Re: [CTRL] Emotions, DNA and Psychedelic Herbs

2001-08-28 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001 00:56:02 EDT, Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:


   First, thank you for breathing, and for thinkling out loud on this forum.
 Secondly, the people you ask about do not want benefit.  That would be
 healthy and they do not want a thing to do with emotional, spiritual or
 genetic health.  Why?  I'm not sure, except that healthiness has nothing in
 common with control, which they need.  It all has to do with fear, and with
 them being either very young souls or very old (but sickly) souls.

They may be neither young nor old souls -- just patient souls who are allowing
confused brains to do what they wish.  I think that's why some form of alien
contact may be a necessary component to ensure the survival of mankind.  If
left to our own devices, I think we would always have these confused,
power-hungry souls who either do the wrong things for the right reasons, or the
wrong things for the selfish reasons.  Eventually I think things like alien
sightings, crop circles, and close encounters can get the attention of even the
most dispicable hard-head.  Therefore, that's why I think certain physical
events are necessary for our collective ascension.

| AIM:Damaeus   | Damaeus [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| ICQ:18405845  | Loosen Up! |
|---'.   |
| YahooMessenger:Damaeus |   |

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Leader's killing 'means open war'

2001-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   Leader's killing 'means open war'

 Israel steps up its assassination policy with a missile attack on
 the most senior Palestinian leader to die during the intifada

 Suzanne Goldenberg in Ramallah, and agencies
 Tuesday August 28, 2001
 The Guardian

 Israel yesterday claimed the highest ranking victim of its
 assassination policy since the Palestinian uprising began, killing
 the leader of the Popular Front for the Libertion of Israel with
 two missiles sent through the window of his office in a Ramallah
 apartment block.
 Mustafa Zibri, universally known as Abu Ali Mustafa, died working
 alone at his desk.

 The office is on the first floor of a block of flats in a
 well-do-do residential area.

 Shortly after his death at 11.15am the PFLP's military wing said
 that as an initial response one of its groups had shot and
 wounded an Israeli settler near the settlement of Itamar.

 A settlers' spokesman said the motorist was critically wounded.

 To many Palestinians Mustafa had iconic status. The Marxist faction
 he led was once second only to Yasser Arafat's Fatah organisation.
 Thousands took to the streets in protest and there were calls for
 revenge from across the political spectrum.

 The explosions shattered windows and mirrors in adjoining rooms,
 but otherwise, apart from scorch marks above the north and east
 facing windows of his corner office, the building was eerily

 Mustafa was by far the highest ranking of the 40 Palestinians
 assassinated by Israel since the intifada began.

 Arguably he was the most significant since 1988, when Israeli
 commandos killed Mr Arafat's lieutenant Abu Jihad in Tunis.

 His assassination was a departure from Israel's strategy, which has
 so far focused on eliminating activists of Mr Arafat's Fatah and
 the Islamist group Hamas rather than members of leftwing factions.

 His wake at a town hall a few blocks away reflected his senior
 status. Leaders of Palestinian groups from Hamas to the leftwing
 Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine paid their

 At first there was a sense of shock, but now there is a sense of
 vengeance, the DFLP leader, Qais Abu Laylah, said.

 When people in the top Palestinian leadership are targeted by
 Israel I don't think there is any place or range for what you may
 call moderation. This is an open war.

 Palestinians regarded Mustafa as a strictly political figure. Born
 to a humble family near the West Bank town of Jenin, he was for
 years the right hand of the veteran leader George Habash.

 An opponent of the peace accords with Israel, he returned from
 exile, with Israel's permission, in 1999, and succeeded to the
 leadership of the PFLP 16 months ago.

 Once the second largest faction in the PLO, the PFLP has been on
 the sidelines in recent years as Hamas and other Islamist groups
 strengthen their hold. But it has been an emerging military force
 in the uprising, and carried out a string of car bombings in
 Israel. None caused Israeli fatalities.

 The Israeli army said Mustafa was directly responsible for the car
 bombings. Its statement said he invested most of his energy in
 establishing covert underground military cells of the PFLP. But it
 offered no proof that he was dir- ectly involved.

 Mustafa was killed only hours after the prime minister, Ariel
 Sharon, convened his closest cabinet ministers, including the
 foreign minister, Shimon Peres, to order an increase in the
 assassination of Palestinian activists.

 A potential successor to the PFLP leadership, Abdul Rahim Maluah,
 said the strategy would backfire.

 The Israelis have gone through all the red lines when they
 assassinate a person like Abu Ali Mustafa, he said. This has
 reached the highest levels of the Palestinian leadership and they
 must know beyond a doubt that their decision will have

 In addition to the prominence of the target, yesterday's attack
 stood out for its sheer audacity. Three of the eight flats in the
 building attacked are occupied by Palestinian families holding US

 I was sitting at my desk drawing a rose, and then went out to get
 a banana from the kitchen for Haneen, said Leila Daas, 10.

 We were just at the door when the blast happened, and then we all
 started running and screaming.

 Mustafa's neighbours said they had little to do with him, and had
 assumed his presence in the building did not compromise their
 safety because he was a political leader.

 But his bodyguard, Fadi Abu Salah, said he had been acting like a
 hunted man for months: staggering his arrival at the office and
 changing vehicles.

 The Israelis possess high technology. They have satellites and
 their collaborators and spies. It is obvious that a well known
 leader will always be followed by Israel, and by collaborators, he

 Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

Hey this was a bullseye! Took way to long to nail these 

[CTRL] Fwd: Hypnosis may give false confidence in inaccurate memories

2001-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan


SAN FRANCISCO - A new study suggests that hypnosis doesn't help people
recall events more accurately - but it does tend to make people more
confident of their inaccurate memories.

Researchers asked college students, including some who were under hypnosis,
to give the dates of 20 national and international news events from the
past 11 years.

Those who were hypnotized were no more accurate than others in choosing the
correct dates. However, those who were hypnotized were more reluctant to
change their answers when they were told they might be wrong.

The results suggest that people may have too much faith that hypnosis can
help them accurately recover lost memories, said Joseph Green, co-author of
the study and associate professor of psychology at Ohio State University's
Lima campus.

Clearly, myths and misconceptions about hypnosis abound, Green said.
While hypnosis does not enhance the reliability of memory, there is some
evidence that hypnosis leads to increased confidence in memories.

These results support earlier survey research co-authored by Green that
found nearly nine of ten people in four countries believe that hypnosis can
help someone remember something that they could not remember otherwise.

Green conducted the latest study with Steven Jay Lynn of the State
University of New York at Binghamton. They presented their results Aug. 26
in San Francisco at the annual meeting of the American Psychological

The study involved 96 college students who were asked to give their best
estimate of the day, month and year that various events occurred. These
included the date the Gulf War began, the day a bomb exploded in Atlanta
during the Olympics and the date that Kurt Cobain of the rock band Nirvana
committed suicide.

About half the students were hypnotized before performing the task, while
the other half performed a progressive muscle relaxation exercise.

In addition to giving dates, the students were asked to rate how confident
they were in the estimates they gave. Afterwards, the booklets with the
date estimates were collected. After 20 minutes, the students were told the
booklets had been scored to determine if their dates were within three
months of the actual date. All participants were told that if they had a
red star on the back of the booklet, at least one, but maybe more of the
dates were inaccurate. In fact, though, the researchers had put red stars
on all the booklets. The students were then given 10 minutes to review and
change any of their previous estimates and give new ratings of how
confident they were in their date estimates.

Results showed that the students who were hypnotized were no more accurate
than those in the relaxation group. On some of the questions, none of the
students were within three months of the correct date. At best, 62.5
percent were within three months of the correct date of an event.

In their ratings, the students who were hypnotized were no more confident
in their date estimates than were the other students, Green said. However,
participants who were hypnotized were less likely to change their estimates
when told some were wrong.

Participants in the hypnosis group changed only 16.9 percent of their
answers, compared to the other group, who changed 24.6 percent of their

The fact that students under hypnosis said they were no more confident in
their answers than did others, but were still less likely to change their
answers, suggests the belief in the power of hypnosis to improve memory
operates outside of conscious awareness.

Those who were hypnotized tell you they are not confident in their
answers, but their behavior - the reluctance to change their answers -
suggests they must be more confident in their answers, Green said.

The reason may be the myths that surround hypnosis, he said. It's widely
believed that hypnosis somehow acts as a truth serum, that it unlocks
memory and permits people to perform mental operations that they otherwise
couldn't do, Green said.

These myths occur worldwide, according to research Green helped conduct. In
a survey of 280 students in Australia, Germany, Iran and the United States,
88 percent said hypnosis can help people remember something they couldn't
otherwise remember. There were no significant differences in this belief
between countries.

Green said the results of the new study don't mean that hypnosis has no
value. Any kind of technique used to retrieve memories - including the use
of diaries or drugs - will produce inaccurate memories. However, the
difference is that people tend to have more faith in hypnosis than they do
in other memory techniques.

While it may be true that hypnosis is no worse than other memory retrieval
techniques in terms of accuracy, the downfall is that people may be more
confident in memories they generate while under hypnosis, Green said. And
that's because of the belief that hypnosis is a magical truth 

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Big Brother Logs On

2001-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Join and get FREE gift certificates to
Wal*Mart, Target, Best Buy, Olive Garden and more!

Technology Review

Big Brother Logs On

By Ivan Amato September 2001

Feeling exposed? Watchful technologies could soon put everyone under

The door to paranoia opens benignly—and early. Just think of Santa. He knows
when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been
bad or good, for goodness' sake. And he knows these things all the time,
even though you can't see him. Millions of kids all over the world happily
and wholeheartedly believe in ubiquitous surveillance as a de facto piece of
the annual Christmas present-getting machine. Parents just shake their heads
in adoring wonder.

But those same parents might be shocked to learn how short the journey is
from the pleasant surveillance fantasy of Santa to the freedom-squashing
invasion of Big Brother. In the world detailed by George Orwell in the novel
1984, surveillance cameras follow every move a person makes, and the
slightest misstep, or apparent misstep, summons the authorities. Now,
similarly, police departments, government agencies, banks, merchants,
amusement parks, sports arenas, nanny-watching homeowners, swimming-pool
operators, and employers are deploying cameras, pattern recognition
algorithms, databases of information, and biometric tools that when taken as
a whole can be combined into automated surveillance networks able to track
just about anyone, just about anywhere.

While none of us is under 24-hour surveillance yet, the writing is on the
wall. As Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems, starkly told reporters in
1999, You already have zero privacy. Get over it. The techno-entrepreneurs
who are developing and marketing these tools anticipate good things to come,
such as reduced crime rates in urban environments, computer interfaces that
will read eye movements and navigate the Web for you, and fingerprint or
facial recognition systems and other biometric technologies that guarantee
your identity and eliminate the need for passwords, PIN numbers and access
cards—even identifying potential terrorists before they can strike.

But privacy advocates paint a far dimmer picture of this same future,
accepting its reality while questioning whether it can be managed
responsibly. The technology is developing at the speed of light, but the
privacy laws to protect us are back in the Stone Age, says Barry
Steinhardt, associate director of the American Civil Liberties Union, which
is among several groups that have tried, so far almost universally
unsuccessfully, to introduce legislation aimed at protecting privacy. We
may not end up with an Orwellian society run by malevolent dictators, but it
will be a surveillance society where none of the detail of our daily lives
will escape notice and where much of that detail will be recorded.

The Fifth Utility

In many ways, the drama of pervasive surveillance is being played out first
in Orwell's native land, the United Kingdom, which operates more
closed-circuit cameras per capita than any other country in the world. This
very public surveillance began in 1986 on an industrial estate near the town
of King's Lynn, approximately 100 kilometers north of London. Prior to the
installation of three video cameras, a total of 58 crimes had been reported
on the estate. None was reported over the next two years. In 1995, buoyed by
that success, the government made matching grants available to other cities
and towns that wanted to install public surveillance cameras—and things took
off from there.

Most of these closed-circuit TV systems are installed in business districts
or shopping centers by British Telecommunications, the national phone
network, and jointly operated and managed by law enforcement and private
industry. In addition, some townships are using BT to hook up video
telephony, a technology that allows transmission of video images via
telephone lines—but in a monitor-friendly network that provides officials
quick and easy remote access to the images. On another front, the U.K. Home
Office, the government department responsible for internal affairs in
England and Wales, is starting construction of what promises to be the
world's biggest road and vehicle surveillance network, a comprehensive
system of cameras, vehicle and driver databases, and microwave and
phone-based communications links that will be able to identify and track the
movements of vehicles nearly nationwide. All told, the country's electronic
eyes are becoming so prevalent that Stephen Graham of the Centre for Urban
Technology at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne has dubbed them a fifth

[CTRL] Echoes

2001-08-28 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


}}Begin extract
The Greater Albania established by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
  from 1941 to 1944 set the historical precedent for establishing
  an ethnically homogenous Albanian state which would encompass
  areas settled by Albanians. The UCK/KLA/NLA/ANA/KPC/LAMPB
goal and
  agenda is to re-establish and re-form Hitler's and Mussolini's
  Albania. The Albanian nationalist goal, the UCK goal, is Greater
  Albania. The terrorist insurgency by the UCK, first in Kosovo-
  then in Southern Serbia, and then in Macedonia, ostensibly to
obtain greater rights and equal and human
  rights is in fact a war of territorial occupation and partition.
  The British Helsinki Human Rights Group (BHHRG) has noted that
  is the focus of the Greater Albania movement which seeks to turn
  the Slavic Orthodox city into a center or capital of an ethnically
  pure Albanian district or municipality. The BHHRG stated that the
  population of Tetovo was 40% Macedonian Orthodox but that there
  was intense pressure to make the city into an Albanian town,
  on the model of Kosovo where the Serbian Orthodox towns and
cities were depopulated of non-Albanians creating an ethnically pure and
ethnically homogenous Kosova, a de facto independent
  statelet demanding de jure recognition. The BHHRG alleged that
Arben Xhaferi of the DPA appointed all local police chiefs in Tetovo.
  The DPA radicalizes the Albanian population and pressures the
  youth to become nationalist and separatist according to the British
  Helsinki Human Rights Group. The Group further alleges that
  youth are being pressured to attend the Albanian-language
  of Tetova with a ideological curriculum based on that followed in
  Tirana and Pristina. The University of Tetova is nothing more than
  a boot camp for the indoctrination and training for the
  of a Greater Albania. Xhaferi seeks to repeat in Tetovo what was
  done in Pristina. According to BHHRG, this compelled and forced
separatist and Greater Albania ideological agitation has not met with
unanimous approval within the Albanian population in Tetovo: Not all local
Albanians are happy with these developments. During the war some sent
their sons to Serbia to prevent their mobilization
  into the KLA. The BHHRG further alleged that the regional
  weapons market is run from Tetovo. Menduh Thaci of the DPA
  is alleged to control Tetovo's shops and the black market, such
  as in oil. There is widespread political corruption and collusion
  with political leaders. The goal of the Albanian policies, according
  to the BHHRG, is to force Macedonians to leave Tetovo by a
  ethnic cleansing. The Christian population is the target of
  the Greater Albania separatists. The Kosovo model is being
  in Tetovo, transforming an Orthodox Christian Slavic city into an
  Islamic Albanian city. Pristina is the blueprint. Kosovo is the
  model. The ultimate goal or agenda of the UCK
  is the partition/federalization of Western Macedonia, Illirida.
  Autonomy or de facto partition is the short-term goal.
  from Macedonia is the long-term goal based on the Kosovo

The UCK seeks to re-establish and re-create the Greater Albania created by
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini from 1941 to 1944. History is being
repeated and replayed in Macedonia.
Ivanov, Pavle Dzeletovic. 21. SS Divizija Skenderbeg. Belgrade, Yugoslavia:
Nova Knjiga, 1987. (In Serbian.)
Kane, Steve. The 21st SS Mountain Division. Siegrunen:
  The Waffen-SS in Historical Perspective. Vol.6, 36, October-
Landwehr, Richard. The 21. Waffen-Gebirgs Division der SS 'Skanderbeg'
(Albanische Nr. 1). Siegrunen: The Waffen-SS
  in Historical Perspective. Vol. 6, 36, October-December, 1984.
Munoz, Antonio. Forgotten Legions: Obscure Combat Formations of
  the Waffen SS. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 1991.
Stefanovski, Zhivko, and Eftoski, Gojko. Tetovo i Okolinata. Tetovo,
  Macedonia: Centar za Informiranje i Izdavachka Dejnost Polog,
  1980. (In Macedonian.)
Vivian, Herbert. The Servian Tragedy. London, UK: Grant Richards,

Macedonia Antiwar

[CTRL] Reformed Reform

2001-08-28 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Source at end of article

American Nazi Party Leader To Seek Election With Buchanan-Reform
Ralph Forbes To Make Second Run For Office In Arkansas
8/27/01 1:51:05 PM
Discuss this story in the forum
LSN Staff
Little Rock, Arkansas -- Former American Nazi Party leader Ralph Forbes
will seek election to Congress
on the Buchanan-Reform Party ticket in a special election to replace
Congressman Asa Hutchinson, who has resigned to take a seat in the Bush
as header of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Forbes is known for a precedent setting lawsuit that came from his 1992 run
office, in which the US Supreme Court ruled that candidates for office that do
not have significant financial backing or whom the public does not have
signicant interest in can be forcibly excluded from debates being held on
public television.  The case also says that candidates in whom the public has
significant interest, or who have significant financial backing, must be
included in such debates.
The ruling has been attacked by both mainstream third parties and the radical
socialist left ( ).
Forbes won 2.5% of the vote in his 1992 run for the same seat.
In 1998, the World Socialist Web Site had the following comment on the
The criterion of electability also reveals an extremely constricted and
ultimately false conception of democracy. It assumes that the only purpose of
elections is to choose office holders, not to air political issues and educate
the public through open debate.
This conception of democracy reflects the outlook of a definite social group:
the ruling class of bankers and corporate bosses which controls the
political system, selecting the candidates of the Democratic and Republican
parties and then manipulating the choice of the voters on election day. For
the bourgeoisie, democracy is simply a mechanism for selecting its political
agents while giving the mass of working people the illusion that they have a
say. The Supreme Court decision underscores the basically fraudulent
of this pretense of democracy.
Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908
(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, 

[CTRL] Same Name - Roman Numerals

2001-08-28 Thread Colleen Jones

-Caveat Lector-

Changed my name using Roman Numerals; today Web TV went under MSTV - all
is changed.

My old mail from CTRL was probably returned unopened.addressee
unknown?   Hey Joshua, I am still here - what you think I was on Noah's
Ark or the Titanic.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Of Interest

2001-08-28 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-

Via Urban Legends [under the rubric of what bored doctors do when they
have some time to kill]:

It all started with an enquiry from a nurse, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki told
listeners to his science phone-in show on the Triple J radio station in
Brisbane. She wanted to know whether she was contaminating the
operating theatre she worked in by quietly farting in the sterile
environment during operations, and I realised that I didn't know. But
I was determined to find out.

Dr Kruszelnicki then described the method by which he had established
whether human flatus was germ-laden, or merely malodorous. I contacted
Luke Tennent, a microbiologist in Canberra, and together we devised an
experiment. He asked a colleague to break wind directly onto two Petri
dishes from a distance of five centimetres, first fully clothed, then
with his trousers down. Then he observed what happened. Overnight, the
second Petri dish sprouted visible lumps of two types of bacteria that
are usually only found in the gut and on the skin. But the flatus which
had passed through clothing caused no bacteria to sprout, which suggests
that clothing acts as a filter.

Our deduction is that the enteric zone in the second Petri dish was
caused by the flatus itself, and the splatter ring around that was
caused by the sheer velocity of the fart, which blew skin bacteria from
the cheeks and blasted it onto the dish. It seems, therefore, that
flatus can cause infection if the emitter is naked, but not if he or
she is clothed. But the results of the experiment should not be
considered alarming, because neither type of bacterium is harmful. In
fact, they're similar to the 'friendly' bacteria found in yoghurt.

Our final conclusion? Don't fart naked near food. Alright, it's not
rocket science. But then again, maybe it is? (Canberra Times, 17/7/01.
Spotter: Michael Doyle)
Edward   +

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
conscientious stupidity. -- Martin Luther King, Jr

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Kuwait: Mixing Oil and Politics

2001-08-28 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

If parliament permits foreign companies to pump Kuwaiti oil, it would reverse
more than two decades of policy.

A few years ago I ran across an old issue of National Geographic from the
mid 1970s...

What first caught my eye was a Bicentennial article on Women of the
American Revolution

...but what prompted me to save the magazine from the trash it was headed
for was an article about the 'emerging Middle East'...

This issue was from late 1975 or early 1976, and the article on the
Middle East was comprised of smaller articles on each country of the

And I found the write up on Kuwait extremely interesting, 20 years down
the road...

The article indeed mentioned how the Kuwaiti royal family ended up
controlling the oil fields in their country...

Except, according to this article, it was accomplished because the ruling
oil conglomerate in the country recognized 'the writing on the wall' --
other middle eastern countries were nationalizing oil production and
throwing out the western oil companies that had dominated the region --
so this company that had dominated Kuwaiti oil production (indeed, had
initiated test drilling after WWII) worked out a deal with the Kuwaiti

Namely, that this company would turn over the production and sale of
crude oil to the Kuwaiti royal family, in exchange for the sole rights to
SHIP the oil out of Kuwait on this company's own ships...

Look at a map of the region, specifically of Kuwait, and you will realize
that this is not a minor matter

And the Kuwaiti royal family was a win-win situation for both
sides...the Kuwaiti royals now got to enjoy the profits from selling oil
to the company that had turned over the wells, and the company in turn
continued to make huge profits by acting as the middle man...

And apparently the right to ship the oil out of Kuwait is a right granted
in perpetuity -- in other words, the company that turned over the wells
has the sole right to ship oil out of Kuwait -- and reap the profits of
being the middle man -- forever...

And what is the name of this company?  It was clearly spelled out in this
20-something-year-old article -- in 1975 the name meant little, if
anything, to the general public, and indeed probably means little to
nothing to the majority of the public today...

But the name 'Zapata Oil Company' IS quite meaningful to anyone who knows
the history of the Bush family   ;-)


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

My dear Edward:

That was the most disgusting story I have ever read in my life.

Now, to be perfectly scientific about the matter - cows, not enough they
are being slaughtered like the Palestinians or the victims of Zionist
Jack the Ripper - back in 1987 it was reported (and I kept the picture
of this beautiful gentle cow, with this woman who looked like tamed down
version of Janet Reno) - anyway this beautiful cow and her friends were
being accused of causing the Green House problem..Methane Gas - and
cows were doing it for how many - well Job had Cattle which means is
History of the World.the cows and sheep and cattle of the world and
the likes of Joshua2 - these are your enemies of the people responsible
for Green House Theory.

Frankly, SAVE THE COWS - and as for Joshua2 - it is every asshole for

Respectfully submitted,


Who Not Only Survived the Floods but the Cows and Joshua2..

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-


My dear Edward:

Aaawww, how sweet! :-)

That was the most disgusting story I have ever read in my life.

I duz what I kin. Otherwise, I thought it was a nice comic release (pun
intended). :-)

Now, to be perfectly scientific about the matter - cows, not enough they
are being slaughtered like the Palestinians or the victims of Zionist
Jack the Ripper

Leave it to you to find some connection between a relatively benign story
about flatulence and the conflict in the middle east (ROFL!).

  - back in 1987 it was reported (and I kept the picture
of this beautiful gentle cow, with this woman who looked like tamed down
version of Janet Reno) - anyway this beautiful cow and her friends were
being accused of causing the Green House problem..Methane Gas - and
cows were doing it for how many - well Job had Cattle which means is
History of the World.

And they've been heating up the world ever since :-)

the cows and sheep and cattle of the world and
the likes of Joshua2 - these are your enemies of the people responsible
for Green House Theory.

Are they responsible for the theory or the effect?  Be specific. Are you
suggesting that Joshua2 is responsible for global warming?  You might have
a point :-)

Frankly, SAVE THE COWS - and as for Joshua2 - it is every asshole for

But Aleshia, how are we supposed to destroy ourselves without assholes?  We
need assholes like Joshua2, as well as all those other barbaric warlords
in the middle east and beyond, if we ever hope to rid the earth of all
future assholes. It's a paradox, ain't it :-)

Edward   +

Primary rules of civilization:

1. Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor
2. Thou shalt not impose thyself by force upon thy neighbor by any means

Follow these rules and no government is necessary. Violate them and no
government will be sufficient.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Oil Company Histories

2001-08-28 Thread Saba

What I remember in the sixty period was a manager of Standard Oil coming
into the Mayor's Office demanding we do something about the price wars
- for we had 4 stations in town, on one corner and the gas war was on
and the prices went down, down and down.   Now this idiot thought I
should take up the crusade but what did I know about oit - this was a
job for Superman?   Well maybe Mighty Mouse, but not me for they did not
pay me enough to devote my life to oil - but I did however invite a
Saudi Arabian Prince to our town and he accepted but after they murdered
his father - Sorry Charlie, no drag re oil prices.and that guy was

So - every jew in town came to my office to stop the dinner -
Rockefeller had stopped his dinner and we would be destroyed politcally,
and our Saudi Arabian Flags sent by State Department would be torn down.

So in the end - I believe the American people have been the ones
screwed by our so called friends...for you see, Sadaam Hussein
offered us cheap oil, he wanted to be friends.

Now Marc Rich - this man who gets away with murder, and do not think he
does not - during Iranian crisis bought oil contrary to our law from
Iran at $6.00 a barrel and sold from $29.00 up to 40.00 plus.

It is the like of a Marc Rich with which we have to be concernedthis
man is evil,
he is mafia thug, and his floosie wife is nothing but courtesan who
tried to get next to Clinton with the ADL - but then, Rich did get his
pardon right?   But hey, that Italian mob what is left, all in slammer?

The plot thickens .. for I did not know Zapata oil had deal with
Kuwait Kings for I thought they had deal for off shore drilling like say
prior to Nixon peace feelers with Cina - oil companies were drilling off
shore then, what companies I do not remember.

So Remember this lovely American woman in Kuwait - on TV, while Sadaam
Hussein's army was looting stores, etc., kind of like the blacks did
in Cincinnati recently - this woman on TV. said - They even stole my TV
and VCR - when are you Americans coming over here and do something about

Well, we could have stopped a war and saved the lives of a lot of Iraqi
Children, gotten cheap oil - had we only sent that old bitch a new TV
and VCR.

Ugly Americans - note Bilderbergers and the Hotel Trade - and remember
Meyer Lansky in Cuba, all those hotels and motels and gambling casinos
run by the mob and today if Lansky were alive he would be reaping in
billions but Fidel, took care of that and the mob lost a mint and JFK
lost his life.

Joke on TV last night - showed a priest telling a story about Jesus and
the money changers - my mother always said Jesus did two wrong things -
he kicked the gamblers out of the temple - but this guy said as Jesus
was kicking out the money changers, he winked and smiled and said to the
one hey, got two tens for a five?

Now Jesus knew the difference between a Jew and a Zionist way back then
- for everywhere you go you find gambling, prostitution, drugs - guess
who is always in the background holding the bag..

Viva Zapata - if not Bush, who???   He is the best we have right
now...back in the early 1950 period, Dwight David Eisenhower once
reminded the King of Saudi Arabia - hey, watch your step for the day
will come when we will not need all that oiland I think the day, is
fast approaching.

California got a good example of energy crunch recently but have learned

The Old Line were at least honest with public it was all out to see -
energy was cheap, but since Marc Rich - see what will happen if the
Zionists get that oil?

See what the American People have been taught to hate the Giants who
once ran this country - they were not perfect, but you have this trash
Marc Rich and Denise Rich element now bribing US Presidentsso add
this floosie to list of questionable people who liked to get next to
the as was said - Hey Meet the New Boss?   No way though,
he is like the Old Boss - at least he does not engage in acts of sodomy
with prostitutes under contract with Mafia and the likes of a Larry
Flynt - and who else got paid by Rich - why your ADL - who has put Jesus
Christ on their Hit Hate List.

Hey Foxman, got two tens for a five?  And if the lard ass is watching
that goes for you too - so cry havoc and turn loose the dogs of war but
do you think anybody will go this time - no they are hiring mercenaries
to do the dirty work but any American involved in foreign wars lose
their citizenship do they not?   Fighting for another country for we are
not running a French Foreign Legion - yet.


[CTRL] Roadmaps And Roadblocks

2001-08-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

  Sludge Report #104 – Roadmaps And Roadblocks
Monday, 27 August 2001, 11:05 am
Column: C.D. Sludge

In This Edition: Roadmaps And Roadblocks
NOTE: Authors of this report will be anonymous and wide ranging, and
occasionally finely balanced. Indeed you are invited to contribute:
The format is as a reporters notebook. It will be published as and
when material is available. C.D. Sludge can be contacted at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Sludge Report is available as a free email
service..Click HERE - to

Sludge Report #104

Roadblocks And Roadmaps

Over the past week pressure has been coming on the United States to
do more for peace in the Middle East. And in the circumstances it is
hardly surprising.

What had been till now a policy of relative infrequent use of F16
bombers by the Israel Defence Force in retaliation raids, has now
become almost routine.

Meanwhile the assassination ( aka murder ) policy of the IDF against
alleged Palestinian terrorists has been stepped up with numerous
rocket attacks on houses and cars in the West Bank and Gaza.

And finally we have had several punitive IDF tank and armoured
bulldozer incursions (aka invasions) into the Palestinian territories.

If it was not already clear that the combatants in the Holy Land were
unable to stop the violence themselves, it is more than clear now.

As a result the need for a change in the US stance on the crisis is
becoming increasingly apparent to a wide variety of parties.

Last week even the often subdued US media began asking officials what
it was that the US thought it was doing in the Middle East.

In the following exchange, which took place during the State
Department's regular briefing on August 20th, a reporter wanted to
find out why the US believed that a UN resolution on the conflict
proposed by Palestinian observer was unworkable. More specifically he
wanted to know why the US believed that any Action in the Security
Council would be unhelpful to the crisis.

QUESTION: So it is, in fact, not any action by the UN Security
Council; it's only on what ideas that you think are unworkable, or

QUESTION: It seems to be anything. I don't know.

QUESTION: Because presumably it could come up --

MR. REEKER: Action. Action in the UN Security Council. I don't know
how much clearer I can say it. We don't think any action in the UN
Security Council is what will contribute to these objectives. And
this is in the context of the discussion that is going on today in
New York and that we have been reflecting on beforehand last week and
again today in preparation for that discussion.

QUESTION: Okay, Phil. Leaving aside the question of monitors, where
your objections are well known, what is your objection to a
resolution that would demand Israel withdrawal from Orient House and
the other institutions in East Jerusalem?

MR. REEKER: We understand the concerns about Orient House. We have
talked about that many times. It has long symbolized the importance
of political dialogue and reconciliation between Israelis and
Palestinians, and it is vital that both parties remain committed to
these objectives and avoid the actions that threaten the fundamental
belief in a negotiated settlement.

And so we are actively engaged with both sides. We stand ready to
assist in security talks, the tripartite security talks, to let the
two parties try to come up with steps to implement security, to get
the violence down, urging the parties to move quickly in that
direction, as we have done before.

But we don't believe that the solution is through steps taken in New
York, through resolutions. We believe it is through the parties to
work together to implement the Tenet work plan, to implement the
Mitchell Committee recommendations, and that continues to be our
position, just as it was last week.

QUESTION: Is there any sort of rationale for that position, or is it
just sort of arbitrary decision?

MR. REEKER: No, and I would suggest that very few of our decisions
are arbitrary.

QUESTION: So what is the rationale for it?

MR. REEKER: The rationale is that the two parties need to make the
decision. By passing rhetorical statements in New York, by debating
and polarizing an already volatile situation, by attempting to impose
other ideas on the parties that aren't going to change reality on the
ground -- that is not going to accomplish anything. We need to work
with both sides to end the violence and transform the environment in
a way that will permit the resumption of the political process. They
have the road maps. They have a structure to pursue security talks
and dialogue that are vital to creating an environment in which they
can then move into the Mitchell Committee recommendations, which is
what both sides and the international community have endorsed as the
path out of this crisis.

The question raised by the above exchange is very simple, and is
summed up by the reporter when 


2001-08-28 Thread PLSroufe
'Porn To Go' Available Through New Technology
By Jason Collum
August 27, 2001
(AgapePress) - The pornography industry has launched a new assault on the
family with software that makes hard-core images available virtually anywhere.
The Los Angeles Times reported that dozens of small Internet firms are
experimenting with and reaching out to the wireless market with software that
allows users to access hard-core images and videos on their handheld
computers or personal digital assistants. The software is being promoted to
users of such popular PDAs as Palm Pilot and Compaq's iPaq.
One such company proudly proclaims on the front page of its website, "We just
made the morning commute a little easier." The company, boasting "Adult
Entertainment. Anywhere, Anytime," portrays a man in a business suit staring
at his handheld computer while riding what appears to be a public
transportation bus. A woman, apparently unaware, is standing in the
Companies are also developing technologies to allow cell-phone users to
download pornography on those devices. The result is that pornography is
going places it has never been before: restaurants, subways, airport lounges,
sporting events, traffic jams, and waiting rooms of all types.
"Pornography is spreading its tentacles through society," says Patrick
Trueman, legal counsel in Washington, D.C., for the American Family
Association. "Now you can access it with a device that fits in your pocket.
This is just adding more fuel to the fire."



2001-08-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 13:33:08 -0400 (EDT)

[Please Forward]

S T U D E N T   O R G A N I Z I N G   C O N F E R E N C E

Holding Our Universities Accountable:
Divesting from Israeli Apartheid.

October 12-14, 2001
University of California -- Berkeley

The Students for Justice in Palestine, Berkeley (SJP) is sponsoring a
national conference for students in order to build a national orchestrated
movement for divestment. This new divestment campaign calls for a
consistent application of the principles established to facilitate the
South African Apartheid divestment. The same principles must apply to
the Universities' financial connections to Israel. Such a campaign must
reaffirm these principles as well as make the case that Israel is an
Apartheid state. This conference will provide activists with the training
and the knowledge for mounting such a public campaign.

Table of Contents:



1) Please fill-out, copy, paste and e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by September 30, 2001 (and please write the subject as coupon)

  a) NAME:

  c) PHONE:
  d) E-MAIL:


   i)  Have you or your organization began a divestment campaign? If
   so, when and where, and briefly describe some of your
   events and activities?

   (first-come, first-serve basis)

  h) All conference sessions will be accessible.  Please let us know if
 you have any particular needs, so that we may accomodate you:

2) The Fees for the Conference are
  a) Student Pre-registration - $20
  b) Student On-Site registration - $25
  c) Non-Student Pre-registration - $25 (still up for debate)
  d) Non-Student On-Site registration - $30

Please send a check or money order made out to 'Students for
Justice in Palestine' to:

PMB# 572


**A final schedule will be announced later**

i) Confirmed Speakers include:

Ali Abunimah, media activist (
Khalil Barhoum, Stanford University
Noura Erekat, ADC-SF and SJP
Adel Samara, Palestinian Economist
Ahmed Shawki, editor of the International Socialist Review
Michel Shihadeh, ADC-West
Adrien Wing, University of Iowa Law School

ii) Workshops on:

Beginning A Campaign
Media Activism
Learning from the South African Campaign
US Aid to Israel
History of the Struggle
International Law
Activism Basics

There will also be social events, a super rally, and a plenary session.


General Information For Visiting and Staying is at:

e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you ahve any questions

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Eight-Figure Radio Deal Latest Conservative Triumph

2001-08-28 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-

This coming on the heals of Limbaugh's latest NINE figure deal, one wonders
why on earth aren't the liberal pundits getting a piece of this? I know, I
know! :-)


X DRUDGE REPORT X TUE AUG 28, 2001 10:02:37 ET X



WABCFOXNEWSCHANNEL headliner Sean Hannity has joined the ranks of media
royalty with a new 5-year radio syndication deal -- being described as one
of the biggest rollouts in the history of the medium.

ABC RADIO is on the verge of launching Hannity's New York City-based
afternoon drive broadcast in major cities, network sources tell the DRUDGE

Hannity jumps the Hudson and satellites over the nation starting September 10.


Stations in Los Angeles [KABC], San Francisco [KSFO], Washington, D.C.
[WMAL], Dallas [WBAP], Detroit [WJR] and elsewhere will now carry Hannity
hours... [...]
Edward   +

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
conscientious stupidity. -- Martin Luther King, Jr

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ignoring apartheid

2001-08-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Ignoring apartheid
Published August 15, 2001 by the Palestine Report

Special Report by Ihab Abu Ghosh, director of the Jerusalem Legal Aid
and Human Rights Center

FAMOUS ENGLISH physicist Stephan Hawking promised readers in
his acclaimed book A Brief History of Time to explain theories
pertaining to the universe without discouraging or confusing the
readership with numerous complicated equations, and in the end only
referring to Einstein's famous E = mc2.

Similarly, it should be possible to present the issue of Israeli
settlements in its true form, without digressing into a futile academic
discussion. Indeed, the illusion of the controversy surrounding Israeli
settlement policy is one intended to turn the issue into a discussion that
might be negotiated - which has already been done so successfully with
the matter of occupation.

Only this way can one understand the changes in the United States
governments' position on Israeli settlements over the past two decades.
First they were illegal, then obstacles to peace, and now they have
become a negotiable issue subject to the wills of the parties concerned,
in which there is no place for external interference specifically that of
the relevant United Nations resolutions.

Israeli settlement policy is all about having the cake and eating it, too.
It is about emptying international conventions, Article 49 of the Geneva
Convention and 52 of the Hague Convention, in particular, of their
meaning. It is about creating new international legitimacy for an
occupation and its primary tool, one that has been clearly denounced by
various relevant United Nations General Assembly and Security Council
Resolutions. It means the final closing of the curtain by coercing
Palestinians into accepting this reality and signing a final concession to
that effect.

Under different terms of legality, even the Israeli High Court was only
able to justify the first settlements by saying that they served Israeli
security needs as laid down in the Beit El and Alon Moreh cases of
1978 and 1979, respectively. [That is particularly interesting in light of
the security justifications used in today's razing of entire
neighborhoods, liquidation of Palestinian activists and oppressive siege
of the Palestinian areas.]

Since then more than 200 settlements have been erected in the
Occupied Territories with an estimated 350,000 Israeli settlers living
there. A network of roads has been built on Arab land to enable settlers'
free movement and connection with one another. Israeli settlements
control all water resources in the Occupied Territories, and utilize 80
percent of that water for their own use. These Israeli settlements and
Jewish settlers are under total Israeli jurisdiction and laws that give
them economic and military support. In essence, the settlements have
become what they were fundamentally established to be: the
cornerstone and primary tool for creating a new apartheid system.

Understanding this reality and this fundamental attribute helps in
distinguishing this issue from one that is controversial and a matter of
moral inconsequence, and one that is not only illegal but also non-

Understanding this also clarifies the positions of state organs in
support of settlement and differences in approach and realization of
this support. This also clarifies the policy of support for the
establishment and expansion of settlements equally practiced by the
different Israeli governments over the past three decades. Differences
were only noted in the tools and areas of settlement policy but not in
the fundamental approach towards this issue.

The discussion on settlements should not be seen as one pertaining to
town planning, architecture or landscape, or even the needs of a civilian
population. Rather, choosing to ignore or support settlement is a
choice between supporting an apartheid system or denouncing it.

It is not difficult to comprehend the mentality of supporters of
settlements vis a vis the Palestinians; examples range from militants
who chant death to Arabs at social events to the more sophisticated
who are more subtle and merely wish this in their dreams.

Who is that legal advisor who conjured up the cunning scheme of
making use of land that had been declared state land, rather than going
through the hassle of discussing the security purposes for which the
land was required? This same person was reported to have defended the
state and army against claims for compensation brought by a Gaza
refugee camp family whose wife and mother were killed
unnecessarily by soldiers that they should be thankful for they now
have one less mouth to feed.

And then there is the notorious architect who designed the Ma'aleh
Adumim expansion plan over an additional 12,000 dunums, which gave
the settlement a surface area of 60,000 dunums (more land than Tel
Aviv). That land was expropriated from five Arab villages whose 60,000

Re: [CTRL] Ignoring apartheid

2001-08-28 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

simple folk like Joshua2) believe it or not it does make it
simple, but I often wondered what is meant by, a Day With Christ is as a
Thousand, if this is true and Christ ascended
(hopefully he went up but is there really a difference) does that mean
we have another 1,000 years to go?

So I note in acts - and my darn bible code again, and you know my old
friend Gordon Novel is alleged to have burgled the Schlumberger
Munitions Dump (could not have happened to a nicer family) - and this
was before I knew Gordon..however, my bible code date of this next
big robbery in Columbus at the General Depot, Department of
Defense...key watchwords that day from Acts and it said space of
time, supplies and supplies and this was a supply depot and think Gordon
was around about that time.

Then that was about the time this Columbus Cop and he was also in the
employ of the Jewish Mafia, had a waitredd down me with a coke made in
hell...later the waitress was murdered, but I did not do it...I was
the victim.

Anyway - his name was James Daughtery and Richard Corova who had taken
over the old tavernrestaure where we used to meet - told me he was one
bad cop..
he then showed me how a beer could by loaded with anything much to my
Only I had drunk a coke that day and it was high noon and I had gone to
dinner and was alone with exception of my 5 year oldthis crooked
slime did not know she was in center room with me (where our round table
was with beautiful turquois leaded glass windows that I helped pick

So.thisi munitions dump, and Einstein and the whole works - even
from those that sow clouds shall reap whirlwinds (our weather program)
all in coded into this beautiful bible code only two factins using it of
which I am primarily for good, one for evil and the
evils got it.

So such is life, in this small town which has been so dead since I got
sidetracked its time to raise some more hell.

Is J Edgar really dead?   Code Name Old Man?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Do you suppose this is why the Brits slaughtered all the cattle - for
that and not to create meat shortage to run Ronald McDonald out of the

You are right - they would blame the Arabs.One must remember though
the country of Omar Kayyaim - beautiful palaces, lots of water -
beautiful gardens, and no Zionists to foul up the place.

I am for arming the Arabs with a herd of Elehants - imagine running
10,000 Elephants through Zion Country?

He bet that would make a CNN Special.Connie Chung Reports on Elehant
Attack on Israeli Army..Ariel Sharon Flees to Desert for breath of
fresh air with 10,000 elephants all loaded for bear and so on.
Might get a pulitizer with that one.

Where can one find 10,000 elephants .Charge to VISA.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] IMF/WB -- DC - continued...(2)

2001-08-28 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now is the time for the Great Farrakhan to hold his MIllion Man March
and then we will send in this Million Moms Against Gun Control..that
plus what is already on hand - I figure even if they get the first shot,
we get the next 4 million?

Maybe we should all meet at Gettysburg?  Come in disguise, dressed like
the butcher Abraham Lincoln?   All you shorties can come dressed like
Charlie Chaplin or Adolph Hitler - what is the difference?

Now I figure we can have a picnic in the park, bring what do they call
this Pot Luck and bring your own booze.

Dancing for all - plenty of green green gas from home and man what a

Come to think of it, my old banker used to ride a motorcycle and smoke a
few joints on his own time..he died young, but for a banker his
heart was in the right place.
In his pocket book.

So See you There ...and remember, let them get the first shot and
then it is all self defense.   Leave the kids home..

Anyone got a panzer tank?

If not - maybe we could hire Janet Reno ??


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/28/01 11:11:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am for arming the Arabs with a herd of Elehants - imagine running
10,000 Elephants through Zion Country? 

Saba, you are wicked. Just immagine the mess 10,000 elephants will make on
the streets. Why people would have to burn their shoes. Can you immagine
running into  a pile of elephant spor while driving one of those windup cars
doing 80kmh?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-


 I am for arming the Arabs with a herd of Elehants - imagine running
10,000 Elephants through Zion Country? 

Saba, you are wicked. Just immagine the mess 10,000 elephants will make on
the streets.

It all sounds like biological warfare to me. :-)

Why people would have to burn their shoes. Can you immagine
running into  a pile of elephant spor while driving one of those windup cars
doing 80kmh?

Oh, thanks!  That's an image I needed!

Edward   +

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
conscientious stupidity. -- Martin Luther King, Jr

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Big Brother Logs On

2001-08-28 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Technology Review

Big Brother Logs On

By Ivan Amato September 2001

Feeling exposed? Watchful technologies could soon put everyone under

The door to paranoia opens benignly—and early. Just think of Santa. He knows
when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been
bad or good, for goodness' sake. And he knows these things all the time,
even though you can't see him. Millions of kids all over the world happily
and wholeheartedly believe in ubiquitous surveillance as a de facto piece of
the annual Christmas present-getting machine. Parents just shake their heads
in adoring wonder.

But those same parents might be shocked to learn how short the journey is
from the pleasant surveillance fantasy of Santa to the freedom-squashing
invasion of Big Brother. In the world detailed by George Orwell in the novel
1984, surveillance cameras follow every move a person makes, and the
slightest misstep, or apparent misstep, summons the authorities. Now,
similarly, police departments, government agencies, banks, merchants,
amusement parks, sports arenas, nanny-watching homeowners, swimming-pool
operators, and employers are deploying cameras, pattern recognition
algorithms, databases of information, and biometric tools that when taken as
a whole can be combined into automated surveillance networks able to track
just about anyone, just about anywhere.

While none of us is under 24-hour surveillance yet, the writing is on the
wall. As Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems, starkly told reporters in
1999, You already have zero privacy. Get over it. The techno-entrepreneurs
who are developing and marketing these tools anticipate good things to come,
such as reduced crime rates in urban environments, computer interfaces that
will read eye movements and navigate the Web for you, and fingerprint or
facial recognition systems and other biometric technologies that guarantee
your identity and eliminate the need for passwords, PIN numbers and access
cards—even identifying potential terrorists before they can strike.

But privacy advocates paint a far dimmer picture of this same future,
accepting its reality while questioning whether it can be managed
responsibly. The technology is developing at the speed of light, but the
privacy laws to protect us are back in the Stone Age, says Barry
Steinhardt, associate director of the American Civil Liberties Union, which
is among several groups that have tried, so far almost universally
unsuccessfully, to introduce legislation aimed at protecting privacy. We
may not end up with an Orwellian society run by malevolent dictators, but it
will be a surveillance society where none of the detail of our daily lives
will escape notice and where much of that detail will be recorded.

The Fifth Utility

In many ways, the drama of pervasive surveillance is being played out first
in Orwell's native land, the United Kingdom, which operates more
closed-circuit cameras per capita than any other country in the world. This
very public surveillance began in 1986 on an industrial estate near the town
of King's Lynn, approximately 100 kilometers north of London. Prior to the
installation of three video cameras, a total of 58 crimes had been reported
on the estate. None was reported over the next two years. In 1995, buoyed by
that success, the government made matching grants available to other cities
and towns that wanted to install public surveillance cameras—and things took
off from there.

Most of these closed-circuit TV systems are installed in business districts
or shopping centers by British Telecommunications, the national phone
network, and jointly operated and managed by law enforcement and private
industry. In addition, some townships are using BT to hook up video
telephony, a technology that allows transmission of video images via
telephone lines—but in a monitor-friendly network that provides officials
quick and easy remote access to the images. On another front, the U.K. Home
Office, the government department responsible for internal affairs in
England and Wales, is starting construction of what promises to be the
world's biggest road and vehicle surveillance network, a comprehensive
system of cameras, vehicle and driver databases, and microwave and
phone-based communications links that will be able to identify and track the
movements of vehicles nearly nationwide. All told, the country's electronic
eyes are becoming so prevalent that Stephen Graham of the Centre for Urban
Technology at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne has dubbed them a fifth
utility, joining water, gas, electric and telephones.

The United States and many other parts of the developed world are not far
behind in video surveillance. Just look at the cameras looking at you.
They're in ATMs, banks, stores, casinos, lobbies, hallways, desktops, and
along highways, main streets and even side streets. And those are the

[CTRL] Environmental, public interest groups sue government over missile defense plans

2001-08-28 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Environmental, public interest groups sue government over missile defense

By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (August 28, 2001 12:58 p.m. EDT) - Worried about the
potential dangers of missile defense testing on the West Coast, a coalition of
environmental and public interest groups sued the Defense Department in
federal court Tuesday demanding a fresh round of environmental studies.

The Pentagon has been planning to start construction early next year. If the
Defense Department does not agree to a new study, the Natural Resources
Defense Council plans to ask the federal judge for an injunction to require the
study in advance of any construction, said NRDC senior researcher
Christopher Paine.

The new study could take from six to 18 months and could affect the
administration's plans to withdraw from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty,
he said.

The groups contend in a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court here that the 1969
National Environmental Policy Act requires the Pentagon to conduct new
studies of the effects that the proposed Star Wars test range would have on
the Pacific Ocean region between Alaska, Hawaii, California and the
Marshall Islands.

A new supplemental environmental impact study on the Pentagon's missile
defense program and a second, more specific study on how the program
would affect localities are required, the groups say. That is because the
testing would have a significant environmental impact and the previous
studies in 1994 and 2000 were for old programs that the Bush administration
replaced with a new proposal and testing schedule, they say.

The administration proposal includes plans for an emergency anti-missile
system with five missile silos operating from Fort Greely near Fairbanks,
Alaska, by 2004.

By its own admission, the Bush administration has radically revised the
missile defense program, said David Adelman, a senior attorney for NRDC.
It can't do that without reassessing the potential environmental damage and
providing for public comment. Otherwise, it's breaking the law.

Along with the NRDC, groups filing suit were Physicians for Social
Responsibility, Greenpeace USA, Alaska Action Center, Alaska Community
Action on Toxics, Alaska Public Interest Research Group, Kodiak Rocket
Launch Information Group, and No Nukes North: Alaskan and Circumpolar
Coalition Against Missile Defense.

Melanie Duchin, an Anchorage activist with Greenpeace, said the proposed
testing is immoral as well as illegal.

Alaskans or anybody else who cares about the planet and the threat of a
new nuclear arms race are not going to sit by while this administration
threatens Alaska's environment with a program that endangers the entire

A spokesman for the Pentagon's Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
could not immediately be reached for comment Tuesday.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] first posting

2001-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan


FREE gift certificates from Wal*Mart, Target, Olive Garden,
Best Buy and more!  Join for free and get
free stuff. now!


Hi everyone,

I never thought I would end up on this list.  I am on a list
which covers the following:  chronic fatigue, multiple chemical
sensitivities, Environmental Illness, etc.  I have these weird
brain seizures which started after moving near the White Sands
Missile Range and NASA in Las Cruces, NM.  You name it and I have
experienced it.  UGH!

I am Martha, 56 years young, married for 4 years to John Nygaard,
50 years young, and we don't have children.  He is from Minnesota
and I, born in Ohio, spent most of my life in Massachusetts.
He was in the air force from 1970-1974 and his large family has
all said he returned home profoundly different than when he went in.
He has always suspected that he was used for a mind control
experiment.  His friend was also programmed in a terrible way
(IF THIS IS TRUE) to take over the world in case of a nuclear
war during Nixon's era.  All the other men died from the experiment
and the friend was left alive, but was immediately released from the
marines on disability as being psychotic after being normal
3 months before that when he joined. He is still living partly in a
different dimension.  These strange manifestations of different
dimensions started about 8 years after the experiment and that is when his
disability went up to 100 percent and totally related to his time on duty.
(and you know what it takes for the US armed services to admit they made
a mistake!)

Many people in NM, especially in the Taos area, are nearly driven
crazy by this continual humming noise coming from the ground.

Some people I personally know hear it even in Las Cruces coming from the
mountain range behind us, but I have never heard
it.  Who knows what the government is up to?  Taos is 400 miles north
of us but the military base called NASA is right behind our mountain

I have a sister-in-law in Corvalis, Oregon, who suddenly became sensitive
to ALL electromagnetic fields about 4 years ago.  She can't sleep, she can
hear things miles away, listen to the TV with the sound off, and feels like
she is going crazy.  Just last week, a friend of mine sent me the article
I have forwarded on to you, but it is so close to what my sister-in-law
is going through, that I thought I'd post it on here.

My specialist doctor who is up in Las Alamos, NM, tests people for
electromagnetic sensitivities and of course, most of us who have
chronic fatigue are also sensitive to electromagnetic fields which
seem to be taking over the earth.

I met Wes Thomas because he was checking up on the Myotron, worried
that it was working like it is advertised to do.  Well, it is all a scam
as I bought one to stop my dogs from fighting and ended up with three
bloody dogs since it didn't work.  There MAY be such a device hidden
away in secret places, but the Myotron being sold now is not much more
than a toy.  I have spent the last two months reporting this scam to
about 200 agencies including the FBI who said they knew nothing about it.
I am trying to get it OFF the market because it is targeted towards women
to protect themselves and if they buy a Myoton for THAT, their attacker
will get extremely annoyed and most likely kill them.

Here is the article my friend just sent me last week.
I don't write much because of my chronic fatigue, so this long
thing I just wrote now is very unusual.

Greetings to everyone and who are you all?

Subject: Mysterious night time noises in Germany, Taos

linked from

Wednesday, August 22 11:00 AM SGT

 Mysterious maddening buzzing probed in southwest  Germany

 KARLSRUHE, Germany, Aug 22 (AFP) -

 Hundreds of people in Germany's southwest are being driven to distraction
by a mysterious nocturnal buzzing noise -- seriously enough for the local
authorities to decide to investigate the matter scientifically.

 Many have been complaining of racing pulse and fatigue along with a sense
of excitation and uncontrollable muscle quivering during their resulting

 Often at night I feel as if my bed were electrically charged. The pillow,
the mattress and my whole body vibrate, and the only thing you want to do
is to be able to turn off that sound, said one of the sufferers, Carmen

 From Lake Constance to Heidelberg, the environment department of the
Baden-Wuerttemberg state  government has been hearing similar stories from
people over nearly 24 months.

 Now the authorities 

[CTRL] Fw: Iraq Under Siege

2001-08-28 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: Biswanath Halder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 8:33 AM
Subject: Iraq Under Siege
  If you 
would not like to remain on my mailing list, please 
 send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Type "REMOVE" in the 
Subject  line, and in the body 
type in all of your e-mail addresses.  
  Over the 
last eleven years, United States-manipulated and 
 United Nations-imposed economic 
sanctions -- and massive  
bombings by the United States and the United Kingdom -- have 
 claimed the lives of 1.5 million 
people in Iraq. Most of the 
 victims are children under the age of 
five. The damage to  
infrastructure resulting from bombings and economic sanctions 
 has left this once prosperous nation 
crippled and dying. The  
combined effect of these actions has been devastating: hyper- 
 inflation, massive disease 
proliferation in both people and 
 animals, mass migration, chronic 
malnutrition, extreme poverty, 
 increased crime, collapse of medical 
services, collapse of  
agriculture, collapse of water and sewage processing, increased 
 reliance on the state. The list 
is endless.  
 In March 1999, a 
special United Nations Security Council 
 panel reported, "The gravity of the 
humanitarian situation of  the 
Iraqi people is indisputable and cannot be overstated." 
 Iraq, the report states, has 
"experienced a shift from relative 
 affluence to massive poverty." 
Prior to the imposition of  
sanctions, Iraq's health care system was regarded as among the 
 best in the Middle East. Today, 
however, children die from  
epidemics of once preventable diseases. The special Security 
 Council panel also reported that "the 
infant mortality rates in  
Iraq today are among the highest in the world." The US 
 government actively supports 
sanctions to prevent the production 
 of "weapons of mass destruction," 
while itself remaining the  
world's largest producer, distributor, and user of weapons of 
 mass destruction.  
 Condemned by Pope 
John Paul II, this undeclared war by 
 insidious means is not only immoral 
but also illegal by  standards 
of international and US law. The embargo directly 
 violates the Geneva Convention, the 
UN Charter, the Constitution  
of the World Health Organization, the Universal Declaration of 
 Human Rights, and the Charter of 
Economic Rights and Duties of  
States. Furthermore, according to US law, the blockade of the 
 Iraqi people is also an act of 
international terrorism.  
 All compassionate 
and rational people should oppose the 
 inhuman policies of the US and the UK 
against Iraq. Let us send 
 a loud and clear message to them to 
end the eleven-year-long  
siege. Please sign the petitions at the following URL: 
  A. Petition to Stop the 
Sanctions and Bombing Against Iraq  
 B. Petition to the British Parliament 
(at the Mariam Appeal)  
 C. End the Iraqi Sanctions (to the 
UN/US/UK Administrations)  
 D. Petition to the UN Security 
Addressing the Humanitarian Situation in Iraq 

Re: [CTRL] Kuwait: Mixing Oil and Politics

2001-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 If parliament permits foreign companies to pump Kuwaiti oil, it would reverse
 more than two decades of policy.

 A few years ago I ran across an old issue of National Geographic from the
 mid 1970s...

 What first caught my eye was a Bicentennial article on Women of the
 American Revolution

 ...but what prompted me to save the magazine from the trash it was headed
 for was an article about the 'emerging Middle East'...

 This issue was from late 1975 or early 1976, and the article on the
 Middle East was comprised of smaller articles on each country of the

 And I found the write up on Kuwait extremely interesting, 20 years down
 the road...

 The article indeed mentioned how the Kuwaiti royal family ended up
 controlling the oil fields in their country...

 Except, according to this article, it was accomplished because the ruling
 oil conglomerate in the country recognized 'the writing on the wall' --
 other middle eastern countries were nationalizing oil production and
 throwing out the western oil companies that had dominated the region --
 so this company that had dominated Kuwaiti oil production (indeed, had
 initiated test drilling after WWII) worked out a deal with the Kuwaiti

 Namely, that this company would turn over the production and sale of
 crude oil to the Kuwaiti royal family, in exchange for the sole rights to
 SHIP the oil out of Kuwait on this company's own ships...

 Look at a map of the region, specifically of Kuwait, and you will realize
 that this is not a minor matter

 And the Kuwaiti royal family was a win-win situation for both
 sides...the Kuwaiti royals now got to enjoy the profits from selling oil
 to the company that had turned over the wells, and the company in turn
 continued to make huge profits by acting as the middle man...

 And apparently the right to ship the oil out of Kuwait is a right granted
 in perpetuity -- in other words, the company that turned over the wells
 has the sole right to ship oil out of Kuwait -- and reap the profits of
 being the middle man -- forever...

 And what is the name of this company?  It was clearly spelled out in this
 20-something-year-old article -- in 1975 the name meant little, if
 anything, to the general public, and indeed probably means little to
 nothing to the majority of the public today...

 But the name 'Zapata Oil Company' IS quite meaningful to anyone who knows
 the history of the Bush family   ;-)


Good one


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Same Name - Roman Numerals

2001-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Colleen Jones wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Changed my name using Roman Numerals; today Web TV went under MSTV - all
 is changed.

 My old mail from CTRL was probably returned unopened.addressee
 unknown?   Hey Joshua, I am still here - what you think I was on Noah's
 Ark or the Titanic.


a dipshit by any other name would smell as sweet.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Leader's killing 'means open war'

2001-08-28 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/28/01 6:55:35 AM Central Daylight Time,

Hey this was a bullseye! Took way to long to nail these guys. The
PFLP is the group which blew up the plane over Lockerbie.

Zev you are none too bright...the PFLP had NOTHING to do with Lockerbie...and
you really oughta' know better!



2001-08-28 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 8/28/01 10:17:38 AM Central Daylight Time,

The pornography industry has launched a new assault on the
family with software that makes hard-core images available virtually

What are we gonna' do now
The end is near

Get a grip man...

[CTRL] Fwd: PHARISEE WATCH: Witness in the Occupied Territories

2001-08-28 Thread William Shannon

Grace Halsell, a Witness in Israeli and Palestinian Homes

Our story about the terrified boy, Kamal brings continuing comment. The arrested 
10-year old Palestinian stone thrower was photographed on the way to an Israeli 
detention and questioning session.  Some readers registered horror that Kamal was 
beaten and suffered a broken arm while in the custody of the Israeli military and 
border police during an eight-hour internment.  A few told us child torture is 
commonplace in Israel, that this is well known in many civilized countries, and even 
the United Nations recognizes it.  But a disquietingly large number said they simply 
did not believe it was true, and would not consider it.

Those who doubted that the event happened told WHTT torture and battery of a 10-year 
old by adults did not square with all they had been told about the Israel, especially 
what they had learned in their churches.  Yet the deliberate maiming and assassination 
of children (and adults) by Israeli soldiers and sometimes by civilians, takes place 
almost daily in the occupied lands and has been carefully documented and reported many 
times by human rights activists and the press of other countries.

We Hold These Truths wonders how it is that those of us who call ourselves by our 
Lord's name, and who live in the information age in the richest nation in Earth's 
history, can be the worst-informed persons on its face when it comes to the Middle 
East.  There is a reason, and much of it involves our faith, or lack of it and the 
absence of courage to face cold facts about those we call our friends and allies.  It 
also involves a lack of candor and courage on the part of those, including our church 
leaders, who have a responsibility to report and interpret the such news to us.

We are reprinting a story by one courageous writer--a great American author who died 
last year.  Grace Halsell's passing was mourned by her friends and those whose lives 
she defends, but it probably brought relief to an unknown number who are cut like a 
blade by her gentle words.  One of her last stories was about Palestine about which 
she had made herself an expert.  We agree with her premise when she stated:


We Hold These Truths adopted PHARISEE WATCH to awaken Christians to their neglect of 
fellow creatures whom God also loves.  We are reprinting Grace Halsell's article which 
appeared in the May/June 1998 Washington Report On Middle Eastern Affairs: 
(  We hope our critics will give it a fair-minded 
read and share it with friends, asking the question Grace Halsell asked when she 
journeyed to Jerusalem:  Can what I see possibly be true?  Sadly it is!

By Grace Halsell

American Jews sympathetic to Israel dominate key positions in all areas of our 
government where decisions are made regarding the Middle East.  This being the case, 
is there any hope of ever changing U. S. policy?  President Bill Clinton as well as 
most members of Congress support Israel  and they know why.  U. S. Jews sympathetic to 
Israel donate lavishly to their campaign coffers.

The answer to achieving an evenhanded Middle East policy might lie elsewhere among 
those who support Israel but don't really know why.  This group is the vast majority 
of Americans.  They are well-meaning, fair-minded Christians who feel bonded to Israel 
 Zionism  often from atavistic feelings, in some cases dating from childhood.

I am one of those.  I grew up listening to stories of a mystical, allegorical, 
spiritual Israel.  This was before a modern political entity with the same name 
appeared on our maps.  I attended Sunday School and watched an instructor draw down 
window-type shades to show maps of the Holy Land.  I imbibed stories of a Good and 
Chosen people who fought against their Bad un-Chosen enemies.

In my early 20s, I began traveling the world, earning my living as a writer.  I came 
to the subject of the Middle East rather late in my career.  I was sadly lacking in 
knowledge regarding the area.  About all I knew was what I had learned in Sunday 
School.  And typical of many U.S. Christians, I somehow considered a modern state 
created in 1948 as a homeland for Jews persecuted under the Nazis as a replica of the 
spiritual, mystical Israel I heard about as a child.

When in 1979 I initially went to Jerusalem, I planned to write about the three great 
monotheistic religions and leave out politics.  Not write about politics scoffed one 
Palestinian, smoking a water pipe in the Old Walled City.  We eat politics, morning, 
noon and night.

As I would learn, the politics is about land, and the co-claimants to that land: the 

[CTRL] US Pressures EU On GM Foods

2001-08-28 Thread William Shannon

US maintains pressure on EU over new GM laws

In the latest bout of trade disputes between the United States and the 
European Union, the Bush administration officials are putting pressure on the 
EU to abandon new restrictions on genetically modified (GM) foods, which were 
proposed by the European Commission last month. Senior US officials have 
repeatedly said that Brussels anti-GMO policy is discriminating against 
American products and is in violation of World Trade Organisation (WTO) 
requirements. They argue that the new rules are likely to cost US companies 
$4bn and could disrupt efforts to start a new round of global trade talks 
later this year. 

The new EU laws, which must be approved by both the European Parliament and 
the Council of Ministers before they can take effect, require that all 
products containing genetically modified organisms are properly labelled as 
such. At the moment, retailers in the EU must label a food consisting of or 
containing GMOs, but currently some food ingredients are exempted from the 
provisions (for example, refined soya or maize oil). The Commission has also 
proposed tightening up the laws for tracing products from production through 
to distribution, putting obligations on business operators to transmit and 
retain information at each stage of the production process. 

Washington is worried that the new rules will be unwieldy and will result in 
a mountain of paperwork. At the moment, the US does not generally separate 
modified and conventional crops, and many US businesses will have to 
instigate far-reaching changes on the way they manufacture food if they are 
to conform to the new legislation. America is also concerned that the EU's 
proposals could prompt developing countries to introduce similar controls and 
significantly limit the reach of the technology. 

Undersecretary of State Alan Larson, the State Department's senior diplomat 
assigned to economic issues, described the new EU restrictions as "a very 
serious problem." Mr Larson is planning on lobbying EU governments to amend 
the regulations before they take effect. He stressed the importance of 
resolving the issue quickly so that it does not affect the start of the new 
global trade talks planned for later this year. 

The attitude towards GM crops is very different on either side of the 
Atlantic. In the US, no labelling of GM foods is mandated and the stuff is 
everywhere. According to Jeffrey Barach, a vice-president of the National 
Food Processor's Association in Washington, two thirds of all food processed 
in US contain GMO's. In fact, the combined countries of America, Canada and 
Argentina account for 99 per cent of the world's GM crop plantings. By 
contrast, the feeling towards GM crops in Europe is one of apprehension, even 
though there is no conclusive proof that their existence is harmful to the 
environment or to health. Just 0.3 per cent of the world's GM crops come from 
the EU. 

EU Commissioners Margot Wallström, responsible for the environment, and David 
Byrne, responsible for health and consumer protection, have welcomed the new 
Commission proposals. "Citizens should have the right to choose whether what 
they serve for dinner GMOs or not," said Ms Wallström. However, Pascal Lamy, 
commissioner for trade, added his voice to the dispute by arguing against 

The White House has made it clear that it will maintain pressure on the 
European Union to relax legislation on GM imports, and has not ruled out the 
possibility of a legal case before the WTO, which could result in a 
potentially embarrassing and costly judgement for the EU. 

Meanwhile, in France, anti-GM protestors have destroyed two fields of GM 
crops, highlighting the adversity to the technology in Europe. The protests 
were lead by radical farmers' leader Jose Bove, who came to fame after he 
attacked a McDonald's restaurant in his home town of Millau in protest at US 
trade restrictions. 

[CTRL] Former Stasi Used By CIA?

2001-08-28 Thread William Shannon

German intelligence service experts: Former Stasi agents possibly used by CIA

Source: BBC Monitoring European - Political
Publication date: 2001-08-27

A German newspaper report has said intelligence service experts consider it
possible that former East German Stasi foreign intelligence agents are still
active in German industry and that they might even be working for the CIA.
The following is the text of the report by Peter Scherer: "Experts suspect
that former GDR agents are still active today", published by the German
newspaper Welt am Sonntag web site on 26 August:

Frankfurt/Main: Industry and large banks in the Federal Republic apparently
have been spied on more intensively than previously assumed. And some agent
sources around chairmen of the board, supervisory board members and business
managers are still undiscovered, say intelligence service experts. They even
consider it possible that former Stasi agents, placed in the world of big
money, continue to be active - taken over by intelligence services of the
former GDR comrades-in-arms. But it is also conceivable that the United
States' CIA might have used the personnel files of the Stasi foreign
department, procured by them, to put pressure on powerful Stasi agents by
threatening to hand them over to the criminal justice system and to "turn
them around". Although the United States denies this, the Germans continue to
be suspicious about what role the US services actually play in industrial

Although the 33 CD-Roms and over 2,000 statistical pages on the Stasi
espionage network turned over so far by the CIA to Germany - the remaining
"Rosenholz" [Rosewood] files are to be delivered by the end of 2002 - will
probably give the German authorities new possibilities of proof for
identifying the "centre field of informants", they will probably not make
possible the unmasking of top agents who meanwhile might be in the service of
the friendly United States or other countries. True, for most Stasi
informants the prescription period for GDR espionage has by now run out, but
in cases of treason as well as for the still active espionage cadre, they
continue to be threatened by justice's long arm.

Last year, the federal attorney general initiated a total of 45 preliminary
investigations for suspicion of agents' intelligence service activities.
During the same period, German courts sentenced four people accused of
criminal acts in the area of "treason and endangerment of external security".
According to the spokeswoman of the federal attorney's office, senior public
prosecutor Frauke- Katrin Scheuten, preliminary investigations, in connection
with intelligence service activities for the GDR, were carried out for a
total of 2,928 West German citizens. Ultimately, however, they resulted in
only 388 indictments; 245 individuals received jail sentences.

"Despite the changes of the past years, and partial cooperation with the
intelligence services of former East Bloc states, Germany has remained a
preferred intelligence target for foreign intelligence services," is the
current estimation of the Federal Office for the Protection of the

And still in the game are even those former GDR agents who had managed to
penetrate the control centres of economic power in Germany. Their general
mission, formulated by the Stasi Sector of Commercial Coordination (BKK):
"Intelligence gathering of the procedures of capitalist authorities,
corporations and firms." Among other things, the Stasi "dealt with
operatively interesting personnel pointers" in Deutsche Bank and Dresdner
Bank; looked for approaches to members of the defence industry task force in
the Ministry of Defence; and snooped in the iron and steel industry, in
economic research institutes, defence plants, chemical enterprises and
machine factories. This, among other things, emerges from files of the Main
Intelligence-Gathering Administration (HVA) of the Ministry for State
Security (MfS), whose Science and Technology Sector was in charge of
"procuring scientific-technological insights from the highly developed
capitalist states". To this information are added documents of the MfS
Leipzig district administration, department of Foreign Intelligence
Gathering, which Die Welt has in hand.

An "object study" on Rheinmetall AG Berlin and Rheinmetall GmbH Duesseldorf,
prepared by informant "Hain" and informer candidate "Weissenfels", may serve
as an example for the GDR's involvement in industrial espionage. The detailed
report of the Leipzig district administration for state security, Department
XV, is dated 20 May 1986. And in connection with Stasi operations against
Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank, the aliases "Esse" and "Reger" appear in the
Leipzig espionage evaluation (date: 30 April 1985). An intelligence service
expert explained to Die Welt: "Either they are the cover names of operations

[CTRL] Will The Full Lockerbie Story Ever Be Told?

2001-08-28 Thread William Shannon

Will the full Lockerbie story ever be told?

Tim Cornwell 

LAST week, I had the privilege of sitting opposite Al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah, 
the "second accused" in the bombing of Pan Am 103, the family man and former 
airline station manager acquitted of the cold-blooded slaying of 270 people. 
Subjecting him to a kind of amateur cross-examination, it was tempting to try 
and sit in judgment on a case whose truths have eluded the world for 13 

A three-day visit to Libya climaxed with three separate encounters with 
Fhimah, running from general chit-chat to formal tape-recorded interview to 
table talk that ran till midnight over aromatic Arabic coffee. While the 
interview was arranged by the Libyan defence team, I did my best to rattle 
him a little. 

Fhimah was found not guilty by a Scottish court of the worst case of 
mass-murder in Scottish history; his associate and co-defendant, Abdelbaset 
Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, was sentenced to life in prison. 

I did not cover the Lockerbie trial, except in talking to some of its victims 
on the other side of the Atlantic. But I read the verdict pretty thoroughly, 
and it seems to me that you could study the case for years and not be much 

Megrahi was convicted as the leading man of the plot to blow up Pan Am 103, a 
Libyan intelligence agent who assembled timers, explosives, and a Samonsite 
suitcase, with some clothes to fill it out. The case against Fhimah initially 
included exotic claims that he kept explosives for months in an airline desk 
drawer. But it came down that he somehow - the prosecution could never quite 
say how - helped put the bomb on route from Malta’s airport to Frankfurt, 
London and the Pan Am flight. The evidence against him was reduced to 
puzzling diary entries, flights, and phone calls, underlining the association 
with Megrahi. It simply wasn’t enough. 

The Libyans last week offered every welcome to me and Ian Rutherford, The 
Scotsman’s award-winning photographer. Most visitors to Tripoli expect to be 
watched closely, in a country that learned a few lessons from East Germany in 
state control, and I dare say we were too. But we experienced every courtesy 
of Arabic hospitality, from the moment of our arrival to the minute of our 
leaving, and we abused it to the full. 

Fhimah welcomed us to his home with coffee, sweet pastries and fruit and I 
pointed a tape recorder in his face and asked him for the explanations he 
never gave the court. 

Fhimah appeared uncomfortable, even angry, when pushed to explain all the 
to-ing and fro-ing between Malta and Tripoli by both Megrahi and himself, 
treated so suspiciously in the trial. He demanded that the tape be turned 
off, before continuing at the urging of the Libyans’ legal chief. "Let’s 
clear this now," he said, and talked on. 

It was a sharp reminder that the right to remain silent was designed for the 
innocent as well as the guilty. He gave a detailed accounting of his travels 
and meetings with Megrahi, a friend and senior colleague at Libyan Arab 
Airlines. They came out of hopes that Megrahi would help him win business for 
his travel agency with oil companies and the Paris-Dakar motor rally, he 
said. They set off for Malta together, shortly before the bombing, on a 
flight to look at carpets: Megrahi joined him only at the last minute at the 
airport, calling for him on the tannoy system. 

"I consider myself in a period of rest after all that period of suffering," 
said Fhimah, on extended leave from his job with the airline, describing the 
decade he spent as a suspect in the case. He blamed the death of his mother 
on the ordeal, saying she died at the age of 63 "in good health at that time 
but because of psychological pressure, because of the media bias, she 
couldn’t take it". He said the defence team made the decision for him not to 
testify because "there is no real evidence against me". 

The Libyan line, repeated over and over during our trip, by Fhimah and 
others, was that the Lockerbie trial was run by the Americans, first as a 
political show trial, and second as a matter of money, so that the Americans 
can claim billions of dollars in damages. The CIA was watching over the 
shoulder of Scottish prosecutors. 

"Sometimes we came to a point that we are afraid that the Scottish would 
believe the Americans because we knew the Americans they are playing," Fhimah 
said. "They make up stories. It’s the CIA. But with the Scottish people we 
are very relaxed because we knew that they are looking for the truth." 
Certainly, the Americans have long had hang-ups about Libya: Colonel Muammar 
al-Gaddafi is one of their black-hat bad guys of the world, along with Fidel 
Castro in Cuba or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein. But I don’t personally buy the 
money line, with its implication that the American families all want cash and 
we good Britons just want answers. Portraying the Americans as the 

[CTRL] Skolnick- Wal-Mart The Red Chinese (Pt.1)

2001-08-28 Thread William Shannon

Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese 
Secret Police, Pt 1

By Sherman H. Skolnick




To understand Wal-Mart, you have to have a handle on Arkansas. And to figure 
out Arkansas, you have to be knowledgeable about the Rockefellers. And to 
fathom the Red Chinese Secret Police, you have to know a lot about the 
richest family in the world.     

To begin. The Rockefellers like to own and operate entire states with a 
sizeable geography, good natural assets, and a relatively small population. 
That way, if need be, to win a so-called "election", they could more or less 
find it cheap to buy all the votes they may need to install their people. 
West Virginia is such a state. Like an ancient Colossus of Rhodes, astride 
the entrance to a harbor, the Rockefellers have a foot on both sides. On 
occasion, they pretend to be Democrats. Other times, as Republicans. They 
have installed as U.S. Senator (W.Va., D.) John D. Rockefeller 4th, great 
grandson of John D. Rockefeller, founder of the bloody and infamous Standard 
Oil Trust. Broken up by a U.S. Supreme Court decree in 1911, the Standard Oil 
Trust, changing its name slightly to fool novices, is back together again.   

Historically, Standard Oil would bomb their own obsolete plants, to blame 
onto a competitor, thereby gaining public support and strangling competition. 
[Ida Tarbell wrote early in the 20th Century detailed accounts of Rockefeller 

As U.S. Senator he calls himself Jay to be cute. His wife, Sharon Percy 
Rockefeller, has a key position in so-called "public" broadcasting. 
Consequently, we call it National Petroleum Radio. NPR and PBS would never 
finger the Rockefellers and Big Oil. [Happily, she has no sayso whatever in 
local public access Cable TV, where we operate an opposition to the monopoly 

We have determined to our satisfaction, by confronting them, that 
Chicago-based Harris Bank reportedly has dozens and dozens of secret joint 
accounts of the Percy/Rockefeller Family with so-called "terrorist" Osama bin 
Laden, tied together through Mid-East construction contracts. Ha! Ha! The 
oil-soaked White House says they would like to freeze bin Laden's bank 
accounts if they can find them. Really?     

Another Rockefeller owned and operated state is Arkansas. Sizeable land, 
small population. You cannot be so much as a successful dog-catcher there 
without the blessings of the Rockefellers. Several terms before Clinton, 
Winthrop Rockefeller was Governor. Our interviews with middle-level members 
of the Rockefeller Family convinces us his proper name should be WILLIAM 
ROCKEFELLER CLINTON. We feel certain, from all we know, that Sludge Willy is 
the illegitimate great grandson of the unsmiling Rockefeller patriarch.     

The Rockefellers are not naive plutocrats. If there ever were ANY documents 
proving that Winthrop Rockefeller fathered five illegitimate children around 
the nation including the person who calls himself "Bill Clinton", those 
records, if any, have long since been destroyed.     

So please, like some ninny, do not heckle us with "Where are your documents?" 
Until the Rockefellers are ready to throw away Bill and Hillary as no longer 
useful, they are untouchable. At the Senate Clinton Impeachment trial, the 
U.S. Senators certainly understood all this. [As an example, is it necessary 
for us to point out that the so-called "Watergate Affair" was touched off 
without a single document?]     

It is surprising how some people look at a backward state like Arkansas, and 
yet do not wonder about the so-called great fortunes headquartered there. 
Tyson Chickens. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and all their subsidiaries, and J.B. 
Hunt Transport Services, Inc.     

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, reportedly has undercover 
agent reports how Tyson, in the past, has been partly financed by dope 
trafficking. [Of course, their major user, McDonald's, having their own 
problems, obviously is not interested to know. Visit our website story about 
McDonald's, "Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts, Part 8".]     

Cynics point to Puerto Rico where Tyson supposedly got some of their 
chickens. Was contraband tucked into some of the birds who were so old, wags 
claimed these chickens were eligible for Social Security pensions?   

Tyson has supposedly offered their chicken preparation expertise to Red 
China. Really? The Chinese have been handling chickens for centuries. Do they 
REALLY need consulting with Tyson? Need we point out, that Southwest China, 
where Tyson may have visited, are producers of "China White" dope, a major 
export to the U.S., much, often via Chicago.     

Starting about the late 1970s, the Rockefeller banks, such as the First 
National of Chicago, now to confuse people re-named Bank One, began loaning 
billions and billions of dollars to mainland China. The promise was that Red 
China would pay back with gold from their 

Re: [CTRL] abuse causing problems in later life

2001-08-28 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear list,

Below please find info on these articles.

They may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Abused Girls Become Abused Women - Study: Any violence in childhood lasts a
lifetime - By Ed Edelson - HealthScoutNews Reporter - 8/9/01 - Adding a new
dimension to the lifelong effects of violence against children, a British
study finds that women who experience any abuse in childhood are likely to
suffer the same kind of abuse in their adult lives.

Child Abuse Scars Hormones for Life - Trauma triggers stress response in
women, study finds By Adam Marcus - HealthScout Reporter - 8/3/01 Women who
suffer physical and or sexual abuse as young girls may carry the scars of
that trauma into adulthood as a severe oversensitivity to stress. An early
history of frequent abuse produces much sharper hormonal and physical
responses to mildly stressful events later in life, according to a new study
by US researchers. The findings suggest that the brain patterns laid during
childhood trauma persist long after the trauma has ceased.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Edward Britton wrote:
Frankly, SAVE THE COWS - and as for Joshua2 - it is every asshole for

But Aleshia, how are we supposed to destroy ourselves without assholes?  We
need assholes like Joshua2, as well as all those other barbaric warlords
in the middle east and beyond, if we ever hope to rid the earth of all
future assholes. It's a paradox, ain't it :-)

Reminds me of a joke that was quite popular back when I was in junior

One day all the different body parts started arguing amongst themselves
about which of them was the greatest/strongest/most important part of the

I am said the brain

No, I am said the eyes

You're both wrong, *I* am the most important, said the ears...

No, it's me, said the heart...

The stomach, lungs, and knees also joined the argument, each arguing why
it was the most important body part...

The argument grew quite raucous, as not one body part was willing to
concede its importance to another...

Finally the anus, who hadn't joined the argument and growing weary of the
racket, decided to stop working...

Soon the brain started aching, the eyes grew blurry, the ears started
ringing, the heart started racing, the lungs grew weak, the stomach grew
queasy, and the knees gave way...

So they finally all agreed -- the asshole was the greatest/strongest/most
important part of the body... ;-)


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Sparks that signal the shock

2001-08-28 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 09:00:36 -0400
Subject: Sparks that signal the shock

Sparks that signal the shock,3605,540940,00.html

Thursday August 23, 2001

The earth's surface is a jigsaw of tectonic plates, each a
slab of rock hundreds of kilometres across. Pressure builds
up in the fault lines between these plates, and when a
section of rock slips suddenly the result is an earthquake.

It appears to be a purely physical process, so it is
surprising to discover there is an electrical dimension. Not
only do earthquakes cause a variety of electrical effects,
but we now know how to trigger them using a pulse of
artificial lightning.

A surge of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, known as
a precursor signal, is sometimes detected before an
earthquake. These can show up in unexpected ways. When the
radiographer Mike Grayson was carrying out a CAT scan in
Newcastle, New South Wales, he noticed unusual streaks
appearing on the image.

Seventeen minutes later, the city was struck by a major
earthquake. The occupants of the hospital were unharmed,
though parts of it, including the scanning room, were
demolished. Grayson said afterwards: If I ever see that
image again I'd be the first out of the building.

In 1991, a group of American scientists were investigating
how natural background noise interferes with satellite
communication. A detector in Corralitos indicated ultra low
frequency radio noise more than 20 times stronger than
usual. It looked like an equipment fault and the signal
disappeared. A few hours later an earthquake struck less
than five miles away. Not all earthquakes seem to produce
precursor signals, so they are unreliable as a means of
earthquake prediction.

When they do occur they can cause spectacular effects,
described by one Japanese researcher as Alice In Wonderland
syndrome. Before the Kobe earthquake, there were reports of
U-shaped candle flames, clocks whose second hands suddenly
went around very quickly or stopped, swarming earthworms and
schools of fish aligning themselves in the same direction.

Such stories were once dismissed as folk myths, but
researchers at the quantum geophysics laboratory in Osaka
found they could all be duplicated using electrical
equipment. There is also a long history of stories of
earthquake lights. These range from glowing fireballs
popping out of the ground to a diffuse sparkling in the sky.

There is no accepted explanation, but they are thought to be
related to St Elmo's fire, the glowing ionisation sometimes
seen on ships' masts in stormy conditions. This is caused by
a strong electric field in the air, which Japanese
researchers believe may be associated with the precursor

The Soviets set out to map the conductivity of the earth's
crust in an area of seismic activity in Tajikistan. Their
experiments, carried out in the 1970s, involved firing
massive charges of electricity into the earth. There were
tremors but nobody paid much attention. In 1993, Nikolai
Tarasov of the institute of earth physics in Moscow analysed
data from the trials and found something remarkable.

The electromagnetic pulses from the experiment were followed
by tremors, each one releasing up to a million times as much
energy as the pulse that preceded it. Tarasov went on to
look at the results of similar experiments carried out at
Tien Shan in the 1980s, and found that two-thirds were also
followed by tremors. Tarasov is now part of a team being
funded by the EU to investigate how electricity can cause

There is nothing in the standard geological model to explain
it. One suggestion is that the electric pulse may be heating
up groundwater and increasing pressure. We know about the
importance of underground water pressure from the Rocky
Mountain waste disposal project in the 1960s. A deep well
was drilled at Rocky Mountain for the disposal of chemical
waste. Millions of litres were injected, and the area, which
had been quiet for almost a century, started to suffer
hundreds of small earthquakes, with most activity in the
months when disposal was taking place.

The pressure of the fluid injected into the well is thought
to have made it easier for rock to slip along the fault
lines. Electrically heating the water might have a similar
effect. Other theories focus on the rocks themselves. Many
minerals are piezoelectric, which means that when they are
put under pressure, as in a fault zone, they can produce an
electric potential.

It also means that when electricity is applied they vibrate
slightly. An electric pulse could set a large mass of rock
vibrating, enough perhaps to start slippage and trigger an
earthquake. A lthough the underlying physical principles may
not be understood, the implications are literally
earth-shattering. We now have a relatively simple and easy
means of inducing earthquakes.


Re: [CTRL] Is Joshua2 an endangered species

2001-08-28 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Saba wrote:
And now they need our Social Security to keep them in to custom to which
they are not accustomed (and as June would say, accustomed to)she
loves to ends sentences in propositions

Well, due to the strange experiments of the public school system I
attended (which decided teaching us to read was more important than
teaching us to write correctly), I will be the first to admit my
grammatical shortcomings

But while I may on more than one occasion end a sentence in a
PREPOSITION, as far as YOU are concerned, Colleen, I will NEVER end a
sentence in a PROPOSITION (nor start a sentence with one, nor put a
proposition in a middle of a sentence to you)...

But if I'm clicking with the right guy, rest assured almost ALL of my
sentences WILL end with a proposition...   ;-)

and I love to misspell words and
keep her up nights correcting my mail

Rest assured, dear Colleen, if anything keeps me up at night it is NOT
your emails, but rather is due to a positive reaction to one of my
proposition-ending sentences   ;-)

You, OTOH, obviously doze off early, having no other form of
'entertainment', and you obviously sleep well, albeit alone, in your
hard, dry, cold bed...

 - but then, we always had Editors who did the clean up.

Baboons in the zoo also have those who clean up after them...

So we get June a big broom for she says we might be related

Oh, I dearly hope not!  There're enough 'queer ducks' (to borrow my Irish
grandmother's terminology) already, without adding a certifiable loony
like you!

No, dear Colleen, you can keep YOUR 'pedigree', like the lower form of
domestic mammal that you are...

all had our white sheep, the gullible ones - anyway, give June big Broom
of Plantagenet for as they say - When she was young she used to wait -
on her masters and given them their plate -

And Little Jack Horner sat in his corner and stuck in his thumb and
pulled out a plum...alongside Miss Muffet on her tuffet with her curds
and whey...3 and 20 blackbirds baked into a pie was the next course on
the menu...

Which all makes as much, if not more, sense than whatever it is YOU
twaddle on about, dear Colleen...

and pass the bottle when he
was dry - and chase away the big blue tailed flies

Blue-tail flies, or bottlenosed flies?  Either way, I can tell you what
secrets can be uncovered via studying the full life-cycle...especially
when they are locked in a closed, hot space with plenty of rotten meat...

Sheep meat or human meat, doesn't matter to the fly...

So much - and if June or Joshua2 reads this, I refuse to respond to heir
harassments any longer.

Yes, heirs CAN be so harassing...especially after the flies and their
offspring have done their work...

Member of Royal Society
of Zoo Baboons and Blue-tailed/Bottlenosed Flies

June (all-American mutt, with no claims to 'pedigree')

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sioux vs. DEA, Round Two

2001-08-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
HREF= -- Web Exclusives/A
 Sioux vs. DEA, Round Two

Sioux vs. DEA, Round Two Federal agents have destroyed Alex White Plume's
industrial hemp crop for the second year running. But the courts may soon
decide whether Native Americans can grow THC-free cannabis.

by Emily Huber August 29, 2001

For the second year in a row, the War on Drugs has come to the Pine Ridge
Sioux Indian reservation. On the morning of July 30, federal agents arrived
at tribal member Alex White Plume's farm outside Manderson, South Dakota,
cutting down and hauling away three acres of industrial hemp.

At least this time it was all very civil -- unlike the day, in August of last
year, when 36 heavily armed agents from the federal Drug Enforcement
Administration, the FBI, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the US Marshal's
office surprised White Plume and his family with an early morning raid,
seizing more than 3600 hemp plants. (See The Drug War Comes to the Rez.)
This time, agents arrived at a scheduled 8 a.m., shook hands with White
Plume, and went to work. They were real kind, White Plume told reporters.
They were the nicest police officers I've ever seen. White Plume's sister
made coffee for everyone, and someone brought donuts.

White Plume had agreed in advance not to resist the agents, in exchange for
their not filing criminal charges against him. The oddly amicable arrangement
grew out of the ongoing legal debate over the complicated intersection of
tribal rights and federal drug laws that White Plume's hemp farming has

White Plume, along with the Oglala Sioux tribal government, wants to grow
hemp as an agricultural commodity that could give a needed economic boost to
the impoverished reservation. Federal law, however, draws no distinction
between hemp and marijuana, even though hemp contains almost no THC, the
psychoactive chemical found in its better-known cousin. Growing either is
illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970.

The Oglala Sioux maintain that their right to cultivate whatever crops they
choose is enshrined in an 1868 treaty with the US government, and that White
Plume's crops are specifically sanctioned under a 1998 tribal ordinance that
permits hemp growing. The tribal law sets industrial hemp apart from
marijuana, and places a limit on the crop's THC content. The Bureau of Indian
Affairs tested White Plume's hemp last year and found only trace elements of

We regard the enforcement of our hemp ordinance and prosecution of our
marijuana laws as tribal matters, Oglala Sioux Tribe President Yellow Bird
Steele wrote in a July 18 letter to US Attorney for South Dakota Michelle
Tapken. I respectfully request that you direct the law enforcement agencies
under your authority to refrain from further contact with our tribal members
regarding the cultivation of industrial hemp.

White Plume, meanwhile, is preparing a lawsuit aimed at establishing his
right to grow hemp based on the 1868 treaty. But the suit wasn't ready in
time for the August harvest, and federal authorities let it be known that if
the hemp stayed put, they would seek a criminal prosecution, says White
Plume's lawyer, Bruce Ellison. White Plume had grown enough hemp to earn as
much as life in prison, so he and Ellison negotiated the agreement with
The feds, explains Ellison, are not particularly excited about prosecuting
someone facing so many years in prison for such an innocuous crime, Ellison
says. It creates a can of worms for the federal government. Tapken's office
declined to comment on this year's raid or the agreement.

We didn't back down in any way, White Plume says. We just allowed it to be
pulled because we need time to strategize. We're not going to give up. White
Plume says he'll plant again next April, if he can come up with the seeds.
According to Ellison, the lawsuit will be ready to file in time for next
year's planting.

For now, White Plume's legal problems are overshadowed by financial ones.
Before the raid, he says, a buyer had agreed to purchase his harvest for $250
a bale. We really needed to make some money on it this year, White Plume
says. Now I'm just counting my horses -- I'm getting ready to sell some
more. I hate doing that.

We're just trying to make it, White Plume says. We're not trying to do
anything criminal.  What do you think?

NEWS Sioux vs. DEA, Round Two
Power Shift
Green Cities
Peace, Love, and Marketing
Coors Courts Gays

The Drug War Comes to the Rez
Tribal Politics
Incident at Round Valley
How sovereign?
Should Native American reservations be exempt from US drug laws?
Email the editors
We get letters
In-depth, interactive coverage of the issues
The Price of Prisons

Re: [CTRL] Kuwait: Mixing Oil and Politics

2001-08-28 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Nurev Ind. wrote:

 But the name 'Zapata Oil Company' IS quite meaningful to anyone who knows
 the history of the Bush family   ;-)

Good one

The name 'Zapata Oil Company' is bandied about freely throughout the
article, which described how it was Zapata that initiated drilling in
Kuwait after WWII and had monopoly rights to the wells and the oil from
those wells until the 1970s until, as the article described, Zapata
recognized that the same thing could happen in Kuwait as was then
happening in other oil-producing countries of the mideast -- namely, that
Zapata could lose everything if the Kuwaitis decided to nationalize oil
production in Kuwait...

So Zapata worked out the win-win deal with the Kuwaiti royals...

In the article it is interesting to read the writer's observation
(circa 1975) of Kuwait as being little more than a country comprised of
nomadic tent communities, with the capital city then just being
built...the writer wondered what the future would bring for Kuwait, now
that oil production had been turned over to the royal family, and he
wondered what the royals would do with their new-found wealth...

The writer never delved into the background of Zapata Oil Company
(indeed, the focus of the article was NOT on Zapata but on Kuwait as a
newly emerging nation), so no mention of the Bush family was made; indeed
at the time, the name would not have meant much of anything to the
general reader of National Geographic...

But I wonder if a similar article would manage to get published
today...or would all those references to Zapata Oil, and how it now has
monopoly rights to Kuwaiti oil, fall victim to the censor?

Knowing the cozy relationship that Zapata Oil has with the Kuwaiti royal
family, and how it has monopoly rights to ship the oil out and sell it to
refineries (pocketing the profit for itself), puts a whole new spin on
Bush Sr's being so ready to intervene on Kuwait's behalf against Iraq
back in 1991...


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Re: [CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Edward Britton wrote:
 Frankly, SAVE THE COWS - and as for Joshua2 - it is every asshole for
 But Aleshia, how are we supposed to destroy ourselves without assholes?  We
 need assholes like Joshua2, as well as all those other barbaric warlords
 in the middle east and beyond, if we ever hope to rid the earth of all
 future assholes. It's a paradox, ain't it :-)

 Reminds me of a joke that was quite popular back when I was in junior

 One day all the different body parts started arguing amongst themselves
 about which of them was the greatest/strongest/most important part of the

 I am said the brain

 No, I am said the eyes

 You're both wrong, *I* am the most important, said the ears...

 No, it's me, said the heart...

 The stomach, lungs, and knees also joined the argument, each arguing why
 it was the most important body part...

 The argument grew quite raucous, as not one body part was willing to
 concede its importance to another...

 Finally the anus, who hadn't joined the argument and growing weary of the
 racket, decided to stop working...

 Soon the brain started aching, the eyes grew blurry, the ears started
 ringing, the heart started racing, the lungs grew weak, the stomach grew
 queasy, and the knees gave way...

 So they finally all agreed -- the asshole was the greatest/strongest/most
 important part of the body... ;-)


Hey June,

Is this some kind of ' left handed ' defense?

Thanks, I think...


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Re: [CTRL] Same Name - Roman Numerals

2001-08-28 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Nurev Ind. wrote:
Colleen Jones wrote:

 Changed my name using Roman Numerals; today Web TV went under MSTV - all
 is changed.

a dipshit by any other name would smell as sweet.

It's impossible for Colleen, the 'nothing' that she is, to use roman
numerals anyway, as the system of roman numerals has no symbol for
'zero'...   ;-)


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2001-08-28 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, William Shannon wrote:
 The pornography industry has launched a new assault on the
 family with software that makes hard-core images available virtually

What are we gonna' do now
The end is near

Get a grip man...

Hopefully not on himself.  Or if he does, don't send the image to
anyone's palmtop   ;-)


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] In Rage

2001-08-28 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Israeli invasion provokes outrage
Special report: Israel
Suzanne Goldenberg in Beit Jala, West Bank
Wednesday August 29, 2001
The Guardian
Jack Straw yesterday delivered his most impassioned rebuke since
becoming foreign secretary, when he joined the Americans in undiluted
criticism of Israel's reoccupation of a swath of the Christian town of Beit Jala.
Hours after Israeli tanks rolled into the Palestinian-controlled town along
Virgin Mary Street early yesterday, Mr Straw said that the occupation of Beit
Jala was excessive and disproportionate.
I am deeply concerned by the escalation in violence in the occupied
territories over the weekend and condemn the incursion, he said.
The United States made clear in equally uncompro mising terms that its
patience with Israeli tactics of assassinations and now military
reoccupations of areas under Palestinian control was running thin. Using
pointedly sterner language than in previous Washington statements, the
state department spokesman Richard Boucher said the invasion of Beit Jala
would only make matters worse. The Israelis need to understand that
incursions like this will not solve the security problems. We believe the
Israelis should withdraw their forces from this area, he said.
Mr Straw also chose his toughest language yet when he said that the actions of the 
kind we have seen this weekend are excessive, disproportionate and threaten to stoke 
the cycle of violence.
He added: The use of fighter aircraft in residential areas, the destruction of 
Palestinian Authority security buildings by missiles, and assassinations of 
Palestinians can form no part of a meaningful strategy aimed at a
chieving peace.
The hardening of transatlantic attitudes towards the Israeli position came on a day 
when the Middle East crisis entered a phase of urban combat, with the staccato of 
gunfire from Palestinian fighters and the thud of heavy
 machine-guns from two tanks stationed outside the Lutheran church, echoing off the 
limestone walls of Beit Jala.
Mr Straw spoke amid growing international anger at the Israeli army's seizure of an 
orphanage run by the church, which put 45 boys, between the ages of 10 and 16, and 
their four wardens squarely in the line of fire.
It is totally unacceptable to seize church premises and frighten orphans, the head 
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the holy land, Bishop Munib Younan, said. The 
international community should raise its voice on t
heir behalf.
The invasion of Beit Jala was ordered after Palestinian gunmen there opened fire on 
Monday night on the Jewish settlement of Gilo, which lies between the town and the 
southern edges of Jerusalem. Israeli officials said ye
sterday that the reoccupation could continue for some time. The army should remain 
there as long as it is needed to ensure there will not be shooting on Gilo, the 
Israeli justice minister, Meir Shitreet, said.
He did not rule out the prospect that the army pres ence in Beit Jala would be 
permanent. If there is no alternative, perhaps if that is what is needed, but I hope 
we will not arrive at that point, he said. The Palesti
nians must learn the lesson that what happened today in Beit Jala could happen 
tomorrow in other places.
Aside from the orphanage, the Israeli troops took over an Orthodox community centre, 
an adjacent girls' school, and according to local Palestinians yesterday evening, a 
mosque. A Palestinian policeman was killed in heavy
gunfire which accompanied the assault, and Palestinians said that more than 20 were 
The streets were deserted, with Israeli jeeps on patrol, and soldiers opening fire to 
enforce an indefinite curfew declared at 7am. The townspeople of Beit Jala obeyed - 
bar a few scattered members of the Palestinian secu
rity forces, eating olives and pita bread in an alley off the main square - and 
gunmen. They roamed the lanes of the town in groups of three or four. Some carried 
home-made pipe grenades.
In the distance, clouds of smoke rose above the Aida refugee camp as Palestinian 
fighters exchanged gunfire with Israeli troops stationed at a Jewish shrine at the 
entrance to Bethlehem. United Nations officials said abou
t 30 Israeli soldiers had briefly entered the Aida camp before dawn, before quickly 
The Israeli soldiers arrived at the gates of the Evangelical Lutheran Home, a shelter 
for orphans and poor Palestinian children, at 1.30am, rolling down Virgin Mary Street 
in three tanks.
The soldiers were pounding on the door, and tried to break it, said Khadr Musallem, 
the home's director. The interview was conducted over the telephone because he, and 
the children, were barred from leaving the building
 or receiving deliveries of food.
I went up to see what was wrong and they ordered me to open the door. They spoke in 
Arabic - but with a heavy accent - 'iftah, iftah, open up'.
The Israelis swiftly took up gun 

[CTRL] Dutch Scientists to Try to Create Crop Circles Using Plasmas

2001-08-28 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

Dutch Scientists to Try to Create Crop Circles Using Plasmas

Every year in The Netherlands 20 to100 crop circles mysteriously appear in wheat
fields. They remain a mystery, but new research, reported in the scientific
journal Physiologia Plantarum, may help clear up their origins. Dr. Eltjo
Haselhoff is the author of the article. He’s a physicist and also a member of
the Dutch Center for Crop Circle Studies

Full Story

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[CTRL] Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anyhting

2001-08-28 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

chapter 33


by Tim O'Shea

Aldous Huxley's inspired 1956 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding,
multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures.  By altering his brain
chemistry with natural psychotropics, Huxley tapped into a rich and fluid
world of shimmering, indescribable beauty and power.  With his neurosensory
input thus triggered, Huxley was able to enter that parallel universe
described by every mystic and space captain in recorded history.  Whether by
hallucination or epiphany, Huxley sought to remove all controls, all
filters, all cultural conditioning from his perceptions and to confront
Nature or the World or Reality first-hand - in its unpasteurized, unedited,
unretouched, infinite rawness.

Those bonds are much harder to break today, half a century later.  We are
the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever known.  Not only
are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded;  our
very awareness of the whole design seems like it is being subtly and
inexorably erased.  The doors of our perception are carefully and precisely
regulated.  Who cares, right?

It is an exhausting and endless task to keep explaining to people how most
issues of conventional wisdom are scientifically implanted in the public
consciousness by a thousand media clips per day.  In an effort to save time,
I would like to provide just a little background on the handling of
information in this country.  Once the basic principles are illustrated
about how our current system of media control arose historically, the reader
might be more apt to question any given popular opinion.

If everybody believes something, it's probably wrong.  We call that

Conventional Wisdom.

In America, conventional wisdom that has mass acceptance is usually
contrived:  somebody paid for it.


Pharmaceuticals restore health
Vaccination brings immunity
The cure for cancer is just around the corner
Menopause is a disease condition
When a child is sick, he needs immediate antibiotics
When a child has a fever he needs Tylenol
Hospitals are safe and clean.
America has the best health care in the world.
Americans have the best health in the world.
Milk is a good source of calcium.
You never outgrow your need for milk.
Vitamin C is ascorbic acid.
Aspirin prevents heart attacks.
Heart drugs improve the heart.
Back and neck pain are the only reasons for spinal adjustment.
No child can get into school without being vaccinated.
The FDA thoroughly tests all drugs before they go on the market.
Pregnancy is a serious medical condition
Chemotherapy and radiation are effective cures for cancer
When your child is diagnosed with an ear infection, antibiotics should be
given immediately 'just in case'
Ear tubes are for the good of the child.
Estrogen drugs prevent osteoporosis after menopause.
Pediatricians are the most highly trained of al medical specialists.
The purpose of the health care industry is health.
HIV is the cause of AIDS.
AZT is the cure.
Without vaccines, infectious diseases will return
Fluoride in the city water protects your teeth
Flu shots prevent the flu.
Vaccines are thoroughly tested before being placed on the Mandated Schedule.
Doctors are certain that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh any possible
There is a power shortage in California.
There is a meningitis epidemic in California.
The NASDAQ is a natural market controlled only by supply and demand.
Chronic pain is a natural consequence of aging.
Soy is your healthiest source of protein.
Insulin shots cure diabetes.
After we take out your gall bladder you can eat anything you want
Allergy medicine will cure allergies.

This is a list of illusions, that have cost billions and billions to conjure
up.  Did you ever wonder why you never see the President speaking publicly
unless he is reading?  Or why most people in this country think generally
the same about most of the above issues?


In Trust Us We're Experts, Stauber and Rampton pull together some compelling
data describing the science of creating public opinion in America.  They
trace modern public influence back to the early part of the last century,
highlighting the work of guys like Edward L. Bernays, the Father of Spin.
 From his own amazing chronicle Propaganda, we learn how Edward L. Bernays
took the ideas of his famous uncle Sigmund Freud himself and applied them to
the emerging science of mass persuasion.  The only difference was that
instead of using these principles to uncover hidden themes in the human
unconscious, the way Freudian psychology does, Bernays used these same ideas
to mask agendas and to create illusions that deceive and misrepresent, for
marketing purposes.


Bernays dominated the PR industry until the 1940s, and was a significant
force for another 40 years after that.  

Re: [CTRL] Fw: The Subversion of Education in America

2001-08-28 Thread laural

-Caveat Lector-

Links at the bottom of this e-mail are for education.

What gets to me is the separation of Church and State is a first
Amendment right!  So, this amendment requires the separation
of fact from opinion, yet suddenly we hear about Politically
Correct and those are the people that attack school prayer.
To teach that Thomas Jefferson fathered a black child as fact
when there were over 20 Jefferson related males in the area
that need to be checked for those DNA markers.   Also there are
no letters to the female slave yet the movie goes with that fiction.
Anyway Jefferson's history is being taught as fact when a true fact
1958 Noble prize for proving that bacteria can reproduce sexually!

Private Papers of Nobel Scientist Joshua Lederberg Added to Profiles in
Science Web Site
Lederberg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine at age 33 for scientific work
started at age 20, which showed that bacteria can in fact, reproduce through
sexual recombination. Although Lederberg was astonished to receive the
prize, his diary entry for October 26, 1958, the day he heard he had won it, also
records some of his fears: On the whole I'm a little
afraid the fuss and bother more than outweigh the egotistic satisfactions, the
cash and the prestige factors that might help in getting my lab going.

The science of government it is my duty to study, more than all
other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and
negotiation ought to take the place of, indeed exclude, in a
manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, that
our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and
philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and
philosophy, geography, natural history and naval
architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture
in order to give their children a right to study
painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary,
tapestry and porcelain.
John Adams

I could wish that Adams quote were added to

  The National Center for Fair  Open Testing

Higher Education
National Education Association

Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Insight from the Isles

2001-08-28 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


  Soldiers Die
So That Blair Can Play Leader of Europe
Do Our Boys Have To Be At The Frontline?
by John
Daily Express
August 28, 2001
When Sapper Ian
Collins lay dying in a university hospital in Macedonia in the small
hours of Monday morning, having been hit on the head by
a piece of concrete thrown at him by Macedonian youths, he may
well have asked, Why did they do this to me? and Why was I
sent here in the first place?
Why indeed? Britain is always in the front line when it comes
to sending Western troops to fight other people's wars. The
NATO deployment to Macedonia is overwhelmingly composed of
soldiers, yet they were sent there without a whiff of public debate.
The government made no statement to the House of Commons, still
less did it recall Parliament to seek approval. The prime minister
did not even bother to interrupt his sun-bathing in the South
of France.
Our foreign policy is now rather like our policy on foot and
mouth disease. We respond with massive and indiscriminate force
whenever there is an outbreak of instability. Despatching British
troops is now the routine answer wherever there is trouble  –
Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone and now Macedonia. Our European partners 
are more circumspect. The Germans have been having a proper debate
for months about whether it is right to send German troops to
Macedonia. They probably won't do it.
Tony Blair sends British troops abroad with gay abandon because
of his obsessive desire to be both a leader in Europe and a
bridge with America. He knows he cannot lead Europe economically
 –  Britain has not yet committed the requisite economic suicide
by abandoning its national currency  –  so the only remaining avenue 
for his personal ambition is the army. He seems to think it makes
sense to send our boys to disarm rebels in Macedonia in 30 days,
although we have been unable to disarm our own paramilitaries
in Northern Ireland in 30 years.
Like all of the British political class, Mr. Blair also unquestioningly
regards being Number One ally of the United States as an overriding
political priority. Having lost our own Empire, we seem to want
to behave like the crack troops of the American empire instead.
We have therefore now lost the capacity to question whether these 
foreign escapades are in our national interest. Political reactions
yesterday to Ian Collins' death confirmed this mental block: from
Kenneth Clarke to Menzies Campbell, opposition leaders simply
said that British troops might now have to stay longer and do
more shooting. It did not occur to anyone that we should never
have gone there in the first place.
Britain is first in line for foreign escapades because we are
a soft touch. We have become so collectively lobotomised in this
country that we now treat the despatch of British troops to foreign
lands as the moral equivalent of sending the St. John's Ambulance
Brigade to a village fete. This is highly dangerous. Sending troops
into other people's countries is the cutting edge of power politics.
It is the stuff of which wars are made. And Tony Blair has just
put British troops into a place where they are very unwelcome
The last time I was in Macedonia, in June, the anger felt by
ordinary Macedonians against the West was palpable. A TV journalist
acquaintance of mine was beaten unconscious; I was myself nearly
attacked by a furious drunk. Ordinary Macedonians, like the youths
who threw the brick which killed Sapper Collins, are incensed
at what they see as the West's support for Albanian rebels who
have killed scores of Macedonian soldiers, committed terrible
acts or murder and torture, and driven tens of thousands of civilians
from their homes. Throughout June and July, there were so many
signs that the Americans were secretly helping the Albanian rebels
 –  just as they did in Kosovo  –  that it seemed they wanted a
pretext with which to justify a NATO intervention. Macedonian
anger therefore rose to fury during the weekend when NATO announced
it would collect 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: The Subversion of Education in America

2001-08-28 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

What gets to me is the separation of Church and State is a first
Amendment right!
This is untrue.
The First Amendment PLAINLY prohibits Congress from
mak[ing]  laws in regards to 5 items.


The Constitution wisely forbids Congress to make any law respecting
the establishment of religion, but it is idle to hope that the Nation can
be protected against the influence of secret sectarianism while each
State is exposed to its domination. We, therefore, recommend that
the Constitution be so amended as to lay the same prohibition upon
the Legislature of each State, and to forbid the appropriation of public
funds to the support of sectarian schools. -- Republican Platform of 1880

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Abe Foxman: Disgrace to my Religion By Monty Warner

2001-08-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 Abe Foxman: Disgrace to my Religion

By Monty Warner | August 21, 2001

AS AN EARLY TEEN, I was playing in a YMCA basketball league in
Sumter, South Carolina, a leafy, sleepy southern town of about
35,000 where I was born and raised.  Being of Jewish descent, I had
to play for a Methodist team because the Jewish population in the
county - indeed, in the state, at that time - was limited enough to
preclude its own league.  The YMCA was agreeable to this, and a few
other Jewish kids from surrounding areas played as well.

After one of the games, I remember standing by the scoreboard.
Ahead of me was one of the Jewish parents, shouting at one of the
coaches.  The woman wasn't demanding more playing time for her son,
nor was she a diehard seeking an explanation for why we were so bad
that year.  The woman, in full view of and to the distraction and
discomfort of many, was demanding an apology from the coach for
hurting her son's feelings.  The coach's sin?  Taking her boy out
of the game for poor play and making him cry.  I thought the whole
episode somewhat amusing until two well-respected men in the
community passed by, and I overheard one of them say to the other:
That is exactly why our kind has trouble with their kind. Upon
hearing this, I didn't find myself offended; at thirteen years old,
I found myself agreeing with them.

Today we have our very own national Jewish basketball mom.  Just as
shrill, just as petulant, just as obnoxious, and useless to boot.
Our advocate, armed with a $50 million annual budget to ensure the
meanies never get us, is Abraham Foxman.  Foxman heads the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a once proud, worthy and worthwhile
protector of Jews and their faith.  Under Foxman's brand of
leadership, the ADL has devolved into an opportunistic, intolerant,
grief-grubbing stench - a rights group for any and all who wish
to feel offended - one which, in bottomless efforts to remain
PC-safe, unconditionally aligns itself with groups like the Black
Caucus and NAACP, both of which strongly support the pending
anti-Semitic U.N. Conference on Racism.  Think about that.  You
hate me, so by all means I support you.  Why?  Because I'm

This past June, Carl Pearlston, a Board Member of the ADL and
longtime loyalist to its early causes, resigned from the
organization after 25 years of service.  Pearlston began to receive
increasingly hostile responses from other Board Members for his
more conservative views, and was informed by Foxman that he would
have to realize that over 95% of those involved in the ADL were
liberal and would be unsympathetic to his views.  Notwithstanding
the adage that for every five Jews in the room there are 10
opinions on everything, the notion that 95 percent (or even 55
percent) of all Jews support bilingual education, gun control,
feminism, affirmative action, abortion and the homosexual agenda
across the board is not only unfathomable, but further evidence
that Foxman has absolutely no legitimate claim to representing the
interests of the Jewish masses.

For years now, despite numerous unflattering (and under-the-radar)
news stories about his complicity in various scandals too numerous
and squalid to confine to this space, Abraham Foxman has held
himself and been held forth by others as one of the chief national
political voices of Jewish people.  His misuse of and/or
recklessness with ADL funds (see Henry Lyons), his whorish behavior
in the Marc Rich pardon, and his general odor in defending such
cosmopolitan thuggery; to say nothing of self-righteous
condemnations of what he arbitrarily decides to be someone else's
intolerance, is brought to the public's attention almost weekly.
Last year, during the presidential election, Foxman, using extreme
examples, pulled incendiary comments off the Web to imply that
anyone that didn't want Joe Lieberman on the national ticket was
probably anti-Semitic.  Well, in some cases that's entirely
possible.  It's also possible that they simply thought Joe
Lieberman was a putz.  Or more significantly, they just might not
have agreed with him on the issues.  But the substance of
disagreement is not important to Mr. Foxman.  Regrettably, whatever
legitimacy may have accompanied such charges has been diluted by
the frequency with which Foxman lodges them, largely in an effort
to secure more media attention to raise more money to continue the
never-ending battle to tell everyone else how not to offend Abraham
Foxman.  To his credit, it's a pretty good gig.

In April, Foxman was quoted in the New York Times assaulting David
Horowitz's campus ad campaign as just another means of fomenting
racism and hate. The quip was so lacking in resonance it was
almost as if he was walking out to lunch and asked what to do about
the Horowitz situation, and in reply he said put something
together, use some of the old text, and throw in uhracism and
hate.  Instead of joining Horowitz in showing the guts to 

[CTRL] UK's National Grid to run U.S. power alliance

2001-08-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{What is the big deal about the UK being an independent manager of
this power grid?  Well, nothing I suppose but remember the post
about Germany purchasing the American Water Company?  What is with
foreign governments being placed in charge of our utilities?  Is
this normal, standard operating procedure?  Anyone know?

   UK's National Grid to run U.S. power alliance


LONDON, Aug. 28 - Britain's National Grid Group Plc said on Tuesday
it had been appointed independent manager of a new electricity
transmission company serving 11 U.S. states and a population two
thirds the size of the entire UK market.
 NATIONAL GRID SAID it would invest $75 million in initial
capital and draw an annual management fee of $14 million under its
initial seven-year contract to run the new company, called the
Alliance Regional Transmission Organization.
 The Alliance, created as part of deregulation of the U.S.
electricity market, comprises the transmission systems of 10
companies covering Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri,
North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West
 The region covers about 41 million people and has peak load of
roughly 108 gigawatts.
 National Grid said it would also be eligible to receive
incentive-based earnings, subject to regulatory approval, by
delivering customer savings and enhanced system reliability.
 Rick Sergel, Chief Executive of National Grid USA, told
Reuters he hoped these earnings would match the $14 million
management fee by around the middle of the seven-year contract.
 The Alliance, which aims to start operations on December 15,
has already been substantially approved by the U.S. Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission and is an attempt to meet a regulatory
push for large and efficient domestic electricity markets, National
Grid said.
 But the commission has yet to confirm the Alliance's choice of
National Grid as independent manager.
 The commission must be satisfied that National Grid is not a
market participant in the area to be served by the Alliance, the
first of its kind in the United States.
 National Grid USA already serves around 1.7 million customers
in the northeast United States and agreed last year to buy New York
-based utility Niagara Mohawk Holdings Inc for $3 billion.
 The takeover, which Sergel said was on course to be completed
by the end of the year, will create the ninth largest U.S.
electricity utility with an electric customer base of 3.3 million
in addition to 540,000 natural gas clients.
 But the company said it did not have a foothold in the 11
states to be covered by the Alliance. We believe that we are
independent, a National Grid spokesman said.70°

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SETI Comments on Arecibo Glyph

2001-08-28 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

SETI Article on Arecibo Response

Is the Latest Crop Circle a Message from E.T?

Okay, I read their article so here are my responses:

Weak arguments:

SETI Wrote:

 The aliens, if they've received this signal, would obviously be aware of our
 capability to send and receive high-frequency radio.  After all, they would
 only know of the 1974 transmission by receiving it.  And, of course, they've
 made a point about radio by leaving their message next to a radio antenna.
 So why would they resort to an extraordinarily crude method of replying -
 carving simple messages in our wheat?

And what was the nature of what we sent?  The beef of our message sent in 1974
was just as crude.

 Why don't they use radio?  The wheat graffiti only conveys a handful of
 information - roughly the equivalent of a few sentences of any text.  They
 could convey far more, in a matter of seconds, by radio.  If radio isn't
 their thing, why don't they simply leave a copy of the Encyclopedia
 Galactica on the doorstep of either the farmer or the radio observatory?

Futhermore, they know that we SCAN the sky looking for signals and we do not
have the capability to watch the entire sky for incoming signals.  Ours just
wanders around the sky.  If aliens did receive the message we sent, then they
were simply RESPONDING to us.  When someone asks you a question, do you recite
to them the Encyclopedia Britannica?  No.  You answer their question.  Basically
it was a game of I'll show you my weewee, now you show me yours.  That is all
that happened.

 After all, if they're carving wheat, they're clearly visiting.  They could
 leave information on paper, as a CD, or in whatever form is convenient.

As if a CD or a piece of paper would be any less dubious?  If the message
arrived on a CD or a piece of paper, it would be far easier to (a) cover up, or
(b) claim it was a hoax.  Anyone with a copy of Windows Paint and a CD burner
can fake a message from space far more easily than what can be done with boards
and string.

 Any such scheme would convey orders of magnitude more information than a
 wheat carving.  Surely aliens who can come to Hampshire are sophisticated
 enough to offer us more information bits than one can find on a fortune in a
 Chinese cookie.

Again, they were RESPONDING to our message.  We gave them the information we
were comfortable giving them, they gave back to us the same information about
themselves that we gave about ourselves.  All I see in that portion of the SETI
response are very weak and brittle arguments and not very imaginative, either.

 How come they look like us?  Hollywood aliens always look pretty humanoid,
 but this is an anthropocentric conceit.  Visit the local zoo, and you'll
 find critters that share 3.5 billion years of evolution and a lot of your
 DNA.  But they don't look like you - they look like fish, or alligators, or…

I can see the rotten tomatoes flying toward me as I type this, but if this
pictograph represents the face of these aliens, then they could be the ones who
seeded human life on Earth OR the ones who spliced our original DNA with their
own in order to make us more intelligent.  That could be part of the message
itself.  Sure, we evolved from monkeys, but not without some help from alien
races.  And why do monkeys still exist?  Because not all monkeys had their DNA

 The 1974 signal was aimed at the cluster M13, which has hundreds of
 thousands of stars.  Of course, M13 is 25,000 light-years distant, which
 means that the message will not reach its target for another 250 centuries.
 Clearly, the crop circle can't be a response from any of M13's inhabitants;
 they haven't gotten the message yet.  But what about a random, Milky Way
 star that might be in the beam of the Arecibo message?  Couldn't they have
 overheard the transmission, and offered this clever carving in reply?  No.
 The Arecibo beam at 2,380 MHz is about 2 arcminutes, which is roughly 1/15th
 the diameter of the full moon.  That's an extremely narrow beam.  Imagine
 shooting an arrow through a giant room from which ping pong balls are hung
 by threads from the ceiling.  The ping pong balls are many thousands of feet
 apart.  How long would the arrow have to travel before it accidentally hit
 one of these balls?  This is analogous to the situation of the Arecibo
 message, moving in its tightly focused beam through the spaces of the Milky
 Way.  The chances that it has hit another solar system in the 27 years since
 its broadcast are… one in 50,000, approximately.  In other words, it's
 highly, highly unlikely that any star system has yet been exposed to the
 Arecibo message.

 Yawn  Another weak argument.  They are assuming, and predictably so, that we
have ALL the answers to the mysteries of the universe right here on Earth, so if
we know that something is impossible, then it is impossible.  I'm sorry, but
the universe is a very old place and 


2001-08-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is not new but it is the first time I have seen it in quite a
while. I am sending if along for any who have not read RuMill's
theory.  I find it interesting but neither endorse nor refute.  I
post/You decide.

Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 12:27 AM

From Rayelan:

The following article was written in September of 2000, almost a
year ago. I am sending it out again because I was asked to edit it
so another researcher could put it up on his webpage. However, I
can't remember who asked me to do this!! So, if you are the one who
wanted to link to this article... it is now free of all the typos,
bad grammar, mispelled words, and never ending sentences!!

It was edited, by our new Rumor Mill News Editor, appropriately
named RU!! (And she didn't even make it up!!)

As I was reading the article, I paid special attention to the
information about the stock market and the gold backed Euro. It is
time for this article to be read again!!

Rayelan Allan
Publisher of Rumor Mill News


From the Rumor Mill News Forum


Posted By: Rayelan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, 10 September 2000, 4:19 p.m.

  An Explanation Faction Two
  by Rayelan Allan

  There is a hidden group of men and women who are in opposition to
the New World Order. They call themselves Faction Two. Faction One
is the New World Order! Faction Two was created by German and
Austrian officers who were forced to flee Europe - BEFORE the end
of World War II - because they had been part of the conspiracy to
assassinate Hitler.

  The former Nazi officers who created Faction Two were members of
a conspiracy headed by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, who headed the
German Abwehr, military intelligence. The Canaris Conspiracy sought
to assassinate Adolph Hitler and end the war. They knew the future
of their world depended on ending the war quickly, before their
enemy could totally destroy their bloodline. They knew that
Hitler was controlled by an evil cabal of black masters, who
masqueraded as international businessmen and bankers. The war was a
way for this evil cabal to make billions of dollars, producing the
instruments of war, while eliminating the bloodline of their
age-old enemy.

  The officers who made up the Canaris Conspiracy came from several
countries - Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria. They were
part of the royal families that had made up the Austro-Hungarian
Empire. They wanted to end the war and save their countries from
the total destruction and enslavement their enemy had in mind for
them. These men knew who the real enemy was. Their empire had been
destroyed in the late 1890's by the same power that now backed
Adolph Hitler.

  They knew Hitler had sacrificed his soul for power. They knew
Hitler was controlling and mesmerizing his followers by using the
dark secrets he had learned from the evil masters of the Society of
Thule. These occult adepts used black magic to control Hitler and
make him their puppet in their quest for world domination. The Dark
Masters who made up the Society of Thule have used their dark magic
throughout the ages and throughout the nations of the world, to
pervert, seduce, corrupt and control leaders. Once the leaders
were/are controlled, the Dark Masters could/can enslave the people,
and rape and pillage the land with no opposition. From Babylon to
Egypt to Rome - wherever this dark cabal raised its head - evil,
death and destruction soon followed.

  The Nazi officers who were members of the conspiracy to
assassinate Hitler were not only members of the Hapsburg royal
family. They were also members of an age-old Order that had been
destroyed, and whose memory had been maligned by the same evil
cabal that was now trying to enslave the world. This order is the
Knights Templars.

  The conspirators knew they had to end the war, and the only way
to end it quickly was to assassinate Hitler. They reached out to
England and America, and asked for help. Both countries refused to
help them. Winston Churchill was heard to say that he wanted
Germany bombed into oblivion.

  The bankers in England have a long history of using wars not only
to make money, but also to destroy the bloodlines of countries.
Baron Amschel Rothschild is well known for the quote, The best
time to make money is when blood is running in the streets. He
meant that war is a great way to make a killing on the market, by
investing in weapons of war and other things that will be needed by

  Even though the conspirators failed to secure the help of the
Allies, they went ahead with their assassination plan. Their
attempt failed. Hitler knew who was behind the assassination
attempt - members of the German and Austrian Royal Families. The
book The Canaris Conspiracy documents the royal