Re: [CTRL] So, you thought it was the tar that caused cancer...

2001-01-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

This poor guy needs to take a course in basic
biology or else he works for the CIA.
Pesticides and Herbicides are systematic
that includes radioactivity, which all
synthetic fertilizers have the potential of
having by what this article implies.

OK, Systematic means all the way through.
Plants get water by osmosis and through
there skin / leaves as well.
Put a piece of celery in a glass of red
food coloring and in a few days you will
see red stripes go up the piece of
celery.  Anything in the soil, air, or
water can go into the plant and since
plants do not seem to have the same white blood
(killer) cells that we do (or do they) the
whole plant is involved.  Why do they still
live?  Plants get a lot of their energy by

Plants do not seem to need us, but we
need them.

Humans may be at the top of the food chain but,
Humans are not the top predator.

Damaeus wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 So, you thought it was the tar that caused cancer...
 by Sol Lightman


 Think again.  Cigarette companies will have you believing anything just as
 long as you continue to buy their products.  The fact is, although insoluble
 tars are a contributing factor to the lung cancer danger present in today's
 cigarettes, the real danger is radioactivity.  According to U.S. Surgeon
 General C.  Everette Koop (on national television, 1990) radioactivity, not
 tar, accounts for at least 90% of all smoking related lung cancer.

 Tobacco crops grown in the United States are fertilized by law with
 phosphates rich in radium 226.  In addition, many soils have a natural
 radium 226 content.  Radium 226 breaks down into two long lived 'daughter'
 elements -- lead 210 and polonium 210.  These radioactive particles become
 airborne, and attach themselves to the fine hairs on tobacco leaves.

 Studies have shown that lead 210 and polonium 210 deposits accumulate in the
 bodies of people exposed to cigarette smoke.  Data collected in the late
 1970's shows that smokers have three times as much of these elements in
 their lower lungs as non smokers.  Smokers also show a greater accumulation
 of lead 210 and polonium 210 in their skeletons,though no studies have been
 conducted to link these deposits with bone cancer.  Polonium 210 is the only
 component of cigarette smoke which has produced tumors by itself in
 inhalation experiments with animals.

 When a smoker inhales tobacco smoke, the lungs react by forming irritated
 areas in the bronchi.  All smoke produces this effect.  However, although
 these irritated spots are referred to as 'pre-cancerous' lesions, they are a
 perfectly natural defense system and usually go away with no adverse
 effects.  Insoluble tars in tobacco smoke can slow this healing process by
 adhering to lesions and causing additional irritation.  In addition, tobacco
 smoke causes the bronchi to constrict for long periods of time, which
 obstructs the lung's ability to clear itself of these residues.

 Polonium 210 and lead 210 in tobacco smoke show a tendency to accumulate at
 lesions in specific spots, called bifurcations, in the bronchi.  When
 smoking is continued for an extended period of time, deposits of
 radioactivity turn into radioactive 'hot spots' and remain at bifurcations
 for years.  Polonium 210 emits highly localized alpha radiation which has
 been shown to cause cancer.  Since the polonium 210 has a half life of 21.5
 years (Due to the presence of lead 210), it can put an ex-smoker at risk for
 years after he or she quits.  Experiments measuring the level of polonium
 210 in victims of lung cancer found that the level of 'hot spot' activity
 was virtually the same in smokers and ex-smokers even though the ex-smokers
 had quit five years prior to death.

 Over half of the radioactive materials emitted by a burning cigarette are
 released into the air, where they can be inhaled by non-smokers.  In
 addition to lead 210 and polonium 210 it has been proven that tobacco smoke
 can cause airborne radioactive particles to collect in the lungs of both
 smokers and non-smokers exposed to second hand smoke.  Original studies
 conducted on uranium miners which showed an increased risk of lung cancer
 due to exposure to radon in smokers have been re-run to evaluate the
 radioactive lung cancer risk from indoor air radon.  It turns out that
 tobacco smoke works as a kind of 'magnet' for airborne radioactive
 particles, causing them to deposit in your lungs instead of on furniture.
 (Smoking indoors increases lung cancer risks greatly.)

 It has been estimated that the total accumulated alpha radiation exposure of
 a pack-a-day indoor smoker is 38 to 97 rad by age 60.  (Two packs a day
 yields up to 143 rad, and non-smokers receive no more than 17 rad.)  An
 exposure of 1 rad per year yields a 1% risk of lung cancer (at the lowest

 Don't smoke.  Or if you do, smoke lightly, outdoors, and 

[CTRL] Fw: [FAIR-L] MEDIA ADVISORY: Southern Partisan:Setting the Record Straight

2001-01-13 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Friday, January 12, 2001 10:57 AM
Subject: [FAIR-L] MEDIA ADVISORY: Southern Partisan:"Setting the Record

Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

Southern Partisan: "Setting the Record Straight"
Attorney general nominee praised white supremacist magazine

January 12, 2001

"Your magazine also helps set the record straight. You've got a heritage of
doing that, of defending Southern patriots like [Gen.] Robert E. Lee,
Stonewall Jackson and [Confederate President] Jefferson Davis.
Traditionalists must do more. I've got to do more. We've all got to stand
and speak in this respect, or else we'll be taught that these people were
giving their lives, subscribing their sacred fortunes and their honor to
some perverted agenda."

--John Ashcroft, Southern Partisan magazine interview (Second Quarter/1998)

When Attorney General nominee John Ashcroft praised the neo-Confederate
magazine Southern Partisan, he was endorsing a publication that defends
slavery, white separatism, apartheid and David Duke; a publication that
celebrates the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, while delivering a "mixed
review" of Lincoln's assassin (Southern Partisan, Second Quarter/1990).

Though Southern Partisan is the leading magazine of the neo-Confederate
movement, it really is much more than a "gumbo of racist apologias," as the
New Republic put it last year (1/31/00).  Southern Partisan's bigotry
targets virtually anyone who isn't a straight white male neo-Confederate.
Southern Partisan practices equal-opportunity bigotry. Here's a sample of
opinion from the magazine John Ashcroft says "set[s] the record straight":

On Slavery

"Neither Jesus nor the apostles nor the early church condemned slavery,
despite countless opportunities to do so, and there is no indication that
slavery is contrary to Christian ethics or that any serious theologian
before modern times ever thought it was."
--Samuel Francis, Southern Partisan, Third Quarter/1995

"Slave owners . . . did not have a practice of breaking up slave families.
If anything, they encouraged strong slave families to further the slaves'
peace and happiness."
--First Quarter/1996

On Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is a "consummate conniver, manipulator and a liar."
--Southern Partisan cited in Legal Times, 2/26/1996

The Spring 1984 issue refers to "the sinister Emancipation Proclamation of
President Lincoln--an invitation to the slaves to rise against their

On John Wilkes Booth: "His behavior was not only sane, but sensible. His
background, loyalties, beliefs, and experiences had led him to that end."
--Mark Brewer, Second Quarter/1990

For years Southern Partisan has celebrated the murder of Abraham Lincoln by
selling T-shirts with Lincoln's image over the words "sic semper tyrannis"
("thus always to tyrants")-- John Wilkes Booth's cry just after shooting
Lincoln. Timothy McVeigh was wearing this T-shirt when he was arrested for
the Oklahoma City bombing.
--New York Times, 6/3/1997

On the Klan

The Ku Klux Klan's first Grand Wizard, Civil War Gen. Nathan Bedford
Forrest, cited as evidence that "the Confederacy was full of super heroes."
--Fourth Quarter/1996

Praised former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke as "a candidate concerned about
'affirmative' discrimination, welfare profligacy, the taxation holocaust
a Populist spokesperson for a recapturing of the American ideal."
--Fourth Quarter/1990

On South African History

"God led [Afrikaners] into the Transvaal, it was with God that they made
their prayerful covenant when they were besieged by bloodthirsty savages on
all sides."

On Feminism

Feminism is a "revolt against god."
--First Quarter/2000

"Feminists, ethnic minorities, sodomites and other 'victims' of majority
culture are demanding special recognition and privileged status."
--Second Quarter/1992

On Homosexuality

The University of Georgia "promotes perversion" by sponsoring programs for
Gay men and Lesbians.  Same-sex marriage is a "vile act of blasphemy."
--First Quarter/1997

"The acts of sodomy are probably the most repulsive desecrations in the
sexual order The terrible swift sword of the dread AIDS disease is
surely what in other ages would be acknowledged a sign of God's wrath. It
only the least subtle notice of divine displeasure with the swinishness of
our age."
--Reid Buckley, Winter/1986

On Everyone but "Us"

"Newly arrived in New York City, I puzzled, 'Where are the Americans?' for
met only Italians, Jews, Puerto Ricans."
--Patrick Brophy, Second Quarter/1991

 "What Southerner feels at home in Miami these days, a city 56 percent
Spanish-speaking that includes not only Cubans but numbers of
cocaine-pushing trigger-happy Colombians?"

[CTRL] ATTN: Samantha-Ted Gunderson

2001-01-13 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-


You were kind enough to send a website that showed the other side of Ted Gunderson.
Somehow I have lost this website and would really like to have it again.  If it is not 
too much trouble, can you please send it
again?  Thank you very much.  It is really important.

Private Mail Welcome

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Let's Boycott America

2001-01-13 Thread Cliff Hume

-Caveat Lector-

David Nicholson-Lord does not seem to have even the most remote idea as to
what is taking place in the United States of America, nor Canada. It sounds
very much as though he believes that these elections are for real, and that
the people actually have something to say about how these countries are run.

The communist banking elite have such a hold on his own country that he
cannot see the forrest for the trees. So many of the Brits have been turned
socialist that they are now seeing in their own government, just exactly
what they have been taught and conditioned to ask for. Wait until they try
to throw out the bums and get themselves an honest, representative
government, and then they will discover what has been taking place for so
many years in Canada and the USA.

Yours truly,

Cliff Hume.
*The Slazon Report #011101
Omnium Gatherum

When the global domination Mishpoche is threatened with exposure, the
entertainment industry kicks in, neutralizing all threats by
trivializing them. Hollywood cranks out a plot, assigns the stars, sets
the stage and glamorizes the sinister activities in such a way that the
unwitting victims, paying the price of admission, applaud as heroes
their mortal enemies and find visions of their own downfall enjoyable
entertainment. Very slick, eh?

If it hits the mainstream news it’s already a done deal.

Archer, Daniels, Midland and Monsanto intend to own the entire global
food supply. No worshipee the beastee, no eatee the foodee.

Malicious predators are ever at work churr worming their way into a
child’s consciousness, and, using chuckle-headed chop logic, chousing
the children out of their inheritance.

National Public Radio (NPR) has become Nayfish Potchkee Rebbe (NPR) and
now broadcasts nothing but pilpul to please their corporate sponsors
such as, you guessed it, the food thieves themselves: Archer, Daniels,
Midland, Supermarket to the World, indeed!

The existence of this world is null and void in Light of The Golden Rule.

Jana Janus
Omni on The Mean Planet

At 02:11 PM 1/11/01 -0800, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

Let's Boycott America

US democracy is flawed; its human rights record poor; its greed threatens
the planet. Is it time for the rest of us to act?

by David Nicholson-Lord
Monday 25th December 2000

Whenever one gets unduly depressed about British politics, it is always
worth glancing across the Atlantic to see how bad things can really get.
Quite what was going through Tony Blair's mind last week when he rang up to
congratulate George W Bush on the latter's much-disputed achievement of the
presidency may not be known until he writes his memoirs. But it is a fair
guess that he had to swallow hard before he picked up the phone. In
Britain, Blair is routinely berated by the right-wing press as a
superficial lightweight, but, by the side of George W, he is a towering
intellectual giant. Sadly, by the side of George W, a frightening number of
people are.
What is to be done about the United States of America?  Put another way,
how much of a jackass does a man have to be before he's stopped from being
For a little over a month, from the inconclusive ending on election night
to the Supreme Court's narrow decision in favour of Bush, the rest of us
watched in disbelief as the nuts and bolts of American democracy came apart
before our eyes. One had known that the system was gridlocked - awash with
unreformed campaign finance, in thrall to business lobbies and focus
groups, obsessed with trivia, incapable of generating an intelligent debate
on serious issues: all this is the stuff of conventional wisdom about US
But what the daily news from Tallahassee revealed was that the world's most
technologically advanced nation can't even get its voting machines to count
accurately. And that counting by hand might be unconstitutional - which is
rather like outlawing running as a sport because nowadays everyone drives.
And that the entire chad fiasco was just one of several ways in which the
votes of many Florida citizens (in particular, those likely to be at odds
with the state's Republican rulers) seemed to have been fixed and fiddled
out of existence.
In a country that regards itself as the exemplar of the free world, this is
strange stuff indeed. Whatever voting system you use, there are certain
basics that a modern democracy cannot do without. First, universal suffrage
must mean what it says; second, everyone with a vote should be entitled to
cast it and have it accurately counted; and third, the person with the most
votes should win. On all these tests, American democracy failed. One might
think it can't get much worse than that, but it can and probably will.
This is because the almost certain conclusion of the whole extraordinary
saga will be - absolutely nothing. George W Bush will proclaim, on

Re: [CTRL] The KING Revealed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-01-13 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001 20:30:31 EST, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 Stern Lecture

  have a PhD from Yale University. I am a college professor. I am a feminist
 and a social activist. And yet, most mornings, from the hours of 7:30 to 10
 o'clock, I listen to the Howard Stern radio show on The X at 105.9. Moreover,

This must be the retraction somebody forced Kathy to write after she
trash-talked Stern in a news article.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Ashcroft Christian Nation Speech at Bob Jones Univ. Should Disqualify No...

2001-01-13 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001 20:05:29 EST, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 Transcripts made available today of attorney general-nominee John
 Ashcroft's speech at Bob Jones University in 1999 demonstrates
 the former Senator's contempt for the nation's religious
 liberties, according to Americans United for Separation of Church
 and State.

 In the speech, Ashcroft said that America has "no king but

Isn't this becoming dangerous?  How many times in history have people
invited themselves to be the interpretor and arbiter of God's laws and
principles, only to end up killing thousands or even hundreds of thousands,
thinking he's doing the work of God?  Hitler believed he was doing the work
of God.  Of course, how do we know he wasn't?  After all, look at all the
disembodied spirits that would have been rising from the ashes of the

 "Ashcroft obviously believes the United States is a Christian
 nation," continued Lynn.  "He is woefully misinformed.  Our
 Constitution guarantees unqualified religious liberties for each
 of us, regardless of our beliefs.  The fact that Ashcroft rejects
 this basic principle should be startling to all Americans of good

Well, he just wanted to say something that he thinks will get him support
from all the Christians who would like hearing such a thing -- people who
want to see a man in a postion of political power make everybody behave and
act according to the Bible.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli right wing DEMANDS no compromise with the Palestinians!!!!!!

2001-01-13 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001 20:25:55 EST, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 Since Barak himself has made clear that he has no intention of
 ceding ground on this issue, however, the right wing has focused
 its campaign on the question of his acceptance of Clinton's
 proposal for shared sovereignty over Jerusalem's Temple
 Mount/Al-Aqsa mosque—a holy-place for both Jews and Muslims.

I guess neither side has figured out that God, if he resides anyplace, would
be in the heart and not on a pile of dirt.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sir Laurence a shapeshifter?

2001-01-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Don't knock the Weekly World News. They publish stories which no one in the 'big 
media' will touch. And tehy're a lot less crazy than some of what Icke comes up with.

Similarly I remember reading articles in the WWN about David Koresh before anyone had 
heard of him. Sre, 95% of their stories are probably invented, but what about the 
other 5%?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Ashcroft Christian Nation Speech at Bob Jones Univ. Should Di...

2001-01-13 Thread Steve Wilson
What about Jessie Jackson Operation Push and his congressman son?
Icant get a penny for help fighting human rights abuses involving implants
and directed energy called a racist for being tortured

Re: [CTRL] Do Blacks Owe Jews Reparations?

2001-01-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 And blacks in Columbus area are taught that blacks invented the clock?

 But when you get on web into history you find that most of the slave
 ships were owned by Jews and it was black Africans who sold the black
 slaves to the ship here is where black africans can
 really make fast buck

 Then since you can go back on the Nazis - I want reparations for the
 death of my father .and in history going way back every American who
 lost a son or a  father or a husband should have reparations...

 But the most sincere arrangement would be to paya these blacks their
 "reparations" on the condition they return to Africa and let the
 descendents of the slave ship owners pay their way.   One way tickets -
 free of charge, for those who want to return to the jungles and aid
 invested country.what would their lives be like today in South
 Africa or the Sudan for these slaves who came to America were NOT wanted
 by heir own, and in fact, were in some instances cannibals and some
 swinging from trees living with the monkey.

 Hate to be insensitive but I find it difficult these days to be
 sensitive to a group of people who are plotting to destroy us from
 within with considerable help from their former "slave ship owners


If you don't like it, why don't YOU leave. Nobody is forcing you to

And by the way Einstein, SOME rich Jews owned shares in slave ships,
and SOME rich Jews owned slaves, and SOME rich Jews owned plantations
in the Caribbean. Possibly as much as a fraction of a percent. But we
all know that the African slave trade was started and maintained by
the Arabs, and then taken over by white European Christians. Kinda like
you Saba.

Because of that, YOU, dear demented one, must sell your house and all
your worldly belongings and turn the proceeds over to the first Black
person you see. Then get back to Europe where you belong.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli right wing DEMANDS no compromise with thePalestinians!!!!!!

2001-01-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Damaeus wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Fri, 12 Jan 2001 20:25:55 EST, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
 article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

  Since Barak himself has made clear that he has no intention of
  ceding ground on this issue, however, the right wing has focused
  its campaign on the question of his acceptance of Clinton's
  proposal for shared sovereignty over Jerusalem's Temple
  Mount/Al-Aqsa mosque—a holy-place for both Jews and Muslims.

 I guess neither side has figured out that God, if he resides anyplace, would
 be in the heart and not on a pile of dirt.

I guess you haven't figured out that god isn't the big issue ( except as
motivational propaganda,) but rather TOURIST DOLLARS!


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] See Face of Clinton in Blair and Ehud?

2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Wondered how those guys all worked alike and began to look alike - and
here we are Carville and Bill Clinton's Propaganda/Image makers -
Clinton was making Blair and Ehud in his own image?

Nobel Peace Award?   See how a guy like Nobel, a virtual assassin,
attached himself to some of the greatest scientific minds and lives on
in their limelight - why not call it for what it ispenance for
injustices to keep him out of war crimes class?

Nice item here from Lynchburg (wonder what knd of a name that is )
Virginia, from the most Reverend Jerry Falwell who knows all, sees all,
and now tells all at long last?

Yet this makes sense - Carville - that ugly barbarian who chums with
Larry Flynt - come to think of it, Clinton was made in image of Larry


Mail message

In a message dated 01/11/2001 11:24:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  DATE: JANUARY 11, 2001

Arafat's Terrorism Threatens Christians and Christian Sites ... Not Just
Israel: Beit Jalla is a small Christian Arab village on the southern
outskirts of Jerusalem. It sits across a handsome valley from the Jewish
suburb of Gilo. The Christian residents of Beit Jalla and their Jewish
neighbors in Gilo have been a model for Arab- Israeli cooperation ever
since all of the Biblical land of Israel was reunited under Israeli
control in the Six Day War of 1967. For the first time in the ancient
history of this small village, Beit Jalla was booming. Commerce between
the hard working Christians and their new partners in Israel brought a
measure of wealth, opportunity and freedom these people had never had
before. By the middle of the 1990's, Beit Jalla was one of the
wealthiest Arab towns and the envy of Palestinians everywhere. It isn't
anymore. Today, Beit Jalla is in shambles. Most of its fancy homes have
been destroyed. Its best people have been forced to flee, and its long
cultivated commercial and cultural relations with Israel have been
completely devastated.
  What happened? Well, in a word, Yasir Arafat. Even if most of the
world long ago decided to turn a deaf ear to it, everyone knows about
the PLO terrorist leader's war against the Jews and Israel. But very few
people know about his war against Christians and Christianity. In one of
the most cynical ploys in Arafat's long and nefarious career, he has
transformed Beit Jalla from a once peaceful and prosperous village into
a nest of terrorist gangs whose sole purpose is to provoke a massacre of
that town's Christians residents.
  After he concluded that Bill Clinton's so called "peace process"
had given him all the unilateral Israeli concessions he could extract,
Yasir Arafat decided to throw off the ill fitting cloak of
respectability and return to the open terrorism at which he so excels.
Using last September's visit of Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon's
visit to Jerusalem's Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, as his
pretext, Arafat launched his long planned war against Israel and the
western values it represents.
  That the Christian residents of Beit Jalla are among this war's
foremost victims is anything but an accident. Rather it is an integral
part of Arafat's campaign to get the United Nations to send an
international force to impose a solution to the conflict that Arafat was
unable to win at the negotiating table. Because, as he likes to put it,
"Palestinian blood is cheap," Arafat, as he has demonstrated time and
again over his 40 year terrorist career, will gladly sacrifice even his
people's own children if it can score him a point in the battle for
world opinion.
  Arafat knows that in order to persuade the international community
to deploy a military force to fight the Israelis, he has to win the
world's sympathy. To this end, he has shown himself all too willing to
provoke the killing of hundreds of his own people, the younger the
better. To encourage the death of still more children, the Palestinian
Authority that Arafat controls and Bill Clinton has funded with American
tax dollars, has been offering $2,000 to each family whose child becomes
a "martyr for Jerusalem". Since virtually none of mostly pro-Palestinian
journalists who have converged to cover Arafat's war understand the
constant Arabic language appeals for "martyrs" on PLO radio and TV,
almost no one knows that Yasir Arafat uses American money, and lots of
it, to encourage parents to allow their children to be killed.
  There has never been any military purpose of getting Palestinian
children to attack Israeli positions located on the far outskirts of
Palestinian towns with rocks, guns, and firebombs. Their only purpose
has been to provoke besieged Israeli soldiers to shoot the Palestinian
children who are assaulting for the benefit of television viewers.
  Ever since he created the PLO in 1964, three years before there
were any "occupied territories", Yasir Arafat's 

[CTRL] Fwd: Oh, The Irish Ego

2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Thought would pass this on with a reminder, that God it is said was an
Irishman - in all humility I say had JFK been President Arafat and Ehud
would be singing love songs or they would have sent in the Irish Brigade
for the Irish never give up ask the IRA.

In the Tribe of Dan you find Us.  (and Ephraim)


Mail message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Misty) Date:

Oh, The Irish Ego

Saddam Hussein was sitting in his office wondering who to invade next
when his telephone rang.

"Hallo! Mr. Hussein," a heavily accented voice said. "This is Paddy down
in County Cavan, Ireland. I am ringing to inform you that we are
officially declaring war on you!"

"Well, Paddy," Saddam replied, "This is indeed important news! Tell me,
how big is your army?" "At this moment in time," said Paddy after a
moment's calculation, "there is myself, my cousin Sean, my next door
neighbor Gerry, and the entire dominoes team from the pub -- that makes

Saddam sighed. "I must tell you Paddy that I have 1 million men in my
army waiting to move on my command."

"Begorra!", said Paddy, "I'll have to ring you back!"

Sure enough, the next day Paddy rang back. "Right Mr. Hussein, the war
is still on! We have managed to acquire some equipment!" "And what
equipment would that be, Paddy?" Saddam asked.

"Well, we have 2 combine harvesters, a bulldozer and Murphy's tractor
from the farm."

Once more Saddam sighed. "I must tell you, Paddy, that I have 16
thousand tanks, 14 thousand armored personnel carriers, and my army has
increased to 1 and a half million since we last spoke."

"Really?!" said Paddy "I'll have to ring you back!"

Sure enough, Paddy rang again the next day.
"Right Mr. Hussein, the war is still on! We have managed to get
ourselves airborne! We've modified Ted's ultra-light with a couple of
rifles in the cockpit and the bridge team has joined us as well!"

Saddam was silent for a minute, then sighed. "I must tell you Paddy that
I have 10 thousand bombers, 20 thousand MiG 19 attack planes, my
military complex is surrounded by laser-guided surface-to-air missile
sites, and since we last spoke, my army has increased to 2 million."

"Faith and begorra!", said Paddy, "I'll have to
ring you back. "Sure enough, Paddy called again the next day. "Right Mr.
Hussein, I am sorry to tell you that we have had to call off the war."

"I'm sorry to hear that" said Saddam. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Well," said Paddy "We've all had a chat, and there's no way we can feed
2 million prisoners."

Oh, The Irish Ego

Saddam Hussein was sitting in his office wondering who to invade next when
his telephone rang.

"Hallo! Mr. Hussein," a heavily accented voice said. "This is Paddy down in
County Cavan, Ireland. I am ringing to inform you that we are officially
declaring war on you!"

"Well, Paddy," Saddam replied, "This is indeed important news! Tell me, how
big is your army?" "At this moment in time," said Paddy after a moment's
calculation, "there is myself, my cousin Sean, my next door neighbor Gerry,
and the entire dominoes team from the pub -- that makes 8!"

Saddam sighed. "I must tell you Paddy that I have 1 million men in my army
waiting to move on my command."

"Begorra!", said Paddy, "I'll have to ring you back!"

Sure enough, the next day Paddy rang back. "Right Mr. Hussein, the war is
still on! We have managed to acquire some equipment!" "And what equipment
would that be, Paddy?" Saddam asked.

"Well, we have 2 combine harvesters, a bulldozer and Murphy's tractor from
the farm."

Once more Saddam sighed. "I must tell you, Paddy, that I have 16 thousand
tanks, 14 thousand armored personnel carriers, and my army has increased to
1 and a half million since we last spoke."

"Really?!" said Paddy "I'll have to ring you back!"

Sure enough, Paddy rang again the next day. "Right Mr. Hussein, the war is
still on! We have managed to get ourselves airborne! We've modified Ted's
ultra-light with a couple of rifles in the cockpit and the bridge team has
joined us as well!"

Saddam was silent for a minute, then sighed. "I must tell you Paddy that I
have 10 thousand bombers, 20 thousand MiG 19 attack planes, my military
complex is surrounded by laser-guided surface-to-air missile sites, and
since we last spoke, my army has increased to 2 million."

"Faith and begorra!", said Paddy, "I'll have to ring you back. "Sure enough,
Paddy called again the next day. "Right Mr. Hussein, I am sorry to tell you
that we have had to call off the war."

"I'm sorry to hear that" said Saddam. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Well," said Paddy "We've all had a chat, and there's no way we can feed 2
million prisoners."

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mental disorders set to rise, UN says

2001-01-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

What bothers me ( I shan't say 'distresses' me, since agencies like WHO will construe 
that to mean I am
suffering from a psychological disorder) is that no attempt is being made to 
differentiate between clinical
depression -- which SHOULD be treated with meds -- and a natural reaction to one's 

We now live in a world where any emotion deemed 'negative' is also deemed a 
pschological condition that
warrants draconian intervention by the medical and pharmaceutical establishments.  
This is aided and abetted
by the Boomers, who grew up expecting, and then demanding, instant gratification.

Unhappy that you are stuck in a dead-end job?  Don't blame yourself for being too lazy 
to extend the effort to
do what is necessary to change careers; rather, get yourself a bottle of DammitAll 
yellow, for that 'golden
nothing-at-all' feeling...

Do your kids get on your nerves?  Don't dismiss it as just a phase of growing up, and 
under no circumstances
look internally to assess whether your own parenting skills leave much to be desired.  
No, now parents can
assure that their little Janies and Johnnies don't act up or sass back, by making sure 
that little Janie and
Johnnie are evaluated by the school medicos and duly prescribed any range of 
medications to make little Janie
and Johnnie pliable and easy to control.  After all, what authority figure wants to 
admit that they themselves
may be making the children in their care 'depressed'?

And when your children and your childrens' peers start killing themselves, perhaps 
taking a few companions
along with them, blame it on society, blame it on the music they listen to, blame it 
on the video games they
play, blame it on everything and anything, except yourselves.

So let's start medicating into oblivion all those who are unhappy with the status quo 
(remember how the
Soviets used to throw all dissidents into mental hospitals?) is easier to deem 
someone who is 'depressed'
because they live amongst poverty and disease as suffering from a mental disease, and 
remove the 'depression'
via drugs, than spend the time, effort, and money in removing the CAUSE of such 

So beware of articulating too stridently your unhappiness with the government and/or 
the society it is bring
about, because soon that will be deemed 'proof' of your suffering a mental disease 
(after all, you are
admitting being unhappy about something), and you will be forced to take meds to 
remove the feeling of
unhappiness, or to be 'put away for the benefit of society'...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Unknown Beings Arrive in Israel

2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Speaking of Land of GiantsOsama bin Laden is six foot six and Ehud
is short and dumpy like Jerry Falwell - and out of shape.

Sharon the Palestinians call "the fat Slob" so he don't get no respect.

Now Peresimagine he is short and dumpy too?

UFO's over Israel - well they are also over China and you know who gave
them all secrets to nuclear stuff, etc.

So a return to the land of the Giants?   Why does Osama bin Laden smile
as he looks down upon the rest of the Holy Land high up in the Eagles
Nest?   Figuratively and literally?

Allah Akbar?



  Because Israel has more UFO sightings proportionately than any
other nation of the world, their citizens have been able to film a larger
variety of craft.  Resultantly, there has been an abundance of solid physical
evidence left in their wake.  "Israeli UFO footage is the most compelling and
genuine in the world," claims Barry Chamish, investigative rteporter, based
on his attendance at UFO conferences on three continents.

 Some of the peculiarities surrounding sightings are that:

 o   They follow a pattern of appearing on Jewish holy days,
   such as:  Tish B;av; Rosh Hashana; and Passover.

  o   Interestingly enough, these sightings are not occurring
with the same intensity over the nations that border Israel!

 It is a fact the UFOs are specifically interested in Israel!  In his
recent book, "Return of the Giants," Barry remarked, "Frankly, I'd feel much
happier if they would start appearing over the skies of Cairo and Damascus."

 Israeli investigators of "unknown beings" that began arriving in Israel
in 1993 have a "huge advantage" over their counterparts around the world.
They can compare today's unusual and often astounding events with reports
documented by Israel's ancient ancestors.

 According to Barry he was unale to find parallels between the unknown
Beings arriving in Israel today with the biblical angels and prophets.  Why?

 The angels from ancient times looked human.  Humans were created in the
image of the angels' Leader and Israel's prophets were of the Leader's seed.
Biblical angels guided Israel towards morality.  The "unknown beings" could
care less about morality or behavior.  Instead, they seem to be on an ungodly
mission - - they are only interested in the women of Israel.

 "...A much better contender within ancient scriptures... (than the
angels) are the giants.  The Bible is not a mythical work, the ancient
Hebrews intended to record their history accurately.  When it's written that
there were giants in the land in those days, the statement should be taken
literally," states Barry.  "The giants existed before the Flood and until the
time of King David."

 God despised the giants because most were sexual.  Their ancestors were
the Nefilim whose origins were literally "from above."
It can be assumed the Nefilim kidnapped and raped human women because they
were attractive, and there is no mention of the women returning the feeling.
Resultantly, two new races came into existence in the world; the Anakim
("Giants"), and the Refaim (a mongrel human/giant species).

 What the women mostly recall is that the giants "entered their bedroom
late at night and neutralized the husband so he would experience nothing.
The woman would be calmed telepathically and the Being would look around for
a short while, seemingly examining mundane objects."

 "In ancient times God sent His generals (from Joshua to David) to
utterly destroy the Anakim.  He saw to it that their cities were razed, in
the case of Sodom, without any help from the few Israelites" living in the
land.  "He succeeded in eliminating them."

 From the reign of King David until April 1993, at the writing of the
Oslo Accord with the PLO, no giants were reported in Israel.  The giants
"stayed until the summer when the agreement was finalized.  This was the most
intense period of their visitations and since then, encounters have become
far more pertiodicIf the Bible teaches anything, it is to treat them with
dread, for they are evil."

One woman from Acco claims she was warned by alien beings of the danger
Israel is facing because of the so-called "peace" process.  Another lady
claims she was warned that "evil Beings had gained control of Israel's
leadership but that human-like beings were preparing to do battle with them."

 Barry further stated that "the world has been deceived into thinking the
Oslo Accord was aimed at  bringing peace to Israel.  It wasn't.  The people
behind it have no love for Israel or the Jewish people.  Once the PLO was
back in the ancient Jewish land, the bloodshed intensified...
and the UFOs appeared in the skies in droves."

 The Jezreel Valley, which produced two mysterious crop formations last
year, has its share of noted biblical sites.  A few miles before
Tel Adashim you pass Mt. Tabor where Jesus spent 40 days in 

[CTRL] IHR: A Layman's Guide to Willis Carto The Institute for Historical Review

2001-01-13 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] {slick-d} FDA reports feed makers violating rules to prevent mad cow outbreak

2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

So on CNN was interesting item which should boost the sales of McDonald
Hambergers - so McDonalds will not longer use "soys" in their hambergers
- they will now use "red worms"..

So what happened here - the enemy within - did Wendy's get a spy in
McDonalds - or did mad cow disease infect McDonalds and all their board
of directors?

Do you think red worms will fly?

Are they the kind of worms with which you fish? The kind you find
sticking to sidewalks after a rain which are full of dirt?

Or are these little red worms good for us, like asparteme and

Hungry for a hamberger now?   Anyone who eats that slop wil they get Mad
Worm Disease?

Free Mconalds for School Lunches - are they self destructing?

Me, I can live out of a garden and skip the burger.


FDA reports feed makers violating rules to prevent mad cow outbreakI still have a 
little suspicion that all this furor may have something to do with controlling our 
food supplies as has been expressed by others.

Steve M.

  FDA reports feed makers violating rules to prevent mad cow outbreak 

By LAURAN NEERGAARD, Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (January 11, 2001 12:20 p.m. EST - Hundreds of 
animal feed producers have neglected regulations designed to keep mad cow disease out 
of the country, a new Food and Drug Administration report says. 

No cases of mad cow disease have been found in U.S. cattle despite intense monitoring, 
the FDA stressed in saying the violations don't mean the food supply was tainted. 

But armed with results from feed-mill inspections, the FDA is warning that companies 
could face seizures, shutdowns, even prosecution if they continue to violate rules 
meant to keep American livestock from eating slaughtered-animal parts linked to the 
deadly brain disease. 

Many companies in violation already have received warning letters, and some feed has 
been recalled. 

"Today's food is safe," because slaughterhouse inspections have found no suspicion of 
mad cow disease, FDA veterinary chief Dr. Stephen Sundlof said Thursday. 

But the rules are important in case the illness ever appears. Europe's mad-cow crisis 
"is not a result of them not having adequate regulations in place - it was a problem 
of enforcement. And we don't want to end up like that," Sundlof added, promising more 
intense inspections. 

The report comes a week before the FDA, warily watching Europe's deepening mad cow 
crisis, also is scheduled to debate strengthening regulations on blood donation meant 
to keep a human version of the disease from ever striking here. 

Fear over mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, arose in the mid-1990s 
when Britain discovered a new version of the human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 
apparently was caused by eating infected beef. About 80 people have died of the new 
CJD disease in Britain since then, and now France, Germany and other European 
countries are grappling with infected livestock. 

Animals get the disease by eating the tissue of other infected animals, and British 
cows are thought first to have been infected by eating feed made from sheep harboring 
a similar illness. 

So the U.S. livestock industry in 1996 voluntarily banned sheep and certain other 
animal parts from U.S. animal feed. The next year, the FDA formally banned any 
proteins from cows, sheep, goats, deer or elk - animals that get similar brain-wasting 
diseases - from feed for cows, sheep or goats. Poultry or pigs can still eat those 
proteins, but feed must be labeled "do not feed to cows or other ruminants" and 
companies must have systems to prevent accidentally mixing up the feeds. 

Yet FDA inspections found: 

a.. Of 180 renderers - companies that turn slaughtered animal parts into meat and bone 
meal - that handle risky feed, 16 percent lacked warning labels and, worse, 28 percent 
had no system to prevent feed mixups. 
a.. Of 347 FDA-licensed feed mills that handle risky feed, 20 percent lacked warning 
labels and 9 percent lacked mixup-prevention systems. 
a.. Of 1,593 unlicensed feed mills that handle risky feed, almost half lacked warning 
labels and 26 percent lacked mixup-prevention systems. (FDA only licenses mills that 
add medications to feed; unlicensed mills are legal but unused to FDA rules.) 
States are helping FDA inspect the companies, and hundreds are left to inspect. But 
Sundlof pledged Thursday that every company will be inspected. 


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mental disorders set to rise, UN says

2001-01-13 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/13/01 10:18:15 AM Central Standard Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: is easier to deem someone who is 'depressed'
  because they live amongst poverty and disease as suffering from a mental
 disease, and remove the 'depression'
  via drugs, than spend the time, effort, and money in removing the CAUSE of
 such emotion...

  It ironic that the WHO would issue concerns re depression when the truth is
that life really sucks for a lot of people.  IMO, the real mental illness can
be found in those who are so "well-adjusted" in the face of such imbalances.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] ATTN: Reply Re: Ted Gunderson

2001-01-13 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Hi -

  For the e-book, please see:

  A few sources show that the author, Carol Marshall, is in fact
investigative journalist Cheri Seymour.


"Cheri Seymour, a researcher and writer who lives in California, confirmed
that an RCMP investigator has interviewed her twice, the first time in
February and most recently in early August. Seymour has written a manuscript
entitled The Last Circle, which detail her findings on alleged drug
smuggling, money laundering and covert operations linked to the Promis
software sales. "


"Michael Riconosciuto appears in a recent manuscript The Last Circle by
"Carol Marshall" (whose real name is Seymour). Much of the book is based on
interviews with, and files purloined from, Riconosciuto. "

  If it helps, I pulled most of the qutoes from the book that directly
pertain to Gunderson and posted them to CTRL last year in separate posts.

  Here are the web addresses for those particular posts (from the archives):

  finally, a bit more about Cheri Seymour from


Committee of the States : Inside the Radical Right
by Cheri Seymour

About the Author
A native Californian, born in Beverly Hills, California, Cheri Seymour has
worked in advertising and journalism since 1964 when she went to work for the
South Bay Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, California. She resigned from
her position as investigative reporter at the Mariposa Gazette in December,
1986, to write non-fiction books.

In a message dated 1/13/01 4:13:42 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  You were kind enough to send a website that showed the other side of Ted
  Somehow I have lost this website and would really like to have it again.
 it is not too much trouble, can you please send it
  again?  Thank you very much.  It is really important.

  Private Mail Welcome

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mental disorders set to rise, UN says

2001-01-13 Thread Mike Switzer

-Caveat Lector-

Ever read R.D. Laing?

basically he says the only sane response to an insane world is to go


-Original Message-
From: Samantha L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mental disorders set to rise, UN says

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/13/01 10:18:15 AM Central Standard Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: is easier to deem someone who is 'depressed'
  because they live amongst poverty and disease as suffering from a mental
 disease, and remove the 'depression'
  via drugs, than spend the time, effort, and money in removing the CAUSE
 such emotion...

  It ironic that the WHO would issue concerns re depression when the truth
that life really sucks for a lot of people.  IMO, the real mental illness
be found in those who are so "well-adjusted" in the face of such imbalances.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Implosion

2001-01-13 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-



Al-Ahram Weekly On-line
11 - 17 January 2001
Issue No.516
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map
Samson and the temple
By Mohamed Sid-Ahmed

 An increasingly beleaguered Barak seems to be haunted by the story of Samson, the
Herculean hero of Jewish lore, who was betrayed to the Philistines by his mistress,
Delilah. Shorn of the long hair in which lay the secret of his strength, he was
blinded by his captors and taken to their temple, there to be dis played for the
amusement of the populace. But the fallen hero avenged himself by bringing the
temple crashing down on the heads of his tormentors -- and on his own head.

This cautionary tale about the perils of mixing with gentiles is seen in Zionist
writings as a forerunner of another parabolic legend, the siege of the Masada
fortress, in which 1,000 Jewish defenders committed mass suicide rather than
surrender to the Romans. A contemporary version of these legends is Israel's
xenophobic obsession with its racial purity that it is ready to defend at any cost,
even, if need be, with a nuclear cataclysm that will destroy both its enemies and
itself. In his desperation to extricate himself from the ever deeper political
morass in which he is sinking, Barak might be tempted to resort to a Samsonian
solution to his problem.

The Israeli prime minister had high hopes that Clinton, driven by his all-consuming
passion to be remembered as the peacemaker who managed to solve one of the most
implacable conflicts in recent history, would bring his considerable powers of
persuasion into play at the Camp David summit held last July to ensure that the
parties signed some sort of agreement that would pave the way to a final settlement
of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. His hopes did not materialise and the summit
ended in failure, with the parties unable to agree on some of the most important --
and intractable -- aspects of the problem, namely, Jerusalem, the refugees and the
settlements. It was precisely because these issues were the most difficult to solve
that they had been deferred to the final stage of the negotiations. And, despite the
fact that the two parties made what they considered the maximum concessions possible
at the time, these highly volatile issues remained as resistant to solution as ever.

Although Barak went home empty-handed, the mere fact that he had dared discuss such
hitherto taboo subjects as Jerusalem earned him the ire of the Israeli right and
allowed them to challenge his very legitimacy. The anti-Barak campaign was
spearheaded by the current leader of the Likud party, Ariel Sharon, and its former
leader, Binyamin Netanyahu, who is back in the political arena following his
acquittal of the charges brought against him after the downfall of his government.

As he became embroiled in an increasingly bitter feud on the home front, and with
the end of Clinton's presidency fast approaching, Barak realised that no agreement
could be reached within the short time-frame left. He then tried to form a coalition
government with the right, hoping that this would give him a new lease of life.
Sharon tested Barak's intentions by proposing the Haram Al-Sharif visit and Barak
accommodated the Likud leader by providing him with a force of over a thousand
soldiers to protect him during the visit. It can thus be said that Barak, whose
active collusion emboldened Sharon to proceed with the provocative visit that
sparked off the Intifada, must assume a major share of responsibility for placing
the entire Middle East on the brink of war.

The popular uprising of the Palestinian people exposed the bankruptcy of the peace
process and the failure of the tripartite formula (American/Israeli/Palestinian) to
respond to their national aspirations. The Intifada was a rebellion against that
formula, a message to all concerned that an alternative mechanism had to be devised.
The message was not lost on Barak, who chose to deal with the crisis by resigning as
prime minister to preempt the Knesset's initiative to disband in order to depose him
and force the resignation of his entire government. He hoped in this way to limit
the competition to present Knesset members, i.e. Sharon, and disqualify Netanyahu
from entering the race. The former prime minister, whose popularity rating is even
higher than Sharon's, was forced to resign from parliament at the time of his

The message was not lost on Clinton either, who realised that the Intifada was an
expression of the failure of the tripartite formula and of his responsibility for
that failure. And so he hurriedly came forward with an alternative formula, a
personal initiative in the form of concrete proposals that he euphemistically called
"ideas," which were intended to serve as a basis for a final agreement between the
two sides. The proposals come as a package deal, a trade-off in which 

[CTRL] The Confederacy's Favorite Nominee

2001-01-13 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Published on Friday, January 12, 2001 in the Boston Globe

  The Confederacy's Favorite Nominee
  by Derrick Z. Jackson

  IF THE SENATE Judiciary Committee straightens its backbone rather
  than slap the back of attorney general nominee John Ashcroft, we may
  get to see why his hallucinations about Bull Run will make him a
  bull in the china closet of civil rights.

  Any serious line of questioning should start like this:

  Senator Ashcroft, you praised Southern Partisan magazine for
  ''defending patriots like Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and
  Jefferson Davis. Traditionalists must do more. I've got to do more.
  We've all got to stand up and speak in this respect, or else we'll
  be taught that these people were giving their lives, subscribing
  their sacred fortunes and their honor to some perverted agenda.''
  Let's explore what you meant by that.

  Senator, why are you, in the year 2001, praising Davis, the
  president of the Confederacy, who personally italicized the portions
  of the Constitution that preserved slavery? Why do you laud a man
  who said white superiority over African-Americans was ''stamped from
  the beginning, marked in decree and prophecy''?

  Why do you love a man whose vice president, Alexander Stephens, said
  the ''cornerstone'' of the Confederacy ''rests upon the great truth
  that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery,
  subordination, to the superior race, is his natural and moral

  Why do you complain about Davis being maligned by historians when
  Davis tried to rewrite history? He said on the floor of the US
  Senate in 1860 that ''Negroes formed but a small part of people of
  the southern states.''

  For the record, in 1860 black people were 55 percent of the
  population in Davis's home state of Mississippi, 58 percent of South
  Carolina, and between a third to a half of the people of most of the
  rest of the slave states. Now, senator, I am reading this sentence
  again, where you say we've all got to stand up or else we'll be
  taught that Davis, Lee, and Jackson were subscribing their ''sacred
  fortunes'' to some ''perverted'' agenda. That sounds a lot like what
  Davis said in his first Confederate inaugural address when he said
  the North ''would pervert that most sacred of all trusts.''

  Senator, since we know that that sacred trust was slavery, what is
  it that you are trying to say? Does that mean you will not
  investigate charges of black voter fraud in Florida?

  Senator, let's move on to Lee. You say today's history books ''make
  no mention of Lee's military genius!'' Why is that so important to
  you when the same Lee called Mexicans ''idle worthless and
  vicious''? Why do you praise a man who said as he exterminated
  Indians: ''The whole race is extremely uninteresting ... they are
  not worth it.'' Where can we find Lee's genius in saying that
  killing Indians was ''the only corrective they understand and the
  only way in which they can be taught to keep within their own

  Why is Lee so good when he justified the ripping of black people out
  of Africa to enslave them by saying, ''The blacks are immeasurably
  better off here than in Africa, morally, socially, and physically.
  The painful discipline they are undergoing is necessary for their
  instruction as a race''?

  Why does Lee need to be revered when his troops, like other
  Confederate divisions, hated free black people so much that they
  sometimes massacred defeated black Union soldiers even though they
  had thrown down their arms in surrender?

  Senator, may I read you a passage from the new book, ''The Making of
  Robert E. Lee,'' by Michael Fellman? A Confederate major wrote in
  1864 after one battle, ''such slaughter I have not witnessed upon
  any battlefield anywhere. Their men were principally Negroes and we
  shot them down until we got near enough and then run them through
  with the bayonet ... We was not very particular whether we captured
  or killed them, the only thing we did not like to be pestered
  burying the heathens.''

  Senator, why do you praise Lee when, after the Civil War, he
  actively resisted Reconstruction? Lee said white people are
  ''inflexibly opposed to any system of laws that would place the
  political power of the country in the hands of the Negro race.'' He
  said black people lacked the ''intelligence ... necessary to make
  them safe repositories of political power.''

  Senator, thank you, but in light of your reverence for such men,
  we'll be asking President-elect Bush to appoint a less antebellum
  attorney general. As you leave, stop by the front desk. The clerk
  will arrange for you to participate in a Civil War reenactment in
  the slave state of your choice. Please send us a photo of your
  experience. We would love to see who you dressed up as. We're
  betting against Frederick Douglass.

  =A9 Copyright 2001 Globe Newspaper Company


[CTRL] Fw: I see 300 graves [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-01-13 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU


  ListBot SponsorDial 800-555-TELL. Instant 
  updates - One free call.Sports, stocks, driving directions... much 

  I see 300 graves that could bear the headstone: 
  'Died of depleted uranium' Robert Fisk in Bratunac, Eastern Bosnia 13 
  January 2001 The cemetery is dark, the evening rain sluicing down the 
  black marble gravestones. But when Nikola Zelenovic says, offhand, as if 
  it is the most normal thing in the world, that almost all the graves I can 
  see from one end of the cemetery to the houses in the other corner belong 
  to cancer victims from Hadjici, it is as if a plague has fallen on these 
  people. Up to 300 out of 5,000 Serb refugees whose suburb of Sarajevo was 
  heavily bombed by Nato jets in the late summer of 1995 have died of 
  cancer. "This is my grandfather Djoko," Nikola says. "He worked in the 
  military repair factory, and died last year. We all thought it must be 
  cancer from the bombs." Behind Djoko's grave is that of Slavica 
  Korkotovic. She, too, died of cancer last year, and a photograph of a very 
  pretty woman is encased under glass on her gravestone. "She was only 35, 
  and had two children," Nikola says. And as we go on past the graves, past 
  old Dejan Elcic, who died of cancer aged 65, and the young men who also 
  worked with Djoko in the Hadjici factory, the rain now thundering across 
  the piles of plastic flowers behind each tombstone, one thought springs to 
  mind: it will be difficult for Nato to get away with this one. Click 
  here: Independent 
  Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian 

[CTRL] Forget the health aspect, it's the AESTHETICS [was So, you thought it was the tar etc.]

2001-01-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Damaeus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Many people think smoking marijuana is just as harmful as smoking
 but this is not true.  Those who hold that marijuana is equivalent to
 tobacco are misinformed.

They are equal in this respect: They both stink up everything their
smoke comes in contact with, such as your clothes, your house, your
car, your hair, your breath, your fingers, your furniture, your
children, your pets.. And those products that they say get rid of
the odor, don't. Plus the smoke stains the curtains, the walls, the
lampshades, etc. Ashes stain and burn holes in the carpet, your
clothes, and your upholstery. You fall asleep smoking either one, and
the whole neighborhood could go up in flames. And that doesn't even
address the health questions.

Not to mention the money: When my husband and I quit smoking cigarettes
our motivation was to take the money we would have spent each day on
cigarettes, and throw it in a jar. Within a month, we were able to
afford a night on the town in NYC. A year later, we were eligible for a
non-smoker discount on our insurance (car, home, life). I believe if we
were still smoking we wouldn't be able to afford our house. And
cigarettes are almost twice as much now as they were then.


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[CTRL] Fwd: Up in arms against apartheid

2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

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 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
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 By Abdul-Jawwad Saleh*
   * The writer is a prominent member
   of the Palestinian Legislative Council

  "Since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority,
  conditions for the Palestinians have worsened.  Poverty
  has increased...  Corruption has spread."

At the end of the second millennium, three million Palestinians are imprisoned
in ghettoes by the very man whom the Palestinian leadership hailed as the saviour
of peace. Netanyahu had driven the peace ship off course. Barak scuttled it.

For the past 12 weeks, collective punishment, in every form, has been imposed
on the inhabitants of these ghettoes -- the Palestinian people. Five hundred
settlers in Hebron impose a curfew on 40,000 Palestinians.

Under a racist colonial policy of separation, the Israeli occupation forces are
digging deep trenches in bypass roads to prohibit the Palestinians from using
them to escape imprisonment. Over 200,000 labourers, the products of Israel's
policy of dependency, are unable to reach their places of work in Israel. Movement
into and out of these ghettoes is restricted. Muslims and Christians are prohibited
from praying in their holy shrines in Jerusalem. Women in labour, especially
those travelling from villages, are stopped at Israeli military posts and prevented
from reaching the hospital. Wounded children and young men are left to bleed
to death. Ambulances are shot at, and their drivers are killed.

The colonisers, backed by the army, are impoverishing and starving the population
of the rural areas, preventing the population from harvesting their olive crops.
They have uprooted 23,465 fruit trees so far. Greenhouses have been destroyed
by bulldozers and homes have been razed, leaving whole families with no shelter
under the barren cold skies. Schools are closed, and classes are held in tents,
without desks or chairs.

The Palestinian ghettoes are besieged by two armies: the official military forces
of the occupation, and the army of the Zionist colonisers, mostly fanatical ideologues
who regard Baruch Goldstein -- who slaughtered tens of Palestinians praying at
dawn in Hebron -- as a hero and an example to be emulated. Many of these settlers
have been found guilty of killing Palestinian children and other innocent bystanders
in cold blood. They are the perpetrators of the assassination attempts on the
mayors of Nablus, Ramallah and Al-Bireh.

These two armies are perpetrating the most horrendous collective crimes imaginable
against Palestinian cities, towns and villages, as well as the refugee camps
where the victims of Israeli attacks in 1948 live today. This is an apartheid

The generals of the official Israeli army are united with the settler army. The
occupation forces have used extravagant violence, deploying gunships, snipers
and tanks to crush civilians who are struggling to defend their land and their
very existence. Assassination campaigns have been launched against Palestinian
activists. Palestinian journalists and photographers as well as foreigners have
been wounded.

A former Shin Bet security service director criticised such policies recently.
Ha'aretz newspaper quoted him in its editorial of 6 December as saying: "This
is the same security outlook whose failure to realise its aims led almost naturally
to the idea of separation from the Palestinians... Is the option of a Jewish
democracy with apartheid acceptable? In my opinion, no."

Under Barak's government, the state of Israel has become the state of the Israeli
army. Barak has outdone Shamir and Netanyahu in allocating budgets for building
new and expanding old colonies in the Palestinian occupied territories. The Israeli
press has also launched a propaganda campaign against the Palestinian people's
uprising. One of its most outrageous and perverse claims has been that Palestinian
parents send their children out to be killed by Israeli soldiers. Some American
and Israeli writers have described this as "Palestinian paganism." This is more
than racist folly -- it is fascism. It is not even an attempt to dehumanise the
Palestinians -- it is far worse, for even animals protect their young.

If willingness to sacrifice their children makes the Palestinians something less
than animals, however, what are the civilised Israelis who are more than eager
to massacre those children?


[CTRL] The REAL Reason Ashcroft Opposed White

2001-01-13 Thread William Shannon
White, Ashcroft clashed on abortion

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan. 13, 2001 | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nine years ago, then-Missouri Gov. John
Ashcroft had enough support in the Legislature to pass a ban on most
abortions, but young Democratic House member Ronnie White outmaneuvered him
and killed the measure.
The clash was the start of a contentious relationship that crested in 1999
when Ashcroft succeeded in persuading the Senate to keep White, now a
Missouri Supreme Court judge, off the federal bench.

Now it's White's turn. As the star witness at Ashcroft's confirmation hearing
that begins Tuesday, he will help determine whether Ashcroft becomes U.S.
attorney general.
White was the first judicial nominee since conservative jurist Robert Bork in
1987 to suffer defeat on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Ashcroft insisted the
judge was "pro-criminal." Because the judge is black, critics accused
Ashcroft of racism, a charge that has resurfaced since he was nominated by
President-elect Bush on Dec. 22. The NAACP and other minority groups are
ardently opposing his nomination.
Ashcroft's allies counter that he has a lengthy record of support for
minority nominees, both as governor, when Ashcroft named eight blacks to the
state bench, and in the Senate, where he voted for 26 of 28 minority
In 1992, while governor, Ashcroft had a promise from Democratic leaders in
the Missouri Legislature to give his abortion bill a fair hearing. He had a
one-vote majority on the House Criminal and Civil Justice Committee, chaired
by White.
But when members assembled for what was to be a no-vote work session -- and
with two abortion foes absent -- White unexpectedly allowed a vote. The
measure failed, 8-7, remaining dead even after White allowed a no-show to
weigh in, making the vote 8-8.
Ashcroft was upset, recalled state Rep. Quincy Troupe, an ally of White's
from St. Louis.
"I think he was insulted that Ronnie White outsmarted him," Troupe said.
Troupe believes Ashcroft sought revenge when White was nominated to the
federal bench, but Rich McClure, Ashcroft's former chief of staff, said the
senator's opposition had nothing to do with the abortion bill.
"I have no doubt that he did not even remember Judge White's handling of an
abortion bill when he was considering his judgeship," McClure said. "Senator
Ashcroft did what was right, in his view."
Ashcroft's objections were muted in 1997 when President Clinton nominated
White to a judgeship in the Eastern District of Missouri in St. Louis,
through renomination and two confirmation hearings.
Then, in August 1999, after the Judiciary Committee had given White a second
thumbs-up, Ashcroft turned up the heat.
White was soft on crime, even "pro-criminal," Ashcroft said, because the
judge voted 14 times to reverse the death penalty -- more than one-quarter of
the first-degree murder cases that came before him.
While Ashcroft mentioned abortion during White's confirmation hearings, his
reference to their Statehouse dispute was obscure. Some "were injured by the
nominee's manipulation of legislative procedures," Ashcroft said, and White's
"failure to be evenhanded" contributed to Ashcroft's vote against him.
The emergence of the law-and-order issue with White coincided with Ashcroft's
efforts to portray his re-election challenger, Democratic Gov. Mel Carnahan,
as an ineffective crime-fighter.
Ashcroft's aides eventually turned up a compelling story in the case against
White -- and Carnahan, who had appointed White in 1994 to the Missouri Court
of Appeals and in 1995 to the state's high court.
White offered the lone dissent when fellow jurists upheld the sentence of
James Johnson, who had killed three law officers and a county sheriff's wife.
The sheriff, Kenny Jones, dove into the controversy and circulated a petition
at a Missouri Sheriffs Association convention. White's nomination "was a slap
in the face," Jones said in an interview. He also may testify at Ashcroft's
confirmation hearing.
With the sheriffs and the Missouri Federation of Police on his side, Ashcroft
told his colleagues, "When the law enforcement community raises a red flag
about a judicial nomination, as they did in this case, the Senate should
In the uproar over White's defeat, new details emerged.
First, it was Ashcroft who courted opposition from law enforcement groups,
not the other way around. He sought help from the police federation and the
larger Missouri Police Chiefs Association, which declined to get involved.
Next, White's defenders did their own analysis and concluded he voted to
reverse death sentences only slightly more often than his six colleagues,
five of whom were appointed by Ashcroft.
White had harsh words for Ashcroft on the only occasion he has discussed his
scuttled appointment. In September, during the senator's re-election
campaign, White said at a Missouri Bar Association forum: "The person who led
the opposition to my nomination had the most corrosive and vicious 

[CTRL] Israel Demands, America Enforces, Arafat Capitulates 

2001-01-13 Thread William Shannon
Israel Demands, America Enforces, Arafat Capitulates 
by Mohamed Khodr
Millions of forgotten Palestinians have lived in squalor refugee  camps for 
half a century enduring poverty, death, disease and humiliation in silence 
for one and only one hope: that God will allow their return to the land of 
their ancestors, a land expropriated as payment for the Holocaust. Now comes 
the eleventh hour solution of peace from Israel-America for these refugees: 
After 5 wars, two intifadahs, countless Pro-Palestinian UN  Resolutions, 
their existence denied, endless summits and conferences; Palestinians are 
given only days to accept Clinton's "Plan" or forever hold their peace and 
risk the wrath of Sharon as Israel's Prime Minister, although there is no 
guarantee that either the Israeli Knesset or the Israeli people will even 
support this plan; still the onus is on the weaker victims of the 
conflict---the Palestinians---who have worn the world's Scarlet 
If it was indeed Clinton's "Plan" where was it the last eight years?  In 
reality this was Barak's plan all along for no American President has the 
courage to submit a plan that is not approved by Israel. Shamelessly, 
Israel's favorite American President is more interested in history than the 
future of millions of Israelis and Palestinians. Still, Barak expressed 
Israel's histrionic pain at these most "painful, generous, but necessary" 
compromises. At no time has Israel ever made a concession without the world 
"feeling its pain" and extracting even more billions from an "ever-ready" 
compliant Congress. The history of any Mid-East peace agreement has been: 
Israel Demands, America Enforces, Arabs Accept.
Israel, despite world condemnation of its occupation, has never been coerced 
to accept an agreement it didn't like, while the Arabs given their weak 
military, economic, and undemocratic leadership have had to swallow such 
agreements to win Uncle Sam's approval, especially after the Cold War ended.
The parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have operated in two 
different political spheres and realities. The Palestinians, given the 
historical injustice of the west imposing Israel on their land for domestic 
political, religious, and bigoted reasons (Anti-Semitism), have turned to the 
logic of correcting an injustice, international legalities and U.N.  
Resolutions to redress their suffering. Thus they basked in dozens of U.N.  
Resolutions (with American support), the Fourth Geneva Convention,  
International Law, and the majority of the world's lip service of support. 
Failing any accomplishment they formed their own "freedom fighting/terrorist" 
organizations to punish Israel and demand world attention.
Zionist Jews were more experienced politically, militarily, and  economically 
(wealthy) than the amateur Palestinians. They knew that after World War II 
the keys to the western heart, mind, and pocket book rested on the Holocaust 
and on America's support. They organized, formed powerful lobbying groups, 
understood the power of money, campaign donations, and the importance of 
dominating and manipulating the media, Hollywood, and public relations. They 
knew the culture and the language. To the credit of Jewish Americans, 
America's institutions of government, media, academia, Hollywood and 
financial institutions are dominated by Jews in far greater proportion to 
their population representation of 2%. They developed grass roots support 
across the country, silenced any criticism of Israel, be active participants 
in all levels of campaigns and held Israel to be their Zion for living.
Palestinians won the world's emotional support while Israel won  the 
political, military, and public relations battle in the only country that 
counts--America, with its world and U.N. dominance.
To the world's eternal shame (including the Arab/Islamic world) political 
reality for the Palestinians became limited to a "take it or leave it" 
compromise. Given their political and military limitations and a corrupt 
leadership, the Palestinian people must choose between bloody Intifadahs or 
reach a political settlement that must realistically accept that Israel will 
only allow a small number of refugees to return. In reality only a few 
Palestinians would consider returning to Palestine proper (Israel) to live 
under an Israeli Apartheid system as described by the Israeli government 
itself regarding its treatment of its own Israeli Arabs.
After 52 years of enduring exile, poverty, disease, and death, Palestinians 
must now suffer the greatest humiliation of their existence--a careless 
heartless world that says "tough luck"--Israel is too important a gateway to 
America. Still, Israel in should accept Palestinian refugees living in 
Lebanon , about 350,000 (less than ten percent of the total refugee 
population), to stabilize its northern border and enhance peace 

[CTRL] Secret Deal Spared Pinochet

2001-01-13 Thread William Shannon
Agreement between London, Madrid and Spain prevented Pinochet’s extradition 
to Spain
FORMER dictator Augusto Pinochet managed to escape extradition from Britain 
to Spain thanks to a secret political agreement between the London government 
and former Chilean president Eduardo Frei, according to the British weekly 
The Observer, citing Chilean sources on January 7.
The Observer quoted ANSA news agency to the effect that the agreement was 
personally prepared over "many months" by British Prime Minister Tony Blair 
and his foreign minister, Robin Cook.
With Frei’s collaboration and the participation of Spanish Prime Minister 
José María Aznar, Chile, Britain and Spain orchestrated Pinochet’s return to 
his country last year.
Pinochet has been detained in London on October 16, 1998, on the request of 
Spanish Judge Baltazar Garzón, who accused him of genocide. After extensive 
proceedings, Pinochet returned to Chile on March 3, 2000, after British Home 
Secretary Jack Straw had announced that he would allow him to leave "for 
health reasons."
Meanwhile, Mireya García, vice president of the Association of the Relatives 
of Disappeared and Detained Persons, stated on January 8 that the military 
had turned over data to President Ricardo Lagos related to disappeared and 
detained persons, with the intention of negotiating Pinochet’s impunity.
García told Prensa Latina that as a result of the information that was turned 
over, "the armed forces don’t want to negotiate just Pinochet’s impunity, 
but that of all members of the military implicated in violations of human 
rights in Chile."
Lagos issued a public statement to the effect that top military leaders 
turned over the report on disappeared and detained persons during the 
dictatorship (1973-1990), and emphasized the circumstances related to about 
200 cases which could be clarified in the courts.
Beyond those 200 cases, the relatives of the disappeared are upset that the 
report only deals with information on crimes committed between September 1973 
and March 1974 (which are covered by the Amnesty Law), and data on acts 
perpetrated by the DINA are omitted.
Official Chilean government reports indicate that during the dictatorship 
there were more than 3,000 victims, and of that total 1,197 persons are still 
unaccounted for.

[CTRL] Ashcroft a Threat to Freedom of Press

2001-01-13 Thread William Shannon
Ashcroft a Threat to Freedom of Press
Jason Vest, AlterNet
January 10, 2001

I have veered from regarding John Ashcroft as an amusing piece of political
Americana to seeing him as a bona fide threat to the First Amendment since I
first encountered him in 1992. I was covering the Republican National
Convention in Houston for what is now the Bloomington, Indiana Independent
and found myself, along with a handful of other hacks, in a room where a few
dozen self-described "Evangelical Conservatives" had gathered. When a
colleague and I walked in, the meeting had commenced, and a prayer circle was
underway. As is often the case in these settings, the exultation of the
Almighty was anything but brief. I was slouching towards somnambulance as the
appeal droned on and on, when a verbal thunderclap jolted me back to reality.
The speaker's modulation had not changed (his timbre was as stupifyingly
monotone as it gets). What jarred me from my increasingly narcoleptic state
was the substance of a particular comment the speaker the made. My notes
don't specify what the preface to his section of homily was, but I managed to
record this: "... the people of America will see through the distortion of
the printed page, and that those in the media would join us to spread the
truth of His word." I blinked in amazement; a glimpse towards my colleagues
confirmed that I had not imagined it. "Who the hell is this guy?" I asked
one. "That's John Ashcroft, the governor of Missouri," someone replied. I was
both amused and offended; not only did it seem an amazingly craven act --
taking a shot at ol' debbbil "liberal media" whilst cowering behind the
shield of faith, head bowed and eyes closed, refusing to do the ostensible
enemy even the courtesy of eye contact -- but it seemed a gross violation of
the unwritten rules of engagement between politicos and journos. It's one
thing to get pissy over a piquant question on an issue, but praying for us
because we're not plying our wordsmithery in the service of a deity? After
the session broke up I rushed for the gov and asked him if he was planning on
making his prayer for the media a staple of his repertoire, as I was sure it
would only endear him to the fourth estate as a sagacious politician worthy
of respect and relevance. He shot me a look in response that I can only
describe as un-Christian and stalked away. After that experience, I was
inclined to dismiss Ashcroft as a sort of bemusing walking malignancy, a
comically uncosmetic melanoma on the already-diseased American body politic.
But as I watched Missouri send Ashcroft to Washington and Ashcroft ascend --
courtesy of the fiscal aid of religious conservatives (as well as the liquor
and tobacco lobbies) -- my amusement gave way to grave foreboding. With every
act, every utterance of his, I found myself going back to that moment in
Houston and shuddering, as I now fully appreciate Ashcroft's reality: there
is no distinction between serving the public and serving his particular
Jehovah. And that particular Jehovah seems to think that I, and anyone else
who disagrees with his Apostle on Earth, is in need of some sort of
re-education. It would be one thing if the ex-Senator (who I hope appreciated
the irony of being defeated by one who died but metaphorically lived on in
the hearts of a majority of Missourians) was being dispatched to some
department where he could make only so much trouble, like, say, Commerce. But
when one considers that Ashcroft could be responsible for enforcing any
future, Americanized version of the Official Secrets Act (approved by both
houses of Congress, vetoed by Clinton, but expected to come up again), his
1992 comments portend an interpretation of the law that does not bode well
for the free press clause of the First Amendment. Indeed, despite his
assertion that he will act as a "guardian of liberty and equal justice" in
the service of the "rule of law," which he defines as something that "knows
no class, sees no color and bows to no creed," his characterization of those
judges who hold that a woman's legal right to choose an abortion is indeed
Constitutional as "judicial despots" gives one pause. (He also considers
those who try, from the Federal bench, to rectify the remnants of segregated
schools, halt anti-affirmative action or anti-homosexual initiatives,
"tyrannical activists," and once referred to a liberal voting block of the
Supreme Court as "five ruffians in robes".) That officials of his party
worked with Federal, state and local authorities last year to actively keep
people from protesting against his party at its convention -- both by
perimeter management and infiltration -- also bodes ill for the First
Amendment's bit about freedom of assembly. And doubtless he'll instruct his
minions in the US Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia to do what
they've always done to activists who continue to agitate for the Federal

[CTRL] A new scandal at Crédit Lyonnais

2001-01-13 Thread William Shannon
A new scandal at Crédit Lyonnais
Jan 11th 2001
From The Economist print edition 
The latest scandal over Crédit Lyonnais suggests that more needs to be done 
to clean up the bank—and France

FEW recent financial scandals rival the Crédit Lyonnais affair. In the 1980s 
this profligate French state-owned institution grew into one of the world’s 
biggest banks, following a lending spree unleashed under Jean-Yves Haberer, 
its then chairman. Crédit Lyonnais became notorious as the bank that could 
not say no. It helped several shady entrepreneurs to buy assets all over the 
world. But then its aspirations all went horribly wrong. When recession hit 
in the early 1990s, large sums disappeared after much of Crédit Lyonnais’s 
exuberant lending blew up in its face. The bank began to record huge 
losses—and to fiddle its accounts to disguise them.
By late 1993 the French government had had enough. It threw out Mr Haberer 
and replaced him with Jean Peyrelevade. Mr Peyrelevade was given an urgent, 
but simple, mission: clean up the bank and prepare it for a privatisation 
that would take it out of the state’s hands for ever. On the face of it, Mr 
Peyrelevade has delivered. Shorn of its most controversial and 
worst-performing loans, which were hived off into a “bad bank”, and boosted 
by successive taxpayer bail-outs, the good bank Crédit Lyonnais was 
privatised in July 1999. Surely this marked the end of the scandal?

A new chapter
Unfortunately for France’s politicians and officials—and for Mr Peyrelevade 
himself—the story is far from over. Over the past few months, The Economist 
has been looking into a complicated deal that Crédit Lyonnais undertook in 
America between late 1991 and 1995. Our investigation suggests that the bank 
may be embroiled in a new and even more embarrassing scandal, which 
implicates not only the former managers who have long been saddled with the 
blame for landing the bank in trouble, but also some active senior 
figures—including Mr Peyrelevade himself (see article).
We understand that the United States Department of Justice is preparing to 
issue criminal indictments naming both Crédit Lyonnais and some of its 
managers. In a related inquiry, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which 
oversees the activities of foreign banks in America, is in the process of 
deciding whether it should suspend Crédit Lyonnais’s banking licence. This 
penalty, which is rarely invoked, is the most serious that can be inflicted 
on a bank. It would normally be accompanied by large fines.
The new scandal stems from a deal involving Executive Life, a failed 
Californian insurance company. A clever financial coup over Executive Life’s 
junk-bond portfolio produced big profits for its acquirer. But in late 1998 
it emerged that Crédit Lyonnais had failed to disclose its direct involvement 
in taking over both the portfolio and Executive Life itself. Documents 
obtained by the American authorities suggested that the bank had knowingly 
broken the law, both before and after Mr Peyrelevade became chairman in 
November 1993. Full details of the Executive Life deal were sent to Mr 
Peyrelevade within days of his appointment. Yet he now claims not to have 
known about any of these possible wrongdoings until late 1998, when he was 
informed by the Americans.

Follow it up
This claim is vital both to the future of Crédit Lyonnais and to Mr 
Peyrelevade personally. If it could be shown that he did in fact know, then 
the American authorities would probably have no choice but to inflict the 
toughest sanctions on both him and the bank. Even a reasonable suspicion that 
he should have known might justify closing down the bank in America. 
Whatever punishment Crédit Lyonnais receives, it will be horribly 
embarrassing for the French government and for the Bank of France, which have 
invested both financial and political capital in rescuing the ailing bank. 
Jean-Claude Trichet, governor of the Bank of France since 1993 (and, before 
that, head of the French treasury), is already under investigation over his 
handling of Crédit Lyonnais. This inquiry has put a cloud over his hopes of 
becoming president of the European Central Bank when Wim Duisenberg leaves, 
as planned, some time next year. The new scandal over Executive Life is 
surely enough to justify postponing Mr Trichet’s accession unless and until 
further inquiries exonerate him. 
There is another worrying dimension. In order to clean up Crédit Lyonnais, 
the government created a “bad bank” into which all of its most problematic 
assets were parked so that they could be sold or managed until they expired. 
The “clean” remainder of Crédit Lyonnais was then on track for 
privatisation. This has proved costly for French taxpayers, who have footed 
an endless series of bills from the bad bank. Would successive French 
governments (to say nothing of their electorate) have tolerated this had they 

[CTRL] Emperor Commodus President W

2001-01-13 Thread William Shannon
January 12,  2001   
Emperor Commodus  President W
By Robert Parry
The national pundits are acting as if Jan. 20 will be just another 
Inauguration of a new president, a celebration of that miracle of American 
democracy when power is passed peacefully from one leader to another based on 
the will of the electorate.
As the date approaches, Washington pundits are growing more and more 
irritated over any discordant comment suggesting that something else is afoot.
On Wednesday, nearly the entire cast of TV pundits – the likes of Chris 
Matthews and Sally Quinn – derided President Clinton for his strange notion, 
expressed during a speech in Chicago, that Vice President Al Gore got more 
votes nationally than George W. Bush and that “the only way they [the 
Republicans] could win the election was to stop the voting in Florida.”
This comment was beyond the pale for pundit after pundit who heaped ridicule 
on Clinton for his bad taste and his bad manners.
In the month since Bush claimed victory, it’s apparently become impolite to 
note the facts: that the incoming president did lose the popular vote and 
seized power via an unprecedented act of judicial fiat by five conservative 
partisans on the U.S. Supreme Court. [For more on the self-interest behind 
that decision, see Supreme Ambitions.]
Yet, even as the national media elite shoves these unpleasant facts into a 
memory hole, some Americans might still recall that Clinton has a point.
Gore did get more votes nationally – indeed, more than a half million more 
votes than Bush – and on Dec. 9, the five conservative Supreme Court justices 
did grant Bush’s urgent request to stop the counting of votes in Florida, a 
count that the same five justices made sure, three days later, was never 
The stated reason for the halt in the vote count on Dec. 9 was to protect 
Bush from the "irreparable harm" to his legitimacy that would result if the 
vote count continued and demonstrated what was growing increasingly obvious 
for all the world to see: that Bush had actually lost Florida and thus the 
But this post-election chronology has quickly disappeared from America’s 
pundit shows. Like many of their colleagues, Matthews and Quinn just couldn’t 
get over Clinton’s bad form in bringing all this old news back up again. [For 
a story on Quinn's longstanding animosity toward Clinton, see Clinton vs. the 
Bush's Non-Denial  
The predicament got worse a day later when Bush was asked about Clinton's 
comments. In effect, the soon-to-be-president was being challenged to justify 
the undemocratic circumstances that surrounded his peculiar election victory.
Faced with that question at a news conference on Thursday, Bush did not even 
try to defend his own legitimacy. Instead, he became what might be called 
Bush declared simply that Clinton “can say what he wants to say, but January 
the 20th, I’ll be honored to be sworn in as president.”
Bush’s failure to defend the tactics behind his election underscored another 
open secret that has been making the rounds of official Washington over the 
past several weeks.
At holiday parties, Republican political operatives boasted freely about 
their success in snaring the White House. A common refrain, told in a joking 
style, was: “We stole the election fair and square.”
This high-level Republican bragging is, of course, in marked contrast to what 
the Republican rank-and-file are expected to believe. For the followers of 
Rush Limbaugh and the conservative media, the message is still that Al Gore 
and Joe Lieberman were the ones trying to steal the election by “inventing” 
In the weeks after the Nov. 7 election, this propaganda theme whipped the GOP 
foot soldiers into a near frenzy, helping to create a climate of crisis that 
added to the rationale behind the five conservative justices settling the 
election in Bush’s favor.
But high-ranking Republicans now acknowledge, at least privately, that many 
legitimate votes favoring Gore were tossed aside in Florida to preserve 
Bush’s tiny victory margin.
Emperor Commodus
So, the theme of Gore as "Sore Loserman" has been replaced by a new theme: 
that the country must rally behind the new president and that the Democrats 
must gracefully accept their defeat.
But Bush’s unresponsive response to Clinton’s jibe should make clear that 
even the beneficiary of this stolen election knows that he will be taking the 
powers of the presidency legitimately won by another man.
The stubborn memories of this bitter election also will leave many Americans 
with a sick feeling that this U.S. Presidential Inauguration will not be like 
the others.
For some Americans, this cherished moment of popular self-government might 
become more reminiscent now of the triumphal welcoming parade in Rome that 
greeted the young emperor Commodus in the movie, “Gladiator.”
Surrounded by pomp and circumstance and hailed by the high 


2001-01-13 Thread William Shannon
GALE NORTON - TOO CRUEL TO RULE!   From: Keith Hunter [
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] © 2001
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 10:01 PM 
Subject: Request for Senate Inquiry of Gale Norton Re: Request for Senate 
Inquiry of Gale Norton  To the United States Senate and Interested American 
People:  I am writing in regards to the upcoming confirmation hearings of 
Gale Norton for the Cabinet position of Secretary of the Department of 
Interior (DOI) of the United States. I have deliberated long and hard, and 
had many discussions with those close to me, regarding what I am releasing 
due to concerns of retaliation from Gale Norton and members of the Republican 
Party in the State of Colorado. I am on parole from the State of Colorado and 
the content of this information concerns my experiences and knowledge of Gale 
Norton derived from the time I was incarcerated in the Colorado Department of 
Corrections (CDOC). Myself and others endured severe repercussions from the 
State of Colorado the of what I am about to divulge was originally released 
and contested in state and federal courts and political processes, and due to 
this experience the reality of retaliatory actions by Gale Norton and her 
political allies are not unfounded. My experience with Gale Norton began when 
she was first elected as the Attorney General for the State of Colorado. At 
the time I was a plaintiff and a class representative in a United States 
District Court case, Nolasco v. Romer, which had been filed in the United 
States District Court in Colorado by the American Civil Liberties Union 
(ACLU) and the ACLU National Prison Project from Washington DC. I was also a 
law clerk in the Legal Access Program operating under the Ramos Consent 
Decree, a previous class action settlement in prison conditions in Colorado 
in the U. S. District Court Colorado, as well as being an Inmate 
Representative pursuant to the Marioneaux Consent Decree also from the U. S. 
District Court Colorado. In 1992 the Colorado Supreme Court determined that I 
was qualified to testify as an expert witness in Colorado prison and parole 
board regulations. It is my belief that the actions and policies of Gale 
Norton's tenure and reign of the Colorado Attorney General's Office and that 
office's relationship to the issues litigated and settlement processes on 
behalf of the State of Colorado are germane to the consideration of her 
confirmation as Secretary of the Department of Interior. Based upon my 
observation and experience of Gale Norton's operation of the Attorney 
General's Office of the State of Colorado, I believe it imperative that her 
confirmation to this highly responsible position of trust and duties be 
denied. This letter is intended to be demonstrative but not exhaustive and 
these incidents (as well as similar incidents) are recorded in public and 
agency records and in files of cases which I had first hand participation in, 
was personally aware of, and/or witnessed. I am willing to assist in any 
manner in to facilitate gathering this documentation of what I am submitting 
for your review. 
Human Rights Issues Gale Norton's Office denied that it is cruel and unusual 
punishment to handcuff prisoners naked to the bars of their cells and use 
stun guns to testicles for "behavior modification". Gale Norton's office 
refused to comply with discovery orders and withheld documentation which 
showed this practice existed and it was only after obtaining confidential 
documents and releasing this information to the Aspen Times which printed 
this information was the sadistic practice ended. Gale Norton's Office was 
totally and completely aware of this practice and publicly and in court 
denied that it existed and/or in the alternative that it was constitutionally 
protected activities for the State of Colorado. Although this practice of 
police brutality was documented by the State of Colorado's own documents 
there were never any suspensions or other disciplinary or criminal actions 
taken by Gale Norton's Office. During the phase immediately before the trial 
was set before the US District Court in Colorado on the Nolasco case the 
CDOC, in consultation with Gale Norton's Office, opened the Limon 
Correctional Facility which was statutorily mandated to be operated as a 
Level III facility. However, to avoid contempt of court proceedings pending 
before the US District Court for non-compliance with the Ramos Consent 
Decree, the CDOC opened Limon prematurely and operated this facility in 
violation of statutory staffing requirements and as a Level IV facility. Gale 
Norton's Office defended these actions of statutory violations of the CDOC 
and the result was a total lockdown of the facility following an incident 
provoked by the DOC which was then attempted to be depicted as a racial riot 
by the CDOC and AG office public relations. During the following six months 
five prisoners died in that prison. Functioning in my capacity as an 
individual, Inmate 

[CTRL] Text of NAACP Florida Law Suit, filed 1/10/01, pt. 1

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Text of NAACP Florida Law Suit, filed 1/10/01, pt. 1

The ACLU of Florida has posted the text of a new lawsuit,
NAACP vs. Kathryn Harris, ChoicePoint Technologies, et al.,
on their web site at:

The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights has posted this
lawsuit in a "PDF" format:

Filed on January 10 2001, the suit is quite serious and
includes the issues of laptop computers, voter roll purges,
disparate voting methods, etc.  Some of the analysis you all
have been doing might be useful if faxed to the groups listed
at the bottom.  Note that as far as I can tell, this suit
does not call for the election results to be overturned.

Because the websites with these documents are already taxed,
I am including the entire brief.  My apologies for the length,
but it is a document that needs to be available to activists.
Thanks to Jackie Flenner and Phil Agre for responding to my
request for URLS.

Please forward this email to people working on materials
for the upcoming protests. The material has already been
mentioned in a tabloid that is preparing for
January 20.

-rich cowan

NAACP v. Katherine Harris et al. Class Action Voting Rights


right and as representatives of all similarly situated
citizens and residents of the State of Florida,



KATHERINE HARRIS, Secretary of State of Florida; CLAY
ROBERTS, Director of the Florida Division of Elections;
DAVID C. LEAHY, Miami-Dade County Election Supervisor;
MIRIAM OLIPHANT, Broward County Election Supervisor; JOHN
STAFFORD, Duval County Election Supervisor; PAM IORIO,
Hillsborough County Election Supervisor; ION SANCHO, Leon
County Election Supervisor; WILLIAM COWLES, Orange County
Election Supervisor and DEANIE LOWE, Volusia County Election
Supervisor (all in their official capacities); and
CHOICEPOINT, INC., a Georgia corporation d/b/a DATABASE



   1. This action is brought by the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People by its Florida State
Conference of Branches ("NAACP") on its own behalf and on
behalf of its Florida members, and by individual black
voters, whose right to vote in the general election held in
the State of Florida on November 7, 2000 was unlawfully
denied or abridged.

   2. In 2000, the NAACP made extensive efforts to register
new voters and to encourage its members to vote.  As a
result of the efforts of the NAACP, the NAACP National Voter
Fund, and other organizations, turnout among black voters in
Florida increased significantly in the November 7, 2000
general election, compared to recent general elections.
However, black voters were confronted with a multitude of
non-uniform election practices that impeded their exercise
of the franchise or disenfranchised them.  In particular, as
a result of the practices complained of in this action, in
precincts with substantial numbers of black voters, there
were a disproportionate number of ballots with no vote
counted for the office of President of the United States,
black voters were wrongfully purged from official lists of
eligible voters, the voter registration applications of
black voters were not processed properly, and registered
voters encountered unjustified barriers to voting at their
precincts.  Such barriers were caused by, inter alia, the
failure to provide a complete official list of eligible
voters at each polling place, inadequate processes for
verifying the registration of voters not appearing on
precinct lists, and the failure to offer voters who moved
within the county the opportunity to vote by affirmation or

3. Plaintiffs contend that these practices violate the
Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution,
Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, codified at 42
U.S.C. =A7=A7 1973 et seq., the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and
1960, codified at 42 U.S.C. =A7=A7 1971(a)(1), 1971(a)(2)(A) and
1971(a)(2)(B), 42 U.S.C. =A7 1983 and/or the Florida Voting
Rights Act, Fla. Stat. Ann. =A7 104.0515.


   4. This court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. =A7=A7
1331, 1343 and 1367.  Plaintiffs' action for declaratory and
injunctive relief is authorized by 28 U.S.C. =A7=A7 2201 and
2202; and by Rules 57 and 65 of the Federal Rules of Civil


   5.   Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. =A7 1391(b)

[CTRL] Text of NAACP Florida Law Suit, filed 1/10/01, pt. 2

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Text of NAACP Florida Law Suit, filed 1/10/01, pt. 2


C. Wrongful Purging of Voters from Official Lists of
Eligible Voters

   61. Pursuant to state and federal law, Defendants Harris,
Roberts and the Supervisors of Elections are charged with
administering and maintaining the state's overall list
maintenance programs and the state's central voter file.
Both state and federal law establish the manner in which the
voter registration information must be maintained and the
circumstances in which individuals may be purged from the
voter rolls.

   62. Defendant Roberts contracted with Defendant DBT to
compare information in the state's central voter file with
information available in other computer databases and
prepare a list of registered voters who were ineligible to
vote.  Upon information and belief, in the course of
carrying out this contract, Defendant DBT wrongfully
identified qualified voters as ineligible to vote and
communicated that incorrect information to Defendants.

   63. Upon information and belief, Defendants Harris, Roberts
and DBT determined the matching and other criteria and
sources of information for creating the lists of ineligible
voters to be forwarded to county supervisors under Fla.
Stat. Ann. =A7 98.0975.  Upon information and belief,
Defendants Harris, Roberts and DBT have failed to exercise
appropriate diligence and care to ensure and to verify the
reliability and accuracy of the list of ineligible voters
that was forwarded to each county supervisor pursuant to the
state list maintenance program mandated by Fla. Stat. Ann. =A7

   64. Upon information and belief, prior to the November 7,
2000 general election, Defendants Harris and Roberts failed
to require that all county supervisors adopt effective
measures to ensure accurate purging of the names of
registered voters on the lists provided by the state, and to
prevent county election supervisors from purging voters
without verifying the information provided in the lists.
Upon information and belief, Defendants Harris and Roberts
failed to ensure that county supervisors would be able to
verify in a timely manner the lists of ineligible voters
provided by the state, and to determine whether the
information provided by the state was accurate.

   65. Upon information and belief, prior to the November 7,
2000 general election, Defendant county supervisors adopted
widely varying approaches to purging the names of registered
voters based on the lists provided by the state. Upon
information and belief, many Defendant county supervisors
failed to verify at all or to verify adequately the
information provided by the state, and, as a result,
wrongfully purged numerous voters from their official lists
of registered voters.

   66. Upon information and belief, Defendants Harris and
Roberts have failed to provide, require, or enforce uniform
standards, and have failed to provide adequate time or
resources for county supervisors to verify the lists of
ineligible voters that the state forwards to the counties so
as to ensure that eligible voters are not wrongly purged
from the official lists of registered voters.

   67. Upon information and belief, Defendants' administration
of the voter roll purging process required by state and
federal law had a disproportionate adverse impact on black
voters and resulted in a larger percentage of black voters
than white voters being wrongly removed from the official
lists of registered voters.

   68. Plaintiff WILLIE STEEN has been a properly registered
voter living in Hillsborough County, Florida since he was
honorably discharged from the military in 1993.  He has
lived at his current address since December 1999.  On
November 7, 2000, Mr. Steen went to vote for the first time.
When he arrived at his polling place, he was told that he
could not vote because he had a felony conviction.  Mr.
Steen has never been arrested or convicted of any crime.
Mr. Steen was improperly denied the right to vote.

   69. Plaintiff WALLACE MCDONALD is a properly registered
voter residing in Hillsborough County, Florida.  In June
2000 he received a letter from the Hillsborough County
Supervisor of Elections informing him that he would be
removed from the voter rolls because of a prior felony
conviction.  Mr. McDonald responded in writing, informing
the Supervisor that he has not been convicted of a felony.
He also engaged an attorney to search the court records in
Hillsborough County.  His attorney found no record of a
felony conviction.  Upon information and belief, although
Mr. McDonald's attorney brought this to the attention of the
Supervisor of Elections, the Supervisor nevertheless refused
to reinstate Mr. McDonald as a registered voter.  Mr.
McDonald does not have a felony conviction and was
improperly denied the right to vote.

   70. Plaintiff JERMAINE TERRY is a properly registered voter
living in Hillsborough County, Florida.  On November 7,
2000, Mr. Terry was told by 

[CTRL] China Spacecraft Has Smooth Flight

2001-01-13 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

China Spacecraft Has Smooth Flight
The Associated Press
Saturday, Jan. 13, 2001; 11:46 a.m. EST

BEIJING -- China's unmanned spacecraft has circled the earth 60
times during four days of smooth flying, the official Xinhua News
Agency said Saturday in the first progress report since the vessel's

Experts at the Beijing Aerospace Directing and Controlling Center
have monitored the craft since its Wednesday launch, commanding
the vessel to perform "hundreds of sophisticated maneuvers,"
Xinhua said. It said the craft flew 13 oval orbits before being
directed into a circular orbit on the 14th pass round earth.

The flight was the second test of the Shenzhou capsule in 14
months and brought China a step closer to becoming the third
nation, after the United States and Russia, to achieve manned
space travel.

China has provided little information about the flight or its secretive
space program, code-named Project 921. The Xinhua report merely
listed the type of experiments the Shenzhou II is conducting: in
physics, voice transmission, astronomy and the environment of

"Sources said that all the designated scientific experiments are
being carried out in line with the original plans," Xinhua reported. It
made no mention of any cargo, although newspaper reports on
Wednesday's launch said the Shenzhou carried cell and tissue
samples of 87 animals, plants and micro-organisms.

Western analysts believe the Shenzhou is testing systems critical
to manned flight - life-support, guidance and re-entry. A successful
mission, they said, means China could send astronauts into space
within two years. Chinese scientists, quoted by state media, have
said three or four more unmanned test flights will be needed.

On Friday, the Beijing control center fired the Shenzhou's engines
to "maintain a good condition of the orbit and pave the way for its
return to earth." It added that preparations are being made for the
craft to land in coming days.

It was unclear where the vessel will land. Its predecessor, the
Shenzhou I, orbited earth for 21 hours before landing in the
grasslands of China's Inner Mongolia in November 1999.

 Copyright 2001 The Associated Press


Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned. --Milton Friedman

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Missile Defense - Few Dare Call It Corporate Welfare

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Missile Defense - Few Dare Call It Corporate Welfare
By Robert Naiman (ZNet Commentary / Jan 13)

The Bush team arrives committed to the construction of what its proponents
call "national missile defense." Critics call it "Star Wars" - the
implementation of a system for shooting down incoming nuclear missiles.

The name "Star Wars" reminds us of Ronald Reagan's advocacy of this scheme
in the 1980's - at that time, supposedly, to protect us from the Soviet
Union. The phrase subjects the notion to vague ridicule, suggesting that it
is fanciful.

If there is a real fight ahead about whether to proceed with this system -
which there may not be, given that so many Democrats also support it - then
we can expect that the discussion will be dominated by the feasibility
question - will it work - and by concerns that these weapons will be
"destabilizing" and antagonize other countries. These questions have
dominated the discussion so far.

If the past is any guide, these concerns will not be sufficient to derail
the "Star Wars" system. Few Americans are likely to get very exercised about
"international stability." Fewer still will care much what people in other
countries think. After all, we whooped the other countries' butts in the
Cold War, didn't we? 'Nuff said.

And if the "Star Wars" system doesn't work, who really cares? In the worst
case, many will reason, the government will have wasted a bunch of money,
which would otherwise have been wasted in some other way; and some people in
high tech industries who would have been laid off if the military budget
were cut will get to keep their jobs, and maybe there will be some high-tech
spin offs in the consumer market. Since our supposed commitment to "free
trade" restricts us from subsidizing U.S. industry too openly, we can just
do it through the military budget.

Perhaps the only thing that might be able to stop the "Star Wars" system
could be a more visceral public awareness that pinstripes are rifling
through the public purse. Few things grate as being ripped off. And it's one
thing to have your pocket picked by someone who's down and out, and quite
another to get burgled by the richest corporations in the world - the
military contractors lobbying for "Star Wars" funding: Boeing, Raytheon,
TRW, and Lockheed Martin.

To be politically meaningful, such an awareness must have a sense of lost
opportunity. Few will be outraged at this corporate theft if they cannot be
convinced that another outcome is possible - that something useful could
have been done with the money.

Recent press accounts put the cost of the Clinton missile defense plan at
somewhere between $30 and $60 billion. Meanwhile, 25 million people in
Africa with HIV/AIDS face a revocable death sentence. With treatments now
available in the U.S., most could live. Otherwise, those millions of
people - more than twice as many as perished in the Holocaust - will almost
surely die in the next few years.

AIDS activists estimate that for a little over $6 billion a year,
life-saving anti-AIDS drugs could be made available to those 25 million
people in Africa, if they were purchased at generic prices (without
patent-driven super-profits for pharmaceutical companies like Glaxo-Wellcome
and Bristol Meyers Squibb.)

At least $4 billion a year could likely be freed by abandoning plans for
missile defense. (Indeed, the United States currently spends about $ 4.5
billion a year on "stockpile stewardship" for the more than 5,000
thermonuclear weapons now deployed.) Another $2 billion could come from
requiring the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and other
international creditors to stop collecting debt service from poor countries.
Twenty-two countries supposedly benefiting from IMF-World Bank "debt relief"
are currently spending more than $2 billion a year in external debt service,
more than they are spending on health care for their citizens.

Of course, many regard the military budget as kind of an entitlement for the
military contractors, and will object to raiding for the mundane objective
of saving lives. But the Clinton Administration's designation of AIDS as a
"threat to our national security" should provide cover for raiding the
Pentagon's hoard. Spending the money on AIDS would do far more for U.S.
prestige than buying more toys for the military.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

[CTRL] Welcome to Tallahassee

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Welcome to Tallahassee

Jeb Bush testifies before a federal civil rights hearing on election
irregularities in Florida.

By Daryl Lindsey
Jan. 12, 2001

In its first hearing on irregularities in the Florida election, the United
States Civil Rights Commission lobbed softballs at Florida Gov. Jeb Bush
Thursday. "We're delighted to have you here," the governor said. "Welcome
to Tallahassee."
But the dollop of Southern hospitality was a little hard to swallow coming
from a man who's been under fire for his state's wildly disparate voting
equipment and possible civil rights violations in November's election. But
Thursday, Bush, who was conspicuously invisible during the election
overtime, had the opportunity to be more open. In his brief and relatively
uneventful appearance before the commission, Bush came off as highly
articulate, joking easily with the commission members.
And the commission seemed taken by his charm. At one point in the hearing,
after Bush described himself as the president-elect's brother, he quipped,
"I don't look much like him, I look like my mother." One commissioner made
a crack about whether Bush had been invited home for Thanksgiving,
eliciting laughter in the conference room.
In between wisecracks, the governor's interlocutors, led by commission head
Mary Frances Berry, essentially asked several variations of the same
question: Did he or didn't he speak to Secretary of State Katherine Harris
about the election procedures before or during Election Night?
"No," he said, before adding a little wiggle room for himself with "I don't
recall having any conversations." Harris served with Bush as one of six
co-chairmen on the presidential campaign of his brother, George W. Bush.
What Bush didn't say, however, was that he did give Harris a morning-after
wakeup call. In an interview Thursday with ABC News' Diane Sawyer, Harris
said she was roused from bed the day after the election with a telephone
call from the Florida governor, who, she said, "wanted to know what
prompted the automatic recount." In the interview, Harris denied discussing
anything other than the "legal process."
Bush said he took a hands-off approach to the election because that
responsibility falls squarely under the jurisdiction of the secretary of
state. But Bush stated that there is one area he has been actively
investigating: the concern that voters may have been turned away from the
polls because they were incorrectly identified as felons in the state's
master voter file. Salon first published allegations that some Florida
voters may have been disenfranchised because of inaccuracies on lists of
ineligible voters generated by ChoicePoint and its subsidiary, DBT
Online.  State law places the obligation for vetting the list on the
counties, but the central voter file was so riddled with errors that a
handful of supervisors refused to use it. Vetting it, they suggested, would
be a Sisyphean endeavor. But other counties are alleged to have taken the
list at face value, erroneously purging voters.
Bush said he asked for a briefing "on the alleged concern that felons were
voting and that nonfelons were not allowed to vote because they were
allegedly felons." Florida passed a law cracking down on illegal voting two
years ago after the uncovering of massive fraud in the Miami mayoral
election, in which ballots were cast by deceased voters. Bush said he met
with Clay Roberts, the state's director of elections, and the director of
the Florida Office of Law Enforcement to see how the law was carried out.
"I was concerned that ... the process did not work," he told the commission.
"It was clear based on press reports that this was a problem.  Supervisors
of elections, according to the press reports, did not accept the lists that
were vetted by Florida law enforcement and this entity that was contracted
with by the Department of State," Bush said.
Indeed, as Salon reported in its Dec. 4 article, use of the state's central
voter file varied from county to county. County election supervisors
contacted by Salon criticized the list for its inaccuracies, and some said
they refused to use it altogether, in apparent violation of state law.
Carol Griffin, supervisor of elections for Washington County, told Salon,
"It hasn't been accurate in the past, so we had no reason to suspect it was
accurate this year."
The commissioners also asked if Bush had appointed a special officer to
investigate the sundry charges, which run from intimidation of black voters
to increased police presence in black neighborhoods that could have kept
voters from the polls. Bush said he hadn't, and that he has not taken an
active role in investigating allegations of election irregularities because
the state's attorney general and the commission have already undertaken
investigations. He also said he does not plan on ordering an investigation
of his own.
Bush said he 

[CTRL] Fwd: Frightening the free marketeers

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

radman pull quote:
" What caused this sudden change of attitude? The success of the
  street protests in Seattle, Washington, Prague and Melbourne,
  confirmed by the demonstrations in Nice."

Le Monde diplomatique
January 2001


   Frightening the free marketeers


  Globalisation is irreversible, inevitable and, according to
  political commentator Alain Minc, necessarily "beneficial" (1). Or
  so free-market pundits of all kinds have been telling us for over
  10 years now. The message has been repeated ad nauseam by economic
  journalists, leader-writers, essayists, international institutions
  and governments of all shades. And the credo is still being
  proclaimed in its most naive form. "For my part," European
  commissioner Frederik Bolkestein wrote recently, "I shall remain
  firm in my objections to the Tobin tax, in my advocacy of healthy
  tax competition, and above all in my belief in the virtues of
  globalisation" (2).

  Yet Bolkestein would probably have been thought unnecessarily crude
  by his usual mentors, the World Bank, the International Monetary
  Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Without of
  course changing their practice, they have at least stopped shooting
  a line that people are no longer prepared to swallow. In its latest
  World Development Report the bank admits that, in terms of its
  "attack" on poverty, its structural adjustment programmes are a
  failure. At the annual economic symposium of the Federal Reserve
  Bank of Kansas City last August, former IMF deputy managing
  director Stanley Fischer acknowledged the validity of many
  anti-globalisation attacks on governments, corporations and
  international institutions (3). And Michael Kinsley, leader writer
  for Time magazine, who is one of the WTO's most ardent defenders,
  recently regretted that the organisation "is despised across the
  entire political spectrum" (4). So much for Bolkestein's "virtues"
  and Alain Minc's "benefits".

  More serious for the credibility of these two "experts" is the
  pessimistic assessment of the future of globalisation in the
  British and American financial press which has made no bones about
  criticising those self-proclaimed global leaders who have no time
  for well-meaning amateurs (5). On 11 September the Financial Times
  warned that "as long as the demands of the public and the capital
  markets are in conflict, politicians will conclude that
  anti-business populism promises electoral dividends. The message
  for big business is hardly reassuring." On 6 November Business Week
  observed that "unless multinational companies shoulder more of the
  social costs themselves in countries where governments are weak,
  street protesters will probably set the rules for them". But it was
  The Economist that really sounded the alarm bells. On 23 September
  it admitted that "the protesters are right that the most pressing
  moral, political and economic issue of our time is third-world
  poverty. And they are right that the tide of globalisation,
  powerful as the engines driving it may be, can be turned back. The
  fact that both these things are true is what makes the protesters -
  and, crucially, the strand of popular opinion that sympathises with
  them - so terribly dangerous."

  What caused this sudden change of attitude? The success of the
  street protests in Seattle, Washington, Prague and Melbourne,
  confirmed by the demonstrations in Nice. It is no mean admission to
  warn that globalisation is reversible and that political leaders,
  responding to voters' "populism", can perfectly well undo what they
  have done or allowed to be done in their name. Tactical
  considerations certainly play a part in this. By raising the
  spectre of a mass anti-globalisation movement, the critics aim to
  provoke governments into taking the measures needed to banish it.
  Unlike the prophecies of international financiers, these are not
  intended to be self-fulfilling.

  But although deliberate manipulation may play only a small part in
  the current change of attitude, it is not free of risk. It
  considerably strengthens the hand of the opponents of free-market
  globalisation, who see that their struggle is paying dividends.
  Apart from the growing impact of the opposition movements, there is
  another, very straightforward explanation for the change of
  attitude. It is the still unarticulated feeling that
  anti-globalisation is gaining ground because it has adopted the
  same top-down strategy 

Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) Has America lost its Goodness?

2001-01-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/11/2001 8:28:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 America was built by slaves on stolen land. What's good about that? 

There wasn't anything to rise about.  It was a longer view, and it was
absolutely right.  There really wasn't anything good about that.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Los Angeles Times Kills Mention of Clinton Rape Allegation

2001-01-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/11/2001 9:22:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Without naming Juanita Broaddrick, Clinton’s rape victim, Will
 wrote, "It is reasonable to believe that [Clinton] was a rapist
 15 years before becoming president, and that as president he
 launched cruise missiles against Afghanistan (a nearly empty
 terrorist camp), Sudan (a pharmaceutical factory) and Iraq to
 distract attention from problems arising from the glandular
 dimension of his general indiscipline." 

George Will should know better.  The Times was just being sure it didn't get
sued.  If I hadn't read George Will's column at the death of his father and
some of his baseball stuff, I'd think the guy couldn't write and think at the
same time.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: The Corporate Conservative Administration

2001-01-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

The Corporate Conservative Administration
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Compassionate conservativism?

Try corporate conservativism. It's corporate conservatism that is going to
be the defining feature of the Bush White House.

Pushing beyond the corporate corrupting frontiers blazed by the Clinton
administration, the Bush team is making clear that it intends to deliver
on its campaign promises to strengthen Big Business's grip over government

The Bush cabinet is drawing on corporate executives as much or more than
any previous administration. Andrew Card, set to be Bush's chief of staff,
moves to the White House from a posting as General Motors vice president.
Previous to that position, he ran the auto industry's lobby shop. Bush has
tapped Paul O'Neill, chair of Alcoa, to head his Treasury Department. Bush
crony Don Evans, the Commerce Secretary-designee, is CEO of Tom Brown,
Inc., an oil company. Donald Rumsfeld, the Bush nominee to head the
Pentagon, is former CEO of G.D. Searle and of General Instrument, and has
held a variety of other top corporate posts. Bush's nominee for Veterans
Affairs Secretary, Anthony Principi, is president of a wireless
telecommunications company. National Security Adviser-designate Condoleeza
Rice is a member of the board of directors of Chevron (which has
christened an oil tanker, the Condoleeza Rice) and Charles Schwab, and is
a member of J.P. Morgan's International Advisory Council.

Of course, both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (CEO of Haliburton, the oil
services firm) themselves both come from the oil industry.

Bush's transition team is dominated by high donors and corporate
interests. Of the 474 individuals on the transition team, 261 made
political contributions during the last election cycle, the Center for
Responsive Politics reports -- and 95 percent of the $5.3 million they
contributed went to Republican candidates or the Republican Party.

Even more telling is the overwhelming corporate background of the
transition team members.

The transition team for the Department of Energy, for example, is almost
exclusively made up of people affiliated with or working for the
extractive energy industry. Companies and outfits represented include:
Phillips Petroleum, Enron, Kennecott, Southern California Edison, the
National Mining Association and the Nuclear Energy Institute.

For the Department of Health and Human Services transition, the drug,
biotech, insurance and hospital industries are set to have their way. The
transition team includes representatives from Merck, the American Hospital
Association, Mutual of Omaha, BIO (the biotech trade group), Ernst and
Young and the National Association of Health Underwriters.

On the Department of Labor transition team, you find two members of the
Teamsters, and no other labor-affiliated representatives. Instead, the
transition team comes from Union Pacific, the National Restaurant
Association, the American Trucking Association, the National Mining
Association, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Society of Human
Resource Managers.

It's unlikely that the transition team members -- at least as a body --
had much influence over Bush's cabinet appointments, but they may well
have significant sway in the hiring of second- and third-tier officials.
These are the people who get their hands dirty on policy details, and can
deliver the goodies to the corporate paymasters.

More ceremonial posts are being parceled out with a machine-like
efficiency to high donors and top fundraisers.

Inaugural Committee Co-Chairs Bill and Kathy DeWitt and Mercer and
Gabrielle Reynolds come from the Cincinnati-based investment firm
Reynolds, DeWitt and Company. Bill DeWitt and Gabrielle Reynolds were
co-chairs of the Ohio Bush-Cheney Finance Committee. Other members of the
inaugural committee sport similar resumes.

Following in the Clinton-Gore footsteps, Bush-Cheney are soliciting
private funds for the inauguration. While Clinton-Gore at least restricted
the donations to $100 or less, however, Bush-Cheney are banking on major
donors. More than 50 individuals have each contributed $100,000 or more to
the inauguration committee.

Bush's economic summit, held earlier this month in Austin, was actually a
get-together with business leaders. The Austin meeting featured 36 top
corporate executives, including such major Republican donors as Kenneth
Lay of Enron, John T. Chambers of Cisco and Michael Dell of Dell Computer.

As you would imagine, this turn of events has corporate American dancing
in the streets. "They are happy, certainly," Jim Albertine, president of
the American League of Lobbyists, told the Boston Globe, speaking of his
association's members. "There is a strong belief that a lot of things will
be reopened."

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate Crime
Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based
Multinational Monitor. They are co-authors of Corporate 

Re: [CTRL] Do Blacks Owe Jews Reparations?

2001-01-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Interesting site, the kind I feature at

daily (hoping to get to the 10,000 hit mark today!)

Diana's Death Foretold in the Work of Morrissey

Morrissey (nickname 'MOZ') was the lyricist and singer in The Smiths (1982-1987).
MEAT IS MURDER, their second album, reached number one on the British charts in 1985.
Since the breakup of The Smiths, Morrissey has enjoyed continued success and
in 1998 was awarded Britain's prestigious Ivor Novello Lifetime Achievement Award
for his outstanding contribution to British music.
Morrissey - a vegetarian - is otherwise known for his outspoken belief in animal 

"The life of any animal is just as important to that animal as your life is to you, or 
mine to me."
- Morrissey, Greenscene interview, 1989

In 1986 - eleven years before the death of Princess Diana - Morrissey and The Smiths 
released the album

For the cover of this album whose title announces the death of a royal female, 
Morrissey chose a photo of
a French man named Alain,
(actor Alain Delon).
The first public announcement of Princess Diana's death was made by
a French man named Alain,
(Dr. Alain Pavie, head of the Cardiology department at Paris' Hospital de la Pitie 

Morrissey named THE QUEEN IS DEAD after a chapter title in the Hubert Selby novel
BROOKLYN is the largest of the five boroughs that comprise the city of NEW YORK.
Diana's fatal car crash occurred in an underpass tunnel in which she was headed toward 

Morrissey started THE QUEEN IS DEAD with audio from the film THE L-SHAPED ROOM
about a woman - played by actress Lesley Caron - who moved from France to England.
Diana's body was moved from France to England.
Lesley Caron was born on July 1st.
Diana was born on July 1st.

The audio from THE L-SHAPED ROOM selected by Morrissey to start THE QUEEN IS DEAD
is a woman leading a sing-along of
'Blighty' is slang for England.
Apart from the fact that
Diana's body had to be taken back to dear old Blighty for burial,
the significant thing here is the name of the character leading the sing-along: Mavis.
[Remember that her name is Mavis.
We'll return to this point later.]

The following song is from the album titled THE QUEEN IS DEAD:

Take me out tonight
where there's music and there's people
who are young and alive
driving in your car
I never never want to go home
because I haven't got one

and if a double-decker bus
crashes into us
to die by your side
such a heavenly way to die
and if a ten-ton truck
kills the both of us
to die by your side
the pleasure and the privilege is mine

and in the darkened underpass
I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last
(but then a strange fear gripped me and I
just couldn't ask)

Oh, there is a light that never goes out
there is a light that never goes out

two people
on a date
at night
in the city
driving in a car
fantasizing about getting killed in a car crash
gripped by fear in an underpass

Over a decade later we have Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed:
two people
on a date
at night
in the city
driving in a car
getting killed in a car crash
in an underpass

In 1987, this very same song - THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT from THE QUEEN IS 
became the 'A'-side of the only Smiths single ('B'-side: HALF A PERSON) in the 
lifetime of the band to be
released exclusively in France.
Princess Diana died in France.

In 1995, this very same song - THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT from THE QUEEN IS 
wound up as the last song on the last Smiths album before Diana's death:

Released eight years after the breakup of The Smiths, the last Smiths album prior to 
Diana's death
was a retrospective compilation of their singles, titled "SINGLES".

For the cover of this final Smiths album before Diana's death,
Morrissey chose a photo of an actress named Diana
clutching a pillar
in the film YIELD TO THE NIGHT.
Princess Diana
crashed into a pillar
just minutes after midnight.

The 'Diana' on the album cover is actress Diana Dors.
Diana Dors' real name was MAVIS Fluck.
MAVIS was the name of the character from THE L-SHAPED ROOM
was chosen by Morrissey to start THE QUEEN IS DEAD.

In the summer of 1997, Morrissey released his final single before Diana's death:

So, the choice I have made
may seem strange to you
but who asked you anyway?
it's my life to wreck
my own way

You see, to someone somewhere
Alma matters in mind
body and soul
in part and in hole

So, the life I have made
may seem wrong to you
but I've never been surer
it's my life to ruin
my own way

[CTRL] Morrisey and the death of Princess Di

2001-01-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry, forgot to change the subject heading and suspect a lot of people will be 
deleting the back to Africa thread.

On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 23:41:37 - Johannes Schmidt III 
-Caveat Lector-

Interesting site, the kind I feature at

daily (hoping to get to the 10,000 hit mark today!)

Diana's Death Foretold in the Work of Morrissey

Morrissey (nickname 'MOZ') was the lyricist and singer in The Smiths (1982-1987).
MEAT IS MURDER, their second album, reached number one on the British charts in 1985.
Since the breakup of The Smiths, Morrissey has enjoyed continued success and
in 1998 was awarded Britain's prestigious Ivor Novello Lifetime Achievement Award
for his outstanding contribution to British music.
Morrissey - a vegetarian - is otherwise known for his outspoken belief in animal 

"The life of any animal is just as important to that animal as your life is to you, 
or mine to me."
- Morrissey, Greenscene interview, 1989

In 1986 - eleven years before the death of Princess Diana - Morrissey and The Smiths 
released the album

For the cover of this album whose title announces the death of a royal female, 
Morrissey chose a photo of
a French man named Alain,
(actor Alain Delon).
The first public announcement of Princess Diana's death was made by
a French man named Alain,
(Dr. Alain Pavie, head of the Cardiology department at Paris' Hospital de la Pitie 

Morrissey named THE QUEEN IS DEAD after a chapter title in the Hubert Selby novel
BROOKLYN is the largest of the five boroughs that comprise the city of NEW YORK.
Diana's fatal car crash occurred in an underpass tunnel in which she was headed 
toward the

Morrissey started THE QUEEN IS DEAD with audio from the film THE L-SHAPED ROOM
about a woman - played by actress Lesley Caron - who moved from France to England.
Diana's body was moved from France to England.
Lesley Caron was born on July 1st.
Diana was born on July 1st.

The audio from THE L-SHAPED ROOM selected by Morrissey to start THE QUEEN IS DEAD
is a woman leading a sing-along of
'Blighty' is slang for England.
Apart from the fact that
Diana's body had to be taken back to dear old Blighty for burial,
the significant thing here is the name of the character leading the sing-along: Mavis.
[Remember that her name is Mavis.
We'll return to this point later.]

The following song is from the album titled THE QUEEN IS DEAD:

Take me out tonight
where there's music and there's people
who are young and alive
driving in your car
I never never want to go home
because I haven't got one

and if a double-decker bus
crashes into us
to die by your side
such a heavenly way to die
and if a ten-ton truck
kills the both of us
to die by your side
the pleasure and the privilege is mine

and in the darkened underpass
I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last
(but then a strange fear gripped me and I
just couldn't ask)

Oh, there is a light that never goes out
there is a light that never goes out

two people
on a date
at night
in the city
driving in a car
fantasizing about getting killed in a car crash
gripped by fear in an underpass

Over a decade later we have Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed:
two people
on a date
at night
in the city
driving in a car
getting killed in a car crash
in an underpass

In 1987, this very same song - THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT from THE QUEEN IS 
became the 'A'-side of the only Smiths single ('B'-side: HALF A PERSON) in the 
lifetime of the band to be
released exclusively in France.
Princess Diana died in France.

In 1995, this very same song - THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT from THE QUEEN IS 
wound up as the last song on the last Smiths album before Diana's death:

Released eight years after the breakup of The Smiths, the last Smiths album prior to 
Diana's death
was a retrospective compilation of their singles, titled "SINGLES".

For the cover of this final Smiths album before Diana's death,
Morrissey chose a photo of an actress named Diana
clutching a pillar
in the film YIELD TO THE NIGHT.
Princess Diana
crashed into a pillar
just minutes after midnight.

The 'Diana' on the album cover is actress Diana Dors.
Diana Dors' real name was MAVIS Fluck.
MAVIS was the name of the character from THE L-SHAPED ROOM
was chosen by Morrissey to start THE QUEEN IS DEAD.

In the summer of 1997, Morrissey released his final single before Diana's death:

So, the choice I have made
may seem strange to you
but who asked you anyway?
it's my life 

[CTRL] Federal Judge Orders Vincent Foster Body Photos Released (fwd)

2001-01-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 01:25:04 -0800
From: Allan J. Favish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Federal Judge Orders Vincent Foster Body Photos Released

On January 11, 2001, in a two-page order, a federal district
court judge in Los Angeles ordered the Office of Independent
Counsel to release five original Polaroids of Vincent Foster's
body as it laid in Fort Marcy Park. Go to the Foster section of
my web site for page 1 and page 2 of the order. Apart from one
"gun-in-hand" photo that was leaked to the media in March 1994,
these photos have never been publicly released. The judge refused
to release five other photos of Foster's body.

This order is in my Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against
the OIC that resulted in an officially published 2-1 decision by
the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on July
12, 2000, that said, "Favish, in fact, tenders evidence and
argument which, if believed, would justify his doubts" about the
official conclusion that Foster committed suicide in the park. A
link to that decision on the Ninth Circuit's web site is in the
Foster section of my web site. The official citation to that
portion of the decision is Favish v. Office of Independent
Counsel, 217 F.3d 1168, 1173 (9th Cir. 2000).

Of course, what evidence is not to be believed? The only evidence
I gave the court was official government documents. My
credibility was not the issue. The evidence I gave the Ninth
Circuit is explained and cited in my Appellant's Opening and
Reply briefs, which are also at the Foster section of my web
site, in the section entitled "Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit
to Obtain Foster Investigation Photographs, Case Documents for
Favish v. OIC".

Allan J. Favish

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: Microsoft's Competitors Hire Starr to Back Breakup

2001-01-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Microsoft's Competitors Hire Starr to Back Breakup

By James V.  Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 12, 2001 ; Page E01

Rivals of Microsoft Corp.  have retained Whitewater prosecutor
Kenneth Starr to help support the Clinton administration's case
that the software giant broke antitrust law and should be split
in two to restore competition in the marketplace.

Starr, who also served as an appellate judge and solicitor
general, has been hired by ProComp, a trade group that includes
America Online Inc., Sun Microsystems Inc.  and Oracle Corp.
Separately, America Online has hired Walter Dellinger, a former
solicitor general for President Clinton, to work on the case.

The duo have helped Robert Bork, a former federal judge, write a
friend-of-the-court brief backing the trial court's decision to
break up the company.  The brief is due today at the U.S.  Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The U.S.  Justice Department, 18 states and the District also
have a deadline today to file their brief in opposition to
Microsoft's appeal of the order breaking the company into two
competing entities, one focused on Windows operating systems and
another centered around software applications.  Oral arguments
are set for next month.

As Whitewater prosecutor, Starr led the investigation into the
Monica Lewinsky scandal, and his final report resulted in the
impeachment of President Clinton.

Dellinger, a partner at O'Melveney  Meyers, served as solicitor
general in 1996 and 1997 and was a key member of Vice President
Gore's legal team that fought for a manual recount of votes in
several counties in Florida.  He also teaches constitutional law
at Duke University Law School.

Starr said he first was asked last fall to join the antitrust
fight by Bork, his friend and former colleague on the appeals
court.  Starr, whose report on the Lewinsky scandal was released
in the midst of the Microsoft antitrust trial, said he had
followed the matter but closely studied the antritrust case
before agreeing to help.  He then told Bork he had no hesitation
supporting the judgment and breakup order.

"This is, as I see the case, an application of traditional and
well-established antitrust principles to a setting of new
technology," Starr said yesterday.  "And the findings of fact are
very elaborate, very detailed and admirably thorough, coming on
the heels of a very comprehensive trial."

The hiring of Starr and his firm, Kirkland  Ellis, comes just as
the case enters a crossroads of administrations, with questions
being raised about whether the incoming administration of
President-elect Bush will take a softer approach to Microsoft, or
drop the case altogether.

During the presidential campaign, Bush expressed doubts about
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson's order to break Microsoft into two
companies. But Bush also has pointed out that one of his top
high-tech advisers is Jim Barksdale, the former chief executive
of Netscape Communications Corp.  and the government's lead
witness in the antitrust trial.

While Bush kept a distance from Starr during the campaign, Starr
is close to many Republicans with strong links to the incoming

Perhaps more important to ProComp than Starr's GOP connections is
his knowledge of the D.C.  Circuit, where he served from
1983-1989.  An appeals court panel, voting 2 to 1, gave Microsoft
a 1998 victory in a predecessor antitrust case.

"Ken Starr is an especially astute observer of that court," said
William Kovacic, a George Washington University law professor who
has followed the case closely.  "He has a singularly wise
intuition about how the court thinks and as a result an ability
to shape arguments that have the best possible chance of
appealing to them."

Microsoft's supporters, including the Association for Competitive
Technology, also have a star-studded legal team.  It includes
former White House counsels Lloyd Cutler and C.  Boyden Gray,
ex-deputy solicitor general Louis Cohen, and former attorneys
general Griffin Bell and Nicholas deB.  Katzenbach.  But
Katzenbach later said that while he opposed the breakup plan, he
thought Microsoft had violated antitrust law.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Daley promises police wont hurry into spying

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Daley promises police won't hurry into spying

January 13, 2001

The Chicago Police Department will proceed with caution before taking
advantage of relaxed federal restrictions on police spying to preserve
First Amendment rights and assuage those "paranoid" about a return to the
infamous Red Squad days, Mayor Daley said Friday.
"We're not going into [anybody's] bedroom. We're not going into any living
room.  Nobody's doing that in society. . . . What we're asking for is, how
do you protect society? How do you protect the city of Chicago?" Daley said.
Under the current restrictions, hate groups like that of Benjamin Smith,
who murdered Northwestern University basketball coach Ricky Byrdsong, could
hold a convention here and police would be powerless to monitor it, the
mayor said.
"No one can give us information about a hate group that's going to be on
your block preaching hate in front of your home because you're black,
Hispanic, Asian, a Jew or an Arab. We can't even protect the people of that
community until they throw the brick through your house, until they shoot
your father and mother or try to destroy your home," Daley said.
Police Supt. Terry Hillard said he would "go even slower" than his
implementation of the gang loitering ordinance to make certain police
officers are fully trained and mindful of First Amendment rights.
"This is a magnificent tool. Terrorism goes in cycles. The cycle is coming
back, and not from abroad but from within. We'll go even slower to make
sure that we're constitutionally sensitive and that we live by what the
judge gave us," Hillard said.
Promises of a go-slow approach were not enough to allay the fears of Rep.
Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), who was a victim of police spying during his days as
deputy defense minister for the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party.
"I'm quite uncomfortable with it. Unless there are some guarantees against
abuse by the police agencies, we might have a return to the time of the
'60s when police were in fact spying on American citizens," Rush told
reporters after the city's annual breakfast honoring the Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr.
"Certainly Dr. King was spied on. I was spied on. There were many, many
others who were [politically] active in those days who really viewed police
agencies across the country as being a force that was opposed to them, and
they were using illegal tactics and unconstitutional methods to spy on us
and damage our character."
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed Thursday to modify a 1981 consent
decree that had reined in the notorious Red Squad, accused of spying on
political dissidents.
Although the constraints are being loosened, the consent decree is not
being scrapped.
Chicago Police still won't be permitted to gather intelligence for purposes
of harassing, intimidating or prohibiting activities protected by the First
Amendment. And the Police Department will continue to be subject to annual
court-monitored audits.
Daley said those who fear a return of the Red Squad days are "paranoid from
Hillard has asked his staff to put a committee together to determine how
internal orders and procedures should be re-written to comply with the
relaxed requirements.

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[CTRL] UPI: A 'Space Pearl Harbor'?

2001-01-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Holding a device as small as a pack of cigarettes, a person can
scramble the signal from the Global Positioning System, which the
airlines, military and Coast Guard all depend on for navigation,
targeting and search and rescue, warns a new report on national
security and space.

The device is made in Russia and is commercially available
worldwide, according the Commission to Assess United States
National Security Space Management and Organization, which
released a report that culminated more than a year of work.

"The U.S. is an attractive candidate for a 'Space Pearl
Harbor,'" states the report.

"The question is whether the U.S. will be wise enough to act
responsibly and soon enough to reduce U.S. space vulnerability
... We are on notice, but we have not noticed."

The panel conducting the study was chaired by Donald Rumsfeld,
President-elect George W. Bush's designee to be defense

Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] NM: Inside Cover Story: Senator Spector the Defector

2001-01-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Does anyone know how old Specter is?  Could he be suffering from

Friday, Jan. 12, 2001 3:08 PM EST

Senator "Specter the Defector" May Be Joining Democrats

It is said to be the hottest talk in Washington.

Pennsylvanian Republican Sen. Arlen Specter is considering
jumping ship and helping the Democrats take control of the

The Republicans control the 50-50 Senate by a hair -- Dick
Cheney's tie breaking vote.

But that could change if just one Republican would defect to the

Specter may be the one. He is a self-described liberal Republican
who gets plenty of air-time bashing conservatives in his own

During the Clinton impeachment process, he proved his liberal
stripes by joining with Democrats not to have the president
removed from office.

Specter, in a bizarre Senate speech, invoked arcane Scottish law
as his reasoning for not removing Clinton.

Washington has been abuzz for while about Specter's off-the-wall
comments and mental well-being.

At one recent committee meeting, Specter excused himself to the
restroom and returned, apparently oblivious to the fact that
reams of toilet paper were hanging from his pants.

On TV appearances, Specter's public comments also have raised

Appearing on TV shows, Specter's answers to questions never seem
to match, and his responses seem to be heavily scripted.

Ad lib comments made by Specter during Senate committee hearings
often are nonsensical. Hill staffers still talk about the time he
questioned a nominee for a federal judgeship intensively about
the judge's experiences in a federal court house cafeteria.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Sick, bleeding and losing nails: the girl who played with Nato uranium

2001-01-13 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Sick, bleeding and losing nails: the girl who played with Nato
By Robert Fisk in Bratunac, Bosnia
14 January 2001
Sladjana Sarenac remembers the pieces of a depleted-uranium
bomb that she picked up outside her home in Sarajevo. "It glittered
and I did what all children do," she says. "I was six years old and I
pretended to make cookies out of the bits of metal and the soil in
the garden. Then I hid the pieces on a shelf because my puppy
Tina was playing with it."
Sladjana is now 12 and has been seriously ill ever since. Her nails
have repeatedly fallen out of her fingers and toes. She has suffered
internal bleeding, constant diarrhoea and vomiting. When her Serb
parents fled their home in the Sarajevo suburb of Hadjici after the
Dayton Accord, she took her dog with her. It had three puppies.
Then Tina died. Then the puppies. Sladjana has a desperately pale
face and tired eyes.
Everyone tells her she will be all right. I tell her that too. Sladjana's
parents spend 450 German marks a month (140) for her
medicines – she takes 2mg of Benesedin twice a day, 600mg of
magnesium tablets once a day – but the family are too poor to pay
the bills. In their refuge home in Bratunac the electricity has been
cut off. The landlady wants them out. And, needless to say, no one
from Nato has bothered to enquire about Sladjana's mysterious
Nato's raids followed the shelling of the Sarajevo marketplace and
the Serb massacre of thousands of Muslim refugees in and around
Srebrenica. Sladjana did not see the American A-10 aircraft that
dropped the bombs around her home in the summer of 1995,
including the round that exploded on her family's small farm. She
was hiding downstairs. But her father Jovo watched the planes, so
low that he could see the pilot of each aircraft as they dived. "The
houses in our street were very close to a [Serb] army base which
made the bombing very intense," he says. "From 30 August to 15
September 1995, we not only got Nato bombings but also shells
fired by the [Nato] Rapid Reaction Force on Mount Igman. The
pilots were breaking the sound barrier and Sladjana never slept."
Sladjana's sickness yet again places a heavy onus upon Nato to
disclose all it knows about depleted uranium munitions and to start
an immediate investigation among Bosnian Serbs from Hadjici
about how those closest to the bombings in 1995 became so
frequently the victims of cancer and leukaemia. Nato has already
acknowledged that ingestion of DU particles in the immediate
aftermath of a bomb explosion can have a serious effect on health.
Here are civilians who clearly were only metres away from DU
explosions who are suffering a devastating incidence of cancer,
who would willingly speak to Nato investigators, but who Nato has
not made the slightest effort to talk to.
Jovo and his wife, Sretanka – and Sladjana herself – believe that
her fascination with the bomb parts was her undoing. "She was
playing with them like all children do," Sretanka says. "Out of
curiosity, we all went to see what it looked like after the bombings.
We went into the fields where the craters were. Then in the middle
of October Sladjana had this kind of yellow sand under the nails on
her hands and toes. Then the skin round the nails became red and
it hurt her a lot. She was upset, crying a lot, vomiting and suffering
That's when Sladjana began her calvary of hospitals; a clinic in
Sarajevo, a clinic in Bratunac, medical examinations in Belgrade.
Sretanka produces a wad of fading, thin carbon copies of typed
hospital reports. In a hospital at Blazuj, she was given two-days of
blood transfusions. Doctors told her she had somehow been
irradiated. Her fingernails and toenails fell out. She spent 30 hours
in a coma. "In the early stages, we didn't think it was anything to
do with the bombing," her father says. "Now we are aware of the
kind of bombs that were fired and of what happened to other people
from Hadjici." Up to 300 men, women and children who lived close
to the site of the bombings in 1995 have died of cancers and
leukaemia over the past five years.
It does occur to me – though I do not say so – that there are
doctors aplenty in S-For, the Nato force now controlling Bosnia.
And that those doctors must know all about depleted-uranium
munitions and its risks. I have a feeling they will not be visiting the
dark house in Bratunac where Sladjana lives.


The Marxist ideal is at last reached. We live, finally, in a classless society: No one 
has any class at all.
--Michael Kelly on "a culture . . . impossible to offend."

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directions and 

[CTRL] Pilots flew into A-bomb blasts

2001-01-13 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


January 14 2001

Pilots flew into A-bomb blasts
Mark Franchetti, Moscow
A FORMER pilot from an elite Soviet squadron that tested nuclear
bombs at the height of the cold war has revealed that he and fellow
pilots were ordered to fly towards mushroom clouds without
protection so that the effects on aircraft and crew could be
Konstantin Lyasnikov, 78, who dropped 14 test bombs, said last
week that his unit was routinely used as guinea pigs to see how
they withstood the heat and aftershocks from explosions 900ft
above the ground.
"It was terrifying," said Lyasnikov of one occasion, when he had to
fly his TU-16 bomber back to the site of a nuclear blast. "The plane
shook so hard the controls kept slipping out of my hands. The heat
was so intense I could hardly breathe.
"I couldn't see the horizon, flying at 560mph towards the head of
the mushroom, which was getting bigger. It looked like sheer hell -
red, then yellow. Then several smaller mushrooms were released.
"I was overcome by  heat. I took off my jacket and sweater, opened
my shirt and saw my chest was covered in a rash. It was an
experience I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy." Lyasnikov, who
was awarded the Order of Lenin for bravery, is one of the last
survivors of the Soviet air force's most secret squadron.
Known as the Bagerovksy unit, after a village near its Crimean
base, it had fewer than 40 carefully selected and trained members
and was formed in 1947 solely to test atom and hydrogen bombs.
It dropped 178 bombs between 1949 and 1962, before atmospheric
nuclear tests ended. It then flew unarmed reconnaissance
missions until it was disbanded in 1972. The Soviet Union
continued underground tests until 1990.
Bombs were mostly tested at two nuclear ranges - in
Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, and on Novaya Zemlya, a peninsula in
the Arctic Circle. In 1961, at Novaya Zemlya, Lyasnikov dropped a
bomb 250 times more powerful than that used by the Americans to
destroy Hiroshima in 1945.
Such was the secrecy of the squadron that it was not until 1992,
after the collapse of the Soviet Union, that Lyasnikov could tell his
wife about his job. A Communist party member, he was a fighter
pilot instructor during the second world war. In the years afterwards
he flew over Red Square in Moscow during military parades
attended by Stalin and the Politburo. In 1954 he was picked for the
"I wasn't told where I was being transferred to," he recalled. "I was
just given a train ticket for the Crimea. I only realised I would be
dropping an atom bomb the day I turned up for training and saw the
size of the mock bomb being loaded onto my bomber."
In late 1955 he dropped his first atomic bomb in Semipalatinsk
from around 30,000ft. "The tension was so great I didn't have time
to be scared. It was only once I dropped it that I began to
appreciate the terrifying destructive force."
Several pilots at the base, codenamed Polygon 71, are believed to
have died of cancer and leukaemia, perhaps as a result of
exposure to radiation.Lyasnikov says he suffered no medical ill
effects, although he once visited a site close to the epicentre of a
blast the day after it had been detonated.
"It was apocalyptic," he said. "The earth was scorched. I saw
sheep and horses without skin and eyes, shredded trees and tons
of twisted military hardware. The destruction was terrifying. I still
have a sense of guilt. But we were pawns in the Kremlin's hands. In
those times the lives of people had little value. With every bomb,
the Kremlin could scare the West and hope to gain more
concessions. It was a terrifying and dangerous game played at our


The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on. 
-Joseph Heller: Catch-22

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Designer People

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Designer People

The Human Genetic Blueprint Has Been Drafted, Offering Both Perils and
Opportunities for the Environment. The Big Question: Are We Changing the
Nature of Nature?

By Sally Deneen

Princeton University microbiologist Lee M. Silver can see a day a few
centuries from now when there are two species of humans, the standard-issue
"Naturals," and the "Gene-enriched," an elite class whose parents
consciously bought for them designer genes, and whose parents before them
did the same, and so on for generations. Want Billy to have superior
athletic ability? Plunk down the cash. Want Suzy to be exceptionally smart?
Just pull out the Visa card at your local fertility clinic, where the elite
likely will go to enhance their babies-to-be.
It will start innocently enough:
Birth defects that are caused by a single gene, such as cystic fibrosis and
Tay-Sachs disease, will be targeted first, and probably with little
controversy. Then, as societal fears about messing with Mother Nature
subside, Silver and other researchers predict that a genetic solution to
preventing diabetes, heart disease and other big killers will be found and
offered. So will genetic inoculations against HIV.
Eventually, the mind will be targeted for improvement, preventing alcohol
addiction and mental illness, and enhancing visual acuity or intelligence
to try to produce the next Vincent Van Gogh or Albert Einstein. Even traits
from other animals may be added, such as a dog's sense of smell or an
eagle's eyesight.
What parents would see as a simple, if pricey, way to improve their kids
would result, after many generations of gene selection, in a profound
change by the year 2400--humans would be two distinct species, related as
humans and chimps are today, and just as unable to interbreed. People now
have 46 chromosomes; the gene-enriched would have 48 to accommodate added
traits, Silver predicts in his aptly titled book, Remaking Eden.
We may already be on the path to change the very nature of nature. If you
think it's a far-off prospect best left to future generations, think again.
On June 26, 2000, with much fanfare, scientists with the taxpayer-supported
Human Genome Project (working with the private Celera Genomics of
Rockville, Maryland) announced that they had completed a working draft of a
genetic blueprint for a human being. Many details still need to be filled
in before scientists can build a human from scratch.
Sequencing the human genome requires identifying 3.2 billion chemical
"letters" located on the 46 coiled strands of DNA found in nearly every
human cell. While researchers now know the order in which DNA is arranged
on the chromosomes, they haven't identified all those chemical "letters,"
which contain the instructions for making the proteins that comprise the
human body. About half of the genome sequence is in near-finished form or
better; a quarter is finished. The 15-year project is to be completed in
2005 at a budgeted cost of $3 billion, though some of that tax money is
spent on other genomic research.
While the implications for longevity, health insurance and discrimination
of this milestone achievement have grabbed media attention, the
ramifications for the environment, good and bad, haven't.
An Accelerating Timetable
How soon will all this happen? Silver believes that by around 2010 parents
will be able to genetically ensure their babies won't grow up to be fat or
alcoholic, and by 2050 arrange to insert an extra gene into single-cell
embryos within 24 hours of conception to make babies resistant to AIDS. It
is already possible to insert foreign DNA into mice, pigs and sheep. The
obstacles to inserting them in humans are mainly technical ones. At this
point in human knowledge, it could lead to mutations. Several techniques
are under development to try to avoid that, however.
"For the near and midterm future, we're looking at science fiction. You'd
have to be terminally reckless to do that type of human engineering on
people [with what we know now]," argues law professor Henry T. Greely,
co-director of the Program in Genomics, Ethics and Society at the Stanford
University Center for Biomedical Ethics.
To change a baby's eye color or hair color within a fertilized human egg
"would be a very expensive and dangerous proposition for such trivial
purposes," says Dr. Marvin Frazier, who fields human genome questions as
director of the Life Sciences Division of the U.S. Department of Energy's
Office of Biological and Environmental Research. "It is also my opinion
that this would be wrong," he added, "but that will not stop some people
from wanting to try."
As for manipulating intelligence or athletic ability, Frazier says it will
take scientists many decades to figure out how to do it. These particular
traits don't rely on one gene, but on all genes. They also rely "to a
significant degree" on nurture 

Re: [CTRL] NM: Inside Cover Story: Senator Spector the Defector

2001-01-13 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-


 [Does anyone know how old Specter is?  Could he be
 suffering from Alzheimer's?]

"Washington has been abuzz for while about Specter's
off-the-wall comments and mental well-being."

Nakano Comments:

Specter's mental well-being has been questionable
ever since he invented the "single bullet theory"
as an explanation for the assassination of
President John Kennedy. Specter was an investigator
for the Warren Commission and concocted the
fantastic single-bullet theory to explain how
Oswald could have killed the President and
wounded Governor John Connally with one shot.
It was put forth that Oswald had fired 3 times
and that two of the shots had missed.
Specter has proven many times that his IQ
is about the same number as his belt size.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Niece comes forward to save others

2001-01-13 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find a url for an article on allegations of abuse involving the
statute of limitations.

Sincerely, Neil Brick



"Niece comes forward to save others - By Susan McRoberts - Staff Writer -
Norwalk- A former Norwalk man surrendered to authorities Thursday in Norwalk
Superior Court and agreed to a psychological examination before he is
sentenced on charges of child molestation that occurred more than 30 years

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] NM: Inside Cover Story: Senator Spector the Defector

2001-01-13 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/13/01 6:21:59 PM Central Standard Time,

 Washington has been abuzz for while about Specter's off-the-wall
  comments and mental well-being.

  Source that, please.

  Far be it from me to defend the man who co-created the magic-bullet theory
with Gerald Ford, but it is very petty to question a man's sanity because he
does not tow the Republican Party Line.  It is even pettier to talk about
people leaving a restroom dragging toilet paper.  There just is no limit to
how low some
wing-nuts will go.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Global warming claims 'based on false data'??

2001-01-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Are there any comments or retorts to this controversial report?
LONDON TELEGRAPH   Jan. 14, 2001
Global warming claims 'based on false data'
By Robert Matthews

FRESH doubt has been cast on evidence for global warming following the
discovery that a key method of measuring temperature change has exaggerated
the warming rate by almost 40 per cent.

Studies of temperature records dating back more than a century have seemed to
indicate a rise in global temperature of around 0.5 ° C, with much of it
occurring since the late 1970s. This has led many scientists to believe that
global warming is under way, with the finger of blame usually pointed at
man-made pollution such as carbon dioxide.

Now an international team of scientists, including researchers from the Met
Office in Bracknell, Berkshire, has found serious discrepancies in these
temperature measurements, suggesting that the amount of global warming is
much less than previously believed.

The concern focuses on the temperature of the atmosphere over the sea, which
covers almost three quarters of the Earth's surface. While scientists use
standard weather station instruments to detect warming on land, they have
been forced to rely on the crews of ships to make measurements over the vast
ocean regions.

Crews have taken the temperature by dipping buckets into the sea or using
water flowing into the engine intakes. Scientists have assumed that there is
a simple link between the temperature of seawater and that of the air above

However, after analysing years of data from scientific buoys in the Pacific
that measure sea and air temperatures simultaneously, the team has found no
evidence of a simple link. Instead, the seawater measurements have
exaggerated the amount of global warming over the seas, with the real
temperature having risen less than half as fast during the 1970s than the
standard measurements suggest.

Reporting their findings in the influential journal Geophysical Research
Letters, the scientists say that the exact cause of the discrepancy is not
known. One possibility is that the atmosphere responded faster than the sea
to cooling events such as volcanic eruptions.

The findings have major implications for the climate change debate because
the sea temperature measurements are a key part of global warming
calculations. According to the team, replacing the standard seawater data
with the appropriate air data produces a big cut in the overall global
warming rate during the last 20 years, from around 0.18¡C per decade to

This suggests that the widely-quoted global warming figure used to persuade
governments to take action over greenhouse gases exaggerates the true warming
rate by almost 40 per cent. The team is now calling for climate experts to
switch from seawater data to sea-air temperature measurements.

One member of the team, David Parker, of the Hadley Centre for Climate
Prediction and Research at the Met Office, said that the discovery of the
discrepancy "shows we don't understand everything, and that we need better
observations - all branches of science are like that". Yet according to Mr
Parker, the new results do not undermine the case for global warming: "It is
raising questions about the interpretation of the sea-surface data."

Even so, the findings will be seized on by sceptics as more evidence that
scientists have little idea about the current rate of global warming, let
alone its future rate. Climate experts are still trying to explain why
satellites measuring the temperature of the Earth have detected little sign
of global warming - despite taking measurements during supposedly the warmest
period on record.

Some researchers suspect that the fault may again lie with the ground-based
temperature measurements. They say that many of the data come from stations
surrounded by growing urban sprawl, whose warmth could give a misleading
figure. A study of data taken around Vienna, Austria, between 1951 and 1996
found that the air temperature rose by anything from zero to 0.6¡C, depending
on precisely where the measurements were made.

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[CTRL] Girl dies after vaccination

2001-01-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Brain bug kills vaccine girl (15)
By: Eugene Masterson and Ruth O'Callaghan
A YOUNG Dublin girl has died from meningitis … just weeks after she was inoculated 
against the dreaded disease.
Laura Ryan (15) was buried yesterday. She succumbed to the killer B strain of the 
virus only days previously.

The healthy teenager had been inoculated, along with thousands of other students, 
against the C strain of the disease just before Christmas.

A major nationwide drive against Meningitis C has been underway for the past several 

Between 85 percent and 90 percent of students in second level schools have received 
the vaccine.

But the Eastern Health Board said there is no vaccine available for the particularly 
severe B strain of the virus and warned parents to be vigilant.

Every parent's nightmare turned into reality for David and Frances Ryan when Laura 
developed the classic symptoms of the disease last week and was rushed to Dublin's 
Beaumont Hospital.

Laura, from Seabury in Malahide, died within hours of being admitted to the hospital 
on Tuesday night.

Her parents and only sister Fiona were the chief mourners at yesterday's funeral Mass 
where schoolfriends from Malahide Community School broke down as Laura's white coffin 
left the Church of the Sacred Heart.

Among the packed congregation was 2FM broadcaster Gerry Ryan, who is closely related 
to Laura's family. Laura is the first person to die this year from bacterial 

But her death is the fourth teenage meningitis death in the Malahide-Portmarnock area 
since 1998.

Last year, two girls from Portmarnock died of Meningitis B and in 1998 four-year-old 
Ben Quinn, also from Seabury, also died.

The Department of Health is to launch a new campaign in April to target students who 
have not been vaccinated.

The national vaccination campaign began in October and has already been successful in 
reducing the rates of the deadly disease in children.

The disease has almost been eliminated in Britain only a year after the vaccine was 
first introduced.

Just three cases of Meningitis C were reported here in November - the lowest figure 
recorded for a number of years in this country.

Meningitis specialist Dr Mary McCafferty told Ireland on Sunday that experts in 
Holland are currently battling to find a vaccine for the B strain, which should 
protect against 80 percent of its varieties.

She said the A strain is rarely found outside certain parts of the world and is 
predominant in north Africa and occasionally found in Russia, but rarely found in 
northern Europe.

She said on average between between 10 and 25 people die in Ireland each year from the 

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Re: [CTRL] Forget the health aspect, it's the AESTHETICS [was So, you thought it was the tar etc.]

2001-01-13 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

They both stink up everything their smoke comes in contact 

"Stink" is a subjective term. Many people think marijuana smells good.

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Re: [CTRL] Pilots flew into A-bomb blasts

2001-01-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

So this guy's 78 years old and apparently healthy, and he used to fly his plane into 
nuclear mushroom clouds?

They must have been using pretty small nukes!

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Re: [CTRL] UPI: A 'Space Pearl Harbor'?

2001-01-13 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The device is made in Russia and is commercially available worldwide, 


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Re: [CTRL] Racism And The Fight For Democracy

2001-01-13 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The LAW won out rather than the mob.

Are you saying that you consider We The People to be a mob? If so,
what's that make you?

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Re: [CTRL] Racism And The Fight For Democracy

2001-01-13 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

   The LAW won out rather than the mob.
   Are you saying that you consider We The People to
   be a mob? If so, what's that make you?


Nothing is more revolting than the majority; for it consists of
few vigorous predecessors, of knaves who accommodate themselves,
of weak people who assimilate themselves, and the mass that
toddles after them without knowing in the least what it wants.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Re: [CTRL] Racism And The Fight For Democracy

2001-01-13 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-


Then who IS the mob?

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Re: [CTRL] [endsecrecy] Right-wing idealogue as Att Gen?

2001-01-13 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

As opposed to the left wing ideologues of the Clinton administration?

Left wing, right wing, same bird. 

Forget the wings. Look out for the claws and the droppings.

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Re: [CTRL] Racism And The Fight For Democracy

2001-01-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

The rednecks, the trailer-trash, the god-botherers, the KKK and skinheads, the 
suburban homeboys. These are the sort of trash which make up 'The Mob' who run around 
lynching people or harassing individuals.

I would prefer to live in a society of hermits.

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Re: [CTRL] Global warming claims 'based on false data'??

2001-01-13 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I have a hard time believing that there is global warming. Last year,
here in New Jersey, winter stayed late, spring had below normal
temperatures, we had no summer at all, just cool temps and tons of
rain, this winter came early, and I'm sitting here listening to my
furnace run continuously. Maybe the rest of the world is warm and
sunny, but I'm not convinced. And if there is global warming, please
send me some.


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Re: [CTRL] Global warming claims 'based on false data'??

2001-01-13 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove wrote:

 I have a hard time believing that there is global warming. Last year,
 here in New Jersey, winter stayed late, spring had below normal
 temperatures, we had no summer at all, just cool temps and tons of
 rain, this winter came early, and I'm sitting here listening to my
 furnace run continuously. Maybe the rest of the world is warm and
 sunny, but I'm not convinced. And if there is global warming, please
 send me some.


Years ago I read a fascinating article by a geologist - oh, how I wish I
kept it! - and he was saying that the geological record showed that the
Earth, prior to 10,000 years ago, had a volitile weather system.  Then,
he said, for some reason, for 10,000 years we have had stable weather
systems, which he said had given man the stability needed to spread
across the world and develop civilizations.  Then he said that this
period of weather stability was ending.  I think he was right.

Isn't it awful when you lose track of a great article?  Sorry that I
can't cite it - perhaps someone on the list has heard this theory and
can share?


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[CTRL] WP: Riady Will Admit Illegal Donations

2001-01-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Riady Will Admit Illegal Donations

Plea Deal Provides Fine, No Jail Term

By Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 12, 2001; Page A01

Indonesian banking magnate James Riady has agreed to plead guilty
to conspiring to illegally funnel foreign funds to the campaigns
of President Clinton and other U.S. politicians, federal
prosecutors said yesterday. Riady has agreed to pay a record $8.6
million fine for the election law violations, but will receive no
jail time under a deal with prosecutors.

Riady is a principal in the family-owned Lippo Group, a financial
services conglomerate whose campaign largess has been scrutinized
for three years by Congress and the Justice Department's campaign
finance task force. Documents filed by prosecutors yesterday in
Los Angeles lay out in detail how Riady and John Huang, a former
Lippo employee in the United States, moved hundreds of thousands
of dollars from Lippo-owned firms abroad into political campaigns
here. Riady is to appear in court in Los Angeles on Tuesday for
sentencing; Huang pleaded guilty to similar charges in 1999.

Riady has admitted he and Huang provided money to political
campaigns to influence American politicians on matters of
interest to Lippo, including gaining normal trade status for
China, open-trade policies with Indonesia, normalization of
relations with Vietnam and regulatory exemptions for LippoBank, a
Lippo subsidiary in Los Angeles.

The plea bargain with Riady comes just days before Clinton leaves
office and a new Republican administration takes over the Justice
Department. The deal is believed to be one of the last major
outstanding issues remaining for the department's campaign
finance task force, which brought the case.

"It was at the point when it was ready to go and a decision had
to be made," said a Justice Department official last night.

As part of the deal, Riady agreed to cooperate and has already
been questioned by investigators examining allegations of
possible Chinese espionage and whether $100,000 that Lippo paid
to Clinton friend Webster Hubbell was intended to buy his silence
in the Whitewater investigation. The office of independent
counsel, which has also investigated Hubbell, indicated that the
deal was in the best interest of its investigation and that the
information provided by Riady assisted its office, Justice
Department officials said.

The Riady sentencing agreement calls for two years' probation in
addition to the $8.6 million fine. He also will be required to
perform 400 hours of community service.

Justice Department officials said that the lack of an extradition
treaty with Indonesia, where Riady lives, made it impossible to
demand jail time, and that campaign finance violations are
generally misdemeanor charges. Under the plea arrangement, Riady
and LippoBank will plead guilty to felony conspiracy charges, and
all but $10,000 of the fine to be paid by Riady will be levied
against LippoBank.

"You can do the plea deal or Riady is never brought to justice,"
said Assistant U.S. Attorney Dan O'Brien in Los Angeles. O'Brien
has had numerous debriefing sessions with Riady in Jakarta and
Zurich, and Riady will have to continue to be available to
criminal and congressional investigators.

Riady's two children are U.S. citizens. Under the deal, he can
seek to reenter the United States in two years.

The documents filed by prosecutors note that Riady pledged $1
million in support to Clinton during his first presidential
campaign, in 1992. Under the scheme outlined by prosecutors,
Huang got his employees at LippoBank in Los Angeles to make
contributions, then he reimbursed them with funds Riady had sent
from Lippo entities abroad.

In addition to donations to Clinton's campaign, contributions
went to other, mostly Democratic candidates in California and
other parts of the country, as well as Democratic Party

Attorneys for Riady stressed that Riady has cooperated with the
Justice Department and that his cooperation is voluntary.

"Mr. Riady is a successful Asian businessman and community
leader. After being accused in the press of being a Chinese spy,
someone who gives hush money and a fugitive from justice, Mr.
Riady is very pleased that the Department of Justice has been
able to learn that none of these charges are true," said
Washington attorney Abbe D. Lowell in a statement yesterday. He
placed much of the blame on Huang, saying that Riady "regrets not
being more vigilant when his associates were supporting various
campaigns in the U.S."

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

Re: [CTRL] Global warming claims 'based on false data'??

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The Global Warming Debate Is Over:
It's Real, Inexorable, and Headed Our Way
The verdict is in on climate change, and the news isn't good. Scientists
say the effects are already occurring, and much more quickly than they
projected even a few years ago. Has global warming begun? Seeking an
answer, E sent a team of journalists to 11 "hot spots" around the world.
Their mission: to document climate change and its consequences. What they
discovered is startling, and represents a profound call to action.

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[CTRL] Fwd: MoD developing 'fuel-air' bomb

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

MoD developing 'fuel-air' bomb

Doubts raised over legality of urban warfare device
with impact of a tactical nuclear weapon

Richard Norton-Taylor
Friday January 5, 2001

Britain is developing a new type of a highly
controversial weapon for urban warfare that uses an
overwhelming combination of heat and pressure to
destroy buildings and kill the occupants.  The
"thermobaric" weapon, being designed by Ministry of
Defence scientists, is based on technology in
"fuel-air" bombs used by Russian troops in Grozny, the
Chechen capital, with an impact similar to that of a
tactical nuclear weapon.

The technology was developed by the US which used
"fuel-air" bombs in the 1991 Gulf war.  They were designed as a
replacement for napalm, widely used in Vietnam.

In a carefully-worded statement, the MoD admitted
yesterday it was "investigating the possibility of a
future purchase of a weapon for use by the infantry in
an urban environment designed to incapacitate the
occupantsof a defended building".

It was intended to be a "lightweight precision weapon
which must be capable of being fired by a single
soldier and capable of penetrating the wall of a
building rather than having to be fired through a door
or window".

The MoD added the weapon "must have a limited area of
effect such that It can be safely used at ranges as
close as 30 metres without risk of injury to either
our own troops or civilians nearby".

It said it would be "irresponsible" not to keep
developments in weapons technology under review, not
least to develop protective measures. If the army
decided to buy the weapon, the ministry would "ensure
this was fully in accordance with international law".

The weapons are particularly effective in confined
spaces which amplify the shockwaves. Conventional body
armour offers no protection.

Though based on similar technology to "fuel-air"
weapons, it is believed the British-designed heat and
pressure device will not use fuel and would be
significantly smaller than US and Russian weapons.

Major Ian Orr, commander of the army's urban warfare
training team, said yesterday the plan was to have the
weapon available by 2005. "We are looking at two
areas, offensive and defensive," he told BBC Radio 4's
Today programme. "These things are out there, we've
got to acknowledge that."

He added: "The lethality gradient is very abrupt. It
is much more effective against structures than
conventional high explosive. It can have serious
effects on people."

The Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman,
Menzies Campbell, said: "A lot of people in the United
Kingdom will be surprised to learn that the
Ministry of Defence is taking such an interest in a
weapon which is designed for urban warfare."

The decision to develop the weapon raised questions
"as to when and in what circumstances British forces
might be expected to use a weapon that has such
barbaric and severe consequences".

Under the Geneva conventions, Mr Campbell said,
"countries using weapons of any kind are obliged only
to use proportionate force and to ensure civilians are
not subject to the indiscriminate consequences of use
of that force".

Joost Hilterman, of the international campaign group
Human Rights Watch, questioned whether thermobaric
weapons were legal. "These are wide area weapons, and
under international human rights law there are clear
limits on the use of weapons whose use cannot be
limited to strict military objects," he said.

"We are very concerned that these weapons would be
used near population centres, thereby posing a very
serious threat to innocent civilians." Paul Rogers,
professor of peace studies at Bradford University,
said yesterday that "thermobaric" bombs were part of a
generation of area-impact weapons which had been
almost entirely overlooked by people concerned with
arms control.

"The MoD appears to be being economical with the
truth," he said. The devices were "devastating
anti-personnel weapons".

An American army study found that weapons of the kind
used by the
Russians in Chechnya could have the effect of a
tactical nuclear weapon without the radiation.

It said those further away from the blast site would
experience crushing injuries, concussion, multiple
internal haemorrhages, collapsed lungs, ruptured
eardrums, and displacement of the eyes from their

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[CTRL] Harris testimony called laughable

2001-01-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Harris testimony called 'laughable'

Chair of panel investigating alleged voting irregularities speaks out after

TALLAHASEE, Jan. 12   The testimony of Florida Secretary of State Katherine
Harris was described as "laughable" by the chairman of the U.S.  Commission
on Civil Rights on Friday, following the second and final day of the
panel's hearing on allegations of voting irregularities in the state that
decided the presidency.
CHAIRMAN MARY FRANCES BERRY and other members of the eight-member panel
accused Harris of obstruction in fielding questions about the election.
Members accused Harris of presiding over a "disaster" and trying to shift
blame to others.
Panel members said Harris failed to help county elections supervisors and
they criticized her for disparities in discarded ballots.
"It was a disaster for your state as well as for the rest of the country
and the way people feel about having faith in the system of this country,"
panel member Victoria Wilson said.
The results of the Nov. 7 election were contested for more than a month
until Republican George W. Bush was awarded Florida's 25 electoral votes,
and thus the White House. He beat Al Gore by 537 votes in Florida, but the
count of votes was marred by recounts, court challenges and claims of
Some voters have said that blacks and others in Florida were deprived of
their right to vote through incorrect purges of voting rolls, broken voting
machines and other problems.  The Madison County elections chief, Linda
Howell, testified Friday that the state had mistakenly listed her as a
convicted felon. She was allowed to vote.
Harris, a Republican and staunch supporter of the president-elect, deferred
most questions to Florida's elections director, Clay Roberts, saying she
had delegated him to run the day-to-day operations of her department's
elections division. She said her department had done all it could to
prevent voter fraud and to help make citizens aware of voting procedures.
Harris told the panel that her priority was ensuring the voting systems in
the state are up to par.
"We want to make sure the will of every voter is self-evident," she said.
The commissioners weren't content with that.
"I don't know who's responsible - the supervisors are saying you're
responsible, you're saying Mr. Roberts is responsible," Wilson said. "I'm
on the merry-go-round called denial."
Berry said she was surprised that Bob Crawford, a member of the state
canvassing board, and Phyliss Hampton, general counsel for the state
Elections Commission, testified that they had not heard of any complaints
following the election.
"The public officials in the state apparently don't read the papers, they
don't watch television, they don't know anything about what's going on in
the state," Berry said.
Commissioner Christopher Edley, a Harvard law professor, grew frustrated by
the answers from Harris and other state officials, saying they should have
simply admitted that "yeah, we blew it."
"I don't hear that tone coming through at all, I hear a lot of denial, a
lot of excuses and a lot of finger-pointing," he said.
The panel will issue an initial report within 60 days and send its
recommendations to Congress and the president this summer.
Gov. Jeb Bush, the president-elect's brother, testified Thursday that he
had limited power over the election and that state law made Harris and the
67 county elections supervisors responsible. He also said there were
glaring differences in the way counties handle elections.
Berry said the governor was ultimately responsible if systematic problems
are found.
"The (state) constitution gives the overall authority for elections, like
everything else, to the governor," Berry said.
The governor's office on Friday strongly denied that it vetoed a request
from Harris last year for $100,000 to pay for voter education measures. The
charge was made before the panel by Ion Sancho, the elections supervisor in
Leon County, who said the money might have helped avoid problems in the
November election.
"The secretary of state's office never requested $100,000 for voter
education," governor's spokeswoman Katie Baur. "Nothing ever came to the
governor's desk to sign. It's absolutely false, it's flat-out wrong."
The commission will hear more public testimony at its next meeting Feb. 16
in Miami.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

[CTRL] ABC: 20/20: Linda Tripp Interview

2001-01-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday January 12 10:52 AM EST

20/20: Linda Tripp Interview

Tonight, Linda Tripp, whose secret tape recordings of Monica
Lewinsky helped spark President Clinton's impeachment, appears on
20/20 to discuss life after the scandal.

I was essentially where every scandal was born," Linda Tripp
tells 20/20, responding to the many accusations that she tried to
stir up scandal in the Clinton White House.

In Tripp's first TV interview in nearly two years, which airs
tonight on ABCNEWS, she speaks bluntly about her recent plastic
surgery and sheds new light on her relationship with former
intern Monica Lewinsky.

Reluctant Alliance

Contrary to the conventional wisdom that Tripp and Lewinsky were
close friends, Tripp says she did not have a friendship with the
former intern. She says Lewinsky "accosted" her in the Pentagon
where they worked and "blurted out" her involvement with
President Clinton.

Tripp said admits she was "completely fascinated and horrified at
the same time."

While not interested in befriending a 22-year-old, Tripp became
the intern's confidante because, she says, "something kicked in
with Monica, she was so completely needy." Tripp also knew that
Lewinsky was very well-connected and believed rebuffing her could
be dangerous to her career.

Tripp said she views Monica as an emotionally unstable young
woman who was overcome by an obsession with the president.

Tripp justified her secret tape-recordings of conversations with
Lewinsky explaining that it was the only way to avoid a perjury
charge. "I found myself in the crosshairs of the president of the
United States," she says, "Remember, I was going under oath, so
was he, so was Monica. They were both going to lie. They said,
essentially, I'm gonna be the one convicted for perjury."

'I Was Horrified'

Tripp says she understands why many Americans view her as a
modern-day Judas.

But she argues that the White House portrayed her as a villain to
discredit her testimony. She also broaches the subject of her
appearance, saying her looks made it easy for the public to put
her down. "I did not realize how ugly I was 'till I saw the
pictures," she says, "I was horrified, as was the rest of the
country." Although she's now comfortable with her looks, she says
her face lifts did not heal her confidence.

Tripp arrived in the White House in 1990 as a staffer in the Bush
administration. She stayed on when the Clintons arrived and
worked for more than a year as a floating secretary. She says
that it had been her dream to work in the West Wing, admitting "I
would have cleaned the toilets with my tongue to work in the
White House."

Under the new administration she says she witnessed an array of
scandals almost immediately: Travelgate, Vince Foster's suicide,
and Kathleen Willey's encounter with the president which she
later called sexual harassment.

Tripp's private tape recordings of Lewinsky launched the
investigation that lead to Clinton's impeachment scandal. Now, no
longer in the media spotlight, Tripp lives in rural Virginia and
still works at the Pentagon. She recently shed 30 pounds, has had
two rounds of cosmetic surgery, and claims to rarely think about

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WT: The Reno smoking screen

2001-01-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Washington Times
January 12, 2001

The Reno smoking screen

By Bill O'Reilly

 Outgoing Attorney General Janet Reno recently told a
reporter she has no plans other than to drive her new pickup
truck back to her home in South Florida. The reporter nodded and
grinned like the sapling he is. If I had cornered Miss Reno I
would have said, "Wait a minute, Madame. What about all those
ongoing investigations you couldn't comment upon?" Let's see,
there was the foreign money coming into the Clinton campaign in
1996. There was Wen Ho Lee and the looting of U.S. nuclear
secrets. There was the Waco stuff and the Elian Gonzalez matter,
and on and on and on. Miss Reno could never really get specific
about any of it because all of it was under investigation, you

 Of course, this is bull feathers, but Miss Reno will likely
get away with it. There is no clamor from our newly elected
president and Congress to investigate the incredibly inept
attorney general. In fact, most everybody in Washington would
just rather see her go away. But not me. I'm really, really
angry, and I hope you are, too.

 Government corruption simply cannot be tolerated in the
United States, yet it seems as if we accept it all the time.
Investigators like David Shippers, Charles Labella and FBI chief
Louis Freeh have all raised questions about Miss Reno, so why
isn't it automatic that her conduct in office be investigated?

 The reason is that such an investigation could turn out to
be very messy. It is entirely possible that Janet Reno obstructed
justice. But the powers that be in both parties really don't want
to deal with that because it would open many doors that could
embarrass the United States.

 There is also another thing in play here. Most of the
American people don't care about the issue. Less than 50 percent
of eligible voters showed up in November, and I think it's safe
to say that a pop quiz on the tenure of Janet Reno would bring
very low grades nationwide. Most Americans simply can't be
bothered to contemplate whether or not the federal government is
corrupt, as long as there is plenty of bread on the table and
circuses on the tube.

 That's the reason Alan Greenspan and his Federal Reserve
Board gang get to live in the shadows, as well. Here is the most
powerful man in the world, who is appointed by the president and
paid by tax dollars — yet, he will not even hold a press
conference to explain his economic decisions, decisions that can
ruin people. This guy is allowed to do whatever he wants with no
explanation. His four-year term as Fed chairman is a no-cut deal.
He cannot be fired.

 This is frightening. There is no question that Mr. Greenspan
made a horrendous mistake by not cutting interest rates in the
fall. That mistake cost Americans trillions of dollars in their
portfolios. Why was the mistake made? We'll never know. Mr.
Greenspan is accountable to no one.

 This is not the kind of government I want. Call me a
dreamer, but I would like a government that holds public servants
accountable for their actions. Janet Reno has plenty of
explaining to do. Once she's out of office, she should be called
before Congress to specifically detail every one of her
controversial decisions. All of us in this country should demand

 But when I asked President-elect George W. Bush whether his
administration was going to investigate Miss Reno, he waffled.
Not good. We need answers, Mr. Bush. It is our right as citizens
to have them.

 As for Mr. Greenspan, forget it. Congress is scared to death
of him. He has destroyed the stock market and can damage the
economy with one sentence. This guy has too much power and does
not care a fig for the working people of this country.

 In a perfect world, both Janet Reno and Alan Greenspan would
be put on television and interviewed by Mike Wallace, Sam
Donaldson and myself for as long as it took to get some answers
for the American people. Shadow governing is not what we are all
about here. The American people have a right to know if their
country is being run on the up and up and if their financial
futures are being well looked after. It is time for Mr. Bush to
let the sun shine in.

Bill O'Reilly is host of the Fox News show, "The O'Reilly

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is 

[CTRL] Fiedor Report on the News

2001-01-13 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Doug Fiedor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 3:52 PM
Subject: [piml] Fiedor Report on the News

 Fiedor Report on the News

 A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia

   January 14, 2001   #213

   by:  Doug Fiedor[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Previous Editions at:


 As the impeached perjurer yucks it up,
 disparaging Dubya's good name to groups of other card
 carrying socialists, let's examine his last big lie.
 The Clinton cabal said it first:  "It's the
 economy, stupid!"  And so it is.  The free ride is over.
 The chickens are coming home to roost.  We've had a long
 period of "economic expansion," better known on the street
 as inflation, and now comes the recession.
 What few people know, or care about, was that
 Clinton had Robert Ruben form a stock and bond market
 instant response team to artificially prop up the markets.
 Furthermore, they had a Federal Reserve worker in the New
 York office playing around with billions of our dollars in
 overseas accounts to help insure that our markets looked
 Historically, there always has been a sliding
 relationship between gold, the dollar and the bond market.
 One could hedge and/or park capital somewhat safely in gold
 and/or bonds when the market got shaky.  That's not true
 anymore.  Our government, in cooperation with others, took
 the play out of the gold market and gold has been relatively
 stagnant for quite some time.
 Little of that outwardly bothers most people
 on mainstreet, U.S.A.  But it does stealthily raise prices
 significantly.  Ask whoever buys the groceries at home how
 prices have changed during the Clinton administration.
 Some things have actually doubled in cost.
 Many price increases were hidden, though.  For
 instance, a Big Mac hamburger costs the same but is now the
 size of a little Mac.  Many cans and packages that once
 held one pound of product now hold twelve or fourteen
 ounces for the same or higher price.  The only reason some
 clothing and small household appliances have not increased
 in price lately is because they are made in China or some
 other third world country.  Even so, the price may have
 stayed relatively the same but, in many cases, the quality
 greatly decreased.
 Energy is also a major problem.  Short of
 nuking all our foreign oil suppliers, it's hard to see
 exactly how the Clinton administration could have made a
 bigger mess, even if they had tried.  Heating oil and
 propane are in short supply, gasoline prices skyrocketed
 and thousands of over the road truckers are going bankrupt
 because of the high cost of diesel fuel.  On top of that,
 Clinton's obnoxious EPA is relentless in its quest to
 bother every single person in the nation about any little
 thing they can possibly think of.
 Congress, of course, is totally impotent on
 these issues.  Rather than take charge, they have
 unconstitutionally handed off their authority to the
 politburos of dozens of administrative agencies.  Which
 brings us back to Clinton.
 One major lie is that there is a budget surplus
 and they are "paying down the national debt."  Clinton's
 own Treasury Department proves that is a lie.  The supposed
 budget surplus will not materialize because Clinton 
 company threw us into a recession.  The national debt has
 increased $1,661-Billion under Clinton, and continues to
 increase at a rate of $123-million per day.  And that's
 after he stuck us with the largest tax increase in our
 nation's history.  (For more on the national debt, see the
 references below.)
 Unfortunately, with Bush's choice of Christine
 Todd Whitman to honcho EPA, no relief is in sight there.
 She's about as far left on environmental issues as they
 come.  However, it appears Bush did cajole the Fed into
 lowering interest rates, which will be felt favorably on the
 street about June.  The Bush team will also correct many of
 the energy problems by authorizing more power plants and
 encouraging oil exploration to make our country more self
 sufficient.  And, if Bush is able to ram a tax reduction
 through Congress, it will help to stimulate the economy and
 hence also to increase tax revenues.
 Meanwhile, save your pennies because the
 economy is headed south for a while.  The auto and other
 industries are already laying off and all prices will have
 to increase because truckers will have to charge more or go
 out of business.  The problem will be temporary.  But it
 will be very noticeable to many of us.
 Luckily, we will have Bush as President.  Like
 Clinton were he allowed to stay in office, Gore, would
 probably have caused a full blown depression.
 Clinton is a master at propaganda, but nothing

[CTRL] Fw: Emergency rooms closing their doors

2001-01-13 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

More examples of "false" prosperity.

Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 1:44 PM
Subject: Emergency rooms closing their doors

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Catching Up With Joe McMoneagle

2001-01-13 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

From HRVG,
Feature Article
Catching Up With Joe McMoneagle

Joe McMoneagle is considered to be the best remote viewer to come out of
the US Army program at Ft. Meade. He was viewer #001 in the unit and
whenever the time came to impress members of the Senate Intelligence
Committee about the capabilities of remote viewing it was usually Joe
who was called on to put on the dog and pony show. Joe continues to put
on demonstrations of remote viewing, in real time, on camera and in
front of audiences worldwide. He has been "put to the test" 17
times in front of television cameras. Recently he was in Japan where he
did two televised remote viewing demonstrations for NHK, a major
television station in Tokyo. The show was called "Battle TV."

On the program with Joe was a highly respected and extremely skeptical
professor of physics from the University of Tokyo. The professor boasted
that he would describe the "trick" used to give the illusion of remote
viewing, or else he would resign his position at the university.

The professor himself selected the first target.

Then, on camera in front of millions of viewers McMoneagle drew a
descending ramp beside a large concrete support. The target was a
circular ramp leading from a bridge.

In Joe's words, "I pretty much nailed it."

The professor protested (even though he selected the target) that there
are ramps like that all over Tokyo, and complained that Joe could have
simply guessed the target. Joe politely countered that there are also
temples and bowling alleys all over Tokyo but he didn't "guess" any of

So they had him work another target, this time double-blind. This target
was what is known in remote viewing as a "beacon target,"  meaning a
person physically went to a location in real time, and Joe was to
describe that location.

A woman was selected from the audience to act as the "beacon."  She was
given a ticket on the bullet train and allowed three hours to go to any
location. Joe went to the television station's "green room" and took a 2
hour nap. (jet lag, or cooldown?) No one in the studio (including Joe)
knew where the woman was going.

The target turned out to be an artificial pond used as an in-door hot
bath. The studio audience judged McMoneagle's remote viewing data to be
90 to 95% accurate.

As Joe left Japan the professor was busy going over the tapes of the
program trying to discover the "trick" employed by Joe to so accurately
describe both targets.

No word yet on whether the professor has indeed resigned from the

McMoneagle doesn't do any formal teaching these days, although he does
give seminars from time to time. For those who would like to learn from
Joe, he says his book "Remote Viewing Secrets" is a good place to start.
Joe tells us, "I provide all the materials and knowledge necessary to
understand and set up one's own training scenario within my book."

"Aside from knowing what's in that book and practice," says Joe,  "there
really is no way to train someone to be a remote viewer. At least that
is my belief at this time. This is also supported by science."

What about all the remote viewing courses being offered by other Ft.
Meade alumni?

"You should remember,"  says Joe  "that even those remote viewers who
were in the Stargate Project, and who say they can train people quickly,
learned to do their own remote viewing by doing two or more remote
viewings a day, five days a week, in excess of 12 months."

So his advice?  Joe says, "I guess the real name of the game is;
practice, practice,practice, then when you are exhausted from it, go
back and practice some more."

McMoneagle does just that. He tells us he currently does two or three
targets a day. He works for private companies, corporations, and even
individuals. And when he's not doing work for a client Joe practices.
"You have to use it or lose it," he says.

Many remote viewers believe that they have to produce complex work each
time they remote view. They strive for the most specific, extremely
detailed data on every target. You might be surprised to learn that Joe
McMoneagle feels low level data is best. He says, "it is far better to
be very good at describing an overall gestalt for a target, and being
able to do so every time you remote view- this is called good
replication- than it is to be able to do a perfect world-class remote
viewing now and then. Dependability and replicability is far more
desired than details."

McMoneagle is currently working on his fourth book, which is due to be
delivered to his publisher by the end of February. Look for the book to
be out in the fall of 2001. Joe is also floating several screen plays in
Los Angeles, one of which is about remote viewing. And he would like to
someday publish his novel "Pulling The Plug," written in 1991 about the
Vietnam War.

Joe was scheduled to give a paper at a technical conventional called
"Tech Fest" in Bombay, India in early 

[CTRL] A deadly Soviet threat lives on

2001-01-13 Thread Amelia

A deadly 
  Soviet threat lives on 





  In a Kazakh 
institute, living germs designed for warfare are a terrorists 

  A flimsy 
door with an ancient lock is all that separates terrorists from 
vials of deadly biological agents at the Plague Research Institute 
in Almaty, Kazakhstan. NBC's Dana Lewis reports.

By Dana 


ALMATY, Kazakhstan  Down a 
street from where children play, just yards away from homes and 
vegetable gardens, the Plague Research Institute in Kazakhstans 
commercial capital is a terrorists dream. Under the guise of 
civilian research, the institute collected and housed thousands of 
deadly germs during the Soviet era to be used against the United 
States in a war. Until recently, the facility was completely 













  INSTITUTE is a terrorists treasure, said Andy Weber, a representative of 
  the Pentagons threat reduction program, a U.S. body charged with 
  preventing and responding to threats against the United States. 
Its not difficult to see why terrorists might target 
  the Plague Research Institute for their wares.   
  Recently, Weber strolled into a dimly lit room in one of the 
  facilitys buildings. He opened the door of one of nine rumbling Soviet 
  refrigerators revealing a horror inside: test-tubes containing samples of 
  anthrax, tularemia, and plague, some dating back to the 1940s, all 
  alive.   Anthrax is 90 percent lethal. Drop 
  it and you can be infected, a lab worker warned. A strain of the plague 
  known as the Black Death can kill you in a very quick and painful way, 
  Weber said. It produces high quantities of toxins which cause your lungs 
  to fill up with a bloody froth. Vital organs are deprived of oxygen and 
  cease to function. 










Case Against Hillary Clinton


Invitation to the White 

  DEATH   All that stands between 
  intruders and this deadly cache are the worn padlocks on the refrigerators 
   and a wax seal. The buildings themselves, until recently, had nothing 
  more than wooden doors guarding this trove of death.  
   One kick, said Weber, and anyone could walk 
  inside.   The 1,400 test tubes stored in these 
  nine refrigerators are one of the dark legacies of the Cold War. Soviet 
  researchers ostensibly used the Plague Research Institute for civilian 
  purposes, collecting natural biological organisms from the field. During 
  the Soviet era, scientists conducted research on plague strains most 
  virulent and resistant to antibiotics, and pursued vaccines for the 




  Mankind's weapons of terror


   MSNBC Interactive


  A look at the threat, nature and 
effects of biological weaponry



  But the reality, according to a former Soviet bioweapons official, 
  was much different. Ken Alibek, a former Soviet colonel who worked in 
  Russias biological weapons program and defected to the United States in 
  1992, said the civilian research at the institute was only a cover for a 
  deadly biological weapons program that violated high-level treaties 
  between the Kremlin and Washington.   

[CTRL] Fwd: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Horrors (McSquirmies)

2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

So today I checked out this red worms stuff re McDonald's being forced
to use red worms in their hamburgers and then decided that soy, now
supposed to cause cancer - etc., and then added the mad cow disease and
I wonder.

There is such a thing as espionage and sabotage and rumour mills working
overtime - we have mad cow disease and is the beef industry being

Clintons have interest in Tyson Check and they are buying out the big
beef company that was nearly run out by federal government for it is
said plant had e coli problem - now Tyson buys it up and the English
cattle slaughtered and millions more cattle being slaughtered - and now
McDonalds - this old item on the web made me thing.

For in 1978 a lot of things happened.Wendy Hamberger was attempting
to get organized and boy that House of the Sun in Florida - anyway,
quite a few people bought into Presutti Chin in Columbus and they all
went busto - but the feeling was "who the hell ever heard of a square

I think somebody is really sabotaging the meat industry - it is noted
the these meat processing plants hire a lot of immigrants - cheap help,
etc., union busting - and yet we are to buy the food at top dollar?

Like raising gas is someone trying to raise the beef prices way up - for
some of these hamburgers are now selling for ninety-nine cents,

So this story  find interesting - but why would this worm story be
starting again?  Nobody likes McDonalds it seems - shoot outs, and a
natural tendency to hate McDonalds.Italians hate them and now they
have a pork hamburger supposedly - so there goes the non pork eaters

Interesting item here - but cattle are being slaughtered all over the
world - especially older cattle it is reported - red worms in McDonald
Hamurgers?   Instead of soy?

Reference here to Jack on the Box - weren't they  affected by lots of
bad meant last yearbut Tyson Chicken, who freezes and thaws and
refreezes chicken - a Clinton investment buying out the burgers - and
Burger King was it sabotged maybe by some of these
competitors..reason I wondered is today they sell us Presidents like
they do a pound of ground round..domestic sabotage?



Claim:  McDonald's hamburgers contain worm meat.
Status:  False.
Origins:  Common sense should tell us this rumour is false. Pound for
pound, earthworms cost more than beef -- it doesn't make sense to use a
filler that's more expensive than what's being replaced.
Ah, but rumors don't rely upon common sense. It's the "yuck!" factor
that gets us.

The earthworm (sometimes kangaroo meat) additive whisper has bedeviled
McDonald's. (In some locales, the local Jack in the Box is fingered
instead of McDonald's.) Officially dating back to 1978 (itmight well
be older -- one reader recalls hearing it in 1973 or 1974) and of
uncertain origin, this tale has a long tradition of being believed. By
one common account, CBS's 60 Minutes dug up the worm scandal; in fact,
it never had.

Adding credibility to these tales, many corporate rumors include the
names of television news or talk shows -- either the rumor was
investigated and found to be true by [name of investigative show] or the
CEO of whichever company appeared on [name of talk show] and admitted
[horrifying thing]. One wonders at all these CEOs with something to hide
showing up on talk shows. One also wonders at the prescience of those
who book the guests, for one wouldn't think a chat with the relatively
anonymous CEO of a large corporation would make for that interesting a

As to what kind of damage a rumor like this can do, the experience of
one owner of four McDonald's in Atlanta, Georgia, was typical. Back in
1978 he saw his sales plunge by 30% and consequently had to lay off
about a third of his employees. Corporate rumors aren't victimless.

McDonald's did what they could to refute the lie. From the 27 November
1978 issue of Newsweek:

At an Atlanta press conference, McDonald's officials, backed by a
regional officer of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, denounced the
rumors as "completely unfounded and unsubstantiated," and swore that the
company's hamburgers contain nothing but beef.

The 1 October 1982 Financial Times confirms the involvement of the Feds
by saying that "the story gained such wide circulation that McDonald's
held a press conference to rebut it and even obtained a letter from the
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture attesting to the pure beef content of its

Perhaps the final word on this subject should belong to Ray Kroc as
quoted in the 30 April 1992 issue of Time:

Ray Kroc, who bought McDonald's from Mac and Dick McDonald in 1955,
added his own assurances: "We couldn't afford to grind worms into our
meat," he countered. "Hamburger costs a dollar and a half a pound, and
night crawlers six dollars."

Barbara "would you like fries with that?" Mikkelson

Last updated:  5 July 1999
The URL for this page is

[CTRL] The Adversary

2001-01-13 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

"The Adversary" by Emmanuel Carrre

A new book probes the case of the phony doctor who killed his family
rather than confront a life of lies.

By Laura Miller

Jan. 12, 2001 | Who would have thought that something as primal as a
homicidal spree could be so shaped by national character? In America,
the crimes (and the trials) that attract the most attention roil with
crude, tabloid emotions and the garish fixations of our culture: They're
about race (O.J.), the battle between men and women over blaming rights
(Michael Kennedy Smith, the Bobbitts, O.J. again) and -- our favorite
scare show theme -- the horrendous abuse of children (Susan Smith, the
Menendez brothers, JonBenet Ramsey).

The crime that transfixed France in the early '90s, however, was a far
subtler and more existential puzzle. In 1993, Jean-Claude Romand, an
eminently respectable, mild-mannered physician who worked as a
researcher for the World Health Organization, killed his wife and their
two children in their home near the Swiss border, then drove to a nearby
town, where he murdered his parents in the house where he was raised
before returning to his own home, swallowing a fistful of (defunct)
Nembutal tablets and setting the place on fire. While Romand lay
unconscious, investigators discovered that he did not, in fact, work for
WHO, that he was not even a doctor and that for 18 years he had been
funding his family's comfortable, bourgeois lifestyle with money that
his parents, in-laws and other relatives had handed over to him to

Quickly abandoning the notion that Romand's false life covered up a
reality of arms trafficking and espionage, authorities concluded that
when he was supposed to be working at WHO, he had spent the days, in the
words of one newspaper, "off wandering, alone, in the forests." It was
that line, that image, that hooked Emmanuel Carrre, a commercially and
critically successful French novelist who had just completed a biography
of American science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. Carrre wrote to
Romand and eventually received both the murderer's permission to write a
book about the case and his consent to meet with the author. Carrre
also attended Romand's trial.

Although Romand had the blood of five people on his hands (he'd
attempted, but failed, to kill his Parisian mistress as well), the
murders merely horrified Carrre (as he explains in somewhat
conventionally melodramatic terms). What fascinated the writer was the
false doctor's strange existence prior to his infamous crime: "What I
really wanted to know: what went on in his head during those days he
supposedly spent in the office, days he spent, it was now thought,
walking in the woods."

Romand's story does have a weirdly symbolic quality, and this slender,
unsettling book often reads like one of those enigmatic midcentury
French novels, say Albert Camus' "The Fall," a book Romand quoted at
length in a letter to a female admirer. (Perhaps French murderers are
exceptionally better read than ours, or perhaps 18 years of killing time
while you're pretending to be at the office gives a guy lots of time to
catch up on the classics.)

Romand could easily have become a real doctor. Instead, devastated by a
romantic rejection (from the woman who would eventually become his
wife), he missed the final exams of his second year at medical school
and spent the summer moping in his studio apartment. For some reason,
Romand told his parents and friends that he'd passed the exams, and this
first big lie planted the seed of an entirely fabricated career. He
continued to attend classes, to study with his girlfriend (who had taken
him back) and to juggle the school's bureaucracy to the degree that he
always had a student I.D. card. "He spent as much time and energy
pretending to become a doctor as he would have to become one in
reality," Carrre observes.

Romand's life became a parable of human perversity, in which the dread
of confessing to that initial lie (Carrre speculates that Romand might
have feared "debasing" himself with such a confession or that, sunk deep
in lethargy, he might have simply felt "too tired" to explain)
necessitates ever more lies. How did he get away with it? Initially,
Carrre suggests, it was because Romand was such a nebbish, so
unassuming, that no one paid much attention to him. He was the opposite
of those stereotypically flashy and charismatic pathological liars who
leave in their wake a string of bilked widows and divorces complaining
to "America's Most Wanted"; Romand was a real Nowhere Man, sitting in
his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans.

But not, alas, for nobody. Romand's extended family came to admire him
as the epitome of the solid citizen, and he and his wife acquired a
circle of friends, all of whom were flummoxed to discover the truth. If
Romand is baffling, he is nevertheless consistent. When he had run
through everyone's money (including 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Horrors (McSquirmies)

2001-01-13 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

I have been in food business 40 years. This legend has been around at least
30 years. I have sold beef to McDonalds asthma broker/traderthey as wells
mostlarge franchises have very strict quality control.

Old joke amounts insiders: Worms in the hamburger? Do you know how much a
pounds worms cost.  LOL

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[CTRL] Fwd: Warning Signs! January 15, 2001 ~ Vol. 3, No. 3

2001-01-13 Thread Amelia

{The elitist, TPTB, those who are manipulating the population at large, 
the NWO, Illuminati, whatever you choose to call it, have gotten more use and 
help in their endeavors from playing the race card than any other, even 
religion. Everybody has a race, more or less, and is interested in seeing 
it advanced and usually even likes to think his own race is at least equal to 
all others. One cannot be reared in any civilization without incurring 
some degree of racism if only in noting racial physical and cultural 
differences. The same is true of any ethnic group even slightly different 
from our own. A Swede would naturally note, say, Italians eating a 
different diet, etc. In this sense, we are all racists. When carried 
to extreme, this becomes a very negative and destructive trait.

Equally pernicious is race-baiting in the example of calling others 
"racists" when they are not or are no more than the one making the charge. 
This is exactly the same thing, only the flip side of the coin. It is as 
destructive as racism and is but another form of hate-mongering.

Racism and race-baiting are being used currently in the "divide and 
conquer"strategy first begun in the 2000 presidential election. And they 
are being used with great success while the recession is ignored, the price of 
oil is being raised to fleece the drones even more, new wars are being 
instigated and their agenda marches on.Florida is always a powder 
keg of racial andethnic tensions with a diverse population and an 
ever-fresh influx of immigrants to insure instability in themake-up of the 
population with constant change. Couldthat be why it was 
selectedfor playing the race card when the same things happened, according 
to the ACLU, in Illinois, Georgia and seven other states? I think 

Racism and race-baiting, inferring people are "Nazi" when they are 
not are all forms of hate crimes as surely as the ones they decry. One 
would be well advised to consider carefully before making charges of this nature 
as they are not to be done lightly. The character assassinations being so 
casually inflicted will have long-lasting ramifications and contribute to an 
atmosphere of malice and ill-will. Opposing one's nomination to a cabinet 
position is one thing but to seek to label them as pure evil quite 
another. Traditionally, the president was allowed to select a cabinet with 
minimum interference until recent years and now it seems as though it should be 
made up of only those approved by the opposite political party. That makes 
no sense as it is the president who will be working with these individuals and 
should be his choice.

Race-baiting is always a cheap trick in that one cannot prove a 
negative--that one is NOT something. That is very difficult to do. 
But what I have seen of some of the "evidence" of racism is far from "proof" 
also. John Irving's example of labeling somebody a "non-practicing 
homosexual" is a perfect example of a negative that could not be proven. 
And always remember, be careful what you want because you might just get it in 
the "Anybody except _" just as this country did in the case of the Shaw 
of Iran. Just my opinion. AKE}}

Saturday, January 13, 2001 7:57 AM

Subject: [piml] Fwd: Warning Signs! January 15, 2001 ~ Vol. 3, No. 

From: "Miss Moneypenny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: 
[ParanoidTimes] Warning Signs! January 15, 2001 ~ Vol. 3, No. 3 



  January 15, 2001 ~ Vol. 3, No. 3

The Liberal Jihad
This is what an editorial in the January 10th Wall 
Street Journal had to say: "With Linda Chavez now over the side, 
the blood is in the water. What a spectacle. In most parts of America, a 
woman who stretched out a hand to a struggling Vietnamese refugee, who paid 
for the schooling of two Puerto Rican children out of her own pocket, and 
who opened her home to a battered Guatemalan woman without first demanding 
to see her green card would be held up as an example. That's the difference 
between most of America and the Beltway, where a Linda Chavez gets reduced 
to a political scalp."
Granted Ms. Chavez should have alerted the Bush people to the Guatemalan 
woman she helped, rescuing her from a battered womans shelter, but it 
probably never even occurred to her. Since when has compassion become a 
crime in Washington, DC? This is the difference between conservatives who 
actually help people and liberals who just talk about helping 
It also signals the deadly intent of the Democrats and liberal 
ideologues. The new administration is faced with a group of Beltway jackals 
bent upon total political warfare. What we are witnessing is a Liberal 
jihad, a holy war that intends to take no prisoners.
While it may be naove of me, I think most Americans have more in common 
with each other in terms of their expectations and hopes for the success 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Horrors (McSquirmies)

2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Okay Captain Ahab - pull up the story and you see 7.00 a pound for
little red worms but why would CNN have such a blurp?

Didn't catch all of it - but sounds like somebody is being sabotaged
here - Wendy's actually washes their hamberger - one of the old crowd
told me this and Dave Thomas had the idea for the square Wendy Hamberger
in her kitchen..when I was told that, I thought he was part of her
kitchen help .

So what's the beef?

You know I almost believed that except for the fact that it was so
revolting to think of the little squiggles in hamberger - yet note how
they sell little worms for kids to eat as candy - that soft gummy stuff
- so maybe getting prepared for the worse and reduce Americans to eating
- well we used to call it back home of the farm, "slopping hogs"..

Might be okay for that a Clinton bunch, but we like grade A..

Thanks Captain Ahab.   But read the story and the legend began in

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Horrors (McSquirmies)

2001-01-13 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/14/01 1:52:29 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Okay Captain Ahab - pull up the story and you see 7.00 a pound for
 little red worms but why would CNN have such a blurp?
CNN=Communist news network.  They lie. They are in financial trouble and
grasping at sensationalism. if u believe a corp like McDonalds would allow
worms into there meat u r nuts. 'nough said.


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[CTRL] Man who hit judge blames 'machine'

2001-01-13 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Man who hit judge blames 'machine'
By Sue Clough, Courts Correspondent

THE man who attacked a judge at the Old Bailey was carried from the dock
by four prison officers yesterday after claiming a "machine" had made
him do it.

Three days after he leapt from the dock, hurled a water carafe towards
the 64-year-old-judge and punched her repeatedly in the face, causing a
black eye and a head wound needing five stitches, the man was brought
back to the Old Bailey.

This time he appeared before Judge Peter Beaumont, handcuffed and
flanked by four prison officers with two policemen standing outside the
dock. The man is charged with murder. Rock Tansey, QC, his counsel, told
yesterday's pre-trial hearing that he could not object to the
application from the prison guards for handcuffs "in view of what
happened the other day".

After being remanded in custody at the end of the brief hearing, the
stockily-built man would not leave the dock to go to the cells below. He
claimed a machine in Belmarsh prison was torturing him and "caused the
attack on the judge the other day. I am refusing to leave the dock until
this machine is stopped". The prison officers picked him up and carried
him from court.

9 January 2001: Prisoner beats up woman judge at the Old Bailey

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Re: [CTRL] Chemtrails

2001-01-13 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(Very interesting... --SW)

On 13 Jan 01, at 22:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chemtrails: those who believe they are nothing but paranoid delusions would
 do well to read this list of visitors to the main chemtrail web site...



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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Warning Signs! January 15, 2001 ~ Vol. 3, No. 3

2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So the race card began right after death of JFK and the Columbus
Dispatch printed a story where  a congressional candidate told how he
would win the election and he was playing not only the race card but
breaking all people down in little groups...

Might add he got elected - first democrat in 30 years - and then, he
lasted one t term so for over 30 years now only Republican has held this

This man was a real liberal and came in with the CFR bunch who were
attempting to take over, and finally have taken over, the democrat

So now we have no democrat party and this is reason I went
RepublicanI will not sell out my race for anybody.

To see these politicians grovel for votes and yet to hear what they say
behind their backs - ah, yes these Liberals have played the race card
and aided in the murder of JFK, RFK, MLK, and behind it all the
communist conspiracy all timed to go off this year - but guess what,
they lost and how desperate they are - nobody wants to go, Clinton,
Ehud, Arafat or Blair...they have ordained and anointed themselves
forever like a Melchizadek?

Glad the bums are all going to be thrown out.

This "new aristocracy" - they got to be kidding.


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2001-01-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well would rather eat red worms than e coli for if you look that up it
says "see defacate"  and if you look that up, well I note food handlers
in these fast food places seem neat and clean, but if you eve notice
they go to bathrooms and do not wash their hands; once I ordered a
hamberger when I ate the things and they put a lot of goop on it - I
said I had ordered it plain, and the waitress in the Wendy's joint, took
her fingers and pulled off the garbage on the top.

A woman at the salad bar was dipping a chip into a dip, taking bite, and
dipping it again.   After 7 this  Wendy burger place became hangout for
street people - so no more fast foods for me - until the food handlers
have better training and I do not like anyone spitting in my food


Public Health

 Hamburger disease is caused by a germ belonging to the family
of E.coli bacteria, that produces a toxin or poison. E.coli 0157:H7
bacteria are the most serious strain of E.coli known. The toxin damages
the lining of the intestine. Young children, the very old and people who
are weak or ill are more susceptible to contracting hemorrhagic colitis
as a result of E.coli 0157:H7.
 It can be found in the intestines of cattle, can be spread
from person to person and it can get into the food we eat, especially
meat. Outbreaks involving many people eating the same contaminated food
have been reported as well as occasional cases involving only one person
in a family.

What are the Symptoms?
 After the contaminated food has been eaten, it can take as
little as 12 hours or as long as 7 to 10 days before any symptoms start.
Those affected will develop severe stomach cramps and then diarrhea. The
diarrhea is watery at first but may become bloody. A mild fever may or
may not be present. The illness usually lasts 7 to 10 days.
 Most people recover without problems but the disease can be
more severe in the very young and very old. An unusual form of kidney
failure called Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome can occur. Anyone exhibiting
bloody diarrhea should call their doctor.

How Do I Know I Have It?
 Diagnosis is made from a stool culture. The bacteria can be
spread to other people through food and poor handwashing practices for
as long as the bacteria is in the faeces. Therefore, it is important to
submit follow-up stool samples, to make sure it is gone.

Where Does it Come From?
 The E.coli germs have been found in pork, chicken, turkey,
beef, raw milk and contaminated drinking water. Human cases of the
disease have been caused by eating undercooked meat (especially
hamburger) and drinking unpasteurized milk. Proper handling and cooking
of these foods prevents illness. This will not only protect you against
E.coli but also other germs such as Salmonella that cause food

What To Do If You Are a Confirmed Case?
**AFTER USING A TOILET, wash you hands thoroughly with soap, nail brush,
and hot water. Your towel and washcloth should not be used by others.
The disease is spread by the faeces and after using the toilet, the germ
can stay on your hands. Remember, just because you can't see it doesn't
mean it is not there.
**DISHES AND UTENSILS should be disinfected by using a recommended
disinfectant like household bleach (e.g. Javex) or boiling water. Dishes
should be washed first and then allowed to soak in a sink of clear water
with 2 tablespoons of bleach for at least 45 seconds.
**WASH AND DISINFECT all bathroom fixtures frequently, especially water
taps, flush lever, toilet seat and cover.
**LAUNDRY, particularly bedding, underclothing and towels used by the
patient should be disinfected. This is extremely important if the
patient is a child still in diapers or an incontinent adult (a person
who cannot control their bowels). Parents and caregivers should be
careful to wash their hands before diapering a child and immediately
Children ill with this bacteria should not attend daycare.
follow these recommendations closely as well. It is important that you
wash your hands thoroughly because food is one of the easiest ways for
these bacteria to be spread. After handling a soiled article used by the
patient, the bacteria will remain on your hands and can easily be
transferred to food, dishes or utensils which may be used by others.

 Drinking lots of clear fluids is important to prevent or treat
dehydration. Most cases do not require any other treatment. Taking
medication to stop the diarrhoea is not usually advised. Antibiotics are
of uncertain benefit.

**WASH HANDS after using the toilet, before preparing foods and after
handling raw meat.
**DRINK ONLY PASTEURIZED MILK. Never let youngsters sample raw milk from
the animal.
**DRINK WATER from a supply known to be safe. If you have a private
water supply (well) it should be tested several times a year. Never
drink water from a lake, river,