Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>To cluck cluck gossip over a 19 year old having a beer is a ridiculous
waste of time, effort, net space and national attention.  Better to be
paying attention to the enemy.  

What he said.";>
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2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

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Secret buzzwords which trigger spying on email or phone calls
THESE are the words that British and US spy chiefs believe can help
identify international terrorists.

If mentioned in an email, fax or phone call, they trigger an
electronic eavesdropping system called Echelon.

Messages are then intercepted and read by agents at GCHQ, Cheltenham,
and Forte Meade, Washington.

There are thought to be more than 1,000 words which trigger Echelon.
They range from monarchist, nailbomb and Roswell to nuclear, cocaine
and IRA. Officials have defended Echelon but the European Parliament
says Britain may be infringing human rights by invading people's

And computer hackers, who published the word list, want to overload
the system by using them as often as possible.

Computer terrorism


Secret Service

White House

Def Con (United States situation of military alert)

PGP (free, unbreakable code available on the internet)

Furby (famous computer hacker)

FRU (cover name for SAS in Northern Ireland)

Bugs Bunny (computer daughter)

Whitewater (Clinton property scandal)


Lebed (former Russian General and maverick politician)

HALO (type of parachute jump)

Kill the President


Exon Shell


The Hague


Steak Knife (code-name of double agent in the IRA)




Vauxhall Cross (address of MI6 headquarters)

Blowpipe (type of surface-to-air missile)






Bubba the Love Sponge (computer hacker)



Jiang Zemin (President of China)


Roswell (site of alleged UFO landings in New Mexico)




Chelsea (President Clinton'sMoD


William Gates





World Trade Center

Delta Force


SEAL Team (American equivalent of the SAS)

GRU (Russian Army Intelligence)



High security




Blackbird (high speed US spy plane)

Lock picking



Firewalls (computer security term)


Industrial intelligence

Rand Corporation

Small pox



Black-ops (name for secret missions)





Soros (billionaire financier)

Glock 26 (ceramic handgun which is undetectable at airports)


Rail gun (part of Ronald Reagan's Star Wars defence)







Al Amn al-Askari (Iraqi cabinet)




Fissionable (material suitable for atomic bomb)



Satellite imagery


Rapid reaction

Spetznaz (Russian equivalent of SAS)

Tomlinson (surname of former MI6 spy hounded by British government)







Flashbangs (stun grenades)[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] Mutilation of cattle leaves ranchers puzzled

2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 31 May 2001 15:36:03 -0500
From:   Cliff Capers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:[SO] Mutilation of cattle leaves ranchers puzzled
Organization:   Skywatch International, Inc.

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Cliff Capers
Vice President & Communications Director,
Skywatch International, Inc.
Monday, May 28, 2001

Mutilation of cattle leaves ranchers puzzled

BRYAN, Texas (AP)
Ranchers in Burleson County aren't quite sure who or what is responsible for a
string of mysterious cattle deaths over much of the last decade, but they
suspect it's some sort of cult.

In most of the cases, which happen about once or twice a year, the bulls'
abdomens have been sliced open and their genitals are missing. Sometimes, the
tongues and internal organs have been removed.  Adding to the ranchers'
frustration, the valuable beef is always left to rot.

Burleson County authorities say they've been unable to link any of the deaths
in this rural county about 100 miles northeast of Houston.

“If we could find any indication humans are involved, we would do more,”
Burleson County Sheriff Gene Barber told the Bryan-College Station Eagle for
its Sunday editions. “It is a mystery to me.”

Barber said his investigators haven't found any of the telltale signs of human
involvement — tire tracks, shoe prints, shell casings or cigarette butts. So
they list natural causes as the reason for the deaths.

But rancher Johnny Lyon is convinced a cult mutilated his prized Charolais
bull just to take its blood and organs.

W.H. Ryan also believes a cult killed his bull about four years ago. He notes
that the animal was killed around Halloween and its genitals and internal
organs were missing, but the meat wasn't taken.

Officials with the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association think
most of the peculiar deaths can be chalked up to skunks, possums and other
varmints that prey on animals that die of natural causes.

Larry Gray, the association's director of law enforcement and market
inspection services, said these animals often have razor-sharp teeth that make
incisions like a knife and tend to eat the softest tissue, including the
internal organs, genitals, tongue and udder.

He notes that if an animal appears bloodless, gravity has likely caused it to
pool at the bottom of the carcass.

Gray said he's never seen a proven case of cult involvement in these deaths.

“Usually those people prey on dogs or cats, or poultry sometimes,” he said.

He suggests the ranchers contact local law enforcement if they believe their
animal's death is suspicious, although funds for investigating animal crime
are often limited.

Meanwhile, ranchers like Lyon are growing impatient — and scared.

“What if I had come out to my ranch at the time people were there?” he said.
“What would they do to me? That tells me I need to carry a gun everywhere I
go, shoot first and ask questions later.”

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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 31 May 01, at 22:20, BB wrote:

> Should BE NO debate  --  grown men discussion a swig of beer
> by a 19 year old girl.  Great.

But she was found to be using a fake ID on two occasions and cited by
police. Her dad was a lush and apparently a drug user. He did not tell his
children about his drunk driving conviction to keep them safe, or something
like that. I think it is relevant that his daughters are showing the same
antisocial behavior that young Bush engauged in.

I never once used a fake id. And I had the sense to break the law by
smoking marijuana *in my dorm room*. Duh!


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[CTRL] Melting Glaciers Signal Global Warming

2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Source: Arizona State University College Of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Date: Posted 5/31/2001

Melting Glaciers Signal Global Warming

For several years, evidence has been mounting that the global climate is
steadily getting warmer. But whether the unusual weather patterns alarming
environmentalists -- increasing temperatures, reduced snowfall, and rising
sea levels -- are evidence of global warming or just passing blips in the
earth's notoriously bumpy weather record continues to stir controversy.
Before world leaders unanimously heed their cries of "wolf," scientists
studying climate change must be able to tease apart regional climate
changes and short-term weather fluctuations, such as El Niño, from
permanent changes that are happening worldwide.

ASU geologist Rick Wessels is part of an international team of scientists
studying the climate of the entire earth over several years with the Global
Land Ice Measurement from Space (GLIMS) project. The team, led by
United States Geological Survey (USGS) scientist Hugh Kieffer, is
monitoring climate change by tracking the melting of glaciers across the
earth. The global scale combined with a long study period will give the
scientists the broad perspective needed to determine whether worldwide
changes in climate are actually taking place. But in only seven months of
monitoring, Wessels has already seen melting in glaciers all over Earth,
which provides some solid evidence -- or liquid evidence -- for global

At the Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Boston, May
29 to June 2, Wessels and co-author Jeff Kargel, a USGS geologist, will
present the first round of results from this project in a talk titled "GLIMS:
Documenting the Demise of the Earth's Glaciers using ASTER." Wessels
will present evidence that thousands of glaciers are melting, corroborating
similar arguments made by many other researchers over the last few years.
Like shrinking ice cubes in an increasingly steamy atmospheric brew,
glaciers around the world appear to be getting thinner or even
disappearing entirely, says Wessels. The flooding caused by runoff from
these melting glaciers could have disastrous consequences for people
living nearby.

Using images of the earth taken from space, Wessels, along with over 50
other GLIMS researchers from 23 countries, is tracking changes in nearly
all of the 160,000 glaciers around the world, only about 1,000 of which have
been previously studied. Wessels's newest data come from NASA-
operated ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and
Reflection Radiometer), which takes detailed color and infrared images of
the entire earth.

Data collection using ASTER is still in the early stages, but by comparing
the newest data with older records, Wessels and his colleagues have
already noted some major changes in the sizes of many glaciers around
the world. "The majority of these glaciers are receding," says Wessels.

Some growing and shrinking is normal for glaciers, and debris-rimmed
lakes within some glaciers may come and go. Despite these fluctuations,
glaciers usually maintain their size over the long term. But Wessels has
seen a shift in the balance of this cycle. "At first glance, there's more
shrinkage than growing," he says, "and there's now a trend for the lakes to
stay and grow," rather than drying up or freezing over.

The newest images show that, in the Alps, where many years of records
track the mountains' ice formations, several glaciers have disappeared in
as little as 40 years. In Argentina, glaciers in the Patagonian ice fields have
receded by an average of 1.5 kilometers over 13 years. And in the
Himalayan mountains, glaciers are losing bulk as continued melting feeds
lakes that sometimes run off to flood surrounding areas. Recently, a lake
atop one Himalayan glacier threatened to overflow its natural dam within
days, forcing local Nepalese engineers to quickly perform a controlled

Because the melting and retreat is occurring at such a rapid pace,
Wessels and his colleagues think global warming is the most likely
explanation for the loss of glacial ice. "There is definitely a global climate
change," Wessels asserts. Whether the climate warming is a natural cycle
or caused by human activity, such as burning fossil fuels, is still being

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Arizona
State University College Of Liberal Arts & Sciences for journalists and
other members of the public. If you wish to quote from any part of this story,
please credit Arizona State University College Of Liberal Arts & Sciences
as the original source. You may also wish to include the following link in any

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[CTRL] test

2001-05-31 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Do not accept as a given that a CRIME was committed.

An allegation was made.


Steve Wingate wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> On 31 May 01, at 23:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > That's right. Jenna commited a crime and we all know that
> > Bill Clinton is a saint.
> Oh, I thought the debate was about the media's reporting on the Bush
> daughters vs. Chelsea Clinton. Funny me. :)
> Steve
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Should BE NO debate  --  grown men discussion a swig of beer
by a 19 year old girl.  Great.

Steve Wingate wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> On 31 May 01, at 23:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > That's right. Jenna commited a crime and we all know that
> > Bill Clinton is a saint.
> Oh, I thought the debate was about the media's reporting on the Bush
> daughters vs. Chelsea Clinton. Funny me. :)
> Steve
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

It  IS irrelevant as far as this venue is concerned  --  you cannot
think of anyone in the USA who has committed a greater crime???

To cluck cluck gossip over a 19 year old having a beer is a ridiculous
waste of time, effort, net space and national attention.  Better to be
paying attention to the enemy.  Better to examine some real issues.


Steve Wingate wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> On 31 May 01, at 9:20, Dale Stonehouse wrote:
> > Jenna's personal life is as irrelevant as Bill Clinton's.
> It is not irrelevant if she commits a crime, which she apparently has on
> more than one occasion.
> Steve
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 31 May 01, at 23:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> That's right. Jenna commited a crime and we all know that
> Bill Clinton is a saint.

Oh, I thought the debate was about the media's reporting on the Bush
daughters vs. Chelsea Clinton. Funny me. :)


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

That's right. Jenna commited a crime and we all know that
Bill Clinton is a saint.

On Thu, 31 May 2001 11:46:38 -0700 Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -Caveat Lector-
> On 31 May 01, at 9:20, Dale Stonehouse wrote:
> > Jenna's personal life is as irrelevant as Bill Clinton's.
> It is not irrelevant if she commits a crime, which she apparently
> has on
> more than one occasion.
> Steve
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
> mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
> groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
> and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

> Archives Available at:
> of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] GULAG BRITANNIA - hustings special

2001-05-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

GULAG BRITANNIA - hustings special   31/5/01

Whilst Race riot erupts in Oldham -and Conservative leader William Hague
continues with his banal rants about centres where the new refugees can be
concentrated whilst they are being processed and his shadow cabinet
colleagues continue to rant about mongrels - the hot potato [potatoe in the
UK] of Race continues to blind the population to the obvious fact that there
is no real alternative to Blair - In my opinion, hague had to have received
a phone call from his masters telling him to throw the election.

Blair with his little yellow pledge cards - promising to reduce taxes,
hospital waiting lists and hosts of other stuff that got immediately ditched
when he got his manicured feet under the desk of number10 such as - the
Freedom of Information Act, has brought them out again - promises, promises,
promises and people are so sick of the lies that many cannot be bothered
voting for such rubbish.
Whilst the big fat Prescott drives his gas guzzling jaguars and punching
voters whilst enjoying police immunity, its perhaps noteworthy that if
prescott had done that after  Straws speech - he might have been detained.

The Home Secretary jack the lad Straw is slow handclapped by active
Policemen at a conference ?? this has to mean a deep dissatisfaction with
New Labour Policies - but who might our Boys in Blue be voting for - hard
Line Herr Hague perhaps ?? We know that the London metropolitan police
perhaps errs on the rigourous and cautious if too much melanin is perceived
in the homosapien epidermus !! so perhaps they feel that its time to vote
for hague - who has boasted that he used to down a few pints of beer when he
was younger.

perhaps the new german marching songs of the new euro army will help the
police get into the rhythm.

The abysmal record of new labour and their overwhelming majority - now has
an overwhelming smell of decay.
Nothing they can say about what they have done - and one supposes they have
to have done something - can convince the suspicious that they are achieving
their pledges.
People are conditioned to vote for something - and refuse to accept that it
has no meaning - and we respect the fact that folks want to try to do
something - but things just keep getting worse.

Tonys Theme Song is 'Things can only get better'

People are genuinely concerned - it was left to the intervention of a
Scottish MP at whitehall to remind and inform the Conservative opposition to
agenda and challenge the government on major issues [Alex salmond]- the big
secret is out - we have a one world government. - seriously whats the point
in voting ??

There are just some tricksters, smoke and mirrors - and even the Liberal
Democrat Kennedy may well emerge as the next credible party of opposition
within the next few years. Heaven help us.
Their traditional ability to turn double sommersaults and U Turns has been
greatly advanced and polished by years of sycophancy.
Peter mandelson - Bilderburger 2001 and architect of Blairs Britain - was
recently seen preening himself amongst a busload of other turkeys in
Portugal - the lying and discredited then recently cleared mandelson seems
to have an unnatural charismatic hold on Blair - there is some strange
chemistry there :)

Who do we vote for - I truly believe that few in Northern Britain CARE -
lied to and cheated -
taxed to extinction by a lying government, redundant industry, 3rd world
medical and health care conditions, with some of the highest shopping
prices - perhaps only surpassed by the black market of a communist regime.

The grassroots knee jerk reaction is obvious - a back to basic roots - a
selfish regional seige mentality - but who could blame scotland - who it was
recently conceded by Labour put more Billions into London via Scottish Oil
than they ever get back in basic services like transport, health, policing,
housing, education and employment
the race riots in the english midlands illustrate the problem - for these
folks are just as poor, just as unhealthy, just as unemployed as anyone
scottish - anywhere outside of a 300 mile radius of London starts to
diminish into decrepitude.

The German magazine STERN - writes of the UK as Third World - well I have
have been touring Europe on business and I KNOW ITS TRUE - The UK is about
20% more expensive for everything - and the difference really hits the
further North UK you go. For the average take home wage starts to decrease
by 20% for every 100 miles outside of London.
By the time you hit Yorkshire or Scotland most poor people are almost living
off pasta made with spiders :) for their protein - that is if they can
afford the bus ride to the run down warzone for their pasta where the bored
youth congregate looking for 'fun'. Scotland has the worst drugs record in
the world - its safer in the Bronx.

So who do we vote for then - well Ambassador Xorg is starting the STAR
Party - which has ET policies, or we can vote for Tony Blair - who is also

[CTRL] CNN NEWS - UK bbc news 24

2001-05-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

CNN NEWS UK 31/5/01  BBC NEWS 24





these were the items that stuck out -

heh this ritalin stuff sounds great ;) - the kids over here
will just love it :)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 31 May 01, at 20:24, YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

> Nor is claiming that HIV can survive in a puddle by the side a swimming
> pool...

And even in the highly unlikely case of a few live viruses being in the water,
how do the propose that the virus enter the bloodstream of the body.
(Probably from the broken glass that they will claim might be found in the
pool. -- No, from mosquitoes that might breed near the pool. :)

That is about as ridiculous as claiming you can get AIDS from holding


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-05-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Bill Gertz


China has massed amphibious vehicles and landing craft on an
island near Taiwan as part of large-scale military exercises
that are now under way, Pentagon officials said yesterday.

At least 157 amphibious craft and vehicles were spotted
recently on Dongshan island by U.S. intelligence-gathering
aircraft. The island is located across the Taiwan Strait
from southern Taiwan.

The exercise is raising concerns among some in the Pentagon
that China is practicing for a future invasion of Taiwan or
an attack on one of Taiwan´s smaller islands near the
Chinese coast.

"We have not seen these kinds of forces there for some
time," said one intelligence official, who noted that the
numbers were three times higher than during past exercises.
The amphibious exercise is expected to be one of the largest
shore-based war games held by the Chinese military in recent

Other defense officials sought to play down the exercises.
One official said the Dongshan maneuvers are "Phase 2" of
war games under way in the South China Sea.

"This is part of the spring amphibious exercise series," the
official said. "Dongshan is right across from Taiwan, but we
think these are normal [exercises]. It is not unusual for
the Chinese to put everything they have into the mix."

A third official said the equipment involved in the exercise
includes amphibious tanks, jeeps, armored vehicles and
landing craft. The maneuvers also are expected to employ
hovercraft troop transports deployed from large amphibious

Amphibious assault landings during exercises by U.S. Marine
Corps forces normally include scores of landing craft and
some water-capable tanks and armored combat vehicles. In
February 1945, for instance, when U.S. Marines assaulted the
island of Iowa Jima it took 495 ships to land 75,000 troops.

Preparations for the amphibious exercise near Taiwan come as
Chinese forces are engaged in another military exercise
farther south in the South China Sea, said officials
familiar with U.S. intelligence reports.

Activities related to both exercises were first reported by
The Washington Times on May 17. U.S. officials said the
South China Sea drills involve Chinese naval and air forces
on Hainan island and on Woody Island, a small disputed islet
claimed by both China and the Philippines.

The amphibious warfare arms on Dongshan were photographed
last week and their presence was reported to Pentagon

Taiwan´s Defense Ministry said Friday that the military
drills are "routine." His statement did not provide details
on the exercises. "They are not targeted [at Taiwan] and
have nothing to do with the president´s visit abroad," the
ministry said in a statement, referring to the fact that
Taiwanese leader Chen Shui-bian currently is traveling in
South America.

Reports of the Chinese military exercises caused stocks to
fall and the value of the Taiwanese dollar to drop.

A Taiwanese government official said on Friday that Chinese
military exercises and missile deployments near Taiwan are
not helpful in improving ties between the two countries. "We
don´t feel military intimidation is constructive," said Tsai
Ing-wen, head of the Taipei government´s Mainland Affairs
Council, Reuters reported from Taipei. "Military exercises
and missile deployment targeting Taiwan violate the
mainland´s commitment of using peaceful means to solve the
problems across the Strait," he said.

A Pentagon report to Congress on the Taiwan Strait military
balance said an invasion of the island by China is one of
three possible forms of attack. "The PRC could launch an
invasion of Taiwan (or an offshore island), using amphibious
or other sea or air transported forces," the report said.
Other possibilities include a blockade or combined air and
missile attacks.

Adm. Dennis Blair, commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific,
has said a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is not likely because
China´s military lacks ships for moving troops and equipment
over water. China has fewer than 100 amphibious warfare
ships capable of carrying large numbers of troops and tanks.

Dongshan, where the current exercises are being held, was
the main site of China´s 1996 military amphibious exercises
involving ground, air and naval forces. Those maneuvers also
included missile test firings north and south of Taiwan.

The exercises and missile launches were viewed by the
Pentagon at that time as possible preparations for a
military attack on Taiwan. They came amid preparations for
elections in Taiwan and were seen as part of efforts by
Beijing to intimidate Taiwanese voters.

The United States responded with the dispatch of two
aircraft carrier battle groups to waters near Taiwan in a
show of force.

China´s military has been building up its naval forces since
the 199

[CTRL] TWA FLIGHT 800 Haunting evidence of missile attack

2001-05-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

TWA FLIGHT 800 Haunting evidence of missile attack
New video documentary makes compelling case for shootdown



By Julie Foster
© 2001

In light of recent FBI disclosures of buried evidence that have resulted in a
postponement of the execution of convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy
McVeigh, new questions are being raised about other high-profile U.S.
government terrorism investigations – including the explosion of TWA Flight
800 in 1996.

Those questions are sure to multiply with the release today of a compelling
new video documentary shedding light on evidence government agencies once
again appear to have ignored or buried.

In "Silenced: Flight 800 and the Subversion of Justice," footage of National
Transportation Safety Board hearings and excerpts from government documents
combined with eyewitness testimony and independent forensic analysis cast
serious doubts on the veracity of government explanations of the tragedy.

While it has been reported before that 736 official eyewitnesses to the July
1996 mid-air explosion testified that they saw what appeared to be one or two
missiles headed for the aircraft, the new documentary shows that several of
them were experienced military personnel. One such witness was even flying a
National Guard helicopter as he saw the tragedy unfold.

Major Fritz Meyer tells what he saw in the sky at 8:31 p.m. that summer night
off the coast of Long Island where 230 people were killed. On site with the
documentary's camera crew, Meyer says he saw a trail of white headed for the
plane and then four explosions before the ultimate fuel-tank explosion that
erupted into a fireball. But when Meyer approached the FBI to give his
testimony, a five-minute interview with a single agent who took no notes was
the only time he was given.

Meyer is a Vietnam war combat veteran who flew 46 rescue missions in Vietnam
and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. But despite the witness'
credibility, the FBI never contacted him again.

Other eyewitnesses tell their stories. One, whose testimony the CIA says was
used to create the agency's animated account of the plane's demise, said the
animated explanation did not depict what he saw, and he was never contacted
by the agency. Other witnesses also say the animated version did not reflect
the real-life event. Indeed, according to the documentary, the CIA did not
interview a single witness to the disaster, relying instead on FBI summaries
of witness testimonies. And no witnesses were allowed to testify in the NTSB
hearings about the crash.

Independent writer and producer Jack Cashill produced the documentary. An
Emmy-award-winning producer, Cashill also developed the documentary "Triumph
of Design" about the life of Charles Darwin.

"Silenced" features investigative reporter James Sanders, a former California
police officer-turned-journalist who has written books on prisoners of war
and soldiers who were declared missing in action. He also wrote "The Downing
of TWA Flight 800" in 1997. Three years after the Flight 800 incident,
Sanders was convicted of conspiracy and theft after his research led to the
exposure of physical evidence of a missile explosion.

Sanders and his wife, Elizabeth, a former TWA flight attendant and trainer,
were both found guilty of the felony offense after one of TWA's top
investigators assigned to Flight 800, Capt. Terrell Stacey, testified against
them. The couple knew that Stacey, a pilot who flew the Flight 800 route from
Paris to New York the day before the crash, was preparing to scrape a residue
sample off the interior of the passenger compartment. But when scraping
proved implausible, Stacey removed small pieces of the plane and seat cloth
and sent them to Sanders, who had lab tests performed on the residue.

Test results confirmed what Sanders had suspected: The residue could have
been produced by a "solid fuel missile or warhead explosion," Sanders says on
the video. Government agents on the case dismissed the lab results, first
saying the residue was glue and then claiming it was the result of a bomb-dog

But Sanders' didn't have the opportunity to dig deeper as his investigation
was cut short. After a California newspaper ran a front-page story about the
missile theory, Sanders and his wife – both of whom had gone into hiding to
avoid scrutiny – were arrested. Given a three-year probation sentence,
Sanders' research has effectively been halted.

"I cannot go anywhere outside of the federal judicial area I live in without
telling them where I'm going," he said, noting that his financial records are
inspected every month as well. "They have effectively removed my ability to
open any investigation of them whatsoever during the 3-year period and to
have sensitive sources in those 3 years. You can't 

[CTRL] US Army turns to James Bond

2001-05-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


US Army turns to James Bond


INSPIRED by James Bond films, the US Army has come up with a $1 million
armoured car equipped with gadgets such as a spinning laser gun and electric
door handles.
The souped-up Ford F350 pick-up truck can squirt out an oil slick,
smokescreen or pepper spray and drop hundreds of tacks on the road to repel
pursuers. Its electric door handles carry enough voltage to stun an intruder
for several minutes.

“The first thing we did was look at all the old James Bond movies,” said
Dennis Wend, director of the US Army’s National Automotive Centre, which
customised the vehicle, known as the SmarTruck.

The original cost of the vehicle was less than $45,000 (£31,500), but the
army is estimated to have spent $1 million (£700,000) customising it. It
lacks the sleek curves of, for example, Bond’s favourite Aston Martin DB5,
but it is likely to prove harder to wreck. It has a cladding of Kevlar, the
material used in bulletproof vests, its windows can withstand a .44 magnum
handgun fired at close range and it has a bomb detection system. Its
360-degree revolving night-vision cameras allow it to spot aggressors and it
carries a laser mounted on a remote-controlled turret to explode land mines,
as well as a grenade launcher.

In filmed tests the black pick-up truck was shown evading militants with
shotguns on motorcycles and bazooka-firing mercenaries in a battered
Mercedes-Benz. In reality it is more likely to be used to ferry dignitaries
such the President travelling in motorcades.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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[CTRL] Russian Gas Drives U.S. Policy

2001-05-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Russian Gas Drives U.S. Policy
John L. Perry
Friday, June 1, 2001
Gov. Gray Davis is chasing the wrong scapegoat to blame for California's
electricity crisis when he points to Texas energy suppliers. Try Russia's gas
Few Americans have even the foggiest idea of what a Russian company called
Gazprom is, yet it plays an enormous potential role in all Americans'
everyday lives.

If that sounds like a bit of a stretch, consider these sobering realities
that are receiving precious little prominence in the American establishment
press but are blockbuster news in the media overseas:

While most of the American mainstream news media was otherwise preoccupied,
Russian President Valdimir Putin moved on Wednesday to seize political
control of Gazprom.

Often referred to in Russia as "a state within a state," Gazprom is that
nation's gas monopoly, its largest and most influential commercial
enterprise, providing, as Reuters news service put it recently, "the life
blood of the country."

With influence extending far beyond Russia's borders, Gazprom is the world's
largest petroleum company, sitting on 23 percent of the planet's reserves and
providing 25 percent of its total output, including most of the natural gas
that's burned in Europe.

With the Russian government already holding a 38 percent ownership of
Gazprom, Putin exercised that leverage with the board to oust its longtime
chief executive, Rem Vyakhirev, and replace him with one of his own closest

The New York Times had a cursory account buried back in its Business section.
The Wall Street Journal found room for a few inches on its 13th page. The
Washington Post tucked it away on Page 20. All treated it as an internal
"reform" story. None explored its global geopolitical oil and energy
'Corporate and Political Earthquake'

But Reuters' Moscow correspondent Patrick Lannin termed it nothing less than
"a corporate and political earthquake for Russia."

Writing in Thursday's Times of London, Roger Boyles said this move "will
define not only who runs the country, but also how and when the Kremlin
extends its global reach."

And Interfax news service reported that Aleksey Miller, the new man in
charge, lost no time announcing grand goals for Gazprom: "Gas consumption in
Europe will grow in the next 10 years, and Gazprom is ready to secure this
growth on the basis of long-term contracts."

This was taken in the international financial community as a welcome omen of
Russia-wide economic reform, promised by Putin to encourage greater Western

But the geopolitical implications go far beyond that – indeed, to the
substance of the evolving, volatile relations between Russia and the United
States, with energy at the very core.

Russia has been regarded ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union as an
economic basket case whose only hope for rejuvenation lay in the sale of two
commodities: arms and natural resources.

Within just a few years, Russia has managed to drum up a brisk business
selling off Soviet-era nuclear technology and conventional weapons of war,
mostly to nations arraying themselves in opposition to the United States.

Now, with his hand securely on the throttle of Gazprom's gigantic petroleum
engine, Putin is in position to exert enormous political influence around the
world – especially on such countries as the United States that rely on
external sources of energy.

Behind President Bush's newly formulated national energy program is a
concerted effort to free the United States from its dependence on foreign oil.

Most of that attention has been focused on heavy U.S. imports from Arab
suppliers in the Middle East.

Bush must now take Russia, with a reorganized Gazprom under Kremlin control,
into account as well.

As the London Times commented, "from Turkey to Turkmenistan, from Berlin to
Baku, Gazprom is weaving a web of energy dependencies that sooner or later
will boost Russian influence across the Continent."
What This Means to You

So what has all that to do with California energy problems and the
possibility of those metastasizing into a nationwide energy crisis in the
United States?

Russia is now clearly staking its economic future on the sale of its immense
gas reserves to energy-hungry consuming nations, beginning in Eastern and
Western Europe.

As foreign-policy analysts Tatyana Koshkaryova and Rustam Narzikulov, writing
Tuesday in the Russian publication Gazeta, put it:

"It is a widely shared opinion that Russia's prosperity depends on high world
oil prices.

"What geopolitical methods should be used to keep [those] prices high?

"The first answer that comes to mind is that Russia should agitate political
instability in the world's major oil-producing regions – the Middle East.

"The country could aim, through geopolitical instruments, to constantly
create a deficit of some type of raw materi

[CTRL] Boy Scouts get hit again by leftists

2001-05-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

L.A. Times shuts out Scouts
Cuts aid due to BSA's exclusion of homosexual adult leaders



© 2001

After years of supporting the Boy Scouts' "Campership Program" – which
enables needy Scouts to attend summer camp by underwriting part of the costs
– The Los Angeles Times is for the first time turning down the Scouts'
application for The Los Angeles Times' annual Family Fund.

In a letter to the San Gabriel Valley Council of the Boy Scouts, the Family
Fund's program director, Raul Bustillos, explained the denial: "The Times
limits its charitable support to organizations whose policies and practices
are consistent with ours regarding non-discrimination."

The almost century-old Boy Scouts of America, which currently includes some 5
million youths and 1.2 million adults, has had a consistent policy from day
one of not allowing open homosexuals to become scout leaders.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last summer that, as a private organization, the
Boy Scouts had a constitutional right to include or exclude members of their
own choosing and could set membership standards as the group saw fit.

Homosexual groups and advocates took offense to the high court ruling and
have been waging a public relations and funding battle against the Boy Scouts
of America ever since.

That activism has led to a number of United Way chapters, corporations, city
councils and other private charities ending their financial support for the
Scouts – the latest being the Los Angeles Times.

According to a press release from the Scouts Alumni Association, "the
charitable donations in question are private contributions solicited in The
Los Angeles Times for youth from low-income families who cannot afford summer
camp programs, some of which are run by the Scouts. The funds do not
originate with the Times, nor do they go directly to the Boy Scouts of

Although The Los Angeles Times or any private company is entitled to promote
its own ideology, adds the scouting alumni group, "advertisements soliciting
contributions for low-income youth should disclose that one of the largest
providers of camping programs is excluded."

Scouts stick to anti-gay stand, losing United Way

By Tim O'Meilia, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, May 30, 2001

WEST PALM BEACH -- The Boy Scouts of America said Tuesday it will not sign an
agreement promising not to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in
providing services to members.

That means the Boy Scouts will no longer belong to the United Way of Palm
Beach County, and the United Way's annual $120,836 contribution will end
after June 30, 2002, because the organization excludes gay Scouts, United Way
executives and Scout leaders said after meeting Tuesday.

"We very respectfully and cordially agreed to disagree," said Chuck Edgar, an
executive board member and past president of the Gulf Stream Council of the
Scouts, which covers seven counties, including Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie
and Okeechobee.

The Scouts exclude leaders and members who are "avowed" homosexuals. In
September, the United Way of Palm Beach County voted to add sexual
orientation to a non-discrimination statement -- including race, age, sex,
religion and others -- that health and social service agencies must sign to
receive United Way money. The county's other 58 agencies that receive United
Way money have indicated they will sign, said Scott Badesch, the executive
director of the United Way of Palm Beach County.

The national policy notwithstanding, local Scout leaders have said they have
never discriminated.

"It's still the feeling of the local United Way and the local Boy Scouts that
they don't discriminate here," said Gale Howden, chairman of the United Way
board of trustees. "The trouble is, they can't sign the paper."

While the Scouts said Tuesday they won't sign the agreement, the deadline
isn't until June 30. After that, the Scouts will not be included on the
pledge card many workers will receive to make their contributions this fall
-- contributions that will be distributed after June 30, 2002.

The Scouts will receive money from the fall 2000 pledge drive, which will be
distributed beginning July 1.

The Community Chest/United Way of Palm Beach, which serves Palm Beach, South
Palm Beach and Manalapan, will cut off its $70,000 contribution to the Boy
Scouts as well.

United Way chapters in Martin and St. Lucie counties will continue their
support, which amounts to about $75,000.

"It means we spend less time with the kids and more time chasing money," said
the Scouts' Edgar.

In addition to the $120,000 from the United Way, the Scouts also receive
contributions to the United Way specifically earmarked for them by
contributors. That will amount to about $65,000 this year. As it does for all

[CTRL] Spy Suspect Hanssen Pleads Not Guilty

2001-05-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Spy Suspect Hanssen Pleads Not Guilty


Thursday, May 31, 2001

 Email this Article

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Former FBI agent Robert Hanssen was escorted amid heavy
security into court on Thursday and pleaded innocent to federal charges of
spying for Moscow, charges that could lead to the death penalty.

Hanssen said "not guilty" when asked how he pleaded to the charges during his
arraignment at U.S. District Court in this Virginia suburb of Washington.
Plans were set for a trial to start Oct. 29.

"We will be filing motions in federal court attacking this indictment," his
attorney, Plato Cacheris, told reporters on the courthouse steps after what
he estimated was a two-minute court session. "We've just set a new modern
record for arraignments," he said.

"That not guilty plea entitles him to a presumption of innocence," Cacheris
said of Hanssen, who wore a green jumpsuit with the word "prisoner" on the
back during the court appearance.

Asked whether the Justice Department would bring in Russians as witnesses,
Cacheris said, "We look forward to any Russians that want to come over and

In a federal indictment, Hanssen is accused of passing U.S. secrets to Moscow
for 15 years in exchange for $1.4 million in cash and diamonds.

The father of six could face the death penalty on charges that he identified
Soviet agents secretly working for the United States who were subsequently
executed. He also is accused of passing secrets about satellites, early
warning systems, plans for retaliation against large-scale attacks and
communications intelligence. Those charges also carry potential death

The arraignment came after lawyers for Hanssen and the government reportedly
failed to negotiate a plea. Lawyers for the veteran FBI agent have said the
discussions stalled because the prosecution insisted the death penalty could
be imposed for several of the 21 counts, refusing to waive that penalty in
exchange for Hanssen's cooperation.

Asked about this Thursday, Cacheris said he wasn't sure the death penalty
would be constitutional in this case.

"Probably not," he told reporters, who thronged to the courthouse to cover
Hanssen's appearance.

Hanssen agreed to waive his rights to a speedy trial, and his lawyers and
prosecutors agreed to ask U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton for the Oct. 29
trial date.

Both sides asked for a jury trial and Cacheris, standing at a podium in front
of the judge, said, "Mr. Hanssen has been advised of his rights and has
signed a document waiving the Speedy Trial Act."

Under that act, the trial would have been set in 70 days. To get the October
date, Hanssen had to sign a waiver.

Prosecutors said they would file motions proposing a schedule of pretrial
filings and discovery, and the judge agreed to review them.

Hanssen was brought into the courtroom several minutes before the proceeding.
The judge shook hands with Hanssen's lawyers and was handed something to
sign. Hanssen chatted with his attorneys and smiled and nodded on several

Federal prosecutor Randy Bellows told Hilton he would be submitting motions
for dealing with classified information under the Classified Information
Procedures Act. The law allows a court to decide how classified information
should be handled in a public trial.

Hanssen has been detained at an undisclosed location since his February
arrest at a Virginia park as he allegedly delivered a package for pickup by
his Russian handlers.

In the past, the government has avoided taking espionage cases to trial
because they could air national security secrets. Instead, they have entered
plea bargains in which people accused of spying agreed to tell authorities
details of their activities in exchange for lighter sentences.

Congress resurrected the death penalty for spies in 1994 in response to the
Aldrich Ames case. Ames, a veteran CIA officer accused of spying for more
than eight years for the former Soviet Union, pleaded guilty that year and
was sentenced to life in prison.

The government has not sought the death penalty against a spy since the law
changed. The last spies executed were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in 1953.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

[CTRL] Sharansky: 'If violence doesn't end, we'll go to war'

2001-05-31 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sharansky: 'If violence doesn't end, we'll go to war'
By Herb Keinon

JERUSALEM (May 31) - The current unilateral cease-fire cannot continue
indefinitely, and if Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat does not
take this opportunity to stop the violence, Israel's next step will likely be
to go to war to wipe out the military and terror infrastructure in the PA,
Housing Minister Natan Sharansky told The Jerusalem Post yesterday.

"I think that for many years we have made great efforts to turn Arafat into a
partner," Sharansky said. "I think now we are at the end of the road; it is
the last chance for Arafat to prove that he can still be a partner. I don't
have a lot of hope. At some point we have to be willing to say we did not
succeed, he is not willing to be our partner. Then you have to know how to
fight and defend your people."

Asked if this means that if Arafat does not join the cease-fire, Israel
should go to war against the PA, Sharansky replied: "What does that mean, to
initiate a war? We are in a war, no? We are in a war where we are not using
our strength. Everyday our people are being killed. I am not saying to
reconquer Gaza, but we need to fight with all the strength we have against
the terror infrastructure."

The question of the cease-fire was discussed yesterday at a meeting of the
security cabinet, of which Sharansky is a member, but no vote was taken or
formal decision made on how long to keep up the policy of restraint. The
overall tone of the meeting, however, was that the cease-fire will continue,
with some diplomatic officials saying it will likely go on until Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon returns next Thursday from his visit to Germany,
Belgium, and France.

Transportation Minister Efraim Sneh spoke in favor of the cease-fire at the
meeting, saying that "the government needs to transmit a message of
steadfastness and determination to the nation. The present conflict is a
continuation of a long struggle. Those asking what will be in the end are
showing that they do not understand the beginning. If there will not be a
cease-fire, we need to use force wisely. An unwise use of force will isolate
Israel, instead of isolating Arafat."

On the other hand, Labor and Social Affairs Minister Shlomo Benizri argued
against further restraint, saying that "every day we bury our dead in order
for the world to give us a medal." He said that Israel needs to clamp a
hermetic closure on the territories, because every day some 50,000
Palestinian enter the country without proper permits.

Sharansky, in an interview conducted after the meeting, said the purpose of a
war with the Palestinians would be to "destroy the military and terrorist
infrastructure in the PA. We tried, are trying [to return to negotiations],
but now have arrived at a moment of truth. Not only is Arafat not a partner,
not only does he not fulfill his obligations [under the Oslo Accords], he
fights and kills us."

He said that advisers to Arafat have said in moments of candor that their
strategy is to make Israelis afraid "to go to the movies or send their kids
out," so that eventually "we will do everything they ask, will allow the
right of refugees to return. He is trying to destroy us through a war of
attrition, every week killing a number of people. This is the last chance to
convince him not to take that path, but to return to the route of

Asked whether he agrees with Sharon's cease-fire policy, Sharansky said it is
"very important" to give a last chance to the possibility of ending terror
and returning to negotiations. But, he added, as important as it is to want
to gain understanding abroad, at some point the government will have to say
that fateful decisions affecting the Jewish people are in its hands and not
in the hands of the rest of the world.

"The main reason why people immigrate to Israel, stay in Israel, is because
this is the country where the fate and future of the Jewish people is in the
hands of the Jewish people," Sharansky said. "I lived in other countries, and
I know how big and important that difference is, that this is a state that
stands behind every citizen. That is the reason for the country's existence."

Sharansky said the government must be careful not to be so concerned about
world opinion that it damages the feeling "that this is the only country
where Jews are champions of their own destiny."

Asked what plan of action he recommends to Sharon, Sharansky said: "I think
we must tell the truth, all the truth, about Arafat, not to censor anything.
And then if, God forbid, there is no choice, if it is clear there is no
partner, then we need to choose our strategy of how we fight against the
enemy, we need to explain that strategy very clearly to our friends, and also
to our people, and enter into a war."

Sharansky said that Sharon's decision to unilaterally call a cease-fire was
genuine in 

[CTRL] 60 Minutes Transcript- FBI Agents On Missing McVeigh Docs

2001-05-31 Thread William Shannon

60 Minutes II, FBI agents rap FBI transcript
Tue May 29 23:54:00 2001

60 Minutes II, FBI agents rap FBI transcript
Oklahoma FBI agent says about missing documents
May 29, 2001 - AP / CBS - Timothy McVeigh

(CBS) In the next few days Timothy McVeigh will decide whether to fight his
death sentence. If he does it will be based in part on what a former
Oklahoma FBI agent says about missing documents in the McVeigh case.

Tonight, you will hear from that man... As well as three other agents who
worked the case.. The case known at the FBI as "okbomb." They believe in
their investigation, but have doubts about the FBI's explanation for not
turning over thousands of documents before trial. What you are about to hear
is a portrait of the office where the bombing case was developed.from some
key men who worked it.and believe what they have to say.. The American
people need to know.

Vogel: They wanna know if the FBI is operating the way it should be,
according to the guidelines set forth in our Constitution.

Dan: And based on your experience, is it?

Vogel: no, it is not.

Track: for years, Dan Vogel was the public face of the FBI in Oklahoma City.
Now retired, he and these other current and former FBI men have been shaken
by what's happened in the bombing case.

Ashcroft: I have made a decision to postpone the execution of timothy
mcveigh for one month from this day."

Track: six days before McVeigh's scheduled execution, the attorney general
announced a delay because the FBI had failed to turn over more than 3000
documents before trial.
For Dan Vogel, it was the last straw. He decided to speak out.

Vogel: They'e admitted they've known about the documents since January and
didn't say anything. Publicly anyway. That's the greatest concern to me is
that you wait until a week before the execution to say 'Oh, by the way we
have your documents'

The documents he's talking about are internal forms the FBI calls '302s.'
302s are the lifeblood of any FBI investigation... Documenting everything
from interviews to witness statements, sightings or tips. The most
significant question about those documents comes from former FBI agent Rick
Ojeda. He is worried about what happened to his 302s from the bombing
investigation. He felt that evidence he developed that might have helped the
defense was ignored or not documented.

Ojeda: I started thinking... And I started going back and checking to see if
some of the information that I had provided had ever been mentioned at
trial. And I talked to a couple of agents that worked the case and asked
them about leads that I had done, whether they were ever brought up. And I
even asked them to check to see if some of the 302s that I had mentioned had
ever been turned over. And they couldn't find them. And so I started to
wonder if the stuff had been withheld... Or just lost... Which was common...
Or what happened to it.

Dan: Do you know to this day what happened to it?
Sot/ojeda: No, sir. I don't.

In March of last year, he sent this letter to senator Charles Grassley.
Ojeda wrote he was aware of cases, including the Oklahoma City bombing,
where exculpatory evidence Evidence that would have helped the
defense... was ignored and not documented. Including exculpatory information
he personally gathered from leads assigned him in the case.

Rather: Can you tell me in brief what those leads were? Were they leads
involving Mr. McVeigh? Mr. Nichols?

Ojeda: I've been told that - there's been a gag order as far as what I can
discuss and what I can't discuss - concerning (unintel) leads.

Dan: Were those leads that should have been registered as at least
information possibly affecting the case?

Ojeda: In my opinion, I thought they were leads that should have been
investigated... And they may have been and i just don't know about it. I
have to preface that. I felt they were leads that should have been followed
up on.

Track: By the time we talked to him, Rick Ojeda had already met with defense
attorneys for Terry Nichols, the other man convicted in the bombing case.
They say they are taking Ojeda's concerns very seriously.

Track: We went to McVeigh attorney Rob Nigh for a reaction to what Ojeda had
told us.

Nigh: That information should, at a minimum... Change the course of this
case in the near future. An FBI agent who worked o the bombing prosecution
has indicated by these words... That information beneficial to the defense
was withheld. That would be in violation of the agreement. That would be in
violation of judge Masch's order and it would be in violation of due process
of law. If those statements are accurate, the verdict has no integrity and
we cannot possibly proceed with an execution until we know.

Dan: Were you surprised to hear about this?
Nigh: I was absolutely overwhelmed.

Track: the FBI told us today that "records of interviews" or 302 documents
by former agent ojeda were in fact turned over to mcveigh's atto

[CTRL] Oh Jenna!!

2001-05-31 Thread William Shannon

The first family's alcohol troubles

President Bush downplayed his own drinking problem and hid a DUI. Now his
daughters are making news for underage drinking. Is there a connection?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Joan Walsh
May 31, 2001 | I don't envy Jenna and Barbara Bush, going off to college
under the watchful eye of the Secret Service and the international media. But
the sudden flurry of headlines about the first twins' alcohol-related mishaps
raises new questions about the way their father handled his own "young and
irresponsible" past.

I always thought it was a bad decision for Bush, as a politician, to refuse
to acknowledge his wild youth -- which, by his own account, lasted until he
was 40. But now it seems it was a bad choice for Bush as a father. After his
1976 drunken-driving arrest was revealed last year, Bush said he didn't admit
it when he decided to run for president because he didn't want his daughters
to know about it. That was a mistake, and the twins' recent run of bad
behavior seems designed to let him know that.

There's no evidence either twin has a drinking problem, but the string of
news items involving their partying and scrapes with the law in the last few
months can't be ignored. First came the tale of Secret Service agents
ferrying home Jenna's boyfriend after he was arrested for public drunkenness.
Then there were randy National Enquirer photos of Jenna, a University of
Texas freshman, and a beer-drinking pal, and a story about her alleged
marijuana use. Yale freshman Barbara, supposedly the studious twin, had a
false I.D. confiscated at a New Haven, Conn., bar. In April, the Enquirer
featured a lurid tale of Barbara's drunken spring-break binge in Mexico, and
by the end of the month all major newspapers were carrying a story about
Jenna being cited by police at an Austin bar for underage drinking, while
Secret Service agents waited outside.

Now, barely a week after a court appearance to deal with that alcohol
citation, Jenna has been caught again using a false I.D. to buy alcohol at an
Austin restaurant, with sister Barbara at her side.

Of course, many of us would have provided lively tabloid fodder in college if
we'd been subjected to the scrutiny Barbara and Jenna Bush must endure. And
their college drinking doesn't mean they'll turn into alcoholics as adults.
Most teenage party girls become responsible citizens, eventually. Still,
their recklessness in the first months of their father's presidency suggests
their parents screwed up by downplaying and even denying President Bush's own
drinking problem.

Bush's he-man decision to quit drinking cold turkey is the stuff of legend.
The morning after a boozy 40th birthday party in 1986, he woke up at
Colorado's tony Broadmoor Resort and decided, on his own, to get sober.
Alcohol had begun to "compete for my affections," Bush said later. Certainly
he didn't need Alcoholics Anonymous, he told the Washington Post: "I don't
think I was clinically an alcoholic; I didn't have the genuine addiction. I
don't know why I drank. I liked to drink, I guess."

But his close friends tell a slightly different story: "Once he got started,
he couldn't, didn't shut it off," Bush's buddy Don Evans, now commerce
secretary, told the Washington Post last year. "He didn't have the
discipline." That sounds a lot like an addiction, though only Bush himself
knows for sure.

He refused to discuss details of his drinking or rumored drug use throughout
his political campaigns, relying on the stock excuse, "When I was young and
irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible." His parents have also
repeatedly denied he had a drinking problem, even after several family crises
involving his drinking came to light: an ugly Christmas confrontation with
his father in 1972, after Bush drove drunk with his brother Marvin, crashed
into a neighbor's garbage cans and offered to fight "mano a mano" with his
father; and the 1976 DUI incident near the family compound in Kennebunkport,
Maine, with his then-teenage sister Dorothy in the car.

We know Bush's problem drinking, including the DUI, was a family secret. The
night a reporter broke the DUI story, Laura Bush called both daughters, in
Austin and New Haven, to break the news to them. "I made the decision that as
a dad I didn't want my girls doing the kinds of things I did, and I told them
not to drink and drive," Bush told reporters. But he didn't tell them about
his own arrest.

The secrecy, of course, was a mistake. Anyone who works with alcoholics and
their families knows honesty is crucial: The drinking parent needs to come
clean about his or her problems, and kids need to understand the family
dynamics that were established around the drinking. And as teenagers, they
need to know that alcoholism is a disease -- whether because of psychology or
physiology or some combination of the two -- that is remarkably hereditary,
and think about their own drink

[CTRL] Al Martin- Update On The Phony Hanssen Case

2001-05-31 Thread William Shannon

The FBI-CIA Wars:
An Update on the Phony Hanssen Case

by Al Martin

      When former FBI agent Robert Hanssen, who has been accused of 
espionage, went into FBI counter-intelligence in 1985, the entire group 
consisted of a total of 22 men.

      Eleven of these men, still at the FBI, are now being forced to retire 
early. They are also being asked to turn over all documents in their 
possession, in their private files outside of the Bureau, documents which 
they have kept over the years. In exchange for the return of these documents, 
they have been offered all sorts of inducements -- as well as their 
retirement checks. Typically this consists of future subcontract work with 
the Bureau on preferred cases, often resulting in rich, fee-paying situations.

      The agents are being instructed by the FBI in a memorandum signed by 
FBI Director Louis Freeh himself to turn over all their documents, which will 
undoubtedly be shredded.

      The agents are afraid. Should there be some sort of congressional 
investigation in the future, they could get in trouble for having complied by 
turning over documents which they knew were going to be destroyed.

      In another bombshell revelation by an inside source, it has been 
learned that three years before the FBI publicly broke the Hanssen case, 
Louis Freeh went to then Attorney General Janet Reno asking for prosecution.

      Reno said no. She told him that at the request of the CIA, the 
Department of Justice was not prepared to prosecute Hanssen -- or launch any 
type of investigation at that time.

      Reno told Freeh that what he was talking about doesn't exist, that it 
isn't happening. When Freeh asked her how she knew that, she told him that 
the CIA had assured her.

      According to an inside source, the level of frustration in 
counter-intelligence at the FBI is at an all time high. They have been 
manipulated by the CIA for years - and they know it. They have also been 
forced to cover up for the Agency.

      Also the CIA has consistently interfered with FBI investigations in the 
United States and the FBI has had a very contentious relationship with the 
CIA over the years. In some cases, the CIA has actually acted to frustrate 
FBI's CI-3 investigations.

      For example, in the famous Korcher case, the FBI's counter-intelligence 
division believes that in the waning weeks of that investigation, when they 
were closing in on Karl and Hanna Korcher, the CIA purposely threw monkey 
wrenches at them in the end, thus allowing the Korchers to escape.

      When these allegations were raised, the CIA claimed that this had to do 
with Operation Ivy Bells, that the Korchers were attempting to discover the 
location of the American listening device, which had been attached to the 
underwater Soviet cables in the Kamchatka Peninsula.

      The CIA also tried to claim that the listening device was actually a 
dummy and they wanted the Russians to find it on purpose, so they wouldn't 
look for the real listening device. That story was absolute nonsense, 
however, and the FBI knew it.

      What the CIA was covering up was their own duplicity with the Russians. 
There was some kind of conniving together. They purposely frustrated the 
FBI's investigation and the FBI always knew this.

      According to an inside source, in this little espionage ring (if that's 
what you want to call it) which has been piled on FBI agent Hanssen's 
shoulders, there was a total of six men involved, besides Hanssen, in the 
transfer of technology and the transfer of information to the Russians over 
the years. They are all part of FBI's CI-3 (counter-intelligence) division.

      The Department of Justice absolutely denies this. They claim that 
Hanssen acted alone and that there are no other problems in CI-3, despite the 
fact an internal FBI Inspector General report from three years ago stated 
that the FBI itself is very suspect and that its counter-intelligence 
division is rife with all sorts of problems.

      In fact, the FBI's Inspector General suspected that there were numerous 
leaks and numerous illicit relations between the FBI CI-3 and the Russians.

      According to the inside source, any espionage that was going on at the 
FBI CI-3 was essentially being directed by the CIA. And the reason it was 
being done was because the FBI's counter intelligence would keep coming 
across illegal activity done by the CIA. They also kept stumbling across a 
tremendous amount of covert contact that the CIA agents were having with 
their Russian counterparts.

      This is more than just inter-agency rivalry. It's the FBI uncovering 
wrongdoing at the CIA, and the CIA consistently pressuring the Attorney 
General to make sure nothing is done about it.

      Another source has said that the FBI has undergone so many changes in 
the past few years that they should probably change the name of the Bureau. 
They are c

[CTRL] vCJD In French West Indies

2001-05-31 Thread William Shannon,4057,2044923^1702,00.html

Authorities investigate human mad cow case

From AFP in Paris

AUTHORITIES are investigating a possible case of the human variant of mad cow
disease in the French West Indian island of Guadeloupe, the health ministry
in Paris said late today.

"Additional examinations are under way and it is not at this stage possible
to make a definitive judgment" on whether the patient was suffering from
variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), the ministry said in a statement.

The disease is a fatal brain-wasting illness thought to be transmitted
through the consumption of meat from cows infected with bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease.

Tests on two other patients on the island with a neurological illness did not
conclusively indicate they were suffering from the human form of mad cow

The head of France's food authority in Guadeloupe, Jean-Luc Grangeon, told
AFP that a probe had been opened into whether infected meat or animal meal
made from ground-up animal carcasses had been imported into the island from

Health ministry officials have refused to identify the patients or indicate
where they are being treated, saying they lacked authority from the families.

French radio said today that two people suspected of having CJD were admitted
to the University Hospital in Guadeloupe's main city Pointe-a-Pitre, and that
a third patient was on the French-Dutch island of St Martin.

The ministry drew a distinction between "classic" cases of CJD, a pathology
that strikes about 80 people per year in mainland France, and variant vCJD.

In 1997, one person died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Guadeloupe, but a
study published in the British medical journal Lancet showed that the death
had nothing to do with tainted meat, the ministry said.In mainland France,
three people have died from vCJD so far.


2001-05-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Andrew Hennessey wrote:
>I have to agree with mike - and saying that water is only an aerobic medium
>is not scientific in this case June.

Nor is claiming that HIV can survive in a puddle by the side a swimming


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Campaign For Disclosure: 2001 Tour

2001-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

The Campaign For Disclosure: 2001 Tour

The Campaign for Disclosure will be coming to the following cities (dates are
tentative and subject to change).

In each city, we will begin with an exclusive showing of the 4 hour
Disclosure film of 50 government and military witnesses to UFO and
Extraterrestrial events and projects, following by a presentation by
Disclosure Project Director Steven M. Greer MD.

To build a grass roots campaign to push for open congressional hearings, we
need your help and  your support:

>Campaign for Disclosure Sponsors - To bring the Campaign for Disclosure
to your city will cost a modest $5000. If you can help underwrite part or all
of this cost and become an individual or corporate sponsor, please contact
us.  You may also support the campaign anonymously. Please contribute what
you can.

>Become part of the local host committee: We need local volunteers to
help with organizing the event, locating suitable venues for the event,
getting the word out, helping during the day of the event, etc. If you can
help coordinate the local Campaign for Disclosure, please let us know today.

>Local Networking: If you can help us reach local VIPs, environmental
leaders, civic leaders and potential funders, please let us know. We will be
meeting with people who can help advance the Campaign in each area and need
local networking support.

>Identifying new government, military and corporate witnesses to UFO and
ET events and projects: If you can help us identity new witnesses who live in
your region, we will interview and film them when we come to your city.
Please help us identity more of these heroic witnesses who stand ready to
testify to the truth.

If we unite in action, we can begin a new, open chapter in human history -
one with new technologies for energy and propulsion without pollution, one
where we go into space in peace - not with weapons.  Please join us and help
us today!

City:   Date:

Denver, CO  June 23, 2001

San Francisco   July 22, 2001

Los Angeles August 11, 2001

San Diego   August 12, 2001

Miami, FL   August 19, 2001

Seattle, WA September 8, 2001

Vancouver, BC   September 9, 2001

Washington, DC  October 6, 2001

Charlottesville, VA October 7, 2001

Boston, MA  October 20, 2001

New York, NYOctober 21, 2001

Atlanta, GA November 3, 2001

Asheville, NC   November 4, 2001

Phoenix, AZ November 10, 2001

Dallas, Tx  November 11, 2001

London, UK  December 8, 2001

Note: Cities and dates subject to change, local support and funding support.


EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8
posted by Alfred Webre";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Disclosure Project & Star Wars - Overview

2001-05-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Flyby News
Editor: Jonathan Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
P.O. Box 1999; Wendell Depot,  MA 01380 USA
[soon to be online at]
Formerly Post Cassini Flyby News  May 30,  2001

The three issues of this issue of Flyby News updates work on the
Disclosure Project, efforts to politically thwart U.S. Missile Defense, and
the FBI's obstruction to justice. The latter item is covered by an Editorial
in Indian Country Today, which questions why the issue of Leonard Peltier,
regarding FBI abuses, is basically ignored in the mainstream media and in

Please remember that tomorrow is the deadline date to send a fax to stop
the Navy from experimenting with their deadly sonar blasts in the ocean.
Please respond. It takes just a few minutes to send a free fax from:

The next issue will contain stories on the movement to increase the use
of nuclear power and on available alternatives.

1)  The Disclosure Project – Overview
2)  Report by the Coordinator of the Global Network – Bruce Gagnon
3)  Indian Country Today: "FBI misconduct in Peltier's case must be

1)  The Disclosure Project – Overview

 The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully
disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified
advanced energy and propulsion systems. The disclosure of the truth will have
far-reaching implications for our society -- new technologies to end
pollution and global warming, long-term solution to the energy crisis, and
the beginning of an era of peaceful relations with other civilizations in
space. The key evidences of the validation of this project are revealed in
over 5 dozen military and government witnesses.


On May 9, 2001, one of the largest and most successful press conferences in
the recent history of the National Press Club was completed. More than 20
military, government and corporate witnesses to unambiguous UFO and
extraterrestrial events stated their testimony before millions.  This kickoff
event for the Campaign for Disclosure was carried by major media world-wide.
The event was live webcast, and at 9 a.m. over 250,000 people were waiting
on-line for the press conference to begin. The next biggest webcast event at
the National Press Club was less than 25,000. While the first hour of the
conference was "electronically jammed" according to the president of
ConnectLive, the company that webcasts all National Press Club events,
eventually thousands of people around the world were able to watch the event
on-line. It may still be viewed by going to

For more information, visit the updated website for the Disclosure Project:

2)  Report by the Coordinator of the Global Network – Bruce Gagnon

27 May 2001


Just back from three weeks away to England, Ireland, and Germany.

The Global Network's (GN) membership conference in Leeds, England was a great
success (see Karl Grossman's recent article that we mailed out for details).
For the first time we had folks come from places like Alaska, Egypt, South
Korea, Australia, Norway, Sweden, France, and Belgium. In all we had over 200
people from 20 countries represented.

As Karl said in his article we expanded the GN Board of Directors (BOD). We
have added several new people including:  Alla Yaroshinskaya (Russia), Cheong
Wooksik (South Korea), Loring Wirbel (Colorado), Sally Light (California) and
we have asked activists in Australia to suggest a woman to be added to the
BOD. We expect this to be done very soon.

We also approved Dave Knight, the chairperson of CND in the United Kingdom,
to be the new chair of our advisory board. We'd like the advisory board to
take a greater role in 2001-2002 in helping us do long-range planning. With
consultation with our BOD, Dave will be working to expand the advisory
committee in the coming months.

After a few days off in Ireland I went to Germany for a speaking tour that
took me to Berlin, Hamburg, Bonn, Trier, Munich, Kornwestheim, Darmstadt, and
Frankfurt. I went by train to each stop and our advisory board member
Wolfgang Schlupp-Hauck (Mutlangen) coordinated the tour.

GN board member Regina Hagen and Wolfgang joined me in Berlin where we spent
2 ½ days holding a news conference, held public meetings with several
different peace groups, and held sessions with members of parliament (MP) and
their staffs. We met with two MP's from the ruling SPD party, one of whom
extended an invitation to Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) to come to Berlin to
speak to German members of the Bundestag. I carried home a hand written
invitation and have sent it to Rep. Kucinich.

[CTRL] Asa Hutchinson & Drug Smuggling- What Did He Know & When Did He Know It?

2001-05-31 Thread William Shannon

Asa and me 
I've wondered for years: What does Hutchinson know about Arkansas's biggest 
drug smuggler? And when did he know it? 

By Mara Leveritt

May 25, 2001  Asa Hutchinson and I share a passion for the subject of drugs. 
As a crusading member of Congress, he talks a lot about them. As a reporter 
focused on crime, my writing centers on them. Hutchinson wants to intensify 
this country's war on drugs. I think three decades of failure have proven the 
war a disaster.
Now President George W. Bush has nominated Hutchinson to head the DEA, the 
biggest drug-fighting squad in the world. But before Hutchinson assumes that 
post, there are some questions about high-level cocaine trafficking in 
Arkansas while he was a U.S. attorney here that he should be required to 
answer. The questions have hung about for years, but so far he has managed to 
dodge them.

They relate to the period from 1982 to 1985, when Hutchinson served as the 
federal prosecuting attorney for western Arkansas. He speaks often of that 
"During the 1980s, our nation declared a war against drugs," he proclaimed in 
a 1997 speech to the House. "I was in that battle as a federal prosecutor. It 
was during that time that our families, our communities, and our 
law-enforcement officials mobilized in a united effort to fight this war."
In another speech he observed, "I have seen the drug war from all sides - as 
a member of Congress, as a federal prosecutor, and as a parent - and I know 
the importance of fighting this battle on all fronts."

But some strange things happened in Hutchinson's district while he was 
federal prosecutor that he doesn't mention in his speeches. Specifically, a 
man identified by federal agents as "a documented, major narcotics 
trafficker" was using facilities at an airport in Hutchinson's district for 
"storage, maintenance, and modification" of his drug-running aircraft, 
throughout most of Hutchinson's tenure.

The man was Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal. For the last four years of his life 
- and throughout Hutchinson's term as U.S. attorney - his base of operations 
was Mena, Arkansas.
In 1982, the year that Hutchinson took office as U.S. attorney and Seal moved 
to Mena, federal officials were already aware that he controlled "an 
international smuggling organization" that was "extremely well organized and 
extensive." Agents for the DEA, FBI, U.S. Customs, and IRS were watching him. 
They brought Hutchinson evidence that Seal was "involved in narcotics 
trafficking and the laundering of funds derived from such trafficking."

I knew none of this in the early 1980s. At the time, this was highly secret 
information, known only to a handful of state and federal investigators and a 
few politicians, including U.S. Attorney Asa Hutchinson.

My interest in the relationship between Seal and Hutchinson was piqued as I 
became aware of how heavily drug prosecutions fell on street- and mid-level 
dealers, while smugglers like Seal, who imported drugs by the ton, rarely 
ended up in prison. So when rumors surfaced about Seal and his organization, 
and how they had managed for years to avoid prison, even though the extent of 
their activities was well known to drug authorities, I wanted to know more.
But getting the story has not been easy. In the early 1990s, I asked 
Hutchinson about Barry Seal and his associates at Mena. Hutchinson provided 
no information, and politely dismissed the complaints that had arisen by then 
about his failure to prosecute Seal. He said he had already resigned as U.S. 
attorney by the time the matter arose.

Even then I knew better than that. Ignoring sidelong glances from some of my 
peers, who already equated drug smuggling at Mena with reports of life on 
Mars, I began collecting official accounts of what had happened there. My 
main thrust was an attempt to acquire, through the federal Freedom of 
Information laws, all the documents relating to Seal that were generated by 
the FBI.
I wish now that I had gone after the DEA's records on Seal, but I was working 
in the dark. I knew that the FBI had been involved in Seal's case, so I began 
with what I knew.

The battle to obtain even those documents has now taken longer than the 
length of time that Seal was based at Mena. At first the FBI denied that it 
had any records on Seal. When I produced photocopies of FBI memos relating to 
the Seal investigation, the agency acknowledged that a file existed. But, I 
was told, it probably would take years to review it, and besides, thousands 
of applicants for other files were already ahead of me.
That's when I wrote to two members of Congress, asking for their help. Even 
though Hutchinson is not from my district, I contacted him in hopes that, 
having been close to the events, he would want to help clear the record. 
Again, he responded politely.

He told me that it was always good to hear from me, that he had contacted the 
FBI in my beh

[CTRL] Many Oddly Passive About DNA Sweep In OKC

2001-05-31 Thread William Shannon


Many question DNA 'sweep'
Blood taken from 200 men in killer search

Jennifer L. Brown - Associated Press
Thursday, May 31, 2001

Oklahoma City --- Police know who killed Juli Busken. Not by name, but by the
genetic code he left behind in the victim's car five years ago.

In their search for John Doe, police took blood from 200 men and compared
their DNA to that of the man who left behind semen in Busken's car. There
were no matches.

Police plan to test 200 more men who either lived near the victim and have a
criminal record of violence, resemble the police sketch or have otherwise
been identified as a possible suspect.

There is a growing debate about whether innocent people should have to hand
over their blood. Besides concern over unreasonable searches, even supporters
of DNA testing say such large-scale genetic dragnets raise the possibility of
police coercion.

For Busken's father, the answer is easy. Besides a rough sketch of someone
who was seen with Busken before her death, a DNA match is about all he has to
cling to in hopes of finding his daughter's killer.

"If you don't want to give your DNA, you've got something to hide," said Bud
Busken, who runs a golf course in Benton, Ark. "I'll stand by that until my
dying day."

Busken, 21, had just finished her last semester at the University of Oklahoma
when she was last seen on Dec. 20, 1996, and was about to drive home to
Arkansas for Christmas vacation.

Police believe she was abducted from the parking lot of her apartment

Her body was found near a lake. The aspiring ballerina had been raped and
shot in the head.

Cleveland County District Attorney Tim Kuykendall turned to the DNA testing
last year.

Some of those tested gave DNA samples to exonerate themselves. Others were
people associated with Busken, including fellow college dancers and even
stagehands who worked at the university.

Defense attorneys and civil libertarians call the sweeps an improper
violation of the constitutional right to privacy.

A few such DNA dragnets have taken place in this country, but there's little
precedent for determining their legality. Mass blood screenings are more
common abroad, where the first was in 1987 in England when 5,000 people had
their blood tested after two teenagers were raped and killed.

Fred Leatherman, chairman of the forensic evidence committee of the National
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, said he knew of no legal challenges
to block mass screenings in the United States. He predicted they would be
challenged, calling them "a clear violation of the right to privacy."

Critics fear what happens to DNA samples after they're collected. Some
suspect they would be used in future investigations by forensic scientists
who sometimes make errors, or that they might end up in the hands of health
insurance companies that could see which diseases a person is predisposed to

"This is just horrendous, appalling," said Doug Parr, a board member of the
Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. "It smacks of the kind of
police state tactics that this country has gone to war against."

Most of the 200 men tested so far gave their blood voluntarily, but
prosecutors obtained search warrants in a few cases where people declined to
provide the sample.

One of those was Dennis Stuermer, 23, who said his reputation has been
tarnished because Oklahoma City police forced him to give a blood sample.

Stuermer's photograph ran on the front page of the state's largest newspaper
after a woman in jail, who knew his family, said he might be Busken's killer.

In the months it took to get the results of the DNA test, his landlord tried
to evict him, a boss threatened to fire him and a few personal relationships

"I was scared to death," he said. "I didn't have anything to be scared of,
but people were breathing down my throat."

Attorney Doug Wall said he and Stuermer, who has no criminal background, may
sue the police.

"Police are basically saying, 'If we pop a needle into enough arms, we're
bound to get lucky sooner or later,' " Wall said.

Arthur Spitzer, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union in
Washington, said requiring people to give DNA samples without other evidence
linking them to the crime would be an unconstitutional search and seizure.

Attorney Barry Scheck, who co-founded the Innocence Project, a group that
helps inmates challenge convictions with DNA evidence, said there are
potential problems whenever so much testing is done.

Some people might feel coerced to give blood.

"It's inherently coercive when a policeman comes to your door and says, 'Give
us a sample of your blood and if you don't give it to us, you're a suspect,'
" he said.

Bud Busken believes if authorities found his daughter's killer, it might stop
the emotional roller coaster he and his wife have been on since she was

"Our life is

[CTRL] Aussie Senator Calls To Scrap Echelon

2001-05-31 Thread William Shannon

Call to scrap Echelon legislation

Thursday 31 May 2001

Australian legislation condoning use of the Echelon surveillance system
should be revoked, Greens Senator Bob Brown said yesterday.

The Telecommunication Interception Act passed last year supported
Echelon-type spying, legalising inteception of individual and business
communications with broad-based search "warrants," Senator Brown said in a

A European parliament working document last week concluded the Echelon global
surveillance system exists and was used to monitor telephone, fax and e-mail

A draft report said spying by Echelon member countries - which include the
United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand - depends on
intercepting satellite data, but is not "nearly as extensive" as media
reports claim.

Senator Brown said the government should launch and inquiry into Australia's
involvement in gathering data for the Echelon network.

Echelon is designed to intercept private and commercial communications, not
military data, and is supported by a network of listening stations in
English-speaking countries, including a post near Geraldton in Western

"Clause 11 C of the Act establishes a new type of foreign communication
warrant which will authorise the interception of communications which relate
to a specified issue that is important to the Commonwealth's defence of
foreign affairs," Senator Brown said.

But the legislation failed to define what was a "specified issue" and had no
provisions to prevent information being passed onto spy agencies, he said.

Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 31 May 2001, at 11:46, Steve Wingate wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> On 31 May 01, at 9:20, Dale Stonehouse wrote:
> > Jenna's personal life is as irrelevant as Bill Clinton's.
> It is not irrelevant if she commits a crime, which she apparently has on
> more than one occasion.
> Steve

I won't surprise me a bit to find out *she* was the one who raped Juanita
Broaderick.  Poor Bill was just a patsy.

Best wishes

Big Business and State Socialism are very much
alike, especially Big Business.
- G.K.'s Weekly, 4/10/26";>
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[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Millions harassed at seat-belt roadblocks

2001-05-31 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web:
For release: May 30, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Criminal outrage: Millions harassed at
seatbelt roadblocks over holiday weekend

[May 30] WASHINGTON, DC -- If you were stopped at a roadblock or
ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt this past Memorial Day weekend, you
weren't alone: Millions of Americans were inconvenienced by what the
Libertarian Party says was the "largest highway harassment campaign"
U.S. history.

"It is an outrage that 10,446 law enforcement agencies wasted their
time and energy to browbeat motorists for not wearing a seatbelt -- in a
nation where 90,000 women are raped annually; 15,000 people are
400,000 people are robbed; and 900,000 people are assaulted," said
Dasbach, the party's national director.

"That's not public safety -- it's public harassment. It's a criminal
misuse of law enforcement resources, and Americans should be
outraged by

This past weekend, 10,446 law enforcement agencies in all 50 states
participated in what was called Operation ABC Mobilization: America
Buckles Up Children.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC) -- which coordinated the
effort with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration -- it was
the "largest-ever crackdown on drivers who fail to buckle up themselves."

The NSC bragged that police in all 50 states "are blanketing roadways
checkpoints and safety patrols."

Although comprehensive figures are not available, at least 15,000
"checkpoints and saturation patrols" were operating over the Memorial
weekend in the southeast USA; more than 300 people were ticketed in
Pennsylvania for not wearing seatbelts; and 1,500 checkpoints were
operating in Kentucky during the seven days surrounding Memorial Day.

Extrapolate those numbers to all 50 states, said Dasbach, and millions
people were probably inconvenienced, frightened, ticketed, or arrested
because politicians decided that Americans are not smart enough to
for themselves whether to wear a seatbelt.

"Seatbelt laws are not a victimless crime," he said. "The real
victims of these kinds of nuisance laws are the millions of people who
wasted time this Memorial Day weekend in roadblock-caused traffic
jams; the
hundreds of thousands of families who were inconvenienced or frightened
because they were pulled over by police; and the tens of thousands of
minority drivers who saw this as another example of police harassment."

Even worse, said Dasbach, is the tragic waste of police resources.

"Think of the time and money that went into this campaign: 10,446 law
enforcement agencies, hundreds of thousands of individual police
and millions of dollars from police budgets, all to give tickets to that
most fearsome of outlaws -- the adult who doesn't wear a seatbelt," he

"Now consider that according to FBI figures, there are 1.4 million
violent crimes committed in America (murder, rape, robbery, and
aggravated assault) every year, along with 10.2 million property
crimes. Imagine how many of those crimes could have been solved or
prevented if the police focused on protecting Americans against real
criminals -- instead of targeting innocent people whose only crime is not
wearing a seatbelt."

This vast outpouring of police activity also conceals an important
fact, said Dasbach: Most Americans already wear seatbelts.

"According to the most recent studies from the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, 71% of Americans do wear seatbelts, and
of parents buckle up their children. So 10,446 law enforcement agencies
harassing 100% of Americans to catch the 29% who don't buckle up --
and the
3% who don't buckle up their children.

"Again, you have to wonder: Who's committing the real crime? A foolish
driver who puts his own safety at risk by not buckling up? Or the
politicians and police who harass millions of Americans over a victimless
crime -- while murderers and rapists are left free to victimize innocent

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

Fear is strange soil.  Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows
in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of
defiance, which flourish underground. -Terry Pratchett, Small Gods";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups

[CTRL] URL: Children, Dogs Hold Off Idaho Sheriff (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Children, Dogs Hold Off Idaho Sheriff

Call Jarvis and tell him to back off ..

Phil Jarvis, Sheriff Bonner County, Idaho (208) 263-8417
Send E-mail To... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Deputies lured Joann McGuckin from the house Tuesday with
grocery money. She was taken into custody after going to a store
with a deputy who had brought the cash. Deputies returned to the
home to get the children and put them in state custody, but one of
the boys ran to the house and yelled, "Get the guns," the sheriff
said. He said the children then let the dogs out of the basement.

Neighborhood resident Lloyd Wyatt, 84, said the children were
sometimes seen around town dressed in ragged clothing. He said
he wasn't surprised they were holed up in the house.

"We are a breed of people who say, 'This is our home and we are
entitled to protect it,'" Wyatt said.

The incident was unfolding about 25 miles from Ruby Ridge, the scene of
a 1992 standoff involving the family of Randy Weaver that led to the
death of Weaver's wife and son.

Mary Peters, who knew the McGuckins, said the family was more sociable
before Michael became ill with multiple sclerosis.

She brought out a decade-old photo of the family in a church directory
showing a smiling Michael and JoAnn McGuckin and five of their eight
children. Michael worked in a lumber mill to support his family then, she

The illness and the financial struggles that followed took a mental toll on
JoAnn, Peters said. She became convinced her husband's illness was caused
by chemicals sprayed on the roads, and that the government was planning to
take the children and their home, Peters said.

"We haven't seen the kids for five years," she said


Children, Dogs Hold Off Idaho Sheriff

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Intervention

2001-05-31 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-



America rejects the White Man's burden
When is George W. Bush going to declare his position on Oldham? His silence is
distressing his European allies and testing confidence in Nato. Surely Washington
learnt from Northern Ireland, that to intervene early is better than to intervene
late. The ethnic tinderbox that is the United Kingdom is smouldering and the
authority of America’s good friend, Tony Blair, is challenged. White House
emissaries must fan out across the Mancunian plain, and rolling thunder be heard at
Lakenheath and Fairford.

This, more or less, is the logic of the stance of the dispossessed peacemakers of
the Clinton era as they face Mr Bush’s clear reluctance to keep them employed. Every
issue of The New York Times, The Washington Post and the International Herald
Tribune, not to mention Foreign Affairs and other learned publications, shouts the
same message. Stay abroad, America. Your diplomacy, your aid, your bombs, your guns
are essential to world peace.

>From Ulster to Ukraine, from Bosnia to Macedonia, from the Middle East to Iraq, the
world will collapse without American crisis resolution. A think-tank abhors a

Few sensible people want America to pack its bags and desert the cause of democratic
evangelism. But a gulf separates that ancient crusade from the manic fidgeting that
passed for foreign policy under Bill Clinton. This weekend Mr Clinton, on a visit to
Northern Ireland, called on both sides there “not to give up on the peace process”.
These were mere words. The election seems likely to push Northern Ireland’s politics
further to the extremes than ever, while the peace process is neither peaceful nor a

Mr Clinton compared Ulster with the Middle East. There a hapless Washington
emissary, William Burns, is also trying to mop up a legacy of Mr Clinton’s
diplomacy, again a plan by the former senator George Mitchell to waffle the way to
peace. A Mitchell plan is a sort of papal encomium, vague pleas to “end violence”
and “put in place confidence-building measures”. Mr Burns was sent in response to
Israel’s plea, despite Mr Bush’s reluctance to go near the Middle East morass. The
President should have stuck to his guns and told the local leaders to find their own
way to peace or war. He was beaten by the interventionists.

In a different theatre, a vociferous campaign is being directed at keeping American
troops in the Balkans. Having intervened “too late” in Croatia to stop Bosnia, too
late in Bosnia to stop Kosovo and too late in Kosovo to stop Macedonia, the cry now
is to intervene too late in Macedonia to stop Montenegro. This week, with massive
effrontery, The Washington Post chided the West for “failing to adequately address a
new engine of destabilisation: Albanian nationalism”. That menace was precisely what
Europe warned Mr Clinton he would unleash in financing and arming Croat and Albanian
nationalists at the expense of Serbian destabilisation. The Balkans are as dangerous
for editorialists as for soldiers.

Talks take place in Budapest this week on scaling down Nato’s Balkans operation. The
president of a “Brussels-based International Crisis Group”, Gareth Evans, is
appalled. He demands in the International Herald Tribune: “Sorry, the Boys Should
Darn Well Stay in Bosnia”. The Washington Post’s Jim Hoagland chimes in with an
insistence that troops honour their “entirely achievable mission of providing a
secure environment for meaningful political change”. Has he been to the Balkans?
Another of the lobby, Jackson Diehl, pleads that “Nato may have to expand rather
than shrink its forces in the short term, to stop the flow of guerrillas and
weapons”. Stop them? Nato’s presence is flooding the region with enough money,
weapons, vehicles and high-spending personnel to turn any local grievance into a
world war.

Round the globe, in Iraq, the new American strategy is in similar flux. After
“tough” sanctions against President Saddam Hussein we are told to expect “smart
sanctions”. These are sanctions that are supposed to bite, by concentrating on oil
and strategic weapons. But since Jordan, Turkey and Syria are supposed to operate
these sanctions, perhaps losing billions of dollars in the process, they are also
considered inoperative and therefore not smart. The same applies to other policies
meant to topple Saddam and bolster his opponents. Was foreign affairs ever so inept?
Some time ago, Mr Bush’s new foreign policy adviser, Condoleeza Rice, questioned
whether these ramshackle interventions in brush-fire wars were productive. She
suggested that American influence and firepower be reserved for the “big issues”.
This sensible approach has no appeal to the global intervention lobby — a sceptic
might say, because it lacks career appeal. So we must read glib references to
America remaining everywhere to “re-establish conditions for peace

[CTRL] Amnesty International Savages US Over Human Rights Record

2001-05-31 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Amnesty International Savages US Over Human Rights Record

Agence France Presse
May 30. 2001

WASHINGTON - Amnesty International accused the United States on Wednesday
of failing in its duty to lead the fight against global human rights abuses
and placed it in the same "shameful death penalty league" as China, Iran
and Saudi Arabia.

The London-based watchdog used a press conference here to level a volley of
accusations against the US government, effectively accusing it of
pronouncing on global rights abuses while ignoring violations in its own

"We have a US government that has abdicated its duty to lead," William
Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International USA, said on the day
the group launched its annual human rights report.
Schulz savaged the US government for opposing the Convention on Landmines
and the International Criminal Court and accused successive US
administrations of sacrificing "human rights concerns for political

The allegations were immediately rebutted by the State Department, which
every year issues its own account of abuses around the world and considers
Washington as a standard bearer in promoting human rights.

"We fundamentally disagree with the assertion in the report that the United
States has become an 'impediment' to the advancement of international human
rights," spokesman Philip Reeker said.
"The United States has been and will remain the leading advocate for human
rights throughout the world," he said. "Our record speaks very much for

Earlier this month, the United States was stunned to lose its seat on the
United Nations Human Rights Commission after a vote by the UN Economic and
Social Council.

But it said the presence on the panel of nations like Iran and Libya, which
Washington accuses of blatant rights abuses, reflected its redundancy as a
campaigning group.
Amnesty also took aim at the US use of the death penalty, saying the United
States was out of step with growing antipathy toward capital punishment
around the world.

"The United States stands in the same shameful death penalty league as
China, Iran and Saudi Arabia," Schulz said.

"This executioners' quartet was responsible for 88 percent of all known
state killings."

Amnesty is a longtime critic of the death penalty and of US judicial
practices it considers racially discriminatory or excessively violent.

The group alleges a lack of equity in the application of the death penalty
and the practice in some states of executing the mentally retarded and
those younger than 18 years of age at the time they committed crimes.

Amnesty also documented in the report several incidents of police brutality
and disputed police shootings -- some in which racial discrimination was
allegedly a factor -- such as the 1999 killing of African immigrant Amadou
Diallo in New York.

It also noted reports of excessive force, torture and sexual misconduct in
US prisons, as well as cruel conditions in supermaximum-security prisons.

"Abuses included ... the misuse of electroshock weapons and chemical sprays
and the cruel use of mechanical restraints, including holding prisoners for
prolonged periods in four-point restraints as punishment," the report said.

It also said there had been several allegations of sexual abuse against
female inmates, including reports from Wayne County, West Virginia, that
female prisoners had been forced to undergo strip searches conducted by
male guards or parade, partially naked, past male inmates.";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Single Cocaine Dose Has Bigger Impact On Brain Than Thought

2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

  Single Cocaine Dose Has Bigger
  Impact On Brain Than Thought
 By Mike Collett-White

   LONDON (Reuters) - A single 'snort' of cocaine has a
   bigger and more lasting effect on the brain than
   previously thought, scientists said on Wednesday.

   Researchers at the University of California, San
   Francisco found that the illegal drug can change the
   way nerve connections transmit signals in the part of
   the brain crucially involved in addiction.

   From the very first contact with the drug, interlinked
   neurons become more strongly connected -- a process
   known as potentiation.

   Because the process occurs in the part of the brain
   involved in increased craving, cocaine users are
   vulnerable to addictive urges for a sustained period of

   ``You think you are getting two hours of pleasure but
   for one week you are vulnerable to wanting more
   cocaine,'' researcher Antonello Bonci told Reuters.

   ``So the hypothesis is: think twice about using

   Drug users normally take 'coke' in powder form nasally.

   According to the research, published in the Nature
   journal, potentiation is still observed up to one week
   after cocaine exposure.

   ``The incredible thing is that cocaine is producing a
   change in the activity in the brain that basically uses
   the same mechanism as normal learning and memory
   processes but in a different region,'' Bonci said.

   ``The normal capacity for strengthening links between
   cells is usurped by the drugs. This is the first
   demonstration that direct functional change is
   happening as a consequence of exposure to drug


   Co-researcher Mark Ungless said the findings went
   further than previous investigations into the impact of
   drug use and abuse on the brain.

   ``There was no evidence before that a single dose of
   cocaine was having such a large effect on the brain
   and in such an important area,'' he said. ``Most people
   using cocaine may be surprised to know that the effect
   is so long lasting.''

   He also said that the extent of changes was far greater
   than expected.

   ``It is sometimes difficult to show any connections
   getting stronger (after drug dosage), but in this case
   the effect was very large,'' he said. ``Cocaine was
   shown to be changing all the connections. It is
   surprising to see such a big effect.''

   Scientists believe that the research provides clues
   about why people become hooked on addictive drugs.

   It may also provide a more ``subtle'' message to drug
   users, giving them more informed warnings of the risks
   posed rather than focusing simply on how damaging
   banned substances can be.

   The experiment involved analysis of behavior in mice
   after they had been injected with a dose of cocaine.

   In some cases the animals were then tested for
   electrical activity in the brain.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups 

Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 31 May 01, at 9:20, Dale Stonehouse wrote:

> Jenna's personal life is as irrelevant as Bill Clinton's.

It is not irrelevant if she commits a crime, which she apparently has on
more than one occasion.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The complete nationalcenter page

2001-05-31 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-


  Dossier - Dr. Stephen Schneider


A publication providing succinct biographical sketches of
environmental scientists, economists, "experts," and activists
released by The National Center for Public Policy Research.

Environmental Scientist: Dr. Stephen Schneider

Dr. Stephen Schneider, who received his Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from
Columbia University, served as a climate researcher for the National
for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado for two decades. Schneider
is one of the most ardent advocates of the Global Warming Theory, the
that a build-up of CO2, methane and refrigerant gases in the atmosphere
could lead to a cataclysmic rise in earth's temperature. He joined the
of Stanford University in 1991. 

Schneider is regularly sought-out by journalists to comment on climate
despite the fact that his analyses are unreliable. In the early 1970s, for
example, Schneider rejected the Global Warming Theory, writing,
do not increase in proportion to an atmospheric increase in CO2." He
even went as far as to predict that a "Little Ice Age" would
-- It didn't. The Global Warming Theory, which Schneider currently
now also appears to be incorrect. The most recent data suggests that the
planet is in fact cooling, not warming. 

Schneider's blunders are not surprising. He once commented, "Looking
at every bump and wiggle of the record is a waste of time... So, I don't
set very much store by looking at the direct evidence." 

Selected Schneider Quotes 

"A cooling trend has set in, perhaps one akin to the Little Ice
- Twenty-year-old Schneider quote cited in the Washington Times, June 12,

"Temperatures do not increase in proportion to an atmospheric
in CO2... Even an eight-fold increase... might warm earth's surface less
than two degrees Centigrade, and this is highly unlikely in the next
thousand years." - from paper Schneider co-authored in 1971 cited in
Environmental Overkill by Dixy Lee Ray (1993) 

"[Global warming linked to emissions of CO2, methane and other gases]
is a scientific phenomenon beyond doubt. It's only a question of how much
warming there will be." - Quoted by David L. Chandler of the Boston
Globe, January 23, 1989 

""It is journalistically irresponsible to present both sides [of
the global warming theory] as though it were a question of balance. "
- Quoted in the Boston Globe, May 31, 1992 

"Looking at every bump and wiggle... is a waste of time.. I don't set
very much store by looking at the direct evidence." -Quoted in the
Washington Times, June 12, 1992 

"[We] have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic
and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to
what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."
-Quoted by Dixy Lee Ray in Trashing the Planet (1990) 

Dossier Credibility Ranking 

On a scale ranging from 0 to 10 measuring political science versus real
science, Dr. Schneider scores a 9.0 for political science. 

Version Date: August 25, 1993 

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[CTRL] Foot And Mouth Virus Mutating

2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

  Foot And Mouth Virus Mutating
   From Patricia Doyle, PhD

   Hello Jeff - It appears that the virus is mutating. As I
   suspected, the virus active in the UK was from the
   missing Porton Down vial which was kept in level 4 and
   not level 3 lab. It would probably be weaponized and
   that was the reason it was in the level 4 lab.

   This new version appeared in stock that had been
   declared FMD free two hours before.

   New hot zones are appearing as well. This outbreak is
   far from over. I suspect that MAFF knew that the Porton
   Down vial was used in the UBI/Plum Island vaccine
   trials that took place just before the UK outbreak and
   knew that the virus strain was virulent, and unstable.
   Ergo, I believe that is why MAFF is killing every animal.
   By the time this is over, there may very well be no
   livestock left in the UK. Seriously.

   Of course, MAFF has now begun to blame farmers for
   the new oubreaks. They are claiming that farmers are
   deliberately spreading the virus for compensation.
   MAFF has been hostile toward the farmers throughout,
   this last unfair accusation is uncalled for. MAFF knows
   exactly why the FMD virus is spreading and mutating.


   Livestock Need Two Hourly Virus Checks

   Furnesscattle farmers have been told to check their
   cattle every two hours. Uninfected Yorkshire cattle
   have been going down with foot-and-mouth in hours.

   There have been more than 20 confirmed outbreaks of
   the disease in Settle and vets are horrified at how fast
   it is infecting livestock.

   South Cumbria National Farmers' Union spokeswoman
   Gill Shearer said: "Animals given the all clear are found
   to be heavily diseased just two hours later.

   "We were so concerned we have been on to the
   agriculture ministry vets because we thought it could
   be a new strain of the disease.

   "They say it isn't, but it seems to have become much
   more virulent and is moving very fast in an area that
   hasn't had an outbreak for six weeks.

   "I would urge Furness farmers to check their animals as
   often as possible, preferably every couple of hours."

   In two cases, filmed by Maff, animals thought to be free
   of the disease went down with it in less than two hours.

   In one case the symptoms were so severe shocked
   vets doubted the animals had been given the all clear
   just hours before.

   Ms Shearer said: "In the first case the farmer looked at
   his animals and they were fine.

   "He went back to bring them in for milking just hours
   later and they had sores and cuts.

   "In the second case the livestock were inspected and
   two hours later when the farmer went back they were in
   a terrible state, the worse the vets had seen.

   "Both incidents were filmed because the vets can't
   believe how fast cattle and sheep are going down with
   the disease.

   "Neither farmers were to blame and they don't want to
   be named. This is a very worrying development and we
   fear the hot weather may have increased the virulence
   of the disease."

   A Maff spokesman said they were concerned at the
   speed with which animals were becoming infected and
   said they were slaughtering them within 24 hours.

   He said the virus seemed to be moving fa

[CTRL] McVeigh to seek delay of June 11 execution

2001-05-31 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday | May 31, 2001

McVeigh to seek delay of June 11 execution, attorneys say

Associated Press

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. - Timothy McVeigh will seek a delay of his June 11
execution for the Oklahoma City bombing and ask for a hearing to
investigate federal investigators' "fraud upon the court," his lawyers said
Attorney Robert Nigh said it wasn't easy for McVeigh to make the decision.
"He was prepared to die," Nigh said outside the federal prison where
McVeigh is imprisoned.
"There are still critical documents about this investigation being withheld
by the FBI," lawyer Richard Burr said. "We must get to the bottom of this.
This proceeding is intended to do that."
Another McVeigh attorney, Nathan Chambers, had stayed in Denver to file the
documents seeking the delay.
McVeigh's execution, initially set May 16, was postponed by Attorney
General John Ashcroft after the Justice Department turned over more than
4,000 FBI documents it admits should have been given to McVeigh's lawyers
for his trial.
McVeigh faces a lethal injection for the 1995 bombing that killed 168
people and injured hundreds of others. He had been scheduled to be the
first federal prisoner executed in 38 years.
After abandoning his appeals, McVeigh admitted his guilt in a book released
in April. He had earlier asked a federal judge to stop further appeals and
requested an execution date.
He also said in a recent letter to The Houston Chronicle that he acted
alone, and there was no John Doe 2, a possible suspect that surfaced early
in the bombing investigation.
Nigh said there was nothing in the court record that reflected those beliefs.
"If there were other people involved and evidence of their involvement is
credible ... then that evidence is something Tim McVeigh's jury certainly
would have wanted to have," Burr added.
Ashcroft has said that the FBI documents do nothing to bring into question
McVeigh's guilt, and the Justice Department will do everything possible to
avoid a further delay.
On Wednesday, Ashcroft reiterated his vow to fight any further delay of
McVeigh's execution.
"A jury determined that the death penalty is the appropriate punishment for
McVeigh, and failure to carry out that sentence would deny justice for the
victims of this crime and for the American people," Ashcroft said.";>
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Re: [CTRL] Quotes from Stephen Scneider

2001-05-31 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Please read the last part:

Dossier Credibility Ranking

On a scale ranging from 0 to 10 measuring political science versus real
science, Dr. Schneider scores a 9.0 for political science.

On 31 May 01, at 5:56, William Bacon wrote:

> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
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> Please follow the following hotlink for some interesting quotes from
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> Bill
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> My ICQ# is 79071904
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[CTRL] ADL Spying Case Continues In San Francisco

2001-05-31 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

- Forwarded message follows -
ADL Spying Case Continues In San Francisco
Please Show Your Support On June 15, 2001 9:00 AM Court Room 318

   The epoch battle to expose the illegal spying by the Anti-Defamation
League continues this Friday in a San Francisco courtroom with an
effort by the ADL to obtain a summary judgement in a class action suit
that has been in the courts since 1993.

   The next hearing for the case will take place on Friday June 15, 2001
at 9 AM in Judge Alex Saldamando's Courtroom, 3rd Floor, Department
318. The Court Building is located at 400 McAllister and Polk Street
across from San Francisco City Hall. Please attend to show that there
is growing public support that this case to go to trial and the ADL's
stalling comes to a complete stop.

   The case has gone on for over 8 years and the ADL has spent millions
of dollars seeking to stop discovery and to argue that they are simply
conducting "journalist activities" covered by the 1st Amendment.

   If you want to contribute to the case, please send funds for the ADL
Spying Case to
Paul N. McCloskey, Jr.
Wagstaffe & Wagstaffe
333 Bradford St. Suite D
Redwood City, California 94603

   Also you can find out more about the ADL and it's illegal spying
activity to silence critics of Israel and the former apartheid
government of South Africa along with Arab Americans by going to

   This case is Shabbas,et al. v. ADLl., No.951031

In Solidarity,
Steve Zeltzer

- End of forwarded message -";>
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Re: [CTRL] Listbabble

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Dr. Quack bit the dust along with her many other personalities (actually
she had no personality).

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Barry and the Boys

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Okay Kris and Frank Sturgis should ring the bell for anyone who likes

So in the background, you had the waiters or head waiter without faces
showing - my son has my book yet and I am going to get after him - he
had heard of Seal but this was something new for him.

Anyway, the sure looked like a fun buch, but wild bunch - end end of
Barry Seal was horrible - but look too what happened to Johnny Rosselli
and Giancano..and Hoffa?   Unless it is true this doctor got him
away to Canada before his book hit the fan.

Thanks Kris - someday want to send mine back when I get it back, for
your autograph on it.   Keep thinking about my pilot friend - attempt to
get him to smuggle using USAF plane during Viet Nam war - at that time,
people knew very little about drug running and how seirous it had

Think the Beattles ran drugs - found this data in old Underground Press
- and boy the day I went into this old book store, it was surrounded by
cops for whoever unloaded all the stuff, probably needed the money and
the owner called the police for the obvious content of same, was
something to kept referring to "Paul taking a
trip"and when he did, it snowed 

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[CTRL] Oswald & the CIA: The Truth at Last

2001-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

The Spotlight

Oswald & the CIA: The Truth at Last

BARRY AND 'THE BOYS' unearths a historical treasure. Daniel Hopsicker's
investigation proves beyond question that the bizarre New Orleans pilot David
Ferrie—long suspected of in the JFK assassination—was indeed a veteran covert
operative for the CIA (and its forerunner, the OSS) going back to his days as
a pilot during World War II. And it just so happens that it was none other
than Ferrie who recruited teen-aged Barry Seal-along with Lee Harvey
Oswald—into the world of CIA Intrigue ...

"There's been a lot of talk over the years by JFK researchers about David
Ferrie's CIA connections-along with a lot of efforts by the CIA to refute
those theories—but BARRY AND 'THE BOYS' sets the record straight. No doubt
about it: Ferrie was a lifelong CIA operative and Hopsicker proves it.

,,What's more, Hopsicker definitively links Ferrie to Lee Harvey Oswald, the
protestations of the CIA and the nay-sayers notwithstanding. For this
contribution, if nothing else, BARRY AND 'THE BOYS' is a remarkable

"All told, Dan Hopsicker's new book stands as a landmark work that is sure to
emerge as a standard reference for honest historians of the future who are
trying to piece together the secret history of America during the last half
of the 20th century."

—Michael Collins Piper, author of the JFK assassination blockbuster, Final

available from and
PO Box 2687
Eugene, OR
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[CTRL] Transcript: FBI And McVeigh: Ex-Agents Slam Bureau

2001-05-31 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Transcript: FBI And McVeigh
Ex-Agents Slam Bureau
Was Evidence Lost?,1597,293828-412,00.shtml

May 29, 2001

60 Minutes II, FBI agents rap FBI transcript
Oklahoma FBI agent says about missing documents

(CBS) In the next few days Timothy McVeigh will decide whether to fight his
death sentence. If he does it will be based in part on what a former
Oklahoma FBI agent says about missing documents in the McVeigh case.

Tonight, you will hear from that man... As well as three other agents who
worked the case.. The case known at the FBI as "okbomb." They believe in
their investigation, but have doubts about the FBI's explanation for not
turning over thousands of documents before trial. What you are about to hear
is a portrait of the office where the bombing case was developed.from some
key men who worked it.and believe what they have to say.. The American
people need to know.

Vogel: They wanna know if the FBI is operating the way it should be,
according to the guidelines set forth in our Constitution.

Dan: And based on your experience, is it?

Vogel: no, it is not.

Track: for years, Dan Vogel was the public face of the FBI in Oklahoma City.
Now retired, he and these other current and former FBI men have been shaken
by what's happened in the bombing case.

Ashcroft: I have made a decision to postpone the execution of timothy
mcveigh for one month from this day."

Track: six days before McVeigh's scheduled execution, the attorney general
announced a delay because the FBI had failed to turn over more than 3000
documents before trial.

For Dan Vogel, it was the last straw. He decided to speak out.

Vogel: They'e admitted they've known about the documents since January and
didn't say anything. Publicly anyway. That's the greatest concern to me is
that you wait until a week before the execution to say 'Oh, by the way we
have your documents'

The documents he's talking about are internal forms the FBI calls '302s.'
302s are the lifeblood of any FBI investigation... Documenting everything
from interviews to witness statements, sightings or tips. The most
significant question about those documents comes from former FBI agent Rick
Ojeda. He is worried about what happened to his 302s from the bombing
investigation. He felt that evidence he developed that might have helped the
defense was ignored or not documented.

Ojeda: I started thinking... And I started going back and checking to see if
some of the information that I had provided had ever been mentioned at
trial. And I talked to a couple of agents that worked the case and asked
them about leads that I had done, whether they were ever brought up. And I
even asked them to check to see if some of the 302s that I had mentioned had
ever been turned over. And they couldn't find them. And so I started to
wonder if the stuff had been withheld... Or just lost... Which was common...
Or what happened to it.

Dan: Do you know to this day what happened to it?
Sot/ojeda: No, sir. I don't.

In March of last year, he sent this letter to senator Charles Grassley.
Ojeda wrote he was aware of cases, including the Oklahoma City bombing,
where exculpatory evidence Evidence that would have helped the
defense... was ignored and not documented. Including exculpatory information
he personally gathered from leads assigned him in the case.

Rather: Can you tell me in brief what those leads were? Were they leads
involving Mr. McVeigh? Mr. Nichols?

Ojeda: I've been told that - there's been a gag order as far as what I can
discuss and what I can't discuss - concerning (unintel) leads.

Dan: Were those leads that should have been registered as at least
information possibly affecting the case?

Ojeda: In my opinion, I thought they were leads that should have been
investigated... And they may have been and i just don't know about it. I
have to preface that. I felt they were leads that should have been followed
up on.

Track: By the time we talked to him, Rick Ojeda had already met with defense
attorneys for Terry Nichols, the other man convicted in the bombing case.
They say they are taking Ojeda's concerns very seriously.

Track: We went to McVeigh attorney Rob Nigh for a reaction to what Ojeda had
told us.

Nigh: That information should, at a minimum... Change the course of this
case in the near future. An FBI agent who worked o the bombing prosecution
has indicated by these words... That information beneficial to the defense
was withheld. That would be in violation of the agreement. That would be in
violation of judge Masch's order and it would be in violation of due process
of law. If those statements are accurate, the verdict has no integrity and
we cannot possibly proceed with an execution until we know.

Dan: Were you surprised to hear about this?
Nigh: I was absolutely overwhelmed.

Track: the FBI told us today that "records of interviews" or 302 documents
by former agent ojed

Re: [CTRL] Listbabble

2001-05-31 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Ah, where's Dr. Deborah Greenhill when we need her?

--- Dale Stonehouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> > -Original Message-
> > From: YnrChyldzWyld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > And you can provide the proof from a respected medical source...?
> One of my dictionary definitions of babble is "foolish or meaningless
> talk."
> "Respected medical source?" For some individuals there is no such
> thing or,
> for that matter, "proof." Such manipulative posturing may work with
> some
> people, but for some of us it is truly meaningless.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: FDA Moving to Revive Deadly Drug

2001-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

LA Times
Wednesday, May 30, 200

FDA Moving to Revive Deadly Drug
Health: Agency director works with manufacturer to bring back Lotronex
despite fatalities.

By DAVID WILLMAN, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON--Senior Food and Drug Administration officials are planning how
to bring back to market a pill for a common bowel disorder despite new
evidence that the risk of a life-threatening complication is far higher than
thought when the drug was withdrawn in November, government documents show.
The FDA began reconsidering the withdrawal amid an outcry from patients
who say they benefited from the prescription drug, called Lotronex. In early
clinical studies, as many as 1 in 5 participants showed improvements that
doctors attributed to Lotronex.
Dr. Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's drug evaluation center, has
privately voiced support for the drug to executives of GlaxoSmithKline, the
manufacturer, according to the documents and people familiar with the
matter. Woodcock and her aides have discussed with the company how best to
orchestrate the drug's return to pharmacies--including how to structure a
public advisory committee meeting so as to minimize the effect of criticism
of the drug. 
The flurry of activity over Lotronex once again puts a spotlight on the
FDA's handling of a drug with demonstrated lethal risk and modest proven
benefits. Lotronex is one of 11 prescription drugs withdrawn for safety
reasons in the last four years. Eight of those drugs were approved from 1993
through 2000--an era when the FDA came under pressure from members of
Congress and the White House to become more of a partner than an adversary
of the $100-billion pharmaceutical industry. Aside from one antibiotic pill,
none of the 11 withdrawn drugs was a proven lifesaver.
Lotronex could be returned to U.S. pharmacies as soon as this summer. It
has not been sold in any other country.
 During eight months on the American market last year, Lotronex was
approved for use by women with diarrheal symptoms of what is known as
irritable bowel syndrome. The condition can cause pronounced abdominal
bloating and pain and other vexing inconveniences, such as the need to go to
the bathroom on a moment's notice.
 Irritable bowel syndrome, however, is not life-threatening, and
Lotronex was withdrawn after being cited as the primary suspect in dozens of
cases of ischemic colitis, a complication that can be lethal. It results
from inadequate flow of blood to the colon. At the time of the withdrawal,
voluntarily filed reports linked five deaths to the drug.
 When Lotronex first went on the market one year ago, the product
labeling said ischemic colitis had occurred "infrequently" in clinical
studies. In August, after reports of bowel surgeries and death, the labeling
was changed: Doctors were told that 1 in 700 women taking Lotronex were at
risk of ischemic colitis.
 But within the last several months, FDA scientists have found that a
patient who took Lotronex for three months would actually have a 1 in 218
chance of developing the complication.
 "The longer a woman is on the treatment, the more likely it is that she
will develop an episode of ischemic colitis," concluded Dr. Zili Li, an FDA
epidemiologist, in an April 2 memo to his superiors. Li termed "inaccurate
and misleading" the original 1 in 700 calculation, which was based on data
submitted by the manufacturer.
 In a more recent memo, Dr. John R. Senior--an FDA bowel specialist who
warned in vain of Lotronex's link to ischemic colitis before the agency
granted a fast-track approval in February 2000-- again urged caution.
 "It is NOT clear that the benefits of [Lotronex] outweigh its risks,"
Senior wrote on May 6.
 Nonetheless, Woodcock has told subordinates this spring that she
believes the drug's benefits do outweigh its risks. In an e-mail on April 26
to three top aides, Woodcock described assurances that she had just voiced
to a GlaxoSmithKline executive, Dr. Tadataka Yamada:
 Woodcock wrote that Yamada told her that the company was concerned
about holding a public hearing on the return of the drug. Yamada, she wrote,
feared that an advisory committee meeting "would be a media circus and 2.
that the advisors may disagree with what we have negotiated and put us back
at square 1, and 3 that it would slow things down."
 According to her e-mail, Woodcock assured the company executive that
"we can manage" the media. As for the prospect that the advisory committee
might disagree with what Woodcock and GlaxoSmithKline have already
negotiated, "I said I agree that 2 is a real liability and we have to
consider the vulnerability vs. the benefits," Woodcock wrote. "For 3, I said
we could do it in a hurry."
 On May 3, Dr. David Wheadon, a subordinate to GlaxoSmithKline's Yamada,
called Dr. Florence Houn, a senior aide to Woodcock, to follow up on a
conversation between their bosses. Wheadon inquired about which advisors the
FDA might assi

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: my website re: George H.W. Bush in WW2

2001-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 11:05:58 -0500
Subject: my website re: George H.W. Bush in WW2

Hello Mr. Lederman:
I read your website section on the Bush family's ties to Nazis in WW2.

You might like to check my website for the rather funny-looking records
of George H. W. Bush in June, 1944. Was he a courier or attempting to be
a courier for the Standard Oil Company?
Records of the carriers and destroyers involved in operations with Bush
on June 19, 1944, look odd. I've checked numerous records around these
in time, for comparison purposes. In the summer of 1944, Loftus and
Aarons tell us in _Secret War Against the Jews_, Allen Dulles was
actively--and illegally--attempting to negotiate a settlement with the
Axis, without FDR's approval. Dulles was a business partner of the
Rockefellers at Standard--as well as a partner of James Forrestal, also
at Standard Oil.
The records that supposedly record Bush and crew's pickup out of the
water after an alleged water-landing on June 19, 1944, have no page
numbers, as do the other pages of the destroyer that holds these records.

In addition, the records of the aircraft carriers in the immediate
vicinity of this alleged event are confused as to when this occurred,
and which aircraft was involved. There is confusion as to whether it was
Bush's plane, or the aircraft of Richard Houle--that is, whether the
plane involved in the water landing was Bush's, or Houle's.
Records of the September 2, 1944 Bush bailout mission near Chi Chi Jima
island are also odd-looking, in this sense: there is no date on the
squadron commander's log, though this date was originally apparently
there. Someone seems to have removed it, according to investigators,
such as the authors of _The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush_. Why
would someone go into a WW2 warship log and remove a date?
Relating to this, Naval records show that Bush was listed as "missing in
action" (MIA) during WW2. Current methodology, at least, tends to use
the standard of 48 hours. Yet, current records about Bush, supposedly
based on the Chi Chi Jima bailout, show Bush was never missing for more
than four hours, and that, related to the Chi Chi Jima raid.
Yet, the odd-looking ships' records on June 19, 1944, suggest some
confusion as to where Bush was that day. The second record as to Bush's
crew, which also appears in the log of the same destroyer that
supposedly picked them up on June 19, 1944, is on June 21, 1944. In that
second record, the descriptions of Bush and crew are more extensive than
they were on the supposed "first" reference of the June 19 log. That
June 19 record is missing page numbers and such traits as the word
"continued" to show connection to other pages. When the page numbers do
finally resume in the CK Bronson's log, there is no allowance in the
numbering for this--that is, the numbers stop at 598, and resume at 599.
In between, is an un-numbered page, without the word "continued", that
refers to the June 19, 1944 pickup of Bush's crew.
I've done extensive comparison of the CK Bronson's log to other pages on
other dates. I've also compared the other destroyers and aircraft
carriers involved in his pickup on that date, and found these to be
odd-looking, as well.
Bush took off from his carrier, the San Jacinto, in the late morning of
June 19, 1944. But when he returned, how, and in what circumstances, is
much murkier. At this time, a critical juncture was occurring in
Dulles's and the Rockefellers' political position. They knew that, after
the War, they'd be prosecuted for treason (as they were: in 1947, as you
no doubt know, Standard Oil was found guilty of violating the Trading
with the Enemy Act), if FDR remained in office.
They were desperate to defeat or weaken FDR politically, therefore.
idea was to negotiate a "separate peace" with the Axis that they could
present to American voters in 1944: that the Japanese and Germans would
offer to make peace with the Western Allies, but remain at war with the
Loftus and Aarons tell us, in _Secret War Against the Jews_, that Dulles
used couriers to communicate during this time to communicate with Axis
negotiators. One group of couriers operated out of Japanese-occupied
Manchuria. They worked with the Vatican. One thing Dulles was trying to
do, was work with the Japanese to get them to go along with such a
possible negotiated settlement
Anyway, please see my website. The evidence is more extensive than you
might think that GHW Bush was in some way "out of pocket" on June 19,
1944. Dulles was his father's attorney and business partner.
Best wishes,
Max Standridge

[CTRL] Fwd: Alex Burns (Disinformation.Com) Apologizes to Alex Constantine

2001-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 First, Disinformation.Com's Alex Burns ‹ a former member of the Temple
of Set allied with Michael Aquino ‹ demanded, with more than a little
indignation, that I support my "ad hominem" attacks on the High Setian with
"evidence." Unfortunately for Burns, I haven't made ad hominem attacks
against the ToS high priest, but HAVE posted evidence of his many
subterfuges over the past few years almost exclusively, without comment, in
the Usenet newsgroups.
 Burns also claimed that I am an incompetent "conspiracy theorist,"
supposedly not up to his standards of investigative journalism ‹ but then I
discovered that he has not only relied on me for sourcing, but actually
plagiarized my copyright research.
 Why is Burns stealing my work and signing his name to it? He must think
very highly of me after all to "borrow" my writing and claim it as his own.
 Any LEGITIMATE organization would send him packing. Not long ago, the
Boston Globe discovered a columnist on the payroll was a plagiarist and the
guilty pundit was immediately fired. This is grounds for dismissal anywhere,
even in college classrooms ... but Burns continues to churn out his
pretentious, incompetently researched, wrong-headed, plagiaristic tripe
without comment from Disinformation.Com.
  The following letter is his attempt at an apology to me, my publisher
and the world ‹ Alex Constantine
From: "Alex Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 May 2001 23:09:52 -
Subject: Re: Alex Burns Plagiarized Alex Constantine

Dear Dan,

I have apologized to Adam Parfrey and Feral House.
My public apology/explanation re: "Woodpecker Effect"
is here:

Disinformation Corrections

The Woodpecker Effect

There was no "conscious" or "deliberate" campaign here.

Adam Parfrey asked me some time ago to disclose my past TS
membership in the Anton LaVey dossier. I have done this;
the first time in Disinformation's history that any
staffer has had to disclose private organizational affiliations.
I am not being paid by anyone to "smear" you; I have
simply asked you to publicly back up your Presidio campaign,
which has detrimentally affected my life over the past
two years.

I will not enter into any further correspondence with you
about this or any other matter. Any further e-mails from you
will be ignored, but archived. Please forward any future
queries about plagiarism to publisher Gary Baddeley
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I will respond on a case-by-case
basis. I do not want to involve The Disinformation Company
Ltd in any legal dispute you plan to initiate against me.
Please also appreciate that Richard Metzger and Gary
Baddeley are extremely busy people with many time demands.

I have also undertaken legal advice this morning
about your e-mails, and the false allegations you have
made against me. Should you proceed with your threat,
I will take any necessary legal counter-action.


Alex Burns

> There is NO misunderstanding. You did it consciously and deliberately.
>I told you, I can prove it. You lost this round. I'm suing you AND
>disinformation.Com. ‹ Alex Constantine

[CTRL] disinformation | disinformation corrections"

2001-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here:";>
disinformation | disinformation corrections
disinformation corrections
by Alex Burns ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - May 30, 2001

The Disinformation Company Ltd strives to publish accurate information about
our subjects at all times. Grammar, spelling and punctuation errors are
corrected without notice; some material is revised on an ongoing basis. Our
reportage strives for an asperspectival and trans-partisan outlook.
Information on our digital copyright policy will be forthcoming at a later
When our editorial team corrects significant errors of fact, issues and
substance, these changes are noted at the end of the corrected material and
also on this page. If you feel that has published
something in error (or if you have further information), please e-mail us.
All offending writers are fed to:
DJ Cthulhu and the Old Ones
The Bugblatter Beast of Traal
The Thing That Should Not Be
Mixmaster MK-ULTRA and the Mind Control Kollectiv
The dossier The Woodpecker Effect contains research material on "Woodpecker"
referenced from several conspiriology sources, including Alex Constantine's
Psychic Dictatorship in the USA (Los Angeles: Feral House, 1995): 23-24. The
author's 1998 notes on "Woodpecker" failed to attribute this information to
Mr. Constantine and Feral House publishers. The author regrets these errors
and apologizes unreservedly to Mr. Constantine, Mr. Adam Parfrey and Feral
House Publishing.
[Correction made: May 30, 2001]
The author of the Anton LaVey dossier was affiliated with the Temple of Set
(June 1996 – April 1998).
[Disclosure made: May 30, 2001]
The author of the Temple of Set dossier was affiliated with that organization
(June 1996 – April 1998).
[Disclosure made: May 30, 2001]

© 1997-2001 The Disinformation Company Ltd., a member of Razorfish
Subnetwork. All rights reserved.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Barry and the Boys

2001-05-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/31/01 8:37:35 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>The picture - Barry Seal is the only one who tries to hide his face -
>and whoever took this picture?   Well paranoia sets herein for had I
>been Barry Seal I would have hidden my face too...Smile, your on CIA
>Candid Camera - and boy they had some mug shots there.
>What I noted naturally, was all in the picture looked like meeting at
>Last any hit man with a target would love such a apicture
>- but Barry hid his facepresumably that was Barry hiding behind this
>man's shoulder.

 The picture was taken in a Mexico City nightclub in January 1961 by the club
photog. The person hiding his face is Frank Sturgis .  It is a picture of
flyboys and wetboys.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Wiping out" the Palestinian Authority

2001-05-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Lieberman urges 'wiping out' PA in 48-hour blitz

Ha'aretz Service

Cabinet minister Avigdor Lieberman said Thursday that Israel must
"militarily topple" the Palestinian Authority in an intense 48-hour blitz
to "wipe out the entire Palestinian Authority military infrastructure."

"We must militarily topple the governmental bodies of the Palestian
Authority," he told Israel Radio. "Today it is not outlaw bodies that are
conducting the acts of murder and killing against us, but the Palestinian
Authority itself, Force 17, the Tanzim, the police, the governmental
bodies of the Authority are waging war on us."

"I am happy that others are now also adopting the view that what will
bring about peace, a halt in terror, and quiet is not dialog and restraint
but a decisive end (to the Authority)."

"We must enter for 48 hours into all of the territories, all of A Area
(all territory under full PA control), wipe out the entire PA military
infrastructure, wipe out all the arms dumps, all the militia bases -
without this we cannot stop the violence."

Lieberman said a brief but intense operation would cost Israel less in
world criticism than continuing lower-level conflict.

He said his National Union-Yisrael Beiteinu bloc had decided to give the
Sharon government 100 days to take decisive action, and still hoped Sharon
would reverse his restaint policy before the 100 days was up next month,
lest the party bolt the government and work to bring it down.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: BadTrans Worm

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I got the Hampster.Zip and someone used an old letter I had
I have a web tv and have tracked down though from whence this came

The usual suspects.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: BadTrans Worm

2001-05-31 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Pugliese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Adam Richmond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:21 AM
Subject: BadTrans Worm

>Dummy me opened an attachment that was advertised as a MP3, my
> antivirurus program zapped it. I think!
>   Needless to say, don't open any attachments "from me".
> Michael Pugliese
>   Contains signature of  Worm/BadTrans.2
>   File was destroyed by virus!
>   WIN98_24.CAB
>   ArchiveType: CAB (Microsoft)
>   NOTE! The archive is created by multiple volumes
>   WIN98_25.CAB
>   ArchiveType: CAB (Microsoft)
>   NOTE! The archive is created by multiple volumes
> End of scan: 31.05.2001  08:52
> Time taken: 19:54 min
>  946 directories were scanned
> 14016 files were scanned
>2 warning messages were issued
>1 file was deleted
>0 viruses were removed
>1 virus was found
> YW55fiZwX2NhdF9sdmwxPTQmcF9zb3J0X2J5PWRmbHQmcF9wYWdlPTE*&p_li=
> Manually removing an infection from your computer can put your data at
> for damage that may or may not be recoverable. Central Command strongly
> recommends that you backup all of your data prior to attempting to remove
> infection or repair any damage causes by an infection.
> Details:
> --
> Name: I-Worm.Badtrans
> Alias: W32.Badtrans.13312@mm
> Detection added : April 12, 2001
> Spread Method : Via E-Mail (A copy of the worm will be sent as a reply
> message to all unread emails in the users Inbox folder)
> Description:
> Worm part:
> -
> When the attachment is executed the worm drops the trojan "hkk32.exe" into
> the Windows folder and executes itself. A copy of worm is created under
> file name inetd.exe in Windows folder. The following line is added to
> "win.ini" in [windows] section: run=c:\windows\inetd.exe.
> This line actually runs the worm every time windows load. After it
> running its rountine, the worm will display the following error box:
> The worm will arrive with one of the following filenames:
> New_Napster_Site.DOC.scr
> Pics.ZIP.scr
> images.pif
> news_doc.scr
> searchURL.scr
> SETUP.pif
> Card.pif
> hamster.ZIP.scr
> YOU_are_FAT!.TXT.pif
> Me_nude.AVI.pif
> Sorry_about_yesterday.DOC.pif
> s3msong.MP3.pif
> Humor.TXT.pif
> fun.pif
> docs.scr
> It will also add, to the original message, the following line:
> "Take a look to the attachment"
> Trojan part:
> --
> The hkk32.exe is a trojan called: Trojan.PSW.Hooker. This trojan drops a
> file called hksdll.dll used later as hook component to intercept pressed
> keys. A copy of the worm called kern32.exe is created in Windows folder
> the original file hkk32.exe is deleted.
> It also add the following key to registry in order to be executed every
> windows loads:
> HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
> kernel32 = c:\windows\system\kern32.exe
> It sends information from infected computers to the email address:
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FC: Canadian privacy czar shouldn't be so private, by Michael Geist (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 09:54:36 -0400
From: Michael Geist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Canadian Privacy Commish needs a change in policy


I thought your readers may be interested in my cyberlaw column today which
focuses on the Canadian privacy commissioner's decision to keep most of his
decisions interpreting Canada's new  privacy law secret. In doing so,
companies and individuals are missing out on critical information regarding
their privacy rights and obligations.  The column calls on the Privacy
Commissioner to change his policy by at least making all decisions publicly
available on a "no-names" basis.

MG, Thursday, May 31, 2001
Privacy law needs open disclosure


Friends and foes of Canada's new federal privacy legislation tend to agree
on at least one issue -- the law is deceptively complex. Although the basic
principles of privacy protection are relatively straightforward --
organizations must obtain consent for the collection, use, and disclosure
of personal information as well as provide individuals with information
about the data collection practices used and access to their personal
information files -- the implementation of these principles is subject to
different interpretations.

George Radwanski, Canada's privacy commissioner, is the arbiter who
determines how to interpret and implement these privacy obligations. The
law requires the privacy commissioner to investigate each privacy complaint
filed with his office and to issue a report on the complaint within one
year. This places a huge burden on the privacy commissioner's shoulders,
since everyone with an interest in personal privacy -- from organizations
seeking to ensure they comply with the law to individual Canadians
asserting their privacy rights -- turns to Mr. Radwanski for guidance.

In light of the importance of the privacy commissioner's decisions, it
comes as a shock to learn that Mr. Radwanski's current policy is to keep
his decisions and interpretations secret, with the exception of a few
decisions that may be highlighted in his annual report or used to encourage
greater privacy compliance by recalcitrant organizations.

While this approach reflects a longstanding policy at the privacy
commissioner's office, one that may have been appropriate when it dealt
only with privacy complaints involving the federal government, the
expansion of the privacy commissioner's duties to include on-line matters
should also bring with it a change in Canada's disclosure policy.

In contrast to this federal approach, provincial privacy commissioners,
such as Ann Cavoukian in Ontario or David Loukidelis in British Columbia,
regularly publish their decisions on the Internet for everyone to see. This
provincial open approach ensures that organizations can gauge how to comply
with the law and that individuals can better understand their privacy rights.

For example, consider the application of the federal privacy law's consent
requirements. The current law contains a flexible provision that mandates
an explicit consent for the collection, use and disclosure of sensitive
data, but allows for an implied consent for less sensitive information.
Organizations will be looking to the privacy commissioner for what
constitutes sensitive data or what is considered acceptable implied consent.

Under the current non-disclosure policy, there will be precious little
public guidance, leaving organizations vulnerable to expensive
investigations and higher compliance costs. Individual Canadians will also
be hurt by the policy of non-disclosure.

Under the new law, organizations must provide Canadians with access to
their personal information file. Unfortunately, the law is short on
specifics when it comes to implementing this new access right. For example,
how quickly must an organization respond to an access request? What, if
anything, may be excluded from the report? Answers to questions such as
these must come from the privacy commissioner.

The privacy commissioner has publicly defended his position by arguing that
keeping his decisions private provides him with greater leverage over
non-compliant organizations. He notes that adverse publicity is his most
powerful weapon and that a position of non-disclosure enables him to
threaten violators with public disclosure in order to ensure better and
quicker compliance with the legislation.

The privacy commissioner neglects to mention, however, that the costs of
this approach are borne by everyone.

Organizations seeking to comply with the law face the additional costs of
not knowing how the law has been interpreted. Individual Canadians,
meanwhile, are denied the in

Re: [CTRL] Barry and the Boys

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry Magnetic Field - it is under above subjec matter - Barry and the
Boys and you can purchase through Kris' Mad Cow Press (call him) or
through Amazon..

If I have to get another copy would prefer to order through Kris for
after all his material is in this book.These are also first edition

I like the name of the publisher - Mad Cow Publishing -

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> -Original Message-
> From: Samantha L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol
> Dale -
>   I don't recall Democrats starting the "Family Values" moral
> club-on-the
> head game, and I don't recall Chelsea Clinton struggling with
> these issues.
> Samantha
And perhaps the side that claims to be for the "right" moral values should
be held to a higher standard themselves. I don't agree with that but it
might be the consequences of their behavior.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Barry and the Boys

2001-05-31 Thread magnetic_field

-Caveat Lector-

What is the title of the book that you're speaking of?
- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:37 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Barry and the Boys

> -Caveat Lector-
> I got this book but did not have Kris sign, which I regret.
> Everyone interested in assassination, conspiracies, and government
> involvement and connections to illegal activities - need to read this.
> There is a chapter and information on Gordon Novel, whom I knew and
> still know which was of great interest to me - for Gordon escaped
> Garrison's net, and Gordon Novel knew Jim Garrison visited Ferrie and
> later Ferrie was found dead, so Garrison was last to see Ferrie alive -
> unless 
> Barry Seal to die the way he did - an execution - and this stuff has
> been going on for years?
> The picture - Barry Seal is the only one who tries to hide his face -
> and whoever took this picture?   Well paranoia sets herein for had I
> been Barry Seal I would have hidden my face too...Smile, your on CIA
> Candid Camera - and boy they had some mug shots there.
> What I noted naturally, was all in the picture looked like meeting at
> Last any hit man with a target would love such a apicture
> - but Barry hid his facepresumably that was Barry hiding behind this
> man's shoulder.
> So Joshua - my son has my book and will not return as he is fascinated -
> and probably has it memorized hopefully, and I will get it back.
> If you were not such a litle asshole I would lend you my copy;  but you
> would do well to order this book and add it to your bookshelf.for it
> will someday be a true collector's item.
> Saba
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
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> Om
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[CTRL] Barry and the Boys

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I got this book but did not have Kris sign, which I regret.

Everyone interested in assassination, conspiracies, and government
involvement and connections to illegal activities - need to read this.

There is a chapter and information on Gordon Novel, whom I knew and
still know which was of great interest to me - for Gordon escaped
Garrison's net, and Gordon Novel knew Jim Garrison visited Ferrie and
later Ferrie was found dead, so Garrison was last to see Ferrie alive -

Barry Seal to die the way he did - an execution - and this stuff has
been going on for years?

The picture - Barry Seal is the only one who tries to hide his face -
and whoever took this picture?   Well paranoia sets herein for had I
been Barry Seal I would have hidden my face too...Smile, your on CIA
Candid Camera - and boy they had some mug shots there.

What I noted naturally, was all in the picture looked like meeting at
Last any hit man with a target would love such a apicture
- but Barry hid his facepresumably that was Barry hiding behind this
man's shoulder.

So Joshua - my son has my book and will not return as he is fascinated -
and probably has it memorized hopefully, and I will get it back.

If you were not such a litle asshole I would lend you my copy;  but you
would do well to order this book and add it to your bookshelf.for it
will someday be a true collector's item.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Dale -

  It is irrelevant except for how the right-wing so passionately tried to
portray Clinton as anti-family-values.  What kind of family values are
represented by a young adult with a possible drinking problem, raised by a
father with a serious drinking problem?

  I don't recall Democrats starting the "Family Values" moral club-on-the
head game, and I don't recall Chelsea Clinton struggling with these issues.


In a message dated 5/31/01 9:22:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

> They can't get Dubya for anything but his intellect, and the majority of
>  American people seem to like having a president as dumb as they are.
>  Jenna's personal life is as irrelevant as Bill Clinton's. But maybe it's
>  only revenge that is available. Both sides are so obsessed with making the
>  other wrong so they can feel good about being right that they don't see how
>  illogical and hypocritical the whole game is.
>  Perfect humans have every right to expect other humans to be perfect. All
>  perfect humans, would you please stand up?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: CNN - Brazil launches media campaign to fight leprosy - Oct. 21, 1996

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Steve too many people go to these swimming pools today,  adults in
with little kids, and I would not permit my grandson and did not permit
my children to go to these public pools.

Years ago, the first thing my son did when he was 3 years sold was to
walk up to the wading pool as wel all watched and put on a real show,
for he did as you mentioned in front of 20 people who thought it was

I was horrified but the life guard said "Oh they all do that, do not
feel embarrassed".   I was not emarrassed, I was shocked.

So more pool for who wants little kids to swim in urinals?

So maybe we have reason to worry . today my son has his own wonder, he knew what to expect.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: 6 Kids and 27 Dogs in Standoff With Cops in Idaho] (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well at least June, they did not call for the dog catcher.

They called for the kidnapers.

Better to send the dog catcher after the kids, for at least they would
be safe - that is until they got to the pound


There is a lot more going on here if you read between the linesthe
19 year old, is she being held in custody?

If they were sincere they would send in food and send back the 19 year
old to take charge until the mother is released or hospitalized and the
article said the father dead only a week?";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-05-31 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>not enough studies have been done to prove one way or another whether
insects are a possible vector...

It's been twenty years. Where's the data?";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: 6 Kids and 27 Dogs in Standoff With Cops in Idaho] (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 31 May 2001, at 9:38, YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

> Something tells me that there's more to this story than what's being
> reported...
> I suspect someone wants the land on which this family is living...
You might be on to something there.

Best wishes

In any dispute between a citizen and the government, it is my instinct
to side with the citizen.  I am against bureaucrats, policemen, wowsers,
snouters, smellers, uplifters, lawyers, bishops and all other sworn
enemies of the free man.  I am against all efforts to make men virtuous
by law.  I believe that the government, practically considered, is simply
a camorra of incompetent and mainly dishonest men, transiently licensed
to live by the labor of the rest of us.  I am thus in favor of limiting
its powers as much as possible, even at the cost of considerable
inconvenience, and of giving every citizen, wise or foolish, right or
wrong, the right to criticize it freely, and to advocate changes in
its constitution and personnel...the very commonest of common men has
certain inalienable rights.
  -H.L. Mencken, Autopsy, American Mercury, September 1927";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-05-31 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "YnrChyldzWyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 2:21 PM

> -Caveat Lector-
> On Wed, 30 May 2001, MIKE SPITZER wrote:
> >Chlorinated water kills HIV in a minute or two, however, in the splash
> >(wet area immediately adjacent to the edge)of hot tubs and pools, free
> >residual chlorine quick;y complexes with organics, thus NOT available for
> >water disinfection...thus, from what I've been led to believe, this zone
> >can be QUITE ammenable to micro-organisms such as bacteria AND HIV, i.e.,
> >can remain viable INDEFINITELY, as long as it remains hydrated.
> Nope.  Chlorine has nothing to do with it.  Water is made up of 2
> hydrogen molecules and one OXYGEN molecule; HIV can only survive in
> anerobic (no oxygen) conditions...
Chlorine's antiseptic properties rely on the fact that it is an oxidising
it soaks up oxygen - so if it binds with complexes - it is not going to kill
some microbes.
Water May WEllbe made up of H20 ie, has an oxyxen atom - but ALL
microorganisms whether aerobic or anaerobic flourish in water
which is a neutral electrolyte.

I have to agree with mike - and saying that water is only an aerobic medium
not scientific in this case June.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-05-31 Thread Dale Stonehouse

can't get Dubya for anything but his intellect, and the majority of American
people seem to like having a president as dumb as they
Jenna's personal life is as irrelevant as Bill
Clinton's. But maybe it's the only revenge that is available. Both sides are so
obsessed with making the other wrong so they can feel good about being right
that they don't see how illogical and hypocritical the whole game
Perfect humans have every right to expect other humans
to be perfect. All perfect humans, would you please stand

  -Original Message-From: BB
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 7:23
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bush
  daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol
  Chelsea was off limits.  Why not


2001-05-31 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>Could I have misunderstood all that education, and what I learned in my
subsequent career dealing with the world's top basic and applied
scientific researchers?Answer: 

In this case, apparently you have. Proper method, in this case, is to
work from the epidemiology.  Instead, you have extrapolated from an a
priori. At the very least, you should have conducted lab experiments.";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Listbabble

2001-05-31 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> -Original Message-
> From: YnrChyldzWyld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> And you can provide the proof from a respected medical source...?

One of my dictionary definitions of babble is "foolish or meaningless talk."

"Respected medical source?" For some individuals there is no such thing or,
for that matter, "proof." Such manipulative posturing may work with some
people, but for some of us it is truly meaningless.";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-05-31 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>Chlorinated water kills HIV in a minute or two, however, in the splash
zone  (wet area immediately adjacent to the edge)of hot tubs and pools,
free and residual chlorine quick;y complexes with organics, thus NOT
available for  water disinfection...thus, from what I've been led to
believe, this zone can be QUITE ammenable to micro-organisms such as
bacteria AND HIV, i.e.,  can remain viable INDEFINITELY, as long as it
remains hydrated.

Where'd you read that?";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: CNN - Brazil launches media campaign to fight leprosy - Oct. 21, 1996

2001-05-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
>Well June 5 years ago Leprosy was considered contagious

I never said that it wasn't.  What I HAVE said is that it isn't EASILY
contracted, but takes prolonged contact with the pathogen...

Casual contact does NOT spread Hansen's Disease...

>The children of the country are in peril, in particular, in California.

Perhaps, but not from Hansen's Disease...

>And oh yes, June - there is a Leprosy vaccine now - isn't that sweet?

And there are meds which easily cure the disease, especially if treated
early.  Hansen's Disease is a very slowly progressing disease, and takes
YEARS to progress to the state most people are familiar with via the
Bible and Hollywood.

Since you're obsessed with Hansen's Disease, why not do a modicum of
research regarding it's pathology?

>Africa and India - and South America and Mexico source of major growth
>of infectious, contagious diseases, not to mention VD.

Not to mention Texas, Louisiana, and Hawaii, where Hansen's Disease is
also endemic...

To equate Hansen's Disease to something like HIV is highly


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: 6 Kids and 27 Dogs in Standoff With Cops in Idaho] (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

Something tells me that there's more to this story than what's being

>SANDPOINT, Idaho Six children, believed to be hungry and armed, refused to
>leave their rural home

RURAL homekeep that in mind...

>The incident was triggered by the arrest Tuesday of the children's mother,
>Joann McGuckin, on a warrant charging felony injury to a
>child.  Authorities believe McGuckin, 46, is mentally ill.  Her husband
>died more than a week ago, Jarvis said.

I wonder what 'evidence' they have that Mrs. McGuckin is 'mentally

>Further information on the warrant was not immediately available.

Conveniently making it not available for public scrutiny...

>On May 21, the dogs attacked a woman who was walking near the house, Jarvis
>said.  Stephanie Almy suffered bites requiring 17 stitches, and a deputy
>who rescued her was also bitten.

Okay.  The first paragraph of the article tells us that this is a RURAL a woman just happened to be strolling near the house?  Did she
have a cellphone with which she called for help -- why else was a deputy
on hand to 'rescue' her (if the deputy wasn't nearby, one would expect
much greater injury -- perhaps critical injuries -- from someone
attacked by 27 vicious canines in a rural area far from help)?  Who
informed the deputy that this woman was in need of help?

I suspect someone wants the land on which this family is living...


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2001-05-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 May 2001, MIKE SPITZER wrote:
>Chlorinated water kills HIV in a minute or two, however, in the splash zone
>(wet area immediately adjacent to the edge)of hot tubs and pools, free and
>residual chlorine quick;y complexes with organics, thus NOT available for
>water disinfection...thus, from what I've been led to believe, this zone
>can be QUITE ammenable to micro-organisms such as bacteria AND HIV, i.e.,
>can remain viable INDEFINITELY, as long as it remains hydrated.

Nope.  Chlorine has nothing to do with it.  Water is made up of 2
hydrogen molecules and one OXYGEN molecule; HIV can only survive in
anerobic (no oxygen) conditions...


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-05-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>NOT TRUE!!! It can stay alive on an open surface (like the
>in a dentist office) for many hours.

And you can provide the proof from a respected medical source for this


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-05-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Andrew Hennessey wrote:
>> This latter is not true.  HIV is actually pretty fragile, and breaks down
>> rapidly when exposed to air; it only survives under anerobic conditions.
>ok - but we know that HIV can be transmitted by addicts needles
>and that conditions inside bugs are pretty much anaerobic, which
>is even more cosy for the HIV virus than if it had been on a needle.

Agreed.  I do not dispute speculation regarding the possibility that HIV
can be transmitted via certain insects; not enough studies have been done
to prove one way or another whether insects are a possible vector...

>the fact that the reported infection rate from infected aerobic needles is
>so high is even more cause for concern

Infection from needles occurs because the fluid within the needle is
still in an anerobic condition...


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Re: [CTRL] Leprosy Considered Health Hazard In USA Also

2001-05-31 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
>Obviously, June you are as illiterate as your plaguiaized writing -

WHAT have I ever 'plaguiaized'?  I dare you to produce anything I've
written that I've stolen from anyone else...

>Leprosy is on the rise world wide..

Perhaps.  But that is because most of the areas where it is endemic
(there's that word again...did you look up its meaning?) do not have
modern health facilities to treat its victims when they first exhibit

>It is on the rise in California, but then I do not have to live in

Only because immigrants from areas where Hansen's Disease is endemic are
coming into California...Hansen's Disease is not endemic to California.

And it doesn't change the fact that:  1) Hansen's Disease is not easily
caught, and 2) once infected, a victim can be easily treated at the very
onset of infection and not only not manifest any of the 'traditional'
symptoms, but not be infectious, either.

>So June your parents took great delight in their jobs as dog catchers -
>protecting the public were they, and disposiong of dogs who were no
>doubt all mutts, for one does not destroy the pedigrees do they?

There is no way to tell if a stray is 'pedigreed' or not, as most do not
carry their AKC papers on themselves...

But it is easy to determine if a stray is a mixed breed or purebred...and
if a purebred was not adopted in the time alotted by law, the purebred
would be put to sleep.

BTW, neither parent took 'great delight' in their respective jobs, but
they DID take great pride in doing it well and in doing it humanely.

You seem fixated on trying to present my parents as people to be ashamed
of, but you're wasting your energy...


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[CTRL] "Only in a Free Society" (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
(Subscribe/UnSubscribe instructions near the end of the message)

May 30, 2001

ALERT: "Only in a Free Society"

We received these pictures of how JPFO member Ivan Shapiro
celebrated Memorial Day:

To: Aaron Zelman
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 9:30 AM
Subject: Here's my float and what I did on Mem Day...Ivan

Aaron: Here's my float, advertising my business.

The cops watching the parade route and I saluted each other.
Sheriff deputies, too.

And when people made comments about how nice or great etc...I
told them "you can only do this in a free society".

[pictures -- go to to
see the pictures Ivan sent us.]

* * * *

Ivan says: "Only in a free society." But not if the UN has its
way! Go to and read the
additional Alerts about the UN's plans!

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[CTRL] Strom Thurmond Death Watch

2001-05-31 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
May 31, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
Civility in Senate is Nonexistent
by John Nowacki

With Senator Jim Jeffords having more or less handed control of the Senate
to the Democrats -- despite the fact that he's actually an Independent --
the macabre Strom Thurmond death watch has become much less significant.
Still, it's worth noting that some Democrats in the Senate have been willing
to shrug off concerns about the most senior of Senators' health when it
suits their own ends.

Last week, just before Jeffords turned his coat, the Senate was in a
late-night session debating the Bush tax cut.  Every vote was important, and
at 11:30, the 98 year-old Senator was still there to cast his.

Democrat Senator Joseph Biden noticed that Thurmond wasn't holding up too
well.  "He didn't look well, in my view," Biden said later, adding that
Thurmond wasn't asking for help.  Biden told Thurmond to go home, and
offered to pair with him if he did - meaning that while Biden would remain
on the floor, he wouldn't cast a vote.

Biden approached Senators Tom Daschle and Harry Reid, the Minority Leader
and Assistant Majority Leader, for their approval.  He also talked with
Senator Hillary Clinton, who was also on the floor.  According to newspaper
reports, two expressed concern about the effect missing these votes would
have on Biden's re-election campaign next year.  The other supposedly used a
tone one doesn't often hear when junior Senators address senior Senators.

Daschle told Biden to see if Senator Robert Byrd was interested -- he wasn't
-- and Thurmond ended up staying there until the Senate adjourned for the
night a little while later.

The Senate, Senator Rick Santorum said after the incident, "is just like any
other organization.  You have people who have a good heart and look beyond
the political . . . And then you've got some who view it only for power and
for politics."

There has been a lot of talk about restoring civility to Washington,
especially since that's something that President Bush takes so seriously.
But actions still speak louder than words, and it's clear that some of those
who now control the Senate have their own definition of "civility;" one
different from what most people understand it to mean.  If this is how they
mean to run the Senate, just imagine how courteous they will be when the
health of an ailing colleague is not involved.

Civility?  That's just for the soundbites.

John Nowacki is deputy director of the Free Congress Foundation's Center for
Law and Democracy.
For media inquiries, contact Notra Trulock  202.546.3000 /
For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

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We are happy to make available to you the 2001 FCF coffee mug!  The mug is
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This publication is a service of the Free Congress Research and Education
Foundation, Inc. (FCF) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the
Free Congress Foundation nor is it an attempt to aid or hinder the passage
of any bill.
Free Congress Foundation * 717 Second Street, NE * Washington, DC  20002 *
202.546.3000 * Fax: 202.544.2819
Project Manager: Angela Wheeler * Copyright * 2001  Free Congress Foundation
- All Rights Reserved.

[CTRL] Norwegian Law Expert Accuses Israel of State Terrorism (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Norwegian law expert accuses Israel of state terrorism

Source: Jerusalem Post May 30, 2001

Norwegian expert on international law Terje Lund is accusing Israel of
practicing state-sponsored terrorism and claims that Palestinian Authority
Chairman Yasser Arafat holds no responsibility for Palestinian terror

"I regard much of Israel's aggression against Palestinians to be pure
terrorism" Lund told Norway's NTB wire service.

Lund, who has worked in international law for 20 years and has long
experience investigating war crimes for the UN, said, "Israel is guilty of
innumerable war crimes."

Israel is guilty of "crimes [including] abuse of civilians, illegal
reprisals, deportations, and a long list of other war crimes" Lund
explained. Lund added that he was speaking on a judicial, and not a
political basis.

"The Geneva Convention has it's own life and is principally apolitical.
After signing them it is Israel's duty to clean up its act " says Lund.

An international court for Middle East war crimes should be established if
this doesn't happen, he said.

"Another option is to use the existing war-crimes commission based on the
Geneva Convention. This has never been used, but is put together by 15 of
the world's top experts on international law and should have been sent to
the Middle East a long time ago, says Lund.

"Israel is against any international investigation of the situation in the
occupied territories," Lund said, adding that he doesn't see why that
should be a consideration.

"Israel has ratified the protocol regarding the war crimes commission and
has by that accepted its jurisdiction" Lund said in defense of his

He did, however, note that according to international laws, Israel has
some rights to the use of force.

"Israeli forces are allowed to keep order and calm in the occupied
territories", and are therefore allowed to use what Lund termed "necessary

"But this use of force can only be strictly according to the principle of
proportionality," he added.

"One of Israel's methods is to blow up the homes of the stone throwing
youths, and that is state terrorism," Lund says.

"This has nothing to do with the rights of the occupiers," he said,
adding, "Another use of force which is absolutely illegal is Israel's
revenge on civilian targets." Lund also thinks there's a widespread
misunderstanding that international law can regulate what the Palestinians
can do in response.

According to Lund, the Palestinians are not covered by the international
law at all.

"They have therefore also no rights in connection to international law but
are instead protected by the UN's human rights conventions," Lund said.

"If the Palestinians wants to lead an armed fight against the occupation,
they should immediately establish a mini-state and fight based from
there," Lund's advised.

"Then a uniformed Palestinian force will have the right to kill according
to international law, and to be treated as prisoners of war [and] can't
anymore be called criminals by the Israelis," Lund says. Lund is not
denying the fact that extremist groups' actions against civilian Israeli
targets are terrorism. But he says there is one big difference.

"It is totally unacceptable that Israel as a state is guilty of these
actions. The first to react should be the Israelis themselves. By not
doing so, they're not trustworthy."

Lund also thinks Arafat cannot be accused of the acts of terror committed
by extremist organizations such as Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

"It is not easy to place the responsibility for these actions with Arafat.
First, he does not have the power and authority over all the Palestinians
- something Israel and the world around has denied him - and second he
cannot be held responsible as a state leader," Lund says.

"Does that mean Israel and parts of the world can blame Arafat for
everything the Palestinians are doing?" Lund asked rhetorically.

That has nothing to do with law, but with politics and propaganda, Lund
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] American rights body to initiate legal action against Sharon, Israeli war criminals in US courts (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

American rights body to initiate legal action against Sharon, Israeli
war criminals in US courts


By Abdul Wahab Bashir, Arab News Staff

JEDDAH, 23 May  — In a move expected to cast dark shadows on the
relationship between the United States and Israel and infuriate the
Jewish lobby in Washington, an American human rights body has announced
plans to initiate legal action against Israeli war criminals in US

Solidarity International for Human Rights, (SIHR), a non-profit
Washington DC based group active in protecting refugee and minority
rights, said it is taking advantage of US laws which allow for a number
of avenues to pursue legally against criminals of war for the purpose of
serving justice.

SIHR President, Dr. Yasser Boshnaq, said the organization will bring to
court Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, his war generals and other
officers and politicians involved in the massacre and torture of

“It is our objective to utilize the same US laws that were fully
utilized by American Jewish organizations against a number of
individuals of various nationalities especially those associated with
crimes against humanity during Nazi rule. There are also cases where
lawsuits have been initiated in the US against individuals linked to war
crimes in Bosnia Herzegovina,” Dr. Boshnag, an American of Bosnian
origin, told Arab News in an interview.

SIHR was established in 1992 and dedicated to promote the universal
values that enhance and protect fundamental human rights. It seeks to
bring attention to the suffering of groups such as refugees, relief
workers, minorities and unions. It provides support for those seeking to
defend their rights and help end violations that precipitate crisis.

This will be the first time that charges are pressed against Israeli
military and politicians forcing the Jewish lobby in the US to taste the
same medicine from the same cup which it used to administer its
opponents and any one who dares to challenge its supremacy over US

United States laws allow American citizens and organizations to sue
other individuals, governments, organizations and entities. Foreign
nationals are also allowed under American laws to sue American citizens,
the government, officials and institutions. Legal action can be
initiated against any individual, government or entity even if there is
no proper or compelling evidence to convict the sued party.

“We will use these same laws to convict Israeli criminals of war for
what we consider as crimes against humanity by deliberately killing
Palestinian civilians. International law states clearly how an occupied
population must be treated and protected by an occupying state. Israel,
as a colonial force, has failed to comply with the Fourth Geneva
Conviction of 1949 and instead chose to use illegal means against the
population to perpetrate its military occupation.”

The move to bring Sharon and his war generals before American courts was
originally initiated by a number of Palestinian Americans who together
with other family members have been subjected to Israeli brutality. Dr.
Boshnag says such effort also extends to cover active Muslims,
campaigners and civil right activists targeted by Zionist propaganda in
the US.

“The objective is to punish Israeli officials directly or indirectly
responsible for killing Palestinian civilians, especially Palestinian
Americans, warn Israeli military leaders and government officials that
they will be subject to legal action in the United States if they
continue to pursue their “shoot to kill” policy, show American
officials, members of Congress, the media and the public the true brutal
and inhuman reality of the Israeli military occupation, defend the
Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem from Israeli settlers and utilize
American laws against criminals of war and countries that violate human
rights,” said Dr. Boshnag.

Teams of leading lawyers and legal experts from the US and abroad who
specialize in injury and criminal laws and war crime tribunals are
expected to join the campaign. The cost could run into millions of
dollars, but Dr. Boshnag said the project is worth it. The initiative,
he explained, is not just intended to serve Americans of Palestinian,
Arab or Muslim origin. The target is humanity at large because
international justice has to be served. It is time to pursue such

“It is true that legal services and consultations are extremely high in
the United States. But we nevertheless believe that initiating such
cases against Israeli criminals will be worth it for two reasons: First,
the Israelis will be forced to defend themselves and their government
will be put on the defensive for actions of its military leaders. There
is overwhelming evidence that Israel used excessive force against
Palestinian demonstrator. Second, for the first time the American media
will start addressing issues of le

[CTRL] Quotes from Stephen Scneider

2001-05-31 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

Please follow the following hotlink for some interesting quotes from
"Environmental Sceintist" Stephen Schneider.

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] SNET: Lights out for Bush administration? (fwd)

2001-05-31 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

This article looks like an argumnet for my modest proposal, what do you

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 22:05:27 -0700
From: Roger Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Navarrette, Ruben" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: SNET: Lights out for Bush administration?

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

The Culture War goes far beyond mere civil disagreement.

Let's put it this way:

Today there are two Americas.

One group is a minority of leftist/socialist minded liberals spear headed
most visibly by the Democrat Party and their comrades of the liberal biased
media. Their core constituency is the poorly educated and/or mis-educated
-- and during the Clinton era -- rampant immigration thru hasty amnesty and
naturalization programs (low cohesion or no cohesion to the traditional
American heritage and value system being the operative concept underlying
the scheme of unbridled mass immigration). The fundamental hallmark of this
group is that it is secular-humanist based in its so-called philosophical
underpinnings, statist (has totalitarian tendencies), and it is at odds in
nearly all respects to traditional American culture and values. Indeed it
is an alien contagion up on our land in that respect.

The other group is the mainstream group of the Americans that pay the
taxes, make the country work, and serve in its national defense. This group
predominates in the vast land area comprising the counties that voted for
George Bush in the last election. (The former group, in contrast, is holed
up in just a handful of urban areas -- the very areas that usually
precipitate cultural and moral blight within mature civilizations.) This
latter group tends toward highly valuing and revering the traditional
national American cultural heritage and republican form of government. Its
philosophic underpinnings are theocratic in essence -- a common shared
belief in a Creator Being that is the explanation for existence and human

The salient point to make about these two groups is that they have far less
in common with each other than did the two opposing groups of Americans
comprising the Union and the Confederacy of the great American Civil War.
In the longer term it is not conceivable that these two groups will
continue to coexist. One is definitely going to give way to the other in
all respects. It is a culture war after all.

At 05:01 PM 5/30/01 -0500, Navarrette, Ruben wrote:
>Dear Mr. Voss:
>Thanks for the note. Maybe we'll agree next time.
>Ruben Navarrette, Jr.
>-Original Message-
>From: Roger Voss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 12:05 PM
>Subject: RE: Lights out for Bush administration?
>Lights out for Bush administration?
>© 2001 Dallas Morning News
>[My response]
>The Californians elected the idiots running their state that created the
>energy debacle they're now suffering from. They obviously deserve the
>results of their leftist inspired "collectivist" stupidity.
>One thing that is damn sure -- not one dime of tax payer federal money
>should go to subsidize their energy cost.
>On the one hand, logic and rationality dictates that interfering by using
>govt. enforced price controls will result in prolonging shortages and
>causing other problems. Unfettered price information is what will stimulate
>increased production by market participants. Plus, setting prices for
>things like gasoline doesn't protect consumers -- it just wrecks economic
>havoc in a different fashion by creating shortages and long rationing
>lines. (Who can afford the economic consequences of waiting in those
>lines?) High prices curtail consumption too but simultaneously provide
>economic incentive to production to take measures to increase production
>which will then bring prices back down as supplies increase again relative
>to demand. Price controls by govt. do not have these beneficial effects and
>thus prolong misery and even create new forms of misery.
>There perhaps is no unbridled idiocy that is more transparent than the
>notion of government price controls. But it is also the ultimate form of
>political pandering to an ignorant and perhaps poorly (or mis) educated
>constituency. (Govt. run public education in Calif. is notoriously abysmal.)
>That's the rational side of the issue. Then there is the moral side.
>Calif. is run by socialist that have been attempting to creep govt. control
>over private industry that is very similar to the fascist-socialist
>economic model of Mussolini's Italy. Britian's Prime Minister, Tony Blair,
>has dubbed this neo-fascist socialism the "Third Way". The majority voting


2001-05-31 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Nessie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 2:50 PM


> Even if HIV does cause AIDS (which is possible, sort of), if it were
> spread by mosquitoes the epidemiology would be radically different.
> You’re thinking backwards, Andrew. Don’t start with a theory and go
> looking for data to support it.

Say WHAT?!?   Starting with a theory, and THEN surdhing for data that
supports it *IS EXACTLY* the impirical method of ALL good
science/ least that's what I garnered from ELEVEN years and 3
degrees (grad with High Honors from 2 Big Ten scools) in the "hard

Could I have misunderstood all that education, and what I learned in my
subsequent career dealing with the world's top basic and applied scientific
researchers?Answer:  Not a prayer...not this week!

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

> Start with the empirical data. Then
> develop the theory from them.
===CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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