[css-d] Layout problems: nav height, position of main content

2005-12-07 Thread Rachael Beale
Dear List,

Page: http://www.beale-family.net/beta/monitoring-simple.htm
CSS: http://www.beale-family.net/beta/css/layout-simple.css

Confession: based on inherited code, as it needs to fit with a family
of existing sites. I've stripped out as much as I can to try to
simplify things.

Problems (as viewed in Firefox 1.0.6 on WinXP - I haven't even touched
IE6 yet) as follows:

1) Height of main navigation:
I want the #navigation div to be the same height as the home link. If
I set the height on the div explicitly (or on the ul inside it, or
even on both), it doesn't seem to make any difference. This makes me
think that it is expanding to accommodate *something* inside it, but I
can't figure out what.

2) Position of centrecontent:
I want this div to sit nicely underneath the #navigation div and to
the right of the left_menu/green_menu divs. According to Aardvark,
it's doing neither, but starting in the top-left corner. I set a 128px
left margin on centrecontent to deal with the latter, which worked for
a while, but in fiddling with the code to try to address problem (1),
I appear to have broken it again :-(

I'm sure that the problems here are all related to fairly elementary
CSS concepts (my suspicions are collapsing margins and float drops),
and the answers will be obvious to you old hands. However, having read
articles on these topics until my head spins, I still can't figure it
out. I throw myself on your collective mercies!

Many thanks in advance for your advice.




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Humphrey: I don't understand.
Sarah Harrison: I know. That's why I'm leaving.

Yes Minister - Equal Opportunities

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Re: [css-d] Layout problem in IE

2005-12-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Remy Merriex wrote:
 This is a repost of a problem I had last week, I got no responses so I
 thought I'd try one more time. The original post is below, thanks!

Try to rephrase instead of reposting. 75% of these list's postings are
due to a Layout problem in IE.


The offset problem is due to the positioning and floating of the images,
I think. A border on the top-right212.gif shows that IE tries to align
the container alongside these floats.

First I thought absolute positioning of these images relatively to the
parent (#bordertop) would be a quick fix:

#bordertop {
background: url(top-bg2.gif) top repeat-x ;

#debug_logotopleft {position: absolute; top: -63px; left: 100px;}
#debug_logotopright {position: absolute; top:-63px; right:0;}

(Please get rid of those inline styles in your page, it's a maintenance

But the r.p. for the #bordertop to establish a containing block for
these a.p. images leads to problems in the nested child container which
are z-indexed. They should be relatively positioned too to avoid
peekaboo's, and they might need additional height:1px for IE to
prevent more layout bugs.

So what started as a minimal invasive surgery had complications, massive
inner bleedings in the deep nesting and the page died while debugging. I
am awfully sorry, but this for sure was what George meant with try to
create another, more efficient and compact, one.



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Re: [css-d] IE6 Win jumping content after hovering

2005-12-07 Thread Rainer Wagener
Hi Erik,

one more of those strange haslayout problems.


* html div#SOWrap, * html div#innerColumnContainer { height:0.1%; }

to your css should solve the problem. 



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Re: [css-d] Layout problem in IE

2005-12-07 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ingo Chao wrote:
 Remy Merriex wrote:


 The offset problem is due to the positioning and floating of the 
 images, I think. A border on the top-right212.gif shows that IE tries
  to align the container alongside these floats.

Can be solved by adding:
* html #content {
position: relative;
top: -95px;
right: -70px;
margin-bottom: -95px;
...on top of a few other, minor, cross-browser adjustments.

However, that will only work if the elements that are pushing #content
in IE/win will always stay that way. Too unreliable, so although it can
be made to look pixel-perfect, it is a too weak solution IMO.

Another solution might be to eliminate the effect of dimensions on the
pushing elements, so IE/win doesn't see them - without affecting their
appearance on screen. Much more reliable, but still not something one
should do at an early stage in the learning-process.

Negative margins anyone? :-)

There's some complicated logic behind such solutions, and that logic has
to be understood in depth before applying it.

 So what started as a minimal invasive surgery had complications, 
 massive inner bleedings in the deep nesting and the page died while 
 debugging. I am awfully sorry, but this for sure was what George 
 meant with try to create another, more efficient and compact, one.

Exactly.  The original page is looking good and smiling :-) on my
screens - in IE6 and other browsers.
However, it is a maintenance-nightmare since it may break across
browser-land with one little addition and/or subtraction in source or
CSS. It needs a new and improved structure.

Getting a completely hack-free layout working is important at
early stages when learning CSS. Hacks and clever workarounds for IE/win
and other weak/broken browsers might be the only options in some cases,
but those cases are few and far between. Hacks, workarounds and deep
nesting isn't needed to create a page that appears and behaves like that
across browser-land, so Remy should better create a new page from scratch.

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[css-d] (no subject)

2005-12-07 Thread vxcriss
Hi, does anyone know how I can disable text-selection in opera 8.5 or
greater? I am already using this for mozilla but can't find any way to
do it for opera 8.5

-moz-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
user-select: none;

thanks, criss
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Re: [css-d] disabling text selection in Opera

2005-12-07 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
vxcriss wrote:

Hi, does anyone know how I can disable text-selection in opera 8.5 or
greater? I am already using this for mozilla but can't find any way to
do it for opera 8.5

   -moz-user-select: none;
   -khtml-user-select: none;
   user-select: none;

thanks, criss

Hi Criss,

No, I don't know of a way to do such a thing in Opera using CSS.  There 
is probably a Javascript solution, but you'd need to get that from 
another source -- I know nothing about JavaScript, nor is this list the 
proper place to discuss it.

I imagine that a lot of people will respond to your question with Why 
would you ever want to do that?, but I would remind everyone that our 
list policies tell us to not berate anyone for asking a question, but 
instead focus on actually answering it.  So, if you don't have a 
practical answer for Criss, just refrain from answering, or email 
him/her offlist with your opinions and advice if you must.

Also, Criss, make sure you give your emails to the list an appropriate 
subject line that is as descriptive as possible.  I've taken the liberty 
of adding one for you.

Zoe Gillenwater
css-d list moderator
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[css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Greg Morphis
Hey, I'm trying to build a daily schedule view which will have
schedules from 6am - 10pm.
I'm not sure if this is the correct approach so I'm asking for help...

I was thinking of using a table with 3 columns, 1 column for the name,
1 column for job title and 1 column for their daily schedule. I was
thinking of using spans for the various tasks that the users will have
throughout their day.
table width=790px; border=1
td width=75pxPat Smoot/td
td width=75pxCSR/td
td width=640pxspan

the border is just for viewing..
I believe what I need to use is absolutle positioning however when I
add that to the inline CSS statement, the width works but the span is
moved out of the cell table element.
I'm no CSS wiz, I'm just a beginner and hoping one of you can suggest
some sites to look at, tutorials or code snippets.


Auxilium meum a Domino
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[css-d] Background image - spanning multiple table cells?

2005-12-07 Thread Kevin Cannon
Hey all,

I'm CSS-ifying this design:

When I apply a BG image to a TR though, it works in Firefox, but in IE it
wont span the whole way accross. It repeats itself in each cell.

Any suggestions on how to avoid this, and keep this design markedup well?

(the only way I can see is an empty cell than spans the whole row, but that's
far from ideal)

Thanks very much,

- Kevin
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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Joe Huggins
A better approach might be to create a class, call it .task. Then the 
rule might be td .task {background-color:blue;text-align:center;}.

And then your HTML would be:
  td width=640px class=task

Greg Morphis wrote:
 Hey, I'm trying to build a daily schedule view which will have
 schedules from 6am - 10pm.
 I'm not sure if this is the correct approach so I'm asking for help...
 I was thinking of using a table with 3 columns, 1 column for the name,
 1 column for job title and 1 column for their daily schedule. I was
 thinking of using spans for the various tasks that the users will have
 throughout their day.
 table width=790px; border=1
   td width=75pxPat Smoot/td
   td width=75pxCSR/td
   td width=640pxspan
 the border is just for viewing..
 I believe what I need to use is absolutle positioning however when I
 add that to the inline CSS statement, the width works but the span is
 moved out of the cell table element.
 I'm no CSS wiz, I'm just a beginner and hoping one of you can suggest
 some sites to look at, tutorials or code snippets.

Joe Huggins MSW, MSCIS
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Clinical Science Program
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Re: [css-d] relative fonts

2005-12-07 Thread cappellano
Thank you all!

those links really helped me!


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[css-d] Vertical centering in a table cell using CSS

2005-12-07 Thread Sam Carter
Is there a way to vertically center content in a table cell using CSS 
(not HTML)?


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Re: [css-d] Vertical centering in a table cell using CSS

2005-12-07 Thread CJ Larson
 Is there a way to vertically center content in a table cell using CSS
 (not HTML)?

A CSS table cell or an HTML table cell?

[assume markup - div class=vcenter]
.vcenter {display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;height: 100%;}

[assume markup - td class=vcenter]
.vcenter {vertical-align: middle;}
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[css-d] CSS and a DIV

2005-12-07 Thread Carlton Gregory
The below pseudo code basically hides and displays a div


Can I with CSS do the same thing without using JavaScript. I actually
want to hide and show a div with a nested form that has one text input
in it.


Problem is I want to show it in the middle of the page. I want it to
hide when the user clicks submit. 


Im thinking I will have to use a third party package like Flash ( which
I have ) but the less third party stuff the better.


The less JavaScript the better. Thanks for your time. 


Script Language=JavaScript

function unhideimg(layername)


document.getElementById(layername).style.visibility = visible;




function hideimg(layername)






layername.style.visibility = hidden;



a href=# onclick=img.src='imgURL'; unhideimg('divimage');Hello/a

div id=divimage name=divimage oncontextmenu=return false;
onblur=hideimg(this); img.src='blank.gif'; onclick=hideimg(this);
img.src='blank.gif'; style=position: absolute; width:0; height:0;
left:1; top:1; visibility:hidden;

img title=Click to Close the Image src= galleryimg=false
style=position: absolute id=img/div

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Re: [css-d] float margin bug question

2005-12-07 Thread Brian J. Creasy
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 Brian J. Creasy wrote:
 Hey all.  This isn't the first time that I've run into this problem, 
 but I've never taken the time to look into how to fix it.  This time,
 I need to fix it for good.

 It's the 3px bug, and it is introduced along with 'Layout'[1] when
 IE/win sees the width on 'div.cr label'.
 Simplest solution: delete 'width: 12em;'.
 Added advantage with this solution: all browsers will line those labels
 up nicer when that width is gone.

Thanks for the quick reply.  I did try your suggestion, but it didn't 
fix the 3px bug.  Taking the width off of the label elements made the 
borders line up, but the content is still pushed over by 3px on the 
first one.  I also tried applying the holly hack to the elements in 
hopes, but without avail.  Any ideas of anything else to try?

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[css-d] database tabular data

2005-12-07 Thread peterl.harrison
How do I layout css div's to display multi columm tablular data from a 
database. Up until now I've used tables within an asp loop, with tr/tr or 
each row and td/td for each column.

Ideas for a css layout would really help.


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Re: [css-d] Vertical centering in a table cell using CSS

2005-12-07 Thread rolfsf
okay, so slightly OT here... could someone explain the use of  
I can never seem to get my brain around the how's and why's
Like, why wouldn't you use a table instead of divs acting like tables  
and table cells?


 Is there a way to vertically center content in a table cell using CSS
 (not HTML)?

 A CSS table cell or an HTML table cell?

 [assume markup - div class=vcenter]
 .vcenter {display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;height: 100%;}

 [assume markup - td class=vcenter]
 .vcenter {vertical-align: middle;}
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[css-d] Odd background image behavior, mystery margin

2005-12-07 Thread Tom Dell'Aringa
Hi there,

I'm trying to finish up a redesign of my site and I have 2 issues I cannot for 
the life of me
solve. The two may be related. Take a look at the site at:

http://www.pixelmech.com/ (site)
http://www.pixelmech.com/wp-content/themes/orangey/style.css (css)

You'll note the pixelmech logotype has a gradation behind it, and that it is 
spaced some
distance down from the top of the page. If I add a global margin/padding 
removal like so:

* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}

the space disappears. But I cannot for some reason actually find the culprit 
individually that
does this. 

Secondly, in the #base I am using a background image
that I have set to
be at the position center top no-repeat.

For some reason, unless I add a border (same color as the body bgcolor) like so:

border: 1px solid #f90;

the bg image will jump down 100px or so. I don't know why this happens, nor why 
the border fixes
it. Any suggestions would be great.



I was in a convenience store reading a magazine and the clerk came up to me 
and said This is not a library. so I said, All right, I will talk louder 
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Re: [css-d] database tabular data

2005-12-07 Thread Brian Cummiskey
 How do I layout css div's to display multi columm tablular data from a 
 database. Up until now I've used tables within an asp loop, with tr/tr or 
 each row and td/td for each column.
 Ideas for a css layout would really help.

Tabluar data is SUPPOSED to go in a table.  Use a table.  Tables are 
NOT CSS no-no's when they are used properly.

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Re: [css-d] Odd background image behavior, mystery margin

2005-12-07 Thread CJ Larson
 http://www.pixelmech.com/ (site)
 http://www.pixelmech.com/wp-content/themes/orangey/style.css (css)
 You'll note the pixelmech logotype has a gradation behind it, and
 it is spaced some
 distance down from the top of the page

html, body {margin: 0;padding: 0;}

 the bg image will jump down 100px or so. I don't know why this
 nor why the border fixes
 it. Any suggestions would be great.

Might be the collapsing margins we've been seeing a lot on the list.  :)


Add padding: 1px 0; to #base and you an safely take out your border.
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Re: [css-d] Abs. positioned element breaks drop-down menu

2005-12-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Laura Valentino wrote:
 ... when you rollover Neurology, you
 can only go down 2 items before it disappears):

A red background for the sidebar visualizes the problem.

#menu { ... position:relative; z-index:1}

Don't forget to check the menu in Opera.


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Re: [css-d] Vertical centering in a table cell using CSS

2005-12-07 Thread Sam Carter
CJ Larson wrote:

Is there a way to vertically center content in a table cell using CSS
(not HTML)?

A CSS table cell or an HTML table cell?

This is a td cell

[assume markup - div class=vcenter]
.vcenter {display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;height: 100%;}


This doesn't seem to center vertically in either IE 6 or Firefox...

My mistake or is there a correction?


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Re: [css-d] Vertical centering in a table cell using CSS

2005-12-07 Thread CJ Larson
This doesn't seem to center vertically in either IE 6 or Firefox...

Do you have a sample page online?

I noticed you cut out the HTML td example from my original reply and
only left in the CSS one.  Are you sure you were using the right
example?  The full code for my td table was more like this (I'm only
using inline styles for simplicity in emails):

table style=height: 100%;
trtd style=height: 100%;vertical-align: middle;hello

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Re: [css-d] safari drop down css menu quirk

2005-12-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Owen Williams wrote:
 .. After I hover over a list item once, it stays  
 where Safari thinks it should be until I refresh. 

I do not understand this rule, and removing it seems to stop it at my end:

 #topnavbar li  ul {
 top: auto;
 left: auto;   


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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Greg Morphis
here's a screen shot of what I'm trying to dupe.. Thanks!

On 12/7/05, Greg Morphis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, I'm trying to build a daily schedule view which will have
 schedules from 6am - 10pm.
 I'm not sure if this is the correct approach so I'm asking for help...

 I was thinking of using a table with 3 columns, 1 column for the name,
 1 column for job title and 1 column for their daily schedule. I was
 thinking of using spans for the various tasks that the users will have
 throughout their day.
 table width=790px; border=1
 td width=75pxPat Smoot/td
 td width=75pxCSR/td
 td width=640pxspan

 the border is just for viewing..
 I believe what I need to use is absolutle positioning however when I
 add that to the inline CSS statement, the width works but the span is
 moved out of the cell table element.
 I'm no CSS wiz, I'm just a beginner and hoping one of you can suggest
 some sites to look at, tutorials or code snippets.


 Auxilium meum a Domino

Auxilium meum a Domino
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread David Dorward
On 07/12/05, Greg Morphis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, I'm trying to build a daily schedule view which will have
 schedules from 6am - 10pm.

Tabular data.

tr!-- hour --
  th rowspan=2Employee/th
  th colspan=46 AM/th
  th colspan=47 AM/th
  !-- etc --
  !-- etc --

and use colspans to mark events that cross more then a single 15 minute slot.

 table width=790px; border=1

In HTML, attributes that take a length generally either take a
percentage (an interger followed by a % character) or a pixel length
(*just* an integer). 790px is wrong.

That said, such things should be done with CSS, not HTML, and the px
unit is required there (if you are using pixels, generally a unit
relative to the font size (e.g. em) or parent element (e.g. %) is more

 td width=640pxspan

* You are styling the entire content of the element, that span is pointless.
* You have not set the position property, thus the left property
does not apply
* You have specified a width, but the element is not being displayed
as a block, so it doesn't apply.
* You have set a background-color without setting a color (this can
cause problems once the cascade is applied)
* You have specified text-align, but the element is not being
displayed as a block, so it doesn't apply.

 I believe what I need to use is absolutle positioning

You shouldn't need that.

 however when I add that to the inline CSS statement, the width works

I have a feeling absolute positioning may turn things into blocks,
thus causing the property to apply.

 but the span is moved out of the cell table element.


David Dorward http://dorward.me.ukhttp://blog.dorward.me.uk
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Re: [css-d] Odd background image behavior, mystery margin (solved)

2005-12-07 Thread Tom Dell'Aringa

--- CJ Larson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 html, body {margin: 0;padding: 0;}

Aaugh..how in the world did I miss that one. I was playing around with default 
styles so I didn't
set it. Thanks for pointing that out.

 Might be the collapsing margins we've been seeing a lot on the list.  :)
 Add padding: 1px 0; to #base and you an safely take out your border.

Great, that indeed did fix the problem. I'll have to look more into that when I 
have time!


I was in a convenience store reading a magazine and the clerk came up to me 
and said This is not a library. so I said, All right, I will talk louder 
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Brian Cummiskey
Greg Morphis wrote:
 here's a screen shot of what I'm trying to dupe.. Thanks!

I may not speak for everyone here, but I would use a table for this.

Every half-hour is a data cell, and use the proper colspan's as necessary.

Can it be done in pure CSS? Sure.  But I don't think it's the best 
method in this case.

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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Greg Morphis
okay so using the tables would it allow for multiple enteries on the same day?

On 12/7/05, Brian Cummiskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greg Morphis wrote:
  here's a screen shot of what I'm trying to dupe.. Thanks!

 I may not speak for everyone here, but I would use a table for this.

 Every half-hour is a data cell, and use the proper colspan's as necessary.

 Can it be done in pure CSS? Sure.  But I don't think it's the best
 method in this case.

Auxilium meum a Domino
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] Need help figuring out how to implement a page layout

2005-12-07 Thread Mike Soultanian
Hey Everyone,
I'm having a really hard time trying to decide how I'm going to build a 
site for work.  I am making a huge effort here to do this in CSS and not 
use any browser hacks so it's a bit of a frustration for me because I'm 
really used to working with tables and know how they react.

For starters, here is an example of one of the pages (probably the most 


I am only concerned with the content area (everything below the banner, 
above the footer).  The rest is from a campus template that can't be 

Here's what I'd like: Left nav column to be a fixed width, calendar 
column to be fixed, calendar details (right-most column) liquid.  Also, 
just so you know, the rest of the site pages have a fixed nav with fluid 

My problem is I don't know how to implement this.  I've been researching 
and found the following:

1. I found this simple 2-column layout page:


It doesn't use any hacks and seems to work in many browsers.  For the 
calendar page, I was thinking of nesting another 2-column layout within 
the content side which would give me fixed-fixed-liquid columns.

2. Our campus web developers came up with a layout method where they 
float every column to the left like so:


Is there any reason I can't just set fixed widths on the columns that I 
want fixed and then set percentages on the columns I want fluid?  It 
seems like it could work, but it just seems to easy...

I think those are the only two ideas that I've figured out.  I'm kinda 
at a loss what to do.  I'd really love to hear some drawbacks, 
suggestions, whatever.  The biggest problem I'm having is that it seems 
there are so many different ways to pull things off that I don't know 
what to pick.

Let me say this.  For the time being, I am willing to adjust my markup 
so that it helps with layout (nested divs, ordered markup, etc).  I know 
this goes against the spirit of CSS, but it seems like all the 
implementations that only use CSS for presentation (holy grail, etc) are 
using hacks to deal with the browser inconsistencies.  When the browser 
mess has cleared for a bit, I'll move towards that goal.  However, right 
now I'm willing to make a small compromise.

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Re: [css-d] Vertical centering in a table cell using CSS

2005-12-07 Thread Marjorie MacDonald
Why do you need this 
style=height: 100%;vertical-align: middle;
at all? 

Isn't the default for vertical alignment in a cell
center? If you don't do anything, and haven't set
anything in your CSS, the cell should be vertically
centered by default. 

Marjorie MacDonald

--- CJ Larson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This doesn't seem to center vertically in either IE
 6 or Firefox...
 Do you have a sample page online?
 I noticed you cut out the HTML td example from my
 original reply and
 only left in the CSS one.  Are you sure you were
 using the right
 example?  The full code for my td table was more
 like this (I'm only
 using inline styles for simplicity in emails):
 table style=height: 100%;
 trtd style=height: 100%;vertical-align:

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Greg Morphis
Oh and how would I add the words to it? like Work or Vacation using a table?

On 12/7/05, Greg Morphis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 okay so using the tables would it allow for multiple enteries on the same day?

 On 12/7/05, Brian Cummiskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Greg Morphis wrote:
   here's a screen shot of what I'm trying to dupe.. Thanks!
  I may not speak for everyone here, but I would use a table for this.
  Every half-hour is a data cell, and use the proper colspan's as necessary.
  Can it be done in pure CSS? Sure.  But I don't think it's the best
  method in this case.

 Auxilium meum a Domino

Auxilium meum a Domino
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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Brian Cummiskey
Greg Morphis wrote:
 okay so using the tables would it allow for multiple enteries on the same day?

This doesn't seem like a coding problem but rather a business logic 

For example, how can someone be on vacation, and in a meeting at the 
same time?

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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Brian Cummiskey
Greg Morphis wrote:
 Oh and how would I add the words to it? like Work or Vacation using a 

td colspan=2 class=onvacationVacation/td

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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread Greg Morphis
Okay thats cool.. BTW they wouldnt be doing 2 things at once.. but
like Meeting from 10-1  and then vacation from 2-6.. multiple things
on the same day.
On 12/7/05, Brian Cummiskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greg Morphis wrote:
  Oh and how would I add the words to it? like Work or Vacation using a 

 td colspan=2 class=onvacationVacation/td

Auxilium meum a Domino
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] list-style: isn't styling in IE6...

2005-12-07 Thread Jeff Ross
I've got this page


with stylesheets


This page contains several unordered lists but I'm unable to get
list-style: to display _any_ type in IE.  FF does just fine.  I can make 
changes to my ie-specific stylesheet and see those changes in IE, so the 
stylesheet is being loaded and parsed.

I've got a feeling this is going to be something simple, but I can't see 

Thanks for any other eyes that would like to peer in!

Jeff Ross

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Re: [css-d] absolute positioning??

2005-12-07 Thread David Dorward
On 07/12/05, Greg Morphis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh and how would I add the words to it? like Work or Vacation using a 

By putting the text in the table data cell that spans the columns
headed by the times that the event occurs.

 On 12/7/05, Greg Morphis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  okay so using the tables would it allow for multiple enteries on the same 

By putting two non-empty cells in the same row.

David Dorward http://dorward.me.ukhttp://blog.dorward.me.uk
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Re: [css-d] list-style: isn't styling in IE6...

2005-12-07 Thread Jeff Ross

On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Jeff Ross wrote:

 I've got this page


 with stylesheets


 This page contains several unordered lists but I'm unable to get
 list-style: to display _any_ type in IE.  FF does just fine.  I can make
 changes to my ie-specific stylesheet and see those changes in IE, so the
 stylesheet is being loaded and parsed.

 I've got a feeling this is going to be something simple, but I can't see

 Thanks for any other eyes that would like to peer in!

 Jeff Ross

Apologies to those that have checked and couldn't download two of the 
list-style-types that are images.  I forgot to commit them into cvs before 
I did the last cvs up.  The problem still remains, though.

Jeff Ross

 css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] Using the list [WAS Re: Image layout]

2005-12-07 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Chris Leversuch wrote:

Ian Young wrote:

Many apologies for this. Due to a malfunction with Outlook I have lost a
bunch of emails from the discussion forum.
Couple of weeks ago there was an interesting thread on image layout.

Have you looked through the archives? The private[1] one is probably 
best because you can view by thread.


[1] http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/private/css-d/

Indeed the threads are easier to go through in the private archive, but 
the private archive isn't searchable.  So I suggest you use Google to 
find the thread you were looking for, Ian.  Once you know the date and 
name of the thread, you can easily locate it in the private archives if 
you desire.


Another reminder, Ian:
To start a new thread, do not reply to an existing message, as you did. 
When you do this,
your message gets threaded on to the old thread, which messes up the 
and makes it less likely that others will see your message and subsequently
reply to you. You must send a new message with an appropriate and 
subject line to css-d@lists.css-discuss.org in order to start a new thread.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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Re: [css-d] how to bottom align a floated element

2005-12-07 Thread Zoe M. Gillenwater
Lori K. Brown wrote:

I'm getting the hang of using floated elements, slowly. New problem: 
Containing div is 200 px tall, has a left floated div and a right 
floated div that are as tall as the containing box. That's working ok. I 
need to add another div which is much shorter. Is there a way to bottom 
align that new 50 px element inside of the 200 px containing div?

You can't bottom align this 50px div if it is a float [1], as your 
subject line says, but you can if you absolutely position it and give it 
bottom: 0.  Your 200px containing div will need to be set to position: 
relative for this to work.  If this method doesn't work for you we will 
need to see a live page to give you more detailed help.

Keep in mind that is generally not a good idea to set heights on 
elements, especially not in pixels, since they won't resize as the 
content inside does (your client asks you to add more text, the user 
needs a larger font size, etc.)


[1] Well, technically you can, but I wouldn't bother with it when 
absolute positioning can do the job for you nine times out of ten.

Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] display: table-cell --- why?

2005-12-07 Thread Rolf Mortenson
I posed this question on another thread, but as Micky wisely pointed  
that be hijackin' a thread... so...

Could someone please explain the use of display:table-cell?

I can never seem to get my brain around the how's and why's

Like, why wouldn't you use a table instead of using divs that act  
like tables and table cells?

I'm just trying to find that aha! moment where the purpose and intent  
of this style crystalizes.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] display: table-cell --- why?

2005-12-07 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
... Could someone please explain the use of display:table-cell?

 I can never seem to get my brain around the how's and why's

 Like, why wouldn't you use a table instead of using divs that act
 like tables and table cells?

Because when you change your mind and don't want that
table behaviour any more you do not need to remove tables from
your HTML - only to change your CSS file.

Of course, if you are dealing with tabular data then fiddling with
divs does not make much sense.

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Re: [css-d] display: table-cell --- why?

2005-12-07 Thread Olly Hodgson
On 07/12/05, Rolf Mortenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Like, why wouldn't you use a table instead of using divs that act
 like tables and table cells?

It's so that you can have all the advantages of a table style layout
(easy multi-column layouts, footers that clear all of the columns,
full-length backgrounds, etc), with all of the advantages of semantic
html (accessibility, SEO, degrading to small-screen / print devices,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] display: table-cell --- why?

2005-12-07 Thread Olly Hodgson
On 07/12/05, Rimantas Liubertas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Of course, if you are dealing with tabular data then fiddling with
 divs does not make much sense.

Oh of course. If you're working with tabular data, use a table
element. It's common sense :)

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] display: table-cell --- why?

2005-12-07 Thread christianz
Could someone please explain the use of display:table-cell?

Simply put (be careful, because the explanation is s simple it may be 
confusing), it's the display property of table-cells. It may very well be that 
no other element will ever need to have that property applied to it but table 
cells need to have it applied and it is around to be applied to other elements 
if anybody ever finds a use for it.

Like, why wouldn't you use a table instead of using divs that act like tables 
and table cells?

You're right because tables and their child elements are already there for you 
so use those. If you want to tinker around and apply the 'table-cell' property 
then go for it. If you don't need it, then don't bother.
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Re: [css-d] display: table-cell --- why?

2005-12-07 Thread Michael Hulse
Any thoughts on the CSS compatibility/browser support of display: 
table-cell;? If you use it, should you also be thinking about adding 
filters to other browsers that do not understand it?

Thanks.  :)
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[css-d] Site Check Please

2005-12-07 Thread Joshua Roark
I have a site I am working on and it is a WordPress template used as-is per 
client request.  I don't currently have Win/IE 5.x available to test the site 
layout.  I am told the site breaks unpleasantly in Win/IE 5.x and some 
assistance would be appreciated.  Presently, I have tested the site with PC: 
FireFox 1.5, IE 6; Mac: IE 5.2, FireFox 1.5, Safari 1.3.1

The site is http://www.tailgatessportscafe.com/index.php

CSS: http://www.tailgatessportscafe.com/wp-content/themes/connections/style.css

I appreciate the assistance and feedback.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] preventing div leakage?

2005-12-07 Thread R. Steven Rainwater
I'm trying to convert an expandable (I think you guys use the term
fluid?) table-based design to divs. One thing that's becoming a
problem for me is that some cells (now divs) contain fixed-size elements
such as images.

When I shrink the browser window size, the table based design shrinks
down as small as possible but never smaller than the size of an image
with a given cell. Making the window too small simple forces the user to
scroll but the layout still holds together.

The div based design, on the other hand, seems oblivious to the size of
the elements contained and divs will happily shrink so much that the
elements they're suppose to contain leak out onto other divs. So the
layout self-destructs at sufficiently small window sizes.

Is there any way to prevent this? Any way to make a div not shrink
smaller than the elements it contains, while still allowing it to expand
as needed?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] DHTML Question

2005-12-07 Thread Brandon, Ivan
This is my first post, so I'm a bit nervous - but here goes: 

I am making use of the DHTML concept of setting a value to an element using
the input name of the element, e.g.:

document.forms[0].object.value = test;  (where 'object' is the
input name of the element)

My question is: can the element reference be a variable?  I have placed the
above line of code within a JavaScript function, to which I am passing a
variable input name, but the code does not work when I insert a variable
name in place of 'object' - it only works when I place the absolute input
name of the element.

Is there any way around this - how can I use a variable name to set the
value of an element?

Thanks in advance,
- Ivan   

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Re: [css-d] display: table-cell --- why?

2005-12-07 Thread Sebastian Redl
Rolf Mortenson wrote:

Could someone please explain the use of display:table-cell?

I can never seem to get my brain around the how's and why's

Like, why wouldn't you use a table instead of using divs that act  
like tables and table cells?

Here's another reason that hasn't been pointed out yet: CSS isn't all 
about HTML. CSS is in theory capable of giving presentation attributes 
to any kind of data model that consists of nodes (elements) arranged as 
a tree, with attributes associated with these nodes. You can style your 
arbitrary XML with it, for example. All you need is a way to connect the 
CSS to the tree. For XML, this happens through the xml-stylesheet PI. 
Just put this at the top of an XML file:
?xml-stylesheet href=css source type=text/css?
Mozilla, among others, will then display the results of styling the XML. 
There's just one rule predefined: every element has display:inline.
If your custom XML contains a table-like structure, you can use the 
table-* display values to instruct the UA to display that stuff as a table.

Sebastian Redl
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] Site Check Please

2005-12-07 Thread David Laakso
Joshua Roark wrote:

I have a site I am working on and it is a WordPress template used as-is per 
client request.  I don't currently have Win/IE 5.x available to test the site 
layout.  I am told the site breaks unpleasantly in Win/IE 5.x and some 
assistance would be appreciated.  Presently, I have tested the site with PC: 
FireFox 1.5, IE 6; Mac: IE 5.2, FireFox 1.5, Safari 1.3.1
The site is http://www.tailgatessportscafe.com/index.php
CSS: http://www.tailgatessportscafe.com/wp-content/themes/connections/style.css
I appreciate the assistance and feedback.

I believe the problem is versions of IE before IE6/strict use a 
different box model. The right column is too wide in those versions, and 
the float drops.
See: http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=BoxModel
There are any number of ways (hacks) to solve that problem:
including methods not using a hack:
A different but nevertheless problematic issue is the font rendering in 
IE. You have set the font-size on the body in em's. This triggers a bug 
in ie causing all your fonts to go goofy on zoom. Complicating it 
further, you've got the content in pixels. So everything goes goofy 
except the content text-- and it does /not/ zoom.
--Set font-size 100.01%/1.2 on the body.
--Use em's for font size thereafter and a raw number for line 
height(1.1, 1.2)
--1em for the content text is cool.
PS The calendar breaks the layout on zoom in ff. Personally, I could 
never figure out why they are on sites as most everyone has a perfectly 
good one on their machine.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] css-discuss wiki

2005-12-07 Thread Jonathan Lui
Don't know if this is the correct place to post this, but the css-discuss
wiki http://css-discuss.incutio.com/ can't be accessed from where I am
(shanghai, china). It gives me a 403 Forbidden error, so I know i'm able to
at least reach the server. I tried going through tor and it works.

Is there a filter in place that bans visits from China?
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE 6.0 text indent issue -Newbie

2005-12-07 Thread David Laakso
Mindy wrote:


I have an issue with IE 6 in this navigation, it's causing the first line of
text to indent and I can't sort out how to solve it. I know that if I set
text-indent in the style sheet to -23px the problem is resolved in IE 6,
but it causes the text to be up against the left side of the page in
Firefox, mozilla etc (that is there is no margin). So my question is, how do
I serve instructions to IE to indent the text and not to Firefox etc.?



Thanks for your help.


My /guess fix/ has not been tested.  Change this selector:
#active { ... } 
to read:
#navlist li#active { ... }
aside: the content is kind of tiny at 1280 *and* up.
this is a /start/ to correct it:
body {font-size: /*small*/;}
Hugging the left viewport w/ a fixed width layout is a little tough on 
ones sense of equilibrium(at least mine).

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] disabling text selection in Opera

2005-12-07 Thread Richard Grevers
On 12/8/05, Zoe M. Gillenwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 vxcriss wrote:

 Hi, does anyone know how I can disable text-selection in opera 8.5 or
 greater? I am already using this for mozilla but can't find any way to
 do it for opera 8.5
-moz-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
refraining from moral/usability criticism
Overlaying the text with a positioned transparent div will work,
although it will also make any  links unclickable.
I put work in quotes because if I really want to select text I'll
either switch to user mode or source view. The only thing that will
defeat that is to use an image rather than text.
Richard Grevers
New Plymouth, New Zealand
Orphan Gmail invites free to good homes.
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[css-d] Hiding rules from FF1.07 on a Mac

2005-12-07 Thread Julian Voelcker

Are there any hacks for hiding rules from FF1.0.7 on a Mac running OSX 
(latest version)?

I have a complex layout that requires a div to be set as 
position:relative to work correctly but in FF on the Mac it doesn't 

If I strip out the position:relative it works fine on the Mac, but then 
looks a mess on IE and FF on the PC.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


Julian Voelcker
Cirencester, United Kingdom

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Fixed positioning workaround

2005-12-07 Thread Jonathan Carter
I'm trying to implement a fixed positioned header and left column 
workaround in a test page that will work in IE and FF. It works in FF 
nicely, and it's on it's way to working in IE, but I just can't get it 
to work perfectly.

The test page can be found here:


Any help with making this work in IE would be greatly appreciated.


Jonathan Carter

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] strange ff1.5 behaviour

2005-12-07 Thread Ray
A site that I am working on is behaving strangely in Firefox 1.5 (from 
XP or Win2K). When clicking one of the top navigation buttons, the last 
button wraps to the next line. In Firefox 1.07, and IE 6, the buttons 
behave as expected. Also tested from a Linux box in Konqueror and FF 
1.07, and the buttons behave as expected. Seems that its just happens in 
Firefox 1.5.

The site is currently here: http://re.ality.org/wordpress
The Teen Scene button is the one that wraps when any button in the top 
menu is clicked.

Any ideas as to fixing this behaviour?


avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0549-3, 12/07/2005
Tested on: 12/7/2005 11:17:02 PM
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css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] strange ff1.5 behaviour

2005-12-07 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ray wrote:
 Firefox 1.5.
 The site is currently here: http://re.ality.org/wordpress The Teen
 Scene button is the one that wraps when any button in the top menu is

You've created that menu too tight :-)

 Any ideas as to fixing this behaviour?

This should do, and make the natural wrapping that follows font-resizing
look a bit nicer...

#topmenu ul {width: 100%;}
#topmenu ul li {white-space: nowrap;}

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Re: [css-d] strange ff1.5 behaviour

2005-12-07 Thread Ray
Awesome!  That fixed it nicely ... I was thinking it was something to do 
with the a:active, and not paying close enough attention to the 
containers :)

Thank you,

Gunlaug Sørtun said the following on 12/7/2005 11:40 PM:
 Ray wrote:
Firefox 1.5.

The site is currently here: http://re.ality.org/wordpress The Teen
Scene button is the one that wraps when any button in the top menu is
 You've created that menu too tight :-)
Any ideas as to fixing this behaviour?
 This should do, and make the natural wrapping that follows font-resizing
 look a bit nicer...
 #topmenu ul {width: 100%;}
 #topmenu ul li {white-space: nowrap;}

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0549-3, 12/07/2005
Tested on: 12/7/2005 11:50:34 PM
avast! is copyright (c) 2000-2003 ALWIL Software.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] display: table-cell --- why?

2005-12-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Rolf Mortenson wrote:
 Could someone please explain the use of display:table-cell?
 I can never seem to get my brain around the how's and why's
 Like, why wouldn't you use a table instead of using divs that act  
 like tables and table cells?

Choan C. Gálvez posted this nice example of a full width navigation bar 
to css-d:



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Re: [css-d] Hiding rules from FF1.07 on a Mac

2005-12-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Can't answer your question, but do you have an URL at hand?


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