[CTRL] The Imperial Bush We Feared

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon


The Imperial Bush We Feared

SARTRE - April 19, 2002

Gentleness and slack has been shown the President. Expectation for a successful administration has always been our hope. As time passes and events play out their twists and turns, the true nature of the man becomes visible. All leaders have flaws. Most seek to serve their own interests. But when a fatal fault is exposed, it instills fear and dread. The evidence for this conclusion, did not come from a detailed analysis of policies or their relative success or failures. This judgment comes from the literal meaning of his own words. Mr President, do you really believe what you said?

His recent speech at VMI at the George C. Marshall ROTC awards, spoke directly on - a Call for the End of Terrorism. Public attention for this event was nowhere near the viewing of his address to the Nation after 911 or the last State of the Union message. But hidden within the text, is an insight into the man that cannot be denied. The opportunity to see the delivery of the message has an impact that a mere reading will not convey. This was one time that we, the people, could see the intensity in the heart and mind of the American President.

As commander and chief, no doubt he was addressing a group of future warriors. But when he came to the crucial passage, the applause dropped off to a faint whimper. Is it possible that this audience understands the significance and implications of this mindset, while the public sees and hears only what it wishes to believe?

" . . . Whenever global terror threatens the civilized world, we and our friends and our allies will respond decisively." (APPLAUSE)

"Every nation that joins our cause is welcomed. Every nation that needs our help will have it. And no nation continues (pause) -- around the world the nations must choose: They are with us or they’re with the terrorists."

Significantly, there was no applause from the audience.

How did we get from: "You are either with us or against us", elevated to support for terrorism? Are you saying that no one can or should question U.S. government definitions and identification of a terrorist? Our justifiable national cry and mission was to hold the perpetrators of the tragic and wicked attacks of 911 on America accountable. We were told that al Qaeda was responsible for these criminal acts? We keep hearing that the network of this band of cowards has been effectively neutralized, even if not completely dismantled. So where does accountability end and elimination of ever potential adversary begin?

Don't miss the subtle but crucial distinction. Most of the world supported a righteous effort to bring justice to those related to the crime. It is no surprise that intensity for that endorsement has dropped considerably, as Bush policy broadens the definition to include anyone who may threaten or even hate American presence. Moving to a state of perpetual and constant deployment, only guarantees a war of unending conflicts.

Bush's zeal and passion for this task is evident for all to see. His determination to resurrect the "axis of evil" mantra, claiming a duty to confront and eradicate it, is akin to dropping a red flag in front of a bull. But you can't kill all the steers, unless you resort to the slaughterhouse approach. Terrorists are consumed with hate. They seek political turmoil. How do you eliminate this threat when it is based upon a demented willingness to strike where a society is most fragile? Proactive arrogance only breeds a more determined foe. So why does the American alter ego require a garrison mentality? Is there a hidden need to validate the manhood of the country? Why paint our house red and rouse the temper of an animal? Fences provide more safety, while rational effort are sought to neuter the beasts. If the attention of the deranged is directed away from a direct challenge, the matador is able to apply his deadly art . . .

The progression is frightening, for we are less secure today because of this misguided strategy. How can one rid the world of all remnants of terror when a new bogeyman arises when needed? Terrorism is a tactic of the weak used against the strong. Who has more to lose when your enemy has nothing to risk? Isolating elements of terror, discrediting their sick hatred and a sober reflection on our projected image as an imperial tyrant, will place this task into the proper context.

Now, Bush seeks to expand the list of enemies. He claims to preserve the peace and prosperity of Antoninus Pius, while maintaining an empire using the methods of Tiberius. He wants to return as victor in full view of Trajan's Column, while he confiscates our rights and severely taxes our resources for waging a global war. Nero will once again play his lyre, while America burns. Bush you are no Stoic philosopher like Marcus Aurelius, for you act more like Domitian, paranoid over ever possible enemy. For all your 

[CTRL] Thierry Meyssan:Who Was Behind the September Eleventh Attacks?

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

Who Was Behind the 
September Eleventh Attacks?
Presentation By Thierry Meyssan
Author of the book:
"11 Septembre 2001: l'Effroyable imposture"
(Paris: Editions Carnot, 2002)

We present below a transcript of the presentation given by Thierry Meyssan on 8 April 2002 at the Zayed Center in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), at a gathering organized under the auspices Arab League and attended by the diplomatic corps and the international press corps. This presentation was followed by questions and answers, which are in the process of being transcribed and translated. 

Your Highness, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

In the first minutes following the first attack on the World Trade Center, officials suggested to the media that the person behind the attacks was Osama bn Laden, the epitome of Muslim fanaticism. Not long after, the recently appointed director of the FBI, Robert Mueller III, designated nineteen kamikazes by name and mobilized all the means at the disposal of his agency to track down their accomplices. The FBI thus never undertook any investigation but, instead, organized a man hunt, which, in the eyes much of the United States public, quickly took on the appearance of an Arab hunt. This reached such a pitch that people were incited to attack - even kill - Arabs whom they naively considered collectively responsible for the attacks. 

There was no investigation by Congress, which, at the request of the White House, renounced exercising its constitutional role, supposedly in order not to adversely affect national security. Nor was there investigation by any media representatives, who had been summoned to the White House and prevailed upon to abstain from following up any leads lest such inquiries also adversely affect national security. 

If we analyze the attacks of September the eleventh, we notice first off that there was much more to them than the official version acknowledges. 

1.We know about only four planes, whereas at one point it was a question of eleven planes. Further, an examination of the insider-trading conducted in relation to the attacks shows put-option speculative trading in the stock of three airline companies: American Airlines, United Airlines and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. 2.The official version does not include the attack on the White House annex, the Old Executive Office Building (called the "Eisenhower Building"). Yet, on the morning of the eleventh, ABC television broadcast, live, pictures of a fire ravaging the presidential services building. 3.Neither does the official version take into account the collapse of a third building in Manhattan World Trade Center complex, independently of the twin towers. This third building was not hit by a plane. However, it, too, was ravaged by a fire before collapsing for an unknown reason. This building contained the world's biggest secret CIA operations base, where the Agency engaged in economic intelligence gathering that the military-industrial lobby considered a waste of resources that should have been devoted to strategic intelligence gathering. 

If we look closely at the attack against the Pentagon, we notice that the official version amounts to an enormous lie. 

According to the Defense Department, a Boeing 757, all trace of which had been lost somewhere over Ohio, flew some 500 kilometers (300 miles) without being noticed. It supposedly entered Pentagon air space and descended on to the lawn surrounding the heliport, bounced off the lawn, broke a wing in collision with an electric transformer station, hit the facade at the level of the ground floor and first story, and was totally consumed by fire, leaving no other traces than two dysfunctional black boxes and pieces of passengers' bodies. 

It is obviously impossible that a Boeing 757 could, for some 500 kilometers, escape detection by civil and military radar, by fighter-bomber planes sent in pursuit of it and by observation satellites that had just been activated. 

It is also obviously impossible that a Boeing 757 could enter the Pentagon's air space without being destroyed by one or more of the five missile batteries protecting the building. 

When one examines the photographs of the facade, taken in the minutes following the attack (even before the Arlington civilian fire fighters had time to deploy), one sees no trace of the right wing on fire in front of the facade, nor any hole in the facade into which the plane could have been swallowed up. 

Apparently without the least fear of laying itself open to ridicule, the Defense Department declared that the jet engines, made out of tempered steel, had disintegrated under the shock of the impact - without damaging the facade. The aluminum of the fuselage is claimed to have combusted at more than 2,500 Celsius within the building and to have been transformed into gas, but the bodies of the passengers which it contained were so little burned that they were 

[CTRL] Newswatch Editorial 4/19/02

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

America is asleep spiritually as to world events that will affect their lives. A group that worships Lucifer - Satan - was founded on May 1, 1776 called the Illuminati. This group has been in existence since the Pharoahs of Egypt. However, the modern version that is seeking total control of the world FOR Lucifer started with Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Their ultimate goal was a one-world-government under their control with the destruction of ALL religion - especially Christianity.

The extraordinary group of worshipers of Lucifer overthrew the Czar of Russia to establish a seen enemy of Christianity. It is called CRISIS MANAGEMENT. They CREATE a problem - Christianity VS. Atheism or Capitalism VS. Socialism. They advertise the problem very widely - never can there be peace as long as opposite ideals exist, the threat of nuclear extinction. They then FURNISH THE SOLUTION - world government through the United Nations Organization.

To achieve their objectives, they laid down a program of many revolutionary wars in the 20th Century and if necessary extending into the 21st Century. There would also be THREE World Wars. Russia became their atheistic/socialistic tool of destruction. They would supply revolutionaries all over the globe with training and military supplies. Ultra rich Wall Street bankers and industrialists financed the war machine of Russia. They were aided by European friends who were all members of the Illuminati.

We have witnessed either in person or in the history books World War 1 and II. The Communist world has pretended to have collapsed to fool the West - mainly the United States. When we have reduced our military, they will sponsor a surprise attack. This has been prophesied in the Bible - Ezekiel 38. There is so much misunderstanding of who modern nations have descended from that most have no idea who the Bible is talking about in prophecy.

The United States CANNOT fight on two fronts at the same time. One of our generals put his neck on the line by speaking out on this matter. As the U.S. gets more deeply involved in Bush's War On Terrorism, the communist world will definitely take notice of the depletion of our military supplies and ability to defend the home front.

Unfortunately for America, we have been deceived by our Federal Government into believing we need an unconstitutional federal police force called Homeland Security. Those working for a One-World-Government look for and create opportunities to CENTRALIZE all power in the hands of the Federal Government. The Homeland Security program of creating a FEDERAL police force in preparation for Martial Law was planned at least as far back as 1998. They were waiting for a tragedy to introduce it. Now we see FEDERALIZED security guards at airports and FEDERALIZED police under the name Homeland Security.

Abraham Lincoln provoked a war on the South and used the Federal military against Americans. The Supreme Court stated in 1868 in Ex Parte Milligan that that was an Unconstitutional act. President Bush, by signing an Executive Order, has created an Unconstitutional Federal Police Force. America, prepare for the concentration camps, invasion of your homes, and the loss of your freedoms. The hand writing is on the wall.

Not everything is as it seems to be on the surface. 

David J. Smith 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Off to Baghdad!

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 20 Apr 2002 at 17:27, Xxx Yyy wrote:

 And what seem to be the rules by which the Muslims

And don't forget that the Islamic countries have been living by those rules ever since
they were codified and enforced for almost 15 hundred years.  They have a tough
system over there.  Given the natural tendencies of the indigenous and the type of
lifestyles imposed by the environment, it has been deemed necessary.  But I am not
to judge as they have their own sand to sweep.  But also don't forget that while the
advanced, enlightened and superior Europeans were living through the Dark Ages,
the Moslems were going through a period of great vitality.

 No other prominent culture today speaks about holy war the way
 several main Muslim currents do. Sending young Palestinian children
 to attack soldiers is one aspect of it.

This, unfortunately, borders on propaganda, appealing to the superior Western mind
as being an example of atrocity perpetuated by the Islamists against a more humane
group.  Whenever there is a case of pushing a group to their limits, there are always
extreme behaviours and consequent deeds to be reported.  In the case of the
Palestinians, whether one accepts that they voluntarily vacated what is now Israel or
they were helped along, the point remains that they are in a bad way.  No one
wants to inherit them or their problems.  Jordan already has a large number of
Palestinians.  The issue in that part of the world remains, first and foremost,
WATER.  Jordan has recently concluded agreements with Israel to establish a
desalination plant on their common borders.  The problem is so severe that many
lakes and streams have been depleted and have died due to overusage and drought.
The Palestinians are water poor while their Israeli settlement neighbours do the
splish-splash in treated swimming pools.  We need not go into evaporation and
casual losses.

But, water is just one example of how the population is being intimidated.  The
overall point is when they or anyone else gets to a point of no return, beyond that
point is when the more advance of our three brains begins to shut down or just space
out given or lacking certain stimuli.  Then the second most advanced, that
corresponding to other mammals, is given priority.  See your cat.  That makes the
third and most fundamental, common to reptiles (hence, references to Reptilian
humans), has a greater role to play.  Then the survival instincts, individual and 
take over, overtaking the civilising or socialising influences most of us enjoy.  When 
gets down that far, anything goes, especially when you might be dying anyway ... of
thirst, hunger, tyranny, whatever.

This is not -- repeat NOT -- unique to the Middle Easterners.  I would be willing to
wager that in the 1940ies Europe, there were groups who experienced oppression
and feared annihilation, doing some pretty bizarre things as a result.  They might
have worked for their oppressors and fed their own people into ovens once they had
died from disease or malnutrition.  They might have actually taken food from the
near-dead ill to supplement their meager nutritional intake.

Those left in the cities and the ghettoes may have decided to create disturbances or
stage uprisings against their oppressors or even make bargains in hopes that they
would be able to improve their lot and the likelihood to better survive.  To be
successful, everyone had to play a part as everyone was equally liable to have their
lives terminated if their specific strategies didn't work.  Some even became willing
lackies, the kapos in order to get a leg up.  But, if and when the end was near, I
wouldn't suppose that they held on to any shreds of civility.  Regardless of age.

This was true also for the vanquished in the Japanese theatres.  Women and
children were convinced that the big, bad 'Mericans would do despicable things to
them if they surrendered.  They jumped off of cliffs rather than test the truth or 
of their leaders' hypotheses.

In Viet Nam, they had similar views.  Lt Calley and perhaps Sen Kerrey (NE)
participated in massacrees of the indigenous.  The Japanese might have been right
to predict what the 'Mericans would do and were thereby justified in splattering
themselves on the rocks below.

Mr  Mz Cool got some friends and went up into the mountains in the fall.  Brought
lots of warm clothing and lots of provisions.  Got snowbound in a cabin.  After a
while, one or more of the group started to act oddly.  The Cools began to exhibit what
is known as cabin fever, the urge to break free of confinement and experience the
wild and free wide open spaces.  But it was 10 below outside and snowing and the
routes out were impassable.  Mr or Mz Cool began to lose it, their sense of the
rational.  Hope was lost, morale sinks, life lost its lustre.  Strange days indeed.

And they have everything they really need: food, warm clothing, wood for fires,
companionship, and above all, 

[CTRL] Another Bush Coup? America's Dirty Hands in Venezuela

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

Another Bush Coup? America's Dirty Hands in Venezuela 
 By William Rivers Pitt 
 t r u t h o u t | April 19, 2002 
News of the abortive coup attempt in Venezuela against the government of President Hugo Chavez has been coming fast and furious in recent days. No mainstream reports have managed to reveal the story in its entirety to date, but an amazing picture has begun to coalesce. Venezuela's democracy, emerging as a beacon of progressive leadership in South America, was attacked by business interests that wished to wrestle control of that nation away from a legitimately elected leader. It is an old story in that part of the world, but this time around the ending was different. Democracy in Venezuela survived its attempted murder, essentially because the people took to the streets and saved it. 
The details in brief: Hugo Chavez won two Presidential elections in Venezuela, in 1998 and in 2000, by the largest margins in forty years. Upon his rise, he instituted a number of socially progressive programs, based upon a concept called Bolivarianism, aimed at elevating the standard of living for his people. Chavez ratified a new Constitution guaranteeing new rights for women and indigenous peoples. He cleared out the plague of graft and corruption in Venezuelan government by restructuring the legislative and judicial branches. He instituted a government-funded breakfast and lunch program for schoolchildren that has helped increase enrollment by over a million students. He provided free health care and public education up to the university level. 
How, you ask, did he pay for all these programs? This is the $64,000 question...or to be more accurate, the multi-billion dollar question. The answer lies in the small word that has so dominated American foreign policy: oil. Venezuela is a major source of petroleum, historically providing between 15% to 40% of America's imported supply. Canada and Iraq, by comparison, make up only 26% of our imported oil. Chavez's country is, without doubt, the most important nation to America on this side of the planet because of this. 
Chavez redirected vast sums of money from Venezuela's petroleum production away from the multinationals, which had been profiting wildly, towards his progressive government programs. That alone was enough to draw the ire of the American petroleum industry and the IMF. But Chavez also became deeply involved with OPEC when Venezuela took over the leadership of that entity, giving it a burst of new influence that caused a spike in the price of a barrel of oil. Once drawing only $8, the price of a barrel of oil went as high as $27 on the international market after Chavez got involved. Not long after Bush took office, the decision was made: Chavez had to go. 
It began with propaganda, as it always does. After Chavez won for the first time in 1998, he was labeled a demagogue and an authoritarian by members of the mainstream American media. The drumbeat of criticism from 'journalists,' whose fealty to the truth apparently came second to their support of business, continues to this day. George W. himself chimed in at one point, making the claim that Chavez's earning of a majority of the vote in two separate elections did not necessarily confer legitimacy upon his administration. 
Yes, he actually said that. Go figure. 
All this reached a crescendo in the past week. According to American media reports, Chavez was chased from office after several anti-government protesters were gunned down in the streets. He resigned, we were told, to preserve democracy in the region. Said democracy was delivered into the hands of the Venezuelan military and the leader of that nation's business (read: petroleum) community, a man named Pedro Carmona. 
It seems, however, that Carmona and his allies misjudged the level of public support Chavez enjoyed. When Carmona abolished the Venezuelan Congress and the Supreme Court, when he changed the country's name to the Republic of Venezuela, and when he instituted a house-to-house search for congressmen and former cabinet members, the hours-old coup attempt flew apart at the seams. 
A popular uprising against Carmona erupted almost immediately in every quarter of Venezuela. The common people took to the streets in support of Chavez and in defiance of the coup in an extraordinary display of patriotic vigor that shames virtually every other democracy in the world. Simultaneously, rank-and-file soldiers and officers in the Venezuelan military refused to accept Carmona's regime and began what ultimately became a successful counter-coup. In short order, Carmona's rule in Venezuela was finished, and Hugo Chavez was reinstated as President. 
It seems, despite American media reports to the contrary, that Chavez never actually resigned. It seems that reports, proffered by the New York Times, CNN and even Ari Fleischer, that Chavez ordered the shooting of anti-government 

[CTRL] The Curse of Colonialism

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Israel corrupted from within by colonial views


MIDDLE EAST: Palestinians are more sceptical than ever that Israel will

give up dominion over the occupied territories, writes Anthony Lewis

In the days after the 1967 war, when Israel was celebrating its great victory, an 
I know warned that triumph could lead to disaster. Capture of the West Bank, East
Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, he said, would tempt Israel to settle those territories.
That would mean colonialism, with all its arrogance and inhumanity. It would
undermine the character of Israel.

And it came to pass. The settlement process, carried on for more than three
decades, has been sustained by colonial methods: suppressing the local population,
seizing land, giving settlers superior legal status. The consequences have been as
my Israeli friend foresaw, corrupting. Now the attempt to extend Israel's dominion
threatens its hard-won asset of international legitimacy.

From the day of its rebirth as a state in 1948, Israel had to struggle for acceptance.
The Arab world refused to recognise the state or even, for a long time, to call it by 
name. Anwar Sadat's visit in 1977 meant so much to Israelis because it represented
acceptance. Then, in 1993, the Oslo Agreement brought recognition of Israel's
legitimacy by the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Palestinian negotiators at Oslo assumed that Israel would gradually abandon the
settlements and withdraw to something very like its pre-1967 borders. But Oslo left
those steps to further negotiation, and they did not happen. The settlement process
continued unchecked after Oslo. (Peace Now reported this March that an aerial
survey of the West Bank showed 34 new settlement sites built in the last year.) More
than 200,000 settlers now live in the West Bank. Settlements, some of them really
small cities, and special highways for the settlers have effectively cut the West Bank
into cantons separated by Israeli military forces and checkpoints.

At Camp David in 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to withdraw from (by
different estimates) between 86 and 91 percent of the West Bank; but his proposal
would have left in place barrier settlements and roads that divide the territory. 
Arafat said no. Many of us who long for a peaceful end to the conflict thought Mr
Arafat's refusal even to explore Mr Barak's offer was a terrible mistake. But in the
Palestinians' view, seven years after Oslo they were justifiably sceptical of Israel's
willingness ever to give up effective dominion over the occupied territories.

After Camp David, the conflict rose to new levels of bloodshed and destruction.
Palestinians carried out appalling acts of terrorism. Hamas's suicide bombers and
then elements of Arafat's Fatah attacked civilians in cafés and pizzerias. Israel
retaliated with what in time became its biggest military operation since it invaded
Lebanon 20 years ago.

Israeli voters, frightened by terror, brought to power in February 2001 the man who
through decades had demonstrated his belief that the answer to Palestinian
aspirations is force, Ariel Sharon. Under Prime Minister Sharon, Israeli forces laid
siege to the West Bank and Gaza, virtually confining the inhabitants to their own
villages and towns. (The Economist said the siege cut the occupied territories into
200 disconnected enclaves.)

Bulldozers destroyed houses and ploughed up olive groves. Israel often responded
to acts of terror by punishing people who had not committed the terror, using F-16s
to destroy Palestinian Authority police buildings and shelling other sites from naval
ships. When terrorists crossed from Egypt and killed Israeli soldiers near the Gaza
Strip, Israel demolished 59 houses in a refugee camp miles away. The siege has
wasted the Palestinian economy, increasing unemployment levels to 35 per cent in
the West Bank and 50 per cent in Gaza. A World Bank report at the end of March
said Israeli restrictions had brought the Palestinian economy close to collapse.

Recently Kofi Annan wrote to Mr Sharon protesting that Israel had wounded or killed
hundreds of innocent non-combatant civilians, fired on ambulances, and blocked
medical access to the wounded. At the climax of Mr Sharon's retaliatory campaign,
Israeli forces entered several cities and refugee camps that were supposed to be
under Palestinian Authority control, then smashed through the walls of houses and
rounded up hundreds of men for interrogation.

Israel carried out assassinations of alleged Palestinian terrorists, a practice that
amounted to conviction and execution without trial.

Particular incidents may show the nature of Mr Sharon's policy better than
generalities. In the early morning hours of March 8th, Israeli tanks and armoured
troop carriers went into the Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem, firing shells and
machine guns to 

[CTRL] Amnesty blasts US over detainees in Afghanistan and Cuba

2002-04-21 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Amnesty blasts US over detainees in Afghanistan and Cuba
London, April 15

Amnesty International on Monday published a report, sent last week to the US
Government, hitting out at violations of the rights of prisoners being held
by the US Army in Cuba and Afghanistan.
The USA's 'pick and choose' approach to the Geneva Convention is
unacceptable, as is its failure to respect fundamental international human
rights standards, the Organisation said in the 62-page document.

Amnesty repeated its request to Washington to be allowed to visit the
prisoners held in Afghanistan and at the US Guantanamo base in Cuba where
some 300 alleged members of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda or the Afghan
Taliban were sent.

A previous request sent to the US Government in January came to nothing, the
London-based human rights organisation said.

In its report, Amnesty again accused the United States of failing to grant
the detainees rights that are universally recognised for any suspect placed
in provisional detention.

It denounced the American authorities' failure to give the detainees
prisoner of war status, to grant them access to a lawyer or to bring them
before a competent tribunal as laid down in the Geneva Conventions.

The US Government must ensure that all its actions in relation to those in
its custody in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay comply with inter national law
and standards, Amnesty International wrote.

This is crucial if justice is to be done and seen to be done, and if
respect for the rule of law and human rights is not to be undermined.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-21 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 Crucifixion was a punishment reserved by the Romans for those condemned of
 high crimes against the Roman state, usually treason; they definitely
 NOT have crucified someone just because some local religious leaders asked
 them to kill someone they deemed heretical...

.they would if they could convince them that the same individual was
also somehow a threat to the state, which is exactly what the sanhedrin did
simply because he happened to refer to himself as the king of the jews
from time to time.

now, it's true that the popular view of the messiah at the time was that he
was going to be a warrior king, and it's true that the romans didn't like
large groups of people crowding around revolutionaries; butjesus was
neither a potential warrior king nor a revolutionary. he was just a crazy
hippie pushing brotherly love and not a real threat to rome at all. i've
never seen any evidence stating that the romans really even took jesus
seriously; pilate certainly had nothing against him. it wasn't for years
after that all of a sudden christianity emerged as a problem for the romans
after all.


now, as for the nazis=romanswellyou give saba too much credit. the
statement was a result of the same logic that made her state that, and i
paraphrase, this conspiracy...job is a part of it.



there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
i'm not going to let congress erode the power of the executive branch -
george w. bush

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Guantanamo detainees no longer being force-fed

2002-04-21 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Posted on Mon, Apr. 15, 2002

2 Guantanamo detainees no longer being force-fed

Knight Ridder Newspapers

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba - Navy hospital medical staff have released
two terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay from a forced-feeding regime and sent
them back to Camp X-Ray to continue their hunger strike, a spokesman said

Medical workers placed feeding tubes up the noses and into the stomachs of
two shackled prisoners on Easter Sunday, after they refused food and water
for a full month to protest their incarceration.

They removed them Friday, their 12th day of forced feeding in a Navy tent
hospital, said Marine Maj. James Bell, and sent them back to their
8-by-8-foot chain-link cells at Camp X-Ray on Saturday.

Other prisoners among the 299 men from 33 different countries have also
engaged in what commanders call a rolling hunger strike, periodically
refusing meals. Commanders attribute the protest to uncertainty over their
futures in Caribbean detainment.

But the two men in their 20s, whose identities are being shielded, had lost
enough body weight to cause concern to doctors.

They were also given intravenous drips against dehydration.

The plan at this point is to continue to encourage the two detainees to eat
on their own, and the medical staff out at X-Ray will continue to closely
monitor their health, said Bell, personal spokesman for Army Brig. Gen.
Rick Baccus, commander of the prison project.

The prisoners did not gain weight during the procedure, which pumped into
their stomachs 2,000 calories a day of what doctors described as a white
milkshake-like substance, Bell said.

But they did not lose weight either.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] [Politics] FYIS. 975: Eco-tyranny from Washington (fwd)

2002-04-21 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:14:22 PDT
From: carl william, spitzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Politics] FYIS. 975:  Eco-tyranny from Washington



 April 18, 2002Volume 5, Issue 4

 A Publication of the American Policy Center
 Tom DeWeese, President
 Peyton Knight, Editor

 98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 43
 Warrenton, VA  20186
 FAX: 540-341-8917

 APC  is  now offering you a quick and easy way  to  multiply
 your  efforts  and  help win more  battles!Simply  click
 http://www.referralblast.com/rblast.asp?sid=5906   to   send
 this  APC Action Alert to up to TEN of your  friends!   It's
 fast,  it's easy, and most of all, it's extremely  effective

 ***S. 975:  Eco-tyranny from Washington

 Several  of  the Senate's most  liberal  members,  including
 Hillary Clinton, Jim Jeffords and Joe Lieberman are  pushing
 for a bill that would allow federal bureaucrats to determine
 how  land will be developed and used in  local  communities.
 This  bold  attack on our federalist society is  titled  the
 Community  Character Act (S. 975).  The name says it  all,
 as several characters are acting to hijack our communities.

 S.  975 is simply a bribe offered by the federal  government
 to localities to update their zoning plans.  The feds  prom-
 ise to pay for 90% of the costs for the updates_BUT ONLY  IF
 THE LOCALITY DOES IT THEIR WAY.  And just what is feds' way?

 Recall that the Clinton Administration paid $2 million for a
 Smart  Growth  Legislative Guidebook that is  intended  to
 guide  counties, cities and towns on how to  update  their
 zoning.   S. 975 provides the money to force this agenda  on
 unsuspecting  localities.   This  bill is  the  vehicle  for
 mandatory sustainable development.  Among other dictates, S.
 975 calls for land use planning to promote social  equity.
 By  gaining  control of how property is  developed  in  YOUR
 community, the federal government thinks it can control  how
 YOU live.  It is essentially snatching your property  rights
 through the channel of local government.

 **Action to Take**

  1.  Call  your both of your Senators and tell them to  vote
  NO  on  S. 975!  S.  975 is  anti-property  rights  and
  anti-American.   Individuals and locally elected  offi-
  cials  should be free to determine the type and  amount
  of growth appropriate for their communities.  We  don't
  need the federal government and radical  environmental-
  ists forcing their warped vision upon us!  Capitol Hill
  Senate  Switchboard:  (202) 224-3121.  Simply  ask  for
  your Senators by name.

  2.  Click  http://www.referralblast.com/rblast.asp?sid=5906
  to  send  this APC Action Alert to up to  TEN  of  your

 ***UN's International Criminal Court Becomes Official

 Last  week,  April  11, the  United  Nations'  International
 Criminal  Court (ICC) became a reality.  On that date,  four
 more nations ratified the ICC treaty, thus giving the UN the
 necessary  60 ratifications needed for the court  to  become

 Though  the United States never ratified the treaty,  Presi-
 dent  Clinton, in one of his final, dastardly  deeds  before
 leaving office, signed the treaty.  Now it is more important
 than ever before that President Bush rescind that signature.
 That  signature  tells the United Nations that the  U.S.  is
 willing to participate in this sham of a global court.

 Congress'  greatest champion of U.S. sovereignty,  Rep.  Ron
 Paul,  has  recently  introduced H.R.  4169,  the  American
 Servicemember  and  Citizen Protection Act of  2002.   This
 bill would protect American citizens from prosecution by the
 ICC,  prohibit  the use of U.S. taxpayer funds  for  the  UN
 court,  and it deems ICC actions against U.S. military  per-
 sonnel as acts of aggression against the United States.

 Now  that  the  International Criminal Court  has  become  a
 reality,  it is extremely important that Congress pass  Rep.
 Paul's  American Servicemember and Citizen  Protection  Act.
 We  must  protect our brave men and  women  fighting  terror
 overseas  from  vindictive nations who have a bone  to  pick

Re: [CTRL] [Politics] FYIS. 975: Eco-tyranny from Washington (fwd)

2002-04-21 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

But what is wrong with sustainable development?


On 21 Apr 2002 at 5:20, William Bacon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
 My ICQ# is 79071904
 for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:14:22 PDT
 From: carl william, spitzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Politics] FYIS. 975:  Eco-tyranny from Washington



  April 18, 2002Volume 5, Issue 4

  A Publication of the American Policy Center
  Tom DeWeese, President
  Peyton Knight, Editor

  98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 43
  Warrenton, VA  20186
  FAX: 540-341-8917

  APC  is  now offering you a quick and easy way  to  multiply
  your  efforts  and  help win more  battles!Simply  click
  http://www.referralblast.com/rblast.asp?sid=5906   to   send
  this  APC Action Alert to up to TEN of your  friends!   It's
  fast,  it's easy, and most of all, it's extremely  effective

  ***S. 975:  Eco-tyranny from Washington

  Several  of  the Senate's most  liberal  members,  including
  Hillary Clinton, Jim Jeffords and Joe Lieberman are  pushing
  for a bill that would allow federal bureaucrats to determine
  how  land will be developed and used in  local  communities.
  This  bold  attack on our federalist society is  titled  the
  Community  Character Act (S. 975).  The name says it  all,
  as several characters are acting to hijack our communities.

  S.  975 is simply a bribe offered by the federal  government
  to localities to update their zoning plans.  The feds  prom-
  ise to pay for 90% of the costs for the updates_BUT ONLY  IF
  THE LOCALITY DOES IT THEIR WAY.  And just what is feds' way?

  Recall that the Clinton Administration paid $2 million for a
  Smart  Growth  Legislative Guidebook that is  intended  to
  guide  counties, cities and towns on how to  update  their
  zoning.   S. 975 provides the money to force this agenda  on
  unsuspecting  localities.   This  bill is  the  vehicle  for
  mandatory sustainable development.  Among other dictates, S.
  975 calls for land use planning to promote social  equity.
  By  gaining  control of how property is  developed  in  YOUR
  community, the federal government thinks it can control  how
  YOU live.  It is essentially snatching your property  rights
  through the channel of local government.

  **Action to Take**

   1.  Call  your both of your Senators and tell them to  vote
   NO  on  S. 975!  S.  975 is  anti-property  rights  and
   anti-American.   Individuals and locally elected  offi-
   cials  should be free to determine the type and  amount
   of growth appropriate for their communities.  We  don't
   need the federal government and radical  environmental-
   ists forcing their warped vision upon us!  Capitol Hill
   Senate  Switchboard:  (202) 224-3121.  Simply  ask  for
   your Senators by name.

   2.  Click  http://www.referralblast.com/rblast.asp?sid=5906
   to  send  this APC Action Alert to up to  TEN  of  your

  ***UN's International Criminal Court Becomes Official

  Last  week,  April  11, the  United  Nations'  International
  Criminal  Court (ICC) became a reality.  On that date,  four
  more nations ratified the ICC treaty, thus giving the UN the
  necessary  60 ratifications needed for the court  to  become

  Though  the United States never ratified the treaty,  Presi-
  dent  Clinton, in one of his final, dastardly  deeds  before
  leaving office, signed the treaty.  Now it is more important
  than ever before that President Bush rescind that signature.
  That  signature  tells the United Nations that the  U.S.  is
  willing to participate in this sham of a global court.

  Congress'  greatest champion of U.S. sovereignty,  Rep.  Ron
  Paul,  has  recently  introduced H.R.  4169,  the  American
  Servicemember  and  Citizen Protection Act of  2002.   This
  bill would protect American citizens from prosecution by the
  ICC,  prohibit  the use of U.S. taxpayer funds  for  the  UN
  court,  and it deems ICC actions against U.S. military  per-
  sonnel as acts of aggression against the United States.

  Now  that  the  International Criminal Court  has  become  a
  reality,  it is extremely important that Congress pass  Rep.

[CTRL] Some ask were aliens or Bush Behind September 11

2002-04-21 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

From: preston peet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,
Here's yet another insulting article coming out since US Rep. Cynthia
McKinney made her public statements wondering what in the hell happened
Sept. 11. There've been a whole series of articles in mainstream US press
outlets implying that those of us asking questions as to why the Pentagon
is missing $2.3 trillion of US taxpayer money, and why after giving so
much money to the US intelligence and military agencies something like the
attacks on Sept. 11 could take place, and myriad other questions that
should be addressed, well, we questioners are all nuts to be critically

Preston Peet


What Consensus?
Conspiracy Theorist Immune to the Widespread Support for War on Terror

By Dean Schabner

April 17 - In the days immediately after Sept. 11, while most of the country
was reeling from shock, some people out there were wondering what really

When the government said evidence pointed to Islamic fundamentalist
terrorists, other voices wondered why investigators weren't looking in
other directions. Couldn't those supposed Arabs seen on airport security
videos checking onto flights just as easily have been Israelis? Couldn't
it all have been a Jewish plot to trick the United States into a war
against Israel's enemies?

In the months since, more and more evidence has been produced by
investigators in the United States and around the world linking Osama bin
Laden's al Qaeda network to the attacks that killed more than 3,000 people
in New York, Washington and western Pennsylvania.

But it hasn't put an end to the conspiracy theories - they have just changed
direction - and new ones keep popping up. And these are not the usual voices
of doubt and dissent calling on the government to reconsider its foreign
policy, or pick its allies more carefully, or even those who say the U.S.
government bears a kind of moral responsibility for what happened on Sept.
11 because of the mistakes of the past.

There are voices popping up on Internet Web sites, in chatrooms and making
the rounds in e-mail chains - even some conspiracy theorists who are packing
hundreds of people into lecture halls - saying that evidence points to some
direct level of involvement in the attacks by the U.S. government. And this
at a time when an unprecedented numbers of Americans have rallied behind the

Where's the Plane?

There is no smoking gun in any of the theories, but plenty of innuendo in
schemes that run the gamut. Here is just a small sampling:

  Bush's decision to go ahead with an announced public appearance on the
morning of Sept. 11, after he must have been informed that planes had been
crashed into the World Trade Center, shows he knew of the attack plans
before that morning and knew he would not be a target for the hijackers.

  Photographs of the Pentagon that morning and of the cleanup afterwards
show that no plane crashed into the building because there was no debris
from a jet and the damaged area of the building was too small - it had to
have been a bomb planted inside to destroy the Office of Naval Intelligence,
which would never have accepted the administration's story about who was
behind the attacks in New York.

  Or maybe an unmanned fighter jet, radio controlled and flying at a low
angle, crashed into the Pentagon. (In these scenarios it's never clear what
happened to American Airlines Flight 77 and the 64 people on board.)

  The reason the tapes from the cockpit recorders of the four hijacked
planes have not been released is because the voices they record are not
human, but the voices of aliens.

  Even a congresswoman seems bitten by the bug, and wants an investigation
into what President Bush knew and when he knew it - because so many of his
friends have profited so handsomely from the resulting U.S. actions.

The National Character

Though at first glance it may seem strange that there should still be people
looking for Sept. 11 villains besides bin Laden and his al Qaeda network,
people who have studied conspiracy theories over the years say it is
perfectly natural, and even a fundamental part of the American character.

These are shattering experiences, when people's confidence and faith is
shattered and their everyday routine is disrupted, Boston University
sociology professor Daniel Monti said. This is going to bring out the best
we have to offer from some people, and from others it's going to bring out
the worst.

Some scholars who study conspiracy theories say American ideals, such as the
belief in free speech and an underlying distrust of power, make this country
a natural breeding ground for alternate readings of momentous events such as
the terror attacks of Sept. 11.

Richard Hofstadter made this argument as long ago as the 1960s [in his book
The Paranoid Style in American Politics], said Michael Barkun, a political

[CTRL] America must see that Sharon is the problem

2002-04-21 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Gloria Delaplain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 10:02 PM
To: Powell, Sec. Colin; Paul, Rep. Ron; Hutchison, Sen. Kay Bailey; Gramm,
Sen. Phil; Bush, Pres. George W.
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Avi Shlaim Article

America must see that Sharon is the problem

 The Middle East conflict cannot be resolved while the Israelis are
 led by a man who sees military force as the only instrument of

 By Avi Shlaim

 The Observer
 April 14, 2002

 When running for Prime Minister in February of last year, Ariel
 Sharon, Israel's ferocious hawk, tried to reinvent himself as a man
 of peace. Against the background of the al-Aqsa intifada, which he
 had helped to trigger by his provocative visit to Haram al-Sharif
 (Temple Mount), he ran on a ticket of peace with security. In his
 first year in power, Sharon has achieved neither peace nor security
 but only a steady escalation of the violence. In the last two weeks
 Sharon has revealed himself once again as a man wedded to military
 force as the only instrument of policy.

 The 74 year-old Israeli leader has been at the sharp end of
 confrontation with the Arabs for most of his life. The hallmarks of
 his career are mendacity, the most savage brutality towards Arab
 civilians, and a persistent preference for force over diplomacy to
 solve political problems. These features found their clearest
 expression in the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 which Sharon
 masterminded as defence minister in Menachem Begin's Likud

 The war that Sharon is currently waging on the West Bank,
 fraudulently named 'Operation Defensive Shield', is in some ways a
 replay of his war in Lebanon. It is directed against the Palestinian
 people; it stems from the same stereotypes that the Palestinians are
 terrorists; it is based on the same denial of Palestinian national
 rights; it employs the same strategy of savage and overwhelming
 military force; and it displays the same callous disregard for
 international opinion, international law, the UN, and the norms of
 civilised behaviour. Even the principal personalities are the same:
 today, as in 1982, Ariel Sharon confronts Yasser Arafat.

 The invasion of Lebanon was not a defensive war but a war of
 deception. Sharon obtained cabinet approval for a limited military
 operation against the PLO forces in southern Lebanon. From the
 beginning, however, he planned a much bigger operation to serve
 broader geostrategic aims. The principal objective of Sharon's war
 was to destroy the PLO as a military and political organisation, to
 break the backbone of Palestinian nationalism, to spread despair and
 despondency among the inhabitants of the West Bank, and to pave the
 way to its absorption into Greater Israel. A second objective was to
 give Israel's Maronite allies a leg-up to power, and then compel
 them to sign a peace treaty with Israel. A third objective was to
 expel the Syrian army from Lebanon and to make Israel the dominant
 power in the Levant.

 Under Sharon's devious direction, an operation that was supposedly
 undertaken in self-defence developed into a merciless siege of
 Beirut and culminated in a horrendous massacre in the Palestinian
 refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila which led to the removal of
 Sharon from the ministry of defence.

 In his crude but relentless propaganda war, Sharon tries to portray
 Arafat as the master terrorist who orchestrates the violence against
 Israel and secretly encourages suicide bombings by Hamas, Islamic
 Jihad, and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. To be sure, Arafat is not
 above using violence. Nor has he done as much as he could to curb
 the activities of the Islamic militants. Yet Arafat is the leader
 who persuaded his movement to abandon armed struggle and adopt the
 political path in the struggle for independence. By signing the Oslo
 Accord in 1993, and clinching it with a hesitant handshake, he and
 Yitzhak Rabin undertook to resolve the outstanding differences
 between their two nations by peaceful means. Until the assassination
 of Rabin two years later, Arafat proved himself an effective partner
 on the road to peace. The subsequent decline of the Oslo peace
 process was caused more by Israeli territorial expansionism than by
 Palestinian terrorism. Israeli settlements on the West Bank, which
 Sharon's government continues to expand, are the root of the

 Ever the opportunist, Sharon was quick to jump on the bandwagon of
 America's 'war against terror' in the aftermath of 11 September.
 Under this banner, Sharon has embarked on a sinister attempt to
 destroy the infrastructure of a future Palestinian state. His real
 agenda is to subvert what remains of the Oslo accords, to smash the
 Palestinians into the ground, and to extinguish hope for
 independence and statehood. To add insult to injury, he wants to
 remove Yasser Arafat, the democratically elected leader and symbol

Re: [CTRL] Guantanamo detainees no longer being force-fed

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

You'd think they'd have scrounged up some ganja and a water pipr fo these boys.
Then put out the cinnamon rolls slathered with butter or better yet some baklava!


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Fwd: TNS: Week Ending: 20 April 2002/8 Iyar 5762

2002-04-21 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I'm sending the whole thing, there are several articles of interest.
The one in particular that I was interested in was #2, ARAFAT WON'T LET
CHURCH OCCUPATION END. #3, about the UN, would also be on-topic.


--- Tzemach News Service [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Tzemach News Service [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: TNS:  Week Ending: 20 April 2002/8 Iyar 5762
 Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 01:24:26 -0400

 A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the
 people of

 Week Ending: 20 April 2002/8 Iyar 5762

 'As in the days when you came out from the land of Egypt, I will
 show you
 miracles.' Nations will see and be ashamed of all their might. They
 put their hand on their mouth, their ears will be deaf. They will
 lick the
 dust like a serpent, like reptiles of the earth. They will come
 out of their fortresses; To the L-rd our G-d they will come in dread
 they will be afraid before You. Micah 7.15-17

 Please feel free to forward to a friend or colleague.
 To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to

 This Week's Headlines:


 :: ISRAELI ARMY LEAVES JENIN: The Israeli army on Friday pulled out
 Jenin. Jenin refugee camp was the scene of the bloodiest fighting in
 Israeli operation in Yesha (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza).

 The claim that there was a massacre in the Jenin refugee camp has
 taken up by many news media around the world, as well as human rights

 groups, and even among many governments. This claim, originally made
 the height of the fighting in the refugee camp, seriously damages
 political campaign to justify its self defense against terror and the

 legitimacy of the means it is using in that campaign. In recent days,

 journalists have visited the camp, gathering their own first-hand
 impressions and eyewitness testimony about the IDF's operations.
 There is
 evidence of intense combat, but, it can already be said what did not
 in the Jenin refugee camp. There was no massacre. After almost two
 weeks of
 Jenin Massacre! headlines, the world press has been forced to face
 truth: There was none. No order from above was given, nor was a local

 initiative executed, to deliberately and systematically kill unarmed
 people. WASHINGTON POST correspondent Molly Moore wrote, Interviews
 residents inside the camp and international aid workers who were
 here for the first time today indicated that no evidence has yet
 to support allegations by Palestinian groups and aid organizations of

 large-scale massacres or executions by Israeli troops. Armed
 shot, blew up, and mined houses and alleyways. The Israeli soldiers,
 had difficulty progressing, used bulldozers and suffered heavy losses
 -- 23
 soldiers were killed. Under such circumstances, civilians were also
 But declaring the fighting in Jenin a massacre is a mistake on the
 of the naive, and a slander by others.

 In a briefing last Friday, IDF [Israel Defense Force] Col. Hirsh
 When you think of the term 'refugee camp', you think of poor and
 people. This is not the case. Jenin Refugee Camp was actually a
 combat zone -- a real military and terrorist infrastructure. We had
 choice but to destroy the terrorist infrastructure -- everyday there
 terrorists' acts dispatched from Jenin Refugee Camp. The operation in
 cost us the lives of 23 soldiers and many were injured. I regret that
 Palestinian civilians were injured and some were killed. We were
 against armed terrorists. We asked the Palestinian civilians to
 their homes so they would not get hurt, some chose not to. Most of
 Palestinians that were killed were armed terrorists; many had
 devices strapped to their bodies. We found a lot of evidence of
 activity, for example, labs for explosive devices. We are talking
 about an
 organized terrorist infrastructure throughout Judea and Samaria.
 note: it must be remembered that, instead of the 'carpet bombing'
 used by the United States in Afghanistan -- which killed hundreds of
 civilians, the IDF chose instead to fight this battle door-to-door,
 a thorough search for Palestinian terrorists. This resulted in the
 death rate of IDF soldiers.]

 blocking attempts to end the 17-day standoff at Beit Lechem's Church

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Layne Staley, Alice in Chains' Singer, Dies at 34

2002-04-21 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First Kurt Cobain, now this guy. Is this going to become a pattern, Seattle creating 
dead rock stars?


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Layne Staley, Alice in Chains' Singer, Dies at 34

April 21, 2002


Layne Staley, the lead singer of the pioneering grunge band
Alice in Chains, was found dead on Friday at his home in
Seattle. He was 34 years old.

Alice in Chains was one of the first grunge bands to gain
national attention. Beginning with its 1990 EP, We Die
Young, the group sang bleak visions of death, addiction
and despair, set to grinding minor-key guitar riffs. Most
of the band's material was written by its guitarist, Jerry
Cantrell, though Mr. Staley wrote lyrics for many of its
songs, including the band's first hit, Man in the Box,
with the chorus: Feed my eyes, can you sew them
shut?/Jesus Christ, deny your maker.

On the band's second album, Dirt in 1992, Mr. Staley sang
directly about heroin addiction in songs like God Smack
and Junkman, with its chorus, What's my drug of
choice/Well, what have you got?

Duane Fish, a spokesman for the Seattle Police Department,
said that when the police were called on Friday to check on
Mr. Staley, officers forcibly entered his apartment near
the University of Washington campus after there was no
answer to a knock on the door.

Mr. Staley was found dead on a couch with obvious signs of
drug use, Mr. Fish said, including heroin needles and
other paraphernalia. The King County medical examiner has
not determined the cause of death, but said yesterday that
Mr. Staley had been dead for several days. Mr. Fish said,
We have determined it was either drug use or natural
causes. There were no signs of foul play, according to our

Mr. Staley was born in Kirkland, Wash., and started playing
drums when he was 12 years old, inspired by a Black Sabbath
album from his parents' record collection. A few years
later, he decided to become a singer instead, and traded
his drum kit for a microphone.

He met Mr. Cantrell at a party, and formed Alice in Chains
with him in 1987. The group quickly turned from playing
glam-metal to an early variety of grunge, and in 1989, it
was signed to Columbia Records, which released the EP We
Die Young and the band's first album, Facelift, in 1990.

The group appeared as a bar band in the Cameron Crowe movie
Singles, and toured nationally as Facelift went on to
sell two million copies. A second EP, Sap, was released
in 1991, followed in 1992 by Dirt, which has sold four
million copies. Alice in Chains was a headliner on the 1993
Lollapalooza tour, and released its third EP, Jar of
Flies, in 1994.

By then, Mr. Staley was struggling with heroin addiction,
and on the verge of a 1994 summer tour, the band broke up
for six months. Mr. Staley sang on a side project, Mad
Season, with Mike McCready, a guitarist in Pearl Jam. Alice
in Chains reunited in 1995 to make an album, entitled
Alice in Chains, which sold two million copies.

But in a 1996 interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Mr.
Staley was covered with needle marks, and spoke obliquely
about drug use.

I wrote about drugs, and I didn't think I was being unsafe
or careless by writing about them, Mr. Staley said. I
didn't want fans to think heroin was cool. But then I've
had fans come up to me and give me the thumbs up, telling
me they're high. That's exactly what I didn't want to

Alice in Chains taped an episode of MTV Unplugged in
1996; the subsequent album sold one million copies. As the
1990's ended, Columbia released more of the band's
material: a boxed set, a live album and a greatest-hits
collection. But Mr. Staley had dropped out of sight.


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New York Times on the Web, please contact
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Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

Re: [CTRL] Israel Firsters rally against Bush-Powell peace plan

2002-04-21 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Because you have AOHell, and your links are formatted for AOHell. Every
time I tried to click on the ones where the domain name URL is all
numbers, I got an Error 404 message. I figured the site got shut down
or something. Or maybe it was the Valium...

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Having nothing better to do at this hour and waiting for the 10mg of
 Valium I
 took to kick in I tried the first 9 links in that article and lo 
 each and every one of them worked just fine for me.
 Gee, I wonder why?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A closer look at what is happening

2002-04-21 Thread Xxx Yyy
In a message dated 4/21/02 2:01:50 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So, you see, a lot has to do with human events and humans responding to them.

Just in case you didn't notice, the evil is organized by those who are rational, organized and in control of their faculties. They are using cult mind control operations to deliberately to control young lives to take lives in ways that are as cold and calloused as those of any serial murderer. If their minds have been turned, they have been turned by their own leadership. I am not judging all Palestinians as evil. Far from it. The leadership and that network is evil, using their own people callously. The weakness of the Palestinians and most of the rest of the people of the world is that we have given up our ability to analyze what is presented to us and instead respond like sheep to the emotional manipulation of others.

(Sent to me by a friend)

Many of you have heard of Oriana Fallaci, one of Europe's best known
journalists and authors For those of you who have not, please find below an
article published this week in the Italian magazine Panorama (as well as
picked up by the daily Corriere della Sera) which is starting to make lots
of noise.

Fallaci, now aged 71, broke onto the scene in the late ' 60s when she
covered Vietnam, the Greek colonels' coup, the the Middle East etc., etc.
She was then ultra-trendy and a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause.

Oriana Fallaci on Antisemitism

(April 12, 2002)

I find it shameful that in Italy there should be a procession of individuals
dressed as suicide bombers who spew vile abuse at Israel, hold up
photographs of Israeli leaders on whose foreheads they have drawn the
swasitka, incite people to hate the Jews. And who, in order to see Jews once
again in the extermination camps, in the gas chambers, in the ovens of
Dachau and Mauthausen and Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen et cetera, would sell
their own mother to a harem.

I find it shameful that the Catholic Church should permit a bishop, one with
lodgings in the Vatican no less, a saintly man who was found in Jerusalem
with an arsenal of arms and explosives hidden in the secret compartments of
his sacred Mercedes, to participate in that procession and plant himself in
front of a microphone to thank in the name of God the suicide bombers who
massacre the Jews in pizzerias and supermarkets. To call them "martyrs who
go to their deaths as to a party."

I find it shameful that in France, the France of
Liberty-Equality-Fraternity, they burn synagogues, terrorize Jews, profane
their cemeteries. I find it shameful that the youth of Holland and Germany
and Denmark flaunt the kaffiah just as Mussolini's avant garde used to
flaunt the club and the fascist badge.

I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe Palestinian
students sponsor and nurture anti-semitism. That in Sweden they asked that
the Nobel Peace Prize given to Shimon Peres in 1994 be taken back and
conferred on the dove with the olive branch in his mouth, that is on Arafat.

I find it shameful that the distinguished members of the Committee, a
Committee that (it would appear) rewards political color rather than merit,
should take this request into consideration and even respond to it.

In hell the Nobel Prize honors he who does not receive it.

I find it shameful (we're back in Italy) that state-run television stations
contribute to the resurgent antisemitism, crying only over Palestinian
deaths while playing down Israeli deaths, glossing over them in unwilling

I find it shameful that in their debates they host with much deference the
scoundrels with turban or kaffiah who yesterday sang hymns to the slaughter
at New York and today sing hymns to the slaughters at Jerusalem, at Haifa,
at Netanya, at Tel Aviv.

I find it shameful that the press does the same: that it is indignant
because Israeli tanks surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem; that
it is not indignant because inside that same church two hundred Palestinian
terrorists well armed with machine guns and munitions and explosives (among
them are various leaders of Hamas and Al-Aqsa) are not unwelcome guests of
the monks (who then accept bottles of mineral water and jars of honey from
the soldiers of those tanks).

I find it shameful that, in giving the number of Israelis killed since the
beginning of the Second Intifada (four hundred twelve), a noted daily
newspaper found it appropriate to underline in capital letters that more
people are killed in their traffic accidents. (Six hundred a year).

I find it shameful that the Roman Observer, the newspaper of the Pope--a
Pope who not long ago left in the Wailing Wall a letter of apology for the
Jews--accuses of extermination a people who were exterminated in the
millions by Christians. By Europeans. I find it shameful that 

[CTRL] Catholic vs. Protestant Faction Fight

2002-04-21 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

Subject:  Catholic vs. Protestant Faction Fight

(Conspiracy Nation, 4/7/02) -- In The Overthrow Of The American
Republic -- Part 8, Chicago's Sherlock Holmes, Sherman H.
Skolnick, identifies an erupting Catholic vs. Protestant split in
the American aristocracy.

The entire report is (or will soon be) available at Mr.
Skolnick's web site,

The Protestant faction in the American aristocracy is identified
as affiliated with George W. Bush, the current U.S. president,
his father, Sir George Bush, and more generally The Bush Crime
Family and the British aristocracy. The Catholic faction
consists, according to Skolnick, of the Vatican, the House of
Rothschild, Irish-Catholics and more specifically, Irish-Democrat

This faction fight is logically traced by Mr. Skolnick to the
hotly disputed year 2000 presidential election in which George W.
Bush, aligned with the British faction, eventually succeeded to
the presidency.

Skolnick cites evidence linking the Bush cabal with the British
royals, including the Bush Crime Family's joint account with the
Queen of England at her private bank, Coutts Bank London.

So is it more than just a coincidence? That to divert attention
from Bush/Cheney and their direct complicity with Enron, that a
few Catholic priests are scandalized as having many years ago
sexually molested choir boys? writes Skolnick.

This echoes a previous report by Conspiracy Nation in which it is
surmised that A-Albionic's thesis of the British Empire and the
Vatican being in mortal combat for control of the world is behind
the erupting boil of priestly pedophilia mass media news now
saturating outlets. (Excited Catholics Await Pope's Death.)

Vatican leverage at this point, writes Skolnick, includes
possession of documents, via Italy's Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
(BNL), showing a secret partnership between the Bush Family and
Saddam Hussein. To the uninitiated, Skolnick's claim of a
Bush/Hussein business connection may seem incredible; to readers
who have studied the matter, it is not far-fetched.

Skolnick backs up his claim of a Catholic vs. Protestant faction
fight now ongoing amongst the American aristocracy by citing F.
Tupper Saussy's book, *Rulers of Evil*. (Reno: Ospray Bookmakers,

The growing and evident split in the American aristocracy has to
be considered from the historical standpoint of Protestant versus
Catholic. A heavily documented recent book summarizes on its
jacket, the work of the author 'His labors have rewarded us with
valuable new proofs of a vast Roman Catholic substratum to
American history. Evidence suggests that Jesuits played eminent
and under-appreciated roles in moving the complacent New
Englanders to rebel against their mother country in 1776. Indeed,
according to Saussy's discoveries, the American Revolution and
its resulting constitutional republic may have been largely the
outworking of an ingenious Jesuit strategy single-handedly
designed and supervised by a true founding father few Americans
have ever heard of---Lorenzo Ricci. With Ricci comes a whole
host of hitherto little-known names such as Robert Bellarmine,
Joseph Amiot, the Dukes of Norfolk, Daniel Coxe, Sun-Tzu, Lord
Bute, Francis Thorpe, Nikolaus von Hontheim, and the Carrolls,
Daniel, Charles, and John. In their way', writes Saussy, 'these
men were as essential to our constitutional origins as Jefferson,
Paine, Adams, Washington, Locke,and George III.' (*Rulers of
Evil---Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies*, by F. Tupper
Saussy, Ospray Bookmakers, Reno, Nevada, 1999.)

Conspiracy Nation. Now read in all 50 states.

Brian Redman | [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html http://www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief | ---Phone: 217-356-4418
Conspiracy Nation | The perfect slave thinks he's free.

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the 

[CTRL] Vatican launches war against Israeli Crimes!

2002-04-21 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:


Subject:  Vatican launches war against Israeli Crimes!

Project Vatican vs Judeo/Masonic/Anglophile Conflict Theory Proven

Vatican launches war against Israeli crimes Palestine-Vatican, Politics, 4/15/2002  
The Vatican launched a semi-official warfare against Israel terming its re-occupation 
of Palestinian territories as genocide against the Palestinian people, due to which 
the international community must intervene.  This is, of course, an unprecedented 
accusation leveled by the Vatican to Israel whose Politica1 significance prompts other 
western parties to oppose Israeli policies.  In its official Gazette, the Vatican 
stressed that the genocide against the Palestinians has got nothing to do with 
allegations by Israel that its war is against terrorism.  It added that this war aimed 
at preventing Palestinians from realizing their dream of establishing their 
independent state. It stressed that the current war against Palestinians lacked all 
forms of international legitimacy.  Commenting on this war, the Vatican says that the 
current war, waged by Israel in collaboration with the Americans against!
  Muslim Palestinian people, is not religiously blessed.  Rather it is condemned by 
all Catholic Church archbishops in the world. The Vatican urged all Catholics in the 
world to unify ranks to condemn the religiously unlawful war against Palestinians.  
Getting out to the diplomatic chess board, the Vatican recalled the American and 
Israeli ambassadors informing them that Pope John Paul II rejected calling the current 
war against Palestinians as anti-terrorism war.   The Pope urged Israel to withdraw 
immediately from the occupied territories and urged the Americans to stop their 
support to Israel, through public recall of the two ambassadors, the Vatican said that 
all Christians in the World particularly the Catholics support the Palestinian people. 
 Thus, it expressed its readiness to establish an international alliance with Islamic 
leadership to face up the Israeli-American alliance after the Europeans had rejected 
to join them in them aggression against the Palestinian p!
 eople or Iraqi people in the future.
Previous Stories:
The Vatican summons the ambassadors of the US, Israel ../020404/2002040421.html 
Pope John holds Israel responsible for violence in occupied lands 
../020402/2002040242.html (4/2/2002)
The Pope is concerned over deteriorates conditions in Palestinian territories 
../020121/2002012116.html (1/21/2002)


Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [OrderofSkullandBones] Delta Kappa Epsilon and Popes Society Oxford form Transatlantic Reciprocity Relationship

2002-04-21 Thread RoadsEnd




For Further Information Contact: David K. Easlick, Jr., 313 886 2400, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or John E. James, 07940 027976,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Delta Kappa Epsilon and Popes Society Oxford form Transatlantic Reciprocity 

Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, Greyfriars Hall, Oxford University UK, January 4, 
2000: David K. Easlick, Jr., Executive Director of Delta Kappa Epsilon 
Fraternity, and John E. James, The Warden, Popes Society Oxford are pleased 
to announce an exciting new reciprocal relationship between their two 

Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity is a traditional fraternal organization 
founded at Yale University in 1844. It has chapters at some 60 colleges and 
universities across the United States and Canada.  Its distinguished alumni 
include four United States Presidents, George W. Bush, the current Republican 
Presidential Frontrunner, governors, legislators, statesmen, corporate 
leaders and scholars. Fraternities, in general, have tended to be a 
particularly North American phenomenon and despite significant alumni 
presence in Britain, strong linkages to the Old World have not developed and 
efforts to start chapters in England have not been productive. 

Popes Society - customarily known as Popes - is a member only Dining Society 
set in Oxford University, with a history dating back to the turn of the last 
century. Its membership is made up of certain chosen persons that have at one 
point or another been matriculated into the University of Oxford, or have 
been elected at the discretion of the main committee, the Curia. Regardless, 
membership is for life, and Popes members span all walks of life. Though 
Fraternities as such do not exist in the United Kingdom, the nearest 
alternative in Oxford are its dining societies, that espouse a common 
alliance among members, of which, Popes is one of the most successful in 
growth and circulation. Popes seeks the opportunity to have a close point of 
contact with an organisation within the United States that shares similar 
values and would be able to share ideas and thoughts. 

The two societies have an invaluable opportunity in forming an international 
relationship that will benefit both sides of the Atlantic. Both societies are 
suited in that they hold traditional fraternal values, and arise from older 

For Popes: 

The opportunity to have a close point of contact with an organization in the 
United States that shares similar values and would be able to share ideas and 
thoughts; host or help members in visits to member campuses in the US;simply 
provide a reliable source of information within the US on home affairs; 
provide an entry point as a reciprocal member to any of the Popes members who 
decide to undergo further study within the US. 

For DKE: 

The opportunity to have a close point of contact with an organization in the 
United Kingdom, though at present in Oxford, that shares similar values and 
would be able to share ideas and thoughts; host or help members in visits to 
Oxford; simply provide a reliable source of information within the UK on home 
affairs; provide an entry point as a reciprocal or honorary member to any of 
the DKE members that decide to undergo further study within the UK. 

For Both: 

The provisions of open reciprocal invitations to both societies functions and 
events when possible for a member to attend and the constant point of contact 
and communication on society business. 

To access Popes Oxford, click here. 

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Act Now to Stop War End Racism - 100,000 MARCH FOR PALESTINE! -

2002-04-21 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

International A.N.S.W.E.R.
Act Now to Stop War  End Racism

April 20 in Washington DC

Members of the Muslim Community, Antiwar Activists,
Latin American Solidarity Groups and People From All
Over the United States Unite to Say: We Are All

Today over 100,000 people marched in Washington DC in
the largest pro-Palestinian rally in U.S. history.
(Police estimated the figure at 75,000, cited in
Washington Post, April 21.) Another 35,000 marched in
San Francisco.

Demanding an end to the U.S.-backed onslaught by the
Israeli military against Palestinian civilians and
calling for an immediate end to the Israeli occupation
of the Palestinian homeland, protesters turned
Pennsylvania Avenue into a sea of kaffiyas, the
traditional Palestinian scarf worn by demonstrators in
a show of solidarity.

Free, free Palestine! echoed from the White House to
the Department of Justice to the U.S. Capitol.  Over
60,000 people demonstrated at the White House, where
bus after bus from Mosques and Islamic Centers all
over the eastern seaboard dropped off a stream of
protesters that continued to pour into the rally from
the opening speaker until the beginning of the march
on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Once the various rallies merged, tens of thousands
filed past the Department of Justice demanding the
repeal of the USA Patriot Act, and an immediate end to
the Ashcroft raids on the Muslim and Arab community.

Yesterday the U.S. threatened to veto a UN Security
Council resolution calling for an investigation into
the Jenin massacre, said Larry Holmes, co-director of
the International Action Center, part of A.N.S.W.E.R.
The U.S. finally forced the removal of the word
`investigation' from the resolution language.  This is
one more example of how Sharon's war against
Palestinian people is backed and protected by the
George W. Bush.

The U.S. is afraid the truth will come out, said
Carl Messineo, co-founder of the Partnership for Civil
Justice LDEF, also with A.N.S.W.E.R.  And they're
afraid of the kind of multinational solidarity shown
for the Palestinian people by the people of the United
States today in massive numbers.  It has become
impossible for the Bush administration to claim he
speaks in the name of the United States when he bombs
Afghanistan, pays for the slaughter of Palestinians
and threatens Iraq. The people in this country want
money for jobs and human needs, not war against the
people of Palestine.

For more information and to get involved, see:

Act Now to Stop War  End Racism

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] aquino, abuse coverups, abuse increases, US detainees in Cuba and Afghan

2002-04-21 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Amnesty International on Monday published a report, sent last week to the US
Government, hitting out at violations of the rights of prisoners being held
by the US Army in Cuba and Afghanistan. The USA's 'pick and choose' approach
to the Geneva Convention is unacceptable, as is its failure to respect
fundamental international human rights standards...

these may be heavy for survivors.

This may be heavy for survivors. All accusations are alleged.
Michael Aquino, Man in Black - By Alex Constantine The uncanny attraction of
the Third Reich – Nazi Germany – lies in the fact that it endorsed and
practiced both dynamism and life-worship without restraint and to a
world-shaking degree of success.- Michael Aquino. Michael Aquino claims to
have reported directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff….  Dale Seago recalls,
I joined a psychological warfare unit in 1976 at Fort MacArthur in San
Pedro. I was a Spec 4. Later I went to ROTC for two years and returned to the
same psyop unit with Aquino as a second lieutenant…. Aquino split from the
Church of Satan and formed the Temple of Set in 1975. He was already living
in Santa Barbara and working at the psyop unit and I had not yet joined the
cult. The unit was the 306th Psychological Operations Battalion, which dealt
with psyop on a national policy level. [Seago transcript] The military was
heavily represented in the Temple of Set.

For 2 Decades, in 3 Countries, Priest Left a Trail of Sex Abuse by Dean E.
Murphy with Juan Forero Nancy Siesel/The New York Times - 4/20/02 The Rev.
Enrique Díaz was convicted in 1991 of sexual abuse at St. Leo's parish in
Queens, and deported to Venezuela, where it continued. He is now charged in

Child Abuse Shows First Increase in Seven Years - After seven years of
declining rates of child abuse and neglect, the numbers of cases rose in
2000.  Figures released yesterday by the Department of Health and Human
Services show almost 900,000 victims of child abuse or neglect in 2000, with
about 1,200 children losing their lives as a result of the abuse, according
to the Associated PressAbout 3 million cases of abuse or neglect were
referred to child protective services, but only about one-in-three were
substantiated following investigation. Among the confirmed cases, 62 percent
of the victims suffered neglect, 19 percent were physically abused, 10
percent were sexually abused and 8 percent were psychologically maltreated.
In most of the cases -- 84 percent -- the children were abused by a parent.


How a priest's past was hidden - In 1984, the Rev. John P. Connor molested a
boy. Courts and the church concealed his crime. By David O'Reilly Inquirer
Staff Writer 4/21/02 The Philadelphia Inquirer Four years after he molested
a 14-year-old boy in South Jersey, a priest was back on the job in the
Philadelphia suburbs...  http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/3109363.htm

Healing church's wounds - By Pete Mcaleer ...Rev. Gary Hayes stood before
his congregation and told his story: A priest molested him when he was a
teenage altar boy growing up in MillvilleWhen Hayes told his story to an
attorney in 1993, becoming the first priest to file charges against another
priest for sexually molesting a minor, he got a much different reaction.
Camden Diocese Bishop James McHugh, now deceased, labeled the lawsuit a new
kind of terrorism. Now news reports are mounting each day with stories of
church leaders covering up sexual abuse allegations across the country. Hayes
has kept an eye on his hometown diocese, which currently is a defendant in a
class-action lawsuit that alleges a coverup of sexual abuse by 14 of its


Amnesty blasts US over detainees in Afghanistan and Cuba  AFP  London, April
15  -

Amnesty International on Monday published a report, sent last week to the US
Government, hitting out at violations of the rights of prisoners being held
by the US Army in Cuba and Afghanistan. The USA's 'pick and choose' approach
to the Geneva Convention is unacceptable, as is its failure to respect
fundamental international human rights standards, the Organisation said in
the 62-page document. Amnesty repeated its request to Washington to be
allowed to visit the prisoners held in Afghanistan and at the US Guantanamo
base in Cuba where some 300 alleged members of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda
or the Afghan Taliban were sent. A previous request sent to the US Government
in January came to nothing, the London-based human rights organisation said.
In its report, Amnesty again accused the United States of failing to grant
the detainees rights that are universally recognised for any suspect placed
in provisional detention. It denounced

[CTRL] All all these Hitlers really working for us [U.S.]

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Hitlers:  Hussein, UbL, Noriega, and a cast of thousands ?

Insight on the News - Daily Insight
Issue: 05/06/02

Insight Online World Exclusive
By Kenneth R. Timmerman

The retirement of career FBI Special Agent Danny Defenbaugh, accused by defense
attorneys and plaintiffs in the Oklahoma City bombing case of withholding key
evidence, wasn't the only dramatic development in the continuing controversies
surrounding the April 19, 1995, attack that killed 168 people.

Insight has learned that the widow of Philippine-government intelligence agent Edwin
Angeles has provided audiotaped testimony to an investigator working for the
American victims' families that directly ties Iraqi intelligence agents to Terry 
the man sentenced in 1998 to life in prison for his role in bombing the Alfred P.
Murrah Building seven years ago.

Elmina Abdul is the 27-year-old widow of Angeles, one of the cofounders of the Abu
Sayyaf group, a Muslim separatist terrorist organization in the Philippines whose
members trained in Osama bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan. Her astonishing story,
revealed in this exclusive story for the first time, could blow the lid off what a 
number of people believe is a U.S. government cover-up of vital evidence in the
Oklahoma City bombing case. It also exposes an alleged plot ginned up by former
Philippine president Fidel Ramos to manipulate Abu Sayyaf as a means of
enhancing his personal political power.

With the knowledge that she was dying of liver disease, Elmina agreed to meet with
Dorian Zumel Sicat, a Manila Times correspondent serving as an investigative liaison
in the Philippines and the Pacific Rim for Oklahoma City lawyer Mike Johnston, who
represents the victims' families. I want to tell the truth of what I know of my late
husband, she said in a taped audio statement.

Angeles was what they call a 'deep-penetration agent' who was working for some
very powerful men in the DND, the Philippine national defense-intelligence agency,
Elmina said. Angeles was arrested in 1995 after he had negotiated a deal to turn
himself in to the Philippine authorities. By that point, the Abu Sayyaf he had helped
create in 1991 with bin Laden protégé Abdurajjak Abu Bakr Janjalani had carried out
a series of terrorist attacks. These included a failed assault on a U.S. Information
Agency library in Manila in January 1991 that was part of a worldwide terrorist
campaign against U.S. interests orchestrated by Iraq during the Persian Gulf War.

Does the name 'Ramzi Yousef' mean something to you, Mr. Sicat? Elmina asked.
Angeles had extensive meetings with Yousef and two Americans, including one
whom he called Terry or The Farmer, she said.

Angeles ultimately was cleared of terrorism charges at trial, when documents proving
he was working as a government agent were produced. He was released from prison
in 1996 — but not before he provided astonishing details during a videotaped
interrogation by Philippine police authorities of his activities with Abu Sayyaf,
including the secret meetings with Iraqi intelligence agent Yousef, Nichols and the
second American identified in the document as John Lepney.

The earliest meetings took place at a Del Monte canning plant in Davao in late 1992
and early 1993 — just prior to the first World Trade Center bombing. Later meetings
with Nichols, Yousef and the second American — whose name has never been
revealed until now — took place at Angeles' house in late 1994, according to a report
on that interrogation which has been obtained by investigators working for attorney
Johnston, who has been joined by Judicial Watch in representing families of those
murdered in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Angeles also revealed the meetings to Elmina, who became his third wife in 1997,
because he knew that he would soon be killed, she said in her audiotaped
statement with Sicat, which was witnessed by a Philippine-government official. He
wanted me to know everything so that if anything happened to him I could tell
others. Also present at those meetings was a half-brother of Yousef, who was using
the pseudonym Ahmad Hassim, she said.

They met almost every day for one week. They met in an empty bodega
[warehouse]. They talked about bombings. They mentioned bombing government
buildings in San Francisco, St. Louis and in Oklahoma. The Americans wanted
instructions on how to make and to explode bombs. He [Edwin] told me that Janjalani
was very interested in paying them much money to explode the buildings. The money
was coming from Yousef and the other Arab.

When asked if Angeles had told her the results of those conversations, Elmina
replied: He told me that the Americans exploded one bomb in Oklahoma in 1995,
after he was arrested and after we first met.

Later in the interview, she chided Sicat for not knowing that Yousef was
representing Iraq and Saddam Hussein.

Did Edwin 

[CTRL] Message from Makkah

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

From http://www.arabnews.com/Article.asp?ID=14519

Arab News


Makkah imam hits out at world leaders for failure to rein in Israel
By a Staff Writer
Published on Saturday, April 20, 2002

JEDDAH, 20 April — The imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah yesterday strongly
criticized the international community for its inaction and silence over the brutal
Israeli aggression on the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Where are the Security Council and other world organizations? Can’t they hear the
cries of the bereaved and orphans and the wailing of widows in Palestine? Sheikh
Abdul Rahman Al- Sudais asked while delivering his Juma sermon, aired on Saudi

Sheikh Sudais said Israel was carrying out a war of ugly annihilation against the

When the (Muslim) nation opted for peace to safeguard its greater interests they
(the Jews) did not reciprocate, he said.

Sudais, who could not hold back tears, was apparently referring to a Saudi offer of
peace with Israel in exchange for the Jewish state’s withdrawal from occupied Arab
lands that was endorsed by an Arab summit in Beirut last month.

The government of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon launched an all-out military
offensive against the West Bank on March 29, a day after the summit adopted the
peace initiative proposed by Crown Prince Abdullah, deputy premier and commander
of the National Guard.

Zionists have a long history of treachery and betrayal ... They are the heirs of the
Nazis and fascists, said the imam.

World leaders, you claim to be fighting terrorism, but what do you call what those
people did to Palestinians? asked Sudais. Are the aspirations of more than a billion
Muslims to safeguard their sanctities considered terrorism? he added.

Sheikh Sudais urged world leaders to slap a political and economic embargo on
Israel for committing war crimes and breaching international charters and

They (the Jews) want to establish a greater Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and
they aspire to tear down the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest place of worship,
to build their so-called temple on its ruins, he said.

He urged Muslim leaders to save Palestine before it is lost forever.

We have to take effective measures to realize the interests of the Islamic nation and
protect its achievements before being swept away by the torrent of changes, the
imam said.

At least 1,279 Palestinians have been killed since a Palestinian uprising began in
September 2000.

Sheikh Sudais called upon Muslims to provide moral and material support for their
Palestinian brethren. He commended the good response given by Saudis and
expatriates to a telethon organized by the Saudi Committee for the Support of the

In his Friday sermon, Sheikh Salah Al-Bedair, the imam of Prophet’s Mosque in
Madinah, urged Muslims to wake up from their slumber and work for redeeming their

Is it suitable for Muslims, who are large in numbers with plenty of resources, to
leave their brethren to the mercy of Jewish oppressors and occupiers, he asked.

He called upon Muslims to learn a lesson from their present predicament, turn to
God for help and shun prohibited things.

House donated: A retired Saudi employee from Taif has offered to sell his only house
to donate its value for the Palestinians, Al-Madinah newspaper said in a report.

The Saudi, who requested anonymity, confirmed that he did not have any other
property except his house — a two-story building with an annex in Taif.

I am looking for an opportunity to sell the property so that I can donate the money to
the Palestinian people. This is the least I can do for our brethren in Palestine now,
the Arabic daily quoted the Saudi as saying.

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what 

[CTRL] First feminist found

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


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First feminist found


LONDON: A 370-year-old book discovered under a pile of documents in a town hall
vault could change the history of the women's movement.

Wigan Council heritage officer Alan Davies stumbled across the dusty book in the
basement at Leigh Town Hall, Greater Manchester, while searching the archives for
another item.

Mr Davies uncovered the 182-page volume called Woman's Worth and subtitled A
treatise proveinge by sundrie reasons that women do excell men. In the book an
unnamed woman author set out her beliefs in the 1630s or 1640s that women are
better at everything than men.

Mr Davies said it was believed to be one of the earliest known writings on women's

When I looked at the style of writing and the binding we could date the book to the
17th century. Most people think of the women's movement emerging around the start
of the 20th century with Emily Pankhurst, he said.

There was a book written in the late 16th century and one in the 17th century about
women's rights but the authors were men.

This book could prove very important. Events might have been brought forward by a
few generations if it had been published.

Mr Davies passed copies of the book to Professor Kari McBride, an expert on the
history of women's rights at the Arizona University to study.

In an e-mail to Mr Davies, Professor McBride said: What a find. I wish I could hop
on a plane right now see this little treasure.

In chapter one of the book, Eve More Excellent Than Adam, the author argued that
Adam in the Bible was nothing else but clay or red earth. In chapter two, Eve Less
Sinful Than Adam, she wrote: Women do excell men in virtues and rare
endowments of the minde and I think we shall finde that herein also women doe farre
outstrip men.

Other chapter titles include Women Loved Christ More Than Men, Women Wiser
Than Men and Women More Valiant Than Men.

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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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Re: [CTRL] A closer look at what is happening

2002-04-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 21 Apr 2002 at 11:15, Xxx Yyy wrote:

 The leadership and that network is evil, using their own people

So now do you understand *why* I would made such a callous remark as
to have our not-quite senior citizens go off to fight wars.  Young
people are full of hopes and dreams and look up to NQSC for guidance.
Pick a spot on the globe and it's just natural for youthful exuberance
to reveal itself ... might have something to do with biology.  Anyway,
when you look at the compositon of the leadership in this country,
executive, congressional, and whathaveyou, those who are making
policies that affect somebody's kids (what is the $$$ investment these
days to age 18?), there is less and less hands-on involvement in
military matters.  The generation coming out of WW2 didn't have this
problem; neither did Hollyweird, that gargantuan propagandizing 6th
column.  But the answer is not necessarily war to steel the mettle; we
used to have a Dept of Defense (after the Dept of War died in 1947)
before it became the Dept of Offense (think of the rationale for the
new Northern Command).

So, if the leaders and their golf buddies get to look forward to a
time when they'll be called upon to put their behinds where their
mouths are, I would say a lot more emphasis there would be on making
policies that would tend to preserve their peace and tranquility.
This is not anti-war; it's just putting those with the age, experience
and ability to deliverately think into better positions to take
action.  Or to avoid action in a concerned way.

 the evil is organized by those who are
 rational, organized and in control of their faculties.

And I'm recovering from what some might term a depressive state as a
result.  And I know the day and the hour when it set in.  The evil is
a hereditary (or should it be herd-itary) thing, passed on from
generation to generation, if not by nature then by nurture.

I'm a big fan of home schooling, unorganised religion, and semi-rural
living.  Have you (or anyone esle) read Gerry Spence's book, *From
Freedom to Slavery* ?  I'm almost done with it and I am inspired!


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-21 Thread Don S. Brown
Sorry for chiming in here, but a couple of points. One, this is a very nice sentiment that Jesus was a groovy, hip, make love not war kind of guy that became misrepresented. I like that. However, point 2 is that he is and has always been a myth.
I am reacting to all of the pontificating as to what Jesus was, said, did and how and why he was crucified.
It never happened. I read in a post that the reference to paying taxes to the Romans were added after the original gospels. The original gospels were not begun till the 2nd century and they were written as teaching tools for certain communities of Jews that presented lessons from the torah that were not threatening to the Romans.
On a conspiracy list I am truly surprised by the amount of post's that I read from the point of view that any of this Judeo/Christian history is representative of real people and events.
Also a little understanding of Roman history and legal procedures is in order. The events of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus is nothing more than a fabrication of events that allowed "Jesus" to achieve this resurrected status. 
The local establishment would not have heard a case at night from a mob of Jews, whom the Romans despised, and allowed the unruly proceedings to go forward with chants and accusations by the Jews in the courtroom. That would not happen. He would have cooled his heels in the local gray bar until the matter could be heard in an orderly fashion. Also, the claiming of being the messiah was quite in vogue so this claim of being the "king of the Jews" would not have been too impressive from the point of view of the local magistrate.
Now, when we look to validation of Jesus's existence as a physical person, one will find a complete lack of contemporary texts or documents that concur, support or even misrepresent Jesus and his words and deeds from this time period.
I will gladly try to field challenges to this claim. Please do not start with the two entries in the Works Of Josephus as they are blatant interpolations. And in fact, Josephus is one of the strongest testaments to the lack of a historical Jesus is his complete and utter ignorance of the man and his deeds. This is why the two interjected paragraphs are so obviously added later.
The only validation comes from the bible itself.
Paul wrote the letters of Romans, Corinthians, Galations and Ephesians starting from around 50CE and wrote till about 90CE. Acts was written long, long after and is presented before the epistles to obfuscate by embellishing on Paul with information that he does not present in his epistles. Paul seems totally unconcerned with Jesus and his life and ministry. He never teaches using Jesus on earth examples of his lessons. No, "Well Corinthians, when I went to the mount where he was crucified" or, "Well, as Jesus preached in the sermon on the mount..." He seems to be either ignorant of his life, family, ministry miracles and gospels, or somehow while trying to bring these groups of peoples into the folds of Christianity, he just doesn't think it is relevant.
This is the argument from silence and it is a powerful one. A man who was sought out by Kings to confer with and did miracles on a daily basis, no one seems to know about him. None of the contemporary historians, miscellaneous documents, deeds, court records, Roman protectorate correspondence, nada.
The transformation of a spiritual Jesus to an historic man took place over time and was the joining of many different perceptions of Christianity. The new testament did not drop out of the sky. It was the result of a process that occurred over time and with much debate and deceit. There was forgery of texts, documents and letters to support the historical Jesus legend in an attempt to be superior to Paganism by having a real live man turned God that was on earth instead of some wimpy Dionysus. 
The church fathers in the 3rd century took myth and midrash, a few letters and "gospels" and brought them together, under Constantine, and formed what we know as Christianity.

...they would if they could convince them that the same individual was
also somehow a threat to the state, which is exactly what the sanhedrin did
simply because he happened to refer to himself as the "king of the jews"
from time to time.

now, it's true that the popular view of the messiah at the time was that he
was going to be a warrior king, and it's true that the romans didn't like
large groups of people crowding around "revolutionaries"; butjesus was
neither a potential warrior king nor a revolutionary. he was just a crazy
hippie pushing brotherly love and not a real threat to rome at all. i've
never seen any evidence stating that the romans really even took jesus
seriously; pilate certainly had nothing against him. it wasn't for years
after that all of a sudden christianity emerged as a problem for the romans
after all.


Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-21 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

Of all the alleged historical errors in the Gospels, which would you say
is the most serious?

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, Don S. Brown wrote:

 Sorry for chiming in here, but a couple of points.  One, this is a very nice
 sentiment that Jesus was a groovy, hip, make love not war kind of guy that
 became misrepresented.  I like that.  However, point 2 is that he is and has
 always been a myth.
 I am reacting to all of the pontificating as to what Jesus was, said, did and
 how and why he was crucified.
 It never happened.  I read in a post that the reference to paying taxes to
 the Romans were added after the original gospels.  The original gospels were
 not begun till the 2nd century and they were written as teaching tools for
 certain communities of Jews that presented lessons from the torah that were
 not threatening to the Romans.
 On a conspiracy list I am truly surprised by the amount of post's that I read
 from the point of view that any of this Judeo/Christian history is
 representative of real people and events.
 Also a little understanding of Roman history and legal procedures is in
 order.  The events of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus is nothing more than
 a fabrication of events that allowed Jesus to achieve this resurrected
 The local establishment would not have heard a case at night from a mob of
 Jews, whom the Romans despised, and allowed the unruly proceedings to go
 forward with chants and accusations by the Jews in the courtroom.  That would
 not happen.  He would have cooled his heels in the local gray bar until the
 matter could be heard in an orderly fashion.  Also, the claiming of being the
 messiah was quite in vogue so this claim of being the king of the Jews
 would not have been too impressive from the point of view of the local
 Now, when we look to validation of Jesus's existence as a physical person,
 one will find a complete lack of contemporary texts or documents that concur,
 support or even misrepresent Jesus and his words and deeds from this time
 I will gladly try to field challenges to this claim. Please do not start with
 the two entries in the Works Of Josephus as they are blatant interpolations.
 And in fact, Josephus is one of the strongest testaments to the lack of a
 historical Jesus is his complete and utter ignorance of the man and his
 deeds.  This is why the two interjected paragraphs are so obviously added
 The only validation comes from the bible itself.
 Paul wrote the letters of Romans, Corinthians, Galations and  Ephesians
 starting from around 50CE and wrote till about 90CE.  Acts was written long,
 long after and is presented before the epistles to obfuscate by embellishing
 on Paul with information that he does not present in his epistles.  Paul
 seems totally unconcerned with Jesus and his life and ministry.  He never
 teaches using Jesus on earth examples of his lessons.  No, Well Corinthians,
 when I went to the mount where he was crucified or, Well, as Jesus preached
 in the sermon on the mount...  He seems to be either ignorant of his life,
 family, ministry miracles and gospels, or somehow while trying to bring these
 groups of peoples into the folds of Christianity, he just doesn't think it is
 This is the argument from silence and it is a powerful one.  A man who was
 sought out by Kings to confer with and did miracles on a daily basis, no one
 seems to know about him.  None of the contemporary historians, miscellaneous
 documents, deeds, court records, Roman protectorate correspondence, nada.
 The transformation of a spiritual Jesus  to an historic man took place over
 time and was the joining of many different perceptions of Christianity.  The
 new testament did not drop out of the sky.  It was the result of a process
 that occurred over time and with much debate and  deceit. There was  forgery
 of texts, documents and letters to support the historical Jesus legend in an
 attempt to be superior to Paganism by having a real live man turned God that
 was on earth instead of some wimpy Dionysus.
 The church fathers in the 3rd century took myth and midrash, a few letters
 and gospels and brought them together, under Constantine, and formed what
 we know as Christianity.

 ...they would if they could convince them that the same individual was
 also somehow a threat to the state, which is exactly what the sanhedrin did
 simply because he happened to refer to himself as the king of the jews
 from time to time.

  now, it's true that the popular view of the messiah at the time was that he
  was going to be a warrior king, and it's true that the romans didn't like
  large groups of people crowding around revolutionaries; butjesus was
  neither a potential warrior king nor a revolutionary. he was just a crazy
  hippie pushing brotherly love and not a real threat to rome at all. i've
  never seen any evidence stating that the romans really even took jesus


2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon


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From Rayelan, Publisher of Rumor Mill News

First, let me apologize for any typos in this article - when you get down to the 
bottom you will see that I am under a deadline for moving out of my house!! Needless 
to say, I do not have the time to proof this... sorry!


Several weeks ago I took the time to scan in several articles and speeches I worked on 
in 1984. These articles dealt with Armageddon, and I titled the compilation,


...some theologians feel on the basis of reading Zachariah:14 that two-thirds of the 
Jews will be slaughtered. H. L. Wilmington, leader of Jerry Falwell's Liberty Home 
Bible Institute. The current interpretation of Armageddon places Armageddon in Israel! 
In order for Jesus to return and fulfill Biblical prophecy, Jews have to die in a mass 
slaughter that could rightly be called - Genocide

Here is the link to the article if you haven't read it:


This week one of our agent's brought an article to the forum that tells me two 

1. George Bush may be deviating from the New World Order plan for Jerusalem as the 
first prototype World City... later to become the Capital of a One World Government.

2. The world MUST face the fact that there are madmen (and women) in the world, who 
are so blinded by hatred, religious fervor, or an insane commitment to a ONE WORLD 
GOVERNMENT -- NO MATTER HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE!! -- that the entire world is in 

Rosalinda's Article:


The articles that Rosalinda wrote about were printed in the Jerusalem Post, the LA 
Times and the Christian Science Moniter.

From the LA Times:

Hawks Dominate Debate on U.S. Policy in Region Diplomacy: Within the political 
establishment, Bush draws fire for calling on Sharon to pull Israeli forces out of the 
West Bank.



Israel's defiance of a call by President Bush to withdraw from the West Bank has 
prompted an unexpected political reaction in America: a backlash against Bush for 
issuing the demand at all. In the last week, leading Democrats such as Sens. Joseph I. 
Lieberman (D-Conn.) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) have joined conservative 
Republicans in denouncing Bush's call for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to end 
military operations against the Palestinians.

CNN carried an article about Powell's failure to bring about peace. In the article was 
a brief mention of the letter written to President Bush by a potent array of 
influential conservatives.


On one side, a potent array of influential conservatives -- including Gary Bauer, 
William Bennett and Richard Perle -- who wrote a letter to President Bush urging him 
to stand firm with Israel.

end quote

I know I don't need to remind regular Rumor Mill News readers that Agents of the New 
World Order come in every color, religion, and political persuasion. Hillary Clinton 
is rumored to be the leading candidate for FIRST president of the ONE World 
Government, or at least as Secretary General of the United Nations when it FINALLY 
ushers in the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT it was founded in order to create!

In my opinion, Joseph Lieberman is too dumb to even KNOW he is being used as a puppet 
of people whose sworn agenda is the dissolution of EVERY sovereign nation and the 
creation of a One World Eco-Slave Government!

William Bennett has been in the New World Order camp for as long as he has been in 
politics. So has his brother Robert Bennett, President Clinton's attorney during 

Richard Perle is a Jew who is a traitor to Jews as are MOST Jews who work for the New 
World Order! Their commitment to a One World Government sees the sacrifice of Israel 
and ALL the Jews who are living there. (Some people believe that this is intended in 
order to get rid of the fake Jews! - In other words, the Jews who believe they are 
really descended from Abraham want to get rid of Jews who don't have a drop of Jewish 
blood in them! These are the Kazars, but I believe others are included.) In my 
opinion, Richard Perle AND Ariel Sharon take their orders DIRECTLY from the CRF - the 
current architects who are planning the a One World Government!

I do not believe Gary Bauer is knowingly working for the New World Order, but someone 
needs to take him aside and let him know that by siding with the likes of Bennett and 
Perle he 

[CTRL] Not On Our Side: The Right Blames God and Bush for Sept. 11?

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

Not On Our Side: The Right Blames God and Bush for Sept. 11? 
David Corn, AlterNet
April 19, 2002

When Representative Cynthia McKinney, a Georgia Democrat and prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus, recently told a radio interviewer that the Bush Administration had advance notice of the Sept. 11 attacks and did not "warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered," she was roundly -- and not undeservedly -- criticized in the political-media world for peddling unproven conspiracy theories. But when a senator took to the Senate floor and said the Sept. 11 attacks were retribution from God in response to U.S. policy toward Israel, a similar firestorm did not ensue. 

Last month, Sen. James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, gave a speech in the Senate and asserted that Israel is "entitled" to the West Bank. He also chastised those within the United States who have urged Israeli restraint, blaming them for Sept. 11. 

"One of the reason I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States of America," Inhofe huffed, "is that the policy of our government has been to ask the Israelis, and demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a significant way against the terrorist strikes that have been launched against them." 

In other words, on Sept. 11, God allowed airliners to be piloted into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon because U.S. actions related to Israel were not to His/Her liking. How else to interpret Inhofe's words? A "spiritual door opened" for the attack? Well, who's in charge of spiritual doors -- and opening and closing them? 

Inhofe is clearly suggesting the United States was punished because the Bush Administration and, I suppose, previous administrations had not been more supportive of Israel. Three billion dollars a year in economic and military aid apparently is not sufficient in the eyes of the Almighty. So, like McKinney, Inhofe holds the Bush gang accountable for the deaths of thousands, though he is less explicit. McKinney called for an investigation, but, alas, Inhofe, did not. Otherwise, CSPAN viewers could be treated to hearings where religious experts would testify to the workings of "spiritual doors" and how one determines what secular actions most influence the doorkeeper upstairs. 

Inhofe's remarks are reminiscent of the ravings uttered by Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson days after the awful attacks. The pair accused the ACLU, abortion rights advocates, feminists, gays and lesbians, and People for the American Way (a liberal interest group) of degrading the nation and, thus, pissing off God. As Falwell said, "God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve." ("That's my feeling," Robertson piped up.) After the two were criticized across the political spectrum, Falwell and Robertson issued phony apologies. But long-term damage had (thank God!) been done to their reputations. 

Inhofe's case is a bit different. 

He's no TV preacher; he's a lawmaker. And his remarks did not come in the emotionally chaotic days following the attacks; his comments were made after he had months to reflect. He has, as far as I can tell, received no flak for his we-deserved-Sept. 11 statement. But 200 or so Tulsa Muslims did march on his office a month later to protest another portion of his speech: Inhofe's insistence that God handed the West Bank to the Jewish people. How does Inhofe know that? It's in the Bible. In that same floor speech, Inhofe offered seven reasons why Washington ought to back Israeli claims in the West Bank. 

His reason number seven -- "the most important reasons" -- was this: "Because God said so ... Look it up in the book of Genesis ... In Genesis 13:14-17, the Bible says: the Lord said to Abram [later known as Abraham], 'Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward and westward: for all the land which you see, to you I will give it, and to your seed forever ... Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it to thee.'" Abram was in Hebron at the time, and Hebron is in the West Bank. So this must mean God granted the Jews all that territory forever. 

In Inhofe's mind, these few sentences in the Bible decide the matter, end of story. This is fundamentalism. And not too far a throw from the Islamic fundamentalism used by terrorists who point to the Koran to justify their actions. 

When the anti-Inhofe protesters in Tulsa noted that the Bible and the Koran say Jews and Muslims are both descendants of Abraham, Inhofe responded, "I am not wavering from my view." He argued that, according to Genesis, the Jewish line has a special covenant with God. If Inhofe is going to take his Middle East policy guidance directly from Genesis, he has a problem, for in Genesis 15, God makes another real-estate promise to Abram. One 

[CTRL] ATF Experiments in Building Home Made ANFO Truck Bombs in 1994

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon
Why Did Bill Clinton's National Security Council Fund ATF "Experiments" in Building Home Made ANFO Truck Bombs in 1994?

Media Bypass Magazine November 1996
(B)ureau of

By Lawrence Myers

According to the federal government, an Ammonia Nitrate-Fuel Oil (ANFO) truck bomb allegedly destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah building in downtown Oklahoma City on the morning of Wednesday, April 19, 1995. Also, according to recently released government documents, an individual experienced in loading large amounts of ammonia nitrate fertilizer into a vehicle for use as a terrorist truck bomb was present at the OKC scene and actually witnessed the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. Records indicate that this ANFO explosives expert and his associates had constructed and destroyed at least eight vehicles in "test bombing experiments" out at a secret range in the New Mexico desert in the twelve months prior to the OKC bombing. He and his fellow explosives experts even photographed and videotaped these truck bombs as they detonated.

This individual is, however, not a known associate of suspects Terry Lynn Nichols and Timothy James McVeigh or any so-called "anti government militia" in the United States. The "vehicle bomb expert," Special Agent Harry Everhart, is an employee of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. And, according to federal government records obtained by Media Bypass, Everhart, an accomplished ATF expert in ANFO truck bombs, was actually one of the first federal law officers to report the details of the bombing to his superiors from the scene in front of the Murrah Building, within minutes of the blast.

The Department of Treasury confirms that Everhart called the ATF office in Dallas on his cellular phone and reported that the Murrah Building had just been attacked by an ANFO truck bomb at around 9:20 a.m. that morning. Records reveal that this particular ATF agent would clearly be qualified to make such an instant observation. Everhart, based out of the BATF's Oklahoma City Resident Agency, serves on the National Response Team (NRT), a group of experienced bomb and arson investigators who respond to major bombing crime scenes throughout the United States. He also served on a secret government project in 1994 that conducted tests using ANFO and C-4 to blow up cars and vans in a classified U.S. government experiment known as "Project Dipole Might." According to files, reports and photographs obtained by Media Bypass from the Department of the Treasury through a Freedom of Information Act request, the United States government initiated a "comprehensive ANFO and C4 vehicle bomb testing program" about a year before the OKC bombing. Records show the project was supervised and administered by ATF, but was actually funded through a National Security Council directive. The Department of Treasury confirms the project was initiated under President Bill Clinton's NSC White House staff shortly after he took office in 1993.

The "Road" to Oklahoma City?

The documents reveal that ATF not only built and detonated these home-made vehicle bombs, they actually set up test surfaces to replicate "four of the most common roadbed types in the United States," to cause the bombs to function in an environment where the crime scene teams evidently expected to encounter such a device somewhere in America. Furthermore, video footage obtained through these secret experiments is expected to be presented as evidence in the government's case against suspects Timothy James McVeigh and Terry Lynn Nichols. The stated intent of the Dipole Might experiments in 1994 includes making videos and computer models to "be displayed in a courtroom to aid in the prosecution of defendants" in vehicle bomb cases, according to government documents concerning the purpose of the project. The exact precedent and purpose of this activity is unclear. ATF agents started blowing up vans and cars in Spring, 1994 at the White Sands Missile Range in order to supposedly collect test data for post-blast forensics computer software packages to be issued out to National Response Team personnel when they respond to truck bombings. Why the National Security Council would fund such an ATF project, despite the absolute rarity of the crime, has not been explained. The NSC is part of the Executive Branch and evidently mandated the ATF's funding for Dipole Might in early 1993, shortly after Bill Clinton was sworn in as President.

Nor has it been explained as to what specific threat assessment information the government had when it decided to engage in such a project, just a few months before a Ryder Truck laden with ammonium nitrate fertilizer exploded in front of the Murrah Building. Indeed the only major ANFO vehicle bombing in U.S. history, prior to OKC, occurred in August, 1970 at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, Wis. One of the key suspects in that bombing, Leo Frederick Burt, is, incidently, still at large. 

[CTRL] 2 Venezuelan Coup Plotters Paid $200,000 Out Of Miami Bank

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

April 18th, 2002 -- 1:44 AM EDT 

The key mistake made by most people who endorse conspiracy theories is assuming that discrepancies in different accounts of a single event point to deception or the existence of some hidden truth behind the maze of contradictions. The messiness and ambiguity of real-life events is what they don't figure on. Military men call it the fog of war. But the same concept applies to everyday life, particularly to its more hectic and confusing moments. Reality, you might say, tends to be rather over-determined. 

The various accounts surfacing of the Venezuelan coup and the United States government's reaction to it brings this to mind. Yet there is still something odd and perplexing about the drifting accounts being provided by administration officials. Every day there's a new detail. Each new detail is provided to exonerate administration officials but as often as not they tend rather to inculpate them. 

For instance, discussions at which US officials told Venezuela's future coup plotters that they would not support a coup. Well, how'd the topic come up exactly? 

Or Otto Reich's statement that he tried to prevent 'interim' President Carmona from dissolving the National Assembly. That sounds as much like coup-management as trying to support democracy. 

I've never thought that the US was 'behind' this coup in a strong sense. But administration officials seem to be implicated in it in various small and -- let's just say it -- incompetent ways. 

Let me point out another interesting discrepancy. 
Tomorrow's Washington Post has what strikes me as an extremely ingenuous article by Scott Wilson, based largely on an interview with 'interim' President Carmona. Wilson says Carmona only got the job because he was the only guy who didn't want it. Perhaps Wilson needs to read up on literary and political tropes -- I think that line warranted a touch more skepticism. 

Much of the piece looks like it was dictated by Carmona's post-coup spin-doctor (you know, he's just a bespectacled economist, happened upon this coup thing...). 

Anyway, let me point out this discrepancy that strikes me as important. 
In Wilson's article Carmona says he visited Washington in 

November to meet with John Maisto, Bush's Latin America guy at NSC, Energy Secretary Spence Abraham and Assistant Secretary of State Otto Reich. 
Then Carmona said he "next spoke with U.S. officials Saturday morning at the presidential palace when he received the recently arrived U.S. ambassador, Charles Shapiro, and the Spanish ambassador." 

But if Wilson or his editors would have read today's edition of an obscure metropolitan daily called The New York Times they might have noticed the following contradiction. The Times article quotes a State Department official saying that Assistant Secretary Reich placed an urgent call to Carmona on Friday, one day earlier. It's a pretty big difference since the coup took place in the overnight hours between Thursday and Friday. 

Why wasn't this discrepancy pointed out in the interview or at least in the article? Good question. 

As it happens, I just now notice that tomorrow the Times reports that the State Department has now changed its story -- 'revised' is the term they use. Reich didn't contact Carmona on Friday. He asked Ambassador Shapiro to talk to Carmona. And Shapiro talked to Carmona on Friday. First, that's a pretty big change in the story. Second, the discrepancy in the day when contact is made still stands, even though the personnel is different. 

Then there's another strange thing that pops out from the apparently hastily written and indifferently copyedited Post story. Read these four grafs nestled more than half way down into the article ... 
At least three people who landed key jobs within the provisional government have acknowledged that they met with U.S. officials in the past six months. One of them was Vice Adm. Carlos Molina, who said that he had a meeting with a U.S. official outside the U.S. Embassy within the past six weeks. 

But U.S. officials say that although they were aware of the growing dissent, they sought to distance the United States from opposition figures that might be plotting a coup. In November, the U.S. ambassador at the time, Donna Hrinak, took the unusual step of ordering the embassy's military attache to stop meeting with a group of dissident officers, according to a U.S. official. 

That group, according to a Western diplomat here, included Molina, Air Force Col. Pedro Soto and several other officers who in February publicly demand Chavez's removal. The U.S. diplomat said Soto and Molina each received $100,000 from a Miami bank account for denouncing Chavez. 

Soto and Molina could not be reached for comment today. Molina is under arrest and was the subject of a military hearing today. Soto is among three officers seeking asylum in the Bolivian Embassy. 

Hold on a second. They each got 

[CTRL] Chemtrails - A Deficiency From Coast To Coast

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

Chemtrails - A Deficiency 
>From Coast To Coast
By Clifford E Carnicom 

An Editorial 

One of the primary responsibilites of the media is to distribute truthful and comprehensive information to the public on the important issues that are likely to affect our lives and welfare. In relation to the aerosol operations that continue to be conducted without citizen consent, there has been a wholesale failure of the national media organizations to fulfill that role with any level of dignity. 

In the face of such a callous disregard for the welfare of the citizenry, one would hope that the so-called "alternative media" would serve as a champion to compensate for the needs of any deprived or manipulated audience. Isolated and limited examples of thorough and truthful disclosure through this alternative media have surfaced and they are entitled to their due praise. There remains, however, a tall order of deficiency that requires confrontation, exposure and accountability to serve the larger and more important goals of public awareness, knowledge and activism. 

It has become apparent by now that I usually refrain from comments of a personal nature with respect to the aerosol operations. In contrast, this page is explicitly presented to the reader as an editorial comment, with the underlying motive to express concern and alarm at the failure of the last bastions of the free press and media to serve the public interest. 

Nowhere is this deficiency of serving the public welfare more apparent than with the presentations on the aerosol operations that have been channeled through Mr. Art Bell, of the Coast to Coast nightly radio program. There is no doubt that Mr. Bell commands a significant influence over a large segment of the national radio audience, and it is further granted this influence has been rightly earned with tremendous effort, devotion and passion over a successful career of many years. It is also equally and painfully apparent that this influence has now been carefully managed to restrict a full, accurate and truthful discussion of the criminal and covert aerosol operations that remain active. Mr. Bell has characterized these same aerosol operations on a recent show as a "belief" by "thousands" of individuals across the country. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

The criminal aerosol operations have nothing to do with any "belief" system; the knowledge painstakingly acquired over the last three years by a myriad of researchers and concerned citizens is factual, observable and subject to rigorous examination by all parties that seek the truth on that which is affecting their lives, health and welfare. To characterize carefully accumulated evidence of photography, videography, air filtration and rainfall samples, spectroscopy, meteorological studies, laboratory and chemical analyses, microscopy, aviation physics, direct methods of particulate observation, visibility studies, deteriorating air quality, insurance exclusions, drought considerations, plasma physics and electromagnetic considerations, biological investigations, eyewitness testimony, fleeting congressional legislation, federal mortality and illness statistics, and the patent and documented failure of federal and state officials and organizations to adequately address the civil calls for investigation as a "belief" is disingenuous at best. The events now recorded as a part of our history are both physical and factual; to cloak the vast body of evidence now available to us all as a "belief" indicates manipulation, strategy, denial and speciousness. This is especially the case when exercised from the pulpit of public influence afforded by the widely broadcast Coast to Coast radio program. The careful restriction of information that is presented by Mr. Bell to the public for critical examination and review is lamentable and represents a disservice to the enterprise of a free media that is critical to our survival as a nation. Any long term emphasis upon entertainment over substance will eventually take its toll. 

It is equally misrepresentative to tally the incensed and aware populace as numbering in the "thousands". It is surely plain at this stage of the battle that awareness of the aerosol operations now involves a population base that likely encompasses millions. This progress exists despite the coordinated efforts to contain the flow of comprehensive information and organized efforts at a national level. 

It is to be understood that I have no personal agenda or goal of fullfilling any enagement of presentation on the Coast to Coast network; I have the utmost respect for the right of managerial discretion and the privileges of the capitalist enterprise. I do not actively seek speaking engagements as it is not my forte; my work in all forms is to be offered as a public service. It is known that Mr. Bell is aware of research conducted by myself, and hopefully he is aware 

[CTRL] Skolnick- A Letter To Daddy (Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 10)

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

Skolnick - The Overthrow Of The 
American Republic - Part 10
By Sherman H. Skolnick 

A Letter To Daddy 

In the worst of all worlds or even the best of all worlds, there is always a reason for censorship. At the time of the Soviets and their dreaded secret political police, a few Soviet writers occasionally made a point with a supposedly fictional tale, actually true. 

In current parlance, it would be called flying below the radar, or putting a wing on the buzz. Even so, some Soviet writers had to flee the country. A great fairy tale is that America is the land of the free. But, telling the truth can cost you your job, your career, your personal happiness and security. Living in a good style is not free. Americans who do not own their own digs, still call the owner collecting the rent, the LANDLORD. To many thoughtless renters, Old English fear-provoking putdowns do not seem to refer to great negatives. Who notices? Law books have a section on MASTER and SERVANT. Considering themselves "losers", some call themselves wage slaves. 

Close enough to the incandescent bulb of reality to sense both the light and the heat, an insider told us a story. 

There once was a fellow with a famous father. Or was the elder, sinister and infamous? He wanted his oldest son to go in footsteps as planned by the Family. Sonny boy was selected to be the new head of the company, with worldwide business. The firm required someone to guide it who knew big business, politics, and how to be successful. How to influence if not bribe foreign potentates who were sources of company revenue---that had to be ingrained in the top executive. 

Junior never was greatly interested in foreign business, the history of the world, even current affairs. But Daddy was in good health. And Daddy and his friends would tell him how to run the company, and avoid pitfalls. With the latest technology, Junior could get virtual face to face advice from Daddy, even if both were thousands of miles apart. Daddy would fill up the nearby executive offices with Daddy's advisers. And Daddy's circle would write the company statements for Junior to read. 

As the designated head of the firm, Junior knew he had to play the part and be the front man. Yes, there were problems even being selected to be the head man. The Board of Directors, as Junior well knew, were Daddy's fixers. The Directors had big investments in other companies. 

The convoluted connections were such, that the Directors had to make unholy deals---get this---with a competing firm. This trick cost 40 million dollars of off-the-books funds. Of all things, a competitor knew some inside details that could have prevented the Board of Directors from accepting Junior as the new head man. And who started the vicious rumors, that Junior was a misfit and would steer the company into a wreck? Did these terrible stories some from competitors or from some old-timers inside Junior's own company? 

Junior took over as the head man in an off-year. Business was not good. The firm's French unit was causing all kinds of business problems. The frogs, as Daddy called the Frenchies, had their own commercial intelligence unit that was, of all things, compiling dirt on Junior. The purpose? TO get better commissions and shipping terms for the Paris branch. 

To show they are serious, the frogs instigated two highly skilled investigative reporters to come out with a book detailing crooked business deals that Junior's home office had with their Mid-East affiliates. As the book pointed out, a top official in one of the company's subsidiaries, resigned. Why? As quoted in the book, he claimed that Junior and Daddy told him to stop asking questions about a certain family of Mid-East swindlers who were secretly in business with Daddy and Junior, and with Daddy's advisers and fixers. 

In his first year on the job, Junior was told by Daddy's advisers that the company was in big doo-doo. The company, they said, in fact may simply melt down, its stock go to hell, and the firm go bankrupt. The advisers told Daddy that Junior was, after all, a misfit, and not capable of guiding the firm through a financial storm. The company's bankers wanted something done and Junior, they claimed, was not equipped to handle it. 

Would the second in command of the firm agree to take over? The company doctor said the latest medical check-up showed a lot of negatives for that person. 

The book circulated throughout Europe by the frogs was causing the company's European customers to be greatly concerned. Would some European television network program put the whole mess on the air? Their documentary makers were quietly in the U.S. for some time now. 

The parent company's problems could spread throughout the subsidiaries. The various units of the firm have for some time been falsely showing huge profits by cooking their books. Junior was not interested to know 

Re: [CTRL] Not On Our Side: The Right Blames God and Bush for Sept. 11?

2002-04-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Ruppert-Basher David Corn misrepresented what McKinney said.  What a surprise.

What McKinney said:


In a recent interview with a Berkeley, Calif., radio station, McKinney said:
We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September
11th. ... What did this administration know and when did it know it, about
the events of September 11th? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the
innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? ... What do they
have to hide?

McKinney declined to be interviewed Thursday, but she issued a statement
saying: I am not aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or
members of his administration have personally profited from the attacks of
9-11. A complete investigation might reveal that to be the case.
  A copy of the article and the surprising poll results (46% of respondents
said they thought officials knew 911 was coming) are on the page at the above
address.  Thank you Hamilton indymedia!

In a message dated 4/21/02 7:12:44 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Not On Our Side: The Right Blames God and Bush for Sept. 11?
  David Corn, A HREF=http://www.alternet.org/;AlterNet/A
  April 19, 2002

  When Representative Cynthia McKinney, a Georgia Democrat and prominent
  of the Congressional Black Caucus, recently told a radio interviewer that
  Bush Administration had advance notice of the Sept. 11 attacks and did not
  warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered, she
  roundly -- and not undeservedly -- criticized in the political-media world
  for peddling unproven conspiracy theories. But when a senator took to the
  Senate floor and said the Sept. 11 attacks were retribution from God in
  response to U.S. policy toward Israel, a similar firestorm did not ensue.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Abe Lincoln murdered by Mary Todd Lincoln?

2002-04-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

(Fascinating stuff, found by WebFairy, the whatzit pioneer.  See
http://whatzit/bravepages.com for whatzit info.)


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Would anyone (especially a man in the 1860s) in their right mind try to

kill the President of the United States with a one shot small pistol

normally carried by a woman? Six shooter revolvers existed in the 1860s

and if one were to plot to kill a President, one would logically have

more than one bullet in the barrel.

Mary Todd Lincoln, like many women in Washington during the American

Civil War carried a derringerBut Mary Todd also owned a derringer

with a white pearl handlethat fact is in the National Archives. And

she waved, flashed and flaunted her pearly pop gun often on the streets

of Washington D.C. and The White House.

Lincoln was shot on the left side of his head and Mary Todd was left

handed. Mary Todd was barred from attending the funeral and two armed

guards made sure she did not leave her room for 10 days after the

shooting that fact is in the National Archives.

Mary Todd Lincoln was denied the normal customary widowers pension three

times by the U.S. Congress (Today the pension is automatic).

Mary Todd like so many high society persons in Washington D.C. during

the 1860s was an opium addict... that fact is in the Library of

Congress. Her drug supplier also was a part time actor who doubled for

the real full time actor John Wilkes Booth when he had multiple

appearances on the same day in two different cities.

Abraham had the Treasury Department print money and that really

pissed-off the Rothschilds and others because they did not want any

competition with money they printed via their private company called the

Federal Reserve Bank. Lincoln had to go because he betrayed his

family but the plot was to discredit him by revealing that he had an

affair with a Hapsburg illegitimate offspring and the royal sex resulted

in two children.

The part time actor (Mary's catnip boy) was sent to Ford's theater to

inform the President that an important message was waiting for him at

the War Department. The plot then was to knock-out Abe and smuggle him

(An empty carriage was found at the back of Ford's Theater the night of

the shooting) onto a sea vessel, drug him for several days and return

him to Washington in a daze as the press zeroed in on the drugged

President, the facts and pictures (there are many) of his illegitimate

family would be released. The President would have to resign and Mary

Todd was part of this plot.

However Stanton and the Rothschilds underestimated the revenge of a

delirious First Lady strung-out on opium who has just discovered that

her hubby had popped a secret, illegal yet royal family. Now Mary

Todd was also going to do some popping.

As the part time imposter actor opened the door to the suite at Ford's

Theater to summon the President, he was shocked and horrified to see

Mary Todd pointing and firing her woman's derringer into her husband's


Mary Todd was sitting to the right of Lincoln. With her left hand

she was able to reach behind Lincoln's back very naturally without any

strain and point the gun to the lower left skull area of Lincoln's

head. Linda, I and others believe Abe probably had his head on Mary's

left shoulder and he was resting or was asleep thus making the shot

even easier. With Abe resting his head on

Mary's left shoulder, the right side of his lower skull was not

accessible to Mary's left hand with the gun.

The imposter actor panicked because he knew his buddies downstairs would

blame him for shooting the President - and that was not the game plan at

all or he was set-up as the fall guy / patsy from the beginning. Either

way going back downstairs was not a good idea so the drug pusher jumped

from the Presidential box seats into the third act of the play at Ford's

Theater and broke his leg.

The term Break A Leg used in the theater comes from Booth's (the

fake one) flying leap into the third act of Our American Cousin

performed at Fords Theater on April 14, 1865.

The real John Wilkes Booth had no choice but to escape on the first ship

to India because his career and reputation were blasted away by a junkie

and her wacked out and desperate supplier claiming to be Booth. The fake

Booth escaped to Grandbury Texas and did some acting but his alcoholism

and blabbering mouth resulted in his murder by arsenic poisoning in

Enid, Oklahoma.

Many people from the North and South wanted the fake Booth to be silent

one way or another 

[CTRL] On the Palestinian People's Right to use Violence to End the Occupation

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

On the Palestinian People's Right to use Violence to End the Occupation
April 18 2002 at 7:31 AM
Henry H. Lindner, MD

On the Palestinian People's Right to use Violence to End the Occupation

Henry H. Lindner, MD

The laws of human interaction are as unavoidable as the laws of physics. If one chooses to live by violating other persons' lives and property, then one deserves to suffer violence. If one lives by the sword, one is liable to die by the sword.

It is the position of Israel and the United States that the Palestinian people have no right to use violence to end the Israeli occupation. They are asked to surrender their right to resist and sit down with their overlords, hoping for a good offer. In fact the Palestinians did just this in 1993 at Oslo and got nothing but broken promises and more Jewish-only settlements. What are the rights of the Palestinians in this case? Do they have the right to use violence against Israeli civilians in order to bring the occupation to an end? 

Consider that there is a basic moral principle that underlies all human society: the non-initiation of violence. No one should initiate or maintain violence against another person. No one should control another person by force or the threat of force, or take anything of value from him without his consent. The violation of this law creates a state of violence among persons, and makes the perpetrator an outlaw. To return society to a state of peace, both the victim and other persons have the right to use violence to stop the perpetrator's aggression and force him to make amends. Most people recognize this principle, but there are subtle forms of violence to which persons can be blind. Indeed, there appears to be no violence as long as the slave obeys his master, the concentration camp inmates obey their guards, and the people under occupation obey their overlords. Such situations may appear "normal", the victims may even accept their state if they are raised from birth in the situation. The only way that these covertly violent relationships are exposed is when the victim refuses to obey. The perpetrator then must use violence to produce obedience; the victim fights back; etc. The covertly violent relationship becomes overtly violent. A vicious cycle of increasing violence occurs until one or the other party is completely victorious. This is the situation in the occupied territories of Palestine--territories Israel has chosen not to incorporate but to control and colonize.

For society to function in peace and cooperation, all humans must condemn every form of violence, including relationships involving covert violence. The only moral solution, the only solution that maintains the principle of non-violence is to end the perverse relationship--be it slavery, imprisonment, or occupation. This is usually not within the victim's power; the relationship can be ended only by the perpetrator or by a person or group that is stronger than the perpetrator. It is therefore immoral, inhumane, and socially pathological for free persons to merely ask the victim to stop his violent opposition to the perverse relationship and negotiate better terms with the perpetrator. This is what is occurring as the U.S. demands that Palestinians stop attacking Israelis and negotiate with them. 

So why don't America and the rest of the "free" world insist, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 242, that Israel immediately withdraw to its 1967 borders? Why have Americans allowed this illegal, immoral, humiliating occupation to persist for 35 years? One is forced to conclude that Americans, who otherwise abhor racism and discrimination, have been blinded by their own religious desire to control the Holy Land and by the Zionist propaganda of their media. They believe a lie--that the occupation of the West Bank is benign and/or justifiable. They believe therefore that all Palestinian violence against the occupation and the occupiers is unwarranted and unjustified. They consider Israel to be the victim when it is in fact the aggressor. This is an error, and a costly one; not only costly to the Palestinians but to the entire world's morality. This cat is, however, out of the bag. The victim has decided to fight to the end. Thirty-five years of being treated like second-class humans and having all hopes dashed has created a state of complete desperation among the occupied Palestinians. They are willing to risk, indeed to sacrifice their lives to obtain justice and freedom. No ceasefire will hold unless the Palestinian people are convinced that an Israeli withdrawal is imminent. Israel can prevent attacks only by posting a 24hr. guard on every Palestinian. Indeed, the rest of the world will have to post a 24hr guard on every Arab or Muslim in the world who understands the criminality of the occupation. There is no going back for Israel, America, 


2002-04-21 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

well here we are - Tony, governor of gulag britannia is signalling his
notice to quit - in the most devious of ways.
Having been already told that the health service in the uk is so far down
the tubes that putting more money in wouldn't work - Tony wants to invest 40
Suddenly caribbean bands and happy nurses are all over the television,
calypso timeo for the gulag exit centres then - but no, everyone who knows
something about UK health is telling tony that money is only part of the
deal. It doesn't work because doctors are actually taking private patients
and dealing with them first, and management are overloading the doctors that
are pro-human.
so where is the deal then - 40 billion sounds a lot but it doesn't match
france or germany and its only te cost of a couple of jet fighters - and
those seem to smash into hillsides in northern england every other day these
Tony has had 5 years and has bluffed his way through - and finally compares
his reforms to margaret thatchers boldness in her struggle with the unions.
phoney tony though hasn't and probably cannot cut the mustard in direct
comparisons and frankly it looks like he is going to lose and he knows it.
His get out clause - the price of a couple of jet fighters which are lost in
a massive military budget upscaling.
But Tonys masters have made it clear - the winds of eurodisney are changing
and though the uK never went back to fascist populist basics last election
an election tony barely scraped through on - signs are from eurodisney that
selfish back to fascistii are on the up and up. eg. Le Penns emergence as
the credible opposition in france - on issues such as law and order and

It may be that tony has been briefed that he will lose this one - as the
sacrificial lamb of 'moderation' in the same way that tonys opposition las
election conveniently committed electoral suicide by sounding racist, tony
the innocent peace prize loving lamb of moderation and spin may well realise
that his final curtain will be the masses coming to terms with his deceit
and failure of the public interest - the death of the welfare state.
Tony says if he fails he will walk - but I say if tony fails, the masses
will be marching in black boots to the sound of ian duncan smith and the
bilderburger kings.

For tony - all in a days work - frontman and messenger boy, and to some
poetic extent - harbinger of UK armageddon.
I can see the script; Sting, Wesley Snipes and baron artreides of dune - sir
tory blair knight commander of the british empire, nobel laureate and
butcher of the nice old ways that just had to go  maybe david beckam
stars in this new movie - bend it like tony - the story of an eastern
european immigrant on the rack in a detention centre.

andrew hennessey

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Kathleen Parker - Co-Conspirator

2002-04-21 Thread William Shannon

Kathleen Parker - Co-Conspirator
Bob Scheidt
Sun Apr 21 12:01:21 2002

Cynthia McKinney is not one of my favorite people on the planet earth, but she does express the concerns of many (stupid) Americans, that according to Ms. Parker, should be removed from the gene pool.

There is no question that many intelligence agencies were aware that "something" of a huge magnitude was going to occur on 9-11. If they knew, Bush knew. George W's daddy laid the cornerstone for the CIA building at Langley, and is privy to everything going on around the world.

Not one interceptor aircraft attempted to stop the attack upon the WTC on 9-11 or on the Pentagon when they had been in the air, hijacked for up to an hour and 38 minutes.

Put options had been purchased through A.B. Brown a company previously owned by Buzzy Krongard, the third highest ranking CIA officer. A.B. Brown is most likely still a CIA front Company, and someone with inside info was out to make a huge profit at the expense of thousands of American lives.

Ms. Parker is attempting to call all of us crazy if we agree with cKinney on this one issue. Ms. Parker is attempting to run her mouth without stating a factual basis for her disdain for Cynthia McKinney's current claims.

One last thing, The Bush family, starting with Pappa (oops I mean Poppy) Bush inviting 3500 to 4000 Red Guard Troops to come live in our country. These soldiers fought under Saddam Hussein in the Persian Gulf. Did old man Bush ask me or you if we wanted these towel heads living here ? I don't think so.

The Bush family control an organization known as the Carlysle Group. Carlysle is the 11th largest supplier of miltary hardware in the world, and they are indeed getting fat, whether they have belatedly been put in blind trust or not. Mr. Cheney was the Chairman of the Board for Haliburton, paid 34 million his last year working for them, publicly, and now he is covertly ordering the bombing of innocent afghani's in order to further the profit goals of Haliburton. Further, Haliburton has a wholly owned subsidiary named Brown and Root. Brown and Root builds and supplies 95% of all military bases overseas.

Little "w" Bush, the tyrant and murdering offspring, sitting like dung in the Oval Office, has now declared war on the muslim world outside the country and the Christian Conservatives living in the country. Another in a long string of Skull and Bonesmen, claiming to be a Christian, is nothing less than a Israeli lackey and toady carrying Ariel Sharons genocidal water bucket to the trough of satan.

Good Christians are informed Christians, all others are idiots destined to align themselves in a senseless, baseless and needless patriotic display of their total ignorance by supporting the butchers of Bush-Land. Waving their Chinese made American flags from all four corners of their auto's and standing united in their total ignorance makes me want to vomit. Murderers !!!

So for a sleaze journalist like Kathleen Parker to insinuate that we are all crazy by implying that Cynthia McKinney is crazy, should cause us to suspect her intentions, and her paymaster. Is she just another CIA controlled spook ? Or is she just one of millions of blind, deaf and "DUMB", Bush supporters.

[CTRL] Joseph Watson's rebuttal of James Robbins' 911 mockery

2002-04-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Atrocities of the Mainstream Media
Detective Watson on the Case of Syndicated Columnist Crime
Part 1 - James S. Robbins of the National Review

Welcome to the first instalment of what no doubt promises to be a lengthy
series. Initially, we focus on the inane rant of NRO contributor and
'national security analyst' James S. Robbins. Here I dissect his pathetic
piece of 'journalism' concerning the recently released French book 'The
Appalling Fraud' by Thierry Meyssan. This book questions whether a Boeing 757
really did hit the Pentagon on September 11th, and also explores other
evidence concerning government prior knowledge and involvement in the
terrorist attacks. Before we begin, let me state that I do not believe
anything other than a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on September 11th. However,
I also believe that people who ask questions and present evidence suggesting
otherwise should be debated in a mature manner, in an open forum. Their
claims should be thoroughly investigated and their character treated with
dignity. Surprise, surprise, our lapdog global mainstream media has treated
anyone who presents such evidence like they are promoting pedophilia. Oh but,
I forgot, it's judges, major universities and, you guessed it, the mainstream
media that are actually promoting pedophilia.

The '9/11 denial' article in full can be found at

Robbins' comments appear in black, my retort in red. Hyperlinks are blue,
please reference them as they appear.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] This would be alright ...

2002-04-21 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Shelby Kincaid [EMAIL PROTECTED]


... if it weren't so obviously Saba/Colleen. As it is, she's just trying to get around 
posting limitations set on her by the list mod, and, as such, she should be dropped 
for good.

- jt

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Middle East Muddle

2002-04-21 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, saba wrote:

 RuMills has good thing though re Bush for they are in for the kill now.
 He doesn't want to go along with them.

You got it. He is the best President since Kennedy and so he is the most
hated by the Trotskyite Puppet Masters. The Christian Conservatives would
like him killed because he has not totally sold his soul to the Antichrist
Regime over Israel. He is the first President to say he will recognize
the Palestine State if.

 Wonder - who was the pilot that dropped the bomb on those Canadians and
 they were handsome lot of men.No experienced pilot would do such a
 thing, and hopefully no true blue American Pilot for this guy would not
 follow orders - was it deliberate?

My hunch is that the Canadians were murdered. Why? Because Canada as a
whole is neutral on the Israel-Palestine thing...according to the polls.
But at what level the order to murder them was given I do not know.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] open letter to david icke from andrew hennessey

2002-04-21 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-


From Andrew Hennesseya.hennessey @ Btopenworld.com

Folks find it hard to grasp. Practitioners of skepticism and reason,
would-be allies and people of power may be persuaded. Influential thinkers
may come on board. Politicians may represent - but alas the idea, the very
idea appears to be a nonsense.

No-one with any attributes of reason can possibly buy into a Global
The why is easy - far too easy - for how can there possibly be one
controlling Cabal when the myriad of secret and secretive societies acting
in total self-interest appear to be in total competition and often degrees
of isolation from one another.

Pro-human activist David Icke publishes literally hundreds of different
conspiratorial organisations and factions.
Any fair minded human must be asking - well if they are all conspiring - how
can they possibly represent one global idea, one global direction, one
global interest.
How can they all recognise one another - there just cannot be memories big
enough to embrace all the secret coding and communication systems between
thousands of co-operating secret societies from global cultures. There would
have to be a simple answer.

If all the players in those thousands of societies shared two simple
attributes we can identify them amongst the smoke and mirrors of their
social circuses.
And I think they do.
1. The ancient [reptilian/aryan] bloodlines are fully telepathic [unlike
their despised human clones and mimics]  certainly this considerably eases
their own burden of identification and communication.
2. They are anti-human, and anti-life, desolate.

The guy I have looked to to break the barriers down and get to the core of
the conspiracy is David Icke.
David named and shamed the aliens within, he tore into their overt social
structures, but then he seemed to hit the skids with frequencies and
Despite telepathy being skirted around as an effect of the global
conspiracy, he never identified it as THE central attribute of this global
Ariosophy speaks of the Edenic Aryan telepathic gland that degenerated in
Humanity - why doesn't David ?
My next bit of news was that I heard David isn't much into soul and that he
doesn't really go down that route. I would have to hear him say one way or
the other - but certainly I can identify a lack of spiritual perspective in
David's belief system.
It's re-incarnation and Telepathy that are central to every major thing we
ever tore away from the secrecy of the church vaults or the abductee
It is surely obvious that it is the reptoid powers of telepathy that are
scything away amongst the confusion of the 'sheeple'.
It is the one simple unifying theory of conspiracy that makes possible  a
Global force for genocide of the human species.
I enjoyed the Biggest Secret and heard a lot more of the same in Children of
the Matrix, but neither book got to the dark heart of the issue.
Sure, us 'sheeple' are at a dense disadvantage, but we are noble souls
inhabiting a cumbersome overcoat.
The dark attributes of the reptoid mindset are Nihilism, Lunacy and
Pornography - they practise desolation to ruin our spirits and degrade our
souls and we see evidence of that in all the ritual exposes that David
bravely does.
The Fallen though are clearly plotting and we need to see the truth and hear
it from our leading lights.
So please, David - believe in your soul and give the sheeple back their own
telepathic voice, their birthright, by acknowledging that the Telepathic
Conspiracy is actually The Biggest of All Secrets on this Planet.
The reptoids would run if the 'chattering monkeys' stopped chattering and
all complained with the one powerful voice.
The monkeys don't yet know that they have a telepathic voice and influence
thanks to millennia of reptoid misinformation about the acquisition of
'magical powers'.
Telepathy, however, is a simple bit of resonant order emerging as waves from
the chaotic furnace that is our 'soul'.
Order truly would emerge out of chaos if we all realised that.

Andrew Hennessey

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] This would be alright ...

2002-04-21 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 ... if it weren't so obviously Saba/Colleen. As it is, she's just trying
to get around her
 posting limitations set on her by the list mod, and, as such, she should
be dropped for good.

 - jt

its a conspiracy of backbiting and childish pointscoring
and you haven't stayed clear of it either - now you're playing the role of
bully - how would you like it ???


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-21 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 Sorry for chiming in here, but a couple of points.  One, this is a very
 sentiment that Jesus was a groovy, hip, make love not war kind of guy that
 became misrepresented.  I like that.  However, point 2 is that he is and
 always been a myth.

well, sorry to cut your post off like this, but i dunno about that. i'm no
theist, and i certainly wouldn't call myself a christian, but can it not be
proven that jesus was a real person that existed [through roman tax
records]? i'm not referring to the census given as an excuse for him being
born in bethlehem instead of nazareth; i'm quite certain that this
information is out there from some tax record when he was a young adult. the
fact that i can't seem to locate a source is not helping me. anybody know
what the hell i'm talking about?

of course, it could always be argued that they were forged.

i look at jesus more as awella daniel boone type character, where
stories are created around the person due to awe and admiration. who knows,
if we ever go through a nuclear war then maybe when the people emerge
they'll stumble upon data [electronic or, maybe, from a half destroyed
library] describing george washington as a super human that can throw a rock
across potomac bay, and, thus, assume him to be myth. but, we all know him
to have existed.

i *am* definately suspicious, and i take very little of what is in either
testament at face value..but i don't see how you can flat out declare
his existence to be a myth. i mean, how many sources are there *really* that
prove thati dunnoramses II existed? alexander the great? that the
pelopponesian war happened? maybe one or two or three at most. yet we take
this as historical fact, even though it's probably quite embellished. the
scriptures may not be a good source of real historical happenings, but
they're good enough to prove that the guy actually lived as far as i'm



there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
i'm not going to let congress erode the power of the executive branch -
george w. bush

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] open letter to david icke from andrew hennessey

2002-04-21 Thread Edward Britton

Could it be that David Icke and Cynthia McKinney are
related? Could it be that the two of them are actually brother and
sister? Then again, could it be that they are both brothers OR sisters
with one or the other of them in drag? Maybe the two of them are
the only reptoids trying to take over the planet and everybody else is
Minor differences in color and over-all gender/appearance
shouldn't fool the ardent seeker of truth. Look deeper at the core
conspiracy. After all, they're both dime store conspiracy buffs who
write or tell of their experiences on hallucinogenic mushrooms, and
Signed, Edward (Chief shape shifting reptoid in charge of the
southeastern sector of the one-world, global

Seriously though, what are you smoking Andrew, and where can I get
some? I wanna see people turning into lizards too!


 At 03:53 AM 4/22/2002 +0100, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
From Andrew Hennessey a.hennessey @
Folks find it hard to grasp. Practitioners of skepticism and
would-be allies and people of power may be persuaded. Influential
may come on board. Politicians may represent - but alas the idea, the
idea appears to be a nonsense.
No-one with any attributes of reason can possibly buy into a Global
The why is easy - far too easy - for how can there possibly be one
controlling Cabal when the myriad of secret and secretive societies
in total self-interest appear to be in total competition and often
of isolation from one another.
Pro-human activist David Icke publishes literally hundreds of
conspiratorial organisations and factions.
Any fair minded human must be asking - well if they are all conspiring -
can they possibly represent one global idea, one global direction,
global interest.
How can they all recognise one another - there just cannot be memories
enough to embrace all the secret coding and communication systems
thousands of co-operating secret societies from global cultures. There
have to be a simple answer.
If all the players in those thousands of societies shared two
attributes we can identify them amongst the smoke and mirrors of
social circuses.
And I think they do.
1. The ancient [reptilian/aryan] bloodlines are fully telepathic
their despised human clones and mimics] certainly this considerably
their own burden of identification and communication.
2. They are anti-human, and anti-life, desolate.
The guy I have looked to to break the barriers down and get to the core
the conspiracy is David Icke.
David named and shamed the aliens within, he tore into their overt
structures, but then he seemed to hit the skids with frequencies
Despite telepathy being skirted around as an effect of the global
conspiracy, he never identified it as THE central attribute of this
Ariosophy speaks of the Edenic Aryan telepathic gland that degenerated
Humanity - why doesn't David ?
My next bit of news was that I heard David isn't much into soul and that
doesn't really go down that route. I would have to hear him say one way
the other - but certainly I can identify a lack of spiritual perspective
David's belief system.
It's re-incarnation and Telepathy that are central to every major thing
ever tore away from the secrecy of the church vaults or the
It is surely obvious that it is the reptoid powers of telepathy that
scything away amongst the confusion of the 'sheeple'.
It is the one simple unifying theory of conspiracy that makes
possible a
Global force for genocide of the human species.
I enjoyed the Biggest Secret and heard a lot more of the same in Children
the Matrix, but neither book got to the dark heart of the issue.
Sure, us 'sheeple' are at a dense disadvantage, but we are noble
inhabiting a cumbersome overcoat.
The dark attributes of the reptoid mindset are Nihilism, Lunacy and
Pornography - they practise desolation to ruin our spirits and degrade
souls and we see evidence of that in all the ritual exposes that
bravely does.
The Fallen though are clearly plotting and we need to see the truth and
it from our leading lights.
So please, David - believe in your soul and give the sheeple back their
telepathic voice, their birthright, by acknowledging that the
Conspiracy is actually The Biggest of All Secrets on this Planet.
The reptoids would run if the 'chattering monkeys' stopped chattering
all complained with the one powerful voice.
The monkeys don't yet know that they have a telepathic voice and
thanks to millennia of reptoid misinformation about the acquisition
'magical powers'.
Telepathy, however, is a simple bit of resonant order emerging as waves
the chaotic furnace that is our 'soul'.
Order truly would emerge out of chaos if we 

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-21 Thread Xxx Yyy

-Caveat Lector-

Hammurabi did a nice academic presentation of what some academics know about
that part of history.  Those who read here should know that there is a big
academic religious movement bent on saying that nothing in Jewish or
Christian history can be accepted with certainty.  No Jesus, no apostles, no
Abraham, no King David, no Exodus, no Moses, etc.  There is no indication
that Hammurabi is part of that movement, but he may be influenced by it.  Why
the trend?  Well, if we are to move into one world religion, people must be
convinced that  humans all have some sort of good sweet center, kind of like
a Fannie Mae chocolate, that has come out in every religious group to form
the core of their beliefs.  If we could just discard all of the outside
shells, all of the sweet centers will come together to form a single candy
that everyone can nibble from.

That the core of Christianity should be belief in a person makes it
difficult.  I don't believe in Christianity, but I also don't think the
movement would have come together without a focal point.

We should look carefully at the promotion of Judaism without Torah historical
figures and Christianity without Jesus.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] McKinney Speech 4/20/02 Peace Rally in DC

2002-04-21 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


The Webfairy
We Come For Peace McKinney, April 20
Mon Apr 22 02:33:07 2002

We Come For Peace
By Rep. Cynthia McKinney
[Remarks to April 20, peace rally in Washington, DC]

We come here today from the four corners of this nation.

We are blacks and whites, Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans;
Christians, Muslims, and Jews; gay, lesbian, and straight; immigrants
and native-born Americans; rich and poor.

Here today are representatives of all sections of society: students,
union members . . .

union members on strike . . .

homeless veterans . . .

and everyday warriors on the battlefield for justice.

But despite all our differences, we are here today . . . one
community with one thing in common: a desire to see the restoration
of the true ideals of America.

America -- where fundamental rights to vote, speak, and practice
religion mean something.

A country that has a democratic form of government, a democratic way
of life and a nation in which all can participate freely in political
activity and share in the abundance of its harvest.

But America today is still a far cry from the noble Republic founded
upon those words: All men are created equal.

We have not dealt well with our diversity and too many of our
citizens suffer needlessly.

Each day millions of Americans suffer poverty, hunger, the sting of
discrimination . . .

arbitrary arrest, racial profiling, and brutality from rogue police . . .
inadequate health care, drug abuse, and unemployment.

For the millions of poor Americans, ours is not a just society.

More than 31 million Americans live in poverty. One in every six of
our children live in poverty.

Some of our nation's poor even sleep each night on the steps of the
buildings just visible from the bedrooms of the White House.

And sadly, many of those who sleep on America's streets are our
veterans from US wars . . .

Sadly, nor is ours a democratic society.

In November 2000, the Republicans stole from America our most
precious right of all: the right to free and fair elections.

Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his Secretary of State Katherine
Harris, created a phony list of convicted felons--57,700 to be exact--
to scrub thousands of innocent people from the state's voter rolls.
Of the thousands who ultimately lost their vote through this scrub of
voters, 80% were African-American, mostly Democratic Party voters.
Had they voted, the course of history would have changed. Instead,
however, Harris declared Bush the victor by only 537 votes.

Now President Bush occupies the White House, but with questionable

But however he got there, his Administration is now free to spend one
to four billion dollars a month on the war in Afghanistan .
. .

free to cut the high deployment overtime pay of our young service men
and women fighting in that war . . .

free to propose drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve
National Park . . .

free to stonewall on the Enron and Energy Task Force investigations . . .

free to revoke the rules that keep our drinking water free of
arsenic . . .

free to get caught in Venezuela . . .

and free to propose laws that deny our citizens sacred freedoms
cherished under the Constitution.

We must dare to remember all of this.

We must dare to debate and challenge all of this.

And that is why we are here today.

We come here today to chart a new course for our communities and for

To fight against bigotry, we stand together as one and we must.

To fight against injustice, we stand together as one and we must.

To fight against poverty, we stand together as one and we must.

To fight against the destruction of our environment, we stand
together as one and we must.

To wage peace instead of war, we stand together as one and
we must.

Because, through our efforts, I believe we can once again, make
America a force for good in the world.

We, as the world's most powerful nation have a responsibility to act
in defense of the weak and to protect them from harm.

We failed in Rwanda.

We failed in Srebrenica.

We failed in East Timor.

And now, as we speak, we fail in Jenin.

Let us dedicate ourselves here today, to join together as one.

When one person stands up and speaks out for the suffering of the
weak, a tiny ripple of hope is created.

When numerous people stand and demand justice for the multitude who
have been forgotten, a strong current of possibilities is

When an entire community stands up and demands change a mighty wave
of freedom and justice is created.

We gather here today and we speak with one voice . . .

And let us remember, that one person can make a ripple.

One ripple can make a movement.

One movement can make a voice.

And one voice can make mighty change.

Let us leave here today and make the change this country needs to be
loved and respected around the world once again.

And remember one thing: Register and Vote!


Re: [CTRL] open letter to david icke from andrew hennessey

2002-04-21 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Typical of your debunking, Edward. Maybe you have a reptilian implant?


On 21 Apr 2002 at 23:38, Edward Britton wrote:

 Could it be that David Icke and Cynthia McKinney are related?  Could it be
 that the two of them are actually brother and sister? Then again, could it
 be that they are both brothers OR sisters with one or the other of them in
 drag?  Maybe the two of them are the only reptoids trying to take over the
 planet and everybody else is human.

 Minor differences in color and over-all gender/appearance shouldn't fool
 the ardent seeker of truth.  Look deeper at the core conspiracy.  After
 all, they're both dime store conspiracy buffs who write or tell of their
 experiences on hallucinogenic mushrooms, and they're both CRAZY AS SHIT

 Signed, Edward   (Chief shape shifting reptoid in charge of the
 southeastern sector of the one-world, global government.)

 Seriously though, what are you smoking Andrew, and where can I get some?  I
 wanna see people turning into lizards too!


At 03:53 AM 4/22/2002 +0100, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-
  From Andrew Hennesseya.hennessey @ Btopenworld.com
 Folks find it hard to grasp. Practitioners of skepticism and reason,
 would-be allies and people of power may be persuaded. Influential thinkers
 may come on board. Politicians may represent - but alas the idea, the very
 idea appears to be a nonsense.
 No-one with any attributes of reason can possibly buy into a Global
 The why is easy - far too easy - for how can there possibly be one
 controlling Cabal when the myriad of secret and secretive societies acting
 in total self-interest appear to be in total competition and often degrees
 of isolation from one another.
 Pro-human activist David Icke publishes literally hundreds of different
 conspiratorial organisations and factions.
 Any fair minded human must be asking - well if they are all conspiring - how
 can they possibly represent one global idea, one global direction, one
 global interest.
 How can they all recognise one another - there just cannot be memories big
 enough to embrace all the secret coding and communication systems between
 thousands of co-operating secret societies from global cultures. There would
 have to be a simple answer.
 If all the players in those thousands of societies shared two simple
 attributes we can identify them amongst the smoke and mirrors of their
 social circuses.
 And I think they do.
 1. The ancient [reptilian/aryan] bloodlines are fully telepathic [unlike
 their despised human clones and mimics]  certainly this considerably eases
 their own burden of identification and communication.
 2. They are anti-human, and anti-life, desolate.
 The guy I have looked to to break the barriers down and get to the core of
 the conspiracy is David Icke.
 David named and shamed the aliens within, he tore into their overt social
 structures, but then he seemed to hit the skids with frequencies and
 Despite telepathy being skirted around as an effect of the global
 conspiracy, he never identified it as THE central attribute of this global
 Ariosophy speaks of the Edenic Aryan telepathic gland that degenerated in
 Humanity - why doesn't David ?
 My next bit of news was that I heard David isn't much into soul and that he
 doesn't really go down that route. I would have to hear him say one way or
 the other - but certainly I can identify a lack of spiritual perspective in
 David's belief system.
 It's re-incarnation and Telepathy that are central to every major thing we
 ever tore away from the secrecy of the church vaults or the abductee
 It is surely obvious that it is the reptoid powers of telepathy that are
 scything away amongst the confusion of the 'sheeple'.
 It is the one simple unifying theory of conspiracy that makes possible  a
 Global force for genocide of the human species.
 I enjoyed the Biggest Secret and heard a lot more of the same in Children of
 the Matrix, but neither book got to the dark heart of the issue.
 Sure, us 'sheeple' are at a dense disadvantage, but we are noble souls
 inhabiting a cumbersome overcoat.
 The dark attributes of the reptoid mindset are Nihilism, Lunacy and
 Pornography - they practise desolation to ruin our spirits and degrade our
 souls and we see evidence of that in all the ritual exposes that David
 bravely does.
 The Fallen though are clearly plotting and we need to see the truth and hear
 it from our leading lights.
 So please, David - believe in your soul and give the sheeple back their own
 telepathic voice, their birthright, by acknowledging that the Telepathic
 Conspiracy is actually The Biggest of All Secrets on this Planet.
 The reptoids would run if the 'chattering monkeys' stopped chattering and
 all complained with the one powerful voice.
 The monkeys don't yet know that they have a telepathic voice and