[CTRL] Experts say U.S. unprepared for germ warfare

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Experts say U.S. unprepared for germ warfare

By JOSEPH B. VERRENGIA, Associated Press

(September 16, 2001 2:41 p.m. EDT) - As devastating as this week's
attacks in New York and Washington were, national security and public health
experts know this much: It could be worse. There are weapons that are
invisible and next-to-impossible to trace.

A whiff of nerve gas. A droplet of anthrax. A particle of smallpox.

Infectious or toxic weapons in skilled hands could cause considerably more
casualties among ordinary Americans than the estimated 5,000 dead and
missing at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The use of biological or chemical weapons - described by some as the poor
man's atomic bomb - is a sensitive topic, especially now.

Experts caution that a bioterrorism attack here is not inevitable. Their
opinions are the products of war games rather than an immediate and real

And there are those who say that few terrorists could pull this off, that this
would be a much more complicated and difficult feat than it may seem.

But the science exists to launch such an attack and, obviously, so does the
hatred. President Clinton said as much as early as 1999 when he said a
biological or chemical attack on the United States is highly likely.

Seattle thought so, too. Before the World Trade Organization meeting there,
hospitals stockpiled antidotes, just in case.

And The New York Times reported Sunday that satellite photos indicate that
Osama bin Laden - described by administration officials as the prime
suspect in Tuesday's attacks - may be experimenting with poisons. The
photos show dead animals at a terrorist training camp in eastern Afghanistan
operated by bin Laden.

Unlike explosions, the scope of an unconventional attack in an airport or a
domed stadium would not be apparent for days or weeks until victims
showed symptoms of a mysterious illness.

By then, they could have infected many others around the world. Waves of
patients might overwhelm hospitals.

The public, panicked, might turn on their neighbors unless adequate
medicines and vaccines were available.

Which, experts warn, they are not.

The biological threat is one we are not adequately prepared for, said Dr.
Margaret A. Hamburg of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a Washington think
tank. Hamburg was New York City health commissioner during the 1993
World Trade Center bombing.

This is a critical moment to assess where we are vulnerable, she said. The
biological threat has to be very, very high on the priority list.

Others share Hamburg's concern.

I'm very, very alarmed, said Donald A. Henderson, a biodefense expert at
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and adviser to former President Bush.

Skeptics said Tuesday's events, while horrific, don't mean that a bioattack is
on the horizon. Most terrorists, they said, don't have the expertise.

We need to be realistic in our threat assessments, said Jonathan B.
Tucker, a nonproliferation expert at the Monterey Institute of International
Studies in Washington. A worst-case scenario is unlikely.

Fighting with disease was prohibited by a 1972 treaty signed by 143 nations,
but biological weapons have, on occasion, been used in the past. In the
Middle Ages, sieges were broken by catapulting corpses over castle walls to
spread poxes and plagues. In the western United States, American Indians
were given the blankets of smallpox victims.

In the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein fired chemical weapons. He held biological
weapons and, according to the CIA, is pursuing them again.

The United States and the former Soviet Union built vast germ warfare
stockpiles. In July, the Bush administration pulled out of negotiations to further
enforce the biological weapons ban.

Subsequent reports suggest both nations still investigate new bioweapons,
including an enhanced form of anthrax, to understand how they might work.
Experts speculate that hardships might prompt some Russian scientists to
sell their know-how on the black market. In addition to Iraq, Iran and Libya
have reportedly pursued germ warfare.

In Japan, a cult killed a dozen commuters on a Tokyo subway with nerve gas
in 1995 after failing to spread biological agents with a sprayer truck.

With today's microcomponents, some believe a modified fire extinguisher or
climate control system loaded with bioagents could do the job.

In the past 18 months, such simple scenarios have been featured in
simulations with names like Dark Winter, Operation Top-Off and RED
Ex. The exercises, hosted by think tanks, involved many high-level officials
and analysts.

New York City was planning a mass vaccination drill on Sept. 12. The World
Trade Center attack pre-empted it.

Former Sen. Sam Nunn recently portrayed the president in the Dark Winter
simulation of a smallpox attack. On Sept. 5, Nunn summarized it for the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

The 3,000 cases in Oklahoma from the initial attack mushroomed into
hundreds of thousands of 

[CTRL] Kentucky coroner confirms 2 cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Kentucky coroner confirms 2 cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Copyright Scripps Howard News Service


COVINGTON, Ky. (September 17, 2001 1:32 p.m. EDT) - The incidence of
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is one in a million. But if the coroner in Campbell
County, Ky., is correct, the Northern Kentucky area may be defying the odds.

Since March, Northern Kentucky has had two confirmed cases of CJD, a
fatal brain disease associated with a tiny protein called prions. Tests are
being performed on a third local person who died in August to determine if
she succumbed also to the disease.

The two confirmed victims are Kenneth Johnstone, 62, a former Boone
County superintendent and principal who died July 31, and Helen Davis, 76,
a nursing-home resident who died in March.

The disease was confirmed in Johnstone's case by a brain biopsy, said his
widow, Jo Ann Johnstone. Campbell County Coroner Mark Schweitzer said
Davis, who died of pneumonia, also had CJD.

Schweitzer, a chiropractor, also believes Sandy Reaves-Haas of Dayton may
have died of CJD, although the woman's primary-care physician disagrees.

Robert Tracy, an internal-medicine physician from Cold Spring, oversaw
Reaves-Haas' treatment through a mysterious illness that struck suddenly
and left her incapacitated and uncommunicative for several months. Tracy
said samples of the woman's blood and spinal fluid tested negative for CJD
during her illness.

A definitive diagnosis of CJD can be achieved only with a brain biopsy,
which Schweitzer requested. But Tracy said Reaves-Haas' symptoms were
not those of a patient with CJD.

In animals, prion disease can take the form of mad cow disease. Mad cow
disease has not been detected in the United States, despite active
surveillance efforts since May 1990.

Jo Ann Johnstone said it's a mystery as to how her husband acquired the
rare illness. They had never been to England, she said. During a trip to
Spain, Italy and Morocco 11 years ago, they ate very little beef. They also
rarely ate beef at home.

She said doctors at University Hospital had ruled out the hereditary form of
the disease.

The source of Johnson's disease, as with most cases of CJD, may never be
known. The disease can lie dormant for many years, further complicating
efforts to pin down its cause.

Schweitzer said the cases appear to be unrelated.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Remember the election year rhetoric, Bush will to get us into a war!?

Now many Americans, perhaps most, are falling all over each other
exclaiming how great a leader Bush has suddenly become.

It just goes to show us that we are not that smart, and we are mostly
controlled by our emotions. I hope we will grow up soon, and suspect we will
do so fast once the Afghanis start sending our soldiers back in body bags
after being executed by skinning alive like they did with the Russian soldiers.
I hope this does not happen, but fear that some our men and women will
meet this horrible fate, and even worse. I hope it will all be worth it in the end,
if there ever is an end to the fighting.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Afghanistan - The Last Place On Earth For A War

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Afghanistan - The Last Place
On Earth For A War
By Oliver Hardy
   The Sun - London

   Afghanistan is one of the most desolate and inhospitable regions
   on Earth.

   So a war in Afghanistan would rely heavily on the 
   tough teams of men from the SAS and US Special Forces.

   Osama bin Laden will need to be prised from his hiding place in 
   barren terrain characterised by forbidding mountain ranges and
   dotted with deep caves.

   And with a stark winter fast approaching, conditions will be
   extremely harsh.

   Despite their superior numbers, successive armies have tried and
   failed to conquer Afghanistan.

   They have been beaten by the wild conditions and the tribesmen's
   superior knowledge of how to survive there.

   US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has already said Special
   Forces soldiers will be at the forefront of the attack if there 
is to be
   a chance of getting bin Laden.

   They will be assisted by a specialist unit of the SAS, called 
   Revolutionary World Warfare wing.

   These men have been training in the mountains of neighbouring
   Pakistan for more than five years and making secret
   intelligence-gathering sorties into Afghanistan.

   They have climbed to heights of 18,000ft and adapted to barren
   terrain similar to south Afghanistan, where bin Laden runs his
   training camps.

   Ex-SAS man Tom Carew knows the tough conditions in the
   mountains well.

   He spent two years in Afghanistan training Mujahideen 
guerrillas in
   their fight against the Russian Army in the 1980s.

   Tom, 47, who has just published a book, Jihad! The Secret War In
   Afghanistan, said last night: It was hard work for troops in 

   But that was like a billiard table compared with the terrain in
   Afghanistan. It's arid, there's hardly any cover, it's very 
rocky - very
   hard going.

   The winter is starting now and the nights are already getting

   At the end of this month and the beginning of October you will
   start to get the rain.

   It soaks everything completely, turning tracks into quagmires.
   Then it freezes. By the end of next month there will be snow 
   and ice.

   Forget tanks and troop carriers. The only way to get around is 
   mule or on foot.

   Tom, now living in Belgium under a false identity, said the 
   are a nation of warriors.

   He said: They are a proud fighting people. They are like 
   goats. They were born to this terrain.

   If you get caught by the Afghans then it's very bad news. I 
   saw any Russian prisoners handed back. They take them alive but
   two or three days later they will be dead.

   I once saw a dead Russian who had been captured and he was
   virtually unrecognisable.

   People should go to Moscow and sit down with their generals who
   have some experience of fighting in Afghanistan. The British 
got a
   good basting in Afghanistan in the days of the Empire and so did
   the Russians.

   He said the tribesmen he dealt with are adept at using the local
   terrain to their advantage. The same will be true of the Taliban
   tribesmen, who are believed to be sheltering bin Laden.

   When you are in the valleys they place explosives on the
   mountainside so when you are climbing up they explode rocks on
   to you. It's deadly. They also have holes in the ground to use 
   arms dumps. They stock them with weapons and munitions from
   mule trains. It allows them to 


2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-



Note: This article first appeared as a post written by myself at Free Republic.
I was surprised to learn that it was copied from Free Republic and re-posted
at dozens of sites around the world. So, it seems only fitting that the article
(with some updating) re-appear here at my own web site.

It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the
enemies you need.

In 70 BC, an ambitious minor politician and extremely wealthy man, Marcus
Licineus Crassus, wanted to rule Rome. Just to give you an idea of what sort
of man Crassus really was, he is credited with invention of the fire brigade.
But in Crassus' version, his fire-fighting slaves would race to the scene of a
burning building whereupon Crassus would offer to buy it on the spot for a tiny
fraction of it's worth. If the owner sold, Crassus' slaves would put out the fire. If
the owner refused to sell, Crassus allowed the building to burn to the ground.
By means of this device, Crassus eventually came to be the largest single
private landholder in Rome, and used some of his wealth to help back Julius
Caesar against Cicero.

In 70 BC Rome was still a Republic, which placed very strict limits on what
Rulers could do, and more importantly NOT do. But Crassus had no
intentions of enduring such limits to his personal power, and contrived a plan.

Crassus seized upon the slave revolt led by Sparticus in order to strike terror
into the hearts of Rome, whose garrison Sparticus had already defeated in
battle. But Sparticus had no intention of marching on Rome itself, a move he
knew to be suicidal. Sparticus and his band wanted nothing to do with the
Roman empire and had planned from the start merely to loot enough money
from their former owners in the Italian countryside to hire a mercenary fleet in
which to sail to freedom.

Sailing away was the last thing Crassus wanted Sparticus to do. He needed
a convenient enemy with which to terrorize Rome itself for his personal
political gain. So Crassus bribed the mercenary fleet to sail without
Sparticus, then positioned two Roman legions in such a way that Sparticus
had no choice but to march on Rome.

Terrified of the impending arrival of the much-feared army of gladiators,
Rome declared Crassus Praetor. Crassus then crushed Sparticus' army and
even though Pompeii took the credit, Crassus was elected Consul of Rome
the following year.

With this maneuver, the Romans surrendered their Republican form of
government. Soon would follow the first Triumvirate, consisting of Crassus,
Pompeii, and Julius Caesar, followed by the reign of the god-like Emperors
of Rome.

The Romans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting
the rule of Emperors.

Julius Caesar's political opponent, Cicero, for all his literary
accomplishments, played the same games in his campaign against Julius
Caesar, claiming that Rome was falling victim to an internal vast right wing
conspiracy in which any expressed desire for legislative limits on government
was treated as suspicious behavior. Cicero, in order to demonstrate to the
Romans just how unsafe Rome has become hired thugs to cause as much
disturbance as possible, and campaigned on a promise to end the internal
strife if elected and granted extraordinary powers.

What Cicero only dreamed of, Adolph Hitler succeeded in doing. Elected
Chancellor of Germany, Hitler, like Crassus, had no intention of living with the
strict limits to his power imposed by German law. Unlike Cicero, Hitler's
thugs were easy to recognize; they all wore the same brown shirts. But their
actions were no different than those of their Roman predecessors. They
staged beatings, set fires, caused as much trouble as they could, while Hitler
made speeches promising that he could end the crime wave of subversives
and terrorism if he was granted extraordinary powers.

The Germans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting
the rule of Der Fuhrer.

The state-sponsored schools will never tell you this, but governments routinely
rely on hoaxes to sell their agendas to an otherwise reluctant public. The
Romans accepted the Emperors and the Germans accepted Hitler not
because they wanted to, but because the carefully crafted illusions of threat
appeared to leave no other choice.

Our government too uses hoaxes to create the illusion that We The People
have no choice but the direction the government wishes us to go in.

In 1898, Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's
New York Journal were arguing for American intervention in Cuba. Hearst is
reported to have dispatched a photographer to Cuba to photograph the
coming war with Spain. When the photographer asked just what war that
might be, Hearst is reported to have replied, You take the photographs, and
I will provide the war. Hearst was true to his word, as his newspaper
published stories 

[CTRL] Definitions

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Case

-Caveat Lector-

Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad
vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like a serious

Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come
at you rapidly.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

2001-09-18 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

So what do we do...just forget about the thousands that were killed a week
ago? You're a REAL PATRIOT!

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Steve
 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 5:01 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

 -Caveat Lector-

 Remember the election year rhetoric, Bush will to get us into a war!?

 Now many Americans, perhaps most, are falling all over each other
 exclaiming how great a leader Bush has suddenly become.

 It just goes to show us that we are not that smart, and we are mostly
 controlled by our emotions. I hope we will grow up soon, and
 suspect we will
 do so fast once the Afghanis start sending our soldiers back in body bags
 after being executed by skinning alive like they did with the
 Russian soldiers.
 I hope this does not happen, but fear that some our men and women will
 meet this horrible fate, and even worse. I hope it will all be
 worth it in the end,
 if there ever is an end to the fighting.


 Steve Wingate, Webmaster

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance not soap-boxing please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory' with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds is used politically by different
 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time
 and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Uh-huh

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Case
-Caveat Lector-

President Bush's cousin should have been in the World Trade Centre when
it was attacked.

Jim Pierce, managing director of AON Corporations, had arranged a
business conference on the 105th floor of the South Tower where its New
York offices were based.

But his group was too large so they decided to move across the street to
the Millennium Hotel.

Two hundred AON staff are missing.

See this story on the web at http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_401406.html

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 18 Sep 01, at 5:53, tnohava wrote:

 So what do we do...just forget about the thousands that were killed a week
 ago? You're a REAL PATRIOT!

I am only asking questions instead of blindly accepting everything at face

I guess you progagly believe if we do not all march in lock step with the
'approved' reactions, we are not Real Americans.

You will see I am right eventually, unless the truth is covered up. (But that
would never happen in America???) But by then it will be way too late and
many more will die. Attacks against Afghanistan will only start a Holy War and
cause new terrorist attacks to be initiated at an increasing pace.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 18 Sep 01, at 5:53, tnohava wrote:

 So what do we do...

Bush should have been more concerned with foreign affairs and cooperating
with our allies including listening to the advise of Russia regarding terrorism
threats, rather than getting the tax cut for the rich, which has put us in an even
worse position financially, with a return to deficit spending and/or borrowing
from the social security and medicare funds.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 4000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the Attack (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

I can't find any other mention of it other than comments upon the
article itself - nothing that independently verifies its contents.

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Kris Millegan wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Is there any independent confirmation of any of this?

 the site may be agenda-charged.


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 4000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the Attack (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

The site definitely has an pro-Palestinian agenda:


Dear brother or sister Salam-u-Alaykom
  In support of the oppressed Palestinian
  people for the Sustenance of the
  Intifadah we invite you to donate money
  to the following address: To: 

On 18 Sep 01, at 9:59, Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I can't find any other mention of it other than comments upon the
 article itself - nothing that independently verifies its contents.

 On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  Is there any independent confirmation of any of this?
  the site may be agenda-charged.
  A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
  sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
  directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
  major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
  That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
  always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
  credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] September 11...(5)

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

From: radtimes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 September 16, 2001-On Friday, the Senate voted 98-0 for a war resolution.
It says: The president is authorized to use all necessary and appropriat
force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines
planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred
on Sept. 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to
prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States
by such nations, organizations or persons.  This resolution, written as a
blank check, is payable with vast quantities of human corpses.

Oh please...cry me a friggin' river! It's payback time baby! I say we nuke
'em. Can't hide in tunnels from radiation sickness.

Peace is WAY overrated.


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Re: [CTRL] September 11...(5)

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 18 Sep 01, at 9:16, Don Capps wrote:

 Oh please...cry me a friggin' river! It's payback time baby! I say we nuke
 'em. Can't hide in tunnels from radiation sickness.

That would be very. Tunnels and caves would be a relatively good way to
avoid radiation, and radiation would contaminate the environment and lead to
further escalation including possible nuclear war.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-09-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

They do the paperwork and underwriting for workers comp.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Anyone know what NCCI sells?? Whatever it is, I will NEVER
 buy it.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
Donate cash, emergency relief information

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] September 11...(5)

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-


 That would be very. Tunnels and caves would be a relatively good way to
avoid radiation, and radiation would contaminate the environment and lead to
further escalation including possible nuclear war.

Oh brother. Here we go. Possible nuclear war with just WHO Steve??? A bunch
of Afghani herdsmen with AK-47's? Please. Granted, great guerilla fighters
they may be. But nuclear capability? C'mon. That's a stretch, even by the
incredibly credulous standards of the CTRL!

So...let's see. What other Mid East baddie might engage in a bit of the old
nuclear escalation. Oh! I know! Saddam Hussein. Yeah. Let's see. He could
take an oil tanker and retrofit a missle gantry on the deck. Then he could
load it up with a nuclear tipped SCUD. Then he could cross the Atlantic,
park off the New York coastline, and (given the SCUD's known accuracy) might
hit the Jersey swamps.

Or how about one of those misnamed suitcase nukes? OK. Let's consider that
scenario. Suitcase nuke goes off in a major US city, doing massive damage,
albeit in an extrememly limited area (approx. 1 mile radius). Fallout is
minimal precisely because the weapons are low yield. US reaction? The entire
Arab world gets lit up like a Christmas tree. Now THAT'S what I call


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Former Chinese TV editor imprisoned for disseminating political e-mail

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Former Chinese TV editor imprisoned for disseminating political e-mail

The Associated Press

BEIJING (September 15, 2001 12:50 p.m. EDT) - A former Chinese
television editor who used a Hong Kong-based Internet site to e-mail political
articles to friends has been sentenced to three years in prison on subversion
charges, a rights group said Saturday.

Judges at the Intermediate People's Court in the southern city of Shaoyang
had planned to sentence Zhu Ruixiang to nine months in jail, deeming that his
crimes were not serious, the Information Center for Human Rights and
Democracy said.

But Communist Party officials overruled them and pushed for sterner
punishment, the Hong Kong-based center said. The court informed Zhu's
lawyer of the three-year sentence on Friday, the center said.

Zhu, 50, is a former editor for Shaoyang television who for the past three
years had worked as a lawyer, the center said. He was arrested May 7 by
security agents in Shaoyang, Hunan province, about 1,000 miles south of

The center said Zhu was tried Sept. 10 and convicted of inciting the
overthrow of state power, a subversion charge the government often uses
against its critics.

He was accused of using a Hong Kong-based free e-mail service to
download reactionary articles from overseas that he then forwarded to 12
friends, the center said. It gave no details about the content of the e-mails.

Chinese leaders, while keen to tap the Internet's economic advantages, also
fear it could become a powerful forum for dissent.

Special police units monitor Internet sites and e-mail traffic. Laws to prevent
challenges to the Communist Party's monopoly on power have been
expanded to cover activities online.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Video game makers to remove some images of destruction from new releases

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Video game makers to remove some images of destruction from new

By ANTHONY BREZNICAN, Associated Press

LOS ANGELES (September 18, 2001 8:15 a.m. EDT) - Video game
makers announced Monday that they will purge images of destruction
involving New York City from new releases and will postpone the debut of
terrorism-themed adventures after last week's attacks.

Activision indefinitely postponed release of its Playstation game Spider-
Man 2 - Enter: Electro a day before it was to hit stores because the
superhero battles villains atop skyscrapers resembling the World Trade

A redesigned game will be available by the holidays, Activision president
Ron Doornink said.

Ubi Soft Entertainment said it would delay release of Tom Clancy's Rogue
Spear: Black Thorn. The game, originally set for release Oct. 9, will hit
stores only after themes similar to the terror attacks on New York and
Washington are removed.

Any events involving planes and terrorism will be the first thing we look at
eliminating, said Cassie Vogel, Ubi Soft spokeswoman.

The company wants to avoid stirring emotions unnecessarily and unwillingly
offending the public, she added.

Meanwhile, Microsoft Corp. has said it will erase the World Trade Center
from the skyline of its upcoming Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 - a series
so realistic that some student pilots use it for training.

And copies of Electronic Arts' war game Red Alert 2 are being altered
because the cover depicts the World Trade Center and New York skyline in

Because the game hit shelves more than a year ago, Electronic Arts is also
offering retailers the chance to trade old covers for new ones, spokeswoman
Trudy Muller said.

The game, which involves warfare in models of real cities, will not be altered,
she added.

The terrorist attacks already prompted Electronic Arts to suspend Majestic,
a game involving murder and sabotage that is played through the Internet.

Many in the entertainment industry have reviewed upcoming products in the
wake of Tuesday's terrorist attacks.

The record label 75Ark changed the cover art for anti-capitalist rappers The
Coup's new album Party Music because it featured the World Trade Center
towers exploding.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Enemy Within

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

The Enemy Within


15 September:  Mohamed Atta and his cousin Marwan Ashehri, two of the 19
hijackers named by the US Justice Department, as perpetrators of the New
York World Trade Center and Pentagon, Washington suicide attacks, have
been variously described as Egyptian and Saudi nationals. DEBKAfile’s
intelligence sources have turned up their real identity: they were Palestinian-
Americans. Atta was implicated in a series of bus bombings that hit
Jerusalem in 1996. He evaded Israeli capture by going to ground among his
relatives in America. The US authorities at the time turned down Israel’s
request to extradite this US national. Our sources further identify Atta as the
scion of a prominent, affluent family in El-Bireh, Ramallah, one of whose
members is a former mayor and most of whom carry American citizenship,
as do many elite Palestinian families in Ramallah and its environs. The latest
information coming out of the FBI investigation traces Atta, Ashehri and
another of the 7 suicide pilots, Ziad Jarrah, from the Lebanese Beqaa Valley,
to Hamburg four years ago, where they established an Islamic terrorist cell.
DEBKAfile ’s terrorist experts note that this cell based itself on a much
older German-based terrorist group – the one involved in the 1988 PanAm
103 terrorist disaster over Lockerbie, Scotland, in which 270 died. Atta, who
set up an Islamic prayer room in the local university, was known in Hamburg
as “Mohamed el-Amir”. Ashihri registered for studies, but never
turned up. Jarrah, who flew aboard the plane that crashed near Pittsburgh,
went from Germany to Afghanistan eighteen months ago and from there to
Miami, Florida.  It now appears that some of the 7 suicide pilots may have
trained not only in private flying schools in Florida, but at US military schools.
That is yet another pointer to how well Islamic jihadists were able to secretly
place themselves in American society and its institutions. The most recent
penetration dates back 11 years at least, although its roots go back much
earlier.  In 1990, when the Afghan war ended with the Red Army’s defeat,
Osama Bin Laden, who led the international Islamic brigade America raised
to fight the Red Army, turned coat.   “Afghan Arabs” - as those
volunteers came to be known - were allowed to settle in the United States
with their families. Some stayed loyal to their former commander and enlisted
to the Al Qaeda, the militant movement
Bin Laden created to fight the second surviving secular superpower,
America. Those Afghan Arabs form the American-based core of Al Qaeda.
A second important branch that buried its operatives inside the United States
was the fanatical and violent Egyptian Jihad Islami movement, Bin
Laden’s foremost ally. In the latter half of the nineties, those two groups
working hand in glove were joined by a younger generation of Arab Moslem
militants from the Middle East, brought up in the tradition of suicide for the
cause. According to DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources, those three
branches, numbering no more than some 2,500 activists in all, form the
engine powering contemporary international terrorism. They gained entry into
the United States in the last 11 years with the help of moles and agents
inside America’s governing institutions, including its intelligence
machinery. Those agencies emphatically deny such penetrations. This is only
partly true. Whereas it is inconceivable that US counterintelligence would
directly hire Moslem terrorists, there are known cases of US double agents,
who by definition serve two services, knowingly aiding an alien agency, which
is close to the Bin Laden network. Furthermore, US counterintelligence has
strived for two decades at least to penetrate the militant Islamic
fundamentalist world by planting its own moles and double agents  – with
very little success. In most cases, those plants remained faithful to their
religious tenets, not their American handlers, using their covert American
connections to spread the fundamentalist net inside US intelligence itself.
The Egyptian American, Aly Mohamed (see earlier article on this page), was
certainly not the only terrorist in disguise to be accepted into the American
military, where he pretended to serve US interests while actually working for
Bin Laden. There must be hundreds of double agents like him burrowed
under US security, some in a position to thwart the United States’
attempts to guard itself against the jihad menace.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Pictures The American Media Aren't Showing You : Massive

2001-09-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

no one has ever denied that Palestinians have a full range of beliefs and
actions like any group of human beings. No intelligent person thinks all
Palestinians think the same, share one monolithic belief set. That does not
excuse the behavior of the ones who pay young men to walk into civilian
areas and kill themselves and countless innocent others, for political
reasons, with fairy tales of heavens rewards.

Just as everyone knows Israelis also are not monolithic in belief, and many
want peace and cooperation - which does not excuse those who are virulently
racist or militaristic.

It is not the function of our government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen
to keep the government from falling into error.

 Justice Robert H. Jackson

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 23:26:55 -0500
 Subject: [CTRL] (Fwd) Pictures The American Media Aren't Showing You : Massive

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Subject:Pictures The American Media Aren't Showing You :
 Massive Demonstrations Against The Bombing In Palestine ; Not In My Name
 Date sent:  Mon, 17 Sep 2001 12:07:39 -0400

 Pictures The American Media Aren't Showing You
 Massive Demonstrations Against The Bombing In Palestine

 9/17/01 12:07:39 PM
 Not In My Name Coalition

 Jeruslam, Occupied Palestine -- A Jewish anti-Zionist organization that is
 calling for an end to US aid to
 Israel, in conjunction with Palestinian information organizations, has
 on the internet a series of pictures showing demonstrations in Palestine
 are either pro-US or anti-bombing, to counteract the media smear campaign,
 organized by American Zionists, that pretends to portray the Palestinian
 as celebrating the attack.

 The Not In My Name Coalition, a Jewish anti-Zionist group, which is
 demanding, among other things, that Israel must end the military
 occupation, immediate[ly] end to collective punishments ... and human
 violations, and change ... US policy so that our tax dollars are not
 used to
 fund the military occupation.

 The website, set up with the Independent Palestinian Information Network,


 Libertarian Socialist News
 Post Office Box 12244
 Silver Spring, MD 20908

 (check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

 (Formerly http://www.libertariansocialist.com)

 --- End of forwarded message ---

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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

2001-09-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

I'm not sure what we should do - but the minute we kill an innocent
civilian, we become terrorists as well.
-- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
The police aren't here to create disorder, they are here to preserve

Mayor Richard Daley

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: tnohava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 05:53:37 -0400
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

 -Caveat Lector-

 So what do we do...just forget about the thousands that were killed a week
 ago? You're a REAL PATRIOT!

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Steve
 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 5:01 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

 -Caveat Lector-

 Remember the election year rhetoric, Bush will to get us into a war!?

 Now many Americans, perhaps most, are falling all over each other
 exclaiming how great a leader Bush has suddenly become.

 It just goes to show us that we are not that smart, and we are mostly
 controlled by our emotions. I hope we will grow up soon, and
 suspect we will
 do so fast once the Afghanis start sending our soldiers back in body bags
 after being executed by skinning alive like they did with the
 Russian soldiers.
 I hope this does not happen, but fear that some our men and women will
 meet this horrible fate, and even worse. I hope it will all be
 worth it in the end,
 if there ever is an end to the fighting.


 Steve Wingate, Webmaster

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance not soap-boxing please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory' with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds is used politically by different
 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time
 and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and 

[CTRL] Anti-Bush Attacks [was Bush will get us into a war]

2001-09-18 Thread foxter

What is your evidence to say 
Bush "put us in an 'even worse' position financially"? Seems like just 
your opinion to me, without facts. 

What is your evidence to 
insinuate that Bush was not as "concerned with foreign affairs" and "cooperating 
with our allies"? 

What is your evidence that 
Bush is concerned with getting a tax cut for the rich? I just got my 
tax refund in the mail, did not know I was rich.

If you cannot answer these 
questions I can hardlytake what you say seriously. I assume you want 
to be taken seriously?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 6:38 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into 
  a war!
  Lector-On 18 Sep 01, at 5:53, tnohava wrote: So what do we 
  do...Bush should have been more concerned with foreign affairs and 
  cooperatingwith our allies including listening to the advise of Russia 
  regarding terrorismthreats, rather than getting the tax cut for the rich, 
  which has put us in an evenworse position financially, with a return to 
  deficit spending and/or borrowingfrom the social security and medicare 
  funds.SteveSteve Wingate, WebmasterANOMALOUS 
  IMAGES AND UFO FILEShttp://www.anomalous-images.comA 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Why search for Ben Laden cells in Ecuador??

2001-09-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

it doesnt say bin laden is there

it says there may be a cell of his organization there
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of
freedom, truth and duty.

   Kahil Gibran, Spirits Rebellious

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 From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 01:10:09 EDT
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Why search for Ben Laden cells in Ecuador??

 From: David Goldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, September 17, 2001 4:20 PM
 Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Why search for Ben Laden cells in Ecuador??

 Hmmm.could it be there is a suspicion (as I have wondered) of a wider
 network linking them to the drug cartel?? If the search is directed towards
 Colombia, then for sure it must exist.

 David Goldman

 Tuesday, September 18 2:51 AM SGT

 FBI, CIA to look for presence of Bin Laden network
 in Ecuador

 QUITO, Sept 17 (AFP) -

 Ecuador's top diplomat announced Monday that US FBI and CIA agents will
 here in coming days to join an investigation of a possible local
 presence of
 Saudi-born Islamic extremist Osama bin Laden's network.

 Foreign Minister Heinz Moeller told local television that Equador's
 intelligence and police were conducting an investigation into the
 possible existence
 of such a cell.

 Ecuador is among 35 countries designated by the US Congress to be home
 to a cell
 of the militant terrorist network.

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Re: [CTRL] Another Bush in the Bunker - from OnLine Journal

2001-09-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-



Another Bush in the bunker
By Jack McCarthy

September 17, 2001—A discerning Media Whores Online* reader nominated
syndicated columnist Mark Shields, also a political analyst for The News
Hour, as a non-whore for his lambasting of President Bush's resorting to
cheerleading with a bullhorn in New York City on Friday.

Shields rightfully chastised Bush for not only being a day late for
everything, but for the lack of solemnity. Bush showed up yelling through a
bullhorn as he did during his days as a collegiate cheerleader.

Here in Florida brother Jeb is behaving rather peculiarly, as well.

In a strange interview with the St. Petersburg Times' Julie Hauserman, Jeb,
testy as ever, also acted like he was tranquilized.

Asked to comment about the Florida investigation and the links of the
dastardly deed to Flordia, Jeb blurted out, I don't want to know.

Given another chance at coherence and a display of leadership and reassurance
that Floridians hope to get from their leader, Bush again fell down on the

 I don't think its appropriate for me to know those things . . . I want to
read about it in the newspaper, Jebb oddly said.

The fear level runs high here in Florida. Not only were the perpetrators of
Tuesday's Day of Infamy 2 linked to several cities in Florida, but some fear
that because the infamous Penis shaped capitol, is said to be the fourth
largest building in the U.S.—and Jeb is the brother of the president—an
attack may occur here.

Too bad that Jeb lacks the class of his predecessor Lawton Chiles who would
have been on television reassuring the public.

Well at least we can say Jeb didn't yell with a bullhorn.


McCarthy for 15 years was managing editor and a columnist for the Tallahassee
independent daily, The Florida Flambeau, now defunct. He can be reached at


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Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

2001-09-18 Thread foxter

On 18 Sep 01, at 5:53, tnohava wrote: So what do we do...just 
forget about the thousands that were killed a week ago? You're a REAL 
PATRIOT!I am only asking questions instead of blindly accepting 
everything at facevalue.

Steve, what are the 
questions you are asking?

I guess you progagly 
believe if we do not all march in lock step with the'approved' reactions, we 
are not Real Americans.

 I for one say that we should suport 
our president. Of course, I am a patriot, I love this country and I expect 
those who live here and reap its many benefits to love it, too.

You will see I am right eventually, unless the truth is covered up. 
(But thatwould never happen in America???) But by then it will be way too 
late andmany more will die. Attacks against Afghanistan will only start a 
Holy War andcause new terrorist attacks to be initiated at an increasing 

 Manymore will indeed die. Let us fight to make 
men free. That is the great tradition of this great nation. 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Sammy The Bull Gravano by Allan May

2001-09-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

this is the kind of stuff i read saba for
never know in advance how far she will go

hey saba - it is said by whom?
-- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
The police aren't here to create disorder, they are here to preserve

Mayor Richard Daley

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 01:23:06 -0400
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Sammy The Bull Gravano by Allan May

 but I am wondering, inasmuch
 as Gotti is half Jewish it is said

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Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

2001-09-18 Thread foxter

Name a war in history 
where there were not innocent civilian casualties.

What you are really 
saying is you are a pacifist, and/or you want a surgical strike. a 
surgical strike against a far-reaching enemy is not possible this time. 
Get on board the Reality Train.

  -Caveat Lector-I'm not sure what we should do - but the minute we 
  kill an innocentcivilian, we become terrorists as well.

Re: [CTRL] John Fund - Another Moralist Caught With His Pants Down

2001-09-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


September 11, 2001

Another Moralist Caught With His Pants Down

This time it's Wall Street Journal moralist-in-chief John Fund. The same John
Fund who has been so critical of Congressman Gary Condit. The same John Fund
who went after former President Bill Clinton for the alleged acts he
committed against women. The same John Fund who is cozy with the Bush White
House and is a close friend of Grover Norquist, whom The Nation called the
field marshal for the Bush policies. The same John Fund a regular on the
television talk shows, who portrays himself as a spokesman for the religious
right and condemns those who don't live up to the highest moral standards.

It turns out that the hypocritical 46-year-old Mr. Fund, who has never
married, is, as reporter John Connolly called him, a regular right-wing

The not-so-virtuous Mr. Fund, who hammered on Mr. Condit for telling his
alleged paramours to lie about their relationships, did just that thing
himself and when Mr. Connolly got the goods on him—in the form of a tape
recording—apparently tried to kill the story by attempting to plant false
rumors in Talk magazine to scare his victims off.

In this case, Mr. Fund went from mother to daughter and when daughter became
pregnant, he abandoned her, allowing the distraught young women to have an
abortion, without any support from him.

Ah, but John Connolly tells this sick tale about Mr. Fund, Melinda
Pillsbury-Foster and her daughter, Morgan, better than Ms. Sally can. You can
read about it and hear the tape Ms. Pillsbury provided him at

If there is a chuckle to this sad tale, it is the rapidity with which the
right wing Free Republic http://www.freerepublic.com removes any mention of
it from its message board.

Sally Slate welcomes mail from her readers, especially mail containing
factual items and tidbits from sources who can't go public. You may email her

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[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] heroin bin laden connection- forward

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 9/17/01 10:15:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Preston et al:

I am finishing a detailed article on this subject which I will be posting

when done. For all of my economic research I have never seen numbers this

exaggerated and find them suspect. The US GDP is only $10 trillion. The

world GDP is less than $100. This guy has the idea right but the numbers

way off. The U.S. military budget is only $350 billion per year. It is

impossible that there is $6.5 trillion or roughly 20 times that much in

illegal weapons trade.


Preston et

I am
finishing a detailed article on this subject which I will be posting when done.
For all of my economic research I have never seen numbers this exaggerated and
find them suspect. The US GDP is only $10 trillion. The world GDP is less than
$100. This guy has the idea right but the numbers are way off. The U.S. military
budget is only $350 billion per year. It is impossible that there is $6.5
trillion or roughly 20 times that much in the illegal weapons


  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 12:49
  heroin bin laden connection- forwardCurrently reported as centers of
  Islamic fundamentalism, Afghanistan and Pakistan are major centers of
  narcotics trafficking. http://www.dawn.com/2001/07/23/ebr7.htm
  This overlap suggests that links may exist between terrorist
  activity, on the one hand, and narcotics smuggling, on the other.
  Complex money laundering systems throughout Asia exist. These
  rely at least in part on parallel banking systems traditional to those
  societies. According to the article: "Conservatively
  estimated, total narcotic revenues today flowing back to offshore markets
  exceed $ 80 trillion. Add to it about $ 5,400 billion of annual flight of
  capital (evasion of tax and currency laws), as well as some $ 6,500
  billion in illicit arms traffic, and various other categories of
  contraband-related funds. The cash flow of the underground economy via the
  offshore markets is of the order of $ 153.5 trillion per year. How much of
  this remains in the market's deposit base, and how much finds its way back
  to "laundered" investments inside various national economies, is difficult
  to estimate." Accordingly, if a terrorist / narcotics link exists,
  the funds available to bin Laden and his cohorts may greatly exceed the
  $300 million now currently reported. Ironically, one of the
  foremost money laundering centers today is Israel. see, eg:
  Accordingly, Islamic terrorists may have very strange bed fellows
  indeed. Duncan C. Kinder [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please
  let us stay on topic and be civil.To unsubscribe please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs-Home
  Page- www.cia-drugs.org OM Your use of Yahoo! Groups is
  subject to the Yahoo! Terms of

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Re: [CTRL] 4000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the Attack (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread foxter

Perhaps it was 

  is a list of the al-Manar Frequencies where it's broadcasting: 
  Digital receiver Ku Band uses the following address: USA and 
  CanadaTelestar 5\ 97 deg. WestFrequency: 12152 MHZSymbol 
  rate: 20.000Polarization: HorizontalFEC: 3/4Digital 
  receiver C Band uses the following address: (Africa)Nss 803\ 338.5 
  deg. EastFrequency: 4055 MHZSymbol rate: 27.500Polarization: 
  C.RFEC: 3/4You can receive Almanar using a digital receiver on 
  Arabsat 3A the Lebanese bouquet:Arabsat 3A\ 26 deg.eastFrequency: 
  11787 MHZSymbol rate: 27.500Polarization: verticalFEC: 3/4 
  Or analog receiver use the following address:Arab Sat. 3A/ 
  26 deg. EAST* Frequency: 11823 MHZ* Polarization: VERTICAL 
  Digital receiver Ku Band use the following address:Nile 
  sat 101\ 7 deg. WestFrequency: 12054 MHZSymbol rate: 
  27.500Polarization: VerticalFEC: 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 9:16 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] 4000 Israeli 
  Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the Attack (fwd)
  -Caveat Lector-The site definitely has an 
  pro-Palestinian agenda:http://www.manartv.com/Dear brother 
  or sister Salam-u-Alaykom In support of the oppressed 
  Palestinian people for the Sustenance of the Intifadah we 
  invite you to donate money to the following address: To: 
  On 18 Sep 01, at 9:59, Yardbird wrote: -Caveat 
  Lector- I can't find any other mention of it other than 
  comments upon the article itself - nothing that independently verifies 
  its contents. On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Kris Millegan 
  wrote:  -Caveat Lector-   Is there 
  any independent confirmation of any of this?   the 
  site may be agenda-charged.   Om  
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  validity of posts, and  always suggests to readers; be wary of 
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Re: [CTRL] September 11...(5)

2001-09-18 Thread foxter


I tried reasoning on 
Steve's fear and anger that good golly we may have to suffer and die for 
freedom. I'm sure I was nowhere near aseffective as you in this 
Thanks for being out 
Thanks formaking me 


- Original Message - 

  Don Capps 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 9:48 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] September 
  -Caveat Lector-From: "Steve" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  That would be very. Tunnels and caves would be a relatively good way 
  toavoid radiation, and radiation would contaminate the environment and 
  lead tofurther escalation including possible nuclear war.Oh 
  brother. Here we go. Possible nuclear war with just WHO Steve??? A bunchof 
  Afghani herdsmen with AK-47's? Please. Granted, great guerilla 
  fightersthey may be. But nuclear capability? C'mon. That's a stretch, even 
  by theincredibly credulous standards of the CTRL!So...let's see. 
  What other Mid East baddie might engage in a bit of the old"nuclear 
  escalation". Oh! I know! Saddam Hussein. Yeah. Let's see. He couldtake an 
  oil tanker and retrofit a missle gantry on the deck. Then he couldload it 
  up with a nuclear tipped SCUD. Then he could cross the Atlantic,park off 
  the New York coastline, and (given the SCUD's known accuracy) mighthit the 
  Jersey swamps.Or how about one of those misnamed "suitcase nukes"? OK. 
  Let's consider thatscenario. Suitcase nuke goes off in a major US city, 
  doing massive damage,albeit in an extrememly limited area (approx. 1 mile 
  radius). Fallout isminimal precisely because the weapons are low yield. US 
  reaction? The entireArab world gets lit up like a Christmas tree. Now 
  THAT'S what I call"escalation!DCA HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
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Re: [CTRL] Another Bush in the Bunker - from OnLine Journal

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

From: Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 September 17, 2001—A discerning Media Whores Online* reader nominated
syndicated columnist Mark Shields, also a political analyst for The News
Hour, as a non-whore for his lambasting of President Bush's resorting to
cheerleading with a bullhorn in New York City on Friday. Shields rightfully
chastised Bush for not only being a day late for everything, but for the
lack of solemnity. Bush showed up yelling through a bullhorn as he did
during his days as a collegiate cheerleader.

Ahem. How easy it is to be an armchair critic in these difficult days. First
of all...Mr. Shields has obviously not had his cowardly little ass anywhere
near so-called Ground Zero. If he had, he would know that there is
absolutely no way to set up any sort of real public address system down
there. A bullhorn is the only way to address the 5000+ rescue workers that
are gathered there effectively. Plus, what's up with the day late for
everything comment? He simply went there to encourage the rescue workers.
There was no way to do so earlier, before some of the smoke and dust had
cleared and the area was a bit more secure.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm no huge Bush fan. I voted for Keyes in the
Republican primary and Buchanan in the general election. But I think it's
smarmy and disengenuous of Shields to attack Bush under these circumstances.
He's doing what any President would and should do in this situation. He's
trying to bring some encouragement and hope to the exhausted rescue workers.
If you ask me, it's Shields and his ilk who ARE the media sluts in this


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Anti-Bush Attacks [was Bush will get us into a war]

2001-09-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 18 Sep 01, at 10:14, foxter wrote:

 What is your evidence to say Bush put us in an 'even worse' position financially?  
Seems like just your opinion to me, without

Before the tax cut and economic slowdown, we had a surplus. A week ago
we were going to have to borrow 9 Billion dollars from the social security
fund. Now we have had to spend $40 Billion more due to the attack and we
are going to war. What more evidence do you need (unless you think deficit
spending is good for the country.) It used to be the Republicans were calling
for the 'evil Democrats' to balance the budget. Not anymore. They are the big
spenders now, including their push for the New Star Wars, which will be
extremely costly.

 What is your evidence to insinuate that Bush was not as concerned with foreign 
affairs and cooperating with our allies?

That was certainly the general consenus. He is for breaking the ABM treaty,
breaking the ban on underground nuclear tests, and against the Kyoto
protocol, all actions which our allies strongly oppose.

 What is your evidence that Bush is concerned with getting a tax cut for the rich?   
I just got my tax refund in the mail, did not
 know I was rich.

The vast majority of the tax cut went to the rich. You got your little $300 check,
an advance subtracted from your 2001 refund, enough for a couple of new
tires or maybe a golf club, so you're quite happy! Many of the rich got millions
in tax relief.  All of us will continue to pay huge interest payments on the
massive debt which was created by Reagans stupid tax cut, a legacy that
Bush seems quite content to leave us with as well.

No, I do not think much of Bush, even if we are going to war. Why should I like
him and support his treachery? Why do you?



Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] But Mr. President, Can You HEAR Us?

2001-09-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/15/2001 11:15:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 To this lady and others that don't get it, this is WAR !   Wake up and smell
the chemicals in the air.

W A R ! ! ! ! 

My husband has fought in three of them and we were both involved in the Gulf
War as civilians.  We do not welcome the prospect as enthusiastically as
some.   We must fight this war.  Our country was attacked in a horrendous
way, but war is always ugly, and this one promises to be moreso than most.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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Re: [CTRL] Bush will get us into a war!

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-


 I'm not sure what we should do - but the minute we kill an innocent
civilian, we become terrorists as well.

I'm not trying to minimize the gravity of this situation by any means. As I
see it, we are in deep doo doo no matter which course of action we take.
However, by your definition, every war ever fought has been a terrorist
action, including the American Revolution.

Sorry. There is no such thing as a clean war. There has always been and
always will be collateral damage (ie: loss of civilian life) in war. It's
sad. But it's also inevitable.

To quote George C. Patton :

It is good that war is hell...otherwise we would grow to like it too much.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Inept Intelligence or Willful Negligence?

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

September 17, 2001

The Hunt for Bin Laden Zeroes Out

By Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair

The world's most wanted man, now magnified in the US press to mythic
reach and wealth, has been the target of some hilariously inept US
missions, Patrick Cockburn reports from Moscow.

Russians are astonished by the US intelligence failure that allowed as
many as 50 people to plot and train for their attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon for 18 months. But the efforts of the US
consulate in Peshawar, in the northwest province of Pakistan on the
Afghan border, to trace and capture Osama bin Laden suggest an operation
of extraordinary amateurism. In a bid to find him, the consulate last
year distributed free matchboxes with a picture of Mr. bin Laden on the
front and a message in Urdu offering $500,000 for information leading to
his capture. It also promised confidentiality and asylum in the US for
anybody who supplied the information.

The chances of the matchbox ploy producing results was never high and
may have been further reduced by a serious misprint: the consulate had
intended to offer potential informants $5m but the printer accidentally
omitted a zero, reducing the reward by a factor of ten.

At the same time as the matchboxes were distributed, shopkeepers in
Peshawar were surprised to discover that hundreds of 100-rupee notes
written in the Pashto and Dari languages were also in circulation,
overprinted with a message offering a reward for bin Laden. The US
consulate denies having distributed the notes.

Is Surprise Ever Truly Surprising?
There's now plenty of evidence, some of it initially surfaced by
CounterPunch, that before the September 11 attacks, US intelligence and
security services knew something was in the offing.

A quick look at some other notorious surprises confirms the fact that
almost always there's some foreknowledge on the part of the target
nation, but the information is shelved for a variety of reasons, some of
them malign.

Take the most famous surprise in American history: Pearl Harbor. Even
leaving possible foreknowledge by President Roosevelt aside, it is
beyond dispute now that US Naval Intelligence was well aware of Japanese
plans for an attack. For example, the US ambassador in Tokyo, Joseph
Grew, was told by a Peruvian diplomat that an attack was imminent.

The so-called winds intercept refers to a radio message from the
Japanese carrier force in the North Pacific, indicating that Japan was
about to implement its attack plan. Again, there is no question that US
Naval Intelligence intercepted this message. Added to other testimony we
have CounterPunch's own direct knowledge of a woman who, in World War
Two, supervised the US Navy's most secure and secret files in a Pentagon
basement. Among super-sensitive documents in one safe was a copy of the
Winds intercept, which she read. In the closing months of the war the
Winds intercept disappeared from the file.

Another supposed surprise to America was China's sudden, devastating
intervention in the Korean War. In fact a top level Chinese Communist,
Chou En Lai, summoned the Indian ambassador before the attack and gave
clear warning of what the Chinese would do if America continued its
drive north. Frantic warnings were sent to General Douglas McArthur,
directing UN forces in Korea. The warnings were disregarded.

Nor was the Tet offensive, so devastating to US morale in the Vietnam
war, a surprise to US intelligence officers, who sent both President
Lyndon Johnson and General Westmoreland briefings on the impending
attacks, only to be told to rewrite the reports, which contradicted rosy
assumptions of the weakness of the Vietnamese NVA and NLF.

A CIA analyst called Fred Fear accurately predicted Yom Kippur war,
Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat's stunning attack on Israeli forces across
the Suez Canal in 1973. Months earlier Fear noted heavy purchases of
bridging equipment by the Egyptians. From the orders, he deduced the
size of the Egyptian force and the number and whereabouts of the
bridges. He also drew a map. His report was filed and forgotten. When
the attack came on October 6, 1973, his superiors pulled his report out
of the files, tore out his map and sent it to the White House, relabeled
as current intelligence.

The arrival of the Muslim suicide truck driver who blew up the Marine
barracks outside Beirut in 1983, killing over 200 was preceded by plenty
of warnings. And as for Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, as
the world later learned, US envoy April Glaspie had earlier told Saddam
that possible border adjustments between Iraq and Kuwait were not a
concern of the United States. CP

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2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

on the eve of the bay of pigs, allan dulles et al were shorting sugar.
if you work for richard mellon scaife, a sense of history is--almost
by definition--superfluous.


The CIA has asked the City regulators in London to investigate
suspicious sales of millions of shares before last Tuesday's attacks
in America in the belief that the paper trail will lead to the


Osama Bin Laden could have pulled off a sick financial coup shortly
before the attacks that devastated America.

Britain's City watchdog, the Financial Services Authority, has
launched an inquiry into unusual share price movements in London
before last week's atrocities.

Other investigations have been launched in the U.S., Germany, Japan
and Italy. The authorities fear that the Saudi-born multi-
millionaire's followers might have used a technique known as 'short
selling' shares in commodities such as insurance companies, airlines
and tourism which they knew would plunge after the attack.

Short selling involves borrowing shares from a broker, then selling

You use the money raised to buy the shares when the price has gone
down, give them to the broker and pocket the difference.

So if you sold a million shares at GBP 8 each, and they then went
down to GBP 5, you could make a quick GBP 3million less the broker's
fees and commission.

'It would be a particularly ghoulish kind of insider dealing,' said
one source.

'But if we find anyone profiteering out of the tragedy it could be a
good lead for the investigation into exactly who is responsible.'

The authorities are also looking for any unusual buying activity in
sectors likely to go up, such as building or arms manufacturers.

Germany's security watchdog has launched an inquiry into 'suspect'
share price movements in the run-up to the atrocities.

It is expected to home in on Munich Re, the world's biggest
reinsurer, which lost 13 per cent of its value in the week before the

Fellow reinsurer Swiss Re and the French insurance giant Axa also
suffered price falls before the outrage.

In cases of widespread short selling, the brokers start to follow the
trend to cover themselves and this can force the market down.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said: 'We are going to track
down every terrorist and confiscate their money wherever it is in the

'And I think we'll have the co-operation of every financial
institution in every civilised society.

'We're going to shut these people down.'

A similar investigation is under way in Japan, where it is believed
to be focusing on dealings in futures contracts.

In the futures market, investors bet on the future price of shares or
commodities and can make enormous gains if their gambles prove

Bin Laden comes from a wealthy Saudi business family and is believed
to have financial tentacles reaching across the globe.

He is reported to have used a Milan brokerage to invest in European
stock markets.

The Swiss authorities are also looking closely at his links with
their country's notoriously secretive banking system.


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Re: [CTRL] Anti-Bush Attacks [was Bush will get us into a war]

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-


 That was certainly the general consenus. He is for breaking the ABM
treaty, breaking the ban on underground nuclear tests, and against the Kyoto
protocol, all actions which our allies strongly oppose. {snip} No, I do not
think much of Bush, even if we are going to war. Why should I like him and
support his treachery? Why do you?

Don here...just checking in from Right Wing Nationalist Central.

Sorry to burst your bubble here...but just what treachery are you
referring to? Documentation please? Or is that too much to ask of you?

Now, let's turn from the vague generalities to the specifics of your post.
For one thing, let's take a closer look at the Kyoto Protocol, of which you
apparently approve...

When George W. Bush made his first trip to Europe as President in June, the
anti-Bush U.S. media, the anti-U.S. European socialists, and the anti-growth
green parties were all lying in wait to grab headlines at his expense. They
zeroed in on Bush's withdrawal from further negotiations on the Kyoto
Protocol, also known as the Global Warming Treaty.

President Bush deserves an A from Americans for his five-nation European
tour because he stood firm on his Kyoto decision despite daily hammering
from big media in the United States to try to get him to change his mind.
Let's have a reality check about Kyoto.

The worldwide push for this fraudulent treaty got off the ground at the 1992
UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, which produced several international
agreements including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. This called on countries to take voluntary actions to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions (principally carbon dioxide, CO2) to their 1990
levels. This agreement was, unfortunately, signed by President George Bush I
and ratified by the Senate in 1992.

The first lesson we should learn from this is the folly of signing UN
treaties that are called voluntary. Any treaty called voluntary will surely
morph into Other Countries' Great Expectations, which in turn will morph
into demands by foreigners abroad and globalists at home that we meet our
alleged obligations.

Buried in the treaty's verbiage was this sentence: The developed country
parties should take the lead in combating climate change and the adverse
effects thereof. Now the UN propagandists are asserting that this alleged
international law binds the United States not only to actually do what was
called voluntary (dramatically reduce our CO2 emissions), but to do it
immediately regardless of when, if ever, other countries do anything to
conform to the treaty's goals.

UN bureaucrats and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have been working
for years to turn this voluntary Rio agreement into a legally binding
agreement called the Global Warming Treaty. The new treaty was agreed to by
Vice President Al Gore in Kyoto, Japan in 1997 and signed in New York in
1998. Ever since, it's been called the Kyoto Protocol. Fortunately, treaties
do not bind the United States unless ratified by two-thirds of the Senate.

The Kyoto Protocol would require the United States to reduce our greenhouse
gas emissions to 7% below our 1990 levels, a tremendous reduction in our
energy consumption (our use of electricity, gas, oil, and gasoline) and
therefore in our standard of living. However, Kyoto would impose no
limitations on 130 developing nations, including China (the world's second
largest emitter of greenhouse gases), India, Mexico and Brazil, and would
allow Europeans to evade reductions by averaging among the European Union
(EU) countries.

Kyoto is so manifestly unfair to the United States that the U.S. Senate went
on record against it in 1997 by passing the Byrd-Hagel Resolution 95-0 to
warn our President that the treaty would not be ratified. President Bush is
obviously reflecting American views when he withdrew from negotiations.

Who is behind Kyoto?

Kyoto is an issue that brings together many different anti-American
interests, all of which enjoy wide access to the media.

The anti-growth socialists, particularly the European countries that have
moved left in recent years. The socialist mindset opposes economic growth
and instead welcomes a scarcity of resources so that big government can
apportion or ration the scarce resources. The private enterprise system, on
the other hand, produces abundance so that a rising tide lifts all boats. It
is clear that the Kyoto restrictions would restrict economic growth.

The foreign dictators in the United Nations who look upon the UN as a forum
where they can demand that the United States redistribute our wealth to
them. Our foreign aid never gets to the poor people who need it; it is
gobbled up by the ruling tyrants.

The cult of radical environmentalists who believe we should subordinate our
standard of living to the supremacy of global ecology or, as Al Gore said in
the title of his book, force us to put Earth in the Balance. These groups
have great sums 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: [Spy News] 08/14/2000 | UK, US encouraged opium smuggling during Afghan ...

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

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UK, US encouraged opium smuggling during Afghan War

London, 08/14/2000 (Jang Group) :: Britain secretly trained and supported
the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and tolerated opium smuggling that financed
their Jehad against Soviet troops, a former British commando who operated in
Afghanistan has revealed.

The explosive account by former commando Tom Carew, who retired from the
army nine years ago, in The Sunday Times also reveals how the British and
the Americans worked together with China in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Carew has disclosed how he was sent with others on a clandestine mission
into Afghanistan 20 years ago to train the Mujahideen against Soviet forces
occupying Afghanistan. "The somewhat dubious legacy of our intervention is
evident in international drug smuggling and terrorism today," Carew said.

Carews story clearly sets out the involvement of the British government
in the training of the Mujahideen. And as he describes debriefing sessions
later in London and at the Pentagon he sets out clearly the decision of
British and American intelligence to look away from evidence of opium
smuggling. Carew says he was sent into Afghanistan in what appeared to be a
joint operation by the American and British intelligence, because "I also
took orders from Colonel John Miley of the US Defence Intelligence Agency

The operation was code-named Operation Faraday. Carew writes: "My orders
were to look for areas where western agents could train the Mujahideen and
to bring back items of secret Soviet equipment. It wasnt going to turn
out quite like that. I found myself not only fighting for my life against
the Russians but also becoming increasingly alarmed by the nature of the

Carew describes several military operations he joined against the Russians.
At one point he describes how he shot dead three men including one he
suspected of being a Russian agent. "If the fact that the US was sponsoring
terrorism and teaching the terrorists how to do it leaked out, there would
be hell to pay. Much easier to keep it all tidied away inside Afghanistan
under the cover of the fog of war. Provided the instructors didnt get
caught by the Soviets, there was no danger that anyone was going to object
to what was going on because they wouldnt know about it."

In one Russian attack several Mujahideen were killed and with them two
British officers whose identity was also found by the Russians. "That
brought Operation Faraday to an abrupt close. Groups of Afghans were brought
to Scotland for training by the regiment."

Carew ends his account with regret at the fallout of those operations. "I
retired from the army nine years ago. When I think about Afghanistan now,
its with a sense of sadness and regret. The need to pay for the war led
the Mujahideen

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] impresssions of a Manhattanite

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Hey all, 
My impressions.

WTC Attack: Impressions of one Manhattan resident
By Preston Peet

The sense of disbelief I feel when I look out my window while typing reminds me of the smoke plume still rising from the downtown NYC skyline tonight, nearly 60 hours after the first jetliner plowed into the World Trade Center: intangible and hard to grasp, but oppressive and overwhelming just the same. The reality of the Towers was firm, an everyday thing. They were always within view from just about anywhere on the island, but that reality has been eradicated permanently. It is hard to grasp even now, but the silence of the streets outside, the stench of smoke wafting in, and that huge empty hole in the city skyline all slap me with reminders. The World Trade Center is no more.

Just before 10AM Tuesday morning a message was left on our answering machine. "Please call, I’m worried about you in the city," said my girlfriend’s mother. Wondering what she was talking about, my girlfriend got out of bed and strolled to the front room to play back the message, flipping on the tv as she did. Seeing the WTC burning on the screen, she leaned over and took a look out the window. When we moved into this apartment last year, we’d both commented on how great a view we had of the WTC. She called me with an urgency that brought me running. Tower 2 had just fallen, the resultant cloud of dust and smoke nearly obscuring the fact from our window, but Tower 1 was clearly on fire like a giant torch, flames visible through unfathomable, gaping, jagged holes multiple stories large way up high in the sides of the Tower. 

Already, as I threw on some clothes, my mind was trying to wrap itself around what was happening, imagining how odd it was going to look with just the one Tower standing. The tv was blaring alarming reports of a plane, or as I subsequently found out 2 planes, striking the Towers, of another hitting the Pentagon, of a car bomb outside the US State Department, a fire on the Washington Mall, and up to a total of 8 jets out of contact with air traffic controllers and possibly hijacked by knife-wielding terrorists. President Bush was speaking at a school I attended in my hometown of Sarasota and it was my birthday. The whole thing was just too surreal, but it got even more so very quickly.

Grabbing a camera, I tore up the stairs to the roof, where the unobstructed view from just south of Houston Street allowed me to begin snapping photos. The crystal clear blue sky had a roiling black wound on it spreading to the South, ugly black smoke that rose into the air from the one remaining Tower, and the empty hole beside it, pouring East across the water to cover Staten Island. The scene was something from a dream, a nightmare, so utterly beyond anything that I ever expected to be witness to that I could only stare, snapping away with my camera, thinking of the people on what I now knew to be two planes diving into the Towers, one after the other. Another tenant who witnessed the second jet slam into Tower 2 described it to me, the horror etched on her face as she related seeing the second plane deliberately crash headlong at high speed into the side of the Tower then explode in a huge ball of flame and debris. After a few minutes upstairs, people from all around me on my roof and many of the surrounding buildings began screaming, "Oh God, there it goes!" Quickly raising my camera, I took pictures as Tower 1 cracked, broke and began to crumble in what appeared to me from my vantage point slow motion onto downtown Manhattan below. Then all I could say over and over was, "those poor people, all those poor people," as a writhing cloud of hell on Earth covered the lower part of Manhattan like a living animal, obliterating many of the remaining high-rise buildings from view.

I’m grateful I didn’t witness the people falling from the upper floors where I stood, and even more so that I don’t live south of Canal Street, now the northern border of a 5-mile crime scene and disaster area cordoned off by police and national guard units. Until Wednesday night, we couldn’t even smell the smoke here. But we sure saw the people fleeing on foot north through Manhattan that morning. Avenue A had more pedestrian traffic than I’ve seen in almost 8 years in NYC. Most had paper masks covering their faces or hanging around their necks with their loosened ties and collars, many were covered in soot and dust, and all had an eerie, somber air to them, tense and confused. Military jets were crisscrossing periodically overhead, adding to the air of siege that permeated the city. 

Walking across the island a few hours later, seeing the pall on the lower horizon each time we crossed an avenue affording us a view of the sky formerly hidden by the WTC, it felt like being on the largest movie set imaginable. The massive destruction and the audacity of the attacks both here and on the Pentagon, the loss of life estimated into 

[CTRL] ICC a spearhead toward globalist police state...

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

Unsafe in Any Formby John F. McManus

Those who think that getting half a loaf is better 
than getting nothing may be correct in the case of the starving man. But in 
political matters, the adage can play right into the hands of an enemy. This may 
turn out to be the case with the impending creation of the UNs International 
Criminal Court (ICC). In this instance, a congressional measure supposedly 
designed to protect some Americans from any future ICC prosecutions may, in 
fact, be leaven for the half loaf, and help bring into being a temporarily 
toothless international court whose teeth can be put in place later, as the 
political climate allows.
The measure, entitled the America Servicemembers 
Protection Act, would bar U.S. military assistance to any non-NATO nation that 
ratifies the ICC treaty. It would prohibit U.S. troops from serving in any UN 
peacekeeping operation unless the UN grants them immunity from possible 
prosecution. And it would authorize the use of force to rescue any American or 
allied soldier held by the soon-to-be-created court. House leaders have even 
threatened to hold up payment of back dues to the UN until they receive 
assurance from President Bush that he will support their move.
This sounds like a tough stand for which supporters 
in Congress (it has already won approval in the House by a 282-137 margin) 
should be given a pat on the back. But the measure only protects one category of 
Americans. What about politicians, writers, organization leaders, teachers, and 
others whose stands might be considered genocidal or racist, or might otherwise 
be construed to fit into the ICCs incredibly open-ended category of "crimes 
against humanity"?
The International Criminal Court will claim 
jurisdiction over everyone on the planet as soon as the ICC is ratified by 60 
nations, an arbitrary number chosen by its globalist architects to allow the 
Court to open up shop. President Bush says he opposes U.S. ratification, but the 
move by the House amounts to an admission that the proposed ICC is a fait 
accompli. As such, the House measure is no more than a weak palliative, 
intended only to make the court more palatable for conservatives. But we must 
remember the proven tactic of first getting a law or institution on the books 
and later "reforming" it so it can accomplish everything its authors originally 
intended. The restrictions on the proposed ICC sought by the House in this Act 
could be negated down the road.
This strategy has been used before. The cabal that 
brought this nation the Federal Reserve system in 1913 knew everything it sought 
couldnt be obtained all at once. All it wanted from Congress was to get the 
monster born. Most Fed opponents believed Congress had created a relatively 
toothless entity that would pose no major problems for the nation. Once 
established, however, additional legislative "reforms" supplemented the Feds 
power and built it into what it is today. Now, the nation can be yo-yoed from 
boom to bust, from inflation to deflation, from expansion to recession; one man, 
the supposedly infallible Alan Greenspan, makes economic decisions affecting 270 
million Americans, not to mention the overwhelming majority of the worlds other 
Another example of this process is the UN itself. In 
1945, a war-weary Senate voted overwhelmingly to have our nation join the United 
Nations as a way to prevent future wars. In the ensuing years, there have been 
more wars, not fewer. Today, the world finds the UN sticking its nose into 
population control, religion, property rights, education, military, weapons 
ownership, parental rights, environmental concerns  virtually everything 
imaginable. The UN, well on the way to becoming the unchallengeable world 
government most of its founders expected, is constantly being 
Then theres NATO. In 1949, over the objections of a 
minority in the Senate, the U.S. agreed to the formation of the North Atlantic 
Treaty Organization. Sold to the American people, and to many naïve senators, as 
a way to defend against Soviet expansionism, NATO was at its outset solely a 
military alliance. But it has now been "reformed" to include political and 
economic roles.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is another example 
of this strategy at work. Did those who allowed passage of the ESA expect it to 
shut down logging industries, ruin livelihoods for farmers and ranchers, and 
stop industrial development? Was the Clean Water Act sold to Congress with the 
draconian controls it now possesses over this essential commodity? Does no one 
recall that the income tax was never to exceed five percent? The list of 
toothless half-measures that got "reformed" into oppressive bureaucratic 
monstrosities would fill many pages.
Supporters of the American Servicemembers Protection 
Act include many generally reliable congressmen. But they  and the public at 
large  are being conditioned to believe that Americans will be 

Re: [CTRL] Arizona store owner killed in spree (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/16/2001 2:57:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 In my own nievity, I had assumed that, though some Americans would show
anger and hatred toward all those of Arab and South Asian descent following
the attacks on Tuesday, no one would go as far as killing someone.  I was


 azcentral.com - Store owner killed in spree 

Yes, and if you examine this act closely, you will see it is an act of
terrorism.  Prudy

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 9/17/01 10:18:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Finally, in 1974, when I was in the Marine Corps, and a crew chief on a
CH 46 helicopter stationed at MCAS Quantico, VA, we often flew up to DC,
and up and down the Mall. We had to be very careful at the time to maintain
our altitude between 250 and 450 ft (within 3 miles of the Capitol Bldg),
or the Strategic Air Command would blow us out of the sky. Question: Where
was the SAC last Tuesday morning?

This borders on the evidentiary. What is the mechanism by which SAC responds
to an air threat to the Pentagon?  Is it radar-triggered?  What do they

Didn't ya know, the generals get all there info from CNN . . .

Osma Bin Laden, as far as I know, doesn't have the authority to disable SAC.
As in the JFK hit, who has the power to get the military to stand-down and
watch whilst a coup happens in broad daylight and live on TV?

This operation was pulled off by multi-generational cults, secret socities.
The Bush family have been members of the Order of Skull and Bones, aka The
Brotherhood of Death since 1917. They are also related to the Whitneys, the
Cabots, the Cheneys, the Tafts, the Roosevelts, etc.

This operation has been a mass-trauma mind-control operation, perpetuated by
elite deviants.


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Re: [CTRL] Suicide Hijacker Alive And Well In Jeddah

2001-09-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Well if we needed proof that our Intelligence lacked intelligence I guess
this is it.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

Finally, in 1974, when I was in the Marine Corps, and a crew chief on a CH
46 helicopter stationed at MCAS Quantico, VA, we often flew up to DC, and up
and down the Mall. We had to be very careful at the time to maintain our
altitude between 250 and 450 ft (within 3 miles of the Capitol Bldg), or the
Strategic Air Command would blow us out of the sky. Question: Where was the
SAC last Tuesday morning?

Ahhh. At last. Something we can sink our teeth into. I have been pondering
the exact same thing. I do know that eyewitnesses say the jet which hit the
Pentagon came in VERY low. My brother works quite near the Pentagon and he
told me that the plane came down the Potomac, hugging the suface closely
enough to stir the water so obviously the pilot was trying to evade radar.
But nonetheless, one has to wonder where the jets from Langley were? Was it
so unexpected that they had no time to scramble? And what of the FAA? No
alert when these planes so suddenly and radically diverted from their
respective flight paths?


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Need For Dissent/UK Guardian

2001-09-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


The need for dissent

Voices from Britain and the US highlight the risks of a hasty response

Special report: terrorism in the US

George Monbiot

Tuesday September 18, 2001

If Osama bin Laden did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. For
the past four years, his name has been invoked whenever a US president has
sought to increase the defence budget or wriggle out of arms control
treaties. He has been used to justify even President Bush's missile defence
programme, though neither he nor his associates are known to possess anything
approaching ballistic missile technology. Now he has become the
personification of evil required to launch a crusade for good: the face
behind the faceless terror.

The closer you look, the weaker the case against Bin Laden becomes. While the
terrorists who inflicted Tuesday's dreadful wound may have been inspired by
him, there is, as yet, no evidence that they were instructed by him. Bin
Laden's presumed guilt appears to rest on the supposition that he is the sort
of man who would have done it. But his culpability is irrelevant: his
usefulness to western governments lies in his power to terrify. When billions
of pounds of military spending are at stake, rogue states and terrorist
warlords become assets precisely because they are liabilities.

By using Bin Laden as an excuse for demanding new military spending, weapons
manufacturers in America and Britain have enhanced his iconic status among
the disgruntled. His influence, in other words, has been nurtured by the very
industry which claims to possess the means of stamping him out. This is not
the only way in which the new terrorism crisis has been exacerbated by
corporate power. The lax airport security which enabled the hijackers to
smuggle weapons on to the planes was, for example, the result of corporate
lobbying against the stricter controls the government had proposed.

Now Tuesday's horror is being used by corporations to establish the
preconditions for an even deadlier brand of terror. This week, while the
world's collective back is turned, Tony Blair intends to allow the mixed
oxide plant at Sellafield to start operating. The decision would have been
front-page news at any other time. Now it's likely to be all but invisible.
The plant's operation, long demanded by the nuclear industry and resisted by
almost everyone else, will lead to a massive proliferation of plutonium, and
a high probability that some of it will find its way into the hands of
terrorists. Like Ariel Sharon, in other words, Blair is using the reeling
world's shock to pursue policies which would be unacceptable at any other

For these reasons and many others, opposition has seldom been more necessary.
But it has seldom been more vulnerable. The right is seizing the political
space which has opened up where the twin towers of the World Trade Centre
once stood.

Civil liberties are suddenly negotiable. The US seems prepared to lift its
ban on extra-judicial executions carried out abroad by its own agents. The
CIA might be permitted to employ human rights abusers once more, which will
doubtless mean training and funding a whole new generation of Bin Ladens. The
British government is considering the introduction of identity cards. Radical
dissenters in Britain have already been identified as terrorists by the
Terrorism Act 2000. Now we're likely to be treated as such.

The authoritarianism which has long been lurking in advanced capitalism has
started to surface. In these pages yesterday, William Shawcross - Rupert
Murdoch's courteous biographer - articulated the new orthodoxy: America is,
he maintained, a beacon of hope for the world's poor and dispossessed and
for all those who believe in freedom of thought and deed. These believers
would presumably include the families of the Iraqis killed by the sanctions
Britain and the US have imposed; the peasants murdered by Bush's proxy war in
Colombia; and the tens of millions living under despotic regimes in the
Middle East, sustained and sponsored by the US.

William Shawcross concluded by suggesting that we are all Americans now, an
echo of Pinochet's maxim that we are all Chileans now: by which he meant
that no cultural distinctions would be tolerated and no indigenous land
rights recognised. Shawcross appeared to suggest that those who question
American power are the enemies of democracy. It's a different way of
formulating the warning voiced by members of the Bush administration: If
you're not with us, you're against us.

The Daily Telegraph has set aside part of its leader column for a directory
of useful idiots, by which it means those who oppose major military
intervention. Perhaps the roll of honour will soon include families of some
of the victims, who seem to be rather more capable of restraint and
forgiveness than the leader writers of the rightwing press. Mark
Newton-Carter, whose brother 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  And doesn't the US military have radar from the ground up, especially near
their prohibited and restricted zones?


In a message dated 9/18/01 11:00:13 AM Central Daylight Time,

 Ahhh. At last. Something we can sink our teeth into. I have been pondering
  the exact same thing. I do know that eyewitnesses say the jet which hit the
  Pentagon came in VERY low. My brother works quite near the Pentagon and he
  told me that the plane came down the Potomac, hugging the suface closely
  enough to stir the water so obviously the pilot was trying to evade radar.
  But nonetheless, one has to wonder where the jets from Langley were? Was it
  so unexpected that they had no time to scramble? And what of the FAA? No
  alert when these planes so suddenly and radically diverted from their
  respective flight paths?


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] American bins

2001-09-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Falwell Apologizes For Remarks

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By John F. Harris
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 18, 2001; Page C04
Conservative evangelist Jerry Falwell, who sparked an uproar by saying that liberal 
civil-rights groups, homosexuals and abortion-rights supporters were partly 
responsible for last week's terrorist attacks, yesterday apol
ogized for making remarks that he acknowledged seemed harsh and ill-timed.
Falwell, who made the comments in a discussion with fellow evangelist Pat Robertson on 
the Christian Broadcasting Network's 700 Club, said in a statement posted on his Web 
site that he was making a nuanced theological p
oint that was misunderstood by a secular media and audience.
Meanwhile, Robertson -- who on the show had responded to Falwell's  comments by saying 
I totally concur and Amen -- and later said the minister had been quoted out of 
context -- yesterday issued a news release calling
 Falwell's  remarks totally inappropriate.
During the broadcast, Robertson said, he was caught off guard by remarks he considered 
severe and harsh in tone, and said his colleague's discourse was frankly, not fully 
understood by him or the show's other hosts.
Falwell maintained yesterday that his remarks were lifted from their context, though 
many who were offended said the lengthy passages cited in media accounts made 
Falwell's meaning plain. He said an angry God had lifted t
he protection he previously bestowed on the nation, allowing the enemies of America 
to give us probably what we deserve.
Jerry, that's my feeling, Robertson replied.
I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the 
gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, 
the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them
 who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say, 
'You helped this happen,'  Falwell said.
Falwell said yesterday that asserting these groups had incited God to lift his 
protection was not saying that they were responsible. I hold no one other than the 
terrorists, and the people and nations who have enabled an
d harbored them, responsible for the September 11 attacks on this nation, he said.
He added that he wished he had not mentioned specific groups like the American Civil 
Liberties Union by name, and had not mentioned the failure of churches to halt a 
generation of departure from God.
Falwell said I sincerely regret that  the timing and wording of
the comments have detracted from the spirit of this time of
Whatever their intent, both ministers caused a storm. A White House
official said Bush, who has drawn strong support from Robertson's
backers, considered them inappropriate. Among the deluge of e-mails
to this newspaper regarding the remarks was one from a student who
claimed he was so offended that he was dropping out of the Falwell-
founded Liberty University.
In a common response, another correspondent wrote: Falwell and
Robertson would do well to reflect on the fact that this tragedy was
begat by men who bear a remarkable resemblance to themselves: that
is, religious zealots who are motivated by deep hatreds.
© 2001 The Washington Post Company

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

From: Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  And doesn't the US military have radar from the ground up, especially
near their prohibited and restricted zones?

Nope. Radar is largely ineffective at altitudes below approximately 1000
feet or so (caveat: depending upon the terrain) largely due to ground
clutter and so-called false echos (most often caused by heat convection).
As the area surrounding DC is rolling hill country, I strongly suspect that
ground clutter is an even greater factor.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Baltic States in EU and NATO?????????

2001-09-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-


From The Economist print edition

The Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are close to joining
the European Union and, perhaps, NATO too. How ready are they?

A COLOSSAL ruined satellite dish and a cluster of derelict antennae
deep in the Lithuanian countryside are the only remaining sign of the
Linksmakalnis listening station, once one of the Soviet Union's most
secret military installations in the Baltic states. The locals say
hundreds of people once worked there, scouring the airwaves for secrets
from Western Europe. To this day, officials cannot (or will not) say
exactly what went on there.

A few miles away a new lot of electronic snoopers are hard at work, but
in the other direction. Radars all over the Baltic states, looking
hundreds of miles deep into Russia and Belarus, beam data to powerful
computers housed in a former Soviet nuclear bunker. Projected on to a
giant screen in the control room are the results: the movements and
identities of every aircraft in or near the region.

Not that the watchers can do much about what they see, since the Baltic
states have no combat aircraft to scramble against an intruder. But it
is a start: it shows that the Balts are not just consumers of western
security, but also providers. At a touch of a button the Baltnet system
hooks up with similar radars in nominally neutral Finland to the north,
and with NATO's own eastern defenses to the south. Even from outside
NATO, the Balts can lend a human and electronic hand to the alliance.

The Baltic states are hoping that projects like Baltnet will help their
cause in the coming months, as NATO decides whether to include them in
the next round of enlargement, or keep them waiting. Of late, the
argument has shifted a bit in favour of the Balts. But the worriers go
on worrying. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are three small new
democracies, containing between them less than 8m people. Stuck between
the Baltic Sea and Russia, they strike sceptics as indefensible. Their
armed forces are still weak. Is it worth antagonizing the Kremlin for
their sake?

The question is what Russia would really do. President Vladimir Putin
sounds less hawkish on this than some of his officials. He claims not
to understand NATO's thinking, but reacts to talk of enlargement more
in sorrow than in anger. Vyacheslav Nikonov, a political analyst close
to the Kremlin, says that if expansion went ahead Russia would
strengthen its forces in the Baltic region and perhaps even put nuclear
weapons in Kaliningrad, the cut-off patch of Russia that lies to the
west of the Balts. That would indeed be a show of force; but it would
be one the rest of the world could probably live with.

The three Baltic governments are eager to join the club. They have
shown that they are prepared to spend a big share of their puny budgets
on defense: fully 2% of national income. Hundreds of millions of
dollars-worth of donated Swedish equipment will add beef in the coming
years. The Balts may not be able to afford jet fighters, but they will
have runways and hangars that can accommodate NATO ones.

The Balts' cause is helped by Russia, which has misplayed its hand. The
Kremlin claims at one and the same time that it poses no threat to the
Baltic countries (and so NATO membership is unnecessary for them) but
that its special interest in this region, as a chunk of the former
Soviet Union, should be respected (therefore NATO membership is an
insult to Russia). Enforced respect and unwanted influence are exactly
the threats from Russia against which the Balts want NATO protection.

Indeed, the Russians may hurt themselves by what they are doing. The
Lithuanians, who sit next to Russia's outpost of Kaliningrad, say that
many of the Russians now running Kaliningrad are far more relaxed about
their territory's relations with the surrounding parts of Europe than
their predecessors were a few years ago. They want to trade with their
neighbors, and to let workers and capital move relatively freely across
the region's borders. The government in Moscow is therefore running a
large risk. If it stays cold towards the Balts, it may find that
Kaliningrad, though still formally part of Russia, is in fact
developing closer links with the rest of Europe than those it has with
its old motherland.

If NATO does take in one or more of the Baltic states, some juicy arms
contracts will result. The main contractor for the $100m Baltnet radar
was Lockheed Martin, one of whose senior executives also leads the main
lobbying group for NATO enlargement. There is growing American
enthusiasm for spreading NATO wider. Yet a fair question remains. Is
America really prepared to stretch its nuclear guarantee to the
Baltics, as it once covered Western Europe? Even if the answer is
probably not, new members so far have not insisted on a specific
commitment on this point. They live in hope.

Stylish deception

Membership of that other club they keenly hope 

[CTRL] Lithuania: Leader Gives Reasons For Joining NATO

2001-09-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Lithuania: Leader Gives Reasons For Joining NATO
By Andrew F. Tully

Washington, 11 September 2001 (RFE/RL) -- Lithuanian President Valdas
Adamkus is countering what he calls the two chief arguments against
NATO membership for the Baltic States.

Speaking yesterday in Washington, Adamkus said those who oppose
membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for his country,
as well as Estonia and Latvia, contend that the Baltic people are
somehow different from citizens of NATO countries. And he said others
object because including the Baltic states in NATO will anger Russia.

Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, an
independent policy institute, Adamkus said Baltic people share the same
values as Americans and residents of Europe's members in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization.

If you come to Lithuania today, you will find a country that is
pro-Western, open and tolerant, and trying hard to make up for the time
lost [under communism]. You will find an economy that is among the
fastest growing in Northern Europe, and is increasingly oriented to
trade with your [NATO] countries. You will find young people who have
eagerly embraced [the] West as a model.

And Adamkus said that Lithuania, at least, has no intention of angering
Russia if it has the opportunity to join the Western alliance. In fact,
he said, if the Baltic States become NATO members, they will look east
for improved and mutually beneficial economic and political relations
with Russia.

The greater the progress we make in achieving our goals of integration
into [the] Euro-Atlantic community, the greater [the] responsibility we
have to look east and to develop a process that bridges us with the
countries in that region.

After his address, Adamkus was asked about concerns that NATO might
lose its focus if too many more countries join. He dismissed that
concern, saying the nature of the alliance would make that unlikely.

As long [as] they have a very clear vision [of] what they are trying
to accomplish, if NATO is considered as an internal security system of
all the European countries, to me it doesn't make any difference if
there are 30 countries or 10 countries.

Besides the three Baltic States, other nations hoping to join NATO are
Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
All but Croatia are hoping to be accepted into the alliance during its
summit, scheduled to be held in Prague in November, 2002..

Adamkus will be in Washington all this week. He is scheduled to meet
today [Tuesday] with U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney and on Friday
with Secretary of State Colin Powell.

At various times during his stay, he will also consult with influential
members of Congress, including Dennis Hastert (R-Illinois), the speaker
of the House of Representatives, and Trent Lott (R-Mississippi), the
Senate minority leader.

Adamkus also will meet with American Jewish leaders about issues
related to the Holocaust, and will attend ceremonies marking the 10th
anniversary of Lithuania's independence.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Northern Lights

2001-09-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Page URL:

September 14, 2001
U.S. bashing no longer a game
How do Canadian views compare with those of fanatics?
Robert Fulford
National Post
Anti-Americanism, a staple of cultural and political life in Canada
for longer than anyone can remember, has begun to feel different
since the first pictures of the World Trade Center towers appeared on
our TV screens Tuesday morning. We can't hope that anti-Americanism
as a habit of thought was buried beneath the rubble of those falling
buildings, but there's no doubt that events are forcing us to
reconsider this persistent strain in our national psyche.
The process of coming to terms with September 11 will include
rethinking, in ways that may involve pain and embarrassment, Canadian
attitudes to America. In particular we will have to compare them with
the attitudes of the Islamic extremists who motivate suicide bombers
by calling the United States the Great Satan. Do our views, and those
of the world's most dangerous fanatics, have anything in common?
We usually take this Canadian prejudice lightly, as a kind of foible, but we may have 
to begin seriously questioning it. Anti-Americanism is not the game that we have so 
often considered it. America is the most vital and
progressive country in the world, the most significant source of democratic impulses, 
our best friend by far, and the place where much of our culture originates. If our 
intent is to be authentic and consistent, can we aff
ord to share anything with those who base their politics on hating America?
Perhaps we should acknowledge that reflexive anti-Americanism (as opposed to honest 
disagreement with the United States) is a poison afflicting large parts of the world, 
a poison we should purge from our own system.
The late Frank Underhill, the University of Toronto historian who in 1933 wrote the 
founding document of Canadian democratic socialism, considered the everyday 
anti-Americanism of his fellow intellectuals laughable. He us
ed to describe Canadians as the great pioneers of this sport; he suggested that 
foreign countries eager to work up public hatred of America should send delegations to 
Toronto to see it done by experts.
He of course knew that the founding of Canada was in part an act of anti-Americanism, 
a rejection of the new Republic by people who came north as United Empire Loyalists 
because they chose to remain subjects of the Crown.
 But by the 20th century this historical movement had evolved into a neurotic and 
unthinking resistance to American ideas and even a kind of snobbery, both unfounded 
and pathetic. Typically, anti-Americanism in Canada foc
uses on all that's tasteless or greedy in the United States and compares it with all 
that's most admirable in Canada. This is now the one form of prejudice that is 
accepted almost universally in Canada, tolerated in unive
rsity classrooms and at dinner parties where racism and homophobia are considered 
We rarely argue about this subject, and therefore rarely sort out our ideas. Our habit 
is to dismiss periodic outbreaks of anti-Americanism as minor incidents that we can 
quickly forget -- the way that the Liberal party,
for instance, forgot 1988.
That was the year that the Conservatives destroyed Canada forever by signing a Free 
Trade Treaty that gave the Americans total power over every aspect of our life. Or so 
their opponents predicted.
The Liberal leader, John Turner, based his national election campaign on fear and 
hatred of the Americans -- and came fairly close to winning. But when the election was 
over and Brian Mulroney's Tories had signed the agre
ement, the Liberals began a long, furtive creep toward the Conservative position. By 
the time they were returned to power in 1993, with John Turner forgotten and Jean 
Chrétien the Prime Minister, the Liberals had adopted,
 without debate, the very policy they had denounced as treason. Having torn the 
country apart emotionally, turning husbands against wives and parents against 
children, they simply abandoned the subject. They probably thin
k of it today as a minor incident, another political gimmick that didn't quite work, 
but surely it left a residue of anti-U.S. distrust.
In the arts we deal with this ingrained prejudice differently. If we disagree with 
anti-American artists and works of art, we simply ignore their content and talk about 
style, form and freedom of expression. So anti-Ameri
canism, no matter how silly or inconsistent, flourishes unhindered. We see this 
perverse approach to American power and influence as simply another form of creative 
The late Greg Curnoe, whose art was given a major showing last winter at the Art 
Gallery of Ontario, made anti-Americanism more or less the centre of his intellectual 
life. As one of the stars of Canadian painting, he arg
ued that a healthy Canadian culture required an 

[CTRL] Anglo-Afghan War

2001-09-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Linque to a history page


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] On the Source of All Grief

2001-09-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


From the issue dated September 21, 2001

The Politics of Holiness in Jerusalem
Jerusalem, we are often told, is a holy city to three world
religions. But the holiness of Jerusalem is neither a constant nor an
absolute. It may be conceived of as divinely inspired or as a human
attribution. What is undeniable is that, considered as a historical
phenomenon, the city's sanctity has waxed and waned according to
social, economic, and cultural conditions, and, perhaps above all,
political influences.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam claim to venerate Jerusalem as holy -
- and no doubt the adherents of each make the claim with full
sincerity and zeal. But, in the case of the first, religious devotion
did not carry with it, until very recently, a demand for restoration
of sovereignty. As for the two successor faiths, of each it can be
demonstrated that the holiness of Jerusalem was a late historical
development rather than present ab initio. In all three cases, the
dispassionate observer is compelled by the evidence to conclude that
the city's sanctity arose as much from political as from purely
spiritual sources.
What is at stake here is not merely the destiny of one medium-sized city, nor even the 
resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but nothing less than the future 
relationship of the Islamic, Christian, and Jewish wo
rlds. Each has invested the Jerusalem question with emotional freight deriving from 
the attribution of holiness to specific areas of the city. Scholars of all three 
religions have been mobilized to verify the authenticity
 of proprietorial claims. As the Palestinian writer Edward Said has conceded, We must 
also admit that Jerusalem, in particular, and Palestine, in general, have always 
provoked extraordinary projections that have combined
 distant though reverential assertion with rude grabbing.
Thus we find Elie Wiesel, in the summer of 2000, opposing the right of an elected 
Israeli government to cede Palestinian control over the greater part of the Old City 
of Jerusalem, which he said was far more central to Je
wish identity and consciousness than to Islam. The late A.L. Tibawi, a Palestinian 
historian who worked in exile in Britain, wrote as if Jerusalem were sacred only to 
Muslims and Christians, denying Jews any legitimate pl
ace there at all.
Such denials continue today. On a recent visit to Jerusalem, I listened to a 
Palestinian scholar earnestly insisting that any Jewish religious interest
in the Temple Mount was bogus, since the ancient Jewish Temple could
 be proved to have been sited elsewhere. There is nothing new in all this. Under 
Muslim, Christian, and Jewish rulers, generations of scholars have acted as 
handmaidens of power, embroidering history to justify exclusive
political pretensions.
Two Jewish voices. The first is that of Ananus, the oldest of the priests of Jerusalem 
on the eve of the destruction of the Second Temple 70 years after Christ. According to 
the account of his contemporary Josephus, Ananu
s, in tears and casting his eyes toward the Temple, which had been seized by the party 
of Jewish extremists known as Zealots, said: Certainly it had been good for me to die 
before seeing the house of God full of so many
abominations, or those sacred places that ought not to be trodden upon at random 
filled with the feet of these blood-shedding villains. The second voice is that of 
the proto-Zionist Moshe Leib Lilienblum. Writing in 1882
 of the future Jewish state in Palestine, he declared: We do not need the walls of 
Jerusalem, nor the Jerusalem temple, nor Jerusalem itself.
Two Jewish voices; two Jewish views of Jerusalem.
The Jewish presence in the Holy Land may, as we are often told, have remained 
continuous throughout the period between the end of the second Jewish Commonwealth and 
the rise of Zionism. The contention is sometimes extende
d to an allegedly continuous Jewish presence in Jerusalem. For example, the first 
president of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, in a speech in Jerusalem in 1948, referred to 
the unbroken chain of Jewish settlement in this city.
Whatever the truth of such a claim for Palestine in general, the evidence for it in 
the case of Jerusalem is questionable. Jews were forbidden to live in the city under 
Roman and Byzantine rule. Although some Jewish pilgr
ims appear to have visited it, there is no evidence of a Jewish community there 
between the second and the seventh centuries.
Jews resumed residence in Jerusalem after the first Arab conquest of the city, in 638. 
A number of documents in the Cairo Geniza (a store of old manuscripts uncovered at the 
end of the 19th century) record financial contr
ibutions by Jews in Egypt, Syria, and Sicily toward the support of poor Jews and the 
maintenance of a synagogue next to the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem. When the 
Crusaders conquered Jerusalem in 1099, Jews were
once more 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/18/01 9:00:13 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Finally, in 1974, when I was in the Marine Corps, and a crew chief on a CH

46 helicopter stationed at MCAS Quantico, VA, we often flew up to DC, and up

and down the Mall. We had to be very careful at the time to maintain our

altitude between 250 and 450 ft (within 3 miles of the Capitol Bldg), or the

Strategic Air Command would blow us out of the sky. Question: Where was the

SAC last Tuesday morning? 

Not SAC. ADC is in charge of air defense.

The real question is why were the alert fighters so far from Washington? Otis
AFB in MA is not close to DC. Didn't they have any alert fighters at Dover
AFB in DE? Thats just down the road. And if not, why not?

Logic— a means of terrifing liberals

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[CTRL] The WTC collapse...from an engineering perspective.

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

Thought you all might find this interesting...


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The real question is why were the alert fighters so far from Washington?
Otis AFB in MA is not close to DC. Didn't they have any alert fighters at
Dover AFB in DE? Thats just down the road. And if not, why not?

How about Langley...home to the US Air Combat Command 74th Tactical Fighter
Wing? Asleep at the wheel?

 Logic— a means of terrifying liberals

How true.


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[CTRL] Rationality Lost ?

2001-09-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Is Rational Discourse Another Casualty of Tuesday's Attacks?
September 17, 2001
A time of tragedy is inevitably, and rightfully, a time of emotion.
Just as so many of us are distraught, upset, and angry at the
terrorist attacks against the U.S. last week, so too are many
political pundits. We should expect no less, of course, as they are
Americans who, like all of us, saw their nation wounded and friends
endangered or even killed.
They have a responsibility, however, not to allow the nation to
descend into irrationality. Carefully reasoned, thoughtful political
debate is in fact most necessary now as we consider the best course
of action. An irrational political debate could lead to an
ineffective or even counterproductive response, and also do lasting
damage to the norms of American democracy.
This is why some of the political rhetoric of the past week has been
so troubling. Many pundits and editorial boards have given America
exactly what it does not need: inflammatory rhetoric, wildly
irrational political analyses, and extremely divisive attempts to
stigmatize political opponents as anti-American.
The inflammatory
Most inflammatory rhetoric came in the guide of bomb now, ask
questions later articles from writers apparently completely overcome
with anger. The word irrational barely even applies here, as these
articles lack even the pretense of rationality.
Among those making such purely emotional calls for revenge were
syndicated columnist Cal Thomas and the editorial boards of the New
York Post and Philadelphia Daily News. The words of the News were
easily the most chilling for those who believe logic and rational
argument are important in politics, as its argument came down to one
simple statement: [W]e will remember your actions, and crave only
one thing: blood for blood.
The News never identifies who the you in this sentence is, however,
because we don't yet know, but it does prime its readers for
bloodthirsty vengeance: REVENGE.  Hold on to that thought.  Go to
bed thinking it. Wake up chanting it.  Because nothing less than
revenge is called for today.  These words border on the
authoritarian and the savage. Many Americans support a strong
military response, of course, but The News's rhetoric encourages
bloodlust rather than carefully reasoned action.
The irrational
Some pundits actually did take the time to present evidence in their
analyses of last Tuesday's attacks, but failed to make rational
arguments. Instead, they allowed overblown rhetoric and shaky
reasoning to take them from the facts of the case to extreme
conclusions or prescribed responses not at all supported by the
evidence presented. Many of these illogical arguments could be found
on the pages of National Review Online, by writers such as David
Gelernter, William F. Buckley, and Michael Ledeen.
The worst, however, came from columnist Ann Coulter. Her column
abruptly transitions from a remembrance of her friend, conservative
writer Barbara Olson, who died in the plane that hit the Pentagon, to
a call to invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert
them to Christianity. The they in this sentence is Muslim
terrorists, a group that Coulter simply assumes throughout her piece
is both culpable and easily identifiable.
Coulter's supposed logic for this extreme conclusion is that Those
responsible include anyone anywhere in the world who smiled in
response to the annihilation of patriots like Barbara Olson. The
only people Coulter could possibly mean here are the group of
Palestinians shown on TV celebrating at news of the attack on the
U.S. Coulter's logic implies that simply celebrating a death makes
people responsible for it, regardless of whether they played any role
in it. And it is extremely disturbing to advocate military action
against an entire nation, or nations, based on the beliefs of some
people on the streets.
Soon after, Coulter moves on to the topic of airport security, where
her Muslim hijackers as they trope first rears its head:
Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport
harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is
preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed
homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the
ones cheering and dancing right now.
As I already stated above, however, it is not clear at all that the
ones seen cheering and dancing are the homicidal maniacs. Also
disturbing here is Coulter's assumption that Muslim hijackers are
easily identifiable. Some people of Arab descent, likely to be
Muslim, are identifiable, of course. And if Coulter simply means to
promote racial profiling, she should state that explicitly. Instead,
she absurdly assumes, with no evidence, that Suzy Chapstick
(apparently everyone who is not a Muslim hijacker) is easy to
separate from Muslims who intend to hijack airplanes.
The divisive

[CTRL] Sammy the Bull

2001-09-18 Thread Chris Case

-Caveat Lector-

  thew  wrote:

this is the kind of stuff i read saba for
never know in advance how far she will go

Me too, but then I've always been fascinated by Mafia tales. So is the
American public, perhaps because they exemplify so clearly the
fundamental methods and structure of business and politics. People used
to laugh when I suggested that politics, business, and enforcement were
all different aspects of organised crime, but not so many chuckles any

I still can't figure out, though, why Saba has such a soft spot for

I sometimes wonder if Saba is actually a bot created by Robert Anton
Wilson to serve as a stabilising influence on the rest of us, in the way
someone going overboard encourages others to hold onto the halyards.

..and even madmen manage to convey
Unwelcome truths in lonely gibberish

-W.H. Auden-

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Rationality Lost ?

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

 A time of tragedy is inevitably, and rightfully, a time of emotion. Just
as so many of us are distraught, upset, and angry at the terrorist attacks
against the U.S. last week, so too are many political pundits. We should
expect no less, of course, as they are Americans who, like all of us, saw
their nation wounded and friends endangered or even killed. They have a
responsibility, however, not to allow the nation to descend into
irrationality. Carefully reasoned, thoughtful political debate is in fact
most necessary now as we consider the best course of action...

Blah blah blah blah.

More courterspin from the psuedo intelligentsia of the leftist Fifth Column.

There is no debate here...except in the circles of the hand wringing no
war is a just war sentimentalists. Attention! Wake up call! America has
enemies! And ignoring them won't make them go away. The absolutely proper
response is to go on a war footing. The only REAL questions are who to
traget, where to start and what strategy to use. The die is cast.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sammy the Bull

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

From: Chris Case [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ..and even madmen manage to convey Unwelcome truths in lonely gibberish
 -W.H. Auden-

Excellent quote!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Greetings

2001-09-18 Thread Chad Steingraber


Since I just found this list, I have no idea what has been said in the past. I apologize if I sound uniformed or
touch a topic thats already been beaten to death.

Ive only become aware of groups like the illuminati recently through
such books from David Icke, and Im curious to find other peoples perspective
on this material. Im sure there
is many people here who have seen his books, and Im wondering how much of his
information is true and how much has been already proven wrong. Ive looked around and found other
authors who expose hidden truths, but none of them do this in David Ickes
style. They look at one conspiracy
and try to explain it from that perspective, without looking at the whole
picture of all of history.

Is there anyone out there that is familiar with his work and has major
problems with it?

chad steingraber

video game artist


playstation2 - xbox - gamecube

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/18/01 11:04:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How about Langley...home to the US Air Combat Command 74th Tactical Fighter

Wing? Asleep at the wheel? 

Could it be that we have closed too many Air Bases and cut down on the
personnel to make the Demorats happy?

Better dead than red

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Boston Globe Online / Editorials | Opinions / For America, a dose of reality

2001-09-18 Thread Saba

Have a feeling the guy who wrote this story might know a little more
than he reveals; however, one thing about the Boston Globe - years ago I
communicated witth this old reporter a couple of times and he too,
thought J Edgar Hoover was murdered in the night - on May Day?   Same
day I guess Chandra Levy disappeared.A communist day of Celebration
so I assume if we look back upon Russia that day they were celebrating
May Day and not Deatha of J Edgar Hoover who believed the Communist was
the greatest threat to this country - see his Masters of Deceit, and see
how this great man has been villified and by whom?

Imagine if they got some old film clips press would write See how
Communists celebrate J Edgar Hooverwell maybe they are.

The writer of this article takes great pot shots at USA - can imagine
who and what he might beoh he drones on and on, but he will never
get a Pulitizer.

American survived a Civil War, was born at the end of a gun in the
Revolutionary War and many of us have family trees going back prior to
the Revolutionary War who fought on both sides of the blanketand
they do not even know it for many didnot keep records.   My famly did.

So Freedom of Speech - Larry Flynt is now the Democrat Symbol of Freedom
of Speech and the Press?

Recently the BNAI BRITH,  a pseudo masonic order who has Anti Defamation
Leage for a cats paw (with reptilian body) - recently up in Canada they
are demanding internet be censored and of course only hate nets - like
Hail Zionistfall on all fours before the Chosen Ones?   As they say,
do not make me puke.

My less traveled road caught someting in the readings and the warnings
of Isaiah 29 that I missed, but the blessed Jerry Falwell addressed in
the footnotes of his definition of this passage - hey, that guy tried to
tell us?   God punished us - maybe he does believe all that
crap..and obviously he is reading along, using the same calendar I
read and I do agree closet homosexuals are much safer in their closets,
in these days of the rising sun?

So here are these lines for anyone interested which I failed to
recognize for what they were, from Isaiah keyed to Master Plan for
Murder using Astrology and the Testaments -

Woe to Ariel, the city where David dwelt (obviously reference to Camp
David)yes I will distress Ariel and there shall be heaviness and
sorrow and it shall be unto me as ariel..and I shall camp against
thee (well back to Camp David).

So here is most important item linked to Bnai Brith masoni (pseudo)

For the terrible one is brought to naught, and the scorner is consumed,
and all that watch for iniquity are cut off.

iSAIAH 29, VS. 20-21

Falwell who on occasion has broken bread with bad boy Larry Flynt who
contributes enormous amounts of big bucks to the Bnai Brith ADL,
comments '
Isaiah further criticizes the severe external eligious clode of his
day, noting that it makes a man AN OFFENDER for a word or a thing or a

and to which I have added, yea, and for a thought, for now one can be
arrested for a thought crime?

Now in going through this Old Testament, talk about thougoht crimes -
you have the scene prepared for the MURDER, of a President of the United
States of America because in Ezekial 38 and 39 you find his
symbolism..in Habakkuk you find the voice of the propagandist, a
minor prophet - who writes write the words upon the table so he that
readeth it may run - for the vision (what we see is what we gets) is for
an appointed time and though it tarry  - well we are going to get it.

This God Damned Religious fanaticism works two ways and is a two edged
sword and today if there were no Ariel Sharon playing King of the Hill
and attempting to wag the big dogs, our twin towers would still be

But that BASTARD, this obvious Zionist who ordered employees to get rid
of their little American Flags - that disgusting american would be
sure would be assured our flag would not be there, also.

So this guy in this article got a lot of the symbolism but did he leave
out the Fiery Flying Dragons.the Chaldees symbol was the swatstika
but the symbolism is all there.

Sinking into sublime pictures and I say this, any GOOD psychiatrist
could read along the way and see who did what, with out spending 45
billion dollars in more security and eliminate the enemy.

We have met the enemy - for he is us.   Some of thee people are also
Mossad Agents and they are the ones who get away while some poor dumb
Arab or Sikh or whatever, even a Buddist Monk who at least burns himself
as they did in Viet Nam they are the true religious fanatics, drugged,
programmed like K9 Dogs and the Assassins of Old - for they will just
walk into the next room - and find Paradise.

The one suicide bomber it is said wined, and dined and chased women -
and when he walked into the other 

[CTRL] Greetings

2001-09-18 Thread Don S. Brown
Hey Chad,
I am new to this list as well. I have been looking into the Illuminati, IMF, CFR and Skull and Bones groups for about a year and a half. 
A good book is, "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" by Gary Allen
The activities on 9/11 certainly seem to behoove this group.

"I’ve only become aware of groups like the illuminati recently through such books from David Icke, and I’m curious to find other people’s perspective on this material."

[CTRL] Israel is Not Helpful

2001-09-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 17:37:37 -
Subject: [PalestineDiary] Israel is Not Helpful/Boston Globe

A delicate balance

By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Staff, 9/18/2001


THE SECOND WEEK of the new world disorder commences with top American
officials legitimately intrigued by possibilities with Iran and
properly disappointed by the behavior of Israeli prime minister Ariel

It commences with a correct focus on the outlaw society of
Afghanistan, but with a fresh appreciation of the vital importance of
a smart, focused response both to the crucial work of recruiting Arab
nations into the struggle against terrorism and to the highest-stakes
work of protecting Americans from additional attacks.

If it felt obvious from the moment the second plane hit the second
World Trade Center tower that everything had changed, it is becoming
clear in a more detailed way a week later just what that means.

To the American officials mixing domestic and international security
concerns as never before, three new facts stand out:

The front lines in this struggle are occupied by ordinary citizens
all over the world. The home front is the front.

There is a far greater and consequential tension between urges to act
quickly and the imperative of being aware of unanticipated

The vocabulary of crisis is slowly changing. From finding
perpetrators and bringing criminals to justice and retaliating, we
are all (in and out of government) moving toward fighting a worldwide
menace and uniting like-minded governments and demanding that all
choose sides.

The possibilities with a government such as Iran are so important
that Secretary of State Colin Powell has specifically singled them
out as worth exploring, and President Bush has stressed the
importance of exploring relationships we wouldn't have dreamed of
just a week ago - with top aides making clear that he had Iran in

As a theological as well as political opponent of the Taliban and
Osama bin Laden, as a society in transition from revolutionary rogue
to something less threatening, Iran finds itself at a crossroads.

It may come to nothing or worse, but administration officials are
right to explore at once and in depth whether Iran is ready to behave
as a responsible member of the international community.

It would be wrong to allow Iranian officials to put the US
relationship with Israel on the table in this connection (and US
officials make credible assurances they would never permit it).

It would be equally wrong to acquiesce in such obvious ties to
terrorism as support for Hezbollah and other groups operating out of
southern Lebanon. But it would not be wrong to suggest that trade and
aid prospects for Iran will be enhanced by responsible behavior.

In part, this delicate dance is why Israel's actions have been so
distressing. This has not prompted public statements yet by US
officials, but the feelings just beneath the surface are intense.

As one senior official put it over the weekend, ''Just make a list of
what's happened. Sharon stepped up attacks on Palestinian
communities; his people started a PR campaign to paint Yasser Arafat
as another Osama bin Laden; they are roping off neighborhoods in
possible preparation for more attacks; and they are actively
discouraging our coalition-building diplomacy with Arab states,
especially Iran and Syria.''

Put it all together, and US efforts to enlist the Palestinian
Authority's help short term and long, its efforts to keep passions as
cool as possible in part to mitigate the danger of more attacks on
Americans, and its broader diplomacy are all being obstructed.

Not helpful.

For the next few days, however, nothing is more important than how
the United States responds to the obvious implication of the Taliban
in bin Laden's operations, and vice versa. This makes the Taliban's
mere existence a threat to Americans under the new rules.

US officials, though, emphasize that initial inclinations to massive
bombing or other disproportionate responses have been resisted and
that whatever is about to happen is being carefully and judiciously

As another official put it yesterday, ''American lives are at risk in
this country in everything we do. Domestic and foreign implications
are linked now. To underline it, the most important consumer of the
investigation into who did this deed may be Secretary Powell's
campaign to recruit allies.''

Everything, in short, really has changed.

Thomas Oliphant's e-mail address is oliphant@globe.

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are 

[CTRL] FC: Facecam maker Viisage sees stock leap, offers free use to FBI (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard M. Smith)
To: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Yahoo - Viisage Technology Offers FBI Free Use of Face Recognition
Technology to Aid Investigation
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:33:43 -0400

This Viisage press release just went across the wires.  Visage is
feeling pretty happy today with their stock price having more than
doubled.  However, I'm a bit confused how face scanning systems can help
locate terrorist.  Terrorists aren't exactly lining up to have their
pictures taken to be put in a photo database.



Viisage Technology Offers FBI Free Use of Face Recognition Technology to
Aid Investigation

LITTLETON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 17, 2001--Viisage Technology,
Inc. (NASDAQ: VISG - news), the leader in face-recognition technology
and identification systems and solutions that improve security and
conveniently protect personal privacy, announced that it has offered the
FBI free use of Viisage's face-recognition technology to aid in the
apprehension or identification of the persons responsible for the
terrorism in New York City and Washington.

This offer was made in writing to the FBI and was disclosed on a CNET
news interview Friday by Viisage President and CEO, Tom Colatosti.

``It is clear that the use of face-recognition technology can make a
real difference in identifying terrorists. Our technology was used with
great success at Super Bowl XXXV, where the security concerns were
similar,'' said Mr. Colatosti.

He went on to say, ``We are facing a national tragedy, unlike anything
America has ever endured - our prayers and sympathies go out to all the
families and friends of all the innocent victims. While there is now
much interest in our technology, we in no way want to profit off the
pain and death of our fellow Americans. While so many are so generously
giving so much - thousands of relief volunteers working tirelessly
around the clock, ordinary citizens donating food and blood, and
Corporations giving financial gifts, we want to give what we are able to
uniquely contribute.''

Viisage Technology is the world leader in biometric face-recognition
technology and identification systems and solutions that enhance
consumer convenience, improve security and protect personal privacy.
Originally developed at MIT, Viisage's patented, accurate, non-intrusive
and cost-effective face-recognition technology is widely acknowledged
for its unmatched performance including speed in real-time applications,
scalability for managing large image databases, and systems integration
for complete customer solutions.

Viisage provides a full family of face recognition products.
FaceEXPLORER(TM) is a powerful and scalable image retrieval and analysis
database product, used to combat identity fraud -- it is implemented in
the world's largest face recognition system with more than eight million
enrolled images. FaceFINDER(TM), acclaimed for its processing speed, is
the industry's most widely implemented surveillance and identification
system -- it is installed in more than 80 casinos worldwide and has been
deployed to improve security at premier sporting events. FaceNET(TM)
provides secure authentication for PC, Internet and e-commerce
connections. FacePIN(TM) offers consumers convenient and private
verification for point-of-sale transactions such as ATMs. FacePASS(TM)
is a practical security solution for keyless entry to secure facilities,
such as offices, dormitories and government facilities. FaceTOOLS(TM) is
a leadership Software Developers Kit that enables application providers
the ability to develop and customize unique customer and market

POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
Declan McCullagh's photographs are at http://www.mccullagh.org/
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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] Death by liberal (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


We were told that the real threat was not from some Islamic
fundamentalists who vowed to commit terrorist acts to bring us to our
knees. No, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno and their friends on Capitol Hill
and in the media spoke as one voice about the home-grown threat posed by
church-going Americans, protesting against partial-birth abortion. 

Meanwhile, the girly-men liberals and their strident molls scratch their
heads and wonder how and why Tuesday happened. After all, weren't they nice
to these terrorists? Didn't they display the correct amount of tolerance
for another peoples' religious beliefs? Didn't Hillary Clinton actually
embrace and kiss Arafat's wife? 

[Note:   I would like to add these two qoutes for your consideration:

They (radical Islam) have the will to destroy the West. They don't have
the power today. You have the power today, we all do, the power to crush
this terror network. What we must now show is that we have the will to do
--Binyamin Netanyahu

Some commentators and so-called experts have been quick to suggest that we
will have to give up rights and freedoms in order to achieve greater
security against the terrorist threat. They are wrong. The liberties of
America's citizens do not facilitate terrorism - rather it is the liberties
we have wrongly allowed to non-citizens.
--Alan Keyes

The radial Islamic fanatic hates America, hates our God, the only true God,
hates Christianity, our prosperity and our culture, in part because their
pitiful false god cannot build a nation up beyond third world status, even
with assistance.  They hate the fact that we support Israel and they have
been unable to destroy that nation. I believe that several things factor
into our current sad situation, besides the obvious ones above.  For one
thing our government has been far too absorbed in attacking our own
citizens for political incorrectness to pay proper attention to the real
dangers, even ignoring warnings from other nations that something was in
the works.  Another factor is the fact that we as a nation have turned from
the God who blessed and built it, we have declared that abortion,
homosexuality, evolution and so on are correct, in direct contradiction to
the Bible.  We have outlawed God in this nation, forbidding Him even in our
schools, and I believe that God has removed His protecting hand from this
nation as a result.

The fact that God allowed this attack in no way justifies those who
perpetrated this evil, and the reasons that He did allow it are described
above and are not because of some delusional belief that something we did
to radical Islam justifies their actions.  The radical Islamic is NOT
innocent, is NOT justified.

-- Tony

Death by liberal


By Gary Aldrich
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Several days have passed since the most outrageous act of terrorism in the
history of the world. The clearance of the wreckage has just begun.
Meanwhile thousands of innocent victims lie beneath smoldering rubble. It
will take weeks until the last girders are lifted from the sub-basements of
the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.

We weep for the victims and pray that more of them can be found alive.

But, there will be no peace and there will be no rest. Rescue workers toil
to bring to us what they can, but most victims were reduced to ash, or
destroyed beyond recognition by the compressions, the explosions and the
inferno that followed.

Fall rains will wash American blood and ashes down into the storm drains of
New York City, and the essence of American lives lost will move down the
Hudson River to the Atlantic Ocean, and be sent by the ocean currents
around the globe. Their innocent blood will someday reach the shores of
nations who nurture and harbor terrorists - to join the bombs that we'll
send there soon to extract our retribution.

We now learn that these animals were trained on our soil. They attended
flight training schools in the United States and, while they did, they
lived among us as our neighbors. Their children attended schools with our

They came across U.S. borders with papers that allowed easy entry, and
exit. There are hundreds - perhaps thousands - of these terrorists here
today. About 50 of them have surfaced to do these evils acts. The rest
await orders from abroad.

I submit that these terrorists enjoyed more freedom and liberty than we
did. After all, while we were being questioned about our baggage, x-rayed
and searched, real criminals came and went as they pleased. And then, these
murderers boarded jetliners with their knives, phony bombs and threats.
Grandmothers and teenagers presented photo IDs and put their keys and
change in a dish, while extremely dangerous men carried on long-distance
conversations about jet fuel and potential body counts.

I hope, now, we will realize that combating terrorism with feel-good,
symbolic gestures won't work. 

[CTRL] CTRL] Fwd: Boston Globe Online / Editorials | Opinions /

2001-09-18 Thread Don S. Brown
"Have a feeling the guy who wrote this story might know a little more
than he reveals; however, one thing about the Boston Globe - years ago I
communicated witth this old reporter a couple of times and he too,
thought J Edgar Hoover was murdered in the night - on May Day? Same
day I guess Chandra Levy disappeared.A communist day of Celebration
so I assume if we look back upon Russia that day they were celebrating
May Day and not Deatha of J Edgar Hoover who believed the Communist was
the greatest threat to this country - see his Masters of Deceit, and see
how this great man has been villified and by whom?"

And of course the Illuminati was formed officially on May 1, 1776 and that is the meaning of the MDCCLXXVI at the bottom of the pyramid on the one dollar bill. It is not for the decleration of independance. Remember, these are the same people that brought us the 16th amendment and the Federal Reserve.

Re: [CTRL] Sammy the Bull

2001-09-18 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Why I want John Gotti set free.

The chief witness against him had murdered 19 people and was given
immunity to testify against him.

To put him in solitary confinement for the rest of his life is cruel and
unusual punishmenta fearless soldier would rather be put to death
and nobody will break John Gotti.

He neighbors loved him and he had a 14 year old son who died in an
accident that may not have been an accident.

He probably thougoht the sins of the father being visited upon the
For he was a very religious man, as are all Dons.

Had he been a rich man, he would have still been at the top of the heap
and maybe even been President or a Senator or a Congressman, or heaven
forbid - a lawyer.

Gotti did not get a fair trial - but the call of Give of Barabas was now
heard and they jailed Barabas.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ariel Sharon - War Criminal

2001-09-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine / 2425-35 Virginia Avenue, NW /
Washington, DC 20037 / Tel: 202.338.1290 / Fax: 202.333.7742 /

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, A War Criminal

Linda Malone

Overview: In 1996, the Human Rights Law Institute embarked on a project t=
address the growing problem of impunity of individuals guilty of crimes t=
should be prosecuted under international law. The project culminated in t=
publication of Guiding Principles for Combating Impunity for Internation=
Crimes. The principles require criminal prosecution for grave breaches,
torture, and genocide (among other crimes), and they direct all states to=

prosecute crimes against humanity. The principles also require the remova=
of individuals responsible for such crimes from public office and the
military, after according the individual due process in evaluating
responsibility. Nonetheless, Ariel Sharon was elected Israel's prime
minister despite being convicted of war crimes in 1982.

Impunity: In September 1982, the Israeli cabinet resolved to establish a
commission led by then-Supreme Court Chief Justice Yitzhak Kahan to exami=
the facts of the massacre committed by the Lebanese Forces in the Sabra a=
Shatila refugee camps, areas in Beirut then under the control of Israeli
authorities. As many as 2,000 Palestinian civilians were killed in the
camps. This year, one of the individuals judged complicit by the Kahan
Commission, then-Minister of Defense Ariel Sharon, was elected to the
highest political post in Israel after having provoked a violent
confrontation by his visit to the Haram al-Sharif. In 1982, he was found =
have created the situation which he knew, or should have known, made the
massacres a probability. The need has now arisen to bring serious attenti=
to the moral and legal responsibility of Sharon for gross human rights
violations and the impunity, and even worse the power, which he has

The Kahan Commission's report states that when word of Lebanon's
President-elect Bashir Jemayel's assassination reached Israel on the nigh=
of 14 September 1982, then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Sharon, and
then-Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan decided that the Israel Defense Forces
(IDF) would enter West Beirut without seeking a Cabinet resolution to tha=
effect. Although Sharon and Eitan purportedly discussed including
Phalangists in the operation, the Commission determined it was not mentio=
to Begin. Eitan testified that earlier that same evening, he and Sharon
agreed that Phalangists would enter the Sabra and Shatila camps.

On 15 September 1982, the entry into West Beirut began. Sharon me=
at the forward command post with Eitan who reported his agreement with th=
Phalangists for their entry into the camps. Sharon approved the agreement=

and phoned Begin from the roof of the command post. Yet, according to the=

report, Sharon only informed Begin that there was no resistance in Beirut=

and that the operations were going well. On 16 September, the Defense
Minister's office issued a document summarizing in two crucial controvers=
sentences Sharon's instructions in this meeting regarding the entry into
West Beirut: Only one element, and that is the IDF, shall command the
forces in the area. For the operation in the camps, the Phalangists shoul=
be sent in. That day, the massacre began. At 10:00 a.m., Sharon met in h=
office with Eitan and others. Eitan announced, the whole city is in our
hands, . . . the camps are surrounded, the Phalangists are to go at
11:00-12:00. Eitan said that Israeli forces surrounded the Sabra and
Shatila camps, and that it was agreed the Phalangists would go in at thei=
discretion, after a coordinating session with the Israeli officials. At
approximately 6:00 p.m. on 16 September, the Phalangists entered the camp=
initially entering the Shatila camp from the west and southwest, as

Findings: The Commission determined two levels of responsibility-direct a=
indirect. According to the Commission, those directly responsible were on=
those who actually perpetrated the massacre itself. The Commission's
report concluded that Israel was indirectly responsible for the massacres=
[T]he decision on the entry of the Phalangists into the refugee camps wa=
taken without consideration of the danger-which the makers and executors =
the decision were obligated to foresee as probable-that the Phalangists
would commit massacres and pogroms against the inhabitants of the camps, =
without an examination of the means for preventing this danger. Israel w=
also held responsible for not stopping the massacre once reports came out=

that it had begun.

Based on the Commission's conclusions at least seven of nine
individuals, including Sharon, should have known of the likelihood of a
massacre before the Phalangists' entry, knew or should have 

Re: [CTRL] Death by liberal

2001-09-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

non Christian Americans love this sort of thing
makes us feel like the American dream is real

-- --- -- --  -- --

They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety,

Ben Franklin

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:08:07 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] Death by liberal (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-


 We were told that the real threat was not from some Islamic
 fundamentalists who vowed to commit terrorist acts to bring us to our
 knees. No, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno and their friends on Capitol Hill
 and in the media spoke as one voice about the home-grown threat posed by
 church-going Americans, protesting against partial-birth abortion. 

 Meanwhile, the girly-men liberals and their strident molls scratch their
 heads and wonder how and why Tuesday happened. After all, weren't they nice
 to these terrorists? Didn't they display the correct amount of tolerance
 for another peoples' religious beliefs? Didn't Hillary Clinton actually
 embrace and kiss Arafat's wife? 

 [Note:   I would like to add these two qoutes for your consideration:

 They (radical Islam) have the will to destroy the West. They don't have
 the power today. You have the power today, we all do, the power to crush
 this terror network. What we must now show is that we have the will to do
 --Binyamin Netanyahu

 Some commentators and so-called experts have been quick to suggest that we
 will have to give up rights and freedoms in order to achieve greater
 security against the terrorist threat. They are wrong. The liberties of
 America's citizens do not facilitate terrorism - rather it is the liberties
 we have wrongly allowed to non-citizens.
 --Alan Keyes

 The radial Islamic fanatic hates America, hates our God, the only true God,
 hates Christianity, our prosperity and our culture, in part because their
 pitiful false god cannot build a nation up beyond third world status, even
 with assistance.  They hate the fact that we support Israel and they have
 been unable to destroy that nation. I believe that several things factor
 into our current sad situation, besides the obvious ones above.  For one
 thing our government has been far too absorbed in attacking our own
 citizens for political incorrectness to pay proper attention to the real
 dangers, even ignoring warnings from other nations that something was in
 the works.  Another factor is the fact that we as a nation have turned from
 the God who blessed and built it, we have declared that abortion,
 homosexuality, evolution and so on are correct, in direct contradiction to
 the Bible.  We have outlawed God in this nation, forbidding Him even in our
 schools, and I believe that God has removed His protecting hand from this
 nation as a result.

 The fact that God allowed this attack in no way justifies those who
 perpetrated this evil, and the reasons that He did allow it are described
 above and are not because of some delusional belief that something we did
 to radical Islam justifies their actions.  The radical Islamic is NOT
 innocent, is NOT justified.

 -- Tony

 Death by liberal


 By Gary Aldrich
 ? 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

 Several days have passed since the most outrageous act of terrorism in the
 history of the world. The clearance of the wreckage has just begun.
 Meanwhile thousands of innocent victims lie beneath smoldering rubble. It
 will take weeks until the last girders are lifted from the sub-basements of
 the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.

 We weep for the victims and pray that more of them can be found alive.

 But, there will be no peace and there will be no rest. Rescue workers toil
 to bring to us what they can, but most victims were reduced to ash, or
 destroyed beyond recognition by the compressions, the explosions and the
 inferno that followed.

 Fall rains will wash American blood and ashes down into the storm drains of
 New York City, and the essence of American lives lost will move down the
 Hudson River to the Atlantic Ocean, and be sent by the ocean currents
 around the globe. Their innocent blood will someday reach the shores of
 nations who nurture and harbor terrorists - to join the bombs that we'll
 send there soon to extract our retribution.

 We now learn that these animals were trained on our soil. They attended
 flight training schools in the United States and, while they did, they
 lived among us as our neighbors. Their children attended schools with our

 They came across U.S. borders with papers that allowed easy entry, and
 exit. There are hundreds - perhaps thousands - of these terrorists here
 today. About 50 of them have surfaced to do these 


2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 23:50:50 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

This is being sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as part of the mailing list that you joined.
List: emperorsclothes
URL: http://www.emperors-clothes.com

The URL for this article is http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/keys.htm
www.tenc.net * [Emperor's Clothes]

The truth about what happened...

Interview with Cedda Pralinchevich
Interviewer Jared Israel
Translator Petar Makara

[This interview was conducted before the kidnapping of Milosevic.
However it remains most timely since it applies 100% to the so-called
'rebellion' in Macedonia.]

This is the second Emperor's Clothes interview with Cedda Pralinchevich,
President of the Jewish Community in Prishtina. In the first
interview, Mr. Pralinchevich, formerly Chief Archivist of Kosovo,
described how he and tens of thousands of other Yugoslavs were
driven from Prishtina by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) with
NATO's backing. That original interview can be read at

NATO claims it bombed Yugoslavia in the Spring of 1999 to stop
Yugoslav war crimes against ethnic Albanians. These supposed crimes
supposedly produced the much-televised Albanian flight from Kosovo.
But Mr. Pralinchevich says this is not true.

Yugoslavia's new 'Foreign Minister' Svilanovich supports NATO on
the war crimes allegations. He has invited the NATO-controlled War
Crimes Tribunal to set up shop in Belgrade and promises to help
them hunt down Serbian leaders.

As far as the evidence hunt goes, the Tribunal has not done too
well. It employed hundreds of forensic experts and dug up Kosovo
for a year (under KLA direction) but found no evidence of Serbian
atrocities. That failure hasn't fazed NATO. Bolstered by the improved
attitude from Belgrade (Ambassador to the U.S. Milan Protich was
quoted in the 10-25 'Independent' calling for the de-Nazification
of the Yugoslav government) the NATO propaganda machine has stepped
up attacks against ousted President Miloshevich and others, arguing
that the exodus of all those ethnic Albanians proves there must
have been atrocities. Why else would they leave?

Why else indeed.

Mr. Pralinchevich, historian of Kosovo, has a very different

[Note: In the text, we have tried to spell Serbian names so
English-speaking readers can pronounce them correctly. 'Pristina'
is therefore Prishtina', 'Prlincevic' is 'Pralinchevich' and
'Milosevic' is 'Miloshevich'. - Jared Israel]


Israel: NATO said the Albanians were fleeing atrocities. We Western
opponents of NATO said they were fleeing the NATO bombing. But
you're saying we were both wrong, that the Albanians weren't fleeing
the Serbs or the bombing. (From the interview below)

Israel: Why did so many Albanians leave Kosovo a few days after
NATO began bombing? Was the Yugoslav Army attacking them?

Pralinchevich: No, not attacking them. In some areas the Army did
relocate people, but not out of Kosovo. The idea was to move them
further into Serbia. You must understand, the Army was presented
with a most difficult situation. A major clash was expected between
NATO and Yugoslav troops. This kind of NATO ground attack was a
special threat in the area bordering Albania.

Under those circumstances, with the KLA [Kosovo Liberation Army]
attacking inside Kosovo and from Albania and with NATO poised to
invade and about to start bombing from airplanes, how could the
Yugoslav Army hope to protect that border population?

You should understand, the Army had had an experience like this in
Vukovar. That was in 1991. Civilians were trapped in a battlefield
between the Army and the Croatian Ustashe [neo-fascist] secessionists.
To avoid making the same mistake again, the Army wanted to empty
a space 40 kilometers deep so people wouldn't be trapped between
the Army, NATO and the KLA.

At the same time there was a big increase in the number of KLA
terrorists illegally crossing the Albanian border into Kosovo. In
that situation there were bound to be some unhappy events. It was
a most difficult situation, you see.

Albanians Assassinated

Israel: Was this at the beginning of the bombing?

Pralinchevich: Yes, and earlier too. During this period, the Yugoslav
government tried to organize local Albanian Crisis Centers to
distribute humanitarian aid, and also a Headquarters to work with
the Yugoslav Army, organizing ethnic Albanians who lived in the
danger zone to move deeper into Serbia, away from potential fighting.

But those ethnic Albanians who did cooperate with the Army became
a target for the KLA. Many were assassinated.

Israel: Were these Crisis Centers located all 

Re: [CTRL] The End of Apartheid, Redux

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 Published on Thursday, August 30, 2001 by Ted Rall

 The End of Apartheid, Redux
 A Peace Plan for Post-Israeli Palestine
 by Ted Rall

 DAYTON, Ohio -- The trouble with Israel is that nobody -- least of all
 the Israelis -- knows what it is. Is it a theocracy or a secular
 state? Is it a parliamentary democracy or a police state? Is it the
 military occupation of local Arab lands by ex-pat Europeans or the
 settlement of peaceful colonists in a previously barren land? Israel
 is all, and none, of these things. And while it's worth noting that
 this is what happens when countries are designed by committee, casting
 blame does nothing to address a grim state of affairs -- a vicious
 cycle of retribution for grievances both real and imagined.

This is drivel. The author doesn't have a clue. But he does have an opinion.

Almost all of it is wrong.


 When statesmen and diplomats debate Middle East peace, the elephant in
 the room is Israel's fundamental founding flaw. On the one hand, it's
 a Jewish state, its citizenship granted to any Jew regardless of birth
 nationality. But neither Israel's biggest backer -- that would be us
 -- nor many of the secular Jews who fought the British during the '40s
 wished to see an Israel ruled by rabbinical law.

Drivel. Israel was founded as a secular state. A Jewish secular state.

 Following the example
 of postwar Europe, Israel became a parliamentary democracy.

 It's been a demographic war ever since. As the population growth of
 Palestinian Arabs continues to outpace that of Jewish families, it's
 obvious that true democracy will lead to Israel joining the Arab

Drivel. The Muslims would never allow things to get that far. The Jews
would be dead long before that point.

 with Jews living as a beleaguered minority. Successive Israeli
 governments have employed various means of combating the demographic
 threat, most notably refusing Arabs living in Lebanese refugee camps
 the right to return to the homes they fled in 1948.

They lost. They're gone. It's time to move on.

 A democracy without equal voting rights is no democracy at all.
 Similarly, few Jewish Israelis want to convert the place into the
 Talmud equivalent of Taliban-run Afghanistan. The only way to
 deradicalize the vast majority of Palestinians is to fully enfranchise
 them into the current Israeli system.

Drivel. It's not the ONLY way to radicalize them.

 But won't numerically dominant
 Muslims immediately use their newfound political majority status to
 oppress Jews? Wouldn't genocide necessarily follow?

I think so.

 Not if recent history is any guide. The closest analogy to Israel, a
 modern second-world state run by an ethnic minority, was apartheid-era
 South Africa. (It was also Israel's closest military ally.) After
 decades of political repression, violent acts of terrorism and status
 as a global pariah, white South Africans got sick of the whole thing
 and turned over power to Nelson Mandela's African National Congress.
 White rightists, and not a few foreign observers, warned that South
 Africa's long-repressed black majority would rise up and murder their
 former oppressors, but no such thing happened.

It aint over yet is it?

 Most whites remained in
 the country.

There was an exodus of whites from SA. And, as SA continues to dis-
integrate, there continues to be.

 They became a minority in parliament, but the
 socioeconomic order stayed in place: Black people are still poor,
 white people well-off. To be sure, there have been some isolated
 incidents of violence and retribution, but nothing close to the
 wholesale slaughter expected by so many cynics.

It aint over yet is it? Why not look at Zimbabwe while were at it too?

 A truly democratic Israel would likely undergo a similar process. A
 tiny minority of Jews remembered for extreme right-wing behavior --
 settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, for example -- might be
 well-advised to relocate after the advent of a Palestinian majority
 government. But for the most part, Arabs are like people anywhere --
 they're far more interested in earning a living than waging jihad. The
 only reason so many are throwing rocks at Israeli troops is because
 they feel hopelessly disenfranchised under what they consider a form
 of apartheid. Remove that injustice, and they'll be too busy enjoying
 their commutes to jobs no longer cut off by army checkpoints to worry
 about getting even.

This is SUCH TOTAL BULLSHIT. What was their excuse prior to 1967???
How about prior to 1948?

 More to the point, Palestinians know that huge numbers of Jews oppose
 their government's extremism, just as many whites opposed apartheid in
 South Africa.

Wrong! This is simply wrong. Israel is getting more Jewish support now
than it has in the past 25 years. Just see what happens in the upcoming
rally to support 

Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 - Original Message -
 From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

 -Caveat Lector-

 thew wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  jews arent white
  if by white you refer to a certain culture. specifically european

 This is not true anymore. Jews were allowed to become White Guys
 with the
 civil rights movement in the 60's. Only after that did they get
 into elite
 positions in government and Big Biz.


 Except. of course. for the Rothschilds.


The Rothchilds aren't American. Furthermore the Rothchilds aren't important
anymore except in the fevered brains (sic) of anti jew racists.

I was talking about ordinary people who were locked out of top universities,
and the TOP professions by WASP good ol' boys who couldn't stand the


 Be dissing Mo Dees and he put ya on da list!  Be dissing Mo Dees
 and he put ya on da list!   Be dissing Abbie Foxman and you know he
 gonna write!  Amelia

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM]

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

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Saba wrote:

This is no time to be paying attention to ramblings of this idiot. We need to
stay cool and rooted in reality here.

Paranoid and superstitious drivel will run rampant in the next few days. Let's
see if this list can do some real work that is actually beneficial for
understanding what's going down.


 -Caveat Lector-

 Towers at World Trade hold federal officesrecently Govenor of
 New York moved from the Tower now I wonder why?

 As Congressman Kascich did here - when Oklahoma blew - that guy moved
 his office out of FEderal Buildigs to Dublin, quietly.he was pal to
 Gary Condit.

 I wonder who did not show up for work today?   At least in New York they
 know their Govenor is safe - World Trade Offices holds many federal and
 state offices so why did Pataky move out?

 Maybe same reason Kascich moved out.

 Pentagon - the symbol of security for the USA...

 The last guy who rammed a building in Washington with a plane they said
 was a truck driver.so the big meeting for which they prepared,
 making Washington the target and now a war zone as well as New York City
 no doubt will be closed.

 Keep thinking about Govenor Pataky moving out of World Trade Offices and
 why?   Like Oklahoma - FBI and BATF stayed home and left the babies in
 the tower?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] It's offical FEMA implemented

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Karen Hughes from Omaha.


This is to be expected. Absolutely nothing unusual about this.
So far.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Woe to Ariel?

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-




 And then remember today ... Ariel Sharon, why his name the name of
 the slaughterman is right in the bible with Ehud Barak - for those are
 not there real names.

 The USS Liberty while our men lie on deck wounded 171 of them, 34 dead
 ..the god damned Israeli planes napalmed and bombed them for 45

 ADL and Zionists have put our Militias, Christians and Moslems on FBI
 hate list while the KGB sat in same office with Louis Freeh - and
 KGB/MOSSAD given secret underground sites .and Mossad blackmailed
 the president using their little prostitute.

 Think twice about what happened today.for had they not been caught,
 Egypt no doubt would have been blown apart for something the Israels


You are treading on dangerous ground here you stupid twit. You are backing
the enemy which attacked us and killed between 15,000 and 25,000 of our
citizens. The government is in a state of war, and YOU are promoting enemy

Nothing on this page relates to investigating anything. Nothing relates to
dicussing or finding facts. Nothing relates to anything but hate speech which
aids and comforts the enemy.

Now I realize that you are dumb as a bag of hair, but you better get your shit
together. This is no joke anymore.

You may think you sound like a  patriot, but you are a traitor in time of


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Woe to Ariel?

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

The Public Image wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  Listen you son of a bitich - there were people in
  that building who were
  friends of my sisters - and let me tell you this -

 my condolences, but you're not the only one who lost
 friends, you ignorant bitch.

  That swine Joe Lieberman sat there and said Oh We
  are alright - wel will
  meet tonight - we are alright and had to be reminded
  well Mr. Lieberman
  there are 10,000 people who are not alright.

 well i'd say it's obvious that Lieberman doesn't have
 a clue. (is he a friend of yours?) thank you for once
 again pointing out what we already knew.

  It is about time people woke up in this
  country..even a pig like
  Mark Lane knew about the bible code for Lane (real
  name Levy) stole the
  code from me for his book Executive Action which

 perhaps the reason he had a book published and you
 didn't was because of your writing style, or lack
 thereof. or maybe it's just because you're full of

  I was on the assassination commitee and I worked
  with woman with MI6 who
  knew whawt this code was.

 why do i find it hard to believe that a WebTV user
 worked in any official capacity for a major security
 department? anyhow, i don't care if you worked for MI6
 or the KGB or the CIA, you're still a crazy old bat.

  So let me tell you this, you piece of shit - don't
  try to blame this on
  the Arabs not when you have pigs like ADL and Foxman
  sitting back
  reaping profits and stirring up a war so the USA
  will  go to war against

 hey knucklehead, go back and read what i wrote.
 personally, i'm not blaming anyone and i don't know
 where you got that from. i'm not blaming Arabs,
 Chinese, or even other Americans. here's a piece of
 advice: close your mouth and listen before you speak.
 you might learn something and you won't come across as
 such a silly old cow.

  Oh you will cry tomorrow, asshole - your gasoline as
  is here is up now
  to $5.00 a gallon at one station and $2.50.see
  how you cry then.

 if i cry tomorrow, it'll be for the lives lost in NYC
 and not over the gas prices. which, i might add, is
 probably YOUR only point of contention with this whole

  You do not like my stuff do not read it and I am
  sick of your crap.   I
  know what you are...maybe not who, but what.

 firstly, i don't post things on this list often enough
 for you to be sick of my crap. i only toss in my two
 cents when i think i've got something of value to add.
 perhaps you might follow my example.
 and frankly, i ignore very nearly everything you post,
 but your stupid bible code bit tonite was downright
 offensive. if you can predict major events with such
 accuracy, why weren't you talking about this shit
 yesterday, or the day before that? it's quite simple:
 you may be a witch, but you ain't got no magic.
 you're as big a liar as you are an idiot, and one
 might hope that out of respect for the dead you'd just
 drop the bullshit act for one day. apparently, though,
 one would be wrong. fuck, i'd believe Miss Cleo the tv
 psychic over you...

  Who is bombing Afghanstan?   Not the USAis this
  bastard Ariel Sharon
  making moves of which we are not aware

 i'm as interested as anyone in finding out who bombed
 us, and who bombed Afghanistan. but i'll bet dollars
 to donuts your imaginary bible code won't name names
 til after the press delivers the scoop... show me the
 money, Saba...

Don't bother. This person is very sick. She is overmedicated and
delusional. Nothing she says can be taken seriously.


 The Public Image

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Admiral Moorer Clinton Policies Led to Disaster

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Howard wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 9/13/01 3:47:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   tnohava wrote:


  This is all bullshit. Moorer is CFR military hack.



 That does not mean that he is automaticly incorrect.


Agreed. But why did they drag him out of mothballs?

The media is FLOODED with CFR elites pushing for war.

The media is FLOODED with spooks and ex spooks pushing for war.

This should be warning enough to be wary.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] A Call To All Americans

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Edward Britton wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


   Source: http://www.webforums.com/forums/f-read/msa64.214.html
   A CALL TO ALL AMERICANS! From now on, the national toilet paper should be
   the pages of the Koran!
 Why? You don't really think that your religion is any better than theirs
 do you?

 I don't care who's freaking religion is better, but I found a copy of the
 Koran from previous study (God only knows why now!) and plan to WIPE MY
 BUTT with it the next time I take a dump.

There ya go. That'l teach em.

   Arm every flight crew in America down to the
   man/woman who pumps the gas and loads the luggage. Allow anyone with a
   concealed carry permit to remain armed while on any airline in the nation.
 Stupid gun pusher.

 Stupid liberal jackoff who needs the government to wipe his nose. Now,
 don't we feel better?

   Do the word  pressurized cabin  mean anything to you

 Do the words beats the hell out of flying into a building mean anything
 to you, prick?

It does actually. What do you suppose the ratio between the two might be?

   Push your local representatives to MAKE THIS LAW!! Turn the entire middle
   east into a parking lot!!
 Your a good Christian Edward.

 Not today. Today, I'd really love to see a hole in the earth where the
 middle east used to be!

Really! And where do you think you would be?

   Jesus saves, but you prefer parking lots.

 Jesus isn't here. Maybe you haven't noticed.

I've noticed. He never came back either. Maybe you haven't noticed.


 Edward   +


 (1) The study or practice of the principles of reasoning, especially of the
 structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method
 and validity in deductive reasoning.

 (2) A means of terrifying liberals.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Still think Jim Floyd isn't a racist?

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Michael Pugliese wrote:

I don't think he's a racist Mike.
I think he's an alias. I think he's
really Saba Shannon.

Poor guy seems upset. I'm sure what's coming down
the pike in the next few months will cheer him up.


 -Caveat Lector-



 The Axe Is Laid to the Root
 James Floyd
 Attack on America, Fox news. Attack on civilization, Colon Powell.
 Attack on democracy, Carter. Attack on freedom, Bush. To this stupidity
 I scream, Hell no! Not just NO but hell no! It was an attack on the Jew
 capital of the world, an attack on Tel Aviv West.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Says : MossadHadAHandIn...

2001-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/13/01 7:53:44 PM Central Daylight Time,

   Would you like to take a poll on this list and see
   if the rest of CTRL believes this?

Any polls on this list, while possibly interesting, wouldn't prove a thing.

We deal with controversial issues here Zev.
One might also ask how many people on this list believe in UFOs, alien greys,
Atlantis, that Zionism is NOT racism, Bush and cocaine,Cathy O'Brian's story,
October Suprise...and on and on...

What's the point?

J2 I guess I'll take that as a no. I do clasify your stuff in the same catagory
as some of the above. Except their intentions are not necessarily evil. -J2

And what's YOUR point Mr. Zionist Zev?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/18/01 11:44:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Could it be that we have closed too many Air Bases and cut down on the
personnel to make the Demorats happy?

Better dead than red

 Let's see what is the size of the military Budget? Who's watch is it?


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] 4000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the Attack (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Well they cited the Jordanian paper Al Watan in the report and I've trying
to find an English language version of this paper at
http://www.alwatan.com  Either that or if an Arabic speaking person
happens to be on this list and could check the recent issues

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, foxter wrote:

 Perhaps it was broadcast?

   Following is a list of the al-Manar Frequencies where it's broadcasting:

   a.. Digital receiver Ku Band uses the following address: USA and Canada

   Telestar 5\ 97 deg. West
   Frequency: 12152 MHZ
   Symbol rate: 20.000
   Polarization: Horizontal
   FEC: 3/4

   Digital receiver C Band uses the following address: (Africa)

   Nss 803\ 338.5 deg. East
   Frequency: 4055 MHZ
   Symbol rate: 27.500
   Polarization: C.R
   FEC: 3/4

   You can receive Almanar using a digital receiver on Arabsat 3A the Lebanese 
   Arabsat 3A\ 26 deg.east
   Frequency: 11787 MHZ
   Symbol rate: 27.500
   Polarization: vertical
   FEC: 3/4

   Or analog receiver use the following address:

   Arab Sat. 3A/ 26 deg. EAST
   * Frequency: 11823 MHZ
   * Polarization: VERTICAL

   Digital receiver Ku Band use the following address:
   Nile sat 101\ 7 deg. West
   Frequency: 12054 MHZ
   Symbol rate: 27.500
   Polarization: Vertical
   FEC: 3/4

   - Original Message -
   From: Steve
   Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 9:16 AM
   Subject: Re: [CTRL] 4000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the Attack 

   -Caveat Lector-

   The site definitely has an pro-Palestinian agenda:


   Dear brother or sister Salam-u-Alaykom
 In support of the oppressed Palestinian
 people for the Sustenance of the
 Intifadah we invite you to donate money
 to the following address: To: 

   On 18 Sep 01, at 9:59, Yardbird wrote:

-Caveat Lector-
I can't find any other mention of it other than comments upon the
article itself - nothing that independently verifies its contents.
On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Kris Millegan wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Is there any independent confirmation of any of this?

 the site may be agenda-charged.


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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/18/01 11:19:48 AM Central Daylight Time,

 Nope. Radar is largely ineffective at altitudes below approximately 1000
  feet or so (caveat: depending upon the terrain) largely due to ground
  clutter and so-called false echos (most often caused by heat convection).
  As the area surrounding DC is rolling hill country, I strongly suspect that
  ground clutter is an even greater factor.


  Okay, then what is this about then, from a previous post?  They mention
altitudes well below 1000ft and still being at risk.  So maybe not radar but
some other form of protective surveillance...?

 Finally, in 1974, when I was in the Marine Corps, and a crew chief on a CH

46 helicopter stationed at MCAS Quantico, VA, we often flew up to DC, and up

and down the Mall. We had to be very careful at the time to maintain our

altitude between 250 and 450 ft (within 3 miles of the Capitol Bldg), or the

Strategic Air Command would blow us out of the sky. Question: Where was the

SAC last Tuesday morning? 

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Re: [CTRL] Woe to Ariel?

2001-09-18 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Really Joshua - we see now the USA and the Arab Nations Uniting for
peace while Woe to Ariel Sharon, he calls for war...

Only thing he wants the Yanks to go over and die for this slaughterman?

Be luckey Joshua, for there are five big Arab nations surrounding Israel
and had they really wanted to they could have taken out Israel any time
they wanted but why - for a pile of stones and rocks?

Its the Oil stupid so Joshua go back to playing wargames on your little
computer and playing spy for the ADL, but you and people like you have
brought trouble into our House.

So Mr Schwartz, go back in your little chair which is probably built for
two,  and take Public Image with you...

You want Americans to die for more jews, homosexuals and gypsies?   How
about our constitutuion - Joshua - but take that Marxist crap you feed
upon, and shove it.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

When the first satellite was sent up bearing the Russian Red Star,
Sputnik?   Well Curtiss LeMay as head of SAC was just plain old hat.

This is why it was important to get to the moon first and get into the
space program which John F Kennedy did - meanwhile back at home Meyer
Lansky and his Jewish Mob was more concerned about their gambling
temples in Cuba but then what would one expect with dual citizenship -
as they say, you cannot serve two masters.

LeMay's brother lived on our turf and was friend to my husband while
Curtiss LeMay was friend to my brother in law who later became THOR

SAC was no big deal anymore for as they said on moon, one big step for
mankind, while the enemy within preaches we did not go to the moon?

Know one, know them all...only way to stop what is coming is to
align yourself with your enemies?   For friends like Israel, we can do



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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/18/01 12:18:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Let's see what is the size of the military Budget? Who's watch is it? 

Let me help your memory.  We are still working under the last Clinton budget.
Bush's budget hasn't been voted in yet by the House.


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Re: [CTRL] Still think Jim Floyd isn't a racist?

2001-09-18 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

My my Joshua and Pugliese - this one small voice you would silence?

Is Jim Floyd a racist?   Maybe so, but I prefer Jim Floyd to the shit
you put out, you little twerps.

Know thine enemy?   Really.   One big plane could have wiped out Israel,

This act was done to get the USA to go to war in the name of that piece
of shit Zionism.

This nation was founded by Christians but they were quick to note in
their Illuminati papers, it was freedom from religion and this religious
shit and this - well Jews were given a State and the means by which to
defend same - so its every man for himself.As Prince Faisal said,
domestic jews and arabs and christians want to live in peace, but this
(and I use more descriptive words of my own choosing ) but this big
piece of shit called Zionism won't let them.

Its the oil, asshole - its the oil.They want Zionist Oil companies
all over America and the poor Arabs they want the Yanks to take them

Well we have been danced with before...only this time, we will lead.
Israel doesn't like to see USA and big time Arabs united do they - for
their little plan backfired - Sharon was ready for war, America's guards
were down becaue we have been preoccupied with the little state of
Israel, whose men now are beginning to see the light and do not want


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Re: [CTRL] Israel is Not Helpful

2001-09-18 Thread John Miller

-Caveat Lector-

Israel -  the Negev - A US Landing Stage?

Israel is America's strongest ally in the Middle East.

The situation today is that the US will not be allowed 5,000 troops in Saudi
Arabia or other Arab states, so part of Israel's Negev area could be a
landing stage, a vast airfield for all that is necessary to strike at the
Taliban in Afghanistan and other Islamic terrorist organizations in the
Middle East.

So it could become a West versus Islam, a clash of civilizations a
religious war concerning the world's three main religions.


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[CTRL] Patience will be required for the duty ahead

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/MilleganStews/Paitence.html;
Patience will be required for the duty ahead/A

Millegan Stews

“Patience will be required for the duty ahead”
By Kris Millegan

Is the NWO is simply to be the legacy of war?

“The War was no more invited by us than were the questions which are laid at
our doors by its results.
—President William McKinley, Omaha, October 1898

Who was McKinley? He was a politician beholding to the oil interests and
trusts of the time. He was nominated as the Repubilcan candidate at a
convention in St Louis June 16, 1896.

Businessman and boyhood friend of John D Rockefeller, Mark Hanna spent a year
and half, and over a hundred thousand dollars to acquire the nomination.
Hanna then devoted all of his time for the next three months in getting
McKinley elected. “Frying the fat” he called it, the raising of four million
dollars from the business community. Standard Oil ponied-up a quarter of a
million and “banks everywhere were formally assessed one-fourth of one
percent of their combined capital and surplus.”With this money they help to
set a pattern—centralized organization, controlled exposure of the candidate,
saturation of the organs of public opinion—that has prevailed to the present.

Earlier in his career, McKinley had gotten himself in deep economic trouble,
Hanna and friends had raised the money to bail him out and allowed “him to
remain in public life.” You never know when some politician will become
useful, do you?

In the late 1880’s as Chairman of the Ways and Means, McKinley authored the
McKinley Tariff bill. There was a treasury surplus, so Mckinley removed the
heavy revenue producing tariff from raw sugar. This admitted Cuban sugar free
of duty and lead to the creation of the “Sugar Trust,” American Sugar
Refining Company.

Secretary of State John Foster undertook the implementation of the bill,
which resulted in a dramatic importation of Cuban sugar.

There were some problems though, the Republicans lost power for awhile and
the pesky rebels in Cuba were causing problems for sugar and other financial

McKinley was installed in March of 1897 and by the end of July 1898 Cuba was
ours and the sugar was safe.

“Patience will be required for the duty ahead”
—President William McKinley – Speaking of the Spainsh-American War, 1898

Any of this sound familiar?

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Strategic Air Command

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/18/01 1:00:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Let me help your memory.  We are still working under the last Clinton budget.
Bush's budget hasn't been voted in yet by the House.


 I didn't ask whose. I mentioned the size.

Again, whose watch is it?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Patience will be required for the duty ahead

2001-09-18 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

All too familiar but then consider McKinley, of Scotch Irish descent,
was ainated and Ambrose Bierce, one of Hearsts propagandists wrote a
poem and as a result of same, had to leave the country for the same was
written, a week or so before McKinley assassinated:

The bullet that pierced Goebells Breast;
Cannot be found, in all the west.

Good reason, it is speeding here;
To put McKinley, on the bier.

And this little quantrain was not considered prophetic but rather a
piece of propaganda designed in part to assist the bullet and the
assassin .

So much for Hearst and Ambrose Bierceeven his name, was not his own.

But one thing, Bierce know the power of the word.the two edged sword
which cuts both ways.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation Economy of the Spanish Caribbean 1898-1934

2001-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

He opens his analysis emphasizing the coincidence of the invasion of Cuba
and Puerto Rico in 1898 (the Spanish-American War) with a reorganization of
the sugar trust in the United States, towards a more oligopolistic

American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation Economy of the Spanish Caribbean
Ayala, César

Published by EH.NET (October 2000)

César Ayala, American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation Economy of the Spanish
Caribbean 1898-1934. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press,
1999. xii + 321 pp. $49.95 (cloth), ISBN: 0-8078-2506-9; $19.95 (paper),
ISBN: 0-8078-4788-7.

Reviewed for EH.NET by Alan Dye, Department of Economics, Barnard College.

Surprisingly, there has been little comparative historical work published
that focuses on the sugar industries of the three Spanish Caribbean
countries, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo. César Ayala's book,
therefore, bridges an important gap in the literature. Ayala has constructed
a narrative of substantial breadth, combining a critical reading of the
secondary literatures on each country's sugar industry with primary evidence
and an emphasis on their links to their major twentieth-century market, the
United States.

Working within the tradition of world systems theory (of Immanuel
Wallerstein), he places each of these three countries within its world
context. The book is motivated as a challenge to the neo-Marxist Plantation
School, which as he describes it, emphasizes the continuity of the
plantation as a fundamental unit of analysis by which plantation economies
occupy a common, peripheral position in the world system. Ayala challenges
the generality of such claims, arguing that the plantation systems in the
Spanish Caribbean were comparatively different, conditioned by different
historical contexts and different institutional linkages to the United

He opens his analysis emphasizing the coincidence of the invasion of Cuba and
Puerto Rico in 1898 (the Spanish-American War) with a reorganization of the
sugar trust in the United States, towards a more oligopolistic structure.
Some of the key personalities in the sugar-refining rivalry in the United
States were major investors in raw sugar companies in Cuba and Puerto Rico
after 1898. He argues that the mechanisms of the holding company and
interlocking directorates vertically integrated each of the local industries
to the U.S. sugar refining sector. Unified ownership of vertically related
segments of sugar processing and refining are demonstrated with great clarity
and detail. Differences in the character of vertical ownership in each of the
three countries are identified. Variations in patterns of ownership are
illustrated using case studies of the Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation, the Cuban
American Sugar Company, the Punta Alegre Sugar Company, the South Porto Rico
Sugar Company and a number of other companies within the American Sugar
Refining or National Sugar Refining groups. This portion of the book extends
and contributes substantively to the work of Oscar Pino Santos and others.

Most engaging in this broad narrative are Chapters 3 and 4, which focus on
the significance of the customs area and the vertical ownership, and Chapter
8, which has put together a description of the three countries' reactions to
the stresses of the Great Depression, the increased U.S. sugar tariff
(Hawley-Smoot) and the subsequent adoption of the U.S. Sugar Program. Each
country responded to the sugar crisis of 1930 in remarkably different ways.
With a few key insights, Ayala tells an interesting story about the contrast
in policy responses of each of the three. He gives some insight into the
political economic causes of each of these policy responses, but as the last
chapter of the book, it obviously is intended to raise questions and point
the way forward.

The central empirical theme of the book is vertical integration, which is
not precisely defined; but clearly of interest to the author is its
transcendence of national borders. Evidence of vertical ownership is
presented to argue that foreigners controlled the sugar companies in the
Spanish Caribbean. Despite the reference to vertical integration, the author
approaches the subject as a socional differences, in his case studies,
between shareholder representation on the boards of directors and managerial
control are not examined. The reader interested in the governance structures
or contracting issues will not find them addressed here. This seems to matter
for the validity of his conclusions, since it leaves some alternative views
unaddressed. The vertical ownership structures might have developed to assist
in organization innovations or to underpin relational contracts, to reduce
transaction costs. If so, rather than unambiguously disempowering the
national industries, as he claims, they may also have brought material

Ayala's prognosis is that 

[CTRL] Joshua and his Marxist Friends

2001-09-18 Thread Saba

More on the super sleuting of Joshua2 and his Marxist friends.tell
me Joshua did you write all of this, for in part it sounds just like you
with one exception - some of the names have been changed to protect the
innocents..still spying on the militias Joshua and supporting the
take away the gun ADL?   Disarm the Americans?   While Ariel Sharon
awaits the Yanks to come over and save his big fat ass (the Palestinians
call him he big fat slob).

We have seen the enemy, Joshua2 - the Ugly Face of Zionism and remember,
one does not serve two masters.sticks and stones might break your
bones - but its the word you fear the most?

Here are Joshua's words as recorded on the net deep into
cyberspace...tell me what Marxists and Joshua have in common?


Understanding the New World Order
by Joshua2  part 7d
Subject:  SNET: Please read this carefully before responding - Date:
Wed, 15 Oct 1997 05:45:20 -0400 (EDT)
-  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List
The Destruction of America!
 Is  it  happening  by chance...or...Is our nation blindly following the
plan of a small but powerful group of wealthy International Bankers who
are determined to rule over us as slaves in the coming ONE WORLD
GOVERNMENT, THE NEW WORLD ORDER? After years of study, we have become
convinced that there is an internationalist plot to create a one world
government and destroy American sovereignty.  The Internationalists
behind this plot are working in secrecy. Why? Because they know that if
too many Americans wake up and learn the truth about what has been
happening to our nation, and if  a large number of Americans found out
who the enemy really is, and if they found out how the enemy is doing
his work, then these patriotic Americans would rise up and destroy those
who are behind this diabolical plot.
For centuries a small but powerful clique has been working
towards the day
when they will be able to force the United States and the nations of the
world to submit to a one world government.The United Nations is a mere
pawn in the arsenal of these conspirators. They are planning for the day
when they can compel the American people and the nations of the world to
accept a one world monetary system, which they will control, as a
precursor to a one world government run by the slave masters in charge
of us in the NEW WORLD ORDER.
From the beginning they have known that in order to enslave us
they would
have to de-christianize America, and they have done so, using the
federal courts which they ideologically dominate, removing prayer and
Bible study from our schools. It has been their plan to promote a
breakdown of our families and our morality and they have been very
successful in this regard. How have they done it? They exercise near
complete control over Hollywood, Television and nearly all print and
publishing media. They continuously produce obscene films and lascivious
television shows, intentionally flooding our nation and our minds with
pornographic images for the express purpose of destroying the moral
fiber of our people.They have used the ACLU, which they control to
remove every last vestige of God and Christianity from the public arena.
In 1913 International Bankers created our national banking
system, better
known as the Federal Reserve System. Using banks that they have
privately owned for centuries they created the Federal Reserve System
as a vehicle by which to steal our nations entire supply of gold and
they have left us holding paper money that will ultimately become
worthless. They have used the IRS to intimidate us with financial ruin
if we dare to resist their tyrannical system of taxation.
An integral part of the their plan for world domination is the
dumbing down
of the average American. They have used the public schools to
indoctrinate our children in anti-Christian ideas and anti-American
ideology. The public schools have been their primary weapon in the war
to destroy our children's future, indoctrinating them in liberalism and
by intentionally giving them a substandard education.  The ability of
all Americans to read, to think and to reason clearly is at an all time
low. One reason for this is because the public schools refuse to use
phonics to teach children how to read. Why? Because colleges of
education financed by the Rockefeller foundation do not teach the
teachers of tomorrow the phonics method of reading instruction. Instead
they use the Look - Say method which has proved a dismal failure (just
as they planned?). Presently the public schools are more interested in
teaching our children about condoms than mathematics.Why? Because those
are in control of the educational establishment know that they must
demoralize and  dumb down America before they can disarm us, suspend
United States Constitution and put us under their 

Re: [CTRL] nukes

2001-09-18 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

FrontLine PBS Special

SuitCase Nukes


In 1997, the public became aware of a Russian nuclear device they had not
known even existed--the so-called suitcase bomb. These devices were made for
the Soviet KGB. One of these bombs had an explosive charge of one kiloton,
equivalent to one thousand tons of TNT. If a device like this made its way
to the U.S. it could destroy everything within a half-mile radius of the
Capitol in Washington, D.C. Within hours, prevailing winds would carry the
nuclear fallout throughout Washington.

What Are These Russian 'Suitcase Bombs' Like?

The comments of Alexei Yablokov, former science adviser to Boris Yeltsin;
Russian General Vladimir Dvorkin; policy expert Matthew Bunn; U.S. General
Eugene Habiger; and U.S. Congressman Curt Weldon.

The U.S. Version of a 'Suitcase Bomb'

In the 1960s the U.S. built its own version of a mini nuclear device-- the
Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM). It weighed 80-100 pounds, was
small enough to fit in a duffel bag or large case and was designed for
sabotage missions-- airfields, bridges, dams. Like the Russian device, it
had an explosive charge of roughly one thousand tons of TNT ( one kiloton).

Film of the SADM was declassified in 1997 and shows how it would be deployed
by a parachutist for a jump mission into water to reach a target. Although
the parachute jumps and retrieval operations were rehearsed many times, the
project was never put to use and these nuclear devices do not exist in
current stockpiles.

(Both video clips require RealPlayer 5.0 or higher and a 56K modem to be

This shows how the SADM was designed for a parachute jump and swimmer
delivery system. The SADM was fit into a special flotation bag so the
atomic munition would float when the parachutist hit the water. This clip
also shows how the flotation bag was designed to attach to the parachutist's

This shows test jumps into water from several Navy and Marine aircraft, and
how the Navy parachutist- with the SADM attached- swims to target and
de-attaches and activates the bomb.

At 09:48 AM 9/18/01 -0400, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-


  That would be very. Tunnels and caves would be a relatively good way to
avoid radiation, and radiation would contaminate the environment and lead to
further escalation including possible nuclear war.

Oh brother. Here we go. Possible nuclear war with just WHO Steve??? A bunch
of Afghani herdsmen with AK-47's? Please. Granted, great guerilla fighters
they may be. But nuclear capability? C'mon. That's a stretch, even by the
incredibly credulous standards of the CTRL!

So...let's see. What other Mid East baddie might engage in a bit of the old
nuclear escalation. Oh! I know! Saddam Hussein. Yeah. Let's see. He could
take an oil tanker and retrofit a missle gantry on the deck. Then he could
load it up with a nuclear tipped SCUD. Then he could cross the Atlantic,
park off the New York coastline, and (given the SCUD's known accuracy) might
hit the Jersey swamps.

Or how about one of those misnamed suitcase nukes? OK. Let's consider that
scenario. Suitcase nuke goes off in a major US city, doing massive damage,
albeit in an extrememly limited area (approx. 1 mile radius). Fallout is
minimal precisely because the weapons are low yield. US reaction? The entire
Arab world gets lit up like a Christmas tree. Now THAT'S what I call


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Radio Sings Self-Censorship Tune

2001-09-18 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

Radio Sings Self-Censorship Tune


By Brad King
Sep. 18, 2001

Queen's Another One Bites the Dust.

Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven.

They are rock classics, heard on radio stations across the country for
more than two decades. But now they're on a list of about 150 songs that
a group of radio programmers deemed too offensive to play on the
airwaves in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks.

Executives within the radio division at Clear Channel Communications --
one of the nation's largest radio conglomerates -- denied any list had
been developed.

But sources familiar with the situation said an informal list of
songs -- with lyrics and/or themes that might seem inappropriate to
some -- had been delivered throughout the music industry.

Although there doesn't appear to be any direct censorship involved,
entertainment groups -- long the whipping boys of child watchdog
organizations and some in Congress -- believe this is an overreaction
brought on during a time of national tragedy. They fear that Congress
may be too quick to curtail civil liberties.

There is massive self-censorship that is going on, said John Perry
Barlow, an Electronic Frontier Foundation board member. I was worried
about this because that censorship is (the) most insidious thing.

This is what totalitarianism is. It's not the will of someone inserting
their will on the populace. It's the will of the populace exerting its
will on the populace.

The entertainment industry has been wary after last week's attacks,
taking protracted first steps toward limiting images being promoted
after facing congressional scrutiny over advertising practices and
parental advisory labels in the last year.

But the list of songs wasn't meant as a way to censor stations. Radio
programmers with Clear Channel -- parent company to 1,170 stations
across the United States -- began developing a list of songs, apparently
through e-mail, with lyrics that some might consider offensive in the
wake of the attacks.

As the list was forwarded from station to station, people continued to
add songs. Eventually, the list had over 150 songs.

The list was then sent out to managers, artists and radio stations
across the country, according to sources familiar with the events.
However, the move was meant as an informational campaign for programmers
not familiar with all of the songs.

On the list were rather obvious songs to be avoided like Steve Miller's
Jet Airliner, Queen's Another One Bites the Dust and Led Zeppelin's
Stairway to Heaven.

But the list was meant to help programmers who might not envision that
Everclear's Santa Monica might offend some listeners, said sources
familiar with the list. Without knowing the lyrics to the song,
programmers might have played the song that contains the lyrics swim
out past the breakers/watch the world die.

Even the BBC's Radio 1 has put a brief ban on certain songs, including
ex-Spice Girl Geri Halliwell's remake of It's Raining Men, according
to NTK.net.

Of course, not all artists were happy to hear about the list that was
circulated around the Clear Channel stations.

Former Too Much Joy front man Tim Quirk said that developing a list of
songs that might upset people was an overreaction, since some of those
on the list had messages of hope and love.

The blanket decree from Clear Channel was frightening in its apparent
assumption that all station employees and potential listeners are
insensitive morons, and the inclusion of songs of peace and wonder (such
as 'What a Wonderful World' and 'Imagine') was particularly sad and
unhelpful, Quirk said.

Major conglomerates weren't the only stations worried about
repercussions from programming.

Tazy Stein's was scheduled to broadcast his show SP Radio One from New
York during the College Media Journal music conference. Built around
live performances from emerging bands, Stein was set to feature Swedish
band, The (International) Noise Conspiracy.

After the terrorist attacks scuttled the conference, Stein had to
reconsider the content on his show, which airs on San Diego's
independently owned KFSD.

I'm a fan of their band, but it wasn't the right timing, Stein said.
The first song in their set list was called 'The Reproduction of
Death.' That obviously wasn't appropriate for my show, after those
events in New York.

Reality also forced California hip-hop group The Coup to recall a
recently released CD that featured a picture of the World Trade Center
towers on fire.

While the events in New York and Washington have forced entertainment
companies of all types to reconsider their content, some Internet sites
have pushed forward with gruesome pictures and images.

Rotten.com has continued its daily mission of publishing photographs and
video clips of dead people and animals, along with graphic sexual
encounters. Although it's announced no plans to publish photos from the
attacks, the company -- which published a 

[CTRL] BBC confirms 1991 footage was used on celebrating Palestinians (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Up until now we have not published this report. ININ is very careful to
ensure that our reports come from reliable sources as we have been burnt
by hoaxes in the best. But this info below was written by Russell Grossman
Head of Internal Communication, BBC, an offical source.

The url is at http://forums.prospero.com/id-argument/messages/?msg=6521

We hope it remains on the page.


Well I posted this up earlier this afternoon but it mysteriously
dissapeared, so here it is again with a pre-post to hopefully help people
see what I'm trying to discuss...

Now this is definately not some kind of pointer to a zionist or any other
form of conspiracy, I have never and hopefully will never subscribe to the
conspiracy theory ethos maintained by those wishing to pursue their own
agendas and prejudices. All I'm doing is passing on some news which I
thought may interest most here and maybe provoke some debate on the trust
and subsequent responsibility of news reporting agencies. I'm sure all of
you will agree that if this, and my gut instinct is yes, is true it asks a
lot of questions of the decisions and peoples involved and of the
potential damage which can be caused in future events.

Again, I will repeat as before, if anyone wants to attack me personally
for posting this then go right ahead, contrary to previous accusations I
do not engage in ill-judged farmyard activities nor hold religious beliefs
of any denomination. For those of you still willing to read the
information below and form your own opinions of what this means with
regards to the power of information within todays society read on...

There's an important point in the power of press, specifically the power
of CNN.

All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge news distributors,
and one of them - as you well know - is CNN. Very well, I guess all of you
have been seeing (just as I've been) images from this company. In
Particular, one set of images caught my attention: the Palestinians
celebrating the bombing, out on the streets, eating celebration sweets and
making funny faces for the camera.

Well, THOSE IMAGES WERE SHOT BACK IN 1991!!! Those are images of
Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait! It's simply unacceptable
that a super-power of communications as CNN uses images which do not
correspond to the reality in talking about so serious of an issue.

At the BBC here, we have these footages on videotapes recorded in 1991,
with the very same images. But now, think for a moment about the impact of
such images. Your people are hurt, emotionally fragile, and this kind of
broadcast has very high possiblity of causing waves of anger and rage
against the Palestinians.

It's simply irresponsible to show images such as those.

Russell Grossman | Head of Internal Communication | BBC
Third Floor | London Broadcasting House | LONDON W1A 1AA

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Article 2 of the International Convention of the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid of 1973 clearly defined the
term crime of apartheid. This includes similar policies and practices
of segregation and discrimination as practiced in South Africa and
which also apply to inhuman acts committed for the purpose of the
establishment and maintaining of domination by one racial group over
another. This includes the deliberated imposition of living conditions
calculated to cause physical destruction and any legislative or other
measures preventing a racial group from full development of their
political, social, economic and cultural life.  This is an accurate
description of what the zionists are doing to the Palestinian people
with the full support of the USA.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to 

Re: [CTRL] The End of Apartheid, Redux

2001-09-18 Thread Don Capps

-Caveat Lector-

From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This is drivel. The author doesn't have a clue. But he does have an
opinion. Almost all of it is wrong.

I completely agree with you Nurev. If peace and a place at the table were
all they wanted, this thing would have been settled long ago. Instead, the
countless peace talks have only served as a smokescreen behind which
Arafat and his Ishmaelite pals could hide while continuing their long war of
terror and attrition against Israel.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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