2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This is the time frame where Govenor of Ohio it was reported, when Mayor
of Cleveland, Ohio sold ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil) land worth 3
million dollars for $300,000..for a research center.

>From information I had a generator and transmitter for this program were
placed in Ohio and at the time I thought the one was on the very 90
acres of land, where I then worked.

This was during time frame Kentucky Laser Lights shows were featured in
heart of Columbus, Ohio and the weather was very very wild - lots of
artificial lightning (I found out this was actually the artificial
lighting) and even the time the storms would hit, was the same - and in
February for two years, the ice his - got to be a way of life.

Geese moved into this area - hundreds of geese which I would feed - on
my office windows I would feed many different birds - once my tree was
full of golden thrush which is not common to this area.

So flight of birds affected..ARCO hit it rich and it was then I
realized that when this program was in effect, Govenor's of States
seemed to know it, but a U.S. Senator,  Metzenbaum who had an AIDE who
would have helped suddenly pulled away - and the reason of course -
classified and even John Kascich's Office (US Congressman) sent me old
hate stuff on cloud seeding but at least tried.

So this was in 1986 and 87.shortly after Oklahoma bombing I
discovered Montana Militia was trying to get something done on this (by
J J Johnson of Sierra News wife whom I had been told to call)..and
then JJ and Olson appeared before Thompson's Senate Committtee where he
promised to check out this program as it was doing too much
damage.nothing was done of course.

So now that the net has exposed this and for what it stands, it now
appears the feds are ready to drop little clues and hints as to what we
have - like Snow in July for Saudi Arabia - the Weather Wars however
began in 1969 when they used it to bring on monsoons 4 or so months
early in Viet Nam..

Global warming is a joke - like UFO's the proper name is Weather
Modification and when one changes the weather, the climate will be
affected .

At least the militia got it brought out on TV and Montana Militia for
many years has attempted to get an investigation - their response, more
silence - indicative of course of "Ive got a secret' where questions are
answered by more silence by a bunch of trained monkies.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item with mention of course of J.J Cafaro - this man has
contributed somuch to the Democrat Party but Gore got beat - maybe he
will spend some time in the slammer.

This oh so casual reference to murder but at lest with Traficant - we
know with whom we are dealing and I prefer him to a Condit whom some
thought might be running for higher office in near future - but now he
has no future>

This Cafaro and his link to Klingle Mansion area with the big bucks
involved where they look for Chandra makes me wonder, for evidently this
is a mob burying ground and dumping field - right on their own
turfkeep thinking of Judge Crater and Jimmy Hoffa - for FBI was led
to a farm a short way from my home to look for body of Hoffa - and this
same farm they believed munitions from the Schlumberger robbery were
still where Meyer Lansky spent quite a bit of time as he
was in Ohio and Kentucky looking into oil and gas fields?

So this item while somewhat redundant tells of the type of individuals
we have in the jewish Mafia Hit man who lived on this
farm - got caught murdering black doctor while he wore a Deputy Sheriff
suit assisted by a County Coroner (Asst) who bought the "piece" that
shot same?

US Bureau of Prisons where Chandra worked - it is said she might have
made acquaintance with a former prisoner - well,  look for the killers
within the democrat compound - and then Remember Waco and Ruby Ridge and
the voices of silence when it came to murder by executive order.

Verbal of course.

You wonder why CIA does not want some of this garbage in congress to
know what is going on?

Hoodlums playing "CIA" as if they had the government behind them when
they do not?
After all any unauthorized murders or acts of treason are not to be
dismissed lightly.

by James Ridgway de Szigethy
The story of how the murder of a Mobster is connected by just one degree
of separation from the hallowed halls of Congress begins on October 6,
1977 in the Cleveland suburb of Lyndhurst, when a quiet shopping center
was shattered by an explosion in the parking lot. One hundred feet from
the epi-center authorities found the arm of a man, one finger encircled
by a ring of gold and 5 emeralds. The arm was soon identified as
belonging to Danny Greene, a flamboyant member of the Irish Mob.
This murder was the product of a turf war that began one year earlier
when John Scalish, Godfather of the Cleveland Mob, died after open-heart
surgery. His heir apparent was assumed by most to be "Big Ange" Lonardo,
who assisted Scalish during his remarkable 32 year reign, but Underboss
Milton "Deer Hunter" Rockman astounded everyone with his claim that it
was Scalish' dying wish that "Jack White" Licavoli succeed as Godfather.
The ambitious "Big Ange" coveted the position of Godfather whereas the
elder Licavoli, an unassuming 72-year-old bachelor living a comfortable
old age as head of the Youngstown rackets, did not want the job. No one,
however, wanted to betray the final wish of their respected deceased
leader and "Jack White" reluctantly agreed to assume the position as
head of the Family. The new Godfather named his cousin "Lips" Moceri,
head of the Akron rackets, as Underboss. Some, including Big Ange,
suspected Deer Hunter was lying about the Godfather's "dying wish" and
wanted a head of the family such as the bumbling Jack White whom he
could more easily influence and control. While quietly going along with
this new appointment, many within the Family did not believe that
Licavoli was ruthless enough nor possessing of enough cunning to
effectively perform as Godfather. The job of running a major Mafia
family is an extremely challenging position, requiring a wide range of
inter-personal skills and abilities; among other responsibilities, the
Godfather has the final decision when subordinates request permission to
murder a fellow Mobster. Such life and death decisions can cause anger
and resentment among the family and friends of those selected to be
murdered, sometimes leading to plots to rub out the head and establish a
new Godfather, as would be the fate of Gambino Fam

Re: [CTRL] The Pedophocracy, Part I: From Brussels

2001-07-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find information on this article below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

excerpt from

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

The Pedophocracy, Part I: From Brussels By David McGowan July 2001 - ".
Dutroux - convicted along with his wife in 1989 for the rape and violent
abuse of five young girls, the youngest of whom was just eleven - now stands
accused of being a key player in an international child prostitution and
pornography ring whose practices included kidnapping, rape, sadistic torture,
and murder. Dutroux was sentenced in 1989 to thirteen years for his crimes,
but was freed after having served just three Outrage continued to grow as
more arrests were made and evidence of high-level government and police
complicity continued to emerge...In September, nine police officers and
fourteen others were detained and questioned about their possible complicity
in the crimes and/or their negligence in investigating the case. As the Los
Angeles Times noted in a very brief, two-sentence report, the detainments
"were the latest indication that police in the southern city of Charleroi may
have helped cover up the alleged crimes of Marc Dutroux."";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Amiraults' lead prosecutor Hardoon blames media spin.

2001-07-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find information on this article.

Neil Brick

excerpts from :
Amiraults' lead prosecutor Hardoon blames media spin. Hardoon: "the most
amazing manipulation and media spin." SUNDAY TELEGRAM - Worcester, MA)- 22
July, 2001 page B1 " by Sandy Quadros Bowles

Sexual offenders who prey on children can pose a danger their entire lives,
according to a high-profile prosecutor of several well- known child abuse
cases."Once a predator, always a predator," said Laurence E. Hardoon, who
works for the firm of Brody, Hardoon, Perkins and Kesten in Boston. "Sexual
predators remain threats indefinitely."...

Mr. Hardoon was closely involved in the Fells Acre day care case, one of the
most controversial child sexual abuse cases in state history. In the
mid-1980s, Mr. Hardoon was the lead prosecutor in the case against Gerald
"Tooky" Amirault, his sister Cheryl Amirault LeFave and their mother, Violet
Amirault. The three were accused of sexually abusing children at the Fells
Acre Day School in Malden, which was owned by Ms. Amirault

Mr. Hardoon, who still supports the convictions, described this response  as
"the most amazing manipulation and media spin."  He said this theory presumes
that the social workers were "naive and stupid" and that the "police had
nothing better to do than to fabricate this enormous web" and were "able to
get the kids to tell the same false stories." Those same arguments were
offered by the defense during the original
trials, Mr. Hardoon said, but were rejected by the jury because they didn't
make sense, he said."";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] important information about our august conference

2001-07-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

The conference is coming up soon, so please let us know as soon as possible
if you are interested in attending. This looks like it will be an excellent
conference, with lots of books for sale on mind control and ritual abuse,
literature tables, and two speakers with books out this year on government
ritual abuse and mind control.


Please write me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you are interested.
Please feel free to forward this to your e-mail list or any list you might be

Those that register before 8/6 can save $20 and get two free lunches.

The Fourth Annual Ritual Abuse,
Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference

August 10 - 12, 2001

DoubleTree near
Bradley International Airport
16 Ella Grasso Turnpike
Windsor Locks, CT

Sponsored by:


Financial and Promotional Cosponsors:

A.C.H.E.S. - M.C.
Many Voices

Internet conference and registration information is at:

Conference Goals
- To help stop future occurrences of ritual  abuse
-To help survivors of ritual abuse
-To name the groups that have participated in alleged illegal activities
-To unite those working to stop ritual  abuse

Speakers and Biographies
(This is a partial  listing. Please check our conference home page for our
current speaker list and schedule.)
Please note: Listing of these speakers does not necessarily constitute our
endorsement of them. They are  speaking at our conference for educational
value  only and some may be heavy for survivors.  Listening to the speakers
at the conference may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution
when listening to any speaker or contacting any resource mentioned in this
brochure.  These descriptions may be heavy for survivors to read.  Please use
caution while reading.

Neil Brick  is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is
the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter. He has published
numerous articles on ritual abuse. He will talk about his most recent
memories and his personal growth.

Cheryl Hersha (co-author of  "Secret Weapons: Two Sisters' Terrifying True
Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage,") is a 40 yr. old RN, wife and mother of
three. She has been a part of the survivor community for the past five years,
sharing her story and healing path with others by drawing and writing for
such organizations as ACHES - MC, SMART and Survivorship. Her topic is :
Secret Weapons and Ritual Abuse.
deJoly LaBrier is a survivor of a military sex ring, satanic ritual abuse,
and mind control. She has written two books, "Diary of a Survivor in Art and
Poetry," and "DISCONNECT, Understanding and Living With Multiple Personality
Disorder. deJoly has helped others in their healing process by speaking out
across the country. She can be reached at Her topic is:
"Questions I Have Answered."

Annie McKenna is an alleged survivor of Project Monarch, a government mind
control program involving the military, various intelligence agencies, and
the Nazi's ushered into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip and wrote
"Paperclip Dolls." She has an article in  the 12/00 issue of Media Bypass.
She owes her rapid healing and integration process to a strong cooperative
system and scrapbook therapy. Her topic is  "Shattering the
Myths--Deprogramming with System Communication."

Hal Pepinsky teaches criminal justice at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Last year on leave, he taught sociology classes at Iowa State University.  He
from and brings ra/mc survivors to his classes.  His special "empirical"
interest is in violence against children--how the violence happens, how
victims and adults around them, as in the legal system, respond.  Hal will
talk about "Making Peace in the Face of Fear."

Judith Remet, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. worked for 25 years as a clinical
psychiatrist.  A few years ago, she ended her practice and now focuses on
writing, teaching, and consultation.  She has presented several conferences
and workshops on trauma-related topics Pat Wrightsman, M.S. R.N. has been a
registered nurse for 30 years. She has worked with traumatized children,
families and groups. She is a certified Breathworker and clinician. The title
of their presentation is : A Safe Place for Survivors.

Carol Rutz is a survivor of Mind Control experimentation. She has attempted
to document through research and FOIA's material that validates her personal
experiences as well as other survivors.  She is presenting these facts in a
book aimed at not only survivors, but health professionals and the general
public.  Her topic is: "My story intertwined with documentation."

Mary Jo Schneller, MA. (Ph.D. Candidate) is the Founder and Director of South
County Christian Counseling Center in Fenton, MO. She was the regional
director of the National Information Network, providing training to law
enforcement and public service groups on cult and deviant groups

Re: [CTRL] Global warming?

2001-07-26 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Some of the words below were your own. Get a clue.

At least I have enough brain cells to understand that Global Warming is a


On 26 Jul 01, at 21:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Speaking of nothing to say:
> Read your last 2 emails.
> Broken record. Same words over and over.
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 19:30:50 -0700 Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > On 25 Jul 01, at 20:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Small detail:
> > > You have to have at least one brain cell to understand it.
> >
> > It's glaringly apparent you have nothing substantial to say, as
> > usual.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-26 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

[Selected excerpts from]


Awarded in 1985 to MIT physicist Bernard Eastlund,
HAARP's commercial patent claims that directed energy
beams of more than one-billion watts can be used for
"altering the upper atmosphere wind patterns using
plumes of atmospheric particles as a lens or focusing
device" to disturb weather thousands of miles away.
Physicist Bernard Eastlund, president of Production
Technologies Company AND FORMER 'ARCO' BIGWIG, was
granted three patents over the past seven years for a
system that looks suspiciously like HAARP - though
much larger. His plan, using a transmitter
encompassing 160 square miles and powered by massive
amounts of electricity generated using vast Alaskan
natural gas reserves [to which ARCO has access], was
to shoot down missiles and alter the weather. ARCO
initially owned Eastlund's patents, but was soon paid
a visit by Edward Teller (the "father of the H-Bomb",
Nevada Test Site coordinator for the "Star Wars" or
SDI defense program, and major MJ-12 member. -
Branton.), and development grew secretive. Eastlund
declined further involvement, and the patents were
quietly sold in June 1994 to E-Systems, a high-tech
corporation famous for ultra-secret defense projects
such as the president's customized Boeing 747 doomsday
"HAARP is the perfect first step towards a plan like
mine," Eastlund says. "Advances in phased-array
transmitter technology and power generation can
produce the field strength required. The government
will say it isn't so, but if it quacks like a duck and
it looks like a duck, there's a good chance it is
duck."  (an Air Force official speaking on condition
of anonymity states:)
"The real beauty of HAARP," he then adds cryptically,
"is that nothing you can see on the outside is
sensitive. The secret is the beam steering agility and
pulsing of the transmissions..."

Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles
at an altitude above the earth's surface

Method and apparatus for altering a region in the
earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere

Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma
layer which can be tilted

Defense system for discriminating between objects in

Multistage high voltage accelerator for intense
charged particle beams

Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using
dispersed melanin


Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the


related patents (materials: seeding, etc)

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Global warming?

2001-07-26 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Speaking of nothing to say:
Read your last 2 emails.
Broken record. Same words over and over.

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 19:30:50 -0700 Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -Caveat Lector-
> On 25 Jul 01, at 20:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Small detail:
> > You have to have at least one brain cell to understand it.
> It's glaringly apparent you have nothing substantial to say, as
> usual.
> Steve
> Steve Wingate, Webmaster
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
> mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
> groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
> and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

> Archives Available at:
> of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-26 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

US Patent Number: 4,686,605 Issue Date: 8/11/87
Assignee: APTI, Inc.

Method and Apparatus For Altering a Region in the
Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere
Bernard J. Eastlund
A method and apparatus for altering at least one
selected region which normally exists above the
earth's surface. The region is excited by electron
cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its
charged particle density. In one embodiment,
circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is
transmitted upward in a direction substantially
parallel to and along a field line which extends
through the region of plasma to be altered. The
radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites
electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate
the charged particles. This increase in energy can
cause ionization of neutral particles which are then
absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the
charged particle density of the region.

August 11 1987 Patent Number 4,686,605 issued to Dr.
Bernard J. Eastlund, a physicist whose design promoted
the U.S. government building on a mammoth
electromagnetic weather engineering system. The patent
was assigned to APTI Inc., a subsidiary of Eastlund’s
then employer, the Atlantic Richfield Oil
Company (ARCO).The patent states, “Large regions of
the atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpected high
altitude. Weather modification is possible by for
example altering the upper atmosphere wind patterns
and that the earth’s magnetic field could be decreased
or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or
eliminate the magnetic field.”
March 1988 OMNI Magazine carried an article about Dr.
Eastlund’s invention: “As he did his computations,
Eastlund realized that the amount of energy he was
dealing with was enormous. He calculated that by
lifting parts of the atmosphere the charged particles
could reflect sunlight, heat parts of the Earth and
manipulate local weather patterns. Richard Williams, a
physicist at Princeton, stated that he thinks the
Eastlund HAARP device “might become a serious
threat to the earth’s atmosphere and could cause
irreversible damage.
Effects in the atmosphere cannot be localized. The
language of the patent indicates that it is clearly
intended to provide effects on a global scale.”
January 1990 Because of the publicity about the
weather engineering aspects of the Eastlund Arco
patent, the U.S. Government suppressed all further
news about the invention’s weather engineering
features and the invention has been disguised as a
device for conducting “atmospheric research.
For further education read “ANGELS DON’T PLAY THIS
HAARP, Advances in Tesla Technology” by Jeane
Manning and Dr. Nick Begich, published by Earth Pulse
Press in Anchorage, Alaska.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-26 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

This information is posted for those who wish to
learn about the reality of SCALAR Weather Control
and related subjects.  Wherever possible, sources
and links will be given for further reference.
My first link is to the website of Dr. Nick Begich
who has personally helped me to gain some
of this new technology and it's frightening
capabilities. I highly recommend his book:
"Angel's Don't Play This HAARP".
It is not possible to include full articles,
however I will try to provide sections which are
the most pertinent to this subject.
While this is a very serious, and even alarming
subject, my hope is you will find this to be
educational and helpful in learning to discern the
truth about why the earth is having such strange and
unusual weather.
Regards to All
Excerpts from:
by Michel Chossudovsky
Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, author
of The Globalization of Poverty, second edition,
Common Courage Press, 2000.

"...the World's climate can now be modified as part of
a new generation of sophisticated "non-lethal
weapons." Both the Americans and the Russians have
developed capabilities to manipulate the World's
In the US, the technology is being perfected under the
High-frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP)
as part of the ("Star Wars") Strategic Defence
Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests
that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of
potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes
and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is
a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it
constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of
selectively destabilising agricultural and ecological
systems of entire regions.

World renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirms
that "US military scientists … are working on weather
systems as a potential weapon. The methods include the
enhancing of storms and the diverting of vapor rivers
in the Earth's atmosphere to produce targeted droughts
or floods."
Marc Filterman, a former French military officer,
outlines several types of "unconventional weapons"
using radio frequencies. He refers to "weather war,"
indicating that the U.S. and the Soviet Union had
already "mastered the know-how needed to unleash
sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the
early 1980s."3 These technologies make it "possible to
trigger atmospheric disturbances by using Extremely
Low Frequency (ELF) radar [waves]." 4

HAARP is part of the weapons arsenal of the New World
Order under the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
>From military command points in the US, entire
national economies could potentially be destabilized
through climatic manipulations. More importantly, the
latter can be implemented without the knowledge of the
enemy, at minimal cost and without engaging military
personnel and equipment as in a conventional war.

The use of HAARP -- if it were to be applied-- could
have potentially devastating impacts on the World's
climate. Responding to US economic and strategic
interests, it could be used to selectively modify
climate in different parts of the World resulting in
the destabilization of agricultural and ecological

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[CTRL] Fwd: [news] Breathing Life Into Kyoto

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan -

--- ListBot Sponsor --
Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
items for sale on eBay.

The nations of the world have gotten a taste of what it must have felt
like to be Jim Jeffords when he bolted the Republican Party and tilted the
Senate to the Democrats. In defiance of George W. Bush and his
anti-environmental policies, 178 nations agreed to press ahead with the
Kyoto Protocol on global warming. Like Jeffords, the world's leaders found
Bush to be genial but intransigent, agreeing to let them speak but
ignoring what they say.

For the full story of this international turning point, go to at

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[CTRL] Fwd: Limbaugh- Hobnobbing W/ The Globalists

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan


Re: [CTRL] Weird weather. More Info

2001-07-26 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

 --- Paula Marcott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Scalar technology?  Do you have some more
  information on this, some links, or perhaps some
  evidence to back the suggestion up?  It sounds very
  interesting, and I would love to learn more.
  Thank you.  Paula

 Nakano replies:
Be sure to read William Shannon's post to this List:

 Who Wins the Next War??

Just as a point of interest. I did a check on the
location of Fort Greely, the site of the Bush
administration's proposed Star Wars missile defense
system for building a space port with a bunch of
missiles and a radar facility to track and destroy
incoming missiles...something much larger is afoot.

Fort Greely is now largely abandoned but had been used
by the US Army for its cold-testing of clothing,
tanks, personnel, weapons etc ever since WWII. Most
interesting is its location about 10 miles south of
Delta Junction, Alaska on the Richardson Highway. By
golly, that is almost right next door to the HAARP
facility which is about 11 miles north of Gakona,
Alaska. Considering Delta Junction and Gakona are
about 40 miles apart, you can do the math.

HAARP technology is now not really a "shield" as
originally envisioned by inventor Dr Eastlund, but is
now more of a radiation gun which can be
instantly aimed along various magnetic field lines out
in space at specific missiles by putting up a
temporary vertical curtain which the incoming
missiles must travel through, and thus be destroyed.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Weird weather.

2001-07-26 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

--- Paula Marcott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Scalar technology?  Do you have some more
 information on this, some links, or perhaps some
 evidence to back the suggestion up?  It sounds very
 interesting, and I would love to learn more.
 Thank you.  Paula
Nakano replies:
Hello Paula,
Thankyou for your questions and participation in
this extremely important subject.
I have spent nearly 2 hours reviewing my files
to find some good links for you. Many of the websites
or specific articles are "missing" or not available.
Fortunately much information is fact
so much that one wonders where to start.
First, I want to establish that we are discussing
something very real and not some science fiction
The U.S Patent Office has issued patents on some of
this technology. Some of the patents are classified as
SECRET and thus are not available.  However eight of
the patents are public information.
This alone establishes that we are discussing
that is real. The Patent Office requirements are real.
Also, there are international Treaties which seek to
prevent the use of SCALAR Technology, and specifically
as it relates to weather control/modification.
Here again, that fact treaties exist pertaining to
this technology is a solid indication that our subject
is quite real.
In addition, there have been Congressional hearings,
and Federal appropriations to research and construct
some of this technology.
So I hope we have eliminated any idea that SCALAR
Technology is not real or doesn't exist.
There is so much information, I will post a few
letters to this LIST with links and sources to
research.  Look for the Title: "Weather War"
In the meantime, here are some links to check out
the Patents and Treaties mentioned in this post.
I hope you will continue with this discussion and
perhaps many others will be informed as well.

Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles
at an altitude above the earth's surface

Method and apparatus for altering a region in the
earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere

Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma
layer which can be tilted

Defense system for discriminating between objects in

Multistage high voltage accelerator for intense
charged particle beams

Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using
dispersed melanin


Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the


related patents (materials: seeding, etc)
August 11 1987 Patent Number 4,686,605 issued to Dr.
Bernard J. Eastlund, a physicist whose design promoted
the U.S. government building on a mammoth
electromagnetic weather engineering system. The patent
was assigned to APTI Inc., a subsidiary of Eastlund’s
then employer, the Atlantic Richfield Oil
Company (ARCO).The patent states, “Large regions of
the atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpected high
altitude. Weather modification is possible by for
example altering the upper atmosphere wind patterns
and that the earth’s magnetic field could be decreased
or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or
eliminate the magnetic field.”

October 1977 The United Nations Security Council
investigates the possibilities of Weather modification
and agrees to a ban of utilization. (C.N. 263. 1978
treaties 12)

New Weather Modification Research Papers
by Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund
RADIATION, Published in Proceedings of "Workshop on
Space Exploration and Resources
Exploitation-Explospace," 20-22 October, 1998,
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
Proceedings of "The Second Conference on the
Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS for Disaster
Management," January 19-21, 1999.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: [CTRL] Condit Update Via

2001-07-26 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

>The new Tabloid accounts have been leaked to insiders in the press world
>Mrs. Condit appears to be coming to the forefront. Chandra Levy was so
>distraught over the ending of a "trial marriage" where she was living with
>Gary Condit for one month (backed up by her absence from her health club)
>that she violated one of the Congressman's "rules" and picked up the phone
>when Mrs. Condit's name came on the caller ID. A screaming match ensued and

>Mrs. Condit soon afterwords bought a plane ticket to Washington DC.

Did I call it, or what?   ;-)

I think it will ultimately be a waste of time trying to pin down Gary Condit
s schedule for 4/30 thru 5/2...I think he's savvy enough to cover his tracks

But I think looking into Carolyn Condit's activities for those 3 days would
be very enlightening...

Yes suspects that Mrs. Condit may have found a use for her
husband's S&M paraphenalia...


Check out Alternative Kite Radio --

Alternative Kite Radio (low-bandwidth)
Alternative Kite Radio (high-bandwidth)
Alternative Kite Summer Beachparty Radio (because it's always summer
somewhere on the globe)
Alternative Kite Holiday Radio (because everyday is a holiday somewhere)";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jam Echelon Day" doomed to failure, say experts

2001-07-26 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-


>better still - put out a cypher all aover the internet
>that uses words in everyday conversations to mean
>naughty echelon keywords

I was just thinking about writing a poem and posting it all over the place
as a sig file. Something like: "there once was a killer named Bush, who had
a bomb named Blair," etc. Trouble is, I'm not terribly poetic. :-)

Any takers?

Edward   ><+>

"The desire to rule is the mother of heresies." ~ St. John Chrysostom
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bro Jon- Son Of Star Wars: The Next Generation

2001-07-26 Thread William Shannon

Who Wins the Next War?? 

Just as a point of interest. I did a check on the location of Fort Greely, 
the site of the Bush administration's proposed Star Wars missile defense 
system for building a space port with a bunch of missiles and a radar 
facility to track and destroy incoming missiles. The Russians and Chinese are 
a bit perturbed that Bush is actually going to start pouring concrete for the 
Fort Greely radar facility next month. This is considered an irrevocable step 
yada yada, and an ABM treaty violation etc etc. But be that no never mind 
since something much larger is afoot. 

It is amusing to watch the posturing of Putin and Zamin along with the many 
US senators and congressmen as they make statements for and against the new 
Son of Star Wars project, when none of them have a clue. The ability of the 
US government to be on top of this summer's world situation can best be 
summed up by the code word "Chandra." 

Fort Greely is now largely abandoned but had been used by the US Army for its 
cold-testing of clothing, tanks, personnel, weapons etc ever since WWII. Most 
interesting is its location about 10 miles south of Delta Junction, Alaska on 
the Richardson Highway. By golly, that is almost right next door to the HAARP 
facility which is about 11 miles north of Gakona, Alaska. Considering Delta 
Junction and Gakona are about 40 miles apart, you can do the math. 

I always thought if HAARP actually were to be the central point of a Star 
Wars shield system it sure seemed vulnerable to enemy missile attack just 
sitting out there by itself in the cold of central Alaska. But it seems the 
HAARP technology is now not really a "shield" as originally envisioned by 
inventor Dr Eastlund, but is now more of a radiation gun which can be 
instantly aimed along various magnetic field lines out in space at specific 
missiles by putting up a temporary vertical curtain which the incoming 
missiles must travel through, and thus be destroyed. 

Nonetheless, HAARP still stands defenseless and thus useless as a "shield" if 
it is so easily destroyed. So what would you do to protect it? Simple, take 
an old abandoned nearby army base and install a radar facility and whole lot 
of missile systems like a super-Patriot missile to protect HAARP. The site is 
far enough inland that even missiles from submarines off the coast could be 
destroyed along with any land-based missiles from Russia, China or any rogue 

Thus it would appear that the main purpose of the current Pentagon plan for a 
Star Wars defensive system in Alaska at the Fort Greely facility is not for 
the defense of the U.S., but for the defense of the HAARP facility which is 
the primary U.S. defensive weapon. Of course, the pentagon boys don't want 
anybody to know about that. So they continue to have those "kill missile" 
tests from Vandenberg AFB in California to Kwajalein Atoll in the south 
Pacific Ocean to fool the public and the rest of the world into thinking 
those rockets are the main Star Wars shield. 

For over a year I have assumed that HAARP was actually the primary defensive 
US weapon but it was odd that it was so open to attack. I figured we would 
all know for sure that HAARP was the main facility for warfare in space when 
they start building a whole buncha missile sites around HAARP to protect it. 
Well, they are definitely doing that now, and big time with a big budget. 

This explains all the strange HAARPY conspiracy theories in the last 10 years 
to fool the public about the actual purpose of the HAARP facility. The 
Pentagon tried to stay behind the scenes by allowing the AF and Navy to be 
the operators of the HAARP facilities but no info is given out about any of 
their military projects. Or even what part of the AF and Navy actually 
operate HAARP. 

But you would need to assume the Air Force is doing something with HAARP 
other than study VHF communications with satellites as they claim. Especially 
since it is the AIR FORCE SPACE VEHICLES DIRECTORATE (click for info) whose 
mission is to conduct warfare in space, which actually operates HAARP. Are we 
talking WWIII?? And the Navy is probably doing more with HAARP than just 
communicate with nuclear submarines. I now get frequent visits to my HAARP 
pages from SPAWAR. And who is SPAWAR? They are the Navy's SPACE AND NAVAL 
WARFARE SYSTEMS COMMAND (click for info). And you probably thought the Navy 
only did boats. SPAWAR lists HAARP as one of their major projects. 

Just thought you might wanna know. Have a nice day. 
 -- Marshall Smith 

[CTRL] The "Taos Hum" Is Back In Indiana

2001-07-26 Thread William Shannon

Remember the Taos Hum? It's Indiana

A mysterious humming sound, similar to the one reported in Taos, New Mexico 9 
years ago, has recently turned up in Kokomo, Indiana, where dozens of people 
say it’s making them ill. Like the Taos hum, the Kokomo one has affected a 
group of people who say they are bothered by the unexplained low-frequency 

In June, the Kokomo Tribune ran a five-part series plus an editorial based on 
interviews with about 40 locals who say they began hearing or feeling “a 
low-pitched droning” about two years ago. Steve Kozarovich, a Tribune 
assistant editor whose wife wrote the series, says that since publication, 
others have called to say they too hear a low-pitched sound. “Almost 
immediately after the noise began, nearly every resident reported having 
chronic and severe headaches, were awakened several times at night and were 
fatigued,” wrote Lisa Hurt Kozarovich. “About 30 residents said they were 
also nauseated and had other symptoms - the most common being pressure or 
ringing in their ears, chronic joint pain, dizziness, depression and 

One of those interviewed for the article was Kathie Sickles of Greentown, 
Ind., a city of 45,000 located 10 miles east of Kokomo, who says she began 
feeling a low vibration in late 1999. “When the paperwork [documenting the 
vibration] was first brought to me and I read it, I knew immediately what had 
plagued my house,” she says. “You can feel it here. We have bedrooms that 
vibrate. We have people with patios that vibrate by the back door.” 

Sickles has formed a group called Our Environment to investigate what she 
believes is an environmental condition from heavy industrialization in 
north-central Indiana. “Some people think [we] are crazy,” she says. The 
Kokomo hum, which Sickles says has been measured at 10 to 30 hertz (cycles 
per second), appears to cause worse problems than the sleep deprivation and 
irritability reported in New Mexico almost a decade ago. 

In the summer of 1992, a half dozen residents of Taos said a low-pitched buzz 
was keeping them awake at night. Bob and Catanya Saltzman, who lived south of 
Taos, hired an acoustical engineer who reported a tone of 17 hertz with a 
harmonic rising to 70 hertz near the area. The low range of human hearing is 
20 to 30 hertz. 

Bill Richardson, a Democratic U.S. congressman for Northern New Mexico at the 
time, stirred up speculation in early 1993 when he said the hum could be 
defense related. Two months later, Republican Senator Pete Domenici said the 
Pentagon had assured him there was no defense involvement. 

Scientists and engineers organized by the University of New Mexico set up 
acoustical, seismic and electro-magnetic instruments near the Saltzmans’ home 
in May 1993. But the report issued that August failed to pinpoint any source 
or isolate the exact vibration, which was said to be between 30 and 80 hertz. 
The study estimated that two percent of Taos County’s population heard the 

The Taos hum became an major news story, and was reported on in the Wall 
Street Journal and on the cable TV show Sightings. A California rock band 
called itself The Taos Hum and the Range Cafe in Bernalillo named a dessert 
after the sound. 

Taos residents who first complained of a hum have left the area or simply 
stopped trying to solve the mystery. Bob Saltzman and his wife moved the next 
year to Baja California where, they say, they do not hear a hum. Another 
couple, Paul Loumena and Alexandra Lorraine, sold their Laughing Horse Inn in 
Taos and also moved away. 

Hum hearer Sara Allen, an engineer with KTAO radio in Taos, says she 
continues to hear it but suffers no severe symptoms and no longer tries to do 
anything about it. “We didn’t get any real satisfaction or any real 
interest,” she says. “I have my own theories about it that I’ve expounded on 
many times, and I still believe them. I think it affects people who don’t 
sense it, too. They’re just lucky.” She believes the hum is from 
military-communication signals. 

Shatzie Hubbell, who lived on Canyon Road in Santa Fe, where she was bothered 
by the vibration, moved to a ranch near Fort Worth, Texas, where she no 
longer senses the noise. Hubbell has posted a map on a Seattle-based Web site 
( showing the locations of 368 hum hearers, grouped generally on 
the East and West Coasts, the Rocky Mountains and upper Midwest. 

Low-frequency sounds also have been reported in other parts of the world, 
including one case in the early 1960s and again in the late 1980s in southern 
England, as well as in Sweden, South Africa and Australia. 

“Yesterday, it had me completely knocked out,” says Winona Whitted of Santa 
Fe. “All I could do is just [lie] there in a microwave coma.” Like many 
other hum hearers, Whitted participates in Internet discussions where 
theories about the source of such hums range 

[CTRL] Western Envoys Say Israeli Troops Fire On Children

2001-07-26 Thread William Shannon

Envoys say they saw IDF fire at children

By Amira Hass

A group of Western diplomats traveling from Jerusalem to Ramallah claim they
saw Israeli troops near Jerusalem firing live ammunition at a group of
children throwing stones, even though the children were too far to pose a
risk to the soldiers.

The diplomats say that shots were fired even though a long line of civilian
cars were traveling past the children at the time. They also think that one
of the children was injured, because shortly after the shooting, the group of
children gathered around one youngster. Sources in Qalandia, however, say
that they have no reports of anyone being injured that day.

The diplomatic convoy was slowed near Qalandia refugee camp by an IDF
roadblock set up a couple of hundred meters from the entrance to the camp.
One of the diplomats told Ha'aretz that the children hid behind garbage
containers and threw stones at an IDF lookout, at the edge of the nearby
Atarot airfield. He says the soldiers were well protected in their high post,
but in any case one of the soldiers shot at the children. The diplomats
believe that live fire was used.

The diplomat, says that he saw a second soldier in the observation tower
clapping and raising his hands as if in victory after his colleague fired at
the children.


Re: [CTRL] Jam Echelon Day" doomed to failure, say experts

2001-07-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

better still - put out a cypher all aover the internet
that uses words in everyday conversations to mean
naughty echelon keywords

granny = arafat
can of beans = bush
holiday = blair
network = some country at war etc etc

actively publicise this cypher and someone will have to
programme the equivalent permutations into echelon -
then - the shit will hit the fan - because evry girl talking
about her boyfriend on the net is suddenly going to show
up as an alien invader :)


- Original Message -
From: "radtimes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 11:31 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Jam Echelon Day" doomed to failure, say experts

> -Caveat Lector-
> Jam Echelon Day" doomed to failure, say experts
> 16:21 Thursday 26th July 2001
> Wendy McAuliffe
> Activists are planning an international day of protest. Their aim? To jam
> Echelon. But privacy experts warn that "trigger words" will not outsmart
> global surveillance system
> A group of Internet activists are hoping to bring attention to the US-led
> communications spy network, on 21 October, with a "Jam Echelon Day", but
> privacy experts are certain that the protests will have a minimal effect
> the sophisticated surveillance system.
> Organisers of the cyber-event are encouraging the Internet community to
> out as many email messages as possible, containing certain "trigger
> which the Echelon system is believed to pick up on. If the bulk of
> emails becomes too great, the theory is that the Echelon intelligence
> will be overworked with intercepting spurious input, and so its
> effectiveness will drop.
> But even though the organisers themselves concede that they are unlikely
> be able to jam the whole Echelon system, they believe it is still worth
> pressing ahead. "While the goal of jamming Echelon is a lofty, and likely,
> unattainable one, is it not better to signal displeasure at being
> than passively allow it to happen," said the coordinator at,
> who prefers to be known by his nick-name, 'Scully'.
> A list of 1,700 suspicious words have been listed on the Ciperwar Web
> to be included in email, telephone or fax communications on the "Jam
> Day". The trigger words include "hackers", "encryption", "espionage",
> "secret service", and "Bletchley Park". But Simon Davies, director of
> Privacy International, believes that sprinkling keywords within
> communications will not have an impact on the high-tech spy network.
> "The Echelon system works on a very sophisticated system of word
> relationships, rather than strictly on keywords," said Davies. "Powerful
> artificial intelligence software is used to judge the relationship between
> words, and analyse strings of words."
> Davies advises protestors to send a whole series of original keyword
> transmissions through email, rather than relying on someone else's
> "They will need to be imaginative and committed to take the original
> approach that could feasibly slow the system down, but the most important
> thing is to raise awareness about Echelon and the work of national
> agencies."
> The existence of Echelon was confirmed by the European Parliament in May.
> lengthy investigation found sufficient evidence to suggest that the spy
> system -- a US-led venture that has support from the UK, Canada, Australia
> and New Zealand -- is used for global industrial espionage, amongst other
> purposes. According to the report, Echelon has been capable of
> telecommunications messages to and from a particular person, via
> since 1978.
> They can see you... Find out how and why in ZDNet UK's Surveillance News
> Section.,,t295,00.html
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
>";>Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy T

[CTRL] Condit Update Via

2001-07-26 Thread William Shannon

7.26.01 UPDATE:
The new Tabloid accounts have been leaked to insiders in the press world and
Mrs. Condit appears to be coming to the forefront. Chandra Levy was so
distraught over the ending of a "trial marriage" where she was living with
Gary Condit for one month (backed up by her absence from her health club)
that she violated one of the Congressman's "rules" and picked up the phone
when Mrs. Condit's name came on the caller ID. A screaming match ensued and
Mrs. Condit soon afterwords bought a plane ticket to Washington DC. This is
even made more interesting by a FOX News report of a 10 minute record phone
call when Rep. Condit could be verified not at his place. The same reports
also have Condit bragging at Washington bars that Chandra Levy was into
"dangerous sex" and that is how she met her demise. No wonder the FBI is so

7.26.01 UPDATE:
It appears that in a political sense Gary Condit has now become radioactive.
The New York tabloids are all agog over the fact that at his FBI profiling
session the feds are pulling out all the stops and will have Special Agent
Melissa Thomas, the 38 year-old real life Clarice Starling, doing the
questioning of the Congressman. Ms. Thomas recently worked with legendary
director Ridley Scott and actress Julianne Moore in advising on the technical
aspects of filming the smash hit movie "Hannibal," the sequel to the 1991
Academy Award winning film "The Silence of the Lambs." Congressional
Democrats are now organizing a move within their own ranks by the "elder
statesmen" for members to talk to Gary Condit and ask him to resign after
this incredible development. Surprisingly, the members leading the movement
are the Conservative Democrats of which Rep. Condit was a founding member.
Expect the media to eat all of these developments up and keep the story
humming through the Congressional recess.

7.26.01 UPDATE:
The wags in the primo gossip columns in Manhattan are forecasting a bombshell
development in the National Enquirer on Carolyn Condit breaking late in the
week. Speculation now is that the report centers on an
exclusive story that Mrs. Condit was forced to go to a San Jose hospital in
1998 with a dozen half-foot long scars on her backside which may be permanent
according to the tabloids. It was reported earlier on AheadNews that the FBI
has in its possession a tape of Chandra Levy and another woman involved in S&
M bedroom activity that might be relevant to these new stories. How these
developments relate to breaking the case open is not known, but stay close to as the tabloid reports start to trickle out through the

[CTRL] dead indian bandit queen

2001-07-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

indian bandit queen turned politician is
gunned down. [Indian version of robin hood]

does anyone have the story ??

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Martin On Missile Defense Fraud

2001-07-26 Thread William Shannon

Missile Defense Fraud Double-Take.
by Al Martin
The most recent Department of Defense fraud was a missile defense test in 
which a missile was allegedly destroyed by another missile over the Pacific.

A July 13 release by the Department of Defense claimed that this so-called 
ABM test has been declared a success.

The videotape, released to the media and shown on CNN and other networks, 
looks suspiciously similar to the admittedly dummied-up September 1985 
Department of Defense videotape showing another supposedly successful 
interception of a ballistic missile under the former ASAT Program, the 
Anti-Satellite Ballistic Missile Program.

As a matter of fact, the videotapes are exactly the same.

How do I know? Not only do I remember it, but I have a hard copy printout. 
Having just compared it to the tape seen on CNN, it looks exactly the same. 
The only thing that's changed is the video-date readout at the bottom.

This latest "successful test" is another low-cost deception from the US 
Department of Defense.

I really don't blame them, though. They spend a lot of money dummying up the 
first test. It was later estimated by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) 
that the Department of Defense spent $43 million to dummy up this test. It 
actually cost a lot of money to do it the right way.

This latest fraud, however, is a very cost-effective deception.

You could call it Star War Fraud Redux. Now it's packaged up under the new 
ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) expenditures. But it was exactly the same tape 
they had shown before in 1985 -- a test which the Department of Defense later 
admitted was dummied up in an effort to continue congressional appropriations 
for Star Wars expenditures.

In that time frame (at the end of 1985), the Democrats in Congress were 
starting to get suspicious of the enormous Star Wars spending. This Star Wars 
spending peaked in 1986, and then it was sharply ratcheted down.

To put it in historical context, the GAO Report of 1988 stated that of the 
$531 billion spent by the Department of Defense from 1982 to 1988 under the 
guise of developing Star Wars projects, over 50 % of the money could not be 
accounted for.

In 1989, FARCO (Foreign Asset Recovery Control Office) revealed that during 
the peak years of expenditures on Star Wars programs (1985-1986), there was 
an enormous increase in the opening of offshore accounts by senior 
Reagan-Bush officials, including senior military officers and others closely 
connected to the Reagan Bush Regime, particularly in the defense industry.

That's one of the mandates of FARCO - to maintain an account of the flow of 
US monies as to foreign deposits.

According to a syndicated Newhouse report, current Department of Defense 
fraud is even worse than anyone can imagine. "For fiscal year 1999, the 
Pentagon Inspector General reported $2.3 trillion worth of untraceable 
accounting entries…"

"For fiscal year 2000, auditors or the Pentagon's inspector General's Office 
found $1.1 trillion in bookkeeping entries that could not be tracked or 
justified," (Story)

This was barely a minor blip in the news.

Originally, in the 1980s, it was the late Senator John Tower who was going to 
blow the whistle on the Star Wars Defense Fraud. He had planned to do so, and 
in fact he had documents regarding massive Department of Defense fraud 
involving the Star Wars program. He was carrying it in his high-security 
metal briefcase -- when his plane crashed.

The FAA still lists this as a "suspicious plane crash." It happened outside 
of Brunswick, Georgia. It should also be noted that the briefcase was never 
recovered after the crash The NTSB stated that they could not find the 

This is the Famous Briefcase Incident [See Chapter 9 of "The Conspirators: 
Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider" by Al Martin]

Peggy Tower, his daughter, complained and asked about the briefcase's 
whereabouts, after she was informed by famed congressional investigator Tom 

Then an investigator for Charlie Rose, Chairman of the House Government 
Oversight Committee, Strzemienski was collaterally investigating the incident 
of the so-called "C130 Aircraft Diversion" from the US Forestry Service. He 
was trying to solve the problem -- why were all these C130s from the forestry 
department suddenly winding up in Libya?

He mentioned the type of documents her father was carrying to Peggy.

Subsequent to this event, in 1989, the Department of Defense did in fact 
return Senator Tower's battered briefcase to Peggy. It was still locked, by 
the way. When she had it opened, there were no documents inside.

This was the incident when the FAA inspectors showed up at the airport in 
Brunswick, Georgia. Later it was revealed that the men were not from th

Re: [CTRL] No Place for Non-Jews in Israel

2001-07-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/26/2001 1:36:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Jewish racism has been on the rise in the last few years, partially due to
 growing religious and right-wing trends in the Zionist state. >>

Yes, Nazism is alive and well and living in Israel.  Prudy";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Chandra Levy Found In Israel : May Have Been Working In US As Spy For Mo...

2001-07-26 Thread William Shannon

Chandra Levy Found In Israel
May Have Been Working In US As Spy For Mossad

7/26/01 10:42:22 AM
La Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, California -- La Voz de Aztlan has just received a report
that missing Washington D.C. intern
Chandra Levy was seen yesterday afternoon entering an Israeli government
building in Tel Aviv which reliable sources believe houses the
"Institution for
Intelligence and Special Assignments". The "Institution" is the official
agency for the Israeli government and is more commonly known as the

The as of yet unconfirmed report by independent journalist Uzi Cohen is
presently being distributed to independent news sources because, as Mr.
says, his report has been heavily suppressed in his home country. La Voz
Aztlan can not as of yet confirm whether the report is true or false.
are, however, many tantalizing elements to this and other cases involving
Washington D.C. interns to lead us to speculate about what may be

Most American citizens are not aware of the extensive intelligence
by the Israeli Mossad in high level U.S. government activities. In
November of
1985, the FBI arrested Jonathan Pollard, a U.S. Navy intelligence analyst,
charges of being a Mossad spy for Israel. Pollard was subsequently
sentenced to
life imprisonment and his wife received five years in jail for being an
accomplice. The information they provided Israel led to the country
nuclear weapons. Both Pollard and his wife are American Jews. Recently,
Zionists in Israel as well as in the United States have been trying very
to have U.S. Presidents issue a pardon for Pollard. Bill Clinton was ready
do so but was stopped at the last minute by very heavy handed activities
present and ex-government officials.

The Israeli Mossad's primary "modus operandi" is to work through high
appointed and elected American Jews in the U.S. government. They also work
through the "U.S.A. Government Internship Program" to place personnel in
positions. Young bright and well educated American Jews are first
indoctrinated, trained and then placed in key U.S. government agencies in
order to carry out specific intelligence operations.

 Many Americans do not know that U.S. government intern Monica
Lewinsky ended up working at the Pentagon after Bill Clinton was
Ms. Lewinsky was given the "highest" security clearance any person can
It is called a "Top Secret Clearance" with a "Compartmentalized
The U.S. Defense establishment rarely gives a "Compartmentalized
to anyone. There are six levels of clearance: unclassified, sensitive,
confidential, secret, top secret, and and then the one provided to Ms.
Lewinsky. She was behind a computer connected to all the military secrets
the United States!

La Voz de Aztlan is working diligently at this time to obtain additional
information on the sighting of U.S. intern Chandra Levy. We have no doubt
the possibility that Mr. Uzi Cohen's sighting is in fact true. With the
Palestinian/Israeli situation approaching crisis proportions, who knows
political "machinations" are behind the Levy/Condit situation.

Stay tuned!

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908
(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)


[CTRL] Video surveillance, digital style

2001-07-26 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Video surveillance, digital style

By John Jerney

In George Orwell's "1984," Big Brother maintained video and sound surveillance
of practically all citizens within Oceania. Oceania, as you will
recall, was one of the three large powers within Orwell's imagined
world of the future.

Video surveillance in 2001 is hardly a new idea. In fact, we've been living
with some form of video surveillance for over 20 years, with cameras becoming
familiar fixtures in banks, stores, office buildings, and more.

So it was hardly a big deal earlier this year when the city of Tampa, Fla.,
used a sophisticated form of digital video surveillance for Super Bowl XXXV.
Following this, who could object to the police installing 36 new cameras in
Ybor City, Tampa's nightlife district, on a permanent basis? I mean, who is
against the idea of police catching more bad guys?

It turns out that the video system used by the Tampa Police, developed by
Visionics Corp., uses sophisticated software to match the face of every
person walking down the street against a database of known criminals.

The system, known as Smart CCTV, forwards any potential matches to a police
officer who then performs a conventional match between the "suspect" and the
photo in the database.

Of course, Tampa isn't the first city to do this. A similar system has been
operating in England for years. But it is the first time that it has been
publicly deployed in a permanent fashion in a U.S. city, raising serious
concerns about potential abuse and privacy infringements.

Some have argued that this system is not unlike placing a policeman on the
corner and having him or her watch out for known troublemakers. Others have
added that computer software is perhaps even less likely to discriminate,
offering a dispassionate evaluation of the potential criminality of passersby.

So, is there anything wrong with digital video surveillance?

Most everyone wants to live in a world with less crime, especially violent
offenses. But the trade-off almost always means a more pervasive state and,
in the digital world of the Internet, a potentially much more intrusive

The most obvious problem with a system such as the one in Tampa and else
where is the question of where does this stop? For example, the current
system in Tampa focuses on catching individual outlaws.

But what if the system was "upgraded" to monitor people walking or otherwise
communicating with suspects? In other words, what if you could become a
suspect just by accidentally being associated with one?

More directly, would you want all your associations, even casual ones, to be
viewed and recorded? In the United States there is a right to free
Part of the implied nature of this right is a certain degree of
privacy. What would the value of this right be in a society where all public
associations are digitally recorded?

Furthermore, we hope that the surveillance system does not discriminate in
selecting individuals to check against the database. But how can we know
that this particular system, or any other system, is programmed in such a
fashion? For example, what if the system was programmed to more closely
examine individuals with a certain racial profile, or from a certain region
of the world?

As we have seen with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Carnivore system,
which checks e-mail passing through Internet service providers, law
agencies are not exactly thrilled about having their systems examined
through external, independent audit. In other words, there is no telling
whether digital video surveillance is just the high-tech version of
racial profiling.

There is yet another concern with the notion of widespread digital video
surveillance. The Tampa system is currently concentrated around a single
entertainment district. However, what happens when the system is spread
throughout a community? Would anyone reasonably want the state to have a
digital record of their travels throughout an entire day?

Think of it this way. What if you had to be fingerprinted every time you
walked down a street, entered a shop, or got on a train? Would this be
reasonable in a free society? Digital video surveillance is however, in
a form of virtual fingerprinting.

I fear that these first seemingly natural steps in digital video surveillance
may be the precursor to the acceptance of a more broadly based system
of automated surveillance, and not all organized by the state. Web cams and
home-based video security systems are likely to continue to increase in

Likewise, I recently met with a company that is working on sending compressed
video signals over wireless communication links. One of the potential
markets they are targeting is the rental car business, as these companies
have expressed interest in placing small video cameras in the cars they rent
to enable them to monitor how their cars are being d

[CTRL] Jam Echelon Day" doomed to failure, say experts

2001-07-26 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Jam Echelon Day" doomed to failure, say experts,,t269-s2092039,00.html

16:21 Thursday 26th July 2001
Wendy McAuliffe

Activists are planning an international day of protest. Their aim? To jam
Echelon. But privacy experts warn that "trigger words" will not outsmart the
global surveillance system
A group of Internet activists are hoping to bring attention to the US-led
communications spy network, on 21 October, with a "Jam Echelon Day", but
privacy experts are certain that the protests will have a minimal effect on
the sophisticated surveillance system.

Organisers of the cyber-event are encouraging the Internet community to send
out as many email messages as possible, containing certain "trigger words",
which the Echelon system is believed to pick up on. If the bulk of monitored
emails becomes too great, the theory is that the Echelon intelligence system
will be overworked with intercepting spurious input, and so its
effectiveness will drop.

But even though the organisers themselves concede that they are unlikely to
be able to jam the whole Echelon system, they believe it is still worth
pressing ahead. "While the goal of jamming Echelon is a lofty, and likely,
unattainable one, is it not better to signal displeasure at being monitored,
than passively allow it to happen," said the coordinator at,
who prefers to be known by his nick-name, 'Scully'.

A list of 1,700 suspicious words have been listed on the Ciperwar Web site,
to be included in email, telephone or fax communications on the "Jam Echelon
Day". The trigger words include "hackers", "encryption", "espionage",
"secret service", and "Bletchley Park". But Simon Davies, director of
Privacy International, believes that sprinkling keywords within
communications will not have an impact on the high-tech spy network.

"The Echelon system works on a very sophisticated system of word
relationships, rather than strictly on keywords," said Davies. "Powerful
artificial intelligence software is used to judge the relationship between
words, and analyse strings of words."

Davies advises protestors to send a whole series of original keyword
transmissions through email, rather than relying on someone else's template.
"They will need to be imaginative and committed to take the original
approach that could feasibly slow the system down, but the most important
thing is to raise awareness about Echelon and the work of national security

The existence of Echelon was confirmed by the European Parliament in May. A
lengthy investigation found sufficient evidence to suggest that the spy
system -- a US-led venture that has support from the UK, Canada, Australia
and New Zealand -- is used for global industrial espionage, amongst other
purposes. According to the report, Echelon has been capable of intercepting
telecommunications messages to and from a particular person, via satellite,
since 1978.

They can see you... Find out how and why in ZDNet UK's Surveillance News
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Activists target U.S. surveillance system

2001-07-26 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Activists target U.S. surveillance system

By CNET Staff
July 26, 2001

A group of Internet activists hopes to bring attention to the controversial
U.S.-led communications spy network Echelon with a "Jam Echelon Day." But
privacy experts say the protest as planned will have a minimal effect on the
sophisticated surveillance system.

Organizers of the cyberevent, set for Oct. 21, are encouraging the Internet
community to send out as many e-mail messages as possible containing certain
"trigger words" they believe the Echelon system is programmed to watch for.
The theory is that if the bulk of monitored e-mails becomes too great,
Echelon will be overworked with intercepting spurious input, and so its
effectiveness will drop.

Though, the organizers concede, they are unlikely to jam the whole system,
they believe it's still worth pressing ahead.

"While the goal of jamming Echelon is a lofty, and likely unattainable, one,
is it not better to signal displeasure at being monitored than passively
allow it to happen?" asked the coordinator of activist group Cipherwar's Web
site, who prefers to be known by his nickname, Scully.

A list of 1,700 suspicious words have been listed on the Cipherwar site, for
inclusion in e-mail, telephone or fax communications on Jam Echelon Day. The
trigger words include hackers, encryption, espionage, secret service and
Bletchley Park.

But Simon Davies, director of Privacy International, believes that
sprinkling keywords within communications will not have an impact on the
high-tech spy network.

"The Echelon system works on a very sophisticated system of word
relationships, rather than strictly on keywords," said Davies. "Powerful
artificial-intelligence software is used to judge the relationship between
words, and analyze strings of words."

Davies advises protestors to send a whole series of original keyword
transmissions through e-mail, rather than relying on someone else's
template. "They will need to be imaginative and committed to take the
original approach that could feasibly slow the system down, but the most
important thing is to raise awareness about Echelon and the work of national
security agencies."

The existence of Echelon was confirmed by the European Parliament in May. A
lengthy investigation found sufficient evidence to suggest that the spy
system--a U.S.-led venture that has support from the U.K., Canada, Australia
and New Zealand--is used for global industrial espionage, among other
things. According to the report, Echelon has been capable of intercepting
telecommunications messages to and from a particular person, via satellite,
since 1978.

Staff writer Wendy McAuliffe reported from London.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Konformist: Stossel Tampers with the Facts

2001-07-26 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 24 Jul 2001 19:54:36 +
From:   Robert Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Konformist: Stossel Tampers with the Facts
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

FAIR  Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
130 W. 25th Street
New York, NY 10001


Stossel Tampers with the Facts
July 17, 2001

John Stossel plays by a different set of rules than other
journalists, as demonstrated most recently by "Tampering with
Nature," a one-hour special that aired on ABC on June 29.

Taking advantage of the unusual leeway the network gives him, ABC's
favorite free-market zealot used the special to attack
environmentalists, who are caricatured as "preachers of doom and
gloom" whose extreme anti-technology views would have us all "running
around naked, hungry for food, maybe killing a rabbit with a rock,
then dying young, probably before age 40." As is often the case,
Stossel's reporting relied on biased sources, twisted facts and the
exclusion of information that might conflict with his thesis.

Central to Stossel's argument is that schools are overrun with green
propaganda, leaving him to wonder: "Is this education or
environmental boot camp?" To hear Stossel and his carefully chosen
guests tell it, kids are being brainwashed when in fact there's
little reason to worry about the environment.

Deforestation, for example, is a non-issue, according to one of
Stossel's main sources, Patrick Moore, a former director of
Greenpeace who now works for the timber industry. Moore explains
that "the forest cover in the United States today is about the same
as it was in 1920." Stossel chimes in, "I don't read that in the
Greenpeace fundraiser," suggesting that groups like Greenpeace are
part of a "huge industry" that profits by manufacturing a crisis.

It's true that total U.S. forest cover has been roughly stable over
the last century. But taking total acreage as the sole indicator of
environmental well-being is a simplistic approach. It discounts, for
example, that the U.S. has logged most of its old-growth forests,
which are crucial to biodiversity. Deforestation is a global crisis
with global impact-- most of the forestry work done by Greenpeace,
for instance, focuses not on the relatively well-protected U.S., but
on Brazil, Canada and other areas where forest loss threatens the
climate, endangered species and indigenous peoples. The United
Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization finds that deforestation
is running about 22 million acres per year, an estimate many
environmental groups say is too low, since it counts new tree
plantations the same way as older forests (Environmental News
Service, 3/12/01).

And are you worried about pollution? Then you're no better than those
brainwashed schoolchildren: "Why don't they know the facts? The EPA
says over the past 30 years, the air has been getting cleaner
Every major pollutant the government measures is decreasing."

Stossel's implication that EPA data shows environmental improvement
across the board is clearly incorrect. In fact, the EPA's website
states that "total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions"-- which include
carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, hydrofluorocarbons,
perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride-- have risen significantly
over the last several years, to 11.2 percent above 1990 baseline (as
of 1998), and that emissions per person in the U.S. "have increased
about 3.4 percent between 1990 and 1997." These emissions certainly
qualify as "major pollutants" in terms of their environmental impact.

Stossel's discussion of global warming was highly selective in the
information it presented. Instead of reporting the increasingly
strong scientific consensus on global warming, Stossel chose to
highlight the views of so-called "skeptics," giving center stage to
three dissenters from among the 2,000 scientists of the UN's
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which recently released a
report stating that global temperatures are rising almost twice as
fast as previously thought.

To back up the skeptics' claims, Stossel presents some deceptive
evidence: "You may have heard that 1,600 scientists signed a letter
warning of 'devastating consequences.' But I bet you hadn't heard
that 17,000 scientists signed a petition saying there's 'no
convincing evidence' that greenhouse gases will disrupt the Earth's

The implication is that 10 times as many scientists question global
warming. What Stossel doesn't note is that while the first petition
was circulated by a group well-respected in the scientific community,
the second petition has been famously discredited.

The first, smaller petition came from the Union of Concerned
Scientists and its signatories included 110 Nobel laureate


2001-07-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Tobin Taxes are excise taxes on cross-border currency transactions. They
can be enacted by national legislatures, followed by multilateral
cooperation for effective enforcement. The revenue should go to global
priorities: basic environmental and human needs. Such taxes will help tame
currency market volatility and restore national economic sovereignty.
(The name Tobin Tax and the original concept derives from James Tobin,
a Ph.D. Nobel-laureate economist at Yale University.)

Tobin Tax Initiative
CEED/IIRP, PO Box 4167
Arcata, CA 95518-4167
phone: (707) 822-8347, fax: (707) 822-4457

Visit our sister organization in the UK at

Tobin Tax Campaign and Policy Network (Around the World)

Who We Are
Our goal is to increase a national dialogue on the Tobin Tax proposal by
raising awareness and education among grassroots organizations, opinion
leaders, and policymakers in the United States. TTI-USA also acts in
solidarity and cooperation with international efforts to get Tobin-style
taxes adopted around the world.

World Parliamentarians Call for Tobin Tax";>
Peter DEFAZIO Member of the US Congress
Our objective is to get over a thousand Parliamentarians from the five
continents to sign this appeal and to have this question tabled in National
Parliaments as well as at the G7 and IMF level.

The Tobin Tax Initiative:
Multilateral Cooperation to Tax Currency Speculators
By Soren Ambrose - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List of Principles for the Tobin Tax Initiative:

Tobin Tax Report (pdf file)";";>
G8: il comunicato finale";";>
G8 Information Center

International finance Foreign exchange Taxation Canada TOBIN TAX ON
G-7 AGENDA: Ministers to discuss currency transaction levy Alan Toulin T
axing international currency transactions will be on the ...



Joan Veon from Genoa G8
 Fri Jul 20 10:53:53 2001

Hi, I see you have posted my article on the G8 structure which I have written
while here in Genoa. I have covered 43 global conferences from a
NATIONALISTIC point of view. I am credentialed by USA Radio in Dallas Texas.
Please go to my website for further information on me.
Ciao Joan Veon 301 432 7512 - call for info package or radio shows.

Redesigning the global economy


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Blowback by Christopher Simpson on the Bund

2001-07-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find information on this below.


>From Blowback by Christopher Simpson:

Bund Deutscher Junger
pg. 146  In 1950 CIC and CIA agents used the Labor Services cover to begin
guerrilla training of at least 100 members of the far-right-wing League of
Young Germans (Bund Deutshcer Jungen, or BDJ).  These "Young Germans" were
no Boy Scouts;  most were Waffen SS and Wehrmact veterans, according to a
later west German government investigation, and a considerable part of the
leadership of the group had been enthusiastic "Jew baiters" in the Goebbels
ministry during the Nazis' rule.

The budget for the clandestine group was 50, deutsche marks per
month($500,000 per year in American money to train them as assassins). . .
German and American advisors provided BDJ agents with extensive military
instruction, including use of Russian, United States and German weapons,
including machine guns, grenades, and knives as well as light infantry
weapons and explosives."  The underground group called itself a U.S.
"Technical Service" unit.


The "young Germans" assassination squads slowly convinced U.S. intelligence
that the Labor Service units in Europe were unsuitable for the major
guerrilla warfare and espionage projects that the army and CIA were
attempting to hide in them.  . . . the best of the émigré foot soldiers
should be brought to the U.S., the army concluded, enlisted in the U.S. Army
and provided with intensive training far beyond what was possible in the
Labor service units.  The army also reasoned that this more formal
recruitment of émigrés would also permit the granting of security clearances
to translators with backgrounds in Russian, Ukrainian, and other Eastern
European languages.  The new enlistees were to remain under U.S. army
control, even thought the military was eager to cooperate with the CIA on
specific missions.

He goes on to say how the Lodge Act was passed after the Army convinced
Congress to let in 12,500 alien nationals residing outside U.S to enlist in
the U.S.Army.  It guaranteed them citizenship if they successfully completed
five years of service.  They were airlifted to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey and
after orientation the army shipped them to Fort Dix, New Jersey for  6-18
weeks of basic training.  Others were sent directly to a special army
intelligence Language Unit at Fort Devens, Mass.  Substantial numbers were
posted to the Defense Language School in Monterey, California, others to the
Armed Forces Demonstration Unit at Fort Monroe, Virginia, where defectors
from Eastern Europe taught Red Army tactic to U.S. strike force teams.
About 25 percent were channeled into slots as atomic, chemical, and
biological warfare specialists.  Others became translators of captured
secret documents and instructors for U.S. intelligence analysts.  Pg. 213

Others underwent special guerrilla training at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina and
became the nucleus of the present day Green Berets.  The commander of the
program at Fort Bragg was Colonel Aaron Bank, an army paramilitary expert
who only a few months previously had directed the CIC units responsible for
running Klaus Barbie, Mykola Lebed, and similar intelligence assets in
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Waterbury CT Mayor Arrested on Child Sex Charges

2001-07-26 Thread YnrChyldzWyld
  Haven-WTNH, July 26, 2001 2:30 PM )
  Mayor Phil Giordano was arrested on federal charges involving sex 
  with a minor, federal officials said Thursday.
  US Attorney John Danaher III said Giordano was arrested at 
  approximately 7:45 a.m.
  Giordano was charged with two criminal offenses, Danaher said. "First, 
  use of an interstate facility to entice a child under the age of 16 to 
  engage in sexual activity. Second, conspiracy to carry out that offense." 
  News Channel 8 has been told the charges against Giordano may involve 
  more than one minor.
  If convicted, Giordano faces up to ten years in prison and a quarter 
  million dollar fine.
  The 38-year-old Republican mayor is being held without bond because 
  there was a "serious risk" he would flee, authorities said.
  A hearing will be held in Bridgeport Federal Court on July 31st.
  Giordano was represented in court this morning by a public 
  FBI agents were searching Giordano's office and seizing records. The 
  office is closed to the public.
  New Channel 8 reporter Erin Cox says authorities are also searching 
  Giordano's home. They arrived at approximately 9:00 a.m. Among the items 
  seized from Giordano's home was a satellite dish that was attached to the 
  Earlier in the morning Connecticut Chief State's Attorney John Bailey 
  told a News Channel 8 staff member the charges against Giordano "will 
  shock you."
  Bailey says state charges could also be filed.
  On July 18, Giordano announced he would not seek a fourth term in 
  office. He said he wanted to spend more time with his family. He was first 
  elected in 1995. 
  Giordano has taken heat for the failing economy in the city, which 
  resulted in a $60 million deficit and state takeover of finances.
  In November, Giordano was soundly defeated in a bid to unseat Sen. 
  Joseph Lieberman. 
  Former State Representative and current State Republican Party Chairman 
  Chris DePino said in a statement "We are shocked and disturbed about the 
  arrest and charges lodged against Mayor Giordano. We are sorry for the 
  pain and distress that these events will cause his family and we are also 
  gravely concerned about the charges."
  Giordano is not the first Waterbury mayor to face federal charges. 
  Joseph Santopietro was convicted on corruption charges in 1992. He served 
  more than six years in prison.


_IncrediMail - Email has finally 
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Re: [CTRL] Book Review A Nation Betrayed, by Carol Rutz

2001-07-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

full review is at :

Carol Rutz new book, "A Nation Betrayed", is complete and posted.
Carol Rutz was one of the *child* victims of the MKULTRA and related
government "behaviour modification" programs. While A Nation Betrayed does
contain her first-person story, a prospective reader should not assume it is
just a testimonial.

By comparison with another top-notch source book on the MKULTRA atrocities,
Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks, you could say that
Manchurian Candidate is a good image, while Carol's book is a much sharper
image of the MKULTRA atrocities. Carol's research is at least as extensive
as Marks'.  Carol Rutz provides some testimonial but the testimonial is
supported by a very substantial framework of well documented facts.

See website for rest of review.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] another perspective on the war in colombia

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan
Geov Parrish

Under fire
The War on Drugs has been a cover for U.S. military involvement in South

National media and a few pseudo-concerned Congresscreatures made a moderate
amount of hullabaloo two years ago, when the Clinton Administration rammed
through an alarming amount of money to help the Pentagon, and the Colombian
government, fight the war on drugs by fighting leftist rebels.
Since then, however, there's been virtual media silence, extending into the
Bush Administration. While the White House, Congress, and its obedient
stenographers yelp noisily about ballistic missiles to combat future rogue
nation threats that will never exist, the Bushies, Pentagon, CIA, and
various American mercenary outfits are steadily involving the U.S. in a far
more ordinary--but still lethal, foolish, immoral, and stunningly
expensive--war in Colombia.

And that war is about to encompass not just the Amazonian hinterlands of
Colombia, and not just the cities, but the entire Andean region. While
plenty of commentators have noted that the Bush Administration isn't putting
much time or attention into Europe or Asia, few have pointed out where that
focus is going. Look south.

The number of ominous developments in the region over the past few months is
too great to fully recount here. The Pentagon is in Colombia ostensibly to
fight the war on drugs, but U.S. aid is directed exclusively against leftist
guerrillas, even though far more of the drug trade is routed through the
right-wing paramilitaries.

One of the preeminent paramilitary leaders, Carlos Castano, has told CNN
that 70 percent of his group's income comes from drugs. The paramilitary
forces receive training, weaponry, money, and (it is widely believed)
on-the-ground direction from the Colombian military--which, in turn,
receives training, weaponry, money, and (it is widely believed)
on-the-ground direction from the U.S. armed forces and CIA.

In recent months, the paramilitaries, who are responsible for the vast
majority of civilian killings, disappearances, tortures, rapes, and other
"human rights violations" (a sickeningly sanitized phrase) in the country,
have started attacking ordinary citizens and suspected leftist sympathizers
not just in the countryside, but in the cities (including Bogota),
especially the universities.

A few weeks ago, Congress quietly authorized a dramatic lifting of limits
(probably ignored by the CIA anyway) on direct U.S. involvement in the
escalating war. Now, there is no limit on the number of private soldiers
that can be fielded by U.S.-based mercenary outfits in Colombia, or on the
amount of arms the U.S. can give them. (One of the biggest, DynCorp., was
also the company that directed the Peruvian Air Force when it shot down and
killed American missionaries last spring.) In other words, rather that
committing U.S. ground troops in Colombia, the Pentagon is fielding an
unaccountable, invisible private army, working hand in hand with
paramilitaries who have one of the worst human rights records in the world.

It gets worse. Several neighboring countries in the Andes region- -Panama,
Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia--are in various stages of political and economic
meltdown, with guerilla movements rampant. All, like Colombia, are run by
governments with close ties to the U.S. and dubious commitments to
democracy. To the east, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who has busied
himself recently by--among other things--reorganizing OPEC so that it once
again wields enormous power in the world oil market, is the world's best bet
for being tabbed as America's next foreign Satanic Dictator Who Must Be

All of these countries, not surprisingly, have extensive U.S. - based
transnational business interests. Colombia not only has vast oil reserves,
but 80 percent of its economic activity is controlled by transnationals. The
$750 million in military assistance that Clinton and Congress promised to
send "to Colombia" was actually almost entirely spent on contracts with U.S.

Additional money is going to defoliate vast swaths of southern Colombia
where coca might be growing, a strategy that is not only environmentally
catastrophic and reeks (literally) of biological warfare, but also
devastates peasants economically and sends them into the hands of guerillas.

Plan Colombia, at this point, is a footnote. It's a subset of something
larger, called the Andean Regional Initiative, or Andean Initiative,
recently upgraded by Bush. Mata, Ecuador, an obscure Amazonian outpost
reportedly undergoing a boom in restaurant, bar, and hotel construction,
recently had its airport appropriated by U.S. military forces.

Something's afoot. The signs are everywhere that the War on Drugs, which has
been a cover for U.S. military involvement in various Andean wars for nearly
two decades, is now going to be the fig leaf for a major, coordinated,
regional A

[CTRL] FC: Secret Service returns Gold-Age's computers after raid in March (fwd)

2001-07-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

See also:

"U.S. Secret Service raids E-Gold currency exchanger"

- Forwarded message from "Parker E.C. Bradley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: "Parker E.C. Bradley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 10:27:53 -0400
Organization: GoldCom, Corp.

For more info or to make a donation see

Update 07/24/2001:   Tuesday last week (07/17/2001) the SS returned most
of the items they stole from us last March -- though we had to come pick
them up ourselves, and there are still some items missing. Some items of
note that they stole
and have not returned are as follows. We added these items and other
comments to the inventory receipt. Interestingly, they signed this
revised sheet... thus acknowledging the absence of these items. (The
revised "Certified Inventory of Personal Property" they signed, dated,
and marked with the "received - U.S. Secret Service" stamp.)

* Research notes & CD on HARP/Cannon Project. [These are
notes/contacts/schematics/CAD drawings, etc, and  releated CD with
computer simulations involving a new launch system for low earth orbit.
This research is based on  previous work by the late Dr. Gerald Bull and
his brilliant HARP program.]

* New York State Truck Title for my 93 Ford Ranger.
* Ayn Rand Anniverary Boxed set of Books [was to be a birthday gift
for my  sister]
* Handful of quarters & misc. change. [We're SURE this will be
returned, ha, ha]
* Lug nuts from Joanna's car {An interesting little story there...
for later   disclosure.]
* Set of inks for inkjet refill kit.

There may be other items missing as well, but it will be difficult if
not impossible to tell immediately, especially in regards to paperwork.

 An interesting side note. On one of the tower computers that was
returned, I was locked out of the CMOS (apparently, they changed the
password -- I'll have to remove the internal battery and clear the
CMOS), and the system currently can't even boot because of hard disk
failure. (The other tower they stole was a new machine that I was in the
process of putting together, and didn't have much of significance on
it). The laptop has also been tampered with, too... aside from the legs
being broken off, I'm locked out of this machine as well; they changed
the CMOS password, but being a laptop it's not as simple a matter, as
with the tower, to reset the CMOS -- I'll have to get specs from HP
before I go taking this baby apart. In short it's going to take quite a
bit of time and effort to figure out if there is any data intact for me
to recover on either of these machines. This kind of destructive
data-mining was totally unecessary, since I gave them all the passwords
to the various systems they took.

- End forwarded message -

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

British Columbia in the Green, DEA Miffed
Philip Smith, DRCNet
July 24, 2001

That marijuana is rapidly becoming a major player in the economy of British
Columbia has just been confirmed in a newly released report from the
Canadian province's Organized Crime Agency (OCA). BC marijuana activists
have for years touted marijuana as an economic stimulus for the province,
but this latest report suggests that "BC bud" has become so entrenched, so
economically potent and so culturally accepted that it may now be
politically impossible to eradicate it. These facts on the ground, however,
have not stopped U.S. drug warriors from attempting to bring their hundred
years' war to Vancouver. The DEA plans to open an office there by years'

Good luck, guys.

Here's what they are up against, according to the OCA: The province boasts
15,000 to 25,000 marijuana grow operations employing (at six persons per
grow) between 90,000 and 150,000 people. The agency estimated the annual
wholesale value of the pot crop at $4 billion. At $2,000 per pound, that is
about two million pounds of BC bud each year, much of it headed south. The
agency estimated that as much as 95 percent of the crop is exported to the
ravenous U.S. market.

"I'm not aware of anywhere in North America where a single [illegal]
industry would be this important," Jim Brander, a professor of business
economics at the University of BC, told the Vancouver Sun after studying the

How important is marijuana to the British Columbia economy? Counting only
the people directly involved in grow operations (at six per grow) and taking
the low end of the estimate, the marijuana sector's 100,000 workers make up
5 percent of the provincial workforce and number more than are employed in
the province's massive logging, mining, and oil and gas industries (55,000
combined), the information and culture industries (99,000), provincial and
local government (99,000), and business managers and administrators
(79,000). Only the manufacturing sector, with 205,000 workers, is unarguably
larger than the marijuana sector; the other two largest sectors --
construction and transportation -- both employ fewer than the high end
figure from official BC employment statistics, cited by the OCA

Marijuana is also one of the province's leading exports, perhaps the largest
in dollar terms if the OCA export figures are accurate. The top legal
exports are wood ($3.2 billion US) and oil and gas ($1.5 billion US).
According to the OCA, marijuana exports accounted for as much as $3.8
billion US.

And that is good for Canada. "Ideally, what any country wants to do is
produce for export to other countries," said Lindsay Meredith, an economist
at Simon Fraser University. "It creates a trade surplus and makes the
currency stronger," he told the Vancouver Sun.

Accounting only for economic activity directly related to marijuana growing,
the pot sector could represent as much as 5 percent of the provincial
economy, OCA reported. But that estimate does not include the multiplier
effect, the tool used by economists to measure an industry's impact on the
larger economy. Because of the clandestine nature of the industry, the
multiplier effect is impossible to calculate, said Meredith, but is still

The multiplier effect may be observed anecdotally in, for instance,
Vancouver's 32 grow operation supply shops, twice the number of Burger King
outlets in the city. (Washington-Baltimore, with a comparable population,
boasts one grow shop.) Or in the town of Nelson, where harvest season is
announced by a big bump in the restaurant and bar business. Or in the new
businesses from Vancouver Island to the Kootenays financed, rumor has it, by
marijuana profits.

Some people close to the scene say OCA's figures are too high. Vancouver
cannabis seed entrepreneur Marc Emery told the Sun he estimated the
industry's worth at $2.5 billion U.S., with some 60,000 people directly
involved in the trade. Even so, marijuana production would remain one of
British Columbia's leading industries. And that makes Emery happy.
"Marijuana is the best industry any province can have," the BC Marijuana
party head told the Sun.

Not everyone is as sanguine as Emery. Mark Wexler, a professor of business
ethics at Simon Fraser University, pointed to a slew of problems associated
with illegal industries. As marijuana "becomes a predominant part of the
economy," local support for enforcing the drug laws could dry up, Wexler
said, especially in smaller towns.

Drew Edwards, editor of the Nelson and author of a book on the local pot
business, "West Coast Smoke," told the Sun that is already happening in his
community. "In Nelson, the people growing marijuana are your neighbours and
your friends," he said, and people are reluctant to turn them in.

Wexler also pointed to the potential for violence in illicit industries.
"The more an economy is illegal, t

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Dale Stonehouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have three teenage girls who have watched as I became more and more
> stupid. They will not see me get any smarter until they are well into
> their
> 20s. It's a right of passage for humans, I guess.

My 8 year old already knows everything, and he isn't a teenager yet.


"I find television very educating. Every time somebody
turns on the set, I go into the other room
and read a book." Groucho Marx,

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Equal Opportunity Crapulence - A Brown Fascist for the Peace Corps

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 Why the commotion, pinkos? President Bush is color blind. He's not a
"racist." Thank God adults are running the White House now. Remember our
president in your thoughts and prayers. God bless...

 "Vasquez was cited in a scathing 1996 U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission report that accused the Board of Supervisors and other Orange
County officials of misleading and defrauding buyers of more than $2.1
billion in municipal securities"

Ex-O.C. Official Is Bush's Choice to Run Peace Corps

Nominee: Gaddi Vasquez was on the Board of Supervisors during the county's
bankruptcy scandal.


July 26 2001

Gaddi H. Vasquez, a Southern California Edison executive who quit the Orange
County Board of Supervisors during the bankruptcy scandal of the mid-1990s,
is President Bush's nominee as director of the Peace Corps, the White House
announced Wednesday.

The announcement came a month after Vasquez, 46, underwent heart-bypass
surgery when a routine medical checkup discovered a blockage.

"I'm honored to be nominated by the president," Vasquez said Wednesday at
his home in Orange. "I'm looking forward to the confirmation process."
Vasquez said he could not discuss his selection nor his political views
toward the Peace Corps while the nomination is pending. But he said that
after the heart surgery he feels fit for the job. The White House did not
comment on Vasquez's health.

The appointment could position Vasquez, once a rising Latino Republican
star, for a return to the public stage. He is the latest Latino named to a
prominent post by the president in a concerted effort to court the nation's
growing Latino vote.

Bush's Cabinet is a diverse one. Among his top Latino appointments are Mel
Martinez, HUD secretary, and Alberto Gonzalez, White House counsel.

Vasquez served as an Orange County supervisor from 1987-95 before resigning
ahead of both a recall campaign and a 1996 grand jury investigation that led
to formal accusations of willful misconduct against two colleagues.

Vasquez and two other supervisors were not accused because they had already
left the board; removal from office was the only penalty provided for in the
civil actions.

But Vasquez was cited in a scathing 1996 U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission report that accused the Board of Supervisors and other Orange
County officials of misleading and defrauding buyers of more than $2.1
billion in municipal securities.

Vasquez, a former police officer, served as Gov. George Deukmejian's
Hispanic liaison and then as chief deputy appointments secretary from 1985
to 1987 before being appointed to a vacant Orange County Board of
Supervisors seat. He won his first election as supervisor in 1988, at the
time making him the highest-ranking elected Latino Republican in the state.

He continues to serve as an Orange reserve police officer and sits on
numerous community boards. He has been named one of the 100 most influential
Hispanics in the United States six times by Hispanic Business Magazine and
was given the Award for Outstanding Leadership from the California Assembly.

He rose to national prominence during the 1988 Republican National
Convention in Houston, as one of three Orange County Republicans who spoke
in the hours before then-Vice President George Bush was nominated to succeed
President Ronald Reagan as the party standard-bearer.

The Peace Corps directorship would mark Vasquez's second appointed tour in
Washington. He served on two White House commissions under the first Bush

After resigning during the bankruptcy, Vasquez joined Southern California
Edison but left three months later to resume his law enforcement career and,
he said at the time, to spend more time with his family. But he returned to
Edison a short time later and now is division vice president of public

He has remained active in Republican politics and served on the California
steering committee for Bush's presidential campaign. He also contributed
$100,000 to the GOP National Committee, money left over from his old
supervisory campaigns.

Heading the Peace Corps would ensure Vasquez a measure of global celebrity,
particularly in developing nations. Former directors have used the post as a
career springboard, including Elaine Chao, who went on to head United Way
and is now Bush's labor secretary, and the late Paul Coverdell, who ran the
agency under Bush's father and in 1992 was elected to the U.S. Senate from

Vasquez's conservative politics for years denied him political acceptance
among Latinos at home, but that wall is breaking down, said Rueben Martinez,
a Democratic activist and owner of Martinez Bookstore in Santa Ana.

Rifts remain over such hot-button issues as civil rights and immigration,
Martinez said. Yet

[CTRL] Fwd: Genoa and Its Aftermath

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Genoa and Its Aftermath
Geov Parrish, AlterNet
July 24, 2001

"...[Italian police] came into the rooms where people were sleeping.
Everybody raised up their hands, calling out 'Pacifisti! Pacifisti!' And
they beat the shit out of every person there. There's no pretty way to say
it. We went into the other building; there was blood at every sleeping spot,
pools of it in some places..." -- Starhawk, American author and activist
reporting from Genoa.

It's official. It's a war.
For some 20 months, from Seattle through Washington and Melbourne and
Windsor and Philadelphia and Los Angeles and Prague and Davos and Quebec and
Goteborg, tactics have been escalating on both sides as the protests against
gatherings of the world's political and economic elites have gotten larger
and more raucous. In Seattle, some 50,000 nonviolent protesters and
blockaders, enraged by international institutions that, they claim,
exacerbate global poverty, environmental destruction and the loss of
democracy, were overshadowed by a few dozen window-breaking vandals. By the
time of Quebec and Goteborg, large blocks of protesters had come to tolerate
property destruction and the hurling of everything from teddy bears to
Molotov cocktails, as a means to make a point.
On the police side, the brutality that shocked the world in Seattle was
actually a step removed from what it could have been. National Guard troops
with live ammunition stood by but never opened fire. As the protests have
escalated, the wholesale use of chemical warfare against protesters --
whether they were breaking any laws or not -- has, at least in the public
eye, become old news, and to many people an acceptable price to pay to keep
the "hoodlums" at bay. The media has surely helped; in Quebec and Goteborg,
the worst of the police mayhem was best reported not by the combined
resources of the world's elite media, but by The U.S.
networks almost uniformly ignored it, blaming the victims of police violence
for the violence itself.
And now, in Italy, a man is dead. It was coming to this.
Perhaps more telling, even, than the death of a 23-year-old Genoa anarchist,
Carlo Giuliani, at the hands of a terrified paramilitary conscript three
years his junior, is the hundreds of serious injuries that also occurred as
Italian security forces launched repeated, unprovoked attacks on G8 Summit
protesters. Of the 150,000 or so estimated to have gathered on the streets
of Genoa, all but about 2,000 are thought to have been committed to the
nonviolence pact agreed upon in advance by the Genoa Social Forum, a
coalition of some 1,300 groups that was an umbrella group for many of the
protests. It didn't matter. Italian authorities, working closely with U.S.
and other police agencies, made a calculated decision to dramatically
escalate the level of violence with which these protests, now inescapable at
international summits, would be met.
There are numerous chilling accounts of the contempt for civil liberties and
human rights that marked security during the Genoa summit, but the image
that has circled the world is the prone body of Carlo Giuliani. He died, in
part, because he and his comrades cornered terrified young paramilitary
officers in a tactically foolish way. He died because he and his comrades
identified the police, rather than the policies protesters abhor, as the
enemy to be fought. But he also died because Italian police weren't carrying
rubber bullets, only live rounds. And beyond Giuliani, hundreds more people
-- anarchist black bloc, "pacifisti," journalists and bystanders alike --
were seriously wounded, not because of their actions or tactical mistakes,
but due to intentional, premeditated attacks by militarized police. It was a
bloodbath. War.
Genoa is reminiscent of nothing so much as Kent State, where, after hundreds
of thousands (at least) of deaths in Southeast Asia, it took the deaths of
four young, privileged American students on a Midwest campus in May 1970 to
galvanize opposition and transform the U.S. anti-war movement into a force
that shut down campuses across the country for a full season. At the time of
Kent State, the general public's opinion, shaped by contemptuous politicians
and a judgmental media, was that the Guardsmen acted properly and that the
Kent State students were anti-American thugs who had it coming.
This time, unlike at Kent, the violence was planned and approved by the
highest levels of government. In tandem, the Italian constitution was thrown
out the window, starting with the government's suspension of EU rules
allowing free passage of citizens among European countries, all the way
through overtly fascisti, Mussolini-invoking cops who brutalized thousands
without provocation. Such dangerous, menacing behavior -- intended as much
to dissuade future demonstrators as to control crowds at Genoa -- is likely
to continue to escalate until it proves either politically ineffective or no
longer necessary.
What's Next?
Global justic

[CTRL] No Place for Non-Jews in Israel

2001-07-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Zionist law -maker urges government to encourage "emigration  of Arabs"

Occupied Jerusalem: 26 July, 2001 (IAP News) - A member of the Israeli
parliament, the Knesset, has urged the Israeli government to facilitate
the emigration of "Arabs from Israel."

The law-maker, named  Michael kleiner who heads a racist parliamentary bloc
known as "Zu Artzino" or "this is our land," reportedly tabled a motion to
the Knesset on Wednesday  suggesting that "non-Jews be offered inducements
to leave the land."

According to one Arab Knesset member, Kleiner reportedly said that "this
(Israel) is a Jewish state, and there is no permanent place for non-Jews in
this land."

Arab Knesset members castigated the table, calling it "purely racist."

"If any law maker around the world made such a disgraceful and cheap
suggestion, he would branded as a Nazi and racist…but here, in the
so-called only democracy in the Middle East,  racists such as Kleiner are
granted a free reign to exude their venom," said Muhammed Baraka.

Jewish racism has been on the rise in the last few years, partially due to
growing religious and right-wing trends in the Zionist state.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-07-26 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Britain
TB threat grows in Britain
By Barry Mason
26 July 2001
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Medical experts are warning about the developing threat of
tuberculosis (TB) in Britain, and especially in London.
The Annual Public Health Report 2000/2001 produced by the East
London & The City Health Authority highlights some of the
conditions that have enabled TB to take a hold. Entitled “Health in
the East End,” the report points out that under a third of the cases
were among people who had lived in the area for less than five
years. It showed that boroughs with high numbers of notified TB
cases, such as Newham, Tower Hamlets and Hackney, were also
those with higher than average levels of deprivation.
Homelessness is another factor. The report states that 25 percent
of homeless people in London are infected with TB, however only
around 2.5 percent show symptoms of the disease. The three
boroughs mentioned above also include high numbers of homeless
people. The incidence of HIV associated with TB is estimated at 7-
8 percent in London, but the report points out this is probably an
underestimate. From blood tests on pregnant women, Newham and
Hackney have a higher HIV incidence than the London average.
A detailed analysis of TB cases in London has shown that 50
percent of sufferers were unemployed, five percent had experienced
homelessness, over seven percent abused alcohol and seven
percent were infected with HIV.
The nature of the tuberculosis bacterium, with its waxy coating of
fatty acids and lipids (fats), means it needs persistent and
consistent antibiotic treatment. The drugs need to be taken for a
period of six to nine months. The report states, “Sticking to and
completing a course of TB treatment is challenging in East
London”. High population mobility, poverty, alcoholism, substance
abuse and cultural barriers make completion of a drug regimen
Amongst the measures the report calls for are:
* An adequately resourced TB service and infrastructure, including
appropriate ratios of TB specialist nurses and support staff to
* Specially constructed “negative-pressure” wards with an artificially
maintained air pressure lower than that outside to contain the TB
bacteria, which can be spread through the air.
* Effective infection control arrangements to ensure infectious and
drug-resistant cases of TB are managed appropriately.
* A research programme on the specific barriers to compliance that
affect TB patients in East London.
In July this year, London family doctors (GPs) have warned of the
dangers of a developing TB epidemic in the capital. “This is a
disaster waiting to happen. It is only a matter of time until London
sees a serious out-break such as that in Leicester earlier this
year”, said Dr Stewart Drage, secretary to several London GP
committees. Dr Michael Soljak, Director of Public Health for Ealing,
Hammersmith and Hounslow said that although three extra nurses
had been recruited to work with the TB cases this was not enough
to keep up with the rising levels of the disease. He said the
increased number of nurses “would have been enough if we hadn’t
seen the increase in cases. What we have found is that we are
barely keeping up with the disease.”
In July 2000, Professor John Grange of the Centre for Infectious
Disease at University College London said London had become a
hotspot for the disease, and called for the number of specialist TB
nurses to be increased to a level of one nurse to every 50 notified
cases of the disease. The Department of Health dismissed his
claim that the situation in Britain “was waiting for human disaster”.
Improvements in health care and the widespread use of antibiotics
meant that TB was all but eradicated in the UK by the 1960s. In
1999, the Labour government abandoned the routine vaccination
programme for school children with the long established BCG
vaccine, but this has now been resumed in London with plans to
restore it nationwide.
Since 1987 there has been a resurgence of the disease. In 1990,
there were 1,600 cases in England and Wales. By 1999 there were
7,000 cases, with the biggest rise being amongst the 25-64 age
group. In 2000, nearly 400 people died of the disease nation-wide.
By 2001, the number of cases in Britain has risen to nearly 7,500,
of which 3,000 were in London. In London 50 new cases are
currently diagnosed each week. Commenting on the increase in TB
cases in London, Dr Heather Milburn, a chest physician at Guy’s
and St Thomas’ Hospital, said, “Those of us who look after TB
patients may find we’re not able to cope.”
Districts in East London have been particularly affected: Newham
with 108 cases per 100,000 of its population has made London
“tuberculosis capital of the affluent Western world”. The figures
even put it ahead of Russia, where the collapse of the public health
system has led to 91 cases per 100,000, wher

Re: [CTRL] "Quiet Assassination" Victim Buried

2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So we see here why it is important to disarm America?   Murdering kids
but then when you consider the Psalm of the Zionists  - and observe
daily murders committed by abortionists - bashing in babies heads -
doesn't seem everybody gets the message.

No wonder the Tarot Cards made a very special card for the Slaughter of
the Innocents.
Zionists do not want a fair fight - they wish to hold the Uzis like at
Littleton and then, slaughter of more innocents who cannot defend

Right now they are living up to the Zionists Dream - destroying homes of
Palestinians and murdering their children while taking their land as

Like to see those bastards try this on Sadaam Hussein fo this guy has
little neutron bomb back packs no doubt purchased from USA -
so if the Zionists want to play rough - better think twice.

The Zionists Psalm:

The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Psalms, psalm 137
"1": By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we
remembered Zion.
"2": We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
"3": For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song;
and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the
songs of Zion.
"4": How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?
"5": If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her
"6": If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my
mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.
"7": Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who
said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.

"8": O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be,
that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

"9": Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against
the stones.

So this garbage - and they call this religion?   I have my own religion
- treat them as they do you,  only don't leave fingerprints.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-07-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

> Nezavisimaya Gazeta
> July 24, 2001
> The future of the Communist Party has again become a
> fashionable subject. Shortly before the Genoa summit, President
> Putin reminded the party of his idea to change its name for the
> Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party (RSDRP). In fact, it
> was a clear hint that the communists' methods of political
> struggle have become obsolete. But the implementation of the
> president's idea would call for changing the party's programme,
> which entails the splitting of the "red" electorate and a fall
> in the party's influence. Valentin KUPTSOV, first deputy
> chairman of the Communist Party Central Committee, talks with
> Anna ZAKATNOVA about the objective and subjective reasons for
> which communists rejected the idea of transformation of the
> communist party into a social democratic one.
> Question: The president suggesting changing the name of
> the party, but you seem to be adamantly against the idea. At
> the same time, the party leadership said more than once that it
> is the successor of the Soviet Communist Party and hence the
> successor of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party.
> Answer: It was not the first time Vladimir Putin mentioned
> the idea. And we replied once again that the question is not
> discussed in the party and will not be discussed in the next
> ten years. They have been suggesting the idea since 1993. In
> 1991-94, we actively discussed the possibility owing to the
> shock effect of the developments on the party. When the
> operation of the party was suspended, many timeserving ideas on
> surviving in that situation and gaining legitimacy were
> advanced. This is when the Socialist Workers' Party led by
> Lyudmila Vartazarova and Roi Medvedev was created. It had over
> 120,000 members. In other words, a roof was created under which
> many communists worked without thinking of the name of the
> organisation. It did not matter to them if it was called a
> socialist or a communist party.
> We also pondered the idea in 1993 at the 2nd restoration
> congress of the party, when we won the case heard by the
> Constitutional Court, hoping to gain more freedom of action and
> win over centrists. But the problem was buried in the past five
> years. Parties are not renamed at the suggestion of presidents;
> the idea should be born and grow within the party itself. But
> none of the 18,000 primary cells suggested renaming the party.
> This is why we will retain our name, which meets our policy
> goals. And then, even if we change the name of the party,
> nothing will be changed in the party itself. It will remain in
> opposition to the authorities.
> Question: A change in the name would also entail changes
> in the programme. When the president speaks about a potential
> social-democratic future of the Communist Party, he probably
> expresses the wishes of the bulk of society, which prefers
> predictable stability.
> Answer: The Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party was a
> good name for a party at the beginning of the past century.
> Social democracy today has seriously transformed and the
> experience of the past ten years shows that it is
> insufficiently protecting the rights of hired labour, that it
> limits social guarantees and strengthens the role of capital.
> The image of social democrats has plummeted in the world,
> especially after 13 social democratic governments supported
> NATO and became accomplices to the bombing of Yugoslavia. Their
> prestige dwindled even in their own countries.
> We will not give up our programme, which stipulates
> several provisions that are very close to social democracy,
> such as the recognition of the right to private property, the
> right to political plurality, and a fundamentally new attitude
> to religion. We differ from any social democratic party in the
> West because the Communist Party believes that power must
> belong to the people and not to oligarchs. Power belongs to
> capital in the countries of social democracy, and in Russia,
> too. In fact, capital has become part of power structures of
> the state.
> Question: But your party is collaborating with
> businessmen, too.
> Answer: It is one thing to collaborate and quite another
> thing to hand power over to oligarchs. Why not support those
> etatists who work in the interests of Russia now that the
> country is being sold out to Western capital? This is the
> situation now.
> And we will support Putin only when he works for Russia. But
> when he goes against the interests of the majority, we don't
> support him and protest against the land and tax codes and the
> law on hard currency regulation. Because they do not stipulate
> the priority of state interests and the interests of working
> people.
> I think this is happening also because oligarchs have
> grown stronger organisationally. Arkady Volsky's Russian Union

[CTRL] Media Bias

2001-07-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Targeting the Media's Anti-gun Bias

One journalist teaches his colleagues about guns
by taking them to the shooting range.

By Michael Bane
>From American Journalism Review, July/August 2001

SO I'M DOING WHAT magazine writers are always
doing--pitching articles--this time to one of my regular
clients, a top men's magazine. I'd finished pitching and
was winding up the conversation when the editor
 "There's one thing I'd like for you to explain to me,"
the editor said. "We send you to cool places and pay you
a lot of money. You're one of our guys, one of us..."
 I warily agreed.
 "Can you explain to me about the guns?" he said.
 Ah, I thought, the guns. Since this was one of the
largest outdoor sports magazines in the country, I'd
suggested a story on sport shooters. I'd also mentioned
that I'd been a competitive pistol shooter for 15 years.
"I'm a competitor," I told my editor. "I race bicycles, do
triathlons, climb mountains. I'm also a shooter. I shoot
because it's fun."
 "Bullshit," he replied.
 Which is how I came to have what is laughingly
referred to as "the most nightmarish job in the gun
 I'm the guy who deals with the national media. I teach
reporters, editors and correspondents to shoot. And in
the year-and-a-half since, with the backing of the
National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), I've been
running media seminars. I've come to some very
unsettling conclusions about the relationship between
reporters and guns. In fact, I believe the media--print
and electronic--may be the single biggest casualty in the
three decades of this "shooting war."
 First, the seminars. NSSF brings together journalists
and shooting sports champions for one-on-one
instruction. The seminars are not specifically political,
but, as I make clear to potential participants, no subjects
are off-limits. In our first five seminars, we've had
reporters from the Wall Street Journal and other
national dailies, top writers for such publications as
Newsweek, Outside, Men's Fitness and other magazines
and electronic journalists of various stripe.
 For people who are part of the gun culture, the results
have been amazing. At the beginning of the seminars,
almost all the journalists are anti-gun, to one degree or
another, some virulently so. By the end there's a huge
turnaround. How huge? Several of our participants have
actually purchased guns and started competitive
 "You're not the Michigan Militia," said one reporter
for a national daily. "You're the kind of people I'd hang
out with. Heck, you're the kind of people I'd date."
 You're thinking, "That's great--they're breaking down
stereotypes on both sides of the fence." But
a-year-and-a-half of seminars has confirmed a simple
truth--there is an overwhelming anti-gun bias among
journalists, a bias that has spread from opinion to factual
coverage of the issue.
 Let me throw some numbers out.

  A study by the Media Research Center, a conservative
media watchdog group, found that during a two-year
period (July 1, 1997, to June 30, 1999), ABC, CBS, NBC
and CNN ran 357 stories in favor of gun control,
compared with 36 against, a ratio of almost 10 to one.
The biggest "offender" was ABC's "Good Morning
America," which ran 92 anti-gun stories and one pro-gun

  A study by University of Michigan doctoral candidate
Brian A. Patrick, released in June 1999, found that the
National Rifle Association was portrayed negatively in
editorial and op-ed pieces 87 percent of the time (as
opposed to 52 percent negative collectively for four
other citizens' lobbying groups, including the NAACP and
ACLU). More ominously, Patrick's study documented a
clear anti-gun bias in the news coverage of the NRA by
comparing things such as use of descriptive language,
use of quotes and use of photos.
 Most telling to me are the journalists who are not
allowed to attend the NSSF seminars. In one case, a

[CTRL] "Quiet Assassination" Victim Buried

2001-07-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Darwaza laid to rest in Nablus, tens of thousands takes part in funeral

Occupied Jerusalem: 26 July, 2001

by Khalid Amayreh

Tens of thousands of Palestinians today took part in the funeral of
Salahuddin Darwaza, the latest victim of Israeli state-sponsored terror
launched against the essentially unarmed and unprotected  Palestinian people.

Darwaza. 39, and father of six children, was murdered by Zionist occupation
troops on Wednesday when his car was hit by eight electronically-guided
missiles in downtown Nablus.

The Zionist regime accused Darwaza of involvement in Palestinian resistance
against Israel's 33 year-old military occupation of the West Bank.

However, local sources in Nablus insist Darwaza had no connection with
Hamas military wing, the Izzedin Al-Qassam.

"He was active in local charity organizations, yes he was opposed to the
Zionist occupation like most Palestinians, but he was not involved in armed
resistance, " said Darwaza's friend Husam Bastami.

During the funeral, scores of masked men, armed with automatic rifles,
vowed to avenge his killing.

One masked man said "we know too well now that the criminal Zionists
understand only the language of death and blood, if this is what they want,
then they will get it."

Since the outbreak of the Palestinian intifida more than nine months ago,
Israeli occupation troops murdered over fifty five Palestinian activists,
many of whom are ordinary Palestinians who speak out against the evils of
the Zionist apartheid regime.

The government of certified war criminal Ariel Sharon last week decided to
adopt the policy of "quiet assassinations" in an effort to suppress the
Palestinian intifada.

The new virulent policy is apparently aimed at avoiding an international
outcry over high-profile terrorist murders in which air-force jet fighters
are used.";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FC: Ebay yanks Gary-Condit-with-axe art at congressman's request (fwd)

2001-07-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 07:28:50 -0700
From: "Jeffrey St. Clair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: eBay Yanks Bloody Condit Artwork

EBay Pulls Art Item at Request of Condit Internet:
Congressman's office says his intellectual property rights
were violated in collage about intern's disappearance.


Online auction house EBay Inc. said Wednesday that it had
removed a piece of art for sale about the disappearance of
Chandra Levy because of a complaint by Rep. Gary Condit
(D-Ceres), who said it violated his intellectual property

"We were contacted by a representative from the
congressman's office in Washington. . . . He believed the
item was 'a violation of the congressman's right of
publicity, based upon the use of his name or image,' " said
EBay spokesman Kevin Pursglove.

In the artwork, near the Condit photo is a cutout of an ax
dripping blood. Sprinkled around the montage are words such
as "thou shall not be a hypocrite," "missing" and "The media
is to Chandra what piranhas are to guppies."


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Is this America?

2001-07-26 Thread foxter
Title: Is this America?

Apparently the brain police have taken control:  
This man violated the letter 
of th law.  They enforced it, probably because it was related to his 
original conviction of peddling pornography of children.  I say good 
riddance to bad rubbish.
Still, Dalton was guilty of pandering obscenity because he 
"did create, reproduce or publish any obscene material that has a minor as one 
of its participants or portrayed observers," the indictment 
said. "Even without passing it on to anyone 
else, he committed a felony," Domis said. 
Wolman said he couldn't recall an obscenity case 
involving "mere words that were not disseminated." Dalton said he never intended 
anyone else to read the journal. "It is just this kind of thing, I think, that is a misapplication of 
what the law intends," Wolman said. "The law hasn't really been 
challenged and he would have had the opportunity to do that," defense attorney 
Isabella Dixon said. "But the cost to him is a lot of time in jail to challenge 


2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 THE YAMATO DYNASTY, by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave (1999)
PROLOGUE: "Emperor Meets Shogun" pages 1-9
Just before 10 A.M. on September 27, 1946, a maroon 1930 Rolls- Royce with a
canvas-covered top whispered out through the Saku- rada Gate of the imperial
palace in Tokyo and crossed the bridge over its broad moat, followed by
three black Daimlers. Japanese pedestrians knew who it was, turned and bowed
deeply. Maroon was a color reserved for the emperor's cars. Emperor Hirohito
was on his way to a fateful first meeting with Japan's new shogun. General
Douglas MacArthur. Sitting on jump seats in the Rolls facing Hirohito--by
custom no subordinate could share the emperor's seat--were his most senior
adviser, Marquis Kido, and a trusted English-language interpreter. In the
Daimlers were other members of Hirohito's inner council. The emperor's
personal physician accompanied him wherever he went, but on this occasion he
had a particular reason: Hirohito was suffering deep depression made worse
by jaundice. Since Japan's surrender the previous month, the emperor had
slept badly, and today in particular his hands trembled more than usual.
How different from four years earlier, when he had shaken with rage. Then,
in September 1941, three months before Pearl Harbor, the emperor had been
given a detailed briefing on the High Command's plans for a surprise attack
on the United States Navy base and a coordinated lightning conquest of
Southeast Asia. Hirohito had asked the army chief of staff, General
Sugiyama, how long it would take. Circumspectly, the general had replied
that the conquest of Southeast Asia would take only three months. (It took
precisely one week longer than that.) But he did not give an estimate for
the subduing of America. Testily,Hirohito pointed out that when the war with
China had begun in 1937, General Sugiyama protested that China was vast.
This increased Hirohito's anger. "If you call the Chinese hinterland vast,
would you not describe the Pacific as even more immense?" The general
squirmed with embarrassment, and sucked his breath in sharply. Hirohito was
calmed only by repeated assurances that a diplomatic settlement with America
would get first  priority after Japan got the upper hand. In this, his
ministers lied, for both the Imperial Army and Navy by then were committed
to total war, with no serious intention of quitting while they were ahead.
Only a major last-minute concession from America such as dropping its oil
embargo of Japan could have altered events, and everyone knew this was
unlikely. A formal declaration of war had been prepared long in advance,
with the understanding that, "due to a most unfor- tunate last-minute delay
in the English translation," it would not be delivered in Washington until
after the attack on Pearl Harbor had already begun.
The mood in all four cars was somber. What could be seen of Tokyo made it
worse. The Navy Ministry was nothing but rubble. Bomb craters and bombed-out
cars were everywhere. During the Pacific War, 1.5 million Japanese men died
in combat. Some 8 million Japanese civilians were killed or wounded, and 2.5
million homes in Japan were destroyed or badly damaged. During the biggest
of these B-29 raids on Japan, when 1,700 tons of incendiary bombs were
dropped on Tokyo, 100,000 people were killed in a single day and a 125,000
homes destroyed. Although the war was now over, it was estimated that 10
million Japanese might yet starve to death. The population of Tokyo had
fallen from 6.75 million to about 3 million, many living in shanties among
ruins. Osaka and other cities were teeming with disabled veterans, homeless
children, desperate women and vagrants. In Tokyo each day, trucks hauled
piles of bodies to crematoriums. At night, the homeless crowded into subways
to sleep. Others froze to death sleeping rough in Ueno Park. Many died of
malnutrition, and tuberculosis was epidemic.
As the cars sped toward the U.S. embassy compound, there was no military
police escort to halt traffic. To put his visitor at a further disadvantage,
MacArthur had deliberately avoided assigning an escort to the motorcade.
When the traffic light at Toranomon intersection turned red, cross traffic
made it necessary for the emperor's Rolls to come to a stop like all the
other cars. Nobody in the Daimlers could remember that ever happening
MacArthur had been in Japan only a month. He had arrived at Atsuki Air Base
from the Philippines at the end of August, two weeks after Japan's
surrender. By then, only 6000 American troops had arrived to take control of
the Tokyo area, where there were still some 2 million fully armed Japanese
soldiers. The emperor's radio appeal to all Japanese to lay down their arms
had been effective. But there was no certainty that fighting would not flare
up again. Bluff was all important. More than anyone realized.
During those first two weeks in Japan, MacArthur had been pressed repeatedly
to summon the emperor to a private meeting 

[CTRL] Is this America?

2001-07-26 Thread thew
Title: Is this America?

Apparently the brain police have taken control:

(this report on the story is from fox news, but it can be found elsewhere)

Man Gets Ten Years in Prison for Pornographic Diary Entries

An Ohio man has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after writing fictitious stories about torturing and sexually abusing young children.

Brian Dalton, 22, of Columbus, was charged with pandering obscenity involving a minor after his probation officer found a journal with the stories during a routine search of his home. He was on probation from a 1998 pandering conviction involving pornographic photographs of children. 

The 14-page journal contains the names and ages ‹ 10 and 11 ‹ of three children it said were placed in a cage in a basement. It details how the children were sexually molested and tortured. 

Police at first were concerned the stories were real, prosecutors said. However, Dalton said the stories were fictitious, and there was no evidence to the contrary, said Christian Domis, an assistant county prosecutor. 

Still, Dalton was guilty of pandering obscenity because he "did create, reproduce or publish any obscene material that has a minor as one of its participants or portrayed observers," the indictment said. 

"Even without passing it on to anyone else, he committed a felony," Domis said. 

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien called the case a "breakthrough" in the battle against child pornography. 

A civil rights lawyer said he was surprised by the sentence Dalton received Tuesday for his private writings. 

"What you're saying is somebody can't, in essence, confess their fantasy into a personal journal for fear they have socially unacceptable fantasies, then ultimately they end up getting prosecuted," said Benson Wolman, a former director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Ohio. 

Dalton pleaded guilty, and prosecutors, in exchange, dropped a second pandering charge. He would have faced up to 16 years in prison if convicted of both charges. 

"I know what I wrote was disturbing," Dalton told Common Pleas Judge Nodine Miller at his sentencing. "Over the past few months, I looked back at it and realized it was not something I could do. I don't know how I imagined to write anything like that." 

Wolman said he couldn't recall an obscenity case involving "mere words that were not disseminated." Dalton said he never intended anyone else to read the journal. 

"It is just this kind of thing, I think, that is a misapplication of what the law intends," Wolman said. 

"The law hasn't really been challenged and he would have had the opportunity to do that," defense attorney Isabella Dixon said. "But the cost to him is a lot of time in jail to challenge it." 

The contents of the journal were so disturbing that members of a grand jury asked a detective to stop reading after about two pages, Domis said. 

"It was seriously the most disturbing thing I ever read," he said. "There was a woman on the grand jury who was crying." 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

-- --- - 
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it"

    Elwood P Dowd 


[CTRL] Fwd: - PAC Contributions to Gary A. Condit (D-Calif)

2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] FARC Solidarity Letter to Narco News Bulletin

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-->
Small business owners...
Tell us what you think!

For immediate release:
July 27, 2001

As we were heading into court last week, we received the following
solidarity letter from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP),
which today we make available to our readers.

The letter demonstrates that the whole world truly is watching the
proceedings of the Drug War on Trial case in New York City, including from
the jungles under attack by the $1.3 billion dollar Plan Colombia US
military intervention.

The solidarity letter appears exactly as it was sent - in Spanish - followed
by a translation to English. It is signed by Gabriel Angel, insurgent
guerrilla soldier and member of the FARC-EP issues commission (comisión

It has not gone unnoticed in our América that the same mercenary
lawyer-lobbyist firm that brought a frivolous SLAPP suit against Narco News
on behalf of the National Bank of Mexico (Banamex) - Akin, Gump, Strauss,
Hauer and Feld LLP - is also a registered foreign agent in Washington for
the narco-state government of Colombia, and specifically lobbied to impose
Plan Colombia.

The Narco News Bulletin thanks the FARC for its attention and solidarity in
this important international free speech case, and notes, to paraphrase the
late President Kennedy, that those who make peaceful speech impossible make
violent revolution inevitable.

>From somewhere else in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

Enc: Spanish and English versions of FARC-EP solidarity letter

From: Gabriel  Angel 
To: "Alberto M. Giordano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Solidaridad
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 23:16:54 +0200 (MEST)

Apreciado Alberto:

Créame usted cuando le digo que nuestra solidaridad estará acompañándolo
ante ese tribunal y todos los tribunales del mundo que tengan como objeto
silenciar la verdad y obligar a abdicar a la dignidad latinoamericana en su
empeño transformador.

Ninguna corte americana, ni de ningún lugar del mundo, menos aquellas que
sirven de fieles instrumentos a los poderes financieros internacionales,
resistirá el juicio de la historia. Y estamos empeñados en que todas las
instancias de la infamia caigan a tierra por obra de la fuerza organizada de
los pueblos ahora sometidos, pero mañana libres y vencedores.

Un abrazo de hermano,

Gabriel Ángel
Comisión Temática



Dear Alberto,

Believe me when I tell you that our solidarity will accompany you to that
court and all courts of the world that try to silence, obligate and abdicate
Latin American dignity in its transforming determination.

There is no American court, nor one anywhere in the world, and certainly not
those that serve as faithful instruments of international financial powers,
that will survive the judgment of history. And we are determined that, in
all its forms, their infamy will fall to earth due to the organized work of
the people who are now submitted, but tomorrow shall be free and victorious.

A hug from a brother,

Gabriel Angel
member, Issues Commission

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] FBI holds sham conference

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

The Washington Times

our tax dollars at work.

Sham FBI conference used as cover for party
Jerry Seper

Published 7/26/01

 Senior FBI executives scheduled a sham conference at the bureau's
Virginia training academy to allow colleagues to attend at taxpayers'
expense a 1997 retirement party for a top FBI official, an internal report
 While the "Integrity in Law Enforcement" conference was later found to
have been cover for senior FBI managers to obtain improper reimbursements
for personal travel to Washington, no one was disciplined other than to
receive letters of censure.
 Similar actions by rank-and-file FBI agents would have led to their
 The report was given last week to Senate investigators looking into
recent FBI mismanagement and questions concerning such investigations as the
Timothy McVeigh case and the arrest as a spy of agent Robert P. Hanssen.
 More than 140 persons, including as many as nine FBI executives and
special-agents-in-charge (SACs) of bureau field offices, attended the Oct.
9, 1997, party in Arlington for veteran agent Larry A. Potts, while only
five persons showed up for the Oct. 10, 1997, conference in Quantico, Va.,
-- which lasted about 90 minutes, including lunch.
 Two months before the party, Mr. Potts -- a onetime FBI deputy director
-- was under criminal investigation over his questionable handling of a
standoff at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, during which three persons died.
 According to a September 1999 report by the Law Enforcement Ethics Unit
(LEEU) at the FBI Academy, an inquiry into the Potts party began Oct. 22,
1997, and focused on whether the Quantico conference was illegally used to
justify travel reimbursements to senior agents, who otherwise would have
been on personal business.
 The probe, initiated by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility
(OPR), reviewed accusations that the conference "was a sham, intended to be
used as justification to allow financial reimbursement to SACs to travel to
a peer's retirement function."
 "Although this paper only summarizes a complicated case, there can be
little question that OPR was correct in its initial suspicions," the LEEU
report said, adding that a "fair and reasonable reading" of the OPR report
"clearly shows both voucher fraud and lack of candor on the part of several"
senior FBI executives who attended the party.
 The 24-page LEEU report was part of a study commissioned by former FBI
Director Louis J. Freeh to monitor the integrity of the bureau's
organizational components.
 The report said a board of FBI executives who oversaw punishment for
senior managers in the Potts case ignored warnings by Mr. Freeh in a 1994
"Bright Line" memo that said voucher fraud and lack of candor or making
false statements would result in dismissal. The board recommended letters of
 In addition, the report said, the board never addressed accusations
that senior FBI managers lied concerning travel vouchers they submitted to
attend the Potts party.
 "As a result of the Potts dinner cases, one could argue that the
director's 'Bright Line' promulgation in 1994 has been relegated to a faded
chalk mark in the history of FBI discipline," the LEEU said.
 Mr. Potts was not available yesterday for comment. An assistant who
identified herself only as "Katie" said Mr. Potts has a "solid rule of not
speaking to the media."
 Now employed at Investigative Group International in Washington, he got
a letter of censure for flack of oversight at Ruby Ridge.
 In March 1997, Mr. Freeh established new disciplinary procedures for
bureau rank and file and directed that disciplinary measures involving FBI
senior managers were to conform "as closely as feasible." He modified that
order in August 2000 to revise disciplinary procedures for senior managers
"to mirror those for all other employees."
 FBI spokesman John Collingwood said the inquiry was the "exact issue"
that caused Mr. Freeh to ultimately change the FBI's disciplinary
 "There is an expectation that all FBI employees will be held to a very
high standard commensurate with our responsibilities," he said. "Senior
executives must expect to be held to an even higher standard, simply because
of their position of leadership."
 After the LEEU report, Mr. Collingwood said, Mr. Freeh recognized that
separate systems of discipline "fostered and magnified" the belief that
senior managers were held to a lesser standard.
 "After receiv

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] latest on mena report

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

the same guy wrote "gray money" i think.

by Mark Swaney 07.26.01

This is a story that I have tried in vain to get reported. When all else
fails, do it yourself, and so this is my own personal account of what I know
about the Mena investigation by the House Committee on Banking and Financial
Services, also known as the House Banking Committee (HBC).
It is an important story that bears directly on current events, but to
understand it, you must know something about past history.
This story is about ordinary citizens in Arkansas who were lied to and
cheated by Jim Leach and other corrupt politicians.
This is also a missing person story, and for all we know, Steve Ganis,
former Mena investigator for the HBC, has been threatened to insure his
The crucial questions remain unanswered.
* Where is the report on the Mena investigation?
* And where is Steve Ganis?
Mena is a small town in southwest Arkansas, population 5,000.
Mena has an airstrip, and in the early 1980's this quiet country town became
the center stage for a famous pilot and smuggler, Barry Seal.
Seal based his cocaine smuggling operation in Mena. Local officials knew
that laws were being broken and they appealed to the federal government for
The rumors were that Seal was running guns to the Nicaraguan Contras, and
bringing back cocaine.
People believed then and now that Barry Seal was actually a government
operative using his public persona as a famous drug smuggler as cover.
After the revelations of the Iran-Contra scandal, the questions about Seal's
operation continued to bother people in Arkansas who wanted to know if their
state had been used by George Bush and Bill Clinton as a base for a
government protected dope running operation.
In 1990, some students and citizens and I formed an organization at the
University of Arkansas called the "Arkansas Committee." The focus of the
Arkansas Committee was to combat government secrecy.
Quickly we discovered that we had a monster case of government secrecy in
our own backyard, and we began to agitate to get a full disclosure of the
Seal case.
Most of our strategy centered on getting the media to pay attention.
Since the case involved both Bill Clinton and George Bush, the media did
write some stories that were almost always centered on the topic of how the
Mena story might affect the political chances of one or the other of the now
former presidents.
In almost every case, the straight truth was ignored in favor of political
"spin". The truth is that Mena is a bipartisan scandal. But that simple idea
was lost in the welter of left vs. right reporting.
By late 1994, the Arkansas Committee had been battling for five years to get
more information on Mena to the public. To that end we had traveled to Mena,
Little Rock, and Washington DC, written countless letters, held press
conferences and demonstrations, filed Freedom of Information requests and
embarked on our own investigation.
In the beginning we thought that once the media "discovered" the Mena story
that they would do their own investigations, but we were sorely
We learned that the American media is a very weak reed for democracy to lean
More and more we relied on our own investigation to give the people
something accurate on the Mena case.
We went after Bill Clinton's Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA),
because we believed that ADFA had been established by Clinton to launder
money from government covert dope smuggling. We went after them tooth and
On the same day that the Arkansas Committee retrieved the Coral Reinsurance
documents from ADFA, December 2, 1994, we met with Bill Duncan, former IRS
agent, and Micah Morrison of the Wall Street Journal.
That night Morrison treated us to a fine dinner courtesy of the WSJ, and the
irony was enormous. Here we were, college radicals, teamed up with the WSJ!
Morrison had come to Little Rock to talk to Bill Duncan about Mena and he
informed us that the Arkansas Committee's long pursued goal of obtaining a
new investigation into the Mena allegations had finally been achieved.
The managers of the WSJ editorial page had been convinced by former Arkansas
congressman Bill Alexander and others that the Mena stories were worth
pursuing. They in turn had convinced the incoming chairman of the House
Banking Committee (HBC), Jim Leach, to use his good offices to investigate
And it came to pass as reported by Micah, soon there was an announcement by
James Leach that his committee would investigate Mena, and "let the chips
fall where they may".
These were the heady days of the Whitewater investigation and the Foster
suicide. In their zeal to poke a hole in Bill Clinton, the Republicans
apparently didn't care whose ox they gored, even if it was named "Bush". Or
so they said at the time.
The Arkansas Committee was 

[CTRL] The Crimes of Mena: GRAY MONEY

2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here:";>
The Crimes of Mena: GRAY MONEY

The Crimes of Mena:


by the Staff of the OZARK GAZETTE


Activists seeking documentation that would support claims that the
state of Arkansas was involved with money laundering on a massive
scale may have found the missing link in their three year search.
Documents obtained by the Arkansas Committee show that the Arkansas
Development and Finance Authority, a Bill Clinton signature project,
was involved in a highly questionable, and possibly illegal, sixty-million
dollar deal in which ADFA borrowed 5 million dollars from a Japanese
bank in order to buy stock in a Barbados insurance company.  The
stock was not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The state of Arkansas was the lead investor in a deal which poured
sixty million dollars through a Barbados company, Coral Reinsurance,
which is currently under investigation by insurance regulators in New
York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware as well as by Manhattan District
Attorney Robert Morgenthau, lead prosecutor in the BCCI scandal.
Additionally,the Ozark Gazette has recently been told that as a
result of the release of the Coral documents the independent counsel,
Kenneth Starr, is also investigating the deal.

Persons involved in the deal, which began in 1987 and ended in 1991,
include Bob Nash, then president of ADFA and now Personnel Director
of the White House, Robert Rubin, then president of Goldman Sach's
investment bank and now Secretary of the Treasury, and Maurice
Greenburg, president of American International Group, and a candidate
in 1995 to be Director of Central Intelligence.

The American International Group is a 100-billion dollar,
multi-national insurance company which founded Coral Reinsurance
Company in 1987.  The fact that AIG founded Coral was hidden from
insurance regulators for at least 3 years and was only recently proven
by the reluctant release by ADFA of the original stock placement
memorandum.  Maurice Greenburg as president of AIG is a very well
connected businessman and a player in international politics.  He
serves as the chairman of the US-China Business Council and lobbied
hard (and successfully) for the Clinton administration to sever the
link between China's human rights record and renewal of China's
most-favored-nation trade status. Members of the board of directors
of AIG include Martin Feldstein, Harvard University economics professor
and former chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors
and Carla Hills, former U.S. trade representative.  AIG's
international advisory board is headed by Henry A. Kissinger.

The original deal was pitched to ADFA by Goldman-Sachs, a New York
based securities firm which played an important role in the transaction.
Goldman-Sachs had pledged to sell the stock for Coral and in addition
pledged to buy the stock if for any reason the other investors could not
hold it and were forced to sell.  Goldman's president at the time was
Robert Rubin, later appointed by the Clinton administration to succeed
Lloyd Bentsen as the Secretary of the Treasury.


Founded in 1990 as a student organization at the University of Arkansas,
the Arkansas Committee's major focus was on Arkansas' involvement with the
mysterious activities at the Mena airport during the 1980's.  The Committee
spent two years unsuccessfully trying to convince the state government to
investigate links between major drug smuggler Barry Seal (also a government
informant), who worked out of the Mena, Arkansas airport, and the U. S.
Intelligence community.

Recently, two very respected investigative journalists, Roger Morris and
Sally Denton, have published the most authoritative and highly documented
account to date of events at the Mena airport between 1982 and 1986.
Based on over 2,000 documents including the previously unpublished personal
papers of Barry Seal, their article "The Crimes of Mena" in the July issue
of Penthouse Magazine reveals the government's protection, and cover up
of drug smuggling, gun running and money laundering.

Realizing that personal accounts were not sufficient to convince skeptics,
in the summer of 1992 the Committee began what would become its most
difficult journey - finding enough hard evidence to convince the media
(the court of last resort, the government having rebuffed two years of
pleas to do the job itself) to investigate and write about Mena.  And
so they began trying to locate the long buried paper trail, armed only
with the Freedom of Information Act and determination.

But what sort of hard documentation could they reasonably hope to find?
The Committee's sources had on more than one occasion indicated that up
to ten million dollars a week in illegal cash was going thro


2001-07-26 Thread Kris Millegan

THE YAMATO DYNASTY, by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave (1999)
Prologue / EMPEROR MEETS SHOGUN / page 10-21

 When the transition government in Tokyo objected to the publication of the
photo, MacArthur flexed his muscles by repealing all of Japan's restrictions
on publishing. This was followed by a directive on civil liberties that
effectively outlawed all of Japan's secret police and internal security
organs. Prince Higashikuni, another uncle of the emperor, resigned his post
as head of the transition government in protest. MacArthur did this to show
what he could do when provoked. The last thing he wanted was to open the way
for genuine civil liberties, which could invite political change in Japan.
That would be entirely too radical. From his point of view, anyone who was
not untra-right was a communist.
We can only guess at what reprecussions there might have been in Japan,
America and Europe if the real nature of the secret meeting with Hirohito
had become known to the general public.
It is a cliché` that in Asia things are rarely what they seem. Nobody puts
more effort into deception than the Japanese. So it is hardly surprising
that MacArthur and his staff thought they were doing the manipulating while
they were being manipulated. Their mistake arose from being fascinated by
the similarities between Japan and the West, when they should have focused
on the differences. The differences were dangerous. The similarities were
disarming, reassuring and seductive. Take, for example, the Quaker network
in Japan. It comes as a surprise that Quakers, despite their small number,
are sprinkled throughout Japanese society, and have remarkable leverage.
Let us begin with General Bonner Fellers. He was not just the greeter in the
embassy portico. Fellers was an unusual army officer with interesting
connections. Through his family he had ties to a Japanese diplomat, Terasaki
Hidenari, who was riding in one of the black Daimlers in Hirohito's
motorcade on that day. Both Fellers and Terasaki were intelligence officers.
"Terry" Terasaki had held the senior post of first secretary at the Japanese
Embassy in Wash- ington at the time of Pearl Harbor. He had his American
wife and daughter were interned, swapped for other diplomats, then spent the
war years miserably in Japan. Now Terasaki had been transferred to the
Imperial Household organization, which took care of all practical  matters
for the emperor and the imperial family.
Essentially, his job was to act as Hirohito's personal liaison with General
Fellers and General MacArthur.
Terry was perfect for the job. He loved America and knew it well. Bonner
Fellers was a cousin of Terry's American wife, Gwen Harold, who came from a
long line of Quakers. Bonner Fellers had attended a Quaker college in
Indiana, where he became friends with Japan- ese Quaker exchange students.
Two of these, Watanabe Yuri and Kawaii Michiko, became leading educators in
Japan and had palace connections. In postwar Tokyo they were helping Fellers
carry out his secret mission. In short, Fellers and Terasaki were part of a
network of Quaker and near-Quakers that reached from Herbert Hoover at one
end deep into the imperial palace at the other, to the personal entourage of
Hirohito's mother, Dowager Empress Sadako, and other members of the imperial
family. A number of Japanese men in the ruling hierarchy, who were
themselves Buddhist or Shinto, had Chrintian wives. So the inner core of an
aggressively warlike Buddhist-Shinto state, in the volatile 1920s 1930s and
1940s, had a nucleus of Chrisitans, many of them Quaker pacifists. They
influ- enced England and America greatly between the wars. They did not have
enough power to prevent the war, but they tried to stop it. Some of these
palace officials used their links to Swiss, British, and American Quakers to
send secret peace feelers to London and Washington by way of Switzerland.
After the war, they intervened in every way they could to save the imperial
family from humiliation and prosecution as war criminals. While this may
seem commendable in some respects, it had a dark side. The same network was
used very cynically by Bonner Fellers and others to achieve MacArthur's per-
sonal objectives, and those of his conservative backers.
On the Allied side, this quasi-Chrisitan network was a cat's cradle of
powerful connections. One of its leaders was U.S. Undersecretary of State
Jospeh Grew, the prewar U.S. ambassador to Japan. Grew had longstanding ties
to Bonner Fellers and to former president Herbert Hoover. Grew's wife, Alice
Perry Grew, was a descendant of Commodore Matthew Perry, who had opened up
Japan to Western commerce in the nineteenth century. As a child, Alice
attended school in Tokyo, became fluent in Japanese and was intimate friends
with aristocratic Japanese girls, one of whom grew up to become Hirohito's
mother. So Alice and Joseph Grew had unique access to aristocratic circles
in Japan. One of Grew's cousins, Jane Norton Grew, was mar-

[CTRL] Fwd: Campaign Cash Fuels Effort to Slip Caribbean Trade Measure into Spending Bill

2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

More on Sara Lee contributions - lots of big bucks shelled out by this
firm giving appearance of a "shake down"?   But then the price of
justice runs very high these days..

Speaking of these campaign funds - is this where Gary Condit took $2,500
to buy the bracelet for Chandra Levy and this oh so generous man also
contributed $10,000 for reward to come up with the body of
Chandra.some think this money should have come out of his own
pocket, and not the pockets of those who contributed to his campaign.

So we see why Sara Lee virtually got away with murder - for it was
proven in Court they knew at the time, they had a very serious problem
and still have a very serious problem.

21 people dead and Sara Lee charged with misdemeanor and fined $200,000?
Hell, they gave more than that to men in Congress and Presidential
Campaigns - keeping in mind, the President Appoints the Attorney General
who prosecutes such cases.

This upcoming trial with Jimbo Traficant should be very interesting -
now they say he took a bribe?   What is the difference between a bribe
and some of these so called "contributions" - remember Jesse Jackson,
holding up companies with threat of boycots?

So more from Sara Lee and how she got away with murder - for it was
known they had a serious problem in their food processing plant...


Oct. 13, 1998
Campaign Cash at Work in Stealthy NAFTA Expansion: GOP Leaders Eye
Omnibus Spending Bill
Clothing Industry Contributors Would Obtain Huge Benefits

Lavish political contributions from two major apparel firms are fueling
an attempt to slip a damaging trade deal through Congress in the final
hours before adjournment.

Republican leaders will decide imminently whether to add a controversial
26-country NAFTA expansion to the giant omnibus spending bill, granting
one-way NAFTA benefits to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
CBI NAFTA expansion has never been approved by the Senate and was
defeated 234-182 in a House vote in November 1997.

GOP leaders are now trying to force a choice between closing down the
government or approving legislation they have already opposed.

Sara Lee (Hanes) and Fruit of the Loom contributed more than $340,000 in
unregulated soft money to the political parties in 1997 and 1998 and
would gain an estimated $75 million annually in tax cuts through lower
tariffs if the Caribbean Basin Initiative passes.

"The last-minute push for an already-rejected NAFTA expansion exposes
our campaign system for what it is: legalized bribery," said Public
Citizen President Joan Claybrook. "Laws are not supposed to get passed
by wealthy special interests cutting special deals behind closed doors."

Sara Lee, which would gain $50 million a year in tax cuts if the CBI is
passed, gave $5,179 in unregulated soft money to the political parties
in 1997 and 1998. Fruit of the Loom, which will make $25 million a year
from the tax cut, has given a whopping $339,687 in soft money in 1997
and 1998, including $100,000 to the Republicans in August 1998.

Fruit of the Loom's CEO Bill Farley gave more than $35,000 in campaign
contributions to Congressional candidates in 1997 and 1998, while Sara
Lee's CEO John Bryan made $9,550 in personal contributions to

"Fruit of the Loom slashed 7,700 U.S. sewing
jobs last year, more than a third of the company's entire U.S.
workforce, and has announced plans to reorganize under a
Cayman Islands parent company, thus evading $100 million in U.S.
corporate income taxes.

This is not behavior we should reward," said Lori Wallach, Director of
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch.



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Re: [CTRL] How is your gender appearance?

2001-07-26 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

> From: Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 01:08:55 -0300
> Subject: [CTRL] How is your gender appearance? (fwd)
> -Caveat Lector-
> How is your gender appearance?
> Is there such a thing as the "gay agenda"? In other words, are efforts to
> enact various laws, such as those forbidding "discrimination" against
> homosexuals and allowing gay "marriage" simply the leading edge of an
> ever-broadening assault upon traditional norms and values, as conservatives
> have argued for years?

Lets hope so. "traditional norms and values"  have allowed violence to
children and women, slavery, religious intolerance, social selfishness, and
a general lack of freedom in thought and action.

>Here's a test case to help you decide.
> In Sacramento, Calif., state legislators are poised to pass a bill that
> would prohibit bias against - and here we quote the report of this
> newspaper's Thomas D. Elias - "Transsexuals, drag queens, effeminate men,
> 'butch' women and anyone else who doesn't manifest common sex traits and
> behavior." The bill has already passed the state Assembly and prospects
> appear good for eventual passage in the state Senate. Its chief sponsor,
> Democratic Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg, says her measure merely "adds
> gender-appearance discrimination to sex discrimination in the state's Fair
> Employment and Housing Act." Her bill would require, among other things,
> that workers notify their employers of their sexual identity - or pending
> "change" - before making any claims of sex-gender-appearance discrimination.
> Hmm. Gender-appearance discrimination? "This would turn the 'Rocky Horror
> Picture Show' into California labor law," said Republican Assemblyman Ken
> Maddox, one of the bill's most vocal foes. The "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
> was a film about a cross-dressing Transylvanian transvestite drag queen
> named Dr. Frank N. Furter and his menagerie of human oddities. The good
> doctor wore garters and lacy stockings, along with a bodice - attire that
> would, apparently, comprise legitimate, or at least legally unassailable,
> office fashion under Ms. Goldberg's proposed bill. In fact, pretty much
> anything would be sacrosanct because the language of the law is pretty
> fuzzy - including such hard-to-pin-down terms as "perception," "identity,"
> "appearance" and "behavior." Conservative groups worry that the loose
> language of the bill would effectively render it impossible for employers
> to discipline employees or request that they abstain from any apparel that
> might be considered central to their "identity," "appearance" or
> "behavior." Art Croney of the conservative Committee on Moral Concerns said
> his group has "sympathy for people who are really confused about their
> gender . . . but they don't need affirmation at the expense of employers
> and schoolchildren."

what a load of crap. we have dress codes in the business place. A woman
today cannot show up at the average workplace in a garter belt lacey
stockings and a bodice, so there is no reason to assume a cross dressing man
would be allowed to dress this way at work either. This is the usual smoke
blowing to cover up the point of the law. the law exists to protect people.
If a man works for me, and gets the job done, i dont care what sort of
panties he wears.

> Gov. Gray Davis is fuzzy, too. So far, he has issued no comment on the
> legislation. In any event, California being a bellwether state,
> gender-appearance protection may soon be coming to an office, school or
> state agency near you. You'll have to decide for yourself whether that
> comprises an "agenda" or not.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:";>Archives of


[CTRL] Sara Lee fined $200,000 - 21 dead

2001-07-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

 BOSTON, MA - JUNE 19, 2000 - Ralph Nader joined by Susan Sarandon, Phil
Donahue and others filed suit in Federal District Court in Boston today
challenging Federal Election Commission regulations which allow
corporations to sponsor Presidential debates.

By allowing the expenditures, the Federal Election Commission is
creating an unlawful exemption to the Federal Election Campaign Act
(FECA) which prohibits corporate contributions and expenditures in
connection with campaigns for federal office, the lawsuit said.

 "The Commission on Presidential Debates, incorporated by
the national Democratic and Republican Parties, has solicited and
received millions of dollars from for-profit corporations to help it
stage its debates," the suit alleged.
 Anheuser-Busch and other corporations are paying for the
debates this fall. The first debate is scheduled for Boston on October
 Included in the list of corporate sponsors in 1992 were

AT&T, Atlantic Richfield,
Ford Motor Company, I
J.P. Morgan & Co. and
Philip Morris Companies, Inc.

In 1996, the debate sponsors included Anheuser-Busch,
Lucent Technologies,
Philip Morris Companies, Inc.,
Sara Lee Corporation and
Sprint Corporation.
Overlooked by Nader and his followers, was the fact that Sara Lee had a
case in court involving the death of 21 people ..a misdemeanor
charge, not even considered a felony.

The fact remains the contributions of Sara Lee during this trial period,
could almost constitute a bribe.

As of late there were new reports of Sara Lee food being contaminated;
now is it sabotage, or is it negligence?

Note one of the above contributors also had some personal axes to grind
- Lucent laid is abolishing an additional 20,000 jobs - wonder how
Lucent and Sara Lee would like all their products boycotted?

The death of the unborn babies didn't even merit a headline - for you
see the sale of baby body parts was a booming business and America has
become accustomed to the bashing of little heads as they strive to take
their first breath of fresh air.

Good News - Eric Rudolph is Free and Still the wilderness.

Corporate Criminals?   What no felony charges against Sara Lee with
their new Kosher Hotdogs one would think they at least tried to correct
the problems they were do we pay extra now for food to be
sure it is not poisoned?

Guess those unborn babies did not count at all - 6 unborn babies dead -
but what would you expect from a country who turns little children over
to sodomists and lesbians for care, and who permits partial birth
abortions - the bashing in of many little heads?   Sara Lee should be
force fed her own slop.


Sara Lee Pleads Guilty to Misdemeanor in Meat Recall

Friday, June 22, 2001

 Email this Article  GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.
 — Sara Lee Corp. Friday pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count
of producing and distributing adulterated meat relating to a 1998 hot
dog and deli meat recall that was linked to more than a dozen deaths.

As part of a plea agreement with federal prosecutors, the company was
fined $200,000 and agreed to a $1.2 million civil settlement with the
government. Sara Lee also agreed to pay $3 million to fund food safety
research at Michigan State University.

In 1999, Sara Lee took a $76 million charge related to the recall of 35
million pounds of hot dogs and deli meats at its Bil Mar Foods unit
after the food was linked to an outbreak of listeria, a food-borne
illness that can be deadly for the elderly and people with weakened
immune systems.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention linked the outbreak
to 15 deaths, six miscarriages and more than 100 illnesses in 22 states.

The meats and hot dogs were made at the Bil Mar plant in Zeeland,

[Wonder if the Kosher Hot Dogs were poisoned too - Poor Sara Lee -
wonder how much it will cost them this time to stay out of jail
Blut then, Fox seems to be the only one who appreciates the fact, that
Sara Lee has a Borgia in their kitchens...Saba Note]

Further personal note to June:   You are ending sentences with
prepositions again and better get a new spellchecker before you
criticize spelling and/or elocution of others?   You are as crude, as
you are rude.

©Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2001 Standard & Poor's
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Tenorlove wrote:
>You see, I have joined this list in order to LEARN, not
>> to become boggled by cryptic nonsense.
>Well, then, you'd better open your mind. There are people on this list
>whose native language is NOT English. If they can't communicate as
>clearly as you, do they also speak "cryptic nonsense"?

Paula's post was directed to Saba/Colleen, whose primary language IS
supposedly English...

Paula's point was not regarding spelling or grammar, it was that people
who are making claims should do so clearly, and present some sort of
substantiation for their claims...neither of which Saba/Colleen does...

>Had you read the Declaration and Disclaimer at the bottom of the page
>you'd understand that rationality and clarity have nothing to do with
>conspiracy theory or political information.

I disagree...rationality and clarity should be of utmost importance, more
so in a realm where extraordinary subjects are being discussed...

If it degenerates into nothing more than irrationality and obscurity,
then we deserve the label of 'nut cases' that general society burdens us

>You're going to find, as
>you continue to study conspiracy theory, that many, if not most, of the
>conspiracy writers DO NOT write like they have Ph.D.'s in English.

No one is saying they should.  But they SHOULD be able to arrange their
thoughts into a concise manner, and offer some sort of substantiation for
extraordinary claims...or else clearly state that what they are writing
is based solely on their personal prejudice for which they have no
documentation or evidence with which to back it up with...

>Read for content, not style.

Saba/Colleen, to whom Paula addressed her post, consistently posts
'style' over content...what little content 'she' may provide, one has to
wade thru reams of 'style' to get to...

>You have to slog through a lot of dross to get to the gold nuggets.

And in Saba/Colleen's case, after one slogs thru reams of dross, one
usually only comes up with Fool's Gold...

>Usually newbies lurk for a while and read the posts and get a feeling
>for the threads on the list, and the styles/attitudes of the other list
>members, before they go shooting off their mouths. Your post comes off
>not only as disrespectful, but as arrogance of the highest degree.

To me it came off as being spot on...

And why hold Paula up to a standard that you don't condemn Saba/Colleen
for ignoring, for Saba/Colleen has never 'lurked', but starts posting
away with abandon immediately upon subscribing to the list with any of
'her' multitude of IDs...


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> -Original Message-
> From: RevCOAL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 7:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA
> On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Steve wrote:
> >The best explanation I have yet heard regarding Aleisha is
> from June, and
> >that is, near the end of the month she is apparently running
> low on meds.
> The thing is, it's hard to tell what's worse:  Saba/Colleen's
> posts when
> 'she' is low on meds, or 'her' posts when pumped up on meds...
> There are definite differences between the two, but both are wastes...
> June

All true to some extent, but if I am not mistaken Saba is the only one
posting regularly who has any first-hand experience with some of the
principals involved. The tendency of researchers to dehumanize their
perceived enemies is very irritating but seems to be an unavoidable facet of
human nature.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Steve wrote:
>The best explanation I have yet heard regarding Aleisha is from June, and
>that is, near the end of the month she is apparently running low on meds. (I
>apologize for this to the list, but could not resist, and it does seem to fit a
>cyclical pattern we have also observed as well as an accurate historical
>account from the list archives.  ;^)

The thing is, it's hard to tell what's worse:  Saba/Colleen's posts when
'she' is low on meds, or 'her' posts when pumped up on meds...

There are definite differences between the two, but both are wastes...


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Paula Marcott wrote:
>Aleisha, I have just joined this list, and therefore am no expert on
>its content OR its members.  However, I have spoken the English language
>for quite some time, and wonder if you, as well, might give it a whirl.
>You see, I have joined this list in order to LEARN, not to become
>boggled by cryptic nonsense. Also to DISCUSS, rationally and clearly all
>manner of conspiracy theory and political information.

Well you'll just have to get used to using your Delete key most of the
time, as Saba/Colleen insist on flooding this list with posts that are
consistently cryptic, irrational, and muddy...

We're all still waiting for her to PROVE the veracity of her supposed
Bible Code by posting just ONE prediction BEFORE it happens...

>I have just
>recently learned of conspiracy theory and the fact that they exist much
>farther into reality than I have ever known, and would appreciate it if
>you could take a course or something on how to Speak in a way that sends
>these (hopefully, in your case) IMPORTANT messages out in a way so that
>young grasshoppers such as myself can understand.

Well now you've done it!  How DARE you expect Saba/Colleen to communicate
succintly.  You obviously are not aware that she has hobnobbed with every
single rich and famous person for the better part of the 20th century,
and that her ancestors knew every famous person going back to the time
the Great Pyramid was built...

I'm sure in the response that Saba/Colleen is sure to make to your post,
she will apprise you of the fact of her family's (in) will
learn what thoroughbreds that they are...   ;-)

>Please understand, I
>am painfully honest, and am not willing to waste my time reading pages
>of incoherent mumbo-jumbo.


Hoo, boy!  This is going to be fun!  Let the games begin   ;-)

>Therefore, if this comes as disrespect, I
>apologize that you are weak.

Oh, yeah!  Time to get the asbestos longjohns out of mothballs...   ;-)

>If you cannot write more eloquently and
>clear, you are pathetically illiterate.  Lastly, if this is as good as
>you get, God help us all, you are insane.

Here, Paula...I have an extra pair of asbestos longjohns for you, too...

Take from those of us who have had to put up with Saba/Colleen for too
long on this may find the environment in the Jackson, Wyoming
area less combustive than the flamefest Saba is sure to unleash in
response to your post...   ;-)


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> --- Paula Marcott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you cannot write more
> eloquently and
> > clear, you are pathetically illiterate.  Lastly, if this is as good
> > as you get, God help us all, you are insane.
> Usually newbies lurk for a while and read the posts and get a feeling
> for the threads on the list, and the styles/attitudes of the
> other list
> members, before they go shooting off their mouths. Your post comes off
> not only as disrespectful, but as arrogance of the highest degree. The
> only weakness shown is your lack of self-control in not taking time to
> examine the context of the list before you posted your name-calling
> diatribe.
> Tenorlove
I have three teenage girls who have watched as I became more and more
stupid. They will not see me get any smarter until they are well into their
20s. It's a right of passage for humans, I guess.

Reminds me of the wise proverb; youth is wasted on the young.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How is your gender appearance? (fwd)

2001-07-26 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Yardbird wrote:
>Hmm. Gender-appearance discrimination? "This would turn the 'Rocky Horror
>Picture Show' into California labor law," said Republican Assemblyman Ken
>Maddox, one of the bill's most vocal foes. The "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
>was a film about a cross-dressing Transylvanian transvestite drag queen
>named Dr. Frank N. Furter and his menagerie of human oddities. The good
>doctor wore garters and lacy stockings, along with a bodice - attire that
>would, apparently, comprise legitimate, or at least legally unassailable,
>office fashion under Ms. Goldberg's proposed bill.

That's asinine logic.  There is nothing in the language of the bill
proscribing employers from inacting a dresscode that is equally applied
to both men and women.  If bustiers, garters and fishnet stockings worn
with 8-inch stilleto heels would be inappropriate office attire for a
woman, it would be as inappropriate for a man.  An employer would only
have trouble if a man wore a skirt suit or a woman wore a man's
traditional suit into the office and the employer hassled the employee
over their choice of attire...


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] dumb musik

2001-07-26 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Andrew Hennessey wrote:
>did I miss the point ??? somewhere ?



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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Paula Marcott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Aleisha, I have just joined this list, and therefore am no expert on
> its content OR its members.

Uh, yup.

 However, I have spoken the English
> language for quite some time,


and wonder if you, as well, might give
> it a whirl.

Pedantry is one of the most popular tools of disinformation. Who are
you disinforming for?

You see, I have joined this list in order to LEARN, not
> to become boggled by cryptic nonsense.

Well, then, you'd better open your mind. There are people on this list
whose native language is NOT English. If they can't communicate as
clearly as you, do they also speak "cryptic nonsense"?

Also to DISCUSS, rationally
> and clearly all manner of conspiracy theory and political
> information.

Had you read the Declaration and Disclaimer at the bottom of the page
you'd understand that rationality and clarity have nothing to do with
conspiracy theory or political information. You're going to find, as
you continue to study conspiracy theory, that many, if not most, of the
conspiracy writers DO NOT write like they have Ph.D.'s in English. That
doesn't make them any less credible. Read for content, not style. You
have to slog through a lot of dross to get to the gold nuggets. This is
where judicious use of the DELETE key comes in handy.

I have just recently learned of conspiracy theory and
> the fact that they exist much farther into reality than I have ever
> known, and would appreciate it if you could take a course or
> something on how to Speak in a way that sends these (hopefully, in
> your case) IMPORTANT messages out in a way so that young grasshoppers
> such as myself can understand.  Please understand, I am painfully
> honest, and am not willing to waste my time reading pages of
> incoherent mumbo-jumbo.  Therefore, if this comes as disrespect, I
> apologize that you are weak.  If you cannot write more eloquently and
> clear, you are pathetically illiterate.  Lastly, if this is as good
> as you get, God help us all, you are insane.

Usually newbies lurk for a while and read the posts and get a feeling
for the threads on the list, and the styles/attitudes of the other list
members, before they go shooting off their mouths. Your post comes off
not only as disrespectful, but as arrogance of the highest degree. The
only weakness shown is your lack of self-control in not taking time to
examine the context of the list before you posted your name-calling


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Noisy solution to crime problem

2001-07-26 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, 24 July, 2001, 14:27 GMT 15:27 UK

Noisy solution to crime problem

The noise should make people look at the camera By BBC Science's
Andrew Craig

Scientists in Britain have developed a new kind of noise that they hope will
help to catch criminals.

It is already being used to make security alarms more effective, and to stop
mobile phone users being confused by other people's ringing phones.

The new sound has been developed by Professor Deborah Withington of
Leeds University, UK, for use in conjunction with security cameras.

It works by using a rich mixture of frequencies that enables listeners to
pinpoint exactly where it is coming from.

Facing the camera

Professor Withington says she has discovered that it is impossible for
people who hear the sound not to turn and face it.

If it is emitted during a robbery, for example, from a speaker positioned next
to a security camera, even the most disciplined criminal cannot help turning
and giving the camera a nice clear shot of their face.

She says that, in tests, volunteers reacted without even knowing they were
doing it.

Survival skills

"Being able to pinpoint a sound is fundamental for survival for all animal
species, humans included," she said.

"Our sound has a massive range of frequencies in it," she added.

"As soon as you hear it, you can pinpoint exactly where the sound source is."

The noise is already used in alarms to help pedestrians tell which direction
emergency vehicles or reversing trucks are approaching from, and to guide
people towards emergency exits during fires.

Soon it could be helping to put criminals behind bars.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

The best explanation I have yet heard regarding Aleisha is from June, and
that is, near the end of the month she is apparently running low on meds. (I
apologize for this to the list, but could not resist, and it does seem to fit a
cyclical pattern we have also observed as well as an accurate historical
account from the list archives.  ;^)


On 26 Jul 01, at 16:33, Paula Marcott wrote:

> Aleisha, I have just joined this list, and therefore am no expert on its content OR 
>its members.  However, I have spoken the
> English language for quite some time, and wonder if you, as well, might give it a 
>whirl.  You see, I have joined this list in
> order to LEARN, not to become boggled by cryptic nonsense. Also to DISCUSS, 
>rationally and clearly all manner of conspiracy theory
> and political information.  I have just recently learned of conspiracy theory and 
>the fact that they exist much farther into
> reality than I have ever known, and would appreciate it if you could take a course 
>or something on how to Speak in a way that
> sends these (hopefully, in your case) IMPORTANT messages out in a way so that young 
>grasshoppers such as myself can understand.
> Please understand, I am painfully honest, and am not willing to waste my time 
>reading pages of incoherent mumbo-jumbo.  Therefore,
> if this comes as disrespect, I apologize that you are weak.  If you cannot write 
>more eloquently and clear,
>you are pathetically i

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Weird weather.

2001-07-26 Thread Paula Marcott

-Caveat Lector-

Scalar technology?  Do you have some more information on this, some links, or perhaps 
some evidence to back the suggestion up?  It sounds very interesting, and I would love 
to learn more.  Thank you.   Paula
-Original Message-
From: Nakano Nakamura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 18:53:11 -0700
Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Weird weather.

> -Caveat Lector-
> --- Nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  And what was that barrage of tornados that hit
>  America while its planes were bombing Serbia?
> _
> Nakano replies:
> The most horrific demonstration of "Scalar"
> "Energetics" Weather Control was the great flood
> along the Mississippi River in June-July of 1993.
> It was called "The Flood of 500 years".
> For weeks the "jet stream" was frozen in place
> and pumping more moisture into the stricken area.
> Finally, even the weather reporters on the
> Weather Channel starting commenting about the
> strange behavior of the Jet Stream.
> Normally, these "upper level steering currents"
> are in constant motion.  They flow away from
> high pressure areas and toward low pressure areas.
> The "jetstream" was being herded by a series of
> "blocking highs"high pressure systems.
> This is the classic method of using Scalar
> Interferometry for weather control.
> Col. Thomas E. Bearden has written extensively
> about this.
> When every you see really unusual weather,
> especially strong temperature differentials,
> limited to a specific area, there is a very high
> probability that you are seeing the results of
> weather control via Scalar technology.
> What you definitely are NOT seeing are the
> effects of Greenhouse Gases.
>  Regards to All
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

2001-07-26 Thread Paula Marcott

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha, I have just joined this list, and therefore am no expert on its content OR 
its members.  However, I have spoken the English language for quite some time, and 
wonder if you, as well, might give it a whirl.  You see, I have joined this list in 
order to LEARN, not to become boggled by cryptic nonsense. Also to DISCUSS, rationally 
and clearly all manner of conspiracy theory and political information.  I have just 
recently learned of conspiracy theory and the fact that they exist much farther into 
reality than I have ever known, and would appreciate it if you could take a course or 
something on how to Speak in a way that sends these (hopefully, in your case) 
IMPORTANT messages out in a way so that young grasshoppers such as myself can 
understand.  Please understand, I am painfully honest, and am not willing to waste my 
time reading pages of incoherent mumbo-jumbo.  Therefore, if this comes as disrespect, 
I apologize that you are weak.  If you cannot write more eloquently and clear, you are 
pathetically illiterate.  Lastly, if this is as good as you get, God help us all, you 
are insane. Paula
-Original Message-
From: Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 00:19:26 -0400
Subject:  [CTRL] Fwd: Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA

> Well with hoof and mouth disease and mad cow disease, it is nice to know
> we still have Plum Island who attempts to avoid problems now plaguing
> England.   I reproduce this item for your convenience, but you may wish
> to pull up under subject matter.
> Sarah Lee is having problems; no doubt some sabotage involved here for
> one thing sure, they had a new hot dog - Kosher Hot Dogs, which cost a
> little more but well worth the price.   I noted during the holiday
> season, however there were none to be found.
> One must be very careful in buying food these days - I still wonder how
> horses in Kentucky acquired HIV and AIDS?   This is somewhaat of a
> common disease; however, they do use horse serum for medical purposes.
> Wish I knew more about this stuff.
> Saba
> Interestin Item:
> Plum Island Animal Disease Center
> Click here for version for text and older browsers
> Plum Island Home Page
> About the Island
> Welcome to Plum Island, New York!
> Our job here is a big one. We work to protect farm animals, farmers and
> ranchers, the nation's farm economy and export markets... and your food
> supply. We developed this web site to show you how we do that—and how
> we make safety a priority at every step.
> We're proud of our role as America's first line of defense against
> foreign animal diseases. We're equally proud of our safety record. Not
> once in our 45 years of operation has an animal pathogen escaped from
> Plum Island.
> [Saba Note:   Well, I wonder here]
> And we're prepared to take on a new challenge if necessary. The federal
> government is considering expanding our scientific role to study foreign
> animal diseases that are also dangerous to people.
> How serious a threat could foreign animal diseases be if they were to
> infect American livestock? Consider foot-and-mouth disease of cattle.
> Controlling a single outbreak in this country could cost millions of
> dollars.
> If this disease became established, it would shrink our $11.5 billion
> export market for animals, meat and other and animal products in
> countries free of the disease. As producers tried to recoup their own
> losses, food prices could rise at the supermarket. In addition, hundreds
> of thousands of cattle, swine, deer and other animals might have to be
> slaughtered.
> In the decade after World War II, outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in
> Mexico and Canada led Congress to establish USDA's Plum Island Animal
> Disease Center to keep America safe, but ready for the worst
> scenario—the introduction of this or other potentially devastating
> foreign animal diseases.
> Front entrance of main facility.
> The center is the only place in the country where certain highly
> infectious foreign animal diseases are studied, such as foot-and-mouth
> disease. Our job is to keep these diseases out, by finding quicker ways
> to diagnose them and by developing vaccines and other veterinary
> treatments.
> The Plum Island Animal Disease Center is part of the U.S. Department of
> Agriculture. Our scientists and veterinarians are with two USDA
> agencies: the Agricultural Research Service and the Animal and Plant
> Health Inspection Service.  [Nice to think Gary Condit is on this
> committee and it is obvious some of this stuff is classified, top secret
> stuff, etc, etc, etc.  SABA Note]
> ARS operations on the island are part of the agency's North Atlantic
> Area. The NAA encompasses 13 research locations from Maine to West
> Virginia.
> At this web site, you can find out more about the center's mission and
> about the scientists'