Re: [CTRL] FLUORIDE - It's For The Children

2000-04-16 Thread ThePiedPiper
this page may be of intrest.
It was one of my first pages using NotePad
and it shows.
Here is the main site index if intrested.

Another page that may be of intrest is
go a third of the way down
slowly continue till you find the word
Activist in bold and H1 size
then these links are there if you are just
intrested in the links Farm Bureau vs. Nature [1] by Vicki Monks Fall
Farm Bureau vs. Nature [2] by Vicki Monks Fall 1998
*Texas Department of Agriculture*
*Farm Bureau vs. Nature [3] by Vicki Monks Fall 1998

this page of Bush links could be intresting as well

Steve Wingate wrote:

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:  Thu, 13 Apr 2000 05:07:00 -0700
 Subject:SNET: FLUORIDE - "It's For The Children" (Where have we 
heard that
 Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 Fluoride, Teeth, 
 The Atomic Bomb

 The following article exposes the biggest on-going medical experiment ever
 carried out by the United States Government on an unsuspecting population.

 Although commissioned by the Christian Science Monitor in early Spring of
 1997, it has not yet been published. Readers are invited to inquire when
 publication can be expected, by calling the Christian Science Monitor at
 1-800-288-7090. . . . . . surely the Federal Government would not have
 "discouraged" the CSM from publishing such damaging information, information
 vital to the health and safety of millions of
 municipal-fluoridated-water-drinking sheeplenaw, don't even think

 Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb

 By Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson © July 1997

 Some fifty years after the United States began adding fluoride to public
 water supplies to reduce cavities in children's teeth, declassified
 government documents are shedding new light on the roots of that still
 controversial public health measure, revealing a surprising connection
 between fluoride and the dawning of the nuclear age.

 Today, two thirds of U.S. public drinking water is fluoridated. Many
 municipalities still resist the practice, disbelieving the government's
 assurances of safety .

 Since the days of World War II, when this nation prevailed by building the
 world's first atomic bomb, U.S. public health leaders have maintained that
 low doses of fluoride are safe for people, and good for children's teeth.

 That safety verdict should now be re-examined in the light of hundreds of
 once-secret World War II documents obtained by Griffiths and Bryson -
 including declassified papers of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. military
 group that built the atomic bomb.

 Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production, according to the
 documents. Massive quantities of fluoride - millions of tons - were essential
 for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons
 throughout the Cold War. One of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride
 rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S. atomic bomb
 program - both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal.

 Other revelations include:

 Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was
 generated by A-bomb program scientists, who had been secretly ordered to
 provide "evidence useful in litigation" against defense contractors for
 fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuits against the U.S. A-bomb
 program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage, the documents

 Human studies were required. Bomb program researchers played a leading role
 in the design and implementation of the most extensive U.S. study of the
 health effects of fluoridating public drinking water - conducted in Newburgh,
 New York from 1945 to 1956. Then, in a classified operation code-named
 "Program F," they secretly gathered and analysed blood and tissue samples
 from Newburgh citizens, with the cooperation of State Health Department

 The original secret version - obtained by these reporters - of a 1948 study
 published by Program F scientists in the Journal of the American Dental
 Association shows that evidence of adverse health effects from fluoride was
 censored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) - considered the most
 powerful of Cold War agencies - for reasons of national security.

 The bomb program's fluoride safety studies were conducted at the University
 of Rochester, site of one of the most notorious human radiation experiments
 of the Cold War, in which unsuspecting hospital 

Re: [CTRL] Is there Bush in your genes?

2000-04-16 Thread ThePiedPiper

sounds like a second cousin, once removed.
So, if my grandmother's cousin marries someone
I am related to them too?
I did see where he was actually suppose
to be decended from one person though.

This seems to be like Hillary
She would be part Packachu if it would
help her get elected!

 blue honey wrote:

 By Suzi Parker
 March 31, 2000

 It's hardly a secret that George W. Bush has an impressive
 family tree. His father was president; his grandfather, Prescott Bush,
 was a
 U.S. senator from Connecticut; and his brother Jeb is governor of

 But the Republican candidate for president has a richer political
 than the immediate family that gathers for Christmas dinners and
 celebrations. They are, in fact, related to 16 U.S. presidents, a slew
 British monarchs and even the American Indian princess Pocahontas.

 Gary Boyd Roberts, a prominent genealogist at the New England Historic

 Genealogical Society, documented the remarkable Bush lineage in his
 little-noticed book "Ancestors of American Presidents," published in
 According to Roberts, the list consists of George Washington, Millard
 Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford
 Hayes, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Teddy Roosevelt, William
 Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard
 Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush.

 Asked to comment on his remarkable family heritage, Bush issued a
 to Salon through his campaign on Thursday: "As Lincoln reminded the
 people, even though he did not know much about who his grandfather
 was, he
 was much more concerned with who his grandson would become. While the
 past is
 important, we must always look to the future. In particular, I am
 proud of my
 father's service to the country. He has set a great example of serving
 honor. I hope to build on his legacy and the legacy of other
 presidents by
 providing America with a new style of leadership and a fresh start for

 America in the 21st century."

 Bush's extensive lineage dates back to ancestors who arrived here on
 Mayflower in 1620, Roberts found. His connection to Pocahontas, the
 princess who married John Rolfe (the first colonist to grow tobacco as
 crop) is through a Bush ancestor who married the couple's only

 Bush is also a descendant of Dr. Samuel Prescott, who completed Paul
 Midnight Ride in 1775. And through Rev. John Lathrop, a non-conformist
 founder of Barnstable, Mass., the Bushes are related to Grant and FDR.

 Howard Howland, a Mayflower passenger who died in 1673, had two
 children, and
 the direct lines from them through the years lead to four presidents
 -- FDR,
 Nixon, Ford and Bush.

 Another Mayflower passenger, Thomas Mitchell of Holland, also had two
 children. Through them, George W. can trace his roots to the late
 Diana and her two children Princes William and Harry. Taft, the 27th
 president, also comes from this lineage.

 Many assume George W. Bush is also related to Franklin Pierce, the
 president, through Barbara Bush, whose maiden name was Pierce. But the
 are related to Pierce though Daniel Brewer, who died in 1646, yielding
 lineage that leads to both Pierce and Hayes.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Study suggests link between vaccines, Gulf War illnesses

2000-04-16 Thread Steve Wingate

Study suggests link between vaccines, Gulf War illnesses

Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
Copyright © 2000 Associated Press

By JOHN HUGHES, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (April 14, 2000 11:17 p.m. EDT - A study has found a possible link between
antibodies used in experimental vaccines and unexplained illnesses
afflicting thousands of military personnel who served in the Gulf War.

The Tulane University Medical School study found high levels of antibodies
to squalene in a large percentage of sick veterans vaccinated for Gulf War

Pentagon officials dismiss the study as flawed and say none of the
vaccines administered during the Gulf War contained squalene.

But in response to congressional pressure, the Defense Department late
last month asked the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board to review the
study. The National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine also is
reviewing the research and assessing what, if any role squalene may play
in Gulf illnesses.

"All known, testable hypotheses concerning illnesses among Gulf War
veterans have been or are being pursued," Sue Bailey, the assistant
secretary of defense for health affairs, told Rep. Jack Metcalf, R-Wash., in
a letter last month.

Squalene is a cholesterol-builder in humans and also is found in vegetable
oils, shark liver oil, cosmetics and various health supplements. The
Defense Department and National Institutes of Health in the late 1980s
began researching the use of squalene in vaccines in an effort to make
vaccines more effective.

Defense officials told the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm
of Congress, that they considered - but decided against - using vaccines
with squalene during the Gulf War.

The Tulane study, published in the February issue of Experimental and
Molecular Pathology, found that all but two of 38 sick veterans who served
in the Gulf and received at least one vaccination had elevated squalene

Another six sick veterans who were vaccinated but did not go to the Gulf
produced similar results, according to the study. Those results were
blinded, meaning the researchers did not know the source of blood

Non-blinded portions of the study found 59 of 86 Gulf War-era veterans,
civilian employees and military contractors tested positive for squalene
antibodies, although it was not known how many of those were vaccinated.

Other groups, including the general public and sick non-veterans with
symptoms similar to Gulf illnesses, rarely tested positive for the antibodies.

The Tulane study offered no conclusions as to whether Gulf War vaccines
contained squalene, what might have produced the squalene antibodies or
what - if any - role the antibodies played in the illnesses.

Still, the research "sets off alarm bells" that should prompt more
investigation into Gulf War vaccines and the safety of vaccines that contain
squalene, said Pam Asa, an immunologist from Memphis, Tenn., and the
lead researcher.

Robert F. Garry, a study author and immunologist at Tulane, said the results
may not point to vaccines containing squalene but that veterans could have
produced the antibodies as the result of receiving so many vaccines at one
time, or from some other organism in a vaccine that may mimic squalene.

Pentagon officials question the study methods, saying researchers did not
verify the validity of their antibody test before they began using it.

"Because I question the method of the test, I have to question all of the
findings," said Lt. Col. John Grabenstein, deputy director of the military's
anthrax vaccine immunization program.

Dr. Julius Cruse, editor and chief of the journal that published the study,
defended the study, saying it was peer-reviewed by 10 to 12 clinicians.

Ten members of Congress, led by Metcalf, want the Pentagon to consider
using the Tulane test on other veterans, saying it could help answer
questions about Gulf illnesses.

The Pentagon says an estimated 90,000 troops who served in the Gulf War
complain of illnesses such as fatigue, skin rashes, headaches and muscle
and joint pain. Defense officials have not ruled out pesticides, stress and
pyridostigmine bromide, an experimental drug given to troops to protect
against the nerve agent soman, as possible contributors to some of the

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no 


2000-04-16 Thread Cliff Hume


The Illuminati is an organization founded on May first, 1776, in Inglestadt,
Bavaria, by professor Adam Weishaupt. May first is the Communist birthday.

The stated goals of the Illuminati was to infiltrate all governments, all
organizations all churches, all teaching institutions, for the specific
purpose of bringing about a New Word Order, or the order of the ages.

The Order first came to light when one of the couriers of the Illuminati was
struck by lightning in a forest in France.

One of the items found in the couriers posession was the seal of the Order.
This seal can be found on the back of the illegal, unconstitutional Federal
Reserve Note, and beneath the pyramid in Latin is inscribed the phrase,
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, meaning the order of the ages, or as it is commonly
called today - The New World Order.

Yours very truly,

Cliff Hume - Canada.

At 09:05 PM 4/15/00 -0500, you wrote:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Stock Market Now Is For Fools: GOV'T LIES CAN'T POSTPONE A GRIM RECKONING (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-April 15, 2000



EVEN with all the nips, tucks, finagling and lies, the government
had to admit yesterday that inflation is worse than it has been
letting on.


Guess what? The 0.7 percent jump in consumer prices in April
doesn't even begin to address the inflation problem. In the
coming months, the Consumer Price Index will have another
percentage point or so of catching up to do.

The Federal Reserve isn't even looking at the CPI anymore. Fed
governors know the figure is untrustworthy. They've come to rely
on privately compiled price figures, which for months have been
showing that inflation is a problem.

But Wall Street does continue to pay attention to the CPI, and
stock prices got hit hard again yesterday because of that number.

The Fed doesn't meet again for another month - and the market
should continue to be nervous until then. When Alan Greenspan and
the other Fed governors meet on May 16 to decide on rates,
they'll probably opt for a hike in line with whatever the stock
market is expecting.

Wall Street is pretty much anticipating a rate hike of half a
percentage point. But if the stock market continues to decline,
Greenspan will probably have to take the more cautious course and
raise rates by only a quarter point.

Either way, it'll be the fifth interest rate increase in the past
12 months. That would be a record pace for hikes in a
presidential election year - a time when the Fed usually tries to
keep borrowing costs steady so it doesn't get accused of
interfering with the political process.

If rates go up by half a percent - 50 basis points in Wall Street
lingo - it could mean that the economy will slow right around the
time of the November election, and continue slowing into next

A major decline in the stock market might be enough to convince
the Fed to go lighter on the rate hikes nearer to the election.
But it must continue the appearance that it is fighting inflation
or risk criticism from foreign countries and the wrath of foreign

And as much complaining as has been heard, the stock market
really hasn't caused people to feel poorer - at least not yet.

Even with the most recent decline in stock prices, the Dow Jones
industrial average and Standard  Poor's 500 index are down only
moderately this year.

These indices represent the Old Economy companies that'll be hurt
by higher borrowing costs and are feeling the sting of higher
inflation, especially in oil prices.

The Nasdaq is down more than 34 percent from its high this year.
This is a massive drop that occurred mostly in the last month.
But that decline still represents only a fraction of the gain
that over-the-counter stocks have achieved in the past few years.

It's those gains in stock prices that have had the Fed most
worried. This "asset inflation," as Greenspan calls it, has been
causing prices in the real world to rise because investors feel
so rich.

But even a big drop in the stock market might not accomplish what
Greenspan wants.

Investors could decide to liquidate stock-market holdings and put
the assets to work in things like real estate, which might be
perceived as the next "safe" haven. That would cause more
inflation in the economy.

Various parts of the stock market have been in turmoil for months
as investors rotated their assets. But over the past two days,
both the Old and New Economy stocks got blasted together.

The entire market is likely to remain dangerous for the next few
weeks and will probably settle down only toward the end of the
second quarter. That's when money managers need to push prices
higher so customers don't realize how bad the quarter really was.

Such nonsense aside, inflation and interest rates are likely to
remain the market's focus until the end of the year.

This stock market bubble has been fun - until now.

There's a time when bravery ends and foolishness begins. This
stock market right now is for fools.



P.S. If you are interested in a FREE high-speed DSL internet
service provider, and/or a FREE $200 DSL modem, then register AND
DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE (i.e., registration alone WON'T GET IT
DONE) at:,120031685wf.exe

OH, and you've only got till the 30th of this month to get it

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] The Lying of Sam Smith (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 12:19:03 -0600
From: "Howard H. Bleicher, D.D.S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Lying of Sam Smith

While many presidents have lied, none has been so repeatedly and
pathologically dishonest as Clinton. My personal experience
covering presidential politics goes back over 40 years and eight
presidents. I have also closely followed corrupt politics in
three cities. No one has ever accused me of not being cynical
enough about politics. Yet when Clinton came along, I was

Forget about Lewinsky. That's a shell game that has successfully
kept everyone's attention off some basic facts:

-- From his mother, who hung out with Mafia leaders at the race
track, to his very first campaign, in which he was bankrolled by
an uncle tied to the New Orleans mob, Bill Clinton grew up in a
thoroughly dishonest, corrupt, and often illegal environment. He
can be fairly called our first mob president, because he is in no
small part the political product of the Dixie Mafia, a criminal
confederacy more deadly even than its northern peers, among whose
major activities has been the use of certain southern states such
as Arkansas as domestic narco-republics. This didn't start with
Clinton and it hasn't ended yet. As recently as two years ago,
Arkansas Highway Police seize $3.1 million in cash from four
suitcases in a tractor-trailer rig's sleeper section. The driver
was charged with money laundering among other things. The seizure
was the fourth largest in American history and nearly fifty times
more than all the illegal money seized by Arkansas highway police
in a typical year.

-- We have never had a White House that has stonewalled,
obstructed justice, and had its associates lie, take the Fifth,
or flee the country so frequently in order to cover up events or
avoid prosecution. We have never before had a president who lied
under oath and been caught. We have never had a president's wife
give such patently evasive answers to Congress, saying "I don't
recall" or its equivalent some 50 times in 42-paragraph
statement. Never.

-- We have never had so many associates and firms connected with
the White House be convicted of, or plead guilty to, so many
crimes. Never.

-- These crimes did not involve sex, but drug trafficking,
racketeering, extortion, bribery, tax evasion, kickbacks,
embezzlement, fraud, conspiracy, fraudulent loans, illegal gifts,
illegal campaign contributions, money laundering, perjury, and
obstruction of justice.

-- We have never had so many illegal campaign contributions, with
so many coming from foreign sources. Never.

-- We have never had so many witnesses in criminal investigations
associated with the White House who have died under suspicious
circumstances. Never.

-- We have never had a president among whose associates there
have been so many suicides, murders, and unexplained deaths. The
number of these, even by the most conservative accounting,
exceeds, say, the number of persons killed by the NY Mafia during
its peak decade of the 70s.

This is not to say Clinton is alone in his corruption. As I wrote
in "The Great American Political Repair Manual,"

"There is a world of difference, however, between simple human
error and premeditated malevolence. One of the most remarkable
things about American politics over the past thirty years is how
often the latter has intruded on the normal workings of our
democracy. Many of these incidents have been poorly reported or
only briefly covered and then forgotten. The cumulative story has
been almost totally ignored. We need not finally determine who
killed JFK and for what reasons to recognize a more generic fact:
our politics has been repeatedly interrupted and distorted by
assassins, mobs, rogue intelligence agents and agencies,
freelance conspirators, drug runners, massive corruption, illegal
financial manipulation and off-the-shelf government operations."

Mob politics began in earnest with John Kennedy, who, like
Clinton, grew up in a mob-enhanced environment and retained mob
ties throughout his career. This influence manifested itself at
the Bay of Pigs and, some have argued, in his assassination. Only
rarely -- as when Carter tried to clean house at the CIA -- has
any subsequent president really challenged this new dark and
dirty system of governance. Clinton has simply embraced it.

Remember, too, that all this is before we get around to such
other issues as Clinton's assault on democracy and civil
liberties, the unprecedented incarceration of Americans, or his
attack on the social programs and values his own party painfully
constructed over 60 years.

In such ways is Clinton different both in degree and substance
from all who preceded him.

by Sam Smith

It's Time to Take Advantage of the Internet.
Join at

P.S. If you are interested in a FREE high-speed DSL internet
service provider, 

[CTRL] Political Affinity Chart

2000-04-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

  Nazis *|* Anarchists
 \   |   /
  \  |  /
   \ | * Libertarians
 \   |   * Conservatives
  \  |  /
   \ | * Republicans
 Democrats * | \
  /  |  \
 /   |   \
Socialists * | \
  /  |  \
 /   |   \
Communists * | * Objectivists

It seems to me that the great divide on a personal level is between
individualism and collectivism. In a metaphysical sense the opposite
poles are idealism and materialism. Idealism might take the form of
spiritual values or "unshakable will" as in the case of the Nazis.
The latter were clearly more inclined to collectivism than
individualism ("Nichts fuer uns, alles fuer Deutschland!"). Their
"will" derived from that of the Fuehrer.

I think this chart answers the question as to how Nazis differed
from conservatives and Communists as well, at least as regards the
main current of their ideology. The National Socialist Party did
have a left wing that took "socialism" seriously, but it sort of
lost out when the crunch came. Its leader Gregor Strasser got the
chop in the Night of the Long Knives.

Notice that collectivism and materialism seem to have an affinity,
as do idealism and individualism. That probably accounts for the
hostility of the left towards religion. Needless to say, as a
conservative, I believe that the future lies in the upper R.H.
quadrant. Collectivism, in the form of Marxism, has been dealt a
heavy blow by the collapse of the Soviet Union. It survives as a
sort of fantasy/myth in Western universities. Materialism has been
undermined by modern physics, only the materialists don't know it
yet. (Physics is not their strong suit). Their concept of "science"
is out of the 19th century.

The chart is purely qualitative. I suppose it could be quantified,
as was Nolan's chart, to allow a person's political position to
be plotted. (Sounds kind of like work).


P.S. If you are interested in a FREE high-speed DSL internet
service provider, and/or a FREE $200 DSL modem, then register AND
DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE (i.e., registration alone WON'T GET IT
DONE) at:,120031685wf.exe

OH, and you've only got till the 30th of this month to get it

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [???] Deadly Deception at Port Arthur (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Anyone remember this mass murder down under??  --MS]


Deadly Deception at Port Arthur

At 1.30 p.m. on Sunday 28 April 1996, an unknown professional
combat shooter opened fire in the Broad Arrow Cafe at Port Arthur
in Tasmania, Australia.

In less than a minute 20 people lay dead, 19 of them killed with
single high-velocity shots to the head fired from the right hip
of the fast-moving shooter.

In less than thirty minutes at six separate crime scenes, 35
people were shot dead, another 22 wounded, and two cars stopped
with a total of only 64 bullets.

A moving Daihatsu 4WD driven by Linda White was crippled by a
"Beirut Triple", normally reserved for dead-blocking Islamic
terrorists driving primed car bombs around the Lebanon.

One sighting shot, a second to disable the driver, and a third to
stop the engine before the primed car bomb can hit its target and
explode. Very few people know of this technique, and only a
handful of experts can master it with only three bullets. This
awesome display of combat marksmanship was blamed on an
intellectually impaired young man called Martin Bryant, who had
no shooting or military experience at all.

As the book "Deadly Deception at Port Arthur" below proves in
absolute scientific terms, Bryant killed no-one at Port Arthur.

It is now up to the Australian Federal Government and people to
track down those responsible for ordering and funding this
loathsome terrorist attack against Australians on Commonwealth

This site is a must see for those who think "it can't happen
here", or how Australia baned guns. Joe Vaills is an Australian
journalist who is certain the the event that triggered the gun
ban in Australia was staged by the government.

P.S. If you are interested in a FREE high-speed DSL internet
service provider, and/or a FREE $200 DSL modem, then register AND
DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE (i.e., registration alone WON'T GET IT
DONE) at:,120031685wf.exe

OH, and you've only got till the 30th of this month to get it

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chung: Mysterious messenger (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


FRIDAY - APRIL 14 - 2000

Johnny Chung is a news analyst and exclusive columnist for

Mysterious messenger

I must begin this column by saying thank you to all of you who
sent e-mails to me last week after reading my testimony. You are
an encouragement to my family and me, and I promise to keep
writing this column and telling my story.

A significant part of that story involves many undercover
operations in which I participated. The purpose was to gather
evidence of a monetary connection between President Clinton and
China, and I was the link that could help that investigation.

Immediately after I pleaded guilty on March 9, 1998, I was
approached by a Chinese messenger, Robert Luu, who asked me to
meet with him at the Hilton Hotel in Torrance, Calif. At that
time, I was under instruction by the Justice Department and the
FBI to tape all incoming and outgoing phone calls. Luu surely
suspected my phone conversations were being recorded, which is
why he suggested a meeting.

The FBI was fully prepared for a potentially life-threatening
situation. We had no idea who would be at this meeting, how many
of them would be there, or what I was walking into. As part of
that preparation, I was given a body wire. Now, I had never worn
a body wire before, so when the FBI first mentioned it to me, I
pictured gadgets from 007 movies -- a high-tech, tiny microphone
that would be invisible to the "bad guys."

But I was not James Bond. They gave me two huge batteries to be
taped behind my back. It was very bulky and uncomfortable.

"This must be 1960s or '70s technology!" I told them. "What
happens if he hugs me?"

"Just tell him, 'I don't like people to hug me,'" the agents
calmly suggested.

FBI surrounded me from inside and outside the hotel, so I felt
protected, despite the bulkiness of my wire.

I walked into the hotel, still not knowing who would be there,
and chose a seat close to the bar area. Facing the entrance door,
I waited for the messenger to arrive. While I waited, I
occasionally made eye contact with FBI agents inside the hotel.
The eye contact helped calm me down.

Suddenly, two Asian men came out of the elevator with a back
pack. When I saw them, my heart jumped into my throat. I saw FBI
agents close in on the men, but -- thank God -- the men boarded a
tour bus.

Finally, the messenger arrived.

Once I saw Luu, all my attention was focused on communicating
with him. Suddenly, I forgot all of the dangers. I felt like a
character on a stage because all my conversation was scripted. My
hands, my mouth, my heart were tied -- I could only say what I
had memorized from the Department of Justice and FBI. For later
operations, I was given the freedom to use my own words since
using a script had made it very difficult for me to act natural.

The message from Luu was, "Keep your mouth shut and you will be

He said, "You will retire in style. You are so rich now that you
cannot go back to your old lifestyle. If you talk, everything
will be out of control -- nobody will be able to help you."

Then he asked me, "How is your family? How's your wife? How's
your children?"

Of course, that was a polite, mafia-like method of harassment,
and I took it very seriously. Anger grew in my heart toward this
man, and I wanted to reach across the table and strangle him.
But, for the sake of the investigation, I had to be patient.

He then asked me to switch attorneys, saying mine was no good. He
said the Chinese government would provide me with an attorney and
pay all the expenses. They even had one already picked out. Luu
wanted me to meet the attorney, David Brockway, at a private club
in downtown Los Angeles.

The club was so private, said Luu, that only members were
allowed. He told me that not even the CIA could get in, and that
he would call me later with a code name which would indicate what
time I should go to the club.

Luu kept mentioning that the Chinese general cared about me, but
I have no idea which general he was talking about.

I knew something Luu didn't, however: our entire conversation had
been audio and video recorded.

Luu got up and headed for the front door, leaving me with the
feeling that my mission was accomplished. But he suddenly turned
back, catching me off guard. I was so nervous as he approached my
table. I thought he must be coming back to finish me off.

"The general says 'hello,'" Luu relayed.

Feeling bolder, I asked, "Who do you work for?"

He answered, "I get my salary from Beijing."

With that, he left, and I headed for my car where an FBI agent
was posing as my driver. I opened the door and jumped into my car
like I was diving into a swimming pool. I was so relieved to be
out of there. The FBI then checked the perimeter of the hotel to
make sure no one was following me, and we headed back to the
station. I spent the entire afternoon debriefing the FBI.

That night, I went 

[CTRL] [NA] What is the Hayfield Research? Youd Better Find Out

2000-04-16 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

From: Jim Condit Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [NA] What is the Hayfield Research? Youd Better Find Out
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 8:22 AM

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show over the 
internet at in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, 
Jim Condit Jr. guest)

April 9, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

What is the Hayfield Research? You’d Better Find out.

"Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year to control the
public mind". Naom Chomsky, Professor at MIT.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to
worry about the answers."Thomas Pynchon, “Gravity’s Rainbow”

This e-wire changes gears back to the MOTIVE behind the current
computer-votefraud establishment.  . . . You might ask, “Isn’t
‘votefraud establishment’ too strong a term? I mean, don’t we only have
a few examples of proven votefraud?” . . . The answer is, “Yes, we only
have a few proven instances of votefraud, such as Dubuque in 1996 and
the Bernecker case in 1995, -- and it’s a miracle we have even those,
since the whole essence of the current systems are to make it impossible
to verify anything -- but, no, the term ‘votefraud establishment’ is not
too strong.”

The reason ‘votefraud establishment’ is not too strong is because the
basic and pervasive FRAUD perpetrated by the establishment (major media
and RNC, and DNC, and all the satellites of these) on the public is the
constant and unceasing propaganda (by implication) that we, as US
citizens, enjoy a secure, above-board, verifiable election system.
Nothing could be further from the truth, yet this is the powerful
impression conveyed every time another election is covered by the Big TV
Networks and Big Media, as if everything is A-OK, and with both major
parties not objecting to the computerized and mechanized vote counting
process used almost everywhere today in the USA.

Anyway, this ‘votefraud establishment is held together by the financial
motive of global monopoly capitalism, which is the other side of Fabian
Socialism/Trotskyite Communism. Again, too strong? Not at all. Thanks to
Terry Hayfield, researcher and writer from Findlay, Ohio, the “code” has
been cracked as to how the Ruling Elite is operating, and why, by
logical deduction, they aren’t about to let a little matter like
majority rule get in their way.

As explained in our earlier e-wire, “Motive, Opportunity, Votefraud”,
Terry Hayfield was a Vietnam Vet, one time union organizer, and one time
collaborator with Congressman Lawrence McDonald, right before the
Congressman was downed in KAL 007.

Here is a portion of the Hayfield research, which brilliantly shows that
the “Reagan Revolution” was all about laying the groundwork for Fabian
Socialism, i.e. NAFTA, GATT, WTO, “Free Trade” and selective
deregulation of a few mega-corporations, while maintaining heavy
regulations on small and medium sized businesses.

It must be remembered that Reagan, while not stupid, was primarily an
actor. I had known from former LAPD detective Gary Wean that Reagan was
heavily under the influence of Lew Wasserman, the arrogant Hollywood
mogul who, among other things, was hell-bent on going ahead with “The
Last Temptation of Christ” in spite of the prognosis that the
blasphemous movie was going to lose money. And while it is true that in
the case of the Harley Davidson motorcycle, and in a few other cases,
Reagan did invoke protective measures to protect American industry. But,
as you are about to see, the whole thrust of the Reagan administration
was to lay the groundwork for the triumph of Fabian Socialist Monopoly
Capitalism in the USA. To properly understand the following, it is
necessary to grasp that an Enterprise Zone was the forerunner of today’s
“free trade”zones, which create little pieces of territory within a
nation which are free of local, state, and national taxes --- and are
only subject to the World Trade Organization. This, according to Karl
Marx’s prescription, is the beginning of the World Government. I
understand there are already today over 4000 of these “free trade zones”
in the United States today. (It must be borne in mind that Karl Marx,
the 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia, the Fabian Socialist Society in
England, and the implementation of the Federal Reserve Act in the United
States – were all funded by of the same Ruling Elite, the Ruling Elite
of the Permanent Revolution.)

In The Trilateral Observer, issue 5, No. 2, Terry Hayfield and another
researcher lifted the copyright to help facilitate the widest
distribution possible. They had pieced together the 

Re: [CTRL] The Stock Market Now Is For Fools: GOV'T LIES CAN'T POSTPONE A GRIM RECKONING (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread Steve Wingate

On 16 Apr 00, at 1:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There's a time when bravery ends and foolishness begins. This
 stock market right now is for fools.

Actually, the wise stock market investor looks for long term gains and uses
the process of price averaging to take advantage of market dips and
peaks by buying high quality growth stocks on a regular basis, thereby
achieving an annual (historical) growth rate on their investments of 15
percent or more.

Steve Wingate

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] IUFO: The Stock Market Now Is For Fools: GOV'T LIES CAN'T POSTPONE A GRIM (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

On Sun, 16 Apr 2000, Steve Wingate wrote:

  There's a time when bravery ends and foolishness begins. This
  stock market right now is for fools.
 Actually, the wise stock market investor looks for long term gains and uses
 the process of price averaging to take advantage of market dips and
 peaks by buying high quality growth stocks on a regular basis, thereby
 achieving an annual (historical) growth rate on their investments of 15
 percent or more.

Agree.  However, over the last decade, one could throw a dart at
a page from the news paper listings and do at least 15% annually
(recent studies have actually shown that random picks actually
have done better than researched buys), thus giving MANY
(especially those that have only begun trading over the last
decade) the false impression that stocks ALWAYS yield the annual
gains you mention above.  GUESS AGAIN!  The near future will show
that THE ONLY WAY to show annual gains as high as you mention,
Steve, will be to do EXTENSIVE research, i.e., strategies such as
you mention above.

In other words, MOST of those people that have shown such growth
in their portfolios over the last decade, will soon be giving it
ALL back, plus MOREunless they get out NOW, i.e., cut their
losses and BAIL.



P.S. If you are interested in a FREE high-speed DSL internet
service provider, and/or a FREE $200 DSL modem, then register AND
DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE (i.e., registration alone WON'T GET IT
DONE) at:,120031685wf.exe

OH, and you've only got till the 30th of this month to get it done.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Stock Market Now Is For Fools: GOV'T LIES CAN'T POSTPONE A GRIM (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread Steve Wingate

I was referring to a historical analysis of the last century, not the last
decade. Politics is a ponzi scheme and has no place in investing. Cold
hard reality coupled with good old right brain intuition is what works. And
plenty of *patience*. It does not hurt to live a long, productive life. ;-)


On 16 Apr 00, at 3:17, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:

 Agree.  However, over the last decade, one could throw a dart at
 a page from the news paper listings and do at least 15% annually
 (recent studies have actually shown that random picks actually
 have done better than researched buys), thus giving MANY
 (especially those that have only begun trading over the last
 decade) the false impression that stocks ALWAYS yield the annual
 gains you mention above.  GUESS AGAIN!  The near future will show
 that THE ONLY WAY to show annual gains as high as you mention,
 Steve, will be to do EXTENSIVE research, i.e., strategies such as
 you mention above.

 In other words, MOST of those people that have shown such growth
 in their portfolios over the last decade, will soon be giving it
 ALL back, plus MOREunless they get out NOW, i.e., cut their
 losses and BAIL.



 P.S. If you are interested in a FREE high-speed DSL internet
 service provider, and/or a FREE $200 DSL modem, then register AND
 DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE (i.e., registration alone WON'T GET IT
 DONE) at:,120031685wf.exe

 OH, and you've only got till the 30th of this month to get it done.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

   *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

 A HREF=""
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: THE BIG LIE: You Have No Rights

2000-04-16 Thread ATB XX

 - Original Message -

THE BIG LIE: You Have No Rights
by Alan Korwin
 Major media outlets are starting to give more
 and more space to what I
 call The Big Lie. They are coming right out and
 saying that the Constitution
 doesn't protect your right to arms, as it always
If the Second Amendment doesn't mean you can
 bear arms, well, how
 exactly did everyone get armed? It doesn't even make
The idea that the Bill of Rights doesn't allow
 individual people to keep
 and bear arms is so logically bankrupt it's hard to
 imagine why anyone would
 use it in an argument.
 If the Second Amendment only authorizes the National
 Guard, then how come
 there are gun stores? How come there have always
 been gun stores? How come
 the Guard didn't exist until 1903? Why don't you
 have to enlist before
 buying firearms?
Arguing that the Second Amendment to the Bill of
 Rights doesn't
 guarantee your individual rights denies history and
 the world we observe
 around us.
   It is a dangerous lie that threatens our
The scariest part is that people hear The Big
 Lie and believe. You must
 ignore the evidence of your own eyes to adopt that
 position -- but blind
 fear of guns is so intense for some people it
 prevents rational thought.
   Such virulent gun haters should sign up to never
 own or touch guns in
 their lives, as they would have us do. Would they
 chuck freedom for
 illusionary safety? It's a free country. Let them.

Gun haters should take the Citizen's Federal
 Gun-Free Pledge:
"As an American citizen, of my own free will, I
 do hereby declare myself
 Gun-Free, never to keep or bear arms in any manner,
 for the rest of my
 natural life, under penalty of arrest and felony
 conviction." Sign here.
If media moguls and misguided dilettantes
 succeed in deceiving the
 public on the Second Amendment, how will they
 explain state Constitutions
 with even stronger language? In my home state of
 Arizona, "The right of the
 individual citizen to bear arms in defense of
 himself or the state shall not
 be impaired" (but raising private armies is
 forbidden). That was written in
 1912. Why would it say that if the Second Amendment,
 you know, never meant
 what it always used to mean?
And there's the rub.
Except for the last few decades, keeping a
 firearm was universally
   regarded as a normal, wholesome, safety-minded
 thing to do. It was
 related to liberty, freedom, honor, strength,
 security, justice and yes,
 even fun.
Mouseketeers pranced twirling six-shooters, kids
 wore cowboy holsters,
 it threatened nobody. Gun rights were well
 understood and exercised for 200
 years. Even today, in tens of millions of homes
 across America, guns are for
 safety. Guns stop crimes. Guns save lives. Guns are
Those who seek to disarm decent citizens are
 promoting a radical new
 notion that gun ownership is solely related to crime
 and terror, and is so
 dangerous, you dope, stop now before hurting
 yourself. Only the rulers
 should be armed. You have no such rights, never did.
Is that Orwellian or what? The media paints gun
 ownership as radical and
 extremist, but clearly, it is this new anti-rights
 agenda that is radical
 and extreme, because the gun owners are the ones
 with 200 years of
 tradition, history and law on their side.
Noted scholar Stephen Halbrook, Ph.D., did the
 legwork and concluded:
"In recent years it has been suggested that the
 Second Amendment
 protects the "collective" right of states to
 maintain militias, while it
 does not protect the right of "the people" to keep
 and bear arms. If anyone
 entertained this notion in the period during which
 the Constitution and Bill
 of Rights were debated and ratified, it remains one
 of the most closely
 guarded secrets of the eighteenth century, for no
 known writing surviving
 from the period between 1787 and 1791 states such a
 thesis. The phrase "the
 people" meant the same thing in the Second Amendment
 as it did in the First,
 Fourth, Ninth and Tenth Amendments -- that is, each
 and every free person."
Not surprising, considering the evidence:
   [Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
   Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K.
   A.K. Pritchard

   "The great object is that every man be
   armed. Everyone who is able may have
   a gun."
   -- Patrick Henry from debates during
   the Constitutional convention,  quoted
in Elliot's Debates, 1836

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  

Re: [CTRL] Jim Bell's Theorem

2000-04-16 Thread Jeff Sandlin

I find the idea that terrorist try to provoke governments into "over
reacting" fascinating. This idea presumes they, (governments) have the
willingness and the ability to step beyond socially  acceptable levels
to achive their goals. Now, terrorist, are acting under the belief that
if they can outrage government enough they will show their true colors.
Anyone who believes the end justifies the means is a monster in my eyes.
People who abuse the public trust to bring about  their goals however,
are the true terrorist.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] IMF/World Bank Rally now on C-SPAN

2000-04-16 Thread Bard


Bard, I know there is a God and I know he hates injustice.
I see the storm coming and I know His hand is in it.
But if there is a place and a part for me,
I believe that I am  ready.
-- Patrick J. Buchanan


The Most Important Book after The Holy Bible (Lord Hamilton)
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by Griffin - 

This book exposes the most blatant scam of all history.
It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity.
What every American needs to know about central bank power.
-- Professor Mark Thornton. (1994 ed, 608pp, pb)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] *LATEST-Elian* Waco Butcher to use force![Lazaro won't betray Elian]

2000-04-16 Thread Bard

Sunday, April 16 1:24 AM SGT

US government hardens its tone in Elian case

MIAMI, April 15 (AFP) -

With the future of Elian Gonzalez hinging on an impending federal court ruling, 
demonstrators in Miami were in a waiting mode Saturday amid
signs that the US
government would not tolerate defiance by the boy's Miami relatives much longer.

A letter from the Justice Department to the Gonzalez family in Miami, released 
Saturday, made no attempt at a conciliatory tone.

"Elian's parole into your care was revoked ... when you failed to comply with the 
INS's instruction to present Elian at the Opa-Locka
Airport to be reunited with his
father," the Justice Department said in the letter.

"You are holding Elian without the consent of his father and without the consent of 
the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Elian's
current legal custodian under
the immigration laws," it said.

Less than 100 demonstrators were in front of the home of Elian's great uncle Lazaro 
Gonzalez early Saturday, but hundreds had turned out
late Friday amid
nervousness over rumors of imminent action by federal authorities.

In court papers filed in Atlanta Friday, the government challenged the family's bid to 
extend a temporary injunction barring Elian from
leaving the country, and argued
in favor of returning the boy to his father "as soon as possible."

"It is very important ... that the transfer be unambiguous, that his caregivers since 
his arrival in the United States prepare him for and
participate in that transfer in a
supportive manner, and that the transfer occur at a neutral location," the document 

For their part, the Miami relatives filed a last minute response late Friday, 
insisting yet again that Elian's case deserves a full hearing
in family court -- a possibility the
US government has already ruled out.

The Justice Department said it would be prepared to guarantee the boy would stay in 
the United States for the duration of the appeals
process, if Lazaro Gonzalez
cooperates in delivering the boy to his father.

But the family gave no sign of complying in any handover outside their Miami home, 
where demonstrators are on guard 24 hours a day.

Should the Atlanta court revoke the temporary injunction that bars Elian from leaving 
the United States, it will clear the way for federal
authorities to remove Elian
from his great-uncle's Miami home.

He would then be reunited with his father and in theory, the two could return 
immediately to Cuba.

"We don't know, we don't know" if the Atlanta court will announce its decision 
Saturday, a spokesman for Lazaro Gonzalez said.

"We'll see. The family is tired," Armando Gutierrez said.

A New York Times report Saturday cited unidentified officials saying Attorney General 
Janet Reno was "at last resigned" to the need to
resort to enforcement action
to remove Elian from his great uncle's home "forcibly."

Reno herself will choose when the action takes place, seeking a time when there are 
few demonstrators in front of the house, possibly early
next week, the daily said.

"As soon as it is clear that there is no injunction, the government will move to 
implement its enforcement action to enforce our order" to
handover custody of Elian, an
immigration official told the daily.

Lazaro Gonzalez says he has not violated the law, because he will not block the boy's 
removal from his home, but he will not "betray" Elian
by taking him elsewhere
and collaborating actively in his handover.

Elian was rescued November 25 from an inner tube in waters off the coast of Florida, 
after a boat in which he and 13 other Cubans were
traveling illegally to the
United States sank.

His mother and 10 others died in the tragedy, and since then, the six-year-old has 
lived at the home of Lazaro Gonzalez, against the wishes
of his Cuban father Juan
Miguel Gonzalez, who on April 6 traveled to Washington to fetch his son.


Bard, I know there is a God and I know he hates injustice.
I see the storm coming and I know His hand is in it.
But if there is a place and a part for me,
I believe that I am  ready.
-- Patrick J. Buchanan


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not 

[CTRL] Hoffman Wire: Irving and the Verdict of History

2000-04-16 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

From: Independent History  Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Hoffman Wire: Irving and the Verdict of History
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2000 3:29 PM

* T H E  H O F F M A N  W I R E
* April 13, 2000
* Compiled by Michael A. Hoffman II
* Independent History and Research
* Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 USA
* Website:

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David Irving and the Verdict of History

After a two month trial in London, British High Court Judge Charles Gray
ruled on April 11 that revisionist historian David Irving was not libeled by
Deborah Lipstadt, whose book, "Denying the Holocaust" has become the manual
of the new Holy Inquisition against those who dare to practice the virtue of
skepticism and doubt the dogmas of Jewish supremacy.

Irving had contended that his 1996 biography, "Goebbels: Mastermind of the
Third Reich" was suppressed by means of clandestine pressure exerted against
his publisher, St. Martin's Press, due in part to the influence of Lipstadst
and her book.

The suppression of Irving's work was a classic example of the absurdity and
obscurantism of the "Holocaust" lobby. His Goebbels book shows the Nazi
propaganda minister to have been the evil genius behind many of the crimes
of the Nazis. It is the most exhaustively researched biography of Goebbels
ever produced. It was blocked only because it was written by the blacklisted

In his ruling against Irving, Justice Gray, in his traditional British
magistrate's wig, which conjures the spectacle of countless indigent whites
sentenced to hang or to "transportation" (enslavement) by his august
predecessors on the British bench, pelted Irving with the familiar sing-song
("racist and anti-semite"), refused him leave to appeal and stuck him with
Lipstadt's legal costs (estimated in the millions of dollars and rumored to
have been provided by Canadian liquor baron Edgar Bronfman Sr.).

Eleven years ago Mr Justice Gray was Charles Gray QC, Lord Aldington's
barrister in the "Cossacks Libel Trial" of 1989 in which Aldington sued the
revisionist scholar Count Tolstoy. Aldington had been named in Tolstoy's
book, "The Minister and the Massacres" as responsible for an Allied war
crime, the handing over of 70,000 anti-Communist Russian soldiers to the
mercies of Stalin at the end of WWII. Aldington prevailed in his lawsuit
thanks to Gray.

Gray's verdict in the Irving-Lipstadt case was predictable given the display
of naked Jewish power during the trial, which saw the intervention of a
sovereign state on Lipstadt's behalf, when the Israeli Attorney General,
with the customary media flourish, rushed Lipstadt's legal team the
jailhouse memoirs of Adolf Eichmann, the Yiddish-speaking, confirmed Zionist
among the Nazi high command.

It turned out that Eichmann's writing contained nothing particularly
valuable for the defense -- no lurid account of a tour of the alleged
homicidal gas chambers for example, even though the Nazi officer had been to
Auschwitz. But the gesture could hardly have been lost on the judge:
Lipstadt not only had the best British legal team money could buy (including
the late Princess Diana's solicitor, Anthony Julius), but the full might and
influence of the Israeli government.

The media also flexed their muscle throughout the trial. The London "Times"
and the Manchester "Guardian" turned their coverage off and on like a
spigot. When Irving had a good day against his detractors the newspapers
published nothing, whereas when a witness for Lipstadt offered a scathing
denunciation of Irving, coverage magically resumed in detail.

In addition to being savaged by the fourth estate, Irving has come in for
criticism from revisionist colleagues, largely because he represented
himself in the non-jury trial and because he chose not to call revisionist
experts as witnesses, with the exception of evolutionary psychologist Kevin
MacDonald (author of a trilogy on the Jewish mentality and its survival
strategies) and an involuntary witness, Sir John Keegan, who grudgingly
testified to Irving's competence as a military historian (a fact seconded by
Gray in his judgement).

The fugitive German scientist Germar Rudolf, who last autumn lectured at a
revisionist history conference in Ohio organized by Irving, writes:

"David Irving refused to present Germar Rudolf as an expert
witness. Here is the price he has to pay for it: He lost
his lawsuit, and has to pay $3.2 million (AP) or even $4.5 million

"Justice Gray made it pretty clear that refusing 

[CTRL] [Seattle II] C-SPAN is now 'Live' from The Ellipse

2000-04-16 Thread Bard



"...stick the tax forms where the moon don't shine."
-- Steve Vaus

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [BRIGADE] HOT! HOT! Hoffa Won't Rule Out Endorsing Buchanan]

2000-04-16 Thread Bard



I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us?
Don't tell! They'd advertise, you know.

How dreary to be Somebody.
How public, like a frog,
To tell one's name the livelong June
To an admiring bog.
-- Emily Dickinson

"Better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees."

"There ain't no knowledge in the SECOND kick from a mule!"

"Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights
could get through Congress today?
It wouldn't even get out of committee."
--- F. Lee Bailey

"From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge of tomorrow's
revolutionary force."
-- Edward Britton

Dear Brigade,

"The volatility of the issue for traditional-labor Democrats was
rubbed in Wednesday by Teamsters President James Hoffa,
who told a television interviewer that he would not rule out
endorsing Buchanan, who is seeking the Reform Party
presidential nomination, because of his trade views ... "Pat
Buchanan is probably the only person who has it right with
regard to trade," Hoffa told CNN Wednesday. "Gore doesn't
talk about it. Bush doesn't talk about it."



Global trade debate heats up on Capitol Hill

By Tom Hamburger
Sacramento Bee Washington Bureau
April 16, 2000

WASHINGTON -- Police facing days of protests aren't the only
folks bracing themselves in Washington.

Leaders of both political parties are unnerved. It's not just the
diverse coalition that's hitting the streets of Washington to
protest globalization and the practices of the World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund. It's also the upcoming
divisive debate on the House floor next month when Congress
considers upgrading China's trade status.

More than that, both parties -- and many interest groups -- are
finding strange new alliances and divisions erupting within
even the most traditionally cohesive political ranks.

You could see it Wednesday when liberals like Reps. Nancy
Pelosi, a California Democrat, and Bernie Sanders, the
Vermont socialist, shared the anti-trade podium with
conservative commentator Pat Buchanan and Republican Rep.
Chris Smith of New Jersey.

The four were among a parade of speakers at a Teamsters
rally on Capitol Hill where the audience chanted, "Remember
in November," and warned that no party and no candidate
should take the labor vote for granted, particularly when it
comes to trade.

Strange as it may seem in this hot economy, concern about
global trade has become the session's hottest political

"I wish this issue was not before us this election year," said
Rep. Robert Matsui of Sacramento, a free-trade advocate and
the Democrats' point man on the China trade legislation.
Matsui is optimistic about prospects for winning the May 22
vote on China, but he acknowledges the costs to Democrats
of considering such a divisive subject in an election year.

"In a practical sense, it would be better for us to focus on
health care, Social Security and that kind of issue," he said.

But like it or not, trade questions are coming.

Questions about globalization are rocking all sectors of
American politics.

In their battle to retake Congress, Democrats are banking on
strong backing -- financial and organizational -- from labor
unions. And they are counting on continued support from the
increasingly influential environmental lobby.

But labor and key environmental leaders are declaring defeat
of global trade agreements a top legislative priority, and both
groups are applying pressure to Democratic lawmakers. Last
week, thousands of Teamsters, United Auto Workers and
Steelworkers inundated Capitol Hill lobbying members on

Meanwhile, however, a powerful coalition of industry groups
including the high-tech firms are pushing for free trade and
have amassed their own financial war chest and marketing

Those groups appreciate that the Clinton administration --
including Vice President Al Gore -- are advocates for global
trade, including improving commercial ties to China.

The volatility of the issue for traditional-labor Democrats was
rubbed in Wednesday by Teamsters President James Hoffa,
who told a television interviewer that he would not rule out
endorsing Buchanan, who is seeking the Reform Party
presidential nomination, because of his trade views.

"Pat Buchanan is probably the only person who has it right
with regard to trade," Hoffa told CNN Wednesday. "Gore
doesn't talk about it. Bush doesn't talk about it."

"Among Democrats there is a tremendous amount of anger
over this and it has become a huge fracture point in the party,"
said Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., a leading opponent of the
China deal and free trade agreements.

Matsui scoffs at the complaints.

"The average person knows the value of trade," Matsui said.
"We have had 10 years of economic 

[CTRL] CNN: Washington police use force to control World Bank, IMF protests

2000-04-16 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Washington police use force to control World Bank, IMF protests

Demonstrators in Washington protest on Sunday against the International
Monetary Fund and the World Bank

Batons, pepper spray employed to push back demonstrators
April 16, 2000
Web posted at: 10:38 a.m. EDT (1438 GMT)

In this story:

Hundreds arrested

Prize-winning journalist arrested

Protesters' headquarters shut down

Building declared dangerous

Wake-up call for World Bank president

No stopping globalization


From staff and wire reports

WASHINGTON -- Police in riot gear used batons and pepper spray on Sunday
against protesters gathered in Washington to demonstrate against the
policies of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund as the
organizations hold their spring meetings.

Police hit protesters with batons and sprayed others in the eyes with pepper
spray as they tried to push back demonstrators who had broken down a
barricade outside the U.S. Treasury Department. Mounted park police used
horses to push back others rallying near the White House.

Hundreds of chanting anti-globalization protesters were out in force before
dawn in downtown Washington, sitting down in intersections and blocking

With helicopters whirling overhead and police sirens blasting, one group
formed a circle on Pennsylvania Avenue about five blocks from the White
House, their arms locked together in metal tubes called "lock boxes" or
"sleeping dragons."

Protesters form a circle on Pennsylvania Avenue with arms joined

Over the past week, police have seized dozens of the devices -- pieces of
pipe where arms are inserted at either end and then wrapped on the outside
with chicken wire and duct tape to form a human chain.

Another street near the downtown campus of George Washington University was
blocked by protesters who'd strung up a large banner reading, "IMF Plus
World Bank Equals Hundreds Rich, Billions Poor."

Not far away, a dozen demonstrators jumped on the bumpers of a couple of
tour buses, yelling at the sightseers inside, "Get off the bus, join us."

Marchers carried signs with slogans like "Stop the War Against Poor."
Another group carried a large bright pink papier mache pig emblazoned with
the words "World Bank" and holding a globe in its mouth.

Up to 10,000 people are expected to join a rally near the White House later
Sunday. On Saturday, about 600 anti-globalization protesters were arrested
in Washington.

Hundreds arrested
Saturday's arrests came as police prepared for even bigger demonstrations
against the World Bank and IMF that are predicted for Sunday and Monday.

An estimated 1,000 protesters demonstrating at two locations in the nation's
capital Saturday were met by ranks of helmeted police.

About 500 demonstrators marched outside the 50-block police perimeter around
the World Bank headquarters in a spirited protest, chanting slogans like
"World Bank, shut it down, IMF shut, it down." They also carried banners
saying "Shut down capitalism" and "Free political prisoners."

Farther down the street, another group of 500 protesters chanting "let them
go, let them go," were held back by a wall of officers.

D.C. Metropolitan police said the 600 protesters arrested were cited for
protesting without a permit.

At a late-night news conference, the police -- who initially said they had
arrested "several dozen people" -- increased the number to "approximately
600." Those arrested were being held overnight at a number of facilities
throughout Washington.

Prize-winning journalist arrested
Among those arrested was a three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer
for The Washington Post. Police arrested Carol Guzy after escorting her from
a cordoned-off area where they had taken demonstrators into custody.

Police tried to keep protesters out of the streets using motorcycles, police
cars and officers on foot to direct demonstrators. At one point, police
encircled a group of protesters and pressed them against a building.

Two large troop transportation trucks quickly drove into the area but were
momentarily stalled by protester Andres Thomas Conteris, the coordinator of
the Center for Economic Justice.

Conteris walked in front of the first vehicle and, putting his hand in the
air, forced the truck to a halt.

Protesters' headquarters shut down

An anti-globalization demonstrator protests on Sunday

Earlier Saturday, police raided and shut down the protesters' headquarters
after fire officials declared the old warehouse unsafe.

Two people were arrested and about 100 were evacuated from the center from
the morning raid.

Police initially said they had discovered a Molotov cocktail in the center.
It turned out to be a plastic soda bottle containing rags. Police said it
was found near cans of paint and paint thinner.

Executive Chief of Police 

[CTRL] Mariel Boat Lift

2000-04-16 Thread Alamaine
>>> This is somewhat related to the "Elian Boat Lift"  A>E>R 


> Dates: 01 April 1980 - 25 September 1980
> Number of Cuban Migrants: 124,776 (60% Men, 22% Women, 18% Minors)
> Maximum Cuban Migrants interdicted in one day: 3,784
> Number of Migrants Died: 27 (14 on one overloaded Vessel which capsized on 17
> May 1980) Number of Vessels assisted by USCG: 1,387 Average Weekly Cost of USCG
> Activities During the Boatlift: $650,000 Boating Safety Violations Issued: over
> 1,200
>>This is available at 

MAY 13, 1979 - DEC 11 1981




Prepared by:
Silvia M. Unzueta
Special Projects Administrator for Refugee Affairs
April 1981
Metropolitan Dade County Government
Office of the County Manager
Dade County Courthouse, Suite 911
Miami, FL 33130


This paper is an attempt to start unraveling the interrelation between the Cuban "entrant", here called Marielitos, or Marieleros or persons from Mariel, and the community life of Dade County, Florida, where most of the Marielitos reside.  Before their arrival, the population of Dade County was 35% Hispanic, 16% Black American, and 49% White (Reference: Metro Dade County Planning Department, 1979).  The Black Americans are about equally divided between those from the Islands and those from the deep South.  After their arrival, the Hispanic population increased by a half of a percent.  More than most other metropolitan areas, Dade County was a city of descendants of immigrants or immigrants themselves.

The exodus of over 125,000 Cuban men, women and children started when more than 10,800 Cubans moved into the grounds of the Peruvian Embassy in Havana, on April 4, 1980, after the Cuban Government guards were removed from the Peruvian Embassy.  The word quickly spread throughout the island.  The removal of the guards was Castro's response to a dispute between the Cuban and the Peruvian Governments, when the previous week a small group broke into the Embassy seeking asylum.

At that time, no one predicted that the removal of the Cuban militia guard from the Embassy was to be interpreted as anything but "teaching a lesson", to Peruvian authorities.  Instead, in less than twenty-four hours, over 10,800 Cubans jammed into the Embassy grounds seeking political asylum.  Dramatic photographs of crowded men, women and children in trees, and on the Embassy roof without water, food and basic necessities hit the world press, creating embarrassment, and pressure for their release.  After extensive third country negotiations and humanitarian requests from all over the world, the Cuban Government agreed to allow the departure of Cubans holding the Embassy.  Peru, Spain and Costa Rica, along with the United States, agreed to give refuge to the 10,800 Cubans seeking political asylum.  During these negotiations, spontaneous demonstrations of support by Cuban-Americans throughout the United States, other countries and the world press, helped to highlight the incident and eventually helped to achieve the release of approximately 1,500 of the 10,800 originally in the Embassy.  Upon the arrival of the initial group in San Jose, Costa Rica, and Madrid, the Cubans shared with the world media, the horrors lived while at the Embassy.  This exposure generated a negative opinion for the aging Cuban Revolution. A few days later, in a skillful and talented show of strategy, Fidel Castro announced the opening of the Port of Mariel and invited Cuban Americans to come to Mariel, Cuba, and pick-up their relatives who wanted to leave the island.  The announcement was well- received by the Cuban-American community which immediately began what appeared to be an endless flotilla through the Florida Straits.

After a few weeks, it was evident that the Cuban Government had no intention of fulfilling their promise.  Instead, some individuals released from jails and mental institutions became part of the human flow that constituted the Mariel exodus.  The "human avalanche" reached unprecedented numbers.  During the month of May, 88,817 Cubans arrived.  This figure constitutes the largest number of Cubans that arrived in any single previous year

During May, a number of other factors converged to create a very special situation. President Carter stated that:  "We will continue to provide an open heart and open arms to refugees seeking freedom from Communist domination." That statement was qualified less than a week later.  Decisions surrounding the handling of the Mariel exodus became entangled in the national political scene.

In Dade County, the initial processing and housing of refugees was skillfully handled by a handful of local, state and federal officials under the coordination of Metropolitan Dade County Government.  At Tamiami Park, a twenty- four 

[CTRL] Cuba: Transshipment Rest Stop

2000-04-16 Thread Alamaine

This is old but it's news 


The Miami Herald
1 May 1983, page 1

Castro Backs Drug Traffic, U.S. Claims

By Jim McGee
Herald Staff Writer

U.S. officials publicly alleged Saturday in Miami that Fidel Castro's
government has conspired with South Florida drug smugglers in a systematic
campaign to reap drug profits and weaken American society.

"The United States has developed new evidence from a variety of sources
confirming that Cuban officials have facilitated narcotics trafficking through
the Caribbean," said James H. Michel, the State Department's deputy assistant
secretary for inter-American affairs.

"The evidence clearly indicates more than a case of corruption by local or mid-
level security officials in Cuba," Michel said at a congressional hearing in
the Dade County Courthouse.

Testimony by Michel and other federal officials Saturday before the Senate Drug
Enforcement Caucus shored up similar allegations made by the State Department
more than a year ago.

"We have a report that the Communist Party Presidium and specifically Fidel
Castro, in early 1979, considered a scheme to begin dealing with narcotics
smugglers using Cuba as a bridge and support base for the networks to the U.S.
as a means to aid Cuba economically and to contribute to the deterioration of
American society," Michel said in a prepared statement.

The Cuban government has heatedly denied the accusations, which originated with
the Miami federal prosecution of the so-called Guillott-Lara drug case in
Miami, in which four senior Cuban officials were indicted in absentia.

Among the officials who testified Saturday was Miami U.S. Attorney Stanley
Marcus, who outlined the evidence in the Guillot-Lara case that implicated the
Cuban government.

Sen. Paula Hawkins (R., Fla.) pressed Marcus on whether the case proved the
Cuban government itself was in the drug smuggling business.

"I think that is a reasoned interference that can be fairly drawn," Marcus

That issue is central to an ongoing debate within the U.S. intelligence
community about the extent to which the Cuban government is involved.

FBI Director William Webster recently acknowledged that Cuba has provided a
"safe harbor" for drug smugglers, but he said there is no evidence of a
concerted effort by the Cubans to support narcotics trafficking.

Francis Mullen, acting administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration,
took a similar position during another congressional hearing last year.
Saturday, he went further.

"We have received additional intelligence which may indicate continuing Cuban
complicity in the drug traffic," Mullen said in a prepared statement.

"It is difficult not to believe that the government of Cuba remains cognizant
of the movement of drugs through its territory and may be facilitating this

The U.S. ambassador to Colombia, Thomas Boyatt, was more blunt.
"I'm telling you that it happened," he insisted during an interview before his
testimony. "The Cuban government, as a matter of policy, for a long period of
time, until exposed, was involved in drug smuggling.

"It was a [Cuban intelligence] operation with the blessing of Fidel," he said.

In addition to Hawkins, who directed the hearing, Sens. Jesse Helms (R., N.C.),
Jeremiah Denton (R., Ala.) and Dennis DeConcini (D., Ariz.) also participated.

The State Department officials' assertions were underscored by three government
witnesses who testified under tight security.

Johnny Crump, an admitted Colombian drug dealer now in the Federal Witness
Protection Program, told the caucus that he plugged into the "Cuban Connection"
through a good friend, Cuba's ambassador to Colombia.

"A complete government behind you is a dream," Crump testified. "I believe
it was to try and hurt the U.S."

Crump's face was concealed by a black hood, and he was surrounded by burly U.S.

David Perez, another Miami drug-runner, testified that he first heard of the
"Cuban friends" through a rich associate in the drug business, Jaime Guillot-

Guillot "told me that he could get drugs into Cuba easily because he was paying
money to the Cuban government for their protection," Perez told the assembled
members of Congress.

Part of the deal, he said, was to travel to Cuba, rendezvous with Cuban
gunboats, and then haul 10 million Quaaludes back to Miami.

During one trip, Perez said he was greeted by a Cuban gunboat and told "the
Cuban government was happy that they were bringing drugs into the U.S."
Mario Estevez-Gonzalez, a burly former sergeant in the Cuban Ministry of
Interior, said he was sent to Miami during the Mariel boatlift as an
infiltration agent, but was soon involved in the drug trade.

"I was ordered that it was important to load up the U.S. with drugs," Estevez
said through an interpreter.

He said he received training at a school run by Cuba's intelligence service,
the DGI, and after coming to Miami made 14 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Bush Adds $4.3 Billion to Middle Class Expansion Program]

2000-04-16 Thread Bard

There's not a damn bit of difference between the Demorats and the Repubrats:

They are simply two wings of the same bird of prey.


To do so means they have succeeded in penetraing your mind.

Vote to Free yourself from the yoke of the international bankers, and be proud, once 
again, to live in the greatest country on God's green



Title: - News - Daily News





Daily News






Political News Headlines
April 12, 2000


Adds $4.3 Billion to Middle Class Expansion Program 
AP via New Jersey
Online Apr 12 2000A day after he proposed
a $42 billion plan to help the poor move into the middle class, George W. Bush today was
offering a five-year, $4.3 billion proposal to expand health care in underserved and
remote areas. 

Proud to be Carrying the Standard of the Democratic Party 
AP via New Jersey Online
 Apr 12 2000

Bill Would Crack Down on Criminals Using Guns 
AP via
 Apr 12 2000

Denver on Gun Campaign, Clinton to Invoke Columbine Shootings 
AP via
 Apr 12 2000

Ties May Go Under Review
AP via
 Apr 12 2000

Plans to Push Final Budget Through Congress 
AP via New Jersey Online
 Apr 12 2000

Says He's Sensitive to Troop Worries About Anthrax Vvaccine 
AP via New Jersey Online
 Apr 11 2000

Senate Scraps
Bid to Roll Back Federal Gas Tax
Washington Post
 Apr 12 2000

Clinton Won't
Pardon Himself
Washington Post
 Apr 11 2000


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April Primary 
Caucus Calendar


April 15-17
Virginia Democratic Caucus
April 22
Alaska Democratic Caucus


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Re: [CTRL] The Lying of Sam Smith (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread Alamaine

Remember, too, that Bill Jeff is one-upping Reagan, who some claim the latter
was playing a role at being President.  Bill Jeff changed his last name at some
point in his distant past, assuming the character of a family to which he isn't
even really related (except by mom's marriage and a booze-nose).  So, although
a "Clinton", he ain't really one of that brood (more like one of the "brewed",
though) ... just assuming a role, being all he can be while being all he really


 Remember, too, that all this is before we get around to such
 other issues as Clinton's assault on democracy and civil
 liberties, the unprecedented incarceration of Americans, or his
 attack on the social programs and values his own party painfully
 constructed over 60 years.

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Media Ignore Sister Jeanne's Corroboration of Juan Miguel's Abuse (fwd)

2000-04-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

With Carl Limbacher and Staff

For the story behind the story...

Sunday April 16, 2000; 11:04 AM EDT

Media Ignore Sister Jeanne's Corroboration of Juan Miguel's Abuse

The controversial affidavit alleging that Juan Miguel Gonzalez
physically abused the woman he divorced in 1991 and the boy she
gave birth to two years later is corroborated by an unimpeachable
source -- but America's mainstream press refuses to report it.

According to a statement issued Friday night by family spokesman
Armando Guttierez , Orlanda Rodriguez swore on penalty of perjury
that he saw Mr.  Gonzalez had beat Elisabeth Brotons so badly
that it sent her to the hospital.

Rodriguez also claimed, "Juan Miguel is of a violent nature,
impulsive nature and out of control, all of which traits I saw
him inflict on his own son Elian." (See: Rodriguez Affidavit)

But after thirty six hours of frenzied denial by those allied
with Mr. Gonzalez, no establishment press outlet has cited the
account from Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin, the Barry University
president who hosted a reunion between Elian and his grandmothers
in January.

"(O'Laughlin) also said Friday that information from one of the
grandmothers that the father had been abusive to Elian's mother
made her question how good a father he would be to Elian,"
reported the Miami Herald in February.  (See: Sister Jeanne:
Grandma Wanted to Defect - Miami Herald, Feb.  20, 2000)

When reporters challenged the Barry University president on
whether she was fluent enough in Spanish to be sure of what she
had heard, O'Laughlin insisted, "I clearly understood what was
said to me that night."

O'Laughlin had been handpicked by Attorney General Janet Reno and
had said before her meeting with the grandmothers she was neutral
on the question of the boy's return to Cuba.

But within days of the reunion, O'Laughlin publicly announced a
complete about face on the issue, saying she now believed it was
in Elian's best interests that he remain in America.

In it's initial report on the affidavit, noted Sister
O'Laughlin's corroboration of the abuse charges -- and was the
only print source to publish an unexpurgated transcript of Mr.
Guttierez reading of the document.

Mr.  Gonzalez reportingly denies the child-abuse charges in a "60
Minutes" interview set for broadcast Sunday evening.

Typical of the media's malfeasance in this dispute were Sunday
morning's dual interviews with Sister O'Laughlin and Joan Brown
Campbell, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches.

Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Sister O'Laughlin was never
questioned by host Cokie Roberts about her account of the
grandmother's child-abuse confession.

During the same interview, Dr.  Campbell criticized the family
for videotaping Elian's pleas to stay in the US, saying the boy
had been coached.  Roberts made no mention of her own network's
interview with Elian two weeks ago, where he told ABC's Diane
Sawyer the exact same thing without any coaching whatsoever.

In Sunday's interview, Dr.  Cambpell repeatedly insisted that
during his stay in the US, Mr.  Gonzalez was free to speak his

Inexplicably, Roberts decided not to challenge Campbell with
information first reported last week by her and her "This Week"
colleague Sam Donaldson, that Mr.  Gonzalez's parents had been
forcibly removed from their home in Cardenas, Cuba and had been
relocated to Havana where they were being "watched" by Castro's
agents.  (See: Castro Holding Elian's Grandparents Hostage: ABC


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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not 


2000-04-16 Thread Gavin Phillips

In a message dated 4/14/00 1:50:31 AM Central Daylight Time,

 April 14, 2000

 From Spiker ---

 A three hour radio special will be presented next Monday, April 17, 2000 on
 KOGO radio, 600 AM, San Diego California.

 Mike McNulty will be guest-hosting the Roger Hedgecock show starting at
 3 PM PST,
 4 PM MST,
 5 PM  CST, and
 6 PM EST.

 Live call-in:   1-(800) 600-KOGO (5646)

 The Hedgecock show can be picked up on the net by going to Hedgecock's web
 site at:

 and hitting the "CLICK HERE FOR The YAHOO
 Broadcast" button.

 (Windows Media Player works best)

 Download the free Windows Media Player here

 The show will be a Waco retrospective featuring the following scheduled
 Dr.  Fred Whitehurst , former FBI agent and narrator/host of Waco- A New

 Mr.  Michael Caddell, Branch Davidian civil litigation attorney, Mr.  Bill
 Johnston, former U.S.  Attorney who prosecuted the Davidian survivors in
 1994 and recently resigned from the Justice Department in protest of the
 apparent cover-up of the Davidian tragedy.

 The second hour of the show will feature Mr.  Farris Rookstool, retired FBI
 crime scene analyst at Waco, Mr.  Bobbie Charles, Congressional Chief of
 Staff of the 1995 Congressional hearings, and Capt.  David Brynes, the lead
 Texas Ranger that headed up the April 19th aftermath investigation.

 The third hour will feature noted journalists Lee Hancock of the Dallas
 Morning News, Mr.  Richard Lieby of the Washington Post and John McLemoore,
 the KWTX reporter on scene as the gun fight broke out on Feb 28, 1993, that
 started the whole Waco tragedy.

 Callers will be welcomed in the second half hour of each 1 our segment.
 DON'T MISS THIS SHOW!  Tapes of the program can be ordered by calling
 1-(800) 600-KOGO (5646).

 The Uncensored  National Rumor===
 P.O. Box 1784Aptos, CA95001
 831.462.3949 TelFax

 Check Out This Site--

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Beware NRA's Project Exile Bill HR4051

2000-04-16 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

From: Weldon Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Beware NRA's Project Exile Bill HR4051
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 1:44 AM

Beware NRA's Project Exile Bill HR4051

NRA is pushing HR4051 the so called project exile bill.  This is a dangerous

Representative Lindsey Graham April 10, 2000
1429 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone 202-225-5301 fax 3216

Dear Representative Graham,

I did as your assistant suggested and went to and put in
HR4051 and
pressed the go button.  I have read the bill.  This bill bribes states to
enact laws to place
violent criminal and those who break serious drug laws and who carry or
posse firearms in
prison under a mandatory sentence.  However the following is wrong with the

Every state will introduce a gun bill to do that and much, much more.  The
bill does not say
that the state cannot apply the mandatory sentence to just any violation of
any law effecting
firearms or anything else for that matter.  We will have to fight gun bills
in every state in the

The bill needs a provision that says that the states cannot make mandatory
sentences apply
to less serious firearms laws and other things as well if they are to
receive grants under the
law that HR4051 would create.

Also the bill allows the Attorney general to expand the scope of the bill.
As you know the
present occupant of that office is very anti-gun.

Very truly yours,

Weldon H. Clark Jr.
Liberty, SC

Shop for Cars On-Line:

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
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Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Stock Market Now Is For Fools: GOV'T LIES CAN'T POSTPONE A G...

2000-04-16 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 04/16/2000 3:11:40 AM Central Daylight Time,


One of the biggest lies is that inflation can be slowed or stopped
by increasing interest rates. Just the opposite is true.
Any businessman knows that interest payments (debt service)
are a cost of doing business.
Business costs must be added to the prices of goods and
services and passed on to consumers.
The direct result of higher interest rates is higher prices.
Please read that again.
The direct result of higher interest rates is higher prices.
When prices go up, the Federal Reserve and the propaganda
media call it "Inflation".
That is a lie..rising prices are a result of an inflated or
devalued money supply.
So when the various Price Indexes go up, the FED calls
it "Inflation", and in the next breath they tell us they
are raising interest rates to fight the inflation.
Raising the interest rates is pouring gasoline on the fire.
Remember, increased interest rates translates into increased prices.
When the Fed increases interest rates it's like the captain of a ship
ordering holes to be drilled through the bottom of the ship's hull
in order to stop the water from coming in.

If you want to know what's really happening,
please read and consider the following.

The Masai Tribe of Kenya Africa has a very
peculiar custom.  The Masai bleed their domestic
cattle by piercing a vein in the neck with a hollow tube.
The blood is caught in a bowl or jar.
They carefully control the amount of blood taken from
each animal so as not to endanger its life.  The loss of
a cow is a major economic loss to a Masai family.
The blood is mixed with milk and the Masai drink it!
This blood-milk mixture is a major part of their diet.
The Masai must be careful to maintain a balance
between bleeding their animals and keeping them alive.
Obviously, a dead animal would provide no more blood.
It is accurate to say that the Masai are literally "Vampires".

It is also accurate to say that the Federal Reserve is a Vampire.
It feeds off the very lifeblood of the American Economy.
When it raises interest rates, it is increasing the "bleeding".
If the economy slows too much...stagnates...deteriorates...
they slow the bleeding by reducing interest rates.
When our economy is healthy and vibrant as it has been,
they stick us in the neck and let our blood flow.
They feed on it!

Remember this example the next time you read or
hear in the news about Alan Greenspan and
The Federal Reserve and interest rates.

 Regards to All

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The other children of Moses

2000-04-16 Thread K

National Post (Canada)

Saturday, April 15, 2000

The other children of Moses

'Jews are totally shocked because the people I show in the film, who are
Burmese, Chinese, Indian and Afghani, do not conform to their stereotype
of what a Jew should look like. And this really bothers them.' -- Filmmaker
Simcha Jacobovici

Isabel Vincent - National Post

Stephen Epstein, Associated Producers Inc.

Simcha Jacobovici, a documentary filmmaker, spent four years seeking the
lost tribes of Israel. He believes he found them among people such as
the Pathan tribesmen of Afghanistan, above, who call themselves the "people
of Moses." The Hebrew carvings in the background are 2,300 years old,
located near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Ever since he became a documentary filmmaker in 1983, Simcha Jacobovici
has been on a quest to find the 10 lost tribes of Israel. In his first film,
Falasha: Exile of the Black Jews, he documented the plight of the
Ethiopian Jews or Falashas, believed to be descendants of Dan, one of the lost
tribes. Today, he believes he has found the other nine.

It's quite a bold assertion, even coming from Mr. Jacobovici, an Emmy
award-winning Canadian filmmaker who is known for a documentary style
that borders on guerrilla journalism. He has never been shy about swooping
down on a controversial subject and aggressively probe it.

His oeuvre includes tough films that have looked at parents selling
their children into prostitution in India and Nepal, relations between
Israelis and Palestinians, and why so many Jews have traditionally dominated
filmmaking in Hollywood.

Quest for the Lost Tribes of Israel, his latest film, which airs Sunday
evening on the U.S. cable network AE, is no exception. In it, Mr.
Jacobovici, a self-described Indiana Jones with a video camera, travels
to some of the world's remotest places and meets people who practise
certain Israelite customs. Some of them even believe they are Jewish.

"I was amazed," said Mr. Jacobovici, 47, a devout Orthodox Jew who
founded his own synagogue in Toronto a few years ago. "In this film spirituality
meets history on so many levels that I still can't fully appreciate."

The film is a fascinating collection of mainly circumstantial evidence
that suggests that isolated groups of people in places as diverse as Tunisia,
China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and India share certain customs
and beliefs that are strikingly similar to Jewish ones. Why do certain
members of the Pathan tribe, many of whom belong to the fundamentalist
Muslim Taleban movement in Afghanistan, call themselves the "people of
Moses"? Why do they light oil lamps on Friday nights, as per the Jewish
tradition, to ask God's forgiveness? Why do a group of men in a remote
part of China identify themselves as Jews and keep Menorahs in their homes?
Why do the Shin-tung tribe, who call themselves Manaseh and live on the
Myanmar-India border, have a star of David at the centre of their flag?
Why are so many Manaseh returning to Israel to practise Judaism? Could they
be the descendants of the Menaschetribe, one of the 10 tribes sent into
exile nearly 3,000 years ago when, according to the Bible, the kingdom of
Israel was invaded by Assyrian warriors?

Mr. Jacobovici makes a persuasive argument that the people he interviews
in the film are indeed the modern-day descendants of the lost tribes of
Israel, and he is the first journalist to document that these isolated
groups share some beliefs and customs that are extremely similar to
Jewish practises. He is so convinced of his findings that he is writing a book
about his travels, which spanned some four years.

Indeed, he seems completely unfazed by the fact that scholars of
antiquity have largely dismissed his film. For them, the notion that a group of
people forced into exile among dozens of different ethnicities could
hang onto their beliefs and customs over nearly 3,000 years belongs strictly
in the realm of religious belief. There is no sound historical evidence to
suggest that the people interviewed by Mr. Jacobovici are part of the
lost tribes of Israel or that the tribes themselves survived the Assyrian
melting pot, they say.

"Scholars don't count the oral tradition," says Mr. Jacobovici, who has
included a variety of scholarly voices in his documentary, most of them
vehemently disagreeing with his research.  "But I'm looking at this as a journalist
and what I see is that there are certain funeral, marriage and eating practices
that are almost identical to Jewish ones," he says. "It's not any one thing, but a
combination of things that makes this real for me. And I can't just dismiss all of
this as coincidence."

In addition to the Israelite-like customs practised among groups that
are completely isolated from one another, Mr. Jacobovici found that the
locations of his "tribes" corresponded to names in the Bible, said to
have been sent into exile. For 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

2000-04-16 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000416a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins:
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views:
* No cybernetic organisms were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Ladies Against Women (LAW)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Unidentified Flying Objects, a term given for many years to unexplained
  sightings of craft in the skies over every state in the Union, are actual
  visitors from other worlds, believe a community of govt scientists and
  technicians. They should know:

@ Abductions: The Crucible of Nightmares. While instances of alleged abduc-
  tion by UFO aliens are rife in North America, they are considerably less
  prevalent in the Spanish/Portuguese-speaking regions of the world. This is
  all the more curious considering that one of the earliest cases, and the
  one most readily memorable, is without question the Antonio Villas-Boas
  abduction (Brazil, 1952).

: Have you covered-up any abductions lately? What's your favorite abduction?
D'ya work in alien abductions? D'ya prefer to abduct speakers of Latin/Asian
/Nordic/Semitic/other tongues? Are Anglophones easy to abduct, hard to hide?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# LIFE FORCE - Are we all quantum computers at heart? YOUR BODY is teeming
  with quantum computers. Marching along your DNA and floating around your
  cells, several hundred million of these minuscule devices are rearranging
  your molecules in super-efficient quantum fashion. You are already

# Molecular Computers Come Closer. Molecules can now do math, coming a step
  closer to building a supercomputer that might pack the power of a million
  silicon chips into a wrist-watched sized device and work a hundred times
# Physicists 'Play Pool' with Atoms - better techniques for nanofabrication.
  Fun, too:

: D'ya fear being engulfed by nanocomputers/nanobots/demons? Is it too late?
Are you nothing more than a network of computers/robots doing as they will?
Is the universe an analog computer that computes itself? Do deities compute?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# China Tries To Dispel Superstition. Beijing (AP) -- Olive-clad troops and
  schoolchildren in gym suits came to the capital's military museum by the
  busload to see optical illusions demystified and the magic of conception
  and birth explained. The exhibition, which is now set to tour the country,
  is part of an intense campaign by the government designed to encourage the
  Chinese to embrace science and reject increasingly popular superstitious
  beliefs -- and is the latest weapon in its bid to stamp out the Falun Gong
  spiritual movement.

# Church 'will be dead in 40 years' - With attendances falling faster than
  ever, a new report sees the future for Christianity in Britain as bleak:

: Does your belief system thrive/wither with govt opposition/support? Do you
provoke govt opposition to promote your sect? Is govt approval fatal to you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 45,000 Britons volunteer to be watched by Big Brother - 24-hour monitoring
  by light/sound/infrared of lives, loves and bathroom habits - on Net  TV:

@ EMScandal: "Electromagnetic Signals-monitoring  signals-assault scandal"

  Great waste of money, brains:
# First Virtual Police Station:

@ Illuminati News:
@ Erich von Däniken sees all, knows all, sells all:

: Have you been watched by corporate/govt/church/alien agents lately? Would
your rather be watched by agents, free-lancers, animals, aliens, robots, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Police clash with IMF protesters. (BBC) Police fire tear gas at protesters
  trying to disrupt a meeting of the IMF in Washington - but the meet goes
# Protesters rally round common enemy:

# Cops Raid Protesters' HQ: 

[CTRL] Profit from Body Parts

2000-04-16 Thread K

 Report: Dead Harvested for Products

 SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) - Donated human remains are processed
medical products that generate hundreds of millions of  dollars for
companies despite laws barring profit from body parts, The Orange
Register reported Sunday.

 Although grieving families are told that the donations are a gift of
life, the newspaper found that material harvested from the dead
an industry that is expected to have $1 billion in revenues by 2003.

 ``I thought I was donating to a nonprofit. I didn't know I was lining
someone's pocket,'' said Sandra Shadwick, whose brother's
remains were
given to a Los Angeles tissue bank. ``It makes me angry. It makes
appalled. If it's not illegal, it ought to be.''

The National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 banned profits from the
of tissue, but  companies and nonprofit tissue banks are allowed to
charge reasonable fees to handle and  process the parts. The law
not define a reasonable charge.

``The law has never been tested in court. Nobody has ever decided
is selling and what  isn't,'' said Jeanne Mowe, executive director of
the American Association of Tissue Banks.

 Nonprofit tissue banks may obtain body parts useful for up to 100
patients from a single cadaver. The parts are then sold to
that make products used by doctors and dentists, and the banks
businesses share revenues.

 Survivors urged to donate usually are told about vital organs, such
hearts or kidneys, but most of the products derived from the dead
far from lifesaving: Cadaver skin may be used to puff up the lips of
models, enlarge penises or smooth out wrinkles, the newspaper

 A single body can provide material that is worth up to $34,000 for
nonprofit tissue banks, including skin, tendons, heart valves, veins
corneas that are then made available to doctors and hospitals for
up to

 With bone taken from the same body, a cadaver can be worth

 ``People who donate have no idea tissue is being processed into
products that per gram or per ounce are in the price range of
diamonds,'' said Arthur Caplan, a professor at the University of
Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics.

 Lives are enhanced by donations: Tendons help athletes, cadaver
helps solve bladder problems and corneas help the blind to see,
Michael Jeffries, chief financial officer for Osteotech Inc.
(NasdaqNM:OSTE - news), a leader in the bone business.

 ``There is a profit,'' he said. ``It's not an evil thing because the
profit is put to good use.''

 The two largest for-profit tissue companies had $142.3 million in
last year and each pays its chief executive more than $460,000
the newspaper said. The four largest nonprofit tissue banks will
$261 million in sales this year, it said.

 The number of organ and tissue donors increased 172 percent
over the past five years, according to the American  Association of
Tissue Banks.

 Last fall, Vice President Al Gore (news - web sites) announced $5
million in grants to organ and tissue agencies.

 ``I did not know that the amount of money involved was as large as
have pointed out,'' Gore told the Register in a recent telephone


Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous
than that committed by a state against its own
citizens . . .
- Forensic Anthropologist Clyde Snow

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: Lab Analysis Of Chemtrails: Virulent Bio-Toxin Soup...

2000-04-16 Thread Dave

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
 Subject: Chemtrail Info
 Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 19:35:37 -0800
 From: Penny Jarvis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you first take a tour to, click on
the site map, then go to page 3 you will find where it states that they have
to reduce the size of the human population by humane means. This got me to
wondering if they thought that chemical spraying was in their opinion a
humane means to reduce the population. I don't know if you have heard of
William Thomas, but he has a lot of info on the chemtrails.  His website is
 If you click on issue # 6 you can get a lot of information.


This states that the recently revised U.S. Code Title 50, Section 1520
that the Secretary of Defense may conduct tests or experiments "involving
use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population" if
are related to research activity. The law also stipulates that biowarfare
test can be carried out on Americans only if Congress is notified 30 days in
advance, and "only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each
human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.

 There is plenty of pattern and precedent to suggest that clandestine
biowarfare experiments are routinely pacticed on the American public without
their informed consent. Two Congressional investigations in 1977 and 1994 -
and recently declassified British defense documents - detail 50 years of
"open air" testing that used ships and spray-equipped aircraft to spread
biological warfare simulaants on hundreds of cities across the U.S., Canada
and the U.K.
There is more to this article. I just wanted to give you some of the info
because I could spend the rest of the day typing this stuff up.

 So far some of the chemicals that were collected from the chemtrail spray
and lab tested is:

 1.   Bacilli  Molds
 2.   Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
 3.   Pseudomonas Florescens
 4.   Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens
 5.   Streptomyces
 6.   Enterobacteriaceae
 7.   Serratia Marcscens
 8.   Human White Blood Cells
 9.   A restricter enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA
 10.  Enterobacter Cloacae
 11.  Other bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease
and   meningitis, as well as acute upper respiratory and
 12.  JP-8 Jet Fuel = Ethylene Dibromide

 # 2.  Pseudomonas Aeruginosa =  Respiratory tract infection by the
ubiquitous bacterium.  Cancer and burn patients also commonly suffer attack
from this organism.  Unlike other bacteria that reside in the enviroment, P.
aeruginosa has a remarkable capacity to cause disease.  Pseudomonas has the
ability to adapt and thrive in many ecological niches, including humans.
Once infections are established, P. aeruginosa produces a number of toxic
proteins which cause not only extensive tissue damage, but also interfere
with the human immune system's defense mechanisms.  These proteins range
potent toxins that enter and kill host cells at or near the size of
colonization to degradative enzymes that permantly disrupt the cell
and connective tissues in various organs.  P. aeruginosa
successfully colonizes the respiratory tract.  One reason is that it
a highly protective capsule made of the mucoid polysaccharide alginate.
allows the bacteria to resist engulfment by immune systemcells and better
adhere to the lining of the lungs.
 It is likely that antibiotics cannot effectively eradicate Pseudomonas from
the lungs
because of this protective capsule.  In addition, some Pseudomonas strains
can inactivate the drugs that threaten them by using enzymes to modify the

 # 7.  Serratia Marcescens is a significant opportunistic human bacterial
pathogen.  This microorganism has been shown to be the cause of many
life-threatening diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and endocarditis. It
is one of the major causes of hospital-acquired infections.  The seriousness
of a S. marcescens infection is compounded by the fact that it is very
resistant to most commonly used antibotics, thus making treatment difficult.
In this study one of the factors contributing to the antibiotic resistance
S. marcescens will be examined.  In order for an antibiotic to kill or
inhibit growth of bacteria it must penetrate the outer surface or membrane
and enter the bacterial cell which is very difficult.

 I hope some of this helps you to better understand what we are fighting


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by 


2000-04-16 Thread Scott Brown

Get free email and a permanent address at

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-04-16 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It should first be understood that the entire "collapse of communism"
and disintegration of the Soviet Union was a completely preplanned
and staged event.  Ronald Reagan was an actor with an important
"speaking part" in this movie.  Remember Reagan's dramatic line:
"Mr. Gorbachev.tear down this wall!" ?

Suddenlyalmost as if by magic, the Cold War ended.
The walls came tumbling down.
The "Evil Empire" disintegrated.
Communism simply evaporated from the earth.
And now, everyone is living happily ever after.

What a fairy tale!

Gorbachev was hailed in America and around the world
as the warm and fuzzy guy in the Kremlin who helped
Reagan end the Cold War.  The american information
media sold this image of Gorby to the american people.

So uncle Gorby was invited to come live in the land of
the free and the home of Disneyland and McDonalds.
Gorby went into business with Henry Kissinger and
Associates. Notice his title:
  "Co-Chair, State of the World Forum"
and his address:
The Presidio
PO Box 29434
San Francisco  CA  94129

Uncle Gorby was given an office to conduct his business.
It wasn't just a nice little office somewherenot even a
nice big office somewhere.
The former ruler of the Evil Empire was given one of
the choicest pieces of real estate in America.
From his office window, the kindly old "world statesman"
has a view of "some of the most spectacular vistas anywhere
in the world."
Gorbachev was given a suite of offices in the recently
closed  Presidio U.S. Military Base in the very shadow
of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
His job has been "advising" the U.S. Government on
which U.S. Military Bases are to be closed.

Read the following information about this particular
location which is now a National Park and you
should be able to connect some dots.
Notice especially the stated new purpose of  The Presidio:
  "creating a global center dedicated to the world's most critical
   environmental, social, and cultural challenges.
   The Presidio's new role symbolizes the swords-to-plowshares concept."
 Regards to All

A Vision for the Presidio

The Presidio of San Francisco, one of America's greatest natural and cultural
treasures, has been transformed from a military base to a national park site
unlike any other. It will pioneer a new role for a national park by creating
a global center dedicated to the world's most critical environmental, social,
and cultural challenges.
The Presidio's new role symbolizes the swords-to-plowshares concept. On this
site of incomparable beauty and history, we can link our military past with a
future full of promise and possibility. This transformation is inspired by an
emerging definition of protection - one that recognizes that defense no
longer must be based solely on political and military strength, but on
stewardship of the world's human and physical resources through global
cooperation. Long the guardian of the Golden Gate, the Presidio now stands
ready to house a network of organizations dedicated to improving human and
natural environments and addressing our common future. The site will be used
as a working laboratory to create models of environmental sustainability that
can be transferred to communities worldwide. Its inspirational setting will
provide a respite for reflection and personal renewal for its many visitors.
The Presidio's significant location has produced an unprecedented
concentration of cultural, natural and recreational resources - distinctive
architecture, unique ecological systems, inviting parklands, and spectacular
vistas. With its context of the Golden Gate, it 's a powerfully evocative and
relevant location at which to tell sweeping stories of California and western

In 1989, as a result of the Base Realignment and Closure Act, the Army
announced that the military post would be closed, and on October 1, 1994, the
Presidio became part of the GGNRA. On July 1, 1998, management of the
non-coastal areas of the Presidio was transferred to the Presidio Trust,
which is tasked with making the Presidio monetarily self sufficient by 2013
by leasing property within this National Park site.

Today, visitors from all over the world can savor the history and beauty of
this "Jewel of the Pacific." Within its 1,480 acres lie 510 historic
buildings, a "museum" of coastal defense fortifications, a national cemetery,
a historic airfield, planted forest, beaches, coastal bluffs, miles of hiking
and biking, and some of the most spectacular vistas anywhere in the world.

A 220-year continuous history as a military garrison under three flags
distinguishes the Presidio as a National Historic Landmark with a rich
collection of historic architecture, engineered 

[CTRL] The Ayn Rand Institute on Elian

2000-04-16 Thread Bard

(commentary at end of scroll)
4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Contact:  Scott McConnell
Phone: 310.306-9232 x 208
Fax: 310.306-4925

 Parents have no right to consign their children to the slavery of
totalitarianism--and Castro should let the father go free

By Peter Schwartz

Is communism physically harmful to human life?

That should be the fundamental question in the Elian Gonzalez case. Elian is
the six-year-old boy whom the Immigration and Naturalization Service has
ordered back to Cuba. Elian's mother and stepfather fled from Cuba with
Elian almost two months ago, but they (and eight others) drowned at sea.
Elian was rescued and taken to live with relatives in Florida. His father
remains in Cuba and has been demanding custody of the boy. The INS ruled
that in the name of "family reunification" Elian must return to Cuba. And
most media commentators have praised this decision (which a Florida state
court is now trying to stay).

But would such a decision be tolerated if it involved, say, a young black boy
who had escaped to the North from a Southern plantation 150 years ago? Or
a Jewish boy who had come to America from Nazi Germany during the
1930s? Would he have been sent back if the father--with a gun to his
back--declared his desire to have his child returned to slavery or to a
concentration camp? Would editorialists argue that the child's best interests
are served by "family reunification"?

Certainly not. Why, then, is Elian's situation any different? Life in
totalitarian Cuba, after all, is life in slavery.

Yes, a parent has the right to determine his child's upbringing--but not to
inflict physical harm. A parent has no right to beat up a child, or to keep a
child imprisoned in a cell. That becomes a violation of the child's individual
rights. But a communist state is simply one huge jail, where the citizens are
under the physical control of their wardens. That is what Elian faces if he
goes back.

It is absurd for the INS commissioner to assert that the father is "expressing
his true wishes" regarding his son. Mr. Gonzalez is not free to say anything
else. If he displeases the state, his job, his home--his life--can be summarily
taken from him. If Castro orders him to ask for the return of his son--or,
conversely, to renounce any interest in the boy--the father has little choice
but to obey. Like the slaves on a Southern plantation, the citizens of Cuba
exist at the whim of their rulers.

.   Some make the accusation that Elian's plight is being "politicized" by
outdated "Cold Warriors." But it is actually these accusers who are using
Elian to push a destructive, fossilized ideology. It is the INS and its
supporters who are still trying to pretend that communism is not a system of
enslavement, and that the difference between America and Cuba is merely one
of "lifestyle." It is this Administration that orders the Coast Guard to
physically repel Cuban refugees who approach our shores, resulting in the
disgraceful sight of American officials firing water cannons upon Cubans to
keep them from reaching U.S. soil. It is the zealous advocates of Elian's
deportation who are clinging to a discredited philosophy that refuses to
acknowledge the tyrannical nature of life under socialism.

Keeping Elian in America is no violation of the rights of the father (who--if he
has any genuine affection for the boy and were free to express it--would
announce his fervent desire to have his son live in freedom). Anyone
concerned with the actual rights of the father should be demanding, not that
Washington return Elian , but that Havana let the father go. It is Castro who is
preventing family reunification by keeping his borders closed to those who
wish to flee his dictatorial rule. Let Castro permit Mr. Gonzalez to leave
Cuba permanently and unconditionally (along with all his relatives, so that
none can be held hostage against him). He can then live here, or in any free
country he chooses, and take custody of his son. Both his and his son's rights
would thereby be upheld.

Elian's mother willingly risked death on a desperate voyage to liberty--not on
a "migrant smuggling trip," as a N.Y. Times editorial despicably described it.
She was drawn by the American principle that each individual has an
inalienable right to be free. It would be tragic if the politicians and the judges
in America failed to grasp the essence of this country as well as she did.

The INS ruled that in the name of #147;family reunification#148; Elian must
return to Cuba. And most media commentators have praised this decision (which
the INS has now delayed implementing).


Peter Schwartz, editor and contributing author of Return of the
Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Ayn Rand, is chairman of
the board of 


2000-04-16 Thread Bard

Dennis, In my book you need not apologize for the 'caps'.
See my Commentary re. the Ayn Rand/Elian Post.
The Mind of the peaceful, law-abiding citizenry is being manipulated and stretched to 
the limit by acts of the rapist and his minions to
ensure their retention of power by placing fear in the minds of their supporters of 
what might happen to all their programs if a
constitutionalist were elected.  Their emphasis on continued success of the economy is 
fundamentally unsound because the citizenry is slowly
learning how much of their gross goes to taxes to support their slave masters.  Even 
now the populace is questioning the stability of the
economy, vis. the Crash.  A peaceful unshackling of our chains can only be peaceably 
achieved by working now, not a few weeks before the
election, to expose the deprivation of our Freedom under the Marxist Socialists.  The 
BIG problem is the support by the media of the The
Establishment Party, which must also be exposed;  all of this must be done by word of 
mouth.  NOW!
Your scenario will be a reality if the common sense of the electorate does not prevail 
come November 7.

 " does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
  minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."
-- Samuel Adams

Bard, I know there is a God and I know he hates injustice.
I see the storm coming and I know His hand is in it.
But if there is a place and a part for me,
I believe that I am  ready.
-- Patrick J. Buchanan





CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The other children of Moses

2000-04-16 Thread Nurev Ind Research


I saw the program. I think it's great. I don't know how much of it is true,
but all of it seemed plausible.

I welcome the possibility that they are all decedents of the tribes. If
they are, they can be tested for the Kohan gene which would confirm, but
not necessarily deny the possibility as it did in the case of the Black Jews
of Zimbabwe.

I love the idea if it's true. The program showed all of them being welcomed
in Israel once some religious official OK'd them.

That all of these tribes were Easterners and Central Asians is what makes
it plausible. The claims of Western Europeans on the other hand, are absurd.
Geography counts.

K wrote:

 National Post (Canada)

 Saturday, April 15, 2000

 The other children of Moses

 'Jews are totally shocked because the people I show in the film, who are
 Burmese, Chinese, Indian and Afghani, do not conform to their stereotype
 of what a Jew should look like. And this really bothers them.' -- Filmmaker
 Simcha Jacobovici

 Isabel Vincent - National Post

 Stephen Epstein, Associated Producers Inc.

 Simcha Jacobovici, a documentary filmmaker, spent four years seeking the
 lost tribes of Israel. He believes he found them among people such as
 the Pathan tribesmen of Afghanistan, above, who call themselves the "people
 of Moses." The Hebrew carvings in the background are 2,300 years old,
 located near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

 Ever since he became a documentary filmmaker in 1983, Simcha Jacobovici
 has been on a quest to find the 10 lost tribes of Israel. In his first film,
 Falasha: Exile of the Black Jews, he documented the plight of the
 Ethiopian Jews or Falashas, believed to be descendants of Dan, one of the lost
 tribes. Today, he believes he has found the other nine.

 It's quite a bold assertion, even coming from Mr. Jacobovici, an Emmy
 award-winning Canadian filmmaker who is known for a documentary style
 that borders on guerrilla journalism. He has never been shy about swooping
 down on a controversial subject and aggressively probe it.

 His oeuvre includes tough films that have looked at parents selling
 their children into prostitution in India and Nepal, relations between
 Israelis and Palestinians, and why so many Jews have traditionally dominated
 filmmaking in Hollywood.

 Quest for the Lost Tribes of Israel, his latest film, which airs Sunday
 evening on the U.S. cable network AE, is no exception. In it, Mr.
 Jacobovici, a self-described Indiana Jones with a video camera, travels
 to some of the world's remotest places and meets people who practise
 certain Israelite customs. Some of them even believe they are Jewish.

 "I was amazed," said Mr. Jacobovici, 47, a devout Orthodox Jew who
 founded his own synagogue in Toronto a few years ago. "In this film spirituality
 meets history on so many levels that I still can't fully appreciate."

 The film is a fascinating collection of mainly circumstantial evidence
 that suggests that isolated groups of people in places as diverse as Tunisia,
 China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and India share certain customs
 and beliefs that are strikingly similar to Jewish ones. Why do certain
 members of the Pathan tribe, many of whom belong to the fundamentalist
 Muslim Taleban movement in Afghanistan, call themselves the "people of
 Moses"? Why do they light oil lamps on Friday nights, as per the Jewish
 tradition, to ask God's forgiveness? Why do a group of men in a remote
 part of China identify themselves as Jews and keep Menorahs in their homes?
 Why do the Shin-tung tribe, who call themselves Manaseh and live on the
 Myanmar-India border, have a star of David at the centre of their flag?
 Why are so many Manaseh returning to Israel to practise Judaism? Could they
 be the descendants of the Menaschetribe, one of the 10 tribes sent into
 exile nearly 3,000 years ago when, according to the Bible, the kingdom of
 Israel was invaded by Assyrian warriors?

 Mr. Jacobovici makes a persuasive argument that the people he interviews
 in the film are indeed the modern-day descendants of the lost tribes of
 Israel, and he is the first journalist to document that these isolated
 groups share some beliefs and customs that are extremely similar to
 Jewish practises. He is so convinced of his findings that he is writing a book
 about his travels, which spanned some four years.

 Indeed, he seems completely unfazed by the fact that scholars of
 antiquity have largely dismissed his film. For them, the notion that a group of
 people forced into exile among dozens of different ethnicities could
 hang onto their beliefs and customs over nearly 3,000 years belongs strictly
 in the realm of religious belief. There is no sound historical evidence to
 suggest that the people interviewed by Mr. Jacobovici are part of the
 lost tribes of Israel or that the tribes themselves survived the Assyrian
 melting pot, they say.


[CTRL] SNET: Some Actions At Waco Were Not Authorized, Reno Testifies

2000-04-16 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart:

Subject: SNET: Some Actions At Waco Were Not Authorized, Reno Testifies
Date: Monday, April 10, 2000 3:23 PM

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Some Actions At Waco Were Not Authorized, Reno Testifies
Attorney General Questioned In Wrongful-Death Lawsuit
By David A. Vise
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 6, 2000; Page A15

Attorney General Janet Reno acknowledged in a videotaped deposition last week
that FBI agents operating near Waco, Tex., lacked authority to use
potentially flammable tear gas devices or to demolish the Branch Davidian
compound that went up in flames in April 1993, leaving 75 people dead.

Reno recently said the deaths at Waco remain the most tragic and painful
event in her lengthy tenure. Now, in her first sworn civil testimony as
attorney general, Reno has indicated that the armored vehicles equipped with
battering rams at Waco were attempting to puncture holes in the Davidian
compound, rather than trying to destroy it. But she also made clear she was
not consulted on independent actions taken by FBI agents that eventually led
to the destruction of the compound's gymnasium and other portions of the

"I would like them to have communicated it if they had in fact made such a
decision," Reno said in the deposition. "I would have preferred that they
discuss it with us, but the fact is, they didn't, and the fact that I have
concluded is that they didn't--from everything that I have learned, they did
not intend to demolish the compound at that point."

Reno also acknowledged that no emergency conditions existed that would have
permitted demolition of the building or the use of flammable devices at the
discretion of FBI agents without her approval or that of senior FBI officials
in Washington.

The 107-page deposition was filed along with a motion from the Justice
Department to dismiss claims made by plaintiffs in a wrongful-death lawsuit
in Texas stemming from the Waco deaths, which have hampered Reno since her
first months in office. The transcript is filled with both humorous and
charged exchanges between plaintiffs' attorney Michael Caddell and Reno over
the rules of engagement at Waco as he attempted to pin her down on critical
issues and she deftly dodged his queries or answered them in a way that he
found incomplete.

"It was Clintonesque," Caddell said of Reno's testimony. "The nice thing for
us is we will have a judge or a jury make a decision, and we will get a
decision that will expose the attorney general for what she is: a political
animal trying to hold on to a job past her time and trying to excuse the
biggest debacle of her tenure.

"I had higher expectations of the attorney general of the United States,"
Caddell continued. "I expected her to be more candid and was disappointed at
her unwillingness to answer a simple question in a direct manner. I found her
to be evasive."

Justice Department officials said last night that Reno answered the questions
directly and clearly.

"We believe the transcript demonstrates that the attorney general was honest
and forthright and that her statements were consistent with her prior
testimony," said Justice Department spokesman Myron Marlin.

Caddell said yesterday that he showed Reno documents she had never seen
before showing that FBI agents were attempting to destroy the back side of
the Davidian compound. He said that Reno, who went to deliver a speech in
Baltimore while the raid was taking place, was ill-informed about what
occurred and failed to conduct an exhaustive investigation in the aftermath.

"She went before Congress and she defended the actions that took place on the
back of the building without having done an adequate investigation," Caddell
said. "She is now in a 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' position."

Reno said in her deposition that FBI agents in charge at the Davidian site,
including Jeff Jamar and Richard Rogers, were given some discretion to make
independent decisions because they were faced with constantly changing
conditions that could not accurately be assessed from Washington.

"When you undertake something like this," Reno said, "with the danger
involved and the number of people and the number of children, it's very
complex. There could be circumstances where the demolition of the building is
necessary to protect human life. . . . And they have got to make
instantaneous judgments there on the scene that I cannot advise of. Those are
the circumstances that we have got to look at."

At one point in the deposition, Caddell grew so frustrated with Reno's
responses that he asked in desperation, "You're a, you grew up in America,
correct, you have used the English language all your life?"

Earlier, Reno said there were limitations in her knowledge of the weapons


2000-04-16 Thread Nurev Ind Research

The Ellipse,
Washington DC

It was a good day of general protests. There were lots of people who were
moderately well organized. It looked like a serious protest.

However, the objective of stopping the big shots' meeting was not achieved.

Tomorrow morning the shit will hit the fan. The revolutionaries will be the
only ones out there. The cops know who they will be dealing with, and they
have no intention of letting them disrupt Washington's business day.

I believe that this might be the last opportunity for mass demos in this
country. They are getting smarter and have come to realize that it's not
necessary to have all this exposure if they just choose there meeting places
more carefully.

A nice dictatorial capitalist country like S. Korea would do nicely. I even
read a quote by one uppity pig who thinks they should charter large cruise


What a useless bunch of hypocrites. It looks like whining about guns and
abortion and " Liberty " is as far as it goes with these guys. This was the
Left taking on the NWO. (Without guns.)

Whatta bunch of gutless phonies.
Would rather blow up children in Government buildings.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Yahoo! Finance - Major World Indices

2000-04-16 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""Yahoo! Finance - Major
World Indices/A
Off topic, but an interesting collection. It is Monday in Asia and all
indices are tanking except Taiwan. And the only positive on the 14th was

Major World Indices | Currency Exchange
Major World Indices
Sun Apr 16 11:56pm ET - U.S. Markets Closed.

NameSymbol  Last Trade  Change  More Info
Argentina   MerVal  ^MERV   Apr 14  509.280 -32.700 -6.03%  Chart , News
Brazil  Bovespa ^BVSP   Apr 14  14794.34-706.48 -4.56%  Chart , News
Canada  TSE 300 Composite   ^TSEApr 14  8473.51 -491.90 -5.49%  Chart , Ne
Chile   IPSA^IPSA   Apr 14  97.02   -1.77   -1.80%  Chart , News
Mexico  IPC ^MXXApr 14  6315.910-544.350-7.93%  Chart , News
PeruLima General^IGRA   Apr 14  1644.66 -18.40  -1.11%  Chart , News
United States   SP 500 ^SPCApr 14  1356.56 -83.95  -5.83%  Chart , News
Venezuela   IBC ^IBCApr 14  5598.45 -29.33  -0.52%  Chart , News

Australia   All Ordinaries  ^AORD   11:55PM 2927.5  -168.5  -5.44%  Chart , Ne
China   Shanghai Composite  ^SSEC   11:31PM 1796.746-36.919 -2.01%  Chart
, News
Hong Kong   Hang Seng   ^HSI11:55PM 14847.85-1294.91-8.02%  Chart
, News
India   BSE 30  ^BSESN  Apr 13  5172.13 0.000.00%   Chart , News
Indonesia   Jakarta Composite   ^JKSE   11:54PM 530.325 -26.463 -4.75%  Chart
, News
Japan   Nikkei 225  ^N225   11:36PM 18954.07-1480.61-7.25%  Chart , Ne
MalaysiaKLSE Composite  ^KLSE   11:55PM 883.07  -48.14  -5.17%  Chart , Ne
New Zealand NZSE 40 ^NZ40   11:55PM 1973.78 -97.18  -4.69%  Chart
PakistanKarachi 100 ^KSEApr 14  1967.01 0.000.00%   Chart , News
Philippines PSE Composite   ^PSI11:55PM 1633.39 -79.15  -4.62%  Chart , Ne
Singapore   Straits Times   ^STI11:51PM 2015.24 -176.42 -8.06%  Chart , Ne
South Korea Seoul Composite ^KS11   11:00PM 720.58  -80.31  -10.03% Chart , Ne
Sri Lanka   All Share   ^CSE11:51PM 495.11  +0.02   0.00%   Chart
ThailandSET ^SETI   11:55PM 391.86  -22.59  -5.45%  Chart , News
Taiwan  Taiwan Weighted ^TWII   11:56PM 8943.77 +76.97  +0.87%  Chart , News

Austria ATX ^ATXApr 14  1130.66 0.000.00%   Chart
Belgium BEL-20  ^BFXApr 14  2951.14 0.000.00%   Chart
Czech Republic  PX50^PX50   Apr 14  614.8   0.0 0.00%   Chart
Denmark KFX ^KFXApr 14  267.31  -12.74  -4.55%  Chart
Finland Helsinki General^HEXApr 14  14367.380.000.00%   Chart
, News
France  CAC 40  ^FCHI   Apr 14  6065.71 0.000.00%   Chart , News
Germany DAX ^GDAXI  Apr 14  7214.83 -234.23 -3.14%  Chart , News
Greece  General Share   ^ATGApr 14  4475.10 -249.74 -5.29%  Chart
Italy   MIBTel  ^CMMG   Apr 14  30160   0   0.00%   Chart , News
Netherlands AEX General ^AEXApr 14  650.54  0.000.00%   Chart , News
Norway  Total Share ^NTOT   Apr 14  1243.79 -32.83  -2.57%  Chart
PortugalBVL 30  ^BVL30  Apr 14  5368.53 -205.38 -3.68%  Chart
Russia  Moscow Times^MTMS   Apr 14  2158.39 -11.95  -0.55%  Chart
SlovakiaSAX ^SAXApr 14  83.18   -0.20   -0.24%  Chart
Spain   Madrid General  ^SMSI   Apr 14  1038.17 0.000.00%   Chart
Sweden  Stockholm General   ^SFOG   Apr 14  5628.92 -175.31 -3.02%  Chart
Switzerland Swiss Market^SSMI   Apr 14  7494.4  0.0 0.00%   Chart , News
Turkey  ISE National-100^XU100  Apr 14  18367.31+620.97 +3.50%  Chart

United Kingdom  FTSE 100^FTSE   Apr 14  6178.1  0.0 0.00%   Chart , News

Africa/Middle East
Egypt   CMA ^CCSI   9:52AM  651.93  -9.39   -1.42%  Chart
Israel  TA-100  ^TA100  8:33AM  460.54  -40.48  -8.08%  Chart
South AfricaJohannesburg All Share  ^JSAI   Apr 14  7162.7  0.0 0.00%
Chart , News

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CTRL is a discussion  informational 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #2

2000-04-16 Thread Ric Carter
he Vatican that there could be an "Islamic terrorist
  attack" on him over the Easter period. Payoff from JP2's Jerusalem visit:

# FBI says dozens of attacks foiled. Just because a repeat of the Oklahoma
  City bombing hasn't occurred in the last 5 years doesn't mean there ain't
  been attempts at domestic terrorism. Authorities say they have thwarted
  dozens of plots, ranging from a New York subway bombing to an attack on a
  Texas military base.

: Have you terrorized anyone lately? Is a threat almost as good as a bomb,
if slightly less exciting? Do you phone in many terrorism threats? Have you
disrupted any institutions lately? Do you provide jobs for security forces?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# IMF Protests Prompt Partial U.S. Gov't Shutdown. WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
  The U.S. govt announced late on Sunday that only emergency workers should
  report to work on Monday in a large area surrounding the International
  Monetary Fund and World Bank, where thousands of protesters have clashed
  with cops.

@ IMF NEWS: and
@ The only real political struggle is the struggle against starvation and

# Fascism is dead. Jörg Haider does not present a Nazi threat. But he is
  an alarmingly common example of the xenophobia to be found in Austria,
  France, Italy, Germany...

: Have you immobilized any institutions/govts/cities/brains lately? Are you
xenophobic/technophobic/claustrophobic? Can/should/will you stop social/cul-
tural/economic/political evolution? If you don't evolve too, will you die??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "Lord Cecil leaned over the balustrade and surveyed the gowned and
   uniformed dancers whirling and writhing across the ebony-and-crimson-
   checkered ballroom floor, then drew deeply on his Cuban-Corona Maxima-
   extra cigar, and disdainfully flicked a drooping ash toward the floor,
   and watched it drift downward until it came to rest in Lady Beverly's
   décolletage, where it remained unnoticed until later in the evening
   when her lover, Baron Rodney, licked it from her skin while trying to
   lift the Hope diamond from about her crepey throat." --Earl Sullaway

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at:
* Fringes of Thought, Experience, Behavior, Knowledge, Foreboding...

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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