk8 backport,
it could be non-public, with cheats to access.)


The API looks reasonable to me too, I'm just not sure that java.util is the
right place and whether it needs to be a Java SE API.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:26 AM, Doug Lea wrote:
 On 12/02/2014 05:34 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

 I support Peter's initiative and am willing to help review if we have
 general consensus about the direction.

 Peter's implementation scheme of using Unix /dev/urandom
 or the Windows Crypto API (or something else on failure) seems
 like the best options. I don't see why we shouldn't place this
 as a jdk9 public static method in one of the existing random classes
 though (Random, SplittableRandom, ThreadLocalRandom, SecureRandom),
 rather than as separate entity. (If desired, for jdk8 backport,
 it could be non-public, with cheats to access.)

I don't think such a general purpose utility belongs in
SplittableRandom or ThreadLocalRandom - those are the clients.  Random
is a slightly better fit, but still not great.

There is a generalized fear with initialization-time utilities that we
want as few dependencies as possible, to avoid a clinit method that we
are not yet ready to execute, or may never need to execute.  That is
my fear with SecureRandom, which does provider-y stuff I don't
understand.  We don't actually need java crypto yet.

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Doug Lea

On 12/03/2014 12:20 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

I don't think such a general purpose utility belongs in
SplittableRandom or ThreadLocalRandom - those are the clients.  Random
is a slightly better fit, but still not great.

Perhaps one of these could be made to be a good fit.
As of now, this new method (systemSeed) would be called at most
twice ever -- during static init of SplittableRandom and
ThreadLocalRandom. Either of these could be reworked to
use a high-quality derived seed from the other as its
initial seed. In which case systemSeed would be called only once.
Of the two choices, housing the code in ThreadLocalRandom
seems logistically a bit easier. Then SplittableRandom could use

 private static final AtomicLong defaultGen =
   new AtomicLong(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong());

(For that matter, java.util.Random could use the same
idea for its initial seed.)


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Peter Levart

Hi all,

There seems to be a consensus that a simpler static method would be just 
fine, since it will be used only to gather secure seed for other java 
based PRNG implementations. UNIX file as well as Windows Crypro API 
implementation are naturally exposed as open/use/close API, so I did 
that at first. But when experimenting further with Windows, I replaced 
Crypro API's CryptGenRandom function with underlying implementation 
which is RtlGenRandom. This function does not need any crypto provider 
context to be initialized upfront and then closed.

So here's the 2nd approach exposing just a static method:

I moved it to sun.misc as a public class/method. In JDK9 it could be 
exposed via some standard API if desired, by delegating to it. In UNIX 
version I played a little with short-term caching of open file in case 
several invocations are performed one after the other.

Here are the results of the test on 64bit Linux:

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 135356 ns, result: [19, -107, -121, -54, 98, 28, -6, 36]
Following 100 invocations: 0.648048516 s, (648 ns/invocation)

When open file caching is not used (file is opened/closed for each 

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 438672 ns, result: [-84, -71, -106, -126, 21, -42, 48, 0]
Following 100 invocations: 3.348318113 s, (3348 ns/invocation)

And the results on 32bit Windows 7 (VirtualBox guest on the same Linux 

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 388038 ns, result: [-121, -18, -54, 116, -31, 3, 40, -7]
Following 100 invocations: 1.027277209 s, (1027 ns/invocation)

The initialization latency on Windows is much lower now.

What we need now is to try this on as much environments as possible. The 
Windows version needs Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 at least 
(RtlGenRandom has been introduced at that time). If the function is not 
found, JVM most probably crashes. The native code should be changed to 
use LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress to load and get the address of the 
function dynamically, so that an exception can be thrown if this fails. 
But I couldn't get a sample program to load the library (Advapi32.dll) 
successfully (although I could find the .dll file in Windows folder).

Regards, Peter

On 12/03/2014 04:26 PM, Doug Lea wrote:

On 12/02/2014 05:34 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

I support Peter's initiative and am willing to help review if we have
general consensus about the direction.

Peter's implementation scheme of using Unix /dev/urandom
or the Windows Crypto API (or something else on failure) seems
like the best options. I don't see why we shouldn't place this
as a jdk9 public static method in one of the existing random classes
though (Random, SplittableRandom, ThreadLocalRandom, SecureRandom),
rather than as separate entity. (If desired, for jdk8 backport,
it could be non-public, with cheats to access.)


The API looks reasonable to me too, I'm just not sure that java.util 
is the

right place and whether it needs to be a Java SE API.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Peter Levart

Hi Roger,

Thanks for looking at my baby steps in the JNI / Windows worlds...

Answers inline...

On 12/03/2014 03:14 PM, roger riggs wrote:

Hi Peter,

A few questions and comments:

 - Can/should this function be fit into one of the existing classes?

As a static method perhaps, yes. The webrev.02 uses this approach.

 - Is more than one instance needed?
   Seed material seems to be needed only as a one-shot so a simpler 
implementation that opens,
   uses and closes would leave fewer leftovers (and not introduce a 
new finalizer use).

If it is to be used only for seeding cryptographicaly insecure PRNGs 
then this would be simpler, yes. I have one concern though. If the 
cryptographically secure promise of the function is started to be 
exploited for seeding  cryptographically secure PRNGs with less secure 
backup plans, then an attacker could force using the backup plan by 
exhausting the resources which would make the function fail (in UNIX 
variant for example, the attacker could just open max. # of allowed 
files). The open/use/eventually-close variant of the API can be used in 
a setting where the resource is pre-allocated at the startup of the JVM 
(the file is opened), so the use part can happen anytime later without 
the worry to be prevented by an attacker.

- The Windows  native code could be simpler if the hCryptProv
   was returned from the init function and passed as an argument where 
needed in getBytes and close .

It occurred to me, yes. No need for staticInit0() then. Native methods 
can all be static too...

- The static checking tool we use will complain about JNI functions 
that may

   throw exceptions if those exceptions are not checked for.
For example, SystemRandomImpl_md.c:80.
   The macros in jni_util.h like CHECK_NULL, CHECK_NULL_RETURN can be 

I'll take a look at how these are used elsewhere. Thanks for comments.

Regards, Peter

Thanks, Roger

On 12/2/2014 11:42 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 12/02/2014 11:02 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:


Please find below a patch to remove the networking code computing a 
seed in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom.

We thought it a good idea at the time :-) but subsequently on 
certain platforms this results in very high initalization costs that 
can propagate to other classes such as ConcurrentSkipList*.

The short-term solution is to remove this code and fallback just 
using current system time. This needs to be back-ported to 8u40.

A longer term solution is to provide a simple public API to get 
access to some seed bytes that is optimal for the underlying 
platform, for example, based on Peter's investigations. For linux 
/dev/urandom is sufficient as a source of bytes. The main problem 
seems to be Windows. It would also be nice to back-port to say 8u60 
using a private API and update TLR/SR.


Here's a proof of concept for an API that just delegates to 
system-provided cryptographically secure (as declared by the 
system(s)) pseudo random number generator:

On UNIX-es this uses /dev/urandom (which is non-blocking and uses 
system entropy at least for it's seed):

On Windows it uses MS Crypto API's function CryptGenRandom (the JNI 
code is ripped from the, 
which also seeds from various system sources of entropy: 

The initialization overhead is low on UNIX (the enclosed test run on 
64 bit Fedora 20, i7 PC):

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 112315 ns, result: [25, 61, -12, -106, 75, -7, -73, -55]
Following 100 invocations: 0.636644474 s, (636 ns/invocation)

The same test run on 32 bit Windows 7 (as VirtualBox guest on the 
same machine):

SystemRandomTest... (8 bytes / invocation)
1st invocation: 4880788 ns, result: [-32, 53, -31, 62, 51, 83, 9, -5]
Following 100 invocations: 1.761087512 s, (1761 ns/invocation)

I think the initialization on Windows has an initial latency of 
approx 5ms because it has to initialize the whole MS Crypto API with 
it's providers. But CryptGenRandom, which is part of this API, 
actually delegates it's work to RtlGenRandom function: 

...which might have lower initialization costs. Unfortunately, the 
wording in the Microsoft document states that it might be removed in 
the future. Perhaps we could try to use it and fallback to 
CryptGenRandom if it is not available...

Regards, Peter



diff -r 1b599b4755bd 
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ 
Mon Dec 01 17:59:39 2014 -0800

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Doug Lea wrote:
 On 12/03/2014 12:20 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

 I don't think such a general purpose utility belongs in
 SplittableRandom or ThreadLocalRandom - those are the clients.  Random
 is a slightly better fit, but still not great.

 Perhaps one of these could be made to be a good fit.
 As of now, this new method (systemSeed) would be called at most
 twice ever -- during static init of SplittableRandom and
 ThreadLocalRandom. Either of these could be reworked to
 use a high-quality derived seed from the other as its
 initial seed. In which case systemSeed would be called only once.
 Of the two choices, housing the code in ThreadLocalRandom
 seems logistically a bit easier. Then SplittableRandom could use

  private static final AtomicLong defaultGen =
new AtomicLong(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong());

 (For that matter, java.util.Random could use the same
 idea for its initial seed.)

Oh, I think I see - you're saying we don't need a new public API,
because ThreadLocalRandom.current() is already exactly the source of
random seed what we want?  That seems pretty good ... except that the
quality of TLR's PRNG is (expected to be) much lower than what we get
from the system - /dev/urandom should be at least a CSPRNG, but TLR is
not.  So ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong() is more predictable
than some users might like?  I'm still thinking a public API that
promises cryptographically secure bits without blocking seems

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Doug Lea

On 12/03/2014 02:03 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Doug Lea wrote:

... Of the two choices, housing the code in ThreadLocalRandom
seems logistically a bit easier. Then SplittableRandom could use

  private static final AtomicLong defaultGen =
new AtomicLong(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong());

Oh, I think I see - you're saying we don't need a new public API,
because ThreadLocalRandom.current() is already exactly the source of
random seed what we want?

No public API because systemSeed need only be implemented
inside TLR, for its initial seed. Then the others can get their seeds
using ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(), unless
java.util.secureRandomSeed is set (which I didn't illustrate above).
In other words, across all non-secure generators, you only need
one system-generated seed.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-03 Thread Martin Buchholz
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Doug Lea wrote:

 No public API because systemSeed need only be implemented
 inside TLR, for its initial seed. Then the others can get their seeds
 using ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(), unless
 java.util.secureRandomSeed is set (which I didn't illustrate above).
 In other words, across all non-secure generators, you only need
 one system-generated seed.

That's good enough for seeding other non-cryptographically secure
PRNGs, but if you want each caller to get a
cryptographically secure random number, you need to avoid correlations
between them that would arise when you use a non-CS PRNG to generate
them from a single CS seed.

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-02 Thread Alan Bateman

On 02/12/2014 10:02, Paul Sandoz wrote:


Please find below a patch to remove the networking code computing a seed in 

We thought it a good idea at the time :-) but subsequently on certain platforms 
this results in very high initalization costs that can propagate to other 
classes such as ConcurrentSkipList*.

The short-term solution is to remove this code and fallback just using current 
system time. This needs to be back-ported to 8u40.

A longer term solution is to provide a simple public API to get access to some 
seed bytes that is optimal for the underlying platform, for example, based on 
Peter's investigations. For linux /dev/urandom is sufficient as a source of 
bytes. The main problem seems to be Windows. It would also be nice to back-port 
to say 8u60 using a private API and update TLR/SR.

The approach seems pragmatic and the change looks okay to me (you might 
have some unused imports to removed too).


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-02 Thread Paul Sandoz

On Dec 2, 2014, at 11:10 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

 On 02/12/2014 10:02, Paul Sandoz wrote:
 Please find below a patch to remove the networking code computing a seed in 
 We thought it a good idea at the time :-) but subsequently on certain 
 platforms this results in very high initalization costs that can propagate 
 to other classes such as ConcurrentSkipList*.
 The short-term solution is to remove this code and fallback just using 
 current system time. This needs to be back-ported to 8u40.
 A longer term solution is to provide a simple public API to get access to 
 some seed bytes that is optimal for the underlying platform, for example, 
 based on Peter's investigations. For linux /dev/urandom is sufficient as a 
 source of bytes. The main problem seems to be Windows. It would also be nice 
 to back-port to say 8u60 using a private API and update TLR/SR.
 The approach seems pragmatic and the change looks okay to me


 (you might have some unused imports to removed too).

Doh! yes, removed.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-02 Thread Doug Lea

On 12/02/2014 05:02 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:


Please find below a patch to remove the networking code computing a seed in 

Thanks for pushing this through.
(I also adjusted 166 sources accordingly.)
One more touch-up for SplittableRandom is to remove mention
of network interface in internal comments:

*** 140,150 
   * other cases, this split must be performed in a thread-safe
   * manner, so we use an AtomicLong to represent the seed rather
   * than use an explicit SplittableRandom. To bootstrap the
!  * defaultGen, we start off using a seed based on current time and
!  * network interface address unless the java.util.secureRandomSeed
!  * property is set. This serves as a slimmed-down (and insecure)
!  * variant of SecureRandom that also avoids stalls that may occur
!  * when using /dev/random.
   * It is a relatively simple matter to apply the basic design here
   * to use 128 bit seeds. However, emulating 128bit arithmetic and
--- 139,148 
   * other cases, this split must be performed in a thread-safe
   * manner, so we use an AtomicLong to represent the seed rather
   * than use an explicit SplittableRandom. To bootstrap the
!  * defaultGen, we start off using a seed based on current time
!  * unless the java.util.secureRandomSeed property is set. This
!  * serves as a slimmed-down (and insecure) variant of SecureRandom
!  * that also avoids stalls that may occur when using /dev/random.
   * It is a relatively simple matter to apply the basic design here
   * to use 128 bit seeds. However, emulating 128bit arithmetic and

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-02 Thread Paul Sandoz

On Dec 2, 2014, at 1:17 PM, Doug Lea wrote:

 On 12/02/2014 05:02 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
 Please find below a patch to remove the networking code computing a seed in 
 Thanks for pushing this through.
 (I also adjusted 166 sources accordingly.)
 One more touch-up for SplittableRandom is to remove mention
 of network interface in internal comments:
 *** 140,150 
   * other cases, this split must be performed in a thread-safe
   * manner, so we use an AtomicLong to represent the seed rather
   * than use an explicit SplittableRandom. To bootstrap the
 !  * defaultGen, we start off using a seed based on current time and
 !  * network interface address unless the java.util.secureRandomSeed
 !  * property is set. This serves as a slimmed-down (and insecure)
 !  * variant of SecureRandom that also avoids stalls that may occur
 !  * when using /dev/random.
   * It is a relatively simple matter to apply the basic design here
   * to use 128 bit seeds. However, emulating 128bit arithmetic and
 --- 139,148 
   * other cases, this split must be performed in a thread-safe
   * manner, so we use an AtomicLong to represent the seed rather
   * than use an explicit SplittableRandom. To bootstrap the
 !  * defaultGen, we start off using a seed based on current time
 !  * unless the java.util.secureRandomSeed property is set. This
 !  * serves as a slimmed-down (and insecure) variant of SecureRandom
 !  * that also avoids stalls that may occur when using /dev/random.
   * It is a relatively simple matter to apply the basic design here
   * to use 128 bit seeds. However, emulating 128bit arithmetic and

Thanks, updated my copy,

Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-02 Thread Paul Sandoz

On Dec 2, 2014, at 5:42 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

 On 12/02/2014 11:02 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
 Please find below a patch to remove the networking code computing a seed in 
 We thought it a good idea at the time :-) but subsequently on certain 
 platforms this results in very high initalization costs that can propagate 
 to other classes such as ConcurrentSkipList*.
 The short-term solution is to remove this code and fallback just using 
 current system time. This needs to be back-ported to 8u40.
 A longer term solution is to provide a simple public API to get access to 
 some seed bytes that is optimal for the underlying platform, for example, 
 based on Peter's investigations. For linux /dev/urandom is sufficient as a 
 source of bytes. The main problem seems to be Windows. It would also be nice 
 to back-port to say 8u60 using a private API and update TLR/SR.
 Here's a proof of concept for an API that just delegates to system-provided 
 cryptographically secure (as declared by the system(s)) pseudo random 
 number generator:

That's rather good. I updated the bug with a link to your email.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-02 Thread Alan Bateman

On 02/12/2014 16:42, Peter Levart wrote:


Here's a proof of concept for an API that just delegates to 
system-provided cryptographically secure (as declared by the 
system(s)) pseudo random number generator:

The API looks reasonable to me too, I'm just not sure that java.util is 
the right place and whether it needs to be a Java SE API.


Re: RFR 8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom

2014-12-02 Thread Martin Buchholz
I support Peter's initiative and am willing to help review if we have
general consensus about the direction.

From superficial review:

+int nread =;
+if (nread != bytes.length) {
+throw new InternalError(Short read from:  + RANDOM_FILE);

Martin's pet peeve: use readFully (why doesn't InputStream support
that yet?!) copy-paste from elsewhere in the jdk.


I'm not sure we need instances that hold on to system resources.  any
particular call site is likely to do a single read of a small number
of random bytes in a clinit method.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
 On 02/12/2014 16:42, Peter Levart wrote:


 Here's a proof of concept for an API that just delegates to
 system-provided cryptographically secure (as declared by the system(s))
 pseudo random number generator:

 The API looks reasonable to me too, I'm just not sure that java.util is the
 right place and whether it needs to be a Java SE API.
