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2001-04-05 Thread vtsoft99


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April 2001 Go!Zilla Newsletter

2001-04-05 Thread Go!Zilla Newsletter


Go!Zilla Newsletter
April 2001

In this Issue:
1.  Go!Zilla Product News
2.  Technology Unleased: Understanding Security Certificates
3.  Game Review: The Sims House Party


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Re: Affording an attorney...

2001-04-05 Thread Bill Stewart

At 06:32 PM 04/04/2001 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:

Note that there's NO stipulation about 'if you can't afford an attorney
one will be appointed to you'. Whether you're rich or poor the state is
OBLIGED to provide you an attorney.

 Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy
and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the
crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously
ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the
accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have
compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

There's not only no stipulation about whether you can afford counsel,
there's no stipulation about the government paying for counsel,
or about counsel having to be a licensed or trained attorney.
It only says you're allowed to HAVE counsel.

The business about the government paying for an attorney for you
is based on the Supreme Court's *interpretation* of this amendment
concluding that the right to bring counsel with you is pretty lame
if you can't afford to pay counsel, and that therefore the government
ought to pay for counsel for the indigent.

There's also no right to insist that the government provide you with
*good* counsel - public defenders have a reputation of providing
service quality similar to government-funded health care,
at best idealistic until they get too jaded, but the competent ones
are overworked to the point that you still don't get great support.
If you want to argue about assistance of counsel in cases like Jim Bell's,
you're better off trying to argue that counsel should "assist",
not "hinder", and that people who don't want the negative assistance of
counsel that doesn't do what they want should be allowed to dump their PD,
not be told that only the PD and not they themselves have the right to speak.
(A quick read of Declan's description of one day of the trial sounded
like Bell's counsel was trying to help, perhaps competently,
and helping Bell is a tough job for anybody)

Re: CDR: RE: Seth Finkelstein, reluctant cypherpunk?

2001-04-05 Thread Bill Stewart

At 08:03 PM 04/03/2001 -0700, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
So, do the participants of this list wish to actually get something done
with regard to securing privacy, or shall we just spin our wheels in
internecine warfare?

Well, we *could* act like good Libertarian party member and
go for the internecine warfare (:-)
As Kissinger once said, the reason academic politics is so vicious
is because the stakes are so low, and that often applies to
philosophically oriented parties, where it's calm rational Libertarians
or loony Constitutionists or Trotskyites

Jim Choate's characterization of Seth's opposition to Libertarianism
isn't particularly precise or accurate, but Seth and Jim both do
strongly disagree with various aspects of _L_ibertarian philosophy,
_l_ibertarian philosophy and economics, and their adherents.
Certainly if Libertarians can find reasons to passionately disagree with
other libertarians and act like obsessive bull-headed kooks,
non-Libertarians can do so as well :-)  And if you're not sufficiently
satisfied going after the level-headed mainstream academics like
David Friedman, we'll be happy to find somebody out on the lunatic fringe
to keep you occupied tweaking your favorite pet issues

RE: Information that you have requested. 28516

2001-04-05 Thread azwan

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PostCultural Blues - Lawrence-citater

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

  We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their

   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: Re: Jeff Gordon, Usenet, and the cypherpunks mailing list

2001-04-05 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Harmon Seaver wrote:
 What does it take to get
 justice in the USA these days?

Just a few hundred thousand dollars, contributed to the currently elected

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Eles Voltaram...

2001-04-05 Thread info
pretender visualizar esta informação numa página do seu browser em formato 
HTML, basta 
clicar aqui. 
Pokmons esto de Volta. Pikkaaa!!
Oficial dia 6 de Abril

E porque os nossos clientes so especiais, a 
oferece uma 
T-shirt do Pikachu a todos os clientes que fizerem 
entre hoje e amanh a sua encomenda do 
Pokmon Gold ou do Pokmon 
dos grandes sucessos Red, Blue, Green e Yellow os Japoneses no 
resistiram e lanaram
Gold e Pokmon 
Estas duas verses de luxo para alm de apresentarem grandes 
novidades com introduo de tempo real bem como a barra 
de experincia no canto inferior direito ainda eleva o n de 
Pokmons existentes para 251. E sabendo ns que a expectativa 
 grande, vamos levantar um pouco a cortina:

Tal como nos Jogos Pokmon Red e Blue somos convidados a escolher 
uma das trs Pokballs. Mas desta vez com bichinhos desconhecidos. 
Que so:

no podemos dizer...
s falta mesmo  encomendar e...
catch`em all! 
Para retirar o seu email desta mailing list deverá entrar no nosso 
ir à edição do seu registo e retirar a opção de receber informação acerca 
das nossas promoções e novos serviços.


biochemwomdcyberterror in DC today

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

HOUSE ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE Computer Security Oversight and 
Investigations Subcommittee hearing on "Protecting America's Critical 
Infrastructure: How Secure are Government Computer Systems?" Witnesses: Ron 
Dick, director, FBIs' National Infrastructure Protection Center; Sallie 
McDonald, assistant commissioner, Office of Information Assurance and 
Critical Infrastructure Protection, GSA; John Tritak, director, Critical 
Infrastructure Assurance Office at Commerce Department; Robert Dacey, 
director, Information Security Issues at GAO; Tom Noonan, president and 
CEO, Internet Security Systems, Inc.; Glenn Podonsky, director, Office of 
Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance, Energy Department 
Location: 2322 Rayburn House Office Building. 9:30 a.m. Contact: 

Re: Affording an attorney...

2001-04-05 Thread Trei, Peter

 The last sentence most certainlly DOES say the state must pay for it, and
 in ALL criminal cases. That 'compulsory process' clause guarantees it.
 Amendment VI
 In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a
 and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein
 crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously
 ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the
 accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have
 compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the
 Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
 Since there is no clause which states that I as the accused must pay for
 my own defence (which if you think about it for half a second goes against
 democratic philosophy in the first place, the burden is always on the
 accuser) I claim the right, under the 9th, that the state must pay.
 The state wishes to disagree?
Much as I hate dirtying my hands by dipping into our current Choatian
Black Hole, my reading of this is not that they *must* supply you with
an attorney, but rather that the State cannot *deny* you one - if you 
show up with a lawyer, they cannot tell him to take a hike.

Peter Trei

Jim Bell Trial: Second Day

2001-04-05 Thread auto211076

Second Day:  Jim Bell trial

The second day of the Jim Bell trial opened up with D.A. London making a 
motion to tell the jury that Bell had owned firearms in the past although 
he hasn't had any since the 1997 trial.  According to London, the fact that 
Bell had had a gun in the past was a reasonable basis for federal agents' 
current fear of Bell.

Defense attorney Leen pointed out that free speech could be a cause for 
fear in some people, but that nobody would reasonably constrain speech. 
 Leen said that firearms possession is constitutionally protected, and that 
this was true for Bell up until 1997.  The fact that he was exercising a 
constitutionally-protected right could not be held against him.

London said that the weapons were seized in 1997.  Bell designated a friend 
to receive the firearms when the IRS returned them in 2000, which by definition 
would mean that Bell was no longer in possession of them.  Leen pointed 
out that there was absolutely no evidence of current possession by Bell 
or of Bell contacting his friend regarding the weapons.  Bell had made no 
attempt to acquire firearms.

London suggested that Bell should retract his essay Assassination Politics. 
 Bell protested the suggestion, and Judge Tanner threatened to either muzzle 
Bell or move him downstairs to a viewing room.  London claimed that AP alone 
was a sufficient threat to the treasury agent witnesses.

The court ruled that London could introduce the firearm evidence.

The court then took up the matter of Bell's remaining subpoenas for Joanne 
Mayita and Anne Marie Evans, both of the U.S. Attorneys Office.  London 
moved to quash the subpoenas.  Leen pointed out that in-district subpoenas 
don't need to go through the court.  Miyeta was the prosecutor for Ryan 
Lund's case.  Bell believe Lund received consideration from the U.S. Attorney's 
Office to intimidate Bell while they were both incarcerated at the Seatac 
facility into signing a plea agreement in 1997.  Evans was a prosecutor 
in the 1997 Bell case, and Bell claims that she was aware of the Lund deal. 
 Tanner ruled to quash the subpoenas.

After this ruling, Bell twice banged the defense table with his hand.  Tanner 
warned that any subsequent display would mean removal, and ordered the downstairs 
viewing room to be prepared.  Shortly thereafter, Tanner told Bell to move 
over one seat to the end of the table, leaving a chair between him and his 
attorney.  His attorney asked that Bell be cuffed with an ankle cuff instead 
to the chair next to him so that Bell could still conference with him.  
Leen pointed out that the jury would not be able to observe the cuff.

Leen requested limitation on testimony regarding Bell's prior legal possession 
of firearms.

Leen also brought up the interlocutory issue again, mentioning that it was 
now on the briefing calendar for the ninth.

The jury was brought in, and the first witness for the day, Robert William 
East was sworn in.  East had been Bell's friend for 15 years, and was the 
person that the IRS released Jim's guns to.  He testified that he picked 
up the firearms from the IRS' downtown Portland office in 2000 and had stored 
them with friends of his that Bell had no access to.  The firearms included 
2 SKSes, a Ruger Mini-14, and an SW 629.

London introduced Exhibit 21, a set of lock picks.  East testified that 
he had loaned Bell a tension wrench and a pick.  East and Bell had used 
the set once to open a door at East's house, and then had never seen that 
wrench and pick again.  (There was no evidence presented that the wrench 
and pick had been recovered from Bell's house in the 11/6/2000 raid.)  East 
said that he wasn't sure when this occurred, but it was sometime before 
6/24/96, the date of an email in which he and Bell mentioned the set.

Leen objected based on relevancy.  London pointed out that he was trying 
to show that because Bell could pick a lock, he was a credible threat to 
federal agents.

On cross-examination, Leen asked if Bell had written to him while Bell was 
in prison.  East said that Bell had, and that the letters contained requests 
to look up people's names.  East stated that he wadded up the letters and 
threw them away without acting on them.

In additional testimony, East said that there had been no discussion of 
lock picks since 1996.

On re-examination, London asked East if he and Bell had discussed Sarin. 
 He said that they had discussed methylphosphodiflouride and isopropyl alchohol 
as precursors.  London brought up the Tokyo subway incident again, implying 
that Bell would use Sarin to gas federal agents.  East replied that they 
had only discussed it in relation to the Tokyo incident and that they had 
researched it purely out of curiosity about current events.

The next witness was Christopher John Groener, who lives in Mike McNall's 
former house.  McNall is an IRS agent who Bell had been researching.  Bell 
visited Groener's house in October, looking for McNall.  

Re: CDR: Re: Affording an attorney...

2001-04-05 Thread auto211076

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:23:33 -0400, Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 06:28:22PM -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
  (A quick read of Declan's description of one day of the trial sounded
  like Bell's counsel was trying to help, perhaps competently, and helping
  Bell is a tough job for anybody)
 I think that's a fair description of Day I. By Day II, though, Leen
 seemed to miss some obvious (to me) technical questions that could be
 raised on cross. I also had the change to watch him more closely, and 
 seems to be doing a perfunctory job. He's almost communicating to the 
 (and clearly communicating to the judge) that he believes his client is
 guilty but has the right to a trial.

Over 95% of the objections that Jim's attorney has raised over the last 
2 days have been overruled, where almost every one of the objections that 
the D.A. has raised have been sustained.  It's pretty obvious that Judge 
Tanner hates Jim--partly because Jim hasn't shown the proper decorous respect 
to the judge--and Jim's attorney is fighting that as well as the prosecution. 
 By yesterday afternoon, he looked totally demoralized.

One of the people in the court who was reasonably friendly to Jim pointed 
out to him yesterday that instead of trying to prove a point, Jim should 
have spent his time trying to win his case.  Leen has to deal with a client 
who is at least partly committed to a crusade.

Free, encrypted, secure Web-based email at

Slashdot | Republic.Com - Book Review

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate
   Adapt, Adopt, Improvise! - Anonymous

   Venimus, Vidimus, Delevimus - 1st Linux Motto, Anonymous

   Tivoli Certification Group, OSCT
   James Choate   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Senior Engineer512-436-1062

Slashdot | CPRM Lecture

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate
   Adapt, Adopt, Improvise! - Anonymous

   Venimus, Vidimus, Delevimus - 1st Linux Motto, Anonymous

   Tivoli Certification Group, OSCT
   James Choate   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Senior Engineer512-436-1062

Re: Jim Bell Trial: First Day

2001-04-05 Thread David Honig

At 09:11 AM 4/4/01 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tanner then told Leen:  "He [Bell] doesn't trust you."  Leen:  "He has 
great personal animosity."  Tanner then told Leen that he had responded 
Bell well.

Responded [to] Bell well 
Represented Bell well

likely the latter..



Cypherpunks Web Archive

2001-04-05 Thread Eric Cordian

Does anyone know why the Cypherpunks archive at has been down for over a day now?

If it's just a DNS problem, could someone post a numeric IP.


Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: Day #2: U.S. v. Jim Bell report from federal court in Tacoma

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Burnes

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 12:33:54PM -0400, Declan McCullagh wrote:
 - Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

"It's still on the Internet today," London said during the second day
of the trial in federal district court. "He has not retracted it."

Maybe London would prefer China, where thought crime is punished
by life in slave labor camps.  During your communist "rebirth" process
you are made to renounce your opinions on a daily basis.

London said that while Bell may not have directly threatened IRS agent
Jeff Gordon, "he has done it indirectly through 'Assassination

Why don't they charge him with conspiracy to murder in the first
degree then?  Presumably because they don't have a case.  Wait,
conspiracy needs others involved, right?  How about attempted

Bell has pleaded not guilty to five counts of interstate stalking that
allegedly took place last year, saying he was legally assembling
information about government agents he thought were participating in a
conspiracy involving illegal surveillance. He is not accused of making
direct threats or seeking physical confrontations.

Now stalking has been expanded to passive activities like finding
information about people.  Many private detectives would be out of
business if that were the case.  Maybe Bell was simply going to
complain to his congressman about them.  Must be sure you have
the exact Jeff Gordon.

As evidence of Bell's malicious intent, London showed the jury a
photograph of four guns that Bell legally owned up until the IRS
raided him in April 1997 during a prior prosecution. The weapons: Two
SKS rifles, a Smith  Wesson 629 pistol, and a Ruger mini-14 rifle.

And this was allowd into evidence?  The court system is apparently 
nosediving quicker than I had previously thought.

London characterized this as a collection of assault weapons that
amounted to "serious firepower" and said, "That's what the agents were
afraid of."

They are afraid of guns they had already probably confiscated?  Were
they agaid Bell was going to break into BATF's evidence locker?

That prompted an objection from Bell's attorney, Robert Leen.
"(You're) asking the jury to draw an adverse infrerence from what was,
at the time, an exercise of a constitutional right," Leen said.

Woops.  Thought crimes and ownership crimes.  Maybe we are slowly
being prepared for integration into a system like communist china.
(maybe were half-way there)

The government has not alleged that Bell owned firearms more recently
than 1997. Bell pleaded guilty in July 1997 to interfering with IRS
agents and using false Social Security numbers.

Evil, evil, bad, nasty Jim Bell.  I say he should be drawn and
quartered.  Wait, thats not good enough for him.  

U.S. District Judge Jack Tanner allowed the government to show to the
jury photos of the weapons Bell once owned -- one rifle had a bayonet
mounted on it -- and warned Bell that if he made any additional
outbursts, he would be muzzled or hauled out of the room.

His outburst probably had something to do with said "evidence" that 
had no bearing on the case.  And bayonets?  Holy shit, next thing
you know Bell might have a hankering to put a sling on his rifle.
Maybe a cleaning kit or two.  Lord knows with all that equipment
he wasn't just hunting rabbits.

Bell had interrupted Leen a few times and pounded on the table two or
three times to get Leen's attention. Bell also wrote "SHAM" on a white
pad of paper and held it so spectators could see.

Normal response to kangaroo trial proceedings.  But it does piss
of Judges.  Mr Bell, you must learn how to handle those rigged
trials with aplomb.

London complained that some people were downloading public documents
through the Pacer service provided by the federal court system,
translating the graphical TIFF images into text, and posting the
documents on a website. He warned that soon everything will be
"splashed all over the Internet for all to see."

Oh my f'ing god.  On the Internet?  Next we'll be asked to believe in 
evolution and a round earth.

The prosecutor likened it to an illicit activity: "Transferring court
documents from our computer onto the Internet."

Just the next horseman of the infocalypse I say.  Internet users, immanentizing
the Eschaton!

That got the attention of Tanner, an 82-year-old jurist with little
patience for lawyers and even less patience for online open-records
activists. He sealed the entire court file, including public documents
like the charges against Bell, saying that "anything that's filed"
will remain in his chambers.

Hmmm.  More like star chambers.
Were it not for a jury, Tanner could simply pronounce him summarily
guilty and be done with it.  Not to worry though, its unlikely 
the jury 

EVENT: Will Encryption Protect Privacy and Make GovernmentObsolete? With David D. Friedman

2001-04-05 Thread Matthew Gaylor

The Independent Policy Forum

Will Encryption Protect Privacy and Make Government Obsolete?

6:30-8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 24, 2001

At The Independent Institute Conference Center
100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428
Phone 510-632-1366 * Fax 510-568-5040

Reception 6:30 p.m.
Program 7:00 p.m.

David D. Friedman

Professor of Law, Santa Clara University
Author, Law's Order: What Government Has to Do With Law and Why It Matters

*Call 510-632-1366 to reserve seats; admission is $30.00 per person, 
including one free copy of Law's Order. Admission without book is $10 
per person, or $7 for Independent Institute Associate Members.

*Call Nichelle Beardsley, the Events Coordinator, at 510-632-1366 
(ext. 118) or email [EMAIL PROTECTED], to get more 

Many people have wondered how technological progress will affect 
political and civil freedoms. With the rise of encryption software 
and the FBI's Carnivore e-mail snooping program, this subject is no 
longer the exclusive domain of speculative thinkers or futurists, it 
is the subject of intense public-policy debate. Will 
privacy-enhancing technology improve faster than privacy-threatening 
technology? Should the government mandate privacy standards? Should 
it enforce contracts in cyberspace, or would private law do a better 
job? Economist and legal scholar David Friedman will discuss these 
and related questions about technological change and the case for and 
against government involvement.

About Law's Order

[Law's Order] is wide-ranging in scope, at once simple and highly 
sophisticated, consistently provocative, an excellent read, and a 
notable contribution to an exciting field of interdisciplinary 
- RICHARD A. POSNER, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit

"Whether one speaks of the complexities of marginal deterrence, the 
resolution of disputes between farmers and railroads, or the social 
functions of copyright and patent law, Friedman's book provides the 
outsider to the field with a comprehensive but accessible account of 
his legal subject matter."
- RICHARD A. EPSTEIN, University of Chicago School of Law

"Simply put, [Law's Order] is fabulously written, and readers will 
very much appreciate the lucid style, the humor, and the 
hold-nothing-sacred (except, perhaps, the market!) approach."
- STEVEN G. MEDEMA, coauthor, Economics and the Law: From Posner to 

"The author is a talented and provocative writer, with a great 
imagination and the ability to make readers swallow the often 
counterintuitive conclusions of economics as common sense. The book 
is an entertaining tour through the mind of someone who has fully 
absorbed the 'economic way of thinking' as he attempts to explain and 
grapple with questions of social organization."
- PETER BOETTKE, George Mason University

The Independent Institute is the non-profit, non-partisan, scholarly 
research and educational organization that sponsors comprehensive 
studies on the political economy of critical social and economic 
problems. Media inquiries: please contact Mr. Rob Latham, Public 
Affairs Director, at 510-632-1366 (ext. 116), or email to 

Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
Send a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA
on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week)
Matthew Gaylor, 2175 Bayfield Drive, Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at

Re: CDR: Re: Day #2: U.S. v. Jim Bell report from federal court inTacoma

2001-04-05 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Jim Burnes wrote:

 Were it not for a jury, Tanner could simply pronounce him summarily
 guilty and be done with it.  Not to worry though, its unlikely 

Of course, he may "instruct" them to deliver a guilty...

 the jury has any concept of their rights.

Rights?  Are you kidding?

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Method of elliptic curve cryptographic key exchange using reduced base tau expansion in non-adjacent form (fwd)

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

  We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their

   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 23:49:40 +0200 
From: "[iso-8859-1] Bo Elkjær" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Method of elliptic curve cryptographic key exchange using reduced  base tau 
expansion in non-adjacent form 

A bit long, but very interesting:

United States Patent  6,212,279  
Reiter ,   et al.  April 3, 2001  

Method of elliptic curve cryptographic key exchange using reduced base tau
expansion in non-adjacent form 

A method of cryptographic key exchange by two users agreeing on an elliptic
curve of the form y.sup.2 +xy=x.sup.3 +ax.sup.2 +1, where "a" is a member of
a field F.sub.2, where the elliptic curve is defined over a field F.sub.2 m,
where m is an integer; agreeing on a point G as the base point of the
elliptic curve, where the point G is of order q, and where q is an integer;
generating a private integer x.sub.A by a first user; reducing x.sub.A by
mod (.tau..sup.m -1) in the form of w+z.tau. by the first user; generating a
base tau expansion, in non-adjacent form, of the modular reduced x.sub.A by
the first user; multiplying G by the base tau expansion of the modular
reduced x.sub.A ; transmitting the product to the second user; receiving, by
the first user, a value y.sub.B from the second user that is based on a
private integer x.sub.B of the second user, where the received value is
computed in a similar manner as was the product transmitted to the second
user; multiplying, by the first user, x.sub.A by the value received from the
second user in order to form a common secret point; multiplying, by the
second user, x.sub.B by the value received from the first user in order to
form the common secret point; and the two users each deriving the same
cryptographic key from the common secret point. 

Inventors:  Reiter; Robert W. (Woodbine, MD); Solinas; Jerome A.
(Westminster, MD)  
Assignee:  The United States of America as represented by the United States
National (Washington, DC)  
Appl. No.:  120800 
Filed:  July 23, 1998 

Current U.S. Class: 380/278; 380/285  
Intern'l Class:  H04L 009/08; H04L 009/30 
Field of Search:  380/278,283,285  

References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents
4200770 Apr., 1980 Hellman et al..   
4567600 Jan., 1986 Massey et al..   
4587627 May., 1986 Omura et al..   
5159632 Oct., 1992 Crandall.   
5271061 Dec., 1993 Crandall.   
5272755 Dec., 1993 Miyaji et al..   
5351297 Sep., 1994 Miyaji.   
5463690 Oct., 1995 Crandall.   
5737424 Apr., 1998 Elteto et al..   
5761305 Jun., 1998 Vanstone et al..   

Other References 
Blake et al, Elliptic Curves in Cryptography, 1999, Cambridge, London
Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 265, p. 76.* 
Solinas, An Improved Algorithm for Arithmetic on a Family of Elliptic
Curves, 1997, CRYPTO '97 (Springer), pp. 357-371.* 
Meier et al, Efficient Multiplication on Certain Nonsupersingular Elliptic
Curves, 1992, CRYPTO '92 (Springer), pp. 333-344.* 
Koblitz, CM-Curves with Good Crytographic Properties, 1991, CRYPTO '91
(Springer), pp. 279-287.* 
Weyl, Algebraic Theory of Numbers, 1940, pp. 94-97.* 
Weisstein, The CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, 1998, p. 1295.* 
Francois Morain, Jorge Olivos, "Speeding Up the Computations on an Elliptic
Curve Using Addition-Subtraction Chains," Sep. 12, 1990, "Theoretical
Informatics and Applications", vol. 24, No. 6, 1990 pp. 531-544. 
Neal Koblitz, "CM-Curves With Good Cryptographic Properties," CRYPTO '91,
pp. 279-287. 
Willi Meier, Othmar Staffelbach, "Efficient Multiplication on Certain
Nonsupersingular Elliptic Curves," CRYPTO '92, 1992 pp. 333-344.  

Primary Examiner: Hayes; Gail 
Assistant Examiner: Leaning; Jeffrey Scott 
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Morelli; Robert D. 

Parent Case Text

This is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
09/105,071, filed on Jun. 26, 1998, now abandoned. 

Re: CDR: RE: Re: Affording an attorney...

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Trei, Peter wrote:

 Much as I hate dirtying my hands by dipping into our current Choatian
 Black Hole, my reading of this is not that they *must* supply you with
 an attorney, but rather that the State cannot *deny* you one - if you 
 show up with a lawyer, they cannot tell him to take a hike.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy
and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the
crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously
ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the
accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have
compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Where is the phrase 'can't deny'?

It says 'and to have assistance of council for his defence', there are no
conditionals in there.

Further the state has a 'compulsory process' (look up the word compulsory)
which clearly includes a lawyer. There is no statement that it is the
defendent which must supply it. In fact NOTHING in this amendment
addresses what the defendent MUST do at all.

  We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their

   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

The Cryptography mailing list has moved... (fwd)

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate


  We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their

   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 05 Apr 2001 12:58:16 -0400
From: "Perry E. Metzger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Cryptography mailing list has moved...

For those that don't know, the cryptography mailing list has moved --
it is now [EMAIL PROTECTED] (subscriptions via majordomo etc.)

It has been up and running there for a while but I forgot to announce
it here.


Matthew Gaylor's Review of Published in...

2001-04-05 Thread Matthew Gaylor

My review of Professor Cass Sunstein's book "Republic.Com" appears in:


And in the April Issue of The Ethical Spectacle

Regards,  Matt-

Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
Send a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA
on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week)
Matthew Gaylor, 2175 Bayfield Drive, Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at


2001-04-05 Thread rewind77mail

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Slashdot | Negative Index of Refraction Created

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

  We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their

   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Police right to 'privacy'

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

Has anyone told these gentlemen in blue that there is 'no right to
privacy' currently recognized in this country by 'their' side?

"A nation as a society forms a moral person, and every member of it is
 personally responsible  for his society."

"When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself public

  Thomas Jefferson

Now, who pays them to do that job?

"Equal protection under the law" is a bitch, isn't it boys?...

Who guards the guardians in America? The People, eventually ;)

  We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their

   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Tired of Having Bad Credit?....Easily Create a NEW Credit Profile!

2001-04-05 Thread mort678a
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Re: CDR: Re: Affording an attorney...

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

95% the first day or two, maybe. By the third day it's up to 98%.

I don't know if Tanner hates Jim -- that seems strong, based on the
evidence I've seen -- but it's more like he doesn't take Bell or his
lawyer seriously at all.

Bell is more interested in making points against the government than
putting on a defense, and is (a bad move) trying to be his own lawyer.
He apparently believes he will win; he is almost certainly mistaken.


On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 11:59:28AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:23:33 -0400, Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think that's a fair description of Day I. By Day II, though, Leen
  seemed to miss some obvious (to me) technical questions that could be
  raised on cross. I also had the change to watch him more closely, and 
  seems to be doing a perfunctory job. He's almost communicating to the 
  (and clearly communicating to the judge) that he believes his client is
  guilty but has the right to a trial.
 Over 95% of the objections that Jim's attorney has raised over the last 
 2 days have been overruled, where almost every one of the objections that 
 the D.A. has raised have been sustained.  It's pretty obvious that Judge 
 Tanner hates Jim--partly because Jim hasn't shown the proper decorous respect 
 to the judge--and Jim's attorney is fighting that as well as the prosecution. 
  By yesterday afternoon, he looked totally demoralized.
 One of the people in the court who was reasonably friendly to Jim pointed 
 out to him yesterday that instead of trying to prove a point, Jim should 
 have spent his time trying to win his case.  Leen has to deal with a client 
 who is at least partly committed to a crusade.
 Free, encrypted, secure Web-based email at

Re: CDR: Re: Day #2: U.S. v. Jim Bell report from federal court in Tacoma

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

I understand that Tanner asked them (I was out of the room at the time)
about whether they heard of FIJA. Nope.


On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 04:50:03PM -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Jim Burnes wrote:
  Were it not for a jury, Tanner could simply pronounce him summarily
  guilty and be done with it.  Not to worry though, its unlikely 
 Of course, he may "instruct" them to deliver a guilty...
  the jury has any concept of their rights.
 Rights?  Are you kidding?
 J.A. Terranson
 If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
 should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
 Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
 unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
 the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
 elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
 populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
 This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
 as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
 The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
 associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
 those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
 first place...

Re: CDR: Re: Pleading the 5th

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

The problem with Choate's argument is that (besides that it's silly),
he gives implied consent to redistribute by posting here. Also, as he claims
to know, CDR is by nature distributed, and each node can set its own
policy. Dont' like it? Don't participate.


On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 06:02:48PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
 I don't do interviews.
 I also own the copyright on everything I post to Cypherpunks. If it gets
 printed without my permission (and I won't give it) in a newspaper or
 other COMMERCIAL venture it is copyright infringement. You're free to post
 excerpts. I believe ~200 lines is the maximum allowed under current
 copyright law.
 Here's the real test to see if you really do respect 'private property'.
 On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Sunder wrote:
  Jim Choate would be a good candidate for you to write an article about.
   We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
D.H. Lawrence
The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: Re: Pleading the 5th

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 The problem with Choate's argument is that (besides that it's silly),
 he gives implied consent to redistribute by posting here. Also, as he claims
 to know, CDR is by nature distributed, and each node can set its own
 policy. Dont' like it? Don't participate.


Go back to the archives and look at my original attempt to set a policy
that SSZ subscribers posts were 'public domain'. It was immediately after
Igor and I put up the original two-site CDR.

Note who was arguing in the contrary.

No, there is no 'implied consent'. I own SSZ. I own the copyright of my
words. There is no 'meeting of minds' between you and I for example, so
there can be no 'contract', implied or otherwise (since I've said publicly
I won't agree).

There is no fine print that states 'we reserve the right to edit all

Go fuck off god-$ fascist.

   We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: - Internet firm sues to broadcast McVeigh execution - April 5, 2001

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

Logically, it is only your speech if you can stop "saying" it
at any time. I doubt he could stop his execution by asking nicely.


On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 07:12:52PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
 Isn't this McVeigh's 'speech' and 'press', does he want it broadcast? If so
 then the state should be compelled under the 1st, 9th,  10th to comply.
   We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
D.H. Lawrence
The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: - Internet firm sues to broadcast McVeigh execution - April 5, 2001

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 Logically, it is only your speech if you can stop "saying" it
 at any time. I doubt he could stop his execution by asking nicely.

But he's under coercion. Legitimate or not, that changes the rules of the
game. He's the accussed. He can elect others to speak for him in
situations where he can't speak for himself.

Your thesis breaks down into,

Your right to speak exists only so long as you can willingly stop/start
it. So by logical extension, the suppression of speech in a 'control
economy' culture such as the ex-CCCP is justified. That in fact, once one
looses the freedom of speech they may in fact never LEGITIMATELY regain
it. That the 'choice' is constrained is an irrelevant factor.


   We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: Re: Pleading the 5th

2001-04-05 Thread David Honig

At 06:02 PM 4/5/01 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:

I don't do interviews.

I also own the copyright on everything I post to Cypherpunks. If it gets
printed without my permission (and I won't give it) in a newspaper or
other COMMERCIAL venture it is copyright infringement. You're free to post
excerpts. I believe ~200 lines is the maximum allowed under current
copyright law.

Jim, how do you feel about on-line collections, e.g., the venona and

[IMHO they are technically infringing our copyrights, but I personally
think they perform a service ---slightly more for historians than for



Re: Pleading the 5th

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, David Honig wrote:

 Jim, how do you feel about on-line collections, e.g., the venona and
 [IMHO they are technically infringing our copyrights, but I personally
 think they perform a service ---slightly more for historians than for

I sent a set of questions to the list a while back about people wanting
their submissions removed from this or that archive. I got to thinking
about it and decided that it probably does infringe copyright. This was
one of my concerns when we started the CDR. It was why I wanted at least
one 'public domain' source of information, to ensure it wasn't censored
through litigation over 'ownership of ideas'. It's also one of the reasons
I keep the much maligned 'CDR:' in there, it's a way of identifying what
'user license' it was submitted under (ie none). It's also why I haven't
ever run a archive myself.

My personal feelings are that I don't believe in the concept of IP. I
believe that it is an unnecessary constraint on the advancement of society
for the mere reason of stabalizing (or slowing it down depending on ones
view) an economy for individual gain. It's not ethical. As insane in my
view as assigning 'rights' to a business.

But, from a practical point if I can use them to make a point I feel
justified in doing it. I like the almost Zen irony, stabbing oneself with
ones own sword (figuratively speaking of course).

   We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: Re: Pleading the 5th

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

Amusing. So if I have a cpunx archive, I can't place ads on it?
I welcome your flurry of lawsuits. We already know about your
lawyers on retainer. Perhaps you can forward them come constitutional


On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 09:13:52PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
  The problem with Choate's argument is that (besides that it's silly),
  he gives implied consent to redistribute by posting here. Also, as he claims
  to know, CDR is by nature distributed, and each node can set its own
  policy. Dont' like it? Don't participate.
 Go back to the archives and look at my original attempt to set a policy
 that SSZ subscribers posts were 'public domain'. It was immediately after
 Igor and I put up the original two-site CDR.
 Note who was arguing in the contrary.
 No, there is no 'implied consent'. I own SSZ. I own the copyright of my
 words. There is no 'meeting of minds' between you and I for example, so
 there can be no 'contract', implied or otherwise (since I've said publicly
 I won't agree).
 There is no fine print that states 'we reserve the right to edit all
 Go fuck off god-$ fascist.
We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
D.H. Lawrence
The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: Re: - Internet firm sues to broadcast McVeigh execution - April 5, 2001

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

Bah. I would rather argue that the execution is the government's
free speech at work, and it should have the right to say it in
whatever way it wants. :)


On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 09:45:43PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
  Logically, it is only your speech if you can stop "saying" it
  at any time. I doubt he could stop his execution by asking nicely.
 But he's under coercion. Legitimate or not, that changes the rules of the
 game. He's the accussed. He can elect others to speak for him in
 situations where he can't speak for himself.
 Your thesis breaks down into,
 Your right to speak exists only so long as you can willingly stop/start
 it. So by logical extension, the suppression of speech in a 'control
 economy' culture such as the ex-CCCP is justified. That in fact, once one
 looses the freedom of speech they may in fact never LEGITIMATELY regain
 it. That the 'choice' is constrained is an irrelevant factor.
We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
D.H. Lawrence
The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: - Internet firm sues to broadcast McVeigh execution - April 5, 2001

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 Bah. I would rather argue that the execution is the government's
 free speech at work, and it should have the right to say it in
 whatever way it wants. :)

'Governments' have no 'rights'. McVeigh isn't 'property'.

Go read the first two paragraphs of the DoI.

   We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Pleading the 5th

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Choate

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 Amusing. So if I have a cpunx archive, I can't place ads on it?

Sure you can. What you can't do is refuse to remove an item by its author.
And if you do make money on it they can sue for recovery of damages.

Like a said, a good test for ones concept of 'respect private property'...

God-$ Fascist.

   We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
   D.H. Lawrence

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Eliminate hidden incriminating files from your computer!

2001-04-05 Thread e2

  There's a hidden database on your p.c.that contains info that could ruin 
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2001-04-05 Thread fjofi

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Re: CDR: Re: Pleading the 5th

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

Private property != intellecutal property. If anything, my "private
property" claim is stronger than your IP one, since the bits are on MY
server. :)


On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 10:41:47PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
  Amusing. So if I have a cpunx archive, I can't place ads on it?
 Sure you can. What you can't do is refuse to remove an item by its author.
 And if you do make money on it they can sue for recovery of damages.
 Like a said, a good test for ones concept of 'respect private property'...
 God-$ Fascist.
We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
D.H. Lawrence
The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Jim Bellini

2001-04-05 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 12:07:02AM -0400, John Young wrote:
 At one of the rump sessions Robb London said he was 
 going to demand affidavits of everyone about what was 
 being discussed. He was ignored except by a woman who 

The rest I can't vouch for, but this is true. London likes
to make threats, apparently.

 The stellar witness was a reporter from The Columbian who
 you'd mistake for Jim, in philosophy, in purpose, in
 looks, in obeying no gyroscope except his own.

Yeah, the Columbian guy trotted up there and spent half an hour
volunteering information about what Bell told him. A disgrace
to the profession.


Amazing opportunity!

2001-04-05 Thread success8

Dear Friends  Future Millionaire: 

Making over half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from your home for an investment 
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Before you say "Bull", please read the following. This is the letter you have been 
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Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long time but I never 
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later but first, 

If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5 months easily and 
comfortably, please read the following...THEN READ IT AGAIN and AGAIN!!! 

=Order all 5 reports shown on the list below = 
For each report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME  NUMBER OF THE REPORT 
YOU ARE ORDERING and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose 
name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IS ON YOUR 
ENVELOPE TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems. 
=== When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports. You will 
need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them. YOUR 
TOTAL COST $5 X 5=$25.00. 
Within a few days you will receive, via e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 
different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you 
to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of 
these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happen to your computer. 
IMPORTANT - DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, 
or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed below in step 
" 1 through 6 " or you will loose out on majority of your profits. Once you understand 
the way this works, you will also see how it does not work if you change it. Remember, 
this method has been tested, and if you alter, it will NOT work !!! People have tried 
to put their 
friends/relatives names on all five thinking they could get all the money. But it does 
not work this way. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing 
happened. So Do Not try to change anything other than what is instructed. Because if 
you do, it will not work for you. Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!! 
1 After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE the 
name  address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through the cycle 
and is no doubt counting their fortune. 
2 Move the name  address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT # 5. 
3 Move the name  address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT # 4. 
4 Move the name  address in REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT # 3. 
5 Move the name  address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT # 2 
6 Insert YOUR name  address in the REPORT # 1 Position. 
PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name  address ACCURATELY! 
 Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your 
computer. DO