[CTRL] Star Light, Star Bright

2001-09-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


World's biggest war games to go ahead in Egypt
By Michel Sailhan CAIRO
The United States, France and other countries are moving ahead with
preparations for the world's biggest war games, with some 70,000
troops in Egypt in October, Western diplomats said here on September
The diplomats said they were virtually certain the war games, dubbed
Operation Bright Star, would go head despite the wave of terror
attacks in the United States and a much-anticipated U.S. military
Some 1,000 U.S. troops have arrived this month in northern Egypt to
take part in the military exercises, which have been staged every two
years since the 1980s, and France is also moving ahead with its
plans, they added.
Around 40,000 Egyptian and 20,000 U.S. troops will make up the bulk
of the force from 12 countries this year, they said.
The three-phase exercises will last from October 8 to November 1 and
will include training, tactical operations simulating confrontations
with enemy forces, and a final phase to test command readiness.
Maneuvers will take place in the area of Al Alamein, where British and allied forces 
won a pivotal battle against Axis forces in World War II.
Most of the exercises will be on land, some of them involving airborne troops.
France, the second largest foreign contributor with 1,500 troops, will take part with 
Germany, Britain, Spain and Greece as well as four Arab countries: Kuwait, Jordan, the 
United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.
The participation of 1,000 Italian troops has yet to be confirmed.
A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Cairo said September 17 that the American 
participation was still going ahead in the absence of any announcement to the contrary.
The U.S. forces, including U.S. Special Forces and mechanized troops,
are under orders from General Tommy Franks, who heads the Central
Command zone.
The zone covers the Horn of Africa, Egypt, the countries of the
Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as the
neighboring countries of the former Soviet Union, but excludes
Israel, Lebanon and Syria.
Washington has enlisted Pakistan's support in the war against
With its contingent of 40,000 men, Egypt is sending around one tenth
of its military capability to the exercises, which aim to show the
participants' commitment to the stability of the volatile region.
Egypt is one of the main allies of the United States, receiving $1.3
billion in military aid every year, making it the second largest
recipient after Israel.

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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 

[CTRL] Sharon snatches defeat from the belly of victory (fwd)

2001-09-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 23:21:06 EDT
Subject: [AL-AWDA] Sharon snatches defeat from the belly of victory

9 21 01
Sharon snatches defeat from the belly of victory

Sisters  brothers,

A massive gap has opened between Bush  Sharon. The 9/21 issue of NY’s
pro-Zionist Forward http://www.forward.com/ reports in detail re the
problems Bush faces because of his entanglement with Sharon  Zionism. I urge
all to download the following articles listed  study them.

As it is unrealistic to think that busy folks will drop everything to read 4
articles on anyone’s say so, allow me to focus on the highlights, so as to
stimulate you to find time to read them, asap.

The crucial fact is that “Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah... was the key factor
in convincing the administration that if Israel attacked Arafat under the
umbrella of an American campaign against Islamic terrorism, the entire Arab
world would unite against Washington. Consequently, he warned, the future of
moderate pro-American regimes, such as those in Riyadh, Cairo or Amman, would
be seriously jeopardized.”

Sharon of course wanted to use the disgraceful cheering by some Palestinians
at the deaths of thousands of Americans, against all Palestinians. Bush may
be a fool, but Powell, a sophisticated soldier with some notion of politics,
understands that they must take down bin Laden,  that is next to impossible
if the Arab masses move against the regimes. Arab  Muslim support for
catching bin Laden is crucial to the undertaking. Therefor Bush had to call
for Sharon to allow Shimon Peres to talk with Arafat. That, Sharon doesn’t
want, no way, no how.

Peres, his Foreign Minister, understands that the US must defend itself, 
that for Israel not to talk to Arafat is “rejectionist” to the nth power as
far as Americans are concerned. As the prince warned, the bottom line for
Arab support, or at least lack of opposition to US military efforts, is
Washington making Israel sit down with the Palestinians. If they don’t do
that, it will mean dead Americans, the collapse of Wall St.’s native satraps
in the region,  the lose of control of the Persian Gulf’s oil to fundamentali
sm or nationalism  the left.

Instead of cooperating, Sharon freaked out. He “took his case to the American
public... Addressing a group of Jewish community leaders in a teleconference
with reporters invited to listen in, Mr. Sharon repeated his comparison of
Mr. Arafat to bin Laden and declared that the coalition against terror
should struggle against all terror organizations— and must include the
terrorist organization led by Arafat Sharon declared: We are not going
to pay a price for this coalition. We cannot do it.

The American Jews were stunned. “Several participants in the teleconference,
which was organized by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations, privately expressed surprise and discomfort at what they
called Mr. Sharon's ‘extreme’ and ‘undiplomatic’ language.”

Everyone knows Arafat is a fool. But even a fool is wise after the event, in
this case, the cheering for bin Laden. “There were Israeli intelligence
reports that he had sent out an order to his security services to rein in the
Islamic militants of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. He was also working feverishly
to demonstrate Palestinian sympathy and solidarity with American victims of

Bush blew up: “Sharon was also said to be surprised at the stark American
insistence, delivered by President Bush in a reportedly heated conversation
with the prime minister, that Israel go ahead with plans for a meeting
between Mr. Arafat and... Peres.”

“Sharon thus found himself at loggerheads with both the administration and
his foreign minister. Mr. Peres was demanding that his meeting with Mr.
Arafat be allowed to proceed, accusing Mr. Sharon of placing Israel in an
anti-American rejectionist front.”

Now we have the crux of the matter. For good  bad reasons, Bush must have
bin Laden’s ass to show the world. But to get that fine fellow’s posterior
into his sling, he must persuade the Arab masses to let him do it. Suddenly
their decision, their activity or non-activity, has become the decisive
factor in Middle Eastern politics , more crucially, in America’s politics.

The cliche would be that Sharon snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. But
don’t have any illusions. He had to reach way down into victory's belly to
pull this brilliant stunt off. Because there is no doubt that many
Palestinians were happy at the news from America, contrary to the perfervid
denial syndrome found among many Arab-Americans, who know how enraged
millions of Americans became when they saw this. These Arab-Americans, of
many politics, follow Arafat, who they usually despise, as a fool  despot,
in minimizing that unspeakable reality.


[CTRL] Fwd: Update: Terrorism and U.S. Policy

2001-09-22 Thread Don S. Brown
The Home page for this group is:http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/

In a message dated 9/21/01 7:59:26 PM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

National Security Archive Update, September 21, 2001

*The September 11th Source Books, Volume I: Terrorism and U.S. Policy*


Washington, D.C., September 21 – The horrific September 11th terrorist attacks
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon brought all of us here at the
Archive feelings of rage at the hijackers, grief for the thousands who were
murdered, and also determination that we will contribute to finding the best
ways for America to respond. The Archive’s mission is to put on the record
the primary source documentation that can enrich the policy debate, improve
journalism, educate policymakers, and ensure that we don’t reinvent the wheel
or repeat the mistakes of the past.

To these ends, we begin today by publishing the first volume in a series
called The September 11th Sourcebooks. We have cast a wide net, because the
policy debate itself is also ranging widely, from deployment options abroad to
wiretap surveillance at home. This first volume contains the documents that
our staff experts, led by Dr. Jeffrey Richelson and coordinated by Michael
Evans, have selected as the most important primary sources on U.S. terrorism
policy. These materials include CIA biographic sketches of Usama Bin Ladin
and Taliban leader Mohammad Omar, reports from the Pentagon and the Senate
Intelligence Committee on previous terrorist attacks on the USS Cole and the
Khobar Towers, the State Department’s overview of global terrorism and the
FBI’s review of terrorism in the U.S. We have included several of the most
relevant Congressional Research Service briefs, six of the General Accounting
Office’s most recent reports on combating terrorism, plus the key policy
directives on terrorism from the Pentagon and from Presidents Reagan and

In coming days, we plan to publish a volume of documents from both Soviet and
U.S. files on the lessons of the last war in Afghanistan, and other volumes on
specific topics in the current policy debate, such as the U.S. ban on
assassinations and the CIA guidelines on recruiting assets. We welcome your
ideas, queries and suggestions for other topics and other documents. How will
we make the United States – and the world – both secure and free?

The documents are available at the following URL:


National Security Archive Update, September 21, 2001

*The September 11th Source Books, Volume I: Terrorism and U.S. Policy*


Washington, D.C., September 21 – The horrific September 11th terrorist attacks
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon brought all of us here at the
Archive feelings of rage at the hijackers, grief for the thousands who were
murdered, and also determination that we will contribute to finding the best
ways for America to respond.  The Archive’s mission is to put on the record
the primary source documentation that can enrich the policy debate, improve
journalism, educate policymakers, and ensure that we don’t reinvent the wheel
or repeat the mistakes of the past.

To these ends, we begin today by publishing the first volume in a series
called The September 11th Sourcebooks.  We have cast a wide net, because the
policy debate itself is also ranging widely, from deployment options abroad to
wiretap surveillance at home.  This first volume contains the documents that
our staff experts, led by Dr. Jeffrey Richelson and coordinated by Michael
Evans, have selected as the most important primary sources on U.S. terrorism
policy.  These materials include CIA biographic sketches of Usama Bin Ladin
and Taliban leader Mohammad Omar, reports from the Pentagon and the Senate
Intelligence Committee on previous terrorist attacks on the USS Cole and the
Khobar Towers, the State Department’s overview of global terrorism and the
FBI’s review of terrorism in the U.S.  We have included several of the most
relevant Congressional Research Service briefs, six of the General Accounting
Office’s most recent reports on combating terrorism, plus the key policy
directives on terrorism from the Pentagon and from Presidents Reagan and

In coming days, we plan to publish a volume of documents from both Soviet and
U.S. files on the lessons of the last war in Afghanistan, and other volumes on
specific topics in the current policy debate, such as the U.S. ban on
assassinations and the CIA guidelines on recruiting assets.  We welcome your
ideas, queries and suggestions for other topics and other documents.  How will
we make the United States – and the world – both secure and free?

The documents are available at the following URL:


[CTRL] Did Israelis evacuate towers

2001-09-22 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-


Did Israelis evacuate towers?
Net rumor sparked by reports from Pakistan, Hezbollah

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

With the aid and speed of the Internet, conspiracy theorists are spreading a
rumor that 4,000 Israelis who worked in the World Trade Center didn't report
for work the day two airliners commandeered by terrorists crashed into the
towers, destroying the tallest buildings in New York.

The e-mailers and Internet sites spreading the tale suggest this is evidence
Israel, not Islamic terrorists, were behind the attack Sept. 11 – or at
least had advance knowledge of it.

There's just one problem with the story, WorldNetDaily has learned. It's not

The report seems to have originated in Jordan's Al Watan newspaper and been
spread by Pakistani publications, including Jang. Versions of the story have
been repeated at news conferences by Islamic clerics in the Middle East and
Central Asia.

Alex Safian, associate director of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East
Reporting in America, or CAMERA, which monitors Middle East media coverage,
says his organization first saw the report on Lebanon's Al-Manara

Al-Manara is the television station of Hezbollah – a militant Islamic
terrorist group.

4,000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the Attack, read the
Manar TV headline Sept. 17.

With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York,
the international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take
advantage of the incident and started mourning 4,000 Israelis who work at
the two towers, started the Hezbollah story.

Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and
later it became clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the
day the incident took place.

No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded in the attacks,
the story added.

In fact, at least 130 Israelis were killed in the World Trade Center attack.
Many more are missing.

Nevertheless, Pakistani political leader Sami-ul Haq, in calling for a
nationwide strike yesterday to protest his country's plan to cooperate with
the U.S., made reference to the rumor.

Thousands of Jews working -- nothing happened to them, Haq told a roomful
of reporters.

The Israeli consulate may be partly responsible for the rumor. Immediately
after the tragic attack, it filed requests for information on as many as
4,000 Israelis who may have been in the World Trade Center at the time of
the attacks. Nearly 50,000 people work in the buildings at any one time.
Many, however, left the second tower following the first attack.

The estimated death toll is currently around 7,000, but fewer than 300
bodies have been found and even fewer identified.

An FBI spokesman claimed not to have any knowledge of the rumor and refused
comment or any interest in it.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Will conventional weapons be enough

2001-09-22 Thread tnohava


Will conventional weapons
be enough?
After '90s mil-tech 'fire sale,' mini-nukes may be necessary, say Pentagon

By Paul Sperry

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
WASHINGTON -- Ten years ago, foreign enemies watched, slack-jawed, as U.S.
armed forces put on a high-tech show in the Persian Gulf.

They previously had no idea what U.S. military capabilities were, especially
in the areas of night vision, sensors and weapons technology. And everyone
from China to Iran to Syria were shocked at the ease with which the U.S.
smashed Saddam Hussein's vaunted army.

They said, 'Gee, we didn't know we could get our clocks cleaned like
that,' said Dave Klimaj, a former Defense Department engineer who worked on
night-vision and sensors technology. So they spent the next 10 years
stealing our technology -- that is, when [former President] Clinton wasn't
handing it to them on a silver platter.

During the Clinton years, he said, military-defense technologies were
shipped overseas in a giant fire sale.

Peter Leitner, a Pentagon export-control officer, agrees that the previous
administration's relaxation of controls on dual-use exports has given U.S.
enemies -- namely China and the anti-American terrorist states it re-exports
U.S. military-related technology to -- an unnecessary leg-up in conventional

Clinton effectively dismantled the military-related export controls
regime, said Leitner, who reviews dual-use export license applications for
the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

And now, that technology is gone, said Klimaj, who retired from the
Pentagon last year. You can't pull it back. It's overseas.

In the new war against terrorism, expected to start any day now, Klimaj
predicts that American forces will see our technologies being shot back at

He also suspects the ruling Taliban militia of Afghanistan, with whom China
has unusually close ties, may use American sensors and other technology to
track and target American forces.

We'll use that to shoot at them, but you don't think they'll be so stupid
that they won't see us coming with our technology? he said. The cat's out
of the bag.

That's the worst thing, he added. When we go to war, we're fighting our
own technology now, because it's all gone. And they're all laughing at us.

Klimaj doubts missile strikes or carpet-bombing will do the job in
Afghanistan, where the terrain is so rugged, and soldiers so dug in, that
the invading Soviet army eventually gave up and retreated. In 1998, U.S.
forces pumped some 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Osama bin Laden's
terrorist training camps in Khost, Afghanistan, and they didn't touch bin

Enter the n-word. Klimaj thinks, regrettably, that the U.S. may have to
resort to using low-grade tactical nuclear weapons this time.

I don't think the conventional weapons will work, he said. I think we may
have to use little nukes.

Nobody likes to see that word [nuke], but you can't carpet-bomb
Afghanistan, Klimaj argued. It didn't do any good in Vietnam. It really
didn't work that well in the Gulf. And it's not going to do anything now.

 WorldNetDaily Will conventional weapons be enough.url

[CTRL] Slovakia Opens Airspace to American Warplanes

2001-09-22 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

Slovakia has opened their airspace to American warplanes, but they're so
far from Afghanistan that it makes me wonder why they've done this.  If
Russia has allowed use of their airspace, having Slovakia seems sort of

Any terrorists around Slovakia?

| AIM:Damaeus   |Damaeus [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| ICQ:18405845  |New Age, Conspiracy, UFO, Alien TV Listings |
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Woe to Ariel?

2001-09-22 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:43:30 +, Jacob Sabat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
posted article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 -Caveat Lector-

 What area do you in?


 From: Damaeus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What difference would it have made?  If someone had predicted this before
 it happened, people would call him a complete nut.  If it actually
 happened, they would have called him a conspirator and turned him in to
 the FBI.  Prophets can't win.  It's the nature of the job.  Prophets
 throughout history have been hunted, tortured and crucified.

| AIM:Damaeus   |Damaeus [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| ICQ:18405845  |New Age, Conspiracy, UFO, Alien TV Listings |
|---'. http://www.web-recon.com/continuum/tv |
| YahooMessenger:Damaeus |  http://www.web-recon.com |

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] New breeds of Trojan terrorist ?.....

2001-09-22 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Marilyn Wright wrote:
I mean, how do they know that there were 19 hijackers?
How do they know how many were aboard each plane?
(Did people report this in cell phone calls to relatives?)

Yes, they did...on each plane at least one passenger and/or flight
attendent got a cellphone call out reporting 'x' number of hijackers had
taken over the plane; in addition it was reported that at least on the
first plane that went into the WTC, a flight attendent called out and not
only reported the names of the hijackers, but what seats they had been
sitting in aboard the plane...

And if terrorists didn't do it, how did whoever did do it convince 19
people to get on planes and kill themselves--let alone fly into
targets that would kill thousands of innocent people?

Have you ever read The Manchurian Candidate, or seen the movie (I
highly recommend reading the book)?

This past week a Panamanian convert to Islam in my area was
arrested...the reason the authorities first arrived on the scene was due
to a 911 hangup call that was traced to this man's house...turns out it
was his mother that called regarding a domestic dispute, this guy flipped
out and started abusing her...

It would have seemed to have been just your everyday, run-of-the-mill
domestic dispute complaint...except the police found drawings of airports
this guy had done, lists of various chemical agents that could be used to
cause the greatest death and mayhem, and various dates in September
crossed off in his personal calendar, including September 11th; somehow
the authorities have determined that all of this was done BEFORE 9/11...

According to the news reports, this guy has never been in trouble with
the law, including for domestic disputes; the mother is at a loss for why
her son suddenly 'went crazy'...according to the police, if this had
happened BEFORE 9/11 this guy would have spent the night in jail and then
released with a date to appear in court, and nothing more would have been
thought about it.  But due to the increased awareness of possible
terrorist cells, the FBI has been brought in and this guy is being held
on $500,000 bond...

Both the local police and the FBI are playing the whole thing down; the
arrested man, they say, has no ties to terrorist organizations; he never
took any flight lessons; he's just gone to school and to work here for

But no one has an explanation for why this formerly law-abiding person
suddenly last month started making drawings of airport runways and
researching how to make chemical weapons and marking off dates in
September, including Tuesday the 11th; no one knows why he suddenly
became so abusive to his mother that she was prompted to call 911,
leading to the discovery of the questionable papers in his possession...

And why so many hijackers?

You need some to keep the passengers and flight crew at bay (or to kill
them), while two others fly the plane.  Two in the cockpit, at least 2
back in the plane taking care of the passengers and flight crew.  That
would make at least 16 on 4 planes.  In addition we know that on one
plane their were 2 brothers amongst the hijackers, on another 2 of the
hijackers were cousins...so it would seem that perhaps that on a couple
of the planes there were more than the bare minimum of hijackers needed
to successfully carry out the plan, because one presumes that relatives
wanted to die with their loved ones...

It still seems impossible to believe that 19 people
were able to simultaneously hijack FOUR major airliners.

Not at all; it just takes incredible discipline, and long-time research,
study, and planning...

And remember, there were probably many more than 4 planes with terrorists
on board, that luckily were grounded before they too could carry out
their mission...

And THAT, I feel, is the REAL terror of all this...any one person or
group of people with that amount of coolness, level-headedness, and
patience to devote YEARS to planning this, to getting the operatives into
place into this country well before the planned event, and who apparently
has access to a significant amount of funds...they wouldn't have planned
just one grand event to occur on one day.  They wouldn't have limited
themselves to just using commercial airliners as flying bombs.

And people with that level of coolness and patience to have waited this
long to make their first strike have the coolness and patience to wait
for the optimal time for a second strike.

I believe that, contrary to some reports, it's highly unlikely that
anything significant will occur this weekend; if anything does, I believe
it will be relatively minor, just enough to keep the U.S. citizenry

The big worry is farther down the road...especially on upcoming

Columbus Day, while it's a federal holiday, is not really a major holday,
so it's unlikely anything would be done then; ditto Veteran's Day,
although something symbolic may be attempted by the 

[CTRL] Fwd: FRB: Federal Reserve Districts and Banks

2001-09-22 Thread Saba


Re: [CTRL] FR: Exclusive-Terrorist Paymaster,Probably Bin Laden's Brother Arrested In Orlando, Sent To New York

2001-09-22 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 22 Sep 2001 at 0:31, foxter wrote:

 Cannot get the link to work, is it me?

The link doesn't work.  You can find the article by going to

Click on Forum/Topics, then put Orlando in the search field.  The
article was first on the list.


Best wishes

In times of tumult  discord, bad men have the most power; mental
moral excellence require peace.  ~~ Tacitus

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Tarbabies

2001-09-22 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


Thanks Euphorian for consistantly posting intelligent and important stuff.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Sobran Says Israel Is Responsible For The Attack : Israeli Lobby Intimid...

2001-09-22 Thread William Shannon

Sobran Says Israel Is Responsible For The Attack
Israeli Lobby Intimidating Journalists Into Misinforming Public

9/21/01 11:00:44 AM
Joe Sobran

Commentary -- Is It Worth It?

by Joe Sobran

One thing is clear: the recent horrible events in New York and Washington
nothing whatsoever, in any way, shape, or form, to do with U.S. support
Israel.  Many Arabs and Muslims hate this country and would hate it just
bitterly if there were no such thing as Israel.

At least this is what we are hearing from Israel's apologists. The
press seems to assume that America's policy toward Israel helped provoke
9/11 attack. To the naive eye this would seem rather obvious. Yet we are
assured otherwise.

Writing in the WALL STREET JOURNAL, Norman Podhoretz asserts that if
had never come into existence, or if it were magically to disappear, the
would still stand as an embodiment of everything that most of these Arabs
consider evil. Indeed, he goes on, the hatred of Israel is in large part
surrogate for anti- Americanism.

According to this argument, the terrible violence we have suffered has no
connection to our alliance with Israel; that alliance not only has no cost
us, but is a positive blessing. We are lucky to have such an ally.

In fact, by this logic, the cost of the alliance falls on Israel. It would
to follow that Israel, in its own interest, should break its special ties
the United States and reject any further American military and financial
Why should the Israelis, who have their own problems, take on all our
in addition?

Podhoretz's argument is an insult to his readers' intelligence. Of course
American support for Israel has cost this country dearly. Any fool can see
that, though in some quarters only a fool would say it out loud.

A personal note is relevant here. Fifteen years ago, Podhoretz and his
tried to get me fired from my job at NATIONAL REVIEW for saying as much.
experience taught me a lot about the limits of free speech.

When it comes to Israel, an American journalist speaks his mind at his own
risk. That helps explain why so few voices in the U.S. press are saying
European journalists may say without fear.

In the early 1980s it became clear to me that the pro-Israel lobby was
to steer the United States into conflict with the Arab world. I saw
nothing in
the American interest in that; and my own two sons were approaching the
age. Until then, I had been strongly pro-Israel myself; but sacrificing my
for Israel was a higher price than I wanted to pay. Nor did I want other
Americans to pay it.

But as soon as I began arguing publicly that the U.S.-Israel alliance was
only costly but dangerous to the United States, I became the target of
vituperation and worse. Some, like Podhoretz, tried to ruin my career. And
seen others get the same treatment.

Yet it should be clear even to those who see nothing to criticize in
that America pays a price for supporting it -- and the price just got much
heavier. No doubt there are other things that make this country hated and
despised in the Arab-Muslim world, but to deny that Israel is a chief
is dishonest. And we must be free to say so.

My point here is not that Israel, or for that matter America itself, is to
blame. It's simply in the nature of things that, for all sorts of reasons,
interests of nations conflict; and when a nation projects force abroad,
or later it is going to provoke a strong reaction. What happened to us
week was only to be expected; I don't feel like a psychic for having
it for many years.

Now we have to ask ourselves a simple question: Is it worth it? It's a
we should have asked much earlier. Of course we have to weigh the rights
wrongs of the Middle East, but there comes a time when even taking the
side may bring unbearable costs.

It's not encouraging that the U.S. military response to the 9/11 attack
been gauchely dubbed Operation Infinite Justice. Mercy may be infinite,
justice is always a matter of measure. And a sense of measure is just what
been missing in American foreign policy for lo, these many years.

Subscribe to the Sobran column. See
http://www.sobran.com/e-mail.shtml or
http://www.griffnews.com for details and samples
or call 800-513-5053 or write [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

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Re: [CTRL] New breeds of Trojan terrorist ?.....

2001-09-22 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/22/01 6:21:00 AM Central Daylight Time,

 According to the news reports, this guy has never been in trouble with
  the law, including for domestic disputes; the mother is at a loss for why
  her son suddenly 'went crazy'...according to the police, if this had
  happened BEFORE 9/11 this guy would have spent the night in jail and then
  released with a date to appear in court, and nothing more would have been
  thought about it.  But due to the increased awareness of possible
  terrorist cells, the FBI has been brought in and this guy is being held
  on $500,000 bond...

   This sounds so much like the Sirhan Sirhan mystery.

  That's not true; the passenger with the last name of Beamer (whose
  wife attended Bush's speech the other night) called 911, and the flight
  attendent on the first plane that hit the WTC called her headquarters to
  report a hijacking in progress...they asked her to look out the window to
  report what she saw, because at that moment she wasn't sure where they
  were...she reported seeing water and buildings, and they realized that
  they were going to crash into NYC, exclaimed Oh my God! and the phone
  went dead

  It just occurred to me, with all the careful planning by the hijackers, how
strange it was they didn't immediately strip all passengers of their cell
phones.  With this level of planning, it's almost inconceivable that they
overlooked this - unless it suited the overall purpose that passengers would
communicate with others.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Carla Binion Bush, the CIA and America's future

2001-09-22 Thread Samantha L.

Carla Binion: Bush, the CIA and America's future below:

If the work of Online Journal™ is important to you, we
need your financial help to deal with our ever increasing
workload and to cover our growing expenses. We labor 12-16
hours a day for you, now we must ask you to spare a few
dollars to help us. Become a Friend of Online Journal™ by
donating whatever you can to further the cause.

09-22-01: Bush, the CIA and America's future
By Carla Binion

September 22, 2001-Who are the people leading us into war? Can we trust them, and 
should we ask questions of them? In the aftermath of the recent terrorist attacks, Fox 
Network's Bill O'Reilly and other TV talking heads say it's un-American to question 
George W. Bush's policies. However, corrupt politicians, CIA dirty tricks and 
wrongheaded foreign policy do not equate to America.

When people question misguided policy, it's not the same as criticizing America. The 
working people of this country are America. The people who helped in the rescue 
efforts following the nation's recent tragedy are America. Our government leaders and 
their policies are not America, if and when they undermine our health and safety.

In a September 19, 2001 letter to the Washington Post, Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) 
says, Historically, it has been at times of inflamed passion and national anger that 
our civil liberties proved to be at greatest risk . . . Unfortunately, our response in 
1996 to the Oklahoma City bombing and now to the bombing of the World Trade Center and 
Pentagon does not portend well for today's discussions. Legislation that began in good 
faith as an effort to fine-tune our anti-terrorism laws turned into a legislative race 
to the bottom.

Conyers adds, [The legislation] contained sweeping new limitations on habeas corpus 
for death-row and other inmates. The legislation also severely narrowed the ability of 
persons fleeing for their lives from dangerous regimes to seek asylum. I sat through 
the hearings on this legislation and did not hear a single shred of evidence that 
proved that a single terrorist act could be prevented by limiting the ability of 
persons convicted in state court to obtain relief from unconstitutional convictions or 
by denying immigrants their due process rights.

We're lucky to have Representative Conyers scrutinize anti-terrorism laws. This 
country was created in part because the people questioned authority and dissented from 
corrupt government policies. Nothing could be more un-American than suppressing 
dissent against government corruption, and nothing could be more American than 
expressing it. Government is us (or America) only when it serves us well, and 
politicians are on our side only when they are not corrupt enough to try to profit 
from our losses.

Government is meant to serve the people, not the other way around. This is fundamental 
to what America means. John Conyers is one political leader who seems to understand 
that. I might not agree with him on every issue, but I think he's an example of good 
leadership. If all our politicians were more like Conyers, we might have consistently 
good government.

It's pro-America to work toward good government and criticize bad government. Here's 
an example of the very bad: If the American people knew all relevant facts, most of us 
would probably criticize our government's support of the U. S. Army School of Americas 
(SOA), located in Fort Benning, Georgia. The school has long trained terrorists.

David McGowan, (Derailing Democracy, Common Courage Press, 2000) says Amnesty 
International reported in 1998 that SOA is only one of more than 150 centers in the 
U.S.A. and abroad where foreign officers are trained. A number of SOA 'alumni' have 
been implicated in gross human rights violations.

According to McGowan, a May 22, 1998 Associated Press article, School of the Americas 
= School of the Assassins, says, Nineteen of the 26 military officers that critics 
cited in the murder of six Jesuit priests and two women in El Salvador eight years ago 
were graduates of the School of the Americas. The same article reports,  . . . it 
was revealed recently that the school [SOA] used manuals that included references to 
executions, torture and other human rights abuses.

The School of the Americas Watch web site reports the U. S. Army SOA trains Latin 
American soldiers in combat, counter-insurgency, and counter-narcotics. Graduates of 
the SOA are responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America.

According to the SOA Watch site, Among the SOA's nearly 60,000 graduates are 
notorious dictators Manuel Noriega and Omar Torrijos of Panama, Leopoldo Galtiere and 
Roberto Viola of Argentina, Juan Velasco Alvarado of Peru and many others. In 
addition, the site reports that lower-level SOA 

Re: [CTRL] check these out on bin Laden/Kashmir connection

2001-09-22 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  Can you summarize the significance of this connection for the uninitiated,
like me?  It would help me understand what I'm reading.  Thanks if you can


In a message dated 9/21/01 5:32:45 PM Central Daylight Time,










  and this started as a gut feeling!!!

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Hunters become the Hunted?

2001-09-22 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Just came out on the news that a USA Spy plane has been gunned down - no
pilot, under a control.

So it was gunned down  but now, though it appears this was simply
dreadful - we know where the enemy is for they will have location (I
Hope).from where to start the mini war.

So the Hunt begins and the Hunter becomes the hunted.

Wonder if it was an older play with up to date equipment but whoever
shot that down, made a mistake.

At least this is what I hope.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Beware of the Lowly Scorpions

2001-09-22 Thread Saba

Interesting item on the astrology angle.

Secrets in Daniel - the three Presidents and three High
Priests...for in the King James Bible, is three Presidents rather
than three High Priestssignifies the USA President and the Pope -
the usual targets and the usual suspects.

So the Hunt begins...as it was reported a spider lays 1000 eggs -
Pravda made this statement I believe (it was the phoney astrologer
soothsayer Jean Dixon who said Russia Would Beat Us to the Moon and
marked our President and the Kennedy brothers for murder.)

So 1000 eggs laid by spider; today I noted in my rose garden spiders all
over the place more than ever.   Must be going to get colder early;
however Osama put it this way You kill me, you will have 100 Osamas
taking my place.

So call the Orkin man..we got a problem.Little desert scorpions
however, revealed their location with this last sting.


Interesting item here on story of the Scorpion.sting of death.


[CTRL] What do they do - just pick Arab names from flight list?

2001-09-22 Thread Saba

Item on one of the alleged planners of the World Trade Center collapse
- note, on September 20 this man, an architect, is reported alive and
well and presumably still an architect.

Cui bono?



[CTRL] Deception for $$$

2001-09-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit

Saturday, September 22, 2001
Deception for dollars
By James Sanders  Jack Cashill
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
On September 20, The Boston Globe broke the story of how the so-
called Gore Commission failed conspicuously to address airline
safety.  The Globe claims this failure represents the clearest
recent public example of the success that airlines have long had in
defeating calls for more oversight.   The Globe traces that failure
to a series of campaign donations from the airlines to the Democratic
National Committee in 1996, in the wake of the crash of TWA Flight

Although on the right track, The Globe has gotten only half the
story.  The complete story is much more chilling.  Yes, the Clinton-
Gore team did abandon security planning for sake of campaign cash.
But worse, the White House deliberately concealed the real cause of
the crash – in no small part to justify that abandonment.

From the very beginning, the Clinton administration knew that the
airliner did not explode due to mechanical failure. George
Stephanopoulos acknowledged as much on ABC in the wake of the recent
World Trade Center attack. In my time at the White House, he said
off-handedly, (the situation room) was used in the aftermath of the
Oklahoma City bombing, in the aftermath of the TWA Flight 800
bombing, and that would be the way they would stay in contact through
the afternoon.  This revelation was reported on WND by Reed Irvine

Likewise forgetting himself, Senator John Kerry, on Larry King Live
on September 11, 2001, suggested that TWA Flight 800 was brought down
by a terrorist act.

These were not mistakes. As we have reported elsewhere, the White House realized from 
the beginning that the plane had been shot down. So unnerved was the White House by 
the potential political consequences of this scenar
io that it singled out missile as the one explanation for the crash that could not 
be pursued, even discussed.  Almost immediately, its operatives channeled the 
investigation into a false dialectic between bomb and mech
anical failure.

In the days to come, no government representative would openly volunteer information 
about a missile.  There would be no public discussion of the troubling radar data sent 
to the White House, no mention of the 96 eyewitne
sses who saw an object streak off the horizon towards TWA 800, no reference to the 
National Guard helicopter pilots who stared the missile attack in its face or the 
senior Navy NCO who watched it from above on US Air 217.

On July 25th of that year, feigning an open mind, President Clinton announced the 
formation of a commission to deal with the perceived attack on that doomed airplane.  
It would be called The White House Commission on Avia
tion Safety and Security and was officially established by Executive Order on August 
22.  Chairing the commission was to be Vice President Al Gore.

On August 14, 1996, President Clinton invited Victoria Cummock, the widow of a Pan Am 
Flight 103 victim and an airline-safety advocate, to join the Commission.  In inviting 
her, the president assured Cummock that he wante
d to develop tough new counter-terrorism measures.  With the timing of this 
invitation, however, he may well have hoped to offset the bombshell announcement in 
that morning's New York Times.

Now that investigators say they think the center fuel tank did not explode, wrote 
The Times on August 14th, they say the only good explanations remaining are that a 
bomb or a missile brought down the plane off Long Isl

That same day, The Times reported that analyses of the debris field, the center wing 
tank and explosive residue on the plane combined to deal a serious blow to the 
already remote possibility that a mechanical accident ca
used the crash.

Given the perceived seriousness of the threat that August, Clinton also appointed to 
the Commission former CIA Director John M. Deutch, Department of Transportation 
Secretary Federico F. Peña, retired Air Force General Jo
hn Michael Loh, and others with experience in aviation safety and security matters.

The full Commission held its first executive session on September 5, 1996, and on 
September 9, the Commission submitted its tough preliminary report to the president, 
advancing 20 recommendations to strengthen aviation se
curity.  At a press conference that day, Vice President Gore declared his strong 
support for these proposals.

But this support did not last for long. Within 10 days, the whole (airline) industry 
jumped all over Al Gore, Mrs. Cummock would claim. As The Globe correctly reports, 
this pressure took the form of an intense lobbying
campaign aimed at the White House. On September 19, Gore backed off the proposal in a 
letter to Carol Hallett, president of the industry's trade group, the Air 

[CTRL] U.S. Israel Stand Alone

2001-09-22 Thread William Shannon

Israel, U.S. only countries where majority backs military strike

By Ha'aretz Service and Reuters

A poll in more than 30 countries showed that although the majority of international public opinion opposes a massive U.S. military strike in retaliatation for last week's terror attacks in Washington and New York, in Israel and the United States the majority favors a military response against states shown to harbor terrorists. People questioned elsewhere preferred to see suspected terrorists extradited and put on trial.

"Seventy-seven percent of Israelis backed military action, while 54 percent of Americans were in favor," said Swiss polling firm Isopublic, which conducted the survey in Switzerland.

"Around 80 percent of Europeans and around 90 percent of South Americans favor extradition and a court verdict. By European comparison, calls for a tough military response were above average among the French [29 percent] and the Dutch [28 percent]," it said.

The surveys were done between September 17 and 19, around one week after the September 11 suicide attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington killed more than 6,000 people.

Clear majorities of between 70 and 80 percent supported limiting any strike to military rather than civilian targets, the survey found. Asked if their own country should support a U.S. military asssault, people in NATO countries other than Greece tended to agree.

Four out of five Danes backed the idea, followed by 79 percent in Britain and 73 percent in France. Greeks were the least enthusiastic with only 29 percent, below 53 percent in Germany and 58 percent in Norway and Spain.

The survey was carried out in Argentina, Austria, Bosnia, Britain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United States and Zimbabwe.


[CTRL] Mossad Link To 1st WTC Bombing Raises Eyebrows

2001-09-22 Thread William Shannon

Mossad Link to First WTC Bombing Raises Eyebrows
Eight years ago a prescient article appeared in The Village Voice, which bears noting in the aftermath of the terror of Sept. 11.
Exclusive To American Free Press

By Michael Collins Piper
Here are the facts about the Mossad connection to the first attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) revealed by investigative reporter Robert I. Friedman in the Aug. 3, 1993 article in The Village Voice, an independent left-wing New York weekly that has occasionally dared to raise criticisms of Israel.

Friedman reported that Ahmad Ajaj, a 27-year-old West Bank Palestinian held in federal custody for conspiring to bomb the World Trade Center, may have been a Mossad mole, according to Israeli intelligence sources. 

Ajaj was arrested at Kennedy Airport on Sept. 1, 1992, after he arrived on a Pakistani International flight from Peshawar carrying a forged Swedish passport and bomb-making manuals. He was taken into custody, and subsequently pleaded guilty to entering the country illegally. 

Ajaj's traveling companion was Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, an Iraqi who law enforcement sources say is a "key player" in the World Trade Center bombing.

Although the FBI identified Ajaj as a senior intifada terrorist, with links to Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist organization, Kol Ha'ir, a respected Hebrew-language weekly published in Jerusalem, said Ajaj was never involved in intifada activities or with Hamas or even the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Instead, according to Kol Ha'ir, Ajaj was actually a petty crook arrested in 1988 for counterfeiting U.S. dollars out of East Jerusalem. Ajaj was convicted of counterfeiting and then sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.

According to Friedman, writing in The Village Voice: "It was during his prison stay that Mossad, Israel's CIA, apparently recruited him, say Israeli intelligence sources. By the time he was released after having served just one year, he had seemingly undergone a radical transformation." 

Friedman reports that Ajaj had suddenly become a devout Muslim and an outspoken hard-line nationalist. Then, Ajaj was arrested for smuggling weapons into the West Bank, supposedly for El Fatah, a subdivision of the PLO.

But Friedman's sources in Israeli intelligence say that the arrest and Ajaj's subsequent deportation were "staged by Mossad to establish his credentials as an intifada activist. Mossad allegedly 'tasked' Ajaj to infiltrate radical Palestinian groups operating outside Israel and to report back to Tel Aviv. Israeli intelligence sources say that it is not unusual for Mossad to recruit from the ranks of common criminals."

After Ajaj's "deportation" from Israel, he showed up in Pakistan where he turned up in the company of the anti-Soviet mujahedin rebels in Afghanistan.

This in itself could point further toward Ajaj working for the Mossad, for according to Covert Action Information Bulletin (September 1987) the funding and supply lines for the mujahedin was not only the "the second largest covert operation" in the CIA's history, but it was also, according to former Mossad operative Victor Ostrovsky (writing in The Other Side of Deception) under the direct supervision of the Mossad.

After Ajaj's ventures with the mujahedin, he popped up in New York and purported to befriend members of a small so-called "radical" clique surrounding Sheikh Abdel-Rahman who was accused of being the mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing.

On Feb. 26, 1993, the day of the first World Trade center bombing, Ajaj was "safe" in federal prison serving a six-month sentence for entering the country on a forged passport. Later, he was indicted for conspiracy in the WTC bombing.

Said Robert Friedman:
If Ajaj was recruited by Mossad, it is not known whether he continued to work for the Israeli spy agency after he was deported. One possibility, of course, is that upon leaving Israel and meeting radical Muslims close to the blind Egyptian sheikh, his loyalties shifted.
Friedman reports a second frightening possibility: 
Another scenario is that he had advance know ledge of the World Trade Center bombing, which he shared with Mossad, and that Mossad, for whatever reason, kept the secret to itself. If true, U.S. intelligence sources speculate that Mossad might have decided to keep the information closely guarded so as not to compromise its undercover agent.
Friedman broke amazing ground with these revelations that were ignored by the mainstream press. H

[CTRL] Zionists Turn Against U.N.

2001-09-22 Thread William Shannon

Zionists Turn Against UN
NY Post Editorial Demands US Withdrawal
9/21/01 2:13:26 PM

LSN Staff
New York, NY -- American Zionists are turning against the United Nations.

Sine the UN condemned Israel as a racist state, and since much of the rest of
the world is refusing to support the US neo-conservative position that the US
much launch, on behalf of Judaism, a "holy war" or "crusade" (Crusade is
English for "holy war" and is roughly equivalent to the term "jihad") against
Islam, the conservative Zionist press in this country is beginning to demand a
US withdrawal from the UN.

For years, the UN served as the cornerstone of an internationalist-globalist
scheme, in which Zionism plays a key role, of a "New World Order", in which
international boundaries would blur and the globe would come under the control
of one united financial elite.

But with the contradictions of capitalism reaching a frenzied peak, the
domination of the "have-nots" in the pseudo-democratic body threatens the
legitimacy of the financial class' and the Zionist's order -- and so the
financial classes and the Zionists are seeking to de-legitimize the UN.

These internal contradiction within Zionism, which have also been highlighted
by LA Times and Washington Post articles attacking Ariel Sharon, in an attempt
to reign in the rogue Israeli state and have it show the Bush administration
that it is not a liability, are beginning to rend the New Order, and the false
reality, that the united financial democratic media have spent the past five or
more decades creating.

"IT'S time for the United Nations to get the hell out of town. And take with it
CNN war slut Christiane Amanpour," wrote New York Post columnist, and Zionist,
Andrea Peysner, today, "The once-shiny beacon of peace has devolved into a
cancer, where all manner of anti-American lunacy is hatched."

Later in the piece, the NY Post columnist reveals it is not "anti-American"
but "anti-Israeli" "lunacy" that enrages her, quoting Armanpour as
saying, "hatefully" that "... the United States' close alliance with
Israel, ... is a key reason for the anti-Americanism on the rise in the Middle
East", and then reminding Armanpour that she has "Jewish in-laws."

Though Zionism is not the total ideology of the ruling class, and it is not the
ideology of the total Jewish community (the NY Post is owned, for instance, by
an Australian Zionist, the same man who owns FOX News), it has become a
dominant ideology among the various factions that come together to form the
ruling class, and has been manifested by the theft of $5 billion dollars each
year in tax revenue for the purpose of "military and economic aid" to Israel.

Re: [CTRL] New breeds of Trojan terrorist ?.....

2001-09-22 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

I think its spreads the terror, which is the point of terrorism. They didn't
see that the cell phones would make a difference, and for the most part,
they didn't.
-- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -
The police aren't here to create disorder, they are here to preserve

Mayor Richard Daley

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 11:58:38 EDT
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] New breeds of Trojan terrorist ?.

 It just occurred to me, with all the careful planning by the hijackers, how
 strange it was they didn't immediately strip all passengers of their cell
 phones.  With this level of planning, it's almost inconceivable that they
 overlooked this - unless it suited the overall purpose that passengers would
 communicate with others.

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[CTRL] OT: Poem: One

2001-09-22 Thread Taliesin2

-Caveat Lector-


As the soot and dirt and ash rained down,
We became one color.
As we carried each other down the stairs of the burning building,
We became one class.
As we lit candles of waiting and hope,
We became one generation.
As the firefighters and police officers fought their way into the inferno,
We became one gender.
As we fell to our knees in prayer for strength,
We became one faith.
As we whispered or shouted words of encouragement,
We spoke one language.
As we gave our blood in lines a mile long,
We became one body.
As we mourned together the great loss,
We became one family.
As we cried tears of grief and loss,
We became one soul.
As we retell with pride of the sacrifice of heroes,
We become one people.

We are
One color
One class
One generation
One gender
One faith
One language
One body
One family
One soul
One people

  author unknown

Your children are taken from you by force, sent to a school of which you
may or may not approve, to study subjects you don't have to like, under
teachers that you didn't hire, and probably can't fire; and the whole
system is paid for by money extorted from you at the point of a gun.
Given that arrangement as the structural foundation of something as
important as education, we should be surprised by the kids that DO
survive public schooling, rather than the relatively few who don't.
- Ayn Rand on public schools
ICQ: 9815080   Operator Taliesin_2 of #SacredNemeton on IRC PaganPaths

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Students' Views Markedly Pro-Gay (fwd)

2001-09-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[Note:  The pro-gay report, conducted by Zogby International and
co-released by MTV and Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., labels kids like
Tim and Emily as 'the anti-gay minority' - which it calls 'highly religious
Christians who regard homosexuality as a moral or religious question'.
Well, I guess that includes me then. - Tony]

September 19, 2001

Students' Views Markedly Pro-Gay
By Stuart Shepard, correspondent


The next generation of voters appears to hold strikingly pro-homosexual
attitudes, and those views appear to be the result of the proliferation of
the gay tolerance message.

For most teen-agers, high school isn't just a place to learn a subject or
play sports, but it's a venue for developing attitudes about life. For
example, what do high school students think about homosexual marriage? If
you ask Colorado Springs, Colo., high school seniors like Tim and Emily,
they support Christian morality.

Said Tim: I think it's wrong and immoral.

Gay adoption?

Emily responded: I don't think that two moms or two dads is going to be
good for the kid.

But views like those are becoming fewer all the time. Today, kids their age
are generally quite accepting of pro-homosexual attitudes.

I think because we've grown up with homosexuality, it doesn't seem quite
as different to us, Tim said.

A recent survey of 1,000 high school seniors across the nation shows two
out of three, or 67 percent, favor same-sex marriage and gay adoption.
Seven in 10 say gay men should lead Boy Scout troops. The pro-gay report,
conducted by Zogby International and co-released by MTV and Hamilton
College in Clinton, N.Y., labels kids like Tim and Emily as the anti-gay
minority - which it calls highly religious Christians who regard
homosexuality as a moral or religious question.

Mike Haley, gender and youth analyst at Focus on the Family, finds the poll
results frustrating.

The gays have used a 'tolerance' message to push this through, rather than
a truthful message, Haley said. And the problem is, we have kids that are
tolerant of everything, but yet are standing for nothing in the area of

Haley said Christian families need to do some outreach of their own.

We may think that we take our children to church on Wednesdays or on
Sundays and that our kids don't need to know (about homosexuality), but
it's our kids' friends that we need to begin to reach, Haley said.

Without it, Haley said the culture shift will be complete in just a few years.

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

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Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be
based upon and embody the teachings of the
Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should
be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent
our civilization and our institutions are emphatically
Christian ... this is a religious people. This is historically
true. From the discovery of this continent to the
present hour, there is a single voice making this
affirmation ... we find everywhere a clear definition
of the same truth ... this is a Christian nation.
(Church of the Holy Trinity vs. United States,
143 US 457, 36 L ed 226, Justice Brewer)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Public relations coup for Israel (fwd)

2001-09-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

American Muslims for Jerusalem
208 G Street, NE, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20002
Tel: (202) 548-4200
Fax: (202) 548-4201
Website: www.amjerusalem.org

Israeli academic calls attack public relations coup for Israel

(Washington, DC, 9/21/01) – Benjamin Netanyahu’s testimony before
Congress yesterday is a shameless attempt to capitalize on the attack on
America.  Even more shameless is the claim of Hebrew University’s Ehud
Sprinzak that the attack on America is “the most important public
relations act ever committed in our favor.” “Many of us feel
vindicated by this,” he said.  Since September 11th, Israeli
commentators and politicians have been quick to offer America a smug
“now you know how we feel.” That came, of course, with an immediate
escalation of attacks on Palestinians and incursions into Palestinian
lands.  An Israeli army source reported that the two days immediately
following the attack constituted the “largest number of simultaneous
operations since the uprising started.” While America busies itself
forming an international coalition, President Bush has made it clear that
this is no time for equivocation.  This is not a time for narrow agendas
– like that of Netanyahu and his host Congressman Tom Lantos – to be
pushed in the halls of Congress.  It is certainly not a time for Israelis
to feel “vindicated.” America has long believed in the enduring
friendship between America and Israel.  Americans have long paid for that
friendship with 5 billion of their tax dollars a year.  “The myth of
Israel as a strategic asset is once again exposed,” said AMJ Executive
Director Khalid Turaani.  “The only way Israel can be anything but a
very expensive strategic liability is for it to stay out of the way.”
Over the past year, Israeli aggression against Palestinians has strained
American relations with the Muslim and Arab worlds.  Israel has used
American weapons to bomb residential areas, assassinate political
officials and kill hundreds of Palestinian civilians.  America’s efforts
to build a broad coalition now will be weakened if it continues to
acquiesce to ongoing Israeli occupation.


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Article 2 of the International Convention of the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid of 1973 clearly defined the
term crime of apartheid. This includes similar policies and practices
of segregation and discrimination as practiced in South Africa and
which also apply to inhuman acts committed for the purpose of the
establishment and maintaining of domination by one racial group over
another. This includes the deliberated imposition of living conditions
calculated to cause physical destruction and any legislative or other
measures preventing a racial group from full development of their
political, social, economic and cultural life.  This is an accurate
description of what the zionists are doing to the Palestinian people
with the full support of the USA.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Deception for $$$

2001-09-22 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 22 Sep 2001 at 13:26, Euphorian wrote:


 Saturday, September 22, 2001
 Deception for dollars
 By James Sanders  Jack Cashill
 © 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
 On September 20, The Boston Globe broke the story of how the
 called Gore Commission failed conspicuously to address airline
 safety.  The Globe claims this failure represents the clearest
 recent public example of the success that airlines have long had
 defeating calls for more oversight.   The Globe traces that failure
 to a series of campaign donations from the airlines to the
 National Committee in 1996, in the wake of the crash of TWA

 Although on the right track, The Globe has gotten only half the
 story.  The complete story is much more chilling.  Yes, the
 Gore team did abandon security planning for sake of campaign
 But worse, the White House deliberately concealed the real
cause of
 the crash – in no small part to justify that abandonment.

What measures could the airline industry possibly take to prevent a
plane being shot down by a missile?

Best wishes

In times of tumult  discord, bad men have the most power; mental
and moral excellence require peace.  ~~Tacitus

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] America's Enemies Rally (fwd)

2001-09-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[[Note:  Twisted history from twisted minds, these domestic enemies of all
that remains that is good about this nation, all that is worth taking a
stand to save, oppose themselves and make use of liberty to destroy
liberty.  They, with their shriveled and sour souls, are the very
definition of what it means to be Anti-American, they are the living
antithesis of what America was intended by our founders to be, what it once
was and can be again.  These are among the domestic enemies of this nation,
and like all domestic enemies they must be revealed for what they are,
diseased children infected with a hatred for their own nation, and a
promoter of that which is corrupt.  We who love America enough to take a
stand against the evil that has infected it must stand opposed to these
warped people.  No, we as a nation have not always been correct in our
foreign and domestic affairs, and we the people must demand accountability
on the part of our leadership for wrongs committed, and of ourselves for
allowing them by our apathy to be elected to office in the first place, and
not demanding that they be held accountable for their wrong.  However, we
are not the evil oppressor nation that these folks claim us to be, yet.
But we will be if true Americans do not take a stand against those who
would subvert our national character, and to restore our nation once again
to that which it was intended to be by those who founded it in liberty, and
passed it on to our generation to guard.  The purpose of this list is and
always has been to expose and oppose all foreign and domestic enemies of
liberty and freedom, in or out of government, including those who cannot
differentiate between hating the evil that has infected the nation and
hating the nation itself.  - Tony]

America's Enemies Rally at UNC-Chapel Hill
By Michelle Oswell and Michael Burdei
FrontPageMagazine.com | September 21, 2001


A CONGREGATION of faithful left-wing fundamentalists descended en masse at
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Monday night, to practice
one of their most sacred rituals: spewing hatred for America.

If I were the President I would first apologize to all the widows and
orphans, the tortured and the impoverished, and all the millions of other
victims of American imperialism. Then . . . I would announce that America's
global interventions had come to an end, preached William Blum, author of
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.

I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90 percent and I would
use the savings to pay the reparations to our victims and to increase
social services. . .

Nod, nod, nod - clap, clap, clap responded the 700 faculty, students and
community members in attendance.

If one [of the perpetrators] is Osama bin Laden, send the international
police for him and pick up Henry Kissinger and Augusto Pinochet on the way
home, declared Catherine Lutz, professor of Anthropology.

This recipe for national suicide received boisterous applause from the
crowd, who continued to nod, smile, cough, clap... everything but actually
think. But none of that mattered at the moment. The crowd obviously liked
what they heard.

The UNC Progressive Faculty Network sponsored this teach-in on September
17, titled Understanding the Attack on America: an Alternative View. It
provided neither an understanding of the attack nor any surprising
sentiments from the left: just the same, tired rhetoric that Campus
Leftists have been spouting for years.

The panelists stepped forward with one Anti-American libel after another,
almost as if there were a competition among them to see who could hate our
country the most. One crowd-pleaser was William Blum's jab at Cuban
immigrants and America's relations with them.

There are few if any nations in the world that have harbored more
terrorists than the United States. And one example, the anti-Castro Cubans
in Miami, have [performed] hundreds if not thousands of terrorist attacks
in the U.S. and Cuba and elsewhere. All kinds of murders and bombings for
decades, and they have been harbored here in safety for those decades.

UNC Sociology professor Charlie Kurzman blamed recent events on a Military
Industrial Complex.

We're playing into the hands of our own militarists, whose interests
always lie, I believe, in the exaggeration of threats, armed responses, and
so on. In fact, I would argue that there is tacit collusion among the
militarists of all sides.

Also drawing applause was a diatribe against the perennial scapegoat, the
white male of European descent by self-proclaimed Arab-American activist
and person of color, Rania Masri.

So it seems that simply looking Middle Eastern has become a crime. And
this has further fueled the xenophobic sentiment that is taking hold of
this country. And I say xenophobic because it's not simply Arab-Americans,
Muslim-Americans, and Indian-Americans that are 

[CTRL] Targetting Responsibility

2001-09-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


 The CIA passed responsibility for backing mojahedin terrorism to the
 British - much of it coordinated by an MI6 officer in Islamabad.

We have to recall that the Britlanders have a great deal of
dislike for their failures in colonising this part of the world, that
of Afghanland.  Their enthusiasm for seeing a former adversary
brought to ruin on the one hand and not allowing a different
adversary to prevail on the other seems to be tailor-made.  If we
can't have it, no one can!  attitude.

I have two takes on Bush's comment to Blair in the Capitol this past
Thursday.  One, his thanking his friend was earnest and genuine for
having someone who would stand with him.  The other, second, is a
veiled bit of sarcasm, realising that if the Britlanders had not been
so intent on their colonialism and imperialism earlier on. much of
what has happened in the past two weeks and what is going on today
would never have happened.  Notice that in the past week, Bush has
had the heads of France and Britland as visitors. These two
orchestrated the European view of not only what happened to Europe
following WW One but what eventually evolved as the Middle East as we
find it today.  My comments to each of the two would include
references to this.  AER 

Blair has made Britain a target
The prime minister's belligerence is dangerously irresponsible. We
want an end to terrorism, not a new war
Special report: terrorism in the US
John Pilger
Friday September 21, 2001
The Guardian
The prime minister's we are at war statements are irresponsible in
the extreme. It is said that some of his senior officials understand
this, as do many MPs: thus the messages of restraint now being
whispered to journalists.
Tony Blair is endangering the people of this country as well as
Britons abroad. His willingness to join Bush's crusade and use
military force will neither avenge nor bring justice to nor honour
the memory of the ordinary people who died so terribly in America
last week because this will almost certainly lead to a gratuitous
slaughter of more innocents in Afghanistan, Iraq or elsewhere. It
also risks nurturing a new generation of suicidal killers. Two years
ago, Denis Halliday, the assistant secretary general of the United
Nations who resigned over the Anglo-American-imposed embargo of Iraq,
told me: We are likely to see the emergence of those who may well
regard Saddam Hussein as too moderate and too willing to listen to
the west. Such is the desperation of people whose children are dying
in their thousands and who are bombed almost every day by American
and British planes.
Blair's wanton disregard of this threat has been demonstrated in
recent years. On a bogus pretext, he joined America's all-out assault
on Iraq in 1998 and backed Clinton's missile attack on a
pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. The following year, his moral
crusade with Clinton against Yugoslavia killed hundreds of innocent
civilians. This summer, the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported the
Bush and Blair governments had privately given Sharon a green light
to invade Palestinian territories. With each of these actions, and
now his bellicose declarations, Blair increases the risk of terrorist
attack against British citizens.
Blair's being shoulder to shoulder with Bush means allying this
country to a willingness to kill large numbers of non-Americans in
pursuit of uncertain immediate goals that has long been a feature of
US policy. This list is long. Remember, if you can, the free fire
zones, including the use of chemical weapons, that killed as many as
50,000 civilians every year in Vietnam; the bombing of Cambodia that
killed 600,000 people; the unnecessary slaughter of tens of thousands
of Iraqis during the 1991 Gulf war, the beginning of a silent
holocaust that has since claimed half a million children, according
to the UN. For Blair and Bush to say that war has been declared upon
America is rich.
During my lifetime, America has been constantly waging war against
much of humanity: impoverished people mostly, in stricken places.
Moreover, far from being the main perpetrators of terrorism, Islamic
peoples have been its victims - more often than not of an American
fundamentalism and its proxies.
Blair is acting like a schoolboy who has never seen war and what
cluster bombs do to human beings. He and the Queen shed tears for the
victims in America; they have yet to shed tears for his - yes, his -
victims in Iraq. Nor will St Paul's cathedral be reconvened to mourn
the innocents who will die when he and Bush attack the shadows of
Osama bin Laden.
In these surreal days, there is one truth. Nothing justified the
killing of innocent people in America last week and nothing justifies
the killing of innocent people anywhere else.
For the prime minister to behave responsibly, he would have to speak
out with a very different voice. He could 

[CTRL] Official Enemies Wanted

2001-09-22 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.


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The Need for Dissent Voices from Britain and the US highlight the
risks of a hasty response by George Monbiot

If Osama bin Laden did not exist, it would be necessary to invent

For the past four years, his name has been invoked whenever a US
president has sought to increase the defense budget or wriggle out
of arms control treaties. He has been used to justify even President
Bush's missile deface program, though neither he nor his associates
are known to possess anything approaching ballistic missile
technology. Now he has become the personification of evil required
to launch a crusade for good:

the face behind the faceless terror.

The closer you look, the weaker the case against Bin Laden becomes.
While the terrorists who inflicted Tuesday's dreadful wound may
have been inspired by him, there is, as yet, no evidence that they
were instructed by him. Bin Laden's presumed guilt appears to rest
on the supposition that he is the sort of man who would have done
it. But his culpability is irrelevant: his usefulness to western
governments lies in his power to terrify. When billions of pounds
of military spending are at stake, rogue states and terrorist
warlords become assets precisely because they are liabilities.

By using Bin Laden as an excuse for demanding new military spending,
weapons manufacturers in America and Britain have enhanced his
iconic status among the disgruntled. His influence, in other words,
has been nurtured by the very industry which claims to possess the
means of stamping him out. This is not the only way in which the
new terrorism crisis has been exacerbated by corporate power. The
lax airport security which enabled the hijackers to smuggle weapons
on to the planes was, for example, the result of corporate lobbying
against the stricter controls the government had proposed.

Now Tuesday's horror is being used by corporations to establish
the preconditions for an even deadlier brand of terror. This week,
while the world's collective back is turned, Tony Blair intends to
allow the mixed oxide plant at Sellafield to start operating. The
decision would have been front-page news at any other time. Now
it's likely to be all but invisible. The plant's operation, long
demanded by the nuclear industry and resisted by almost everyone
else, will lead to a massive proliferation of plutonium, and a high
probability that some of it will find its way into the hands of
terrorists. Like Ariel Sharon, in other words, Blair is using the
reeling world's shock to pursue policies which would be unacceptable
at any other time.

For these reasons and many others, opposition has seldom been more
necessary. But it has seldom been more vulnerable. The right is
seizing the political space which has opened up where the twin
towers of the World Trade Center once stood.

Civil liberties are suddenly negotiable. The US seems prepared to
lift its ban on extra-judicial executions carried out abroad by
its own agents. The CIA might be permitted to employ human rights
abusers once more, which will doubtless mean training and funding
a whole new generation of Bin Ladens. The British government is
considering the introduction of identity cards. Radical dissenters
in Britain have already been identified as terrorists by the
Terrorism Act 2000. Now we're likely to be treated as such.

The authoritarianism which has long been lurking in advanced
capitalism has started to surface. In these pages yesterday, William
Shawcross - Rupert Murdoch's courteous biographer - articulated
the new orthodoxy:

America is, he maintained, a beacon of hope for the world's poor
and dispossessed and for all those who believe in freedom of thought
and deed. These believers would presumably include the families
of the Iraqis killed by the sanctions Britain and the US have
imposed; the peasants murdered by Bush's proxy war in Colombia;
and the tens of millions living under despotic regimes in the Middle
East, sustained and sponsored by the US.

William Shawcross concluded by suggesting that we are all Americans
now, an echo of Pinochet's maxim that we are all Chileans now:
by which he meant that no cultural distinctions would be tolerated
and no indigenous land rights recognized. Shawcross appeared to
suggest that those who question American power are the enemies of
democracy. It's a different way of formulating the warning voiced
by members of the Bush 

[CTRL] Fortunate Son; CIA's Tracks Lead in Disastrous Circle; Media Alliance; and other links

2001-09-22 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Common Dreams New Center
Breaking News and Views for the Progressive Community
Fortunate Son: Second Edition
 J.H. Hatfield

 http://www.softskull.com/   --(Scroll down to the third featured title)

CIA's Tracks Lead in Disastrous Circle
By Robert Scheer
Published September 17, 2001
in the Los Angeles Times

So, we've come full circle. The CIA, which originally helped
train Osama bin Laden and many of the other terrorists who
have turned against us, now will have its powers expanded to
do more of the same.

Of course, the CIA did not traffic with Islamic fanatics on
its own initiative but was following a policy proclaimed by
President Reagan of support for the valiant and courageous
Afghan freedom fighters.

There's something absurd in the sentiment of congressional
leaders, who the New York Times reported Sunday have
concluded that American spy agencies should be allowed to
combat terrorism with more aggressive tactics, including the
hiring of unsavory foreign agents. When did the CIA stop
hiring unsavory agents? Like Bin Laden, the CIA recruited
freedom fighters from throughout the Islamic world to
overthrow the secular government in Kabul that was backed by
the Soviets.

Bin Laden was no minor recruit to the cause but, given his
wealthy father's close ties to the Saudi royal family, was
received by the Afghans and Pakistanis on the highest levels
and embraced by them up to the days preceding the disastrous
attack on the U.S.

Bin Laden turned against the U.S. as a consequence of the Gulf
War, when the Saudi leadership rejected his advice to rely on
native fighters and instead turned over the country's defense
to the U.S. military, which overwhelmed that underpopulated
desert kingdom with the bravado of more than half a million
troops. The much-proclaimed success of former President Bush's
Gulf War, despite the enormous civilian collateral damage-a
horror never acknowledged in this country-did not topple
Saddam Hussein but left a bitter trail of anti-U.S. fervor.
When Bin Laden returned to Afghanistan, he found many willing
Muslim recruits. Like Bin Laden, those identified as the
perpetrators of the recent debacle were raised in the bosom of
indulgent Arab oil states that financed their education
abroad, including years of flight school for at least one of
the Saudi pilots who smashed into the World Trade Center.
They're far more skilled than the terrorists of the past.

But it's nonsense to suggest that the CIA has been hamstrung
in going after Bin Laden, when President Clinton specifically
empowered it to do so three years ago. As Bob Woodward and
Vernon Loeb reported in the Washington Post last week : The
CIA has been authorized since 1998 to use covert means to
disrupt and preempt terrorist operations planned abroad by
Saudi extremist Osama bin Laden under a directive signed by
President Bill Clinton and reaffirmed by President Bush this
year, according to government sources.

Bin Laden's operation has been under constant surveillance;
Clinton ordered the blasting of his training camps in response
to a previous terrorist attack. If Bin Laden was responsible
for this most recent attack, it represents nothing less than a
startling failure of U.S. intelligence.

Ironically, under our new president, U.S. policy even had
tilted toward the view that we could work with the Taliban
thugs who have harbored Bin Laden, as evidenced last May when
U.S. drug enforcement officials visited the country and
celebrated that regime's success in limiting opium production.
Taliban's Ban on Poppy a Success, U.S. Aides Say was the New
York Times headline, with glowing endorsements from U.S.
officials. The story reported, The sudden turnaround by the
Taliban, a move that left international drug experts stunned
... opens the way for American aid to the Afghan farmers who
have stopped planting poppies. On [May 17], Secretary of State
Colin L. Powell announced a $43-million grant to Afghanistan
in additional emergency aid to cope with the effects of a
prolonged drought. The United States has become the biggest
donor to help Afghanistan in the drought. Powell issued a
statement that the U.S. would continue to look for ways to
provide more assistance to the Afghans.

This is typical of the mixed signals we've been sending. Call
it what you will, even humanitarian aid, and funnel it through
the United Nations, but the effect is the same: to send to the
Taliban a signal that its support of Bin Laden has been
somehow acceptable.

From the beginning, over the last 20 years, our entire Afghan
policy has provided a reminder of the dangers of blowback, a
phrase used to describe the turning of the 

Re: [CTRL] OT: Poem: One

2001-09-22 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Wonder if this is how the young man and his family felt as they watched
their son and his dog burn to death in a fire - while a Sheriff claimed
it went just as planned.

Why is it I am still remembering this guy, who had done nothing to harm
his neighborgs, but only wanted to be a friend.

He mingled with his neighbors and made the remark he trained dogs for
the FBI.he said he was with the Marshalls office - or was he, for
the records were sealed.

Well he was not one of us, was he.


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Re: [CTRL] Radio Sings Self-Censorship Tune

2001-09-22 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 9/18/01 4:05:20 PM Central Daylight Time,

  They are rock classics, heard on radio stations across the
country for
   more than two decades. But now they're on a list of about 150
songs that
   a group of radio programmers deemed too offensive to play on
   airwaves in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks.

I think this report is BS.  The station I listen to most is a
Clearchannel station, and I've heard them play Imagine not five
minutes ago.

Best wishes

There are people who lie simply for the sake of lying. - Pascal

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2001-09-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Cato Foreign Policy Briefing No. 50
December 17, 1998

The Historical Record
by Ivan Eland
Ivan Eland is director of defense policy studies at the Cato
Executive Summary
According to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, terrorism is the
most important threat the United States and the world face as the
21st century begins.  High-level U.S. officials have acknowledged
that terrorists are now more likely to be able to obtain and use
nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons than ever before.

Yet most attention has been focused on combating terrorism by
deterring and disrupting it beforehand and retaliating against it
after the fact.  Less attention has been paid to what motivates
terrorists to launch attacks.  According to the Pentagon's Defense
Science Board, a strong correlation exists between U.S. involvement
in international situations and an increase in terrorist attacks
against the United States.  President Clinton has also acknowledged
that link.  The board, however, has provided no empirical data to
support its conclusion.  This paper fills that gap by citing many
examples of terrorist attacks on the United States in retaliation for
U.S. intervention overseas.  The numerous incidents cataloged suggest
that the United States could reduce the chances of such devastating--
and potentially catastrophic--terrorist attacks by adopting a policy
of military restraint overseas.

Text of Foreign Policy Brief No. 50 (PDF, 24 pgs, 93k)
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Re: [CTRL] bible codes

2001-09-22 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

--- Tony Dickinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


 I don't buy the bible code stuff or similar as
 contributing to any
 explanatory efforts 'after the event' (and where
 were the psychic's
 published predictions

psychological warfare:

americans will be in considerably greater terror if
they believe that their woes are ordained...americans
will be less gung ho...

bible codes - not something for the papacy but
defenitely something for those whose bents are
alchemical, hermetic...

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[CTRL] Protecting the Homeland / Bill Cohen

2001-09-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

@ http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-306es.html

Cato Policy Analysis No. 306

May 5, 1998

Protecting the Homeland:
The Best Defense Is to Give No Offense
by Ivan Eland
Ivan Eland is director of defense policy studies at the Cato
Executive Summary
Recently, several government reports have emphasized the
  need for increased attention to the defense of the American
homeland. The proliferation of
  technology for creating weapons of mass terror and conducting
chemical, biological,
  nuclear, and information warfare has reawakened interest in
protecting the homeland.
A study completed for the U.S. Department of Defense notes
  that historical data show a strong correlation between U.S.
involvement in international
  situations and terrorist attacks against the United States. Attacks
by terrorist groups
  could now be catastrophic for the American homeland. Terrorists can
obtain the technology
  for weapons of mass terror and will have fewer qualms about using
them to cause massive
  casualties. The assistant secretary of defense for reserve affairs
maintains that such
  catastrophic attacks are almost certain to occur. It will be
extremely difficult to deter,
  prevent, detect, or mitigate them.
As a result, even the weakest terrorist group can cause
  massive destruction in the homeland of a superpower. Although the
Cold War ended nearly a
  decade ago, U.S. foreign policy has remained on autopilot. The
United States continues to
  intervene militarily in conflicts all over the globe that are
irrelevant to American vital
  interests. To satisfy what should be the first priority of any
security policy--protecting
  the homeland and its people--the United States should adopt a
policy of military
  restraint. That policy entails intervening only as a last resort
when truly vital
  interests are at stake. To paraphrase Anthony Zinni, the commander
of U.S. forces in the
  Middle East, the United States should avoid making enemies but
should not be kind to those
  that arise.
View full text of Policy Analysis no. 306
(145k HTML File)
(128k PDF File)



Today's Commentary
September 2, 1998
Terrorism: Cohen's Terrifying Trade-Off
by Ivan Eland
Ivan Eland is the director of defense policy studies at the Cato

In a little-noticed appearance before the Los Angeles World Affairs
Council in late June, Secretary of Defense William Cohen did some
thinking out loud about trading off civil liberties in the fight
against terrorists armed with biological weapons.  His thoughts are
unsettling, to say the least.  He suggested that the American public
would be inclined to accept more intrusive domestic spying and
diminished civil liberties in order to allow government to gain more
intelligence on potential terrorist activities.  If this is a prelude
to a policy shift by the administration, it's crucial that everyone
understand how seriously it would undermine the American way of life
in the name of providing dubious protection from external threats.
Increased domestic snooping would be both misguided and harmful.
Increased domestic spying is unlikely to afford much added protection
against terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction, or WMD
(nuclear, biological and chemical weapons).  The Defense Science
Board admitted that preventing biological attacks is more challenging
(because of the difficulty of gaining intelligence about the
production, transportation and delivery of such agents) than is
mitigating the effects after the attack has occurred (which is also
difficult).  Terrorist groups are hard to penetrate -- even by the
best intelligence agents and undercover law enforcement officials --
because they are small and often comprised of committed zealots.  At
the same time, law enforcement agencies and other organizations have
the tendency to stretch and abuse any increased powers of
investigation.  For example, the FBI spied on and harassed Martin
Luther King and the civil rights movement.  The Army conducted
surveillance on Americans at home during the Vietnam War.  The law
enforcement community might use the threat of terrorist attacks with
WMD as an excuse to expand its power of investigation far beyond
appropriate levels.
In his remarks, Secretary Cohen implied that civil liberties should
be undermined sooner rather than later.  He suggested that waiting to
curtail civil liberties until after experiencing the emotional
effects of a catastrophic terrorist attack might be unwise.  He
seemed to assume that reducing liberties now will preclude a greater
constriction of them after an attack.  Although the threat of an
attack is real, it may or may not occur.  A preemptive surrender of
civil liberties is, therefore, most ill-advised.  Undermining civil
liberties through increased surveillance is not the best way to deal
with an attack and would not preclude 

[CTRL] Palmach - and Orde Winston a guerrilla trainer..

2001-09-22 Thread Saba

What is this Gideon Force, which was used by Orde Winston who took his
Bible to battle opened to the story of Gideon - the bibles' first
mercenary of importance?

The Gideon Bible Calendar I have is linked to  lot of different things -
but I am beginning to believe the people who engineered the World Trade
Center and a few other important passages in History - have followed
this Gideon Force...hit and run, and have surely been trained by
English and American intelligensia.

Interesting items - inasmuch as Timothy McVeigh was a hit and run
guerrilla, and left us messages in a Gideon Bible - thought I would send
the two stories for I believe we have not seen the hidden face' and
hidden hand' behind the World Trade Center.

The Palmach
The elite striking force of the Haganah. Established by the Haganah's
national command on May 19, 1941, the Palmach consisted of nine assault
companies: three in the northern Galilee, two in central Galilee, two in
southern Galilee, and one in Jerusalem.

The Palmach launched pre-emptive strikes into Syrian and Lebanese
territory, frequently sending members fluent in Arabic in Arab dress
into Syria and Lebanon to sabotage and scout targets.
The Palmach grew to 12 companies. Palmach leaders included Yigal Allon,
Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Haim Bar-Lev, Uzi Narkiss and Ezer Weizman.

STORY of Orde Wingate - who tried to murder himself.so it is

Major-General Orde Wingate
Orde Wingate was born in India in 1903, and was fourth-generation
military. His father, maternal grandfather and great-grandfather all
having served in the British or Indian service. He attended Charterhouse
as a day student, and at the age of eighteen, entered the Royal military
Academy at Woolwich. His cadet career was undistinguished as he was
bored by team sports and the structured curriculum. He was commissioned
into the Royal Artillery into the Royal Artillery in 1923.
In 1929 he went on an Arabic language course sponsored by the War
Office, and followed this with a tour as Company Commander of the Sudan
Defence Force. He also gained a First-Class interpretership in Arabic.
In February 1932 he joined a Royal Geographic Society camel expedition
to find 'lost oasis' of Zerzura in the Libyan Desert. In January 1935 he
returned to England and Married Lorna Paterson. The following December
he became Adjutant to the 71st Field (Artillery) Brigade, Territorial
Army, Sheffield. He also passed the examination for the Staff College
but failed to gain admittance.
1936 saw Wingate joined British Forces in Palestine. Here he organized
Special night Squads, and was awarded the DSO and was mentioned in
despatches for his work. The Special night Squads became successful to
the point where they turned back the tide of the Arab revolt in
Palestine. On Leave in London, he submitted a paper on unconventional
operations to Basil Liddell Hart, the military theorist and defense
correspondent of The Times, who in turn passed it on to Winston
Churchill. Wingates' first meeting with Churchill followed in late 1938,
and Churchill would come to believe Wingate to be a new 'Lawrence of
Wingate was appointed in Appointed military Advisor and leader of
guerrilla campaign in Ethiopia in November 1940.

The Ethiopian campaign began in January 1941 and Wingate employed the
Gideon force. The Germans did not actively pursue Special forces
operations after a few units were tried out in Europe but not expanded,
instead concentrating on their Blitzkrieg approach, but the British
effort was far larger than the German and of a fundamentally different
character. It commenced in June 1940 on a two-prong basis. One prong was
in Britain and centered around the seaborne light infantry raiding
forces called the Commandos. The other was in Egypt, where forces able
to penetrate and exploit the desert were formed. The creation of these
units drew on the promising junior officers and soldiers from the
regular armed services and generated animosity from the conventional
Wingate was recalled to Egypt by Wavell, to assist in the creation of
the Middle East special operations forces. Wingates special-operations
forces were created alongside the Long Range Desert group conceived by
desert-explorer Bagnold.

The British fostered irregular forces in Sudan were used to good effect
in conjunction with the Allied conventional forces against the Italian
forces in Ethiopia. His campaign commenced in January 1941, and improved
dramatically as the north African campaign sent the Italians reeling.
Wingates' single greatest success was when he employed his Gideon Force
to baffle and disrupt the enemy garrisons blocking the road to Addis
Ababa. The Gideon force held down more enemy troops in their hunt for
the guerrillas than the British Army actually had to fight. By May 1941
the eats African campaign was largely concluded and only mopping up

Once back in Cairo, Wingate lost 


2001-09-22 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] (no subject)

2001-09-22 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

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[CTRL] DFLP denies attacks in US

2001-09-22 Thread Agent Smiley

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   PFLP, DFLP say they have nothing to do with attacks in US

   DAMASCUS, Sept 11 (AFP) -

   Two radical Palestinian groups based in Syria denied any
   connection with a series of apparent terrorist attacks in the
   United States Tuesday.

   Maher Taher, a spokesman for the Popular Front for the Liberation
   of Palestine (PFLP), said his group has nothing to do with these

   Ali Badwan, an official of the Democratic Front for the
   Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), also denied any connection with
   the attacks.

   We are opposed to all acts of violence outside the occupied
   Palestinian territories, Badwan said.

   On August 27, following the assassination of PFLP chief Abu Ali
   Mustafa in an Israeli missile attack on the West Bank, Taher had
   called on Arabs to strike American interests.

   However, following a meeting with Syrian Vice President Abdel
   Halim Khaddam two days later, Taher toned down his call, saying
   it applied only to American economic interests.

   By American interests, you must understand, this means economic
   interests, Maher Taher told AFP at the time.

   We ask the Arab world to hit American interests because the
   United States participates (with Israel) in the extermination of
   the Palestinian people, Taher said, referring to the Palestinian
   uprising against Israel.

   The day before, the United States had called on Syrian
   authorities to rein in the PFLP after Taher's comments.

   Despite Taher's softened statement, a member of the PFLP
   excecutive committee, Abu Ali Talal, reiterated on August 30
   threats against both US and Israeli interests throughout the

   Our response will be hard and will hit American and Israeli
   interests wherever they are, Talal said.


[The Jerusalem Post]

(16:45) BBC: Palestinian group says responsible for WTC attack
By Miriam Shaviv September, 11 2001

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine has claimed
responsibility for the attacks on the World Trade Center, according to the
BBC and Abu Dhabi television. However, DFLP sources have denied any

To read more about the group, click here.

It is unclear who is responsible for today's apparent terrorist attack on
the World Trade Center in New York, but it is unlikely that Palestinian
groups are involved, said an expert on international terrorism.

They have a lot to lose because America would react very harshly against
the Palestinians, however it is not impossible that a radical group was
involved, said Eli Carmon, of the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center's
counter-terrorism department.

Two jets, one of them apparently an American Airlines 767 hijacked from
Boston, crashed into the Twin Towers shortly before 9 am. EST.

Carmon noted that the World Trade Center has been targeted once before in
1993, when a bombing killed six people and injured more than 1,000. Carmon
said that there have been threats by unidentified Islamic groups to target
the World Trade Center again if Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, the militant
Egyptian cleric, who is serving a life sentence in the US after his
conviction in a plot to bomb the United Nations and New York landmarks, was
not released.

He added that it is possible that terrorist mastermind Osama Bin-Laden is
also involved.

Carmon said that the alleged terrorist attack amounts to a declaration of
war on the US, and that the US will have to react in an extremely harsh

Israel, he noted, had already envisioned the possibility of an air attack,
and shot down a small plane that took off from Lebanon in May after it flew
menacingly into Israeli airspace.

This article can also be read at


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[CTRL] Tyranny Marches Nearer With Bush Doctrine

2001-09-22 Thread William Shannon


Tyranny Marches a Half Hour Nearer with "Bush Doctrine"

Holding our breath along with the rest of the nation, CCOPS has been waiting to see what response the U.S. government would make to the unthinkable attacks that struck the heart of America on September 11, 2001.

It was clear from the beginning that the U.S. military would have to strike fiercely against such savage enemies. As Americans, we support that -- with hopes the strikes will be just and judicious, as well as decisive.

It was less clear how fiercely the government would strike against American freedom. We were encouraged by George W. Bush's repeated assurances that he would protect, not sacrifice, freedom. Other voices -- calling for renewed imposition of intrusive, ineffective surveillance and other restrictions on freedom -- were more ominous.

On the evening of September 20, President Bush allied himself with the worst enemies of freedom. He made a seemingly innocuous -- even a comforting-sounding -- announcement. He said he had created the cabinet-level Office of Homeland Security, with Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge as its head.
(Transcript: http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/WTC_Bush_transcript010920.html)

Most people were utterly unaware of the significance of Bush's new bureacracy. But for anyone watching the advance of police- state policies in America, absolutely nothing could have been more ominous.

The Homeland Defense Agency is not a new idea. Conceived by a bi-partisan commission headed by former senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman, this Clinton-era conception, "The Phase III Report Of The U.S. Commission On National Security/21st Century," is nothing less than the framework for a permanent military-bureaucratic American police state.

The new Homeland Defense Agency is the lynchpin of a plan that extensively reorganizes both the executive and legislative functions of the U.S. government. Among other things, the plan makes the National Guard a national police force. It extensively federalizes both the study and the work of science, mathematics, and engineering. It creates numerous new sub-bureaucracies. The Homeland Security agency itself is to "be built upon the Federal Emergency Management Agency, with the three organizations currently on the front line of border security-the Coast Guard, the Customs Service, and the Border Patrol- transferred to it." The plan calls for the new agency to oversee activities of the Department of Defense, as well as to assume a variety of duties now held by agencies from the Department of Commerce to the FBI.

When the plan was announced in January of this year, the media barely covered it, and shortly thereafter, the plan itself, and the government Web site created expressly for it, dropped out of sight. We found the full text of the report at only one location:

Read it and shudder as you consider how the Bill of Rights -- and your freedoms -- will be slaughtered if you remain silent now.

Do not be fooled. The purpose of this agency and the larger plan of which it is merely one part, is not to make us safer. It is to rule us -- and to put in place the iron, eternal structure of the police state. Once again, crisis has been used as a false justification of the will to power.

When we created the CCOPS Totalitarian Time Clock, we promised ourselves we'd avoid huge, precipitous moves of the clock's hands. Without extreme provocation, we'd advance and roll back the clock's digits only a few minutes at a time. The war strikes of September 11 were world shattering, and we would never seek to minimize the horror or deny the need for strong retaliation. But our government's covert strike against American liberties will have an even more devastating long term impact on millions of lives.

The clock -- and the tragic march of tyranny -- advances by a half hour.

If you really value freedom, please share this alert with everyone you know, and encourage them to go to the site and read the Hart-Rudman roadmap to your future life in a police state.

The Liberty Crew


2001-09-22 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

NEW WEBSITE FOR: The Joshua Report

(Part 9)


  *SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: Like December 7, 1941, this is a date that WILL
live in infamy - briefly.
Coming events will quickly oblitterate its importance. Personally, I
believe this day's events were a CIA-
contracted TEST RUN - similar to the OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING (planned and
set up by the CIA and
the BATF, using Timothy McVey as the scapegoat) - to see where Americans
now stand in their
willingness to accept UNDECLARED MARTIAL LAW, i.e., a military
government. For what purpose? The
same purpose there is behind the SCHOOL SHOOTINGS, the DRUG WAR, WACO,
nauseum: to persuade the American people to GIVE UP THEIR RIGHTS WITHOUT
A FIGHT. And if the
Bilderbergers and their fellow Globalists have anything to say about it,

   Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles
to restore order.
Tomorrow THEY WILL BE GRATEFUL! This is especially true if they were
told there was an OUTSIDE
THREAT from beyond, WHETHER REAL OR PROMULGATED (promoted; declared),
that threatened our
very existence. It is then that all the peoples of the world will plead
with world leaders to DELIVER THEM
FROM THIS EVIL (straight out of the Protocols of Zion!). The one thing
that every man fears is the
unknown. When presented with this scenario, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS WILL BE
WORLD GOVERNMENT. - HENRY KISSINGER (Address to Bilderbergerss 5/21/92
- Evian, France)

   Could the destruction of the TWIN TRADE TOWERS and the attack on the
PENTAGON have been
PART OF THIS PLAN? Well, let's examine these so-called terrorist
attacks (in my day, we
called them acts of war) more closely: lf this was just planes
slamming into a couple of sky-scrapers
(even if there WAS a bomb in the basement), the buildings would never
have disintegrated the way they
did. The Trade Towers came STRAIGHT DOWN, and the amount of rubble left
looked more like a big city
dump, with most pieces of the buildings so small they barely qualified
as rubble - EXACTLY the way it
would look if a DEMOLITION TEAM had brought it down, to make way for
another parking lot. You know:
anybody spend
that much time placing explosives without being spotted by building
security - unless they had
PARTNERS ON THE INSIDE? But, there was a SECONDARY purpose: to create
antagonism (through
insinuation) towards ISRAEL - for creating the conditions for this
JIHADj. Granted, the experts are
throwing OSAMA bin LADEN's name around, because he (like Timothy McVey)
is their SCAPEGOAT: a
carefully cultivated anti-hero beginning with the Bosnian war.

Part 9 can be read at:
The Joshua Report

For News you won't find in the mainstream:
Pictures of the WTC and the NEW WONDER WEAPON
Joshua's Shadow

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bin-Laden/Bush Family Business Connections

2001-09-22 Thread William Shannon

Osama bin Laden's Bush family Business Connections
Alliance With Pakistan Will Stimulate Drug Trade, Bring Revenues Under U.S. Control - Colombian Opium Production Will Soar
The Taliban's Biggest Economic Attack on the U.S. Came in February With The Destruction of Its Opium Crop

Michael C. Ruppert
[© Copyright 2001, Michael C. Ruppert and From The Wilderness Publications. All Rights Reserved. May be reprinted and distributed for non-profit purposes only]
From the September 18, issue of From The Wilderness

FTW - Money connections between Bush Republicans and Osama bin Laden go way back and the political and economic connections have remained unbroken for 20 years. And what appears to be a "new" alliance with Pakistan is merely a new manifestation of a decades-long partnership in the heroin trade.

Conveniently ignored in all of the press coverage since the tragic events of Sept. 11 is the fact that on May 17 Secretary of State Colin Powell announced a gift of $43 million to the Taliban as a purported reward for its eradication of Afghanistan's opium crop this February. That, in effect, made the U.S. the Taliban's largest financial benefactor according to syndicated columnist Robert Scheer writing in The Los Angeles times on May 22. But -- as we described in FTW's March 2001 issue -- the Taliban's destruction of that crop was apparently the single most important act of economic warfare against U.S. economic interests that the Taliban had ever committed. So why the gift? 

Critics of the Gulf War well recall how, just prior to Sadam's invasion of Kuwait, President Bush (Sr.) dispatched Ambassador April Glaspie to visit Sadam with a letter and a "wink and a nod" telling the Iraqi leader that it was OK to invade his smaller neighbor. The May gift from Uncle Sam could well have been sending the same kind of message, along with necessary funds to complete the attacks. Drugs and terrorism go hand in hand.

Until February, Afghanistan had been the world's largest producer of opium/heroin, claiming close to 70% of the world's total production. That opium, consumed largely in Western Europe and smuggled through the Balkans, was a direct source of cash deposits in Western financial institutions and markets.

I specifically commented on this at an economic crisis conference in Moscow, Russia on March 7. In my formal statement to the Russian conference I said,

"Just before coming to this conference I read in the Associated Press, Agence France Press and other reliable sources that the Taliban has recently eradicated most of its 3000 ton opium crop in Afghanistan. If true, I view this as a form of economic warfare against Russia [and the U.S.] because it would drive opium production more into Southeast Asia and Colombia. However, I now suspect that this will result in a shift of opium production to the Caucasus under the Kurds which will see an increase in smuggling through Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. I should note that both Vice President Richard Cheney and the designated Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage are members of the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. Such a move would have the effect of drastically shortening smuggling routes and costs into Western Europe and of bypassing unstable areas of the Balkans.

I have received additional reports that Uzbekistan is now awash in the opium poppy and, as in the US with the CIA, that Russian military and intelligence agencies facilitate the trade as a means of protecting access to hard currency. The point here is not that the US it totally evil or the only country doing these things. But the US is far and away the most advanced nation when it comes to the use of such methods to achieve superiority. As [Russian economist Michael] Khazin has noted, the US and Britain and Germany started the conflict in Kosovo in 1999 to stave off a collapse of western markets following the Asian collapse of 1997-8. Now Colombia is a last-ditch effort to protect the US markets and European opposition is jeopardizing that plan."

The Taliban's actions this year severed the ruling military junta in Pakistan from its primary source of foreign revenues and made bin Laden and the Taliban completely expendable in the eyes of the Pakistani government. It also cut off billions of dollars in revenues that had been previously laundered through western banks and Russian financial institutions connected to them.

Now as US military action will replace the Taliban government and fresh crops will be planted in Afghanistan, the slack in cash flow will assuredly be replaced by dramatically increased opium production in Colombia; the revenues from that effort being needed to maintain the revenue streams into Wall Street. Prior to the WTC attacks, credible sources, including the U.S. government, the IMF, Le Monde and the U.S. Senate placed the amount of drug cash flowing into Wall Street and U.S. banks at around $250-$300 billion a 

[CTRL] Air Traffic Controllers Spotted Unidentified Aircraft

2001-09-22 Thread Agent Smiley

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Air Traffic Controllers Spotted Unidentified Aircraft
Aircraft's Transponder Was Disabled, Rendering Plane Anonymous

By Don Phillips
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 11, 2001; 5:22 p.m.

Controllers watching their radar screens at Washington Dulles
International Airport spotted an unidentified aircraft flying at
unusually high speed directly toward the White House early this morning,
and warned authorities minutes before the Boeing 757 turned tightly and
circled around to slam into the Pentagon, according to federal avaiation

The controllers could not identify the plane because apparently someone
on board had turned off its transponder--the equipment that sends the
plane's airline, flight number, speed and altitude to radar screens.
Tentatively, the plane was identified as American Flight 77, which had
been scheduled to take off from Dulles at 8:10 a.m. for Los Angeles, with
two pilots, four flight attendants and 58 passengers on board.

The skill with which the plane was flown, including the knowledge of how
to turn off the transponder, raised the probability that a trained pilot
was at the controls, possibly a hijacker.

Sources were not specific about the times of the events, but said that
after leaving Dulles, the plane continued west for a while. At some
point, apparently after turning off the transponder, the plane turned
back toward Washington with no radio contact.

The plane would have appeared on radar screens as an unidentified blip –
called a primary target – something commonly seen by controllers when
an aircraft does not have a transponder or is a military aircraft flying
with its transponder turned off. However, the airspace around Dulles,
Washington Reagan National Airport and much of Washington is designated
class B airspace, meaning no one is supposed to fly there without a
working transponder and permission from a controller.

The sources said Dulles controllers noticed a fast-moving primary target
in their airspace east-southeast of the airport where it shouldn't be,
headed directly toward the restricted airspace around the White House.
They called controllers at National Airport to tell them that an
unidentified unauthorized aircraft was headed their way.

However, as they watched, the plane began turning to the right away from
the White House, circling a full 270 degrees to the right and approaching
the Pentagon from the Southwest. It then dropped below radar level,
disappearing from the controllers' screens, shortly before hitting the
Pentagon about 9:30 a.m., less than an hour after two other aircraft hit
the World Trade Center towers in New York City.

Federal aviation rules limit the speeds of commercial aircraft flying
below 10,000 feet. The sources said it appeared this plane was at full

Controllers then saw that a Boeing 757 identified as United Flight 93,
flying from Newark to San Francisco, had turned toward Washington over
Pennsylvania. However, the United plane crashed for unknown reasons about
10 a.m. about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

Federal aviation officials are reporting that the transponders had been
turned off on all four of the planes that crashed today, including two
that flew into the World Trade Center.

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

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[CTRL] Pakistani Diplomat Dies In Car Crash

2001-09-22 Thread William Shannon

Pakistani diplomat dies in Ottawa car crash
CTVNEWS.com Staff   

Fri. Sep. 21 2001 5:42 PM

Pakistan's High Commissioner to Canada, Tareeq Altaf, has died in a car crash in Ottawa.

Altaf's car was being driven by a chauffeur when it collided with an oncoming vehicle Thursday night, near the prime minister's residence on Sussex Drive.

Altaf was in critical condition when he arrived at the hospital.

Altogether, four cars were involved in the accident. Two other people suffered minor injuries.

Police do not know what caused the crash.

Earlier this week, Altaf said in media interviews that Pakistan was going to fight terrorism.


[CTRL] Engineers shocked by towers collapse - more naughties by the BATF?

2001-09-22 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

if charges had been placed prior to the crash...we
would have two buildings nicely, neatly falling in
typical demo style...hmmm...


Engineers shocked by towers’ collapse
By Blair Kamin
Tribune architecture critic
Published September 11, 2001, 12:18 PM CDT

The World Trade Center, a symbol of American economic
might, survived one terrorist attack in 1993. It was
designed to withstand the impact of a jet, but both
its towers collapsed this morning after planes rammed

The structural engineer who designed the towers said
as recently as last week that their steel columns
could remain standing if they were hit by a 707.

Les Robertson, the Trade Center’s structural engineer,
spoke last week at a conference on tall buildings in
Frankfurt, Germany. He was asked during a
question-and-answer session what he had done to
protect the twin towers from terrorist attacks,
according to Joseph Burns, a principal at the Chicago
firm of Thornton-Thomasetti Engineers.

Burns, who was present, said that Robertson said of
the center, “I designed it for a 707 to smash into

Burns, whose firm did the structural engineering for
the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia -- the world’s
tallest buildings -- said Robertson did not elaborate
on the remark. Robertson could not be reached early

Completed in 1972 and 1973, the 110-story twin towers
were the fifth and sixth tallest buildings in the
world. One World Trade Center, finished in 1972, was
briefly after its construction the world’s tallest
building. The towers have been called “a monumental
gate to New York and the United States.”

They withstood the 1993 attack, when a bomb-laden van
exploded, killing six people and injuring more than

Closely spaced steel columns that ringed their
perimeter held up the World Trade Center towers.
Chicago’s Aon Center (formerly the Amoco Building),
completed in 1973, uses a similar support system,
known to structural engineers as a “tube.”

Shocked by the building’s collapse, structural
engineers pointed to fire as the likely cause of the
structural failure.

“Fire melts steel,” Burns said. In addition, he said,
the impact of the plane could have severely damaged
the building’s sprinklers, allowing the fire to rage,
despite fireproofing supposed to protect steel columns
and beams.

“You never know in an explosion like that whether they
(the sprinklers) get cut off,” Burns said.

Architects Minoru Yamasaki and Associates, in
association with Emery Roth  Sons, designed the World
Trade Center.

The structural engineers were the firm of Skilling,
Helle, Chrstiansen, Robertson. The developer was The
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Today’s attack marked the second time that a plane has
crashed into a New York City skyscraper, although the
first incident was an accident.

In 1945, a B-25 flying at 200 miles per hour slammed
into the 78th and 79th floors of the Empire State
Building, gouging an 18-by-20-foot hole 913 feet above
the streets of Manhattan. The pilot, Lt. Col. William
F. Smith Jr., had been heading from New York’s
LaGuardia Airport to Newark, N.J., when he became

Fourteen people died in the crash and the fire that
followed -- three people in the plane and 11 in what
was then the world’s tallest building.

Like the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, which also
was struck by a plane, provided a sizable and symbolic

The Pentagon is the world’s largest office building,
with a total of 6.5 million square feet, serves as
headquarters for the world’s most powerful military.
Sears Tower, by comparison, has about 3.5 million
square feet of office space.

Copyright © 2001, Chicago Tribune

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[CTRL] President Bush Speech

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Text of the President's speech, September 20, 2001

Mr. Speaker, Mr. President pro tempore, Members of Congress, and fellow

In the normal course of events, Presidents come to this chamber to report on
the state of the Union. Tonight, no such report is needed. It has already
been delivered by the American people.

We have seen it in the courage of passengers, who rushed terrorists to save
others on the ground --passengers like an exceptional man named Todd Beamer.
Please help me to welcome his wife, Lisa Beamer, here tonight.

We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers, working
past exhaustion. We have seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of
candles, the giving of blood, the saying of prayers ? in English, Hebrew, and
Arabic. We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people, who have made
the grief of strangers their own.

My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has seen for
itself the state of our Union ? and it is strong.

Tonight we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom. Our
grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our
enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done.

I thank the Congress for its leadership at such an important time. All of
America was touched on the evening of the tragedy to see Republicans and
Democrats, joined together on the steps of this Capitol, singing God Bless
America. And you did more than sing, you acted, by delivering forty billion
dollars to rebuild our communities and meet the needs of our military.

Speaker Hastert and Minority Leader Gephardt ? Majority Leader Daschle and
Senator Lott ? I thank you for your friendship and your leadership and your
service to our country.

And on behalf of the American people, I thank the world for its outpouring of
support. America will never forget the sounds of our National Anthem playing
at Buckingham Palace, and on the streets of Paris, and at Berlin's
Brandenburg Gate. We will not forget South Korean children gathering to pray
outside our embassy in Seoul, or the prayers of sympathy offered at a mosque
in Cairo. We will not forget moments of silence and days of mourning in
Australia and Africa and Latin America.

Nor will we forget the citizens of eighty other nations who died with our
own. Dozens of Pakistanis. More than 130 Israelis. More than 250 citizens of
India. Men and women from El Salvador, Iran, Mexico, and Japan. And hundreds
of British citizens. America has no truer friend than Great Britain. Once
again, we are joined together in a great cause.  The British Prime Minister
has crossed an ocean to show his unity of purpose with America, and tonight
we welcome Tony Blair.

On September the eleventh, enemies of freedom committed an act of war against
our country. Americans have known wars ? but for the past 136 years, they
have been wars on foreign soil, except for one Sunday in 1941. Americans have
known the casualties of war ? but not at the center of a great city on a
morning. Americans have known surprise attacks ? but never before on
thousands of civilians. All of this was brought upon us in a single day ? and
night fell on a different world, a world where freedom itself is under

Americans have many questions tonight. Americans are asking: Who attacked our
country?  The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely
affiliated terrorist organizations known as al-Qaida. They are the same
murderers indicted for bombing American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, and
responsible for the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole.

Al-Qaida is to terror what the mafia is to crime. But its goal is not making
money; its goal is remaking the world ? and imposing its radical beliefs on
people everywhere.

The terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been
rejected by Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim clerics a fringe
movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam. The terrorists'
directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans,
and make no distinctions among military and civilians, including women and

This group and its leader a person named Usama bin Ladin are linked to many
other organizations in different countries, including the Egyptian Islamic
Jihad and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.

There are thousands of these terrorists in more than sixty countries.  They
are recruited from their own nations and neighborhoods, and brought to camps
in places like Afghanistan where they are trained in the tactics of terror.
They are sent back to their homes or sent to hide in countries around the
world to plot evil
and destruction.

The leadership of al-Qaida has great influence in Afghanistan, and supports
the Taliban regime in controlling most of that country. In Afghanistan, we
see al-Qaida's vision for the world.

Afghanistan's people have been brutalized many are starving 

Re: [CTRL] New breeds of Trojan terrorist ?.....

2001-09-22 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 22 Sep 2001, Samantha L. wrote:
  It just occurred to me, with all the careful planning by the hijackers, how
strange it was they didn't immediately strip all passengers of their cell

It wasn't just cellphones...some calls were done via the Airfones built
into the plane...

Conjecture I heard on one news show was that the hijackers allowed this
because they knew it was too late for any help to arrive, plus they
wanted the word to get out so that people would know exactly what
happened...without those calls, we might still be wondering what happened
to cause the 'accidents'...


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[CTRL] Did Israelis evacuate towers?

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Did Israelis evacuate towers?
Net rumor sparked by reports from Pakistan, Hezbollah



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

With the aid and speed of the Internet, conspiracy theorists are spreading a
rumor that 4,000 Israelis who worked in the World Trade Center didn't report
for work the day two airliners commandeered by terrorists crashed into the
towers, destroying the tallest buildings in New York.

The e-mailers and Internet sites spreading the tale suggest this is evidence
Israel, not Islamic terrorists, were behind the attack Sept. 11 – or at least
had advance knowledge of it.

There's just one problem with the story, WorldNetDaily has learned. It's not

The report seems to have originated in Jordan's Al Watan newspaper and been
spread by Pakistani publications, including Jang. Versions of the story have
been repeated at news conferences by Islamic clerics in the Middle East and
Central Asia.

Alex Safian, associate director of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East
Reporting in America, or CAMERA, which monitors Middle East media coverage,
says his organization first saw the report on Lebanon's Al-Manara Television.

Al-Manara is the television station of Hezbollah – a militant Islamic
terrorist group.

4,000 Israeli Employees in WTC Absent the Day of the Attack, read the
Manar TV headline Sept. 17.

With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York,
the international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take
advantage of the incident and started mourning 4,000 Israelis who work at the
two towers, started the Hezbollah story.

Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later
it became clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day
the incident took place.

No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded in the attacks, the
story added.

In fact, at least 130 Israelis were killed in the World Trade Center attack.
Many more are missing.

Nevertheless, Pakistani political leader Sami-ul Haq, in calling for a
nationwide strike yesterday to protest his country's plan to cooperate with
the U.S., made reference to the rumor.

Thousands of Jews working -- nothing happened to them, Haq told a roomful
of reporters.

The Israeli consulate may be partly responsible for the rumor. Immediately
after the tragic attack, it filed requests for information on as many as
4,000 Israelis who may have been in the World Trade Center at the time of the
attacks. Nearly 50,000 people work in the buildings at any one time. Many,
however, left the second tower following the first attack.

The estimated death toll is currently around 7,000, but fewer than 300 bodies
have been found and even fewer identified.

An FBI spokesman claimed not to have any knowledge of the rumor and refused
comment or any interest in it.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Terror - by the book

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Terror - by the book
The Sept 11 hijackers may have practised terrorism according to a manual -
all 180 pages of it - seized by the FBI last year

NEW YORK - No beards or other 'Islamic characteristics'. Do not speak loudly
or otherwise draw attention to yourself. Rent apartments in areas where
neighbours do not know each other well.

The suicide hijackers in the Sept 11 attacks apparently practised terrorism
by the book - a 180-page manual for Muslim operatives living undercover among
their enemies in 'godless areas' of the world.


The manual, Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants, was discovered
last year during an investigation of Osama bin Laden. It gives terrorists
precise instructions on how to act while they await their orders to strike.

Investigators have not said whether the 19 hijackers ever read the manual,
but glimpses of their lives suggest they conducted themselves according to
its instructions during the months they spent in the United States.

Experts say the manual illustrates the inner workings of Osama's Al-Qaeda
organisation, the prime suspect in the attacks.

The hijackers 'seem to have followed the manual as closely as they could',
said Mr George Andrew, former deputy head of anti-terrorism for the Federal
Bureau of Investigation's New York City office.

The manual says anyone willing to 'undergo martyrdom' should be 'able to act,
pretend and mask himself' behind enemy lines.

Among other things, the manual instructs that operatives should maintain an
appearance 'that does not indicate Islamic orientation'.

Most television images of the men thought to have been aboard the airliners
show them without beards. And people who met them said they wore Western

Neighbours said they lived in suburbs where they did not stand out. In
Florida, they moved frequently, staying in motels and apartments around the

They joined gyms. One made small talk with a neighbour about sports. Another
posted a personal ad on the Internet.

People who came into contact with them described them as quiet, friendly and
sometimes timid men who gave few, if any, hints that they harboured deep
resentment against the United States.

Nawaq Alhamzi, a suspected hijacker aboard the jet that crashed into the
Pentagon, lived last autumn in a new 175-unit San Diego apartment building
where so many people came and went that he was barely noticed. He always paid
the rent on time.

Some of the hijackers appeared to bend a rule in the manual stating that
'there is nothing that permits... drinking wine or fornicating'.

Days before the World Trade Center attack, Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi
were seen drinking at a sports bar while Majed Moqued was spotted perusing
adult videos. He did not buy anything.

FBI agents discovered the manual last year in Manchester in Britain in one of
several 'guest houses' authorities say Al-Qaeda used to harbour terrorist
cells. The FBI was investigating Osama and his suspected role in the deadly
1998 bombings of two US embassies in Africa.

After studying the manual, the FBI suspected that Osama's soldiers were
attempting to infiltrate American society.

But investigators apparently did not conclude that terrorists had already put
themselves in position to strike. --AP



Do not address others with Islamic greetings in which Allah's name is invoked.

Do not cause trouble in your neighbourhood. Do not park in no-parking zones.

Do not live near police stations.

Do not appear to be overly inquisitive.

Burn letters immediately after reading them and get rid of the ashes, too.

Rent apartments 'in newly developed areas where people don't know each other'.

Use codes when talking on the telephone.

Try not to be 'chatty and talkative'.

Maintain an appearance 'that does not indicate Islamic orientation (beard,
toothpick, book, long shirt, small Quran)'.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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[CTRL] Osama, supporters move to Uruzgan?

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Osama, supporters move to Uruzgan?

By M. Ismail Khan

PESHAWAR, Sept 21: Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden has gone into hiding in
Afghanistan's southwestern Uruzgan along with scores of his supporters,
highly competent sources in Afghanistan said.

Bin Laden has also moved his family of three wives and several children from
his house in Kandahar to Uruzgan - native province of Taliban supreme leader
Mullah Muhammad Omar, the sources said, quoting latest reports.

Osama, whom the United States believes is a prime suspect in the Sept 11
terrorist attacks in Washington and New York, lived near the Afghan Airforce
Colony in Kandahar Airport but vacated his abode to escape possible
retaliatory attacks, the sources said. The place was protected by an
anti-aircraft gun, the sources said.

These sources described Bin Laden as a security-minded man who does not stay
at one place for more than two nights. The sources said he decided to move
out of Kandahar last week as Washington threatened to launch reprisal attacks
on Afghanistan for providing a sanctuary to him and the alleged terrorist
training camps.

He has been moving between Uruzgan and Helmand provinces, the sources said.
Previously, the Saudi dissident would move around between Khajkai dam in
Helmand, Zarang in Nemroz, Mass-e-Ainak in Logar, Darunta and Tora Bora in
Nangarhar, Tahkhtabeg Fort in Khost and Bacha Kuroona in Bagh-i-Bala in

The sources that have a fairly comprehensive knowledge of Bin Laden's
operations in Afghanistan said the Saudi dissident maintained liaison offices
of Al-Qaida in Corps Headquarters in Kandahar and the ministry of defence in

No one, however, was allowed to have direct access to Laden who would meet
people at the guest houses near his Kandahar Airport residence. According to
the sources, Laden kept his movement secret and announced his itinerary at
the spur of the moment. Only his close confidants or a key Taliban leader
close to Mulla Omar knew his whereabouts, the sources added. These sources
said that for external security, 50 to 60 Afghans from Paghman and Laghman
provinces protected Laden. Besides the Afghans, said these sources, another
batch of ready-to-die 150 Arabs had taken oath of allegiance to Laden,
pledging to protect him with their lives.

These sources further said that Laden, who was widely believed to be a
millionaire, had exhausted his funds and relied heavily on donations from
individuals in the Gulf, Saudi Arabia and other countries. He avoided normal
banking channels and would get money through the non-formal Hawala system
under fictitious Arab and Afghan names.

These knowledgeable sources said that Laden preferred to live in ordinary mud
houses and travelled in identical pick-ups and Land Cruisers without any
registration number.

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[CTRL] US closes net round Afghanistan

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

US closes net round Afghanistan

By Esther Schrader in Washington

The United States Army began moving troops to within striking distance of
Afghanistan as a massive deployment of warplanes, ships, equipment and
personnel entered its second day.

Army Secretary Mr Thomas White, the US army's top civilian official, said the
Army was ready to conduct sustained land combat operations in the Persian
Gulf region.

He said the deployment of special operations forces, light infantry and other
troops was the first step in a broader military campaign that would unfold in
coming weeks, adding that American casualties were likely.

This is not a police activity. We have treated [combating terrorism] as a
police activity in the past, said Mr White, the army's top civilian
official. This is war. In the conduct of this campaign, there will most
likely be casualties. That is the nature of war.

He said the campaign would eventually involve other countries known to
harbour or shelter terrorists. Analysts speculated these might include Iraq,
Sudan and Libya.

Mr White gave no details of which units might be sent from America, only that
special units, which normally means the US Rangers, the Green Berets, Delta
Force and US Navy SEAL units, would have a prominent role.

The Pentagon has said it has ordered more than 100 support aircraft. These
include F-15E fighter bombers, F-16 fighters, B-52 bombers, B-1 long range
bombers, E-3 AWACS airborne command-and-control aircraft and tanker aircraft
to be positioned between the US and the Persian Gulf region to refuel the

Three aircraft carrier battle groups are now either in the region or steaming
towards it. At the time of last week's terrorist attacks, the aircraft
carrier USS Carl Vinson and its battle group of ships and submarines were
about to replace the carrier USS Enterprise. Both have been ordered to remain
in the region.

A third carrier, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, left Norfolk, Virginia, on
Wednesday with its own armada of about a dozen combat and support ships.
Along with the air deployment, this could place up to 500 US warplanes in the
Mediterranean, Gulf and Indian Ocean areas.

Yesterday the US aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk steamed out of its home port
near Tokyo.

German media reported that a force of elite German troops was set to fly out
to support a US strike in Central Asia.

The Special Power Commando or KSK, which Germany considers among NATO's best
troops, were due to leave their base in south-western Germany any minute
now, according to Die Welt newspaper.

Russia, meanwhile, is pouring troops, tanks, and military equipment onto the
border with Afghanistan. In addition to 10,000 border guards under Russian
command on the ex-Soviet state of Tajikistan's border with Afghanistan,
Moscow has sent tanks and several thousand crack troops to the border zone
over the past week. But even as the military deployments progressed, the US
was struggling to articulate this new kind of war against a shadowy, elusive

What we're engaged in is something that is very, very different from World
War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Kosovo, Bosnia, the kinds of things
that people think of when they use the word 'war' or 'campaign' or
'conflict', Defence Secretary Mr Donald Rumsfeld told reporters at the

'We really, almost, are going to have to fashion a new vocabulary and
different constructs for thinking about what it is we're doing. While
acknowledging that we surely will not eliminate terrorism completely, Mr
Rumsfeld said the US would be victorious if it can go after this worldwide
problem in a way that we can continue our way of life. ...

This is not a quick matter that's going to be over in a month or a year or
even five years. It's a marathon, it's not a sprint.

The US Air Force, Army and Navy deployments add to an already robust American
military presence in the region.

The US Central Command, the military headquarters that oversees a region from
the Horn of Africa to Pakistan, has maintained a force of about 20,000
troops, about 175 aircraft and 14 ships, anchored by an aircraft carrier.

Mr Rumsfeld also said that 5,131 Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard
troops had been ordered to active duty as part of a homeland defence
mobilisation ordered by President Bush.

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[CTRL] Saudis Balk at U.S. Use of Key Facility

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Saudis Balk at U.S. Use of Key Facility
Powell Seeks Reversal of Policy; Refusal Could Delay Airstrikes at Terrorists

By Vernon Loeb and Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, September 22, 2001; Page A01

Saudi Arabia is resisting the United States' request to use a new command
center on a Saudi military base in any air war against terrorists, forcing
Pentagon planners to consider alternatives that could delay a campaign for
weeks, defense officials said yesterday.

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell is trying to persuade the Saudi government
to reverse a decade-old policy in which it has refused to allow the United
States to stage or command offensive air operations from Saudi air bases,
officials said.

While high-level talks aimed at resolving the matter are underway, the
Pentagon is already considering moving the operations center to another
country, the officials added. They did not specify where.

A refusal by the Saudis would deal a significant blow to the Bush
administration's efforts to build a broad international coalition in its
effort to destroy the terrorist network of Saudi extremist Osama bin Laden
and Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia, which has harbored bin Laden and
many of his top lieutenants.

The Pentagon had been counting on using the command center at Prince Sultan
Air Base in the coming air war. Besides delaying any operation, Saudi
unwillingness to allow the United Sates to use Saudi bases for offensive
operations could send a strong signal to the Arab world that accepting
Washington's demands is not a prerequisite for ongoing relations with

The Combined Air Operations Center at Prince Sultan Air Base, located outside
Al Kharj about 70 miles southeast of Riyadh and completed just six weeks ago,
is the Air Force's most advanced command and control center. It is capable of
controlling the movements of hundreds of aircraft over an area of thousands
of miles.

The two nations have different perspectives on the Air Force facility: The
United States sees it as capable of running operations throughout the
Mideast, while the Saudi government would like -- at least publicly -- to see
it used only to defend Saudi territory.

Retired Marine Gen. Anthony C. Zinni, who until last year commanded U.S.
military operations in the Mideast, said losing the ability to run combat
missions from the new air operations center would be problematic only in the
short term.

Obviously, it's easier to go into a place where you're already set up, he
said. But we have really worked to make our capability expeditionary and can
set up fairly quickly at bases in other countries.

Victoria Clarke, the chief spokesperson for the Pentagon, declined to comment
on the discussions with the Saudis. We think it is appropriate for countries
to announce what they are doing, not us, she said. Different countries will
be doing different things at different times. We have been very pleased by
this response.

Greg Sullivan, spokesman for the State Department's Near Eastern Affairs
Bureau, said he was unaware of any dispute with the Saudis. We've gotten
everything we've asked for from the Saudis and we're very pleased with their
cooperation, he said.

Despite military ties with Washington that are decades old, the Saudi royal
family remains extremely sensitive about cooperating with the U.S. military,
given feelings among many Saudi citizens that their leaders are too closely
allied with the United States.

During the Persian Gulf War, the Saudis permitted the United States to fly
combat missions from their soil. But afterward, the Saudis repeatedly refused
Washington's request to base attack aircraft there for various military
strikes against Iraq.

The matter is so sensitive that U.S. officials often do not even ask the
Saudis for permission to use their bases for offensive purposes. Such was the
case when 40,000 troops and coalition forces moved into the Gulf region after
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein prohibited United Nations inspectors from
entering certain suspected chemical and biological weapons sites. Airstrikes
were averted after Saddam relented.

A cardinal rule in dealing with the Saudi government has been secrecy, or
plausible deniability, said one general who worked for years in Saudi

Saudi cooperation was always something they did not want to broadcast, he
said, referring to media accounts earlier this week in The Washington Post
and the New York Times about the U.S. plan to run the coming air war out of
the new operations center at Prince Sultan base.

Public discussion of that plan, the general said, put them in a really tough
position. We should have known better.

In the past, the Saudis have told U.S. officials that they cannot support
strikes from their territory, or advocate strikes publicly, unless the target
of the strikes, which in most cases has been Iraq, had 

[CTRL] Essex latest U.S. warship to put to sea from Japan

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Essex latest U.S. warship to put to sea from Japan

SASEBO, Nagasaki Pref. (Kyodo) The U.S. amphibious assault ship Essex left
the U.S. naval base in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, on Saturday morning for
an undisclosed destination.
The departure of the 40,532-ton Essex follows the U.S. aircraft carrier Kitty
Hawk's departure from its home port of Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, on
Friday morning, also for an undisclosed destination.

On Thursday, the Essex left the U.S. military's special quay after loading
ammunition and other supplies in preparation for its departure.

After stopping at the Yokosuka base, the Essex is expected to head for the
Indian Ocean to participate in the anticipated retaliatory measures against
terrorists for the Sept. 11 attacks on New York's World Trade Center and the
Pentagon outside Washington.

The 2,950-ton Haruyuki, a Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer,
patrolled the sea off the Sasebo base along with two helicopters, effectively
escorting the amphibious assault ship. Similar procedures were followed for
the departure of the 81,123-ton Kitty Hawk.

The Essex is carrying three hovercraft-type landing crafts. Large containers
and wooden crates were also loaded aboard the ship, while two large transport
helicopters landed on the Essex shortly before its departure.

The U.S. Navy's 6,080-ton nuclear-powered submarine Bremerton is expected to
leave Sasebo port on Saturday evening.

$10 million donation
NEW YORK (Kyodo) Parliamentary Foreign Secretary Taimei Yamaguchi, currently
in the United States, told representatives of New York City and New York
State that Japan will provide $10 million to the relief funds established
after last week's terrorist attacks.
Japan will give $5 million to New York State's World Trade Center Relief Fund
and a similar amount to New York City's Twin Towers Fund as a token of
sympathy to the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks.

At the New York City Council, Yamaguchi said the terrorist attacks on the
World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington were not only
an attack on the U.S. but a challenge to the international community as a

As an ally, Japan strongly supports and will spare no effort in cooperating
with the U.S., he said.

Yamaguchi also said that money is not a substitute for a life, but that he
hopes it will help the families of the victims and New Yorkers.

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[CTRL] Taliban: Unmanned Plane Shot Down

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Taliban: Unmanned Plane Shot Down

By AMIR SHAH, Associated Press Writer

KABUL, Afghanistan (news - web sites) (AP) - The ruling Taliban said its
fighters shot down an unmanned reconnaissance plane Saturday in northern
Afghanistan, where the opposition reported heavy fighting with forces of the
hardline Islamic leadership.

The Taliban's official Bakhtar news agency said investigators were trying to
determine what country launched the plane. The aircraft was shot down over
the Tashgurgan Pass in Samangan province, which borders Uzbekistan.

In Washington, Pentagon (news - web sites) officials refused to say whether
the plane was American.

Fears of a military confrontation with the United States have risen after the
Bush administration accused exiled Saudi millionaire Osama bin Laden (news -
web sites) of masterminding the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon, in which thousands were believed to have died.

Bin Laden has lived in Afghanistan since 1996, and President Bush (news - web
sites) has demanded the Taliban hand him and his lieutenants over or face
American military action. The Taliban rejected the demand and warned Afghans
to prepare for holy war to defend the country.

Addressing a joint session of Congress on Thursday, Bush also told the
Taliban give the United States full access to terrorist training camps and
release imprisoned U.S. aid workers, saying the demands were not negotiable.

With fears of U.S. attack running high, five truckloads of Afghan men drove
Saturday to the compound of the abandoned American embassy, threw rocks and
bricks at the gate and screamed ``death to America.''

The embassy has been abandoned since 1988, when U.S. diplomats left the
country in the final months of the war against Soviet occupation forces.

As they face the prospect of an armed clash with the United States, the
Taliban are also battling an alliance of opposition forces in the north.
Opposition spokesman Mohammed Ashraf Nadim reported heavy fighting Saturday
in the northern provinces of Balkh and Samagan, where the plane was
reportedly downed.

Nadim said two opposition fighters were wounded and at least 39 Taliban
fighters were killed. The reports could not be independently confirmed. The
Taliban control about 95 percent of the country.

During a generation of civil war, hundreds of thousands of Afghans have
sought shelter in villages and in neighboring countries, mostly Pakistan,
Tajikistan and Iran. However, all three have closed their borders at the
request of the United States. That has left tens of thousands of destitute
Afghans stranded on their side of the three borders, many without enough

``The fear of military attacks on Afghanistan has caused a mass movement of
people toward the borders,'' Amnesty International said Friday. ``It is
imperative that the international community take responsibility for this and
urgently address the unfolding humanitarian crisis.''

The situation is also grim in Kabul.

Doctors at the city's Children's Hospital said the number of patients has
fallen dramatically because families have take them from the dilapidated
clinic, presumably because the families plan to flee the capital.

``We have only one week's worth of medicine left because the borders are
closed,'' said Dr. Saleh Rehman Rehmani. ``I am worried what will happen once
the fighting starts.''

Standing in a hallway of the hospital, he said: ``I appeal to America that
its mighty forces should not attack this impoverished country.''

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[CTRL] Pentagon said to eye nuclear attack against terrorists

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Pentagon said to eye nuclear attack against terrorists

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) The Defense Department has recommended to President George
W. Bush the use of tactical nuclear weapons as a military option to retaliate
for last week's terrorist attacks in the United States, diplomatic sources
said Tuesday.
It is unknown whether Bush has made any decision. Military analysts said the
president is unlikely to opt for the use of nuclear weapons because doing so
would generate a backlash from the international community and could even
trigger revenge from the enemy involving weapons of mass destruction.

However, the Pentagon's suggestion shows the determination of U.S. officials
to retaliate for the first massive terrorist attacks on the U.S. mainland,
the analysts said.

The recommendation appears intended to deter terrorists, they said.

On ABC television's This Week program Sunday, Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld refused to rule out the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Rumsfeld,
who is notoriously tight-lipped with the press, avoided answering a question
on whether their use could be ruled out. To a similar question, a Pentagon
official also replied, We will not discuss operational and intelligence

The diplomatic sources said the Pentagon recommended using tactical nuclear
weapons shortly after it became known that the terrorist attacks caused an
unprecedented number of civilian casualties.

On Sept. 11, hijackers seized four commercial U.S. aircraft. Two of the
planes slammed into the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center, while a
third hit the Pentagon near Washington. The fourth plane crashed outside
Pittsburgh. More than 5,000 people were left dead or missing in the attacks.

Tactical nuclear weapons have been developed to attack very specific targets.
The military analysts said Pentagon officials are apparently thinking of
using weapons that can reach and destroy terrorists hiding in an underground
shelter, limiting damage to surrounding areas.

In 1986, the U.S. conducted an air raid on Libya, attempting to target Col.
Moammar Gadhafi. In 1998, Washington fired a cruise missile into Afghanistan
in an attempt to kill Osama bin Laden.

Analysts said that since these attempts failed, U.S. officials may be mulling
the use of tactical nuclear weapons, which can cause much greater destruction
than conventional weapons.

The U.S. has indicated that it does not rule out the use of nuclear weapons
if a country attacks the U.S., its allies, or its forces with chemical or
biological weapons.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Emirates Cut Relations With Taliban

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Emirates Cut Relations With Taliban

By TAREK AL-ISSAWI, Associated Press Writer

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - In a move that strengthens the United
States' position in its hunt for Osama bin Laden (news - web sites), the
United Arab Emirates cut relations Saturday with Afghanistan (news - web
sites)'s Taliban government. A Saudi official said his kingdom was
considering doing the same.

The Emirates' decision came after the Persian Gulf state proved unable to
persuade the Taliban to hand over bin Laden, the United States' prime suspect
in Sept. 11's terror attacks, said the official Emirates News Agency.

The Emirates' move - and Saudi Arabia's if it follows suit - leaves the
Taliban ever more isolated in their showdown with the United States over
surrendering bin Laden, a Saudi exile believed to operate from bases in

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the Emirates are the only nations to have
recognized the Taliban, a hard-line Islamic militia that seized power in
1996. Islamabad has scaled back ties and pledged cooperation with the United
States in action against Afghanistan.

In Saudi Arabia, an official who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the
kingdom also was ``discussing whether to sever ties with the Taliban.''

The official did not say when such a decision would be made.

In 1998, Saudi Arabia announced without explanation that it was expelling the
Afghan charge d'affaires in Riyadh and recalling its representative from

The Saudis never clarified whether that constituted a severing of ties or a
downgrading. The Afghan charge d'affaires in Riyadh said at the time that the
Saudi move came because his country was harboring bin Laden.

Pakistan brought back its ambassador to Kabul two months ago and recalled
most of the rest of its diplomatic staff and their families after the Sept.
11 attacks, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammed Riaz Khan said in Islamabad.

Khan said Pakistan's embassy and consulate in Kabul now were operating with
only a skeleton staff. A Taliban security guard at the Pakistan Embassy,
however, said Saturday that the last Pakistani officials had packed up their
computers, papers and other luggage the night before, and left in a convoy of
vehicles for their home country across the border.

``Now the embassy is closed, and no Pakistani official is in Kabul,'' guard
Akhter Mohammed said.

In Islamabad, Khan said the Afghan Embassy in Pakistan has ``served as a
window'' for the world with the Taliban.

There, Taliban representatives can learn what the rest of the world asks and
expects of them, Khan said.

The Taliban have seldom appeared to take note when the outside world objects
to their decisions, which are governed by an extremely strict interpretation
of Islam. The leadership ignored an international outcry, for example, ahead
of its March destruction of 1,500 statues of Buddha, which it said were
forbidden idols.

The cutting of ties over bin Laden increases pressure on the Taliban
government, which the United States has repeatedly condemned as an alleged
supporter of terrorism.

The Taliban militia ``has become a liability on all the countries that
recognized it. I expect the Saudis, and even Pakistan, to take similar
steps,'' Abdul Khaleq Abdulla, a political analyst on Gulf affairs in the
United Arab Emirates, said.

Abdulla said Saudi Arabia must consider its interests as it decides where it
stands with the Taliban, and ``those interests lie in stepping away from the
Taliban, whose actions have become unacceptable.''

The Emirates has strongly condemned the attacks in the United States and said
it would support the fight against terrorism.

Saturday's decision to cut relations takes immediate effect, and embassy
staff were ordered to leave the country within 24 hours, the Emirates News
Agency quoted an unidentified official as saying.

The Afghan embassy in Abu Dhabi was considered closed, said the agency.

Neither Emirates' officials nor Taliban diplomats in the Emirates could be
reached for comment.

Most countries recognize the government-in-exile of President Burhanuddin
Rabbani, whose forces control only 5 percent of Afghanistan.

In 1999, the Emirates downgraded its relations with the Taliban, after the
Security Council imposed sanctions on Afghanistan for its refusal to hand
over bin Laden, who was also blamed for deadly bombings on U.S. embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

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[CTRL] US planes land in ex-Soviet bases for possible Afghan attack

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sunday September 23, 12:34 AM

US planes land in ex-Soviet bases for possible Afghan attack

TASHKENT, Sept 22 (AFP) -
US warplanes have landed in the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan as
Russian President Vladimir Putin, after an extended silence, voiced readiness
to cooperate with US plans to strike Afghanistan -- but only after they are
approved by the UN Security Council.

Uzbek military sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP on
Saturday that the US jets were stationed just outside the Uzbek capital
Tashkent and were equipped with surveillance devices, presumably aimed at
Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia just to the south.

The sources refused to disclose the number of aircraft or when they had
arrived, although Uzbek officials had previously denied that they were
willing to cooperate with a US attack in reprisal for the Taliban's refusal
to hand over suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden.

It has further emerged that heavily armed US attack helicopters are still
stationed on a military base some 40 kilometers (25 miles) east of Tashkent,
following joint NATO-Uzbek military exercises in the region this month.

US use of former Soviet bases has been busily debated in Moscow, which has
pronounced itself ready to join a world anti-terrorism campaign, but still
worries that NATO forces will permanently root themselves in the lucrative
Central Asian region should Russia agree to a joint attack.

In a sign that the two sides were starting to bridge their positions, Putin
and US President George W. Bush held a 40-minute telephone consultation on
the issue late Saturday Moscow time, although the Kremlin refused to disclose
any details of the talks.

The Russian leader -- whose generals have previously refused to grant US
troops any access to Central Asian countries labeled by Moscow as the near
abroad -- emerged from a near-silence at his Black Sea retreat to voice a
mixed message for Washington.

Putin was further holding late-night consultations on the crisis with his
most senior security officers at the Sochi base late Saturday, senior Kremlin
sources told AFP.

Earlier, speaking ahead of his Tuesday visit to Berlin, Putin hinted in an
interview to Germany's ARD television that while Russia was cautious, it was
willing to negotiate a joint response to the terror strikes in the United

This does not mean that we cannot discuss such questions together with our
partners, think about the possible reaction to the terrorist acts, said
Putin in remarks aired nationwide on Moscow television on Saturday.

Putin said Russia's possible level of participation would be decided based
on the level and character of our partnership with the US and NATO.

These comments coincided with those recently made by senior Russian
officials, who claim to have Putin's ear, who in private said that Moscow
would be willing to offer its full cooperation in a new US war should Russia
be accepted as a member of NATO.

The same senior Russian officials have said that NATO discussions were far
more important than any debates on US plans to build a missile defense
shield, an issue that has been the top priority for talks between Moscow and
Washington for months.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] US toll put at 6,818 as countries report more missing

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sunday September 23, 4:52 AM

US toll put at 6,818 as countries report more missing

NEW YORK, Sept 22 (AFP) -
The death toll from the attacks on the United States stood at 6,818 Saturday
after 11 more bodies were pulled from the ruins of the World Trade Center.

New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Friday the number of missing could still
fluctuate as officials cross check reports of missing people.

More than 60 countries have now reported citizens dead or missing, mostly in
New York, one of the world's most cosmopolitan cities.

But despite continuing round-the-clock rescue efforts, there was now next to
no chance of pulling survivors from the rubble of the World Trade Center.

UNITED STATES officials have given tallies that add up to 6,818 dead or
missing in all the attacks of September 11, but they have still not
established the total number of their nationals among the victims 11 days
after the attack.

In New York, 6,585 people were killed or listed as missing from the World
Trade Center disaster (comprising 252 confirmed dead and 6,333 missing,
presumed dead). Workers have identified 183 bodies, including those of 34

At the Pentagon, 189 people are confirmed dead or missing. So far, 117 bodies
have been recovered, of which 52 have been identified as of Friday. The
Department of Defense said search and recovery operations would continue.

The missing figure at both sites include the 157 passengers and crew of the
two hijacked aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Center and the 64 on
the one that flew into the Pentagon.

Adding the 44 on the hijacked plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, the number
of people on the four planes is given as 265.

(American Airlines flight 11, the first to hit the twin towers of the WTC,
was carrying 92 passengers and crew; United Airlines flight 175, which hit
the second tower, had 65 people on board; American Airlines flight 77, which
crashed into the Pentagon, was carrying 64 people; and United Airlines 93,
which crashed in Pennsylvania without reaching its target, had 44 on board.)

ARGENTINA said four of its nationals were missing.

AUSTRALIA said three of its nationals were confirmed dead. Another 20 who
were in the top floors of the World Trade Center were missing, presumed dead,
and consular staff in Canberra and New York were looking for another 32
Australians reported as missing.

AUSTRIA said around 40 of its nationals were missing.

BANGLADESH said at least 50 Bangladeshis were presumed killed in the carnage
at the World Trade Center, where many worked in restaurants and offices.

BELGIUM said one of its nationals was missing.

BRAZIL said at least 55 of its nationals were missing.

BRITAIN lost around 250 of its citizens, according to New York Mayor Rudolph

BULGARIA said that one of its citizens was missing.

CAMBODIA said some 20 of its nationals were missing following the attacks.

CANADA said three of its nationals were confirmed dead and between 25 and 35
were still missing.

CHILE's New York consulate said two of its nationals were missing and feared
dead, although more than 250 have been reported missing by relatives.

CHINA said two Chinese nationals were killed and another was missing. A man
and woman, both in their 60s, died aboard the plane that crashed into the
Pentagon. Chinese authorities originally said three people had died, but the
foreign ministry revised the figure, saying that a man, Chen Xiaobing, had
been rescued from the lower floors of the building. A 41-year-old Chinese was
reported missing.

COLOMBIA's consulate in New York said two of its nationals were killed -- one
aboard an American Airlines plane that slammed into the side of the twin
towers -- while 10 others were missing. Earlier, Colombia's Red Cross had
said that 295 people were reported missing. While 17 people worked in the
twin towers, others may have been present in the area at the time.

The CZECH REPUBLIC said 56 of its citizens who had been in the United States
were unaccounted for. Of those, up to 15 were thought to have been in New
York or Washington at the time of the attacks, according to the foreign

DENMARK's foreign ministry said that all of its citizens previously reported
missing had turned up safe and sound and that there had therefore been no
Danish casualties.

The DOMINICAN REPUBLIC said one citizen, a paramedic, was found dead and 33
were missing, according to the country's consulate in New York.

ECUADOR listed seven citizens as dead, including one who was a passenger on a
hijacked airliner, and 29 missing.

EGYPT's ambassador to the United States said four Egyptians were feared dead.

EL SALVADOR said one of its citizens died on one of the hijacked planes, and
up to 100 more were missing.

FINLAND said that none of its nationals were missing.

FRANCE said a small number of its nationals working in the World Trade Center

[CTRL] Bush Ready to Sign Executive Order

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush Ready to Sign Executive Order

By CHRISTOPHER NEWTON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites) and Russian President
Vladimir Putin (news - web sites) talked extensively Saturday about the
global ``battle with terror'' as the United States prepared for military
action. Bush said the U.S. economy has suffered shock waves from the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks but remains fundamentally strong.

``We're still the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, and no terrorist
will ever be able to decide our fate,'' Bush said in his weekly radio

He met with advisers at Camp David this weekend as the Pentagon (news - web
sites) ordered ships and planes to the Middle East and thousands of
reservists stepped back into uniform. B-52s departed Saturday from Barksdale
Air Force Base in Louisiana.

The president will soon sign an executive order naming terrorist
organizations and specific terrorists around the world and freezing their
U.S. assets, said a senior administration official, speaking on condition of
anonymity. The official would not say whether the order would list terrorist
groups beyond al-Qaida, the network controlled by Osama bin Laden (news - web

Putin and Bush conferred by phone, their third such conversation since Sept.
11. The White House depicted the call as one in a series to discuss a united
front against terrorism. ``The president appreciates President Putin's
engagement and support in the fight against terrorism,'' White House
spokeswoman Jeanie Mamo said.

Putin huddled with his national security advisers, and made an appearance on
Russian television.

``We have always been initiators of the effort to unite the forces of the
international community in the battle with terror. If we want to win there is
no other way,'' Putin said. ``We must unite forces of all civilized

In his radio address, Bush spoke of the wounded economy, which many
economists believe is guaranteed to slip into recession.

``Our economy has had a shock. Many workers lost their jobs this week,
especially in the airline and hospitality industries, in restaurants and in
tourism, as companies struggle to remain afloat,'' he said. ``I applaud those
companies who are making extra efforts to avoid laying off workers even
during difficult times. Many Americans have also seen the value of their
stocks decline. Yet, for all these challenges, the American economy is
fundamentally strong.''

The United States and the Taliban leadership of Afghanistan (news - web
sites) appeared locked on a path toward conflict. Afghanistan's ambassador to
Pakistan, Abdul Salam Zaeef, said Saturday an unmanned spy plane was shot
down over Tashgurgan Pass in Afghanistan's northern Samangan province by
Taliban soldiers armed with Russian-made anti-aircraft weapons.

``We are still trying to ascertain what country this plane belongs to,''
Zaeef said.

A Pentagon spokesman, Lt. Col. Mike Milord, would not comment on the report.
``As the secretary of defense has said, we will not discuss any operational
issues,'' he said. ``We will not respond to each and every statement of the

En route to the region from the United States were a third aircraft carrier,
B-52 bombers, warships capable of launching ground-attack Tomahawk cruise
missiles and jet fighters. The air war would be directed by Lt. Gen. Charles
Wald, who flew last week to Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister was in Washington last week for
consultations, and U.S. officials said the kingdom was cooperating with U.S.

The United States has ``a command and control center with Saudi Arabia. It's
up and running and it's operational,'' a senior U.S. official said Saturday.

The nation of Turkey sent a letter to Washington agreeing to let transport
plane use its airspace and airports. More than 50 U.S. and British jets are
based on Incirlik air base in southern Turkey.

The president chaired a national security meeting Saturday via
teleconference. With him at Camp David were national security adviser
Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites), chief of staff Andrew Card and CIA (news
- web sites) Director George Tenet.

On Sunday, Bush planned to join Marines at the presidential retreat to help
return U.S. flags to full staff for the first time since the attacks.

The country is still reeling from the attacks that destroyed the World Trade
Center and damaged the Pentagon at a probable cost of more than 6,000 lives.

On Friday night, entertainers from Tom Hanks to Bruce Springsteen united for
an extraordinary televised benefit to raise money for victims. It was shown
on more than 30 TV networks, including all the six biggest broadcasters -
ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, UPN and WB - simultaneously.

Wall Street closed out a horrendous week in which the Dow Jones industrial
average lost 1,369.70 points, its 

[CTRL] NY Post Columnist Blasts U.N.

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

NY Post Columnist Blasts U.N.
Susan Jones, CNSNews.com
Friday, Sept. 21, 2001
The U.N. building towers over the East River like a giant middle finger
aimed at our shores, writes the New York Post's Andrea Peyser in what a
diplomat might call a frank and forthright column in Friday's newspaper.
It's time for the United Nations to get the hell out of town, she writes,
venting her fury at an organization that functions as an international
megaphone through which every Third World dictatorship vents its fury at our
way of life.

Peyser wonders, in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, why the U.N.
is so uncharacteristically quiet. But where are the resolutions? The
outrage? The deep, heartfelt expressions of regret? Not here. Not now. And
certainly not for us.

In an op-ed piece in Friday's New York Times, U.N. Secretary General Kofi
Annan describes the terrorist strikes as an attack on all humanity, and he
says he has expressed the complete solidarity of the United Nations with
Americans in their grief.

He notes that the U.N. Security Council and the General Assembly have joined
him in condemning the attacks and voted to support actions taken against
those responsible.

Of this solidarity, let no one be in doubt.

Anan says the United Nations is uniquely positioned to advance the effort
to defeat common enemies.

However, he warns against targeting peoples and regions because of the
unspeakable acts of individuals. While the world must recognize that there
are enemies common to all societies, it must equally understand that they are
not, are never, defined by religion or national descent.

Healso said the world must address the conditions that permit the growth of
such hatred and depravity, and he specifically mentions the ills of
conflict, ignorance, poverty, and disease.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] 21 September 2001 Federalist Edition #01-38

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

21 September 2001
Federalist Edition #01-38
Friday Digest

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The Foundation
Federalist Perspective


Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but
whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil
and religious liberty. --Samuel Adams


In the news this week, President George Bush addressed the nation
Thursday night in what was one of the most important speeches in
recent history (the text of which we will publish in full in Monday's
Brief). Unleashing Operation Infinite Justice, the first military
phase of a long-term terrorist eradication effort called Operation
Noble Eagle, President Bush emphatically stated that this will not be
a nicely packaged 100 hour assault on a well-defined adversary, but a
conflict which will include casualties and sacrifices.

The key points of the president's address: Tonight we are a country
awakened to danger and called to defend freedom. Our grief has turned
to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to
justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done. ...
[Afghanistan will] deliver to United States authorities all the
leaders of al-Qaida who hide in your land. ... Close immediately and
permanently every terrorist training camp in Afghanistan and hand over
every terrorist, and every person in their support structure, to
appropriate authorities. Give the United States full access to
terrorist training camps, so we can make sure they are no longer
operating. These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion.
The Taliban must act and act immediately. They will hand over the
terrorists, or they will share in their fate. ... Our enemy is a
radical network of terrorists, and every government that supports
them. Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida, but it does not end
there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has
been found, stopped, and defeated. ... By sacrificing human life to
serve their radical visions -- by abandoning every value except the
will to power -- they follow in the path of fascism, and Nazism, and
totalitarianism. And they will follow that path all the way, to where
it ends: in history's unmarked grave of discarded lies. [Not to
mention Communism!] ... From this day forward, any nation that
continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the
United States as a hostile regime. ... As long as the United States of
America is determined and strong, this will not be an age of terror;
this will be an age of liberty, here and across the world. . ... I
will not forget this wound to our country, or those who inflicted it.
I will not yield -- I will not rest -- I will not relent in waging
this struggle for the freedom and security of the American people. The
course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain.
Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we
know that God is not neutral between them.

Our first observation -- thank God for the votes, ironically, of those
active duty military personnel who put George Bush over the top in
Florida last year! And second, several members of The Federalist
Editorial Board -- and many of our readers -- will play significant
roles in Operation Infinite Justice. To them and all of our fellow
patriot warriors, we say God Bless You!

It is difficult to defend against an enemy who is largely undefined.
It is more difficult to take effective offensive action against that
enemy. Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization, al-Qaida, is really a
worldwide network of allied terrorist cells with state support
primarily from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
This enemy has no borders, and the war, no well-defined fronts.

Despite the media's fascination with the New War on America, there
is nothing new about it, except, of course, we are far less prepared
-- both defensively and offensively -- than we were a decade ago.
Suicide bombers fulfilling Jihad are not new. Nor is a threatening
network of terror new; indeed, some elements of this one are merely
recycled Red terrorists who found new employment as reincarnated
Islamic extremists.

The assault on our nation September 11th was unannounced, and, more

[CTRL] AF News 22 Sep 01

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

1342.  Secretary, chief of staff:  A higher calling awaits

by Master Sgt. Rick Burnham
Air Force Print News

WASHINGTON -- When he took the reins of the U.S. Air Force chief of staff
Sept. 6, Gen. John Jumper hardly could have imagined what the future would
hold. That a ruthless band of terrorists would attack in less than a week
... that he and wife, Ellen, would attend a stirring presidential address to
the Congress, essentially declaring war on terrorists everywhere ... that
his Air Force would likely play a key role in that war.

Yet, those were the realities as the new chief of staff spoke before a group
of more than 100 Air Staff officer and enlisted people Sept. 21 at the
Pentagon. The general, formerly commander of Air Combat Command at Langley
Air Force Base, Va., was introduced by Dr. James Roche, secretary of the Air

The events of last week opened up a period for us in the Air Force where we
have to adapt what we do well to the circumstances and threats we face,
said the secretary. I can tell you that we are blessed that we have a
terrific team, and a terrific uniformed leader in John Jumper, to get the
job done. I have the greatest confidence in him, and I think, together with
you, he will serve our country very well in the years to come.

Following his introduction by the secretary, Jumper spoke of the events of
the week before, saying that the world changed for everyone on Sept. 11.

We're in a different mode, he said. The president said it better than
anyone else could -- we are going to march forward in a very determined

The U.S. Air Force, he added, is ready for the challenge.

We were on a very great path already, he said. In 1997, General Ryan said
we're going to take this AEF idea and make it work for the whole Air Force.
So we've been in this period of transition for an extended period of time,
and in doing so we've made ourselves ready for the events that confront us

It helps, he added, that the entire country is now once again behind the
U.S. armed forces, with a single objective in mind: eradicate terrorism and
the people and organizations who generate it. Sitting with the Joint Chiefs
of Staff during President Bush's Sept. 20 address to Congress, he saw
firsthand the solidarity behind this most important cause.

If there is any one place where you can feel the power of the nation's
work, it's in that body, he said. And what you saw was a very diverse
group of people come together behind the president.

The president's speech, he said, was extremely effective, for a very simple

His heart is in this, Jumper said. You get the feeling there is a passion
involved in this ... there is nothing clinical about it. Of course, we're
used to that. We do business on that basis all the time, or we would not be
wearing the suit. But the nation has it now. You get this profound sense
that we have just crossed this very difficult bridge ... civilians are now
as much a target as people in uniform. It's frightening, but it's also

The whole nation is looking at us in uniform to do the nation's business.
Is there any higher calling than that? I don't think so.

Then, turning to Roche, Mr. Secretary, I am proud to be a part of this
team. We have before us today, the greatest Air Force in the world. And we
are soon going to be able to demonstrate that fact once again. We will soon
have to go into harm's way once again, and the men and women of the U.S. Air
Force are going to make it happen. It is going to be magnificent, because
we're going to do it standing side-by-side.

Down the road, the general said, today's airmen are going to look back at
this time with pride.

The things you tend to look back on are the things most important to you,
he said. I can't remember every year I got a pay raise, but I remember the
11th of September.

1341.  Jumper addresses terrorist attacks

by Tech. Sgt. Dee Ann Poole
509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs

WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. (AFPN) -- Gen. John P. Jumper, Air Force chief
of staff, and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Jim Finch visited here
Sept. 20 to update the base's people about America's response to the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

I'm here to tell you what's going on, and thank you for what you're doing
for your nation, Jumper said.

The terrorists tried to unnerve America but were not successful, he said.

What they don't understand is that hitting our symbols isn't the same as
hitting our spirit, and our spirit can't be squelched, said Jumper, who was
in the Pentagon when it was hit by American Airlines Flight 77. The attack
took 189 lives, including 64 on the plane.

We're going to take care of business in a profound way. We're going to
teach the people of the world that America's spirit is unbreakable, Jumper
said, earning cheers from the base's people.

Jumper reminded 

[CTRL] Let's All Apologize

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Let's All Apologize
By Chuck Baldwin
September 21, 2001

What did Jerry Falwell say that was so awful? It must have been something
terrible. After all, Pat Robertson, Cal Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, even
President Bush vehemently condemned what he said. Whatever he said must have
been truly nasty because he quickly apologized. I hope he is now back in the
good graces of all concerned.

Of course, what he said was that the sins and wickedness of people in our
nation are causing God to remove His hand of protection from our nation. He
specifically mentioned homosexuals, lesbians, feminists, and others. This
swiftly brought the wrath of Christian leaders, not to mention the White
House, down upon him.

Well, I am glad that is all cleared up because I had been taught all my life
that God did indeed govern in the affairs of men and that whatsoever men
sowed, they also reaped. I was also taught that America was founded as one
nation under God. In addition, I had previously been led to believe that
righteousness exalted a nation and sin brought a nation to ruin. I am glad
to learn, now, how wrong I was, while there is time to correct my

I am sure if George Washington were alive he, too, would want to apologize.
After all, he once said, Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to
political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In
vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to
subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the
duties of Men and Citizens. Of course, we now know that religion and
morality have no bearing whatsoever upon human happiness and offer no
support to political prosperity.

Thomas Jefferson, too, would want to apologize today if he could. After all,
he once said, And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we
have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people
that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated
but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God
is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever. Of course, we now know that
there is no reason to tremble before a just God; He judges not nations nor
holds them accountable for their sins.

I am sure that Jonathan Edwards would like to retract his famous sermon that
ignited the Great Awakening, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. We now
know that God never angers and that spiritual awakening is not even

Yes, it is good to learn that we are on our own, that God is indifferent to
our sin. It is good to know that those stories about Old Testament Israel
hold no bearing for nations today. Yes, I take great comfort in realizing
that all I had been taught is erroneous and irrelevant.

Therefore, I, too, must apologize. I apologize to my children and to my
church congregation. I apologize to my readers and to my radio audience. I
have erred; I taught you what I was taught. Now we all know better. I wonder
if God knows.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] For China, Terrorism Fight a Double-Edged Sword

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

  S T R A T F O R



  20 September 2001



For China, Terrorism Fight a Double-Edged Sword


Beijing has offered to share information on suspected terrorists
with Washington as part of a proposed anti-terrorism coalition.
Meanwhile, Chinese officials have asked Washington to provide
concrete evidence before striking back at those suspected of
planning and assisting the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.
Chinese officials are torn between joining international
cooperation -- which could help to prevent similar attacks in
China -- and fears that any unilateral responses by Washington
could trigger a wider war that could spread through Asia.


Speaking at a conference of Asian and European police officials
Sept. 19, Jia Chunwang, China's minister of public security, said
China was committed to the international battle against
terrorism. Jia's comments followed those of another ministry
official who warned that countries should not disregard
international law when launching attacks under the pretext of

Beijing's simultaneous offers of assistance and caution against
unilateral actions will continue. Chinese officials are concerned
that domestic Islamic separatism may intensify in the wake of the
attacks on the United States and any counterstrikes by
Washington. Although Beijing seeks international assistance and
justification for its crackdown on the Islamic ethnic Uighurs in
its western provinces, it fears Washington setting an
international precedent for unilateral actions against sovereign
nations, something that could work against China in the future.

China's cooperation in the proposed coalition against terrorism
opens the door to new forms of cooperation between Beijing and
Washington, particularly in Southeast Asia. For Beijing such
cooperation may also bolster China's efforts to quell the spread
of militant groups from Central Asia into western China, where
officials believe they have links to the Muslim Uighur

Beijing recently intensified its crackdown on potential Uighur
separatists in the northwestern Xinjiang province, particularly
under the guise of the Strike Hard campaign, which is meant to
counter the rise of violent criminal groups. Uighur communities
have been targeted in other areas of the country as well. In
1999, government officials razed the traditional Xinjiang
Village in Beijing under the guise of street improvement.

It is not only the Uighurs that concern Beijing. Recently
violence broke out in the eastern Shandong province, after a
shopkeeper's display of Halal Pork offended the local Muslim
community. Police opened fire on a group of nearly 300 ethnic Hui
Muslims from nearby Hebei province who had come to protest; five
were killed and several injured, according to reports from the
Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy. Beijing also
keeps a wary eye on southern Yunnan province, where the
government fears the spread of Islamic militancy from Southeast

China has long been criticized for its human rights practices,
particularly against minority ethnic and religious groups.
Beijing hopes to gain international assistance and even support
for its crackdown on potential and suspected Islamic separatists
and militants. But such cooperation is not without risks.

Because there is no internationally recognized definition of
terrorism, Chinese interpretations can differ markedly from those
of the United States. To Beijing the Dalai Lama could be
considered a terrorist or separatist for giving moral support to
Tibetan independence movements. Yet to Washington, China's own
actions in Tibet could be viewed in a similar way.

For Beijing, then, participating with an anti-terrorism coalition
minimizes the chances of Washington's definitions and
retaliations becoming the accepted global norm. Beijing fears the
coalition against terrorism could evolve into a coalition against
any number of things, which could eventually lead to interference
in China's own internal political issues.

Even more pressing for China, however, is preventing the United
States from triggering a broader Islamic militant war. Regional
media have already linked the Uighurs to Osama bin Laden and
Pakistani militants, and China has long worried that they have
ties to other Central Asian groups. With major Islamic
communities spread around the nation, Beijing wants to avoid a
repeat of the attacks in New York City and Washington in Shanghai
or Beijing.


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[CTRL] 19 September 2001 Federalist Edition #01-38

2001-09-22 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

19 September 2001
Federalist Edition #01-38
Wednesday Chronicle

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The Foundation
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
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Editor's Note


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I will not believe our labours are lost. I shall not die without a
hope that light and liberty are on steady advance. And even should the
cloud of barbarism and despotism again obscure the science and
liberties of Europe, this country remains to preserve and restore
light and liberty to them. In short, the flames kindled on the fourth
of July seventeen hundred and seventy six have spread over too much of
the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism.
--Thomas Jefferson


If war is ever lawful, then peace is sometimes sinful. --C.S. Lewis
++  No one is safe by his own strength, but he is safe by the grace
and mercy of God. --St. Cyprian  ++  Those wars are unjust which are
undertaken without provocation.  For only a war waged for revenge or
defense can be just. --Cicero  ++  How merrily we headed for
catastrophe! --Albert Speer   ++ Our worst days are never so bad
that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are
never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. --Jerry
Bridges  ++  Little progress can be made by merely attempting to
repress what is evil; our great hope lies in developing what is good.
--Calvin Coolidge Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all
terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without
victory there is no survival. --Sir Winston Churchill


The way to deal with this problem is not to suddenly become a police
state and say we are not going to be free and we are not going to go
about our lives. We are going to go after the people who are posing
this very serious danger and that's what we need to do. --DefSec
Donald Rumsfeld  ++  This is a war that has been launched against the
United States and we need to understand that, but we do not need to
cease being the United States of America in response to these
attacks. --AG John Ashcroft  ++  The administration has steadily
moved in the right direction...from talking about justice to talking
about victory...from talking about criminals to talking about enemies
and...from talking about retribution to talking about defeating. These
are very important changes. --Newt Gingrich  ++  We are placing
tremendous trust in our president to pursue our enemies as our
commander-in-chief but Congress must remain vigilant as to not allow
our civil liberties here at home to be eroded.  The temptation will be
great to sacrifice our freedoms for what may seem to be more security.
We must resist this temptation. --Rep. Ron Paul  ++  Clinton should
be vilified. Perjury is one thing. Rendering inoperable our country's
defenses against terrorism is high treason. --Paul Craig Roberts  ++
War nearly always serves as an occasion for serious expansions of
state power and the destruction of legal protections. --Joseph Sobran
++  In the midst of so much carnage, compassion and courage,
congressional cowardice is shameful. --Oliver North  ++  What
happened Tuesday was unimaginably horrific. What happens the next time
could be worse. --Steve Chapman  ++  We do not need to 'neutralize'
or 'punish' or even 'apprehend' terrorists. We need to kill them.
Perhaps our greatest national weakness is our short attention span,
and I fear that, in a surprisingly short time, we will forget our just
anger. --Ralph Peters  ++  Did you want us to respect your cause?
You just damned your cause. Did you want to make us fear? You just
steeled our resolve. Did you want to tear us apart? You just brought
us together. ... You don't know my people. You don't know what we're
about. You don't know what you just started. But you're about to
learn. --Leonard Pitts  ++  The job of the Secret Service is to keep
the president of the United States alive, not  satisfy the silly
little social concerns of Peter Jennings or others in the media.
--Rush Limbaugh  ++  Barbara Olson was one of freedom's warriors.  A
Texan who 

[CTRL] What is Islam?

2001-09-22 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

What Is Islam?

Its name implies peace, but it preaches Holy War - so what kind of
religion is it?

by Paul Vallely
20 September 2001


It seems a long time now since the American political scientist Francis
Fukuyama announced the End of History. It was not long after the Berlin
Wall had fallen. The Cold War was over. Capitalism had triumphed. There
were to be no more conflicts, just the playing out of humankind's
increasing prosperity.

Even then there were sceptics. Another American theorist, Samuel
Huntington, pronounced that the great conflict of the 21st century would
in fact be played out along the fault line of the tectonic plates on which
Islamic and Western civilisation co-existed so uneasily. In the search for
a new enemy after the collapse of Communism, the alien dispensation of
Mohammedanism  to use a term which Muslims hate  appeared as promising a
candidate as any.

To non-Muslims, time has only seemed to give additional credence to the
notion. First there was the Rushdie affair which raised the spectre of
Islam as a threat to hard-won post-Enlightenment Western liberal values.
Then the expressions of support by some British Muslims for Saddam Hussein
during the Gulf war went further, creating the image of the UK's two
million Muslims as potential subversives  a deadly time bomb ticking in
our midst. And now Islamic fanatics have perpetrated the biggest terrorist
atrocity of modern times.

Extremists, terrorists, fanatics  the descriptions vary  but the constant
always is the adjective Islamic which precedes them. So is there
non-Muslims wonder  something fundamental about Islam which makes it
incompatible with Western values of democracy and freedom? Are Muslims
inevitably more likely to be, in the vocabulary of cosmic good and evil so
beloved of President Bush, the bad guys? Certainly one might think so
from the questions which one now hears being asked about Islam by nervous
observers of current events. Many are questions born of ignorance; but,
for that very reason, they are worth answering. Here are six of the most

Why does Islam seem so confrontational, aggressive and intolerant?

The sword has always figured prominently in Islamic history. Christianity
may have been inaugurated by a man who seemingly failed in his worldly
agenda, but the seventh-century Arab who founded Islam, the Prophet
Muhammad, was a man who vanquished his enemies on the battlefield. In the
centuries which followed, military conquest was the means by which Islam
spread rapidly through the Middle East to Africa, Europe, the Indian
subcontinent, the Malay Peninsula, and China.

The traditions and law of Islam were thus formed during an era of success.
Programmed for victory, it has no theology for failure  or for being a
minority. This undoubtedly heightens the sense of humiliation Muslims feel
in an era of globalisation when Western power  cultural, economic and
military  is increasingly unchallenged. Having said that, for almost half
a millennium, under the Ottoman empire, the tone of Islam was one of
civilised consolidation.

It was also far more tolerant, of both Jews and Christians, than Christian
Europe ever was of its minorities. In the 11th and 12th centuries, Muslim
philosophy was the most sophisticated in the world. In Moorish Spain the
governing mood was one of co-operation. In the centuries after, the
attitude of Muslim conquerors to Hindus in India  moderated by the growth
of Sufism  was far less narrow-minded than is often claimed. It is only
with the growth of fundamentalism that the tone of intolerance has
heightened, and many modern Muslims insist that the new practices of
death-sentence fatwas and book-burning are unIslamic.

Why is Islam so inflexible?

Muslims believe that the Koran is the actual words of God, as dictated to
the Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel. As such, not only is its Arabic
language thought to be unsurpassed in purity and beauty (to imitate the
style of the Koran is a sacrilege) but it is also the infallible word of
God. That means that there is no room for the kind of interpretation
common in Christianity and Judaism which sees the Bible as the revelation
of God's purpose through the experiences, minds and pens of men. The Koran
cannot have been influenced by the circumstances under which it was
revealed. It can contain no mistake. And it cannot be mitigated by any new
discovery. What has been revealed by God is fixed and immutable.

In the three centuries which followed the Prophet's death, attempts were
allowed to interpret the Koran in the light of a changing world. The
practice was known as ijtihad. But by the end of the ninth century Islam
had been codified in legal manuals of The Shari'ah (The Way), a
comprehensive code of behaviour that embraces both private and public
activities. The gates of ijtihad were then closed. Islam became a rigid
and static system in which 

[CTRL] Fwd: Special Forces Search Engine

2001-09-22 Thread Saba

Excellent site.


[CTRL] Spy In The White House? Terrorists Had Ultra Secret Codes On 911

2001-09-22 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

  Spy In The White House?
  Terrorists Had Ultra Secret
  Codes On 911
  From DEBKA Intelligence Files
   © 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

   Air Force One is next, read the message received by the U.S.
   Secret Service at 9 a.m. Sept. 11, after two hijacked planes 
   the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

   Three minutes later, Secret Service agents grabbed Vice
   President Dick Cheney from his seat opposite a television set in
   the White House and hustled him down to the president's
   emergency operations center, a bunker built to withstand a
   nuclear blast.

   The terrorists' message threatening Air Force One was 
   in that day's top-secret White House code words. As the clock
   ticked away, the Secret Service reached a frightening 
   The terrorists had obtained the White House code and a whole set
   of top-secret signals.

   This made it possible for a hostile force to pinpoint the exact
   position of Air Force One, its destination and its classified
   procedures. In fact, the hijackers were picking up and 
   the presidential plane's incoming and outgoing transmissions.

   The discovery shocked everyone in the president's emergency
   operations center ? Cheney, National Security Adviser
   Condoleezza Rice and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.
   Their first question was: How did the terrorists access 
   White House codes and procedures? Is there a mole, or more than
   one enemy spy in the White House, the Secret Service, the FBI,
   the CIA or the Federal Aviation Administration?

   In the week after the attacks in New York and Washington, more
   hair-raising facts emerged. The terrorists had also obtained the
   code groups of the National Security Agency and were able to
   penetrate the NSA's state-of-the-art electronic surveillance
   systems. Indeed, they seemed to have at their disposal an
   electronic capability that was more sophisticated than that of 

   This startling observation came as no surprise to those tracking
   the globe-spanning investments of Saudi Arabia's bin Laden 
   and those of its exiled son, Osama, in some of the world's 
   and most advanced satellite and telecommunications companies.
   World Space Communication is one of the known bin Laden
   assets. U.S. counter-terrorism agencies, including the NSA, have
   been tracking World Space Communication's activities for the 
   five years. Some of the company's satellites are far more
   advanced than the NSA's own eyes in the sky.

   Bin Laden also has the NSA beat on the employment front, hiring
   the best computer experts on the market . One such is Nabil Khan
   Kani, a Syrian who lived in Barcelona with his Spanish wife, 
   Florine, in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

   No one ever suspected what the amiable Syrian was really up to
   until January 2000, when FBI agents found two apartments he
   used thousands of miles from Barcelona, in the Bab el-Shabaa
   district of Saana, Yemen. The apartments served as transit 
   for Egyptians suspected of operational links with the Egyptian
   Islamic Jihad and Algerians connected with the Armed Islamic
   Group, or GIA. There, investigators turned up nine fake identity
   cards in different names, all with Kani's photo, Spanish, 
   French and Sudanese passports, likewise with the same photo but
   in different names, and two pistols fitted with silencers.

   Kani must have used yet another alias for his getaway . His
   whereabouts are unknown to this day. Computer and terrorism
   experts suggest 

Re: [CTRL] US planes land in ex-Soviet bases for possible Afghanattack

2001-09-22 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Sunday September 23, 12:34 AM

 US planes land in ex-Soviet bases for possible Afghan attack

 TASHKENT, Sept 22 (AFP) -
 US warplanes have landed in the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan as
 Russian President Vladimir Putin, after an extended silence, voiced readiness
 to cooperate with US plans to strike Afghanistan -- but only after they are
 approved by the UN Security Council.

 Uzbek military sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP on
 Saturday that the US jets were stationed just outside the Uzbek capital
 Tashkent and were equipped with surveillance devices, presumably aimed at
 Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia just to the south.

 The sources refused to disclose the number of aircraft or when they had
 arrived, although Uzbek officials had previously denied that they were
 willing to cooperate with a US attack in reprisal for the Taliban's refusal
 to hand over suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden.

 It has further emerged that heavily armed US attack helicopters are still
 stationed on a military base some 40 kilometers (25 miles) east of Tashkent,
 following joint NATO-Uzbek military exercises in the region this month.

 US use of former Soviet bases has been busily debated in Moscow, which has
 pronounced itself ready to join a world anti-terrorism campaign, but still
 worries that NATO forces will permanently root themselves in the lucrative
 Central Asian region should Russia agree to a joint attack.

 In a sign that the two sides were starting to bridge their positions, Putin
 and US President George W. Bush held a 40-minute telephone consultation on
 the issue late Saturday Moscow time, although the Kremlin refused to disclose
 any details of the talks.

 The Russian leader -- whose generals have previously refused to grant US
 troops any access to Central Asian countries labeled by Moscow as the near
 abroad -- emerged from a near-silence at his Black Sea retreat to voice a
 mixed message for Washington.

 Putin was further holding late-night consultations on the crisis with his
 most senior security officers at the Sochi base late Saturday, senior Kremlin
 sources told AFP.

 Earlier, speaking ahead of his Tuesday visit to Berlin, Putin hinted in an
 interview to Germany's ARD television that while Russia was cautious, it was
 willing to negotiate a joint response to the terror strikes in the United

 This does not mean that we cannot discuss such questions together with our
 partners, think about the possible reaction to the terrorist acts, said
 Putin in remarks aired nationwide on Moscow television on Saturday.

 Putin said Russia's possible level of participation would be decided based
 on the level and character of our partnership with the US and NATO.

 These comments coincided with those recently made by senior Russian
 officials, who claim to have Putin's ear, who in private said that Moscow
 would be willing to offer its full cooperation in a new US war should Russia
 be accepted as a member of NATO.

 The same senior Russian officials have said that NATO discussions were far
 more important than any debates on US plans to build a missile defense
 shield, an issue that has been the top priority for talks between Moscow and
 Washington for months.

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