Re: [courier-users] Courier configuration - Connection refused

2002-06-14 Thread Tim Hosking

on 6/14/02 11:26 AM, Antoine CavaliƩ at [EMAIL PROTECTED] hammered some keys
to produce:

 I don't know why, but courier seems not want to send mails neither to  nor to
 Jun 14 17:19:53 logs courieresmtp:
 id=00026BAF.3D086F8A.7628,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],addr=myrealaccount@cara Connection refused
 Jun 14 17:19:53 logs courieresmtp:
 id=00026BAF.3D086F8A.7628,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],addr=myrealaccount@cara,status: deferred
 thank you for your help :)

It isn't Courier but the remote server which is refusing the connection.
This probably means that the remote is throttling connections. I see this a
lot with hotmail when my mailing list tries to send messages. Basically
hotmail will only accept a small number of messages from the same IP within
a certain period (for spam protection, I guess). After 15 minutes or so the
my mail queue will try again and succeed in getting a few more messages

The message in you log says that the message was deferred, and that it will
try again later. Does it get sent eventually or does it bounce?

Tim Hosking


Don't miss the 2002 Sprint PCS Application Developer's Conference
August 25-28 in Las Vegas -

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] delivery failures

2002-04-25 Thread Tim Hosking

I've seen this as well, but I think it's actually a measure taken by Hotmail
to deter spammers by throttling the number of messages received from a
single IP to a couple every ten minutes. I run a mailing list on which about
30 people have Hotmail accounts, and it can take upwards of two hours to
deliver to these account. It does always succeed eventually though. If I am
right then a spammer with a mailing list of say 10 Hotmail addresses
could take weeks to deliver, by which time the offender could be tracked and
cut off.

Just a theory.

Tim Hosking
- Original Message -
From: MH - Entwicklung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Carmack [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Saxon Jones
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: [courier-users] delivery failures

 Well, it's a pity that Hotmail doesn't fix this. But I have recognized
 these are just temporary errors. After several delivery attempts the mail
 goes through.


 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Carmack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Saxon Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 8:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [courier-users] delivery failures

  On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 10:29:40PM -0600, Saxon Jones wrote:
   I notice that when people are relaying SMTP through my Courier server
   we get a fair number of bounces such as:
554 Transaction failed
  This happens to a lot of people. Seems to be a problem with Hotmail.
Connection refused
  Don't know about this one.
  courier-users mailing list

 courier-users mailing list

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Case Sensitivity Email Address

2002-04-18 Thread Tim Hosking

on 18/4/02 2:17 pm, Tony Carter at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 man -M /usr/lib/courier/man courier
  If this file exists, Courier will not distinguish being lowercase and
 uppercase local accounts, so that [EMAIL PROTECTED] and  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 will  refer to the same local mailbox (where is your domain).
 Postmaster, postmaster, and POSTMASTER always refer to the same account,
 even if locallowercase does not exist.

The important point to note here, is that if locallowercase does exist, then
user accounts must have all-lowercase account names. Any account with an
uppercase character in the account name will be unable to receive mail. I
actually consider this a feature and have used it to create mail-less

Tim Hosking
How do you know when it's time to tune your bagpipes?

courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] HELP - couriermlm subscriber list

2002-04-11 Thread Tim Hosking


Is there an easy way to get a list of current subscribers to a mailing list.
Suppose I am running a list [EMAIL PROTECTED], then the following

/usr/lib/courier/bin/couriermlm export junklist

Seems to give me a partial list of subscribers interspersed with a number of
subscription messages.

All I need is a simple list of every subscriber, as I cam currently trying
to manually add subscribers from a large list of people who may or may not
be already subscribed, and who cannot follow simple instructions for
subscribing themselves.

What am I missing?

Tim Hosking

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] HELP - couriermlm subscriber list

2002-04-11 Thread Tim Hosking

on 4/11/02 12:14 PM, Tim Hosking at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there an easy way to get a list of current subscribers to a mailing list.
 Suppose I am running a list [EMAIL PROTECTED], then the following
 /usr/lib/courier/bin/couriermlm export junklist
 Seems to give me a partial list of subscribers interspersed with a number of
 subscription messages.
 All I need is a simple list of every subscriber, as I cam currently trying
 to manually add subscribers from a large list of people who may or may not
 be already subscribed, and who cannot follow simple instructions for
 subscribing themselves.
 What am I missing?

Never mind  I just found out for myself.

For the record the command is:

/usr/lib/courier/bin/couriermlm lsub junklist

I'll shut up now.

Tim Hosking

courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] Another couriermlm question

2002-04-11 Thread Tim Hosking

Has anyone ever managed to provide a decent web interface to a mailing list
managed by couriermlm?

I'm sure there must be at least one out there and I am keen not to reinvent
the wheel. If the interface made the archive searchable that would be even


Tim Hosking

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] INBOX

2002-04-07 Thread Tim Hosking

on 4/7/02 9:30 AM, Thomas Beer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 just a newbie question. Can someone give me an
 ls -la output of a maildir structure? Should it be
 maildirmake INBOX or Inbox or Maildir/Inbox ...?
 Thanks Tom

maildirmake Maildir

Tim Hosking

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] ADV: Harvest lots of Email addresses quickly

2002-04-04 Thread Tim Hosking


Methinks this guy just spammed the wrong mailing list.

Who wants to let the dogs out?

Tim hosking

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] DNS lookup Failure on 0.35.1

2002-04-04 Thread Tim Hosking

on 4/4/02 11:38 AM, Thierry DELHAISE at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 We used since now ten month Courier on a Solaris 8 system (release 0.35.1).
 All run fine since because we only use courier to send out message to
 Recently, we would like to use it to receive message from outside. And we
 discover it don't accept to receive mail if in the from field of the
 message, the domain part of the sender's adresse can't be resolve on the
 Below a dump of log :
 Apr  4 17:58:36 S0003010 courieresmtpd: [ID 702911 mail.error]
 error,relay=,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED]: 417 DNS lookup
 failure:  Try again later.
 The server we have act as a mailhub from a subdomain. It's configured to
 resolve on DNS to send and if it can't, to relay to the main mailhub in
 front of us.
 Does it is normal, and could we bypass this problem. I hope so, may be it's
 a configuration mistake of us ?
 Does anyone have an idea ?
 Thanks in advance for your help

I'm not sure, but I think Sam fixed this problem in 0.36.something

Tim Hosking

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Incoming mail filtering/blacklisting problem

2002-04-02 Thread Tim Hosking
Title: Re: [courier-users] Incoming mail filtering/blacklisting problem

on 3/29/02 2:32 PM, Dusan Vujosevic at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have courier running and I can't get ORDB ( black list to work. I am using webmin to configure it. I fixed the typo in the address (it was '') but it didn't help. I keep sending the test e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:tonbsp;[EMAIL PROTECTED] and it keeps coming back saying that I'm not using the their list. Does anyone have any ideas?


P.S. I can't build 0.38.0 (cp: cannot create regular file 'module.esmtp': Permission denied). Also, is there a nice way to turn off those thread debug messages in the maillog (Waiting. shutdown time= )?

Let me know if you have any luck with this as its been bugging me too!

Tim Hosking

[courier-users] FEATURE REQUEST. Damned bad MIME revisited

2002-03-09 Thread Tim Hosking


I know this is perhaps the most irritating topic for you, and the changes
you have made to please everyone regarding the handling of bad MIME headers
have gone a long way towards banishing the problem.

I do however have one hopefully small request. When Courier accepts bad
messages (opt BOFHBADMIME=accept) could you add a header before passing it
to maildrop to indicate that the message is badly formed?

This way we can easily filter such messages into a quarantine folder or
something like that.

If it's too much of a pain then it doesn't matter, it just seems like it
would be a nice touch.


Tim Hosking
Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] FEATURE REQUEST. Damned bad MIME revisited

2002-03-09 Thread Tim Hosking

on 9/3/02 12:56 pm, Sam Varshavchik at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 11:48:54AM -0500, Tim Hosking wrote:
 I do however have one hopefully small request. When Courier accepts bad
 messages (opt BOFHBADMIME=accept) could you add a header before passing it
 to maildrop to indicate that the message is badly formed?
 This way we can easily filter such messages into a quarantine folder or
 something like that.
 I could add a header to wrapped messages rather easily.  Then, you can key
 off that, and fetch the sole MIME attachment.

Sounds good. I have never tried it but I suppose it is not too difficult to
unwrap the attachment in a filter and deliver that instead of the wrapped
message? Or is it?

Tim Hosking
Why do tourists go to the top of tall buildings and then put money in
telescopes so they can see things on the ground in close-up?

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] No user generates a new user ...

2002-02-28 Thread Tim Hosking

on 28/2/02 2:19 pm, Christoph Puppe at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salve all,
 I'm looking for a way to generate new virtual users, when a mail to a
 nonexistent one arrives.
 I've thought about global filters, which are very expensive, so they
 aren't the way to go. If there is another way, that is.
 Tweaking postmaster to a script that takes the mails, checks if it is a
 user unknown and then generates the maildir and sets up the user was an
 idea as well.
 Any good ideas to do this out there?

This seems like a bad idea (I could spam your server and create 1000 new
accounts just for the hell of it). How about scaling it down a bit and
having such mail delivered to a single nominated account with a custom
filter installed. When mail arrives for an address that has not been seen
before then create a new sub-folder in the maildir and deliver to that.

I suppose you could always add a cron job which searched that user's maildir
for such folders and created the new accounts. For that matter this approach
would not require the sub-folders - reformail could easily extract the
destination email address from any messages it found in the nominated

Tim Hosking
Trans corpus meum mortuum. - Over my dead body.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] 550 unknown user

2002-02-21 Thread Tim Hosking

on 20/2/02 9:22 pm, Jeremy J Graveline at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I send mail to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] I get the message
 550 Unknown user.
 'jjgraveline' is a local user on my machine which is
 'DNab4293ec.Stanford.EDU'.  The folder
 /home/jjgraveline/Maildir is set up correctly.  The
 'locals' file contains
 esmptacceptmailfor contains the same entries.
 What am I missing?

Are all message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] rejected in this way
or just some? It's just a thought but mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] would be rejected with this error unless
you have a file called locallowercase in courier/etc.

Tim Hosking
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the show?

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Webadmin Pasword Does Not Work

2002-02-21 Thread Tim Hosking
Title: Re: [courier-users] Webadmin Pasword Does Not Work

on 21/2/02 2:35 pm, M.B. at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I change the permissions to 700 I get ERROR: Invalid password

[root@OldPeculier root]# ls -l /usr/lib/courier/etc/webadmin/password 
-r 1 courier courier 9 Nov 16 16:51 /usr/lib/courier/etc/webadmin/password


Tim Hosking
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx

Re: [courier-users] mail filter implementation

2002-02-08 Thread Tim Hosking

on 7/2/02 2:15 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lets try again :-))
 Is it allowed to implement a GLOBAL MAILFILTER which is MODIFYING the
 message it is processing?

Yes. Check out SpamMaildropFilter

It does exactly what you are asking.

Tim Hosking
Sooner or later, EVERYONE stops smoking.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] Re: Dropping mail

2002-02-07 Thread Tim Hosking

on 6/2/02 6:20 pm, Sam Varshavchik at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any way to make courier drop incoming mail  (from a specific
 email address) without returning an error message to the sender.

Delivering it to /dev/null from a filter doesn't work?

Tim Hosking
I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] mail filter implementation

2002-02-07 Thread Tim Hosking

on 7/2/02 1:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A question: Is it allowed to implement a mail filter which is _modifying_
 the processed message and/or control file?
 For example by adding and X-foo: blahblah header, or deleting some
 ps : please CC to me too.
 Dobos Sandor
 IBCnet Hungary Ltd.
 courier-users mailing list

Check out 'man maildropex' and 'man reformail'. Reformail is totally cool.

Tim Hosking
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati - When all else fails, play dead.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] FW: Re: 8-bit content, no mime revisited

2002-02-05 Thread Tim Hosking

on 5/2/02 1:12 pm, Walter Taucher at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We are getting mail rejected as well.
 The interesting note here is that in our test with one client using Eudora
 5.1, if the sender removes the automatic signature at the Bottom of the
 message, the message goes thru,  replace the signature, and the MIME Error
 And what can our clients that are using products that send Courier
 incompatible RFC headers like Ebay or Microsoft folks do?:  And They are
 able to communicate to everyone else but us, do we really believe they will
 change the way they behave just for our sake?   A little flexibility is
 needed here.
 I know there is an Aesop Fable in there somewhere..

After the trouble Sam has gone to to appease everyone on this issue, I feel
almost reluctant to make another suggestion, but here goes:

How about adding another option to add an additional header to flag badly
formed messages?

For example,

Option 1. Bounce the email as it did originally.

Option 2. Deliver the message as an attachment.

Option 3. Deliver the message as is, but with an additional header inserted.
E.g. X-BadMimeHeaders: additional info such as offset of first bad byte

This would enable people to filter badly formed messages according to their
taste (burn it, drop it in the quarantine folder, reformail it or whatever).

The reason I suggest this is that I frequently receive mail from a couple of
mailing lists which don't comply with rfc2045, only in reality, receiving
these messages is benign and my mail client copes just fine. My existing
filters would simply deliver these messages where I wanted them. All I would
have to do is add a final filter to handle bad MIME messages from unknown

This also unloads the burden of how to deal with the crap away from Sam.

What do you think?

Tim Hosking
It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really
quite busy.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] FW: Re: 8-bit content, no mime revisited

2002-02-05 Thread Tim Hosking

on 5/2/02 2:05 pm, Sysop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tim Hosking wrote:
 on 5/2/02 1:12 pm, Walter Taucher at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We are getting mail rejected as well.
 The interesting note here is that in our test with one client using Eudora
 5.1, if the sender removes the automatic signature at the Bottom of the
 message, the message goes thru,  replace the signature, and the MIME Error
 And what can our clients that are using products that send Courier
 incompatible RFC headers like Ebay or Microsoft folks do?:  And They are
 able to communicate to everyone else but us, do we really believe they will
 change the way they behave just for our sake?   A little flexibility is
 needed here.
 I know there is an Aesop Fable in there somewhere..
 After the trouble Sam has gone to to appease everyone on this issue, I feel
 almost reluctant to make another suggestion, but here goes:
 How about adding another option to add an additional header to flag badly
 formed messages?
 For example,
 Option 1. Bounce the email as it did originally.
 Option 2. Deliver the message as an attachment.
 Option 3. Deliver the message as is, but with an additional header inserted.
 E.g. X-BadMimeHeaders: additional info such as offset of first bad byte
 This would enable people to filter badly formed messages according to their
 taste (burn it, drop it in the quarantine folder, reformail it or whatever).
 The reason I suggest this is that I frequently receive mail from a couple of
 mailing lists which don't comply with rfc2045, only in reality, receiving
 these messages is benign and my mail client copes just fine. My existing
 filters would simply deliver these messages where I wanted them. All I would
 have to do is add a final filter to handle bad MIME messages from unknown
 This also unloads the burden of how to deal with the crap away from Sam.
 What do you think?
 Have you guys even LOOKED at the new version?  You have EXACTLY that
 option, based off the bofh file.
 Check the documentation people.

Extremely helpful. Thank you.

I am running courier- which cannot be considered old by any
standards. If you mean by checking the documentation I should type 'man
courier' and searching for 'bofh' I have done exactly that, and also checked
the latest docs on the web. Guess what. It doesn't mention adding additional
headers or anything remotely related to rfc2045. It does basically tell me
various interesting reasons for which I can reject mail, however, none of
that seemed relevant to my suggestion.

Maybe if you refrained from shouting and perhaps gave us a little insight
into the documentation (and version of Courier) to which you are referring
we could put this thread to bed once and for all. I for one am getting bored
with it.

I may be being dumb here, but my feeling is that you have not read and
understood the question and suggestion as fully as you obviously have the
documentation. If this is the case then I am a fool and I apologise.

Tim Hosking
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] I.P. based (virtual) multiple Domains ...

2002-01-24 Thread Tim Hosking

on 24/1/02 4:34 pm, Sysop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

some stuff

Hey Sysop!

Did you know that, Patrick Walsh's mdropspamfilter found at systematically rejects
all your postings as potential spam? :)

Apparently they are missing the 'To:' header. Just thought I'd let you know.


Tim Hosking
Never knock on Death's door: Ring the doorbell and run (he hates that).

courier-users mailing list

[courier-users] How the hell was this spam delivered?

2001-12-27 Thread Tim Hosking


I just received a spam email from Here are the headers:

Received: from ( [])
  (TLS: TLSv1/SSLv3,168bits,DES-CBC3-SHA)
  by OldPeculier with esmtp; Wed, 26 Dec 2001 22:32:11 -0500
Received: from ( [])
by (8.11.6/8.11.3) with ESMTP id fBR3cjB89493;
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:38:45 +0100 (CET)
(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Received: from ( [])
by (8.11.3/8.11.3) with SMTP id fBR3bkw12060;
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:37:51 +0100 (CET)
(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:37:51 +0100 (CET)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: hassle-free home loans

And here are the related lines from my maillog (sorry about the wrapping):

Dec 26 22:32:09 OldPeculier courieresmtpd: started,ip=[]
Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd: newmsg,id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851
Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd:
started,id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],module=
Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none, wakeup
time=none, queuedelivering=1, inprogress=1
Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierlocal:
id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],addr=tim@trhos,size=16516,success: Message delivered.
Dec 26 22:32:15 OldPeculier courierd:
Dec 26 22:32:15 OldPeculier courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=Wed Dec 26
23:18:21 2001, wakeup time=Wed Dec 26 23:18:21 2001, queuedelivering=0,

How on earth did this message get accepted and delivered to a local account?
I am running courier-0.36.1.

Tim Hosking
All I ask for is the opportunity to prove that money doesn't buy happiness.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] How the hell was this spam delivered?

2001-12-27 Thread Tim Hosking

on 27/12/01 12:39 pm, Sysop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Look at the TO: field in the header. That address has nothing to do with my
server. I do not host and I have no user called loanrep. I
do not accept mail addressed to non-existent users.

 How did you expect it NOT to get delivered?  Everything looks cool, do
 you not accept email from an unknown user or somethign?  You can add
 that persons domain into your bofh file, or just that account, but I
 fail to see how you expect it NOT to get delivered.
 Tim Hosking wrote:
 I just received a spam email from Here are the headers:
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from ( [])
  (TLS: TLSv1/SSLv3,168bits,DES-CBC3-SHA)
  by OldPeculier with esmtp; Wed, 26 Dec 2001 22:32:11 -0500
 Received: from ( [])
by (8.11.6/8.11.3) with ESMTP id fBR3cjB89493;
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:38:45 +0100 (CET)
(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Received: from ( [])
by (8.11.3/8.11.3) with SMTP id fBR3bkw12060;
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:37:51 +0100 (CET)
(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:37:51 +0100 (CET)
 Mime-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Subject: hassle-free home loans
 And here are the related lines from my maillog (sorry about the wrapping):
 Dec 26 22:32:09 OldPeculier courieresmtpd: started,ip=[]
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd: newmsg,id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd:
 started,id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],module=
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none, wakeup
 time=none, queuedelivering=1, inprogress=1
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierlocal:
 id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],addr=tim@trhos,size=16516,success: Message delivered.
 Dec 26 22:32:15 OldPeculier courierd:
 Dec 26 22:32:15 OldPeculier courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=Wed Dec 26
 23:18:21 2001, wakeup time=Wed Dec 26 23:18:21 2001, queuedelivering=0,
 How on earth did this message get accepted and delivered to a local account?
 I am running courier-0.36.1.

Tim Hosking
Bother, said Pooh. Eeyore, ready photon torpedoes and lock phasers
on the Heffalump. Piglet, meet me in transporter room three.

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] How the hell was this spam delivered?

2001-12-27 Thread Tim Hosking

on 27/12/01 12:54 pm, Roland Schneider at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Tim Hosking wrote on 27.12.2001 12:21 -0500:
 I just received a spam email from Here are the headers:
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from ( [])
 Add to BLACKLISTS and customers of this
 provider wont bother you again. But send a lart anyway. Huh?

 started,id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],module=
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none, wakeup
 time=none, queuedelivering=1, inprogress=1
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierlocal:
 id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],addr=tim@trhos,size=16516,success: Message delivered.
 How on earth did this message get accepted and delivered to a local account?
 I am running courier-0.36.1.
 It was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which seems to be your address...

It was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and delivered to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Take a closer look at the headers.

Tim Hosking
Dain bramaged

courier-users mailing list

Re: [courier-users] How the hell was this spam delivered?

2001-12-27 Thread Tim Hosking

on 27/12/01 1:07 pm, Sysop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually I don't think they did. Actually I think I am an idiot and did not
appreciate exactly how smtp works. I realised this by looking at the message
headers for a couple of message received from this mailing list and noticing
that the To: field doesn't have my email address in there, but the
destination was already negotiated by the smtp HELO handshake.

Egg on my face

Tim Hosking
Omelette anyone?

 THey buried the REAL destination in the headers, and spoofed the To
 field it looks like.
 Tim Hosking wrote:
 on 27/12/01 12:39 pm, Sysop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Look at the TO: field in the header. That address has nothing to do with my
 server. I do not host and I have no user called loanrep. I
 do not accept mail addressed to non-existent users.
 How did you expect it NOT to get delivered?  Everything looks cool, do
 you not accept email from an unknown user or somethign?  You can add
 that persons domain into your bofh file, or just that account, but I
 fail to see how you expect it NOT to get delivered.
 Tim Hosking wrote:
 I just received a spam email from Here are the headers:
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from ( [])
 (TLS: TLSv1/SSLv3,168bits,DES-CBC3-SHA)
 by OldPeculier with esmtp; Wed, 26 Dec 2001 22:32:11 -0500
 Received: from ( [])
   by (8.11.6/8.11.3) with ESMTP id fBR3cjB89493;
   Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:38:45 +0100 (CET)
   (envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Received: from (
   by (8.11.3/8.11.3) with SMTP id fBR3bkw12060;
   Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:37:51 +0100 (CET)
   (envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:37:51 +0100 (CET)
 Mime-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Subject: hassle-free home loans
 And here are the related lines from my maillog (sorry about the wrapping):
 Dec 26 22:32:09 OldPeculier courieresmtpd: started,ip=[]
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd: newmsg,id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd:
started,id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],module
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=none, wakeup
 time=none, queuedelivering=1, inprogress=1
 Dec 26 22:32:14 OldPeculier courierlocal:
id=AD58.3C2A963C.1851,from=[EMAIL PROTECTED],addr=tim@trho
 s,size=16516,success: Message delivered.
 Dec 26 22:32:15 OldPeculier courierd:
 Dec 26 22:32:15 OldPeculier courierd: Waiting.  shutdown time=Wed Dec 26
 23:18:21 2001, wakeup time=Wed Dec 26 23:18:21 2001, queuedelivering=0,
 How on earth did this message get accepted and delivered to a local
 I am running courier-0.36.1.

Tim Hosking
It know it hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle without a seat,
but it hurts. - Lt. Frank Drebin, The Naked Gun

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