Re: [CTRL] Clinton expands river grab

1999-03-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

This has to do with weather modification program which will result in
climatic changes which already is evidet.

Oceans 2 inches higher; polar caps melting - this is to warm up Russia.
And, when mexico signed the last agreement a lot of rain is pouring
where it usually is dryer and they wil re-route these rivers.

Must be some expert on this tha can explain this - goes back to early 70
period when Udall was Senatorbook called  The Weather Changer -
never made best seller list - no sex.


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Re: [CTRL] fw: Fluoridation = Poisoning

1999-03-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/23/99 6:34:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Almost right, not quite...  Fluoridation originated in El Paso, because
 the local water supply has naturally high fluoride levels, and the
 local population has low levels of dental caries [cavities], and some
 researchers put those facts together, did some research... and now
 fluoridated water and toothpastes are used worldwide.  

At the moment the only authority I have on hand is Hanna Kroeger, but the
naturally occurring Calcium Fluoride that gives Texans great bones and teeth
is not the "Sodium Fluoride" that is added to city water and is one of the
most toxic substances known to man.   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Fwd: Russia Friends

1999-03-24 Thread Kris Millegan


Russia starts building India's three Krivak class destroyers

March 22nd, 1999

by Gordon Feller, Defence Systems Daily's correspondent in Moscow

After being delayed several months while furiously looking for financing,
on Wednesday St. Petersburg's Baltiisky Zavod shipyard finally laid the
keel on the first of a $1 billion trio of state-of-the-art warships ordered
by the Indian navy.

Vladimir Yukhnin, the chief naval architect at the Severnoye PKB, which
designed the frigates, calls them the "warships of the next century" and
said that no foreign navy has anything comparable.

The 4,000-ton frigates are equipped with advanced-guidance missiles to
neutralise surface, subsurface and aerial targets. Reports have said that
the ships are also equipped with "stealth" technology that enables them to
avoid detection by enemy radar, and Yukhnin said the ships also have a
bombing complex called RBU-6000 and facilities to harbour helicopters - all
of which makes them extremely competitive on the international market.

India ordered the three Krivak class warships from Russia's state arms
dealer, Rosvooruzheniye, in 1997 to "partially arrest its declining force
levels and to improve combat capabilities," according to Indian news
reports at the time.

On Wednesday shipyard director Oleg Shulyakovsky said Baltiisky Zavod will
deliver two of the frigates by 2002 and the third by 2003. The first
frigate has to be completed in April of 2002 - two years later than
originally planned - with the second coming six months later and the third
six months after that.

"The keel for the second warship will be laid by the end of the year,"
Shulyakovsky said.

The project and the shipyard's controversial director have received
considerable attention in the Russian media. Last month, when Shulyakovsky
appealed to the Kremlin for funds for the project, the media accused him of
embezzling India's down payment, which, according to Shulyakovsky himself,
was more than $100 million - but he denied the charges.

Construction, which was supposed to begin last year, was put on hold after
the shipyard - one of the largest in Russia - saw its credit line disappear
with the crisis. The original investor, Uneximbank - which owns 50.5
percent of the shipyard - sold its stake just before the August crash. But
even before the sell-off and the crisis the shipyard was having trouble
getting financing.

The framework agreement with India calls for Baltiisky Zavod to borrow
private money to complete the projects because the cost of the first
frigate is estimated at $270 million, and India agreed only to pay a small
portion of that before 2001.

Shulyakovsky tried several different tracks to attract a new lender
-including last month's request to First Deputy Prime Minister Yury
Maslyukov to print $300 million worth of roubles. Another option, which
Shulyakovsky proposed in January, was a state guarantee for the loans the
shipyard planned to attract from abroad. It is unclear where the money is
coming from, however. At Wednesday's keel-laying celebration Shulyakovsky
would only said that the "financial problem had been solved" and he
declined to elaborate.

There is nothing unusual in borrowing money for contracts that are paid off
steadily over several years, experts said Thursday. But this deal was
particularly difficult to finance because commercial conditions are worse
here than in other European shipyards. And Baltiisky Zavod has been
troubled by the recent economic situation, which has forced it to change
its prospective partners several times. Shulyakovsky did say, however, that
the shipyard is not using any state money and has attracted a $140 million
credit line with a "satisfactory" interest rate, but he declined to name
the bank or specify the conditions of the loan.

There are several possible sources of financing for Baltiisky Zavod. The
shipyard has significant support from Inter-regional Investment Bank, known
by its Russian acronym MIB, which is one of the shipyard's shareholders and
has tight connections with Rosvooruzheniye through affiliated companies.
Another possible source of financing, according to the respected daily
newspaper Kommersant, is Vneshtorgbank. And another bank, Vnesheconombank,
is already close to the deal by performing the role as agent to handle
payments from India to Rosvooruzheniye.

Whichever bank is involved, however, the project is finally up and running
with financing based on the future payments from India. "The credit line
the shipyard received recently is guaranteed by the prospective payments of
the Indian government," Shulyakovsky said cautiously.

Baltiisky Zavod desperately needed this contract to move ahead. Losing the
Indian navy as a client would probably have forced the shipyard to layoff
staff and made getting future contracts more difficult.

But now, thanks in part to finally finding a lender, business is looking up
for the shipyard. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Pomobabble

1999-03-24 Thread Kris Millegan


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A professor once wrote this about Tonya Harding's attack on Nancy Kerrigan:
"This melodrama parsed the transgressive hybridity of unnarrativized
representative bodies back into recognizable heterovisual codes." Probable
English translation: Maybe Tonya had Nancy's leg smashed because she was
attracted to her. If so, the media wouldn't tell us.

The professor was writing in "pomobabble." This is the jargon of
postmodernism, the intellectual movement that says truth doesn't exist and
that all values and knowledge are "socially constructed" -- made up to
serve the interests of the powerful.

Postmodernism has swept through our universities, doing great damage. But
"pomobabble" has emerged as a source of constant mirth. As a hoax, Alan
Sokal, a physicist at New York University, wrote an article in dense
pomobabble arguing that gravity and physical reality are social constructs.
Social Text magazine took it as a serious piece and published it. Later, to
explain the joke to the magazine's editors, Sokal said that anyone who
doubts the law of gravity should come up to his apartment and try walking
out the window. He lives on the 21st floor.

Pomobabblers now win most awards in the annual Bad Writing Contest, says
Denis Dutton, a professor in New Zealand and editor of Philosophy and
Literature, the scholarly journal that sponsors the competition. Homi
Bhabha of the University of Chicago took second place last year for this

"If, for a while, the ruse of desire is calculable for the uses of
discipline soon the repetition of guilt, justification, pseudo-scientific
theories, superstitition, spurious authorities and classifications can be
seen as the desperate effort to 'normalize' formally the disturbance of a
discourse of splitting that violated the rational, enlightened claim of its
enunciatory modality."

Wondering what an enunciatory modality might be, I phoned Bhabha, who
explained that it is technical language referring to a network of terms,
vocabulary and language that construct a particular set of meanings. I was
pleased he was able to clear that up.

The grand prizewinner of 1998 was a 94-word effort by Judith Butler of the
University of California, Berkeley, a professor of rhetoric and comparative
literature. For a school assignment, my daughter and a classmate worked
four hours to untangle and diagram this sentence. Here it comes, at half
its length to save space:

"The move from a structuralist account ... marked a shift from a form of
Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects
to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure
inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent
sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power."

Butler is an academic star. But Martha Nussbaum, a scholar at the
University of Chicago Law School, recently wrote that when Butler's notions
are stated clearly and succinctly, they don't amount to much. The obscurity
of Butler's prose, she wrote, "bullies the reader into granting that, since
one cannot figure out what is going on, there must be something significant
going on."

Many scholars are now busy mocking pomobabble. The Michigan Law Review ran
a long spoof of postmodern legal gibberish written by law professor Dennis
Arrow ("There is the double narrative, the narrative of the vision enclosed
in the general narrative carried on by the same narrator.")

Australian professors have created a "Postmodern Generator," an Internet
Web site that spits out a new essay in pomobabble each time the site is hit
( My visit to the site
produced deep thoughts about Marxism ("Thus, Marx uses the term 'Marxism'
to denote not, in fact, desublimation but predesublimation. The example of
dialectic narrative ... emerges again in 'The Last Words of Dutch Schultz,'
although in a more textual sense.")

Anyone can learn pomobabble. String together words such as "hegemonic,"
"transgressive," "narrativity" and "valorization." Refer often to murky
French philosophers. Deprivilege heterosexuality by gluing "hetero" to the
front of normal words, creating terms like "heterotextuality."

Denis Dutton is so good at this that I asked him to translate three recent
quotes from American politics into pomospeak. Here they are, academically

1. "The gendered non-being in modes of heterolocalized transgressivity
negotiates while it articulates an ontology of the sexualized body
simultaneously within a contested absentation of narrativity symbolized
within a discourse of indiscriminate penetrative phallicism. ("I never had
sexual relations with that woman.")

2. "The multivocality of semanticism essentialized in a dialogue of Being
instantiates while it interrogates a 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bosnia: 03-24-99

1999-03-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Well, now, you know:  it's the old case of the two brothers fighting when
the third party shows up who tries to interfere ... the brothers unite
until they subdue the interferer then go back to their own dispute ... and
isn't it interesting there's not been a lot of news about Bosnia ... how
these 'diplomats' assume they can solve what even Clinton has recognised as
being a 7 centuries' old conflict in a matter of a decade is quite a bit
presumptuous (if not down-right stupid) ... AER 


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : The Balkan Crisis

Dayton Accord near collapse: the political crisis in Bosnia

By Justus Leicht
24 March 1999

As NATO prepares to impose the so-called Dayton II model for Kosovo by
military force, Dayton I--the "peace accord" for Bosnia adopted four years
ago--is falling apart.

On March 5 the representative of the NATO powers, Carlos Westendorp, sacked
President Nikola Poplasen of the Bosnian Serb republic. At the same time an
International Commission of Arbitration made its decision on the region of
Brcko, which has been disputed since the beginning of the war in Bosnia.

Brcko was declared to be a neutral zone, neither belonging to the
Moslem-Croat federation nor to the Bosnian Serb republic. Without it the
Serb-ruled half of Bosnia is split geographically into two separate parts,
the eastern half bordering on Serbia proper and the western part surrounded
by Croatia and the Moslem-Croatian federation.

In the past all leading Bosnian Serb politicians had declared that Serb
possession of Brcko was a crucial issue for the republic and that their
participation in the Bosnian state as a whole was dependent on this issue.
While Moslem-Croat Federation politicians made statements along the same
lines, the decision over the future status of Brcko was continually put
off. The decision made March 5 went against the Bosnian-Serb side--at a
time when its head of state has been sacked and in the middle of the talks
in Rambouillet.

The result was predictable: while thousands of Bosnian Serbs demonstrated
and NATO vehicles went up in flames, Poplasen and the Bosnian Serb
parliament rejected both decisions and announced withdrawal from all
Bosnian state institutions. In response, NATO General Secretary Solana
together with the US and Great Britain threatened to impose the decisions
with force if need be.

The irony is that the same parliament which has condemned these decisions
as a breach of national sovereignty and the Dayton Accord was, together
with Poplasen, voted into power under the rules and supervision of the same
powers, who have now dismissed the latter. Bearing in mind that the entire
state apparatus in Bosnia was set in place by the Great Powers following
air strikes, the conclusion can be drawn that those who now declare they
seek to bring peace to Kosovo have already revealed their political
bankruptcy in Bosnia.

Poplasen, who has declared his readiness to oppose his dismissal with
force, belongs to the ultra-right Serb Radical Party (SRP) whose chairman,
Seselj, is vice president of Serbia.

Poplasen is the product of the policies of Westendorp and his predecessors
in office. With the help of NATO troops, the civilian officials designated
by the alliance--Westendorp himself bears the title "Supreme
Representative"--have governed Bosnia like colonial lords: they regularly
proceed against politicians--in particular Serbs--who stand in the way of
the realisation of the Dayton Accord. In political conflicts they take the
side of those forces which indicate they would co-operate with the
West--the most recent example being the Serb nationalist Biljana Plavsic.
They control the media, remove uncooperative local mayors and strip
parliamentary deputies of their office.

They defend the existing social structure which has arisen out of the
war--the restoration of capitalism and the disintegration of the Yugoslav
state and economy. With the overwhelming majority of the population living
in poverty, the existing structure is based on the dominance of former
Stalinist bureaucrats, black market traders and war profiteers. This
parasitic layer has broken up into rival cliques and factions. It thrives
politically on chauvinist demagogy and plays one foreign power off against
the other. The suppression of one of these nationalist factions inevitably
benefits another faction.

Precisely this took place during the last elections in the Bosnian Serb
republic. The open partisanship by the Great Powers for politicians who
were prepared to work with the West worked like a boomerang--the winner was
the nationalist Poplasen. He steadfastly refused to allow the moderate
Prime Minister Milorad Dodik to form a government, although Dodik had a
majority in parliament.

Supreme Representative Westendorp, and in particular the United States,
reacted in the way a colonial lord deals with an unruly tribal leader--with
Poplasen's arbitrary removal from office. Then came the decision over

Re: [CTRL] Necrotizing fasciitus outbreak spreads

1999-03-24 Thread Kenn Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 March 24, 1999

 Detroit Free Press Staff Writer

 Every year, millions of people get strep throat and

 But for 9-year-old Tia Coleman, strep throat led
 to death.

 Medical officials have confirmed that the bronchial
 pneumonia that caused Tia's death was brought on
 by a streptococcus group A bacterial infection in
 her blood, said Dr. Carolyn Bird, director of the
 Oakland County Health Department.

 While invasive strep A infections of the
 bloodstream are uncommon, they can be
 dangerous. They can attack lungs, bones, joints
 and the brain, said Dr. Basim Asmar, director of
 the division of Infectious Diseases at Children's
 Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. The infection is

 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
 in Atlanta reports between 10,000 and 15,000
 invasive strep A cases a year in the United States,
 with 2,000 deaths.

 Tia was a fourth-grader at West Maple
 Elementary School in Bloomfield Hills, where
 Birmingham public school officials Tuesday sent a
 letter home to parents assuring them that "no other
 cases have been reported in the school district."

 Bird said county health officials are monitoring
 Birmingham schools for signs of other invasive
 strep A cases.

 The school letter warns that parents should seek
 medical treatment if they "notice fever, sore throat
 or other respiratory symptoms in their children."

 Strep normally is treated with penicillin, Asmar

 There were fewer cases of invasive strep A in
 southeast Michigan this winter. Between Jan. 1
 and March 5, there were 17 cases of invasive
 strep A reported in the counties of Livingston,
 Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair,
 Washtenaw and Wayne. That was less than half of
 the 37 cases in 1998 and 38 cases in 1998 for the
 same period, said Dr. Donald Lawrenchuk,
 director of the Wayne County Health Department.

 Sometimes a person with strep throat or impetigo,
 a strep skin infection, may infect themselves, Bird
 said. Cuts, wounds or chicken pox sores can
 provide strep bacteria with an open door to the
 normally protected bloodstream.

 In the past 10 years, about 40 cases of invasive
 strep A have been successfully treated at
 Children's Hospital, Asmar said.

 People with cancer, diabetes or kidney disease or
 those who take steroids are more likely to have an
 invasive infection, the CDC said.

 "We emphasize hand-washing and use of Kleenex
 when you're coughing and sneezing," Bird said.

 Joel Thurtell can be reached at

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] PC Bombshell

1999-03-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Lyn McCloskey [EMAIL PROTECTED],5672,391688,00.html
It turns out that virtually every computer system purchased after
March 1996 contains a microphone, and that the IT departments at
Polar and other companies had routinely been using special sound-
activated software to record and collect conversations.

Have you gotten to page 3 yet?  The one that says, APRIL FOOL ???

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] KLA Funded By Drug Money

1999-03-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

   March 24 1999

   The KLA

   Drugs money linked to the Kosovo rebels


   THE Kosovo Liberation Army, which has won the support of the West for
   its guerrilla struggle against the heavy armour of the Serbs, is a
   Marxist-led force funded by dubious sources, including drug money.

   That is the judgment of senior police officers across Europe. An
   investigation by The Times has established that police forces in three
   Western European countries, together with Europol, the European police
   authority, are separately investigating growing evidence that drug
   money is funding the KLA's leap from obscurity to power.

   The financing of the Kosovo guerrilla war poses critical questions and
   it sorely tests claims to an "ethical" foreign policy. Should the West
   back a guerrilla army that appears to be partly financed by organised
   crime? Could the KLA's need for funds be fuelling the heroin trade
   across Europe?

   The KLA has become an essential component of the Kosovo peace
   agreement; without it, there would be no equal negotiating partner for
   the Belgrade Government.

   In military terms, it is in no sense equal to the Serb forces. But it
   has grown from a theoretical notion to an often successful, very
   mobile and very visible guerrilla grouping in a remarkably short time.

   Much of the money funding the KLA is believed to come from legitimate
   sources - raised by the People's Movement of Kosovo, which is the
   political wing of the resistance movement. There are about 500,000
   Kosovan Albanians in Western Europe who send money back home because
   it funds healthcare for their cousins. However, some of this cash is
   believed to be siphoned off for the military.

   As well as diverting charit-able donations from exiled Kosovans, some
   of the KLA money is thought to come from drug dealing.

   Sweden is investigating suspicions of a KLA drug connection. "We have
   intelligence leading us to believe that there could be a connection
   between drug money and the Kosovo Liberation Army," said Walter Kege,
   head of the drug enforcement unit in the Swedish police intelligence

   Supporting intelligence has come from other states. "We have yet to
   find direct evidence, but our experience tells us that the channels
   for trading hard drugs are also used for weapons," said one Swiss
   police commander.

   An official in the Bavarian Interior Ministry also told The Times of a
   recent fundraising meeting involving some 200 Kosovans in southern
   Germany. "At the end of the session they raised DM100,000 [about

   This represents a huge sum for ordinary Kosovans and fuels speculation
   that apparently legitimate fundraising activities are used to launder
   dirty money.

   One Western intelligence report quoted by Berliner Zeitung says that
   DM900 million has reached Kosovo since the guerrillas began operations
   and half the sum is said to be illegal drug money.

   In particular, European countries are investigating the Albanian
   connection: whether Kosovan Albanians living primarily in Germany and
   Switzerland are creaming off the profits from inner-city heroin
   dealing and sending the cash to the KLA.

   Albania - which plays a key role in channelling money to the Kosovans
   - is at the hub of Europe's drug trade. An intelligence report which
   was prepared by Germany's Federal Criminal Agency concluded: "Ethnic
   Albanians are now the most prominent group in the distribution of
   heroin in Western consumer countries."

   Europol, which is based in The Hague, is preparing a report for
   European interior and justice ministers on a connection between the
   KLA and Albanian drug gangs.

   Police in the Czech Republic recently tracked down a Kosovo Albanian
   drug dealer named Doboshi who had escaped from a Norwegian prison
   where he was serving 12 years for heroin trading. A raid on Doboshi's
   apartment turned up documents linking him with arms purchases for the

   Police sources in Germany have made plain their suspicions: the sudden
   ascendancy of Kosovan Albanians in the heroin trade in Switzerland,
   Germany and Scandinavia coincides with the sudden growth of the KLA
   from a ragamuffin peasants' army two years ago to a 30,000-strong
   force equipped with grenade launchers, anti-tank weapons and AK47s.

   Next page: The RAF

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   Main story and full links

   Next page: The 

[CTRL] Drugs money linked to the Kosovo rebels

1999-03-24 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

THE Kosovo Liberation Army, which has won the support of the West for its
guerrilla struggle against the heavy armour of the Serbs, is a Marxist-led
force funded by dubious sources, including drug money.

Love: grilling for Gore

they mix with pop stars,
as Vice-President Al Gore is the latest to learn.

Finding himself talking to the controversial rock star Courtney Love at a
Hollywood party,
Mr. Gore attempted to charm her by telling her he was a fan. Rather than
just accepting the easy compliment,
Love cross-examined him.

"He goes 'I'm a really big fan'," said Love. "And I was like 'Yeah, right.
Name a song, Al'."
The answer came limply back: "I can't name a song, I'm just a really big

Mr. Gore and his wife, Tipper, were the driving forces behind the campaign
to make record companies
put stickers on records that contained lyrics with sexually explicit
content. Love's band, Hole, specializes
 in drug-addled musings on promiscuity and despair.

From the London Times. Also reported in Spin Magazine


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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1999-03-24 Thread Rob

"We" are on the wrong side. When will the American people wake up?

Robert Paul.

Re: [CTRL] PC Bombshell - SPOILER

1999-03-24 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Forgive me Don!!!


 From: Don Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] PC Bombshell - SPOILER
 Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 12:25 PM

  -Caveat Lector-

 At 10:50 AM 3/24/99 -0700, Hilary A. Thomas wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
 I heard this story was urban legend.

 Urban legend my's an April Fools joke. Let's call a spade a



 But it could happen . . .
 What a world, huh? Do you really trust your IS department? Your boss? Do
 know that they can legally snoop through your e-mail, look at the files
on your
 computer, listen in on your phone calls, check out the Web sites you
 Is this justified because they own the equipment and they're paying for
 time? Or is it an absolute abuse of authority and a violation of your
 Do you have any privacy rights at work? Let us know how you feel.

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Starr To Indict Bill Clinton?

1999-03-24 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Ex-NFL Player Charged in Sacrificial Slaying

1999-03-24 Thread Jolly Roger

 -Caveat Lector-

A former National Football League player who admitted to killing seven people
in Florida with a black supremacist cult was charged Tuesday with the 1984
sacrificial slaying of a homeless white man. Robert Rozier, 43. is the second
person to be charged with the slaying of Attilio Cicala, who was found stabbed
eight times in the chest and abdomen outside the cult's temple in Newark, NJ,
in 1984. Prosecutors said they believed cult members offered Cicala up as a
sacrifice a few days before the cult's leader was to visit Newark.

from wire service

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Fw: News - Alert @ 03/24/99

1999-03-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 12:02 PM
Subject: News - Alert @ 03/24/99

Alert for Wednesday, March 24, 1999

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*** NATO bombings under way in Kosovo; Clinton defends attack

WASHINGTON (AP) - American and allied warships and bombers Wednesday
launched the first wave of airstrikes against Yugoslav targets, as
President Clinton cast the confrontation as a stand against "racial,
ethnic, religious and cultural" aggression. The decision on when to
start the attacks rested with U.S. Army Gen. Wesley Clark, NATO's top
commander. NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana gave Clark the formal
go-ahead Tuesday evening. See ***
And: NATO bombings under way in Kosovo, see

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News Tuesday #3

1999-03-24 Thread JoAnne Schmitz

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 23:18:22 -0800, you, "Ric Carter" [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:

THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA. The Kremlin, operating underhandedly in cahoots with
"former" puppet states like Iraq, Serbia  North Korea, is shaping history
according to astrology.  The megalomaniacal ruling elite in Moscow, Baghdad,
Belgrade and Pyongyang believe in astrology and are timing their most
important moves accordingly.

This site concentrates on Venus/Jupiter conjunctions.  But there will be a
Venus-Jupiter semisextile on March 25, 10:26am GMT (11:26am local Kosovo time).

Stay tuned.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Yugoslavia?

1999-03-24 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Since the collapse of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the mid-1980's,
great confusion has emerged over what to call the rump states which have
emerged from the chaos.

Slovenia and Croatia are pretty obvious. Aside from them, however, the picture
is muddled. "Bosnia" is what historians call "Bosnia-Herzegovina," or is that
"Herzegovna?" But then part of Bosnia calls itself "Republika Srpska" (Serb
Republic), which is separate from the Republic of Serbia, which is actually
most of what's left of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The people of Yugoslavia, as it is now, are mostly (about 80 percent) Serbs.
This includes Montenegro, which would be independent except it has the only
remaining seaport for Yugoslavia, so the Serbs--excuse me, the Yugoslavs (or
is that Yugoslavians?)--aren't about to give it up. Serbia also includes, of
course, Kosovo, which is mostly "ethnic Albanian" (read "Muslim"), and which
was essentially autonomous until 1987, when Yugoslav President Milosevic
decided that only Serbs were competent to govern a province of Serbia.

Kosovo borders Albania (duh!) and "Macedonia," which is not the same thing as
the Macedonia or Macedon that gave birth to Alexander the Great. *That*
Macedonia is the northern part of Greece. The Former Yugoslavian Republic of
Macedonia, to give it its formally negotiated name, was known as "South
Serbia" until Marshal Tito came to power in 1945, whereupon he renamed the
province; historically, that region was mostly part of Thrace and Illyria.
Yugoslavia itself didn't exist before 1919, when it was created to reward
Serbia for being on the winning side in World War One. Croatia, Slovenia, and
Bosnia-Herzegovina were carved off the carcass of the old Austro-Hungarian
Empire; Montenegro and South Serbia were plucked from the Ottoman (Turkish)

During World War Two, Croatia declared its "independence" as a German vassal
state under the vicious rule of the Ustacha; when Croatia again declared
independence forty-five years later, it was once again under the (still
vicious) rule of the Ustacha.

The Yugoslavian resistance to the German occupation was split between the
royalist Chetniks and Tito's Communists. Needless to say, the U.S. and British
supported the Chetniks; the Soviet Union supported Tito. Tito won out, and the
Kingdom of Yugoslavia became the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Tito went on
to position himself as a "non-aligned" leader, ideologically a pragmatic
socialist but also a firm Serbian nationalist. His intention seems to have
been to expand to control all of the Balkans, from the Danube to the Aegean
and the Black Sea, in a kind of Greater Serbia. In the event, what he
succeeded in doing was to create a highly cohesive and at least superficially
successful third way between Soviet Marxism-Leninism and Western Democratic
Capitalism. Yugoslavia *was* united, as long as Tito ruled in Belgrade.

When Tito died, an attempt was made to continue the federal model by rotating
the state presidency among the premiers of the several republics. That worked
fine, until 1991, when Franjo Tudjman of Croatia rebelled at having Serbia's
Slobodan Milosevic take the presidency. Croatia declared its independence,
followed immediately by Slovenia; West Germany recognized the new governments,
and the remainder of the West followed suit in short order. From that point
Yugoslavia descended into brutal civil war, with nationalist rhetoric and
personal ambition fueling the worst acts of genocide since the "killing
fields" of Cambodia in the 1970's.

There were, and are, no good guys in this civil war. Each ethnic group has
been responsible for unspeakable atrocities against the others. The rulers and
commanders of the various nations and would-be nations, almost without
exception, have been little more than criminal gang leaders. To compare
*anyone* in "Yugoslavia" to Lincoln or any other major Western leader is
absurd. Ultimately, there are two possible ways to approach the Balkans war:
either seal off the borders of all of the combatants, a complete cordon
sanitaire that allows nothing in or out, and let them duke it out until one
kills the other off; or accept that the international community has a
responsibility in fact to act as the world's policeman, and must therefore
move into the Yugoslav territories in force, disarm everyone, and basically
govern them until such time as the locals are finally capable of doing it
themselves without coming to blows. Short of that, whoever tries to act as
peacemaker in the Balkans, be it the U.S., NATO, the European Union, or the
U.N., is doomed to failure.



Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] This Land is Our Land

1999-03-24 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

y Joseph Farah and Rep. Richard Pombo, R-CA
© 1998
"The moment the idea is admitted into society that
property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and
that there is not a force of law and public justice to
protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." --
John Adams

Imagine you have just purchased a two-bedroom
condo in New York City. You had saved money for
10 years to buy it. It is conveniently located, has a
beautiful view, and you plan to turn one of the
bedrooms into a home office for your consulting
business. You paid $300,000 for the condo, but you
are thrilled to have it.
After signing the check for the down payment, you are
all set to move in your furniture, computer, and
personal effects. You hear a knock at the door. Two
armed agents from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(FWS) want to talk to you about your condo and your
plans to run a consulting business from that second
bedroom. You see, your condo has been designated as
critical habitat for the endangered Manhattan
The Manhattan cockroach once roamed freely all over
the island of Manhattan, but human activities like the
construction of high-rise condominiums, subways, and
roads have reduced the habitat of the cockroach by
over 98.5 percent. Their numbers have fallen
drastically, according to a study done by a New York
University graduate student in his apartment on
Forty-third Street and Ninth Avenue. Last August, he
discovered twenty roaches in a three-hour period. This
year he could only locate ten. From this data, he
requested that the roach be listed as an endangered
species based on a 50 percent reduction in its
population. Since no one submitted contrary claims to
the FWS, it used this "best available data" and made
the listing.
As a result, the FWS agents say that your second
bedroom must be set aside for the cockroach. You are
not allowed to put any furniture, clothes, or computer
equipment in that room. You may not vacuum the floor
in that room, as you may eliminate the roach's food
supply. If you enter the room, you must be careful not
to step on, harass, or intimidate any roaches that you
might see. Turning on the light suddenly, for instance,
frightens the roach and causes it to scurry away. If you
do any of these things, it will be considered an
unauthorized "taking" of the roach and you will be
prosecuted to the full extent of the law -- a year in
prison and a $100,000 fine for each harassed roach.
In addition to setting aside your second bedroom for
the roach, you must also allow for a "migration
corridor" through your kitchen so that the roach may
move from one habitat (your bedroom) to its next
nearest habitat (the bedroom of the family next door).
The agents inform you that the family next door used a
vacuum cleaner in the roach's habitat, accidentally
sucking up five roaches into the vacuum cleaner bag.
The FWS brought charges, and when the family fought
prosecution in court, the government subpoenaed their
tax returns, immigration records, and old car rental
receipts to see if they were good citizens. The family
soon complied with all the provisions of the
Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Being a good citizen yourself, you agree to the
conditions, believing that you can live in harmony with
one of God's creatures. Weeks pass, and you notice
that the roaches are not content to remain in their
habitat or in their migration corridor, but tend to get up
into your grocery shelves. Your children are afraid to
move around in the condo and the smell from the
second bedroom is getting pretty bad. Since you
cannot operate your consulting business from home,
you rent office space. But the prices are so high, you
soon have to give it up.
You decide that your condo is not worth the trouble,
and decide to unload it. You go to a real estate agent
to put it up for sale, but discover that since your condo
was declared a critical habitat for the Manhattan
cockroach, no one wants to live there. The best
available offer is $25,000 from the Save the
Cockroach Association of Manhattan (SCAM).
SCAM is a nonprofit organization that buys up
cockroach habitat. It bought your next door neighbor's
condo for $25,000 and sold it to the federal
government the next day for the original pre-habitat
price of $300,000.
You find this a bit on the unethical side, but just before
you take the $275,000 loss, your upstairs neighbor's
waterbed bursts and floods your condo, completely
annihilating the population of roaches. Believing it to be
a sign from heaven, you begin to mop up in order to
begin your life anew when you hear a knock at the
door. There you find two armed agents of the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers. It appears your condo has
just been designated a wetland.
Sound far-fetched? While admittedly a composite of
government abuses and environmental horror stories,
events very similar to those above have actually
occurred to residents of western states. And while no
cockroaches were involved, 

[CTRL] Rape?See My Attorney

1999-03-24 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Rape? See my attorney
Joseph Farah

How does Bill Clinton explain his problems? Somebody
upstairs just doesn't like him, he explained at his latest
press conference.
His explanation came in response to a question from
Sarah McClendon, the biggest nut in the White House
press corps. She asked, and I quote: "Sir, will you tell
us why you think the people have been so mean to you?
Is it a conspiracy? Is it a plan? They have treated you
worse than they treated Abe Lincoln!"
McClendon may have first-hand knowledge. It seems
like she's been around the White House long enough to
recall what kind of treatment old Honest Abe received.
Here's how Clinton answered:
"You know, one of my favorite jokes -- you know, that
story about the guy that is walking along the Grand
Canyon, and he falls off? And he is falling hundreds of
feet to certain death and he reaches out. He sees a little
twig on the side of the canyon and he ... grabs it. He
takes a ... deep breath, and then all of a sudden he sees
the roots of the twig start to come loose. And he looks
up in the sky, and he said, 'Lord, why me? Why me? I
pay my taxes, I go to work every day; why me? And
this thunderous voice says: 'Son, there is just something
about you I don't like.'"
It was that question and that not-very-funny response
that set the stage at last Friday's press conference for
Sam Donaldson's grilling about Juanita Broaddrick's
rape charge against the president.
"Mr. President, when Juanita Broaddrick leveled her
charges against you of rape in a nationally televised
interview, your attorney, David Kendall, issued a
statement denying them. But shouldn't you speak
directly on this matter and reassure the public? And if
they are not true, can you tell us what your relationship
with Mrs. Broaddrick was, if any?"
Clinton responded: "Well, five weeks ago today, five
weeks ago today, I stood in the Rose Garden after the
Senate voted, and I told you that I thought I owed it to
the American people to give them 100 percent of my
time and to focus on their business, and that I would
leave it to others to decide whether they would follow
that lead. And that is why I have decided, as soon as
that vote was over, that I would allow all future
questions to be answered by my attorneys. And I think
the American people do understand it and support it,
and I think it was the right decision."
Donaldson: "Can you not simply deny it, sir?"
Clinton: "There's been a statement made by my
attorney. He speaks for me, and I think he spoke quite
And that's how Clinton dealt with the only rape charge
ever leveled against a sitting U.S. president. Maybe it's
time to review Kendall's "clear" response to
Broaddrick's charge.
"Any allegation that the president assaulted Mrs.
Broaddrick more than 20 years ago is absolutely false."
Is that clear enough for you?
Actually, it's not even a straightforward denial. Instead,
it is more legalistic parsing of words.
Why did Kendall use the word "any" when the question
on the table is about one very specific allegation? The
fifth word of the statement -- "president" -- is also
noteworthy. Of course, no one, including Mrs.
Broaddrick, suggests Bill Clinton was president at the
time of the assault. And no one suggests the president at
the time of the crime, Jimmy Carter, was responsible for
the attack. Notice that Kendall's statement refers to the
victim as Mrs. Broaddrick. Of course, in 1978, when
she was raped in a hotel room, her name was not Mrs.
Broaddrick. So here's another possible lawyerly
hairsplitting technicality.
So, the question remains, why won't Clinton address
this important allegation?
The answer is: Because the White House press corps
and Congress won't force him to answer it. They have
let him off the hook. Clinton beat the rap on perjury and
obstruction of justice, so he won't be held accountable
for rape.
Can you live with that America? And, under the
circumstances, can you trust this man to deal honestly
and forthrightly with bigger, national-security issues such
as the theft of nuclear secrets by the Chinese?

A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph
Farah's commentaries can be heard at


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Yugoslavia?

1999-03-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

The Daili Lama may have the right idea.   Do nothing

And then, eventually someone else will foot the bill and do your
fighting or you.

I liked Clinton better when he was preoccupied chasing women.

China - they have more to fear from the USA, than we do from them.
Japan, that tiny little country, beat China in a war. will know when war is imminent; check Wall Street - watch
Schlumber-ger Munitions, etc.the rise and fall of the market.

Cui Bono -

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Wed, March 17, 1999 [sorry for the delay]]

1999-03-24 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, everybody:

 Are Murkans really "too sinful to be trusted with liberty" ??  Should
 fundy jeezoids withdraw from secular society?  Would the anti-commie,
 anti-capitalist Pope be happier with a system like the old days, when
 Princes Of The Church ran sacred AND secular affairs?  Do your belief-
 system leaders, your Game Masters, have the moral authority to trash
 democracy and establish a Religious Republic?  Do you like theocracy?
 Are fundy conspiracies more vibrant than the old Vatican conspiracy?

The issue is not whether Americans are too sinful to be trusted with liberty.
Liberty is not a religious concept but a political one. The real issue for the
churches (not just the fundamentalist ones) is that no one is listening to
them any more. Church for Americans is a social function, not a moral one. We
go to church to socialize with our friends; we like our clergy to entertain
us; we change churches the way we change cars, depending on whether we like
the organist or the pews... The churches had better "listen to what the Spirit
is saying to the churches" (Rev. something).

When clergy start talking about morality in government, my invariable answer
is that this means they aren't getting through to people at large and want to
use government to enforce their own theological viewpoint. So kids are using
dope, sleeping around, and listening to loud music? Instead of looking at
themselves and asking why the kids aren't hearing what they're saying, the
clergy, in knee-jerk fashion, turn to the politicians and cry, "Bring prayer
back to our schools!" The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in
our selves... And sin is in the heart of the beholder.

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. (And please remember that
none of the Pharisees felt able to continue stoning the woman taken in

Or, to put it another way, RTFM! ;^)


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
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receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Statement from Serb Unity Congress

1999-03-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

From Serb Unity Congress

   (760) 781 3887

   March 24, 1999


   On 24 March, 1999 Vojin Joksimovich, Director for Foreign Affairs of
   the Serbian Unity Congress, issued the following statement condemning
   NATO military action against Yugoslavia and appealing for a commitment
   by all sides to peace:

   "This is one of the darkest days in the recent history of the United
   States. As Serb Americans we feel a deep sense of shame that our
   country is resorting to the tactics of aggression and extortion more
   normally associated with totalitarianism and fascism. The blood of
   innocent lives will be on the consciences of our nation's leaders.

   Serbia is a sovereign country. It has never in the past and does not
   in the present represent a threat of any kind to the U.S. To the
   contrary in the two world wars of this century it has stood shoulder
   to shoulder with the U.S. For the U.S. to attack Serbia in these
   circumstances is an affront to all American values, principles, and

   The attack on Serbia violates international law as framed by the
   United Nations charter, the NATO Treaty and the Helsinki Accords Final
   Act. NATO's action constitutes unilateral aggression. It lacks UN
   Security Council authorization for the clear reason that it would
   attract a veto in that body. NATO's claim to be acting on behalf of
   the international community is null and void.

   Beyond being immoral and illegal, NATO's attack will gravely damage
   U.S. national interests:

 * The action effectively puts the U.S. on the same side as
   terrorists and separatists. This will seriously undermine U.S.
   anti-terrorists efforts elsewhere in the world;
 * The U.S. is using double standards and selective moral
   indignation. Having assisted the ethnic cleansing of 250,000 Serbs
   in Croatia from their ancestral lands, 100,000 from Sarajevo and
   doing nothing about the tragedy of the Kurdish people under
   Turkish oppression, the reasons offered for the attack on Serbia
   are deceitful, disingenuous and dishonorable.
 * The action will worsen the humanitarian tragedy in Kosovo;
 * The risks of regional war have greatly increased, as events in
   Macedonia already demonstrate; and
 * The geostrategic relationship with Russia is at risk.

   The SUC supports peace and reconciliation in Kosovo. True negotiations
   must be allowed to start without the threat of force. The interfaith
   meeting in Vienna on March 18 between leaders of the Catholic, Muslim,
   Jewish and Orthodox faiths show that the opportunities for peace are
   far from been exhausted.

   We call upon the Administration to order an immediate halt to this
   immoral, illegal and counterproductive military action and return
   without delay to the negotiating table."


   S.U.C. Central Office, Phone (707) 258 8623, Fax (707) 224 6593
   S.U.C. Belgrade Office, Phone/Fax 11 624 129

  About S.U.C. | News Page | Home


   Copyright © 1996-99 Serbian Unity Congress. All Rights Reserved.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Yugoslav Tinderbox Explodes! (fwd)

1999-03-24 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  03/24/99)  --  News  is  breaking  hot  and  heavy   from
Yugoslavia.   Amidst  an  avalanche of new information, this news
service is deadlined to go to  press due to the frenzy of reports
following the illegal NATO attack  on  the  sovereign  nation  of

With  the  CNN  (Cable News Network) anti-Serb propaganda machine
now kicked into overdrive;  with U.S. politicians and bureaucrats
falling over each other in their rush to overwhelm  the  American
public  with  a  barrage  of lies; this news service must rush to
press and offer counterpoint to  the tidal wave of mistruth being
unleashed upon the American public.

Under deadline pressure, CNNS gives against-the-tide facts  which
counter-act  a  mass  media flood of misinformation.  As the dust
settles, the situation  will  become  clearer.   In the meantime,
here is the developing picture of what is really happening.

(1) An  amazing  circumstance  is  that  many  American  citizens
automatically extend credibility to mainstream news outlets, even
at  this  late date, when those same news outlets have repeatedly
been shown up as routine liars.

(2) A further amazing circumstance is that many American citizens
automatically  extend   credibility   to   U.S.  politicians  and
high-level bureaucrats, even at  this  late date, when those same
persons have repeatedly been shown up as routine liars.

(3) Numerous reports that  the  "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA) is
funded by the sale and distribution  of  illegal  narcotics  have
surfaced.   (See, for example, "Diving Into the Kosovo Quagmire,"
by  William  Norman  Grigg.   New  American  magazine,  3/15/99.)
Information in Grigg's article (op.  cit.)  shows that the KLA is
financially supported, besides via heroin sales and distribution,
by Osama bin Laden, a reputed  Islamic  terrorist  leader.   Also
reportedly "arming and supporting" the KLA is the nation of Iran.
(Grigg, op. cit.)  Yet in the strange world of *realpolitik*, the
USA now has lent its muscle to the heroin/bin Laden/Iranian KLA.

(4)  This  news  service  contacted  Mr.  Andrew  B.  Spiegel, an
attorney knowledgeable about  the  Yugoslavian  situation.   CNNS
asked   Mr.  Spiegel,  General  Counsel  to  the  Pavlovic  Peace
Delegation, "Why on earth does NATO have such a profound interest
in Yugoslavian  internal  affairs?"   Spiegel  offered  a cynical
interpretation.  "Is it oil?" asked CNNS.  Spiegel responded that
his fears  are  that  the  true  motivation  behind  the  ongoing
Yugoslav  crisis  is  based on control of the lucrative supply of
narcotics flowing through  the  region.   A similar situation may
have motivated the Vietnam War, according to Mark Sato, a  former
associate of Sherman Skolnick of the Citizens' Committee to Clean
Up  the Courts.  According to Sato, the basis for the Vietnam War
was a  battle  for  control  of  the  notorious "Golden Triangle"
region of southeast Asia.   (The  naive  believe  that  the  NATO
onslaught  is  based  on  "humanitarian"  concerns.  The wise are
dissuaded  from  this   caviling   by  grim  national  realities.
Humanitarian concerns begin at home!)

(5) Contacted by this  news  service,  Mr.  Skolnick,  a  veteran
researcher into subrosa U.S. politics, expressed anxiety that the
now-exploding  Yugoslav tinderbox is chain-reacting into a repeat
of the 1962 Cuban  Missile  Crisis,  a dangerous showdown between
the U.S. and Russia.  Preliminary reports given  to  Skolnick  by
his  various  sources indicate that a portion of the Russian navy
is now  enroute  from  the  Black  Sea,  through  the  straits of
Bosphorus, and into  the  Mediterranean,  on  their  way  to  the
Yugoslav  area.   Skolnick  has received one report from a highly
placed source that  military  brass  in  the  United Kingdom have
gone,   literally,   underground,   intosecurefacilities,
safeguarding themselves in the event of nuclear holocaust.

(6) According to Mr. Spiegel, Christiane Amanpour apparently  has
received  $1  million  from Muslim/Arab sources in return for her
biased, drum-beat reportage  on  the  Yugoslav crisis.  Immediate
confirmation of this report is not available at press  time,  but
Mr.  Spiegel says the alleged Amanpour payoff has previously been
reported  elsewhere,  possibly   by   the   Serb  Unity  Congress

(7)  Unconfirmed  at press time:  that the Federation of American
Scientists has listed the KLA as a terrorist organization.

(8) According to Mr. Spiegel,  mainstream reports claiming a Serb
policy of "ethnic cleansing" are "absurd."  This was confirmed by
a high ranking Serb official who,  today,  on  CNN,  emphatically
denied  any  such genocidal policies.  Yes, Kosovo terrorists and
members of the KLA are being fought, but no civilians are or have
been targeted.

(9) Additional motivation for the NATO  rain  of  terror  may  be
connected with legal troubles being 

[CTRL] KLA drug financed. By CIA perhaps?

1999-03-24 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

March 24 1999

   The KLA

   Drugs money linked to the Kosovo

  THE Kosovo Liberation Army, which has won the
  support of the West for its guerrilla struggle against the
  heavy armour of the Serbs, is a Marxist-led force funded
  by dubious sources, including drug money.

  That is the judgment of senior police officers across
  Europe. An investigation by The Times has established
  that police forces in three Western European countries,
  together with Europol, the European police authority, are
  separately investigating growing evidence that drug money
  is funding the KLA's leap from obscurity to power.

  The financing of the Kosovo guerrilla war poses critical
  questions and it sorely tests claims to an "ethical" foreign
  policy. Should the West back a guerrilla army that
  appears to be partly financed by organised crime? Could
  the KLA's need for funds be fuelling the heroin trade
  across Europe?

  The KLA has become an essential component of the
  Kosovo peace agreement; without it, there would be no
  equal negotiating partner for the Belgrade Government.

  In military terms, it is in no sense equal to the Serb forces.
  But it has grown from a theoretical notion to an often
  successful, very mobile and very visible guerrilla grouping
  in a remarkably short time.

  Much of the money funding the KLA is believed to come
  from legitimate sources - raised by the People's
  Movement of Kosovo, which is the political wing of the
  resistance movement. There are about 500,000 Kosovan
  Albanians in Western Europe who send money back
  home because it funds healthcare for their cousins.
  However, some of this cash is believed to be siphoned off
  for the military.

  As well as diverting charit-able donations from exiled
  Kosovans, some of the KLA money is thought to come
  from drug dealing.

  Sweden is investigating suspicions of a KLA drug
  connection. "We have intelligence leading us to believe
  that there could be a connection between drug money and
  the Kosovo Liberation Army," said Walter Kege, head of
  the drug enforcement unit in the Swedish police
  intelligence service.

  Supporting intelligence has come from other states. "We
  have yet to find direct evidence, but our experience tells
  us that the channels for trading hard drugs are also used
  for weapons," said one Swiss police commander.

  An official in the Bavarian Interior Ministry also told The
  Times of a recent fundraising meeting involving some 200
  Kosovans in southern Germany. "At the end of the session
  they raised DM100,000 [about £40,000]."

  This represents a huge sum for ordinary Kosovans and
  fuels speculation that apparently legitimate fundraising
  activities are used to launder dirty money.

  One Western intelligence report quoted by Berliner
  Zeitung says that DM900 million has reached Kosovo
  since the guerrillas began operations and half the sum is
  said to be illegal drug money.

  In particular, European countries are investigating the
  Albanian connection: whether Kosovan Albanians living
  primarily in Germany and Switzerland are creaming off the
  profits from inner-city heroin dealing and sending the cash
  to the KLA.

  Albania - which plays a key role in channelling money to
  the Kosovans - is at the hub of Europe's drug trade. An
  intelligence report which was prepared by Germany's
  Federal Criminal Agency concluded: "Ethnic Albanians
  are now the most prominent group in the distribution of
  heroin in Western consumer countries."

  Europol, which is based in The Hague, is preparing a
  report for European interior and justice ministers on a
  connection between the KLA and Albanian drug gangs.

  Police in the Czech Republic recently tracked down a
  Kosovo Albanian drug dealer named Doboshi who had
  escaped from a Norwegian prison where he was serving
  12 years for heroin trading. A raid on Doboshi's
  apartment turned up documents linking him with arms
  purchases for the KLA.

  Police sources in Germany have made plain their
  suspicions: the sudden ascendancy of Kosovan Albanians
  in the heroin trade in Switzerland, Germany and
  Scandinavia coincides with the sudden growth of the KLA
  from a ragamuffin peasants' army two years ago to a
  30,000-strong force equipped with grenade launchers,
  anti-tank weapons and AK47s.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to 

[CTRL] Who needs Albanians? Tribalism in America.

1999-03-24 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Wed, 24 Mar 1999 03:32:21 -0800 (PST)
"Cynthia A. McKinney" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Moderator: Taken directly from the web site]

April 1996

ESSAY: A democracy voters can be proud of
by U.S. Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney

One positive development to come out of the Supreme Court's narrow 5 to 4
decision striking down my majority-black district, is the broader
discussion it has sparked regarding the way we elect members of Congress
in general.

Low voter turnout, distrust of elected officials, the term-limits
movement, and the increasing desire for a third party are all strong
indications that Americans are no longer satisfied with our representative
democracy as practiced through the winnertakes-all assumption.

As majority-minority districts across America are targeted for
dismantling, many are discovering that oddly shaped super-majority white
districts are quite common as well, yet remain unchallenged. This apparent
double standard is an indication that the entire method by which we draw
congressional districts is flawed.

It is important to remember that majority-minority districts exist only
because our winner-takes-all assumption makes it inherently more difficult
for African Americans to have representation, due to racial block
voting-particularly in the South. Four hundred years of slavery,
segregation and discrimination have, without a doubt, created a set of
circumstances and interests unique to African Americans. Such interests
can rarely be reflected in public policy as long as simple majorities are
required to control state power. If we remain wedded to a system which
does not employ proportional voting, majority-minority districts will
continue to be necessary in order for African-Americans to have a stake in
our polity.

Out of all the democracies in the world, only four--including the United
States--still rely on the winner-takes-all method of electing public
officials. The rest of the world's democracies have discovered that giving
100% of the state's power to the candidate who can secure 50% of the vote
plus one, is not equitable.

In its present form, our winner-takes-all assumption -- manifested through
a system of single-member districts -- limits voter choice. More often
than not, Americans find themselves going to the polls to vote against
someone rather than for a particular candidate.

Our current method of electing political leaders lumps a wide range of
issues into one platform, forcing voters to cast their only vote in favor
of someone who they nominally support on a few issues. I am sponsoring
legislation which repeals the 1967 federal statute requiring states to
draw single-member congressional districts. This law was intended to
prevent the use of at-large districts, which were routinely employed in
the South to dilute black voting strength. However, multi-member districts
used in conjunction with cumulative voting, preference voting or limited
voting, not only preserve the voting strength of racial and political
minorities, but increase choices for voters.

Under these three voting methods, voters would have several votes to cast.
Moreover, they would be electing more than one officeholder to represent
them in the U.S. House of Representatives (unlike the current system
whereby citizens have only one representative in the lower chamber). If,
for example, you liked one candidate's position on taxes and another
candidate's position on abortion, you could vote for both and conceivably
see both elected. By the same token, you would have the choice of casting
all your votes for one candidate-the choice is yours. Such a system would
necessarily encourage independent candidates to run, since winning would
become more feasible. There is nothing in the constitution which requires
us to continue with a winner-takes-all assumption, practiced through
single-member districts. In fact, some of these alternative voting methods
are currently used in a number of municipalities and counties across the
United States.

Cynicism in our political system is at an all-time high while voter
turnouts are at record lows. Campaign finance reform and lobby reform are
steps in the right direction, yet only solve part of the problem.
Americans are a diverse people with diverse interests - how is it that
most of us only have two choices on election day?

After the next census, states across the nation will grapple with the
Voting Rights Act, and how best to maintain the integrity of black voting
strength in the context of the Supreme Court's redistricting decision.
However, trimming majority-minority districts will not cure the underlying
problem which made these districts necessary in the first place. Such
maneuvering will only serve to reinforce suspicions that the shape of some
majority-minority districts is being used as a pretext to remove
African-American legislators 

[CTRL] Is Clinton a secret necrophiliac? Let's see...

1999-03-24 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

(Taken from

The mummy is the well-preserved body of a 12-
to-14-year-old girl sacrificed to the Inca gods

The girl’s face and body were so well preserved the
mummy caught the eye of President Clinton at a 1996
fund-raiser in Stamford, Connecticut.   "But you know,
if I were a single man I might ask that mummy out.
That’s a good-looking mummy!" Clinton said.

Peruvian scientists called his comments tasteless.


So now one can understand why he married Hillary.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SUMERIA needs help!!

1999-03-24 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

Seems Sumeria may be out of it after April unless someone can help out with a
web sponsor.  Please take a moment to visit the site
( and see what it is all about.  It is an
excellent site for alternative medicine and conspiracy related stuff.  If
anyone would like to help out with it instructions are copied below and
available on site.

  New beginnings are in store for Sumeria! Due to circumstances beyond the
ability of us mere mortals to control, Sumeria is losing its space in the
LiveLinks domain in April. Thanks are certainly due to Sir Richard of
LiveLInks for his years of steadfast friendship. It's been a great run dude!
Now, down to the nitty gritty: If someone reading this has, or knows someone
who has server space to contribute for Sumeria, please send me email.

Thanks are due to those who have supported me in my efforts with the site,
especially those who have contributed material. You have helped me to continue
during those times when i began to wonder if the effort was worth it.

Thanks also to those who have flamed my efforts over the years via email, etc.
Your input, though negative, has also been of value. I do wish more of you had
been braver than to do so anonymously, thus eliminating the possibility of
rational dialog between us.

  Excerpt from the short book "E.T. 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual, an
Emergency Remedial edition", Co-created by Mission Control  Diana Luppi, ISBN

  Innocent Victims of the 'Drug War' — The Gestapo spirit
is alive and well on the Canada/U.S. border.

  4/3/98 — UN General Assembly Special Session PrepCom Meeting: Analysis March
16-18, 1998. Within three months, the United Nations' General Assembly's
Special Session on Drugs will take place in New York. Those of us who had the
opportunity to participate in the Preparatory Conference held by the UN
Narcotic Drugs Commission in Vienna around the midth of May, were able to
receive a first impression of what this UNGASS will contribute to the
principles of the global drugs control policy at the start of the next
milennium. Before going to Vienna, we already knew that no pleasant surprise
would be awaiting us. But we did not count on the fact that the experience
would turn out to be terrifying. It is hard to find another word that
describes the sensation one has when learning of the new plan that UNDCP's
Executive Secretary, Italian Pino Arlacchi presented in Vienna to 'Eliminate
coca and opium cultivation' in the next 10 years. [ Continued ]

  The Appendix to Drugs in American Society, by Erich Goode, Professor of
Sociology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. copyright 1972
Alfred A. Knopf
  Mexican Government Violates Religious Rights of Indigenous People.

  HIV Test is a Fraud, by Gary Null, host of Natural Living, WBAI Radio, New
York City -- Portion of broadcast which aired 3/21/96.

  Fascism in Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D. A speech given May 15, 1994 at a
forum on Democracy and Fascism. Broadcast June 6, 1994 on Radio WBAI-FM, New

  Human Rights, Human Rites, a review by Peter Webster, takes a look at two
new books:
Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice Craig Reinarman and Harry G.
Levine, editors University of California Press, 1997 ISBN 0-520-20241-4

In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in el Barrio Philippe Bourgois Cambridge
University Press, 1995 ISBN 0-521-43518-8

  From The Boston Globe: Study May Undercut Marijuana Opponents - Report Says
THC Did Not Cause Cancer.

  The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste: The Brainwashing of AIDS, by Stephen
C. Byrnes
  DEA finally confirms the existence of sufficient grounds to remove Marijuana
from hard drugs schedule of controlled substances, refers Marijuana
Rescheduling Petition to HHS
  1/9/98 -- War on Patients to Escalate: Federal Government Announces Plan to
Raid Cannabis Buyers' Clubs.
  HIV Antibodies: Further Questions and a Plea for Clarification
   Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos

Valendar F.Turner

John M Papadimitriou

Gordon Stewart

David Causer
  This may seem a little strange but I feel compelled to break with tradition
and provide a link to an offsite page here. The link is to the book "Ain't
Nobody's Business if You Do," by Peter McWilliams which has graciously been
published online by the author free of charge even though the paperback
version is available for purchase. Mr. McWilliams deserves our support so I
urge Sumeria's readers to make the purchase if at all possible.
  Mr. McWilliams powerfully, and occasionally humorously, exposes the
arrogance and hipocrisy demonstrated by American politicians and bureaucrats,
spurred on by zealots of the religious right [wrong], in creating and
enforcing consensual crime laws. That I do not always agree with the author
(on AIDS, for instance) in no way diminishes the overall validity of the book.
I found the chapter "What Jesus and the Bible Really Said about Consensual
Crimes" to be 

Re: [CTRL] SUMERIA needs help!!

1999-03-24 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

This is a shame; how does one promote a site like his.  I had never
heard of it before; it is really good.

He ought to hope aboard Mothership

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] PC Bombshell

1999-03-24 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes, but was the person who told you that it was an "urban legend"
telling an "urban legend"?

Howard Davis

"Hilary A. Thomas" wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 I heard this story was urban legend.


  From: Lyn McCloskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [CTRL] PC Bombshell
  Date: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 10:32 AM
   -Caveat Lector-,5672,391688,00.html
  Paul Somerson, PC Computing
  March 3, 1999

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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