2000-11-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I am really pushing my memory here, but back in 1960 our local newspaper
which was strangae to say the least - had an individual working for it
who had an Uncle as I call named Christopher Dodd.or was her this time this Dodd was also in Senate and got into some
trouble and forget what it was.

I did not know this family was bilderbergs, but say this in this small
town I upset their apple cart.

The Mayor, the Clerk Treasurer, and this one somewhat wealthy man had
incorporated our local bank..I was told this and could not believe
it, but when I hit this town within two weeks the Mayor was giong to sue
me and the legitimate newspaper lost its legal advertising, for it was
given to the othre paper which was in on the bank deal - for the wife
also worked at City Hall who was in on back deal.

Well in six months when Mayor's phone rang, I answer the phone and that
bunch was gone..

But how to take over a growing soon to be city, for the town was legally
a village - you get a newspaper, get control of othe money - the bank
what better place, for they were floating all kinds of loans with
taxpayers money and residents money.later the bank merged and became
City National Bank.

This Bilderberg connection - note this hotel connection, during those
days Castro took over Cuba and confiscataed the mobs and Meyer Lansky's
big hotels - for Cuba was just a tourist town for rich Americans, etc.,
who liked to gamble.

Look at Monaco - during this time frame Prince Ranier came to American
and it was advance information on the AP he was looking for rich
wifeas a result this one UPI reporter sent her picture out on wire
in low cut dress, name was Vilalobez (she just died) for the Prince to
seeshe got fired and ended up working for the one local paper other words Monoco was gong busto oand needed money and so
Grace Kelly was just an investment and good one...but look what happened
to her in the end.killed on lonely road same as high speed chase in
her one movie - a recreation of a scene of a crime maybe?

Newsmedia and banks are what control this world, and today TV - look at
three 24 hour news networks now all competing for the big bucks but
behind scene all political - and they support candidates through stooges
like Rivera who is on the take, and others - by there fruits you shall
know them.

New World Order - Same as the Old World Order only this time tail does
wag the dog, for the people who control the dog now are murder
inc.mafia taken over are criminals.

Watch the EU forming own private army..

Years ago the criminal element it was their assignment to get into the
Masons, and othre groups and get into positions where they control the

So look at the Boy Scouts and wonder - a handful of sodomists attempting
to get control and sponsored by the government for the Boy Scouts are
where true character and morals are taught - most boy scouts have grown
up to be decent Americans - ike John Glenn 

The Zion peasants taking over - Murder Inc., and in the end it is the
oil and natural resources they are afterthe Bilderbergersno
longer can they use Prince Bernhard whom my sister met and had dinner
with as Int. Rep for Chamber of Commerce.that guy is so old and
senile now, he does not know how he has been used.

So its back to Cubagambling, whore houses for the poor, kids lying
in streets hungryCastro gave those gambling houses to the kids for
orphanages..what a terrible man he was to thrown a bunch of killers
out of Cuba - the same ones who terrorized Las Vegas, like Moe Dalizt
and the big tail Meyer Lansky - who were in on the kill of JFK.

So these people - and their families - have they confiscated any of
their land?No - Lansky's son, like the Japanese sharpshooter at Ruby
Ridge who murdered a lititle 8th grader and his dog, and then got the
mother - and who was at Waco where little children were
murderedLansky's son they sent to West Point.

Be interesting to see who recommended that kid.something out of
Connecticut perpahs or Arizona or Florida?


Throw the bums all out of office...start at local levels, and watch
your moneywatch for City Managers and Superintendents of Schools
who operate on National Level now.check their backgrounds if you
want a real jolt...they operate like traveiing salesment and know how to
line their pockets and feather their nests

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, 

[CTRL] Fw: Alert: Pro-Gore Court Decision Hailed; Standing O for Harris Distorted

2000-11-24 Thread A.C. Szul

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Media Research Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 5:06 AM
Subject: MRC Alert: Pro-Gore Court Decision Hailed; Standing O for Harris

 ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
  Friday November 24, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 251)

 Pro-Gore Court Decision Hailed; Standing O for Harris Distorted;
 Katherine "Cruella de Vil" Harris; Peggy Noonan for President?

  Distributed to more than 6,000 recipients by the Media
 Research Center, bringing political balance to the media. Visit
 the MRC on the Web: Past CyberAlerts
 are available at:
 Subscribe/unsubscribe information at end of this message.
 When posted, this CyberAlert will be readable at: 

 1) ABC's Terry Moran promised being made up of Democrats had
 nothing to do with the Florida Supreme Court ruling. A Boston
 Globe reporter rejoiced at how the court promoted "the simple
 revolutionary thought that created the country two centuries ago,"
 that "the merest individual voice matters."
 2) On MSNBC, Newsweek's Jonathan Alter celebrated the ruling for
 hand counts as he denounced Republicans for how "they thought they
 could snow us" with machines counts, but "it didn't work."
 3) Media Reality Check. "ABC's Diane Sawyer Can't Spot Non-Votes,
 But Praises Those Who Can: Florida Dimple-Spotters Are Doing
 'Phenomenal Work.'"
 4) Al Gore "scored on the PR front" by suggesting he and Bush
 meet, Newsweek's Jonathan Alter asserted on Wednesday's Today. But
 when Chris Matthews advised Bush not to meet "because it would be
 like a Mob meeting" since "there will be a trap," Alter fired
 back: "The Vice President is not a terrorist!"
 5) Katherine Harris earned a standing ovation from members of both
 parties at a swearing-in ceremony for legislators. NBC Nightly
 News ignored it, the CBS Evening News reported only "state
 Republicans" applauded her while ABC's Peter Jennings recognized
 she "got a standing ovation...from members of both parties," but
 he dismissed it as "having to do with state pride."
 6) Time's Margaret Carlson insulted Katherine Harris, contending
 she's "often compared to Cruella de Vil, snatching ballots rather
 than puppies." The Washington Post Ombudsman this week denounced a
 reporter for issuing a personal attack on Harris for not using
 "restraint when she's wielding a mascara wand."
 7) The latest edition of MediaNomics: "Economic Freedom is
 Overlooked Concept at Broadcast Networks" and "Kudos to U.S. News
  World Report" for reporting how the "Clinton administration had
 pushed through new workplace rules that could cost employers up to
 $126 billion a year."
 8) Off the reservation at ABC. During Monday Night Football,
 Dennis Miller recommended Peggy Noonan for President. Al Michaels
 conceded her writing gives him "goose bumps."

  1) The Florida Supreme Court ruling announced Tuesday night
 in which the justices, appointed by Democratic Governors, decided
 to ignore the state statues and create their own new vote counting
 deadline of Sunday night, earned approval in some media quarters.

 -- ABC News. During an ABC News special report about the
 ruling just before 10pm ET Tuesday night, November 21, ABC's Gore
 beat reporter Terry Moran assured viewers:
 "Before people say, 'oh, the Democratic Supreme Court of
 Florida awarded victory to the Democratic candidate,' they should
 go back into the law books and see that Florida, like most states,
 has a long history of saying the most important value in an
 election is to count the votes that were legitimately cast."

 -- Boston Globe. In a November 22 front page "news analysis,"
 Boston Globe Washington Bureau Chief David Shribman, a veteran of
 the Wall Street Journal reporting staff, celebrated the court's
 activist decision. "Every voice matters, the justices remind us,"
 declared the headline over the piece in which he rejoiced at how
 the court decided the voters must be primary and "if that means
 counting every last ballot card, that is both the burden and the
 glory of democratic rule." Here's an excerpt of what Shribman

 For drama and decisiveness, the moment had few equals.

 Late at night, with Thanksgiving nearing and with the political
 impasse moving into its third week, the Florida Supreme Court
 stepped into the election struggle, throwing the battle for the
 presidency into upheaval with the simple revolutionary thought
 that created the country two centuries ago and could eventually
 bring the 2000 campaign to an end: The merest individual voice

 Huge political armies continue to clash in the capital and in
 Florida, but the decision of the state's highest court seeks to
 assure that the relatively few anonymous voters whose views were
 missed by 


2000-11-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Look at Monaco - during this time frame Prince Ranier came to American
 and it was advance information on the AP he was looking for rich
 wifeas a result this one UPI reporter sent her picture out on wire
 in low cut dress, name was Vilalobez (she just died) for the Prince to
 seeshe got fired and ended up working for the one local paper other words Monoco was gong busto oand needed money and so
 Grace Kelly was just an investment and good one...but look what happened
 to her in the end.killed on lonely road same as high speed chase in
 her one movie - a recreation of a scene of a crime maybe?

One should always adhere to the philosophy of Occam's Razor (not to mention Freud's 

Everyone who knew Princess Grace admitted she was a lousy, very reckless driver, even 
on the winding,
circa-Roman-Empire roads of Monaco and the French Riviera.  She was an accident just 
waiting to happen.

 Be interesting to see who recommended that kid.something out of
 Connecticut perpahs or Arizona or Florida?

Back in 1960, it probably would have been Dodd Sr., not the current CT senator...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Armenian Genocide: Revisionism and the U.S. National Interest

2000-11-24 Thread William Shannon

The Armenian Genocide: Revisionism and the U.S. National Interest 
20 November 2000
When historical instances of systematic genocide are overlooked by neo-Nazi historians, it is called revisionism. When they are overlooked by the U.S. government it is called safeguarding U.S. national interest. Take, for instance, the Armenian Genocide. In 1915, the military elite of the crumbling Ottoman Empire (now Turkey) decided to implement drastic measures against the Armenian minority residing within its borders. By 1923, between 1.1 and 1.5 million Armenians had been systematically massacred by Ottoman troops, while another 0.4 million had sought refuge abroad -many of them here in the U.S. The facts and figures of the Armenian Genocide are not new. They have been widely known for decades. The bureaucratic precision of the Ottomans, who kept detailed records of all "neutralising activity" carried out by the Empire's troops, as w!
ell as painstaking scholarly research conducted over the years, have provided us with ample documentation, impressive in its volume and clarity -see, for instance, The Association of Genocide Scholars reported in 1998 that had it not been for the testimonies offered by survivors of Nazi concentration camps, the Jewish Holocaust would have been harder to prove than the Armenian one, as the latter has been so well-documented. In fact, the two instances of genocide are closely related: Hitler himself referred to the Armenian Genocide when arguing for the implementation of his 'final solution' for the Jews: "Who, after all", he wrote in a 1939 internal memo discovered in 1951 "speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?". Today, numerous democratic nations around the world have officially recognised the 1915-1923 slaughter of the Armenians as an !
Act of Genocide. The long list includes Argentina, Australia, Russia, Canada, Belgium, Britain, France, Italy, Sweden and the Vatican. In addition, international bodies, such as the United Nations (through its War Crimes Commission), the World Council of Churches, the League of Human Rights and the Union of Hebrew Congregations have published official declarations recognising the Genocide. On November 16, 2000 the European Union added itself to the long list, by calling for Turkey to publicly recognise the Genocide. Turkey claims that, although 300,000 Armenians were exterminated, such acts were not systematic and were sparked by internal strife. One of the few democratic national governments who have remained largely silent over the issue has been that of the U.S. On October 11, 2000, the U.S. House of Representatives found itself before an opportunity to follow the example of other Western nations by voting on a proposed resolu!
tion formally recognising the massacre of the Armenians as an Act of Genocide. The resolution had been proposed by a bipartisan group of representatives, and co-sponsored by a House majority. Yet things did not work out quite as planned. On the evening of the vote, J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Speaker of the House, withdrew the resolution from the floor. The reason behind the withdrawal was initially unclear, but later emerged in full color: minutes before the vote was due, U.S. President Bill Clinton telephoned Hastert and requested that he immediately withdrew the resolution, as it could "seriously harm U.S. interests if passed" [N.Y. Times, 10/20/2000]. The precise nature of those threatened U.S. interests became clear on the following day. Specifically, the Turkish government issued a warning to the U.S. embassy in Ankara, stating that, if the resolution was passed by the House, it would proceed to do the following: (a) grou!
nd U.S. planes which use Turkish air bases to patrol and bomb northern Iraq; (b) cancel a $4.5 billion contract to buy 145 attack helicopters made in Texas; and (c) block a major U.S. backed $2.7 billion project to pipe Caspian oil through Turkish territory to Europe [N.Y. Times, ibid.; Reuters 10/20/2000]. The end of the proposed Armenian Genocide resolution ensued rather quickly, following Clinton's telephone call. The resolution was withdrawn without questioning by the same U.S. governing officials who have showed such humanitarian sensitivity to the plight of Kosovar Albanians in Yugoslavia. Representative Hastert, who withdrew the resolution, characteristically stated to the press that "[t]he Congress, while it has a right to express its opinions on critical issues of the day, also must be cognizant of the consequences of the expressions of those opinions" [N.Y. Times, ibid.]. Especially, one might add, if those conseque!
nces involve the financial dealings of U.S. arms and oil interests around the globe. The News Insider 2000

[CTRL] Unconfrmed Story - See Sharpton's Statements for possible answer?

2000-11-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Does anybody else have anything on this?   Note the possible explanation
for so many votes for Buchanan in a black area of Florida; however this
is not confirmed..nobody going to get into civil riots over Bush or
Gore as nobody is that in love with either of them, unlessthey ARE

Would seem the local police and oounty in Florida did not call for US
support during the Elian incidentso much for planting the seeds of
war for those who seed the clouds reap the whirlwinds.  Could be
Israelie connection as there is more rioting over there, than over here.
Civil rioting.


Mail message

Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2000, 7:17am  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:

Fwd: Re: UNCONFIRMED [Possible 1600 troops dispatched from Ft. Bragg to
Delivered To:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Thu, Nov 23, 2000, 10:55pm  Subject:
   Re: UNCONFIRMED [Possible 1600 troops dispatched from Ft. Bragg

Can't verify the authenticity of this email I've received. Based on the
potential seriousness, I'm forwarding it for your information only.
Perhaps a reporter could attempt to check it out.

Lord Willing, it's not accurate...but if it is, this is a serious
racheting up of the Constitutional Crisis.

God Bless,

   Original Message 
  Subject: Possible 1600 troops dispatched from Ft. Bragg to DC.
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 14:31:19 -0800
From: "Mel Young" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If anyone can check this out or verify the thing, it would be

  Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 10:56 AM
 Subject: 1,400 Troops Have Been Dispatched to
  Washington, D.C. from Fort Bragg,

  I heard something similar at 7155 KHZ on my HF rig here at the
homestead too Mike KB1ELY, but I was transmitting on CW and my code
speed is bad (rusty) the number I translated was 1600 troops... and most
were MP detachments. This may be a drill exercise?

Haven't been able to get confirmation with Post Ops or PR folks there at
Bragg. They are as QT as a dead man is??? Time of transmission was 0715
UCT here. I am running a 200' dipole in the yard so xmission is very
sporadic at this time of AM.

  I have a Yeasu FTd401X with 80m,40m,20m,  10m HF bands prefer
voice over CW as I have a old (archaic) key that is a real bummer... if
this is going to be a problem (Bragg  DC) then a network needs be set
up for constant vigilance.

  Mike HeitN0MDH Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 2:03 AM

  Subject: ALERT! 1,400 Troops Have Been Dispatched
  to Washington, D.C. from Fort Bragg

  From AMATEUR RADIO at 1:10 Am Est. I learned that 1,400 Troops
Have Been Dispatched to Washington, D.C. from Fort Bragg, AIRBORNE

  CNN Had Said there was the Air for Potential Riots.

  Rev. Sharpton and Rev. Jessie Jackson had Called for a 100 Million
Man March in Washington D.C. IF BUSH Gets the Nod.

  NOTE; Rev. Sharpton Told "THEM" in Florida,
"Not to Vote for GORE" Cause Liberman is a *JEW* and Not for Bush, But
to Vote for Third Party.may account for the Buchanan vote in the
primarily black districts of W. Palm Beach...this could really be why
Pat scored! That and his running mate being a black female.

  THE Pump IS Being Primed, So, Keep Vigilant, Washington May Riot
this Thanksgiving Weekend or next week.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush's Florida Black-Shirts

2000-11-24 Thread William Shannon
This critical background story on thug-tactics by Bush -- pass it on..!
11/22/2000 Posted on Deja hb © 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In a move resembling the uprising of the fascist mobs which brought Mussolini to power in 1922, pro-Bush mobs stormed the offices of the Dade County Canvassing Board earlier today. Shouting "Let us in, " "No more Gore" and other pro-Bush slogans, the mob rushed into the offices, overwhelming authorities, and engaging in what CNN called "a near riot." Through intimidation, the threat of force, and mass action against the legally constituted authorities, these mobs coerced the Canvassing Board into suspending the manual recount. The "black shirt" aspect of this affair is being downplayed by the mainstream media, but there are strong indications that the board had decided on a complete recount until the mobs stormed the Dade County Canvassing Board premises.
CNN correspondent Bill Schneider reported,
"I saw something I thought I would never see. A near riot by Republicans. Republicans are not the kind of people to riot." [He's not allowing himself to call a riot a riot, that might get him in trouble, hence it was a, quote, "near riot"]
He observed that, "The canvassing board is under tremendous pressure." CNN's interlocutor asked, Are you surprised by what appears to be a complete turnaround on the part of the Board? Does it makes sense that they would go to the extent of "staging a near riot perhaps to intimidate the Dade County Canvassing Board"?
Schneider replied, "That is part of the game plan." He went on to add that all forces are in play, and that the Republicans felt such moves were necessary for them to achieve their goals.
There was no tone of condemnation, or moral indignation at the use of mobs by the Republicans to coerce the board. As usual, the mainstream media supports virtually any illegal or intimidating "mass action" when employed for elite interests. Mass action on the part of disenfranchised blacks, progressive working class forces, or
"strident" radicals would be met with cries of horror on the networks and standard news cable channels.
"Tempers flare in South Florida," said one correspondent introducing the story. The notion of a black shirt coup, a la Mussolini, is alien to the corporate controlled  journalists.
The alternative media should seriously analyze such a notion. This reporter noted in a previous release that the Bush family had connections with vast numbers of covert assets, especially in Florida. George Herbert Walker Bush, former head of the CIA, employed these assets against Fidel Castro in Cuba, against the Sandinistas, and elsewhere in Latin America. These assets, many of which are based in the far right-wing Cuban community in Florida, were spawned by the creation of "operation mongoose," a CIA black operations group. They originally included thousands of mercenaries on the CIA payroll, and millions of dollars worth of front businesses. They have been employed both inside and outside the US, according the de-classified
documents. Bush Senior's present connection to these assets has been commented on by numerous and domestic observers, though the issue has been ignored by the corporate press.
Make no mistake. The Bush family is prepared to use both force and the THREAT of force to attain their goals. This is only the first taste of Bushite tactics during the current crisis.

end of quote from

Here is how CNN reported this:
"in a huge blow to Gore's bid to win more Florida votes, and with them the White House, election officials in Florida's Miami-Dade County today abruptly called off a hand recount of presidential ballots. It means no recounts at all will be added when the county submits its final tally. .Instead, the board voted unanimously to use the original election returns compiled immediately after the November 7 balloting.
THE STUNNING ACTION reverses a decision made JUST A FEW HOURS EARLIER when the panel said it would limit the county recount to 10,750 "undervotes" -- ballots on which no vote was registered by counting machines.

[CTRL] The US election crisis: why is Ralph Nader silent?

2000-11-24 Thread William Shannon
The US election crisis: why is Ralph Nader silent?
By Jerry White
24 November 2000
Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader has maintained a deafening silence on the political crisis surrounding the results of the US elections.
During his campaign, Nader correctly criticized corporate domination of the American two-party system as tantamount to the disenfranchisement of the broad masses of the American people and an affront to democratic rights. Yet in the face of a concerted effort by the most reactionary forces within the political establishment, who are lined up behind the Bush camp, to use patently anti-democratic methods and appeals to right-wing sentiment to gain control of the White House, Nader has not uttered a word of protest.
It is remarkable that a presidential candidate who won 3 percent of the national vote—including nearly 100,000 votes in Florida—and presented himself as a progressive alternative to the Democrats and Republicans should have nothing to say about the events of the past two weeks. A public statement from Nader denouncing the attempt of the Bush campaign to gain the White House through the suppression of votes would undoubtedly strengthen popular opposition to the Republicans' machinations.
Yet in several public appearances and television, radio and newspaper interviews since the election, Nader has said nothing about the election controversy. A spokesman at Nader's Washington, DC headquarters confirmed that the Green Party candidate had issued no public statements on the subject. When this reporter asked why, the spokesman said, “We're not deeply involved in what is going on down there. This is just a political battle between the Democrats and Republicans.” When asked how Nader could remain silent about widespread charges of Republican vote-rigging and intimidation of minority voters, in which fundamental issues of democratic rights were at stake, the spokesman said, “It's Mr. Nader's prerogative to do so.”
How is Nader's silence to be explained? As his spokesperson indicated, he considers the electoral impasse to be nothing more than a dispute over the spoils of government between two identical corporate-controlled parties. It is something that ordinary people need not particularly concern themselves with.
But how could that be? How could working people adopt an attitude of indifference toward political forces on the right prepared to ride roughshod over their democratic rights, as part of an effort to take full control of the levers of power?
The working class must oppose the attacks on basic rights, but it must do so from its own independent standpoint and with its own methods. Opposition to the Republican right does not imply giving political support to Al Gore and the Democrats. Experience has shown that this party is incapable of seriously defending democratic rights against the reactionaries in the Republican Party. What this crisis poses to the working class is the need to construct it own political party, based on a democratic and socialist program, to defend the interests of the vast majority of American people.
Nader's refusal to oppose the Republican-led attack on democratic rights demonstrates that his organization has no real independence from the ruling elite. His “plague on both your houses” position may appear radical, but in reality it is a form of adaptation and capitulation to the extreme right-wing forces that dominate the Republican Party. Precisely because the Greens are not based on the working class—in fact, they reject the very notion of the class struggle—they are incapable of mounting any resistance to the overt attacks on fundamental rights.
Nader's silence on the current crisis is consistent with his mechanical and false conception that, because in an 0absolute sense an identity exists between the two parties—insofar as they both represent the interests of American big business—there cannot be any relative differences. But, of course, such relative differences exist, and in times of political crisis they can play a critical role in developments that affect broad masses of people.
It is true that corporate interests dominate both parties and that the political differences between them have narrowed as the political spectrum of official politics has lurched to the right. But it is also true that over the past decade a ferocious battle has been under way between these two parties. This must have an objective source in conflicts between different sections of America's economic and political elite.
The struggle within the ruling elite has escalated from a series of phony investigations against the Clinton administration, to the shutdown of the federal government, to the first-ever impeachment of a sitting president, to the current effort by the Republicans to hijack the election. To pretend that these events have no political significance is to deny reality.
The Republican Party is 

[CTRL] Fw: Help Defend the Constitution!

2000-11-24 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 6:31 PM
Subject: Help Defend the Constitution!

 Dear Friend;

 It is now clear to me and many others in Congress that the continuing
 attempts by Al Gore to manipulate the electoral process in Florida are
 creating a national crisis.

 It is also clear that the single best hope for averting this crisis is
 for the American people to step forward once again to defend our
 Constitution.  If the political situation continues to deteriorate, the
 stability and the future of our nation may soon be at stake.

 If you share our concern, I urge you to take the following actions

 1. E-mail a letter to the news media and urge them to take an editorial
 position calling on Al Gore to withdraw with honor.  You can send an
 e-mail on to your local newspaper, TV and radio stations through

 2. Express your support for Governor Bush in this crisis by signing the
 "Support Bush/Cheney Petition" found at  (This site protects your
 e-privacy by forwarding only your name and zip code, not your e-mail

 3. Forward this e-mail on to as many others as you can.

 4. This effort is being paid for entirely by my campaign fund.  Please
 consider making a nominal contribution at my Web site
 ( and hit the contribute button) to help spread
 the word--$5, $10, no more than $25, any amount would be a big help!

 Rarely has there been such a critical need.  Never have we Americans had
 such an easy way to come to the defense of our country.

 Please act now!  It is that important.


 Congressman Chris Cannon

 (Note: You are receiving this alert because your name is on a list of
 people who have supported conservative issues or you have been referred
 by someone who has supported such an issue.  If you wish to be removed
 from this list, simply click this link,
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  If this alert was forwarded to
 you and you would like to be added to the mailing list, click this link,
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] .)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] British Patients Died In Germ Warefare Tests

2000-11-24 Thread William Shannon
Patients died in germ warfare tests 
EXCLUSIVE BY ALUN REES AND CYRIL DIXON CLAIMS that old and sick people died after scientists used them as guinea pigs in germ warfare experiments are to be investigated by the police. NHS patients may have been "quietly put to death" in a research programme carried out between 1968 and 1970 and the details kept hidden by the Official Secrets Act, it is alleged. Catholic priest Monsignor John Barry first raised the scandal 30 years ago because he believed unlawful killings may have taken place. At the time it was denied by the Government, though it now appears there was no police criminal investigation. And in a separate development unrelated to Monsignor Barry's allegations, the Daily Express has uncovered new evidence about experiments carried out by Porton Down between 1964 and 1966. Scientists from the top secret base tested a "killer" virus known as a biological warfare agent on dying leukaemia patients in an NHS hospital, in the hope that it might alleviate their condition. A microbiologist, Dolores McMahon, who was a junior member of the team and not involved in the decision-making, denied there was anything irregular or unethical about the lengthy experiment with Kyasanur Forest Monkey Disease on 33 leukaemia patients at St.Thomas' Hospital, London. She said medical ethics had changed over the three decades and added: "Of course, you have to remember in those days everyone with leukaemia died anyway." Detectives from Wiltshire involved in "Operation Antler", who are currently investigating a huge catalogue of "illegal" experiments with nerve gas, mustard gas and LSD on servicemen at Porton Down, will study the new evidence concerning Monsignor Barry. Wiltshire Police responded when the Daily Express handed over three letters containing the allegation that old people apparently suffering from dementia and without families to protect them were used in experiments. Former Liberal Leader David Steel and Dennis Healey, the then Labour Defence Secretary, were told of the Monsignor's claims in 1970 but both have no recollection of the case. The case was dismissed at the time by Prime Minister Harold Wilson who said it had been investigated, but didn't say exactly who had investigated the allegations which should have been handed to the police as a criminal complaint. Operation Antler detectives could now approach both politicians and the Ministry of Defence, requesting access to the secret documents at the heart of the allegations and any information they might have in their files. Labour MP Tam Dalyell said: "There is a terrible picture emerging thanks to the Daily Express of experiments on servicemen at Porton Down, research by Porton Down scientists on NHS patients, and allegations that caused the deaths of vulnerable elderly people. If just half of this is true we are talking about Dr Mengele experiments. "I will be raising these matters in the House in detail and demanding answers. This must be cleared up. The British people have an absolute right to know just what was done in their name and who it was done to by Defence Ministry scientists." The separate allegations about old people killed in experiments goes back 30 years and originated from "official documents" handed to Monsignor Barry in Scotland in 1970 by conscience-stricken members of his congregation. In a speech to the Edinburgh Business Club in January 1970 he said: "I have seen evidence which I think is genuine, that there is a certain section of the Ministry of Defence which uses elderly people as guinea pigs for experiments and quietly puts them to death afterwards. It is carefully hidden by the Official Secrets Act." The documents were handed by the priest to then Liberal Party leader Steel. He in turn was reported to have met the Defence Secretary at the time, Healey, and handed them on to him. It was a short lived scandal with little publicity and it ended with a statement from Prime Minister Wilson to the Commons which simply said the matter had been fully investigated. Wilson did not reveal which authority had investigated, or give details of what had been discovered. When the scandal of wide-spread experiments with nerve gas, mustard gas and LSD on thousands of servicemen at Porton Down emerged, campaigner Liz Sigmund told the Daily Express about her fears that the Monsignor Barry case may have been covered up. She gave us two letters sent to her from the Monsignor in which he says "I believed and still believe the reports I received", but says he will not reveal the sources of his information to protect them from "personal repercussions". A third letter, from Steel's assistant, promises to look for his copy of the document. Monsignor Barry is still alive but unwell after an operation three weeks ago and the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland says he is still too frail to be approached. David Steel is now Lord Steel and Speaker of the Scottish Parliament. His personal assistant told us: "He has 

[CTRL] British Police Freemasons Facing Curbs

2000-11-24 Thread William Shannon
Police masons facing curbs 
HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR POLICE chiefs are locked in a stand-off with Home Secretary Jack Straw over moves to force officers to come clean on membership of the Freemasons. Mr Straw has warned that public confidence in the police is being dented by the Masonic culture. After a failed bid to persuade officers to voluntarily register membership last year, the Government is ready to change the law so it becomes a disciplinary offence for police to hide membership of the secret society. Police chiefs have until New Year's Eve to comment. The document, seen by the Daily Express, makes clear that arrangements will be made for all officers to declare membership unless at least 95 per cent of staff declare voluntarily. But in an attempt to create a voluntary register, only 32 of 43 forces issued questionnaires and barely one in three staff responded. Of those who did, just over one per cent declared membership, but the Home Office suspects the true figure is 10 times higher. An MPs' investigation followed claims that freemasonry was a factor in events surrounding the Birmingham pub bombings investigation and the Stalker probe into shoot-to-kill policies in Northern Ireland. MPs noted "a great deal of unjustified paranoia about freemasonry", but said it was vital public servants disclosed membership of secret societies. 
© Express Newspapers, 2000

[CTRL] Fwd: UCONN Dodd Center: Thomas and Christopher Dodd

2000-11-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well June found this but they seemingly omitted the trouble which Dodd
got into which was sometime in the sixty period - note he also then ran
on the independent tickethe took on many dragon from nazis to
communists - how this item produced by his son could forget that I do
not know.

So the name of the party who worked for this newspaper - name was Murphy
(will not use first or last names - it was through the son, but the wife
worked for the paper and claimed the relationship)...Dodd did
something that got him into deep trouble, and I do not remember what he
did.   He was always held in high esteem.

If you read about this Dodd, the father - you see the big connection he
had with bankers, etcbut he also seemed to be loose cannon - and Joe
Lieberman seems to have taken his old values, like way back in 60 period
Dodd the father was concerned about violence on TV.

With death of Kennedy who knows - but Dodd then ran on Independent
ticket and this great man lost?   So there is the missing piece of
puzzle..only know it was embarrassment to Murphy who resided
here.for they were so proud to be member of his family - yet they
were Republicans..

Here is item of interest (to those interested, of course).


 Senator Thomas J. Dodd
About Senator Thomas DoddLetter from Senator Christopher DoddReturn to
the Dodd Center Page
About Senator Thomas J. Dodd
Thomas Joseph Dodd devoted his life to public service, the rule of law,
and the rights of the oppressed. He was born in Norwich, Conn.,
graduated from Providence College, and received a law degree from Yale
University. In 1934 he married Grace Murphy of Westerly, Rhode Island.
The couple became the parents of six children: Thomas J., Jr., Carolyn,
Jeremy, Martha, Christopher, and Nicholas.
In 1935, after serving in the FBI, Dodd was appointed State Director of
the National Youth Administration. In 1938 he became a Special Assistant
to the Attorney General and during World War II Dodd prosecuted
espionage and sabotage cases and industrial fraud by American companies
supplying military hardware.
 When the Allied Powers convened an international military tribunal in
Nuremberg, Germany, to prosecute Nazi war criminals in 1945, Dodd was
appointed Vice-Chairman of the Review Board and later Executive Trial
Counsel. Dodd helped shape many of the strategies and policies at the
trials. He concentrated on proving the charge of conspiracy to wage
aggressive war, the horrors of the concentration camp system, and the
activities of Nazi organizations like the Gestapo and SS.
After his return to the U.S., Dodd practiced law in Hartford and became
active in Democratic Party politics. He was elected to Congress from the
First District in 1952 and 1954. During his two terms in the Senate from
1959 to 1971, he championed gun control legislation, supported the civil
rights initiatives of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and worked to
protect children through efforts to curb violence on television and stem
the traffic of illegal drugs. Dodd vigorously opposed Soviet Communism
and was outspoken in his support for the captive nations of Eastern
Europe. He won a second Senate term in 1964 and ran unsuccessfully for
re-election as an independent in 1970. Thomas J. Dodd died at his Old
Lyme home on May 24, 1971.
Thomas J. Dodd's papers and related materials form the Center's
signature collection. Examples of the Dodd Papers' rich content follow:
Photograph of Evidence.
Nuremberg, 1946.
The Thomas Dodd Papers include photographs of some of the exhibits Dodd
used to help prove the charge of crimes against humanity. Included are
photographs of the shrunken head of a Pole executed for having sexual
relations with a German woman; tattooed skin removed from the bodies of
Buchenwald inmates; steel clubs manufactured by Krupp for use by
concentration camp guards; and, shown here, soap manufactured from human
Photograph of Thomas J. Dodd at the Prosecution Table.
Nuremberg, 1946.
Dodd developed a reputation for rigorous cross-examination during the
Nuremberg Trials. Building upon his experience prosecuting accused spies
and dishonest industrialists during the war, Dodd helped destroy the
facades of innocence Nazi defendants attempted to create. His flair for
the dramatic and his forensic skills would serve him well during his
subsequent career in the House and Senate.
Nuremberg Trial Transcripts,
Vol. 25, May 4-10, 1946, p. 9105.
Dodd cross-examined several of the major Nazi defendants, including
Walther Funk, president of the Reichsbank; Baldur von Schirach, head of
Hitler Youth; and Fritz Sauckel, head of the German conscript labor
organization. This page of transcripts of Nuremberg Trials proceedings
concerns deposits in the Reichsbank of heaps of precious stones, gold
jewelry, gold eyeglasses, and gold teeth. In his examination of Funk,
Dodd asked incredulously, "Are you telling the Tribunal that as Head of
the Reichsbank you never made an inspection . . . of the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Barak, Sharon, Arafat All Maneuver

2000-11-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

This item refers to the hateful children of Abrahamsiblings will be
siblings, will they not?   Do not believe it is the children, just their
leaders and one must wonder if they went to same schools as Clinton and
who their teachers were?

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 11/24:
   Barak keeps courting Sharon.  Arafat keeps courting Hamas.  Both leaders are
in a fight for personal survival as well as the fate of their peoples.  The Children
of Abraham have never been so killing and hateful of each other.  What should
have been a land of both has become an unending battlefield ever-more dividing
each from the other.  What was to be a land of milk and honey, has become a land
of blood and bombs, fear and revenge.  What was to be a future of mutual understanding
may be leading instead to one of mutual annihilation.
   Like in the American presidential election, all the maneuvering by both sides
has in the end produced a crisis situation from which there seems to be no good
solution in the foreseeable future.  Both Barak and Arafat are clearly maneuvering
first to retain power and second for world opinion, all the while attempting
to reconfigure the region to the designs of long-standing ideological convictions.

   The Israelis long ago decided to vanquish and control the Palestinians, essentially
taking their country and dominating the region.  In recent years the Palestinian
elite attempted a minimal and contorted "compromise" with the U.S. and "liberal"
Israelis, one the Arab "client regimes" supported for their own craven purposes
after considerable pressuring and threatening from the Americans.
   It was always a "solution" not grounded in principle and legitimacy, but rather
in power and corruption.  It was always an approach chosen by the Israelis and
based on rhetorical deception and political quicksand.
   And now the result is that the Palestinians are suffering terribly, worse
than since '48 and '67.  At best the Israelis have boxed themselves in because
of past policies of settlements, militarism, self-deception, and an extraordinarily
powerful lobby in the U.S. that has twisted perceptions and expectations for
so many years now.
   As for the Americans who are fully complicitous in creating this whole situation,
they lack the vision, not to mention the political skills and determination,
to extricate everyone from the mess they have helped the Israelis bring about.
 Funny as it may sound, they also lack the political independence to do so, even
while their own Arab "client regimes" cry out to Washington fearing their own
  And as for those Arab regimes...  Well, they are quite pitiful, continually
relying on verbal slights of hand  and ongoing domestic repression.  All combined,
some 200 million weak, they are still no match for little Israel which in the
end continues to dominate their affairs in what once was "the Arab world".
  The weeks and months immediately ahead may well determine if and how the entire
region will be "restabilized" by the U.S., with the help of the U.N., for the
years ahead.

 By Phil Reeves in Jerusalem

"At heart, Ehud Barak, Israel's most decorated
soldier, is a commando; in uniform he was part
of a group that specialized in undercover assassinations."

[The Independent - 24 November 2000]: The timing was desperately unfortunate.
Yesterday morning, a fighter jet
from the Israeli Air Force dropped a bomb on the West Bank city of Nablus. By
mistake. True, it was a training
bomb, empty of explosives.  But the blunder was serious enough for the Israeli
armed forces to rush out a statement “expressing sorrow” and to offer to help
Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Authority clear up.

All this, only a day after Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, had blamed the
Palestinian Authority for being indirectly responsible for a car bombing in the
Israeli coastal town of Hadera, which killed two.  And only three days ago –
not for the first time – Apache helicopters from the Israeli air force were firing
rockets at the Gaza
offices of the authority.

The strange contradictions of this grim low-level war grow by the day. Just the
night before yesterday’s embarrassing error, the streets of Jerusalem filled
with tens of thousands of right-wing Israelis, infuriated by the Hadera bomb


2000-11-24 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

To the editor,

 In 1998, a United Nations (UN) Conference in Rome, Italy, put forward
a treaty to create its own International Criminal Court (ICC). Designed to
have power to arrest, prosecute and punish anyone accused of "genocide,
crimes against humanity and war crimes." the ICC would amount to a joint
assault on personal freedom and national sovereignty.

 All Americans accused of any crime expect a speedy trail by an
impartial jury held in the district where the supposed crime has been
committed. They expect to be able to confront witnesses against them and
present witnesses in their favor. Also, they expect to be able to choose
their own counsel. None of this is guaranteed by the UN's ICC treaty,

 At the Rome conference, the creators of the enormous grasp for power
decided arbitrarily that the ICC would be established when a mere 60
nations ratified it. Even worse, they audaciously ruled that their court
would have jurisdiction over all mankind, including persons in nations
that refuse to ratify the treaty.

 Especially at risk, should the ICC begin operations are the tens of
thousands of United States (U.S.) military personnel stationed in foreign
lands. Accusations of improper conduct against any member of the armed
forces could set in motion all of the horrors noted above.

 President Clinton has indicated his support for a slightly amended
ICC. But this potential monster should be rejected outright by the U.S.
Senate. The UN should be told that no american citizen will ever be
subjected to the totalitarian designs of the UN's International Criminal

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] sample letter to the editor

2000-11-24 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

To the editor,

The world seems to be waking up to the United Nation's (UN) increasing
grab for power over all nations. In August 2000, the Australian government
responded sharply to to UN criticism of its treatment of its own aborigine
minority. Foreign Minister Alexander Downer told the world body's leaders
that Australia will no longer allow UN committees to visit his nation
unless there is a "compelling reason."

 While announcing the plan to restrict visits by UN human rights
inspectors, the Australian government also urged a compete overhaul of the
UN's committee system. Attorney General Daryl Williams accused UN panels
of concentrating on relatively minor issues in countries such as his while
ignoring far more serious abuses in totalitarian nations such as Cuba.

 Three cheers for Australia! But reforming or tempering the UN is not
what's needed. Australia and other nations should withdraw  from the world
body before it destroys all freedoms.

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] humor - 50 ways to screw the voters

2000-11-24 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

 The problem is all inside your head Bill Daley said
to me
 The answer is easy if you take it logic'lly
 I'd like to help you in your struggle to be king
 There must be 50 ways to screw the voters.

 He said call Reverend Jesse Jackson to intrude
 And soon he'll cause a riot so Bush votes they will
 And he will rant and rave and he'll be so very crude
 There must be 50 ways to screw the voters.
 50 ways to screw the voters.

 Just file a new brief, chief
 Take the Bush ballots out, lout
 Just tape over their votes, Joe
 Just make yourself king

 Or you punch one for us, Gus
 You just need to cheat so much
 Just dimple more chad, Thad
 And make yourself king

 He said it grieves me now to see you in such pain
 Wish there was somethin' I could do to make you smile
 I said I appreciate that, and could you please explain
about the 50 ways
 He said why don't we call the Florida supremes.
 I'm sure in the morning they'll fulfill your fondest
 And when he kissed my feet I realized he probably was
 There must be 50 ways to screw the voters.
 50 ways to screw the voters.

 Steal a voting machine, Gene
 Count the Gore ballots twice, Bryce
 Just shuffle the stacks, Jack
 And make yourself king.

 Or you punch one for us, Gus
 You just need to cheat so much
 Just dimple more chad, Thad
  And make yourself king


If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring
men shall possess the highest seats in Government,
our country will stand in need of its experienced
patriots to prevent its ruin. --Samuel Adams

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Thomas Dodd, Senator

2000-11-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So out of curiosity I called local library - the above Senator, father
of Thomas Dodd, was censored by the Senate or Congress in 1967 for the
ilegal use of campaign funds for personal reasons.

He ran for re-election, was beat - and then tried I guess on Independent
Ticket, but people of Connecticut were not too forgiving in those days.

Some of the things for which Dodd stood, Lieberman stands for today, or

Can see where Dodd could have made a laot of enemies.see Clinton
escape justice and wonder, for Dodd evidently, was expendable.

Remember at the time everyone respected thisi man..he saw what was
going on like a George Patton and one must say, Patton was right - so
each in his own way, was done away with.

Look at the money today these creeps steal from the American people - 12
million dollars for Pat Buchanan, and what did he do with all that
money?   Did not see much on TV but then I do not watch much TV.

So much for Profiles in Courage,  Men of Integrity - where are they all


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL]

2000-11-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

That whole UN should be sent to South Africa or sentenced to South
Africa.for whoever thought of the word genocide as being - well why
do they take a census?   6 must be magic number for now there are 6
billion people in the world, so some must be eliminated only now instead
of the KIngs and Queens sending young men off to be killed, it is AIDS
and birds carrying diseases like West Nile Encephaitis, and food that is
virtually poisoned.

Notice how some of these people are conspicuous by their presense - and
others by their early death?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Gideon's code?

2000-11-24 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Or maybe they use The Catcher in the Rye for their codebook, a la Conspiracy Theory.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Imagine]

2000-11-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Imagine
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 03:34:10 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark Graffis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

"A history professor from uppsala universitet in Sweden, called to tell me
about an article she had read in which a Zimbabwe politician was quoted as
saying that children should study this event closely for it shows that
election fraud is not only a third world phenomena.

1. Imagine that we read of an election occuring anywhere in the third world
in which the self-declared winner was the son of the former prime minister
and that former prime minister was himself the former head of that nation's
secret police (CIA).

2. Imagine that the self-declared winner lost the popular vote but won
based on some old colonial holdover (electoral college) from the nation's
pre-democracy past.

3. Imagine that the self-declared winner's 'victory' turned on disputed
votes cast in a province governed by his brother!

4. Imagine that the poorly drafted ballots of one district, a district
heavily favoring the self-declared winner's opponent, led thousands of
voters to vote for the wrong candidate.

5. Imagine that members of that nation's most despised caste, fearing
for their lives/livelihoods, turned out in record numbers to vote in
near-universal opposition to the self-declared winner's candidacy.

6. Imagine that hundreds of members of that most-despised caste were
intercepted on their way to the polls by state police operating under the
authority of the self-declared winner's brother.

7. Imagine that six million people voted in the disputed province and that
the self-declared winner's 'lead' was only 327 votes. Fewer, certainly,
than the vote counting machines' margin of error.

8. Imagine that the self-declared winner and his political party opposed a
more careful by-hand inspection and re-counting of the ballots in the
disputed province or in its most hotly disputed district.

9. Imagine that the self-declared winner, himself a governor of a major
province, had the worst human rights record of any province in his nation
and actually led the nation in executions.

10. Imagine that a major campaign promise of the self-declared winner was
to appoint like-minded human rights violators to lifetime positions on the
high court of that nation.

None of us would deem such an election to be representative of anything
other than the self-declared winner's will-to-power. All of us, I imagine,
would wearily turn the page thinking that it was another sad tale of
pitiful pre- or anti-democracy peoples in some strange elsewhere."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

This item I find very interesting.Dodd even after being censored by
the Senate for illegal use of campaign funds (theft in office more like
it) was instrumental in introducing anti gun laws into USA taking NAZI
laws and utilizing same?
Jews for Preservation of Fire Arms came up with this one.

So if it talks like a duck, acts like a duck, and walks like a
duckis it Joe Lieberman and Dodd the son whoo helped the sainted man
into his present candidacy - is Joe Lieberman and Dodd more inclined to
lean towards fascism - well Lieberman is Zionist and it is said in some
quarters holds dual citizenshiplook at these people and remove their
masks - what and who are they really?

They say the Judas is the one who gets away always to write the books or

Maybe CFR and our present political system now the fascist in disguise
of which Huey Long spoke right before he was murdered by a Zionist?
The Zionist will destroy the Holy Land and even the big dome which is
sacred...but what about those creeps who wnted to dig up body of
Christ for DNA purposes


Origin of U.S. Gun Control Laws
Excerpts from an article in the May 1993 Guns and Ammo by Jews for the
Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Posted to the Internet with
permission by Craig Peterson.

Members of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
consider gun control to be an aggressive cancer. JPFO has a cure, a way
to destroy gun control. JPFO has hard evidence that shows that the Nazi
Weapons Law (March 18, 1938) is the source of the U.S. Gun Control Act
of 1968 (GCA'68). Adolph Hitler signed the Nazi Weapons Law. The Gestapo
(Nazi National Secret Police) enforced it. In Gun Control: Gateway to
Tyranny we present the official German text of the Nazi Weapons Law and
a side-by-side translation into English. Even more deadly: a
side-by-side, section-by-section comparison of the GCA'68 with the Nazi
Weapons Law. If you have this in your hands, no one can tell you that
you're imagining things.

GCA'68 marked a new approach to gun control. It replaced the Federal
Firearms Act (June 30, 1938), which was based on the federal power to
regulate interstate commerce. The 1938 law required firearms dealers to
get a federal license (which then cost $1). Only dealers could ship
firearms across state lines. Ordinary people could receive shipments
from dealers.
In GCA'68 the government required that in almost all cases only dealers
could send and receive firearms across state lines. This ended "mail
order" sales of firearms by law-abiding persons who are not licensed
GCA'68 hits you even harder. Congress gave federal bureaucrats in
Washington, D.C., the power to decide what kinds of firearms you can

The framers of GCA'68 borrowed an idea--that certain firearms are
"hunting weapons"--from the Nazi Weapons Law (Section 21 and Section 32
of the Regulations, page 61 and page 73, respectively, of Gun Control.-
Gateway to Tyranny). The equivalent U.S. term, "sporting purpose," was
used to classify firearms. But it was not defined anywhere in GCA'68.
Thus, bureaucrats were empowered to ban whole classes of firearms. They
have, in fact, done so.

The Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 replaced a Law on Firearms and Ammunition
of April 13, 1928. The 1928 law was enacted by a center-right, freely
elected German government that wanted to curb "gang activity," violent
street fights between Nazi party and Communist party thugs. All firearms
owners and their firearms had to be registered. Sound familiar? Gun
control did not save democracy in Germany. It helped to make sure that
the toughest criminals, the Nazis, prevailed.

The Nazis inherited lists of firearm owners and their firearms when they
lawfully took power in March 1933. The Nazis used these inherited
registration lists to seize privately held firearms from persons who
were not "reliable." Knowing exactly who owned which firearms, the Nazis
had only to revoke the annual ownership permits or decline to renew
In 1938, five years after taking power, the Nazis enhanced the 1928 law.
The Nazi Weapons Law introduced handgun control. Firearms ownership was
restricted to Nazi party members and other "reliable" people.

The 1938 Nazi law barred Jews from businesses involving firearms. On
November 10, 1938--one day after the Nazi party terror squads (the SS)
savaged thousands of Jews, synagogues and Jewish businesses through-out
Germany--new regulations under the Weapons Law specifically barred Jews
from owning any weapons, even clubs or knives.
Exhibit No. 62 (see reproduction) [added to the end of this document] is
fascinating. This letter--dated July 12, 1968--is to Subcommittee
Chairman Dodd from Lewis C. Coffin, Law Librarian at the Library of
Congress. Coffin wrote:


"...We are enclosing herewith a translation of the Law on Weapons of
March 18, 1938, prepared by Dr. William Solyom-Fekete of [the European
Law Division -ed.] 

[CTRL] The end ( game ) is nigh. Mid.east

2000-11-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


The end game,,41011,00.html

Israeli analysts predict that
the Middle East is one third
of the way towards Armageddon.

Sam Kiley reports

Deep in the bowels of Ha Kiryah, the Israeli Ministry of Defence
headquarters whose bristling antennae dominate Tel Aviv’s skyline, a small
and elite team of computer wizards, military analysts and political experts
are playing a war game. It could be called Doom or Armageddon. But the
simulations are no fun. They are playing out the worst case scenarios of a
Middle Eastern meltdown in which everyone, and they mean everyone, is a
loser. The conclusions of the geeks who live in a virtual world are based on
reality. About a third of the End Game scenario has already been played out.
The analysts are not alone in fearing that what began as a semi-popular,
semi-spontaneous uprising of Palestinians against continued Israeli
occupation has already mutated into a mini-war of growing intensity which
now threatens to spin out of control and suck the whole of the Middle East
into its vortex.
United Nations diplomats, William Cohen, the United States defence
secretary, moderate and immoderate Arab leaders, members of the Israeli
cabinet and Yassir Arafat’s senior advisers can agree on little. But they
are unanimous in the fear that the region is teetering on the brink of an
unthinkably horrible abyss.

What has brought the Middle East to the edge? What parts of the doomsday
scenario have been fulfilled, and what is to come? Strap on your 3-D goggles
and peer into the future. But brace yourself for the worst because by the
end of the “game” you could be waddling to work wearing a chemical and
biological warfare suit.

This is what the cyber-warriors have already punched into their computer
model: “History is made by men with swords not bureaucrats clutching the UN
Charter on Human Rights”. A bit of a sweeping statement but difficult to
disagree with, especially if you take a quick dip into the recent history of
the Middle East and the foundation of Israel.

For seven years the conquered people have watched their leaders blast hot
air around the negotiating table while what is left of the land they lost in
1967 has been steadily stolen by Jewish settlements.

Disappointed and distrusting of their own leadership the final insult came
in July at Camp David, the US presidential retreat. Palestinians believe
that what they were offered at the Camp David summit was nothing short of an
insult — they would have been left with a bastard mutant state in five
different bits still subjected to Israeli fiat.

Their own leadership, and Arafat in particular, they consider weak, corrupt,
venal and incompetent. Two months ago they turned their anger on the
Israelis, who still occupy more than 80 per cent of the West Bank and Gaza.
The Israeli army used live ammunition and snipers to control rioting teens.
More than 70 children were killed — many of them in full view of TV
cameras.Another 180 Palestinian adults, some of them innocent, some of them
gunmen, were also “taken out”. Meanwhile, sensing that he could either surf
the popular wave or drown, Arafat slyly slipped open the doors of his jails
and released scores of some of the Islamic world’s most dangerous bomb
makers and urban guerilla experts from Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Then he
forged an alliance with the extremist groups and gave them seats in his
decision-making bodies.

After a decade of of internecine squabbling and outright fighting, the
Palestinians now stand together. Their stated goal: an independent state.
Their policy: to drive the Jews out of the illegal West Bank and Gaza
settlements, to kill Israeli soldiers in the Occupied Territories and force
Israel to recognise past UN resolutions which, in their view, demand a
complete withdrawal of Israel to behind the 1967 Green Line.

Their real aim, many Israelis believe, is to drive the Jews into the
Mediterranean Sea. To rid the Middle East of the “cancer” of Zionism, scrub
Israel from the map and return the land to its original Palestinian owners.

The clumsy and callous Israeli response to the al Aqsa Intifada has fanned
the violence into a furnace. The Palestinians have shifted their tactics
from riots and demonstrations to guerrilla warfare. And if Arafat doesn’t
have the mettle for this final fight, then the Palestinians will ignore his
ceasefire orders.

The Israelis have reacted with “restraint” by their standards. Using
helicopter gun ships and guided missiles they have “carefully” rocketed
buildings used by Arafat’s Fatah movement, his Preventive Security Service
(secret police) and the Voice of Palestine. On Monday it was in retaliation
for the Palestinian bombing of a bus load of Jewish children from a Gaza
settlement. Two adults died and nine people were wounded including five
youngsters. Every day the atrocities and the rage mount steadily.

Meanwhile, leaders in the Muslim world are under increasing 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Top Ten

2000-11-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks, Justine. I couldn't write it any more concisely.

--- Justine Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Turkey: TAYAD Bulletins on hunger strike/Death Fast

2000-11-24 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: dhkcbureau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@smtp.EUnet.yu
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 12:48 AM
Subject: Turkey: TAYAD Bulletins on hunger strike/Death Fast


 October 14, 2000
 No. 157
 To put a stop to the construction of the cells, to have the anti-terror
 abolished, this week the families of prisoners were in front of
 High School once again. The state, which is trying to legitimise the
 isolation cells, has nothing left to defend them and is trying to prepare
 new scenarios to bring about provocations in Umraniye Prison. We families
 prisoners will frustrate these scenarios they are trying to put into
 such as that there is a tunnel, a rebellion has broken out etc. We condemn
 the unrestrained attack by the police on the families of prisoners who
 standing by their sons and daughters in front of Galatasaray High School
 today, and call for our families who were arrested to be immediately
 released. Fifteen persons were detained. Here are the names we were able
 Eylem Goktas
 Fadik Adiyaman
 Gulcicek Bal
 Mihriban Yesil.

 October 23, 2000
 No. 162
 Because of yesterday's count we were not able to leave home for an entire
 day. What were our feelings like. At the very least we felt troubled, and
 One day. not much but even one day behind four walls troubled us and was
 difficult. Moreover, in our own house, with our spouse. Even though we
 together with our household and our relatives. Although we had television,
 radio and telephones, we were bored and it was difficult for us.
 Think also of the 'F' Type prisons. That is not a matter of one day, three
 days, five days, one month or even five months. Think about staying for
 years in these cells. Isn't this the greatest torture that can be done to
 human beings? Moreover, think about cells in a country where in the
 before your eyes, human beings who are prisoners are openly tortured to
 death. What can't be done to prisoners who remain in cells on their own?
 This is the third day of the hunger strike started to demand the closure
 the 'F' Type prisons. Everybody who is against torture must support this
 just resistance and give strength to it. Let us not allow them to be

 October 25, 2000
 No. 165
 It is five days since our sons and daughters started an indefinite hunger
 strike to close the 'F' Type prisons. We are the mothers and fathers of
 children who are in prison. We want our sons and daughters to not be
 not be put in cells. For this, we go out into the streets, are detained,
 beaten with clubs. And now our children have lain down to die.
 Our sons and daughters will continue their hunger strike until the
 prisons are closed and all their demands are accepted.
 We appeal to all who call themselves human beings to be sensitive and not
 remain silent.

 October 26, 2000
 No. 167
 The indefinite hunger strike by over a thousand political prisoners and
 convicts is continuing.
 On the one hand, the families of prisoners who protested against
 and injustice encountered attacks by police using clubs and armoured cars
 Ankara. Those who say, "We will do away with torture" are putting the MHP
 (Nationalist Movement Party), who openly defend torture, at the head of
 parliament's Human Rights Commission. This mask of Turkey, which is
 supposedly democratising itself on the road to European Union membership,
 has fallen off. Its true face is exposed.
 Our sons and daughters will die. Our sons and daughters will die and be
 killed because they want medical treatment for their friends, because they
 want to remove the obstacles that exist to a right to a defence, because
 they have come out and opposed and resisted torture, because they said
 wanted this country to be democratic and free. Let us not permit our sons
 and daughters to be killed. Their resistance is a search for justice in a
 land where there is no justice. Their resistance is a struggle for
 and freedom in a land without democracy and freedom. Let us not abandon
 them, let us give strength to their resistance, let us not allow them to

 October 27, 2000
 No. 168
 Every day our sons and daughters are heading towards death. Today the
 strike continues on the seventh day. How persistent the Justice Ministry
 on the subject of isolation cells; on the subject of the cells, our
 are also determined 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Ads they don't want seen; news they don't want known]

2000-11-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Ads they don't want seen; news they don't want known
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 22:52:40 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

GUARDIAN (London)Friday November 24, 2000
Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles

Internet spreads word as networks shun adverts for Buy Nothing Day

Today is America's Buy Nothing Day. An event that was started to poke
pointed fun at consumerism is now being celebrated in more than 40
countries, embarrassing television networks and demonstrating the power of
the internet as a political organising tool.

The campaign was the brainchild of Kalle Lasn, the founder of a
Vancouver-based magazine, Adbusters, "the journal of the mental
environment", and author of Culture Jam, an exploration of consumerism,
globalisation and advertising.

The day, which encourages people not to bother shopping for what they do
not really need, began in the Pacific north-west in 1993 and was taken up
on the internet in 1995. Now it has expanded, from events in 30 countries
last year to 45 this year.

In America, it takes place on the day after Thanksgiving Day,
traditionally the biggest shopping day in the calendar, while in Europe it
is held on the last Saturday in November, which this year falls tomorrow.

"Every year it gets bigger," said Lasn yesterday. "A lot of it is word of
mouth." He said that many events were now being organised by groups with
no connection to Adbusters.

In the best traditions of consumerism, the organisers had hoped to
advertise the day on television. When they made their first attempt, last
year, every major network found reasons why it could not run a commercial
telling people not to buy anything.

A CBS spokesman told Adbusters: "This commercial is in opposition to the
current economic policy of the United States."

Only CNN agreed to run the commercial after being told that a refusal
would lead to an embarrassing story in the Wall Street Journal. This year
the network agreed to run the ad, said Lasn, only to have an apparent
change of heart.

"It was a very strange experience," he said. "When we first approached
them they said 'no worries, no problems, there's plenty of time.' Then
they told us all the spots were sold out."

Finally a compromise has been reached and the 30-second ad was due to be
screened once only last night.

The commercial's voice-over explains why the networks might not have been
keen to run it alongside other advertisements: "The average North American
consumes five times more than a Mexican, 10 times more than a Chinese
person, and 30 times more than a person from India.

"We are the most voracious consumers in the world ... A world ... could
die because of the way we North Americans live. Give it a rest. November
24 is Buy Nothing Day."

But Lasn, an Estonian-born former documentary film-maker, said not
everyone was impressed by the idea. "On radio talk-shows there are chamber
of commerce types who can't believe what we're doing and they can be quite
rambunctious. And people phone up and say 'if you don't like it in this
country, then get out'."

But he said that the majority of reactions had been positive, with many ad
hoc groups being set up around the world, covering everything from small
towns in Hungary to shopping centres in Japan.

Last year in New York, thousands of activists took over Times Square for a
dance party, while other protesters targeted what is said to be the
world's longest shopping avenue in Panama City.

This year, Adbusters' campaigns manager, Tom Liacas, said yesterday,
everything from "reclaim the streets" demonstrations to the exchange of
free gifts is planned.

He attributes the increase in interest to both the power of the internet
and the effect of anti-globalisation protests in Seattle last year.

"Since Seattle, there's a much larger audience for this sort of thing," he
said. "People have been adapting the day to their own cultures so we won't
really know the scope of what has been done until afterwards."


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [news] Mob Rule Wins for W

2000-11-24 Thread Kris Millegan -

A premeditated mob assault on the Dade County election board appears to
have guaranteed Texas Gov. George W. Bush's ascension to the presidency.

New evidence shows that Miami Republicans, working with Cuban-American
extremists, organized the storming of the Dade County offices on
Wednesday, an action that intimidated the election board into canceling
the crucial recount of 10,750 disputed ballots.

That decision virtually assures that Vice President Al Gore's gains in
Broward and Palm Beach counties will fall short of overtaking Bush's
930-vote lead. That, in turn, means Bush likely will be declared the
victor on Sunday night and pressure will build on Gore to concede.

The full story about the victory of the strong-armed tactics can be found
at at

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Mexico's new Sec of State launches grand campaign: legalize drugs

2000-11-24 Thread Kris Millegan

A Narco News Update:

Author Jorge Castañeda, now having gained the powerful Foreign Ministry post
in Mexico that his father held from 1977 to 1982, is not backing down from
his position against drug prohibition.

New statements from Castañeda, issued yesterday, in-depth Narco News
analysis, and previous writings by the new State Secretary on the theme of
drug legalization, can be found at:

This morning's La Jornada of Mexico City reports, in an article by Blanche

...Among the six challenges of Mexican foreign relations over the next six
years is to 'readjust' the agenda in front of the United States, said the
next Chancellor Jorge Castañeda. Since 1994, he says, "we have found
ourselves without a compass, without ambition, without an agenda" before the
neighbor to the North.

"...We can no longer simply react to the US positions," (said Castañeda),
"Mexico must insist" with a "grand campaign," as it did to achieve the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), that the United States change its
laws regarding certification in the anti-drug fight and find 'a new focus'
towards drugs.

On this point, Castañeda tackles the problem with a perspective that many
governments recognize in private and elude in public: "The
decriminalization, over the long term, of certain substances that are
currently illicit... and the utilization of market mechanisms to undermine
the profits that come from the prohibited character of drug commerce."

-- From La Jornada, November 24, 2000

Thus, it appears that Castañeda is not backing down from his
pro-decriminalization position. To the contrary, he is hinting that a "grand
campaign" might be in the cards for bilateral relations in the coming years;
a crusade to call the bluff on the hypocrisy of US drug policy throughout

A "Grand Campaign" like that would resonate not just across Mexico, but will
find support, both open and behind the scenes, from other nations and
governments who suffer the failure of drug prohibition in the hemisphere.


from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin


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[CTRL] How drugs habit finally got up daddy’s nose

2000-11-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=",,40507,00.html"…icle/0,,40507,00.html/A


How drugs habit finally got up daddy’s nose


ONE of America’s most powerful bankers has been sacked by his father from his
Wall Street job managing £79 billion ($113 billion) because of his cocaine

Marc Weill, 44, a key figure in managing Citigroup’s multi-billion investment
portfolio, has also been linked to a pornographic actress who lists a “sick
and twisted mind” as one of her “top turn ons”.

The controversy surrounding Mr Weill’s demise has rocked American financial
institutions and raised new fears about the use of drugs by senior executives
in leading financial jobs. Mr Weill’s rapid rise at the financial services
group made him one of the most eligible men in Manhattan. He was believed to
command an salary of £1.4 million.

But when Mr Weill took a leave of absence from his gruelling job at the
company in May, rumours soon spread about the reasons behind the decision.

His ex-wife, E. D. Donahey, a television talk-show host, yesterday claimed
what had been common knowledge in Wall Street watering holes — that Mr Weill
was being treated for his drug habit.

She told The Wall Street Journal: “Mark is in treatment for drug addiction.
The only thing that is important is that Mark is getting help for his drug
addiction.” She spoke out in an effort to help his recovery from the habit,
the newspaper said. It also quoted a source as claiming that Mr Weill was
hooked on cocaine and had twice been hospitalised for pneumonia as a result
of his addiction. It was claimed that his erratic behaviour before his
departure from the firm even saw him distracting fellow executives at a
company meeting with his raucous snoring. Since leaving his job, Mr Weill has
been linked with pornography star Brittany Andrews by a New York gossip
column. On her website, Ms Andrews says she rates a “sick and twisted mind”
as being among her “top five turn ons”.

She adds that she also likes to spend her spare time volunteering for two
children’s charities: “It gives me such a really good feeling to put my
energy to such worthy causes.”

Before Mr Weill turned his attentions towards Ms Andrews he invested some of
his own money in Moomba, a fashionable Greenwich Village restaurant and
nightclub that regularly attracts stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Affleck
and Russell Crowe.

Some have now claimed that his problems have been complicated by having his
father as his boss.

Sandy Weill, one of Wall Street’s legendary dealmakers, is the chairman of
Citigroup, which owns Citibank, the American high street bank, and Salomon
Smith Barney, the investment bank. Sandy Weill reportedly told the board
himself that his son was taking leave of absence, without explaining why.

Citibank’s directors include Robert Rubin, the former US Treasury Secretary
who was one of the architects of America’s record economic boom.

Mr Weill worked with his father for more than a decade, witnessing the string
of mergers that eventually led to the formation of Citigroup in 1998. His
sister, Jessica Bibliowicz, has also worked for the “family business” but she
left after a few years.

Before she left, Ms Bibliowicz is said to have fallen out with Jamie Dimon,
an executive who had been seen as Sandy Weill's heir apparent. When Mr Dimon
was subsequently ousted from Citigroup, conspiracy theorists had a field day.

Marc Weill's tenure at Citigroup had been financially uncontroversial,
however, helped by the fact that the investment arm of the business has been
performing well.

Earlier this year, James McDermott, the chief executive of a Wall Street
investment bank, was given a prison sentence after he was found guilty of
leaking deal secrets to his former mistress, a pornographic actress named
Marylin Star.

The boom on Wall Street has brought enormous salary and bonuses to workers at
financial firms such as Citigroup.

Although their status as “masters of the universe” was challenged for a while
by the instant wealth of the dot-com elite, the subsequent collapse of many
Internet companies has been taken as a vindication of the long hours that
investment bankers and money managers put in.

In 1999, Sandy Weill’s salary and bonus alone amounted to nearly $10 million
(£7 million). He also reaped $75 million (£52 million) from exercising stock
options. A Citigroup spokeswoman was not available for comment last night.

Other bankers have also fallen victim to the curse of cocaine. Lawrence
Kudlow, a former official in President Reagan's administration, is a
recovered cocaine addict, but this did not stop him being made chief US
economist at ING Barings earlier this year. In 1994 Mr Kudlow said he was
addicted to cocaine and alcohol. Last year, Marion Barry, the former mayor of

[CTRL] Europe Nixes Software Patents

2000-11-24 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=",1283,40329,00.html"
Europe Nixes Software Patents/A
Europe Nixes Software Patents
by Michelle Delio

8:30 a.m. Nov. 22, 2000 PST   Europe will not officially allow developers
to own patents on software, at least for the time being.
All European countries, with the exception of Austria, Liechtenstein and
Switzerland, voted against extending the current European patent system to
cover software at the Diplomatic Conference to Revise the European Patent
Convention which opened Monday in Munich.

But the software patent debate still rages on, and some feel that a clear-cut
decision to allow or bar software patents would be more beneficial to
Europe's technology industry than the current fuzzy logic that surrounds the
issue and allows companies to maneuver patents through the current law's
legal loopholes.
European law specifically forbids patents on computer software, but the
European Patent Office is strongly in favor of changing that.
Patents can be granted for software that is an integral part of a new
machine, if the software –- such as an operating system -- controls the
functions of that machine. So the EPO has granted more than 30,000 patents on
a "method or device which includes programs."
The results of Tuesday's vote was cheered by free and open source software
advocates as a victory, since the discussion over whether the European union
will allow software patents will now be moved to the European Commission, the
European Parliament, national governments and the general public.
But Nicolas Pettiaux, Belgian representative for the EuroLinux Alliance of
software publishers and nonprofit organizations, warned that the vote "should
not be interpreted as a vote against software patents, but rather as a vote
to postpone any decision on this matter until the consultation launched by
the European Commission is closed."
According to Stéfane Fermigier of the Association Francophone des
Utilisateurs de Linux et des Logiciels Libres (AFUL), the vote against
patents is a definite step in the right direction, but a definite decision on
software patents must be made soon.
"The General Directorate for Internal Market at the European Commission,
which is in charge of the consultation, has approached the software patent
issue with an ideological point of view," Fermigier said.
"Both their interpretation of the law and their call for the consultation are
obviously biased in favor of software patents. Furthermore, until very
recently, they paid no attention to the economic effects and to other side
effects of software patents, as they should have according to the Rome and
Amsterdam Treaties."
Fermigier agrees with Pettiaux that the battle is not yet won. "We are still
very far from a decision to ban software patents in Europe," he said.
Open source and free software advocates feel that software patents should be
banned in Europe, believing that these patents, as they exist in the United
States, tend to stifle innovation, create tremendous legal risks for small
and medium enterprises and reduce the incentive for knowledge sharing.
Pettiaux said that future EuroLinux actions will be targeted at convincing
the European Commission to take a balanced approach on software patents.
"As the EuroLinux Software Patent Horror Gallery shows, the European Patent
Office is already granting many patents on pure software methods," Pettiaux
said. "Such kind of patents are then canceled by national courts in case of
dispute. A clear clarification is still needed in Europe, either in favor of
or against software patents."

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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
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Omnia Bona Bonis,
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Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Op-Ed: I CAN TELL YOU WHO LOST (revised)

2000-11-24 Thread Kris Millegan

by Husayn Al-Kurdi
Halloween came one week late this year. A corporate-fascist 
Democrat, an Oily Nazi born with a silver spoon in his mouth and a 
consumer advocate pretending to "revive" a "democracy" that never existed 
in conducting an electoral charade whose formal outcomeremains uncertain 
as we go to press. Although we do not have a declared winner, I can tell you 
lost. We, the American people, and the people of the world, lost.
The plutocracy selects, the beguiled voters elect and the most 
powerful and dangerous entity in known history is "confirmed" and thus 
as the system of choice. Every four years, we collectively practice falling 
the turnip truck, pleasing our overlords and confirming their uncontested 
hegemony. Just as I can tell you who lost, I can identify the usual winners 
those who have owned and operated the country for over 200 years.
The distribution of membership in socio-economic classes has 
been a constant. In 1953, a study published by the University of Chicago 
assessed the class situation in the following terms:
1.4%  lower-upper  
1.6%  upper-middle  
10%  lower-middle  
28%  upper-lower  
33%  lower-lower  
  (source: M. Lloyd 
Warner,  American Life: 
Dream and Reality,   
University of Chicago, 1953)
Note that 86% of the population are in the "lower-middle" down 
to "lower-lower" category. The picture hasn#8217;t changed much since then, 
or since 
As exemplified by the Bush Pit Vipers, the Clintons and Gores, 
et al., a Criminal Lawyer Politician (I repeat myself) Managerial Elite runs 
political circus on behalf of itself and its sponsors.
Muckraker Lincoln Steffens summarized the situation over a 
century ago when he declared, "That#8217;s the system. It#8217;s an 
organization of social 
treason, and the political boss is the chief traitor". Our "society" is run 
its worst elements, as described by poet E.E. Cummings: "A politician is an 
upon which everyone has sat except a man".
Although Nader is a reformist who seeks to make the system more 
palatable as opposed to uprooting it, he did accurately describe the two 
principal contestants for captain of the Titanic. We had the spectacle of a 
"Giant corporation running for president, disguised as a person" vs. a 
"Fork-tongued, Pinocchio-nosed certified political coward". Actually, the 
are interchangeable, with both Gore and Bush filling either description.
Nader#8217;s explicit goal was to gain 5% of the vote, get federal 
matching funds and turn the Greens into a "disciplinary watch-dog" on the 
Republicrats. He is undeniably pro-capitalism. His "consumer interest group" 
approach is part and parcel of the panoply of pseudo-"Alternatives" paraded 
the Establishment to stultify popular aspirations. As Nader-hanger-on and 
erstwhile "progressive" figure Jim Hightower put it, "We better be building 
something new or these people are going to be in serious rebellion". Of 
Hightower hopes that "This ends up in the Democratic Party".
Nader confirmed his system-enhancing thrust in Harper#8217;s 
(September 2000):
"Change invariably begins with people whom the defenders of the 
status quo denounce as agitators, communists, hippies, weirdoes. And then, 10 
20 years later, after the changes have taken place, the Chamber of Commerce 
discovers that everybody#8217;s profits have improved". The capitalist 
"bottom line" 
herein invoked is the very "principle" to be done away with as the practical 
basis for what currently passes itself off as "society".
The Socialist Party Platform of 1912 describes a situation 
similar to our own, in which, "Under this system the industrial equipment of 
nation has passed into the absolute control of a plutocracy", with 
of unemployed" (we have up to 10 million homeless persons and many millions 
are out of work but not "officially" unemployed) and "Republican and Democrat 
Parties reminding the faithful servants of the oppressors". Similar 
echo through our history, from the "Anti-Federalists" of the aborted 
of 1776 to a variety of populist and popular insurgencies spanning over over 
past century. Whether at the birth of America, my father#8217;s birth year 
the period when I was growing up (the 1950s) or the present day, the 
configuration of power and the system for which it stands has been a constant 
given. It has given us the world war, mass murder, brutal exploitation and 
insufferable oppression.
As stated by Frederick T. Martin in Matthew Josephson#8217;s The 
Robber Barons (1934):
"It matters not one iota which political party is in power, or 
what President holds the reins of office. We are not politicians or public 
thinkers; we are the rich, we own America; we got it God knows how; but we 
intend to keep it if we can . . .".
Two metaphors come to mind. One is that conjured up by 

[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Exporting Amricanism.

2000-11-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Working Lives

Who you gonna call?

A secretive new army of consultants is about to arrive from the US.
Their mission: to help keep restless British workers in check. Diane
Taylor enters the shadowy world of the union-busters

Guardian (London)
Wednesday November 1, 2000

The scene could be a call centre, a factory, a supermarket. The first
signs of their presence in the workplace seem innocuous - comical
even. There are the cutesy baseball caps bearing propagandising
slogans, the gaudy leaflets, the "informative" videos made compulsory
viewing for all staff and subtly peddling their message. There might -
as happened at one major manufacturer in the US in recent months - be
time off work for a company picnic, a lavish, feelgood away-day
featuring speeches and presentations that seem to be slanted in a
certain direction.

And then come the more sinister aspects: the hints that employees are
being surreptitiously filmed at work; the workers "let go" in
mysterious circumstances; the strangers at out-of-work gatherings
pretending to be people they're not. By then, it should be clear: the
union-busters - consul tants hired by employers to help them avoid or
frustrate plans to organise unions in the workplace - have arrived.
Their message to staff: organising a union would see salaries go into
freefall and competitiveness take a battering, throwing the very
survival of their company into doubt.

There are an estimated 10,000 anti-union consultants in the United
States, many attached to law firms - and they are on their way to
Britain. Demand for their services in this country is booming thanks
to new employment legislation making it easier for unions to win
recognition. Their pitch plays on the paranoia of senior managers,
summoning images of the most notorious instances of union might: the
winter of discontent, the miners' strike. And the first such company
to cross the Atlantic, PTI Labor Research, is due to open an office in
London any day now.

A specific date is a little harder to come by, since PTI, based in
Houston, Texas, proves reluctant to return telephone calls, and
certainly doesn't seem to be planning an all-singing, all-dancing
opening ceremony. "The opening of PTI's London office hasn't
officially been announced yet," a spokeswoman finally reveals, "but
we'll know more in the next month or so."

It is just five months since the 1999 Employment Relations Act came
into force, setting out regulations aimed at reintroducing compulsory
procedures for union recognition for the first time since the 1980s.
The new laws mean that recognition must follow if 40% of the relevant
segment of a workforce votes in favour. Where union recognition laws
are strongest, the consultants calculate, new business will be easiest
to come by.

PTI's website gives few indications of how its British operation will
function, explaining only that the company is already "advising UK
companies on strategies for remaining union-free_ Due to the sensitive
nature of our business, we ask that you contact us for further
information". PTI partner Stuart Keene is understood to be in London
for the forthcoming launch, but he can only be contacted through the
Texas headquarters. Even there, he is not returning calls.

The firm has already been outlining its strategies to British
managers. At a conference on employment law earlier this year
organised by the UK law firm Eversheds, a PTI representative spoke on
anti-union strategies before numerous employers, believed to include
McDonald's, Gap and Tower Records. (Eversheds partner Roger Steel is
anxious to distance his company from PTI, arguing, "If PTI did
introduce the same tactics over here as they employ in the US, it
would misjudge the mood.")

A leading anti-union law firm, Jackson Lewis Schnitzler and Krugman,
which counts the US-based bookstore giant Borders among past clients,
is also understood to be advising British businesses. In the US,
Borders has been repeatedly involved in controversy for its anti-union
campaigns, threatening to shut down bookshops where staff vote for

The union-busters will bring two decades of US experience to
exploiting loopholes in the new British employment law, warns Carolyn
Jones of the Institute for Employment Rights. "During the consultation
period, we urged the government to adopt the European model of union
recognition, which does more to safeguard workers' rights," she says.
"We said, 'If you're really serious about strengthening unions and
collective bargaining, don't go for laws based on the American
system.' But they did."

Employers who panic at the prospect of union organisation can end up
in self-defeating dead ends, says Kate Bronfenbenner, an expert on
employment relations at Cornell University in New York state.
"Sometimes a company which is barely solvent will end up paying tens
of thousands of dollars to a union-buster - far more than it would
ever have cost to negotiate with the union for better terms 

[CTRL] How full of __it is Jesse Jackson?

2000-11-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Compared to this guy, quite full of shit.

Why is it that Conservative Blacks are less inclined to hype their
own people.

Jackson is a Democrat hack. His job is to lead American Blacks
around by the nose. He's a millionaire who NEVER had a real job.
He's a member of the CFR.

He's the guy who wants to convince Americans that a scumbag like
Al Gore is good for poor people and Blacks. After the last eight
years, one would have to be truly stupid or ignorant not to know
what Clinton and Gore have done to poor people during their stint
in power.

American Blacks were completely disregarded by this administration
because everyone understands that BLACKS HAVE NO WHERE ELSE TO GO.


-Original Message-
From: Mason Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 6:10 PM


November 13, 2000

Rev. C. Mason Weaver is founder of The Committee to Restore America,
He is a motivational speaker, lecturer and former radio talkshow host. The
to Restore America Foundation has launched "The New Underground Railroad"
project and believes real freedom is economic freedom. He is
the author of "IT'S OK TO LEAVE THE PLANTATION!" For more information please
contact Rev. C. Mason Weaver at (760) 758-7448.


It must stop! When will we stop allowing ourselves to be led by our
We continue to rely upon the slave master for information, education and
and still wonder in amazement that we remain
uninformed, untrained and sick? If master is the problem, he cannot be the
All he has to do is suggest that we have been wronged and we accept it as
thinking and follow his lead with protest, indignation and self destruction.
It is time to stop.

In Florida, the black community is angry because the master has told them
have been disenfranchised at the ballot. We are told those mean republicans
tried to steal our right to cast ballots for Al Gore in the presidential

There were problems with the butterfly ballot that caused 19,000 ballots to
cast out. The silent suggestion was that this problem was caused by the
and was intentional to mislead black voters.

But if black Christian people that have always embraced the truth, are
honest, then why are we so eager to accept the lie? This butterfly ballot
used in the previous election, and thousands of voters in Broward County
them incorrectly and thousands were cast out in 1996. The democrats are in
of the election process in that county. The democrats designed the ballot
handled the vote on election night. The butterfly ballot was published in
in the paper and sample ballots were mailed out weeks before the election.
one complained it was unfair or bias prior to the election nor while they
in the voting booth.

Nevertheless, now after the election, black people are told to protest,
and demand a new vote because the slave master needs help. Black folks in
Florida are convinced by master that others have done them wrong. Why did
and democratic leaders fail to protest earlier? Why blame others when your
leaders were in control of the ballot from conception to counting? Master is
the problem but he will always blame others.

Jessie Jackson and Gore's campaign leader William Daley have all arrived in
County complaining about the unfair ballot. They have stated the ballot was
and illegal. Has anyone noticed the appearance of the ballot from Cook
Illinois where both Jackson and Daley vote? They have used the butterfly
for many years including this past election.

Two and a half million voters used the butterfly ballot in Jackson's' county
and over 100,000 were not counted because they were marked incorrectly. Why
Jackson and Daley traveled over a thousand miles to Broward County, Florida
suggest voter fraud when they never contested the exact same
process in their own back yard?

It is past time the black American community asked hard questions and sought
honest answers. We are becoming a joke to the rest of the world. We need to
our intellect and stop being used by those who play with our emotions. We
intelligently investigate all claims for valid answers. We should not allow
one party, preacher, union boss or family member to place their bias
upon us. We should seek the truth and we will find it.

If I wanted to find out more about Africa would I go to Canada? If I needed
information about Israel would it be fair to seek it from the Moslem Mosque?
If you were studying the Bloods gang would it be fair to get all of your
from the Cribs. Of course we would not, that would be foolish. So why would
only listen to a democrat tell us how bad republicans 

[CTRL] A View From Here

2000-11-24 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

Go to

to read the rest.

 by deb weiss
 Slipping Gently Into Fascism
 November 23, 2000

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Embarrassed? Angry? Again,

2000-11-24 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I found it very interesting that somehow Dr. Deb, a newbie to the list knew
all about Colleen who has not posted (at least under that name) in a very
long time.  Also interesting was the she and she alone as far as I know
subscribes to YOUR theory that I am Colleen/Aleisha, as well as YOUR
body-type diagnostic tool.  Now isn't that interesting??  You are always
quick to point out when someone else is off topic but for once did not do so
with her.

And, wrong again, she not only brought up her credentials and then refused
to state them but told me my son's choice of med school would be limited by
his grades because unlike undergrad, it was competitive, which is a rather
nasty implication.

Now if you can just get "Maggie Sanders" to chime in out of the blue to
defend you!  Ah, June, you are a piece of work.  No, I have not done
ANYTHING of an academic nature in many, many years and at my age and
physical limitations do not have plans to do so unless you count art
classes.  But I do not presume to seriously diagnose the medical not
psychological problems of others on an email list, either.  Thank you for

But I realized it was you after Dr. Deb called Aleisha Colleen--little slip
there? And then when she further called ME Colleen, well you are usually
more careful.

Now give it a rest--fair try but on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it only a
6.  Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

P.S.  I actually own the book 'Body Watching is Fun' concerning body shapes
but it is NOT more reliable than a blood test--example Barbara Bush and
Whoopee (if you are correct on WG) would both have overactive thyroids but
not the same body shape and NEITHER should take the meds by Armor/synthroid
and they are the opposite of what they need being thyroid extract--Armor
from pig and Synthroid chemical.  This is the substance they both have too
much of with their conditions.

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Embarrassed? Angry? Again, Colleen?

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Amelia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I find your own behavior nothing short of strange with your body shape
  diagnostic tool

 Nothing strange about that...the various morphic body types are a
long-established diagnostic tool, in that
 certain types tend to certain diseases.  Look it up.

  YOU are the one who brought up your supposedly esteemed credentials and
  refuse to state what they might be.

 To the contrary...I don't remember Dr. Greenhill making ANY claims for her
credentials, but instead was
 challenged by you and others to provide such credentials...

  And as for my son, he graduated in three years Summa Cum  Laude with a
  grade average from the University of Alabama at Birmingham

 Who cares?  Your supposed son isn't posting to this list.

 What have YOU done lately?


 A HREF=""
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Fwd: [news] Mob Rule Wins for W

2000-11-24 Thread Amelia

This is so funny!  The "mob attack" has been shown on TV all day and looks
pretty tame.  The canvassing board stopped counting because they were unable
to manufacture enough votes in time to meet the deadline-and those pesky
Republican observers kept watching!  If this is a "mob attack' and these
people were intimidated, every Republican observer should be equally
intimidated.  After all, one of those was placed in handcuffs this morning
for asking the court reporter to note that a particular ballot had
absolutely NO mark and yet was counted for Gore.  He was escorted from the
room by an armed policeman who later released him since he had done nothing
wrong except try to do his job.  It is ALL on all the channels for people to
see with their own eyes and judge for themselves.

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 11:03 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [news] Mob Rule Wins for W -

A premeditated mob assault on the Dade County election board appears to
have guaranteed Texas Gov. George W. Bush's ascension to the presidency.

New evidence shows that Miami Republicans, working with Cuban-American
extremists, organized the storming of the Dade County offices on
Wednesday, an action that intimidated the election board into canceling
the crucial recount of 10,750 disputed ballots.

That decision virtually assures that Vice President Al Gore's gains in
Broward and Palm Beach counties will fall short of overtaking Bush's
930-vote lead. That, in turn, means Bush likely will be declared the
victor on Sunday night and pressure will build on Gore to concede.

The full story about the victory of the strong-armed tactics can be found
at at

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Re: [CTRL] How full of __it is Jesse Jackson?

2000-11-24 Thread T Nohava

-Caveat Lector-


He creates problems to keep that almighty dollar rolling in.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Nurev Ind Research
 Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 11:59 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] How full of __it is Jesse Jackson?

 -Caveat Lector-

 Compared to this guy, quite full of shit.

 Why is it that Conservative Blacks are less inclined to hype their
 own people.

 Jackson is a Democrat hack. His job is to lead American Blacks
 around by the nose. He's a millionaire who NEVER had a real job.
 He's a member of the CFR.

 He's the guy who wants to convince Americans that a scumbag like
 Al Gore is good for poor people and Blacks. After the last eight
 years, one would have to be truly stupid or ignorant not to know
 what Clinton and Gore have done to poor people during their stint
 in power.

 American Blacks were completely disregarded by this administration
 because everyone understands that BLACKS HAVE NO WHERE ELSE TO GO.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mason Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 6:10 PM

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Resisting arithmetic of the Mock Turtle

2000-11-24 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Resisting arithmetic of the Mock Turtle

 The attempted grand larceny continued yesterday in Florida, for which
we give no thanks. Top Stories
. Florida's high court won't force recounts
. Gore gains 88 votes in Broward
. Gore assails Bush plea to Supreme Court
. Chads show election pregnant with new possibilities to cheat
. Skeptic rebuts global warming premise
. Mall takes jingle out of Salvation Army bells

 A lot of the reporters and other observers took the day off, to stuff
themselves with turkey and chad dressing (more filling but harder to digest
than the cornbread stuffing), leaving the Democrats in Broward County to
count in seclusion and privacy at last.
 The Broward canvassers have finished the main counting, and now they're
rifling through 2,000 "contested" ballots in search of the votes Al Gore
needs to cut George W. down to size. This morning the canvassers in Palm
Beach County will start on 10,000 "contested" ballots to see whether they
can find enough dimples to put a smile on Al's face.
 All they need, decreed one of those paralegal dropouts from mail-order
law schools who seem to occupy nearly every judicial bench in Florida, is to
divine the "intent" of the helpless voter who couldn't manage to punch a
hole in a piece of paper. This would ordinarily be exceedingly hard to do,
since the canvassers can't even know who the voter was, the ballot being
secret, and you might think it would be particularly difficult to divine the
intent of someone you've never met. But it's not so difficult in Palm Beach
County. The next step, if Al still comes up short, will be to call in a
panel of psychiatrists to imagine what these voters meant to do even if they
had not done it, as a Democratic congressman from Florida actually suggested
a few days ago.
 Ron Klain, a member of the Democratic National Committee, expressed
breezy confidence late yesterday that his man could count on enough extra
votes in Broward and Palm Beach counties to make it, even without
 "I believe that if we have a full and fair, accurate count in Broward
and Palm Beach counties, those two counties will be enough to put us over
the top," he said. Translation: "Now that we know exactly how many votes we
need, and we've got the Republican observers out of the way, we'll find the
chads we need even if we have to punch 'em out ourselves."
 But maybe not. If they don't, he said, and Florida certifies George W.
the winner at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon the Democrats don't have any
intention of making a graceful exit from this incredible mess of Al's
making. The trench war will go on.
 Alice never saw anything quite as wondrous as South Florida in her
adventures with the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts ("off with their
chads!"), the March Hare (who never made a 5 o'clock deadline), and the Mock
Turtle, who explained to Alice that he attended school at the bottom of the
sea (no doubt off the Florida coast), studying not the usual "reeling and
writhing" but the four branches of arithmetic: "Ambition, Distraction,
Uglification and Derision."
 The Democrats of Florida have given "take a number" an entirely new and
expanded meaning in Wonderland. Al and his hacks, who have indeed taken a
number, will get by with it unless George W. and the Republicans forget
dignity, decorum and tea-party manners and reach deep for reserves of
courage, stamina and appetite for the knees and sharp elbows ahead. Bill
Clinton has infected the country well with his virus of perversion and
decadence: Anything goes, and anything you can lift you're entitled to take.
Richard Daley, who stole Illinois for John F. Kennedy four decades ago,
never dreamed his son, Bill, would turn out to be such a chad off the old
block. Bill and his men are betting that when the moment arrives the
Republicans will back down, as they always have.
 We can already see the faint, dim outline of the way the Democrats and
their acolytes in the media will attempt to lull the Republicans and others
who voted for George W. into sweet oblivion. They, and the rest of us, will
be told over and over that since the vote is so close it won't matter much
who the winner is because gridlock will freeze everything in place, anyway.
Not only that, the winner now will be the loser four years hence, so it's
really better not to win because if you win you lose. Alice and her pals in
Wonderland would recognize the logic.
 In the real world this is bunk, but a lot of people will believe it.
Bitterness will survive the inauguration, of course, but it wouldn't be long
before we would be told how Al has "grown" in office, how he has mellowed,
and become downright lovable, considerate of his critics and well on his way
to becoming the leader that breeding and destiny had prepared him for.
 History does not disclose its alternatives, nor the future its
surprises. Four years on and the Florida election disaster will be ancient

Re: [CTRL] The Armenian Genocide: Revisionism and the U.S. National Interest

2000-11-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/24/2000 9:22:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Turkey claims that, although 300,000 Armenians were exterminated,
 such acts were not systematic and were sparked by internal strife. 

The Turkish went after the Armenians because the Armenians took the side of
Russia during Turkey's war with Russia.  Even today, fighting for the enemy
is considered treason by the Turks, and they consider it the most heinous of
crimes.  The Armenians had their problem, because the Russians lost and went
home, leaving the Armenians to face the wrath of the enraged Turks.  As I
recall we lost a war and went home, leaving the South Vietnamese to face the
wrath of the enraged North Vietnamese.   It's amazing that the European Union
is so angry at Turkey for what happened in about 1911, and doesn't think it
at all strange that Vietnam has practically no men of the age who could have
fought in the war.  They aren't too outraged by what's going on in Timor or
what went on in Cambodia.  I guess one selects which genocide is to be
condemned.   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Help Defend the Constitution!

2000-11-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/24/2000 9:42:58 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  It is also clear that the single best hope for averting this crisis is
  for the American people to step forward once again to defend our
  Constitution.  If the political situation continues to deteriorate, the
  stability and the future of our nation may soon be at stake.
  If you share our concern, I urge you to take the following actions

Oh I'd rather riot.  It sounds so patriotic--so partisan.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mind Control Murders ?

2000-11-24 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Victim's Mother Sues For $70M
New York Newsday , Wednesday June 2, 1999

Page number  A30  :

The mother of a woman who was pushed to her death under a subway train
sued seven medical institutions for $70 million yesterday, saying they
were negligent for releasing the deranged man who killed her daughter.
Patricia M. Webdale's lawsuit says officials at the institutions knew
that Andrew Goldstein, a schizophrenic who sought their help, was
dangerous, did not take his prescribed medicine and should not have been

Goldstein, 29, of Howard Beach, is charged with second-degree murder in
the January death of Kendra Ann Webdale, 32, an aspiring screenwriter
and freelance photographer from Fredonia, an upstate town near Buffalo.
The slaying occurred fewer than three weeks after Goldstein was released
from North General Hospital after a 22-day stay. His commitment at North
General for psychiatric problems was the latest of at least six hospital
stays in 1998.

Harvey Fishbein, Goldstein's lawyer, admits his client shoved Kendra
Webdale off the platform at the 23rd Street-Broadway subway station in
front of an 'N' train on Jan. 3, but says he did it because he is
mentally ill.

Goldstein, who told police and psychiatrists he had stopped taking his
medicine, also told them voices ordered him to shove Kendra Webdale and
that an irresistible "ghost" or "spirit" took control of his body. The
case has prompted state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer to introduce
legislation that would allow medical officials and family members to get
a court order to make sure a mentally ill person takes his medicine.
Despite his psychiatric history, he was found fit to stand trial for
murder in Kendra Webdale's death. This means he understands the charges
against him, understands the court proceedings and can help his lawyer
present a defense.


Queens Psychiatric Patient Found In Miami, 4 Months After Escape
New York Newsday , Friday August 20, 1999
by Sean Gardiner, STAFF WRITER

Page number  A34  :

A 320-pound, schizophrenic admitted killer was arrested yesterday 1,500
miles from the Queens psychiatric center where he escaped four months
Bartelio Maxie, 29, walked off the unfenced grounds of Creedmoor
Psychiatric Center on April 16. He had been committed to the Queens
Village mental health facility. At 5-feet, 11-inches, Maxie was a
memorable figure when he escaped wearing a bright yellow jacket, his
hair in shoulder-length dreadlocks. However, Maxie was somehow able to
dodge city police and make his way to Miami, police said.

Recently detectives from the Missing Person Unit received information
that Maxie was in the Miami area. Miami police found Maxie living at
1550 N. Miami Ave. and arrested him on a fugitive warrant at about 3
a.m., police said.

On Feb. 10, 1992, Maxie cut the throat of Frances Andral, 50, a close
family friend with whom he had been living in Jamaica, Queens, after
moving here from his native Haiti, police said. After his arrest, Maxie
told police that he believed Andral, whom he referred to as his aunt,
was trying to put a voodoo curse on him. He also said that voices in his
head were telling him to kill her before she killed him, police said.

No Trial For Con Ed Suspect?
New York Newsday , Wednesday October 2, 1996
by Karen Freifeld, STAFF WRITER. Curtis Kheel contributed to this story.

Page number  A03  :

It looks as if the man who is accused of shooting at several Con Ed
workers last year, blinding one, will never stand trial.
A psychiatrist hired by the Queens district attorney has determined that
the alleged shooter, Ellsworth Stewart, 28, of Jamaica, Queens, is
"The defense raised a psychiatric defense. Their doctors said, in plain
English, that he's crazy. Our psychiatrist tested him and concluded
again, in plain English, that the guy's crazy," said prosecutor Ken

When the case comes up again in state Supreme Court in Kew Gardens on
Oct. 15, Stewart is expected to plead not guilty by reason of insanity
and be sent to a mental institution. The district attorney could
challenge the findings, but it's doubtful.
On April 11, 1995, Stewart allegedly walked up to a Con Ed truck in
Jamaica and, without saying a word, fired nine bullets from a 9mm
semiautomatic handgun. Kolnsberg, then 29 and newly wed, was shot in the
head and both legs. Donald Bernardini, then 63, of Manhattan, was hit in
the left hip. And a 72-year-old bystander, Hassan Ali, was injured in
the right hand.

Police later found Stewart in a lot. When they approached him, he fired
three or four shots at them. They returned fire, wounding him several
times and making him a paraplegic.

In his report, the prosecutor's psychiatrist, Lawrence A. Siegel, stated
that Stewart said he didn't know why he fired the shots. But Siegel
suggested a motive: chalk marks that Stewart apparently believed
indicated he was being targeted for something. 

[CTRL] Psychic election update

2000-11-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mark andrews)
Date sent:  Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:05:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject:Psychic election update

 Psychic Marileen Isaacs appeared
this morning on WFBQ radio, (Indpls.).
They replayed her election predictions
from the morning of November 7th.
 Among the more interesting points
made by Marileen on election
morning were:

1. We won't know the winner until a
long time after the election.

2. Problems with vote manipulation.

3. Problems with "punch" ballots.

4. Health problems with Dick Cheney.

5. A surprise outcome. (Involving
lots of legal procedures and the
uncovering of vote tampering.)

6. A complete change in the way
we do our elections following this
election. (End of Electoral College)

In an update from this morning (11-24-00)

1. Dick Cheney leaving the
Republican ticket.

2. The inauguration of
President Al Gore.

3. The revelation of various election
manipulations in Florida on the part
of the Republicans.

I've been privileged to meet
and work with Marileen on a psychic
level during a televised "ghost hunt"
at a famous local haunted house.
And let me tell you, she's THE
best, clearest psychic I have
ever met. Her reputation for
accuracy is well deserved.

Now, I'll toss in a few predictions
of my own that have been playing out in
my mind for about a week or so.
(But remember, I don't see myself
as being as clear with these things
as is Marileen!)

1. Jeb Bush will resign as governor
of Florida in the midst of behind
the scenes scrutiny on the
part of Federal investigators.

2. George W. Bush will remain
as governor of Texas.

3. A large part of what the Justice
Department actually learns about
the election situation in Florida will
not be revealed to the public due
to concerns that it might lead
to civil unrest.

If you would like to visit Marileen's
website, got to;

Peace and wholeness to you and
to our nation.

Mark Andrews

--- End of forwarded message ---

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Gore victory would be bad for trade and liberty

2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

A Gore victory would be bad for trade and liberty
By Peter Zhang
TNA News with Commentary
Asia Report, Tuesday 7 November 2000

I am no more surprised by the blind malevolence most Western journalists and
commentators show toward Bush than I am surprised by their ingratiating
attitude toward Beijing. Both attitudes are, in fact, ideologically linked.
That Beijing greatly fears a Bush presidency while welcoming a Gore one is an
overriding reason to support Bush. As Gerry Jackson, my editor, has stated
many times: The Left only respects what it fears. And so it is with the
Beijing regime and a potential Bush presidency.

The ideologically motivated attacks by journalists who claim that Bush would
be a foreign affairs disaster is not supported by most of Asia which is
praying, though quietly, for a Bush victory. There is no doubt in the region
that the Clinton-Gore administration has been a foreign affairs nightmare
which has strengthened Beijing’s iron hand at the expense of the region's
genuine liberating forces.

This explains why the region treated Bush’s statement that China is a
competitor and not strategic partner with a collective sigh of relief. At
last, went the feeling, a potential president with an understanding of
Beijing’s nature and intentions. Not so most American and Australian
journalists — really so-called journalists. Their response was one of horror.
How could Bush be so “stupid”, so “ignorant”, so “insensitive”? The only
stupid and ignorant people here are these reporters.

Bush is not seeking a substitute for the Cold War, he is recognising a clear
and present danger, something the Clinton-Gore administration with its ’60s
dope-coloured view of the world cannot grasp. It is its “Yellow Submarine”
approach to foreign policy that has put us all in danger. But trying to get
this fact across to these ‘journalists’ is an impossible task. Several years
of indoctrination in leftwing controlled faculties has destroyed any genuine
critical faculties they may have once possessed. Listening to clusters of
these leftwing ‘journalists’ ridicule Bush’s realistic appraisal of the
Beijing regime is both amusing and depressing. And yet these are the people
whose anti-Bush views dominate the Western media. Beijing couldn’t be happier
with them.

Though Bush, unlike Gore, is a genuine free trader he would not allow the
free flow high-tech equipment to China that had military applications and
would thus endanger national security, as Gore and Clinton have done. That
the same people who sneer at Bush genuinely consider Gore a free trader when
he is not tells much about their own intellectual pretensions and slippery
grasp of real facts. They have forgotten, if they ever knew, that during the
1994 election Gore gave only superficial support to free trade. Once the
election was over he adamantly refused to support the North American Free
Trade Agreement, even giving tacit support to the Seattle rioters. (Clinton
was even worse on this one).

He ardently supports so-called environmental and labour provisions which are
solely designed to act as hidden tariffs. The man who spent eight years
giving political and moral support to the butchers of Tianamen Square is now
concerning himself with human rights in Asia. The same man who allowed a zinc
mining company with which he is financially connected to pollute Tennessee's
river system is now concerned with pollution in poor trading countries. As
Gerry Jackson says: "Gimme a break."

The region tends to rightly treats Gore with fear and contempt, knowing that
a Gore victory will be a disaster for liberty and a windfall poltical victory
for Beijing and North Korea. No wonder Gore is considered to be Beijing's

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Half of Americans see Demo vote fraud

2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Half of Americans see Demo vote fraud
WND/Rasmussen Survey shows most
suspect government databases abused



Editor's note: Following is the second in a series of monthly public-opinion
surveys conducted by Rasmussen Research/ Portrait of America in partnership
with This is the first such partnership between a major
polling firm and an independent Internet news company.



By Julie Foster
© 2000,, Inc.

A national survey conducted by Rasmussen Research on behalf of shows nearly half of Americans believe the Democratic Party
is most responsible for voter fraud, and two-thirds of those sampled suspect
government files and databases are subject to misuse during political

The scientific telephone sampling of 1,000 voters taken last weekend found
that 48.8 percent of respondents believed the Democratic Party was more
culpable in alleged voter fraud, while only 15.7 percent believed the
Republicans were.

Ironically, more of the respondents had voted for Al Gore for president than
for George Bush. Of those sampled, 48.1 percent had cast their ballots for
Gore and 46.5 percent had supported Bush.

A whopping 66 percent of those sampled said they believe government files and
databases are abused in political campaigns, while only 12.7 percent said
they were not.

Younger voters were more inclined to believe voter fraud and irregular voting
practices -- including the intentional casting of illegal ballots -- were
widespread problems in the U.S. electoral system. They were also more likely
to suspect misuse of government resources in campaigns.

Asked if young people could have confidence in a system they view as corrupt,
Karen Saranita of the Institute for Fair Elections responded, "How could

"People misunderstand the term voter fraud," she said. "Fraud is a precise
legal term. It is a criminal intent to do something illegal." Saranita, who
heads the non-partisan organization, explained that when "someone votes
twice, that's voter fraud. Someone registers their dog, that's voter fraud.
Someone who's not a citizen voting, that's voter fraud. That's not what's
going on in Florida." Instead, that state's predicament is a question of
process -- which kinds of chads will be counted and which will not, she said.

Though the WND/Rasmussen survey polled voters around the country, Saranita
believes most participants likely had Florida in mind given the massive media
coverage of events there.

The Florida Supreme Court recently decided to allow selected counties to
finish their hand recounts, as long as the counts are completed and reported
by 5 p.m. Sunday. However, the court set no uniform standard as to which
kinds of chads -- dimpled, "pregnant," or hanging -- should be counted.

"I'm afraid [the situation in Florida] is really going to undermine what
little confidence people have in our system," Saranita continued. "Maybe it
will be a wake-up call. My experience says it won't. My experience says that
six months from now it won't be an issue" due to America's "short attention

As for Americans' overwhelming finger-pointing at Democrats when assigning
blame for voter fraud allegations, Saranita said the poll results could be
explained by bad public relations on the part of the Democratic Party and
Vice President Al Gore's campaign. A 5-page memo circulated by Gore staff
provided tips on how to challenge, and ultimately throw out, military
absentee ballots that historically favor Republicans. Additionally, Gore's
repeated calls for recounts have reflected badly on Democrats, she said.

"In some ways, people may see that as fraud. That could have a lot to do with
it. It's a mess. It's embarrassing. It's going to make for some rather loud
Thanksgiving dinners," said Saranita.

The survey, taken on Nov. 19, has a margin of sampling error of +/- 3
percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.

This is WND's second poll in conjunction with Rasmussen/Portrait of America.
The first poll, conducted in August, surveyed Americans on the proper role of
the press in a free society.

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[CTRL] How the media deceives the public about Bush and Florida

2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

How the media deceives the public about Bush and Florida
by Gerard Jackson
Media Report

TNA News with Commentary
Friday 24 November 2000


Although this article is confined to a couple of days of “reporting” on
events in Florida by Rupert Murdoch’s Australian, it exposes methods of
deception that are also typical of the American mainstream media. I’ll begin
with Cameron Forbes, The Australian’s Washington correspondent. In High noon
in Tallahassee deferred (20/11) his second paragraph launched straight into
Katherine Harris, describing her as a Republican supporter “poised to crown
[Bush] president-elect of the US.” The subtext is clear. Harris is motivated
by partisan politics. (Forbes had a habit of calling only Republicans
partisan). That Harris was only going to act in strict accordance with
Florida’s electoral laws was a fact he thought too trivial to mention.

Several paragraphs later he refers to Republican complaints about the
rejection of 1400 overseas ballots and then asserted that the Republicans
were only really concerned about gains that Gore would obtain from the
hand-counting. Note the means of deception. First, Forbes deliberately omits
the fact that the overwhelming majority of the 1400 rejected ballots were
from the military. Secondly, and more importantly, he did not report that
these votes had been deliberately targeted by activist Democratic lawyers.
That the Democrats had hatched a wretched scheme to disenfranchise American
service personnel because they might vote for Bush was not considered
newsworthy. Why? Because it would show what kind of desperate creep Gore
really is. The claim that Republicans were only concerned about net gains to
Gore is only part of the truth. The real concern was how those gains were
being captured.

Forbes went on to emphasise that Gore had won the popular vote state-wide and
nationally, insinuating that Bush had no moral authority. This overlooked
three significant points: 1. The fight was fought for the electoral college
vote and not the popular vote because that’s how presidential elections are
won. If it were otherwise the parties would have fought different campaigns.
2. Given Democratic chicanery, which he chose to overlook, there is no way of
telling whether Gore won the popular vote or not. 3. Both candidates actually
polled less than the total vote, which also happens in Australia. One could
therefore argue that the majority of votes cast were anti-Gore. But Forbes is
about delegitimising the Bush campaign, not properly informing readers.

Forbes’ final paragraph contained the hope that the Supreme Court will
“engineer” a state-wide manual count. By the strangest of coincidences this
is exactly what the Gore camp has called for. Gee, and I thought only “great
minds fought alike”.

This brings us to Judges travel to ‘Universe of Chad’ (22/11), which is a
real gem. Here he states (with a straight face I assume) that the “1500
overseas ballots [were] challenged by the Democrats on technical grounds.”
Not the slightest mention of Mark Herron, the infamous Democratic lawyer who
connived with Gore and Lieberman to strip military personnel of their votes.
No, telling the truth about this squalid and treacherous tactic is not on
Forbes’ list of political priorities.

He goes on to quote Chief Justice Wells as saying: “We have a long-standing
policy that says the real interests here are the voters.” This is the same
Justice Wells that helped gut the ballot initiative rights of Florida’s
citizens because he didn’t like what they proposed. The same Democratic
Justice who refused to condemn the Democrats’ tactics of disenfranchising
military personnel. Obviously some voters count more than others — and
they’re all Democrats. That Wells was a contributor to the Clinton-Gore
campaign didn’t faze Forbes any more than the thought that there just might
be a slight conflict of interest here. But this is the kind of trivia that a
real professional like Forbes knows to ignore. Isn’t that right, Cameron? And
believe it or not — and you better, Wells was actually described as “a
rock-ribbed conservative.”


We must finish with Roy Eccleston1 (a person I find particularly repulsive).
In his Counting on a man who sees the light he claimed that Bush equated the
Dade County office building in which the votes are counted with “a Casino”
but the Supreme Court decided that he “— or at least his legal team — is not
to be believed.” This is pure fiction. Bush made no such claim and I
challenge Eccleston to prove otherwise. The court’s unanimous decision and
its self-serving specious reasoning only demonstrated its political bigotry
and contempt for the rule of law.

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[CTRL] Flawed ballots count only in Florida

2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Flawed ballots count only in Florida



© 2000

Wait a minute. Am I getting this right? The Florida Supreme Court believes
that disputed ballots in three counties handpicked by the Gore campaign
should decide who the next president is? The votes of more than 100 million
Americans are being put aside and the votes of a few thousand Floridians are
the ones that will be decisive? This can't be happening, can it? My God, it
is happening!
All over America people are confused. How can ballots already counted by a
non-biased machine be suddenly pivotal? The decision of the Florida Supreme
Court to allow a hand count is staggering in its unfairness to all Americans
because in every county in the USA, ballots are discarded for a variety of
reasons. And those ballots do not count. Only the rejected ballots in the
three South Florida Democratic counties are the exception.

George W. Bush must be going nuts. First, his campaign miscalculated by not
asking for a recount in some Republican Florida counties, and then he gets
nailed by the Florida Supreme Court, which is totally comprised of Democrats.
The governor is getting a bad deal, but his argument is weakened by the fact
that he lost the popular vote by 300,000.

However, if you take New York City out of the equation, Bush actually won the
popular vote. The Big Apple went for Gore by more than 300,000, as the
minority and union votes kicked in big.

The truth is that the presidential vote was essentially a tie, and America
was not ready for a draw. So now we have partisans everywhere, including the
Florida Supreme Court, trying to get their guy elected by any means possible.

The Gore campaign has been very shrewd and tactically brilliant in focusing
on Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties. I give them credit for out
flanking the Bush people. But as an American, I do not want the 43rd
president of the United States selected by flawed ballots. In fact, I am
demanding that that NOT happen. If flawed ballots count in Florida, then they
have to count EVERYWHERE.

Got it?

At this point, America is being greatly damaged. An economic recession is
possible as foreign investment in America is drying up. The stock market has
declined drastically for the past three months, and there is no way to put a
happy face on the presidential vote. Whoever actually gets to the Oval Office
is going to have a tough time.

All Americans should be very concerned. Our republic is not supposed to be
run by hustlers and spinners. Any fair-minded person would quickly realize
that the situation in South Florida is wrong. The votes of ALL Americans have
not been counted equally in this election, and that is something the country
simply cannot tolerate.

Finally, I do feel bad for Al Gore as well as George W. Gore did win the
popular vote because, like it or not, New York City remains a part of
America. But even Mr. Gore has to see the absurdity of allowing rejected
votes in three counties to elevate him to the presidency. And it he doesn't
see that, he doesn't deserve the honor.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. ]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Diabetes cured in lab rats

2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

POSTED AT 8:14 AMThursday, November 23

Diabetes cured in lab rats
From Thursday's Globe

Globe and Mail Update

A unique gene therapy created by Canadian and Korean researchers has cured
rats and mice of diabetes by tricking their bodies into making an insulinlike

It's the world's first gene-therapy experiment to treat Type 1 diabetes
successfully in animals, and it could be ready for clinical trials on humans
as early as 2006, said its lead Canadian researcher, University of Calgary
immunologist Dr. Ji-Won Yoon.

If it proves effective in people, the new treatment would allow those
suffering with the disease to forgo constant insulin needles, pumps and
sprays in favour of a single, long-lasting and tolerable treatment.

The therapy may also ultimately help the burgeoning numbers of those with
Type 2 diabetes — a form of the disease that develops in later life and is
associated with diet and lifestyle.

"It has the potential to impact a lot of people," said Dr. John Elliott, a
professor of immunology and microbiology at the University of Alberta, which
garnered international attention in May for another diabetes breakthrough.

Today's research, published in the journal Nature, is a collaboration between
scientists at Korea's Yonsei University, led by endocrinologist Dr. Hyu-Chui
Lee, and Dr. Yoon.

Type 1 diabetes destroys the ability of the pancreas to create insulin — a
hormone necessary to convert sugars from food into physical energy. Without
insulin, a body's blood sugar levels are perilously high and over time that
can lead to kidney failure, heart disease and blindness. Most diabetes
sufferers inject insulin into their bodies — as often as 15 times a day — to
control their blood sugar.

Scientists on the trail of a diabetes cure have struggled with how to make
the body produce insulin. A team at the University of Alberta made headlines
this year when it showed it had successfully transplanted insulin-producing
cells from healthy donors into the livers of those with Type 1 diabetes.
Those patients can now make their own insulin but they have to take
antirejection drugs.

Dr. Yoon and his colleagues may have stumbled onto a simpler approach with
fewer potential pitfalls. His team has engineered a human gene to produce an
insulinlike substance once it is in the body. They also developed a mild,
safe virus — an adeno-associated virus — which acts like a courier, taking
that gene and embedding it permanently into the chromosomes of liver cells.

Liver cells normally produce an enzyme in response to blood sugar levels.
With the new gene therapy, the liver cells now respond to blood sugar by also
producing the engineered insulin — which has up to 40 per cent of the potency
of natural insulin.

"Twenty to 40 per cent potency is sufficient to control glucose levels," Dr.
Yoon said.

The researchers tested their gene therapy on rats and mice with diabetes.
Within one to two weeks after a single injection, the rodents' blood sugar
levels became normal — an effect that lasted between five and eight months
and is considered permanent.

The challenge is to see if the researchers can transfer the effects on
rodents into humans.

"If all we had to do is cure diabetes in rats and mice we'd have a hundred
cures," Dr. Elliott said. According to him, the gene therapy needs to prove
its worth on larger animals that regulate blood sugar more like humans. He
also said it needs to be shown that over time humans won't reject the
engineered form of insulin.

"We have a lot of work to do before we can test this on humans," Dr. Yoon

Research dollars pay off
A $116-million annual research budget has paid off handsomely this year for
the international Juvenile Diabetes Foundation — but nowhere more so than in
Canada where powerhouse Alberta diabetes researchers have parlayed just over
$2-million of that global investment into world-beating breakthroughs.

"We are very excited, naturally, with the results out of Alberta
particularly. . . . These are fairly major breakthroughs," said Ron Forbes,
president and chief executive officer of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Canada. "We have to raise more money because this is the stage when they need

Here is some of the diabetes research published by Alberta scientists in 2000:

May, 2000: University of Alberta researchers announce they have reversed
diabetes in eight people for more than a year through islet cell transplants
followed with drug therapy. Research is led by Dr. Ray Rajotte and surgeon
Dr. James Shapiro. Their work is subsequently published in the New England
Journal of Medicine.

August, 2000: Pere Santamaria, a microbiology and infectious diseases
researcher at the University of Calgary, discovers how white blood cells
cause inflammation that leads to destruction of insulin-producing cells in

[CTRL] Cashing in on government

2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Cashing in on government



© 2000

Until the 1990s, lots of folks down South still thought of the Democrat Party
as just one political alternative, not as the power-lusting, junta-in-waiting
we see today. After eight years of misrule and unending lies, and now the
attempt to employ politicized courts to bypass the Constitution and impose an
unelected president, you have to wonder: Is there nothing these people won't
do to grab or retain power? Even more profoundly, you have to wonder why they
are fighting so hard.

In their respective platforms, Gore and Bush are not completely different --
much to the GOP's discredit. Both parties promise to expand government and
even where Bush is better, he is unlikely to follow through. But a Gore
victory means the continuation of power for the same crew that has been in
charge for eight years. As just one measure of how far public confidence in
them has dropped, consider that when Clinton's own lawyer turned up dead in
his apartment the other day, many people, including elected lawmakers,
suspected foul play.

To be sure, some old-time conservatives in the South still vote
straight-ticket Democrat because they recall that the Republicans, after
invading and conquering the southern states, ran a military dictatorship from
1865-1877. In those days, the Democrats had their doubts about the merit of
despotism. But much has changed. Now, it is they who are running the new
Reconstruction. And the means they are using is not the military (certainly
not the military) but pressure groups and the courts.

But why is retaining the presidency so important to the Democrats? It's one
thing to be disappointed at the loss of an election; that comes with the
territory. And while it's true that the presidency is a big deal, the idea of
the American system is that people compete for office but not everyone can
win. Besides, they've already had eight years in office. Enough is enough.

Why engage in this bloody fight to the death at the expense of all morality
and sense of fair play? Is George Bush such a threat to the left that they
would unleash every weapon in their arsenal, including legions of aspiring
journalists, to destroy him? Is Al Gore so much beloved by them that they
will do anything to put him in charge?

Surely not. So what is it that the left fears from a Gore loss? In a phrase,
the end of the gravy train. Seeking to further enlighten the rest of us, a
Democrat attorney Cleta Mitchell wrote these words in the Nov. 20 Wall Street

The fundamental motivation for Democrats is their understanding that winning
control of government is tied to paychecks, jobs, government grants, public
money for private groups and companies, government contracts, union
bargaining advantages, rules by which trial lawyers bring lawsuits, and on
and on. The use of government to feed friends and starve enemies is something
Democrats know instinctively. Winning elections means getting or keeping a
Sounds like a Third World country, but we shouldn't be surprised. While the
American economy and culture are highly advanced, the American system of
government is, in its bare essentials, no different from any other government
on the globe, now or at anytime in history. The only difference is that there
is a lot more cash to pass out.

Government anywhere and everywhere is always about gaining at the expense of
others. There has been no advancement in this base reality. We can change the
definitions and claim that we are governing ourselves because we vote. But
that doesn't change the core moral problem of government, which is that
everything it has, it has via theft. Not one penny of its $2 trillion budget
comes from revenue gained on a voluntary basis.

Expansive government divides society into two castes, those who give up their
money to the state and those who take money from the state. In order to keep
the system going, those who give must vastly outnumber those who receive.
This was true in the earliest days of the nation-state and it remains true
today. The presence of voting, or what remains of the restraints imposed by
the Constitution, change nothing about the essential operation.

When you read the founding documents, you find massive concern about
factions. Today, political mavens think that they feared partisanship and
would thus endorse what is called bipartisanship. This is ridiculous. By
factions, the founders meant groups of people at war with each other over who
will control the public purse.

Their solution to this problem was not to abolish differences of opinion but
to keep government small, so the stakes of gaining power would be low. You
limit the power of faction by limiting the scope of government. All the
mechanisms we learn about in civics class -- the 

Re: [CTRL] A Gore victory would be bad for trade and liberty

2000-11-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/24/2000 6:47:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The ideologically motivated attacks by journalists who claim that Bush
 be a foreign affairs disaster is not supported by most of Asia which is
 praying, though quietly, for a Bush victory. There is no doubt in the region
 that the Clinton-Gore administration has been a foreign affairs nightmare
 which has strengthened Beijing’s iron hand at the expense of the region's
 genuine liberating forces. 

Well if they liked the Reagan/Bush years, they can have the administration of
the double happiness.  It will start with the Year of the Snake.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Cashing in on government

2000-11-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/24/2000 6:53:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  But a Gore
 victory means the continuation of power for the same crew that has been in
 charge for eight years. As just one measure of how far public confidence in
 them has dropped, consider that when Clinton's own lawyer turned up dead in
 his apartment the other day, many people, including elected lawmakers,
 suspected foul play. 

Yes, and a Bush victory means giving the power to the crew that were in
charge for the eight years prior to Clinton's eight years.  There was plenty
of foul play to go around then too.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-24 Thread Kris Millegan

If you are not planning on attending the presentations at San Diego State on
November 28, or at USC on December 8, please discard this bulletin.


CIA, Drugs, Wall Street and the Coming War in Colombia.

The Cele Castillo/Mike Ruppert event on November 28th will be held in the
Casa Real Auditorium at the Aztec Center near the Southeast Corner of the
Campus on College Avenue. The visitor lot next to the center on College Ave.
is small and may overfill in which case lots on 55th street will be
available. There is a Campus information booth on College Ave. just after
you enter the campus and they will be able to assist.

From LA: - I/5 South to I/805 South, 805 South to 8 East, Take 8 East for
five minutes, exit on College Avenue, Right (South) on College Ave. A campus
map may be viewed at


Mike's 1 PM lecture at the USC School of International Relations will be
held in Taper Hall, Room #210. Seating will be available for outside guests.

The building code for Taper (on a USC map) is THH.  People can park in the
USC outdoor lot (lot T) which is on the East side of Figueroa Street at the
corner of Jefferson and Figueroa.  You enter this parking lot from Figueroa
and the parking fee is $3.00.  People using this lot will cross Figueroa and
enter the campus through gate #3. Gate #3 is on West 35th Street, which is
in the middle of the block on Figueroa, between Jefferson and Exposition
People can also park in Parking Structure X which is accessed via gate #3 on
Figueroa.  The cost for Parking Structure X is $6.00.
As you go through gate #3, go straight down West 35th Street to the end
(approximately one block).  You will see the Von KleinSmid Center (VKC)
which has tower with a large metal globe on top. Walk past the Von KleinSmid
Center (and the tower) and you will come to Trousdale Parkway.
Directly across from you will be Taper Hall.

(A USC Campus map will be e-mailed upon request)

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Help Defend the Constitution!

2000-11-24 Thread BigSocks

-Caveat Lector-

Prudy wrote:

Oh I'd rather riot. It sounds so patriotic--so partisan. Prudy 


Do we start by painting ourselves up like green men [green party - get
it?]  and dump the ballots, including chads and dimples and all into the
harbor at Palm Beach?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Half of Americans see Demo vote fraud

2000-11-24 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/24/00 5:48:01 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A national survey conducted by Rasmussen Research on behalf of shows nearly half of Americans believe the Democratic Party
is most responsible for voter fraud, and two-thirds of those sampled suspect
government files and databases are subject to misuse during political

Gee, could this be the same 50% that woted for Shrub???
Not a big stretch...


[CTRL] Colombia: Monsanto, US War on Drugs / Poison Environment

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Colombia: Monsanto, US War on Drugs
Poison Environment

Brian Hansen
Environment News Service
November 20, 2000

WASHINGTON, DC -- The aerial fumigation program that has grown out of the U.S.
government's so-called "war on drugs" is endangering the fragile ecosystems and
indigenous cultures of Colombia's Amazon Basin, a coalition of groups warned
today at a news conference on Capitol Hill.

The fumigation program, which the U.S. finances as part of a $1.3 billion
Colombian aid package approved this summer, is designed to eradicate coca and
other plants used to manufacture illicit drugs.

But critics say the program indiscriminately wipes out legitimate subsistence
crops as well as natural plants, and kills birds, mammals and aquatic life.

The chemicals are applied by aircraft and frequently fall on Columbia's
indigenous peoples, subjecting them to a variety of health afflictions, critics

"This spraying campaign is equivalent to the Agent Orange devastation of Vietnam
- a disturbance the wildlife and natural ecosystems have never recovered from,"
said Dr. David Olson, director of the World Wildlife Fund's conservation science
program. "And it is occurring on the watch of the current Congress and
[executive] administration, supported by taxpayer dollars."

Though carried out by Colombian police and military authorities, the aerial
fumigation program utilizes U.S. government aircraft, fuel, escort helicopters
and private military contractors.

The herbicide approved for the program, glyphosate, is manufactured by the U.S.
based Monsanto Corporation and is commonly referred to by the trade name

Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide, meaning that any plant exposed to a
sufficient amount of the chemical will be killed. The chemical has been sprayed
over tens of thousands of acres in Colombia since the early 1990s, but the
eradication program has done little to curtail the supply of cocaine that comes
into the U.S. every year.

Still, Colombian officials - at the request of U.S. policymakers - are once
again gearing up to dump thousands of liters of glyphosate on Colombia, this
time targeting the country's southern state of Putumayo.

Emperatriz Cahuache, president of the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the
Colombian Amazon, came to Washington today to voice her opposition to the plan.

"Fumigation violates our rights and our territorial autonomy," the indigenous
leader said. "It has intensified the violence of the armed conflict and forced
people to leave their homes after their food crops have been destroyed."

As many as 10,000 Colombians could be displaced when the spraying begins next
month, noted Hiram Ruiz, a senior policy analyst with the U.S. Committee for
Refugees, a non-governmental group based in Washington. Ruiz, who toured the
Putumayo region in June, said that the fumigation program will make local
residents vulnerable to the guerrillas and paramilitary groups that were spawned
from Colombia's long running civil war.

While the social repercussions of the fumigation program were perhaps the most
poignant aspect of Monday's news conference, other issues - such as the
program's environmental consequences - also generated a great deal of concern.

The World Wildlife Fund's Olson noted that the defoliating chemicals will be
applied by aircraft flying high above the forests, thus increasing the
likelihood that unintended areas will be poisoned.

"For every hectare of forest sprayed, another is lost to [pesticide] drift and
another to additional clearing of displaced crops," Olson said. The destruction
is extensive."

Olson said that wildlife will be directly affected by the application of the
chemicals. Frogs and insects will be impacted immediately, and larger animals
will suffer weakening and sickness, he said.

"If and when our [human] species matures, we will rightfully view such practices
as abominations, crimes against our planet and ourselves, Olson said.

Olson's point was echoed by Dr. Luis Naranjo, director of the American Bird
Conservancy's international program. Naranjo noted that Colombia has more
species of wild birds than any other country, but he said that scores of them
are vulnerable to extinction because of U.S. led efforts to eradicate illegal

"Bird conservation is at the crossroads of the armed conflict in Colombia,"
Naranjo said. "Unless the current policies to face the drug problem in the
country are revised, we will be facing the extinction of many of the organisms
that make the country's biota so distinctive."

Naranjo noted that as a non-selective herbicide, glyphosate will reduce plant
cover and food supply for many forest dependent birds. And because of the drift
effect that occurs with aerial applications, the destruction of plant cover will
extend far beyond targeted areas, he added.

"It has been estimated that for every 

[CTRL] Criminal complaint filed against Super-spy phone system

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Criminal complaint filed against "Super-spy" phone system
 By Steve Gold, Newsbytes
 Wednesday, October 18 2000

BERLIN--A Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Berlin has filed criminal
complaints in Germany against the international Echelon computer surveillance

Unlike the recently vilified Carnivore Internet monitoring system installed on
most US Internet Service Provider (ISP) servers, the Echelon system is shrouded
in secrecy.

Thought to have been created in the 1940s by the US and UK governments, the
system is now known to monitor most voice and data traffic circulating in most
Western countries.

Reports suggests that it can legally do this by side-stepping national
anti-surveillance legislation by requiring, for example, the US government's
National Security Agency (NSA) to monitor UK comms traffic, and, similarly,
using the UK's security agencies to monitor US comms traffic.

In her complaint, Ilka Schrvder, a Green Party Member of the European Parliament
(MEP) cited "unknown suspects especially from the US and Great Britain, as well
as possibly the German Federal Government, for operating and tolerating the
Echelon network."

According to German media reports, Schrvder filed the complaints Monday with the
German Federal chief public prosecutor, as well as public prosecutors' offices
in Berlin and, perhaps significantly, in Traunstein.  The Traunstein office
covers the Bavarian town of Bad Aibling, where a monitoring station is generally
reported as being operated by the NSA.

Schrvder, who serves as a substitute member of the European Parliament committee
which is investigating Echelon, referred to a report commissioned by the
committee, which confirmed that Echelon is monitoring private and business
telephone calls, faxes, and email messages in Europe, including in Germany.

This is not the first time that Echelon has come into the legal firing line.
Back in February, reports suggested that the French government was considering
lawsuits on privacy grounds, alleging that the international Echelon super-spy
network monitored French companies, diplomats and ministers.

The Echelon network has been talked about in security circles for several years,
but its existence was most recently confirmed in November, 1999, when the BBC
reported that an Australian government official had confirmed the network
actually existed.

At the time, the BBC reported that Bill Blick, Australia's inspector general of
intelligence, confirmed that his country's Defence Signals Directorate forms
part of the Echelon network.

"As you would expect there are a large amount of radio communications floating
around in the atmosphere, and agencies such as the DSD collect those
communications in the interests of their national security," Blick told the BBC.

Asked if information is then passed on to the US or the UK, Blick replied that
"in certain circumstances" it was.

The BBC report followed hard on the heels of an attempt on Oct 22, 1999, to
swamp the Echelon network with subversive emails.

In that incident, Internet users from around the world launched an email
campaign against the NSA in an attempt to flood the agency's alleged computer
surveillance system.

Reports of the time suggested that the protesters were upset at NSA's apparent
scanning of emails in an attempt to identify potential terrorists. In the United
States, a recent CBS-TV report on the show "60 Minutes" reported that the system
may have been used to spy on the phone conversations of the late Princess Diana,
at a time when she was spearheading an effort to ban landmines worldwide.

Echelon's existence has been discussed in security circles for almost a decade,
but its existence was only brought to public attention in early 1997 by Covert
Action Quarterly (CAQ), a quarterly intelligence newsletter, which revealed
details of the global telecommunications surveillance system.

According to the newsletter, Echelon is a top secret alliance involving the
NSA's telecoms surveillance system and other government networks that allows the
bulk of the civilized world's telephone calls to be digitized and analyzed using
intelligent text searching technology.

CAQ said that Echelon monitors virtually all phone calls in the US and Europe,
including the UK, effectively making a mockery of the UK's Interception of
Communications Act.

The newsletter added that Echelon is used to keyword search email, fax, telex
and all types of voice communications, including analog and digital cellular
phone calls.

"Unlike many of the electronic spy systems developed during the Cold War,
Echelon is designed primarily for non-military targets: governments,
organizations, businesses, and individuals in virtually every country. It
potentially affects every person communicating between (and sometimes within)
countries anywhere in the world," the newsletter said.

The newsletter added that the 

Re: [CTRL] Half of Americans see Demo vote fraud

2000-11-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

A national survey conducted by Rasmussen Research on behalf of shows nearly half of Americans believe the Democratic
is most responsible for voter fraud, and two-thirds of those sampled
government files and databases are subject to misuse during political

The election itself shows that half of Americans don't want either of
these clowns.

A HREF!ttp://"
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Vatican Asks U.S. Court to Dismiss Nazi-Gold Lawsuit

2000-11-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Friday November 24 6:19 PM ET
  Vatican Asks U.S. Court to Dismiss Nazi-Gold Lawsuit

  By Michael Kahn

  SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Vatican's bank has asked a U.S. court to
throw out a lawsuit charging it with laundering gold and other assets
stolen by a Nazi puppet regime, arguing that the Vatican has immunity
because it is an independent state, lawyers in the case said Friday.

  Meanwhile, the Vatican itself has asked the U.S. government to
intervene in the case, a move that lawyers for the plaintiffs say could
signal a settlement, but one that others familiar with the case say does

  The class-action lawsuit accuses the Vatican Bank along with the
Franciscan Order and the Swiss National Bank of laundering hundreds of
millions of dollars in gold and other assets looted by Croatia's brutal
Nazi-allied Ustasha regime from 1941-1945.

  The Franciscan Order has also asked the court to dismiss the case,
while the Swiss National Bank has not yet been served. The Vatican's
California lawyer declined comment, referring queries to court papers
filed earlier this week in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

  ``Plaintiffs lack standing to bring a general challenge to the wartime
political decisions of a foreign sovereign,'' the Vatican bank argued in
its 41-page filing.

  The Vatican asked the U.S. government last month to intervene in the
lawsuit, prompting Jonathan Levy, one of the plaintiffs' lawyers, to say
he hoped this meant the Vatican wanted to negotiate.

  Levy said he would ask the court next week to stay proceedings in the
case until the note is clarified. He added, ''It is unclear what they
are asking for but perhaps they are asking to negotiate. The Vatican to
date has refused to address any of the allegations so intervention could
be a good thing.''

  But Elan Steinberg, executive director of the World Jewish Congress,
said on Friday it was doubtful the U.S. government would do so.

  He noted the United States has only gotten involved in similar
lawsuits where the defendants have expressed a willingness to cooperate
and reach a settlement. This is not the case with the Vatican, which so
far has failed to open up its wartime archives, he added.

  ``Under no circumstance should the U.S. government -- and I don't
think it can -- intervene to prevent any such lawsuit,'' he said in a
telephone interview.

  The lawsuit, originally filed in November 1999, seeks restitution and
an accounting of the looted assets. It also accuses the Vatican and
other banks of helping to secretly transfer money from the Ustasha
treasury out of Yugoslavia, which was then used to help Croatian and
Nazi war criminals escape Europe after the war.

  But even though there is documentation implicating the Vatican in both
laundering and accepting looted Nazi gold, Steinberg called this
particular lawsuit a ``weak'' one.

  ``I am very unimpressed with the lawsuit being pursued, which doesn't
really relate to the evidence that is out there,'' he said. ``This case
does not go to the heart of the Vatican's involvement.''

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Half of Americans see Demo vote fraud

2000-11-24 Thread Tsadowq

-Caveat Lector-

Hello everyone,

In a message dated 11/24/2000 5:51:29 PM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Gee, could this be the same 50% that woted for Shrub???

This statement is a clear example of how people wilfully
allow their politics to affect their common sense.

The fact of the matter is that it is statistically impossible for
the people represented by the percentage of the Rasmussen
Research to have been the exact people who voted for Bush.

Steamship Goretannica is on collision course for the the iceberg
which represents the cold hard facts of a Constitutional Republic.

All of the Democrats keep calling America a DEMOCRACY...and
if the tactics used by Gore's camp are allowed to fly, then these
Fabian Socialists who call themselves Democrats will be one step
closer to wiping out the Electoral College and subsequently the
Equal Representation of States Rights.

If this does take place, then we CAN have a popular vote winner--
and America will finally be transformed into the DEMOCRACY
that so many devious/deceived politicians already claim it to be.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Republican vote fraud trial begins

2000-11-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The US election crisis: why is Ralph Nader silent?

2000-11-24 Thread Tsadowq

-Caveat Lector-

Hello everyone,

In a message dated 11/24/2000 7:40:38 AM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 As his spokesperson indicated, he (Nader) considers
the electoral impasse to be nothing more than a dispute
over the spoils of government between two identical
corporate-controlled parties



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WT: Russia will not honor Gore's secret arms deal

2000-11-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 23, 2000

Russia will not honor Gore's secret arms deal

By Bill Gertz

 Russia is pulling out of a 1995 arms agreement signed by
Vice President Al Gore after portions of the pact were disclosed
in The Washington Times, U.S. officials said yesterday.

White House spokesman P.J. Crowley said the administration would
retaliate for any unilateral withdrawal from the 1995 agreement,
known as an "aide-memoire," aimed at curbing Moscow's
conventional arms sales to Iran. The White House will impose
economic sanctions required under U.S. weapons proliferation

 "The Russians informed us that as of Dec. 1 they intend to
withdraw from the aide-memoire," Mr. Crowley said. "They cited
recent press leaks and publication of selected portions of the
aide-memoire as a pretext for withdrawal."

 The Times published sections of the aide-memoire on Oct. 17.
The agreement, signed by Mr. Gore and then-Russian Prime Minister
Viktor Chernomyrdin, was first reported a week earlier by the New
York Times. The Gore campaign said the disclosures were
politically motivated.

 According to Mr. Crowley, President Clinton raised the Iran
arms agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a
meeting in Brunei last week.

 "We have told them at the highest levels that there will be
consequences, including sanctions, for unilateral withdrawal,"
Mr. Crowley said.

 The United States concluded the agreement because it was "in
our interests," he said. "If the Russians withdraw, it will have
serious implications not only for our security but for the
security of our friends and allies in the Middle East."

 The sentiment was echoed at the State Department. Spokesman
Phil Reeker said of the Russian notification: "We're very
troubled by that" because continuing to arm Iran would have
"serious implications" for regional security.

 On Capitol Hill, Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman, chairman of the
House International Relations Committee, said the agreement fell
apart because it was poorly put together.

 "Such a misguided policy of acquiescence to Russian arms
transfers to Iran has not been able to withstand public scrutiny,
and has now collapsed of its own weight," the New York Republican
said. "It is hoped that the administration will now proceed
expeditiously to impose sanctions required under U.S. law, which
previously had been waived by the Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement."

 Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov informed Secretary of
State Madeleine K. Albright of Moscow's intentions in a note that
arrived several days before the Nov. 7 election. The
administration is negotiating with Moscow to try to prevent the
Russians from pulling out, U.S. officials said. The note, first
reported yesterday in The Washington Post, said the Russians
would resume arms sales on Dec. 1.

 The issue could be raised by Mrs. Albright during meetings
with Russian officials in Vienna, Austria, at an upcoming meeting
of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
However, officials said it is not clear yet that Mrs. Albright
will attend the session, which begins Monday.

 The agreement, classified "secret," reveals that the Clinton
administration agreed not to impose sanctions required under U.S.
law if Moscow promised to halt conventional arms sales to Iran by
Dec. 31, 1999.

 The agreement states that the United States would "take
appropriate steps to avoid any penalties to Russia that might
otherwise arise under domestic law."

 It also says the United States would "pursue steps that
would lead to the removal of Russia from the proscribed list of
International Traffic in Arms Regulations of the United States" —
which limits U.S. arms and defense-related technology sales.

 Congress is investigating the agreement and Republicans have
said the administration appears to have violated the law by
ignoring proliferation statutes and by keeping Congress in the
dark on the matter.

 Lawmakers also are investigating a second document, a
classified 1995 "Dear Al" letter from Mr. Chernomyrdin to Mr.
Gore that outlines Russia's nuclear transfers to Iran and calls
on the vice president to keep the arrangement secret from

 According to a third classified document, a letter from Mrs.
Albright to the Russian foreign minister sent in January, Russian
arms sales to Iran continued after the December deadline.

 In a "Dear Igor" letter to Russian Foreign Minister Igor
Ivanov, Mrs. Albright stated that the aide-memoire kept the
United States from imposing sanctions. "Without the aide-memoire,
Russia's conventional arms sales to Iran would have been subject
to sanctions based on various provisions of our laws," she

 Moscow's decision "to continue delivering arms to Iran
beyond the Dec. 31 deadline will unnecessarily complicate our
relationship," Mrs. Albright said.

 The 1992 Iran-Iraq Nonproliferation Act requires the

[CTRL] Fwd: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!

2000-11-24 Thread BigSocks

-Caveat Lector-



Copyright 2000 by Neal Boortz
All rights reserved.

That, my friends, is the very last line of the official Platform of the
Democratic Party. "Now, we say to America …. you ain't seen nothing
yet. It was also Al Gore's closing line in the third presidential
debate. So, here we have the Democrats and Al Gore touting their
so-called "accomplishments" of the past eight years, and telling us "…
you ain't seen nothing yet."
You know, you sit down and you think about that line for a few
nanoseconds, and you just might start to get a little worried! .

Oh, you're not worried? Well, then …. you're just not paying
attention. Look at this wonderful closing the Platform of the Democratic
party this way and see if your serenity starts to crumble

During the past seven and one-half years ………..

We've seen the president's "wife" try to nationalize 17% of the nation's
private economy through her heavy-handed plan for socialized medicine.

We've seen major Democratic campaign contributors sell and transfer
vital American nuclear, missile and satellite technology to avowed
enemies of freedom and of the United States.

We've seen wholesale violations of basic campaign finance laws. Then we
saw the Democrats and the Clintonistas engage in a concerted effort to
make sure that none of these campaign finance law violations were
subject to a serious criminal investigation.

We've seen five members of Clinton's Cabinet come under criminal
We've seen 33 connected to the Clinton administration convicted of

We've seen the Lincoln bedroom in the White House turned into a
high-priced five-star hotel almost 600 times … with the basic rate
being a huge campaign donation to the Democrats.

We've seen seats on government overseas trade missions sold to the
highest bidders --- sold for campaign donations.

We've seen a president dropping his trousers in the Oval Office to
receive oral sexual favors from an intern barely older than his

We've seen the president grope and fondle a woman who came to him for
help in securing a

White House job --- wrapping up the sordid episode by taking her hand
and forcing it into his crotch.

We've seen 45 witnesses in criminal investigations or critics of the
Clinton administration subjected to IRS audits.

We've seen five women who were said to have been associated with Bill
Clinton complain publicly of physical threats having been made against

We've seen Hillary Clinton issue a 42 paragraph sworn statement to a
House investigating committee investigating Clinton wrongdoings … and
in those 42 paragraphs we see Hillary use the phrase "I don't recall" or
its equivalent no less than 50 times.

We've seen Bill Clinton say "I don't recall" or its equivalent in
portions of his testimony about Paula Jones 271 times.

And when it comes to failed memories, we've seen other Clinton
administration friends and officials say the words "I don't recall" or
its equivalent a total of 6,125 times before various investigating
committees --- for a grand forgetfulness average of 235 times per
person. In other words …. we've seen the most forgetful group of
political operatives in the history of this country.

We've seen a president lie under oath – several times.

We've seen a president use the powers of his office to obstruct justice
and to deny a private American citizen her constitutionally guaranteed
right to a day in court.

We've seen American servicemen scattered to nearly 100 foreign nations
to serve as glorified cops and cafeteria workers in various
international "meals on wheels" schemes.

We've seen aspirin factories in foreign countries bombed to divert
attention from presidential scandals.

We've seen the bodies of dead American servicemen dragged through the
streets of half-assed inconsequential foreign dog-patch nations by mobs
of people who aren't fit to utter the "would you like french fries with
that" anthem of the American high school graduate.

We've seen a president agonize over what the definition of "is" is.

We've seen a president refuse to personally respond to a very credible
accusation of a violent rape.

We've seen almost one thousand confidential FBI files of those not
friendly to the president's political agenda gathered by former bar
bouncers working in White House security positions --- with absolutely
no consequences.

We watched in 1996 as the Democrats rushed to naturalize tens of
thousands of illegal aliens in time for them to vote Democratic in the
election, and, in the process, including thousands of violent felons ...
all for a few votes.

We've seen all of this … and we've seen so much more. All of this
….. and
the Democrats are telling us "you ain't seen nothing yet?"

If they're right … we need to run like hell, and never look back.

© 2000 Neal Boortz

Portions of "You ain't seen nothing yet" were 

[CTRL] Fwd: Election Through Haitian Eyes

2000-11-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

   "Le journal qui offre une alternative"

   November 15 - 21, 2000
   Vol. 18, No. 35


Fraud, corruption, voter intimidation, confusing ballots, racial
profiling, lost ballot boxes, destroyed ballots, incompetent and
abusive polling site supervisors, polling sites closing early,
and many other irregularities have all come to light due to the
incredibly tight U.S. presidential race between Republican
candidate George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore.

In fact, the deadlocked election between the two almost
indistinguishable candidates has revealed the giant flaws of U.S.
bourgeois democracy and created great nervousness among investors
which threatens to burst the giant speculative bubble of the U.S.
stock market, where prices are already tumbling. All this
presages greater global political and economic shocks in the
months ahead.

Meanwhile, for many Haitians, the U.S. election fiasco is proof
that there is a God... and that he has a sense of humor. "It was
God himself who made this thing happen the way it happened, so
that the whole world can see how the Americans have absolutely no
moral authority to go supervise or judge any election in any
other country," said Lavarice Gaudin of Veye Yo, a Miami-based
popular organization which has been active in the struggle for
Haitian-American voting rights in southern Florida.

At press time, the deadlock remained what it has been since the
Nov. 7 election day: Vice-President Gore leads Bush in the
popular vote by 222,880, with 49,222,339 votes to Bush's
48,999,459. But due to the archaic U.S. Electoral College system
(see accompanying article), Gore stands to lose the election if
he loses the popular vote in Florida, the remaining uncalculated
state. Presently, Bush leads Gore there by a razor-thin margin of
about 388 votes, 2,910,299 to 2,909,911. Several counties, most
particularly strategic Palm Beach, are considering or already
undertaking hand-counts.

Gore presently has 255 electoral votes to Bush's 246. A win in
Florida, with its 25 electoral college votes, will put one of the
candidates over the magic number of 270 electoral votes needed to
secure the presidency.

Much of the battle has moved now to the legal realm. Both
Republicans and Democrats have assembled huge teams of lawyers
and spokespeople, led by former Secretaries of State James Baker
and Warren Christopher respectively, to call for recounts,
challenge recounts, mount lawsuits, appeal to higher courts, and
play to the highest court of all: public opinion.

While condemning recounts in Florida, the Republicans are poised
to demand recounts in New Mexico, Oregon, and Iowa, three states
where Gore won by a slim margin.

But Florida remains the key battleground since it has the most
electoral votes, and the election there was marred by numerous
and gross irregularities. On Nov. 11, the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the largest and
oldest civil rights organization in the U.S., held a "Public
Meeting on Electoral Irregularities" in Miami, attended by
hundreds of people. At the forum presided over by NAACP head
Kweisi Mfume, speaker after speaker, mostly African Americans
from towns around Florida, testified how they had been denied
their right to vote.

Fumiko Robinson of Broward County explained how her mother was
registered to vote but was not allowed to because of incompetent
voting station workers. "We made it a point to find out what
training the poll workers had," Ms. Fumiko said. "They only
needed to watch a two-hour video to be certified in Broward
County. Then they can tell anybody they want that they don't have
the right to vote. That was very disturbing to me."

Ms. Robinson also testified that an elementary school which had
long served as a polling station was torn down three weeks before
the election, and many voters in that district had not been
notified and did not know where to go to vote.

Another woman testified that long lines of people and of cars
were turned away by officials at one polling station when it
closed at 7 p.m., even though the would-be voters had been
waiting on line long before the cut-off time. "I felt as if I had
been stripped of something very important and personal to me,"
the woman said.

Miami resident Suzie M. Stephen submitted a written statement
that at one mostly African American polling place she observed
unidentified men, who had a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on their
pick-up truck, distributing flyers charging that a vote for Gore
was a vote for the KKK.

Stacy Powers, the news director of Tampa's oldest black radio
station, outlined numerous irregularities in Hillsboro County.
She learned of 941 absentee voters (residents who mail in their
ballots from outside the county) who 

[CTRL] Voting machines' source

2000-11-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of M. Moore of Boston
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 6:39 PM
To: IRE list
Subject: Voting machines' source

I recommend picking up today's Wall Street Journal. It has some
good voter-issue reporting. The lead article by Jeanne Cummings
and Chad Terhune is very well researched.

They report that the voting machines used in Palm Beach and
Broward counties were supplied by Election Resources Corporation.
The company is located in (GET THIS) Little Rock, Arkansas.
(Could Bill be behind the stalemate? Has anyone seen him packing?)
The company president is identified as Paul Nolte.

The manufacturer appears to be Triad Govermental Services, Inc.
of Xenia, Ohio. The system is called "Votomatic". The company
spokesman is Dwayne Rapp, VP. He is against counting "dimpled" chads

-Michael Moore

Due Diligence Data - Boston, MA
Licensed Private Investigator mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Florida's Absentee Ballots

2000-11-24 Thread BigSocks

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Florida's absentee ballots

Found these articles while surfing for other news... Seems it is a
commentary that got tucked in a webpage about UFO information
which, in my opinion, considering the information all around this
opinion in these articles, the website itself almost invalidates the
opinion given here by John Trainor. But his questions are questions I've
also already asked, and... because of this, I thought the information
timely, if not prophetic in it's own way...


"Roz Soltz, an Israeli from Miami (Florida) was a little sad when she
left for a community meeting Wednesday morning (November 8, 2000),
persuaded by television that her mail-in vote for U.S. president had
once again made little difference."

"Within minutes, her gloom turned to glee when a secretary ran into the
meeting with a note indicating that Soltz and hundreds of other
Floridians in Israel may have mailed in the votes that could decide it."
(The USA's presidential election, which is still up in the air as of
this writing--J.T.)

"'It's mazel. It's luck, ' said Soltz, 73, an Al Gore supporter who
moved to Israel in 1995 but still owns a travel agency in Coral Gables,
Fla. 'It's our mazel that we are destined to have some special input
into America's future.'"

"As Florida churned with debates over recounts and lawsuits Thursday
(November 9, 2000), the possibility arose that the race between Vice
President Gore and Texas governor George W. Bush (nickname Dubya--J.T.)
could be decided by absentee ballots to be counted in Florida, and no
place has a more concentrated piece of Florida abroad than Israel."

"Many of these residents moved to the Jewish state and went through
aliya, the citizenship process technically open to all Jews under
Israel's Law of Return."

"The Republican and Democratic parties try to get ballots into the hands
of U.S. citizens in Israel."

"Florida officials say that 26,000 state residents requested absentee
ballots for the 1996 presidential vote and that this year's number was
higher. By law the state will accept the ballots as much as 10 days
after Election Day as long as they were postmarked by Election Day."

"Traditionally the bulk of those absentee ballots have been cast for
Republicans, many of them by U.S. soldiers and sailors serving
"Like Jewish voters elsewhere, 90 percent of Israeli Floridians were
expected to vote Democratic. The idea that they could swing the election
is a bit far-fetched but perhaps no more so than other scenarios that
have become reality in the U.S. since Election Day." (See the Chicago
Tribune for November 10 November 10, 2000, "Americans in Israel now at
race's center," section 1, page 5.)

(Editor's Comment: My question is, how many of these are legitimate
Florida absentee ballots? And how many are forgeries printed by the
Israeli government, complete with November 7 postmarks? Israel has a
vested interest in keeping Dubya out of the White House. For more on
that, see our O Jerusalem Dept. in this issue.)


O JERUSALEM DEPT: It isn't bad enough that we have Israeli troops
desecrating the mosques of Haram as-Sharif (the Temple Mount to Jews)
every Friday, keeping the Muslims from their noonday prayers. Or that
Israeli tanks are shelling Beit Jala, a town south of Jerusalem with a
population that is 90 percent Christian, equally split between Greek
Orthodox and Roman Catholics, people who have absolutely nothing to do
with the Intifada. Now the West Bank's six-week war of religion has
spilled over into the USA's presidential election. Here's how...

Ten days ago, Gov. Bush turned up in Detroit, Michigan to woo the large
Arab-American population in that city. Surprisingly, he brought his
national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, with him. Reading between
the lines, my guess is that Dubya and ms. Rice sent a backchannel "Let's
talk" message toYasser Arafat.

At 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 8, 2000, about an hour before Vice
President Gore called to concede the election, Yasser Arafat phoned
Dubya to congratulate him on his victory. Probably Arafat was trying to
sell Bush on his "Send peacekeepers to Jerusalem" idea, which so far has
been resisted by Israel and the Clinton administration.

This probably alarmed the Israelis, who dislike the Bush family anyway.
It all goes back to the Gulf War ten years ago. The Israelis wanted
Poppy, the governor's father, to invade Iraq and crush Saddam Hussein
for good.

Then-President Bush figured the CIA and Kurd uprisings would finish off
Saddam. Well, he was wrong, and Saddam proved to be more durable than
anyone expected.

All in all, the Zionists feel that the Bush family is too friendly with
the moderate Arabs, and they prefer a Democrat in the White House.

Three hours after Arafat's phone call, a bunch of Palm Beach, Florida

[CTRL] Criminal complaint filed against Super-spy phone system

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

This didn't get through.  Trying again...~ M

 Original Message 
Subject: Criminal complaint filed against "Super-spy" phone system
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 17:17:05 -0800
From: mirage [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Criminal complaint filed against "Super-spy" phone system
 By Steve Gold, Newsbytes
 Wednesday, October 18 2000

BERLIN--A Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Berlin has filed criminal
complaints in Germany against the international Echelon computer surveillance

Unlike the recently vilified Carnivore Internet monitoring system installed on
most US Internet Service Provider (ISP) servers, the Echelon system is shrouded
in secrecy.

Thought to have been created in the 1940s by the US and UK governments, the
system is now known to monitor most voice and data traffic circulating in most
Western countries.

Reports suggests that it can legally do this by side-stepping national
anti-surveillance legislation by requiring, for example, the US government's
National Security Agency (NSA) to monitor UK comms traffic, and, similarly,
using the UK's security agencies to monitor US comms traffic.

In her complaint, Ilka Schrvder, a Green Party Member of the European Parliament
(MEP) cited "unknown suspects especially from the US and Great Britain, as well
as possibly the German Federal Government, for operating and tolerating the
Echelon network."

According to German media reports, Schrvder filed the complaints Monday with the
German Federal chief public prosecutor, as well as public prosecutors' offices
in Berlin and, perhaps significantly, in Traunstein.  The Traunstein office
covers the Bavarian town of Bad Aibling, where a monitoring station is generally
reported as being operated by the NSA.

Schrvder, who serves as a substitute member of the European Parliament committee
which is investigating Echelon, referred to a report commissioned by the
committee, which confirmed that Echelon is monitoring private and business
telephone calls, faxes, and email messages in Europe, including in Germany.

This is not the first time that Echelon has come into the legal firing line.
Back in February, reports suggested that the French government was considering
lawsuits on privacy grounds, alleging that the international Echelon super-spy
network monitored French companies, diplomats and ministers.

The Echelon network has been talked about in security circles for several years,
but its existence was most recently confirmed in November, 1999, when the BBC
reported that an Australian government official had confirmed the network
actually existed.

At the time, the BBC reported that Bill Blick, Australia's inspector general of
intelligence, confirmed that his country's Defence Signals Directorate forms
part of the Echelon network.

"As you would expect there are a large amount of radio communications floating
around in the atmosphere, and agencies such as the DSD collect those
communications in the interests of their national security," Blick told the BBC.

Asked if information is then passed on to the US or the UK, Blick replied that
"in certain circumstances" it was.

The BBC report followed hard on the heels of an attempt on Oct 22, 1999, to
swamp the Echelon network with subversive emails.

In that incident, Internet users from around the world launched an email
campaign against the NSA in an attempt to flood the agency's alleged computer
surveillance system.

Reports of the time suggested that the protesters were upset at NSA's apparent
scanning of emails in an attempt to identify potential terrorists. In the United
States, a recent CBS-TV report on the show "60 Minutes" reported that the system
may have been used to spy on the phone conversations of the late Princess Diana,
at a time when she was spearheading an effort to ban landmines worldwide.

Echelon's existence has been discussed in security circles for almost a decade,
but its existence was only brought to public attention in early 1997 by Covert
Action Quarterly (CAQ), a quarterly intelligence newsletter, which revealed
details of the global telecommunications surveillance system.

According to the newsletter, Echelon is a top secret alliance involving the
NSA's telecoms surveillance system and other government networks that allows the
bulk of the civilized world's telephone calls to be digitized and analyzed using
intelligent text searching technology.

CAQ said that Echelon monitors virtually all phone calls in the US and Europe,
including the UK, effectively making a mockery of the UK's Interception of
Communications Act.

The newsletter added that Echelon is used to keyword search email, fax, telex
and all types of voice communications, including analog and digital cellular
phone calls.

"Unlike many of the electronic spy systems developed during the Cold War,
Echelon is designed primarily for non-military targets: 

[CTRL] EU Accuses U.S. of Food Aid Abuse

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday November 23 10:54 AM ET
EU Accuses U.S. of Food Aid Abuse

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The United States has abused food aid by dumping
surplus crops on poor nations in a bid to keep prices high at home, the European
Commission (news - web sites) said on Thursday.

"The United States pretends to be the best benefactor to the world by giving
food to developing countries," said Gregor Kreuzhuber, spokesman for EU Farm
Commissioner Franz Fischler.

"Instead they harm local markets and distort world markets in what is
essentially an export subsidy."

Kreuzhuber said that between 1997 and 1999, U.S. food aid increased by 120
percent at a time of depressed world prices, which meant the worldwide need for
assistance was low.

"This is a clear indication food aid was abused," he said.

U.S. Agriculture Undersecretary Gus Schumacher on Wednesday rejected any EU
criticism of its food aid policy, asking if a better solution would be to dump
it into the sea.

Food aid to needy countries is an issue the EU wants high on the agenda in the
World Trade Organization (news - web sites) talks on a global pact governing
farm trade.

The EU wants an emphasis on stopping donor countries using aid as a form of
export subsidy and so distorting world markets.

But the United States has said that its food aid does not distort international
trade and that talks should focus on the export subsidies used by the EU as well
as state-owned farm bodies in Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Copyright © 2000 Yahoo! Inc., and Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,  any
copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or
payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only.
[Ref. ]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ProMED: BSE - Now in Germany (north) Portugal (Azores)

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Another big mystery.  Will they ever cease?  ~ M

From:  ProMED Digest V2000 #276
Date:  Fri, 24 Nov 2000

"Today, 24 Nov 2000, Germany reported its first case of BSE, from the
northern state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Today, also, the European Commission confirmed the first case of BSE from
the Azores [islands in the Atlantic belonging to Portugal], which had up to
now been free of BSE because they had never fed their cattle on bone meal.
The cow had been slaughtered on 2 Oct 2000,  was imported from Germany 2
years ago.  Since Germany was reportedly free of BSE at that time, there is some
suspicion that the animal originated in Portugal, which has the highest
rate of BSE in its cattle after the UK."

Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:03:40 -0500 (EST)
Subject: PRO/AH BSE surveillance - Europe

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of
the International Society for Infectious Diseases

[see also:
BSE updates: 21 Nov 2000   20001121.2022]

Date:  22 Nov 2000
From: Martin Haditsch, MD, PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: BSE updates: 21 Nov 2000

Comments on BSE updates: 21 Nov 2000
Following are some comments on Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (BSE) in
Europe / Austria (based on information via radio and TV).  The EC (European
Community) is actually discussing the introduction of obligatory checks of
all animals slaughtered.

This should not be restricted to countries where the occurrence of BSE has
been proven, but should be mandatory in all countries of the EC.

Austria, which has never had a case of BSE (nor a case of scrapie), stopped
using bonemeal and other animal parts for feeding cattle in 1991 and has
given the order to check every animal with symptoms similar to those of
"mad cow disease" for BSE.

On the other hand, it was said the EC actually DOES NOT PLAN to generally
ban feeding with bonemeal (which is said to be one of the highest risk
factors as far as I know).

I would very much appreciate an explanation on a rational basis.

- --
M. Haditsch

Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 20:06:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR BSE - Germany (north)  Portugal (Azores)

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

[see also:
BSE - Portugal 19990210.0183
BSE - Portugal (04)19991022.1900

BSE - Portugal 19980926.1929
BSE - Portugal (04)19981030.2125

BSE - Germany  19970121.0119
BSE - Germany (04) 19970409.0750

BSE - Germany  19960612.1084
BSE - Portugal 19960508.0891]

Date: Fri 24 Nov 2000
[translated  summarized from the Portuguese by Mod.JW]

Today, 24 Nov 2000, Germany reported its first case of BSE, from the
northern state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Today, also, the European Commission confirmed the first case of BSE from
the Azores [islands in the Atlantic belonging to Portugal], which had up to
now been free of BSE because they had never fed their cattle on bone meal.
The cow had been slaughtered on 2 Oct 2000,  was imported from Germany 2
years ago.  Since Germany was reportedly free of BSE at that time, there is some
suspicion that the animal originated in Portugal, which has the highest
rate of BSE in its cattle after the UK.

- --

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Embarrassed? Angry? Again,

2000-11-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Amelia wrote:

 And, wrong again, she not only brought up her credentials and then refused
 to state them but told me my son's choice of med school would be limited by
 his grades because unlike undergrad, it was competitive, which is a rather
 nasty implication.

Not only a nasty implicationit is a falsehood.
Undergraduate studies in a pre-med curriculum is the most
competitive of any collegiate endeavor that I am aware of, BY
FAR.  In fact, once admitted into a med school, competitiveness
is virtually gone.  Most courses are pass/fail, and it is
virtually impossible to flunk out.  The board will offer any and
all actions to keep any admitted student from NOT graduating.  A
friend of mine did not want to finish at Wayne State Med School
(he was certain that he no longer wanted to be a doctor).  They
made it LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for him to drop out.  When he told
them there was nothing they could do to keep him enrolled, they
told him to take a few years off, that his position would be
This was taken to mean that his admission was permanent!

I have since found out from several others who have *tried* to
drop/flunk out of other med schools in this country that ALL
American Med Schools are the same in the above regards.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Globalization, CNN and 'rogue' states - The Korea Herald

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

The Korea Herald -

Friday, November 24, 100

Globalization, CNN and 'rogue' states

U.S. journalist and author Thomas L. Friedman has defined globalization as "an
international system that has now replaced the Cold War system" in his famous
book "The Lexus and the Olive Tree." The new system not only involves changes in
the economic sphere. It also has its own dominant culture. Culturally speaking,
globalization tends to involve the spread of Americanization.

Americanization is, indeed, a global phenomenon now. People of almost every
country eat the same Big Macs and Coca-Cola and wear the same Levi's jeans.
Hollywood blockbusters dominate the theaters, not only in the United States but
also in countries in Africa and Asia. Young people in Tokyo, Beijing and Seoul
hum the same rap songs created by black Americans. The Internet has made English
a global language to the extent that most Koreans believe that without it, they
cannot succeed in their work.

No other media outlet better symbolizes the globalized world than CNN. Starting
as a cable news network for U.S. viewers only, CNN has now grown to a huge
entity called CNN News Group with six cable networks, three private out-of-home
place-based networks, two radio networks, 10 Web sites and a syndicated news
service. CNN International now reaches over 200 million households in more than
212 countries and territories, according to figures from CNN.

But a top CNN official whom I met in Atlanta early last month told me that it
was not Ted Turner who envisioned CNN International for the first time. He said
it was Fidel Castro of Cuba who first came up with an idea of making the cable
network international. Eason Jordan, president of news gathering and
international networks for the CNN News Group, said Turner hadn't had any plan
to go international with CNN when he founded the network in 1980.

Turner received an unexpected invitation from Castro to visit Cuba in the early
1980s. Having watched CNN programs through his own satellite dish for years,
Castro had already become an enthusiastic viewer at the time. Coming from a
conservative background, Turner hesitated at first, but decided to accept the
invitation and flew to Cuba. There he found a man of the same mind and they soon
became quite good friends. (Jordan said Turner and Castro are similar in a way -
they both have charisma, for example.) Castro told Turner that CNN's programs
were so good that they should be available to viewers in other countries. Turner
accepted his idea and launched CNN International in 1985.

It was the 1991 Gulf War between Iraq and the Allied Forces that allowed CNN
International to come of age. The network's live telecast of the war was a
groundbreaking event in the history of the media. For the first time, people
around the world watched scenes of a war telecast live thanks to CNN. Since then
CNN International has established itself as the world's leading global
television news network.

CNN's special relationship with North Korea is also well-known. In fact, Jordan
is the point man in CNN in North Korean affairs. He has been the man behind the
exclusive relationship between CNN and the North Korean government. He said he
has visited North Korea 10 times since 1991 and met Kim Il-sung twice.

 The first meeting with Kim Il-sung came in 1991. Jordan received a phone call
from an official of the Unification Church (the "Moonies") in Atlanta while he
was visiting Beijing along with Turner and his wife, Jane Fonda. The man on the
phone asked him if he would join the Rev. Moon Sun-myung and his entourage
during their planned trip to Pyongyang. He accepted the offer and went to
Pyongyang for the first time in his life, attending the meeting between Kim
Il-sung and Rev. Moon during the stay.

His second meeting with the deceased North Korean leader came in 1994. Former
U.S. President Jimmy Carter called him at his office at the CNN Center, asking
him for some helpful tips for his visit to Pyongyang. Carter told him he had met
both CIA and FBI officials but they were of no help. Jordan again made a trip to
Pyongyang - this time with Jimmy Carter. The Kim-Carter meeting led to a
breakthrough in settling the Korean crisis that stemmed from the North's nuclear
development program.

CNN obviously was given exclusive coverage of the Carter's North Korea visit. It
also broke the news that Carter would visit Pyongyang to mediate peace on the
Korean Peninsula.

Since then, CNN has maintained its exclusive position in North Korea reporting.
It was the only Western media that was allowed to televise Kim Il-sung's
funeral, which came only a few months after the Kim-Carter talks. Jordan
reportedly visited North Korea again later in the year to thank the North
Koreans for their favors during Kim's funeral and CNN invited Pak Gil-yon, the
then North Korean ambassador to the 

[CTRL] WHO Blasts Internet .Health Rejection

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

ICANN has not given in to the WHO's considerable influence.  WHO wanted ICANN to
designate an internet domain name of '.health' which they planned to 'regulate'
with their global pharmacuetical/allopathic bias.  The WHO is planning on
relentlessly pursuing this, no doubt.~  M


Friday November 17 10:20 AM ET
WHO Blasts Internet ".Health" Rejection

GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organisation said on Friday it was extremely
disappointed by the decision of Internet governing body ICANN not to approve a
special Internet address for health care sites and might appeal.

The WHO had proposed the Internet domain name ".health" for health care sites
whose quality and ethical standards it would approve with the help of public
health organisations, consumer groups and academic institutions.

But the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) ignored the
proposal when it made a big change to the landscape of the World Wide Web on
Thursday, approving seven new Web site domain names to complement the existing
list topped by .com .net, .org and .gov.

Out of 44 new applications, the ICANN board chose .biz, .info, .name, .pro,
.museum, .aero. and .coop and rejected a slew of other options hotly debated by
industry players.

"WHO has learned via (news) wire reports that our application for a top-level
domain of Dot.Health has been rejected," the Geneva-based United Nations (news -
web sites) health agency said in a statement.

"We are extremely disappointed with this outcome, if this is confirmed, and are
eagerly awaiting the rationale of this decision, especially in light of
decisions made to grant other TLDs (top level domains). "We will begin
immediately to explore ways of recourse."

Gregory Hartl, WHO spokesman, told a briefing a .health domain name "would have
been a great benefit to consumers for guaranteeing the quality of health and
medical information on the Web."

The choice of the new domain names, which are expected to become available to
businesses and consumers by the middle of next year, culminates a drawn-out
process for setting the next stage of growth on the Internet.

Copyright © 2000 Yahoo! Inc., and Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,  any
copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or
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[CTRL] Trust or hustle: The Bush record

2000-11-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Trust or hustle: Wall St Journal  Washington Post on Bush

In 1992 under Bush Sr., taxpayers were stuck with a $500
billion SL bailout and the largest budget deficit in U.S.
history. After eight years under Clinton-Gore, we now have
the largest surpluses ever. Coincidence? Consider the Bush
family financial record (WSJ=Wall St. Journal, WP=
Washington Post):

George W: Refused to answer news questions about an
$848,000 stock sale probed by the federal SEC (WSJ
4/4/91,WP 7/30/99). US News and World Report (3/16/92)
compared his financial record to brother Neil's.

Brother Jeb (has campaigned recently with George): Lobbied
to enable a Mob-linked Florida HMO to receive $1 billion in
Medicare payments; its owner later fled the U.S. under
indictment, suspected of up to $100 million in Medicare fraud
(WSJ 8/9/88). Jeb helped trigger the $285 million collapse of
a Florida SL by defaulting on a $4.5 million loan that was
arranged thru a front with no repayment schedule specified
(WP 10/15/90).

Brother Neil: Played a key role in the $1 billion collapse of
Silverado Banking (WP 7/4/92).

Uncle Jonathan: Fined in two states for violating securities
laws. (WP 7/4/92).

Uncle Prescott: Arranged investments for a Japanese Mob
front in two U.S. firms; both later filed for bankruptcy (WSJ
12/6/91, WP 7/4/92).

George Sr.: Disbanded the independent federal organized
crime strike forces, which had been successfully prosecuting
SL looters (WP 12/28/89).

The above is meticulously documented with details and links
to 36 cited major media sources on

Republican pundit Kevin Phillips called this Bush family
record a "never-ending hustle" (WP 7/4/92). Do we really
want this bunch to do to privatized social security what they
did to the SLs?

Please distribute this widely ASAP - it's much easier with
Email than in Paul Revere's day!
- David E. Scheim, Ph.D. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Author of the NY Times best seller, Contract on America

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[CTRL] A broader pattern of GOP voter fraud in Florida?

2000-11-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

A broader pattern of GOP voter fraud in Florida?

While the facts of the Seminole County case are not in dispute and the
mandated legal remedy should win Florida for Gore, it is still of historical
interest to consider whether the events in Seminole were part of a larger
pattern of voter fraud benefiting GOP candidate George Bush in Florida.
Answers are as yet elusive, yet it is reasonable to raise this question
based upon the following allegations, background and precedents.

Allegations of fraud. Dozens of reports allege harassment and intimidation
of black voters and improper denial of voting privileges to blacks in Miami,
Tampa, Tallahassee, Hillsborough County, Volusia County, and other areas
of Florida.19 The London Times reported that the FBI was asked to
investigate allegations that thousands of mainly black supporters of Al Gore
in Miami were given ballot papers that had already been marked for rival
candidates, and that up to 17,000 ballots had been tampered with.20 In
Duval County, 22,000 punch card ballots, or 7.5% of the vote, was
disqualified due to multiple punching, predominantly in Democratic
precincts.21 This was twice the rate of disqualification for overvoting as
occurred in Palm Beach County.22 In response to a query from a
Democratic official November 8th, the Republican Duval County supervisor
of elections reportedly estimated that there were only a few hundred
overvotes after he had already accurately reported the correct figure of
22,000 to Tallahassee,23 raising the question again as to whether ballots
had been altered to disqualify Gore votes.

Background of Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Jeb's unsavory background
suggests the possibility of an illicit extra push on election day for brother
George.  As extensively documented here from Wall Street Journal and
Washington Post reports, Jeb had lobbied for a Mob-linked HMO engaged
in massive Medicare fraud24 and defaulted on a $4.5 million SL loan
arranged through a front with no repayment schedule specified.25

Precedents of election fraud.  Not too many decades ago, ballot boxes
from precincts supportive of rivals to underworld-linked political machines
could sometimes be found at the bottom of the river on election night.  It is
widely believed that the Daley machine and the Chicago Mob fixed votes to
win Illinois for John Kennedy in 1960.  The 1997 Suarez case and recent
events in Seminole County indeed demonstrate that election fraud is still a
part of the landscape in Florida.

If the Bush brothers feel somehow justified in retaliating for JFK’s 1960
election victory, however, one important distinction should be noted. After
winning the White House with probable Mob help, JFK supported his
brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, in a massive and successful
crusade against organized crime that had the Mafia in dire straights when
Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.  (The Mob responded to this Kennedy
effort by a significant shift of allegiance to the GOP, as exemplified by the
political transformations of proxies Frank Sinatra and Jimmy Hoffa,
analogous to the South's affiliation with the Democratic Party following
Abraham Lincoln's presidency.  This shift was also a consequence of
demographics: between the 1960s and 1980s, for example, organized
crime had progressed from robbing banks to owning and draining them.)

No such disassociation from corrupt support would be anticipated if
George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election as a result of voter
fraud.  Five members of the Bush family, including George W. and Jeb,
were involved in questionable financial dealings, in some cases with
organized crime links, while former president George H.W. Bush
disbanded the federal organized crime strike forces in 1989, which had
been perhaps the government's most successful tool against the Mob in the
1970s and 1980s.

David E. Scheim, PhD, is the author of the 1989 New York Times
bestseller, Contract on America.  He is a retired commissioned officer in
the U.S. Public Health Service.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Embarrassed? Angry?  Again,

2000-11-24 Thread Vera Harper

-Caveat Lector-

June, don't worry. Amelia can't be Colleen/Aleisha because she spells all of her words 
correctly and you can follow her sentences. Colleen/Aleisha couldn't accomplish this 
if she tried! Amelia is merely a desciple of idiocracy with a slightly better 
elementary education.

Sent: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 13:35:56 -0600
Subject: [CTRL] Fw:  Re: [CTRL] Embarrassed? Angry?  Again,

-Caveat Lector-

I found it very interesting that somehow Dr. Deb, a newbie to the list knew
all about Colleen who has not posted (at least under that name) in a very
long time.  Also interesting was the she and she alone as far as I know
subscribes to YOUR theory that I am Colleen/Aleisha, as well as YOUR
body-type diagnostic tool.  Now isn't that interesting??  You are always
quick to point out when someone else is off topic but for once did not do so
with her.

And, wrong again, she not only brought up her credentials and then refused
to state them but told me my son's choice of med school would be limited by
his grades because unlike undergrad, it was competitive, which is a rather
nasty implication.

Now if you can just get "Maggie Sanders" to chime in out of the blue to
defend you!  Ah, June, you are a piece of work.  No, I have not done
ANYTHING of an academic nature in many, many years and at my age and
physical limitations do not have plans to do so unless you count art
classes.  But I do not presume to seriously diagnose the medical not
psychological problems of others on an email list, either.  Thank you for

But I realized it was you after Dr. Deb called Aleisha Colleen--little slip
there? And then when she further called ME Colleen, well you are usually
more careful.

Now give it a rest--fair try but on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it only a
6.  Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

P.S.  I actually own the book 'Body Watching is Fun' concerning body shapes
but it is NOT more reliable than a blood test--example Barbara Bush and
Whoopee (if you are correct on WG) would both have overactive thyroids but
not the same body shape and NEITHER should take the meds by Armor/synthroid
and they are the opposite of what they need being thyroid extract--Armor
 from pig and Synthroid chemical.  This is the substance they both have too
much of with their conditions.

From CBNnow web-based E-mail, part of the growing CBNnow web presence. CBNnow, your 
source for news, information, and inspiration in the new millenium.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Democratic Politicians Seek Miami-Dade Count Probe

2000-11-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Friday November 24 5:53 PM ET

Democratic Politicians Seek Miami-Dade Count Probe

By David Lawsky

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Five Democratic members of the
U.S. House of Representatives called on Friday for a federal investigation
into Miami-Dade County's abrupt decision two days ago to halt its manual
recount of votes, saying Republican George W. Bush (news - web sites)'s
campaign may have orchestrated a ``climate of fear'' to intimidate the

The five urged Attorney General Janet Reno (news - web sites) to ask the
Justice Department (news - web sites) to launch an investigation into the
decision to halt the manual recount in Miami-Dade, one of three Florida
counties that had been conducting such a recount of votes cast in the still-
unresolved U.S. presidential election.

Like Broward and Palm Beach counties, Miami-Dade was faced with a
Sunday deadline set by the Florida Supreme Court (news - web sites) to
report results from the hand count, which could tilt the balance in Democrat
Al Gore (news - web sites)'s favor as he chases down Bush's 930-vote
lead after a machine recount of the state's 6 million votes, cast on Nov 7.

The decision by the Miami election panel on Wednesday was taken after
Republican protests inside the county building over plans to continue the
recount. Gore's campaign unsuccessfully asked the Florida Supreme Court
to get the Miami recount started again, and has said it will contest the
Miami-Dade result.

``According to many published reports, unruly and violent protesters
managed to create a climate of fear and intimidation, with the intent of
preventing the canvassing board from completing its task,'' the letter to
Reno said.

``In addition, published reports strongly suggest these actions were
orchestrated by the Bush campaign,'' it said.

The letter from the Democratic politicians said that if the actions occurred
as reported, ``they could amount to voter intimidation in violation of federal
law. ... By preventing the canvassing board from completing its recount,
these actions undermined the right to vote.''

It was signed by Democratic Reps. Peter Deutsch and Carrie Meek of
Florida, Sheila Jackson-Lee and Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas and
William Jefferson of Louisiana. It was also signed by Eleanor Holmes
Norton, the non-voting delegate from Washington, D.C.

The letter was made available to reporters in West Palm Beach, county
seat of Palm Beach County, by a representative of the national Democratic
Party, outside the building where a recount of that county's 460,000 votes
was underway.

Broward was also completing its recount of some 588,000 votes.

Gore's campaign, pursuing Bush's razor-thin lead in the state both
candidates must win to capture the White House, sought manual recounts
of some 1.7 million votes in the three Democratic-leaning counties.
Republicans opposed them, saying the recounts were unfair, and the issue
quickly became entangled in a thicket of court action on both sides.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

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Re: [CTRL] ALERT!!!! Dubya's Belly-Button...Or Lack Thereof!!!!!!!!!!

2000-11-24 Thread Vera Harper

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Bill,
   Better no belly button than no soul, which Gore lacks. That man is a wart on the 
ass of society. If you are not convinced by his crying foul when Repblicans play by 
his own rules, you will never see the light. It's great when he stirs up liberals to 
protest that they are too stupid to vote correctly, but it is voter intimmidation when 
we get so fed up with ballot fraud and finally stand up for our own rights. I 
especially like how Gore sends out Joe Weaselman to denounce Republicans for using the 
exact same tactics that Gore's camp have used for the last few weeks. Oh, FOUL! Can 
you say "hipocracy"? Your pal, Jessie

From CBNnow web-based E-mail, part of the growing CBNnow web presence. CBNnow, your 
source for news, information, and inspiration in the new millenium.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Democratic Politicians Seek Miami-Dade Count Probe

2000-11-24 Thread Vera Harper

-Caveat Lector-

That term "voter intimidation" should be changed to "unlawful manual recounter 
intimidation". Also, the Rebublican protesters were not the reason for Miami-Dade's 
decision, but their realization that they couldn't do a complete recount by Sunday. 
I'm sure the recounters in the other two counties love Gore for ruining their 
Thanksgiving while he spent Thursday with his family. What a thoughtful and honorable 

From CBNnow web-based E-mail, part of the growing CBNnow web presence. CBNnow, your 
source for news, information, and inspiration in the new millenium.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] International co-operation in internet surveillance

2000-11-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

International co-operation in internet surveillance

Nicky Hager   22.11.2000

The police, Security Intelligence Service and the Government Communications
Security Bureau of New Zealand are pushing for major new surveillance powers
including the ability to spy on emails

All of this will soon be possible. New surveillance laws, devised under a
National Government and now promoted by Cabinet minister Paul Swain, include
legalising spying on Internet communications, allowing Police and
intelligence agencies to "hack" covertly into individuals' computers and
forcing people to hand over computer passwords and encyption keys so that
e-mail communications and computer files can be read. The new legislation
would also impose "requirements" on Internet service providers and telephone
companies to co-operate with intelligence agencies and police and install
systems to assist spying on their customers.

The proposed legislation has strong similarities to the British Regulation
of Investigatory Powers Act (R.I.P. Act), passed amidst major controversy
three months ago, which required internet providers to be connected to a new
MI5 e-mail interception centre. However, rather than announcing and debating
the planned law changes openly as occurred in Britain, information on the
New Zealand plans has been kept secret and it is planned to slip them
through in stages as add-ons to unrelated pieces of legislation. The first
of these is due to be tabled in Parliament about 10 days from now.

The similarity to the British legislation is not a coincidence. Officials
have told Ministers that the new powers are needed in order to meet New
Zealand law enforcement requirements. In fact the legislation is a direct
result of influence from western countries, particularly the United States,
which wants a standardised global system for communications interception to
assist its own intelligence operations. The New Zealand government and
Police have refused to release information on the links between the proposed
new powers and secret meetings and agreements between New Zealand officials
and western intelligence and police agencies. Officials did not advise
Ministers of the commitments they had already made to overseas agencies to
fall into line with the standardised surveillance.

In the last week of July the first signs of the new plans appeared when
Associate Justice Minister Paul Swain discussed additions to anti-hacking
legislation and raised the idea that it might include allowing Police to
intercept e-mails. He justified the plans saying that the target was
electronic criminals: "It's ridiculous to tell police to attack organised
crime with one hand behind their backs", he said. However, the plans had
been developed quite separately from the electronic crime and anti-hacking

I first suspected these changes might be coming in New Zealand a year ago
after receiving copies of European Union reports uncovered by European
researchers. These papers showed that European governments had been secretly
agreeing to adopt standardised new spying laws pushed by the US Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) onto its closest NATO allies. A series of
European Union countries and other US allies, including Australia, have
ignored unwilling publics and passed these laws in recent years. It seemed
likely that New Zealand was receiving pressure to conform.

The New Zealand officials promoting the new laws have refused to release
information about many of the specific new powers sought and their links to
the FBI initiative. For months this year, Police refused to answer any
questions, even after the Ombudsman agreed to investigate the case. Finally,
under pressure from the Ombudsman, Assistant Police Commissioner Paul
Fitzharris wrote a week ago claiming no knowledge of collaboration with the
FBI- European Union plans and suggesting that, if I wished to discuss these
issues further, I could contact the officer in charge, Inspector Peoples,
when he returned from leave next year.

Details of the planned law changes have been kept under wraps, but can be
pieced together from various sources. The first legislation expands the
interception powers of the Police and GCSB to cover all forms of electronic
communications (including e-mail, faxes and text messaging) and, for the SIS
as well, to cover hacking into computer systems to view and copy people's
files. (Insiders say that the police already have technology to intercept
faxes but not currently for e-mail.)

Like the British RIP Act, this is to be achieved by amending the Crimes Act
to make it illegal to intercept electronic communications or hack into
computers - and then exempting all the intelligence and law enforcement
agencies (police, customs etc) from the new law. Police interception
warrants will then cover all kinds of communications (not just telephones)
and search warrants will permit covert access to computers 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Felon : ineligible for presidency

2000-11-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Bush Felon : ineligible for presidency

GW Bush is one of six Felons convicted in US Savings and loan scandal of the

GW Bush was pardoned by Reagan while his dad was Reagan's Vice President.
Not OK.

GW Bush appears to be an alcholic, somewhat illiterate serial killer with a
limited attention span.

1. Photocopy of order suspending George W. Bush from military flying duty:

2. Photocopy of George W. Bush military document redacted for
"administrative  reasons"

   3. Photocopy: Agreement (reneged on after disobeying orders.) Signed by
George W. Bush

4.  Photocopy: George W. Bush  allowed to substitute civilian duties for
flying duties
(Viet Nam era) following his refusal to take physical and drug test

   5. Photocopy: Statement agreeing to ORS Duty if he fails to complete
military obligations satisfactorily, signed by George W. Bush

6. Photocopy: Assignment of George W. Bush to ORS disciplinary unit in


Bush Dynasty: 70 Years is enough
(sent November 13, 2000)for full text:SEARCH:

Much of the Reagan Bush economy was bogus investment of the windfall.
The bank crash and SL swindle was them getting their money a third

Any election in which only two individuals are allowed exposure is, by
definition, a fraud.  We are an occupied nation.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Democrat's Memo re: Absentee Ballot Review and Protest

2000-11-24 Thread BigSocks

-Caveat Lector-

In essence, according to the Deomocrats,  what this memo states is that
any ballot counter can throw out a vote for any reason, as long as they
document it by sending in a protest form.


Date: November 15, 2000
To: FDP Lawyer
From: Mark Herron
Subject: Overseas Absentee Ballot Review and Protest

State and Federal law provides for the counting of "absentee qualified
electors overseas" ballots for 10 days after the day of the election or
until November 17, 2000. Sections 101.62(7)(a), Florida Statutes defines
as "absentee qualified elector overseas" to mean members of the Armed
Forces while in the service, members of the merchant marine of the
United States and other citizens of the United States, who are permanent
residents of the states and are temporarily residing outside of the
territories of the United States and the Districts of Columbia. These
"absent qualified electors overseas" must also be qualified and
registered as provided by law.

You are being asked to review these overseas absentee ballots to make a
determination whether acceptance by the supervisor of elections and/or
the county canvassing board is legal under Florida law. A challenge to
these ballots must be made prior to the time that the ballot is removed
from the mailing envelope.

The specific statutory requirement for processing the canvass of an
absentee ballot including of overseas absentee ballot, are set forth in
Section 101.62(2) (c)2. Florida Statutes:
If any elector or candidate present believes that an absentee ballot is
illegal due to a defect apparent on the voter's certificate, he or she
may at anytime before the ballot is removed from the envelope, file with
the canvassing board a protest against the canvass of the ballot
specifying the precinct, the ballot, and the reason he or she believes
the ballot to be illegal. A challenge based upon a defect in the
voterÕs certificate may not be accepted after the ballot has been
removed from the mailing envelope.

The form of the voter's certificates on the absentee ballot is set forth
in section 101.64(1), Florida Statutes. By statutory provisions, only
overseas absentee ballots mailed with an APO, PPO, or foreign postmark
shall be considered a ballot. See Section 101.62(7)(c). Florida

In reviewing these ballots you should focus on the following:

1. Request for overseas ballots: Determine that
the voter affirmatively requested an overseas ballot, and that the
signature on the request for an overseas ballot matches the signature of
the elector on the registration books to determine that the elector who
requested the overseas ballot is the elector registered. See Section
101.62(4)(a), Florida Statutes.
2. The voter's signature: The ballot envelope must be signed by the
voter. The signature of the elector as the voter's certificate should be
compared with the signature of the elector of the signature on the
registration books to determine that the elector who voted by ballot is
the elector registered. See Section 101.68(c)x, Florida Statutes.
3. The ballot is properly witnessed: The absentee ballot envelope must
be witnessed by a notary or an attesting witness over the age of
eighteen years. You may note that these requirements vary from the
statutory language from the Section 101.68(2)(c)1, Florida Statutes.
Certain statutory requirements in that section were not proclaimed by
the Justice Department pursuant to Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act,
Sec. DE 98-13.
4. The ballot is postmarked: With respect to absentee ballots mailed by
absolute qualified electors overseas only those ballots mailed with an
APO, PPO, or foreign postmark shall be considered valid. See Section
101.62(7)(c), Florida Statutes. This statutory provision varies from
rule 15-2.013(7), Florida Administrative Code, which provides overseas
absentee ballots may be accepted if "postmarked or signed and dated no
later than the date of the federal election."
5. The elector has not already voted (duplicate ballot). In some
instances, an absent qualified elector overseas may have received two
absentee ballots and previously submitted another ballot. No elector is
entitled to vote twice. (Please insert appropriate Fl. xxx.)

To assist your review, we have attached the following:
1. A review Federal Postal regulations relating to FPO's and PPO's.
2. A protest form to be completed with respect to each absentee ballot
3. Overseas Ballot Summary of Definitions.

Revised Overseas Ballot Summary of Definitions
There are 3 different types of overseas ballots that are valid for
return at the counties provided they are postmarked on or before
November 7th.
1. Federal Write-In ballot
·  Must be an overseas voter and must be eligible to vote and be
registered under State law.
·  Must have affirmatively requested an absentee ballot in writing
and completely filled out request (including signature)
·  Must comply with State laws applying to regular absentee 

Re: [CTRL] Democratic Politicians Seek Miami-Dade Count Probe

2000-11-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 24 Nov 00, at 22:06, Vera Harper wrote:

  I'm sure the recounters in the other two counties love Gore
 for ruining their Thanksgiving while he spent Thursday with his family. What a
 thoughtful and honorable man.

Yes, I guess the Presidency of the US is much less important than
spending a traditional holiday with the family...


(Believes in God but not traditional god of the Christians, so my opinion will
not matter to most).

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Democratic Politicians Seek Miami-Dade Count Probe

2000-11-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

And how many days did both candidates spend on the road in the election
campaign for your democratic (?) vote. We do not live in a Democracy, but
a Republic because our Constitution framers did not really respect the will
of the people. This too will change too. Soon. Republicans read it and


On 24 Nov 00, at 22:48, Conspiracy Theory Research Li wrote:

   I'm sure the recounters in the other two counties love Gore
  for ruining their Thanksgiving while he spent Thursday with his family. What
  a thoughtful and honorable man

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vocal protesters swarm recount Bush backers turn out in force; Lieberman decries tactics

2000-11-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Vocal protesters swarm recount Bush backers turn out in force;
Lieberman decries tactics


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Nov. 24 —  Protesters were out in force Friday
as Palm Beach and Broward counties plowed on with reviewing disputed
ballots. Most of the protesters were George W. Bush supporters objecting
to what they called Democrats efforts to “steal” the presidential election for
Al Gore.

November 24, 2000 Democrats charge that the demonstrators in Broward
County have been carefully organized by Republican operatives. NBC’s
Kerry Sander reports.

REPUBLICANS HAVE OPPOSED manual recounts in the election
dispute, and their supporters, many of whom were bused in from other
parts of the country, noisily voiced their objections. MSNBC’s Pat Dawson
reported that outside the Broward County courthouse in Fort Lauderdale a
couple of Democratic members of Congress tried to hold a news
conference on alleged voting rights violations, but they were swarmed by
Republican protesters and police had to step in to keep the demonstrators
away. Dawson said the congressmen held a rather chaotic news
conference in which little could be heard over shouts and whistles from both
sides. He said there were probably 150 GOP protesters and 30
Democratic ones. SEPARATED BY POLICE TAPE As Democratic Rep.
Peter Deutsch was interviewed by a television channel, a man with a
bullhorn repeatedly yelled “you can’t steal this election.”

One placard carried by a Bush supporter read “Gore d’etat,” implying the
vice president were leading a coup. “No more Gore,” and “Loser, loser,”
the crowd chanted. Reflecting the Democrat view that the Bush campaign
is trying to thwart legitimate recounts because it fears losing, a small group
of pro-Gore protesters played counterpoint. One of their placards said,
“Something smells in the Bushes.” The two groups were separated by
police tape, yellow rope and Broward County Sheriff’s deputies. Bush
supporters chanted, “Na-na-na-na, Goodbye”; Democrats replied, “D-U-I!” -
a reference to Bush’s arrest 24 years ago on a charge of driving while
under the influence of alcohol. CHARGES OF INTIMIDATION Many of those
outside the courthouse acknowledged they were at a Wednesday rally that
Gore aides claim intimidated Miami-Dade County officials into suspending
their unfinished recount. During an early morning meeting, one Republican
organizer told the group to stay orderly. “No Miami revisited,” he quipped,
“unless we need to later.” Advertisement

In Washington, Gore’s running mate, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, charged that
the demonstrations were “designed to intimidate” election officials
conducting the recounts. “This is a time to honor the rule of law, not
surrender to the rule of the mob,” Lieberman said in a statement he read to
reporters, refusing to take questions. Gore campaign attorney David Boies
noted that Miami-Dade officials decided to stop their counting after
Republican backers staged noisy demonstrations, “mini-riots if you will,”
outside the recount office. “If that’s the reason they stopped counting, I think
it’s very unfortunate,” he added. Democratic party attorney Ben Keuhne
blasted the GOP protesters in a statement to the St. Petersburg Times.
“They are the strike force for dirty tricks, something we thought ended in the
Watergate era.” But Bush senior adviser Ari Fleischer dismissed
Democratic criticism. “I don’t recall Joe Lieberman’s opposition to
organized protests put together by the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the AFL-
CIO in Palm Beach County,” he said. Fleischer called the demonstrations
“a heartfelt and natural reaction to what is going on.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


More Voices from the Frontlines

Ed.: Honest opinions of people who want to vent...
Hack's latest

By Scott Payne

Hack's article was fantastic. I expressed my own views on the matter of New
Max's editor last week noting: "If the military ballots comes in as expected,
it wouldn't be the first time that this country's Army, Navy, Marines and
Coast Guard saved their country."

Speaking as a Vietnam veteran who saw the Army trashed, revived and trashed
again, and who knows well that it went through the same cycle post Civil War,
post WWI and post WWII, I wonder how many generations of American must learn
the same lesson afresh. Time always has been available to us to make up for
the mistakes of the preceding 10 or 20 years of neglect. But is there time
now? We can only pray so.

A recently published book, amateurish in format but a valuable historic
record, illustrates this beautifully. It is "They Never Knew What Hit Them"
the story of the invention, production and deployment of the proximity fuse
from a Buck Rogers wish of the Navy to the device that defeated the Kamikaze,
the V1 and a hell of a lot of German infantry. The author is one of the few
survivors of the Applied Physics Lab that did it all. I've just finished
doing a profile about the book for the business journal that employs me.
The Beret

By T.C.

I joined the Army in 1986 did basic at Ft. Dix and was proud when I
graduated. Then I went to Ft. Eustis for AIT I completed 67T (Black Hawk)
school. I will never forget the day I got my aviators wings. I was so proud.
My wings meant every thing to me and they served as a reminder of the hard
work I went through to get them.

After I got to my duty assignment some body decided anybody that was in an
aviation unit was authorized to wear the wings. After that my wings weren't
quite as shiny.

I also hold an EOD badge and I pray they don't give those out to every body
that serves in the Ordnance Corp. In closing I can sympathize with those that
have worked hard to achieve higher standards and to have their elite identity
passed out like it were a pair of size 10 combat boots.
Election Scandal

R.L. Faunce RMC-USN-REt

As a retired Navy Chief living in Florida, I find it appalling to see the
rejections of absentee ballots from our fighting men. Gore wants to be
Commander-in-Chief but wants to suppress their ability to vote. I hope you
folks are following this closely and have the ability to do something about


I am an infantry senior NCO at FT Bragg. I have been there and done that a

Never had , to my knowledge, problems with absentee ballots, top three
priorities; rebuild the force (manpower), money for parts and training reduce
peace keeping missions.

I think Europe is good with an Army division, although it could use some
"light" units. Medium Brigade is a good idea (again). It's not new just being
recycled. We just need good equipment., i.e. proven off the shelf stuff, not
some new contracted junk.


Military Ballots - We need the TRUTH

First we're told by Margaret Carlson at TIME that the men and women in our
military are "tax dodgers." Now we find out that their absentee ballots are
going to be thrown out, not because of any failure of the person casting the
ballot, but because of the way military post is handled, and a concerted
challenge by Democrats.

We face the possibility that the future Commander-in-Chief will have won his
position by invalidating the votes of the men and women he commands.

This interlocks with an earlier story that it was in some cases very
difficult for military personnel to get an absentee ballot through military
channels to begin with.

The news story is appended to this letter.

Thank you for your hard work on behalf of our service personnel.

John Nixdorf


A Thanksgiving message from the Chaplain

Pastor Dennis J. Webber (SFC RET)

I want to wish all our military families a very Holy and happy Thanksgiving.
For those of you who are away from your family, I know how lonely this time
can be.

In 1968, I spent Thanksgiving on the lonely firebase Bastogne in I Corps
South Vietnam. I looked to the Lord and prayed that He would get me home
again so I could spend the next Thanksgiving with my family.

God answered that prayer, and I have spent the last 32 years with my wife and

Remember, it 


2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

USAF: Questionable Assignment Policies
Ed.: The adventures of an Air Force radiology technician who becomes an intel
man by orders of the Air Force. He is still grateful that he didn't do any
major damage.

By SSgt M. W.

I was busy at .doing Cat-scans.and taking care of our retirees to the
best of my ability and the numerous gang members who got shot or beaten up
and their cases would of course take priority over our dependents and
retirees because they were traumas.

I hated having to take care of them first. Anyway, I was surprised one day
when I was handed orders to Kunsan Air Base ROK. I was even more surprised to
find out that I was going to being utilized as an Intelligence Analyst, a
career field I have been out of for almost four years.

I was not very happy to say the least but I had no choice, I could turn down
the orders but I would have to get out and I did not want to do that.

I went to the ROK and explained to my unit what had happened and I was
registered Radiology tech. with no experience in Intelligence analyst I had
worked in a map library during my Intel stint. Knowing this I was assigned to
brief the Wing commander and the battle staff as my wartime duties and brief
pilots at the wing on weapon systems they might encounter in the AOR.

I spent most of my year scared silly because they now use totally different
methods to gather intel and build briefs and I was totally rusty on weapon
systems intel. I tap-danced though most of my briefs.

I know I looked like an idiot because I did not have the experience to make
an analysis if I was asked to. If we went to war while I was there I know I
was totally unprepared for the real stuff and would not know what to do. I
felt like I was a burden to the unit because I was pretty much the least
trained Sergeant in the unit. I was always asking other people what to do and
how to do it.

I am glad the assignment is behind me now and I swore that this would not
happen again. I got out of active duty after 9 years and into the reserves.

Oh I was sent back to my original post after they were done with me. I did
not even get a follow on assignment -- it was cancelled while I was in the

Teaching the Kids Values and a bit of History
Ed: I had many responses to my latest article about shaping America's future
through our kids. The following three responses show that many of you are
doing wonderful things to educate our kids and the public. Keep it up! It's
as important as doing your work in uniform.

By Robert Barrow

Your latest echoes an experience that is being repeated here in
Fredericksburg, Texas. My son-in-law began a program that sought out school
children using much the same technique that you described. He worked for the
Adm. Nimitz Museum of the Pacific War.

In the last year he worked, the program reached 20,000 children. The program
was conducted using several approaches, including going to schools, hosting
visits at the Museum, a traveling "trunk" show, and a several weekend show at
the museum for the general public in which parents and children are always

The museum is now styled as the National Museum of the Pacific War, as no
other in the nation is dedicated to that theatre of World War II, although it
is not a federal institution, but belongs to the State of Texas.

The emphasis included directly involving individual kids in various ways
including recognizing the fact that their families had participated in the
WWII, what life in the front lines was like and using artifacts from the time
as a real point of reference just as you did with the helmet and MREs. The
museum's mission includes educating our children and honoring our heroes.

The effect upon kids, teachers, parents, and veterans has been a most
positive one. It is a great pleasure to witness a bunch of kids going through
the drill. They are "sworn in" to the military and conducted through the
paces pretending they are one of the young men of that day. Teachers express
the wish they could obtain the discipline achieved by the museum host as they
in their uniform conduct the event as a DI would.

Appropriate to the age group, activities take place at the museum's History
Walk where fox holes, bunkers, and artifacts are set up in fair
representation of a jungle environment, dense growths of bamboo included. It
is rather amusing to see the younger ones wearing GI helmets like so many
little turtles...


By COL (ret) John C. Regner, US Army

Your piece struck a familiar chord. In order to 


2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Air Force Chief Says Pay Should Be Based On Capability, Not Rank
Ed.: Highly positive: The Air Force Chief recognizes a key issue: Retain
quality and specialized troops with incentive and skills pay, independent of
rank. From: Inside The Pentagon, November 2, 2000.

By Catherine MacRae

In order to effect the best defense against an economy that continues to suck
skilled science and technology workers into the private sector, the Air Force
must base its personnel pay scales on capability rather than rank, Gen.
Michael Ryan, the service's chief of staff, said Oct. 30.

"Someday, someway we are going to have to break those two apart, particularly
in an economy which has demands on these kinds of people across the spectrum
of commerce," Ryan added. "I think legislation will be needed in the future,
and I've said it before, to try and pay for capability in our armed forces
rather than paying for rank."

Ryan addressed the "Office of the Air Force Chief Scientist 50th Anniversary
Symposium" in Washington, DC, during a panel discussion on the role of
science in technology development for the service and the nation.

Concerns about retaining top-notch personnel in science and technology and
other key fields will be a major issue for the Air Force going into next
year's Quadrennial Defense Review, he said. For example, the service is about
2 percent short of its requirement for communication and information
officers, about 7 percent short of its requirement for civil engineers and 23
percent short of its requirement for scientists, according to Ryan.

"We're eroding the high experience levels that we have in the United States
Air Force in these critical areas that are required for us to remain the
premier aerospace force we are today," he said. "We are going to have to work
this issue very hard."

Meanwhile, after being on a long "holiday" since the early 1990s in equipment
procurement, the Air Force will make recapitalizing a variety of aircraft
another major focus area in the QDR, Ryan said. According to his charts, the
service needs to build about 170 new aircraft per year under the current
force structure in order to keep the average life of aircraft across the
fleet under 25 years.

"The average age of our fleet in the year 2000 was over 20 years old. And if
we execute every program we know about -- every one that we have on the books
-- in the next 15 years, under the current budget constraints, the average
age of United States aircraft will be approaching 30 years old," Ryan said.
"We have never been there before. We have never worked with a geriatric
fleet. This is a huge concern for us and the need for recapitalization is
there right now..."

Why Our Young Lions are Leaving
Ed.: A captain with eight years in service responds to our recent series
about young leaders who are leaving the service. Once again, it's not money
but honor, team spirit and appreciation by society.

By CPT M., US Army

I think one thing that the generals and think tanks are missing about the
officer attrition rates is that young officers see the corrupt system for
what it is. Inept officers in their chain of command, senior leaders that are
pseudo- political warriors, and the true decision breaker for the fence
leaning LT/CPT is that this society is lacking the fabric or as GEN. Krulak
stated core values.

Do you expect an officer that joined for the HONOR of serving one's country
is going to risk his/her life for a society and administration that treats
them with utter disdain.

Hell, I feel like a third class citizen or that I have done something wrong
by joining. It's not the economy, more money, berets vs. a loss of self
esteem for these young officers. They were left out of the promise. The
promise of honorably serving ones country and feeling proud of one's unit and

It should not take a "think tank" from RAND CORP to figure that out. My unit
just lost four outstanding officers that could have made a difference. This
ship is starting to look a little empty while we still brief all is fine. We
can manipulate numbers in the military just like we are seeing on TV. We, the
military, have turned into that divided, cynical political spin machine that
runs this country, or should I say ruined this country.

Just as we see a divide in society, I see a divide in an ARMY that I have
served for a relatively short time of 8 years. I have been to every quarterly
training brief for my Brigade in the last 2 years, and I have seen the SPIN
of our readiness.

These young officers are needed and we 


2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Wheels Turn In Army Strategy -- Transformation To Cut Tanks' Role
Ed.: Giving the Army an improved deployment capability is laudable. Medium
brigades will have merit for rapid intervention and peace enforcement
missions. Several questions remain: 1. Is the Army specializing on "other"
than war missions to ensure its survival in the budget battles? 2. Are they
trying to compete with the Marines, especially since they're adopting the
LAV? 3. Are they maintaining the heavy tank forces to maintain a capability
to 'slug it out? If its true that we maintain what we have and add the
Interim Brigades, it would mean the Army is doesn't add up.
Excerpts from the Washington Post.

By Thomas E. Ricks and Roberto Suro, Washington Post Staff Writers

After decades of reliance on tanks, the Army plans to equip its newest
armored units with lighter vehicles that move on wheels, a radical departure
that reflects the Army's changing missions and has generated intense
controversy inside the service...

The "Medium Armored Vehicles" will go to a model brigade formed earlier this
year as the centerpiece of the Army's effort to leave the Cold War behind and
transform itself into a force than can rush to trouble spots within days
rather than weeks or months.

The embrace of wheeled vehicles comes after more than a year of contentious
deliberations on the Army's future and involves much more than just a new
piece of equipment. It will require changes in the way the Army trains,
deploys and fights...

Supporters in the Army leadership describe the choice of a wheeled armored
vehicle as a historic step comparable to the advent of the battleship and the
machine gun, which revolutionized warfare in their
time. Critics, who abound in the Army, especially in tank units, contend that
soldiers' lives will be in danger without the firepower and protection
provided by heavy tanks.

At an Army meeting last month, Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, the service's chief of
staff, bluntly called for an end to the dissension. "If you chose not to get
on board, that's okay, but then get out of the way," he said.

The selection reverses a half-century trend in which the Army, since adopting
the tank between the two world wars, has bought ever bigger and heavier
armored vehicles. Today's M-1A2 Abrams tank is considered almost unbeatable
in open terrain - such as the plains of central Germany for which it was
designed - but at 70 tons is so heavy that it cannot be transported quickly
to most parts of the world and cannot cross small bridges or maneuver on
narrow roads in places such as Kosovo.

Although the old Army, built around heavy-tank formations, proved its value
in the Gulf War, "over the last 10 years the change in the strategic
environment has required us to flex to meet additional demands," Shinseki
said last month.

The Army's requirements for the new vehicles set the maximum weight at 19
tons to ensure that they can be carried by the Air Force's smallest and most
common transport plane, the C-130. In the inevitable trade-off, the Army gave
up some of the protection provided by heavy armor plating and the all-terrain
capabilities of tank treads..

More than 300 of the wheeled armored vehicles will be bought for the new
combat brigade that was created over the past year at Fort Lewis, Wash...

Ultimately, five more similarly-equipped brigades are to follow, for a total
purchase by the Army of roughly 3,000 vehicles at a cost of about $2.5
million each, or about $7.5 billion altogether, a Pentagon official said.

The new units are designed to be able to move anywhere in the world in 96
hours. That's a far cry from the agonizingly slow movement of "Task Force
Hawk," a unit of Army helicopters and missile batteries that was
sent to Albania during last year's Kosovo campaign but that never actually
engaged in combat...

The Army does not plan to do away with its monster main battle tanks just
yet, but will keep them ready for conflicts with a major adversary, such as
Iraq, whose heavy tanks could outgun the medium-weight brigades.

Starting in about 2010, the Army hopes to start fielding high-tech weaponry
that has yet to be invented. It wants something as light as the wheeled
vehicles but as durable and powerful as today's tanks. The Army's future
vehicles are likely to be armored with ceramics rather than metal and may be
armed with some sort of electric gun rather than a conventional cannon...

Congressional reaction to the new vehicle appears to be generally
supportive...In addition, the Marine Corps has watched with some concern over
the past year as the Army has become more like the Corps, creating lighter,
expeditionary units. Officially, the Marines have been 


2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


22 November 2000 - "Rules of Engagement, Corruption and Voting"

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

"Our militia will be heroes, if we have heroes to lead them." 
Thomas Jefferson

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 

SITREP from the President

Hack's Column:
Conduct Unbecoming

"Through Zman's Gun Sight"
Article 1 -- Rules of Engagement or Rules of Careerism

The Big Picture:
Article 2 -- The Wheels Turn In Army Strategy -- Transformation To Cut Tanks' 
Article 3 -- Top Defense Official Defends U.S. Military's Role As Peacekeeper
Article 4 -- Air Force Chief Says Pay Should Be Based On Capability, Not Rank 

Voice of the Grunt:
Article 5 -- Why Our Young Lions are Leaving
Article 6 -- Get over It! Beret is No Crisis
Article 7 -- USMC: Double Standards and Weak Recruits
Article 8 -- USAF: Questionable Assignment Policies
Article 9 -- Teaching the Kids Values and a bit of History
Article 10 -- The Presidential Election - America Shall Overcome
Article 11 -- More Voices from the Frontlines
Article 12 -- Quality of Life Update: VA Links Agent Orange and Diabetes

G.I Humor:
Article 13 -- GI HUMOR - New Approach to Winning the Florida Lottery

Medal of Honor:


A. Main topics: 1) Rules of engagement 2) Military in transition 3) Election 
blues 2. 


* Hopefully by the time this newsletter hits you, we'll be closer to a 
solution to the election Blues. I still think the country will recover, no 
matter what the outcome. 

* What gravely concerns me, are the allegations of voter fraud, especially 
involving military absentee ballots. I have voted in all elections during my 
time in service and my ballot always made it back on time. I admit, I never 
served on a ship and don't know exactly how long it takes to rotate in and 
outgoing mail. Most reports of ballot lateness to us seem to be connected to 
sea deployed units however.

!!! As to any procedural issues, I would encourage you to write your 
political representatives and DEMAND a full investigation into the absentee 
ballot issue. In this case, as in others, the mass of the expressed concern 
will make a difference and ultimately trigger fixes. Many of the procedural 
problems are State specific issues and must be resolved locally.

!!! I am interested in the following two priority feedbacks for next week:

* Elections: Have you experienced problems with your absentee ballot, i.e. 
late arrival in Europe on your ship etc.?

* Do you agree with the Army going LIGHT? Do you foresee duplication problems 
with the Marines or do you suspect the Army wants to make peacekeeping its 
primary "business"?

* I need some good and unique GI jokes

Feel free to send me hot topics directly if you can't get through the 
admin/log net -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

!!! Despite the national turmoil, I wish all of you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING with 
family and friends.

C. The WEBPAGE. Webmaster, John Cloven is continually working on improving 
the site. Thanks for your feedback.

D. Thank you for your continuing support. Your donations are helping us to 
get the word out. Thanks for supporting an organization that stands for the 
Truth, even if it questions every rule of political correctness.

E. Keep the mail coming!!! We won't reveal your true identity unless you give 
us your approval. We know how vindictive the "system" is.

3. How You can help:

!!! Credit Card donation via our WEBSITE at

!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and 
your local papers. YOU are the frontline recruiters and intel gatherers for 

Check or Money order: Send to and make payable to: Soldiers For The Truth 
Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.

Important: Your donation is tax deductible! SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit 
educational foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

If you send us an E-MAIL address with your donation we can immediately mail 
you a RECEIPT. 
Multiple contributions: Please remind us when you submit your donation. We 
will send you a cumulative statement.

Prepare for Action -- "Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

Hack's Column
Conduct Unbecoming 
By David Hackworth

In early November, a Pentagon general whispered in my ear, "SecDef William 
Cohen is spending 250,000 defense bucks to throw a farewell party for himself 
at the Beverly Hilton on the 30th."

The general, who asked that his name not be used in fear of 

[CTRL] Fwd: Week Ending: 20 Cheshvan 5761/18 November 2000 Part 1

2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service -

Tzemach News Service

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of 
Week Ending: 20 Cheshvan 5761/18 November 2000

Please feel free to forward to a friend or colleague
If you like this newsletter, click below to Recommend-It(r) to a friend

"And now many nations have been assembled against you who say, 'Let her be 
polluted, and let our eyes gloat over Zion.' But they do not know the 
thoughts of the L-RD, and they do not understand His purpose; For He has 
gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor." (Micah 4.11-12)



:: UN TROOPS IN YESHA? Senior Israeli and Palestinian officials met 
secretly at the Egyptian mission to the United Nations Thursday to discuss 
the prospects for sending hundreds of UN observers ("peacekeepers") to East 
Jerusalem, and YESHA (Judea, Samaria and Gaza), according to four UN 
diplomats. Israel's spokesman at the United Nations, Ariel Milo, would not 
confirm or deny that the meeting occurred, and Palestinian officials were 
not available for comment. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has publicly 
rejected the idea of a UN force, and US President Clinton has said that no 
such force can be sent without Israeli consent. PLO leader Yasser Arafat 
asked the UN Security Council last week to send 2,000 armed UN peacekeepers 
to Yesha. However, he also assured the council that he would consider a 
French proposal for a smaller, unarmed force of UN observers.

Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Friday that he had been 
asked by the Security Council to look into the possibility of an observer 
group in Israel. "And obviously, that also means thinking through what sort 
of observer group will be acceptable and what would be the nature of their 
activities," the Secretary-General said. "So we are going to explore it."

For the Scriptural truth of this actual scenario, see Ezekiel 38-39; 
Zechariah 12-14; and Revelation 19, among others.

[Editor's note: The statements made by Barak and Clinton do not necessarily 
reflect their true feelings. There have been other scenarios such as this 
and they were later found to be a set-up for what was to come.]

:: THE MURDERS CONTINUE: Three Israelis were killed Monday and another 
eight injured when a Palestinian terrorist fired at an IDF (Israel Defense 
Force) bus and a private vehicle halfway between Jerusalem and Shechem 
north of Ramallah. The terrorist first shot at a car, killing Sarah Leisha, 
a mother of five who lived in Neveh Tzuf, and then shot at a busload of 
soldiers, killing two and wounding eight. A Palestinian policeman opened 
fire on an isolated IDF position Saturday, killing a soldier and wounding 
two more before being shot to death, a day after Arafat allegedly ordered a 
stop to shooting attacks from areas under his control.

Update: Sergeant First Class Avner Shalom was killed last Saturday by two 
Palestinian police in civilian clothing who were travelling on a section of 
road that was reopened to Palestinian traffic as an Israeli gesture in 
accordance with the recent Peres-Arafat agreement. When asked by IMRA 
(Independent Media Review and Analysis) if MK Peres had anything to say 
about the death of the IDF officer as a result of the implementation of the 
Peres-Arafat agreement, IMRA was told that Peres has not said anything nor 
does he plan to say anything.

Meanwhile, the IDF Spokesperson denies that the IDF bombed Saturday morning 
a base of the Palestinian Force 17 in Khan Younis, causing Palestinian 
injuries. This publication is false and joins the ongoing Palestinian 
incitement aimed at escalating the situation.

Daily IDF updates of the fighting in the Land can be found at the "Gamla 
Shall Not Fall Again" Web site located at:

:: DECEMBER/JANUARY SUMMIT? ISRAEL RADIO diplomatic correspondent Yoni Ben 
Menachem reported Tuesday afternoon from the Prime Minister's plane that 
according to "senior sources" it is expected that there will be a 
Palestinian-Israeli final status summit under the auspices of Clinton 

[CTRL] Fwd: Week Ending: 20 Cheshvan 5761/18 November 2000 Part 2

2000-11-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Meanwhile, at the recent semi-annual talks, held this time in Eilat, on 
American-Israeli cooperation, Ambassador Martin Indyk and his colleagues 
were quite blunt in their warnings to Israel to do nothing that will 
generate an escalation that would jeopardize American interests in the 
region. The gloomiest conclusion of the meeting was that the Israeli-Syrian 
front is liable to flare up at any moment because Bashar Assad is driving 
down a slope in a car that has lost its brakes. IDF and Pentagon experts 
think Assad is preparing to fire missiles as a first resort in retaliation 
for an Israeli attack on Syrian assets in Lebanon.

A new Arab generation has risen and Israel's military successes in the 
previous generation, such as the Six-Day War of 1967 or point-specific 
operations such as the Entebbe rescue mission or the destruction of the 
Iraqi nuclear reactor, are now no more than a distant rumor to the young 
people who believe that with blood and fire they will expel Israel from 
Lebanon, the Golan Heights, and Yesha.

Arab man suspected of collaborating with Israel was found at the A-Ram 
junction in northern Jerusalem Sunday. Palestinian sources say he was 
murdered by Tanzim [Fatah] agents, who suspected him of having transferred 
information to Israel that was used in the successful killing of the 
Tanzim's Beit Jala leader Hussein Abiyet last week. ITIM NEWS AGENCY quotes 
a Palestinian source who expressed concern that such Arab-Arab killings may 
increase, as it did during the previous intifada.

Nations World Food Program (WFP) Friday launched an emergency appeal for 
$3.9 million to assist some 250,000 Palestinians in Yesha during the coming 
three months. The question is 'Why does the UN help the party that caused 
and continues the fighting -- the Palestinians, yet does not offer any help 
to Israelis who have suffered due to the continuing violence by the 
Palestinians?" There are many in the settlements who have not been able to 
leave home since the beginning of the violence at the start of October. 
They also do not have food or supplies yet the nations do not come to their 

Along the same line, three-quarters of the nation's 20,000 permanent hotel 
workers (that's 15,000 persons!) will go on unpaid leave for three months, 
starting at the end of this month - a direct result of the sharp drop in 
tourism caused by the Palestinian violence.  HA'ARETZ reports that the 
agreement was reached Thursday by labor unions, industry leaders, and the 

:: FUNDING AND VIPS CARD TO CONTINUE: Finance Ministry officials say that 
Barak did not order the treasury to stop transferring funds to the PA/PLO. 
The transfer of funds to the PA/PLO in October was in fact delayed, but it 
was due to economic circumstances related to the intifada. The treasury's 
announcement contradicts Barak's earlier statement, that Israel had stopped 
funding the PA/PLO because of security considerations and as a sanction on 
the PA/PLO in response to the intifada. This month, Israel transferred NIS 
67.5 million out of the NIS 114 million that it owes to the PA/PLO. The 
outstanding funds have been temporarily frozen due to Palestinian debts and 
bad checks. The funds that are transferred to the PA/PLO are reimbursements 
for indirect taxes, VAT on Israeli exports and imports, customs and other 
import taxes, purchase taxes on local produce and excise tax on fuel.

In addition, Shlomo Dror, Spokesperson for the Coordinator of Activities in 
the Territories, told IMRA that Israel has not taken away VIP card from the 
Palestinians nor has any plans to. Dror said that Col. Mohamed Dahlan, the 
head of PA/PLO Preventive Security for Gaza (who Israeli intelligence 
reports has ordered many attacks against Israeli targets during the current 
Oslo War) has a Category 1 VIP card. Holders of the Category 1 VIP card can 
freely enter and exit Israel. They are, however, subject to security 
inspection. Some 71 people have the Category 1 VIP card. Dror explained 
that Marwan Barghouti, General Secretary of Fatah and the Tanzim in YESHA, 
has a Category 2 VIP card.

:: HIZB'ALLAH ATTACKS ON THE BORDER: There is growing concern the northern 
border will soon heat up, following a Hizb'Allah bomb attack on an IDF 
patrol Thursday and widespread demonstrations by Palestinians in Lebanon 
demanding free access to the frontier. A chain of bombs, some of which had 
been planted within five meters of the border on the Lebanese side, 
exploded as the soldiers passed in armored Hummer vehicles in the disputed 
Shaba farms region in the foothills of Mount Dov. One soldier was thought 
to be suffering from concussion and was taken to Safed's Rebecca Sieff 
Hospital for examination, but was 

Re: [CTRL] Democratic Politicians Seek Miami-Dade Count Probe

2000-11-24 Thread Vera Harper

-Caveat Lector-

The framers of our constitution were a lot smarter than we are for making this country 
a republic and not a democracy. I haven't heard you whine about our electoral process 
until now, therefore you do not count. If Gore had won, you'd be praising our voting 
process. Gore is the loser,now you cry? Too bad! If we ever needed proof that the 
founding fathers knew what they were doing, we now have it. Gore's lacky Daily said 
that we all have complete confidence in our judicial system. One comment: OJ Simpson

From CBNnow web-based E-mail, part of the growing CBNnow web presence. CBNnow, your 
source for news, information, and inspiration in the new millenium.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Black Caucus asks Reno for investigation of voting rights

2000-11-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[Following is the letter written by the Congressional Black Caucus
to Janet Reno about voting rights violations in the election. --

November 14, 2000

The Honorable Janet Reno Attorney General United States Department
of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530

Dear Attorney General Reno:

We are writing to request a formal investigation into serious
allegations of violations of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that
have been made during and after the November 7, 2000 elections in
Florida and across the United States. Victims of and witnesses to
election day irregularities and discriminatory practices at voting
precincts have come forward in unprecedented numbers. On November
11, the NAACP conducted a hearing at which numerous witnesses
presented information about discriminatory practices that occurred
in Florida. After reviewing the allegations made at the NAACP
hearing and hearing numerous other allegations from our constituents
and other citizens throughout the country, we believe that there
is substantial evidence indicating that many African-Americans and
other minorities were denied their fundamental rights as citizens
of the United States. We urge you to move quickly to determine the
validity of each of these allegations and to take appropriate legal
steps to remedy any violations you find.

The information presented at the Florida NAACP hearings included
first-hand accounts from victims and eyewitnesses of the following:

1. that citizens who were properly registered were denied the right
to vote because election officials could not find their names on
the precinct rolls and that some of these voters went to their
polling place with registration identification cards but still were
denied the right to vote;

2. that registered voters were denied the right to vote because of
minor discrepancies between the name appearing on the registration
lists and the name on their identification;

3. that first-time voters who sent in voter registration forms
prior to the state's deadline for registration were denied the
right to vote because their registration forms were not processed
and their names did not appear on the precinct rolls;

4. that African-American voters were singled out for criminal
background checks at some precincts and that one voter who had
never been arrested was denied the right to vote after being told
that he had a prior felony conviction;

5. that African-American voters were required to show photo
identification while white voters at the same precincts were not
subjected to the same requirement;

6. that voters who requested absentee ballots did not receive them
but were denied the right to vote when they went to the precinct
in person on election day;

7. that hundreds of absentee ballots of registered voters in
Hillsborough County (a county covered by Section 5 of the Voting
Rights Act) were improperly rejected by the Supervisor of Elections
and were not counted;

8. that African-American voters who requested assistance at the
polls were denied assistance;

9. that Haitian-American voters who requested the assistance of a
volunteer Creole/English speaker who was willing to translate the
ballot for limited English proficient voters were denied such

10. that police stopped African-American voters as they entered
and exited a polling place in Progress Village Center; and

11. that election officials failed to notify voters in a predominantly
African-American precinct that their polling place, a school, was
closed and failed to direct them by signs or other means to the
proper polling location.

In addition to the accounts presented at the NAACP hearing, we are
aware of other allegations of possible Voting Rights Act violations
in Florida. For example, there are reports that 200 Puerto Rican
voters in Orange County were unable to vote because they could not
produce more than one piece of identification or were unable to
understand the ballots because of the County's failure to provide
ballots in Spanish or Spanish interpreters at the polls. Orange
County is a covered county under Section 203c of the Voting Rights
Act, 42 U.S.C.  1973aa-1a.

We are also aware of unprecedented numbers of complaints of similar
problems in other parts of the United States. Calls flooded our
offices, the NAACP and other agencies seeking to lodge complaints
about registered voters who were turned away from the polls because
their names mysteriously did not appear in the precinct books. In
North Carolina, numerous voters who registered at the Department
of Motor Vehicles under the provisions of the NVRA or otherwise
properly registered this year were told that they could not vote
because their names did not appear on the precinct books and were
denied the right to cast "provisional" ballots as allowed by North
Carolina law. In Virginia, there were numerous complaints of voters
who registered in social services offices under the provisions of
the NVRA who were not allowed to vote 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Brothers: Keeping The Legacy Alive

2000-11-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 23:02:24 -0600 (CST)
From: zlatkinc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Bush Brothers: Keeping The Legacy Alive

The Zlatkin Letter

When I was 17. . .

It was a time of innocence for me. Sure, I knew of the Holocaust, the bombings
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, slavery, the execution of the Rosenbergs, the
ongoing struggle for civil rights, but somehow I was still very naïve about
politics and death. . All of that came to a rapid end.

It was 37 years ago when JFK was assassinated.

Yesterday,  I  heard all kinds of reminiscences of that day, mostly asking the
question, " Where were you when JFK was killed?"

I feel Bushed

Coupled with the announcement of Dick Cheney's fourth heart attack and the
other developments  in  the evolving soap opera, "Who wants to be
president?" ,
I couldn't help but think about November 22, 1963. I couldn't help but think
about that day and  the Bush family.

Raising a question

The U. S. government in 1977 and 1978 released hundreds of thousands of pages
of documents on the Kennedy  Assassination. But it wasn't until 19888 that The
Nation published one of these documents that contained information that was
potentially very revealing about George H. W. Bush.

 From John Loftus and Mark Aarons "The Secret War Against The Jews,"
in 1994 by St. Martin's Press.

"On November 29,1963 an FBI memorandum from Director J. Edgar Hoover was sent
to the State Department. The subject-headed:

'Assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22,1963.'

In the memo Hoover reported that the Bureau had briefed a

'Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency'
shortly after the assassination on the reaction of Cuban exiles in Miami.

A source with close connections to the intelligence community confirms that
Bush started working for the agency in 1960 or 1961.

Some feel that Bush was first recruited to the Agency back in his Skull and
Bones Society days.

Regardless of the date, if he was indeed that George Bush, who was briefed on
the assassination, Bush  was working for the CIA far before the time he has
admitted being associated with the Agency.


Another curiosity. The code name for the Bay of Pigs invasion was Operation

In the beginning of the sixties Bush and his wife Barbara moved to Houston to
start an oil company. The company was named Zapata Offshore Company. In
addition, two Navy ships had been secured for the invasion. The two ships were
re-painted to carry non-Navy colors and were given new names. They were named
Houston and Barbara.

This too, could all be coincidence. But it does raise questions.

Family Business

George W. Bush is probably the next president. His great-grandfather, Bert
Walker, became rich raising money for the rise of the Nazi's in Germany. His
grandfather, Prescott Bush has his assets seized under the Trading With The
Enemy Act in 1942 for attempting to protect Nazis assets. His father was head
of the CIA, in the 70s and may have been involved with the CIA back in the Bay
of Pigs/JFK Assassination days.

Forget me not

I think a key  aspect in acquiring power is helping the
public forget about those nasty details that went before.

A great book about the Savings and Loan scandal was written by Pete Brewton,
who had been a newspaper reporter in Houston, "The Mafia, CIA  George Bush"
was published by SPI books in 1992.

Brewton had commented on the bipartsan nature of the theft of billions in
the S
 L scandal, by stating that if the Democrats had won the election, he would
have called the book "The Mafia, CIA  Lloyd Bensten."


George W. Bush's  brother John Ellis Bush (now known as Jeb), when he was in
the real estate business, did business with some shady characters, to say the
least. He was lucky to not be indicted along with them.

 From Brewton's book there are some real nuggets to reconsider:

"In 1990, he [Camilo  Padreda) pleaded guilty to falsifying U. S.
Department of
Housing and Urban Development documents in getting a HUD guarantee of $17.8
million loan to build an apartment complex. And, in 1986, he was in a business
deal with another prominent Dade County Republican, John Ellis "Jeb" Bush, one
of the President's sons.

In the October 3, 1998 issue   "Newsday," reporters Knut Royce and Gaylord
reported that Padreda was once a "counter-intelligence office for former Cuban
dictator Fulgencio Batista . When Castro came to power, Padreda fled to the
Miami area and became a candy salesman.

"Newsday reported that in 1986 Jeb Bush's real estate company, Bush Realy,
Inc., became the exclusive leasing agent for a nine-story Miami office
constructed by a Padreda partnership with the aid of a $1.4 million HUD grant.
Jeb told "Newsday" that he did "not believe" he had called federal
officials to
help Padreda get housing funds. "I am a very honest person, and I hate to
categorically say something. I do not recall. "Believe me,
believe me, you're not going 

Re: [CTRL] Trust or hustle: The Bush record

2000-11-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Bush  associates passed on massive fraud to US taxpayers via the SL
scandals during the Reagan administration, when Bush Sr. was "Vice"
President. Now you know one reason why the US debt *doubled* during the
Reagan/Bush administration.


 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:Fri, 24 Nov 2000 21:18:37 -0800
 From: radman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  [CTRL] Trust or hustle: The Bush record
 Send reply to:Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Trust or hustle: Wall St Journal  Washington Post on Bush

 In 1992 under Bush Sr., taxpayers were stuck with a $500
 billion SL bailout and the largest budget deficit in U.S.
 history. After eight years under Clinton-Gore, we now have
 the largest surpluses ever. Coincidence? Consider the Bush
 family financial record (WSJ=Wall St. Journal, WP=
 Washington Post):

 George W: Refused to answer news questions about an
 $848,000 stock sale probed by the federal SEC (WSJ
 4/4/91,WP 7/30/99). US News and World Report (3/16/92)
 compared his financial record to brother Neil's.

 Brother Jeb (has campaigned recently with George): Lobbied
 to enable a Mob-linked Florida HMO to receive $1 billion in
 Medicare payments; its owner later fled the U.S. under
 indictment, suspected of up to $100 million in Medicare fraud
 (WSJ 8/9/88). Jeb helped trigger the $285 million collapse of
 a Florida SL by defaulting on a $4.5 million loan that was
 arranged thru a front with no repayment schedule specified
 (WP 10/15/90).

 Brother Neil: Played a key role in the $1 billion collapse of
 Silverado Banking (WP 7/4/92).

 Uncle Jonathan: Fined in two states for violating securities
 laws. (WP 7/4/92).

 Uncle Prescott: Arranged investments for a Japanese Mob
 front in two U.S. firms; both later filed for bankruptcy (WSJ
 12/6/91, WP 7/4/92).

 George Sr.: Disbanded the independent federal organized
 crime strike forces, which had been successfully prosecuting
 SL looters (WP 12/28/89).

 The above is meticulously documented with details and links
 to 36 cited major media sources on

 Republican pundit Kevin Phillips called this Bush family
 record a "never-ending hustle" (WP 7/4/92). Do we really
 want this bunch to do to privatized social security what they
 did to the SLs?

 Please distribute this widely ASAP - it's much easier with
 Email than in Paul Revere's day!
 - David E. Scheim, Ph.D. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Author of the NY Times best seller, Contract on America

 --- End of forwarded message ---

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Anatomy of a right-wing riot: Republican mob attack in Miami-Dade

2000-11-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Anatomy of a right-wing riot
the Republican mob attack in Miami-Dade
By Kate Randall
25 November 2000

More details have come to light concerning the events on Wednesday at the
Miami-Dade County Canvassing Board that led to the board's decision to halt
manual recounting of ballots in the presidential election.  The board's
sudden announcement that it was abandoning the recount meant that hundreds
of votes, mostly for Democratic candidate Al Gore, would not be included in
the official state-wide tally.
The protesters who mobbed the board's proceedings were not, as had been
generally portrayed in the media, a collection of "outraged citizens" and
rank-and-file Republicans who came together in a spontaneous outburst of
indignation. The mini-riot was a carefully orchestrated operation designed
by the Bush camp to halt the manual recounting of ballots that had been
authorized only one day before by the Florida Supreme Court.
According to a report on, the participants were not for the
most part local party activists, but rather Republican Party operatives who
have been functioning out of a large mobile home in Miami, some having come
from as far away as Washington DC and New York City.  These individuals
were tight-lipped when questioned by a CNN reporter about who was in charge
of their activities.
On Tuesday night Bush campaigners began phoning Republican Party members,
urging them to join the out-of-state operatives in an anti-recount protest
the next morning at Miami's County Hall. At 8 a.m.  Wednesday, a meeting of
the board of canvassers voted to abandon a full hand recount of
Miami-Dade's 654,000 ballots and proceed instead with a hand count of
approximately 10,000 "undervotes"ballots for which no presidential choice
had been registered in the original machine count. Since most of these
ballots were from Democratic precincts, the board's action outraged the
Bush camp, which proceeded to organize a violent provocation.
A crowd of about 150 pro-Bush protesters gathered outside the room on the
18th floor of County Hall where the board of canvassers was meeting to
begin the recount. In an effort to expedite the counting process, the board
decided to move its proceedings, and the disputed ballots, to a room on the
19th floor where the general public would be excluded, but two
representatives from both the Republican and Democratic parties would be
allowed to observe.
At that point, according to a November 24 column by Paul Gigot in the Wall
Street Journal, New York Rep. John Sweeney, a Republican "monitor" on the
scene, gave the order to "shut it down." The throng of Republican
protesters moved to the 19th floor and began pounding on the doors of the
county elections department, chanting, "Stop the count, stop the fraud!"
Numerous incidents of violence on the part of the demonstrators were
reported. The crowd chased down Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chairman Joe
Geller, screaming that he was stealing a ballot. (It turned out he was
carrying a sample ballot.) The mob attempted to rush the doors to the 19th
floor elections office, and several people were trampled and manhandled in
the process. Luis Rosero, a Democratic aide, told the New York Times that
he was punched and kicked in the scuffle.
Key in mobilizing personnel for the Republican onslaught was the
Spanish-language radio station, Radio Mambi. In an effort to whip up a
lynch-mob hysteria, Republicans accused the Miami-Dade election officials
of deliberately excluding Hispanic precincts, areas politically dominated
by right-wing Cuban exiles that had voted overwhelmingly for Bush.
Radio Mambi reporter Evilio Cepero played a key part in fomenting the
violence, chanting over a megaphone "Denounce the recount!", "Stop the
injustice!" His calls for people to come down to the demonstration were
repeatedly broadcast over Radio Mambi, and he telephoned interviews with
Republican Party politicians that were relayed by the station.
According to Gigot's column in the Wall Street Journal, Republicans on the
scene told the besieged election officials that "1,000 local Cuban
Republicans" were on their way to the demonstration. The prospect of facing
a mob of anti-Castro fascists, who earlier this year illegally held young
Elian Gonzales in defiance of government orders to return him to his
father, and whose leading figures have been linked to terrorist actions
against Cuba, undoubtedly unnerved the canvassing board members, who had
good cause to fear for their lives.
Gigot, who in addition to penning a weekly column for the Wall Street
Journal is a regular commentator on the Public Broadcasting System's
Newshour television program, enthuses in his Journal article over the
success of the mob attack: "The canvassers then stunned everybody and
caved. They cancelled any recount and certified the original Nov. 7
election vote Republicans rejoiced and hugged like they'd just won the