[CTRL] Stamp Act

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


McCarthyism Watch

We will be regularly updating the site with examples of the New
McCarthyism that is sweeping the country.

December 8, 2001

If You Don't Want American Flag Stamps, Watch Out!

Even an innocuous trip to the Post Office can you get you into
trouble these days.

Daniel Muller, is the co-coordinator of Voices in the Wilderness, a
group dedicated to nonviolence and a leading opponent of U.S.
sanctions against Iraq.

On November 9, Muller and his colleague Andrew Mandell went to pick
up stamps at the Chicago post office they regularly visit. They were
paying with cash.

We needed 4,000 stamps for a mailing we were doing, and I asked for
ones not with the American flag on them.

The woman asked if Statute of liberty stamps were OK.

Yes, we love liberty, said Andrew Mandell.

She asked us to step aside from the counter, and she went to the
back, out of view, recalls Muller. I knew something was up because
this was a bit out of the ordinary. And Andrew said, 'She's calling
the cops,' but I didn't believe him.

No one said anything to us for about twenty minutes, and then two cops came in and 
asked for our IDs. They asked if we had any outstanding warrants. They ran a check on 
us. They asked us why we had asked for stamps witho
ut American flags on them. I said we're very rooted in nonviolent activities, and we 
would rather have the Statue of Liberty than the American flag.

The Post Office told Muller and Mandell that they would have to come back the next 
morning for stamps.

Mandell got his stamps the next day, but he also was asked to meet with a federal 
postal inspector for more than a half-hour. The postal inspector, says Mandell, asked: 
Why are you paying with cash? Where do you get your

Afterwards, the group was permitted to send out its mailing.

The fact that they did ask for anything but flag stamps did raise a
question for the clerk, says Silvia Carrier, a public relations
officer for the U.S. Postal Inspector in Chicago. Plus, They were
buying postage with a large amount of cash, and usually a company
will use a meter or a business check. Right now, since September 11,
clerks have been told to be cautious, to be looking out for anything

-- Matthew Rothschild
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be 

[CTRL] Inhibit Inhibitions ?

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


December 13, 2001

Prohibit Prohibition

By Michael Williams

Throughout the 20th century, the United States government has waged a
war against a freedom of choice, disguised as protection of the
collective good. Through this seemingly altruistic goal, the US
government successfully created powers beyond that which the United
States Constitution was originally founded upon. Society is harmed
when a government prohibits a personal choice, as freedom is stripped
away. The War on Drugs is centered around the ideology that illicit
drugs present an inherent risk so great to the public, that
prohibition, the banning of all of these plants and chemicals, is the
only valid way to prevent massive negative societal and individual
effects. Unfortunately, this does not protect the public from these
unfavorable results, and in many cases, actually increases the
dangers. Despite the fear that removal of prohibition will result in
an increased danger to the public, foreign programs have shown this
assumption to be false; the only valid solution to the problem is
legalization of all drugs.

Prohibition is unconstitutional; alcohol prohibition required a constitutional 
amendment to be created, and no such act was written to allow the illegality of drugs. 
Instead, a loophole was utilized, and with passage of
the Marijuana Stamp Act in 1937 marijuana was prohibited. (ACLU). By refusing to 
allow anyone to purchase these stamps, the government effectively eliminated the legal 
sale and use of marijuana. This program followed the
 original Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914, declaring opiates and cocaine illegal (ACLU) 
through the same tax laws, and has now evolved and been extended almost as a blanket 
rule to any new chemical that is created which al
ters one's perception of self or reality, regardless of safety or medical merit. 
According to the constitution, the government does not have the power to regulate 
personal choice, but it created this alternative route to
prohibition despite the massive legal hurdles.

Many believe that health issues are the primary reason for drugs being illegal, yet 
the general public does not realize that legal drugs are more toxic than those which 
are illegal. In the United States, tobacco alone kil
ls over 430,000, alcohol 110,000 (Drug War Facts), and prescription drugs kill 
approximately 32,000 people (Corey) yearly, while all illegal drugs combined, 
including cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, marijuana, LSD (lysergi
c acid diethylamide), psilocybin magic mushrooms, ecstasy, GHB (gamma 
hydroxybutyrate), mescaline and PCP (phencyclidine), killed approximately 11,000 
people in 1999 (DAWN). Interestingly, of those 11,000 people, only 5
5% can be attributed to accidental overdose, while approximately 16% were intentional 
overdoses in order to commit suicide (DAWN). Additionally, there has not been one 
reported death due to a marijuana overdose (Facts). N
SAIDS, medicines such as aspirin and Tylenol were linked to 7,600 deaths in 1996 
(Facts), making these nearly as lethal as their illegal counterparts, yet nobody 
questions their safety, or calls for their prohibition. Com
pared to illegal drugs, there are many more lethal activities, including driving a 
car, participated in daily by the general public, yet these activities, unlike illicit 
drugs, are considered integral parts of daily life,
 and the dangers presented are considered accepted risks.

Beyond the direct health impact, prohibition has not been shown to have a strong 
impact on the demand for drugs in general. Some countries, such as the Netherlands, 
have legalized soft drugs including marijuana and mag
ic mushrooms, while others, such as Italy, Portugal, and Spain, have decriminalized 
the use of all drugs, including heroin and cocaine. They also have government 
subsidized programs to assist those addicted to hard drug
s, such as heroin, by providing them with doctor supervised locations to ingest their 
drugs. The result of these programs has been lower addiction, use, and death rates in 
users. According to a study published in the Bri
tish Journal of Psychiatry and reported by the National Organization for the Reform of 
Marijuana Laws (NORML), removal of criminal prohibitions on cannabis possession 
(decriminalization) will not increase the prevalence
of marijuana or any other illicit drug . . . a far greater percentage of Americans age 
12 and older (33 percent) report having tried marijuana as do their Dutch counterparts 
(16 percent), despite the fact that open sale a
nd possession of pot is permitted in the Netherlands. If prohibition is claimed to 
lower the use and availability of illicit drugs in the populace, why do facts speak 

By preventing valid manufacturers from making these products, prohibition increases 
the dangers associated with drug use by preventing regulation, and forcing drug users 
to buy products which 

[CTRL] What is Bush Hiding?

2001-12-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

These feelings I have myself!  -- Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

What is Bush Hiding?
By Chuck Baldwin
December 14, 2001

During the election season last year, I warned my listeners and readers that
should G. W. Bush get elected, he would never allow Congress or the American
people learn the truth about Bill Clinton's copious acts of criminality. In
other words, Bush would continue where Janet Reno left off: there would be
more stonewalling and cover-ups. This prediction brought the ire and angst
against me by Bush-backers. We now know I was right, although I do not
expect the Bush people to be willing to admit it.

News reports yesterday said, President Bush invoked executive privilege for
the first time Thursday to keep Congress from seeing documents of prosecutor
's decision-making [regarding] the Clinton-era fund-raising probe. Bush
said, Congressional access to these documents would be contrary to the
national interest. Translated: Congressional access to these documents
would be contrary to my interest.

Bush's decision to cover-up the truth about Clinton's criminality makes him
culpable to that criminality. It also means that there is no closure to the
blight of eight years of corruption and degradation in the White House. Add
Bush's cover-up to the long list of injustices left unaccounted for such as
Ruby Ridge, Waco and now Chinagate. The question must be asked: what is Bush
trying to hide?

Could it be that if Congress uncovers foreign influence within the Clinton
administration, it would it also uncover foreign influence within the Bush
administration? The Boston Herald recently reported that billion-dollar arms
and oil deals with the Saudi monarchy have served or currently serve at the
highest levels of U.S. government.

The Herald goes on to say, Nowhere is the revolving U.S.-Saudi money wheel
more evident than within President Bush's own coterie of foreign policy
advisers, starting with the president's father, George H.W. Bush.

The report further states, At the same time that the elder Bush counsels
his son on the ongoing war on terrorism, the former president remains a
senior adviser to the Washington, D.C.-based Carlyle Group. That influential
investment bank has deep connections to the Saudi royal family as well as
financial interests in U.S. defense firms hired by the kingdom to equip and
train the Saudi army.

This more-than-casual connection between Bush and the Saudi monarchy is
causing U.S. policy makers to turn a blind eye to things that would
otherwise cause our blood to boil, because no one wants to stop the gravy
train. (Remember that the vast majority of the September 11 hijackers were
from Saudi Arabia.)

People mentioned in the Herald report as participating in ongoing covert,
international influence peddling include former U.S. officials, former
presidents, aides to the current president .people who are the pillars of
American society and officialdom.

That Bush is hiding much seems obvious. What exactly is he hiding? Maybe we
do not want to know - and it looks like we never will.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!
Write to same address to be off lists!

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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2001-12-14 Thread Svetska srpska zajednica

-Caveat Lector-

 URL for this article is http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/backin.htm

  Join our email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/f.htm. Receive
  about one article/day.

  Click here to email the link to this article to a friend. We encourage
  readers to reprint and re-post any Emperor's Clothes article.
  Please include the article's Web address and author(s).

  [Emperor's Clothes]

 by Petar Makara and Jared Israel
  [Posted 9 December 2001]

  DOGS - Text of signs on public establishments in
  secessionist Croatia in June, 1941.

  In the article, Worst Kept Secrets of the Bumbling Bear, we talked
  about the Vatican/U.S. government 'rescue' of Nazis from Eastern
  Europe and the Balkans at the end of World War II. (1)

  Many of those people and their children were sent back to Europe
  in the late 1980s and early 1990s to help establish 'pro-Western'

  To get a better sense of what this actually meant, we have to look
  more closely at whom it was that the U.S. Establishment, and the
  Vatican, rescued.

  The following are scholarly snapshots of the so-called Independent
  State of Croatia, comprising Croatia and part of Bosnia

  Croatia was a clerical-fascist state, set up after the German Nazi
  invasion of Yugoslavia during the spring of 1941.

  Jumping ahead to the 1990s, it was commonplace for the Western
  media to accuse Serbs of paranoia for resisting Croatian
  secession. Were they paranoid? Or did they have something very
  real to worry about?

  During the 1990s, the Yugoslav press referred to the Croatian
  secessionist forces as 'Ustashi.' Allow us introduce you.

  - Jared Israel

  by Petar Makara


  [Start Quote] The greatest ethnic slaughter took place as
  Yugoslavia was carved up after the German invasion in April 1941.
  The creation of a separate Croatia ... controlled by the fascist,
  Catholic, extremist Ustasha movement was the catalyst for the
  tragedy... Now, historic Croatia was expanded to include
  Bosnia-Herzegovina and other territories, and the Ustasha were
  left ... to govern a population of nearly 7 million people, of whom
  about half were Croats, just over 2 million were Serbs, about
  750,000 were Muslims, and small numbers were Protestants and
  Jews The Minister of Education, Mile Budak, made clear the
  Ustasha aims: 'Our new Croatia will get rid of all Serbs in our midst
  in order to become one hundred percent Catholic within ten years.'
  [End quote]

  Professor Clive Ponting, Armageddon, Random House, Inc., New
  York, 1995, pages 231-232.



  [Start Quote] In Bosnia... the Croatian fascists began a massacre
  of Serbs which, in the whole annals of World War II was surpassed
  for savagery only by the mass extermination of Polish Jews. [End

  The above quote was repeated by all versions of Encyclopedia
  Britannica from 1971 until 1987. You can find it for example in
  Encyclopedia Britannica Edition 1971, Volume 23, page 922 or in
  Encyclopedia Britannica, Edition 1987, Volume 29, page 1054.
  (The entry is entitled, Yugoslavia, W.W.II) You may not find it in
  subsequent editions. Much of the previous record became
  politically incorrect since the U.S. and German Establishments
  began sponsoring a new, Independent Croatia in the late 1980s.



  [Start Quote] Croatia [under Fascist control called itself the
  'Independent State of Croatia' or 'Nazavisna Drzava Hrvatska,'
  hence the initials NDH) ... Established during W.W.II...[it] was in
  existence from April 1941 to May 1945. Its area... consisted of
  what are today the Federative Republic of Croatia and the
  Federative Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina... Its capital was
  Zagreb. It had a population of 6.3 million, of whom 3.3 million were
  Catholic Croats, 1.9 million Serbs, 700,000 Muslims... 40,000
  Jews, 30,000 Gypsies...

   ... Shortly after taking control, the Ustasha, with the support of
  many Croats, embarked upon what it called 'The Purge of Croatia
  from Foreign Elements,' which had as its main purpose the
  elimination of the Serb minority.

  In a brutal terror campaign, more than half a million Serbs were
  killed, a quarter of a million expelled, and 200,000 forced to convert
  to Catholicism.

  The Ustasha regime in Croatia, and particularly this drive in the
  summer of 1941 to exterminate and dispossess the Serbs, was
  one of the most horrendous episodes of World War II.

  The murder methods applied by the Ustasha were 

[CTRL] House Delays Vote on Broadband Until 2002

2001-12-14 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -

Thursday December 13 5:32 PM ET
House Delays Vote on Broadband Until 2002

By Jeremy Pelofsky

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday dealt a
blow to local telephone giants by delaying until next year a vote on a
measure that would allow them to offer long-distance data services without
first opening their networks to rivals.

Dominant local telephone carriers like SBC Communications Inc. (NYSE:SBC -
news) and BellSouth Corp. (NYSE:BLS - news) have been pushing the
legislation for months arguing that the measure would accelerate the
deployment of high-speed Internet service using digital subscriber line

``The (House) leadership has decided to move the vote on the broadband bill
to a date certain after we return next year,'' Richard Diamond, a spokesman
for House Majority Leader Richard Armey, said in a statement. ``The likely
date would be March.''

The so-called baby Bells created from the 1984 breakup of ATT have been
competing head-to-head against cable companies for lucrative high-speed
Internet access customers.

So far cable operators have been in the lead with 6.4 million subscribers
compared to 3.1 million digital subscriber line customers. Both services
cost about $50 per month.

``We are going to continue to work on this and continue to persevere,'' said
Susan Butta, a spokeswoman for Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ - news), the
biggest local telephone carrier. ``We think it's very important to the
country and it will ultimately bring additional choices for consumers.''

The bill specifically would allow telephone giants to sell long-distance
data services without opening their networks to rivals as they must under
the 1996 Telecommunications Act.

Additionally, the so-called Bells could deploy data services using fiber
without having to sell rivals pieces of the network for the provision of
high-speed Internet service, known as broadband, as required for voice

``We can't declare victory on this issue but it's a definite setback for the
Bells and their strategy and advancing their ability to drive out
competitors,'' said Jim Cicconi, general counsel for ATT Corp. (NYSE:T -
news), the biggest U.S. long-distance telephone and cable company.

The bill would also establish milestones for the Bells to deploy high-speed
Internet service in hard-to-reach and rural areas.

On Wednesday, Armey had tentatively scheduled for Friday a vote on the
measure, which is sponsored by Reps. Billy Tauzin and John Dingell. There is
stiff opposition to the bill in the Senate, raising questions about its
chances of becoming law in its present form.

``This was simply a delay not a defeat,'' said Ken Johnson, a spokesman for
Tauzin, a Louisiana Republican. ``We have a firm commitment for moving the
bill to the House floor. We have the votes to pass it and we have the
champagne ordered.''

One person familiar with the situation said the delay came after some in the
Republican party expressed concern that a vote could shut off campaign
contributions from various sources. However, Johnson said the delay was
because lawmakers wanted to go home after a long week.

Lobbying against the measure were long-distance telephone giants ATT Corp.
(T.N) and WorldCom Inc. (Nasdaq:WCOM - news)(Nasdaq:MCIT - news).

Sen. Ernest Hollings, the South Carolina Democrat who chairs the powerful
Senate Commerce Committee, has said he does not support the measure,
opposition that makes slim the legislation's chances of becoming law.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What is Bush Hiding?

2001-12-14 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Bush has been fighting disclosure laws all along - mostly to keep reagan and
bush pere's records under wraps; after all his father stopped all the
investigations into the illegal funding of the contras, to keep the truth of
that situation from coming out.
--  - --- -- ---
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is a force. Like fire, it
is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be
left to irresponsible action.

George Washington

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 04:20:27 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] What is Bush Hiding?

 -Caveat Lector-

 These feelings I have myself!  -- Bill

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 What is Bush Hiding?
 By Chuck Baldwin
 December 14, 2001

 During the election season last year, I warned my listeners and readers that
 should G. W. Bush get elected, he would never allow Congress or the American
 people learn the truth about Bill Clinton's copious acts of criminality. In
 other words, Bush would continue where Janet Reno left off: there would be
 more stonewalling and cover-ups. This prediction brought the ire and angst
 against me by Bush-backers. We now know I was right, although I do not
 expect the Bush people to be willing to admit it.

 News reports yesterday said, President Bush invoked executive privilege for
 the first time Thursday to keep Congress from seeing documents of prosecutor
 's decision-making [regarding] the Clinton-era fund-raising probe. Bush
 said, Congressional access to these documents would be contrary to the
 national interest. Translated: Congressional access to these documents
 would be contrary to my interest.

 Bush's decision to cover-up the truth about Clinton's criminality makes him
 culpable to that criminality. It also means that there is no closure to the
 blight of eight years of corruption and degradation in the White House. Add
 Bush's cover-up to the long list of injustices left unaccounted for such as
 Ruby Ridge, Waco and now Chinagate. The question must be asked: what is Bush
 trying to hide?

 Could it be that if Congress uncovers foreign influence within the Clinton
 administration, it would it also uncover foreign influence within the Bush
 administration? The Boston Herald recently reported that billion-dollar arms
 and oil deals with the Saudi monarchy have served or currently serve at the
 highest levels of U.S. government.

 The Herald goes on to say, Nowhere is the revolving U.S.-Saudi money wheel
 more evident than within President Bush's own coterie of foreign policy
 advisers, starting with the president's father, George H.W. Bush.

 The report further states, At the same time that the elder Bush counsels
 his son on the ongoing war on terrorism, the former president remains a
 senior adviser to the Washington, D.C.-based Carlyle Group. That influential
 investment bank has deep connections to the Saudi royal family as well as
 financial interests in U.S. defense firms hired by the kingdom to equip and
 train the Saudi army.

 This more-than-casual connection between Bush and the Saudi monarchy is
 causing U.S. policy makers to turn a blind eye to things that would
 otherwise cause our blood to boil, because no one wants to stop the gravy
 train. (Remember that the vast majority of the September 11 hijackers were
 from Saudi Arabia.)

 People mentioned in the Herald report as participating in ongoing covert,
 international influence peddling include former U.S. officials, former
 presidents, aides to the current president .people who are the pillars of
 American society and officialdom.

 That Bush is hiding much seems obvious. What exactly is he hiding? Maybe we
 do not want to know - and it looks like we never will.

 *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
 any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
 without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
 in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
 purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

 Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!
 Write to same address to be off lists!

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no 

Re: [CTRL] Pilgrims' Progress

2001-12-14 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

this really doesn't make all that much sense , does it?

the mujahedeen were virulent anti-Communists.

we are now allies with the Russians.

too much in this article doesn't quite jibe
-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - -
--  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that
accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due
process of law.

Edward R. Murrow

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 15:24:34 -0600
 Subject: [CTRL] Pilgrims' Progress

 -Caveat Lector-


 Share This Article With Your Friends

 Published on Sunday, December 9, 2001 in the Toronto Sun
 America's New War: A Progress Report
 by Eric Margolis

 What has the U.S. achieved after waging war for the past two months
 in Afghanistan?

 * Afghanistan's de facto government, the Taliban, an Islamic
 religious movement with about 30,000 armed supporters, has been
 overthrown and scattered. After holding out for five weeks under
 massive U.S. bombardments, its leader, Mullah Omar, ordered his men
 to retreat to the mountains. Omar, who may be shortly captured or
 killed, claimed he ordered the retreat to spare civilians in Taliban-
 ruled areas from U.S. bombing.

 To date, the U.S. has dropped 10,000 bombs on Afghanistan, killing sizable
 numbers of civilians - in the range of 1,500-2,000, according to Afghan
 sources. U.S. bombing of cities, towns and villages has driven over 160,00
 0 people into refugee camps.

 * On Dec. 3, 2000 - one year ago - this column said that overthrowing the
 Taliban would pave the way for a second Russian occupation of Afghanistan.
 This has now happened. The Northern Alliance, armed and funded by Russ
 ia, directed by the Afghan Communist party and under the overall command of
 the chief of the Russian general staff, Marshall Viktor Kvashnin, deputy KGB
 director Viktor Komogorov, and a cadre of Russian advisers, seized K
 abul and all of northern Afghanistan. U.S. President George Bush committed a
 colossal, inexcusable blunder. If this column could foresee Russian
 intervention, why didn't the White House?

 * Last week's much-ballyhooed Afghan unity conference in Germany produced
 precisely what this column predicted: a sham coalition government run by the
 Northern Alliance. One of the CIA's Pashtun assets, Hamid Karzai
 , who represents no one but himself, was named prime minister. There was no
 other real Pashtun representation, though they comprise half the population.

 Of 30 cabinet seats, two-thirds went to Northern Alliance Tajiks, notably the
 power ministries of defence, the interior and foreign affairs. Two women were
 added for window dressing to please the West. The 87-year old dep
 osed Afghan king, Zahir Shah, widely blamed for allowing the communists to
 infiltrate Afghanistan in the 1970s, was invited back as a figurehead monarch.
 In short, a communist-dominated regime, ruled by a king, whose stri
 ngs are pulled by Moscow. Quite a bizarre creation.


 The very next day, feuding broke out among Alliance members. Old communist
 stalwart Rashid Dostam, who had just finished massacring hundreds of Taliban
 prisoners with American and British help, threatened war if his Uzbek
 s did not get more spoils. My old friend, the Alliance's figurehead president,
 Prof. Burhanuddin Rabbani, a respected Islamic scholar, was shoved aside by
 young communists.

 * The Bush administration was apparently too preoccupied chasing Osama bin
 Laden to notice its new best friend, Russia, had broken its agreement to wait
 for formation of a pro- U.S., pro-Pakistani regime, and seized half
 of Afghanistan. Marshall Kvashnin rushed his men into Kabul, just as he
 outfoxed the Americans in 1999 in a similar coup de main in Kosovo.

 * The hunt for bin Laden and his Al-Qaida continues. A few senior figures have
 been killed, likely including Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of Egypt's Islamic
 Jihad. The net is closing around bin Laden's possible hiding pl
 aces. Unless he has escaped Afghanistan, his capture or death appear imminent.
 This will be welcome news for the Bush administration. If bin Laden somehow
 escapes, or his body is never found, Bush will be accused of blowi
 ng apart Afghanistan, killing large numbers of civilians, and allowing the
 Russians to grab back the country, all for nothing.

 * The late Pashtun leader Abdul Haq, whom I knew from my Peshawar days, warned
 the U.S. before his death that bombing Afghanistan was unnecessary and a grave
 mistake. Taliban control could be broken, where needed, by fina
 ncing tribal uprisings - the standard form of Afghan warfare - without foreign
 intervention. Otherwise, he warned, the 

Re: [CTRL] News Bulletin

2001-12-14 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

inshallah this will all be over soon
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant
facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For
a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and
falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its
   President John F. Kennedy

 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 19:11:24 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] News Bulletin

 -Caveat Lector-

 Dear Friends:
 It was just reported on News on TV that Osama bin Laden is surounded
 in a cave complex by Allied and North Alliance Troops.

 God Bless;


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Re: [CTRL] Pilgrims' Progress

2001-12-14 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Neuropsycotic - it does not make much sense - make sense of this:
J Edgar Hoover's required reading list for new agents - Pilgrim's
Progress.plus it took some of those guys two hours just to get the
right handshake?

So much for Pilgrims; however, reference material suggests and I always
accepted same, the the only book the Pilgrims had when they landed on
the Rock - was the King James Bible - sounds like the Mafia, Doctors,
Lawyers, and Preachers - and then you see life as it is, but they forgot
to mention the Undertakers.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] What is Bush Hiding?

2001-12-14 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This is what they call the CYA Club (Cover your ass) right out of the
Garden of Eden - the Illuminati.

At least we in American do have the fun if we would only use it full
force - to kick the bums out ourselves for when the times get tough -
the tough gets rolling.


Note how Rumsfeld stands when his picture take - he is member of CYA
Clubas were a few Astronauts of which I am aware.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: CIA Funded Pakistani Terrorists

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan



book review
Eye of the storm
U.S. gets blame for Muslim deaths

Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden
By Peter L. Bergen
Free Press, 283 pages, $26

By Steve Weinberg 
Special to the Denver Post
Sunday, December 09, 2001

³... While bin Laden is always the villain at center stage, Bergen sometimes
places U.S. military and civilian officials in the wings. Even the most
attentive media consumers probably will be surprised at the misguided
decisions made year after year on behalf of the U.S. government.

How many readers of Bergen's book, for example, already understood the
disastrous consequences of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
disseminating $3 billion of taxpayer money to Pakistani sources, who in turn
used at least $600 million of the total to support Gulbiddin Hekmatyar, an
Islamic zealot controlling one of Afghanistan's seven political parties?
Instead of fighting Soviet invaders effectively, Bergen reports, Hekmatyar
used the new-found wealth to kill his Afghan opponents, while simultaneously
training anti-American terrorists who would later assist bin Laden²

---End Message---

[CTRL] snips from a '97 article on central asian oil

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

For Marty Miller, Central Asia is a Texas oilman's
dream come true.

Marty Miller: Central Asia, and if you go even further
north up into western and central Siberia, there's a
tremendous amount of oil, one of the world's most
prolific oil provinces. And historically, the
pipelines out of the area have gone generally to the
west. What is really needed are pipelines that can
transport that oil to what we call the Asia-Pacific
market, which is the fastest-growing energy market in
the world.


US Official: Our strong preference is that Caspian
petroleum resources reach western markets by
non-Iranian routes.


Stan Correy: Today Baku is booming again as it did
last century. Foreign entrepreneurs are making
fortunes, and the New York Times reports that the
streets gleam with luxury cars, and swimming pools and
tennis courts are paid for with suitcases full of $100
bills. There are 12 casinos in Baku.

All this, and yet the first drop of oil only left
Azerbaijan last week.


The politics of the Caspian may be questionable, and
the pipeline maps may read like a spider web out of
control, but the Caspian Basin has heaps of oil, and
there's an important bonus. In this area you can
actually own the resources, unlike in Saudi Arabia or
the Gulf, where no foreign investment is allowed.
That's why so many of the world's biggest oil
companies rushed to the Caspian after the end of the
Soviet Union.


That can-do Texan, Marty Miller, of Unical was in
Turkmenistan last week to sign an agreement to build a
gas pipeline through war-torn Afghanistan to Pakistan.
But that may not be the end of it. The Taliban still
haven't reached any agreement with Unocal, and thought
not the official government, they have to be factored
in. Not a problem if you're an oil man from Texas.

Marty Miller: You know, it wasn't too long ago when
people couldn't even contemplate the idea of investing
in a place like Beirut. It wasn't too long ago that
people could not even conceive the idea of, or even
being able to do business in Central Asia. You know,
Western companies doing business, with Izbekistan or
Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan, you know, before the fall
of the Soviet Union. So fair exchange. And while you
characterise the Taliban or any of the other Afghan
factions as being tough fighters, you're right on
that. But on the other hand, I've met them and I've
looked them right in the eye and I've talked to them,
and they have concerns just like you and I do in terms
of wanting to have a job or to be able to educate
their kids, or to have a normal life. And what we are
doing is explaining to all of the factions, the
Taliban, the people in the north, the benefits of a
project. And we also remind them that the fighting's
got to stop and they've got to come together and form
this government that I was talking about that the
world's lending institutions would look at and say,
'Well, we believe these are people we can work with,
and we can provide finance for the projects.' And
without finance, particularly on the gas pipeline
project, it's going to be very difficult to meet the
price expectations on the gas for the Turkmen and the

for more, see:


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[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Former USA Attorney General Ramsey Clark's U.N. Letter on Iraq

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan


Former USA Attorney General  Ramsey Clark's U.N. Letter on Iraq 

Sent to the ambassador and foreign minister of each member of the UN
Security Council and the UN General Assembly. 
* * * * * 

December 11, 2001 

Dear Ambassador: 

The Security Council must direct the United States that it may not
attack Iraq and must cease threatening to do so. Nor can it train, aid,
or finance other forces seeking the violent overthrow of the Iraqi
government. Any such acts would violate the obligations of nations under
the Charter of the United Nations and constitute crimes under
international law. 

U.S. military and economic assaults on Iraq in the past dozen years are
a continuing crime against peace and humanity. They violate the Genocide

The Pentagon admits it conducted 110,000 aerial sorties against a
defenseless Iraq, dropping 88,500 tons of bombs equivalent to 7.5
Hiroshima bombs in 42 days from January 17 to February 28, 1991. The
bombs targeted every type of structure and facility necessary to support
civilian life. Family dwellings, water and food systems and supplies,
industry, commerce, business, education, religion all across Iraq were
the direct object of U.S. bombs punishing a whole population. 

More than 150,000 thousands defenseless people died in Iraq as a result
of this military assault, which included thousands of individual war
crimes. From August 6, 1990 to date, the most severe economic sanctions
and forced impoverishment have deliberately inflicted hunger,
malnourishment, sickness and death generously among the people of Iraq,
killing and crippling infants, children, the elderly, pregnant women,
nursing mothers, persons with chronic illnesses, and emergency medical
cases first and most frequently. 

More than 1.5 million people have died as a direct result of these
sanctions. More than half have been children under five years of age.
The sanctions, coerced from the Security Council by the U.S., have
violated the Genocide Convention because they have deliberately created
conditions of life intended to destroy the Iraqi population in whole, or
in part, because of the nationality, race, religion and ethnic origin of
its people. The sanctions have had their intended effect. 

Every U.N. agency dealing with food, health and children has confirmed
the human horror of the sanctions. They include the FAO, UNICEF, WFP,
WHO. The most courageous and honorable of the U.N. employee's directly
involved with enforcement of the sanctions and inspections under them
have resigned their positions and publicly protested the sanctions and
inspections policies. The food for oil program approved only in late
1996, and used thereafter primarily as a devise for delay, frustration
and accusation, was initiated only when international protest against
the savagery of the sanctions overwhelmed the fear in which Security
Council members held the threat of U.S. reprisal if they did not support
U.S. policies. 

The U.S. has bombed Iraq whenever it chose to do so at any time for the
past twelve years. Missiles and bombs have targeted Saddam Hussein for
assassination. Many hundreds have been killed, including as an
illustration of the meaning of such bombing, Leila al Attar, the
internationally famous artist, museum director, wife, mother, human
being. The sound of U.S. jets over Iraq is omnipresent, keeping constant
the terrifying memory of the continuous aerial and missile assault of
February-March 1991 which averaged an aerial sortie every 30 seconds. 

In the face of these staggering crimes against Iraq, the U.S. has
conducted a constant campaign of vilification in the international media
it controls. While claims Saddam Hussein is the evil it seeks to
destroy, its broad brush paints all of Iraq as a symbol of evil. The
U.S. propaganda is racist, anti-Muslim, hate engendering and false. The
U.S. has corrupted and seriously compromised the United Nations by
appearing to act in its name, tragically diminishing humanities best
hope for peace, dignity and decent conditions of life for all by its
decade of brutish and criminal assaults on the people of Iraq. Though
coerced, the Security Council is complicit in these crimes against peace
and humanity, war crimes and genocide because it has at the least
allowed its name and moral authority to be usurped by the United States.

The United States time and time again has acted on the advice of Plato's
Athenian Stranger, who fearing the judgment of history remains anonymous
by waging ...war for the sake of peace. Consider how victims of U.S.
wars, surrogate and direct, since World War II have fared: Korea,
Vietnam, Cambodia, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, the Philippines,
Liberia, Cuba, Guatemala, Grenada, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia,
Sudan, Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Angola, Croatia, Bosnia,
Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Iran, Indonesia, Afghanistan. Yet
where is the promised peace? 

Consider the havoc direct U.S. military 

[CTRL] There Goes the Meighborhood

2001-12-14 Thread Peat

NBC, With Conditions, to Accept Ads for Liquor
Free Subscription Required (BLAH BLAH BLAH)
~Five years after 
some liquor companies began producing television commercials for alcoholic 
beverages like vodka, cordials, rum, liqueurs and Scotch whiskey, a large 
national broadcast network has agreed to begin accepting those spots. 

NBC, part of the General Electric Company (news/quote), said yesterday that 
it would become the first of the four biggest broadcast networks to accept 
commercials for distilled spirits, so-called hard liquor, since liquor marketers 
lifted a voluntary ban against such spots in 1996. But the commercials must 
adhere to a long list of stipulations. They will appear only after 9 p.m., for 
instance; the actors in them must all be at least 30 years of age; and the 
liquor makers must first run for four months a series of social-responsibility 
messages on subjects like designated drivers and drinking moderately before they 
can run commercials for their distilled-spirits brands. 

People who oppose the move say they are concerned that the commercials 
could be easily watched by youngsters. 

"This is more than the camel's nose under the tent," said George Hacker, 
director of the Alcohol Policies Project at the Center for Science in the Public 
Interest, a consumer group in Washington. "It's the first foot forward that will 
result down the line to opening the door for hard-liquor ads looking like beer 

The decision by NBC, which takes effect with a commercial from the Guinness 
UDV division of Diageo (news/quote) that is scheduled to run tomorrow on 
"Saturday Night Live," comes as TV networks seek to reverse a steep revenue 
decline that began in the spring and accelerated after Sept. 11. 

The spending for the four-month series of commercials that Guinness UDV 
will run before the product spots is being called a multimillion- dollar 
campaign; neither the company nor NBC would be more specific. 

Plans call for the commercial to be shown tomorrow night to promote 
designating a driver before drinking and end with the words "From your friends 
at Smirnoff," the best-selling Guinness UDV brand of vodka. 

The NBC decision represents a major victory for liquor marketers seeking to 
gain access to the powerful advertising medium of television along with their 
traditional outlets like print ads and promotions. 

"We're very pleased we have the opportunity to gain the efficiencies in our 
advertising and marketing programs," said Gary Galanis, a spokesman for Guinness 
UDV in Stamford, Conn. 

Already, several national cable TV networks and an estimated 200 to 300 
local TV stations - some owned by the broadcast networks like NBC - accept 
commercials for vodka, Scotch whiskey and rum as well as for lower-alcohol 
products like liqueurs and blended specialty drinks. 

The newsletter Television Digest reported, for instance, that the TV 
station owned by NBC in Providence, R.I., WJAR, runs commercials for Baileys 
Original Irish Cream liqueur, sold by Guinness UDV. Hard- liquor brands sold by 
Guinness UDV that have run TV commercials so far include José Cuervo tequila, 
Malibu rum, Tanqueray gin and Johnnie Walker Black Scotch whiskey. 

"There's a momentum gathering here," said Randy Falco, president for the 
NBC Television Network division of NBC in New York. "We thought we'd get in 
front of it" with "a pretty strict set of guidelines." 

"This is obviously a sensitive subject," he added, but as for any concerns 
for potential abuse, "the standards speak for themselves, particularly as they 
relate to young people." 

Beer and wine advertising has been on television since the medium carried 
commercials. There were no such spots for liquor from 1948, when the distilled 
spirits industry introduced its voluntary ban, until that ban was lifted in 
November 1996. 

When the ban was lifted, some members of Congress and federal regulators 
sought to have it reinstated or made into law. Those efforts faded as the end of 
the ban brought no flood of liquor commercials onto the broadcast networks; in 
addition, the Federal Trade Commission reminded critics that any spots for hard 
liquor would be subject to the same standards and scrutiny as all other ads. 

According to CMR, a division of Taylor Nelson Sofres that tracks 
advertising spending, in the first nine months of 2001, beer makers spent $606.7 
million on local and national broadcast and cable television commercials, while 
makers of wine and wine coolers spent $25.4 million and liquor makers spent 
$17.1 million. 

By comparison, the liquor companies spent $194.9 million to advertise in 
magazines in the first nine months of 2001, according to the Publishers 
Information Bureau in New York, an affiliate of the Magazine Publishers of 



2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

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From: hearpalestine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, 13 December 2001



Ariel Sharon's tanks are currently standing 200 metres from
Yasser Arafat's presidential office in Ramallah with their machine guns
pointed at his residence. American-made Israeli Apache helicopters
flew over all night last night and have resumed again this
evening, as have the louder no-pilot reconnaissance aircraft. The aim
is clearly to wage severe psychological warfare, not just on the
Palestinian leader but on the population as a whole.


The Israeli government is currently waging a wide-scale military
attack on the occupied Palestinian territories, with helicopter and F-
16 fighter-jets constantly circling overhead, punctuated by bursts of
shelling on their selected targets. In conjunction with this,
occupation tanks have made audacious incursions inside the cities,
towns and villages in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, where they
remain nestled between civilian homes, their cannons moving
menacingly between targets.

Last night's shelling was described as the most intense Israeli
military attack on the occupied territories to date. Several
buildings were flattened in the aerial bombardments, and explosions
were heard throughout the Gaza Strip and West Bank. At the time of
writing, helicopters are still droning over Ramallah and in the past
hour there has been a burst of heavy shelling, destroying the
Palestinian police station in the centre of Ramallah and other
targets. Palestinian establishments and security locations are also
being shelled and destroyed in other areas of the occupied
territories. Last night was spent in fear and panic due to the
intensity of the shelling and the continuous movement of warplanes
breaking the sound barrier.


Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip last night resulted in the death of
one Palestinian woman, 40-year-old Hayat al-Haitham, and dozens of
injuries. The attack, which started at 10:00 p.m. and continued for
five consecutive hours near various residential areas in the Gaza
Strip, placed inhabitants in a state of panic, with dozens of people,
mainly children, suffering severe shock. Witnesses reported that
Israeli warplanes conducted `fake' attacks at a low altitude
alongside the actual air strikes, in a blatant attempt to add to the
fear of the already heavily terrorised population.

The shelling targeted most Palestinian Authority security locations
in the Gaza Strip, as well as Gaza International Airport. Dozens of
homes, schools and universities also suffered severe material damage
in the onslaught.

Israeli F-16 warplanes targeted a number of PA locations in the
vicinity of President Arafat's Gaza City headquarters. At least
10 rockets were fired at the naval police headquarters, Arafat's
private airport, a Force-17 location and other security locations in the
area. Palestinian security sources reported that each of the rockets
fired weighed 1000-1500 pounds.

After midnight last night F-16 warplanes attacked the naval police
headquarters in Beit Lahya (al-Soudaniya), destroying it completely
with five heavy rockets. Nearby homes and civilian establishments
also suffered severe material damage, and warplanes shelled radar
equipment and storage rooms in Gaza International Airport.

The Gaza Strip has once again been divided into three separated and
isolated areas. Israeli tanks are deployed at all major junctions and
main roads, while bulldozers dig ditches in the roads and place sand
piles and cement blocks to prevent Palestinian movement.


Two Palestinian children were shot dead by occupation forces this
evening: 13 year-old Rami was shot in the eye by occupation soldiers
based around the `Neveh Dkalim' settlement, and 15 year-old
Ahmad al-Masri was killed when soldiers opened fire at civilians in al-Amal

Israeli tanks have completely isolated Khan Younis from its

Another curfew has been imposed on the inhabitants of al-Mawasi area,
west of Khan Younis. Over 7000 people are being prevented from
leaving their homes, while occupation forces raid and search.
Witnesses report that military reinforcements have been deployed in
the area. Ten tanks are now standing at the entrances to al-Mawasi,

[CTRL] Memo From Osama

2001-12-14 Thread Peat


From: Bin Laden, Osama Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 
8:17 AM To: Cavemates Subject: The Cave

Hi guys. 

We've all been putting in long hours but we've really come 
together as a group and I love that. Big thanks to Omar for putting up the 
poster that says "There is no I in Team" as well as the one that says "Hang In 
There, Baby." That cat is hilarious. However, while we are fighting a jihad, we 
can't forget to take care of the cave. And frankly I have a few 

First of all, while it's good to be concerned about cruise 
missiles, we should be even more concerned about the scorpions in our cave. Hey, 
you don't want to be stung and neither do I, so we need to sweep the cave daily. 
I've posted a sign-up sheet near the main cave opening. If it catches fire try 
to remember when your week is.

Second, it's not often I make a video address but when I do, 
I'm trying to scare the most powerful country on earth, okay? That means that 
while we're taping, please refrain from trolling around on your razor scooter in 
the background. Just while we're taping. Thanks. This would be 

Third point, and this is a touchy one. As you know, by edict, 
we're not supposed to shave our beards. But I need everyone to just think 
hygiene, especially after mealtime. We're all in this together.

Fourth: Food. I bought a box ofCheez-Itzrecently, 
clearly wrote "Osama" on the front, and put it on the top shelf. Today, 
myCheez-Its were gone. Consideration. That's all I'm saying.

Finally, we've heard that there may be American soldiers in 
disguise trying to infiltrate our ranks. I want to set up patrols to look for 
them. First patrol will be Omar, Muhammed, Abdul, Akbar, and Bob.

Love you lots. Osama

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 AmusementsTo Hop On The Bushttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/DiversionzWeb 
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[CTRL] 3700 Civilian Casualties?

2001-12-14 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-

The Independent's Robert Fisk also referred to
thousands of Afghan civilians killed in the
bombings. Gavin.

Prof. Marc Herold reveals the number of civilian
casualties killed in the US bombing of Afghanistan to
be over 3700.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] the real reason we are in this undeclared war???

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

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Title: Here is the real reason we are in this undeclared war

Here is the real reason we are in this undeclared

This is a critical key to understanding why things
happen the way they do.

This is why we started this war.

This is
why the war needs to be a long one.

this thoroughly, twice if need be, and save a copy.

Source: The Unseen Hand

By: Ralph Epperson

First Printing 1985

Sixteenth Printing 1995

ISBN: 0-9614135-06



Wars are fought because one nation wants something another nation has.

Protecting a nation from outside attack is another reason for war.

These two reasons for war are called the visible reasons for
war. Research now has concluded
that there are what are called invisible reasons for war, as well.

One such report that has done research into the Invisible Reasons for
War is a report called the Report From Iron Mountain on the
Possibility and Desirability of Peace. (1)

Written in 1963 and released in March 1966, this report examines the
visible and invisible functions or reasons of not only war but peace as well.

The report claims to have been written at an underground nuclear
hideout near the town of Hudson, NY, that has been provided as a substitute
corporate headquarterswhere essential personnel could presumably survive and
continue to work after [a nuclear] attack.

The corporations that have created Iron Mountain include Standard Oil
of New Jersey (the Rockefeller interests); Manufacturers Hanover Trust (the
Morgan interests); and Shell Oil (the House of Orange,) amongst others.

The report dates back to at least 1961, when Robert McNamara, McGeorge
Bundy, and Dean Rusk, all members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR),
noticed that no serious study had been made about planning for a long-term
peace. Not only were they
concerned about the lasting effects of a long-term peace, they also wished to
examine the functions, both visible, and invisible, of war.

The report states that: War has providedsociety with a debatable
system of stabilizing and controlling national economies. No alternate method of control has yet
been tested in a complex modern economy that has shown it is remotely
comparable in scope or effectiveness.

War, therefore, was not fought for the usual reasons outlined
above. It was fought to control
economies. These individuals
apparently were concerned that there had been no efforts made to detail how
they were to control economies during a time of peace: War fills certain
functions essential to the stability of our society; until other ways of
filling them are developed, the war system must be maintained, and improved in

So, in a manner not detailed in the report itself, these three somehow
arranged for a study of these problems.
The report states that 15 members of the investigating team got together
to write the report, and that it was unanimously agreed to. Furthermore, no minutes of the meeting
were maintained, as it was thought they would be too inhibiting. The team which wrote the report
recommended that the report not be made public after it was completed.

One of those who read the report attempted to locate the authors. It was his theory that it had been
written by the Hudson Institute and Herman Kahn.There is an Iron Mountain just
a stones throw (literally) from the Hudson Institute near
Croton-on-Hudson,[New York.](2)

The Hudson Institute is not well known among the American public, but
it is known to government officials who have used it as a think-tank by
hiring it to report on issues of national concern.

The Hudson Institute was started in 1961 when Mr. Kahn, the owner,
decided to help determine the entire future of the U.S.---and, time
permitting, much of the world beyond.(3)

The Institute primarily receives its income from the government. Hudson listed five sources of income in
1968: The Office of Civil Defense, the Military Services, the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, Other Government, and Non-U.S. Government. (4)

Kahn and his think-tankers have become so important to the American
government that they are frequently accused of setting older administrations on
a path that new administrations cannot alter. This is a process of invisible power. At its extreme this influence can
commit a nation to special programs and military actions, which have neither
been fully explained nor publicly debated. One day, as that power pervades and grows more
sophisticated, it may so affect the course of government that any nations
policies may be locked in, as if by automatic pilot, years before the men who
are elected to govern ever take 

[CTRL] Mysterious deaths and disappearances of top microbiologists

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [ParanoidTimes] Mysterious deaths and disappearances of top

 (forwarded response)

 Patricia Doyle wrote:

 Hello: I am concerned about the fact that they all
 died, or went missing etc within a period of a few
 weeks.  This disturbs me greatly.  I think that, as
 mentioned previously, when each scientist completed
 his designated research, he was murdered.  A
 conspiracy can only continue when very few know of it,
 and those few are at the top level.  I believe that
 the scientists did not know what they were really
 working on, therefore, they were eliminated after
 their work was completed.
 This prevented them from realizing what was really
 going on.  This is in the highest levels of govt.
 military and biotech.
 You may start to see military bigwigs begin to die off
 as well, followed by govt. people.

 I am not sure if it plays in with 9/11.  I don't think
 that this is bin laden or mid east terrorists at all.
 This is bioweaponeers and the military/pharmaceutical
 industrial complex.

 I believe that the mousepox that was altered to 100%
 kill rate is a give away.  Remember, the recent death
 of Dr. Nguyen in his lab CSIRO was the same lab that
 altered mousepox with the IL4 making it virulent.

 We are in the dawn of a new age of bioweapons, i.e
 genetic weapons.
 Legionella that causes pneumonia that triggers Mutiple
 Sclerosis was created by Soviets.
 We will have such diseases that incapacitate and cause
 autoimmune diseases like lupus. I think you will see a
 lot of Lupus in the next year.
 Then we will have the doomesday bioweapons that target
 specific genetic DNA types.  This is what I think the
 new smallpox weapon will be. Vaccine will not work.
 The only people protected will be those who are not
 genetically ethnically targeted by bioweaponeers.
 Vaccines will be useless and obsolete. They might even
 be altered to infect people.
 I won't be rolling up my sleeve any time soon for
 anthrax, ebola, plague, or smallpox vaccines.
 Bacterias that trigger autoimmune illness, or vaccines
 that do the same.  Anthrax vaccine during the Persian
 Gulf war come to mind.


 Paul Walker wrote:
  My reaction is to say that many of these people just knew too much about
  government's involvement in these attacks and needed to be silenced. The
  socalled terrorists would have little to no reason to bump them off when
  they would be far more useful to them alive.
  From:  Patricia Doyle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date:  Thu Dec 13, 2001  7:51 am
  Subject:  Re: another one??
  November Deaths
  Dr. Benito Que, cell biologist found comatose outside
  his lab at Miami Med. School he specialized in
  infectious diseases and HIV
  Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, (UK)former Biopreparat
  scientist who developed the polymer coating for
  aerosolizing plague also developed binary weapons
  Dr. Don C Wiley, Harvard Professor and Howard Huges
  Inst. scientist who specialized in immunology and
  infectivity of viruses, bacterias, and mycoplasmas.
  Dr. Robert M Schwartz, DNA sequencing expert who
  founded the Virgina Biotechnology Assoc. His
  expertise in DNA sequencing.
  Lastly, Dr. Set Van Nguyen:
  A microbiologist killed at CSIRO's animal diseases
  facility in Geelong had logged 15 years' experience
  with the unit, police said today.
  Victoria Police said Set Van Nguyen, 44, appeared to
  have died yesterday morning after entering an airlock
  into a storage laboratory filled with nitrogen.
  His body was found when his wife became worried after
  he failed to return from work.

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 those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving
 this information for non-profit research and educational
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Re: [CTRL] on John Walker

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


 The Conservative Take on John Walker . . .

 By Richard Cohen

 Thursday, December 13, 2001; Page A37

 Every parent in the country should save the Newsweek
 cover of John
 Walker, the young Californian who joined the
 Taliban. They could
 refer to it when their kid comes home with purple
 hair, body
 piercings and his lower lip stapled to his navel.

a very gross distortion of some good kids

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Bush Halts Inquiry of FBI (Boston Globe 12-14-01)

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan


Friday, December 14, 2001 in the Boston Globe
Bush Halts Inquiry of FBI and Stirs Up a Firestorm
by Glen Johnson


WASHINGTON - President Bush yesterday invoked executive privilege to block 
a congressional subpoena exploring abuses in the Boston FBI office, 
prompting the chairman of a House committee to lambaste his fellow 
Republicans and triggering what one congressman said is the start of ''a 
constitutional confrontation.''

''You tell the president there's going to be war between the president and 
this committee,'' Dan Burton, the Indiana Republican who heads the House 
Government Reform Committee, told a Justice Department official during what 
was supposed to be a routine prehearing handshake.

''His dad was at a 90 percent approval rating and he lost, and the same 
thing can happen to him,'' Burton added, jabbing his finger and glaring at 
Carl Thorsen, a deputy assistant attorney general who was attempting to 
introduce a superior who was testifying.

''We've got a dictatorial president and a Justice Department that does not 
want Congress involved. ... Your guy's acting like he's king.''

The searing tone continued for more than four hours from Republicans and 
Democrats, liberals and conservatives. All objected to the order Bush 
signed Wednesday and made public yesterday. It claimed executive privilege 
in refusing to hand over prosecutors' memos in criminal cases, including an 
investigation of campaign-finance abuses, saying doing so ''would be 
contrary to the national interest.''

Committee members said the order's sweeping language created a shift in 
presidential policy and practices dating back to the Harding 
administration. They complained also that it followed a pattern in which 
the Bush administration has limited access to presidential historical 
records, refused to give Congress documents about the vice president's 
energy task force, and unilaterally announced plans for military 
commissions that would try suspected terrorists in secret.

Representative William D. Delahunt, a Quincy Democrat and former district 
attorney, said: ''This is the beginning of a constitutional confrontation. 
In a short period of time, this Department of Justice has manifested 
tendencies that were of concern to Senate members during the confirmation 
hearings for John Ashcroft as attorney general.''

The Government Reform Committee is investigating the FBI's use of 
confidential informants while the bureau investigated New England organized 
crime activities.

The committee seeks information on deals FBI officials struck with 
suspected murderers Stephen ''the Rifleman'' Flemmi and James ''Whitey'' 

It is also exploring what FBI officials, including former director J. Edgar 
Hoover, knew about the innocence of Joseph Salvati of Massachusetts. 
Salvati spent 30 years in prison for the 1965 murder of Edward ''Teddy'' 
Deegan in Chelsea, but the Governor's Council commuted his sentence in 
1997. His conviction was overturned in January after a judge concluded that 
FBI agents hid testimony that would have cleared Salvati because they 
wanted to protect an informant.

''The federal government wanted Joe Salvati to die in jail because dead men 
don't tell tales,'' said Salvati's lawyer, Victor J. Garo, at the hearing 

In buttressing the executive order, Michael E. Horowitz, chief of staff for 
the Justice Department's criminal division, told the committee that 
providing documents about prosecutorial decision-making could have a 
''chilling effect'' on the advice that lower-level attorneys may be willing 
to provide to top prosecutors.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said Ronald Reagan invoked such a 
privilege three times, while Bill Clinton did so on four occasions. Forms 
of privilege were also claimed in the Nixon administration during the 
Watergate investigation. Fleischer said the Justice Department has already 
turned over 3,500 pages to Burton's committee, although members complained 
that many were heavily redacted.

The Justice Department offered to provide summaries of 20 documents it 
believes would be covered by the subpoena.

Representative Barney Frank, a Democrat from Newton, said he and Burton, a 
conservative, had sometimes disagreed on the committee's inquiries into the 
Clinton administration. He said the chairman's strong words for his fellow 
Republicans showed he had not merely been partisan.

Turning to Horowitz, Frank asked why the Bush administration might cover up 
mistakes made in a previous administration. ''I don't know what 
bureaucratic reflex drives people to do this,'' the congressman said.

© Copyright 2001 Globe Newspaper Company


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Re: [CTRL] The Truth, the Whole Truth (If It's the Truth)

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-



 As Arabs cry foul, American 'proof' highlights gulf
 between the two

 New Yorkers welcome tape despite fabrication claims

 Michael Ellison in New York and Ewen MacAskill
 Friday December 14, 2001
 The Guardian

 Reaction to the Osama bin Laden tape highlighted the
 between the US and the Arab world. New Yorkers
 unquestioningly saw it
 as an admittance of guilt

did they?

is anyone who doesn't going to volunteer for interview
or ask to be interviewed??

i saw otherwise staunch pro-war supporters admitting
that the video 'evidence' was weak..

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Black List

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Friday, December 14, 2001

 Featured Views

Share This Article With Your Friends

Published on Thursday, December 13, 2001 in the San Jose Mercury News
Lynne Cheney-Joe Lieberman Group Puts Out a Blacklist
by Roberto J. Gonzalez

AN aggressive attack on freedom has been launched upon America's
college campuses. Its perpetrators seek the elimination of ideas and
activities that place Sept. 11 in historical context, or critique the
so-called war on terrorism.

The offensive, spearheaded by the American Council of Trustees and
Alumni, a Washington-based group, threatens free speech, democratic
debate and the integrity of higher education. In an incendiary
report, ``Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing
America,'' the American Council claims that ``colleges and university
faculty have been the weak link in America's response'' to Sept. 11.
It also asserts that ``when a nation's
 intellectuals are unwilling to defend its civilization, they give comfort to its 

The report documents 117 campus incidents as ``evidence'' of anti-Americanism. More 
than 40 professors are named, including the president of Wesleyan University, who 
suggested in an open letter that ``disparities and inju
stices'' in American society and the world can lead to hatred and violence.

Other examples abound. A Yale professor is criticized for saying, ``It is from the 
desperate, angry and bereaved that these suicide pilots came.'' A professor emeritus 
from the University of Oregon is listed for recommend
ing that ``we need to understand the reasons behind the terrifying hatred directed 
against the U.S. and find ways to act that will not foment more hatred for generations 
to come.''

Dozens more comments, taken out of context and culled from secondary sources, are 
presented as examples of an unpatriotic academy.

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni was founded in 1995 by Lynne Cheney, the 
vice president's wife, and Sen. Joseph Lieberman. Its Website claims that it 
contributed $3.4 billion to colleges and universities last
year, making it ``the largest private source of support for higher education.'' Cheney 
is cited several times in the report, and is reportedly a close associate of its 
authors, Jerry Martin and Anne Neal.

Although the council's stated objectives include the protection of academic freedom, 
the report resembles a blacklist. In a chilling use of doublespeak, it affirms the 
right of professors to speak out, yet condemns those
who have attempted to give context to Sept. 11, encourage critical thinking, or share 
knowledge about other cultures. Faculty are accused of being ``short on patriotism'' 
for attempting to give students the analytical too
ls they need to become informed citizens.

Many of those blacklisted are top scholars in their fields, and it appears that the 
report represents a kind of academic terrorism designed to strike fear into other 
academics by making examples of respected professors.

The report might also function to extend control over sites of democratic debate -- 
our universities -- where freedom of expression is not only permitted but encouraged.

At my campus, symposiums, teach-ins and lectures about religion, terrorism, central 
Asia, the Middle East and U.S. foreign policy have been organized recently. A teach-in 
entitled ``Background for Understanding'' drew hun
dreds of students, faculty and citizens from many political and intellectual 
perspectives. The audience had the opportunity to ask questions and comment freely. 
The discussion was lively and at times contentious.

As a microcosm of society, the university is a place where people of different 
ethnicities, religions, generations, and class backgrounds exchange ideas and 
opinions. Anyone who has visited Bay Area colleges knows that th
ey are especially rich places for intercultural exchange.

The vigorous and often heated debates typical of such encounters are a hallmark of 
democratic processes. On most campuses this can still be done freely, but official 
accusations of anti-Americanism might intimidate and si
lence some voices.

That is not patriotism, but fascism. The American Council's position is inaccurate and 
irresponsible. Critique, debate, and exchange -- not blind consensus or 
self-censorship -- have characterized America since its incept

Our universities are not failing America. On the contrary, they are among the few 
institutions offering alternatives to canned mainstream media reports.

The targeting of scholars who participate in civic debates might signal the emergence 
of a new McCarthyism directed at the academy. Before it escalates into a full-blown 
witch hunt in the name of ``defending civilization,
'' faculty, students and citizens should speak out against these acts of academic 

Roberto J. Gonzalez is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at 

[CTRL] Fwd: WTC 1993

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan


Dear Bill: My source is a telephone intervierw with the lawyer Ron Kuby. He
claims to have heard the tape.This was in the period leading up to the first
WTC Conspiracy trial. I have not had contact with Kuby since. I have a tape
of this conversation. I will make a copy of it if you like and send it to
you. I recommend that you get a hold of him in New York and get his current
take on things...I am curious to know what he has to say. Let me know...I do
NOT think the FBI was the instigator, as they were on the last go-round. I
think Osama really jumped ship and turned on them. For once, the CIA was
double-crossed. The other item for research: the collapse of the buildings
and were there items inside the towers which facilitated their fall and the
manner in which it occurred? It would take a structural engineer with
knowledge of demolitions to answer. I am busy with book and article writing,
producing a weekly television program, and running the Portland Free Press
(both hard copy and on-line editions).
My politics are different from the Progressive Community, which I have
discovered (through hard experience spanning over thirty years) is nothing
but another asset of the power structure and a plaything of the CIA and the
ADL. That includes all the well-known people in that Community. I am
against the System, the Fascist Global System with its capitalist HQ in DC
and NY. I am one of those who was in no way saddened or horrified. I was one
of billions who celebrated. And when they start their phony mourning over
it, it prompts me to actually dance for joy all over again. Many places I
lived in and grew up in and have deep ties to have been bombed by the
USA-Israel-Britain Fascist Axis: Baghdad, Tripoli, Palestine, Egypt and
Kurdistan, to name a few. We are dealing with the most vicious social entity
in the history of the world, unprecedented in scope and reach. Anything that
attacks and fights back against it is commendable, so long as the target is
right and the aim is true. I am being out front with you so that you are not
misled into thinking that I am one of the fools fiddling aropund with the
deck chairs on the Titanic. Step one is STOP TRYING TO REFORM IT. I still
feel that your KILLING HOPE should be the one text in any course covering
the CIA and USFP, at least until my book(s) finally come out. Best Wishes,
Husayn Al-Kurdi.
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 5:14 PM
Subject: WTC 1993

 Dear Husayn,
 Hi.  In NCX you wrote the following about the WTC 1993 bombing trial:

 The tape recordings made by Salem have also been doctored by the
 For example, at one point Salem says to the Sheikh, We really should blow
 the World Trade Center. The Sheikh responds by saying, That's
 left out of the transcript prepared by the prosecution

 I'd like to know what the source of this is.  Did you hear the tape and/or
 see the transcript or read someone who did?
 I'm speculating that there was an FBI agent amongst the 9-11 terrorists,
 whether as a provocateur or not.  Have you given much thought to this
 In solidarity,
 Bill Blum

---End Message---

[CTRL] Exfiltration

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Exclusive: The porous Afghan border

By Arnaud de Borchgrave
UPI Editor at Large
Published 12/14/2001 12:06 PM

OGHAZ PASS, Pakistan, Dec. 14 (UPI) -- (Along the Pakistan-
Afghanistan border)

Pakistan's tribal areas are free passage zones for Taliban and al
Qaida's foreign legionnaires escaping from Afghanistan, a UPI team
has verified in a weeklong investigation.

The Pakistan army has announced that two brigades, each made up of
three battalions of 850 men each, or a total of 5,100, have been
deployed along a 30-mile stretch of jagged, zigzag mountainous and
totally porous border and have now sealed the frontier tight.
Helicopter gunships, military authorities have assured the United
States, are surveilling mountain passes against infiltration.
Presidential spokesman Gen. Rashid Qureshi went so far as to publicly
deny that any al Qaida fighter had made it across the border into

Junior officers --- all officers and most non-coms speak English --- speculate that 
such assurances are given to make the Americans feel good. Border tribal zone 
populations have long been pro-Taliban and pro-al Qaida a
s countless painted slogans and posters of Osama bin Laden are visible in towns and 
villages throughout the three key tribal agencies --- Kurram, Orazkai and Kohat.

Tribal elders, over post-fast Iftar dinner, told this reporter, accompanied by a 
Pakistani friend and a multilingual guide, that while the army had established 
interlocking fields of fire at four key mountain passes, it c
ould not possibly check dozens of other routes invisible from the air. A Pakistani 
captain, who asked that his name not be used, shared the same assessment.

As the UPI team walked over a three-mile strip of foothills on the Pakistan side of 
the Spin Ghar range, one crest over from Tora Bora mountain, two helicopters flew 
overhead at about 3,000 feet in poor visibility and cou
ld not have seen anyone on the ground. During the 2 ½-hour walk, several dozen 
tribesmen were seen coming from the direction of Afghanistan.

Scanning snow-capped Spin Ghar with binoculars revealed a wide range of ravines, 
crevasses, valleys and dry river beds, so many potential exfiltration routes for bin 
Laden's Arab fighters. Dressed in khameez shalwar and p
ie-shaped hats, the UPI party did not attract attention as it moved in local buses 
through border towns and villages. Bin Laden's picture, inscribed Father of the 
Revolution, covered half the rear window of one bus that
 passed through army and frontier constabulary checkpoints without so much as an ID 
check of the passengers.

Scores of pickup trucks loaded to the gunwales with civilians similarly drove through 
unchallenged. Rubber- wheeled donkey carts with three or four passengers also were 
part of the traffic pattern. UPI was stopped once an
d when the U.S. passport was produced, the civilian security official made clear 
Americans were not welcome. When asked whether that went for Taliban, too, he 
answered, Taliban always welcome.

From Kohat, army headquarters for some of the tribal areas, to Parachinar, on the 
western edge of the frontier under surveillance, rock formations along the road had 
been daubed with slogans glorifying terrorist organizat
ions and vilifying President Pervez Musharraf as an American agent. Towns like Dera 
Adam Khel, Hangu, Doaba and Thall, headquarters for one of the army brigades deployed 
along the frontier, are identical to towns across
 the border in Afghanistan. The men look the same because they are the same. The few 
women spotted --- fewer than six in Thall, a town of 250,000 --- wore head-to-foot 
burkas. The men were doing the sopping for the four-d
ay Eid holiday that starts Sunday and marks the end of Ramadan.

Bin Laden's poster picture was pinned to shutters and windows. Open air markets also 
displayed it on the side of stalls. Sipah-e-Sahaba, or Army of the Friends of the 
Prophet, and Shaish-e-Mohammed, are among the most ext
reme religious organizations in Pakistan. They are particularly strong in the tribal 
belt and in Punjab, the country's largest province. One rockface advertisement said, 
For Commando Training, Contact Shaish-e-Mohammed.
 Another one proclaimed, Shaish-e-Mohammed and Al Qaida are Bubbling Blood Brothers.

Kill America was painted on the outer wall of the Handyside army fort (named after 
a prominent colonial during the British Raj) before the narrow road twists and turns 
alongside an ochre-colored, shrub-pocked limeston
e mountain one side and a 3,000-foot precipice on the other. Five-ton 10-wheelers 
manage to squeeze by in both directions, many adorned with bin Laden's face.

Shopkeepers and a cot-and-breakfast employee told our interpreter, an English-speaking 
native of the North Waziristan Tribal Agency, that al Qaida has an extensive network 
in the region. They did not believe that bin La
den would be 


2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

I got a coupla emails from someone associated with the address in the
subject line today that had a badtrans virus associated with it.
I'm passing this along as one of the intended addressees was the ctrl


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Osama Show

2001-12-14 Thread sonsun2012

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], NY Transfer News [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

[Several articles on the videotape follow. BBC is quite specific in
identifying with whom the person identified as Osama bin Laden is
speaking; Reuters and BBC say he is talking to an unknown sheikh.
All the reports contradict the US government's claim that bin Laden
laughed about the fact that the hijackers did not know they were
about to lose their lives. The reports say instead that they only
knew they were about to be involved in a martyrdom operation [Note
to US Government: this meant that they knew they were likely going to
end up dead] but that no details were revealed to them until the last
moment. Neither report mentions mirth or laughing about the
hijackers' martyrdom.

The tape was allegedly made on November 9, nearly two months after
the attack, and the day that Mazar-i-Sharif was overrun by the
Northern Alliance. Odd timing for this animated reprise of the
attacks, if indeed the players are Osama and his close lieutenants.
For some reason, the successful attack on the Pentagon -- an even
more spectacular target -- is either not mentioned on the video, or
if it is, not reported on here, which is very curious. There is,
however, prominent play given to the role of Mohammed Atta, the one
hijacker the US says it has absolute, positive ID on.

Apparently the sound and video quality are considerably poorer than
the average tourist tape taken on a sightseeing trip.  There are bits
of it available on abcnews.com and several other sites. See
http://www.yahoo.com for more links, or wait for your local TV
station to present it in all its muddy, grainy glory. BBC commentary
suggests that the content of the tape itelf is bound to be
controversial, and it will be interesting to seem how convincing it
turns out to be to skeptical allies and public opinion, from whom the
US now wants support for bombing more countries. It also remains to
be seen if anyone disputes the translation, or whether the tape
actually shows Osama bin Laden, after all the talk about his 70
doubles. Much is made by the US Government of the fact that the
delighted the speakers, which is hardly surprising. Many people
around the world reacted with glee and delight when the towers were

BBC Online - Thursday, 13 December, 2001, 17:27 GMT


US releases Bin Laden video

The US has released a video that it says implicates Osama Bin Laden
in the 11 September attacks on New York and the Pentagon, in which
more than 3,000 people died.

In it, the Saudi-born militant suggests that some of the hijackers
did not know that their mission was to end in their own deaths.

They were trained and we did not reveal the operation to them until
they are there and just before they boarded the plane, he added.

Before releasing the tape, the Pentagon asked four nongovernment
Arabic-speakers to listen to the remarks and agree on a uniform

The 40-minute recording is of very poor audio and visual quality and
US officials said that translators worked long to ensure the utmost
accuracy before the footage was released.

Martyrdom operation

Bin Laden is seen in the video with the number two in the al-Qaeda
network, Ayman al-Zawahri, and a spokesman, Abu Ghaith, in what the
Pentagon says is a guest house in Kandahar, in southern Afghanistan.

Speaking of the men who carried out the 11 September attack, Bin
Laden said: The brothers who conducted the operation, all they knew
was that they have a martyrdom operation and we asked each of them to
go to America, but they didn't know anything about the operation, not
even one letter, according to the US translation.

Bin Laden said that before the attacks on the World Trade Center, he
and his men were estimating how many people would be killed.

We calculated that the floors that would be hit would be three or
four floors, he said, gesturing with his hands to show a building
and a plane flying into it.

I was the most optimistic of them all, he said.

We had notification since the previous Thursday that the event would
take place that day, he said, chuckling.

He then described hearing the news reports.

 We had finished our work that day and had the radio on, he said.
It was 5:30 pm our time. I was sitting with Dr. Ahmad Abu-al-Khair.

Immediately, we heard the news that a plane had hit the World Trade
Center. We turned the radio station to the news from Washington.

The news continued and no mention of the attack until the end. At
the end of the newscast they reported that a plane just hit the World
Trade Center, he said, laughing out loud.

Bin Laden says on the tape that he told his followers that there
would be more destruction after the first plane hit the World Trade

They were overjoyed when the first plane hit the building, so I said
to them: be patient, he said with a smile.

The US administration hopes the video will 

[CTRL] Osama Show: What Does it Prove?

2001-12-14 Thread sonsun2012

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], NY Transfer News [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - abcnews.com

Providing Fodder for His Enemies
Bin Laden Tape May Have Planned Evidence Against Him {?}

By Andrew Chang and Deb Amos

Dec. 13 -- If Osama bin Laden is such a calculating terrorist
mastermind, why would he create a piece of evidence that justifies
America's pursuit of him?

That's the question that follows the broadcast today of a videotape
in which bin Laden acknowledges direct responsibility for the Sept.
11 attacks on the United States that killed more than 3,000 people.

Up until this point, the Saudi exile had praised the attack but
denied any involvement in its planning or execution.

But the video released by the Pentagon today shows bin Laden at a
dinner meeting with his top associates on Nov. 9, recounting his
involvement in and reaction to the attacks nearly two months earlier.

On the tape, bin Laden describes how he had calculated how many
civilians would die in the attacks, and how he was surprised that
both World Trade Center towers collapsed. He also says some of the
hijackers did not know they were going to die.

Some voices in the Muslim world, and among bin Laden's supporters,
have already expressed doubt about the tape.

The amateurish quality of the video, the many cuts, and that bin
Laden's voice is hard to hear, already have some arguing that it is a
U.S. fabrication.

Skeptics might also point out that the tape has emerged only two
months after a military action had already begun, and that it didn't
surface through normal channels, Thomas J. Badey, a terrorism expert
at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va.,said on Tuesday.

But there are also entirely feasible reasons for the tape's
existence, experts said -- even accounting for bin Laden's careful

An al Qaeda Production

Bin Laden's al Qaeda network has long been known to have a media
wing -- not only assembling propaganda, but also creating material
for internal use.

As opposition forces seize bases that once belonged to bin Laden's al
Qaeda network across Afghanistan, they have been discovering tapes
documenting executions, terrorist training exercises, and the
destruction of the ancient Buddahs in the Afghan city of Bamiyan.

Other al Qaeda tapes discovered by conquering opposition forces have
also shown everyday activities like building new hospitals and
handing out aid from Islamic aid agencies.

It is believed bin Laden's ultimate objective is a worldwide Islamic
revolution, and his supporters may have wanted a historical record of
such events.

The video, along with bin Laden's close associates, features a
visiting sheik.

In the course of the dinner, the sheik proclaims, In these days, in
our times, that it will be the greatest jihad in the history of Islam
and the resistance of [sic] the wicked people.

It could be devotees of Osama bin Laden preserving an important
moment for posterity, knowing that he could be a martyr, Roxanne
Euben, a political science professor at Wellesley College in
Massachusetts, said on Tuesday.

The tape might be used to claim an incredible success at the very
moment that morale may be falling, Euben said -- but most experts
agreed it was unlikely the current tape was made for the global

Previous releases to the media have been much more polished and have
been efficiently dispatched, they said. If he wanted to state his
responsibility for it formally he would have done so with a big
bang, said Badey.

It was also unlikely that bin Laden was unaware that he was being
taped, they said.

Bin Laden would have been particularly attentive to video cameras,
says Badey -- especially after the assassination of famed Afghan
opposition leader Ahmed Shah Massood.

Two suicide bombers killed Massood days before the Sept. 11 attacks
by pretending to be journalists to get close to him and setting off a
bomb hidden in a video camera.

However, the fact that the the video was left behind might be an
accident, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said today.

No Worries

Ultimately though, experts said, bin Laden might not care very much
whether or not the West has evidence against him.

Whether or not he killed innocents still does not diminish bin
Laden's political appeal, Lou Cantori, a lecturer for the State
Department and professor at University of Maryland, Baltimore County,
said on Tuesday.

Bin Laden's criticism of the American foreign policy resonates in
the Arab and Muslim imagination even though they disagree with his
brutal and terrible methods and tactics, said Fawaz Gerges, a
professor at Sarah Lawrence College in New York.

Bin Laden's sympathy for the Palestinians, his concern about
sanctions on Iraq that are blamed for killing hundreds of thousands
of children, and criticism of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia -- those
causes generate support for him in the Muslim world, regardless of
the videotape, Cantori 

[CTRL] Horowitz Cancels Himself Out

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


A contradictory position

Rocky Mount Telegram

Ultra-conservative activist David Horowitz shot through North
Carolina last week to take aim at his favorite target: left-wing
college students and professors.

But his intent was quite a turnaround from his quest earlier this
year, when he argued that free speech often is stifled by the
political correctness practiced at many of the nation's universities.

Horowitz raised quite a ruckus as he sought to buy advertising space
in college newspapers to attack the rather dubious idea of paying
reparations to the descendants of African slaves. He crafted his ad
so it would be as offensive as possible to liberal and minority
students, in order to prove his contention that left-wing censorship
is running rampant in American academia. The response he got was
exactly what he had probably hoped for, if not more.

Now he's back with a very different message, which he promoted Wednesday at a luncheon 
sponsored by the conservative Raleigh think tank, The John Locke Foundation, and at an 
evening speaking engagement at UNC-Chapel Hill.

In his latest public campaign, he is lashing out at campus peace activists and 
anti-war protestors, labeling the sometimes naive but generally well-meaning young 
idealists as threats to national security. He reserved sp
ecial fire for UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor James Moeser for not doing enough to promote 
any responses to several of the recent anti-war rallies held on the campus.

It appears that Horowitz's conception of free speech is a purely one-way street, 
reserved only for people who share his views. Unfortunately for this former 1960s 
radical who has turned into the self-appointed head of the
 university thought police, it just doesn't work that way.

Universities are meant to be places where young people can be exposed to the widest 
variety of ideas possible, from Adam Smith to Martin Luther King Jr. And they should 
be a fertile breeding ground for innovational though
t that students otherwise might not be exposed to in mainstream media outlets. 
Reversing that could transform our institutions of higher learning into simple 
vocational schools.

Horowitz apparently never learned the lesson he so fervently tried to teach with the 
placement of his anti-reparations advertisements.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different 

[CTRL] Fwd: Please Post: Join Int'l Movement DEMANDING Inquiry into 9-11 n CIA collusion

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan


They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin

I urge you to consider this.

Ashcroft continues to assail civil liberties, as Bush prepares
America for possible invasion of Iraq, Somalia, North Korea, and a
dozen other countries (Nightline), Bush gaff reveals he saw jet hit
2nd tower long before America saw it on TV (what station was he
watching?), and Egypt's joins the parade of foreign state
intelligence that warned Bush/CIA before 9-11.  IF YOU HAVE HAD ABOUT
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=send_kit

Right now the world activist community is running from one springing
leak to another while the powers that be keep punching new holes in
the dam, be it attacks on the environment, new wars, civil liberties
being stripped, human rights abuses, US domestic terror threats, etc.

Our scattered focus makes us relatively powerless.  IF we could
gather our strength and FOCUS LIKE A LASER BEAM on this issue of was
there US govt. collusion in 9-11?, we could create a ROAR of demand
worldwide that could command a full investigation into the inner
workings of a network that has manipulated foreign govts, repressed
peoples of the world, strip mined the environment, etc. in the name
of greed.

THIS IS THE ROOT!  By DEMANDING an inquiry all other things can begin
to heal.  I believe that they like it when we are scattered in a
million places arguing over this lake's clarity, or this country's
human rights issue, or genetic engineering, or air pollution -- NEVER
LOOKING AT THE ROOT that ships nearly ALL weapons to developing
countries (World Bank stats), thereby retarding social progress in
countries so they can have stable economic investments no matter
how repressive those governments are, or manipulating elections to
get more business friendly leaders in other nations (ones less
concerned with environmental laws, labor laws, and less concerned
with genetic engineered crops, etc.).

IT'S GREATEST STRENGTH IS.  The organizations built in the last 20
years over the environment, human rights, civil rights, animal
rights, the election irregularities and the stolen 2000 election,
TOGETHER.  The internet, and international coordination of activists
worldwide, our networks, and ability to move mass information freely
through the world via the internet is A POWERFUL TOOL.  BUT NOT, if
we have ten thousand different issues flying to the media and

The Activist Kit created through the work of journalists and
academics worldwide offered freely to anyone is a tool that empowers
to move the 8 disturbing reports around 9-11 (all sourced to
mainstream media articles) out to world media, world government,
Congress, US Governors, etc. etc. to DEMAND inquiry.

If we cannot focus on this, all our various issues are only noise.

Most activists are aware the CIA has been manipulating governments,
elections, and supporting human rights abuses in other countries.
Because, Americans (I'm sad to say) were very acquiesent about the
CIA doing their dirty deeds in other countries, BUT THEY WILL HAVE A

SECONDLY, some minor underling got a little greedy when he made the
stock short profits off American and United Airlines the week before
9-11.  This exposes a soft underbelly of a beast that normally is
impregnable to investigation.  PROBLEM is the US media is not looking
into it (which is bizzare because they had a media orgasm over the
insider stock trading discovery on 9-12 and 9-13 when they thought it
was Arab terrorists).  Of course now we know it leads to AB Brown
Trust, an investment firm that has been close to CIA ops for some
time, chaired up until a couple years ago by AB Krongard (now the #3
man at the CIA).  In this light Bush's bizarre recent act of sealing
presidential records from scrutiny for the first time in US history,
becomes so suspicious it almost rattles you apart to try and deny
just how suspicious it is.

So, to recap of why we should be moving on this now:
1) Americans will FINALLY be repulsed by CIA ops if they find they
were connected to 9-11
2) The greedy underling opened up the soft belly when he did the
stock shorts, there lies a thread 

[CTRL] US Govt 'Transcript' of Video

2001-12-14 Thread sonsun2012

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], NY Transfer News [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

[Note that although the US Government says this is a transcript the
translators admit that it is not a verbatim transcription, but a free
translation conveys the messages and flow of some of the
conversation. It appears, if the video is genuine, that the
photographer was very short of tape. The Osama Show begins 39 minutes
into the tape, and runs through to the end of the tape following
taped scenes of the downed US helicopter in Ghazni Province, which
was apparently shot earlier (see NY Transfer's Middle East newsfeed
of November 6 for story Taleban Displays Wreckage of Chopper US Says
Wasn't Shot Down).

The taping continues at the beginning of the tape, so the
photographer apparently rewound and resumed, recording over whatever
was on the beginning of the tape. This is not an unusual procedure if
one is short of tape and rushing to get as much recorded as possible.
However, the strange choppy nature of the conversation indicates
edits by someone, or that the photographer simply kept turning on and
off the video camera (he must have been *very* short of tape).

The welcoming chatter, political discussion and religious quotations
are suddenly interrupted by the person identified as Osama bin Laden
making one statement that the US sees as highly significant about the
attacks. Then back goes the conversation to smalltalk and political
conversation about support in the mosques. Similarly a lot of bizarre
and superstitious talk about premonitions of buildings being blown up
by planes is interrupted by several very coherent and incriminating
statements by the bin Laden character.  Much of the context appears
to have been left out of the translation, possibly due to all this
inaudible sound, possibly because the US Government told the
translators to excise any specific references to the travel
arrangements of the crippled visitor from Saudi Arabia, or possibly
because the camera person did not record large hunks of the
action.--NY Transfer]


source - www.abcnews.com in .PDF format

December 13, 2001


[(Transcript and annotations independently prepared by George
Michael, translator, Diplomatic Language Services; and Dr. Kassem M.
Wahba, Arabic language program coordinator, School of Advanced
International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. They collaborated on
their translation and compared it with translations done by the U.S.
government for consistency.  There were no inconsistencies in the

In mid-November, Usama Bin Laden spoke to a room of supporters,
possibly in Qandahar, Afghanistan.  These comments were video taped
with the knowledge of Bin Laden and all present.

Note:  The tape is approximately one hour long and contains three
different segments: an original taping of a visit by some people to
the site of the downed U.S. helicopter in Ghazni province
(approximately 12 minutes long); and two segments documenting a
courtesy visit by Bin Laden and his lieutenants to an unidentified
Shaykh, who appears crippled from the waist down.  The visit
apparently takes place at a guesthouse in Qandahar.  The sequence of
the events is reversed on the tape-the end of his visit is in the
beginning of the tape with the helicopter site visit in the middle
and the start of the Usama bin Laden visit beginning approximately 39
minutes into the tape.  The tape is transcribed below according to
the proper sequence of events.

Due to the quality of the original tape, it is NOT a verbatim
transcript of every word spoken during the meeting, but does convey
the messages and information flow.]

[EDITOR'S NOTE:  39 minutes into tape, first segment of the bin Laden
meeting, begins after footage of helicopter site visit.]

Shaykh: (...inaudible...) You have given us weapons, you have given
us hope and we thank Allah for you. We don't want to take much of
your time, but this is the arrangement of the brothers.  People now
are supporting us more, even those ones who did not support us in the
past, support us more now.  I did not want to take that much of your
time. We praise Allah, we praise Allah.  We came from Kabul.  We were
very pleased to visit.  May Allah bless you both at home and the
camp.  We asked the driver to take us, it was a night with a full
moon, thanks be to Allah.  Believe me it is not in the country side.
The elderly...everybody praises what you did, the great action you
did, which was first and foremost by the grace of Allah.  This is the
guidance of Allah and the blessed fruit of jihad.

UBL: Thanks to Allah.  What is the stand of the Mosques there (in
Saudi Arabia)?

Shaykh: Honestly, they are very positive.  Shaykh Al-Bahrani
(phonetic) gave a good sermon in his class after the sunset prayers.
It was videotaped and I was supposed to carry it with me, but
unfortunately, I had to leave 

[CTRL] McCain Misstates

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

December 14, 2001

Did the Israelis have advance notice of 9/11? Probably.

I couldn't help but laugh as I read the following entry in Andrew
Sullivan's weblog:

People ask why Americans tend to sympathize more with Israelis than
Palestinians. It's not racism. It's a recognition that, for all their
failings, the Israelis live in the same moral universe as we do. The
Palestinians palpably, brazenly do not.


Sullivan is a bloated bag of wind begging to be punctured, and his delusions about 
Israeli benevolence certainly have been pricked by the news that the 60 or so Israelis 
being held by the US since 9/11 are what Fox News c
alls part of a long-running effort to spy on American government officials. And 
that's not all: while there is no indication the Israelis were involved in the Sept. 
11 attacks, we are told, investigators suspect that
 they may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance and not shared it. 
If the Israelis had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and failed to inform us, then 
just what moral universe are they living in? Surel
y one many light-years from our own.


When the news first broke that not only Arabs are being held in the wake of 9/11, to 
my knowledge I was the only columnist to deal with the subject of the mysterious 
Israelis in custody: Israel and 9/11 –  Feds holding 6
0 Israelis in connection with 9/11 – Why? While the Washington Post assured us that 
the Israeli detainees were only observing a time-honored tradition in their country – 
touring the world after their mandatory service i
n the Israeli military, I was more than a little skeptical:

Something tells me these guys are no ordinary tourists, but since the US Government 
is keeping mum about everything connected with this investigation, we just don't know.


Ah, but now some government officials are talking, and we know a lot more. We know 
that some of the detainees have been identified as Israeli military or intelligence 
agents, and that some failed polygraph tests when aske
d whether they had engaged in covert operations against and in the United States. We 
also know, courtesy of Fox News, that as many as 140 Israeli agents may have been 
rounded up in the US before 9/11: the extent of Isra
el's covert action operation is described as sprawling.


What were they doing here? Besides infiltrating a whole laundry list of government 
agencies, including the DEA, the FBI, military bases, and even targeting the private 
homes of government officials, they were also conduct
ing surveillance on a group of Arab immigrants in California that authorities believe 
have connections to the 9/11 plot. I'll admit that the following was sheer speculation 
on my part, but it looks like I was dead right.
As I wrote in November:

In rounding up untold hundreds of mostly Arab Muslim men, and interviewing thousands 
more, the Ashcroft Sweep is clearly designed to gather information that might lead 
them to the remaining conspirators. It could be that
 the Israelis, or at least some of them, fall into this category: while not being 
directly involved, maybe they know something.


What did they know, and when did they know it? That is the question that must now be 
answered, and pronto. For remember what the President said: You are either with us, 
or you are with the terrorists. If the Israelis ha
d advance notice of 9/11 – via their spy network in the US, which kept the hijackers 
and their associates under surveillance – then this is harboring terrorists, by any 
definition of the term. Look what happened to the
Taliban when they harbored bin Laden. If Israel did indeed betray us, and let 3,500 
people die at the World Trade Center, then they deserve what the Afghanis got – plus a 
little bit more.


At least Mullah Omar and the Taliban never made any bones about the depth of their 
contempt for the US. Israel, on the other hand, pretends to be our staunchest ally, 
more royalist than the king when it comes to confronti
ng the declared enemies of the West. Yet an undeclared enemy, posing as a friend, is 
in many ways a greater potential threat – as, perhaps, we are beginning to learn.


When asked for details about the detention of the Israelis, a highly placed 
investigator huffed that Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified, I 
cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It is c
lassified information. Aside from affirming that such evidence exists, this same 
source admitted to the Los Angeles Times that there were certain tie-ins with 9/11. 
Some patriotic law enforcement officials seem to have
 leaked just enough information to practically confirm our worst suspicions. As Brit 
Hume put it 

[CTRL] Bin Oop's Oops ?

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



by Samata Ullah


14th December 2001. Analysing Bin Ladin's comments.

13th December 2001. Analysing the video

12th December 2001. Contradiction in the video


14th December 2001.

Something to ponder:


The defence minister of the ousted Taleban regime in Afghanistan told the BBC that he 
was doubtful about the recording's authenticity, saying it was unlikely that Bin Laden 
would have been naive enough to say such things
 on a recording.

No matter from what source the comment came from, I think that is credible to assume 
that. Why would he want to convict himself with this video, knowing that there is the 
slight possibility of it getting into the wrong ha
nds and therefore cementing the weak case against him?

Osama Bin Ladin said in an interview with a Pakistani newspaper; I have already said 
that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, 
I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no kn
owledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children 
and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to 
innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice
 is forbidden even in the course of a battle.

Why for instance, if he knew the consequences if he was caught, would he still run the 
risk of getting caught by making a video which explicitly shows him confessing to the 
attack? Surely, won't he'd keep that so secret t
hat only close confidants would know that he did the WTC attack thus cutting the risk 
of getting caught? I think it is absurd that he'd even think about making such a video 
and it only shows the sheepish mentality of the
people who assume he'd be stupid enough to make a video like that.

An excerpt from the transcript of the Bin Ladin Video tape:

[Speaking to Bin Ladin] Shaykh: (...inaudible...) You have given us weapons, you have 
given us hope and we thank Allah for you.

A question, is there any proof that Osama Bin Ladin was giving weapons to people in 
Saudi Arabia? The video says so, so where is the evidence from intelligence sources 
which say that? It would be supremely stupid for the
intelligence agencies not to have even mentioned that before or not to have knew that 
before, so where are those reports? This hints to me of a campaign of demonisation 
against Bin Ladin, they (whoever that may be) want t
o further discredit him by suggesting that he provides weapons to foreign countries to 
support terrorism. Asides from the difficulties of smuggling weapons from 
Afghanistan, it is nearly impossible for him to buy illega
l weapons for these people in Saudi Arabia if he chose an alternative to smuggling 
weapons from Afghanistan to give to them. Furthermore, where are these weapons used? 
Who uses them and for what purpose? Think about it, I
 have never even heard of an indigenous Saudi rebel attempt of overthrowing the 
regime, have you? There certainly were isolated cases but this was years ago, this 
video was recent so it would suggest that this funding of
rebels in Saudi Arabia is ongoing, why do we not hear of Saudi militant rebel 
groups? Certainly there can be people whose ideology expresses that desire but the 
video suggests it is an armed struggle. I have not heard o
f any recent armed struggle in Saudi Arabia from conventional news or intelligence 
sources. One to think about!

A sample of the critical emails of the Bin Ladin video which appeared on Rense.com:


I have viewed exceprts from the Smoking Gun bin Laden video and I can't see how 
anyone could mistake the actor on the video for Usama bin Laden. It seems that UbL has 
been gulping down more than his fair share of the 
food aid that is being dropped because he is obviously carrying a few more pounds, 
mostly in the face, since the videos screened on Al Jazeera not long ago, reportedly 
recorded only a few days earlier. I seem to associat
e the actor on the video more with Will Smith than with UbL.

It must further be mentioned that the parts of the audio that can be heard do not 
sound anything at all like the audio of bin Laden on the Al Jazeera broadcasts. In 
fact it does not even sound like the arabic spoken by an
 arab. I wonder just how many people are falling for this deception after the planted 
spy American Taliban debacle did not have the desired effect.

Sorry America, you guys are just being absolutely stupid in believing that shrub (bush 
jnr). You people should take note of the words of your Ben Franklin when he stated 
Those who would give up freedom for security deser
ve, and will get, neither.-Haroon Sulaiman

2. The man that was purportedly Osama bin Laden was not. His 

Re: [CTRL] Inhibit Inhibitions ?

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


 December 13, 2001

 Prohibit Prohibition

 By Michael Williams

 Throughout the 20th century, the United States
 government has waged a
 war against a freedom of choice, disguised as
 protection of the
 collective good.

while i agree with this i hope we can resist the
temptation to assume that anyone that speaks of the
collective good is automatically waging a war against
freedom of choice..

not to mention that freedom of choice, if absolute,
means the stepping on of others...

it is entirely possible to be enslaved to one's
CONCEPTS of freedom..

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] September 11, 1990

2001-12-14 Thread sonsun2012

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], angelilaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The date is very interesting...and casual only??
Thanks for all.
Studio Angeli (bergamo-italy)
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Anthrax Mailings Inquiries Lead to Battelle

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Subject:Anthrax Mailings Inquiries Lead to Battelle

Please help circulate this information to others in your network(s).
Thank you!

Tetrahedron Publishing Group
Health Science Communications for People Around the World
206 North 4th Avenue, Suite 147 #1776;  Sandpoint, ID 83864 #1776;
208-265-2575 #1776; FAX: 208-265-2775


Release: No. DITA-3O6

Date Mailed: Dec. 14, 2001
For Immediate Release
Contact: Ingri Cassel—208/265-2575; 800/336-9266

Anthrax Mailings Inquiries Lead to Battelle

Sandpoint, ID — Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI) is
increasingly becoming the central suspect in the anthrax
mailings investigation according to a growing number of
independent investigators and newspapers initially tipped by a
report released last Monday by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, a
Harvard trained public health authority. The NY Times is the
latest newspaper to include this West Jefferson, Ohio defense
contractor that documents prove maintained close ties to the
U.S. Army’s Dugway “Life Sciences” center where the specific
strain of anthrax was undergoing tests.

The Baltimore Sun reported this week that, contrary to popular
belief, the Defense Department maintained a potentially
offensive biological weapons program using the Aimes strain of
anthrax identified at Dugway. They failed to report that BMI
largely administered and supplied this “Life Sciences” facility
wherein a “virtually identical” strain of anthrax had been

After circulating his 20-page report (See:
http://www.tetrahedron.org )to members congress and the press,
Dr. Horowitz, the author of the prophetically titled book,
Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare,
contacted the William J. Broad, the anthrax mailings
investigator for the New York Times, and co-author of Germs, to
discuss the accumulating evidence against BMI. “All roads lead to
BMI,” Broad agreed.

Two days later, Broad and his co-author, Judith Miller, wrote
that BMI “participated in a secret Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) program, code-named ‘Clear Vision’” begun in 1997, that
allegedly used benign substances similar to anthrax.

The Horowitz report also argued that only someone with
national security clearances, such as CIA operatives assigned
to this top secret program, could have commandeered the anthrax
from BMI to the mailings sites such as Trenton, New Jersey. He
said, “CIA personnel are increasingly implicated in light of
these revelations.”

Further implicating BMI and the CIA, both leading anthrax
experts—America’s William C. Patrick, III, and Russian
defector, Kanatjan Alibekov—are BMI consultants and on the
CIA’s payroll, according to earlier published reports cited in
the Horowitz report.

“The whole truth would be severely embarrassing to the Bush
administration,” Dr. Horowitz said. “HHS Secretary Tommy
Thompson has, after all, commandeered a bioterrorism
preparedness drug feeding frenzy. With five persons killed and
thirteen others infected so far, military-industrial officials
may be implicated in serial homicide, if not economic genocide,
while ‘wagging the dog’ for drug and vaccine company profits.”

Dr. Horowitz says that the Baltimore Sun report was highly
significant regarding Dugway’s “Life Sciences”
Division. “‘Death Sciences’ seems to be a more accurate title
for the lab largely developed, administered, and supplied by
BMI where all roads appear to lead,” Dr. Horowitz said.

-end –

Note to journalists: For more information about Dr. Horowitz’s
investigation, or a review copy of his book Death in the Air:
Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, please call Ingri
Cassel at 1-888-508-4787, or visit www.tetrahedron.org.

To remove yourself from further mailings, visit this webpage:

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and 

[CTRL] Frost on White Mountain

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Graphix @ site

Al-Ahram Weekly Online
13 - 19 December 2001
Issue No.564
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map

Frost on the White Mountain

US forces, facing not just an elusive enemy but also the certainty of
a harsh winter, are still soliciting the help of a host of allies.
Galal Nassar finds out what France, Turkey, and Israel have to offer

It has been almost three months since the world's greatest military,
technological, and economic power pledged to destroy Bin Laden, his
outfit, and his Taliban chums. The United States, yet to provide
convincing evidence of Bin Laden's guilt, sent forces trekking across
Afghanistan with two military and political objectives: the
liquidation of Bin Laden and Al- Qa'eda leaders and supporters; and
the rehabilitation of the US's international image, badly shaken by
the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

What Operation Enduring Freedom has achieved so far in Afghanistan
has been acclaimed as an impressive military accomplishment. Still,
it falls short of a decisive victory. It may even resemble failure on
more than one level -- unless, that is, the war against terror was
meant to sow the seeds of civil strife in Afghanistan, displace
Afghans by the millions, send them fleeing into neighbouring
countries, and gain a foothold in a strategic region.

The United States cannot call itself a victor in the ongoing strife
until it kills or captures three men: Bin Laden; his second in
command, Ayman El- Zawahri; and Mullah Omar.

According to US media reports, the fighting has claimed the lives of
10,000 people, mostly Taliban fighters making a last stand in
Kandahar, in the past few weeks.

US forces are still pummelling and combing various parts of Afghanistan, with a 
ferocity that has intensified in the past few days. Last Sunday saw some of the 
heaviest bombing so far, with US planes strafing the White Mo
untain range of Tora Bora, despite reports that Bin Laden fled the area two or three 
weeks ago. Meanwhile, thousands of coalition troops continue to pour into the region, 
a sign that military operations will not end soon.
 Much is yet in store for the war-torn country.

The US is seeking all the help it can get in capturing Bin Laden, Mullah Omar, and 
El-Zawahri and eliminate the pockets Taliban and Arab Afghan resistance. Secretary of 
State Colin Powell went to Ankara last week to solic
it Turkish assistance. Having waged aerial and ground campaigns against the mountain 
strongholds of dissident Kurds almost every year as far back as anyone can remember, 
Turkey has just the kind of experience the American
s need. Washington and Ankara are now putting the final touches on a memorandum of 
understanding paving the way for the deployment of a Turkish contingent in 
Afghanistan. The United States hopes elite Turkish troops can h
elp extract Bin Laden and his associates from their mountain hideouts.

According to the Turkish Daily News, Ankara has been promised a reasonable role in 
formulating Afghanistan's future. In return, Ankara would dispatch more of its elite 
forces than the 90 men originally suggested. Turkis
h troops are also likely to serve in the UN- sponsored peacekeeping force. From the 
very start, Ankara has made it clear that it wants a key role in any international 
force deployed in Afghanistan. It has also suggested t
hat the new regime should be modelled after its own secular system, which would 
prevent the country from slipping back into extremism and terror, as the Turks put 

France has pitched in with an advance party of 40 troops to protect the environs of 
the airport at Mazar-i Sharif. Its nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is 
steaming toward the northern Indian Ocean, where three F
rench frigates and a nuclear submarine are already deployed. An oil tanker is expected 
to join this mission -- unprecedented for the French fleet -- at a later date. A total 
of 3,000 men are on the French flotilla, which
will anchor some 100 nautical miles southwest of Karachi, Pakistan. All in all, France 
is expected to boost its participation in the campaign to about 5,000 men, backed by 
10 vessels and 10 aircraft.

US-Israeli military cooperation has also borne fruit in the ongoing conflict. B-52H 
Stratofortress bombers have begun using missile shells developed jointly by the US 
company Lockheed Martin and the Israeli company Rafael
, on ground targets. The missiles, which can be precisely aimed by TV cameras and 
weigh anything between 500 and 3,000lb, are designed to infiltrate thick barriers and 
would be effective in demolishing cave entrances. The
y cost up to $1.54 million each.

The fall of Kandahar and the ongoing assault on Tora Bora caves have been somewhat 
anticlimactic, because of how easily the Taliban seemed to relinquish one city after 
another. Mullah Omar, an ethnic 

Re: [CTRL] There Goes the Meighborhood

2001-12-14 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So the whole city of Columbus went already and I am packed and ready to
go..if things change.

Now Booze Advertising - I have nothing against drinking anything you can
control for you control the drinking or the drinking controls you - as
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen once wrote how bad he felt about this poor guy
sitting on a bar stool (so fasten up your seat belts) - anyway sitting
on a bar stool and nothing meant more to him in the world, than that
beer or booze before him.

Only one booze advertisement I found completely revolting ..it went
like this:

A Father is standing at the bar, and in walks this handsome young
kid...Hi Dad, today I am a man and boy first thing he does is head
for the bar, looking for his father..

So picture this though was a nice bar with all the trimmings - nice
people in same - but psychologically speaking I wonder how many kids
grow up and end up sitting in bars, looking for that lost parent no
longner seated on a barstool..for like his father he had not greater
friend than this bottle of booze before him.

So now they will attempt to sucker in the kids once again - Luckey
Luciano used to give lots of money to the Women's Christian Temperence
Union (probably as much as Larry Flynt pays in tribute to the ADL) - to
bring back prohibition for that was a lot of tax free money.

Some people when they drink, are pigs..I watched a friend, a TV
Sportscaster, destroy himself with booze until all he had left was what
he once was.

So I hate this advertising booze on TV.then soon it will be
pornography to go with the booze.like these mobsters here used kids
to lure kids to motel room parties, where they served pornography and
booze and drugs - and this kid holed up his horse  on the farm where
Lansky used to visit.

So booze in America - it is as if they are slopping the hogs.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-14 Thread sonsun2012

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-
Internet ]

[Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 6:49 PM
Subject: Weekly News Update on Colombia #619, 12/9/01

From: Red Palante! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:56:21 -0500
Subject: Weekly News Update on Colombia #619, 12/9/01

 ISSUE #619, DECEMBER 9, 2001
 (212) 674-9499 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Nov. 30 paramilitaries from the United Self-Defense Forces of
Colombia (AUC) kidnapped oil union leader Aury Sara Marrugo and
his bodyguard, Enrique Arellano, in the Caribbean tourist port
city of Cartagena de Indias, in Bolivar department. Sara was
president of the Bolivar section of the United Union of Workers
(USO), which represents workers at the state-run oil company
Ecopetrol. On Dec. 1 the USO's 5,000 members went on strike to
protest the kidnapping, shutting down the refineries in Cartagena
and Barrancabermeja.

On Dec. 3, the AUC leadership sent a letter via internet to the
government's peace commissioner, Camilo Gomez, acknowledging that
they were holding Sara. They claimed to have put him on trial
before an AUC court, and that he had confessed to being the top
leader of the Jaime Bateman Cayon Front of the leftist National
Liberation Army (ELN) guerrilla movement.

The AUC's tribunal found Sara guilty of multiple crimes, but
the AUC would be willing to free him so he could be tried and
sentenced by the Colombian state, the AUC leaders said in their
letter to Gomez. But we are only prepared to hand him over to
you in person in one of our jungle camps, and while you're there
you can explain to us what it is exactly that you do, Mr.
Commissioner, the AUC leaders warned, claiming Sara told them
that Gomez provided helicopters to the ELN which were used in
activities very distant from being humanitarian, something which
you will have to clarify sooner rather than later. [El Diario-La
Prensa (NY) 12/4/01 from AFP, 12/6/01 from AP]

On Dec. 5, the bodies of Sara and Arellano were found in a rural
area of Bolivar department; they had been shot to death. USO
president Hernando Hernandez immediately announced the union
would protest the killing by continuing an open-ended strike.
Energy and Mines Minister Luisa Lafaurie said the refineries had
been militarized and management had been instructed to take over
operation as a contingency plan to maintain fuel supplies. [El
Nuevo Herald (Miami) 12/6/01 from Reuters; ED-LP 12/6/01 from AP]

In the past 10 years 187 workers, leaders and activists from our
union have been murdered, said Jorge Galindo of the USO's
commision on human rights and peace. On Oct. 19 Colombian
authorities arrested six USO leaders and charged them with
rebellion for alleged links to rebel groups [see Update #612].
One was provisionally released; the others remain jailed while
their trials proceed. [ED-LP 12/6/01 from AP]

Top ELN leader Nicolas Rodriguez accused Vice President Gustavo
Bell, who is also Colombia's defense minister, of responsibility
for the murder of Sara. Gomez, the peace commissioner, called
Rodriguez's accusation slander, and said only the AUC was
responsible for the murder. [ENH 12/8/01 from AP]

Meanwhile, between 150 and 200 people were reportedly killed in
combat between paramilitaries from the AUC and leftist rebels
from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) between
Dec. 1 and 5 in the jungles of Choco department, in northwestern
Colombia. The fighting has displaced hundreds of local residents.
[ENH 12/6/01 from Reuters]

Weekly News Update on the Americas * Nicaragua Solidarity Network of
339 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012  *  212-674-9499 fax: 212-674-
http://home.earthlink.net/~nicadlw/wnuhome.html*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Red Palante!
Comunicacion Antagonista y
Resistencia Cultural


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081

General class struggle news:


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[CTRL] latest abuses by Exxon at Tabaco, Columbia

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Title: latest abuses by Exxon at Tabaco,

From: Richard Solly

Dear friends,

I am sending you the notes (below) that I took at a community
meeting in Tabaco, La Guajira, in October, 2001, at which residents
told me about the demolition of their homes by Intercor (100% owned by
Exxon) on August 9th.

I learnt yesterday that the company, with police, have just gone
into the community a second time and demolished more homes. If you
can, please send messages to Exxon (either at the UK subsidiary
address given below or in your own country) and to the President of
Colombia, demanding that the rights of the people of Tabaco be
respected, that if they have to move they should receive a relocation
package enabling them to move as a whole community to an alternative
site where they can continue to live by farming. The Intercor
compensation package of 2,400,000 pesos (just over US$1000 or £700)
is completely inadequate and will only lead to homelessness and

Ansel Condray, Chairman, Exxon UK, St Ketherine's House,
Kingsway, London WC2.
Phone +44 (0)20 7412 4585 Fax: +44 (0)20 7412 4133.

President of Colombia:
Doctor Andres Pastrana Arango, President of the Republic, Palacio
de Narino, Santafe de Bogota DC.
Fax: +57 1 336 2109/337 1351/286 7434/286 6842.

Please send copies to:
Richard Solly: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Colombia Solidarity Campaign: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Armando Perez Araujo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Thank you.

Richard Solly.

Notes on a visit by Richard Solly of the Mines and Communities
Network to Tabaco, La Guajira, Colombia, on 20th October

In October, 2000, I visited Tabaco with Roger Moody of the Mines
and Communities Network, to assess the impact of Intercor's huge
coal strip mine, El Cerrejon Norte, on the community's human rights
and immediate environment. The company wants the whole community to
move out so that the strip mine can expand. Intercor's pressure on
the community increased during 2001, and on August 9th 2001 agents of
the company, assisted by Colombian police and military, demolished 29
of the houses in the community, wrecking their surrounding fruit trees
and gardens, confiscating people's possessions and injuring several
of those who resisted.

On 20th and 21st October, a workshop was held in Tabaco by the
Cartagena-based representative of the Proceso de Comunidades Negras, a
national organisation of African-Colombians campaigning for their
rights under the Colombian Constitution. The aim was to inform the
local people about the history of people of African descent in
Colombia and about their legal rights. The workshop was preceded by a
brief community meeting in which residents were informed about the
progress of their legal case against Intercor and of actions taken by
solidarity organisations in Britain and the USA; and residents told me
about the events of August 9th. I also had the opportunity to
photograph some of the damage done to people's houses by the

Points made during the Community Meeting

During the demolition, Intercor workers took people's household
goods and personal possessions and kept them. This matter was to be
taken to the Fiscalia in Riohacha because it was illegal. Armando
Perez Araujo had met with the Minister of the Interior who had agreed
that the actions of the Judge on the day of the demolitions were

[The Minister was also informed that most of the inhabitants of
Tabaco are African-Colombians, which gives them particular rights
under the Constitution. The people of Tabaco have not previously
claimed these rights because they did not know about them. There is a
national office of African-Colombian affairs.]

During the demolition, some of the inhabitants of Tabaco were
beaten with clubs. Some of those whose houses were demolished were
sick, including the children of community leader Jose Julio Perez. One
of the women said that a man's head was badly wounded by a wooden
club and his daughter, who was trying to help her father, was also
attacked by the police, who beat her leg with wooden clubs.

Emilio Perez was attacked by fifteen men - either policemen or
Intercor security personnel - as soon as he left his house. He was
clubbed unconscious and left on the ground. He spent eight days in
hospital and still suffers from bad headaches and forgetfulness.

Agents of the company demolished 29 houses before stopping. They
threatened to demolish more and to come back and demolish the school
and other public buildings. It may only have been the people's
resistance that stopped them destroying more. This shows that it was
not a legally enforced juridical process but a form 


2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.aci.net/kalliste/;The Home Page of J. Orlin
Oops! The Energy Crisis that Wasn't

Troubled Enron


by James Norman

New York—Troubled energy giant Enron agreed late Nov 9 to be taken over by
smaller rival Dynegy in a $7.8-bil stock-swap, with assumption of at least
$12-bil of Enron debt.

The deal includes an immediate asset-backed infusion of $1.5-bil from
Dynegy's 26.6% owner ChevronTexaco, to shore-up Enron's cash-strained trading
operations, with another $1-bil of new equity from ChevronTexaco when the
merger closes.

Dynegy will offer 0.2685 of its shares for each Enron share, giving Dynegy
holders 64% of the combined company. At Dynegy's closing price Nov 9 of
$38.76/share, that equates to $10.41/share for Enron, which has seen its
stock plummet from more than $90 barely a year ago to a recent low of $7
before rebounding on Dynegy bailout rumors. Enron closed Nov 9 at

The merged company will be named Dynegy Inc and be headed by Dynegy CEO Chuck
Watson. The only Enron executive moving to a senior position will be new
president Greg Whalley, who will be an executive vice-president and part of a
new office of the chairman at Dynegy. Enron will get to name three of 14
directors, which could include CEO Ken Lay. ChevronTexaco will maintain its
three director seats.

ChevronTexaco will make its investment in the form of $1.5-bil of Dynegy
convertible preferred shares, with warrants to buy another $1.5-bil of Dynegy
stock over three years. Dynegy will invest the initial ChevronTexaco cash in
Enron in return for preferred stock and other rights in Enron's crown-jewel
Northern Natural Gas pipeline unit. If the Dynegy-Enron deal fails to close,
Dynegy can acquire Northern and ChevronTexaco can redeem its preferred at
cost or convert it to common for 36% ownership of Dynegy. Dynegy said the
deal should be strongly accretive to earnings in the first year. Merger
savings are expected to be $400- to $500-mil a year, from exiting non-core
businesses, eliminating overlap and lower interest costs. The deal, which
will need shareholder and regulatory approval, is not likely to be
consummated until the third quarter of next year. But it is by no means a
sure thing.

Vocal opponents are already emerging to the possible enlargement of Enron's
huge trading operations. Among them: crusty Raymond Plank, CEO of US EP
independent Apache. Plank blames electronic over-the-counter systems such as
those run by Enron and Dynegy for much of the volatility that has whipsawed
natural gas and power markets over the past year.

Plank says this volatility is wreaking havoc on producers' capital spending
plans and the creditworthiness of small upstream companies. Not to mention
the disaster that hit California, PGE and SoCalEd.

Plank extends his opprobrium to the New York Mercantile Exchange, which he
views as another venue for moving prices up and down to generate volatility.
Of course, volatility is not senseless to public trading companies using
mark-to-market accounting. Under US GAAP, traders run through their income
statements the theoretical mark-to-market profits being made on even far-out
futures and derivatives positions. And under standard option pricing models,
volatility is the key variable in calculating their present value.

With enough volatility, and a long enough contract, any trader can persuade
his accountants even the most far-fetched option position can have current
mark-to-market value. The only test is the reasonableness of the assumed
forward price curve, which Enron can tweek daily with its postings on
EnronOnline. Both Enron and Dynegy employ Arthur Andersen as auditors and

Indeed, Enron, Dynegy, El Paso, Duke, Aquila, Williams and any number of
other trading houses make no bones about their affinity for volatility. On
its last earnings conference call (the one that sparked Wall Street rage over
CEO Ken Lay's disclosure of a looming $1.2-bil accounting nightmare), Enron
whined its European earnings were a little light due to not as much
volatility as we'd have liked in power markets there.

They acknowledge the don't make money off price (differentials), gripes
Plank: They make their money off volatility.

Helping drive volatility on these electronic exchanges is the ability to move
prices with very small trades, since only Enron or Dynegy see the volumes
involved on their EnronOnline and Dynegy Direct systems. As some traders have
pointed out to Platts, this can allow a market manipulator to gradually start
an upward price stampede that can snowball into a short squeeze, spilling
over onto the NYMEX futures and cash markets. Such may have been the case
with last winter's irrational run-up in gas prices to some $10/Mcf. Did Enron
cause it? Probably not. Would it have been able to see it developing and
position itself accordingly? Without question. An added beauty 

[CTRL] For Al Giordano, a victory and a precedent

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

/02048649.htmThis Just In | MEDIA/A
For Al Giordano, a victory and a precedent
In what could prove to be a groundbreaking First Amendment precedent, a New
York judge has thrown out a libel suit against online journalist and Phoenix
contributor Al Giordano, ruling that he is entitled to the same protection
against such suits as a mainstream news organization.

Giordano, the publisher and author of a Web site called the Narco News
Bulletin (www.narconews.com), and Mexican journalist Mario Menéndez had been
sued by Roberto Hernández, the head of the powerful bank Banamex. The reason:
Menéndez’s newspaper, Por Esto!, reported that Hernández had purchased
Banamex in part with profits from the illegal drug trade, an accusation that
Giordano repeated in Narco News and at a public appearance at Columbia
University (see  Don’t Quote Me,  News and Features, April 13). Giordano
had also written about Banamex for the Phoenix (see  Clinton’s Mexican
Narco-Pals,  News and Features, May 14, 1999).

New York State Supreme Court judge Paula Omansky cited the 1964 case of Times
v. Sullivan, in which the US Supreme Court held that a public figure cannot
successfully sue for libel unless he or she can prove  actual malice  — a
legal term that means the defendant must be shown to have knowingly
disseminated false information, or to have demonstrated reckless disregard
for whether the information was true or false. That  high standard,  as
Omansky called it, has long been cited by free-speech activists as necessary
to foster freewheeling and robust debate about public issues — in this case,
the so-called War on Drugs.

Omansky ruled that even though Banamex was a private institution, the War on
Drugs was an issue of such public concern that Giordano was entitled to the
protection of Times v. Sullivan.  The nature of the articles printed on the
website and Mr. Giordano’s statements at Columbia University constitute
matters of public concern because the information disseminated relates to the
drug trade and its effect on people living in this hemisphere,  she wrote,
according to a report by Wired.com. Giordano’s lawyer, Tom Lesser, says that
the judge also threw out the complaint against Menéndez, ruling that her
court had no jurisdiction over a newspaper published in Mexico.

Calling it  extraordinary  that Omansky would reject Banamex’s suit even
before the discovery phase of the case could begin, the Northampton-based
Lesser — an old friend of Giordano’s dating back to the latter’s days as an
anti-nuclear activist in the 1970s — told the Phoenix that a countersuit
against Banamex is being considered.  I think the expectation is that we’ll
try to recoup the damages that we have suffered,  he says.

But Banamex lawyer Michael Madigan, of the Washington firm of Akin Gump, says
Hernández continues to insist that Menéndez and Giordano’s charges are false
— and he refuses to rule out an appeal of Omansky’s decision.  The only
thing I can tell you at the moment is that the matter is under review, 
Madigan told the Phoenix.  Banamex will continue to take any lawful action
to protect itself from false and libelous statements. 

Meanwhile, media observers and First Amendment advocates are hailing
Giordano’s victory.
 Al Giordano has always fancied himself a dragon-slayer, and now he’s got a
few more dragons on his belt,  says Danny Schechter, executive editor of
MediaChannel.org, which has carried some of Giordano’s work.  I’m encouraged
not just by the outcome of the case, but by the example of the case. 

Paul McMasters, First Amendment ombudsman for the Freedom Forum, says what’s
most heartening is that Judge Omansky recognized that the Constitution does
not specify who may — and who may not — be a journalist.  Because the First
Amendment prohibits the definition of a journalist, just about anybody with a
Web site, it seems to me, can define themselves as a journalist entitled to
the protection of Times v. Sullivan. And that, to me, is a good thing, 
McMasters says.

In an e-mail to the Phoenix from Bolivia, where he is reporting this week,
Giordano — noting that his problems with Banamex began with his May 1999
Phoenix story — said in part,  The story was airtight, factual and fair
then, and it has remained so ever since It’s a great victory and one to
be shared by so many journalists and readers. On to the next one! 

Issue Date: December 12, 2001

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Omnia Bona 

[CTRL] Phantom Flight From Florida

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.tampatrib.com/MGA3F78EFSC.html;Phantom
Flight From Florida: From The Tampa Tri…/A

Phantom Flight From Florida
Published: Oct 5, 2001

TAMPA -  The twin-engine Lear jet streaked into the afternoon sky, leaving
Tampa behind but revealing a glimpse of international intrigue in the
aftermath of terrorist attacks on America.
The federal government says the flight never took place.

But the two armed bodyguards hired to chaperon their clients out of the state
recall the 100-minute trip Sept. 13 quite vividly.

In the end, the son of a Saudi Arabian prince who is the nation's defense
minister and the son of a Saudi army commander made it to Kentucky for a
waiting 747 and a trip to their homeland.

The hastily arranged flight out of Raytheon Airport Services, a private
hangar on the outskirts of Tampa International Airport, was anything but
ordinary. It lifted off the tarmac at a time when every private plane in the
nation was grounded due to safety concerns after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Local and federal authorities will say little about the flight.

``It's not in our logs ... it didn't occur,'' said Chris White, spokesman for
the Federal Aviation Administration's regional office in Atlanta.

For private investigators Dan Grossi and Manuel Perez, the bodyguards on the
Lear, it was a trip they can't forget.

A Special Situation Grossi said Tampa police intelligence detectives called
him about 11 a.m. Sept. 13, needing help with a special situation: They had
been watching three young Saudi men - at least one a student at the
University of Tampa - at their south Tampa apartment, and the trio was scared
and wanted to go home.

Jim Harf, director of UT's international programs, confirmed one of them is
the son of Prince Sultan, the defense minister.

University spokesman Grant Donaldson refused to provide details. Perez said
he understood the men arrived in Tampa three weeks earlier to receive
tutoring in English.

The Tampa detectives guarding the men were ordered to stay in Tampa by Police
Chief Bennie Holder, so Grossi was offered the job of escorting the trio to
Lexington, Ky., where the prince's relatives were buying race horses.

Lexington police Lt. Mark Barnard confirmed a Saudi relative had asked for
help in getting protection for the men in Tampa. Two off-duty detectives were
assigned. Tampa police records list Sultan bin Fahad as the one requesting
the security detail.

But Tampa's official assistance ended at Raytheon's airport terminal.

``There was a perceived threat, and the family of the person wanted him home
right away,'' said Tampa police Sgt. John Solomon. ``The job lasted about
five hours. It was handled very quickly.''
`Out Of A Tom Clancy Movie' Meanwhile, Grossi had put Perez on alert and went
home to wait. Both men provide security for the National Football League at
Raymond James Stadium. Grossi, who retired from the Tampa Police Department
in August, has worked in internal affairs and homicide. Perez, who has his
own investigative company in St. Petersburg, worked for the FBI for more than
29 years and has experience in counterterrorism and as a bomb technician.
At 2:30 p.m., Grossi got the call from the police department.

``They said it was happening,'' Grossi said. ``This was out of a Tom Clancy

Grossi said he was told the clearance came from the White House after the
prince's family pulled a favor from former President Bush. Prince Sultan, the
Saudi defense minister, was part of the coalition that fought the Persian
Gulf War in 1991.

To the United States, Saudi Arabia is a key component in the emerging
coalition of nations in the war on terrorism.

The White House referred questions on the trip to the State Department, which
denied involvement, and the National Security Council, which did not return

At Raytheon airport, Grossi met with the Tampa detectives who had brought the
young men. The Lear's pilot, who had flown in from Fort Lauderdale,
introduced himself.

By 4:30 p.m., the twin-engine, eight-passenger jet lifted off.

``They [the trio] looked like typical college students with knapsacks,''
Perez said. ``I didn't realize the prince's son was onboard until we

Grossi and Perez recalled the strange feeling of flying in the near-empty
sky, knowing of the ban on private flights.

``My first reaction to the pilot was, `We're not going to get shot down are
we?' '' Perez said.
Grossi said he spoke only briefly to the prince's son.

``He wanted to leave,'' Grossi said. But he also said he would like to
return, Grossi said.

In less than two hours, the Lear landed at the Blue Grass airport, where the
passengers were met by Saudi security officials, Grossi said. He and Perez
saw several private 747s parked on the tarmac with foreign flags on the tails
and Arabic lettering on the sides.

Within the hour, the Lear took off 

[CTRL] High Crimes and Conspiracies

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.aci.net/kalliste/lfctimes/high_crimes.htm;
High Crimes and Conspiracies, by Wolf DeVoon/A
High Crimes and Conspiracies

by Wolf DeVoon

White House staff scripted every question asked at President Bush´s set piece
town hall meeting in Orlando, proof of which is the fact that CNN had the
question graphics loaded in show order, ready to air at the precise moment
when hand-picked shills stood up on cue to recite them.

When I worked at ITN, long ago, I was shocked to discover that news outlets
were given printed transcripts of speeches, hours before they were actually
delivered, on the agreement that such foreknowledge of public policy
announcements were embargoed (i.e., unreportable) until they were read from
teleprompter by the talking head in question. But nothing in my jaded
experience as a journalist prepared me for what happened in Orlando.
Allegedly there to promote tourism, Bush´s tightly scripted standup before a
smiling pack of cheering Florida flagwavers resembled an evangelistic tent
revival, determined to put a happy face on two deeply sad developments: (1)
the United States is engaged in unconcionable mass murder of a defenseless
enemy in Afghanistan, and (2) the Bush White House is taking orders from
Ariel Sharon, not vice versa.

Part of the problem is that Deputy Dubya is so damned dumb that he was unable
to form an independent assessment of what happened at the World Trade Center
and what the U.S. response should be to faceless, cowardly terrorism — a
ludicrously false characterization that demands we trash plain English in
favor of Zionist Newspeak. All 19 WTC hijackers were identified, their faces
flashed on every television screen in America. They were Saudis and
Egyptians, not Afghans. And Bill Maher was factually, if not patriotically
correct: the Islamic commandos who attacked Israeli-owned Cantor Fitzgerald
were certainly not cowards.

In response to guest Dinesh D'Souza's assertion that people who are willing
to die in service to their cause, whatever else they may be, are not
cowards, Maher said: We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from
2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. I was sitting next to Bill when he said
this. And not only did I not object, I wholeheartedly agreed. (Arianna
Huffington, September 24, 2001)

Giving Control to Thugs

Here´s cowardice in capital letters: our high-altitude bombardment of massed
Taliban troops and defenseless civilians who can´t shoot back.
Russian-equipped opposition Northern Alliance forces have basically fought
no one. They waltzed through the rubble and rifled the pockets of dead men,
bayoneting the wounded. To hand control of Afghanistan to such thugs is
compounding U.S. war crime upon war crime, all of it at Israel´s behest, to
perpetrate the lie of Taliban culpability in sheltering bin Ladin, and
blanking out the truth of U.S.-backed Israeli, Saudi, and Egyptian tyrannies.
In the mess of global power politics, created by Henry Kissinger and Richard
Nixon, there´s no mystery in who´s driving the braindead Pentagon brass. When
Tom Ridge announces that the threat level of another U.S. terror attack has
risen, he´s quoting Mossad.

The Bush sham town meeting in Orlando blanked out much more than who´s really
in charge at this desperate moment in history. The United States is not
merely in recession, calmly waiting out some temporary downturn in a
predictable business cycle. For decades, we´ve robbed our children and
grandchildren to party hearty, ignoring who got bank credit and who didn´t.
It is a trusted principle of criminal investigation to follow the money. Most
of it leads to the Oil Patch Posse and their proxies. None of it ended up in
Afghanistan, Palestine, or the slums of Cairo, where the last refuge of
desperation is an imaginary salvation in heaven. The U.S. is only a whisker
away from the same fate, no matter how fat we feel.

And of all the dung flung in our faces to explain away American guilt, the
worst is Dubya´s insistence that enemies of freedom will be brought to
justice — a doublespeak promise that sounds right and guarantees wrong
after wrong: detention without due process, military trial without appeal,
economic recovery by spending spending spending.
The Founding Fathers knew better. It isn´t hard to find a copy of the U.S.
Constitution, and the Federalist Papers that obviate its intent. The United
States was designed to govern — guess what? — the contiguous, 18th century
territory of the 13 original states, preserving the civil liberty of ordinary
Americans. Where is your liberty now?

No matter what else you may see and hear, no matter what the hypocrites and
lapdogs at AOL-Time Warner-CNN pump at you, pitting liberal Jews against
bloodthirsty Jews in fake debate and fantasy pronoucements of imminent
victory, I say get the hell out. The only honest and moral thing to do is
think of and for 

[CTRL] Paving the way for 'uncrackable' codes

2001-12-14 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1709000/1709322.stm

Thursday, 13 December, 2001, 19:59 GMT

Paving the way for 'uncrackable' codes

By BBC News Online's Ivan Noble

The heart of a new light-emitting diode (LED) developed in Cambridge, UK,
can be controlled so precisely that it emits just one single photon of light
each time it is switched on.

The device could be a key component in quantum cryptography, a code-making
technology which, it is hoped, will be uncrackable.

The ability to send single packets of light already exists but this is the
first time a device has been built without using lasers.

Its designers say they are optimistic that the device could be produced
cheaply and quickly in industrial quantities.

Cool operator

Quantum cryptography provides a way for two people to form a secret key.
The laws of quantum mechanics dictate that it provides a way to guarantee
that no-one has intercepted that key, Andrew Shields of Toshiba Research
Europe Limited (TREL) told BBC News Online.

Dr Shields and colleagues from TREL and the University of Cambridge built
the single photon-emitting diode using standard semiconductor manufacturing
At the moment it only works at extremely low temperatures.

That can be improved and we know how to do it, said Dr Shields. Our
device is made by photolithography... and could potentially be produced
quite cheaply.

Eavesdropper's downfall

The reason security experts are interested in using single photons to carry
encoded messages is that they appear to provide the guarantee of secrecy
that other technologies lack.

The kind of encoding currently used to protect messages relies on the fact
that, without the key, it would take an extremely long time to do all the
calculations needed to unscramble a secret message.

But there is no guarantee the key has not been stolen, or that computers
will not improve to a point where the time factor is less significant.

With quantum cryptography, the very act of intercepting a single photon on
its way down an optical fibre would change the information it was carrying.

The interception would then be apparent to the sender and receiver.

Missing pieces

There are, however, obstacles to the development of this super-secure

We need the detection technology for single photons, said Dr Shields. But
most of the other elements are there. It uses standard telecoms cables.

There is attenuation in the fibre so at present fibre lengths are limited
to between 50 and 100 kilometres, but it would be useful in cities, he

The Cambridge team is proud of the fact that its device is so controllable.

Previous emitters have occasionally let out more than one identical photon
at a time, a problem that could have opened the door to an eavesdropper.

That's a security loophole and our device is going to plug that, said Dr

The device is described in the journal Science.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] McVeigh, MK, Biochips

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-



Miniaturized telemetrics have been part of an ongoing
project by the military and various intelligence
agencies to test the effectiveness of tracking
soldiers on the battlefield. The miniature implantable
telemetric device was declassified long ago. As far
back as 1968, Dr. Stuart Mackay, in his textbook
entitled Bio-Medical Telemetry, reported, Among the
many telemetry instruments being used today, are
miniature radio transmitters that can be swallowed,
carried externally, or surgically implanted in man or
animal. They permit the simultaneous study of behavior
and physiological functioning.…[190]

Dr. Carl Sanders, one of the developers of the
Intelligence Manned Interface (IMI) biochip,
maintains, We used this with military personnel in
the Iraq War where they were actually tracked using
this particular type of device.[191]

It is also interesting to note that the Calspan
Advanced Technology Center in Buffalo (Calspan ATC),
where McVeigh worked, is engaged in microscopic
electronic engineering of the kind applicable to

 Calspan was founded in 1946 as Cornell Aeronautical
Laboratory, which included the Fund for the Study of
Human Ecology, a CIA conduit for mind-control
experiments by émigré Nazi scientists [and others
under the direction of CIA Doctors Sidney Gottlieb,
Ewen Cameron, and Louis Jolyn West].



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-14 Thread William Shannon

December 14, 2001

Did the Israelis have advance notice of 9/11? Probably.

I couldn't help but laugh as I read the following entry in Andrew Sullivan's weblog: "People ask why Americans tend to sympathize more with Israelis than Palestinians. It's not racism. It's a recognition that, for all their failings, the Israelis live in the same moral universe as we do. The Palestinians palpably, brazenly do not." 


Sullivan is a bloated bag of wind begging to be punctured, and his delusions about Israeli benevolence certainly have been pricked by the news that the 60 or so Israelis being held by the US since 9/11 are what Fox News calls "part of a long-running effort to spy on American government officials." And that's not all: while "there is no indication the Israelis were involved in the Sept. 11 attacks," we are told, "investigators suspect that they may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance and not shared it." If the Israelis had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and failed to inform us, then just what moral universe are they living in? Surely one many light-years from our own.


When the news first broke that not only Arabs are being held in the wake of 9/11, to my knowledge I was the only columnist to deal with the subject of the mysterious Israelis in custody: "Israel and  9/11 –   Feds holding 60 Israelis in connection with 9/11 – Why?" While the Washington Post assured us that the Israeli detainees were only "observing a time-honored tradition in their country – touring the world after their mandatory service in the Israeli military," I was more than a little skeptical: 
"Something tells me these guys are no ordinary tourists, but since the US Government is keeping mum about everything connected with this investigation, we just don't know." 


Ah, but now some government officials are talking, and we know a lot more. We know that some of the detainees have been identified as Israeli military or intelligence agents, and that some failed polygraph tests when asked whether they had engaged in covert operations "against and in the United States." We also know, courtesy of Fox News, that as many as 140 Israeli agents may have been rounded up in the US before 9/11: the extent of Israel's covert action operation is described as "sprawling." 


What were they doing here? Besides infiltrating a whole laundry list of government agencies, including the DEA, the FBI, military bases, and even targeting the private homes of government officials, they were also conducting surveillance on a group of Arab immigrants in California that authorities believe have connections to the 9/11 plot. I'll admit that the following was sheer speculation on my part, but it looks like I was dead right. As I wrote in November:
"In rounding up untold hundreds of mostly Arab Muslim men, and interviewing thousands more, the Ashcroft Sweep is clearly designed to gather information that might lead them to the remaining conspirators. It could be that the Israelis, or at least some of them, fall into this category: while not being directly involved, maybe they know something."


What did they know, and when did they know it? That is the question that must now be answered, and pronto. For remember what the President said: "You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists." If the Israelis had advance notice of  9/11 – via their spy network in the US, which kept the hijackers and their associates under surveillance – then this is "harboring" terrorists, by any definition of the term. Look what happened to the Taliban when they harbored bin Laden. If Israel did indeed betray us, and let 3,500 people die at the World Trade Center, then they deserve what the Afghanis got – plus a little bit more.


At least Mullah Omar and the Taliban never made any bones about the depth of their contempt for the US. Israel, on the other hand, pretends to be our staunchest ally, more royalist than the king when it comes to confronting the declared enemies of the West. Yet an undeclared enemy, posing as a friend, is in many ways a greater potential threat – as, perhaps, we are beginning to learn.


When asked for details about the detention of the Israelis, a highly placed investigator huffed that "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified, I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information." Aside from affirming that such evidence exists, this same source admitted to the Los Angeles Times that there were certain "tie-ins" with 9/11. Some patriotic law enforcement officials seem to have leaked just enough information to practically confirm our worst suspicions. As Brit Hume put it in his lead-in to the first of Carl Cameron's four-part investigative 

[CTRL] Link-Official Complaint Against JDL Terrorists

2001-12-14 Thread William Shannon

Re: [CTRL] High Crimes and Conspiracies

2001-12-14 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

good article. Thanks for posting it to me-

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
High Crimes and Conspiracies, by Wolf DeVoon/A - High
Crimes and Conspiracies

by Wolf DeVoon

White House staff scripted every question asked at
Bush´s set piece town hall meeting in Orlando, proof of
which is the fact that CNN had the question graphics loaded
in show order, ready to air at the precise moment when
hand-picked shills stood up on cue to recite them.

When I worked at ITN, long ago, I was shocked to discover
that news outlets were given printed transcripts of
speeches, hours before they were actually delivered, on the
agreement that such foreknowledge of public policy
announcements were embargoed (i.e., unreportable) until
they were read from teleprompter by the talking head in
question. But nothing in my jaded experience as a journalist
prepared me for what happened in Orlando. Allegedly there to
promote tourism, Bush´s tightly scripted standup before a
smiling pack of cheering Florida flagwavers resembled an
evangelistic tent revival, determined to put a happy face on
two deeply sad developments: (1) the United States is
engaged in unconcionable mass murder of a defenseless
enemy in Afghanistan, and (2) the Bush White House is
taking orders from Ariel Sharon, not vice versa.

Part of the problem is that Deputy Dubya is so damned dumb
that he was unable to form an independent assessment of what
happened at the World Trade Center and what the U.S.
response should be to faceless, cowardly terrorism — a
ludicrously false characterization that demands we trash
plain English in favor of Zionist Newspeak. All 19 WTC
hijackers were identified, their faces flashed on every
television screen in America. They were Saudis and
Egyptians, not Afghans. And Bill Maher was factually, if not
patriotically correct: the Islamic commandos who attacked
Israeli-owned Cantor Fitzgerald were certainly not cowards.

In response to guest Dinesh D'Souza's assertion that people
who are willing to die in service to their cause, whatever
else they may be, are not cowards, Maher said: We have
been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles
away. That's cowardly. I was sitting next to Bill when he
said this. And not only did I not object, I wholeheartedly
agreed. (Arianna Huffington, September 24, 2001)

Giving Control to Thugs

Here´s cowardice in capital letters: our high-altitude
bombardment of massed Taliban troops and defenseless
civilians who can´t shoot back. Russian-equipped opposition
Northern Alliance forces have basically fought no one. They
waltzed through the rubble and rifled the pockets of dead
men, bayoneting the wounded. To hand control of Afghanistan
to such thugs is compounding U.S. war crime upon war crime,
all of it at Israel´s behest, to perpetrate the lie of
Taliban culpability in sheltering bin Ladin, and blanking
out the truth of U.S.-backed Israeli, Saudi, and Egyptian
tyrannies. In the mess of global power politics, created by
Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon, there´s no mystery in
who´s driving the braindead Pentagon brass. When Tom Ridge
announces that the threat level of another U.S. terror
attack has risen, he´s quoting Mossad.

The Bush sham town meeting in Orlando blanked out much more
than who´s really in charge at this desperate moment in
history. The United States is not merely in recession,
calmly waiting out some temporary downturn in a predictable
business cycle. For decades, we´ve robbed our children and
grandchildren to party hearty, ignoring who got bank credit
and who didn´t. It is a trusted principle of criminal
investigation to follow the money. Most of it leads to the
Oil Patch Posse and their proxies. None of it ended up in
Afghanistan, Palestine, or the slums of Cairo, where the
last refuge of desperation is an imaginary salvation in
heaven. The U.S. is only a whisker away from the same fate,
no matter how fat we feel.

And of all the dung flung in our faces to explain away
American guilt, the worst is Dubya´s insistence that
enemies of freedom will be brought to justice — a
doublespeak promise that sounds right and guarantees wrong
after wrong: detention without due process, military trial
without appeal, economic recovery by spending spending
spending. The Founding Fathers knew better. It isn´t hard to
find a copy of the U.S. Constitution, and the Federalist
Papers that obviate its intent. The United States was
designed to govern — guess what? — the contiguous, 18th
century territory of the 13 original states, preserving the
civil liberty of ordinary Americans. Where is your liberty

No matter what else you may see and hear, no matter what the
hypocrites and lapdogs at AOL-Time Warner-CNN pump at you,
pitting liberal Jews against bloodthirsty Jews in fake
debate and fantasy pronoucements of 

[CTRL] Bushs Faith-Based Star Wars Initiative

2001-12-14 Thread William Shannon

Bush’s Faith-Based
"Star Wars" Initiative

In what may be the single most ill-advised move of his presidency, so far, George W. Bush will announce, in the next few days, that the United States will withdraw from the 1972 ABM treaty, so he can "move ahead" with Star Wars.  The decision makes absolutely no sense, and it’s incredibly ill-timed.  Bush’s proposed "missile defense system" doesn’t work; it likely will never work; and even if, by some yet unforeseen miracle of science, it could work, it still wouldn’t work, because it doesn’t begin to address the real threats America faces in the coming decades.

Not only will Bush’s announcement signal to the rest of the world that America can’t be trusted, even to act in it’s own best interest, it signals that the president and his handlers are dupes of the corporate elite that paid for the president’s campaign, and are now standing in line for the big payoff - billions in government contracts.

Foreign policy and defense experts have warned that abandoning the treaty will strain relations with Russia, damage U.S. associations with even our allies, taint a number of other international pacts, and will likely lead to an arms buildup by China and other nations.  Bush is willing to risk all this for a far-fetched scheme that would address only an infinitesimally small portion of the possible threats to America’s security and has been repeatedly shown to be unworkable, besides. 

But the backers of Bush’s move claim the newest vision of Star Wars is theoretically possible, because it is a drastically scaled-back version of Reagan’s missile defense "shield."  The new goal is to intercept only a small number of warheads.  But that’s a specious argument.  Upon inspection, the Bush plan fails to overcome the very same set of problems that caused Reagan’s scheme to flounder, after wasting billions of tax dollars.

The Bush Administration claims that a July 14th test over the Pacific was a success.  It wasn’t.  They initially said that a "kill vehicle" had intercepted a "dummy warhead."  Actually it did no such thing.  When newspapers discovered that what was reported as a "hit," was really a "miss," the Administration made the excuse that, "the prototype radar used to measure the collision between the interceptor and a mock warhead had malfunctioned."  So in what way, exactly, was it a success?

What’s even more telling is that, in the latest test, the "mock warhead" was launched carrying a device that emitted a signal to guide the "kill vehicle" right to it.  It is unlikely that "rogue states" will be so accommodating.

When asked about future tests supposedly scheduled for 2005 or 2006 - to deploy a laser from a satellite that would target a missile in the earth’s atmosphere - the director of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization said: ""It's not clear we know how we're going to do that."  He’s overstating his case.

The technology to make the system work simply does not exist.  The Union of Concerned Scientists and the MIT Security Studies Program have unequivocally stated that Bush’s proposed testing program "is not capable of assessing the system’s effectiveness against a realistic attack."

Bush’s Star Wars is not based on science, but on science fiction.  Senator Richard Durbin announced in May of this year: "I have come to the conclusion that missile defense is becoming more like faith, than science or reason.  If only we believe, it will work."

But will it?  The best scientists in America, who’s business it is to know, have tried, again and again, to explain that, even if a system could be deployed, it could quickly and easily be defeated.  The fundamental problem of countermeasures remains unsolved.  Deployment would inevitably result in a never-ending game of obsolescence and "catch-up" that would require more, and more, and more, ... and even in a best-case scenario, it would result in a whole new arms race.  And that’s without taking into account the fact that the system would provide no protection whatsoever from gas, or germs, or "nuclear brown bombs," or even hijacked domestic airliners, which are all far more likely threats.

Incredibly, Bush is using September 11th to argue for the need to abandon the ABM treaty.  Such a position is indefensible - it’s utter nonsense.  The Administration has yet to explain how a missile defense system would have thwarted box-cutter wielding hijackers.

Vladimir Putin recently explained in an address to the Russian Parliament that if Bush withdraws, "... we can, and will withdraw ... from the whole system of treaty relations having to do with the limitation and control of strategic and conventional arms."

When Bush announces the U.S. withdrawal from the treaty next week, so he can spend billions on a faith-based, science fiction fantasy, you will not be safer.  You certainly won’t be any more protected from terrorists, who have countless weapons at their disposal that are 

Re: [CTRL] Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies :SuspectedIsraeli Spi--j2

2001-12-14 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


 How about less theory and more conspiracy.


how about putting a stop to the fact that you sit and
wait for anything anti-israeli and, in your blind
fury, post pseudo-rebuttals...

Do You Yahoo!?
Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of
your unique holiday gifts! Buy at http://shopping.yahoo.com
or bid at http://auctions.yahoo.com

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies :SuspectedIsraeli Spi--j2

2001-12-14 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 12/14/01 6:22:00 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

how about putting a stop to the fact that you sit and
wait for anything anti-israeli and, in your blind
fury, post pseudo-rebuttals...

Gee that'd be nice!
I bet he's next in line o'er at the JDL now huh?
Biding his time...waiting his turn and POOF!! Alas there it is!!


[CTRL] Hentoff-Organize to Bring Back the Bill of Rights

2001-12-14 Thread William Shannon

Organize to Bring Back the Bill of Rights

With Congress caving in to the Bush administration's assault on the Bill of Rights, Nat Hentoff argues that ordinary Americans will have to act to safeguard their Constitutional protections.

by Nat Hentoff December 12, 2001

The chief value of Attorney General John Ashcroft's anticlimactic appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Dec. 6, was his naked public contempt for the First Amendment right to dissent, coming as it did after Ashcroft had repeatedly promised that the domestic campaign against terrorism would not threaten Constitutional rights. Said Ashcroft:

"To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve. They give ammunition to America's enemies..."

So much for the hearing. True, some senators asked pertinent questions, but many key developments were never addressed. Ashcroft left as he came -- utterly confident in the overwhelming public support for his and the president's shredding of the Constitution.

However, this support is based largely on the public's chronic lack of knowledge of their own constitutional rights, let alone those of non-citizens. At the hearing, the senators could and should have started to show the American populace that citizens as well as non-citizens are candidates for the Bush-Ashcroft dragnet and its assault on the Bill of Rights.

For example, the attorney general was not asked about his resurrection of long-abandoned FBI practices -- practices which were set aside because they were shown to be attacks on the First and Fourth amendments.

From 1956 to 1971, under an initiative known as COINTELPRO, the FBI infiltrated and disrupted political and religious groups supposedly linked to communism. Among them: anti-war and civil rights organizations, and other liberal groups dissenting from various government policies and operations.

In 1975, Senator Frank Church's Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, after an extensive investigation, charged COINTELPRO with being "a sophisticated vigilante program aimed squarely at preventing the exercise of First Amendment rights or speech and association."

The Church committee indignantly said that "The American people need to be reassured that never again will an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order."

But, as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal have reported, that war against us has begun again as our protections against such activities are being eroded. Recent Justice Department orders suspend regulations -- insisted upon by the Church committee -- requiring the FBI to show probable cause before moving to monitor domestic political and religious groups. Today, the standards are likely to return to what they were during the days of the COINTELPRO operations.

The senators should also have confronted Ashcroft with the facts of the anti-terrorism bill he championed -- The USA Patriot Act -- which radically lowers standards for electronic surveillance of telephones, emails and other computer activities and which will effect untold numbers of citizens under the bill's broad and vague definitions of terrorist activities, including "support" of terrorism.

Now, the attorney general has already said that criticism of his policies gives ammunition to America's enemies, and most of Congress is clearly in fear of being targeted as disloyal and unpatriotic in the approaching 2002 elections. As a result, the only way we have to get enough members of Congress to bring back the Bill of Rights is to exert our own sustained pressure on them -- as was done in the 1960's -- with teach-ins on campuses and at town meetings; newspaper ads; marches and virtual online gatherings. Similar efforts back then changed the direction of the nation, even when the majority of Americans did not at first support either the anti-war or civil rights movements. The same can be accomplished today.

During what passed for a debated on the anti-terrorism bill, the ACLU pulled together the largest and most diverse coalition of opponents to a bill I have ever seen. The members of that coalition -- left, right and center -- must not stay dormant if we are to avoid conservative Congressman Bob Barr's prophecy that "this massive suspension of civil liberties will likely set precedents that will come back to haunt us terribly."

Ashcroft speaks of "phantoms of lost liberty." They are not phantoms to those already detained under the anti-terrorism campaign authorized by the bill.


[CTRL] Dead Scientists, Big Hoodoo

2001-12-14 Thread William Shannon

Dead Scientists, Big Hoodoo


Over the past few weeks several world-acclaimed researchers, geniuses by many accounts, specializing in infectious diseases, as well as DNA sequencing have been found dead or have been missing. I believe these scientists were unaware of their participation in the developing of a genetic bioweapon that will wipe out as much as one third of the population on planet earth. 

In Novemeber, Dr. Benito Que, cell biologist working on infectious diseases like HIV was found comatose outside of his lab at the Miami Medical School. 

Within of week of Dr. Que's assault, Dr. Don C Wiley, foremost infectious disease researcher was declared missing. His rental car was found with a full tank of gas and the keys in the ignition. His disappearance made to look like a suicide. 

According to colleagues and Dr. Wiley's family, the Harvard Scientist associated with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute would NEVER commit suicide. Associates who attended the St. Jude's Children Research Advisory Dinner with Dr.

Wiley, just hours before he disappeared, said that he was in good spirits and NOT depressed. 

On November 23rd, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, the foremost Soviet Biopreparat scientist who was responsible for aerosolizing plague and was the successful developer of binary weapons known as the 'Novichok group' of weapons was found dead. 

Dr. Pasechnik defected from the Soviet Union in 1989 while visiting the UK where he lived until his death in November. There were NO media reports of his death for one full week. At that time, an official from the UK intel community announced that Dr. Pasechnik had 'a stroke.' No autopsy or futher details were forthcoming. 

On December 10th, Dr. Robert M. Schwartz was found murdered in his secluded farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. Dr. Schwartz was a well-known DNA sequencing researcher. He founded the Virginia Biotechnology Association where he worked on DNA sequencing in his lab for 15 years. 

Halfway around the world in December, a skilled microbiologist was killed at CSIRO's animal diseases facility in Geelong, Australia. He had logged 15 years' experience with the unit. Victoria Police said Set Van Nguyen, 44, appeared to have died after entering an airlock into a storage laboratory filled with nitrogen. His body was found when his wife became worried after he failed to return from work. 

I believe there a cabal exists in the US and that this group is responsible for the anthrax hoax mailings of 1998 and the recent, deadly anthrax mailings of 2001. This cabal consists of some members from the highest levels of Government, the Military and the Biotech Industry. There appears to be a clandestine plan to develop a virulent infectious disease and quite possibly a 21st century version of the 1918 Spainish flu or other virus. 

This pathogen is going to be genetically-altered to only infect a certain group of people. I believe that Dr. Wiley's research of immunity factors of viruses, bacterias and mycoplasmas will be used to create a pathogen that will NOT infect (will leave untouched) a designated genetic type. 

This portion of the genetic target weapon was no doubt developed with research from Dr. Schwartz. In essence, a doomsday bioweapon can be released with a guarantee that the genetic code of certain individuals, and the virus itself, will protect these individuals from infection. 

If an unaltered pathogen were released, such as a virulent strain of Ebola or other level 4 bioweapon, those who release it would also fall victim to it. A type of MAD, mutually assured destruction, has thus far prevented the release of Level 4 pathogens. However, if there was a bioweapon that would NOT kill those who release it, then we would see a worldwide pandemic with a protected group left unaffected by the pandemic or "plague." 

It has been stated throughout the Bible that when the lost 10 tribes of Israel return to their homeland to fight and win the battle of Armadeddon and Solomon's temple is rebuilt, the return of the Messiah and end of the world as we know it will be at hand. 

Nine of the ten tribes have been found. They have been found in areas of the world now involved in the Afghan war. One of the missing tribes is thought to be Pathan peoples of Afghanistan. Other tribes have been found in Uzbekistan, in India on the border of Burma as well as in Pakistan on the border of Afghanistan. A tribe that consists only of direct desendants of Biblical priests has been found on an island off the coast of Tunisia. There is but one tribe to be found, that is the tribe of Asher. 

I believe that we are going to see the prophecy of the return of lost tribes to Israel fulfilled this year. At that time, there will be a release of the genetic bioweapon created in the US under the direction of a cabal who take orders from the Antichrist. 

Before the year 2001 ends, there will be 

Re: [CTRL] Feds Arrest Sixty Israeli Spies :SuspectedIsraeli Spi--j2

2001-12-14 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Eric - read where this Jewish Defense League guy Rubin was it?
That he murdered this arab...did they get the goods on himso you
see America is becoming a terrorist nation.

Israel is bringing all this destruction opon the USA - just read the
Lavon Affair to see how they operate - and then wonder why those 4
pilots who died in the Kamikazi planes still live?

No doubt Egyptian Jews...but the little red arrows leading to a copy
of a Koran - ludicrous, childish...and this little flyspeck on the
map, one swat and  POOF gone with the wind for he who troubles his own
house, will inherit the wind.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Failure of US to respond to Jewish Terrorism proved War On Terror is a fraud

2001-12-14 Thread William Shannon

Failure of US to respond to Jewish Terrorism proved "War On Terror" is a fraud.



The JDL's attempted bombing is terrorism by any definition of the word, and as the following will demonstrate, not the first. Now is when we see if Bush's "War On Terror" is what it claims to be, or just an excuse to grab someone else's oil. Will Bush treat Israel the way he treated Afghanistan? Or will Bush look the other way? 

Jewish Defense League Unleashes Campaign of Violence in America

Another view of the JDL.

Verbatim translations of Mexican media stories (and original source links) about Mossad agents arrested with bombs inside the Mexican Congress.

A former Mossad agent blows the whistle.

If it is okay to cluster bomb the innocents of Afghanistan for Osama's terror, then why is it not okay to bomb the innocents of Israel for Rubin's terror? Terror is terror. And with the arson fires against Muslim targets in Chicago, it is clear that such terror continues.

The United States Goverment has declared that starving and bombing the people of Afghanistan, the forcible removal of that government, the seizure of funds and banning of all fundraising by arab groups inside the United States are all valid and legal responses to the acts of terror of which Osama bin Laden is accused, but for which proof has not yet been established.

In contrast, Irv Rubin's involvement in plots to bomb targets in Los Angeles including a US Congressman has been established with far greater certainty. He was, after all, arrested with the bomb materials in hand.

If Bush's "War On Terror" is legitimate, and not just a political fiction designed to justify a grab for the Caspian Sea Oil, then the same actions taken against Arab groups and Arab nations must now be taken against Jewish Groups and Jewish nations. If the people of Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iraq must be punished for Arab terrorists in the United States, then the people of Israel must be punished for Jewish terrorists in the United States. Every bomb into Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, etc. must be matched by a bomb into Israel if the "War On Terror" is to maintain the appearance of legitimacy. If Arab groups with suggested links to Arab terrorists can have their assets seized, their ability to fundraise halted, then so to should Jewish groups with with suggested links to Jewish terrorists have their assets seized, and their ability to fundraise halted, if the "War On Terror" is to maintain the appearance of legitimacy.

Why isn't the "War On Terror" sending cruise missiles into Jeruselam with the same enthusiasm with which we sent cruise missiles to attack an aspirin factory in Sudan? Or is the "War in terror" really just a fancy and meaningless lable for the "War for other people's oil".

In truth, the answer is that it is NOT appropriate to bomb the people of Israel for what Rubin has done. The people of Israel have no more control over what the Mossad does than the American people have over the CIA, which like Rubin, has a history of planting bombs among civilian populations to make their point. Likewise, the people of Afghanistan have no control over what Osama bin Laden (also CIA it should be remembered) does. Therefore it is not and never was appropriate to bomb them. The US Government is doing so ONLY because the oil company consortium planning an oil pipeline into the Caspian Sea oil fields demanded the removal of the Taliban before the start of construction, because the Taliban demanded too much for the pipeline right-of-way. The US envoy to the Taliban offered them a " "carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs". The Taliban did not think the Americans could be trusted and called off the deal. That's why bombs fall on Afghanistan and not on Israel. There is no "War on Terror". It's a war on refusing to do business with American oil corporations at the price the American oil corporations set.

Mr. Rubin may have failed to destroy the Mosque and the offices of Congressman Issa, but what Mr. Rubin has succeeded in destroying is the justification for a continued bombing campaign against the people of Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, or the other 47 nations on Mr. Cheney's list, supposedly as punishment for ex (?) CIA agent Osama bin Laden's crimes of 9/11, if indeed he was ever guilty of them in the first place.

But one action which can and must be taken to preserve the appearances of an unbiased "war on terror" is to place the JDL and all organizations linked to it on the list of terrorist organizations operating within the United States, and as a result, to freeze their asserts and to deny them the ability to raise funds for further terrorist actions. because when all is said and done, Mr. Rubin is a terrorist. And the JDL, of which he was chairman, is a terrorist organization. He, and they, must be treated as one.

[CTRL] Fwd: India Blames Pakistan (Uncle Sam's PAID Ally) for Bloodbath

2001-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan


Pakistan To India: Watch Your Step
* India Blames Pakistan-Based Islamic Group For Parliament Bloodbath

NEW DELHI, Dec. 14, 2001

(CBS) India said it has evidence that a Pakistan-based Islamic militant
group was to blame for the suicide attack on Parliament that claimed 12

Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh said Friday that India issued a formal
complaint to the Pakistan High Commission claiming it has technical
evidence that the attack on Parliament was the work of the Pakistan-based
Lashkar-e-Tayyaba militants.

The Lashkar-e-Taiba guerrillas denied responsibility.

As tension ran high between the nuclear-armed arch enemies, Pakistan warned
India against any misadventure in retaliation.

Gen. Rashid Qureshi said during a discussion on state television. Pakistan
would take a strong action against any border or airspace violation, he

Five gunmen armed with AK-47s and explosives stormed the red sandstone
complex in a suicide attack Thursday, killing six security force personnel
and a gardener. 

Singh said the complaint, given to Pakistan High Commissioner Ashraf
Jahangir Qazi by Indian Foreign Secretary Chokila Iyer, demanded that
Pakistan halt the activities of two Pakistan-based Islamic militant groups,
Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and Jaish-e-Mohammed.

The demand also called on Islamabad to arrest the leaders of the militant
groups and freeze their financial assets.

I wish to emphasize that these demands are in accordance with necessary
international obligations and commitments in countering terrorism, Singh

We have made a demarche that India has technical evidence that yesterday's
terrorist attack on Parliament House was not just against the symbol of
Indian democracy and the sovereignty of the Indian people, that it was the
handiwork of a terrorist organization based in Pakistan, the
Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, Singh said.

The Pakistan government's response was measured.

Pakistan is against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, said
Pakistan's foreign ministry spokesman, Aziz Ahmed Khan. President Gen.
Pervez Musharraf and the government have already condemned the incident.

Simply issuing a statement is not enough, he said, adding India would
have to provide us some evidence.

The Jaish-e-Mohammed group is accused of carrying out a massive suicide
bombing attack against the Jammu-Kashmir state legislature on Oct. 1. That
assault claimed 40 lives and was similar to Thursday's attack on Parliament.

Speaking from Islamabad, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba spokesman Yahya Mujahid said:
This is drama staged by Indian intelligence agencies in collusion with the
Indian government to have the jihadi (militant) groups and Pakistan declared
as terrorists. India wants to use the present international atmosphere
against terrorism against Pakistan. No Kashmiri group is involved in attacks
on civilians. 

Singh would not reveal the evidence India claims to have against the
militant organizations.

There are obvious difficulties in revealing the evidence right now, he
said. The agencies of government have many means of obtaining

He said India had held consultations with the United States and other
countries to pass on this evidence.

India has accused Pakistan of sponsoring and funding Islamic militants
fighting for independence in the disputed Himalayan province of Kashmir.

India and Pakistan have gone to war twice over the territory, which both
countries claim in its entirety.

India has been skeptical of Pakistan's new role as a key ally in the
U.S.-led global war on terrorism.

Pakistan has asserted that it is with the rest of the international
community in combatting terrorism and that it does not promote terrorism,
Singh said. We expect that Pakistan will abide with what it says itself.

Asked whether India intended to take military action against the militants
on Pakistani territory, Singh said: India has said what it has to say
through the voice of the statement of the Cabinet.

On Thursday, the Cabinet issued a pledge to fight terrorism.

We will liquidate the terrorists and their sponsors, wherever they are,
whoever they are, the statement said.

©MMI, CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press and
Reuters Limited contributed to this report. 

---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] High Crimes and Conspiracies

2001-12-14 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well how about this one - Globe, the cheap Tabloid, had a story on the
front of their publication stating that Osama bin Laden murdered
Princess Diana.

So my old friend worked for Globe and the National Enquirer - made good
money, but she was also MI6 and Globe and National Enquirer at the time
- fronts for fronts, etc.

These Tabloids can make or break someone..blackmail, the worksif
a star gets out of line a little bad press can destroy them.   For
instance this little Wyona Ryder arrested for shoplifting over 5
thousand dollars worth of trinkets and played in the movie HEATHERS
about a kid in a black trench coat who pulls a gun in a cafeteria and
wants to blow up his school, and set the stage for Littleton - so they
like this little star who is now 30 years old, was in the family with
Timothy O'Leary - and etc., but they like her so the papers say all a
big mistake.

Well who the hell cares - but the stars love to read all about
themselves.now I would like to have read the story as to how Osama
murdered the little Princess.but, would not waste my money on same -
had I been at the super market I would have read it.

Now Mohamed Al Fayed - I say, I would not want this man mad at mehe
lost his son, whom he obviously adored..but he was not good enough
for the royal family as Prince Philip said we will not have a son of a
bedoiun camel driver as a step father to the future King of
England...blah, blah, blah.

So the first to go was the guy in the white Fiat, one of the press who
hounded the Princess to hell - her every move watchedwherever she
went - they were watching herbut evidently this white Fiat left
enough paint that he shared part of the blame for the death of the
princessand Dodi Fayed, who of course produced Chariots of

Never saw the movie - but anyway, this reporter for the cheap Tabloid -
they found him in his white Fiat, in a wooded are, car and reporter, the
Chariot had been set afire, with reporter in same.

Now - can't help thinking of the Astronauts at at the funeral of the
Challenger Astronautsthey went down January 28, 1985 - and the
Apollo astronauts died in a fiery chario of the gods.on January 27,
1967.but the Psalm they read (the astronaut) at the funeral, ws
the 46th Psalm ..the Shakespearian cipher psalm, and God set their
chariots afire.

So - Something connects here for Acts 19 playes a role in each of the
above murders assuming the little Princess Dianawhom it was said the
Queen despised.was murdered and obviously she was for she and John
F. Kennedy Jr. were a great threat to this New World Order bunch but
most of all a threat to Israel..imagine the Princess of Wales
married to a descendent of the Pharoahs of Egypt.

So as the stomach churns - the show musta go on.

Can you imagine Osama bin Laden involved in the murder of the Princess
of Wales - the Princess used to stay at Goldie Hawns house when in USA
and prior to her death she had met with her astrologer psychic - she
might have well as met with Jack the Ripper.

So - guess who subsidizes all these cheap Tabloids - did you ever notice
there are always so many left when new ones come in?

Murdochs New York Post is subsidized by Murdoch  .. and it was his
Star that had the first anthrax letter as I recall..

Does anybody really care?


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] UBL Tape (some ongoing observations)

2001-12-14 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 13 Dec 2001, at 11:33, RevCOAL wrote:

 Some of my preliminary thoughts/observations:

  3.  UBL looks a tad tubbier than he has in other tapes

That's cause those caves in Tora Bora are world-famous for their
goat curry.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] High Crimes and Conspiracies

2001-12-14 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
 Well how about this one - Globe, the cheap Tabloid, had a story on the
 front of their publication stating that Osama bin Laden murdered
 Princess Diana.

I saw that one at the local convenience store. The Globe is about a
half-step from the Weekly World News, but not nearly as funny. I'll even buy
the WWN for the fantastic (and completely fake) alien and/or Satan and/or
Batboy pictures. If they gave away The Globe, I might read it just for kicks
... but again, it's not really that funny.

- jt

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] High Crimes and Conspiracies

2001-12-14 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The Enquirer you can tell so obvious now Joshua R, it is really a
propaganda tool.

Used to be you would not see a President of the United States in these
publicationsnow you see Gary Condit and the Clintons on their front
pages - and they obviously think this is big timing it to get in the

Always wondered about this one thing - who the hell cares about the
private lives of the Royal Family of England for without the Tabloids,
one would never read of them.

It is said you cannot embarrass or insult a Royal.National Enquirer
few weeks ago called George Bush Our Hero and some of this stuff on
Giuliani - well they are making celebrity status.

Now this is where you can tell the difference between a Star and a
Cometso that is why I assume was it Emerson who said Hitch Your
Wagon to a Star - for comets always seem  on a disaser course.

Tabloids needed something to get involved and are trying to acquire
respectibility again but when they do, nobody will buy them I suppose.

Think most people do as I do - when standing in line at a Super Market I
read them not because I am to cheap to buy them, but am just passing

The linking of Osama bin Laden to the death of Princess Diana is just a
little too muchbut I am wondering if Mohamed Al Fayed did not
get a certain amount of revenge for he has the money and connections
without a doubt to carry out such a plan - he is Egyptian.

Propaganda is all..unsolved mysteries and crimes all deserve equal
time and space, but those Tabloids - just think, MSNBC had to get news
from the Tabloids and they are so stupid they do not realize who and
what is behind the Tabloids.

I believe Globe had advance information that JFK Jr. was going to be
killed - and no matter where he was that day - he would have been killed

These reporters way back in late 70 period then some made $50,000 per
year for just a story or two.my old friend wrote or them strictly
for the money and you sign contracts (she was also their astrologer and
astrologer to Reagan - nice to have a spy working for a Tabloid??)

Pretty bad when to get the facts and nothing but the facts, you have to
find a foreign press with no personal axe to garind.

Putting Presidents on TV shows and in Tabloids adds celebrity status -
and cheapens the offices..no more Gary Condits and Bill Clintons,


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Trimmin' The Fat

2001-12-14 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

US companies shed 800,000 jobs in two months

Retail sales drop a record 3.7 percent

By David Walsh
15 December 2001

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Retail sales dropped by a record 3.7 percent in the US in November,
led by an 11.9 percent plunge in auto sales. The large declines
followed big increases in October, when consumers responded to free
financing offers from the automakers. Excluding the wide swings in
auto sales, retail sales were still weak in November, dropping by 0.5

Fueling the drop in spending has been the loss of some 800,000 jobs
in the past two months through layoffs, as the US economy officially
entered into recession for the first time since 1990-91. There have
been more than 1.6 million layoffs so far in 2001. The number of job
cuts carried out by individual corporations this year is staggering:
General Electric, 75,000; Nortel Networks, 50,000; Lucent
Technologies, 40,000; Motorola, 39,000; B
oeing, 38,600; DaimlerChrysler, 28,700; Montgomery Ward, 28,000; Solectron, 20,850; 
UAL Corp. (parent of United Airlines), 20,000; AMR Corp. (parent of American 
Airlines), 20,000; Honeywell, 16,000; General Motors, 15,000
, and so on.

In the newest wave of job cuts, telecommunications company Qwest —the dominant phone 
company in 14 Midwestern and Western states—announced December 13 that it was cutting 
its workforce by 7,000, or more than 11 percent. Q
west Chairman Joseph Nacchio remarked, “Demand is weaker across all our product 
lines.” The company acquired “Baby Bell” US West last year.

The day before, financial services giant American Express reported that it was 
slashing 6,500 jobs. The company, which helps companies with their travel plans and 
issues credit cards, has cut 15 percent of its workforce s
ince the beginning of the year. The firm is hurting as a result of the global slump in 
travel. Travel sales fell 46 percent in October from the same month in 2000, and about 
38 percent in November. According to Reuters, “
The stock market downturn also is taking a toll on American Express, which has 
extensive money management operations. The company’s Wall Street rivals have fired 
thousands of people as money made from selling stocks, bond
s, and mutual funds evaporated.”

Aetna, the managed health care provider headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut, is 
planning to cut 6,000 jobs, or 16 percent of its total employees. More than 4,000 will 
be laid off, while the other positions will be lost
 through attrition. Last month Aetna posted a third-quarter loss of $54.4 million. The 
firm is the country’s leading provider of health care and related group benefits, 
serving 17.5 million health care members, 13.7 milli
on dental members and 11.7 million group insurance customers. These numbers are down 
considerably from a year ago.

Chip equipment maker Applied Materials announced December 12 that it will cut 1,700 
jobs in response to the continuing slump in the semiconductor industry. In September, 
the company cut 2,000 workers from its payroll.

LTV Corp., the bankrupt steel company, is laying off more than 1,600 workers at its 
Indiana Harbor Works in East Chicago. A number of steel companies, including U.S. 
Steel (a division of USX), Bethlehem Steel and Wheeling
-Pittsburgh Steel are currently engaged in merger talks. LTV is not included. “LTV is 
going out of business. We are marketing the facilities, and our first choice is to 
sell them as an entire unity, but some portions may
be sold off separately,” commented a spokesman for the Cleveland-based company. On 
December 7, Sheffield Steel, a small producer in Oklahoma, became the 29th US steel 
company to file for bankruptcy since 1997.

Firestone Tire closed its Decatur, Illinois plant on Friday, throwing 1,500 workers 
out of their jobs, including many with decades of experience. Many of the tires cited 
over the past year in rollover deaths, mostly in Fo
rd sport utility vehicles, were manufactured at the plant, resulting in millions of 

The largest supermarket operator in the US, Kroger Co., disclosed plans December 11 to 
slash 1,500 jobs, primarily management and clerical positions. The company reported 
its third- quarter earnings fell by 33 percent and
 promptly saw the value of its shares drop by 12 percent. Kroger operates 2,401 
supermarkets in 32 states under two dozen names, and employs some 310,000 people.

Delphi, the Troy, Michigan-based auto parts maker, announced December 10 that it will 
lay off an additional 1,400 employees because of an expected slowdown in auto sales. 
Delphi revealed a restructuring plan last March, c
alling for the elimination of 11,500 positions, the closing or consolidation of nine 
plants and the reduction of the workforce at more than 40 others.

Textbook publisher and financial information provider McGraw-Hill, whose properties 
include Business 

[CTRL] Connect the Enron Dots to Bush

2001-12-14 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

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LA Times, 11 Dec 2001

Connect the Enron Dots to Bush

Robert Scheer

Enron is Whitewater in spades. This isn't just some rinky-dink land
investment like the one dredged up by right-wing enemies to haunt the
Clinton White House--but rather it has the makings of the greatest
presidential scandal since the Teapot Dome.

The Bush administration has a long and intimate relationship with Enron,
whose much-discredited chairman, Kenneth L. Lay, was a primary financial
backer of George W. Bush's rise to the presidency.

It was Enron that provided the model for the administration's trickle-down
attempt to revive an economy that's been in steep decline during Bush's
tenure. That model gives the fat-cat corporate hotshots everything they
want in return for bankrolling political campaigns. Not to worry about the
rest of us because, hey, what's good for Enron is good for America. That it
hasn't been is now painfully clear.

What did Enron get in return for its contributions? It got its way on
deregulation, for one thing. Remember when the administration refused to
assist California and other states during the energy crisis, and consumers
paid the steep price?

So greedy was Enron that it locked its own workers into a pension plan
based on inflated company stock values and suspect hidden partnerships,
while the top leadership led by Lay made out like bandits.

Bush should be called as a witness in the congressional hearings scheduled
to unravel this mess. One thing that should come up in the hearings is
then-Gov. Bush's October 1997 telephone call on behalf of Lay to
then-Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to help Enron crack into the tightly
regulated Pennsylvania electricity market.

I called George W. to kind of tell him what was going on, Lay told the
New York Times about the 1997 phone call, and I said that it would be very
helpful to Enron, which is obviously a large company in the state of Texas,
if he could just call the governor [of Pennsylvania] and tell him [Enron]
is a serious company, this is a professional company, a good company.

Since we now know Enron lacked those virtues, it's clear Bush was used to
sell a bill of goods to the unsuspecting Pennsylvania folks.

That Lay was instrumental in Bush's rise to the presidency is indisputable.
Since 1993, Lay and top Enron executives donated nearly $2 million to Bush.
Lay also personally donated $326,000 in soft money to the Republican Party
in the three years prior to Bush's presidential bid, and he was one of the
Republican pioneers who raised $100,000 in smaller contributions for
Bush. Lay's wife donated $100,000 for inauguration festivities.

As governor, Bush did what Enron wanted, cutting taxes and deregulating
utilities. The deregulation ideology, which George W. long had adopted as
gospel, allowed dubious bookkeeping and other acts of chicanery that
shocked Wall Street and drove a $60-billion company, seventh on the
500 list, into bankruptcy.

This emerging scandal makes Whitewater seem puny in comparison; clearly
there ought to be at least as aggressive a congressional inquiry into the
connection between the Bush administration and the Enron debacle. Facts
must be revealed, beginning with the content of Lay's private meeting with
Vice President Dick Cheney to create the administration's energy policy.

What was Lay's role in the sudden replacement of Curtis Hebert Jr. as
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chairman? As the New York Times
reported, Hebert had barely settled into his new job this year when he had
an unsettling telephone conversation with Kenneth L. Lay, [in which Lay]
prodded him to back ... a faster pace in opening up access to the
electricity transmission grid to companies like Enron. Lay admits making
the call but in an unctuous defense of his influence peddling said, The
final decision on [Hebert's job] was going to be the president's, certainly
not ours. Soon after, Hebert was replaced by Texan Pat Wood, who was
favored by Lay.

Other questions: Was there any conflict of interest in the roles played by
key Bush aides? Political advisor Karl Rove owned as much as $250,000 in
Enron stock. And economic advisor Larry Lindsay and Trade Representative
Robert B. Zoellick went straight from Enron's payroll to their federal jobs.

There are other Enron alum in the