[CTRL] The Block Island Triangle (Brookhaven National Lab)

2001-05-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:  Tue, 08 May 2001 12:01:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:IUFO: The Block Island Triangle  (Brookhaven National Lab)
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Very interesting article.  Thanks Highflux!
Your friend,


From:   mailto:Highflux";>Highflux

The Block Island Triangle
by Clyde Lewis

TWA Flight 800 July 17, 1996 falls out of the sky 230 people die as result.
The Plane goes down under mysterious circumstances. July 17th 1999 JFK's
Piper Saratoga II Crashes in the same area. Swiss Air Flight 111 and Egypt
Air 990 all crashes in the same area all under mysterious circumstances. Just
what is causing these random crashes in the same area? The popular idea is
always terrorism and friendly fire. The unpopular Idea is stranger than
In the news we have been hearing about a number of airplanes that have
mysteriously crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. TWA 800, Swissair 111, John F.
Kennedy Jr.'s Piper Saratoga light aircraft and now, Egypt Air 990 have all
crashed in the same general area in the Atlantic ocean and in their wake have
left investigators baffled.

The area where the aircraft have dropped out of the sky lies below a busy air
traffic corridor that, statistically, sees no more airline crashes than
others do. However lately the area has seen its share of visits from the NTSB
crash investigative teams. When clusters of mysterious plane crashes end up
in the headlines it becomes necessary to investigate a probable cause.
Sometimes weird plane crashes can produce weird stories.

This story is no exception.

Granted everything conspiratorial and sensational you hear after the crashes
is all hearsay, but you can't deny that there is one thing that stands out as
fact, and that is the elusive mystery that surrounds the area that the locals
are now calling the Block Island Triangle.

The Triangle is a misnomer since the area spans more like a huge square. It
has been the place for all kinds of strange activity. The locals claim that
the area of this alleged triangle exists in the sea west of the infamous
Montauk area, up to Block Island 15 miles north northeast , in land
northwest, and out to Plum Island and Nantucket 90 miles east.

For the uneducated the Montauk Facility has been the subject of controversy
because of what it allegedly was used for during the war and because it is
rumored that the experiments that were conducted there continue to this day.

The Montauk Base has been reported to be the paramilitary or clandestine
shadow government ops facility specializing in subterranean electromagnetic/
radio frequency mind control experiments that could easily cause strange
things to happen in the area of the so called Block Island Triangle.

Strange things have been sighted and heard in the Montauk area. Many people
claim to have seen strange creatures, strange lights, green flashes and armed
guards dressed in black.

The base itself is considered off limits and many people have claimed that
they have been detained and video taped there.

To the normal observer however Montauk is like a spooky house of horrors. The
radio tower is still there and the buildings are abandoned it's nothing but a
collection of industrial-looking steel and concrete buildings and dilapidated
houses where hundreds of men were stationed.

People who sneak on to the abandoned base feel as if they are being watched.

The Montauk Base of course has been mentioned before in previous Ground Zero
Articles as being the facility written about in books by Preston Nichols and
Peter Moon. The facility was also spoken of when Al Bielek made his
appearance on Ground Zero and spoke of Project Phoenix which of course was
the 1980's version of the Philadelphia Experiment.

In 1943, the U.S. military experimented with high-voltage fields on a
destroyer anchored near Philadelphia to try to make it invisible to enemy
radar. The navy has gone to no end denying that any of this took place
however Bielek claims that these experiments were real and that he traveled
through time to Montauk in the 1980's.

The story goes that the Navy had made a horrible miscalculation and made a
destroyer, the USS Eldridge completely invisible. While the Eldridge was
invisible it was allegedly teleported through space and time. After the war,
the experiments were moved to the Montauk facility and the project was then
called Phoenix.

It was reported that The U.S. government had tunneled deep under the Montauk
base making an interconnecting bunker and subterranean fortress. The base was
then used for mind control and remote viewing. There was also talk of time
travel and the use of a powerful particle accelerator that could jam enemy
radar and enemy airplane controls.


Re: [CTRL] If AIDS doesn't kill you...

2001-05-08 Thread The Public Image

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No black blood will ever be mixed with my family.

so now we find out that you're not just retarded, but
racist to boot. dear god, you silly redneck lunatic,
go back to the rock you crawled out from under!
i'll bet you have a mullet, too. bitch.

-The Public Image

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-


{{Oh, well!  This explains everything and makes it all right to
shoot her??  Now keep in mind that Jerry Lee Lewis' nickname is "The
Killer" because of one of his own wives dying under very, very
strange circumstances in which he was a suspect but nothing was ever
proven.  May have been the wife who was also his cousin and only
about 14 years old.  I cannot remember that for sure as it has been
many, many years and this guy is older than dirt!  Then Blake's
behavior when he went back inside the restaurant was
ultrasuspicious~~drank TWO glasses of water and did not mention
leaving anything!  Appeared shaken and sweating. Then he goes back
outside and 'finds' her but instead of returning to the restaurant,
goes across the street for help.  Odd to say the least.  So while
she may not have been the nicest of persons, neither was the company
which she kept!  Even the Brando kid has a homicide on his record.
I wonder how he is out so soon after being jailed only in 1991.
Being wealthy, I suppose.  So there are three possible perpetrator.
I am going with the husband.  Anybody else care to venture a guess?



Leebonny Bakley financed her obsession with celebrities by selling
porn pictures of herself and running a phone-sex scam.
- Associated Press

May 8, 2001 -- ROBERT BLAKE'S slain wife was obsessed with
celebrities and would frequently break the law to support her
groupie lifestyle, friends say.
Leebonny Bakley, 44, who was shot dead Saturday night near a
California eatery, had a tainted track record that included stints
in jail, fraud charges and various scams.

Friends say all of her endeavors - including selling pornographic
pictures of herself through the mail, running a sex chat line and
phone-sex scams - allowed the starry-eyed New Jersey native to
pursue her fanatical devotion to the famous.

"She was a con artist, plain and simple, and a good one," said
Frankie Jean Lewis, sister of legendary rocker Jerry Lee Lewis, one
of Bakley's former lovers.

Her dream of marrying a star finally came true last November when
she married Blake after a DNA test revealed he was the father of her

But Blake, a former child actor best known as TV's "Baretta," wasn't
the only star in Bakley's universe. The wannabe actress allegedly
had love affairs with Lewis, Dean Martin, Frankie Valli and
Christian Brando, among others, and even had a love child with

BAKLEY'S celebrity odyssey began after she moved out of her parent's
home in Morristown, N.J., and began pursuing a modeling and acting
career in New York. She told her family she was studying with acting
guru Lee Strasberg and that her two great ambitions in life were be
a famous actress and marry a movie star.

Instead, she married her first husband in New Jersey in the late
'70s, and they had two children - now in their 20s. While he stayed
home, she worked in real estate and was a groupie on the side.

As her marriage came apart, she moved to Memphis to be near to her
idol, Jerry Lee Lewis.

To penetrate the living legend's inner circle, she befriended
Frankie Jean Lewis and her sister Linda Gail Lewis.

"She was just like the groupies in 'Almost Famous,'" Linda Gail
recalled. "[Leebonny] loved the music and the men who made it. She
was definitely obsessed."

Frankie Jean Lewis said her hell-raising brother, who vomited when
he heard about Bakley's slaying, first met the pretty blonde in the
mid-1970s and continued seeing her even after she married Blake.

Linda Gail said Bakley was always cagey about how she supported
herself. Linda Gail said she was stunned - and horrified - when a
London tabloid claimed in 1991 that she and Bakley were peddling
porn to support themselves.

Linda Gail won a libel suit against the Daily Mirror, and, ever the
opportunist, Bakley asked for a share in the payout. But Linda Gail
said the problem was the part of the story pertaining to Bakley was

"[Leebonny] was a nice person, but she did some unusual things,"
said Linda Gail, who recorded an album with Van Morrison last year.
"She also had an affair with my now ex-husband, who's an Elvis

Jerry Lee Lewis' wife, Carrie, detested the star-seeker who seduced
her husband, Frankie Jean revealed.

"Carrie hated her," Lewis said, adding that Carrie believed Bakley
used Demerol to get near Jerry Lee Lewis, who has a long history of
drug and alcohol problems.

Jerry Lee Lewis and Bakley have an 11-year-old daughter.

In 1989, Bakley was arrested for drug possession. At the time, she
told cops she was holding them for a celebrity, but she wouldn't
reveal who it was.

AFTER many years in Memphis and Arkansas, Bakley moved west and got
herself introduced to legendary crooner Dean Martin. Shortly before
he died, the Rat Pack partier intro


2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 8:27 PM


The New John Doe Times Volume I, No. 2 8 May 2001 
  FROM THE EDITOR, Well what do you know?  Michael Brescia 
  never existed as far as the Bureau of Prisons is concerned.  Now 
  faithful readers of the old John Doe Times remember Mr. Brescia as the 
  tattooed right-hand guy to federal provocateur Andreas Carl Strassmeir at 
  Elohim City who was also a member of the Aryan Republican Army bank 
  robbery gang, and, in this humble investigator's opinion: John Doe #2. 
   Faithful readers will also recall how Mr. Brescia was given a free 
  pass by the FBI and allowed to walk the streets of Philadelphia armed with 
  a handgun long after his other bank robbery accomplices were dead or 
  jailed.  Walked them, that is, until the John Doe Times and militia 
  volunteers (observed by British journalist Ambrose Evans Pritchard) 
  papered the town with "Unwanted by the FBI" posters.  Very shortly 
  thereafter, Janet Reno pulled the John Doe #2 warrant and then issued the 
  pick-up order for Michael Brescia.  Brescia was allowed to do a deal 
  for five years on the charge of carrying a bomb into a bank--which should 
  have been a mandatory 20 years.  His trial and sentencing was covered 
  by the Philly papers, so I know I didn't dream his incarceration. 
   And now we have J.D. Cash's Freedom of Information Act request 
  (copied in full below) denied by the Bureau of Prisons on the grounds that 
  Michael Brescia never existed in their system! So where is he? 
   Did Janet Reno take him home to Florida to work as a house boy? 
   Did he even go to prison?  Or did he walk straight from Federal 
  Court into a witness protection program?  And who's being protected 
  if he did?  Or is this just another example of stonewalling by a 
  system desperate to keep the truth from coming out?  We'll never know 
  until we find out the answer to the question:  WHERE IS MICHAEL (JOHN 
  DOE #2) BRESCIA? So call your congressman.  Specifically, call 
  Congressman Dan Burton's office.  As you will read below, Congressman 
  Burton is investigating federal informant abuses.  Ask the 
  Congressman to follow up on the issues raised in J.D. Cash's letter to 
  him.  And especially ask him to find out from an administration that 
  claims to be less corrupt than the last:  WHERE IS MICHAEL BRESCIA 
  >>> "JD Cash"  05/03/01 03:55pm 
  >>> Mike Brescia SS#177 52 8776 BOP #50596-066 Kevin McCarthy 
  I have two possible DOB's 6/26/77 or 6/6/77 Mr. McCarthy was arrested by 
  FBI and taken into custody on 5/22/96 in Philadelphia.  He may have 
  already been released.  Please respond at your convenience. jd cash, 
  reporter, McCurtain Gazette 580-241-5737 
  search of the Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate database (covering 1980 to 
  the present) failed to reveal any information regarding this individual. 
   Pursuant to Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 
  16.9, this response may be appealed to the Attorney General by filing a 
  written appeal within sixty days from the date of this letter.  The 
  appeal should be addressed to the Co-Director, Office of Information and 
  Privacy, U.S. Department of Justice, Flag Building, Suite 570, Washington, 
  D.C.  20530. Both the envelope and the letter of appeal itself must 
  be clearly marked: "Freedom of Information Act Appeal." - 
  Original Message - From: "OGC Electronic Freedom of Information" 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:  Sent: Monday, 
  May 07, 2001 8:19 AM Subject: Mike Brescia -Reply 
  "BLACK MASS" AT OKLAHOMA CITY Below, gentle reader, you will 
  find the latest installments of a much larger story covered in the book 
  "Black Mass" about the symbiotic relationship between

[CTRL] Chemical Restraints

2001-05-08 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-



Published Monday, May 7, 2001
Advocates alarmed by drugs used for kids
Medicaid children under 6 at issue

Almost 600 Florida Medicaid recipients under age 6 were given powerful psychiatric
drugs last year with potentially serious side effects -- drugs marketed to combat an
illness that experts say is virtually nonexistent among children their age.
The drugs -- including Clozaril, Zyprexa, and Risperdal -- are marketed for the
treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders in adults, but in recent
weeks, children's advocates throughout Florida have expressed concerns the
medications are being used to control the behavior of unruly children, especially
those in state care.
``I'm starting to get scared here,'' said Jack Levine, president of the Tallahassee-
based Center for Florida's Children.
Records from the state Agency for Health Care Administration obtained recently by
The Herald show that nearly 400 of the children given antipsychotic drugs last year
were under age 5.
All were recipients of Medicaid, the federally funded insurance plan for needy 
children and adults. Florida's Medicaid office, which is administered by the 
healthcare agency, keeps detailed records on billing and reimburs
ement of medications for the needy, but has no direct oversight of doctors who provide 
The Agency for Health Care Administration, which regulates doctors and other 
healthcare providers, could take action against a physician found to be negligent.
``We make some basic assumptions about children who need medical care, assumptions 
about services that are supported by tax dollars, and especially about children who 
are in the care of state agencies,'' Levine said.
``An assumption I thought we made was that their care would never be appreciably 
different, in terms of medical carefulness and appropriateness of prescriptions, than 
everyone else's children. I'm starting to feel there i
s a remarkable difference in how these children are being looked at, diagnosed and 
The health care administration's records do not specify which of the children are in 
state care.
The drugs could have been prescribed by family doctors, or doctors under contract with 
agencies that treat children in state care.
While child psychiatrists say there are legitimate uses for the drugs in treating some 
more common disorders such as attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and pervasive 
developmental disorder, a form of autism, childre
n's advocates were startled that so many children are being administered them.

Last month, The Herald reported claims by children's advocates that hard-to-manage 
children in Florida's troubled foster care system were being routinely given powerful 
psychiatric drugs as ``chemical restraints.''
The state Department of Children & Families, which administers the state's children 
protection and foster care efforts, has insisted that officials do not encourage -- 
and, indeed, will not tolerate -- the use of drugs as
 a means to restrain unmanageable children.
Last week, the federally funded Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities urged 
the department to immediately halt all new prescriptions of the drug Risperdal, as 
well as other anti-psychotic drugs. Risperdal, widely
prescribed among children, is the most commonly used among newer antipsychotics.
The group also urged child welfare officials to begin an ``immediate'' and independent 
investigation into the use of psychiatric drugs among foster children.
Pat Wear, the Advocacy Center's deputy director, said revelations about foster 
children being chemically restrained have left him ``broken-hearted.''
``Just when you think you've heard all the bad news you can hear, you hear this,'' he 
said of the large number of very small children being administered psychotropic drugs.

The Department of Children & Families acted quickly. The agency has appointed two 
high-ranking department doctors to oversee an evaluation of children in state care who 
are taking the drugs. In Broward, where many of the
complaints first arose, a child welfare manager is preparing a spreadsheet listing 
every child in care, and what drugs they are taking.
Only about 1 in 40,000 people experience childhood onset of schizophrenia, a 
debilitating disorder often marked by hallucinations, delusions, paranoia and other 
forms of psychosis, said a spokesman for the National Instit
ute for Mental Health. In contrast, the disorder affects about 1 percent of adults, 
with onset generally occurring between age 16 and 30.
Judith L. Rapoport, who is the chief of child psychiatry at NIMH, described childhood 
onset of schizophrenia as very rare.
``No one knows exactly'' how rare, she said, because researchers can't find enough 
subjects to perform an epidemiology study.

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Feel free to add me to your list of blocked senders for I will not
mind that at all. In fact, I will even return the favor. :-> I do,
however, find this absolutely hilarious for here we have "the best
spiritual medium of her 'church' " who thinks many, many people are
Aleisha and cannot tell the difference posting to UFOlogist who
claims to have a mind-controlling implant up his(~~where did you say
that implant was located, Steve?) both of whom scream for tolerance
yet have not a shred between them!  The fact that these two, of all
people, would be blathering about the mental condition of others is
beyond comical!  You gotta admit that it is just plain funny. :-)

But I have noticed that those espousing tolerance are ALWAYS
deficient in it themselves.  They are the first to attempt to censor
and name-call, not just these two but in general. And remember those
posts about the poor people harassed by the Secret Service when all
they did was suggest some political figure should be executed for
their beliefs??  All this same type of so-called 'tolerant,
compassionate liberal or progressive" or whatever they are calling
themselves. We have even had some of that on this list. You'd think
this sort of behavior was reserved for those mean old conservative
but in actuality, the opposite seems to be true. I have never even
seen a right-wing post suggesting death is appropriate for those
disagreeing. Sad commentary and not very funny that these
weak-minded people feel so threatened by any idea not theirs or that
of their 'group' that they need to resort to this kind of behavior.

And every time I am attacked by one of these two, I start receiving
a virus a day. Isn't that cute?  In case you two dolts have not
noticed, it is not working.  I would not dare be on a list with
people as vicious as you without anti-virus software.  Give it a

- Original Message -
From: "YnrChyldzWyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Steve Wingate wrote:
>People who are mentally sick often hang out on UFO and Conspiracy
>because they need to feel important and often look for followers.
Some of
>these unfortunate people are victoms of mind control experiments by
>and other agencies, others are simply sick paranoid psychotics
looking for
>a sympathetic audience.

Ah, that explains the continued presence here and daily ravings of
Aleisha, Amelia, et al...

June ;-)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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2001-05-08 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

Finally, there is a person in Congress with the
integrity and courage to stand up and take on
this issue. I urge everyone who reads this to
take action.  It's very simple.
Forward this message to everyone you know,
and contact your Representative in Congress.

My Representative in Congress, Ron Paul, has
introduced a Bill to amend the Constitution.
I urge you to read this proposed amendment
and if you agree with it, I hope you will contact
your Representative in Congress and ask him/her
to vigorously support this proposed amendment.
If you need some motivation to do this, pull out
your last tax return and take a look at what you
paid last year...or just look at your paycheck stub.

John Cone


 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the
United States  relative to abolishing personal income,
estate, and gift taxes and prohibiting the United
States Government from engaging...
(Introduced in the House)
>   HJ 45 IH
>   107th CONGRESS
>   1st Session
>   H. J. RES. 45
>   Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the
United States relative to abolishing personal income,
estate, and gift taxes and prohibiting the United
States Government from engaging in business in
> competition with its citizens.
>   April 25, 2001
>   Mr. PAUL introduced the following joint
resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the

>   Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the
United States
> relative to abolishing personal income, estate, and
gift taxes and prohibiting the United States
Government from engaging in business in
> competition with its citizens.
>   Resolved by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House
> concurring therein), That the following article is
proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the
United States, which shall be valid to all intents and
purposes as part of the Constitution when
> ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the
several States within seven years after the date of
its submission for ratification:
>   `Article--
>   `SECTION 1. The Government of the United States
shall not engage in any business, professional,
commercial, financial, or industrial
> enterprise except as specified in the Constitution.
>   `SECTION 2. The constitution or laws of any State,
or the laws of the United States, shall not be subject
to the terms of any foreign or domestic agreement
which would abrogate this amendment.
>   `SECTION 3. The activities of the United States
Government which violate the intent and purposes of
this amendment shall, within a
> period of three years from the date of the
ratification of this amendment, be liquidated and the
properties and facilities affected
> shall be sold.
>   `SECTION 4. Three years after the ratification of
this amendment the sixteenth article of amendments to
the Constitution of the United States shall stand
repealed and thereafter Congress shall not levy
taxes on personal incomes, estates, and/or gifts.'.

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Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] How it's done: The CFR and the esteemed corporate press. 2/2

2001-05-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

- CFR and the esteemed corporate press. 2/2
 Tue, 08 May 2001 21:59:36 -0400
 Nurev Independent Research



 Journalists and the Council on Foreign Relations

 The Council on Foreign Relations has been the most powerful private
 organization in U.S. foreign policy since it began in 1921. While
 priding itself on non-partisanship and on recent efforts to recruit
 minorities, women, and youth (under 35), CFR's 3200 members mainly
 reflect the resources needed by the ruling class to maintain their
 power. Don't call them if you want to join; they call you. And
 don't wait for a call unless you have big money, national security
 expertise, CIA experience, a political constituency, or clout with
 the media. CFR publishes the prestigious journal "Foreign Affairs"
 as well as a number of books and reports. Another major activity is
 to organize closed meetings for their members with assorted world
 leaders. Everyone feels free to share views and information about
 current world events, primarily because CFR has strict confidentiality
 rules and keeps its records locked up for 25 years.

 A blue-ribbon panel of the Council on Foreign Relations suggested
 in 1996 that the CIA be freed from some policy constraints on
 covert operations, such as the use of journalists and clergy as
 cover. Normally this would be laughable, because almost every
 journalist who's ever been abroad knows how dangerous this can be
 if he's trying to develop sources. But no one was laughing, because
 CFR "suggestions" since 1921 have usually become official policy
 within a few years.

 The following journalists and media moguls were listed in the 1995
 membership roster of the Council on Foreign Relations. Undoubtedly
 numerous names were missed, since they are not otherwise identified
 in the roster:

 Roone ArledgePeter Grose  Walter H. Pincus
 Sidney BlumenthalJim Hoagland Norman Podhoretz
 David Brinkley   Warren Hoge  Dan Rather
 Tom Brokaw   David Ignatius   Stephen S. Rosenfeld
 William F. Buckley, Jr.  Robert G. Kaiser A. M. Rosenthal
 James E. Burke   Marvin Kalb  Jack Rosenthal
 Hodding Carter III   Peter R. KannDiane Sawyer
 John Chancellor  Anne Karalekas   Daniel L. Schorr
 George Crile III Joe KleinRobert B. Semple,Jr.
 Arnaud de Borchgrave Morton Kondracke Hedrick L. Smith
 Karen DeYoungCharles Krauthammer  George Stephanopoulos
 Christopher S. DickeyIrving Kristol   Strobe Talbott
 Joan Didion  Jim Lehrer   Laurence A. Tisch
 Leonard Downie, Jr.  Joseph Lelyveld  Seymour Topping
 Elizabeth Drew   Lee Lescaze  Robert C. Toth
 Rowland Evans, Jr.   Anthony LewisMark Uhlig
 James FallowsFlora Lewis  Garrick Utley
 Thomas L. Friedman   Mitchel Levitas  Katrina vanden Heuvel
 Suzanne Garment  Michael E. Lind  L. Bruce van Voorst
 Leslie H. Gelb   Kati Marton  Milton Viorst
 David R. Gergen  Jessica T. Mathews   Ben J. Wattenberg
 Philip L. GeyelinKarl E. MeyerCraig R. Whitney
 Georgie Anne Geyer   Sig MickelsonSteven Weisman
 Katharine Graham Judith MillerLally G. Weymouth
 James L. Greenfield  Rupert Murdoch   Roger W. Wilkins
 Meg Greenfield   Jack Nelson  Mortimer B. Zuckerman
  John B. Oakes

 Public Information Research, Inc., PO Box 680635, San Antonio TX 78268
 Tel:210-509-3160   Fax:210-509-3161Nonprofit publisher of NameBase
 http://www.pir.org/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The list below is an older one. TC= Trilateral Commision. - J2

CBS: Laurence A. Tisch, CEO -- CFR
NBC/RCA: John F. Welch, CEO -- CFR
Lester Crystal -- CFR, TC
R.W. Sonnenfeidt -- CFR, TC

Associated Press:

Harold Anderson -- CFR
Katharine Graham -- CFR, TC

Michael Posner -- CFR

Baltimore Sun:
Henry Trewhitt -- CFR

Washington Times:
Arnaud De Borchgrave -- CFR

Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street):
Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres. -- CFR

Cable News Network:
W. Thomas Johnson, Pres. -- TC
Daniel Schorr -- CFR

U.S. News & World Report:
David Gergen -- TC

New York Times Co.:

Richard Gelb -- CFR
William Scranton -- CFR, TC
John F. Akers, Dir. -- CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir. -- CFR
George B. Munroe, Dir

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 201

2001-05-08 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 201

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  -->  (See ** at end.)

--The Black Bloc in Quebec:  An Analysis
--Riot officers move in to confront protesters
--May Day Protests Disrupt London
--The great teddy-bear turn-in
--Protesters Rally at World Meeting
--It Won't End in Quebec City
--The New Protest Movement
--Rebels with a cause


From: "Barricada Collective" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue,  1 May 2001

The Black Bloc in Quebec:  An Analysis

As the dust settles from the massive and hugely successful anti-capitalist
mobilization in Quebec, it becomes time to take a look at where the
revolutionary anti-capitalist movement stands, some of the lessons of Quebec
(for the movement in general, and for black blocs more specifically), what
went well, and what didn't go so well.  In addition, the events of the 20th
and 21rst in Quebec, coupled with the uprisings of the oppressed
African-American communities of Cincinnati, go a long way towards dispelling
several somewhat common claims of the liberal and authoritarian pacifist
left regarding black blocs, and more specifically, black bloc tactics and
their acceptance, or lack thereof, in oppressed and impoverished

The Media, the Grassroots Effort, and the Local Community
The first important lesson of Quebec is that there can be no understating
the importance of a radical movement, such as ours, developing a strong
working relationship with the communities in which we will find ourselves.
While it is true that the people of Quebec have a proud history of
resistance to authority and street-fighting, the massive participation of
the local population in the battles of the 20th and 21rst cannot be
attributed solely to this.  Since a large part of the action took place
either in the St. Jean-Baptiste neighborhood itself or in the areas directly
surrounding it, a large part of the warm welcome that greeted the black bloc
and others, which included citizens opening their doors to militants,
offering water and vinegar, and often taking to the streets themselves, has
to be attributed to the public relations work done by CLAC and CASA, as well
as by local anarchists.  We must make no mistake about, had it not been for
the massive participation of Quebec locals, chances are that the police
would have not had too much difficulty controlling, and eventually
dispersing, what would have been a group of very isolated militant
This leads to another point which, although many feel should already have
been clear, until recently  was resisted by just as many.  This is that we
have nothing to hope for from the corporate media, we should expect nothing
from them, and we should absolutely not change any of our tactics or
messages in order to pander to them.  We should instead treat them as the
servants of capital, and thus our enemies, that they are.  This is not to
say that they are not on occasion capable of writing accurate or somewhat
positive articles about revolutionaries, as indeed several articles in the
Quebec press about the black bloc were quite good.  However, it seems that
corporate journalists are only inspired enough to research articles and
abstain from repeating police misinformation after they are targeted by
demonstrators and shown that their lies and misinformation will not be
tolerated.  Fortunately, this message seemed to be abundantly clear to the
black bloc participants in Quebec City, as people made it a point to deny
pictures to journalists, stop them from filming, taking their tapes and
rolls if they were caught doing so, and targeting any and all media vehicles
that crossed their paths.  Once more, the massive propaganda effort carried
out by CLAC/CASA and Quebec anarchists, distributing tens of thousands of
newspapers and fliers, often door to door, was successful in countering the
fear-mongering of the police and media, and certainly changed the dynamics
of the demonstrator/local citizen interaction, from one of fear, to one of
solidarity.  This is the clearest example possible that our energies should
not, as many liberal leftists seem to think, be directed towards developing
a "good" relationship with the corporate media, but to fighting them while
at the same time developing our own links with people and strengthening our
media outlets and projects.

The Black Bloc: Material Preparedness
It can be said that, despite all the inconveniences and setbacks (which
were quite a few), the Quebec City black bloc was one of the most effective
in terms of actions performed, its relationship with other demonstrato

Re: [CTRL] SNET: [CTRL] Bush, Arsenic, And Oil (fwd)

2001-05-08 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

Steve puts the matter clearly. That gas companies are shoving the prices up
as hard as they can without any real justification (is greed a
justification?) is certainly correct. And, I would add, when they stage
their "necessary" blackouts, as they did in San Diego yesterday evening,
they do it to cause the MAXIMUM possible disruption and harm, in order to
deceive people--if they can--into wringing their hands over the terrible
"shortage" of electricity!.
Yesterday's blackout in San Diego was staged to occur AT RUSH HOUR in
the packed downtown area, people leaving highrise offices to drive home or
go to restaurants. So all the traffic lights went out, natch, producing
massive congestion and countless intersection collisions. Of course none of
the restaurants could cook, so the business losses were staggering. A few
months back, this is PRECISELY the strategy that was used for "rolling
blackouts" which were of course "necessary!" in San Francisco. There, PG&E
picked the Marina--the most upscale business and residential area--in which
to suddenly shut the power down AT MIDDAY RUSH HOUR. Of course, they
carefully included Fisherman's Wharf in their blackout area--at the noontime
restaurant rush. More darkened intersections, car pileups, and massive
business/tourist losses. This has nothing to do with power shortages; it has
EVERYTHING to do with mindgames and extortion inflicted on the paying
If this were the Mafia, the FBI would be out to get them.
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
From: "Steve Wingate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] SNET: [CTRL] Bush, Arsenic, And Oil (fwd)

> -Caveat Lector-
> Perhaps Mr. Bacon will one day realize that the high price of gas in
> California is not due to a shortage of crude oil or a lack or refinery
> but due to the fact that oil companies apparently have decided this is
> the market will bear. Gas rices in N. California have always been about fi
> cents above the national average at least for the last five years. A
> motivation is that oil companies are punishing N. California for the fact
> offshore oil drilling was prohibited by the Clinton administration.
> And certainly a crude oil shortage is not the reason for the natural gas
> electricity problems here; that is due to a lack of generating capacity.
> suggest otherwise is just what the Bush/Cheney oil executives would have
> you believe, and apparently you don't question your Republican heros.
> Steve
> On 6 May 01, at 21:51, William Bacon wrote:
> > I suppose Mr. Wingate likes being held hostage by OPEC, environmentalist
> > kookos DOING EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO STOP ENERGY production in this
> > country, willingly letting these fascists tell him what to do every
> > of the day,And yes I am in favor of building nuclear power plants to
> > retire oil and natural gas power plants so that all electricity in this
> > country will be generated by fuel under political control of this
> > and yes full speed ahead in developing oil in alaska!! I suppose mr
> > Wingate likes paying what he is paying for gasoline in California, the
> > price and availability of electricity and natural gas!
> http://www.anomalous-images.com
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and 

[CTRL] Anchorage, AK : Mental Illness Or Mind Control ?

2001-05-08 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Another incident of mind control terrorism? The suspect in this case
(Jason W. Pritchard) has been described as 'mentally ill' and a
'schizophrenic' -- as usual !!

"This man, something was wrong with him...He was threatening everybody.
He came towards us a couple of timesHe was rambling and saying
religious stuff, stuff that made no sense."


Four children stabbed in Anchorage elementary school, suspect in custody

Anchorage Daily News and Associated Press

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (May 7, 2001 3:47 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com)
- Four children were stabbed by a man at Mountain View Elementary School
in Anchorage this morning. The alleged assailant was later subdued by
police. Initial reports were that the children were stabbed in the neck.
The victims were rushed to two local hospitals. One was reported in
critical condition and undergoing surgery at Providence Alaska Medical
Center and another was in serious condition there, a hospital
spokeswoman said.

Two other children were being treated at Alaska Regional Hospital,
although their conditions were not immediately available. The suspect
also was being treated at Alaska Regional after being shot with rubber
bullets by police, according to police spokesman Ron McGee. The
stabbings apparently occurred in the school playground before classes,
police said.

Police shot the suspect with three rubber bullets as he fled inside the
school, police said. Inside, teachers surrounded him until police took
him into custody. The stabbing occurred around 8:15 a.m. shortly before
classes were to begin.

Classes were dismissed for the day, and students were bused to nearby
Tyson Elementary, where parents can pick them up. Evette Carmack rushed
to the school from her job at Alaska Regional Medical Center, still
dressed in green scrubs. She has two children at the school, fifth
grader Christopher and second-grader Jasmine. She said she came as soon
as she'd heard about the shooting.
"I came from Chicago to get away from all this," Carmack said. "To get a
better life for my kids."


Deranged Man Stabs 4 Kids at Elementary School in Alaska

Monday, May 07, 2001

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A man who rambled and said "stuff that made no
sense" stabbed four children at an elementary school Monday before he
was subdued by police, authorities and witnesses said. The children were
stabbed in the neck, but their injuries did not appear to be
life-threatening, Anchorage Police Department spokesman Ron McGee said.
The victims were rushed to two hospitals.

The stabbing happened shortly before classes were to begin at Mountain
View Elementary School. McGee said about 20 pupils witnessed the attack.
Police shot the suspect, described as a man in his 30s, with three
rubber bullets and took him into custody inside the school. He was also
taken the hospital for treatment of the bullet wounds.

Randy Smith, chairman of the local community patrol, was among the first
to arrive on the scene. He found the suspect in a classroom with a
teacher and an injured boy. "He was threatening everybody. He came
towards us a couple of times. We kept him from getting out of the
classroom," Smith said. "He was rambling and saying religious stuff,
stuff that made no sense."



Accused attacker has history of offenses, mental disorders,

By Molly Brown
Anchorage Daily News

(Published May 8, 2001)

The man accused of stabbing four elementary school students has been
talking for years about killing children while they're young, before
they grow up and become sinful, according to testimony by two
psychologists during a 1999 court hearing. Jason W. Pritchard, 33, has a
long history of run-ins with police in Anchorage and elsewhere in
Southcentral Alaska and of harassing children on school grounds. Court
files detail a history of serious psychological problems, including
treatment at the Alaska Psychiatric Institute, but authorities in the
past reported trouble finding out much about him.

Two years ago, prosecutors reported that Pritchard was originally from
Oregon, though they couldn't find any relatives there or here, and
Pritchard has given a long list of home addresses in Alaska in recent
years, including one at a counseling center and group home. Police on
Monday said he appeared to be living in a car.

Pritchard was diagnosed with schizophrenia -- a mental disorder
characterized by a separation of thought from emotions -- and a brain
disorder brought on by a suicide attempt in 1998, according to Dr. David
Sperbeck, a forensics psychologist who testified at the February 1999
hearing. That attempt to hang himself while at the Wildwood Correctional
Center put him on life support for a while.

Sperbeck said Pritchard was sullen, depressed and basically nonverbal.
He suffers from religious delusions that stem from the schizophrenia,
Sperbeck testified, and at some point Pritchard mutila

[CTRL] Black Gold Hot Gold-The Rise Of Fascism In The American Energy Business

2001-05-08 Thread William Shannon

The Rise of Fascism in the American Energy Business 
(Pre-publication online preview excerpt)

-- by Marshall Douglas Smith

 What is often called the German or Italian form of Fascism had its roots 
in America. Both Hitler and Mussolini were funded and brought into power in 
the 1920's and '30s by international bankers including the 12 banks which now 
make up the American Federal Reserve System. But I get ahead of myself.

 Beginning in the late 1800's John D. Rockefeller, by means of a 
deception, using a ploy with his Union Tanker Car Company was able to control 
or "corner" the oil market. In this scheme, he owned the company which had 
the design patent for the all-metal sealed oil tanker railroad car. The same 
type of tanker cars are still in use today. Rockefeller, through Union Tanker 
Car leased tanker cars by the hundreds to the owners of newly discovered oil 
fields so they could ship the crude to the refiners. This often included 
kickbacks from the railroad for increasing the profitable traffic on their 

 In the late 1800's, prior to the design of the tanker railroad car, 
petroleum was shipped to the refiner in open wooden barrels on flatbed cars. 
Some of the oil was lost as it sloshed out whenever the train stopped or 
started or went around corners. Much of the valuable part of the crude oil 
simply evaporated from the open barrels before it got to the refiner, often 
leaving only a heavy black tar. The wooden barrels were difficult and time 
consuming to fill and drain.

 The closed metal tanker car was a boon to the petroleum business. After 
several months of oil field development and shipments from the numerous wells 
being sunk in the ground, and after the refiner had built new facilities to 
handle the increased flow of crude, Union Tanker broke the lease and took 
back all of it's tanker cars.

 Since there was no other source for the tanker cars, both the oil field 
developer and the refiner began to lose money caused by the instantaneous 
stoppage of the oil flow from field to refinery. Within months the oil 
producer and the refiner, after making large investments, were now on the 
verge of bankruptcy. Then John Rockefeller, through his holding company, 
Standard Oil, simply walked in and purchased both the oil fields and the 
refinery at pennies on the dollar. He usually also ended up with the railroad 
in between.

 Despite his reputation as an oil magnate, John D himself, was not really 
an oilman. He had little experience as either an oil driller or refiner. He 
simply leased oil tanker cars and made money buying oil fields and refineries 
at "distressed" prices. To run his oil fields and refineries, Rockefeller 
often hired the very same entrepreneurs whom he had just defrauded. They now 
worked for him. Only many decades later was it discovered who caused the 
"distress." And any Rockefeller today will point out, "...but it was not 

 In the period of 1900 to 1910 this conspiracy was repeated numerous 
times and Standard Oil then owned almost all the oil fields in California, 
Texas, Arkansas, New Jersey and Ohio, and several other states. Thus John D. 
Rockefeller either owned or controlled about 90% of what we now call the 
energy business. At that time, research shows, not many people knew that 
Rockefeller owned the Union Tanker Car Company. Otherwise, very few oilmen 
would have signed bogus leases for the cars if they had known that John D. 
and Standard Oil owned all the tanker cars.

 Many "muckraker" authors of the early 1900's, such as Ida Tarbell, 
exposed the predatory monopolist marketing practice of Standard Oil. But the 
Rockefeller connection with Union Tanker, and how Standard came into being, 
was not discovered until many decades later. And it still is not in the 
history books. And most of those few books which did show the connection 
between John Rockefeller and the Union Tanker Car Company have somehow 
mysteriously disappeared, but not all. 

 In 1911, the US government brought charges of monopoly against John D. 
and Standard Oil, and the company was broken apart. The many new companies 
all had names which were variations of the initials S.O., such as SOHIO in 
Ohio, SOCONY in New York, ESSO("S.O.") which later became EXXON, etc. The 
splitting of the company was a mere inconvenience for Rockefeller. In 
retaliation, John D. made a vow. He vowed he would put his company back 
together. He also vowed in turn he would "break apart" the United States. He, 
and his sons and grandsons and their companies have accomplished both. It was 
completed about 8 years ago. Again, I get ahead of myself. 

 In the period of 1910 to 1914 there were only 3 major oil companies in 
the world, (1) Standard Oil in America and its many "mini-S.O.-standards" 
after the 1911 breakup, (2) the British-Persian P

[CTRL] Columbus Discovered America Earlier?

2001-05-08 Thread William Shannon

TUESDAY MAY 08 2001 

Columbus 'discovered America earlier' 


AMERICA was not discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, on behalf of 
Spain,because he had sailed to the New World seven years earlier on a secret 
mission for the Pope, according to scholars.

 Ruggero Marino, a writer and historian, said the 1492 journey was a return 
visit. He said this emerged from study of an early 16th-century Ottoman map, 
which showed that Columbus found America in 1485, during the reign of Pope 
Innocent VIII. 

Signor Marino said there was corroborative proof in an inscription on the 
tomb of Innocent VIII, in St Peter’s Basilica, which reads “Novi orbis suo 
aevo inventi gloria”, meaning that during his pontificate “the glory of the 
discovery of the New World” took place. Innocent VIII died at the end of July 
1492, before Columbus set sail and three months before he landed at the 
Bahamas. “The inscription either anticipates Columbus’s success or else 
refers to an earlier journey,” Signor Marino said.

 The accepted version is that Columbus was dispatched in 1492 by King 
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, but Signor Marino said that the venture was 
originally financed by Innocent VIII and the Medici banking dynasty to which 
the Pope was related.

 The aim was to use the gold of the New World to fund Crusades and to gain 
souls for Christianity. Innocent VIII’s successor, Alexander VI, the 
Spanish-born Borgia Pope, “signed over the rights to the New World” to the 
Spanish throne. The origins of the New World venture had been covered up 
partly because Columbus’s writings were manipulated by his Spanish masters.

 Signor Marino told Oggi magazine that he had drawn on the work of the late 
Professor Bausani, head of Islamic Studies at the University of Venice, who 
had studied the Piri Reis map, named for Piri Ibn Hadji Mehmed, admiral of 
the Ottoman fleet. The map, dated 1513, was lost for centuries; it is now in 
the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul.

 Professor Bausani said that the “key to the mystery of Columbus and the 
Indies” lies in an annotation of the map, which refers to the American land 
mass: “These shores were discovered in the year 890 of the Arab era by the 
infidel from Genoa.” Genoa was Columbus’s birthplace and 890 corresponds to 


[CTRL] The Invisible President

2001-05-08 Thread William Shannon

The invisible president

By PJ McIlvaine 

May 7, 2001—It's one thing to have a president who is reticent about hogging 
the national spotlight, a leader who carefully chooses his words, cognizant 
that his actions, or lack of them, will reverberate through the world.

It's altogether quite another thing to have a president who acts as if he's 
auditioning for the next big screen remake of the classic "The Invisible Man" 
and unfortunate still that when he does speak in his native tongue, he needs 
a translator.

Republicans brayed for years about a "moral vacuum" in the Clinton White 
House. Now, in the Bush Lite dis-administration, they've gone one better: 
America now has a "leadership vacuum."

In 100 days that has felt like 1,000 years, Boosh has managed to anger and 
alienate our allies (not to mention Democrats and even Republicans) with 
careless comments that have sent Oval Office staffers scrambling for Xanax as 
they try to explain away the latest Tin Star Cowboy gaffe.

The latest hoo-haw over Taiwan was especially humiliating. Apparently the 
idea was for the Bogus Potus to demonstrate to the country, with this latest 
round of staged media interviews, that he's a "a hands on president"

Instead, the Twig showed why he should be hands off. The Moron in Chief 
tramples through established foreign policy like a stampeding elephant while 
his staffers scurry behind, shovels in hand. The man has all the finesse of 
an atom bomb.

George II seems to take particular delight in antagonizing China. Is this 
part of Secretary of Defense Rummy's grand strategy to push his Star Wars 
defense missile system down Congress' throat? Or did Chicken George, the 
first president (so far as we know) to suffer from dyslexia and Attention 
Deficit Disorder, forget to take a nap that day?

Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps we should consult Jar Jar Binks. He 
and George the Lesser speak the same language.

Ragging on Bill Clinton used to be a sport in Washington, but God knows, at 
least we knew where he was when trouble came, such as in the despicable 
Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine massacre. Clinton's words went a long 
way to healing a hurting nation.

The Moron from Midland, however, operates under the cover of Cheney and 
darkness. What is potentially embarrassing news (like Cheney earning $35 
million last year) was quietly released on the Friday before Easter, which 
for all intents and purposes, was buried in the news cycle.

The vast majority of the US media has all but caved in to Boosh's Charm 
Offensive. What are they afraid of? IRS audits?

We all know that Bush came into office with the lowest of expectations, and 
he has gone out of his way to fulfill them. Apparently leadership to Boosh 
means humorous speeches before the party faithful where he pokes fun at his 
own disabilities and shows pictures of a barely clothed brother Jeb.

Boosh can't even get his own kids to behave in a responsible manner. How do 
you think he'd do going toe to toe with Castro? Or Saddam Hussein? No wonder 
the Worm let it be known early on that our allies were on their own. For this 
part-time president, there can be no crisis after his 10 p.m. bedtime.

Inanities come out of Boosh's mouth like flies around manure. During the spy 
plane fiasco, all 5–4 could ask was "did they have Bibles?" Skipper Waddle of 
the Greenville, in His Fradulency's mind, was a "patriot" because he "didn't 
try to evade the responsibility." No, the subsequent Naval whitewash did that 
for him. Is it any wonder now that Waddle's lawyer has said that he believes 
his client should be "rewarded" for everything he's gone through?

Boosh can't even own up to the fact that he was born in Connecticut. He can't 
even acknowledge his own past drug abuse. He wants the world to think that 
he's some poor old hick country boy from Texas who simply wants to lift 
"America's spirit."

And this is supposed to pass for leadership.

I suggest to you that Boosh is many things, but being a leader isn't one of 
them. Boosh isn't just the weakest link, he's the missing link.

[CTRL] The "Koon Kreek Klub"

2001-05-08 Thread William Shannon

Statement of Joe Gray
based on interview with Jon Roland
May 6, 2001

I have lived in Henderson County, Texas, near the town of Trinidad, since
1974. About May, 1985, I moved to a 47-acre tract of land our family still
owns on the Trinity River, where we now reside. My wife Alicia and I had two
children graduate from Malakoff High School and have homeschooled four
others, in addition to my grandchildren.

Shortly after moving to this location, I was warned by a volunteer with the
local fire department not to venture into the area across the Trinity River
from my place because it was the scene of production of illegal substances,
and my family has occasionally smelled the odor of ether coming from that

In 1987 I learned that someone else, Bill Key, had been interested in
acquiring my property before I got it, and sought to get my family off the
land so he could get it. Key owns about 5500 acres in Henderson County
acquired through suspicious tax foreclosure and other sales, and is the owner
of a bank in nearby Athens, Texas. I have reason to believe that at his
instigation, the county tried to close the road to my place and deny me
access to it. They ruled it a "ranch road" so they would no longer have to
maintain it, and proceeded to remove the tarmac from it. This in turn led to
the Post Office refusing to deliver mail to my mail box on grounds the road
did not meet their standards. For the last three years I have gotten my mail
General Delivery, Trinidad, Texas.

During the succeeding years I have become aware of extensive high-level
illegal activities in this and neighboring counties, especially Anderson
County, involving judges, sheriffs, and other officials, mostly involving
narcotics, who operate with the protection of federal agents of the FBI and
DEA and state agents of the DPS and Texas Rangers. After I began inviting
militia groups to visit my property for training, it appears that they were
perceived as a threat to expose the illegal operations of officials in this
area, and this led those officials to come down on our family and try to run
us out of the area. The key officials we suspect of involvement in the local
narcotics trade are Bascom Bentley III, County Judge of Anderson County,
Texas, Tom Smith, County Judge of Henderson County, John Hobson, Sheriff of
Anderson County, Ronnie Brownlow, Chief Deputy Sheriff of Henderson County,
and a temporary judge Jim Parson who travels among several counties including
Anderson and Henderson, based on information provided by numerous trusted
informants, citizens of the two counties, most of whom are afraid to come
forward with their evidence.

In 1999 Ray Nut (sic), a Henderson County deputy sheriff under then-Sheriff
Howard "Slick" Alfred, was fired for dealing drugs in the town of Mesquite,
but in January, 2001, current Sheriff Brownlow hired him as his chief
narcotics investigator.

Anderson County Sheriff Hobson is reported to seize livestock from people in
that county without proper authority and sell them at auction in Henderson
County, accepting only cash, giving no receipts, and keeping no public
records of the sales.

A reporter, Jared Judd, attempted to report some of this in the Lakeside News
, owned by Mayor Tye Thomas of Gun Barrel, Texas, but the story was
suppressed and Judd quit when the newspaper was sold to the Mayor's
secretary. The Mayor has since been charged with DWI at his own request.

One of our informants is Edward "Eddie" Miers, who ran unsuccessfully against
Tom Smith for County Judge. He has a parts store in the town of Malakoff and
serves as a mediator in some of our contacts with local officials.

Another key informant has been Aaron "Buster" Thompson, whose attorney is
Matt Anthony of the law firm of Brewer and Brewer, who also represent the
actor Chuck Norris. Thompson was an investigator for the Anderson County
Sheriff Department, and found evidence of involvement of Anderson County
officials in narcotics trafficking. He is now serving a ten-year sentence in
Huntsville for "firing on police", however our independent investigations
show that his arrest was actually an attempted murder to silence him, during
which he was shot three times by deputy Larry Bennett, but survived. As
described to us, elements of several agencies, local, state, and federal,
complete with a helicopter, converged on his place without a warrant over a
complaint of a domestic dispute, and fired on him without any provocation on
his part. Some time before, Thompson's daughter had been kidnapped and

On Dec. 24, 1999, I was induced by Curtis Hartin, who represented himself as
a militia activist, to travel with him, with him driving, to look at some
property, and to bring along some firearms to do some shooting. We traveled
across a county line, making the carrying of such firearms legal under the
carrying defense of Texas statutes. Near the intersection of Hwy 287 and 3

[CTRL] Grade School puts the Kibosh on Mothers Day

2001-05-08 Thread tnohava

NY Grade School puts the Kibosh on Mothers Day

Tuesday, May 08, 2001
Andrea Peyser

NEW YORK — Parents whose kids attend a pricey Manhattan private school are
in an uproar over a new policy aimed at protecting the feelings of children
raised by same-sex couples: Mother's Day has been banned.

And in the interest of fairness, Father's Day, too.

Students at Rodeph Sholom Day School on the Upper West Side, where tennis
legend John McEnroe sends his children, came home Friday with an unusual
note tucked into their book bags.

"I am writing this letter to inform you that after much thought and
discussion this past year, we will not be celebrating Mother's Day and
Father's Day," began the letter written by Cindi Samson, director of the
school's lower elementary division.

"At this time, these holidays are not needed to enhance our writing and arts
programs," the letter continued. "Second, families in our society are now
diverse and varied.

"We are a school with many different family makeups, and we need to
recognize the emotional well-being of all the children in our school.
Holidays that serve no educational purpose and are not vital to the
children's education need to be evaluated in terms of their importance in a
school setting, as the recognition of these holidays in a social setting may
not be a positive experience for all children."

When did the biblical commandment - "Honor thy father and thy mother" -
become a threat to children's emotional well-being?

Said one outraged mother: "There are ways of showing sensitivity to the
needs of children in unusual situations that don't require undermining
traditional family structures.

"This is an inappropriate and politically correct response," said the mom,
who asked not to be identified.

Rodeph Sholom, affiliated with a Reform Jewish synagogue, educates kids from
age 2 through sixth grade. Tuition runs around $15,000 a year for
pre-kindergarten, and just under $20,000 for grade 6.

The bans affect kids ages 4 and older; younger kids apparently are still
permitted to celebrate Mother's Day, which is this coming Sunday. And
Father's Day, which is June 17.

How did a seemingly innocent celebration become dangerous? Parents told me
the school observes most Jewish and American holidays, such as Thanksgiving,
by engaging children in art projects.

Last Mother's Day, kids made cards for their mommies. For Father's Day, they
decorated soup cans for their dads to use as pen holders.

That ended last week, a parent said, when a man - who adopted his son with a
male partner - boasted that he had persuaded administrators to remove
Mother's Day from the school's holiday list.

Reached at school yesterday, Samson said the decision to cancel was not
based on a single case.

"The reasoning was several-fold," Samson said. "One is, it didn't serve an
academic and educational need. Number two, families are changing. Some
children were very uncomfortable."

She pointed out that some kids have one parent. Or, "There may be two
fathers, two mothers, the mother may not have custody, it could be a

The school's headmaster, Irwin Schlachter, did not return a call.

One disappointed mother found the ban puzzling.

"I thought it was sweet that they spend some time thinking about their
parents, making a little art project," said the mom, who suggested that kids
without moms or dads make gifts for their grandparents.

Like most parents I interviewed, she feared speaking out would adversely
affect her child, and asked not to be identified.

I'm not sure what's more fuzzy-headed: preventing kids from honoring their
parents or believing that banning a celebration will somehow help kids who
are not part of traditional families.

Kids don't live in a bubble. Not even on the Upper West Side.


[CTRL] The Right-Wing Media Machine?

2001-05-08 Thread William Shannon

A Quisling Press Corps
By Robert Parry
May 7, 2001

After years of denial, The Washington Post has acknowledged the existence of 
the Right-Wing Machine.

Post national political correspondent John Harris came to this epiphany 
grudgingly, never using those exact words. But in a Sunday article in the 
Outlook section, Harris recognized that U.S. conservatives have built a 
powerful and well-financed apparatus that can dictate the tone of the 
political discourse in Washington. The article observed that there is no 
countervailing apparatus on the liberal side of national politics.

In his article, Harris concedes that he’d still like to deny this. Harris 
writes that his initial reaction to Democratic complaints about the fawning 
press coverage of George W. Bush was to dismiss the griping as “self-pity,” 
characteristic of President Clinton and his allies.

Nevertheless, Harris does ask the question: “Are the national news media soft 
on Bush?”

“The instinctive response of any reporter is to deny it,” Harris writes, 
unintentionally revealing how widespread this press corps’ defensiveness is. 
“But my rebuttals lately have been wobbly. The truth is, this new president 
has done things with relative impunity that would have been huge uproars if 
they had occurred under Clinton.”

After ticking off a few innocuous reasons why the news media might have gone 
a little soft, Harris then acknowledges that “there is one big reason for 
Bush’s easy ride. There is no well-coordinated corps of aggrieved and 
methodical people who start each day looking for ways to expose and undermine 
a new president.

“There was such a gang ready for Clinton in 1993. Conservative interest 
groups, commentators and congressional investigators waged a remorseless 
campaign that they hoped would make life miserable for Clinton and vault 
themselves to power. They succeeded in many ways.” [WP, May 6, 2001]

As we have reported at Consortiumnews.com since we went online in fall 1995, 
this Right-Wing Machine indeed has succeeded in many ways. Beyond coloring 
the immediate political environment, the Machine has altered the nation’s 
understanding of its own recent history, creating a mythology for the past 
quarter century. This has occurred with the acquiescence of the national news 
media and some leading Democrats.

The mythology also is not something of the past. It continues to cost the 
nation dearly, from the hugely expensive plans to construct Ronald Reagan’s 
Star Wars dream to rejection of environmental alarms about global warming.

Nixon & Vietnam

The Machine’s origins can be traced back about a quarter century, to the 
mid-1970s and to two key elements of conservative dogma. One founding myth 
was the belief that a “liberal” press lost the Vietnam War for the United 
States. The second was that an innocent Richard Nixon was hounded out of 
office through a bogus scandal called Watergate.

As it turned out, neither point was true. Historical studies by the U.S. Army 
concluded that poor strategy, high casualties and overly optimistic 
battlefield reports were the chief culprits in losing the Vietnam War. 
Nixon’s own words on the Watergate tapes make clear that he was guilty, 
guilty, guilty of gross abuses of power during his reign in the White House.

Nevertheless, these twin articles of faith convinced the conservative 
movement that it needed its own institutions – think tanks, news media and 
activist groups – to counter the perceived “liberal” bias that had led the 
public to see the Vietnam War as a terrible mistake and to view Nixon as a 
corrupt politician.

In the late 1970s, with the coordination of Nixon’s Treasury Secretary Bill 
Simon, conservative foundations began funneling millions of dollars to think 
tanks, media outlets and attack organizations that would become the spearhead 
of the Right-Wing Machine.

With Ronald Reagan’s election in 1980, the power of the federal bureaucracy 
was thrown behind this effort. Reagan authorized what was called a “public 
diplomacy” apparatus that spread propaganda domestically and targeted 
journalists who reported information that undermined the prescribed “themes.”

Also, in the early 1980s, Rev. Sun Myung Moon began pouring in hundreds of 
millions of dollars a year from mysterious sources in South America and Asia. 
He used the money to build expensive media outlets, such as The Washington 
Times daily newspaper, and to sponsor lavish conferences for conservative 
activists. Though members of Moon’s inner circle admitted that the Moon 
organization was laundering money in from overseas to finance his operations, 
few questions were asked about the source of the cash.

Wobbly Press

During the 1980s, major news organizations began to buckle under the pressure 
– from The New York Times and Newsweek to National Public Radio and the 
national TV networks.

Reporters who wrote straightforwardly about U.S

[CTRL] Jury Nullification = Juror Nullification In California

2001-05-08 Thread William Shannon


State Supreme Court frowns on jury nullification

By David Kravets
Associated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Judges can remove jurors who apply their conscience
instead of the law, the California Supreme Court ruled Monday in a case
frowning on what is known as "jury nullification."

The high court, which ruled for the first time on the issue, unanimously
backed a Santa Clara County judge who dismissed a panelist who did not
believe statutory rape was a crime. An alternate juror took panelist No. 10's
place for deliberations -- leading to a conviction and six-year prison term
for Arasheik Williams, who was charged with having sex with a 15-year-old
girl and other crimes.

"Jury nullification is contrary to our ideal of equal justice for all and
permits both the prosecution's case and the defendant's fate to depend upon
the whims of a particular jury, rather than upon the equal application of
settled rules of law," Chief Justice Ronald M. George wrote for the court.
The decision came as little surprise to legal scholars and criminal

"They didn't want a lot of mistrials from jurors who wouldn't simply follow
the law," said Pomona defense attorney James R. Bostwick Jr.

Deputy Attorney General Karl S. Mayer said the high court simply ruled that
jurors must uphold the oath that they took before being empaneled.

"This case obligates them to follow their oath, which is to follow the law,"
Mayer said.

Even so, juries have and will continue to acquit criminal defendants based on
their beliefs that the crimes charged should not be criminal offenses. It's
an age-old practice dating to at least colonial times, when publisher John
Peter Zenger was acquitted of seditious libel against the colonies' British

Today, California juries acquit some marijuana offenders who claim the drug
eases pain and suffering from cancer, and in some cases, they set free repeat
offenders facing life sentences under the three strikes law for shoplifting.

A criminal defendant in California is not acquitted when a jury is split, a
concept known as a hung jury. Prosecutors can retry a defendant and often do
after a hung jury. Most states, including California, demand unanimity to
convict or acquit in criminal trials. Prosecutors are free to retry the case
after a hung jury.

The jury nullification case the high court decided Monday tested for the
first time what to do when a California judge learns that a juror is not
upholding the law. Generally, judges are powerless to alter verdicts that are
favorable to defendants when juror misconduct occurs behind their backs.

California judges now have the power of the law on their side when it comes
to finding out about jury misconduct. Under a 1998 edict, known as the
"snitch" rule, the judge orders jurors to inform the court if a juror is not
applying the law during deliberations.

That is what happened in the case decided Monday. A conscientious juror,
after being outed by fellow jurors, confessed to the judge that "I simply
cannot see staining a man, a young man, for the rest of his life for what I
believe to be a wrong reason." The juror was removed from the case.

In a separate ruling testing the boundaries of disgruntled jurors, the
justices ruled Monday that jurors who refuse to deliberate, but have not
stated they object to the law, cannot be removed from the panel.

The cases are People v. Williams, S066106, and People v. Cleveland, S078537.

[CTRL] Fwd: Belarus: Activist Unaccounted for After Two Years

2001-05-08 Thread William Shannon

Office of the Spokesman
For Immediate Release
May 7, 2001


Belarus:  Activist Unaccounted for After Two Years

On May 7, 1999, Gen. Yury Zakharenko, former Belarusian Minister of
Internal Affairs, disappeared while walking near his home.  He has not
been heard from since.  Gen. Zakharenko was dismissed from his cabinet
post by Belarus' authoritarian leader Aleksandr Lukashenko four years
earlier.  At the time of his disappearance he was a leading activist in
an alternative presidential election campaign against Lukashenko.

The United States is deeply concerned that in the two years since Gen.
Zakharenko vanished, Belarusian authorities have made no serious attempt
to investigate his case or the subsequent disappearances of Deputy
Parliamentary Chairman Victor Gonchar, his associate Anatoly Krasovsky,
or TV cameraman Dimitry Zavadsky.

The families of the disappeared and the people of Belarus have a right
to know the truth about what happened.  The United States again urges
the Belarusian authorities to investigate expeditiously, thoroughly, and
openly all the disappearances.  We also want to reassure the families
that they and their loved ones are not forgotten.


See http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/ for all press statements

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Re: [CTRL] Fw Soy Was Used to Slop Hogs?

2001-05-08 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/8/01 12:57:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Consider the diminutive stature of Asians,  >>

Could this be the result of eating too much rice? And you failed to mention
poor eye sight from not eating enough beta carrots.

Bill H

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Popeye's been outed!

2001-05-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 Commercials: Out of the Closet (Business 2:00 a.m. PDT)
 Is Popeye gay? An ad company using the cartoon sailor's likeness says
 no, but the commercial is still being featured on a new site of gay-
 themed ads. By Aparna Kumar.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Armey Opposes 'Big Brother' on Highways

2001-05-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Armey Opposes 'Big Brother' on Highways
NewsMax.com Wires
May 8, 2001
WASHINGTON -- House Majority Leader Dick Armey, angry over the use of radar
cameras to enforce speed limits on federal roads, will send a letter later
Tuesday to the Interior Department decrying the practice as a "step toward a
Big Brother surveillance state," The Washington Times reported.
"I'm committed to doing what it takes to make our roads safer, but not at the
cost of our fundamental rights," Armey writes. "Likewise, I am concerned that
this may be seen as a step toward a Big Brother surveillance state, where the
government monitors the comings and goings of its citizens."

Calling it a "spy camera program," the Texas Republican said the cameras
constitute an "encroachment upon our liberty" and could become a significant
privacy concern for drivers who use federal parkways.

Richard Diamond, a spokesman for the congressman, said Armey's main concern
is a potential increase in violations of privacy.

"Where does it go from here?" Diamond asked. "Where does it end? What's next
for us: seat belt cameras? Cell phone usage cameras? Anti-smoking cameras?"

Specifically, Armey's staffers point to the two cameras the National Park
Service recently installed along the George Washington Memorial Parkway in
Northern Virginia, the newspaper said.

Armey does not travel on the parkway in his typical daily commute, his
staffers said, but does use it to go to Ronald Reagan Washington National
Airport in Arlington, Va.

A Sept. 1 release by the agency announcing the new plan for the parkway said
it believed "that speeding and aggressive driving are serious problems and
that a reliable supplemental speed enforcement tool is necessary."

The parkway, which winds from Mount Vernon in Fairfax County 38.3 miles
northwest to the Capital Beltway, has speed limits ranging from 40 to 50 mph.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] China: US Spy Plane Can't Fly Home - Remember the Chinese Tea Party

2001-05-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tuesday May 8 2:26 PM ET
China: US Spy Plane Can't Fly Home

By MARTIN FACKLER, Associated Press Writer

BEIJING (AP) - China on Tuesday protested the resumption of U.S. surveillance
flights off its coast and said it would refuse to let the United States fly
out a crippled Navy spy plane.

China has told Washington that ``it is impossible for the U.S. EP-3 plane to
fly back'' to the United States, Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi told the
official Xinhua news agency, without saying why Beijing opposes a flight in

China has not ruled out allowing other means to remove the damaged EP-3E
Aries II aircraft held on Hainan Island since it collided with a Chinese
fighter jet. The United States has considered other options - such as
dismantling the plane and shipping it out in pieces.

The matter could be properly settled if Washington takes a ``pragmatic and
constructive attitude,'' he said.

Sun also said that China would lodge ``serious'' protests in Washington over
the resumption of surveillance flights, adding that the United States should
``correct such wrong-doings.''

An unarmed Air Force RC-135 flew along China's northeastern coast Monday,
Pentagon officials said, the first surveillance mission since the April 1
collision between the Navy spy plane and the Chinese jet fighter.

In Washington, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said the administration
had ``only very recently'' received China's refusal of a flight out by the
spy plane. The State Department would discuss the issue with the Chinese
Foreign Ministry, he said.

China's response came as relatives gathered to mourn victims of NATO's
bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia two years ago. The bombing
sparked mass anti-American protests nationwide. China has never accepted U.S.
claims that it was a mistake caused by faulty targeting.

``We condemn the U.S. atrocity,'' shouted Guo Rongshun, uncle of Zhu Ying, a
reporter who died in the embassy along with her husband, Xu Xinghu, and
another woman.

The United States should ``move toward peace and stop infringing on human
right issues and other countries' affairs,'' Guo told reporters at Zhu's
grave in western Beijing cemetery.

The EP-3E has sat on a military runway on Hainan since making an emergency
landing following the collision, in which the Chinese plane and its pilot
were lost. The 24 U.S. crew members were held by China for 11 days. American
officials believe Chinese experts gleaned secrets from the plane, although
the crew apparently managed to destroy the most sensitive information.

U.S. technicians who inspected the plane last week said it could be air
worthy, and Rumsfeld said Sunday the plane could be repaired sufficiently to
fly it out.

``We'll know later this week,'' he said on NBC television's ``Meet the

President Bush is expected to make a final decision on whether to press China
for permission to repair the Navy aircraft and fly it out.

China wants to make it ``as painful as possible'' for the United States to
get its plane back, said Larry Wortzel, director of the Asian Studies Center
at The Heritage Foundation and a former military attache to China.

``Obviously, for domestic reasons, they would prefer not to have a dignified
flyaway when they lost their own aircraft,'' he said.

If unable to fly the plane out, the United States would likely have to either
remove its wings and tail sections and pack it into a gigantic C-5 Galaxy
cargo plane or load it onto a large seagoing barge, Wortzel said.

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[CTRL] Taipei mulls U.S. arms sale

2001-05-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Taipei mulls U.S. arms sale
Warships, subs, helicopters may prove too expensive



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

Though many weapons Taiwan has requested the U.S. sell for a number of years 
were finally approved for sale by the Bush administration, leaders in Taipei 
now wonder whether the country has the resources to buy them. 

Lawmakers worry that the arms deal, which would cost between $7.7 and $9.3 
billion, may be too expensive for Taipei to afford. The government now only 
allots about 2.3 percent of the nation's annual gross domestic product to 

Also, retired naval officials and current lawmakers are concerned that one 
portion of the deal -- the U.S.-made Kidd-class destroyers -- may be 
ill-suited for Taiwan's navy and its ability to operate the ships, given 
Taiwan's limited capability to berth warships of that size. 

The Aegis-equipped destroyers Taiwan was hoping to buy from the U.S. were 
worth about $1 billion each and were smaller than the 1980s-era Kidd-class 

Taiwan will be allowed to buy the U.S. Navy's newest helicopter, the MH-53 
"Sea Dragon," the largest helicopter currently in U.S. production. 

Included in the package of arms authorized by President George W. Bush -- 
besides four Kidd-class ships -- were eight diesel-electric submarines, 12 
P-3C Orion anti-submarine warfare planes and MH-53E amphibious assault 

Speaking at a seminar hosted by Taiwan's National Research Institute, Wu 
Shih-wen, Taiwan's defense minister, said the navy is currently evaluating 
the weapons package, including the Kidds, "from the viewpoints of national 
combat strategy, the threats posed by the 'enemy,' and logical demand and 
efficiency," according to a report by Agence France-Presse yesterday. 

Wu said the ministry will make a final decision on the totality of the arms 
package after the evaluation is complete. 

With regard to the eight submarines the U.S. agreed to sell, Wu said he 
didn't know how the U.S. would help Taiwan buy them from a third country, as 
reported last week. 

Like other military and government officials, Wu also said he backs a plan to 
build the submarines in Taiwan, since the country has the technical ability 
to do so and has built its own warships in the past. To do so would not only 
upgrade the island's shipbuilding capability but would help ease worsening 
domestic unemployment in Taiwan, he said. 

In a bid to make the arms package easier to pay for, Wu pointed out that 
payments for the weapons would be spread out over several years, thereby 
reducing the burden on the government in the short term. That kind of payment 
schedule, he said, "should not become a serious problem" for the "national 
coffers" or "produce negative side effects on other defense projects." 

The defense minister told conference attendees that some of the weapons would 
not be delivered for three to four years -- and that others would take even 
longer -- so the government would be able to set aside a budget to pay for 
the items annually, rather than all at once. 

China vehemently opposed the arms sales package to Taiwan, but Wu repeated 
earlier government explanations that the weapons are meant to be purely 
defensive, not offensive. 

Taiwan military commanders are becoming increasingly worried about China's 
ongoing massive military buildup of modern warships and submarines, aircraft 
and ballistic missiles. 

Wu also said that although the Bush administration, like the Clinton 
administration before it, had refused to sell the island what it considers 
the much-needed Aegis warships, the Taiwanese government would continue to 
ask the U.S. to sell them. 

Taipei arms talks
could remain annual
Despite Bush opposition, House panel OKs continuing yearly tradition



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

Arms sales discussions and negotiations with Taiwan would remain an annual 
event under a bill approved by a House panel, even though President Bush has 
said he wanted to end the yearly debate. 

The House International Relations Committee, by a voice vote, approved the 
measure Friday and attached it to the larger State Department appropriations 
measure for fiscal year 2002-2003. 

It was one of a number of Taiwan-related measures that committee chairman 
Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., introduced. 

Bush said last week that he would no longer hold the annual arms negotiations 
over what weapons to sell Taiwan but would instead consult with Taiwanese 
leaders on an "as-needed basis." 

The president said he was trying to end the bickering, tenseness and 
animosity between rival lawmakers and with China, which often begins to build 
months before the actual negotiations b

[CTRL] California Officials Warn Blackouts Likely Today

2001-05-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tuesday May 8 11:33 AM ET
California Officials Warn Blackouts Likely Today

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California energy officials warned Tuesday that
rolling blackouts were likely for a second consecutive day due to
temperatures that were near record highs and a severe electricity shortage.

``It is looking definitely worse today,'' said Stephanie McCorkle, a
spokeswoman for the California Independent System Operator (news - web
sites). The ISO is the agency that manages most of the state's power
transmission system.

``We're predicting rolling blackouts could begin as early as 9 a.m., possibly
lasting through 4 p.m.

She said the state was facing a shortfall of 2,000 megawatts -- roughly
enough to power 2 million homes -- due to a second day of heavy air
conditioning demand during a blistering spring heat wave and repair or
refueling outages at several of the region's big nuclear power plants.

Blackouts, ordered whenever electricity reserves drop to within 1.5 percent
of demand, rolled through California for about an hour Monday afternoon --
the fifth time this year and the first since March -- knocking out power to
an estimated 225,000 customers.

Blackout dims Yahoo services
By Evan Hansen;Gwendolyn Mariano CNET News.com
Yahoo blamed a power outage in California for disruption in some of its
services Monday, including Yahoo Messenger.

Yahoo said its servers, which are hosted by Santa Clara, Calif.-based Exodus
Communications, were hit by the outage. That in turn affected Yahoo's
personalized services, including instant messenger.

Exodus could not immediately be reached for comment.

Yahoo did not indicate when the system problems started. Some customers began
to complain by early afternoon of interruptions, which were ongoing as this
report was published.

"One of Yahoo's service providers was affected by the power outages
California is experiencing today which consequently affected the
accessibility of a few Yahoo services, including Yahoo Messenger," said
Shannon Stubo, a Yahoo spokeswoman. "They are working to quickly remedy the
situation and hope to have it resolved shortly."

California has been suffering from power shortages since early this year,
leading power regulators in the state to call for conservation and institute
rolling blackouts. Tight electricity supplies and high demand led to two days
of rolling blackouts Jan. 17 and 18 in Northern California and statewide
blackouts March 19 and 20.

The California Independent System Operator (news - web sites) (CAISO), the
keeper of the state's power grid, implemented a Stage 1 emergency notice at
8:04 a.m., indicating that demand was likely to outstrip supply. The
emergency was upgraded to Stage 3, the highest level, at 5:01 p.m.

The crisis was set off after a day of high temperatures across the state, and
with several power plants offline for pre-summer maintanence.

Outages affecting Internet service have not been limited to California. AOL
Time Warner's America Online in April blamed a brief service interruption on
a power outage affecting Northern Virginia.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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[CTRL] Measure would repeal 16th Amendment

2001-05-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Measure would repeal 16th Amendment
Congressman seeks end to income tax, clarifies duties of government



By Julie Foster
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

A proposed constitutional amendment by Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, speaks for 
itself: "Three years after the ratification of this amendment, the sixteenth 
article of amendments to the Constitution of the United States shall stand 
repealed and thereafter Congress shall not levy taxes on personal incomes, 
estates, and/or gifts." 

The 16th Amendment, ratified in 1913, allowed the federal government to levy 
a tax on all incomes. House Joint Resolution 45, dubbed the "Liberty 
Amendment," would strip the federal government of that authority. 

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas 

"America existed for nearly 140 years without an income tax," Paul concluded. 
"The federal government generally adhered to its strictly enumerated 
constitutional functions during that time, operating with modest excise 
revenues. When Congress introduced the 16th Amendment, it opened the door to 
the era of big government. This amendment would close that door." 

Many Americans believe they are overtaxed, and investigations into the 
Internal Revenue Service in recent years have shown the agency to be abusive 
in the exercise of its authority to collect taxes. The tax code increasingly 
faces grass-roots legal challenges, and interest in flat-tax and national 
sales tax proposals is at an all-time high, giving Paul's proposal enormous 
popularity among disgruntled taxpayers and those simply weary of big 

While there have been several legal challenges to the veracity of the 16th 
Amendment's ratification, all such challenges have been rejected by the 
courts. Plaintiffs argue then-Secretary of State Philander Knox committed 
fraud when he declared the amendment had been properly approved by the 
appropriate number of states. (Editor's note: For a more in-depth discussion 
of this argument, see the April issue of WorldNetDaily's monthly print 
magazine, WorldNet.) 

The Texas congressman criticized his colleagues' frequent manipulation of the 
massive tax code through various exemptions, credits, deductions and the 

"America clearly is ready for sweeping tax reform, yet Congress remains 
focused on rewarding certain constituencies by forever making complex small 
changes to the existing tax laws. The Liberty Amendment is an attempt to 
eliminate the system altogether, forcing Congress to find a simple and fair 
way to collect limited federal revenues. Most of all, the Liberty Amendment 
is an initiative aimed at reducing the size and scope of the federal 
government," he wrote. 

If approved, the measure will accomplish that goal through more than 
elimination of the federal income tax, which is the last of four sections in 
the bill. Comprised of only four sentences in all, the resolution's first 
section prohibits the federal government from engaging in any business 
"except as specified in the Constitution." The measure also states that all 
"activities" of the U.S. government that violate the Constitution will "be 
liquidated and the properties and facilities affected shall be sold" within 
three years of the resolution's adoption. 

Critics of HJR 45, however, believe the government is acting within the 
boundaries of the Constitution by providing public education, welfare 
services, foreign aid and numerous other programs. But Paul says the sweeping 
nature of such programs has made government too involved in the lives of 

"The income tax has given government a claim on our lives," Paul stated. "It 
has enabled government to expand far beyond its proper limits, invade our 
privacy and penalize our every endeavor. The Founding Fathers never intended 
an income tax, and they certainly would be dismayed to know that Americans 
today give more than a third of their income to the federal government." 

In order for HJR 45 to take effect, according to the text of the measure, the 
resolution must be adopted by three-fourths of the states in the Union within 
seven years of the date Congress adopts it. The most recent constitutional 
amendment, which was proposed by the First Congress on Sept. 25, 1789, and 
was first adopted by Maryland in December of that year, was ratified on May 
18, 1992. It provided that congressional pay raises could not take effect 
until after the next election. 

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[CTRL] Postal Governors Approve Higher Rates

2001-05-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Postal Governors Approve Higher Rates

Tuesday, May 08, 2001

 Email this Article

WASHINGTON — Most postage rates are going up on July 1 — but not the basic 
34-cent price of mailing a letter. 

Four months after raising the cost of a first-class stamp to 34 cents, postal 
officials decided Tuesday to increase most other rates as the post office 
struggles with rising costs and shrinking income. 

Although stamp prices increased one cent in January, the full set of 
increases proposed by the post office was cut back by the independent Postal 
Rate Commission, a step that reduced postal income by an estimated $900 

In Tuesday's action the postal governing board overrode the commission, a 
step it can take only by unanimous vote. 

Postal Board Chairman Robert F. Rider said the governors acted reluctantly, 
but felt obligated "to assure the financial integrity of the nation's postal 

Richard F. Strasser, postal chief financial officer, said the agency faces 
losses of between $1.6 billion and $2.4 billion this year and the added 
income is essential. 

He noted that as recently as February the loss had been estimated at $3 
billion, but the agency has cut spending sharply by freezing hiring and some 
800 building projects and by increasing productivity. 

While the 34-cent rate for the first ounce of first-class mail will remain 
the same, the cost for each additional ounce will climb from 21 cents to 23 
cents. And the price of sending a post card will jump a penny to 21 cents. 

Strasser said the new rates will raise the cost of sending a piece of 
advertising mail by one-half to three-quarters of a cent and for the typical 
magazine it will add one-half cent to the postage. 

The increase drew prompt criticism from the Magazine Publishers Association. 

"Enough is enough. This 'raise the rates' mentality must be stopped," said 
Nina Link, MPA president. 

Under the law, rate requests have to be reviewed by the independent Rate 
Commission before taking effect, a process that takes nearly a year while the 
commission holds hearings. The commission can reduce the postal service's 
request, which it did last year. 

The postal governors can overrule the commission and impose the prices they 
originally asked for by an unanimous vote, which they did Tuesday. That 
happened once before, in 1981, when the rate went to 20 cents. 

Postal officials also have suggested cutting mail deliveries to five days a 
week instead of the current six, a proposal that drew a storm of criticism in 
Congress and elsewhere. 

While the post office no longer receives tax money for its operations, it 
remains a part of the government subject to supervision. 

For the past several years postal leaders have sought changes in the law to 
give them more flexibility in changing rates and services so they can better 
cope with rising costs and changes in competition. 

Postmaster General William Henderson commented Tuesday that the necessity to 
overrule the rate commission stresses the need for changes in the laws 
governing the post office to give the agency more flexibility in meeting 
financial challenges. 

Long negotiations and hearings produced a postal change bill that officials 
felt would solve many of their problems last year, but the measure never came 
up for a vote and died with the end of the last Congress. 

The post office had a $199 million loss last fiscal year, after five years in 
the black during which it was able to reduce, but not eliminate, accumulated 
losses from earlier years. Under the law, the agency is required to break 
even over time. 

Meanwhile, the postal governors are searching for a replacement for 
Henderson, who is leaving at the end of May. Speculation has focused on 
Deputy Postmaster General John Nolan, but others reportedly are also under 

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2001-05-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!




May 8, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Disgraced Clinton associate Webster Hubbell - who
was left out of the ex-president's pardon party - is now painting Bill and
Hillary Rodham Clinton as selfish and disloyal.
Hubbell, once No. 3 at the Justice Department, also belatedly admits he
suspected Clinton was cheating on his wife years before Monica Lewinsky.

"Why everybody else but me? If you are going to take political heat for
[pardoning] everyone, what is it about me that made you select me as the one
who was not pardoned?" Hubbell asks in a Vanity Fair interview.

"For many years, people would say the Clintons are disloyal and I would say,
'You have to understand, they are required to do this.' So when this all
happened, it forced me to say, am I in the same category?"

Hubbell's wife, Suzy, is even more blunt, telling one of her daughters: "Dad
did not get pardoned. I am pissed off, and so is he."

Hubbell did 18 months in jail for defrauding clients and law partners,
including Hillary, and he was threatened with new charges when he refused to
spill the beans on the Clintons to independent counsel Kenneth Starr.

Asked about the report, Bill Clinton's aide Karen Tramontano said: "As they
have said before, the Clintons understand that the last several years have
been very difficult for the Hubbells. They sincerely hope that the years
ahead will be good ones for Webb and his family."

The report says Hubbell's family was shocked when Clinton pardoned Whitewater
figure Susan McDougal, fugitive Marc Rich and cocaine dealers - but not him.

Writer Marie Brenner says Hubbell refused to answer only one question:
whether he was attacked in prison.

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[CTRL] Fw Soy Was Used to Slop Hogs?

2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Well, dogs and cats have been an integral part of traditional Asian
cuisine, too, but I shall also pass on those.  Perhaps they are what
result this alleged health to which you allude.  They are killed in
the most painful way as it is believed that it tenderizes the meat
and enhances the nutritional value.  See the PETA website for photos
of dogs with their front legs twisted up behind their backs,
shoulders dislocated, writhing in pain and yowling  in the market
places of Asia.  Maybe this does not bother you with your dogcatcher
background but it upsets me very much.  I will also pass on monkey
brains, etc.

Because a diet will sustain life for a millennia (check your
spelling, dear!) does not mean that it is of optimal nourishment.
Consider the diminutive stature of Asians, etc. and then the results
when adequate protein is added to the diet as in the new 7 ft.
basketball player. I do not jump on every new diet craze the
government pushes our way without seeing results and they are not
there for the Asian diet.  The only diet I have encountered which
results in greater longevity, etc. is that of the Mormon faith which
results in an average life span increase of 11 years.  Now THAT I
find impressive.  Maybe soy is causing all those food allergies you
have for I believe it has been linked to lactose intolerance.

If you can see through the canola scam, perhaps you need to look
more closely at the soy one for it is SSDD, as Stephen King would
say. :-}

- Original Message -
From: "YnrChyldzWyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
May 06, 2001 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw Soy Was Used to Slop Hogs?

Strange...it's been an integral part of Asian cuisine for millenia,
there are plenty of fit, healthy Chinese, whose civilization
ours by a millenia or so...

>Ditto the useless rape seed of canola oil.

Now you and I are in agreement regarding the scam of canola oil...


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[CTRL] The Illuminati: How the Cult Programs People (fwd)

2001-05-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

>I'd be more than happy to drop the religion...

...thank you, now ponder the below!  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [APFN] Re: "BIBLE"
Hans a Fahting wrote:
> I'll assume this was meant to sound funny.  It was entertaining.
> I certainly hope it wasn't serious.  Yeah, we're all a little
paranoid as patriots from time to time, understandably! But goodness!...
> In the meantime, I'd be more than happy to drop the religion issue
if everyone else will leave it out of our freedom-fighting pursuits
as well.
> Take Care.
"Hans a Fahting" -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Illuminati: How the Cult Programs People
 Tue May 8 13:29:34 2001

 About Svali:
 Svali used to be a programmer and trainer in the cult of the
Illuminati. Both she and her entire family were involved in the cult
group until several years ago, when they finally broke free.

 She has been a consultant to an on-line survivors group that helps
people dealing with issues related to cult programming and ritual abuse.

 Svali, a writer and a registered nurse, has self-published a
book on breaking free of cult programming, which several experts
in the field have said has "invalueable information" for the
survivor of ritual abuse.

Her articles are published online at www.suite101.com

She is now married to her second husband and has two children.

The Illuminati: How the Cult Programs People



The elites had to have the Branch Davidian Village eliminated because:


Without Justice, there is JUST_US!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Angolan Rebels Kill 79 in Attack Near Capital/Mass Starvation Coming Out of Congo

2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{So all of the world is outraged at the death of the Palestinian child yet
no one cares for these people.  Is it because these starving children are
Black? Because starvation and death are so common in Africa that we no
longer take notice?  Is the problem so great that we feel helpless to deal
with it, especially when there is no real interest?  Africa has truly been
'written off' by the rest of the world which is a shame because at one time,
it held such promise and had such an apparently bright future.  AKE}}

 Angolan Rebels Kill 79 in Attack Near Capital

Monday, May 07, 2001
LUANDA, Angola - In their boldest attack in months UNITA rebels overran a
town near the capital, killing 79 people and interrogating foreign aid
workers, officials said Monday.

About 200 rebels attacked Caxito, a town of 50,000 people about 35 miles
north of Luanda, at dawn on Saturday, the army said in a statement.

The statement did not provide casualty figures but an aid official in Luanda
who was in contact with colleagues in Caxito said 79 people, including
soldiers, police officers and civilians, were killed. The official spoke on
condition his name not be used. The dead were all Angolans.

Rebel officers questioned aid workers from the United States, Canada,
France, the Netherlands, Brazil and Hungary, according to the statement.

The foreign were "very traumatized," the official said. Their identities
were not immediately available. They were working for an Angolan aid group,
known by its Portuguese acronym ADPP.

The rebels ransacked local buildings for food supplies and abducted about 60
people, mostly young men and women from a local school.

In a statement sent by e-mail to The Associated Press bureau in Lisbon,
Portugal, UNITA claimed it killed 37 soldiers and police officers in the

The fighting reportedly forced thousands to flee toward the crumbling
coastal capital.

The war has driven an estimated 3.8 million people -- about one-third of the
population -- from their homes, causing an acute humanitarian crisis.

The attack cast new doubt on recent indications the foes were ready to
discuss a peaceful end to the civil war which first began after the
country's 1975 independence from Portugal.

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  Reports of Mass Starvation Coming Out of Congo

Sunday, May 06, 2001
KABINDA, Congo - Parents reaching a front-line hospital this weekend with
stick-thin children in their arms told of countless civilians succumbing to
disease and hunger in burned, looted villages cut off throughout Congo's
2½ -year-old war.

The hospital at Kabinda - where 185 emaciated children lay on and under the
60 available beds, with a 2-week-old measles epidemic raging - provided a
first look at a hidden death toll that one international aid group has
estimated in the millions.

"I came because I wanted to save them," said Ntambue Ntambue, who arrived at
Kabinda with two starving, sick children, after seeing two of his others die
untreated during a year of hiding in the bush. "Now I must go back and get
the rest."

"We knew if we didn't come, we would lose everyone," said Ntambue Kilolo,
who walked two days through rebel-controlled territory to reach Kabinda with
his 5-year-old daughter, leaving his five other children behind.

The girl - weighing 17 pounds - slumped Saturday with a feeding tube in her
nose, eyes rolling in her sockets and the frail bones of her skull sharp.

The Associated Press was the first news organization that Congo's government
has permitted to cross to the front line at Kabinda, a southeastern hilltop
city of 140,000. The AP spoke to parents and workers at the hospital

Kabinda was under siege for two years during the war, surrounded by
Rwanda-backed rebel forces who hoped to seize the city and its airstrip and
push on to nearby diamond fields.

Now a cease-fire has started to gell, and rebel fighters have begun
withdrawing from land around the government-controlled town. The 300 adults
and children at the hospital are the first to trickle in from the
surrounding countryside.

Outsiders are finally getting some direct clues to a humanitarian disaster
whose scope has only been guessed at until now.

Congo's war started in 1998 when Rwanda and Uganda, acting with Congolese
rebels, invaded to try to oust Congo's president at the time, Laurent
Kabila. Zimbabwe, Angola, and Namibia entered the war on the government's
side, stopping the offensive after it had seized 60 percent of the Western
Europe-sized nation.

Peace efforts moved forward after the Jan. 16 assassinati

[CTRL] At Any Cost: How Al Gore Tried to Steal the Election"

2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

May 7, 2001
Networks' early call kept many from polls
By Bill Sammon

 The Democratic nominee for president wielded more raw power than anyone
else in the nation during the five weeks after Election Day, according to
"At Any Cost: How Al Gore Tried to Steal the Election" (Regnery), the new
book by Bill Sammon, senior White House correspondent of The Washington
Times. Top Stories
. U.S. renews flights off China
. Stiffing the troops serving overseas
. Bush views long term on gas cost
. Cincinnati cop indicted in death of black teen
. U.N. cut U.S. off as drug monitor
. Is Big Brother taking a drive on the GW Parkway?

 In the first of three excerpts, he details how the TV networks helped
Mr. Gore exploit the debacle in Florida with a bad call that pre-empted Bush
voters in the western panhandle.

 Bob Glass was running late. He hustled his little red Geo past Bubba´s
Bar-B-Q Pit and the 4-H Club and the Lots O´ Snacks on his way toward
Interstate 10 and his polling place.
 Mr. Glass was at the westernmost tip of the Florida panhandle and had
to get clear to the other side of Pensacola in less than half an hour.
Traffic would be murder, what with all the military personnel streaming out
of installations to vote for a new commander in chief.
 But Mr. Glass, 50, had never failed to cast a ballot in a presidential
election -- and he wasn´t about to now.
 Mr. Glass sells, well, glass. Don´t bother with the wisecracks; he´s
heard them all. People ask if he legally changed his name as a promotional
gimmick for his windshield-replacement business, which he runs from the back
room of his brother´s house six miles from the Alabama border."
 "No, I´ve had this name since 1950," Mr. Glass says with a weary
chuckle. "For as far back as I can remember."
 Mr. Glass swung the 1996 Geo onto the highway entrance ramp. The words
"WINDSHIELD EXPRESS" fan across the tinted top of the windshield in white
vinyl letters, slightly askew. The left and right sides of the car are
adorned with white magnetic signs that say: "Windshield Express: Keep it
local, keep it fast; let us repair your auto glass."
 Mr. Glass came up with that slogan himself. To anyone who makes fun of
it, he points out that the traveling billboard generates quite a few cold
calls from fellow motorists who end up as paying customers. Oh, and it
doesn´t hurt that a "Bush-Cheney" sticker is affixed to the back bumper.
 Out here in Escambia County, people like to say Florida is the only
state in which north is south and south is north.
 What they mean is that in northern Florida, where the Panhandle runs
right along the Georgia and Alabama borders, folks consider themselves
Southerners. It´s the kind of place where waitresses in even the finest
restaurants think nothing of addressing middle-age businessmen they´ve never
met before as "honey," "sugar," "sweetie" and even "baby." This isn´t just
the South; it´s the Deep South.
 Supporters of Texas Gov. George W. Bush for president outnumbered
supporters of Vice President Al Gore by more than 2-to-1 in the Panhandle´s
10 westernmost counties, which collectively form the only region of Florida
that falls within the Central Time Zone.
 Florida´s remaining 57 counties are in the Eastern Time Zone. As far as
Mr. Glass is concerned, they might as well be in the Twilight Zone. For
starters, fully half the voters of the eastern 57 counties supported Al
 And every time Mr. Glass crossed the time line, he says, it seemed to
get worse. The farther he traveled east and then south down the peninsula,
the more he ran into liberal Democrats, who continued to invade these warmer
climes from up north, particularly New York and New England.
 "I´m a firm believer that everyone from Orlando south is not a native
Floridian," harrumphs Mr. Glass, who once endured a year in Orlando before
retreating to his beloved Panhandle.

 Highly motivated
 The little red car chugged east along the northern edge of Pensacola.
Mr. Glass still had 20 minutes to make it to his polling place, Scenic
Heights Baptist Church. He knew all he had to do was get into line by 7 p.m.
Central Time (8 p.m. Eastern) and he couldn´t be turned away.
 Even if the line stretched outside the church and around the block, he
would be able to vote for president. He might not actually cast his ballot
until 7:15 or 7:30 or even 7:45, but he was determined to stand up and be
counted for George W. Bush.
 Mr. Glass is what pollsters call a "highly motivated voter." A
rock-ribbed Republican all his life, he had cast ballots for Richard Nixon
in 1972; Gerald Ford in 1976; Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984; George Bush in
1988 and 1992; and Bob Dole in 1996.
 He considers it a travesty that Bill Clinton and Al Gore evicted the
elder Bush from the White House in 1992. For eight years, he watched with
growing frustration as the Clinton-Gore team took the nation dow

[CTRL] Rocket containing chemical weapon found leaking

2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{Hhuumm~~801 chemical weapons leaking at Anniston and the nerve gas and who
knows what leaking at Redstone in Huntsville.  Maybe they will all run
together and meld, oh, say right about here!  Right in between them.  Now if
even minute particles escape and combine or get into the water table and
mix, etc.   Exercise, eat right and get gassed right in your own back yard!
This is NOT the Nevada desert but some of the most densely populated rural
areas in the country.  Not to mention that there are more cattle than
people.  And tons and tons of produce, shipped all over the country to folks
just like YOU.  Yum, yum!  Good potatoes, good pecans, strawberries and
nectarines galore.  Possibly the best watermelon in the country because of
rare soil composition. It is the unusual soil that makes this area
particularly suited for agriculture .And we do not even eat the honeydew
melons locally (yuck!) so almost all of those are sent NORTH.  So maybe it
is not just MY problem after all.  Seems sort of fair for making us the
dumping ground for so much of this stuff.  Bon appetit!  Amelia}}

   Rocket containing chemical weapon found leaking

ANNISTON, May 3 - A spokesman for the Anniston Army Depot said a M55 rocket
containing an unspecified chemical weapon was discovered leaking Wednesday.
  Cathy Coleman said the rocket registered an extremely low reading
of vapors inside the bunker where it was stored.
 She said the vapor leak was detected during routine monitoring Monday.
The rocket was canned in a larger container. Technicians moved the munitions
to an igloo where other leaking munitions are stored and watched daily.
 Coleman said since 1982, 801 chemical weapons have been discovered
leaking at the chemical weapons storage site|

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Let's Buy Greenland! (fwd)

2001-05-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

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Let’s Buy Greenland!
A complete missile-defense plan.

By John J. Miller, NR’s national political reporter

We will deploy [missile] defenses as soon as possible," said state-department
official Lucas Fischer in late April.

"Therefore, we believe that the ABM treaty will have to be replaced,
eliminated, or changed in a fundamental way."

Replaced! Eliminated! These words, spoken just a few days before President
Bush's speech on missile defense, provided the first concrete clue of a major
U.S. policy shift on an issue of supreme importance to conservatives.

So why in the heck were they delivered in Denmark?

The answer is simple: Denmark plays a unique role in determining how the
United States may deploy a missile-defense system, because it administers the
frozen island of Greenland, where the Pentagon will very much want to place
an early-warning radar that doesn't comply with current ABM-treaty
specifications. If the Danes refuse to go along with this, the United States
will have to search out less desirable locations.

It's a shame a piddling little country like Denmark might hold so much sway
over such an important national-security decision for the United States. The
Bush administration appears to be approaching the matter with an appropriate
amount of diplomatic delicacy. But wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to
kowtow to the Danes at all?

There may be an alternative: Let's buy Greenland! It wouldn't be the first
time the United States has purchased a big chunk of territory, of course. We
bought Alaska from Russia in 1867, for the basement-bargain price of $7.2
million. Critics slammed the sale as "Seward's Folly," after Secretary of
State William Seward, who negotiated the deal.

It's a little-known fact that Seward also was interested in Greenland. In
1946 — long after Seward's time — the United States seems to have made a
formal offer of $100 million for Greenland, according to declassified
documents discovered about ten years ago in the National Archives. The
purpose of the acquisition, wrote a state-department official, was to provide
the United States with "valuable bases from which to launch an air
counteroffensive over the Arctic area in the event of attack." Secretary of
State James Byrnes suggested the idea to the Danish foreign minister, but the
record does not reveal whether the Danes formally turned down the offer or
just ignored it.

Let's let them know the deal's still on the table, and that we think it's
awfully rude of them not to have responded by now.

Buying Greenland will have plenty of critics, but so did the Alaska sale —
and who in their right mind would want to rethink that transaction?

Greenland has a population of about 60,000 people, who have the island's
840,000 square miles all to themselves. They acquired home rule in 1979, so
these folks probably would have to sign off on the sale in some capacity,
too. Maybe we could promise them school choice.

Greenland's natural resources are — let us put it mildly — limited. The
island got its name from Viking explorer Eric the Red in the 10th century; he
wanted to encourage people to move there from Iceland. Wouldn't you rather
live in Greenland than in Iceland? There is said to be a huge deposit of gold
beneath the ice, but so far nobody has figured out how to extract it

Like so much real estate, Greenland's value is its location: A lot of missile
shots coming toward the United States from Russia would fly right over it, or
at least near it. We will want to chart their precise trajectories so our
missile defenses can blow them to pieces..

And if this whole global-warming thing turns out to be worse than expected,
at least we'll all have a place to live.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The AMA, Ethics and Gun Control (fwd)

2001-05-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The AMA, Ethics and Gun Control

   Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D.
   Thursday, May 3, 2001

Part I: Full AMA Coffers to Push for Gun Control
The AMA is joining the gun prohibitionist movement in full force. Led by the
long-time speaker of the AMA's House of Delegates, now president-elect of the
AMA, organized medicine has joined the gun control movement full steam ahead.
This new leader, Richard F. Corlin, M.D., will call for the AMA to increase
funding to "study data on firearms injuries" at its June 20 annual meeting.
The fact is that the public health establishment, incarnated in the CDC,
other government agencies and the myriad of schools of public health, has
been sponsoring and conducting "gun research" for nearly two decades that has
been found to be biased, result-oriented, and based on what has been
characterized by a number of serious investigators as junk science.
The AMA, using its publication empire, has been publishing this "research" in
its journals, including the Journal of the American Medical Association
(JAMA). Essentially only those researchers who embraced the politically
correct, preordained conclusions that "easy gun availability results in
crime" and that "guns and bullets are pathogens that must be eradicated" were
published. Contrary views have been censored.
The monolithic wall of censorship was only breached by the Journal of the
Medical Association of Georgia (JMAG) while I was editor from 1993-1995. I
recounted the story of my travails in a chapter entitled "Censorship and
Editorial Lynching in the Deep South" in my book, "Medical Warrior: Fighting
Corporate Socialized Medicine" (1997, www.haciendapub.com).
The wall cracked further with the advent of the Medical Sentinel, which is
the official, peer-reviewed journal of the Association of American Physicians
and Surgeons (AAPS; www.aapsonline.org). So I know this subject well from
personal experience and 10 years of research into this subject.
In the spring of 1996, Drs. Timothy Wheeler (Doctors for Responsible Gun
Ownership), William Waters IV (Doctors for Integrity in Policy Research),
myself (as editor of the then newly founded Medical Sentinel), and the legal
scholar Don B. Kates testified before a congressional subcommittee about this
biased, result-oriented research conducted by the CDC and its politicized
branch, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), and as
a result the latter entity was ordered by Congress not to conduct tainted gun
control research at taxpayers' expense.
The story about how that episode came about was published in the Medical
Sentinel in my four-part article (Spring and Summer 1997) entitled "The
Perversion of Science and Medicine" (http://www.haciendapub.com).
I can testify that the AMA has been moving steadily to the left in a variety
of issues, from the perversion of medical ethics to gun control. (6)
Yet it has not always been that way.
In "Medical Warrior" I also described how, over the years, the AMA tried to
please everyone but has ended up pleasing no one! The AMA has tried to be all
things to all people, pragmatic at all costs, whether in discussion of
socioeconomic policies or medical ethics.
I have been told, by at least one AMA defender, "It's just politics." That
may be, but when dealing with ethics and constitutional issues, principles
should not be compromised by playing politics. There is simply too much at
But now the AMA is moving definitely to the left. No wonder President George
W. Bush refused to deliver the traditional first health care address to the
Nevertheless, while AMA membership remains low, its coffers remain full. The
AMA has plenty of money to fund gun control efforts and ingratiate itself
with the establishment's media and the liberal left camp, which lately it has
joined. Indeed, the AMA's finances are said to be in the best shape that they
have been in over 15 years, despite dwindling membership and questionable
relevance to health care policy and medical affairs.
In the March/April 1998 issue of the Medical Sentinel, we reported that in
1996, three AMA officers were paid more than $200,000 for their time "playing
politics" within organized medicine. AMA reimbursement figures then,
according to Physicians Weekly, were:
AMA Officers Position held in 1996Reimbursement Figure

Dr. Nancy DickeyChairman  $258,790

Dr. Lonnie Bristow   Immediate Past Pres.$229,540
Dr. Daniel Johnson Jr.  President $221,970

Dr. Percy Wootton   President-elect $ 168,720

Dr. Thomas ReardonVice-Chairman  $147,929
Dr. Robert McAfee*   Immediate Past President  $135,440
Dr. Yank Coble Jr.Trustee$105,915

Dr. Randolph Smoak Jr. Secretar


2001-05-08 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

>From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News
& Analysis : The Internet & Computerization
Microsoft launches attack on open source software
By Mike Ingram
8 May 2001
Back to screen version| Send this link by email
Microsoft Senior Vice President Craig Mundie made a speech on May 3 championing what
he called “the commercial software model.” His remarks were particularly directed
against the increasingly popular method of providing free access to a programme's
source code in a form that clearly reveals how the software works, and so can be
Mundie's speech, published in full on the Internet [1], is generally regarded as
Microsoft's response to the growing popularity of the open source Linux operating
system. While there are a number of commercial distributions of Linux, such as Red
Hat or SuSe, these are all based upon computer code that is “free”. In the world of
open source software, “free” means more than being available for no financial cost.
It means the freedom to use and alter the source code that makes up the software.
This has made Linux an attractive alternative to Microsoft's Windows operating
system, particularly for those running web servers. The free availability of the
source code, and the thousands of volunteer programmers worldwide who work on its
development, mean that any bugs or security holes in Linux are fixed far sooner than
those in its Windows counterpart. If a company has access to the source code and a
security hole or bug is discovered, it has the possibility of fixing the problem
itself; if it is does not have the required skills in-house, it can be sure a fix
will come along pretty quickly in the public domain.
A desire to undermine the popularity of Linux is no doubt one factor in Mundie's
remarks. More fundamentally, however, his speech is an attempt to kill demands by
the US Justice Department that Microsoft provide access to the Windows source code.
This is the predicted alternative proposal to that of Judge Jackson last year, who
ruled that the company should be broken in two, with one part gaining control of the
operating system and the other controlling applications and Internet technologies.
Since the installation of the Bush presidency there are indications that political
opinion is swinging against a break-up. In order for the appeals court to rule in
favour of Microsoft and overturn the proposal of Judge Jackson, the company will
have to provide some evidence that it has changed its monopolistic practices. The
speech by Mundie should be read in this context.
He begins by telling his audience, and by extension the Justice Department, that
Microsoft will continue to hold a strategic place in the US economy. Speaking of the
“personal information technology revolution” which began in the early 1980s, Mundie
says, “It probably has at least two more decades to go. But it's important that we
learn from the lessons of the past year and apply them in order to make the most of
the potential that lies ahead.”
Mundie is referring to the recent collapse of a whole number of so-called dot.com
companies, whose problem, he asserts, was that they “gave away for free or at least
at a loss the very thing they produced that was of greatest value—in the hope that
somehow they'd make money selling something else.”
He then says, “Contrast this recent experience with the two decades of economic
success that preceded it. The global economy grew in an unprecedented way in no
small measure because of a generation of new companies, of which Microsoft was
fortunate to be one. Many or even most of these companies invested heavily in
research and development and sold their principal products at prices that covered
their costs and generated profits that they reinvested in further research and
Mundie then raises a crucial point, which has been the subject of much debate. He
says, “This research and development model, in turn, was almost always based on the
importance of intellectual property rights. Whether copyrights, patents or trade
secrets, it was this foundation in law that made it possible for companies to raise
capital, take risks, focus on the long term, and create sustainable business models.
“Despite the demonstrable success of the computing industry and the IP [Intellectual
Property]-based economy, and the clear failure of newer firms that gave away
products for free, it's notable that in the past year there has been a broader
discussion about whether the ingredients that delivered longstanding economic
success can continue to do so... in part this has focused on whether IP protection
as we have known it—whether for music, software, or other products—should continue
to be a fundamental engine of economic growth.”
Mundie asks the question: “Should an information-based economy protect the
intellectual property assets that are driving its growth?” Not surprisingly his
answer is “Yes”.
“We emphatically remain committed to a model that protects the intellectual property

[CTRL] They Hate You

2001-05-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Gun-control elitists hate, fear common people

Charley Reese

May 3, 2001

Probably no subject generates more lies and deliberate distortions of the facts than 
gun control.

It's easy to understand once you comprehend that the motivation is to disarm the 
common citizens of the United States. The
talk may be about crime or safety or children, but the goal is to disarm the common 

Thomas Jefferson explained that desire when he said people always fall into one of two 
categories no matter what the age or
what they call themselves. There are those who trust and cherish the people and those 
who hate and fear the people.

It is the elitists, who hate and fear the common people, who are behind the 
gun-control movement. Now let's look at some
facts compared to lies.

Most Americans have been brainwashed into believing that we're the most violent and 
crime-ridden people on Earth. Not so.
In fact, a new survey involving 34,000 people in 17 industrialized countries published 
by the Dutch Ministry of Justice shows
the opposite. You can be sure America's anti-gun news media will not give this study 
much publicity.

The nations that report the highest percentage of crime victims are indeed those that 
have virtually banned private gun
ownership. In descending order they are Australia, England and Wales, Scotland, 
Finland, Northern Ireland, France and the

The United States ranks eighth out of 17.

As legitimate scholars have shown time and again, there is no correlation between gun 
ownership and crime except often an
inverse one -- the fewer private guns, the more crime.

As for gun safety, the disarmers have grossly exaggerated that. The facts are that the 
National Safety Council has shown that in
1998, accidental firearm deaths for children from birth to 4 years old was 30; for 
children 5 to 14, there were 80 deaths.
Accidental firearm deaths are at the bottom of the list of children's fatalities. The 
obvious answer is safety instruction, but you
will notice that most of the gun-control crowd opposed gun-safety instruction. Ask 
yourself why they do that.

As for those numbers they cite, so many kids killed every day by guns, they get those 
by counting everybody 19 and younger
as a "child" and by including accidents, suicides and crimes. Gang-bangers who shoot 
each other are "children who are victims
of guns."

Another huge lie is that they claim to be politically powerful. No, it's the same 
elitists who have a lot of left-wing money from
foundations, but if you will check the last presidential election, you will see that 
the National Rifle Association kicked their rear
ends. No less an expert than Bill Clinton blamed Al Gore's defeat on the NRA.

He should have said America's gun owners. Many a Democrat in states such as West 
Virginia, Tennessee and other rural areas
would rather keep their firearms than their Democratic voting records.

The NRA, so slandered by the elitist gun-control crowd, is, in fact, the nation's 
premier gun owner's organization. It was
founded by a group of National Guardsmen to promote marksmanship and over the years 
has been praised by presidents and
generals alike.

It is pro-law and order, pro-police, pro-gun safety and pro-responsible gun ownership. 
Now 4 million strong, I can most
heartily recommend it as an organization to join if you are concerned about retaining 
America's traditional freedom to keep and
bear arms.

Our Founding Fathers were proud that Americans were trusted with arms because they 
knew that only when people are armed
could they truly be thought of as free citizens.

And that's where the circle closes. Those who want to deprive you of your right to 
keep and bear arms are intending to deprive
you of your freedom, period. Like the criminals their policies encourage, these 
elitists know that it is always best to disarm
victims before you enslave them. I've seen this elitist fear among my own colleagues.

Years ago, when Florida's right-to-carry law was only a bill in the Legislature, some 
of my journalistic colleagues were
practically hysterical: Why if you let people carry firearms, there will be shootouts 
on every street corner and in the supermarket
checkout lines.

Having grown up with people who carried firearms without the government's permission, 
I was genuinely mystified. I had to
wonder if they lived in total isolation. Do they not know the American people? Do they 
really think their fellow citizens are
stupid and crazy?

Unfortunately, for many elitists, the answers are yes.

Of course, the facts proved them wrong. Florida has had a right-to-carry law for 
years, and the crime rate has gone down.
People wielding their own firearms have saved many innocent lives. In some cases, they 
have done so by also saving the
taxpayers the expense of arrest, trial and imprisonment.

Reach Charley Reese at 407-420-5315 or [EMA

Re: [CTRL] USDefense.com: China Moves Intercontinental Nuclear Missiles

2001-05-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe they moved them because UFO expert in China put map of sites on
Chinese billboard - or on internet - or...

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Naval warfare--What our EP-3's are watching

2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

>  http://www.scientificamerican.com/2001/0501issue/0501ashley.html
> >From the F-8 net...
> This is what our EP-3 crew was watching...
> Russian 'Rocket' Torpedo Arms Chinese Subs
> Charles R. Smith Tuesday, April 24, 2001
> sum:
> The Chinese navy is arming itself with a deadly combination of silent
> submarines, supersonic nuclear tipped Stealth missiles, and Shkval rocket
> torpedoes. end sum
> Russia has developed new submarine-launched torpedoes that travel at
> incredible speeds? Perhaps as fast as the speed of sound underwater.
> Scientific American reports in its May edition that these super
> sophisticated weapons have been linked to the sinking of the Russian
> submarine Kursk  last August, and even to the arrest and imprisonment of
> Edmond Pope. Pope, an  American businessman, was charged by Russian
> authorities with spying,  specifically that he had sought to buy plans for
> the "ultrahigh-speed torpedo." The magazine reports that "evidence does
> suggest that both incidents revolved around an amazing and little-reported
> technology that  allows naval weapons and vessels to travel submerged at
> hundreds of miles per  hour? in some cases, faster than the speed of sound
> in water.  The swiftest traditional undersea technologies, in contrast,
> limited to a maximum of  about 80 mph."
> The new technology that allows for these incredible speeds is "is based on
> the physical phenomenon of super cavitation."
> According to Scientific American, the new generation of torpedoes, some
> believed capable of carrying nuclear warheads, are surrounded by a
> "renewable envelope of gas so that the liquid wets very little of the
> body's surface, thereby drastically reducing the viscous drag" on the
> torpedo. The new technology "could mean a quantum leap in naval warfare
> is analogous in some ways to the move from prop planes to jets or even to
> rockets and missiles." In 1997 Russia announced that it had developed a
> high-speed unguided underwater torpedo, which has no equivalent in the
> Code-named the Shkval or "Squall," the Russian torpedo reportedly travels
> fast that no U.S. defense can stop it.
> In late 2000, after the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, new
> began circulating that the Chinese navy had bought the Shkval torpedo. The
> modern Russian weapon in Chinese navy hands has sent alarm bells ringing
> through the halls of the Pentagon. "China purchased the Shkval rocket
> torpedo," stated Richard Fisher, a defense analyst and senior fellow at
> Jamestown Foundation.
> "The Shkval was designed to give Soviet subs with less capable sonar the
> ability to kill U.S. submarines before U.S. wire-guided anti-sub torpedoes
> could reach their target. The Chinese navy would certainly  want to have
> this kind of advantage over U.S. subs in the future. At the speed that it
> travels, the Shkval could literally punch a hole in most U.S. ships, with
> little need for an explosive warhead." "This torpedo travels at a speed of
> 200 knots, or five to six times the speed of a normal torpedo, and is
> specially suited for attacking large ships such as aircraft carriers,"
> stated Fisher. The report that China purchased some 40 Shkval torpedoes
> Russia in 1998 has been confirmed by U.S. intelligence sources.
> Pentagon  officials also confirmed that a Chinese naval officer was on
> the ill-fated Russian submarine Kursk to observe firings of the Shkval.
> Shkval rocket first came to light in the Western press in April 2000 when
> Russian FSB security services charged American businessman Edward Pope
> spying for the U.S.   According to Russian intelligence sources, Pope
> obtained detailed information on the rocket-powered torpedo. A FSB
> said it confiscated "technical drawings of various equipment, recordings
> his conversations with Russian citizens relating to their work in the
> Russian defense industry, and receipts for American dollars received by
> them."
> The 6,000-pound Shkval rocket torpedo has a range of about 7,500 yards and
> can fly through the water at more than 230 miles an hour. The
> solid-rocket-propelled "torpedo" achieves this high speed by producing a
> high-pressure stream of bubbles from its nose and skin, which coats the
> weapon in a thin layer of gas. The Shkval flies underwater inside a giant
> "envelope" of gas bubbles in a process called "super cavitation."
> The Russian Pacific Fleet held the first tests of the Shkval torpedo in
> spring of 1998. In early 1999, Russia began marketing a conventionally
> version of the Shkval high-speed underwater rocket at the IDEX 99
> in Abu Dhabi. The Shkval is so fast that it is guided by an autopilot
> than by a homing head as on most torpedoes. The original Shkval was
> to carry a tactical nuclear warhead detonated by a simple timer clock.
> However, the Russians recently began advert

[CTRL] HUMOR--Political

2001-05-08 Thread Amelia

  Best One 


[CTRL] NYT: Clinton Aide Settles With Matt Drudge

2001-05-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

May 4, 2001

Clinton Aide Settles With Matt Drudge


Sidney Blumenthal, an aide in President Bill Clinton's White House, has
settled a libel suit that he and his wife, Jacqueline Jordan Blumenthal,
brought in 1997 against Matt Drudge, whose Web site became a catch basin for
negative information about Mr. Clinton.

Instead of winning any payment, however, over accusations that Mr. Drudge
later apologized for and retracted, the Blumenthals have agreed to pay Mr.
Drudge's lawyer $2,500. The payment, Mr. Blumenthal said, is to ensure that
the litigation and the publicity it brought Mr. Drudge come to an end.

"We just decided for nuisance value that we would pay him off and make him
go away and deprive him of his sort of oxygen," Mr. Blumenthal said.

Mr. Drudge said the suit had propelled him "from rags to absolute riches ó
and I got to keep them."

In a brief report posted in August 1997, Mr. Drudge wrote that Mr.
Blumenthal, a journalist who was just joining the White House staff, was
being gossiped about in Republican circles as someone with "a spousal abuse
past that has been effectively covered up." Shortly thereafter, he retracted
the report and, in an interview with The Washington Post, apologized.

The Blumenthals then filed their suit.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] U.S. loses seat on U.N. drug policy committee

2001-05-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Kris - why not send them a copy of your book?


Better not sign your right name though.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] WP: U.S. Widens Look at China Contacts

2001-05-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


U.S. Widens Look at China Contacts
State Department and Other Agencies Affected, Officials Say

By Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 5, 2001; Page A03

The U.S. government's review of its contacts with China extends beyond the
military to the State Department and other civilian agencies, Bush
administration officials said yesterday.

Officials said the propriety of possible interactions between the
governments, whether an embassy party or a research expedition or a trade
mission, is being evaluated as situations come up. "There's no deadline,
there's not going to be a report," an official said.

The Pentagon announced this week that it would review its contacts with the
Chinese government on a case-by-case basis, as part of the fallout from the
11-day detention of 24 crew members of a Navy surveillance plane.

For two days early this week, the Pentagon had an order in effect that
suspended all military relations with China. When the memo became public
Wednesday, the Pentagon said it was a misunderstanding of Defense Secretary
Donald H. Rumsfeld's policy, and the order was retracted.

On Thursday, when Bush was asked about "military-to-military exchanges with
the Chinese," he said, "We're going to review all opportunities to interface
with the Chinese. And if it enhances our relationship, it might make sense.
If it's a useless exercise and it doesn't make the relationship any better,
then we won't do that."

Administration officials said yesterday that Bush's comments apply across
the government and that such a review has been underway for two or three

In addition to the ongoing reviews by the State and Defense departments,
national security adviser Condoleezza Rice is coordinating reviews of China
contacts by several other agencies.

Administration officials would not name them. The Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative, the nation's chief trade negotiator and the president's
principal trade policy adviser, said it is reconsidering each China contact
as it arises.

Kenneth Lieberthal, Asia director at the National Security Council under
President Bill Clinton, said Bush is "taking a wide-ranging series of
initiatives that very likely will make this a far more difficult

"This administration gives every sign of taking a very skeptical approach to
Chinese motives and actions," Lieberthal said.

U.S. government contacts with China cover an enormous range of topics,
including counterterrorism, legal reform, anti-narcotics activities,
environmental protection, trade promotion and cultural exchanges.

"U.S.-China engagement is important for addressing serious problems that
both of us confront, such as terrorism, proliferation, transnational crime,
international economics and trade issues," Lieberthal said. "Such engagement
helps make the Chinese aware not only of our views but of international
norms in dealing with these issues, and so these contacts are over time
really quite important."

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Cooper - another view

2001-05-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Dale, glad they only shoot each other...

My old MI6 friend wanted to contact and meet Gordon Novel - he was not
interested but he did check out her home when she died - and said she
still was flying her flag.

These guys are such liars by the time you are through, you cannot tell
fact from fiction but you learn more from between the lines.

Now George Bush would not say "get Bo Gritz"nobody had to say
that for that guy had so many people after his hide that if someone did
get him at least a dozen people would take off to parts unknown.

The guy who made that statement never heard of the chain of command -
for you send down the word, from the top and it goes down, down and down
until nobody really knows who gave the order - it could have been the
latrine orderly (and maybe sometimes was) for all they know.

Reference to gold say talk of UFOsin this dead volcano in Philipines
- this is where Marcos hid gold, of this I am quite positive.   Let his
goe years ago for I was in deep enough an I had not even left my kitchen
table.researchers do have more fun than blondes?

So - thank you again Dale.   All these super secret underground bases
and this secret is now shared with maybe 55 million people, the KGB, the
Mossad, the Chinese Tongs of Terror, the Japanese Doomsday Cult, Murder
Inc. Inc.  and alal that good stuff?

Where to hide - they got us covered?

What side are they on - how do you tell - in old days they would just be
- disappear on UFO end of question.

I am still laughing.   Bet Steve Wingate has Men In Black serving his
Cowburgers unaware?


Boy - no wonder Cooper would not let Gordon Novel around.I mean man,
that is one spook I woud not want to make angryhonorable man,
patriot - but you know he is All American and he looked like James Dean
the movie star and his wife looked like Ginger, on Gilligan's

Now, off to dog pound to find a playmate for my pitbull..if they
have not all been murdered.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] REU: FBI director gives Bush team list of Khobar suspects

2001-05-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI director gives Bush team list of Khobar suspects

May 6, 2001
Web posted at: 5:25 PM EDT (2125 GMT)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- FBI Director Louis Freeh has given the Bush
administration a list of people -- possibly including Iranian officials
-- who he believes should be indicted in the 1996 bombing in Saudi
Arabia that killed 19 U.S. servicemen, according to a New Yorker article
released Sunday.

The magazine story, based on interviews with Freeh and bureau personnel
among others, said Freeh, who is leaving his post in June, recently
briefed President Bush on the matter.

Without quoting Freeh directly, the article said, "any indictments are
likely to name Iranian government officials, especially those with ties
to Iranian intelligence, commonly believed to be the source of terrorist

The June 1996 bomb at the Khobar Towers military complex in Dharan,
Saudi Arabia, killed 19 servicemen and injured 500 others. The United
States has maintained a military presence in Saudi Arabia since the
buildup to the 1991 Gulf War.

It is unclear where any indictments might lead if the suspects live
outside the United States.

Asked about the issue on the ABC's "This Week," Bush's national security
adviser, Condoleezza Rice, said she could not comment on "legal and
judicial matters that are under review at the Justice Department."

The New Yorker piece did not say how the Bush administration would
proceed but it quoted one unidentified official as being open to

It said Freeh hopes to resolve the case by the time he steps down.

"The only unfinished piece of business that I have is the one you're
writing about," the magazine quoted Freeh as saying.

The article said the suspicion of Iranian involvement dated to
conversations a few months after the bombing between then-national
security adviser Anthony Lake and his deputy, Sandy Berger, and Prince
Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States and the
nephew of King Fahd.

"Bandar would always say, 'Tell me what you are going to do with the
information if we share it with you.' I wouldn't play that game. I knew
if we said we were going to whack the shit out of Iran we would never
get anything from the Saudis -- plus we had not made a decision about
what we were going to do," Berger is quoted as saying in the article.

The Saudis, who cooperated with the FBI in the investigation of the
bombing, feared U.S. military action against Iran would prompt Iran to
retaliate against its neighbor Saudi Arabia.

"Bandar told Freeh that he had once told White House officials that the
Saudis could close the investigation, so that no one would have to
retaliate against Iran," according to the New Yorker.

"By the end of the Clinton era, Free had become mistrustful of Clinton
that, although he believed he had developed enough evidence to seek
indictments against the masterminds behind the attack, not just the
front-line suspects, he decided to wait for a new administration," the
New Yorker said.

FBI spokesman Bill Carter declined to comment on whether a list of
suspects had been handed to the Bush team. But the bureau issued a
statement responding to the New Yorker article, saying the Khobar Towers
case "remains the investigative priority of the FBI."

Copyright 2001 Reuters. All rights reserved.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] USDefense.com: China Moves Intercontinental Nuclear Missiles

2001-05-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


China Moves Intercontinental Nuclear Missiles
Friday, May 4, 2001

[NEWSLINE USA] -- China has recently moved its 24 intercontinental ballistic
missiles, U.S. intelligence officials have said after detecting the
movements via spy satellite in early April.

China's 24 ICBMs form the crux of its nuclear weapons capability. U.S.
reports in the mid-1990s said China was aiming most of its missiles at U.S.

The CSS-4 missiles are located mostly in silos in central China, officials
said, noting that it wasn't clear why Beijing ordered them moved.

The CSS-4s come in two configurations - Mod I and Mod II versions. Both have
ranges of 8,000 miles and contain a single, 5-megaton warhead - the
equivalent of 5 million tons of TNT.

However, Beijing is currently upgrading its nuclear-capable ICBM force.
China is developing the DF-31 and DF-41 to replace the liquid-fueled CSS-4s.
The new DF series missiles are road mobile, making them harder to locate and
destroy, and are solid fueled, cutting their preparation time to about 30

Liquid-fueled missiles require much longer times to set up and prepare to
fire, giving an enemy like the U.S. - with space-based surveillance
capabilities - time to target and destroy them before they are launched.

U.S. intelligence reports have said that China has produced a few new CSS-4s
and is upgrading the infrastructure to make its ICBMs.

Also, China is developing a nuclear-capable submarine-launched cruise
missile capacity. Reports in April said the U.S. Navy EP-3 damaged in a
midair collision by a Chinese fighter may have been monitoring China's
newest ballistic missile submarines during sea trials.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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2001-05-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



New York Post
May 7, 2001

Relations between FBI Director Louis Freeh and President Bill Clinton
were so strained, the two didn't talk for four years, it was reported

There were numerous sources of tension between the White House and the
bureau - including the FBI's funny-money probe into contributions to the
presidential campaign.

But the one that may have mattered most to Freeh stemmed from
disagreements over the investigation of the 1996 terrorist bombing of a
U.S. military barracks in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and left 500

The New Yorker magazine reported today that Freeh didn't trust the
Clinton administration's commitment to pursue the case - and he waited
until George W. Bush took office to give a full report to the White
House detailing allegations that the bombing was plotted by Iranian
government officials.

The magazine said Freeh believed Clinton and his advisers weren't
supporting him in seeking the full cooperation of Saudi authorities.

As tensions increased between Freeh and the White House, the FBI head
and Clinton went four years without speaking to one another, the
magazine reported - although Freeh spoke with top Clinton aides.

The presidential silent treatment ended last year shortly after the
terror bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen.

Freeh, who will leave his post in June, believed Clinton put the
barracks-bombing probe on the back burner in hopes of seeking a
diplomatic breakthrough with moderate elements in Iran.

At one point, Freeh secretly enlisted former President George Bush to
seek cooperation from the Saudis, the magazine said.

Finally, FBI agents got access to witnesses and evidence alleging
Iranian Gen. Ahmad Sherifi ordered the bombing, possibly at the behest
of the nation's leader at the time, Ayatollah Ali Khameini.

The Bush administration could decide within the next two months whether
it will seek indictments in the case, The New Yorker said.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Asa, the MenaSealClintonBushCoverupBoy

2001-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

Tuesday, May 8, 2001

Asa Hutchinson put war on drugs high on his list years ago


 WASHINGTON -- U.S. Rep. Asa Hutchinson has shown a particular
fascination with the war on drugs almost from the day he arrived
here, according to a review of speeches and committee
assignments and the bills that the third-term congressman has
Indeed, two months into office, the Arkansas Republican
stood on the House floor and blasted the Clinton administration
for "retreating."
"During the 1980s, our nation declared a war against drugs.
I was in that battle as a federal prosecutor. It was during that
time that our families, our communities and our law-enforcement
officials mobilized in a united effort to fight this war.
Because of this national crusade, teen-age drug abuse declined
from 1985 to 1992," Hutchinson said on March 6, 1997.
"Then what happened? It was then that our national
commitment against this war on drugs waned. It was then that
teen-age drug use again started to increase, and we saw that
teen-age experimentation with drugs was on the incline."
Now, President Bush is said to be considering making
Hutchinson as the point man in the country's efforts to
eliminate illegal drugs -- the administrator of the Drug
Enforcement Administration. If that happened, Hutchinson would
oversee more than 9,100 employees, a budget of $1.5 billion and
offices in 56 foreign countries.
Neither the White House nor Hutchinson would comment on
reports that he is destined for the job.
The congressman's silence is a deviation from when he was
being considered for deputy attorney general earlier this year.
Then, he was guarded in his comments, but he at least
acknowledged being approached by representatives of the
president. This time around, his only reply is "no comment."
Why the change?
"I have no idea," said his spokesman, Christian Brill.
"That's what he told me [to say]."
Some political insiders back in Arkansas predicted an
announcement as early as Monday. It didn't happen, but
Hutchinson's staff said an announcement one way or the other is
likely by the end of the week. If Hutchinson were to get the
job, elections would be held later in the year to fill his slot
in the U.S. House of Representatives.
In the House, Hutchinson has left a clear imprint on drug
Last year, he co-sponsored a bill that increased funding for
drug-enforcement agents and the cleanup of methamphetamine labs.
The bill, which became law, also increased the penalty for
amphetamine possession and provided money for treating drug
When House Speaker Henry Hyde, R-Ill., sponsored a bill that
would make it harder to seize property from drug dealers,
Hutchinson proposed an amendment that law-enforcement officers
considered more friendly.
Hyde wanted to change the legal burden of proof that the
government needed to show in order to seize property from a
"preponderance" of evidence to "clear and convincing" evidence.
Hutchinson's amendment, which failed, would have stricken that.
"It was Ronald Reagan who understood how to fight and win
the war on drugs," Hutchinson said on the House floor in June
1999. "It was President Reagan who knew that you had to seize
the drug dealers' cars, boats, airplanes and cash that were used
to carry on the drug business in order to hit them where it
"This is not the time to disarm our soldiers and to
demoralize our police on the front line, and it is certainly not
the right time to send the signal to the drug dealers that we
are weakening our resolve."
Hutchinson also serves on the Task Force for a Drug-Free
America, a group of legislators focused on developing effective
strategies for fighting the drug war, particularly as it effects
He also is on the Select Committee on Intelligence, which
makes him privy to budget discussions for such agencies as the
Central Intelligence Agency, which often works hand in hand with
the DEA.
If nominated to head the DEA, Hutchinson would need to be
confirmed by the Senate. If approved, he would work with the
United Nations, Interpol and other organizations on
international drug-control programs.

Copyright © 2001, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights

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[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - ISSUES - McKinney, Florida

2001-05-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.truthout.com/0192.McKinney.Florida.htm";>t r u
t h o u t - ISSUES - McKinney, Florida

Florida Republicans Not Interested in Election Reform:
Don't Be Fooled by Kathy Harris Testimony
McKinney: "Florida More Important in 2004 than in 2000!"

WASHINGTON - 04.26.01 | Although Kathy Harris, Republican Secretary of State
for Florida came to Washington, DC to testify in favor of election reform and
fairer elections, in November 2000, when she had a chance to establish a fair
election, she and the other Republican leadership of the State of Florida,
did just the opposite. Additionally, as the Bush team makes its 2004
reelection calculations, Florida once again looms larger than life in the
making of the Bush Presidency.

A key player in the 2000 election in Florida, was the Choicepoint company.
Using lists of misdemeanor offenders in Texas, Choicepoint "padded" the
Florida list of ineligible voters to include more ineligible voters than
there actually were in Florida. This resulted in thousands of blacks not
being allowed to vote in the Presidential election. This, joined with the
high number of thrown-out ballots and a Supreme Court decision that stopped
the ballot counting, resulted in a Bush victory in Florida.

It is clear that Bush did not win Florida. Any effort that counts all votes
cast and allows all registered voters to vote will result in a Bush defeat at
the polls in Florida. We must pay attention to every aspect of voting: from
the districts that will soon be drawn, to the casting of the votes that will
elect representatives for those districts, to the counting of the votes for
those candidates.

"Because of Florida I can guarantee you that people whose relatives and
ancestors and friends got beat up and died for the right to vote will be
watching this process very carefully, and we will not allow a repeat of
Florida 2000," McKinney stated.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] NYDN: Clinton Donor Wanted in India

2001-05-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Donor Wanted in India

Hunted by bank fraud probers during Bill trip, reports say


New York Daily News Staff Writer

A major political contributor to Bill Clinton and Sen.  Hillary Rodham
Clinton was being sought by police in India while he accompanied the
former President on a recent trip there, the Indian press has reported.

India's Central Bureau of Investigation tried last month to jail Sant
Singh Chatwal, whose family operates the Bombay Palace chain of
restaurants and the Hampshire Hotels chain in New York City, according
to the Times of India and the Indian Express.

But Chatwal used his political connections and role as a Clinton
companion to elude a top cop hot on his trail during the former
President's visit, the newspapers said.

Indian authorities filed charges against Chatwal in December alleging
that he defrauded the Bank of India of millions.

The reports from India could not be confirmed yesterday.

A spokesman for Chatwal said his boss plans to return to New York today
and wants to set the record straight.  "He should like to handle it
himself," said Rabinder Singh.

Clinton traveled to India in April as a guest of the American India
Foundation, a group of Indian-American businessmen raising money for
victims of the Gujarat earthquake.  Chatwal's son, Vikram, is a
foundation trustee.

Chatwal funneled at least $210,000 in soft money to Hillary Clinton last
fall, making him one of the senator's biggest soft-money donors.
His contributions came even as debtors pursued him in bankruptcy court
for more than $100 million, including more than $30 million in unpaid

Chatwal reportedly visited India in February to help arrange Clinton's
Gujarat visit and again in April, when he accompanied the ex-President
on his trip.  He also was with Clinton and daughter Chelsea on a
presidential visit to India last year.

The restaurateur boasted to the Indian Express that he has been a
Clinton friend for 10 years, since holding his first fund-raising dinner
in New York.  He told the newspaper he refused an offer from Clinton to
bail him out of jail - were he arrested by Indian authorities.

Neither Bill Clinton's nor Hillary Clinton's offices responded yesterday
to questions about Chatwal.

Original Publication Date: 5/8/01

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] U.S. loses seat on U.N. drug policy committee

2001-05-08 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

   First, my editorial:


Source: http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/ap20010507_1563.html

U. S. loses seat on U.N. drug policy committee

The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) In another embarrassing blow, the United States lost its
seat on an international drug monitoring body on the same day it was voted
off the U.N. Human Rights Commission, U.S. officials confirmed Monday.

The United States had campaigned for a third term for American
representative Herbert Okun, who has served as vice president on the
International Narcotics Control Board.  But he was voted off Thursday in the
same secret-ballot procedure and by the same countries that cost the United
States its seat on the human rights commission.

"That, we find, very regrettable," U.S. State Department spokesman Richard
Boucher said in Washington on Monday.  He said the United States would
continue its "strong support" for the U.N. anti-drug programs.

The 13-member International Narcotics Control Board monitors compliance with
U.N. drug conventions on substance abuse and illegal trafficking.

Seven countries Iran, Brazil, India, Peru, France, Netherlands and Austria
were elected to the board Thursday.  China, Russia, Nigeria, Turkey, Mexico
and Chile complete their current terms in 2005.

Boucher would not speculate as to why Okun lost re-election but, coupled
with the loss of the human rights seat, he said "there's something happening
out there."

"Clearly, I think it's fair to speculate there may be issues related to how
we handled ourselves, to how we position," he said.

Former U.S. drug policy director Barry McCaffrey said American's absence
would be felt more by other countries than by the United States.

"It's a great loss to the international community to not have us in a
leadership position.  We play a dominant role in the research and
development of drug treatment programs in the world," said McCaffrey, who
used to head the Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington.

"The assistance that we are able to provide the United Nations, the
Europeans and former Soviet Union states could be adversely affected,"
McCaffrey told AP.

The 54-member U.N. Economic and Social Council, the main U.N. body
responsible for economic and social issues, cast secret ballots Thursday
that led to the U.S. ouster from the narcotics board and the Human Rights
Commission.  The human rights vote spurred calls by some U.S. lawmakers to
withhold $582 million in back dues for the United Nations and $67 million to
rejoin UNESCO 17 years after the United States left over concerns about
political polarization.

"We've put time and energy and money and leadership into these international
(drug) programs," McCaffrey said, adding that another strike at the United
States could "add to the sentiment in Congress that would say, `Why should
we support regional or multinational U.N. operations?'  "

The 70-year-old Okun served as deputy U.S. ambassador to the United Nations
from 1985 to 1989 and has been on the narcotics board since 1992.

In the corridors at the United Nations, diplomats and U.N. officials said
after the human rights defeat that the United States didn't lobby hard
enough.  The absence of a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for nearly
four months has exacerbated the problem.

Many nations including the United States' European allies are angry at the
Bush administration's decision to pull out of an agreement to reduce global
warming and to move ahead with a new missile defense system.  President Bush
has also refused to ratify the treaty creating an international criminal
court and the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the nuclear test ban treaty.

U. N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, asked about the U.S. ouster from the
Human Rights Commission, said Monday that "member states, particularily
those who have been very strongly supportive of the international criminal
court, have been disappointed by the U.S. not coming on board."

The drug control board deals with aspects of legal and illegal drug control,
including monitoring government controls over chemicals used in the illicit
manufacture of drugs.

It also assists in preventing diversion of those chemicals into illicit
traffic and identifies weaknesses in drug control systems.

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[CTRL] Cooper - another view

2001-05-08 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Here is another side of the Bill Cooper saga:


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Sweets full of nicotine

2001-05-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

How lovely.
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Date sent:  Mon, 07 May 2001 00:45:52 -0700
From:   Nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Sweets full of nicotine
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May 6 2001 BRITAIN

Sweets full of nicotine may hook children

William Peakin

TOBACCO companies are to launch a mint sweet containing as much nicotine as a
cigarette, prompting fears that it could tempt children.

The cigalett, sold in boxes of 20 for the price of a packet of cigarettes, has been 
in America for the booming market in smokers who face bans in the workplace, 
and other public areas.

Unlike most other non-combustible tobacco products, the cigalett is not chewed or spat 
and has no bitter taste.

It is not seen as an aid to stop smoking; gums such as Nicorette are chewed for around 
minutes to provide about 1mg of nicotine, but within seconds the cigalett releases the
amount of the drug that smokers crave.

"By allowing new tobacco products you are perpetuating the problem," said Amanda
Sandford of Action on Smoking and Health, the anti-smoking pressure group. "You could
also be encouraging children and young people to use a product containing nicotine."

Cigaletts, made mostly of crushed tobacco and sold under the name Ariva, will be tested
this summer in America. "We would hope to pursue sales in the UK," said Paul Perito,
president of Star Scientific, developer of cigaletts. Star says it wants to stop 
cigarettes within five years.

One of world's largest tobacco companies, the London-based British American Tobacco, is
also backing a mint. Its US division, Brown & Williamson, has agreed with Star to sell
cigaletts under its own name.

Ariva packaging says "When you can't smoke" and "Refreshing and satisfying". The
company plans to include health warnings and to sell Ariva in a "child-resistant" 
pack. The sale of tobacco products is banned to people under 18 in America and 16 in

Although nicotine is addictive, most damage to the body is caused by toxic chemicals
formed when tobacco burns. Scott Tomar, an expert on smokeless tobacco and oral
cancers, criticised Ariva, saying: "They're making a product with an unknown level of

Tomar, an associate professor at the University of Florida College of Dentistry, added:
"Since each Ariva pellet is about 60% tobacco, I would say it's probably going to pose 
significant health risk."

John Britton, professor of epidemiology at Nottingham City Hospital, wrote in last 
British Medical Journal that legislation was needed "to encourage the development of
alternative products that can deliver uncontaminated nicotine at a dose and rate
comparable with cigarettes in a way that is acceptable.

"If, instead of nearly 13m addicted smokers [in Britain], we have 13m addicted to clean
nicotine devices, so be it; the result could be 6m lives saved."

http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/sti/2001/05/06/stinwenws01014.h tml

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Re: [CTRL] How Can 55 Million People Keep a Secret

2001-05-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 8 May 01, at 2:08, Aleisha Saba wrote:

> My my - wonder if Men in Black visited him as a friend at midnight?

Just like they are going to visit you. The MIB always visit the new 'initiates'
when their name is mentioned for the first time.

Take care.



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[CTRL] Portland Hit Hard With Chemtrails Again - Satellite Photo

2001-05-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-



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Re: [CTRL] How Can 55 Million People Keep a Secret

2001-05-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 8 May 01, at 2:08, Aleisha Saba wrote:

> You got to be kidding...Steve told the Bill Goodwin Radio Show and
> the one moron who called to talk to Goodwin to confirm one "secret"
> installation didn't even know he was on the radio?

Actually you have it all mixed up, as usual, Saba.

Can we say 'disinformation operative'? Can we say, 'paranoid psychosis'?



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Contrails over Columbus, Ohio

2001-05-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 7 May 01, at 13:58, Aleisha Saba wrote:

> In summation we do not need enemies when we have people under Leading
> Edge Research producing maps of all our underground bases for the
> Chinese and/or Mossad and Russians?

I for one think we should have at least a vague where some of the money
diverted to black ops has been spent. It's not like they sent the exact
coordinates. And besides they have spy satellites who knows what else
that enables them to identify these locations. The American public is usually
the last to know, Saba.




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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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