[CTRL] Flight800: EMP Warhead?

2001-03-13 Thread Ian Goddard

-Caveat Lector-


How could so many witnesses see a missile intercept Flight 800
and yet the only evidence found suggests that an electrical surge,
not a missile, ignited the center fuel tank? Could there be a war-
head designed to destroy aircraft with a powerful electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) that would only leave evidence of an electrical surge?
Looking for the answer at the Library of Congress I found it...

The US Navy began developing a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) warhead
for antiaircraft missiles ten years ago and was test firing them
two years before the Flight 800 crash. An MHD warhead kills an
aircraft by burning out its circuits with a powerful electrical
surge induced by a electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from the warhead
detonating near the aircraft. The systems from Flight 800 were
riddled with evidence of a powerful electronic surge. In fact,
the official cause was declared to be an inexplicable surge
strong enough to put a spark into the center fuel tank.

Goddard's Journal introduces and explores the theory that Flight
800 was downed by a missile equipped with an EMP warhead, offering
an explanation for both eyewitness testimony and physical evidence.
The report is replete with photographic evidence and an animation:

EMP-warhead theory: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/twa-emp.htm

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[CTRL] When CFR Stole the Democrat Party

2001-03-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Many govenors were around waiting like ladies in waiting, for the King
to die...CFR Govenors took over the Democrat Party in Ohio and in
other states, pushed for the AFSCME AFL CIO Union take over State Civil
Service (which was contrary to law in Ohio for Consitution set up Civil

Now this AFSCME bunch was taken over in the 60 period by Jerry Wurf - a
man whom my old boss said he and Jock Yablotski (who would be later
murdered in his bed, his wife and daughter were murdered too) took on
before in the Union - stating they were communists?   But this bunch
sold out the Unions, and the Democrat party comes up with a guy who
looked like Eddy Cantor for presidential Timber - Mike Dukakis - whose
sister was of course, a movie star -  this movie star connection - why
even that Monday had daughter who was movie star?   This inter marriage
between Hollywood and Democrat Party - so there is no democrat party but
the Republican party is turning into a party for all people, rich and

Now Clinton pardoned that bastard traitor treasonous Marc Rich - who
wants to get his big foot back into USA - so he sends out his ex floosie
wife who is indeed a predator but without her bank account, would be
just another prostitute type from Soho.but this woman goes after the
President who isn't exactly hard to get - but it was the big bucks which
prove to be her fatal attraction.

I remembr when the head Hog Henry Kissinger was dating Jill St. John and
the Hollywood crowd was moving in on the government - paid
stooges..But Richie Rich, this pig at the trough - see what the
steelworkers did to this pig, the one Clinton pardoned.   And then
consider what remains unsaid?


See Marc Rich connection here to attempt to break the unio and destroy
the steelworkers - then consider President Bush is attempting to help
the steel industry...see Marc Rich as a Union Buster  -  meanwhile
other Union brass were bought up by CFR into which they were
invited..AFSCME, of the AFL CIA was one of first to join this bunch
- but not Walter Reuther or Jimmy Hoffa and see what happened to them?
So some think Clinton is a Democrat?  Clinton is just another pig at
same trough feeding on the poor with Kissinger and treasonous bastrds
like Marc Rich - but then was Rich akak Reich ever an American Citizen
an did he really do big time drug running in his private plane?

Fall, 1996
Fighting the Union-busters

Wheeling-Pittsburgh union-busting backfired
The Steelworkers have triumphed in many bitter struggles with
union-busting companies.

When they refused to swallow huge wage cuts and the shredding of their
union contract by Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel in 1985, the company locked
the doors and kept 8,600 members from returning to work. With help from
other unionists in Pennsylvania and Ohio during the 98-day struggle,
they not only won a fair contract but forced out the company president
and four members of the board of directors.
Ravenswood workers and their supportes celebrate victory.

Epic struggles in basic steel

If you were around in 1959, you remember the industry-wide steel strike,
triggered when the companies tried to seize the power to cut work crews.
Workers stayed out 116 days, even though Steelworkers at that time
didn't even have a strike fund, until an injunction forced them back for
an 80-day cooling off period. They continued the fight on the job until
the companies caved in and signed a good contract.

Years later, in 1986, USX tried to slash wages and benefits and contract
out union jobs, and locked out 22,000 Steelworkers, who now had a strong
strike fund. It took them 184 days, but they won a strong contract that
brought several thousand laid-off members back to work.
Company president fired

In 1993 National Steel tried to break the union at its Pellet Company on
Minnesota's Iron Range during a strike. The union traveled to Japan to
convince the parent company that the management team was endangering the
company. Within a year the company president and his buddies were fired,
the plant was reopened, and union members had won a new contract.

Union tracks down Ravenswood owner
Ravenswood Aluminum Corp. locked out 1,700 experienced Steel Workers in
1990, demanded a union-busting contract, circled the plant with barbed
wire, and brought 1300 scabs into its West Virginia plant. Many UAW
members joined caravans to offer support.

For 20 long months locked-out workers picketed while the union mounted a
worldwide campaign to chase down fugitive company owner Marc Rich, who
was running from a 51-count indictment for things like tax fraud and
trading with the enemy. They found him in a Swiss hideout. The company
finally fired its president and the scabs, and signed a strong union
contract with hefty raises.
USWA fought imports

In the 1980s, both the Steelworkers and the UAW were clobbered by the
severe recession stemming from the high-interest-rate, free-trade and
cheap-import policies of former 

[CTRL] Marc Rich, Mafia Hoodlum

2001-03-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

High Gas/Oil and Energy because  because of Jewish Mafia

Example how Marc Rich and his corrupted friends cost Americans billions
of dollars - and Clinton pardoned this pig who wants to return to
America to do business while Hollywood entertains his floosie former
wife who received 350 million in divorce settlement from her hoodlum

So this is what the Democrat Party is like today under the auspices of
Clinton  organized crime figures?   See how Steel Workers took on Marc
Rich .Bush also now comes to Steel Workers aid.

Marc Rich was a Union buster - but this item is from 1998 - now how much
did HIll and Bill and their criminal family take for all those pardons -
those low life sleaze are the reason California is experiencing energy
crisis for Meyer Lansky and Rich got into energy field some time ago, in
Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia - but first they had to bust the unions?

This pig Marc Rich when caught of course and fleeing the country - in
trying to get off the hook stated he regretted what he had done to
honest working men in America...this pig who owes billions by now in
taxes - attempts to destroy unions while stealing billions of dolars
from US citizens?.

Now Clinton was offered 8 million dollars a year as investment broker =
Kissinger is into gold in the Indonesian area - and natural resources
are being looted over the world by this sleaze - how deep is he in with
Rich for I believe it was Marc Rich who offered him the 8 million dollar
a year job but Rich needed a pardon to do business in USA?

Where is Israel getting the billions in diamonds - for Israel DOES NOT
HAVE DIAMONDS..consider KGB paying this FBI double agent traitor
guilty of treason in diamonds?   See how Israel tried to infuence
Clionto to let Rich have his pardon ..might add that Hollywood bunch
- did you know the little Princess of Wales stayed with Goldie Hawn
(jewish) and such connections led to the Versace connection and the
homosexuals had their hooks in this little Princess who was not too
bright and taken for the last ride ..wonder if expert race track
driver was hired to clip that car and run it into steel cement pillars?
Cui bono here?   Married to an Egyptian descending from ancient Pharaohs
- how could Mossad withstand that one?

NOw Marc Rich got messed up in the steel industry and in aluminum - this
is Jewish Mafia and think of the billions and billions and billions of
dollares they have stolen from the American peopleThis garbage,
i.e. Denise Rich, buying the President of the USA?   Maybe we should
be confiscating some of that property?


How did Russia GET plumdered? Forbes Sept 7
Date: 3 Sep 1998 21:59:23 -0400
Forbes - September 7, 1998
Russia used to live off its commodities exports. When a handful of
privateers got control, the country went bankrupt. This is your life,
Marc Rich 
"Tomorrow they will take up arms"
A chat with Russia's former trade minister Oleg Davydov
by Paul Klebnikov
THE YELTSIN GOVERNMENT allowed the cream of the Russian economy to fall
into the hands of a tiny group of adventurers who, instead of growing
their businesses, shipped the profits abroad. In this "privatization"
the government received almost nothing. Oleg Davydov occupied top trade
ministry posts in both the Soviet and the Yeltsin governments. FORBES
interviewed him in Helsinki recently. FORBES: How did Russia let itself
be plundered?
Our Western advisers and the IMF told us that the state had to abandon
all its business activities, that government revenues had to come only
from taxes. But it was a utopian vision. We privatized all the biggest
companies, all the most profitable ones, the biggest exporters. The
government thought it would get strategic investors from the West.
Instead, we got some kind of offshore companies [really owned by
Russians]. Look at the aluminum industry. Not one strategic investor
appeared. Not Alcoa. Not Pechiney. Instead we got the Chernyi brothers
[shady metals traders]. They gained control of aluminum exports at a
time when aluminum cost $2,000/ton on world markets but could be bought
at $500/ton inside Russia. All the producers became deeply indebted to
the brothers, who made deals with the plant directors to acquire
aluminum at the Russian price.

Which they then sold at the world price. The tragedy is that if the
privatized companies were state enterprises today, they would be
recording good profits, they would be paying taxes, paying workers'
wages, investing in their plant and equipment. But these so-called
owners arrived, and what happened? There are no profits. No tax
payments. The plant and equipment are getting worn out. And the money
goes abroad.

Did privatization go too far, too fast?
Why did they [the "reformers"] have to privatize the alcohol monopoly?
Vodka production is by far the most profitable part of the economy. In
U.S.S.R. it used to account for 23% of government revenues. Another
mistake was to immediately 

Re: [CTRL] When CFR Stole the Democrat Party

2001-03-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

That presidential candidate was Mondale, not Monday - fame is

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Re: [CTRL] Enquirer now reporting Clinton, Denise had White House affair

2001-03-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

D*mmit, this calls for a full Congressional Investigation with parallel Independant 

Incidentally, my weblog


Is being updated regularly again now that my brother has finally moved the h*ll out 
and had to disassemble the network to get his furniture out9it is now reassembled).

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 10:57:25 EST "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/03/2001 8:47:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 When the truth comes out about the affair between Clinton and Janet Reno
I'll be (mildly) surprised. There were some posts the other day accusing
Clinton of (of all things) Lesbianism. I think Clinton would seriously be on
the shortlist of Americans who defiantely aren't ga 

They didn't accuse him of being gay; they said he was a Lesbian.  If true, we
need an investigation into his sex change.  It might have been done at
taxpayer expense.  He might have used Air Force I to travel to and from where
ever it was done.  There is great opportunity here for really good
investigators.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Is it Time for Bush to Apologize for America's Arming of the Talib...

2001-03-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

I don't find the (ex) statues (what I've seen of them) terribly artistic. They are 
big, and they are old. As far as art, I could make something the same if I wanted to 
waste my life (and quite possibly lose it) in the construction. I consider it art of 
the same importance as the fibreglass Ronald McDonald in the local playground, or the 
schoolchildren's mural on the wall of the local primary school.

Ugly, not functional, I won't be shedding any tears.

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 16:16:49 EST "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/05/2001 3:33:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

   ``All officials, including the ministry of vice and virtue, have been
given the go-ahead to destroy the statues,'' the Taliban's Information
Minister Qadratullah Jamal said Thursday. ``The destruction work will be done
by any means available to them.''
   ``All the statues all over the country will be destroyed,'' he said.

 The statues mentioned in the article are statues of Buddha. One of them is
175 feet tall and one is 120 feet tall and they date back to the 3rd and 5th
century AD. UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura said of the planned

 ``In Afghanistan, they are destroying statues that the entire world
considers to be masterpieces,'' UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura
said. ``This iconoclastic determination shocks me.''  

The Taliban should not be considered Moslems, not even fundamentalist
Moslems.  Mohammad would be ashamed of them.   It is forbidden for Moslems to
create or worship idols.  They have not been given the task of destroying
historical objects of other religions.  The Taliban apparently have such a
weak faith that the very presence of idols in their territory creates an
enticement.   It is for that reason that their leader has had to order the
destruction of the statues of Buddha.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Federal Rule: Your Medical Records to Be Shared

2001-03-13 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Federal Rule: Your Medical Records to Be Shared
  Tuesday, March 13, 2001

A key part of Hillary Clinton's original health care plan that would have
allowed third parties to collect your private medical data and records
may become federal law in a matter of weeks. President Bush's new
Health and Human Services Secretary, former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy
Thompson, is considering whether last-minute regulation changes made
by Bill Clinton should go through.

The new federal rule would allow doctors, hospitals, druggists, HMOs
and insurance companies to pass and share your medical information
without your permission.

But Thompson put the rule changed on hold, partly because they allow
marketers access to private medical records they can use to sell their

The new rules were ordered by then-President Bill Clinton and due to
become effective Feb. 26, but have been delayed until April 14.

The rule changes are supported by powerful special interests in the
health care and insurance industries.

But privacy advocates are worried about a system that will work much
like a credit bureau, but with information far more important than one's
financial status.

The issue has gotten little ink, but consumer advocate and nationally
syndicated columnist Robert Heady has highlighted concerns about the
new federal rule.

The rule was issued by the Clinton administration in December pursuant
to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

Under the Congressional Review Act, before major regulations can take
effect, a federal agency must submit to Congress a report containing a
copy of the rule, the proposed effective date and a concise general
statement about the rule. For the most part, the regulations become
effective 60 days after the later of the date that: (1) Congress receives
the agency's report, or (2) the rule, if published, appears in the Federal
Register if Congress takes no action in that time frame.

The privacy regulation was published in the Federal Register on Dec. 28,
2000. However, because of an error, the regulation was not sent to
Congress until the week of Feb. 12, pushing back the effective date to

There are problems with the new rules, however, and Thompson wants
time to study them.

Sharing Your Records with Marketing Firms

Although intended to improve the confidentiality of medical records, the
regulations contain a sleeper provision that allows health-care providers
the right to use confidential medical information for selling their
products that could make such noble intentions into a sick joke.

Under the proposal, doctors can even share the information with a
"business partner" who can conduct marketing on behalf of a provider.

"It's perfectly legal under the rule for someone to knock on your door and
say, 'I've learned from your doctor you have hemorrhoids, would you like
to buy this treatment?'" said Bob Gellman, a medical privacy consultant
and former congressional staffer.

"You can only opt out after you have been marketed to. I've been
working on this issue for 20 years, and it's the worst anti-privacy thing
I've seen."

Right now, there are no federal limits on the use of medical information
for marketing purposes, so the new rule will not allow the industry to do
anything it can't do already.

Traditionally, ethical concerns and logistical impracticalities have
prevented much marketing from taking place.

In the long-gone days of family doctors, the medical field didn't seem so
driven by profits as it is today in the world of HMOs, Gellman said.

Also, he noted, medical records - more and more stored electronically -
weren't so easy to get hold of in the old days.

The marketing loophole is part of the "final privacy rule" that HHS
published on Dec. 28, 2000.

The regulation is part of the effort to implement the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 - a bill that sought to fill the
gaps in health coverage that commonly occur when workers get laid off
or change jobs.

An important part of that law requires HHS to develop electronic
standards that all health-care providers and insurance companies must
use to communicate with one another about treatment and bills.

The idea is that, if records are stored electronically according to a
standard protocol, a patient can change medical coverage and care
easily and efficiently. In short, HIPAA requires the entire medical
industry to enter the digital age.

A problem is that electronic storage makes your medical records easily
accessible to many people who you may not want to know that you take
anti-depressants or have a urinary tract infection.

Gellman isn't the only one who's unhappy with the final draft.

On Feb. 23, Thompson said that his department would reopen public
comment on the final rule. Thompson has called for more discussion
and cautioned against too much regulation.

[CTRL] Fwd: An Open Letter to Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

2001-03-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Abraham Foxman is the head of ADL which has put CHRISTIANS AND MILITIA
AS WELL AS MOSLEMS on FBI Hate Hit Lists -

Now Foxman is the man who attempted to influence Clinton to pardon Marc
Rich - who has gone into hiding since being caught?

This pig HATES Christian values - HATES the Militia and HATES Moslems in
general - see how perverted and twisted this parasite really is but this
is the last straw.why isn't Foxman on FBI Hate List?

Remember Oklahoma - it was Foxman's ADL that called the FBI, BATF, and
one Judge - to warn them to stay home that dayremember a few
other organizations where this one man was connected - and all these
people are dead?

Read what Abraham Foxman does for a living?  See who is behind the
attempt to corrupt the little boy scouts, even the little cub scouts?

Note this St. Patricks Day parade - the sodomists wanted to march with
the Knights of St. Patrick?

How much did Marc Rich pay out to ADL in order to get Clinton to pardon

Could it be that it was Marc Rich and Mossad who set up Clinton with the
sodomist Monica Lewinsky a trained prostitute?   Tapped the President's
phone line through Monicas?

This ADL Sleaze with Morris Dees - what did they have to do with
Oklahoma bombing?


P.O. Box 310478 ~ Jamaica, NY 11431-0478
 Howard L Hurwitz, Chairman
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January 15, 1998
National Director, Anti-Defamation League
823 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
There is an old Yiddish axiom:
You, Abraham Foxman, are that Jew. In the decade that you have
directed a once prestigious and respected organization, you have defiled
In the newly issued Anti-Defamation League Resources for Classroom and
Community, you, Foxman, are promoting "It's Elementary: Talking About
Gay Issues in School". This is the title of a 78-minute film being
shown to elementary school teachers nationwide. In my 40 years of
frontline experience in the schools, I have never seen so scandalous a
plan for indoctrinating children. Efforts of Communist teachers to
impose their views on students, elementary through university, were
infantile compared with this sophisticated program for gaining
ACCEPTANCE (NOT TOLERATION) of homosexuality by first to eighth-graders
in our nation's schools.
Your endorsement of this pro-homosexual film, prepared by professed
lesbians, is consistent with your amicus briefs in opposition to state
governments that have sought to prevent special protection for
homosexuals. You, Abraham Foxman, have sunk so low as to go on
record opposing the right of the Boy Scouts of America to exclude a
homosexual as an adult scout leader.
You, Abraham Foxman, have opposed the right of sponsors of Boston's St.
Patrick's Day Parade to exclude Irish-American "gay and lesbian" groups
from marching under their own banner.
You are combating a provision of the Telecommunications Reform Act that
you allege is "a significant threat to the continued flow of information
about abortion on the electronic superhighway, and could seriously
interfere with a woman's right to receive abortion material on-line."
I am urging all who decry ADL's departure from Jewish causes to WITHHOLD
Howard L. Hurwitz, Ph.D.
Chairman, Family Defense Council

Form for Reader Comments
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Website last edited in November, 2000
Copyright1998-2000 by Family Defense Council. All
rights reserved


[CTRL] Fwd: The ADL and racist terrorist groups

2001-03-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

So does ADL have a hidden agenda - that of attempting to create hatred
of the Jews as did the facists in days of leading to WWII?

Bnai Brith - a masonic order - who warned FBI and BATF and one Judge to
stay home that day in Oklahoma?

Well got news for you - I want to know more about this Mark Lane aka
Mark Levy who is always a few steps behind and ahead of the murderers?
From Kilgallon to her interview with Jack Ruby aka Rubenstein, to the
shooting of Larry Flynt, new kid on block in Columbus, Ohio with
pornography fronting for drugs - and boy there was Mark Lane with his
garbage influencing Larry Flynt?   Flynt gunned down by a collector's
gun, a 45

Have I been looking for a renegade Masonic Order all these years - you
better believe it, and I think this ADL and Bnai Brith is it...

From JFK to little John John to the sabotage of the Space Program -
notice this crap about USA did not go to moon?

We had the black Moses Martin Luther King suckered into a communist
movement and this NAACP founded by what and whom?

Any researcher if you put all this stuff together - are these people
correct in believing that the ADL and this Bnai Brith maybe using
reverse psychology?

ADL attempting to censor the press - note their complaint of Farakhan
the great Islam Leader - how they want his voice silenced and how they
went to Ted Turner to squelch this voice?

Are Americans going to be intimidated by this handful of sleaze who
wanted Marc Rich pardoned and why?   All that money, you think this
sleaze cares about a pardon when he is not even an American Citizen?

Stop an think - why does he care - because he wants to be able to come
to American and work with his sleaze wife in the looting of America and
Unions Beware - for it was this sleaze who attempted to destroy
steelworkers - why are the Unions so quiet?   Why is oil and gas so

Remember it is a handful of people orchestrating the destruction of
America but to me this sleaze involved in pushing sodomists on the
little boy scouts?

Tell me why does ADL and Bnai Brith cause people to hate Jews - note
Jews, not Zionists?

As Prince Turki Faisal told us at a dinner (and thisi man todays heads
up inelligence in this one agency) - the young prince toldl us in 1967
that it was the Zionist coming to Holy Land causing all the problems,
that the domestic jew and arab moslems wanted to live in peace?

Marc Rich - Zionist - Jewish Mafia - part of criminal syndicate and that
bastard wants to come to America now and work from within?

So a year  after the young Prince made his visit here - his father was
murdered by a black from Berkley California?   Figure that one?   A
Black Nationalist Panther???   Remember the Black Panthers sent in to
intimidate Mrs. Bush with Uzis?

Consider this - it was the year of the take over and these bastards
lostyet they plot ahead in the destruction of Americafor this
like the pyramids they believe, is their promised land?

No wonder God gave Ishmael all that oil?


Jews for Morality
From a Traditional Jewish Perspective

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28 Av 5759 / 10 Aug. 1999
ADL and Racist Terrorist Groups
– A Symbiotic Relationship
ADL Attacks on American Conservatives Help
Racist Groups Gain New Recruits,
While New Terrorist Attacks on Jewish Centers Help
ADL Raise More Funds
Almost totally ignored in the reporting on the Los Angeles Jewish Center
shooting, is the rapid growth in the membership of white racist
terrorist groups in recent years. This increased membership is the
most important factor in the recent increase in terrorist incidents.
Most people have the mistaken notion that the ADL (Anti-Defamation
League of Bnai Brith) is simply a Jewish defense organization whose
purpose is to protect Jews in the United States from discrimination and
physical harm. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In recent years, the ADL, under the leadership of Abraham Foxman, has
metamorphosed into a left-wing organization that closely coordinates its
activities with some of the most radical groups in America.
The ADL works closely with the homosexual lobbies in Washington and in
the state capitols to promote the "Gay" agenda, including the current
"hate crimes" bill, which would effectively silence all of the religious
organizations who consider homosexuality an "abomination", and focus
scarce law enforcement resources into efforts to give special
protections to homosexuals, at the expense of all other Americans.
The ADL works closely with pro-abortion groups to make certain that no
restrictions whatsoever are placed on abortion—for any purpose, at any
time in the development of the baby in the womb, and including
"partial-birth" abortion (infanticide).
The ADL works closely with the "gun-control" lobby to promote
legislation as a panacea for all school shootings. This legislation
would disarm decent people and make them and their families easy targets
for armed predators 

[CTRL] Fwd: ADL Opinion - The Dangers of Holocaust Restitution

2001-03-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Read this garbage by Abraham Foxman - for only 6 million jews died in
WWII - hey what about the 55 million moslems and Christians and how many
Christians did the Russian's murder?   Time we went after this bunch for

of this 6 million many were children?   What about Iraq - Sadaam Hussein
offered us cheap oil - thnk Marc Rich and his Jewish Mafia wanted
Americans to have economical and cheap oil?  This is the conspiracy.

What about the 55 million who died in WWII - note is always these  6
million jews until they had me believing it was 6 million jews who died
in that war when my own father - this war killed him?   I had forgotten
to include him in this, so would that make it the six million plus 1?

Read this article about this corrupt Foxman who is behind sodomist being
taught in schools and who pushes to have sodomists invade the Knights of
St. Patrick?   My father's family - St. Patrick carried their Coat of

This sleaze - 6 million jews only died in that war and these pigs at
trough note it is the gold they rae after and the memorials to the
Holocaust vitims - oh such money is made promoting their shrines - did
you know no shrine was ever made to the 55 million or to our soldiers
and men who died in WWII trying to save their asses.

And hey do not forget Madelline Albright who was in on the blowing up of
the Balkans for it ws then she discovered oh my goodness, I am jewish
and did not know it..she had stolen art and jewellry taken by her
parents as all the rich ones paid their way out of Germany - instead of
going to Israel?   Same goes for Henry Kissinger - for he alone with
millions of others escaped - but what about a monoument to the 55

Now is the time to sue Russia and to sue Marc Rich for it is this
element behind the theft of the natural resources.

Sadaam Hussein offered us heap oil?   Hey, tht offer looks pretty good
now doesnit itnow where do you think this Denise Rich and her 350
million dollars in divorce settlement - from whence did it come?

Take a good look here for this is Zionism and it is causing hatred of
the jews and christians and moslemsfor NWO Zionism will have its own
religion - the falling down on all fours before degenerates such as Marc
Rich and his floosie wife?   The music maker


December 1998
The Dangers of Holocaust Restitution
Abraham H. Foxman
National Director
Anti-Defamation League Now that Swiss banks have reached a settlement on
Nazi gold, investigations into that country's Holocaust-era past are
closed and the tide has turned to investigations of other countries,
corporations, insurance companies and institutions like museums. This
week General Motors and Ford became the latest to be named for allegedly
assisting Hitler's war effort. Also this week, representatives of 44
nations, Jewish groups and other interested parties gathered in
Washington at the Holocaust Memorial Museum to examine a variety of
issues related to Holocaust restitution, including insurance, property
and stolen art.
Certainly, individuals who had bank accounts, insurance policies or
works of art that were stolen have a right to pursue their claims. But
when these legitimate claims become the main focus of activity regarding
the Holocaust, rather than the unique horror of six million Jews,
including 1.5 million children, being murdered simply because they were
Jewish, then something has gone wrong. A new "industry" has sprung up,
The focus must remain on discovering the truth, on revealing and owning
up to the past.spearheaded by lawyers and institutions, in an effort to
get what they call "justice" for Holocaust victims. As a Holocaust
survivor, I question for whom they speak and how they define "justice"
The focus must remain on discovering the truth, on revealing and owning
up to the past.
Lawyers have filed a civil suit against Ford accusing it, through its
German-based subsidiaries, of aiding the Nazi effort, using slave labor
and earning huge profits. Similar charges against GM are being
documented in a book to be released next year. Both of the American
automotive giants had plants in Germany, established before the war,
which flourished under the Nazi regime and continued operations even
after the U.S. joined the war. What they "owe" for this in dollars and
cents is not yet clear, but they do owe us the truth. While the
corporations' current leaders cannot be held culpable for what
transpired during the Nazi era, they will be judged by how they deal
with it. They must vigorously, voluntarily and honestly confront that
past by opening up their archives.
Seeking restitution is important, but at what price? Look at what
happened in Switzerland. Yes, we got a check, but what about morality,
reconciliation and confronting the past? The Swiss have yet to come to
grips with the realities that their history, not the Jews, is their
enemy, and that the settlement was not blackmail but a moral debt they
should have paid voluntarily.
We can only 

[CTRL] To Live Let Live

2001-03-13 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.antiwar.com/goldstein/pf/p-g031201.html

Note the JS Mill text is at
Embedded linques in the original

Airstrip One
by Emmanuel Goldstein
12, 2001
Really Sorry
Please accept my apologies for the awful behaviour
of our masters
a naughty schoolchild, the United States was told that it really should stop
executing murderers. A three man delegation from the European Union came
to lecture Colin Powell on the subject. In the first
meeting between the European Union and the US administration, they said
the Americans were wrong to execute murderers. One of the trio, the Swedish
foreign minister Anna Lindh, said that there was "strong sentiment"
in Europe over America’s system of punishing criminals.
is strong sentiment in Europe, and this sentiment means that our masters will
not let us have a vote on the matter. The British
people are overwhelmingly in favour of the death penalty. They argue,
reasonably, that since the
death penalty has been abolished the murder rate has dramatically increased
– an effect that John Stuart
Mill predicted a century before. Some will look to places like New York
City, which has seen the murder
rate plummet since the death penalty was introduced, or South Africa where
the murder rate rocketed when the death penalty was lifted. Statistics seem
to back up the common sense argument that death poses more of a deterrent than a 
long prison term. After all, a far higher proportion of death row appeal
their death sentence than lifers attempt suicide. This must tell us something.
customary thing to do here is to say that I am personally opposed to the death
penalty. I am no such thing. I am a convert from the anti case. This makes
me more realistic about them than many proponents of the death penalty. The
antis are not advocates of
child murder, although I think that it would be fair to say that their concern for 
murder victims is not all it could be. The reason they oppose the death
penalty is because either they oppose the use of lethal force by government
or that they believe that innocent people are killed in these cases. The fact that 
these same people often supported the bombing of places like Iraq or
Serbia was due to inconsistency rather than callousness, stupidity rather
than evil. The factual analyses are often a smokescreen to cover noble moral 
sentiments, as is shown by the hysteria when these arguments are inevitably picked
apart. The fact that these moral arguments are obscured by fatuous claims
that the death penalty does not work are inspired by fear that the great unwashed
will not follow them, and a justified fear too.
be clear, this trio, the former NATO boss Javier Solana; the Swedish foreign
minister Anna Lindh; and the failed governor of Hong Kong Chris
Patten did not speak for the people of Europe. They spoke for themselves. The 
death penalty may not be popular among the European elites, but it is
demanded by many European populations. Indeed, it goes further than Parliament
denying the will of the voters, now even the will of Parliament is denied.
Under the European Convention
on Human Rights, to which (although separate from the EU) all
EU countries now have to adhere, the death penalty is illegal. It is under
the same convention that murderers are not extradited to the United States
because of the chance that the courts might rule on the death penalty. To
pass the death penalty would be to break with the European Convention, and
to break with the Convention would be to break with the European Union. Many
legal and political authorities contend that Parliament
does not have the right to leave the EU.
is not, however, the biggest tragedy. The argument over the death penalty
is rightly one for sovereign states. What a country does about crime is surely,
a home affair. This is the most astounding factor of the European visit. Not
only are they misguided and undemocratic, but they are also imperialist. The
brutish Yanks must learn to doff their cap to European
civilisation. The American government may be, as George Bush himself said, 
arrogant; but this is European arrogance on sticks. American politicians have
little choice but to let the people decide on this issue. These Europeans, like 
others before them, have taken
a particular dislike to the death penalty and they tell Colin Powell to behave
like the establishment boy they believe him to be. The real target for their
genteel wrath are the people of America, they are the targets of the insult.
moral imperialism was shown before Bush’s 

[CTRL] FC: Industry studies attack U.S. data collection regulations (fwd)

2001-03-13 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 08:52:08 -0800
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FC: Industry studies attack U.S. data collection regulations

"Industry Studies Attack Web-Privacy Laws"
Wall Street Journal (03/13/01) P. B6; Bridis, Ted

A new campaign is underway to impress legislators with the
dangers online privacy laws pose to businesses.  Four industry
studies were published yesterday by the Direct Marketing
Association, which is working closely with the Online Privacy
Alliance--including tech companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Sun
Microsystems, and AOL Time Warner--to preempt Internet privacy
legislation at both the state and federal level.  Although
observers say any laws are unlikely to be passed this year,
businesses in the tech sector are jittery over what they say is a
$17 billion threat to the 90 largest financial institutions.
According to one of the studies released, the costs of Internet
privacy laws would be passed onto consumers in the form of an
informal $1 billion information tax.  Adding to the concern is
companies' worry that sensationalism over privacy infringements
on the Web could result in fast-moving laws they would be
hard-pressed to stop.  Tech companies maintain that the best
solution to online privacy problems are new technologies, not new
laws.  However, the Electronic Privacy Information Center's Marc
Rotenberg says the issue is too big and too pressing to ignore.
"This is not an issue on the radar screen.  It is the radar
screen," he says, although he admits that laws dealing with
Internet privacy will take some time.  Already, some corporate
technology interests, such as Intel and Hewlett-Packard, have
conceded that moderate Internet privacy regulation would prove
beneficial and that some form of legislation is inevitable.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Spiritwheel, An Interesting Hopi Prophesy

2001-03-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Notice: This post contains information which may be enlightening or
confrontational. If the latter, consider deleting. Thank you.
From: Cosmic Comentary - http://CosmicRose.tripod.com/CCC.html

 Hopi Prophecy

 The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his
 mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general
 public]. For a while there will be no more ceremonies, no more faith.

 Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the
 start of a new cycle of Hopi life. World War III will be started by those
 peoples who first revealed the light (The divine wisdom or intelligence) in
 the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.) The United
 States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and
 radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an
 oasis to which refugees will flee.

 Bomb shelters are a fallacy. "It is only materialistic people who seek to
 make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the
 great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part
 in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in
 another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one,

 The war will be "a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material
 matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one
 world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator." That time is not
 far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the
 plaza and removes his mask.

 He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its
 appearance soon. The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim
 ceremony. It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940
 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred
 contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading
 over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim

 The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the
 humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. "You can
 read this in the earth itself. Plant forms from previous worlds are
 beginning to spring up as seeds. This could start a new study of botany if
 people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being
 planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in
 our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is
 what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World. "These comprise the nine
 most important prophecies of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the
 nine worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived, the present Fourth
 World, the three future worlds we have yet to experience, and the world of
 Taiowa, the Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."

 The Hopi and others who were saved from the Great Flood made a sacred
 covenant with the Great Spirit never to turn away from him. He made a set of
 sacred stone tablets, called Tiponi, into which he breathed his teachings,
 prophecies, and warnings. Before the Great Spirit hid himself again, he
 placed before the leaders of the four different racial groups four different
 colors and sizes of corn; each was to choose which would be their food in
 this world. The Hopi waited until last and picked the smallest ear of corn.
 At this, the Great Spirit said: "It is well done. You have obtained the real
 corn, for all the others are imitations in which are hidden seeds of
 different plants. You have shown me your intelligence; for this reason I
 will place in your hands these sacred stone tablets, Tiponi, symbol of power
 and authority over all land and life to guard, protect, and hold in trust
 for me until I shall return to you in a later day, for I am the First and I
 am the Last." The Great Chieftain of the Bow Clan led the faithful ones to
 this new land, but he fell into evil ways. His two sons scolded him for his
 mistake, and after he died they assumed the responsibilities of leadership.
 Each brother was given a set of Tiponi, and both were instructed to carry
 them to a place to which the Great Spirit directed them. The elder brother
 [of the shining light] was told to go immediately to the east, toward the
 rising sun, and upon reaching his destination to start back immediately to
 look for his younger brother, who remained on Turtle Island [the Continental
 United States of America]. His mission was to help his younger brother to
 bring about the Purification Day, at which time all evildoers would be
 punished or destroyed, after which real peace, brotherhood, and everlasting
 life would be established. The elder brother would restore all land to his
 younger brother, from whom the Evil one among the white men had taken it.

Re: [CTRL] Flight800: EMP Warhead?

2001-03-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01-03-13 03:33:13 EST, you write:


 How could so many witnesses see a missile intercept Flight 800
 and yet the only evidence found suggests that an electrical surge,
 not a missile, ignited the center fuel tank? Could there be a war-
 head designed to destroy aircraft with a powerful electromagnetic
 pulse (EMP) that would only leave evidence of an electrical surge? 
See also New York Review of Books article:


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (en) Mexico, [S26-global] Speech given by Subcomandante Marcos on Monday...

2001-03-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Notice: This post contains information which may be enlightening or
confrontational. If the latter, consider deleting. Thank you.

   A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

 Text presented by the insurgent subcomandante Marcos in  the
 intercultural meeting "The Roads of Dignity: Indigenous rights, memory
 and culture patrimony" celebrated the 12th of March 2001 in the stadium
 of Olimpic village, called by ENAH.


 We would like to thank the community of the national school of
 anthropology and history for the opportunity they are giving us to
 speak our words beside these people who, by their ability to give
 light to words, add to their humanness by accompanying a struggle
 that is only a part of the greater struggle for humanity.

 Beginning this discussion is not easy.

 Not only because the lights that are here with us are shining and leaving
 very few dark spaces, the favorite place of shadows like us.

 But also because an impertinent beetle has prevented me from preparing
 something settled and well-worded, interrupting me with all kinds of absurd
 and unintelligible things.

 Maybe you have heard of him. He goes by the name of "Don Durito of
 Lacandona" and he has assigned himself the task of, as he says, righting
 wrongs and helping the needy and the helpless. For some reason that I don't
 begin to understand, Durito has decided that I belong to the category of the
 needy and the helpless, and that, as he puts it, my whole life is a wrong.

 So now you know that what has been keeping me awake all these nights was not
 the flood of fox's contradictory declarations, nor was it the death threats
 generously lavished on us by the PAN [the right-wing National Action Party,
 of which Fox is a member.‹translator]. No, it was Durito, who has insisted
 that the bus is not a bus but a ship, and that the march in reality doesn't
 march, but sails, since the sea holds it up.

 According to the little that I was able to understand, Durito will attend
 the rock concert that will take place today in the Zocalo Square in Mexico
 City and in which will participate, so they tell us, Joaquín Sabina, Maldita
 Vecindad, Santa Sabina and Panteón Rococó, plus a whole bunch of young

 But that, like everything else on this march, is history yet to happen.

 It is in the cultural sphere that Zapatismo has been able to find open
 audiences and echos that speak their own dignity. In music, particularly in
 rock, in the visual and scenic arts, in literature and in science we have
 met good people, humane even, who follow their own path of dignity. So we
 would like to take this opportunity to salute all those who, through
 cultural activities, are fighting for humanity.

 In order to speak like Zapatistas about roads of dignity, we will tell a
 story called :


 "In their serious corner, the players
 move the slow pieces. The chessboard
 keeps them until dawn in its severe
 enclosure in which two colors hate each other.


 When the players have gone,
 When time has consumed them,
 The ritual will certainly not have stopped.


 The player is also a prisoner
 (the sentence is of Omar) of another chessboard
 of black nights and of white days.

 God moves the player, and he in turn moves the piece.
 What God is there behind God who starts the scheme
 Of dust and time and dreams and agonies?"

 Jorge Luis Borges.

 This is the story:

 A group of chess players is engrossed in an important high-level chess game.
 An indigenous person comes by, watches for a while and asks what it is that
 they are playing. Nobody answers. The Indian approaches the board and
 contemplates the position of the pieces, the serious and scowling faces of
 the players, the expectant attitude of those around them. He repeats his
 question. One of the players takes the trouble to respond: "It¹s something
 you wouldn¹t be able to understand; it¹s a game for wise and important
 people." The Indian keeps silent and continues to watch the board and the
 movements of the contestants. After a time, he ventures another question:
 "And why do you play if you already know who is going to win?" The same
 player that responded to him before says: "You will never understand. This
 is for specialists; it¹s out of your intellectual reach." The Indian doesn't
 say anything. He continues to watch, and goes away. In a little while he
 comes back bringing something with him. Without so much as a word he
 approaches the table and puts right in the middle of the chessboard an old
 boot covered in mud. The players are perplexed and look at him angrily. The
 Indian smiles maliciously while asking: "Check?"

 The End.

 Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English poet from the end of the 18th and the
 beginning of the 19th centuries, 

[CTRL] School Children as Political Cannon Fodder for Social Causes

2001-03-13 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Why is our children's education was being sacrificed to some
and administrators' pet political project?

School Children as Political Cannon Fodder for "Social Causes"
By Thomas Sowell (March 10, 2001)

 [CAPITALISM MAGAZINE.COM] Test scores are not the only things
tell us how bad our public schools have become. In San
Francisco, the school board voted unanimously to have the city's
students take Friday, March 9th, off to go to Berkeley, in order to stage
a protest demonstration, demanding the reinstatement of affirmative
action in the university's admissions policies.

Only after the Berkeley police contacted San Francisco education
officials was the rally called off. The police were concerned about such
logistical things as where all the buses carrying students from San
Francisco were going to be parked and where all these students were
going to eat. A school board member then admitted, "there would be no
easy way to get that many kids over and back."

The more basic question is why these children's education was being
sacrificed to some teachers' and administrators' political project. Nor is
this the first time that school children have been used as political
cannon fodder or as guinea pigs for social experiments. Nor is California
the only place where this happens.

Nothing is easier than to call any project or activity engaged in by a
school "educational." So long as parents and voters buy it, the schools
will keep selling it. But one of the big reasons students in other
countries consistently outperform American students on international
tests is that many other countries' students are actually being taught
academic subjects while ours are spending their time on "activities" and
"projects" that our education officials call "exciting."

An even more grim example of what is wrong with our schools are the
fatal shooting sprees that have broken out at various schools across the
country, most recently in Santana High School near San Diego. Gun
control advocates have seized upon this incident to call for more gun
control laws. Facts don't seem to bother gun control advocates, but let's
look at some facts anyway.

Many of the guns used in various deadly shooting sprees -- in schools,
at workplaces and elsewhere -- were perfectly legal under existing gun
control laws and would remain perfectly legal under new gun control
laws that are being proposed. Moreover, even if guns were outlawed
completely, there would still be a couple of hundred million guns already
in existence in American society, and they are not going to disappear
into thin air.

Guns don't wear out very fast and may never wear out if properly cared
for. So the current 200 million or so guns in existence today may still be
around two centuries from now, even if laws ban any new guns from
being produced or imported.

But none of these facts is likely to affect gun control crusaders. They
must have their symbolic victories, whether with trigger locks and other
cumbersome devices that make it harder to use a gun in self-defense or
with other petty and costly nuisances that law-abiding citizens will be
put through. Meanwhile, violent criminals will be wholly unaffected, since
they are in the business of violating laws anyway. The only effect on
criminals will be to make their victims less able to defend themselves,
thereby making mugging, burglary and armed robbery safer occupations.
There is another aspect of this that needs to be considered because it
also has a bearing on the gun controllers' arguments and assumptions.
At Santana High School, as at Columbine and other high schools where
fatal shootings have occurred, people have been particularly shocked
because these were affluent, predominantly white schools. Given the
much higher rates of violence in low-income and ghetto schools, why
have these shooting sprees seldom, if ever, occurred there?

For better or worse, there are likely to be more armed people in or near
schools in low-income and minority neighborhoods. Some have armed
guards in the schools themselves. Some have armed gangs in or near
the schools.

In other words, when you open fire in a school in a high-crime
neighborhood, you are likely to face more bullets coming back your
way. It is in nice, wholly disarmed, affluent white schools that a gun
makes you instant king of the hill -- at least until armed police arrive on
the scene. The needless and tragic deaths at Columbine, Santana and
other schools where shooting sprees have snuffed out young lives are
part of the high cost already being paid for the fetish of disarming law-
abiding people.

We don't need to make this tragedy even worse by disarming more
people all across the country.


Best Wishes

I say that the Second Amendment doesn't allow for exceptions - or else
it would have read that the right 'to keep and bear arms shall not be
infringed, unless Congress chooses otherwise.'  And because there 

Re: [CTRL] Flight800: EMP Warhead?

2001-03-13 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-





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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fw: The Body Snatchers

2001-03-13 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

The Body Snatchers
by Russell Madden


The Texas legislature has apparently come up with a new twist on a
very old practice. In a story reported by CBS news, the wise and
compassionate lawmakers of the Lone Star state are in the process of
emulating their more enlightened European brethren. What they hope to
do is to alter Texas law so that your body and its contents will be put to
good use when you die.

The goal is to create a condition called "presumed consent," sort of like
your book club sending you their latest selections unless you expressly
tell them not to. In this case, your organs will be harvested for
distribution to various sick folks upon your demise unless you
affirmatively deny that such is your desire. Such "opting out" works
wonders in Europe for increasing the supply of organs available for
transplantation. And we all know what a fountainhead for freedom our
European cousins are... With over 70,000 Americans waiting
desperately to receive acceptable replacement parts for failing organs,
there is obviously a need to increase the supply of substitute organs.

Unfortunately for these patients, not enough of their fellow citizens are
signing their donor cards. Ingenious souls that they are, the Texans
pushing this plan know that many of these ill folks could benefit from the
deaths of others. If those who die are so uncaring that they do not
voluntarily offer to surrender their bodies to the State, well, then... In the
old days in Europe, of course, researchers delving into the mysteries of
the human body paid various unsavory characters to visit cemeteries
and remove the corpses of the recently departed. They, too, did not
bother with such messy niceties as gaining consent from the dead
person's relatives. After all, they might say no. What would happen to
medical progress if these inquisitive scientists let grieving kinfolk deprive
them of the bodies they needed to continue their studies? The dead no
longer had use for their flesh and bones. The survivors would be none
the wiser, either, if the snatch was made under the cover of darkness.

Sadly, despite their noble intent, grave robbers received neither the
gratitude nor the blessings of those who did discover what happened to
their loved ones.

All Not Forbidden Is Permitted

One can only marvel at the amazing progress the centuries have
bestowed upon us. Modern day body snatchers need no longer scurry
about in the dark of night nor fear a ready noose for their temerity. No,
nowadays the grave robbing is to be sanctioned by the power and glory
of the State.

Imagine if those skulking figures of old had stood boldly and offered in
their defense that, well, no one said we couldn't dig up the corpse and
slice it open. Why, maybe the Texas authorities have come up with a
novel principle for guiding social interactions perfect for the era in which
we labor! As long as someone doesn't explicitly say you cannot do
something, then the sky's the limit. Carte blanche. Conjure the
possibilities... Your neighbor walks unbidden into your house. He takes
food out of your refrigerator and munches on a hot wing while rifling
through your wallet.

Shoving a few twenties into his pocket, he reaches over and kisses your
wife. Then nonchalantly, he strolls over, punches you in the mouth, lifts
up your new DVD player, picks your pocket for your car keys, then
drives away in your new SUV. Who's to stop or criticize him? After all,
you did not explicitly tell him not to do any of those particular acts.
Where's the notice on the door? And if you do place a long list of
forbidden behaviors there, why, I'm sure your neighbor's a creative lad. I
have no doubt whatsoever that he can think of a myriad of things he can
do that you cannot possibly foresee and explicitly forbid. Robbery, rape,
murder, fraud... Gosh. The opportunities for getting what you need are
mind-boggling. (Why stop at "needs," though? In today's subjectivist
culture, wants and desires are magically transformed into "needs"
simply because you say so. Plus, "needs" trump any objections. Don't
they?) We Take Your Money, Why Not Your Body? On second thought,
maybe this principle of "presumed consent" is not so novel in the annals
of the State, after all. Currently when you die, if you were too frugal, too
successful, too prudent in your life, and you amassed too much money,
the State has no compunction stepping in and seizing over half the
wealth you accumulated.

Who cares that such property represents years of your life and the
creative energy of your mind? You lived in this society and therefore you
gave "presumed consent" to whatever laws the majority deemed proper.
Estate taxes are a mere drop in the bucket, though. Income taxes,
social security taxes, Medicare taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes, sin
taxes, property taxes, and on and on are taken from you whether you
want to surrender them or not.

[CTRL] Campus Revolt Challenges Yale Over $40 Million Aids Drug Deal

2001-03-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Notice: This post contains information which may be enlightening or
confrontational. If the latter, consider deleting. Thank you.
Published on Tuesday, March 13, 2001 in the Guardian of London

Campus Revolt Challenges Yale Over $40 Million Aids Drug Deal
University claims its hands are tied by deal with drug firm
by Julian Borger and Sarah Boseley

Yale University is under growing pressure from its students to put conscience
before profit and allow an Aids drug invented in its laboratories to be made
affordable to millions of sufferers in developing countries.
Yale earns $40m a year in licence fees for the drug, d4T, but the university
administration insists its hands are tied by an agreement signed with
Bristol-Myers Squibb giving the giant pharmaceutical company exclusive
manufacturing rights.

However, the university has so far refused to publish the agreement,
outraging Yale students who say they do not want to be part of an institution
complicit in denying essential medication to the poor.

An Indian drug producer has offered to produce d4T, an antiretroviral
treatment otherwise known as stavudine or by its brand name Zerit, at a
thirty-fourth of the price charged by Bristol-Myers Squibb, which would put
it in range of hard-hit health systems in sub-Saharan Africa.

The case has highlighted the growing tension in US universities between their
identity as icons of academic independence on one hand and wealthy "profit
centres" for corporate sponsors on the other. Yale received a $250,000
donation from Bristol-Myers Squibb three years ago, and there are other close
ties between research staff members and the pharmaceutical industry.

Most of the academic staff interviewed by the Guardian asked not to be quoted
by name, saying the issue was too sensitive within Yale's administration. But
the drug's inventor, Professor William Prusoff, now semi-retired, expressed
support for a student campaign to make his discovery more affordable.

Pressure group

Some Yale law students have formed a pressure group aimed at shaming the
university into taking greater responsibility for the social impact of the
inventions it licenses for profit. The group, the Yale Aids Action Coalition,
announced its first victory yesterday, an offer of a meeting from Yale's
Office for Cooperative Research (OCR), in charge of patents.

One of the student group's founder members, Amy Kapczynski, said it was still
not clear whether the OCR would relent from its earlier refusal to make
available a copy of the Bristol-Myers agreement.

"We really hope they would give us a chance to look at this in a creative
manner," Ms Kapczynski said. "There are probably things Yale can do to be a
model actor in this situation."

The managing director of Yale OCR, Jon Soderstrom, issued a statement to say
the university's hands were tied when it came to granting permission to other
companies to produce d4T.

"Although Yale is indeed the patent holder, Yale has granted an exclusive
licence to Bristol-Myers Squibb, under the terms of which only that entity
may respond to a request," he said.

However, the students argue there is a lot more the university could do. They
are backed by Prof Prusoff. Although he shares in Yale's Bristol-Myers
royalties, Prof Prusoff has called on the company to make the drug affordable
in poor countries.

"One of the things that should be done is that the pharmaceutical firms
should reduce their prices and the industrialised nations, the US, Britain,
France and Germany should give the WHO (the World Health Organisation) a
certain amount of money to distribute to countries where the medication is

The students have also allied themselves with the French-based medical aid
agency, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), which is spearheading a campaign to
force the pharmaceutical industry into relaxing their patent rights and
allowing generic forms of Aids drugs to be marketed.

In a letter to Mr Soderstrom on Friday, MSF pointed out that in Yale's own
patent policy guidelines published in 1998, the university sought to pursue
"the benefit of society in general" and to draw up li cencing agreements with
manufacturers to "protect against failure of the licensee to carry out
effective development and marketing within a specified time period."

Toby Kasper, who runs the MSF campaign for cheaper medicines in South Africa,
said yesterday: "If the university says their hands are tied, they are
violating their own policy."

Mr Kasper also said the university had the right to breach the terms of its
Bristol-Myers Squibb licence, allowing the production of generic versions of
d4T, and pay damages to the company. Those damages, he said, would only be a
small fraction of the $40m Yale makes from the patent, as sales of all drugs
in the same class of antiretrovirals in South Africa only amounted to

Ms Kapczynski said the next steps taken by the Yale Aids Action Coalition
would depend on the outcome of its 

[CTRL] Christian Coalition bias case growing

2001-03-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Christian Coalition bias case growing


St. Petersburg Times, published March 8, 2001

WASHINGTON - A former white employee of the Christian Coalition charged in
federal court Wednesday that he was fired for refusing to eavesdrop on
black employees who are suing the organization for racial discrimination.
Trent Barton, 31, a former congressional aide and Gulf War veteran, said in
an interview that he thinks Christian Coalition director Roberta Combs
ordered his dismissal Feb. 28 for sympathizing with the black employees.
"I believe they have a lot of factual information on their side," Barton said.
Barton and two black former Christian Coalition employees filed a lawsuit
in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Wednesday accusing
the evangelical organization of discrimination and retaliation.
Their complaint comes after a Feb. 23 lawsuit by ten current employees, all
black women from the coalition's remittance/data entry department.
The women allege they were prohibited from entering the front door of the
coalition's Capitol Hill-area offices. The employees say they were told to
enter the back door but were not given key cards to unlock it, forcing them
to pound on the door for entry.
The lawsuits said Combs made statements that black staffers would wear out
an oriental rug in the reception area if allowed to come and go through the
front door.
Combs also allegedly said "she did not want important people seeing the
'girls' from remittance/data entry in the reception area."
Furthermore, the black employees say they were segregated from whites in a
break area because Combs thought they were "talkative and waste too much
time in the kitchen."
In the suit filed Wednesday, former employee Samantha Henson said Combs
"became uncomfortable" when she and another black employee joined office
prayer gatherings.
Henson stopped attending the prayer meetings because she felt unwelcome.
Soon thereafter, black employees stopped receiving notice of the meetings,
the lawsuit said.
On Feb. 27, four days after the first lawsuit was filed, Combs prepared a
memorandum denying that the coalition had a policy against black employees
entering the front door, according to the second complaint. Also that day,
Combs issued key cards for the back door to the black staffers, the suit said.
Barton, the white employee, said he was hired as a lobbyist in December but
spent most of his first month helping to organize a Christian Coalition
inaugural dinner celebrating the election of President Bush.
He says in the lawsuit that Tracy Ammons, a consultant to the coalition who
is Combs' son-in-law, asked him on Feb.  22 to eavesdrop on the black
employees' conversations.
When "Barton told Tracy Ammons that he was unwilling to spy on former
employees," Ammons searched Barton's office, the suit said. Ammons phoned
Barton at 10:30 p.m.  Feb. 28 to dismiss him, the suit said.
Ammons then told Barton that he was "a good Christian," the suit said.
Barton took the comment to mean "that any support for the racial
discrimination lawsuit would be contrary to Barton's religious and ethical
beliefs," the suit said.
Combs did not return phone calls Wednesday.
But in a statement to the Washington Times last week, she said: "This
pro-family organization, one of the most effective in the nation, is
committed to fighting religious bigotry and defending expressions of faith
in the public square, and we view any act of discrimination as morally
The suits seek a combined $39-million in compensatory and punitive damages,
an amount that will be virtually impossible to recover from the financially
strapped coalition.
A settlement seems more likely, since the coalition may not want to risk
going to trial in the District of Columbia, a city that is predominantly

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[CTRL] Doctor Links Viagra to Five Cases of Blindness

2001-03-13 Thread Hung On Element

-Caveat Lector-

Monday March 12 12:07 PM ET
Doctor Links Viagra to Five Cases of Blindness

By Edward Tobin

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A US ophthalmologist says there
appears to be a very small risk that men taking the
impotence drug Viagra could suffer permanent vision
loss, but the firm that makes the drug on Friday
played down the reported threat.

Howard Pomeranz, director of neuro-ophthalmology at
the University of Maryland Medical Center, said he
knows of five men across the United States who were
diagnosed with permanent vision loss by doctors after
taking the impotence drug. More than 10 million people
have taken the drug since it was approved in 1998.

The condition, called ischemic optic neuropathy, is
caused after blood flow is cut off to the optic nerve
in the eyeball. It usually occurs in people with
diabetes, hypertension and other vascular disorders.

A spokesman for Pfizer Inc., which makes Viagra,
dismissed Pomeranz's observations, which were first
presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology
Conference in Dallas in November. The company
spokesman told Reuters that the three-year old product
is not a threat to its users.

``From all clinical experience with Viagra, there have
been no cases of treatment-related blindness reported,
and reports of serious visual problems have been
extremely rare,'' said Geoff Cook, the Pfizer

Viagra, which is available in 100 countries, is known
to cause some temporary vision problems such as
blue/green color distortions in some patients.

Blood Flow To Optic Nerve Constricted

Pomeranz said the five men diagnosed with the
condition after taking Viagra had a low cup-to-disk
ratio, which is a way doctors measure the small
circular indentation where the optic nerve connects to
the eyeball.

The low cup-to-disk ratio means that the blood vessels
and nerves are tightly bundled together into the small
space in the back of the eye, according to a
University of Maryland release about the issue.

``We know that Viagra regulates a chemical in the body
to constrict the arteries. The constriction may cut
off the blood flow to the optic nerve, especially in
people with a low cup-to-disk ratio, where the blood
vessels and nerves are tightly bundled,'' Pomeranz
said in the release.

Pfizer's Cook associated potential permanent visual
damage with the known risk factors for men taking the
drug, such as diabetes, and not the drug itself.

``In the population of men who take Viagra, many men
with diabetes and other conditions have significant
associations with long term visual problems,'' he

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which
reviews reports of drug side effects, said it had not
received any complaints of sudden blindness in
patients taking Viagra.

``We do not have any reports of people losing their
sight like that,'' FDA spokeswoman Susan Cruzan said.

``We would take any such reports seriously, and we
encourage health professionals to submit any such
information to us,'' she added.

Leonard Yaffe, analyst with Banc of America
Securities, said more information was needed before
evaluating what effect the report would have on
Pfizer. ``I'd want to know how often the men were
taking the drug, for how long a period of time?'' he
said. ``You need to know a lot more than these five
guys had this problem.''

Pomeranz, who is also assistant professor of
ophthalmology and neurology at the University of
Maryland School of Medicine, called for more research
into the matter.

``People who take Viagra who have this particular
configuration of their optic nerve at least need to be
aware that this is a potential problem that may occur
if they use this medication,'' he said. ``Whether this
is a significant increased risk, I don't have the
statistics to back that up.''


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The ADL and racist terrorist groups

2001-03-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Still an idiot huh?
You seem to be an expert in train of thought stupidity.


Aleisha Saba wrote:

 So does ADL have a hidden agenda - that of attempting to create hatred
 of the Jews as did the facists in days of leading to WWII?

 Bnai Brith - a masonic order - who warned FBI and BATF and one Judge to
 stay home that day in Oklahoma?

 Well got news for you - I want to know more about this Mark Lane aka
 Mark Levy who is always a few steps behind and ahead of the murderers?
 From Kilgallon to her interview with Jack Ruby aka Rubenstein, to the
 shooting of Larry Flynt, new kid on block in Columbus, Ohio with
 pornography fronting for drugs - and boy there was Mark Lane with his
 garbage influencing Larry Flynt?   Flynt gunned down by a collector's
 gun, a 45

 Have I been looking for a renegade Masonic Order all these years - you
 better believe it, and I think this ADL and Bnai Brith is it...

 From JFK to little John John to the sabotage of the Space Program -
 notice this crap about USA did not go to moon?

 We had the black Moses Martin Luther King suckered into a communist
 movement and this NAACP founded by what and whom?

 Any researcher if you put all this stuff together - are these people
 correct in believing that the ADL and this Bnai Brith maybe using
 reverse psychology?

 ADL attempting to censor the press - note their complaint of Farakhan
 the great Islam Leader - how they want his voice silenced and how they
 went to Ted Turner to squelch this voice?

 Are Americans going to be intimidated by this handful of sleaze who
 wanted Marc Rich pardoned and why?   All that money, you think this
 sleaze cares about a pardon when he is not even an American Citizen?

 Stop an think - why does he care - because he wants to be able to come
 to American and work with his sleaze wife in the looting of America and
 Unions Beware - for it was this sleaze who attempted to destroy
 steelworkers - why are the Unions so quiet?   Why is oil and gas so

 Remember it is a handful of people orchestrating the destruction of
 America but to me this sleaze involved in pushing sodomists on the
 little boy scouts?

 Tell me why does ADL and Bnai Brith cause people to hate Jews - note
 Jews, not Zionists?

 As Prince Turki Faisal told us at a dinner (and thisi man todays heads
 up inelligence in this one agency) - the young prince toldl us in 1967
 that it was the Zionist coming to Holy Land causing all the problems,
 that the domestic jew and arab moslems wanted to live in peace?

 Marc Rich - Zionist - Jewish Mafia - part of criminal syndicate and that
 bastard wants to come to America now and work from within?

 So a year  after the young Prince made his visit here - his father was
 murdered by a black from Berkley California?   Figure that one?   A
 Black Nationalist Panther???   Remember the Black Panthers sent in to
 intimidate Mrs. Bush with Uzis?

 Consider this - it was the year of the take over and these bastards
 lostyet they plot ahead in the destruction of Americafor this
 like the pyramids they believe, is their promised land?

 No wonder God gave Ishmael all that oil?


 Jews for Morality
 From a Traditional Jewish Perspective

 [ Back ] [ Opening Page ] [ Essay Index ] [ Next ]
 28 Av 5759 / 10 Aug. 1999
 ADL and Racist Terrorist Groups
 – A Symbiotic Relationship
 ADL Attacks on American Conservatives Help
 Racist Groups Gain New Recruits,
 While New Terrorist Attacks on Jewish Centers Help
 ADL Raise More Funds
 Almost totally ignored in the reporting on the Los Angeles Jewish Center
 shooting, is the rapid growth in the membership of white racist
 terrorist groups in recent years.   This increased membership is the
 most important factor in the recent increase in terrorist incidents.
 Most people have the mistaken notion that the ADL (Anti-Defamation
 League of Bnai Brith) is simply a Jewish defense organization whose
 purpose is to protect Jews in the United States from discrimination and
 physical harm.   Nothing could be further from the truth.
 In recent years, the ADL, under the leadership of Abraham Foxman, has
 metamorphosed into a left-wing organization that closely coordinates its
 activities with some of the most radical groups in America.
 The ADL works closely with the homosexual lobbies in Washington and in
 the state capitols to promote the "Gay" agenda, including the current
 "hate crimes" bill, which would effectively silence all of the religious
 organizations who consider homosexuality an "abomination", and focus
 scarce law enforcement resources into efforts to give special
 protections to homosexuals, at the expense of all other Americans.
 The ADL works closely with pro-abortion groups to make certain that no
 restrictions whatsoever are placed on abortion—for any purpose, at any
 time in the development of the baby in the womb, and including
 "partial-birth" abortion (infanticide).


2001-03-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Religionist drivel.

Outlawlady wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Timeline of Treason

 Special Emergency
 Note from the Editor

 Testimony from POW Hearings

 on the State of the Nation




   Part IVf

 can be read at:
 The Joshua Report
 Michael  The Outlawlady
 The Joshua Report
 If One Forgets The Past, He Will
 Not Be Prepared For The Future

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[CTRL] [radtimes] # 180

2001-03-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 180

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  --  (See ** at end.)

--Hackers: The political heroes of cyberspace
--FBI Chief's Appeal to Hackers
--Globalization: a unique opportunity for humanity to change course
--Scientists dispute military "raygun" claims
--Quebec City Prepares To Crack Down On FTAA Protests
--Copter Stoppers: Protests expose defense industry's role in Columbia
--NSA, Carnivore, Others Win 'Anti-Awards'


Hackers: the political heroes of cyberspace

Stuart Millar, technology correspondent
Thursday March 8, 2001 The Guardian

Hackers, the most maligned species of the digital age, will tonight be
declared the ideological heirs to the great protest movements of the 19th
and 20th centuries.

Once hacking was regarded as the pastime of attention-grabbing nerds. But a
meeting at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London will be told how
credible an activity it has become in the era of direct action.
Old-fashioned hacking, the meeting will hear, has given way to hacktivism: a
highly politicised underground movement using direct action in cyberspace to
attack globalisation and corporate domination of the internet.

"Hacktivists have provided a new political ethic for the hacking activity of
the past 'that tended to be more about narcissistic power games than any
real protest against the system," said Paul Taylor, a sociology lecturer at
Salford university. "Hacktivism can be seen as the latest manifestation of a
long history of opposition to capitalism and its disorienting effects."

Targets - mainly multinational corporations and political parties - have
been hit with a range of electronic weapons, from viruses to email bombs,
which crash websites by bombarding them with thousands of protest messages.

Paul Mobbs of a British hacktivist group, the electrohippies collective,
will tell the meeting that the internet "removes the advantages that larger
or mainstream groups possess, for example money, influence and preferential
access to media. No longer are small minorities restricted by lack of
access. On the internet all access is roughly equal."

Companies are spending increasing amounts on protecting their computer
systems while governments introduce tougher legislation.

Under the Terrorism Act, which came into power last month, anyone who tries
to "seriously disrupt an electronic system" with the intention of
threatening or influencing the government or the public, and does it to
advance a "political, religious or ideological cause", can be classed as a

Another new law, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, gives police
and the security services the power to collect internet information without
a warrant and to demand the keys to encrypted material.


FBI Chief's Appeal to Hackers


Calling all nerds -- the Federal Bureau of Investigation wants you.

by Michelle Delio
Mar. 8, 2001

FBI Director Louis Freeh says the FBI badly needs the technology
community's support and assistance in "one of the bureau's most
challenging areas of investigation: cybercrime and computer security."

During a speech to the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce in Virginia
on Wednesday, Freeh said the FBI wants to work more closely with the
technology industry and would like to establish relationships in order
to share "codes and insight into networks and computer systems."

The speech was greeted with mixed emotions by the crowd, consisting
primarily of members of Virginia's technology community.

Concerns were raised over how information shared with the FBI would be
used, and whether the FBI would understand the difference between
"cracking" and "hacking," said Mark Daniels, a consultant with

"Some of us wondered what the FBI's reaction would be to a report of a
security hole that was discovered by the sort of surreptitious
snooping around that some of us techies do on a regular basis,"
Daniels said.

Daniels found confirmation for his fears -- and a touch of irony --
when the FBI was "honored" later on Wednesday with a Big Brother award
from Privacy International at the Computers, Freedom and Privacy

Big Brother awards are given out annually to government agencies,
companies and initiatives that have invaded personal privacy. The FBI
headed the list of this year's "Big Brothers" for its Carnivore e-mail
surveillance system, which was judged the "Most Invasive Proposal."

Carnivore can monitor all the information that moves through an
Internet service 

[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Prepares To Take On USA

2001-03-13 Thread William Shannon

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  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Palestinian Supporters Remain Weak, Co-opted, Mislead

MID-EAST REALITIES  - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 3/13:
   Sharon's PR people are working hard preparing his way for a triumphant
visit to the USA in a few days.  They choose Lally Weymouth, long a "friendly
journalist", for one of his first major interviews -- published in Newsweek
this week.  Actually, Weymouth is not quite a real journalist -- she's
really the somewhat eccentric daughter of Washington Post owner Katherine
Graham and owes her "job" to that simple fact of birth.  Weymouth is extraordinarily
Israeli-biased and has traveled the world for many years now gaining access
because of her mother and wealth, few remembering that her interviews and
columns are only published in the Post-owned publications because years
ago she threatened to otherwise go work for the Moonie-owned Washington
Times.  The major TV interview Sharon gave in advance of his American tour
was to another of the somewhat disguised Israeli-oriented journalists,
CNN's Wolf Blitzer.  And here too few remember that Blitzer came to CNN
from being editor of the Israeli-Jewish lobby's newsletter, "Near East
Report", and correspondent for the Israeli newspaper, Jerusalem Post.
   Meanwhile, Sharon is taking big steps to smash the Palestinian uprising.
 He probably personally gave the orders to try to assassinate the head
of Fateh in the West Bank, Marwan Barghouti, yesterday -- the sniper missed,
killing someone next to Barghouti (maybe purposefully).  Trenches now surround
Palestinian cities -- just as effectively as barbed wire, though that would
look too much like concentration camps in photos.  More torture (literally
as well as collectively) and even more repression are on the way.  Sharon's
plans to extinguish the Intifada in one way or another, then to impose
terms on the Palestinians, one way or another, with or without Arafat.
   And the Israeli propaganda machine is more than alive and well than
ever.  In fact it has been substantially beefed up and enhanced with the
coming of Sharon.  Much money and many very competent people, p.r. firms,
and organizations are involved in coordinated efforts.
   The Arabs and the Palestinians on the other hand remain light years
behind, continuing to busy themselves with misguided actions and continuing
to compliment themselves for doing little things that don't even begin
to keep pace with today's situation.  For instance months ago Palestinian
supporters in the USA -- given the green light to focus on the general
theme of "Right of Return" but not on the crucial issues of the "peace
process" itself, the corruption of the Arafat "Authority", the weakness
of the Arab regimes, and the realities of their own co-opted organizations
-- set April 7th for a major demonstration in New York City.  What they
should have done when they first learned the dates of Sharon's visit to
the US is quickly stepped up the date of their demonstration to coincide
with Sharon's visit and literally marched on his hotel and Embassy when
he is here.  But they continue to be so badly lead, so continually manipulated,
and so pathetically confused that they are not capable of any serious,
sustained, and timely efforts -- and everyone, themselves included, knows
this.  This is especially true of the ADC (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee) which has mislead and deceived so many for so long and whose
primary real goal is protecting the Arab regimes from criticism while continually
feeding themselves with more money and self-given awards.
   Such is the situation in the opening months of 2001 with Ariel Sharon
about to make a triumphant visit to the modern-day Empire and then likely
to return to the once Holy Land to bleed and torture the Palestinians still
further into submission.


By Lally Weymouth

NEWSWEEK - March 19,2001 Issue:
It wasn't long ago that Ariel "Arik" Sharon was
regarded as a has-been, an aging hawk who seemed
ill-suited to Israel's modern era of peace and

THEN ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN tensions erupted in violence, and Israelis flocked
overwhelmingly to Sharon, who took office last week as the head of a broadly
based Israeli government. Soon after he was sworn in, the former general
granted his first interview to Lally Weymouth of The Washington Post and


2001-03-13 Thread William Shannon

The Dollar Could be Headed for Hard Times if OPEC Switches to the Euro Arjun 
Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research 
in Takoma Park, Maryland.

For a considerable time the United States has enjoyed a position of 
undisputed power among the world's countries. The superpower has been able, 
with some exceptions, to shape critical global policies to serve its own 
internal needs. Yet, its huge appetite for oil has left it dangerously 
vulnerable to the policies of Middle Eastern oil exporters and to the 
vicissitudes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Historically, the fact that oil prices are denominated in U.S. dollars has 
accorded the United States a position of strength. This was bolstered by a 
strong military presence in the Middle East, which was welcomed until 
recently by at least some oil exporting states. But the global potential of 
the European Union's currency (the euro) and the rising anti-U.S. sentiment 
in the Middle East coupled with a series of other recent events, may lead 
OPEC to change oil pricing from the dollar to the euro -- a decision which 
could have a drastic effect on the U.S. economy and on global financial 

Setting the Stage for Crisis 

U.S. domestic policy has generally been dominated by sentiment on two streets 
-- Wall Street and Main Street. But since the Israeli-Arab war in 1973 and 
the accompanying Arab oil embargo against the United States, the importance 
of a third "street" -- which might variously be called Oil Street or Middle 
East Street -- has grown steadily. Before the year is out, this last street 
may well dominate the scene. 

Oil is the energy and financial lifeline of the United States, Europe and 
Japan. It's a lifeline that runs through an area of intense conflict, where 
antagonism to U.S. and Israeli policies is as widespread as it is heated. In 
that context, rising tensions between the United States, the European Union, 
Russia and China could make for a dangerous and volatile crisis. Of the major 
powers, the United States is, in many ways, the most vulnerable. It certainly 
has the most to lose. 

Take the issue of oil imports. In 1973, the U.S. imported 34 percent of the 
oil it consumed. By 1989, that had grown to 41 percent. Today, the U.S. 
imports over half of the oil it consumes, and consumption is growing 
steadily. Western Europe imports about half the oil it consumes, but that is 
down from 80 percent two decades ago, and consumption has stabilized. China 
imports 30 percent of its oil. Russia is an oil exporter. 

Historically, the fact that oil prices have been denominated in dollars has 
benefited the U.S. economy enormously, as fluctuations in the value of the 
dollar had no direct effect on the price of oil for Americans. If the 
currencies of other countries decline against the dollar, the oil prices 
increase for those countries' citizens. For instance, last fall, oil prices 
increased faster for Europeans than for Americans, because the euro was 
plunging as petrol bills were soaring, triggering massive protests. 

At the Bretton Woods international economic conference in 1944, the U.S. 
dollar was assigned a fixed value of $35 to an ounce of gold, and so pricing 
in dollars essentially meant pricing in gold. That system unraveled between 
the mid-1960s and the early 70s because the "guns-and-butter policy" during 
the Vietnam War created high inflation. Foreign dollar holders began losing 
confidence and converted their depreciating dollars into gold in increasing 

By the early 1970s, U.S. gold supplies were running low. The U.S. devalued 
the dollar relative to gold in 1971 and, in 1973, unilaterally 'de-linked' it 
from gold. The U.S. dollar was no longer "as good as gold." Yet, oil 
exporters -- led by Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia -- decided to continue 
denominating the price of oil in U.S. dollars, ostensibly a sign of 
confidence in the United States and in its money. But, in fact, these 
countries had little choice but to continue to use U.S. dollars -- there was 
simply no realistic global alternative at the time. 

With oil linked to the dollar, and a substantial U.S. military presence in 
the Middle East, the position of the dollar seemed to be strong. At that 
time, Iran was the closest U.S. ally in the Persian Gulf and welcomed U.S. 
military presence. Iran was also the most powerful military force and the 
most populous country in the region, as well as the world's second largest 
oil exporter. 

To date, the oil-dollar link has given the United States a huge advantage in 
international trade. Corporations and countries carry out trade in U.S. 
dollars, making the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Federal Reserve Board the 
ultimate arbiters of global monetary policy. However, the stability of the 
U.S. dollar, and by extension the global monetary system, partially depends 


2001-03-13 Thread William Shannon

Tuesday,March 13,2001

WASHINGTON - Alcoa bought an aluminum refinery from fugitive billionaire Marc
Rich while the company was headed by Paul O'Neill, now treasury secretary. In
a separate deal, Alcoa, on O'Neill's watch, sold Rich, a key figure in the
Pardongate scandal, raw material for aluminum production through a middleman,
trade reports show. O'Neill, 65, was tapped in January to be treasury
secretary after 13 years as chairman of Alcoa. While at the world's largest
aluminum maker, O'Neill amassed holdings valued at more than $90 million,
which he plans to keep rather than sell through a blind trust. Rich, a
billionaire commodities trader who was heavily involved in buying and selling
aluminum, had been on the lam for 17 years in Switzerland when Bill Clinton
pardoned him on his last day as president. Republicans and many Democrats
reacted with outrage, but President Bush has taken a low-key approach and
urged the country to move on. O'Neill has been mostly mum. In the context of
its global aluminum interests, Alcoa's deals with Rich were fairly small and,
in one case, done through an intermediary. In 1995, Alcoa bought a refinery
in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands from Rich, according to an American
Metal Market report. It wasn't known how much Alcoa paid for the refinery,
which reportedly was capable of producing 600,000 tons per year of alumina,
the white powder that is the raw material used to make aluminum. O'Neill's
spokeswoman, Michele Davis, said Rich wasn't a factor in Alcoa's decision to
buy the refinery. Davis said Alcoa bought the St. Croix refinery for "the
same reason he [O'Neill] bought [plants] in Hungary and Italy. Alcoa bought a
lot of aluminum refineries around the world in the last 10 years, regardless
of who owned them. It was more about where it was, and capacity." In the
other deal, Alcoa essentially sold Rich alumina produced at a refinery in
Jamaica. Alcoa and the Jamaican government each owned equal shares in the
refinery, which produced 750,000 tons of alumina per year. Rich bought about
375,000 tons directly from the Jamaicans and an additional 125,000 from
Alcoa, through the Jamaicans, according to a 1990 report in the Mining
Journal. Rich used the alumina to make aluminum ingots at smelters his
companies operated in the United States and Australia. In the late 1980s and
early 1990s, he had smelters in West Virginia and South Carolina. In 1994, he
claimed to have severed ties from the aluminum company he controlled,
Glencore International, which also owned the companies that operated the U.S.
smelters. Some aluminum-industry observers say they've never been convinced
Rich actually relinquished control of Glencore. The White House had no
comment on O'Neill and Rich.


2001-03-13 Thread William Shannon

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

March 12, 2001

Three bad omens: the Balkans, Korea, and the Middle East

Encouraged by campaign talk about the virtues of "humility" on the world 
stage, many hoped that the incoming administration would turn over a new leaf 
when it comes to foreign policy – or, at least, rake away some of the moldy 
old leaves left on the White House lawn by the Clintonistas. But the 
prospects for a clean sweep grow dimmer as we get closer to the 100th day of 
the Bush Restoration, and in the past few days there have been a number of 
indications that, from a foreign policy perspective, we may well be worse off 
for at least the next four years. 


A particularly nausea-inducing example is the news that the administration 
has delivered an ultimatum to the government of Yugoslav President Vojislav 
Kostunica: either issue a statement recognizing the ultimate authority of the 
International Tribunal for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia by March 31, 
or else face a complete cutoff of badly-need US aid. Has Madeleine Albright 
somehow sneaked in the back door of the State Department and pulled off a 
silent coup? Particularly disgusting is an ancillary demand that Yugoslav 
legislators must take their marching orders straight from Washington: as 
Steve Erlanger puts it in the New York Times, "Belgrade is also being asked 
to pass a law that would allow transfer of indicted people to The Hague 
without making any prior determination of guilt or innocence..." Sitting in 
their bombed-out homes, suffering through a cold winter without adequate 
heat, and besieged by US-sponsored guerrillas who have launched attacks to 
"liberate" southern Serbia as well as Macedonia, the Serbs are being forced 
to do what they never did after the Kosovo war: cry "uncle!" Yugoslavia never 
surrendered: Clinton merely stopped bombing, but kept on the offensive – and 
not only with cruel and economically destructive sanctions.


The American-backed insurgency in south Serbia's Presevo valley, we learn 
from the [London] Observer, was the creation of at least one Western 
intelligence agency, but the question is: why is this CIA sock puppet 
expanding its operations during the first hundred days of the Bush 
administration? It is a clear signal: the Balkan policy of this Republican 
president is going to be worse than Clinton's. Clinton, you'll recall, was 
reluctant to get involved, in spite of his campaign rhetoric: it took nearly 
seven years of relentless pressure from the War Party (and God knows how many 
payoffs) before the bombs fell on Belgrade. But it looks like Bush is 
starting on the same path early on, and with very little prompting The 
Observer piece notes that, after consulting with Team Bush last week, 
ambassador William D. Montgomery "delivered the demands in a three-page list" 
to Kostunica. The sinister confluence of these events – the issuing of a US 
ultimatum and the escalation of the US-created Albanian insurgency – speaks 
for itself. 


I oppose all "foreign aid," which generally falls into two categories: 
corporate subsidies for US exporters, and subsidies for our satraps and hit 
men abroad, such as the Albanian "liberation fronts" of Presevo and 
Macedonia. But the US tax dollars that would go toward reconstructing 
Yugoslavia are neither – they are just reparations for the damage inflicted 
by our illegal and immoral assault on a sovereign country that had never 
attacked us. Indeed, the paltry sum voted by our usually spendthrift 
legislators would hardly cover the cost of rebuilding a few blocks in 
bombed-out Belgrade. All the money in the world, of course, cannot right the 
wrong done to the Serbian people by the criminal gang in the Clinton White 
House: the death of over 5,000 Serbs during the war is a tragedy without a 
price tag. But the idea that we, therefore, owe them nothing is one that 
could only be accepted in this, our Clintonian era. The First Felon may be 
gone, and even disgraced, but his legacy lives on in the foreign policy of a 
new president seemingly intent on exacerbating the crimes of his predecessor. 


Another example of the same ominous phenomenon is occurring on the other side 
of the world: in Korea, where the US has put the kibosh on President Kim 
Dae-jung's effort to speed up the reunification process begun last June. When 
secretary of state Colin Powell remarked that he saw "promising elements" in 
the prospect of continued negotiations with the North Koreans and 
unequivocally announced that the Bush administration would "pick up where 
President Clinton left off," the War Party went into cardiac arrest – and 
Powell was subsequently reined in by the dominant hawks in the 
administration. A [London] Telegraph article about the growing foreign policy 

[CTRL] Israeli troops fire lethal dart grenades

2001-03-13 Thread William Shannon

Israeli troops fire lethal dart grenades

GAZA - A Palestinian farmer was buried in Gaza yesterday, his body riddled
with nail-like projectiles fired by Israeli soldiers using a type of
anti-personnel ammunition not seen in the Palestinian conflict before last
week. Relatives said the man was shot near the Karni Crossing. The Israeli
Army said he was in an area where there had been attacks on Israelis. He was
admitted to Shifa Hospital in Gaza with one of the projectiles in his left
eye, two pointing in opposite directions in his pelvis and one in his left
lung, x-rays showed. Hospital officials could not immediately identify the
ammunition used on the farmer, and on another man on March 2. An Army
spokesman, when asked what type of weapon had been used, said: "The IDF uses
means best suited to the overall security conditions and specific threats in
the area." But Palestinian security sources said the Army appeared to have
used a type of cluster bomb or rifle grenade which explodes, spraying the
target with dozens of needle-like projectiles about the size of an average
nail. Known as flechettes, the objects have tiny stabilising fins, like those
used to stabilise rockets in flight or darts thrown at a dartboard in a pub.
Israel has developed its own version of the flechette round, but the Army was
not known to have used this type of ammunition in the Palestinian conflict
before last week. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon accused Palestinian
President Yasser Arafat of doing nothing to stop violence against Israelis as
Palestinians yesterday blamed Sharon for turning their cities into prison
camps. Troops have dug trenches and put up sand embankments near the West
Bank cities of Ramallah, Jenin and Jericho and placed tanks near Ramallah,
sealing the Palestinian-ruled cities off from other parts of the West Bank,
home to two million Palestinians. Witnesses said additional roadblocks had
been set up in the heart of Jerusalem, a prime target of Islamic militant
suicide bombers who have vowed to launch a rash of attacks with Sharon's rise
to power. Sharon told Fox News yesterday that Arafat's security forces,
including his personal guards, were involved in "terrorist activities." "Most
of the terrorist acts at the present time are carried out by Palestinian
armed forces, security services and even the closest to Arafat forces, that
is, what you call Force 17, the presidential guard," he said. The 73-year-old
former general, who took power last week after defeating Ehud Barak in a
February election, said he would shake Arafat's hand in a meeting only once
the fighting ended. Sharon has previously said he would never shake the hand
of Arafat, whom he has branded a "war criminal." Sharon said he was
disappointed Arafat did not call for a end to hostilities in a speech to
Palestinian lawmakers on Sunday in which he lashed out at what he called
Israeli aggression. The Palestinian leadership issued a statement calling for
the United Nations Security Council to convene and for the international
community to act "to bring an end to this new racist Israeli policy that can
lead to a full explosion in the entire region." Palestinian Information
Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo has accused the new Government of officially
launching what he called a new war against the Palestinian people.

[CTRL] Officials attribute drop in crime to required weapons in home

2001-03-13 Thread tnohava

It’s the law in Kennesaw

Mayor Leonard Church is a staunch supporter of the city’s gun law. ‘You can’
t argue with the fact that Kennesaw has the lowest crime rate of any city
our size in the country,’ he says.

By Jonathan Hamilton and David Burch

Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writer

KENNESAW — Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city
over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in
the house.

In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads
of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.

The ordinance states the gun law is needed to “protect the safety, security
and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants.”

Then-councilman J.O. Stephenson said after the ordinance was passed,
everyone “went crazy.”

“People all over the country said there would be shootings in the street and
violence in homes,” he said. “Of course, that wasn’t the case.”

In fact, according to Stephenson, it caused the crime rate in the city to

Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said following the law’s
passage, the crime rate dropped 89 percent in the city, compared to the
modest 10 percent drop statewide.

“It did drop after it was passed,” he said. “After it initially dropped, it
has stayed at the same low level for the past 16 years.”

Mayor Leonard Church was not in office when the law was passed, but he said
he is a staunch supporter of it.

“You can’t argue with the fact that Kennesaw has the lowest crime rate of
any city our size in the country,” said Church, who owns a denture-making
company in Kennesaw.

The author of the ordinance, local attorney Fred Bentley Sr., attributes at
least some of the decrease in crime to the bill.

“I am definitely in favor of what we did,” he said. “It may not be totally
responsible for the decrease, [but] it is a part.”

Although he is pleased with the outcome, Bentley said he was originally
opposed to drafting the law.

“I didn’t think it could be written in a constitutional fashion,” he said.
“Obviously, it was constitutional, because the American Civil Liberties
Union challenged it in court and we won.”

Jones said the ACLU challenged the law in a federal court just after it was
passed. In response, the city added a clause adding conscientious objectors
to the list of those exempt.

Although the law is now being credited with a drop in crime, Jones said that
was not the law’s original purpose. He also pointed out that Kennesaw did
not have a big problem with crime before.

“The crime rate wasn’t that high to start with. It was 11 burglaries per
1,000 residents in 1981,” he said.

According to the Kennesaw Police Department, the city’s most recent crime
statistics show 243 property crimes per 100,000 residents in 1998, or .243
per 1,000.

The city’s crime rate continues to be far below other metro Atlanta city’s
with similar populations, like Decatur. In 1998, Decatur recorded 4,049
property crimes per 100,000 residents.

Jones said one motivation for the council passing the ordinance had to do
with publicity.

“It was done in response to a law passed by Morton Grove, Ill., outlawing
gun ownership within the city limits,” he said. “Several council members
were upset Morton Grove had gotten a lot of attention with their ordinance
so they decided to top them.

“They figured the gun ownership ordinance would knock that city right off
the front pages. They were right.”

Jones said the ensuing publicity surrounding the law has given Kennesaw
worldwide name recognition.

“I have been to Australia and Europe and when I tell people I am from
Kennesaw they recognize the name as the place that requires everyone to own
a gun,” he said.

But Stephenson said the issue was not publicity-driven but issue-driven.

“We believed in the right of people to own guns,” he said.

Jones said he has sold 550 copies of a 1994 book about the first-of-its-kind
law, “The Law Heard ‘Round the World.”

He said the law in its final form has many loopholes, so not everyone is
required to own a gun.

“There are many outs,” he said. “When you look at it, almost anyone could
fit into one of the exempted groups.”

Kennesaw Police Chief Dwaine Wilson said no one has ever been prosecuted
under the ordinance.

Among those exempt are residents “who conscientiously oppose maintaining
firearms as a result of beliefs or religious doctrine.” Others exempt
include the physically and mentally disabled, paupers and those convicted of
a felony.

The law contains no clause addressing punishment for violating the law. If
convicted, City Clerk Diane Coker said punishment would be determined by the
general penalty clause of the Kennesaw Code Ordinance — probably a fine of
about $100.

Jones said the unusual law has not deterred anyone from moving to Kennesaw.

“Our population has increased just like everyone’s in Georgia in the past 20

[CTRL] What Are Spies For?

2001-03-13 Thread William Shannon

What Are Spies For?

In Intelligence committee rooms on Capitol Hill and in briefing sessions in
the FBI, CIA, and other redoubts of the national security establishment the
air now quivers with gloomy assessments of the secrets "compromised" by the
FBI's Robert Hansen, a senior official who stands accused of working for the
Russians since 1985.
If you believe the FBI affidavit against him filed in federal court, Hanssen
betrayed spies working for the US, some of whom were then executed. Among
many other feats he allegedly ratted on "an entire technical program of
enormous value,, expense and importance to the United States" which turns out
to have been the construction of a tunnel under the new Soviet Embassy in
Washington DC. He trundled documents by the cartload to "dead drops" in
various suburbs around Washington DC, often within a few minutes walk from
his house.
It's amusing to listen to the US counter-intelligence officials now scorning
Hanssen for lack of "tradecraft" in using the same drop week after week.
These are the same counter-intelligence officials who remained incurious
across the decades about the tinny clang of empty drawers in their TOP SECRET
filing cabinets, all contents removed on a daily basis by Ames and Hanssen
who deemed the use of copying machines too laborious. In just one assignment,
the CIA later calculated, Ames gave the KGB a stack of documents estimated to
be 15 to 20 feet high. Hanssen was slack about "tradecraft" because he knew
just how remote the possibility of discovery was. The only risk he couldn't
accurately assess was the one that brought him down, betrayal by a Russian
official privy to the material he was sending to Moscow.
The record of proven failure by US intelligence agencies is long and dismal.
To take two of the most notorious derelictions, the CIA failed to predict the
Sino-Soviet split, and failed to notice the Soviet Union was falling apart, a
lapse that the Agency later tried to blame on Ames.
In the mid-1990s CIA director John Deutch testified to Congress that "taken
as a whole Ames's activities "facilitated the Soviet, and later the Russian,
effort to engage in 'perception management operations' by feeding carefully
selected information to the United States through agents they were
controlling without our knowledge (O)ne of the primary purposes of of the
perception management program was to convince us that the Soviets remained a
superpower and that their military RD program was robust."
So here was Deutch (himself scandalously pardoned by Clinton for personally
perpetrating some of the most egregious security lapses in the CIA's
history,) claiming that treachery by its man Ames was the reason the CIA
failed to notice the Soviet Union was falling apart.
Following that line of analysis Ames could have entered a plea of innocence
on the grounds that in helping the Soviet Union exaggerate its might he was
only following official Agency policy. One of the prime functions of the CIA
in the cold war years was to inflate the military capabilities of the Soviet
Union, thereby assisting military contractors and their allies in Congress
and the Pentagon in the extraction of money to built more weapons to counter
these entirely imaginary Soviet threats.
Back in the mid-1970s CIA director George H.W. Bush found that the regular
CIA analysts were making insufficiently alarmist assessments of Soviet might
and promptly installed Team B, a group replete with trained exaggerators who
contrived the lies necessary to justify the soaring Pentagon procurement
budgets of the Reagan Eighties.
Reviewing this torrent of lies at the start of the 1980s CounterPunch
contributing writer Andrew Cockburn wrote The Threat, a pitilessly accurate
estimate of Soviet military potential based on interviews with sources
secured by Andrew's tradecraft, some of said sources being Russians
immigrants, many of them living in Brighton Beach, New York. He described how
the US civil and more seriously military intelligence organizations were
grotesquely miscalculating the Soviet defense budget and routinely faking the
capabilies of weapons systems such as the T-80 tank, the range of planes such
as the MIG 23 and SU 24 and the accuracy of their long-range missiles.
Military experts deprecated Andrew's findings as did many of the liberal
Pentagon watchdogs, who found it too offensively simple to say that Soviet
weapons were badly made, and overseen by semi-mutinous drunks.
But as history was soon to show, Andrew had it right. Against the entire US
intelligence budget for spying on the Soviet Union's military potential you
could set the $19.50 necessary to buy The Threat and come out with superior
Real secrets, such as amuse presidents over breakfast, don't concern weapons
but gossip: the exact capabilities of Dick Cheney's heart; the precise amount
of cocaine sold by George Bush at Yale and so forth. The nation's real
intelligence work is being done 

[CTRL] Mt.Weather

2001-03-13 Thread William Shannon


More on our old friends at FEMA, those menacing Executive Orders, and the
coming "National Emergency." Aren't you glad that the power to declare
"National Emergencies" or to declare that individuals or groups are
"terrorists" rests solely in President Clinton's wise and selfless hands? Few
Americans--indeed, few Congressional reps--are aware of the existence of
Mount Weather, a mysterious underground military base carved deep inside a
mountain near the sleepy rural town of Bluemont, Virginia, just 46 miles from
Washington DC. Mount Weather--also known as the Western Virginia Office of
Controlled Conflict Operations--is buried not just in hard granite, but in
secrecy as well. In March, 1976, The Progressive Magazine published an
astonishing article entitled "The Mysterious Mountain." The author, Richard
Pollock, based his investigative report on Senate subcommittee hearings and
upon "several off-the-record interviews with officials formerly associated
with Mount Weather." His report, and a 1991 article in Time Magazine entitled
"Doomsday Hideaway", supply a few compelling hints about what is going on
underground. Ted Gup, writing for Time, describes the base as follows: Mount
Weather is a virtually self-contained facility. Aboveground, scattered across
manicured lawns, are about a dozen buildings bristling with antennas and
microwave relay systems. An on-site sewage-treatment plant, with a 90,000
gal.-a-day capacity, and two tanks holding 250,000 gal. of water could last
some 200 people more than a month; underground ponds hold additional water
supplies. Not far from the installation's entry gate are a control tower and
a helicopter pad. The mountain's real secrets are not visible at ground
level. The mountain's "real secrets" are protected by warning signs, 10
foot-high chain link fences, razor wire, and armed guards. Curious motorists
and hikers on the Appalachian trail are relieved of their sketching pads and
cameras and sent on their way. Security is tight. The government has owned
the site since 1903; it has seen service as an artillery range, a hobo farm
during the Depression, and a National Weather Bureau Facility. In 1936, the
U.S. Bureau of Mines took control and started digging. Mount Weather is
virtually an underground city, according to former personnel interviewed by
Pollock. Buried deep inside the earth, Mount Weather was equipped with such
amenities as:
private apartments and dormitories
streets and sidewalks
cafeterias and hospitals
a water purification system, power plant and general office buildings
a small lake fed by fresh water from underground springs
its own mass transit system
a TV communication system

Mount Weather is the self-sustaining underground command center for the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The facility is the operational
center--the hub--of approximately 100 other Federal Relocation Centers, most
of which are concentrated in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland
and North Carolina. Together this network of underground facilities
constitutes the backbone of America's "Continuity of Government" program. In
the event of nuclear war, declaration of martial law, or other national
emergency, the President, his cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch
would be "relocated" to Mount Weather.

What Does Congress Know about Mount Weather?

According to the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights hearings in
1975, Congress has almost no knowledge and no oversight --budgetary or
otherwise--on Mount Weather. Retired Air Force General Leslie W. Bray, in his
testimony to the subcommittee, said "I am not at liberty to describe
precisely what is the role and the mission and the capability that we have at
Mount Weather, or at any other precise location." Apparently, this
underground capital of the United States is a secret only to Congress and the
US taxpayers who paid for it. The Russians know about it, as reported in
Time: "Few in the U.S. government will speak of it, though it is assumed that
all along the Soviets have known both its precise location and its mission
(unlike the Congress, since Bray wouldn't tell); defense experts take it as a
given that the site is on the Kremlin's targeting maps." The Russians
attempted to buy real estate right next door, as a "country estate" for their
embassy folks, but that deal was dead-ended by the State Department.

Mount Weather's "Government-in-Waiting"

Pollock's report, based on his interviews with former officials at Mount
Weather, contains astounding information on the base's personnel. The
underground city contains a parallel government-in-waiting: "High-level
Governmental sources, speaking in the promise of strictest anonymity, told me
[Pollock] that each of the Federal departments represented at Mount Weather
is headed by a single person on whom is conferred the rank of a Cabinet-level
official. Protocol even demands 

[CTRL] Serial killer Henry Lee Lucas, dead at 64

2001-03-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-


 Tuesday, March 13, 2001

 Convicted Texas Murderer Dies

 HUNTSVILLE, Texas--Henry Lee Lucas, the convicted killer who 18 years
 ago made and then recanted confessions to hundreds of unsolved murder
 cases, has died in prison.

 Lucas, who claimed he made fake confessions to make police "look
 stupid," was found dead in his bed Monday night at the Ellis I prison
 unit where he was serving sentences for nine murders, the Texas
 Department of Criminal Justice said. He was 64.

 The one-eyed ex-drifter was narrowly saved from execution three years
 ago when then-Gov. George W. Bush commuted a death sentence to life in
 prison because of flimsy evidence in his capital case. After the
 commutation, Lucas had predicted an "80 percent chance" he would walk
 free someday.

 Lucas had recently complained of breathing problems and spent a night
 or two in a prison hospital a few months ago, said Larry Todd, a
 prison system spokesman. Todd would not be more specific on the cause
 of death, although Lucas also had a history of heart problems.

 There was no immediate word if any relatives might claim his remains.
 If Lucas' body is not claimed, the state will bury him in an inmates
 cemetery in Huntsville.

 Bush in 1998 commuted Lucas' death sentence of Lucas four days before
 the death row inmate was scheduled for lethal injection in the 1979
 slaying in Williamson County of an unidentified woman known only as
 "Orange Socks."

 The victim was so named because the socks were all she was wearing
 when her body was found in 1979 in a ditch off Interstate 35 near
 Georgetown, north of Austin.

 Lucas was arrested in June 1983 for the slaying of a 75 -year-old
 Montague County woman. During a court proceeding there shortly after
 his arrest, he confessed to the murders of hundreds of women.

 Lucas' highly publicized confession spree prompted authorities to
 clear their books of more than 600 unsolved killings. He later
 recanted but many of those murder cases were never reopened.

 In recent years, Lucas insisted he committed just one murder, killing
 his mother in Michigan in 1960 -a crime for which he served time in
 prison and a Michigan mental hospital. Besides the life term for the
 Orange Socks killing, Lucas had six other life sentences and 210 years
 in prison for three other slayings.

 In 1999, he told reporters he had become fascinated by Rafael
 Resendez-Ramirez, who has been connected to at least eight slayings in
 Texas, Kentucky and Illinois.

 "If this was 1983, I'd claim these murders, too," Lucas told the
 Houston Chronicle at the time. "I made the police look stupid. I was
 out to wreck Texas law enforcement."

 Another prison spokesman, Larry Fitzgerald, said Lucas had spent most
 of his time in state custody since 1985 as a sewing machine operator,
 working in a prison garment factory that produces guard uniforms.

 "He was our best," Fitzgerald said.


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[CTRL] Mort the Mouth: Morton Downey, Jr., dead at 67

2001-03-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-


 Tuesday, March 13, 2001

 Lung Cancer Kills Morton Downey Jr.

 LOS ANGELES -Before Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones, there was Morton
 Downey Jr., a growling and opinionated TV talk show host who shocked
 viewers from behind a haze of cigarette smoke.

 America, he once told The Associated Press, saw him as "a loudmouth
 who gets in trouble just like they do, who's had problems just like
 they had, someone that they can identify with a lot more than someone
 who's squeaky clean."

 Downey, who reigned over "Trash TV" in the 1980s and tried to clean up
 his act for a return, died of lung cancer and other respiratory
 problems, his family said Monday night. He was 67.

 "The family is very grief stricken and very shocked right now," one of
 Downey's four daughters, Tracey Downey, told KABC-TV. "He was a
 wonderful, wonderful man, wonderful father. He will be deeply, deeply,
 deeply missed."

 A chain smoker for years until losing a lung to cancer, Downey was
 known for deliberately blowing smoke into the faces of guests who
 annoyed him when he was host of one of the most popular talk shows on
 television in the 1980s.

 After his cancer surgery in 1996, he became an anti-smoking crusader.
 Saying he had been "an idiot" for smoking, he taped public service
 announcements and told the syndicated TV show "Extra" that he hoped he
 could "undo some of the damage that I did during all the years that I
 did television."

 Downey was the son of popular singer Morton Downey and his
 dancer-wife, Barbara Bennett. He pursued a number of professions
 including businessman, author, radio host, singer and songwriter.

 But it wasn't until the 1980s that he became a household name with
 "The Morton Downey Jr. Show."

 Debuting in the New York City area in 1987, it became a hit almost
 immediately and was syndicated nationally the following year.

 In its heyday, he was known as "Mort the Mouth," the host who mocked
 his sometimes bizarre guests as "slime" or "scumbucket" and argued
 frequently with members of his studio audience, dismissing liberals in
 particular as "pablum pukers."

 One show erupted into a fist fight between civil rights advocates Al
 Sharpton and Roy Innis.

 Years later he would acknowledge that he probably carried things too

 "It got out of control because the producers ... wanted me to top
 myself every night," he said in the early 1990s. "If I did something
 outlandish on Monday night, on Tuesday night, we'd have to think of
 something even more outlandish. And after a while, you work yourself
 toward the edge of the trampoline and you fall off. I fell off a
 number of times and I found it very displeasing."

 The effort to top himself led to perhaps the biggest embarrassment of
 his career when he claimed neo-Nazi skinheads attacked him in a San
 Francisco airport restroom in April 1989, cutting off his hair and
 painting a swastika on his head.

 Authorities could never verify the attack, and Downey's critics
 pounced, calling it a publicity stunt. They noted he had been in San
 Francisco to promote his show when it happened.

 A few months later, the show was canceled.

 Five years later, Downey launched a comeback with a new show, titled
 simply "Downey." It met with less success, and Downey acknowledged he
 had toned it down.

 In a 1995 interview with AP, he described the show: "No meanness this
 time. Just as confrontational, just as tough, just as opinionated, but
 everyone else has the right to have their opinion and be heard."

 Still, that didn't stop him from claiming on one episode to have
 achieved psychic communication with the spirit of Nicole Brown
 Simpson, the murdered ex-wife of O.J. Simpson.

 Downey also acknowledged that he was proud of many aspects of the
 original show, crediting it for paving the way for shocking programs
 by Springer and others.

 "Everyone says, 'Well, Springer's doing your show now,"' Downey said
 in 1998. "That's not true. I didn't do sleaze. There were times that I
 did things that were a little sleazy, but I didn't do shows on my
 neighbor's collie dog having sex with my neighbor's wife."

 He also said the show provided a forum for working-class Americans fed
 up with what politicians in Washington, D.C., were doing with their
 tax money.

 "It isn't the rich people who come up and say, 'Oh, Mort, you're just
 great,"' Downey once said. "It's the blacks and the ethnics and the
 blue collars, those guys with too much hair on their shoulder blades.
 They want some answers."

 Born Sean Morton Downey Jr. on Dec. 9, 1933, the talk-show host grew
 up in privilege, attending military school and earning a marketing
 degree and a law degree.

 He also appeared as an actor in

[CTRL] Fwd: [news] Colombia's Youth Plays of Death

2001-03-13 Thread Kris Millegan

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Colombia's youngsters adapt to the brutal civil war by creating plays with
heroes who can defy death. The reality around them is far less magical,
however, as the United States plunges into the complex conflict with a
$1.3 billion aid package heavily weighted toward military hardware.

For this and other stories on Colombia's civil war, go to
Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com

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[CTRL] Welfare Reform

2001-03-13 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : Social Inequality
Reports document the impact of US welfare reform
By Alan Whyte
14 March 2001
Back to screen version| Send this link by email
While politicians across the United States have hailed the recent cuts in the
welfare rolls, very little attention is being paid to what actually happens to those
individuals who lose their public assistance. The Federation of Protestant Welfare
Agencies (FPWA) has attempted to answer this question in a recent document
consisting of two separate reports. The first report was conducted by the FPWA
itself and deals with poverty rates in America. The second involves their summary of
over 30 studies conducted by various organizations dealing with the consequences of
welfare cuts in New York City.
The FPWA begins its own report by making the point that since the federal welfare
reform act of 1996 the reduction in welfare rolls has been greater than the
reduction of poverty. In 1999 there were 3.4 million fewer children on welfare than
in 1996, but there were only 2.2 million fewer poor children.
Many politicians also point to recent official statistics that indicate a drop in
the national poverty rate in recent years. The report comments on this data. First,
the official poverty rate in 1999, 11.8 percent, was close to the 12.1 percent rate
that existed in 1969. Second, the report contends that the approximate 2 percent
drop in poverty is not the result of the 1996 law, but rather the relative job
growth in the recent period.
The report also explains that, according to the government, a family of four with an
annual income of more than $17,029 is not considered to be poor. As the FPWA
explains, this figure “understates the true extent of poverty: the line was set at a
low percentage of average income when established, and [with rising costs] over time
has dropped further and further below the average income.” If the official income
level of the poor were adjusted for inflation it would be impossible to claim that
there has been a 2 percent decline in poverty.
The FPWA's second report, which is a summary of about 30 different studies in New
York City, analyzes the impact of the reduction of the city's welfare rolls under
Mayor Rudolph Giuilani. The number of welfare recipients has been reduced from 1.1
million in July 1995 to 560,000 in July 2000, and the report examines what has
happened to these people who have lost their benefits.
The report concludes: “Hunger and homelessness remain at high, apparently growing
levels, despite the economic boom and a substantial decline in unemployment.” In
support of this conclusion, they point to a 24 percent increase in emergency food
assistance from January 1997 to January 1998, and a 36 percent increase in emergency
food assistance from January 1998 to January 1999. As a whole, 71 percent of soup
kitchens and food pantries in the city reported an increase in demand since the
enactment of the federal welfare law in 1996.
One of the main reasons for this growth of hunger is that “Between a third and half
(or more) of welfare leavers are unemployed, most report very modest or no income,
and up to a majority (or more) have also been cut from food (food stamps) and health
care (Medicaid) assistance.” The report concludes that one of the reasons for this
growth in poverty in New York City is that “thousands upon thousands of eligible
people have been denied entry to welfare or kicked off.”
The report summarizes a class action suit in which the court found that, beginning
in 1998, the city began implementing procedures that discouraged qualified
applicants for welfare, food stamps and Medicaid from seeking benefits. In February
1999 the federal civil rights office found that city welfare offices discriminated
against both those applicants who had difficulty communicating in English, as well
as those who were hearing-impaired. Furthermore, a study issued in July 2000 focused
on the fact that about 60 percent of applicants who were denied welfare two or more
times were not informed that they had the right to request a hearing.
The FPWA also examined the city's workfare program that compels welfare recipients
to work for their benefits. The report found that parents are frequently forced to
leave their children in unregulated and uninspected care out of fear they will be
removed from welfare if they claim lack of proper child care as a reason why they
cannot work. More than half of the parents interviewed stated that their caseworkers
gave them no assistance in finding proper child care facilities. Caseworkers were
often unaware that parents can be excused from working if they cannot find
appropriate child care.
The report also found that individuals on the city's workfare program have been used
to replace civil servant employees who were doing the same work. For example, the
overall “acceptability” of city parks increased from 57 percent in 1992 to 89
percent in 

[CTRL] CitSubjs

2001-03-13 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Monday, March 12, 2001
by Clyde Wilson
"Citizens or Subjects?"
was the interrogatory title of an essay of mine published in 1980 in Robert W.
Whitaker's New Right Papers.  In it, I discussed what was, from the point
of view of the Founding Fathers, the progressive imperialization of the
American regime and the different condition and fate to be expected by people
as imperial subjects rather than republican citizens.  I do not claim any
originality for describing what was, to me,
obvious.  Thinkers of the Old Right had
already pointed out the imperializing effect of global warfare; and Murray
Rothbard had, I believe, already used the phrase "military-industrial-welfare
At best, my essay was an early
entry in the contemporary discussion, but it got considerable attention at the
time.  National Review, then still a semi-principled journal, called me
the "silver-tongued voice of the New Right," and the article was
widely reprinted.  Since then, “Citizens
or Subjects” has become a hotter concept. It was a theme of Pat Buchanan's 
presidential campaign.  I am even told that the phrase was used by
George W. Bush in a recent message.  (I
never listen to those things.  I do not
have so many years left that I can waste time on meaningless babble.)   If so, I am 
sure Bush, in a typical
imperial maneuver, turned the concept inside out.  I was concerned with the 
government’s threat to citizenly virtue;
the President sees citizenship as a support for imperial government.
I concluded the essay with this statement
(Reagan had just become president):
What the future will resemble if we succeed in the
renewal of the republic cannot be predicted, because for communities of
self-confident, self-governing citizens, the future is open.  If we fail, the future 
is certain to be
shaped by the sad, sullen outlines of servitude.
The verdict may not have been
formally announced so far, but it is pretty clear from the evidence how the
jury will have to vote.  The
counter-revolution hoped for in 1980 is as dead as can be, and the imperialization of 
American society has progressed beyond what we could then
have imagined.
In a republic, I argued, citizens
had intrinsic value--to protect them was the purpose of government.  In an empire, 
people are material for the
rulers to do with as they wish.  They
may be expended in the interest of or even for the whims of rulers.  What have we 
learned in the decade of Bush
Senior and Clinton?
 you prove irritating enough to the government or powerful groups it
 favors, the government will kill you, your wife, your children, and your
 dog.  Congress, the federal courts,
 and the media will cover up for the killers.  Indeed, state and local police have 
been federalized and
 militarized to a significant degree.
 As one would expect in an empire, the primary mission of the police
 is no longer to protect the people: it is to manage the people for the
 benefit of the government.  The common law traditionally distinguished between 
malo in se (something wrong by nature, such as murder and
 robbery} and malum prohibitum (something wrong only because the government says 
so, like driving over 55
 or not filing your income taxes).
 Emphasis has shifted dramatically to the latter.  While federal judges make it 
 to prosecute and punish the criminals who prey on you and me, it becomes
 ever more dangerous for a citizen to infringe government regulations or oppose 
government agents. The chief mission of the police now is not to
 protect the people from criminals but to protect the government from the people.  
There can be no more certain evidence
 of this than "gun control.
A President, like an emperor, may lie at will to the
people (Bush: "Read my lips." Clinton: "I did not have sex with that woman.") and 
suffer no
adverse consequences in law or public opinion.
 is now just as acceptable in the U.S. as in a country that has never been
 Christian.  The same is true of
 GOP has abandoned all but the pretense of opposing the imperial agenda on
 any significant matter and has no identifiable purpose or principle other
 than serving its leaders.
Anyone who still thinks at this date that our present condition is all the
 fault of the Democrats and the Republicans will save us is either a fool
 or a paid or unpaid shill for the party.
 The Media, and Big Business have become almost interchangeable.  Our regime 
approximates what Hillaire
 Belloc described early in the 20th century as “the servile state.”  It is true 
the enemies of the free
 market have been vanquished intellectually and praxeologically.  Nobody believes 
the strange
 pseudo-science/pseudo-religion of Marxism any more except the American 

[CTRL] [HardGreenHerald] # 9

2001-03-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[HardGreenHerald] # 9

"Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
--Dr. Seuss, 'The Lorax'

--A RadTimes production--

--Rocketdyne's Radioactive Rock  Roll
--Industrial farming practices spread disease and concern
--Genetically Modified To Kill Its Own
--Selling tiger parts - real and fake
--Forum on Human Cloning Turns Raucous
--Human clone lab is in Caesarea
--Senator Calls For Moratorium On Livestock and Meat Imports


Rocketdyne's Radioactive Rock  Roll

Protesters gathered last week at the gates of Rocketdyne's Santa
Susana Field Laboratory as trucks rolled out, hauling 14,000 tons of
radioactivity-contaminated soil from the military contractor's site
above the San Fernando Valley to a dump in Kern County. Over residents'
objections, the Department of Health Services had approved dumping
the hot soil at a landfill near Buttonwillow, a town heavily populated
by migrant workers. Two years ago, Health Services objected when
Buttonwillow received radioactive waste from an old Manhattan Project
bomb facility in New York state, saying the gunk should go to a
licensed facility. Now the department has reversed position, declaring
that radioactive waste can go anywhere - a municipal trash dump, a
chemical-waste facility - as long as its radiation dosage is calculated
at less than 25 millirem per year, the equivalent of 170 additional
chest X-rays over a lifetime. That level is estimated to increase the
cancer risk to one death for every 1,000 people exposed - a standard
about 1,000 times more lax than is permitted for other carcinogens, the
nuclear-watchdog group Committee To Bridge the Gap says. The Kettleman
city dump refused the Rocketdyne shipment, but Buttonwillow let it

Rocketdyne's own tests showed that seven out of eight radionuclides
in the Rocketdyne soil emitted radiation above normal background
levels. One radionuclide, plutonium 238, was measured at 13.5 times the
background level. Health officials and Rocketdyne portrayed the
radiation as negligible.

"We live, whether we like it or not, in a sea of radiation," Health
Services official Robert Gregor said.

The soil also contains PCBs, dioxin, mercury and the highly toxic
rocket-fuel oxidizer perchlorate. The dumping is expected to continue
for up to five months.

"The trucks have started rolling out of Rocketdyne, creating the
precedent for free release of radioactive material throughout the
state," said Dan Hirsch, president of Committee To Bridge the Gap. "If
you thought deregulation of electricity hurt California, just wait
until you see the consequences of deregulating radioactive waste."

-Michael Collins

"We're all downwinders!" Check
out http://www.downwinders.org


Industrial farming practices spread disease and concern


Saturday, March 10, 2001
By David Suzuki

Burning pyres of dead animals are once again dotting the British
countryside as the nation is gripped in another livestock crisis. This time
it's foot-and-mouth disease, and across the water Europe is holding
its breath, hoping the highly contagious illness does not get a foothold on
its shores.
It's a chilling reminder of the BSE epidemic that swept through Britain
just a few years ago. Unlike
BSE, foot-and-mouth disease is not dangerous to humans, but it is highly
contagious and devastating to cattle, pigs and sheep.
So far, North America has been spared this sort of disaster. Foot-and-mouth
disease has not been reported in Canada since the 1950s, and there has
never been a reported case of BSE in the country. But intensive, industrial
farming practices that gave rise to the outbreak of BSE and have likely
contributed to the spread of foot-and-mouth disease clearly show the need
to reform the way we produce and consume meat.
Cattle in Britain likely developed BSE because they were fed the rendered
carcasses of dead sheep that were infected with the disease known as
scrapie. The public was told that this was not a problem because scrapie
did not infect cattle.  Eventually, however, those cattle developed BSE,
which spread because infected cattle were, in turn, rendered into food for
other cattle.
Then the public was told that BSE was not a problem because it did not
infect humans  until people began to die from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease, a human version of BSE. In continental Europe, leaders insisted
their nations were BSE-free, a claim that was later disproved. Now they are
insisting again that their beef is safe, but that assertion is questionable
given that there is no reliable way to test live animals to see if they are
harboring the disease.
North American 

[CTRL] International News: Where is it coming from?

2001-03-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

MEDIAFile Volume 20 #1
January / February 2001

International News: Where is it coming from?


by Franz Schurmann

American newspaper readers traditionally haven't taken much interest in
"foreign" news. Nevertheless foreign news has been on newspaper front pages
for a long time. And America has had foreign policy ever since the USA was
formed.  Where do the ideas and intents of those policies - and the
news shaped by them - come from?
To get some answers, this historian takes a longitudinal look at three
periods in foreign news coverage. The first period went from World War I to
the Vietnam War, specifically from 1918 to 1968. During this period the
ideas came from a matrix spawned by national, regional and local elites.
The second period emerged in 1969 and lasted till the end of 2000. During
this period an ideological revolution spawned by the civil rights and
anti-war movements rose up against the existing elites. As a result the
ideas that shaped foreign policy and news for the last 30 years came from
an unstable mix of old elites and new "special interests."
A third period is now beginning as George W. Bush constructs his
administration. Older interests and ideologies voted for Bush and newer
ones supported Gore. Both the winner and the loser call for unity but
emotions are polarizing the two sides.
America now is more into the world than ever. It is now involved in a low
intensity war in Colombia. It could soon become openly involved in another
one in the Middle East. And wobbly markets reflect fears of a possible
American and worldwide recession. Foreign news could dominate the media and
computer screens much more than the second period and at least as much as
in the first.
The First Period
One man in particular, Walter Lippmann, shaped the first period, especially
through his book "Public Opinion" (published in 1922). Earlier he had been
a key adviser to President Wilson who launched the League of Nations, the
UN's predecessor. Lippmann was pessimistic about any democratic foreign
policy. By public opinion he meant the informed views of local, state and
national elites.
Lippmann was a key player in the formation of the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) in New York. The CFR then spawned a network of World
Affairs Councils (WAC) all over the country. The concept was to bring
politicians, businessmen and academics together to discuss foreign affairs
that the general public had little interest in.
Newspapers, magazines and other publications created public opinion by
publishing articles on salient issues. Editorials voiced opinions on those
issues.  Lippmann also had a big influence on George Gallup who launched
American public opinion polling in 1935.
In the 1916 elections President Wilson campaigned on a peace theme that was
popular among the American electorate. But hardly a month into his second
term, on April 6, 1917 he took America into World War I. What Lippmann a
few years later would call public opinion gave him the support he needed.
President Franklin Roosevelt was a key advocate of the Neutrality Act
adopted by Congress in 1935. But in the summer of 1940, when Hitler's
armies defeated France, public opinion gave him the needed support for
arming Britain. During World War II the newly coined term bipartisanship
came to signify elite consensus. Bipartisanship and public opinion
supported the Cold War against world communism.
Bipartisanship at the top defined agendas and formulated the different
opinions.  Newspapers publicized agendas, issues and opinions. Polls
measured how informed populations lined up for or against an issue or
initiative. The public opinion system worked well until the Vietnam War
took a bad turn. Elite and sub-elite consensus broke apart in early 1968.
The Second Period
Even as the first period emerged from World War I, the second one emerged
from the Vietnam War. Like Wilson in 1916, President Johnson in the 1964
presidential campaign kept saying "I do not seek a wider war." But, again
as in Wilson's case, less than a month after his re-inauguration, he
plunged us into war.  But whereas Wilson delivered victory in 20 months,
the Vietnam War went on till April 30, 1975.
The makers of policy during the first period belonged to a network of
club-like institutions that shaped public opinion. But in the second period
diverse "special interests" arose that contested the policies and the
elites behind them. The new interests became particularly prominent in the
media and academia. They did not form clubs the way the elites did but
rather were linked by a common liberal ideology.
Earlier in the 1960's the liberal elites urged Americans to go out into the
world.  The Peace Corps was popular. But after 1968 Americans turned
inward. In 1972 Senator McGovern campaigned with the theme "come home,
The word