Re: [e-lang] Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-11 Thread Bill Frantz
At 5:36 PM -0700 10/5/03, Norman Hardy wrote:
>I can't recall Keykos security problems stemming from hostile message
>strings in a key invocation.
>I don't know why. Perhaps we always expected hostile messages as a
>cultural thing.

I think there were several additional reasons for this:

* Most of the strings passed were very simple, consisting of just one
string.  We didn't get much more complex than, for example, the record
collection (which used byte string names to look up data and capabilities).
Its string was:

  * 1 byte - length of name
  * n byte (0-255) name
  * the rest data.

* We did not try to handle "infinite length" strings.  In general, strings
were limited to 4096 bytes.

* We were programming in 370 assembler, which, IMHO, is better suited to
writing secure code than C.  For example, the string copy primitive in C is
strcpy, where the source string determines the length.  In 370 assembler,
the primitive is MVCL (move long) which takes 5 parameters, the source
address and length, the destination address and length, and the fill
character.  Having to specify those 5 parameters made the issues involved
in a string copy very obvious each time one was coded.

* We did not, as a general rule, have a stack.  As a result, it was less
likely to have program control data (return addresses) and buffers next to
each other, where a buffer overrun could result in both hostile code, and
the necessary changes to the program control data to pass control to it.

At 10:58 PM -0700 10/3/03, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>I would say the exact opposite: ASN.1 data, because of its TLV encoding, is
>self-describing (c.f. RPC with XDR), which means that it can be submitted to a
>static checker that will guarantee that the ASN.1 is well-formed.  In other
>words it's possible to employ a simple firewall for ASN.1 that isn't possible
>for many other formats (PGP, SSL, ssh, etc etc).  This is exactly what
>cryptlib does, I'd be extremely surprised if anything could get past that.
>Conversely, of all the PDU-parsing code I've written, the stuff that I worry
>about most is that which handles the ad-hoc (a byte here, a unit32 there, a
>string there, ...) formats of PGP, SSH, and SSL.  We've already seen half the
>SSH implementations in existence taken out by the SSH malformed-packet
>vulnerabilities, I can trivially crash programs like pgpdump (my standard PGP
>analysis tool) with malformed PGP packets (I've also crashed quite a number of
>SSH clients with malformed packets while fiddling with my SSH server code),
>and I'm just waiting for someone to do the same thing with SSL packets.  In
>terms of safe PDU formats, ASN.1 is the best one to work with in terms of
>spotting problems.

I think Peter has convinced me that ASN.1 (by which I mean DER
specifically, since that is the form that the run-time code parses), is
probably not a whole lot worse than the other formats (which also have
shown significant parsing bugs).  While some of the problems come from the
details of the format, most probably come from the complex data structures
that are part of the problem space.  Given that this is a correct
assessment, then we need to think of ways to protect ourselves against the
programs that parse these data.

If we were coding in KeyKOS or EROS, I would put the parsing code in a
separate domain.  To protect against denial of service that domain would
have a limited space bank, a keeper, and a timeout to signal parse failure
to the caller.  To guard against attack, that domain would only have
capabilities to:

* The input string and/or the input byte stream
* "No hole" creators for the output objects.

Further protection can be built by limiting the privilege of the domains
that use these output objects.  (Note that the cost of a domain call is
very small compared with the cost of a public key operation.)

I don't really know how to apply this approach to a UNIX like system.  I
think for these systems, it might be best to write the parsing code in a
"safe" language such as Java, Smalltalk, E, Scheme etc.  That would result
in an additional layer of protection from the runtime.  If the cost of
calling into and return from the language is small enough, the extra cost
of the language should be tolerable.  (Having to fire up a Java Virtual
Machine each time could make public key operations look fast.)

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| "There's nothing so clear as a | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | vague idea you haven't written | 16345 Englewood Ave | down yet." -- Dean Tribble | Los Gatos, CA 95032

e-lang mailing list

Bill Frantz| "There's nothing so clear as a | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | vague idea you haven't written | 16345 Englew

Re: [e-lang] Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-08 Thread Ben Laurie
Peter Gutmann wrote:

> Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Peter Gutmann wrote:
>>>ASN.1 has a *reputation* of being notoriously hard to parse, gained chiefly
>>>from some early bad experiences with OSI work (which would give anything a
>>>reputation of being hard to work with :-).  I've implemented, and I know of
>>>others who have implemented, extremely compact and portable ASN.1 libraries.
>>Do you really mean ASN.1 or do you mean DER/BER?
> Sorry, I meant BER/DER data, not the ASN.1 source text.

In which case, I should comment that most of the bad reputation I'm
aware of has to do with the difficultly of parsing ASN.1 source, and so
people end up implementing the mapping by hand, and so get it wrong.
Which is why X.509 is a nice theory, but don't even think about
unpacking and repacking a cert and having it still work.




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Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-07 Thread Peter Gutmann
Markus Friedl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 05:58:49PM +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>> We've already seen half the
>> SSH implementations in existence taken out by the SSH malformed-packet
>> vulnerabilities,
>I don't think so.

According to the CERT advisory, roughly half of all known SSH implementations
are vulnerable (some of the vendor statements are a bit ambiguous), and the
number would have been higher if it weren't for the fact that several of the
non-vulnerable implementations share the OpenSSH code base (there are a number
of implementations not in the advisory, but we can take it as being a
representative sample).

The reason I appear to be defending ASN.1 here is that there seems to be an
irrational opposition to it from some quarters (I've had people who wouldn't
recognise ASN.1 if they fell over it tell me with complete conviction that
it's evil and has to be eradicated because... well just because).  I don't
really care about the religious debate one way or the other, I'm just stating
that from having used almost all of the bit-bagging formats (starting with PGP
1.0) for quite a number of years, ASN.1 is the one I feel the most comfortable
with in terms of being able to process it safely.

Incidentally, if anyone wants to look for holes in ASN.1 data in the future,
I'd be really interested in seeing what you can do with malformed X.509 and
S/MIME data.

Peter (who's going to look really embarrassed if the NISCC test suite finds
   problems in his ASN.1 code :-).

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Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-07 Thread Markus Friedl
On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 05:58:49PM +1200, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Bill Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >This is the second significant problem I have seen in applications that use
> >ASN.1 data formats.  (The first was in a widely deployed implementation of
> >SNMP.)  Given that good, security conscience programmers have difficultly
> >getting ASN.1 parsing right, we should favor protocols that use easier to
> >parse data formats.
> >
> >I think this leaves us with SSH.  Are there others?
> I would say the exact opposite: ASN.1 data, because of its TLV encoding, is
> self-describing (c.f. RPC with XDR), which means that it can be submitted to a
> static checker that will guarantee that the ASN.1 is well-formed.  In other
> words it's possible to employ a simple firewall for ASN.1 that isn't possible
> for many other formats (PGP, SSL, ssh, etc etc).  This is exactly what
> cryptlib does, I'd be extremely surprised if anything could get past that.
> Conversely, of all the PDU-parsing code I've written, the stuff that I worry
> about most is that which handles the ad-hoc (a byte here, a unit32 there, a
> string there, ...) formats of PGP, SSH, and SSL.  We've already seen half the
> SSH implementations in existence taken out by the SSH malformed-packet
> vulnerabilities,

I don't think so.  The SSH packet format is _much_ simpler than ASN.1
and neither the original ssh-1.x nor OpenSSH had problems due to
the packet parsing, both have been immune to last years malformed
packet tests.   I've seen more problems related to ASN.1 parsing
than to SSH packet parsing...

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Re: [e-lang] Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-07 Thread Peter Gutmann
Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Peter Gutmann wrote:
>>ASN.1 has a *reputation* of being notoriously hard to parse, gained chiefly
>>from some early bad experiences with OSI work (which would give anything a
>>reputation of being hard to work with :-).  I've implemented, and I know of
>>others who have implemented, extremely compact and portable ASN.1 libraries.
>Do you really mean ASN.1 or do you mean DER/BER?

Sorry, I meant BER/DER data, not the ASN.1 source text.


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Re: [e-lang] Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-07 Thread Ben Laurie
Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Jerrold Leichter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I agree that ASN.1 is statically checkable, and that this is an important
>>property. However, ASN.1 is notoriously hard to parse, which leads to errors.
> ASN.1 has a *reputation* of being notoriously hard to parse, gained chiefly
> from some early bad experiences with OSI work (which would give anything a
> reputation of being hard to work with :-).  I've implemented, and I know of
> others who have implemented, extremely compact and portable ASN.1 libraries.

Do you really mean ASN.1 or do you mean DER/BER?




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
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Re: [e-lang] Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-06 Thread Jeroen C . van Gelderen
On Thursday, Oct 2, 2003, at 17:50 US/Eastern, Bill Frantz wrote:


-- Security Alert Consensus --
  Number 039 (03.39)
 Thursday, October 2, 2003
   Network Computing and the SANS Institute
 Powered by Neohapsis
*** {03.39.004} Cross - OpenSSL ASN.1 parsing vulns

OpenSSL versions 0.9.6j and 0.9.7b (as well as prior) contain multiple
bugs in the parsing of ASN.1 data, leading to denials of services. The
execution of arbitrary code is not yet confirmed, but it has not been
ruled out.
This is the second significant problem I have seen in applications 
that use
ASN.1 data formats.  (The first was in a widely deployed 
implementation of
SNMP.)  Given that good, security conscience programmers have 
getting ASN.1 parsing right, we should favor protocols that use easier 
parse data formats.
This is a little too anecdotal for my taste. When it comes to security 
I think we can safely ignore anything SNMP. The OpenSSL crew didn't 
(doesn't?) even have an exhaustive test-suite for their DER parsers 
which I believe to be a requirement when a security requirement is on 
the table.

I think this leaves us with SSH.  Are there others?
While I like the SSH2 protocol because of its simplicity, it forces one 
to use ad-hoc approaches for anything more complex than single-level 
product types. Sum types are not supported at all, apart from those 
offered as primitives, and have to be (are) handcrafted in some ad-hoc 

The implementation language seems to be more of a problem than the 
actual data representation formats. I have found that typed high-level 
(declarative) languages supporting sum/product types with pattern 
matching provide near bullet-proof framework for safely marshalling 
data of arbitrary complexity. The compiler will statically check that 
all corner cases are handled. If it compiles, it tends to be correct. 
And creating the corresponding proof is straightforward.

If one is really lucky, one's language supports polytypic programming, 
in which case a single algorithm can marshall arbitrary data structures 

The bottom line is that these problems occur because presently 
programmers are required to perform a compiler's job. Just like 
persistence bugs occurs because programmers are forced to do what 
should be the platform's responsibility (c.f. KeyKOS/EROS persistence). 
When language support is not feasible, parser generators can go a long 
way towards eliminating parser bugs.

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Re: [e-lang] Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-06 Thread Jeroen C . van Gelderen
On Sunday, Oct 5, 2003, at 11:03 US/Eastern, Jonathan S. Shapiro wrote:


I agree that ASN.1 is statically checkable, and that this is an
important property.
However, ASN.1 is notoriously hard to parse, which leads to errors.
I take it you a saying that ASN.1 syntax is hard to parse? Having 
written two parsers (C & Java) I can say that ASN.1's DER encoding is 
in fact straightforward to parse correctly, provided that you don't 
underestimate the task *and* you create and use an 'exhaustive' test 

The problems with ASN.1 seem to stem more from its ISO heritage and 
dense specifications. That and the fact that a low-level bit-packing 
library isn't as glamorous as writing crypto and thus doesn't get as 
much scrutiny as other parts of protocol libraries.


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Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-06 Thread John Lowry
I agree with Peter.  If we're concerned about security implications of a
particular SW technique then obviously we should ban the C language and all
the string libraries first  ;-)

On 10/4/03 1:58, "Peter Gutmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bill Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> This is the second significant problem I have seen in applications that use
>> ASN.1 data formats.  (The first was in a widely deployed implementation of
>> SNMP.)  Given that good, security conscience programmers have difficultly
>> getting ASN.1 parsing right, we should favor protocols that use easier to
>> parse data formats.
>> I think this leaves us with SSH.  Are there others?
> I would say the exact opposite: ASN.1 data, because of its TLV encoding, is
> self-describing (c.f. RPC with XDR), which means that it can be submitted to a
> static checker that will guarantee that the ASN.1 is well-formed.  In other
> words it's possible to employ a simple firewall for ASN.1 that isn't possible
> for many other formats (PGP, SSL, ssh, etc etc).  This is exactly what
> cryptlib does, I'd be extremely surprised if anything could get past that.
> Conversely, of all the PDU-parsing code I've written, the stuff that I worry
> about most is that which handles the ad-hoc (a byte here, a unit32 there, a
> string there, ...) formats of PGP, SSH, and SSL.  We've already seen half the
> SSH implementations in existence taken out by the SSH malformed-packet
> vulnerabilities, I can trivially crash programs like pgpdump (my standard PGP
> analysis tool) with malformed PGP packets (I've also crashed quite a number of
> SSH clients with malformed packets while fiddling with my SSH server code),
> and I'm just waiting for someone to do the same thing with SSL packets.  In
> terms of safe PDU formats, ASN.1 is the best one to work with in terms of
> spotting problems.
> Peter.
> -
> The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-06 Thread Peter Gutmann
Jerrold Leichter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Both of these are helped by a well-specified low-level syntax.  TLV encoding
>lets you cross-check all sorts of stuff automatically, once, in low-level
>calls.  Ad hoc protocols scatter the validation all over the place - and some
>of it will inevitably be overlooked.

Yup, and that's exactly what makes me so nervous about the ad hoc formats.
Having had the experience of writing parsers for every major format used in
crypto (oh, except IPsec, but that falls into the same class as PGP/SSH/SSL)
and ranking things in the order in which I'd expect problems to occur, I get:

  ASN.1: Pretty much bulletproof, you should be able to throw anything at that
  code and it'll just bounce off (I should be able to run the recent
  malformed-ASN.1 attacks that hit OpenSSL on it within the next few days, but
  I'd expect all of those to be caught by the firewall and not even get to the
  actual ASN.1 code).

  Ad hoc formats (PGP, SSH, SSL): Should be OK because I apply anal-retentive
  amounts of checking everywhere and have done probably a dozen full audits of
  the code, but I'm still not fully confident about it (it did withstand the
  malformed-SSH-message weaknesses from a few months ago though).

  Text formats (XML): Full of arbitrarily-complex messages, variable-length
  encodings, special-case escape sequences, and other horrors, and that's
  without even thinking about the nightmare added by XSLT, XPath, DTDs, style
  sheets, XML namespace problems, and who knows what else.  If anything goes
  wrong, it'll be in there.  I can't even imagine how you could produce a
  truly safe parser for that stuff.

While I'm not madly in love with ASN.1, in terms of safe data formats it's the
one I feel most comfortable with.

"Jonathan S. Shapiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I agree that ASN.1 is statically checkable, and that this is an important
>property. However, ASN.1 is notoriously hard to parse, which leads to errors.

ASN.1 has a *reputation* of being notoriously hard to parse, gained chiefly
from some early bad experiences with OSI work (which would give anything a
reputation of being hard to work with :-).  I've implemented, and I know of
others who have implemented, extremely compact and portable ASN.1 libraries.
My ASN.1 library is about the same level of complexity as the PGP and SSH
libraries, so the bit-bagging scheme being used has little to do with it.


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Re: [e-lang] Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-06 Thread Mark S. Miller
At 02:41 PM 10/5/2003  Sunday, Tyler Close wrote:

>On Sunday 05 October 2003 11:03, Jonathan S. Shapiro wrote:
>> Peter:
>> I agree that ASN.1 is statically checkable, and that this is an
>> important property.
>What exactly does it mean for a format to be "statically

Peter's statement was:

At 10:58 PM 10/3/2003  Friday, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>I would say the exact opposite: ASN.1 data, because of its TLV encoding, is
>self-describing (c.f. RPC with XDR), which means that it can be submitted to a
>static checker that will guarantee that the ASN.1 is well-formed.  In other
>words it's possible to employ a simple firewall for ASN.1 that isn't possible
>for many other formats (PGP, SSL, ssh, etc etc).  This is exactly what
>cryptlib does, I'd be extremely surprised if anything could get past that.
>Conversely, of all the PDU-parsing code I've written, the stuff that I worry
>about most is that which handles the ad-hoc (a byte here, a unit32 there, a
>string there, ...) formats of PGP, SSH, and SSL.  We've already seen half the
>SSH implementations in existence taken out by the SSH malformed-packet
>vulnerabilities, I can trivially crash programs like pgpdump (my standard PGP
>analysis tool) with malformed PGP packets (I've also crashed quite a number of
>SSH clients with malformed packets while fiddling with my SSH server code),
>and I'm just waiting for someone to do the same thing with SSL packets.  In
>terms of safe PDU formats, ASN.1 is the best one to work with in terms of
>spotting problems.

Shap wrote:
>> However, ASN.1 is notoriously hard to parse, which leads to errors.
>> I do wonder if we shouldn't design a format that captures the best of
>> both worlds...

Tyler wrote:
>Does the Waterken Doc code format capture the best of both worlds?

If I understand Peter's statement, the answer is yes for Doc, S-Expressions, 
Term trees, XML, Java serialization streams, and many other formats; both 
textual and binary. 

As for Corba IIOP and the CapIDL serialization format, only if the interface 
definition is included. Otherwise, I don't think these are self-describing 
in the sense Peter means.

Text by me above is hereby placed in the public domain


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Re: [e-lang] Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-05 Thread Jonathan S. Shapiro

I agree that ASN.1 is statically checkable, and that this is an
important property.

However, ASN.1 is notoriously hard to parse, which leads to errors.

I do wonder if we shouldn't design a format that captures the best of
both worlds...


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Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-05 Thread Jerrold Leichter
| >This is the second significant problem I have seen in applications that use
| >ASN.1 data formats.  (The first was in a widely deployed implementation of
| >SNMP.)  Given that good, security conscience programmers have difficultly
| >getting ASN.1 parsing right, we should favor protocols that use easier to
| >parse data formats.
| >
| >I think this leaves us with SSH.  Are there others?
| I would say the exact opposite: ASN.1 data, because of its TLV encoding, is
| self-describing (c.f. RPC with XDR), which means that it can be submitted to a
| static checker that will guarantee that the ASN.1 is well-formed.  In other
| words it's possible to employ a simple firewall for ASN.1 that isn't possible
| for many other formats (PGP, SSL, ssh, etc etc).  This is exactly what
| cryptlib does, I'd be extremely surprised if anything could get past that.
| Conversely, of all the PDU-parsing code I've written, the stuff that I worry
| about most is that which handles the ad-hoc (a byte here, a unit32 there, a
| string there, ...) formats of PGP, SSH, and SSL.  We've already seen half the
| SSH implementations in existence taken out by the SSH malformed-packet
| vulnerabilities, I can trivially crash programs like pgpdump (my standard PGP
| analysis tool) with malformed PGP packets (I've also crashed quite a number of
| SSH clients with malformed packets while fiddling with my SSH server code),
| and I'm just waiting for someone to do the same thing with SSL packets.  In
| terms of safe PDU formats, ASN.1 is the best one to work with in terms of
| spotting problems.
I think there's a bit more to it.

Properly implementing demarshalling code - which is what we are really talking
about here - is an art.  It requires an obsessive devotion to detailed
checking of *everything*.  It also requires a level and style of testing that
few people want to deal with.

Both of these are helped by a well-specified low-level syntax.  TLV encoding
lets you cross-check all sorts of stuff automatically, once, in low-level
calls.  Ad hoc protocols scatter the validation all over the place - and
some of it will inevitably be overlooked.

A couple of years back, the place I work decided to implement its own SNMP
library.  (SNMP is defined in ASN.1)  We'd been using the same free library
done at, I think, UC San Diego many years before, and were unhappy with many
aspects of it.  The guy we had do it had the right approach.  Not only did he
structure the code to carefully track and test all "suspect" data, but he also
wrote a test suite that checked:

- Many valid inputs.  Most people stop here:  It gets the
right results on valid data, who cares about the rest.
- Many expectable forms of invalid data.  A few people will write
a few of these tests.  Usually, they write test cases that
match the error paths they thought to include in their
code.  Fine, but not nearly enough.
- Many randomly-generated tests.  The trick here is to "shape"
the randomness:  Most completely random bit strings will
be rejected at very low levels in the code.  What you want
are strings that look valid enough to pass through multiple
layers of testing but contain random junk - still with
some bias, e.g., 1 too high or too low is a test you want
to bias toward.  Hardly anyone does this.

The proof of the pudding came a couple of years later, when a group a OUSPG
(Oulu University Secdure Computing Group) came up with a test that ripped
through just about everyone's SNMP suites, leading to a CERT advisory and a
grand panic.  Our stuff passed with no problems, and in fact when we looked at
OUSPG's test cases, we found that we had almost certainly run them all in some
form or another already, since they were either in our fixed test list or were
covered by the randomized testing.

OUSPG's efforts were actually directed toward something more on point to this
discussion, however:  Their interest is in protocol test generation, and their
test cases were generated automatically from the SNMP definitions.  This kind
of thing is only possible when you have a formal, machine-readable definition
of your protocol.  Using ASN.1 forces you to have that.  (Obviously, you can
do that without ASN.1, but all too often, the only definition of the protocol
is the code.  In that case, the only alternative is manual test generation -
but it can be so hard to do that it just doesn't get done.)

BTW, the OUSPG saga is another demonstration of the danger of a monoculture.
There are, it turns out, vey few independent implementations of SNMP around.
Just about everyone buys SNMP support from SNMP Research, which I believe
sells a commercialized version of the old UCSD code.  Find a bug in that, and
you've found a bug in just about every router and switch on the planet.


Re: Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-04 Thread Peter Gutmann
Bill Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>This is the second significant problem I have seen in applications that use
>ASN.1 data formats.  (The first was in a widely deployed implementation of
>SNMP.)  Given that good, security conscience programmers have difficultly
>getting ASN.1 parsing right, we should favor protocols that use easier to
>parse data formats.
>I think this leaves us with SSH.  Are there others?

I would say the exact opposite: ASN.1 data, because of its TLV encoding, is
self-describing (c.f. RPC with XDR), which means that it can be submitted to a
static checker that will guarantee that the ASN.1 is well-formed.  In other
words it's possible to employ a simple firewall for ASN.1 that isn't possible
for many other formats (PGP, SSL, ssh, etc etc).  This is exactly what
cryptlib does, I'd be extremely surprised if anything could get past that.
Conversely, of all the PDU-parsing code I've written, the stuff that I worry
about most is that which handles the ad-hoc (a byte here, a unit32 there, a
string there, ...) formats of PGP, SSH, and SSL.  We've already seen half the
SSH implementations in existence taken out by the SSH malformed-packet
vulnerabilities, I can trivially crash programs like pgpdump (my standard PGP
analysis tool) with malformed PGP packets (I've also crashed quite a number of
SSH clients with malformed packets while fiddling with my SSH server code),
and I'm just waiting for someone to do the same thing with SSL packets.  In
terms of safe PDU formats, ASN.1 is the best one to work with in terms of
spotting problems.


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Protocol implementation errors

2003-10-03 Thread Bill Frantz

> -- Security Alert Consensus --
>   Number 039 (03.39)
>  Thursday, October 2, 2003
>Network Computing and the SANS Institute
>  Powered by Neohapsis
>*** {03.39.004} Cross - OpenSSL ASN.1 parsing vulns
>OpenSSL versions 0.9.6j and 0.9.7b (as well as prior) contain multiple
>bugs in the parsing of ASN.1 data, leading to denials of services. The
>execution of arbitrary code is not yet confirmed, but it has not been
>ruled out.

This is the second significant problem I have seen in applications that use
ASN.1 data formats.  (The first was in a widely deployed implementation of
SNMP.)  Given that good, security conscience programmers have difficultly
getting ASN.1 parsing right, we should favor protocols that use easier to
parse data formats.

I think this leaves us with SSH.  Are there others?

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| "There's nothing so clear as   | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | vague idea you haven't written | 16345 Englewood Ave | down yet." -- Dean Tribble | Los Gatos, CA 95032

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