Re: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-07 Thread Major Variola (ret)
t 10:23 AM 6/6/03 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>I certainly never implied in any way that a simple G-M tube would be
>useful for this. Implicit in my radioistope mapping comment was that a
>gamma ray spectrometer would be used.
>And note that this is just what can be easily bought on the open
>market...N.E.S.T. (Nuclear Emergency Search Team) and similar LEO
>people almost certainly have more miniaturized detector setups.

Indeed, there is a group of GeigerCounterEnthusiasts on Yahoo whose
have/make this kind of thing.  You use scintillation plastic &
photomultiplier tubes;
you can get these on eBay.

Sometimes they mount their detectors in cars and find that some sections

of roads are hotter than background, or a hot railroad car.

>For this I used a pair of large sodium
>iodide crystals

which also show up on eBay

>mode that resulted in a pair of gammas sent out in opposite directions.

Also the principle behind PET scans.  Mr. positron meets Ms. electron,
and bang, two little Gammas carry the momentum away...

GM tubes use avalanche to amplify; the scintillators, NaI, semiconductor

junctions measure analogue energy, so you get an energy spectrum.
Add a few comparators and a logic gate and you get a channel.

Pierre Curie didn't die from radiation
poisoning, he was hit by a horse drawn cart

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 04:24 PM 6/6/2003 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:

>I don't think so.

??? public key registered in place of shared-secret?

NACHA debit trials using digitally signed transactions did it with both 
software keys as well as hardware tokens.
in the above scroll down to July 23, 2001 ... has pointer to detailed report?

X9.59 straight forward establishes it as standard  with some activity 
moving on to ISO

pk-init draft for kerberos specifies that public key can be registered in 
place of shared secret.

following has demo of it with radius with public keys registered in place 
of shared-secret.
the radius implementation has been done be a number of people.

in all of these cases, there is change in the business process and/or 
business relationship  doesn't introduce totally unrelated parties to 
the business activities. the is digital signing on the senders side 
(actually a subset of existing PKI technology) and digital signature 
verification on the receivers side (again a subset of existing PKI 
technology). To the extent that there is impact on existing business 
process ... it is like in the case of introducing x9.59 authentication for 
credit transactions that have relatively little authentication currently 
... and as a result would eliminate major portion of the existing credit 
card transaction related fraud.

The big issue isn't the availability of the technology ... although there 
is a slight nit in the asuretee case being FIPS186-2, ecdsa  and having 
support in CAPI and related infrastructures. It not working (easily) is 
like when my wife and I were doing the original payment gateway  with 
this little client/server startup in menlo park (later moved to mountain 
view and have since been bought by AOL) and people saying that SSL didn't 
exist ... misc ref from the past

Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

Micropayments and the incentive program at e-gold

2003-06-07 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Friends,

James A. Donald points out that tens of thousands of
micropayments are being made on the e-gold system
every day.  If we assert that less than a tenth of
a gram of gold is a micropayment, then the web page
gives us some information.
 Spend size  quantity  value involved
0 mg - 1 mg 6959  (Total: 5.60 g)
1 mg - 10 mg4854  (Total: 23.73 g)
10 mg - 100 mg 21825  (Total: 1.04 kg)
A question arises, where do these events come
from?  Mr. Donald offers the thought that the
spends involve the e-gold incentive program, but
thinks some other activities such as per-click
micropayments for banner ads might be involved.
He writes, "Some proportion of these payments must
be e-gold's own referral scheme." JP May offers the
thought that the HYIP or "neoteric gaming" or, in
my view, Ponzi scheme activity may be the major factor.
Let's talk a bit about those events.  Every time
a spend takes place at, there are
several activities which report through.  First,
an account holder authorizes a spend of metal
(we'll stick with gold in this example) from his
account to another account.  Second,
records a "payment receive fee" against the
account of the person receiving the payment in
the amount of 1% of the amount spent, capped at
50 cents.  Third, captures half of
this receive fee and divides the other half between
two other accounts: the account which sponsored
the spender and the account which sponsored the
However, I don't believe that payment receive fees,
spender-sponsor incentive fees, or receiver-sponsor
incentive fees can be involved in *any* of these
micropayments.  Why not?  If that were true, then
every user initiated spend event would generate two
or three automatic spend events on the e-gold system.
A user-initiated spend would generate two auto-spends
in the form of incentive fees to the sponsors of the
spender and the receiver.  It would generate those
two plus a payment receive fee spend to the e-gold
account.  However, that would only represent the
situation if the number of e-gold spends were always
evenly divisible by three or four.  Since the number
of spends I see right now is 72470, and that number
isn't evenly divisible by three nor by four, I
think the incentive program cannot be involved in
the "spends" figure.
Help me out here, Jay Wherley or Jim Ray, if you
would, since you guys at e-gold know the whole
story.  I think "spends" is user-initiated events,
and that *none* of the incentive payments are
counted as spends.  That makes sense, since if
the incentive payments were "spends" on the e-gold
system, they would incur payment receive fees,
and generate further incentive fees, in a rather
recursive fashion - an infinite loop.  What's
more, they would show up in "payments received"
in the account history, whereas they show up
only in the "incentive fees" history. And, the
number of spends, if incentive fees are counted,
would have to be invariably a number evenly
divisible by three, which is not the case in
the instance cited here.  So, it is just a total
non-starter.  The e-gold incentive program is not
a part of the "spends" figure on the stats.html
page at
Next we have to ask whether micropayments arise
as a part of the Ponzi activities.  That may be
true, since we can suppose that Ponzi operators
would want to provide incentive payments to these
jerks who violate the e-gold user agreement and
keep sending spam around.  If there were not
incentive fees paid to spammers, there would be
no reason for the spammers to spam, QED.  Thus,
I suppose that if a Ponzi scheme takes in, say,
$25, it pays out to the referrer some fee like
$1 or twenty-five cents.  I'd have to be a lot
more interested in Ponzis to do the research on
this matter.  Based on the fact that spams which
promote Ponzis are sent out, even though the
account holder risks losing his account if the
spam is reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (see the
account user agreement), then there must be
some sort of incentive payment involved.  As
the spams are a form of advertising, and as
there are probably opt-in lists for Ponzis
and web sites describing various Ponzis, I do
agree with Mr. Donald that "these are mostly
.. payments for ads" though I suspect they
are on a commission-only basis rather than on
a per-click-through basis in most instances.
Finally, we have the question of "anonymity."
Mr. Donald says, "These are non anonymous, in that
e-gold can link payer to payee, but anonymous in
that it laborious to link e-gold account numbers
to true names."  I agree with the first half of
this comma splice sentence.  These payments are
not anonymous.  The payer knows whose account is
being paid, and the payee knows where the payment
came from.
Since the system records an account
history, and since those records are kept in one
of the most litigious jurisdictions on Earth
(the USA), any prosecutor or defense attorney

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread James A. Donald
On 4 Jun 2003 at 20:58, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> it is relatively trivial to demonstrate that public keys can
> be registered in every business process that currently
> registers shared- secrets (pins, passwords, radius, kerberos,
> etc, etc)

I don't think so.

Suppose the e-gold, to prevent this sea of spam trying to get
people to login to fake e-gold sites, wanted people to use
public keys instead of shared secrets, making your secret key
the instrument that controls the account instead of your shared

They could not do this using the standard IE webbrowser.  They
would have to get users to download a custom client, or at
least, like hushmail, a custom control inside IE.

HTTPS assumes that the certificate shall be blessed by the
administrator out of band, and has no mechanism for using a
private key to establish that a user is simply the same user as
last time. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread James A. Donald
On 7 Jun 2003 at 19:05, Dave Howe wrote:
> issuing certs to someone is trivial from both a server and a 
> user endpoint - the user just gets a "click here to request 
> your key" and hits ok on a few dialog boxes; the server 
> simply hosts some pretty off-the-shelf cgi.
> its surprisingly reliable and easy - particuarly if your end 
> users are just using the MS keystore, which requires them to 
> do no more than double-click the pkcs file and hit "next" a 
> few times.

This sounds more like what I was looking for.

Probably someone has already pointed out the url to this, but 
if they did, I when I looked at it I was snowed under by 
verisign oriented shit, which assumes a large budget and ample 
administrator time for face to face contact with certified 
people, a very small number of clients, some hours of work by
each client, a manual, user training, etc, and failed to grasp

Could you point me somewhere that illustates server issued 
certs, certification with zero administrator overhead and small 
end user overhead?

Also, I have many times heard that public key operations were 
surprisingly easy, and have been key administrator for several 
companies, and have unfailingly found that I was the only 
person capable of doing these operations at that company. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread Ian Grigg
Derik asks the pertinant question:
> The question is:  how do we convince M$ and Netscape to include something
> else in their software?  If it's not supported in IE, then it wont be
> available to the vast majority of users out there.

My view, again, IMHO:  ignore Microsoft.  Concentrate
on the open source solutions:  KDE, Mozilla, Apache.

These groups will always lead in security, because
they are not twisted by institutional conflicts;
they can examine historical security model from the
point of view of interested professionals, rather
than commercial actors trying to preserve this or
that revenue stream.

The trick is to understand whether HTTPS as it
currently is can be improved.  If it can, then
those above guys can do it.

Once the improvements are shown to work, Microsoft
will follow along.  They are a follower company,
not an innovator, and they need to see it work in
practice before doing anything.  As Derik suggests,
the vast majority of users will have to wait.

Along those lines, there's one piece of excellent

Eric Rescorla wrote:
> One can simply cache the certificate, exactly as
> one does with SSH. In fact, Mozilla at least does exactly
> this if you tell it to.

That's fantastic!  I never knew that.  How does one
set that option on Mozilla?  (I'm using 5.0 / 1.3.1.)


Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread Anonymous Sender
James A. Donald writes:
> Suppose the e-gold, to prevent this sea of spam trying to get 
> people to login to fake e-gold sites, wanted people to use 
> public keys instead of shared secrets, making your secret key 
> the instrument that controls the account instead of your shared 
> password. 
> They could not do this using the standard IE webbrowser. They 
> would have to get users to download a custom client, or at 
> least, like hushmail, a custom control inside IE. 

Why do you say that?  You were already given pointers to how they
could configure their web servers to use certificate based client
authentication.  These techniques work with standard browsers.  I have
used Netscape to access corporate-internal sites which required me to
have a client certificate.

> HTTPS assumes that the certificate shall be blessed by the 
> administrator out of band, and has no mechanism for using a 
> private key to establish that a user is simply the same user as 
> last time.

HTTPS is just HTTP over SSL/TLS.  It says nothing about the trust model
for the certificates; it merely specifies how each side can deliver its
cert(s) to the other side.  Deciding which ones to trust is out of scope
for TLS or HTTPS.

E-Gold could set things up to allow its customers to authenticate with
certs issued by Verisign, or with considerably more work it could even
issue certs itself that could be used for customer authentication.
Why doesn't it do so?  Well, it's a lot of work, and it would have some
disadvantages - for one thing, customers would have difficulty accessing
their accounts from multiple sites, like at home and at work.  Further,
it would require customers to use some features of their browser that most
of them have never seen, which is going to be difficult and error-prone
for most users.

Re: [] Micropayments and the incentive program at e-gold

2003-06-07 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear James,

Jay Wherley is the head tech guy at so
wwe can rely on his views below.  The incentive
payments and the payment receive fee are not
counted as "spends" for the statistics on the page.
One correspondent suggested to me that there may
be one or more "spread spectrum" accounts.  The
way such an account would work is that a 'bot
would create 10,000 e-gold accounts.  Other
software for bulk payments would be used to
spend one ten thousandth of each payment from
each of these accounts to the intended recipient.
Why do so?  Doing so would diversify the risk of
any one account being closed, make the process
of tracking the account history data much harder
for prosecutors and others with court orders,
and generally enhance privacy to some extent.
Of course, this idea was indicated as a chimera,
something that has been discussed but no one
knows if anyone has ever implemented it.
Meanwhile, I suggest a few games of poker at
I hope this message has been helpful.  Jay's
detailed response below.

From: "Jay W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat Jun 7, 2003  06:19:33 US/Central
Subject: Re: [] Micropayments and the incentive program at 

I realize you have explained this at least 10 times, every time it
comes up every few months, but I alwasy forget and like hearing it
over and over :-)

then hopefully this post is a paroxysm of joy for you JP! ;) :

the deduction of the e-gold spend fee is not included in velocity 
the distribution of any incentive payments per
is not included in velocity numbers. the *only* thing counting as a 
in "e-metal spends" is an e-metal spend (aka payment) from one account 
another initiated by a user doing one of:
a) manually signing into his account and performing a "Spend"
b) checking out at a merchant using e-gold SCI
c) using phone access to make a spend
d) using a program and the e-gold Automation Interface to make a spend

those velocity numbers are totals for the amounts users are spending
to other users. they do not include any other thing like fees, storage
charges, or incentive payments.

possibly the most informative, accurate and timely economic statistics
on earth - possibly the universe!! ;)
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Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread Dave Howe
Anonymous Sender wrote:
> James A. Donald writes:
> E-Gold could set things up to allow its customers to authenticate with
> certs issued by Verisign, or with considerably more work it could even
> issue certs itself that could be used for customer authentication.
> Why doesn't it do so?  Well, it's a lot of work,
Nope. issuing certs to someone is trivial from both a server and a user
endpoint - the user just gets a "click here to request your key" and hits ok
on a few dialog boxes; the server simply hosts some pretty off-the-shelf

> and it would have
> some disadvantages - for one thing, customers would have difficulty
> accessing their accounts from multiple sites, like at home and at
> work.
Not so much that as have a much bigger security issue. Maintaining keys
securely would then become a task for the client, and while keeping a
written password secret is something most people can handle the concept of,
keeping a block of computer data safe from random trojans while exporting it
to be transported between machines is much, much harder.
Of course, you *could* generate the key entirely locally on the server,
protecting it with a HTTPS download, and protect it with the enduser's
password (not sure how secure the PKCS password is - if it isn't, then use
some self-decoding-exe like the 7z one) but that still wouldn't force the
end user to do more than hit "import" and have it stored insecurely on their
client machine.

> Further,
> it would require customers to use some features of their browser that
> most of them have never seen, which is going to be difficult and
> error-prone for most users.
its surprisingly reliable and easy - particuarly if your end users are just
using the MS keystore, which requires them to do no more than double-click
the pkcs file and hit "next" a few times.

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread t . c . jones
my site has one.
> --
> On 7 Jun 2003 at 19:05, Dave Howe wrote:
> > issuing certs to someone is trivial from both a server and a 
> > user endpoint - the user just gets a "click here to request 
> > your key" and hits ok on a few dialog boxes; the server 
> > simply hosts some pretty off-the-shelf cgi.
> >[...]
> > its surprisingly reliable and easy - particuarly if your end 
> > users are just using the MS keystore, which requires them to 
> > do no more than double-click the pkcs file and hit "next" a 
> > few times.
> This sounds more like what I was looking for.
> Probably someone has already pointed out the url to this, but 
> if they did, I when I looked at it I was snowed under by 
> verisign oriented shit, which assumes a large budget and ample 
> administrator time for face to face contact with certified 
> people, a very small number of clients, some hours of work by
> each client, a manual, user training, etc, and failed to grasp
> it.
> Could you point me somewhere that illustates server issued 
> certs, certification with zero administrator overhead and small 
> end user overhead?
> Also, I have many times heard that public key operations were 
> surprisingly easy, and have been key administrator for several 
> companies, and have unfailingly found that I was the only 
> person capable of doing these operations at that company. 
> --digsig
>  James A. Donald
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> -
> The Cryptography Mailing List
> Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
> > Certificate caching is not the problem that needs solving.
> > The problem is all this spam attempting to fool people into
> > logging in to fake BofA websites and fake e-gold websites,
> > to steal their passwords or credit card numbers

On 6 Jun 2003 at 15:04, Tim Dierks wrote:
> I don't think this problem is easier to solve (or at least I
> sure don't know how to solve it).

It is a hard problem with many well known solutions, none of
which have to my knowledge been implemented in HTTPS.  For
example one can use SPEKE, in which case setting up the account
involves sharing (or issuing) a password, but logging in to the
account does not require one to reveal the password to the site
where one is logging in.   In this case the fake website would
gain no useful information by luring the user to login to it.

The most HTTPS like solution would be to generate a keyfile
containing a self signed private key on one's computer, and
whenever one hit the website, it would do the HTTPS handshake
to log you in to that website's account for the public key
corresponding to your private key, however HTTPS does not seem
to directly support this model.   In this case the bogus web
site could log you in, but this would not leak any information
that would enable the operators of the bogus web site to login
to the real web site. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 06:08:34PM -0400, Ian Grigg wrote:
> Derik asks the pertinant question:
> > The question is:  how do we convince M$ and Netscape to include something
> > else in their software?  If it's not supported in IE, then it wont be
> > available to the vast majority of users out there.
> My view, again, IMHO:  ignore Microsoft.  Concentrate
> on the open source solutions:  KDE, Mozilla, Apache.

   Mozilla already has a pretty neat interface to gnupg, called Enigmail. See

Harmon Seaver   

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread Dave Howe
James A. Donald wrote:
> Could you point me somewhere that illustates server issued
> certs, certification with zero administrator overhead and small
> end user overhead?
Been a while since I played with it, but IIRC OpenCA ( is a
full implimentation of a CA, in perl cgi, with no admin intervention
required.  Obviously, that involves browser-based key generation.
If you want server-based key generation, then take a look at

If you are iis/asp rather than perl, then there are activex components that
will give you access to x509 certificates - EBCrypt is probably the easiest,
but there is a activex wrapper for cryptlib too, iirc.

PGP8 paranoia ?

2003-06-07 Thread Anonymous
PGP 8 on XP declares all public (encrypting) keys created by 2.6.2 in 1998 or earlier 
to have "revoked user ID" and will not encrypt with them.

1999 keys work.

A bug or strong keys ?

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-07 Thread Peter Gutmann
Derek Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Actually, the ASN.1 part is a major factor in the X.509 interoperability
>problems.  Different cert vendors include different extensions, or different
>encodings.  They put different information into different parts of the
>certificate (or indeed the same information into different parts).  Does the
>FQDN for a server cert belong in the DN or some extension?  What about the
>email address for a user cert?

That doesn't really have anything to do with ASN.1 though.  You can make just
as big a mess with XML (actually even bigger, in my experience), or EDIFACT,
or whatever.  The problem isn't the bit-bagging format, it's that it's
accumulated such a mass of cruft that no two people can agree on what to put
in there.  Whether the resulting mess is wrapped in ASN.1 or XML or EDIFACT or
plastic pooper scooper bags doesn't really make any difference.


The perils of anonymous, not-so-digital cash

2003-06-07 Thread Peter Wayner
Two million in bearer bonds stolen along with the safe that held them:

RE: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-07 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Trei, Peter wrote:

> It appears that they can't tell the medical isotopes from others

They have no chance to distinguish isotope type with just a plain Geiger.
For an identification, they would need a gamma spectrometer, which is a
toy that AFAIK is not yet portable and cheap enough for mass deployment.

Re: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-07 Thread Tim May
On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 08:26  AM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Trei, Peter wrote:

It appears that they can't tell the medical isotopes from others
They have no chance to distinguish isotope type with just a plain 
For an identification, they would need a gamma spectrometer, which is a
toy that AFAIK is not yet portable and cheap enough for mass 

I certainly never implied in any way that a simple G-M tube would be 
useful for this. Implicit in my radioistope mapping comment was that a 
gamma ray spectrometer would be used.

As for portability, the one I used in my lab in 1979-82 was not 
terribly heavy. The heaviest part was the LN dewar, which was large and 
floor-standing. A large dewar is certainly not needed.

The rest of the assembly, even 20 years ago, was mostly portable: the 
germanium detector head, some preamps and pulse-height analyzers, and a 
multichannel analyzer. Most of this stuff is now done on laptops, the 
MCA and analysis software part. Without researching this on the Net, I 
would thus conjecture the entire gamma ray spectrometer could fit in a 
small carry-on case, using a small dewar.

Certainly for the cost of operating a light plane, such a spectrometer 
would be a minor cost by comparison.

And note that this is just what can be easily bought on the open 
market...N.E.S.T. (Nuclear Emergency Search Team) and similar LEO 
people almost certainly have more miniaturized detector setups.

I expect most of the N.E.S.T. detectors are also gamma ray 
spectrometers, probably now so portable they fit unobtrusively into 
briefcases for use in crowded areas. As we discussed a few months ago 
(and I think I discussed this in _particular_ with Thomas!), the S/N 
advantages of using a spectrometer are enormous. Thousand-to-one 
improvements in general S/N are easily achievable. Even more if the MCA 
software is looking for pairs or triples or n-tuples of gamma peaks and 
inferring likely radioisotopes.

(I used this approach in 1981 to solve a major problem in IBM computers 
which were using Intel chips...and I don't mean the alpha particle soft 
error problem. This was a different problem, involving a beta source 
trapped in some of the packages. For this I used a pair of large sodium 
iodide crystals (which my well-equipped lab just happened to have in a 
storage cabinet, fortunately for us) and looked for a specific decay 
mode that resulted in a pair of gammas sent out in opposite directions. 
By using coincidence logic over microsecond intervals, enormous 
improvements in S/N could be achieved. Basically, background radiation 
vanished and only the specific beta decay mode we were looking for 

--Tim May

--Tim May
"Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice."--Barry Goldwater