[CTRL] Anti-Semitic attacks complement anti-Arab racism

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

 Their aims are three-fold: In order to justify Sharon’s war
 against the Palestinians, their propaganda portrays all Muslims as
 anti-Semitic. For the same purpose they attack all critics of
 Sharon and of political Zionism as essentially anti-Jewish and,
 finally, they use fear of anti-Semitism to oppose Jewish
 assimilation and argue for mass emigration to Israel.

To proclaim all of any group as being all one way has its own flavour of bigotry
without specific examples of specific acts by specific persons.  If all are blamed, 
will tend to unite the like persons whether they share views or not.

Thus, this plays out in any attacks on Sharon and his band of hooligans.  Although
some may personally feel Sharon is the wrong person for this time in history, they will
band with Ariel due to some fluffy idealistic codependent identification.  Again, that
acrid flavour becomes apparent.

And, thus, we find ourselves confronted with all of them (they who are
discourteous enough to self-define themselves as a them, other than us), they
look upon us and everyone else apart from them as being the others.  Now, I don't
look like no one else.  This has been a BIG problem with accepting people who have
aspirations of repatriating to migrating to another locale.  I don't care who it is: 
just might not be depended upon to support the immediate (time and place) groups
with whom they live.  So, by their own actions, they have not only separated
themselves from the whole but the whole has accepted their voluntarily self-imposed
separation.  Instantaneous discrimination.  Mutual and equal.

I, as an American, living in Germany for a period of three years, was perceived to be
a temporary asset to that country.  I could have cared less what happened in the
local community and there was no secret about it.  As long as my favourite restaurant
had good food and cold beer, I was happy.  As long as I paid my rent and utilities on
time, the Germans were happy.  I broke no laws, was polite, and gave the landlord a
gift at the holidays.  So, I was not introduced into polite society nor accepted into
many's homes as a consequence.  I did not perceive that the Germans were anti-
American (of some German extraction).  It's just no one's gonna stick their necks out
for someone they know would rather be somewhere else and just might be on their
way in the morning.

Until the people decide they're (in general) stuck where they're at (at least country-
wise), they're always gonna be a little less accepted and a little more out cast.  I
didn't feel a need to have any part of my body kissed because I was a minority and
expected to be considered special thereby.  AER


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : France

France: Anti-Semitic attacks complement anti-Arab racism

By Chris Marsden
26 April 2002

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An unholy alliance of hard-line Zionists and the fascist National Front of Jean Marie
Le Pen is spearheading efforts to whip up already festering tensions between
France’s Muslims and Jews. What amounts to a concerted political campaign is
utilising a spate of anti-Semitic attacks perpetrated by disaffected North African 
in order to legitimise racist and nationalist policies and stringent law and order
measures that are antithetical to the interests of Muslims and Jews alike.

It is of paramount importance to take a principled stand against the advocates of
communal hatred on all sides. Especially in the country that is home to Europe’s
largest Muslim population of around six million and to 700,000 Jews—making France
the world’s fourth largest population centre for Jewish people after Israel, the United
States and Russia. This is lent additional urgency not only by the terrible events
unfolding in the Middle East, but also by the recent electoral success of the fascist
National Front (FN) leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, who placed second in the first round
of France’s presidential elections.

The man who once described the Holocaust as “a detail of history” is seeking to
foster anti- Muslim sentiment while portraying himself as a friend to France’s Jewish
people due to his advocacy of law and order measures and anti-Muslim stance.

All evidence suggests that the latest outbreak of anti-Semitic attacks are generally
motivated by a misplaced sympathy amongst Muslim youth for the Palestinians
suffering under Israeli occupation. This fact alone demonstrates once again that
Zionism is the enemy of the Jewish people, rather than its saviour. The crimes of
Ariel Sharon’s government has blackened the name of Israel amongst millions of the
world’s people and has associated a people historically amongst the foremost
advocates of progressive ideals with the systematic denial of the democratic rights
and brutalisation of the Palestinians.

None of this makes attacks on Jewish people and religious institutions 

[CTRL] NYC Freaks Out

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-279508,00.html

And they done did have an oithquake the other week, they did, they did.  Just tell
whoever evacuates the city not to look back; unless they want to be part of an avant-
garde salt statuette business.  AER

April 26, 2002

New York on nuclear alert after blast
From James Bone in New York

NEW YORK was seized by fears of a “dirty bomb” terrorist attack yesterday after an
apparently accidental explosion ripped through a commercial building, injuring
dozens, at least six critically.

Manhattan hospitals were put on full disaster alert and prepared to decontaminate
incoming victims from radiation, with at least one scanning them with a Geiger

Fearing a new terrorist attack, the FBI and the New York bomb squad swooped on
the ten-storey building on West 19th Street in response to the blast shortly before
noon. The surrounding streets were cordoned off and emergency crews and more
than 100 firefighters set up a triage centre on the pavement for dozens of walking

St Vincent’s Hospital, which treated the injured from the World Trade Centre on
September 11, declared its top “Code Three” disaster alert as its safety officer
monitored arriving victims for radiation in a decontamination area. Federal officials
gave warning recently that al- Qaeda may be trying to develop a radiological device,
or “dirty bomb”, for attacks in the United States.

Six people were admitted to the hospital in “very critical condition” with head wounds
and burns, after the blast which injured up to 50. Windows along the block were
blown out by the force of the explosion and several of the injured were hit by flying
glass. More than 100 firefighters were called to the scene.

But Dr Richard Westfal, the associate director of St Vincent Hospital’s emergency
room, said: “There was no evidence of any weapons of mass destruction or anything
like that. It looked like just an explosion.”

The blast rattled nearby buildings and was initially thought to have occurred in the
Apex Technical School on the corner of West 19th Street and 6th Ave. The school
was not damaged.

Bill Beek, who lives a half-block away, said: “It was a real giant boom, It sounded 
an airplane crashing.”

One eyewitness, Alan Awol, said: “I heard a big explosion. The whole third floor had
collapsed. People were stuck on the third floor. They looked like they were hysterical,
like they wanted to jump out.”

Scott Bonilla, a student at the technical school, said he was inside the building when
it began shaking. “They told us to rush out of the building,” he said. Stuart 
who runs the school’s education department, said: “It was just a really loud noise.
Some of our windows did get blown out.”

Michael Bloomberg, the New York Mayor, said: “At the moment I want to assure that
there is absolutely no reason to think this is anything other than a tragic accident, 
we hope there is no loss of life.”

Like the jet crash near John F. Kennedy airport late last year, the blast rattled New
Yorkers’ nerves and offered another test of the city’s revamped emergency response

Nicholas Scoppetta, the New York Fire Commissioner, said that the explosion
occurred in the basement of the building, which houses a company that makes signs.
He said the company received shipments of volatile materials in 50-gallon drums on
Wednesday but could not say if those were the cause of the explosion. According to
earlier reports, the New York City building department had received a complaint
about unauthorised construction at the site and inspectors had issued a “stop-work”
order on Tuesday. Despite the ban, work apparently continued.


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[CTRL] Data Destruction

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Friday, April 26, 2002 Iyyar 14, 5762
Israel Time: 09:28 (GMT+3)

Operation Destroy the Data

By Amira Hass

It's a scene that is repeating itself in hundreds of Palestinian offices taken over by
IDF troops for a few hours or days in the West Bank: smashed, burned and broken
computer terminals heaped in piles and thrown into yards; server cabling cut, hard
disks missing, disks and diskettes scattered and broken, printers and scanners
broken or missing, laptops gone, telephone exchanges that disappeared or were
vandalized, and paper files burned, torn, scattered, or defaced - if not taken. And 
all in rooms full of smashed furniture, torn curtains, broken windows, smashed-in
doors, walls full of holes, filthy floors and soiled bathrooms. Here and there, the
soldiers left obscene graffiti or letters full of hatred, but compared to the data that
was destroyed or taken, the insults read like poetry. Even the overflowing toilets look
more like human weakness compared to the organized vandalism reflected in the
piles of smashed computers.

It's not merely the expense of the hardware that has to be replaced. The loss is
immeasurable in shekels or dollars. Years of information built into knowledge, time
spent thinking by thousands of people working to build their civil society and their
future or trying to build a private sector that would bring a sense of economic 
to their country.

These are the data banks developed in Palestinian Authority institutions like the
Education Ministry, the Higher Education Ministry and the Health Ministry. These are
the data banks of the non-governmental organizations and research institutes
devoted to developing a modern health system, modern agricultural, environmental
protection and water conservation. These are the data banks of human rights
organizations, banks and private commercial enterprises, infirmaries, and
supermarkets. They all were clearly the targets for destruction in the military
operation called Defensive Shield.

The Israeli public has been spared the sights of the destruction. Here and there, a
photo of some demolished office sneaks into the TV news shows. But Israeli TV
news doesn't find a few seconds to report on a Palestinian woman or a child of nine
who was shot dead from a distance, inside their homes, by an anonymous Israeli
soldier, so how can it find time or reason to report on the crazed destruction
perpetrated by a unit of soldiers in one office.

The IDF has given up denying that some soldiers looted - money, jewels and video
cameras - private homes. That can be explained by officers too weak to impose
discipline on their soldiers and by soldiers too weak to fight material temptation. But
the systematic destruction of the data banks was not a matter of personal weakness
by either officers or soldiers.

Let's not deceive ourselves; this was not a mission to search and destroy the terrorist
infrastructure. If the forces breaking into every hard disk of every bank and clinic,
commercial consultant's office or PA ministry, thought that a list of weapons or
wanted men was inside the disk, all they had to do was copy the information and
pass it on to the Shin Bet. If they thought incriminating evidence was hidden in the
Education Ministry and the International Bank of Palestine and in a shop that rents
prosthetics, the soldiers would have examined document after document, and not
thrown the files on the floor without opening them.

This was not a whim, or crazed vengeance, by this or that unit, nor a personal
vandalistic urge of a soldier whose buddies didn't dare stop him. There was a
decision made to vandalize the civic, administrative, cultural infrastructure developed
by Palestinian society. Was it an explicit order or one given with a wink? Was it an
order or was it the result of permission given to soldiers to do what they want? Did
the order - or wink - come down from the battalion commander or from the brigadier?
Was it from the headquarters of IDF forces in the West Bank or from IDF
Operations? Did it come from the general in command of the Central Command or
from general headquarters?

Either way, the scenes of systematic destruction show how the IDF translated into
the field the instructions inherent in the political echelon's policies: Israel must
destroy Palestinian civil institutions, sabotaging for years to come the Palestinian
goal for independence, sending all of Palestinian society backward. It's so easy and
comforting to think of the entire Palestinian society as primitive, bloodthirsty
terrorists, after the raw material and product of their intellectual, cultural, social 
economic activity has been destroyed. That way, the Israeli public can continue to be
deceived into believing that terror is a genetic problem and not a sociological and
political mutation, 

[CTRL] Against terrorism, not people

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,690805,00.html

 An army spokesman, Lieutenant-Colonel Olivier Rafowicsz, said
 yesterday: We are not in a war against the Palestinian Authority
 or the Palestinian people. We are in a war against terrorism.

 Capt Edelheit's response: The human rights organisations are not
 always fair, blonde, blue-eyed Europeans.

Schools, banks and a puppet theatre trashed

Palestinians say Israel has wrecked the infrastructure of their emerging state by
systematically demolishing key installations in Ramallah

Ewen MacAskill in Ramallah
Friday April 26, 2002
The Guardian

The damage done by the Israeli army during its three-week occupation of Ramallah,
de facto capital of the Palestinian Authority, is obvious: the flattened cars, 
buildings and smashed shopfronts. But the more serious damage is invisible.

The army destroyed or removed the files and records of many Palestinian ministries
and institutions, ranging from high-level financial documents to the records of school

The Palestinians were yesterday still clearing up the debris. The damage is
estimated at tens of millions of dollars. Some said it would take years to rebuild the
information that was stolen and taken to Israel. In many cases, the data has gone

The Palestinians claim that Israel set out to destroy the infrastructure of their
emerging state. The Israeli army insists its aim was purely to destroy the
infrastructure of terror. An army spokesman, Lieutenant-Colonel Olivier Rafowicsz,
said yesterday: We are not in a war against the Palestinian Authority or the
Palestinian people. We are in a war against terrorism.

But the army's interpretation of what constitutes the infrastructure of terror has
turned out to be a broad one: the soldiers trashed schools, banks, hospitals, cultural
centres, stores, human rights offices and radio and television stations, including one
called Peace and Love.

Some of the wreckage was wanton and spiteful, carried out by bored soldiers billeted
in Palestinian buildings.

The looting was small-scale. The worst of the damage was systematic. Police
stations were wrecked and all the Palestinian Authority's ministries, except the
ministry of planning and the ministry of sport, were ransacked. The main target was
computers, whose hard drives were removed and taken to Israel.

Among the trashed institutions were:

· Aziz Shaheen girls' school

in the But al-Hawa district. With 800 pupils it is one of the biggest schools on the
West Bank, and it has a good academic reputation, especially in science and
technology. Ten Israeli tanks were parked in its playground for three weeks; snipers
used the upper floor.

Children returning to the school on Monday found it surrounded by barbed wire,
rubbish and spent explosives. They were told by the principal, Mariam Masharka, 45,
to go home until the school was cleaned up and repaired.

Sabrine Wadir, 15, a pupil, said: Our first sight was the playground, surrounded by a
barbed-wire fence, as if it was a jail. The lock to my classroom was broken. They
destroyed pictures of flowers, martyrs, our president.

Musical instruments were looted, books were torn and piled in the corridors. Anti-
Arab graffiti was scrawled in every corridor. Among the debris was a tapestry in a
broken glass frame, saying Peace and Justice for Palestine.

An Israeli army spokesman, Captain Ron Edelheit, responded: If you have a platoon
staying, there are bound to be scratches.

· Mattin human rights group which has an office at a crossroads on al-Haq street.

Salwa Daibis, a partner in the Mattin group, said: A metal door had been flung 50
metres away. It took me half an hour to locate my desk, upside down, covered with
other things, tins of food, Coca-Cola tins. The cash box was not there.

I couldn't find my computer. I found a [computer] shell. I think it is mine. The hard
disk is gone. Some monitors are missing. This is 20 years of work. My whole life is
there. This is an assault against an entire population to damage the fabric of 

Capt Edelheit's response: The human rights organisations are not always fair,
blonde, blue-eyed Europeans. Some of them were linked to terrorists, he claimed.

· Housing Bank for Trade and Finance one block from Manara Square. The
headquarters of a Jordanian bank that provides loans for building homes.

On April 3, a tank fired three rounds through its plate-glass windows. The entire
contents of two floors were demolished.

Talib Muleseh, 45, operations manager for the bank, which has 32 staff, 25,000
customers and is worth $51m, said: There was no reason for this. It is banking
terror. It is about destroying the Palestinian infrastructure. The bank supported the
Palestinian economy.

He estimated the cost of repairs at more than $200,000, which includes two new
cash-in-the wall machines at $40,000 each.

Capt Edelheit said there were buildings the army had not 

[CTRL] Michigan cops get to search homes without revealing why

2002-04-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Letter asks Congress to nix secret searches from USA Act


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 13:00:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Naomi Lopez Bauman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Home Searches in Michigan


April 24, 2002
The state Legislature has given police power to search your home
without telling you why.
Two new laws, which took effect Monday as part of anti-terror efforts,
also shield from public scrutiny the reasons for police searches.

Defense lawyers and civil libertarians are outraged at the laws, which
make search warrants and supporting documents such as affidavits
non-public records.

If you think the police did secretive work before, just wait,
defense attorney William Cataldo said. It gives more power to the
ignorant and more power to those who would take your rights.

Defense lawyer Walter Piszczatowski said: This is nuts, this is
beyond nuts.

What happened to the Fourth Amendment? We're living in a police

That means the public, the press, and in some cases even the person
accused of the crime, can't know why the police entered a home without


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[CTRL] A US Hand in Bosnia's 'Dirty War'

2002-04-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

A US Hand in Bosnia's 'Dirty War'

A sweeping Dutch investigation into a 1995 massacre in the Bosnian town of
Srebrenica has revealed that the Pentagon secretly supplied Bosnian
Muslims with arms during the war in the former Yugoslavia, violating a UN
embargo and supporting some of the same radical Islamic groups now
targeted in the war on terrorism. The report also concludes that the
intelligence organizations of several US allies, particularly Israel and
Greece, were equally involved in arming Bosnia's Serbs.

Pentagon Smuggled Arms -
http://www.guardian.co.uk/yugo/article/0,2763,688327,00.html Guardian (UK)


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[CTRL] Hosni Mubarak: 'Israel has gone beyond all limits'

2002-04-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

'Beyond all limits'

ISRAEL'S invasion of the Palestinian territories is barbaric and the
Israeli leadership is labouring under delusions of military force,
according to President Hosni Mubarak. In an address to the nation
yesterday, commemorating the 20th anniversary of Sinai Day, Mubarak
devoted most of his speech to lambasting Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon's government for its defiance of international law and reason,
reports Nevine Khalil. [Israel's] practices represent gross
infringements of all norms, laws and legitimacy, and demonstrate a lack
of any clear vision for peace. [Israel] is living in an illusion that
military force will win security for itself, Mubarak told the world.

25 April marks the day when Israeli forces completed their withdrawal
from Sinai, except for Taba, the last disputed patch of occupied
Egyptian territory. The Taba issue was litigated at the International
Court of Justice (ICJ) where it was decided that the resort town fell
within Egypt's borders, not Israel's.

Israel has gone beyond all limits by laying siege to the Church of the
Nativity, by violating human rights in all Palestinian areas --
especially at the Jenin refugee camp -- and by attempting to cover up
evidence ... (of the) horrendous crimes perpetrated by the Israeli
Defence Forces, said Mubarak. He also described as groundless
Israel's claim that the Palestinian legitimate right to resistance is
really terrorism. The president said that Tel Aviv is using this
argument to avoid being accused of state terrorism against Palestine.

Mubarak continued that Israel was also taking advantage of some
international powers' reluctance to perform their role in order to
[serve their own] interests. Mubarak clearly hinted that America and
European powers were failing to pressure Israel to take the road to

We must all be vigilant and rational, close ranks and unite our
efforts, in order to besiege the forces of aggression for the sake of a
just, balanced and comprehensive peace, he said.


C Copyright Al-Ahram Weekly. All rights reserved

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Washington's Lethal Double Standards

2002-04-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Washington's Lethal Double Standards

by Mouin Rabbani

Mouin Rabbani is director of the Palestinian American Research Center in
the West Bank town of Ramallah.


Ramallah (22 April 2002) -- The United States is entirely correct to
insist that there can be no justification for the deliberate and
indiscriminate use of violence - i.e. terrorism - against civilian
non-combattants in political conflicts. Yet in the Middle East it has
honoured this principle mainly in the breach, and applied it in a manner
at best laughable.

A particularly instructive example was provided this month, on the 12th
of April. From Jenin in the West Bank, incontrovertible evidence of the
largest Israeli bloodbath since Sabra-Chatilla
http://indictsharon.net/  began to emerge despite Israel's systematic
efforts to conceal the atrocity from the media. Later that afternoon, a
Palestinian woman detonated herself in central Jerusalem, killing six
Israeli civilians and wounding approximately sixty others. The only
suspects in Jenin are the Israeli political leadership and military. The
Jerusalem attack was carried out by a militia loosely affiliated with
the Palestinian Authority.

Given that dozens and probably hundreds of Palestinian civilians have
been killed in Jenin - Israel remains determined to prevent us from
finding out exactly how many - the very minimum a rational observer
would have expected from the United States would be a sharp condemnation
of both events, an unambiguous US demand that both the Israeli and
Palestinian leaders explicitly condemn the terrorist acts perpetrated by
their own citizens, and an equally strong appeal to Ariel Sharon and
Yasir Arafat to punish those responsible to the fullest extent of the

What transpired instead was shocking even by the double standards the
current administration has accustomed us to. On the one hand the Bush
administration repeatedly and vociferously denounced the terrorist
attack in Jerusalem, demanded that Arafat explicitly condemn it as well,
and - at a time when the Palestinian security forces were being
systematically destroyed by Israel and could not even issue a parking
ticket - ordered these forces to take immediate action against
Palestinian militant organisations. And lest there be any doubt that
Washington held the Palestinian leader personally responsible for not
having prevented the attack, Secretary of State Colin Powell - in the
full knowledge that what little remains of Arafat's office is surrounded
by dozens of Israeli tanks and that he cannot even flush the toilet
without Israeli consent - abruptly postponed a planned meeting with him.

In its approach to Israel the United States was a little more forgiving.
In fact, Jenin failed to grace the lips of even a single American
official. Not only did Washington refuse to condemn the atrocity, it
failed to even recognise that one had been perpetrated, or to more
diplomatically request that unconfirmed but disturbing reports be
promptly investigated. Indeed, on 12 April the White House would not go
beyond praising Sharon as a man of peace, whereas Powell made it a
point to welcome Israel's ongoing West Bank offensive.

Terrible as the Jerusalem suicide bombing undoubtedly was, its victims
were either dead or hospitalised by the time Washington reacted. Many in
Jenin were by contrast still bleeding to death from treatable wounds
under the rubble on account of the continuing Israeli siege, which
included a systematic denial of medical care and even water. This made
Washington's see-no-evil approach to Sharon's work in progress nothing
short of lethal.

Lest there be any misunderstanding, America's divergent reactions to
Palestinian organisational and Israeli state terrorism this past Friday
is no recent development. Throughout the past 18 months of conflict, the
United States has condemned each and every killing of an Israeli
civilian, and more often than not also the death of Israeli soldiers on
active duty in occupied territory. At the same time, it has not once - I
repeat, not in a single instance - explicitly condemned the killing of a
Palestinian civilian. This despite the fact that many more Palestinian
than Israeli civilians have been killed, that most Palestinian
casualties have been civilians, and that voluminous evidence produced by
local, Israeli and international human rights organisations conclusively
demonstrates that many if not most of these have been victims of the
deliberate and indiscriminate Israeli use of force.

It appears to be the current position of the Bush administration that an
Israeli soldier killing Palestinians inside a West Bank refugee camp is
engaged in legitimate self-defense, a Palestinian police officer
shooting back at him a terrorist, and his dead parents and children the
victims of their own leadership rather than of those who shoot, shell,
and kill them. With its appalling disregard for Palestinian life, the
United States has cavalierly squandered 

[CTRL] Peru cancels army training with US

2002-04-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Sunday, 21 April, 2002, 07:16 GMT 08:16 UK
Peru cancels army training with US

Peru has called off a joint training exercise with the United States
military in the Amazon region saying that it did not want a foreign military
base in the country.

Critics of United States policy say Washington would like troops in Peru in
case its operations in neighbouring Colombia run into trouble.

Lima's decision comes days after Washington withdrew non-essential diplomats
from Venezuela after acknowledging it had discussed with President Hugo
Chavez's opponents steps to remove him from office.

The United States says it did not encourage the failed military coup in

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Lawmakers defending secret warrants

2002-04-26 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


Lawmakers defending secret warrants

By JOHN WISELY, Of The Oakland Press April 25, 2002

April 25, 2002
Local legislators are defending two new laws that limit public access to
court documents.

The laws, which took effect this week, stop the public from gaining access
to search warrants and affidavits. It deems them nonpublic records.

Lawmakers - who unanimously voted for the measures in the Senate and House
of Representatives - said the laws protect crime victims, informants and
witnesses from criminals and the media.

But civil libertarians and First Amendment lawyers argue they invite police
abuse and curtail public scrutiny.

State Sen. Bill Bullard, R-Highland Township, who co-sponsored one of the
bills with Sen. Shirley Johnson, R-Royal Oak, said despite specific wording
that makes the records nonpublic, he believes affidavits still are subject
to Michigan's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Johnson could not be
reached for comment.

FOIA trumps that, Bullard said Wednesday. If we had wanted to amend FOIA,
we would have done that.

But a Friday memo from State Court Administrator John Ferry Jr. to courts
across the state makes no such distinction. The memo tells clerks that
access to the records is restricted.

When an Oakland Press reporter sought a search warrant from a district court
Tuesday, a clerk said they can't be released and handed over a copy of the
memo about the new law.

The new law makes all search warrants, affidavits and tabulations in any
court file or record retention system nonpublic, according to the memo.

How else is that to be interpreted? said Dawn Phillips, a First Amendment
lawyer with the Michigan Press Association. People in law enforcement want
to follow laws. If they are looking at that memo, they are not going to
release those records.

The bills were part of an anti-terrorism package that passed the Legislature
after the Sept. 11 attacks.

At issue are affidavits, the sworn information police submit to courts when
they want to get permission to search someone's home. The information often
includes the name of the person who has told police where the criminal or
evidence can be found.

If a person's home is searched and he or she is charged with a crime, a
defense lawyer can demand access to the information. If the government seeks
to forfeit the person's property in a civil case, the file also would be

But if no charges are brought, the new law doesn't spell out a way for the
person who was searched to learn why the police searched the home.

Pontiac defense attorney Elbert Hatchett said the move is an expansion of a
dubious process of sealing warrants.

Unfortunately, that's been the case for some time, Hatchett said. The
officer asks for a search warrant and then asks the judge for a suppression
order citing an on-going investigation. It's almost automatic. These courts
and these legislators have always exalted the rights of police over the
rights of the accused.

State Rep. Ruth Johnson (R-Holly) said the point of the law is to protect
victims. She said judges still must approve warrants.

Everything we do is a balancing act, she said. The judge is the person
that is entrusted to make sure it's done properly.

State Rep. Nancy Cassis (R-Novi), who cosponsored the bill in the House,
said the provisions originated in a domestic violence package. Legislators
were worried that attackers could learn where their victims were staying by
getting the address from the affidavit.

Believe me, if there were to occur abuse of this, I'm sure it would be
relooked, Cassis said.

State Rep. Andrew Raczkowski (R-Farmington Hills) said closing the
affidavits to public view protects victims from criminals and the media.

On that affidavit, you also have information about the victim, Raczkowski
said. The media can look up that information and go straight to the victim
or a criminal can do that.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


[CTRL] Can Libertarians Support Le Pen?

2002-04-26 Thread Edward Britton

Can Libertarians Support Le Pen?
by Cécile Philippe

I did not vote in the last French presidential elections, first
because I am in the United States, and second because the program of all
the candidates is disgusting to me. France is, after all, the most
socialist country in the Western world. But the second-place finish of
the right-wing leader Jean-Marie Le Pen against President Jacques Chirac,
and the coming run-off between them, is so astonishing that I looked more
carefully at the programs of the two finalists. Here is another surprise.
Despite his protectionist views, Le Pen should also be known for his
libertarian ones. 

It is true that Le Pen's program is structured round national
preference. For example, he defends the protection of the national
market in order to reserve jobs for French people. He proposes to
reestablish commercial frontiers to protect French labor and products.
That measure would be accompanied by the recapture of the
interior market and of exports. He also suggests that he would
restabilize the relations between big and small enterprises.
He calls himself an anti-globalist. He wants national preference written
in the constitution.

Yet protectionism is first unjust and second inefficient. It is
unjust because it does not respect the property rights of French people,
employers or employees, consumers or producers, who want to import
products or hire foreigners they consider more able to serve to their
needs. The first right of a human being is to control his body, and then
the resources he has homesteaded or exchanged. Consequently, every
exercise of violence against voluntary exchange is an act against liberty
and thus unjust. 

Protectionist measures are also inefficient because they hinder the
satisfaction of the most urgent needs of the consumer. They are
those measures undertaken by the authority, which directly and
primarily are intended to divert production, in the widest meaning of the
word, including commerce and transportation, from the ways it would take
in the unhampered market. It makes people poorer, which is
particularly obvious in international trade. Restriction on mobility of
products, capital goods, and labor hinders the operation of what Ricardo
called The Law of Comparative Cost, the fact that each country turns
toward those areas of production for which its condition offer
comparatively, although not absolutely, the most favorable

Despite these very negative elements, Le Pen also defends liberty
and justice in some important area. First, he advocates ending-and he is
the only candidate to have done so-the 35-hour law, which is an infamy.
It prohibits laborers from working more than 35 hours per week because
they should share the work with those who do not have any
(thanks to other interventions by the welfare state). Nobody can say on a
priori grounds how many hours someone should work. This is something to
be decided in the contract between employee and employer. Besides, this
law is counter-productive on its own terms, since it hinders exchanges
that would otherwise have occurred, while at the same time promoting
other exchanges that would never have taken place in a free market,
exactly because they would not have been efficient. 

An even more important point is that Le Pen denounces the Treaty of
Maastricht and the Euro currency. Whereas all the other candidates
(Chirac, Jospin, Madelin…) want to build a Big Europe, Le Pen
wants to get rid of all the agreements signed in the last years, in order
to get out of the Euro. He also wants to put an end to that huge
machine of laws, the Commission of Brussels. These would be very
important steps toward liberty. The Euro is a very bad money in the hand
of inflationists, and the Brussels Commission has amazing powers of
property-rights destruction.

Another important point of Le Pen's program concerns taxation.
Taxation is one of the involuntary means that government uses to finance
itself. Every step toward its diminution increases liberty and
efficiency. Le Pen proposes to suppress inheritance, income, and land
taxes, and to lighten the taxation of businesses and financial transfers.
Of course, we have to wonder how he will do that, as he wants to increase
spending on such things as subsidies for children and the munitions
manufacturers. On the other hand, he does criticize US military hegemony.

Finally, Le Pen clearly defends disengagement from the government by
advocating a reduction in public employment and the restoration of free
choice in schooling, and he even comes close to suggesting a free market
in adoptions.

None of these points make Le Pen a consistent defender of liberty,
but for those French libertarians willing to support the lesser of evils,
that is clearly Le Pen as compared to Chirac.

Among the 97 points of Chirac's program, you will hardly find
anything liberal. As he tries to please everybody and not to forget


2002-04-26 Thread Samantha L.

Below the analysis of AP stories re Venezuela, there is info on Emperor's
Clothes being under attack for the video Judgment.


In the email, ITN's law firm demanded that all mention of the video,
JUDGMENT, be removed from the Emperor's Clothes Website or ITN would sue
our service provider for libel. The service provider has, quite bravely,
refused to cave in.


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Jared Israel
[Posted 25 April 2002]

Does the Western media deliberately distort the news to serve the
interests of the foreign policy establishments of the NATO countries,
especially the US?

Based on much research, Emperor's Clothes says: yes, but not entirely.

Journalists sometimes - perhaps often - write accurate pieces. However,
when the issues are important, foreign policy stories get edited or
replaced, with the end result supporting a slant which is so consistently
in tune with the long-term goals of the US foreign policy elite that it
is possible, by analyzing news stories, to predict positions which will
be adopted by the US government.

That is partly how we made the predictions in the article, Why Does
Washington Want Afghanistan? Alas, those predictions have proven true.

Every day we test the above-stated thesis using the excellent Lexis
search engine. It enables us to scan millions of newspaper articles and
TV news transcripts in seconds. We can focus on particular dates or
periods of time. We can check for the presence or absence of certain
words or phrases. In this way, we can fashion an hypothesis and test it -
see if we are right about the line being taken by most or all the media.
Or we can just go fishing and see what we find.

On April 13th, the Associated Press published what is by far the best -
indeed, from what I've seen, the only - mainstream article reporting the
massive police terror against pro-Chavez Venezuelans after the recent
coup d'etat. It was a scoop.

Below I have posted this dispatch, written by Christopher Toothaker.

Soon after AP released out the Toothaker dispatch, they sent a new piece.
This covered some of the same ground but left out Toothaker's account of
police terror in poor neighborhoods. The new dispatch, by Andrew Selsky,
retained only one thing from the original: the first sentence of an
important paragraph. But while this sentence remained the same, the rest
of the paragraph was rewritten to reverse the meaning. More on that in a

The key thing is that all the original material in the Toothaker dispatch
had been removed. AP had gutted their scoop.

AP dispatches are sent out to news media outlets around the world. Thus
by April 14th, most of the important newspapers and TV stations had
received two very different AP dispatches. The first (Toothaker) was
detailed and refuted the official line on what had happened in Venezuela.
The second (Selsky) was general and supported the official line.

This is as close to a scientific experiment as one could fashion to test
our thesis that key media outlets censor themselves to support the US
establishment's agenda.

Below is Toothaker's AP dispatch. It is most informative. Indeed, it is
the only place, outside the pro-Chavez media and Websites critical of US
foreign policy (likes ours) where you will find anything challenging the
official story about what happened in Venezuela.


April 13, 2002, Saturday
BC cycle International News

Screams of pain, agony, sorrow: the dying and the dead in Caracas
hospitals  By Christopher Toothaker
Associated Press Writer
CARACAS, Venezuela

Edgar Paredes frantically pulled his bloodied brother, Luis, from the
back of the bloodstained family car and cradled him in his arms, begging
for a stretcher at Caracas' Perez Carreno hospital.

His brother was shot Saturday during a protest in which demonstrators
began demanding the release of Venezuela's detained President Hugo Chavez
- one of countless victims of rioting in the Venezuelan capital Saturday.

We have every right to protest, but they are gunning us down out there
said Edgar, his clothes soaked in blood as he held his wounded brother.

[CTRL] Culture, Language, and Borders (a must Website)

2002-04-26 Thread Archibald Bard

Are you concerned about our Culture, Language, and 

If so, please visit this Website and make sure you 
bookmark it.

While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed 
weeds among the wheat. Matthew 13:25

Archibald BardICQ 83834746


Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Countries Must Protect Borders Against Illegal Immigrants, Says Australia -- 04

2002-04-26 Thread Archibald Bard

Pacific Rim Bureau (CNSNews.com) - The 
Australian government, under fire for its handling of illegal immigrants, warned 
this week that a failure to act firmly in protecting national borders would lead 
to growing support for controversial figures like the far-right French 
politician Jean-Marie le Pen.A number of European countries are 
grappling with an influx of asylum-seekers, economic migrants and others -- 
mostly of Balkan, Asian or Mideast origin -- and governments have expressed 
fears the issue may prompt voters to look toward ultra-nationalists who campaign 
on anti-immigration tickets.

While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed 
weeds among the wheat. Matthew 13:25

Archibald BardICQ 83834746


Countries Must Protect Borders Against Illegal Immigrants, Says Australia -- 04-26-2002.url
Description: Binary data

[CTRL] U.S. Feeds North Korea, So It Can Fight ... the U.S.

2002-04-26 Thread Archibald Bard

U.S. Feeds North 
Korea, So It Can Fight ... the U.S. 
NewsMax.com Wires and 
  April 26, 2002 SEOUL, South Korea – Thanks to U.S. 
aid, starving North Korea is spending even more money on its 1.1-million-strong 
army – to fight the United States. 
In a show of civilian support for the military, tens of thousands of 
students, workers and farmers joined a massive military parade Thursday in 
central Pyongyang to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the armed 
Pyongyang's state-run newspaper said all citizens in the communist regime 
would join hands with army troops to make the so-called People's Army even 
bigger to ward off what it described as threats from the "U.S. warmongers" who, 
it claims, have tried to provoke a nuclear war with North Korea. 
Rodong Sinmun, the mouthpiece of the dictatorship's ruling Workers' Party, 
cited the Pentagon's recent nuclear posture review that described contingency 
plans for using nuclear arms against North Korea as a sign that the United 
States was ready to conduct nuclear attack. 
"Our country is turning into the main target of U.S. imperialists' military 
plot and the fiercest battlefield for our military confrontations with the U.S. 
imperialists," it said. 
The newspaper called for all-out national efforts to expand North Korea's 
military power even more. 
"The people should support and assist the army, and the army and the people 
should defend the sovereignty of the nation," Rodong Sinmun said. 
Feeding the Mouth That Bites Us 
And how is the poverty-stricken failure of communism able to afford to rattle 
its sabers at America? Because America keeps abetting it! 
President Bush, continuing the astonishing policies of the Clinton 
administration, has actually boasted that this enemy nation is on the U.S. dole. 
And this is the same nation he described as part of the "axis of evil." 
can't tell you how sorry I feel for the North Korean people," Bush said in 
February on a visit to South Korea. "My heart breaks for people who live in a 
society that is not free, and where there is tremendous starvation." 
Bush said that if the regime were not pouring the country's resources into 
weapons, it could feed its people. But of course, why should North Korea fulfill 
its responsibilities if the U.S. will? 
North Korea, with a population of 22 million, has an armed force of 1.1 
million, the world's fifth largest. 
The regime has asked for all North Koreans to uphold "military-first 
politics" created by Kim Jong Il, who rules in the capacity of the top military 
"Our citizens have to be unconditional adherent and stanch supporters of the 
army-first thought, a treasured sword for complete triumph in the struggles to 
accomplish the cause of self-reliance," Rodong Sinmun said. 
'Rare Strategy' Indeed 
Kim has led "a war minus gun reports against the imperialists to a victory 
with steel-strong will, matchless courage and rare strategy to save the fates of 
the country and the nation," it said. 
Kim reviewed the military parade held at the Kimilsung Square crowded with 
government officials and citizens, the North's television footage showed. Taking 
part were members of "the worker-peasant red guard and the young red guard," as 
well as students of "revolutionary schools and military academies," the official 
Korean Central TV said. 
In a statement at the ceremony, People's Armed Forces Minister Kim Il Chol 
pledged "unconditional" loyalty to Kim Jong Il and vowed to defend the country 
from what he claimed was a U.S. scheme to stifle it with force. 
"It is our army's tradition to respond to any strong action with stronger 
action, and control fire with fire," Kim was quoted as saying. 
Analysts in Seoul said the North's campaign was a move to intensify control 
over the population that is suffering from food shortages. 
"North Korea's mobilization of many civilians for the military function is 
largely aimed at stressing the military-first policy as well as demonstrating 
its military capabilities," said Paek Seung-ju, a defense analyst. 
Copyright 2002 by United Press International.http://www.newsmax.com/cgi-bin/printer_friendly.pl

U.S. Feeds North Korea, So It Can Fight ... the U.S..url
Description: Binary data


2002-04-26 Thread RoadsEnd





11:00 PM EST
Sunday April 28, 2002
PAX TV - On a warm, summer night in July of 1999 John F. Kennedy,
Jr., his wife and her sister took off from a small, New Jersey
airport in his private plane. But as the trio made their way to
Martha's Vineyard for a brief stopover, tragedy struck. At about
9:41 that evening, Kennedy's plane disappeared from radar and
plunged into the Atlantic Ocean. Is it possible that Kennedy
became disoriented and literally flew his plane into the ocean?
Or has the U.S. Coast Guard uncovered evidence that would
contradict that finding? Some investigators are even suggesting
that Kennedy's plane was sabotaged. What really happened that
fateful night? Conflicting evidence surrounding the circumstances
of the crash has cast doubt on the official conclusion that
Kennedy's death was an accident. 




He who establishes a tyranny and does not kill Brutus, and he
who establishes a democratic regime and does not kill the sons of
Brutus, will not last long. 
—Niccolo Machiavelli

The night that hides things from us. 
—Dante Alighieri (from Inferno)

Murder is a great tragedy, but to have no one care is greater
—Sheriff Tony Bumonte (from Breaking Blue, a true crime book
about a cop-killing judge/ex-cop, America's longest-running
unsolved prosecution for murder)

Every thing secret degenerates, even the administration of
—Lord Acton, quoted by US Federal District Court Judge Wolf

It seems to me like Justice was stood on its head. In Boston, we
had a group of FBI agents who decided to throw the rules out the
window. They let a lying witness send innocent men to death row
and life in prison. They had a group of mob informants committing
murders with impunity. They tipped of killers so they could flee
before being arrested. They interfered with local investigations
of drug dealing and arms smuggling. We had a bunch of criminals
running around killing people under virtual FBI protection. The
FBI let innocent men die in prison. We cannot have the FBI
winking and looking the other way when their informants go on a
crime spree. As the people's representatives, we have an
obligation to find out why it happened, and to make sure it never
happens again.
—Chairman Dan Burton, Committee on Government Reform, US
Congress, February 14, 2002 

Every murderer is probably somebody's old friend.
—Agatha Christie

London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers of the
Empire are irresistibly drained. 
—Sherlock Holmes


Lee Paralegal Investigations
Lee v Ashe  City of Knoxville TN Inc.
RICO state  federal courts against
Skull  Bones mayor  his police  their contractors 
of the $40-Billion Mafia cartel for car theft  garbage

by John Lee and Winners Web Design
Y2K TN Collegiate State Champs:

[CTRL] Fwd: Interview of RFK JR re hot potato(s)

2002-04-26 Thread RoadsEnd



Webmaster's interview of Robert F. Kennedy Jr:



edited by John Lee


University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Issues Committee Events,
Office of the Dean of Students: Division of Student Affairs

Thursday, 25 April 2002

LECTURE: Professor Robert Kennedy Jr, Pace Law School, former
assistant district attorney/prosecutor for New York City and
currently representing civil litigation for Natural Resources
Defense Council and Hudson Riverkeeper Fund for RE Turner
Foundation. (RFK Jr's lecture was censored from the schedule of
events for 2002 - actually no events were listed after Spring
2001, coincidentally the same time UT censored all news from its
campus radio station - and the Issues Committee webpage was
unavailable without a specific search or prior link, but the
lecture was published in the campus newspaper the same day of the
lecture. The requested email notification was not sent. Only 200
people attended in the auditorium seating 700, plus an empty
overflow room.) 

[Question and answer session after the lecture, which was pretty
good, BTW, but missing certain key pieces of info. He did falsely
allege that no nations are targeting nukes at USA - EVEN THE
just in case - I know because I loaded those nukes while in US
Air Force. My intention was to at least give those 200 folks a
heads up that all is not perfect in Knoxville.] 

John Lee: I would like to say that I'm glad you are here to
speak in Knoxville and I agree with everything you said [a white
lie - the pathetic students were so dumbed down they obviously
could not handle the entire truth]. Knoxville has the worst air
pollution in USA for 2001, according to EPA, and ORNL is the
world's largest nuclear waste dump, according to DOE. I'm a
paralegal investigator of two class actions pending in federal
and state court against the Skull and Bones mayor and his 
Mafia-connected contractors, including a RICO Act case involving
illegal towing, as I'm sure everyone in this room is aware. What
was the name of the law you quoted with the $27,000/day 'bounty'
on major polluters - is that US Code or CFR? [Kennedy had
reported that this law allows private citizens to sue on behalf
of the government - ex rel - when government fails to do its

Robert Kennedy Jr: That was the Clean Water Act. 

John Lee: Is that law still in effect? 

Robert Kennedy Jr: Yes. 

John Lee: On Sunday night at 11pm, PAX TV is broadcasting a show
about your cousin, John F. Kennedy Jr. Are you familiar with that

Robert Kennedy Jr: No. There are a lot of people in line - why
don't you sit down until you can get to your question?... 

John Lee: I'm sure you are familiar with it [I did not push
this question since we were in the heart of the Mafia's
$40-Billion/year world-wide cartel of garbage-trucking and
tow-trucking, and he was a prosecutor in Mafia's birthplace of
New York City, and if he was not comfortable discussing it in
public I could wait until after the lecture to ask about it.] Are
you familiar with an article on Worldnetdaily.com about the
United Nations control of National Parks? 

Robert Kennedy Jr: No. 

John Lee: I would like to read a paragraph from a news article
and get your response. Worldnetdaily.com published this article
on February 16th [Toward a wilderness utopia by Henry Lamb]:

'The Southern Applalachian Biosphere Preserve was
  designated in 1988 as the 500,000 acre Great Smokey Mountain
  National Park. Today, the United Nations lists this reserve as
  36-Million acres, with the zone of cooperation reaching from
  Birmingham to Roanoak Virginia. Neither Congress, nor the
  legislatures of the affected states, debated or approved the
  desgnation or the management plan. The United States has not
  ratified this treaty. Nevertheless, our land is being managed
  if we were a party to the treaty. The ultimate objective is to
  convert as much as half of the land area of the United States
  core wilderness areas, with government management of most of
  the remaining land for conservation objectives.' 

What is your response to this article? 

Robert Kennedy Jr: Oh, THAT crackpot wrote that. 

John Lee: Thank you. 

[After the lecture, at the book signing.] 

John Lee: Hello, I'm John Lee [shake hands]. Thanks for visiting
Knoxville. I'm a disabled Gulf War vet without an income, or else
I'd purchase a copy of your book [everyone else was just getting
his autograph, which I had no need for]. I would like to donate
some of my legal research to you [1-inch-thick collection of some
of my websites - see links below: MAFIA BODY SNATCHERS STEAL

[CTRL] Fwd: George Bush and the JFK Assassination

2002-04-26 Thread RoadsEnd


To Whom It May Concern:

Today, the CIA responded to a F.O.I.A. which I had someone else file, it is
entirely redacted with only one signature Frank Wisner.  I wouldn't imagine
that there is one of those dedicated JFK's F.O.I.A. lawyers who want to
handle this appeal?  The FOIA was for Samuel Walter Washington's CIA file
for the years 1950-53.  This was George de Mohrenschildt's father-in-law.

I am currently advertising in The Harvard Crimson local paper, The Yale
Daily News, American Free Press, Nation magazine and last week in the
U.C.L.A. Bruin:

George Bush and the JFK Assassination.  13 new volumes The George de
Mohrenschildt Story website ciajfk.com 

Bruce Campbell Adamson

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

---End Message---

[CTRL] Ananova - UFOs spotted hovering over Beijing

2002-04-26 Thread Archibald Bard


Ananova :



UFOs spotted hovering over 
Residents in a Chinese city contacted local media to report UFOs hovering in 
the sky.
The four UFOs surrounded by a bright yellow light were spotted flying over 
They were reportedly flying at a height of 10 kilometres and moving in 
The Shanghai Star 
quotes the Beijing Times as saying they appeared on Monday evening for around an 
However, the Beijing Planetarium says it has not been proved that UFOs 
Lan Songzhu, engineer of Xinglong Observation Station of Beijing Astronomical 
Observatory, says there have been more than 10,000 recorded UFO sightings in the 
last 100 years. 
He says about 95% of these sightings have been shown to be related to 
astronomy, the atmosphere or the global magnetic field.
Story filed: 21:06 Thursday 25th April 2002

While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed 
weeds among the wheat. Matthew 13:25

Archibald BardICQ 83834746


Description: GIF image

Ananova - UFOs spotted hovering over Beijing.url
Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Man Wants To Change Name To 'God'

2002-04-26 Thread Archibald Bard

Man Wants To Change Name To 'God'
Name-Change Decision Expected Next Week
Posted: 8:36 a.m. EDT April 25, 2002Updated: 8:44 
a.m. EDT April 25, 2002
LAKE CITY, Fla. -- A Lake City man has petitioned a 
court to change his name to "god,'' spelled in all lower-case, and a judge has 
taken it under advisement. 
Charles Haffey is a Vietnam vet who had a nervous breakdown while in 
southeast Asia in 1968. He said that if the name "god'' is taken, he'll settle 
for the name "god on earth.'' 
Haffey said that his former self died in Vietnam in 1968. 
He said that he has tried to bring himself back with drink, drugs, sex or 
about anything you can name, but nothing has worked. 
The judge notes Haffey suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and is 
taking psychotropic medications. The decision on the name change is expected 
next week, after Circuit Judge Vernon Douglas researches some things. 
Haffey has served brief jail time in Nassau County for having a standoff with 
police in 1999. But he said that's all behind him now. 
He said that he's not the Supreme Being and "can't levitate you or 
anything.'' Haffey said that calling himself "god'' means escaping his previous 
life as an overachiever and perfectionist

While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed 
weeds among the wheat. Matthew 13:25

Archibald BardICQ 83834746


myCFnow.com - Man Wants To Change Name To 'God'.url
Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Michael Ruppert's LAPD Records Made Available

2002-04-26 Thread RoadsEnd

Title: Michael Ruppert's LAPD Records Made Available

Recent attacks upon my credibility in the mainstream press and via internal memos within the Pacifica radio network have stated that I was fired from LAPD on psychiatric grounds. Nothing could be more inaccurate, libelous or cowardly. Legal action is pending in these cases. 

As the effectiveness of our reporting on the attacks of Sept. 11th becomes a threat to the Bush Administration and its allies  both seen and unseen - we expect these personal attacks to increase. Therefore, I have decided to release all of the LAPD records in my possession as a means of full disclosure. It is my belief that by putting these questions to rest, dedicated activists, researchers and journalists may continue to focus their energy and attention on the growing body of evidence that is daily strengthening the case that the Bush Administration had complete foreknowledge of the attacks and did nothing to stop them.

There is no shame anywhere in my LAPD records from the day I started as an intern in Oct. 1969, until the day that I resigned on Nov. 30, 1978. I am proud of my LAPD record.

The full set of records is available for viewing, download and/or printing at http://www.fromthewilderness.com/mcr_lapd.html.

Judge for yourself.

Michael C. Ruppert


From The Wilderness:


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[CTRL] Interesting, on school shootings in Germany

2002-04-26 Thread Kristine S.

-Caveat Lector-

Saw this post on a group I check from time to time.
Did anyone else happen to see this?

In case you can't get into the group to just view the
messages, the text is as follows.  Could this be the
next notch in the belt of the NWO (gun control!)

Cnn just showed a live report from Germany showing the
school shooting that just happened and stated that
only one gunman had been found dead, and that they
thought the other was still held up inside the
school... THEN they show 2 young men sitting on a park
bench across from the school, they get up and start to
walk away and one hands the other a GUN! Not one word
was said about this by the talking heads! I saw
these 2 kids exchange what appeard to be an automatic
of some kind and walk away from the school! The
talking heads had to have seen it too! What



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Who is behind the hoods?

2002-04-26 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


This letter is from Stefano Agnoletto, the brother of Vittorio, spokesperson
for the Genoa Social Forum.

Dear friends

Now, I was in Genoa, I've seen it. Don't believe the news you've seen in the
press and on TV It was something insane, a massacre.

It is still difficult to tell you what happened between friday and saturday.
To do so, I'll use what I've seen together with my dear friends who were
present in Genoa with me.

I ask you to have the patience to read this message, it really is the
chronicle of a nightmare which probably will not reach the mainstream media.

I arrive to Genoa on thursday, after an immigrant's rights demonstration of
about 50,000 people. There are arrival camps, many, thousands of peaceful
people, a marvellous atmosphere (remember the boy scouts?), we discussed,
sang and just stayed together.

Clergy, activists, volunteers and just normal people, on friday we begin the
issue areas in a blockaed city: The various groups partecipating will
converge in different points of the city to have a carnivalesque siege
against the red area [The place, in Genoa, where the G8 was held and
demonstrations were not permitted] with street theatre, dancing and slogans.

At this point, from the beach-front members of the now infamous Black Block
[supposedly extremist groups blamed for most of the destruction in the city]
arrive. Some are seen chatting with police, others just come out of police
crowds. Most of them speak German.

They start to break everything. Police and Carabinieri [the Italian military
police] just stand there. The black block tries to join in with a group of
COBAS workers [COBAS is the new Italian Trade union unaffiliated with party
politics]. They beat up one of their leaders, the group manages to stay clear
of them with some difficoulty.

Then the Black Block makes head for the first issue area, belonging to the
Italian Social Centers (Centri Sociali. Difficult to translate exactly, call
them Community organizations). They arrive armed to the teeth. The police
goes after them, and demonstrators find themselves attacked first by the
black block and then by the police, which starts to charge violently against
all demonstrators.

The black block leaves suddenly and appears on the square were the Lilliput
network is based (Fair trade, catholic campaign groups ecc). Its members try
to peacefully make them leave. The police follows and charges against
everyone on the square. Truncheons and tear gas are used indiscriminately.

People raise their hands, shout Peace. The black block leaves the square
and starts to vandalize the city sistematically.

300-400 of the Black Block roam Genoa, and whoever guides them seems to know
the city very well. Their path crosses every issue area, where the campaigns
of our movement are located.

It's incredible. They move with military discipline, infiltrate everywhere,
some leaders shout orders which are promptly followed by the whole group.
And, shortly afterwards, police and Carabinieri make their appearance.

Meanwhile, in the issue area where ARCI, ATTAC etc. (mainstream Italian
3rd-world campaigning organizations) are located everything is fine. During
the early afternoon we decide to leave the boundary with the red zone were we
were demonstrating.

People start moving towards Dante square. Suddenly, police launches tear-gas
from behind our march, causing panic everywhere. Hospitals fill with wounded
demonstrators, but many do not go to hospital since police seems to arrest
everyone who turns up there.

Its evening, people are downbeat, many are angry. Suddenly, no trace of the
Black block. At the old city, where the camp of the Genoa social forum is,
there's about 10,000 of us. The news of the dead demonstrator reaches us. We
are scared, tales of extreme police brutality are told by many people. Young
men, nuns start crying. Many people are hurt. One old man is crying with a
bandage on his head. He is a retired metal worker.

There is Don Gallo, of the San Benedetto (catholic) community group. There is
the leader of the mothers of Plaza De Mayo, in Argentina, those women who for
years have been looking for their disappeared children: She says she is
shaken at what she has seen, it's uncomfortably close to Argentina during the
dictatorship. She did not think something similar would happen here.

My brother Vittorio (Spokesman for the Genoa Social Forum), Luca Cesarini
(leader of the Social Centers) and Bertinotti, the only politician with the
courage to come here (the leader of the Italian refounded communist party,
sort of the equivalent of Nader in Italian politics) try to calm everyone:
They tell us not to come out in small groups, not to accept violent
provocations. We decide our answer will be the enormous demonstration the
next day, there'll be many of us, peacefully responding to any provocation,
whether from the black block or the police.

Senator Malabarba 

[CTRL] Message #2 of Germany Shootings

2002-04-26 Thread Kristine S.

-Caveat Lector-

Oh yeah, the spin doctors got to it already!  Here's
her second posting:

They just aired a tape of what I saw
their live broadcast from Germany BUT
this time the exchange between the two
kids was edited! They filmed them
exchanging something so quickly that
you could not tell this time what was
exhanged! I swear ON MY LIFE this is
NOT what they aired the first time
was live! That dark, automatic gun was
in plain sight! It was a large gun
a long barrel and it was a very dark
grey, almost black! What are they
and why?

(a very angry)

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SkeptiNews: End Of The World

2002-04-26 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

# Fringes of: Science, Faith, Paranormal, Conspiracy, Sex, Dope, Art, etc.
# Confused? See the disclaimers  excuses at http://skeptilog.pitas.com/
# No singularities were encountered during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _

  EVOLUTION! http://www.sonic.net/~ric/arts/evolution.jpg
_ _ _ _ _

* THE END Of The World As We Know It! The Singularity is coming - and new
  definitions of life, nature, technology and human will be needed.
* PHYSICISTS Capture Atoms Doing the Wave! www.sciam.com/news/042402/1.html

* MYSTICS Rule Burma! http://hindustantimes.com/nonfram/240402/dlfor50.asp
* COMPUTERIZED Common Sense. Cycorp claims to be supply formalized common
  sense. The firm codifies facts like, Once people die, they stop buying
  things. http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/industry/04/11/memome.project.idg/

Would ya rather be ruled by physicists/mystics/eschatologists/cyborgs/gods/
aliens/assholes/me? D'ya enjoy The End Of The World, common sense, TheWave?
_ _ _ _ _

* CHINESE UFOlogy Is Serious Business - university degree program coming!!
  UfoU http://asia.cnn.com/2002/BUSINESS/04/12/hk.ufology.china/index.html
* UFO NEWS!!! http://ufos.about.com/science/ufos/library/bldata/blnews.htm
 sightings http://ufos.about.com/science/ufos/library/bldata/blsight2.htm

* PLANETS put on rare spectacle * A spectacular sight of five planets lined
 up in the sky will remain visible to the naked eye over the next month. As
 happens every 38 years, humanity will face dire peril and much passed gas.

D'ya know that harmonic relationships between planets correlate with the
behaviors of sunspots? Do they control yer behavior too? Are you a sunspot?
_ _ _ _ _

* MIRACLE DOCTOR! Astrology PhD! Spontaneous Human Combustion! Mars Effect!
  AstroTest! Conjuring Tricks! Satanic  Ritual Abuse! Cretinist Congress!
  Was Hippocrates a homeopath? Are you? http://www.skepsis.nl/english.html
* THE WIMPY Approach To SETI: http://members.aol.com/setilink/wimpy.html

* BIGFOOT GOLFS In Seattle! http://www.koin.com/news/20020423_bigfoot.shtml
BIGFOOT! http://king5.com/eveningmagazine/NW_042202EMBbigfoot.10007395.html
* THE SO-CALLED 'Face on Mars' - or poke me in the eye with a sharp stick:

If the Face On Mars is  Bigfoot, should we worship/love/fear/abuse/fuck/tax
any Yeti or Sasquatch we meet? D'ya fear Spontaneous Bigfoot Combustion??
_ _ _ _ _

Your editor apologizes for the paucity of recent bulletins, but he's moving
and this publication will be disrupted for another couple months. Bother...

# Rev. R.Carter, ULC * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * FAX: 561-423-6102
# These bulletins are now posted online: http://skeptinews.pitas.com
# To get this in realtime, subscribe: http://sonic.net/~ric/vsub.htm

The previous bulletins: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/13_04_2002.html
All the latest notices/gibes/non-events: http://skeptilog.pitas.com

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Advice on Current Events

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.sierratimes.com/02/04/26/arjj042602.htm

A Real American Terrorism Threat Warning
From Real Americans Inside the FBI
Published 04. 26. 02 at 0:54 Sierra Time

We figured it was time that someone in the government was honest with you. After
the last warning that terrorists may attack shopping centers and supermarkets, a few
of us decided that enough of you were accusing us of ‘boy that cried wolf’ syndrome,
and before you quit listening to us altogether, someone had better come clean. And
since some of us FBI agents are Real Americans too, we’re probably the best
qualified to explain this ‘war on terrorism’ in real terms.

First about those threat warnings. It’s that top Al-Qaida guy (Abu Zubaydah) we got
our hands on. With everything going across the wires, some of you may have
forgotten what happen when he was apprehended. To put it nicely, he lost part of his
manhood. And since we’re not big on field surgery, we made a deal with him. When
we get answers, he gets pain killers. So you can imagine this guy will say anything
that to make Tom Ridge’s job meaningful – even for a day.

It’s also job security for us. Let’s face it: When did the protocol change that we
actually tell you where we’re getting such information? In most cases, either
everyone would know this guy is lying, or we’re lying to the public about what we’re
doing and the information we’re getting. Give out sources? Get real. Sorry, your
Congressional representatives gave us a lot more power than we had on September
10, but there was nothing in the bill about us telling the truth. And since September
11, everyone’s anxiety level has been pegged to the max – almost to the point where
you get comfortable in your paranoia. That’s where we come in. It is our
constitutional duty to knock you out of that comfort zone as much as possible with
every hair-brained threat we can think of, and have you urinating down your leg until
you beg and plead for us to take care of you. At least that’s what we were told.

Your job is to pay taxes and listen to us. Don’t bother asking why untold billions 
spent for homeland security has only produced a color-coded alert system. We’ve
been wondering the same thing ourselves. Sure, while those guys over at the
Pentagon and the White House keep hi-five-ing each other over dropping bombs on
starving Afghans and how we’re winning the war, you get to live with more fear than
former Taliban officers. We’ll tell you at least once a week why you should be afraid
to walk out your door, when the fact is we don’t have a clue of what’s really out 
But it keeps you off our butts. Here’s the best way we explain the terrorism threat to
Americans out there:


That’s right – these terrorists can strike anywhere and anytime. Supermarkets,
shopping malls, movie theaters, sporting events, churches, schools, you name it.
C’mon – this is America, a ‘target rich’ environment, and we've damn near
surrendered our southern border to Mexico. Of course, you can also die in a car
accident, choke on a chicken bone, or drown in your own bathtub. You get the drift.
Our crimes stats tell us that virtually every human being that’s born eventually dies.
When your number is called, your ticket is gonna get punched, and that’s all there is
to it. Yeah, you’re gonna hear us pedal story after story about how high-tech these
terrorists are, when all they used last time were box cutters. Next time, it might be
something as simple as attacking the power grid with bolt cutters, or starting brush
fires with cigarettes. Yes, we Real Americans at the FBI already figured these stupid
threats were doing nothing than giving any real bad guys fresh ideas. We’re just
doing our job.


What in the heck made you start trusting us after September 11, anyway? Not one
terrorist warning we gave you so far has panned out, and whenever something DID
happen, do you remember getting a prior warning from us? Of course not! Hey, it’s
not our job to have a clue what’s going on out here. It’s our job to make you think we
do. Fact is, the last 7 hostile action attempts against aircraft since 911 (and 3 
were all stopped by folks like you. You’re depending on us? Look, we've got a total of
about 50,000 civilians in arms, and about 300,000 Middle-East folks roaming around
the countryside that we can’t find. In fact, we could use a little help. This is your
government, you know. While all this is going on, we heard a rumor that Ashcroft 
company are considering draining more manpower off here by starting an FBI
Pedophile Priest Hotline. Oh, don’t you feel safer?


Like we don’t have enough on our plates already. Some of you folks are fussing over
that “Patriot Act”. How would you like to sit in here and listen to all these phone 
and read all of your stupid e-mail? What has happened to make you think our
number one job isn’t covering our own asses out 

Re: [CTRL] Le-Pen- Populist Anti-NWO Hero

2002-04-26 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/26/02 12:52:17 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Don't look for them at the top (yet). Look at the lower ranks. And, yes we'll have to
do something about --some-- of their religiosity but that part of the program anyway.

The Libertarian Party is the best out there as of now...I DO like what they stand for.


[CTRL] Newswatch Magazine Editorial (Some religious BS and alot of truths)

2002-04-26 Thread William Shannon

Jesus truly knew that Satan is the "father" of lies (John 8:44). That verse also says he was a murderer. Satan deceived 1/3rd of the angels to follow him in his rebellion;, therefore, causing them to ultimately be destroyed in the Lake of Fire (Matt.25:41).

God the Father and Jesus have allowed him to have dominion over the governments of this world today (Luke 4:5-6). That's why the Bible refers to the Gospel - meaning the "good news" of the coming Kingdom of God to replace the Kingdom of Satan.
Satan knows his time is coming to an end, so he is struggling to establish his final government to enslave the whole world. It is called the United Nations. The United States has the greatest government that has been devised without the Kingdom of God actually ruling. Satan knows he MUST destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights that this nation stands upon. By Satan's system of Treaties and arrangements with member governments, it will rob us of our understood God given rights.


*Two witnesses required to convict Art.III,Para 2 a person of treason.

*No punishment of families of person Art.III, Para 3 convicted of treason.

*No established government religion Amendment 1 

*People's right to form citizen militias Amendment 2 

*Individual right to keep and bear arms Amendment 2 

*Government cannot put troops in Amendment 3 people's homes and businesses in peacetime.

*To get an arrest or search warrant Amendment 4 from a judge, the police must have a good reason and testimony given under oath. The warrant must be restricted to specific persons and things.

*Federal government cannot charge a Amendment 5 person for a crime without the approval of a grand jury.

*Government cannot charge a person Amendment 5 with the same crime again, after he was already found "not guilty."

*Government cannot take private Amendment 5 property for public use without compensating the owner.

*Right to a speedy trial in a criminal Amendment 6 case.

*Right to a trial by impartial jury in a Amendment 6 criminal case.

*Right to a trial in the location where Amendment 6 the crime occurred.

*Right to confront the witnesses Amendment 6

*Right to hire a lawyer for defense in a Amendment 6 criminal case.

*Right to a trial by jury in a civil case Amendment 7 

*Right to have a single jury decide a Amendment 7 case.

*Government cannot require Amendment 8 "excessive bail" in a criminal case.

The United Nations has an assault in progress to confiscate all weapons in the world that private citizens own. This would destroy the Second Amendment to the Constitution. THE FACT IS, the United Nations, IS ALREADY SEIZING GUNS - along with her partners!

Some of the free world nations, such as England, Canada, Australia and Japan have already begun or completed gun confiscation. African and western nations, including the United States, agreed to endorse gun control in Africa. The U.N. also has pressured Albania to conduct a turn-in program (Chicago Tribune, April 5, 1998).

They usually begin by offering to give money to tempt gun owners to turn in their weapons. This is only the first step! Step two: In any weapons collection program, registration is needed. Step three: Registration is a step toward REGULATION and monitoring of civilian's possession of certain weapons. Step four: Once registration and regulation is finished, it is only a matter of DURATION, how much time before all guns are confiscated. Step five: After a fixed time limit or deadline has been reached to turn in guns that have now been declared illegal, PUNISHMENT and prosecution shall begin until the whole population is living in fear and submit.

Those working to disarm the world have stated: "…use the carrot first and the stick later." "…the authorities will, in almost all cases, need to actively prosecute and punish those who, having failed to seize the opportunity to hand in illegal weapons, continue to break the laws regulating the possession of arms."

The government is setting the stage by announcing that militias may create trouble. East Timor was used as an example of militias when in reality it was the CIA destablizing that government. Will the CIA do the same in the U.S. and blame the militia? Beware of the New World Order. 

David J. Smith 
Attention Newswatch 

[CTRL] Hope to the Balkans

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Hope, as in AR

Teenagers 'used for sex by UN in Bosnia'
By Stewart Payne
(Filed: 25/04/2002)

A HUMAN rights investigator who claims she was sacked for exposing the sexual
abuse of Bosnian women by her United Nations colleagues, told a tribunal yesterday
that girls as young as 15 were offered for sex.

Kathryn Bolkovac, 41, said women were forced to dance naked in Bosnian bars
frequented by UN police officers.

Mrs Bolkovac is using a British employment tribunal to bring her case of unfair
dismissal from an American recruitment agency which has an office in the UK.

The former American policewoman claims she was sacked because she sent an
email to Jacques Paul Klein, the chief of UN mission in Bosnia-Hercegovina, which
highlighted the sexual exploitation of women by those who had been sent to protect
them from the sex trade.

Details of the email, sent in October 2000, were given to the tribunal at Southampton,
Hants, yesterday.

In it, Mrs Bolkovac, a mother of three from Lincoln, Nebraska, claims that bars were
frequented by UN police officers and other humanitarian workers who availed
themselves of women forced into prostitution.

The tribunal has heard that her employer, the US- based agency DynCorp, which is
registered with the State Department to provide American police officers to work on
humanitarian and peacekeeping duties, admits that there was a problem with officers
using prostitutes and that one was sacked for paying for a woman to live with him to
provide sexual services.

But the company, which has an office in Salisbury, Wilts, denies that it sacked Mrs
Bolkovac for exposing the abuse and said that she was dismissed for time-sheet

In her email, Mrs Bolkovac said that women and girls were handed over to bar
owners and told to perform sex acts to pay for their costumes.

The women who refused were locked in rooms and withheld food and outside
contact for days or weeks. After this time they are told to dance naked on table tops
and sit with clients.

If the women still refuse to perform sex acts with the customers they are beaten and
raped in the rooms by the bar owners and their associates. They are told if they go to
the police they will be arrested for prostitution and being an illegal immigrant.

The tribunal has heard that after sending the e-mail Mrs Bolkovac, who was
investigating human trafficking and forced prostitution, was demoted and removed
from front-line policing.

In April 2001, she was sacked for allegedly falsifying her time sheets, which she

Giving evidence to the tribunal, Mrs Bolkovac said she had discovered extensive
use of brothels by UN police and other peacekeepers.

She said she also found that international staff were helping local police to sell
women for the sex trade and she feared this was being covered up.

The victims of trafficking were reporting extensive use of the brothels and other
criminal acts by the international community and international police task force, she

She claimed that Mike Stiers, the international police task force's deputy
commissioner, had flippantly dismissed victims of human trafficking as just

This attitude led many members of the peacekeeping mission to believe it was
acceptable to use sex slaves and go to brothels, she said.

Spencer Wickham, the head of DynCorp, has told the tribunal he sacked three police
officers for using prostitutes.

The tribunal is taking place in Britain because DynCorp contracts state they are
governed by UK employment law.

DynCorp's Bosnia site manager, Pascal Budge, said that after Mrs Bolkovac's email
was sent, he circulated a memo warning officers they would be sent home if caught
using prostitutes.

But Mrs Bolkovac called an investigation by DynCorp into her allegations

The tribunal continues.

Previous story: Paedophile priests 'to go on trial'
Next story: Leading German firms face wave of strikes

External links


UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina

DynCorp disgrace [14 Jan '02] - Insight on the News

Landmark Sex Crimes in Bosnia - Human Rights Watch

British firm accused in UN 'sex scandal', international police in Bosnia face
prosecution [Jul '01] - Global Policy Forum

Sex trafficking: UN office in Bosnia [May '00] - UN News Service

British Employment Law

European Court of Human Rights

Office of the High Representative, Bosnia

European Convention of Human Rights - Hellenic Resources

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[CTRL] Rep. Ron Paul:Predictions

2002-04-26 Thread William Shannon


by Congressman Ron Paul, MD

Our government intervention in the economy and in the private affairs of citizens, and the internal affairs of foreign countries, leads to uncertainty and many unintended consequences. Here are some of the consequences about which we should be concerned. 

I predict U.S. taxpayers will pay to rebuild Palestine, both the West Bank and the Gaza, as well as Afghanistan. U.S. taxpayers paid to bomb these areas, so we will be expected to rebuild them. 

Peace, of sorts, will come to the Middle East, but will be short-lived. There will be big promises of more U.S. money and weapons flowing to Israel and to Arab countries allied with the United States. 

U.S. troops and others will be used to monitor the "peace."

In time, an oil boycott will be imposed, with oil prices soaring to historic highs. 

Current Israeli-United States policies will solidify Arab Muslim nations in their efforts to avenge the humiliation of the Palestinians. That will include those Muslim nations that in the past have fought against each other. 

Some of our moderate Arab allies will be overthrown by Islamic fundamentalists. 

The U.N. will continue to condemn, through resolutions, Israeli-U.S. policies in the Middle East, and they will be ignored. 

Some European countries will clandestinely support the Muslim countries and their anti-Israel pursuits. 

China, ironically assisted by American aid, much more openly will sell to militant Muslims the weapons they want, and will align herself with the Arab nations. 

The United States, with Tony Blair as head cheerleader, will attack Iraq without proper authority, and a major war, the largest since World War II, will result. 

Major moves will be made by China, India, Russia, and Pakistan in Central Asia to take advantage of the chaos for the purpose of grabbing land, resources, and strategic advantages sought after for years. 

The Karzai government will fail, and U.S. military presence will end in Afghanistan. 

An international dollar crisis will dramatically boost interest rates in the United States. 

Price inflation, with a major economic downturn, will decimate U.S. Federal Government finances, with exploding deficits and uncontrolled spending. 

Federal Reserve policy will continue at an expanding rate, with massive credit expansion, which will make the dollar crisis worse. Gold will be seen as an alternative to paper money as it returns to its historic role as money. 

Erosion of civil liberties here at home will continue as our government responds to political fear in dealing with the terrorist threat by making generous use of the powers obtained with the Patriot Act. 

The draft will be reinstated, causing domestic turmoil and resentment. 

Many American military personnel and civilians will be killed in the coming conflict. 

The leaders of whichever side loses the war will be hauled into and tried before the International Criminal Court for war crimes. The United States will not officially lose the war, but neither will we win. Our military and political leaders will not be tried by the International Criminal Court. 

The Congress and the President will shift radically toward expanding the size and scope of the Federal Government. This will satisfy both the liberals and the conservatives. 

Military and police powers will grow, satisfying the conservatives. The welfare state, both domestic and international, will expand, satisfying the liberals. Both sides will endorse military adventurism overseas. 

This is the most important of my predictions: Policy changes could prevent all of the previous predictions from occurring. Unfortunately, that will not occur. In due course, the Constitution will continue to be steadily undermined and the American Republic further weakened. 

During the next decade, the American people will become poorer and less free, while they become more dependent on the government for economic security. 

The war will prove to be divisive, with emotions and hatred growing between the various factions and special interests that drive our policies in the Middle East. 

Agitation from more class warfare will succeed in dividing us domestically, and believe it or not, I expect lobbyists will thrive more than ever during the dangerous period of chaos. 

e no timetable for these predictions, but just in case, keep them around and look at them in 5 to 10 years. Let us hope and pray that I am wrong on all accounts. If so, I will be very pleased. 

April 26, 2002

[CTRL] From Over There

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Over there only the beginnings of the articles but interesting in their 
as they show the influence of the 1990ies on Europe


 Blair accused of fantasising over media 'plotting'
 By Tom Leonard and Matt Born
 (Filed: 25/04/2002)

 DOWNING STREET was accused of fantasising about a Right-wing media
 conspiracy to bring down the Government yesterday after Tony Blair
 became the first prime minister to complain on his own behalf to
 the Press Complaints Commission.


 Flare-up after Le Pen marches into Brussels
 By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels
 (Filed: 25/04/2002)

 JEAN-MARIE Le Pen ventured into the lair of his sworn enemies in
 Brussels yesterday and accused the European Union of slavishly
 following American policy in the Middle East.

 Ignoring cries of racist and Nazi by Euro-MPs holding up Non
 signs, the French National Front leader and presidential
 challenger told the European Parliament that recent horrors in the
 cradle of Jesus were an insult to God.



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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Rarey:Homeland Health An Unhealthy Alliance?

2002-04-26 Thread William Shannon

Homeland Health – An Unhealthy Alliance?

by Jim Rarey

First it was Homeland Defense, with a director appointed by the President to pull all of the government agencies together to protect the country against terrorism. Other than issuing occasional warnings of impending terrorist acts based on unknown sources, little has been done in the public view. For that matter, even the Congress is in the dark, as the President refuses to let Homeland Defense Director Ridge talk to them.

Now comes a new "cooperative" effort to provide protection against "bio-terrorism." But this one is quite different from Homeland Defense. It is a merging of government and the "private sector." Announced quietly without fanfare (the reader will soon understand why), the first notice was the appearance of a new website appropriately named HomelandHealth.com. The website explains that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has joined with the pharmaceutical industry to develop defenses against biological threats.

Aside from the involvement of for-profit companies in the effort, another major difference from Homeland Defense is that the man in charge is not a part of the government.

The nominal head of the industry’s effort comes through its trade association Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). However, PhRMA’s president Alan F. Holmer announced that Dr. Michael Friedman would be the association’s Chief Medical Officer for Biomedical Preparedness and lead the initiative.

Friedman will interface with a number of government agencies, including HHS, The Dept. of Defense, the FDA, NIH, and the CDC, and oh yes, Homeland Security. Holmer did not say whether Friedman would be making use of the association’s lone consultant (as listed on its webpage) Arthur Andersen, LLP.

Friedman himself is a 30-year veteran of government service in public health. He was a leader in the FDA, and at one time, its acting commissioner. Friedman was the FDA official who gave the Department of Defense the go ahead to use the anthrax vaccine in the Gulf war even though the FDA had not found it to be safe or effective against inhalation anthrax.

But Friedman is no longer in government. He is currently a senior vice president of the pharmaceutical giant Pharmacia Corporation, from which he will be drawing his paycheck (and bonuses and stock options?). Many, including this writer, would predict that the recommendations and agenda of Pharmacia might carry more weight with Friedman than those from the others. So what is Pharmacia, and who runs it?

In April 2000, three well-known companies combined to form the Pharmacia Corporation: Pharmacia and Upjohn Laboratories, which acquired Monsanto (chemical) Company. The combined companies have a pipeline of new drugs, a $2 billion research and development budget and a leading sales force in the U.S. market. Additionally, with the acquisition of Monsanto’s agriculture division, about 90% of the world’s genetically engineered foods will contain a Pharmacia (Monsanto) gene.

The current Chairman of the Board and CEO of Pharmacia is a Pakistani named Fred Hassan. Hassan was President of Pharmacia-Upjohn at the time of the merger with Monsanto, and moved into his current position after Monsanto’s CEO had served an interim 18-month period as head of the combined companies.

There are a couple of well-known names on the Pharmacia Board of Directors, and one whose name has only recently come into the public consciousness.

William Ruckelshaus is a Harvard-trained lawyer who came out of the Justice Department to become the first administrator of the new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970. He served another three-year term as EPA administrator during the Reagan administration. Ruckelshaus is currently a principal in the Madrona Investment Group.

Michael (Mickey) Kantor is a close confidante of Bill Clinton and served in his administration first as the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Kantor took over as Commerce Secretary following the controversial death of Ron Brown. Kantor was one of the point men involved in blunting some of the Clinton personal scandals, including the Kathleen Willey affair.

Dr. Philip Leder, although a virtual unknown outside of medical circles, has impressive credentials. He is Chairman of the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and a Senior Investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). He was a contemporary of Dr. Don C. Wiley at Harvard. Wiley, who had made a breakthrough in genetic research, died in a mysterious plunge from a bridge in Memphis, Tennessee that was ruled an accidental death. Wiley also was funded as an investigator by HHMI.

Perhaps the most controversial member of Pharmacia’s board is Frank Carlucci. Carlucci is Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Carlyle Group, which describes itself as a "merchant bank." However, its portfolio ranks 

[CTRL] The End Of America's Prestige

2002-04-26 Thread William Shannon

The End Of America's Prestige
Charley Reese

A friend of mine once told a college class that nobody ever woke up in 476 A.D. (the date historians define as the fall of the Roman Empire) and said, "Gosh, I'm in the Dark Ages."

His point is plain enough. Transitions happen gradually, and the people who live through them never realize what is happening. So it is with Americans. We are living in the ruins of a once-great republic. Now an empire utterly devoid of moral authority, the United States has nothing left but its military power and its capacity to consume on credit.

Where the world's great leaders will come from in the future, I don't know, but they will not be Americans. Look at the Republican and Democratic parties and their top leaders. Mediocrity in full bloom. Weak men with ambition but no principles. They are devious men, skilled at concealing their personal ambition in patriotic or compassionate rhetoric, depending on which constituency they are trying to bamboozle at the moment.

I said earlier that Colin Powell's trip to the Middle East would answer the question of who determines American foreign policy: America's elected leaders, or Israel and its powerful American lobby. The answer is Israel.

Powell has disgraced himself. He did the ritual moaning and groaning about six Israelis killed by a suicide bomber but said nothing about the hundreds of innocent Palestinians killed by the Israelis. As of this writing, he has not even bothered to tour the devastated cities. He has not gone to Bethlehem to see the gratuitous and malicious damage to the civilian infrastructure. He has not gone to Jenin to smell the decomposing bodies buried under the rubble. He has not uttered a single word of public criticism of Israel, while Amnesty International, the United Nations Human Rights Commission and even Israeli human-rights groups have leveled blistering criticism at Israel's beastly policy and actions.

Instead, he acted as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's errand boy by hopping over to Lebanon and Syria to ask them to restrain Hezbollah. I wish I could have been Lebanon's president long enough to tell him off.

I would have said to Powell: "Where were you and the United States when for more than 20 years Israel illegally occupied Lebanese territory in open defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions? You never said one word; you never lifted one finger to force the Israelis out. And now, you have the gall to demand of me that I chastise Hezbollah, whose brave young men did what you should have done — drove the Israelis out of Lebanon. If you cannot see the hypocrisy in your visit and in your request, then I truly pity you. Good day, sir."

The Syrian president should have told him the same thing, for the United States has never done one thing to persuade the Israelis to stop their illegal occupation of the Golan Heights.

Robert Fisk, the great correspondent of The Independent in London, wrote recently: "Mr. Powell's weakness, his failure of nerve, his cowardice are now likely to set off an Israeli-Palestinian war even more terrible than what we have witnessed so far. ... Thanks to Mr. Powell, President Bush and Mr. Sharon, America's credibility has been shattered. Israel, it turns out, does indeed run U.S. policy in the region. The Secretary of State sings from the Israeli songbook."

The repercussions of this will be unpleasant for the American people. One day, God willing, the American people will wake up and realize what a painful price has been exacted for allowing their politicians to sell their souls to the Israeli lobby. I have to give the Israeli lobby credit. They recognized the souls weren't worth much and bought them on the cheap.

We had a president once who vowed to make the world safe for democracy. We now have one who is busily making the world unsafe for Americans and who doesn't have a clue as to how ridiculous he now appears in the eyes of the world.

[CTRL] Must Read: Eurosnots

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.nationalpost.com/

 Maybe he just loathes Arabs even more than Jews (which, for
 linguistic pedants, would make him technically a perfect

This guy has the key!!!

April 25, 2002

The Eurosnots learn nothing

Mark Steyn
National Post

On Sunday, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the alleged extreme right-wing madman, managed
to place second in the first round of the French Presidential election. Since then,
many Europhile commentators in the English- speaking world have been attempting
to reassure us that the significance of this event has been much overplayed -- Le
Pen only got a little more than he usually gets, pure fluke he came second, nothing to
see here, move along. The best response to this line of thinking was by the shrewd
Internet commentatrix Megan McArdle: They're completely missing the point, which
is that it's hilarious.

Absolutely. You'd have to have a heart of stone not to be weeping with laughter at
the scenes of France's snot-nosed political elite huffily denouncing Sunday's result
as an insult to the honour of the Republic. I was in Paris a couple of weeks ago and I
well remember the retired French diplomat who assured me that a man like George
W. Bush is simply not possible in our politics. For a creature of such crude, 
and extreme views to be one of the two principal candidates in a presidential election
would be inconceivable here. Inconceivable!

Please, no giggling. Somehow events have so arranged themselves that French
electors now face a choice, as the papers see it, between la droite et l'extrême
droite. The French people have taken to the streets in angry protests against ... the
French people! Which must be a relief to the operators of McDonald's franchises,
British lorry drivers and other more traditional targets of their ire, but is still a 
weird. Meanwhile, the only thing that stands between M. Le Pen and the Elysée
Palace, President Chirac, has declared himself the representative of the soul of the
Republic. In the sense that he's a shifty dissembler with a long history of financial
scandal and no political principles, he may be on to something.

While M. Chirac has cast himself as the defender of France, M. Le Pen is apparently
the defender of the Jews. While I was over there, he was the only candidate who was
seriously affronted by the epidemic of anti- Jew assaults by French Muslims. The
Eurosnots told me this was cynical, given that M. Le Pen is notoriously anti-Jew and
not above doing oven jokes in public. But that doesn't necessarily make him cynical.
Maybe he just loathes Arabs even more than Jews (which, for linguistic pedants,
would make him technically a perfect anti-Semite). Maybe he just resents the
Muslims muscling in on his turf: We strongly object to the Arab attacks on the Jews.
That's our job. But, given that Chirac and Jospin brushed off the Jew-bashing
epidemic like a speck of dust on their elegant suits, Le Pen's ability to co-opt it 
his general tough-on-crime/tough-on-immigrants approach showed at the least a
certain political savvy.

Still, despite the racism and bigotry, I resent the characterization of M. Le Pen as
extreme right. I'm an extreme right-wing madman myself, and it takes one to know
one. M. Le Pen is an economic protectionist in favour of the minimum wage, lavish
subsidies for France's incompetent industries and inefficient agriculture; he's anti-
American and fiercely opposed to globalization. In other words, he's got far more in
common with Naomi Klein than with me. He would fit right in as a guest host on the
CBC's CounterSpin. Even the antipathy toward Jews is more of a left-wing thing
these days -- see the EU, UN, Svend and Mary Robinson, etc. Insofar as anyone
speaks up for Jews in the West, it's only a few right-wing columnists, Newt Gingrich,
Christian conservatives and Mrs. Thatcher -- or, as a reader e-mailed the other day,
all you Hebraic assholes on the right. M. Le Pen is a nationalist and a socialist -- 
if you prefer, a nationalist socialist. Hmm. A bit long but, if you lost a syllable, 
might be in business.

But terms like left and right are irrelevant in French politics. In an advanced
technocratic state, where almost any issue worth talking about has been ruled
beyond the scope of partisan politics, you might as well throw away the compass.
The presidential election was meant to be a contest between the supposedly
conservative Chirac and his supposedly socialist Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin. In
practice, this boils down to a candidate who's left of right of left of centre, and a
candidate who's right of left of right of left of centre. Chirac and Jospin ran on
identical platforms -- they're both in favour of high taxes, high unemployment and
high crime. So, with no significant policy differences between them, the two
candidates were relying on their personal appeal, which, given that one's a fraud and
the other's a dullard, was asking 

Re: [CTRL] Man Wants To Change Name To 'God'

2002-04-26 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

How about the Irish version? O'God.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The End Of America's Prestige

2002-04-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

WOW!  In syndication no less!  Thanks Charley.

In a message dated 4/26/02 2:39:25 PM Central Daylight Time,

 The End Of America's Prestige
  Charley Reese

  A friend of mine once told a college class that nobody ever woke up in 476
  A.D. (the date historians define as the fall of the Roman Empire) and
  Gosh, I'm in the Dark Ages.

  His point is plain enough. Transitions happen gradually, and the people
  live through them never realize what is happening. So it is with
  We are living in the ruins of a once-great republic. Now an empire utterly
  devoid of moral authority, the United States has nothing left but its
  military power and its capacity to consume on credit.

  Where the world's great leaders will come from in the future, I don't
  but they will not be Americans. Look at the Republican and Democratic
  and their top leaders. Mediocrity in full bloom. Weak men with ambition
  no principles. They are devious men, skilled at concealing their personal
  ambition in patriotic or compassionate rhetoric, depending on which
  constituency they are trying to bamboozle at the moment.

  I said earlier that Colin Powell's trip to the Middle East would answer
  question of who determines American foreign policy: America's elected
  leaders, or Israel and its powerful American lobby. The answer is Israel.

  Powell has disgraced himself. He did the ritual moaning and groaning about
  six Israelis killed by a suicide bomber but said nothing about the
  of innocent Palestinians killed by the Israelis. As of this writing, he
  not even bothered to tour the devastated cities. He has not gone to
  to see the gratuitous and malicious damage to the civilian infrastructure.
  has not gone to Jenin to smell the decomposing bodies buried under the
  rubble. He has not uttered a single word of public criticism of Israel,
  Amnesty International, the United Nations Human Rights Commission and even
  Israeli human-rights groups have leveled blistering criticism at Israel's
  beastly policy and actions.

  Instead, he acted as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's errand boy by
  hopping over to Lebanon and Syria to ask them to restrain Hezbollah. I
  could have been Lebanon's president long enough to tell him off.

  I would have said to Powell: Where were you and the United States when
  more than 20 years Israel illegally occupied Lebanese territory in open
  defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions? You never said one word;
  never lifted one finger to force the Israelis out. And now, you have the
  to demand of me that I chastise Hezbollah, whose brave young men did what
  should have done  drove the Israelis out of Lebanon. If you cannot see the
  hypocrisy in your visit and in your request, then I truly pity you. Good


  The Syrian president should have told him the same thing, for the United
  States has never done one thing to persuade the Israelis to stop their
  illegal occupation of the Golan Heights.

  Robert Fisk, the great correspondent of The Independent in London, wrote
  recently: Mr. Powell's weakness, his failure of nerve, his cowardice are
  likely to set off an Israeli-Palestinian war even more terrible than what

  have witnessed so far. ... Thanks to Mr. Powell, President Bush and Mr.
  Sharon, America's credibility has been shattered. Israel, it turns out,

  indeed run U.S. policy in the region. The Secretary of State sings from
  Israeli songbook.

  The repercussions of this will be unpleasant for the American people. One
  day, God willing, the American people will wake up and realize what a
  price has been exacted for allowing their politicians to sell their souls

  the Israeli lobby. I have to give the Israeli lobby credit. They
  the souls weren't worth much and bought them on the cheap.

  We had a president once who vowed to make the world safe for democracy. We
  now have one who is busily making the world unsafe for Americans and who
  doesn't have a clue as to how ridiculous he now appears in the eyes of the

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Afronaut Found in Space

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


First paying 'Afronaut' blasts off

Impact compared to Mandela inauguration


Special to the Globe and Mail, with reports from AP and AFP

Friday, April 26, 2002 – Print Edition, Page A1

DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA -- Thrilled South Africans watched billionaire Mark
Shuttleworth blast his way into the heavens and history yesterday, as the first African
in space and the world's second space tourist.

The 28-year-old Internet magnate, who as a boy built rockets that never went very
far and would rather be called amateur astronaut than space tourist, spent $20-
million (U.S.) to take part in a 10-day mission from Russia's Baikonur cosmodrome in
Kazakhstan to the International Space Station.

In schools, homes and businesses across South Africa, people gathered to watch
the live televised launch of the 6.4-tonne Soyuz rocket, bearing the image of the
South African flag.

In less than 10 minutes, Russian flight controllers announced that Mr. Shuttleworth
and crew mates Yuri Gidzenko and Roberto Vittori, an Italian pilot, were safely in
orbit and chasing the ISS for a docking Saturday morning.

They will join three resident astronauts there.

Before blastoff, Mr. Shuttleworth smiled at his two colleagues and said in Russian:
I'm not nervous. I'm ready.

Members of his family were at the launch, collapsing into a tearful group hug as the
rocket took off. It is the most amazing thing that you can ever witness, his brother
Grant, 27, said. We are so proud of him.

Newspapers across South Africa heralded Mr. Shuttleworth's mission with front-page
stories and banner headlines such as Space-bound: Africa's 1st spaceman on the
brink of history and Journey to fulfil a dream.

One Johannesburg radio talk-show host compared the impact on the country to that
of Nelson Mandela's inauguration as president 1994. Callers to the show -- men and
women, black and white, young and old -- called Afronaut Shuttleworth a hero.

One woman said she had lit a candle for Mr. Shuttleworth's safety and would keep it
burning until his return.

Mark is a courageous pioneer for South Africa and his continent, Africa, South
African President Thabo Mbeki said, calling him an inspiration to the youth and
people of our country.

Mr. Shuttleworth was working on a business degree at the University of Cape Town
when he set up an Internet security company. Working from his garage, he
developed business passports, which secure people's credit card details when they
buy on the Web.

He sold his company, Thawte Consulting, to an American competitor, Verisign, for
$500- million (U.S.).

A billionaire by his mid-20s, Mr. Shuttleworth now has a venture capital company that
he says focuses on innovative technology. Wealth itself is of little meaning to me,
he said. He handed out more than $100,000 U.S. to each of his 58 employees after
selling Thawte. There is very little you can give Mark; he's not a very materialistic
person, said Grant, who wrote a song for his brother called Dreams.

Mr. Shuttleworth describes himself as just an ordinary guy (though he believes in
aliens), but he takes his dreams seriously. He spent more than seven months
training at Russia's Star City space centre to follow American businessman Dennis
Tito into space.

He also spent a week at NASA in Houston and received instruction from South
African scientists to conduct experiments in space. While in orbit, he will do research
on stem cells aimed at obtaining better understanding of the HIV virus, and on
protein crystallization and cardiology.

Mr. Shuttleworth, who launched a Hip to be square (Hip2b2) campaign for
schoolchildren to encourage interest in science and mathematics, will also talk to
students over a radio link from the ISS, and to Mr. Mbeki and former president
Mandela in live broadcasts.

South Africa is proud of its modest work in space, which includes a research satellite,
radar probes into deep space to monitor galactic weather, and world-renowned

The Shuttleworth mission is expected to awaken more interest in space exploration
and scientific research.

I don't expect my flight to produce a generation of astronauts and cosmonauts back
home, Mr. Shuttleworth said, but I hope it will encourage people to pursue their

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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Cellspacing (NO HOAX)

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

I don't who sent this particular message BUT I was just alerted that there was a
Klez virus attached to it.  Whoever sent this, shut DOWN your system and disinfect.
Whoever opens it (and perhaps the attachment), BEWARE.

I get about two or three updates EACH WEEK to anti-virus programs that I use.  This
is WAAYYY above the normal.

Some time ago, we had an exchange about information warfare and the like.  THIS is
what I was referring to.  DO NOT depend upon Yahoo! or your ISP to do the work for
you.  You have not only the right but the responsibility to bear anti-virus detection 
removal tactics and strategies.

(Yes, I'm annoyed!!!)


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Man Wants To Change Name To 'God'

2002-04-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

How about helping me figure out how this has anything to do with
conspiracy theory? Maybe something about the freedom to call oneself
whatever one wants.

--- Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 How about the Irish version? O'God.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Man Wants To Change Name To 'God'

2002-04-26 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

The most cunningly effective conspiracies are those you CAN'T figure out.
Just ask Dale on King of the Hill.

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 How about helping me figure out how this has anything to do with
 conspiracy theory? Maybe something about the freedom to call oneself
 whatever one wants.

 --- Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  How about the Irish version? O'God.
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[CTRL] CIA-Trained Abu Sayyaf Terrorists

2002-04-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

US Forces In Philippines Facing CIA-Trained Abu Sayyaf Terrorists


[Insert: Abu Sayyaf was described in the 1990s as the most violent and
radical Islamist group in the Far East, using its CIA and ISI training to
harass, attack and murder Christian priests, wealthy non-Muslim
plantation-owners and merchants ]


Basilan, Philippines (March 10, 2002) --- Unknown to most, the U.S. troops
especially the Special Forces now in this Abu Sayyaf lair, are facing not
merely a rag-tag band of bandits but hard core Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA)-trained fighters.

Most of the Abu Sayyaf leaders have fought Rambo-like in the deserts and
mountains of Afghanistan in the 1980s after receiving training from the CIA,
battling some of Russia¹s best fighting paratroopers, a reality the
Philippine military seemed to have forgotten.
for the rest of page 1, please see:


page 2:


page 3:


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[CTRL] US politics vs. Middle East reality

2002-04-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.middleeastwire.com:8080/storypage.jsp?id=5112

US politics vs. Middle East reality
publisher: Jordan Times (Amman)
By: James J. Zogby
Posted: 2002-04-23

After president George W. Bush proclaimed Ariel Sharon a “man of peace” and
praised his withdrawal from the West Bank, I was inundated by questions from US
reporters. Many were indignant, others were just confused. “What”, they asked, “was
he doing?” On April 4, Bush, despite his extra criticism of Palestinian President
Yasser Arafat, appeared to be fair in calling for an “immediate” Israeli withdrawal.

He was, he said, dispatching Secretary of State Colin Powell with messages for both
Sharon and Arafat. And, the president concluded, “I expect results”.

Powell's trip ended without results. Israel's marauding army continues to lay waste to
areas of the West Bank. War crimes have been committed and the brutal siege of
several cities and towns remains in place.

Despite this obvious failure, the president inexplicably proclaimed victory, thanking
Sharon for his cooperation while focusing his criticism on Arafat. All over the world,
and here in the US, people were baffled by the all too obvious disconnect between
reality and Bush's observations.

What happened? Bush blinked. In the face of political pressure coming from within
his own party, the president backed away from his April 4 insistence on an
“immediate Israeli withdrawal”. It was not the insubstantial Jewish-led pro-Israel 
that pressured Bush, it was the substantial criticism he was receiving from his neo-
conservative and religious right-wing Republican supporters.

In fact, it might be said that the position of the White House began to turn after
Republican senators invited former Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to
address the Senate. Netanyahu used the opportunity to implicitly criticise the Powell
mission. Imagine, US senators inviting a foreign personality to undercut their own
president and secretary of state, who was at that very moment in the midst of his
mission to the Middle East.

This pressure was amplified in television and newspaper commentaries and in letters
from senators to the president. Slowly, the White House began to alter its language
and course.

“Suicide bombers” became “homicide bombers” and “immediate withdrawal” became
“progress in the days to come”. By the end of the Powell mission, the political shift
was complete.

Although Powell's last press statement in the Middle East contained some of the
April 4 rhetoric, just an hour later, the president, speaking in Virginia, appeared to 
moving away from this position. All in an effort to silence his domestic critics.

But this rather transparent effort to call black white and white black will not fare 
First and foremost because US reporters, especially those who accompanied the
secretary of state and those who have been covering the Israeli assault from the
region, know what really occurred and they continue to ask tough questions.

The US public is also apparently not impressed. Although the president still retains
high overall ratings, he receives a 20 per cent lower score for his handling of the
Middle East conflict.

And while public sympathy, shaped by biased media coverage and negative
stereotypes, remains with Israel, on policy issues the public is demanding balance. In
fact, almost 75- 80 per cent of the public says that they want a US policy that applies
pressure evenly and does not favour either side.

In this context, it is worth noting an incident at last week's State Democratic
Convention in Florida. Senator Joseph Lieberman, attempting to court favour with the
crowd, exhorted the president to stand more firmly with Sharon and Israel. Press
reports noted that Lieberman's comments were met with silence.

It is also important to note that the internal struggle within the administration will 
end. The State Department will continue to push for a more realistic approach to

Just last week, after the president's comments, we conducted a briefing at the State
Department based on our recent poll of Arab opinion towards US-Middle East policy.
It is clear that whatever political pressure can do to alter policy, it can't alter 
reality —
and US diplomats know that.

Especially in the next few weeks, when the destruction and horrors of Jenin and
other sites in the West Bank become clearer and when international reaction grows,
the US will be forced to deal with the reality of Israel's brutal aggression. US
diplomats know this and they will continue to press the White House on these

It is also very clear that not only Arabs are upset with the lack of balance in US
policy. A recent Pew Research poll of five European countries establishes that in
France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy, public opinion is, by a significant margin,
opposed to US policy. This is reflected in growing frustration in the European Union
and the United 

[CTRL] QUEENS GOLDEN JUBILLEE - feared a washout ??

2002-04-26 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

First it was emperor Tony himself, interrupting the death of the police
force, health service and his euro debates with a discussion in the National
DAVID BECKHAMs left foot had a broken bone.

You see it is possible that the Future of the Monarchy in the UK rests on
that small little break in becks foot.
Call it a co-incidence but all of england [and maybe a few lackeys in
scotland] will be 'celebrating' the Queens Golden Jubilee. [applications for
party planning have been unashamedly low.]
and the only real reason for street parties all over england would be to
watch a victorious english soccer side beat the world.
the royal yaucht titanic was to have been floated on a sea of lager and
english football. and empty patriotism - alas the unthinkable happened, the
ant and dec world cup song sounds like rhetoric already - and its just out -

JUBILEE AND SOCCER WORLD CUP were to have merged into celebrations of
glorious engerland, presided over by happy queen lizardbirth [who
temporarily mixes with the vulgar herds to win back the lost - ]

BECKHAM AND NEVILLE two of englands key players who are part of the official
song had the BAD LUCK to get their toes broken - and frankly without them -
there is not going to be any reason to street party - because england may
beat nigeria, but against sweden and argentina - the sixpacks will be
staying in the fridge :)
What with the Queen Mum checking out with variety performance imitations of
the UKs most hip street comedian and all [ali G] - or so the news was
the Queen lizard herself has been heard lately expressing grave concern
about beckhams foot.
If the truth be truly told - its a vulgar fact that is preposterous to the
extreme but nevertheless recently true.
we've had new labour and the spin doctors - and now the New Monarchy and the
spin professors.

The game plan of all this spin is actually realistic and achievable or would
have been but for beckhams injury.
on the plus side for the monarchy - they made an indecent and lengthy 10 day
theatre out of the queen mothers exit, but Beckhams injury is not to be

this recent royal gamble on street cred is simply a ploy to get the sheeple
celebrating the royal windsors - but if engerland get beat real bad in japan
this summer - the whole nation will go into despondent mourning and media
warfare for the next year and will probably pay no attention whatsoever to
enhancing the reputation of the windsors.

Other knock on effects to that is that Charles and Queen Camilla to be will
not be for longer than they had hoped.

So all the royals sem to have hitxched their stars to the careers and
fitness of the england soccer team - an outfit that doesn't look too good
without 2 of its key players.

andrew hennessey

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[CTRL] God's Conspiracy

2002-04-26 Thread Labour Welfare Party

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Party of Citizens wrote:

 How about the Irish version? O'God.

Is God conspiring against the planet of the apes? Kale

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] God's Conspiracy

2002-04-26 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

  How about the Irish version? O'God.

 Is God conspiring against the planet of the apes? Kale

a conspiracy with anti-human and anti-life overtones
marked with the trademark of the desolate -
have you checked out the GATSwatch website also
based in canada.
the apes need to down their bananas and pick up the ballot paper.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] ritual abuse urls, cointelpro, clergy/munchausen, mckinney, bush, jenin - pt 1

2002-04-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

these may be heavy for survivors

Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing - Information and Resources for
Survivors, Therapists and Others - http://www.ra-info.org/

This may be very heavy for survivors.
Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing  - Common Programs Observed in
Survivors of Satanic Ritualistic Abuse David W. Neswald, M.A. M.F.C.C. in
collaboration with Catherine Gould, Ph.D. and Vicki Graham-Costain, Ph.D. The
California Therapist, Sept./Oct. 1991, 47-50 Introduction Increasingly,
cases of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) and Satanic Ritualistic Abuse
(SRA) are being reported in the psychotherapeutic community. Though
controversy concerning authenticity remains, such cases are slowly gaining in
acceptability as a genuine social and psychopathological phenomenon.

Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing  - Ritual Abuse Hot-Line Training -
Material for a Training Session on Ritual Abuse for Crisis Counselors and
Hot-Line Workers http://www.ra-info.org/resources/ra_hotl.shtml

COINTELPRO is an acronym for the FBI's domestic counterintelligence
programs to neutralize political dissidents. Although covert operations have
been employed throughout FBI history, the formal COINTELPRO's conducted
between 1956-1971 were broadly targeted against radical political
organizations Counterintelligence was a misnomer for the FBI programs,
since the targets were American political dissidents, not foreign spies.  In
the atmosphere of the Cold War, the American Communist Party was viewed as a
serious threat to our national security.  Over the years, anti- Communist
paranoia extended to civil rights, anti-war, and many other groups.

from Lynne Moss-Sharmann
Bishop subpoenaed; hearing canceled 4/25/02 - By Richard Nangle and Kathleen
A. Shaw - Telegram  Gazette Staff Hours after Bishop Daniel P. Reilly was
subpoenaed to a state Department of Social Services hearing where he would
have faced questions about sexual abuse by priests, the DSS canceled the
hearing and dropped a yearlong inquiry into child neglect chargesIn 1999,
the diocese paid Edward Gagne of Spencer $300,000 to settle a lawsuit in
which he accused Rev. Inzerillo and another priest of sexual abuse. Rev.
Inzerillo was placed on leave by the late Bishop Timothy J. Harrington
shortly after the suit was filed several years ago. Mrs. Jean found out that
her son's physician labeled her with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy shortly
after she first complained about Rev. Inzerillo. The physician in question,
Dr. John McLaughlin, was also head of the St. Leo's school board at the time.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is a condition that many in the mental health
profession believe is a serious mental disorder that can put children at risk
of illness or death. People with the condition are generally caretakers who
deliberately make a child ill to gain attention for themselves as a concerned
and caring person. It also refers to people who are convinced that a child is
more seriously ill than he or she really is. Mrs. Jean said the physician
threatened her with a 51A, a report made to the state Department of Social
Services indicating possible abuse or neglect of a child, and that he said it
was his way of taking care of troublemakers at the school.


F L Y B Y N E W S - 4_25_02

Rep. McKinney's 4/20 remarks to peace rally in Washington, DC

We Come For Peace
By Rep. Cynthia McKinney
[Remarks to April 20, peace rally in Washington, DC]

For the millions of poor Americans, ours is not a just society. More than 31
million Americans live in poverty. One in every six of our children live in
poverty. Some of our nation's poor even sleep each night on the steps of the
buildings just visible from the bedrooms of the White House. And sadly, many
of those who sleep on America's streets are our veterans from US wars . . .

Sadly, nor is ours a democratic society. In November 2000, the Republicans
stole from America our most precious right of all: the right to free and fair
elections. Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his Secretary of State Katherine
Harris, created a phony list of convicted felons--57,700 to be exact--to
scrub thousands of innocent people from the state's voter rolls. Of the
thousands who ultimately lost their vote through this scrub of voters, 80%
were African- American, mostly Democratic Party voters. Had they voted, the
course of history would have changed. Instead, however, Harris declared Bush
the victor by only 537 votes. Now President Bush occupies the White House,
but with questionable legitimacy. But however he got there, his
Administration is now free to spend one to four billion dollars a month on
the war in Afghanistan . . . free to cut the high deployment overtime pay of
our young 

[CTRL] jenin - pt 2

2002-04-26 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be very heavy for survivors

The Refugeed Camp, Jenin April 23, 2002: Impressions
Bare Statistics: In the square kilometer that was the refugee camp, 30% of
the buildings are rubble; 40% unlivable (source: mayor of Jenin).  The 30%
that is still 'livable' is not undamaged.

The odor of dead bodies has dissipated.  What remains are survivors with
broken lives.
On the path winding between rows of  rubble lies a tiny mud-caked slipper; I
pick it up, examine it, as if it could tell me where the wee foot of  the
one-year old or two-year old that wore it was? Is the toddler alive? Are its
parents alive?   Later, Tamar finds a small white pooh bear--its seams torn.
The label stating made in Israel.  Lewd!  The country that produced a toy
to be loved and hugged, coldly destroyed a child's dreams. From a back wall
that still stands, a second-story floor is slantingly cantilevered; on it, a
wheel chair sits grotesquely, unmoving, as if tied to
the floor by some hidden wires.  Did its user escape?  How? carried on
someone's back?  How did the deaf who did not hear the order to get out, how
did the blind who cannot see, how did the invalids and other helpless fare
when the megaphone told them to move their butts or be leveled into rubble
with their homes?

 Twisted metal everywhere, concrete slabs, rubble and more rubble.  Shreds of
a curtain blowing in the breeze from a glassless window-frame on a wall that
0nce was part of a house.  On the ground a torn school bag.  The back of a
refrigerator humped above the rubble, it's front buried in the concrete
debris.  The scorched remains of a video set.  Pieces of clothing here and
there peeping from the rubble.  A brightly colored scarf , a part of a
blanket.  Pieces of yellow foam rubber--once the stuffing of mattresses or
furniture seats--lie scattered all about.  Not big chunks.  Not big enough to
sit on or to lie on.  The largest less than * a meter long.  The foam
rubber is especially profuse in the part of the camp that helicopters, we
were told, bombed steadily 7 days and 7 nights.  In the refugee camp there
are no electric poles left--not even pieces of them.  One refugee now
refugeed for a second time related in dry tones, It took 50 years for me to
build a life and home for my family; all destroyed in an instant.

 An old man sitting despondently on the pile of rubble that was once his
home.  An elderly woman carrying on her head a plastic bag with several
meters of electric cord coiled in it.  What for?  Is she sane?  Or has she
perhaps lost her mind?   Inhabitants of rubble--wander aimlessly among it
silent, dry-eyed.  Where do they sleep at night, those who have no family or
friends in the town?  Where do they cook, eat, shower, go to the toilet--do
the simple every day things one takes for granted? Oh Sharon-Mofaz, and the
rest of the government--in destroying lives how many terrorists have you
created?  The anger of the people whose lives you destroyed will not give you
rest!  They will revenge their misery--the misery you continuously force upon
them, and, consequently, upon us, because all you know is force! One young
mother wrapped up the whole of her misery and anger in a few horrific words
quietly spoken, as if she were listing the ingredients of a recipe for a
cake: I want to have many many children, she said, so they can blow
themselves up and kill many Israelis!  Yet there are also other voices.  The
mayor of Jenin received our small delegation gracefully.  In explaining the
anger of his people he said, The
13,000 inhabitants of the camp hopefully waited to receive support from the
peace-loving world.  But this terrible crime of Sharon and Mofaz extinguished
the tiny flicker of light at the end of the tunnel. Nevertheless, he
continued, it has not extinguished our desire to live in
peace and security in a state of our own next to the state of Israel. Dorothy

Prof. Victoria Buch  The Hebrew University of JerusalemThe Fritz Haber
Research Center for Molecular Dynamics  and the Department of Physical
Chemistry  Jerusalem 91904, Israel Tel. 972-2-6584223, Fax:
972-2-6513742   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

International Solidarity Movement.  Report from Outside Jenin
Kristen Schurr April 12, 2002 from Taiba, Palestine:

We're going to try to get back into Jenin today. We  tried all day  yesterday
and it was a total nightmare. There are 748 here people combined from two
towns  who have been  dumped  off. They are dropped off at 200 meters from
the  checkpoint in their  underwear. They are not allowed to go back to Jenin
 but they've been  arrested, beaten  tortured and held captive for  several
days. There's  hundreds of them here. Refugees from a refugee camp.

The community is taking care of them in these two  towns. I asked how  are
you getting food and they said they are getting a  few donations from  people
 in neighboring towns and they're just sharing what  

[CTRL] Fwd: APR 26

2002-04-26 Thread William Shannon
-terror efforts, also
shield from public scrutiny the reasons for police searches. Defense lawyers
and civil libertarians are outraged at the laws, which make search warrants
and supporting documents such as affidavits non-public records. If you
think the police did secretive work before, just wait, defense attorney
William Cataldo said. It gives more power to the ignorant and more power to
those who would take your rights. Defense lawyer Walter Piszczatowski said:
This is nuts, this is beyond nuts. What happened to the Fourth Amendment?
We're living in a police state.


||| ASSOCIATED PRESS - The Nevada Supreme Court ruled that police can hide
electronic monitoring devices on peoples' cars without a warrant for as long
as they want. The 5-2 majority opinion, written by Justice Deborah Agosti,
said attaching the device to the bumper of a Las Vegas man's car to track
his movements did not constitute unreasonable search or seizure under
Nevada's Constitution

http://ap.tbo.com/ap/breaking/MGAQRYEHH0D.html TAMPA TRIBUNE

||| Frank J. Murra, WASHINGTON TIMES - A U.S. District Court judge who says
innocent people are convicted of murder gave the Justice Department one
last opportunity to persuade him not to declare the federal death penalty
unconstitutional. Judge Jed S. Rakoff, a 1995 Clinton appointee, said he
took that drastic step because he believes innocent prisoners were executed
and more face death without a full opportunity to prove their innocence, if
only by technology not yet discovered. That violates the Fifth Amendment
right to due process, he said, since some will die before completion of a
process the judge seemed to say must be endless. Advances in science and
criminology can help only if such persons are still alive to be released,
Judge Rakoff said. He gave government lawyers until May 15 to reply in an
order based largely on a much-criticized Columbia University study that
found a 68 percent prejudicial error rate in capital trials, and review of
Web site reports of prisoner releases.



||| Stewart Payne, telegraph, London -  A human rights investigator who
claims she was sacked for exposing the sexual abuse of Bosnian women by her
United Nations colleagues, told a tribunal that girls as young as 15 were
offered for sex. Kathryn Bolkovac, 41, said women were forced to dance naked
in Bosnian bars frequented by UN police officers. Mrs Bolkovac is using a
British employment tribunal to bring her case of unfair dismissal from an
American recruitment agency which has an office in the UK . . .

The tribunal has heard that her employer, the US-based agency DynCorp, which
is registered with the State Department to provide American police officers
to work on humanitarian and peacekeeping duties, admits that there was a
problem with officers using prostitutes and that one was sacked for paying
for a woman to live with him to provide sexual services. But the company,
which has an office in Salisbury, Wilts, denies that it sacked Mrs Bolkovac
for exposing the abuse and said that she was dismissed for time-sheet

In [an] email, Mrs Bolkovac said that women and girls were handed over to
bar owners and told to perform sex acts to pay for their costumes. The
women who refused were locked in rooms and withheld food and outside contact
for days or weeks. After this time they are told to dance naked on table
tops and sit with clients. If the women still refuse to perform sex acts
with the customers they are beaten and raped in the rooms by the bar owners
and their associates. They are told if they go to the police they will be
arrested for prostitution and being an illegal immigrant.

  . . . Giving evidence to the tribunal, Mrs Bolkovac said she had discovered
extensive use of brothels by UN police and other peacekeepers. She said
she also found that international staff were helping local police to sell
women for the sex trade and she feared this was being covered up.

  . . . Spencer Wickham, the head of DynCorp, has told the tribunal he sacked
three police officers for using prostitutes. The tribunal is taking place in
Britain because DynCorp contracts state they are governed by UK employment
law. DynCorp's Bosnia site manager, Pascal Budge, said that after Mrs
Bolkovac's email was sent, he circulated a memo warning officers they would
be sent home if caught using prostitutes. But Mrs Bolkovac called an
investigation by DynCorp into her allegations inadequate.



||| John Lancaster Washington Post - It was the second day of the battle for
the Jenin refugee camp, and things were going badly for the Israelis.
Palestinian gunmen, firing from sandbags hidden behind curtained

Re: [CTRL] God's Conspiracy

2002-04-26 Thread Labour Welfare Party

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, andrew hennessey wrote:

   How about the Irish version? O'God.
  Is God conspiring against the planet of the apes? Kale
 a conspiracy with anti-human and anti-life overtones

Is God anti-life,

 the apes need to down their bananas and pick up the ballot paper.

but pro-bananas? Kale

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Re: [CTRL] God's Conspiracy

2002-04-26 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 Is God anti-life,
Satanism [the ideology] is anti-life and anti-human
 a classically satanic ideology of desolation, lunacy
and pornography - Nihilism
the world is run by desolate dinosaurs intent on bloodstock
farming - their hierarchy though is basic

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Cops Can Hide Monitoring Devices On Peoples' Cars

2002-04-26 Thread William Shannon

Nevada Cops Can Hide Monitoring 
Devices On Peoples' Cars

CARSON CITY, Nev. - In a 5-2 decision, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled Thursday that police can hide electronic monitoring devices on peoples' cars - without a warrant and for as long as they want. 

The majority opinion, written by Justice Deborah Agosti, said that attaching the device to the bumper of a Las Vegas man's car to track his movements "did not constitute an unreasonable search or seizure under the Nevada Constitution." 

Frederick Osburn was sentenced in 2000 to up to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to open or gross lewdness, possession of burglary tools and four counts of possession of child pornography. 

He appealed, arguing evidence against him should be barred because it was based, in part, on information police were able to gather from the electronic monitoring. 

Osburn said federal law may permit warrantless monitoring, but asked for a finding that the Nevada Constitution provides greater protection. 

The majority cited a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that there's "no reasonable expectation of privacy" when it involves the exterior of a car - especially in Osburn's case since the car was parked on a public street. 

Justices Bob Rose and Cliff Young dissented, with Rose writing that the majority ruling gives too much authority to police. 

"The police will be able to place a vehicle monitor on any vehicle, for any reason, and leave it there for as long as they want," Rose said. "There will be no requirement that the monitor be used only when probable cause - or even a reasonable suspicion - is shown, and there will be no time limit on how long the monitor will remain." 

He added that in some cases such devices "will be used to continually monitor individuals only because law enforcement considers them 'dirty.'" 

"In the future, innocent citizens, and perhaps elected officials or even a police officer's girlfriend or boyfriend, will have their whereabouts continually monitored simply because someone in law enforcement decided to take such action," Rose said. 

In Osburn's case, he had been placed under surveillance after police questioned him about a prowler call several weeks before his arrest. 

The surveillance increased the week before the arrest after Osburn was reported masturbating outside a home. After his arrest in September 1997, police searched his home and found child pornography. 

(And please...who amongst us hasn't rubbed one out in the great outdoors? LMFAO)


Re: [CTRL] Japanese lass' sexy pictures

2002-04-26 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Just for your information, both McAfee with latest dat file, and Housecall
(online scan) failed to detect three separate instances of this worm downloaded
in my email directory. Even a scan of all files in the email directory failed
to detect it. I think Norton Antivirus is much better. This is not the first
time when Norton detected a virus that McAfee did not detect.


On 26 Apr 2002 at 18:36, Sean McBride wrote:

 Yup.  Luckily Norton Antivirus 2002 caught it for me.  I hope everyone here has the 
latest virus definitions on their system.

 If not, and if you opened that message, your system is in trouble.

   - Original Message -
   From: The Webfairy
   Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 6:32 PM
   Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Japanese lass' sexy pictures

   This message has that new worm in it.

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In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace
and the most prosperous economy in our history, to a nation
plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being
transformed before our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Japanese lass' sexy pictures

2002-04-26 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/26/02 9:02:32 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just for your information, both McAfee with latest dat file, and Housecall
(online scan) failed to detect three separate instances of this worm downloaded
in my email directory. Even a scan of all files in the email directory failed
to detect it. I think Norton Antivirus is much better. This is not the first
time when Norton detected a virus that McAfee did not detect.

So where's that lil' naked nip broad???

What a jip!


Re: [CTRL] QUEENS GOLDEN JUBILLEE - feared a washout ??

2002-04-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- andrew hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 JUBILEE AND SOCCER WORLD CUP were to have merged into celebrations of
 glorious engerland, presided over by happy queen lizardbirth [who
 temporarily mixes with the vulgar herds to win back the lost - ]

Not all bad news -- there IS going to be a Three Tenors concert in
Yokohama Japan to celebrate the World Cup. ;-D


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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