[css-d] Menu problem with IE6+7

2009-03-13 Thread Sh
I have a problem in IE (6+7) when mouse-over the menu where there's a
sub-menu (dreamweaver- spry), It shows a white cell under the sub
This doesn't show wither in FF, Safari and IE mac.
Any help will be greatly appreciated

here is the site: http://wendyrichmond.com


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Re: [css-d] Menu problem with IE6+7

2009-03-13 Thread Bill Brown
Sh wrote:
 I have a problem in IE (6+7) when mouse-over the menu where there's a
 sub-menu (dreamweaver- spry), It shows a white cell under the sub
 This doesn't show wither in FF, Safari and IE mac.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated

Ah, SpryMenus. Hate's too strong a word, but it's close. What you're 
seeing isn't actually a white cell, but rather an iframe hack included 
by the SpryMenu JavaScript. It's frequently more harmful than helpful.

Your best solution is probably to remove the iframe creation part of the 
javascript, or simply comment it out.

Another possible solution would be adding this to your site head tag:
!--[if lte IE 6]style type=text/css
.Menue iframe

That's completely untested for your site, but it works quite well on my 
(home-grown, non-Spry) menus.

Best of luck.

  ! Bill Brown macnim...@gmail.com
  ! Web Developologist, WebDevelopedia.com
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Re: [css-d] Font size dilemma

2009-03-13 Thread david
Kathy Wheeler wrote:
 I know the mantra: let the user decide, set font-size to 100% but ...
 Looking at major general news sites, popular public blogging etc  
 sites, they ALL seem to have fonts set much smaller. This being the  
 case surely the visually impaired surfer, being otherwise perfectly  
 normal individuals frequenting popular public news, blogging, social  
 sites etc, will have already set their font preferences to suit those  
 sites they frequent.
 Rather than blindly (bad term, I know) accepting the 100% font size,  
 wouldn't a better approach be to settle on a font-size that doesn't  
 make a client's site look like a kindergarten reader (compared to  
 major news sites for eg)

In what browsers on what OSes installed on what particular hardware? You 
have no control over the hardware a visitor is using to view your site. 
I could be running a 19 monitor at 640x480 resolution because that's 
what I need in order to see things. Or I could be like a friend of mine 
who ran his 17 monitor at 2048x1536 resolution. (I even once ran a 15 
monitor at 1600x1200.)

 and just make sure it doesn't break under  
 common techniques used by the visually impaired?

That's the important thing, and easiest if you start with the assumption 
that the visitor already has their preferred font size set.

 And what common techniques are in use? Firefox has at least 2  
 different Zoom options with very different results, then there's  
 minimum font size ... what are those who alter their browsers  
 actually using? What should we be checking by?

I think that the most likely browser settings you'll encounter in 
general public use are the browser's stock, default settings. So keep a 
test system around with your chosen browsers installed with their 
unchanged installation defaults ...

 I would imagine setting a browser minimum font size to bring (say)  
 cnn.com back to 100% font size equivalent would have no effect on a  
 site set to 100% font size; very little effect on one set to say 85%;  
 but running the browser in some zoom mode to get cnn to 100% equiv  
 would blow our font-size 100% sites out to 150% equiv or similar!!
 Or have I missed something?

You're still trying to prescribe the visitor's font sizes. You have no 
control over it, so why spend any time bothering with it?

And who says that CNN or any other particular site is doing it right? 
Way too many sites are designed by Graphic Designers Who Must Look Kewl 
At Any Cost - and media companies are some of the worst offenders in 
that area. (An aside: some of the most Absolutely Totally Kewl - and 
completely unusable - sites I've seen have been the home sites of web 
design firms ... )

I don't adjust my font sizes so that any particular site's font looks my 
chosen size. I set my chosen size, and kick the font size up or down if 
needed by some particular site. I have almost never encountered a web 
site where I had to kick the font size DOWN.

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Re: [css-d] Font size dilemma

2009-03-13 Thread Bobby Jack

--- On Fri, 3/13/09, Kathy Wheeler kat...@home.albury.net.au wrote:

 Looking at major general news sites, popular public
 blogging etc  
 sites, they ALL seem to have fonts set much smaller. This
 being the  
 case surely the visually impaired surfer, being otherwise
 normal individuals frequenting popular public news,
 blogging, social  
 sites etc, will have already set their font preferences to
 suit those  
 sites they frequent.

Kathy, I sympathise: it's difficult to get over the 'small is cool' mindset 
that seems to be prevalent nowadays. Even on respectable 'design sites', I very 
rarely see body text at my browser's default font size. 

I've chosen to design my personal site around the default size, so I hardly use 
the font-size CSS property at all - only percentages greater than 100 for 
headings, etc. It's very tempting to use a smaller font somewhere, but I'm 
holding out for the moment.

My target audience is probably 'better sighted' than the general public, but 
I've chosen to go this way to also handle different resolutions which, as 
others have pointed out, make font-sizing a very tricky thing.

I don't think browsers help - the general features such as page zoom / text 
zoom / minimum font size are pretty poorly implemented, IMO (see 
http://www.fiveminuteargument.com/blog/minimum-font-size, for example). 
Combined with poorly chosen font sizes, I really sympathise with anyone whose 
eyesight is worse than mine.

Having said all that, I don't think we need to be too dogmatic about it. Web 
pages are NOT the same as books - I believe there should be more of a visual 
identity to a site than just a logo and a couple of images. If browsers did a 
better job of handling font-sizing, every web site could easily be readable by 
all whilst maintaining a unique look of its own, even in regards to the 'base' 
font size.

- Bobby
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[css-d] Eric Meyer on CSS project 6 and 7 combined getting gray outlined image box under menu bar option

2009-03-13 Thread David Shapiro

I am trying to combine chapter 6 and 7 things to make a horizontal bar of 
options with stylish rounded options that also has drop-down menu options.  The 
problem is that if if use something like:

ul id=nav
lia href=/empower/weblogic/createDataSource.jspWeblogic 
lia href=/sasshare/Share Administration/a/li
lia href=/dax/Rock Administration/a/li
lia href=/gidb/Moon Administration/a/li
lia href=/outage/Schedule Outage/a/li

The bar looks fine.  But, if I use:

div id=nav
lia href=/empower/index.jspHome/a/li
ul class=level1
li class=submenua href=Profile/a
ul class=level2
ul class=level1
li class=submenua href=Datasource/a
ul class=level2
lia href=/empower/weblogic/help.jspHelp/a/li

The last item on the menu bar has a gray box outline.  I do not know how to get 
rid of the gray image outline (is that an image border?)

The css I use:

html, body {margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #FFF; color:#4A4344;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
behavior: url(/empower/csshover.htc);
} /*  WinIE behavior call */
h1 {
color: #FFF;
background: rgb(0%,56%,84%);
font: bold 200%/1em Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
padding: 1em 1em 0; margin: 0;
border: 1px solid rgb(0%,31%,46%);
border-width: 2px 0;
#main {
font-size: small;
color: #AAA;
background: #FFF;
margin: 0;
padding: 2.5% 12.5%;
clear: left;
#nav {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
#nav li {
list-style: none; float: left;
margin-left: 1px; padding-left: 16px;
font-size: 10px; line-height: 20px; white-space: nowrap;
background: #BBB url('/empower/images/tabs2-big.gif') 0 100% no-repeat;
#nav a {
display: block; float: left; padding: 0 16px 0 0;
text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold;
background: #DDD url('/empower/images/tabs2-big.gif') 100% 100% 
color: #333;
width: .1em;
htmlbody #nav a {width: auto;} /* fixes IE6 hack */
/* Commented Backslash Hack hides rule from IE5-Mac hack \*/
#nav a {float: none;} /* End IE5-Mac hack */
#nav a:hover {color: rgb(62%,35%,22%);}
#nav #current, #nav #current a {
color: #FDB;
background-image: url('/empower/images/tabs2-big-ct.gif');

img{border-style: none;}

#ds table { margin: 0; padding: 0; width=100%}
#ds td { font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; align=right; }

.cssform nbb {

.cssform p{
width: 305px;
clear: left;
margin: 0;
padding: 5px 0 8px 0;
padding-left: 155px; /*width of left column containing the label elements*/
border-top: 1px dashed gray;
height: 1%;

.cssform label{
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 12px;
float: left;
margin-left: -155px; /*width of left column*/
width: 150px; /*width of labels. Should be smaller than left column (155px) to 
create some right margin*/

.cssform input[type=text]{ /*width of text boxes. IE6 does not understand 
this attribute*/
width: 305px;
border: 1px solid gray;

.cssform input[type=password]{ /*width of text boxes. IE6 does not understand 
this attribute*/
width: 305px;
border: 1px solid gray;

.cssform textarea{
width: 250px;
height: 150px;

/*.threepxfix class below:
Targets IE6- ONLY. Adds 3 pixel indent for multi-line form contents.
to account for 3 pixel bug: 

* html .threepxfix{
margin-left: 3px;

div#nav h2 { font: 2em/1em Times New Roman, serif; letter-spacing: 0.1em;
text-transform: lowercase; text-align: center;
margin: 1.25em 1em 0; padding: 0.5em 0.25em;
#content { margin: 0 2em 2.5em; padding: 1.5em;
border: 1px solid black;
background: url(/images/wildwind.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;
#cpdefaults {
position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px; wrap;
padding: 0.75em; border: 1px solid #600; border-width: 2px 1px 2px 1px;
#cpdefaults ul { list-style: none; margin: 1em; padding: 0; font-size: small; }
#cpdeftitle { text-decoration: underline; font-size: medium; font: Arial, 
Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; }

/* drop down menu system */
div#nav { margin:0; padding: 0; float: left;
/* margin: -1px 0 0 7em; */
background: #FFF; border: 1px solid #AAA;
div#nav ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: white; border: 1px solid 

[css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread Stephen Tang
I saw a FAQ page where it listed a question followed by an answer as
follows (fictional question and answer below):

Q. How do I login?
A. You log in by clicking on the login link.

The HTML markup is an unordered list (ul), where the list (li) have
background images for the Q. and A.

ul.QandA li.Q {
background:transparent url(../images/img_Q.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 2px;
padding:0 0 0 20px;

ul.QandA li.A {
background:transparent url(../images/img_A.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 2px;
padding:0 0 16px 20px;

Does CSS2.1 allow a way to actually use Q. and A. as text?  Or
maybe a different markup (dl?) should be used?

I know the background image technique is well-known
(http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/introduction.htm), but since
in this example, it's just Q and A, I was hoping there is a way
not to use images.

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Re: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread Els
Stephen Tang wrote:

 I know the background image technique is well-known
 (http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/introduction.htm), but
 since in this example, it's just Q and A, I was hoping there is
 a way not to use images.

I think that Q and A should be part of the content, not the styling.
Without CSS and without images, the content of the page should still 
make sense, so I reckon you'll want to have the images for Q and A 
with alt text, or just plain text, in the HTML?


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[css-d] My layout needs your help

2009-03-13 Thread Kim Brooks Wei
Hi List Friends,

Here are the problems I'm having with my own site's layout. Perhaps 
you can help me resolve them.

My h1 doesn't appear inline as I want it to in the page's first paragraph.

Side navigation is giving me a bit of trouble. The content type 
scrolls up and down, but I want the navigation to stay in place in 
one spot on the page (like the tiger does). I tried a few ways to get 
this effect without success. The content type will need to indent on 
the right as it passes by the side navigation bars - as the bars 
protrude into the content type space.

Solutions accepted with gratitude. Be well!

This email sent by
Kimi Wei
201-475-1854  |  k...@thewei.com  |  thewei.com
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Re: [css-d] My layout needs your help

2009-03-13 Thread David Laakso
Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
 Here are the problems I'm having with my own site's layout. Perhaps 
 you can help me resolve them.





A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.

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Re: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread Climis, Tim
 Does CSS2.1 allow a way to actually use Q. and A. as text?  Or
 maybe a different markup (dl?) should be used?

Sure.  It's even easy.

li.Q:before {
 content:Q: ;

li.A:before {
 content:A: ;


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Re: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread Bobby Jack

-- On Fri, 3/13/09, Els el...@tiscali.nl wrote:

 I think that Q and A should be part of the content, not the
 Without CSS and without images, the content of the page
 should still 
 make sense, so I reckon you'll want to have the images
 for Q and A 
 with alt text, or just plain text, in the HTML?

IMO, a list of question and answer pairs still makes sense, even if they're not 
explicitly labelled 'Q' and 'A'. Each question will, presumably, be suffixed 
with a question mark, and, if structured as a dl, each answer following it, 
indented, will pretty obviously be a response.

dl.qanda dt:before { content: 'Q. '; }
dl.qanda dd:before { content: 'A. '; }

is a basic approach.
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Re: [css-d] My layout needs your help

2009-03-13 Thread Christian Kirchhoff
The link is mentioned in the footer: thewei.com

Best regards,

*Editura Gesellschaft für Verlagsdienstleistungen mbH*
Tempelhofer Damm 2 · 12101 Berlin
AG Berlin-Charlottenburg · HR B 81823 · USt.Id. DE217180548
Geschäftsführer: Ralf Szymanski

David Laakso schrieb:
 Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
 Here are the problems I'm having with my own site's layout. Perhaps 
 you can help me resolve them.




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Re: [css-d] My layout needs your help

2009-03-13 Thread Bobby Jack

--- On Fri, 3/13/09, Kim Brooks Wei kimi@kimbwei.com wrote:

(The link's in the signature, David ;)

 My h1 doesn't appear inline as I want it to in the
 page's first paragraph.

Your h1 is inline, but your paragraph isn't.

 Side navigation is giving me a bit of trouble. The content
 scrolls up and down, but I want the navigation to stay in
 place in 
 one spot on the page (like the tiger does).

Note that your tiger image has a position: fixed. You'll want something 
similar for your #mainnav and you'll probably want to move that element's 
position in your source document, depending on exactly where you want it to 
appear on screen. As you say, you'll probably want to add some space for it by 
narrowing your body copy.
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[css-d] IE7 and whitespace.

2009-03-13 Thread Ian Young
Hi guys,


Last throw of dice before the weekend.

Trying to get elements to line up across the page.

Just about sorted in FF/IE8, Opera, Safari and have fix in for IE6, but IE7
just won't play ball.



The address image has extra space between it and the nav2 div above.

Any thoughts?


BTW As it is a work in progress the png images are not all fettled for IE6.



Ian Young


IY e-Solutions




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Re: [css-d] My layout needs your help

2009-03-13 Thread David Hucklesby
Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
 My h1 doesn't appear inline as I want it to in the page's first paragraph.

I think that you want h1 { display: run-in; } - but when I last looked,
only Safari and Opera supported it. I imagine you have tried display:
inline? FWIW I bailed and used h1 { float: left; width: whatever; } -
nasty. I know.

 Side navigation is giving me a bit of trouble. The content type 
 scrolls up and down, but I want the navigation to stay in place in 
 one spot on the page ...

Use { position: fixed; } for that. IE 6 does not support position:
fixed, so you may want to look at emulating it:


 Solutions accepted with gratitude.

Can you post a link?


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Re: [css-d] Menu problem with IE6+7

2009-03-13 Thread Sh
thanks! the white iframe did go away, all works perfect on IE 6 but in
 IE 7 the menu expands and only when rollover the sub menu it shrinks
back. Any idea how to fix that?
(I added both the head hack tag plus deleted the iframe from the JS)


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 4:46 AM, Bill Brown macnim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sh wrote:

 I have a problem in IE (6+7) when mouse-over the menu where there's a
 sub-menu (dreamweaver- spry), It shows a white cell under the sub
 This doesn't show wither in FF, Safari and IE mac.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated

 Ah, SpryMenus. Hate's too strong a word, but it's close. What you're seeing
 isn't actually a white cell, but rather an iframe hack included by the
 SpryMenu JavaScript. It's frequently more harmful than helpful.

 Your best solution is probably to remove the iframe creation part of the
 javascript, or simply comment it out.

 Another possible solution would be adding this to your site head tag:
 !--[if lte IE 6]style type=text/css
 .Menue iframe

 That's completely untested for your site, but it works quite well on my
 (home-grown, non-Spry) menus.

 Best of luck.

  ! Bill Brown macnim...@gmail.com
  ! Web Developologist, WebDevelopedia.com

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Re: [css-d] IE7 and whitespace.

2009-03-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ian Young wrote:

 The address image has extra space between it and the nav2 div

Can't see any extra space _there_ in IE7 compared to in other browsers.

However, it would be a good idea to prevent IE7 from seeing those IE6
fixed (the extra stylesheet), as those IE6 styles ruin the layout in IE7.

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Re: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread Jenn Mears-Nickerson
Hi Stephen,

Personally, I like to use dl for QA features with the dt tag as the question 
and the dd tag as the answer.  It gives me control over how the two different 
elements appear (Q in bold for ex) without assigning id's.  

Another method could be the alternating table rows trick, just with a ul 
though.  Example: li class=odd and alternate with li class=even and then 
assign those classes with whatever styling you want.

Hope this helps!

Jenn Mears-Nickerson

Jenn Mears Web Design LLC
39B Northey Street 
Salem, MA 01970

From: Stephen Tang clowwizarder...@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 11:37 AM
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul 

I saw a FAQ page where it listed a question followed by an answer as
follows (fictional question and answer below):

Q. How do I login?
A. You log in by clicking on the login link.

The HTML markup is an unordered list (ul), where the list (li) have
background images for the Q. and A.

ul.QandA li.Q {
background:transparent url(../images/img_Q.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 2px;
padding:0 0 0 20px;

ul.QandA li.A {
background:transparent url(../images/img_A.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 2px;
padding:0 0 16px 20px;

Does CSS2.1 allow a way to actually use Q. and A. as text?  Or
maybe a different markup (dl?) should be used?

I know the background image technique is well-known
(http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/introduction.htm), but since
in this example, it's just Q and A, I was hoping there is a way
not to use images.

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Re: [css-d] IE7 and whitespace.

2009-03-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Ian Young wrote:

 I have fixed the conditional.

That did the trick.

 It must be the IE tester then that is not displaying properly as the
 address png is most definitely down more than other browsers in the
 IE7 rendition.

I compared side-by-side with the line-up in other browsers, but I can't
see any deviation in in IE7 in IETester v.0.2 or v.0.3 (on XP) at my end.

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Re: [css-d] IE7 and whitespace.

2009-03-13 Thread Ian Young

 To: Ian Young
 Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
 Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 and whitespace.
 Ian Young wrote:
  The address image has extra space between it and the nav2 div
 Can't see any extra space _there_ in IE7 compared to in other browsers.
 However, it would be a good idea to prevent IE7 from seeing those IE6
 fixed (the extra stylesheet), as those IE6 styles ruin the layout in

Thanks Georg

I have fixed the conditional.
It must be the IE tester then that is not displaying properly as the address
png is most definitely down more than other browsers in the IE7 rendition.



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Re: [css-d] Font size dilemma

2009-03-13 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
Kathy Wheeler wrote:

 Rather than blindly (bad term, I know) accepting the 100% font size,
 wouldn't a better approach be to settle on a font-size that doesn't
 make a client's site look like a kindergarten reader

I'm not sure why one's page should not be better than the crowd in 
legibility. But assuming the goal you describe - which is surely what many 
people and especially their bosses and clients call for - I'd like to 
suggest one particular CSS technique for it.

Leave aside the font-size, as a CSS property, or as a propery of a font, for 
a moment. What those people want is not small font size but small letters. 
Then you could set, say,

body { font-family: Calibri, Vrinda, sans-serif; }
* { line-height: 1.2; }

At font-size 100%, assuming typical browser defaults, this should result in 
a rendering that is acceptable to above-mentioned people. It may look too 
small to many people who have not changed browsers from their defaults, but 
simple change of font size, even on IE, should help them.

The point is that Calibri and Vrinda have letters that are small with 
respect to the font size, so the text looks considerably smaller than, say, 
Arial of the same size. Either of these fonts is available on the great 
majority of computers, and regarding others, let's hope their sans-serif 
pleases the user.

It seems that Vrinda has a large inherent line-height, so setting 
line-height explicitly to 1.2 or even to a somewhat smaller value should be 

The biggest problem might be that Vrinda has a fairly limited character 
repertoire (rather few accented characters, though ISO Latin 1 is covered) 
and an oddly long hyphen (though the hyphen is clearly shorter than the end 
dash). Calibri is much better in these respects, but it's less common.

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ 

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Re: [css-d] Font size dilemma

2009-03-13 Thread Michael Stevens
-Original Message-
From: Jukka K. Korpela [mailto:jkorp...@cs.tut.fi] 
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 12:23 PM
To: CSS discuss
Subject: Re: [css-d] Font size dilemma

Leave aside the font-size, as a CSS property, or as a propery of a font, for
a moment. What those people want is not small font size but small letters. 
Then you could set, say,

body { font-family: Calibri, Vrinda, sans-serif; }
* { line-height: 1.2; }

The point is that Calibri and Vrinda have letters that are small with
respect to the font size, so the text looks considerably smaller than, say,
Arial of the same size. Either of these fonts is available on the great
majority of computers, and regarding others, let's hope their sans-serif
pleases the user.


Working in the Graphic Design field I've seen and heard of a lot of fonts.
Calibri I have but do not have installed all the time and use it maybe a
couple times a month. And I've never heard of Vrinda. Because of the
inherent problems with calling out REAL typefaces I rarely do it. A few
exceptions might be:

{font-family: Helvetica, Helvetica55, Helvetica 55, HelveticaNeue, Helv,
Swiss721, Swiss721BT, Arial, Arial, sans-serif;}
{font-family: Garamond, GarmondITC, Garamond ITC, ITCGaramond, ITC
Garamond, Gatineau, serif;}
{font-family: Palatino, PalatinoLinotype, Palatino Linotype, Book
Antiqua, PalmSprings, Palm Springs, serif;}

But I usually only define them as serif or sans-serif. Less worrying that

Your theory is an interesting one, though.


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Re: [css-d] IE7 and whitespace.

2009-03-13 Thread Ian Young
 Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 and whitespace.
  I have fixed the conditional.
 That did the trick.
  It must be the IE tester then that is not displaying properly as the
  address png is most definitely down more than other browsers in the
  IE7 rendition.
 I compared side-by-side with the line-up in other browsers, but I can't
 see any deviation in in IE7 in IETester v.0.2 or v.0.3 (on XP) at my

Thanks Georg,

The layout had changed due to designer using a different strapline png.

There are a couple of other things that I think will make a difference and
may not need fixes

Thanks as always for your input.



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Re: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread Stephen Tang
Hi Tim,
Thanks for that.  I had forgotten about :before and :after
pseudo-classes.  That would work, except in IE browsers.  You answered
my question though. :-)


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Climis, Tim tcli...@indiana.edu wrote:
 Does CSS2.1 allow a way to actually use Q. and A. as text?  Or
 maybe a different markup (dl?) should be used?

 Sure.  It's even easy.

 li.Q:before {
  content:Q: ;

 li.A:before {
  content:A: ;



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Re: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread Stephen Tang
Hi Jenn,
Thanks for those ideas.  I had not thought about just getting rid of
the bullet motif entirely.  Both of your suggestions are worth


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Jenn Mears-Nickerson
j...@jennmearswebdesign.com wrote:
 Hi Stephen,

 Personally, I like to use dl for QA features with the dt tag as the
 question and the dd tag as the answer.  It gives me control over how the two
 different elements appear (Q in bold for ex) without assigning id's.

 Another method could be the alternating table rows trick, just with a ul
 though.  Example: li class=odd and alternate with li class=even and then
 assign those classes with whatever styling you want.

 Hope this helps!

 Jenn Mears-Nickerson

 Jenn Mears Web Design LLC
 39B Northey Street
 Salem, MA 01970

 From: Stephen Tang clowwizarder...@gmail.com
 Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 11:37 AM
 To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
 Subject: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

 I saw a FAQ page where it listed a question followed by an answer as
 follows (fictional question and answer below):

 Q. How do I login?
 A. You log in by clicking on the login link.

 The HTML markup is an unordered list (ul), where the list (li) have
 background images for the Q. and A.

 ul.QandA li.Q {
 background:transparent url(../images/img_Q.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 2px;
 padding:0 0 0 20px;

 ul.QandA li.A {
 background:transparent url(../images/img_A.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 2px;
 padding:0 0 16px 20px;

 Does CSS2.1 allow a way to actually use Q. and A. as text? Or
 maybe a different markup (dl?) should be used?

 I know the background image technique is well-known
 (http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/introduction.htm), but since
 in this example, it's just Q and A, I was hoping there is a way
 not to use images.

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Re: [css-d] IE7 and whitespace.

2009-03-13 Thread Jukka K. Korpela
Ian Young wrote:


 The address image has extra space between it and the nav2 div above.

The page looks completely blank on my IE 7. No idea why. No fancy browser 
settings right now, and other pages work normally.

On Firefox, I see the warning

Varoitus: Odotettiin ,- tai {-merkkiä, mutta löytyi html. 
Sääntökokoelma jätetty huomiotta virheellisen valitsijan vuoksi.
Lähdetiedosto: http://www.dbadvertising.co.uk/dev/includes/style-new.css
Rivi: 51

I guess that's Greek to you, but your copy of Firefox, or a CSS checker, 
would probably give a report in English.

(Yes, I know it's some trick purported to hide something from naughty 
browsers, but such tricks have their risks. It's easy to outsmart oneself in 

Oh, and a markup validator finds some errors. There seems to be a /div tag 
missing, and that could cause almost anything, even in CSS.

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ 

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread Stephen Tang
I could make Q and A part of the content, but then if the content
is more than one line, the second and subsequent lines would be right
under the letter Q or A, which isn't what I had in mind.  I was
thinking of replacing a list bullet with the letter Q and A without
using an image.


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Els el...@tiscali.nl wrote:
 Stephen Tang wrote:

 I know the background image technique is well-known
 (http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/introduction.htm), but
 since in this example, it's just Q and A, I was hoping there is
 a way not to use images.

 I think that Q and A should be part of the content, not the styling.
 Without CSS and without images, the content of the page should still make
 sense, so I reckon you'll want to have the images for Q and A with alt text,
 or just plain text, in the HTML?


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Re: [css-d] Q and A (Question and Answer) format using ul

2009-03-13 Thread David Hucklesby
Stephen Tang wrote:
 I could make Q and A part of the content, but then if the content
 is more than one line, the second and subsequent lines would be right
 under the letter Q or A, which isn't what I had in mind.  I was
 thinking of replacing a list bullet with the letter Q and A without
 using an image.

You could use something like dt, dd { text-indent: -1em; }

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[css-d] Suckerfish in Wordpress - 'current page' in sub menu inheriting primary page's colors

2009-03-13 Thread Anne E. Shroeder
I've put a bit of a hack in my CSS to achieve a current state on my top 
horizontal navigation -- I'm using the Multilevel navigation plugin in 
wordpress, which uses a version of suckerfish.  The issue is that while the 
current state is working fine for the top level, it is cascading down to 
the sub levels as well.  Please see 
http://www.indivumed.com/wp.indivumed.com/?page_id=69  for an example --  
hovering over Products and Services, the sub menu item Full pathology 
service is highlighted in the same dark blue - but if should be highlighted 
with a light blue.  My code:

#suckerfishnav li.current_page_item,
#suckerfishnav li.current_page_parent,
#suckerfishnav li.current_page_ancestor { background:#4c90cc ; } // dark 
blue background
#suckerfishnav ul li ul li.current_page_item,
#suckerfishnav ul li ul  li.current_page_parent,
#suckerfishnav ul li ul li.current_page_ancestor { 
   background:#e4e7f3;  } // light blue background

What am I missing?


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