[CTRL] Aids in southern africa

1999-04-15 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Ignorance Feeds Deadly S. African AIDS Epidemic
Spurred by Myth and Social Mores, Infection Rate Reaches Crisis Proportions
By Lynne Duke
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, February 16, 1999; Page A01
RIETVLEI, South Africa-Sex in South Africa is a game of "African roulette,"
some say. But Thenjiwe Dzanibe didn't even know she was a player.
Dzanibe, 37, was admitted last month to Rietvlei hospital, where she was
diagnosed with tuberculosis and tested for the virus that causes AIDS. It
was then that she began to wonder whether AIDS caused the tuberculosis that
killed her husband in 1995.
And though her boyfriend refuses to be tested because he fears the results,
she says, it occurs to her that maybe AIDS is what has caused him to lose
weight and cough up blood. Dzanibe conceived a child with him, and now the
baby is sick and has a fungal infection of the tongue. Could it be, Dzanibe
wonders, that 8-month-old Zimbini has developed AIDS, too?
The depth of her crisis sank in when she asked, during an interview: "Can I
be cured of AIDS and these other diseases that are coming out?" No, she was
told gently. Days later, her blood test confirmed that she has AIDS. "I have
understood," she said sadly, but added: "The one thing I know for sure is
I'll never tell the father of my child."
Dzanibe is among the millions of South Africans caught in the complex and
deadly web of ignorance, denial and misplaced cultural beliefs that is
fueling South Africa's AIDS epidemic, which is among the most aggressive on
the continent.
More than 16 percent of South Africa's nearly 40 million people are infected
with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS. By 2010, the
national infection rate is projected to reach 25 percent, on a par with that
of neighboring Zimbabwe and Botswana, confirming southern Africa as the
center of the world AIDS epidemic.
The infection level among South Africans between the ages of 20 and 30
already is approaching 20 percent. New infections are being reported at a
rate of 1,500 a day -- two-thirds of them among 15- to 20-year-olds. Health
experts say this means that the age group once thought to be most receptive
to AIDS awareness messages already is heavily infected.
Although HIV is running rampant in South Africa, too many people here do not
understand or believe how deadly it is until it is too late. Women bear the
brunt of the crisis, experts say, because of polygamy, male promiscuity and
sexual mores that allow men to dictate norms of intercourse -- including
refusal to wear condoms -- and to put women in danger if they raise too many
Unlike Uganda, which is renowned for an aggressive AIDS-prevention campaign
that has reduced its high rate of HIV infection and made condom use the
rule, South Africa has been slow off the mark. Analysts say this is partly
because the government has been bombarded with an array of policy demands
since the 1994 transition from white-minority rule to multi-racial
Since late last year, the government has made AIDS prevention a high-profile
priority, and last week President Nelson Mandela lent his voice to the AIDS
crisis in his state of the nation address. But with AIDS-awareness and
prevention measures only recently undertaken, people here have filled the
information gap with myth and stigmatism.
"It's this ignorance that's so difficult to break through," said Nono
Simelela, national director of the government's HIV, AIDS and sexually
transmitted disease programs. "We are dancing with death all the time."
Many South Africans, for instance, believe that bewitchings are the cause of
AIDS, or that racist whites have injected oranges and bananas with the
disease, or that tribal ancestors are displeased and are wreaking havoc on
the living.
Some people believe only prostitutes get AIDS. Some men extol the virtues of
fat women in the mistaken belief that only thin women can transmit AIDS.
Some women believe that AIDS can be gotten rid of by giving it back to the
source of the infection.
Here at Rietvlei Hospital -- situated in largely rural KwaZulu-Natal
province, where the 27 percent HIV-infection rate is the highest in the
nation -- examples abound.
Veronica Mngoma, 35, has been diagnosed with AIDS, but she has trouble
accepting what it means. Deep down, she says, she suspects that she is sick
because a vengeful co-worker poisoned her.
"In 1996, I was given a [cake] by a girl, and it had poison on it," Mngoma
said. "This poison made me become sick. I got thin and thin and thin after
that." She consulted a sangoma -- a traditional healer -- who told her to
drink four small buckets of a milky purgative brew. She vomited, as
prescribed. And got sicker.
Busisiwe Chiya, 43, who was admitted to the isolation ward at Rietvlei with
severe pelvic pain and other symptoms, also does not understand AIDS. When
she was diagnosed HIV-positive -- and admonished to get closer to her god
before it was too late -- her only 


1999-04-15 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

  If you receive an email entitled "It Takes Guts to Say 'Jesus'" DO
  it. It will erase everything on your hard drive. Forward this letter
out to
  as many people as you can. This is a new, very malicious virus and
  people know about it. This information was announced Sunday morning
  IBM; please share it with everyone that might access the Internet.
  again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book so that this
may be
  AOL has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there is  NO
  remedy for it at this time.

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[CTRL] Now's It's Serbian Terrorists IN THE U.S.

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

FBI Warns of Serb Terrorism in U.S.

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI is investigating a Serb-language letter faxed to
several Orthodox churches in the United States urging terrorist strikes on
U.S. military installations.

Counterterrorism agents at the FBI sent out an electronic alert memo last
week to military bases, nuclear weapons labs and other key installations
after Serbian Orthodox churches in the Sacramento, Calif., Milwaukee, Chicago
and Indianapolis areas received the letter via fax. It urged Serbian
Americans to respond violently to U.S.-led NATO strikes on Yugoslavia.

``The threat letter requested that all Serbian nationalists living in America
take action against the NATO decision to intervene in the Serbian/Kosovo
conflict by killing as many American soldiers in the United States as
necessary to stop the NATO attacks in Serbia,'' according to the FBI memo.

The memo, which was obtained by The Associated Press, was distributed to
military bases and other sensitive federal installations, such as nuclear
weapons labs, through a special e-mail warning system, officials said.

Dale Watson, the FBI's deputy assistant director for counterterrorism,
declined to discuss the memo but said the church letters weren't the only
Serb-related terrorism threats being examined by FBI investigators.

``As the war continues, we receive a lot of threats in here. The FBI looks
into them,'' Watson said Wednesday in a telephone interview. ``This (letter)
is not just an isolated situation. We look at threats; we take them all

Serbian Orthodox church officials in the cities mentioned in the FBI memo
either declined to comment or said they had no information about the
Serb-language letter.

No arrests have been made of any Serb nationals suspected of planning
terrorist acts. The agency is investigating whether there is any link between
the Yugoslav government in Belgrade and the threats in the United States,
officials said.

The alert memo warned military commanders nationwide ``that there is a
credible threat outstanding to take action within the United States against
U.S. military personnel.''

Military bases around the country had been on alert dating as far back as
last summer's bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. But bases are
stepping up security measures.

``We have increased our threat condition from Alpha to Bravo,'' said Bob
Pepper, spokesman for the 49th Fighter Wing at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M.,
home of F-117 stealth fighters being used against Yugoslavia.

The one-step increase in threat awareness, he said, probably would not be
noticeable to outside civilians. It involves more intensive identity checks
and stricter requirements for non-military people entering the base.

Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon said military commanders were responding to
the FBI warnings.

``We are aware of these threats and we have disseminated the information to
local commanders and it's up to them to adjust ... according to the threats
they see,'' Bacon said.

Increasingly, the Pentagon has become concerned with the possibility that
terrorists would locate and target individual servicemen, perhaps in their
homes. As a result, the Pentagon has grown reluctant to identify individual
pilots flying strike missions and has scrubbed military Internet sites of
personal and family information and service members.

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1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Security Council Split on Kosovo

.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- As the world increasingly looks to Secretary-General
Kofi Annan and the United Nations for a solution to the Kosovo crisis, the
Security Council's divide illustrates the chasm that must be bridged.

It's Russia and China vs. the United States and its NATO allies. Again.

This time it's not the Cold War battle of communists and capitalists. But the
rhetoric is equally heated, and at the moment there are no signs of

As Wednesday's council meeting on the humanitarian crisis in Macedonia and
Montenegro demonstrated, the protagonists are focused on different sides of
the war.

Russia's U.N. Ambassador Sergey Lavrov has decried the impact of NATO bombing
on innocent civilians at every recent Security Council meeting -- and
Wednesday he denounced the attack on a Yugoslav bridge while a train was
crossing as ``barbaric.''

China's U.N. Ambassador Qin Huasun went even further, claiming the twin NATO
strikes on the bridge deliberately targeted civilians as an act of terror,
diplomats said.

NATO members on the council countered that the alliance expressed regret
about the bridge bombing -- and pointedly noted that there had been no
expressions of regret about the hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians
expelled or forced from their homes by Serb forces.

``There is no targeting -- none, zero in terms of NATO planning,'' said
deputy U.S. Ambassador Peter Burleigh.

The allies then tried to push for a council statement demanding that Yugoslav
authorities immediately release two Australian humanitarian workers whom
Belgrade has accused of spying -- but Russia opposed asking for their

By the end of the debate, council members could agree only on a statement
calling for immediate consular access to the Australians and expressing
``deepest concern at the grave humanitarian situation in and around Kosovo.''

While the Security Council's divisions have relegated it to the sidelines so
far, last week's peace initiative by the secretary-general and Wednesday's
proposal by Germany -- which suggests a U.N. peacekeeping role -- could make
the council a significant player in a Kosovo settlement.

The European Union on Wednesday backed Annan's five-point proposal, which
closely resembles NATO's conditions for stopping airstrikes. It calls for
Yugoslavia to end the intimidation and expulsion of civilians, withdraw
military forces, and allow deployment of an international military force to
help the return of refugees.

There was no talk Wednesday in the Security Council of any peace deal.

Slovenia's U.N. Ambassador Danilo Turk said Annan's ``very carefully
crafted'' initiative provides the framework for a solution -- but he said
``conditions are not yet ripe'' for any council action.

Asked about the German proposal, Lavrov said when NATO is ready to stop the
bombing, the council might be ready to discuss it.

But Burleigh said Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic must take the first

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1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Is U.S.-led NATO becoming a problem for the EU and UN?

EU Backs Annan's Kosovo Plan

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- European Union leaders are backing a U.N. peace
initiative for Kosovo while still giving their unwavering support to NATO's
bombing campaign to end the Serb offensive in Kosovo.

``There's not going to be a halt to the NATO action until the demands that we
have set out -- which are entirely reasonable, humane, civilized demands --
are met in full,'' British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Wednesday after the
15 EU leaders met with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to discuss the
Kosovo crisis.

Billed as a summit to discuss a German peace plan, the leaders instead backed
a similar five-point initiative launched by Annan in Geneva last week.

Annan's formula, which closely resembles NATO's conditions for stopping
airstrikes, calls for:

An immediate end to the Yugoslav campaign of intimidation and expulsion of

Ceasing all military and paramilitary activities in Kosovo and withdrawing
these forces.

Accepting unconditionally the return of all refugees and displaced people to
their homes.

Accepting the deployment of an international military force to help in the
return of refugees and delivery of aid.

Permitting the international community to verify compliance.

Annan said he had no plans to go to Belgrade to speak to Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic and there was no indication Milosevic would accept such a

German chancellor and current EU president, Gerhard Schroeder, said the EU
still supports a political settlement based on the February agreement at
Rambouillet, France -- which the Kosovo Albanians signed and the Serbs

He said the EU was prepared to run an interim administration of Kosovo under
such a plan. The Rambouillet plan calls for a NATO-led peacekeeping force, as
opposed to Annan's proposal of international troops.

The leaders also agreed to a future conference to discuss the long-term
stabilization of southeastern Europe.

But before a date can be set for such a conference, Milosevic must end his
force's bloody crackdown in Kosovo, which has forced hundreds of thousands of
ethnic Albanians to flee the province.

``We need great determination to follow the military option until it achieves
its objective,'' said French President Jacques Chirac.

NATO officials say the three weeks of airstrikes have begun to stagger
Milosevic and are hesitant to ease up and give him a chance to recuperate.

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[CTRL] Killer Kid Sentenced to 70 Years

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Teen-Ager Gets 70 Years for Murder

.c The Associated Press

TOMS RIVER, N.J. (AP) -- Portrayed as both victim and criminal, a teen-ager
who admitted to killing an 11-year-old boy apologized as he was sentenced to
70 years in prison.

Sam Manzie, 17, described by prosecutors as a sociopath ``programmed to have
sex, rape and kill,'' told the victim's parents he doesn't know how he got
that way: ``I still can't figure out why I did what I did.''

He will have plenty of time to think about it. A judge ordered Manzie to
serve at least 59 1/2 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole.

Eddie Werner was strangled after he came to Manzie's house selling items for
the PTA in 1997.

Prosecutors said Manzie killed the boy for rejecting his sexual advances. He
later shot a photo of the boy's half-naked body, a necktie and alarm clock
cord around his neck.

With his head bowed, Manzie calmly read a statement of apology, saying he was
sorry ``for all of the suffering I've put so many people through.'' He ha
pleaded guilty to murder.

The apology came during an emotional 2 1/2-hour courtroom drama Wednesday in
which Manzie's mother was ejected for an angry outburst and Werner's grieving
parents called for a life prison term.

The Manzies blamed psychiatrists and other mental health experts for not
locking their son up before he killed the boy. His parents asked a judge to
do so less than a week before the killing, but the judge released Manzie to
his parents' custody.

``We were told over and over and over again that he wasn't violent, that he
wouldn't hurt anybody,'' Dolores Manzie said.

But the judge ordered her removed from the courtroom later when a prosecutor
said she had threatened to kill herself if doctors did not agree to commit
her son to full-time care.

``Take him for a week and tell me you'd be able to handle it!'' she screamed.
``I couldn't handle my child anymore. At least I admitted it.''

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[CTRL] Q2K -- Dan Quayle for President

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Quayle To Run for President

.c The Associated Press

HUNTINGTON, Ind. (AP) -- Former Vice President Dan Quayle, trying to
refurbish his image and jump-start his GOP presidential campaign, declared
his candidacy Wednesday by pledging to rebuild American values after ``a
dishonest decade of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.''

Seeking office for the first time since he and President Bush succumbed to
Clinton and Gore in 1992, the former Indiana senator sought to push beyond a
history of political gaffes and controversies. ``Murphy Brown is gone,'' he
said, ``and I'm still here fighting for the American family.''

Quayle's use of the TV sitcom in the 1992 campaign to highlight a ``poverty
of values'' brought him criticism and ridicule from some quarters. But he
returned to the theme Wednesday, betting that primary voters will reward him
for casting a spotlight on the family-values debate.

``The question in life is not whether you get knocked down. You will. The
question is, are you ready to get back up, are you willing to get back up and
fight for what you believe in?'' Quayle said.

A crowd of nearly 6,000, packed to the gym rafters at his former high school,
shouted ``Q2K! Q2K! Q2K!'' for Quayle-2000. Fireworks exploded before and
after his speech, covering the stage in a haze of smoke. Rock music, hundreds
of handpainted signs and an appearance by ball-tossing former Chicago Bears
quarterback Jim McMahon gave the announcement a pep rally feeling.

``I have come back home to announce that I will seek and I will win the
presidency of the United States,'' Quayle said.

Gore, who succeeded Quayle as vice president and is seeking the Democratic
presidential nomination, was singled out by Quayle for calling President
Clinton a great leader during the impeachment effort.

``What arrogance. What disdain for the values that parents are trying to
teach their children. What contempt for the rule of law,'' Quayle said.
``This should not stand.''

``We are coming to the end of a dishonest decade of Bill Clinton and Al
Gore,'' he said. ``It's time we work to reclaim the values that made America

Gore's staff dismissed the attack. Spokesman Chris Lehane said, ``Dan
Quayle's vision of America will take us back to the Dark Ages of the last GOP

Appearing relaxed and in command of his topics, Quayle spoke from notes and
varied from a draft of the speech given to reporters.

He promoted his proposed 30 percent across-the-board tax cut, billing it as a
boon to middle-income families.

And he portrayed himself as the best qualified potential commander-in-chief,
recalling his participation in White House war councils. After Bush picked
him as vice president, Quayle had withstood withering criticism for having
joined the Indiana National Guard years earlier, thus avoiding service in

``You can only get so much from briefing books and crash courses. You need
experience,'' Quayle said. Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the early favorite for
the GOP nomination, is getting scores of private briefings to bone up on
foreign policy.

``A presidency is not to be inherited,'' Quayle said.

Aides would not say whether Quayle was alluding to Gore or the Texas governor
-- or perhaps both. Gore is Clinton's choice to win in 2000, and Bush is the
son of the former president.

Asked for comment, Bush campaign spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said simply,
``Governor Bush congratulates Vice President Quayle on his announcement and
wishes him well. Governor Bush intends to campaign by laying out a positive
vision for a brighter future for America.''

Quayle himself wants to inherit President Bush's mantle.

The former vice president, 52, is a long shot for the nomination despite his
popularity among grass-roots activists and his strong organization in New

He joins a crowded field of conservative candidates wrestling over the same
votes. His campaign team has come together slowly. And he raised about $2
million in the first quarter of 1999 -- $1 million less than projected.

Quayle's largest obstacle is what one supporter calls the ``potato factor''
-- a reference to the day he misspelled the word in a classroom full of
school children. That and other miscues turned the vice president into a
punch line for countless jokes, cementing for many American the perception
that Quayle was ill-suited for the job.

Stuck with the image, Quayle wants to turn it to his advantage in the GOP
primaries. He is telling conservative voters that the controversies prove his
willingness to fight the media and liberal elite to protect values. A new
internal poll of 1,000 primary voters showed that 70 percent agreed with this
statement: ``Dan Quayle has proven he can take a punch; the media made fun of
him and he is still standing firm for what he believes.''

His supporters argue that Quayle will easily exceed the low expectations to
sneak up on Bush, who they say can't live up to his early billing.


[CTRL] Cold War Is Back, With Nuclear Threat

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Geez, Louise -- I don't mind folks nowadays going "retro" in neo-beatnik
chic and postmodern '50s kitsch, but THIS is going TOO far ... !

Russia, China Warn US of Arms Race

MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia and China on Wednesday warned of a new arms race if the
United States goes ahead with plans to develop a nationwide defense system
against limited missile attack.

The U.S. Senate recently approved a bill calling for construction of the
defense system ``as soon as technologically possible.'' The Americans have
grown concerned about the possibility of attack from countries such as Iran,
Iraq and North Korea.

Russian politicians have been unanimous in assailing the U.S. plan to develop
anti-missile defenses, saying the move would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile treaty. Moscow strongly opposes U.S. proposals to amend the treaty to
allow for limited missile defenses.

Russian and Chinese military officials and diplomats who met in Moscow to
discuss the situation issued a statement saying the two countries have
serious concerns about the U.S. plans.

``The fulfillment of these plans would violate the main obligation under the
ABM treaty,'' said the statement, circulated by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Russia and China ``believe that undermining or violating the ABM treaty would
lead to a whole range of negative consequences: New factors would appear that
would be capable of destabilizing the international situation ... and create
conditions for the resumption of the arms race,'' the statement said.

Russia also contends the creation of a missile defense system would put on
hold any further nuclear weapons reductions.

President Boris Yeltsin recently approved a bill by Russian lawmakers that
would make their approval of the START II arms reduction treaty, which the
United States is anxious to see ratified, dependent on a U.S. commitment to
the ABM treaty.

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1999-04-15 Thread AOL User

 -Caveat Lector-

Someone please verify the veracity of this message.
This is probably a hoax.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Now's It's Serbian Terrorists IN THE U.S.

1999-04-15 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes, I have more fear of ORCHESTRATED events which will be labeled
'Serbian terrorism' as an excuse to further erode the rights of U.S.
citizens, than anything any actual Serbian might do...

This also sounds ominously like the propaganda which was disseminated
during WWI, warning of 'saboteurs' who were 'hyphenated Americans', e.g.
anyone whose ethnic background was from one of the Axis countries
(including the Balkan nations)...this eventually led to the passage of
the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1918, which severely curtailed the rights
of citizens


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1999-04-15 Thread AOL User

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you kindly.  Since Melissa I have been leery.
It is however unfortunate that someone on this list sent this out.  He has
lost credibility with me.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cold War Is Back, With Nuclear Threat

1999-04-15 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Das GOAT wrote:

 Russia, China Warn US of Arms Race

 MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia and China on Wednesday warned of a new arms race if the
 United States goes ahead with plans to develop a nationwide defense system
 against limited missile attack.

What ever happened to 1980s-era "Star Wars" missile defense system?
I thought "Star Wars" was supposed to be an inpenetrable defense.
Anyone know?

Brian Redman
Editor, CNNS

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 4/15/99

1999-04-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Dollars R Us

Behind Closed Doors, Greenspan Rethinks the Fed

Statistics are no good. Coin flips maybe?

Behind the unblinking facade of the US Federal Reserve's headquarters in
Washington they are cleaning house. From top to bottom of the venerable
institution, shelf-loads of tools and measures of monetary policy are
being dusted down, reconditioned or even cast aside.

The Nairu, a faithful appliance that has monitored monetary policy since
the 1970s, is being consigned to storage. The Expectations-Augmented
Phillips Curve, an attractive, if baroque, piece of economic furniture,
is deemed no longer safe for policymakers' use. Even that family jewel,
the Taylor Rule, is getting some long, hard looks from the repairers.

This is because some of these tools indicate that the US economy - after
a prolonged expansion - should be dangerously close to overheating. They
suggest that Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Fed, should be tightening
monetary policy to avoid an outbreak of inflation.

Inflation remains firmly under control even as the economy expands. And
the men and women of the Fed responsible for monitoring it and keeping
it on a sustainable track are acknowledging that their traditional
methods may no longer work.

The search is now on for analytical tools that might work better. So
far, officials have not abandoned tried-and-tested formulas for
interpreting the economy's signals. But a far-reaching intellectual
inquiry is under way into the basis of monetary policy decision-making.

"I don't think we really have a lot of clues," Alice Rivlin, the
vice-chair of the US central bank, said in an interview last week. "The
macro-statistics may not be all that much help. People who want to
understand this may need to pay a lot more attention to what is really
going on in businesses and labour markets."

In its unprecedented growth spurt over the past three years, the US
economy has broken several rules: first, history says sustained growth
above the economy's long-term trend will inevitably end in higher

For three years, the US has grown at an annual rate of just under 4 per
cent - 1.5 percentage points above the long-term trend. Yet the main
measure of overall inflation, the gross domestic product price deflator,
has fallen steadily - to an annual rate of 0.8 per cent in the last
three months of 1998, its lowest in more than 20 years.

Second, theory suggests that a fall in unemployment below a certain
level will lead to a spiral of accelerating wage and price inflation as
demand for workers forces employers to pay higher wages, without a
corresponding increase in output.

In the past few months, the unemployment rate has fallen to 4.2 per
cent, its lowest level in 30 years and well below what even the most
sceptical economists regard as the lowest rate consistent with stable
inflation. Yet average annual earnings growth has been little changed in
the past year and is now just 3.6 per cent; consumer price inflation is
1.7 per cent per year, half what it was three years ago.

Third, experience indicates that low unemployment leads also to
declining productivity, or output per hour. As employers hunt for
workers in increasingly tight labour markets, the quality of the people
they are able to hire diminishes.

But even as unemployment has declined, the rate of productivity growth
has doubled in the past two years, from its sluggish rate in the early
1990s, to over 2 per cent now.

Outside the Fed, some analysts have used these events as evidence that
the US economy has entered a "new paradigm" - a fundamental positive
shift in conditions in the past few years that will enable it
permanently to grow faster than its historical trend.

Not even the most optimistic of the policymakers on the Fed's Open
Market committee, which sets short-term interest rates - admit to being
converts to the new paradigm. Nor is anyone quite ready to cast aside
completely the traditional policy tools.

This may be partly because even policymakers who sympathise with the
notion that something fundamental has changed would not dare say it in

The Fed's pronouncements are so closely scrutinised that any admission
would be seized upon by the markets, with unpredictable results.

But officials also appear to be genuinely undecided about what is
happening. Even some of the more sceptical policymakers confess to
bafflement at the apparent breakdown in traditional rules. They admit to
waning confidence in the view that the strong performance is all down to
a number of "lucky breaks" - such as falling global commodity prices or
declining healthcare costs.

As a result, the Fed has resisted pulling the interest-rate trigger for
most of the past two years, even as inflation warning lights have been
flashing. Officials are at least prepared to allow the possibility that

[CTRL] The Psychology of Panic -- y2kculture.com

1999-04-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.y2kculture.com/politics/19990331.psychology.html"The
Psychology of Panic  -- y2kculture.com

The Psychology of Panic
By Solveig Singleton
March 31, 1999

On March 22, George Washington University sponsored "The Social
Psychology of the Y2K Problem: Denial, Disaster, or Self-Fulfilling
Prophecy?" Speakers offered different perspectives on Y2K. Will the
panic be worse than the problem? Should we expect leadership on Y2K to
come from the president, the vice president, or Y2K czar John Koskinen?

Jerrold Post, the Director of the Political Psychology Program at GWU,
claimed that Y2K will create a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy of
problems. He classified those who prepare for Y2K into three groups:

* Prudent Planners, who save extra food, water and cash.

* Moderate Survivalists, ordinary people who are buying guns, moving to
rural areas, and making substantial preparations. But they have no
ideological agenda.

* Extremists, who see in Y2K the fulfillment of some ideological vision
of a societal collapse or "end-time."

He argued that even if most people are Prudent Planners, their moderate
activities could be enough to stress the banking system's capacity to
supply cash.

Andrea Maloney Schara of the Georgetown Family Center -- who has written
for us before -- said that to deal with the threat of Y2K panic, one
must understand what panic is. Hyper- alarmism and denial begin, she
said, when people are flooded by negative messages from the amygdala, a
part of the brain that generates negative feelings. But fear and denial
interfere with rational problem-solving based on facts. But, she argued,
only about ten percent of the population is likely to calm down and
consider the facts. Most blindly trust authority, and a few have a
strong negative reaction to authority.

Given that Clinton and other techno-clueless politicos might themselves
be unable to judge Y2K dangers based on the facts, the greatest hope for
effective Y2K problem-solving will come from grassroots self-selected

Schara suggested that entertainment figures like Oprah and the upcoming
Y2K movie are likely to do more than political leaders to get people to
confront Y2K -- messages from entertainers and others presented in a
fun, positive way can convey information without triggering panic or
denial. But even a public panic might be the only way to get political
leaders to confront the issues.

The final speaker, Paula Gordon, Director of Special Projects at RPSOL,
worried that the President, Vice President and Y2K Tzar Koskinen fail to
provide Y2K leadership. She argued that they failed to understand
serious Y2K problems with embedded systems in power plants, chemical
plants, water and fuel distribution networks, and other networks.

Gordon thought that if any of these leaders addressed Y2K problem now,
the impact of Y2K might be held down to a mild recession, but if they do
not we face infrastructure collapse. But her obvious frustration lead me
to wonder whether Schara's point -- that most people close their minds
 immediately in response to fear-driven, negative messages -- might be
very well-taken.

Book Reviews
Y2K already has spawned its own genre. We tell you what books are worth
Chip 'n Little Cartoons
Chip 'n Little goes on TV
Chip 'n Little visits John Koskinen
Chip 'n Little saves the world
Warning: This cartoon has been called "foolish and tasteless."

Y2K from A to Z

Copyright 1999 y2kculture.com. All rights reserved.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The BABALON Working

1999-04-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 548

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

Message: 2
   Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 01:38:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Montauk (Long, possibly OT)

At 11:20 PM 4/13/99 -0400, xxx wrote:

Unfortunately my source no longer exists it was a rollicking site that
dealt with all types of interesting yet offbeat topics.  The site was
www.brotherblue.org, it was the site of the Order of the Blue Brethren aka
the Sacredotal Order of the Blue Brethren - whose goal was to create that
which was blue.

Thru certain magickal means I have been able to conjure forth the page you
read.  Unlike others on this list, I am willing to reveal my secrets.  Go
to www.alexa.com.  They have a browser plug-in that will sometimes
materialize long-dead webpages from the ether.  If and when you get a dread
"404 file not found" error, select "View Archived File" from the Alexa
plug-in's menubar, and if it's in Alexa's vast cache of webpages, it will
appear, as if by magick.  Of course, you will have to sell your soul to the
devil of advertising, in the form of little ads in the alexa menubar.  But
it's a small price to pay to be able to see clearly into the akashic record
of the world wide web.


Anyway, here's the article:

The BABALON Working
Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon

According to tradition, the Sirians who originally settled in Sumeria had
cat or lion like bodies. How many hybrids and just plain humans were
absorbed into the ancient culture is not exactly known. What is known is
that at some time they settled into the area of Cairo and called it Babalon
or Babylon which meant Baby Lyon. This city was designated as one of the
Sacred Places of the Lion and it was decided that a large repository of
knowledge should be constructed nearby so as to preserve their collective
wisdom. This construction project turned out to be what we know today as
the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. The Great Pyramid and its satellite
pyramids were designed to serve as ancient time clocks that were in
synchronization with the entire cyclic nature of the universe. The Sphinx
represented the goddess in the form of Bast who was also known as Babalon
and eventually Isis. To reiterate what was said earlier, the names Isis and
Osiris were derived from Sirius.

In the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, the Sirians illustrated the two key
principles of their religion. The two aspects were connected by sacred
knowledge which could be found in the Hall of Records.

Aleister Crowley was schooled in all of this information. When he slept in
the Great Pyramid prior to receiving The Book of the Law, he was seeking
initiation with no strings attached. Projecting himself beyond his own
understanding, he had a profound experience. He connected with forms of
consciousness that were not only far beyond the norm, they knew the precise
mathematics of the universe and this never ceased to amaze him. The
resultant effect was that he spent the rest of his life trying to explain
what had happened.

Earlier, we spoke of Tetragrammaton, the magical or alchemical formula that
accompanied the "first tetrahedron" of existence. The first element in
alchemy or the tarot is fire and is assigned to the first point of the
tetrahedron of Tetragrammaton. As fire itself forms a wave, the actual
pattern of that wave is reproduced to illustrate the vortex shape that
resides in the tetrahedron of Stan Tenon's work. This is identical to the
ram' s horn and is also the basis of the Hebrew fire letters whereby all
the letters of the alphabet could be perceived by rotating the shape within
the tetrahedron. With this much symbolism encoded in one particular shape,
it is easy to grasp that an energy stream of consciousness is emitted from
within the geometric matrix that contains a tetrahedron or a pyramid. It is
actually a conical spiral of energy which conforms to a precise
mathematical formula known as the Fibonacci spiral. That this cone of
energy can influx a mind with extra intelligence was illustrated in history
by placing a dunce cap on a slow student. The cone on the head was supposed
to make him smarter but evolved into a punishment style degradation of the
student concerned. Although Crowley was not known to wear a dunce cap, he
did use a magician's hat for some occasions which is really the same thing.

The fire or primal energy of Tetragrammaton that exists in the Great
Pyramid was linked to the fire and passion of the Sphinx through the
passageway known as the Hall of Records. The Sphinx represents the lustful
and unrestricted loins of Bast but also the intelligent female Virgo (known
to the Romans as Diana, Goddess of the Moon) who transmutes the lower
energies into the higher form. In other words, she could tap into the Hall
of Records. When Crowley performed sexual magick, he was often trying to
tap into the higher 

[CTRL] Info on 'Spear of Destiny'

1999-04-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 547

The mailing list resource page can
be found at the following address

Message: 8
   Date: 14 Apr 99 01:04:00 EDT
   From: xxx
Subject: Info on 'Spear of Destiny'


 An example... I have been trying to find references to Landulf II of Capua
 (according to Ravenscroft, the most evil figure of the century) Landulf
 II is mentioned by Ravenscroft (via Von Moltke)  as a pre-incarnation of
 Adolf Hitler, but I can't find any refernces to Landulf II in any of my
 available historybooks, or Enyclopedia Brittanica or any other
 encyclopedia. Can anyone enlighten me on this subject? Landulf is mentioned
 as a key to most of Ravenscrofts philosophy.
 Ravenscrofts references to Crowley as a black magician (p.167) and a
 successor of Klingsor (depicted as Landulf II of Capua of the antigrail)
 Light in Extension

Hello ,

I just did a search with dogpile:


I got several interesting hits. The one below is especially so since it
includes Picasso and his one of his drawings, Parsifal and Hitler with your
Klingsor. If you wish more info on Landulf II of Capua I would be glad to do
more research. I enjoy your posts.


 "Klingsor, a powerful black magician steals it and with it wounds Amfortas,
the King of the Guardians of The Holy Grail. He then flees with the Spear to
his castle where he dominates the surrounding area using powerful black
magic. All this while, Amfortas is destined to lay in agony from the wound
which never heals; his only hope of recovery being the Spear's return.

Parsifal, an heroic fool, is prophesied to return the Spear and heal
Amfortas. In an effort to prevent the prophecy coming true, Klingsor uses
magic to lure the hero to his Castle where his men are hiding in ambush.
Parsifal overcomes
Klingsor's men but suddenly Klingsor appears on the castle ramparts and in a
final attempt at the hero's destruction, he utters the following words:
Halt, I have the right weapon to to fell you ! The fool shall fall to me
through his master's Spear.
Klingsor hurls the Spear, but as if stopped by the hand of God, it hovers
motionless above Parsifal's head. Parsifal reaches up and grasps the Spear
and with it makes the Sign of the Cross, saying these words:

With this sign I rout your enchantment,
As the Spear closes the wound which you dealt him with it
may it crush your lying splendour,
into mourning and ruin.

Klingsor and his Castle then sink into the sea as if hit by an earthquake,
and the gardens that once surrounded the castle turn into a wasteland.

Parsifal restores the Spear and heals Amfortas of his wound. He then becomes
anointed as the new King of the Guardians of The Holy Grail."

In the 1934 (Picasso) drawing this pivotal scene is portrayed by the spear
hovering above Picasso's head. The spear runs along the top edge of the
drawing and when the image is rotated 90 degrees to the left it forms the
shaft of a huge letter 'P" in conjunction with the black semi-circle in the
upper right corner. The 'P' denotes a cryptic Picasso signature and refers to
the artist's identifications with 'Pica' and Parsifal.

The central figure is identifiable with Parsifal reaching up and making the
Sign of the Cross.
His 'flying hand' concealed within the island of light in the right hand
figure's face can be seen to be blocking Klingsor's advance, it is located
immediately to the left of Klingsor's face which in turn seems to descend
from the rear end of the spear in the upper right corner.

The figure on the right would seem to characterise Kundry, the witch who was
present at Christ's Crucifixion and who under Klingsor's spell attempts to
seduce Parsifal. In the drawing she appears possessed by Lucifer or the
Devil, both of whom are appropriate characterisations of Klingsor.

Behind the hidden face there is a trident form, which seems to reinforce the
hidden face's connection with Lucifer.

According to Dr Walter Stein and others, Hitler was convinced that in the
ninth century he had been incarnated as the historical Klingsor, sometimes
known as Landulf II of Capua !

Stein had been a acquaintance of Hitler in the years preceding World War One
and claimed that Hitler had at that time undertaken a penetrating study of
Von Eschenbach's story and fathomed it's deepest occult meanings.

The self identification of Picasso with Parsifal and the self-identification
of Hitler with Klingsor appears by some uncanny means to have found its way
into the 1934 drawing which might indicate that Picasso had access to
secretive information about Hitler and his occult activities at least five
years before the Second World War.
_ Mark Harris 1996

The Picasso drawing,more of the above text and  the subjects below can be
seen at:


Symbolism in the 1934 Drawing
Picasso's Harlequin

Re: [CTRL] Cold War Is Back, With Nuclear Threat

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

An opinion - that Stealth Bomber is so outdated ts a wonder it made it
out of Italy.

It is true that a plane such as this from the time it reaches the
drawing board and makes it to the defense plant, and is built, it is
obsolete.but still, somewhat of a beautiful ship

Frankly, I liked it better during the Cold War.that is where you
prove to the enemy that you can out talk him, out flank him, and scare
the hell out of them and never a bomb is dropped.and the reason it
works is simply this  your real enemies are more scared of you, than you
are  of them.  Check out Gideon in the Gideon Bible.Judges 5 and 6
etc., and read on until he steals the gold from the Ishmalites

We have things floating up there somewhere that with one beam, could
wipe out an entire city.  We have artificial lightning, can make peace
or war, we can conjure up storms and hurricanes, and droughts.we are
a Goliath, taking on a country the size of Ohio.and David would have
been blown over by the breath of Goliath, had he used full force.

The problem is, and the problem I do not like, is the USA will now
portray the role of the bad guys, and the Russians will be the good guys
for a change; and China, well I imagine they will dig in a little deeper
and increase the size of their wall to continue their effort to keep us

As Madame Albright said "it is of biblical proportion" when assessing
the damage to the Balkans and her cities of refuge...well,
genocide always is of "biblical" proportion, because this is from where
the idea came, is it not.  And wht we are doing is a mild form of
genocide; from the deaths come plague, disease, and the ruin of all
these poor people had in the world..

This meddlesome woman does not represent me.she does not represent
the United States of America..and further, I believe this recent
naturalization on her part as a US Citizen was the FIRST time she took
the oath

It is obvious we do not need troops to win a war, when we have stored
anthrax, bubonic plague, AIDS, and poisons too numerous to mention as
well as now, radiation tablets to give certain people who have been
exposed to radiation unknowingly..perhaps it has reached a point
where war is the most humane form of genocide - and don't worry, we will
be able to watch it on CNN and MSNBCand already are witnessing it in
the Balkans.

We have the means to wipe out the entire world, in the twinkling of an

So much for the Butcher of the Balkans and her TV appearance today and
Rubins "method acting" - from where do all these people come?

It will soon be the anniversary date of WACO, brought to you by the
Butcher of WACO, and promoted by the news media who got bored waitng for
some action, and pushed the date to a quick conclusion.   Why isn't
Janet Reno sitting in there beside Timothy McVey - at least this kid
appeared to be completely brainwashed and who did it?

Meanwhile, our President is talking about all the victims, and his hands
are as white as the newly driven snow.he must wash them ten times

If you want to read all about the NWO master plan, just do as David
Koresh did, and as the Halle Bopp Clan did.they knew what this
Master Plan of Death was.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-15 Thread H. Caulfield

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Thur, 15 Apr 1999 10:33:12

 If you receive an email entitled "It Takes Guts to Say 'Jesus'" DO
NOT open it. It will erase everything on your hard drive. Forward this
out to as many people as you can. This is a new, very malicious virus and
not many people know about it. This information was announced Sunday morning
from IBM; please share it with everyone that might access the Internet.
Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book so that this
may be stopped.
AOL has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there is  NO
remedy for it at this time.



IBM has determined that a small number of Aptiva PCs with model numbers 240,
301, 520 and 580 manufactured between March 5 and March 17, 1999, and sold
in the United States, have been exposed to the CIH computer virus. No other
Aptiva models or IBM products are known to be affected.

The CIH virus, which is spread from one PC to another when an executable
file is transferred, may render an infected PC inoperable when the date on
the PC's internal calendar reads April 26 of any year.

For more information, including how affected users can obtain an AntiVirus
Update CD from IBM that corrects the problem, IBM Aptiva owners can go to
http://www.ibm.com/support and click on "Aptiva CIH Virus" in the "Short
cuts" list, or call the IBM HelpCenter around-the-clock at 1-800-600-8235.

Invalid thought detected. Close all mental processes and restart body.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Serb militia atrocity: Mass rape in Kosovo

1999-04-15 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Someone should make a bumpersticker

Feel free.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Serb militia atrocity: Mass rape in Kosovo

1999-04-15 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Volcano.  After a war, you can rebuild. After a volcano you have to settle
down somewhere else (assuming you lived through it).

Oooops! I forgot the Bhopal/Chernobyl grade hazmat release. One embedded
chip fritzes from Y2K an there's goes the WHOLE neighborhood. It takes
about four months to shut down a nuclear power station. It can't be
scrammed safely if the grid goes down because there isn't a nuke on the
continent that has back up power on site for the cooling pond pumps.
Without IMMEDIATE cooling, the rods catch fire. The smoke is exactly the
thing you don't want up wind. We are ALL downwinders.

So, come July either the nukes get pulled out of the grid, eliminating the
redundancy factor at the height of air conditioner season (the SAFE
strategy) or we're all playing Russian roulette.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cold War Is Back, With Nuclear Threat

1999-04-15 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/15/99 9:36:41 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  when somebody, I don't recall who, tagged it "Star Wars." Maybe some of it
  was implemented, but essentially it stalled, was dead in the water, because
  of media ridicule. Interestingly, now we're hearing members of the left
  it up again, calling it a pretty good idea.

   Reagan alluded that Star Wars might be used to protect us from
other-worldy enemies.  We'll be nuked long before an effective system can be
developed to prevent it -- even if it had been fully funded in the '80's.

I don't think we have the ability to develop and effective missile
defense system.  It's just throwing good money after bad, feeding the hungry
military-industrial complex.  Why the "left" (misnomer) is supporting it now
is beyond me, and I'm *one of them*.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Info on Spear of Destiny]

1999-04-15 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 prioryofsion digest 547

 The mailing list resource page can
 be found at the following address
 Message: 8
Date: 14 Apr 99 01:04:00 EDT
From: xxx
 Subject: Info on 'Spear of Destiny'


  An example... I have been trying to find references to Landulf II of Capua
  (according to Ravenscroft, the most evil figure of the century)
  II is mentioned by Ravenscroft (via Von Moltke)  as a pre-incarnation of
  Adolf Hitler, but I can't find any refernces to Landulf II in any of my
  available historybooks, or Enyclopedia Brittanica or any other
  encyclopedia. Can anyone enlighten me on this subject? Landulf is
  as a key to most of Ravenscrofts philosophy.
  Ravenscrofts references to Crowley as a black magician (p.167) and a
  successor of Klingsor (depicted as Landulf II of Capua of the antigrail)
  Light in Extension

The only non-occult source I could turn up on Landulf II of Capua was
http://web.raex.com/~obsidian/soitaly.html, which is a collection of lists of
rulers of various and sundry Southern Italian states. There's nothing on
Landulf except his name and dates: Landulf II, 862-879. There's one
genealogical site as well but no biographical information. *Everything* else
out there seems to refer back to Ravenscroft either directly or indirectly.


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] The World's Wickedest Women - Elizabeth Bathory

1999-04-15 Thread (Charles Overbeck)

 -Caveat Lector-

If'n folks are interested, they can check out an article on Elizabeth "Blood
Countess" Bathory at:

Peace out,
Charles Overbeck

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Well, So much for privacy

1999-04-15 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

A Search for the Highest Bidder
by Polly Sprenger

5:15 p.m. 13.Apr.99.PDT

AltaVista, the popular search engine, is preparing to auction the results
for the most-requested search terms to the highest bidder.
Words like "football," "sex," and "cars" that return more than 100,000 hits
are being sold by auction through Doubleclick, an Internet advertising
The first auction, which began 7 April, ends Wednesday. The minimum bid is
25 cents per keyword search. AltaVista is only selling the first search
result on the site, but more could be added later.
These are not banner ads, however. "Purchase the first or second listing
and the user will see your text link at the top of the result page," the
Doubleclick memo reads.
But Doubleclick CEO Kevin O'Connor said Wednesday that the auctioned search
positions will appear in a distinct and separate area of the AltaVista
results page, and will be clearly labeled as sold positions.
Other search engines are less than impressed with AltaVista's move, and say
they don't intend to follow suit.
"We don't want to speculate on what AltaVista is or is not doing," said
Melissa Walia, a spokeswoman for Excite. "But we don't sell placements and
results and have no intention to. We think it's important to be clear with
the consumer about what is a search result and have that be objective."
Doubleclick and AltaVista declined to comment, saying that final terms for
the program aren't established. However, Doubleclick's West Coast marketing
manager confirmed that all terms included in a letter sent to customers
were accurate.

Editor's note: This story has been corrected. Comments attributed to
Doubleclick suggesting that AltaVista wished to downplay its strategy could
not be independently confirmed and have been removed. Further, comments
that the sold search positions were identical to regular search results
were incorrect. Wired News regrets the error.


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[CTRL] An interesting Page

1999-04-15 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

The Final Phase

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[CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Hello all,

I just came across some information.  Can any verify this?  Comments?

"Executive Orders are for selling and purchasing of land.  And nothing
else, in fact there is NO Constitutional Amendment to create an EO.  And
until there is these EOs are NULL  VOID!!!"


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Info on 'Spear of Destiny'

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Get the album - rather expensive, get it, tape it, and return itThe
Ring  - Wagners Ring..the beautiful Tannhauser, and the ride of the
Valkyreis; now my spelling is off here..this beautiful music is
always reserved for the super rich, while our children are fed garbage.

occasionally public services shows part of it, but the movie Meeting
Venus shows the traumatic effect the works of Richard Wagner had on the
people of Germanyto me it is probably the most beautiful creation in
this history of music; however, I do like offenbach's Orpheus in the
Underworld..Offenbach, was a Russian jew, who wrote the French Can

In the works of Richrd Wagner,  one sees beauty and power and well, get
the album.
librarys have it tooyou could traumatize as nation with music such
as this.

now that is why the South plays Dixie, they do  towant to put anybody to

i always like to follow the paths of the pied pipersfor they know
where they are taking us well in advance.


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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Executive Orders are for selling and purchasing of land.  And nothing
 else, in fact there is NO Constitutional Amendment to create an EO.  And
 until there is these EOs are NULL  VOID!!!"

I may be wrong, but I always thought an EO was a way of circumventing the
US constitution as their authority rests on the President, whom I assume
makes sure he has enough support in the House and Senate before issuing
one. As for null and void, technically they probably are but like many
"temporary" political meaures (income tax springs to mind) they would
likely be upheld by the US courts as having garnered a certain
"legitimacy" by their unchallenged use and the presumed consensus (?)
reached before the issuance of them.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

JFK according to Jim Marrs.had on his desk a signed Executive Action
Order which would have caused the Federal Reserve System to shudder - it
was alleged when his father was told by his son what he was going to do,
his father said "They will kill youthey will never let you do
that"..and they did.the day he signed this order, he was on his
way to Dallas.

Read Jim Marrs book;  Mr. Marrs wrote to me once in a letter, that he
believed John Wilkes Booth escaped that barn that dayand I believe
he is right - or at least, I hope he wasas for Alexander Hamilton
being killed by Aaron Burr - one of my ancestors was a Pierpont and
married into that family, and it was Burr who killled Hamilton, because
Hamilton was in on this federal reserve system.

Now, I am going from memory here; but really, check out Jim Marrs
bookwell worth reading anything he writesmovie JFK written by
Marrs (or book based on) goes into the history of the crime; but today,
we see and are beginning to see the master plan of the crime unfold.


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Re: [CTRL] Cold War Is Back, With Nuclear Threat

1999-04-15 Thread Jim Yester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/15/99 12:36:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Reagan alluded that Star Wars might be used to protect us from
  other-worldy enemies.  We'll be nuked long before an effective system can
  developed to prevent it -- even if it had been fully funded in the '80's.

  I don't think we have the ability to develop and effective missile
  defense system.  It's just throwing good money after bad, feeding the
  military-industrial complex.  Why the "left" (misnomer) is supporting it
  is beyond me, and I'm *one of them*.

Reagan alluded to the possibility of alien invaders, but I don't recall that
being connected with SDI. Do you have the quote?

You are correct that left is a misnomer. I've said for some time now that
left, right, liberal, and conservative are passe terms, because they no
longer clearly define anything. I prefer counting myself among the "common
sense" faction, and sometimes that's left and sometimes it's right.

You make some other logical points, among them that you can't trust the
military-industrial complex to spend the money properly, and that it's
probably too late anyway. However, Reagan also made a logical point that I
agree with: The best deterrent to war is a strong and powerful military. It
is also logical to conclude that if there is a threat, it is suicidal not to
do what ever is possible to defend yourself. All in all, a catch-22 I guess.


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[CTRL] A New (?) Virus Hoax

1999-04-15 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

WHAT FOLLOWS IS A HOAX, which will be immediately obvious when you read it. I
found it on DOE's CIAC (Computer Incident Advisory Capability) website,
http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/CIACHoaxes.html. I don't normally circulate these
things, but this one happens to be so lovely that I thought people might
appreciate it...
Greeks Bearing Gifts

March 1999



DESTRUCTIVE and will overwrite your ENTIRE CITY!

The "gift" is disguised as a large wooden horse about two
stories tall. It tends to show up outside the city gates
and appears to be abandoned. DO NOT let it through the
gates! It contains hardware that is incompatible with
Trojan programming, including a crowd of heavily armed
Greek warriors that will destroy your army, sack your town,
and kill your women and children. If you have already
received such a gift, DO NOT OPEN IT! Take it back out of
the city unopened and set fire to it by the beach.


A possibly related story tells of how, early in the Justice Department's
investigation of Microsoft, Bill Gates attempted to bribe President Clinton
into dropping the charges. Fortunately, and perhaps atypically, Clinton
refused the bribe, with the admonition "Beware of geeks bearing graft."



Robert F. Tatman
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] For CTRL Old Timers

1999-04-15 Thread Jeff Russo

 -Caveat Lector-

Ah, yes, fond memories of Willie
A block of his posts may be standard now in list server software.

--- Jim Yester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 Reposted without comment.  -JY

 Subj:[SonsofLiberty] Posts
 Date:   4/15/99 1:28:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Willie Martin)
 Reply-to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: "Willie Martin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am wondering why you don't send out the posts that I
 send to you, are they not good enough for your list; are
 they too poorly written; does the subject matter not meet
 your criteris; or just what is the matter with them that you
 don't distribute them?

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Jeff Russo
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism
by those who have not got it."
-- George Bernard Shaw
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Breaking News: Gun Kills 2, Wounds 4 at Mormon Library

1999-04-15 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Thursday, April 15, 1999 15:45 EDT

Gunman opens fire
Kills 2, wounds 4, before being shot to death by police

By Paul Foy
Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY -- A gunman opened fire today at the Mormon church's Family
History Library, killing two people and wounding four others before he was
shot to death by police.

Police SWAT teams were combing the building to determine whether another
gunman was inside the building more than two hours after the 10:30 a.m.
shooting began.

Seventeen people on the second floor who had locked themselves inside when the
shooting began were evacuated unharmed early this afternoon as SWAT teams
continued to comb the building, said Police Chief Ruben Ortega. Police were
skeptical of early suspicions that a second gunman was involved.

Mayor Deedee Corradini told reporters that a library security guard and a
female patron had died of their wounds and that the suspect also had died.

Ortega said police had identified the gunman, who had a local address, but
they did not immediately release his name.

The gunman, who had exchanged gunfire with police, was taken out of the
building to an ambulance parked in front of a nearby restaurant, but
paramedics believed he might be wired with an explosive and the area was
evacuated. He died in the ambulance and police Sgt. Ken Hansen said he had no

Hansen said the four wounded included a police officer. The wounds were not
believed to be life-threatening, he said.

Lyman Platt, a genealogist, said a gunman entered the library and quickly
fired off a dozen rounds.

"He came in the lobby and shot a lady in the head and two or three other men,"
Platt said.

Jaqueline Nelson, a researcher who was working on the first floor, said: "We
heard a pop and somebody said, `Everybody get down.' There were 10 or 12 pops,
and somebody yelled `Somebody's shooting!"

Shots were fired as much as 45 minutes after officers arrived on the scene, at
first leading police to believe there might be a second gunman.

The library, one of the world's top centers for genealogical research, is
directly across the street from Temple Square, site of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints' Salt Lake Temple and Tabernacle. According to a
church Web site, it has more than 2 million rolls of microfilm copies of
census and other records from more than 100 countries.

An international genealogical convention had attracted heavy traffic to the
library, which has two floors below ground level and three above. Some 250
people -- patrons and employees -- are in the building on a typical day.

A KSL-TV employee, Tamara Orr, said a man matching the description of a
suspect asked her for directions to the Family History Library earlier this
morning. The man, who appeared to be in his late 50s, was bearded and wore
disheveled clothes.

The man drove a yellow moving truck, which KSL reported was being investigated
by a police bomb squad early this afternoon. The truck was parked near the
station, three blocks west of the history library.

The church has been involved in genealogy since its founding nearly 170 years
ago. The church amasses the records for what it calls the baptism of the dead.
Mormons believe that such baptisms give the dead the opportunity to join the
Mormon church in the afterlife.

Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] July 1999

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

"1999 and seven months / Comes a king of terror from the sky ...
 Reviving the great king of the 'Angolmois' " ..."

It just occurred to me that July (seventh month) 1999 is the MILLENNIAL
anniversary of the taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders (and Knights Templar)
and the crowning of the first European CHRISTIAN "king" of the Holy Land,
till then under Muslim control ...

During the last two years, there have been posts on CTRL that indicated the
Knights of Malta (SMOM) --the Vatican's virtual army, interlocking with the
CIA, Mafia, neofascist Masonic Lodges like P2, and NATO bigwigs like
Alexander Haig -- were reorganizing and gearing up for a "jihad" against
non-European non-Christians in the Near East -- the crossroads to which lie
in the Balkans and across the Bosporus, i.e., in Turkey.  It DOES seem now
that the E.U., successor to the HRE, is trying to elbow the Muslims of
Albania and elsewhere in the Balkans OUT of Europe, OFF the continent proper,
and sweep the Eastern Orthodox nations eastward, back under the umbrella of
"Russia," with its own sphere of influence across the Urals.
"Housecleaning," you might say.

Also, lately there has been a continuing effort by the Vatican to "convert"
Russia (in keeping with the "command" of the so-called "Fatima Prophecies")
and bring the entire Eastern Orthodox branch of Christendom under the direct
control of the Pope, in effect reconstituting the mostly-Slavic Habsburg
Empire, historically a counterpole to, and bulwark against, Western European
expansionism  -- up until the outbreak of World War One, when it simply
became a battlefield between greedy Germany and greedy Russia.
Makes me wonder how "integrated" the newborn EU actually is, what with its
member nations split between secular or Protestant and traditional CATHOLIC
allegiences ...

What's up, I wonder?  A new "Crusades" for the Middle East, the Balkans

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Re: [CTRL] Breaking News: Gun Kills 2, Wounds 4 at Mormon Library

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-15 15:53:37 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lyman Platt, a genealogist, said a gunman entered the library and quickly
fired off a dozen rounds.

Bad genes, obviously ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Big Brother -- NATO's Censor Squad

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "The order for the TV station to stop broadcasting was issued by the
'Independent Media Commission,' a panel of international officials that is
charged with regulating broadcasting media in postwar Bosnia.
 "The IMC has the authority to call in the NATO-led Stabilization Force,
SFOR, to make sure the station goes off the air."

Bosnian Serb TV Station Banned

.c The Associated Press

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) -- A Bosnian Serb TV station was ordered to
stop broadcasting because its coverage of the Kosovo crisis was deemed
inflammatory and inaccurate, a senior international official said Thursday.

The program of Kanal S, based in the wartime Bosnian Serb stronghold of Pale,
near Sarajevo, ``had a very inflammatory'' program, said Alexandra
Stiglmayer, the spokeswoman for Bosnia's top international official, Carlos

The order to stop broadcasting was issued Wednesday by the Independent Media
Commission, a panel of international and local officials that is charged with
regulating and licensing broadcasting media in postwar Bosnia.

It came after Kanal S failed to respond to previous warnings to stop its
biased reporting of NATO airstrikes intended to force Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw his forces from Kosovo, a province of Serbia,
the dominant republic of Yugoslavia.

The station has rallied to back fellow Serbs under attack. The station has
failed to report, for example, on the tens of thousands of ethnic Albanian
refugees forced from their homes by Milosevic's forces and has portrayed the
Serbs as victims of NATO aggression.

If the station does not comply, Westendorp's office will ask local
authorities to enforce the order. If they ignore it, Westendorp, who is
responsible for carrying out the Dayton peace plan that ended Bosnia's 3
1/2-year war, will consider other options, Stiglmayer said.

Ultimately, Westendorp has the authority to call in the NATO-led
Stabilization Force, SFOR, deployed in Bosnia to make sure the station goes
off the air.

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[CTRL] Cassava-Dependent Africans Warned of Konzo Disease

1999-04-15 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Cassava-Dependent Africans Warned of Konzo Disease

Africa News Service

DAKAR, Senegal (PANA, 04/14/99) - A ranking Nigerian-born toxilogical
researcher, Dr John Tor-Agbidye, Wednesday cautioned Africans in
cassava-dependent zones that they faced the danger of developing spastic
paraparesis or Konzo, arising from high levels of cynide.

The disease, which mainly occurs in areas of low protein intake, attacks the
right and left side of the brain and later causes impairment of the legs.

In an interview with PANA, Tor-Agbidye said that epidemic levels of the
disease had already been recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Mozambique and Tanzania, where it had affected between 3 percent and 10
percent of the population in some areas.

He was one of the co-presenters at a symposium on nutritional neurotoxity at
the 4th international congress of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africa,
which entered its third day in the Senegalese capital Wednesday.

The scientist said that in malnourished individuals, the disease is sparked by
lack of sulfur amino acids which help to detoxicate the body of cynate, a
by-product of cynide.

According to Tor-Agbidye, who works at the National Center for Toxilogical
Reserach in Oregon, US, konzo strikes people who feed on cassava flour made
from the bitter cassava.

He said cassava growers preferred the bitter cassava because of its higher
yield and resistance to drought and pests. "The problem is that it contains
high levels of cynides to the tune of between 50 and 200 milligrammes per
kilo," he noted.

Tor-Agbidye said that Tropical Ataxic Aeuropathy, a chronic type of the
disease, had hit school children in eastern Nigeria, who were fed on cassava
during the 1967-1970 civil war.

But the disease was less severe because the children were eating other protein
containing foods, he added.

Tor-Agbidye advised people in cassava consuming areas to "adhere to the
traditional methods of processing cassava, includig fermentation for three

Governments also need to encourage people to grow other legumes which can help
in detoxicating cynate within the body.

The scientist conceded, however, that it was difficult for people in food
deficit areas to wait for the cassava to ferment before it is turned into
flour. This was also impossible in times of conflict, as is the case with the
Democratic Republic of Congo.

Meanwhile, another scientist, Dr Peter Spenser, said that unusually high
consumption of the grass pea, scientifically known as "Lathyrus sativus", was
responsible for a disease called "lathyrism", a self-limiting degerative
disorder of the central motor pathway.

Cases of lathyris, usually follow periods of extreme enviromental difficulty,
such as floods or drought or disrupted conditions such as war or famine.

Spencer said that lathyrism has affected humans and animals on at least four
continents, "although one needs to go deep in the countryside to realise its

"Today, human cases are present in Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea), on the Indian
subcontinent (Bangladesh, India and Nepal), in northwestern China and in parts
of Europe (Spain)," he told PANA.

He noted that these peas, of which there are over 500 species, also exist in
Morocco, but "they usually don't cause harm where there is no excessive

According to him, lathyrism has clinical similarities to Konzo. "Conceivably,
the two nutritional neurotoxic disorders might share a a common pathogenesis,
namely pertubaryiob of the AMPA-mediated neurotransmission resulting in
neuronal over excitation and degeneration," he said.

By Peter Masebu, PANA Staff Correspondent

Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] The Vatican and Genocide

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Another Catholic "martyr," like the Nazi collaborator the Pope recently

Bishop's Arrest Upsets Vatican

.c The Associated Press

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The arrest of a bishop accused of having a role in
Rwanda's 1994 genocide is ``an act of extreme gravity,'' the Vatican said

In its first comment since the arrest Wednesday of Bishop Augustin Misago,
the Vatican expressed the hope that the prelate's ``innocence will be rapidly

Justice Minister Jean de Dieu Mucyo said in Rwanda that the bishop was being
held in ``preventive detention'' until authorities decide whether to try him
in Kigali or in his diocese of Gikongoro, in southern Rwanda.

He is accused of having a role in the genocide that killed more than 500,000
minority Tutsis and politically moderate Hutus.

``The arrest of a bishop is an act of extreme gravity that not only wounds
the church in Rwanda but the entire Catholic church,'' said Vatican spokesman
Joaquin Navarro-Valls.

Misago is the highest-ranking church official to be arrested on genocide
charges. So far, 19 Rwandan priests have been jailed on suspicion of aiding
the killings, which ended in July 1994 when the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic
Front won power and ousted the extremist Hutu government.

A total of 125,000 people have been jailed on suspicion of taking part in the
genocide, and more than 1,000 have been tried.

Relations between the government and the Catholic church have been tense.
Groups of genocide survivors have demanded a public apology from the Catholic
clergy for the killings in churches and missionary-run schools, where
thousands of Tutsis were hacked and burned to death by Hutu soldiers and
militiamen, often with the alleged complicity of the priests.

Rwandan President Pasteur Bizimungu and Tutsi survivors of the massacres in
Gikongoro Prefecture said Misago refused shelter to Tutsis trying to escape
death from Hutu mobs.

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Palestinian Arabs + Russia + China ...

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Arafat Asks Chinese for Support

BEIJING (AP) -- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat met with China's president
on Thursday to win Beijing's support for the declaration of a Palestinian
state as early as next month, state-run media reported.

While stopping short of a public pledge of support, Chinese President Jiang
Zemin said China backed ``the just cause of the Palestinian people,'' the
Xinhua News Agency said.

``Palestinians will surely realize their lofty goals of restoring their
legitimate national rights and establishing an independent Palestinian
state'' so long as they adhere to peaceful negotiations with Israel, Xinhua
quoted Jiang as saying.

Arafat arrived in Beijing early Thursday for two days of talks with Chinese

Arafat has been meeting with world leaders to learn whether they would
support him if he unilaterally declared an independent Palestinian state on
May 4, the end of a five-year interim period of autonomy.

His visits have included Japan, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Yemen, Russia,
South Africa and Turkey.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] NATO: Oops! Well, Shit Happens.

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The United States says it regrets [killing 64 noncombatant Albanian
refugees] -- but blames Milosevic for 'making' us do it.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO admitted Thursday it mistakenly bombed a refugee
convoy in Kosovo but vowed to press ahead with its air war against

The United States said it regretted the carnage but blamed Yugoslav Slobodan
Milosevic for driving the ethnic Albanian civilians from their homes in the
first place.

U.S Secretary of Defense William Cohen, promising to intensify aid raids,
accused Milosevic of cynically making propaganda out of the attack in which
Serb officials say 64 civilians were killed.

Cohen told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Milosevic's description
of the attack as an atrocity was ``one of the most grotesque statements I can
conceive of.''

Despite pictures of limbless civilians amid the wreckage of tractors that
flashed around the world, the alliance has pushed ahead with its air war
aimed at forcing Milosevic to bend to its demand for a Yugoslav troop
withdrawal from Kosovo.

Anti-aircraft fire resounded across Belgrade overnight and explosions shook
the Yugoslav capital in the biggest bombardment since air strikes started
three weeks ago.

At NATO's Brussels headquarters spokesman Jamie Shea said the alliance was
taking every possible precaution to avoid collateral damage but one tragic
accident would not weaken its resolve.

NATO played a tape recording of the F-16 pilot who carried out the attack, in
which the alliance says one of its bombs appeared to have mistakenly hit a
civilian vehicle.

He said he made two passes over a three-vehicle convoy of dark green,
two-and-a-half ton vehicles and fired a laser-guided bomb at the lead vehicle
on his third pass.

He said he had seen a villages burning on the main Prizren-Djakovica-Decani
highway and convoys of uprooted civilians in a bottleneck at the north
entrance to Prizren.

He said he believed the vehicles he attacked were Yugoslav military or police
conducting an ethnic cleansing operation.

Serbian official media said 64 people died when the convoy of about 100
tractors, cars and other vehicles carrying several thousand refugees was
attacked from the air on a highway near the south Kosovan town of Djakovica.

``We cannot confirm the figures given by Serb sources, but NATO regrets any
harm to innocent civilians, and reminds that the circumstances in which this
accident occurred are wholly the responsibility of President Milosevic and
his policies,'' the alliance said.

In London, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook accused Yugoslav leaders of

``I will not accept the criticism that is emanating from Belgrade,'' Cook
told a news conference. ``How dare they now produce crocodile tears for
people killed in the conflict for which they are responsible.''

Meanwhile European Union leaders backed a United Nations conditional peace
plan for Kosovo.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, whose country holds the current
presidency of the 15-nation bloc, said Thursday Yugoslavia would have to
accept all the West's conditions for a Kosovo settlement before NATO
suspended bombing.

``This, and only in this order, would make it possible to suspend NATO's
military measures and open the way to a political solution,'' Schroeder told
parliament in Bonn.

Schroeder also said he was ready to meet Victor Chernomyrdin, appointed by
President Boris Yeltsin Wednesday as his Yugoslavia envoy. Kremlin aides said
the veteran former premier had a mandate to seek ``unorthodox'' solutions to
the Kosovo conflict.

Germany has been at the forefront of diplomatic efforts to bind Russia --
Belgrade's traditional ally -- into an international settlement to the Balkan

Chernomyrdin welcomed a German peace plan for Kosovo, signaling a mellowing
in Moscow's tough stance against NATO.

``We have to back a peaceful way out of this crisis and what Germany is
proposing today -- to stop all military action for at least 24 hours and look
for compromises -- deserves attention,'' he told reporters in Moscow.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NATO: Oops! Well, Shit Happens.

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I just watched Clinton on TV; and guess what, he has been drinking more
water than I have ever seen before.   Rather like the little "Nanny" on
TV that murdered a little baby, but was released because it was not

Do not know if we have any Indian experts on the line but - Indians when
they wanted to test the honest of a person, they would use the old knife
trick, which worked like a lie detector.   They would heat a knife, and
place it upon the person's tongue.  Now the liar, they say, would have a
dry tongue.

Now either Clinton was lying, or he is on a medication causing thirst.
During the Nanny trial, I watched that little girl guzzle down a gallon
of water a day.now any Indian would know what that meant.

Must watch Madame Albright at her next dinner, and see if her tongue
sticks to the roof of her mouth.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Aw Shucks, Merely a Bit of Collateral Damage

1999-04-15 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Bombs Albanian Village in Kosovo
Breaking News - More as it becomes available.
NATO Bombs 2 Refugee Convoys

85 Murdered - 31 Maimed

CNN Journalists Report they Observed Wreckage and Dead Refugees at Two Separate
Sites. Refugees from Convoys Say there were Refugees Only! Angry and Confused -
"Why did NATO Bomb us?"


Thursday, April 15, 1999 Published at 12:20 GMT 13:20 UK
World: Europe

Nato pilot bombed refugees
F-16: Pilot made several passes before releasing bomb

Nato has admitted that it bombed a refugee convoy on Wednesday, leaving Kosovo
refugees dead, after a pilot mistook the civilian vehicles for Yugoslav military

But, apologising for the loss of life, Nato spokesman Jamie Shea said that the
"tragic accident" would not undermine the alliance's resolve to bring an end to
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's ethnic cleansing of the province.

"Sometimes one has to risk the lives of the few to save the lives of the many,"
said Mr Shea.

Nato's admission came the day after more than 60 refugees were reported to have
been killed in at least two attacks in the south of the province.

At first the Pentagon had suggested that Serb forces had attacked convoys of
refugees - a statement it later withdrew.

'Bombed in good faith'

Hear the pilot talk through the bombing raid

Speaking to reporters at Nato headquarters in Brussels, Mr Shea said: "A Nato
pilot was operating over western Kosovo and saw villages being burnt.

"This is an area where the Yugoslav special forces have been conducting ethnic
cleansing in the last few days."

Mr Shea said the F-16 fighter pilot identified vehicles moving on the main road
between Prizren and Djakovica, a route described by Nato as a key military
supply corridor.

"The pilot attacked what he believed to be military vehicles," said Mr Shea. "He
dropped his bomb in good faith, as you would expect of a trained pilot from a
democratic country.

"The pilot reported at that time that he had attacked a military convoy.

"The bomb destroyed the lead vehicle which we now believe to have been a
civilian vehicle."

Mr Shea said that despite the accident, Nato was taking more measures than any
other force in combat history to minimise harm to civilians.

Sadaf Maruf: "Nato has stressed it was aiming at military targets"

But he stressed that even with the best military hardware available, there could
never be a guarantee that there would not be tragic accidents.

And he added: "The refugees want Nato to continue its operations. And continue
we will.

"One tragic accident cannot and will not undermine our conviction that our cause
is a just one."

Pilot explains attack

In a recorded debriefing, the unidentified pilot explained how he became
convinced that the vehicles he attacked were Yugoslav forces systematically
burning house after house.

An eyewitnesses describes the attack

"The picture that I'm getting is that MUP (Yugoslav) forces are methodically
woking from the north to the south and forcing the Kosovo Albanians from their
villages," he tells the interviewer.

Operating with a wing-man, the F-16 pilot made several passes over a convoy near

After identifying more than 60 vehicles, he spots a further three "uniform
shaped dark green vehicles" stopping near a home.

Fearing an attack on civilians, the pilot made two further passes below the
cloud line.

He "eyeballed" and then identified the vehicles with targeting equipment before

Cook denounces 'hypocrisy'
TV reports: Serb media have accused Nato of murder
UK Foreign Secretary Robin Cook accused the Yugoslav authorities of hypocrisy.

"How dare they now produce crocodile tears for people killed in the conflict for
which they are responsible," he said.

Marko Gasic, spokesman for the Serb Information Exchange, told the BBC that the
convoy had been returning to the town of Djakovica when it was attacked twice by
Nato bombers.

Bombing intensifies

During a night of clear skies, Yugoslavia was subjected to one of the heaviest
air strikes since Nato raids began three weeks ago.

(Click here for a map showing Nato's latest strikes).

Up to six powerful explosions shook the capital, Belgrade, shattering windows
and tearing doors from their frames.

John Simpson in Belgrade: It has played entirely into President Milosevic's
Serbian media said army barracks at Racovica about 8km from the city centre had
been hit, and power supplies to the region cut.

Nato air strikes destroyed two bridges in central and southern Serbia, one of
them leading to the Kosovo capital of Pristina.

Pristina was also reported to be under heavy bombardment. Two transmitters were
hit, cutting programmes of the state-run television.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are 

[CTRL] The F Zone

1999-04-15 Thread philately

 -Caveat Lector-

The F Zone:

Not since the Boston Tea Party has there been a
tax event with as much impact as THF Pictures’
"The F Zone," a new, independent explosively
dramatic action film about some of the horrors,
strong arm tactics and ruthless behavior of the
U.S. Internal Revenue Service



The 16th Amendment states, " The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect 
taxes on incomes,
from whatever source derived without apportionment among the several states, and 
without regard to
any census of enumeration."

In recent history the IRS targeted the entertainment industry for large scale tax 
Specifically in the definitions of employee vs. independent contractor and the 
thereof. These changes were made by broadly interpreting existing tax laws and 
unfortunately came at
the expense of small companies without the resources to fight the large levies placed 
on them by IRS
and state agencies.

The recent insurgence of patriot groups, militia and other similar groups is related 
to the rising
discontent with the tax system as well as the federal government. These groups, in 
general, feel the
government has become too powerful an entity in which the rights of the individual are 
eroded. Recent disclosures, such as the government's radiation experiments upon 
participants, the Iran-Contra drugs-for-weapons scandal, the leaving behind of 
American POW's in
North Korea, or the CIA's fundraising by selling crack in our inner cities, has led to 
an ever
increasing distrust of the American Government. And now, recent evidence has suggested 
that the
sixteenth amendment to the Constitution, upon which all authority for modern taxation 
rests, was
never legally ratified. The number of states that ratified it was less than the 
three-fourths margin
needed to declare it an amendment, yet the acting Secretary of State in 1913 declared 
it ratified.
Patriot groups have used this information, as well as an extensive knowledge of the 
laws, U.S.
codes, and the Constitution, to "legally" avoid paying taxes.

Multiple members of congress have made it their platform and vow to change the tax 
system and the
IRS. One publication suggested that in the next year some 20 million citizens will 
have an adverse
encounter with the IRS.


Producer Dennis Smith (William Harrity), though innocent of any wrongdoing, is 
financially ruined by
a group of IRS agents intent on changing the tax standards for the entertainment 

Led by agent Lothar Gunter (Lee West) they levy Dennis' accounts forcing him out of 
business. Dennis
accepts help from tax attorney Loren Adams (Kelly Hunt), but without adequate funds to 
mount an
opposition he must resort to her off the record advice which entails hiding his assets 
from seizure
by the IRS. Angered by Dennis' evasiveness, Lothar and his marshals (F.G. Houston  
Mark Hoadley)
make life difficult for Dennis, who manages to stay one step ahead. Loren convinces 
Dennis that he
must learn the knowledge necessary to protect himself, but she possesses alternative 
motives that
are driven by circumstances that have led to her own loathing of the IRS. Loren seeks 
to convince
Dennis to help her create a film that will question the validity of the federal 
authority for
taxation, the sixteenth amendment. Dennis' initial reluctance changes as the pain of 
Loren's past is

Loren reasons that by imparting the knowledge necessary to understand an injustice to 
the populace,
change can occur via the will of the people. Dennis' consent leads to an interesting 
and tumultuous


Not since the Boston Tea Party has there been a tax event with as much impact as THF 
Pictures’ "The
F Zone," a new, independent explosively dramatic action film about some of the 
horrors, strong arm
tactics and ruthless behavior of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. All too often, in 
the opinion of
this film, IRS policy is you’re guilty until proven innocent! "The F Zone" producers 
said they were
motivated since the inception of their film to create an illumination about a common 

And that’s why "The F Zone’s" everyperson protagonist, Dennis Smith (portrayed by 
filmmaker William
Harrity), tosses prudence to the wind and fights the most awesome adversary of them 
Internal Revenue Service.

When Smith rebels by announcing to the IRS that he "refuses to pay the large levy 
imposed by them on
him and his company" war breaks out between him and agent Lothar Gunter (Lee West), 
probably the
most relentless pursuer since officer Javert in "Les Miserables" or Tommy Lee Jones in 
Fugitive." Smith is motivated by the real-life facts that the sixteenth amendement to 
Constitution, upon which all authority for modern taxation rests, was never legally 
ratified. The
number of states 

[CTRL] Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory -[1]-

1999-04-15 Thread philately

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.habtheory.com/100.htm"Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory/A

Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory
by Gershon Gales http://www.habtheory.com/


The core of "The HAB Theory"
Geophysical science offers rather thin explanations
for the periods of history during which great glaciers
allegedly advanced and retreated from the polar
regions, leaving a great deal of physical evidence.

Equatorial Bulge Displacement.
When a tilt occurs, the poles rapidly accelerate until
the ice caps reach 45 degrees from the axis of spin,
due to the centrifugal force acting on them.

Immediately upon passing this 45-degree point, an
equally rapid deceleration begins, and the ice caps
comes to a full stop between 10 and 15 degrees from
the former equatorial latitude.

Result and Aftermath.
During and following the capsizing of the Earth,
incredible surface devastation occurs as the planet
absorbs the phenomenal kinetic energy which the
rollover has generated. That, in essence, is what's
happening in Antarctica today. The weight of the ice
cap is squeezing the material of the continent out
from under it. The extruded material forms a range
of mountains before it, all the way to the coastal
areas and even beyond. There's good evidence that
in this way not only is the ice cap growing, but
the continent itself is expanding.

Previous Poles
Two tilts ago, a polar cap was where there is an even
larger and deeper depression than the Sudan Basin
(a polar site before the most recent tilt) -- present
Hudson Bay. While the Hudson Bay ice cap was in
existence, the land masses of India, Borneo, Africa
and South America lay in tandem along the equatorial

Shifts of the Magnetic Pole
Another foundation stone in the support for the HAB
Theory lies in the discovery in the relatively recent
past of some rather odd rocks which, though magnetic,
do not point to what is currently north and south.

Advanced Human Civilizations in the long distant past?
According to the HAB theory, there have been many
occassions in the past during which the time between
capsisings allowed human civilizations to develop,
only to be wiped out again as the Earth tilted.

Historical Origin of Fruits and Vegetables
The seats of origin of most of the world's important
staple vegetables and fruits are the Sumatra-Malaysia
area, and the Ecuador-Peru area. Most of our fruits
have originated, as best as can be determined, from
a large radius of southern Asia, of which the Malay
Archipelago appears to be the hub. These include
fruits such as cherries, pears, apples, plums,
olives, figs and grapes. Others, too, perhaps
-- apricots and peaches, citrus fruits, bananas,
coconuts and mango.

Records of Past Civilizations Ancient Egypt
The culture of the Egyptians appeared full-blown,
without any history antedating the First Dynasty.
About the year 450 BC, the Greek historian Herodotus
journeyed to both Memphis and Thebes on the Nile and
talked at length with the priests there about their
country and its history.

Records of Past Civilizations: China
Such records have indeed been found ... in China.
These were contained in a large number of peculiar
stone disks discovered in some underground repositories
in the Himalayas near the border of Tibet.

Records of Past Civilizations: Ecuador Back in 1965
an Argentine citizen, Juan Moricz, who is an amateur
archeologist, was poking about in the Ecuadorian Andes
about 150 miles south of Quito, in the Province of
Santiago. He found a cave held in superstitious awe
by the Indian tribes of  the area. After finally
gaining their confidence, he was allowed to enter
the cave to explore. What he found is amazing.

An Explanation for the Otherwise Inexplicable Perhaps
now one of the most puzzling of these, the incredible
find at Marcahuasi, only 80 km northeast of this city,
can be solved. Are these the remains of a civilization
made extinct by a previous capsizing? The remains
have been a continuing enigma to archeologists,
particularly a spectacular discovery made in 1952
at an altitude of  over 13,000 feet in the Andes.


Geophysical science offers rather thin explanations
for the periods of history during which great
glaciers advanced and retreated from the polar
regions, leaving a great deal of physical evidence.

The more one delves into the actual evidence, the
more skeptical one becomes of the existing theories.
The truth, according to the HAB Theory, is that
periodically - at intervals ranging from 3,000
to 7000 years but averaging around 5,500 years
apart - great global cataclysms have occurred
which destroyed virtually all of whatever life
forms or civilizations had developed on the
Earth to that point.

The cataclysms occur when the Earth is thrown off
balance due to a massive, unbalanced accumulation
of ice at the polar regions. As these polar ice
caps grow, their enormous weight, accumulating
unevenly as it does, creates an imbalance, and
a wobble begins to develop in the 

[CTRL] Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory -[2]-

1999-04-15 Thread philately

 -Caveat Lector-


A HREF="http://www.habtheory.com/100.htm"Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory/A

Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory
by Gershon Gales [EMAIL PROTECTED]

According to the HAB theory, there have been many occassions in the past during which 
the time
between capsisings allowed human civilizations to develop, only to be wiped out again 
as the Earth
tilted. In our present era, virtually all cultures, from the most primitive to the 
most civilized,
have in the dim reaches of their history the record or legend of a great flood. In the 
Bible it is
the story of Noah. In the Oriental book The Ten Stems of China there are texts about 
it. In Eros,
the 12 clay tablets inscribed in Sumerian cuneiform contain the Epic of Gilgamesh, 
which recounts
the journeying of Enkidu, a sort of counterpart of Noah. In Greek mythology, Deucation 
and his wife,
Pyrrha, are the only survivors of a great flood visited on the Earth by the great god 
Zeus. The
ancient Brahmans, Chat Deans, Hindus and Babylonians have their own records or legends 
about similar
great floods from which only a handful of individuals escaped with their lives. 
Similar legends are
found among the Indians of the Americas and among the aboriginal tribes of Australia, 
Sumatra, Africa and Southeast Asia.

Generally, we moderns have looked upon these stories as being apocryphal, but perhaps 
we have been
wrong. And while the support they provide cannot yet be considered proof, they do 
interesting and sometimes rather awesome corroboration to the theory of a recurrently 

In Iraq, for example, near the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is the 
site of the
ancient Chaldean city of Ur. Evidence exposed by archeologists digging through layer 
after layer to
a depth of 50 feet proved that over 130 dynasties existed there. Then, at just over 50 
feet, they
encountered an thick layer of clay. Beneath that layer were discovered the remains of 
another 10
dynasties, but the artifacts recovered from these lower layers bore little resemblance 
to those
discovered in the layers above. Pottery below the clay was beautifully and skillfully 
painted, but
that above the clay was not. Copper artifacts were common in the layers above the 
clay, but absent
in those below.

The archeologists are unanimous in concluding that the layer of clay must be the 
residue of a great
flood which buried the city under a blanket of silt. For the silt to accumulate and 
turn into clay
took a great while and, though scientists are still not agreed to the exact amount of 
time involved,
the general consensus is that the upper layers were all deposited within the past 
7,500 years.

The ancient Greek Solon, according to Plato, was told by Egyptian priests in 600 BC 
that 9,000 years
previously, Egypt had been invaded by great armies from the powerful island empire of 
Atlantis, and
that afterward Atlantis was covered by the ocean in a great deluge. The existence of 
such a place as
Atlantis has long been held as a myth, but in view of the accumulation of evidence, 
perhaps there is
more veracity to the story than heretofore believed.

[A note on scientific discoveries that may not have been known to HAB or Allan W. 
Eckert at the time
the book was written: There are places in Antarctica that are totally arid, with no 
evidence of any
precipitation at all in hundreds of years. There are also great dry valleys in 
Antarctica, wide
enough for a small airplane to do a leisurely turn within it's width, which show clear 
evidence of
the passing of a glacier; the smooth contours of the bowl, the scraping lines on the 
floor of the
valley, and boulders scattered in a neat but random pattern all throughout the floor 
of the valley.]

istorical Origin of Fruits and Vegetables

The seats of origin of most of the world's important staple vegetables and fruits are 
Sumatra-Malaysia area, and the Ecuador-Peru area. Most of our fruits have originated, 
as best as can
be determined, from a large radius of southern Asia, of which the Malay Archipelago 
appears to be
the hub. These include fruits such as cherries, pears, apples, plums, olives, figs and 
Others, too, perhaps -- apricots and peaches, citrus fruits, bananas, coconuts and 

On the other hand, the basic vegetables seem to have originated primarily in the upper 
Andes --
Ecuador and Peru, as mentioned, but also Bolivia and upper Chile. They would include 
both white
potatoes and sweet potatoes, yams, maize, numerous beans including Lima and navy 
beans, pumpkins,
squash, peppers, and many others.

It has never been clearly explained before, but there were cobs and kernels of popcorn 
found in
ancient Peruvian burial grounds which were thought to be unique to the world until, 
some years
later, identical species of popcorn were found in ancient urns buried in the Naga 
Hills in the
border country of Burma and Siam. This has been a very uncomfortable 

[CTRL] Rambouillet: Fighting words

1999-04-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

A little longer than the average post but the text of the "accord" is
important in terms of the current state of affairs.  Text of Rambouillet
follows article.   AER 

From wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : The Balkan Crisis

How the Balkan war was prepared
Rambouillet Accord foresaw the occupation of all Yugoslavia
By Peter Schwarz
14 April 1999

The refusal of the Milosevic government to sign the Rambouillet Accord
provided NATO with official justification for its war against Yugoslavia.
For a long time, however, the precise contents of this accord were unknown.
The Contact Group, responsible for the talks at Rambouillet and Paris, had
agreed to remain silent. The complete text was only recently published on
the Internet site of the Albanian Kosova Crisis Center.

As can now be seen, the accord contains provisions that would have subjected
the whole of Yugoslavia to NATO occupation. The official presentation
repeatedly stated that it was a matter of autonomy for Kosovo, which would
be secured by the stationing of a "peace force" in Kosovo. However, Appendix
B, "Status of Multi-National Military Implementation Force", grants NATO
freedom of movement "throughout all Yugoslavia", i.e., Serbia and Montenegro
as well as Kosovo.

The text of Article 8 of this Appendix reads: "NATO personnel shall enjoy,
together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and
unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY [Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia] including associated airspace and territorial
waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac,
maneuver, billet, and utilization of any areas or facilities as required for
support, training, and operations."

Article 6 guarantees the occupying forces absolute immunity: "NATO
personnel, under all circumstances and at all times, shall be immune from
the Parties' jurisdiction in respect of any civil, administrative, criminal,
or disciplinary offenses which may be committed by them in the FRY."

Article 10 secures NATO the cost-free use of all Yugoslavian streets,
airports and ports.

If the Yugoslav government had signed the accord, they would have been
relinquishing all claims to sovereignty over their own territory. The
Berliner Zeitung noted, "This passage sounds like a surrender treaty
following a war that was lost ... The fact that Yugoslavian President
Milosevic did not want to sign such a paper is understandable."

The way in which the Yugoslav government was called upon to sign this
diktat--delivered as an ultimatum--and the secretiveness regarding its
content, suggest that the Rambouillet and Paris conferences were aimed at
providing a pretext for war, not a political solution to the Kosovo

"An accord such as this could not be signed by any head of a sovereign
state," commented the radical newspaper Taz, the first German paper to
publish passages from the Accord itself.

"If the talks had really had the aim of producing agreement, and not merely
trying to convince skeptics of the unavoidability of NATO's attacks, then
the text of the Accord is incomprehensible."

The original proposal of the Contact Group, which served as the basis for
the Rambouillet Conference, did not contain these passages. The negotiations
were first supposed to deal with the question of Kosovar autonomy, and only
then take up the question of the military measures to be implemented to
carry this out. This was the basis for the Yugoslav government participating
in the conference.

In the course of negotiations, which lasted from February 6 to 23, the five
Western members of the Contact Group--the US, Britain, Germany, France and
Italy--moved openly to embrace the standpoint of the Kosovar Albanians, who
insisted on the stationing of NATO troops inside Kosovo. On the final day of
the conference, the final draft of the Accord was presented containing the
Appendix B quoted above.

From then on, the draft statutes covering Kosovar autonomy--to which the
Yugoslavian government had largely agreed--and the proposals for stationing
NATO troops inside Kosovo were characterised as an "indissoluble packet".
The Yugoslav delegation was given the bald choice of either swallowing the
ultimatum or rejecting the Accord as a whole, which they then did.

To the surprise of NATO, the Kosovar Albanians also refused to sign up. The
conference was consequently adjourned again, until the Kosovars signed the
same text on March 18. NATO had obtained the pretext it wanted to launch its
attack. On March 24, the first bombs were dropped.

It would appear that not a few politicians who bear responsibility for
launching the war were uninformed about this sequence of events. They agreed
to the attack on Yugoslavia without even having read the text that was used
to justify it. NATO's campaign of disinformation, which has accompanied the
war from its inception, is not only directed at the general public, but at
parliamentarians and senior 

[CTRL] Reese: Are We Really So Far Removed From Dark Days Of World War II? (fwd)

1999-04-15 Thread Danny Cox

 -Caveat Lector-

 Begin Forwarded Message

Are We Really So Far Removed From Dark Days Of World War II?

Orlando Sentinel
4-15-99 Charley Reese

Are we really so far removed from dark days of World War II?

Published in The Orlando Sentinel on April 15, 1999.

Let me tell you about something that happened back in the dark days of
World War II.

The German army, in 1941, stood astride of Europe, having defeated or
compelled the surrender of every nation. From the borders of Russia to
the Atlantic, from the English Channel and North Sea to the
Mediterranean, the German war machine stood victorious.

It is no surprise then that when that machine rolled into Yugoslavia,
the government surrendered. There was no chance to win a fight. Croatia
became an enthusiastic fascist state and set up its own concentration
camps to slaughter Jews and Serbs. Albania had joined the fascists and
sent a division into Kosovo, where, at that time, Serbs were a huge
majority. About 140,000 Serbs were killed.

The Bosnian Muslims, including their present leader, enthusiastically
formed a Waffen SS Division.

So what did the Serbs do? Well, that's the magic. Within a few days
after the Yugoslavian government surrendered, the Serb people rose up,
overthrew that government and told Hitler's legions in effect, "No,
hell, we don't surrender."

This is one of the noblest examples of human courage in history. Here
was a people hopelessly outnumbered who nevertheless preferred to die
than to surrender. More than a million did die, but they fought the
Germans so fiercely that the German invasion of the Soviet Union was
delayed. Hitler later blamed his defeat by the Russians on this delay.

It is shameful, in my opinion, that the United States, in its postwar
decline, led by sleazy people, is attacking the Serbs, who fought with
us as allies, to assist people who fought against us as Nazi allies.

And it is moronic that people in Washington supposed that the Serbs, who
defied the German war machine, would collapse and tremble at the feet of
someone whose ill-planned, poorly thought-out campaign has already led
to a human disaster for the very people he said it was designed to save.

And make no mistake, this president, famous for his bad judgment, by
rejecting any compromise is committing the United States to ground war
in the Balkans. The idea that this man, who spoke of loathing the U.S.
military and who cowardly avoided the draft, is now willing to put
American troops into war against a former ally is really disgusting.

Clinton is going to discover, like Hitler, that he can occupy Serbia but
that he cannot subdue the Serbian people.

The American people should wake up and decide how many of their sons and
daughters they wish to sacrifice for the sake of Albania, once a fascist
state, once the most Stalinist of the communist states and currently the
most corrupt and incompetent of the former communist states.

When Clinton sends troops into Yugo-slavia it will be pointless to talk
about an exit strategy. There won't be one. There isn't even one for the
American troops stuck in Bosnia. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
officials have said they will be there at least another five years.

Americans should also remember that not one single European leader in
1914 intended to start a world war. They simply found themselves trapped
in a chain of actions and reactions and ended up in a situation not a
single one of them had intended or wanted.

Clinton, accustomed to cheap, small-state hustling, is clearly out of
his depth. He is playing a dangerous game and isn't sane enough to
realize just how dangerous it is. Beware of God's ironic sense of humor.
The century started with a world war ignited in the Balkans.

Let's pray it doesn't end the same way.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hungary/Yugoslavia]

1999-04-15 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/14/99 7:12:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 It wasn't just the Germans brought in by Operation Paperclip, either. We
 "acquired the services" of a large number of Japanese scientists and medical
 personnel who had been conducting their own experiments on human
 subjects--not, of course, in the Home Islands, but in occupied Korea (Chosen)
 and Manchuria (Manchukuo).

 With regard to the US influence on the Nazis, our particular contribution was
 in the area of legal codes. The first of the notorious Nuremberg Laws, the
 which authorized the sterilization of "racial inferiors" and "congenital
 defectives", was patterned directly after the Model Eugenics Code published
 the American Eugenics Association...which had been adopted by 47 out of the
 states. (The exception was Pennsylvania, and that was only because Governor
 Gifford Pinchot didn't like the particular version of the sterilization law
 that the legislature passed. He supported the eugenics movement quite happily
 otherwise.) Hitler was quite vocal in his admiration of American eugenicists
 like Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard.


Thanks for pointing out the bit about Japanese scientists, it is a point that
we definitely should not forget.  Additionally one must look at all the
research which our "respected" medical bodies refused to use because it was
gained through torture and terminal experiments (the Japanese froze the limbs
of both Chinese and American POW's solid then busted them to observe the
effects on the unfortunate victim, similar to Nazi experiments in high
altitude flight with Jews and other "undesirables being placed in pressure
chambers and taken artificially to incredible heights to observe the effects
on the body, leading to agony and death).  If you believe that one then I got
some swamp land in Florida for you.  One must ask oneself how a nation like
we are could believe a government when it says that it would not use Nazi's
(it lied and did and does today), that it wouldn't use this horrific research
(they lied, did and do use it), and wouldn't profit from the atrocities (but
they have), WHEN they did the VERY SAME things to OUR OWN PEOPLE in illegal
human experimentation.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bloodlined Breeder Women Betrayed

1999-04-15 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/14/99 8:03:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Apparently Judith has taken her writing to a venue where it is more
 appreciated and her little ground here on CTRL is now empty and barren. God
 how I miss her! Those were the heydays of conspiracy theory at its zenith!

Indeed!  I miss her as well, and feel she will return at some point down the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Heavier Spread

1999-04-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Int'l Herald Tribune

Where the conspiracy starts:

"The weight increases are apparent, to varying degrees, in every region of
the country. And with baby boomers settling in to the weight-gaining prime
of middle age and many teenagers tearing into endless ''super-size''
fast-food meals, scales across the nation are expected to tip even more in
the years ahead."

Paris, Friday, April 16, 1999
At Bottom, the Problem Is Spreading
As Americans' Obesity Rises, the Seat Pinches

By Rene Sanchez Washington Post Service

SEATTLE - The polite way to describe the change being made to seats on Puget
Sound ferries is to call it a refitting, or just a small but vital
adjustment to suit the times. But that hides the plain truth: So many riders
are so fat they need more room.
There was a day when the ferries carried 250 people with ease. Ferry
officials had figured out how much space the average person needed to sit by
using a precise formula - known as the 18-inch (45-centimeter) rule. It has
been a kind of national standard in seating for generations, but it may not
last much longer.

And in its demise is a story of the bulging of America.

From planes to stadiums, in church pews and cinemas, even here on Seattle's
ferries, the growing girth of the populace is slowly but surely redefining
what comfort means across the country and prompting many industries to look
anew at the shape of Americans. What they have found is a problem of sizable

In response to how wide many riders are getting, ferry officials recently
reduced capacity on some boats and are installing more benches and bigger
seats - with a 21-inch spread - on others. For the same reason, a movie
theater opening soon in Seattle will have some seats for obese patrons. And
at a ballpark being built downtown, many seats will be four inches wider
than seats at the old Kingdome.

''The old seats don't seem to be working anywhere,'' said a ferry rider,
Craig Gagner, on a trip across the sound to Vashon Island one recent
afternoon. ''My butt still fits the 18-inch rule they say they use, but so
many others are so huge they're crunching us. We're definitely not as lean
as we used to be.''

Nationally, some airlines are lifting tray tables higher on new planes to
accommodate burgeoning bellies. Restaurants are buying wider booths and
apparel makers are promoting more clothing with elastic waistbands.

The Society of Automotive Engineers is even working with U.S. Air Force
researchers on a $6 million study on the changing shape of Americans. As
part of it, more than 5,000 volunteers nationwide are being measured in more
than 100 ways with laser technology. The study, the most elaborate of its
kind in decades, is being sponsored by about two dozen top companies in
virtually every industry where knowing the width of Americans is vital:
General Motors, Ford, Boeing, Levi Strauss, even Caterpillar tractors.

''Nothing like this has been done in a long time,'' said Gary Pollak, a
coordinator of the three-year study. ''Everyone senses the shape of
Americans is changing, but we really need to know exactly how.''

That they are getting heavier is hardly a secret. A number of recent
government and university studies have warned of the trend. Some have
reported that the average daily calorie intake of men and women is rising
sharply, that more than half the country's adults are overweight and as many
as one-third obese - figures much higher than decades ago.

The weight increases are apparent, to varying degrees, in every region of
the country. And with baby boomers settling in to the weight-gaining prime
of middle age and many teenagers tearing into endless ''super-size''
fast-food meals, scales across the nation are expected to tip even more in
the years ahead.

For seatmakers and companies who are their clients, the implications are

''We don't want someone sitting in one of our cars or trucks being reminded
every day that they're getting bigger,'' said Marilyn Vala, an analyst for
Lear Corp., which designs seats for some of the nation's leading automotive
manufacturers. ''Across the industry, we're realizing that with demographics
and sizes changing, we're going to have to be more accommodating.''

Kevin McGuire, who runs a national consulting firm that advises performing
arts centers on seating, said that industry has begun to learn the same

At his urging, the restoration of Seattle's old Cinerama theater includes a
few dozen seats 24 inches wide and tailored for the obese. Many other seats
in the theater also will have armrests that lift and more space between
rows, all to make bigger people comfortable. Mr. McGuire is even training
staff members in how to make subtle overtures to obese patrons who might not
be aware of the special seating available to them 

[CTRL] Israel/Arabiana: 04-15-99

1999-04-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From ArabicNews.CoM

Kuwaiti donation to the Lebanese army
Kuwait, Politics, 4/15/99

The Lebanese army on Wednesday received 10 ambulances fully equipped with
best facilities as a donation from the state of Kuwait. The Kuwaiti
ambassador in Beirut Muhammad Saeed al-Sallal, Lebanese Defence Minister
Ghazi Zeiter and commander of the army, Michael Suleiman, were present on
this occasion. Al-Sallal praised the role played by the Lebanese army in
confrontation of Israel and voiced his country's stand in backing Lebanon.

Why??  Because ...

Israel continues aggression against south Lebanon
Lebanon, Military, 4/15/99

Israeli occupation forces on Wednesday continued their attacks on areas
adjacent to the occupied part of south Lebanon. Lebanese security sources
said the Israeli artillery on Wednesday morning bombarded the outskirts of
Sujoud town in al-Tuffah district.

The bombardment was accompanied with intensive sorties by Israeli warplanes
over southern Lebanese areas to the capital, Beirut.

Meantime, Israeli reconnaissance planes flew over the Western Bekaa areas.

Earlier the Israeli artillery bombarded the outskirts of Majdal Zoun town.

The Lebanese resistance retaliated by attacking Israeli fortifications at
al-Radar position in the western sector of south Lebanon. In a statement,
the Lebanese resistance said direct hits were achieved on the positions.

On Wednesday at noon, Israeli warplanes broke the sound barrier in the
airspace of the Baalbek district of eastern Lebanon. Lebanese security
sources said the Israeli artillery targeted the areas of Zibqin, Jib Sweid,
and al-Mansouri valley in south Lebanon.

The Israeli bombardment of Tuesday night Arnoun surroundings and al-Hamra
farm resulted in downing electricity wires and cutting off the supply of
electricity from Yahmur and Arnoun towns. On Wednesday morning the Lebanese
electricity department in al-Nabatiyeh maintained the damage.

In another development, the Israeli mini cabinet for security and political
affairs discussed in a session it held on Wednesday latest developments in
south Lebanon following the escalated Israeli attacks against Lebanese towns
and villages in the occupied part of south Lebanon.

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu debated steps and
measures that might be taken against the Lebanese resistance, especially
after the recent killing of an Israeli soldier in south Lebanon.

Turkey sells al-Ghab project to Israeli companies
Turkey, Economics, 4/15/99

The Turkish daily al-Shafaq al-Jadid has said that Turkey has sold the
southeastern Anadolia "al-Ghab" project to Israeli companies. The paper
added that some 67 Israeli companies are investing in this project.

 Moscow provide advanced defense system to Iran and Iraq
Iraq, Military, 4/15/99

Kuwaiti sources said today that the Russian government does not object to
providing both Iraq and Iran with its most modern defense systems, which
have proved their effectiveness during NATO strikes against Serbia and were
able to down ta US F-117 "Stealth" jet.

The sources said a Russian military official informed both Baghdad and
Tehran of the Russian government's desire to provide them with upgraded

The sources said the military official in Tehran said the other face of the
war in the Balkans is a field for testing Russian and US weapons, pointing
out that the USA is concerned with following up on the effectiveness of its
weapons while Russia is testing defense systems, with which it supports

Vatican warns Israel against permitting the building of a mosque in
Israel, Politics, 4/15/99

The Vatican on Wednesday warned the Israeli authorities against permitting
the construction of a mosque near al-Beshara Church (the church of the
Annunciation) in al-Nasera (Nazareth), northern Israel.

Papal nuncio Pietro Sambi told the AFP following a meeting with
representatives of the Israeli Religious Affairs Ministry in Jerusalem, "I
have, on behalf of all Christians, expressed opposition to building this
mosque, a project which will be bad for the celebrations decided in the year

The papal nuncio said that all heads of Christian churches in the holy lands
were ordered at the beginning of this month to shut down al-Nasera churches
for two days in protest against the acts of violence practised by Muslims
against Christians.

Replying a question on the possibility of cancelling the visit of Pope John
Paul II to the holy lands next year, Sambi said, "We do not have to

The Pope expressed a wish to visit the cradle of Christianity by the end of
the second millennium, but the Vatican has not set a date for such a visit.

The conflict relates to building a mosque just tens of meters from
al-Beshara church. The mayor of al-Nasera Ramez al-Jareyshah, a Christian,
intended to build a car park on this 1,890 square meter land in preparation
for the second millennium

The Muslims who erected a huge tent on the 

Re: [CTRL] Now's It's Serbian Terrorists IN THE U.S.

1999-04-15 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/15/99 7:24:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Yes, I have more fear of ORCHESTRATED events which will be labeled
 'Serbian terrorism' as an excuse to further erode the rights of U.S.
 citizens, than anything any actual Serbian might do...

Come on June you spoil ALL the fun by revealing the real motivation behind
their propaganda exercise.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cold War Is Back, With Nuclear Threat

1999-04-15 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/15/99 10:36:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   What ever happened to 1980s-era "Star Wars" missile defense system?
   I thought "Star Wars" was supposed to be an inpenetrable defense.
   Anyone know?
   Brian Redman
   Editor, CNNS
 If you recall, Reagan proposed it first as the Strategic Defense Initiative
 (SDI). Predictably, the Left reacted immediately and a media campaign was
 underway to discredit the program as ridiculous and too expensive. That's
 when somebody, I don't recall who, tagged it "Star Wars." Maybe some of it
 was implemented, but essentially it stalled, was dead in the water, because
 of media ridicule. Interestingly, now we're hearing members of the left bring
 it up again, calling it a pretty good idea.
 I guess it makes a difference when you know for sure that you have Russian
 and Chinese (and God knows who else's) missles aimed at you.


My opinion is that we have a system in place, it may not be as good as what
was predicted by Reagan but it is there.  Incidentally the REAL thing that
was funded with the "black" money used ostensibly for the "Star Wars" defense
initiative was NON-LETHAL weapons and associated "mind affecting" technology,
IMO, of course.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] For CTRL Old Timers

1999-04-15 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/15/99 2:21:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Reposted without comment.  -JY

 Subj:[SonsofLiberty] Posts
 Date:   4/15/99 1:28:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Willie Martin)
 Reply-to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: "Willie Martin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am wondering why you don't send out the posts that I
 send to you, are they not good enough for your list; are
 they too poorly written; does the subject matter not meet
 your criteris; or just what is the matter with them that you
 don't distribute them? 

No comment necessary there Jim!  Good old Willie, still up to the same old
same old I guess.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 7:07 PM

: Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
:Media analysis, critiques and news reports
:  April 14, 1999
:  Since the beginning of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia, the war has been
:  presented by the media as the consequence of Yugoslavia's stubborn
:  refusal to settle for any reasonable peace plan, in particular its
:  rejection of plans for an international security force to implement a
:  peace plan in Kosovo.
:  An article in the April 14 New York Times stated that Yugoslavian
:  President Milosevic "has absolutely refused to entertain an outside
:  force in Kosovo, arguing that the province is sovereign territory of
:  Serbia and Yugoslavia."
:  Negotiations between the Serb and Albanian delegations at the
:  Rambouillet meeting in France ended with Yugoslavia's rejection of the
:  agreement adopted, after much prodding, by the Albanian party.
:  But is that the whole story? On February 21, the Yugoslavs assented to
:  the terms of the political portion of the Rambouillet agreement. Their
:  rejection stemmed from their opposition to the requirement that 28,000
:  NATO troops be stationed in Kosovo to oversee the implementation of
:  the accord. This military clause, requiring NATO troops, was inserted
:  without the knowledge of the Russian representatives, who opposed the
:  provision.
:  By the  close of the first round of the Rambouillet talks in late
:  February, Serb President Milan Milutinovic had already declared
:  Serbia's willingness to to discuss "an international presence in
:  Kosovo" to monitor the implementation of the accords. On February 21,
:  Madeleine Albright responded by insisting that "We accept nothing less
:  than a complete agreement, including a NATO-led force."
:  On March 23, the day before the NATO bombing began, the Serbian
:  parliament adopted a resolution again rejecting the military portion
:  of the accords, but expressing willingness to review the "range and
:  character of an international presence" in Kosovo. According to the
:  Toronto Star's correspondent in Belgrade on March 24, "There have been
:  hints Serbia might ultimately accept a U.N. force."
:  But the U.S. appears to have been unwilling to consider any option
:  other than NATO troops. At a March 24 State Department press briefing,
:  spokesman James Rubin was asked about this development:
:  QUESTION: Was there any follow-up to the Serbian Assembly's yesterday?
:  They had a two-pronged decision. One was to not allow NATO troops to
:  come in; but the second part was to say they would consider an
:  international force if all of the Kosovo ethnic groups agreed to some
:  kind of a peace plan. It was an ambiguous collection of resolutions.
:  Did anybody try to pursue that and find out what was the meaning of
:  that?
:  MR.  RUBIN:  Ambassador Holbrooke was in Belgrade, discussed these
:  matters extensively with President Milosevic, left with the conclusion
:  that he was not prepared to engage seriously on the two relevant
:  subjects. I think the decision of the  Serb Parliament  opposing
:  military-led implementation was the message that most people received
:  from the parliamentary debate. I'm not aware that people saw any
:  silver linings.
:  QUESTION: But there was a second message, as well; there was a second
:  resolution.
:  MR. RUBIN:  I am aware that there was work done, but I'm not aware
:  that anybody in this building regarded it as a silver lining.
:  In other words, the State Department was aware that the Serbian
:  parliament expressed openness to an "international presence," but this
:  was not seen as a "silver lining," apparently because only a NATO
:  force was acceptable to the U.S.
:  Those who support the bombing of Yugoslavia argue that all peaceful
:  options for arriving at a settlement in Kosovo had been exhausted.
:  Journalists need to do more reporting on the Rambouillet process to
:  see if that in fact was the case.
:  ***
:  ACTION: Please contact local and national media and call on them to
:  report on the U.S. State Department's insistence that only a NATO-led
:  force in Kosovo could keep the peace there.  Did this position make it
:  more or less likely that the rights of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo
:  would be protected?
:  You can contact the New York Times at:
:  Andrew Rosenthal-- Foreign Editor
:  Contact information for other media outlets can be found at:
:  http://www.fair.org/media-contact-list.html
:  For more information on media coverage of the war in Yugoslavia, see

Re: [CTRL] Bloodlined Breeder Women Betrayed

1999-04-15 Thread Jim Yester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/15/99 5:35:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  In a message dated 4/14/99 8:03:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

   Apparently Judith has taken her writing to a venue where it is more
   appreciated and her little ground here on CTRL is now empty and barren.
   how I miss her! Those were the heydays of conspiracy theory at its zenith!

  Indeed!  I miss her as well, and feel she will return at some point down

Yes, it's sad isn't it. The tin foil that she had me paste to the interior
walls of my house is now beginning to peel away and fall into shapeless and
shiney heaps on the floor. And every so often I put on my tin foil lined
suede blazer just as another bittersweet reminder of that extraordinary
woman. Yes, I do hope that she returns one day.Jim

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Aw Shucks, Merely a Bit of Collateral Damage

1999-04-15 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/15/99 3:50:20 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But, apologising for the loss of life, Nato spokesman Jamie Shea said that
  "tragic accident" would not undermine the alliance's resolve to bring an
  Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's ethnic cleansing of the province.

  "Sometimes one has to risk the lives of the few to save the lives of the
  said Mr Shea.

Risk the lives of the few?  How many are dead or dying from fleeing the
bombings only to find their humanitarian mentors haven't prepared for their
most basic needs?

How many will die slow and anguished deaths if they return to their lands
only to be assaulted by the depleted uranium that is making so many Iraqis
and Gulf War Vets sick?

How many are "collateral" damage?  Add those numbers, compare  them with
the numbers Milosevic murdered BEFORE the NATO bombings and THEN repeat that
sentence, Mr. Shea.

I've admired Clinton, I've admired Cohen, I've certainly admired many of
the Democrats who support this travesty.  I give the maximum benefit of the
doubt to all those I admire, but this is a game -- a total bullshit,
propaganda game.   Sure I feel like I've been a sucker for 6 years and 3
months, but more importantly, I feel rage.

Clinton is cashing in all his chips, blowing his entire wad trying to
smooth over this gross rape of Yugolslavia.  It's disgusting, and he is, in
my view, a VERY dangerous man.  Did anyone see his press conference today on
CNN?  He was making jokes, being smooth, not showing one sign of the gut
wrenching anguish which should accompany a sincere person in his position.

Hell, he MAY be the Anti-Christ!  He sure is slicker than snot.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Yea or Nay ?

1999-04-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Via http://www.brookings.org/views/op-ed/haass/19990413.htm

So Is It Yes or No?

The New York Times, April 13, 1999
By Richard N. Haass, Director, Foreign Policy Studies

Increasingly it seems that the Clinton Administration's foreign policy is
intended to minimize risks rather than maximize results. The result is bad
politics and bad policy.
Take the debate about ground troops in Kosovo. After weeks of ruling out
their use, the Clinton Administration is now sending mixed messages. On
Sunday, Administration officials, including Gen. Henry Shelton, the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, suggested that plans for ground troops exist
and could be taken off the shelf at any time. Yesterday, Defense Secretary
William Cohen said that the air attacks are increasingly effective, while
reiterating General Shelton's comments about ground troops.

What's going on here? It seems as if foreign policy is being driven by
public opinion. News photos of suffering Albanian refugees have had an
enormous impact on the American people; opinion polls indicate that about
half of them now favor sending ground forces into Kosovo. But the
Administration also seems to have no confidence that popular support would
survive the first casualties.

This is no way to make foreign policy -- or win a war. It is one thing to
rule out ground troops because they are not needed. It is something else
again to reject them out of fear that the American people will not back
their use.

Indeed, history suggests that Americans will support using ground troops,
even after the country suffers casualties. The public even supported the
Vietnam War for more than a decade despite the horrible costs. And it was
prepared to shed far more blood than proved necessary in the Persian Gulf

The Clinton Administration must stop making vague pronouncements and clearly
state that ground troops might be necessary in Kosovo.

Certainly, such troops will be needed to protect the Kosovo refugees if they
are to return home. But the troops may be needed much earlier if the
Yugoslav Government refuses to withdraw from Kosovo.

Alas, the Administration's handling of this issue is not an exception. Much
the same pattern can be seen in its China policy, for example.

President Clinton has long supported an expansion of economic ties to China,
but he balked at signing a trade agreement last week that would have allowed
Beijing to join the World Trade Organization. This, even though China's
Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, agreed to significant concessions that went far
beyond what the Administration itself had predicted. President Clinton
clearly feared a confrontation with members of Congress and many domestic
interests who are arrayed against closer United States links to China.

The price for such timidity is high. The United States lost a chance to
expand into one of the world's largest and fastest growing markets. And we
lost a chance to force China to play by the rules of the world economy.

The literature on leadership is filled with the need for executives to
listen. But there is such a thing as too much listening, especially when it
comes to fundamental questions of direction. At times leaders have to get
out in front, to persuade people to accept what they are not yet comfortable
with. In foreign policy as in all else, nothing ventured, nothing gained --
and, increasingly, much lost.

Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company

Note: The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and should
not be attributed to the staff, officers or trustees of the Brookings


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of 

[CTRL] Kosovo/China/Ancestral Voice

1999-04-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

The Progressive Response
April 14th, 1999
Vol. 3,  No. 13

The Progressive Response is a publication of Foreign Policy In Focus, a
joint project of the Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for
Policy Studies. The project produces Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF) briefs
on various areas of current foreign policy debate. Electronic mail versions
are available free of charge for subscribers. The Progressive Response is
designed to keep the writers, contributors, and readers of the FPIF series
informed about new issues and debates concerning U.S. foreign policy issues.

We encourage comments to the FPIF briefs and to opinions expressed in PR.
We're working to make The Progressive Response informative and useful, so
let us know how we're doing, via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (that's irc, then
the number one NOT the letter L.) Please put "Progressive Response" in the
subject line.

Tom Barry, editor

Table of Contents
I. Updates and Out-Takes


by James H. Nolt, World Policy Institute

II. Comments

by James H. Nolt, World Policy Institute

I. Updates and Out-Takes


(Ed. Note: Included below are portions of a document edited by Foreign
Policy In Focus codirector Martha Honey that includes the observations of
the following foreign policy experts: Phyllis Bennis, expert on the United
Nations and Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies; Robert Hayden, Director of
Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh; Carl LeVan,
Legislative Director, Office of Rep. John Conyers (D-MI); Jules Lobel,
Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh; Alistair Millar, Director of the
Washington Office, Fourth Freedom Forum; Michael Ratner, Lawyer, Center for
Constitutional Rights; Stephen Zunes, Professor of Politics, University of
San Francisco. The entire document is being posted on the project's website:

Has the NATO bombing met the three goals originally announced by President
Clinton on March 24:
1) to "demonstrate the seriousness of NATO's opposition to aggression,"
2) to deter Milosevic "from continuing and escalating his attacks" in
Kosovo, and
3) to damage Serbia's capacity to wage war in the future?

The bombing has done just the opposite. It has increased the repression
against the Kosovar Albanians, threatened to widen the war, strengthened
Milosevic, and weakened NATO. The NATO air offensive has also failed in the
additional goals originally listed by President Clinton and others in the

1. To "prevent a humanitarian catastrophe"--to the contrary, the attack
provoked one.

2. "To prevent a wider war"--to the contrary, the war is threatening to
engulf other countries.

3. To build a "peaceful, secure, united, stable Europe" by meeting the
following challenges:
 a. "strengthening our relationship with Russia"--the reverse has
 b. "ending instability in the Balkans"--the reverse is happening.

4. "Demonstrating the seriousness of NATO's purpose"--but neither President
Clinton nor other top officials specified what would constitute a successful
NATO effort. (New York Times, March 25)

Now, according to the New York Times (April 11), the NATO allies face an
ever more "daunting task" to: 1) stop the Serb attacks against civilians; 2)
escort the half million-plus refugees back to Kosovo; and 3) guarantee a
lasting peace settlement through an indefinite peacekeeping operation. And
to get there will take not only greatly escalating the bombing but, military
experts argue, sending in somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 NATO ground
troops--something President Clinton explicitly pledged would not happen.

What is the immediate and long-term impact of NATO bombing on Serbia and the
entire region?

The NATO destruction of Serbia's infrastructure, including felled bridges
that have blocked the Danube, will cause severe long-term damage to the
entire economic activity of the Balkans. The larger region, which was
heavily hit by the 1992-95 sanctions on Yugoslavia, is hit economically
again. While Milosevic is evil, his small country, under sanctions for seven
years now, simply does not have the ability to do much damage beyond its
borders. The fallout from the NATO assault will, however, extend throughout
the Balkans.

Macedonia, Montenegro, and Albania are in severe danger of destabilization.
Macedonia's delicate ethnic balance has been disrupted, and its
irresponsible actions toward the refugees have further isolated it.
Albania's weak economy and infrastructure are being further stressed by the
flood of refugees and, reportedly, KLA guerrillas. The democratic and
anti-Milosevic forces in Montenegro have been silenced and the 

[CTRL] Court: Witnesses Have Troubles Identifying Members of Other Races

1999-04-15 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

We may all *look* alike to Reptiloids...but do we all *taste* the same?
Court: Witnesses Have Troubles Identifying Members of Other Races


TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- The New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled that juries in
some mixed-race criminal cases should be told that witnesses have a tougher
time identifying defendants of another race.

Prosecutors had argued there isn't enough scientific evidence to prove
witnesses have more difficulty identifying members of another race.

But the court rejected the argument Wednesday, saying there have been ample
studies and that most jurisdictions accept the concept.

"Indeed some courtroom observers have commented that the ordinary person's
difficulty of 'cross-racial recognition' is so commonplace as to be the
subject of both cliche and joke: 'they all look alike,"' the court wrote.

The court ordered a new trial in the rape case of a white Rutgers University
student who identified a black man, McKinley Cromedy, as her attacker. The
court said the jury should have been given a "cross racial instruction"
alerting jurors to pay close attention to the possible influence of race in
identifying defendants.

The woman had not recognized a photograph of Cromedy that she was shown a few
days after the rape. However, she alerted police eight months later when she
spotted Cromedy on a street corner. She identified him as the rapist after he
had been taken into custody.

No forensic evidence was admitted during the trial. Court documents said it
was not possible to link Cromedy to the rape through blood and sperm samples,
and no fingerprints were taken by police at the scene.

The trial court did not allow the jury to be advised that "cross racial
identification" could affect the victim's ability to identify her assailant, a
decision upheld by an appeals court and overturned this week.

"It's an important decision," said Sylvia Orenstein, who argued the case on
behalf of Cromedy. "Science has shown, unfortunately, that most people tend to
better recognize people of their own race. This is another factor a jury
should be alerted to consider."

The court said a cross-racial instruction to juries should only be given when
identification is critical to the case, and there are no other eyewitnesses to
back up the victim's charges.

Copyright 1999 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-04-15 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Name change?  Northern European/American Treaty Organisation {NEATO} ? 

In Focus: NATO at 50

Volume 4, Number 11
March 1999

Written by Tomás Valásek, Center for Defense Information
Editors: Martha Honey (IPS) and Tom Barry (IRC)

Key Points
The end of the cold war invalidated NATO's original mandate and raised
questions about the need for a military alliance focusing on territorial
The alliance responded by embarking on peacekeeping missions in the Balkans
and enlarging to include former Warsaw Pact countries.
New U.S. proposals would expand the scope of NATO's operations, even while
relations with Russia founder.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-a military alliance of 17
European nations, the U.S., and Canada-will celebrate its 50th anniversary
in April 1999 by convening a summit in Washington, DC. The alliance was
created under U.S. leadership in 1949 to defend the West against the Soviet
military threat. Historically, the U.S. provided the largest share of funds,
troops, and weapons to NATO's activities and dominated the alliance's

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact invalidated NATO's
original mandate and prompted a search for a new approach to European
security. Several new roles were proposed for NATO, including serving as a
forum for arms reduction and elimination, and becoming a political force for
consolidating democratic, capitalist systems throughout Europe, including
Russia. Another option was the complete abolition of NATO. On a continent
devoid of superpower rivalries, the new type of challenges-peacekeeping and
conflict prevention-could be handled by the 55-member Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the designated European
collective security organization. The OSCE, which includes all European
countries, the U.S., Canada, and the former Soviet republics, specializes in
conflict monitoring and prevention, arms reduction, and post-conflict

Before completion of a comprehensive review of the need for NATO, the
alliance was thrust into a peacekeeping role in the Balkan wars. When the
activities of the UN and the European Union failed to prevent escalation of
the violence in Bosnia, NATO was called on to deliver punitive strikes
against the Bosnian Serb aggressor forces. NATO troops entered the country
in December 1995 to safeguard implementation of the Dayton peace agreement.
In June 1998 NATO countries extended the mandate of the Stabilization Force
(SFOR) in Bosnia indefinitely.

In July 1997, primarily at U.S. urging, NATO decided to invite three former
Warsaw Pact countries to join. This watershed event in NATO's post-cold war
history marked the end of the search for an alternative security
arrangement. Despite the absence of a clearly articulated purpose, the U.S.
and the European countries established NATO as the dominant security
organization in Europe. The expansion itself, coupled with peacekeeping
duties in the Balkans, became the alliance's raison d'être. But the decision
carried a political price: the expansion to former Warsaw Pact countries,
NATO's continued emphasis on territorial defense, and the persisting
dominant role of the U.S. in NATO damaged America's relations with Russia
and contributed to the radicalization of the Russian political scene. NATO's
attempts at damage control-such as the signing of the NATO-Russia Founding
Act, a largely unimplemented document on cooperation-failed to weaken Moscow
's opposition. The Yeltsin government accepted the first round of expansion
as a fait accompli while opposing the expansion in principle and protesting
the plans to include former Soviet republics in particular.

The financial costs of expansion-the costs of upgrading weapons in the new
member countries and buying communications systems compatible with NATO-will
be borne by new and longtime members. All three new NATO members have
increased their defense spending to cover the costs associated with
membership. But U.S. taxpayers will also pay their share. U.S. assistance
has already been required to help bring the invitees to NATO standards. For
example, the U.S. paid for installations of an air surveillance system in
Poland and will cover the costs of leasing surplus F-16 or F/A-18 fighter
aircraft to the Polish air force.

NATO continues to evolve, with the U.S. advocating new missions and a more
assertive approach to military operations. The new U.S. proposals raised in
early 1999 would authorize operations outside the territory of alliance
members. U.S. officials also argue that NATO should no longer be obligated
to secure UN Security Council approval for its military operations.
Washington hopes to formalize these and other proposals for NATO's future
missions in a number of documents slated for adoption at the alliance's 50th
anniversary summit. Far from settling the question of NATO's roles and
responsibilities, the proposals raise a number of questions 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hungary/Yugoslavia]

1999-04-15 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

 One must ask oneself how a nation like we are could believe a government
when it says that it would not use Nazi's

They recruited Shiro Ishii, the "Japanese Mengele." How can we then
believe they did not also recruit the German Mengele?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Tsadowq

 -Caveat Lector-

Fellow Lollards:

In a message dated 99-04-15 13:02:08 EDT, you write:
 "Executive Orders are for selling and purchasing of land.  And nothing
else, in fact there is NO Constitutional Amendment to create an EO.  And
until there is these EOs are NULL  VOID!!!" 

There is much to say here, but I hope to begin by contributing a
post that I wrote to another online group.  My following comments
spawned from another group member's opinions on the Constitution.

Knowing that the mention of the "Learned Elder's" Protocols will
receive the harangue of some within this list, I have still decided
to forward CTRL my post-- as I know that I have researched and
validated the information contained therein to my own satisfaction.

There is no Constitution.  It has been suspended for some 66 years.

Still muttering,


As far as Constitutional Mythology, the only real myth is that
the Constitution is even in use today.  The fact of the matter
is that this country has been kept in a "state of emergency"
for the last 66 years.

  "Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been
in a state of Declared National Emergence."

-Senate Report 93-549 (1973)

The War Powers granted to Roosevelt in 1933, were not unlike
those given to Hitler under Article 48.  Many of us are already
aware of the fact that it is the War Powers which empower
the President to continue doing the round-about with the
remaining two "balances of power".  This is as well,  what
keeps the Presidents from rescinding the state of emergency.

We should sincerely ask why any President would voluntarily abdicate
the authority and broad sweeping power that now lies in his hands-- by
means of keeping America in a continued state of emergency-- which
perpetuates the continuation of the War Powers themselves.

When reading below, keep in mind that it is through these same War
Powers that the Executive Orders are signed.  Secondly, when reading
the Senate Report below, it is clearly established why Presidents--while
not given authority to declare war without Congress by the Constitution--
have continually gotten away with "assigning military forces abroad"

  "A majority of the people in the United States have lived all their
   lives under emergency rule.  For 40 years, freedoms and govern-
   mental procedures guaranteed by the constitution have, in varying
   degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of
   National emergency. In the United States, actions taken by govern-
   ment in times of great crisis have... in important ways shaped the
   present phenomenon of a permanent state of National emergency".

  "These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of federal law.  These
hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powers,
ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the lives of Ameri-
can citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners.  This vast range
of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule this country
without reference to normal constitutional process."

  "Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may:
   seize property, organize and control the means of production; seize
   commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law;
   seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate
   the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora
   of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens."

   cont'd -- Senate Report 93-549 (1973)

That sure looks familiar...Where have we read that before?

  "Independently of this we shall invest the president
   with the right of declaring a state of war."

 -- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion

Of course, if Americans *knew* that they weren't actually "free", they would
not keep on snatching up brand new $150.00 VCRs manufactured from MFN
China's sweat shops.  If Americans were to actually see through their pseudo
freedom, then the flow of revenue from Mystery Babylon's cash cow (America)
would no longer provide liquidity to fund Communism (read:International
Socialism) all over the world.

What will truly suprise the capitalistic Mystery School Adepts, is when
the Communist beast which was once a tool in their Megolomaniac belt,
wrenches itself free from their unseen hand of history, and rises up to
destroy the Great Whore which has been riding on it's/their back.

The Constitution was NEVER intended to insure the freedom of men; nor
was it designed to keep a free Republic.  Anyone who has truly studied
the completely ambiguous language of the Constitution itself, knows that
the document-- while appearing to reserve anchor points of immutable
Rights for "it's" people, actually becomes a quagmire of 

[CTRL] Why Social Engineering will FAIL

1999-04-15 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

Why Social Engineering will FAIL  - Andrew Hennessey

I make a basic assumption here which I must qualify, before I
present a very scientific analogy which ought to cheer us all up.
I make the assumption that there is a 'soul' as in my own experience
and the experiences of my friends at the Transformation Group who
have had Out of Body experiences that we realise that there is more
to this material life than meets the eye.
[You also don't have to be religious to know about 'Continuity'.]
I need to say this because it is well known that Mind Control experiments
try to usurp and control the very essence of our existence - through
techniques, implants, computers etc etc
We have heard tales of terror about Tavistock, CIA, Stanford etc etc etc etc
and how we should believe that the human race will become automaton slaves.
However, I want to show you a real analogy in the real world that can give
us hope for the future.
The Missippi River and the River Ganges are two of the most powerful rivers
on the planet. Fierce, unpredictable, flooding, changeable and devious.
Rather like the evolutionary stream of human society over the millenia.
They are Chaos engines of incredible power - as is Humanity.
Some of the most labour intensive engineering on this planet has gone into
trying to control the flow of these rivers.
Concrete straight jackets, metallic sluices, computerised partitioning,
millions of tons of rubble and concrete strategically placed etc etc
and this is much like the computerised straight jacket now surrounding
the human race.
But the evidence proves that the more control attempted by engineering,
the more catastrophic the results for the engineers.
Dams break etc because the increased flow caused by engineering creates bigger
variables and events within the system.
Just look at the disasters on the Ganges and Missippi.
So given that the source of Humanity is inaccessible to the material
engineers - the human river of evolution will never be tamed.
[thats my theory :)]

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh Scotland

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[CTRL] America's Funeral Song?

1999-04-15 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

Always wondered what the lyrics to this song by Don McClean meant.
The web site goes into DEEP interpretation of the song that all us
"fortyish" types used to sing.
It's got it all:
Mystery Babylon
United Nations
Planned Destruction of America
Lost Tribes of Israel
The Militia Movement
The Protocols
Recent American History
Washington's Vision
The Communist Manifesto
Bible Prophecy

Move over Buddy Holly, it's not about you.

America's funeral hymn, The song of Moses, American Pie, and Armageddon.

Whatever conclusion you come to after reading this,
you will never again think of this song as you used to

No good power born of this earth could break, or stop Satan's power, as his
armies, united under the banner of Red Babylon, advance toward America.
This evil power of the adversary's of Christian America, symbolized by
Satan, will not be able to be stopped or broken, according to the song
American Pie.

In this case Satan's spell or power, would be the advancing armies of
Satan. Satan's armies will be united under the United Nations of Mystery

At that future time the American people will realize that, 'no good power
born of this earth, will be able to stop Satan's advancing armies. They
will watch these armies march into helpless and defenseless America. These
Armies who's number shall be as the sands of the sea. These armies will
then set America on fire, and murder it's citizens..

"Bye-bye, Miss American Pie. Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was
dry. Those good-ole-boys were drinking, Whiskey and rye, singing, "This'll
be the day that I die, This'll be the day that I die."
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread T Nohava

 -Caveat Lector-

   "Executive Orders are for selling and purchasing of land.  And nothing
   else, in fact there is NO Constitutional Amendment to create
 an EO.  And
   until there is these EOs are NULL  VOID!!!"
  I may be wrong, but I always thought an EO was a way of
 circumventing the
  US constitution as their authority rests on the President, whom I assume
  makes sure he has enough support in the House and Senate before issuing
  one. As for null and void, technically they probably are but like many
  "temporary" political meaures (income tax springs to mind) they would
  likely be upheld by the US courts as having garnered a certain
  "legitimacy" by their unchallenged use and the presumed consensus (?)
  reached before the issuance of them.

 An Executive Order is a military term.  All military
 establishments have a board
 when two thing are posted every day.  1. the orders of the day.
 and 2. The XO's
 Executive Orders.  Lincoln was the first to use and EO.  It
 happened just after
 the South Left the Union.  When the South left, they no longer
 had a consensus to
 conduct business.  Lincoln declared a National Emergency,
 declared martial law and
 began issuing EO's.  We've been under Martial Law every since.
 Jim Norman

I think you're correct Jim, in that technically we've been under martial
since then. It's been my understanding that an EO written by the President
has to be qualified in some way by members (maybe a subcommittee perhaps) of
Congress. If the EO is enacted it is the law for six months and then
Congress meets to decide if the EO should be continued. The problem I feel
is allot can happen in six months for which no one can do anything about.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?
 Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 11:43 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

  "Executive Orders are for selling and purchasing of land.  And nothing
  else, in fact there is NO Constitutional Amendment to create an EO.
  until there is these EOs are NULL  VOID!!!"

 I may be wrong, but I always thought an EO was a way of circumventing the
 US constitution as their authority rests on the President, whom I assume
 makes sure he has enough support in the House and Senate before issuing
 one. As for null and void, technically they probably are but like many
 "temporary" political meaures (income tax springs to mind) they would
 likely be upheld by the US courts as having garnered a certain
 "legitimacy" by their unchallenged use and the presumed consensus (?)
 reached before the issuance of them.


Hiya Jamieson,

I know that there is either a 30 or 60 day period that either the Congress
or the Senate (Gee, do I know how my government works or what?) to stop the
EO.  In fact, there has been great concern on several lists why no one
seems to have any objections within the House or Senate about the many EOs
that have come down the pike recently.

But, basically, I was wanting to know if EOs where designed to specially
and ONLY address land issues and if there is no amendment in the
Constitution to create them.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Jim Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?
 Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 12:28 PM

  -Caveat Lector-

 Yardbird wrote:

   -Caveat Lector-
   "Executive Orders are for selling and purchasing of land.  And
   else, in fact there is NO Constitutional Amendment to create an EO.
   until there is these EOs are NULL  VOID!!!"
  I may be wrong, but I always thought an EO was a way of circumventing
  US constitution as their authority rests on the President, whom I
  makes sure he has enough support in the House and Senate before issuing
  one. As for null and void, technically they probably are but like many
  "temporary" political meaures (income tax springs to mind) they would
  likely be upheld by the US courts as having garnered a certain
  "legitimacy" by their unchallenged use and the presumed consensus (?)
  reached before the issuance of them.

 An Executive Order is a military term.  All military establishments have a
 when two thing are posted every day.  1. the orders of the day.  and 2.
The XO's
 Executive Orders.  Lincoln was the first to use and EO.  It happened just
 the South Left the Union.  When the South left, they no longer had a
consensus to
 conduct business.  Lincoln declared a National Emergency, declared
martial law and
 began issuing EO's.  We've been under Martial Law every since.
 Jim Norman

Now this is an interesting piece of information


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?
 Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 2:10 PM

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 04/15/1999 1:44:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  I may be wrong, but I always thought an EO was a way of circumventing
  US constitution as their authority rests on the President, whom I assume
  makes sure he has enough support in the House and Senate before issuing
  one. As for null and void, technically they probably are but like many
  "temporary" political meaures (income tax springs to mind) they would
  likely be upheld by the US courts as having garnered a certain
  "legitimacy" by their unchallenged use and the presumed consensus (?)
  reached before the issuance of them. 

 Well, Richard Nixon used one to stop the Western ranchers and sheep
 from putting out cyanide baits on public land.  The method being used was
 rather wiping out the entire food chain, not to mention the dogs
belonging to
 the forest rangers.  No problem though.  I'm sure they've found other
 to wipe out wildlife.  I must say, however, that I've never heard such a
 furor over executive orders as I have lately.  Prudy


That is because some of the EOs that have been written in the past decade
have been pretty scary.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?
 Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 8:19 PM

  -Caveat Lector-

"Executive Orders are for selling and purchasing of land.  And
else, in fact there is NO Constitutional Amendment to create
  an EO.  And
until there is these EOs are NULL  VOID!!!"
   I may be wrong, but I always thought an EO was a way of
  circumventing the
   US constitution as their authority rests on the President, whom I
   makes sure he has enough support in the House and Senate before
   one. As for null and void, technically they probably are but like
   "temporary" political meaures (income tax springs to mind) they would
   likely be upheld by the US courts as having garnered a certain
   "legitimacy" by their unchallenged use and the presumed consensus (?)
   reached before the issuance of them.
  An Executive Order is a military term.  All military
  establishments have a board
  when two thing are posted every day.  1. the orders of the day.
  and 2. The XO's
  Executive Orders.  Lincoln was the first to use and EO.  It
  happened just after
  the South Left the Union.  When the South left, they no longer
  had a consensus to
  conduct business.  Lincoln declared a National Emergency,
  declared martial law and
  began issuing EO's.  We've been under Martial Law every since.
  Jim Norman

 I think you're correct Jim, in that technically we've been under martial
 since then. It's been my understanding that an EO written by the
 has to be qualified in some way by members (maybe a subcommittee perhaps)
 Congress. If the EO is enacted it is the law for six months and then
 Congress meets to decide if the EO should be continued. The problem I
 is allot can happen in six months for which no one can do anything about.

Yes, it does stand for a certain period of time.


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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Reno's Massacre Reaches Climax on 4/19/99! or Days of Shame

1999-04-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Don't miss the graphics Folks!

That witch needs some Old English justice, i.e. strung up and quartered.


Between the days of February 28, 1993 and April 19th, 1993, approximately 80
men, women, and children living peacefully in their home near Waco, Texas,
were killed by the combined efforts of the US Defense Department and other
government paramilitary units: the US Treasury Department's Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). The incident also claimed the lives of four ATF agents

Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum


God bless Carol Valentine, the Curator.

"In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
--attr. George Orwell

Hey Slave, Did you to your corrupt Master today?


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: End Arbitrary Access to the Voting Booth!

1999-04-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 4:18 PM
 Subject: End Arbitrary Access to the Voting Booth!

 : Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) has introduced a bill that would take the first
 : step toward abolishing one of the last remaining restrictions enacted
 : nearly 100 years ago to deny African Americans the right to vote: criminal
 : disenfranchisement laws.
 : Although the other tools of voter discrimination enacted after the Civil
 : War -- poll taxes, grandfather clauses and literacy tests -- have long
 : since been abolished, criminal  disenfranchisement laws continue to be
 : as a means of denying African Americans access to the voting booth.
 : Statistics show that blacks are five times as likely as whites to be
 : disenfranchised under felony voter laws.
 : In fact, a recent report by The Sentencing Project and Human Rights Watch
 : estimated that "in states that disenfranchise ex-felons, 40 percent of the
 : next generation of black men is likely to lose permanently the right to
 : vote."
 : Only one reason could account for this disproportionate impact and that's
 : bias in the law enforcement system.  According to the National Household
 : Survey on Drug Abuse, twice as many whites as blacks use crack. Yet even
 : "drug czar" Barry McCaffrey recently acknowledged that nearly 90 percent
 : the people locked up for crack under federal drug laws are black.
 : Currently 3.9 million Americans are disqualified from voting because of an
 : inconsistent patchwork of state laws that disenfranchise citizens who have
 : been convicted of a felony. Experts believe that in seven states one in
 : four black men has permanently lost the right to vote. No other democratic
 : nation indefinitely disenfranchises as many people because of felony
 : convictions.
 : The Conyers bill, HR 906, would guarantee that all citizens who have paid
 : their debt to society and are no longer  incarcerated regain the right to
 : vote in federal elections, even if they are barred from voting in state
 : elections.
 : End arbitrary access to the voting booth! Send a FREE FAX to your
 : Representative urging him or her to support HR 906 from the ACLU web site
 : at:
 : http://www.aclu.org/action/vote106.html
 : ---


Don't these laws apply to all the races?

Instead of changing the laws, Blacks can avoid becomming criminal

Now ther's a radical concept.


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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] This is why Capitalists need a state.

1999-04-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-


Red Alert: Fear of Increasing Failures and Foreign
Domination May Lead to Nationalization of Japanese Banks


Speaking in Tokyo on April 13, Hakuo Yanagisawa, head of
Japan's Financial Reconstruction Commission, said that he
feared many Japanese regional banks may intentionally go
under, judging that relying on the government safety nets
is more profitable than continuing to operate under current
conditions.  Yanagisawa said he was worried that if too
many regional banks collapse, foreign banks will dominate
the Japanese financial landscape.  In commenting on the
voluntary closure of banks, Yanagisawa asked, "If such
cases are to surface, I wonder how we should prevent them?"
Given the threat of a financial market consisting primarily
of foreign banks, it seems possible that the solution will
involve continuing moves to nationalize Japanese banks.


The head of Japan's Financial Reconstruction Commission,
Hakuo Yanagisawa, warned that the impending collapse and
subsequent government takeover of Kokumin Bank might signal
a wave of other regional banks folding.  Speaking in Tokyo,
Yanagisawa said, "When faced with the collapse of Kokumin
Bank I strongly felt that second-tier regional banks may
start finding their banking business unprofitable and
thinking they may as well dump their business because the
government will protect them with a well grounded safety
net."  He added, "Since we have established a safety net
which is too perfect, the banks do not fear making a
mistake.  Indeed, they may voluntarily start going under.
If such cases are to surface, I wonder how we should
prevent them."

 visit STRATFOR's web site

Nationalize all banks all the time. Not just when they are failing
do to the greed and incompetence of private bankers. Banking is way too
important in a modern society to leave it in the hands of capitalists.


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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

"Hilary A. Thomas" wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Hello all,

 I just came across some information.  Can any verify this?  Comments?

 "Executive Orders are for selling and purchasing of land.  And nothing
 else, in fact there is NO Constitutional Amendment to create an EO.  And
 until there is these EOs are NULL  VOID!!!"

My understanding of executive orders is that there are only two basis
for them in the Constitution. One would be as per your example and other
orders within government. For instance, Truman's order to integrate the
military, etc. The other possibility for executive orders is when the
country is in a state of emergence. There are two theories as to how
these possible situations apply to the people at this time. First, in
the case of executive orders only applying within the government. It is
thought by some that by voluntarily obtaining a social security account,
one becomes a part of the government and thus can be effected by
executive orders. As to the second situation. Some argue that Roosevelt
emergency declaration of March, 1933 (under which he ordered the banks
closed and the confiscation of American's gold) has never been ended and
thus we are still under emergency rule and thus ruled by executive
order. Under the later theory, we are really under a dictatorship and
the Congress' purpose is limited to setting policy, though it can be
over ruled by the president.

Howard Davis

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] America's Funeral Song?

1999-04-15 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Mike Moxley wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Always wondered what the lyrics to this song by Don McClean meant.
 The web site goes into DEEP interpretation of the song that all us
 "fortyish" types used to sing.
 It's got it all:
 Mystery Babylon
 United Nations
 Planned Destruction of America
 Lost Tribes of Israel
 The Militia Movement
 The Protocols
 Recent American History
 Washington's Vision
 The Communist Manifesto
 Bible Prophecy

 Move over Buddy Holly, it's not about you.

 America's funeral hymn, The song of Moses, American Pie, and Armageddon.

 Whatever conclusion you come to after reading this,
 you will never again think of this song as you used to

 No good power born of this earth could break, or stop Satan's power, as his
 armies, united under the banner of Red Babylon, advance toward America.
 This evil power of the adversary's of Christian America, symbolized by
 Satan, will not be able to be stopped or broken, according to the song
 American Pie.

 In this case Satan's spell or power, would be the advancing armies of
 Satan. Satan's armies will be united under the United Nations of Mystery

 At that future time the American people will realize that, 'no good power
 born of this earth, will be able to stop Satan's advancing armies. They
 will watch these armies march into helpless and defenseless America. These
 Armies who's number shall be as the sands of the sea. These armies will
 then set America on fire, and murder it's citizens..

 "Bye-bye, Miss American Pie. Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was
 dry. Those good-ole-boys were drinking, Whiskey and rye, singing, "This'll
 be the day that I die, This'll be the day that I die."
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
 **Live Free or Die!**

Never never never trust a superstitious psychotic to interpret
They are totally whacked out and are incapable of judging reality.

American Pie is about the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Big
and Ritchie Valens, it also refers to Presley, Bob Dylan, and Mick

Keep your psychotic nightmares in church.


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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Colleen Jones wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 JFK according to Jim Marrs.had on his desk a signed Executive Action
 Order which would have caused the Federal Reserve System to shudder - it
 was alleged when his father was told by his son what he was going to do,
 his father said "They will kill youthey will never let you do
 that"..and they did.the day he signed this order, he was on his
 way to Dallas.

I had a friend once who claimed to have been a Navy Seal in 1963
assigned to Kennedy as a body guard. He said that he was with him in
Florida visiting Joe Kennedy and the argument quoted from above. He said
that he was shipped off to Vietnam the next day.

Howard Davis

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Cold War Is Back, With Nuclear Threat

1999-04-15 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Nicola Tesla, the inventor of the alternating current generator and
motor (upon which our present civilization is based), claimed to have
invented a "death ray". It sounded suspiciously like some sort of
particle beam accelerator which he claimed would protect any country
from invasion. Most thought he was a crackpot and his later writings
were ignored. However, all his writings were confiscated by the US
government in 1943 when he died. Some may never have been released to
his relatives (who incidentally were Serbians, they went to a museum in
Belgrade). However, in thinking about this possible weapon, I realized
that it may not be to the advantage of some to have such a weapon
available to all countries. It certainly would make things difficult for
NATO right now. So, it seems to me that it may be quite possible that
such a weapon has already been invented, but that it is under wraps.

Howard Davis

Jim Yester wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 4/15/99 12:36:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Reagan alluded that Star Wars might be used to protect us from
   other-worldy enemies.  We'll be nuked long before an effective system can
   developed to prevent it -- even if it had been fully funded in the '80's.
   I don't think we have the ability to develop and effective missile
   defense system.  It's just throwing good money after bad, feeding the
   military-industrial complex.  Why the "left" (misnomer) is supporting it
   is beyond me, and I'm *one of them*.
 Reagan alluded to the possibility of alien invaders, but I don't recall that
 being connected with SDI. Do you have the quote?

 You are correct that left is a misnomer. I've said for some time now that
 left, right, liberal, and conservative are passe terms, because they no
 longer clearly define anything. I prefer counting myself among the "common
 sense" faction, and sometimes that's left and sometimes it's right.

 You make some other logical points, among them that you can't trust the
 military-industrial complex to spend the money properly, and that it's
 probably too late anyway. However, Reagan also made a logical point that I
 agree with: The best deterrent to war is a strong and powerful military. It
 is also logical to conclude that if there is a threat, it is suicidal not to
 do what ever is possible to defend yourself. All in all, a catch-22 I guess.


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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] America's Funeral Song?

1999-04-15 Thread Mike Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

Never never never trust a superstitious psychotic to interpret
They are totally whacked out and are incapable of judging reality.

American Pie is about the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Big
and Ritchie Valens, it also refers to Presley, Bob Dylan, and Mick

Keep your psychotic nightmares in church.


Actually there are many interpretations out there to this song.
And Don McClean, when asked the meaning of his lyrics, has always been
tight-lipped, refusing to answer.
The psychotic nightmares are published daily in the media.
As for the rest of the tripe you wrote, it only confirms what I've known
all along,
Joshua2 is a smart ass bigot.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Do you believe it was because he overheard this conversation.

Just once I said the same thinga news reporter called me in March of
1968, St. Patricks Day, and said "Well Bobby's going to run for

I said "Oh No, they will kill him"..and he said "you are probably
right".   There are some really evil forces at work and have been at
work for a long, long time.  I believe they actually planned WWII, and
as usual, the Bible Code is the key...the reason I believe that is Pearl
Harbor Dayand the last Chapter of Mathew - JFK took the title of his
book from this Chapter, and it is "The Rising Sun"the symbol of the
Rising Sun of Japan, and the message to "Climb Mt.  ..." cannot
forget the mountain name.  Even the Soviet Union knew of this code,
which was once used by CIA according to Sybil Leek.

Could you please tell my why you think the young man sent to Viet Nam;
for his own safety, to get him out of the picture - they were afraid he
would tell?

JFK read his bible all the way to Dallas; they said it was a very
special, hand sewn silk bible.Eccl. 12 was his favorite
passagehe knew what this code was, and so does every High Degree
Mason in the Country, including the "Burning" Bush.


Thanks for the letter.  Really appreciate.

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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Jim Norman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Howard R. Davis III" wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Colleen Jones wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
  JFK according to Jim Marrs.had on his desk a signed Executive Action
  Order which would have caused the Federal Reserve System to shudder - it
  was alleged when his father was told by his son what he was going to do,
  his father said "They will kill youthey will never let you do
  that"..and they did.the day he signed this order, he was on his
  way to Dallas.

 I had a friend once who claimed to have been a Navy Seal in 1963
 assigned to Kennedy as a body guard. He said that he was with him in
 Florida visiting Joe Kennedy and the argument quoted from above. He said
 that he was shipped off to Vietnam the next day.

 Howard Davis

That executive order is, I believe, EO#2.  It essentially authorized congress
to revert to using United States Notes for its debt rather than continuing to use
the Federal Reserve Note.  The significance is that a United States note has no
interest added and the United States can retrieve those notes when ever it wants.
The Federal Reserve notes DO incur interest and that is how the National Debt is
generated.  Do you remember the United States Notes?  We used them for a long
time.  They had a red seal and red ID number.  This is what supplanted the
"National Currency" note which was issued by a Federal Reserve bank the National
Currency note could be redeemed in "lawful Money".
First thing Johnson did when he got in office was to issue EO 4 (or so) and
retract EO 2, thereby saving the Fed.
.Jim Norman

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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Info on 'Spear of Destiny'

1999-04-15 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Colleen Jones wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Get the album - rather expensive, get it, tape it, and return itThe
 Ring  - Wagners Ring..the beautiful Tannhauser, and the ride of the
 Valkyreis; now my spelling is off here..this beautiful music is
 always reserved for the super rich, while our children are fed garbage.

 occasionally public services shows part of it, but the movie Meeting
 Venus shows the traumatic effect the works of Richard Wagner had on the
 people of Germanyto me it is probably the most beautiful creation in
 this history of music; however, I do like offenbach's Orpheus in the
 Underworld..Offenbach, was a Russian jew, who wrote the French Can

 In the works of Richrd Wagner,  one sees beauty and power and well, get
 the album.

Just ran across a couple of Wagner jokes that I thought might be of
interest. I have seen a movie of Parsifal and have listened to it many
times on records and CDs. It is one of my favorites, but I know that
many don't enjoy his work as much as I.

Also, I might mention that I once heard his granddaughter speak. This
was about 30 years ago and she was fairly old at the time. I think her
name was Winnefred. She spoke of the relationship of her grandfather's
music to the Nazis and how much of her family had supported Hitler. She,
however, said that she thought that the "Ring" was symbolic of the Nazis
in that at the end greed destroyed the gods. In fact, the last music the
Berlin Philharmonic played at the end of WW2 was from the "Twilight of
the Gods".

"Parsifal - the kind of opera that starts at six o'clock and after it has
been going three hours, you look at your watch and it says 6:20." --
David Randolph

"One can't judge Wagner's opera Lohengrin after a first hearing, and I
certainly don't intend hearing it a second time." -- Gioacchino Rossini
 librarys have it tooyou could traumatize as nation with music such
 as this.

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Re: [CTRL] Can any verify this?

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, now I understand this stuff; most people do not understand the
Federal Reserve, but this list sure brings out a lot of facts and
interesting material.

So...Aaron Burr in a duel killed Alexander Hamilton, who was supposedly
instrumental in setting up this Federal Reservehe sure made the
right enemies too.

Did not now that about LBJ.   Strange he would do that, is it not; when
supposedly, he was to carry out JFK's unfinished plans still on the
drawing boardJust Like Reagan, was it not.


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[CTRL] What Happened to the COX REPORT??

1999-04-15 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Where is it?

Folks, You getting tired of this "wag the dog" bs?


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Info on 'Spear of Destiny'

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Now is has been a long time since I read the above book (1980 about) and
hear Wagner's ring.

But Hitler, hated the maryterhe wanted to be like Klingsor..who
wants to be crucified on a cross these days.

Jomo Kenyatta.he played the role of a Moses, as did MLK (day by day,
sermon for sermon to the bible code/communication).however, Kenyatta
wanted to avoid crucifixionnot end up a martyer.

Well, if you go to Kenya today I imagine the Masonic Sybol is still
above this one old building;  Jomo evidently was in.

People have been waiting for the Messiah's return now for nearly 2,000
years; some believe he will be reincarnated, which means if it is this
millenium, he is here..the son of a King, the heir to the throne of

So, I think we have another thousand years to gotwo thousand years
is a long time to wait on anyone, but when he descends, allegedly his
heel will hit the top of a mountainbook called Footsteps of Orpheus
stated there are people drilling at the foot of this mountain now

Such is lifeHitler thrived on Nazi Marching bands, not Wagner.   The
idea was there, but Hitler wanted to play the role of the evil one.


Must get this stuff out again; but I had my favorite parts.   Always
liked Midsummers Night Dream...which I nearly wore out on my "record
player""I am sent with broom before to sweep the dust behind the
door"Shakespeare held a lot of masonic stuff too.

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Re: [CTRL] What Happened to the COX REPORT??

1999-04-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I got through to your site tonite; and I could not believe the magnitude
of it and all the information.

Its really something.


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[CTRL] [7] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

1999-04-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7


The True History of the Civil War

How Boston's Brahmins Sought to Destroy the United States

In the spring of 1808, the future President of the United States, Senator
John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts, held an urgent and confidential meeting
with President Thomas Jefferson. Adams's message was that members of his own
party the New England Federalists, were engaged in a plot to bring about a
secession of the states of New England from the United States.(1)

Reduced to the most essential points, what Senator Adams revealed to
President Jefferson was the following: A group of leading merchant and
banking families of the Federalist Party in New England called the Essex
Junto, was working in close collaboration with agents of the British Secret
Intelligence Service (SIS) operating out of Boston. in their effort to bring
about an early secession these treasonous plotters were playing upon the
discontent caused by the President's total embargo against all foreign trade.

Adams advised the President to change the terms of the foreign-trade embargo,
to limit the prohibition on foreign trade only to trade with Britain and
France. It had been the naval forces of Britain and France which had been
preying among U. S. shipping. Jefferson accepted Adams's advice. The advice
successfully weakened the secessionists' organizing efforts for the moment.

This incident leads us directly to the true causes of the great civil war
which destroyed a half-million American lives during 1861-1865, equal to the
combined total U.S. deaths in World Wars I and II.

In the series of chapters composing the present, second section of our report
on Treason in America, we focus our attention on those leading New England
families which gave us such institutions as the Bank of Boston and such
notable figures as William and McGeorge Bundy today. We document the leading
features of their plot to destroy the United States, a plot which we trace
here from their effort to elect the traitor Aaron Burr President of the
United States, in 1800, into their role in creating the Confederacy from the
inside during the 1850s, in close collaboration with Britain's Lord
Palmerston and the British Secret Intelligence Service.
The general flavor of the New England plotters' outlook is shown by examining
sections of the correspondence among some of the leading members of the plot
during the years 1803-1804, four years before Senator Adams's report to
President Jefferson.

At the time Senator Adams delivered that report, leading members of the Essex
Junto were known to have included the following prominent personalities:
Massachusetts Senator George Cabot; the recently deceased Judge John Lowell
(ancestor of the Bundys) and his son, John ("The Rebel") Lowell; former
Secretary of State Timothy Pickering; merchant Stephen Higginson;
Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Theophilus Parsons; and Aaron Burr's
brother-in-law, Judge Tapping Reeve of Litchfield, Connecticut. The
name"EssexJunto"wasderived from the fact that all of the leading plotters,
except Judge Reeve, were born north of Boston, in Essex County,
Massachusetts. It is from the correspondence of George Cabot, Timothy
Pickering, and Judge Reeve, that the following self-damning statements of the
plotters are taken.

George Cabot to Timothy Pickering, February 14, 1804:

At the same time that I do not desire a separation at this moment, I add that
it is not practicable without intervention of some cause which should be very
generally felt and distinctly understood as chargeable to the misconduct of
our southern masters . . . the essential alteration which may in the future
be made to amend our form of government will be the consequences of only a
great suffering, or the immediate effects of violence Separation will be
unavoidable, when our loyalty to the union is generally perceived to be the
instrument of debasement and impoverishment. If a separation should, by and
by, be produced by suffering, I think it might be accompanied by important
ameliorations of our theories.(2)

A picture of the fellow-plotter to whom George Cabot wrote those observations
is provided by excerpts from two items Timothy Pickering's correspondence.
The first is addressed one Richard Peters, and is dated December 24, 1803:

Although the end of all our Revolutionary labors and expectations is
disappointment, and all our fond hopes of republican happiness are vanity,
and the real patriots of '76 are overwhelmed by modern pretenders to that
character, I will not yet despair: I would rather anticipate a new
confederacy, exempt from the corrupt and corrupting influence of the
aristocratic Democrats of the South. There will be— and our children at
farthest will see it—a separation. The white and the black population will

[CTRL] [18] Mellon's Millions

1999-04-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Mellon's Millions
Harvey O'Conner©1933
Blue Ribbon Books
New York, N.Y.


The Fortune Goes Marching On

IF his years in public office seemed fruitless after Congress had torn down
the Mellon Plan of taxation and the voters, in 1932, had repudiated his
theory of business-in-government, they at least rescued from obscurity the
processes by which Andrew Mellon had quietly reared the nation's largest

In one way, the Mellon fortune was unique. It embraced the widest diversity
in the methods of accumulating wealth that acquisitive art had yet attained.
The Rockefellers based their millions on petroleum, the Fords on automobiles,
the Du Ponts on explosives and chemicals, the Vanderbilts on railroads, and
the Morgans on finance. The Mellons ran nearly the whole gamut. Segments of
their billions represented gains from real estate, money lending, steel,
railroad equipment, oil, coal and its myriad by-products, aluminum,
carborundum, utilities.

Andrew Mellon's distinction was that he greeted eagerly yet cautiously each
opportunity placed before the head of the banking house of T. Mellon  Sons.
He supervised minutely the growth of infant enterprises, selected with
uncanny precision those able subordinates to whom he entrusted the management
of his corporations, insulated himself from humanity so that his cold, amoral
spirit could not be swayed by those warm considerations that halted many on
the march to millions.

He entered the business world from the finest training school in America,
that kept by Judge Mellon. From the first he was armed with power, the power
of his father's millions. He was born to command, to use with dexterity the
tools by which entrepreneurs manipulated natural resources, labor power, the
needs of consumers.

Before the banker who controlled a reservoir of capital in the center of the
nation's heavy industrial district came an endless procession of
opportunities. Necessitous men with ideas, others with unique access to
natural resources, laid their potential wealth at his feet in return for his
financing. Charles M. Hall and his aluminum process, Colonel Guffey and the
Lucas gusher, Doctor Koppers and his by-product oven, formed the tripod on
which the Mellons' industrial empire was to rest.

Andrew Mellon neglected few of the techniques by which money could be made.
Basic to all in his scheme was the use of money to make money. Union Trust
stood at the very center of the world he ruled. The first few thousands wrung
by Thomas Mellon from mechanics' liens, notes and mortgages grew in
seventy-five years to hundreds of millions, were hired out to eager
borrowers, and secured by underlying mortgages on choice property and

The keystone to his industrial fortune was the use of monopoly, the
restriction of output, the raising of prices to artificial levels, the tying
up of processes by patents. Andrew Mellon disliked vulgar competition with
others, preferred to corner a raw material or process and force consumers to
bargain with him for access to their requirements. Aluminum's profits of
$100,000,000 in the six years from 1926 to 1931 testified to his success.
Gulf Oil with profits of $175,000,000 between 1925 and 1930 justified his
price and output alliance with Standard Oil. Koppers grew to such lusty vigor
under the Government's favoring patent laws that later none other could

Where monopoly was impossible, the Mellons speculated discreetly. Their early
millions arose from the soil of Pittsburgh. They foresaw the growth of the
city toward its present suburbs, cannily gained large tracts of land, and
exacted their price when the pressure of population forced home-seekers to
the Mellon realty offices. Mellon traction lines guided the direction of
growth. Mellon lumber and coal firms reaped a second harvest.

The manufacture and manipulation of stocks opened a new avenue to wealth for
the proprietors of Union Trust. Their first triumphs, when the corporate age
bloomed early in the Twentieth Century, were Monongahela River Coal  Coke
and Pittsburgh Coal, sadly over-capitalized firms which were doomed from the
start to cheat the hopes of investors who placed their faith and funds in

Later adventures of the House of Mellon far outran its earlier efforts: the
apex was participation in the syndicate which floated Kreuger  Toll
debentures. The only worth in this worthless security was the names of the
eminent firms, including Union Trust, which sponsored it. Error in such a
matter could have been remedied by full and prompt reimbursement of aggrieved
investors. Judge Mellon would have insisted on that, his sons, like the other
sponsors, made no such move.

The public need for gas and electricity was not overlooked. Not only were
prices charged consumers which represented a generous profit—even the Mayor
of New York was obliged to denounce rates charged by a Mellon company—but
these profits were made the base for a 

[CTRL] [19] Mellon's Millions [Notes Apendices]

1999-04-15 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Mellon's Millions
Harvey O'Conner©1933
Blue Ribbon Books
New York, N.Y.

--[Notes Apendices]--


I am particularly indebted to Basha DeWard for preparation of the financial
tables in Appendices 6 and 7, and to Maurice Schneirov for assistance in
examining records in the Allegheny County courthouse. Arthur G. McDowell,
Martin Dillmon, Esther Lowell and Carl Haessler helped in preparing the
chapter on labor. Many newspaper men in Pittsburgh and Washington have given
me valuable sidelights on the Mellon fortune and history. Most of all I wish
to acknowledge my gratitude to my wife, Jessie Lloyd, who helped in
collecting material and in revising the manuscript.


John T. Flynn in his Rockefeller biography entitled God's Cold, estimated the
fortune of the Rockefellers, father and son, in 1932 at $150,000,000. The
Ford Motor Company's net worth is recorded in a statement filed with the New
Hampshire Secretary of State.


Chapter 1 is based mainly on Judge Mellon's autobiography, entitled Thomas
Mellon and His Times, printed privately in Pittsburgh in 1886. The volume is
rare. Old-time Pittsburghers like to describe the furore among the younger
Mellons when their father's opus appeared. The old man had sent copies to his
friends around town. Andy and Dick, according to the story, hitched up the
mare and drove to every house where they suspected a copy might be found and
collected as many of the precious books as they could demand or wheedle from
their father's friends.

Andrew Carnegie, on the opening page of his autobiography, pays tribute to
that of judge Mellon in these words: "A book of this kind, written years ago
by my friend, judge Mellon, of Pittsburgh, gave me so much pleasure that I am
inclined to agree with the wise one whose opinion I have given above; for
certainly, the story which the judge told has proved a source of infinite
satisfaction to his friends, and must continue to influence succeeding
generations of his family to live life well. And not only this; to some
beyond his immediate circle it holds rank with their favorite authors. The
book contains one essential feature of value it reveals the man."

 Allegheny County court records extending back into the 1830s have been
consulted for material concerning the early growth of the Mellon fortune via
the mortgage and judgment route.


Chapter 2 draws on Judge Mellon's autobiography and on J. R. Mellon: Letters,
privately printed in 1928. This slender book, edited apparently in James Ross
Mellon's nonage, throws a revealing light on Judge Mellon's careful training
of his sons. The volume, with its references to insanity in the maternal line
of the family and its intimate glimpses into the Mellon psychology, probably
was greeted with as little enthusiasm by other members of the family as Judge
Mellon's book.

James Ross Mellon, although the second son of Judge Mellon, faded out of the
picture about the time his father died. He was associated in the realty,
lumber and bank business with his oldest brother, Thomas Alexander, who died
in 1899. Held by some to be not so bright as his younger brothers, James Ross
was regarded as less tightfisted. He was closely guarded in his later years
to restrain his impulse to give away slices of his fortune.

Perhaps the most memorable incident in the otherwise unruffled life of James
Ross was the shipwreck of the S.S. Republic in 1909, in which for the first
time radio was used to summon aid at sea. Mrs Mellon, more panicky over her
lack of clothing than the sinking 'hip: rushed back to her cabin for a skirt
while her husband stamped the deck, complaining that the life belt didn't fit
and that he could not find his socks. They were finally located in his coat
pocket. The shipwreck ended plans for a trip to Egypt.

James Ross held tenaciously to his belief in prohibition long after the
current had started against it. Speaking before the Theta Delta Chi assembly
in 1933, he said: "The United States as a whole could get along without
liquor and would have, but for the foreign element which introduced
bootlegging and racketeering on a wholesale scale." He reproved John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., for his attack on prohibition.

For the foreclosure of James Kelly's estate, see Harry C. Gilchrist's History
of Wilkinsburg, 1927, as well as Allegheny County court records. Early files
of the Pittsburgh Banker and the Pittsburgh Legal Journal have been valuable
for sidelights on early Mellon history. Files of Pittsburgh newspapers of the
1870s and 188os have been consulted for judge Mellon's service as Select

Judge Mellon's treatise on The Sunday Question was privately printed in
Pittsburgh in 1883

The Pittsburgh riots in 1887 and other phases of early industrial history of
the Iron City are described in Pittsburgh's Progress, Industries and
Resources, by George H. Thurston, 1886, and also the same author's Allegheny
County's Hundred Years, 1888. 

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News Final

1999-04-15 Thread Maureen O'Connell

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: DougKeachie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Ric Carter, listowner of SkeptiChat, editor of SkeptiNews and co-editor
  of CTRL [Conspiracy Theory Research List], has been abducted by aliens,
  most likely Reptilioids or their SauroBorg collaborators, and is now
  undergoing extensive medical experimentation at a remote facility.

 Alac and alas, the Y2K experts from area 51 finally decided to draft Ric
 into service to fix there most vexing problems.  We must run and tell the
 King !

You thing it's funny, having your vital essences drained from you
and replaced with long-chain polymers?  You like having Altairian
macro-parasites implanted in your neurovascular bundles?  Is that
your idea of fun??  Ric is being used as a lab-rat, as a test-bed
of unspeakable researches.   And you haven't even contributed any
news items here, you've done nothing to fill the void left by his
abduction.  Do better.  Be useful.  Y2K is sooner than you think.

Them who can't program, manage; them who can't manage, manage programmers.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gulf War Syndrome, Biological Warfare Conducted on U.S. Military Members, Part 2

1999-04-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Veteran Medical Files Destroyed or Missing

Guess what happened to our veterans medical files? They are destroyed. There
was actually an attorney who was sent to prison for destroying veterans
medical files. Many of the medical files of Gulf War veterans are missing. No
only are they missing, but now the proof that they received the vaccinations
is now missing.

Gulf War Participants Force-Injected With Experimental Vaccines

Let's talk about how we were affected on the biological side. The first way
was with the immunizations. We were given 10 or 11 immunizations prior to
going to the gulf. We don't know everything we got. Some of us got sick
afterwards. The Anthrax vaccinations were given over in the Gulf, in the
theater of operations, and you were forced to submit to it. If you didn't
take it, you were court-martialed. People were put into a room like this, the
doors were locked, and they had security guards with side arm who stood by
while people were forced to take this injection. Why? Why would they do this
to people? The Anthrax "vaccine" had not been approved and was experimental.
The injection for Botulism was also dangerous. All of these things in
combination created a problem.
The Soviet Doctrine: The Biological Cocktail

But, the real problem that we believe to be the main transmission agent was
via the SCUD-B and FROG missiles. You see, the SCUD missiles that Hussein
used on us had biological and chemical agents in them. When the Patriots shot
them down, it rained biological and chemical agents down on the troops. In
terms of biological warfare, they used what is called the SOVIET DOCTRINE, in
which 18-20 biological agents were mixed together in the tanks of the SCUD
missiles. Because the batch contained so many biological agents, it
effectively confuses the diagnosis and the treatment process. Now, ask
yourself this.

Media Projects Responsibility on Iraq for U.S. Crimes

What is the press coming out and saying? If you read the media, which I hope
you don't, you will see an article in the Kansas City Star on October 14th
that said, "Iraq Sanctioned", in which they claimed "Iraq lied to us about
having and using biological weapons." You know as well as I do that they have
satellites in the sky that enable them to see what you are having for dinner.
You know they knew what Hussein had, because they sold it to them. Absolutely.

This is what I want you to be watching for, because this is going to be the
cover story. They are going to have to deal with the Gulf War illness because
so many people have it now. In fact, I will tell you now that because we know
that over 10,000 have already died, and we believe 500,000 of our Gulf War
veterans to be sick, Dr. Nicholson told me that 20% of the people around the
theater of operations (United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, etc.) are now sick. It
is coming to a place near you, believe me. The chronic fatigue syndrome. I
got a call from a doctor the other day who told me that he has 15 patients
with CFS, and they don't know anyone who went to the Gulf War. It's
transmissible through sex and through kissing, because it is now found in the
dental floss test, where you can see evidence of the mycoplasma. It is
communicable and it is going to be growing.
A doctor called me the other day, and he said, "I don't know what's going on.
I volunteered to take care of these Gulf War veterans because the VA wouldn't
take care of them, and now I'm sick with the same problem. Can you help me
understand why I'm sick?" I said, "don't you know its a communicable
disease?" He had no idea, because the official position of the U.S.
Government is that "there is no Gulf War illness."

Peter Kawaja has been talking about the fact that "GF" was used during the
war. Nobody ever mentioned "GF" or even heard of it, except Peter Kawaja, and
he kept saying "GF was used." Well, the substance called "GF" is made by the
U.S. Department of the Army. The government made it. I have evidence in the
government logs of "GF" having been used during the war, but no one ever
addressed "GF" until a U.S. News and World Report article came out on
September 11, 1995. In this, they have the UN inspector going over to Iraq
and inspecting the SCUDS and voicing the "sudden realization" that "Oh, they
had all this nasty stuff over there after all that the Iraqis didn't tell us
about". Well, I have evidence in a Pentagon report that shows that we knew
about it more than 30 days before the war started. The U.S. government knew
it was in the SCUDS, because the U.S. companies sold it to Iraq in the first
place. It's interesting that in this story the UN inspector is trying to
cover himself by saying what he did. The fact that "GF" is mentioned in
Schwartzkoff's NBC log also proves the military knew it was there.

The True Origin of The "New" Emerging Biological Diseases is the Biological
Cocktail Thrust on the Planet By U.S. Companies, Disguised in the Media as
"Mysterious New Diseases" from 

[CTRL] Gulf War Syndrome, Biological Warfare Conducted on U.S. Military Members, Part 1

1999-04-15 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Gulf War Syndrome, Biological Warfare Conducted on U.S. Military Members,
and Corporate Bio-Genocide Levied on the Planetary Population

A Lecture By Captain Joyce Riley in Adrian, Michigan on Jan 15, 1996


(Applause) Thank you so very much. I am Joyce Riley, and I am here because I
love my God and I love my country, and I love my fellow man. We are going to
hear a story tonight that unfortunately is the saddest story, not only of the
20th century, but of America's history. You are going to hear about
the destruction of the United States military. I am sorry to have to bring
you this story. I wish it wasn't true. I wish that I could protect you from
what you are going to hear tonight, because it has taken me a year to
investigate this story. During that time, I went through the worst depression
you can imagine. I finally came to the conclusion one day that - yes, our
country had provided the biologicals to Saddam Hussein that were used on our
troops. Our troops are sick and they are dying.

My story started in 1991, when I decided to go back to the Air Force Reserve.
I had been stationed in the late 1970's in New York State, and I had been
involved as a flight nurse in the Air Force. I got out and was living my
life, but then I heard that there was a war and that many of our men were
going to die if they didn't have adequate care, and that they needed trained
flight nurses. So, I decided to back into the service of my country. I went
back to Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio and I
volunteered to go to Saudi Arabia. As it was, I didn't go to Saudi Arabia
because the cease-fire came, so I served active duty missions on a C-130
aircraft for about six months. After that, I returned back to Houston to my
job, where I was a heart, lung, kidney and liver transplant nurse in
Houston, Texas. I became very ill and I could get no answers. I didn't know
why I was sick. No one would talk with me about it. No one would help me with
it, and I had to find out the answers myself, alone.

The Problem

So, I began the investigation myself to answer the question of why I was
sick. I didn't even go to the Persian Gulf. They call it the Persian Gulf
disease and the Persian Gulf Registry. They do that for a reason, because
then they can exclude all of us who are sick who didn't go to the Persian
Gulf. Well, I didn't go and I was still sick, and I wanted to know why. The
only thing I had in common with those who did go is that I had received the
immunizations and that I had a lot of contact with Gulf War veterans who were
returning back to the states, and with other members of our unit. Little did
we know at the time that the biologicals that were used were impregnated in
the equipment they had, such as tents and duffle bags. It was being spread to
all of us and we didn't even know it. We were being told a lie. America, I am
sorry to tell you that we have been told one of the biggest lies this country
has ever perpetrated upon us. They are telling us there is no Gulf War
disease. They are telling us biologicals were not used. They are not even
telling you that between 10,000 to 12,000 Gulf war vets have already died.

I began my investigation and I went into depression the day I realized we had
been lied to. I had been involved with President Bush and with the White
House, because I had been involved in organ transplantation. I wrote a letter
and called the White House and invited him to come to Houston with Dr. Cooley
to sign an organ donor card. He and Barbara did accept the invitation, and I
met with them, and they signed an organ donor card. President Bush told me at
the time that "I appreciate what you are doing. If this had been available
years ago, perhaps my daughter Robin might not have died." He told me that.
Well, little did I know that during that same time they were making the
poisons that were going to eventually kill us. At the end of the program, I
am going to play an open letter I wrote to President Bush. He lives in
Houston, as do all of the players in what you are about to hear tonight. They
all reside in Houston.

I do believe that the Lord gave me this story to tell, because a nurse from
Houston, Texas just doesn't "come across" this information -- that biological
warfare has been perpetrated on the American people. I knew when I heard the
story that I had to move on it. I had to let Americans know. I would not be
quiet, because you see I knew that the government was actively covering it up.

What I am going to show you tonight is not opinion. It is not conjecture. It
is proof. I am going to show you documentation on the overhead projector --
the evidence to support what I am saying to you.

The basic fact is that biological agents were used on our troops. Chemical
agents were used on our troops. Germ warfare was used on our troops -- using
biologicals that were made in the United States of America. It was made in
Houston, Texas and Boca Raton, Florida. It was passed