Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Sun, 4 Jun 2006 16:52:38 -0500, Marcos el Ruptor
Are there any peer-reviewed descriptions of your technique?  Right now,
all that site seems to have -- and forgive me if I've missed a link --
is a set of simple assertions about various ciphers, plus a fairly vague
background page.  Put another way, and I hate to be this blunt, is there
any reason to think your results are correct and/or meaningful?

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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RE: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-06 Thread Whyte, William

 Isn't what you are referring to called secure number of rounds? In other
 words the number of rounds after which no known attack exists that can break
 the cipher faster than brute-forcing the key?
 It looks like I have no choice but to invent a new term, PRF rounds - the
 number of rounds after which each function that defines the value of each
 bit of the block/state/output is a pseudo-random function (PRF) of all the
 bits of the block/state/key/input, in other words a function
 indistinguishable from random by any existing general purpose randomness
 tests. Of course dedicate randomness tests exploiting the cipher structure
 and utilising a significant amount of computational resources could be
 effective in distinguishing a larger number of rounds from random, but
 that's in the area of the secure number of rounds research.

Can you briefly explain how you determine the PRF rounds value?


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Re: Trusted path (was: status of SRP)

2006-06-06 Thread leichter_jerrold
| ...This is the trusted-path problem.  Some examples of proposed
| solutions to trusted-path are:
| - Dim the entire screen.
| - Use special window borders.
| - Use flashing window borders.
| - Use specially shaped windows.
| - Attach a warning label to all untrusted windows.
| - Display a customized word or name.
| - Display a customized image.
| - Overlay a semitransparent customized image.
| - Require the user to press a secure attention key.
| - Require the user to click a customized button.
| I'm interested in people's thoughts on what works better or
| might work better.  (Feel free to add to the list.)
I'm going to give a pessimistic answer here:  None of the above.

You're fighting the entire direction of development of display technologies
on end-user machines.  There are no fixed standards - everything is subject
to change and (we hope) improvement.  Applications regularly improve on
the standards, or imitate what others have done.

Use a specially shaped window?  Soon, other applications will start
imitating that as a flag for important data.  Customized images?  How
many people will set one.  And how hard will it be to fool them with a
nice-looking new app that tells you it has a whole library of images you
can use for your customized image?

There is simply no precedent for people making trust distinctions based on
user elements on the screen.  They see the screen as similar to a piece of
paper, and draw distinctions using the same kinds of rules we've
applied to paper:  Does it look professionally done?  Is it well written?
Does it have all the right logos on it?  *None* of these are helpful on the
Web, but that doesn't change how people react.

The only trusted path most people ever see is the Windows Ctrl/Alt/Delete
to enter a password.  That's not a good example:  The *dialog* it produces
is indistinguishable from other Windows dialogs.  You should only trust it
to the degree that you know you typed Ctrl/Alt/Delete, and haven't yet hit
enter.  There's no way to generalize this.

This is a human factors issue.  You have to look at what people actually
use to make trust distinctions.  As far as I can see, the only thing that
will really work is specialized hardware.  Vendors are already moving in
this kind of direction.  Some are adding fingerprint scanners, for example.
However, any *generally accessible* device is useless - an attacker can
get at them, too.  What's needed is some physically separate device, with
a trusted path between it and something controlled.  A physical button,
with a small LCD near it, with enough room for a simple prompt, and you
are probably fine.  Make *that* part of the browser chrome and you have
-- Jerry

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Re: Status of opportunistic encryption

2006-06-06 Thread James A. Donald

Thomas Harold:
  I do suspect at some point that the lightweight
  nature of DNS will give way to a heavier, encrypted
  or signed protocol.  Economic factors will probably
  be the driving force (online banking).

Thierry Moreau wrote:
 E.g. RFC4033, RFC4034, RFC4035.

Well I wish it was going to happen, but right now
measures that are already deployed are not being used.
Except for e-gold, businesses under phishing attack are
not signing their email.

Since the proposed DNS signing relies on trusted root
keys transmitted out of band, it is not going to be
deployed either, for much the same reasons.   We need a
one click solution like SSH, or a zero click solution
like Skype.

And the proposed solution involves too many connections.
Any solution has to fit in a UDP datagram.

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Re: Status of attacks on AES?

2006-06-06 Thread Marcos el Ruptor

Can you briefly explain how you determine the PRF rounds value?


Your question belongs in our forums - where it's already being 


[Moderator's note: no, actually, if you're going to mention it here,
you had better be prepared to explain and defend it here,
too. --Perry]
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Re: Status of opportunistic encryption

2006-06-06 Thread Peter Gutmann
kent crispin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 01:47:06PM +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote:
Grab OpenVPN (which is what OpenSWAN should be), install, point it at the
target system, and you have opportunistic encryption.

Forgive my doltishness, but could you expand on that just a bit, please (or
point at the right place in the docs)? I've used openvpn to set up dedicated
tunnels, but it isn't immediately obvious to me how it would be configured to
do opportunistic encryption.

OK, it looks like there are several different views of what opportunistic
encryption actually is.  My definition was I'd like to talk to X, with
encryption if available, which is what the STARTTLS/STLS/AUTH TLS upgrade
mechanisms do for POP/IMAP/SMTP/FTP.  In that sense no tunnel mechanism (at
least that I know of) can really do that, you'd need something like a STARTTLS
mechanism for L2TP (the non-opportunistic way of doing this is to run L2TP
over IPsec).  I don't know why anyone'd want to implement that, since it's
easier to just drop in your VPN app or device of choice.

The opportunistic encryption that OpenVPN gives you is manual rather than
automatic, since there's no way to upgrade any protocol at all to any
protocol at all, but with encryption.  The reason it's opportunistic is
because it allows you to use the equivalent of unauthenticated DH (self-
signed/arbitrary-CA certificates) rather than putting you through the torture
test of obtaining and configuring a cert from a recognised CA (that's non-
opportunistic, and because it's so difficult, frequently just non-encryption).


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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-06 Thread Florian Weimer
* Anne  Lynn Wheeler:

 Florian Weimer wrote:
 FINREAD is really interesting.  I've finally managed to browse the
 specs, and it looks as if this platform can be used to build something
 that is secure against compromised hosts.  However, I fear that the
 support costs are too high, and that's why it hasn't caught on in
 retail online banking.

 if they can build a $100 PC ... you think that they could build a
 finread terminal for a couple bucks. sometimes there are issues with
 volume pricing ... you price high because there isn't a volume and
 there isn't a volume because you price high.

The problem is not hardware costs, but support costs.  You really
don't want to outsource this to the cheapest call center in the world.
Even relatively simple changes like the indexed TAN rollout are
rather expensive as a result.

 there is one issue missing from the actual FINREAD specification.

 when we were doing X9.59 financial standard ... we allowed for a
 digital signature for authentication as well as for a digital
 signature from the environment that the transaction was performed
 in. the issue from a relying party standpoint ... is what assurances
 do they have as to the actual environment that a transaction was
 executed in. consumers could claim they were using a FINREAD terminal
 when they weren't. counterfeit FINREAD terminals could be out in the

You mean something like remote attestation?  I find it hard to believe
that this capability is available today in a relatively open
environment, on a platform supporting multiple applications developed
by different applications.

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U. Washington Crypto Course Available Online For Free

2006-06-06 Thread Udhay Shankar N

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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Re: Status of SRP

2006-06-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

Florian Weimer wrote:

You mean something like remote attestation?  I find it hard to believe
that this capability is available today in a relatively open
environment, on a platform supporting multiple applications developed
by different applications.

re: Status of SRP Status of SRP

i got involved in tracking down a virus/trojan like problem in the 70s 
on the internal network

basically if you are going to allow loading of stuff that can do its own 
execution w/o many safeguards ... you are going to be extremely 
vulnerable to numerous kinds of attacks.

either you have to very tightly control what applications are loaded 
 or possibly do a fixed function deployment that can support 
multiple different applications ... possibly based on some form of data 
driven architecture (i.e. the data specification possibly adapts the 
functional operation to different applications w/o requiring loading of 
executable code).

we had done the AADS chip strawman was done this way ... basically 
single function operation w/o any ability to load executable code ... 
that was adaptable to a large number of different applications

another possible solution is very strong partitioning of any loadable 
executable content that is allowed extremely limited/controlled capability.

in the 60s as an undergraduate, i had done a lot with extremely 
controlled partitioning ... which i learned much later got used in 
various environments that had extremely high integrity requirements ... 
random drift

i had this discussion with the general manager of the business unit that 
included java and java virtual machine (when it was in its very early 
infancy) ... turns out that I had done some work with the person 
(general manager) nearly 20 years earlier in a different life.

many of the modern generation of POS terminals are trying to cope with 
this problem ... getting all sorts of frequent application downloads of 
various kinds ... and still attempting to operate within constraints of 
their trusted security module implementation.

basically if finread

is countermeasure to widely acceptable PC vulnerabilities (many that 
arise because of the ease and common practice of loading executable 
content) ... then if you deploy such a finread terminal that is operated 
using similar conventions ... then it will acquire similar vulnerability 
characteristics (as the environment that it is suppose to be a 
countermeasure for).

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Re: U. Washington Crypto Course Available Online For Free

2006-06-06 Thread Max

I do not understand why this course got so much attention. What is
special about it (besides available video lectures)?
I have a whole collection of links to similar courses. Please take a look at

Just as an example, I can mention UCSD based course Introduction to
Modern Cryptography by Mihir Bellare and Phillip Rogaway available at

Talking about video lectures, I was impressed by Workshop in
Algorithmic Number Theory and Workshop in Number-Theoretic
Cryptography at Clay Mathematics Institute:


P.S. If you know other good courses/lectures on the topic missing in
the collection, please share.

On 6/6/06, Udhay Shankar N [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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Re: U. Washington Crypto Course Available Online For Free

2006-06-06 Thread John R. Black
On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 01:57:25AM -0700, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
It is taught by good people, but I find it a bit strange they are all
Microsoft employees.  This is perhaps because U. Wash doesn't have any

That changes in the fall: they hired an excellent young cryptographer
named Yoshi Kohno.

Prof. John R. Black
Computer Science 430 UCB   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Colorado Office: +1-303-492-0573
Boulder, CO  80309  USA   Fax: +1-303-492-2844

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