[CTRL] ST: Defectors say Iraq tested nuclear bomb

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


February 25 2001

Defectors say Iraq tested nuclear bomb

By Uzi Mahnaimi and Tom Walker

DISTURBING new evidence has emerged about Saddam Hussein's
nuclear arsenal as tension rises in the Middle East over an
increasingly aggressive Iraq.

According to two former senior scientists in the Iraqi nuclear
programme - corroborated by a former aide to Saddam's son Uday -
Iraq carried out a successful nuclear test before the Gulf war
and now has a nuclear stockpile.

The scientists describe in detail Iraq's nuclear programme. They
say Saddam carried out a nuclear test in September 1989 deep
beneath Lake Rezzaza, southwest of Baghdad. The blast was
undetected because it was relatively small - about equal to the
Hiroshima bomb - and muffled.

Over the past decade, despite UN inspections, Saddam has carried
out further tests and now has several bombs stored in a bunker
under the Hamrin mountains north of Baghdad, they say.

Their claims, which are reported in today's News Review section
of The Sunday Times, challenge the consensus among the American,
British and Israeli intelligence services that Saddam does not
have sufficient enriched uranium or plutonium to fulfil his
ambition of developing a nuclear bomb.

Israel's prime minister-elect, Ariel Sharon, is expected to warn
Colin Powell, the visiting American secretary of state, during
talks today that the region may slide into war. Powell, who was
in Egypt yesterday, urged Arab countries to join America in
countering the threat posed by Saddam.

Israeli military sources say that Sharon has ordered Shaul Mofaz,
the chief of staff, to prepare the army for a pre-emptive attack
on Iraq's missile launch zone, which is close to its border with

Resurrecting and developing plans from the Gulf war, Sharon
threatens to deploy tactical neutron bombs to "wipe out" the
launch zone in the event that intelligence reports say a
non-conventional weapons attack by Iraq is imminent, according to
the sources.

Sources close to Sharon say he will tell Powell that Israel would
not sit still and wait for Iraqi missiles to rain down on its
towns, as it did in the 1991 Gulf war in reponse to American
requests for restraint.

On Thursday Israel placed its forces on high missile alert after
American intelligence warned about movements of Iraqi armoured
divisions close to the border with Syria. American satellites
also picked up preparations in the Iraqi long-range surface
missiles brigade. Israeli air force planes took off opposite the
Syrian coast.

Almost at the same time, two American Awacs, four Hawkeye spy
planes and 36 assorted American and British fighter aircraft took
off from the Turkish base of Incirlik and from American carriers
in the region.

They ran into fierce anti- aircraft missile fire from batteries
north of the Iraqi oil city of Mosul. The allied fighters blasted
the Iraqi batteries in return but caused little damage.

The next day, an Arabic- language Israeli newspaper published a
warning from Baghdad that "Iraq is about to hit Israel" and "will
liberate the occupied territories". An Israeli general, formerly
assistant to an Israeli prime minister, told The Sunday Times:
"It's hard to believe that Saddam will use non-conventional
weapons against Israel, but we failed to predict his moves in the
past and we may fail to do so in future."

The principal source of the new evidence about Saddam's nuclear
programme is a former military engineer, known as "Leone", who
says he worked for a special scientific department of the
Republican Palace in Baghdad, which supervised the development of
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

His claim is corroborated by a scientist from another branch of
the weapons programme and by Abbas al-Janabi, a former personal
assistant to Uday Hussein. "A nuclear test was carried out in
1988 or 1989 in an underground site beside Lake Rezzaza," said
Janabi, who claimed to have been in the test cavern before the
explosion. Satellite images from 1989 show a huge tunnel at the

Last month, another former engineer from the weapons programme,
now in hiding, said Saddam had two "fully operational" nuclear

Western intelligence officers who have heard Leone's claims say
he is well informed, but they insist there is no evidence that
Iraq could obtain sufficient enriched nuclear fuel. Leone and his
corroborators say that the fuel was smuggled in from South Africa
via Brazil.

Gwynne Roberts, a film-maker who has investigated Leone's story,
said: "Something very unusual happened on the shores of Lake
Rezzaza prior to the Gulf war, which was completely missed by
western intelligence agencies."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best

[CTRL] NM: Hillary-Denise White House Records Being Crosschecked

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday Feb. 24, 2001
9:44 p.m. EST

Hillary-Denise White House Records Being Crosschecked

The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee is seeking to
determine whether former first lady Hillary Clinton was home when
million dollar Democrat donor Denise Rich visited the White House
a reported 100 times last year.

"Well, it seems (House Government Reform chairman) Dan Burton is
going to get Secret Service White House access records for Denise
Rich and match them up with Hillary Clinton's travel schedule, if
you know what I mean," reported Fox News Channel's Morton
Kondracke Saturday night.

"It may turn out that the Marc Rich scandal was not about money
-- or at least not entirely about money," he added.

During much of the last twelve months, Mrs. Clinton was in New
York campaigning for her U.S. Senate seat.

On Thursday Burton's committee obtained Secret Service waves logs
and E-pass records for the White House last year. But as
committee spokesman Mark Corallo told NewsMax.com last week, he
has no immediate plans to make those records public.

Still, any hard evidence that ex-President Clinton's relationship
with Rich was less than strictly professional would obliterate
his claim, echoed throughout the mainstream press, that he was
truly sorry for his conduct with former White House intern Monica
Lewinsky and had mended his ways.

All Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-02-24 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-


This is an exceptional speech, which you may have seen before.   If you have
not seen it before,  it is worth reading.


For 50 years, the Harvard Law School Forum has been sponsoring speeches by
luminaries ranging from Fidel Castro to Gerald Ford to Dr. Ruth.  Sometimes
the speeches have generated a bit of media coverage, sometimes not.  But one
given by Charlton Heston has taken on a life of its own.  Heston, the actor
and conservative activist, delivered a stem-winder to about 200 listeners
about "a cultural war that's about to hijack your birthright to think and
what resides in your heart."

"He knew he was coming to a liberal environment, and clearly a group of his
listeners was conservative and another was more liberal," said David
Christopherson, president of the forum.  "About half respectfully challenged
him during the questions.  It generated a lot of debate around the campus.
But what happened caught us off-guard."  What happened was Rush Limbaugh's
radio talk show.  On March 15, Limbaugh read the entire speech on the air,
only to find himself bombarded with thousands of requests for a copy of it.
The same thing happened at Harvard Law.  "We couldn't keep up with all the
requests," said Mike Chmura at Harvard.  "It really didn't have legs and
might have been forgotten if Mr. Limbaugh hadn't decided to deliver it."

DLG NOTE: Love them or hate them, Heston's words and ideas provoke some deep

'Winning the Cultural War' - Charlton Heston's Speech to the Harvard Law
School Forum, Feb 16, 1999

I remember my son when he was five, explaining to his kindergarten class
his father did for a living.  "My Daddy," he said, "pretends to be people."
There have been quite a few of them.  Prophets from the Old and New
Testaments, a couple of Christian saints, generals of various nationalities
and different centuries, several kings, three American presidents, a French
cardinal and two geniuses, including Michelangelo.  If you want the ceiling
repainted I'll do my best.  There always seem to be a lot of different
fellows up here.  I'm never sure which one of them gets to talk.  Right now,
I guess I'm the guy.  As I pondered our visit tonight it struck me: If my
Creator gave me the gift to connect you with the hearts and minds of those
great men, then I want to use that same gift now to reconnect you with your
own sense of liberty of your own freedom of thought ... your own compass for
what is right.

Dedicating the memorial at Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln said of America, "We
are now engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether this nation or any
nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure."  Those words are true
again. I believe that we are again engaged in a great civil war, a cultural
war that's about to hijack your birthright to think and say what resides in
your heart. I fear you no longer trust the pulsing lifeblood of liberty
inside you ... the stuff that made this country rise from wilderness into
miracle that it is.

Let me back up.  About a year ago I became president of the National Rifle
Association, which protects the right to keep and bear arms.  I ran for
office, I was elected, and now I serve ... I serve as a moving target for
media who've called me everything from "ridiculous" and "duped" to a
"brain-injured, senile, crazy old man."  I know ... I'm pretty old ... but I
sure, Lord, ain't senile. As I have stood in the crosshairs of those who
target Second Amendment freedoms, I've realized that firearms are not the
only issue.  No, it's much, much bigger than that.  I've come to understand
that a cultural war is raging across our land, in which, with Orwellian
fervor, certain acceptable thoughts and speech are mandated.

For example, I marched for civil rights with Dr. King in 1963 - long before
Hollywood found it fashionable.  But when I told an audience last year that
white pride is just as valid as black pride or red pride or anyone else's
pride, they called me a racist.  I've worked with brilliantly talented
homosexuals all my life.  But when I told an audience that gay rights should
extend no further than your rights or my rights, I was called a homophobe.
served in World War II against the Axis powers.  But during a speech, when I
drew an analogy between singling out innocent Jews and singling out innocent
gun owners, I was called an anti-Semite.  Everyone I know knows I would
raise a closed fist against my country.  But when I asked an audience to
oppose this cultural persecution, I was compared to Timothy McVeigh.  From
Time magazine to friends and colleagues, they've essentially been saying,
"Chuck, how dare you speak your mind.  You are using language not authorized
for public consumption!"  But I am not afraid.

If Americans believed in political correctness, we'd still be King George's
subjects bound to the British crown.  In his book, "The En

[CTRL] David Rockefeller Acts to Keep State Capitalist Club Exclusive

2001-02-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "New Paradigms Discussion"
Subject: David Rockefeller Acts to Keep State Capitalist Club Exclusive
Date: Saturday, February 17, 2001 11:22 AM

> Well, do I really need to say anything else about the
> Rockefeller push to stop repeal of the death tax?
> ***
> Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
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Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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   Explore Our Archive:  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] German intelligence says Iraq may have nukes in 3 years

2001-02-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saturday February 24, 02:30 PM

German intelligence says Iraq may have nukes in 3 years
By Douglas Busvine

BERLIN (Reuters) - Saddam Hussein may be able to menace Iraq's neighbours
with nuclear weapons in three years and fire a missile as far as Europe by
2005, according to a German intelligence assessment made public on Saturday.

The Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has gathered evidence that Baghdad is
also stepping up efforts to produce chemical weapons and has increased buying
abroad of the inputs needed to make biological weapons.

Details of the assessment were published in German newspapers. A spokesman at
the BND's headquarters near Munich confirmed that selected correspondents had
been briefed on Iraq by intelligence officials on Friday.

"It is clear that we have suspicions about Iraq," the spokesman told Reuters.

Reports on the threat Germany believes Iraq poses to the world came eight
days after U.S. and British planes hit Iraqi air defence targets around
Baghdad. Iraq said two people died in the air raids.

U.S. President George W. Bush said at the time he would "watch very
carefully" whether Saddam develops weapons of mass destruction and would take
"appropriate action" if he did so.


Some NATO allies, who were not informed in advance of the raids, criticised
the air attacks. France even condemned the raids, made outside
U.N.-sanctioned no-fly zones, as illegal.

German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer was attacked by his own Greens party,
which grew out of the Cold War peace movement, for expressing understanding
for the bombing at talks in Washington this week with U.S. Secretary of State
Colin Powell.

Fischer, who opposed the Allied invasion of Iraq a decade ago, also said he
was concerned about Iraq's efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction and
missile technology.


Iraq barred U.N. weapons inspectors in 1998, making it extremely difficult to
keep track of what the West believes are Baghdad's efforts to menace the
Middle East and beyond with ABC -- atomic, biological and chemical -- weapons.

Based on information it has gathered, the German BND has drawn the following
conclusions, according to reports in the Welt and Frankfurter Allgemeine

* NUCLEAR WEAPONS: There is evidence that Iraq has resumed its nuclear
programme and may be capable of producing an atomic bomb in three years. Work
has been observed at the Al Qaim site, believed to be the centre of Baghdad's
nuclear programme.

* MISSILES: Iraq is currently developing its Al Samoud and Ababil 100/Al
Fatah short-range rockets, which can deliver a 300 kg payload 150 km (95
miles). Medium-range rockets capable of carrying a warhead 3,000 km (1,900
miles) could be built by 2005 -- putting Europe within reach. Iraq is also
believed to be capable of manufacturing solid rocket fuel.

A New Delhi-based company, which is on a German government blacklist because
of its alleged role in proliferation, has acted as a buyer on Iraq's behalf.
Deliveries have been made via Malaysia and Dubai, the BND says.

* CHEMICAL WEAPONS: Since the end of U.N. weapons inspections, the number of
Iraqi sites involved in chemicals production has increased from 20 to 80. Of
that total, the BND believes a quarter to be involved in making weapons.

* BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS: Widespread procurement activity has been observed
abroad and production of biological weapons could be resumed at short notice.
The BND does not rule out the possibility that production may already have

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rendering unto Caesar

2001-02-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Rendering unto Caesar



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

I've been pilloried by Christians for the last week for opposing the federal
seizure of a church in Indianapolis.

Most of the criticism boils down to two scriptural references, which, these
folks apparently believe, mean Christians should never resist evil
perpetrated by government. The first reference is one found in the Gospel
accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke in which Jesus said "Render unto Caesar
the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's."

The second reference cited by readers is Romans 13, in which the Apostle Paul
advocates submission to earthly rulers.

A great many Christians -- including many pastors -- wrote to me explaining
that it is the duty of good citizens and churches to "render unto Caesar."

I hardly know where to begin in addressing such a fundamental issue. But let
me start by asking all Americans who subscribe to this principle as an
absolute how our founding fathers, many of them devout Christians, justified
breaking the bonds with their rulers in Great Britain? Were they not under a
scriptural obligation to render unto King George? Have you read the
Declaration of Independence?

I strongly suggest that my dear misguided Christian friends spend a little
time reading the great debates that precipitated the War for Independence --
all of which took place among men far more learned in the Scriptures than the
average modern Christian.

It's important to consider the circumstances and the audience behind Jesus'
instructions to "render unto Caesar." The Sadducees were attempting to trap
Jesus into advocating open contempt for Caesar. He recognized their wicked
and hypocritical little game and answered them with a totally truthful
response that astonished everyone.

But think about it. There are two components to Jesus' words. We are to
"render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's," but we are also to "render
unto God the things that are God's." Well, everything ultimately belongs to
God. But, most of all, this injunction by Jesus instructs us that government
laws cannot trump God's laws -- ever.

If government commands you to do evil, as a Christian you must resist. There
is no alternative. Citing the "render unto Caesar" line is an excuse for
accountability to God -- nothing more, nothing less.

Furthermore, it needs to be pointed out to my critics that in America we
don't have a Caesar. Never have, never will. You see, our system of
government is called a free republic and it is based on the concept of
constitutional self-government. We have no "rulers" in America -- except
ourselves and our God. We believe in the rule of law, not the rule of men.

This is an important distinction, not a semantic one.

Nowhere in the Bible does it teach us to obey evil rulers. Nowhere. Quite the
contrary. In fact, the Bible has inspired more non-violent civil disobedience
movements than any other religious document. The example of Jesus and the
apostles was to submit to arrest, submit to being jailed, even submit to
execution. But, in no way, can one derive from biblical example that we are
to do evil because we are told to do so by government.

I believe it is evil -- pure and simple -- for the Internal Revenue Service
to force a church to serve as its unpaid tax collection agency. That is the
issue in Indianapolis. Armed federal agents seized the Indianapolis Baptist
Church because it refused to collect withholding taxes from employees.

This is an act of conscience that demands respect -- not only for churches
but for independent, privately held, tax-paying businesses as well. The IRS
cannot at once pretend the income tax is voluntary and at the same time
demand that employers collect it from employees before they ever see it.

It is stealing. And stealing is forbidden in the Ten Commandments. Christians
are not to countenance stealing, because stealing is evil. Christians are to
resist evil -- even at a cost of life itself.

I for one am not accountable to any Caesar, thank God. I am accountable to my
Creator. My rights and responsibilities as a free man descend not from
government, but from God Almighty.

I would love to ask my Christian critics how they feel about those heroes who
risked death in Nazi Germany because they refused to render Jews unto Hitler?

The greatest acts of moral courage in the last 2,000 years have been the
countless examples of individuals standing up to tyrants against all odds.
Sadly, it seems many modern American Christians are content to sit on their
duffs and condone evil because of their own scriptural illiteracy and moral



Joseph Farah is editor and chief executive officer of WorldNetDaily.com and
writes a daily

[CTRL] Looking ahead

2001-02-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Looking ahead



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Thinking carefully about the future is one of the tests of the maturity of a
republic, and one in which the example of wise leaders can be crucial. One
reflects, for example, upon Winston Churchill spending long years warning a
British people who yearned for peace that they must remain vigilant against
German rearmament. Churchill neglected his own private interests, so taken up
was he with the future of his country. A somewhat different example appears
to have been set by the venality and corruption of Bill Clinton in the last
days of his presidency -- as is now coming to light in the revelations of a
tangled web of presidential pardons, political contributions and personal

I am often asked these days what the future holds for Alan Keyes, a question
usually connected to my recent adventures in the arena of elective politics.
I welcome the question, because it gives me a chance to let people know about
a project that is much nearer to my heart than the pursuit of political
office. My own ambition in public life is simple -- to help renew the
foundations of American liberty. And I have founded the Declaration
Foundation, a non-profit educational organization, because I believe that the
most important work toward the renewal of moral identity -- which is vital to
the future of this republic -- will occur outside of competitive politics.
The challenge the Declaration poses to us is something that is greater than
politics. The Declaration Foundation is a non-partisan attempt to aid the
restoration of the common ground on which we stand together, whatever our
backgrounds as Americans.

It is easy to deny that we have such common ground. Or, perhaps worse, the
usual discussion of major issues today would suggest that the only thing we
have in common is base passions and greed. The nation was founded on the
claim of a nobler basis of our unity, a claim enshrined in the Declaration
but nearly forgotten today. If we don't soon remember and renew that claim
then we shall continue down the road of a debased and dejected freedom that
will in the end become such a burden to us, such a violation of our dignity,
that we shall gladly give it up. Nothing is so opportune for tyrants as a
people tired of its liberty. The 20th century showed clearly that the most
"civilized" people, looking upon the consequences of their abuse of freedom,
can be quite ready to deliver themselves into the arms of tyrants who promise
to clean things up.

To avoid the curses of disordered liberty, we will have to recapture the
understanding of our freedom which leads it to produce decency and order, and
to produce as well a nation in which we can take pride. The great turning
points of American life -- the Revolution, the Civil War, the Civil Rights
Movement -- have been those moments when, as a people, we faced a crossroads.
Down one road, we could see the future implied by our Declaration and, down
the other, the future implied by our abandonment of it. In such moments, so
far, we have always eventually chosen to take the Declaration road. The
Declaration Foundation is dedicated to helping us prepare to do so again.

The country will be prepared to take such action when the people again make
the logic of the Declaration the basis for their decisions about the
important issues of our life as Americans. But how can we expect people to
respect in their hearts principles they don't even know about anymore? How
can we ask them to accept in their choices, and be governed in their actions,
by a logic that they cannot even reason through? Something has to be done to
restore our sense of the relevance of this great founding document and the
principles it enshrines.

The crucial Declaration truth we must help each other remember is that the
Declaration is not just a creed of liberty, or even of equality. The famous
opening lines of the Declaration are also, in their very formulation, a creed
of authority and responsibility, laying out the discipline which we, as a
people must accept at every level if we are to be free. Human rights, and
human equality, come from the Creator rather than from human will. This means
that the entire structure of civilized life based on respect for human
equality and unalienable rights has a deeper premise -- respect for the
existence and authority of God, and our duty to respect His will. Freedom is
not an unlimited license; it is not an unlimited choice. Freedom is in fact,
in the first instance, a responsibility before the God from whom we come.

This may sound like a religious doctrine, rather than a creed to govern
public life. But the Founders intended the Declaration to be a bridge between
the Bible and the Constitution, between the basis of our moral faith and the
basis of our poli

[CTRL] Bush concerned over Chinese aid to Iraq

2001-02-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush concerned over Chinese aid to Iraq
US President George W. Bush said on Thursday he was worried China had helped
Baghdad enhance its air defense systems, risking the lives of US aircrews
patrolling a "no-fly" zone over Iraq.

Protecting pilots was the reason given for US-British strikes on air defense
installations near Baghdad on Feb. 16.

Bush said Washington was asking Beijing for an explanation of an issue that
has clouded relations with the communist giant in his first month in office.

"We're concerned about the Chinese presence in Iraq and ... my administration
is sending the appropriate response to the Chinese," Bush told a news

"It's troubling that they be involved in helping Iraq develop a system that
will endanger our pilots," he said. "It has risen to the level where we are
going to send a message to the Chinese."

His words were among the sharpest against China by Washington since relations
recovered from a low hit in May 1999, when US jets on a NATO mission bombed
China's embassy in Belgrade. Washington said it was a mistake.

The US first went public about its concerns about the Chinese workers after
last week's bombing.

Beijing has denied the allegations, first carried in US newspapers this week.
A foreign ministry spokesman said Washington was trying to distract attention
from the strikes against Iraq.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Controversies Test Clinton in Senate

2001-02-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Controversies Test Clinton in Senate
Pardons Cloud Her Political Prospects
  Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she did not know her brother Hugh Rodham
had lobbied her husband, former president Bill Clinton, for pardons. (Dennis
Cook - AP)

_The Marc Rich File_

• Letters to Bill Clinton: 21 prominent public figures beg pardon for the
fugitive financier.

_From Saturday's Post_

• 4 Pardons Probed for Ties to N.Y. Senate Bid(The Washington Post, Feb 24,
• Controversies Test Clinton in Senate(The Washington Post, Feb 24, 2001)
• Drug Felon's Powerful Supporters Retreat on Pardon(The Washington Post, Feb
24, 2001)
• Clinton's Brother Promised Pardons(The Washington Post, Feb 24, 2001)

_Clinton Accused_

• Background: Pardons and Gifts

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By John Lancaster
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, February 24, 2001; Page A06

Ever since her swearing-in last month, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has tried
to play the dutiful freshman. She has plunged into the arcana of health care
and taxes, tended to her New York constituents and done her best to shun
publicity as she works to hammer out a political identity separate from that
of her husband.

It was never an easy task. This week it got even harder.

As if she had not already absorbed her fill of criticism over gifts and
presidential pardons, the former first lady now has to deal with the fallout
from one of the most damaging revelations yet: That her brother, Hugh Rodham,
accepted $400,000 to lobby the White House for pardons on behalf of two
convicted felons.

Though Clinton insisted at a news conference Thursday that she had never
discussed pardons with her husband -- and proclaimed herself "heartbroken and
shocked" by Rodham's involvement -- the disclosures dealt another blow to
Clinton's standing on Capitol Hill and squelched any talk among Democrats of
her presidential prospects for 2004.

Yesterday came more bad news. According to a law enforcement source, the U.S.
attorney's office in New York is examining whether former president Bill
Clinton commuted the sentences of four Hasidic Jews convicted of fraud in
exchange for Hasidic votes for his wife's Senate race.

Even Democrats who hold Sen. Clinton blameless for what they perceive as
Rodham's -- and her husband's -- ethical missteps complain that the
continuing furor over pardons is drowning out their message on major policy
issues, such as tax cuts, on which they have differences with the Bush

"This is all a fairly large distraction," said a senior Democratic leadership
aide who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Now that the other party is in the
White House, Democrats are fighting to get air time on our issues and it's a
lot harder when these issues are taken up by pardons and others concerning
the Clintons, and I think that's a frustration both for staff and for

Notwithstanding the latest disclosures, no one is writing Sen. Clinton off as
a political force. She is nothing if not battle-hardened, having weathered
the scandals that dogged her husband's administration and then gone on to
triumph in last year's bruising race with former Republican congressman Rick
Lazio. Admirers say she will ride out the latest storms in much the same way,
confronting them when she has no other choice but otherwise staying focused
on the long-term objectives of her new office.

"One of the strategies that both the president and Hillary employed in the
White House during difficult periods was a real bifurcation of focus," said a
confidant of the former first lady who asked not to be identified. "They
would focus on the scandal du jour when necessary and then instantly return
to focus on the longer-term goals and priorities. . . . She has an incredible
ability to avoid distraction."

Clinton's ability to switch gears was amply demonstrated at the Russell
Senate Office Building on Thursday afternoon. After fielding a barrage of
questions on the pardons at a news conference, she made a beeline for a
clutch of giggling high schoolers, chatting with them for several minutes
about their trip to Washington. Then she headed into a meeting with
legislative staff to discuss an economic plan for depressed areas of upstate
New York.

But Clinton also acknowledged Thursday that her senatorial debut has been
little short of disastrous. "I'm very disappointed about what's gone on for
the last weeks," she said. "It is certainly not how I would have preferred or
planned to start my Senate career. . . . All I can tell you is that I have
gotten up every day and worked as hard as I can to be the best senator I can
be, and that's what I intend to do."

Even before the latest eruption, Clinton had gotten off on the wrong foot
with some Senate colleagues by signing a

[CTRL] All-out conflagration nearly engulfed Mideast this week

2001-02-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

On the precipice of Armageddon
All-out conflagration nearly engulfed Mideast this week



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

A new report claims a regional war in the Mideast was on the brink of
"exploding" into reality this week, only days after U.S. and British
warplanes struck an Iraqi radar command-and-control site Feb. 16.

Mideast sources close to The DEBKAfile said on Thursday that six divisions of
Iraqi troops were massed near the Syrian border and U.S. intelligence
officials had "additionally picked up Iraqi preparations for launching
long-range surface-to-surface missiles," the intelligence news agency

The movements, which were relayed to Israeli intelligence and military
officials, were tracked by American spy satellites, the report said,
prompting the Jewish state to place its forces on high alert and warn some
towns in northern Israel to prepare for incoming missile attacks.

The report said U.S. intelligence estimates claimed that Iraqi missile forces
would have been ready to launch at Israel by 6 p.m. local time Thursday, but
Mideast sources said "a European government -- probably Britain" -- sent word
to Iraqi intelligence that if missile launch preparations continued, "Israel
would not again sit still and wait for Iraqi missiles to rain down on its
towns, as it did in the 1991 Gulf War."

DEBKAfile said Israeli air force officials were planning a pre-emptive strike
against the amassed Iraqi troops and missile launch sites, using conventional
munitions "and with the help of small neutron bombs."

Nevertheless, Iraqi forces continued preparing the missiles for launch,
"taking them up to one stage before [Iraqi President] Saddam's firing order."

On Jan. 18, WorldNetDaily reported that U.S. forces based in Europe had been
placed on heightened alert on information that Iraq and other Arab forces may
be planning strikes against Israel.

"When you look at all the signals coming out of Iraq, for example," one
source told WND, "they are significant. In effect, [Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein] is saying, 'We're going to bring a lot of pain to Israel,'" noting
that Saddam has deployed Republican Guard divisions "50 miles south of
Baghdad and two divisions near the border with Syria."

At the time, the Pentagon confirmed that U.S. European Command forces had
been placed on heightened alert status but did not confirm information
provided to WND regarding planned "major military exercises" in the region.

WND asked Pentagon spokesmen to identify one of the exercises -- "Juniper
Cobra" -- but officials refused. Within a week, other press sources began
reporting the movements and the Pentagon confirmed the "Juniper Cobra"
exercise, which included deploying a number of U.S. Patriot anti-missile
batteries in and around Israel.

One of those units consisted of an entire Alabama National Guard Patriot
battery -- the first time an entire Guard unit was deployed overseas in

According to DEBKAfile, Arab sources said Syrian President Bashar Assad had
reached a "strategic decision" either to allow the Iraqi divisions to march
through Syrian territory en route to Israel, to give his approval to
Hezbollah terrorist forces to unleash a "long-range rocket attack against
northern Israel," or both.

Palestinian sources, the Debkafile report said, have confirmed the Iraqi
troop movement reports and Bashar's decision.

Shortly after the 6 p.m. deadline, intelligence sources said the Iraqi
missiles "had become stationary," leading Israel to call off its missile
alert at about 7:30 p.m. local time, the report said.

An hour before the 6 p.m. deadline, the report said, U.S. AWACS planes, along
with four of their Navy counterparts -- A2C Hawkeye carrier-launched AWACS --
and 36 U.S. and British fighters and bombers had taken off from bases in
Turkey and from U.S. carriers in the Gulf, enroute to Iraq's western desert.

The joint U.S.-British squadrons were joined by elements of the Israeli air
force, said the report. The mission was to "flatten Saddam's surface missiles
the moment [U.S. AWACS] reported them operational."

The report said as the U.S. and British planes flew over the desert, they
"ran into fierce anti-aircraft missile fire from [Iraqi] batteries emplaced
north of the ... oil city of Mosul," noting that "35 missiles were fired,"
and the "allied fighters blasted the Iraqi batteries in return but caused
very little damage."

Yesterday, the Pentagon confirmed that U.S. planes had attacked anti-aircraft
missile sites near Mosul after receiving fire, adding that no planes were
hit. However, British foreign ministry officials said no British warplanes
were involved in the attack.

Besides escalating Iraqi military activity, the report said "unusual
Palestinian military activity" was witnessed "in the past 24 

[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: February 25, 2001

2001-02-24 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: February 25, 2001


IGNORE THE LAW: Democrats are incensed and outraged. The source of their
outrage? President Bush is enforcing the law. That would be the same democrat
hypocrites who spent weeks being incensed and outraged because they pretended
to fear that John Ashcroft, as Attorney General, would not enforce the law.
As was observed during the Ashcroft nomination fight, the democrats didn't
really fear that Ashcroft would not enforce the law, what they really feared
was that he would. Democrat reaction to a series of Executive Orders signed
by President Bush on February 17 proves the truth of that observation. "This
is no way to set the tone for bipartisanship," huffed Senator Paul Wellstone.
Which is very revealing -- apparently to Wellstone, enforcing the law is
"partisan", joining the democrats in ignoring the law would be "bipartisan".
Which proves another truth about democrats -- they are more comfortable
ignoring the law than enforcing it. Unions are also incensed and outraged,
and have been more threatening in their reactions than democrats. The four
Bush Executive Orders overturned Clinton-era orders and policies that
significantly favored labor unions. One such Clinton policy encouraged
federally funded construction projects to favor union over non-union
contractors, and one Bush Executive Order is aimed at fostering a more open
and competitive process to award federal contracts. The AFL-CIO responded
that such open and competitive contracting would "hurt consumers and the
public" because "you won't have the opportunity for more orderly resolution
of labor disputes". In addition to that veiled threat, unions also threatened
lawsuits to overturn the Executive Orders.

But the primary area of dispute is Executive Order # 13201 implementing the
1988 Supreme Court case of Communications Workers of America v. Beck (487
U.S. 735). In Beck, the Supreme Court ruled that the National Labor Relations
Act "does not permit a union, over the objections of dues-paying nonmember
employees, to expend funds collected from them on activities unrelated to
collective-bargaining activities." The focus is on non-union members who are
required to pay what are called "agency fees" in lieu of dues. Because
non-union members receive the benefits of collective bargaining, it is
considered fair for non-union members to contribute to paying the cost of
that collective bargaining. Fair enough. But the dispute arises when unions
spend those dues and agency fees on things other than collective bargaining
-- such as on political ads and contributions to political parties and
candidates. During the past election, it is estimated that unions spent about
$800 million in soft money and in-kind political activities, 95% of that on
behalf of democrats. However, it is also estimated that 40% of union members
voted for Bush, and one could assume that the percentage of non-union members
(the subjects of the Beck case, whose money from agency fees comprised part
of that $800 million) who voted for Bush was at least as high. So the issue
is one of fundamental fairness -- why should a person be forced to pay to
support a political candidate, party, or ideology that he or she opposes?
"...to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of
opinions which he disbelieves, is sinful and tyrannical..." -- Thomas

On April 13, 1992 -- following an unforgivable 4 year delay -- President
George H. W. Bush issued Executive Order 12800, requiring employers to post
notices in their workplaces advising employees of their Beck rights. EO 12800
stood for less than a year. Within weeks of taking office, on February 1,
1993, President Bill Clinton issued EO 12836, revoking Bush's EO 12800. As of
1996, eight years after the Beck decision, a survey found that 78% of union
members (and probably a like number of non-union members) still had never
heard about their Beck rights to demand an accounting of how their fees were
used and their right to demand a refund. The Clinton administration, the
National Labor Relations Board, and labor unions have successfully kept
employees ignorant about their Beck rights. Naturally unions and democrats
don't want to lose the gusher of money that unions extract from unknowing
workers and spend on democrats. Which brings us back to President George W.
Bush's EO 13201 of last weekend, ordering once again that notices be posted
in the workplaces of federal contractors, advising employees that they
"cannot be required to join a union or maintain membership in a union in
order to retain their jobs." And further that employees "who are not union
members can object to the use of their payments for certain purposes and can
only be required to pay their share of union costs relating to collective
bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment. If you do 

[CTRL] Favish: New Filings in Vincent Foster FOIA Case (fwd)

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 16:13:32 -0800
From: Allan Favish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Filings in Vincent Foster FOIA Case

Two new filings in my Vincent Foster Freedom of Information Act
Lawsuit are online.

The OIC's opposition to my motion to compel testimony from former
OIC prosecutor Miquel Rodriguez and his former OIC assistant
Lucia Rambusch regarding allegations of illegal conduct by OIC
and FBI personnel as to one or more of the photos at issue in
this case is online at my web site. A direct link to the document


It is a 2.4MB PDF file.

The OIC's opposition discusses two books, "The Strange Death of
Vincent Foster: An Investigation," by Christopher Ruddy, and "The
Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories," by Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard. This is the first time that the OIC has publicly
commented on these books as far as I know.

My reply to the OIC's opposition to my motion to compel testimony
from former OIC prosecutor Miquel Rodriguez and his former OIC
assistant Lucia Rambusch is also at my web site. The direct link


It is a 23KB PDF file.

Press Release

Allan J.  Favish
Attorney at Law
18645 Hatteras Street, #289
Tarzana, CA 91356-1802
Home Voice & Fax (818) 342-2389

Office of Independent Counsel Attempts to Block Release of
Vincent Foster Photographs in Los Angeles Federal Court

Foster's Former Wife and One of his Sisters Join With OIC

A Freedom of Information Act victory by Los Angeles attorney
Allan J. Favish will be challenged on March 5, 2001, at 3:00
p.m., at the old federal courthouse, 312 N.  Spring St, Rm.
1600, Los Angeles, California.  Favish will appear at a hearing
in his FOIA lawsuit against the OIC seeking public release of the
original pristine Polaroid photographs taken of Foster' body as
it laid in Virginia's Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993.  On
January 11, 2001, federal district court judge William Keller
ordered the OIC to release 5 of the 10 photos in dispute.
Attorneys for the OIC and attorneys for Foster's former wife and
one of his sister's will appear at the hearing in an attempt to
get Judge Keller to reverse his decision about releasing 5 of the
photos.  Both of these Foster relatives have requested permission
to appear at the hearing by telephone.

Keller's decision followed a July 12, 2000, 2-1 decision by the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in the case
that stated: "Favish, in fact, tenders evidence and argument
which, if believed, would justify his doubts" about the
government's official conclusion.  See Favish v.  Office of
Independent Counsel, 217 F.3d 1168, 1173 (9th Cir.  2000). The
evidence Favish tendered consists virtually entirely of official
government documents, mostly from the United States Park Police
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Also to be heard is Favish's motion that testimony be taken from
Assistant Unites States Attorney Miquel Rodriguez, now in
Sacramento, California, and his former assistant, both of whom
worked for Kenneth Starr's OIC investigating the death.  Both of
them resigned from the OIC in 1995 for reasons that they have not
publicly stated.  At a hearing on October 13, 2000, Favish told
Judge Keller that there are "allegations of illegal tampering
with one or more of these subject photographs." Favish was
referring to two books, Christopher Ruddy's "The Strange Death of
Vincent Foster" and Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's "The Secret Life of
Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories," each alleging that
Rodriguez and his assistant resigned because they did not want to
be part of an illegal cover-up being perpetrated by people within
the OIC and FBI.  According to the two books, one of the
Polaroids, when enhanced, shows a wound in Foster's neck that
appears to have been caused by a .22 caliber bullet--a wound the
government says did not exist.

Favish stated in his motion that until Rodriguez and his former assistant
state under oath that the allegations in these books are false, there is
good reason to doubt that the OIC and FBI have shown Judge Keller the
original pristine photos.

Copies of the motions before the court are in the Foster section
of Favish's web site:

 midway down the
Foster page.


Allan J. Favish

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

[CTRL] VV: Reporters Looking for Kendall Coffey

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The Village Voice
February 23, 2001

Reporters Looking for Kendall Coffey

By James Ridgeway

WASHINGTON, D.C., FEBRUARY 22-The mystery man in the Hugh Rodham
pardon scandal may turn out to be Kendall Coffey, another Florida
lawyer. The current coverage is focusing on Rodham, Senator
Hillary Clinton's brother, and the $400,000 he was paid after
President Clinton pardoned and commuted the sentences of two men,
convicted herbalist swindler A. Glenn Braswell and drug smuggler
Carlos Vignali. Rodham says he has returned the money.

But the man who actually prepared the testimonials and
applications was Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. attorney appointed
by Clinton and lead attorney for the White House in the Elián
González case. For the last two weeks reporters have been calling
the Coffey, and he hasn't responded. The woman who answered the
phone at his office today said that he had no statement at this
time, and that she would give him the request for comment
whenever he next checked his messages.

Coffey lost his U.S. attorney job for biting a stripper. He is
remembered for having lost a key drug case against two smugglers
who had been accused of importing 75 tons of cocaine, said to be
worth $2 billion.

It was the biggest drug-smuggling case ever lost by federal

On a February 1996 evening Coffey was at Lipstik, a Miami nude
bar, where he had a private session in which stripper Tamara
"Tiffany" Gutierrez danced naked for him. Inexplicably, Coffey
lunged for her breast and missed, biting her on the arm. He was
escorted out of the establishment. Coffey had put his tab on a
credit card. When exposed, Coffey resigned.

Most recently, Coffey was in the news as one of the attorneys
working on the recount for the Gore campaign in Florida.

Tell us what you think. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] There’s No Free Speech at the Brooklyn Museum

2001-02-24 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

 There’s No Free Speech at the Brooklyn Museum
Saturday, Feb. 24, 2001
If a so-called artist portrays Jesus Christ as a nude black woman, that’s
merely a case of free speech, argues Brooklyn Museum director Arnold
L. Lehman. But when another artist displays a painting showing Lehman
planting a wet one on a pig’s behind, that’s grounds for arresting the
That’s what happened when Scott LoBaido showed up at the museum
with a 3-foot painting of a dead hog on its back with a knife in its belly
and a man's lips pressed against its curly tail, according to the New
York Post.
Despite LoBaido’s claim he was merely "expressing" himself, he was
arrested and charged with creating "a public nuisance."
Speaking of New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who has castigated the
museum for displaying the blasphemous "Yo Mama's Last Supper,"
LoBaido shouted, "Giuliani's the bad guy, right," as his painting was
taken away. "But this freak here who runs the museum says I can't
bring my art work in here."
It wasn’t the first time LoBaido has protested sacrilegious art displayed
at the Brooklyn Museum. Sixteen months ago he was arrested after he
expressed himself by hurling horse manure at the building, which had
displayed a controversial portrait of the Virgin Mary covered with
elephant dung.

Best Wishes

"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"
-Attributed to Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies,
  Bowling Green State University

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Concern About New Web Monitors

2001-02-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Concern About New Web Monitors

by Aparna Kumar
Feb. 24, 2001

A good rumor will always have a life of its own. But on the Web, even the
dimmest one can grow quicker, uglier and more embarrassing than a zit on a
teenager's forehead.
Indeed, by the time a company catches wind of some dirty laundry airing on
Fucked Company's message boards or Vault's online water cooler, it's often
too late to deploy the PR troops.
But thanks to the increasing sophistication of
data-extraction technology offered by a host of Web intelligence agencies,
corporate PR is sharpening its surgical-strike capability: the power to
extinguish a rumor as soon as it's born.
Although the business of corporate "cybersleuthing" smacks of big brother,
there's nothing illegal about companies monitoring public exchange on the
Internet. Companies and individuals, for that matter, have been free to do
that all along. What concerns privacy advocates, however, is whether
corporations will use the new monitoring technology to suppress legitimate
online dissent.
"Conceptually speaking, cybersleuthing is nothing new," said Stanton
MacCandlish, technical directorate of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a
privacy watchdog organization. "It's an outgrowth of something companies
have been doing forever. What's troubling is what companies are going to do
with this information now that they have it at their fingertips."
Among the companies capitalizing on corporate paranoia is a fleet of Web
clipping services that are parlaying their information gathering
capabilities into cybersleuthing tools, which function as automated
rumor-trackers. CyberScan, CyberAlert and eWatch are among the companies
that comb the Web to report what's being said about their clients in all
the public and not-so-public corners of the Internet, from online news
outlets to Usenet groups, Web logs and e-mail listservs.
At the forefront of the cybersleuthing industry, some companies, such as
online-news trawler Moreover and the "Internet intelligence agency"
NetCurrents, offer their clients real-time Web monitoring.
"Moreover sees cybersleuthing in the same continuum as headline news
delivery," a company spokesman said.  "Though we don't offer to track down
the authors of postings, take action, mobilize evangelists or read moods of
boards, because of the power of the dynamic database, Moreover could be a
great partner to a cyber bounty-hunter."
Unlike more traditional search engines, which spider through the Web at
regular intervals and index all the content they come across, Moreover
captures dynamic information from a smaller pool of sources to provide its
clients with relevant and up-to-the-minute results. Whereas search engines
such as Google say they sweep the Web every two weeks, Moreover uses an
XML-harvesting technology to index some 2200 selected online sources every
15 minutes.
With Moreover's technology, a rumor posted online will show up on the
company's radar within 15 minutes of being posted. Short of installing a
human "mole" on high-profile sites twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
week, that's as close as a company can get to having eyes and ears
everywhere on the Web.
Although Moreover does not currently track chat-room discussions, it does
index closed discussion boards those requiring a password and cookie
permission for entryon a case-by-case basis. Clients need to have the
correct password to access the full message. "If it has a URL, it can be
extracted by our techniques," Moreover CEO Nick Denton said.
As companies pay more attention to what's circulating on the online
grapevine, privacy experts say Web surfers need to be more aware of the
fact that public forums on the Internet may be more susceptible to scrutiny
and prosecution than offline discussions.
"Too many people consider online conversations like typed phone calls,"
said Lauren Weinstein, co-founder of People for Internet Responsibility.
"Different states have laws that regulate the monitoring and recording of
phone calls, but those laws don't apply in cyberspace.  People have to
realize that when they're participating in a chat room or in an online
discussion group, they're speaking to a public universe with a very long
memory.  Anybody could be recording what they say."
Privacy advocates point to a number of instances in which companies have
attempted to force ISPs to reveal the identities of anonymous posters. But
so far, there's no precedent to determine when and under which
circumstances ISPs must disclose user information.
"The problem is these types of cases are dealt with on an ad hoc basis by
both the courts and by ISPs," Weinstein said. "For something as sensitive
as protecting people's privacy and free speech, there needs to be a due

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

[CTRL] Tools of the Trade: Affidavit Is a Handbook for Spying

2001-02-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Tools of the Trade: Affidavit Is a Handbook for Spying

By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, February 24, 2001; Page C01

He never met his KGB handlers and never told them who he was, the FBI says.
But accused super-spy Robert P. Hanssen left them little doubt from the
beginning 15 years ago: They were dealing with a pro.
A massive government affidavit filed this week after Hanssen's arrest reads
like a how-to-spy manual for anyone interested in passing highly classified
government information to foreign spies without ever meeting them face to face.
The document is based largely on the actual letters Hanssen allegedly sent
his handlers, letters contained in a dossier that was somehow obtained by
U.S. intelligence late last year. They leave little to chance, providing
explicit instructions, and a rare glimpse of a major spy case as it unfolds.
It's all there: how to set up "dead drops" and signal sites. How to signal
your handlers and get signals in return. How to throw off counterspies
using code and code names.
What follows is based on allegations in the affidavit, which must
ultimately be proved in court. Hanssen is expected to plead not guilty at
his arraignment, which hasn't been scheduled.
Hanssen's tradecraft was so meticulous, the affidavit says, that he even
provided his KGB handlers a map reference"ADC Northern Virginia Street Map,
#14, D3" for the location of the first dead drop he wanted to use to pass
classified files: a specific corner of a wooden footbridge just west of the
entrance to Nottoway Park in Fairfax County.
The KGB, in return, called the site by a code word, PARK. As it turns out,
PARK was less than a five-minute walk from Hanssen's home at the time on
Whitecedar Court in Vienna.
A dead drop is designed to defeat the lifeblood of any counterintelligence
program: surveillance. Since many foreign spies are watched almost
constantly, the easiest way to stay off the FBI's counterintelligence radar
is to avoid face-to-face meetings. A dead drop helps solve the problem: A
spy leaves documents in an obscure place, and his handler picks them up later.
Often, for a drop to be arranged, spies use what is known in parlance as an
"accommodation address"an address, unlike a foreign embassy, where mail is
not monitored.
So it is that Hanssen's alleged career as a super-spy began in 1985 with a
simple letter to one such accommodation address, the Alexandria home of
Viktor M. Degtyar. From his perch inside the FBI, the veteran counterspy
knew both that Degtyar was a KGB officer, and that no one was monitoring
his mail.
In his first letter, Hanssen promised valuable documents as a means of
introduction. In his second, he delivered the goods, and provided further
instructions. Along with the specific map reference for the dead drop, he
told his handlers to wrap his cash payments in a "green or brown plastic
trash bag" and then use actual trash to cover the waterproof package. He
designated a "signal site" to activate the dead drop: "The pictorial
'pedestrian-crossing' signpost just west of the main park entrance on Old
Courthouse Road. (The sign is the one nearest the bridge just mentioned.)"
When Hanssen was ready to pick up his first cash payment of $50,000, he
explained, he would leave a vertical mark on the pedestrian crossing sign
with a piece of white adhesive tape, according to the affidavit.
His handlers, he wrote, should then leave a horizontal mark on the sign to
indicate that the drop had been filled. And he, in return, would leave
another vertical mark showing that he had picked up their package.
Finally, he provided a mechanism for masking the actual dates on which
drops would take place: "I will add 6, (you subtract 6) from stated months,
days and times in both directions of our future communications."
So began a close relationship, the affidavit says, in which Hanssen
received cash and bank deposits worth $1.4 million plus three very large
diamonds, and the KGB received the names of numerous Soviet agents working
for America and hundreds and hundreds of pages of highly classified
At one point early on in this covert marriage of convenience,
communications were broken after the KGB screwed up and left cash for
Hanssen under the wrong corner of the dead drop bridge, spooking Hanssen.
Tradecraft told him to pull back, watch and wait.
But he re-established contact several months later in June 1986, when he
sent a letter to Degtyar's home: "I apologize for the delay since our break
in communications. I wanted to determine if there was any cause for concern
over security."
Since he still didn't know why the KGB hadn't left the package as
instructed, he gave the Soviets a very elaborate test straight out of le Carre:
"If you wish to continue our discussions, please have someone run an

[CTRL] Ubermen among us

2001-02-24 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry if someone has already posted this, it wasn't apparent from a quick scan of my 

These are the sort of important stories I post daily at


Bookmark it! Spam your friends about it!


The search for the Super-race

Sunday 25 February 2001

They were the '80s Superbabies. And the search is on to find them, and to find out if 
they have inherited the genetic legacy of genius.

Reputedly, the Superbabies were prime specimens of intelligent human beings born at 
the eerily named Repository for Germinal Choice, with just a hint of the dark and 
shade of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

But this was no fictional spoof on science gone mad. This was real. In 1982, southern 
Californian tycoon Robert K. Graham began his program of offering sperm from prime 
candidates - Nobel laureates, scientists, musicians, entrepreneurs - and more than 200 
babies were born from the donations over the next 17 years. His motives were 
purportedly altruism and scientific curiosity.

Many of the Superbabies are now Super teenagers, and will soon be Super adults. And 
now they face the enormous pressure of living up to expectations of brilliance.

With advances in reproductive technology, and the release this past week by the Human 
Genome Project and the Celera corporation of two versions of the human genetic 
blueprint, such experimentation is likely to occur again, experts say. Perhaps human 
cloning of geniuses is the next logical step.

In this post-genome world, three years after Graham's death - and more than a year 
since the repository closed - the magazine website Slate has launched a cyber-hunt for 
the 229 Superbabies, and the donors who gave away their sperm.

Graham's program sparked enormous controversy, with scientific fascination about the 
extent of genetic influences weighed under cries of Nazi-style eugenics.

Only one of Graham's Nobel donors, transistor inventor William Shockley, admitted 
contributing sperm. But Shockley's right-wing views on race did little to alter 
perceptions that Graham's program was about human supremacy. Demonstrators flocked to 
protest outside Graham's private estate.

One donor who came forward last week, an entrepreneur in his late 40s who fathered at 
least four children who would now be in their late teens, said he had never had 
contact with his offspring.

The entrepreneur told Slate that he would often see Graham socially at his house 
during the '80s, and he would often harass this particular donor for more sperm 
because of his popularity with women on the program.

"(But) he was extremely warm, almost emotional about it. He was absolutely focused on 
it. He had that kind of unbridled enthusiasm.

"But I never could really understand why he was so fixated on this idea of breeding - 
especially because he had such an average mix of kids himself."

According to Slate journalist David Plotz, Graham, a self-made multimillionaire who 
made his fortune by inventing shatterproof eyeglasses, was a pessimist about mankind's 

He feared mankind was "in danger, (arguing that) over millenniums, nature's brutality 
had strengthened the human gene pool, allowing the strong and smart to reproduce", 
says Plotz.

But, Graham argued, "once man mastered his natural environment, he jumped the 
evolutionary track. Better living conditions allowed 'retrograde humans' to reproduce".

The medical director of Monash IVF, Gab Kovacs, says the likes of Graham's program 
would not be acceptable in Australia because of its eugenics taint. The underlying 
hypothesis - that smart genes produce smart babies - had never been proven 

Professor Kovacs, who has matched up 3000 Victorian couples with donor sperm, says 
intelligence is never used as a criterion here.

Instead, matching the physical characteristics of the husband is paramount - thus 
requests and matching of sperm are based on age, racial background, blood type, build, 
and hair, skin and eye colors. For the past five years, prospective parents have been 
able to choose their donor on the basis of non-identifying physical characteristics.

Helga Kuhse, of Monash University's Centre for Human Bioethics, says she has a 
distaste about Graham's motivations and the possible motivations and expectations of 
those who made use of the sperm stored by him.

But she has "no in-principle reservations about parents wanting 'to do the best' by 
'their' child".

Professor Kuhse predicts that the release of the human genetic blueprints will lead to 
more experimentation with child selection.

There is widespread denial, however, by the scientific fraternity that human cloning 
per se is just around the corner.

"While many people think that attempts to do the best by 'our children' is fine, if we 
focus on the prevention of certain genetic or other conditions, they will want to say 
that 'enhancement' is 

Re: [CTRL] Britain Urges No Meat Panic Buying After Disease

2001-02-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>I find it hard to believe all these assorted problems with the food
supply are mere coincidence.

It might be bio-economic warfare.

ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Britain Urges No Meat Panic Buying After Disease

2001-02-24 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

I find it hard to believe all these assorted problems with the food supply
are mere coincidence.


Friday February 23  8:58 PM ET
Britain Urges No Meat Panic Buying After Disease
By Giles Elgood
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government has appealed to
public not to start panic buying meat after the country's
industry was brought to a standstill in a bid to curb
a devastating
outbreak of foot and mouth disease.
The Agriculture Ministry effectively turned the whole of
the British
countryside into a massive exclusion zone on
Friday, banning all
movement of livestock for a week.
There are currently six confirmed outbreaks of foot and
mouth and
inspectors are investigating hundreds more farms
where the disease
may have taken hold.
Confirmation of the presence of the highly contagious
virus, which
affects pigs, cattle, sheep and goats, is a bitter
blow for the British
meat industry, which is only just
recovering from the devastating
effects of mad cow disease.
Farms where the disease is confirmed prepared to burn
hundreds of
animals while surrounding areas were cordoned off
by officials to
prevent the spread of the infection.
Vehicles were sprayed with disinfectant and visitors had to
scrub their
boots in buckets placed at every farm gate. The
disease can be spread
by the wind, on the wheels of vehicles
and on human clothing.
The army said it would suspend non-essential military
countryside walkers were told to keep away from
animals and fox-
hunters up and down the country agreed to
suspend their sport.
The disease was first found on Tuesday among 28 pigs at an
in Essex near London, prompting a world ban on exports
of Britain's
livestock and animals products.
The apparent source of the outbreak was traced to a pig
farm at
Heddon-on-the-Wall in northeastern England, the
Agriculture Ministry
Farmer Devastated
Farmer Bobby Waugh, 55, issued a statement through the
Farmers Union saying he was ``devastated'' but had
noticed nothing
wrong with his pigs.
``I honestly hadn't seen anything wrong with any of my pigs
in the last
few weeks. How could I report something I didn't
He said officials had visited his farm after a complaint
that his pigs
were in poor condition but ``they found nothing
There were fears that a week's ban on bringing animals for
would lead to shortages of meat in shops and
Agriculture Minister Nick Brown insisted on television that
there was no
need for panic buying.
``Everyone will be fed if they stick to their regular
shopping patterns,''
he said.
Brown said the government's priority was to stamp out the
which manifests itself in the shape of lesions on
animals' muzzles and
feet. It is not harmful to humans.
It can spread quickly through livestock herds, making it
difficult for
cows to produce milk and prompting weight loss in
other animals.
Scottish authorities said they had discovered a possible
case at a pig
farm in Aberdeenshire, the first outside England.
Ireland intensified efforts to prevent the disease crossing
from the
British province of Northern Ireland by calling on the
army to support
police patrols along the border.
At European Union headquarters in Brussels, experts fear
the disease
is so contagious that it may yet spark an outbreak
on the Continent, a
nightmare scenario that could bring
Europe's meat trade to its knees.

"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"
--Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies,
  Bowling Green State University

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "...replacing prisons with pills." (Genome Map; Assoc. Press 2/10/01)

2001-02-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

Subject: "...replacing prisons with pills." (Genome Map; Assoc. Press 2/10/01)
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2001 5:51 AM

Genome Map Could Change Mental Care

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The genetic revolution made possible by mapping the human
genome may include new cures for drug addictions, restoring health to the
mentally ill and, perhaps, one day replacing prisons with pills, experts say.

``Ultimately, the human genome sequence will revolutionize psychology and
psychiatry,'' says Dr. Peter McGuffin, co-author of an analysis in the
upcoming edition of the journal Science.

McGuffin, a researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London,
England, and other experts believe that finding genes which influence
behavior may lead to drugs that treat or prevent some of the major problems
that confront society.

``The sequencing of the human genome will improve our ability to identify the
genetic risk factors genes for a whole variety of conditions, from addiction
to criminality to anti-social personality,'' said Dr. Eric J. Nestler,
chairman of the department of psychiatry, University of Texas, Southwest
Medical Center in Dallas. ``This is going to be an enormous advance for this

McGuffin said that many forms of mental illness are only poorly controlled
with the current medications, many of which have side effects that limit
their usefulness.

``When we treat depression, for instance, we have only a limited number of
medications and these have uneven results,'' he said. ``We can probably get
resolution of symptoms in perhaps 70 percent of the cases of depression.''

The variability of results are even worse for some other forms of mental
illness, say experts. Some patients enjoy perfect control, while others,
taking the same medication, have repeated and often unmanageable relapses.
The different reaction to the drugs could be caused by the difference in

Identifying the genes that put people at risk of mental illness, said
McGuffin, ``would be a big advance in understanding things like personality
and what makes us susceptible to depression and schizophrenia and so on.''

Once those differences - the genetic twists and turns unique in each person -
are understood, ``pharmaceutical companies could use this information to find
novel drugs to alter behaviors.''

It is possible, McGuffin said, that drugs could be specifically tailored to
fit the unique pattern of genes in an individual patient instead of the
current one-size-for-all pharmaceuticals.

Nestler, co-author of an analysis in the journal Nature, said genetic therapy
could be a key advance in treating drug addiction, a complex syndrome that is
a mix of social and biological factors.

``At its core, addiction involves a biological process,'' said Nestler. ``The
ability of a drug to change the brain and cause addiction is, in part,
determined by genetic factors.''

Mapping the human genome may enable researchers to identify genes that
predispose some people to quickly become alcoholics or cocaine or heroin

``There is very good evidence that about 50 percent of a person's risk to
become addicted is genetic,'' said Nestler. ``Finding those genes means we
will be able to identify people who are at risk of addiction and target them
for more intensive prevention intervention.''

Finding genes for addiction is unlikely to be the final answer for the use of
illegal drugs, he added. Genes may be only half the problem.

But it could make the difference between a cure and a failure.

``When a person with an addiction is recovering, he is struggling to combat
incredibly strong biological factors,'' said Nestler. Medication that blocks
the action of addiction-prompting genes ``could make therapy more

Experts believe there may even be genes that help explain why some people
become violent criminals while others, living in the same conditions, do not.

``Some physicians already regard criminality as a disease while others hotly
dispute that,'' said McGuffin. Mapping the human genome may help settle that
debate and, perhaps, lead to medical treatments that correct criminal

Treating crime with pills, ``is a possibility'' if researchers can find a
genetic basis for some the human impulses that underlie some crimes, said

``I don't think we can say that there will be a genetic panacea for all of
crime,'' he said. ``I suspect not. But we might be able to tease out some
genetic aspects of criminal behavior and target those with drugs.''

For instance, there are research suggestions that genes may play a role in
poor impulse control and in inappropriate aggression, both factors in many

[CTRL] Media Bias-Murdoch's Fox News

2001-02-24 Thread William Shannon

Murdoch's Fox News


It was the last Sunday in January, and Vice President Dick Cheney was making
the morning talk-show rounds. On ABC, Sam Donaldson posed hard-hitting
questions about the new Administration's failure to alleviate California's
energy crisis, the wisdom of George W. Bush's proposed tax cut and John
Ashcroft's elusive answers to questions during his confirmation process. On
NBC, Tim Russert challenged Cheney on the President's plans for deterring a
recession, his commitment to campaign finance reform and how Ashcroft's
pledge to enforce the law on abortion squares with the President's antichoice
And on Fox? Brit Hume and Tony Snow--two of the news channel's most
conservative anchors--pitched softballs to the new Vice President, prodding
him to denounce the Clinton Administration and positioning him to pronounce
the energy crisis in California the product of federal clean-air regulations
and evidence of the need for offshore oil drilling. About Ashcroft, in a
soundbite replayed on Fox throughout the day, Hume asked: "Do you sense in
some of the opposition to him, that his faith and his devotion to it is being
held against him? And do you sense in that, perhaps, a kind of anti-Christian
It was a typical question on a typical Sunday on the Fox News Channel.
Although its right-wing talk-show hosts like Bill O'Reilly have received
copious press attention, the conservative slant of Fox's regular news
coverage has not. And while much has been written about Fox's gaffe on
election night involving George W. Bush's cousin (which some think caused the
public to regard Bush as the legitimate winner), there's been far less focus
on the blatant partiality of Fox's regular staff, contributors and guests. It
all combines to create a calculated mouthpiece for the right that remains
thinly veiled behind its misleading mantra, "fair and balanced." And Fox
could have real influence: According to Editor & Publisher magazine, a TV
monitor in the White House press briefing room that aired CNN throughout the
Clinton Administration was recently switched to the Fox News Channel.
It takes only a few hours on any given day to see Fox's political
predilections in action. The Cheney interview, for example, began an ordinary
Sunday of conservative cheerleading. Fox Washington correspondent James
Rosen, covering the controversy over the Ashcroft nomination, portrayed the
Senate opponents as political opportunists "venting" to appease their
constituents. The features were no different. A segment about an effort to
teach religion in public school was promoted repeatedly with the teaser: "Are
we as a nation more or less spiritual today than we were twenty-five years
ago? Are we a country that is losing faith?" Viewers were asked to call in
answers. Later that same day, a tabloid-style piece on teen abuse of crystal
methamphetamine was a virtual banner ad for right-wing policies of strict law
enforcement and lengthy incarceration; in the approximately quarter-hour
segment, drug treatment or addiction's causes were never once mentioned.
Such slants should come as no surprise, given the cast Rupert Murdoch has
chosen to run Fox News Channel, the latest venture of his News Corporation.
At the top is Roger Ailes, a onetime strategist to Presidents Nixon, Reagan
and the elder George Bush. Ailes's lineup of talent, in addition to Hume and
Snow (the latter a former chief speechwriter for the elder Bush), includes
David Asman, former Op-Ed editor at the Wall Street Journal, and Sean
Hannity, whose personal website features links to Rush Limbaugh's show and
the National Rifle Association. Frequent Fox contributors include Fred
Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard; Monica Crowley, former
assistant to Nixon; Jim Pinkerton, former Reagan and Bush staffer; John
Podhoretz, editorial page editor of the New York Post and former Reagan
speechwriter; and John Fund, a member of the Wall Street Journal's editorial
board and collaborator on Limbaugh's political diatribe, The Way Things Ought
to Be.
Of course, paying lip service to its "fair and balanced" refrain, Fox is
careful to include token moderates on its talking-head shows. But the middle
of the road is routinely pitted against the ultraconservative. So-called
liberal contributors, who are at best centrists, include NPR's Juan Williams
and Mara Liasson and Roll Call's Morton Kondracke. Murdoch has never been shy
about using his news outlets, which include the New York Post and The Weekly
Standard, to disseminate his politics. What's particularly insidious about
the Fox channel, though, is that Murdoch has gone out of his way to cloak its
politics in slogans like "We Report, You Decide" that lull the audience into
believing it's hearing not a conservative viewpoint but the unadulterated
The heights of distortion are reached on prime time. Since December, The
O'Reilly Factor

[CTRL] Syria was behind killings at Sabra and Chatilla.

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  Syria was behind killings at Sabra and Chatilla.
  Sat, 23 Sep 2000 03:26:48 -0700 (PDT)

Syria was behind it 100 percent. New info shows it

An LFP Exclusive
(Lebanese Foundation for Peace)
Direct Submission
The Truth Behind
Source: A retired Lebanese intelligence officer who is
willing to testify at a trial of Elias Hobeika, if it
takes place at an international court.

Perceived as the driving force in the murders at
Sabra and Chatilla, General "Arik" Sharon has been
condemned and discarded by accepted history. No matter
that he is now the leader of the Likud party in
Israel, no matter that he is the hero of many
campaigns that preserved Israel in the face of
overwhelming odds, history's perception destroys his
viability as deserving of the highest office of the
land. The truth is that the massacre did indeed
happen; however, the perpetrator's were neither
Israeli nor Lebanese rioters as reported. The entire
operation was masterminded by Syrian intelligence, as
reported by a number of witnesses, and was carried out
ruthlessly and efficiently by a Lebanese stooge of
Syria named Elias Hobeika.
The most comprehensive source of published
information is by the body guard of Hobeika: Robert
Hatem nicknamed Cobra. Hatem wrote a diary of events
leading up to and past the massacres that is available
on the internet at: http://www.israeltodamascus.com/.
The book is banned in Lebanon, and many of the
participants are still active in Lebanese politics.
Hatem is a political refugee hiding in France.
Hatem writes that Hobeika spoke of two thousand
Palestinian terrorists hiding in the Palestinian
refugee camps, the Israelis had asked Hobeika to rid
the camps of the terrorists, and the Israeli forces
expected them to supervise the Palestinian evacuation
from the camps. Their specific orders were to sort out
the armed terrorists and hand them over to the
Israelis. Hobeika was under strict orders by Sharon to
act as a dignified, armed force and not resort to any
unnecessary violence. Hobeika, a known Syrian agent,
ignored Sharon's orders and gave his own command:
"total extermination, camps to be wiped out."
When Hobeika spoke to Sharon, Sharon was
infuriated and condemned Hobeika for murder, and
wanton killings. Hatem reports that"All the victims
were civilians killed with grenades, hatchets, assault
rifles, and knives. Some of the corpses were even
boobie- trapped." "General Sharon ordered his men to
fire flares from that moment on until 400 a.m. to
avoid further killings but it was too late. The harm
was done."
One witness, a Lebanese dissident, is easy to
dismiss as a malcontent, irrelevant and without
credibility, yet after all these years we now find
substantiating evidence, credible evidence, and
directly from the Palestinians and others. The Voice
of Palestine (Official Palestinian Radio Station),
September 15,2000, reported that Brigadier General
Sultan Abu-al- Aynayn, official in charge of the Fatah
Movement in Lebanon, deplored the non-trial and
non-questioning of Hobeika for the innocent blood that
was spilled in the two refugee camps.
Another source is Agence France Presse whose
article "Massacre of Palestinians at refugee camps
remembered," was reported in the Jordan Times
September 17,00. The story included the
following"BEIRUT (AFP) Palestinians and Lebanese
commemorated the 18th anniversary on Saturday of the
massacre of 1,500 Palestinians at the Sabra and
Shatila refugee camps in Beirut. Relatives of the
victims point an accusing finger at Elie Hobeika, now
an outgoing pro-Syrian member of parliament who was
then the intelligence chief for the Lebanese forces.
He denies all responsibility for the massacre."
Yasir Arafat continues the charade, carefully omitting
the Syrian responsibility for the massacre.
In spite of overwhelming evidence that Sharon was
not in any way responsible for the massacre, indeed,
the present Syrian controlled Lebanese government is
at fault, the controlled Lebanese press persists in
its fable of faulting Sharon, as they are well aware
that if charges of guilt are leveled at Hobeika, it
would infuriate Syria for Hobeika is "protected," well
known as Syria's protegé, and any charges against
Hobeika would implicate Syria. Additionally, a number
of Lebanese papers manipulated by Syrian intelligence
have ignored the entire event and all the sordid
events leading up to the killings.
There is a direct, power struggle between PLO and
Syrian proxies on the ground, involving control of
Lebanese territory and control over the ruling elite
in Lebanon. Lebanese intelligence sources report of
the massacres -- "that to distract the world from
focusing on the murder of the President then elect
Bachir Gemayel, a plot was devised to blame Israel."
The intelligence sources add that Habib Chartouni

[CTRL] Shrewd politicians all.

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and George W. were kidnapped and brought
to a small country in Central America where they were charged
with war crimes.

They each were sentenced to death by firing squad.

Clinton was put up against the wall first. As the squad lifted
their rifles, he yelled EARTHQUAKE!!! The squad hit the ground,
and Clinton ran away.

Next, Gore was put up against the wall. After watching Clinton
lie his way out of trouble for 8 years, he also learned a thing
or two.

As the squad raised their rifles Al screams TORNADO!!!

The squad scrambles for cover and Al slinks away.

Then they get George W. Not being as stupid as most people think
he is, he understood that yelling out a natural disaster will
distract the shooters and allow him to run away.

As the squad raised their rifles, George W. screams " FIRE!!! FIRE!!!"

Old joke.
Reworked by me.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Oh yeah sure! NOW Arafat likes the old peace agreements with Israel.

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, February 24 8:37 PM SGT

Arafat says he will call on US to ensure Israel honors
peace agreements

AMMAN, Feb 24 (AFP) -

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said he will call for
the United States to ensure the enforcement
of peace deals reached between Israel and the Palestinians
when he holds his first meeting with
US Secretary of State Colin Powell on Sunday.

"We expect the US administration, which is the principal
sponsor of the peace process, will
ensure what was agreed to between us and the Israelis
Sharm el-Sheikh, in Taba or
elsewhere," Arafat said Saturday after meeting for an
with Jordanian Prime Minister Ali Abu

"The essential thing is to implement all the agreements
that have been concluded in the
presence and with the signature" of the Americans, Arafat
said, without being more specific.

Sharm el-Sheikh and Taba are Egyptian Red Sea resorts where
the two sides have held talks,
both before and since the outbreak of the latest Palestinian
uprising last September.

At Sharm el-Sheikh in October, there was a verbal agreement
to bring about a cease fire in the
now five-month-old Palestinian uprising, then only a few
weeks old. To date, the agreement,
which called for a withdrawal of Israeli troops from around
Palestinian towns, has not been

Likewise, talks at Taba in January were a last-ditch effort
by the caretaker goverment of Ehud
Barak, a week before Barak lost to Ariel Sharon in an
election for prime minister, to reach a final
peace deal with the Palestinians.

In 1999, Israel agreed in Sharm el-Sheikh to three successive
withdrawals from Palestinian
territory. One is still to be implemented.

Earlier, in Taba, the two sides hammered out some of the
details in their relationship until such
time as a final settlement could be reached, which
was targeted for 1999.

Arafat's government has been devastated by Israel's
punishing blockade of the Palestinian
territories and by the Jewish's state refusal to
unfreeze more than 40 million dollars in tax
revenues to Arafat.

Arafat said he recommended enforcement of agreements
signed with Israel via meetings of the
two sides in the presence of the US, European Union
and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

He said US President George W. Bush decribed to him
Powell's visit to the region as simply a
listening tour to familiarise himself with the facts
on the ground, including on the
Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Arafat also condemned the Israelis shelling Friday of
the Palestinian Authority's offices in the
West Bank, including those of Mahmud Abbas, the
secretary general of the Palestine Liberation

"It is not the first time. Unfortunately, all of our
locations have been made the target of
continued bombing," Arafat said.

Arafat also called for Arab countries to adopt a united
front in preparation for the next summit
of Arab leaders to be held March 27 in the Jordanian capital.

"The most important thing is to adopt a firm and
united Arab position that will be developed
during the Arab summit to be held in Amman" on
March 27, Arafat said.

Powell arrived Saturday morning in Cairo on his
first trip as Washington's top diplomat and will
hold talks Sunday in Gaza City with Arafat.

Arafat came to Amman after visiting Athens Friday,
where he urged Greek leaders to work "for
peace to return to the Middle East."

He left Amman by helicopter for Ramallah in the West Bank.

There are TWO main reasons for the continuing misery of the
Palestinian people in the Mid-East.

1 - The existence of the Jewish State of Israel.
2 - The history of choosing the dumbest, vilest, most corrupt
leadership in a region known for vile and corrupt leaders.

Since there is nothing that they can really do about Israel,
it then behooves them to deal with their own elites.

Palestinian leaders made bad choices in 1948 for their people
when they thought they could ' drive the Jews into the sea '
and refused the UN partition. Big mistake #1. Then it was 50
years of bad choices culminating in the acceptance of Arafat
as the supreme Palestinian leader.

Arafat's political decision to extract concessions from the
Israelis by starting the Aqsa Intifada, was a stupid shortsighted
decision which brought Arik Sharon to power. The concessions that
Israel made were evidently not good enough. Well then... what do
his people have going for them now? Bupkes! Nothing.

Now that they lost everything ( such as it was,) due to their
great leader's judgment, they are begging for the old peace deal
to be reinstated. What has this cost? Everything. The Israeli
"peace" crowd had to give up their illusions that they can really
live in peace with the people who they displaced.

There are almost 500 dead as a result of the Palestinian
leadership's inability to understand power politics. Most
of the dead are Palestin

Re: [CTRL] SK: Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction,or give them lethal desease?

2001-02-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>> If this were true, the mega fauna of Africa would have been
exterminated long ago. Mankind has been in Africa longer than it has
been anywhere.

>You're only HALF right. The second sentence is theoretical speculation.

Until more data come in, it's the only theoretical speculation with an
empirical basis. But, yes, we should withhold final judgement. Th data
are not all in. No one knows what might turn up.

ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
ÝÝÝÚrchives Available at:
 Archives of

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[CTRL] British scientists join Nasa in hunt for aliens

2001-02-24 Thread William Shannon

British scientists join Nasa in hunt for aliens

By Roger Highfield, Science Editor

BRITISH and American scientists will join forces in a quest to find alien
life, Nasa announced this week.Prof Baruch Blumberg, director of Nasa's
Astrobiology Institute, is also hoping to enlist British scientists to help
discover the origins of life on Earth. He wants to pool intellectual
resources with the British Astrobiology Forum and other leading biologists
working in these two areas, which are considered the biggest quests in
modern biology.Speaking of his ambition to trace the nature, evolution and
distribution of life in the cosmos, Prof Blumberg said: "I don't think it
is going to work if America alone tries to dominate astrobiology. This work
offers opportunities for all of us, and co-operative international research
is needed.'The agreement - between scientists not governments - follows
discussions with the Astronomer Royal and leading British astrobiologists,
including Dr Alan Penny of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire,
an expert on discovering planets like Earth. So far about 50 have been
discovered outside our Solar System.The agreement will be formally
announced in 2001, said Prof Blumberg, a former Master of Balliol College,
Oxford, where he began his biochemistry doctorate 50 years ago, and a Nobel
Laureate in 1976 for helping to develop a hepatitis vaccine. As the
director of the Nasa Astrobiology Institute, in California's Silicon
Valley, Prof Blumberg is co-ordinating the efforts of about 500 scientists.
Despite the announcement by Nasa in 1996 that alien life may have thrived
on Mars, based on a meteorite, he keeps an open mind. Nasa is planning six
Mars missions this decade which may culminate in a manned mission around
2023. Britain will make a key contribution, since the British probe Beagle
2 will be the next to hunt for life when it lands in 2003. Tough organisms
known as extremophiles offer the most intriguing insights into alien life.
Earlier this year Prof Blumberg, 75, visited Badwater in California's Death
Valley, where the temperature once peaked at 127.4F (53.01C) to inspect
heat-loving micro-organisms. This summer he went to the other extreme in
the Haughton Impact Crater on Devon Island, in the Canadian Arctic. In the
polar desert, which has features similar to Mars, he helped hunt for bugs
that form biofilms in which bacterial communities live on damp rock at
freezing temperatures. Stromatolites, fossilised versions of these
colonies, are common on Earth. Understanding how they formed could help
identify equivalents on Mars. Prof Blumberg said British scientists would
attend a meeting in February to discuss Europa, one of Jupiter's moons that
may harbour a subterranean sea under its frozen surface hosting living
micro-organisms.Even if, in the short term, no proof is found that alien
life exists beyond our planet, the quest will be important. Prof Blumberg
is confident that astrobiology "will change our ideas of what life actually

[CTRL] New York Times on Iraq Airstrikes: Zero Dissent Allowed

2001-02-24 Thread William Shannon

New York Times on Iraq Airstrikes: Zero Dissent Allowed

February 23, 2001

Despite the chorus of international condemnation that followed last week's
large-scale airstrikes on targets in Iraq, not a single word of criticism or
dissent could be found anywhere in the New York Times' February 17 coverage
of the attack. U.S. and British planes struck five Iraqi air-defense targets
February 16 while patrolling their self-declared, internationally
unrecognized "no-fly zone" over the south of the country. The Times ran four
articles dealing with the raid-- a news article, a news analysis, an unsigned
editorial and an op-ed. None featured any criticism of the airstrikes
whatsoever. The lead story on the front page quoted seven sources; all seven
were government or military officials, all of whom supported the attack-- a
Pentagon spokesman, a "senior Pentagon official," a "senior defense
official," a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, President Bush, and a
Republican and a Democratic senator. David Sanger and Frank Bruni's
accompanying news analysis, "The World Stage, Act I," mused emptily about
what kind of "statement" Bush was making in authorizing the strikes,
concluding that Bush had "arrived on the world stage," that "despite his
inexperience" in foreign policy, "he was a player." No dissenting views were
included. Official Iraqi media reported 2 civilians killed and 20 injured in
the raid. But in the Times' 1,600-word news story, the subject of civilian
deaths and injuries was brushed off in two sentences: "Iraqi television
reported numerous civilians had been wounded" but "Pentagon officials said
they have no evidence of civilian casualties." The Times appears to have
great confidence in the sincerity of official U.S. statements on Iraqi
casualties. However, when former U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq Hans
von Sponeck independently investigated civilian damage from several
U.S.-British airstrikes in 1999, finding 144 people killed and 446 injured
that year, the Clinton administration tried to have him fired and he soon
quit in protest. ("U.N. resignations point to failure of U.S.-led sanctions
against Iraq," Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service, 2/26/00). His replacement,
Tun Myat, has no plans to investigate the damage from the latest bombing, a
U.N. spokesperson in New York told FAIR. In announcing Bush's arrival on the
world stage, the news analysis article quoted his explanation of the attack--
"Saddam Hussein has got to understand that we expect him to conform to the
agreement he signed after Desert Storm"-- but refrained from pointing out
that Bush had made a gaffe: The post-war agreement with Iraq contained no
mention of no-fly zones, dealing only with Iraqi withdrawal and compliance
with U.N. resolutions. Unlike the Times, the Washington Post pointed out the
mistake in a Feb. 19 article, "Bush on Stage: Deft or Just Lacking Depth?"
The Times' opinion pages kept up the cheerleading, with a lead editorial
judging the airstrikes "justified" and "timely." Instead of printing a
balancing view, the facing op-ed page ran a piece by military hawk Anthony
Cordesman headlined "No Choice But To Strike" that declared the bombing a
"necessary if not vital" step. Cordesman was condemned by Amnesty
International last year for a report he authored for the Center for Strategic
and International Studies proposing the use of "interrogation methods that
border on psychological and/or physical torture" against Palestinians as one
viable method of enforcing a peace agreement. (See "ABC News Analyst
Advocates Brutality," 11/21/00.) The total absence of criticism in the Times
stands in marked contrast to the outpouring of criticism around the world. In
the days that followed, one country after another, including key NATO allies,
lined up to condemn the attack. Several said the bombings were a blatant
violation of international law. France expressed "incomprehension" and
"disappointment" (AFP, 2/17/01); the Italian prime minister called it
"counterproductive" (ANSA, 2/21/01); the German foreign minister, though
publicly circumspect, protested the bombing in diplomatic meetings in
Washington (Agence Europe, 2/19/01). Turkey, Jordan, and Iran-- three of the
neighboring countries supposedly being protected from Iraqi aggression--
denounced the strikes, later joined by even Saudia Arabia (London Guardian,
2/22/01), while the other Gulf states "maintained an embarrassed silence"
(AFP, 2/17, 2/18/01). None of this was reported by the New York Times. All of
this raises poignant questions about the Times' journalistic priorities.
Instead of printing a windy disquisition on Bush's "arrival" to the world
stage, the paper could have dispatched a reporter to Baghdad to check on
Iraqi reports of U.S.-caused civilian deaths. Rather than invite Anthony
Cordesman to make exactly the same pro-bombing argument on the op-ed page as
the editorialists did on the facing

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] New details on gold price manipulation in New York

2001-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

3:19a ET Saturday, February 24, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Building on the painstaking technical analysis
of Dr. Henry Clawar, Dmitri Speck has written
an essay, complete with charts, at
www.Gold-Eagle.com that details how and when
the gold price has been manipulated in New York.
This is Part I. His conclusions in Part 2 will
be interesting. You can find the essay here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


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Re: [CTRL] SK: Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction,or give them lethal desease?

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> >He has determined, using a computer simulation, that even a very modest
> amount of hunting would have wiped these animals out.
> If this were true, the mega fauna of Africa would have been exterminated
> long ago. Mankind has been in Africa longer than it has been anywhere.

You're only HALF right. The second sentence is theoretical speculation.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Reuters story suggests changed attitude about gold

2001-02-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Bright future for gold
helps N. American producers

TORONTO, Feb. 23 (Reuters) -- The belief that gold is
heading above $300 and that a fresh round of
restrictions was in the works on selling gold from
central bank reserves helped North American gold miners
to a strong showing on Friday.

The Toronto Stock Exchange's gold and precious minerals
index, which includes some of the world's top gold
companies, was up more than 3.7 percent in afternoon
trading, while the overall market was down 1.3 percent.

The sudden interest in gold mining stocks is based on
the belief that gold, which has been under pressure in
recent months, is pulling itself out of the doldrums as
the supply/demand curve moves back in favor of the
yellow metal.

Gold, which trades in a 52-week range of $252.80 to
$326.25 an ounce in London, closed at $260.30 an ounce
on Friday.

"There is a belief that we are yet again
heading for that the $285 to $300 an ounce area, which
would be good," said John Ing, president of Maison
Placements Canada, in Toronto.

Ing also said there were rumors that a number of
central banks were poised to enact another gold accord,
limiting the amount of bullion they could sell.

"I don't think it would be bad that we have another
accord," Ing said. "What that does is remove gold from
the market."

When the central banks last agreed to limit sales, in
September 1999, gold climbed to about $328 an ounce
from around $255.

Bullion was also helped by the financial and political
crisis in Turkey. Turkey abandoned its policy of
pegging its currency against the dollar this week, and
the lira went into free-fall, reaching rates under one
million to the dollar.

"Turkey is a big consumer of gold and there is belief
that demand for gold came from that country because of
the devaluation," Ing said.


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Re: [CTRL] -Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street byEllen DeGeneres

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> >to many fags
> It seems to me that anybody who is seriously into heterosexuality should
> be out there promoting homosexuality as hard as possible because it cuts
> down on the competition.

You're only HALF right.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: Who's in charge here???

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


2/14/01 4:57 PM
Source:Bloomberg News

Redmond, Washington, Feb. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Microsoft Corp.'s Windows
operating-system chief, Jim Allchin, says that freely distributed software
code such as rival Linux could stifle innovation and that legislators need
to understand the threat.

The result will be the demise of both intellectual property rights and the
incentive to spend on research and development, he said yesterday, after
the company previewed its latest version of Windows. Microsoft has told
U.S. lawmakers of its concern while discussing protection of

Linux is developed in a so-called open-source environment in which the
software code generally isn't owned by any one company. That, as well as
programs such as music-sharing software from Napster Inc., means the
world's largest software maker has to do a better job of talking to
policymakers, he said.

"Open source is an intellectual-property destroyer," Allchin said. "I
can't imagine something that could be worse than this for the software
business and the intellectual-property business."

Microsoft distributes some of its programs without charge to customers,
although it generally doesn't release its programming code, and it retains
the ownership rights to that code. Linux is the most widely known
open-source product, though other programs including the popular Apache
system for Web server computers also are developed the same way.


Allchin made his comments several hours before Microsoft confirmed that
its $135 million investment in software maker Corel Corp. last October is
being reviewed by the U.S. Justice Department. Corel said last month it
willl drop efforts to develop the Linux operating system, though it will
continue to make Linux applications. Corel said it hadn't consulted with
Microsoft before making that decision.

Brian Behlendorf, founder of open-source company CollabNet Inc., said most
companies that use the open-source development model do retain the rights
to some of their intellectual property.

"I think Microsoft is trying to paint the open-source community as being
fascist; that all software have has to be free, or none of it can be,"
said Behlendorf, whose company helps businesses run their own open-source

Allchin said he's concerned that the open-source business model could
stifle initiative in the computer industry.

"I'm an American, I believe in the American Way," he said."I worry if the
government encourages open source, and I don't think we've done enough
education of policy makers to understand the threat."


Some leading computer companies including International Business Machines
Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. are selling Linux- based products and
working on open-source projects, noted Jeremy Allison, a VA Linux Systems
Inc. software developer. He's also a leader in a project develop an
open-source file and printer server program.

Microsoft only began significant lobbying efforts in the last few years.
The Redmond, Washington-based company also talks to lawmakers about issues
including the need for more visas for people with computer skills and
computer privacy and security.

Linux is the fastest-growing operating system program for running server
computers, according to research firm IDC. It accounted for 27 percent of
unit shipments of server operating systems in 2000. Microsoft's Windows
was the most popular on that basis, with 41 percent.

Despite Linux's success in some markets, Allchin says he isn't concerned
about sales competition from the product. Microsoft provides support to
change and develop products based on its operating system software that
Linux companies don't, he said. Companies that use Linux in their products
then must pay someone else for support, he said.

"We can build a better product than Linux," he said."There is always
something enamoring about thinking you can get something for free."



The solution of course, is to do away with Intellectual Property rights
alltogether. To make ideas property, is the modern equivalent of what
the Rich did to the " commons " through " enclosure."

Ideas can not and should not be owned. That is not to say that inventive
people should not be well compensated for their efforts. They certainly
should. But once compensated, that's it.

Only capitalism could produce such an absurdity as making human ideas
into property. What's next? Owning the Genome? Making sound property,
like Harley-Davidson tried to do by patenting the sound of their bikes?
Or how about where McDonald's sued a man in Scotland who sold hamburgers
under the name McDonald. How DARE he be born with the name of their
corporate logo!

ALL the evils of Capitalism are based on the idea of " Private Property."
This is not the same thing as personal property. The things we each own.
This is a legal slight of hand, as is

[CTRL] NM: Second Hillary Brother Suspected in Pardongate Payoff

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover
Saturday, Feb. 24, 2001 12:57 a.m. EST

Second Hillary Brother Suspected in Pardongate Payoff

Just two days after Sen. Hillary Clinton ordered her brother Hugh
Rodham to return a $400,000 payment he received for obtaining two
controversial presidential pardons, a report says her other
brother, Tony Rodham, may also be implicated in the
clemency-for-cash scandal.

 "Sources from the former president's inner circle today told
ABCNEWS that they have heard 'rumors and speculation' that Sen.
Clinton's other brother, Tony Rodham, may have also been paid to
help win pardons or commutations for certain individuals," the
network reported on its Web site late Friday.

 "They say they have told a lawyer for Rodham they want to know
if that is true," ABC News added.

On Thursday Steven Coz, editor in chief of the National Enquirer,
told Fox News that the paper was developing a story about yet
another "Clinton family member" who may have accepted $100,000 to
obtain a presidential pardon.

 Speculation immediately focused on Roger Clinton, who only hours
before had been sent a list of questions by the House Government
Reform and Oversight Committee in connection with several pardons
he may have helped to obtain.

 But the ABC News report suggests that it may be Tony Rodham, and
not Roger Clinton, to whom Coz was referring.

 Late Friday, Roger Clinton admitted he had sought pardons from
his brother for six of his friends but denied accepting any money
in connection with the effort.

 "I did everything legitimately," Clinton told the Los Angeles
Times. "I took no money."

 Clinton said he was shocked and disappointed that his brother
declined to grant any of his pardon requests. But Roger declined
to identify the friends he tried to help and refused to say
whether he had been involved in obtaining presidential clemency
for any of them.

 The omission may be key, since House probers say now they have
information that Roger Clinton may have accepted $30,000 to help
Carlos Vignale, a California drug dealer whose 15-year prison
sentence was commuted by President Clinton on January 20 after
his father showered local politicians with cash.

 Vignale was convicted in 1994 of conspiring to sell 800 pounds
of cocaine.

Roger Clinton told the Times that he tried to obtain pardons for
"only my best friends I've known for 20 years or more" - but that
his brother declined his requests.

 Mitchell C. Wood, described by Fox News Friday as Roger's
"boyhood friend," did get a pardon for his 1986 conviction on
charges that grew out of a massive federal and state
investigation into an Arkansas cocaine ring.

 Among those snared in the probe was Dan Lasater, a megabuck
Clinton contributor who the then-governor pardoned in 1990.

 Wood told a federal judge that Roger Clinton was his cocaine
supplier. Both Wood and Clinton cooperated with investigators and
served reduced jail sentences.

 Two weeks ago, Wood told the Wall Street Journal that he was
mystified as to why President Clinton had granted him a pardon,
since "he would not have any idea who I was."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MH: Coffey may also be involved in Vignali pardon

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Published Saturday, February 24, 2001, in the Miami Herald

Ex-U.S. attorney drawn deeper into pardons probe


DRAWN INTO INQUIRY: Kendall Coffey was asked whether he helped a
drug dealer seek a pardon.

Republican congressional leaders probing former President Bill
Clinton's pardons on Friday drew Kendall Coffey, a prominent
Democrat and former U.S. attorney in Miami, more deeply into the
investigation, asking whether he lobbied for a politically
connected California cocaine trafficker.

And Clinton's brother-in-law Hugh Rodham, a Coral Gables
attorney, faced a new inquiry by the Florida Bar, which said its
office of lawyer discipline in Miami has opened a complaint file
on Rodham based on news reports of his role in the clemencies.

These latest developments increase pressure on Coffey and Rodham
to explain what they did to lobby for pardons and commutations in
the final days of the Clinton administration.

Coffey and Rodham are friends and business associates. Coffey has
become well-known nationally for his work as a lawyer for the
Little Havana relatives of Cuban rafter Elián González and for
Vice President Al Gore in the Florida presidential election

The House committee chaired by U.S. Rep. Dan Burton, R-Indiana,
indicated Friday it has received reports of Coffey's involvement
in obtaining a commutation for convicted drug dealer Carlos
Vignali, son of a prominent Democratic contributor in Los

The Burton committee is conducting one of several inquiries into
the widening scandal over the influence of the former president's
relatives and associates in obtaining clemencies granted by
Clinton. Three congressional committees and federal prosecutors
in New York are investigating Clinton's actions.


The Associated Press reported Friday that the New York
prosecutors are investigating whether Clinton commuted sentences
of four convicted swindlers in exchange for Hasidic Jewish votes
for his wife's Senate campaign.

Burton, in a letter to Coffey released Friday, requested any
billings for Coffey's work on behalf of Vignali, any information
provided to the government in pursuit of Vignali's clemency and
any records of contacts with government officials on Vignali's


The committee also is seeking records of White House visits by
Rodham, Coffey, Vignali's father Horacio, and Roger Clinton, the
former president's half-brother. Roger Clinton unsuccessfully
lobbied for clemency for 10 people.

The Burton committee already had requested information from
Coffey and Rodham about what they did to obtain a pardon for
Glenn Braswell, a California-based vitamin-peddler who owns a
house in Coconut Grove.

Rodham received $200,000 for his work for Vignali, and $200,000
as a contingency fee after Braswell received a pardon. Under
pressure from the Clintons, he returned the money this week.


The role of Coffey is less clear. Clinton's office has said he
also represented Braswell. But the Burton letter was the first
indication that he also might have worked for Vignali.

``The committee has received reports that you were involved in
the commutation request of Carlos Vignali,'' Burton wrote in his
letter, which requested the records by March 1.  Vignali,
convicted for cocaine trafficking in 1995, left prison after
serving five years of a 15-year sentence.

Coffey, who repeatedly has refused to discuss his role in
Braswell's pardon, did not reply to requests for comment Friday
about either Braswell or Vignali. Neither Rodham nor his attorney
responded to calls.

WTVJ-NBC 6 found Rodham at John Martin's restaurant in Coral
Gables Friday, but he refused comment.

Rodham's role in Vignali's clemency is slightly more public than
Coffey's after a week of revelations.


Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca said this week that Rodham
called him about the Vignali case in January.

``I received a phone call from Mr. Hugh Rodham informing me that
I would be receiving a call from an attorney assigned to the
White House,'' Baca said in a statement issued by his office. ``A
few days later, I received a message requesting that I call an
attorney at the White House.''

Baca said he was asked by a ``staff assistant'' about Vignali's
father, and also was asked if the president should commute
Vignali's sentence. He said he was unfamiliar with the case and
didn't recommend any clemency: ``I maintain and espouse a policy
that those persons convicted of a crime should serve their full
and complete sentence.''

Bruce Lindsey, a former deputy legal counsel to Clinton, has told
the Los Angeles Times that Rodham called him twice in the final
weeks of Clinton's presidency. Lindsey said Rodham pressed for
the commutation of Vignali's sentence but did not mention
Braswell. Lindsey told the newspaper he spoke with Rodham as a
friend, and did not tell Clinton about the call.

Rodham's lawyer, Nancy Luque, says Rodham

Re: [CTRL] [Spy News] Update: US, CoE, EU welcome Bosnia's first non-nationalist central govt. j2

2001-02-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


I must point out here that the key in this propaganda piece
is *** non-nationalist ***. The reason is that nationalism
is being forcibly removed as an option for small countries or
countries with resources that the Western Corporations want.
It stands in the way of Globalization. Particularly the next
step planned for the world's countries, which is really
" regionalism."

The EU is the political and economic regionalization of the
sovereign countries of Europe.

Another less successful example would be the attempted
regionalization of the Mid-East through the Oslo ( so called
peace ) Plan. One can only speculate about what it means for
the Israelis to de-nationalize, while doing the opposite for
the Palestinians. The Palestinians will never be allowed to
have a sovereign nation simply because it is US and EU policy
to regionalize that part of the world. The whole thing is a

Regionalization will not work in the Mid-East, nor in many
other parts of the world.

It took the intentional destruction of Yugoslavia and the
Yugoslav socialist economy to bring the Balkans to the point
where weak nationalist puppet governments will agree to be
absorbed into the EU region.


MariosE wrote:
> Council of Europe welcomes election of moderate Bosnian govt
>  Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:00:10 PST
>STRASBOURG, Feb 23 (AFP) - The Council of Europe on Friday
> welcomed the election of the first non-nationalist government in
> Bosnia-Hercegovina, and urged the new administration to press ahead
> with democratic reforms.
>"This is an important signal of Bosnia and Hercegovina's
> determination to take its future into its own hands," said a
> statement from Secretary General Walter Schwimmer.
>The electorate had rejected the politics of "division and
> stagnation", he said.
>"I encourage the new government to use its powers to reinforce
> the democratic institutions of the country and push thrugh the
> necessary reforms enabling Bosnia and Hercegovina to join the
> Council of Europe," he added.
>On Thursday, Bosnia's central parliament elected the first
> government without nationalist parties since the 1995 Dayton
> agreement.
>The government, responsible only for foreign affairs, defence
> and trade, is to be headed by Bozidar Matic, a member of the
> moderate Social Democratic Party (SDP).
>The vote came after November's elections to the federal
> parliament.
>Bosnia-Hercegovina applied for membership in the Council of
> Europe in 1995.
> Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse
> US hails election of moderate government in Bosnia
>  Fri, 23 Feb 2001 12:20:09 PST
>WASHINGTON, Feb 23 (AFP) - The United States on Friday hailed
> the election this week of the first non-nationalist government in
> Bosnia-Herzegovina, calling it a historic step toward stability.
>"The United States welcomes and strongly endorses the election
> of a new moderate government of Bosnia-Herzegovina," State
> Department spokesman Richard Boucher said in a statement.
>"This is an historic step on Bosnia's long road to peace and
> reconciliation," he said.
>Boucher added that Washington was eager to work closely with the
> government which he said was for the first time in 10 years made up
> "solely of representatives of parties committed to buidling a
> healthy multi-ethnic society rather than perpetuating a bitter and
> divided past."
>On Thursday, Bosnia's central parliament elected the first
> government without nationalist parties since the 1995 Dayton
> agreement.
>The government, responsible only for foreign affairs, defence
> and trade, is to be headed by Bozidar Matic, a member of the
> moderate Social Democratic Party (SDP).
>The vote came after November's elections to the federal
> parliament.
> Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse
> EU welcomes Bosnia's first non-nationalist central government
> Fri, 23 Feb 2001 3:40:13 PST
>STOCKHOLM, Feb 23 (AFP) - The European Union has welcomed the
> formation of a new council of ministers in Bosnia-Hercegovina and
> urged the government to undertake the reforms needed to improve the
> country's social and economic situation.
>"The EU expresses its hope that this will be the reform-oriented
> government that Bosnia and Hercegovina needs more than five years
> after the signing of the Dayton/Paris accords and nearly four months
> after the last elections," the EU said in a statement published on
> the Swedish EU presidency website Friday.
>The country's central parliament voted Thursday to elect the
> first government without nationalist parties since the 1995 Dayton
> agreement.
>The government, which is responsible only for foreign affairs,
> defence and trade, is to be headed by Bozidar Matic, a member of the
> moderate Social Democratic Party (SDP).
>The vote came after November's elections to the federal
> parliament.
> Copyright 2001 by Agence Fra

Re: [CTRL] -Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

2001-02-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>to many fags 

It seems to me that anybody who is seriously into heterosexuality should
be out there promoting homosexuality as hard as possible because it cuts
down on the competition. 

ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
ÝÝÝÚrchives Available at:
 Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] SK: Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction, or give them lethal desease?

2001-02-24 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>He has determined, using a computer simulation, that even a very modest
amount of hunting would have wiped these animals out.

If this were true, the mega fauna of Africa would have been exterminated
long ago. Mankind has been in Africa longer than it has been anywhere.

ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
ÝÝÝÚrchives Available at:
 Archives of

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2001-02-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Paul Wolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: POLICE SPYING 101
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2001 6:54 AM

From: Nicholas Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


by Jim Redden, author, SNITCH CULTURE

Activists are alarmed by a recent federal court ruling which eases
restrictions against political surveillance by law enforcement agencies.

The ruling was issued on January 11, 2001 by the 7th Circuit Court of
Appeals. It relaxed restrictions intended to prevent the Chicago Police
Department from spying on law-abiding political dissidents. The
restrictions were included in a 1981 consent decree stemming from a 1974
lawsuit by the Alliance to End Repression. The suit charged that the FBI¹s
Chicago office and the Chicago police routinely violated First Amendment
rights when investigating dissidents. The suit particularly targeted the
police department Intelligence Division, dubbed the 'Red Squad' because of
its infiltration on communist, socialist and other left-wing organizations.

In its ruling, the court said today¹s political climate is so different
from the 1960s and 1970s that the rules need to be changed.

"The era in which the Red Squad flourished is history, along with the Red
Squad itself," the court said. "The instabilities of that era have largely
disappeared. Fear of communist subversion, so strong a motivator of
constitutional infringement in those days, has disappeared.

"Today, the concern, prudent and not paranoid, is with ideologically
motivated terrorism," the ruling continued. "The city does not want to
resurrect the Red Squad. It wants to be able to keep tabs on incipient
terrorist groups. And if the ... investigation cannot begin until the group
is well on its way toward the commission of terrorist acts, the
investigation may come too late to prevent the acts or identify the

Douglas Lee, a lawyer and legal correspondent for the First Amendment
Center, says the ruling is based on faulty reasoning.

"From a First Amendment perspective, no distinction exists between
'communist subversion' and 'ideologically motivated terrorism'," Lee wrote
in the January 1, 2001 edition of The Freedom Forum Online. "As long as
First Amendment conduct does not directly incite imminent illegal action,
it is protected, whether it advocates communism or some other
anti-democratic message. Conduct falling outside the freedoms of speech and
assembly never has been protected by the First Amendment and was not
protected by the decree. The effect of modifying the decree, therefore, can
only be to permit investigation of pure First Amendment conduct."

Lee is correct. And because the ruling came from a federal court, it
potentially applies to all police intelligence divisions. So political
activists across the country have a right to be concerned.

But the truth is, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies never
stopped spying on law-abiding political dissidents. That why the Washington
DC police department is able to boast that it successfully infiltrated the
protesters who demonstrated against the inauguration of George W. Bush on
January 20.

Confused? You should be. The corporate press has long pushed the myth that
political spying in this country was substantially curtailed in the wake of
the Watergate Scandal. Many aging liberals have embraced this myth as proof
that they helped drive Richard Nixon out of office.

Reality is a little different, as I documented in my recently-released
STATE (Feral House, 2000).

Here's what happened.

Despite all the press coverage it received, Watergate was not the biggest
political scandal of the early 1970s. A U.S. Senate subcommittee chaired by
Frank Church discovered far more serious examples of illegal government
surveillance than the botched break-in at the Democratic National Committee
headquarters and subsequent cover-up. Formally called the Select Committee
to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activity, the
committee documented such infamous surveillance operations as the FBI's
Counter Intelligence Programs (COINTELPRO), the CIA's Operation Chaos, and
the NSA's Watch List.

The corporate media was so busy patting itself on the back over Nixon's
resignation that it hardly covered the Church Committee's final report,
which was released in April 1976. But the revelations were so shocking that
the Department of Justice adopted new guidelines aimed at curtailing
political surveillance. State legislatures and city councils passed similar
restrictions, usually under threat of lawsuits by the ACLU.

But these victories were short-lived. For starters, the DOJ guidelines onl

[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News & Views - February 24, 2001

2001-02-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Get It Off Your Chest

Comments, suggestions, letters-to-the-editor, rants, chants, curses and
verses should be sent to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GOP:  Getting the Job Done

"I want to make the positive argument for the Republicans.  First, the
purpose of a political party is to exercise power by electing people to
public office.  During the past 30 years, elected officials have deregulated
airlines, trucking, banking, and telephones, cut marginal tax rates,
devolved federal welfare, freed up trade with Canada and Mexico, put judges
on the Supreme Court who have restored federalism, enabled homeschooling and
charter schools, and proposed the idea of personal investment accounts
within Social Security.

"None of this was done by elected Libertarians, because there weren't any.
... Republicans are a big-tent party.  By gaining the possibility of
electing people to office, you give up the possibility of ideological
purity.  To give that up is necessary.  If you are not willing to do that,
you are not being serious."

- Columnist Bruce Ramsey, "Liberty" magazine, March 2000

Quota Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Blacks have been the Democrat Party's most dependable voters.  So
dependable, in fact, that the white leadership of the Democrat Party has
pretty much taken their votes for granted.  "Sure, we want your votes on
election day," seems to be the message, "but in between just go over there
and sit in the corner.  We'll call you if we need you."  But now some
members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), in a stinging letter to the
Democrat campaign committees this week, demanded more clout, more attention,
more leadership positions and more lucrative contracts for black political

"Failure to sufficiently address these concerns will justify a fundamental
re-evaluation of African-American loyalty to the Democratic Party," warns
the CBC in its letter.  The members ... many of whom are considered the most
outrageously radical of the Democrats' left wing ... are also demanding "a
diversity audit of the (Democrat) campaign committees' employment and
contracting practices."  Ah ... live by the quota, die by the quota.
Actually, we're in sympathy with the plight of the poor CBC.  In fact, we'd
like nothing better than to see loud-mouth Maxine Waters replace Dicky
Gephardt as leader of the Democrat congressional band.  What a circus THAT
would be!

- Chuck Muth, Editor

Whites Only

"Black voters have been Mr. Clinton's most loyal backers. But what will they
think when they learn that he granted clemency to a hard-case white drug
dealer who hired Mr. Clinton's brother-in-law, when so many young
African-Americans are in prison because of lesser drug offenses? This from a
president who tried to use the same race card against Republicans?  The
former prosecutor in the case, Todd Jones, told ABC yesterday that the
prison commutation for Carlos Vignali 'further erodes any confidence that
the public, particularly communities of color, may have' in the fair
enforcement of the drug laws. Could this one be too much even for Maxine
Waters?  OK, nothing's ever too much for her."

- Columnist Paul Gigot, "Potomac Watch," 2/23/01

How About "War & Piece"?

"And now rumors spread that Clinton is shopping a two-book deal - one a
memoir, the other a novel of the White House. The Washington Post is already
running a contest to name the novel.  Catcher in the Thigh. Devil with a
Blue Dress On. Bedtime for Bubba. From Rags to the Riches. It Takes a
Pillage. White Trash Christmas. Fast Times at 1600 Pennsylvania High."

- Columnist Howie Carr, Boston Herald, 2/22/01

Better Put Some Clearasil On That

"I know one thing, I am ready to move beyond the Bill Clinton scandals.  But
like zits on a teenager's face they just keep popping up!"

- J. C. Bowman, Director of Education Policy, Tennessee Institute for Public
Policy, 2/23/01

Presidential Herpes

"What's the deal with former President Clinton?  Boy, this guy just won't go
away. You know, he's like a sexually transmitted disease.  We can't get rid
of him, you know?  Every couple of days, he flares up."

- NBC's "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno, 2/22/01

Trick Question

"Question: Name one thing beneath Bill Clinton's dignity.  Answer: This is a
trick question, like asking whether zero is odd or even.  It has no known

- Columnist Tony Snow, 2/23/01

It Had to Be Hugh

"The Rodham-Clintons have said (Hugh Rodham) gave the money back.  No one
has promised that he would not be REPAID at some future time.  I am willing
to bet there will be some fees paid to Hugh over the next year or so for
unspecified legal work which will total oh, what?  Four hundred grand?"

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 2/23/01


[CTRL] The Hanssen-Ames Connection Uncovered

2001-02-24 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

The Hanssen-Ames Connection Uncovered – A DEBKAfile Exclusive
The American FBI veteran Robert Philip Hanssen, 56, charged Tuesday,
Feb. 20 with spying for Moscow, and the convicted CIA super-mole
Aldrich Ames have a great deal in common that the FBI director Louis
Freeh did not reveal. As DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources disclose here
for the first time, both were recruited to the KGB’s First Chief
Directorate (foreign) by the same pair of legendary British super-spies,
Kim Philby, who defected to Moscow in 1961, and George Blake who
lives in Moscow to this day.

Ames, convicted in 1994 to a life sentence without parole, was a senior
counterintelligence officer in the CIA; Hanssen filled a similar function in
the FBI. Both climbed high in their services, got away with betraying
secrets and double spies for decades before they were caught. For
President George W. Bush, who approved bringing the Hanssen
investigation to conclusion and publishing its findings, it is important to
uncover the links above and below the two men in the hidden chain of
double agents and moles that still infests America’s defense system,
and finally bring light to the murky events that lent the Reagan-Bush
presidential era the epithet of Decade of the Spy.

Read the full DEBKAfile Exclusive and much more in our new
publication, DEBKA-Net-Weekly coming out Friday, 23 Feb. Just send
us your e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we shall be glad to post it


Best Wishes

Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of
society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't
test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance,
greed and love of power. -P.J. O'Rourke

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} *Legendary Black-Owned Newspaper Threatened By Death Tax

2001-02-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

When you read this think of the little white Baptish Church in
Indianapolis and if these thieves get out of paying this "death tax"
well this little church should be forgiven too - regardless this
newspaper which looks like a front for something, had the chance to
oppose the death tax and did not..strange though, most newspapers I
worked for always had a man who knew where to book bets, and play the
numbers - sanitation departments always have big chunk here, all black

So to many may I say equal protection of the laws - these people wanted
their civil right and equal protection of the laws - they finally got


What a delicious irony!  The obscene, confiscatory inheritance tax is
about to smite the *Defender* (our host knows very well the inflammatory
nature of this publication).  Yet that newspaper and its constituent
readership monolithically and vigorously support the very people who
denounce the abolition of the inheritance tax as "a gift to the very

What goes around, comes around, I guess!

---David the Troglodyte


Legendary Black-Owned Newspaper Threatened By Death Tax
By Gene J. Koprowski
CNS Correspondent
February 22, 2001

Chicago (CNSNews.com) - One of this city's institutions, The Chicago
Defender, a newspaper founded by the son of freed slaves, is battling the
Internal Revenue Service over inheritance taxes, being ordered to come up
with about $4 million.

Launched in 1905 by Robert Abbott, a black lawyer and printer who had moved
to Chicago a few years earlier, the paper at one time had a paid daily
circulation of 230,000. The founder's nephew, John H. Sengstacke, took over
the publishing empire in 1940, expanded and opened papers for the black
communities in Detroit and Memphis.

Sengstacke died in 1997, and the IRS came calling, claiming 55 percent of
the value of the Defender in death taxes.

Family members aren't the only ones angry with the IRS. Local political
activists are involved as well, criticizing the agency for targeting a small
family-owned business that has an important history of fighting for civil
rights for blacks.

"The notion that the death tax only hurts the ultra-wealthy is a misnomer,"
says Curt D. Mercandante, associate director, Illinois Public Policy
Caucuses, a low-tax advocacy group, based in Chicago. "The overwhelming
majority of the estates that pay the death tax have a net worth of under $10
million -- in this day and age, considered a medium-sized estate."

Indeed, Sengstacke's eldest grand-daughter, Myiti, who is 29 years old,
indicates that the family wants to keep the paper, and is trying to get the
IRS to negotiate a deferred tax payment plan, which would allow the paper to
expand into the Internet and television industries.

The IRS, however, is not backing down. The family hopes it won't have to
sell the paper, the daily circulation of which is now about 23,000, making
it Chicago's fourth largest daily, behind the Chicago Tribune, The Sun-Times
and The Daily Herald.

Some observers believe that cases like the one involving the Sengstacke
family will help Congress realize the need to repeal the death tax.

"It's high time the death tax, that Marxist scheme of despoiling children of
their parent's wealth, is repealed," says C. Preston Noell, III, president
of Tradition, Family and Property, Inc., a group advocating traditional
values and low taxes.

"How many families have been forced to sell a cherished ancestral home to
pay Uncle Sam this immoral tax? How many farmer's children have seen their
parent's dreams vanish when the grave robbers' tax hits them? Thank God this
blight on the right to private property is going the way of the dinosaur,"
Noell said.

According to Mercandante, the U.S. now has the second highest death tax in
the world, just behind Japan. Many nations have started eliminating the
taxes, realizing that they provide a disincentive for savings and
investment, he adds.

"The truth is, the death tax doesn't raise much money at all for the federal
government," said Mercandante. "Over roughly the last half-century, the
death tax has only raised between about one and two percent of the total
federal revenue - not nearly enough to counteract the disincentives to
savings, investment and economic growth."


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Re: [CTRL] Jeb Bush Caught in Govt Sting -- Again

2001-02-24 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

> "Some high-level prominent politicians were also caught on camera,
> including Jeb Bush with an unknown attractive woman -- not his wife.

I guess this makes him presidential material.

Best Wishes

Describing the Clintons not as political drifters but "grifters," Jordan
continued, "Grifters was a term used in the Great Depression to describe
fast-talking con artists who roamed the countryside, profiting at the
expense of the poor and the uneducated, always one step ahead of the
law, moving on before they were held accountable for their schemes and
half-truths. [But without] the frills of high office, we can now examine
...the Clintons for what they are.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] ED KOCH: There Can Be No Pardoning of Bill Clinton

2001-02-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well we see the work of the ADL here - keep in mind this is the jewish
order the give names to FBI Hate List which set Militias and Christian
groups for extermination - but oh so quiet about Littleton..neo
nazis was the shout, and little Klebold had come from Columbus, Ohio
grandson of Leo Yassenoff - do a little checking here if anyone is
interested - another "foundation" with connections

Now see what and who these big crooks really are and learn what the
Russian Jewish Mafia in particular really is and hook up to Mossad.

Oklahoma?   ADL and Dees (Morris) warned a Judge and FBI and BATF to
stay home that day and their jewish friend Mark Lane (real name is Levy,
it was reported) had already had format laid out for a new book no doubt
- for he had big foot door peddling the old Kennedy assassination crap
into Rick Stawcutters doorwho was also last man to heave from
Heavens Gate - remember Jonestown - well Lane, he alone escaped here
too, to write the book for the Judas always lives, to write the book.

This is jewish criminal syndicalism and yet no charges filed - Clinton
would have preferred the Civil route re Marc Rich.

All this garbage on holy ground?   In the Office of the President?
Where a sodomist sat for 8 years who is so stupid he doesn't realize
what hit him yet?

Maybe I could tell him a few things.for not one jew on a panel show
defended him when he ws caught with another sodomist,  in fact the one
said someting of Clinton's feet of clay - right out of Daniel - this is
where the three presidents will materilaize - full of cryptic
meanings.as Jack Ruby said ovr and over again in his jail cell
(pardon, Jack Rubenstein who worked for Meyer Lansky - in the family)
this is where after killing Oswald, Ruby said over and over in his jail
cell "Shadrach, Meschenk, and Abenego"..reminiscent too of the hree
brave Apollo astronauts burned to death in the little space craft  timed
to Acts 19 which equates to sabotage?

Well at least we made it to the moon and the KGB and Mossad did not
prevent von Braun from getting a certain amount of glory from that moon
shot - even though they did manage to murder little John John and almost
get Teddy that day on the bridge - and that guy was so stupid he walked
into a trap and still hasn't figured out what hit him.

So the Master Plan for Murder keyed to Stars and Testaments moves
forward - like a Chess Board.way back during JFK murder - the
assassins and conspirators took names from the chess board, like Mr.
Knight, Mr. King, Mr. Bishop...and as C. Gordon Liddy said "hey,
they got your Queen",,

Mountain climbing can be very dangerous - Martin Luther King knew that -
apparently Clinton thought he had "divine" protection and his sodomy and
thefts and murders were okay for he believed he ruled by divine right
Or is that guy really that stupid..Rhodes Scholars from 1960 on were
prepared to take over this government - they leave long legacy of
releasing murderers and paid hit men and gan members from prisons by
pardon - check of Ralph DeLeo of Jewish Mafia - Columbus, Ohio and
Yonnie Licavoli of the old Purple Gang and oh lest he be forgotten, even
Elvis Presley in Jail House Rock mentioned, the purple gang.   The old
Five Point Gang - Solomon's Star?   Yonnie had one over his little
curiosity shop when released from prison - and this very strange motel
and restaurant where we used to meet over and above it, was Solomon's
Star - for the owner was an honorable man for whom I once worked - yet
unknown to him this jewish mafia had moved in on his son, and had stolen
3 million dollars and a 30 thousand dollar diamond ring, when the old
man had a stroke - he was a high degree Mason - but he never knew, that
god, that the Jewish Mafia along with his idiot son, had stacks of neo
nazi literature in his restaurant basement with a printing press - and
got involved in murdersports is one thing, and maybe even gun
running is forgivabale for I knew man who ran guns for iRA.but why
would Jewish Mafia have neo nazi literature?

Bill Clinton and his fat assed wife are neo nazisby their fruits if
you do not know them all by now, and throw in this ADL and Morris Dees -
these people are all neo naZZis..and any true jew, or arab knows it
- for Zionism is the root of all evil second only to money.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and na

[CTRL] Thursday - the Day the Middle East Stepped Back from the Brink

2001-02-24 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday – the Day the
 Middle East Stepped Back from the Brink
Feb. 23:
Very few people knew how close the Middle East
came on Thursday Feb. 22 to exploding in a regional war. At 6 am.,
Israel placed its forces on high missile readiness after being
alerted by US intelligence to movements by 6
Iraqi armored divisions deployed close to frontier with Syria. American
satellites additionally picked up Iraqi preparations for launching long-
range surface missiles. DEBKAfile’s sources disclose the trigger of this
sequence: a warning from a European government, probably Britain, to
Iraqi intelligence that Israel would not again sit still
and wait for Iraqi missiles to rain down on its
towns as it did in the 1991 Gulf War. It planned to pre-empt any missile
attack by knocking out Iraqi missile concentrations on the ground, as
well the
6 armored divisions poised for advance since
early in the Palestinian intifida.  This Iraqi strength, Saddam was told,
would be disposed of swiftly with the help of small neutron bombs.
Iraqi decision-makers were impressed enough to
test American and Israeli reflexes: they pushed ahead with technical
preparations for the launching of surface missiles, taking them up to
one stage before Saddam’s firing order.
Israel received the information that the missiles would be ready for that
last button to be pushed at 6 pm Thursday evening.
One hour earlier, 2 US Awacs and 4 Hawkeye- A2C spyplanes, and
another 36 assorted US and British fighter craft, took off from the
Turkish base at Incherlik and from US Navy carriers in the region, and
headed for Iraq’s Western Desert. Their mission was to flatten
Saddam’s surface missiles the moment the spyplanes reported them
Opposite Syria’s Mediterranean coast, Israeli Air Force craft took off at
the same time. As they crossed over the desert, the US and British
airborne flotilla ran into fierce anti-air missile fire from batteries
emplaced north of the Iraqi oil city of Mosul – altogether 35 missiles
were fired. The allied fighters blasted the Iraqi batteries in return but
caused very little damage.
A few minutes after 6 pm, everyone started breathing upon learning that
the Iraqi surface missiles had become stationary. Israel called off its
missile alert at 19.30 hours, as DEBKAfile reported half an hour later.
Thursday’s scare can be expected to recur in the coming days and
weeks. President Bush hinted as much when he warned Saddam at his
Washington news conference Thursday Feb. 22 that if he developed
weapons of mass destruction there would be consequence. But the US
President knows very well that the Iraqi dictator is already engaged in
developing those weapons, including a nuclear bomb. Jan. 22, two days
before he took his seat in the Oval Office, the New York Times, under
the heading “Iraq Rebuilt Weapons Factories, Officials Say” filled several
columns with a rundown on production at an industrial complex in
Falluja, west of Baghdad, together with information contained in reports
laid before the new president.  The paper quotes officials are providing
details on the reconstruction of three factories, all of which were
previously involved in producing chemical or biological agents and were
closely monitored by UN inspectors.
Bush therefore has all the information he needs to justify US military
action against Iraq, and his use of the word “consequences” indicates
his intention of doing so. Thursday’s events were a foretaste of how the
US-Iraqi confrontation may affect Israel. There is more and possibly
worse to come.
Earlier, DEBKAfile Picks up Four Ominous Developments in Last Hours
The security picture pieced together by DEBKAfile on the strength of
information from its American and Israeli intelligence sources and from
Israel military quarters looks like this:
1.  Early Thursday morning, US satellites picked up Iraqi ground-to-
ground missiles moving west with launching equipment. US intelligence
estimates that the missiles would be ready for launch by the evening
prompted Israel to place all its security forces on the ready Thursday
2.  According to fresh reports from certain Arab capitals, Syrian
president Beshar Asad has reached a strategic decision. This is
interpreted in two ways: He has either agreed to grant the 6 Iraqi
armored divisions deployed on the Iraqi-Syrian frontier passage through
his country, or given the Hizballah the nod to unleash a long-range
rocket attack against northern Israel – or both. This development is
behind the grave warning the US and Israeli governments issued to the
Syrian government Thursday morning. The night before, Northern Israeli
towns and villages were warned to prepare for long-range rocket attacks
from Lebanon.
3. Palestinian sources confirm 1. and 2.

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Hit Man

2001-02-24 Thread c.

a bunch of bushlilt maybe?

  - Original Message - 
  Steve Wilson 
  Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 1:27 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bush's Hit Man
  A bunch of 

Re: [CTRL] -Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

2001-02-24 Thread c.

TOO many fags... so little time to meet them all, 

  - Original Message - 
  Steve Wilson 
  Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 1:15 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] -Gay Recruiting on 
  PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres
  to many fags 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: George W. Bush: Antichrist? Update--liesa

2001-02-24 Thread c.

bush is not THEIR ANTICHRIST HE'S the hope for a 
FREE country
see- it looks much more mental if you spell it 
correctly- but insert random caps.

  - Original Message - 
  Steve Wilson 
  Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 1:24 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: 
  George W. Bush: Antichrist? Update--liesa
  Bush is not ther 
  anti-christ hes the hope for a frre country 

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Hit Man

2001-02-24 Thread Steve Wilson
A bunch of bullshit

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: George W. Bush: Antichrist? Update--liesa

2001-02-24 Thread Steve Wilson
Bush is not ther anti-christ hes the hope for a frre country

Re: [CTRL] -Gay Recruiting on PBS Sesame Street by Ellen DeGeneres

2001-02-24 Thread Steve Wilson
to many fags


2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, February 24,2001



Hillary Clinton aide William Cunningham III fingered Harry
Thomason yesterday as the "important" person behind the pardon
effort. - Reuters Hollywood producer Harry Thomason, a close pal
of the Clintons, yesterday emerged as a Pardongate player -
acknowledging he lobbied Bill Clinton to pardon two Arkansas tax

Thomason "was pleased to recommend to the president" pardons for
the pair, his lawyer Bob Bennett said after Hillary Clinton's
campaign treasurer fingered Thomason as the one who pulled
strings with the White House.

"Mr. Thomason did not receive a single penny for his limited
actions, which were responsible, ethical, honorable and legal,"
Bennett said in a statement.

Bennett said Thomason believed restaurant owners Robert Fain and
James Manning, both of whom he has known for years, were
"deserving individuals."

Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) told aides she didn't talk to
Thomason about his pet pardons:

"She never had any conversations with them [Thomason or wife
Linda Bloodworth-Thomason] on this topic," said a spokeswoman,
Karen Dunne.

The new flap came after revelations that Sen. Clinton's brother,
Hugh Rodham, was paid $400,000 for helping get clemency for a
Florida swindler and a Los Angeles cocaine dealer and that Bill
Clinton's brother, Roger, lobbied the then-president to pardon as
many as 10 people.

In another shocker, Sen. Clinton's office conceded last night
that Rodham hasn't fully repaid the money - contradicting her
public assurances on Thursday that all the fees had been

Clinton spokesman Jim Kennedy blamed Rodham: "We were told
through his attorney that everything had been sent back - we only
learned late today that some had yet to be paid," he said, adding
that "we have been assured that steps are being taken to return
everything as soon as possible."

Sources said Rodham had repaid roughly $300,000, and cited a
cash-flow problem as the reason for the delay.

As she did with Thomason yesterday, Sen. Clinton has adamantly
denied any knowledge of any pardons, including her own brother's
role and her hubby's decision-making.

The Florida Bar is launching a preliminary ethics probe of Hugh
Rodham's conduct, a knowledgeable Tallahassee lawyer told The
Post last night.

Rodham, spotted by TV cameras at a Florida pub, refused to
discuss the flap.

Congressional investigators are probing Rodham and Roger Clinton,
though aides to Bill Clinton said Roger was unsuccessful in his
bid to get pardons for pals and was never paid.

The Thomasons are longtime close confidants of the Clintons and
he had a key role in the Travelgate scandal. It was sparked when
Thomason, part owner of a charter company, groused to Hillary
that the White House travel office was a closed shop. The staff
was fired, leading to a federal investigation.

In a New York news conference yesterday, Sen. Clinton's money
man, William Cunningham III, a lawyer who filed the formal
petitions for the two Arkansas restaurateurs, said it was
Thomason who played the "important" role in the successful
pardons plea.

Cunningham denied he did anything wrong in handling the two
cases, which were funneled to him by his law partner, Harold

Cunningham sent the pardon petitions to the Justice Department
and the White House on Jan. 12 - just eight days before Clinton
granted the clemencies on his last day in office.

Cunningham, who was paid $4,062 for 12 hours' work, said he
didn't lobby Sen. Clinton or anyone at the White House.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of


[CTRL] Jeb Bush Caught in Govt Sting -- Again

2001-02-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

Subject: Jeb Bush Caught in Govt Sting -- Again
Date: Friday, February 16, 2001 5:08 PM


Jeb Bush Caught in Govt Sting -- Again


According to Al Martin, writing in his column "Behind the Scenes in the
Beltway," Florida Governor Jeb Bush has been caught on camera with an
unidentified woman during the FBI's "Big Brother Is Watching You" Super Bowl
super-surveillance program.

This high tech video system is evidently able to match surveillance photos in
real time, like the system currently in place on the streets in the United

"Since the FBI had surreptitiously set up multiple surveillance cameras
during the Super Bowl," Al Martin writes, "there had been a substantial
number of matches, including many people wanted for questioning, regarding
allegations of espionage, terrorist activities, as well as a large assortment
of escaped felons, parole and probation violators, etc."

"Some high-level prominent politicians were also caught on camera, including
Jeb Bush with an unknown attractive woman -- not his wife. In this latest
scandal, the FBI has a problem because they're afraid that one of the women
has threatened to file a lawsuit to obtain copies of the tape.

The girlfriend is evidently asking for some hush money, after becoming aware
that she and Jeb were photographed by the FBI. As you can imagine, the FBI is
in a quandary."

Al Martin adds more observations about the FBI, a continuation from the last
column "Fraud As Usual at Redstone Arsenal," as well as an explanation of
double-dipping (and even triple dipping) which refers to illegally getting
more than one pension from the US Government by retired federal employees.

For the record, this is not the first time that Jeb Bush has been caught on
videotape in a compromising situation.

Terry Reed, author of "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA" http://www.penmarin.com/">Penmarin Books
told Mike Ruppert that infamous CIA drug smuggler Barry Seal had bragged to
him that he had "insurance" in the form of proof that the Bush Boys were
doing heavy drugs.

Seal's evidence was an alleged DEA videotape of George W. Bush and Jeb Bush
flying in to Tamiami Airport outside of Miami to pick up a couple of kilos of
cocaine powder for a party.

Ruppert wrote, "Thanks to the UC's or undercover agents, Barry Seal and Terry
Reed were sent on a drug sting to meet some wealthy Texans," writes Ruppert
in his newsletter, "From the Wilderness" (http://www.copvcia.com/">From the 

"It turns out that the wealthy Texans were George W and Jeb Bush who flew in
on a family owned King Air to pick up the cocaine themsleves. Hidden DEA
cameras filnmed the whole incident, including the tail number of the aircraft
and both Bushes' participation."

According to Reed, nobody knew in advance who the buyers were.

The secret DEA video has never been shown publicly.

Ironically, the plane that had been the crown jewel in Barry Seal's drug
smuggling fleet, a 1982 Beechcraft King Air 200, after a convoluted series of
transactions, ended up as George W. Bush's personal aircarft.

Ruppert quotes Jerry Daniels, Executive Director of the Texas State Aircraft
Pooling Board, who said, " He [Bush] used to fly on that airplane all the
time. He stopped when he became a presidential candidate because the state
won't let you fly its aircraft for political purposes."

The question remains -- was that the plane, George W. Bush's favorite, called
"Zero-Eight-Foxtrot" the one he used in the cocaine pickup at Tamiami

For the rest of the story about Jeb Bush's latest surveillance video
appearance, this time courtesy of the FBI, click here http://www.almartinraw.com/">Al Martin Raw: Criminal
Govt Conspiracy

(c) Copyright 2001, Uri Dowbenko. All rights reserved.

Uri Dowbenko is the Chairman and CEO of New Improved Entertainment. He is a
frequent contributor to Conspiracy Digest
(http://www.conspiracydigest.com),Steamshovel Press
(http://www.steamshovelpress.com, and Conspiracy

He can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] NM: Second Hillary Brother Suspected in Pardongate Payoff

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, Feb. 24, 2001 12:57 a.m. EST

Second Hillary Brother Suspected in Pardongate Payoff

Just two days after Sen. Hillary Clinton ordered her brother Hugh
Rodham to return a $400,000 payment he received for obtaining two
controversial presidential pardons, a report says her other
brother, Tony Rodham, may also be implicated in the
clemency-for-cash scandal.

"Sources from the former president's inner circle today told
ABCNEWS that they have heard 'rumors and speculation' that Sen.
Clinton's other brother, Tony Rodham, may have also been paid to
help win pardons or commutations for certain individuals," the
network reported on its Web site late Friday.

"They say they have told a lawyer for Rodham they want to know if
that is true," ABC News added.

On Thursday Steven Coz, editor in chief of the National Enquirer,
told Fox News that the paper was developing a story about yet
another "Clinton family member" who may have accepted $100,000 to
obtain a presidential pardon.

Speculation immediately focused on Roger Clinton, who only hours
before had been sent a list of questions by the House Government
Reform and Oversight Committee in connection with several pardons
he may have helped to obtain.

But the ABC News report suggests that it may be Tony Rodham, and
not Roger Clinton, to whom Coz was referring.

Late Friday, Roger Clinton admitted he had sought pardons from
his brother for six of his friends but denied accepting any money
in connection with the effort.

"I did everything legitimately," Clinton told the Los Angeles
Times. "I took no money."

Clinton said he was shocked and disappointed that his brother
declined to grant any of his pardon requests. But Roger declined
to identify the friends he tried to help and refused to say
whether he had been involved in obtaining presidential clemency
for any of them.

The omission may be key, since House probers say now they have
information that Roger Clinton may have accepted $30,000 to help
Carlos Vignale, a California drug dealer whose 15-year prison
sentence was commuted by President Clinton on January 20 after
his father showered local politicians with cash.

Vignale was convicted in 1994 of conspiring to sell 800 pounds of

Roger Clinton told the Times that he tried to obtain pardons for
"only my best friends I've known for 20 years or more" - but that
his brother declined his requests.

Mitchell C. Wood, described by Fox News Friday as Roger's
"boyhood friend," did get a pardon for his 1986 conviction on
charges that grew out of a massive federal and state
investigation into an Arkansas cocaine ring.

Among those snared in the probe was Dan Lasater, a megabuck
Clinton contributor who the then-governor pardoned in 1990.

Wood told a federal judge that Roger Clinton was his cocaine
supplier. Both Wood and Clinton cooperated with investigators and
served reduced jail sentences.

Two weeks ago, Wood told the Wall Street Journal that he was
mystified as to why President Clinton had granted him a pardon,
since "he would not have any idea who I was."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] NYT: Hollywood Friend Had Clinton's Ear for 2 Late Pardons

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This story omits mention of the very relevant fact that these
two pardonees are the same two that were assisted by the
treasurer of HRC's campaign. Yesterday it was said that all the
treasurer did was prepare pardon requests at the request of Ickes
the work and send it to the DOJ with a copy to the WH.  Ickes
said he did nothing other than give it to that lawyer to handle.
Who brought Harry Thomason into the picture to lobby for these
guys? If you forgot who Thomason is, he was one of the key
players in Travelgate ... "dum de DUMB dum."]

February 24, 2001

Hollywood Friend Had Clinton's Ear for 2 Late Pardons


WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 ó Harry Thomason, a Hollywood producer and
longtime friend of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton, spoke
privately with the president urging pardons for two Arkansas men
convicted of tax evasion charges, a lawyer for Mr. Thomason said

Mr. Thomason asked Mr. Clinton to consider the pardon
applications of Robert Clinton Fain and James Lowell Manning, who
were convicted in 1982 and were granted clemency on Jan. 20 in
the final hours of Mr. Clinton's presidency. Mr. Thomason
received no compensation for his efforts, said Robert S. Bennett,
the lawyer for Mr. Thomason.

Mr. Thomason, an Arkansas friend of the Clintons, is another
insider who apparently used his access to the White House to
lobby the former president on behalf of a pardon applicant. Roger
Clinton, the president's half brother, also spoke with Mr.
Clinton on behalf of pardon seekers. Hugh Rodham, a lawyer and
Mr. Clinton's brother-in-law, also represented two clients, one
who obtained a pardon and another whose prison term was commuted.

Mr. Rodham received nearly $400,000 from the two clients, but
agreed to return the money after the former president demanded
that he do so.

The pardons are the subject of investigations in the House and
Senate and by Mary Jo White, the United States attorney in New
York, who has focused primarily on whether supporters of Marc
Rich, the fugitive commodities trader, improperly lobbied the
White House on his behalf.

Ms. White's prosecutors have expanded their inquiry to include
other pardons like Mr. Clinton's decision to commute the
sentences of four Hasidic men who were convicted of defrauding
the government of millions of dollars.

The House Committee on Government Reform, which has been
examining the pardons, has obtained records showing visits to the
White House by friends of Mr. Clinton who lobbied for Mr. Rich's
pardon: Denise Rich, his former wife; and Beth Dozoretz, a
Democratic fund-raiser.

The records are among subpoenaed documents that Congressional
investigators are reviewing in preparation for a hearing on
Thursday. Republican lawmakers have subpoenaed several witnesses,
who are scheduled to testify at the hearing: Bruce Lindsey, the
former deputy White House counsel in the Clinton White House;
John Podesta, the former White House chief of staff; and Beth
Nolan, former White House general counsel.

Today, Roger Clinton said in a newspaper interview that he had
sought pardons for six friends, including people he had served
time with in prison. The president's brother, who himself was
pardoned last month for a 1985 drug conviction, was quoted by The
Los Angeles Times today as saying that he left a list of pardon
applicants on a White House table for the president to review.

Roger Clinton said that he received no money for his efforts and
that he was so disappointed that the president rejected all his
friends' pardon applications that he did not speak to his brother
for two weeks.

Mr. Rodham, the brother of Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic senator
from New York, has agreed to return the $400,000 in fees he was
paid for his efforts to obtain a commutation of the prison
sentence Carlos Vignali, a convicted drug trafficker from Los
Angeles, was serving and a pardon for Almon Glenn Braswell, an
herbal supplement marketer from Miami who had been convicted on
fraud and perjury charges.

Today, Nancy Luque, Mr. Rodham's lawyer, said he had returned
about $300,000. Earlier, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton said that they knew
nothing of his efforts and insisted on the repayment, and that
they were dismayed by his actions.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—

[CTRL] SK: Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction, or give them lethal desease?

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Did humans hunt giant mammals to extinction? Or give them lethal

Mammoth Kill

SciAm 2/2001
by Kate Wong

Mexico City--Although it's hard to imagine in this age of urban
sprawl and automobiles, North America once belonged to mammoths,
camels, ground sloths as large as cows, bear-size beavers and
other formidable beasts. Some 11,000 years ago, however, these
large-bodied mammals and others--about 70 species in
all--disappeared.  Their demise coincided roughly with the
arrival of humans in the New World and dramatic climatic
change--factors that have inspired several theories about the
die-off. Yet despite decades of scientific investigation, the
exact cause remains a mystery.  Now new findings offer support to
one of these controversial hypotheses: that human hunting drove
this megafaunal menagerie to extinction.

 The overkill model emerged in the 1960s, when it was put
forth by Paul S. Martin of the University of Arizona.  Since
then, critics have charged that no evidence exists to support the
idea that the first Americans hunted to the extent necessary to
cause these extinctions.  But at the annual meeting of the
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Mexico City last October,
paleoecologist John Alroy of the University of California at
Santa Barbara argued that, in fact, hunting-driven extinction is
not only plausible, it was unavoidable.  He has determined, using
a computer simulation, that even a very modest amount of hunting
would have wiped these animals out.

 Assuming an initial human population of 100 people that grew
no more than 2 percent annually, Alroy determined that if each
band of, say, 50 people killed 15 to 20 large mammals a year,
humans could have eliminated the animal populations within 1,000
years.  Large mammals in particular would have been vulnerable to
the pressure because they have longer gestation periods than
smaller mammals and their young require extended care.

  Not everyone agrees with Alroy's assessment.  For one, the
results depend in part on population-size estimates for the
extinct animals--figures that are not necessarily reliable.  But
a more specific criticism comes from mammalogist Ross D. E.
MacPhee of the American Museum of Natural History in New York
City, who points out that the relevant archaeological record
contains barely a dozen examples of stone points embedded in
mammoth bones (and none, it should be noted, are known from other
megafaunal remains)--hardly what one might expect if hunting
drove these animals to extinction.  Furthermore, some of these
species had huge ranges--the giant Jefferson's ground sloth, for
example, lived as far north as the Yukon and as far south as
Mexico--which would have made slaughtering them in numbers
sufficient to cause their extinction rather implausible, he says.

 MacPhee agrees that humans most likely brought about these
extinctions (as well as others around the world that coincided
with human arrival), but not directly.  Rather he suggests that
people may have introduced hyperlethal disease, perhaps through
their dogs or hitchhiking vermin, which then spread wildly among
the immunologically naive species of the New World.  As in the
overkill model, populations of large mammals would have a harder
time recovering.  Repeated outbreaks of a hyperdisease could thus
quickly drive them to the point of no return.  So far MacPhee
does not have empirical evidence for the hyperdisease hypothesis,
and it won't be easy to come by: hyperlethal disease wold kill
far too quickly to leave its signature on the bones themselves.
But he hopes that analyses of tissue and DNA from the last
mammoths to perish will eventually reveal murderous microbes.

 The third explanation for what brought on this North
American extinction does not involve human beings.  Instead its
proponents blame the loss on the weather.  The Pleistocene epoch
witnessed considerable climatic instability, explains
paleontologist Russell W. Graham of the Denver Museum of Nature
and Science.  As a result, certain habitats disappeared, and
species that had once formed communities split apart. For some
animals, this change brought opportunity.  For much of the
megafauna, however, the increasingly homogeneous environment left
them with shrinking geographical ranges--a death sentence for
large animals, which need large ranges.  Although these creatures
managed to maintain viable populations through most of the
Pleistocene, the final major fluctuation--the so-called Younger
Dryas event--pushed them over the edge, Graham says.

 For his part, Alroy is convinced that human hunters
demolished the titans of the Ice Age.  The overkill model
explains everything the disease and climate scenarios explain, he
asserts, and makes accurate predictions about which species would
eventually go extinct.  "Personally, I'm a vegetarian," he
remarks, "and I find all of this kind of gross--but believable."


[CTRL] AP: Money Said New to Pardon History

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Money Said New to Pardon History

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A direct descendant of the divine right of
monarchs, the presidential pardon is protected under the
Constitution from any need for justification. Its use has drawn
protests before, but those who study the history of executive
clemency say President Clinton's last-minute pardons have a
unique twist.

Never before has money been at the center of a pardon

''To my knowledge, this is the first time that there has ever
been a pardon that was riddled with big money payoffs to
organizations connected to a president or people with links to
the president,'' said political historian Peter Carpenter of San
Jose, Calif., who formerly practiced law.

''That is part of the reason this situation is generating so much
heat,'' Carpenter said in an interview. ''There is a growing
sense of true impropriety -- not just bad judgment or political
back-rubbing like controversial pardons in the past.''

The furor began with the pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich,
whose former wife has given $450,000 to the Clinton library.
Earlier this week, reports surfaced that lawyer Hugh Rodham,
Clinton's brother-in-law, received and then returned $400,000
from two pardon-seekers that he represented.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has acknowledged that her Senate campaign
treasurer had been paid $4,000 in legal fees to prepare two
pardon applications that were sent to the Justice Department.

The former president has denied any wrongdoing, saying all the
clemency decisions were made on the merits.

Historically, other pardons have sparked debate, and even

When former President Ford pardoned former President Nixon for
the Watergate scandal in 1974, critics claimed he was protecting
a friend and one of the party faithful.

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln was accused of being too quick to
forgive, when he gave amnesty to Confederate soldiers during the
Civil War.

Former President Bush drew criticism for pardoning former Defense
Secretary Casper Weinberger and several other key figures in the
Iran-Contra affair in 1992.

But some historians differentiate between those pardon debates
and Clinton's situation. They say past controversies involved
larger issues that had taken root in the American conscience.

''Clinton couldn't use the need to put a national scandal behind
us as an excuse for his pardons,'' said Robert Speel, professor
of political science at Pennsylvania State University. ''The only
thing that is noteworthy is that a lot of these people have a lot
of money and seem to have close ties to Clinton.''

Harvard law professor Richard Fallon said the presence of money
justifies congressional investigation of the pardons, even though
the pardoning power is irreversible. Large amounts of money
changing hands raises the specter of the only charge that could
undermine a pardon -- bribery, he said.

''This power is capable of being abused and there is good reason
for at least being suspicious that powers were abused in this
case,'' said Fallon, who teaches constitutional law. ''Congress
needs to look into the question. I imagine that if Clinton
pardoned you for a crime after you gave him money, you could
still be charged with bribery. Although in this case, I would be
astonished if there were anything that would tie him that tightly
to a money deal.''

Some other specialists say Clinton may just be the victim of
heightened political awareness. There may be dubious money
connections to other pardons hidden in history if you read
between the lines, said Texas Christian University political
scientist James Riddlesperger.

''Unlike presidents of the past, our presidents live in a glass
house,'' Riddlesperger said. ''Everything they do is subject to
close examination. In the past, presidents benefited from not
being subject to careful inspection. There could be other money
ties, and this has just been the first to be discovered.''

AP-NY-02-24-01 0037EST<

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, February 23,2001

IT is inconceivable that Bruce Lindsey did not tell Bill Clinton
that Hugh Rodham had called him and asked for a pardon for
convicted drug dealer Carlos Vignali Jr. Lindsey is Clinton's
best friend and closest confidante - a man of proven loyalty, no
matter how low his boss sinks. He admits that Rodham called him
twice to ask about a pardon for Vignali.

If Lindsey knew, Clinton knew. It would have been an unspeakable
violation of trust if Lindsey, in reviewing pardons with Clinton,
did not pass on the fact that Hugh was involved. Bruce Lindsey
does not withhold relevant information from Bill Clinton. That's
not how the two of them work. Lindsey is in on everything and
tells Bill everything. That's why he's still around.

Lindsey denies that he knew that Rodham was working for Vignali
for a fee. This may technically be true, but Bruce knew that
Rodham is not the head of Amnesty International and does not
represent people in criminal cases for free. He could have drawn
no other conclusion but that Rodham was getting a fee.

Clinton, too, on learning of his brother-in-law's involvement,
must have assumed that Rodham was receiving a fee. After Rodham's
influence-peddling as an anti-tobacco lawyer and his hazelnut
scam with the Republic of Georgia, Bill knows that Hugh doesn't
do anything for free.

Let there be no doubt that Bill Clinton knew that Rodham was
working for Vignali and that he inferred that it was for money.
Clinton also knew that the pardon attorney in the Justice
Department expressly opposed clemency for Vignali. He knew that
Vignali was convicted of no petty crime, but of being the kingpin
in a scheme to convert 800 pounds of cocaine into crack and sell
it to the children of Minneapolis. So why would he risk granting
the commutation?

The financial interest of his brother-in-law is an obvious
motivation. But only when the full records of the donors to the
Clinton library is known will we fully understand the corrupt
reasons for granting these pardons. Bill and Hillary's library
(and it is both of theirs) will provide them with free living
quarters, access to staff and numerous other perks upon which
they have come to depend. Giving money to the library is a legal
way to give it to Bill and Hillary personally. Raising money for
the library was the way they raised money to subsidize their
personal lifestyles and professional careers.

Why did the Clintons make Rodham give back at least part of the
money he got from Vignali and Glenn Braswell - Rodham's other
client? It's likely because they just recently learned that
Braswell was under a Justice Department investigation for
offshore money-laundering connected with drugs. It is most likely
that the account on which Rodham was paid was one of the accounts
being probed.

Hillary's refusal to comment about whether she had spoken to her
husband about Rodham and the pardons is tantamount to invoking
the marital privilege as an alternative to the Fifth Amendment.

All this brings the Clinton administration down to the level of
those of Warren G. Harding and Ulysses S. Grant.

Within one personality, Sunday morning Clinton has dueled with
Saturday night Bill for control. A true Jekyll/Hyde split rages
inside this troubled man.

Now, it is clear, Saturday Night Bill has won. The man we see
today bears only the slightest resemblance to the man I worked
for at the White House. He has gone down the rathole and is lost.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] IUFO: Freemason Chris Carter?? (fwd)

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 19:36:37 -0800
From: watcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IUFO: Freemason Chris Carter??

->  IUFO  Mailing List

Hello from Helena Montana, named for the feminine aspect of
Helios, that Illuminating Diety... and childhood home of L. Ron
Hubbard. If that isn't illuminated enough for you, Helena Montana
will be featured in this Sunday's episode of X-Files ... the
Search for the Lost Piece of Mulder.

Here is a page describing the esoteric imagery of Chris Carter's
X-Files, especially the 2001 season. The page links Chris Carter
and his Ten Thirteen Productions to Freemasons and their "birth
date" 10-13-1307 ... and posits that Carter might be a freemason
himself. Well, check it out and see if you don't agree it is


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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] ED KOCH: There Can Be No Pardoning of Bill Clinton

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Page A 45

There Can Be No Pardoning of Bill Clinton

By Ed Koch

SNAKE OIL pitchman. That is how Bill Clinton will be remembered
in our pantheon of presidents.

When Clinton first ran for president in 1992, I vividly recall
seeing an interview with the publisher of a Little Rock
newspaper. He said that although Gov. Clinton was extremely
gifted, in Arkansas he was known as "Slick Willie." Regrettably,
we all now know-after being exposed to eight years of
occasionally brilliant actions, an outrageous carnal appetite and
the recent betrayal of the American people with his pardons and
commutations-how he earned that earlier reputation.

Clinton's brilliance as president was his ability to prevent the
Republican-controlled Congress from dismantling the Democrats'
successful social programs, which were created by Franklin
Roosevelt and continued under Harry Truman, John Kennedy and
Jimmy Carter, and move the Democratic Party to the center. If
Clinton had left office without granting pardons to Marc Rich and
Pincus Green, the good would still have outweighed the bad.

Instead he left under a cloud of his own creation, and wherever
he goes, he will be treated as a pariah.

Now, almost every one of Clinton's closest supporters, those who
had previously defended him in the press, haven't come to his
defense and are publicly separating themselves from him. Clinton
stands alone, and all for what? And why? There is also the latest
sleaze, involving Clinton's brother-in-law, Hugh Rodham.

The Rich pardon stinks because there can only be one explanation
for it-money. Rich's ex-wife Denise, who spent over 100 nights in
the White House, has already given money to various campaigns and
to Clinton's presidential library fund. The library fund is, in
part, a slush fund and can be used by Clinton for almost any
purpose. I also question whether these are the last funds that
will be donated to Clinton's projects by Marc Rich.

Clinton's defense of the Rich pardon, including an ill advised
op-ed in last Sunday's New York Times, is woefully inadequate.
One of the defenses most relied on by Clinton is that Rich should
not have been criminally indicted for tax evasion, trading with
the enemy, racketeering, and mail and wire fraud.

Clinton believes the charges should have been civil.

If, in fact, Clinton's legal conclusions are accurate, then they
should have been contested in court. Rich certainly had the money
to hire excellent attorneys to finance appeals all the way to the
U.S. Supreme Court. Instead, Rich fled the country and has lived
abroad as a fugitive for 17 years. Does Clinton really believe
that Rich could not get justice in the U.S. federal courts and
that only a pardon would provide justice? Clinton also uses the
"blame the Jews" defense. Clinton was apparently importuned by
former Israeli prime ministers Ehud Barak and Shimon Peres, and
several prominent American Jewish leaders, including the head of
the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, and the chairman of
the U.S. Holocaust Council, Rabbi Irving Greenberg. They were all
wrong, regardless of how well intentioned.

Rich bought their favors with gifts of charity. These Jewish
leaders should apologize for their inappropriate intervention,
which could be grist for the mills of anti-Semites.

Finally, there is the involvement of former White House counsel
Jack Quinn, who represented Rich on his pardon application. As
White House counsel, Quinn had knowledge of President Clinton's
problems, some of which undoubtedly never surfaced-never will,
Clinton undoubtedly hopes. Quinn also got the former president
out of legal jams, efforts that placed Clinton in his debt.

It is inexcusable that Quinn represented Rich in this matter
before Clinton. Indeed, it could be argued that there violations
of a law that Quinn wrote. That law prohibits White House staff
from lobbying the president until five years after they have left
the White House. Quinn says there is an exception for judicial
proceedings. In my book, presidential pardons are not judicial
proceedings .

Let the hearings continue and leave no stone unturned in the
search for a smoking gun. Regardless of whether it is ultimately
found, the morning Clinton spent signing unforgivable pardons
before he left the White House, will go down as the most
destructive hours of his presidency and among the saddest hours
in American history.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list.

[CTRL] AP: Feds Probe Clinton Commutations

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Feds Probe Clinton Commutations

The Associated Press
Feb 23 2001 7:22PM

NEW YORK (AP) - Federal prosecutors are investigating whether
former President Clinton commuted the sentences of four convicted
swindlers in exchange for Hasidic Jewish votes for his wife
during her run for the Senate, The Associated Press learned

The four men were members of the Hasidic community of New Square,
which voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Rodham Clinton when she
was elected in November.

U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White is investigating their commutations
as part of a probe that is also said to include the pardon of
fugitive financier Marc Rich, according to a source who spoke on
condition of anonymity.

Julia Payne, a spokeswoman for the former president, referred all
questions to Clinton attorney David Kendall, who did not
immediately return calls for comment.

``Senator Clinton has spoken about these commutations on several
occasions and we do not have anything to add at this time,'' said
her spokeswoman, Karen Dunn.

Mrs. Clinton has said previously that she did not discuss the
men's fate with Hasidic leaders before the election but sat in on
a December meeting with supporters of clemency for them. However,
she said she played no part in her husband's decision.

``I did not play any role whatsoever,'' she said last month. ``I
had no opinion about it.''

It is unusual for a first lady to sit in on a clemency meeting.

The commutations are part of a growing furor over several of the
140 pardons the president made on his last day in office. Also
under scrutiny are two pardons for which Mrs. Clinton's brother
Hugh Rodham received nearly $400,000; two pardons on which her
campaign treasurer performed legal work; and the possible role of
the former president's half-brother, Roger Clinton, in some other

The AP also learned Friday that Rodham has not yet repaid all the
money he collected to successfully lobbying for two pardons
granted by Clinton.

Legal sources said that Rodham repaid the full $200,000 that
pardon recipient Almon Glenn Braswell sent him as a ``success
fee'' but has managed to repay only part of the billable fees he
collected from the family of Carlos Vignali, whose prison
sentence on drug charges was commuted by Clinton.

The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, would say only
that Rodham had reimbursed ``a significant amount'' and was
attempting to arrange to repay the rest.

Mrs. Clinton's office reacted with surprise to the news.

``We had been assured yesterday by his attorney that all the
money had been repaid. We only learned late today that it hadn't
been. But we are being told that steps are being taken to ensure
it is all repaid,'' said Jim Kennedy, a spokesman for the

During her Senate campaign, Mrs. Clinton traveled to New Square,
in suburban Rockland County, and met Grand Rabbi David Twersky.
Many Hasidic communities tend to vote in blocs, and because of
that, politicians aggressively court their leaders.

Mrs. Clinton received 1,400 votes in New Square; her Republican
opponent, Rick Lazio, received 12.

The four Hasidic men - Kalmen Stern, David Goldstein, Benjamin
Berger and Jacob Elbaum - were convicted of stealing more than
$40 million worth of education grants, small business loans and
housing subsidies by creating a fictitious religious school to
receive government money.

Supporters of the men have not denied their guilt but said they
did not keep the money for themselves and gave it instead to a
school and residents of the village.

The men were sentenced in 1999 to 2 1/2 to 6 1/2 years in prison.
Clinton reduced Berger's sentence from 2 1/2 years to two. The
other defendants had their sentences reduced to 2 1/2 years. All
four are still behind bars.

``We have not been made aware of any investigation and therefore
there's nothing to comment about,'' said the men's lawyer, Samuel

The disclosure comes a day after another potentially damaging
revelation - Mrs. Clinton's campaign treasurer, William
Cunningham III, received $4,000 in legal fees to prepare two
pardon applications sent to the Justice Department.

At a news conference Friday, Cunningham denied any impropriety.

``I have no qualms about anything I did here,'' he said. ``I am a
former federal prosecutor. I am an experienced defense

Cunningham said neither of the two Arkansas men - restaurateurs
Robert Clinton Fain and James Lowell Manning of Little Rock -
knew President or Mrs. Clinton. Cunningham said that he never
spoke with either of the Clintons about the cases, and that the
two men are supporters of President Bush and made no
contributions to Mrs. Clinton's campaign.

``The work that I did had nothing to do with my responsibilities
as treasurer of the campaign. In the light of day, I think there
was no conflict and no appearance of conflict,'' Cunningham said.

On Friday, Harry Thomason, the Hollywood producer and Clinton
family friend, said he pitched t

[CTRL] NM: St. Louis Probes Black Vote Fraud

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

St.  Louis Probes Black Vote Fraud

NewsMax.com Friday, Feb.  23, 2001

A grand jury is investigating a fraudulent Democratic
get-out-the-black-vote effort reportedly cooked up in a St.
Louis fast-food restaurant.

According to the St.  Louis Post-Dispatch:

A warrant has been issued to search the offices there of
Operation Big Vote, promoted by Democrats.

It was part of a national campaign by the National Coalition on
Black Voter Participation to register more black voters and get
them to vote in the November election last year.

The target of this investigation is the office manager, Nona
Montgomery, accused of hiring about 30 workers to do fraudulent
voter-registration canvassing.

They were supposed to have canvassed black neighborhoods and
recorded names of potential voters to be contacted later to vote
in the Nov.  7 election.  And they were paid by the number of
cards they filled out.

Instead of knocking on doors, however, they sat down at a
fast-food restaurant and wrote out names and information from an
outdated voter list.

No information has been released on whether the Democratic Party
then attempted to use those names as valid voters in the casting
of any illegal votes.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] FR thread on Chilean report: Rich as Top-30 contributor to Bill Clinton's campaign?

2001-02-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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