[css-d] IE7 scrollbar bug

2007-01-31 Thread Alastair Campbell
A colleague of mine found a little bug in IE7 that produces an
unneeded horizontal scrollbar:

It seems to be tripped when you have:
- a block of over 50% wide, relatively positioned. (Including the body.)
- an absolutely positioned item in the right hand side of the block
(i.e. from left: 50% onwards, or right:0).
- You have a block element within that has a negative margin-top or
margin-left of less than 0.

Is there a good list of IE7 bugs to add this to? The IE feedback site
is temporarily closed.


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Re: [css-d] input margin bug (IE7)

2006-12-19 Thread Alastair Campbell
On 12/19/06, Ingo Chao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Strange. Seems to be a similar problem in IE6, but the wrapper is
 expanding there.

I'm glad it wasn't something common that I had just missed before, but
it is very strange that this hasn't come up before, isn't it?
Especially since it affects IE6 (in a different way) as well.

We've gone with removing some of the styles from IE7 for now, and
since it isn't an easy hasLayout issue it doesn't seem to have a
CSS-only fix.

Thanks Ingo,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] New IE7 haslayout bug?

2006-09-05 Thread Alastair Campbell
Hi everyone,

A client had a strange behavior in IE7 RC1, where mousing over a link in 
one column moved the right hand column off screen. A fairly obscure one 
this, but at first glance it doesn't seem to equate to a current PIE bug.

I've just cut it down to a test case:

(or http://tinyurl.com/oac76 )

The triggers seem to be:
- Negative margin floated layout.
- Position relative on a wrapper.
- A background colour applied to the hover state of a link in a list item.

Could someone check that you get the same result before I dig deeper?

Mousing over the link on the left should cause the content area to move 
to the right. This is closer to the original 3 column page:



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Layout based in em's: different widths FF/IE

2006-06-14 Thread Alastair Campbell
Hi Bernat,

Bernat Lleonart wrote:
 I am creating a layout based in em's the box
 is 100px wide in FF, but it is 99px wide in IE.

Only 1px difference? I'd expect that much from using percentages to do
the page width! That could easily be rounding error.

Felix might chip in that you shouldn't apply the sizing to the main font

I haven't made my mind up about that yet, I've a lot of reading and
testing to do first.

Layouts based on em's are not often a good idea, unless you can set a
max-width on them (including IE if your user based includes that).

This *might* not apply to your page/site/experiment, but with no URL to
see or motive given...

Kind regards,


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] IE7b2 peekaboo?

2006-06-13 Thread Alastair Campbell
Ingo Chao wrote:
 The peekaboo, meaning content appearing and reappearing depending on 
 scroll, window rezise, the weather forecast, is fixed in IE7. The 
 problem you are reporting is not of that now you can see me, now you 
 don't kind.

Ah, thanks for that, I guess that's why I didn't find anything in the 
archives. Has anyone come up with a pithy name for this? ;)

 I've tried to include this in the second Example: A relatively 
 positioned parent ceases rendering and disappears in [2]

And a much more attractive example. :)

 In your case, there is another problem: After the float, but before the 
 clearer, there is an absolutely positioned element. This element itself 
 disappears in IE [3].

The only reason the content div was given r.p. was to allow the 
placement of the a.p. box at the bottom. I don't think the a.p. box is 
required to trigger the bug, but I included the box so that the relative 
positioning didn't seem random.

 A fix is to apply haslayout to the parent. Always apply layout to a 
 relatively positioned container of floats.

I don't want to apply a width, so I guess using an IE-only 'zoom' or 
height would fix it. I need to re-read the haslayout article again!

 With this fix, the parent, the float and the clearer re-appears, but not 
 the a.p. element because of [3].
 You may solve the problem with separating the a.p. from the float and 
 clearer by another div like Bruno Fassino describes in [3].

Damn, more redundant divs :/

Thanks Ingo,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE7b2 peekaboo?

2006-06-13 Thread Alastair Campbell
Ingo Chao wrote:
 In the end, these are just heads of Hydra, smash one, and two will grow.

Indeed, I tried creating a 'fix' page and made *all* the content 
disappear by including a conditional comment...


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] IE7b2 peekaboo?

2006-06-12 Thread Alastair Campbell
Hi everyone,

Apologies if I missed it before, but has anyone else had problems with 
peekaboo bugs in IE7?

I thought it had been fixed, so I was a little surprised to come across 
it, and stripped it down to a test case:

Could someone confirm what I'm seeing? It falls over in IE 6 in lots of 
other ways, so IE 7 only please ;)

It's an instance where applying 'position:relative' to the container 
actually triggers the bug.



css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Elastic layouts: want to confirm

2006-05-19 Thread Alastair Campbell
Christian Montoya wrote:
 No. EMs provides the best scaling possible for a layout that is
 intended to grow as the font grows. When the height and width of the
 font characters is somewhat similar, doubly so.

Intending for layout's to scale based on font size isn't such a good
idea for accessibility, it often leads to lots of horizontal scrolling
for those who need it most. See this for more explanation:

I posted a couple of days ago about trying to get a font-based layout
with a max-width of the window size. However, I couldn't get it working
in IE, which is what most people with visual impairments use (like the
general population).

Kind regards,


Alastair Campbell |  Director of User Experience

Nomensa Email Disclaimer:
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] Elastic layouts: want to confirm

2006-05-19 Thread Alastair Campbell
I wrote:
  Intending for layout's to scale based on font size isn't such a good
  idea for accessibility

Christian Montoya wrote:
 I never meant to imply that.

My apologies, I misunderstood.

Christian continued:
 It's poor foresight on the part of the designer who forgets to
 implement max-width in any layout that is not fixed. It's a really
 basic thing.[1] As for IE, one does the best they can.
 [1] { max-width:100%; } // see? basic

Agreed, but with font sizes and max-width, I've not found an answer for
IE 6 (unless it hasn't come through on digest): 

I look forward to when IE 6 does actually go the way of NN 4 (i.e.
vitually no usage), but until then we need a practical strategy.

Kind regards,


Alastair Campbell |  Director of User Experience

Nomensa Email Disclaimer:
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] IE7b2's Doctype switch comments

2006-02-06 Thread Alastair Campbell
I was just checking a few of the site's I look after in IE7's new beta,
and was a little worried that some appeared just as in IE6, which I
wasn't expecting.

The two odd ones out are on a 3rd party CMS that doesn't do the XML
declaration properly, and has a comment to kick IE6 into quirks mode.
I'm not sure if it's worth adding to the wiki, but I can see it causing
problems for people if this isn't general knowledge:

Although IE7 now accepts an XML declaration above the doctype, any
comment above the doctype will put it into quirks mode.

Personally, I'm quite happy with this behaviour, it means I can target a
group of browsers with predictable bugs  hacks (IE 5.0 - 7b2). I'll
leave this here if people want to check:


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] selectors question

2005-05-18 Thread Alastair Campbell
Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
I'm not sure if any browser supports E:empty decently.
FF appears to, but for things with literally nothing inside, e.g. 
p/p.  Perhaps also for just whitespace, but I'd need to check that. 
AFAIK that's what the spec says, which is a shame, because then you 
can't target text-only nodes.

Anyway, that wouldn't work, as your selector is not empty, it does  
contain a node img src= /
I'd be quite happy to just target the ones without a child node, but 
even text counts as not-empty.

The only thing you possibly can do is tag links that contain images  
with a class, then
Thanks, it is good to get a second opinion on something like this!
What I've done for now is to use slightly different links:
/outbound.php?url=[link] for one, and
/outbound?url=[link] for ones without images.
Then use: a[href^=/outbound.php]
However, it might be tricky automatically applying that through the 
WYSIWYG editor I'm trying to configure for other editors of the site

Kind regards,
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css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] selectors question

2005-05-17 Thread Alastair Campbell
diego nunes wrote:
   Maybe... a *:not(*) - don't make much sense, but worth a try ;)
Thanks Diego,
I tried that, but no joy.   :(
It applies to the *, which would be the image, but not the link, which 
is where the padding  background is applied.

Because the text doesn't count as something to style, I can't apply it 
to the text. Then we are back to the conundrum of not being able to 
check a sibling to apply styles to the parent.

Kind regards,
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