[CTRL] Meaters Need to Know the Truth about their Habit

2001-03-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I think that we need a documentary that follows the life of a cow from birth to
raising by a 4H club for instance to the evantual slaughter at a 'meat
processing facility' to the eventual processing and then consumption,
perhaps surreptitiously by those who raised the poor animals, maybe with
little flags with the names of the animals. I'll bet that will really whet their

I am really bad tonight. :)



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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: SNET: Alert! UN sell-out NEXT WEEK!]

2001-03-19 Thread Cliff Hume

-Caveat Lector-

There must have been a death threat or a tremendous amount of cash going
under the table to persuade Jesse Helms to sell out his long-standing
opposition to the Carnegie-Rockefeller founded and funded United Nations.

Cliff Hume.

Subject: SNET: Alert!  UN sell-out NEXT WEEK!
  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

P. O. BOX 663

-  25  years  in  the  cause  of  freedom  -

 TEL./FAX  No.:  804  277-5255

Alert!  UN Sell-out next week!

A bill containing payment to the United Nations of 582 million alleged
"back dues" we do not owe is likely to be "marked up" for passage by the
House International Relations Committee next Wednesday, Mar. 21, WITHOUT ANY

This means that at no stage from the time this unlawful payment was
introduced and passed in the Senate Feb. 7 to its likely signing by President
Bush will grassroots spokesmen outraged by UN tyranny have a chance to
address any congressional committee on dangers from UN takeover!

This information just received comes from two highly reliable sources,
one of them a member of the International Relations Committee staff.

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) pulled S 84 "out
of his pocket" on the Senate floor and got instant approval 99-0.  Sen. Judd
Gregg (R-N.H.), who voted for the payout, admitted that in his state there
was "some opposition" to UN funding.  But of course there was no Senate
discussion of openly proclaimed UN objectives of "global governance",
massively overruling our federal and state laws and destroying the U. S.

The reason the U. S. does not owe the UN back dues is that we have spent
about 19 billion on UN peacekeeping activities since 1992.  Rep. Roscoe
Bartlett (R-Md.) has repeatedly brought out that we have been credited with
1.8 billion of that against UN dues.  So a precedent has already been made
that if we spend money on an authorized UN peacekeeping activity, those
monies that we have spent are in lieu of dues.

Thus there is about 17 billion still outstanding that we have received no
credit for, and the U. S. does not owe the UN a dime for any dues.

What to do:

Phone House International Relations Chairman Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.), 202
Friday, Mar. 16, and tell him Americans want a public hearing before his
committee so we can tell them why the U. S. should not pay the UN any money!
 (No time for letters, and his FAX line is permanently tied up!)

If you want to stop the dangerous International Criminal Court from
coming into existence, you need to help stop further UN funding now!

Kenneth White, President

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2001-03-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-


H  A  R  O  L  D H  I  L  L  M  A  N  Mb BSc PhD


Approximately 750, 000, 000 animals and 650, 000 tons of fish are
slaughtered each year for food in Britain. The number of fishes is not known
because they are weighed, and small fishes are thrown back dead into the
sea, because it is illegal to land them. Anglers catch an additional number
of fish, and an unknown number of birds and rabbits are shot.  (Table 1)

Methods of Slaughter

Farm animals are stunned by electricity or percussion, and killed by cutting
the blood vessels in the neck, causing exsanguination. The halal and
shechita method, used by Moslems and Jews, involves cutting the neck
without stunning the animals. Shooting may be at close quarters, e.g. of
horses, or from a distance, e.g. birds and rabbits. Fish caught at sea or by
anglers die of asphyxia, when they are taken out of the water; anglers
sometimes throw fish back after withdrawing the hooks; the fish may then
die of inability to eat, or microbial or fungal infections. Trapping, snaring
and hunting are rarely used in Britain for animals which are to be eaten.

Two Kinds of Stunning

Most animals in Britain are stunned. Bailhere's Comprehensive Veterinary
Dictionary (1988) defines it as ?producing unconsciousness of head in
carbon dioxide, gas, electrical shock ... all of them aiming to allow the
animal to bleed out while it is still alive. An animal that is dead before it has
bled out will be unsuitable for marketing.? The latter definition regards
stunning as rendering an animal unconscious, and the exsanguination as
the cause of death. However, the Oxford English Dictionary (1989) says
that the aim of stunning is ?to deprive of consciousness or power of motion
[my italics] by a blow, a fall or the like.? The author of this entry gives
paralysis as an alternative to loss of consciousness.

The captive bolt may penetrate the skull and destroy brain tissue, or cause
a considerable rise in intracranial pressure. These result in instantaneous
loss of consciousness (as a knock-out does in boxing), followed by
collapse of the animal. If the brain tissue is not destroyed, the animal may
come round, if the carotid arteries and jugular veins are not cut soon
(?sticking?). Instant unconsciousness occurs if the aim is accurate, the
animal is still, and the device works. Electrical stunning involves passing a
large voltage across the animal's brain. Slaughtermen, butchers, the Royal
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the People's Dispensary
for Sick Animals, Compassion in World Farming and most people who eat
meat, assume that the electric current causes instantaneous
unconsciousness, so that the animals feel no pain. Unfortunately, there is
evidence that this assumption may not be warranted.

Sensory and Motor Nervous Systems

Early in the 19th century, the neurologists Sir Charles Bell in Britain and
Francois Magendie in France recognised the distinctions - both anatomical
and physiological - between the sensory and motor nervous systems.
Electric stimulation of the skin with low voltages and currents causes a
tingling sensation, while higher power causes pain and burns, due to action
on the sensory nerve endings in the skin. Stimulation of motor nerves or of
muscle directly with low voltages and currents, causes muscles to contract,
while higher powers causes spasm and paralysis. It is an everyday
experience that, for example, a patient whose finger is anaesthetised
locally to lance a whitlow, can still flex it. A spastic person can still feel. It is
not permitted to do experiments on paralysed animals, because they can
still feel. Every physiologist, doctor and nurse, encounters examples
showing the distinction between the sensory and motor systems.

Can an Electrically Stunned Animal Feel Pain?

There is evidence from human beings that electrical stimulation is painful.
Electrical current is widely used to torture people in South America/ the
Middle East and China; cattle prods or electric batons are used. Victims of
torture attest that the larger the voltage or current, the more painful it is; they
do not go unconscious immediately. The power used to torture people is of
the same order as that used to stun animals. Greater energy used in the
electric chair kills the victim after some minutes, or spoils the taste of meat.
Of course, the voltages and currents experienced by the human beings or
animals are much lower than those coming out of the devices they use,
because the electrodes can not be applied accurately and firmly, and there
are alternative pathways across the skin, through the skin and into the
tissues. In the case of prisoners in the electric chair, the electrodes are
moistened and bound firmly to the head and foot to ensure good contact.

Burns occur at the sites of contact with the electrodes. Those due to torture
of human beings may be very small. They have been detected 

[CTRL] Coke on tap

2001-03-19 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

I must confess I am a sanctimonious ex-coke addict. I quit the stuff when my teeth 
started falling to pieces and I just couldn't drop any of the extra weight I was 

This story serves as a warning.

From the updated daily



Plans for Coke on tap at home
By Rupert Steiner

IT may be a pipedream – or perhaps just a plain daft idea – but the Australian-born 
chief executive of Coca-Cola, Douglas Daft, is planning to compete with water by 
channelling Coke through taps in customers' homes.

He has sunk venture capital into an innovations unit in New York that has created a 
system to mix carbonated water with Coke's secret syrup and pipe it around houses.
"We have developed a prototype," he said. "You would have water mixing automatically 
with the concentrate and then connect it all up so that when you turn on your tap, you 
have Coke at home.

"There's a lot more to it than that to ensure quality, and it has to be a sealed unit 
so people can't alter the formula to destroy the value of the brand."

Pubs and fast-food chains already use similar systems, but Mr Daft is keen to take the 
concept a step further.

"There's not a market yet," he said. "People still like to physically go and buy 
things, but one day, yes, this will be a reality."

Another Daft idea has been to sink $1.5 million into an innovations unit trying to 
develop something called "Coke space" – an area where teenagers can hang out.

"It is being funded and developed in Europe," he said. "The unit is trying to define 
what a Coke space means to a teenager, so we can provide something a teenager would 
want to come to."

The project began with the idea that teenagers hang out beside phone boxes because 
there is nowhere else to go where they feel comfortable.

"Teenagers do like to sit down and chat about intelligent things, and they need to 
have somewhere to do that, so it came from that idea," Mr Daft said.

The Sunday Times

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[CTRL] Sv: [CTRL] Thou Shalt Not Tolerate

2001-03-19 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

This writer compares Christian texts with Taliban 
actions. That is nonsense.

It would only make sense, to compare todays 
Christian acts with todays Taliban acts.

It appears, that todays political correctness also 
includes no criticisme of that evil movement which is Islam on the move. This 
includes armed struggle in Palestine, Bosnia, Kosovo, Libanon, Sudan, 
Eritrea, Tjetenien, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Usbekistan, 
Kirgisistan, Kashmir, Burma, Indonesia, The Philippines,Turky, Libanon, 
Israel, Egypten, Algier, to name the worst places.

Best, Ole Gerstrom, 

  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 10:02 
  Subject: [CTRL] Thou Shalt Not 
  Thou Shalt Not Tolerate Knute Berger, AlterNet March 13, 2001 
  Earlier this month, the Taliban -- the Islamic fundamentalist sect 
  that controls Afghanistan -- ordered the destruction of Buddhist statues 
  and relics throughout the country, including several large 3rd and 5th 
  century statues that stand over 100 feet high. "These idols have 
  been the gods of the infidels," the Taliban declared, "and are respected 
  even now and perhaps may be turned into gods again." Despite howls of 
  protest from western countries, museums curators, UNESCO, and many fellow 
  Muslims, the Taliban's armed forces commenced the destruction of the 
  Buddhas, blasting away at them with canons, tanks, and bombs. In doing so, 
  they were carrying our the irreversible orders of their religions and 
  political leaders. The Buddhas are being destroyed not because 
  they are unimportant or disrespected, but precisely because they are seen 
  by the Taliban -- and nearly the entire international community -- as 
  powerful and important religious images. While the voices of tolerance 
  argue that they should be preserved, the forces of religious 
  fundamentalism have prevailed. Many in the West have decried the 
  Taliban's vandalism. One museum professional I know called the acts of 
  destruction a form of "savagery." Others have said it is typical of Muslim 
  intolerance. Islam, said the Rev. Jerry Falwell recently, is a faith that 
  "teaches hate." Before joining the chorus of those condemning the 
  Taliban, let's consider religious intolerance closer to home. Christian 
  intolerance for one. There is a strong move in America to post the 
  Biblical 10 Commandments in courtrooms, schools and other public places 
  and civic spaces. In fact, in 1999 Congress passed the 10 Commandments 
  Defence Act amendment that would permit this -- though the law is 
  Constiutionally questionable. Many Americans consider the 10 Commandments 
  a no-brainier -- basic rules of behavior we can all agree upon. Pope John 
  Paul II calls them "the universal moral law valid in every time and 
  place." But the 10 Commandments are first and foremost a religious 
  document. The 1st Commandment states "Thou shalt have no other gods before 
  me," clearly saying that there is no room for worship of any other than 
  the Judeo-Christian god, a statement of intolerance that hardly is 
  inclusive of other religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism and many other 
  of the world's faiths. The 2nd Commandment goes further: "Thou shalt 
  make unto thee no graven images..." God goes on to pledge to punished 
  those who worship such graven images "visiting iniquity of the fathers 
  upon the children unto the 3rd and 4th generation." So let's see, 
  if you don't worship the Old Testament God, and if you make religious 
  idols, God's wrath will be brought down upon you, your children, your 
  grandchildren and your great grandchildren. Sounds a lot like the Taliban 
  to me. Perhaps, indeed, they are simply doing God's work. The tension 
  between the religious tolerance that we profess, and the religious 
  doctrines we are taught is palpable. Examples are everywhere, and they're 
  not just the Jerry Falwells. Earlier this year, a Presbyterian minister 
  from Chicago dared to suggest at a religious conference that, while good 
  Christians would attain salvation and go to Heaven, perhaps a merciful God 
  had also designed other paths to salvation for Jews, Muslims, and other 
  non-believers. His tolerant, broad-minded remarks uncorked a firestorm of 
  controversy within the church and he was accused of heresy, for 
  Presbyterian doctrine teaches specifically that salvation is only possible 
  for Christians: the earth's other four billion inhabitants are on the 
  fast-track to hell. So when we consider Islamic "savagery" related to 
  Buddhist relics, I suggest we also consider another phrase found centuries 
  ago on the wall of a ruined fort on the frontier of New France: "Nous 
  somme tous sauvage" an anonymous French Indian fighter had carved. "We are 
  all savages." Instead of focusing our moral 

Re: [CTRL] Meaters Need to Know the Truth about their Habit

2001-03-19 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of


Best Wishes

Stripped of ethical rationalizations and philosophical pretenses, a
crime is anything that a group in power chooses to prohibit.
- Freda Adler

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[CTRL] Fwd: [PCL] An alternative view on foot and mouth

2001-03-19 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Date sent:  Mon, 19 Mar 2001 11:19:34 +
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[PCL] An alternative view on foot and mouth

 Hi Folks,

 I'm sure you've all been following the Foot and Mouth epidemic which
 has swept the UK. The British and foreign news media are having a field
 day, some of them lathering themselves up into an "end of the world is
 nigh" scenario over it. But this article paints a slightly different story,
 and unlike the +official+ version which doesn't let such trivia as
 scientific facts and figure get in the way, it points out some errors with
 those all important Government press releases.




Best Wishes

...the entire debate of hate crimes contributes to the devaluing of
human life, by suggesting that one life should be more protected than
another.  Our response must be that every life is valuable, and harm
to one life should be penalized with the full force of the law, no
matter the motive. -Janet Parshall

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Re: [CTRL] NYT: Bush Chooses Chief for Federal Prosecutions

2001-03-19 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/15/2001 2:40:34 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 WASHINGTON, March 14  President Bush today named Michael
 Chertoff, formerly chief Republican counsel of the Senate's
 Whitewater inquiry and United States attorney in New Jersey, to
 head the Justice Department's criminal division, a powerful post
 that would place him in charge of all federal prosecutions. 

I get it, they're giving "E's" for effort now.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Dubya Won't Regulate

2001-03-19 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/15/2001 6:29:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 WASHINGTON D.C., March 14, 2001 - Turning his back on a campaign
 pledge, President Bush informed Congress today that he had decided not
 to regulate carbon dioxide emissions. In an accompanying statement,
 Bush said he had also decided not to regulate the evacuation of his
 bowels. The decisions, which came after intense lobbying from industry,
 came as a blow to conservationists who hoped for strong government
 guidelines that would curb such emissions. 

Who out there believed Republican campaign promises?  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] ABC: Democrats say Clinton pardons probe escalates

2001-03-19 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/15/2001 9:55:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A key House Democrat said Thursday that
 Republican investigators were stepping up rather than winding
 down their probe of former President Bill Clinton's pardon of
 billionaire Marc Rich, issuing new subpoenas and opening new
 lines of inquiry. 

But of course, investigations of Clinton beat the heck out of constructive
work.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] OJ: NOONAN: Write-Wing Conspiracy

2001-03-19 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/16/2001 9:26:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 But now I think that it has completely changed.
 Republicans--well, not Republicans but conservatives--care
 passionately about the world of ideas, and about history. They
 write books. And Democrats seem to care about money, and they
 don't write books, not serious ones. 

As usual, Noonan is wrong.  It's just that the Republicans learned that
sometimes books make money.  They couldn't miss a chance like that.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] WSJ: BUSH BEGINS pushing Clinton-appointed prosecutors out the door

2001-03-19 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/16/2001 9:27:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 BUSH BEGINS pushing Clinton-appointed prosecutors out the door. 

Wouldn't you think that with this exodus, they could find some small spot for
Linda Tripp?  The new prosecutors will need staff members.  George is being
mean.  After all the Republicans owe Linda Tripp big time.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] GWB's latest Golden Lawbreaker: Dick Cheney! (HALLIBURTON)

2001-03-19 Thread Kris Millegan

From http:


 GWB's latest Golden Lawbreaker: Dick Cheney!
 When will Burton hold hearings on this?
 By Tamara Baker

 SAINT PAUL, MN, Feb. 26, 2001—When I first started my "Golden Lawbreaker"
 series, even I didn't realize where it would lead.

 As you know, the "Golden Lawbreakers" are those friends and donors of GW
 Bush who, if President Clinton's regulations had not been undone by Usurper
 Boy and his Prince Regent Cheney, would be barred from receiving Federal
 Government contracts because of their habitual lawbreaking. As expected, the
 pro-Bush US Chamber of Commerce raised a stink (now, what was this about
 conservatives and businessmen respecting "the rule of law"?), thus giving
 Shrub's minders the cover they needed to zap the regulations within hours of
 their gaining control of the Oval Office.

 It turns out that a company very near and dear to Dick Cheney's heart is one
 of these Golden Lawbreakers.

 Yes, folks—I'm speaking of Halliburton.

 Here's the scoop:

 We all know that one of the two counts Rudy Giuliani filed against Marc
 Rich, way back when, concerned Rich's buying oil from Iran.

 However, it also seems that Halliburton has been caught violating President
 Clinton's 1995 executive order forbidding US companies/individuals from
 doing business with Iran:

 Halliburton Co., the U.S. oil-services giant until recently headed by Vice
 President Richard Cheney, has opened an office in Tehran and operated in
 Iran in possible violation of U.S. sanctions, Thursday's Wall Street Journal

 Since 1995, U.S. laws have banned most American commerce with Iran.
 Halliburton Products and Services Ltd. works behind an unmarked door on the
 ninth floor of a new north Tehran tower block. A brochure declares that the
 company was registered in 1975 in the Cayman Islands, is based in the
 Persian Gulf sheikdom of Dubai and is "non-American." But, like the sign
 over the receptionist's head, the brochure bears the Dallas company's name
 and red emblem, and offers services from Halliburton units around the world.


 You know, I think that the 5th Federal Judiciary Circuit's Northern Texas
 District might find this rather interesting, don't you? Perhaps someone
 should bring this to its attention.

 Ah, but it gets even better:

 .. a U.S. official said a Halliburton (HAL) office in Tehran would violate
 at least the spirit of American law. The Treasury Department's Office of
 Foreign Assets Control declined to comment on a specific company, referring
 inquiries to a Web site summary of Iran sanctions that bans almost all U.S.
 trade and investment with Iran, specifically in oil services. The Web site
 adds: "No U.S. person may approve or facilitate the entry into or
 performance of transactions or contracts with Iran by a foreign subsidiary
 of a U.S. firm that the U.S. person is precluded from performing directly.
 Similarly, no U.S. person may facilitate such transactions by unaffiliated
 foreign persons."

 Got that? The law was written so that certain attempts to foil it, such as
 the transparent attempts by companies like Halliburton to create fake
 foreign "shell" (or "Potemkin") companies for that very purpose, would be

 Even out of the Oval Office, our last elected president is still going to
 give Cheney and Bush fits:

 An executive order signed by President Clinton in March 1995 prohibits "new
 investments [in Iran] by U.S. persons, including commitment of funds or
 other assets." It also bars U.S. companies from performing services "that
 would benefit the Iranian oil industry." Violation of the order can result
 in fines of as much as $500,000 for companies and up to 10 years in jail for

 And guess what:

 The Halliburton brochure in Tehran says the company has performed
 oil-drilling services on two offshore drilling contracts in the Iranian
 sector of the Persian Gulf. One is the Sirri field, being developed by
 France's TotalFinaElf SA, and the other is Phase 1 of the South Pars field,
 being developed by an Iranian company.

 The Halliburton brochure continues: "We are committed to position ourselves
 in a market that offers huge growth potential."


 So, we know that Halliburton has already given its drilling services to two
 Iranian projects: the Sirri Field and Phase 1 of the South Pars field.

 I Googled for Sirri Field and here's part of what I found:

 In the Middle East, the Sirri E field (TotalFinaElf 60%) in Iran started
 production in February 1999 and rose to a level of 90 mb/d by year end.

 Hmmm. Now remember, Cheney didn't leave Halliburton until July of 2000.
 Sounds like he may have been around when both the Sirri and South Pars
 fields were drilled by the company he led, and he certainly was around when
 the drilling deals were negotiated.

 I next did a Google on "South Pars Phase 1 Halliburton." At the very end of
 the Google cached 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Lover of Pakistani birds spied for US - stark naked

2001-03-19 Thread Kris Millegan

dawnstar wrote:

 You gotta read this, to the end, its really a good laugh for the day.
 Irregardless of politics, just enjoy the humor. I was at school with his
 daughter, very private girl. Class 76 I think. I remember when I was in
 the hospital, nearly dead, in Kathmandu when he and his family came
 trotting through on their way to look at the Himalayas, and visit the
 King Birendra Bikram Shah, just after we lost the reconicilation
 referendum for a multiparty system, with BP KOIRALA. (he had been bagged
 ina coup, US backed early sixties and had been fighting forever to for
 democracy in the kingdom. It was rigged of course, but thats part of the
 oppositional politics game against the status quo power. Anyway, Ripley
 didnt say a damn word for the Democrats. )
  Lover of Pakistani birds spied for US
  By Our Staff Correspondent
  WASHINGTON, March 18: A distinguished American who was an unlikely
  combination of bird-watcher, spy, art lover and museum expert has died in
  Washington. S. Dillon Ripley, who was 87 at the time of his death this week,
  was co-author, along with the distinguished orinthologist Salim Ali , of the
  authoritative 10-volume Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan.
  He was also for a time an officer in the coordination of information office,
  the forerunner of the Office of Strategic Services, which in turn assumed
  the form of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and served in various
  postings in South Asia.
  Mr Ripley was secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and led this
  prestigious centre of art and culture during its period of greatest growth
  from 1964 to 1984.
  His interest in the birds of South Asia was aroused during a visit with his
  family to India in 1926-27, and thereafter he made several trips to the
  In an extensive obituary, The New York Times recalled that on his retirement
  from the Smithsonian he was asked in an interview whether he used his
  unlikely disguise of bird-watcher to spy on the Japanese in South Asia
  during the war.
  Mr Ripley was said to have replied: "Curiously enough, the British, and I
  suppose the Indians, Pakistanis, Ceylonese and so on, thought that it was
  such a marvellous part of an old-fashioned cover.
  "Their theory was that most obviously we were spies. It never seemed to be
  realistic because I never could discover what someone out in the bushes
  could discover in the way of secrets."
  Besides his dynamic leadership of the Smithsonian, where his credo was that
  art should be made accessible to as many people as possible, Mr Ripley was
  also instrumental in the establishment of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery,
  which houses Washington's most impressive collection of Asian art.
  During his spy work, he had kept up his passion for bird-watching, and one
  day while taking a shower in Sri Lanka, he had detected a bird through
  cracks in the bathroom door that he had been trying to collect.
  He wrapped a towel around himself and went out with a shotgun. Just then,
  Lord Mountbatten, Viceroy of India, with assorted officers and ladies, came
  around the corner and the towel fell off. But Mr Ripley got his bird.
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[CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] US Held Foot And Mouth Simulation 3 Months BEFORE UK Outbreak

2001-03-19 Thread Kris Millegan

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US Held Foot And Mouth Simulation 3 Months BEFORE UK Outbreak
From Patricia Doyle, PhD



Well, isn't this a stroke of luck...or 'coincidence'... Three months before
the FMD outbreak in the UK, the US/Canada/Mexico held FMD simulations. 
There has not been an outbreak in the US since 1929, yet, 3 months before the
UK outbreak, the US holds simulations. Our FMD savior, Plum Island, is
supposed to be our first line of defense against the virus. Incidently, the
Plum happens to have a virus bank that is shared with, none other then,
Canada and Mexico. One of the reasons that the Plum is a Biolevel 5
facility is because it studies FMD live virus. It is illegal to have this
virus in the continental US, and the Plum is the ONLY place where various
live FMD virues are found in North America. The news of the simulation
makes me believe that the US knew an outbreak was going to occur. Did they
have warning from a terrorist group? Or, from the NWO? I have just heard
that FMD has broken out in Israel on the West Bank. It is in Kuwait and also
Saudi Arabia. The strain is pandemic type O. It sure sounds like the US
knew a FMD outbreak was going to happen. I wonder if the US had received
terrorist threat of impending FMD outbreak. It sure makes a case for an
unnatural outbreak in the UK. Patricia Doyle 
British Foot-Mouth Virus Epidemic Mimics US Simulation

 WASHINGTON - Three months before Britain's foot-and-mouth disease
outbreak, health officials in the United States, Mexico and Canada tested
their ability to respond to a similar epidemic. The results weren't promising.
 Within four days of a simulated detection of the virus in a small, south
Texas swine herd, the virus would have spread through 15 Texas counties and
Mexico, a scenario eerily similar to the way a real epidemic now is playing
out in Europe. The British government found itself caught yesterday between
efforts to control its outbreak and farmers angry that hundreds of thousands
of healthy animals are to be slaughtered. The Royal Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals joined opposition to the slaughter, which
calls for healthy sheep and pigs to be destroyed within 2 miles of infected
sites in northern England and southern Scotland. Plans for the expanded
slaughter have divided farmers. The National Farmers' Union supports the
move, but the lobbying group Farmers For Action said it would take legal
action to stop the cull. _ Please visit my website "Emerging Diseases"
and message board http://goddess-of-fire.tripod.com/index-1.html
http://disc.server.com/Indices/93896.html Patricia Doyle, PhD Investigator of
Emerging Diseases

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[CTRL] Powell delivers stern warning to Russia, Iran

2001-03-19 Thread Carl Amedio

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Monday, March 19 11:37 PM SGT 

Powell delivers stern warning to
 Russia, Iran
WASHINGTON, March 19 (AFP) - US Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered a 
stern warning to Russia and Iran Monday, putting both nations on notice that 
the United States was watching their actions closely and would respond should 
they make moves that could destabilize the Middle East.
In an address before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Powell 
said Washington would not turn a blind eye to repression by Tehran or arms 
sales by Moscow to the Islamic Republic.
The secretary said while President George W. Bush's administration was 
reviewing its policy toward Iran, it was troubled by Tehran's continued 
support for terrorism, opposition to Middle East peace efforts and its 
treatment of minorities, particularly Jews.
"It is apparent that certain aspects of Iranian government behavior ... are 
of deep concern," Powell said, adding that Iranian Jews had been "unfairly 
charged and harshly imprisoned" in a series of recent criminal cases.
"This is of deep concern to the United States and to the American people, and 
we will not turn aside and ignore this kind of behavior," he said to 
enthusiastic applause from the pro-Israel crowd attending the speech.
At the same time, Powell said the Bush team was intrigued by recent events in 
Iran that indicated a resurgence of moderate sentiment against the 
conservative Islamic government.
"We are aware of the intellectual and political foment taking place within 
Iran," he said. "Things are happening, things are changing and we will 
continue to watch these developments closely and hopefully."
Powell also picked up on heavy criticism of Russia levelled by US officials 
last week after Moscow announced plans to boost military and nuclear 
cooperation with Iran.
"We are also concerned about Iranian efforts to develop weapons of mass 
destruction and to increase its conventional military strength," he said, 
noting that he had raised the issue in meetings with Russian officials, 
including Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and national security advisor Sergei 
"I have gone so far as to raise with senior Russian officials the role that 
Russia is playing in these dangerous and destabilizing efforts," Powell said. 
"We will not overlook what Russia is doing to cause this sort of problem."
Washington has warned Moscow that it may face US sanctions should it sell 
advanced conventional weapons or sensitive technology to Tehran.
Russia has dismissed the US concerns saying any weapons sales to Iran will be 
defensive in nature, will not violate non-proliferation agreements and will 
not affect the balance of power in the Middle East.


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[CTRL] Karmic Liberation Army

2001-03-19 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

 for this article is http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/train.htm

 For a printable version of this article,
 please click here.
 [Emperor's Clothes]
 'We denied
 training the KLA? Oh. We lied.'
 From the March
 18 'Sunday Times'
 [Thanks to Prof.
 John Peter Maher for this reference]
 "Embarrassingly for Kfor, it emerged
 that two of the Kosovo-based commanders leading the
 Albanian push were trained by former British SAS and
 Parachute Regiment officers in the days when Nato was
 more comfortable with the fledgling Kosovo Liberation
 Army (KLA).
 "A former member of a European
 special forces unit who accompanied the KLA during
 the Kosovo conflict said that a commander with the
 nom de guerre of Bilal was organising the flow of
 arms and men into Macedonia, and that the veteran KLA
 commander Adem Bajrami was helping to co-ordinate the
 assault on Tetovo. Both were taught by British
 soldiers in the secretive training camps that
 operated above Bajram Curri in northern Albania
 during 1998 and 1999.
 '"The final irony of this is that
 Nato will be facing not only its own weapons but also
 its own tactics,' said the special forces soldier.
 'And Nato simply can't handle a guerrilla war - the
 Albanians will beat them.'
 '"Even backed by howitzers placed in
 the football stadium by the Macedonian army, the
 special police were no match for the rebel group, said to number no more
 than 300 yesterday, and found themselves pinned down by shooting from
 Kale and from three subordinate positions in a bewildering combination of
 "[INLINE] The NLA had also
 established three separate mortar positions in an arc
 about seven miles from Tetovo"
 For full story see

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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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[CTRL] The Lord McNair Report on Slavery in Sudan

2001-03-19 Thread David Hoile

-Caveat Lector-

The McNair Report on Allegations of Slavery and Slavery-Like Practices
in Sudan

Lord McNair
The House of Lords

Date of Publication: 17 November 1997


I have recently returned from a working visit to Sudan, from 4 - 11
October, 1997. This visit was the culmination of an examination of
slavery allegations made against the government of Sudan, and took me to
the states of South and North Kordofan.

My first trip to Sudan was in September 1994. Before this first visit to
Sudan, I had read several negative press reports of abuses on the part
of the government against political opponents and against Christians in
the south of the country. My overall impression was that there was
something contrived about some of these reports which suggested to me
the possibility of a deliberate campaign from some quarters to discredit
the government. I spent one week in Sudan in September 1994 and visited
Khartoum, Juba and Kadugli, the capital of South Kordofan. My feeling
that the Sudanese government was being unfairly portrayed was confirmed
to a degree. In February 1996 I received an invitation to observe the
parliamentary and presidential elections due to take place in March. I
discovered that the entire electoral process was being shunned by all
the countries of the "North".

Between these two visits a new issue had emerged. Serious allegations of
government involvement in slavery and slavery-related practices had been
made by groups such as Christian Solidarity International, and its
president, Baroness Cox, a deputy speaker of the British House of Lords.
Understandably, the allegations attracted the attention of the media, of
other members of parliament, and of the British Foreign and Commonwealth

Any allegations that slavery is being inspired or endorsed to any degree
by any government is a very grave matter indeed. My initial scepticism
about the accuracy of these allegations increased in the face of the
earnest good intentions I had noticed in the government officials I had
met in 1994. I was, however, new to Africa and the Sudan and I decided
to withhold judgment on this issue until I had a better understanding of
the situation. I followed the allegations as they appeared until my most
recent visit in October 1997.

My October 1997 Visit

On the occasion of this visit I accepted the invitation of the Human
Rights Committee of the Sudanese Parliament to investigate the
allegations of slavery. As an integral part of this investigation I
visited the states of Northern and Southern Kordofan, the site of many
of the allegations. I was accompanied by the vice-chairman of the Human
Rights Committee, the Reverend Adi Ambrose, and the Member of Parliament
for Kadugli East, Emir Hamid Harim, who is a traditional leader from the
Nuba mountains.

We travelled first to El Obeid in North Kordofan and then to Dellinge
and Kadugli in South Kordofan. We had a number of different meetings in
locations in both states. Two themes emerged. Firstly we could find no
evidence of slavery. Secondly, the main concerns of the community
leaders we met was for the hundreds, if not thousands, of Nuba and Arab
children who had been abducted by the forces of John Garang. They
appealed to us for help in having the children returned, and various
ideas for achieving this were discussed.

Indeed, it would appear to me that the abduction by the SPLA of upwards
of ten thousand mainly southern Sudanese children over the past decade
or more is a far more tangible manifestation of slavery or slavery-like
practices than anything alleged by Christian Solidarity International.
As early as 1991, the American state department had reported the
forcible conscription of "at least 10 000 male minors" (1).  The plight
of these children has been well documented by Human Rights Watch/Africa,
the Children's Rights Project and others. Many of these children have
died in the course of the war, either through being forced into combat
by the SPLA, or through the squalid conditions in which they were kept.
There is no doubt that the abduction of these boys was a deliberate act
of SPLA policy. It is a matter of record that these boys have been
isolated in camps far away from the public gaze. They are held in
preparation for forced labour or forced military service. From my
understanding of what Human Rights Watch/Africa calls slavery, these
children would appear to be living in conditions qualifying as slavery.
It is puzzling to find CSI supporting the SPLA for whom such practices
are deliberate policy.

I hope that CSI will use its close association with the SPLA to persuade
John Garang to release those children whom he is holding. It is well
documented that the ICRC has for a number of years sought the release of
these children. This has not been possible because of the intransigence
of John Garang and the SPLA.

I have, as I mentioned, followed the issue of slavery allegations for
some time. This 

[CTRL] Slavery in Sudan - When Is a Slave Not a Slave?

2001-03-19 Thread David Hoile

-Caveat Lector-


 An Examination of the 1999 Wunlit Accords

The British-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:  0207 872 5434
Fax: 0207 753 2848

Date of Publication: February 2000

One of the continuing allegations focused upon the Sudanese government
is that "slavery" exists in western and central Sudan. The Khartoum
government's position has been to state that there is a problem with
abduction and kidnapping within the context of inter-tribal violence
between traditional ethnic rivals such as the nomadic Arabised Baggara
communities and pastoralist Dinka tribes over access to grazing and
water in parts of Bahr al-Ghazal and Kordofan. Such activity has also
been a fact of life between the Dinka and Nuer, and within other tribes
in southern Sudan since the last century, if not earlier. There is also
no doubt that these long-standing inter-tribal conflicts have become
more intense as a result of the Sudanese civil war.

Inter-tribal raiding, which had been virtually dormant for decades was
given a new lease of life as the Baggara and Dinka were armed with
modern, automatic weapons by opposite sides in the Sudanese conflict and
encouraged to attack each other. Additionally, given the vastness of
Sudan, and even without the dislocation of civil war, several large
areas of the country have proved difficult to administer - just as they
had been during British colonial times - providing ideal circumstances
for abduction and kidnappings. The escalating conflict has also made
inter-tribal reconciliation conferences, the traditional mechanism for
agreeing water and grazing rights and the exchange of abductees, usually
overseen by government officials, difficult.

What is disturbing is that the inter-tribal conflict between the Baggara
and Dinka communities, and the resultant raiding, abductions and
kidnappings within Bahr al-Ghazal and central Sudan has been presented
by groups such as Christian Solidarity International (CSI) as "slavery",
in the course of which "Arabised" northern tribesmen were "enslaving"
black Christian southern tribesmen, women and children. Groups such as
Christian Solidarity International have also made much of claims that
they were "buying" back such "slaves" from northerners. The abduction of
women and children was particularly highlighted by anti-Sudanese groups,
as were what were presented as forced marriages between captors and
captives. The eagerness of groups such as CSI to "buy" back "slaves" has
resulted in a vast increase in the number of tribes people being
abducted specifically to be "redeemed" by Christian fundamentalist

While it is clear that what has been increasingly presented as "slavery"
by anti-Sudanese and anti-Islamic propagandists can in no way be
compared to slavery as we understand it, this propaganda onslaught has
clearly taken root within the North American and European media. Such
claims have also been taken up and encouraged by the United States
government, complementing the Clinton Administration's repeated attempts
to isolate and destabilise the government of Sudan.

Given the attempts by Christian fundamentalist groups such as CSI to
redefine tribal abductions as "slavery", it is particularly significant
to note the details of the Dinka-Nuer West Bank Peace and Reconciliation
Conference, held at Wunlit, in Bahr al-Ghazal, between 27 February and 8
March 1999 (1).  Dinka and Nuer chiefs and elders, church, civil and
community leaders, women and youth met under the auspices of the New
Sudan Council of Churches in an attempt to end years of bitter conflict
between the Dinka and Nuer ethnic groups, both of them black southern
tribes. A covenant and series of resolutions were agreed and adopted by
the conference. The Wunlit Accords were hailed by several church groups,
both within and outside of Sudan, as a very significant development in
conflict resolution within southern Sudan. It should be noted that the
Wunlit process has been supported by Christian Aid UK and DanChurch Aid
of Denmark who funded and facilitated the meetings of the Peace Council.

One of the major items discussed was the issue of those men, women and
children abducted by either the Nuer or Dinka in the course of their
inter-tribal raiding and fighting. Several of the main resolutions that
central to the Accords specifically addressed this issue.

Resolution A of the conference, for example, states that:

"Girls who have been abducted but are not yet married shall be
repatriated to their parents/relatives as soon as they are identified."

Resolution B concerns "girls who have been married in captivity" and
offered solutions for the repatriation of girls who have been abducted
and were then married off to their abductors, stating that these girls
can return to their own tribe if they so wish. Children from any such
forced union can be "redeemed" by the father 

[CTRL] The Reality of Slave Redemption in Sudan

2001-03-19 Thread David Hoile

-Caveat Lector-

The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:020 7872 5434
Fax:020 7753 2848


Date of Publication: March 2001


Civil war has raged in Sudan off and on between the Sudanese government
and rebels in southern Sudan since 1955. After a ten year period of
peace the conflict reignited in1983, and the war in the south has been
fought since then by the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA). (1)
Since the mid-1990s several organisations and anti-Sudanese activists
have claimed that as a consequence of this war there is a flourishing
"slave trade" in Sudan in which the Sudanese government and its northern
forces raid southern villages and "enslave" Dinka tribesmen, women and
children.  Groups such as Christian Solidarity International (CSI) and
British activists such as Baroness Cox claim that the people involved in
the "slave trade" are governments forces including northern Arab "slave
traders" and "militiamen". These groups and activists then further
allege that in the course of visits to parts of southern Sudan they have
engaged in "slave redemptions" whereby southern Sudanese tribesmen,
women and children are supposedly "bought back" from northern Sudanese
tribesmen said to have abducted them.  These groups claim to have
"bought" back or "redeemed" thousands of slaves, often several hundred
at a time, from Arab traders. (2)

There is a considerable body of independent opinion that finds these
claims deeply questionable. It should perhaps firstly be noted that the
claims made by Baroness Cox and CSI have long been criticised by human
rights organisations and activists. Amongst these have been the United
Nations and its agencies such as UNICEF. (3) The respected human rights
expert, and Sudan specialist, Alex de Waal, while co-director of the
human rights group African Rights, has also said of the claims made by
Baroness Cox that:

"(O)vereager or misinformed human rights advocates in Europe and the US
have played upon lazy assumptions to raise public outrage. Christian
Solidarity International, for instance, claims that "Government troops
and Government-backed Arab militias regularly raid black African
communities for slaves and other forms of booty". The organization
repeatedly uses the term "slave raids", implying that taking captives is
the aim of government policy. This despite the fact that there is no
evidence for centrally-organized, government-directed slave raiding or
slave trade." (4)

De Waal further observed:

"the issue is a slippery one: slavery slides off into issues such as
hostage taking. The difference between a hostage and a slave is
important. It shows how Sudanese history must be seen in its local
context, and how it is a mistake to impose stereotypes from elsewhere.
It also points to solutions: intertribal negotiations rather than
indiscriminate 'buying back' - which runs the risk of inflating the
ransom beyond what families can afford and, even worse, creating an
incentive for further raiding and abductions." (5)

Peter Verney, the author of an official 1997 Anti-Slavery International
report on allegations of Sudanese slavery, has also commented on
allegations of government involvement in slavery:

"[T]he charge that government troops engage in raids for the purpose of
seizing slaves is not backed by the evidence." (6)

The claims made by CSI and Baroness Cox have also clearly been of
concern to groups such as Anti-Slavery International, the world's oldest
human rights organisation. In a submission to the United Nations
Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Anti-Slavery International
publicly stated:

"There is a danger that wrangling over slavery can distract us from
abuses which are actually part of government policy - which we do not
believe slavery to be. Unless accurately reported, the issue can become
a tool for indiscriminate and wholly undeserved prejudice against Arabs
REALITY - FUEL SUCH PREJUDICE." (7)  (emphasis added)

The judgement of some of those most vocal in allegations of "slavery"
and "slave redemption" in Sudan has been called into question. As a
general view on Baroness Cox's reliability on Sudan, it is worth nothing
that in Andrew Boyd's sympathetic biography of her, 'Baroness Cox: A
Voice for the Voiceless', Dr Christopher Besse of Medical Emergency
Relief International (Merlin), a humanitarian aid organisation with
which Cox is closely associated (Dr Besse and Baroness Cox are both
trustees of Merlin), is quoted as saying:

"She's not the most popular person in Sudan among the humanitarian aid
people. She has her enemies, and some of them feel she is not well-
enough informed. She recognizes a bit of the picture, but not all that's
going on." (8)

For someone who is even said by her 

[CTRL] Slave Redemption in Sudan - Independent Evidence of Fraud

2001-03-19 Thread David Hoile

-Caveat Lector-

The British-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:   0207 872 5434
Fax:  0207 753 2848

Publication Date: April 2000


In a July 1999 article entitled 'The False Promise of Slave Redemption',
published by The Atlantic Monthly, American journalist Richard Miniter
provided unambiguous first hand evidence that there was fraud and
corruption in the process of "slave redemption" in Sudan, whereby
southern Sudanese tribesmen, women and children are supposedly "bought
back" from northern Sudanese tribesmen said to have abducted them during
raids on southern villages.(1) This  "redemption" process, closely
associated with Christian Solidarity International, has already been
extensively criticised by the United Nations and its agencies such as

Miniter was accompanied during a visit to southern Sudan by James
Jacobson, the president of Christian Freedom International. Jacobson, a
former Reagan Administration official, had previously served as
Christian Solidarity International's Washington representative. In 1998,
the American branch of Christian Solidarity International USA went its
own way as Christian Freedom International, with Jacobson at its head.
He was an enthusiastic supporter of "slave redemption" until he actually
visited southern Sudan to see the "slave redemption" situation for
himself. Jacobson subsequently publicly disowned "slave redemption"
because the financial incentives involved encouraged both the taking of
captives as well as fraud and corruption.

SPLA Involvement in "Slave Redemption" fraud

The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) is the rebel movement waging
war in southern Sudan against the Sudanese Government. The "Sudanese
Relief and Rehabilitation Association" (SRRA) is an arm of the SPLA.
Miniter's article clearly documents the involvement of what he terms
"middle level" SPLA/SRRA officials in fraudulently presenting "slaves"
to visiting Western would-be "redeemers".

The following is a direct quote from Miniter's article:

(Quote)  I witnessed an attempted slave redemption that was
unquestionably problematic during a recent visit to Nyamlell, a large
settlement about fifty miles south of the Bahr al Arab river, in
southern Sudan. Nyamlell has been the location of many slave redemptions
covered by the U.S. media. The night before my visit officials from the
local branch of the Sudanese Relief and Rehabilitation Association in
Lokichokio, Kenya, asked for a meeting with James Jacobson, who had been
hoping to redeem the slaves in Nyamlell. After half an hour of small
talk the officials got down to business. "How much money are you
bringing for slave redemption?"

"Four thousand dollars," Jacobson said.

"Ah, that is very helpful. There are forty slave children to be

"Forty children? That would be a hundred dollars each. Don't other
groups pay fifty dollars each?"

"No. Everyone pays a hundred."

"What about Christian Solidarity International?"

"Ah, they are different. They buy in much larger quantities."...

Jacobson exchanged no money, but two mid-level SRRA officials insisted
on accompanying him and me to Nyamlell. When we landed on the dirt
runway, a local commissioner named Alev Akechak Jok met our plane. He
refused to make eye contact with the SRRA officials, and was adamant
about meeting privately with Jacobson and me...The commissioner offered
tea and an admission: "There are no slaves here for you to
buy."Hadn't the SRRA radioed his village the previous day and
learned that there were forty children to be freed? He shook his head

As we returned to the airstrip, the SRRA officials rejoined us. One said
that he had just found a trader and ten children to be redeemed. Jok
suddenly became angry and pulled me aside: the officials could not hear
us over the whirling propeller. "You must leave now!" he demanded. Are
the children slaves? I asked. "No," he said, "they are the children of
the village." Jok has since been removed from his post, probably in
retaliation for his honesty. (End Quote)

The simple fact that Alev Akechak Jok was punished for his actions would
clearly indicate continuing SPLA involvement in this fraud, a fraud
which has obvious propaganda and financial advantages to the rebels.
Miniter also documented a further way SPLA officials are involved in
fraud with regard to "slave redemption":

"Corrupt officials set themselves up as bankers and insist that
redeemers exchange their dollars for Sudanese pounds, a nearly worthless
currency...The officials arrange by radio to have some villages play
slaves and some play slave-sellers, and when the redeemers arrive, the
Sudanese pounds are used to free the slaves. When the redeemers are
gone, the pounds are turned back over to the corrupt officials, who hand
out a few dollars in return. Most of the 

[CTRL] FC: Federal worker fired over Web map of Arctic caribou (fwd)

2001-03-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

WASHINGTON--Last week, Ian Thomas posted a map on a U.S. government Web
site of the caribou calving areas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
an area the Bush administration wants to open up for oil exploration.
This week, Thomas is looking for a new job.
"I'm really flabbergasted," Thomas said Wednesday. "After putting out
20,000 maps with no problem and then putting out one where baby caribou
like to hang out, I got fired." [...]
Government officials say he was fired for working outside of his assigned
duties. And besides, some of the map information was wrong.


Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 05:11:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul Bissex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: USGS employee fired after posting ANWR map (fwd)

Hi Declan,

A reasonable interpretation of these events, differing of course from the
official explanation, would be that this guy was fired because he was making
it more difficult for Bush to sell the idea of drilling in the Alaskan
National Wildlife Refuge.


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-- Forwarded message --
To: pol-sci-tech [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 20:54:48 -0800
Subject: web censorship

A good reason to archive websites!

Check out the LA times story as well:

Hi All,

Well, I have been fired for posting to the internet a single web page
with some maps showing the distribution of caribou calving areas in
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

My entire website http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/geotech/ has now
been removed from the internet.  This represents about 3 years
worth of work and 20,000 plus maps showing bird, mammal and
amphibian distributions, satellite imagery, landcover and vegetation
maps for countries and protected areas all around of the globe.  As
far as I aware it was one of the biggest collections of maps online
and certainly the biggest collection showing maps of biodiversity
and the environment.  The website was often visited by over a
thousand visitors each week.  In addition, I was fulfilling roughly a
dozen requests for geospatial data and information from
colleagues, other researchers and the general public each day.

All of this comes as a rather big surprise to me.  I was given no
chance to remove the webpage or even finish writing an appeal
before my position was terminated.  I was working under a contract
so I believe I have very little legal recourse.  I have received no
written explanation (or even an email) stating the exact reasons for
the termination decision and I understand that even though this
would be a reasonable courtesy to expect, it is unlikely to be

 From my viewpoint my dismissal was a high-level political decision
to set an example to other Federal scientists.  I base this belief on
the following information I received from a colleague in Alaska who
is a leading researcher on the issues involved:

"I really hope you don't get fired.  In fact, had the timing of what you
did not been so inappropriate based on everything else that was
going on, I doubt that anyone would have noticed.  Your work
showed a lot of initiative..."

"...the fallout would not have been so great had the subject matter
not been one of the three USDOI super hot topics with the new
administration and had we not been briefing the Secretary at the
nearly exact time your website went up.  Everyone is nervous and
as I mentioned earlier, consistency in presentation is paramount."

So now, I believe my only recourse is to appeal to the general
public in the hope that in the future what just happened to me will
not happen to others.

I would recommend anybody in a similar circumstances to contact
the fine people at Public Employees for Environmental
Responsibility (http://www.peer.org) or a similar organization.

The response and support I have received from friends online has
been truely amazing.  I very much appreciate how quickly people
have acted on my behalf and helped publicize my plight and I
especially wish to thank the international mapping
community...receiving letters of support from far away places
cheers me up no end.  Please feel free to forward this email to
other lists and media contacts!  I would also be grateful if anybody
who misses all the maps I put on the internet please contact the
USGS to let them know and to ask that the maps be reposted.

I feel very bad that these events are also affecting my colleagues at
Patuxent.  Patuxent was a great place to work, has amazing
researchers and everybody I worked with is very supportive.

Many, many thanks for your support,

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 184

2001-03-19 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 184

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  --  (See ** at end.)

--We are here. We have arrived. [Marcos speech]
--Stop the Torture Trade
--A Call to Take a Closer Look at the Culture of 'Whiteness'
--Out of the jungle, a global hero
--Mexico's Masked Man Strides Into the Capital
--Reader commentary


We are here. We have arrived.

Speech by Subcomandante Marcos,
EZLN March 11, 2001 in the Zocalo of Mexico City
Translated by Justin Podur

City of Mexico:
We have arrived.
Here we are.

We are the Indigenous National Congress and Zapatistas who together, salute

If the place we're standing is where it is, it is not an accident. It is
because from the beginning, the government has been at our backs.
Sometimes with armed helicopters, sometimes with paramilitaries, sometimes
with bomber planes, sometimes with tanks, sometimes with soldiers, sometimes
with police, sometimes with offers to buy or sell consciences, sometimes
with offers of rendition, sometimes with lies, sometimes with strident
declarations, sometimes with forgetfulness, sometimes with expectant
silences. Sometimes, times like today, with impotent silences.
Because of this the government never sees us, because of this they never
hear us.

If they would hurry up a little maybe they could reach us.
They could see us then, and hear us.

They could discover the long and strong horizontal-ness of one who is
persecuted and who nevertheless is not distressed, because she knows that it
is the step that follows the one that requires attention and persistence.

Brother, Sister:
Indigenous, worker, farmer, teacher, student, homemaker, driver, fisher, cab
driver, office worker, employee, street vendor, gang, unemployed,
journalist, religious, homosexual, lesbian, transexual, artist, militant
intellectual, activist, marine, soldier, athlete, legislator, bureaucrat,
man, woman, child, youth, senior.

Brother, Sister of the Indigenous National Congress, indigenous peoples of
We should not be here.
After hearing this, I'm sure that, for the first time, those behind me are
applauding furiously. For this reason I'll repeat myself.
We should not be here.

The ones who should be here are the indigenous Zapatista communities, their
7 years of struggle and resistance, their voices and their faces.
The Zapatistas, the men, women, children and seniors, bases of support of
the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, who are the feet that we walk,
the voice that we speak, the face that makes us visible, the sound that
gives us our voice.

The ones who should be here are the insurgents, their persistent shadow,
their quiet strength, their risen memory.

The insurgents. The women and men who are the regular troops of the EZLN and
who are the guardian of the heart of our peoples.

It is they who deserve to see all of you and hear all of you and speak to
all of you.

We should not be here.

And yet we are.

And we are here with those, with all of those who people the indigenous
peoples throughout Mexico.

The indigenous peoples, our most first peoples, our most first speakers, our
most first hearers.

To those who, being first, last to appear and perish...

Indigenous Brother, Sister:
Tenek. We come from very far. Tlahuica. We walk time. Tlapaneco. We walk the
earth. Tojolobal. We are the bow and arrow. Totonaco. The walking wind.
Triqui. We are the heart and blood. Tzeltal. The warrior and protector.
Tzotzil. The friendly embrace. Wixaritari. They think we are defeated.
Yaqui. Dumb. Zapoteco. Silenced. Zoque. We carry much time in our hands.
Maya. We have come here to name ourselves. Kumiai. We have come to say 'we
are'. Mayo. We have come to be seen. Mazahua. We have come to see that we
are seen. Mazateco. Here our name is said by our walking. Mixe. We are this.
The one who grows between fences. The one who sings. The one who cares for
the old word. The one who speaks. The one who is of corn. The one who lives
in the mountain. The one who walks the earth. The one who shares an idea.
The true us. The true person. The ancestor. The person of the web. The one
who respects history. The one who dresses humbly. The one who speaks
flowers. Who is rain. Who has knowledge to give. Who hunts with arrows. Who
is the river. Who is the desert. Who is the sea. The different. The one who
is a person. The one who walks faster. Who is the people. Who is the
mountain. Who is painted with color. Who speaks the truth. Who has three
hearts. Who is father and elder brother. Who walks the night. Who works. The
man who is man. The one who walks among the clouds. The one who has words.
The one 

[CTRL] I Had a Dream

2001-03-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

I Had a Dream
Diane Alden
March 16, 2001

You have to ask yourself sometimes: If you could dream up a world where
things made sense to you, what would that world look like? I suspect those
dreams are as individual as the dreams of each single individual. Ted
Turner's dreams would be a lot different from the pope's or Jerry Falwell's.
The dream of the EarthFirsters! would be different from the dreams of Exxon.
Rosie O'Donnell's dream would be antithetical to Charlton Heston's, and Bill
Clinton's would be vastly different from Ronald Reagan's.
To have a dream is to have hope. To have a dream is to begin the process of
reinventing ourselves and the society around us. To be free to dream is the
best of all possible worlds.

I had a dream that all the politicians of all political persuasions decided
that the government had grown vastly too large and too powerful. That it had
become corrupt and unresponsive. That it was swayed by notions that really
had nothing to do with what was good for people, but rather that which was
good for government. I had a dream that the leviathan state went on a diet
and lost about 2/3 of its girth, thereby becoming slimmer and healthier. The
dream of limited government and individual liberty.

I had a dream that the First Amendment to the Constitution and its
subgroupings such as freedom of religion, press and speech were respected
across the board. That toleration and freedom meant each and every person
understood the Bill of Rights as written. That it was a list of particulars
which were simple in concept and meaning and did not require nine people in
black robes, with their individual prejudices and mindsets, getting in the
way of the simplicity of meaning. I dreamed that everyone understood that
with the rights contained in that document, each citizen of the United States
had the same respect for responsibilities toward exercising those rights.
That self-discipline based on the founding principles under the
Judeo-Christian tradition was recognized as the basis for our rights and
duties. I had a dream that 50,000 pages of the Federal Register had to be
archived because they no longer applied.

I had a dream that the country lost its obsession with sex, with perversions
of the sexual act, that we once more connected that act with consequences –
moral, mental, spiritual and personal. That we understood it is at its root
an act of creation rather than recreation. That it is about the beauty of
life rather than the ugliness and selfishness of seeking the perfect sex
partner in serialized narcissism.

I had a dream that people talked to each other again rather than talking AT
each other. That for two days a week the TV went silent. That we introduced
ourselves to reading a good book, hard copy or on the Net, and had an
understanding what really great literature is about. To paraphrase William
Faulkner in his Nobel Prize for literature acceptance speech: “If it isn't
about honor, growth, courage, if it does not speak to both the heart and mind
of man, it is not great literature.” Frankly, we live in a culture where most
modern literature is nothing but words on paper. Difficult to understand
because it has become cute tricks of style rather than substance, raising
victimology above insight into the human condition, meanwhile overlooking the
irony in life as well as the simple good things in the triumph of the human
spirit. It is mean and debasing, bringing us closer to a dark age of the mind
and the soul. It no longer enlightens or illuminates, and even the rage in
much of it is canned and phony and predictable. It is boring and
self-defeating and is full of forgettable characters that are neither
interesting nor humorous in their evil, debauchery or downtrodden condition.
They are forgettable because they are self-absorbed. I had a dream it was
just as easy for a conservative writer to get published as it was for Toni
Morrison or Norman Mailer. That conservative male writers other than Tom
Clancy were given opportunities to have their works of fiction published even
when they are not politically correct.

I had a dream that music returned to itself as it sings to the mind and heart
rather than to the crotch or the ego. That music left infantile self-abuse in
Eminem and Madonna behind. If there are no more great musical forms to be
discovered, and dissonant noise is not music and verbal guttural certainly
not, then return to the old great musical forms and improvise until new
instruments and greater forms come along. Remake the radio and MTV airwaves
as places to hear and see music that involves rather than music that requires
you sit back and comment on how outrageous it is. Today’s music will not
last. Today's pop music will not have the staying power of Scott Joplin’s
Charlie Parker's jazz. Nor will it be resurrected in the future like the Big
Band music of the ‘30s and 

[CTRL] Energy needs may spur rebirth of nuclear power

2001-03-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Energy needs may spur rebirth of nuclear power
By Patrice Hill

 One surprising result of the past year's energy crisis is a revival of
interest in nuclear power — an industry that was declared dead only a few
years ago. Top Stories
• Support for faster tax relief grows in Senate
• Senate support for McCain-Feingold weakens
• World's leaders beat a path to Bush's door
• Secret Service battles surge in counterfeiting
• Investigators seek cause of derailment
• Auction of historic salvage ship tugs at heartstrings

 Perhaps the most visible sign that nuclear power is back came last month
when Silicon Valley executives declared that it would be the best solution to
the chronic electricity shortage facing California, though it still faces
formidable political obstacles.
 "Nuclear power is the answer," said Craig Barrett, chief executive of
Intel Corp., "but it's not politically correct."
 The computer-chip executive said his company risks losing millions of
dollars each time power fluctuates during one of California's rolling
blackouts, disrupting the manufacture of microchips.
 Nuclear, which provides about one-fifth of America's power, is one of
the most reliable and plentiful sources of electricity since nuclear plants
can run 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are not affected by drought or
frigid weather like hydroelectric and conventional power sources.
 But Mr. Barrett acknowledged that resistance to nuclear power remains
strong, particularly in Northern California, where the Green Party and other
environmental groups are major political forces. He said local officials have
consistently blocked efforts to build new power facilities in the valley, and
the company would not expand there for that reason.
 Scott McNealy, chief executive of Sun Microsystems Inc., agreed in a
speech at the National Press Club last month that nuclear is the best
alternative for California.
 "In terms of environmental and cost and competitiveness and all of the
rest of it, I just don't see any other solution," the software executive
said, alluding to another nuclear selling point: It is largely pollutant-free
and requires no disruptive drilling in sensitive environmental areas, unlike
oil and gas.

The hard facts
 The statements from high-tech executives may appear mostly symbolic. But
hard statistics show that nuclear no longer is the dying industry that only a
few years ago was biding time waiting for aging power plants built during the
1970s to crumble toward their inevitable burial.
 Today, with the cost of natural gas and oil soaring, old nuclear plants
that had been mothballed because they were too expensive to maintain and
operate suddenly can be brought back on line and made profitable once again.
 A brisk business in buying and selling closed plants has developed, and
80 percent to 90 percent of the nation's 103 nuclear plants are expected to
seek 20-year extensions of their operating licenses.
 Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.'s Calvert Cliffs plant in March 2000 was
the first to win relicensing.
 With demand for electricity at record highs, existing nuclear power
plants have been producing a record amount of power — up 3.7 percent to 755
billion kilowatt hours last year, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute.
 Improvements in maintenance procedures that mean, among other things,
less down time for refueling also enabled the plants to operate at a record
89.6 percent of capacity in 2000, the institute said. Also for the first time
in more than a decade, nuclear production has become less expensive than any
other source of electricity generation.
 "It's the best year ever in performance," said Alfred C. Tollison,
executive vice president of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations. "The
foundation is being put in place for a renaissance in nuclear power," though
he added, "that depends on the industry remaining accident-free."

Safety questions persist
 All sides agree that public perceptions about the safety of nuclear
power and the question of how to permanently dispose of nuclear wastes remain
significant obstacles. Because of that, no new nuclear plants have been built
in the United States in the last two decades, and none are on the drawing
 But there are signs that the political opposition may not be as potent
as in past years. The interest shown by many technology professionals
suggests that younger generations are not as worried by the scare surrounding
the Three Mile Island and the Chernobyl nuclear accidents that made the power
source untouchable to older generations.
 Observers say nuclear's clean record on safety after decades of
operating power plants in the United States, France, Japan and other
industrialized nations also is vindicating the reputation of the industry.

[CTRL] Halt arms sales to Taiwan, China urges US

2001-03-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Halt arms sales to Taiwan, China urges US
By Toby Harnden in Washington and David Rennie in Beijing

 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China

 News - Defencelink: US Department of Defence

 National Missile Defence - Federation of American Scientists

 30th anniversary of "ping-pong diplomacy" marked in Beijing [19 Mar '01] -
Xinhua News Service

 China's Qian to US, aiming to block arms to Taiwan [18 Mar '01] - Inside
China Today

 White House reveals Taiwan arms sale [17 Mar '01] - Washington Post

 Beijing eases stand in missile defence [15 Mar '01] - Washington Post

 China lobbies to block an arms sale to Tiawan [3 Mar '01] - Washington Post

  QIAN QICHEN, China's Vice-Premier and foreign policy supremo, arrived in
America last night in an attempt to block arms sales to Taiwan and restrict
plans for a missile defence shield.

Qian Qichen arrives at La Guardia airport in New York
Mr Bush has signalled a tougher stance against China, regarding it as a
"strategic competitor", rather than talking, as Bill Clinton did, of a
"strategic partnership". He has also made it clear that he sees Japan, South
Korea and Taiwan as America's main allies in Asia. To symbolise this, Yoshiro
Mori, the beleaguered Japanese Prime Minister, will meet Mr Bush this week
before Mr Qian's appointment on Thursday.

China, in response, has announced a sharp increase in defence spending.
Several Asian countries, especially Japan, fear that they will be awkwardly
caught in a new confrontation between China and America. Washington's new
attitude towards China is part of a foreign policy that is tightly focused on
what the Bush administration regards as national interests.

More than a third of the 55 special envoy posts created by Mr Clinton have
already been abolished and Mr Bush has said America will intervene abroad
only when it has a direct stake in the outcome. In addition to the perennial
disagreements over human rights and Taiwan, the democratic American ally
which Beijing still regards as a rebel province, Mr Bush's missile defence
proposals are likely to strain relations.

Beijing fears that plans for a theatre missile defence system to counter the
threat from North Korea, Iran and Iraq could neutralise China's nuclear
capability. At his meeting with Mr Bush, Mr Qian will ask him to prevent
American sales to Taiwan of advanced weapons such as the Patriot anti-missile
and Aegis battle-management systems.

In contrast to the latest tensions, Communist leaders last night hosted a
30th anniversary reunion of the Beijing table tennis tournament that ended
decades of silence between the Cold War rivals. The guest of honour was Henry
Kissinger, US Secretary of State under President Nixon, who met many of the
now-ageing diplomats who took part in "ping pong diplomacy".

Students played a fresh Sino-US match in the same state guest house in
western Beijing where Mr Kissinger stayed 30 years earlier before Mr Nixon's
1972 visit to China and Mr Kissinger played a match with Li Lanqing, a
Chinese Vice-Premier.

Chairman Mao once told Mr Nixon that he preferred dealing with Right-wingers
because he found them more straightforward. Communist leaders have found that
Republican administrations focus on trade, rather than thorny issues such as
human rights. China makes little secret of its belief that all new US
presidents can be "trained" in the ways of pragmatism, no matter how tough
their talk about human rights or Taiwan on the election trail.

Mr Bush, however, is conscious of the number of Republican friends that
Taiwan has on Capitol Hill and in the early weeks of his administration has
shown a determination to stick to his campaign pledges. Although Mr Clinton
was seen in America as "soft on China", senior Chinese officials complained
that he was untrustworthy and two-faced. He presided over the normalisation
of trade ties with China but also said this would undermine one-party
Communist rule.

Mr Bush, whose father was ambassador to China before he became president, has
accepted an invitation to visit Beijing in October. Mr Bush has already shown
that he intends to be tougher on communism than Mr Clinton.

When Gen Colin Powell, the Secretary of State, said he wanted "to pick up
where President Clinton left off" on North Korea, Mr Bush was quick to
disagree and has refused to endorse the "sunshine policy" of bringing the two
Koreas together favoured by President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea.

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[CTRL] North Korea says U.S. ties at critical juncture

2001-03-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

North Korea says U.S. ties at critical juncture
Sunday, 18 March 2001 12:25 (ET)

North Korea says U.S. ties at critical juncture

 SEOUL, South Korea, March 18 (UPI) -- North Korea on Sunday said its ties
with the United States were at a "critical juncture" and urged the Bush
administration to follow the constructive North Korea policy pursued by its
predecessors.  If the United States reconsiders a Clinton-era deal to help
the communist country build nuclear reactors, it will risk drastically
worsening relations, the North's state-run press said.

 North Korea will "take up an extreme hard-line stance" if the United
States takes a tough stance against it, Radio Pyongyang said.

 It blasted U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee who reportedly has recommended President George W. Bush to scrap
the 1994 Agreed Framework with North Korea. The U.S. newsletter Defense News
reported that Helms made the recommendation to the president in a letter
sent March 9.

 Under the landmark agreement, the United States and its allies agreed to
supply North Korea with two 1,000-megawatt light-water reactors and 500,000
tons of fuel heavy oil annually until the completion of the first reactor,
in return for an end to North Korea's suspected nuclear weapons development
program. But the $4.6 billion project has been delayed following Pyongyang's
test-fire of a ballistic missile in 1998 over Japan, a main financial
contributor to the project.

 The North's mouthpiece threatened to revive nuclear weapons development
program, saying it was "entitled to take an option." "It is its
revolutionary determination to counter the use of force with force and
return war for war and surely win with a thousand-fold retaliation," Radio
Pyongyang said.  "The United States should drop its daydream of isolating
and stifling the Democratic People's Republic of (North) Korea by force of
arms and opt to sincerely implement the agreed framework. This is also
beneficial to the United States," it added.

 It was the latest in a series of attacks on the new U.S.  administration
since the Seoul-Washington summit earlier this month which raised questions
about the reliability of North Korea.

 Meeting with South Korean President Kim Dae-jung on May 7, Bush said he
didn't trust the communist dictatorship in Pyongyang and had no plans to
immediately resume talks on scrapping its long-range missile program.
Bush's tough stance has prompted North Korea to launch a bitter diatribe
against the new administration which it insists has employed "provocative
approach" against the Stalinist state. The North warned that "the army and
people of (North Korea) would take thousand-fold revenge on them." Bush
plans to travel to South Korea in October before attending the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Shanghai, China. Officials here said
Bush's Seoul trip would focus on policy coordination between the two allies
in dealing with North Korea.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Top defense contractors rapidly building up China's air fleet

2001-03-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. planes to fly PLA to Taiwan?
Top defense contractors rapidly building up China's air fleet



Editor's note: In collaboration with the hard-hitting Washington, D.C.
newsweekly, Human Events, WorldNetDaily brings you this special report every
Monday. You can subscribe to Human Events through our online store.

By Terence P. Jeffrey
© 2001 Human Events

Bill Gertz of the Washington Times reported last week that the People's
Republic of China has built a second short-range missile base just 135 miles
from the shores of Taiwan. This underscores the obvious military threat the
world’s last great communist power poses for one of the most promising new
democracies of Asia.

Yet, China is swiftly creating another, more insidious, threat to Taiwan, and
U.S. policymakers seem oblivious.

That threat is the rapid build-up of the PRC’s commercial air fleet. The
planes of this fleet may become to 21st-century warfare what amphibious
landing vehicles were to 20th-century warfare in the hands of commanders like
Nimitz and MacArthur -- in places like Iwo Jima and Leyte.

If so, it is the United States that taught the People's Liberation Army what
it could do if it controlled enough large jets and could seize an airfield on
which to land them.

In the build-up to the 1991 war with Iraq, the U.S. Defense Department
Federal Expressed 9,000 soldiers to the Persian Gulf.

No, the Pentagon did not wrap them up in red, white and blue boxes and drop
them off by 8:00 p.m. for overnight delivery. But it did commandeer an entire
fleet of Federal Express 747s and DC-10s -- along with their pilots -- and
made them instant instruments of the largest military airlift in history.

‘Industrial Cooperation’

Between August 1990 and July 1991, 34 commercial air carriers contributed 110
aircraft and their crews to this cause. They operated as part of what the
Defense Department calls the Civil Reserve Air Fleet -- a concept developed
in 1952 during the Korean War, but not used until the crisis in the Persian
Gulf. All told, the commercial airliners of CRAF brought two-thirds of U.S.
troops to the Persian Gulf and one-fifth of the cargo. Many of the flights
went to the air base at Dhahran, which was vulnerable to Iraqi Scud attacks
throughout the war.

Without these commercial jets, it would have taken the U.S. much longer to
amass the forces needed to defeat Saddam’s army. With these jets, the United
States was able to rapidly deploy enough forces in the Persian Gulf to deter
an Iraqi invasion of Saudi Arabia, and quickly change the military and
psychological balance of power in the region.

If the Gulf War proved the effectiveness of laser-guided bombs and cruise
missiles, it also established the importance of large commercial jets to
modern war.

Since the Gulf War, the PRC has invested billions to modernize and expand its
commercial air capacity. That should not be surprising. But perhaps it should
be surprising that some top U.S. defense contractors have helped them do it.

The same companies that built the equipment that U.S. air carriers used to
carry troops and materiel to the Persian Gulf are now building the equipment
that the PRC may someday use to carry troops and materiel across the Taiwan

Boeing, listed by the Defense Department as its No. 2 contractor, boasts on
its corporate website of the help it has given the PRC in bolstering its
commercial air capability:

"China has requested Boeing assistance in developing its air transportation
infrastructure," says the company. "The Boeing Co. has invested several
hundred million dollars in infrastructure development since 1993. From 1993
to 2000, Boeing has instructed over 11,000 Chinese aviation professionals,
half of whom are pilots, maintenance and flight operations people."

Boeing is helping the PRC develop the ability to build aircraft components
and train the personnel needed to maintain and fly large jets.

"Training takes place in Seattle, Long Beach, Calif., and China," says
Boeing. "A number of those trained by Boeing in the United States return to
China as trainers themselves."

"Boeing is assisting the CAAC [Civil Aviation Administration of China] in its
effort to further develop the Civil Aviation Flying College (CAFC), China’s
premier pilot training academy," says the company. "Boeing has given the
college two multi-million-dollar 737 simulators, which are used to complete
training for instructor pilots."

"In the 1980s," the company says, "Boeing helped the CAAC establish an
aircraft maintenance certificate course at the Civil Aviation Institute of
China (CAIC) in Tianjin."

Boeing says on its website that it produces elements of its 737s, 747s and
757s in China as part of an "industrial cooperation" program. It also
operates three joint ventures in China: an 

[CTRL] US soldiers in firing line for first time

2001-03-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


US soldiers in firing line for first time


WITH artillery fire booming up the mountainside from Macedonian gunners
seeking out rebel Albanian fighters, American airborne rangers are now
regularly placing themselves in harm’s way for the first time since entering
Kosovo as part of the Nato-led peacekeeping force.
Up in these 4,000ft, thickly wooded hills that criss-cross the Kosovo and
Macedonia border, the Americans, who used to spend their peacekeeping shifts
hemmed into armoured personnel carriers guarding street corners, are looking
out for Albanian gunmen along tracks which are a natural haven for

About 30 miles away lies Camp Bondsteel, the American fortress barracks that
offers every type of comfort from gyms to cinemas.

However, for these troops from the 82nd Airborne Division, the previously
risk-free military mission has changed over the past 48 hours dramatically
and put them directly in the firing line.

On patrol yesterday, 3 Squad from Charlie Company 1st 325 Airborne Infantry
Regiment reached Tanusevci, the scene of gunfire exchanges with Albanian
“terrorists” two weeks ago, after an hour’s hard hike from Debelde.

Once over the rise, the Americans are so close to Macedonia that it makes no
difference. Uncomfortably aware of a Macedonian sniper nearby, Captain Marcus
Evans from Georgia walks into Macedonia to meet his counterparts guarding the
same mountain from the same enemy. A Macedonian major shakes the American’s
hand and thanks him for helping to protect his country from the rebels.

These few words say everything about the new relationship that has suddenly
developed in these treacherous border areas. The United States and the rest
of Nato owe a debt of honour to the Macedonians for allowing the alliance to
park its troops and tanks on their territory for the Kosovo peacekeeping
operation and Skopje has now made it clear it’s pay-back time.

Nato officially says it has no mandate to operate in Macedonia but, in the
eyes of the major, this is precisely what the Americans are now doing.

The expansion of the American role began on March 8 when Charlie Company and
Bravo Company set up home in the schoolhouse at Tanusevci. Now cooperation
and consultation with the Macedonians occur on a daily basis.

The Macedonian major tells Captain Evans of an Albanian “terrorist cell”
which is known to be holed up not far away in a place called Two Graves.

It’s in Kosovo, he says, hinting that his new friends in the US airborne
forces should get over there and sort them out.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Powell delivers stern warning to Russia, Iran

2001-03-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Monday, March 19 11:37 PM SGT

Powell delivers stern warning to Russia, Iran
WASHINGTON, March 19 (AFP) -
US Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered a stern warning to Russia and
Iran Monday, putting both nations on notice that the United States was
watching their actions closely and would respond should they make moves that
could destabilize the Middle East.

In an address before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Powell
said Washington would not turn a blind eye to repression by Tehran or arms
sales by Moscow to the Islamic Republic.

The secretary said while President George W. Bush's administration was
reviewing its policy toward Iran, it was troubled by Tehran's continued
support for terrorism, opposition to Middle East peace efforts and its
treatment of minorities, particularly Jews.

"It is apparent that certain aspects of Iranian government behavior ... are
of deep concern," Powell said, adding that Iranian Jews had been "unfairly
charged and harshly imprisoned" in a series of recent criminal cases.

"This is of deep concern to the United States and to the American people, and
we will not turn aside and ignore this kind of behavior," he said to
enthusiastic applause from the pro-Israel crowd attending the speech.

At the same time, Powell said the Bush team was intrigued by recent events in
Iran that indicated a resurgence of moderate sentiment against the
conservative Islamic government.

"We are aware of the intellectual and political foment taking place within
Iran," he said. "Things are happening, things are changing and we will
continue to watch these developments closely and hopefully."

Powell also picked up on heavy criticism of Russia levelled by US officials
last week after Moscow announced plans to boost military and nuclear
cooperation with Iran.

"We are also concerned about Iranian efforts to develop weapons of mass
destruction and to increase its conventional military strength," he said,
noting that he had raised the issue in meetings with Russian officials,
including Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and national security advisor Sergei

"I have gone so far as to raise with senior Russian officials the role that
Russia is playing in these dangerous and destabilizing efforts," Powell said.
"We will not overlook what Russia is doing to cause this sort of problem."

Washington has warned Moscow that it may face US sanctions should it sell
advanced conventional weapons or sensitive technology to Tehran.

Russia has dismissed the US concerns saying any weapons sales to Iran will be
defensive in nature, will not violate non-proliferation agreements and will
not affect the balance of power in the Middle East.



*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Unique Health ID Numbers-The Ultimate Invasion Of Your Privacy?

2001-03-19 Thread William Shannon


By: Steven Fath

"Bow down before the one you serve. You're going to get what you deserve..." 
---Nine-Inch Nails.

"Politics is a pendulum whose swings between anarchy and tyranny are fueled
by perpetually rejuvenated illusions"
---Albert Einstein.

I was recently reminded of the impending deadline for the public comment 
period concerning the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's 
(HIPAA) new Final Privacy Rule. To mark the beginning of the largest and most 
intrusive "dataveillance" base in the history of the world and the death of 
private practice healthcare in America, I thought a review of HIPAA, the 
privacy debate, and the subsequent stealth implementation of unique health 
identifier numbers would be prudent for several reasons: First, despite 
overwhelming public apprehension, every individual, employer, health plan, 
and health care provider will be forced to comply with this law and the 
information contained within the number will not and cannot remain private 
while in the hands of our government. Non-compliance with these Leviathan 
rules and regulations will be punishable by fines and imprisonment. This will 
become the official National ID system desperately wanted by our friendly 
government. Indeed, these "marks" will usher in a new official era of 
government control of the individual and the health industry. Finally, I hope 
this inquest will illustrate how our government actually works and how it is 
unified towards the common goal of control and "The Third Way" despite the 
empty rhetoric of feigned liberty and differing ideologies.

"Trust me, I'm from the government." 

HIPPA was created ". to make sure that you could take your insurance with you 
from one job to the next. To make sure that in this new economy, you would 
continue to have access to health insurance, as you moved more frequently 
from job to job," stated the recently crowned Secretary of Health and Human 
Service king, Tommy Thompson. However, this is a mere sugarcoating of these 
intrusive and controlling laws stated by a new administration bent on also 
deceiving its slaves. Donna Shalala had a different, but equally dishonest 
view, back in 1997; " Until today, Americans had no federal privacy 
protections for their medical records.these standards are an important step 
forward in protecting the privacy of some of our most personal information." 
She added, "We cannot allow the absence of privacy protections to compromise 
the quality of care in our nation." This statement reeks with the philosophy 
of responsive communitarianism. You know, balancing individual rights with 
the common good of the community and social responsibilities. However, how 
can a "community" determine the extent of those rights when it is really a 
collection of individuals? It can't because only individuals choose, act, and 
pursue interests. Therefore, this philosophy is only a euphemism for mob 
rule. A perfect fit, by the way, for our Social Democracy, but I digress. My 
favorite statement from Donna Shalala reads, "Gone are the days when our 
family doctor kept records sealed away in an office file cabinet. Patient 
information is now accessed and exchanged quickly." God knows the majority of 
us incompetent Americans need Big Brother to handle our most private records 
by keeping them out of a sealed locked cabinet in some doctors office. She 
also rambled on about the five principles reflected in this law. Tommy didn't 
mention these: Consumer Control, Boundaries, Accountability, Public 
Responsibility, and Security. Remember, the buzzwords are "protection" and 
"privacy". These are the thoughts the federal government wants you to 
envision as it legislates the complete opposite. Ultimately, this law will 
totally alter, for the worse, the relationship between our federal government 
and its citizens. Again, it can be enlightening to Americans when they 
finally understand every new administration is essentially the same old 
administration in an otherwise unified government seeking to continue the 
same overall socialistic plans. Nobel, isn't it?
HIPPA is a gargantuan law also known as the Kennedy-Kassebaum Act. 
Specifically, this is a wildly complex myriad of rules and regulations meant 

1) Standardize patient health, administrative, and financial data in an 
electronic format.

2) Provide unique health identifies for individuals, employers, health plans, 
and health Providers.
3) Provide security standards protecting the confidentiality and integrity of 
"individually identifiable health information," past, present, or future.

For the rest of us, this means the government is going to assign everyone a 
number, collect all of their medical records, store them in a giant 
centralized computer bank, and decide who or what entity has access to them. 
Because the final rule does 

[CTRL] Conspiracy Con, Speakers (fwd)

2001-03-19 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:06:52 -0800
From: John Gunderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Conspiracy Con, Speakers

From the, "For What It's Worth" box...

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as
sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and
public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." -- John

Title: Conspiracy Con, Speakers

Conspiracy Con, put a banner 
on your website   
  David Icke and Jordan Maxwell
  to present both Saturday and Sunday
   click any book to order online

Icke says"When you are constantly moving forward, 
searching for the cutting edge, everyone behind you always believes you 
have gone too far. The further back from the cutting edge they are, the 
more extreme and, indeed, insane, you appear, to them, to be. In this 
way, one person's "madness" can be another person's commonsense. David's 
presentation picks up where talk radio leaves off... Order 
The Biggest Secret from 
and Noble
Children of the Matrix: Using 
hundreds of visuals, video footage, and lots of humor, David Icke will 
present more than ten years of research into the secret manipulation of 
the human race going back thousands of years. Icke, the writer of ten 
books, including The Biggest Secret and the latest, Children 
of the Matrix, reveals how the same interbreeding bloodlines going 
back to ancient Sumer and Egypt continue to control the positions of power 
to this day as royalty, US presidents, banking and business leaders. His 
stunning information also exposes the subtle and less subtle methods of 
mass mind control which lead the human race like sheep in the direction 
the controlling few desire. This is leading to world government, world 
central bank and currency, a world army, and a microchipped population. 
This has long been predicted in his books and now it is on the very brink 
of happening. Also included is suppressed information on humanity's 
ancient extraterrestrial origins- the origins of the bloodlines that continue 
to control the planet. No one who hears Icke speak will ever see the 
world in the same light again. www.davidicke.com 

Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher 
and authority in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. 
He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker 
Magazine, America's oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work 
exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies 
has created an enthusiastic response from audiences for many years. He 
has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk 
shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and 
appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 
2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally 
acclaimed 5-part (Ancient Mystery Series) - all devoted to understanding 
ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. 
His extraordinary presentations include thousands of slides featuring 
documents and photographs never seen elsewhere. Order 
Symbols, Sex and the Stars from Amazon.com 

Workshop: Toxic 
Religion & The Occult Establishment: Jordan Maxwell discusses the 
three foundation stones on which the modern-day "world of chaos" is based. 
Government - Religion - Commerce: The three-legged stool on which 
the powers that be sit. The word "Occult" simply means "hidden." There 
has been more information hidden from your eyes than you will ever suspect. 
Your decisions in life are only as good as your information. This whole 
subject is not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! 
Come step into the occult world with Jordan Maxwell. If ever the devil 
was in the details, this is it! www.bbcoa.com

Len Horowitz 
is a Harvard educated expert in public health education. He is also a 
dentist, behavioral scientist, and has authored more than two-dozen books, 
audiotapes and videotapes, among them, the national best selling book, 
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & 

[CTRL] America orders £17bn fleet of spy satellites

2001-03-19 Thread William Shannon


America orders £17bn fleet of spy satellites


THOUSANDS of American scientists are being quietly recruited to build a vast 
new network of spy satellites, in a top secret $25 billion (£17.5 
billion)project that will enable America to peer into every corner of the 
globe at any time with far greater accuracy.

 A group of Californian aerospace companies will employ about 20,000 people 
to build the new generation of spy satellites over the next 20 years in what 
is believed to be the biggest intelligence-related contract, the Los Angeles 
Times reported yesterday. 

Using high-powered telescopes and radar, up to two dozen spy satellites will 
be able to photograph anywhere in the world, day or night, regardless of the 
weather, zooming into specific areas and sending back thousands of images. 
The project is expected to be comparatively more costly than the building of 
the atomic bomb.

 There are about half a dozen spy satellites now in orbit, but these will be 
replaced by smaller, more powerful and more versatile satellites that will 
play a key role in American intelligence-gathering for decades.

 The project, officially known as Future Imagery Architecture, is being 
co-ordinated by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), one of the most 
secretive and well-financed government intelligence agencies. 

The NRO has released only a brief statement, saying that Boeing has won the 
contract to launch and operate “the nation’s next generation of imagery 
reconnaissance satellites”. 

The Federation of American Scientists recently concluded that the satellite 
project “will be the most expensive programme in the history of the 
intelligence community”.

 About 5,000 scientists and computer programmers will be brought into the 
project over the next five years, during the initial design phase. Thousands 
more will be needed to build and operate the system.

 “The programme is so secret that most of the people who work on it won’t 
have a good sense of what they are doing,” Loren Thompson, a defence analyst 
at the Lexington Institute, was quoted as saying.

 The project was partly inspired by intelligence problems encountered during 
the Gulf War, when military commanders complained that satellite 
reconnaissance photographs were late to arrive, patchy and insufficiently 

 The new system will be able to focus on a single area for twice as long as 
the existing satellites, beaming back up to 20 times as many high-resolution 
images of activity on the ground.

 The NRO, which dates back to 1960, has an annual budget of $6 billion and 
spends more than either the CIA or the National Security Agency.

 The Los Angeles Times calculated that the Manhattan Project to build the 
atomic bomb, which employed up to 125,000 people starting in 1942, cost the 
equivalent of $20 billion in today’s dollars.

 Most of the research and development work on the new breed of satellites is 
likely to be carried out at the Boeing plant in El Segundo, California, and 
the company has started recruiting technicians from Lockheed Martin 
Corporation, the company that built many of existing spy satellites. Refugees 
from ailing high-tech and Internet companies are also being recruited.

 “I don’t think most people are aware of how big this thing is,” a spokesman 
for the California Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency, said.

 The new satellites will be about two thirds smaller than the 15-ton models 
now in orbit, and positioned further out in space, making them far harder to 

 Advances in optical and radar technology will enable the satellites to take 
pictures with greater frequency, while the higher orbit will allow the target 
area on the ground to be filmed for a longer period.

 A spokesman for the NRO declined to give details of the massive space-spying 
project but confirmed that a new species of satellite would be launched 
starting in 2005 that would be “more capable of fulfilling the nation’s 
imaging needs”. 


2001-03-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



Sunday,March 18,2001

Think how easily a few bad guys could spark an outbreak of wildly
contagious foot-and-mouth disease like the one now devastating
Britain's livestock.

It's the latest fear on the terrorism front: agricultural

Experts say there's no sign that terrorists caused the disaster
in Britain - where a million animals may have to be destroyed -
but it could easily happen here. Or anywhere.

"We know it can be simple. We know it can be anonymous. We know
we don't have any good way to detect it," said Anthony Cordesman
of the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank.

Adds military analyst Dan Goure: "We should be quite worried. For
something as infectious as foot-and-mouth, all it takes is to run
across a field or smear cow dung from sick cows on your boots,
hide your boots in your luggage, then start tromping around

He says that until now, terrorists have targeted people or
buildings, so hitting cows or sheep didn't seem "as sexy" - but a
"clever terrorist" could see the potential.

Foot-and-mouth doesn't hurt humans, but it's so contagious it can
spread 50 miles on the wind, on shoes, on clothes, on car wheels.
Entire herds are being destroyed in Britain because a single cow
was exposed.

An agro-terrorist attack could devastate farmers, scare Americans
about the safety of their food supply and threaten an industry
that accounts for 13 percent of U.S. gross national product.

And foot-and-mouth is far from the only disease that terrorists
could use. A Pentagon report this January listed over 20 diseases
that could be used to devastate U.S. farms - from soybean rust to

So far, there hasn't been a verified case of international
agro-terrorism - but fears are growing.

That's why the National Security Council now serves on a working
group on agriculture and food safety - agro-terrorism is seen as
a weapon of mass destruction just like bio, chemical and nuclear
weapons. But this year, only $30 million is being spent on U.S.

"Did you ever think of agriculture as part of the national
security system?" asks a U.S. official who says intelligence is
the best protection but it isn't perfect, any more than it is for
embassy bombings.

The official says "psychological impacts" are a special worry. A
country can be paralyzed if people fear the food they eat; a few
years ago, apples suddenly became an object of fear over the alar

Even more worrisome, the official adds, is the risk of phony
agro-terror scares. Last year, there were 400 false anthrax
scares across the country, and every single one had to be taken

Actually, agro-terror is nothing new. A CSIS report says Germany
tried to infect French and U.S. livestock in World War I.

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union
weaponized diseases such as foot-and-mouth. Saddam Hussein's Iraq
"seriously explored" ways to use wheat rust and camel pox to
attack Iran.

Today, experts say any country with modern veterinary medicine
could develop agro-terrorism.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Rangers Declare Win in Beret Battle

2001-03-19 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rangers Declare Win in Beret Battle

 By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer

 The Rangers raised a ruckus when Army chief of staff
 Gen. Eric Shinseki announced in October that the
black beret the  Rangers wear proudly as an
 exclusive badge of honor would become standard-issue
 headgear for everyone from Army cooks and clerks to
colonels and generals.

 The Rangers considered it a slap in the face, a
 cheapening of their hard-won right to wear an
exclusive hat.

Nakano comments:
The decision to take away the exclusivity of
the black beret comes from the same mentality
as "outcome based education".
This holds that no one can excel or achieve any
special place or recognition for outstanding effort
and accomplishment.  Indeed the very term
is contrary to the concept of universal mediocrity.

The decision to make the black beret a standard
part of the uniform for all armed forces personnel
was a "slap in the face" to our elite military
units.  It was designed to further demoralize
the most highly-trained and combat-ready units.
This is simply another part of an on-going strategy
to reduce the effectiveness of the U.S. Military.
Putting women into combat units was another part
of the same scheme.  Spreading U.S. Military
personnel out via assignments in more than 100
foreign countries is also part of it.

The Army Rangers have not won a "victory" by getting
the brass to agree to a tan beret, but at least
it's not a pink beret.

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[CTRL] Bush signs off from the internet

2001-03-19 Thread William Shannon

ISSUE 2124  Monday 19 March 2001

Bush signs off from the internet
By Toby Harnden

PRESIDENT BUSH has been forced to withdraw from cyberspace after lawyers
warned him that any future emails could be made public.In a mournful farewell
computer message to 42 "dear friends" and relatives, Mr Bush said: "My
lawyers tell me all correspondence by email is subject to open record
requests. Since I do not want my private conversations looked at by those out
to embarrass, the only course of action is not to correspond in cyberspace.
This saddens me. I have enjoyed conversing with each of you."With that, Mr
Bush announced "sadly I sign off", adding: "I will miss your ideas and
encouragement. So perhaps we will talk by phone." The email message and its
addressees were obtained by the New York Times. Under government regulations,
White House emails form part of the federal presidential record and could be
subject to subpoena.Bill Clinton never sent emails during his presidency for
fear that they could be used against him. But emails from Monica Lewinsky
formed part of the evidence gathered by his prosecutor, Kenneth Starr.Mr
Bush's email address list included Don Evans, the Commerce Secretary, Andrew
Card, White House Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, chief strategist, and
Condoleezza Rice, National Security Adviser. Also among them were his mother,
Barbara, the golfer, Ben Crenshaw and Patrick Oxford, a Houston lawyer and
old friend.Mr Oxford said: "The President is a candid guy and I was candid
with him. Sometimes old friends aren't as discreet as they should be."

[CTRL] The Federalist Society

2001-03-19 Thread William Shannon
Message Attached=

[CTRL] NYDP: US Held Foot And Mouth Simulation 3 Months BEFORE UK Outbreak (fwd)

2001-03-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[The following is part of a thread from a list dealing with
biological warfare.  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 07:48:35 -0800
From: Patricia Doyle, PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: US Held Foot And Mouth Simulation 3 Months BEFORE UK

US Held Foot And Mouth Simulation 3 Months BEFORE UK Outbreak

By Patricia Doyle, PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, isn't this a stroke of luck...or 'coincidence'...  Three
months before the FMD outbreak in the UK, the US/Canada/Mexico
held FMD simulations.

There has not been an outbreak in the US since 1929, yet, 3
months before the UK outbreak, the US holds simulations.  Our FMD
savior, Plum Island, is supposed to be our first line of defense
against the virus.

Incidently, the Plum happens to have a virus bank that is shared
with, none other then, Canada and Mexico.

One of the reasons that the Plum is a Biolevel 5 facility is
because it studies FMD live virus. It is illegal to have this
virus in the continental US, and the Plum is the ONLY place where
various live FMD virues are found in North America.

The news of the simulation makes me believe that the US knew an
outbreak was going to occur. Did they have warning from a
terrorist group? Or, from the NWO?

I have just heard that FMD has broken out in Israel on the West
Bank. It is in Kuwait and also Saudi Arabia.

The strain is pandemic type O.

It sure sounds like the US knew a FMD outbreak was going to
happen. I wonder if the US had received terrorist threat of
impending FMD outbreak. It sure makes a case for an unnatural
outbreak in the UK.

Patricia Doyle

British Foot-Mouth Virus Epidemic Mimics US Simulation

a-103822.asp" NYdailynews/A


WASHINGTON - Three months before Britain's foot-and-mouth disease
outbreak, health officials in the United States, Mexico and
Canada tested their ability to respond to a similar epidemic. The
results weren't promising.

Within four days of a simulated detection of the virus in a
small, south Texas swine herd, the virus would have spread
through 15 Texas counties and Mexico, a scenario eerily similar
to the way a real epidemic now is playing out in Europe.

The British government found itself caught yesterday between
efforts to control its outbreak and farmers angry that hundreds
of thousands of healthy animals are to be slaughtered.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals joined
opposition to the slaughter, which calls for healthy sheep and
pigs to be destroyed within 2 miles of infected sites in northern
England and southern Scotland. Plans for the expanded slaughter
have divided farmers. The National Farmers' Union supports the
move, but the lobbying group Farmers For Action said it would
take legal action to stop the cull.

Please visit my website "Emerging Diseases"  and message board:



Patricia Doyle, PhD
Investigator of Emerging Diseases

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] AP: Castro Up for Nobel Peace Prize

2001-03-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I was somewhat surprised that Bill Clinton did't even make the
nomination list last year, and he tried.  --MS]

Thursday March 15 3:12 PM ET

Castro Up for Nobel Peace Prize

OSLO, Norway (AP) - Cuban President Fidel Castro (news - web
sites) has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work
on behalf of developing nations, a Norwegian politician announced

Hallgeir Langeland, a left-wing member of Parliament, said he
knew his decision to nominate the Cuban leader might be seen as

But he said Castro deserved recognition for helping other nations
despite the hardships of U.S.  sanctions imposed on Cuba after
his communist government seized power in 1959.

Cuba is a small, poor country that still has managed to send
doctors, engineers and aid workers to developing countries, said

The awards committee last month announced that 132 Nobel Peace
Prize nominations were received by the Feb.  1 deadline.  It
never reveals the names or comments on candidates.

Some of those nominated for the 2001 peace prize are known
because those backing them announced their choice.

They include U.N.  Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web
sites), U.S.  peace broker Richard Holbrooke, Chinese Falun Gong
(news - web sites) movement founder Li Hongzhi, and former
President Carter.

The winner of this year's prize will be announced on Oct.  12.
The Nobel prizes were first awarded in 1901, and are always
presented on Dec.  10, the date their creator, Swedish
industrialist Alfred Nobel, died.

Langeland has nomination rights as a member of a national


PERHAPS IT WAS only a matter of time.

Judging from the way so many in the West idealize and rhapsodize
about totalitarian leaders and regimes, it was a foregone

But finally, a left-wing Norwegian parliamentarian, Hallgeir
Langeland, has announced his nomination of Fidel Castro for the
coming year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

The Norwegian M.P.  has presented all his reasons for what he
says he knows some will see as a "controversial" nomination.
Cuba, he explains, is a small and poor nation that sends doctors,
engineers and aid workers to developing nations.

Somehow, the M.P.  has managed to leave out Castro’s extensive
aid in Africa in the form of military troops – sent to Angola as
shock troops on behalf of Soviet policy in Africa.  And of
course, we do not find any mention of what happened to the
popular commander of those troops after he returned home as a
hero – General Ochoa was put on trial for treason, accused of
dope smuggling, and executed.  His trial, a Stalin-era-style
purge trial, featured a "defense" attorney who proclaimed Ochoa

Nor does he point out the obvious – that Castro has ruined his
country’s economy, and turned his small land into a virtual
nation-state prison.

Nor does Mr.  Langeland talk about the growing political
repression practiced by Castro against his own people at home –
the continued arrest of dissidents, the suppression of a free
press, and the refusal of Castro to allow any internal dialogue
among his own people about the future of their country.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Bill would allow school principals to carry

2001-03-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday, March 15, 2001

Bill would amend
anti-gun school law
Texas principals, superintendents could carry firearms to work

By Jon Dougherty

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

In the wake of two more shootings at U.S. high schools last week, a Texas state
lawmaker whose parents were killed
by a gunman 10 years ago has introduced a measure to allow some school officials
to carry concealed weapons while at

Republican Rep. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp introduced H.B. 2353, as yet untitled, which
amend current state law prohibiting concealed weapons on school grounds.

According to the text of the bill, if passed the law would be changed to allow
a school
superintendent or principal to carry a concealed gun as a protective measure
for children.

The law would apply only to school officials in counties of 20,000 or less, and
only if the
official currently has a state-authorized concealed weapons permit.

The law would take effect Sept. 1; any violations of current state law prohibiting
weapons at school would be prosecuted, the bill said.

Hupp, who is also a licensed chiropractor, is recognized worldwide as a leading
advocate for
the individual right to carry a concealed weapon.

In 1991, after leaving her gun in her car in order to comply with Texas law,
Hupp witnessed the killing of both her
parents and 21 others in a Luby's Restaurant in Killeen.

Since the shooting, she has successfully run for the Texas legislature and has
testified numerous times across the
country in support of gun rights.

As a first-term congresswoman, her accomplishments include legislative approval
for the establishment of an
upper-level, public university in central Texas, the inclusion of additional
days for the ballots of overseas military
personnel to be counted in an election and the creation of a toll-free hotline
to verify the safety record of an abortion

Jon E. Dougherty is a staff writer for WorldNetDaily.

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[CTRL] FC: Germany weighs mandatory DNA testing for all men (fwd)

2001-03-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


   Child's Murder in Germany Prompts Debate Over Mandatory DNA Testing
   Saturday, March 17, 2001 By Greg Palkot

   The brutal murder of 12-year-old Ulrike Brandt, who went missing
   from her hometown north of Berlin last month, sparked outrage
   across Germany when her strangled and sexually abused body was
   found by authorities...

   The emotional case sparked a wider debate when some politicians
   called for all German men to submit to DNA testing to help find
   the girl's killer, and prevent similar crimes in the future.
   That call has been rejected by other leading officials, and
   brought back for the some the terrible memories of Germany's
   Nazi and Communist past, when individual rights were systemat
   ically disregarded...

   This new proposal has a much wider potential impact, however,
   and could theoretically involve 41 million people.

   Supporters have promised to push their case. "I am ready to go
   very far with legislation," Norbert Geis, legal spokesman for
   Germany's CDU/CSU opposition coalition told Fox News, "in order
   to catch sexual offenders against children."


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[CTRL] FC: SpyTV, interactive television, and lessons about free software (fwd)

2001-03-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 22:42:35 -0700 (MST)
From: Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Interactive TV and its lessons about free and non-free software

Please take a look at www.spyinteractive.com.
It explains how interactive TV can be turned to
unsavory ends by the developers of the system.

This problem creates a paradox for personal-data-protection laws,
because Interactive TV can be used to manipulate you even if the
information it gathers about you is never sent out of your house.

A lesson can be drawn from this which I think the site itself does not
draw: that any non-free program that you allow into your life, if it
is in a position to receive complex instructions from the Internet, is
a potential agent to manipulate or interfere with you, and cannot be
trusted.  Hence free software is not just important for programmers.
It is the only way non-programmers can have software they can trust.

See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/ for more about the philosophy
of the Free Software Movement.

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[CTRL] Mexican President Vicente Fox discusses drug legalization in newspaper interview

2001-03-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Mexican President Vicente Fox discusses drug legalization in newspaper

By JOHN RICE, Associated Press

MEXICO CITY (March 19, 2001 8:11 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Struggling with the violence and corruption
drug trafficking has caused, President Vicente Fox says the solution might
be to eventually legalize drug use.

In an interview published by two newspapers Sunday, Fox indicated
agreement with a police official who suggested last week that the only way
to win the war on drugs was to legalize drugs - eliminating the profits and
violence caused by illegal trafficking.

"That's right, that's true, that's true," the newspaper Unomasuno quoted Fox
as saying.

But the president quickly qualified that statement, saying Mexico could not
move alone and indicating he did not expect such a step soon.

"When the day comes that it is time to adopt the alternative of lifting
punishment for consumption of drugs, it would have to come all over the
world because we would gain nothing if Mexico did it but the production
and traffic of drugs ... continued here," he said.

"So humanity some day will see that it is best in that sense," he said in
remarks also reported by El Sol de Mexico.

On Monday, Fox spokeswoman Martha Sahagun was asked to elaborate.

"The president was very clear in what he said, that drugs and drug
smuggling is a serious affair not only for Mexico, it is an affair that affects
many countries in the world," she said. "... We have to follow this problem
closely, in a joint and global manner, taking solutions at the appropriate

Fox has vowed to cooperate closely with the United States against
traffickers who have used Mexico both as a transit route and production
site for narcotics.

On Jan. 24, the new president announced a "great crusade" against drugs,
saying, "I pledge a war without mercy."

Fox promised to overhaul the nation's corrupt prison system and to follow a
Mexican Supreme Court ruling last week that removed barriers to
extradition of Mexicans for trial in the United States.

His government has announced record seizures of drugs since Fox took
office Dec. 1.

Yet some Mexican experts - including Fox's Foreign Secretary Jorge
Castaneda - have long suggested that the drug war is being lost and that
some drugs should be decriminalized.

"One thing is (Fox's) personal attitude and another is pragmatism faced
with the United States," said Luis Astorga, a sociologist at the National
Autonomous University who studies the drug trade.

He said "Fox has gone further than previous governments" in accepting
U.S. demands to fight drugs.

A U.S. expert, Frank Cilluffo of the Center for Strategic and International
Studies in Washington, said that suggesting legalizing drugs "sends the
wrong message to our children."

"While some of the gang violence may be mitigated, the bad
consequences of drug use would not," said Cilluffo, who heads a task force
on the narcotics industry for the center.


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[CTRL] FC: Microsoft wants to be Big Brother... and wants you to pay (fwd)

2001-03-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

According to CBS MarketWatch, below, Microsoft now wants to be the holder
of *much* of our most sensitive medical, financial and other personal
information.  Before reading about MS' latest "service," consider --

*  Only a few months ago, Microsoft's own network was cracked and it's
believed that massive amounts of internal information may have been
downloaded from it before the network was killed.

*  At great expense, an increasing number of federal agencies and foreign
government agencies are abandoning Microsoft server and other software,
stating that it's simply too insecure for them to risk using it any longer.

*  Holes in Microsoft's Internet Explorer and/or Outlook Express has been
estimated to be responsible for covertly circulating to millions of entries
in naive users' address books, a huge number of viruses, Trojan horses, and
DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks, including several that cost
their targets hundreds of thousands of dollars in down-time, lost business
and consumptive recovery efforts.

*  Microsoft is also the company that said they absolutely did not collect
information about user machines when users did online software registration
-- until it was proven that they WERE doing exactly that (covertly picking
off each machine's globally-unique Ethernet-card serial number).

*  Microsoft's Word includes "features" that are estimated to have
facilitated about 1/4-1/3 of *all* of the world's computer viruses in the
last  4-5 years.

Geee ... thanks very much ... but I think I'll keep my most sensitive
personal information in my OWN files -- and copy'n'paste it if/when needed!

--jim, Jim Warren; [EMAIL PROTECTED], technology  public policy columnist
Also GovAccess founder/list-owner/editor, and DataCast founder/owner
345 Swett Rd, Woodside CA 94062; voice/650-851-7075; fax/off due to spam-glut

[self-inflating puff: Playboy Foundation's Hugh Hefner First-Amendment Award;
Soc.of Prof.Journalists-Nor.Calif.'s James Madison Freedom-of-Information
founded InfoWorld; Dr. Dobb's Journal; Computers, Freedom  Privacy
Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award (in its first year), blah blah]



Microsoft unveils awaited software
By Mike Tarsala, CBS.MarketWatch.com
Last Update: 5:07 PM ET Mar 19, 2001

REDMOND, Wash. (CBS.MW) - Bill Gates is trying to convince anyone who's
ever filled out a form on the Internet to trust him with their lives - and
pay his company for it.

Gates unveiled Internet-based software Monday that lets people store and
manage their personal records [making] the world's largest software company
a central repository for storing credit card numbers, birth records and
other types of personal information. The company will charge a
to-be-determined monthly fee for the service.

Code-named Hailstorm ...

... The software keeps people from having to root through file cabinets any
time they want to make a big-ticket purchase, file a medical claim or apply
for a loan.


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[CTRL] Autopsy unlikely for Oklahoma City bomber McVeigh

2001-03-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(Maybe because he has an implant in his butt? --SW :(

Autopsy unlikely for Oklahoma City bomber McVeigh

The Associated Press

DENVER (March 19, 2001 2:48 p.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - A
judge said Monday he approves of Timothy McVeigh's agreement with a
coroner and the government that no autopsy would be conducted after the
death sentence is carried out in May.

But the judge said he lacks the authority to order that no autopsy be
performed on McVeigh, who was found guilty in the Oklahoma City

Lawyers for McVeigh, the federal government and the coroner in Vigo
County, Ind., signed the agreement March 9.

McVeigh's lawyers asked U.S. District Court Judge Richard Matsch for a
ruling to ensure that no autopsy be carried out. Matsch rejected McVeigh's
motion for the order.

"I don't have the authority to make this agreement an order of the court,"
Matsch said. "I do, of course, approve of it as an appropriate solution to an
awkward situation for the coroner and everyone involved."

He added: "I'd like to be helpful, but I also have to be careful about my

Matsch, who presided over McVeigh's trial, said he believes his jurisdiction
in McVeigh's case ends the moment McVeigh dies. McVeigh is scheduled
to be executed May 16 at the federal prison in Vigo County.

McVeigh was convicted of murder, conspiracy and weapons-related
charges for the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building in Oklahoma City. The explosion killed 168 people.


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Re: [CTRL] Massive Spy-Satellite Program to Cost Billions

2001-03-19 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 19 Mar 2001 06:52:31 -0800
From:   Harv Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: IMAGES: Massive Spy-Satellite Program to Cost Billions
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have been interested in the black triangles for many years.  It started
with my personal investigation of a remarkable account back in 1985 here in
Texas.  In 1989, in Laramie, Wyoming, I and about 20 other people had a
sighting that lasted about 20 minutes.  On the Cosmic Conspiracies website
http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk I have two, admittedly highly speculative,
articles regarding these fabulous craft.

Over the years, I've come to regard about all rocket technologies as
old-fashioned and dangerous, surviving  and existing as cover for the real
work of back-engineering UFO technology and to keep the all- precious
economy juggernaut rolling along.  The space shuttle, of course, being the
prime example of these "make-work" activities. (Only one hundred flights in
20 years is outrageous.)  The Osprey aircraft probably is another
multibillion- dollar boondoggle/diversion as would be the recently canceled
X-33 space plane, etc.)

As a result, I've been long interested in exactly how the fleets of
operational UFO-derived craft would be funded.  Building a few prototypes is
one thing, but to start putting together operational fleets for active duty
is quite another.  I've been waiting for a contrived program to be feed to
the public which would provide such funding while offering an explanation to
the public for the expense.  A key component for such a program would be to
place it against a national defense backdrop such that few would want to
attack it in terms of expense or purpose. This news article posted by Steve
gives us clues about how this charade is going to be pulled.  I have
extracted a couple of pertinent sections, but if you glossed over the entire
article, go back and carefully read between the lines.


Still, most state officials said
 they know little about the project. "I don't think most people are aware
 how big this is," said Mike Marando, spokesman for the California
 Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency. "We know California benefits
 substantially, but by exactly how much we just don't know." The National
 Reconnaissance Office hasn't helped. The enigmatic agency announced
 the contract in a three-paragraph news release posted on its bare-bones
 Web site little more than a year ago. The project is officially known as
 Future Imagery Architecture. Despite slowly opening itself up in recent
 years, the NRO still remains one of the most secretive government
 agencies. Even its innocuous logo--a space probe circling the globe--was
 a secret until 1994. Besides saying it awarded the contract to Boeing "to
 develop, provide launch integration and operate the nation's next
 generation of imagery reconnaissance satellites," not much else has been
 revealed. Virtually everything else about the contract--its dollar amount,
 number of satellites to be built, who is doing what and where, and the
 capabilities of the satellite--is secret. Even the duration of the
contract is
 deemed classified. "This program is so secret that most of the people who
 work on it won't have a good sense of what they are doing," said Loren
 Thompson, a defense analyst at the Arlington, Va.-based Lexington

--- End of forwarded message ---


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[CTRL] NM: Pardongate Flashback: Lasater Party Girl Speaks Out

2001-03-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Monday, March 19, 2001 4:47 p.m. EST

Pardongate Flashback: Lasater Party Girl Speaks Out

In a little-noticed report last month on the 11th-hour pardons
Roger Clinton sought from his brother, the Washington Post
revealed what may turn out to be the most explosive aspect of the
clemency-for-cash scandal now swirling around the former first

 Buried on page 7 of the Post's little-read Saturday edition, the
headline seemed rather mundane: "Clinton's Brother Promised
Pardons." But scattered throughout the story was a name that
should have set off smoke alarms in newsrooms all across America.

 "Dan R. Lasater, a Little Rock bond broker convicted in 1986 of
cocaine distribution, said Roger Clinton told him late last year
he would put in a good word on his behalf with the president,"
the Post reported.

 "A millionaire entrepeneur who backed several Arkansas
Democrats, including Bill Clinton's campaigns, Lasater got a
conditional state pardon from then-Governor Clinton in 1990.
Lasater said he lent Roger Clinton $8,000 in 1984 to pay off
cocaine debts."

 But there's more - much, much more to the Lasater story,
information so radioactive that there's little doubt Bill and
Hillary Clinton are more worried over the Bush Justice
Department's decision to make Roger a target of its Pardongate
probe than about any other aspect of the investigation.

 The best account of Dan Lasater's world comes from Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, the former Washignton bureau chief of the London
Sunday Telegraph whose 1997 biography, "The Secret Life of Bill
Clinton," was largely overlooked by the press.

 "Dan Lasater's Drug Trafficking Organization" reads the key
chapter heading. On the pages inside, the author quotes excerpts
from law enforcement documents covering the accounts of several
Lasater party girls who inhabited a world not exactly unknown to
both Bill and Roger Clinton.

 Here's the opening paragraph from the police statement of
Patti-Anne Smith, who was only 16 years old when she met Little
Rock's most notorious "bond daddy":

 "I was a virgin until two months after I met Dan Lasater. He
plied me with cocaine and gifts for sexual favors and I finally
gave in and slept with him. ... I could get an eight ball [from
Lasater] whenever I wanted it. I carried a vial of it around at

 After a visit to a Lasater-supplied gynecologist, who put
Patti-Anne on birth control pills, Lasater was making her
available for the sexual entertainment of his business

 When investigators tracked her down to gain testimony against
Lasater two years later, the terms they used to describe
Patti-Anne were "drugged-out party girl" and "basket case."

 And she was not alone. Here's the police statement of Michele
Cochran - 19 years old when she met Lasater.

 "He used drugs and money eventually to seduce me. As a result of
the relationship I became addicted to cocaine."

 Another teen-age Lasater alum told police that after a few
months in his orbit, she "would sometimes get up and snort
cocaine in order to start my day."

 Author Evans-Pritchard managed to track Patti-Anne Smith down
some 13 years later. Her account is fascinating for two reasons.
First, for the pure shock value of what she endured during her
days as an inhabitant of Lasater's world.

And second, because the fact that an American president pardoned
a thug like Lasater once on state charges - only to have the
president's brother seek a second, federal pardon - is absolutely
beyond belief.

 "I was the youngest of all the girls," Patti-Anne told
Evans-Pritchard. "We were like hens in a roost, with the rooster.
We got along in a bitchy kind of way because we didn't want to be
expelled from the roost."

 "I knew a lot more than I should have known. ... Chuck Berry
[Lasater's enforcer/driver who was later killed himself] told me
that I was one of Dan Lasater's most trusted people and knew a
lot about cocaine and his personal life. If I ever betrayed his
personal trust and hurt Lasater in any way I would not 'see
daylight' to tell about it anymore."

 Patti-Anne told Evans-Pritchard that Bill as well as Roger
Clinton was a part of the Little Rock drug scene.

 "I met Bill Clinton several times, he'd know my name and I
thought he was a wonderful person. But I can tell you that he was
never acting like a governor when I saw him."

 The former Lasater good-time girl says she was present for one
late-night meeting between her boss and then-Governor Clinton.

"He was doing a line," Patti-Anne said of the future president.
"It was just there on the table."

 Whether the current Pardongate investigation will probe deep
enough to warrant revisiting any of this is anybody's guess.

 But if the feds are looking for clues as to why Dan Lasater's
name turned up on Roger Clinton's pardon list, they might start
by asking Patti-Anne Smith.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, 

[CTRL] NM: Hillary's Greed Covered Up by Press Before Election

2001-03-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Monday, March 19, 2001 11:25 a.m. EST

Hillary's Greed Covered Up by Press Before Election

It's too bad that the mainstream press kept Hillary Clinton's
record for using taxpayer resources to feather her own nest a
secret from New Yorkers during last year's election campaign.

 After she was safely ensconced in her U.S. Senate seat, the dam
broke on Mrs. Clinton's financial gluttoney, much to the surprise
of New York voters, if not NewsMax.com readers.

 First came the reports that New York's new senator had snagged
an $8 million book deal - a blatant conflict of interest given
that the Senate has regulatory power over her publisher's parent

 Then America learned that Hillary had solicited friends through
a furniture fund of sort, whereby donors could buy her all sorts
of pricey goods through a bridal-like registery at her favorite
department store. (Denise Rich donated a $7,000 couch.)

 Next came news that the sticky-fingered first lady had made off
with all sorts of furnishings when she departed the White House -
pieces donated by folks who thought they were helping to
redecorate "The People's House."

 What a shame none of this news broke before New Yorkers
installed Hillary in the Senate, where she's keeping up the fine
family tradition of cashing in at every turn.

 Today New Yorkers awoke to discover they'll be picking up the
cool half-million-dollar annual tab for Mrs. Clinton's Manhattan
Senate office, which makes it the most expensive congressional
digs in the country.

"She's like royalty. She's the ex-president's wife. She lived in
the White House for eight years, for crying out loud," one real
estate agent told the New York Post, which first reported Mrs.
Clinton's gold-plated rental. (See the full Post report on
NewsMax.com's main page.)

 Looking back, wouldn't it have been nice if a reporter or two
had spent a moment before the election revisiting Cattlegate -
just so New Yorkers might have had a clue as to what they were
getting themselves into.

 Would it have been too much to ask of the journalists Mrs.
Clinton deigned to speak to that they inquire about the lies she
told in 1994, regarding that scandal, in a press conference where
she claimed to have turned $1,000 into $100,000 by reading the
Wall Street Journal?

 Or how about a story that foreshadowed in spades Mrs. Clinton's
cavalier attitude toward the hard-earned money of New York

When NewsMax revisted reports nine months before the election
that Hillary had personally bilked New Yorkers out of $100,000 in
education funds way back in 1991, the establishment press kept
obediently silent.

 Personal entreaties to newspaper editors went nowhere, despite
the fact that some of their own reporters had broken the story in
1994 and covered it again in 1996, when New York governor George
Pataki launched an official investigation.

 How unfortunate that New York voters weren't told how Hillary
aced a sweetheart deal 10 years ago that allowed her to collect
$8,000 a month from the state's taxpayers, courtesy of a
bureacratic boondoggle created by New York's then-Democratic
governor Mario Cuomo.

 It was called "The National Center on Education and the Economy"
and Hillary milked it for all she could until her husband
announced he was seeking the White House.

 Investigators never did figure out just what Sen. Clinton did
for all that money. There were no time sheets or any other record
of her labors. Unless you count travel expenses, for which she
was reimbursed an additional $11,000.

 Perhaps the establishment press thought it would be unfair to
report this sort of thing before the election - lest Americans
get the impression their first lady was, well, a money-obsessed,
greedy gold digger with a sense of entitlement Queen Victoria
would have envied.

 Better New York voters learn that now, when it's too late.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.