[css-d] IE blew up my layout

2006-03-24 Thread Michael Clayton
I'm working on this layout.  It looks satisfactory in FF and Opera,
but when I checked IE it blew it asunder.

Here is a mockup:
HTML: http://www.twilighted.com/tx/mockup.html
CSS:   http://www.twilighted.com/tx/mockup.css

The three boxes aren't positioned well enough to make IE happy.  I'll
admit I did kind of ghetto-rig it.  It seems like such a simple thing,
but I haven't had any success.

Thanks cssexperts!
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Re: [css-d] Vertical Centering

2006-03-23 Thread Michael Clayton
 I recall someone posting a very easy method of vertical centering a
 block in a viewport a while back. Seemed straight forward -
 positioning with percentages and a little negative margin nudging.
 Googled but came up empty.

 Can anyone point me to this? How cross-browser is it?

Here's another for the record:

I tried it in a bunch of browsers a few weeks ago.  It worked in more
than I expected.  As far as I remember, it worked in IE 5+, Opera 8+,
and Firefox.  No NN4 though.  Not sure about Mac browsers.


Michael Clayton
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Rounded corners and Transparent GIFs

2006-03-23 Thread Michael Clayton
For my next trick, I'll need a div with rounded corners on top of a
textured background.  Any volunteers from the audience?

My launch pad was this ALA article:

I was skeptical about this being possible at all, but here is my
stubborn progress: http://www.twilighted.com/tx/giftest.html

The div must be elastic horizontally and vertically.  The problem is
that the when the corner images overlap, the transparent corners are
blocked out, leaving a rectangular corner.  Try shrinking the text and
watching what happens to the bottom left corner.

Here is a shortcut to the ALA article's explanation of how the images
are sliced: http://www.alistapart.com/d/customcorners/step1.1.html

This would be very easy to arrange with tables, but that would be
embarassing.  I've been trying to place one horizontal and one
veritcal box with white backgrounds behind the main div, but have been
so far unsuccessful.  Here's a quick mockup:

I just want a nice clean box with rounded, transparent corners.  All
that I have found so far has been pain!

Michael Clayton
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Rounded corners and Transparent GIFs

2006-03-23 Thread Michael Clayton
Chris: Thanks, I will investigate that book next time I'm near a book store.

Jim: The javascript option is interesting, but I tend to shy away from
anything that requires javascript to navigate or display correctly.

 Just use these methods and skip the images entirely:

 Your page is badly broken in ff even in it's current form.  There are
 gaps all over the place in your background and no lower right corner

Thanks Don, I think that is exactly what I was looking for.  I had
seen that site before, but couldn't locate it again.  You saved the

I know the page is broken, though, that's what my post was about.

Michael Clayton
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] How to limit table cell height (GMail style)

2006-03-11 Thread Michael Clayton
 So my question is: How is this solved in for instance GMail where content i
 only one line high (and additional overflowing content is hidden). Please
 share your thoughts on this, and if you could point me to any information on
 how to solve this.

I've run into similar problems, and my solution has been to put a div
inside the td

.cell-height {
height: 10px;
overflow: hidden; /* Or whatever you desire */

div class=cell-heightStuffs here/div

While td's don't seem to respond to height, divs do, so the td will
only expand enough to fit the div.  I'm not sure how GMail does it,
but this has worked for me in the past.  Hope it helps. :)

Michael Clayton
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Q: variable image in DIV with some text on top. Possible?

2006-03-08 Thread Michael Clayton
(Clicking reply in Gmail defaults to the user's email address, and not
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Anyone know a way to fix this?  I accidently
sent this to Angel directly.)

That should be possible by setting the margin-top of the image to a
negative number, which would slide it under the text.  You may have to set
the z-indeces of the text to a higher number than the image if the image
overlaps the text in that case.

Alternatively, you could forego the img tag completely and instead use a
background image as follows

.rand-img-box {
 background: top left no-repeat url(random_image.jpg);

div class=rand-img-box
 Text describing image

If you go that way you will run into problems with height and width of the
box.  If I remember correctly, PHP is capable of reading the height and
width of an image, so you could fix that fairly easily.  It's been a very
long time since I've done PHP, and I don't know any of the image functions,
but here is the getimagesize() function for your pleasure.


Hope that helps, and good luck!

Michael Clayton

On 3/8/06, Angel Outon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I like to ask anyone of you to see if this is possible and some advise
 for it.

 I have a banner made by a div and has an variable image to display. This
 is done using this script: http://www.bezveze.com/skripte/rid/

 Something like this

 p class=sloganSome text over the image/p
 ?php include(random/rid.php); ?   !-- here is the random image --

 I like to have the text Some text over the image   to be displayed on
 top of the random image.

 Is this possible?

 Thanks for your advise,



 css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Michael Clayton
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] IE footer problem

2006-03-08 Thread Michael Clayton
Though peace now reigns in IExplorerville, danger is brewing in Netscapia.

The same problem --but probably with a different cause-- is occuring in NN
6.0 and NN 6.01.  It doesn't impair accessability at all, so normally I
wouldn't worry too much about it.  Unfortunately it is concealing the
Copyright notice, a fatal flaw.

http://www.twilighted.com/ntc/index2.html - This is the fixed version of the
page, which works in all browsers I have tested except for the regrettable
bug in NN 6.0 and NN 6.01.

If you don't have these versions of NN and want them, you can dig them up at
http://browsers.evolt.org/  I don't expect anyone to go to all that trouble
on my account, but they're there if you want 'em. :)

Michael Clayton
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] Simple CSS Question?

2006-03-08 Thread Michael Clayton
Hi Daniel,

I've had similar problems with IE, but have never been able to find a
solution.  It may be a comfort that most users probably won't have a
viewport smaller than 800x600.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.  Hopefully one of the wise souls on this list
will be able to sort out this mystery.

Michael Clayton

On 3/7/06, Daniel Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey there, I'm new.

 Could somebody check out http://www.shopperschoice.com/ for me.  The
 I'm having is that the page jumps down to the bottom when you resize below
 800x600 in Internet Explorer.  Please check out the CSS and let me know
 I'm doing wrong here, thanks!

 Daniel Patterson
 css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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 Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] IE footer problem - nct-res

2006-03-08 Thread Michael Clayton
Thanks, I wasn't aware that NN 6.x were betas.  I'll stop fretting now.
Yesterday I went a bit insane and downloaded 20+ old browsers.  My thinking
was this, It will be awesome if I can make my sites work in everything.
The odds of anyone using an old Netscape are about as good as the odds of my
head quantum tunneling through my desk as I bang it in frusteration.  But
there's always a chance.

As for the font sizes, I'm still working off this old ALA article.  It's two
years old now, though.


Is pt now preferred over ems?  I've not stayed in the loop as much as I
should have.  The advantage I see of ems with a 90~% font size is that the
text is readable at any IE size, from smallest to largest.  With ems, but
without 90% font size in place, the actual size change from smallest to
largest is far too drastic.  Smallest becomes impossibly small, and largest
is so big that it breaks the layout.  90% font size makes the users' size
changes significant, but not extreme.  In IE, pt seems to have the same
problem as px, it cannot be resized by the user.  I would be happy to learn
a better method, of course.

Michael Clayton

On 3/8/06, Felix Miata [EMAIL PROTECTED] almost certainly wrote:

Do your browser stats actually show a material number of people using
 those insecure, buggy, slow, old, beta browser versions? They need a
 good hard push to upgrading to secure non-beta software. All Netscape
 6.x versions are betaware. Security issues alone rule out safely using
 all Netscapes except the newest 8.whatever, and even that may be a risk,
 since Netscape isn't too quick to implement the security fixes
 implemented in Mozilla Project CVS.

 Different subject: Why don't you want users by default seeing their
 choices of the font sizes and families that work best for them?
 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according
 to the law of the Lord.Psalm 119:11 NIV

   Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

 Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/auth/auth

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] IE footer problem

2006-03-06 Thread Michael Clayton
I nabbed this layout from the famous

My current progress is here: http://www.twilighted.com/ntc/

In IE 6, the footer is only pushed down by the left and right columns, but
not the center column.  This can be fixed by resizing the window, but the
initial load is bugged.  This bug is mentioned in the source code, sort of:

CSS HACK:  position:relative needed by IE6 otherwise the header and col 2
don't show up on initial rendering - they're there but you have to minimise
the window or switch to another app and back to see the full effect. But
IE5(pc) doesn't like it. And nor does NN4.
NB. the use of pos:rel has to go way beyond skin-deep - any nested element
that needs a background colour appears to require to be be relatively

That's not exactly the same bug I'm seeing, but it's similar.  I've tried
adding everything with a background color to the pos:rel list, but it hasn't
helped.  I've also tried removing the background color from everything, but
that hasn't helped either.

Another slightly more minor bug is that when the window is shrunk, IE 6
pushed the navs to the bottom of the page.  Any advice for either problem?

Thanks for any help. :)

Michael Clayton
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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Re: [css-d] IE footer problem

2006-03-06 Thread Michael Clayton
I discovered that the following code is what breaks the site in IE.

ul.nav {
list-style: url(bullet_small.jpg);
line-height: 1.5em;
margin-left: 18px;
padding: 0;

The list-style specifically is what kills it.  Does anyone know why applying
a bullet image mucks up IE?  I guess that's a dumb question. ;)  Does anyone
know how to get around it?  For now I'll just apply a background image, I

Michael Clayton
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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