Re: [Cosign-discuss] Serivce Unavailable - Win2008 R2 IIS 7

2016-04-06 Thread David
Hodel, Ray> writes:

> I was hoping someone would have experienced my problem before. 
 Regardless, it all worked out.  I manged
> to resolve the problem and learn a few things. I'll post what I found 
here so that in case someone else
> encounters the same problem it will be documented.
> In my previous post I mentioned that I had two certificates with the 
same domain (or Common Name). Seeing as
> how I had two certificates with the same CommonName, the cosign module 
was, from what I could tell,
> confused.  I think it was trying to use the website certificate, which 
for some reason didn't work with
> Cosign.  Now that I understand more of how the Cosign Module works, it 
would have saved me some time by just
> getting a new certificate with a different common name (i.e.  However, since
> at the time I didn't realize that, I modified the cosign module to 
allow the use of FriendlyName attribute
> in the crypto tag in the applicationHost.config file.  So now I can 
look at the FriendlyName of the
> certificates instead of the CommonName. That way I can go into the 
Certificate properties and change the
> Friendly Name to something unique.
> So the lesson here is that if you have two certificates, one for IIS 
and another for Cosign Module, make sure
> the Common Names are different.
> Ray
> --
> From: Hodel, Ray
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 8:38 AM
> To: cosign-discuss
> Subject: Serivce Unavailable - Win2008 R2 IIS 7
> I just migrated our department webserver to Windows 2008 R2 running 
IIS 7.  I configured CoSign 3.1.0 and
> everything was working fine.  I later realized that the certificate I 
was using for my domain
> ( was issued by UM Web
>  CA.  So people were getting invalid certificate errors when accessing 
our secure site
> (  I added the web cert, signed by DigiCert. 
>  So now I have two certificates listed for  This is 
when Cosign stops working.  I’m getting
> “The service is unavailable.”
> I’m guessing that cosign doesn’t like that there are two certs for the 
same domain.  So I remove the
> DigiCert and revert back to the one from UM Web CA.  I restart IIS and 
the app pools.  I restart the server.  I
> removed all certs and re
>  imported it—making sure the permissions were set in the Cert Manager.  
I still get the same problem with
> getting “The service is unavailable.”
> Here is a copy of the output from DebugView if this could help someone 
identify my problem.
> --

> RSA(R) Conference 2012
> Mar 27 - Feb 2
> Save $400 by Jan. 27
> Register now!

Hi your post has been very helpful, thanks.
Can you tell me how you get CoSign to look at the friendly name instead 
of the common name?

Many Thanks,
Cosign-discuss mailing list

Re: [Cosign-discuss] Serivce Unavailable - Win2008 R2 IIS 7

2012-01-14 Thread Hodel, Ray
I was hoping someone would have experienced my problem before.  Regardless, it 
all worked out.  I manged to resolve the problem and learn a few things. I'll 
post what I found here so that in case someone else encounters the same problem 
it will be documented.

In my previous post I mentioned that I had two certificates with the same 
domain (or Common Name). Seeing as how I had two certificates with the same 
CommonName, the cosign module was, from what I could tell, confused.  I think 
it was trying to use the website certificate, which for some reason didn't work 
with Cosign.  Now that I understand more of how the Cosign Module works, it 
would have saved me some time by just getting a new certificate with a 
different common name (i.e.  However, since at the time 
I didn't realize that, I modified the cosign module to allow the use of 
FriendlyName attribute in the crypto tag in the applicationHost.config file.  
So now I can look at the FriendlyName of the certificates instead of the 
CommonName. That way I can go into the Certificate properties and change the 
Friendly Name to something unique.

So the lesson here is that if you have two certificates, one for IIS and 
another for Cosign Module, make sure the Common Names are different.



From: Hodel, Ray
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 8:38 AM
Subject: Serivce Unavailable - Win2008 R2 IIS 7

I just migrated our department webserver to Windows 2008 R2 running IIS 7.  I 
configured CoSign 3.1.0 and everything was working fine.  I later realized that 
the certificate I was using for my domain ( was issued by UM Web
 CA.  So people were getting invalid certificate errors when accessing our 
secure site (  I added the web cert, signed by DigiCert. 
 So now I have two certificates listed for  This is when Cosign 
stops working.  I’m getting “The service is unavailable.”
I’m guessing that cosign doesn’t like that there are two certs for the same 
domain.  So I remove the DigiCert and revert back to the one from UM Web CA.  I 
restart IIS and the app pools.  I restart the server.  I removed all certs and 
 imported it—making sure the permissions were set in the Cert Manager.  I still 
get the same problem with getting “The service is unavailable.”
Here is a copy of the output from DebugView if this could help someone identify 
my problem.

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