[Mac_crypto] I would like to shut down Mac-Crypto and Net-Thinkers..

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

From: Vinnie Moscaritolo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mac_crypto] I would like to shut down Mac-Crypto and Net-Thinkers..
List-Id: Macintosh Cryptography mac_crypto.vmeng.com
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Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 10:42:57 -0800

It's been fun folks, but I am tired of dealing with all the spam that these two
lists attract..  maybe someone else can volunteer to run such a list.

I say this... when we started the list, I was worried about the mac missing the
crypto boat, we have come a long way since then, and we still got a long
way to go..

I'll leave the lists around for a few weeks,  in case a discussion pops
up about moving the list elsewhere..

Vinnie Moscaritolo  ITCB-IMSH
PGP: 3F903472C3AF622D5D918D9BD8B100090B3EF042

When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
 - USMC training bulletin.

mac_crypto mailing list

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Bowman Aims at Interoperability Target

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga

 - Military Information Technology

Bowman Aims at Interoperability Target
The British military is beginning battalion field tests of a tactical
communications system that will not only bring digitization to all U.K.
ground units, but also improve interoperability.
By Adam Baddeley

The British military was scheduled late this fall to begin battalion field
tests of a tactical communications system that would not only bring
digitization to all U.K. ground units, but also enable it to interoperate
with U.S. forces more closely than ever before.

Both countries are now working via a recently signed memorandum of
understanding to make their Tactical Internets fully interoperable by first
adding the waveform for the British program, known as Bowman, to the U.S.
Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) waveform library. In addition, officials
reportedly are now discussing the sharing of each country's crypto, which
is something that has never been done before.

Computing Devices Canada-now General Dynamics UK (GD UK)-was awarded the $3
billion Bowman contract in 2001. The solution is an improved version of
Canada's IRIS System that includes a fourfold increase in data throughput
at the VHF level and the introduction of a wideband networking radio to
provide a further data transport backbone.

Delays, revisions to the requirement and failures by the British
government's original selection for Bowman to satisfy concerns about cost,
schedule and integration had led to massive overruns for Bowman's original
in service date (ISD) of 1995. GD UK promised the entire solution would be
fielded over three years, beginning in March 2004. This will extend, for
the first time, digitization to each vehicle and squad throughout the
British Army, Marines and Royal Air Force ground units, and mark a major
change from the current analog Clansman system.

The Bowman ISD is really the significant point. That is when the United
Kingdom will have a secure, frequency-hopping communications system, with a
fairly complex self-organizing network, capable of fairly large amounts of
data throughput, said Larry Johnson, managing director of GD UK.

The size of the contract is massive. In terms of deliverables, Bowman
covers 41,498 HF and VHF Combat Net Radios; 3,458 High Capacity Data Radios
(HCDR); 10,669 Local Area Sub-system (LAS) installations; and 26,498
computers. The equipment will be installed on 133 naval vessels in 20
types, 239 aircraft in four types, 22,832 vehicles covering 181 types, and
used by 102,244 trained service personnel.

One illustration of the size of the program is the fact that for the Harris
RF Communications Division, a $200 million Bowman subcontract for more than
10,000 HF radios was the business unit's largest contract ever, explained
Chris Aebli, the company's Bowman program manager.

As a follow-on to the Bowman contract, GD UK contracted in 2001 to deliver
the ComBAT (Common Battlefield Application Toolset) Infrastructure and
Platform (CIP) BISA (Battlefield Information System Application), which
although contracted separately, is an integral part of Bowman. This
provides the battle management functionality and underlying physical and
information architecture for other BISA's to plug into, analogous to the
applications that are part of the U.S. Army's Army Battle Command System
suite of systems.

Trans-Atlantic Development

Bowman comprises U.S.-designed radios manufactured in Britain. The primary
radio used is the ITT Advanced Digital Radio Plus (ADR+), which in effect
is a SINCGARS (Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems) ASIP
(Advanced System Improvement Program) radio modified for U.K. requirements.

The SINCGARS ASIP radio, in the hands of U.S. forces today, and the U.K.'s
ADR+ represent the core of both countries' Tactical Internets for the
foreseeable future and share a common heritage. Although the basic SINCGARS
was fielded from the late 1980s, work on the next generation SINCGARS for
the United States coincided with the British requirements for the ADR+.
Developments made by ITT for one user's needs were used to support
requirements on the other side of the Atlantic in a de facto co-evolution
throughout the 1990s.

Peter Bedwin, managing director of ITT's U.K. unit, explained that his
company's work on developing the ADR+ baseline in the areas of Internet
compatibility, improved waveforms and Forward Error Correction were brought
back over the Atlantic for SINCGARS. British requirements for a much
smaller radio led to the half sized ground and airborne SIP SINCGARS for
the United States, with both countries' requirements for an improved data
capability waveform helping each other's needs.

There are important differences, however. The British requirement mandated
a U.K. waveform, Pritchell cryptography and an embedded Global Positioning
System (GPS). The military GPS systems for Bowman are the Rockwell Collins
handheld Precision 

Re: Non-repudiation (was RE: The PAIN mnemonic)

2004-01-02 Thread John Kelsey
 At 06:24 PM 12/23/03 -0700, Richard Johnson wrote:
In my eperience, the terminology has more often been confidentiality,
integrity, and authentication.  Call it CIA if you need an acronym easy
to memorize, if only due to its ironic similarity with that for the name of
a certain US government agency. :-)
Surely a better government-related TLA for this would be derived from 
Non-changeability, Secrecy, and Authentication  :)

--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP: FA48 3237 9AD5 30AC EEDD  BBC8 2A80 6948 4CAA F259
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Re: I don't know PAIN...

2004-01-02 Thread John Kelsey
At 12:38 PM 12/29/03 -0500, Jerrold Leichter wrote:
Merkle's knapsack systems (which didn't work out for other reasons) had the
property that the public key was computed directly from the private key.
(The private key had a special form, while the public key was supposed to
look like a random instance of the knapsack problem.)
This is the same for discrete log schemes, in general.  (Maybe there are 
some for which it's not the case.)  Your private key is x, your public key 
is g^x mod p.  Also for one-time signature schemes and their hash-tree 
based extensions, which use nothing but a hash function, and for all the 
variants of the Merkle puzzle schemes I can think of.  (Which are public 
key, but just barely.)

-- Jerry
--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP: FA48 3237 9AD5 30AC EEDD  BBC8 2A80 6948 4CAA F259
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Re: why penny black etc. are not very useful (could crypto stop spam??)

2004-01-02 Thread Amir Herzberg
At 17:38 30/12/2003, Perry wrote:

In my opinion, the various hashcash-to-stop-spam style schemes are not
very useful, because spammers now routinely use automation to break
into vast numbers of home computers and use them to send their
spam. They're not paying for CPU time or other resources, so they
True. But, as Ben noted, the user of the machine could and should care 
about the resource. Now one may claim that many users don't pay attention 
to viruses stealing huge amounts of their CPU time. So I agree that the 
`waste CPU time to pay for sending mail` may have limited effect to stop 
spam. I also rather dislike the notion of wasting resources to send every 
e-mail. But where I quite disagree with you is when you say...
1. We need public key authentication of all mail. Well, I'll point
out that large integers are cheap and plentiful. Authenticated
spam is pretty much as bad as non-Authenticated spam. If we use
IMHO, your conclusion is wrong: cryptographic authentication could be a 
critical tool to stop spam; someone in our community should do this (write 
the software) already... How? E-mail (at least from new correspondents) 
must be signed by an `anti-spam mail certification authority (ASMCA)` - 
often the ISP of the sender. Recipient's mail client (or server) will 
reject mail (from new correspondents) not certified by a trustworthy ASMCA. 
If the mail was not rejected but later identified (by end user) as spam, 
the recipient client/ISP will not only know not to trust the sender's 
ASMCA, they will also have `proof` that this ASMCA approved (signed) this 
spam, so they can inform other ASMCA's and mail client/servers.

- ASMCA's have strong incentive not to approve spam. They'll use 
appropriate measures, mainly: filtering tools and punishing spammers 
(blocking accounts, charging fines, etc.)
- End users whose machines were broken into will be notified by their ASMCA 
(usually ISP), when it detects the spamming by filtering tools or by 
complaints, and will (1) know there's a problem and take measures to get 
rid of the spamming trojan horse and  (2) maybe be a bit more careful about 
the machine in the future.

Desired side effects:
- users will also enjoy e-mail authentication (and confidentiality could be 
added trivially) - which in particular will make it a bit more difficult 
for e-mail viruses to propagate.

What's the bug in this simple solution? If anybody wants to implement I'm 
willing to assist in developing/validating the protocols.

Best regards,

Amir Herzberg
Computer Science Department, Bar Ilan University
Homepage (and lectures in applied cryptography, secure communication and 
commerce): http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~herzbea

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World's most mysterious book may be a hoax: The Voynich manuscript may be elegant gibberish.

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga
  updated at midnight GMTtoday is thursday, january 1
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World's most mysterious book may be a hoax
The Voynich manuscript may be elegant gibberish.
17 December 2003

Using a Cardan grille the manuscript could have been written in three months.

© G. Rugg

A strange sixteenth-century book may be cunningly crafted nonsense, says a
computer scientist. Gordon Rugg has used the techniques of Elizabethan
espionage to recreate the Voynich manuscript, which has stumped
code-breakers and linguists for nearly a century1.

I've shown that a hoax is a feasible explanation, says Rugg, who works at
Keele University, UK. Now it's up to believers in a code to produce
evidence to support their ideas. He suspects that English adventurer
Edward Kelley produced the Voynich to con Rudolph II, Holy Roman Emperor
and collector of antiquities, out of a fortune in gold.

The explanation is plausible, but not conclusive, say Voynich scholars.
It's an excellent piece of work, says Philip Neal, a former medievalist
based in London. I haven't given up hope that the manuscript contains
meaning, but this makes it less likely.

Page turner

The Voynich manuscript is often described as the world's most mysterious
book. It is hand-written in a unique alphabet, about 250 pages long, and
contains pictures of unrecognizable flowers, naked nymphs and astrological

The manuscript first appeared in the late 1500s, when Rudolph II bought it
in Prague from an unknown seller for 600 ducats - about 3.5 kilograms of
gold, worth more than US$50,000 today. The book passed from Rudolph to
noblemen and scholars, before disappearing in the late 1600s.

It surfaced again around 1912, when US book dealer Wilfrid Voynich bought
it. The manuscript was donated to Yale University after Voynich's death.

No one has worked out whether Voynichese is a code, an idiosyncratic
translation of a known tongue, or gibberish. The text contains some
features that are not seen in any language. The most common words are often
repeated two or three times, for example - the equivalent of English using
'and and and' - giving weight to the hoax theory.

On the other hand, some aspects, such as the pattern of word lengths and
the ways in which characters and syllables occur with each other, are
similar to real languages. Many people have believed that it is too
complicated to be a hoax - that it would have taken some mad alchemist
years to get such regularity, says Rugg.

Table setting

But this complexity could have been produced easily, Rugg demonstrates,
with an encryption device invented around 1550 called a Cardan grille. This
is a table of characters. Moving a piece of card with holes cut in it over
the table makes words. Gaps in the table ensure different-length words.

Using such grilles on table of Voynichese syllables, Rugg has produced a
language with many, although not all, of the manuscript's features. About
three months' work would have been enough to produce the entire book, he

It's an interesting angle, but it's too early to say whether it's
correct, says Nick Pelling, a computer programmer based in Surbiton, UK,
who also studies cryptography and the Voynich.

To prove that the manuscript is a hoax, one would need to produce entire
sections using this technique, says Pelling. Tweaking the grilles and
tables should make this possible, reckons Rugg.

Code book

It seems that the Voynich resists deciphering attempts because its author
knew enough about codes to make the text plausible yet hard to crack.

The book appears to contain cross-referencing, just the kind of thing that
cryptographers look for. The characters of Voynichese are also ambiguously
written, so it is hard to work out how large the alphabet is, and drawing
naked figures makes it impossible to date the text by styles of dress.

I haven't given up hope that the manuscript contains meaning

Philip Neal, medievalist

The chief suspect for producing the book is known to have used Cardan
grilles. As well as a cryptographer and inventor of languages, Edward
Kelley was a forger, mystic, alchemist, mercenary and wife-swapper. He
travelled to Prague to meet with Rudolph in 1584, and may have sold him the
manuscript then. Kelley was lost to history after escaping from prison at
the end of the sixteenth century.

If it's a hoax Kelley is the obvious candidate, says Neal. But he adds
that Rudolph bought many alchemical texts that are far cruder forgeries
than the Voynich manuscript. Rudolph was easily fooled. If the Voynich was
a hoax by Kelley, it looks a bit like overkill, Neal says.

 1. Rugg, G. An elegant hoax? A possible solution to the Voynich
manuscript. Cryptologia, (in the press).|Homepage|

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 

Review: Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction,

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga

The Online Newspaper for Linux and Open Source

Linux Advisory Watch - January 2, 2004

2004.01.02 8:00



This week, advisories were released for xsok, cvs, and proftpd. The
distributors include Debian, Gentoo, and Mandrake.

One of the best parts of having a profession in information security and
IT, is the opportunity to continue learning. To survive, one must
constantly stay on top of changing technology. The problem with this is
that most of us do not have time to read books, journals, or simply conduct
adequate research on the Internet. We are constantly trying to extinguish
fires and only gather enough information to do a particular job.
Unfortunately, it seems there is never enough time to simply read a little
deeper, just to satisfy our own curiosities.

Being the new year, many of us have made new year's resolutions. For most
of us in IT, this involves learning something new. Perhaps you wish to
learn a new programming language, diagramming technique, or wish to build a
personal server for a particular function. Many of us have no trouble
making personal goals, but following through is a different story.
Something that has worked well for me in the past is starting small, and
trying to accomplish the smallest tasks first. This will give you the
feeling that progress is being made and the momentum will push you through
the larger tasks. For example, if you have seven books you wish to read
this year, read the smallest one first.
For those of you who wish to have a better understanding of cryptography in
2004, I have found the perfect book to get you started. It is,
Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction, by Fred Piper and Sean Murphy.
This book was published by Oxford press in 2002. Rather than give specific
implementation examples, this book focuses on how several modern algorithms
work, uses of cryptography, and key management. This book will gives the
proper foundation of knowledge necessary to evaluate products and vendor
claims. Also, if you are planning a large crypto software development
project this year, this book is the perfect primer to other more specific
cryptography related books.

The book is only 142 pages long and can fit in a shirt pocket. It is well
written and easy to read. The book is filled with tables, charts, and
examples to explain the concepts. This book should be read by upper
management and all others down the chain. It could serve to demystify the
purpose and uses of cryptography in any organization.

The book can be easily found at Amazon.com for $9.95 USD.

Until next time, cheers!
Benjamin D. Thomas

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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Re: Meander - from penny black back to TCB protections

2004-01-02 Thread Victor . Duchovni
On Thu, 1 Jan 2004, Ed Reed wrote:

 I'm curious, Victor - do you use any functions to verify that the
 email address is live to insure that a valid reply is possible?

No, this is not known to scale well to large sites. Also widespread
adoption of sender verification encourages joe-jobbing, for the victim the
torrent of spam bounces and abuse complaints are worse than spam (one of
my users was getting 1 messages for a while...).

A high quality open proxy/open relay RBL combined with a good spam
detector (Spam Assasin or a commercial offering) are good enough in

A lot of the damage to email infrastructure associated with spam is caused
by misguided spam-fighters, rather than spam itself.

I am waiting for the law to be enforced, not for CPU waste proofs.


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Re: why penny black etc. are not very useful (could crypto stop spam??)

2004-01-02 Thread john saylor

Amir Herzberg wrote:
E-mail (at least from new 
correspondents) must be signed by an `anti-spam mail certification 
authority (ASMCA)` - often the ISP of the sender. Recipient's mail 
client (or server) will reject mail (from new correspondents) not 
certified by a trustworthy ASMCA.
ok, but is it a 'web of trust' model [pgp] with many decentralized 
ASMCAs [or whatever they're called], or a 'pay to play' model where an 
authority [verisign] decides which mail gets the bits or not.

the technology exists, and would work. the problem [as is often the 
case], comes with the human interface to the technology. i am very 
skeptical of how much better things would be in a 'pay to play' 
scenario. we'd just get different kinds of spam without lessening the flow.

- ASMCA's have strong incentive not to approve spam.
if they can make more money by approving it, they will. i wish it were 

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Re: why penny black etc. are not very useful (could crypto stop spam??)

2004-01-02 Thread Victor . Duchovni
On Thu, 1 Jan 2004, Amir Herzberg wrote:

 IMHO, your conclusion is wrong: cryptographic authentication could be a
 critical tool to stop spam; someone in our community should do this (write
 the software) already... How? E-mail (at least from new correspondents)
 must be signed by an `anti-spam mail certification authority (ASMCA)` -
 often the ISP of the sender. Recipient's mail client (or server) will
 reject mail (from new correspondents) not certified by a trustworthy ASMCA.
 If the mail was not rejected but later identified (by end user) as spam,
 the recipient client/ISP will not only know not to trust the sender's
 ASMCA, they will also have `proof` that this ASMCA approved (signed) this
 spam, so they can inform other ASMCA's and mail client/servers.

This is impractical. No such infrastructure will exist. Trust management
on the scale your propose is not feasible or desirable. The key feature of
email and what makes it the Internet's killer application is that anyone
can send email to anyone else. No central authority is needed to vouch for
the sender or the content.

Again, we do not need to cripple email to stop spam. For my mailbox, of
the 1000 spam messages a month that get past the RBL, 925 are caught by
the spam filter. I am left with 2-3 spam messages a day, why again do we
need to cripple the most important application on the Internet?


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Re: [OT] Encryption

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 21:08:21 +0100
Subject: Re: [OT] Encryption
From: Robert Tito [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Kyle Moffett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Cocoa Development [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Shawn Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Id: Discussions regarding native Mac OS X application development
using Cocoa frameworks. cocoa-dev.lists.apple.com
List-Post: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Subscribe: http://www.lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/cocoa-dev,

On 2-1-2004 20:40, Kyle Moffett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On Jan 02, 2004, at 14:11, Robert Tito wrote:

 On 2-1-2004 20:08, Shawn Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you tell us the name of the product?

 Note that describing the algorithm used in an encryption technology
 does not imply one has to open your code up but just describe the
 ciphers methodology. In absence of that it is hard for anyone to
 the ability of the algorithm.

 For example RSA's RC5 is described [1] yet not open sourced. It is
 patented and requires licensing to use.

 It sounds like you may have had some type of public/government
 verification that has taken place...?


 Its called Salutis.

 Do you have a link or a web-page that describes the product?  Where
 might one find more information about said product?  Perhaps a link to
 the government classification standard you claim to be meeting,
 including the identity of the third-party that verified your
 level.  Please note that I do not want your assembly or C++ code, nor
 do I even want pseudo-code, though pseudo-code is acceptable if you
 want to provide it, it's just a little harder to read.  All I was
 asking for was
 the mathematical procedure(s) you use for encryption.  All of the
 cryptographic experts that I know tell me that anyone who will not
 provide a description of their encryption system for anyone who asks is
 just selling snake-oil in the form of a cryptographic application.

 Kyle Moffett

 Version: 3.12
 GCM/CS/IT/U d- s++: a16 C$ UB/L/X/*(+)$ P+++()$
 L(+++) E W++(+) N+++(++) o? K? w--- O? M++ V? PS+() PE+(-) Y+
 PGP? t+(+++) 5 X R? tv-(--) b(++) DI+ D+ G e-$ h!*()++$ r

 Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)

 cocoa-dev mailing list | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.

The information is available at www.vgz.nl, when you use contact an english
version and additional information can and will be sent, so far we have just
put up a Dutch site as we are a Dutch company working for the Dutch
department of justice and Department of Finance and the police.
But the FBI and NSA and CIA have tried to crack our solutuion (meaning the
encrypted file) but they failed. Because once the encryption starts it is
impossible to provide a backdoor the solution is pretty safe. And not very
welcomed by those US services: it provides absolute level 4 secrecy.

Rob Tito
++31 - (0)621 - 824722
The changes we wish to see need to come from within us
M. Gandhi
3Freedom is not worth having if it doesn't include the freedom to make
M. Ghandi
3Friends are dear, cherish them2
R.P. Tito
cocoa-dev mailing list | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

The Cryptography Mailing List
Unsubscribe by sending unsubscribe cryptography to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Encryption

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 20:59:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [OT] Encryption
From: Robert Tito [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Kyle Moffett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Cocoa Development [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Shawn Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Id: Discussions regarding native Mac OS X application development
using Cocoa frameworks. cocoa-dev.lists.apple.com
List-Post: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Subscribe: http://www.lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/cocoa-dev,

On 2-1-2004 20:40, Kyle Moffett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On Jan 02, 2004, at 14:11, Robert Tito wrote:

 On 2-1-2004 20:08, Shawn Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you tell us the name of the product?

 Note that describing the algorithm used in an encryption technology
 does not imply one has to open your code up but just describe the
 ciphers methodology. In absence of that it is hard for anyone to
 the ability of the algorithm.

 For example RSA's RC5 is described [1] yet not open sourced. It is
 patented and requires licensing to use.

 It sounds like you may have had some type of public/government
 verification that has taken place...?


 Its called Salutis.

 Do you have a link or a web-page that describes the product?  Where
 might one find more information about said product?  Perhaps a link to
 the government classification standard you claim to be meeting,
 including the identity of the third-party that verified your
 level.  Please note that I do not want your assembly or C++ code, nor
 do I even want pseudo-code, though pseudo-code is acceptable if you
 want to provide it, it's just a little harder to read.  All I was
 asking for was
 the mathematical procedure(s) you use for encryption.  All of the
 cryptographic experts that I know tell me that anyone who will not
 provide a description of their encryption system for anyone who asks is
 just selling snake-oil in the form of a cryptographic application.

 Kyle Moffett

 Version: 3.12
 GCM/CS/IT/U d- s++: a16 C$ UB/L/X/*(+)$ P+++()$
 L(+++) E W++(+) N+++(++) o? K? w--- O? M++ V? PS+() PE+(-) Y+
 PGP? t+(+++) 5 X R? tv-(--) b(++) DI+ D+ G e-$ h!*()++$ r

 Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


This is as far as I can go without infringing out pending patent:
It is a timedependent polymorphic polymetric engine that changes an engine
(randomy chosen out of 10 with a max of 5 engines per file per segment of
256 byte of that file). The timestamp determines for the decrypting engine
and the encrypting engine where to start within the file so the start never
is at byte 1 but follow a timedependent sequence along the file filling up
empty space with white noise.

Because the key is actually the file itself we do not use a public key, only
a key that has to be generated and that is user AND hardware dependent
meaning that a change of hard disk enforces you to get your new encryption
key, one you generate yourself on your own machine. Networkcards are
included as well as BIOS. That way one can safely (more safe as with
Verisign et al) the sender indeed is the person who claims he or she is.
Per site there has to be a person responsible for distributing this file
that in itself has no meaning for anyone who has not been given privileges
by that person or who is outside that domain.
Because the file is the key itself there exist an immense timing problem the
way we solved that is patent pending.
So far we have implemented it on all windows version below 2003
But we plan to extend to linux and os x

The problem being: we need the assembler code for the different processors
and the proper way to implement them without too much hardware and OS

The encryption engines used are all publicly available. So I need not
elaborate on these.

It was thought not possible to create a polymorphic polymetrical encryption
engine, we have done it. And even included a timedependency within it.

An other advantage is when the license expires you can still decrypt older
messages but cannot encrypt new ones - contrary to all other PKI/PKC

I hope this gives some insight


Rob Tito
++31 - (0)621 - 824722
The changes we wish to see need to come from within us
M. Gandhi
3Freedom is not worth having if it doesn't include the freedom to make
M. Ghandi
3Friends are dear, cherish them2
R.P. Tito
cocoa-dev mailing list | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Encryption

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga

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Cc: Cocoa Development [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Shawn Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Kyle Moffett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] Encryption
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 15:30:53 -0500
List-Id: Discussions regarding native Mac OS X application development
using Cocoa frameworks. cocoa-dev.lists.apple.com
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On Jan 02, 2004, at 14:59, Robert Tito wrote:

 On 2-1-2004 20:40, Kyle Moffett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On Jan 02, 2004, at 14:11, Robert Tito wrote:

 On 2-1-2004 20:08, Shawn Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you tell us the name of the product?

 Note that describing the algorithm used in an encryption technology
 does not imply one has to open your code up but just describe the
 ciphers methodology. In absence of that it is hard for anyone to
 the ability of the algorithm.

 For example RSA's RC5 is described [1] yet not open sourced. It is
 patented and requires licensing to use.

 It sounds like you may have had some type of public/government
 verification that has taken place...?


 Its called Salutis.

 Do you have a link or a web-page that describes the product?  Where
 might one find more information about said product?  Perhaps a link to
 the government classification standard you claim to be meeting,
 including the identity of the third-party that verified your

You have not answered this question.  Where exactly is additional
information on this product?  If you intend to sell it, it would be
wise to
provide a link to more information.

 This is as far as I can go without infringing out pending patent:

Giving out information is not infringing on a patent, pending or not.
A patent,
in fact, requires the publishing of all of the details of the engine
and encryption
itself.  There might be company policy regarding the issue, but there
is no law
against it.

 It is a timedependent polymorphic polymetric engine that changes an
 (randomy chosen out of 10 with a max of 5 engines per file per segment
 256 byte of that file). The timestamp determines for the decrypting
 and the encrypting engine where to start within the file so the start
 is at byte 1 but follow a timedependent sequence along the file
 filling up
 empty space with white noise.

This makes very little sense, and seems much like marketing babble.  So
take a file full of garbage, then stick a timestamp somewhere in there
when hashed indicates where to start in the file, filling up with data.
somehow you encrypt the data using a series of engines.  This is utterly
useless in terms of determining the security level of the engine.
OTOH, the
extreme complexity alone, in combination with the obscurity you appear
be relying on in the encryption software makes me very suspicious.

 Because the key is actually the file itself we do not use a public
 key, only
 a key that has to be generated and that is user AND hardware dependent
 meaning that a change of hard disk enforces you to get your new
 key, one you generate yourself on your own machine. Networkcards are
 included as well as BIOS. That way one can safely (more safe as with
 Verisign et al) the sender indeed is the person who claims he or she
 Per site there has to be a person responsible for distributing this
 that in itself has no meaning for anyone who has not been given
 by that person or who is outside that domain.
 Because the file is the key itself there exist an immense timing
 problem the
 way we solved that is patent pending.
 So far we have implemented it on all windows version below 2003
 But we plan to extend to linux and os x

Please read up on the current uses of encryption in the workplace
documents and such).  Something that relied upon recreating the key
time you upgraded your hardware would be less than useless.

 The problem being: we need the assembler code for the different
 and the proper way to implement them without too much hardware and OS

Why assembly?  Assembly is only needed in an OS kernel in a few places,
for efficiency reasons.  Even then, C and C++ compilers are plenty

 The encryption engines used are all publicly available. So I need not
 elaborate on these.

Which engines?  If you use publicly available software please indicate

 It was thought not possible to create a polymorphic polymetrical
 engine, we have done it. And even included a timedependency within it.

The polymorphic polymetrical makes little or no sense.  What are you

 An other advantage is when the license expires you can still decrypt

Re: [OT] Encryption

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Cc: Cocoa Development [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Shawn Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Sherm Pendley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] Encryption
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 16:20:50 -0500
List-Id: Discussions regarding native Mac OS X application development
using Cocoa frameworks. cocoa-dev.lists.apple.com
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On Jan 2, 2004, at 3:08 PM, Robert Tito wrote:

 But the FBI and NSA and CIA have tried to crack our solutuion (meaning
 encrypted file) but they failed.

How do you know they failed? If they succeeded, they wouldn't tell you
about it.

One of the basic tenets of applied cryptology is that cracking a code
is only useful until your target becomes aware that his code has been
cracked. At that point, he will either switch codes, or start feeding
you misinformation with the code that's been compromised.

Frankly my friend, you're losing credibility with each post you make.
Not only do your technical explanations make no sense, you don't seem
to have much of a grasp on how encryption is used in the real world.

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R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: [OT] Encryption

2004-01-02 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 16:50:44 -0500
To: Robert Tito [EMAIL PROTECTED],
From: R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] Encryption
Cc: Cocoa Development [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Shawn Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Id: Discussions regarding native Mac OS X application development
using Cocoa frameworks. cocoa-dev.lists.apple.com
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List-Help: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Subscribe: http://www.lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/cocoa-dev,

At 10:37 PM +0100 1/2/04, Robert Tito wrote:
We know, because they wouldnt give us a clearance for the us if we didnt
include a backdoor

Game. Set. And match.

Thank you for playing...

Someone throw some sand down on the floor before someone slips and falls,

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
cocoa-dev mailing list | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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