Re: [CTRL] [FP] Christian Liars

2000-06-06 Thread John Lee

But, Dear Girl,
 But, Hell!! This is exactly why 
I have no use for CHRISTIANS. Scott tells the absolute truth and will Jackie do 
what she says she now believes? Give that which is CAESAR'S unto Caesar and that 
which is God's unto God!! So they give earthly control to Caesar and spiritual 
control to God.
 And then there is 
thebelief about Jews being the Chosen Ones. And the fact is, they are. If 
one believes the Old Testament. And Like Jews destroyed Babylon to destroy the 
Hammarubi Code, Jews created the New Testament where a benevolent Savoir was 
born so Gentiles would believe in a hereafter and put all their faith in 
spiritual life and forget about what Jews were doing to them here. Where, except 
in Witchcraft and Christianity is there any mention of spirits or an after life? 
Judaism is not necessarily a religion, it is a way of life no religion can 
compare with. It is absolute control of people by a Priesthood that has absolute 
power to do what it will with those that oppose it.
 Kings and Queens rule in the 
name ofDEVINE RIGHT based on Royal Blood and being the descendants of 
David and they have really fucked the commoner for the benefit of the Royalty. 
The ordinary man or woman is nothing to Royalty, the same as Gentiles are but 
animals to Jews.
 Christians talk about the 
Babylonian Talmud and blame Babylon for being responsible for it or the people 
or leaders of Babylon but the fact remains, the Talmud was not put to paper 
until Jews, no matter what name they went by then, conquered Babylon and 
destroyed the Hammarubi Code so they could steal and cheat and kill whomever 
they desired. And that is what destroyed has destroyed every civilization that 
has ever existed that there is any record of.
 Jews may lie and cheat and steal 
and kill each other, but when the chips are down and their power is questioned 
they stick together like ticks on a dog's back and do all within their ability 
to prevent damage to their family unit, their way of life, their 
 I could continue for many pages, 
but there is no point. If the White Race is to survive, Christianity has to be 
put on the trash pile where it rightly belongs. Whites are in a war to the death 
here on earth. Whether there is an after life, I don't care one way or another. 
If there is, fine but we will earn it by what we do here and if we do not 
prevent the destruction of our race, what God in his right mind would ever want 
a bunch of do-nothings in His Kingdom? And if there is no after life, what we do 
here and now will determine what happens to our future and the future of our 
 Don't think about that, though, 
because it will keep you awake at night and disturb your whole being when you 
are up and about.
 Feel free to send this to anyone 
you desire or to no one at all.

John Lee

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:25 
  Subject: Fw: [FP] Christian Liars
  - Original Message - 
  From: W.G.E.N. 
  Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:16 PM
  Subject: NID: [FP] Christian Liars
  Amen and Amen!! What Scott has said below is absolutely 
  correct. I didn't learn what I know soon enough but now I know and 
  now I am responsible for what I do. You cannot *compromise* with the 
  Word of God. His Word is true and it is up to each of us to search 
  it out for ourselves. No one will be able to say, "I didn't know 
  (when you have been told over and over again) - I depended on the preacher 
  to teach me." You may escape judgement here on this earth by 
  laying the blame on someone else but it won't cut it on THE Judgement Day. 
  ( Whether you believe or not won't matter.)Thank you, Scott, for saying it 
  like it is.Jackie JunttiWGEN [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [FP] Christian LiarsDate: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 22:44:38 -0500Message-ID: 
  7bitX-Priority: 3 (Normal)X-MSMail-Priority: NormalX-Mailer: 
  Microsoft Outlook 8.5, Build 4.71.2173.0X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft 
  MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200Importance: NormalSender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Precedence: 
  bulkReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]X-Web-Site: 
  THIS NEWS6.5.2000I battle the Beast because of my beliefs. This is 
  precisely why it irks meso to see the lying "Christians" who say, "When 
  the time comes, we too willoppose the Beast and his Mark."The 
  truth is: If you are not NOW being persecuted because of your standagainst 
  the Beast, you simply have not taken one. You are simply going rightalong 
  with ALL the Beast requires.When I first 

[CTRL] OT: Russian Heckler Dares Clinton to Drop His Pants

2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[My kinda woman;-)  Well, maybe more like "my kinda PERSON," if
you catch my drift.  --MS]

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Tuesday June 6, 2000; 12:47 AM EDT

Russian Heckler Dares Clinton to Drop His Pants

The Clinton sex scandals spilled over into the arena of
international relations on Monday, when America's Philanderer in
Chief was heckled at the close of his address to Russia's lower
house of parliament, the Duma.

 As President Clinton was leaving the building, an unidentified
woman shouted, "Bill, take off your trousers and show us what a
sexual boss you are," Reuters reported.

 The woman, said to be about 35 years old and described as well
dressed, was immediately dragged away by Russian security.

She shouted her taunt in Russian, and so an uncomprehending
Clinton had no idea what she was saying.

 Before the ignoble send-off, Clinton's address to the Duma, the
first by a U.S. president, was met with polite applause but
garnered no standing ovations.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Spell checker

2000-06-06 Thread John Lee

Subject: Spell checker

Eye halve a 
spelling chequer.It came with my pea sea.It plainly marquee's four my 
revueMiss steaks eye kin knot sea.Eye strike a key and type a 
wordand weight four it two sayWeather eye am wrong oar write --It 
shows me straight a weigh.As soon as a mist ache is maidIt nose bee 
fore two long,And eye can put the error rite.Its rare lea ever 
Education is the Apprenticeship of 

[CTRL] Report Of Chemtrail Spraying Frenzy In Croatia

2000-06-06 Thread Nicky Molloy

Report Of Chemtrail Spraying Frenzy In Croatia
From Izakovic Rolando [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Jeff,

Watching your site, I saw that chemtrails are on again.

This world-exclusive news which, because of its frequently used theme, shall
probably be of low interest to your public, is important in that it points
out the existence of the significant pressure under which particular Western
agencies currently operate:

On 5-26-00, merit of the new social democratic/ liberal government elected
last January, after ten-year rule of the Croatian Democratic Union, Croatia
finally entered NATO's 'Partnership for Peace.'

Immediately, the NEXT day, Saturday morning 5-27-00, heavy aerial spraying
of Croatian main port town Rijeka commenced. Being the first time-ever,
foreign aeroplane pilots had the worst luck in guessing the direction of
local, constantly changing winds, which they partially-compensated for, in a
typically Western way, by working hard all day long.

Pressed by the forces unknown to us, they had to come again second time next
Tuesday afternoon, 5-30-00. They start spraying just one hour after the
skies have cleared from the day-long rain (they probably waited on the red
alert somewhere near).

Third spraying, starting Thursday morning, 6-1-00, was shambles. It had all
gone wrong right from the start, when the ' X' marking the centre of the
chemtrail-laying effort, suddenly found itself downwind.

Even the transfer of spraying to the opposite side of the town, at the time
upwind, did not help because the wind had swiftly changed direction again.
So, during the next Saturday night, 6-3-00, they had to increase their
efforts dramatically, and the town of Rijeka woke up with a low, thick
chemtrail cover.

Operations continued all day long, resulting with incredible chemtrail fog
cowering everything from the sea level up to the heavens, if there were any.
It was really spectacular because, in these parts, anything remotely
resembling fog occurs only during the winter, once in a ten-fifteen year
period, or so.

Locals are totally unaware of the origin, state and ramifications of this
whole affair and are content to be a joint member of the Brave New World.

All the best, IZAKOVIC,


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UNDERGROUND TUNNELS__GIF image 679x480 pixels

2000-06-06 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-From: 
undisclosed-recipients:; undisclosed-recipients:;Date: 
Tuesday, 6 June 2000 07:08Subject: IUFO: UNDERGRIOUND 
TUNNELS__GIF image 679x480 pixels-  IUFO  Mailing List

Cosmic Comentary -

oh my god! doing some ufo surfing, found
this map with my little home town on it...
connected to the underground tunnels!

My little town used to bill itself as the Salt City.
One thing I know is that we have a salt mine
about 600' (666'?) below that has miles and miles
of tunnels. off of each tunnel there are side
tunnels called galleries. each gallery contains
26 rooms (13 on each side). each room is about
300x50'. That means each gallery has over 400,000
square feet, counting the central room.

in 1975, I worked for a company called Underground
Vaults and Storage. At that time, they occupied
one gallery. They had one room completely full
of stuff and had started on the second. I wonder
how many rooms are full 25 years later!

Some of the stuff they are storing is Hollywood
archival film; originals and outtakes of stuff
like gone with the wind, etc from MGM, many
different oil companies records (tons of microfilm),
and there was even some stuff from the US Dept.
of State.

I wonder if they are connected to the tunnels. It
wouldn't be difficult to declare some remote area
of the mine off limits and connect it there. hmmm...

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[CTRL] Naval Reserve Comm Willard H.Miller on UFO Situation

2000-06-06 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-
To: (Mailing List 1)  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (Mailing List 1) 
Date: Tuesday, 6 June 2000 09:53
Subject: (Fwd) [SO] Boston Globe: Naval Reserve Commander Willard H.

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   AGETI_Giuliano-Jimmy-Marinkovicc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 5 Jun 2000 09:24:42 -0500
Subject:[SO] Boston Globe: Naval Reserve Commander Willard H.

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   __UFO UpDates Mailing List__

  Boston Globe: Naval Reserve Commander Willard H.

From: _Kenny Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]_
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 13:15:53 -0400
Fwd Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 10:30:25 -0400
Subject: Boston Globe: Naval Reserve Commander Willard H.

In the recent May 21, 2000 Boston Globe newspaper article "UFO
Theorists Gain Support Abroad, But Repression At Home" see:

authored by Leslie Kean, three paragraphs are devoted to the
mention of a U.S. Naval Reserve Commander by the name of Willard
H. Miller.

Kean writes: "US Naval Reserve Commander Willard H. Miller has
long been communicating this same concern [the UFO situation] to
high level federal officials. With over 30 years in Navy and
joint interagency operations with the Defense Department, Miller
has participated in a series of previously undisclosed briefings
for Pentagon brass about military policy regarding UFOs.

"Like many, Miller says he worries that the military's lack
of preparation for encounters with unexplained craft could
provoke dangerous confrontation when, and if, such an
encounter occurs; ''precipitous military decisions,'' he
warns, ''may lead to unnecessary confusion, misapplication
of forces, or possible catastrophic consequences.''

"And he says he is not alone in his concerns. ''There are
those in high places in the government who share a growing
interest in this subject,'' Miller reports.''"

Leslie Kean was interviewed by Whitley Strieber on the Dreamland
radio program [Sunday, May 28, 2000] regarding her article which
appeared in The Boston Globe. During the interview, Kean told of
a 'reluctance' by newspaper editors to print her article, and
spoke of several publications, including The Washington Times,
which rejected her material outright.

About 1-hour and 26-minutes into the radio program, Leslie Kean
said that newspaper editors were uncomfortable to her reference
of Willard H. Miller and his Pentagon briefings.

Several newspaper editors sought to omit this specific issue
from her report. Although The Boston Globe editors were hesitant
to allow inclusion of this detail, she said, the newspaper
ultimately permitted this item to be given reader consideration.
Kean also said that editors of The Sacremento Bee were very
hesitant to cope with the Miller briefings, and told her:
"Meetings at The Pentagon are not that significant." Sacremento
Bee editors also told her that "it was easy to set up a
meeting." Reporter Leslie Kean explained how she argued the
significance of the meeting, and felt that such high-level
discussions warranted reportage.

This three-paragraph entry in Kean's report seems to add a level
of intrigue by mentioning "undisclosed Pentagon policy
briefings" of UFOs.

Had Kean explored Miller's interest in UFOs further, she might
have informed the reader that he is also closely affiliated with
CSETI, having completed Advanced UFO/ETI Research Training in
Charlottesville, Virginia in May of 1999.

On October 10, 1999, Miller spoke at a meeting of Pensacola/Gulf
Breeze MUFON, telling the $10.00 per-person gathering at the
Gulf Breeze Recreation Center what he believes the Department of
Defense (DoD) knows about UFOs.

In an announcement to promote the lecture, Pensacola/Gulf Breeze
MUFON stated: "Commander Miller's accomplishments are varied and
worldwide. He has been a public school English teacher, a
decorated Vietnam War veteran, and worked for Honeywell, Inc.
and SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation). In
1989, he was voluntarily recalled to active duty to help the
Department of Defense (DoD) stand up its "War on Drugs." He has
served as a DoD Civil Service Program Analyst/Technology Support
Specialist, and has worked with U.S. Atlantic Command, U.S.
Space Command, and many other military agencies and companies on
projects including nuclear, natural,  technological disaster
mitigation, WW-III contingencies, and Space Warfare. He has held
clearances for Top Secret (TS) and Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI).  Commander Miller is knighted in the
Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (Knights
Templars), the oldest military knighthood (1118 AD).

Pensacola/Gulf Breeze MUFON continues by announcing: "Commander
Miller is also the Military Advisor to the Center for the 


2000-06-06 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/5/00 9:43:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Agreed.  Their various accounts perhaps do point to contact with

  But there could be other explanations as well, and we would be well served
  constantly keep that in mind.  What Strieber, Lucas, et al have experienced
  could perhaps be what manipulators behind the scenes WISH them to believe

  Smoke and mirrors.  Don't concentrate on the magic trick on stage, look for
  who's pulling the strings and pushing the buttons behind the curtain...

  And I am in agreement with you.  It appears, especially in the case of
Strieber, that if there are/were genuine ET contacts ocurring, they are/were
being obscured by some type of military mind control experiences.  Strieber,
in his own words, is quite disturbed and perplexed by recent memories that
bear this out.

  What makes me believe there are genuine ET contacts occurring (with or
without black op intrusion as well) is the remarkable spiritual awakenings so
many are having.  As subjective is this is, I just don't believe that evil
intentions can awaken deep spiritual truths.

  Mind you, I know that severe trauma can impel a spiritual path, but many of
these alleged extra-dimensional/extra-terrestrials are seen by the
experiencers themselves as the guiding forces behind the awakening.  Strieber
articulates this all so beautifully.  Put simply, these asshole black
operators just can't fake something at that depth because, by definition,
they don't have a grasp of that depth to begin with.  If they did, they would
be prevented by that awareness from carrying on with their tasks.

  In addition to be moved by the sincerity of many of these accounts, as well
as the internal consistency and the depth at which they are embedded in the
consciousness of the experiencers, I don't give our government scientists
credit enough to have created the crafts, the beams of light, etc., or even
the technology to pretend that they have these things, even though I am aware
that government technology is well in advance of what the public generally

  I do believe that with another 30-50 years of development, the
black-operators will have honed their "skills" to mimic such things more
accurately.  They will have also almost-perfected the mind control of
children to a point where no genuine healing will ever have room to take
place.  But they're not there yet, and so we have a chance...

  There is a difference in depth between an mc experience and a spiritual one
- the flavors and tones are distinct - though sometimes off only by a few
degrees.  And this is where, I believe, we must add intuition and common
sense to our intellect in order to discern the subtleties involved.

  It's like Emerson said, "We know the truth when we see it, just as we know
we are awake when we are awake."  Admittedly, with all the mc technology
available, the dividing lines are getting murkier, but they're not completely
obscured yet, and we had damn well better make sure we stop these fiends
before none of us can perceive the differences anymore.

  Strieber's rather tortured recent account is posted as a journal entry on
his website:

  It doesn't appear as if he's sorted all of this out yet.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Survey of Alien Contact

2000-06-06 Thread Nicky Molloy

Faces of the Visitors
A Survey of "Alien" Contact

Copyright (c) 1998 by Michael Lindemann
All rights reserved in all media

The modern era of UFO encounters, dating roughly from the end of World War
II, contained from its inception an implicit argument over the character and
motives of "the visitors." The earliest military studies of UFOs, undertaken
in secret, were driven in part by a genuine fear of hostile invasion from
space. That fear exploded into popular culture in the early fifties,
epitomized by such films as "War of the Worlds" and "Invasion of the Body
Snatchers." At the same time, while the first generation of serious civilian
ufologists fixated on distant objects in the sky, an odd assortment of
so-called contactees began attracting hordes of followers, some merely
curious but many entranced and adoring, to hear their stories of benevolent,
godlike beings from other worlds.
The gross dichotomy between hostile invaders and benevolent space brothers
might have been expected to fade as decades of research advanced our
understanding of UFO phenomena. But exactly the opposite has happened
instead. Today, the argument over the character and motives of "the
visitors" is more starkly drawn than ever.

It must of course be acknowledged at the outset that a more fundamental
question overlays the questions of visitor character and motives -- and that
is the question concerning whether or not UFO phenomena and alleged "alien
visitation" represent anything otherworldly at all. But for purposes of this
special report, that question will be set aside. Here we will assume that
"the visitors" are real, in order to examine the deeply divided opinions
about who "they" are and what they may be doing on our planet.

Part One: The Beginning of the End?
Among the current generation of serious researchers, Temple University
history professor David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., stands out both as a scholar of
the phenomena and as a proponent of the darkest scenario of alien invasion.
Jacobs' concept of the invasion bears no resemblance to the popular six-gun
mythology of films like "Independence Day," where grotesquely tentacled
aliens stand in for Saddam Hussein and heroic American flyboys kick them
back to the stone age. The "real" invasion -- and for Jacobs it is
absolutely real -- is more terrifying than that, because it is utterly
surreptitious yet unstoppable. We are doomed as a species, Jacobs believes,
and we didn't even see it coming.
"The aliens have fooled us," he writes in his disturbing new book, "The
Threat: What the Aliens Really Want, and How They Plan to Get It" (Simon 
Schuster, 1998). "They lulled us into an attitude of disbelief, and hence
complacency, at the very beginning of our awareness of their presence. Thus,
we were unable to understand the dimensions of the threat they pose and act
to intervene. Now it may be too late. My own complacency is gone, replaced
by a sense of profound apprehension and even dread Now I fear for the
future of my own children."

Jacobs is hardly alone in his forebodings. Budd Hopkins, arguably the most
influential abduction researcher on earth, shares Jacobs' view that alien
intruders are quietly engineering a huge population of hybrid beings, mixing
human and alien genetic material toward the end goal of supplanting
present-day humanity with an "improved" race answerable to the aliens'
designs for planet earth.

As Jacobs sees it, "It is now possible to discern at least four specific
programs that the aliens have put into effect to achieve their goal:

"1) The Abduction Program: The aliens initially selected human victims
around the world and instituted procedures to take these humans and their
progeny from their environments without detection.

"2) The Breeding Program: The aliens collect human sperm and eggs,
genetically alter the fertilized embryo, incubate fetuses in human hosts,
and make humans mentally and physically interact with the offspring for
proper hybrid development.

"3) The Hybridization Program: The aliens refine the hybrids by continual
alteration and breeding with humans over the generations to become more
human while retaining crucial alien characteristics. Perhaps humans are also
altered over time and acquire alien characteristics.

"4) The Integration Program: The aliens prepare the abductees for future
events. Eventually, the hybrids or the aliens themselves integrate into
human society and assume control."

Jacobs believes we are well into the end-game in this grand and malevolent
strategy. While unsure of the exact timing of the takeover, he reports:

"Many abductees feel that 'something is going to happen' soon and that the
aliens have their goal within sight The indications are that this could
mean from within the next five years to within the next two generations."

And, lest one 

[CTRL] [endsecrecy] NASA Magboots Tech Suppressed

2000-06-06 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

To: endsecrecy list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [endsecrecy] NASA Magboots Tech Suppressed
Date: Monday, May 22, 2000 9:03 AM

Courtesy Tony Craddock
Web Administrator

For the documented story of how the early Astronaut's magnetic boots were
suppressed by NASA to hide one of the secrets of extracting free energy
from the vacuum, go to the CSETI Website under "What's New".


The Astronaut's Magnetic Boots

Try finding the original magnetic astronauts boots that were developed by
NASA. The original boots were excellent. For the acceptance tests, an
engineer clad as an astronaut walked across the bottom of a steel beam in a
high bay research area, upside down against the pull of Earth's gravity. He
stepped as he walked, putting his foot "down" and then picking it "up".

There is no problem in finding magnets strong enough to hold the astronaut
firmly in such an upside position. The problem with simple magnetic boots
using such strong magnets is that, once the foot is planted, unless he is
King Kong himself, the astronaut cannot pick up the foot again.

However, the Radus boots completely solved that problem. If the permanent
magnet fields are switched off for that foot that the astronaut wishes to
lift, he can lift it easily and take another step. Then if the fields are
switched on again as he places his foot down, this switching of the fields
allows him to walk in a manner resembling normal walking, though a little

To do that switching by normal "battery and coils" would be prohibitively
bulky and heavy — and awkward to say the least.

With the Radus boots, the astronaut could pick up his foot by simply
switching off the permanent magnetic fields easily. They switched on again
when he placed the foot down. And he did not have to carry a huge battery
around with him, to furnish enormous current to do that.

Well, it doesn't take a genius to see that, when you can switch a permanent
magnet's fields easily, and the magnet also has a built-in memory as did the
Radus magnets, then with a little ingenuity in switching one could use such
switchable magnets to produce a self-switching, self-powered permanent
magnet motor. The magnet, being a permanent dipole, is already a particular
kind of "free energy generator", since it continuously gates magnetic energy
directly from the vacuum due to its asymmetry in the energetic vacuum flux.

From the energy barons' viewpoint, those Radus magnets and Radus boots had
to go, and go quickly. And go they did.

So NASA then developed the present "shuffler" kind of magnetic boots where
the astronaut can't pull his boot loose from the surface, but must "scoot"
his feet along in a sliding and painfully awkward fashion. That way, you
see, no one can use the boot magnets — which now are just rather ordinary
permanent magnets, without memories and without switchable fields — to make
an overunity device or a self-powering permanent magnet engine.

In the originals developed by Radus et al. at Westinghouse, the magnetic
fields themselves — from permanent magnets — were simply switched! And the
magnets had a memory. (So far as is known, even today no one tells you that
in many virgin magnets fresh from the factory, their very first use
conditions them with a memory! That fact can be used, e.g., to create
magnets whose fields appear normal, but which deviate from the normal
behavior of ordinary magnets, including produce anomalies in their magnetic

That subject — the deliberate induction of magnetic memory into a virgin
permanent magnet with its first use — cries out for a sharp young graduate
student to do substantial, pioneering research on that phenomenon, and do
his Ph.D. thesis on it. There is a Nobel Prize waiting there for a future
sharp young scientist who fully deciphers that "magnetic memory
conditioning" mechanism. The entire subject of making permanent magnets with
memories, and how to use such in operational systems, is still a largely
unexplored, extremely obscure territory. In fact, most researchers are not
even aware that the phenomenon exists. The energy barons like it that way!

Anyway, back to the Radus boots. With them, the astronaut could actually
lift his boot and take a rather normal-like step.

So obviously those boots vanished only a few years after their development.

How the True Magnetic Boots Information Was Recovered

It took some real doing to run down the true story of the vanishing Radus
boots. Most of that marvelous work was done, unfortunately, before the big
computer data bases really got going. Much of the earlier work is just not
in there in the computerized databases. So one drew pretty much of a blank
(except for the later "shufflers") when searching those databases on
descriptors and terms related to 

[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News Views - June 6, 2000

2000-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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TEDS 2000:  Stay On Message 

*  Taxes - Lower  Simpler
*  Education - It’s Broken; Let’s Fix It
*  Defense - An Ounce of Prevention...
*  Social Security - Your Money, Your Choice

Wrong Side of the Political Tracks

“Elian’s Miami family and the community that supports them elicit little 
sympathy from liberals and their press.  Probably that is because these 
immigrants do not fit the liberal view of a proper minority.  The Miami 
Cubans fled communism, made good in the U.S. without the government’s 
paternalistic care, don’t continually complain about discrimination, and, 
most unforgivable, vote Republican.”

- Former judge Robert Bork, Wall Street Journal, 6/5/00

Clinton’s Desire to “Go Back” to Oxford

“This is an opportunity that Oxford would be ill-advised to squander.  It is 
not merely the status of a departed U.S. President that should appeal to the 
dons, but also the sheer number of courses where Mr. Clinton might be useful. 
 He would need to lecture on American politics but the university should 
really exploit the full range of his experience.  A man who once informed a 
Grand Jury that whether or not he had committed perjury depended on the 
meaning of the word ‘is’ would surely be the very saviour of any philosophy 
faculty.  Mr. Clinton’s intimate knowledge of the latest DNA testing 
techniques should be harnessed by the chemistry department.  A new course on 
the technicalities of impeachment could work wonders for the Oxford law 
course.  The gender studies sub-faculty would, though, be best appeased if 
the amount of hands-on student tuition offered by Mr. Clinton were kept to a 

- Times of London editorial, 5/18/00

States Swimming in Cash

“Here’s something to keep in mind the next time you hear a state or local 
government official tell you he needs to impose new taxes on Internet 
commerce, lest vital state services - such as schools and fire departments - 
become jeopardized.  A new Commerce Department study reports state and local 
governments are expected to post a combined surplus of about $60 billion this 
year.  That’s up from $51 billion in 1999 and a piddling $11 billion in 1998. 
 This year, receipts are expected to climb another $45 billion.  Meanwhile, 
state spending has accelerated too - up 5.9% in 1999 from 4.8% in 1998.  
Folks out across the country ought to start giving some attention to what’s 
going on in their state capitals.  The strong economy means that money is 
growing on trees for politicians, who will nonetheless find a way to 
poor-mouth their situation should someone suggest that a surplus of $60 
billion and growing means it’s clearly time to cut people’s taxes.”

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 6/2/00

Won’t You Come Home Bill Gates, Won’t You Come Home?

“There was some discussion, over the weekend, about Microsoft moving north 
about 110 miles from its headquarters in Redmond, Washington to the Canadian 
border to avoid a federally-mandated break up.  Mullings is taking the 
official position - on the record - of favoring this move by Microsoft.  Who 
wouldn't like to see, next January 20th, about five in the morning, seven 
hours before the Clinton Presidency ends, live coverage of a battalion of 
bald lawyers from the Anti-Trust Division, wearing ski goggles covering their 
bifocals, dressed in helicopter-black coveralls over their three-piece suits, 
armed with semi-automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (set to ‘safe’) 
streaming off government Gulfstream jets invading Canada to get Bill Gates 

- Rich Galen, “Mullings,” 6/5/00

Turn Off, Light Up

“American teenagers - and adults too - would enjoy the fuller complement of 
life if they turned off the television, and lit up a cigarette. You see, in 
terms of destroying years of life, television is far worse than tobacco.  
According to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... 
on the average, smokers lose 3-6 years of their life due to their habit.  Of 
course, these lost years of life tend to come during old age; a person who 
would have lived until age 80 dies at 75, due to smoking.  According to a 
1998 survey by the A.C. Nielsen Company, the average American watches 
television for three hours and 46 minutes every day. By the age of 75, this 
average American will have spent over ten years watching television.  So if 
you give up cigarettes, you'll have three to six extra years to do things. If 
you give up television, you'll have ten extra years. Moreover, the extra time 
you gain by not smoking adds years only to the end of your life, by which 
time you may have other health problems, and not be fully able to enjoy all 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Was the Catholic Church Silent During the Holocaust?

2000-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

What did you say David?  Could barely hear you.

Didn't Hitler really win that war?   After all, look at NATO today and
Europe being organized by bombs and bullets beaten into submission by
people who allegedly escaped the holocaust, like Albright who executes
judgment at the Balkans even to the kids at Littleton, for Klebod wrote
in his diary it was Judgment Day that April 20, and they went to war
obviously under adult control, for it was said their eyes were dead and

I believe right now the biggest enemy of the Catholic Church is and was
the Pope.   Hitler feared the Pope but the Vatican thanks to communists
in disguise - Garibaldi and his Red Shirts showed how weak and
vulnerable the Catholic Church was.   They submit to God's Will and do
not fight back.  Israelies learned not to depend upon God.

Who invented the bible and for what purpose?   All joke about Chinaman -
Chinese put bowls of rice and food on graves of their loved onesone
day an Englishman was placing flowers on grave of his wife, and looked
over and laughed and said "Hey Charlie, when do you think they will come
up and eat that", and the Chinaman replied, "about the same time your
loved one comes up to smell the roses".

So ancestor worship and divine right to rule is what religion is all
about.   And if  you want a piece of the rock you better be able to
prove your pedigree.

All is conspiracy.   A bible is nice, but you are much safer with a gun.
So never trade your gun for a bible or a talmud or you too will be
pushing up daisies waiting to smell the roses and each a lot of rice.

Is the Pope Cathoolic?   Hell no.   He is anything you say he is.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Afghan drought spreads, half population hit - U.N.

2000-06-06 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 6/6/00 5:40:01 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:Afghan drought spreads, half population hit - U.N.
 Date:  6/6/00 5:40:01 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 Afghan drought spreads, half population hit - U.N.

 ISLAMABAD, June 6 (Reuters) - The United Nations warned on Tuesday that
Afghanistan's worst drought in 30 years had now spread across the broken
country and almost half its 20 million people could be affected

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Afghan drought spreads, half population hit - U.N.

ISLAMABAD, June 6 (Reuters) - The United Nations warned on Tuesday that Afghanistan's 
worst drought in 30 years had now spread across the broken country and almost half its 
20 million people could be affected

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2000-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

6/6/00 12:02 AMRE: Don't believe us? Read this!!! Batten Down the
 P. O. BOX
663 LYNCHBURG, VA 24505- 25
years in the cause of freedom
-FROM: Kenneth White, President(Residence) 93
Shields Gap
Roseland, VA
Tel./FAX No.: 804 277-5255 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]6/6/00FOR
ORDER' The Virginia Taxpayers
Association charged today that Gov. Jim Gilmore "is deliberately pushing the
Commonwealth into a new condition of subjection to totalitarian world
government which will be finalized at the largest United Nations meeting in
history Sept. 6-9 in New
York." The state taxpayer
organization said "most establishment media haven't wanted to talk about the
Millennium Assembly and Summit, scheduled to launch a new system of 'global
governance' that will in effect dissolve the United States of America and
meaningful state government. Elitist thought controllers fear a
torrent of informed public opposition could wreck carefully laid United
Nations plans which have been formulated over the last two
decades. "Mealy-mouthed
announcement of the Millennium Assembly, with bureaucratic Aesopian
language, is prominent on the UN internet web site. UN spokesmen
attempt to deny that 'governance' means the same thing as 'government', but
of course that is just a smoke screen. And most casual readers will
not be aware that a new 'Charter for Global Democracy', to be presented for
implementation at the assembly and already signed by leaders in 56 nations,
will substantially abolish individual freedom," the VTA said, in a statement
approved Saturday, June 3 in
Charlottesville. "Gilmore, who
officially ordered Virginia celebration of the UN back in January, is well
aware that the Millennium Assembly will destroy existing constitutional
protections. But he will merely claim 'we're monitoring the situation
closely', well knowing that once the world gathering starts, there will be
little Virginia federal-level or state-level officials can do to stop
international takeover."
Under the Charter for Global Democracy, the VTA said, "the U. S. will lose
permanent member status on the Security Council and any UN veto
power. "The Charter also calls
for consolidation of all international agencies under direct authority of
the UN, and regulation by the UN of all transnational corporations and
financial institutions, requiring an 'international code of conduct'
concerning the environment and labor
 "There will be an independent
source of revenue for the UN, such as the 'Tobin tax' and taxes on aircraft
and shipping fuels. 
"There will be a standing UN army and required individual and national
compliance with all UN 'Human Rights' treaties and declarations. There
will also be cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest nations, global
poverty reductions, and an 'equitable sharing of global resources' as
allocated by the UN. "Not
sufficiently understood is the way the UN does away with elected
governments," the VTA said. "So-called 'peoples of the world', are the
only ones given representative status at the Millennium Assembly. They
are not elected by anybody but are non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of
which there are 1603 in the world, given recognition by the UN only because
their major purpose includes promotion of 'the aims, objectives and purpose
of the United Nations.'
"When these groups, pre-selected for their bias, and endorsed by Governor
Gilmore, come together they will not make their decisions by voting, but by
'consensus.' This is a bogus process of 'agreement' achieved by
trained 'facilitators' and ending up with conclusions determined ahead of
time," the VTA pointed
out. "A major reason why the
UN and other totalitarian entities have been allowed to proceed as far as
they have is the existence today of many widely publicized but controlled
opposition groups. The agenda of these groups, which make many true
statements, are however deliberately designed to be insufficient.
 "For example, the Heritage
Foundation, recognized by the media as one of the most influential
voices in Washington, completed in May a major mailing devoted to a 'United
Nations Assessment Project.' Yet the Heritage Foundation itself is
listed on the United Nations web site as an NGO officially associated with
the UN Department of Public Information. And in the Heritage mailing,
seeking financial support and discussing several UN treaties described as
objectionable, not a word was said about the subject of paramount concern,
the forthcoming Millennium Assembly or the Charter for Global Democracy,
although the VTA had reported across the state planning for the Assembly as
far back as Jan. 11. It's obvious the Heritage Foundation will do
nothing to expose the 

[CTRL] Sex, Lies, and Mind Control - Cathy O'Brien

2000-06-06 Thread Nicky Molloy
Sex, Lies, and Mind Control

from Anti Shyster
Volume 6, No. 3

A highly reccommended zine for any dedicated researcher.
Sex, Lies, and Mind Control

by Cathy O'Brien

When speaking publicly, author Cathy O 'Brien appears competent and
confident that her extraordinary allegations of sexual, physical, and
psychological abuse are true. However, she also admits suffering from a
prolonged episode of mental illness involving "compartmentalized (repressed)
memories" caused by that alleged abuse. Unfortunately, "repressed " memories
are extremely difficult to verify. In fact, some "repressed" memories aren't
memories at all, but are merely fabrications.

In Ms. O'Brien's case, she "remembers" an extraordinary list of famous
individuals and institutions that caused her abuse and illness. Her list of
responsible parties is so long and seemingly incredible, that some folks
tend to dismiss her story as absurd and based largely on the delusions of a
woman who is still deeply troubled.

One problem with dismissing her story is that Mark Phillips - who "rescued "
Ms. O'Brien and admits having an extensive working~g relationship with the
CIA - co authored her book (Trance Formation of America), travels around the
country with her, and helps publicize her story. I've meet Mr. Phillips and
he talks and acts much like high-powered corporate executive. His support of
Ms. O'Brien's story is persuasive. Author and investigative reporter Pat
Shannon also claims Ms. O'Brien's allegations appear true. In short, there
is reasonable support for Ms. O'Brien's story, but so far, no serious

After all, if Ms. O'Brien's story was false, why tell it? To make money off
"conspiracy nuts " ? I don't see how. Ms. O 'Brien and Mr. Phillips
self-published their book, (Trance Formation of America); given the number
of famous names, businesses, and institutions that they accuse of criminal
acts, their book can never be a best seller - the resulting libel suits
would be ruinous.

Further, if Ms. O'Brien's allegations of New World Order intrigue are
false - where 's the payoff? Her story is so well written that if it's
fiction, she and Mark Phillips should've published it as a mystery novel . .
. with a little luck, they could retire on the movie rights. But presented:
as truth, their story's commercial value is negligible and will not help
them to get elected, employed, or enriched. (Interesting insight, hmm? Lies
can sell, but truth will cost. . . ?)

Therefore. unless I find their motivation to lie, I can 't dismiss their
story as false. In fact, the fundamental problem with Mark and Cathy's story
might be that they are still alive to tell it. If their allegations are
true, they're exposing a massive, international conspiracy of government
sociopaths who can be reasonably described as Evil. If so, why haven't these
"Satanists" silenced Mark and Cathy? On the other hand, although all of
those she incriminates would certainly deny her allegations -- but if her
allegations against scores of individuals and institutions are false, why
hasn't someone sued her for libel ? Plausible explanations exist, but Ms. O
'Brien's story inspires more questions than answers.

So I don't know the truth of Cathy O'Brien's allegations. Therefore, the
only truth that I report is this: the following text is an edited transcript
of Cathy O'Brien's speech at a public meeting of the Texas Justice Council
in Dallas, Texas on June 11, 1996.

If Cathy O'Brien's allegations are false, they still contain enough insight
to warrant consideration. If her allegations are true--they demand study and
vigorous political response.

You judge:

I'd like to thank each and every one of you for coming out here tonight to
learn about a tool that's being covertly used to usher in what Adolph Hitler
and George Bush termed "New World Order". That's mind control.

I'd like to give you an understanding of mind control through my own
experience. If you use the information on mind control to analyze different
aspects of society like the erosion of morality, the Constitution, and
justice in our courts, suddenly all can be attributed to New World Order

Those perpetrators in control of our country are manipulating all of us
based on the belief that, secret knowledge equals power. You have a right
and a need to know these secrets since knowledge is our only defense against
mind control. By telling their secrets, we can erode their power.

I feel extremely fortunate to have survived my CIA "M K Ultras" mind control
abuses. I'm extremely fortunate to have survived the White House/Pentagon
level that I was forced to operate under. Many government secrets and
personal reputations were staked on the belief that I could not be
"deprogrammed" to remember those things that I was supposed to forget.

They were wrong.

They never counted on the strength of the human spirit. They never imagined

Re: [CTRL] Naval Reserve Comm Willard H.Miller on UFO Situation

2000-06-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Nicky Molloy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In the recent May 21, 2000 Boston Globe newspaper article "UFO
 Theorists Gain Support Abroad, But Repression At Home" see:

 authored by Leslie Kean, three paragraphs are devoted to the
 mention of a U.S. Naval Reserve Commander by the name of Willard
 H. Miller.

I suppose this is your attempt at presenting evidence, but it
contains none, only personal opinion.

Nowhere in the article does it say that Miller believes ETs are
piloting UFOs.

There is also the possibility that that Miller is a disinformationalist,
either knowing or unknowing (he may be manipulated by others).

 Leslie Kean was interviewed by Whitley Strieber on the Dreamland
 radio program [Sunday, May 28, 2000] regarding her article which
 appeared in The Boston Globe. During the interview, Kean told of
 a 'reluctance' by newspaper editors to print her article, and
 spoke of several publications, including The Washington Times,
 which rejected her material outright.

This shows that what we are reading is actually secondhand hearsay...
this article is about an article that contains 3 paragraphs supposedly
quoting Miller.  We are not reading Miller's words directly, but as
they are filtered through 2 sets of reporters.

 About 1-hour and 26-minutes into the radio program, Leslie Kean
 said that newspaper editors were uncomfortable to her reference
 of Willard H. Miller and his Pentagon briefings.

We only have Kean's word for this.  No EVIDENCE is given to support
this claim.

 In an announcement to promote the lecture, Pensacola/Gulf Breeze
 MUFON stated: "Commander Miller's accomplishments are varied and
 worldwide. He has been a public school English teacher, a
 decorated Vietnam War veteran, and worked for Honeywell, Inc.
 and SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation). In
 1989, he was voluntarily recalled to active duty to help the
 Department of Defense (DoD) stand up its "War on Drugs." He has
 served as a DoD Civil Service Program Analyst/Technology Support
 Specialist, and has worked with U.S. Atlantic Command, U.S.
 Space Command, and many other military agencies and companies on
 projects including nuclear, natural,  technological disaster
 mitigation, WW-III contingencies, and Space Warfare. He has held
 clearances for Top Secret (TS) and Sensitive Compartmented
 Information (SCI).  Commander Miller is knighted in the
 Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (Knights
 Templars), the oldest military knighthood (1118 AD).

Let's anyone who has been on this list for any amount of time
will know, there are many intriguing connections listed above that
could bolster the suspicion that this guy is a disinformationalist...  ;-)



"...volunarily recalled to active duty to help the Department of
Defense...stand up its 'War on Drugs.'..."

"...worked with...many other military agencies and companies on
projects including nuclear, natural,  technological disaster
mitigation, WW-III contingencies, and Space Warfare..."

"...knighted in the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of
Jerusalem (Knights Templars)..."

These connections go further to bolstering the theory that the
supposed ET invasion is a totally concocted fantasy to further the
agenda of the New World Order, as an excuse acceptable by the public
to voluntarily give up what little rights the public still has,
rather than to bolster the theory that UFOs exist and are piloted
by beings from outer space...

 Greer, whose state of mind has openly been questioned on the
 internet in a March 4, 1998 report by Charles T. Oliphant III
 - see UFO Updates:

 is said to have remote-viewed extraterrestrials inside Mt.
 Blanca during a night training session in The San Luis Valley

THIS is your 'evidence'?

How do you know this guy doesn't have an overactive imagination,
or was outright hallucinating?  Or is a con artist, spinning an
elaborate lie to convince people to by his $125 UFO kit?  And if
he is legit, if he sincerely is psychically communing with other
beings, what PROOF is there that these other beings aren't lying?
What EVIDENCE is there that these supposed beings come from outer
space, other than their supposed claim?

I can say that I remote-view Elvis every night.  We have long
conversations, including him telling me how he faked his death and
flew to Alpha Centauri in a Super Top Secret space program that
was never made public.  Elvis contacted me because he wants me to
let the public know that he and his comrades are now under attack
by ET rap artists, and he wants our help.

Would you believe me?

 Had the reporter that prepared the May 21, 2000 Boston Globe
 article, Leslie Kean [who also told Whitley Strieber of her
 suspicions of being held 'under surveillance' and also dealing
 with computer problems while preparing her UFO report],

Again, reporter 

Re: [CTRL] UNDERGROUND TUNNELS__GIF image 679x480 pixels

2000-06-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld


Presumably you posted this in a pathetic attempt at presenting

But there isn't a shred of it...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO Operator's License correct URL?

2000-06-06 Thread name AOL USER

Try this:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Project Monarch - Nazi Mind Control

2000-06-06 Thread Nicky Molloy

  Project Monarch
by Ron Patton
  Nazi Mind Control

Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace, through a
multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities
perpetrated upon a segment of the human race; a form of systematic mind
control which has permeated every aspect of society for almost fifty
years.To objectively ascertain the following, one may need to re-examine
preconceived ideologies relating to the dualistic nature of mankind.
Resolving the philosophical question of whether we are inherently good or
inherently evil is tantamount in shaping our perception of reality;
specifically, the spiritual variable within the equation of life.

This exposition is substantiated by declassified U.S. government documents,
individuals formerly connected to the U.S. intelligence communities,
historical writings, researchers knowledgeable in mind control, publications
from mental health practitioners, and interviews
taken from survivors unwittingly subjected to a highly complex form of
trauma-based mind control known as MONARCH programming.

A word of caution for survivors of intensively systematic mind control
and/or some form of ritualized abuse: There are numerous "triggers" in this
article. It is therefore recommended not to read it unless appropriate
support systems are in place or if you have a thoroughly reintegrated

A Brief History of Control
The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon helped lay
the foundation for occultism, meaning "hidden knowledge." One of the
earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the
Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and
intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs)
and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total
enslavement of the initiate.[1] These have been the main ingredients for a
part of occultism known as Satanism, throughout the ages.

During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified
its dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition. Satanism
survived this period of persecution, deeply entrenching itself under the
veil of various esoteric groups.
In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of  Adam Weishaupt was commissioned
by the House of Rothschild to centralize the power base of the Mystery
Religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati,
meaning "Enlightened Ones."

This was an amalgamation of powerful occultic bloodlines, elite secret
societies and influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct
the framework for a "New World Order." The
outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the
human race. However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase
control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.

The Anglo Alliance
By the 19th century, Great Britain and Germany were recognized as the
primary geographic areas of Illuminati control. It then should be of
little surprise to know the first work in Behavioral Science research was
established in England in 1882, while much of the early medical and
psychiatric techniques involved in mind control were pioneered at the
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921
to study the "breaking point" of humans. Kurt Lewin, a German
psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932,
about the same time Nazi Germany was increasing its research into
neuropsychology, parapsychology and multi-generational occultism.
Interestingly, a progressive exchange of scientific ideas was taking place
between England and Germany, most notably in the field of eugenics: the
movement devoted to "improving" the human species through the control of
hereditary factors in mating. The nefariously enigmatic union between the
two countries was bonded, partly through the Order of the Golden Dawn, a
secret society which consisted of many high ranking officials in the Nazi
party and British aristocracy.

Top SS Nazi officer Heinrich Himmler, was in charge of a scientific
project called Lebersborn, which included selective breeding and adoption
of children, a peculiarly large number of twins among them.[2] The purpose
of the program was to create a super-race (Aryans) who would have total
allegiance to the cause of the Third Reich(New World Order).

Much of the preliminary experimentation concerning genetic engineering and
behavior modification was conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, where
he coldly analyzed the effects of trauma-bonding, eye-coloring and
"twinning" upon his victims.  Beside the insidious surgical experimentation
performed at the concentration camp, some of the children were subjected to
massive amounts of electroshock. Sadly, many of them did not survive the

Concurrently, "brain-washing" was carried out on 


2000-06-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   What makes me believe there are genuine ET contacts occurring (with or
 without black op intrusion as well) is the remarkable spiritual awakenings so
 many are having.  As subjective is this is, I just don't believe that evil
 intentions can awaken deep spiritual truths.

But that has no bearing on whether these entities are physical beings from
another planet.

Why do you presume that physical beings from another planet would be 'good' in
the moral sense?  Why would ETs magically be able to 'awaken deep spiritual
truths'?  Does coming from another planet magically bestow divinity?

If 'contact' is occurring, it could just as likely be with extra-dimensional
beings that have been here all along, and aren't from outerspace.  And these
beings could just as easily be 'evil', and conning the easily duped into
believing that they are 'good'

   There is a difference in depth between an mc experience and a spiritual one
 - the flavors and tones are distinct - though sometimes off only by a few

This is a subjective analysis, and is not evidence.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UNDERGROUND TUNNELS__GIF image 679x480 pixels

2000-06-06 Thread Dale Stonehouse

On Tuesday, June 06, 2000 6:23 AM, Ynr Chyldz Wyld [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Presumably you posted this in a pathetic attempt at presenting

 But there isn't a shred of it...


Using June's own logic, there is no "evidence" that she exists.

And if she does, I suggest the list owner ban her from the list. Who needs
to read vile bile like this day after day after day? Not me.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

2000-06-06 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000606a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Last batch of bulletins:
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries:
* No ancient monuments were overturned during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Moon:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientist Sees Britain's Secret UFO Files. LONDON - Saying his search of
  about freedom of information  not "little green men," a research chemist
  was granted access to previously secret info on probes of unidentified
  flying objects over Britain.
# Britain's UFO secrets revealed. Although a ministry spokeswoman would not
  discuss individual sightings, she said all these events had perfectly
  normal explanations.

  the usual stuff:

: Have you seen any secret/groovy/distorted/maddening UFOs/files/ETs/meteors
lately? Were/are they real, faked, virtual, implanted, mystical, mechanical?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# NASA, Dreamtime on a space mission. NASA has millions of feet of film and
  pictures of its missions to outer space sitting in a vault at 10 degrees
  Fahrenheit. Scientists and the public can ask to view them, but it takes
  about a month to retrieve requested footage. That's all about to change,
  thanks to a public-private partnership with San Francisco-based Net firm
  Dreamtime. Dreamtime will digitize the archived film and make it available
  on the Net, and put high-definition video cameras on the international
  space station and space shuttle missions to produce new footage for both
  Net and TV. Beam me in:

  super massive black holes now have been found in the centers of distant

: Has your data/mind/galaxy been devoured lately? Do you have a film of the
event? Can you make a profit by displaying the images? Will anyone notice??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Vendyl Jones And The Ark Of The Covenant. We're all familiar with Steven
  Spielberg's famous film, "Raiders of the Lost Ark," in which Indiana Jones
  searches for the Ark of the Covenant. That was of course fictitious, but
  there is, really  coincidentally, a man named Jones, who's been involved
  for a long time in a very serious search for the Ark of the Covenant. His
  name is Vendyl Jones. Jones is not only looking for the Ark, but he has
  already found some of the important holy items associated with it. Why
  does it have to be SNAKES?!?!

# Putin looks to Vatican for help - Russia to donate Siberia to Church:
# Britain military missing laptops - 7 lost, stolen by spies in 3 years:
# Nazi Loot In Austrian Lake:

: Have you found anything of religious/political/economic/military/magickal
importance lately? Were you helped/hindered/ignored by govt/corporate/alien
agents? Will your discovery help you control the world/galaxy/universe/me??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Do you consistently experience letters as colors, textures,tastes? You may
  have synesthesia,the blending
  of 2 or more senses. People with synesthesia generally have it from child-
  hood on,
  tend to be
  highly intelligent and artistic, and most of them experience synesthesia
  as perfectly normal.

# It's politically quixotic to try to rid human beings of features that are
 universal among cultures:

: Do you personally/socially/mystically experience sensations that THEY try
to suppress? Has your mind/brain/culture/faith been suppressed lately? Have
you suppressed any 


2000-06-06 Thread Nicky Molloy

I agree with you on this Samantha,

It is good to see someone using their sharp powers of analysis and knowledge
gathered on this subject.. It is true I think that the US military do have a
partnership with the specific aliens who are abducting for hybridization.
However other aliens IMO are abducting people for communication purposes or
to check the DNA etc. Perhaps giving warnings. Many reasons. Interviews of
abductees can say a lot.
Paul's show is here.

A lady from England was interviewed by Paul Williams on WBAI NY, UFO Desk a
couple of days ago called Ann who was being abducted. I forgot her other
name but if you wait for the archives it will prob be about the 2/3rd of
June.  Whatever the Monday date is in US. Our English members may find it
interesting.   Nicky

Paul's show runs alternate Monday
mornings at 1 am EST on
WBAI New York

Next show: Mar. 27, 2000 Guest: Dennis Lee, business man and owner of United
Communities in Service to America
- Part 2

Archived Interviews
As well as a sound card and speakers, you will require
RealPlayer to hear these interviews.

Dr. Russel Targ
Paul Williams interviews Dr. Russel Targ. Dr. Targ worked with Dr. Harold
Putoff on early remote viewing experiments.

Karl Pflock
Paul Williams and Scott Carr interview UFO researcher and author, Karl

Paul Williams Interviews Betty Hill
This is an interview with Ms. Betty Hill. Ms. Hill and her husband Barney
had an extraordinary experience in 1961. While driving home from a vacation
in Canada, they encountered an craft from another world. Hear the story of
her "Interrupted Journey".

Spend a half-hour with a living legend and experience her common sense
approach to UFOlogy. Co-hosted by Scott Carr.

Paul Williams Interviews Montauk Abductee
Here's a great story. Michelle believes that when she was a teen, she was
kidnapped by people in military uniform,
raped by an reptilian being, and then examined. All this
takes place in a bunker at Montauk NY. Was she abducted
by a military and who's? Hear her story, come to your own decision. Truly,
one of the strangest stories on the net.

Paul Williams Interviews Inspired ET Contactee
Here's an interview with a most interesting and talented woman. Ms. Maria
Cuccia housewife, mother, music teacher. A totally unassuming person, who
prior to the early nineties had nothing to do with the UFO phemenona.

Ms. Cuccia believes she's experienced contact with extra-terrestrials. Her
story is quite extraordinary, and it is still ongoing. As result of her
contact she has been
producing some very beautiful music. Experience both her music and her

More Audio Interviews by Paul Williams
A one person performance, three men, two women, and an alien inhabit the
body and mind of soldier. Listen as performance artist Micheal Belfiore,
shares bits of this astounding performance.

UFO Ballot
This is a dialog w/Larry Bryant, of MUFON, Stephen Bassett, of Paradigm
Research Group, and Larry Blecthmansp. We talk about the UFO ballot
initiative that was to take place in Mo.

Cosmic Test Tube
Review and interview with author Randel Fitzgerald. Randal discusses his
fasinating work about who we are and where we may from.

Dr. David Jacobs
Meet Dr. David Jacobs, author of "The Threat". We discuss this work as well
how as how he reached his conclusions.

Saber Research
Talk with alien hunter Derrel Sims of Texas, director of Saber Research.
Discussion on his research, part 1

-Original Message-
From: Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, 6 June 2000 20:46

In a message dated 6/5/00 9:43:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Agreed.  Their various accounts perhaps do point to contact with

  But there could be other explanations as well, and we would be well
  constantly keep that in mind.  What Strieber, Lucas, et al have
  could perhaps be what manipulators behind the scenes WISH them to believe

  Smoke and mirrors.  Don't concentrate on the magic trick on stage, look
  who's pulling the strings and pushing the buttons behind the curtain...

  And I am in agreement with you.  It appears, especially in the case of
Strieber, that if there are/were genuine ET contacts ocurring, they are/were
being obscured by some type of military mind control experiences.  Strieber,
in his own words, is quite disturbed and perplexed by recent memories that
bear this out.

  What makes me believe there are genuine ET contacts occurring (with or
without black op intrusion as well) is the remarkable spiritual awakenings
many are having.  As subjective is this is, I just don't believe that evil
intentions can awaken deep spiritual truths.

  Mind you, I know that severe trauma can impel a spiritual 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Price of Progress

2000-06-06 Thread Tenorlove

Also, back then, people were much more physically active than they are
now. They didn't have all the tools that make the sedentary lifestyle
possible. In 1910, most people still raised their own vegetables at
least, and many people still raised ALL their own food. The opportunity
to sit one one's butt all day in front of the TV (or computer  I
struggle with this one) just wasn't there.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Get Saddam - Quote of the Week (fwd)

2000-06-06 Thread Yardbird

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 09:45:12 +
Subject: Get Saddam - Quote of the Week

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\  QUOTE OF THE WEEK
 http://www.MiddleEast.Org  BUSH THREATENS SADDAM

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


"If I found in any way, shape or form
that he [Saddam Hussein] was developing
weapons of mass destruction, I'd
take 'em out."
 George W. Bush

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 6/6/00:

Iraq is effectively destroyed and in a modern-day techno-genocide some 10% of its
population has been killed and the country neutralized from the major role it use
to play in the affairs of the Middle East.  The human suffering is incalculable.
 More than a million children have perished.  Three top officials from the U.N.
charged with overseeing the U.N.'s "humanitarian" program in Iraq, including Assistant
Secretary-General Denis Haliday, have resigned in moral disgust.

Israel and the U.S. are the main beneficiaries and the ones that have brought this
about; the Arab "client regimes" -- especially those in Riyadh, Kuwait, Amman, Cairo
and the Gulf -- are among those who also helped bring this about, hoping to perpetuate
their own corrupt and repressive rule and wealth.

The former Attorney General of the United States, Ramsey Clark, has had the courage
and conviction from the beginning to call U.S. policies genocidal and "war crimes"
-- but hardly anyone in the main-stream media dares to speak up or to allow anyone,
like Clark, to do so.

An "October Surprise" is likely again this year.  The Clinton-Gore team is working
ferociously to cajole Yasser Arafat into a deal that will be signed and sealed in
the pre-election period, helping push Gore into the White House for the immediate
years ahead and shield Clinton from all he still faces once he is a private citizen.

Even so, the outcome of the American election is up in the air right now and many
are understandably betting that the Bush-Powell (at State)-McCain (at Defense) 
is likely to take power come next January, no longer that far away.

The Bush camp is littered with militarists of various stripes.  They are pushing
hard for a huge "missile defense" scheme that will enrich the arms builders by more
than $100 billion in the decade ahead, even at the risk of igniting a new international
arms race and even with major experts explaining that defeating and tricking such
a system will not only be possible but cost just a pittance in comparison.

And if Bush and his team do come to power, the real goal is not going to be just
to "take 'em out" -- referring to the assortment of hodge-podge weapons of mass
destruction Iraq is understandable trying desperately to build at this point --
but to remove Saddam Hussein and set up a compliant client regime in a weakened
and dependent Iraq.  Of course, the western powers have much collective experience
when it comes to weak and compliant "client regimes".

Bush made the above comment publicly at the beginning of the year on 26 January.
foreign policy team includes many who want to not just take out Iraq's weapons at
any cost but to totally topple the Iraqi regime, even at the risk of a possible
Middle Eastern version of the "Bay of Pigs", even at the risk of creating a new
wave of anti-American sentiment in the region with ramifications hard to predict
in the years ahead.

For more background about what has been done to Iraq and why go to:

  Phone:  202 362-5266  Fax:  815 366-0800

To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject SUBSCRIBE
To stop receiving MER email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject UNSUBSCRIBE

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the 

[CTRL] Get ready . . . for a wild ride . . .

2000-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Howdy all,
The level of propaganda and dis/mis is rising. The "psychological sets" are
thick.  And this list is all ready seeing the effects of this campaign. As to
whether some listees are actual "agents" make no difference as the
affectation is easily spread by ignorance, prejudice and self-aggrandizement.

But as the "passion-play" of our staged elections works its course, I suspect
all levers will be put inti play  -- as the power of the internet and
knowledge and understanding undermine the "boys" ability to play their

All the bullets will be pumped into our collective gut, sides to be hardened
and moved closer and closer towards state/economic-control.

Expect this list and "life in the mainstream" to be journey through
provocateurs and much bullcrap. Our list cohesion and various views upon
subjects will by assaulted by folks trying to bring some "orthodoxy" to our
anarchy of understanding.

We are all adults, and except for ctrl's disclaimer topics,  I am not going
to start chosing one viewpoint  or posters over others.

Do let us keep it civil, please.

After the CIA-Drugs Symposium this weekend I will be able to begin posting
some more excerpts.



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Get ready . . . for a wild ride . . .

2000-06-06 Thread Tenorlove

Kris, have a great time at the symposium can't wait to hear about


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 6/6/00

2000-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin

A Visit to the Vulgar Masses

Clinton a Rousing Success in Russia

"Bill, drop your trousers and show us what a sex boss you are."

HIS folksy tone would have gone down a treat back home in Arkansas but
President Clinton's powers of persuasion were clearly unequal to the task of
charming the Duma yesterday.
Short of preaching the merits of gun control to America's National Rifle
Association, Mr Clinton could not have faced a more hostile audience than
that confronting him in the Russian parliament. His invitation to the
deputies to visit the United States aroused only sniggers. Even the most
sentimental flourishes, among them a rousing finale about his total of seven
visits to Russia, failed to touch their hearts.

"All my life I have wanted the people of my country and the people of your
country to be friends and allies, to lead the world away from war towards the
dreams of children," he said as he wrapped up his speech.

At least the forecast scenes of publicity-seeking by the parliament's wild
men never materialised, not inside the debating chamber anyway, despite the
many brawls it has seen over the years. During the speech the deputies who
bothered to turn up - there were many empty seats - calmly read the papers or
stared at their watches. A feeble ripple of applause greeted its conclusion.
Even that was too much for Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the ultra-nationalist who is
now a deputy Speaker of the Duma. The chamber had been packed with
"bureaucrats, cleaners and security guards", he complained later. "It was
only 20 per cent deputies and 80 per cent vulgar masses.
They were told to clap when he came in and at the speech's beginning and end.
Clinton will think that he was warmly received by the deputies. But he

The real action was in the corridors.The President was ambushed by a woman
shouting: "Bill, drop your trousers and show us what a sex boss you are."
The London Telegraph, June 6, 2000

The Looming Crisis

BIS Warns Over US Stocks, Dollar

Quit pumping money into the stock market, it says to Fed.

The global economy faces the risk of a hard landing with US stock markets and
the dollar dropping sharply in tandem, the Bank for International
Settlements, the international organisation of central banks, warned on

Recent volatility in currencies and equities, and the lack of liquidity in
some financial markets, meant the market reaction to such a downturn posed a
further risk, the BIS said in its annual report.

Emphasising the uncertainties of the current global situation, the BIS said
the imbalance between rapid growth in the US and slower growth elsewhere
would have to be corrected, and that large movements in exchange rates were
likely to follow.

"The rate of expansion of domestic demand in the United States is
unsustainable and potentially inflationary, and a similar if less extreme
state of affairs prevails in some of the other English-speaking countries,"
the BIS said.

In a pointed warning of the risks of complacency, the BIS compared the US to
Japan in the late 1980s, with a combination of high productivity growth, low
inflation and soaring asset markets, which ended in a collapse in asset
markets and a prolonged recession. Present stock market valuations were
unlikely to be sustainable in the long term, it said.

"The Federal Reserve's rate cuts in late 1998, needed to stabilise fixed
income markets, may have encouraged the stock market to rally at the same
time," the BIS said. It warned that, if the inflationary threat in the US
remained, the Federal Reserve should keep raising interest rates even if
stock markets slumped - avoiding any suspicion that it was bailing out
investors who had been caught out.

"Were monetary policy to back off at the first signs of declining equity
prices, the risks of moral hazard would be great," the BIS said. "Misguided
investors should be allowed to pay the price, and quickly, so that capacity
can be reduced and longer-term profitability rapidly restored."

Andrew Crockett, the general manager of the BIS, said that although banks
were better prepared for financial market turmoil than in earlier years, the
recent high volatility in the equity and currency markets was likely to
continue. "The market-making activities of some institutions and the
liquidity of many markets are not as good as before," he said. "The ability
to absorb changes in supply and demand in the markets is not there."

The drying-up of government borrowing was also creating difficulties for bond
investors, with liquidity problems fragmenting government bond markets, the
BIS said.

The BIS also criticised emerging market countries who had failed to push
ahead with reform in their economies and banking systems, and which were
loosening monetary policy by intervening to stop their currencies rising.
"There is a risk of re-establishing the fixed 

[CTRL] Buying A Media Job

2000-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""Sherman
Skolnick's Report/A

Buying A Media Job
by Sherman H. Skolnick

  So, you want to be a talking head on a local TV station. And read the
alleged "news" from the idiot machine.


   1. You have to be about 28 years old.

   2. If a woman, blondes preferred. Light-skinned blacks permitted BUT must
look like a doll.

   3. Must be able to read items about bloody wrecks, airplane disasters, and
tornados without showing much visible emotion.

  4. You cannot show any politics in what you are reading.

 In most of the bigger markets, such as Chicago, New York, and Los
Angeles, you have to buy the job through the local, handful of celebrity
lawyers. The terms are as follows: in a three-year conract, paying a big
buck, you have to agree to pay under the table, a minimum of 15 per cent, in
front, in cash, of the total amount you would receive in the first year of
the contract. Of that, it is to be divided up as follows: one third to the
union business agent, one third to the celebrity lawyer, and one third to the
news director or station manager.

 I have been on the periphery of the media since the early 1960s. A few
examples have come to my attention. Because of our role as crusaders opening
up scandals, items that are suppressed by the monopoly press are sometimes
referred to us, on the sly, together with the corroborating details. Media
people in key places confide in us. We never, never, never divulge sources.
Judges that we have fingered publicly for bribery have numerous times over
the decades, put me, as the head of our court reform group, in jail and
prison for so-called "contempt of court", for absolutely refusing to divulge

 Over the decades as well I have become a sort of father confessor of
media people with a problem. [I once taught civic investigation at a Chicago
broadcast school.] Media people confide their problems to us, in confidence,
knowing that we will never reveal who they are and will oftentimes come up
with a proposed solution to save their neck and their job. I have usually met
with such people in the middle of the night at some out of the way meeting
place. What follows is a typical example:

"Sherman, the so and so's fired me. And I am only in the first year of my
three-year contract. BUT, they cannot do that!" the media person forcefully
exclaimed. "I paid in cash, in front, the fifteen per cent as required. I
bought the job. The money was divided up on the business agent of the union,
this special lawyer that handles the buying and selling of media jobs, and
the balance went to the news director. I was also of course the right age and
look. Hey, the job belongs to me. They cannot fire me!" he emphasized.

 He outlined to me how this system works throughout the media industry.
He offered other examples, some of which we already knew about from talking
to other media people.

"I'll try my best to help you and keep all this confidential. After all,
you and your pals have in the past given me the lowdown on several suppressed
scandals, and gave me the rundown on the inside dirt at your outlet. So I owe
you one." I told him.

 "I bought the job, that's the system. They cannot fire me!" he repeated,
his voice showing his anger.

In my most compassionate manner, I quietly told him. "Well, you are
unfortunately in the same category, I am sorry to tell you, as a bank robber
on the way from the stick-up. A crooked cop beats you up and rips off the
loot for himself. And you want to sue for brutality and recovery of your
property. Such a lawsuit is not allowed. It is, the courts say, against
public policy, since you bought the job. It is against the public good to be
buying and selling jobs, such as in the mass media." I showed I understood
his plight.

 "Listen, as an alternative, what kind of dirt do you have on the
celebrity lawyer, the union business agent, and the news director? Maybe that
would pressure the bastards to leave you alone." I asked.

"Why? You think I should turn them in to the IRS with this? The so and
so's do not report the job pay-off money on their taxes." He responded.

"Aw, come on now, don't be silly. Right before the April 15th each year,
the media honchos go along with the IRS and report a few evaders the IRS has
fingered. So as to scare the rest of the public into sending in their form
1040 without question, just like it is required instead of actually,
voluntary. The media bosses seldom go on the air with IRS corruption like we
dig up." I told him.

No lawyer would undertake to sue for him. So, he went on to some other
line of work. Being handsome and personable, he was suitable for being a
friendly, productive salesman.

 Some long-time network reporters that confided in me were worried about
their jobs and their pensions. A foreign outfit was trying to 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Price of Progress

2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Tenorlove wrote:

 Also, back then, people were much more physically active than
 they are now. They didn't have all the tools that make the
 sedentary lifestyle possible. In 1910, most people still
 raised their own vegetables at least, and many people still
 raised ALL their own food. The opportunity to sit one one's
 butt all day in front of the TV (or computer  I struggle
 with this one) just wasn't there.

SO, SO true!   :-(

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 Yahoo! Photos -- now, 100 FREE prints!

 A HREF=""
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] THE OTO THE CIA: A Response to Jerry Cornelius' Scribe Article

2000-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:619149"THE OTO  THE CIA:
A Response to Jerry Cornelius' Scribe Article/A
Subject: THE OTO  THE CIA: A Response to Jerry Cornelius' Scribe Article
From: Alex Constantine A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"alexx12@mediaone.
Date: Sun, Jun 4, 2000 1:42 AM

THE OTO  THE CIA: A Response to Jerry Cornelius' Scribe Article

 While skimming the Internet recently, I found myself the subject of
scorn for my reports on the history of the OTO and its relations with
the CIA (see Virtual Government, 1997). Jerry Cornelius, the critique's
author, did not send me a copy for a response, and I had no idea in 1997
that this essay had appeared in Scribe, so my response is belated,
 To be fair, Cornelius did catch me with a typo in the spelling of a
name ‹Marcello Motta, not "Matta"‹that crept into the book (Cornelius
misspells the name himself once or twice with "Motto"). But the
remainder of his "criticism" is strictly false.
 Be advised that the OTO began as a fascist front in proto-Nazi
Germany, and its defenders continue, by and large, to have absolutely no
credibility when discussing the organization's history. Lying is an OTO
 I'll take his deliberately misleading statements concerning my
account of the Solar Lodge and the early history of the OTO one at a

 Cornelius writes in Scribe (vol.1, no, 7, 1997):

 1) "The main tragedy of [Karl] Germer's death was that although he
dictated where the O.T.O. property should go, he never officially named
a successor. This is contrary to what some individuals, like Alex
Constantine, would have us believe by claiming that 'Germer, on his
death bed, had insisted that Matta (sic) succeed him as the Outer Head
of the occult order.'"

Crowley (a fascist propagandist before the war) himself believed that
German-born Karl Germer was a Nazi agent, but had no qualms about
handing the mantle of OTO high priest to him. These are the caliber of
men we are discussing here. In Virtual Government, I note that Germer's
wife wrote a letter to Marcelo Motta, "an OTO official in Brazil. She
informed him that Germer, on his death bed, had insisted that Motta
succeed him as the Outer Head of the occult order." This was Motta's
statement, repeated in many a personal correspondence at the time.
Cornelius attributes it to me. I make no "claims," The statement
concerning a successor to Germer came from a published history, "The OTO
Since Crowley's Death." Crowley left it to Germer to choose a successor,
and he selected Motta as "Outer Head," according to letters from
Germer's wife. Grady McMurty DID allege falsely after the fact that SHE
was "lying"‹ not Motta‹ about Germer's true successor, but he was
mounting a coup at the time and this entailed the discreditation of his
rival for the throne. Even McMurtty did not say that Motta had
fabricated these details. Cornelius does, without basis.

 2)  "... This false claim of succeeding Germer was fostered by
Motto [sic] himself, a man who lived in a paranoid delusional world
believing himself a Napoleon when in fact he was little more than a
school teacher baked too long in the Brazilian sun."

Amusing? To judge by his writings, Motta was as lucid and intelligent as
a follower of Crowley can be, not at all "delusional." It is a
tried-and-true cult tactic to dump on whistle-blowers with ridicule and
claims of mental illness.
Motta knew he'd been squeezed out of the OTO, and that the CIA had taken
an interest in co-opting the organization. This was not "paranoia."
Cornelius carefully avoids mentioning that Grady McMurty, who assumed
the mantle of leadership via dirty tricks, hailed from the State
Department. He was an "intalligence agent," according to "The OTO Since
Crowley's Death." McMurty had been admitted to the OTO by Jack Parsons,
who worked with principals of the Nazi "Paperclip" program after the
war, and believed in demons (what was that about delusions?). How does
staking a claim as head of the OTO suggest that Motta believed himself
"Napolean?" What is funny about fascism and covert ops?

 3) "The most common misconception about the Solar Lodge that
authors love to foster is the connection with Charlie Manson. Contrary
to what some would like readers to believe, this is a misconception. He
was not a member, nor is there any strong evidence that he ever visited
the group. The sole source of these stories is found in Ed Sanders' book
The Family published in 1971. Here Sanders wrote that at "least five
separate individuals have claimed that they were told by a member of
Brayton's rebel O.T.O. Lodge that Manson was involved with the Lodge."
(1) These allegations have never been substantiated and appear to be
only second hand gossip told to a third party who then talked to
Sanders, hardly the type of evidence which would stand up in a Court of


2000-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:618780"BILDERBERG 2000/A
Subject: BILDERBERG 2000
Date: Fri, Jun 2, 2000 5:41 AM

This is to inform you that the controversial and highly influential
Bilderberg Group is meeting right now in secret at the Hotel Chateau du
Lac at Genval, just outside Brussels. Protected from cameras by a canvas
awning constructed around the entrance, the dignitaries arrived in
chauffeur-driven limousines during yesterday afternoon, June 1st.
Nevertheless, we managed to film the arrival of Henry Kissinger, Kenneth
Clarke, Viscount Etienne Davignon, Commissioner Pascal Lamy (still photo
only), Carl Bildt, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, and numerous other
leading political, financial and industrial figures. President Clinton
is rumoured to be arriving from Aachen some time later today. We
understand that a press statement and attendance list will be issued
tomorrow morning by the Bilderberg Group - contact Maja Banck at the
Hotel Chateau du Lac: +32 (0)2 6557111.  When challenged outside the
hotel, Chairman of Bilderberg, Davignon made it clear that there would
be no press conference.  So far this year, the Bilderberg has succeeded
in keeping its deliberations out of the world's media.  The absence of
press at the hotel is striking.

Grattan Healy
Mike Peters
Tony Gosling
contact telephone (answering machine): +32 (0)2 2842191
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Technologies of Political Control

2000-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:618493"Technologies of
Political Control/A
Subject: Technologies of Political Control
From: Freedom Project A
Date: Wed, May 31, 2000 11:19 AM

These Orwellian technologies fall into two main categories:
(1)Surveillance - to enable ruling regimes to track everyone
at all times, and (2)Punishment - 'non-lethal' methods of torture
to enforce compliance on dissidents.
"We should ask ourselves... who will heed our cry for help once
these technologies are fully implemented?

Excerpts from:
A HREF=""http://www.newdawnmagazin

TOTALITARIAN TECHNOLOGY - The Truth is Closer Than Fiction


Over the last decade, Hollywood has sensitised us to totalitarian
technology. Block buster movies portray our heroes and heroines
using the weapons of the new millennium. Militarised police
forces keep citizens safe; android warrior personnel, part human,
part robot are gainfully employed as global peacekeepers;
prisoners are incarcerated in high tech electronic jails,
controlled with implanted microchips, while the free population
is kept under surveillance through the use of biometric identity

Science fiction perhaps? Reality yes! Much of what we see on the
big screen is not the latest fantasy of Hollywood script writers,
but is based on fact. Any film maker wanting a picture of the
future need look no further than existing military technology and

A recent report published by the European Parliament, "An
Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control", shows just
how far these new technologies have come, and how they are being
actively employed against citizens in countries across the globe.

Developments in surveillance technology, innovations in crowd
control weapons, new prison control systems, the rise of more
powerful restraint, torture, killing and execution technologies
and the role of privatised enterprises in promoting such
technologies pose a grave threat to our immediate and future

Trade in Technologies of Control

Cutting edge developments made by the Western military-industrial
complex are providing invaluable support to various governments
throughout the world. The report "Big Brother Incorporated", by
surveillance watchdog Privacy International, presents a detailed
analysis of the international trade in surveillance technology.

Privacy International says it is concerned about "the flow of
sophisticated computer-based technology from developed countries
to developing countries _ and particularly to non-democratic
regimes where surveillance technologies become tools of political

The international trade in surveillance technology (known as the
Repression Trade), involves the manufacture and export of
technologies of political control. More than seventy per cent of
companies manufacturing and exporting surveillance technology
also export arms, chemical weapons or military hardware.

Tools of Repression for 'Democratic' States

We should not forget that the same companies supplying regimes
with repression technology, also supply `democratic' states with
their totalitarian tools.

The existing arsenal of weapons designed for public order and
control will soon be joined by a second generation of kinetic,
chemical, optico-acoustic, and microwave weapons, adding to the
disabling and paralysing technologies already available. Much of
the initial work on these new technologies has been undertaken in
US nuclear laboratories such as Oak Ridge, Lawrence Livermore and
Los Alamos. The European Parliament Report "An Appraisal of the
Technologies of Political Control" lists a Pandora's box of new
technologies including:

 Ultra-sound generators, which cause disorientation,
 vomiting and involuntary defecation, disturbing the ear
 system which controls balance and inducing nausea. The
 system which uses two speakers can target individuals in a

 Visual stimulus and illusion techniques such as high
 intensity strobes which pulse in the critical epileptic
 fit-inducing flashing frequency and holograms used to
 project active camouflage.

 Reduced energy kinetic weapons. Variants on the bean bag
 philosophy which ostensibly will result in no damage
 (similar claims were once made about plastic bullets).

 New disabling, calmative, sleep inducing agents mixed with
 DMSO which enables the agent to quickly cross the skin
 barrier and an extensive range of pain causing, paralysing
 and foul-smelling area-denial chemicals. Some of these are
 chemically engineered variants of the heroin molecule. They
 work extremely rapidly, one touch and disablement 

[CTRL] Monsanto and Fox: Partners in Censorship

2000-06-06 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Monsanto and Fox: Partners in Censorship
Date: Sunday, May 28, 2000 4:08 AM

Monsanto and Fox: Partners in Censorship

by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
By all accounts, Jane Akre and Steve Wilson are tough, bulldog
reporters--the sort of journalists you'd expect to make some enemies
along the way.
That, according to Florida TV station WTVT, was why it hired the
husband-and-wife team with much fanfare in November 1996 to head the
station's "news investigative unit." Now, in the wake of their firing
barely a year later, the Fox network affiliate is accusing them of theft
for daring to independently publish the script of the story that they
were never allowed to air.
"This is really not about a couple of disgruntled former reporters
whining that their editors wouldn't let them do a story they thought was
important," Wilson said in announcing that he and Akre are suing WTVT
for breach of contract. "Jane and I have each spent more than 20 years
in the news business. . . . It doesn't take that long for every reporter
to learn that every now and then--usually when the special interest of
your news organization or one of its friends is more important than the
public interest--stories get killed. That's bad enough, but that's not
what happened here. . . . Fox 13 didn't want to kill the story revealing
synthetic hormones in Florida's milk supply. Instead, as we explain in
great detail in our legal complaint, we were repeatedly ordered to go
forward and broadcast demonstrably inaccurate and dishonest versions of
the story. We were given those instructions after some very high-level
corporate lobbying by Monsanto (the powerful drug company that makes the
hormone) and also, we believe, by members of Florida's dairy and grocery
The hormone in question is genetically-engineered recombinant bovine
growth hormone (rBGH), the flagship product in Monsanto's campaign to
take command of the ultra-high-stakes biotechnology industry. Injections
of rBGH (sold under the brand name Posilac®) induce higher milk
production in dairy cows, but critics warn of potential health risks to
both cows and humans.
The Florida dispute offers a rare look inside the newsroom at the way
stories get spun and censored. It is also cracks the facade that
Monsanto has erected through a highly effective, multi-million-dollar PR
offensive aimed at preventing the news media from reporting the views of
rBGH critics.

The Dairy Coalition

Coordinated by the DC-based PR/lobby firm of Capitoline/MSL, the
pro-rBGH campaign brings together drug and dairy industry groups in an
ad hoc network called the Dairy Coalition, whose participants include
university researchers funded by Monsanto, as well as carefully selected
"third party" experts; the International Food Information Council, an
industry funded coalition that attacks health and safety concerns about
food as unwarranted and unscientific; the National Association of State
Departments of Agriculture, representing the top executive of every
department of agriculture in all fifty states; the American Farm Bureau
Federation, the powerful right-wing lobby behind the movement to pass
food disparagement laws like the one under which Oprah Winfrey was sued
in Texas; the American Dietetic Association, the national association of
registered dietitians which hauls in large sums of money advocating for
the food industry; the Grocery Manufacturers of America; the Food
Marketing Institute; and other dairy and food associations at the state
and regional levels
Immediately after FDA approval of rBGH, attorneys for Monsanto sued or
threatened to sue stores and dairy companies that sold milk and dairy
products advertised as being free of rBGH, to make sure that any
dissenters within the well-organized food industry would be frightened
into towing the industry line.
Extensive media monitoring and aggressive intervention and punishment of
offending journalists has been critical to the media management
campaign. As early as 1989 the PR firm of Carma International was hired
to conduct a computer analysis of every story filed on rBGH, ranking
reporters as friends or enemies. This information was used to reward
friendly reporters while complaining to editors about those who filed
reports that were deemed unfriendly.
Leaked internal documents from the Dairy Coalition reveal how
journalists who do not toe the line are handled. In January of 1996
dairy officials wrote Mary Jane Wilkinson, assistant managing editor of
the Boston Globe, to complain about an upcoming food column by Globe
writer Linda Weltner. "On February 23rd, [Dr.] Samuel Epstein . . . made
unsupported allegations linking milk and cancer. We're concerned that
Ms. Weltner will give Epstein a forum in the Boston Globe to disseminate
theories that have no basis in science." The 

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Torture Unmasked Just A Bit (fwd)

2000-06-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/05/2000 4:02:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 What is it that makes men do things like this? The prisoners – thousands of
 over the two decades of Khiam'sexistence – included guerrillas, relatives of
 civiliansby the dozen whose crimewas innocence, who would not collaborate
with the
 Israelis or the SLA, who refused to join the murderous little militia, who
 to give the Israelis information about the Lebanese army.

 "I was hung here naked for 13 days," Abdullah Attiyeh told me as we walked
 a dirty passage way beside the wall of the old French mandate fort. "They
put a
 bag on my head and threw cold water over me night and day." 

My own conclusion has been that the Israeli suffer from a variation of the
Stockholm Syndrom.  The Gestapo put them through hell, and were of course
hated, but they were also respected and admired because they were "strong."
What we admire, we imitate.   So when the Israeli got into a position where
they were the "strong" ones, they began to behave like the Gestapo.   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] free-speech-online-meets-Utah dept.

2000-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF=""Slas
hdot | Criminal Libel, Free Speech And The …/A

Criminal Libel, Free Speech And The Net  Posted by JonKatz on Monday June 05,
from the free-speech-online-meets-Utah dept.
Last month, a 16-year-old old Utah teenager published vulgar and offensive
comments about some of his classmates and school administrators on a Web
site. His computer was seized by police, his files and e-mail extracted and
analyzed; he was jailed in a juvenile detention center and then sent out of
the state. Local officials say they may charge him with criminal libel.
Copyright and patent lawsuits online, make some room. Here comes libel (Read

If the youth is so charged, it will mark the first criminal libel case in
Utah history involving the Internet, and one of the first anywhere.
His father told reporters his son was fighting back against hostile peers.
"For him, it was just a tit-for-tat thing. Everything he has done up to this
point was in retaliation for what other kids did, stuff that was just as
vulgar and just as hurtful. For me, the question isn't whether [my son] is
going to be held accountable. It's whether the others are going to be held to
the same standard."
Not likely. In 21st Century America, harassment and cruelty are fine as long
as you don't do it on a computer.
The Net is raising new questions not only about copyright, but about the
limits of speech and commentary in cyberspace -- a culture in which the First
Amendment sometimes seems almost timid, perhaps even inadequate. It also
focuses more attention on epidemic Net hostility and cruelty, against which
some people may begin to take formal action. Public net postings are
frequently vicious, and sometimes anonymous posters traditionally bear no
responsibility for the the wantonly stupid things they sometimes say. In the
context of all the other conflicts over the movement of intellectual property
and speech online, some sort of legal response seems almost inevitable.
In the overall context of personal and commercial Net traffic, assaultive
comments are rare. Hardly any result in actual physical harm. But as the Utah
incident demonstrates, that doesn't mean they're inconsequential. The
anonymous Utah Web site was vulgar and offensive, but compared to many public
flames, only tepid. Flaming is obnoxious -- most of it is profoundly inane --
but the idea that it's libelous has lots of implications for life online. And
none of them are good.
Questions of online responsibility for words are difficult. Anonymity is easy
on the Net, and it's often impossible to know if comments online, no matter
how shocking, are true or false. Vicious postings can be more damaging than
the face-to-face-kind. They can be rapidly disseminated and accessed by
countless numbers of people instantly.
They also occur in an environment of fear and confusion about the power of
new information technologies. As with copyright, historic notions of libel
and accountability may not realistically apply to this new kind of social
On his Web site, the Utah high teenager allegedly called school personnel
"drunks" and some female classmates "sluts." He also cast doubt on the work
ethic and competency of several faculty members. He concedes the site -- put
up partly in response to taunts and harassments from peers - was a mistake.
He never threatened anyone with violence, and his friends and classmates
vigorously deny that he was violent or menacing, or was even perceived that
way. Some of his classmates told reporters he was "weird." The student said
one reason school officials (they suspected him immediately) wanted him gone
was that he had dyed his hair pink. He had also, said school officials, had
frequent run-ins with the principal of his school and had an altercation
during a football game last fall.
The teenager arrived in the small town of Milford five years ago, and had
trouble fitting in from the first, said his classmates.
When school officials learned of the site on May 16, the principal notified
the police, who seized the boy's computer and took it to the State Crime
Laboratory for analysis. That same day, a Juvenile Court Judge ordered the
student sent to Cedar City's juvenile detention center where he remained for
several days until he was released.
He has left Utah and moved temporarily to his grandparents home in Southern
California, pending a decision by county officials whether or not to bring
criminal libel charges against him.
The Web site at issue here is, in some ways, the digital equivalent of the
taunting and baiting that has always gone on in many American schools. But
Net baiting raises new questions. For one thing, we are living in the
post-Columbine hysteria, in which anger, alienation and offensive speech
online is increasingly equated with danger -- and draws the attention of law
enforcement. That makes it a 

[CTRL] Fwd: Davidian Sentences Set Aside

2000-06-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Received: by (mbox lminor)
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Cc: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fw: Davidians' Sentences Set Aside
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- Original Message -
From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 2:29 PM
Subject: Davidians' Sentences Set Aside


 Davidians' Sentences Set Aside

 =A9 The Associated Press

 WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court today set aside the lengthy prison
 sentences given to five Branch Davidians who survived a 1993 siege at
 the sect's Waco, Texas, compound. The court ruled that a federal judge
 misused an anti-gun law to increase their punishment.

 The unanimous decision makes it harder for courts to find lawbreakers
 deserve extra time behind bars because they used or carried machine gun=
 during their crimes.

 A federal law subjects anyone who used or carried a "firearm" during a
 violent or drug-related crime to five years in prison. The term jumps t=
 30 years for anyone who used or carried a "machine gun" during that
 same crime.

 Federal appeals courts had split on whether determining use of a machin=
 gun is an element of the offense a jury must find beyond a reasonable
 doubt, or merely a sentencing factor a judge gets to determine by a
 preponderance of the evidence.

 The nation's highest court said use of a firearm must be determined by
 the jury.

 "We believe Congress intended the firearm type-related words it used
 ... to refer to an element of a separate, aggravated crime," Justice
 Stephen G. Breyer wrote for the court.

 Five Davidians were convicted in 1994 in the killings of four federal
 agents during a botched Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raid on
 the compound outside Waco.

 The raid led to a 51-day standoff that ended when flames swept through
 the compound. David Koresh and some 80 followers died during the
 inferno, some from the fire and others from gunshot wounds.

 A federal jury acquitted the five Davidians of murder and
 conspiracy-to-murder charges but convicted them of voluntary
 manslaughter. Each was sentenced to 10 years in prison for that
 conviction. The jury also found them guilty of using firearms.

 The presiding judge tacked on 30-year sentences for four of them and a
 10-year sentence for the fifth after finding that each had used a
 machine gun.

 Renos Avraam, Brad Eugene Branch, Jaime Castillo and Kevin Whitecliff
 drew the 30-year sentences; Graeme Craddock the 10-year term. Craddock
 also was sentenced to a consecutive 10 years for using a hand grenade.

 The jury never had been asked to determine what types of firearms the
 five had used. The judge made that determination during sentencing.

 In appealing their sentences, the Davidians relied heavily on a decisio=
 in which the justices last year said carjackers cannot be given tougher
 sentences unless a jury, not a judge, determines that victims were
 seriously injured during that federal crime.

 The case presumably will return to a federal trial court where new
 sentencing hearings will be conducted. Today's decision did not suggest
 appropriate new sentences.

 The case is Castillo vs. U.S., 99-658.

 On the Net: For the decision: Click
 on "this month's decisions" or


 I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to Steve
 who argued this case for the Davidians in the Supreme Court.  Bless you
 and let's get them ALL out of there!~

 Here is Steve Halbrook's summary of today's
 Supreme Court opinion in Castillo 


2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


Capitol Hill Blue-June 2, 2000


By Ann Coulter

Juanita Broaddrick, whom about 80 percent of Americans believed
when she accused President Clinton of raping her (how do you like
that poll?), is being audited by the Internal Revenue Service.

Maybe it's just the luck of the draw. It has to be admitted, the
odds of the IRS randomly auditing a woman Clinton has tried to
have sex with are not insubstantial. (Though only about a
half-dozen women have publicly accused Clinton of making sexual
advances toward them, Clinton told Monica Lewinsky that he'd had
sex with hundreds of women, which is why he couldn't settle the
Paula Jones case.)

So in the abstract, it could be a coincidence. Except this is not
in the abstract. It's in the Clinton administration. And under
Clinton, the IRS has audited a mathematically improbable series
of the president's critics.

Indeed, the IRS' random audit selection process has led to audits
of an impressive array of citizens inconvenient to the
administration. These include: Elizabeth Ward Gracen (Clinton
conquest who helpfully admitted that Clinton did not rape her);
Billy Dale (fired in travel office imbroglio); Bill O'Reilly
(Clinton critic on Fox News channel); Kent Masterson Brown
(brought lawsuit compelling Hillary's health care task force to
reveal members); Paula Jones (wrecked Clinton presidency).

Paula Jones got her audit letter from the IRS not long after she
beat Clinton in the Supreme Court. Though Jones' victory had
forced Clinton to the negotiating table, the talks had deadlocked
over Clinton's abject refusal to apologize. Just a few weeks
later, the IRS initiated its audit. Jones' income at the time
consisted of her husband's $37,000 a year salary -- the least
audited tax bracket. But somehow Jones beat the odds and got
herself audited.

Clinton's IRS has also audited almost every conservative
organization you can name. Among them are: National Review, The
American Spectator, The Christian Coalition, Citizens for a Sound
Economy, Oliver North's Freedom Alliance, The Heritage
Foundation, The National Rifle Association, The Western
Journalism Center, The National Center for Public Policy
Research, Fortress America and Citizens Against Government Waste.

There may be still other conservative organizations that have
been targeted by Clinton's IRS, of course. There is no public
record of IRS audits, and organizations that survive on
charitable contributions tend not to advertise the fact that the
IRS is rifling through their books.

If you think you've heard this before, you are probably the proud
owner of my book "High Crimes and Misdemeanors," which details
the series of highly suspect audits of Clinton's enemies, a.k.a.
"witnesses," through 1998. Though my book came out almost two
years ago, it remains an excellent resource for following all
current scandals. Like a movie reel that keeps going around and
around again, the last years of the Clinton administration keep
belching out the same abuses of power, the same indignant
protestations of innocence, and the same overheated charges of
partisanship. Same modus operandi, new victims.

Of course, the politicization of the IRS is a difficult charge to
prove to the satisfaction of say, Lanny Davis. This sort of thing
tends not to be memorialized in handwritten notes from the
president along the lines of: "Dear IRS Commissioner, Please
audit my enemies. Love, Bill." But at some point, the laws of
probability just can't explain it. Moreover, there were two
rather remarkable smoking guns surrounding the audit of Billy
Dale, ousted head of the White House Travel Office.

First, White House Associate Counsel William Kennedy baldly
informed the FBI that he intended to use the IRS to put the
screws on Dale -- after being rebuffed in his attempt to have the
FBI do the same. Kennedy had called the FBI to demand an
investigation of the White House Travel Office as part of a
fishing expedition to substantiate the administration's claim
that the fired employees were criminals. But since the FBI is
really not supposed to be randomly investigating American
citizens whenever Clinton needs to smear them, Kennedy's demand
was met with some resistance.

When the FBI agent who took Kennedy's call explained that the FBI
needed some basis to investigate, Kennedy became more insistent.
According to the agent, Kennedy demanded that the FBI initiate an
investigation in 15 minutes -- or he'd call in the IRS. That is
according to the White House's own internal memo investigating
the White House Travel Office firings.

Second, congressional investigators looking into the White House
Travel Office firings discovered a memo about Billy Dale in which
the same William Kennedy was quoted saying IRS Commissioner
Margaret Milner Richardson was "on top of it." The memo was
written by White House lawyers summarizing Kennedy's remarks
about the travel office firings.

So, like I say, Broaddrick's audit looks innocent 

[CTRL] =?x-unknown?q?_It's_Official=3A_Eli=E1n_Case_Was_About_Rule?==?x-unknown?q?_of_Power?=

2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

6/05/00 5:30 p.m.

It's Official: Elián Case Was About Rule of Power

Law had nothing to do with it.

By Jonah Goldberg, NRO Editor

It’s difficult to write about Elián González these days without
sounding like a crank. After all, the forces of truth and light
have lost and the Clintonites have won. By complaining about such
things one runs the risk of sounding like one of these
mean-spirited conservatives that we read so much about in the New
York Times and the Washington Post. You know, these puppy-kicking
Neanderthals who just can’t come to grips with the fact that
Clinton was elected, FDR got away with Yalta, the water got
fluoridated, Nixon resigned, etc., etc.

Fortunately, being considered a crank would be a huge step up for
my public reputation, so I don’t care too much about that. But
there are other problems. In short, there’s not much left to be
said, and there’s no one left to persuade. Almost every angle’s
been covered and the American people just don’t care. So, Elián
will go back to Cuba and everyone will be happy and peppy and
bursting with love (what’s that from?).

Then, when Elián comes back to the United States in fifteen years
or so, either on a raft — if Castro’s alive — or on an American
Airlines daily nonstop — if he’s dead — and says “Why did you
send me back there?” Americans in huge majorities will say they
were against it at the time, etc. Indeed, this reveals the key
reason why Bill Clinton will go down in history as a mediocre
President. People don’t remember the back story or context of a
decision, they only remember the decision.

George Bush was always ahead of, or against, public opinion on
the Gulf War, and that’s why it will go down as a great
accomplishment. Bill Clinton walks around with a broom behind the
elephant and calls it leadership. A decade from now, he won’t be
able to say “Well, the American people supported me,” as an
excuse for why he went down in history as a caretaker president.

Nevertheless, it is nice for scorekeeping purposes to see that
the 11th circuit court exposed the essential lie of the Clinton
administration’s handling of Elián. Throughout the whole saga,
Clinton insisted that he was upholding “the rule of law.” In
public, he used the phrase “rule of law” as often as he says,
“can I get extra fries with that?” in private. But the Court
ruled quite unequivocally that sending Elián back to Cuba was
nothing more than a policy preference. “It has been suggested
that the precise policy adopted by the INS in this case was
required by ‘law,’” wrote the Judges. “That characterization of
this case, however, is inaccurate.” The government of the United
States decided to send Elián back to Cuba. Its hands were never
tied, the “rule of law” was never the issue. They could have gone
the other way, they just didn’t want to. But, saying it was about
the law, they gave voters the opportunity to say “Well, my
opinion doesn’t matter, this is about the law.”

By insisting that it was out of their hands (like Steve
Guttenberg in Diner) the administration not only lied, they
miseducated the public on what the rule of law means. Those on
both Left and Right who believe that sending Elián back to Cuba
was the right thing to do should at least ask themselves why the
president didn’t have the courage to admit what he was doing. If
it’s the right thing, why not take credit for doing the right

There is one last little lie that I’d like to address. For some
reason, the Left doesn’t care very much about brainwashing and
oppression so long as they agree with the content of the
brainwashing and the oppression is toward lofty ends. That’s why
nobody seems to care about the fact that Elián is being
re-indoctrinated to Communism through the “Young Pioneers” while
still on U.S. soil.

Yesterday Greg Craig, Bill Clinton’s Emissary for Cuban
Sycophancy and Propaganda, dismissed any anger over the Young
Pioneer as so much silliness by those hot-blooded “people” down
in Florida. “I know that symbolically, it angers a lot of people
in Miami. But it’s a six-year-old, and I don’t see that there’s
any reprogramming or brainwashing going on at all. They’re trying
to reconnect with his old friends, his old classmates and his old
teacher,” Craig said on Meet the Press.

And if it were a meeting of the Hitler Youth? Would that be
harmless, so long as they stuck to the three R’s? I don’t
consider that hyperbole, so I’ll probably lose some liberals who
go soft when it comes to totalitarianisms of the Left. But these
are the same people who think school prayer in the United States
is one giant leap to theocracy. Again, ask yourselves: Do you
think indoctrination is bad, or just indoctrination you don’t
agree with?

Ever hear of Pavlik Morozov? For almost three generations, every
child in the Soviet Union, and many of her colonies, had to learn
about this great Soviet Hero. Young Pavlik was the leader of his
Young Pioneers group in his village. He turned in his own father,
a Soviet 


2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



**Exclusive Update**

"Mr. Drudge, you will be sued," warned famed powerlawyer Floyd
Abrams late Monday from Israel.

Abrams, calling on behalf of DISNEY's TALK/MIRAMAX, warned of
immediate legal action against this report if new details are
released and circulated about a controversial project currently
in the oven at Tina Brown's new book imprint.

The DRUDGE REPORT obtained a working manuscript of a book
commissioned by TALK -- a book that digs deep into the private
sex lives and business dealings of major and minor Clinton

Author John Connolly's investigation has became the focus of
intense scrutiny on Publisher's Row. Connolly has not only hired
private investigators, he's also consulted with White House
aides, the DRUDGE PORT can reveal.

"Very little has been written on the personal lives of the people
who were behind the Lewinsky case," writes author John Connolly,
in a working introduction to THE INSANE CLOWN POSSE.

Connolly, spending the cash advanced to him by TALK, investigates
extramarital affairs of lawyers with ties to the Lewinsky
impeachment drama and the sexual orientation of staffers working
in the Office of the Independent Counsel ["Ken's Men"].

In a shocking twist, Connolly even probed the sex life of former
Independent Counsel Ken Starr!

In his work-in-progress, Connolly claims that Starr was
blackmailed by political operatives.

Connolly writes: "Our source said that after an investigation of
Starr... someone confronted Starr with what they had learned and
suggested that he look for other employment."

Connolly has been quizzing associates about Starr, whether he's
had an affair or an infatuation with Supreme Court Justice
Anthony Kennedy.

A source close to Starr told the DRUDGE REPORT that the story is
"absurd and false."

Connolly questions why it is that "three young male protege’s of
Starr’s had worked for Conservative Supreme Court Justice Anthony

"This is a disgrace!" said a lawyer who has received Connolly's
undivided attention.

"And the fact that a DISNEY company, with Tina Brown, has
commissioned this witch hunt is unconscionable."

TALK/MIRAMAX book editor John Burnham confirmed that Connolly is
under contract to write CLOWN POSSE, but cautioned that "no
decisions have been made" about the book's eventual content.

Powerlawyer Floyd Abrams, known for his near-religious defense of
the First Amendment, unless you happen to be an Internet
reporter, warned late Monday that TALK/MIRAMAX would take all
appropriate legal action to "protect its reputation" regarding

Abrams, who has represented CBS and the NEW YORK TIMES in
high-profile litigations, has been critical of this report in the

In a Page One Wall Street Journal profile, Abrams declared that
"Drudge isn't a real journalist."

"There is such a level of built-in irresponsibility in everything
he does," Abrams told the paper. "If one were rewriting libel law
today, one would try to write it to assure that the false
statements of Matt Drudge were treated as libel."

Let's meet in the judge's chambers, Mr. Abrams. Preferably,
Justice Kennedy's.

--- Filed
by Matt Drudge Reports are moved when circumstances warrant for updates (c)DRUDGE REPORT 2000

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] UPI: Judge steps down from Wen Ho Lee case

2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Judge steps down from Wen Ho Lee case

Tuesday, 6 June 2000 0:58 (ET)

 NEW YORK, June 6 (UPI) -- The federal judge scheduled to hear
the trial of a scientist accused of mishandling nuclear weapons
secrets suddenly withdrew from the case Monday, the New York
Times reported.

 U.S. District Judge John Edwards Conway said he was immediately
taking senior status, cutting back on his workload and handing
off the case involving nuclear weapons laboratory scientist Wen
Ho Lee.

 Lee is accused of downloading thousands of documents containing
secret data to a computer that was not on a secure network while
he worked at the Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Laboratory. Lee, who
has denied any wrongdoing, has been denied bail and is in the
custody of federal authorities. If convicted he could be
sentenced to life in prison.

 According to the New York Times, the next court date in the Lee
case had been scheduled for Wednesday, in which defense attorneys
were to argue to suppress a warrant used by federal agents to
search Lee's home. Another hearing was set for Monday and the
trial itself was scheduled for November.

 All those dates were cleared and a new schedule is to be set by
Judge James A. Parker, who presided over the Lee bail hearings.

Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Prince Charles- Talking Out Of Class?

2000-06-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/05/2000 6:41:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 GM food is shunned throughout the U.K. and many areas of Europe 

I noticed that.  I particularly noticed that while the US is 28th in life
span, two of those areas of Europe--namely France and Italy--were among those
leaving us in the dust.  Eat GM, die young and leave a good looking
corpse??  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
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Re: [CTRL] Prince Charles- Talking Out Of Class?

2000-06-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/05/2000 6:41:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 After reading the text of Prince Charles' speech, Dr. James Watson, Nobel
 Prize winning co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, stated, "He is one of
 the people who are worried that the world is moving too fast. But the world
 is really rather wretched for a lot of people and science and technology can
 improve their livesWe will be able to improve the quality of food."

 These miracle will occur in any event, but they will be here sooner if
 science is allowed to overcome fear and superstition in high places. It is as
 foolish to try to turn back the hands of time, as it is to try to reverse the

There are those who still think that AIDS was "engineered."  There are also
those who are still wondering why those who gave us "atomic power" still
haven't been able to tell us where it is safe to dump atomic power's garbage.
 It might be wise to overcome fear and superstition at a somewhat slower
rate.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] =?X-UNKNOWN?Q?_Tripp=3A_I=92ll_Subpoen

2000-06-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/05/2000 9:45:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  And she knows plenty, especially about the death of the late
 Vincent Foster. As the last person in the White House to see
 Foster alive before his body was found later that day at Ft.
 Marcy Park, Tripp said he left his office without his briefcase,
 contradicting counsel office aide Tom Castleton who had claimed
 that Foster taken the briefcase with him The brief case magically
 reappeared in his office after his death. 

I've occasionally wondered if she killed him.  After all, the Bush's left her
to inform on the incoming administration, and Vince Foster spent a lot of
time in his office, especially since his wife did not immediately join him in
Washington.  He could have seen some odd behavior of the part of Linda
Tripp--overheard a phone call or pulled up an odd e-mail.  Linda Tripp was
working against the new administration long before Lewinsky came on the
scene.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Fw: Mexican Border

2000-06-06 Thread Bard

No more illegals..

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

- Original Message -
To: "m.o.m. email alert list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 8:11 AM
Subject: Mexican Border

 Mom says:
 Well America, you've got what you reap. Apathy reigns supreme. we
 have Queer pride month so they can educate your children in their way of
 living, our borders aren't safe, businesses are leaving vor cheap labor
 countries, god bless nafta and pntr, Rosie is spokesman for post
 abortion I mean gun banning, but you know we still have sports and our
 beer is cold. I won't say God bless America, for he says and I
 paraphrase - bid him not God's speed for to do so you are a partaker in
 his evil.

 Jun 5, 2000 - 10:00 PM

Mexican Activist Puts Bounty on Border Patrol
By Megan K. Stack
Associated Press Writer

REYNOSA, Mexico (AP) - A Mexican activist on Monday
$10,000 to anybody who kills a U.S. Border Patrol agent,
 a move
that was immediately condemned by the Mexican government
called a publicity stunt by local officials.

U.S. officials also opened an investigation into the
 bounty offered
by Carlos Ibarra Perez, spokesman for an advocacy group
the Citizen Defense Committee.

Ibarra, 60, says too many illegal immigrants are being
 slain by
federal agents and private landowners while making their
 way into
the United States.

"They (the Border Patrol) are massacring people," Ibarra
 said at a
news conference in this city just across the border from
"And now we're ready to defend ourselves."

Mounting tension between undocumented immigrants, federal

authorities and border residents has been more evident in

Two weeks ago, a Border Patrol agent in nearby
 Brownsville shot
and killed an illegal immigrant during a struggle on the
 banks of
the Rio Grande.

In Arizona, ranchers are patrolling their spreads armed
 with rifles
and others are detaining suspected illegal immigrants for


Last month, the Mexican government hired a Washington,
law firm to seek damages from vigilantes who have
 detained illegal

On Monday, the Mexican government harshly criticized

"The embassy of Mexico strongly condemns such
actions and finds such a statement to be an intolerable
provocation," said Jose Antonio Zabalgoitia, spokesman
 for the
Mexican embassy.

Local media and officials in Reynosa said Ibarra, a
 retired oil
worker, apparently doesn't have the money to pay the
reward. "This offer was not made in earnest," said
 Reynosa city
spokesman Rodolfo Martinez. "This guy is just looking for


The group he claims to lead has a few dozen activists at
 most and
is mostly involved with illegal takeovers of land by
Martinez said.

FBI agents were expected to review a videotape of
 Ibarra's news
conference. Threatening a federal agent is a crime.

Activists for immigrants decried Ibarra's actions.

"We already live in a climate of tension that we believe
 leads to
abuse," said Nathan Selzer, spokesman for Project
 Libertad, a
Harlingen-based immigrant rights group. "Now you're
 putting in the
back of agents' minds that everybody is trying to kill
 them. It's just
going to create more violence."

 **COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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 are to be had! Or, send $2.00 to the address below for a copy of our 40+

[CTRL] Have Your Hatreds Ready!

2000-06-06 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Years ago, the British SF writer Brian Aldiss wrote a story about a
television news team nn years in the future who specialized in
interviewing victims and relatives of victims...with emotions chemically and
electronically enhanced to make a better soundbite.  At the outset of the
story, the team leader announces, "Have your hatreds ready!"  Ever since
reading that story, whenever I hear someone loudly and publicly proclaiming
a point of view which is obviously for media consumption, I think of that
statement: "Have your hatreds ready!"  Too many people on this list, ISTM,
have their hatreds loaded and cocked, ready to be fired off at the drop of a
viewpoint.  Perhaps Kris should something to the Disclaimer along of the
lines of  "Check your hatreds at the door."

Robert F. Tatman
Jenkintown, PA, USA
"Y Gwir Yn Erbyn y Byd"--Y Bardd Cymraeg
"The Truth Against the World"--motto of the Welsh bards

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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] UPI: Judge steps down from Wen Ho Lee case

2000-06-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/06/2000 12:01:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  NEW YORK, June 6 (UPI) -- The federal judge scheduled to hear
 the trial of a scientist accused of mishandling nuclear weapons
 secrets suddenly withdrew from the case Monday, the New York
 Times reported.

  U.S. District Judge John Edwards Conway said he was immediately
 taking senior status, cutting back on his workload and handing
 off the case involving nuclear weapons laboratory scientist Wen
 Ho Lee. 

The thought of railroading somebody at the behest of the FBI must be a bit
stressful.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] UPI: Judge steps down from Wen Ho Lee case

2000-06-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Before this case is heard, if it ever is heard, a lot of people will be
dying from natural causes.

Maybe this Judge did not want to end up like Judge Crater who suddenly
disappared; more famous in death, than in life.

Maybe this man is not competant to hear such a trial or has a serious
conflict.   Little late to try Lee now after horse stolen - worse yet,
by now some of the critics probably have out their body bag count and
death pools.

Isn't China about to be a Most Favored Nation?
Remember there is still time to dump a lot of politicians before they
dump America and the Constitution.   Lately Judges seem to be leaning a
little bit more to the right - and take that literally and figuratively.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Have Your Hatreds Ready!

2000-06-06 Thread Yardbird

How and who is to distinguish hatred from legitimate complaints in re
specific populations? I'm fervently anti-Zionist and there are many, many
people who consider that evidence enough of anti-semitism on my part (a
term that puzzles me as I'm pro Arab not anti-judaic). Or how about
determining whether a religionist is being "hateful" or not when they
view homosexuality as "sinful"? It'd be nice to "check hatred at the
door"; however, such a policy seems too great a threat to freedom of
speech and too open to manipulation by those whose arguments fail them and
so, in the end, resort to cheap character assassination via derogatory
labels as a means of silencing the voices of their opponents.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UPI: Judge steps down from Wen Ho Lee case

2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Before this case is heard, if it ever is heard, a lot of people will be
 dying from natural causes.


Unless, that is, they begin categorizing the HALF of those deaths
that WILL GO DOWN into the record books/death certificates as
"unnatural" i.e., fire, accident, auto wreck, suicide, murder,
disappearance, unexplained, etc., etc., SUDDENLY begin to be
"actuarialized" as "natural."


 Remember there is still time to dump a lot of politicians before they
 dump America and the Constitution.

Oh, you REALLY believe that?

I happen to go more the "Norio Hyakawa" thing, i.e., it is WAY
WAY too late to do ANYTHING more than GETTING YOURSELF RIGHT with
your version of your maker...AND FAST!!!


Really, I think your comments were/ARE VERY astuteHOWEVER, if
you take a step back, and RETHINK, I am, SADLY, certain, that you
TOO will see things as fatalistically as do I:(

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] Green Party USA: Presidential Candidate Stephen Gaskin

2000-06-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 12:56:02 -0700
From: "D. Paul Stanford" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Green Party USA: Presidential Candidate Stephen Gaskin

Another Candidate for US President

.c The Associated Press


SUMMERTOWN, Tenn. (AP) - Korean War veteran. Hippie commune founder.
Published author. Drug convict.

Stephen Gaskin has accomplished much in his 65 years, but there's still one
more goal: U.S. president.

Like other political renegades, Gaskin knows his chances are slim against the
big party candidates, but the election gives him an opportunity to voice his
message for peace, social consciousness and the legalization of marijuana.

The self-described ``hippie priest and free-lance rabble-rouser'' says that
as a Green Party candidate, he offers an alternative to the other guy from
Tennessee - likely Democratic nominee Vice President Al Gore - and Gore's
rival Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

Gaskin's got competition within the Green Party from consumer advocate Ralph
Nader, the party's perennial candidate, and former Dead Kennedys singer Jello
Biafra. The Greens select their candidates at a nominating convention June
24-25 in Denver.

If he loses the nomination, Gaskin says he will just take his $400 war chest
and start the Outlaw Party - a group with the same beliefs as the Green Party
but with a focus on legalizing marijuana.

``If you want to throw some seeds in your garden and grow some pot and smoke
it yourself, I don't think it's anybody else's business. And I don't think
that the Constitution thinks that it's anybody else's business,'' Gaskin says.

This is not someone who fears the question: Did you inhale?

``I didn't exhale,'' he says.

Gaskin, with his shoulder-length gray braids and tie-dyed T-shirts, envisions
a country where affluence isn't viewed as a right but a privilege that is
shared with the less fortunate.

Eliminating corporate donations and soft money to political campaigns will
restore integrity to political office, and the government should foot the
bill for the nation's health care and educate its people through junior
college, he says.

Where would the money come from?

``For a couple of B-2 bombers you could pay for all the education in the
United States,'' he says.

Gaskin was a writing instructor at San Francisco State College - now San
Francisco State University - following a two-year combat stint in Korea that
ended in 1954.

Social consciousness is the reason Gaskin withdrew from society and founded
his own community 58 miles southwest of Nashville in the rolling hills of
Middle Tennessee.

His commune - a 1,000-acre spot in Summertown called The Farm - prospered at
first but soon fell $800,000 into debt and in 1983 its leaders were forced to
start charging dues. Today, some 250 people live there and pay about $100

Gaskin went to prison in 1974 for marijuana possession. He served one year of
a three-year sentence and says he learned that ``the difference between who
went to jail and who didn't ... was politics.''

He later helped win voting rights for felons convicted in Tennessee before
1981 when he discovered that he had lost his own voting rights and appealed
to the Tennessee Supreme Court. The court struck down a 1981 law that, in
tandem with another law, denied voting rights to all felons rather than those
of specific crimes.

Gaskin has spent $800 traveling to speaking engagements and Green Party
meetings. He already is on the November ballot in a few states, including New
York and New Mexico.

When not on the campaign trail, Gaskin works on his vintage Volvos, teaches
at the commune's school and writes. He already has published 10 books on
politics and spirituality.

Gaskin's wife, Ina May, says she is proud of her husband's campaign, win or

``He shows that a little guy still can have a voice,'' she says. ``That's one
of the sad things about the country today - so many people don't have a

On the Net: Gaskin's campaign:

The Farm:

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[CTRL] Florida: Execution of Bennie Demps Imminent

2000-06-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

Listening in while a man's fate is decided

=A9 St. Petersburg Times, published June 6, 2000=20


Bennie Demps very likely will die Wednesday night soon after the 6 =
o'clock news starts.=20

The state Supreme Court shut the door on his last appeal late Monday, =
turning down every argument, claim, technicality, document, and split =
legal hair his beleaguered lawyers could offer.=20

Demps will die for participating in the killing of another prisoner. =
This is not an act that gets ordinary people outraged, like Ted Bundy's =

Some will instead think Demps did us a favor, by saving on the upkeep of =
one Alfred Sturgis as well as himself, all in one swoop. Demps and =
another prisoner helped hold down Sturgis while another inmate stabbed =
him to death.=20

Under these circumstances Demps' execution will get as much notice as a =
shuttle liftoff. Both acts are so routine that Floridians ignore them =
except in special circumstances.=20

But Demps is also a man.=20

Because he is, listening to the 45-minute debate before the Supreme =
Court early Monday morning was a brief, intense experience in absurdity. =

The technology exists -- I employed it -- to listen to and watch the =
Supreme Court in Tallahassee from a PC on a desk in Tampa.=20

The technology exists -- the state employs it -- to make an execution as =
apparently benign an act as putting down a dog. The only difference is =
the dog is not despised.=20

The technology does not fail. But words do, when it comes to talking =
about killing a man.=20

The lawyers on Monday debated what happened in a lower appeals court, =
why an evidentiary hearing once granted was put off indefinitely, and =
what Demps' previous lawyers knew and when they knew it. Mostly the two =
sides went back and forth over a memo the defense had found from a top =
corrections official who reported that the murdered inmate, in his last =
words, named only one assailant, not Demps.=20

Explosive, the defense called it. Not worth a hill of beans, the =
prosecution said.=20

That was as lively, as real, as it got.=20

Otherwise, the lawyers and judges might as well have been debating =
whether a man had 10,000 hairs on his head, or 10,000 and one.=20

The arguments ended without a flourish, just a judge's voice trailing =
off at the microphone. Hours passed, and the court issued a 10-page =
ruling as emphatic as the slamming of a door. Being most modern people, =
wanting to educate and inform, the judges put the opinion on the Supreme =
Court Web site.=20

"The record shows that the trial court properly applied the law. ... We =
find Demps' remaining (ineffective assistance of counsel) claims and his =
petition for mandamus relief to be without merit."=20

And then, in solid capitals, the judges declared, "NO MOTION FOR =

Except for those big letters, telegraphing that somewhere a door was =
closing on Bennie Demps, the language was sanitized of all feeling.=20

This is what you do when you are doing your best to be civilized while =
discussing the most uncivilized thing, state-sanctioned killing.=20

You choke down all sentiment. You are frustrated, like Gov. Bush, at how =
long the process takes, in this case, five execution warrants and 25 =
years. You feel anger at this killing and two others for which Demps was =
sentenced to death but had the sentence commuted to life. You feel pity =
for the victims' survivors. And finally, you confront the deep =
ambivalence that arises when honorable people identify with the desire =
for revenge but still wonder if it is right to kill even the worst of =

Is it?

__ - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] MIRROR SITES:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
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[CTRL] UFOs and the Military

2000-06-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

From Armageddon or New Age:
 - Original Message -
 From: "James A Gilliland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 2:58 PM
 Subject: UFOs and the Military

 There is a military mindset concerning the subject of UFOs which no longer
 serves the interest of national security or the people. It is time to lay
 this mindset to rest. For centuries, we have taken our finest minds and
 employed them within the military industry, directing them to create the
 most powerful weapons of mass destruction and the most virulent biologicals
 possible. Under the leadership of the military industry, we are evolving
 into one of the most deadly civilizations known to man. We already have the
 destructive potential to destroy all life on the planet and are now playing
 with technologies that have the potential to create a black hole, destroying
 not only the Earth, but all life up to 50,000 light years away..

 Now what does this have to do with national security?

 Is this where we want to go as a civilization?

 What if one of their little experiments creates a cascade effect; a little
 virus or bacteria escapes the lab?

 The mind set is "we must have military superiority over everyone and
 everything". If we cannot have superiority, dominance and complete control
 we must must destroy it. One of the problems with this mindset is our
 weapons of mass destruction and biologicals seem to mysteriously fall into
 the hands of the so called enemy when enough money is transferred to the
 right people..

 This military mindset is the one we have allowed to engage off world
 visitors. Off world visitors with interstellar and interdimensional
 capabilities that have the weaponry to turn this planet into a cinder if so
 desired. Now don't you feel real secure knowing our government is shooting
 at them with back-engineered late model technology? Luckily our off world
 visitors are benevolent, understand primitive cultures and for the most
 part,  take the high road staying out of reach.

 To keep this multibillion dollar industry alive and in control of our
 destiny they also have to generate and maintain the mind set that these off
 world visitors are a threat and the military industry will protect us from
 that threat. I do not know about you but the only thing I have been
 threatened by is our own government. When ever someone comes up to the ranch
 I ask them what they most fear about UFOs and the standard answer is
 reprisals from the government. The second answer is contacting a gray or
 government black project which seem to go hand in hand.

 Despite all the disinformation campaigns to create fear of off world
 visitors, the main fear and distrust is of our own government.

 Here is a novel idea. What if we took all those billions of dollars and put
 them into solving the problems that plague all humanity like food shortages,
 homelessness, cleaning up and restoring the environment? What
 if we had ambassadors of peace to engage the benevolent and spiritually
 advanced ETs with the technology to provide free energy, clean up the air,
 water, and restore the environment. What if we chose peace,  joined
 the benevolent ETs in an alliance, and asked them for protection from any
 less than benevolent ETs, since thus far, back-engineering late model craft
 have made it very apparent we have air inferiority?

 This need for dominance, control, and the continued escalation of creating
 of weapons of mass destruction and more virulent biologicals does not make
 me feel very secure. I wonder how, as a nation, it makes you feel? Maybe it
 is time to choose a different path. Pass it on.

 James Gilliland
 Self-Mastery Earth Institute
 PO Box 281, Hood River, Oregon 97031
 (509) 395-2092
__ - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] MIRROR SITES:

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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Drudge: Clown Posse: Starr was blackmailed

2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[In a shocking twist, Connolly even probed the sex life of former
Independent Counsel Ken Starr! In his work-in-progress, Connolly
claims that Starr was blackmailed by political operatives.
Connolly writes: "Our source said that after an investigation of
Starr... someone confronted Starr with what they had learned and
suggested that he look for other employment."  --MS]



**Exclusive Update**

"Mr. Drudge, you will be sued," warned famed powerlawyer Floyd
Abrams late Monday from Israel.

Abrams, calling on behalf of DISNEY's TALK/MIRAMAX, warned of
immediate legal action against this report if new details are
released and circulated about a controversial project currently
in the oven at Tina Brown's new book imprint.

The DRUDGE REPORT obtained a working manuscript of a book
commissioned by TALK -- a book that digs deep into the private
sex lives and business dealings of major and minor Clinton

Author John Connolly's investigation has became the focus of
intense scrutiny on Publisher's Row. Connolly has not only hired
private investigators, he's also consulted with White House
aides, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

"Very little has been written on the personal lives of the people
who were behind the Lewinsky case," writes author John Connolly,
in a working introduction to THE INSANE CLOWN POSSE.

Connolly, spending the cash advanced to him by TALK, investigates
extramarital affairs of lawyers with ties to the Lewinsky
impeachment drama and the sexual orientation of staffers working
in the Office of the Independent Counsel ["Ken's Men"].

Connolly has been quizzing associates about Starr, whether he's
had an affair or an infatuation with a Supreme Court justice!

A source close to Starr told the DRUDGE REPORT that the story is
"absurd and false."

Connolly questions why it is that "three young male proteges of
Starr’s had worked for Conservative Supreme Court Justice Anthony

"This is a disgrace!" said a lawyer who has received Connolly's
undivided attention.

"And the fact that a DISNEY company, with Tina Brown, has
commissioned this witch hunt is unconscionable."

TALK/MIRAMAX book editor John Burnham confirmed that Connolly is
under contract to write CLOWN POSSE, but cautioned that "no
decisions have been made" about the book's eventual content.

Powerlawyer Floyd Abrams, known for his near-religious defense of
the First Amendment, unless you happen to be an Internet
reporter, warned late Monday that TALK/MIRAMAX would take all
appropriate legal action to "protect its reputation" regarding

Abrams, who has represented CBS and the NEW YORK TIMES in
high-profile litigations, has been critical of this report in the

In a Page One Wall Street Journal profile, Abrams declared that
"Drudge isn't a real journalist."

"There is such a level of built-in irresponsibility in everything
he does," Abrams told the paper. "If one were rewriting libel law
today, one would try to write it to assure that the false
statements of Matt Drudge were treated as libel."

Let's meet in the judge's chambers, Mr. Abrams. Preferably,
Justice Kennedy's.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Never a Conspiracy!

2000-06-06 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

Subject: Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Never a Conspiracy!
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 7:33 AM

Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Never a Conspiracy!

Conspiracy, conspiracy? I ask you; conspiracy?

There are people in the world who would have you believe that there is no such
thing as a conspiracy. They would have you believe that anyone who suggests any
type of conspiracy theory, or believes that any historical or current event was
part of a conspiracy, are people who deserved to be ignored, shunned, and
perhaps even institutionalized in a mental facility. They would have you believe
that any event that anyone ever described as a conspiracy was actually a
coincidence; a coincidence of Universal proportions in a Universe of infinite

Then, what is the definition of "conspiracy"? Here is the definition from
Webster's 1828 Dictionary;

CONSPIRACY, n. [L. See Conspire.]

1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more
persons, to commit some crime in concert; particularly, a combination to commit
treason, or excite sedition or insurrection against the government of a state; a
plot; as a conspiracy against the life of a king; a conspiracy against the
More than forty had made this conspiracy. Acts 23.
2. In law, an agreement between two or more persons, falsely and maliciously to
indict, or procure to be indicted, an innocent person of felony.
3. A concurrence; a general tendency of two or more causes to one event.

Then, what about "coincidence"? Here is the definition, also from Webster's 1828


1. The falling or meeting of two or more lines, surfaces, or bodies in the same
2. Concurrence; consistency; agreement; as the coincidence of two or more
opinions; coincidence of evidences.
3. A meeting of events in time; concurrence; a happening at the same time; as
coincidence of events.

People who assert that all historical events are separately and collectively
coincidences and not conspiracies, can be said to be explicitly or implicitly
subscribing to a "Coincidency Theory" of history. Conversely, people who suggest
that any historical event at all, and further, that a significant portion of the
important events in the history of humankind, are part of a general or
unspecific conspiracy, can be said to be subscribing to the "Conspiracy Theory"
of history.

There are, once again, only two possibilities in the matter. Either conspiracy
exists, or it does not; and if one conspiracy ever existed, that means that
conspiracy exists, and that people must reexamine their purview of history with
this understanding, and begin the process of rejecting the "Coincidency Theory"
of history.

So we are told to believe, by the coincidency theorists, that all the events of
history were the unintentional, coincidental workings of human beings in their
attempt to survive and flourish. So we are told to believe that if a person were
to wake up every morning and read the daily newspaper, or watch the television
news, or listen to the radio, that such a person would have all the information
they need to understand the operations of the world today, and throughout

Now THERE'S a conspiracy!

The rest of the updated article "Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Never a Conspiracy!"
can be found at;

God bless, and good luck

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:

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Re: [CTRL] UNDERGROUND TUNNELS__GIF image 679x480 pi

2000-06-06 Thread Samantha L.

Nicky,  is there a web address for this picture, for those who don't download
from emails?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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2000-06-06 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

I could tell you that I and untold others have been repeatedly

abducted by motorcycle gangsor Arab terrorists...or Satanists...

or leprechauns...

Which brings up an interesting question. centuries old stories of being
"Taken" by "Faeries" bear a startling resemblance to modern abduction
stories, even missing time.

What's up with that?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Ritalin Market Soars

2000-06-06 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

attention deficit/hyperactivity,

Symptoms include questioning authority and staring out the window when the
teacher is boring you.

We're not seeing an increase in mental illness here. We're seeing an
increase in social control. Children who don't conform are being put in
chemical straight jackets.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Background checks stopped more than 200, 000 gun buys last

2000-06-06 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Another good reason why we don't need more restrictive gun laws, and why,
perhaps, we don't need more laws against anything.

"Laws are useless. Good people don't need 'em. Bad people don't obey 'em."

  -- U. Utah Phillips

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Driving from the Left

2000-06-06 Thread Alamaine


 Boyoboy ... just what I want:  'friends' who will ruin my homeland in the
name of 'rule of law' or 'humanitarianism', then try to find every loophole or
mean-spirited way of denying compensation!!! AER 

"" Many of those who have arrived in the recent past come from countries such
as Yugoslavia and Iraq. After British bombs have destroyed their homes and
livelihoods, New Labour does not want them when they arrive in the UK and claim
asylum. ""

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain
Audit Commission report critical of Britain's compulsory dispersal of refugees
By Richard Tyler
6 June 2000

Back to screen version

An official report issued last week warned that the government's compulsory
dispersal policy for refugees and asylum-seekers faced “severe problems”. The
report by the Audit Commission was based on detailed fieldwork carried out in
10 councils and 5 health authorities. It found that many refugees were placed
in substandard housing.

The 1999 Immigration and Asylum Act established a National Asylum Support
Service (NASS), which allocates accommodation outside London and the southeast,
where most asylum-seekers arrive. The report notes that dispersal was
ostensibly aimed at creating language-based “clusters” across the UK, but “in
practice, the availability of accommodation is likely to be the determining
factor in the final placement”.

Some 4,000 asylum-seekers and their families have been sent to live outside
London. About half were dispersed under the compulsory scheme, which came into
effect on April 3. Most have been sent to Yorkshire, Humberside and the
northwest, although some went to Scotland. Just over 30 percent of those asked
to move while the scheme was still voluntary refused to leave London. There are
94,000 asylum seekers currently awaiting a decision regarding their case. Most
presently live in London and the southeast, where the major ports of entry are

Under the new legislation all refugees are forced to exist on a level of income
well below the poverty line while they await a decision on their claim to
asylum. Those with no other means of support receive only the equivalent of 70
percent of welfare benefit rates paid to UK citizens, the official “poverty
line”. Single adults over 25 can expect about £36 a week, and couples with one
child £84. Of these sums, only £10 is paid in cash, the rest being given in
vouchers that can only be redeemed at a limited number of outlets. The
vouchers, unlike welfare benefits, are not an “automatic passport” to other
local services such as free or reduced admission to sports and recreation

The Audit Commission report writes that “The Government justifies providing
financial support below income support rates on the grounds that the property
will be furnished and utilities will be included as part of the accommodation.”

However, the real reason is to make the UK as unattractive as possible to those
seeking refuge. This is tacitly admitted in the report, which states: “New
national support arrangements for asylum seekers aim to fulfil the UK's
international commitments while discouraging economic migration ... by
minimising cash payments to asylum seekers and providing only a basic level

Refugees with children may find they cannot obtain a school place, which is a
legal obligation. The report noted that although “few authorities visited by
the Commission collected information about the number of asylum-seeking or
refugee pupils in their schools,” there is “some evidence that asylum-seeking
children find it difficult to obtain a school place.” Research by the Refugee
Council suggests that in 1999 there were 2,000 children of refugees and asylum-
seekers without a school place.

“Some schools are resistant because they cannot offer the language and other
support that the child requires, and/or are concerned the new arrivals will
adversely affect GSCE and key stage test results.”

Unaccompanied children who arrive in Britain and claim asylum face a precarious
future: “many authorities do not offer 16 and 17 year-old unaccompanied
children a full needs assessment ... evidence suggests that over one half of
children over 16, and 12 percent of those under 16 were in bed and breakfast,
hostels or hotel annexes in October 1999.” Lacking parents or adequate adult
supervision, such children can easily become the victims of abuse.

The Audit Commission was scathing in regard to the lack of training and basic
information in areas now being forced to re-house thousands under the dispersal
policy: “Few councils visited during the Commission's fieldwork had trained
staff to raise their awareness of the needs of asylum seekers and refugees, or
their rights and entitlements to services ... 37 percent of councils do not
have translation and interpreting services and 55 percent do not produce
written material in languages other than English.” Moreover, the Commission
found that only 12 percent of social 

Re: [CTRL] Naval Reserve Comm Willard H.Miller on UFO Situation

2000-06-06 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

"...knighted in the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of
Jerusalem (Knights Templars)..."

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, better known as the Knights of
Malta are the military wing of the Catholic Church. They are also a
sovereign country, even though their only "territory" is an office
building on Via Condotti in Rome. Thirty five countries maintain
diplomatic relations with them; over forty recognize their passport.

 Some Knights of Malta (in no particular order):

Charles Willoughby, (born Karl Widenbach) Chief of Intelligence for Gen.
Douglas MacAuthur

Robert Wagner, Mayor of New York, Atty. for Otto von Bolschwing

William R Grace, founder of the WR Grace Co.

J. Peter Grace, son of WR, head of the company and head of Reagan's "Grace
Committee" which oversaw the planning of government's downsizing.

Martin F Shae Executive VP of Morgan Bank, handled telexing of funds for
OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan, WWII

Gen. Wild Bill Donovan, Wall St. lawyer, founder of OSS, America's first
central intelligence agency.

Alfred Bloomingdale, served on  Reagan's foreign intelligence advisory
Board, better known for role in Vicki Morgan sex scandal.

General Charles Pierce Cable Deputy Director of Central Intelligence under
Allen Dulles

Carl Cabell, brother of the mayor of Dallas the day Kennedy was killed.

Tom Bolan, law partner of Roy Cohn, top advisor to Sen. Alphonse D'Amato.

George W. Anderson, member of intelligence advisory board under Nixon.

John D. J. Moore, WR Grace board member, former Ambassador to Ireland.

Richard Perle, former Assistant Secretary of Defense.

James J. Angleton,  poet, orchid enthusiast, head of CIA counter

Lee Iacocca, titan of industry, sold Detroit to Japan

Admiral James D. Watkins, Reagan's Chief of Naval Operations.

Vernon Walters, CIA trouble shooter, Reagan's roving ambassador.

Spyro Skouros, 20th Century Fox, OSS

Walter Reuther, labor leader

Henry Luce, publisher of *Life*, acid head.

Alexander Haig, "I'm in charge here."

Peter Dominici, chairman of sub committee on terrorism.

William Clark, judge, National Security Advisor, brought Helena von Damm
into USA

Reinhard Gehlen, highest ranking Nazi intelligence officer to defect to
US, head of the the "Gehlen Org," America's sole source of info from
inside USSR immediately after WWII, more than any other single man created
the Cold War, later went on to head BND, West Germany's "CIA." Though a
protestant, Gehlen's role in the "crusade" against "Godless Communism"
warranted him a knighthood.

William Casey, Director of CIA, head of Reagan-Bush campaign, engineered
"October Surprise," architect of contra-gate.

James Buckley, Radio Free Europe

William Buckley, founder of YAF, author of spy novels, TV talk show host,
and noted debater.

John Volpe, Ambassador to Italy.

John McCone, Director of Central Intelligence.

King Baudouin of Belgium.

Henri d'Orleans, Pretender to the throne of France.

Jeremiah Denton, senator

Peter Dominici, senator

William Wilson, Reagan's special emissary to the Vatican

Patrick Frawley, founder of Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, whose
fortune derives from the Schick razor empire. He own a number of right
wing Catholic media outlets, including *Twin Circles*, magazine, and
*National Catholic Register*.  His wife is a Dame of Malta and a leading
member of Right to Life League and a patron of Catholic anti abortion
propagandist Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis's husband is Patrick's employee.

Robert H Abplanalp, Nixon croney, real estate hustler

Joseph Kennedy, bootlegger, ambassador to England, father of various sons.

Baron Hilton, innkeeper.

William Stankard,  Director of Chase Manhatten Bank.

Danny Thomas, entertainer

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Shrunken Presidency : WHY?

2000-06-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

The shrunken presidency

By Joe Schembrie
web posted June 5, 2000

Democrats are truly puzzled as to why Al Gore isn't doing better
in the polls. The country is at peace and the economy is booming,
so why isn't President Bill Clinton's chosen successor getting
the credit?

Perhaps it's because Clinton has shrunk the presidency. In the
public perception, the presidency under Bill Clinton is no longer
relevant with regard to foreign policy or macroeconomics. Ronald
Reagan ended the Cold War and Bill Gates marketed the Internet --
but what Big Thing has Bill Clinton done?

Clinton didn't intend to become the Incredible Shrinking
President. He once tried to accomplish a Big Thing -- national
health care. He was going to nationalize one-seventh of the
economy in one swift stroke. Secret meetings were held,
eight-hundred page master plans were distributed. Everybody would
carry an ID card and dissidents would be imprisoned.

Lenin would have been impressed. The public wasn't.

Clinton proved capable of showmanship but not of leadership. He
couldn't defend the idea or organize support. He couldn't even
work around the legal obstacles. The plan died, his approval
ratings plummeted. National health care was the biggest flop of
his administration and certainly contributed to Clinton's party
losing control of Congress for the first time in decades.

Having been burned by big issues, Clinton learned to stick to the
small ones. He proclaimed, "The Era of Big Government is over,"
and became The President of Small Things -- school uniforms and
trigger locks overshadowing tax policy and nuclear missile
treaties on the national agenda. Even his wars are trivial --
bombing third-rate countries for a week or two, as a sideshow
distraction to his ongoing domestic scandals.

Yes, the government is as big as ever, and there's still a man
following the President around with a briefcase full of nuclear
codes. But in terms of what were once the big issues, the Clinton
Presidency has shriveled into irrelevance. He leaves the status
quo untouched -- and obsesses instead on minor, personal issues.

Elian Gonzalez, case in point. In previous presidencies, child
custody disputes were handled in the family courts. Now the White
House takes direct charge. In Clinton's shrunken perspective, the
Elian Saga loomed as large as the Gulf War, with Uncle Lazaro
cast as Saddam Hussein. There were six months of massive
propaganda -- and a small army was mobilized. But at least when
President Bush liberated Kuwait, he didn't see it necessary to
trample on the Fourth Amendment. Bush, after all, had a sense of

During all those months of strategy, negotiation, and planning
over the Elian Crisis, didn't even one Clinton advisor say,
"Excuse me, Mister President, don't we have a country to run?"

But the obsession over Elian is a step upward, relative to the
presidential puniness achieved under Impeachment. There, because
Clinton chose to commit perjury and abuse of power rather than
apologize or take the Fifth Amendment, a boorish sexual
harassment case was swollen into a national crisis. He dragged
the country through a year of tedious agony, just to cover up his
sex life -- and in true Clintonian fashion, he completely bungled
the conspiracy and the details oozed out anyway.

And once again, the President and his staff were found
concentrating their full mental energies over a personal matter,
while issues of foreign policy and national economics were shoved
into the ditch.

By now, multitudes have caught on that Clinton is a captain who
is absent from the bridge of statecraft for months at a time.
Instead, you'll find him rearranging the chairs on the deck, or
helping arrest a stowaway child, or having sex with a subordinate
-- or conferring with his lawyers about the latest corruption
charges filed against him. Realizing by now that he oversees
neither the navigation nor the steering, the passengers have
ceased to credit Captain Clinton with where the ship of state is
or how it got there.

Clinton's approval rating has slipped below fifty percent,
signaling that half the voting population now wants a real
captain -- before we encounter icebergs. They sense the
leadership vacuum created by the shrunken presidency, and they
want a leader who will fill the office.

Gore is not that leader. By telling us that he looks up to
Clinton, he acknowledges that he's even smaller. And with
campaign spending reform as his keynote theme, he's admitting
that he thinks the most important issue of his presidency will be
how he'll run for re-election!

Meanwhile, George W. Bush talks about big issues of actual
governance: tax cuts, Social Security privatization, nuclear
missile defense. It's as if he's the only candidate who realizes
that the presidency is a very important job.

Possibly, the public agrees. That would explain the polls saying
that he'll be hired.



2000-06-06 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/6/00 7:35:15 AM Central Daylight Time,

What makes me believe there are genuine ET contacts occurring (with or
   without black op intrusion as well) is the remarkable spiritual
   many are having.  As subjective is this is, I just don't believe that
   intentions can awaken deep spiritual truths.

  But that has no bearing on whether these entities are physical beings from
  another planet.

  Huh?  First, I said extra-terrestrial/extra-dimensional.  If not ED or ET
then the alternative would be that covert military ops are undertaking
disinformation campaigns which have the purpose or the side-effect of causing
spiritual awakening.  That would be rather like my dog preparing a a fine
gourmet meal.  What an intriguing idea.

  Why do you presume that physical beings from another planet would be
  the moral sense?  Why would ETs magically be able to 'awaken deep spiritual
  truths'?  Does coming from another planet magically bestow divinity?

  I personally believe that yes, beings from elsewhere in the universe
visiting here would be, by definition, moral and enlightened beings - that
there is a fail-safe-clause in the ordered universe that allows only beings
of a certain spiritual level to achieve certain technologies.  If one thinks
of imagination as having a direct correlation to
inventiveness, then this is not so far-fetched.  There are pathways of
thinking in the creative sense which are closed to darker minds.  There
simply is not the access to a great expanse of ideas in psychologically
unhealthy and repressed beings.  Or that lesser beings, of a barbaric nature,
might achieve some technologies but be prevented from using them outside
their zone.  I postulate that this is indeed an organized universe with
rules, regulations and heirarchies, and no, I have no evidence for such..
So it wouldn't be that divinity is magically bestowed, but that to be free to
roam the universe, a civilization would have to achieve a certain level of
enlightenment first in order that harm might not spread.

  If 'contact' is occurring, it could just as likely be with
  beings that have been here all along, and aren't from outerspace.  And
  beings could just as easily be 'evil', and conning the easily duped into
  believing that they are 'good'

  If they are extra-dimensional, how logical is it to postulate that they may
have been here all along, when we don't even understand the nature of
extra-dimensions?  Where is the "here" in the "extra-dimensional beings that
have been here all along?  Cleveland?  They could be evil, duping people into
believing in their goodness.  They could be evil and accidentally causing
spiritual awakening.  I don't think it's very likely.  Is there some evidence
for the presumption that if extra-dimensional beings exist that they are all

 There is a difference in depth between an mc experience and a
   - the flavors and tones are distinct - though sometimes off only by a few

  This is a subjective analysis, and is not evidence.

  Well wonders never cease.  You figured that out all by yourself?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Naval Reserve Comm Willard H.Miller on UFO Situation

2000-06-06 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/6/00 4:18:50 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Joseph Kennedy, bootlegger, ambassador to England, father of various sons.

  Various sons... LOL.  I would appreciate it if someone could give some
supporting documentation, articles, etc., to back-up that old Joe was a
bootlegger.  His family and Rose's were in the legit liquor business before
Prohibition, and I did find a reference that he supplied liquor to a grateful
group of his Harvard buddies at some alumni party... but that's all I've
found so far.  It's taken as gospel that this is the truth about old Joe.
"Everyone KNOWS" it's all true, but where is the supporting documentation?
I'm not asking tongue-in-cheek or even to make a point.  I'd really like to
have some information.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-06 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 6/5/00 9:11:28 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Prove that I did NOT have a torrid affair with Jacques Vallee, whose
 whispered pillowtalk to me revealed all the secrets of UFOs that he knew...
 not to mention some interesting gossip regarding Mr. Webre... 

Now I'm jealous!



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sex, Lies, and Mind Control - Cathy O'Brien

2000-06-06 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/6/00 7:23:56 AM Central Daylight Time,

 One problem with dismissing her story is that Mark Phillips - who "rescued "
  Ms. O'Brien and admits having an extensive working~g relationship with the
  CIA - co authored her book (Trance Formation of America), travels around
  country with her, and helps publicize her story. I've meet Mr. Phillips and
  he talks and acts much like high-powered corporate executive. His support
  Ms. O'Brien's story is persuasive.

  I think there's just as much reason to believe Cathy's story as there is to
not believe it, but that these facts about make Mark make him more suspicious
than persuasive.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton: The First American President to Commit Genocide in Europe

2000-06-06 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Clinton: The First American President to Commit Genocide in Europe
Serbs are being systematically exterminated in Kosovo
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources,

May 30, 2000

As usual, it was not even reported in the American media, but in the Serbian
Press the picture showing dead bodies, including the body of a four year old
Serbian child, being placed in body bags was titled: "Serbs are being
systematically exterminated in Kosovo".

Is it just Serb melodrama, or is there, perhaps, a concern that the American
media is just systematically ignoring during this election year? Would it be
just too painful for Al Gore’s candidacy to point out that exterminating
Serbs is the major Foreign Policy legacy of the Clinton-Gore era?

As it turns out neither NATO nor the United Nations appears to be able to
keep their Albanian allies from killing United Nations employees – if they
happen to be Serbs. While I did not see the report anywhere else, the United
Nations website reported United Nations Secretary Kofi Annan’s message to
the family members of a Serb UN staff member, Petar Topoljski, as "a dark
day for Kosovo."

There have been no arrests, and even if there were, of course, there is no
real judicial system in Kosovo, one year after the so-called KFOR victory
over Slobodan Milosevic. If there were arrests, according to a report of a
United Nations investigation headed by Ambassador Anwarul Karim Chowdhury of
Bangladesh on the United Nations own website security in Kosovo is still a
"major and continuing challenge." Even when arrested, killers are quickly
freed by the KLA controlled "civil government" and judicial system of
Kosovo. Ambassador Chowdhury said that some violent incidents during the
mission made the group "comprehend better the reality of the situation."

One year into the United Nations and KFOR control over Kosovo the Ambassador
noted that while the "international community had invested heavily in Kosovo
and could not afford to fail" there was an urgent need to address "ongoing
staff shortages for both civil administration and police" which "constrained
UN operations." Introducing the mission's report, Ambassador Anwarul Karim
Chowdhury of Bangladesh, said the Council "could not have envisaged" the
enormity of the UN's tasks in Kosovo when it adopted resolution 1244 (1999),
which sets out the tasks for the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

The fact of the matter is that KFOR and UNMIK actually HAVE allowed the
"systematic extermination" of Serbs in Kosovo. The number of Serbs in the
area of Gnjilane has shrunk from 12,000 to 800 since the end of the war in
June of 1999 according to the Security Council delegation’s report. Gnjilane
is under the auspices of the U.S. military, sent by Clinton without
Congressional approval, and was immediately occupied by the US Marines after
the bombing was halted. The movement of those few Serbs who remain is
possible only with an escort of international peacekeepers or police,
according to UNMIK.

What that indicates is that the situation is far worse now than when the
bombing stopped. Last June I received an e-mail from a Marine stationed with
the KFOR troops in the area of Gnjilane. The first e-mail reported that the
Albanians were burning down the homes of the Serbs, who had fled when it
became obvious to them that there would be no security for them.

His second e-mail reported:

Dear Mary,
Took a security patrol out a couple of days ago. Didn't run across any bad
guys. The little village we went through was interesting. Through an
interpreter, I found out that it had been occupied by regular VJ
(Yugolsavian) troops until a couple of weeks ago. The old man I spoke with
said that the Serb troops didn't steal or destroy anything in the village
and left everything as they had found it. Asked him about mines and he said
that they removed all of them and took them with them when they left.
Obviously very disciplined regular army troops.

The people in the village were ethnic Albanian but didn't seem to harbor a
lot of resentment toward the Serbs, I suppose having the regular VJ in their
village kept the MUP and paramilitary away. The old man ended up guiding us
through the fields and trails in the area. (Good patrol tip, walk only where
the locals walk.) He also went into his house and gave us some smoked
sausage, tomatoes, bread, and peppers.

Very poor people, so this really meant a lot. We've had nothing but MREs for
three weeks so the feast we had when we returned to our lines was the
highlight of the day. Anyhow, this was just one small village and in no way
can it be construed to represent what is going on or happened in the rest of
the country. Just some simple farmers who would be glad just to be left
alone to work the soil and live their lives.

Mostly old folks, women, and children. And the little ones 

[CTRL] Fw: 9 June Amsterdam: Demonstration/Dutch ministers on trial for NATO bombing

2000-06-06 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Original Message-From: 
Monday, June 05, 2000 8:26 PMSubject: 9 June Amsterdam: 
Demonstration/Dutch ministers on trial for NATO bombingOn 
Friday 9 June, at the Paleis van Justitie [court house] in 
Amsterdam, Dutch Government Ministers will be on trial for the NATO bombing of 
Yugoslavia in 1999.In 1999, 29 citizens of Yugoslavia, victims of the 
bombs, started this court case against Ministers Kok [Prime Minister], Van 
Aartsen [Foreign Affairs], and De Grave [Defense]. In May 1999, the judge did 
not grant their request for summary proceedings. However, he also did not throw 
out the case, as pro-war politicians might have liked.The case starts 
Friday 9 June, 11 o'clock at the Paleis van Justitie, Prinsengracht 
434 in Amsterdam. The court case is public. So, the lawyers of the bombing 
victims call on peace activists to come. Before the case starts, there 
is a demonstration, starting 10 o'clock at the Leidseplein.After the 
court case, there will be a meeting, 3 o'clock p.m. at Center Linx 
Internationaal, Sloterkade 20.What might Prime Minister Wim Kok say in 
his defence?Perhaps, he might refer to the front page article of daily 
De Volkskrant of 5 June 1999. It says that NATO promised him twice they 
would not start bombing Yugoslavia without contacting Mr Kok first. Apparently, 
then, Solana, then NATO General Secretary, phoned just one Dutchman: 
Minister Van Aartsen [Foreign Affairs]; even though the whole country, 
especially the Dutch air force, was plunged into war for the first time since 
decades. According to De Volkskrant, Kok wrote angry letters on this to 
Van Aartsen. It is not nice for a Dutch Prime Minister to discover that on the 
question: war or not?, one has about the same influence as the Governor of the 
colony of Puerto Rico. But, some will say: even if Kok apparently did 
not start the war: why didn't he STOP it?
Best wishes,
Herman de Tollenaere
My Internet site on Asian history and new religions:
See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on 

[CTRL] Linda Tripp @ Free Republic

2000-06-06 Thread William Shannon

Linda Tripp addresses her people
Speaking out for the first since the impeachment saga, Linda Tripp gets a
hero's welcome from like minds at a Free Republic meeting.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Judith Greer

June 6, 2000 | MIDDLETON PLACE, S.C. -- During a break Saturday in the
meeting of the South Carolina Chapter of the Free Republic near Charleston,
one of my pleasantly bourgeois luncheon companions told me that 75 percent of
my tax money goes to pay the interest on the federal debt. I might have
quickly swallowed my mesclun and quibbled with that figure if he hadn't
stunned me into silence with his next solemn assertion: The debt wasn't run
up to orbital heights in the '80s by Reagan's deficit spending, but by the
Federal Reserve Bank, deliberately, so that "12 international bankers" could
make gobs of money at our expense.

Apparently the tax burden this evil internationalist scheme has laid upon my
acquaintance made it impossible for him to live his life to the fullest, even
in his particularly upscale subdivision of my own overpriced Charleston
suburb. Did I know, he asked, that Kennedy was shot because he was planning
to dissolve the Fed, and that conditions in this country today parallel those
which led to the rise of Hitler?

Welcome to Freeper World.

My neighbor's astonishing take on history and economics was just one of the
bizarre views from the day, ending in an emotional evening banquet to raise
funds for Linda Tripp's legal team. Tripp, speaking publicly for the first
time since impeachment (which she set in motion by surreptitiously recording
the anguished ditherings of presidential fellateuse Monica Lewinsky) and just
days after criminal wire-tapping charges from the Monica tapes were dropped
against her in Maryland, promised to continue her fight against the Demon
Spawn, aka the Clintons. They had made such a shambles of her life, Tripp
said, that she would never recover, economically or emotionally.

Yet she seemed remarkably cheerful Saturday, freshly face-lifted and looking
forward with optimistic glee to getting more Clinton depositions on videotape
in the course of her irony-impaired civil suit against the White House for --
yes -- invasion of privacy.

Free Republic is a loose, grass-roots style organization founded in 1996 by
Jim Robinson, a Fresno, Calif., conservative. Its mission, as explained by
Bob Johnson, the slender, well-spoken head of the fledgling activist arm of
the organization, is to "reverse the trend of unconstitutional government
expansion" and bring about "a restoration of our constitutional republic."
Specific, long-range goals include the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which
established the IRS, and the complete withdrawal from the United Nations.
Intermediate goals include the rollback of gun control laws, dissolution of
"unconstitutional" government departments, renunciation of many international
treaties and repeal of regulations on business. However, according to
Johnson, these ambitious efforts won't succeed if the organization fails to
reach its primary goal of "ending liberalism as a significant cultural
influence." In pursuit of that aim, it is bent on "leveling the playing
field" in the media, and "balancing" the media's supposed 80-20 slant in
favor of liberalism.

Johnson also plans to hit the "Achilles heel of the left": funding. Most
left-wing organizations are not only generously supported by government
money, Johnson claims, but by private entities who hand out grants, matching
funds and other bennies to liberal causes. "Why," Johnson asked the assembled
Freepers, "do we buy products from an organization that is giving money to
our enemies?" He thinks those corporations should be induced to stop the
handouts, or to give right-wing entities an equal amount.

Finally, Johnson said, the right needs to "retake our institutions," such as
education, and higher education in particular, which is "dominated by
liberals, fascists, communists, Marxists and other assorted luminaries."
Young people these days come out of college with a "headful of mush," Johnson
claims, and it takes them at least 10 years to "solidify all that Jell-O in
their brains."

To quicken the congealing of liberal minds from rubbery picnic desserts into
more respectable concrete blocks, Free Republic's busy Web site offers
article reprints and media archives, as well as a lively -- some would say
virulent -- forum for public discussion and "critical analysis" of current
news and political issues. Free Republic has vociferously supported Tripp
from the beginning of the impeachment crisis, calling her a "Hero and
Patriot," and leading the effort to fund her legal defense. It's no wonder
she felt comfortable making her first speech to the Freepers, because, as her
lawyer Joe Murtha told us, she was sure what she said before these fiercely
loyal partisans would not be criticized or harshly judged.

Not that criticisms and harsh judgments of other players in the impeachment
drama are 


2000-06-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

Greetings! We are forwarding you the Open Letter on
Environmental War on its 1st Anniversary since May, 1999.
Today, the issue of the destruction to the biosphere
brought on by environmental war seems more relevant and
immediate than ever.

 If you would like to see this message sent
simultaneously to the signatory nations of the 1977 UN Treaty
against Environmental Modification on October 24, 2000, the
anniversary of the United Nations, please send signatures and
message of support to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you!

Vladimir Levchenko, Dr.Sci.
Geri DeStefano, PhD
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd



Sat, 01 May 1999 16:14:31 +0300

EcoNews, Vancouver, BC, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
EcoNews/ENWL, St.Petersburg, [EMAIL PROTECTED])


We are concerned about the development of environmental
weapons and the impact of this insidious technology upon the
Earth and its inhabitants.

Already the environmental impacts of NATO bombing have included
increased radiation, PCB and toxic contamination of the
environment. These impacts are in contravention of international
law standards for protection of the environment.

A new generation of environmental weapons (see links below)
would create even more deadly destruction of the environment. The
1977 UN Treaty against Environmental Modification and other
standards prohibit these. These UN treaties and conventions are
not being enforced to stop environmental war. The treaties were
signed by all military nations, who continue to recklessly try and
use Sacred ecological forces as instruments of war.

We call you to act against the further development of these

We ask you to forward this Open Letter widely, and to adopt a
strong Agenda against environmental war. A full text of the Open
Letter is accessible at

If you would like to sign this letter, please do so and e-mail it to
a copy of your letter to someone else.

If you receive it but do not want to sign, please simply e-mail us
the Open Letter with existing signatures. Please do not let the
letter die.

The Open Letter with gathered signatures will be forwarded every
calendar quarter to (1) United Nations Environment Programme for
their concern on environmental impacts of war (2) United Nations
Secretary General - responsible for enforcement of the 1977 Treaty
against Environmental Modification, (3) Signatory countries to the
1977 United Nations Treaty against Environmental Modification, (4)
Governments participating in the Balkans conflict, (5) Concerned
environmental organizations.

Please sign the Open Letter below.

For information, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or


Full Text of Open Letter

Dangers of Environmental War

Environmental Impacts of War

Electromagnetic pulse (emp)  World Seismicity


We have now the following signatures to this Open Letter.
Please add yours, and email to friends and associates.
with a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

1. Geri DeStefano, PhD, Vancouver, BC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2. Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Vancouver, BC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3. Stephanie Selig, Vancouver, BC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

4. Vladimir Levchenko, Dr.Sci., St.Petersburg, Russia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5.  Lev A. Fedorov, Professor, Moscow, Russia ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

6.  Desie A. Poston  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(From!WWBUFallo Tue May  4 00:38:33 MSD 1999)

7.  Dr. Juan P. Ruiz, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ecology Department, Autonoma University, Madrid 28049, Spain
Tel. -- 3491 3978003, Fax  -- 3491 3978001

8.  "Douglas \"Commander\" Whiting" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to respond to douglas whiting, use [EMAIL PROTECTED], or

9.  Elena Polagaeva [EMAIL PROTECTED]

10. Sylvie PERROTEY - Dr Sci. - Lyon (France) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

11. Dmitri S. Rybakov, PhD, Petrozavodsk, Russia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

12. Boris I.Vdovin, Urbanism Institute, St.Petersburg,

13. Sally J. Cruz, Los Angeles, CA ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

14. Dr. Shanti Devi. University of Hawaii West Hawaii. PO Box 2059,
Kealakekau, Hawaii  96750.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

15. Roberta Wise, Administrative Assistant
U. C. Berkeley Program in Genetic Counseling
570 University Hall #1190
Berkeley CA 94720-1190
(510) 642-6328 fax (510) 643-8771

16. Alissar Chaker, MSc., Beirut, Lebanon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

17. Edouard Meilakh, 

[CTRL] Date: 6 June 2000 Federalist #00-23.brf

2000-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date:  6 June 2000
Federalist #00-23.brf

To retrieve today's Brief as printer-friendly text,
link to:

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link to:


The Intercollegiate Studies Institute is an educational organization
whose purpose is to convey to successive generations of college youth
a better understanding of the values and institutions that sustain a
free society.

Visit --


"Private property creates for the individual a sphere in which he is
free of the state. It sets limits to the operation of the
authoritarian will. It allows other forces to arise side by side with
and in opposition to political power. It thus becomes the basis of all
those activities that are free from violent interference on the part
of the state. It is the soil in which the seeds of freedom are
nurtured and in which the autonomy of the individual and ultimately
all intellectual and material progress are rooted." --Ludwig von Mises


"The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards
his life." (Proverbs 16:17)


"When we move beyond talk about good and evil, when the language of
virtue and vice is 'transcended,' we are left with the thin gruel of
values-talk. How very democratic values-talk is: Unlike virtues,
everyone has lots of values, as many as they choose. Hitler had scads
of values. George Washington had virtues. Who among those who knew him
would have spoken of Washington's 'values'? Values-talk comes
naturally to a nonjudgmental age -- an age judgmental primarily about
the cardinal sin of being judgmental. It is considered broad-minded to
say, 'One person's values are as good as another's.' It is nonsense to
say, 'One person's virtues are as good as another's.' Values are an
equal-opportunity business: They are mere choices. Virtues are habits,
difficult to develop and therefore not equally accessible to all.
Speaking of virtues rather than values is elitist, offensive to
democracy's egalitarian, leveling ethos. Which is why talk of virtues
should be revived. ...[D]emocracy requires the cultivation of certain
preventative virtues that counter certain tendencies of democracy."
--George Will

"Are we still raising young people who will be emboldened by the truth
of human equality to fight for their liberty? Will they resist the
temptation to give in to the cowardly behavior that allows tyrants to
reign? Will they have the courage to resist tyranny -- particularly
when it offers the kind of comfortable servitude that our era of
material abundance makes possible?" --Alan Keyes


"Today the old-fashioned liberal pretension of equality is dead.
Replacing it is naked power and the use of government to protect and
expand the privileged status of the Democratic Party and its courtiers
and constituents. Liberals have become reactionaries, behaving as
kings did centuries ago by robbing their opponents to reward their
vassals. Liberals now believe that the main purpose of government is
to play favorites, to bring down their foes and give privileges to
their friends." --Lowell Ponte


"In 1995, a Newsweek poll found that 48% of blacks and 47% of whites
preferred that the Census stop collecting information on race and
ethnicity.  Five years hence, that sentiment is stronger.  A Zogby
poll conducted last month asked a sampling of voters:  'Do you feel
the government should require you to disclose your race?'' Better than
three out of four respondents (77%) answered 'no' -- 71% of the
Democrats, 79% of Republicans, 64% of blacks and  81% of Asians."
--Wall Street Journal

Worth Repeating...

From the "Bolshoi Bureaucracy" Files: If you were thinking about
writing the Census Bureau to complain about the collection of race and
ethnicity questions for the purpose of dispensing government program
largess, let us save you the trouble by reprinting herein the text of
the response you will receive.

May 2000

Mr. Citizen
Anywhere USA

Dear Mr. Citizen:

Thank you for your letter expressing your concerns regarding the race
and ethnicity questions on the Census 2000 questionnaire.

Data on race and Hispanic origin are necessary for the implementation
of many federal programs, and they are critical for the basic research
behind numerous policy decisions. States require these data to meet
legislative redistricting requirements. They also are needed to
monitor compliance with the Voting Rights 

[CTRL] Ultraterrestrials (Was: Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE:)

2000-06-06 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Ah, NOW we come to the meat of the matter...  There is an explanation which
lies midway between aliens and MILABs, and it answers all of the questions
surrounding UFOs, cattle mutilations, abductions, crop circles, the Bermuda
Triangle, and who stole Joe Peabody's toupee?  Quite simply and elegantly,
the real culprits are *ultraterrestrials*, NOT extraterrestrials: namely, a
race or races of beings who have existed alongside humanity since our
anthropoid ancestors diverged from the chimpanzees and bonobos.  They are
capable of taking on human form, and often do live among us,
indistinguishable from the boy or girl next door.  There are numerous
stories of how human babies are abducted and replaced by exact
lookalikes...just ask yourselves the next time you look up from your family
photo album and gaze at your teen-agers, "Where *did* my little (boy/girl)
go?  Where *did* this...*alien* come from, anyway?"  The ultraterrestrials
have even usurped roles of power and leadership among humans, using their
highly-evolved powers of hypnosis and telepathic mind control to cloud the
minds of their unknowing subjects... More to come!

- Original Message -
From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 10:35 PM

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 I could tell you that I and untold others have been repeatedly

 abducted by motorcycle gangsor Arab terrorists...or Satanists...

 or leprechauns...

 Which brings up an interesting question. centuries old stories of being
 "Taken" by "Faeries" bear a startling resemblance to modern abduction
 stories, even missing time.

 What's up with that?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF=""Archives of


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[CTRL] Remembering D-Day

2000-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Remembering D-Day

By Chuck Baldwin

June 6, 2000

On this date fifty-six years ago, the invasion of France by Allied Forces
began under the code name, "Operation Overlord." More than 5,000 ships and
1,200 transport planes carried more than one quarter of a million men into
the greatest military invasion in the history of the world. By July 1, over
one million soldiers had landed. 50 infantry divisions and 10 tank
divisions of Hitler’s best met them. At stake were the fate of the war in
Europe and the fate of freedom for the world.

It was the German Field Marshal, Erwin Pommel, who predicted that, "For the
Allies, as well as Germany, it will be the longest day." How right he was!
By the end of that day over 2,500 allied soldiers and sailors had slipped
into eternity. No one knows how many Germans did the same. The end of that
day also brought a great victory for the allied forces and the beginning of
the end for Nazi Germany.

The Pathfinders and Paratroopers arrived first. It was Brig. Gen. James
"Jumpin' Jim" Gavin who warned his troops, "When you land in Normandy you
will have only one friend: God." So, in the pre-dawn darkness of 6 June
20,000 Paratroopers descended into occupied France.

Eisenhower was more worried about the airborne operation than any other
part of the invasion. His fears were warranted. Of the 120 Pathfinders only
38 landed on their targets. It is believed that Pvt. Leonard Devorchak was
the first American killed on D-Day. Some of the Paratroopers fell into
swollen swamps, others into the channel itself and with heavy-weighted
equipment on their backs, drowned - some in less than two feet of water.
Some were carried by brisk winds into the occupied town of Ste.

As fate would have it, a villa had caught fire in the Town Square, and
about 100 inhabitants were busy passing buckets, trying to put out the
fire. Some of our brave Paratroopers landed screaming in the middle of that
blazing inferno. Others were machine-gunned to death as they descended into
the heavily armed village. Our men were strewn and scattered over miles of
enemy territory, enlisted men without officers and officers with no men to
lead. Numbered in the latter group was Major General Maxwell Taylor. He
found himself with a plethora of officers, but only three enlisted men. He
told them, "Never have so few been commanded by so many." If confusion and
disarray prevailed among our Paratroopers, however, it was even more in
evidence among the German defenders. They still had no idea that the
invasion had begun.

As dawn broke, the allied armada descended upon the beaches of Normandy.
The names of those beaches have been indelibly carved into our minds:
Sword, June, Gold, Omaha and Utah. Under the command of General Montgomery,
the British 2nd Army attacked Sword, June and Gold. The American 1st Army
stormed Utah and Omaha.

The resolve of the infantry soldiers was unmistakable. On the H.M.S. Empire
Anvil, Cpl. Michael Kurtz said to his squad, "As soon as we're spotted
we'll catch enemy fire. If you make it, okay. If you don't, it's a good
place to die. Now let's go." One free Frenchman numbered among that gallant
group said, "We shall die on the sands of our dear France, but we will not
turn back." Such was the commitment and dedication of those brave men.

With heavy artillery from innumerable Naval guns and with the strafing of
formation after formation of more than 11,000 Air Force and Navy planes,
the invasion began. Perhaps the worst was at Omaha Beach. "Bloody Omaha"
they called it.

General Omar Bradley was concerned about Omaha Beach. He knew his 1st
Infantry Division was attacking some of Germany’s most battle-proven
divisions, the tough 352nd. Like Eisenhower's concern for the Paratroopers,
Bradley's fears were justified. Landing craft were blown apart as they came
in. German mortar and machine-gun fire were omnipresent. Misfortune piled
upon misfortune. Many soldiers landed in the wrong sectors. Demolition
engineers, who were supposed to blow paths through the beach obstacles,
were egregiously behind schedule. As a result, demolition teams were
running into invading infantrymen. Many assault troops were taking shelter
behind the very obstacles the engineers were trying to blow up!

During those initial moments it was as if time stood still and Armageddon
had begun. Bodies and parts of bodies were floating on the water, and yes,
flying through the air! Every wave of the sea regurgitated more bodies,
more blood, more ruined equipment. The young medics’ accounts of this
awesome spectacle are incredible.

Sgt. Alfred Eigenberg told of seeing a soldier whose leg was "laid open
from the knee to the pelvis as neatly as though a surgeon had done it with
a scalpel." The wound was so deep that Eigenberg could see the femoral
artery pulsing. The young medic did the only thing he knew to do. He folded
the nearly sliced 

[CTRL] Fw: (50 Years) World Bank Seen Backing Tobacco Lobby

2000-06-06 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 3:27 PM
Subject: (50 Years) World Bank Seen Backing Tobacco Lobby

 From: "Ross Hammond" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Times of India - Monday, June 5, 2000

 World Bank seen backing tobacco lobby

 By Kalpana Jain

 The Times of India News Service

 NEW DELHI: The campaign against tobacco has shifted to a new turf: As
 powerful global interests get affected, the World Bank has now been rapped
 for trying to set a global health agenda that would give tobacco a
 from the concerted action plan of the World Health Organisation.

 The attack on the World Bank comes, interestingly, from one of the most
 authoritative voices on health issues, The Lancet journal, in response to
 the bank's report on the global burden of diseases.

 The bank report argues that poor countries would benefit by focusing on
 eradication of infectious diseases which remain the leading cause of death
 and disability. If the focus was riveted on reducing the burden of
 non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and hypertension,
 the gap between the rich and the poor would widen, says the bank report.

 The bank report is in defence of ``international business interests'', The
 Lancet said editorially on Saturday. K Srinath Reddy, cardiology professor
 at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, said of the bank report:
 ``Transnational tobacco and food traders, international pharmaceutical and
 medical technology industries will be the major beneficiaries of such
 attitudes that allow non-communicable diseases to proliferate, without
 challenge, in less developed countries.''

 The global health agenda set up by the World Bank has tremendous policy
 implications. For instance, when the bank suggested privatisation of
 tertiary care, governments across the globe modified their policies to
 increased private sector participation. Therefore, argues Reddy, the
 from the World Bank is not only anti-poor but also flawed.

 The report has ignored 60 per cent of the population in developing
 countries, he says. Besides, the recommendation seemed to be only for
 developing countries, as developed nations would continue to invest in the
 control of non-communicable diseases like cancer and heart ailments and
 attain higher health levels.

 In its strongly worded criticism, The Lancet says: ``The tobacco industry
 has worked hard to influence the health debate by trying to create
 around the implications of data concerning smoking related death and
 disability. The new, and more sinister, tactic aims to divide a complex
 interconnected subject into the false dichotomy of communicable and
 non-communicable disease.''

 Deeply respected in the scientific community for its objective views and
 analyses, The Lancet has gone to the extent of saying that the World Bank
 ``buttressing a beleaguered World Trade Organisation, and both
 are opposing the health agenda set out by the WHO''.

 WHO has launched a global campaign against tobacco. As a result, several
 details of the deceit the tobacco industry has resorted to, for capturing
 young consumers, have tumbled out in the open. It is obvious any sustained
 campaign against such big businesses would be tough. ``WHO needs strong
 supporters if its goals are to be realised against the forces of
 small-mindedness and big tobacco,'' The Lancet has concluded.


 * The World Bank is seen as working against WHO action to eradicate

 * The charge comes from authoritative health journal Lancet

 * A World Bank report says poor countries should focus on eradicating
 infectious diseases

 * Developed countries, on the other hand, can continue their focus on
 diseases like cancer and heart ailments.

 * Given the link between smoking and these non-communicable diseases,
 implies it is a case of the World Bank backing the tobacco lobby

 50 Years Is Enough Network
 To unsubscribe, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
 in the body of the message. Questions? email

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Romania's Communists Poised for a Comeback

2000-06-06 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Romania's Communists Poised for a Comeback


Propelled by a banking scandal, the Romanian government may be on
its way out of power. The current administration, which has led the
country in its bid for membership in both NATO and the European
Union, suffered unprecedented losses at municipal elections May 4 -
partly as a result of the scandal. After four years of pro-Western
rule in Romania, the country seems prepared to consider a return to
leaders who are leftovers of the communist era.


A banking scandal threw Romanian investors into panic last week,
resulting in the collapse of a national investment fund. An
anonymous source leaked information to the public that led to a run
on the bank. The information leak - apparently politically
motivated - was the first in what will likely be a string of events
aimed at weakening the current government.

The banking scandal - combined with success at the polls in recent
elections - will strengthen the hand of the Social Democrats,
composed of former communist-era officials, led by former president
Ion Iliescu. Supporters of the ruling Christian Democratic Party
largely boycotted local elections on May 4 and, along with low
voter turnout, helped throw the elections to the Social Democrats.
In November, the country will hold parliamentary and presidential

By themselves the local elections cannot indicate who will win in
the fall. But the public's awareness of the corruption surrounding
the banking sector, however, does suggest an imminent collapse of
the Romanian administration. If the Social Democrats can continue
to expose government corruption, while influencing voters at the
municipal level, they may be able to manipulate mass sentiment
enough to position themselves for a win in November.

Would you like to see full text?

In mid-May several anonymous phone calls to investors in the
Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR) began a run on the bank that led to
the collapse of its partner, the state-run National Investment Fund
(FNI), according to Bucharest press reports. A total of 10,000
small investors - out of 300,000 with investments with the fund -
reportedly attempted to withdraw their cash from the BCR. With only
4 percent of its $164 million worth of assets liquid, the fund

Romania's ruling Christian Democrats say the crisis was an attempt
by the political opposition to sway the elections. They are
probably right, in that the crisis would not have happened without
the anonymous phone calls.

A problem had already been brewing; but it was sparked into a
crisis by a timely leak of information to the public. Initially
Stefan Boboc, president of the National Securities Commission
(CNVM) denied any knowledge of FNI's precarious and illegal
financial position. Two days later he was charged with directly
managing the fund's questionable operations, reported the Romanian
daily Economy Today.

For more on Romania, see:

Boboc, arrested on June 2, is charged with abuse of power for
allowing FNI to submit false accounting statements to hide its
dangerous financial status. In addition to holding only 4 percent
liquid assets, instead of the required 30 percent, FNI also failed
to report approximately 86 percent of its shares. By law, only 10
percent can be unaccounted for. Romanian authorities want four
other FNI officials for their involvement in the scandal. One of
them, the fund's chief administrator, fled the country.

The banking scandal cost the state an estimated $49 million, and
possibly November's elections. Timed for just a few days before
local elections, the banking crisis left the Christian Democrats
looking corrupt and untrustworthy - with a potent real life
reminder to voters with empty bank accounts. While voters abandoned
the Christian Democrats, the Social Democrats gained control of
Romania's local governments, including the mayorship of Bucharest.

In addition to being the second most popular party in the country,
the former communists now have the ability to install local
officials, who can affect the ability of the ruling party to
campaign. With six months before both parliamentary and
presidential elections, the successor to the Romanian Communist
Party may have just enough time to convince voters on a local level
to vote for them nationally while restricting ruling party access
to the political apparatus at the municipal level.

The pro-Western ruling party is decidedly vulnerable. The Christian
Democrats are members of the majority coalition in parliament, with


2000-06-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I could tell you that I and untold others have been repeatedly
abducted by motorcycle gangsor Arab terrorists...or Satanists...
or leprechauns...

 Which brings up an interesting question. centuries old stories of being
 "Taken" by "Faeries" bear a startling resemblance to modern abduction
 stories, even missing time.

Yes, which was one of the reasons I chose the 'leprechaun' comparison.

That is something the Jacques Vallee also points out...but I'm sure Mr.
Webre will also take credit for that...   ;-)


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UNDERGROUND TUNNELS__GIF image 679x480 pixels

2000-06-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Dale Stonehouse" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Presumably you posted this in a pathetic attempt at presenting

 But there isn't a shred of it...

 Using June's own logic, there is no "evidence" that she exists.

You're right...I'm a figment of your imagination.  ;-)

 And if she does, I suggest the list owner ban her from the list. Who needs
 to read vile bile like this day after day after day? Not me.

Well, I've been here from almost Day One of the list's creation, so I
suspect I'll be here long after you're gone.

If you feel a call for scholarly research and the end of posting wild
speculation as 'fact' represents 'vile bile', then I suggest this is NOT
the list for you.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Another take on UFOs, as 'valid' as some others....

2000-06-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld least as valid an opinion, with as valid (or invalid) 'documentation'
as Nickey Molloy provides


UFOs, Aliens, Antichrist  Bible Prophecy gives a comprehensive and
citation-heavy view of the theory that UFOs and other extraterrestrial
phenomenon are actually the actions of assorted legions of fallen
angels. While I'm not sure whether the argument is particularly
compelling, I can tell you that it is exhaustively researched. The site
is filled with obscure scripture, heavily annotated with literal
translations of some of the more loosely interpreted words and phrases.
The sources of many of these theories are often cross-referenced with
their availablity on for those who might be interested in
obtaining the primary sources. I should, however, commend the
webmasters for keeping the site itself focused on the information at
hand rather than the pitching of related products. Ultimately, the site
paints an interesting picture, presenting us with a strange mix of the
theological, the metaphysical, and the scientific.
Eric Stoveken,

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] FW: (earthclan) Fwd: USDA Accused of Cover-Up Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

2000-06-06 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Branfionn
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 6:43 PM
To: Earthclan
Subject: (earthclan) Fwd: USDA Accused of Cover-Up  Retaliation Against

Message: 5
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 08:29:16 -0700
From: "Paul Maser" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Government Accountability Project
 National Office
1612 K Street · Suite 400
   Washington, DC 20006
202-408-0034 · fax: 202-408-9855 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] · Website:
For Release: June 1, 2000
For more information: Chris Chandler; (202) 408-0034, ext 128
Washington, D.C. --- The U.S. Department of Agriculture
deliberately covered up evidence of diseased chicken being
approved for consumers, and attempted to retaliate against the meat
inspectors who brought the problem to light, a group of 28 consumer
and civic watchdog groups charged Thursday in a letter to Thomas
Billy, director of the Food Safety and Inspection Service of USDA.
The letter charged that Billy himself showed total disregard for the
Whistleblower Protection Act when he said at a February 15
meeting with inspectors that employees who talked to reporters
about the situation "should have anticipated that there may be some
risks to those that are involved in it."
The diseased chicken was approved under a new experimental
slaughterhouse inspection system that shifts much of the responsibility
for inspection from federal inspectors to the company itself.
Last fall when the new system began on a pilot basis at the Gold Kist
plant in Guntersville, Alabama, meat inspectors expressed concern
that the plant was allowing diseased chicken to enter the food
supply. On February 6, there were news reports that adulterated
chickens were being approved at the plant and processed as chicken
nuggets for the school lunch program.
In response, a senior government manager was sent to the plant on
February 8 and the Office of Inspector General began a "preliminary
inquiry" on February 9.
"We have no reason to believe product leaving these Gold Kist
plants is anything other than safe and wholesome," the USDA press
release said. But internal agency documents reveal that the senior
manager, Karen Henderson, confirmed most of the inspector's
charges that diseased chicken was receiving the USDA seal.
As soon as she arrived the plant added two "sorters" to the three
already on the line to examine the chickens for filth and disease. The
plant also slowed the line speed from 130 birds a minute to 51. Even
then she found that some diseased birds passed all company
Company records show that before her visit the plant was producing
177,000 birds a day, and condemning only 5.5 per cent. After her
visit the plant cut production to 115,000 birds a day and condemned
33 per cent.
"These facts present a classic example of the value and necessity of
whistleblowers," the letter to Billy said.
When the Office of Inspector General began its investigation, instead
of determining the facts, investigators asked meat inspectors if they
had released data to reporters, and whether they spoke to reporters
while on or off duty, a question that clearly indicated an intention to
seek disciplinary action against them.
Felicia Nestor, Food Safety Project Director at the Government
Accountability Project, told members of the OIG staff by phone that
these kinds of questions were illegal under the Whistleblower
Protection Act. The response was to end the investigation, indicating
that it's purpose was to punish the whistleblowers, not determine
whether adulterated food was going out to consumers.
"We are especially concerned about this," the letter said, "because
collusion to discredit whistleblowers is recognized as one of the
prime motivations behind many retaliatory investigations."
"Your agency showed disrespect for its own inspectors and violated
the public trust when you repeatedly led the public to believe that
there was proof their allegations were wrong," the letter said.
Signing the letter, in addition to Nestor from GAP, were Joan
Claybrook, president of Public Citizen, Rodney Leonard, executive
director of the Community Nutrition Institute, Joseph Mendelson,
legal director of the Center for Food Safety, and representatives
from 23 other civic and consumer protection organizations.
(Note: Copies of the letter and other documents available upon
Felicia Nestor can be reached at (202) 408-0034, ext. 132
Wenonah Hauter of Public Citizen is at (202)454-5150
Rodney Leonard, executive director, Community Nutrition Institute,
(202) 776-0595
Delmer Jones, chairman, National Joint Council of Food Inspectors
Locals; (205) 680-5549
Arthur Hughes, vice chairman, (207) 782-0757


[CTRL] Fwd: Online Petition: Save Organic Standards! (Ends 6-12)

2000-06-06 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Branfionn
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 6:46 PM
To: Earthclan
Subject: (earthclan) Fwd: Online Petition: Save Organic Standards! (Ends

Save Organic Standards!

The USDA has recently released its new proposal for national organic food
standards. While USDA fixed many problems identified in the 275,000 public
comments submitted two years ago, it hasn't shut the door tight on genetic
engineering, irradiation and sewage sludge. It hasn't closed loopholes that
allow animal factories to be considered organic. And it imposes fees that
will drive small family farmers out of organic agriculture. Finally, the
proposal does not provide leeway for farmers and certifiers to improve and
strengthen organic standards. We urge you to fight back by calling on the
USDA to adopt a rule that guarantees strong national organic standards.
USDA is accepting comments through June 12th. Filling out the letter found
at will enable you to send
USDA a message, to have your comments in the official record, and to make
your opinion count.

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2000-06-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Nicky Molloy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It is good to see someone using their sharp powers of analysis and knowledge
 gathered on this subject..

Then why don't we ever see YOU ever using 'sharp powers of analysis', instead
of posting the personal opinions and wild speculations you try to pass off as

 Paul Williams Interviews Betty Hill

Interviews aren't evidence.

 This is an interview with Ms. Betty Hill. Ms. Hill and her husband Barney
 had an extraordinary experience in 1961.

Mrs. Hill and her husband had what they later came to believe was an alien
abduction.  There is no EVIDENCE of this.  All there is are their recounting
of events, recorded on tape, while under hypnotic regression.

If Betty and Barney Hill WERE abducted, they could as easily been abducted
as part of a military mind control experiment, run solely by homo sapiens,
with no outer space beings involved at all, except as the cover story.

 Here's a great story. Michelle believes that when she was a teen, she was
 kidnapped by people in military uniform, raped by an reptilian being, and
 then examined.

"...believes that when she was a teen..." is not is her admitted
BELIEF of what happened.

 Ms. Cuccia believes she's experienced contact with extra-terrestrials.

Again, we have a 'believer'.  And again, no evidence.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Ultraterrestrials (Was: Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE:)

2000-06-06 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 More to come!

Yeah. Let's kick this one around for a while. But let's keep speculation
and facts seperate and labeled. Let's also keep in mind that there needs
be no exclusionary hypothesis. There could be military intelligence behind
some abductions and ETs behind others (a la "Jose Chung") and yet more
could be the work of the "Ultraterrestrials."

So, if there ARE "ultraterrestrials," where could they could have come
from? How far must we revise our concept of physics to account for their
reported activities? What might their plans and motives be?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] School Of The Americas

2000-06-06 Thread William Shannon

SUBSIDIZING INTERNATIONAL CRIME: Time to Close School of the Americas
U.S. Taxpayers Pay for the Training of Killers and Rapists
Frank Lingo is a columnist for the Kansas City Star.

Call it "Torture Tech" -- teaching techniques of terror with our taxes.

It's the U.S. Army's School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia, where
Latin American soldiers are trained in torture and execution of political
rivals. The United Nations Truth Commission for Human Rights found that over
two-thirds of El Salvadoran officers cited for abuses are graduates of the
school. Our tax dollars have paid for this suppression of democracy for over
half a century.

In May, the House of Reprehensibles' ruling Repugnicans voted by a close
margin to continue funding the school. But the House decided to spruce up the
school's image. It'll now be known as the Defense Institute for Hemispheric
Security Cooperation. Isn't that grand? This week, the U.S. Senate takes up
the issue. There's still time to let your senators know if you'd prefer that
your tax dollars not be devoted to training terrorists.

The 1980 rape and murder of four American churchwomen, and the 1989 murders
of six Jesuit priests along with their housekeeper and her daughter -- by
Salvadoran soldiers who were School of the Americas graduates -- motivated
Father Roy Bourgeois, a Maryknoll priest then in Minneapolis to visit Fort
Benning and find out what was going on there.

Thus was born the School of the Americas Watch, which held its first protest
vigil outside the fort in 1990 with about a dozen participants. That year,
some folks went on a thirty-five day water-only fast to protest.

By November 1999, the annual protest had grown to 12,000 people outside Fort
Benning, with many arrested for marching into the fort. On Thursday June 8,
ten individuals, including a recipient of the Congresssional Medal of Honor,
will be sentenced to jail time for their peaceful protest.

Father Bourgeois is no stranger to the slammer either, having spent a
cumulative three years behind bars for his efforts to close down the school.
A Navy Vietnam veteran himself, Bourgeois was influenced by a Maryknoll
priest devoted to helping the poor. Later, Bourgeois followed suit and took
his vows with the Maryknolls, who have supported him in his decade of
non-violent resistance.

Advocates for the school say it's the key to winning the war on drugs. But
less than five percent of the school's trainees even take counter-narcotics

When President Clinton went to Central America last year, he mentioned with
that soulful sadness of his the mayhem our military has visited upon the
region. Empty words because his administration has pushed hard to continue
the terror training. In 1996, the Pentagon released to the press the manuals
used at the school. The manuals advocate anti-democratic activities like
infiltrating labor unions and political parties, as well as old-fashioned
torture and execution.

Over five decades, numerous graduates have become dictators and high-ranking
army officers who have killed thousands of people all over Latin America.
Whatever miserable excuse our army may have had for running the school, such
as the need to have pro-American regimes -- no matter how murderous -- to
combat communism, those days are long gone. Now, advocates for the school say
it's the key to winning the war on drugs. But less than 5 percent of the
school's trainees even take counter-narcotics classes, as if the massive
corrruption in the drug trade could be controlled anyway.

So what reason could there possibly be for supporting the school? Father
Bourgeois says the School of the Americas provides muscle for the sweatshops,
the multi-national corporations and the World Bank to defend an economic
system which keeps a small elite very wealthy and the vast majority very

On Memorial Day, we honored those who died for our freedom. When we hear of
former enemies Japan and Germany whitewashing their atrocities in teaching
history to their children, it makes us angry. Let's not be like them. Let's
admit we were wrong to contribute more grief to the families of
freedom-seekers in Latin America. Then let's stop.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I personally believe that yes, beings from elsewhere in the universe
visiting here would be, by definition, moral and enlightened beings - that
there is a fail-safe-clause in the ordered universe that allows only beings
of a certain spiritual level to achieve certain technologies.

Oh, so using that logic, western society is more moral than South
Pacific tribes, because western society developed the A-bomb and the
Pacific islanders did not...therefore, we were morally justified in
forceably evicting the residents of the Bikini atolls from their
centuries-old home so that we could use it for our nuclear tests...

Were the developers of Iron Age tools morally superior to their Stone
Age ancestors?  Were their Bronze Age decendents then morally superior
to themselves?

What evidence do you have for this universal 'fail-safe-clause'?

If one thinks
of imagination as having a direct correlation to
inventiveness, then this is not so far-fetched.

Imagination does not need a moral compass.  Some of the most inventive
people were social and moral bastards.

I postulate that this is indeed an organized universe with
rules, regulations and heirarchies, and no, I have no evidence for

Fine, as long as it is clear that what you post is your own belief, and
that you aren't trying to present it as 'the real truth'...

And as you probably have figured out, I disagree with your assessment.

So it wouldn't be that divinity is magically bestowed, but that to be free
to roam the universe, a civilization would have to achieve a certain level
of enlightenment first in order that harm might not spread.

I don't particularly believe it.  I feel that if there are beings on
other planets, they are no better or no worse, in a moral sense, than
we ourselves are.  And just as Europeans spread untold disease and
misery into the other continents they 'discovered' and conquered for
their rulers -- sometimes wittingly, sometimes unwittingly -- so too I
feel that if beings from other planets come here, they will be just as
likely to do so for the same reasons human beings have gone exploring
--whether for patriotism, to seek riches, or to spread 'the true

If they are extra-dimensional, how logical is it to postulate that they may
have been here all along, when we don't even understand the nature of
extra-dimensions?  Where is the "here" in the "extra-
dimensional beings that have been here all along?  Cleveland?  They could
be evil, duping people into believing in their goodness.  They could be
evil and accidentally causing spiritual awakening.

You presume that what a person is undergoing is an 'awakening', when in
fact they may be being conned...led to believe it is an 'awakening'
when it is really nothing but psychic manipulation.

Why do you think run-of-the-mill con artists are so successful?  Because
they don't go around advertising their ill-intent, rather they are quite
skillful in making their mark believe they have the mark's best interest at

What we may have here is a psychic con game...

I don't think it's very likely.  Is there some evidence
for the presumption that if extra-dimensional beings exist that they are
all evil?

"By their fruits you shall know them".  What GOOD are these beings
really accomplishing?  Seems to me the message the 'good' ones always
impart have to do with humanity giving up its individuality, and
forming some variation of a 'new world order'.  Sounds very fascist to
me...and I use that term deliberately.


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2000-06-06 Thread nessie

Two words: cargo cult

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mexican Reconquista: .... California Will Be First 'Hispanic' State

2000-06-06 Thread Bard

Mexican Reconquista: Leader Says California Will Be First 'Hispanic' State
Stephan Archer

Wednesday, June 7, 2000

"I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the
territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants are an
important – a very important part – of this."
This statement wasn’t made in secrecy behind closed doors. It wasn’t said
outside the jurisdiction of the United States of America. None other than
Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo spoke it in Chicago on July 23, 1997.

Speaking before the National Council of La Raza, Zedillo went on to say,
"For this reason, my government proposed a constitutional amendment to allow
any Mexican with the right and the desire to acquire another nationality to
do so without being forced to first give up his or her Mexican nationality."

This amendment is significant for more than just the obvious reason. It is
nearly impossible to obtain Mexican citizenship unless you can prove you are
Mexican or are of Mexican descent. If you are neither, you must prove that
you have completely adopted Mexican culture and lifestyle. Yet a Mexican
citizen can, in essence, acquire another nationality and remain a Mexican.
Is this a double standard?

Glenn Spencer, president of Voice of Citizens Together and radio talk show
host of American Patrol Report, thinks so. But he thinks there’s something
more sinister to the Mexican president’s decree than one might think.

"This is an invasion of the United States in a very classic way with all of
the classic objectives of an invasion without using bullets," Spencer said.

Spencer added he believed Mexico is allowing this so that those people with
dual citizenship may vote in the interest of Mexico in the United States.
The ultimate goal of this invasion, Spencer contends, is to reclaim the
American Southwest – an area including California, Arizona, Nevada, New
Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas. Known as Aztlan by Hispanic
activists, these states make up what used to be Mexican territory before
treaties and wars gave the land to the United States.

Some Hispanic activists deny that there is any sort of organized effort to
take over these states and reclaim it for Mexico. However, Jose Pescador
Osuna, who was once the Mexican consul general in Los Angeles, has been
quoted on the record as saying, "Even though I’m saying this part serious
and part joking, I believe we are practicing 'La Reconquista' in

"La Reconquista" means "the reconquest" and refers to the taking over of the
U.S. Southwest. Osuna now is an agent of the Mexican government and works
for migration in Mexico City.

Even though these statements have been made on American soil, Mario Obledo
of the California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations said the "radical"
Aztlan movement died in the 1960s. Obledo, a resident of Sacramento, Calif.,
explained that his organization tries to secure the civil rights of
Mexican-Americans "and others similarly situated."

Although claiming a profound faith in America, he’s also proud of the fact
that the majority of Californians in the next few years will be Hispanic.

"California is going to be a Hispanic state," Obledo said. "Anyone who doesn
’t like it should leave."

Obledo further added: "Every constitutional office in California is going to
be held by Hispanics in the next 20 years. It’s a fact of life. That’s all.
All of those propositions – 187, 209, and whatever – is a backlash due to
the insecurities of the majority population. That’s all. But all those
measures are going to be reversed one of these days."

Proposition 187 was the California initiative supported by a majority of
Californians that denied taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens.
Proposition 209 was another initiative supported by a majority of
Californians that banned affirmative action, that is, prohibited
preferential treatment in the work place and public schools and

Speaking at a Latino gathering in response to Proposition 187’s passage in
1995, Art Torres, the chairman of the California Democratic Party, said:
"Power is not given to you. You have to take it. Remember, 187 is the last
gasp of white America in California."

But if Mexico is to reclaim the U.S. Southwest, how will it be done?

Spencer believes that with the increasing unrest along the U.S.-Mexican
border, the U.S. Border Patrol will eventually become overwhelmed, requiring
the U.S. Army to take action. With increasing unrest and military presence
all along the border, the current border will be erased and a new border
zone stretching 150 miles from the current border into the United States
will be put in place.

Although this may sound impossible, President Clinton has already issued an
executive order that could put such a border zone in place.

Executive Order 13122, signed by the president May 25, 1999, established an
Interagency Task Force on the Economic Development of the Southwest Border.
The purpose of the task force is 


2000-06-06 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/6/00 8:51:02 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Oh, so using that logic, western society is more moral than South
  Pacific tribes, because western society developed the A-bomb and the
  Pacific islanders did not...therefore, we were morally justified in
  forceably evicting the residents of the Bikini atolls from their
  centuries-old home so that we could use it for our nuclear tests...

  Were the developers of Iron Age tools morally superior to their Stone
  Age ancestors?  Were their Bronze Age decendents then morally superior
  to themselves?

  It was terribly obvious what I meant about technology.  Either you're not
wired-up to understand plain English or you're deliberately saying
off-the-wall things for whatever reasons of your own (hey, I'm quick).
Either way, I'm out of the realm of substance in continuing this discussion
and on to only sharing personal opinions that I truly have not a shred of
evidence for.

  I'm sure that you'll retort that I never shared anything of substance to
begin with, so let me just save you one of your 7 per day posts/email address
and let the insult just hang there for you.

  If I find anything that resembles compelling evidence, even of a
circumstantial nature, I'll post it.  Other than that I'm finished.


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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Check the Crime Rate in Your Neighborhood

2000-06-06 Thread Bard


then scroll half way down,


enter your Zipcode.

Pro Libertate - For Freedom
No more phony warrants..

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Who can I tell?

2000-06-06 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Ambassador Warren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Who can I tell?
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 12:00 AM

I have been looking for a contact in the media, for quite some time, with
whom I might share materials concerning what is actually going on in
Seattle, WA.  These materials include numerous jpg images showing
unidentified police officers (wearing no badges or any other identifying
markings...outside of the word "police" being painted on a jet black
uniform) working hand in glove with members of the national guard (who
carry the same weapons) utilizing potentially lethal force (concussion
grenades or "flash bangs" which are classified by the US Army as being
designed to kill people) against unarmed civilians.
In addition to this, and very importantly, I have mp3 files which contain
recordings made from a scanner set to police frequency during wto assault
on innocents by police.  On these mp3 files, the dispatcher can clearly be
heard instructing the officers (several times) to herd these civilians to a
specific part of the city (outside of the "no protest zone") and then told
that officers should then give chase and attack innocent people.  In
addition, the police dispatcher comes on several times at one point telling
police to permit those that are "dressed in black" to pass by without
interference.  They are identified by the dispatcher as being
"Agents".  Please note that the police told the media during the entire
episode and afterwards that the people dressed in black were NOT agents,
but were anarchists from another state (Oregon).  Several people from that
state have since been arrested and charged with various felonies...and
prosecution is already underway.  From what I can tell, it looks like a
foregone conclusion that these people will end up being sent to prison
based purely on the fact that they stand accused and that they have
admitted to visiting friends in Seattle during the wto meetings last December.

I have sent these materials to all of the local media, the NY Times, the
Washington Post and numerous other media.  Not one has even acknowledged
receipt, and none have used any of the materials or my first hand
observations.  Not everyone is ignoring this material, however.  Amnesty
International turned it over to the U.N., who have now demanded that the
USA stop torturing its own people.  However, an investigation into what is
happening in the police state that America has become has yet to be
done...and no government yet offers refuge status to Americansor even
assistance in repatriation.  Apparently, it is assumed that all Americans
are rich.  This is far from being true.  Given the opportunity, my family
and I would more than welcome the opportunity to escape this police state
and start fresh in almost any country where we could get by with English
while learning whatever the alternative language was.

My experience as an American citizen...from birth... has been to grow up in
an atmosphere that, quite frankly, I have been recently been surprised to
learn is an exception to what is considered normal civilized society.  In
looking at how other countries treat their citizens, I have come to envy
the freedom that many citizens of many countries enjoy.  On the Internet, I
have learned that many believe the lies that America places before them.  I
wish that I had the opportunity to tell them the harsh, cold reality of
what life in the USA is really like.

Can you help me do this?  Or can you help me find someone to share my
knowledge and experience with that can get the first hand truth about the
horrors of life in the USA to the rest of the world ?

I look forward to hearing from you soon about this.

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Was the Catholic Church Silent During the Holocaust?

2000-06-06 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Was the Catholic Church Silent During
 Tue, 06 Jun 2000 23:02:49 -0400
 Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 David Sutherland wrote:


 It actively PARTICIPATED!!!


From N.I.R archives. J2

 Hitler's Religion

 Reproduced from Lead Us Not Into Penn Station by Anne Nicol Gaylor.


 The first legislative hearing I ever attended was in the mid- 1960's at the
 Wisconsin capitol, and the subject was the modernization of Wisconsin's
 birth control law. Wisconsin, the last state in the country to legalize
 contraceptives for unmarried persons, had a law until 1974 that was hostile
 to birth control for anyone and denied it to the unmarried, no matter what
 the circumstances. A fifty-year old widower, for example, could not legally
 buy a condom.

 Toward the end of the hearing, which had featured calm and reasonable
 presentations by professional people who supported liberalization of the
 law and emotional outbursts about morals from clergy and Catholic matrons
 opposed to change, a frail, elderly man took the podium. He explained that
 he was an atheist concerned about separation of state and church, and that
 he regarded the birth control issue as one where the Catholic Church was
 imposing its doctrine on the state, an observation that resulted in
 immediate uneasiness among the legislators hearing testimony, especially
 the Catholic chairperson. The atheist then began a brief summary of the
 historic problems of state-church entanglement, citing the bloodshed and
 wars in European history that were religion related. When he referred to
 religion's role in World War II and Adolf Hitler's Catholicism, the
 chairman of the committee became enraged, and in a red-faced frenzy struck
 his gavel repeatedly until the elderly man tremblingly left the podium.

 For some reason, Catholics are not eager to claim Hitler.

 Even today, when I refer to Hitler's Catholicism in conversation or a
 speech, it immediately becomes apparent that I have said something "not
 quite nice," and I am often challenged. Nontheists, I then explain, know
 that many modem tyrants, whether petty tyrants such as Richard Nixon, or
 more successful tyrants such as Hitler, have regarded themselves as
 exemplary Christians, an estimate their followers had no trouble accepting.
 Hitler's religiosity--he was a Catholic until his death--is often glossed
 over, but it is critical in understanding his motivation.

 I have often reflected, wistfully, on how much happier modern history might
 have been had Hitler been brought up as an atheist, an agnostic, or, at
 least, a Unitarian. Born and bred a Catholic, he grew up in a religion and
 in a culture that was anti-semitic, and in persecuting Jews, he repeatedly
 proclaimed he was doing the "Lord's work."

 You will find it in Mein Kampf.- "Therefore, I am convinced that I am
 acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing
 the Lord's work."

 Hitler said it again at a Nazi Christmas celebration in 1926: "Christ was
 the greatest early fighter in the battle against the world enemy, the Jews
 .. . . The work that Christ started but could not finish, I--Adolf
 Hitler--will conclude."

 In a Reichstag speech in 1938, Hitler again echoed the religious origins of
 his crusade. "I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty
 Creator. By warding off the Jews, I am fighting for the Lord's work. "

 Hitler regarded himself as a Catholic until he died. "I am now as before a
 Catholic and will always remain so," he told Gerhard Engel, one of his
 generals, in 1941.

 There was really no reason for Hitler to doubt his good standing as a
 Catholic. The Catholic press In Germany was eager to curry his favor, and
 the princes of the Catholic Church never asked for his excommunication.
 Religions encourage their followers to hold authority in unquestioning
 respect; this is what makes devout religionists such wonderful dupes for

 When Hitler narrowly escaped assassination in Munich in November, 1939, he
 gave the credit to providence. "Now I am completely content," he exclaimed.
 "The fact that I left the Burgerbraukeller earlier than usual is a
 corroboration of Providence's intention to let me reach my goal." Catholic
 newspapers throughout the Reich echoed this, declaring that it was a
 miraculous working of providence that had protected their Fuhrer. One
 cardinal, Michael Faulhaber, sent a telegram instructing that a Te Deum be
 sung in the cathedral of Munich, "to thank Divine Providence in the name of
 the archdiocese for the Fuhrer's 


2000-06-06 Thread Nurev Ind Research

nessie wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
  I will posture another scenario the great Hoax of all time. How to
 achieve One World Government and total domination of the people by the New
 World Order?

 Easy: Create an Alien threat so dangerous that we are all glad to
 surrender our sovereignty we will be happy to surrender or Constitutional
 rights to combat the ET Menace.

 National sovereignty is in it's death throws. The WTO, the IMF, the WB,
 the OAS, the EU, the CIS, NATO and to a considerably lesser extent the UN,
 are quickly replacing it all over the world. Even China, supposed last
 bastion of autarchy, is scrambling as fast as it can to join the bleating
 flock. The era of national rule is ending. The era of corporate hegemony
 is upon us.

Never happen. National rule can't be done away with. The best the corporate
elites can hope for is a weak state with big armies and traitor politicians.
This is pretty much what we have today.


 Those of us fortunate enough to live in countries where Constitutional
 rights actually exist, at least on paper, still cling to the quaint
 delusion that paper can stop bullets. But it isn't true. Paper can't even
 stop jackboots. It never could.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Naval Reserve Comm Willard H.Miller on UFO Situation

2000-06-06 Thread tenebroust

Given Miller's various pursuits and his military carrer, as well as his affiliations 
it is reasonable to presume that he is an "intelligence agent" of one kind or another. 
 Given his remarks and clear willingness to be associated with UFO groups it stands to 
reason that what he says is highly suspect, and could be disinformation.  Also setting 
up meetings at the Pentagon is NOT a big deal, just as the one editor said.  And the 
fact that many people in government "are interested in the subject" has nothing to do 
with what level that interest is at and what they are doing (or have the power to do) 
to get it resolved.  Remember Clinton supposedly wanted a closer look at the UFO 
situation, the Kennedy assassination and Area-51.  Well he didn't do anything to 
enlighten anybody, if he found out anything at all.

On Tue, 06 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:

 -Original Message-
 To: (Mailing List 1)  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (Mailing List 1) 
 Date: Tuesday, 6 June 2000 09:53
 Subject: (Fwd) [SO] Boston Globe: Naval Reserve Commander Willard H.

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 From:   AGETI_Giuliano-Jimmy-Marinkovicc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date sent:  Mon, 5 Jun 2000 09:24:42 -0500
 Subject:[SO] Boston Globe: Naval Reserve Commander Willard H.

 [ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

__UFO UpDates Mailing List__

   Boston Globe: Naval Reserve Commander Willard H.

 From: _Kenny Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]_
 Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 13:15:53 -0400
 Fwd Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 10:30:25 -0400
 Subject: Boston Globe: Naval Reserve Commander Willard H.

 In the recent May 21, 2000 Boston Globe newspaper article "UFO
 Theorists Gain Support Abroad, But Repression At Home" see:

 authored by Leslie Kean, three paragraphs are devoted to the
 mention of a U.S. Naval Reserve Commander by the name of Willard
 H. Miller.

 Kean writes: "US Naval Reserve Commander Willard H. Miller has
 long been communicating this same concern [the UFO situation] to
 high level federal officials. With over 30 years in Navy and
 joint interagency operations with the Defense Department, Miller
 has participated in a series of previously undisclosed briefings
 for Pentagon brass about military policy regarding UFOs.

 "Like many, Miller says he worries that the military's lack
 of preparation for encounters with unexplained craft could
 provoke dangerous confrontation when, and if, such an
 encounter occurs; ''precipitous military decisions,'' he
 warns, ''may lead to unnecessary confusion, misapplication
 of forces, or possible catastrophic consequences.''

 "And he says he is not alone in his concerns. ''There are
 those in high places in the government who share a growing
 interest in this subject,'' Miller reports.''"

 Leslie Kean was interviewed by Whitley Strieber on the Dreamland
 radio program [Sunday, May 28, 2000] regarding her article which
 appeared in The Boston Globe. During the interview, Kean told of
 a 'reluctance' by newspaper editors to print her article, and
 spoke of several publications, including The Washington Times,
 which rejected her material outright.

 About 1-hour and 26-minutes into the radio program, Leslie Kean
 said that newspaper editors were uncomfortable to her reference
 of Willard H. Miller and his Pentagon briefings.

 Several newspaper editors sought to omit this specific issue
 from her report. Although The Boston Globe editors were hesitant
 to allow inclusion of this detail, she said, the newspaper
 ultimately permitted this item to be given reader consideration.
 Kean also said that editors of The Sacremento Bee were very
 hesitant to cope with the Miller briefings, and told her:
 "Meetings at The Pentagon are not that significant." Sacremento
 Bee editors also told her that "it was easy to set up a
 meeting." Reporter Leslie Kean explained how she argued the
 significance of the meeting, and felt that such high-level
 discussions warranted reportage.

 This three-paragraph entry in Kean's report seems to add a level
 of intrigue by mentioning "undisclosed Pentagon policy
 briefings" of UFOs.

 Had Kean explored Miller's interest in UFOs further, she might
 have informed the reader that he is also closely affiliated with
 CSETI, having completed Advanced UFO/ETI Research Training in
 Charlottesville, Virginia in May of 1999.

 On October 10, 1999, Miller spoke at a meeting of Pensacola/Gulf
 Breeze MUFON, telling the $10.00 per-person gathering at the
 Gulf Breeze Recreation Center what he believes the Department of
 Defense (DoD) knows about UFOs.

 In an announcement to promote the lecture, Pensacola/Gulf Breeze
 MUFON stated: "Commander Miller's accomplishments are varied and
 worldwide. He has been a 

[CTRL] GeeW off-camera, but not off-microphone. [Hardball]

2000-06-06 Thread Bard

Softball: Behind the Scenes at Hardball
Bush Speaks Candidly About Coelho, Lazio, Clinton
Jun 05 2000 09:24:20:000AM

MSNBC: 'Hardball' Video Clip of George W. Bush Interview

By Ned Martel
Chief Political Correspondent

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. ( — The political talk show "Hardball" can
sometimes reveal a political player’s soft side, as happened this week when
the show's host, Chris Matthews, and George W. Bush shared some unusually
candid moments off-camera, but not off-microphone.

Later, when asked by the traveling press corps about Wednesday's comments,
Bush looked slightly startled and asked reporters just what was said. On
another flight, he elaborated: "I said, ‘I hope this mike wasn’t live. I had
a feeling that was on."

Among Bush’s statements during "Hardball's" commercial breaks,

He expects Al Gore's campaign manager, Tony Coelho, to be fired. Coelho is
under investigation by the State Department for an alleged conflict of
interest involving a private foundation he established. "They’re going to
dump him. I—I. Mark my words. Oh, they’ll dump him, like—There’s no loyalty
in those guys," Bush says.

On the U.S. Senate race between Rep. Rick Lazio and first lady Hillary
Clinton in New York Bush expects, "He’s going to win. I think he’s going to
win, if he doesn’t make a mistake or treat her as a victim. If he doesn’t
treat her as a victim."

Of President Clinton, Bush says: "He's a pretty charming guy."

He inferred that unlike the 1988 election when the incumbent vice president
(his father) defeated a governor (Micheal Dukakis) in a landslide, Election
2000 will more resemble that of 1960, when John F. Kennedy narrowly defeated
incumbent Vice President Richard M. Nixon in the closest election in U.S.
history, following a series of televised debates.

He dismissed the idea that Sen. Fred Thompson's reportedly swinging
bachelorhood might rule him out for consideration as a running mate. "Too
frisky a lifestyle, don't you think?" Matthews asks Bush of the Tennessee
Republican. Bush responds: "I don't think so. Do you?"

He engages in a long discussion with Matthews about how they both quit

He indicates that one reason he allowed the postponement of a rapist and
killer's execution, pending a DNA test, was that the accused "may have had a
friend over" at the time of the crimes.

Members of the press corps who follow Bush seemed startled by the candor
exhibited by the governor, and perhaps more so, Matthews, when "Hardball"
broke for commercials and video clips.

Matthews said later that he is always aware his microphone is live for his
show's feed to CNBC's headquarters in New Jersey and said he uses off-camera
moments to "loosen up" guests. "My strength is I say what I think," Matthews
said, and regular guests on his show are well aware of their host's

Matthews added, "Generally most pros know" to be careful of what they say
during commercial breaks. He would certainly include Bush in that category,
he said.

Bush kidded with reporters that if Matthews’ intent off-camera was to
provoke him, it may have backfired., with the help of several other reporters, transcribed the
off-camera moments in the Bush-Matthews' meeting. The conversation has many
inaudible moments, even after a review of three separate recordings.
Information about context and tone is given where appropriate.

That said, we post this document of a major candidate speaking frankly with
a major pundit, edited for clarity and relevance, captured in their own


...[Conversation picks up with a discussion of possible vice presidential

Chris Matthews:

... They’re all out there, especially Ridge [referring to Pennsylvania's
Republican Gov. Tom Ridge, a Bush confidant].

George W. Bush:

Who? [feigns no recognition, and then laughs] Oh, yeah.


Combat veteran, Catholic, working-class background.


Good man.


Harvard education.


I’m not telling you. [laughs—implying he’s not giving in to Mathews’s
attempt to reveal Ridge’s standing on Bush’s list of VP possibilities.]


Pro-choice. Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel we’re looking at. We’re looking at ‘em
all. Trying to guess you by an inch.


You’re doing pretty good. Maybe ahead of me.


Fred Thompson, too frisky a lifestyle, don’t you think? [referring to
reports on the social life of Tennessee Sen. Thompson, a bachelor.]


I don’t think so. Single guy. Do you?  ...


[To live audience] This guy [Matthews] is from Philadelphia, isn’t he?


You’ve been trying to chuck off that Yale thing forever, haven’t you? About
30 years now. Clinton’s been trying to hang onto it for his life, you’ve
been chucking it off. He thinks he was born at Yale Law.


[Laughs] Exactly. ...


More on that later.


Did you actually go to college?






I went to one of those schools you’ll be crying for this fall: Holy Cross.


There you go. [Laughs] Great 


2000-06-06 Thread tenebroust

Samantha, I am glad to see that you have modulated your position as previously 
presented here, and allow for alternative explanations.  It is also good that you 
question Streiber et al, because there is some question as to Streiber's affiliations 
etc.  These experiences could be real, or not, as regards REAL aliens.  BUT it is 
aknowledged by most people, here at least, that the military DOES DO such things.  SO, 
it would behoove us to look at the known first before we go off in search of less 
mundane sources for these events.  Would you agree?
As to your spiritual comments as circumstantial validity for TRUE alien encounters I 
would direct you to look at the case that Vallee investigated, involving a Frenchman 
supposedly abducted by aliens and missing for days.  Sources in the French military 
told him it was a fake abduction run by their military in order to study psychological 
and psychosocial phenomenon.  It was bogus.  Now, as it relates to this spiritual 
validity, one of the things the French were desirous to look into was the formation of 
cults around supposed alien spiritual enlightenment. One of the people who knew the 
abducted person later went on to start a cult based upon what was told him by the 
abducted about the spiritual message of the "aliens".  This was all bogus.  What does 
it show us?  That the spiritual side can be manipulated, and in fact may be one of 
several purposes for why the abduction phenomenon is carried out in the first place.

On Tue, 06 June 2000, "Samantha L." wrote:

 In a message dated 6/5/00 9:43:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Agreed.  Their various accounts perhaps do point to contact with
   But there could be other explanations as well, and we would be well served
   constantly keep that in mind.  What Strieber, Lucas, et al have experienced
   could perhaps be what manipulators behind the scenes WISH them to believe
   Smoke and mirrors.  Don't concentrate on the magic trick on stage, look for
   who's pulling the strings and pushing the buttons behind the curtain...

   And I am in agreement with you.  It appears, especially in the case of
 Strieber, that if there are/were genuine ET contacts ocurring, they are/were
 being obscured by some type of military mind control experiences.  Strieber,
 in his own words, is quite disturbed and perplexed by recent memories that
 bear this out.

   What makes me believe there are genuine ET contacts occurring (with or
 without black op intrusion as well) is the remarkable spiritual awakenings so
 many are having.  As subjective is this is, I just don't believe that evil
 intentions can awaken deep spiritual truths.

   Mind you, I know that severe trauma can impel a spiritual path, but many of
 these alleged extra-dimensional/extra-terrestrials are seen by the
 experiencers themselves as the guiding forces behind the awakening.  Strieber
 articulates this all so beautifully.  Put simply, these asshole black
 operators just can't fake something at that depth because, by definition,
 they don't have a grasp of that depth to begin with.  If they did, they would
 be prevented by that awareness from carrying on with their tasks.

   In addition to be moved by the sincerity of many of these accounts, as well
 as the internal consistency and the depth at which they are embedded in the
 consciousness of the experiencers, I don't give our government scientists
 credit enough to have created the crafts, the beams of light, etc., or even
 the technology to pretend that they have these things, even though I am aware
 that government technology is well in advance of what the public generally

   I do believe that with another 30-50 years of development, the
 black-operators will have honed their "skills" to mimic such things more
 accurately.  They will have also almost-perfected the mind control of
 children to a point where no genuine healing will ever have room to take
 place.  But they're not there yet, and so we have a chance...

   There is a difference in depth between an mc experience and a spiritual one
 - the flavors and tones are distinct - though sometimes off only by a few
 degrees.  And this is where, I believe, we must add intuition and common
 sense to our intellect in order to discern the subtleties involved.

   It's like Emerson said, "We know the truth when we see it, just as we know
 we are awake when we are awake."  Admittedly, with all the mc technology
 available, the dividing lines are getting murkier, but they're not completely
 obscured yet, and we had damn well better make sure we stop these fiends
 before none of us can perceive the differences anymore.

   Strieber's rather tortured recent account is posted as a journal entry on
 his website:

   It doesn't appear as if he's sorted all of this out yet.

