[CTRL] $1.3 Billion U.S. Military aid threatens Colombia peace plan (no kidding?)

2000-01-17 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Doesn't take a lot of common sense to realize that $1.3 Billion worth of
Military aid ain't gonna promote peace in Colombia... but read on..

Dave Hartley

U.S. Aid Could Kill Colombian Peace Plan
14 January 2000


The U.S. State Department recently announced a two-year, $1.3 billion
emergency U.S. aid package for counter-narcotics operations in Colombia. The
plan also is geared toward helping President Andres Pastrana negotiate peace
with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). But the plan will
have the opposite effect. It will end the peace negotiations between the
rebels and the government and re-ignite the war. Ultimately, the plan does
little more than pave the way for greater U.S. involvement.


U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright was set to arrive in Colombia on
Jan. 14, following her recent announcement of a $1.3 billion emergency aid
package to Colombia. The package answers President Andres Pastrana’s funding
request for Plan Colombia, a proposal to fight drug trafficking, stimulate
the economy and aid the peace process with Colombian rebels. According to
the State Department, over half of the aid will fund drug interdiction
efforts in the south and assist in the peace process with the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

But the aid will not bring peace. Instead, a detailed analysis of the budget
proposal suggests that it is only enough to encourage a renewed offensive
against the FARC, effectively ending the peace negotiations. The bulk of the
money pledged for counter-narcotics efforts will go directly to the military
to fight the rebels, who facilitate much of Colombia’s drug trade. This will
tip the balance of power away from the government in Bogota and toward the
military, which has always opposed the peace negotiations. Ultimately, the
door will open wider for greater U.S. involvement.

For two reasons, it doesn’t appear that the U.S. government wants a peace
settlement right now between the FARC and the government. First, if modeled
on the current situation, a peace deal could give the rebels permanent
control of the demilitarized zone (DMZ), which includes the coca-rich areas
of Putamayo and Caqueta in southern Colombia. The region both produces
cocaine and is a corridor from Bolivia and Peru to the United States. More
than 80 percent of the drug flow into the United States comes from or
through Colombia, according to U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration

Clearly, leaving this area in the hands of the FARC would cause considerable
obstacles for U.S. counter-narcotics efforts. Although the FARC doesn’t
actually traffic itself, it does provide protection services to coca farmers
and smugglers. Already, the president has ceded temporary control of the DMZ
to the rebels to facilitate the negotiations. The peace process could result
in the FARC’s de facto permanent control, even if the area remains
technically under the government’s jurisdiction. In practice, the FARC has
already created local governments and runs the region as a separate state. A
peace statement could eliminate any remaining government influence in the

Venezuela, a top U.S. oil supplier, gives the United States another reason
to want to prevent a peace deal. Allowing the FARC free range in southern
and eastern Colombia would leave Venezuela vulnerable. Already, increasing
trafficker and possibly rebel activity along the Orinoco river basin has
caused concerns. The river is an important drug conduit, a gateway to the
island route through the Caribbean. The United States will also train the
Colombian military in counter-narcotics river operations.

The bulk of the aid, approximately $341 million, will reinforce the
Colombian military. A new anti-narcotics battalion is currently being
trained by U.S. Special Forces, with two more to be created. In addition,
the United States will provide 63 helicopters. Also, a U.S. forward
operations base with an airfield will be built on the Colombia-Ecuador
border. This base will support reconnaissance and intelligence gathering,
according to Kenneth Bacon, U.S. assistant secretary of defense for public
affairs. This stepped-up military activity will pressure the FARC, forcing
it to react.

The Colombian military opposes the peace talks. The war has raged for
decades and the military argues that the deal would be tantamount to
surrender. Moreover, if the FARC is granted the DMZ permanently, the country
will be split, its sovereignty and the military’s stature reduced. The
prospective division of Colombia has pitted nationalists and the military
against peace proponents. Pastrana, positive that the military can’t win, is
pushing for a peaceful solution. U.S. intervention, however, will change the
situation. Already the United States is involved in intelligence gathering
operations. The RC-7B intelligence gathering aircraft 

[CTRL] Fw: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in NJ

2000-01-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

 UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

 Message from Jack Shulman, CEO, American Computer Company

 -Original Message-
 Date: Saturday, January 15, 2000 5:21 PM
 Subject: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in NJ

 To all those interested in making a difference to the future of
 RELEVENT WEBSITE: Http://www.orbsite.com
 Please note that the below message generated considerable government
 instigated flak, which should serve as an indication to everyone of how
 frightened certain "black-ops" are regarding the information being
 posted herein.  This is a very delicate subject, as an alien species or
 multiple same, are visiting us very cautiously and observing us using
 technology that provides them the safest access to humanity.  Among the
 government instigations this past round, were the "what drugs are you
 people on?" crew, and the "are you familiar with..." crew (who
 specialize in throwing up hoaxes and then referring to them, to try to
 occlude anything legitimate with distracting bs).
 Expect that many of those who respond to this posting, are possibly
 EMPLOYED by the United States National Security Agency as
 "counter-intelligence" whose sole purpose is to attack and scoff-at or
 attempt to undermine any such report found on the Internet as this one.
 Folks: FYI, the below is about THE REAL THING.  We've provided images
 for your review at http://www.orbsite.com.  Don't let official
 deterrents keep you from spreading the word.  Overcome the skepticism by
 advising skeptics that they, too, can film these beings, and that the
 beings are trying to communicate and avoid the negative consequences of
 visiting us, such as personal attack and other forms of harm that go
 along with FIRST CONTACT.  And, if their agenda had been to "invade
 earth", they could have done so long ago.  It appears, by the way, that
 their breathing biology is incompatible with our atmosphere, therefor,
 our planet has little to offer them, short of contact with another
 They are interested in having a safe relationship with humanity, not a
 This is it, folks.
  Original Message 
 Subject: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in
 Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 00:08:21 -0500
 Organization: @Home Network
  relevant website: http://www.orbsite.com
  pictures at bottom of this article are
  copyright 1999-2000 TEAM ORB.
 Members of the Chippewah Nation visited the Wanaque, NJ Orbsite, to
 bless the ancient native burial grounds located there, during this past
 two weeks, in a ceremony almost 400 years overdue.  The Orbsite sits on
 Delaware Tribal land adjacent to a Defense Munitions Plant which was
 built there in the late 19th century.
 Orb Beings were filmed observing the Ceremonies during which the Native
 Chippewah's most senior spiritual elder offered blessings to the Creator
 to allow ailing souls from the burial grounds, largely disrupted by
 Industrial activity in the area, to be freed to take their place in
 heaven.  Of all the people who reside in the US, the Native Americans
 are among the only who continue to be perennial visited by open
 persecution, repression by the government and open abuse, tolerated
 mainly because of their small number and very unique religious ways.
 The elder spiritual leaders of the Chippewah Nation came to NJ for the
 Ceremonies, and also visited the original lands of the Chippewah in the
 Nyacks of New York.  Some of the leaders indicated that were they
 visited in the Dakotas by the vast number of orbs found at the Wanaque,
 NJ site, that they would not really know what to do.  They visited with
 Bryan Williams and Sandra Rehl, who showed them samples of the tens of
 thousands of images taken by them during studies of the energy doorway
 which has been identified at the NJ Vortex.  There is a general opinion
 among the Native Americans that a possible calamity may be facing
 humanity during the next five years, and they believe they have an
 obligation to go wherever and whenever it is required so as to
 perform certain Ceremonies which, in their religion, respond to the call
 of the Creator and such spirits as may be found responsible for the
 presence of the Orbs in NJ, so as to avert a disaster that modern
 society may be entirely unawares of due to possible spiritual decline,
 and antimony towards the unexplained.
 Members of Team Orb who observed the religious and spiritual interaction
 concerning the Chippewah elders and the Vortex, and who discussed the
 matter of orbs with the Native Americans, commented: "It appears that
 the perception of the European Settlers 500 years ago that Native
 American Tribes were 'savage', appears quite incorrect. It appears that
 the Settlers were the savages, as we are just now beginning to discover
 things that the Native 

[CTRL] FW: [chemical-trails] CHEMTRAILS.....Houston, much more

2000-01-17 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

Subj:[CONTRAILS] Chemtrail Article
Date:   1/16/00 9:56:42 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jean Staffen)

From: Jean Staffen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: "Ken Welch in Houston" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jean Staffen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 18:35:28 -0600
Subject: Chemtrail Article
Priority: normal

Chemtrail Spraying In Full Swing
by Ken Welch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Sunday, January 16, 2000

I've been trying to delay writing this because it is bad news that I
just didn't want to be true.  When I began a series of articles
titled "Spraying of Cities is Real" last April, I reported that the
spraying campaign as we've observed it in the U.S. and Canada
necessarily pointed to a future crisis of some kind.  It is so
obviously a chemical/biological warfare program, involving staggering
costs, and a list of criminal violations that certainly includes mass
murder, and yet there seemed no worthwhile result to match the
effort.  I pointed out that there had to be a conclusion, some kind
of event looming in the future that we could not yet puzzle out.  Not
only that, but the event must necessarily be so large that the
perpetrators of this broad daylight crime fully expect that they will
not be brought to justice after the deed is finally done.

At that time, and still today, there are a number of forces that
threaten the stability and safety of our country, some held at bay
only by heroic efforts.  The monetary system is a nightmare; war
seems closer than many want to think about; solar activity is very
unusual; and a century-old plan to create a feudal world empire based
on "social" slavery appears near completion.  There's something very
strange going on with the space program and Mars, documented UFO
activity is reaching startling proportions, and the country's
preparations for martial law remain in place.  Even without the now
common chemtrails, it is difficult to avoid the feeling that
something big, and perhaps disastrous, is coming.  My friend Uncle
Nathan, who remembers steam locomotives, says he can almost hear it
in the distance: an unstoppable  "down-hill freight from Hell."
Spooky stuff, indeed!

I still find it difficult to accept that the massive spraying of
cities has gone on as long as it has.  As they say today, it is so
"in your face"!  That so many remain unaware is a testament, I
suppose, to the value of rigidly controlled news reporting - and a
human nature that rarely looks up and finds it difficult or
impossible to deal with things outside the norm.  Some day, major
psychological studies will be written about this.

From the military nature of the chemtrail campaign I felt that the
future crisis would probably come in the Fall of last year, or the
Spring of 2000, since no military planner likes winter operations.
This would be true if the crisis was planned.  Old time politicians
will tell you that nothing that happens in the national arena is ever
unplanned.  Still, I was really quite happy to accept that the
chemtrail program might be a panic reaction to the potential chaos of
Y2K.  While we haven't seen all the consequences of Y2K, we seem to
have avoided a very real and genuine disaster.  And I found myself
waiting, very impatiently, to see if the spraying program would stop.

I am sorry to report it has not.  If anything, it remains at the
massive levels experienced by many areas during the Christmas - New
Years blitz.  More aircraft are coming on line and the technology, as
I reported in my Chemtrail Christmas article, is changing.

A Houston net-friend, Lorie, has created a web page on Yahoo where
you can post chemtrail reports on the spot.  There is a calendar
feature, I'm told, that will let us see all the reports from a given
day.  Please don't assume that someone else has reported spraying in
your area. Log on to the Chemtrail Tracking Site and tell us what you
observed.  Once this gets rolling, we will have a much better view of
how broad the activity is at any one time.  The URL is:


After Y2K, the Houston area experienced many days of low overcast
making it impossible to confirm higher altitude spraying activity.
On the 2nd, Asheville, N.C., was hit again (pictures coming in now)
and on the 7th I received a good report of spraying in California.
Although I could taste EDB here, on several occasions, I never report
a spraying incident without visual confirmation.  Finally, on Day 11
the weather changed to the beautiful blue skies and shirt-sleeves
temperatures that bring many winter visitors down from the colder
north.  That was Tuesday.  In Montgomery County, north of the city, I
was driving on a rural road about 3pm and relaxing after a lot of
busy activity.  As 

[CTRL] FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson

2000-01-17 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

According to Mike, the attempted murder yesterday of former CIA director
Adm. Stansfield Turner figures directly into the case below.

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-  [Embargoed until 1/11/00]
From: Mike Ruppert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 2:20 PM
To: CIA Drugs list
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson
* CIA Memo Could Have Major Impact on Tyree Case - Bush, Shackley exposed

Federal Prosecutors Knowingly Used Perjured CIA Affidavit To Secure '82
Convictions of CIA Agent Edwin Wilson
Cream of the Current U.S. Judicial/Justice System Guilty of Perjury,
Subornation and Conspiracy According to CIA and Justice Department Memos

Michael C. Ruppert
From The Wilderness
(c) 1999, From The Wilderness Publications www.copvcia.com

No less than seven of the most powerful and prominent names in the U.S.
legal/judicial system stand exposed of perjury and subornation of perjury
according to CIA and Department of Justice documents in the possession of
former CIA agent Edwin Wilson and his Houston attorney. The documents also
indicate that Department of Justice officials knowingly concealed
exculpatory materials from Wilson's defense before his 1983 conviction and
sentencing on weapons charges. These documents have led to the filing of a
motion by Wilson's court appointed attorney, David Adler, asking the court
to vacate Wilson's 1982 conviction on charges of selling plastic explosives
to Libya in the period from 1976 to 1978. The Government is scheduled to
respond to the motion in mid-January and may well have a tough time doing so
in a way that avoids deep embarrassment, professional sanctions and/or
criminal exposure for a lot of very important people.
Wilson, 71, serving a total of 52 years on three separate convictions was,
according to Adler, convicted on the basis of a perjured affidavit from the
CIA to the Department of Justice denying that Wilson had any "direct or
indirect" affiliation or association with the Agency during the period of
time in which he was selling plastic explosives to Libya's Moammar Qaddaffi
and other groups. That the affidavit was perjured was confirmed by the
release, under the Freedom of Information Act of an uncontested CIA
follow-up Memorandum addressed to then Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Mark Richard entitled, "Duty To Disclose False Testimony." That document,
buttressed by additional papers, located over the last two and half years by
Mr. Adler, indicates clearly that the Central Intelligence Agency committed
perjury when it provided an affidavit from the Agency's then number three
man, Executive Director Charles Briggs, to prosecutors trying Wilson's case.
That affidavit, according to Adler, emphatically asserted that, "After a
particular date in 1971 'Wilson was not asked or requested, directly or
indirectly, to perform or provide any services, directly or indirectly for
the CIA.'"
Adler's additional research, after traveling repeatedly from Houston to
Washington to review close to 300,000 pages of documents, some released
under the Freedom of Information Act, has produced additional memoranda from
the Department of Justice (DoJ) indicating clearly that DoJ prosecutors and
their supervisors, understanding that the CIA memorandum was perjured,
decided to use it anyway.
"There is a handwritten notation," Adler told FTW, "at the top of the
Memorandum stating, 'Plain meaning of affidavit,' then there is an arrow off
to the side where the writing continues, "the affidavit is inaccurate."
Adler, a retired CIA officer, now an attorney in private practice in
Houston, was appointed to represent Wilson by U.S. District Court Judge Lynn
Hughes in mid 1997 after Hughes received a copy of the memorandum directly
from Wilson. Adler began a search through the FOIA documents stored in the
warehouse of attorney Bernard Fensterwald who had been assisting Wilson with
his FOIA appeals over a period of years. That cumbersome process, which
involved repeated trips between Houston and Washington, turned up additional
Justice Department records which, said Adler, "In my opinion, indicate that
the prosecutors were aware that the affidavit was false." One of those
documents, a classified memorandum which has subsequently been summarized
for public release, is  particularly incriminating.  "What that document
says," said Adler, "is that right before that document [the perjured CIA
affidavit]  was put into evidence at Wilson's trial, the CIA's lawyers spoke
to the prosecutors from Justice and told them, 'Don't use the affidavit.'
The prosecutors (Ted Greenberg and Lawrence Barcella) in the case said,
'We're going to use it.' [CIA General Counsel Stanley] Sporkin himself said,
'At least take out the word indirectly as far as indirectly provided
services,' and the prosecutor [Greenberg] probably said 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #1

2000-01-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000117a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No spymasters were harmed to produce this bulletin. But they're scared.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ dance! http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~preuitt/robot.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Planet faces 'abrupt changes.' (BBC) A US think tank gives a warning of
  unpredictable environmental upsets during the 21st Century. Prepare to
  die: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_603000/603707.stm

# Also: World population still climbing:
# Extinction warning for freshwater species:
# Climate disaster possible by 2100:

: Are you ready for the prophesied planetary changes? Have you changed many
planets lately? Is it a grueling experience? What's your favorite disaster??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Ex-CIA Head, Wife Aboard Plane Crash. SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) - Former
  CIA chief Adm. Stansfield Turner was among 17 people injured in a weekend
  airplane crash that killed his wife and others. Turner, CIA director under
  Pres. Carter, is in a San Jose hospital. His condition is not known.

: Have you tried to kill any ex-spymasters lately? Did you succeed? Would'ya
rather silence them with mind-numbing drugs, fiery death, mind-control rays?

# Are the English violent? Cross-party politicians warn of growing national-
  ism  violence as England searches for identity at a time of devolution.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ We have always had our Fiends. They have long fixed the romantic imagina-
  tion of priest  poet alike. Once we called them Trolls, later they were
  named Demons, then they were Witches who brewed evil potions. Still later,
  the Monster was said to be the hungry Wolf, the Bogeyman, or the Godzilla
  of Cold War terror. Finally, some called it human ignorance and intoler-
  ance. For a time, they tried to tell us that monsters don't exist at all,
  that everything about reality was either known or would soon be known. But
  now we know better.  We have made our reacquaintance with the Beast.  We
  have learned its true name. http://www.vampires.com/index2.htm

: What's your favorite Fiend? Are you Fiendish? Do you operate in mundane
realms? Are humans mere fodder to you? Are you of this Earth? Are you... IT?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# VALUE AT INTERNET SPEED: "It used to be... that the intellectual capital
  of a school could be measured and priced according to the lecture the
  professor gave in a classroom of 30 executives. Today that same lecture
  could be taught simultaneously to 10, 20 or even 1,000 different classes
  worldwide." So what's it worth? http://www.ft.com/hippocampus/q324b52.htm

@ McNikeSoft rulz. It's 2050, and there is only one company left. This
  makes life easy for lawyers, since it means there's only one large
  defendant to sue: http://www.nationaljournal.com/rauch.htm

: What do you value? How d'ya measure it? Who do you drain? Who drains you?
How fast does the draining occur? Is cybernetic vampirism very profitable?

# Credit Cards Easy to Steal on Web - Security Flaws Found on E-Biz Sites:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Egypt: better deal for women? (BBC) Egypt's parliament is debating legal
  changes that would make it easier for women to divorce, and travel abroad.

# Also: Egyptian wives turning violent:
# Egyptian woman locked up by father:
# Zippergate inspires Egyptian sex comedy:

: Should women be allowed to travel? Should men? Should robots? Do you fear
spousal violence? Should you? Is this violence provoked by society, aliens,
spies, disease, television/videogames/Internet, better weapons, new drugs?

@ Marriage is not a mere strategy to propagate our DNA, argues Roger
  Scruton. It also serves the deeper moral purposes of our society.
  Not to mention sex: http://www.city-journal.org/html/9_4_a3.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mars Lander Search To End. PASADENA, Calif. (AP) The fruitless search for
  any sign of life from 

[CTRL] USA Today Approves Ad! And More

2000-01-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Jim Condit Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: USA Today Approves Ad! And More
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2000 9:30 PM

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes
decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

Good news. USA Today has approved our Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Ad
which details what happened to Buchanan in Dubuque at the hands of Voter
News Service, what needs to be done to watch the count on Monday Jan 24,
2000! The ad also introduces the whole issue of unverifiable elections
with directions to our website and to this listserve. Now all I have to
do is make it happen, which is at this point up to a few good souls who
look like they are going to come through with an emergency loans.

We are hoping this ad in USA Today, which will appear next Wednesday,
Thursday or Friday, -- will kick the fight for verifiable elections into
higher gear. With painstaking slowness, I believe we are all making
progress in moving this issue forward. Consider the following things
that have already happened:

Progress: Kudos to Alan Keyes for repeatedly calling the public opinion
polls published by the Big TV networks phony. He does this on national
TV and even explains some of the mechanisms used: such as leaving out
his name when taking the surveys.

Progress: High Praise to Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
Howard Phillips for including a powerful paragraph on honest elections
vs. our current riggable elections in his acceptance speech over
national TV on C-Span over Labor Day weekend 1999 from St. Louis at the
Constitution Party National Convention.

Progress: Senator Bob Smith detailed on C-Span in a July 1999 interview
that ALL four Big TV networks had projected Smith to lose his 1996
Senate Race in New Hampshire --- but that he won as the hand counted
votes trickled in from the outer parts of the state. Smith said,
(paraphrase)"All the network anchors had to eat crow. They forgot that
in New Hampshire we count the votes before we declare the winner. But
Dan Rather and Peter Jennings looked good eating crow." Whether Smith
realized the full inport of his statement, I don't know; but it's on the
record. We have Keyes, Smith, Phillips, and the below item on Buchanan
on videotape.

Progress: In response to a caller on C-Span, Pat Buchanan in mid-1999
(when he was still a Republican) stated that in Iowa the Buchanan
Brigades would need to have people at every caucus so they would have
the numbers before the boys in New York do (paraphrase). This is exactly
what the USA Today ad will urge the Keyes, Forbes, and Bauer campaigns
to do.

What we desperately need is for one of the candidates who get national
TV exposure to make this issue (votefraud vs. honest elections) part of
their stump speech. Nothing less will do. Please pray that the gifted
columnist Joe Sobran (vp candidate on the Constitution Party) will wield
his mighty pen to do a tremendous column on this issue soon -- a column
we can spread far and wide for the rest of the election year throughout
the nation. Best Wishes to all. Jim Condit Jr.

P.S. While I will often cover basic concepts on this list, many of the
messages are written with the hope that subscribers have read at least
the home page paragraphs at www.networkamerica.org  -- it would also be
good to read the Greatest Cover-up of all: VoteFraud in America in
archives, and also in archives: Help Break the Cover-up, which details
the mysterious and fraudulent goings on in the 1996 GOP primaries.

To Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders
Our website: www.networkamerica.org

Our website is at www.networkamerica.org Please spread the word about our website and 
listserve as the year 2000 Presidential Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize 
the New World Order Ruling Elite and restore true Freedom and true Free Enterprise in 

Check out the new and improved Topica site!

Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists  E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs,  resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://msen.com/~lloyd/
  For Ordering Info  Free Catalog:
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   


2000-01-17 Thread Fransy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Below when I stated : "That State", I meant Mr. Blair's State, of course :)

On the other hand, the Greek Government made a clear statement at the
European Parliament lately saying they will not fight or otherwise hamper
Turkey's candidacy into the EC from now on.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of Prudence L. Kuhn
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 5:29 PM

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/16/2000 4:22:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 It isn't a secret for anybody that Turkey wants badly to be recognised as
 worthy to be a candidate and join the European Community. As The EC is
 considering the matter and this below is not a question on the ballot in
 regard of such candidacy, is this to say that the EC is considering
 accepting a fascist state in its club of nations? If the answer is yes one
 must argue then that the EC is on the fascist slope itself!
 I don't see this as a viable option to think about, not yet anyway, even
 though the fast disapearance of all kinds of rights and liberties since Mr.
 Blair 's Bilderberg approved policies are in the making.
 That State as it is a direct menace for democracy in Europe should never be
 accepted by the EC! This could of course be another decisive threshold into
 the appreciation of Europe being on that fascist slope or not! But this is
 an entire different debate. Nevertheless it sets the stage for the spirit
 which Turkey wishes to rejoin this club of Nations. 

There's little doubt that Turkey is a true Democracy.  That there is
mistreatment of prisoners (both criminal and political) cannot be denied.
That is, however, true of this country where it is done sneakily, but anyone
who keeps track of things going on in our prisons and what was done to the
McDougals, knows it is a fact here.  Turkey will probably not be accepted
into the European Union, but the real reason is that Greece will fight such
acceptance, and Greece always wins.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson

2000-01-17 Thread Colleen Jones

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This item rings a few bells.attorney Bud Fensterwald, Washington
Attoney was also director of the Commitee to Investigate
Assassinationsin was it 1978 or 79,  House Assassinations Committee
wanted Bud to act as counsel in reopening JFK assassinationMark Lane
was privy to this information, and forwarded to Larry FlyntFlynt
used in his first and last Free Press.for Lane told of the story
where the CIA told Fensterwald  that if he took that post (went to
Sprague then) they would "come with his head of a plater".nice
So Bud told Mark if you repeat that, I will deny itbut Flynt was
gunned down and out with the one million dollar reward he dangled to the
more greedy of the lot of researchersthis Lane gets aroundhad
been with Kilgallon night or day before she died sudden death; was at
Jonestown, where my friend Sybil Leek MI6 with whom I worked 12 years
advised me, quite a few Jonestown residents had implants behind ears and
Nazi doctors escaped and Lane escaped, while Jonestown died with Rabbi
Washington of the House of Israel residing next door.
Washinton years later returned to USA, nannounced and there had been
warrant out for years on him and he was picked up...end of story.   Lane
appeared with Rick Strawcutter in his book.Strawcutter was sent
Heavens Gates tapes by Do prior to his death.

So Fensterwald had a friend by name of John Paisley, CIAlived next
door.Paisley found dead in oceansome say body was not his,wife
maintains he was murdered.and then do not forget Bill Colby, in a
lake.the guy was still cooking his dinnerexit another former
head of CIAColby had dealings with Secord and still dwelled in

Remember Casey and his sudden death?  Remember Mayor of Dallas in 1963
when JFK gunned down; brother was Deputy Director of CIA..remember
CIA was once called the Oh So Social, for it stood for OSS.here we
have virtually the 300 again calling the shots - and I meant shots.

Meanwhile add a phoney cold war with billions for defense of
others,while our country slowly goes down the tube..billions for
Israel?  Why?  A tiny little state with that kind of money?

So Oliver Stone made his movie with old hat information that the
Assassination Committee had over 30 years ago, as if it was something
new...there stone at the Democrat Convention and cameras switched to
him, when the words "new covenant" were spoken..Stone recently
arrested for Hash charge.Larry Flynt in like Flynn as Chief Snow
Bird..he was gunned down not because of the reward put out for
inormation on JFK - for that was a fraudbut for
drugs...pornography is always a front for drugs.established
routes..Meyer Lanskey had henchmen in Columbus then - and anyone
interferring in the drug business was eliminated.Larry Flynt at the
time of his demise was in like Flynn with President Carter's born again
Christian sister, Stapleton was name.

Now there were some of the Born Again Christians into a lot of drugs for
guns exchanges and I mean big guys including the Doctor who may have
just spirited away James Riddle Hoffa...and who got caught with
psychotic Mafia Hit Man Ralph Deleo dressed like County Sheriff one
Halloween night -who along with another dcotor called upon a black
doctor = these men were Jewish Mafia and Lanskey spent time on the one's
farm.they were going to castrate black doctor when hit man just blew
away the guy...now Larry Flynt also gunned down in this time
frame...all were involved in pornography and drugs.but here
again, the Mark Lane connection ...who is CIA lawyer of "worst
possible type" according to workds of MI6 Sybil Leek.

So what is going on?  Sybil Leek told me this doctor, this one Donald
Plotnick was CIA..he spent one year in prison with James Riddle
Hoffa and they became friendssuddenly we have Meyer Lanskey in
picture, Larry Flynt inpicture, Mark Lane in Picture..and Flynt was
to be "colored out"..big money tax clear, drugs for gunsborn
again Christians working with Jewish Mafia?   These guys even had phoney
KKK literature - so remmbe Walker spies few years later, in KKK with FBI
and KGB...all one big familyOh So Secret.

So Bud Fensterwld died shortly after JFK and his next door neighbo and
friend Jhn Paisley found in water and was Colby.souns more like the
Tarot Card Assassins at work.Watch Towers, Hanged Man Fear Death By
Water, Religious Cults at Jonestown in alleged mass suicide when it was
murder..even to the implants behind the ears.which m friend knew
about in 1979...but Mark Lane escaped Jonestown .through the
jungle after being up the creek without a paddle,,let us just call
him Ishmael...

For Lane betrayed Fensterwald.was Fensterwald CIA?  Story in New
Orleans was he was; maybe he was used to control and suppress the 

Re: [CTRL] Rabta

2000-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/16/2000 9:54:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Interestingly, the Americans have gone totally silent on the plant ever
 since.  Further, I have detected no other mention in any other western
 media I receive at our offices.  I personally believe it was a beat up
 that failed in gaining other western nations' support.  I believe it was
 all oil politics at the time. 

It sounds like the kind of intelligence we get from our CIA.  Sometimes I
think they really spend their time reading bad fiction, and just include that
in their reports.  Perhaps if the CIA gave aptitude tests before taking them
on it might improve things.  For some reason or other someone or other just
doesn't understand that everyone isn't cut out to do that kind of work, and
it's really better not to hire them.
Alas but true, the oil politics seem to dictate most of our foreign policy,
but it's embarrassing when our people try to use scams that wouldn't fool a
two year old.  The CIA must be of the same stamp as the people who were sure
that the American public really didn't know what oral sex was and thus kept
explaining it in smaller and smaller words on the six 'o clock news.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ex-CIA Head, Wife Aboard Plane Crash

2000-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/16/2000 10:16:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) — Former CIA director Adm. Stansfield Turner
 was among 17 people injured in a weekend airplane crash that killed
 his wife, a U.S. couple and a Spaniard, Costa Rican authorities said

 Turner, CIA director under President Carter, was in a San Jose
 hospital Sunday. No details on his condition were available.

 His wife, Karen, was killed Saturday afternoon when their Taxi Aereo
 Centroamericano flight crashed into a home shortly after taking off in
 San Jose. 

It appears that it's risky to have been CIA director--lots of "accidents."
You will be releaved to hear that so far ex-president Bush has had no
problems.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Music mind control/Info related to hypothesis on Harrison stabbing

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Music  mind control//
--Info related to hypothesis on Harrison stabbing

There is a substantial body of hard and circumstantial evidence
showing that the Beatles and other bands of that era--and NOW--
were/are utilized in massive social experimentation and wide-scale
mind/mood/consciousness manipulation operations: enacted in the
Beatles' case by organizations linked to the Tavistock Institute for
Social Change in the U.K., including intelligence agencies in both
Britain and the U.S.

Quite often all this went on with little if any awareness whatsoever on 
the part of the musicians.

It's a pretty vast subject and one which can't really be comprehended
fully without some study. However, these organizations cited above
endeavored to promote certain concepts, world-views, etc. through
popular music: in addition to which persuasive evidence suggests
subliminal elements may be "mixed in" to the sound tracks on music recordings.

These shadowy Tavistock-related organizations and and linked
intelligence agencies have documentable links to the "occult"
netherworld, as indeed do some musicians/bands, and I'd venture to
guess so do some of the people responsible for such things as the
Harrison stabbing and the murder of John Lennon.

The Beatles original record label Thorne/EMI, is reliably reported
to have strong and direct links to both the British intelligence
network and certain "Crowleyite" occult groups.

The Beatles and a number of other bands from that time and other
periods as well have to some extent or other dabbled in Crowleyite mysticism.

As well, there is irrefutable proof the CIA and similar agencies have
conducted a staggering number of mind control experiments and programs.
One of the common objectives of this type of experimentation is the
creation of a conscience-less, unthinking and unfeeling killer/assassin
who will often either then kill themselves or have little if any
memory of what they did or why they did it.

Anyway, I actually really enjoy the Beatles music, and consider them
very talented musicians. Lennon and probably Harrison as well (probably
McCartney too, actually) became aware that the band was being
manipulated AND used to manipulate the public, as I discuss in some 
NewsHawk articles.

Interestingly as well, I have NOT heard anything further about the
Harrison stabbing incident on mainstream news for well over a week
now, though I'm not sure if that's the case in the U.K.

The last we heard, the attacker was remanded by a magistrate to a
psychiatric unit, where undoubtedly, in the tried and true tradition
(such as was used on Princess Diana's bodyguard Trevor Reese Jones),
whatever remains of assailant Abram's memory of what he did and exactly
WHY he tried to kill Harrison in ritualistic fashion with a dagger to
the heart, will be turned to complete porridge. Gorge Harison and wife
Olivia are vacationing in Ireland and are reportedly doing fine.

John Quinn
NewsHawk® Inc.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


This forwarded article was received from Byron Weeks; who in our opinion
really has a good firm handle on exactly WHAT is up on many levels with
the extraordinarily extensive "control trips" currently being directed
against the peoples of the world by elements of the global shadow government.

Weeks, whom I quoted at length in the book PHOENIX UNDEAD, has sent us
this compelling look at a globally-active British institute which has
had it's hands in just about every social and political/governmental
movement of note throughout much of the world for the past 50 years.

For example, ever wonder who and what is "behind", let's say, the CIA?
Well, they don't swear allegiance to America, that's for certain. Try
the British royal family.

This report is the real stuff--solidly researched and meticulously
documented; so for lots more truly concept-bending data, read on.

NewsHawk Inc.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
To John Quinn

I believe Tavistock has always had secret ties to British Freemasonry.

Byron T. Weeks, MD
Col. AFUS, MC, Ret.


  30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD.--

Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent
not-for-profit organization which seeks to combine research in the
social sciences with professional practice. Problems of
institution-building and organizational design and change are being
tackled in all sectors - government, industry and commerce, health
and welfare, education, etc. - nationally and internationally, and
clients range from multinationals to small community groups. A growth
area has been the use of a developmental approach to evaluation of
new and experimental programs, particularly in health, education and
community development. This has also produced new training events
alongside the regular program of group relations conferences. The
Institute owns and 

[CTRL] VoteFraud: New Listserv

2000-01-17 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Russia

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

STRATFOR.COM's Global Intelligence Update - January 17, 2000

By The Internet's Most Intelligent Source
of International News  Analysis


U.S. aid intended to fight the Colombian drug trade and foster the
peace talks will instead encourage more fighting.

France's military exercises with the UAE are part of its new
security strategy in the Persian Gulf.

Algerian extremists not willing to accept President Bouteflika's
amnesty-for-peace plan will be forced to seek safe haven elsewhere.


STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
January 17, 1999

The Putin Doctrine: Nuclear Threats and Russia's Place in the World


Russia's acting president, Vladimir Putin, last week reversed his
country's vow never to use nuclear weapons first. The announcement
sent shock waves around the world. And it should have. Russian
nuclear warheads are not about to rain down on the United States
but Putin is doing more than rattling sabers. A new Russian
national security doctrine has emerged over the last few months and
Putin's announcement is intended to round out that doctrine,
affecting the war in Chechnya, and re-ordering relations both with
Russia's neighbors and the United States.


Until a few months ago, Russia had no clear-cut national security
policy. Since the end of the Cold War, Russian security doctrine
had devolved into Russian economic policy. Russian economic policy
consisted of intensifying relations with the advanced industrial,
capitalist world in order to create the financial structures and
relationships needed to jump-start the economy. Russian national
security doctrine consisted primarily of doing nothing to disrupt
those economic relationships while, within the framework of the
first imperative, maintaining the territorial and institutional
integrity of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the most important aspect of the new Russian national
security doctrine is that it exists at all. Putin's announcement on
first strike has as its primary purpose the elevation of national
security issues to the same level as national economic issues. In
other words, Putin's announcement on nuclear weapons represents the
death of the preceding national strategy, which relegated national
security issues to a distant second place behind national economic
concerns. It was intended to stun a number of audiences into
realizing that the post-Cold War world is gone.

The choice of the nuclear issue served a number of purposes and
spoke to a number of audiences. The first audience was the United
States and its allies. As our readers know, it has been our view
that the West's decision to bomb Iraq in December of 1998 -
followed by the war in Kosovo, both in direct opposition to Russian
wishes - generated a revolution in Russian policy. Those two
actions convinced the Russians that the United States intended to
reduce Russia to the status of a tertiary power. Washington's
systematic indifference to Russian wishes convinced the Russian
national security community that without leverage against the
United States, Russia would have no traction whatsoever. Economic
relations with the West had effectively collapsed in the financial
crisis of August 1998, so the Russians felt they had little to

Putin's announcement is perfectly designed to drive home the price
and risks of U.S. economic and strategic policy. It systematically
accomplishes what Yeltsin tried spasmodically when he reminded
Washington that Russia had nuclear weapons and was prepared to use
them. First, the Putin doctrine reminds the United States that
Russia is the only nation in the world with sufficient nuclear
weapons of sufficient range to conduct an annihilating attack on
the United States. To put it bluntly, Russia could choose to kill a
large percentage of the American public if it is prepared to endure
the same.

Second, Moscow's new stance poses a practical problem for the
United States, which must now at least consider Russian responses.
No matter how unlikely a Russian first strike is, there is a huge
difference between a negligible threat and a non-existent one,
particularly at the orders of magnitude involved. During the Cold
War, the threat of a Soviet nuclear response was in the back of
every policy maker's mind when dealing with issues from Nicaragua
to Angola to India. That threat disappeared with Glasnost. Putin
intends to resurrect it.

Third, this is a meaningful threat because of the relative weakness
of Russia's conventional forces. Consider Western nuclear strategy,
particularly during the Cold War. The United States and NATO never
renounced a possible first strike; indeed, it was explicitly
understood that a massive 

[CTRL] OEN 1/17/99

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Accidents Happen

Former CIA Director Seriously Injured in Plane Crash

by J. Orlin Grabbe

Admiral Stansfield Turner, former CIA director under Jimmy Carter, and one of
the nation's top experts on nuclear and biological weapons, has been
seriously injured in a plane crash in Costa Rica. His condition was listed as
stable in Hospital Mexico.

The twin-engine plane, a Czech LET 410, bearing the tail number YS-09-C, went
down 3 minutes after leaving Tobias Bolanos airport. Four people were killed,
including Turner's wife Karen, and 15 others injured. The crash was headlined
in Costa Rican newspapers on Sunday, with no recognition of the fact that the
former CIA director was among the passengers, nor that he was traveling with
Spanish passengers apparently working for Spanish intelligence.

Further information can be found at the Strategic Intelligence website.

Spy Bucks

United Petroleum: Petrodollars  CIA

by James Norman

Last November, United Petroleum Corp of Knoxville, Tennessee, emerged from 10
months in Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization. The event got little notice:
United expected to earn just $2.4-mil this year on revenues of $7.5-mil,
mainly from selling gasoline through a handful of carwash outlets in
Tennessee and Georgia.

Little is left of United's oil and gas EP unit, Jackson United Petroleum.
Its 75% stake in 19 Pennsylvania wells was due to be sold last year for about
$700,000. Sources say a Kentucky drilling play petered out amid questions
about United's ownership of lease rights. The company failed to return
numerous calls for comment.

But for some reason, this obscure little oil company has attracted some
big-name players. Among names that cropped up on United's board in the months
before its bankruptcy filing: Eugenio (Rolando) Martinez.

Miami-based Martinez, now 77, may be best remembered as one of the infamous
team of Watergate "plumbers," hired by CIA agent E. Howard Hunt to break into
the offices of the Democratic National Committee in June 1972. Before that,
Martinez had participated in the break-in at the office of the psychiatrist
of "Pentagon Papers" whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg.
Martinez had been one of the anti-Castro Cubans on the CIA's payroll under
Miami station chief Ted Shackley in the early 1960s. He spent 15 months in
prison but was the only Watergate felon to get a pardon, by President Reagan.
Martinez is still "engaged in consulting on international trade and finance,"
says a United filing. When asked by the Miami Herald recently if he still
works for the spy agency, Martinez' only response: "Classified."

Martinez joined the United board in August 1997, soon after control of the
company fell into the hands of Clark K. Hunt, the 34-year-old manager of HW
Capital and a former director of Placid Oil. Clark Hunt (no relation to E.
Howard) is a former Goldman Sachs investment banker and part of the Lamar
Hunt branch of the Dallas Hunt clan.

Clark Hunt's Infinity Investors had bought a large chunk of $28-mil in
convertible debentures sold by United in a "Reg S" offshore offering in 1996.
United got less than $18-mil of that. The rest was discounts and commissions.
Infinity and its affiliates, set up as offshore trusts, claimed to be foreign
investors, even though controlled from Hunt's offices in Dallas. Their
purchase contracts vowed they were long-term investors.

(United is not the only Reg S oil play by Hunt's group. In 1998 Infinity and
other Hunt units purchased large amounts of offshore convertible debt of New
York-based American International Petroleum Corp, which has two large oil and
gas exploration tracts in Kazakstan. AIPC's board includes Donald Rynne, a
close acquaintance of late CIA director William Casey. Last month former US
ambassador to Finland, John Kelly, replaced former ambassador to Saudi
Arabia, Richard Murphy, on AIPC's board. AIPC last week said it won a delay
to Feb 4 on conversion of its debentures while it tries to complete a

Another buyer of United's debentures was Lake Management, a Cayman Islands
firm run by commodities trader Daniel Asher. Asher was banned as a floor
broker by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in 1998. He now reportedly
operates a flight service facility near Chicago.
In 1997, disgruntled United shareholders sued, claiming securities fraud and
stock manipulation by Hunt, Infinity, Lake and their affiliates. They alleged
the buyers were ineligible under Reg S and violated their contracts by
selling "short" large amounts of United stock at prices up to $7/share in
mid-1996. United's stock plunged to under $0.50/share later that year.

Hunt's group tried to ditch the shareholder suit in United's Delaware
bankruptcy case, but failed. A hearing is set Feb 7 on reviving that class


[CTRL] World Wide Wiretapping Problem

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.microlink.co.il/fs_12.html"World Wide
Wiretapping Problem/A
last update: 17 Jan 2000
International review:
 U.S. State Department Reports Worldwide Privacy Abuses
 by David Banisar
In its' annual review on human rights around the globe, the US State
Department reports that while most countries have either Constitutional or
legal protections of privacy, there are widespread abuses of privacy rights.
The abuses reported included illegal wiretapping, widespread informer
networks, interception of mail, and warrantless searches of homes.
 Privacy on the Line. The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption  (1.02.98)
 Secure Those Systems  (01.98)
 BUG OFF! Primer for Human Rights Groups on Wiretapping
 Remote Observation System

North America
 What Is The Electronic Communications Privacy Act ("ECPA")
The ECPA began as the "anti-wiretapping" act, enacted to combat the
eavesdropping excesses of the Watergate scandal in the late '60s. Originally,
the federal statute targeted government eavesdropping on telephone
discussions without consenting those involved in the conversation. The act
required government agents to procure a judicial warrant before they could
intercept discussions. In late 1986, Congress increased the coverage of the
anti-wiretapping laws to follow the broadening range of electronic
communication, resulting in the ECPA.
 Watergate story
Back to map
FBI wiretap results tossed out of court  (24.11.99)
 Former Cherokee Chief Joe Byrd and two others are cleared in a federal
wiretapping suit. (4.11.99)
 Wiretap fear killed paper, they say (3.11.99)
 Newspapers Lose Bid To Avoid Trial (1.11.99)
 Ex-OSBI agent describes the mood at Cherokee headquarters in 1997 at a civil
trial. (30.10.99)
 Church leaders tight-lipped about wiretapping (23.10.99)
 Wiretapping abuses alarm EFF, EPIC (21.10.99)
 FCC approves new digital wiretap standards (30.08. 99)
 Tripp indicted for Lewinsky phone tapping (31.06.99)
 Report: Energy Dept. can't reform itself : illegal wiretap (15.06.99)
 Cisneros lawyer pledges vigorous questioning of former mistress (2.06.99)
 Eyeing The Competition (22.03.99)
 Rap a Tap Tap (13.02.99)
 Clinton: security risk (3.02.99)
 Man Arrested For Wiretapping Tom Cruise  (10.12.98)
 More Federal Wiretaps than ever Before (2.12.98)
 Partial Settlement Reached In CNO Wiretapping Suit (21.11.98)
 Tribe officials targeted in wiretapping suit (20.11.98)
 Goldberg Testifies Today in Tripp Wiretapping Case (12.11.98)
 Bill expanding wiretap powers slips through conference committee (13.10.98)
 Secret Courts Approve More Wiretapping (30.09.98)
 Los Angeles
 There are 6.5 million telephones in Los Angeles. For years in California it
was illegal, even for the police, to listen in (10.07.98)
 Magic assistant 'Tree' Rollins pleas no contest in wiretapping case
 $1 million tribal suit filed in wiretap case (6.05.98)
 LBJ tapped Humphrey phone to monitor Vietnam remarks (15.03.98)
 Parties To Phone Call Can Tape Exchange (14.03.98)
 North Carolina sheriff pleads guilty to illegal wiretapping high school
teacher's phone calls (8.02.99)
 Foreign Snooping On U.S. Firms Growing, FBI Says (12.01.98)
Back to map
Record two million private conversations monitored by government in 1997
 Invasion of Privacy (25.08.97)
 FBI Proposes to Modify Nation's Phone Network to Advance Wiretapping (09.97)
 FBI Eyes Cherokee Wiretaps (16.03.97)
 Mr. and Mrs. Martin go wiretapping (17.01.97)
 High court bars Florida wiretaps for nonviolent crimes (26.02.96)
 ABC Cleared of wiretapping charges in another hidden-camera case (6.08.95)
 A Tap on Every Phone: The Dream of Every FBI Agent  (10.94)
 Inquiry Finds Illegal Surveillance of Workers in Nuclear Plants  (31.06.91)
 Cincinnatus Continues to Battle Media Blackout - Fall, 1989 (1989)

 New restrictions set for wiretaps (16.11.98)
 Wiretapping Raises Fears (17.06.98)
 CSE and Canadian Communications (1998)
  Wiretapping probe urged (6.10.97)
 CSIS has wiretap green light (1.10.97)

Back to map
Central America
 A senator of the Mexican opposition says that she has evidence of
wiretapping in the state of Campeche  (26.03.98)
 Mexico: Amnesty International gravely alarmed at sharp increase in human
rights violations against civil and human rights activists. (14.10.96)
South America
 Wiretap Scandal in Brazil (12.98)
 Analysts: Wiretapping scandal could hurt economic stability (17.11.98)

 Journalists press charges against minister and general for telephone tapping
 Congress accepts recommendation for the regulation of protection of sources,
telephone tapping investigation report (31.05.99)
 Journalist threatened (12.05.98)
 Ex-agent accuses Peru's spy chief in phone-tapping scandal (17.03.98)
 Advances in investigation into phone tapping (23.09.97)
 Five secret stations spy on telephones of 

[CTRL] Strategic Intelligence...What you don't know...…

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.strategicintel.com/"Strategic
Intelligence...What you don't know...…/A

Breaking News
  Ex-CIA Director Badly Injured In Plane Crash (Click Here)

Former CIA Director Adm. Stansfield Turner (click here for resume) was among
17 people injured in a weekend airplane crash that killed his wife, a U.S.
couple and a Spaniard, Costa Rican authorities said Sunday. Turner, CIA
director under President Carter, was in a San Jose hospital Sunday. No
details on his condition were available. His wife, Karen, was killed Saturday
afternoon when their Taxi Aereo Centroamericano flight crashed into a home
shortly after taking off in San Jose.
Click here for Hospitalized Victim List and Crash Photo
Ex-CIA Head, Wife Aboard Plane Crash

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) -- Former CIA director Adm. Stansfield Turner was
among 17 people injured in a weekend airplane crash that killed his wife, a
U.S. couple and a Spaniard, Costa Rican authorities said Sunday.

Turner, CIA director under President Carter, was in a San Jose hospital
Sunday. No details on his condition were available.

His wife, Karen, was killed Saturday afternoon when their Taxi Aereo
Centroamericano flight crashed into a home shortly after taking off in San

Also killed in the crash were Siegrid Richert and his wife, Therese, and
Spaniard Antonio Sanchez Diaz, according to Javier Montero, chief of
operations for Costa Rica's Judicial Investigation Organization.

Turner and 16 other people, most of them Spaniards, were injured when the
Czech-built LET 410 plowed into a house in an upscale neighborhood near the
Tobias Bolanos airport, Red Cross officials said.

Three people were in the house, including a Nicaraguan housekeeper who
suffered minor injuries.

``It was like a bomb. Pieces of cement, wood and even a wall fell on top of
us,'' the housekeeper, Yamileth Saenz, told the daily La Nacion.

In addition to Turner, the injured passengers and crew included nine
Spaniards, two French citizens, one Salvadoran and three Costa Ricans, the
Red Cross said.

Most were in stable condition in San Jose hospitals Sunday.

The Costa Rican pilot was seriously injured, according to Pamela Villalta,
spokeswoman for the San Juan de Dios Hospital.

The plane had been destined for the Tortuguero national park on Costa Rica's
Atlantic coast.
The cause of the accident was under investigation. It was unclear whether
heavy winds at the time played a role.

``I was coming up the street when suddenly I saw the plane start to
fishtail,'' one witness, Pedro Chinchilla, told the daily La Republica. ``It
fell, and then I heard a loud noise, like a hurricane. When I reached the
site I could hear screams coming from inside the house.''

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [5] Understanding Special Operations - Appendix A

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.prouty.org/"The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Reference Site/A
Appendix A

Prefaces to 3 Editions of The Secret Team

This Appendix includes replicas of the Preface to the original 1973 First
Edition of The Secret Team, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United
States and the World, the 1997 Electronic Edition reprint published on Len
Osanic's essential CD, The Collected Works of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty[1], and
an updated version Fletcher wrote to include in this book as further
explanation of how the The Secret Team was at the center of the Vietnam War

Preface to the 1973 First Edition

From President to Ambassador, Cabinet Officer to Commanding General, and from
Senator to executive assistant -- all these men have their sources of
information and guidance. Most of this information and guidance is the result
of carefully laid schemes and ploys of pressure groups.In this influential
coterie one of the most interesting and effective roles is that played by the
behind the scenes, faceless, nameless, ubiquitous briefing officer.

He is the man who sees the President, the Secretary, the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff almost daily, and who carries with him the most
skillfully detailed information. He is trained by years of experience in the
precise way to present that information to assure its effectiveness. He comes
away day after day knowing more and more about the man he has been briefing
and about what it is that the truly influential pressure groups at the center
of power and authority are really trying to tell these key decision makers.
In Washington, where such decisions shape and shake the world, the role of
the regular briefing officer is critical.

Leaders of government and of the great power centers regularly leak
information of all kinds to columnists, television and radio commentators,
and to other media masters with the hope that the material will surface and
thus influence the President, the Secretary, the Congress, and the public.
Those other inside pressure groups with their own briefing officers have
direct access to the top men; they do not have to rely upon the media,
although they make great use of it. They are safe and assured in the
knowledge that they can get to the decision maker directly. They need no
middleman other than the briefing officer. Such departments as Defense,
State, and the CIA use this technique most effectively.

For nine consecutive, long years during those crucial days from 1955 through
January 1, 1964, I was one of those briefing officers. I had the unique
assignment of being the "Focal Point" officer for contacts between the CIA
and the Department of Defense on matters pertaining to the military support
of the Special Operations[1] of that Agency. In that capacity I worked with
Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles, several Secretaries of Defense, and
Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as many others in key
governmental places. My work took me to more than sixty countries and to CIA
offices and covert activities all over the world -- from such hot spots as
Saigon and to such remote places as the South Pole. Yes, there have been
secret operations in Antarctica.

It was my job not only to brief these men, but to brief them from the point
of view of the CIA so that I might win approval of the projects presented and
of the accompanying requests for support from the military in terms of money,
manpower, facilities, and materials. I was, during this time, perhaps the
best informed "Focal Point" officer among the few who operated in this very
special area. The role of the briefing officer is quiet, effective, and most
influential; and, in the CIA, specialized in the high art of top level

It cannot be expected that a John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, a Richard Nixon,
or a following President will have experienced and learned all the things
that may arise to confront him during his busy official life in the White
House. It cannot be expected that a Robert McNamara or a Melvin Laird, a Dean
Rusk or a William Rogers, etc. comes fully equipped to high office, aware of
all matters pertaining to what they will encounter in their relationship with
the Congo or Cuba, Vietnam or Pakistan, and China or Russia and the emerging
new nations. These men learn about these places and the many things that face
them from day to day from an endless and unceasing procession of briefing

Henry Kissinger was a briefing officer. General John Vogt was one of the
best. Desmond Fitzgerald, Tracy Barnes, Ed Lansdale, and "Brute" Krulak, in
their own specialties, were top flight briefing officers on subjects that
until the publication of the "Pentagon Papers," few people had ever seen in
print or had ever even contemplated. (You can imagine my surprise 

[CTRL] The JFK Assassination

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

A HREF="http://www.prouty.org/"The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty Reference Site/A

The JFK Assassination
By David Giamarco 1998

WASHINGTON - With the quick crack of gunshots in Dallas's Dealey Plaza that
terminated the life and presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy continues to
reverberate 33 years later. But the shock of the assassination is now
overshadowed by dismay over the ruthless cover-up of what may be the greatest
unsolved crime of the century.

Today the 1964 report of the Warren commission reads like a fairy tale. As
the lone assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was ruled to have fired three bullets
from a rusted Manlicher-Carcano rifle with a misaligned scope in just 5.6
seconds, one bullet missing the target leaving just two to cause eight wounds
to Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally.

A Gallup poll taken two weeks after the assassination found 52 per cent of
Americans believed there had been a conspiracy to kill the president. By 1993
CBS News poll found 89 per cent of the population believed in the conspiracy
and 81 per cent believed there was an official cover-up.

Over the past three decades, dozens of official and semi-official sources
have come forward with their own evidence. "I no longer feel we simply had no
credible evidence or reliable evidence in proof of a conspiracy," former
Warren commissioner John J. McCloy admitted in 1978.

William Sullivan, Domestic Intelligence Chief, also doubted the findings
saying, "there were huge gaps in the case, gaps we never did close." And
Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry later stated he believed that two gunmen were

"We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle," Curry said in 1969.
Kennedy's own aid Kenneth O'Donnell, who rode in the motorcade immediately
behind the president, told House Speaker Tip O'Neil that he was pressured by
the FBI not to say what he strongly believed: that gunfire came from in front
of the motorcade. The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded in
1978 that there had "probably" been a conspiracy in Dealey Plaza.

For one top level Washington insider, it didn't take that long for he truth
about the JFK assassination to become frighteningly clear.

It was a coup d 'etat, not an assassination of one man,'' says Fletcher
Prouty. "It was a very well planned overthrow of the government."

Prouty, a retired colonel of the U.S. Air Force jet pilot and former
professor of air science anti tactics at Yale University, was Chief of
Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years. He
spent nine years in charge of the global system providing military support
for the clandestine activities of the Central Intelligence Agency: Black Ops,
assassinations, coups d'etat, election riggings, propaganda and

As a high-ranking military operative, Prouty was often the briefing officer
for the chiefs in matters involving the CIA. By fall 1963, Prouty knew as
much as anyone about the inner workings of the world of Special Operations.
In fact, the character of "X" played by Donald Sutherland in Oliver Stone's
"JFK" was based on Prouty.

Now 82, Prouty is revealing explosive and damning information about the
assassination that few insiders have had the guts to disclose before.

He has written two books, "The Secret Team, The CIA and it allies in control
of the World" (Prentice-Hall) and "JFK, The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to
Assassinate John F. Kennedy" (Birch Lane Press).

For the last three decades, independent researchers have uncovered important
details and red herrings. Everyone had a theory: it was either the Mafia, the
KGB, Fidel Castro, anti Castro Cubans or the CIA. Study the volatile
political climate at the height of the Cold war and the players and pawns on
the high-stakes chess board of 1960 American politics become obvious. A
mistake is to assume only one faction was involved. In the early 1960s, the
CIA was working hand-in-glove with the Mafia and anti-Castro Cubans to topple
Fidel Castro. The Cubans wanted to regain their homelands, the mob wanted
their cash and lucrative casinos, and the CIA wouldn't settle for a communist
country less than 150 kilometers from the shores of America, let alone the
loss of American investments. With the front organizations doing the dirty
work, the agency camouflaged its involvement with as many red herrings as

Kennedy had certainly created formidable enemies within the government during
his first 1,000 days in office, including FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, CIA
Director Allen Dulles (fired by Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs disaster),
several powerful factions of the CIA, and the anti-Castro Cuban community.

Horrified by the agency's involvement - and its Mafia connections - Kennedy
refused to allow a second invasion of Cuba and vowed to "smash the CIA into a

[CTRL] IUFO: Fw: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway,

2000-01-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

 Message from Jack Shulman, CEO, American Computer Company

 -Original Message-
 Date: Saturday, January 15, 2000 5:21 PM
 Subject: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in NJ

To all those interested in making a difference to the future of

RELEVENT WEBSITE: http://www.orbsite.com

Please note that the below message generated considerable government
instigated flak, which should serve as an indication to everyone of how
frightened certain "black-ops" are regarding the information being
posted herein. This is a very delicate subject, as an alien species or
multiple same, are visiting us very cautiously and observing us using
technology that provides them the safest access to humanity. Among the
government instigations this past round, were the "what drugs are you
people on?" crew, and the "are you familiar with..." crew (who
specialize in throwing up hoaxes and then referring to them, to try to
occlude anything legitimate with distracting bs).

Expect that many of those who respond to this posting, are possibly
EMPLOYED by the United States National Security Agency as
"counter-intelligence" whose sole purpose is to attack and scoff-at or
attempt to undermine any such report found on the Internet as this one.

Folks: FYI, the below is about THE REAL THING. We've provided images
for your review at http://www.orbsite.com. Don't let official
deterrents keep you from spreading the word. Overcome the skepticism by
advising skeptics that they, too, can film these beings, and that the
beings are trying to communicate and avoid the negative consequences of
visiting us, such as personal attack and other forms of harm that go
along with FIRST CONTACT. And, if their agenda had been to "invade
earth", they could have done so long ago. It appears, by the way, that
their breathing biology is incompatible with our atmosphere, therefor,
our planet has little to offer them, short of contact with another

They are interested in having a safe relationship with humanity, not a

This is it, folks.

 Original Message 
Subject: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 00:08:21 -0500
Organization: @Home Network

 relevant website: http://www.orbsite.com
 pictures at bottom of this article are
 copyright 1999-2000 TEAM ORB.

Members of the Chippewah Nation visited the Wanaque, NJ Orbsite, to
bless the ancient native burial grounds located there, during this past
two weeks, in a ceremony almost 400 years overdue. The Orbsite sits on
Delaware Tribal land adjacent to a Defense Munitions Plant which was
built there in the late 19th century.

Orb Beings were filmed observing the Ceremonies during which the Native
Chippewah's most senior spiritual elder offered blessings to the Creator
to allow ailing souls from the burial grounds, largely disrupted by
Industrial activity in the area, to be freed to take their place in
heaven. Of all the people who reside in the US, the Native Americans
are among the only who continue to be perennial visited by open
persecution, repression by the government and open abuse, tolerated
mainly because of their small number and very unique religious ways.

The elder spiritual leaders of the Chippewah Nation came to NJ for the
Ceremonies, and also visited the original lands of the Chippewah in the
Nyacks of New York. Some of the leaders indicated that were they
visited in the Dakotas by the vast number of orbs found at the Wanaque,
NJ site, that they would not really know what to do. They visited with
Bryan Williams and Sandra Rehl, who showed them samples of the tens of
thousands of images taken by them during studies of the energy doorway
which has been identified at the NJ Vortex. There is a general opinion
among the Native Americans that a possible calamity may be facing
humanity during the next five years, and they believe they have an
obligation to go wherever and whenever it is required so as to
perform certain Ceremonies which, in their religion, respond to the call
of the Creator and such spirits as may be found responsible for the
presence of the Orbs in NJ, so as to avert a disaster that modern
society may be entirely unawares of due to possible spiritual decline,
and antimony towards the unexplained.

Members of Team Orb who observed the religious and spiritual interaction
concerning the Chippewah elders and the Vortex, and who discussed the
matter of orbs with the Native Americans, commented: "It appears that
the perception of the European Settlers 500 years ago that Native
American Tribes were 'savage', appears quite incorrect. It appears that
the Settlers were the savages, as we are just now beginning to discover
things that the Native Americans knew about all along."

The NJ 

[CTRL] Cop in wrong home kills dog

2000-01-17 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Monday, January 17, 2000

  Cop in wrong home kills dog

The Cincinnati Enquirer

Butler County sheriff's
deputy entered the
wrong house early
Sunday morning and
shot the family dog
when it challenged
him, the family said.
The dog later died.

Officials were not
talking, but the family
said the unidentified
deputy was supposed
to be at a neighbor's
house where New
Miami police were
responding to a
domestic violence call.

Instead, he entered the home of Mike
and Angie Diefenbacher in the 1700 block of
North Wichita Drive without permission, the
Diefenbachers said. The couple were at their
neighbor's house when the deputy arrived.

Bruto, the Diefenbachers' black and
white American pit bull terrier, confronted the
deputy as he stepped through the door into
the house at about 2:20 a.m.

Breanna Diefenbacher, 4, said she saw
the deputy fire one shot at Bruto. The bullet
struck the dog's back.

Tim Mikesell, Breanna's uncle, was
sleeping downstairs when he heard Bruto
snarling and then a gunshot. He said police
officers told him the dog had bitten the

Mike Diefenbacher took Bruto to an
emergency veterinary clinic; the dog's back
legs were paralyzed and the vet euthanized

“He's my buddy,” said Mr. Diefenbacher,
his eyes growing red. “All the dog was doing
was protecting my children and my family.”

As Mr. Diefenbacher spoke, Bruto lay in
the back of a pickup truck, wrapped in a baby
blue sheet with his well-chewed football.

The family plans to bury him at Mr.
Diefenbacher's mother's house next to Duke,
a beagle pup who died years ago of

Family members said the issue goes
beyond the shooting of their pet.

Several others were sleeping in the
house, including the Diefenbachers' other
daughter, Tailor Rice, 6, and Mr. Mikesell's
pregnant wife and three children.

“The dog is sad, but that's not the real
story here,” said Breanna's grandmother,
Melody Howard, of Gratis, Ohio,

who came over after the shooting. “I
can't believe someone could discharge a gun
in someone's living room. They don't know
how many lives they put in jeopardy firing
that gun.”

Mr. Diefenbacher and Mr. Mikesell went
to the New Miami police station and to the
Butler County Sheriff's Department in
Hamilton looking for answers. They say they
obtained no satisfaction.

The Diefenbachers want to know why
the deputy didn't double check their address
before he entered their home. The number is
clearly visible next to the door.

They also want to know why the deputy
shot Bruto, rather than exit the house.

A sheriff's deputy called the
Diefenbachers Sunday afternoon to apologize,
Angie Diefenbacher said. No one was
available at the sheriff's department Sunday
to discuss the Diefenbachers' complaint. The
case is under investigation.

The Diefenbachers said they have hired
an attorney and plan to seek damages.

“We're very disgusted with Butler
County and the way they handled things,” Mr.
Diefenbacher said.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to:

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [BRIGADE] Shoot Him With a .44

2000-01-17 Thread Colleen Jones

Thought would pass this on for stuff like this is what got me into
Conspiracy..remember Jeane Dixon, the Rose of Washington Square,
Tokyo Rose that is..who like a hound from hell followed the Kennedys
about marking them for murder over and over and over.JFK was NEVER
in the CFR...he was so branded - not true..

The entire country waited for another Kennedy to get shot, as they
waited last year for more schooll murders.the news media waiting
sitting on edge.you think they do not know what they are doing?

Book entitled Soul on Ice by Elridge Cleaver I read once.but he kept
working at the phrase "the iniquities of the fathers will be visited
upon the chldren".and remember FBI said the Unibomber was "self
educated man"..well the guy was a Harvard Professor in the mind
control programs of CIA..the ones that make the lips of those who
are asleep to speakhypnotic drugs, and training of virtual K 9
Attack Dogs.see Littleton, see Waco and see Ruby Ridge.this is

And remember Clinton's remark after Littleton "we see through the glass
but darkly"

Programmed killers were loosed upon the Kennedy family and even unto
little John John and Princess of Wales, the list of body bags grows and
growswe have an FBI who eats with the KGB.what do you
expect, the land of OZ..no, Dorothy and all asleep in the poppy
fields, while the roses are dying, without a sound.

Flowers in the field are cut downwhacked as a Grim Reaper takes his
toll..for this is what Halle Bopp tried to say.Planet Earth is
about to be recycled.death awaits a good percentage of the people
through genocide, and it had its origin in the bible code.

This is your UN/CFR...me, I want my USA back and I want that bunch
whacked.see the Tower of Babel communicate thoughts of death and see
them provide mass murder for the entertainment of the masses who do not
realize they are being programmed to death?

Watch witnesses die in accidents; even George Bush Jr. when he said no
American would ever wear UN uniform if he would be elected
president..that guy was almost killed with a "dump truck"...get the
message..just like John Gotti's son was killed by an illegally
parked "dump truck"he got the message..

This is murder incorporated in the White House...the day comes
though when we see how they run...

For when the psychology of it all is exposed, it is no longer effective
- but when people drink and use drugs, they experience a loss of will
power and are easily controlled.just like the poppy fields of OZ,
put to sleep . for as the old Assassin Hassan said, after becomiong
addicted to his own drugs = Hashish, from which the word assassin is

"life is but a dream".and Gore and Clinton have taken that one step
beyond into the Twilight Zone.

Ecstasy in the Pizza Monica?


Dear Brigade,

Just in case you missed this -- its worth a read.


Jewish World Review - Dec. 30, 1999


From:   "Dave Henry" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:46:00 -0500

'Shoot him with a .44':  Liberal hate speech, 1999
by Jeff Jacoby

REMEMBER THE WAVE of outrage that
swept the nation after Charlton Heston, the
president of the National Rifle Association, told a
radio interviewer that the best way to deal with
liberal filmmaker Spike Lee would be to "shoot
him with a .44-caliber Bulldog" revolver?
Remember how newspaper editorials scathingly
condemned Heston's appalling remark?
Remember the full-page ads blasting the twisted
mindset that leads conservatives like Heston to
say such grotesque things?

You don't remember? Don't feel bad. It never
happened. Heston never spoke those words
about Lee.

Lee spoke them about Heston.

He was talking to reporters in May, just a few
weeks after the slaughter in Littleton, Colo.
Asked for his thoughts on Heston, Lee
recommended assassinating him with a .44
special. A conservative who made such a
comment about a liberal would have been
crushed under an avalanche of denunciation. But
when a liberal talks that way about a
conservative, the media rarely notice.

Welcome to my yearly column on liberal hate
speech and the double standard that shields it. By
"hate speech," I don't mean language that is
merely insulting. When Rosie O'Donnell, hosting
a Hillary Clinton fundraiser in October, described
Rudolph Giuliani as New York's "village idiot"
and compared his looks to "a Pez dispenser," she
was simply being obnoxious.

When Margaret Carlson of Time magazine said,
apropos congressional Republicans, that "the only
thing that could explain this love of tax cuts is a
lowered IQ," she was engaging in childish

But when liberals liken conservatives to Hitler, or
call for them to be killed -- that's hate speech.

It isn't only Spike Lee who advocates death for
those who 


2000-01-17 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Brothers and Sisters,

My original intent was to consider this as RE-POST targeting list
However, as we move into the election cycle we all, I feel, require a
fresh reminder of where our Nation is and how we got here.

We have now, for some time, been engaged in observing the disintegration
of our Republic.

(Special Note to List Moderators - I consider this Post so important
that I am respectfully requesting that you waive any Post restrictions
you may have informed your respective List Subscribers to honor.)

The essence of this Article, in my view, is simply this:
It makes absolutely no difference who we elect to positions in our
federal government.

Why is that? you ask.

With the exception of electing Constitutional Conservatives, all other
elected officials
will continue to select appointees to Constitutional Offices, and
appointee's to lesser
authority, persons who have ties to the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR), and/or
ties to The Trilateral Commission (TC).

After you have taken the time to carefully read this multi-page Post you
will have
a complete understanding why I have concluded the above.

Needless to say, it is your Duty (with the results being God's)
that you not only spread this Post far and wide, but you save it
to a prominent Directory for easy access to enable its printing and
dissemination to you friends and colleagues thirsting for the recapture
and restoration of our Constitutional Republic.




"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children."

Brothers and Sisters,
Do not seek out others to cast the blame upon
for the behavior of your Children.

It is extremely vital that this multi-page Post
be in the hands of as many people as possible,
and only then you will have performed your Duty
to increase the knowledge of your brethen.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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2000-01-17 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

The Shadow Government of the United States and the Decline of

 In spite of the difficulties facing America, there is still no
other place I would rather live; however, our
 nation is at a crossroads, not unlike the difficulties faced by our
forefathers. Many of the same conditions that
 prompted the Declaration of Independence prevail in America today.
Of the indictments against the King of Great
 Britain, our Founders declared:

 "He has erected a Multitude of new offices, and sent hither Swarms
of Officers to harass our People and eat out
 their Substance."

 There are literally hundreds of thousands of government employees
administering various regulatory agencies with
 budgets in the billions of dollars. Regulatory compliance alone
exceeds $460 billion annually.

 Our Founders, opposed to "taxation without representation," also
declared that the King was: "...imposing Taxes
 on us without our Consent."

 Yet, taxation with representation now sees the average American
working through May to meet his or her yearly
 local, state, and federal tax obligations.

 Commenting on debt, Benjamin Franklin warned:

 "The burden of debt is as destructive to freedom as subjugation by

 Our legislators have not balanced the federal budget since 1969,
and the national debt has, since 1980,
 quadrupled to over $5 trillion. Its monthly interest costs now
exceed the yearly interest costs of just twenty
 years ago.

The Declaration of Independence states:

 "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
 with certain unalienable Rights."

 Our second President, John Adams, said:

 "You have Rights antecedent to all earthly governments; Rights that
cannot be repealed or restrained by human
 laws; Rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe."

 Our Rights come from God. Why, then, are we reminded that our
Rights come from the state (civil rights)? What the
 state gives, it can take away.

 We frequently hear our nation referred to as a democracy, yet the
word is not found in the Constitution. Rather,
 we see in Article 1, Section 4:

 "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a
Republican form of Government,"

 The Pledge of Allegiance contains:

 "...and to the Republic, for which it stands..."

 Commenting on our form of government, Chief Justice John Marshall
stated: "Between a republic and a democracy,
 the difference is like that between order and chaos."

 The Soldiers Training Manual, issued November 30, 1928 gives the
following definitions:

"TM 2000-25: 118-120, democracy - A government of the masses. Authority
is derived through mass meeting or any
 other form of direct expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude
toward property is communistic, negating property
 rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the people shall
regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation,
 or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint
or regard to consequences. Results in
 demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, and anarchy."

 "TM2000-25: 120-121, republic - Authority is derived through
election by the people of public officials best
 fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for
laws and individual rights, and a sensible
 economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of
justice in accord with fixed principles, and
 established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A
greater number of citizens and extent of territory
 may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of
either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in
 statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and

 1 Corinthians 7:23 says: "You were bought at a price; do not
becomes slaves of men."

 It was upon this premise that our Founders drafted the Declaration
of Independence, our Constitution, and the
 Bill of Rights. At the Constitutional Convention (1787), Benjamin
Franklin declared:

 "We have been assured...in the Sacred Writings, that except the
Lord build the house, they labor in vain that
 build it."

 Our duty as a nation was eloquently stated by George Washington:
"Whereas it is the duty of nations to
 acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be
grateful for His benefits, and to humbly
 implore His protection and favor..."

 Abraham Lincoln recognized this as well:

"It is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to owe their dependence
upon the overruling power of God, and to
 recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures, and
proven by all history, that those nations only


2000-01-17 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Consider these words spoken by James Madison in 1788 as the story

 "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the
freedom of the people by gradual and silent
 encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden

 For centuries, international bankers have enjoyed a lucrative
business by financing governments, and command
 considerable influence in the policies of such governments.
Repayment of these loans could usually be guaranteed
 by the indebted government levying taxes upon its people. If a king
or government could not or would not repay
 its loans, its enemy or rival would be financed. The business of
financing wars was very profitable.

 As the wealth of these private banking empires increased, they
eventually owned, as private corporations, the
 various central banks of Europe. Predominant among these was the
House of Rothschild, with banking houses in
 major European capitals. Their seat of power was located in London,
through control of the Bank of England. By
 loaning more paper into circulation than gold to back it
(fractional reserve banking), they were able to amass
 fortunes. Some historians contend that by 1850, the House of
Rothschild had more wealth than the combined
 monarchies of Europe.

 What better way to expand economic control than by financing
Europe's colonization? And what better prize was
 there than America, with her industrious people and vast resources?
The War of Independence was not only
 independence from English rule, but economic independence as well.
Our Founders drafted the Constitution so that
 only Congress had control over our monetary system, unlike the
private monopolies controlling European economics.
 Thomas Jefferson issued this warning:

 "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the
issue of currency, first by inflation, then by
 deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them
will deprive the people of all property until
 their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers

In 1792, contrary to Jefferson's warning, Alexander Hamilton established
a 20 year charter with the Bank of
 England. When the renewal was denied in 1812, war broke out again.
The charter was renewed in 1816. In 1833,
 President Andrew Jackson removed all moneys from this chartered
bank and placed them into state banks. Mexico
 invaded Texas in 1836 after the renewal was again denied. Some
historians say these wars were attempts by the
 European banking monopolies to disrupt and control America's
economy. The Civil War continued this pattern.
 Abraham Lincoln said:

 "The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and
conspire against it in times of adversity. It is
 more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, (and)
more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces,
 as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon
its crimes. I have two great enemies, the
 Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the
two, the one at my rear is my greatest
 foe...corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in
high places will follow, and the money power
 of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon
the prejudices of the people until the wealth
 is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is

 By the end of the 19th Century, American industrialists and
bankers, through the Industrial Revolution, had
 achieved great wealth. An excellent account of this is Matthew
Josephson's 1934 book, entitled "The Robber
 Barons; the Great American Capitalists 1861-1901~(by Matthew
Josephson, Harcourt, Brace and Co. New York 1934;
 available secondary market).

 The industrialists were known as "Big Business" and the Wall Street
bankers as the "Money Trust". The most
 prominent of these was banker J.P. Morgan.

 It was Morgan, working with the European banking dynasties, who
created the "Financial Panic of 1907". This was
 an effort to manipulate Congress to approve of a central bank.

 In 1912, Woodrow Wilson became President. His chief advisor and
administrator was Col. Edward Mandell House, who
 was a proponent of world government, a representative of the
European banking dynasties, and had close ties with
 the Morgan interests.

In 1912, House wrote a book, wherein he laid out a plan to bring America
into a world government. ("Philip Dru:
 Administrator", by Col. Edward Mandell House, 1912; available at
General Birch Services, P.O. Box 8040 Appleton,
 Wis. 549138040). On page 222, he wrote:

  "...our Constitution and our laws...are not only obsolete, but
  even grotesque.

 His plan, and, to use his own words, "a conspiracy," would seek 


2000-01-17 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

How powerful is the Fed? Congressman Wright Patman, Chairman of House
Banking Committee (in the 60's) said:

  "In the U.S. today, we have in effect, two governments...we
  the duly constituted government...then we have an independent,
  uncontrolled, and uncoordinated government in the Federal
  System, operating the money powers which are reserved to the
  Congress by the Constitution."

 The Fed has never been audited, and has resisted all attempts to do
so. Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts (Director of
 Committee to Restore the Constitution)began a campaign on March 30,
1971, testifying before Wisconsin legislators
 about the fraud surrounding the Fed.

 (The text of his address is in the Congressional Record,
E3212-E3224, entered April 19, 1971). Roberts and other
 constitutional groups (including Washington state Senator Jack
Metcalf) had, by the mid 80's, acquired about 20
 states' support calling for audits/reforms, with no success.

 Again, in the late 80's, Congressman Henry Gonzales (Texas) called
for abolition of the Federal Open Market
 Committee and the repeal of the Federal Res. Act. (HR 1469, 1470).

 Congressman Phil Crane (Illinois) also introduced HR 70, calling
for an audit. (Currently, Gonzales and Crane are
 calling for an audit/reforms under HR 28 and 145; Senator Byron
Dorgan, (N. Dakota) is calling for a similar bill
 in the Senate, S212).

 Since Wilson took office, the national debt has risen from $1
billion to over $5 trillion - that's just "on
 budget" debt. When added to the "off budget" debt of the SL
debacle and unfunded retirement liabilities, the
 total now exceed our GDP.

Is the country bankrupt? Roosevelt declared so by Executive Orders 6073,
6102,6111, and also by EO 6260 on March
 9, 1933 (as proclaimed under the "Trading With the Enemy Act of
65th Congress, Oct. 6, 1917, and as codified at
 12 U.S.C.A. 95a, which allows the President exceptional control
under a "state of emergency"). On April 5, 1933,
 FDR issued this EO:

  "All persons are required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933
  gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates now owned by
  to a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member
  bank of the Federal Reserve System.

 On June 5, 1933, Congress confirmed the bankruptcy. (through the
"Joint Resolution to Suspend The Gold Standard
 And Abrogate The Gold Clause,
 June 5, 1933"). This was HJR 192, 73rd Congress, 1st session.

 Then, through another EO issued by President Johnson in 1968,
silver backing was removed from our currency. This
 made the country insolvent. The Fed issues currency no longer
redeemable for silver. Furthermore, the Fed is not
 a government institution.

 You will never find them listed in phone directories under
"government offices". It is a private corporation
 owned by approximately 300 Class A stockholders. These people own
the Fed by owning the stock of the largest
 member banks in the New York Federal Reserve Bank, which, for all
practical purposes, is the Federal Reserve.

 The controlling interest is held by less than a dozen international
bankers, whose names, until recently, was one
 of the best-kept secrets of international finance:

1.Rothschild Banks of London  Berlin
   2.Lehman Bros. Bank of N.Y.
   3.Lazard Bros. Banks of Paris
   4.Kuhn, Loeb Bank of N.Y.
   5.Israel Moses Sief Banks of Italy
   6.Chase Manhattan Bank of N.Y.
   7.Warburg Bank of Hamburg  Amsterdam
   8.Goldman, Sachs Bank of N.Y.

 The most influential of the European interests is the Rothschild
family in London. Each of the American interests
 is, in various ways, connected to this family, including the
Rockefellers, who are by far the most powerful of
 the Fed's American stockholders (primarily through the Chase
Manhattan Bank).

 Thomas Jefferson issued this warning:

  "If the American people ever allow private banks to control
  issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the
  banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will
  deprive the people of all property until their children wake
  homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

 Today, less than 2% of Americans own their homes.

 The Fed, like other central banks, uses a system called "fractional
banking." Deposits become the "fraction",
 allowing the system to "create" as much as 770% of that deposit:

i.e.: a $1,000 deposit becomes approximately $7,700 a $10.000 deposit
becomes approximately $77,000.

 In addition, examine the "amount due" on your property tax
statement: You will not find a dollar sign affixed to
 that "amount".

 Why? The Currency Act of 1792, 


2000-01-17 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Roosevelt's New Deal began the era of entitlements which are with us

 Two points must be made here:

 1) The 16th Amendment was never properly ratified. This has been
proven in court. Two of the 36 states that had
 allegedly ratified the amendment were California and Kentucky -
There is no record of California's vote, and
 Kentucky legislators voted against it 22-9. This violates the
amendment procedure of our Constitution, Article V.

 2) The 16th Amendment has Marxist roots. Plank 2 of the Communist
Manifesto calls for:

  "a heavy progressive or graduated income tax".

 Thus, the conspirators, through financial influence and brilliant
deception, had established the mechanisms to:

   1.run up the debt;
   2.collect the debt;
   3.for themselves, to avoid the taxes necessary to pay the
interest on the debt.

 The pillage of America began in earnest during the Depression. The
Fed deflated (reduced) the money supply,
 forcing thousands into bankruptcy and foreclosure. The following
was intended for leading financiers only, and
 appeared in the Civil Servants' Year Book, "The Organizer", Jan.

"Capital must protect itself in every way...Debts must be
  collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as
  When through a process of law the common people have lost
  homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by
  the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of
  financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their
  leaders. This is well known among our principal men now
  in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world."

 Plank no.1 of the Communist Manifesto is "abolition of private

 The conspirators knew that the American people had to somehow be
convinced into paying for the government
 borrowing that began during the Depression, Their opportunity came
during W.W.II with the victory Tax Act of 1942
 (56 Stat, Ch. 619, pg. 884; October 21, 1942). This was a voluntary
and temporary measure to help finance the war
 effort. Why was it voluntary? Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 and
Article I, Section 9, Clause 4 of the
 Constitution forbids direct taxation unless apportioned.
Apportionment means to divide equally among the
 population (census). The last time direct taxes were laid upon the
American people by apportionment was during
 the Civil War.

 The Victory Tax Act of 1942 was repealed on May 29, 1944 (58 Stat,
Ch. 210, pg. 234). With American patriotism
 high and D-Day a week away, who would notice that this voluntary
unapportioned direct tax had been repealed? The
 clauses of the Constitution regarding direct taxation are still
law. The 16th Amendment gave Congress "no new
 powers of taxation" (Stanton vs. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103).
The "...incomes...without apportionment..." in
 the 16th Amendment places it in the category of an indirect
(excise) tax (Brushaber vs. Union Pacific RR Co., 240
 U.S. 1). Simply stated, it is a profits tax.

 How would the government operate without personal income tax
revenues? With imposts, duties, and excises (Article
 I, Section 8, Clause I). Can you see why NAFTA and GATT is
promoted? The 1984 Grace Commission, Report to the
 President, pg. 4 reveals where personal income taxes go:

"100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the
  Federal Debt and by Federal transfer payments. In other words,
  all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel
  spent on the services taxpayers expect from their government."

 Can you begin to see why there have been 195 tax increases since

 Today, three quarters of the Federal budget is unconstitutional,
according to Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 2-18.
 Why do our elected representatives allow this?

 Remember, the third item on Col. House's agenda was to control both
political parties of the U.S.

 "Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time" (by Carroll
Quigley, 1966, The MacMillan Co., N.Y.;
 available from Angriff Press, Box 2726, Hollywood, California
90028) was written by Georgetown University
 Professor Carroll Quigley.

 It was intended as a text for aspiring globalists, and gives a 1300
page account of the history, mechanisms, and
 goals through which a ruling financial dynasty would control a
global economy. On page 52, the author writes that
 the international bankers were:

  "...devoted to secrecy and the secret use of financial
  in political life."

 There are two organizations formed by and intimately associated
with the international bankers:

   1.The Council on Foreign Relations
   2.The Tri Lateral Commission



2000-01-17 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Since 1973, Tri Lat members have also filled key positions. One of the
first members of the Tri Lat was Jimmy
 Carter, whose administration had 19 Tri Lateralists including:

   1.Vice President Mondale
   2.Secretary of State Vance
   3.Secretary of the Treasury Blumenthal
   4.Secretary of Defense Brown
   5.National Security Advisor Bzrezinski

 These five positions made up the National Security Council, and
were held by members of an organization which
 advocates world government - was their oath of office to uphold the
Constitution a mere formality? Others

 1) nearly all of the undersecretaries of State; 2) nearly all of
the undersecretaries of Treasurer; 3) the Panama
 Canal Treaty negotiator; 4) the Salt Treaty negotiator; 5) the
Ambassador to the U.N. Andrew Young; and 6) the
 Ambassador to Italy, Richard Gardner (remember, the Israel Moses
Sief Banks of Italy are top stockholders in the
 Fed, and Gardner advocated an "...end run around our national
Sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece.")

 An article about Bzrezinski(Carter's National Security Advisor,
executive director of the Tri Lat, and author of
 "Between Two Ages") and Carter appeared in the March ~1. 1978 New
York Times:

  "The two men met for the first time about four years ago, when
  Mr. Bzrezinski was the executive director of the Tri Lateral
  Commission, and had the foresight to ask the then obscure
  governor of Georgia to join its ranks. Their initial
  teacher-student relationship blossomed during the campaign and
  appears to have grown closer still."

Bzrezinski(teacher)praises Marxism, thinks the U.S. is in obsolescence,
and advocates a world government; the
 student was the President of the United States!

 Another article, written by CFR past president Winston Lord,
appeared in the August 4-ll, 1978 issue of "W"
 magazine. He boasted:

  "The Tri Lateral Commission doesn't secretly run the world,
  Council of Foreign Relations does that."

 Winston Lord is currently the Assistant Secretary for East
Asian/Pacific Affairs (State Dept.) and special envoy
 to Red China.

 Contrary to candidate Clinton's "stand" on human rights, Red China
has recently received an unconditional MFN
 trade status with the U.S.; never mind that over 10,000 Chinese
dissidents have been murdered since Tianemen

 The CFR domination of just the last three Administrations reveals:

   1.347 under Reagan;
   2.382 under Bush, and
   3.387 under Clinton (over 1 in 8 of their total membership)

 The following CFR members hold top positions in our current

1.President Bill Clinton
   2.Vice President Al Gore
   3.Secretary of State Warren Christopher
   4.Deputy Secretary of State Clifton R. Wharton
   5.CIA Director R. James Woolsey
   6.National Security Advisor W. Anthony Lake
   7.Deputy National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger
   8.Secretary of Defense Les Aspen
   9.Chrmn., Intel. Adv. Bd. William J. Crowe
  10.U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright
  11.Sec. H. H.S. Donna E. Shalala
  12.OMB Alice M. Rivlin
  13.Secretary H.U.D. Henry G. Cisneros
  14.Chrmn., Council Ec. Advisors Laura D. Tyson
  15.Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd M. Bentsen (former CFR)
  16.Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt
  17.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg

 There are 370 others as well.

 Have you ever wondered why, since WWII, U.S. foreign policy has
allowed Communist expansion? Consider the roles
 of the following CFR members since WWII:

1.George Marshall and Dean Acheson engineered the betrayal of Chiang
Kai-shek, allowing communist takeover of
   2.Dean Acheson and Dean Rusk arranged the no-win undeclared war
in Korea and the removal of General McArthur;
   3.John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, under CFR President
Eisenhower betrayed Hungarian freedom fighters and
  knowingly brought Fidel Castro to power in Cuba;
   4.McGeorge Bundy, Adlai Stevenson, and John J. McCloy saw to it
that the Bay of Pigs invasion to oust Castro
   5.Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, and Henry Cabot Lodge pushed the
U.S. into Vietnam - and then drew up the rules
  making victory impossible;
   6.Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger continued these policies,
which led to communist takeover of South
  Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos;
   7.Henry Kissinger, Ellsworth Bunker, and Sol Linowitz arranged
for the Panama Canal giveaway - and gave $400
  million dollars to that Marxist dictatorship to take it;
   8.Under leadership of Zbigniew Bzrezinski, Cyrus Vance, and
Warren Christopher, the Carter Administration
  undermined U.S. allies in Iran 


2000-01-17 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Just to summarize the banks and insurance companies, this amounts to 25%
of all the assets of the 50 largest
 banks, and 30% of all the assets of the 50 largest life insurance
companies. This gives them leverage over the
 economy that goes far beyond direct ownership.

 Congressman Patman also found that if you control 5% or more of the
stock in a corporation, whose stock is widely
 held, you have in effect, minority control. If we take those
corporations that the Rockefeller family has 10%
 control, or 5%, and at least two members of their board of
directors, we have the following:

 Exxon, Mobil Oil, Standard of California, Standard of Indiana,
International Harvester, Inland Steel, Marathon
 Oil, Quaker Oats, Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel, Freeport Sulphur, and
International Basic Economy Corporation.
 Corporations which are probably under Rockefeller influence, and I
say probably, because it's extremely difficult
 to trace stock ownership through trusts and foundations, are these:

 Texaco, ITT, Westinghouse, Boeing, International Paper, Sperry
Rand, Xerox, National Cash Register, National
 Steel, American Home Products, Pfizer, Avon, and Merck.

 Merck has just agreed to buy Medco Containment, the nation's
largest marketer of discount prescription medicines.
 The acquisition makes Merck, by far, the biggest integrated
producer and distributor of pharmaceuticals in the
 country. (Wall Street Journal, 7-29-93).

 Transportation companies under the Rockefeller influence include
Penn Central, TWA, Eastern Airlines, United
 Airlines, National Airlines, Delta, Braniff, and Consolidated

 Others they control through interlocking boards of directors are:
Allied Chemical, Annaconda Copper, DuPont,
 Monsanto, Olin-Mathison, Borden, National Distillers, Shell, Gulf,
Union Oil,.Dow, Celanese, Pittsburgh Plate
 Glass, Cities Service, Stauffer Chemical, Continental Oil, Union
Carbide, American Cyanamid, American Motors,
 Bendix, and Chrysler. Isn't that odd?

Who's the biggest stock holders in Chrysler and you had to bail them
out? Other's are CIT Financial, SS Kresge
 and RH Macy.

 To summarize what I've just given you, that's 37 of the top 100
industrials, 9 of the top 20 transportation
 firms, the nation's No. 1 utility, three of the top four insurance
companies, plus scores of smaller companies
 engaged in manufacturing, distribution, retail sales, loans or
investments. These are just the known figures.

 So can you start to see the economic power the Rockefeller family
Now, in addition to this, recognize the power
 they have through the membership in the Tri Lateral Commission and
the CFR through other heads of multi national

 There were published several reports under the Senate Investigating
Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting, and
 Management." They're under the "Committee on Governmental Affairs,
United States Senate, January 1978."

 The first report is entitled " Interlocking Boards of Directors
Among Major U.S. Corporations".

 This Senate study looked at the top 130 corporations and placed
every name of every board of directors into a
 computer and found this: 70% of the top 130 corporations are
interlocked directly or indirectly with the lower
 companies. They even found many competing companies and
corporations have the same board of directors and several
 members of the same board of directors, which is illegal according
to Section 8 of the Clayton Act.

 When this point is reached, you don't have competition anymore, you
have price-fixing. Some of these people were
 sitting on 16 difference boards of directors! In the April 1993 IBM
proxy statement, this can be demonstrated.
 Also, 8 of these 18 directors are CFR. (IBM Notice of 1993 Annual
Meeting and Proxy Statement; IBM, Armonk, N.Y.

 The second report the same committee did was called "Voting
Rights-Major U.S. Corporations". They looked at 122
 corporations and found this: One corporation, Morgan Guaranty and
Trust, was in the top five vote-holders of 57
 of those corporations; another, City National Bank of New York, was
in the top five voteholders of 36 of those.

That's 93 of the top 122 corporations. Now, who was the top vote-holder
in the parent company of Morgan Guaranty
 and Trust? Number one was City National Bank of New York, and
number two was the Chase Manhattan Bank, which
 means that the Rockefellers controlled Morgan Guaranty and Trust
and also the City National Bank of New York.

 The Rockefellers are in the top five voteholders in 93 of those 122
corporations. This is what the Subcommittee
 found in 1978.

 Why didn't we hear about it? At that time, half of the members of
the Senate Subcommittee over this study were
 CFR/Tri Lat.


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #2

2000-01-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000117b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No propagandists were harmed to make this bulletin. But they should be.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ knotty: www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/imager/contributions/scharein/KnotPlot.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# WHAT THE FINAL FRONTIER CAN DO TO YOUR BODY. A trip into space - a quick
  way to shrink your thighs, become anemic and lose your sense of taste.
  Fun: http://www.healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=25568
@ Silver Spheres, Gazing Balls, UFO's  Me: http://www.caus.org/hk011700.htm

: Do Grays look that way because they've been in zero-gee too long? Do you
want to travel in space? Do you want to look like a gray? Are you tasteless
already? Do you need strong spices, fresh blood, electroshock, mescaline??

# Several Reports on Large UFO in Illinois: http://www.caus.org/mu011700.htm
# Millstadt Police Dept: http://millstadtpolice.homepage.com/aircraft.html
# www.apbnews.com/cjprofessionals/behindthebadge/2000/01/12/ufo0112_01.html
# Re-creation of Millstadt UFO: http://home.fuse.net/ufo/camouflage1.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Common cold' virus drug near. EXTON, Pa. (AP) - Certainly a cure for the
  common cold would be a big story all by itself. But how about a medicine
  that also stops viral meningitis, summer flu, Deadly newborn infections,
  Even polio? One drug that does all this is VERY close and if large-scale
  testing goes well, it could be in drugstores within a year. Pleconaril
  (pronounced plah-CONN-ah-rill) is in a short list of medicines that kill
  viruses. This drug blocks an entire category of them, a set of 169 dist-
  inctly different nasties that together cause more human disease than any
  other. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563310854-4ee
# Also: Discovery of viral makeup spurs drug, see

: Are diseases really strong messages from the deities? Should these heather
scientists be prevented from interfering with divine will? Would you thwart
your deities' intentions by taking these damnable medications? Do you pray?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# INCREASED INFLUENCE: US TV networks' controversial relationship with White
  House anti-drug campaigners took a strange turn over the weekend when a
  top ABC exec said the govt office had tried to increase its influence over
  program content. Last season, networks earned financial credits through a
  federally funded media campaign by submitting tapes of completed shows
  that included anti-drug themes. But this season, ABC pres. Patricia Fili-
  Krushel said, the network was told that it would have to submit scripts in
  advance to qualify for govt support. Her remarks contradict a statement
  issued Saturday by the White House's Office of National Drug Control
  Policy. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/gam/Arts/2117/TAJOHN.html

# "NOW WE KNOW WHY!" Friday was a day of finger-pointing and confusion as
  networks, studios and the U.S. govt all denied they were in cahoots to
  control content on prime time TV shows. The deputy director of the White
  House Office of National Drug Control Policy went to Pasadena to present
  the results of a government-sponsored poll to the nation's television
  critics. The study shows that positive depictions of illicit drug use
  on prime time TV are almost non-existent. Critics demanded to know if
  the government doctored scripts on popular TV shows to get that anti-
  drug message across. http://examiner.com/000115/0115goodman.html

: Who's your favorite propagandist? Do you prefer propaganda from TV nets,
the US govt, corporate sponsers, religious broadcasters, aliens, robots, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Monk wants to revive black crown. NEW DELHI, India (AP)  The young Tibetan

  monk who fled last week to India wants to revive the Black Crown ceremony,
  a 300-year-old tradition lost since the death of his predecessor. Devotees
  see the black crown as the earthly embodiment of the aura that surrounds
  the Karmapa, leader of the Karma Kagyu sect of Buddhism founded 900 years
  ago. The defecting 17th Karmapa, wants to go to Sikkim's Rumtek monastery
  to reclaim the crown, the symbol of his enlightenment. See
# Also: Young monk may emerge as leader, see
# And: More Chinese turning to religion, see

# Karmapa Lama 'to stay in India'. (BBC) A top Indian official says the
  Tibetan religious leader, the Karmapa Lama, can stay put - for now.

Re: [CTRL] Khazars

2000-01-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Nicky Molloy wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-


 Are you one of those fallen rebel angels incarnated into a human body? This
 is what I would expect to hear from a person rebelling against God. H?


Dear Nicky,

There is no god. There are no such things as angels. Your question is silly.


  Believing the Bible is much easier than facing life, death, and the
  universe without BIG DADDY to watch over you. It takes guts to be a
  That is why there are so few.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #3

2000-01-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000117c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No robotic dogs were harmed to produce this bulletin. Really, we didn't.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Grab the Wire: http://members.tripod.com/~StormTrooper_2/index2.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Some Triangle Sightings Blamed On Satellites - Explanations of a curious
  celestial phenomenon: a triangle of lights crossing the night sky. NOSS/
  Parcae sightings probably do not account for very many of the flood of
  "triangle UFO" sightings. The lights are dim, are visible only for an hour
  or so before and move in straight lines across the sky. Still, the
  phenomenon underscores the richness of prosaic visual stimuli out there
  waiting to mislead naive observers, and so would-be researchers should
  do well to rule NOSS out as an explanation before leaping to conclusions.

: What's your fave "triangle UFO" sighting? D'ya prefer triangles, squares,
penta/sexa/septa/octa/gons, higher-order geometries? Do some UFOs present
non-Euclidian geometries? Are the highest-order manifestations even visible
to human eyes, comprehensible to human consciousness, knowable by primates?

# SPACEVIEWS 2000.03. NASA Considers Deorbiting Gamma Ray Observatory; Russ-
  ian Space Agency Approves Privately-Funded Mir Mission; ISS Service Module
  Launch Delayed Until August; Hughes Sells Satellite Biz to Boeing; New
  Galileo Data Latest Evidence for Europan Ocean; NASA Sticks with 31 Jan
  Shuttle Launch Date; Mars Polar Lander Search to End; Minotaur Launch
  Aborted; Hubble Resumes Science Operations; Shedding Light on Black Holes;
  Heading for the Lunar Surface: http://www.spaceviews.com/2000/0117/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Black columnist: I'm tired of that "I Have a Dream" speech. Barry Saunders
  dares to dis MLK's "Dream" on this holiday. He writes: "The speech, the
  greatest oration ever, now packs about the same emotional wallop as 'We
  Shall Overcome,' the anachronistic theme song of the civil rights era:
  none." http://www.news-observer.com/daily/2000/01/17/tri02.html

@ By incessantly citing his "dream" and heaping honors on an airbrushed
  legacy, smug followers have rendered Martin Luther King meaningless:

: Is ML.King's legacy irrelevant? Is he now celebrated because it's harmless
to do so? Is M.L.K. Day part of a disinfo conspiracy to distract us from the
real issues of ethnicity, class, dominance/submission, control of the world?

# Environmentalists: Earth going bad - REPENT, THE END IS NEAR!!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# State Department security said lax - bugs, lost classified docs:
# Accused spy Lee spurns govt offer - FBI are lying scum:
  GOVERNMENT" http://www.gslis.mcgill.ca/marginal/mar5-1/buffy.htm

# The People's Republic of Lego. Is a robot dog made of Lego bricks
  guarding the cubicle next door? Hundreds of thousands of adults have
  discovered the Lego Mindstorms kit's addictive joys since the fall
  of 1998. They're making miniature slot machines, photocopiers, and
  Star Wars Droids. http://www.digitalmass.com/columns/culture/0114.html

: What's the ideal form of govt? Are all incarnate govts inherently rotten,
corrupt, vile, worthy of overthrow? Are all govts vulnerable to spies? Do
you prefer a cyber-govt, a toy republic, democratic anarchy, divine royals?

@ TOUR RUINS. A photographic tour of Mayan archaeological sites in Mexico,
  Belize  Guatemala, with quotations from old explorers  modern scholars.
  Includes interactive maps and a bibliography. http://www.mayaruins.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Camera Might Help Blind Man See. NEW YORK (AP) A blind man can read large
  letters  navigate around big objects by using a tiny camera wired direct-
  ly to his brain, the first artificial eye to provide useful vision. Next:
  bionic balls: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/000116/19/blind-man-camera
  Robo-eyes: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000117/00/science-health-vision
  Tommy, can you see me? www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,33691,00.html

: Would you like to have multiple cameras wired into your brain? Would you
like to look in multiple directions, in various spectra, with radio links to
remote cameras? Should some of the video feeds be from randomized locales??

# Scientist tests wearable computer - soon it'll be implanted:

[CTRL] Fw: SNET: [Detainment Camps Discussion]

2000-01-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
From: James E. Gribble III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, 18 January 2000 09:41
Subject: SNET: [Detainment Camps Discussion]Question for James

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Dearest Patty:

I have researched some web sites that I keep in my files in my browser:
Some are more
interesting than others, but if they do not give you what you need, then
let me know
and I will post others.  I have a video on the big one at the Amtrac center
Indiana, and it
is detailed with shots of everything you mentioned, plus the new gas lines
going to the back
of a building (that the windows were boarded up on) and going into 3 huge
gas furnaces.
This is truly something we need to expose to everyone we can.  Please
this message to
those that need to be informed.  Love, James


  US Military Detention Camp Photos
  From: John Hammell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Note that the barbed wire is configured to keep people "in", not
  "out", and also note in the middle of the guard towers, a platform for
  the mounting of a machine gun.

  This site is on the Michigan National Guard base in Grayling, Michigan

   View #1 http://www.eagleflt.com/PRIS1.JPG

   View #2 http://www.eagleflt.com/PRIS2.JPG

   View #3 http://www.eagleflt.com/PRIS3.JPG

   Photos of an "Ememy Prisoner of War" camp at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Is
  there going to be a war here?

   Prisoner of War Camp

   Watch Tower

   Barb Wire  Towers

   Close-up of Barb Wire

   Portable Jails on a Truck

   Close-up of Portable Jails

   Alleged Internment Camps List




   United Nations Vehicles On U.S. Soil

  These photos are of actual United Nations vehicles on the soil of
  America. These vehicles are coming into our ports -- namely Port
  Beaumont, Texas--at a staggering rate. Why?

   UN Vehicles Just Off The Port

   Rear View of the Vehicles


   Another close-up

   Transport through City

   Convoy of Trucks

   UN Ambulance 1

   UN Ambulance 2

   UN Bus

   Missle Launcher Truck

   German Vehicles

(NWO CAMPS: A List) Back by Pouplar demand = list of 300+
Concentration Camps:
*Opelika* WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.
Wilds* of Alaska possibly East of Anchorage. No access by road
however, there is a railway system. Facility holds 500,000 and will
be used for forced labor.
*Ft. Huachua, Arizona* 20 miles from the Mexican border, 30 miles
from Nogales. -Rex 84 program- Emergency Custodial Facility.
*Florence* WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.
*Pinal County* -Gila River- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facility.
*Yuma County* -Colorado River- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facility.
*Ft. Chaffee* Has a new runway for aircraft, new detention camp
facilities with cap of 20,000 prisoners.
*Chicot/Drew Counties* -Jerome- Renovated spec Interment camps
for Japanese Americans WWII.
*Descha County* -Rohwer- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention centers.
*Blythville AFB* This base was closed but is now being used as a
camp location. New wooden barracks have been constructed at
this location. This camp is surrounded by high wire topped with
barbed wire, and has guard towers.
*Berryville * 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #4

2000-01-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000117d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No fish claimed kinship with humans during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Museum of Unnatural Mystery: http://www.unmuseum.mus.pa.us/unmuseum.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Old women fall foul witchcraft hysteria. KENYA: East Africa is haunted by
  a witch-killing scare as violent lynch mobs in Tanzania  Uganda hunt down
  scores of people suspected of casting spells. Many of the victims of the
  hysteria are elderly people, often women who suffer from red eyes which
  their attackers say is a sign of sorcery. In fact the condition is caused
  by smoke from cooking fires in badly ventilated huts. Tanzania cops say
  more than 350 people in the last 18 months have been beaten or burnt to
  death by gangs. http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/world/2000/0113/wor6.htm
@ Vampiros lesbos http://www.salon.com/ent/log/2000/01/12/willow/index.html

: Have you burnt/beaten/mutilated/hanged many witches lately? If they're so
powerful, how can you get close to them? Wouldn't a competent witch/warlock/
wizard just turn you into a frog/salamander/platypus and be rid of you? Eh?

# Japan's Law on Sects Spurs Debate. Foes of legislation seen as targeting
  Aum cult warn of loss of civil liberties in interest of public safety.
  A friend of a lawyer killed by Aum members, agrees: "As much as I'm
  against Aum and its activities, I'm also against these inhuman policies."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Tech's New Promised Land. With the prospects of Mideast peace something
  palpable, and the quality of engineering very high, many U.S. technology
  companies are finding Israel an attractive place to expand their global
  reach. http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,33537,00.html

: Does your transnational corporation have tentacles extended into countries
all over Earth? Would you rather employ expensive Israelis or cheap Arabs?
Do you control wage-slaves all over the Earth? Are your prospects superb??

# Rally targets Confederate flag: "Your heritage is my slavery"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Burnt bodies found in Egypt. SOHAG, Egypt (AP) Cops found two burnt bodies
  near a southern town where more than 20 people have been killed in Muslim-
  Christians clashes this month. A Coptic Orthodox priest in the Christian-
  majority town, the Rev. Gabriel Abdel-Masih, is wanted for questioning on
  allegations that he opened fire on a group of Muslims in the village. The
  discovery of the two bodies in a field raises the death toll to 23 people,
  comprising 19 Coptic Christians, one Muslim and three unknowns. Thirty-
  four wounded: http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563369257-b94

: Would you rather burn Xians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics,
Sufis, 7th-Day Adventists, Scientologists, your family, neighbors, lawyers?

# Mom, son fight over where to dump granny's ashes:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Indonesian religious violence grows. JAKARTA (AP) - A Muslim mob set fire
  Monday to at least eight Christian  churches on the Indonesian tourist
  island of Lombok and battled police trying to stop the spread of religious
  violence that has claimed more than 2,000 lives. Get those polytheists:

: Have ya burnt any/many religious structures/sites lately? Has anyone burnt
your holy site(s)? Does a good fire just clear the way for new construction?

# Vatican urges Cuba on religion - We can make a deal, Fidel:
# Taiwan leader rewards Vatican bishop, plots against Communists:
# Worshippers honor Cardinal O'Connor, 80 - he'll be ousted soon:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Australia Fish Fossil May Be Distant Human Relative. CANBERRA, Australia
  (Reuters) A 400-million-year-old fossilized fish recently discovered near
  an Australian dam may be one of the human race's earliest relatives. Hey,
  cousin: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000117/02/science-australia-fish

: Are you closely related to a fish? Do you have any family portraits? Are
they artistic, realistic, surrealistic? Have you licensed the rights yet??

# DRIVE A PICASSO: The artist's heirs have licensed his name to the hood of
 a new Citroen car. www.artnewspaper.com/ArtNews-headlines-01/PicassoCar.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Experts see evidence of will to 

[CTRL] I may not get there with you...

2000-01-17 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

"Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days
 ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the
 mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live
 a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about
 that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up
 to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land.  I
 may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we,
 as a people, will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight.
 I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes
 have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."

Martin Luther King closed his last sermon in Memphis, the day
before he was assassinated, with the words above.

The entire sermon, along with many other speeched and writings
by MLK, can be found on-line at Stanford's Martin Luther King
Papers archive.  I'm listing that archive, along with this sermon
and his Letter From the Birmingham Jail, on The On-Line Books Page
today.  (I'd already listed his "I have a Dream" speech, also on
this site.)

They make good reading for Martin Luther King Day.  All too often,
national heroes are reduced to simple icons defined by a few
sound bites, with the greater depth and complexity
of their visions and characters omitted.  Reading the person's
own writings and speeches, in their unexcerpted form, helps give
insight into their lives and goals.

In his later years, for instance, King's speeches focused
increasing attention not only on the problem of racism but the
problems of poverty and warfare, and exhorted his listeners to
work on building more just social systems:

"I want to say to you as I move to my conclusion, as we talk about
 'Where do we go from here?' that we must honestly face the fact
 that the movement must address itself to the question of restructuring
 the whole of American society. There are forty million poor people
 here, and one day we must ask the question, 'Why are there forty
 million poor people in America?' And when you begin to ask that
 question, you are raising a question about the economic system,
 about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question,
 you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I'm simply saying
 that more and more, we've got to begin to ask questions about the
 whole society."

This is from a speech he made in Atlanta in 1967, often titled
"Where Do We Go From Here?"  King makes it clear in the speech
that he's not advocating communism, but rather a "synthesis that
combines the truths of both" capitalism and communism.  You can
read the whole speech at


(By coincidence, today I'll also be listing one of the better-known
 20th century books arguing for laissez-faire capitalism: Ludwig von Mises'
 _Human Action_, put on-line at the Mises Institute by permission
 of the copyright holder.  My thanks to them for making this book
 available; I hope that this and other on-line books on economics
 help make readers better informed of the issues and debates.)

Martin Luther King came out of a long tradition of Christian preaching
and activism in southern black churches.  If you'd like to explore
that tradition more deeply, UNC's archive
"The Church in the Southern Black Community" at


has books documenting some of the early history.  I'll be
adding the remaining books in that collection today (though other
parts of UNC's Documenting the American South collection are still
in the process of being listed).

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] spymasters

2000-01-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -

 : Have you tried to kill any ex-spymasters lately? Did you succeed?
   Would'ya rather silence them with mind-numbing drugs, fiery death,
   mind-control rays?

 You forgot simply tipping over their canoe! (last dead Cia chief)

That's too simple and elegant for CIA.  Must've been the Brits, eh?

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Britland Libya US

2000-01-17 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East : Libya
Libyan arms scandal shows widening rift between Europe and US
By Trevor Johnson
17 January 2000
Back to screen version

Growing foreign policy differences between Europe and the US were highlighted
by the revelation that British Customs officials had found a consignment of
Scud missile parts bound for Libya in May, months before the Blair Labour
government restored links with the regime of Colonel Muammar Gadhaffi.
Last week's Sunday Times ran a front-page story, portraying the missile parts
shipment as a major plot to break Britain's arms embargo against Libya. The 32
crates were labelled as spare parts for cars, although carrying the name of a
clothing company in Taiwan called Hontex. The Sunday Times initially claimed
that the Scud parts were capable of extending the missile's range from 200 to
600 miles, putting southern Italy within Libya's reach, but the foreign office
later denied this, saying that the parts were only spares for existing

The story said that the parts had been discovered in November, after Britain
had normalised its relations with Libya. Eventually, the British government
admitted that the parts first arrived at Gatwick and had been discovered by
Customs officers and intelligence staff, in May of last year. Although the
officials were said to have asked British Airways at Gatwick airport to stop
the shipment, the crates were loaded onto a plane and flown on to Malta. Only
then were they seized by the Maltese authorities and returned to Gatwick in
July, the same month that diplomatic relations were officially restored. The
shipment was impounded pending investigation and formally seized by Customs in

The government said that it had concealed the find for months because it did
not want to jeopardise its diplomatic relations with Libya. The reason for this
sensitivity towards what was once a pariah state—and one still subject to an
official arms embargo—can be found in the race by Britain and the rest of
Europe to secure their share of lucrative oil and infrastructure projects in

Britain and the European Union (EU) have been working to improve relations with
Libya, ever since Gadhaffi allowed the handing over for trial in the
Netherlands of two Libyan suspects in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over
Lockerbie in 1988. Last September, the EU lifted most remaining sanctions
imposed on Libya after the Lockerbie bombing, although the arms embargo

Libya has around 3 percent of the world's known oil reserves, and the valuable
raw material can be extracted there more cheaply than from many other
countries. Anything that cut across Britain's striving for friendly relations
with Libya would allow Italy and France to secure their domination over the
region's oil. Italian energy producer ENI has reached a deal with Libya's
National Oil Corporation to jointly develop gas and oil reserves estimated at
around 1.8 billion barrels. ENI, which has been in Libya since 1959 and
currently produces 80,000 barrels a day from the Bu-Attifel oilfield, predicted
the deal could generate investments of $5.5 billion. Production is expected to
begin in late 2003.

Gadhaffi has given Italy first priority on all contracts to upgrade oil
installations, but British oil equipment suppliers are hoping to take some of
this business, exporting new equipment to replace the antiquated machinery
currently in use. British Aerospace has been holding discussions with Libya for
some time (even before the dropping of sanctions) on a $10 billion contract to
modernise Libya's airline, and Labour MP Roger Stott described Libya as
“traditionally ... a strong British market”. In 1992, prior to the introduction
of sanctions, exports from Britain to Libya totalled £228 million.

Libya has denied accusations of trying to ship missile parts through Britain,
blaming forces that are "unhappy with the current improvement of co-operation
between the Libyan Jamahiriya and Great Britain" for whipping up the issue.
This is a veiled reference to the US government, which has conflicted with the
European states over the thaw in their relations with Libya.

In 1986 Washington severed all economic and commercial relations with Libya,
accusing it of giving aid to international terrorists. The US used the
Lockerbie bombing to whip up a frenzy against Libya and justify the imposition
of UN sanctions. In 1996 Congress passed the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, which
imposes penalties on countries investing more than $40 million per year in
Libya's oil and gas industry.

In May last year, the Senate passed a resolution urging President Clinton to
prevent the lifting of UN sanctions until Tripoli renounces terrorism, pays
compensation to the families of the Pan Am 103 victims and agrees to co-operate
with the trial of two Libyan suspects.

After Libya handed its two citizens over for 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #5

2000-01-17 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000117e - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No sensitive squid committed suicide during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The World Kite Museum and Hall of Fame: http://www.worldkitemuseum.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Millennium babies already 100 years old. LONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of
  babies born this year have already reached the ripe old age of 100. The
  premature ageing happened after the Y2K bug struck English registry office
  computers, which refuse to recognise the year 2000, automatically printing
  1900 on birth certificates. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/000117/22/dj33.html

: Is time moving ever-faster? Are you growing old before you know it? Will
millennial madness strike us all, tuning us into millenarians, millipedes?

# Cyberbabe to read the news. (BBC) A cyberbabe modelled on a mixture of
  Posh Spice, Kylie Minogue  TV presenter Carol Vorderman is set to become
  the world's first virtual newscaster. Never has a monthly problem:
@ ANANOVA INFO SITE: http://www.ananova.com./
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# THE FUTURE OF MEDICINE - Dolly's False Legacy. There is more to cloning
  than mere science -- and more to human character than scientists can
  discover in a person's genes. Or so the fuzzy-headed would have you think:

# Designer Babies. Parents can now pick a kid's sex and screen for genetic
  illness. Will they someday select for brains and beauty too? Probably.

# Seed of Controversy - Will this unemployed physicist be first to clone
  humans? ODD BUT TRUE: Though experts say he's not really credible, Seed
  has jump-started the debate over human cloning. And just in time...

: Are you more than your genes? If you haven't fully explored your genes or
yourself, how can you say? Is it easy to make proclamations about subjects
on which you're woefully ignorant? Do you do it all the time? Is it fun??

# Is human cloning inevitable? "There is no doubt in my mind we are going
  to have human clones. It's just a question of where and when." And who,
  of course. Get ready: http://www.suntimes.com/output/health/clone16.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Tibetans ordain 2-year-old child. BEIJING (AP) Venturing anew into Tibet's
  arcane religious politics, China's commie govt has approved a 2-year-old
  boy as a reincarnated Buddhist abbot, who historically plays a key role in
  naming the Dalai Lama. Buddhist clergymen ordained Soinam Puncog as the
  7th Reting Lama at a ritual in Tibet's holiest shrine, the Jokhang Temple
  in Lhasa. While important lamas must traditionally be recognized by the
  Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet has not commented on the
  choice of the Reting Lama. China has tried to win over Tibet's Buddhists
  and loosen the hold of the Dalai Lama since his flight to exile 41 years
  ago. Chinese leaders have twice in recent years tried to manipulate the
  naming of reincarnated lamas, both times without apparent success. See

: Have you ordained any infants lately? Are they easier to deal with than
adults? Are you a reincarnated holy person? Have you been ordained? Did a
govt control your ordination? Is the govt reincarnated? What was your govt
in its earlier lives? Will your govt's next incarnation be in an anthill??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Hurricanes set to grow fiercer (BBC) US scientists say hurricanes may
  become stronger and far more damaging in the next few years. Batten down:

# Also: Hurricane force revealed:
# India cyclone destruction emerges:
# Scientists predict storms beyond the horizon:

: What's your favorite hurricane? Do you like your hurricanes like you like
your women - strong, breathy, dark, wet, hot? Are hurricanes stimulating??

@ EvilPeople, Inc. http://www.gaijin.com/EvilPeople/ now has job openings
  http://www.gaijin.com/EvilPeople/employment/jobs/index.html for all
  those who would like to apply. Friendly advice: it's probably best if you
  lie on your http://www.gaijin.com/EvilPeople/employment/evilTest.html
  application, since that's what most evil people would do. And if 

Re: [CTRL] FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson

2000-01-17 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Hi Ed,

That's interesting.
It's hard to justify what you've said against the heat that seems to be
flaming up around the Wilson case.
DoJ "Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark Richard"  silently "reassigned"
somewhere in Europe. (his office "couldn't" give out information as of Dec.
Judge Stanley Sporkin suddenly retires.
Adm. Stansfield narrowly escapes summary retirement, his wife is not so
Watch to see which others that are directly involved are immediately
I respect the feeling you have that your sources are reliable, but Mike
Ruppert is, imho, a very credible source- very. The information he's
provided has been poked at, sniffed through, and collaborated on by some
other credible researchers.

Keep me posted on any further developments on your end, I'll do the same.

Also, could you elaborate on the discrepancies in the (NTSB?) accident
report regarding Rep. Smith which you mentioned?


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From:Ed Evanhoe
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson


I received a copy of the original "Cutolo Affidavit" several years ago and
other information on the "Tyree" case.  Analysis shows someone took
the original affidavit Col. Cutolo made for the Tyree trial and carefully
inserted information they wanted "to be found."  The document which has
been circulating as the "Cutolo Affidavit" is a phony.  It was typed on
three different Remington  Electric typewriters, albeit of the same type
and type face used by the military as well as many prisons and government
installations at that time.

As for "Watchtower" -- I checked this story out through a number of Special
Forces men and officers who were in Panama at the time.  Everyone said the
was so much BS.  Since many of these people were former buddies and whom
would have
told me "off the record" if there had been anything to the story, I believe

The only snippet in the "Cutolo Affidavit" which I still have questions is
about Rep. Smith's death.  I obtained a copy of the accident report and had
it analyzed by
friend who is a retired FAA accident investigator.  There are a number of
conclusions drawn
in this report that he took exception with.  I also have talked to several
reporters who covered the "accident."  One interesting sidebar is that after
Smith was killed,
and his wife gone to the accident site, someone broke into Smith's house and
rifled his files.


Ed Evanhoe, PO Box 916, Antlers, OK, 74523
Member:  American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)
Author: DARKMOON: Eighth Army Special Operations in the Korean War
Life Member:  Special Forces  Special Operations Associations
Web Site:  http://www.korean-war.com

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] FW: CIA's New Directions?

2000-01-17 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Perhaps people @ FAS.org would be interested in helping to move from covert
ops to open source information?

"Through research, advocacy, and public education,
the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
works to challenge excessive government secrecy
and to promote public oversight."

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: RobertSteele, OSS CEOhttp://www.oss.net/
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: CIA's New Directions?

Heh, heh, heh.

1)  "I have not yet begun to fight".  Everything up to this point has been
training wheels.  Watch what happens when I have money to spend.

2)  The correllation of forces has not been correct.  Three things are
in 2000 that will make a difference:

 a)  The intelligence reformers are publishing four books (see
at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30112-1999Dec23.html

 b)  the CINCs have gotten fed up with DIA and CIA approaches to
and the Senate Armed Services has an Emerging Threats sub-committee that is
drolling over the prospects of making intelligence reform its little ball
of wax--
and since it is within Armed Services where the money really is, this could

 c)  a new President, almost certainly a Republican, will be
elected.  If Gore or Bradley are elected this will be a negative, their
folks don't
know or care about intelligence.

General note to one and all: I care deeply about intelligence reform, and
if any of you have any knowledge or insights that would help me press
forward on
this matter, I would certainly welcome your emails and calls.  Best wishes
to all.

At 04:46 PM 1/16/2000 -0500, Ralph McGehee wrote:
I am amused that someone like Robert Steele who devotes his life to
changing the intelligence community considers it to be unchangeable.
His (our) sisyphean-like curse?

Robert D. Steele, President Direct Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS Inc.  Voice: (703) 242-1700
Post Office Box 369 Facsimile: (703) 242-1711
Oakton, Virginia 22124-0369 Web: www.oss.net

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: A Brief History of Time

2000-01-17 Thread Tenorlove

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

The Lame Humor List - http://robeo.cjb.net?lhl


Last weeks poll was, "You are parked in a space clearly designated for the
disabled. What is your handicap?" and the rsults are:

I don't read good. (3) 17%
I suffer from terminal laziness. (4) 22%
My inner child was bugging me for ice cream. (1) 6%
My shoes are too expensive to walk in. (1) 6%
Wheelchair symbol? I thought it was a rocking chair! (1) 6%
My religion forbids acts of common courtesy. (3) 17%
I ignore other laws, why not this one? (2) 11%
I am disabled... by a painfully swollen ego. (3) 17%

Be sure to take this weeks poll at Absolute Robeo,
http://robeo.cjb.net?lhlp117 today! If you hurry, you might be the first
one to vote!

A Brief History of Time

3050 B.C.- A Sumerian invents the wheel. Within the week, the idea is
stolen and duplicated by other Sumerians, thereby establishing the
business ethic for all time.

2900 B.C.-Wondering why the Egyptians call that new thing a Sphinx becomes
the first of the world's Seven Great Wonders.

1850 B.C.-Britains proclaim Operation Stonehenge a success. They've
finally gotten those boulders arranged in a sufficiently meaningless
pattern to confuse scientists for centuries.

1785 B.C.-The first calendar, composed of a year with 354 days, is
introduced by Babylonian scientists.

1768 B.C.-Babylonians realize something is wrong when winter begins in

776 B.C.-The world's first known money appears in Persia, immediately
causing the world's first known counterfeiter to appear in Persia the next

525 B.C.-The first Olympics are held, and prove similar to the modern
games, except that the Russians don't try to enter a six-footer with a
mustache in the women's shot put. However, the Egyptians do!

410 B.C.-Rome ends the practice of throwing debtors into slavery, thus
removing the biggest single obstacle to the development of the credit

404 B.C.-The Peloponnesian war has been going on for 27 years now because
neither side can find a treaty writer who knows how to spell

214 B.C.-Tens of thousands of Chinese labor for a generation to build the
1,500 mile long Great Wall of China. And after all that, it still doesn't
keep the neighbor's dog out.

1 B.C.-Calendar manufacturers find themselves in total disagreement over
what to call next year.

79 A.D.- Buying property in Pompeii turns out to have been a lousy real
estate investment.

432- St. Patrick introduces Christianity to Ireland, thereby giving the
natives something interesting to fight about for the rest of their
recorded history.

1000-Leif Ericsson discovers America, but decides it's not worth

1043-Lady Godiva finds a means of demonstrating against high taxes that
immediately makes everyone forget what she is demonstrating against.

1125-Arabic numerals are introduced to Europe, enabling peasants to solve
the most baffling problem that confronts them: How much tax do you owe on
MMMDCCCLX Lira when you're in the XXXVI percent bracket?

1233-The Inquisition is set up to torture and kill anyone who disagrees
with the Law of the Church. However, the practice is so un-Christian that
it is permitted to continue for only 600 years.

1297-The world's first stock exchange opens, but no one has the foresight
to buy IBM or Xerox.

1433- Portugal launches the African slave trade, which just proves what a
small, ambitious country can do with a little bit of ingenuity and a whole
lot of evil!

1456-An English judge reviews Joan of Arc's case and cancels her death
sentence. Unfortunately for her, she was put to death in 1431.

1492- Columbus proves how lost he really is by landing in the Bahamas,
naming the place San Salvador, and calling the people who live there

1497-Amerigo Vespucci becomes the 7th or 8th explorer to come to the new
world, but the first to think of naming it in honor of himself...the
United States of Vespuccia!

1508-Michelangelo finally agrees to paint the ceiling of the Sistine
Chapel, but he still refuses to wash the windows.

1513-Ponce de Leon claims he found the Fountain of youth, but dies of old
age trying to remember where it was he found it.

1522-Scientists, who know the world is flat, conclude that Magellan made
it all the way around by crawling across the bottom.

1568-Saddened over the slander of his good name, Ivan the Terrible kills
another 100,000 peasants to make them stop calling him Ivan the Terrible.

1607-The Indians laugh themselves silly as the first European tourist to
visit Virginia tries to register as "John Smith".

1618-Future Generations are doomed as the English execute Sir Walter
Raleigh, but allow his tobacco plants to live.

1642-Nine students receive the first Bachelor of Arts degrees 

[CTRL] Fwd: RE: FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Mike Ruppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Dave et al:

Please relay to the ASJA author, Mr. Evanhoe, the following:

1. I and From The Wilderness absolutely agree that the Cutolo affidavit was
typed on three different typewriters and more so, that Ed Cutolo did not
write it. As a matter of fact that is the opening sentence of my publication
entitled "The Tyree Papers." The affidavit was complied from a doomsday file
left with Paul Neri at NSA. What remains, is that the historical data and
events therein described are totally accurate and well corroborated.
2. I have independently verified the existence of Paul Neri, his position at
NSA and the circumstances of his death.
3. As a result of FOIA work done by Tyree and other investigators, including
me, we are in possession of heavily redacted CIA and USA documents verifying
the existence of Watchtower. We (myself, Tyree and his attorney Ray Kohlman)
are in possession of approximately two linear inches of redacted documents
in total which pertain to the Watchtower missions.
4. Ed Cutolo's daughter, in statements to the daughter of Al Carone,
admitted that her father was murdered and even that "eyewitness" statements
were tailored in advance to make her father look like a lush.
5. I am also in possession of no less than seven supporting affidavits from
four different people substantiating Tyree's allegation at Ft Devens and the
existence of Watchtower.
6. Just this year, after utterly sanitizing Tyree's military records to
delete sensitive badges, the Dept of the Army, faced with incontrovertible
evidence has restored Tyree's jump wings. This totally invalidates sworn
testimony presented at his murder trial.

That is just a start. So please forward to Mr. Evanhoe this challenge: I
sell "The Tyree papers" for $19.95. If he will read them and what else I
will send and then admit his previous position to be demonstrably incorrect,
I will send them to him for free. Otherwise he should politely keep to
himself. For free he can visit my web site and use the search engine on
"Tyree" to find out some of what he does not know.

Dave, thank you for your support. There is a reason why ten Members of
Congress and nine University Professors subscribe to From The Wilderness,
and why I am lecturing to a class in international relations at USC next

Mike Ruppert
-Original Message-
From:   Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, January 17, 2000 4:12 PM
Subject:RE: FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson


Hi Ed,

That's interesting.
It's hard to justify what you've said against the heat that seems to be
flaming up around the Wilson case.
DoJ "Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark Richard"  silently "reassigned"
somewhere in Europe. (his office "couldn't" give out information as of Dec.
Judge Stanley Sporkin suddenly retires.
Adm. Stansfield narrowly escapes summary retirement, his wife is not so
Watch to see which others that are directly involved are immediately
I respect the feeling you have that your sources are reliable, but Mike
Ruppert is, imho, a very credible source- very. The information he's
provided has been poked at, sniffed through, and collaborated on by some
other credible researchers.

Keep me posted on any further developments on your end, I'll do the same.

Also, could you elaborate on the discrepancies in the (NTSB?) accident
report regarding Rep. Smith which you mentioned?


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From:Ed Evanhoe
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson


I received a copy of the original "Cutolo Affidavit" several years ago and
other information on the "Tyree" case.  Analysis shows someone took
the original affidavit Col. Cutolo made for the Tyree trial and carefully
inserted information they wanted "to be found."  The document which has
been circulating as the "Cutolo Affidavit" is a phony.  It was typed on
three different Remington  Electric typewriters, albeit of the same type
and type face used by the military as well as many prisons and government
installations at that time.

As for "Watchtower" -- I checked this story out through a number of Special
Forces men and officers who were in Panama at the time.  Everyone said the
was so much BS.  Since many of these people were former buddies and whom
would have
told me "off the record" if there had been anything to the story, I believe

The only snippet in the "Cutolo Affidavit" which I still have questions is
about Rep. Smith's death.  I obtained a copy of the accident report and had
it analyzed by
friend who is a retired FAA accident investigator.  There are a number of
conclusions drawn
in this report that he took exception with.  I also have talked to several
reporters who covered the "accident."  One interesting sidebar is that after

Re: [CTRL] Big Brother is now in Gas Stations

2000-01-17 Thread Robin Peters

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 1/16/00 11:58:22 AM Central Standard Time,

 If this works similar to credit card purchasing there will be a provision
 enter the license/ID # manually, so the magnet idea will only thwart the
 automatic swipe through. 
That's true - I have been in situations where I have needed to use my IL
state ID, which has a mag strip/UPC code thing on the back that can be
scanned. When the scan didn't take, the clerk processing my check transaction
called a special toll-free phone number to bypass the automatic scan device.
Keep in mind that check purchases currently work like credit-card purchases
in many ways; the only way to thwart this system is to use cash all the time,
but that arouses suspicion when you make a large purchase, even if you earned
that cash in a legitimate job.

Robin Peters

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] court cases and articles about recovered memory, etc.

2000-01-17 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

Below please find links to several pages with court cases and info about
ritual abuse, etc.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors. Our listing these resources does not
necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. Resources mentioned in this
resource list are mentioned for educational value only. Using these resources
may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading
anything or contacting anyone  mentioned in this resource list.

from http://members.tripod.com/~Curio_5_/judithpeterson.html
(this site also has many links)

United States of America vs. Peterson, et al.


Judith Peterson Ph.D., Richard E. Seward M.D., George Jerry Mueck, Gloria
Keraga M.D., and Sylvia Davis M.S.W. were indicted by a federal grand jury on
October 29, 1997 in the Federal District Court, Houston, Texas for alleged
mail and insurance fraud. The allegations also claim that patients alleging
satanic cult involvement were mistreated and misdiagnosed at Spring Shadows
Glen Hospital and were led to believe that they were victims of "unrealistic"
cult abuses. For educational purposes, please review the Satanism and Ritual
case archive for a partial listing of bizarre cult abuse perpetrated against
both children and adults, and Michael Newton's essay about cults and the FBI.

from http://members.tripod.com/~Curio_5_/tatpete.html

From Treating Abuse Today, May/June 1997, Vol 7 No 3, Hanging Together or
Hanging Separately: Facing the Dilemma of Colleagues Charged with Implanting
False Memories by Judith A. Peterson, PhD, and Martha C. Dean, PhD

from http://members.tripod.com/~Curio_5_/northcarol.html

Charlotte Observer, page 1C, August 20, 1998 Therapists Cleared in Memory Suit
In a ruling with national implications, a Mecklenburg jury on Wednesday
rejected a Shelby woman's plea for a multimillion-dollar malpractice
verdict against two Charlotte therapists she accused of planting false
memories in her mind. The Superior Court jurors needed about a day and a half
to deliberate. They cleared psychologist Daphne J. Timmons and psychiatrist
J.W. Scott Wallace of any malpractice. The trial, including jury selection
and verdict, lasted seven weeks.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: Pine Ridge Situation Said Reaching Critical Mass//!!

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Pine Ridge Situation Said Reaching Critical Mass//URGENT!!

Forward as far and widely as possible!

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

We've been coordinating info at this site:

Things have fallen apart and the shooting may start soon.  Latest posting:

The Treasurer that the people are trying to get removed and set this
whole protest off just went on the local radio station - announced he
had put together an 'armed force' who are going to retake the Tribal
Building by 'any means necessary.'

The FeeBee's are going to pull out and allow this to happen! "Reason -
it is an internal matter."

It has just gone from a peaceful protest to the beginnings of a violent

Journalists and Reporters reading this - the phone number to the Tribal
Building is (605) 867-5821.

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Intel: Thugs in the Forest

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Original Message-
From: spiker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient list suppressed Recipient list suppressed
Date: Monday, January 17, 2000 4:48 PM
Subject: Intel: Thugs in the Forest

From: "J.J. Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This article sent by the WAT (We at Them) news service. Note the healthy
dump of "intel" on the other side on this one. Read this before you go on
the next "wilderness adventure."- J.J.

This and other excellent articles concerning land rights can be found at:



Goodbye Old Smokey; you've been replaced by Rambo.

J. Zane Walley,  The Paragon Foundation

 On a recent family vacation to Big Bend National Park in
Southwest Texas, my wife, son, and I were on private property that borders
the park and belongs to retired Texas rancher, Rex Ivey.  I set my cameras
on tripods and was waiting to photograph the sunset on the Chisos Mountains
when I spied a white and green Park Service vehicle rapidly driving toward

 A U.S. Department of the Interior Park Ranger, David Yim,
climbed out and began interrogating my son Martin and I on what we were
doing, where we were from, what I did for a living, and how many in my
party.  As I was replying to Officer Yim, he kept his hand on his sidearm
and circled me like a gunfighter every time I shifted position.  After he
completed questioning us; he went to my pickup truck and camper, peered
through the windows and back door.  Finishing with my vehicle, he proceeded
to inspect all other vehicles in the parking area as well as interrogate
locals and other tourists who had arrived to watch the sunset.

Ranger Yim was certainly well armed.  He was literally ready for war.  On
his hip was a nine millimeter pistol, and his duty belt carried several
thirteen round capacity magazines, Mace, handcuffs, and a large assortment
of other black leather clad devices.  A 12 Gauge riot shotgun and a Colt
assault rifle were between the bucket seats of his official vehicle.

I took exception to Ranger Yim's SWAT team attire, interrogation, and
arguable actions on private property.  After returning home to New Mexico,
I conducted a telephone interview with his supervisor, Chief Ranger Bill
Wright.  It was unpleasantly enlightening.

Ranger Wright informed me that U.S. Department of the Interior Park Rangers
have jurisdiction anywhere in the U.S., if they feel a crime has been
committed on federal land.  "For instance," he said,  "if we believe
someone from Maine took an archeological treasure from Big Bend.  We could
conduct an investigation there although it is not on U.S. land.  We are
federal officers!" he proudly concluded.  The Ranger also stated that his
officers are engaged in drug and illegal alien interdiction and would and
could pursue any law violators off public property if the crime was
committed in the park.  "The rule of hot pursuit applies here." White

For these reasons, White contended that Yim had the right to be questioning
citizens and investigating their vehicles on private land.  He also
defended his officers' heavy weaponry.  "We had a rape and a murder in our
Outside Magazine says it is one of the five most dangerous National Parks
in America.  I want to make sure my officers are armed to respond to any
situation."  White also admitted that they had not solved the rape or
murder cases but had arrested a few thieves.  White stated that all U.S.
Park Rangers in America are armed with, or have riot guns and assault
rifles in their armory.

It is depressing that the familiar, friendly park ranger has become a
paramilitary soldier.  In speaking with Yim and White, it seems that the
"federal officer" status has infused their thinking to the point that
making big arrests and drug busts are of greater importance than merely
informing and protecting the public.

A sad Goodbye old Smokey.  You have been replaced by

[CTRL] Mind Control in America 1/3

2000-01-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

=== http://www.rumormillnews.com 

Mind Control in America

Five Easy Steps To Create

A Manchurian Candidate


Gunther Russbacher sent the original pieces of this article to his wife,
Rayelan in 1996. In December of 1996, Rayelan pieced together Gunther’s many
letters, and published the original article on “Mind Control in America” in
the print edition of Rumor Mill News.
Several days before the Columbine shootings, a man from Austria came to
California to meet with Rayelan and clear up some of the hard to understand
passages in the original article. The man said he was Gunther’s boss in
Austrian Intelligence. Since Rayelan had never met Gunther’s boss, the man
provided information that only Rayelan, Gunther and Gunther Austrian
Intelligence superior would know.

The Austrian told her he had helped Gunther write the first part of the
article on “Operation Open Eyes.” The original article was hand written by
Gunther and sent to Rayelan in several different letters. The man from
Austria said that he had personal knowledge of the 5 Levels of programming,
and that was the part of the article he had helped Gunther write. The second
part of the original RMNews article was taken from other letters written by
Gunther, alone. The man from Austria said he could only correct the part
that he had helped write because he had no personal knowledge of Gunther’s
own mind control experiences, or how the United States used this method of
mind control.

Shortly after the Austrian met with Rayelan, the tragedy at Columbine
happened. Rayelan now believes that the Columbine killings were the
beginning of the final push to take all guns out of the hands of the
American people. One month, to the day, after Columbine, another similar
shooting occurred in Georgia. These killings are not random acts of teenage
violence. These school killings are a planned, methodical attack on the
American Constitution and the freedom which is enjoyed but taken for granted
by citizens of the United States of America.

The method of the attack is designed to inflame anger and hysteria in the
American public. The media whips up the anger and hysteria and keeps it
fresh in America’s mind, with continual graphic, around the clock,
 “overkill” coverage and commentary of the dead and wounded victims, the
pain and suffering of the families, and the traumatic scars left on America’
s children. The President uses the hysteria of the moment to blame guns for
the problems in Americas schools and with America’s children. In the heat of
hysteria, Congress is pressured to pass more guns laws.

The hysteria and anger towards guns, propelled by the President and the
media, continues to sweep across America. No one in media or being
interviewed by the media, is allowed to speak rationally on the subject of
guns. Rational people are shouted down by talk show hosts, as in the
infamous Rosie O’Donnell interview with Tom Selleck. Members of Congress who
try to point out the fact that existing gun laws don’t work, because the
Clinton Administration doesn’t enforce them, are portrayed by the media as
being “on the take” from the NRA.

No one is permitted to step back from the hysteria and consider that all the
gun laws in the world, including a total destruction of all guns, could have
stopped what happened at Columbine.

If there were no guns available to the two young men and their accomplices
at Columbine, the killings would have happened anyway. A gun was not used to
blow up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Guns were not used to kill the
800,000 TsuTsis who were killed in Rwanda by the Hutus.

The children at Columbine and at the other schools across America were
killed by other children. The “child killers” used guns, but they could just
as easily used machetes or bombs. The man who drove his pick up truck
through the window of Luby’s restaurant in Killean, Texas used a high
powered assault rifle to murder dozens of people. He could just as easily
thrown a bomb through the restaurant window. The bomb would have killed more
people than the gun, and the killer would have escaped alive. But a bomb
would not have accomplished the first step in the planned take-over of
America. That first step is the elimination of all guns in the hands of the
American public!

Many of the mass murderers in the recent decade have committed suicide at
the site of the killings, or they are killed by a law enforcement officer,
once the various government agencies arrive. In several cases of school
shootings, the “child killers” have been stopped by teachers or principles
who had guns. If the adult school officials had not had guns, by the time
the law enforcement officers arrive, more victims would have been killed. It
is also possible that the “child 

[CTRL] Mind Control in America 2/3

2000-01-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Operation Open Eyes

Government insiders reveal how

The United States Government

Finds, Chooses and Creates


Mind-controlled, programmed zombies, also known as:

Manchurian Candidates

An Overview of a

Government Mind Control Program
How the Subjects are Chosen
A preset group of our people (from the intelligence community) canvasses the
county hospitals and immigration centers in order to find viable candidates.
We locate and select people who have no close family or friends. Once they
have been selected, they are put under heavy, Level One hypnosis. At this
time a clear and definitive pattern of their usefulness is determined by our
psychiatrists and field officers. If the candidate possesses a relatively
high IQ, he will be filed in a category file, called "call file. "
Levels One and Two
If the tested applicant has more than 120 IQ, a “recall” command and an
accompanying “trigger” word will be written into his personality during the
Level One hypnosis session. This “trigger” will activate his recall program
when we are ready for him. We then systematically do a background search and
create a file for future reference.

If there are no relatives, to speak of, the subject will be “recalled” and
taken to a location of our choice. Further tests for vulnerability will be
conducted at this location. If he passes these tests, he is then brought to
Level 2 hypnosis where specific instructions are “written” (placed through
hypnotic commands and suggestions) into his personality and he is given
diverse small orders.

If the subject, upon release, shows that he has retained the instructions
which were “written” into his personality, and if he carries out the small
and unimportant work duties which were assigned under Level 2 hypnosis, he
will receive a “recall service notice".

The timing of a “recall service notice” depends on how quickly we can
determine that the programming which was “written” into the subject’s
personality has enabled him to complete his Level 2 work assignments
properly. Once this determination has been made, a “recall service notice”
will be given to him by a person, or “handler” to whom we have introduced

If the subject was not given a “trigger” word, the “handler” will use a
quick and powerful form of hypnosis similar to Neural Linguistic
Programming. The subject will be told when and where to report. The subject
will have no memory of being given these instructions, he will just report
on time to the proper location. IF the subject was given a “trigger” word or
symbol. He will report to the designated location upon activation of the

Level 3
The next step is Level 3 hypnosis, where the subject will become an
“overwrite” upon his own personality. An “overwrite” is a new identity or
personality. It is similar to having multiple personalities, except the
original personality is repressed or hidden under the “overwrite” and will
not surface for a set period of time which is determined by the Programmer.

The “overwrite” is not a complete new identity. There is just enough
information written into the subject’s personality for us to determine his

In the case of a Field Operative, Level 3 hypnosis is how the operative is
prepared for a covert mission which requires a temporary new identity. Just
enough information will be written in for the operative’s alias and story to
be believable by everyone, including law enforcement officials. In the case
of a field operative who will be using this alias for only one occasion, his
normal personality is not repressed, it is made recessive, but left alert.

For the field operative who is being prepared for a deadly covert mission, a
Level 3 “overwrite” can eliminate all fear and nervousness, and allow him to
function under the nose of his enemies without the added stress of being
discovered. All operatives have to go to, and through these 3 Levels before
they are fielded! Sometimes they go through Level 3 many times.

During Level 3 programming sessions, the new subject is told that anything
his “friends”, i.e. programmers, ask him to do, is okay, even though it may
be against all laws of the land. At Level 3, the subject is also programmed
to believe that he must and can do everything his “friends” i.e.,
programmers ask him to do.

Once Level 3 Programming has been “overlaid” upon the new subject’s own
personality, he/she is once again given a “recall service order” and is then
discharged. The subject will be monitored to see how well he functions with
his new personality. If everything goes well, he will be recalled for
further programming.

The higher the IQ of a given subject, the further the programming goes! If
the IQ is high enough we will study his abilities and our needs, and
determine how the subject can be further used. Once this determination is
made, the subject will 

[CTRL] Mind Control in America 3/3

2000-01-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


(RM Editor; One of our Sources told us that the pilot of Ron Brown's
airplane was a "sleeper." Up until the moment he was "activated" by a
"trigger" word, the program to crash the plane was activated, he was just an
average, ordinary person. The "control" who gave him the "trigger" word, was
the ground radio operator at the Dubrovnik airport, who was later found shot
to death... suicided? " None of the other so-called explanations for the
crash make any sense, until someone uncovers the real cause of the Ron Brown
crash, RMNews will believe that the pilot was a “sleeper" who was
"triggered" and a preset program was activated which made him fly the plane
into the hillside.)

Russbacher Continues:
“To fully create a new person; give them a history or something that they
can cling to when sad or lonely, it takes a team of lab experts numerous
weeks or even months. I don't know the name of the chemicals (several of
them) used by the teams but they can hold a subject comatose for a few days
to even months. A total transfiguration requires a catheter in the neck,
urinary and digestive track, to keep their physical balance. Usually a Level
5, complete transfiguration will require a cover story like a serious
automobile accident or something of similar nature. We have never been
exposed for any of the Level 5 subjects we created.

Most liable to exposure are level 3 subjects who can remember bits and
pieces of their downing after not have been to the "shop" (lab) for a couple
of years. (RMNews: Randy Weaver?)
Level 3 Operatives will always know that they have been worked on or
modified- -because they sign a document that goes into their personnel file.
All case officers and field operatives are Level 3 clan.

The chemical used for Level 4 is not merely a hypnotic drug but also
contains proportionate levels of anesthesia. The idea is to keep the subject
at the very edge of consciousness during the programming.

One last set of statements about Operation Open Eyes. There are some aspects
(areas) of the United States. One, and the first of them, is Project
Fallingrock; Project Behemoth; Project Tinyrock; Project mountainside, just
to name a few. All of these projects fall under the auspices of “Operation
Open Eyes".

Project and/or Operation Monarch was a completely fictitious series created
and released to the public simply to side track serious investigators. You
can always judge the authenticity of serious reporters or investigative
journals by paying attention to the things they have said about
Project/Operation Monarch. This does not mean that the "victims" of Monarch
are not real, what it means is that the entire Project was created as a
cover story to keep people busy following the Project Monarch leads, while
the real work went on in hospitals and doctors' offices around the country.

There are government sponsored investigative journals which are designed to
sow misinformation or disinformation. I have been able to spot the
newspapers that are putting out bogus information by paying attention to how
they treat Operation Monarch.

Afterthoughts From Gunther Russbacher:
The poor guys/gals who are forced to leave family and all behind in order to
fulfill their one way program, sadden me. Although they have a completely
new set of memories, they are all usually such bad memories, that they
gladly jump from area to area to avoid the direct pain of these memories.
They seek company in sleazy bars and are usually limited to one night
stands. By day, they work, and by night, they usually sit--frustrated as
hell-- in front of their TV's. This is why the trigger words presented in
television ads are so effective.

More Afterthoughts:
In the event that you have any interest in how my Level 3 programming was
done, and how it was found by the therapist here, (in Austria) I'll be glad
to give you a run down.

First of all, bear in mind that I went in on my own. I wasn't one of the
other cases I have so often made reference to in my letter. They gave me
2-mg. of Valium to calm my nervous system. Then I was hooked up to a
polygraph machine, and the hypnotherapist led me to Level One--deep sleep.
Then at that stage a color combination pattern was fed to my mind. Then I
was dropped to level two. Outside monitors, such as an EEG, were attached to
my head. I was fed music or better said, winding jungle rhythms to
concentrate upon. (RMNews: Similar colors and rhythms are found in some of
the video games our children play.)

“At that state ( Level 2), it was determined that I was patriotic enough to
be of use to them. A film, between a good agent and Joe Blow down the
street, was played to determine my threshold to cross (under specific
orders!) from being a full legal to being an instrument for their causes.
All the patriotic nonsense in the world was fed to me at Level 2. Then came
the "what if 

[CTRL] Fw: Mind Control in America 3/3

2000-01-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Resend. Message rejected as been sent.Sorry if someone else sent it.

Subject: Mind Control in America 3/3


(RM Editor; One of our Sources told us that the pilot of Ron Brown's
airplane was a "sleeper." Up until the moment he was "activated" by a
"trigger" word, the program to crash the plane was activated, he was just an
average, ordinary person. The "control" who gave him the "trigger" word, was
the ground radio operator at the Dubrovnik airport, who was later found shot
to death... suicided? " None of the other so-called explanations for the
crash make any sense, until someone uncovers the real cause of the Ron Brown
crash, RMNews will believe that the pilot was a “sleeper" who was
"triggered" and a preset program was activated which made him fly the plane
into the hillside.)

Russbacher Continues:
“To fully create a new person; give them a history or something that they
can cling to when sad or lonely, it takes a team of lab experts numerous
weeks or even months. I don't know the name of the chemicals (several of
them) used by the teams but they can hold a subject comatose for a few days
to even months. A total transfiguration requires a catheter in the neck,
urinary and digestive track, to keep their physical balance. Usually a Level
5, complete transfiguration will require a cover story like a serious
automobile accident or something of similar nature. We have never been
exposed for any of the Level 5 subjects we created.

Most liable to exposure are level 3 subjects who can remember bits and
pieces of their downing after not have been to the "shop" (lab) for a couple
of years. (RMNews: Randy Weaver?)
Level 3 Operatives will always know that they have been worked on or
modified- -because they sign a document that goes into their personnel file.
All case officers and field operatives are Level 3 clan.

The chemical used for Level 4 is not merely a hypnotic drug but also
contains proportionate levels of anesthesia. The idea is to keep the subject
at the very edge of consciousness during the programming.

One last set of statements about Operation Open Eyes. There are some aspects
(areas) of the United States. One, and the first of them, is Project
Fallingrock; Project Behemoth; Project Tinyrock; Project mountainside, just
to name a few. All of these projects fall under the auspices of “Operation
Open Eyes".

Project and/or Operation Monarch was a completely fictitious series created
and released to the public simply to side track serious investigators. You
can always judge the authenticity of serious reporters or investigative
journals by paying attention to the things they have said about
Project/Operation Monarch. This does not mean that the "victims" of Monarch
are not real, what it means is that the entire Project was created as a
cover story to keep people busy following the Project Monarch leads, while
the real work went on in hospitals and doctors' offices around the country.

There are government sponsored investigative journals which are designed to
sow misinformation or disinformation. I have been able to spot the
newspapers that are putting out bogus information by paying attention to how
they treat Operation Monarch.

Afterthoughts From Gunther Russbacher:
The poor guys/gals who are forced to leave family and all behind in order to
fulfill their one way program, sadden me. Although they have a completely
new set of memories, they are all usually such bad memories, that they
gladly jump from area to area to avoid the direct pain of these memories.
They seek company in sleazy bars and are usually limited to one night
stands. By day, they work, and by night, they usually sit--frustrated as
hell-- in front of their TV's. This is why the trigger words presented in
television ads are so effective.

More Afterthoughts:
In the event that you have any interest in how my Level 3 programming was
done, and how it was found by the therapist here, (in Austria) I'll be glad
to give you a run down.

First of all, bear in mind that I went in on my own. I wasn't one of the
other cases I have so often made reference to in my letter. They gave me
2-mg. of Valium to calm my nervous system. Then I was hooked up to a
polygraph machine, and the hypnotherapist led me to Level One--deep sleep.
Then at that stage a color combination pattern was fed to my mind. Then I
was dropped to level two. Outside monitors, such as an EEG, were attached to
my head. I was fed music or better said, winding jungle rhythms to
concentrate upon. (RMNews: Similar colors and rhythms are found in some of
the video games our children play.)

“At that state ( Level 2), it was determined that I was patriotic enough to
be of use to them. A film, between a good agent and Joe Blow down the
street, was played to determine my threshold to cross (under specific
orders!) from being a full legal to being an instrument for 

[CTRL] Fwd: Gov Bush: American Indians 'Not Sovereign'!!!

2000-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Gov. Bush Declares American Indian Nations 'Not Sovereign'!!!

This from the airhead "presidential" "candidate" who several months ago
couldn't even name ONE out of 4 national leaders of 4 countries in
then-current hot-spot regions: the one and only, the inimitable
coke-addled, goofball governor of Texas; G. "Dubya" Bush.

Somebody get this LOSER a history book, for God's sake!! (Guess "Dubya"
slept through that term, too... .)

GOD HELP US if--through some extraordinary efforts (including such
things as massive voter fraud/tampering) on the part of certain
inconceivably wealthy, malignant, misanthropic and generally VERY
dangerous people--this moron actually becomes the next President of the
U.S.!!! Obviously, for Native Americans the situation would be even more
disastrous if dweeb Dubya were to be President.

NewsHawk® Inc.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Subject: Bush's View on Sovereignty Status
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 20:24:19 EST

John- I thought I'd pass this on to you. 

Recently in the GLIFWC News, MASINAIGAN,

George W. Bush has DENIED sovereign status of Indian nations.
The following is a complete reprint of the article published
in the Winter 1999-2000 issue:

Indian Tribes should be subject to state law, says Republican
presidential candidate and Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

Either ignorant or unmindful of hundreds of years of treaties,
the U.S. Constitution and several Supreme Court decisions,
Bush denied the sovereign status of Indian Nations.

"My view is that state law reigns supreme when it comes to
the Indians, whether it be gambling or any other issue,"
Bush said during a recent campaign swing in New York State.
Tribal leaders were incredulous. "[Only] the federal
government has the authority," said Mark Emery, a spokesman
for the Oneida Nation.

So PLEASE spread the word. It seems our sovereignty
may be in some sort of danger if this fool gets elected.

Thank you

Fredina L. Drye
Kansas University
Indigenous Nations Studies Program
215 Fraser Hall
Lawrence KS 66045
(785) 864-2660

[CTRL] Mike Levine's www.expertwitnessradio.com

2000-01-17 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.com/dave
Mike Levine:



  War with No 
  here to listen (requires 
  Is there a community 
  anti-drug plan that has shown itself to be 100 percent effective in 
  stopping drugs, ending police brutality and corruption, increasing 
  community-police harmony and cooperation, lowering jail populations and 
  court costs and saving the lives of addicts, that many of the so-called 
  "good guys" in the drug war do not want you to know about?
  Back! - Presentation for the CATO institute
  Teams with U.S. In Drug War?Duh, I wonder why?
  War News Not Fit To Print
  Anyone Apologizing to Gary Webb?
  "Secret" Media Equation at WorkA+B+C+D+E=Corrupt
  War Bibliography 
  Lycaeum Drug War 
  Library - collection of papers, letters and articles concerning the 
  end of the War on Drugs.
  Prohibition: The Drug War - presents the War on Drugs as 
  a means to continue government involvement in international narcotics 
  Successes and 
  Failures of President Bush's War on Drugs - examines the Bush 
  administration's War on Drugs. Includes footnotes and 
  The Drug War 
  Clock - see up to the minute statistics of the War On 
  Drug War Facts - 
  Drug War Facts provides reliable information and credible citations on 
  important criminal justice and public health issues. The goal is to 
  introduce facts cited by authoritative sources to a debate which is often 
  characterized by myths, erroneous information and emotion. 
  Drug News - 
  Searchable database from the Media Awareness Project.
  Cops Against the Drug 
  War - describes the growing disillusionment with the War on Drugs in 
  the law enforcement community, and the growing support for 
  The Drug Policy Foundation is 
  an independent, nonprofit organization representing over 24,000 supporters 
  who favor alternatives to the current war on drugs. 
  Drug Peace Campaign - 
  intends to end the War on Drugs that has devastated human rights and 
  imprisoned large numbers of non-violent people.
  The November Coalition 
  are a growing body of citizens whose lives have been gravely affected by 
  our government's present drug policy. They are drug war prisoners, their 
  loved ones and others who believe that our present course of war in 
  America has a price that we cannot afford to pay.
  SNITCH - a PBS Frontline series investigates how a 
  fundamental shift in the country's anti-drug laws -- including federal 
  mandatory minimum sentencing and conspiracy provisions--has bred a culture 
  of snitching that is in many cases rewarding the guiltiest and punishing 
  the less guilty. 
  Rights Violations and the War on Drugs in Bolivia". . .spontaneous 
  acts of violence as well as systematic and elaborate forms of torture. The 
  victims in this report have been shot, submerged under water, beaten while 
  suspended in the air, burned with cigarettes, forcibly injected with 
  unknown substances, tortured with electric shocks, severely beaten and 
  repeatedly threatened with death" 
  Record Special Report: Dirty Money - Why We're Losing the War on 
  Search YAHOO! 
  for "War on 

[CTRL] Project Blue Beam - God in the clouds

2000-01-17 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Black  White
Project Blue Beam

Excerpts of World Freedom Information Network, Evolve 2 Magazin,

From the Anticivilization
The Adversary's plan continues to unfold in the third dimensional
anticivilization. The Unabomber and the Oklahoma City bombing fall guys are
in jail awaiting punishment for crimes which they did not commit. The
Freeman are under siege for having done nothing wrong. The message from the
criminal Federal agents is twofold: 1. The pro-constitutional approach to
life in America is OVER and, 2. Stop distribution of those good and valid
documents. The Freeman have NOT issued bogus checks or bank drafts.

On the health front, the World Health Organization has declared tuberculoses
a world wide epidemic, Ebola has arrived in the U.S., Gulf War Illness is
still spreading, Mad Cow Disease can show up anywhere.

We need to stay aware of what's happening in the anticivilization. Act with
wisdom and be prepared for whatever may come. But don't focus on that as the
sole (soul) reality. The anticivilization is going to crash and burn. Even
the parasitic elite know that planetary evolution is taking place that will
ultimately make their Global domination plan impossible to achieve. But they
will continue to play it out to the end.

The happenings of anticivilization cannot affect you if you are not there.
Higher consciousness brings a synchronicity of events, a harmonization of
conscious thought, which will always guide us to do the right thing in the
right place at the right time. This is really true.

Project Blue Beam (from Contact, April, 1996)
Set to take place this year is the worldwide, simultaneous, Christian
Crusade, Billy Graham, all languages audio and video revealing of our "God"
in the clouds. This is also known as Operation Blue Beam. It got shut down
last year but, to fulfill the expectations of the "people" for a Rapture and
Second Coming, etc., there MUST be a visualization in every part of the
world - to allow for the ONE WORLD RELIGION.

The "revelation" herein is to stop, look and listen before you jump off the
cliff into the arms of an illusion. The "operation" is easy to EXPLAIN and
REVEAL technologically.

Holography, a technique for obtaining 3-dimensional images, involves an
interference pattern between 2 sets of single-wavelength light waves. A
single laser beam is split into two parts, one to illuminate the object, the
second part (called the reference beam) is reflected by a mirror. The two
beams meet forming an interference pattern, which is developed to form a
hologram. This hologram can be used to re-create a 3-dimensional image of
the original object. According to a comprehensive report by Canadian
investigative journalist, Serge Monast, entitled Project Blue Beam, this
holographic technology used in conjunction with hi-tech, mind-control
weapons utilizing the effects of radio-frequency waves upon the brain, is
capable of projecting an image in the sky and causing collective thought to
convince people they are seeing an alien invasion or the second coming of

The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the
prophecies of old. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie
screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images
to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according
to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of
multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving
different images according to predominating regional/national religious
faiths. No area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects
appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the
various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly
convincing lifelike realness. The various saviors will then merge into one
after "correct" explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations
will have been disclosed. This event will occur at a time of great political
and general tumult. [Seems like surely this is a good time to meet those

The Blue Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of 4 parts, 4
steps toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at
its head.

First, earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will result in
new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions' basic
doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted.

Second, a gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple
3-dimensional holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the image of
God, speaking in all languages.

Third, electronic telepathy involving ELF, VLF, and LF waves will reach
people by the inside of their brains, interlacing and 

[CTRL] FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson

2000-01-17 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

forwarded by request...

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Mike Ruppert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 8:43 PM
Subject: RE: FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson

From: "Mike Ruppert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Dave et al:

Please relay to the ASJA author, Mr. Evanhoe, the following:

1. I and From The Wilderness absolutely agree that the Cutolo affidavit was
typed on three different typewriters and more so, that Ed Cutolo did not
write it. As a matter of fact that is the opening sentence of my publication
entitled "The Tyree Papers." The affidavit was complied from a doomsday file
left with Paul Neri at NSA. What remains, is that the historical data and
events therein described are totally accurate and well corroborated.
2. I have independently verified the existence of Paul Neri, his position at
NSA and the circumstances of his death.
3. As a result of FOIA work done by Tyree and other investigators, including
me, we are in possession of heavily redacted CIA and USA documents verifying
the existence of Watchtower. We (myself, Tyree and his attorney Ray Kohlman)
are in possession of approximately two linear inches of redacted documents
in total which pertain to the Watchtower missions.
4. Ed Cutolo's daughter, in statements to the daughter of Al Carone,
admitted that her father was murdered and even that "eyewitness" statements
were tailored in advance to make her father look like a lush.
5. I am also in possession of no less than seven supporting affidavits from
four different people substantiating Tyree's allegation at Ft Devens and the
existence of Watchtower.
6. Just this year, after utterly sanitizing Tyree's military records to
delete sensitive badges, the Dept of the Army, faced with incontrovertible
evidence has restored Tyree's jump wings. This totally invalidates sworn
testimony presented at his murder trial.

That is just a start. So please forward to Mr. Evanhoe this challenge: I
sell "The Tyree papers" for $19.95. If he will read them and what else I
will send and then admit his previous position to be demonstrably incorrect,
I will send them to him for free. Otherwise he should politely keep to
himself. For free he can visit my web site and use the search engine on
"Tyree" to find out some of what he does not know.

Dave, thank you for your support. There is a reason why ten Members of
Congress and nine University Professors subscribe to From The Wilderness,
and why I am lecturing to a class in international relations at USC next

Mike Ruppert
-Original Message-
From:   Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, January 17, 2000 4:12 PM
Subject:RE: FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson


Hi Ed,

That's interesting.
It's hard to justify what you've said against the heat that seems to be
flaming up around the Wilson case.
DoJ "Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark Richard"  silently "reassigned"
somewhere in Europe. (his office "couldn't" give out information as of Dec.
Judge Stanley Sporkin suddenly retires.
Adm. Stansfield narrowly escapes summary retirement, his wife is not so
Watch to see which others that are directly involved are immediately
I respect the feeling you have that your sources are reliable, but Mike
Ruppert is, imho, a very credible source- very. The information he's
provided has been poked at, sniffed through, and collaborated on by some
other credible researchers.

Keep me posted on any further developments on your end, I'll do the same.

Also, could you elaborate on the discrepancies in the (NTSB?) accident
report regarding Rep. Smith which you mentioned?


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From:Ed Evanhoe
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News on Ed Wilson


I received a copy of the original "Cutolo Affidavit" several years ago and
other information on the "Tyree" case.  Analysis shows someone took
the original affidavit Col. Cutolo made for the Tyree trial and carefully
inserted information they wanted "to be found."  The document which has
been circulating as the "Cutolo Affidavit" is a phony.  It was typed on
three different Remington  Electric typewriters, albeit of the same type
and type face used by the military as well as many prisons and government
installations at that time.

As for "Watchtower" -- I checked this story out through a number of Special
Forces men and officers who were in Panama at the time.  Everyone said the
was so much BS.  Since many of these people were former buddies and whom
would have
told me "off the record" if there had been anything to the story, I believe

The only snippet in the "Cutolo Affidavit" which I