[CTRL] Worker's apparent recovery from inhaled anthrax shows hope for treatment

2001-10-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Worker's apparent recovery from inhaled anthrax shows hope for treatment

By DANIEL Q. HANEY, Associated Press

(October 17, 2001 12:46 p.m. EDT) - The apparent recovery of a Florida
newspaper mailroom worker from inhaled anthrax raises the possibility that
fast, all-out treatment with the latest antibiotics may be more effective than
experts had assumed.

So few cases of inhaled anthrax have occurred in modern times that little is
truly known about its usual course. Nevertheless, doctors have assumed that
antibiotics must begin before symptoms set in to work well. By then, the germ
has produced large amounts of toxin that may be lethal even if the bacteria
are killed.

Florida health officials acknowledged Monday night that they now believe
Ernesto Blanco, who worked at a Boca Raton tabloid, has been sick with
inhaled anthrax all along.

Blanco's family said he was admitted to the hospital Oct. 1 for respiratory
problems. He was identified Oct. 8 as the second confirmed case of anthrax
exposure after spores of the bacteria were found in his nose.

But because he did not have all the classic symptoms, doctors assumed he
was sick from pneumonia, not anthrax. Federal and state health officials
decline to say specifically what treatments Blanco has received, citing patient

On Tuesday, an official with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention said Blanco is doing well, and doctors are optimistic he will
recover. The official also said Blanco's diagnosis does not mean any new
cases of anthrax will emerge.

While a single case does not prove how well therapies work, doctors say
Blanco's improvement is a hopeful sign that modern antibiotics may be more
effective than they thought against inhaled anthrax.

We have limited knowledge of this disease, so our understanding of the
clinical spectrum may need to be modified as a result of individuals like this,
said David Fleming, deputy director of the CDC.

Fleming said Blanco survived because some very astute clinicians assured
he was given aggressive antibiotic therapy.

According to family members, Blanco was gravely ill last week, on a
respirator and near death. Stepdaughter Maria Orth said doctors disagreed
at the time over whether he had anthrax.

The usual way of diagnosing anthrax is to remove a bit of blood, spinal fluid
or other sample from the patient, put it into a growing medium and see if
bacteria flourish. However, Fleming said that by the time doctors tried this in
Blanco's case, the germ had apparently already been killed by antibiotics.

Furthermore, Blanco did not have all the usual symptoms of inhaled anthrax.
Typically, chest X-rays show swelling that widens the area between the lungs
and the spine, but Blanco did not have this.

Over time, however, a variety of less definitive tests suggested that anthrax
was to blame. These included tests that showed the presence of antibodies
directed against anthrax, as well as signs of bacterial genes in his blood and
testing of biopsy specimens.

No single test confirmed it, said Fleming. It was the mounting evidence,
the clinical evidence and the battery of tests, that tipped the scale.

Because inhaled anthrax is so rare, the best evidence about the effects of
treatment has come from an accidental release of the germ from a
bioweapons plant in Sverdlovsk, Russia, in 1979 that killed about 70 people.
Only about one-fifth of those who caught the inhaled disease eventually

However, Arthur M. Friedlander, an anthrax expert at the U.S. Army Medical
Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md., said the
reliability of data from that incident is questionable.

There is some data in animals suggesting that treatment later in the course
of infection with antibiotics can be successful in some cases, he said.

The only other U.S. victim of inhaled anthrax since 1976 was photo editor
Robert Stevens, who worked with Blanco at American Media Inc. He died
Oct. 5.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] FDA to publish medication instructions to ward off anthrax infection

2001-10-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

FDA to publish medication instructions to ward off anthrax infection

By LAURAN NEERGAARD, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (October 17, 2001 12:21 p.m. EDT) - The government will
soon publish exact doses of medicines besides Cipro that people exposed
to anthrax can take to ward off infection.

The federal government is aiming to inform panicked Americans that other
widely available - and cheaper - antibiotics than Cipro can also fight anthrax.

The generic antibiotics doxycycline and penicillin have long been approved
by the Food and Drug Administration as treatments for anthrax, while the
newer Cipro was approved just last year.

But as worries spread, Cipro is the drug disappearing from pharmacy
shelves. Americans are citing concerns there might not be enough treatment,
even though numerous manufacturers churn out millions of doxycycline and
penicillin tablets each year.

It seems as if in the minds of some people, that's the only drug, FDA drug
chief Dr. Janet Woodcock said of Cipro Wednesday. That actually isn't the

So within a week, the FDA will publish specific instructions on what dose of
doxycycline and penicillin can be used, and for how long, to ward off infection
among people exposed to anthrax spores.

These older antibiotics are relatively inexpensive and readily available,
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson told Congress on

The information is important because Cipro, like all medications, can cause
some serious side effects. Therefore, health officials stress it should be used
only by those who really need it - not worried people who haven't been
exposed to anthrax.

All antibiotics can cause allergic reactions. Cipro can cause central nervous
system side effects such as dizziness, confusion and depression, as well as
ruptures of tendons. Doxycycline's main warnings mention permanently
staining children's teeth and making the skin sensitive to sunlight.

Doxycycline is better tolerated, said Dr. Jeffrey Koplan, director of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Indeed, people who were exposed to anthrax but show no symptoms after a
few days should expect their doctors to switch them from Cipro to
doxycycline, Koplan said.

Days after anthrax was first discovered in a Florida tabloid office, the CDC
privately sent state health departments dosage instructions for Cipro,
doxycycline and a penicillin relative called amoxicillin for anyone exposed to

For adults, the CDC-recommended doses are 500 milligrams of Cipro twice
a day for 60 days; or 100 mg of doxycycline twice a day for 60 days; or 500
mg of amoxicillin three times a day for 60 days.

The CDC recommendations warned that pregnant women were
recommended to take only amoxicillin, not the other drugs; doxycycline was
the first choice for the elderly; and children need special doses based on
their weight.

The FDA didn't object to the CDC's recommendations but will also publish a
penicillin dose.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] From Dissent to Colonialism

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain
Britain: Parliamentary debate reveals growing dissent in war against
By Julie Hyland
18 October 2001
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The fourth emergency parliamentary debate on the “war against
terrorism” on Tuesday revealed the tension and nervousness among
sections of the political establishment, concerned at the
international and domestic implications of Prime Minister Blair’s
commitment to the US-led campaign.
Previous debates have largely served as a platform for Blair to
flaunt his newfound status as international statesman par excellence,
and for the opposition parties to declare their support for his every
decision. This time, however, six Labour MPs had tabled a strongly
worded “early day motion” drawing attention to United Nations’
warnings that Afghanistan faced a “humanitarian crisis of ‘stunning
proportions’”. Their motion argued, “The grief and suffering of
innocent victims in the USA cannot be answered by the bombing and
starvation of equally innocent victims in Afghanistan”. Noting that
the US bombardment had intensified the refugee crisis, disrupted
vital food distribution and “caused substantial civilian deaths and
injuries”, the motion called on the British government “to halt the
bombing and urge the United States to do likewise”.
Signed by Paul Marsden, Alan Simpson, Robert Marshall-Andrews, Lyn
Jones, Tam Dalyell and Alice Mahon, the tabling of such a motion is
parliamentary device, which enables backbenchers to record their
views on a particular topic, without it being actually debated.
However, such was the government’s sensitivity to even the slightest
criticism that Foreign Secretary Jack Straw chose to attack the early
day motion in his own address to parliament on the “coalition against
Straw accused the motion’s authors of attempting to appease Osama bin
Laden and other international terrorists. Government critics were
simply dodging the choice between “appeasement and allowing the
Taliban regime to harbour terrorists”, he said.
Tam Dalyell, the longest-serving MP, severely criticised the
government’s response to US terror attacks and demanded to know what
its military objectives in Afghanistan were. Government references to
carrying out “carefully calibrated reactions” were “cosy self-
delusion”, Dalyell said. Dropping bombs from 30,000 feet did not
constitute “effective military action” but could only lead to a
“massacre of civilians.”
The Scottish MP continued, “Some of us simply do not believe that the
atrocities against Manhattan and the Pentagon were in any way honed
or finalised in some cave in Afghanistan. The truth is that they were
honed and finalised much nearer home—in Western Europe, in Hamburg-
Harburg, London and Leicester, and in the United States itself. What
is being done to follow up the leads to those who were actually
involved in committing the crimes?”
Senior Labour MP Gwyneth Dunwoody warned of the “deep unease in the
British population, who know that one does not on the whole deal with
terrorism by mass intervention at state level”.
Alex Salmond, leader of the Scottish National Party, said that the US-
led coalition was losing the “battle of public opinion” amongst
Muslims. Talk of the conflict going on for years was “extremely
dangerous” under conditions in which the “humanitarian clock” was
ticking, he said. “If a substantial number of people starve to death
this winter, it won’t be the Taliban that are held responsible for
that particular disaster. While the government certainly has broad
support, it is not support that in any way can be taken for granted.”
George Galloway (Labour) responded to Straw’s allegations of
appeasement by stating, “the only supporters of the Taliban are in
the government’s coalition... which contains the only countries which
until a few days ago—and, in one case, until now—maintain diplomatic
relations with the Taliban...”
He added, “The American and British governments invented the
Taliban,” whom they had once armed, financed and trained. Bin Laden’s
guards had been “trained at what can only be described as a terrorist
training camp near Fort William by the Special Air Service of the
British Army”, Galloway continued.
Neither the government nor the opposition parties should fool
themselves that there was not “great unease about and considerable
opposition” to the bombing of Afghanistan, warned Galloway. Nor
should they believe “that the support of juntas, potentates and
western dependent leaders for their course of action represents
opinion in the countries that are under the heel” of the self-same
dictatorships. In truth the US and British governments have
“assembled in a coalition for ‘enduring freedom’ some of the least
free countries in the world.”
Attacking Afghanistan, the poorest country in the world, from B52
bombers was the moral equivalent of placing “Mike Tyson in a ring
with a 

[CTRL] Dominoes in the Sand

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4279609,00.html

Or, Iran 2, Iran 3, ... AER 

The coming Arab crash
If the Saudi and other pro-western regimes are lined up against Bin
Laden, they will fall
Said Aburish
Thursday October 18, 2001
The Guardian
The west's most important friends in the Arab Middle East - Fahd of
Saudi Arabia, Abdullah of Jordan, Mubarak of Egypt and the PLO's
Yasser Arafat - are probably the world's most vulnerable political
quartet. It is likely that endemic problems and the Islamic
fundamentalist tide gripping their countries will bring an end to
their regimes within the next five years.
Though Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority have
many problems in common, the likelihood is that Saudi Arabia will be
the Middle East's next trouble spot among the pro-western countries.
This is because King Fahd, 79, is ailing and his death is likely to
produce several contenders for the kingship at a time of mounting
economic problems and growing Islamic opposition.
For now, all might seem outwardly quiet in Saudi Arabia. But a closer look reveals 
serious problems. Since Fahd bin Abdel Aziz, fifth king of modern Saudi Arabia, 
succeeded to the throne in 1982, the economy has shrunk dr
astically. Even by historical standards corruption is completely out of control. With 
oil income down to $40bn, most of the country's people are suffering. In 1993, annual 
per capita income was $5,000, barely one third of
 what it was in the early 1980s. By some estimates, it has since fallen still further. 
And politically, all this has aided Islamic fundamentalism, which has grown at an 
alarming rate because it is the only popular movemen
t which the government cannot outlaw. Widespread anti-western feeling means there is a 
danger of internal unrest and more violence against western interests.
Corruption and the suffering of the average Saudi provide a fertile background for the 
emergence of a popular Islamic opposition and the coming of age of a generation of 
educated Saudis who reject the absolute ways of the
 monarchy. Fahd and his family are identified with the west. The misdeeds of the 
royals, including allowing the stationing of American forces on holy Muslim soil, is 
doing the west more harm than good. These elements comb
ined are driving more and more Saudis to join militant Islamic movements and reducing 
the monarchy's already small popular base.
A fight over the succession could produce an alliance between Muslim fundamentalists 
and the army against the royals - or some dissident royals forging an alliance with 
the army or security forces against their relations.
 This is a difficult time for the House of Saud to join the west against fellow 
Muslims: there is no direct threat to Saudi Arabia and Bin Laden's criminal actions 
appeal to many Muslims.
In Jordan, the situation is no better. Young and untried King Abdullah is in serious 
trouble. More than two thirds of his country's population is Palestinian and 
sympathise with any anti-American action because of America
's support for   Israel. King Abdullah's open support for action against Bin Laden and 
his militant supporters has done nothing but diminish his popularity. At present the 
opposition to Abdullah is unorganised and no grou
ps are openly asking for his overthrow. But there is a strong and vocal Islamic 
fundamentalist opposition, which at one point controlled a quarter of the seats in the 
Jordanian parliament. As in Saudi Arabia, there are ve
ry few who favour supporting the west against fellow Muslims. Even those who do blame 
Abdullah for maintaining the peace treaty with Israel and attempting to please the 
west at the expense of local feeling.
Jordan's troubles have a regional component in them. Syria, traditionally anti-west, 
has considerable influence with the Jordanians. Jordanians approve of Syria's hard 
line against Israel and are full of admiration for th
e semi-socialist politics of their northern neighbour. Moreover, Saddam Hussein is 
extremely popular in Jordan. Seen as a modern day Saladin who stood up to the west, 
his popularity is widespread.
Overall, the anti-western feeling of the Jordanian people, be they secular or 
Islamist, is extremely strong. Any Jordanian help for the west, even if strictly 
diplomatic, is likely to backfire and exacerbate King Abdullah
's chronic problems. Yet, Jordan's dependence upon America's economic aid has already 
forced its government to adopt this unpopular stance.
In Egypt, economic conditions are much worse than in Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The 
damage to tourism brought about by the September 11 disaster is likely to be severe. 
Tourism is the country's major industry and top foreig
n currency earner. Moreover, lower oil tanker traffic through the Suez canal will make 
the situation worse. This comes at a time when the fever of opposition to President 
Mubarak is catching.
Until recently, opposition to Mubarak's 

[CTRL] New Wahhabis

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Nifty graphix and additional reports at site.  AER 

The ‘New Wahhabi’ movement

Increasingly, Saudi-funded sect viewed as central to U.S. war on

Sunni Muslims in Lebanon watch as anti-American demonstrators chant
slogans supporting Osama bin Laden in Tripoli last Friday.

By Sue Lackey
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Oct. 17 —  In a middle-class neighborhood in West
Beirut near the squalor of the Shatila refugee camp, Palestinians
live side by side with Shiite Muslims who fled the Israeli occupation
in southern Lebanon. Graffiti and banners reflect the local sympathy
for the “martyrs” of their respective causes: the fight for a
Palestinian homeland and the Shiite Hezbollah movement, considered a
terrorist group by the U.S. government. Nestled among these militant
groups, however, are religious schools that U.S. intelligence
officials regard as far more dangerous. They are the madrassas of the
Saudi-funded Wahhabi sect, part of a worldwide network of Muslim
extremists that now figures at the center of the Sept. 11 attacks.

   IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD and several others like it, puritanical
Wahhabi schools indoctrinate young men in radical militancy. Between
the ages of 7 and 15, they are taught the fundamentals of strict
Islam and religious obligations. Between the ages of 15 and 25, these
young men are trained to fight and prepared for the jihad, or holy
war — in this case conquest of Wahhabi Islam. The students they are
charged with fulfilling missions related to the jihad.
   Many Muslims and Koranic scholars denounce this radical
interpretation of Islamic precepts as one that distorts Islam’s
holiest text into a cookbook for violent action.
   “It is a religion of peace,” Farkhunda Ali, spokeswoman for
the American Muslim Council, said in the wake of the Sept. 11
attacks. “These types of acts are not Islam. They are manslaughter.”
   An internal security officer in an Arab country, who asked not
to be identified, put it more bluntly: “They’re killers. By the time
they’re teen-agers, they’re capable of being recruited as

   It is important to stress that not all of the young men who
attend Wahhabi schools will turn to violence. A number will go on to
become religion teachers themselves.
   The Wahhabi pride themselves on adherence to Islamic values
such as honesty and piety in their dealings with each other. Wahhabi
communities are generally well organized and well financed, and
residents carry on normal lives as tradesmen.
   The vast majority of Wahhabi communities do not openly
maintain armed militias, though they do engage in paramilitary
training. With the notable exception of the Taliban, weapons or other
arms are kept concealed.
   These communities are different than Wahhabi factions that
have developed in Palestinian refugee camps, particularly in Lebanon.
There, many members are criminals and fugitives who have turned to
radical Islam and receive financing in return.

   The Wahhabi movement flourishes in every Muslim country —
despite the fears of governments, and in some cases because of those
fears. This has given suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida
organization an international ideological and operational network.
   In Lebanon, where factional politics flourish, the Wahhabi
movement is estimated by internal security officials to be about
4,000 strong. The movement is far larger in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and
Pakistan. It goes by many names — Ikhwan, Wahhabi, Salifiyya,
Mowahabin and now, famously, Taliban. What all of them have in common
is a militant view of Sunni Islam and financial support at the
highest levels of the Saudi Arabian government.


   Over the past 10 years, Saudi Arabia, either directly or
indirectly through non-governmental organizations, has financed all
of the Wahhabi movements in the region, says one prominent Islamic
scholar in Lebanon.
   “This was really a strategic mistake,” he says. “The Arab
rulers, as well as the policy analysts, have really underestimated
the [fundamentalist] regeneration in the region. I would expect a war
of Wahhabism against the gulf countries, particularly Saudi rulers.”
   By funding the Wahhabi sect, the Saudi royal family purchased
immunity for itself, but this now appears to be ending. As soon as
the U.S. air strikes against Afghanistan began on Oct. 7, one of the
most prominent Islamic scholars in the kingdom published a “fatwah”
against the royal family, warning, “Whoever supports the infidel
against Muslims is considered an infidel. It is a duty to wage jihad
[holy war] on anyone who attacks Afghanistan.” Saudi King Fahd, whose
monarchy is being questioned by Islamic scholars and the West alike.
   Since then, other clerics
 inside and outside the country have added their voices, in effect ex-
communicating Saudi Arabia’s ruling 

[CTRL] LonTel: US is just playing around, says Northern Alliance

2001-10-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


US is just playing around, says Northern Alliance

By Marcus Warren in Begrime, northern Afghanistan
(Filed: 18/10/2001)

THE first American strikes against front-line targets north of Kabul left
anti-Taliban commanders distinctly unimpressed yesterday. Some military
chiefs even complained that their enemy's morale was higher now than before
the air campaign began.

Northern Alliance soldiers march through a cemetary en route to positions
on the front line The negligible scale of the allied air raids on the
military outside the Afghanistan capital had convinced the Taliban that
America was just playing around, one senior commander of the Northern
Alliance forces said, citing reports from spies and connections in Kabul.

An unidentified plane was seen banking away over the mountains soon after
two explosions a few miles south of the front line yesterday afternoon in
what appeared to be the first daylight raid in the area.

Three bombs were dropped on Taliban positions six miles from Bagram,
Afghanistan's largest air base, from early evening on Tuesday until dawn
yesterday, the general in charge of the ruined airport confirmed.

All the overnight bombs hit their target and one destroyed a small convoy
of cars near a Taliban post, Gen Babajan said. Before the attack, the cars
had their lights on but afterwards there was only darkness and the vehicles
had been smashed to bits, he said.

The strikes made good a threat earlier this week by Donald Rumsfeld, the US
defence secretary, that the front line would not be a very safe place to

Since the bombing began 10 days ago, Taliban fighters have sought shelter
from the raids on Kabul by commuting by car to their positions near the
Northern Alliance forces to the north of the capital. The Taliban's vehicle
lights can easily be seen across the plains.

However, Gen Babajan, who voiced the fears of many commanders of opposition
forces at the weekend when he accused America and Pakistan of a plot to
thwart any Northern Alliance advance on Kabul, was unenthusiastic about the

Do you think three bombs will make much of a difference? he asked,
sitting in the shade at his command post behind the bombed out airbase

To observers on the Shamali plains, America appears to be doing the bare
minimum to keep its allies fighting the Taliban happy but is determined not
to encourage them to move on and to capture Kabul.

There was even speculation that the bombs dropped overnight had been left
over from other sorties and expended in an attack on B-list targets.

One senior Northern Alliance commander expressed the fear that the minimal
intensity of the bombing was strengthening the Taliban's resolve to resist

Jan Akhamat, deputy military chief of Parvan province said: Before the
bombing, the Taliban were worried about what sort of attacks would happen.
Now the attacks are like this and their morale is better.

He added: They think the Americans are just playing around. These three
bombs are not enough. In fact they will mobilise the Taliban and make them

Confidence in America, never high among anti-Taliban commanders, and faith
in the likelihood of any significant military alliance with Washington, are
evaporating rapidly.

The United States is doing its own thing for its own benefit here, said
Commander Akhamat, a sentiment shared by most of the anti-Taliban military
leadership as well as many ordinary people.

Washington's close co-operation with Pakistan, long an ally of the
Taliban's extremist regime and hostile to the Northern Alliance, has only
confirmed the suspicions of those fighting the Taliban on the ground that
they are being used as cannon fodder by the West.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WSJ: The Iraq Connection

2001-10-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The Iraq Connection

Attack Saddam? It may be one of the most momentous choices of the 21st

Wall Street Journal-Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:01 a.m. EDT

The professionally prepared and precisely sized anthrax spores that have
infected some 30 congressional staffers and closed down the Capitol and the
office of the governor of New York have made the point forcefully: When you
are at war, the primary task should be to determine whom you are at war

In most wars this is not a problem. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990
the way the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor--with flags flying. Even
in our war two centuries ago with the Barbary Pirates, an enemy with some
loose parallels to al Qaeda, we had no doubt which North African government
sheltered them. Stephen Decatur knew whom to attack.

This time it's different. Although the administration's decision to move
first against the obvious target--the Taliban and their demonic al Qaeda
guests--is sound, there are rising doubts that even a victory in
Afghanistan, and even the capture or death of Osama bin Laden and his
cohorts, will solve the problem. And this is not only because of al Qaeda
operatives and street demonstrations in other countries. Removing bin Laden
and his associates may only amputate one hand of our enemy. There are
substantial and growing indications that a state may, behind the scene, be
involved in the attacks. This is hard for us to deal with because, as Sen.
Dianne Feinstein said recently, It's a very sobering thing for Americans,
who tend to be upfront dealing with everything, to be faced with something
so clandestine and unknown.

When an enemy has a face and a name, this country can be awesome in its
ability to mobilize quickly for war and win, as we did in both world wars.
But we are now facing an enemy from a part of the world where the major
aspects of war, for many centuries, have been clandestine raids,
assassinations, terror against civilians, and deception. In response to the
challenge Come out and fight like a man, we will get only smirks in the
shadows and more anthrax, or worse.

Some hold the view that no degree of sophistication--precisely prepared
anthrax, coordination across continents, sophisticated training,
professionally-stolen identities--is enough to indicate the strong
probability of a state's being involved. Such a position was most
succinctly stated by an unnamed FBI official to Seymour Hersh (in the Oct.
8 New Yorker), speaking of the Sept. 11 attackers: These guys look like a
pickup basketball team. In your wildest dreams, do you think they thought
they'd be able to pull off four hijackings? But for those of a more
suspicious cast of mind, the degree of complexity and the sophistication of
the attacks against us suggest that we have enough indications of possible
state involvement for the government to be carefully and vigorously

One central issue is state involvement in what? If we define the problem in
such a way as to require proof (and make it proof beyond a reasonable
doubt) of state involvement in the Sept. 11 attack itself, we will quite
likely define ourselves out of being able to understand who is at war with
us. Instead, we need to look at the pattern of terrorism against us over
the last decade and reach a considered judgment in light of the whole
picture, even if we cannot prove, to the demanding standards of criminal
law, a state's involvement in the Sept. 11 atrocity itself.

The weakest argument against the possibility of state involvement is
usually implicit--that since al Qaeda is clearly involved in the Sept. 11
and other attacks, a state probably is not. But haven't such people heard
of joint ventures? Do they think that international law imposes some sort
of sole-source contracting requirement for terrorism?

But which state? Well, whichever one turns up when you start looking. Iran,
for example, has to be considered a possibility because--in spite of a
rational president, a number of elected reformers, brave newspaper editors,
and an electorate that solidly supports reform--murderous mullahs still run
the country's intelligence services and instruments of state power. Iran
sponsors Hezbollah and other terrorist groups that are targeted principally
against Israel today but that have attacked us in the past, including quite
possibly at Khobar Towers. Iranian involvement with al Qaeda, even across
the bitter divide between extreme Wahhabi Sunnis and extreme Shiites, is
not impossible.

But by far the more likely candidate for involvement with al Qaeda is Iraq,
for several reasons.

Saddam has gone to great lengths to court Sunni Islamists in recent years,
even restructuring the Iraqi flag to put Allahu Akbar (God is great) in
his own handwriting across its face. (Even Saddam's soulmate and fellow
hater of religion, Joseph Stalin, didn't think of courting the Russian
Orthodox Church when he needed it 

[CTRL] Your security...the tip of the iceberg

2001-10-18 Thread Paul Reilly

-Caveat Lector-

I used this software the other day for the first time,
and was amazed just how easy it is to access my personal

If you're worried about data privacy in the future,
you should take a look at the state of data security
today.  : (


: )


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] World Perspective on Sept. 11

2001-10-18 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-


Sample article from the October 2001 Star Beacon
The World Perspective
by Tomas Gregory
EDITOR'S NOTE: If you wish to see how the rest of the world is viewing the
Sept. 11 tragedy in the U.S., you'll want to visit this site on the Internet
of emotionally stirring photos: http://thankyou.fast-networks. net.
The following letter, forwarded from an Australian living in America, is an
e-mail I received through a correspondent that tells a slightly different
perspective on what occurred on Sept. 11. He offers a broader perspective
than what our media is giving us.

There is so much to be said about the terrorist events in America this past
week and I am sure I will write much over the coming weeks. However, for now
I want Americans to realize the INCREDIBLE outpouring of genuine support and
love from the rest of the world that is NOT being reported IN America. You
are hearing bits of it, like how Buckingham Palace flew the American flag
and played the American anthem at changing of the guard, both for the first
time ever.

Bill Clinton was in Australia when it happened and, ironically, the Prime
Minister of Australia was in Washington, 600 feet from the Pentagon.
Immediately the whole country was locked down in case there was an attack
against HIM (Clinton)... all planes were grounded, etc. Also in Australia,
firemen across the country have volunteered to fly here to help. One, Mehar
Maku, wrote a beautiful song for the American firemen to inspire and support

It goes on and on. World leaders everywhere giving speeches and interviews
with tears in their eyes. Millions of people coming to U.S. Embassies
everywhere to pray, leave flowers and show support. Understand that the
world is seeing this as more than an American event, but as a HUMANITARIAN
disaster that must never happen again. The world is joining hands, even
hard-core Arab countries, in their condemnation of this atrocity against
humans and humanity, saying it can never happen again, that we MUST do life
on Earth differently and that we must find new answers.

Meanwhile, here in America, almost none of this is getting through in the
media... the main message is business as usual, which means we are at war
and will now go and kill a lot of people ... there is no thought of new
approaches. We are told that Bush is gathering, building a coalition of
countries when, in fact, the world rushed to help... bottom line the story
we are getting in America is very different to the rest of the world...
which is business as usual.

The thing that so saddens me is that America and Americans are missing the
gift of PURE LOVE from the rest of the world -- literally as part of the
family of humanity -- because they are not being told of it through media.
What WE are being given is hard-nosed facts and actions and not the huge
heartbreaking worldwide tragedy that this is and that we must cry, weep,
scream and yell for and about so it does NOT happen again... not by blowing
the Arabs to hell but by finding new ways to work and live together. It is
nothing less than the challenge of our New Millennium. If we just bomb and
kill our hurt out, we will keep the cycle going as it has been for so long.
Sure, get the bastards who did it, but THEN heal our world.

Find common ground or else NYC and DC will be the daily news from now on.
The world is seeing America deeply wounded and is collectively coming to
lick the world and help the healing and you don't even know! PLEASE tell
your friends. Please copy and distribute this to others, so THEY know. Your
media is not telling you this. I WANT Americans to know that the world
REALLY IS with you... like on the streets in Australia and Europe and New
Zealand and Canada and our so-called enemies even, Yasser Arrafat was so
heartfelt in his hurt and condemnation of these actions and then gave blood
for the wounded. THINK ABOUT THAT!

The world is now literally in the New Age. It was baptized in blood, horror
and shock and we must... we MUST find a way to stop it everywhere... people
are still, days later, openly weeping, hugging, talking in the streets, in
stores. No one has gone to work for days. Australia is shut down as everyone
mourns and sends love and support and the rest of the world is doing the
same thing, too. Let it in America.

The world changed the other day. FOREVER. We are having a hippie moment of
collective we are the world love and recognition that on Planet Earth
there are no passengers, we are all crew.

The reaction to this in Australia is 10 times bigger than when Di passed
away... it is huge everywhere!

EVERYONE cares. You are not alone, American, when so often you have been.
Get that, please. You are cared about, cared for and accepted and embraced
by humanity as part of us all... by the whole world who weeps for you, and
for itself, for the madness we have sunk to, collectively. Now let's end
this madness we have been in 

[CTRL] Are we Half Full or Half Empty?

2001-10-18 Thread DIANA + MIKE

By now everyone has been hearing the death 
toll rise and reports of the destruction from the terrorist attacks on the US. 
These were deplorable acts that we will never forget. But now is a time to look 
at the other side of the numbers coming out of New York, Washington and 
Pennsylvania. The sad but somewhat uplifting side that the mainstream media has 
not reported yet -- the SURVIVAL rates and some positive news about the attacks. 
*** The Buildings *** * The World Trade Center - 
The twin towers of the World Trade Center were places of 
employment for some 50,000 people. With the missing list of just over 5,000 
people, that means 90% of the people targeted survived the attack. A 90% on a 
test is an 'A.' * The Pentagon - Some 23,000 people were 
the target of a third plane aimed at the Pentagon. The latest count shows that 
only 123 lost their lives. That is an amazing 99.5% survival rate. in addition, 
the plane seems to have come in too low, too early to affect a large portion of 
the building. On top of that, the section that was hit was the first of five 
sections to undergo renovations that would help protect the Pentagon from 
terrorist attacks. It had recently completed straightening and blastproofing, 
saving untold lives. This attack was sad, but a statistical failure. 
*** The Planes *** * American Airlines Flight 77 
This Boeing 757 that was flown into the outside of the Pentagon 
could have carried up to 289 people, yet only 64 were aboard. Luckily 78% of the 
seats were empty. * American Airlines Flight 11 This 
Boeing 767 could have had up to 351 people aboard, but only carried 92. 
Thankfully 74% of the seats were unfilled. * United Airlines Flight 175 
Another Boeing 767 that could have sat 351 people only had 65 
people on board. Fortunately it was 81% empty. * United Airlines Flight 
93 This Boeing 757 was one of the most uplifting stories yet. 
The smallest flight to be hijacked with only 45 people aboard out of a possible 
289 had 84% of its capacity unused. Yet these people stood up to the attackers 
and thwarted a fourth attempted destruction of a national landmark, saving 
untold numbers of lives in the process. *** In Summary *** 
Out of potentially 74,280 Americans directly targeted by 
these inept cowards, 93% survived or avoided the attacks. That's a higher 
survival rate than heart attacks, breast cancer, kidney transplants and liver 
transplants - all common, survivable Illnesses. The Hijacked 
planes were mostly empty, the Pentagon was hit at it's strongest point, the 
overwhelming majority of people in the World Trade Center buildings escaped, and 
a handful of passengers gave the ultimate sacrifice to save even more lives. 
Pass this information on to those in fear and the media. 
Don't fear these terrorists. The odds are against them. 

Re: [CTRL] Steam Iron Your Mail

2001-10-18 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Excuse me if I'm skeptical...seems to me the only thing hot steam from a
household iron would do would be to steam the spores open, thereby
releasing their deadly contents, but not be hot enough to kill the


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Re: [CTRL] Steam Iron Your Mail

2001-10-18 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

steam is hotter than boiling water, isn't it?
you just have to steam it long enough
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when
the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally
alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest
dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal,
well-meaning but without understanding.
Justice Louis D. Brandeis

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 10:41:19 -0400
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Steam Iron Your Mail

 -Caveat Lector-

 Excuse me if I'm skeptical...seems to me the only thing hot steam from a
 household iron would do would be to steam the spores open, thereby
 releasing their deadly contents, but not be hot enough to kill the


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The What-If's of Sept. 11

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

The What-If's of Sept. 11

By Robert Parry
October 18, 2001

Since Sept. 11, the trivial pursuits of American politics have been set
aside. Even the national news media, which obsessed about Gary Condit for
most of the summer, has put on a serious face.
Click for Printable Version

There’s been nothing comparable to the “wag the dog” pundit prattle that
undercut President Clinton in 1998 when he first went after Osama bin Laden
and his al Qaeda terror network.

But there’s also been little or no reflection about how the feckless behavior
of Washington’s political-journalistic elites over the past decade
contributed to the deadly crisis the world is now facing. There’s been little
or no self-criticism for letting the problems of the Middle East fester while
pundits and journalists romped through juicier stories of Paula, Monica,
JonBenet and Chandra.

One indictment of today’s political-journalistic elites is the undeniable
fact that on Sept. 11, a blind-sided American people knew far more about
Chandra Levy’s disappearance, JonBenet Ramsey’s death, Paula Jones’
allegations and Monica Lewinsky’s sexual techniques than they knew about the
roiling political conflicts of the Middle East.

Today’s changed tone also doesn’t mean that any long-term lessons have been
learned. Indeed, the media’s patriotic uniformity today can be viewed as a
kind of mirror image of yesterday’s trivia-obsessed herd mentality, even
starring the same TV talking heads.

Just as few journalists bucked the tabloid trend before, few will risk their
careers now by offering up anything but adulation for George W. Bush’s
post-attack performance, though it’s arguably as shaky as his stewardship of
the country prior to Sept. 11.

Bush’s flip-flops on core foreign-policy positions go virtually unnoticed.
For instance, his long-standing disdain for Bill Clinton-style “nation
building” – repeated as late as Sept. 25 when Bush declared “We’re not into
nation building” – transformed into a sudden commitment to nation building in
Afghanistan, pronounced at his Oct. 11 news conference.

“We should not just simply leave after a military objective has been
achieved,” Bush said, foreseeing a possible United Nations role in
constructing a stable Afghanistan. Bush made this 180-degree turn without
acknowledging that he had made great political hay out of ridiculing the same
nation-building position that he was now embracing.

'Evil One'

Stylistically, Bush’s Oct. 11 news conference also was marked by his usual
disjointed performance. He mixed a disembodied somberness during an opening
speech, with abrupt flashes of folksiness, calling bin Laden “the evil one”
and giving a flip response to a question about what kind of suspicious
behavior Americans should be on the lookout for.

“If you find a person that you’ve never seen before getting in a crop-duster
that doesn’t belong to you, report it,” he responded with a chortle,
apparently unconcerned that the sentence made no sense.

While some viewers found Bush’s behavior jarring and unsettling, especially
compared to the polished oratory of British Prime Minister Tony Blair and
other world leaders, NBC’s Tim Russert and other American commentators hailed
Bush’s press conference as a bravura performance. The New York Times’
headline read: “To Reassure World, Bush Flies Confidently and Forcefully
Without a Net.” [NYT, Oct. 12, 2001]

Beyond reassuring Americans about their leader’s stability in a time of
crisis, major news organizations also sought to avoid fresh doubts about his
legitimacy. Leading news outlets, including The New York Times and The
Washington Post, postponed indefinitely the results of a comprehensive
examination of about 175,000 disputed ballots cast in Florida last November.

Earlier press examinations of the Florida ballots, when viewed together,
suggested that Democrat Al Gore would have won the state and thus the White
House, under three of four standards for judging votes.

But in the wake of the Sept. 11 tragedy, the vote-counting consortium of
major news organizations chose not to revisit the issue, citing limitations
on manpower and space. Though the news outlets insisted they had no idea what
the Florida recount results were, some sources claimed the big newspapers
feared the fallout if their findings pointed to Gore as the rightful winner.

Court Intrigue

If that is what the recount study were to show, it also might have stirred
new interest in a story by Newsweek correspondent David A. Kaplan.

He reported that the U.S. Supreme Court nearly decided in December that a
full and fair recount in Florida, with a common standard for counting
disputed ballots, was the only proper decision. Justice David Souter felt he
was on the verge of convincing swing vote Anthony Kennedy to adopt that
position, which already had the support of four other justices, Kaplan wrote.

History might have been changed if Souter had 

Re: [CTRL] Steam Iron Your Mail

2001-10-18 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

The spore is the bacterium!!!

On 18 Oct 2001, at 10:41, RevCOAL wrote:
 Excuse me if I'm skeptical...seems to me the only thing hot steam from
 a household iron would do would be to steam the spores open, thereby
 releasing their deadly contents, but not be hot enough to kill the

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] WSJ: The Iraq Connection

2001-10-18 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Would sure like to talk to this Woolsley who wrote this article, for you
see my MI6 friend documented for me, that the CIA used a bible calendar
code (no doubt they gave it to the men at Spandau).and this Gideon
Force being applied to the Americans is a home grown job accomplished by
the Mossad and their Special Forces.

Those bastards attempted to sabotage a nuclear reactor for people of
Iraqthink about this when the attempt is made here to sabotage a

This Master Plan to take over America and the Hill (let us call this
hill Zion in Washington) is the Zionist Master plan and their is plenty
of evidence to support same on this net.

Further this Zionist in New York who wanted to blow up this Arab
satellite ?Well then we see more Zionist controlled newspapers
creating they believe and molding public opinion.'

Try as they may like USS Liberty, the truth will  out though they bury
it six feet - big germ of truth eventaully blooms forth.


The Congress and Senate wanted an excuse to get the hell out of there
for they fear for their safety - but oh yes, I shall never forget Joe
Lieberman who said  - hey we are okay, we are alright and we are going
to work tonight we are okay

And had to told well there are maybe 10,000 people who are not
alright...that little creep on TV yesterday saying we have to go to war
against Iraq?

Had it not been for the Mossad and this Joathan Pollard Iraq and USA
would be a peace now and the millions dying from lack of care in Iraq
would still be alive - these corrupt bastards even kill their own.
Note - this Minister of Tourism took on Sharon and left with his party
and then he is assassinated..so combined effor, and think about that
- these terrorists who say they are Muslims and are not?

Like the Egyptian jews under Mossad control who blew up American movie
houes killing and boming yet so stupid they got caught.


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[CTRL] Who Really Controls International Terrorism?

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Link city at site.
Who Really Controls
International Terrorism?

In October and November 1995, EIR published a four-part series of in-depth
profiles of the new international terrorism, focussing on the Afghansi
mujahideen apparatus and the Ibero-American narco-terrorist apparatus. The
emphasis was on the top-down nature of the control over these networks,
emanating from elements within the U.S., British, and Israeli intelligence
establishments, and the need to eradicate this apparatus before some hideous
new level of international irregular warfare is unleashed. We have decided,
in light of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, to make this material available

The New Terrorism, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism

I. London's Afghansi

War in Afghanistan Spawned a
Global Narco-terrorist Force

How FDR Planned to Outflank the British

The Real Story of the BCCI

The Golden Crescent Heroin Connection

The Anglo-American Support Apparatus
Behind the Afghani Mujahideen

The SAS: Prince Philip's Manager of Terrorism

Sadruddin Aga Khan: Mujahideen Coordinator

Afghansi Groups: The Peshawar Seven

Afghansi Terrorism Around the World

The Case of the GIA: Afghansi Out of Theater

Afghansi-Linked Terror in the Philippines

II. South Asia

London Runs Terrorism to Destroy the Nation-State

Lord Avebury: Human Rights for the Raj

Interview with Lord Avebury

Northeast India: Target of British Apartheid

Insurgent Groups in Northeast India

Pakistan, Northwest India Insurgencies

London Runs Cover for Terror in South India

Southern India, Sri Lanka Terrorist Groups

III. Ibero-America

London's Irregular Warfare vs. Nations of the Americas

Map 1: Narco-terrorism Spreads Across the Americas

The São Paulo Forum, Castro's Shock Troops

Manuel Piñeiro, Castro's Hit-Man

Spain's ETA Sets Up 'Kidnappers, Inc.'

Inter-American Dialogue:
Sponsors for São Paulo Forum in Washington

The 19th-Century British Roots of
Today's São Paulo Forum

Map 2: `31 Nations of the Americas' (PDF, 136K)

Map 3: `Ethno-linguistic Regions' of Ibero-America (PDF, 560K)

Map 4: Protected Areas of Ibero-America (PDF, 428K)

Map 5: `Endangered Ecoregions' of Ibero-America (PDF, 656K)

London's Terrorism Support Apparatus:
Environmentalism, Indigenism, NGOs


Explosion Nears Over
'Landless Movement' Provocations

The PT: New Age Neo-Liberals

Workers Party Goes to
Court Against the MSIA

The MST: The Other Face of Usury

Bolivia and Peru

Coca Growers Building a Regional 'Chiapas'

Map 6: Drugs, Terrorism, and Protected Areas in the Andes (PDF, 172K)

Andean Coca Council: Drugs and Subversion


Separatism in Urabá: A UN Pilot Project

Map 7: Drugs and Terrorism in Colombia, 1982 (PDF, 1.2MB)

Map 8: Drugs and Terrorism in Colombia, 1995 (PDF, 1.2MB)

FARC: Colombia's 'Third Cartel'

ELN: Fidel Castro's Personal Project

In Colombia, Life Under
Narco-terrorist Dictatorship


Chávez Organizes SPF's Military Wing

MBR-200 Takes Aim at the Armed Forces


'Internet International' Targets
Guerrero State

The PRD: Masons and Jacobins
Against the State

EZLN Terrorists:
A Foreign Invasion of Mexico

ACNR Spreads Drugs, Terror in Guerrero

Puerto Rico

The SPF's Terrorist Bridge to the U.S.

NMIP: Terrorism Under the
Banner of Independence

IV. London's Terrorist International

RIM: London's Narco-terrorist International

The British Role in Creating Maoism

RU/RCP: Anatomy of a Maoist Countergang

RIM: Narco-terrorist Merchants of Death

Shining Path: Core of the RIM Project

Nepali CP Looks to Armed Revolution

ETA: The 'Mother' of Separatist Terrorism

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The mysteries of the attempt against the Pentagon

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


The mysteries of the attempt against the Pentagon

The official version of the attempt of September 11 to the Pentagon
lifts(raises) grave questions. Given the size of the plane and its minimal
speed of flight(theft), one understands badly how he can have provoked so few
damages. The building(ship) not being damaged in depth, it seems that only
the nose of the device fitted there.

How come while the wreck of the Boeing appears on no photography? Did the
military authority try to hide not told supplementary events, did it falsify
the facts?

While documents and testimonies on the attack of the World Trade Center by
two Boeing are varied and allow a precise and indisputable understanding of
the events, it(he) is not there the same for the attack of the Pentagon.

No television channel, and no independent photographer, was authorized to
film the scene of the crash in the moments which(who) followed the attempt.
The available photos result exclusively from military sources and are
published under strict control. This censorship was at first
attributed(awarded) to a reflex of the American army little inclined to let
spread(diffuse) images presenting her(it) in position of weakness. But the
study of the available images counters the official version and shows that
the army did not wish to say all the truth.

The flight(theft) American Airlines 77 would have thwarted F-16 which chased
after him(it) and the antiaircraft defence and would have crashed on the
Pentagon on September 11, 2001 at 9. 37 (according to the secretary in the
Defence) or 9. 38 (according to the North American Aerospace Defense
Command). It(he) would have provoked a fire and two explosions in the
building(ship) killing so 125 persons (not understood(included) the occupants
of the plane).

The facts

The device was a Boeing 757-200 measuring 47,32 m of length, 13,6 m of
height, and 38 m large-scale. The diameter of the cockpit measures 3,5 m
See the official presentation

© U.S. Department of Defense

The Pentagon is the biggest administrative building of the world. It(he) was
built in 1941. It(he) consists of five concentric rings, each forms it of the
Pentagon, and each on five levels, connected by ten corridors. Every outside
side measures 282 m of length on 24 m of height.
See the official visit of the Pentagon

The plane glanced through the highway before crashing near the heliport of
the Pentagon

© Space Imaging

© U.S. Department of Defense

© U.S. Department of Defense

The device would have landed on the heliport of the Pentagon and would have
continued its journey(running) to fit in the facade of the building(ship).
Having glanced through lampposts, the device arranged only 125 m to make the

Only the first ring of the building(ship) was got(touched)

© Space Imaging - Inlay : Fish - moon

© U.S. Army

The photography satellite shows that the plane did not damage the second ring
of the building(ship). She(it) is confirmed by photos taken the next days,
after the crane drivers had demolished the part(party) damaged by the
building(ship) and had begun to evacuate gravois. Although the weight of the
Boeing approaches 100 tons and although its speed in the landing is at least
400 kph, only the nose of the plane fitted so in the Pentagon, penetrating
into the first ring. The cabin and the wings stayed outside of the
building(ship). The reservoirs of fuel, contained in wings, should catch
fire. Indeed, this fuel is not explosive, but flammable.

The building(ship) was collided at the level of the first floor

© U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jason Ingersoll

© U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jason Ingersoll

The device pierced the facade at the level of the first floor. On the photos
of the first aids, the place of the impact is masked by the smoke and the
fountains, but one notices that the superior floors are not got(touched).

The superior floors collapsed a bit further

© U.S. Department of Defense, Sgt. Rudisill

© U.S. Army

Four superior floors collapsed at about 10. 10.

The fire was exactly confined

© U.S. Army

© Space Imaging

A fire declared itself inside the first ring and propagated in two corridors.
It(he) was exactly confined. So Donald Rumsfeld's photography leaving places
shows that the fire did not extend beyond the turret of control of the
heliport. It is this disaster which killed most of the 125 victims. 23 000
persons work daily on the Pentagon.

For reasons of safety(security), press and help are kept at a distance
According to American Forces Information Service, the staffs of help are
invited to spread(display) their materials in retreat in case of attack by a
second plane - suicide, whereas the press is maintained at bigger distance
still not to hinder the help. (Cf. Defense Link)

The black box is found three 

[CTRL] Fwd: The best explanation so far

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

What Fritz has described in the attachment coincides with the dialectic
evident in the setting up of the League of Nations and the funding of the
Bolshevik revolution a few years later.  The goal is centralization of power
in each nation to allow consent to further centralization on a global basis.
The promise is peace, but to create a desire for peace, war must be created
first.  Those who are implementing the plan for accomplishing this goal can
be traced back to the old families from empire days of Rome and Venice which
have survived through multi-generational trusts, which have perpetual life
as long as they are designed to be charitable.

Most ordinary citizens of every country are benevolent and generous.  They
believe in good and evil, and don't understand shades of gray in between.
They don't understand how evil can exist behind the facade of purity,
charity and love.  It's this knowledge of the human psyche that allows the
New World Order to continue making progress each generation.  Lyndon
LaRouche called Bertrand Russell an evil man because he advocated dropping
atomic bombs to create terror in people so they would rush into the arms of
a benevolent dictatorship.  Psycholological trama was then being studied in
Britain and used in the planning of the war against Germany and Japan with
funding from the same sources which had supplied cash to both Hitler and
Lenin.  Psychological warfare training giving to Orwell in the 1940s
resulted in his novel 1984, in which the protagonist is taught to love Big
Brother and to ignore the conflict between what he knows is true, and what
has been created by his government as truth.  What is usually missed by
those who read this book is that Orwell was not describing a government in
England which came from outside, but a government that was already there,
created by British citizens.

The Orwellian state operated on the principle that most people are not
concerned with truth but only with a comfortable existence.  If sufficient
physical comfort exists, they are content to pretend that any cover story
prevailing at the moment is true.  Orwell must somehow have been privy to
the plan that was already in place by 1945.  It was a plan whereby war was
waged by the Ministry of Peace and whereby propaganda was spewed by the
Ministry of Truth.  He must have been taken into the workings of the group
in which Bertrand Russell was associated.

If we ask the question who benefits most? with regard to what is now
taking place with the war against terrorism, the answer has to be the
charitable foundations.  While the U.S. government has just depleted any
theoretical surplus of funds, the printing presses are running non-stop to
pay for this war against an ephemeral enemy who is styled the evil one, by
our president, the dumb one.  So the government debt will continue to
escalate, and interest rates will climb back up to put more money in the
bankers' pockets.  At the same time the debt is escalating and taxes are
being cut, any excess money Americans have is being sucked up by charitable
organizations like the Red Cross, which is not accounting for the funds
received and apparently not doing much toward dispensing the gifts to the

The Red Cross is the symbol of neutrality--like the country of Switzerland,
where it was founded on the theory of benevolence.

{The Red Cross idea was born in 1859, when Henry Dunant, a young Swiss man,
came upon the scene of a bloody battle in Solferino, Italy, between the
armies of imperial Austria and the Franco-Sardinian alliance. Some 40,000
men lay dead or dying on the battlefield and the wounded were lacking
medical attention. Dunant organized local people to bind the soldiers'
wounds and to feed and comfort them. On his return, he called for the
creation of national relief societies to assist those wounded in war, and
pointed the way to the future Geneva Conventions. ...The Red Cross emblem
was adopted at this first International Conference as a symbol of neutrality
and was to be used by national relief societies. In August 1864, the
representatives of 12 governments signed the Geneva Convention Treaty. The
extraordinary efforts of Henry Dunant led to the eventual establishment of
the International Red Cross. Today, the Red Cross Movement incorporates the
Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (the
International Federation), as well as National Societies in 175 countries,
including the American Red Cross of the United States. ...}

The work of the Red Cross seems to be connected in some way to the Nobel
Foundation.  See links between the Nobel Peace Prize and persons who head up
the Red Cross (keeping in mind that Allen Dulles, head of the U.S. CIA, was
stationed in Berne during most of World War II) at

A short biography of the founder at

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Money Trail: AUC Terrorists Funded from... Miami

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
CLICK HERE to search
600,000 scholarships!

October 18, 2001
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

Now online on Narco News:

Money Trail Revealed:

Colombian Terrorists Funded from... Miami

Narco News Commentary: The search for foreign scapegoats in the war on
terrorism, when the money trail is followed, keeps turning back to the
United States banks and financial institutions. Yesterday, the daily El
Tiempo of Bogotá, Colombia, reported that 20 checks -- totalling $897,666
U.S. dollars -- were found at a paramilitary headquarters, and were used to
buy arms and uniforms by the right-wing narco-terror group of Carlos Castaño
and Salvatore Mancuso. The financial support for the group's massacres of
civilians came from... the United States, specifically, through a bank or
banks in Miami.

This underscores our point made in a Narco News editorial this week on White
Collar Terrorists: We can point the finger abroad, but until United States
banks and financial institutions are included in the search for guilty
parties, future terrorist acts will continue, and inevitably include U.S.
soil. Narco News is investigating which Miami bank or banks were used to
fund the AUC, and will report any evidence that we find


...Seven Million Hits, and still standing...

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] War in Afghanistan spawned a global narco-terrorist force

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


This article appeared in the October 13, 1995 issue of Executive Intelligence

War in Afghanistan spawned
a global narco-terrorist force

by Jeffrey Steinberg

On Christmas Eve 1979, the Soviet Red Army invaded Afghanistan. Advance
echelons of KGB units captured the presidential palace, assassinated the once
staunchly pro-Moscow President, and installed a more pliable successor, who
announced—from Soviet territory—that he had invited the Russian forces to
intervene under a recent Soviet-Afghani friendship treaty. Within a short
period of time, Moscow had 89,000 troops inside Afghanistan.

Less than a month later, U.S. President Jimmy Carter's national security
adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, stood at the Khyber Pass in Pakistan, and was
photographed pointing a rifle across the border into Afghan territory.
Brzezinski was in Pakistan to deliver a commitment from President Carter that
the United States was ready to provide the government of Gen. Mohammed Zia
ul-Haq with massive military aid to help build up the Afghani mujahideen
resistance to the Soviet invaders.

The ensuing decade of surrogate warfare between the United States and the
Soviet Union drew the two superpowers into a geopolitical trap that proved
disastrous for both. The defeat that the Red Army suffered at the hands of
the massively western-backed Afghan mujahideen aggravated the ongoing crisis
within the Warsaw Pact, that was actually triggered on March 23, 1983, when
President Ronald Reagan announced his Strategic Defense Initiative, a policy
that Moscow's top leadership knew had been designed by Lyndon LaRouche. The
SDI—not the Afghan War—was the principal, driving factor that accelerated the
collapse of the Soviet system. The defeat in Afghanistan was but one more
serious sign that the Bolshevik system was headed for the scrap-heap of

The impact upon the United States and the West as a whole would be more
subtle, but, in the long run, equally disastrous. By falling for a
British-authored geopolitical strategy of encouraging the spread of a
virulently anti-western, nominally Islamic form of fundamentalism, the United
States gave aid and comfort to the creation of a new terrorist
international—far more deadly than the earlier global terrorist apparatus
that stalked world leaders during the decade of the 1970s. The new terrorist
international—built around the mujahideen veterans of the 1979-89 Afghan
War—is responsible for such terrorist incidents as the February 1993 World
Trade Center bombing in New York City. And British intelligence-controlled
operatives, such as Lord William Rees-Mogg's underling Dr. Jack Wheeler, who
were actively involved in the recruitment and training of the Afghani
mujahideen, were implicated before the fact in the April 1995 bombing of the
federal building in Oklahoma City, which claimed 168 lives. The Afghani
mujahideen are the primary force carrying out the irregular warfare
destabilization of France, since the election of Jacques Chirac as President,
and France's ensuing break with the British Entente Cordiale.

Over the ten-year period that followed Brzezinski's visit to the Khyber Pass,
the United States would officially pour $3 billion into the Afghan mujahideen
war against the Red Army, a relatively small fraction of the total cost of
the effort. A broad spectrum of nations—from Britain and Israel, to Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, China, and even Iran—would collectively contribute an
equal amount of money.

According to one well-placed U.S. intelligence source, the combined Medellín
and Cali Cartel contribution to the Afghan mujahideen was $10-20 billion!

A new opium war

Whether that figure is accurate or not, the profits from illegal narcotics
sales unquestionably bankrolled the war—on both sides. By the mid-1980s, the
Golden Crescent, extending from Iran to Afghanistan and Pakistan, was
providing one-half of the heroin reaching the streets of the United States.
Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) became a hub of guns-for-drugs
trade, and Pakistan's gross revenue from opium and heroin sales soared to
$8-10 billion a year by 1988. That figure represented one-quarter of the
Gross Domestic Product of Pakistan. U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
statistics as of 1994 still identified Afghanistan as the source for
one-third of all the heroin sold in the United States.

Prior to the outbreak of the Afghan War in 1979, the region's opium
production had been relatively small, after early 1970s eradication programs
pushed through by the Nixon administration had taken the Golden Crescent out
of the world heroin trade. What opium poppy was produced, went into the small
addict population in South Asia. The Afghan War changed all of that. Not only
did the Golden Crescent of Southwest Asia surpass the Southeast Asian Golden
Triangle in opium production in the mid-1980s; by the same date, Pakistan's

[CTRL] RIM: London's narco-terrorist international

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

This article appeared in the November 17, 1995 issue of Executive
Intelligence Review.

RIM: London's

by Jeffrey Steinberg

In parts I and II of this series, EIR presented a detailed profile of two
major components of the new terrorist international:

1.  The afghansi mujahideen apparatus of nominally Islamist mercenaries for
hire, spawned by the Afghanistan War (1979-89), now engaged in an irregular
warfare offensive stretching from North Africa into France and reaching the
streets of America;

2.  The São Paulo Forum, operationally headed by Cuba's Fidel Castro, but
actually run out of London by the British Crown and its secret intelligence
services, now conducting a war against every nation-state of the Western
Hemisphere, including the United States.

The third, and concluding, part of this series, deals with the Revolutionary
Internationalist Movement (RIM), an organization that could be called the
narco-terrorist international. We also provide a dossier on the Basque
separatist-terrorist group ETA (Euskadi and Freedom), the model for the new
brand of terrorism that is now emerging.

RIM has strong ties to both the afghansis and the São Paulo Forum. An amal
gam of nominally Maoist terrorist organizations and guerrilla movements, it
was founded in London in 1984. For years, its headquarters and publishing
operations were located in the Russell House in Nottingham, England, named
for the late Lord Bertrand Russell. RIM's journal, A World to Win, was
published for years by Russell Press, an affiliate of the one-worldist
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.

To this day, RIM enjoys the protection of the British Crown. Its current
offices are located in London, which French government officials have
recently labeled the headquarters for world terrorism.

Mazzini revisited

The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement can be understood as a revival of
the mid-nineteenth-century Young Europe movement of British agent Giuseppe
Mazzini, which was personally steered by British Foreign Minister Lord
Palmerston (see EIR, April 15, 1994, Lord Palmerston's Multicultural Human
Zoo). Mazzini and Palmerston manipulated radical ethnic movements of every
stripe imaginable, to further the divide-and-conquer strategy of the British

Today, among the dozen or so organizations that formally belong to RIM, one
finds some of the most brutal narco-terrorist gangs in the world, beginning
with Peru's Shining Path.

Closely allied to RIM are the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) and the Armenian
Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA)—both ruthless killer gangs
that finance their activities by trafficking in Anatolian and Central Asian
opium, in partnership with the afghansis in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Both
the PKK and ASALA are important pawns in London's geopolitical
destabilizations along the southern tier of the former Soviet Union. ASALA is
ostensibly fighting for a Greater Armenia, to be carved out of sections of
Turkey and Azerbaijan; while the PKK pushes a separatist Kurdistan, cut from
Iranian, Turkish, and Iraqi territory. Some of these disputed territories
overlap, and often these gangs can be pitted one against the other—if it
serves London's strategy.

At the same time, the PKK, ASALA, the Greek terrorist EOKA-B, and the Turkish
Communist Party@ndMarxist-Leninist (a formal member of RIM that has engaged
in a campaign of terror against London's number one geopolitical target in
Europe: Germany) share training camps, weapons supplies, and
narcotics-smuggling and money-laundering routes.

Sikh separatists who assassinated Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on Oct.
31, 1984, are among the leading RIM allies in South Asia. The Liberations
Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), who were behind the assassination of her son,
former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, and are another crucial component
of the region's burgeoning guns-for-drugs trade, are also allied to RIM.
These groups are also part of the afghansi apparatus, as we documented in
Part I (EIR, Oct. 13), and both groups attended the founding conference of
RIM in London in March 1984.

London's 'Mao' card

This worldwide association of killer gangs is tied together by the insane
ideology of Maoism. One of the most brutal episodes in the history of the
twentieth century was Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution (1966-76), which
resulted in the decimation of China's scientific and intellectual elites, the
depopulation of urban centers, and the enslavement and murder of tens of
millions of people at the hands of the Revolutionary Guards. It was perhaps
the most shocking instance of self-imposed malthusianism in modern history,
and it spawned even more hideous rates of mass murder in Pol Pot's Cambodia.
Mao's Cultural Revolution also set the stage for British pawn Ayatollah
Khomeini's Islamic Revolution in Iran, with its own murderous Revolutionary

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Cipro Is Not the Only Pill That Fights Anthrax

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 10/17/01 11:09:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't know how Cipro got labeled in the first place as the drug of
choice, said Philip Hanna, an anthrax expert at the University of

Well, gee whiz, ya think it had anything to do with Cipro being owned by
Farben one of the major players in the hoodwinking of America.  The same
company that tells you all the time that by taking an asprin a day will help
your heart. It was once found that the taking of an asprin didn't do anything
and Bayer was told to stop that line, but with a little time and lots of
money Bayer got the ruling  reversed. Ever think how much that little meme is
worth  - ( An asprin a day helps you survive heart attacks) ?

The bloated greed of the multi-generational cult hoodwinking America is


Cipro Is Not the Only Pill That Fights Anthrax
By Shankar Vedantam
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 17, 2001; Page A20

Last week it was a medicine known only to doctors and patients who suffered
from very private diseases, such as urinary tract infections or gonorrhea.
Today, Cipro is famous as a treatment for anthrax. It is being fought over
at pharmacies and bought at exorbitant markups on the Internet. So great is
the demand -- and so widespread the fear of shortages -- that one U.S.
senator has called on the government to lift patent laws and allow generic
manufacturers to market millions of doses of the lifesaving medicine.
Lost in the melee is the fact that Cipro -- or ciprofloxacin, as it is
generically known -- is only one of several medicines approved by the Food
and Drug Administration to treat anthrax. Many of the others have been
around for decades and cost less than a tenth as much.
I don't know how Cipro got labeled in the first place as the drug of
choice, said Philip Hanna, an anthrax expert at the University of
Michigan. It's a great medicine for a number of different bacteria, but I
don't know how it got labeled as the go-to medicine for anthrax.
Mohammad Akhter, executive director of the American Public Health
Association, said four first-line treatments approved for anthrax are
pencillin, tetracycline, erythromycin and chloramphenicol.
Everyone is using Cipro, but they are not using the guidelines issued by
public health authorities, said Trish Perl, an associate professor of
medicine at Johns Hopkins University's Center for Civilian Biodefense
Studies. You can look at the susceptibility [of a given anthrax strain]
and see what medicines kill the organism. Pencillin and doxycycline are
effective and have been used clinically.
While Cipro may be more effective against some strains of anthrax that are
naturally resistant to the other medicines or bio-engineered to be that
way, it is not clear if any of the strains at the center of the U.S.
anthrax scares are resistant to older medicines, such as penicillin and
doxycycline. The FDA has specifically indicated Cipro against inhalation
anthrax, which is the form that killed a Florida man earlier this month.
The U.S. Army recommends doxycycline and Cipro, said Akhter. If someone
has been exposed to anthrax, Akhter said, it makes sense to start the
person on Cipro before finding out whether the bug was also sensitive to
penicillin or the other drugs. But Akhter, Perl and Hanna said that this
did not mean the other drugs were inferior to Cipro in treating anthrax.
Since anthrax is very rare, experts say, doctors' experiences in treating
it are somewhat theoretical. No clinical trials, for example, have tested
Cipro in people with anthrax; its current use is based on animal studies.
Physicians have more clinical experience using penicillin against anthrax
in humans.
But such nuances have been lost as healthy people innundate doctors'
offices with calls requesting prescriptions for Cipro. Many fear that
pharmacies may run out of the medicine in the event of a disaster.
To have all of America on a wide-spectrum antibiotic would do more harm
than anthrax would do, said William Hall, president American College of
Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine. Even putting Americans
with flu-like symptoms, which are the first signs of anthrax, on Cipro
would be disastrous, he said.
For every case of anthrax, there are a million or two million cases of
garden-variety upper respiratory tract infection, he said. Putting people
unnecessarily on antibiotics for colds and coughs would raise the risk of
side effects and bacterial resistance, which could later make Cipro useless.
But even before the anthrax scare, said Hall, there was a run on Cipro in
New York City after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Bayer Pharmaceuticals, which makes Cipro, said it was ramping up
production. Karen Dawes, senior vice president for marketing, said Bayer's
U.S. operation, which packages the drug after it has been manufactured in
Germany, was working 24-7 to increase production.
She said that a new plant in Germany would begin production Nov. 1, and
that the 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Cipro Is Not the Only Pill That Fights Anthrax

2001-10-18 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Prolonged use of the common aspirin will cause cardiac weakness,
degeneration of the heart muscles, blood dyscrasias (an altered
condition of the blood leading to cancer), and eventually loss of will

So sayeth Funk and Wagnall 1930..this same Funk and Wagnall in 1930
said that the sharing of cocaine needles could cause of all things,
breakdown of the immune system what we call today, AIDS?

So there is nothing new under the sun - the greedy bastards will always
be, greedy bastards and in 1930 cocaine and needle sharing - well fiat.

So as I once wrote in my research when I had little resource data from
which to glean lost knowledge - If You don't believe me, look it up in
your Funk and Wawgnalland the phrase fit, until they also added -
yeh, and look that up in your Gideon Koran too - and it was then I knew,
that organized crime was involved with the Laugh In Show.

One never knows for sure whose listening?


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[CTRL] Usama bin Fidel ?

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Anthrax: is there a
Castro connection?
Special Report
Tallahassee: Florida
TNA News with Commentary
Monday 15 October 2001
The death by anthrax of  the photo editor for The Sun Supermarket, an
American Media publication, and the infection of five more employees
have set alarm bells ringing. But what has caused further concern is
that the letters contaminated with anthrax spores that had been sent
to The New York Times and NBC were posted from the same St Petersburg
post office, Florida.

Suspicions of a bin Laden connection hardened with the knowledge that
Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker, lived within 3 miles of American
Media’s offices and had also joined the same gym where many of the
company’s employees worked out. A report by a  a local chemist from
whom Atta tried to buy an antibiotic used to treat anthrax suggests
he exhibited symptoms of the disease.

It’s now well known that Atta and others from the Middle East (nationality apparently 
unknown) made detailed inquiries at Florida’s Belle Glade State Municipal Airport 
about crop-dusting planes, their speed, carrying capa
city, handling problems, etc.

All of this fits in with the government’s conclusive evidence, some provided by al 
Qaeda defectors, that bin Laden operatives were instructed at his Afghanistan 
terrorist training camps in the use of chemical and biologic
al weapons. This was also confirmed by Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian member of al Qaeda 
who was part of a plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport during the 2000 
millennium celebrations. Ressam spilled the beans after
turning state’s evidence. He also told his debriefers that bin Laden had discussed the 
use of crop-dusting planes as part of his terrorist operations in the US.

Obviously one doesn’t need a degree in rocket science to detect a sinister connection 
between the athrax attacks and bin Laden’s terrorist network. However, the picture now 
gets a little murky. Did he get the anthrax spor
es from the Russian Mafia or from corrupt Russian scientists or did he manufacture it 
himself? Some people are naturally pointing the finger at Saddam Hussein as the real 
source of the spores.

Did Castro supply
bin Laden with
anthrax spores?
Nevertheless, there is another suspect whose name has been left out of the public 
picture but not out of the speculations of our intelligence agencies — and that is the 
psychotic Fidel Castro who shares bin Laden’s insane
 hatred of America and the West. Some intelligence analysts have asked a simple 
question: “Why should anyone go to the trouble of  producing anthrax and then risk 
shipping it half way round the world when their good pal i
n Cuba, a mere 90 miles from the Florida coast, can provide him with all he needs at a 
moment’s notice?”

Several facts are pointing the finger at Castro as being the potential source:

1. Alvaro Prendes,  a Cuban air force colonel who defected to the US, supplied 
documents  showing the location of 5 of Castro’s chemical and biological-weapons 
plants, confirming information that US intelligence had alrea
dy obtained.

2. Ken Alibek, a Soviet Colonel who had been second-in-command of the USSR’s 
bacteriological arms development program, has continually warned that Castro has 
produced biological weapons.

3. There have been reliable reports of Cuban political prisoners being used in deadly 
biological experiments. Armando Valladeros who spent 20 years in Castro’s 
concentration camps is one of those who testified to the exis
tence of these experiments.

4. The DGI (Castro’s secret service which is modeled on the KGB) is linked to bin 
Laden’s terrorist network and also engages in terrorism and in smuggling cocaine into 
the US.

5. Castro has been in personal contact with bin Laden which also involved financial 
transactions the nature of which are apparently unknown outside Castro and bin Laden’s 
 inner circle.

6. Castro’s spy network is concentrated in Florida. Readers should recall the recent 
trial in Florida of Cuban agents who had been part of the Wasp Network, just one of 
the intelligence networks that the DGI had built up
in the state.

7. Castro’s drug-smuggling activities and his ability to easily plant
agents in Florida would provide bin Laden with a safe means by which
his own agents could receive anthrax spores from DGI agents. Once the
exchange had been made there would be no way of directly linking
Castro with any anthrax outbreak, especially since it’s quite
possible that those  bin Laden’s agents that made the exchange would
be dead. Even those who sent out anthrax contaminated letters after
the attack on New York and the Pentagon would have no way of knowing
the original source of the spores since they were not the ones who
got them from the DGI agents.

Of course, the anthrax threat could be the work of a lone lunatic. On
the other hand, since the attacks have bin Laden’s fingerprints all

[CTRL] Evidence Lurking

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


They're Rich, They're Spoiled, They're Supporting Terrorists
Robert Scheer writes a syndicated column
October 16 2001
What do we bomb next? Saudi Arabia? The Saudis would be a logical
target if President Bush were serious about his stated goal of
punishing nations that support terrorism.
The evidence is overwhelming that it is the incredibly rich Saudis,
far more than the desperately poor Afghans, who are responsible for
the emergence of a militant and violent variant of Islam that has
infected much of the Muslim world.
It is wealthy Saudi businessmen, with the complicity of the Saudi
government, who have financed the religious schools and moujahedeen
training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan from which the latest wave
of terrorism has erupted. Yes, the very same Saudi Arabia that we
protected from Iraq in the Gulf War.
It is an important caution to recognize that one decade's triumph easily turns into 
the next decade's disaster. If George Bush, Dick Cheney and Colin Powell had not 
managed to save the Saudi royal family from the wrath of
 Saddam Hussein, it is not likely that Osama bin Laden or his cohorts would have been 
able to mount their attacks against the United States. Certainly not with the 
resources of Hussein, who Bin Laden has condemned as a be
trayer of Islam.
It is convenient for the Saudi government to now distance itself from Bin Laden, but 
the record is clear that, as the New York Times editorialized, with Riyadh's 
acquiescence, money and manpower from Saudi Arabia helped
create and sustain Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization. When one peruses the 
list of directors of businesses and foundations cited by the U.S. government that 
allegedly supported Al Qaeda, it reads like a who's who
of Saudi society.
Perhaps that's why the Bush administration rejects the Taliban's demand for proof that 
Bin Laden is behind the recent terror, a normal response to an extradition request. 
Have we refused to supply that evidence or to issu
e the white paper of proof promised by Colin Powell because what we have learned about 
the international financing of Al Qaeda is too embarrassing to the Saudis?
What we do know is that at least more than half of the hijackers were Saudi citizens; 
that their alleged leader Bin Laden is a member of one of Saudi Arabia's richest 
families; that money from the Saudi elite sustained a
terrorist network; and that the Saudi government has refused to cooperate fully with 
the U.S. in investigating these links or seizing terrorist assets.
Nor do we have clean hands. The terror trees that sprouted in the barren desert and 
rocky outcroppings of Afghanistan were a foreign implant created and nourished by the 
United States and Saudi Arabia as byproducts of the
 Cold War. Religion was our weapon in the Cold War, and the militant Wahhabi brand of 
Islam, the predominant sect in Saudi Arabia, became our most trustworthy sword.
If Bin Laden is brought to trial, what will our answer be when he credits the U.S. 
with first inspiring him to fight the communist heathens to protect the free world? 
What if his lawyers expose the financial network that
entwined Saudi money with our own to train the fearsome religious fanatics who now 
haunt our imagination and profoundly threaten our daily lives?
Bin Laden may be yet another Hitler--we seem to find one every 10 years, as we did 
with Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic, in order to cope with a world that is ever 
more incomprehensible--but his death will not prove
 the key to ending terrorism.
The problem is that the darkest impulse inexplicably lurks in the most prosperous 
corners of the world economy. Hate toward the U.S. resides in the hearts of men with 
whom we presume to share common values because we trad
e in common markets.
The great unsolved mystery of the terror attacks of the past decades, whether 
sponsored by oil-rich Libya or the elite of Saudi Arabia, is why men of wealth are not 
content to simply be rich and instead turn crazy.
For generations, the Saudi elite, led by the royal family, has
indulged a sick compromise between obscene opulence and puritanical
religion that has proved deeply unsatisfying for many--even among its
most privileged citizens. Theirs is an absurd stance in which the
rich elite of the oil sheikdoms, often engaging in the worst
decadence of Western society, retain their sense of virtue by
encouraging the poor masses of the Islamic world to die in a
fruitless battles against modernization.
For that reason it is hypocritical in the extreme for the U.S. to be
bombing the impoverished masses of Afghanistan, who have suffered for
so many years from Saudi manipulation, while letting off scot-free
the oil sheiks who created this mess.

For information about reprinting this article, go to

[CTRL] Resignation or Endorsement

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Eye on the Empire
by Alan Bock
  17, 2001
Wartime Resignation or Endorsement?
I can understand a libertarian deciding that the war we are in is
virtually inevitable,
  and that to argue against any kind of retaliation in the wake of
the terrorist
  destruction of September 11 is fairly fruitless right now. I can
  a decision to pick and choose one's propaganda targets of
opportunity as the
  war heats up, and choosing to criticize aspects of the war that are
likely to
  resonate with most Americans rather than indulging in reap-what-you-
I have a hard
  time, however, with the official
  statement of the Libertarian Party's National Committee, passed at
a meeting
  this last weekend in Atlanta, that endorses the military action now
  in Afghanistan. The statement did take some pains to say it favored
only a measured military response against Osama bin Laden's
network, involving clear,
  measurable and finite goals for this War on Terrorism. It does try to
  distinguish between an attack on bin Laden and an attack on the Taliban regime
  (although perhaps for the wrong reasons). It does call for a new, noninterventionist 
foreign poli
But the statement
  avoids some hard choices and accepts certain of the War Party's premises that
  are unproved or clearly counterfactual. Perhaps it is unfair to criticize a
  statement that is so clearly a result of committee deliberation. But it doesn't
  strike me as evidence that this is really a party of principle.
Understand that
  this statement was composed over the weekend and released Monday, October 15, during 
the second w
eek of the U.S. bombing campaign. It should be clear to almost
  anybody by now that the bombing campaign has not been directed specifically
  against Osama bin Laden and his henchmen, but against the military infrastructure
  of the Taliban regime. Indeed, certain US spokesmen have been rather clear about
  this. They acknowledge that bin Laden has not been hit, killed, and perhaps
  not even personally targeted yet. Part of the stated objective of the campaign
  has been to do damage to government military targets in hope of smoking
  out some of bin Laden's network, either through attempted communication
  or though personnel movements.
Clearly, the US
  does not know for sure where bin Laden actually is, despite several leaks to
  the effect that special operations forces have been in and out of Afghanistan
  fairly often since September 11 (and perhaps sporadically for years before that).
  The current bombing campaign is not directed against Osama bin Laden and his
  group. (Well, a few alleged training camps might have been hit.) If it has any
  purpose other than creating panic, demonstrating will and satisfying
  a psychological need to retaliate, it is to try desperately to cause bin Laden
  or a few lieutenants to panic and reveal themselves so the real retaliation
  can begin.
One can understand
  such an action from the US military, which has certain weapons and knows how to use 
them. Perhaps
 it will even succeed in smoking bin Laden and some of his
  associates out. But it is clearly not, as the LP statement would have it, forceful
  action against terrorists who have already killed thousands of Americans, and
  who have threatened to kill more.
The US military
  knows how to do state-against-state military action and that is what it is doing.
  (To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail.) If it gets an actual
  bin Laden-linked terrorist during the current wave of bombing it is as likely
  to be incidental to the main targets as the Afghan civilian casualties have
If anything should
  be characteristic of libertarian thought and ethics, it is that responsibility
  is individual rather than collective. Treating people as members of groups rather
  than as individuals is supposed to be anathema. Punishing one person, or a group
  of persons, for the actions of another, is not justice but injustice. Viewing
  people primarily as members of groups rather than as individual persons is unfair, 
unjustified an
d socially corrosive.
If you want to
  take that kind of analysis to the limit, those who perpetrated the terror of
  September have already been punished (or rewarded, depending on how you interpret
  certain somewhat ambiguous verses of the Koran). Those who actually did the
  terrible deeds died in the doing of them. Even the all powerful State cannot
  reach them now. It may be frustrating to acknowledge this, but we can't punish
  those directly guilty.
That doesn't preclude
  the likelihood, of course, that the actions of the 19 terrorists who shocked
  the world September 11, were planned, aided and abetted by others. Most codes
  of law can hold those who aid and abet a crime as bearing 

[CTRL] PCH Mailings

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Wash (DC) Post

 Postal Service Informs of Mailings
 The Associated Press
 Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001; 1:39 p.m. EDT
 ST. PAUL, Minn. ––  With fears of anthrax in the mail running high,
 postal inspectors in St. Paul have given their colleagues a heads-up
 that Publishers Clearinghouse is sending out packages of powdered
 detergent. There's nothing to be alarmed about in that package,
 Inspector Jeanne Graupman said. She added: Just the timing of it
 wasn't very good. The Oxyclean household cleanser is being sent out
 in 1½-pound packages with the return address 720 Winners Circle, St.
 Cloud, Minn. The St. Paul Postal Inspection Service issued an advisory
 to inspectors Tuesday. Graupman said she sent the memo after postal
 inspectors got a call from a worried customer who had received a leaky
 package of the powder. Chris Irving, senior director of consumer
 affairs for Publishers Clearinghouse in Port Washington, N.Y., said
 Oxyclean is being mailed only to customers who ordered it. Publishers
 Clearinghouse sells household items in addition to magazine
 subscriptions. © Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] FW: Education of a Holy Warrior

2001-10-18 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

The following article shows why 'solving the problem of poverty', as some
idealists have opined, will NOT solve the Islamic terrorist problem

 [Original Message]

 Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups


 An interesting report, corroborating the roots of terror-fanaticism in
 authoritarian child-rearing, sexual repression and scapegoated propaganda.


 This item was published last year, after the Al-Qaeda/Bin-Ladin terror
 bombings of US Embassies in Africa, and after the retalliatory cruise
 missle attacks in Afghanistan and Sudan shortly thereafter.  It is the
 background to the Sept. 11th attacks, what must be directly dealt with and
 corrected if there is to be any long-term peace in the region.  It reminds
 me of Ceausescu's children in old Stalinist Romania -- with a total ban
 on contraceptives and legal demands that every family sire at least five
 children, massive numbers of unwanted children filled up the nations
 orphanages.  President Ceausescu and his wife adopted hundreds of orphan
 boys, but raised them in special orphanages -- no contact with the
 outside world, lots of rigidity and beatings and obedience, with
 psychological brainwashing to view their parents as infallible and
 god-like, and no contact with girls.  Those boys grew up to form a
 special security police force surrounding their parents, and they were
 ruthless killers who continued to make big trouble in Romania even after
 Ceausescu and his wife were (appropriately) murdered by the Romanian
 military on Christmas Day in 1989 -- at the very moment they were planning
 a big massacre of civilians who had risen up against them.  In the case of
 the Taliban and fundamentalist madrasa schools, the numbers and
 of people in the local populations do not secretly oppose the fascistic
 social organizations, but support them.



 New York Times Magazine
  June 25, 2000


 The Education of a Holy Warrior

 In a Pakistani religious school called the Haqqania madrasa, Osama bin
 Laden is a hero, the Taliban's leaders are famous alums and the next
 generation of mujahedeen is being militantly groomed.

 Photographs By Laurent Van Der Stockt

 About two hours east of the Khyber Pass, in the North-West Frontier
 Province of Pakistan, alongside the Grand Trunk Road, sits a school called
 the Haqqania madrasa. A madrasa is a Muslim religious seminary, and
 Haqqania is one of the bigger madrasas in Pakistan: its mosques and
 classrooms and dormitories are spread over eight weed-covered acres, and
 the school currently enrolls more than 2,800 students. Tuition, room and
 board are free; the students are, in the main, drawn from the dire poor,
 and the madrasa raises its funds from wealthy Pakistanis, as well as from
 devout, and politically minded, Muslims in the countries of the Persian

 The students range in age from 8 and 9 to 30, sometimes to 35. The
 boys spend much of their days seated cross-legged on the floors of airless
 classrooms, memorizing the Koran. This is a process that takes between six
 months and three years, and it is made even more difficult than it sounds
 by the fact that the Koran they study is in the original Arabic. These
 tend to know only Pashto, the language of the Pathan ethnic group that
 dominates this region of Pakistan, as well as much of nearby Afghanistan.
 In a typical class, the teachers sit on the floor with the boys, reading
 them in Arabic, and the boys repeat what the teachers say. This can go on
 between four and eight hours each day.

 What Westerners would think of as high-school-age and college-age students
 are enrolled in an eight-year course of study that focuses on
 interpretation of the Koran and of the Hadith, the sayings of the Prophet
 Muhammad. These students also study Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic
 history. The oldest of those attending Haqqania -- the postgraduates, if
 you will -- are enrolled in the mufti course. A mufti, in Islam, is a
 cleric who is allowed to issue fatwas, or religious rulings, on matters
 ranging from family law to the rules governing the waging of jihad, or
 holy war. (One room in the school's administration building houses
 of 100,000 fatwas issued by the madrasa over the years.) There are about
 600 students in the mufti course.

 Very few of the students at the Haqqania madrasa study anything but
 subjects. There are no world history courses, or math courses, or computer
 rooms or science labs at the madrasa.

   The Haqqania madrasa is, in fact, a jihad factory.

   This does not make it unique in Pakistan. There are   one million
 students studying in the country's 10,000   or so madrasas, and militant
 Islam is at the core of   most of these schools. Many madrasas are village
 affairs, with student bodies of 25 or 50. Some of 

Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft Urges Caution With Records

2001-10-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/01 5:06:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 10/16/01 Washington (AP) - Obtaining government records may be more
 under a Bush administration policy change made a month after the terrorist
 attacks. Attorney General John Ashcroft directed agency leaders to be
 cautious in releasing records to journalists and others. He said agencies
 must ``carefully consider'' things like threats to national security and the
 effectiveness of law enforcement. Ashcroft also said that agencies that
 legitimately turn down requests made under the Freedom of Information Act
 will have the backing of the Justice Department. 

Wow.  Makes one wonder just what these guys are up to.  Mr. Ashcroft should
talk to his military people.  Whenever they want to get rid of records,
there's a fire.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Fw:

2001-10-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/17/01 10:15:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  We don't want this woman to even think of running for President.. 

She doesn't stand a chance.  We've got Dubya, and his daughters will probably
be old enough to run by the time he's out.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Mohrenschildt-Osama Nukes

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Linda: Recall that Sharples Corp. was involved in the atomic research in the Manhattan Project and that Pennwalt India Lmtd. originally from Pennsylvania is involved in centrifugal development that looks ever so suspiciously like a nuclear development cutout for India's atomic bomb program. We see now the Nobel Oil and Von Mohrenschildt-Sharples nexus of Quaker-Tolstoy-Old Believers coming full circle to haunt us still.

AMERICA’S WAR ON TERRORPart III: Bin Laden May Have Small Nuclear Bombs 13 October: US Vice President Dick Cheney told the American people that Al Qaida has been training terrorists to use chemical and biological weapons. He said this after the FBI denied finding links between the anthrax cases in the United States and terror. Whatever they are told, most Americans now believe their country is in the grip of a bio-terror attack, perpetrated by the same groups that struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11.Cheney referred to the manuals found for training people in the deployment of deadly substances. On October 6, DEBKAfile reported: “Any bioterrorists would have received their training in the dissemination of dangerous materials directly from Iraqi military intelligence experts. Iraq is the only country known to be actively developing such substances of mass murder.”America’s news media believe they are being singled out of for targeting, since the three Florida victims worked for the same supermarket tabloid, the infected envelope reaching New York was addressed to NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw and a third suspect envelope was sent to a Microsoft office in Reno, Nevada. This is very possible, for Bin Laden and his fundamentalists regard the US media as the foremost propagators of the American way of life and a pillar of democratic US government. While possessing the computer technology for disrupting publication and broadcasts, Al Qaeda evidently rates biological warfare far more effective as a weapon of fear against American society.Al Qaeda may also have crude chemical weapons, according to a senior US defense official, but it lacks the hi-tech means to deliver them. The substances he named are chlorine and phosgene poison gases, both World War I weapons, but he did not believe they had any more complex chemical weapons, such as sarin nerve gas. He also asserted that they would have to use primitive but “innovative” methods to attack people with them, such as crop dusters and hand sprayers. The question of whether Bin Laden has a nuclear capability still remains to be officially addressed. According to the information disclosed in the latest DEBKA-Net-Weekly, it is very possible that he has. In a special investigation,DEBKA-Net-Weekly learned from well-placed intelligence sources that the millionaire terror master did procure a supply of uranium-235 six months before his Al Qaeda suicides carried out their September 11 strikes in America. The uranium was delivered following an extraordinary deal between the most wanted terrorist in the world and one of the world’s most dangerous mobsters, a shadowy Ukrainian-born Jew called Semion Mogilevich, who rules over an arms-trafficking, money-laundering, drug-running, prostitution and graft empire. Sources who spoke to DEBKA-Net-Weekly on condition of anonymity report that for a princely sum estimated at US$40 - 75 million, Bin Laden bought between 12 and 15 kilos of uranium-235, all of which came from Russia or some Central Asian Muslim republic. If this is true, the master terrorist has enough fissionable material to build between 3 and 5 nuclear devices.

The Washington Post, August 20, 1999 pE01 Money Laundering Suspected; Russian Mob Said to Send Billions Through N.Y. Bank. (Financial) Sharon Walsh; Kathleen Day. 
 Full Text: COPYRIGHT 1999 Washington Post Company 
A kingpin of Russian organized crime is believed to have cycled billions of dollars in illicit fundsthrough the Bank of New York in a massive money laundering scheme, according to U.S. officials. 
Semion Mogilevich, dubbed the "brainy don," is the leader of a ruthless Russian mob family known asthe Red Mafia that is said to be behind the transfer of money through the bank, according togovernment sources.schemes to dump toxic waste from America in Russia, according to published reports. 
The FBI and the U.S. attorney for the southern district of New York are leading one of the largestmoney laundering investigations ever. Some experts estimate that hundreds of billions of dollars have been looted from the Russian economy in recent years and funneled through U.S. banks. 
"The money was flowing fast and furious out of Russia through the Bank of New York, and there area lot of indications it was dirty money to start with," a senior federal law enforcement official said. 
Officials involved in the investigation, including the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve,declined to comment on the case, which was disclosed in today's New York Times. 

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Ashcroft instructs federal agencies to resist FOIA requests

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan


Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 11:12:39 -0700
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Farber), Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Gaylor)
From: Jim Warren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Ashcroft tell agencies to resist Freedom-of-Information requests

Project on Government Secrecy
Federation of American Scientists

October 17, 2001



Attorney General John Ashcroft has issued a new statement of policy
that encourages federal agencies to resist Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) requests whenever they have legal grounds to do so.

The new statement supersedes a 1993 memorandum from Attorney General
Janet Reno which promoted disclosure of government information
through the FOIA unless it was reasonably foreseeable that
disclosure would be harmful.

The Ashcroft policy rejects this foreseeable harm standard.

Instead, the Justice Department instructs agencies to withhold
information whenever there is a sound legal basis for doing so.

When you carefully consider FOIA requests and decide to withhold
records, in whole or in part, the Attorney General advised, you can
be assured that the Department of Justice will defend your decisions
unless they lack a sound legal basis

[It is especially important that Ashcroft has committed to having DOJ
defend the suppression of public access -- rather than forcing the agency
to provide its own defense if challenged in court.  --jim]

[The DOJ is the executive branch's law firm and defends agencies in court.
There is no realistic its own defense option. What Ashcroft meant is that
DOJ will mount an aggressive defense as long as there's some sort of
reasonable legal claim and the federal agency isn't doing something
entirely nutty. --Declan]

The new FOIA policy statement, issued October 12, is posted here:


For purposes of comparison, Attorney General Reno's 1993 memorandum
may be found here:


As with many of the Bush Administration's new restrictions on public
information, the new policy is only peripherally related to the fight
against terrorism.  Rather, it appears to exploit the current
circumstances to advance a predisposition toward official secrecy.


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Re: [CTRL] possible civilian casualties in Afghanistan

2001-10-18 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Cats, Dogs and 'Collateral Damage'

David McGowan
October 16, 2001

(The village referred to throughout this article is variously spelled
Kadam, Karam, and Koram. It is unclear which is the correct spelling.)

One week after United States-led forces began bombarding Afghanistan,
disturbing evidence is emerging of unacceptably high civilian casualties
and ill-defined military and political objectives. Afghans reaching the
Pakistani city of Peshawar 60 kilometres from the border said the
bombing on Friday of Kadam, a small rural community in Surkh Rud
district near the eastern city of Jalalabad, had killed scores, possibly
hundreds of civilians. (1)
So said the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday, October 15. This
was just one of many reports filed Sunday and Monday concerning the
destruction of an Afghan village. The first of these reports were based
on the eyewitness accounts of the survivors of the attack, some
seriously wounded, who fled into neighboring Pakistan.
A report in the Guardian began: Serious blunders by American
warplanes may have killed at least 100 civilians in Afghanistan,
according to eye-witness accounts obtained by the Observer. Two U.S.
jets, they said, had bombed a village in eastern Afghanistan, killing
more than 100 people. (2) According to one witness cited, the jets
circled back twice to unload additional ordnance on the village.
The Guardian also noted that while Western politicians have
been quick to dismiss the claims as propaganda ... apparent confirmation
of serious casualties among non-combatants is beginning to emerge. If
the evidence is accurate, an attack on Karam village, 18 miles west of
Jalalabad, last Thursday was the most lethal blunder yet by Allied
forces. (2)
An article in the Independent held that Karam was just one of
several villages to be targeted: Something went terribly wrong at the
end of the week. In conversations with refugees, a string of names come
up again and again: Darunta, Karam, Torghar, Farmada - insignificant
villages where, according to consistent accounts by eyewitnesses, as
well as those of the Taliban propaganda machine, hundreds of civilians
were killed. (3)
Among the refugees that Independent reporter Richard Parry spoke
to, he found that many have seen at first hand the devastating effects
which the attacks have begun to have on civilians. In hospitals, refugee
camps and in the homes of friends, they describe how it feels to find
yourself directly below one of the most technologically sophisticated
bombing campaigns in history. (3)
U.S. officials were quick to deny civilian casualties and
denounce the witness accounts as propaganda. Taliban officials countered
by allowing Western reporters into the country to view the carnage at
Karam first-hand. The journalists, skeptical of what they assumed would
be a staged scene, filed reports that revealed their shock and revulsion
at what they encountered.
A reporter for The Times described the scene at a nearby
hospital: In a gloomy Jalalabad hospital ward Ahmed Zai clings to his
one-year-old son as they lie on a dirty sheet. Both have shrapnel wounds
... Across the crowded ward three-year-old Rahmed cries for his mother.
Bandages cover his head, arm and legs. Blood is oozing through ...
Doctors tell us that both of his parents are dead ... Along with
twenty-five others in this hospital Ahmed and Rahmed were in the village
of Koram. (4)
In the village itself, the reporters were met with harrowing
scenes of carnage and human suffering. First, however, their Taliban
escorts had to subdue the wrathful villagers: As we approached Koram,
climbing a rocky hillside, the villagers erupted in fury, charging down
the hill with shovels in hand. We had experienced orchestrated protests
during our drive from the Pakistan border, but this was altogether
different. (4)
An Associated Press writer made a similar observation: Waving
shovels and sticks, enraged villagers surged toward foreign journalists
brought here Sunday by Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia to see what
officials say was the devastation of a U.S. air attack. 'They are coming
to kill us! They are coming for information, to tell the planes where to
bomb!' angry and terrified villagers shouted as they charged the
reporters. (5)
These were, mind you, ordinary Afghan villagers who - after just
one week of terror bombing allegedly aimed at eliminating terrorism and
keeping the Western world safe for democracy - were so enraged that they
were prepared to violently attack the first Westerners they laid eyes
on. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm feeling a whole lot safer
Ian Williams of The Times graphically described the village:
One man said that he was burying his wife bit by bit as he dug her out
of the rubble. He put a severed leg into a plastic bag and dropped it
into the hole that 

[CTRL] Islamerika (fwd)

2001-10-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Mosques in the United States regularly feature pamphlets of the even
more radical Pakistani cleric Abul Ala al-Mawdudi, adds Jane I. Smith,
author of Islam in America. Al-Mawdudi is the father of Islamic
revivalism and an advocate of holy war to establish Islamic rule. In
addition, the Congressional Research Service reported in 1994 that
one-third of the funding for more-radical Muslim religious groups abroad,
such as Hamas in the West Bank, came from the United States. 


The U.S. Muslim community remains tied to the religious resurgence of Islam

By Larry Witham

Muslims in the United States are among the world's most educated, and as a
political community in the West, they are one of the best organized. The
largely immigrant community, whose U.S. population estimates range from
fewer than 3 million to more than 7 million, has multiplied dramatically in
number since 1970.

Within the Muslim community, there is tremendous diversity, says Sayyid
M. Syeed, secretary-general of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA),
which recently drew 40,000 participants to its 38th annual convention in
Chicago. While there is a majority Sunni branch of Islam and a minority
Shiite branch, all the world's 1 billion believers basically hold the life
of the prophet Muhammad and the Koran, the Muslim holy book, as their
guides. Differences among the various factions often have cultural and
political origins.

After the 1965 immigration act reopened U.S. borders to the Middle East,
Africa and Asia, Muslims began to have a presence in the country. During
the next two decades, Islam's best educated - doctors, lawyers and students
- came to America, while working-class Muslims chose Europe. Nearly eight
in 10 U.S. Muslims were born abroad and no imams (or prayer leaders at
mosques) are American-born, according to an American Muslim Council (AMC)
survey in 2000.

Many Muslim immigrants fled governments in Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan and
elsewhere that had cracked down on radicals who wanted to make the Koran
the final word on law. The number of radicals who migrated to the United
States is substantially larger than the moderates, says Daniel Pipes,
director of the Middle East Forum and critic of the Islamist movement.

The leadership of U.S. Islam remains tied to both religious and political
causes abroad. The AMC, a political lobby in Washington, and the ISNA have
defended with lawsuits the wearing of conservative head scarves by Muslim
women, for example, which in Turkey and France has been outlawed because it
is seen as advocating an Islamic political agenda. Imam Muzammil H.
Siddiqi, who as ISNA president prayed at the Washington National Cathedral
with President George W. Bush, last year protested outside the White House
over the renewed conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

Siddiqi urges religious tolerance in America but notes that Muslims are
routinely discriminated against abroad. What causes genocide in Chechnya,
daily violence in occupied Palestine, constant clashes in India-occupied
Kashmir and troubles in Indonesia? he asked in the current edition of the
ISNA magazine, suggesting the persecution of Muslims.

Scholars of Islam such as Khalid Duran, who has been criticized by U.S.
Muslim leaders, say Siddiqi's political emphasis is not surprising because
he was reared in Pakistan's religious party. Some leaders represent the
whole [anti-Western] ideology behind these [terrorist] attacks, says
Duran. Only in America can they believe this and then be on television
leading a prayer.

Mosques in the United States regularly feature pamphlets of the even more
radical Pakistani cleric Abul Ala al-Mawdudi, adds Jane I. Smith, author of
Islam in America. Al-Mawdudi is the father of Islamic revivalism and an
advocate of holy war to establish Islamic rule. In addition, the
Congressional Research Service reported in 1994 that one-third of the
funding for more-radical Muslim religious groups abroad, such as Hamas in
the West Bank, came from the United States.

Amid such reports, U.S. Muslim leaders warn against generalizations or
stereotypes. The U.S. has a bad image in some parts of the world, and some
of our foreign policies should be revisited, said Aly Abuzaakouk,
executive director of the AMC, in a Sept. 20 lecture at the Middle East

Larry Witham writes for Insight's sister publication, the Washington Times.

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[CTRL] We will never be quiet about Truth!!! (fwd)

2001-10-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: BULLSHIT... We will never be quiet about Truth!!!
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 01:11:25 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

PLANETNEWS broadcast...

  WASHINGTON, DC Responding to the threats facing America's free
democratic system, White House officials called upon Americans to stop
exercising their democratic freedoms Monday.

Above: Ari Fleischer urges Americans to keep their mouths shut.
  In this time of national crisis, a time when our most cherished
freedoms are threatened, all Americans not just outspoken talk-show hosts
like Bill Maher must watch what they say, White House press secretary Ari
Fleischer told reporters. Now more than ever, if we want to protect
democracy for future generations, it is vital that nobody speak out about the
issues of the day.

  We must all do our patriotic duty to protect our country's great
ideals, Fleischer continued, and we have to be careful about what opinions
we express if we are to defend our Constitution, a sacred document behind
which all Americans must stand united as one.

  Fleischer's sentiments echoed those of many executive-branch officials,
who, in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, have called for broad-based
limitations on civil liberties and urged all patriotic, freedom-loving
citizens to support those restrictions in defense of the American way of life.

  We live in a land governed by plurality of opinion in an open
electorate, but we are now under siege by adherents of a fundamentalist,
totalitarian belief system that tolerates no dissent, Attorney General John
Ashcroft said. Our most basic American values are threatened by an enemy
opposed to everything for which our flag stands. That is why I call upon all
Americans to submit to wiretaps, e-mail monitoring, and racial profiling. Now
is not the time to allow simplistic, romantic notions of 'civil liberties'
and 'equal protection under the law' to get in the way of our battle with the
enemies of freedom.

  In the past, Ashcroft said, efforts by federal agencies to restrict
personal freedoms were severely hampered by such factors as the judicial
system, the Bill Of Rights, and government by the people. Since the
attacks, however, some such limitations have been waived, finally giving the
CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and White House the greater powers they need to defend

  U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who advocated permitting the CIA to
engage in various illegal activities during a recent Tonight Show With Jay
Leno appearance, stressed the importance of not merely submitting to
freedom-curtailment policies, but also blindly agreeing with them.

  Now is not the time for such divisive, destructive things as dialogue
and debate, McCain said. Now is not the time for, 'My opinion is just as
valid as yours,' and 'What are my country's leaders doing and why?' and 'I
have a question, Mr. President.' Now is the time for one thing and one thing
only: The defense of the American democratic ideal. Any and all who disagree
with this directive, or who have different ideas about how it should be
accomplished, should learn to shut their mouths.

  As the U.S. prepares to mobilize forces against Afghanistan, the
military is seeking strong limitations on the press. According to Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, such a Constitution-flouting move would not be
unprecedented, citing the suspension of habeas corpus in the Civil War and
the order to round up 110,000 Japanese-Americans in detention camps after the
bombing of Pearl Harbor.

  Remember, under the oppressive Taliban regime, people live in constant
fear of an oppressive order to which all must submit, Rumsfeld said. Under
their system, it is illegal to practice a different religion or support a
different political system. It is against the law for women to work or leave
their homes without their faces covered. There is no freedom of speech,
press, or assembly, as dissent of any kind is not tolerated. It is even
forbidden to smile or laugh in public, and all who fail to unquestioningly
obey are punished with reprisals of brutal violence. We must not allow such a
regime to threaten our great democracy. We must stand for something better
than that.

  It is therefore urgent, Rumsfeld continued, that all Americans be
quiet, stop asking questions, accept the orders of authorities, and let us
get on with the important work of defending liberty, so that America can
continue to be a beacon of freedom to all the world.
STILL ALIVE? FBI Mixed Up on True Identities of Perpetrators

Lawmakers break logjam on new anti-terrorism laws


[CTRL] US Troops Abandoning Army, Seeking Conscientious Objector Status Claiming Recruiters Promised Them They Wouldn't Have To Fight (fwd)

2001-10-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Active Duty 'Conscientious Objectors' On The Rise

By Michael Betsch
CNSNews.com Editorial Assistant
October 17, 2001

(CNSNews.com) - An increasing number of U.S. military personnel who
enlisted prior to Operation Enduring Freedom are now seeking conscientious
objector status, claiming they were misled by their local recruiter and
military advertising, according to groups that assist people in obtaining
conscientious objector status.

Many of the enlisted personnel who are now seeking honorable discharges
argue they didn't sign up to defend America; they just wanted to learn a
trade or earn money for college.

Those seeking discharges based on conscientious objections to the current
war on terrorism and military action in Afghanistan insist that military
advertising failed to present the reality of military conflict, focusing
instead on money for college, job training, leadership and disciplinary
aspects of the military.

Bill Galvin, a counseling coordinator at the Center On Conscience and War,
said his organization has seen a significant increase in military
personnel who claim to be conscientious objectors since the Sept. 11
attacks on New York and the Pentagon.

Galvin defines the term conscientious objector as those who would
identify moral or ethical qualms about being in the military or being a
part of war.

All conscientious objectors must explain what happened since they joined
the military that would now cause them to say they can't do this, said
Galvin, who provided anecdotal information about a rise in the number of
active duty military personnel now seeking discharges based on conscience.

He claimed that recruiters paint an attractive portrait of patriotism for
potential recruits and play up the training or the money for college.
They don't play up fighting, because that's not what gets people to join.

Others who work with conscientious objectors agree that military
recruiting ads that downplay or ignore the inherent violence in military
action have an air of deception.

There's very little in military advertising that talks about combat, that
talks about killing, that talks about fear, loneliness and all of that
stuff. It's not there, said Titus Peachey, a director of peace education
for the Mennonite Central Committee U.S.

According to Peachey, potential recruits, many of whom are teenagers, are
at a very vulnerable age when they meet with military recruiters that
visit high school campuses.

He added that the teens are lured into military life by the sharp
uniforms worn by recruiters and the very attractive packages offered by
the military.

Peachey said he's counseled a number of military men and women who've
called the G.I. Rights Hotline seeking assistance with applying for and
receiving conscientious objector status.

They enlisted, Peachey said, only because they felt the military seemed
like the way out, of their pre-enlistment lives, and an easy way to get
an education and a job without considering the reality of war.

It seems logical that a high school kid would think about the possibility
of fighting in a war, during a time of hostilities, he said. But in
peacetime, war is the farthest thing from their minds.

Army spokesman Lt. Col. Ryan Yantis said such arguments are thin. It's
made very clear to every recruit when they come in through the recruiting
and enlistment process that they're joining the Army, said Yantis.

Those who enlist or receive commissions from the Army are grown-ups who
are making adult decisions, said Yantis, who also said he was not aware
of a particular increase in the number of Army personnel seeing discharges
because they object to war.

But sometimes, grown-ups make mistakes, Galvin commented. We get lots
of calls from people who are just in their training status saying, 'what
did I get myself into?'

According to Yantis, recruits claiming to be conscientious objectors fail
to recognize that their situation is nothing new, and he said medics and
other conscientious objectors in non-combatant roles have historically
been a benefit of the military.

Yantis also said it would be disingenuous, for a soldier to say, 'Oh, I
joined up to be an infantryman. I never knew that that meant I might have
to go to war.'

He bolstered his argument by saying there's little mistaking the words and
meaning of the oath that military personnel take upon being sworn into the
armed forces.

Among other things in the oath, military personnel promise to support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign
and domestic.

Another Army public affairs spokesperson, who asked to not be identified,
said, Anybody who has ever joined the military at least ought to have it
in the back of the mind that at all times we could go to war, that there's
never a guaranteed peace.

Now that the U.S. is actively engaged in military 

[CTRL] Berkeley's Useless Idiots (fwd)

2001-10-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[Note:  See below for contact information. - Tony]

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001

'Berkeley's Useless Idiots' Condemn U.S. Military Action


The People's Republic of Berkeley, which is kooky even by California's
loose standards, is at it again. The left-wing university town is being
bombarded with hundreds of angry e-mails and phone calls after its city
council condemned the U.S. military strikes in terrorist-harboring
Afghanistan, the Associated Press reported today.

We have a chance to show that great powers of the world can fight on lines
of their choosing, council member Dona Spring said before Tuesday's 5-4
vote. If we can't support a nonviolent solution, when or where will some
government agency do that?

Mayor Shirley Dean, a voice of reason compared to some in Berkeley, said
she opposed indiscriminate bombing but thought targeted military action
was necessary. She mocked Spring's call for a legal resolution to
terrorism: Who's going to serve the papers?

This is the same city council that unanimously voted last month to commend
Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., for being the only member of Congress to oppose
use of military force against the terrorists.

This is the same anti-choice town that forced firefighters to remove
American flags from their trucks because intolerant anti-war protesters
might tear down Old Glory and attack the firemen.

This is the same anti-choice town that screamed for censorship and
condemnation after the university newspaper published a cartoon showing
turbaned hijackers in hell. I guess in Berkeley people always want to say
they value free speech and are the home of the free-speech movement, but it
always seems people stop following that as soon as you say something they
disagree with, noted Daily Cal editor-in-chief Janny Hu.

The fantasyland of Berkeley, of course, has been the butt of jokes for
decades. The Wall Street Journal's website never runs out of material for
its daily roundup of articles titled Berkeley's Useless Idiots.

Shirley Dean (510) 981-7100


District 1
Linda Maio
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, California 94704

Phone: (510) 981-7110

District 2
Margaret Breland
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, California 94704

Phone: (510) 981-7120

District 3
Maudelle Shirek
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, California 94704

Phone: (510) 981-7130

District 4
Dona Spring
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, California 94704

Phone: (510) 981-7140

District 5
Miriam Hawley
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street, Fifth Floor
Berkeley, CA  94704
phone:  (510) 981-7150   fax:  (510) 981-7155

District 6
Betty Olds
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, California 94704

Phone: (510) 981-7160

District 7
Kriss Worthington
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, California 94704

Phone: (510) 981-7170

District 8
Polly Armstrong
City of Berkeley
2180 Milvia Street
Berkeley, California 94704

Phone: (510) 981-7180

Office of  the City Clerk - Sherry M. Kelly
2180 Milvia Street, Berkeley, California  94704
Telephone (510) 981-6900;  TDD (510) 981-6903; Fax (510) 981-6901
Office Hours:  Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Dear Counclimember Dona Spring,

From your web page at http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/council4/ you state:

October 17, 2001

Re: Council Action on Afghanistan

Last night the Berkeley City Council, while  condemning the September 11th
attacks, called  for a conclusion to the bombing in Afghanistan as  soon
as possible.



Yet the words from your very mouth reveal the spirit of your resolution,
which does condemn the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan:

We have a chance to show that great powers of the world can fight on lines
of their choosing, if we can't support a nonviolent solution, when or where
will some government agency do that?

The fact is that we now live with the sad reality of the results of just
such pseudo-intellectual nonsense as your quote above.  The enemies of this
nation have been at war with us for a number of years now, and we have
repeatedly treated these acts of war as mere criminal behavior, rather than
the acts of war that they were and are:  Beirut barracks bombing, World
Trade Center truck bombing, Saudi barracks bombing, embassy bombings, USS
Cole bombing, and the recent acts of war on and since 

[CTRL] Fwd: WorldNetDaily Boycotted : Farah Flooded With Death Threats ; LSN Staff

2001-10-18 Thread William Shannon

WorldNetDaily Boycotted
Farah Flooded With Death Threats

10/18/01 12:01:30 PM
LSN Staff

Internet -- WorldNetDaily has been targeted for an international boycott
of it and its
advertisers because of its biased, Zionist reporting and the publication
several political tracts by its editor, Arab apostate turned evangelical
Christian Joseph Farah, calling for the mass murder of Palestinians and
Arabs on behalf of Israel.

A group called Muslims Against Defamation having been bombarding the
advertisers with letters denouncing Farah, correctly, as an anti-Islamic
monger who is more hardline than Israel's most nationalist and racist

Farah has also received over 100 death threats, all of which he has turned
to the FBI, and about which he openly complained in a lead story on his
today.  Farah, like most Zionist commentators, sees nothing wrong in
others to the murder of Arabs, Afghans, and Muslims in general -- and says
such death threats are protected free speech -- but he feels
when the people his words help murder respond by issuing their own words
calling on others to murder him.

Farah is tied into to the Israeli government and Israeli political
establishment, and has often lectured on the religious perogative behind
Israeli nationalism to Israeli groups.

[Bill Note:  Though I haven't written any death threats, I have been
sending a
number of commentators pieces -- including Jonah Goldberg's columns on why
US needs to torture Muslims, and Zev Chafet's columns on why we need to
the Middle East, along with their personal contact information -- out to
the US
distribution lists for everyone from Hamas to supporters of Gadafi's Green
Revolution.  Just doing my bit for the war effort.]

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

(Formerly http://www.libertariansocialist.com)

Re: [CTRL] Ozone hole over Antarctica about same size as last year, scientists say

2001-10-18 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 18 Oct 01, at 6:58, Bill Howard wrote:

 So, what happened to global warming?

Global warming continues to be a problem.


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[CTRL] Real Text Of Bush Press Conference

2001-10-18 Thread William Shannon

Text: Bush’s Press Conference
October 11, 2001
By The Disassociated Press

Text of President Bush’s news conference Thursday night in the East Room of the White House, as translated from the Orwellian by ATerribleThingtoWaste, Inc.:

BUSH: Good evening. I would like to report to the American people on the state of our so-called war against so-called terror, and then I’ll be happy to take puffball questions from the White House lapdogs.

One month ago today, innocent citizens from more than 80 nations were attacked and killed without warning or provocation in an act that horrified every American who had not previously realized that the bombs we’ve been dropping for decades kill decent working people with brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, and parents.

The attack took place on American soil, but it was an attack on the heart and soul of the civilized world. By which I mean the world that has killed 200 million people in its wars of the last century, as well as hundreds of millions more by vast waste of resources.

And the world has come together to fight a new and different war; the first

if we don’t count Iraq, Yugoslavia, Congo, etc -- and we hope the only (laughter) -- one of the 21st century; a war against all those governments that supposedly support or shelter terrorists, and which lie in the vicinity of the oil and natural gas resources that Chevron has acquired since the fall of the Evil Empire.

We’ve accomplished a great deal in one month. We’ve threatened everyone on earth who isn’t supine before us. Nations from every continent on the Earth have indicated that they understand the meaning of our iron fist in our leaden glove.

This week, 56 Islamic nations issued a statement strongly condemning the savage acts of terror. Luckily for the leaders of those nations, that statement did not reach the ears of their citizenry, who overwhelmingly see current events as a cynical attempt by my administration to turn a tragedy into a quest for further world hegemony.

The men and women of the United States military are doing their duty with scale and success, and, really, what other choice do they have? We have ruined terrorist training camps—you know, the tents with the big "T" on them—disrupted Afghanistan’s amazingly sophisticated communication system, weakened the Taliban military, which, as you know, is the fourth most powerful army on earth, and destroyed one of their air defenses.

We will destroy the other one tomorrow.

At the same time, we are showing the compassion of America (laughter) by delivering food and medicine to the Afghan people, who, of course, expectantly run toward any object that drops from a U.S. plane, in hope that it may not be a bomb.

We are aggressively pursuing the agents of terror around the world, and we are aggressively strengthening our protections here at home. This week, we established America’s new Office of Fatherland Fidelity directed by former Gov. Tom Ridge. Americans tonight can know that while the threat is ongoing, we are taking every possible step to crap up their civil liberties.

BUSH: We must act to stimulate a slow economy, to help laid-off workers by giving billions to their employers. And we must, of course, fund our long neglected military.

This is a time of testing; in particular, a time of testing the entire range of Raytheon’s latest weapons of mass destruction; this time of testing has revealed the true character of the American people. We’re angry at the evil that was done to us, yet patient and just in our retaliation on the bewildered denizens of the world’s most desolate slums.

Before Sept. 11, my administration was planning an initiative called Communities of Character. It was designed to help parents develop good character in their children and to strengthen the spirit of citizenship and service in our communities. Before Sept. 11, people like me and Rudi Giuliani would have been persona non grata in any such organization, given my stolen election, and his callous racist attacks on the victims of his homicidal police force. The acts of Sept. 11 have benefitted my career and Rudi’s in ways far greater than I could have ever hoped or imagined.

We have shown great love for our country and great tolerance and respect for all our countrymen. (laughter)

Our war on terrorism has nothing to do with differences in faith. It has everything to do with people of all faiths coming together to condemn hate and evil and murder and prejudice, at the same time our armies move forward to protect the hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas and billions of barrels of oil, newly obtained by Chevron. We must, above all else, provide access to those fields and secure them.

And now I welcome your questions.

Q: Thank you, sir.

You said that the threat is ongoing
What can people do to protect themselves?

BUSH: Sure. I have urged my—our fellow Americans to go about their lives, to fly on airplanes, to 

[CTRL] Citibank Attacks Money-Laundering Regs

2001-10-18 Thread William Shannon

Citibank attacks money-laundering regulations
by Lucy Komisar

Citibank is leading a fight by American banks to gut the anti-moneylaundering laws currently being considered in Congress—laws that could significantly change the way banks do business for their wealthiest clients.

Citibank is seeking an exception to a proposed ban on doing business with shell banks, which have no physical presence and are situated “virtually” in offshore zones to avoid taxes and regulations. The banks are used to hide and launder perhaps billions of dollars a year. “Citibank is the only major bank in the United States that admits to having shell banks as clients, and it doesn't want to give them up," says a congressional staffer, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Citibank is the most active bank trying to gut the ban on shell banks, and the American Bankers Association is trotting behind them.”

In an example of what having friends at the top can do for the financial services lobby, which is one of the largest and most powerful in Congress, Richard Small, director of Citibank’s anti-money-laundering department, lobbied the House and Senate committees to insert an exception that would allow U.S. banks to work with shell financial services companies, the staffer says. The clause was deleted in the House version, but at press time the Senate committee had yet to vote on the bill. “The House bill [makes it] look like they’re banning shell banks, but the exception makes the ban meaningless,” explains the staffer.

Small, who until recently headed the anti-money-laundering office of the Federal Reserve, declined to comment. But a Citibank spokesman says that the banking conglomerate supports the legislation and that it is “working with U.S. government and industry associates to determine the most effective means to prevent the banking system worldwide from being used for criminal purposes.” 

Yet as recently as May, Citibank was forced to close two accounts held in its own offshore banks in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands after a Senate investigation revealed that several million dollars in drug money had been laundered through the accounts. Both the accounts were from shell banks affiliated with financial services companies, for which Small was seeking the exception, and one with a securities firm linked to drug money. Citibank “closed the accounts of the two [banks] we reported on,” the staffer said, “but they have others.” 

The American Banking Association has been fighting along with Citibank to delete the “due diligence” clause in the legislation, which would require that banks make a concerted effort to verify the source of foreign funds they transfer or receive. Peter Blocklin, senior federal legislative representative for the ABA, told the New York Times that banks were “already doing due diligence.” 

But a congressional report released in March of this year said the opposite, charging four of the largest U.S. banks—Citibank, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America and First Union—with having inadequate money-laundering controls and weak due diligence practices. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Michigan), co-sponsor of the Senate bill, says the banks are in fact “asleep at the switch.”

About $500 billion—or half of the global total—is laundered through U.S. banks each year, according to the Bureau of National Affairs. Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who co-authored a U.N. report on offshore banking, estimates that $70 billion in taxes is lost every year when the richest U.S. taxpayers hide money in offshore banking accounts. Regardless, Republicans historically have been vehemently opposed to regulating money in U.S. banks, and the bills being considered are a radical about-face, brought about by the September 11 attacks as part of Bush’s anti-terrorism plan. 

In an area where the United States has been lax for decades, the proposed legislation is reasonably strong. But although the money-laundering controls are a significant step forward, they still ignore many of the problems in the U.S. banking and money-transfer system. The legislation permits, but does not require, the Treasury Department to stop U.S. banks from working with banks in countries where secrecy laws prevent cooperation with investigators (countries like the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas). It asks only a quick study of imposing regulations on investment companies and hedge funds, which are not currently regulated at all. And the Bush administration is not requiring suspicious activity reports (which banks are currently required to file for suspicious transactions over $10,000) from casinos, money transmitters like Western Union and stock brokerages—all of which, because they consistently handle large amounts of cash, are prime targets for money launderers. 

Until the United States closes these gaping loopholes in the system, the flow of illegal funds from the world’s wealthiest, and the world’s 

[CTRL] Fwd: Anthrax poisoning of Arkansas State Police Lt. Russell Welch of Mena, Arkansas

2001-10-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Dear Editor,  I note that there has been no mention of the 1991 Anthrax
poisening of Arkansas State Police Lt. Russell Welch of Mena, Arkansas in
all the reports about Anthrax poisening.  In 1991, Welch would not shut up
about the CIA/NSA drug smuggling at the Mena airport.  So he was poisened
with Anthrax  -  identified at the time as militery grade biological weapon
material.  The CIA/NSA has gotten smarter then that by now.  Today they use
the more common, and less lethal variety of Anthrax.  Anyone who thinks that
targeting Tabloid Newspapers, Tom Brokaw and Senator Tom Daschle is anything
more then CIA/NSA work is woefully ignorant.  DEA chief Asa Hutchinson was
the federal prosecutor in Ft. Smith Arkansas, helping the CIA.NSA freaks
smuggle drugs into Mena.  Now Asa trys to stop import of hempseed foodstuffs
in order to shoreup the CIA/NSA hold on the drug trade.  Too bad it won't
work, no matter how many of us get poisened with their Anthrax.  Lt. Russell
Welch set the mark for those poisened with Anthrax by the CIA/NSA freaks.
He kept on going and now he knows just exactly who to watch out for.  So we
should take his lesson to heart. Take the hit, look to see where the fire is
coming from, and then focus our attention on that location.  Hey, this is
better then Pacman.  One Love, revtombrown, (CIA/NSA freaks take note my
address is P.O.Box 2827, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702.  See ya round.)

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

[CTRL] The Military Option

2001-10-18 Thread William Shannon

The Military Option 
by Robert Blackstock 
[Posted October 18, 2001]

I told my mother that I do not support military action in Afghanistan and that I absolutely do not support the idea of the draft being reestablished.  My mother paused and said, "That disappoints me . . .  I thought I had raised a patriot."

Hold it right there. I love my country, and if it were to be invaded by a foreign power, I would be the first volunteer to protect it. However, I also believe that the Constitution still matters. Therefore, the first thing I must ask is, "Has Congress proclaimed war on Afghanistan?" The answer is, "no," and that’s only the first problem. 

The attack on the World Trade Center was carried out by a group of criminals, and, like most others, I agree that the criminals should be brought to justice. Murder is murder; if you commit murder, you must pay the price. Unfortunately, the nineteen people who were certainly involved are all dead, so all attention has turned to getting Osama bin Laden, who stands accused of having masterminded the plot. 

But is using the military the way? When the U.S. invaded Panama in 1989 to "arrest" Manuel Noriega, 3,000 Panamanian civilians were killed (this is a number that is still hotly disputed by the U.S. State Department, as shocking as that may seem), and it seems our justice in Afghanistan will be little different. A small village and a Red Cross storage house have already been hit. Thank goodness that the bomb that hit the boys' school didn't detonate. 

Making matters more confusing, Afghanistan doesn’t really have a government. They’ve been fighting a civil war since the Soviet withdrawal, and now all of the weapons are in the hands of two factions. The faction that controls the largest territory is the Taliban, a group which is an extremely small percentage of the population.  

Think of it this way: if 1000 people are stranded on a deserted island and two of those people have machine guns, who will be the leaders? The civilians may complain at first, but after a few examples have been made, the surviving population will be far more docile. The same applies in Afghanistan.

The majority of the population are plain folks like you and me who just want to make a better living for their families. Now the U.S. is dropping bombs on them.  (For a good, short article on how the average Muslim around the world is not a fanatic, gun-toting American-hater, see the article, The Varieties of Muslim Experience, located on the Jewish World Review Web site.)

In 1993, Ira Einhorn was tried in a Pennsylvania court and convicted in absentia for the 1977 murder of his girlfriend.  Mr. Einhorn had fled to France, which refused to extradite anyone to the U.S. to face the death penalty.  Now I ask, the next time France refuses to extradite a murderer, should we bomb their civilian population?  

Adolf Eichmann, who masterminded the deportation and murder of millions of Jews, deserved to be brought to justice if anyone ever has.  After the Second World War, Eichmann fled to Argentina to hide with his family.  The Israeli government finally located him in 1960 and had the Massad quietly "liberate" him; i.e., they kidnapped him and returned him to Israel for trial.  He was sentenced to death by hanging in 1962. By present U.S. standards, Israel would have been justified in carpet-bombing Buenos Aries unless the Argentine government had quickly complied.  Obviously, it would have been a ridiculous thing for Israel to do, so why are we, the Americans, doing it to the Afghans?

And why are we concentrating on Afghanistan? Well, that’s where the now infamous "terrorists training camps" are located. But the Taliban are educated at a special religious school in Pakistan. Why haven’t we insisted that Pakistan shut down the Taliban school and hand over the teachers? Could it be because, unlike Afghanistan, Pakistan has the bomb?

When I mention my disapproval of military action to some of my friends, they always say, "Don’t worry. The military’s weapons can take out a chosen target and not disturb a single flower in front of the orphanage next door." 

Really? Then why did NATO planes "accidentally" bomb the Chinese Embassy in Kosovo a few years ago? Why did U.S. planes "accidentally" bomb a residential neighborhood in Afghanistan this past weekend, or a Red Cross food storage facility a few days later? 

Whenever the military is used, no matter how noble the intentions, civilians die, and I am bitterly opposed to bringing even more misery to an already miserable people. Furthermore, who actually believes that military power will stop terrorism? If the military was all it took to wipe out terrorists, Israel would have long ago shut down the PLO, and Britain would have made Northern Ireland a vacation mecca even before my birth. 

A small group of terrorists has done despicable things, and they should be brought to justice.  

Re: [CTRL] Witchdoctor possibly involved in murder - graphic descriptions of violence

2001-10-18 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

This may be very heavy for survivors of abuse.

Witchdoctor killing feared in Thames torso murder - A boy whose dismembered
torso was found floating in the Thames may have been the victim of a ritual
killing,. Officers are exploring the possibility of African witchdoctors
using his body parts for magic potions.

excerpt from

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[CTRL] Miss Afghanistan

2001-10-18 Thread Damaeus

Miss Afghanistan

attachment: taliban22.jpg

[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Anthrax attacks

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 18 Oct 2001 14:05:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:LP RELEASE: Anthrax attacks
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 18, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

There's only one way to protect the
U.S. against anthrax terrorist attacks

WASHINGTON, DC -- The outbreak of anthrax on Capitol Hill is ultimate
proof that nothing can protect all Americans from unpredictable
retail terrorist attacks -- and that the only long-term solution is
to move towards a Protect America First foreign policy to deprive
terrorists of their rationale for targeting us, the Libertarian Party
said today.

With these anthrax attacks, terrorists have demonstrated that they
have the ability to attack and injure Americans in grisly ways no one
predicted, and in ways that are all but impossible to protect against,
said Steve Dasbach, the party's national director.

That's why, even as we pray for the men and women in Washington, DC
who have been exposed to this deadly disease, we must point out: A non-
interventionist foreign policy is the only real protection against
ruthless, cunning, and savage terrorists.

Only a non-interventionist foreign policy will help keep Americans
safe from hijackings, bioterrorism, and whatever vicious and evil
future attacks such terrorists might conceive.

This week, 31 Congressional staffers and police tested positive for
anthrax exposure, causing panic on Capitol Hill and prompting the U.S.
House to temporarily shut down. The airborne anthrax spores that
triggered the infections had apparently been mailed in an envelope to
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle's office.

The anthrax is believed to be the same strain that caused outbreaks in
at least two other states and killed one man in Florida, leading the
FBI to speculate that the attacks are the work of terrorists.

If that is indeed the case, the anthrax assault is evidence that law
enforcement can never completely stop unconventional terrorist attacks,
said Dasbach.

Most of the U.S. government's anti-terrorism plans revolve around what
might be called wholesale terrorism: Airline hijackings, truck bombs,
poisoned water supplies, and so on, he said. Those kinds of attacks
focus on killing large numbers of people, and are best thwarted by
heightened vigilance and traditional law enforcement techniques.

But with the anthrax assault, the terrorists have begun to engage in
retail terrorism -- using methods that kill individually, but are
designed to strike fear into the entire population.

The problem with such retail terrorism, said Dasbach, is that it is
nearly impossible to individually defend 280 million Americans from
such threats, especially if the terrorists continue to use original and
innovative methods.

If you look at countries that are most vigilant against terrorism --
like Israel -- you see that terrorists are still able to assassinate
politicians, bomb restaurants, and launch sniper attacks on remote
farms, he said.

The danger is even greater in the United States, since we are a more
open nation. Who knows what terrorists might do next: Plant anthrax
spores in food products in your local supermarket? Put smallpox
bacteria in a public swimming pool? Drop plague-causing agents into the
ventilation system of a hotel? Or launch some other kind of deadly
offensive we can't even predict?

That's why the only viable long-term solution is to make sure that
terrorists have less incentive to try to kill Americans, said Dasbach.
And the only way to accomplish that is to adjust our foreign policy so
it focuses on defending America, while steering clear of foreign
conflicts, hatreds, and feuds.

Our foreign policy should have one simple goal: To defend Americans in
the United States against the risk of attack from foreign powers, he
said. Unfortunately, our current policy does everything but that.

Instead, the United States has more than 200,000 troops stationed in
144 countries and territories. We routinely send money to both sides in
international conflicts. We make alliances with totalitarian or
oppressive regimes. We fund and train ruthless military forces -- like
the mujahedeen in Afghanistan -- that we later go to war against.

This isn't a foreign policy that makes Americans more safe. It is a
foreign policy that puts our military at risk in countless foreign
conflicts, inspires waves of anti-Americanism across the globe, and
gives deranged 

[CTRL] Free Radical

2001-10-18 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


REASON * November 2001
Free Radical
Journalist Christopher Hitchens explains why he’s no longer a
socialist, why moral authoritarianism is on the rise, and what's
wrong with anti-globalization protestors.
Interviewed by Rhys Southan
In the roughly two decades since British writer Christopher Hitchens
arrived in the U.S., he has emerged as a singularly insightful,
provocative, and impossible-to-ignore critic of American politics and
culture. His regular columns for the left-wing think magazine The
Nation and the glitzy celebrity sheet Vanity Fair stand out in both
publications for their clarity of thought and prose. He famously
served as one of the models for Peter Fallows, the memorable
dissipated Brit journalist in Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities.
His television appearances are legendary, none perhaps more so than

  his contretemps with Charlton Heston during CNN’s live coverage of
the Gulf War. Hitchens insisted that Heston list what countries have
borders with Iraq. After Heston flubbed the answer, he upbraided the
journalist for taking up valuable network time giving a high-school
geography lesson. To which Hitchens replied: Oh, keep your
hairpiece on.
Though the 52-year-old Hitchens clearly enjoys mocking the famous and
the powerful -- he once derided the House of Windsor for sucking off
[Britain’s] national tit -- he’s no mere gadfly. In books such as
The Missionary Position, No One Left to Lie To, and The Trial of
Henry Kissinger, he has crafted thoughtful and provocative extended
indictments of Mother Teresa, Bill Clinton, and the former secretary
of state and Nobel Peace Prize winner; his recent collection,
Unacknowledged Legislation: Writers in the Public Sphere, was
reviewed in the July issue of REASON. (See Literary Legislators.)
Hitchens’ willingness to put moral principles before political
alliances has earned him the wrath of ideological compatriots. When
he signed an affidavit contradicting testimony by Clinton
administration aide Sidney Blumenthal that the president had never
circulated tales of Monica Lewinsky as a crazed stalker, Hitchens was
attacked as a liar and a snitch in the pages of The Nation and almost
ended his relationship with the magazine.
Hitchens’ newest book is Letters to a Young Contrarian: The Art of
Mentoring (Basic Books), in which he exhorts youth to remain both
principled and oppositional, freethinkers in the best Enlightenment
tradition. Given such thoughts, it’s not surprising that Hitchens’
next book will be about George Orwell. Nor is it surprising to find
him increasingly interested in alternatives to orthodox left-wing
thinking. A regular reader of REASON -- a few years back, he wrote
that he gets more out of reading...REASON than I do out of many
‘movement’ journals -- Hitchens has become increasingly interested
in the libertarian critique of state power and its defense of
individual liberty. I am, he says, much more inclined to stress
those issues...to see that they do possess, with a capital H and a
capital I, Historical Importance.
Appropriately, Rhys Southan, REASON’s Burton Gray Memorial Intern and
the youngest member of our staff, interviewed Hitchens in late
August. REASON: How were you different as a young contrarian than you
are as an older one?
Christopher Hitchens: The book forces me to ask that question, and
yet I don’t quite. I must say that I’ve always found the generational
emphasis on the way that my youth was covered to be very annoying.
There were a lot of other people born in April 1949, and I just don’t
feel like I have anything in common with most of them. I forget who
it was who said that generation -- age group, in other words -- is
the most debased form of solidarity. The idea of anyone who was born
around that time having an automatic ticket to being called a ’60s
person, is annoying to me. Especially membership in the specific
group that I could claim to have been a part of: not just of the
’60s, but of 1968. There’s even a French term for it: soixante-
huitard. You can now guess roughly what the political parameters were
for me at the time. And you can also guess at least one of the
sources of my irritation, which is that by generational analysis,
Bill Clinton and I are of the same kidney and same DNA. I repudiate
that with every fiber.
But I’m postponing an answer to your question. In those days, I was
very much in rebellion against the state. The state had presented
itself to [my fellow protestors and me], particularly through the
Vietnam War, in the character of a liar and a murderer. If, at a
young age, you are able to see your own government in that character,
it powerfully conditions the rest of your life. I was taught very
early on that the state can be, and is, a liar and a murderer. Yet I
have to concede that I didn’t think there was a problem necessarily
with the state, or government, or collective power.
I had been interested in libertarian