Re: [css-d] H tags and style

2010-11-22 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Giles, Sarah
> I am working on a large site with some designers.
> I have been told to have the h1 tags below the h2 and h3 tags because they 
> want the headlines that are lower on the page to be larger and more important 
> then the ones higher up.

"Important" is biased.

CSS lets you change styles so h6 tags look infinitely bigger than h1's
if you want.

> I think I will still encapsulate this part of the site in a div so as not to 
> through off styles from the rest of the site. What do you guys think? Should 
> what tags should I use. The style they want the tags to be is styled h1 for 
> the site they think (they are having trouble nailing down a style guide for 
> this project)

I would politely suggest the "strong copy" approach, if you think
they'll eat up buzzwords. Multiple h1 tags will be seen as too many
book titles when they should just be chapters. That's perhaps one use
this CSS thing: to style down the h1's if they want and blow up the

Of course, that's for us snooty CSS users. While the question of
markup may or may not apply here, the topic of CSS does, in which case
you can say "It doesn't matter what tags we use, CSS will let us make
it look the way we want to. So let's take the sane/questionable/crazy
method of ..." and apply your own ending as desired.

Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Quirks compendium?

2010-11-07 Thread Jack Timmons
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 1:38 PM, David McGlone  wrote:
> Why go through all that? Use adobe browserlab to check your site in a
> bunch of browsers easily.
> If anyone here has a different perspective, I'd like to hear it. I can't
> find anything other than browswerlab, but everyone here IMHO is much
> better than I, so I am all ears.

There's also

Mr. Koch has done a lot of tests on compatability in regard to CSS.
You can take a look at his results here:

The best document I've found regarding hasLayout:

I'm also sure if you search the archives, you'll find emails from a
variety of members whose signatures link to their personal CSS sites.
If I need a look-over chart, I tend for Quirksmode.

Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Hover Effect on an Image Map

2010-10-15 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Dagmar Noll  wrote:
> What I'm discovering is that it's not, but I'm having trouble sorting out
> the best way to meet my goal without using Javascript and staying
> compatible.
> I am ok with older browsers not seeing the hover effect, so long as all they
> see is the plain, linked image map (as opposed to some terrible mess).

Unless one of the gurus has a magic way (in which case I'll quickly
lift it, giving credit where due), I can't think of a way to do what
you want off the top of my head with CSS. At least using anything
excluding "CSS 3".

If you have flash experience, or know someone who does, I would
suggest taking the Flash route, and placing the image map info into it
as a fallback if they don't have flash installed. A List Apart has an
excellent article[1] regarding Flash, standards, and at the end
provides a fallback example.

If you don't have experience or the capability, there's always the
fallback to Javascript.

[1] -

Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] ADMIN: Off topic, web hosting help

2010-08-26 Thread Jack Timmons
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Tomasz Kisielewski
> Yes I did, I am very sorry, but I explained why I did what I did. Where is
> the best place to  find independent help and advice ?

If you look in the signature tacked on to every single email sent
through the list, you'll find a plethora of links. If you follow the
Off Topic[1] one you'll find a good group of links.

First, there's Evolt's list(s), which can cover a wide range of
subject. There's also Webdesign-L. And many more.

Take a peek over at those, and ask your non-CSS questions there. We'll
be glad to help.

[1] -

Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Amrinder Sandhu has invited you to Dropbox

2010-04-17 Thread Jack Timmons
On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Dropbox  wrote:
> We're excited to let you know that Amrinder Sandhu has invited you to Dropbox!

Clicked the link to block further Dropbox invites. I'm sure List Mom
will handle the rest if needed.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] highlighting an input button

2010-04-10 Thread Jack Timmons
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Philippe Wittenbergh  wrote:
> That would probably be :focus.

More than probably.

Forgive the oversight.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] highlighting an input button

2010-04-09 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Dave Solko  wrote:
> I'm not sure this is something which can be done via css, or if I need
> to resort to javascript.
> I have a form, and the client wants the submit button to highlight as
> part of tabbing to it. The catch is that the submit button is an
> image. I can change the state with a mouse, but this needs to be a
> tab. Is this even possible with css?
> Dave Solko
> Pixel Alchemy
> 513.300.2165

:active should do it for you.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] In HTML CSS vs. Separate style sheet CSS

2010-03-15 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Chris Blake  wrote:
> Hi,
> I think that I already know the answer to this one but it's worth a
> shot:
> I am using Joomla and ripping a template apart to make it work for me.
> However when it comes to some of the modules I have to set the width
> in pixels via the Joomla backend and the resulting code looks like this:
> I tried to stick in a percent sign but it wrote it like this:
> style="width: 100%px;height: 255px;">
> Now the 'custom.css' sheet is the last CSS sheet in the list and is
> overwriting most of the template's own. However I don't stand much of
> a chance of getting around this styling unless you guys no of one?
> Thanks, CB
> (BTW I am using using a fluid layout and would like this scroller to
> be the same)

100%px isn't valid, unless my programming mind is tying to make too much sense.

Stylesheets should never overwrite a style defined in the actual tag
(Unless it's on the user's side).

I would validate your CSS first and go from there.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] Having problems with ww3 validator

2010-03-02 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Noah Learner  wrote:
> I am stumped.  I am trying to validate code on
> and the service doesn't seem to be able to
> parse the page.  Any of you seen this error before:
> clue how to fix it?  This is a first for me.

Seems to me to be a issue with your webserver.

I would suggest checking over access log, .htaccess files (Provided
you're on apache), etc to see what might be cause the issue. I'd start
with user agent, maybe. In either case, it seems like something is
cause your webserver to choke on itself.

Also, this sort of question is great to ask over at Granted, many of us frequent said list, also,
but to keep things on topic we try to steer that way.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] FireFox/CSS Question

2009-11-19 Thread Jack Timmons
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:35 AM, tedd  wrote:
> I see a menu that has gaps between the menu items and fly-outs while
> others don't -- why?
> Cheers,
> tedd

A side question: What DPI is your OS running at, if you're able to
change that? Our web designers here use the windows default, while the
owners use 120, so it can cause problems in the layout if not paid
attention to or taken care of properly before hand.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] FireFox/CSS Question

2009-11-18 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 8:36 AM, tedd  wrote:
> At 8:03 AM -0600 11/18/09, Jack Timmons wrote:
> Jack:
> Really!!??!! Boy this is a real mystery (at least to me).
> This is what I see:
> If I choose CSS -> "Use Border Box Model", then I see the previous problem,
> which was gaps appearing between the menu items and fly-outs, as shown here:
> Now, I just went to BrowserCam and ran FireFox 3.5 in both Mac OSX 10.4 and
> 10.5 and don't see any of the aforementioned problems at all, but on my
> system (Mac OSX 10.4.1 -- FF 3.5.5) I do.
> I wonder what's the problem? Have I set something wrong in FireFox?
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> tedd

Georg probably has a far more accurate assessment than I, but I'm
going to wonder if you have any user-applied styles or differences in
font that might be causing issues. Have you tried setting fonts to
default to in your stylesheet? I can't find any on this end, but my
attention is also a bit diverted at fixing some PHP.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] FireFox/CSS Question

2009-11-18 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 7:58 AM, tedd  wrote:
> Gentlemen:
> I've commented out the offending line, and now you can see the reason why it
> was there. Please review the following using FireFox:
> Now what?
> Cheers,
> tedd
> --
> ---

I'm failing to see an issue. It all looks the same in IE 8, Firefox
3.5.5, Safari 4.0.3, and Opera 9.64 to me.

If you could tell me the specifics, since my eye is more than likely
not catching some detail, I'd appreciate it.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] FireFox/CSS Question

2009-11-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 9:04 AM, tedd  wrote:
> Hi gang:
> The following link is a pure-css menu that works correctly in all
> browsers I've tested, except for FireFox:
> When viewing the above link in FireFox, there's a right-gap between
> the menu items and subsequent fly-out menus.
> I don't know why FireFox treats this menu differently than other browsers.
> Can anyone tell me why FireFox does this?
> Thanks,
> tedd

Because of the rule in menu.css:

-moz-box-sizing: border-box !important; <--- This one right here.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] CSS background image hover problem

2009-11-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 7:37 AM, John Franks  wrote:
> Ok, thanks everyone for your help. I am nearly there - Please note that using 
> seperate images is not an option. I need to learn this background-positioning 
> technique.
> The updated “back to top” image/link in the footer of the site can now be 
> seen at You can see that now the “a” letters are 
> used within the image/link. And as I hover over the “a” letters I get my 
> intended result (only within the “a” text area). But when I remove the “a” 
> letters then the whole thing breaks. So I need to remove the “a” letters and 
> then when hovering over, I still need the image position to change 
> successfully.
> Are there any further ideas?
> My updated HTML code:
>  class="backToTop">a
> My updated CSS code:
> #footer {
>                background-image: url(../images/footerBackground.gif);
>                height: 350px;
>                position: relative;
> }
> #footer #backToTop {
>                width: 89px;
>                height: 78px;
>                display: block;
>                margin-left: 16px;
>                margin-top: 26px;
>                position: absolute;
>                background: url(../images/backToTop.png) no-repeat left bottom;
> }
> #footer #backToTop a.backToTop, #footer #backToTop a.backToTop:link, #footer 
> #backToTop a.backToTop:visited {
>                background: url(../images/backToTop.png) no-repeat left bottom;
> }
> #footer #backToTop a.backToTop:hover, #footer #backToTop a.backToTop:active {
>                background: url(../images/backToTop.png) no-repeat left top;
> }

#footer {
background-image: url(../images/footerBackground.gif);
height: 350px;
position: relative;
#footer #backToTop {
width: 89px;
height: 78px;
display: block;
margin-left: 16px;
margin-top: 26px;
position: absolute;
background: url(../images/backToTop.png) no-repeat left bottom;
#footer #backToTop:hover {
background: url(../images/backToTop.png) no-repeat left top;
#footer #backToTop a{
visibility: hidden;

That should accomplish what you're seeking.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] CSS background image hover problem

2009-11-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Jack Timmons  wrote:
> }
> #footer #backToTop a{
>        visibility: hidden;
> }
> That should accomplish what you're seeking.
> --
> -Jack Timmons
> Twitter: @codeacula

As a side note:

A quick and dirty fix to making the link clickable would be replacing
the visibility: hidden with:

#footer #backToTop a{
height: 78px;
width: 89px;

And removing all the text from the anchor tag (a)

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] OT - Form in IE6

2009-11-15 Thread Jack Timmons
On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Peter Bradley  wrote:
> Peter Bradley wrote:
> Sorry to reply to myself.  I've got it rendering properly by using Dean
> Edwards IE7-js script.
> Unfortunately, the PHP doesn't work for IE6 for some reason, and I can't
> think of any way to debug it.  So, unless anyone knows better, I guess
> it's got to be IE7 or better as far as IE is concerned.
> Not looking forward to telling this to my client, I have to say.
> Cheers
> Peter

To say that PHP doesn't work for IE6 is incorrect. PHP only reacts
differently based on the browser if you put code in the PHP to sniff
the browser and react differently. It is more than likely an issue
with your Javascript.

Being that I'm rebuilding my desktop, I can't offer much more advice,
but if you need help, you can e-mail me directly to keep the
discussion off-list.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] Font Color Problem

2009-11-13 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Victor Subervi  wrote:
> Hmm. I added this and it didn't work:
> #menu ul ul li ul li
> {
> color: #fff;
> }
> Please take a look:
> Mouse over "Services" in the nav.
> TIA,
> V
>> --
>> -Jack Timmons
>> Twitter: @codeacula

That is because you're missing the "a" to specify for the anchor tag.
Otherwise, the #menu a declaration overrides any color set in the li

 #menu ul ul li ul li a
color: #fff;

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] Font Color Problem

2009-11-13 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Victor Subervi  wrote:
> But if I do that, I'll change more than just the fly-out menus! I don't want
> to change the regular menu. Please advise.
> V

Being more specific with the CSS selector will allow you to do so:

#menu ul ul li ul li a{color: red}

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Font Color Problem

2009-11-13 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Victor Subervi  wrote:
> Hi;
> I have the following code:
> #menu {
> width: 12em;
> }
> #menu ul {
> list-style: none;
> margin: 0;
> padding: 0;
> }
> #menu a, #menu h2 {
> font: bold 16px/16px arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
> display: block;
> border-width: 0px;
> border-style: solid;
> border-color: #ccc #888 #555 #bbb;
> margin: 0;
> padding: 2px 3px;
> }
> #menu h2 {
> color: #fff;
> background: #000;
> text-transform: uppercase;
> }
> #menu a {
> color: #000;
> text-decoration: none;
> }
> #menu a:hover {
> color: #ff0;
> background: #000;
> }
> #menu li {
> position: relative;
> }
> #menu ul ul ul {
> background: #000;
> color: #fff;
> position: absolute;
> top: 0;
> left: 100%;
> width: 100%;
> }
> I want to change the font color of the fly-out menu. You can see it here:
> How do?
> TIA,
> Victor

#menu a {
color: #000;
text-decoration: none;

The color should be whatever you're looking for.

To change the color it is when you scroll over, change:

#menu a:hover {
color: #ff0;
background: #000;

I believe that's what you are looking for.
-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Background Color

2009-11-13 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 4:33 AM, Victor Subervi  wrote:
> Hi;
> I have a css menu with the following code:
> #menu a {
> color: #fff;
> background: #00;
> text-decoration: none;
> }
> Now, I've put an image in the background of this menu. I would like to get
> rid of the background color completely; however, if I simply delete the
> appropriate line, it defaults to white. Is there a way to set the alpha to
> 0? Some other solution?
> TIA,
> Victor

Do you have an example page?

I would recommend taking a look at the parent elements and making sure
their backgrounds aren't set, either.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Chrome browser

2009-06-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:13 PM,  wrote:

> Am I the only Chrome user who finds no Help-facility?
> Bruce

Help link in browser takes you here.

-Jack Timmons
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[css-d] Fwd: re: Styling submit buttons with images

2009-04-22 Thread Jack Timmons
-- Forwarded message --
From: Jack Timmons 
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] re: Styling submit buttons with images
To: Tom Dell'Aringa 

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Tom Dell'Aringa  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Jack Timmons  wrote:
> Sorry, I'm probably being obtuse. I'm talking about the rollover effect.
> What I want to do is have an image submit button with a rollover, without
> using javascript. It would be nice if this would degrade for ie6 to still
> work. Fact is this is for a demo only on FF3, but I'm trying to look forward
> to when this hits production.
> Some people seem to suggest using the BUTTON element, but I'm not sure if
> this is a good way to go. (Is putting type=submit on a button element
> workable?)
> I just want a submit button, as an image, with a rollover - using CSS. The
> last time I tried this I ended up using JS for the rollover effect, which I
> don't want to do.
> Tom

Button elements -do- have a type='submit'. In FF, IIRC, it actually
defaults button tags to submit if no type is specified.

And, they support background CSS attributes.

== Message forwarded because I'm full of failure this morning. ==

So, obligatory code example!

button{background: url("fp.jpg");}

This is a button

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Styling submit buttons with images

2009-04-22 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Jack Timmons  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Tom Dell'Aringa  wrote:
> What "less capable browsers" can't handle an input type of image?
> Because I can't think of one off the top of my head.
> --
> -Jack Timmons
> Twitter: @codeacula

Foot, meet mouth.

Rollover, right. I'll go back to eating my breakfast.
-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] Styling submit buttons with images

2009-04-22 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Tom Dell'Aringa  wrote:
> On Apr 21, 2009, at 5:51 PM, Tom Dell'Aringa wrote:
>> It's been quite some time since I styled a form, and I'm not up on the
>> latest techniques. We want to use images for our submit buttons, and
>> have them be rollovers. I'd like to avoid using javascript if possible,
>> and have them degrade gracefully to HTML buttons. Is there a preferred method
>> for this?
> Christopher Schmitt responded:
>> Are you forgoing have a traditional submit button for a traditional
>> A HREF?
> I don't really care what technique is used, so long as we can do the
> rollover and
> there is some kind of degradation to less capable browsers, if possible.
> Tom

What "less capable browsers" can't handle an input type of image?
Because I can't think of one off the top of my head.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Vertically centering text in a paragraph

2009-04-13 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:45 AM, Tim Dawson  wrote:

> I'm working on a site which has several images on the page (300x225px).
>  Each
> image has some descriptive text alongside, which generally is not as high
> as the
> image.  My client would like the text vertically centred on the image.
> CSS deliberately seems to avoid a v-align capability in paragraphs.  I
> realise I
> could introduce padding, but that would have to be tailored for every piece
> of
> text. Tables allow v-align in cells, I know, but I don't want to go that
> route
> either  Is there a better way, please ?
> Tim Dawson

I just woke up, so roll with me here.

How about wrapping each image/text in a div/p combination. Since images are
inline elements, this should technically be the more semantic way of doing

By wrapping the text inside a span, you should be able to open yourself up
to using the vertical-align property of CSS.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Background Images clickable links

2009-04-06 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Christopher R  wrote:

>  /* coka cola
> is just a test URL */

You shouldn't be bothering with positioning. Move your spans inside your
anchors, not outside. Throw in some text, and use spans to hide it. Place
background on the anchor. Position block to anchor.
-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] [OT] CSS Problem with tags on IE 6\7

2009-04-03 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Christopher R

> Then how can one explain how come my other page which has the same code
> validates?

File Difference - Do your files really match?
Validating method to display flash:

Live example I've used:


I would offer advice on the CSS related questions, but I see plenty already
has been.
-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @codeacula
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Re: [css-d] counter-reset and counters() in Opera and Konqueror

2009-03-30 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:13 AM, RommeDeSerieux  wrote:

>first list, first item
>first list, second item
>second list, first item
>second list, first item

Maybe this is e-mail only, but try closing tags on your list elements.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] 1px jog help

2009-03-11 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:56 AM, rollandburn  wrote:

> Thanks for the speed!  I've made the suggested changes and am seeing
> the jog still in firefox 3.0.7.  It is most apparent just above the
> logo in the header when the window is resized slowly.  Hmm... any
> other thoughts?

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] User Style Sheets ?

2009-03-09 Thread Jack Timmons
On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Christopher R

> I have two questions, first off how many people here sometimes use there
> own style sheet ? Also could you have your style sheet so that
> no matter what it could not be overwritten but without adding a series of
> !important everywhere in the style sheet?

Not so far as CSS specs go. User wins, every time. (Ideally)

You -could-, though, subvert their wishes with Javascript, I'm sure.
Provided you don't care what happens if they choose not to run it.

I'm going to guess the majority of standard users without accessibility
issues won't use a "custom" stylesheet.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] Changing the color of a link makes another element vanish

2009-03-06 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 5:15 AM, Thomas Burkhart wrote:

> Hi,
> I stumbled upon the following problem.
> Just have a look at my site 
> And 
> The site is under heavy reconstruction so please only comment on the
> problem
> I describe.
> Looks different.
> In index_copy(2) you can see, that there is a grey submenu but none of the
> mainmenu links is yellow
> I wanted to hightlight the last Mainmenu "Kontakt" in yellow with this
> statement in the header section of the page
> #menuKontakt > a{color:#fef000}; I also tried #menuKontakt
> a{color:#fef000}; that is the only change
> The result is index_copy(1) where "Kontakt" IS yellow, but suddenly the
> whole submenue is gone.
Next time, just link to the CSS stylesheet? ;)

Your problem is invalid CSS. In the second page, the first invalid statement
is commented out, allowing the display: block declaration to actually work.

Move your semi-colons inside the braces on the HTML pages.

Also, this is something that could be caught in the CSS validator.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] CSS3

2009-03-03 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Jack Timmons  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Atkinson, Sarah <
>> wrote:
>> Does anyone know when Browsers will start supporting CSS3?

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] CSS3

2009-03-03 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Atkinson, Sarah <> wrote:

> Does anyone know when Browsers will start supporting CSS3?
Define "Start supporting CSS3"?

Most of the "major" browsers do. Not sure about IE8, but FF, Safari, and
Opera support some CSS3 standards. They don't even support CSS2 fully, but I
think most of them are just about there. Opera may have all of CSS2, I
haven't checked in so long.

With CSS, it isn't a "do they support CSS or not", its "do they support the
elements I plan on using or not."

Chart gratis from PPK

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] Refresh image in header...

2009-03-02 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Michael Beaudoin wrote:

> Is it possible, through CSS, to have the image in a header change when
> the user refreshes or re-enters the page?
> Thanks,
> Michael

No. There's plenty of server-side alternatives. Check on The List.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] how to get 3 's on the same line ?

2009-03-02 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 10:20 AM,  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am struggling to get 3 's on the same line. When I use 2 's
> it's okay, but how should I do it for 3 's ?
> Code to reproduce:
> div.container { width: 100%; margin: 0px; border:1px solid gray;
> line-height: 110%; }
> div.left { float: left; width: 150px; margin-top: 20px; padding: 1em; }
> div.content { margin-left: 165px; margin-top: 20px; width: 600px; padding:
> 1em; border-left: 1px solid #C0C0C0; border-right: 1px solid #C0C0C0; }
> div.right { margin-left: 900px; margin-top: 20px; width: 100px; padding:
> 1em; }
> my left menu ...
> my content ...
> my right stuff
> TIA, Cor

"Stay on the same line" in what context?


Of course, I could bind the parent with a width large enough to hold them,
but who cares?

The picture is more of a statement about what I do all day than your
question, and it's copied from my sandbox on the private intranet. It's
often very, very apt.

Of course, this is a very basic, foundation-only solution, more to give you
an idea.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] other alphabets

2009-02-25 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Nicky McCatty wrote:

> Hi Jack,
> I want the Greek to appear on a web page.
> Sometimes the characters with diacritical marks change into ascii junk, and
> sometimes they don't. I am using fonts that contain a complete set of Greek
> characters, but the results are inconsistent. Even with Symbol, I have
> unpredictable results.
> Thanks,
> Nicky

It sounds to me like it may be the browser you are using, either by an
incorrect character encoding on the user agent or in the data it's being
provided. I'm not quite sure myself, since it's way too early for me to be
involved in any sort of hunt like that. Or maybe I'm just a moron who needs
to consume a bit more coffee. All options are likely (and possible true, to

If you can provide an example page for us to see if we experience the same
effect, and also take a look at the CSS and markup to make sure that's not
the issue, we should be able to help. If it isn't a CSS related issue,
though, I'm sure everyone will appreciate if the problem is taken off-list
(either to direct e-mails or over on "The List").

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] other alphabets

2009-02-25 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Nicky McCatty wrote:

> I am working on a bilingual Greek-English site, using a Mac running OS
> 10.5.6. Is there anything I have to do to make the fonts display
> properly, without buying a special edition of Dreamweaver?
> Thanks,
> Nicky

You'll need to be more specific. Are you talking about making the font
appear correctly on a webpage, or in the IDE you are using?

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] IE divs drops and Vertically align text

2009-02-24 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Jack Timmons  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:44 AM, trevor bayliss  > wrote:
>> Thanks that works great. How do I align the text next to the arrow gifs
>> (at the moment they are not verticallyt centred). Thanks again
> Add vertical-align:middle; to your styling for the anchor tags.

Apologies, a img, not just the anchor tags.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] IE divs drops and Vertically align text

2009-02-24 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:44 AM, trevor bayliss

> Thanks that works great. How do I align the text next to the arrow gifs (at
> the moment they are not verticallyt centred). Thanks again
Add vertical-align:middle; to your styling for the anchor tags.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] IE divs drops and Vertically align text

2009-02-24 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:54 AM, trevor bayliss

> In IE the right hand side where the text "Fish Info" and "Do you have an
> account" is, drops down.
> The text by the side of the arrows should be vertically aligned, how can I
> do that? Thank you

Seemed to work for me:


Correct that in your styling (just remove the width set).

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] CSS coded links not displaying quite right

2009-02-24 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:14 AM, AJ Putnam  wrote:

> Apologies.  I should have followed up that I seem to have figured out the
> problem and launched the site.
> It would be nice to know if I was right.. I had the lik size set to .8 em
> and the main font size was also .8em.  I *think* the link font-sizes were
> going.8 of the .8 so I changed link font-size to 1em and that seemed to fix
> the problem.
> Thanks.
> Amy P.

That would be correct. em is based off parent font size, so your order would
have gone (rough example)

Font size = 20px;
Parent -> .8em -> 20*.8 -> 16
Link -> .8em -> 16*.8 -> ~12.8

Thus the urging you hear to set font size in html/body, so browsers "get it
right" across the board. (Simplified argument).

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] CSS coded links not displaying quite right

2009-02-24 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 1:52 PM, AJ Putnam  wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have validated my code at W3C, and I think I have set it up correctly,
> but
> even though I have the same size indicators for links as for regular text,
> I
> am confused as to why the linked text appears somewhat smaller.
> Site in development is
> CSS at
> I am presently viewing on a Mac, using Firefox 3 and Safari.
> Any idea as to what I have missed? Thanks,
> Amy P.

403 on first link, 404 on second.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Print version CSS

2009-02-24 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Konstantin Kuchugurin

> Hello all!
> I'm preparing a print version of web page. I would like to know how to make
> a page break, and whether all use 660px width, or it can be automatic
> margins.
> Yours, Konstantin
So far as the page breaks are concerned, I have no answer to how to do it. I
would caution against forcing page breaks, though, because that really only
works on your printer. Murphy's Law states that if you try to print it
somewhere else, you'll end up with a single line on a page.

Why not let the user agent determine how it should be printed? After all, it
makes it easier on you: all you have to do is remove all the styling from
your pages (images, etc. that aren't being used for reference).

A fluid width would more than likely suffice. User agents will put their own
margins in for you.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] What is this CSS?

2009-02-19 Thread Jack Timmons
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Atkinson, Sarah <> wrote:

> It's facebox not facebook
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 19, 2009, at 6:01 PM, "Jack Timmons"  wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Sarah Atkinson 
> <
>> wrote:
>> Found this in one of the css files a co worker sent me with his design
>> templete. What is it for? Anyone know? Is it legal? And what is with the *
>> * html #facebox_overlay { /* ie6 hack */  position: absolute;  height:
>> expression(document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight ?
>> document.body.scrollHeight : document.body.offsetHeight + 'px'); }
> To clarify:
> * is valid (choses all elements)
> * html isn't.
> * html targets IE6 and below. I assume since he's using that it isn't in a
> conditional commented stylesheet (also since it has Facebook, and therefore
> is satanic, evil, gives bad karma, and causes you to be reborn as a work
> mule with osteoperosis and psoriasis ;) ).
Point still stands ;)

In that case, though, you should put that statement in a conditional
comment, if you can, and remove that ugly * html.

I misspelled osteoporosis. I blame late work nights.
-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] What is this CSS?

2009-02-19 Thread Jack Timmons
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Jack Timmons  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Sarah Atkinson <
>> wrote:
>> Found this in one of the css files a co worker sent me with his design
>> templete. What is it for? Anyone know? Is it legal? And what is with the *
>> * html #facebox_overlay { /* ie6 hack */  position: absolute;  height:
>> expression(document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight ?
>> document.body.scrollHeight : document.body.offsetHeight + 'px'); }
> That's a proprietary (and invalid, although it's considered ok in some
> circles if placed in a conditional comment stylesheet) statement.
> It sets the height equal to scrollHeight if it's larger than offsetHeight,
> otherwise sets it to offsetHeight.
> * selectes all elements, and can be used to target IE (since * html isn't
> valid).

To clarify:

* is valid (choses all elements)

* html isn't.

* html targets IE6 and below. I assume since he's using that it isn't in a
conditional commented stylesheet (also since it has Facebook, and therefore
is satanic, evil, gives bad karma, and causes you to be reborn as a work
mule with osteoperosis and psoriasis ;) ).

I'm horrible at responding back to the list instead of the OP.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] importing text / html using CSS

2009-02-10 Thread Jack Timmons
2009/2/10 Dr Grover B Proctor Jr 

> >From a relative beginning in CSS (though an experienced HTML-er): Is there
> a
> way using CSS to import the contents of a text file (and/or an .HTML file)
> into a web page? I'm trying to boilerplate the same content on several
> pages, and if each could call on a single file, I could update all files by
> only updating the one external file. Thanks.


But you can use PHP:

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] draggable images - can it be stopped?

2009-01-27 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Bill Walton wrote:

> I'm working on a web app that, for much of the navigation, uses links with
> background images letting css control the button-blinking behavior.  The
> primary use of the app will be with touch-screens and I've run into an issue
> where the images are being dragged instead of 'clicked'.  Is there a CSS
> attribute (or any other way) to specify that images are not draggable?
> TIA,
> Bill


Nope. All of that has nothing to do with styling itself: I'd be surprised if
someone comes out and says otherwise.


-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] IE pushes up my sidebars

2009-01-13 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Bill Brown  wrote:

> John Shepard wrote:
> > IE pushes up both right and left sidebars on my homepage.
> > To view, go to:
> > Anyone have a fix?
> >
> > Thanks ahead!
> >
> > John
> Hi John,
> Try this:
> #content{zoom:1}
> Also maybe wanna have a look at validating the source code, which has a
> few errors.
> Hope it helps.
> Bill

It's not really fair to claim they need to validate if the answer you supply
them is invalid itself.

Other methods of gaining layout are available, height: 0 in a conditional
comment being one I sometimes you. You can always view the chart on
havingLayout [1] as an example of other methods.


[1] -

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] best practices

2009-01-12 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:04 AM,  wrote:

> Hi
> I teach Web Design and really focus on standards and best practices. When
> using external style sheets I have always had students link the style
> sheet. Recently some students have begun using the @import
> url("main.css");I understand how to use both. I am just wondering what the
> best practice is and why. . All comments and suggestions are welcome and
> helpful.
> Thanks!
> Smiles,
> Debbie Smith

Unless our wiser members speak up, the only difference I can see is hiding
@import styles from browsers that can't process then (Netscape, etc). Also,
I believe using @import rules may have a chance of content being displayed
before styling is applied, but I've not used it enough to test.

Outside of that, they're mostly interchangeable. Links can specify alternate
style sheets, whereas @import can't. I used @import for a while (it was a
phase, just like rolled pants legs and hair bands), but mostly just use link
for semantic purposes.

-Jack Timmons
Twitter: @jorachim
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Re: [css-d] Navigation Sidebar Problem:

2008-12-21 Thread Jack Timmons
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 7:07 PM, Tony Frasketi wrote:

> Hello List
> This is my first post and I hope I'm not violating any rules.. If so,
> point them out ot me.
> I'm having a problem with a sidebar navigation.   The sidebar contains
> several navigation segment names and each segment contains one or more
> page links
> The problem is that the FIRST navigation segment name does not work as
> the rest of the segment names... The first segment name appears to be
> acting as a link.
> I've validated both the CSS and the HTML  via W3C
> The sidebar is at
> Thanks in advance
> Tony
It may just be me, but I'm having problems finding exactly what you're
trying to describe. Not just because I don't see any real difference in
elements off-hand, but the font itself is way too small for even my eyes,
and I can see pretty darn well.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] spry giving me grief

2008-12-17 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Scott Thigpen wrote:

> Hi, me again...
> I rarely use spry but a client is insisting on a drop down menu.  So I'm
> trying to implement one through Dreamweaver's spry.  All is well but I've
> run into a styling issue.
> If you go here and then mouse over "green
> discussions" you'll see that the drop downs all bunch together and won't
> stack.  What do I need to do to make them stack?
> Here is the CSS
> --
> S c o t t  T h i g p e n
> Illustrative Designer
> art:
> design:
> Phone: 770.527.3958

SpryMenu...ontal.css (line 64)
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li {

Seemed to work...but I'm currently busy and couldn't test in more than FF.
-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Gap between divs in IE

2008-12-01 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Peter Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The top bar image should be flush with the bottom of the top
> background image. It is fine except in IE. Any help would be
> gratefully appreciated
> Peter Ritchie

Before troubleshooting your CSS, you should first make sure it's valid:

You might want to look into that first. There seem to be misplaced
braces among other things.


-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Hidden content makes div too tall in IE6

2008-11-28 Thread Jack Timmons
> Jack: I'm not sure why I used 'visibility' instead of 'display'.  Possibly
> because that was the word used in the example I copied ?  However, Georg's fix
> works, so I'm leaving it as it is.  Thanks anyway.
> Tim

A bit of explanation:

I tend to stick with (what I think is) a more standard approach:

Visibility confers that the item will still take up space, just not be
visible. Display defines if and how it's displayed: If I don't want it
to show at all, display: none should take care of it. I might use
visibility: hidden on a form, for example, where I want an alert to
take up space but not be visible: That way, I may not have to set
arbitrary widths and let the browser decide the best way to display

Just more of an explanation than anything. Much like coding in the
real world, it's all dependent on preference, being
correct-to-standards aside. As always, others more qualified may have
a better opinion than I, but that's how I currently do my styling
until I'm shown a better, more practical way.



-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] downloading old browsers to test on

2008-11-26 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Anne McKinsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How are all of you able to test on older browsers? I am unable to
> download older IE versions -- I get a message that because there is a
> newer version installed on my pc it will not let me install 6 and
> earlier.
> Thanks much.
>  From a newbie,
> Anne


A bit OT, but to answer your question:

That works best for me. Condition comments work correctly, also, which
was a problem with some other versions.


-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Ordered and Unordered Lists

2008-11-04 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Doug Jolley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just noticed that apparently the full spectrum of list-style-types
> apply equally to both ordered lists and unordered lists. So, ordered
> lists can have a list-style-type of "disc" and unordered lists can
> have a list-style-type of "decimal".  Does anyone see any reason why
> ALL list-style-types can't be applied to both ordered and unordered
> lists? I guess the only reason that we have 2 types of lists is
> backward compatibility.
> Thanks for any input.
>... doug


So far as markup is concerned, there is a good reason for ul and ol to me.

ul = Here's a bunch of garbage in no particular order

ol = I spent time putting this in order, so it needs to be noted.

Style wise, I can see using an ul with decimal styling if you're not
concerned with the markup showing that it's supposed to be in a
particular order, you just want the users blessed with style to have
the convenience of seeing your cherished list to be in an apparent
numerical order.

Ultimately, where styles are concerned, I don't see a reason why not.
Others more qualified may have a different opinion, but I believe it
matters in the markup: ul if you don't care, and ol if you do.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Sliced Images within a question

2008-10-30 Thread Jack Timmons
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Majestic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a simple question when you slice a image up, photoshop spits
> out a html file with each image slice in  format.  Is this the
> best method to use by just cutting and pasting the code from the HTML
> created and pasting it within a  or is their a more effective and
> better way to place a sliced image within a  ?

This isn't a topic you need to discuss on the CSS-D list.

Try Webdesign-L

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Image Not Showing Up in IE

2008-10-21 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Jeff Gates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There should be a image in the upper left corner of the content on this
> page:
> But it doesn't show up in IE (7).
> Here is the html:
>  border="1" />
> 112 pp.: ill. (52 color)
> 9 3/16 x 9 3/16 in.
> ISBN 0-937311-55-3 softcover
> The problem seems to be with the css. When the "leftbox" id css is removed
> the image shows up in IE.
> The leftbox css is:
> #leftbox { float:left;
>background: #fff;
>margin-right: 30px;
>margin-bottom: 20px;}
> This is an old page and there are some issues (like the center tag). BTW,
> the height and width for the image isn't included because it's drawing
> from a database of different sized images).
> Can anyone offer a clue as to why the image isn't showing up in IE?
> Thx.
> --

Some other smarter minds than I might find a better answer, but
testing Thierry's answer of adding position: relative fixed it here.


-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Photo Gallery list

2008-09-22 Thread Jack Timmons
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Christina Hawkins::GlobalSpex, Inc. <

> Hello.
> Bit of a lurker here but I've run into an issue that has me stumped.
> Can't figure out why the gallery list at the bottom is skipping a 'row'.
> Can
> someone help me with this?
> Sincerely,
> Christina

It's because all the margins/paddings along with the image widths are
causing the end list element to be pushed down since there isn't enough
room. Over here, adjusting to:

.imagelist li{margin: 0 9px 8px 0}

Brings the element back up. I leave it up to you to find out how you want to
fix it.

That's just a quick patch, though. There may be other underlying things that
someone on the list will bring up.


-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Aaargh! Img borders persist

2008-09-19 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 3:05 AM, Kim Brooks Wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Ok, I give up. Please somebody, tell me how to get rid of the border
> under my imgs on hover.
> Thank you for Much Appreciated Help, as always . . .
> Kimi
> --
> This email sent by
> Kimi Wei
> 201-475-1854
Remove the border here:

#wrap a:hover {
 /* Get rid of this */border-bottom:1px solid #00;

Believe that fixed it.


-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] text-transform both lowercase AND capitalize?

2008-09-19 Thread Jack Timmons
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 12:08 AM, Holly Bergevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> From: Chang Huang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Thanks all. It would be nice to have the option 'text-
> >transform:lowercase capitalize;' though.
> I guess I'm missing the point here, but when I type, I "automatically" type
> words with capital letters at the beginning and lowercase ones following as
> needed.
> And It Seems To Me That It's Not That Hard To Do It For Every Word If
> Needed.
> Though for the most part, that looks a bit strange. I guess it might be
> useful for a headline or something like that.
> Anyway, my $.02 USD
> ~holly
Perhaps the data he is working with is coming from an external source where
everything is typed in all caps. While there are JavaScript and PHP based
ways to do what he desires, he may not be a coder in the regard, and is
looking for a way within his own means of converting the data to a more
presentable format.

Remember, we only know the situation in regards to what we're told. Being
disparaging about his question isn't what this list is about: He offered a
valid question which, unfortunately for what he wanted, was shot down.

To get a bit more off topic, Chang, if you don't know JavaScript well, you
can accomplish it using something like this:

document.onload = function() {

And then rely on the text-transform: capitalize to make it look decent.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] workaround to inherited opacity

2008-09-18 Thread Jack Timmons
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Rob Emenecker <

> Hi all,
> I have a project where client wants a semi-opaque border on both a masthead
> and a content area of their page. The masthead and content areas are both
> contained in DIVs that center left-to-right over a tiled background.
> I am trying to figure out an effective workaround the issue of opacity
> inheritance, so that I can get the visual appearance of an 100 OPAQUE
> masthead DIV nested in a semi-opaque DIV.
> Here is an example link:
> The "Winning Sports Club" has to "sit" on top of the semi-transparent DIV.
> What is the best way to go about achieving this effect? (I'm trying to
> avoid
> falling back on overlapping AP divs, if possible.)
> ...Rob

As far as I've ever been able to figure out, a transparent PNG will only
serve best.

Mind you, this effect will fail in IE6, although the opacity would fail in
the first place there, also. In short, it's behaving as intended (as far as
I know). Every child element still has an opacity of "1", but that is
considered to be full opacity from what is inherited. I hope I made that
sound right.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] css beginner in search of great books and courses

2008-09-18 Thread Jack Timmons
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Josh Orlean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am a graphic designer who has just started learning CSS and XHTML. I've
> got Eric Meyer's books: CSS: The Definitive Guide 2nd edition, and CSS Web
> Site Design Hands on Training and the zen of css design. Would appreciate
> any recommendations.
> Thanks,
> Josh
Everyone usually has their own resources. I prefer:

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] text-transform both lowercase AND capitalize?

2008-09-17 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 3:53 AM, Chang Huang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Something like 'text-transform: lowercase capitalize;'
> Is it possible to do that? I can't do text-transform twice, can I?

As far as I have tested: No. And as David wrote, your only choices are
Capitalize, Uppercase, Lowercase, and None.

You could have JavaScript perform the act, or PHP if it's parsing the data,
but not with CSS. At least, that I've tested.


-Jack Timmons
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[css-d] IE7/6, h3's, and divs

2008-09-10 Thread Jack Timmons
A curiosity, more than a request for help, although if some of our list
favorites have a fix/answer, I'd be happy. I just hadn't ran across this bug

I'm making a calendar for a project I'm involved in. I wanted to stay away
from tables for it because I don't consider it tabular data, so I came up
with a few quick styles and got everything working right. You can view the
demo here:

#calendar{float:right;margin: 1em 0em;width: 44em;}
.calrow{clear: both;}
.cell{border: .062em solid black;float:left;height: 6em;margin-right:
-.062em;margin-bottom: -.062em;position: relative;width:6em;}
.cell:hover{border-color: #50c3ff;background: #d3f0ff;z-index: 2;}
.cell:hover .date{background: #dcf2fd;}
.date{background: #f8f8f8 ;border-bottom: .062em solid
black;border-left: .062em solid black;float:right;height: 1.3em;text-align:
center;width: 1.3em;}
/*h3{margin: 0px;padding: 0px;}*/

Apparently IE is tossing the margin on each subsequent row. My HTML and CSS
validates. Ignore the site design, because it was made in an "executive"

If anyone knows why, or can point to the bug, I'd appreciate it. I can
easily make my own workaround for it without using hacks of any sort, I just
wanted to share it.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] List items in columns

2008-09-10 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 11:45 PM, Zach Shepherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm not sure if it's quite what you want, but you could use something like:
> ...
> with css specifying a width for label in ems (and other styling, of
> course).
> Zach
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 00:35, Gunlaug Sørtun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jim wrote:
> > > Is there any way to lay out list items as follows, without using tables
> > > (won't look right unless you view email as plain text):
> > >
> > >
> > >   * CPU:  2 x Xeon 5130
> > >   * RAM:  8 GB
> > >   * STORAGE:  330 GB
> > >
> > > The thing that drives me nuts with using tables in this example is that
> > it
> > > requires such a lot of markup for very little effect.  Each line above
> > > would need to be an individual table.  Not so bad with three lines, but
> > > for hundreds, it's tedious.
> >
> > Dunno. Hundreds of individual lists sounds tedious too...
> >
> > <>
> >
> > regards
> >Georg
> > --
> >
 I use a format like that a lot when setting up forms.

CPU: 2 x Xeon 5130


Using just display:block will force any following elements down. I don't
remember if I use clear:both or not, because I've been awake all of 15

I hope that helps, and that I haven't replied to a fixed issue.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Nested Lists, Rollovers

2008-09-09 Thread Jack Timmons
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Christopher Kip

> Trying to figure out a way around this problem.  I have a list where
> I want the main part to be a link and another list inside.  Works
> fine in Safari and IE but not in Firefox, presumably due to the a
> tag.  Here is URL:
> old.php
> I can get it to work in Safari, IE and Firefox if I change the nested
> list to a div.  Here is URL:
> Problem is, neither of these solutions validates -- I was actually
> somewhat surprised that the second variation even worked.
> Any thoughts?  I am thinking I will just need to make each category a
> separate div with a rollover on that and just get rid of the lists
> but thought I might see if anyone had a more eloquent solution or if
> I was missing something right in front of my face...
> Thanks!
> -Christopher

My opinion would be to great the rollover on the list element, and involve
javascript if you want the whole thing to act as a link. Something like:

Outside of that, I'm sure someone far more clever than I might have a


-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Bacground URL not showing

2008-04-19 Thread Jack Timmons
On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 7:56 PM, Hayden's Harness Attachment <

> I am confused why "background: url(
> no-repeat 115px 0;" use to
> work fine and now it does not. I can view the gif just fine, using the http
> line in the brackets. Any help is most welcome.
> CSS http:/
> Angus MacKinnon
> Infoforce Services
> http:éé<>
> It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.
> George Washington
Is it possible that it's because the stylesheet you linked us isn't the one
being called on the page?

Your link points the to folder "new", while the one linked in the page
points to "css".


-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Suckerfish navigation Versus Slideshow JS images

2008-04-17 Thread Jack Timmons
On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Krystian - Sunlust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hey guys/girls,
> I have a really big problem, I'm desiging a website and I placed
> suckerfish dropdown menu which I copied from html dog, and it works
> great on it's own.
> Problem is, there's my slideshow stuff on the right of it, and when I
> hover "Special Services" the submenu opens partly under the slideshow,
> you can see for yourself:
> I'm not sure if this can be solved.
> XHTML doesn't validate because of missing alt tags on images (website
> is under heavy construction, so I didn't add all the detail into it),
> and because of the weather widget and it's elements, but it doesn't
> concern the slideshow and my problem.
> CSS validates.
> Hope that someone can help me out on this one.
> Regards,
> --
> Krystian - Sunlust
> Freelance on the side: Sunlust Designs -
> Full time Website Designer at SME System Solutions Ltd
> ______

I think z-index: 1 on myGallery and z-index 2> on the UL will fix it.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Formatting Problem

2008-04-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Alan K Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Errmmm. Actually IE7 does support fixed positioning. What I'm looking for
> is an absolute rock-solid workaround for IE6.
> Regards,
> Alan.

Apologies. Haven't used position:fixed enough to have noticed, but at least
I can save the info in my head. Can't get them all right!

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Formatting Problem

2008-04-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Bill Guion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been reluctant to ask these questions, not because of any lack
> of faith in the wonderful people on this list, but because I can't
> give you the opportunity to see the page for yourself, and I don't
> think it's entirely fair to ask you to fix something you can't see.
> But, this has reached a point where I really don't have any choice.
> The web page is part of our corporate employees only web site. You
> need an account to access it. Could I move it to a public site. Not
> easily. There is a MySQL database attached that would have to be
> moved, MySQL installed, PHP installed. Probably isn't going to happen.
> Background. This page is a corporate phone book. Name, phone number,
> email address, office location, etc. Data are stored in the database.
> Retrieving the data is working just fine. PHP is used extensively,
> but I have removed the PHP from below to reduce the clutter. PHP is
> not the problem. (Try of focus on the CSS, not the html. I may have
> done something in removing the PHP that doesn't make any sense. Don't
> let that worry you unless that may contribute to the problem.
> The problem. At the top of the page is a typical header - last
> modification date, how to request changes, etc. and a form where you
> can select a particular department you want to see, along with a
> submit button, and finally column headers for the data that follows.
> Below all this is the data. My goal is to have the header fixed at
> the top of the page, and have the data scroll.
> In FF this works "OK". The only problem is that the data scrolls
> under the header rather than being cut off before it gets to the
> header. The downside is if you perform a search, the found row in the
> table may be under the header and not visible.
> A second problem is that with IE, the header scrolls off with the
> data. I can live with this, if a lot of work is required to "tame" IE.
> The last problem is that on various platforms, there are varying
> amounts of space between the bottom of the header and the first line
> of the table. I've set the spacing so that on all browsers, the first
> row is visible. On other browsers, that leaves a big (more than an
> inch) gap.
> So, what I'd like to do is a) eliminate the gap, or reduce it as much
> as possible, b) have the data not scroll under the header, and c) if
> not too difficult, tame IE so that header doesn't scroll.
> Is any of this fixable?
>  -= Bill =-
> // Styling and HTML removed for your eyes


After asking you about the originiality of the code you sent, I went and
took a better look at it.

A few things I noticed:

1) Markup is not correct. The first major problem is that you have an
improperly nested paragraph tag.
2) Your CSS Comments are not properly ended, specifically near the #footer

Since you can't provide a working draft, I set a few up. The original you
can find at:

My copy, which I think does what you're asking, can be found at:

Now, for position:fixed. Unfortunately, IE does not support this attribute.
(I leave IE8 out, because it is not yet a finished product, and I don't code
for Betas.)

So, ultimately it appears your markup was the culprit. I think that's all
the changes I made. The  tag was being left empty in Firefox, and
therefore throwing in a margin area around nothing, which might be the
diagnosis for the blank space.

Please let me know if I got what you're looking for. Others, if you have
something better, I'd like to know, so I can fix how I'm looking at it.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Horizontial Nav wrapping in IE

2008-04-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Wade Smart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 04162008 1200 GMT-6
> Oh, Jack, sorry about that. That is my fault. I didnt copy and paste - I
> wrote it direct into the email. That brace is a ) and not a } in the code.
> Wade
> Jack Timmons wrote:
> > The culprit might be the fact you have a closing brace instead of
> > paranthesis. Try:
> >  background: url("graphics/ButtonBackground.png") no-repeat top left;
> >
> > Instead.
> >  Also, there might be more to it (the CSS coding isn't my style, so I
> > feel shaky about it), but the Chinese food in front of my face distracts me.
> >  -Jack
> > On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Wade Smart <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> >04162008 1126 GMT-6
> >
> >I have horizontal navigation that uses graphic button backgrounds in
> >a .
> >In IE the buttons are in vertical rows.
> >
> >li {
> >display: inline;
> >}
> >
> >#nav a {
> >margin: auto;
> >background: url("graphics/ButtonBackground.png"} no-repeat top left;
> >text-align: center;
> >}
> >
> >#nav a:hover {
> >background: url("graphics/ButtonBackground.png"} no-repeat top right;
> >color: black;
> >}
> >
> >When I do this without the background image it seems to work fine
> >but with the
> >background image it will not.
> >
> >Wade
> >
> >  __
> >

 I think you're going to need to set some height/width for it to work like
you want. Is there a site you can link me to so I can look?

Others may be able to better solve it for you, though. Chinese food makes me

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Re: [css-d] Horizontial Nav wrapping in IE

2008-04-16 Thread Jack Timmons
The culprit might be the fact you have a closing brace instead of
paranthesis. Try:

background: url("graphics/ButtonBackground.png") no-repeat top left;


Also, there might be more to it (the CSS coding isn't my style, so I feel
shaky about it), but the Chinese food in front of my face distracts me.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Wade Smart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 04162008 1126 GMT-6
> I have horizontal navigation that uses graphic button backgrounds in a
> .
> In IE the buttons are in vertical rows.
> li {
> display: inline;
> }
> #nav a {
> margin: auto;
> background: url("graphics/ButtonBackground.png"} no-repeat top left;
> text-align: center;
> }
> #nav a:hover {
> background: url("graphics/ButtonBackground.png"} no-repeat top right;
> color: black;
> }
> When I do this without the background image it seems to work fine but with
> the
> background image it will not.
> Wade
> __
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Re: [css-d] Anchor color on an image with border="1"

2008-04-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Geoffrey Hoffman <

> I noticed that Firefox colorizes the border with the anchor color I
> specified, and a:hover turns that color also, but in IE7 I get default
> blue
> border.
> I already have a conditional comment in my page to deliver ie.css, but I'm
> not sure what to put into it because IE doesn't support :hover on images,
> does it?
> What's the appropriate way to do this?
> eg:
> a:link, a:visited {
>   color:red;
> }
> a:hover, a:active {
>   color:pink;
> }
As far as I know, IE 6 and below only support :hover on links. Also, looking
at what you sent, perhaps you should try something like:

a:link, a:visited {
border: 1px solid red;
a:hover, a:active {
border: 1px solid pink;

And remove the border attribute from the image entirely. I think that would
do the trick. Increase px/change unit of measurement as needed.

-Jack Timmons
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[css-d] Fwd: checkbox margins

2008-04-16 Thread Jack Timmons
Forwarded, because sometimes I'm a bit daft and didn't add the CSS list, and
others might find the chart useful.

-- Forwarded message ------
From: Jack Timmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] checkbox margins
To: Daniel Kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Actually, I think Christian Kirchhoff indirectly corrected me by adding
quotes instead. I'm not sure if it's required (I never use attribute
selection, no need to yet, and not IE friendly), so my example of them was
probably wrong

If you haven't found it, has an excelent CSS Compatability
Chart (1) I'll reference if for some reason I can't remember.

Just remember that by doing ul.classname input that you're targetting all
input types (text, password, submit, etc), so keep that in mind.

-Jack Timmons

  On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Daniel Kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Apr 16, 2008, at 9:54 AM, Jack Timmons wrote:
> > Others may have a better idea, but since I can't see an exact example if
> > give a better answer, I'll go with this:
> >
> > Checkboxes are of type "input" first of all. If your lists have classes,
> > you can try something like:
> >
> > ul.classname input{}
> >
> > But that will go for any input. You can try aiming for atrribute
> > selectors, too, although I believe that doesn't work in IE6 or <:
> >
> > input[type=checkbox]
> >
> > Anyone correct me if I'm off here.
> >
> >
>  I didn't understand that previously.  It didn't work in ie7 either, but
> more importantly I get it.  This is not a big deal and it won't matter if
> it's missing.  I was just trying to do things the way I thought was right
> and that was a margin instead of a nbsp;   In this case that ul has just
> checkboxes in it cause I'm using it to lay out a list of options.  So, I
> targeted the ul inputs, as you suggested.
> Thank you Jack and everyone else that answered.
> --
> Daniel Kessler
> University of Maryland College Park
> School of Public Health
> 3302E HHP Building
> College Park, MD  20742-2611
> Phone: 301-405-2545
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Re: [css-d] checkbox margins

2008-04-16 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 8:42 AM, Daniel Kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to set it up so that all checkboxes on my site have a
> margin or padding to the right.  In my  main css, I thought I could
> address the element and tried:
> checkbox {margin-right:40px; padding-right:40px;}
> It didn't work.  If I made it into a class, it then worked but I
> would have to insert it into each checkbox rather than doing one
> sitewide setup.
> So how would I get that to work?  And if not, do I actually have to
> put a class on every single checkbox?  I currently have it in a ul/li
> but I removed it from there and still couldn't get it to work.
> thank you.
> --
> Daniel Kessler
Others may have a better idea, but since I can't see an exact example if
give a better answer, I'll go with this:

Checkboxes are of type "input" first of all. If your lists have classes, you
can try something like:

ul.classname input{}

But that will go for any input. You can try aiming for atrribute selectors,
too, although I believe that doesn't work in IE6 or <:


Anyone correct me if I'm off here.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] CSS background image not showing up

2008-04-15 Thread Jack Timmons
I meant one of two things, in this case the likely candidate being "B".
Sometimes I forget to express the full idea when I'm doing a quick site
check amongst my own projects.

-Jack Timmons
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Brian Ogden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is not true the image does exist and showing up on my browser at the
> following url:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Jack Timmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Carol,
> > On hand, my browser is unable to find the image, which is telling me two
> > things:
> >
> > A: You haven't uploaded the image
> > B: You are referencing the image incorrectly.
> >
> > I tried going straight to see if I could look in the directory, but it's
> > disabled.
> >
> > -Jack Timmons
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Carol Huddleston <
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I'm still going through the "Beginning CSS Web Development" book. I
> > > have two problems, but I have to get the first one answered before I
> > > can go on to the second one.
> > >
> > > I am working through an exercise that uses a background image with a
> > > repeat-y to create faux columns. Here is the page:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > and here is the CSS:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > My problem right now is that the background image isn't showing at
> > > all. I have faux.gif in a folder titled "images" like this:
> > >
> > > /beginning/images/faux.gif
> > >
> > > I also tried it like this:  /images/faux.gif (not in the the
> > > "beginning" folder). Both ways, the background image does not show.
> > > The image is a dark gray and a lighter gray column that should show
> > > up in the content section.
> > >
> > > Can anyone see what the problem might be?
> > >
> > > I apologize for these very basic, newbie questions, but you have been
> > > very helpful to me so far and I appreciate it,
> > >
> > >
> > > Carol
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > __
> > > css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
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> > >
> > __
> > css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
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> >
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Re: [css-d] CSS background image not showing up

2008-04-15 Thread Jack Timmons
On hand, my browser is unable to find the image, which is telling me two

A: You haven't uploaded the image
B: You are referencing the image incorrectly.

I tried going straight to see if I could look in the directory, but it's

-Jack Timmons

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Carol Huddleston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm still going through the "Beginning CSS Web Development" book. I
> have two problems, but I have to get the first one answered before I
> can go on to the second one.
> I am working through an exercise that uses a background image with a
> repeat-y to create faux columns. Here is the page:
> and here is the CSS:
> My problem right now is that the background image isn't showing at
> all. I have faux.gif in a folder titled "images" like this:
> /beginning/images/faux.gif
> I also tried it like this:  /images/faux.gif (not in the the
> "beginning" folder). Both ways, the background image does not show.
> The image is a dark gray and a lighter gray column that should show
> up in the content section.
> Can anyone see what the problem might be?
> I apologize for these very basic, newbie questions, but you have been
> very helpful to me so far and I appreciate it,
> Carol
> __
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Re: [css-d] Help with the "C" in "CSS"

2008-04-07 Thread Jack Timmons

>From my personal experience, I first always recommend others take a look
over at HTMLDog (1) and get to know the tutorials going on there.

Second thing I always aim for is consistent markup through your pages. If
you're building each webpage with a different naming structure, you can't
fully take advantage of the "C" you desire to have. Therefore, I spend
however much time I need to coming up with a "template" for naming. An
example would be:

All my pages contain tags in the order of body, followed by divs
outerwrapper and wrapper. (I do funky background things, so outerwrapper is
needed). Then, three children inside wrapper, header, main, and footer. Main
then has a section tag applied to it in a child div, which gives me the
ability to change styles in a local stylesheet based on selectivity.

I hope this is what you needed, and I know others in this list will offer
far better advice than myself, but if you need any clarification, let me


On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 2:13 PM, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been using CSS for a couple years now, but most of what I've
> done is emulate code I've seen and bang it into the form I need it to
> be.
> Often this works mostly, but then a certain situation or another's
> computer will reveal embarrassing rookie mistakes.
> In addition to simply racking up enough keyboard time to know tags
> and how to write good code, I need to find a way to "get"  the sense
> of "Cascading" and what that means..I need to know it in my bones, if
> you know what I mean.
> The closest thing I have to relate to is either Quark or InDesign
> styles, where you can have styles with "Based on" or "Next Style"
> styles, but in CSS, it seems to be much more than that, and my lack
> of knowledge makes me like a deer in the headlights when confronted
> with my bad code, why it's bad, and how to make it good.
> Any suggestions on a spot on line with a good explanation of the
> cascading relationship(s)?
> thanks for reading this plea!
> John
> __
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Re: [css-d] Background color on menu

2008-03-26 Thread Jack Timmons
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Phoebe Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm trying to build a vertical menu for a church site simply using
> borders, changing background and font colors.
> This is only my second CSS site.
> my CSS for the menu (so far) is this:
> /*Menu Navigation*/
> ul#menu {
>list-style-type: none;
>padding-left: 0;
> }
> *html a {
>height: 1px;
> }
> #menu li {
>display: inline;
> }
> #menu a {
>display: block;
>border-top: 1px solid #000;
>padding: .25em;
>margin-right: 1em;
>background-color: #67A15C;
>text-decoration: none;
>color: #fff;
> }
> #menu a:hoover {
>background-color: #F4D455;
>color: #000;
> }
> My question.  Upon hoover I don't see any change in background or font
> color.  Why?
> Phoebe

First, correct a:hoover to a:hover.

Unless my quick glance missed something, that's it.

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[css-d] Site Check Please

2008-03-18 Thread Jack Timmons
Greetings all.

Need a site check:

Don't mind the CSS or layout. I know it needs a lot of work, and
unfortunately it will never get done unless we're not given any more
projects to add onto the site. Frankly, it's been patched together by
numerous rush jobs.

Anyway, I'm getting a single complaint about there being some weird line at
the bottom. Now, I know in Firefox on widescreen monitors (it seems) the
background somehow stops and shows the color below the image. I think it
might just be my computer and add-ons.

What I'm just hoping for is that the background looks like it's fading from
a dark blue to a light blue and back. Thanks for your help.

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] Quickly Removing Formatting from an Element

2008-03-04 Thread Jack Timmons

I had a spelling error in "borders"; it is incorrect, but is just an

And simply put, she wanted an easy method for saying "I don't want this
button to have any of the previous global formatting applied to it."

I truly understand that global formatting like that is erroneous, but
because I try to be a good guy, I offered to ask you all, since to my
knowledge there was no way.

-Jack Timmons

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Jukka K. Korpela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> That sounds odd and may cause rather unpredictable results (especilly if
> you actually have "border", not "borders", which does not exist in CSS),
> unless you have rules that set backgrounds and borders for input
> elements that need them.
> I beg your pardon? That would involve something external to CSS, either
> client-side or server-side scripting.
> Or do you mean that he or she wants to have a submit button _for which_
> some previously formatting is not applied?
> There is no way to "undo" things in CSS in general. You can override a
> setting for a property by setting it to a specific value, but you cannot
> tell browsers to apply their defaults, against any settings that might
> exist elsewhere in stylesheets.
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
> <>
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[css-d] Quickly Removing Formatting from an Element

2008-03-04 Thread Jack Timmons
Hey all,

While I'm sure this isn't possible, for the sake of harmony in the workplace
I'm posing this problem:

Because of the way this site I work with and the CSS was coded, we have a
statement like:

input {background: none;borders: none;}

A coworker wishes to have a submit button that removes any of the previous
formatting done. I can't think of a method to do so (namely because I use
selective formatting and should never need to undo formatting like that). If
any of you have an example, line etc I'd appreciate it. Maybe I'll learn
something new!

-Jack Timmons
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Re: [css-d] newbie

2008-03-01 Thread Jack Timmons
Greetings both.

I recommend the tutorials over at <>.
Helped me brush up on CSS way back when I was getting into table-less

-Jack Timmons

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Hakan K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tam,
> Welcome to this listing group...
> Do you use any tutorial ?
> Hakan
> On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Tamara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, my name's Tamara (Tam for short), and I'm new here...and new to
> css..
> >  well, aside from the simple stuff you can do in Dreamweaver, that is. I
> look
> >  forward to learning a lot from this group, it was recommended to me by
> Dawn.
> >
> >  --
> >  Tam <>
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