[css-d] A font sizing question - with apologies in advance!

2009-01-10 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hello Group,
We just launched a redesign on a heavily visited site, our CSS developer 
is out of the country, and a problem with font sizes has surfaced that I 
don't know how to answer. I'm hoping to get some help here.
A number of customers and a couple of employees are reporting that the 
fonts are too small and difficult to read.
I created a sample page here that pretty much mirrors some of the basic 
font-size CSS found on the site: 

Our assumption when sizing the fonts was that browsers would be set to 
the default font size (16px?), unless the user had consciously made a 
change, in which case they could alter that size if our fonts did not 
suit their needs. But in talking to some of the people who complained, 
it came to light that their default font size was set to 12px and they 
had no idea how to change it.

So my question is this. I assume that we could make a temporary fix by 
changing the font-size on the body tag to 16px at the expense of IE 
users (correct?), but is there a more long-term fix that would avoid the 
tiny unreadable text, but not force us to show most users large ugly 
type that is out of proportion with the design elements of the site?

Thanks for any thoughts on this...needless to say it's very unnerving to 
have these issues pop up at this late date when the author of the CSS is 

Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] A font sizing question - with apologies in advance!

2009-01-10 Thread Don Hinshaw
David Laakso wrote:
 Don Hinshaw wrote:
 Thanks for any thoughts on this...needless to say it's very unnerving 
 to have these issues pop up at this late date when the author of the 
 CSS is unavailable.

 Don Hinshaw
 body {
 font: /*101%*/100% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
 h1 { font-size: /*.875em*/120%; }
 h2 { font-size: /*.8125em*/110%; color: #c00;}
 p { font-size: /*.6875em*/100%; }
 p.larger {font-size: /*.75em*/100%;}

Thanks for the response. I'm not quite sure how this helps. Yes, it 
cures the tiny font problem, but it creates another situation we want to 
avoid: Gigantic fonts at the default size of 16px.
Everything I've read seems to point to pixels being the only way to 
retain any control over the situation. True?


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[css-d] 2 questions about the effects of changing text size

2007-09-22 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hi there,
My questions begin here: 
CSS here: http://dime77.dizinc.com/~somedom/geothermex/geothermex_styles.css

The navigation in the header of the page is png images, yet when I 
increase the type size in the browser, the spacing between the images 
increases until Contact Us, then People, then Publications drop down 
into the white area and effectively disappear.
I can't figure out what is controlling the space between the images. I 
thought setting the margins and padding on the li containing the 
images would do that, but no. What am I missing?
I started out with html type for those nav elements, but switched to 
images because it seemed impossible to contain the type as it grew.

Question 2: I would actually prefer to use html type instead of images 
there, but I could not think of a clever way to keep the words from 
disappearing when they got larger and pushed down over the white page 
Does anybody have a good idea about how that could be accomplished?
If not, I would sure like a solution to #1.

Thanks very much.

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Re: [css-d] 2 questions about the effects of changing text size

2007-09-22 Thread Don Hinshaw
Rafael wrote:
 Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
ps - don't ask me to read the text of your navigation, it is sooo small.
 Yep, it's tiny AND it gets red over blue (I really suggest you to 
 change colors, maybe yellowish over blue) --assuming you're using a 
 bigger text, otherwise, it wouldn't matter much anyway.

I agree (I'm not the designer on this one), which is why I really want 
to use html type so at least it can easily be resized.
Thanks to all for the suggestions on the header...that's the perfect 


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[css-d] IE7 - DIV border disappears when scrolling browser window

2007-06-23 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hello list,
If you look at this page:
and make your browser window short enough so that the top box will 
partially disappear when you scroll down the page, you should see the 
box borders (right and left) partially disappear when you scroll back up.
As far as I can tell, this only happens in IE7.

A screenshot of the problem as I am seeing it is here:

CSS in the head of the document.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] simple IE6/7 float problem?

2007-05-04 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hello there,
I am having trouble making the text from the second paragraph on this 
page wrap around the photo in IE 6/7. Works fine in FF.

The CSS on the photo is:
img.right {
float: right;
margin: 0 0 10px 15px;
border: solid 1px #666;

The entire stylesheet is here:

I suspect this has to do with IE's haslayout problems, but I can't 
figure out how to make the p that contains the image not grow to the 
height of the image, thus forcing the second paragraph down below the image.

Thank you for any help you can offer.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] simple IE6/7 float problem?

2007-05-04 Thread Don Hinshaw
Mauricio Samy Silva wrote:

 Hi Don,
 Try to enclose the image within its own paragraph.
 pimg src=images/press_pontes.jpg ... class=right/ppOAKLAND - 

Hi Mauricio,
That didn't seem to change the problem:

Any other thoughts?


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] simple IE6/7 float problem?

2007-05-04 Thread Don Hinshaw

 Change styling of those paragraphs to...
 #mainColumn p {   
 margin: 0 200px 1.2em 0;
 padding: 0 23px 0 20px;
 font-size: .9em;
 line-height: 1.3;
 ...without a width but with a margin-right to keep the paragraph in
 place. That will make IE behave as you want.

Hi Georg,
Thank you! (again)
Is the problem caused because the width on the paragraphs was causing 
them to have layout?


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[css-d] background image puzzle

2007-04-25 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hi there,
I have a little quandary with trying to put in place some rules that 
need to extend the full height of the viewport. My working page is here:

You will need to view this page at a somewhat high resolution to see 
where the rules at the bottom of the page end. The rules in question are 
the four vertical rules.
I am using a background image on the body to get the two horizontal 
rules that extend left and right, but I am trying to figure out the best 
way to get the vertical rules to go as long as the viewport is tall.

I'm not a big fan of this aspect of the layout, and I am very close to 
going back to the designer and saying (a) it can't be done, or (b) it 
can be done but it will add a lot of meaningless markup and is not a 
good idea.

Any ideas on this one greatly appreciated.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] page check - footer problems in IE

2007-04-20 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hi all,
I'm coding this crazy layout with lots of rules dividing up the space, 
and so far it is coming together pretty well, but I am up against a 
problem in IE (6+7) that I can't figure out the cause of.
Here is the basic page:

This version looks pretty good in all my test browsers, with the 
exception of the IEs where the copyright and date are much too far away 
from the rule that defines the footer above them.

But if I put more of less text in the main column, IE really has a hissy 

More text cause the center column to go right down past the footer border.

Less text causes the footer border to jump up into the sidebar.

My intuition tells me that it has something to do with the floats above 
the footer, but I fear I am in a little over my depth.

I appreciate any help you fine folks can offer.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] page check - footer problems in IE

2007-04-20 Thread Don Hinshaw
 You're close enough :-)
 Add a 'hasLayout'[1] trigger...
 #footer {width: 100%;}
 ...to make IE recognize footer as a block that shall clear floats as
 one unit.

Thanks Georg,
I love and hate how you make it so simple! You've bailed me out more 
than once.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] IE float bug perhaps-column overlaps footer

2006-07-16 Thread Don Hinshaw
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 The usual: IE/win needs its 'hasLayout'[1] trigger.
 #footer {height: 100%;}
 ...and it'll be fine.

Thank you Georg. I may have to start sending you royalty checks...you 
always seem to have the answer to my questions ;-)


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[css-d] IE float bug perhaps-column overlaps footer

2006-07-15 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hello all,
After a couple of hours of reading and head scratching I have decided to 
ask for some help.
Please look at this page:
userID: css-d
password: css-d

If FF the footer is separated from the nav column and main column by a 
3px white line (actually a top border on the footer). In IE6 the nav 
column touches the footer, the main column overlaps the footer slightly 
(refresh the page and it overlaps the footer by quite a bit), among 
other problems.

The layout is based on Andy Budd's 2-col fixed width. Can't quite seem 
to sort out how I have broken it.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.


Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] proper location of css rules in html file

2006-05-09 Thread Don Hinshaw

 What if you proposed putting all of your content inside a div with a
 specific ID, and then you preface all of your rules with that ID. Your
 content could potentially inherit some of their rules, but you could
 explicitly set all the values you want to use.

That is a great idea!
(And I think you are probably right about having control over the 
environment...it is all internal stuff)

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] simple box model question - I think

2006-03-22 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hello list,
I am trying to present a photo with a border around it that is 4px away 
from the image and I am struggling with why IE 5x does not respect the 
padding on the image that creates the 4px buffer in IE6, FF, Safari etc.
As usual, I suspect the answer is staring me in the face, but I am stumped.
Here is a sample URL stripped down for easier debugging with the style 

Thanks for taking a look,

Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] 3-column glitch - Holy Grail layout

2006-02-13 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hello listers,
I've been trying to solve a 3-column problem and thought the recent ALA 
layout might do it. In a nutshell here are my requirements:
*middle column needs to be flexible, right and left can be fixed width
*pages have a header and footer
*I have no control over the content in the middle column (even the markup)

The problem with all the layouts I have tried usually hinges on elements 
that are extra-wide in the center column: select menus, URLs, text 
fields, etc. Often the center column will drop down below the others (in 
IE in particular).

In the ALA layout IE goes all crazy when there is a wide select menu, 
and FF/Windows allows the menu to slide under the right column.
What I would like is for the center column to never get any narrower 
than any fixed-width content and throw up a horizontal scrollbar instead.
Here is my test with the ALA layout: http://tinyurl.com/capkk

I would sure appreciate any thoughts or references that might get me 
going in the right direction. The solution is so obvious if one used a 
single table!

Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] 3-column glitch - Holy Grail layout

2006-02-13 Thread Don Hinshaw
Al Sparber wrote:

 Try this for size. It's got that PVII stability pragmatic thing going 
 for it :-)

Hi Al,
The only thing I see that I don't like is that the select menu shoots 
out over the right column in FF/Win.

Is there some way to make #maincontent expand to accomodate the menu as 
it does in IE? I like the name, though ;-)


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] 3-column glitch - Holy Grail layout

2006-02-13 Thread Don Hinshaw
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 CSS sure is fun at times ;-)

Yes, and some get their kicks from racing down hills at 80mph ;-O
Thanks for the help Georg and Al...some layouts seem like they are just 
not meant to be.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] CSS Go button

2006-02-10 Thread Don Hinshaw
Angus at InfoForce Services wrote:
 I am sorry if I have missed this question. I use the following code in a web 
 form action=../search.cgi method=get
 label for=ferretthisSite Search/label
 input id=ferretthis name=ferretthis maxlength=45 size=30
 type=text /
 input value= Go  name=submit type=submit //form
 Can CSS be used to customize the go/submit button?

  You could also assign a class to the button (to differentiate it from 
the other input elements:
input value= Go  name=submit type=submit class=button /

Then you could attack it from the CSS:

input.button {
border: solid 1px #c00;
background: #fff;
color: #000;

This would in theory give you a white button with a red border and black 
text (although I think Safari might ignore it).

Don Hinshaw

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] background image peeking out from behind DIV - rounding error?

2006-01-30 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hello list,
I have a background image on my body tag that is ostensibly the same 
width as the DIV that contains the main body of text and sits partially 
on top of the background image.
The problem is that when I resize IE/Win (and Opera 8.5) to right around 
850px wide, the DIV becomes i pixel narrower and the background image 
peeks out along the right edge creating an unsightly line. Smaller and 
larger viewports cause the line to disappear.

The basic page is here:
and the CSS is here:

It doesn't exactly seem to fit the description of a rounding error, but 
to be honest, I don't have a really good grasp on what that means.

Thank you for any help!

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] alignment problem - Opera and Safari

2006-01-24 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hello all,
I am having problems with one element that I can't get to left align in 
Opera 8.5 (Win2K) and Safari 1.2+
The page is here:
The CSS is here:

The element in question is the title graphic (Portfolios of Notes) which 
should be left aligned with the list of products below (as it is in FF 
(Win and Mac) and IE).

I have text-align: center on the body to get IE to center the page, but 
text-align: left on the #wrap div to get IE to left-justify the contents.

I'd sure appreciate some help with this. I'm stumped!


Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] alignment problem - follow-up comment

2006-01-24 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hi list,
Regarding my previous post: I just found that if I floated the title 
image to the left #main img { float: left} and followed it with a 
clearing div the problem resolves itself.
However, (a) it seems like a rather inelegant solution, and (b) I don't 
exactly understand why it works...or rather why it wasn't working w/o 
that fix in Opera and Safari.

Thanks again,
Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] can't get footer to stay down in IE

2005-11-18 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hi List,
I am having problems in IE getting my footer to stay at the bottom of 
the page.
Here is the page:
id: slpl; pass: Arch

I want there to be space between the bottom of the sidebar (where the 
text is) and the footer. But when I add margin to #sidebar, IE makes the 
footer very tall so that it comes up under the sidebar.
When I remove this declaration: margin: 35px 38px 35px 0; from #sidebar, 
the footer stays down in IE, but of course the margin goes away.

I tried to put margin: 0; in an IE conditional comment, but that didn't 
undo the damage in IE. I also tried putting margin: 35px 38px 35px 0; in 
a rule like this:

body  #sidebar {margin: 35px 38px 35px 0;}

ostensibly to hide it from IE, but FF didn't seem to see it either, and 
with IE 7 on the horizon, that hack makes me a bit nervous.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] totally befuddled by print stylesheet

2005-11-17 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hi List,
I am having two main problems with a print stylesheet. The page is here:
id: slpl; pass: Arch

I cannot make the text wrap around the image, nor can I control the 
space between the text and the image. I think I must be missing 
something in the main stylesheet that I need to override in the print 
styles to affect these two areas.

The CSS files are here:

I would be very grateful if somebody could take a look and offer insight.

Please hold your comments on the design or usability, as I have no say 
in that with this page.

Thank you very much!

Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
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[css-d] vertical alignment of text fields with other elements - I'm stuck!

2005-11-04 Thread Don Hinshaw
Hi list,
I am trying to vertically align a text field with two adjacent elements: 
a graphic label and a graphic button.
The working page is here: 
Here is what it should look like: 

Here are the problems that I have seen so far:
1. Safari: the text field is dropping down so it is partially outside 
the green area
2. IE6/ Win 2K: The green box is expanding vertically to become too tall
3. Opera 8.5/Win2K: the three elements are all dropping down in the box 
so they are no longer aligned with the words Steedman Exhibit

It looks fine to me on FF, and surprisingly also on IE/Mac

Any suggestions gratefully accepted!

Don Hinshaw
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] vertical alignment of text fields with other elements - I'm stuck!

2005-11-04 Thread Don Hinshaw
Michael Hulse wrote:

 Also, I would make your logo a background image rather than a 
 transparent gif. Makes things a bit more simple.
 Hopefully the above css does not confuse you... You may even be able to 
 get away with something as simple as:
   #yourDiv label {
   font-size: 10px;
   color: #333;
   #yourDiv input {
   width: 125px; /* Width of input items in #yourDiv */
   border: 1px solid #999;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #333;
   border-right: 1px solid #333;

Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm not really sure that it addresses 
the problem of trying to get all the elements to align along a single 
horizontal axis.
See: http://test.hinshawdesign.com/css/slpl/cluster_masthead_v3.html
Now it no longer renders correctly in FF.
I may have possibly misunderstood your direction...

As to the idea of using a background image for the logo, I know this is 
a bit OT, but would you suggest that a logo is not content? Especially 
in the case of a type-based one, I would think it would be.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] vertical alignment of text fields with other elements - I'm stuck!

2005-11-04 Thread Don Hinshaw
Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

 #searchBox form { margin:0; padding:0;}
 #searchBox form * {vertical-align:middle;}
 and delete that margin-bottom on the #searchBox input#search

Thanks for an even simpler solution! Tell me...what is the function of 
the '*' in the second declaration?

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] vertical alignment of text fields with other elements - I'm stuck!

2005-11-04 Thread Don Hinshaw
Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
 * is the universal selector[1]
 As usual, a quick copy paste in SelectOracle would explain the selector 
 as well[2].

Thanks again...I had forgotten about SelectOracle..but now it is in my 
toolbox :-)


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Re: [css-d] Quick one - forcing url wrapping?

2005-10-27 Thread Don Hinshaw

Ali Lee wrote:


I need to be able to force a long url to wrap, otherwise it pushes my 
div too wide and breaks the layout.  I've done it before in CSS but now 
I can't remember exactly what the correct way of doing it is and I can't 
find anything online.  Can anyone help?

Hi Ali,
I think you'll find the answer here: 

Don Hinshaw

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] too many browser hacks.

2005-10-01 Thread Don Hinshaw



 is there a quick way to fix the positioning difference between ie and firefox/safari WITHOUT doing lots of 

 htmlbody browser hacks? 

Have you considered IE conditional comments?

Don Hinshaw

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] CSS driven HTML email campaigns

2005-08-15 Thread Don Hinshaw

Does anyone know of a good CSS based email newsletter campaign system 
or software?

We woudl like ot start sending some HTML email, but I dont want it if 
its not CSS based preferably.


Great overview here: http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=StyleInEmail
CSS is still a bit problematic in email depending on the email client.

Don Hinshaw
Hinshaw Design Group

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Vertically alignment of the custom list bullet (image)

2005-08-10 Thread Don Hinshaw

Chris W. Parker wrote:


Is it possible to adjust the vertical positioning of graphical list
bullets? I've got an arrow bullet that is resting about 2 pixels higher
than I'd like it to. I haven't found anything that suggets it can be
moved (css-d archives, google, my own experimentation).


Hi Chris,
I think this is what you are looking for: 


Don Hinshaw
Hinshaw Design Group

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] strange disappearing padding in IE - anybody seen this before?

2005-07-20 Thread Don Hinshaw

Ingo Chao wrote:

One option is to apply

#maincontent a.saveLink { _display: inline-block;}
/* underscore hack to hide it from the others */

inline-block lets the link more act as an entity.

Thanks for the fix. I'm trying to understand why it works...what did you 
mean by 'act more like an entity'?


Don Hinshaw
Hinshaw Design Group

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] strange disappearing padding in IE - anybody seen this before?

2005-07-20 Thread Don Hinshaw

Ingo Chao wrote:

display: inline-block makes the link behave like a rectangle, no 
part  of the link element can wrap or leave its boundary.

I can think of that 1) the padding remains on the preceding line 
without painting tha background-color or 2) sticks out of the line box 
into the bullet area of the li and gets cropped or 3) simply 
vanishes into thin air.

The question why is hard to answer:

possible related to the problem you encountered are multi-line link 


to cut a long story short: sorry, I have no idea why or how


That's OK! I'll study the links you sent. Every little bit of knowledge 
and each new tool helps.


Don Hinshaw
Hinshaw Design Group

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] site check - proper use of css expressions

2005-06-14 Thread Don Hinshaw

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

IE6/win2K-pro: the center-part still falls down when I bump up font-size
(in the browser itself), because the two side-columns also gets wider.

This font-size dependency means you'll have to compromise a bit, so here
is my solution:
/* fallback */
#findServices, #maincontent select {width: 98%;}
#wrapper {760px;}

/* min-width simulation */
#findServices, #maincontent select
{width:expression(document.body.clientWidth  950? 500px: 98% );}
#wrapper {width:expression(document.body.clientWidth  762? 760px:
99.98% );}

This seems to work quite well. I just tested it via BrowserCam's remote 
access on IE6/XP and the the center column fell down when I got to a 
fairly extreme font size (body set to 125% in the CSS and browser set to 
'Largest'), but I suppose it can't be avoided at some point. Bottom 
line: I am not thrilled with the layout...I think it would be better in 
two columns.

Thanks again for the assistance.


Don Hinshaw
Hinshaw Design Group

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] CSS Expressions

2005-06-13 Thread Don Hinshaw

Al Sparber wrote:

I won't debate your personal preference versus mine - they both can 
achieve good results if handled properly. CSS expressions as 
advertised sometimes on this list lead to slutions that are not clear 
about quirks mode versus standards mode and can easily cause a 
recursive loop in IE 6 - freezing the browser.

I have a question about this: if using a DOCTYPE of:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

Is there any way to put IE into quirks mode such that CSS expressions can 
safely be used? Is it even necessary?
I am trying to implement a solution using them and do not want to create more 


Don Hinshaw
Hinshaw Design Group

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] why do floats behave this way? - followup

2005-06-11 Thread Don Hinshaw

David Laakso wrote:

Sort of like thishttp://www.dlaakso.com/sandbox/3c-max-min.html but  
change the min-width to 760px in the CSS. And recalculate the ie 
min-width  of the 'expressions' within the conditional comments to 760px.
Delete the header and footer. Plug your stuff in. And see what you 
think.  It may hang on the submit thing (or whatever that thing is 
called). But  worth a try...?

Same principle for min-max should work with your layout as well.
David Laakso

Thanks Georg and David...I am going to read up on IE expressions and see 
if I can get over this hump. I really appreciate the input and I will be 
back to let you know how it turns out.


Don Hinshaw
Hinshaw Design Group

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

[css-d] why do floats behave this way?

2005-06-10 Thread Don Hinshaw

Hi all,
I posted this question earlier this week and go no response, and am 
still confused by this behavior.

My example is here: http://test.hinshawdesign.com/css/float_debug.html

When I make the viewport narrower in IE/PC, the middle column drops down.
In FF/PC the Select menu begins to overlap the right column.

I would have expected the browser to put up a horizontal scrollbar instead.

Question: is this correct behavior? How can I make the center column 
stay put and have the browser scroll when the column contains  
non-wrappable content like a select menu?

Thank you very much for any help...I am at my wits end.

Don Hinshaw
Hinshaw Design Group

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/