[css-d] Struggling with an OL

2014-05-11 Thread Charles Miller
Good morning - 

My business client donates a website for the Flag Day Parade here in Appleton, 
WI, USA. Each year the site lists all the participants. I’ve normally done that 
by converting a docx file to an html table. But with my limited import 
experience and my limited code skills, that always resulted in a significant 
amount of manual editing. And renumbering when they modify the list. This year 
I read in my HTML/CSS books and decided to try an organized list. 

It hasn’t gone well. All 105 lines had the same  formatting (identical to 
my eye) but they displayed differently. Plus the numbers showed in Dreamweaver 
but not in any of the browsers I proofed it in. Safari, Firefox, Opera. The 
site structure is inherited, so I don’t fully understand it. I thought perhaps 
something was squelching the numbers, or rendering them in white, etc. So I 
tried to redefine color etc. in the head of the page. Had no effect. 

So I Googled and wound up at:


>From there I trial-and-errored to this review page:


This looks OK with one exception. The list starts with the number one (as you’d 
expect), but the parade committee begins their list with the number 0 (zero). I 
thought I could use value=“0” within the first  item — but it has no effect 
given the code I’m employing. I hoped I could use start=“0” within the opening 
. But it had no effect. 

Any suggestions? (I wondered if another approach might be some sort of full 
reset for ol and li.) 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Visual styling vs. source order

2013-12-20 Thread Charles Miller
Bet I can make some dearly-departed conscientious types roll over in their 
graves by mentioning:

1.  Begin with an H1 which states the subject matter as directly 
and plainly as possible -- and which is white on white or placed off the page 
with negative X margin. Whatever works, if anything does. 

2.  Have an H2 which is inline styled to look like a smaller kicker 

3.  Use H3s for the rest of the “major" heads. Styled as desired. 

I offer personal conviction for nothing I’ve said. But I do defend the right of 
kicker heads to have a home online. 

Tell me the system rejects them, and I will (predictably) reject the system. I 
will ask how many headlines can dance on the head of a pin. 

I am now returning to my standard lurker role. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Good HTML / CSS3 books

2013-10-28 Thread Charles Miller
Quick notes: 

The mention of this list’s moderator prompted my eternally-hibernating memory 
to suggest that the Eric Meyer I mentioned may be The Moderator hereabouts. I 
gave mixed comments on his Pocket Reference, from my perhaps idiosyncratic 
perspective, without any thot that I might be pushing those comments in his 
face. At least it suggests that there was no sugar-coating. 

It might be slightly sugary to say that his "CSS Pocket Reference" was a 
required purchase in the CSS course I took at the local tech college. So it has 

Another example of lack of perfect balance was my commentary on the "Sketching 
with CSS” book. The price shocked me (I’m easily shocked when it comes to 
finances) and my reaction was to reach for my brand of humor. I make no 
judgment on the book nor its value to others. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Good HTML / CSS3 books

2013-10-28 Thread Charles Miller

On Oct 28, 2013, at 9:39 AM, Jon Reece  wrote:

> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/HTML5
> CSS (all versions)
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS

This impresses me. I saved the pages for offline viewing on my tablet, but 
suspect that most of the meat is in the many, many links to other pages. So 
offline viewing may be of limited use. 

I even like the way those two pages look. Shouldn’t matter, I suppose, but it 
does to me. 

> I don't use reference books daily as I prefer to use the online docs when
> I'm looking for something specific. I do read reference books though (I
> have found that it's a good way to commit new things to some place in your
> memory) and for HTML5 / CSS3 I think Sergey Mavrody book is the easiest,
> most complete read:
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00852KP6Y

This link apparently goes to the Amazon mobile site. Limited info, purchase not 
supported. 2nd edition.

I get this as the regular Amazon page.


The 3rd edition is out (only 3 months newer, no Kindle yet — much more 
expensive). No user reviews yet??? Wonder if they got the year wrong? 

I’ve added this to my Wish List — but it’s too confused for me to consider now. 

A popular quick ref is Eric Meyer’s “CSS Pocket Reference.” Meyer is a major 
figure. The book likely is impeccable. I have the 3rd Ed in book form and the 
4th in PDF. But the index seldom has what I look for. And the examples seldom 
do what I wish to do. I would confess to often wishing to do what isn’t fully 
recommended, but other good books DO have what I seek. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] "Responsive Design" resources

2013-06-01 Thread Charles Miller

On Jun 1, 2013, at 4:58 AM, Karl DeSaulniers  wrote:

> Don't know if you've found a solution, but I cam across this and thought I'd 
> share.
> Just in case you or anyone else may find it useful for responsive web design.
> Haven't worked with it myself, but looks like it is worth a try, and it's 
> free.
> Dreamweaver Extension:
> http://www.dmxzone.com/go/21759/dmxzone-bootstrap

Hmm… Is it free? 

When I clicked Download, it wanted me to login. Since I get emails from them, I 
figured I was registered. Entered a UN/PW and was told my account was locked 
(inactive). Neither the DMXzone Bootstrap page nor a site search yielded any 
recourse to that. So the free extension seems out of reach. For me.

The rest is about a responsive theme for WordPress. Many here will want to stop 
reading at this point.

My DMXzone problem doesn't matter too much, since I am an early convert to 
Sterling - a premium WordPress theme ($55) available through ThemeForest. It's 
fully responsive, surprises me constantly with a ton of options, and has an 
interface that keeps me out of behind-the-scenes files and theme code mods. 
(Comes with a sample child theme.) Programmers may not appreciate that it gives 
this designer what seems like full control without asking me to code. (Though 
coding is offered as an option for advanced purposes.) I appreciate it big 

Has 15 training videos (both helpful and accessible, with audio track), more 
HTML doc, and a support forum where my half dozen questions (some to do with 
how it would work IF I bought it, before I bought it - and some along the lines 
of here's what I want to do, how can I best do it?) were all answered within 
one day. Average time of response was about 4 hours. Support techs elsewhere 
sometimes find my questions too broad; not so here.

One question was: how can I create 20 or so individual divs or areas of content 
to display them all on one webpage. The answer was: the content blocks short 
code should make this a breeze. Here's a link. 

Another question was: I want to include a site search that doesn't just return 
a text listing of matching words, but instead builds a page of those content 
blocks that contain the searched for words. The answer was: that will require 
some customization of WordPress and/or the Sterling theme. Normally we'd be 
glad to discuss our services in doing that for you. But we're hard at work on 
new versions for 2 of our themes. Here are links to 2 programmers we've worked 
with and trust. 

If I've gushed here, let me finish with the usual: no connection with them 
other than being a recent customer. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] "Responsive Design" resources

2013-05-20 Thread Charles Miller
Sorry to Tom for first sending this to him, not the list. 

On May 20, 2013, at 10:52 AM, "Tom Livingston"  wrote:

> I recommend "Mobile First" and "Responsive Web Design" from  abookapart.com

I'd recommend a book with the same title but with Jump Start at the beginning:

Jump Start Responsive Web Design  --  thru Sitepoint, Amazon, etc.

But since I'm a designer, your taste as a programmer may be different. 

lynda.com has several courses on responsive design. You can join for $25/month 
and stay as long as you like (can even go on and off the membership at will; 
they don't mind). 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Recommended css font settings

2013-02-23 Thread Charles Miller

On Feb 23, 2013, at 7:46 AM, Koen van der Drift  

> Check out this article: 
> http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/08/20/typographic-design-survey-best-practices-from-the-best-blogs/,
>  it has a lot of useful info. There are also some good articles on the IA 
> website on typography.

I notice that article is 3 1/2 years old. Some things (like me) get better with 
age. But web practices and techniques have always seemed a marathon race where 
I have been running continually without really catching up to the pack. 

Secondly, I'm among those who don't recognize "the IA website."

TIA…   Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] 'letter-spacing' - pixels only?

2011-10-27 Thread Charles Miller

On Oct 27, 2011, at 8:34 PM, ChrisIzatt wrote:

> So you don't agree that letter-spacing should be able to be adjusted on text
> that isn't large? Why?
When I tried it a year ago, using small amounts on text-size type, it would 
have no affect as I increased the amount. And then one additional increment 
would have a big effect. What's worse, the point where it jumped varied between 
browsers. And that was just on my Mac. I dropped the idea. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Banners

2011-10-25 Thread Charles Miller

On Oct 25, 2011, at 9:10 AM, John wrote:

>> Can anyone recommend some good tutorials on how to make web banners using 
>> CSS?
As a Sitepoint "customer" I just got an email with this:

> As a SitePoint customer, you're invited to join tens of thousands
> of students learning PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS and more at Learnable
> ... the #1 site for online web designer and developer video courses
> Learnable memberships are launching with an incredible introductory offer ...
> Sign up in the NEXT 48 HOURS and you'll pay only $7/month (SAVE 50%)
> ... PLUS get this ** Special SitePoint Customer BONUS ** (see below)
> Browse + Watch (Free) Previews of Courses here:
> http://on.learnable.com/Web-Development-Courses
> When you've found a course, "Get Started with a Learnable Membership":
>  * Access 1,600+ videos for developers & designers
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> EVERY MONTH for the first 3 months of your membership!
> Remember, this offer is exclusive to SitePoint customers and ends SOON.
> Lock in your savings, and join now (yes ... you can cancel ANY time)
> http://on.learnable.com/Membership-Offer-for-SitePointers
> (there's a 1 minute video that explains how Learnable works)

Not positive, but I think I got to be a Sitepoint customer by download a free 
ebook. So... qualifying may be free. The offer is to join Learnable for up to 6 
months at $7/month. Cancelable at any time. A search produced a course Facebook 
Ads 101, with:

• 8 Lessons
• Course Q&A
• 13 Video Tutorials
• 10 Articles
• 12 File Downloads

This topic doesn't relate to CSS, but Learnable has courses that do. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Popout box

2011-06-10 Thread Charles Miller

On Jun 10, 2011, at 8:28 AM, Nazish wrote:

> I'd like to create a popout box...

Project 7 has a product called Tooltip Magic that quite impresses me. 


Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Recreating the Facebook layout

2011-06-04 Thread Charles Miller

On Jun 4, 2011, at 9:42 AM, David Laakso wrote:

> Personal Opinion:
> Play at being a web designer rather than being a type designer. Do not 
> letterspace text for desktop. Sometimes when used with discretion and 
> depending on the font letterspacing of a heading /may/ be appropriate.

This child at play interprets that as an "acknowledgement" that CSS (and the 
browser makers) have failed in this area. Obviously, making the text readable 
and attractive should be basic to any web design. Size, font (within a terribly 
narrow range), and line-spacing are all nicely controllable. If letter-spacing 
is too tight (if I'm not the only human animal who thinks so), then that's a 

I can accept friends, clients and associates who have flaws. Usually accept it 
in myself. I can accept web type with built-in flaws, as long as I'm allowed to 
grumble. I only hope that you CSS guys do a better job next time. It's not a 
matter of "design," it's a matter of form to fit function. 

Surprised I wasn't fed the famous quote to the effect that he who would letter 
space lower case letters would steal sheep. To which I would have replied that 
I wasn't trying to space out letters; I was trying to restore optimal letter 

Obviously, the web has to be perfect. It's far too important to allow it to be 
like everything else in the world...

Chuck M
not on deadline this weekend

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Re: [css-d] Recreating the Facebook layout

2011-06-04 Thread Charles Miller
On Jun 4, 2011, at 4:46 AM, Gabriele Romanato wrote:

> As always, if you notice anything strange

In my Mac's Safari (latest version) and Firefox (latest version), I noticed a 
small detail I've noticed on sites I'm working on. 

The letter-spacing for text is IMHO a bit too tight. Reading on a monitor, I 
prefer a bit more. 

But when I try to adjust letter spacing, it doesn't work. That is, I've tried 
adding small values, increasing with each try - and saw no result. Then 
suddenly the text will jump to letter spacing so pronounced that the wind blows 
between the letters. (Well, at least, more than I want.)

I think I asked about that someplace, and I think the answer may have been that 
letter spacing was best avoided, because browsers handle it neither 
consistently nor well. This list is more precise than most. Should I just 
accept default letter spacing and move my thoughts elsewhere?

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Reflection effect

2011-04-15 Thread Charles Miller

On Apr 15, 2011, at 12:16 PM, David Laakso wrote:

> Fwiw, some captures...
> ~d

Am I right that none of them look like a true reflection would look? That the 
bottom image is in no cases a vertical flip of the top image?

It "challenges" my mind to think of how these might be used. (Though if you 
reply that these are research results and not applied anything, I will shut up 

Offered not in criticism but in curiosity. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] Experiment: CSS post it note

2011-04-08 Thread Charles Miller

On Apr 8, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Venditelli, Daniel - Web Development Administrator 

> *Can't even begin to count the number of sites that had some snippet of
> useful text just begging to be copied into my research notes only to
> discover the text is a graphic. 

Guilty. Flat out guilty. Not necessarily repentant. 

Pictures get high readership. A few well-chosen words in the pic do too. 

Plus with the high number of generic pix slapped onto pages as content-free 
phony eye candy, words in photos show a little thought. A little 

I'd never put a key piece of word content ONLY in a pic. In fact, I guess I use 
them as a mild form of constructive redundancy, or as teasers to encourage the 
old art of reading the text. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] letter spacing difference (FF vs. Safari)

2011-03-04 Thread Charles Miller

On Mar 4, 2011, at 9:11 AM, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

> > So the problem would have been had you thought it was "windy."
> I did : I was just too shocked to comment, given that you had
> suggested it was overkerned.  Remember, please, Goudy's aphorism.

Might that be: First do no harm.:-)

I'll look earlier in the thread for the actual aphorism. 

Are you game to post or send another screen shot later today after I remove the 

It would be useful to see if what looks scrunched on my Mac looks good on your 

Chuck M
now I can go eat...

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Re: [css-d] letter spacing difference (FF vs. Safari)

2011-03-04 Thread Charles Miller

On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:57 AM, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

> Here is how I see it, by the way :
> https://picasaweb.google.com/Chaa006/ScreenCaptures?authkey=Gv1sRgCPLV3Kvwm6zA5QE#5580238912279306258
> ** P.

My fervent hope to get out of this house has been briefly thwarted by a client 
who called to stop by immediately. So I looked at your sample page. 

That body copy is looser than what I see. 

If it is, as I believe, the minimum value that has any general effect, then 
perhaps I will be pushed to the "original" conclusion of thinking it isn't 
workable to letter-space body copy. Damn.

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] letter spacing difference (FF vs. Safari)

2011-03-04 Thread Charles Miller

On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

> But that shews no evidence at all of overtight letter fit
> (in my browser, at my preferred settings, at least).  Can
> you send a screenshot of how it appears at your end, so
> we can see where you are getting the feel that it is overkerned ?

The page at that URL has a letter-spacing of something like 0.5 to 0.65em. 

So the problem would have been had you thought it was "windy."

To show you what it looks like without the letter spacing, I'd have to edit 
that page in the WP Dashboard and take the screenshot. Not onerous, but I have 
to leave for a couple hours. 

If anyone still wishes that after my return, I will do that. Honest.

Otherwise, I say tentatively, perhaps viewers could use Firebug in Firefox or 
the inspector in Chrome to see for themselves. 

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] letter spacing difference (FF vs. Safari)

2011-03-04 Thread Charles Miller

On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:24 AM, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

> Charles Miller wrote:
>> But the letterfit (there's that word again) of body text in the WordPress 
>> site I inherited and am reworking, is with no letter-spacing simply too 
>> tight. (I doubt that the font designer wanted it to look that way.)
> Could we see this site, so we can judge for ourselves ?
> Philip Taylor

Oh boy. Here comes the red herring. I will give the URL. But know that I 
nominate the site for nothing. It is my VERY FIRST WordPress page, and is 
really a transitional step before the whole site is reworked, probably using 
the Headway theme. So "perfect" is not my word. I gave attention to the 
message, tried to use effective illustrations (if not over-use them). I 
consider the page a little pushy but more engaging than the "book" paragraphs 
that were the previous format. 

This is NOT the list to show an over-designed site. Purists here do abide. I 
offer it with the ernest assumption that more than one of you will comment with 
the same plain language I used in this thread. (That way I learn.) Ta Da!


Let the music begin...

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] letter spacing difference (FF vs. Safari)

2011-03-04 Thread Charles Miller

On Mar 4, 2011, at 4:03 AM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

> In general, setting any kind of letter-spacing on body text is a poor idea - 
> and font designers do know their job, in general (yes, I know, there are 
> crappy fonts out there).

That may be sound advice. And, thanks to you and others, it's established as a 
hypothesis in my mind. 

But the letterfit (there's that word again) of body text in the WordPress site 
I inherited and am reworking, is with no letter-spacing simply too tight. (I 
doubt that the font designer wanted it to look that way.) 

I have given it some letter-spacing (the least amount that made a difference in 
my browsers on my system) and that is not ideal either, but IMHO it is BETTER. 
I have a WordPress coach (ain't I special?) and he has viewed it on his PC, vs. 
my Mac, and called the page "perfect."

Even allowing for the facts that he normally works with beginners, and is the 
personality type to use the word "perfect" in a casual fashion, that suggests 
to me that my letter-spacing is not a prosecutable offense. 

Can't help myself. I think line spacing and letter spacing are important in 
making text look "intentional" and not something spewed out by some Microsoft 
word grinder. 

And if that sounds angry or recalcitrant, I'm not. Just think some subjects 
deserve plain language. (Plus I know that when I shove my understanding out in 
public, it gets "moderated" and I learn.)

Chuck M
who is inordinately proud that for 3 messages in a row he has remembered to 
change the "To:" line from the poster to the list

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Re: [css-d] letter spacing difference (FF vs. Safari)

2011-03-03 Thread Charles Miller

On Mar 3, 2011, at 11:27 AM, David Laakso wrote:

> On 3/3/11 11:24 AM, Charles Miller wrote:
>> http://abcaudiology.com (the home page only) specifies something like 
>> 0.65ems of letter-spacing. I might like a little less space, but since older 
>> viewers will be common it looks OK to me. I recently inherited the site to 
>> redesign it. So criticism and comments would be welcome. But are not 
>> officially requested. :)
>> Chuck M
> Don't play at pretending to be a type designer.  Do not letterspace text.
> body {
> /*letter-spacing:0.05em; delete */
> }
> ~d

I'll interpret that as saying that I would be pretending because the web 
doesn't allow type design in any meaningful sense. That's useful to hear. 

In the larger (older) world of type, some fonts are naturally spaced to fit 
tight. Some loose. Seems on topic in this thread to ask if the few fonts we use 
for web text vary in fit? How do Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, Georgia, and 
Verdana compare in "natural" not-adjusted letter-spacing?

Chuck M

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Re: [css-d] letter spacing difference (FF vs. Safari)

2011-03-03 Thread Charles Miller
On Mar 3, 2011, at 9:16 AM, G.Sørtun wrote:

> no-one has ever managed to control font-size or letter-spacing or anything 
> related to text reliable at pixel-level with HTML and CSS

Thanks, Georg

Clear. But just a trifle disappointing. :)  My naiveté thought CSS could do 
anything! But I also recognize that the web is its own animal and cannot be 
treated like print. 

I agree with Rory that 1px is too much. I'll assume that another unit of 
measurement (other than ems or pixels) does NOT offer more consistent results. 

http://abcaudiology.com (the home page only) specifies something like 0.65ems 
of letter-spacing. I might like a little less space, but since older viewers 
will be common it looks OK to me. I recently inherited the site to redesign it. 
So criticism and comments would be welcome. But are not officially requested. :)

Chuck M
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] letter spacing difference (FF vs. Safari)

2011-03-03 Thread Charles Miller

On Mar 3, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Rory Bernstein wrote:

> It seems that the letter spacing results I am getting on Safari 5.0.3 on the 
> Mac are different from what I'm seeing on FF 3.6.14

I see the same in my work, using the latest Firefox beta 4 on my Mac. 

My trial & errors suggest that increasing the letter spacing has no effect 
until it suddenly has a large effect. And, it seems that the "jump" point is 
different in different browsers. Too tight jumps to too loose. 

It occurred to me to wonder (since CSS sometimes seems to have more than one 
way to achieve a result) if there might be a better way to set the letterfit 
other than letter-spacing?

Chuck M

css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] Graphic background issue

2011-01-24 Thread Charles Miller

On Jan 24, 2011, at 11:55 AM, Kevin A. Cameron wrote:

> http://blogs.sitepoint.com/2007/09/18/png8-the-clear-winner/

Thanks a useful link to an interesting article. It appears that Fireworks 
PNG-8s made with alpha transparency eliminate the need for code hacks, work as 
intended for variable transparency in 60-to-80% of the browsers, and fail with 
no significant pain in most of the others. 

Thank you. 

Chuck M

css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Re: [css-d] Hello to the Group

2011-01-06 Thread Charles Miller
On Jan 6, 2011, at 9:01 AM, David and Vince wrote:

>> Hello Everyone,
>>I would just like to say that I am new here...
> Welcome to the list!

I offer an outlier's welcome. I post here seldom and softly - since the list 
has requirements that aren't congenial for me. 

I'll try to list them for your info. Others will correct if I get something 

I believe:

1.  messages have to be in plain text

2.  the method when you quote is to put your words Below the quotation (I 
prefer the new before the old)

3.  I think I've been corrected for other transgressions but don't recall what. 

 I just found another: unlike other lists, when you click Reply it replies 
to the message sender not to the whole list - I just did that, sending 
mistakenly to David

4.  my humble opinion is that the more you know about CSS the more meaningful 
this list is (IOW most of it is well over my head)

5.  nothing I say should suggest that the folks here are not very knowledgeable 
and helpful (though in my experience, the more stupid the question the less 
consideration it receives)


Chuck M

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Re the non-secure login code...

2010-04-12 Thread Charles Miller

On Apr 12, 2010, at 11:08 AM, Reese wrote:

> I'd be happy to take a look, I'm always on the lookout for good
> login scripts and I'd be happy to provide any feedback I can.

Here's what I've been sending out. 

> After making the offer, it occurred that it's been so long since I started 
> using the code I wasn't sure I could accurately help anyone else start using 
> it. But it looks pretty basic. Do one thing, though. Make sure you try it on 
> duplicates or non-essential files. (Of course, you would have done that 
> anyway.)
> ONE***   This goes in the head section of the html page:
> TWO***   Then this form goes in the body section. You decide the content to 
> include other than the form fields. 
>  />
>  /> 
>   Enter Your  Private Website
> Please type your Username and Password, then 
> click
> Login — Not Return
>   Username:
>   Password:
> THREE***   The you create the "login.js" file from the following code. We 
> have 13 different logins leading to thirteen different pages. Each one needs 
> just 3 pieces of info: username, password and the page linked to. 
> Chuck M
>  Begin
> function Login(){
> var done=0;
> var username=document.login.username.value;
> username=username.toLowerCase();
> var password=document.login.password.value;
> password=password.toLowerCase();
> if (username=="" && password=="b") {
> window.location="pagename.html"; done=1;
> }
> if (username=="c" && password=="d") {
> window.location="pagename2.html"; done=1;
> }
> if (done==0) { alert("Invalid login!"); }
> }
> // End

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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[css-d] Re the non-secure login code...

2010-04-12 Thread Charles Miller
Three good people have now requested and received copies of the code we're 
using for a simple login page. I have no problem sharing it, but if, bottom 
line, I am being helpful or if I'm "luring" folks into flawed practice. 

If one of the sage veterans on this list would care to review what we're using, 
I'd be glad to send it to her/him. 

Chuck M

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] how to make a password-protected page?

2010-04-09 Thread Charles Miller

On Apr 9, 2010, at 2:01 PM, John wrote:

> I would like to create a page or section of my website which requires  
> a password for the user to gain access to.

For 8 years a client and I have been using a simple chunk of code for password 
access to half of his website. It's worked fine, with zero problems and zero 
complaints. It has what should or could be a major problem. It's not secure. 
The client knows and doesn't care. And, like I say, there have been no issues. 

I don't recall where it came from. But write off-list if you'd like me to send 
the code chunk that goes in the head. 

Chuck M

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Fwd: Send a new message to the list (was: Die focus, die!)

2010-03-25 Thread Charles Miller
That's the other thing I need to wrap my brain around. Reply going to OP.

Begin forwarded message:

> On Mar 25, 2010, at 6:11 PM, Brian Funk wrote:
>> So, what happens when you click on the list's email address which is the 
>> first item in every list signature at the bottom of each email?
> Nothing. It's not a link. Just text. 
> But even if I'm missing something, I suggest we can "never mind" this. 
> Clicking New Message and typing css works. That's good enough. Guess this 
> thread has proven to me that a "simple little question" (or two) is more of a 
> distraction than I thought. Please resume your normal programming. (I should 
> have checked list policies; there may well be a ban on that pun.)
> Chuck M

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Die focus, die!

2010-03-25 Thread Charles Miller
I have two questions about protocol, or whatever it might be called. 

1.  Is it considered "proper" to put the reply after the quote? I personally 
much prefer the reply first. If I'm reading a thread, I have the quote already 
in mind, and like it when I don't have to manually scroll down to see the 
reply. But if manners suggest quote first, I can do that. 

2.  I suppose this is a Mac Mail question. I thought one could right click on 
the list address in a message, choose New Message, and get a new message with a 
new thread. I *thought* I'd confirmed that. But lately my new threads have been 
grafted at the top of old threads. Sorry for that. Trial & error will have to 
be employed to find the true path. 

Chuck M

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] Books for webdesign

2009-12-30 Thread Charles Miller

On Dec 30, 2009, at 12:49 AM, Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy wrote:

>   Could somebody suggest me resources (sites,books as well) for
> web design??

If you use Dreamweaver, I personally can warmly recommend "Dreamweaver CS4, The 
Missing Manual" by David Sawyer McFarland. It doesn't just present a lot of 
info, it makes it interesting and engaging. Makes me feel my time with it is 
well spent. 

I have also heard good things about a Dreamweaver book from Friends of Ed.

(I just finished a tech college course on DW, thus my concentration.)

I also have and like "CSS and HTML WebDesign", author Craig Grannell, Friends 
of Ed - although that has a 2007 copyright.

Chuck M

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] hello this is my first post i just can get this to look right in IE-any

2009-10-31 Thread Charles Miller
(this was initially sent to the individual, not the list. sorry.)

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Charles Miller 
> Date: October 31, 2009 9:23:46 AM CDT
> To: David Dorward 
> Subject: Re: [css-d] hello this is my first post i just can get this  
> to look right in IE-any
> On Oct 31, 2009, at 4:31 AM, David Dorward wrote:
>> Add a suitable Doctype. HTML 4.01 Strict is generally most  
>> appropriate
>> for new pages today.
> As a learning student of Dreamweaver CS4, I haven't heard much about  
> that doctype. In DW, I think the default is XHTML 1.0 Transitional.  
> The books I'm using I believe suggest the same XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
> I notice you're not talking about updating legacy pages but about  
> new pages.
> Would you mind commenting on why HTML 4.01 Strict? And what the  
> differences are? This interests me.
> Chuck M

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] Amazing CSS

2009-09-15 Thread Charles Miller

On Sep 15, 2009, at 2:53 PM, Shawn Lawler wrote:

> I think this what you're looking for mate:
> http://www.scottjehl.com/v7/index.php/process/html_text_drop_shadows

The Matas text comes off to my eye with much more finesse. Don't think  
it's just white vs dark blue. The example on the Jehl site is too  
thick a shadow to appeal to me.

I agree with the gist of Jehl's comment:

"The result is a hard-edged offset shadow that's not necessarily  
pretty, but it gets the job done."

To me that suggests that the effect cannot be fine tuned. If I'm  
wrong, please let me know.

Chuck M
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] My nomination for hero of the moment...

2009-08-05 Thread Charles Miller
I needed a link in the tfoot part of a table to be white, while links  
in the body were black. So I defined a rule for tfoot a:link. That  
did it in Dreamweaver. But Safari showed the link in default blue.  
Blue on red is a mess.

Intermediate practitioner that I am, I spent two hours trying to  
ferret out the solution. Looking in CSS and JS files. Piling code on  
top of code foolishly. Nope.

Then I picked up Craig Grannell's "CSS and HTML Web Design" and found  
my way to p157. To a graf headed by "The difference between a and  
a:link". [a applies to all anchors; a:link only to clickable ones]

In that paragraph were these words: "However, if you define a:link  
instead of a, you then must define the visited, hover and active  
states, otherwise they will be displayed in their default appearances."


Mr. Grannell is hereby my nomination for Man of the Moment. Do I hear  
a Second?

(There is a sibling award for Woman of the Moment and even a rather  
amorphous award for Person of the Moment - but I am nominating for  
Man of the Moment because it alliterates...)

Chuck M

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/