[CTRL] Fwd: FBI Agent's Advance Warning of 9/11

2002-05-15 Thread RoadsEnd


 FBI Director Robert Mueller referred to another internal document that
may prove more explosive: notes by a Minneapolis agent worrying that French
Moroccan flight student Zacarias Moussaoui might be planning to ³fly
something into the World Trade Center.²... -- By Michael Isikoff, no less
There are doubts concerning the FBI's insistence that it had no advance
warning about the deadly 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center

Unheeded Warnings
FBI agent¹s notes pointed to possible World Trade Center attack


    May 20 issue ‹  The FBI has insisted it had no advance warning
about the 9-11 attacks. But internal documents suggest there were more
concerns inside the bureau¹s field offices than Washington has acknowledged.
  ONE FBI MEMO, written by a Phoenix agent in July 2001, warned
about suspicious activities by Middle Eastern men at an Arizona flight
school. Last week, in little-noticed testimony before a Senate panel, FBI
Director Robert Mueller referred to another internal document that may prove
more explosive: notes by a Minneapolis agent worrying that French Moroccan
flight student Zacarias Moussaoui might be planning to ³fly something into
the World Trade Center.²
       The notes are especially eerie because Moussaoui faces charges that
he was part of the 9-11 plot. Sources say the notes Mueller referred to were
written in early September 2001‹days before the attack. The author was part
of a counterterrorism team desperately trying to figure out what Moussaoui
was up to. He had been arrested in August on immigration charges after a
Minnesota flight instructor reported that he showed a suspicious interest in
learning how to steer large airliners. When agents learned, from French
intelligence, that he had radical Islamic ties, they sought a
national-security warrant to search his computer‹and got turned down. From
his e-mail traffic they found he wanted to learn to fly a 747 from London¹s
Heathrow to New York¹s JFK. The agents held ³brainstorming² sessions to try
to figure out what targets might be en route. The agents were ³in a frenzy,²
³absolutely convinced he was planning to do something with a plane,² said a
senior official. One agent wrote that ³one possibility² was that Moussaoui
might be planning to crash into the Twin Towers. But the official said the
agents were only ³speculating² about possible scenarios.
        Congressional investigators believe there are more embarrassing
documents to come. Another sensitive issue: the CIA¹s failure to
aggressively follow up on information provided by Malaysian authorities in
January 2000 about a meeting in Kuala Lumpur of Al Qaeda
operatives‹including two men who turned out to be among the 9-11 hijackers.
Malaysian officials passed along photos to the United States, but they never
heard back and stopped monitoring the suspects, one Malaysian official told
NEWSWEEK. CIA officials said the significance of the meeting didn¹t become
clear until much later. But by the time the CIA alerted the FBI, it was too

Michael Isikoff

---End Message---

[CTRL] test

2002-05-15 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] Woody Allen rejected

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


May 15, 2002 11:19 AM ET
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By Joelle Diderich

CANNES, France (Reuters) - Woody Allen rejected on Wednesday a call by
American Jews to boycott France's Cannes film festival, saying that was the kind of
protest the Nazis used before the Second World War.

Allen is opening the world-famous festival with his latest comedy Hollywood Ending,
which marks his first appearance at the glitzy French Riviera resort.

I've never felt that the French people in any way were anti-Semitic, said the 
and actor, a comic legend in France, who is Jewish.

I think one can be very proud of France for the way they've  acquitted themselves in
the last election and I don't think a boycott is in order. I just don't feel that it's 

Allen told a packed news conference he did not think France was intolerant because
extreme-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen had made it to the presidential runoff this

President Jacques Chirac trounced Le Pen in the May 5 runoff with 82 percent of the
vote, but Le Pen's place in the final aroused concern abroad about France. Le Pen,
an anti-immigrant populist, once dismissed the Holocaust as a detail of history.

The Pacific Southwest chapter of the American Jewish Congress, citing Le Pen and
a string of recent anti-Semitic attacks in France, called last week for a boycott of 
famed festival in protest.


I think any boycott is wrong, Allen told RTL radio in an interview earlier Wednesday.
Boycotts were exactly what the Germans were doing against the Jews.

The controversy was a footnote at the festival, where Allen delighted reverential
journalists with his wisecracks.

Allen confessed he was panic-stricken at the idea of walking up the red carpet for his
film's opening Wednesday.

I'm suppressing panic, he said. But I've already rented a tuxedo and it's too late 
back out.

Allen said there was no link between his coming to Cannes and his much-remarked
appearance at the Academy Awards in March.

It looks like I had some kind of religious conversion and I'm suddenly out of the
house but no, I'll be back in the house in a few hours and you won't have to put up
with me again, he said.

Allen had harsh words for the Hollywood executives he sends up in Hollywood
Ending, in which he plays a washed-up film director who goes blind just before
shooting his comeback film.

The U.S. auteur shoots most of his films in Manhattan and has always steered clear
of large studios. In Hollywood ... the idea behind the films is to make as much
money as possible. If the film is good, that's incidental, he said.

They're very happy when the film comes out good, but they would be happier really
making a bad film that made a lot of money than making a good film that made less
money, he added.

But the director of Manhattan, Annie Hall and Hannah and Her Sisters saved the
harshest words for himself.

I don't think my films have been influential in any way whatsoever, he said.


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--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Right on Up in EU

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Christian Science Monitor

from the May 15, 2002 edition - http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0515/p01s03-

Across Europe, the far right rises

Today's Dutch elections are the latest evidence of Europeans looking right on crime
and immigration.

By Peter Ford | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

PARIS - In life, Dutch populist leader Pim Fortuyn was an upstart maverick, playing
on xenophobic fears no traditional politician had dared to tap.

In death, following his murder, Mr. Fortuyn drew almost the entire Dutch cabinet to
his funeral, amid an outpouring of public sympathy. After parliamentary elections
today, his party could hold the balance of power.

Across Europe, in a violent wake-up call to ruling elites, far-right parties beating 
anti-immigrant drum have seized on people's concerns about crime and foreigners to
shape a new political agenda.

And as they move Europe's political center of gravity to the right, they are prompting
governments from one end of the continent to the other to toughen their stance
against outsiders. Especially after Sept. 11, with security a top priority, Europe's
multicultural vision of itself seems to be in doubt.

Opinions that were seen as far-right 10 years ago are now voiced in the middle of
the political spectrum, says Philipp Sonderegger, spokesman for the Austrian anti-
racist group Mitmensch. Austria, where Jörg Haider's extremist Freedom Party
blazed a trail into coalition government two years ago, is about to put a virtual stop 
new immigration.

It was Jean-Marie Le Pen's shock success in the first round of French presidential
elections this month that threw the new mood into relief. At the head of the anti-
immigrant, anti-establishment National Front, Mr. Le Pen won 17 percent of the vote
and the right to challenge President Jacques Chirac in a run-off election.

But resentments against foreigners have been bubbling just below the surface of
European politics for several years. Yiannis Kolodos, an Athens university student,
speaks for millions of Europeans when he blames immigrants for taking jobs from
Greeks and making the streets of his city unsafe at night.

I used to vote Socialist, to tell you the truth, he confides. But now the mainstream
parties just can't bring themselves to admit that immigration is the main cause of our
problems. People like him, who have turned to the extreme nationalist Hellenic Front
are not Nazis or fascists, he says. They just have problems and they think that
immigration has something to do with them.

That is a message that the leaders of Europe's dominant centrist parties have been
reluctant to hear, or to counter. Fortuyn and his counterparts elsewhere articulated
problems with immigration that other politicians refused to address, explains Hans
Wansink, a commentator with the liberal Dutch daily De Volkskrant.

The problem of immigration and minority criminality have been ignored for too long
and became taboo, he adds.

Traditional parties of both left and right feared that if they raised such issues they
would play into the hands of extremists. But that reticence has backfired.

Right-wing parties have a chance only when the politicians don't do enough to win
over the understanding of the majority population, argues Klaus Bade, head of the
Migration Research Institute at the University of Osnabruck in Germany. This has
been missing in Germany.

The German parliament passed the country's first ever legislation to regulate
immigration only two months ago, although more than 7 million foreigners live in
Germany. The faster the law is instituted and the more pragmatically it is applied,
the more right-wing propaganda will lose ground, predicts Dr. Bade.

Elsewhere in Europe, several governments have found themselves boxed into a
corner by anti-immigrant parties, and obliged by electoral politics to borrow aspects
of their approach.

In Denmark, for example, the government depends on parliamentary support from
the Danish Peoples Party. That was forthcoming only because it promised last week
to tighten up its immigration policy, making it harder to claim refugee status, cutting
back on financial aid to new immigrants, and denying foreigners a green card for
seven years.

The socialist government in Greece, where migrants make up 10 percent of the
population, has not gone that far. But under heavy pressure from the opposition it put
an immigrant legalization drive on the back burner last December, and announced
plans to tighten border controls and step up arrests of illegal immigrants.

There is a limit to the number of migrants our country can welcome. Greece is not a
free-for-all, Prime Minister Costas Simitis declared.

Spain cracks down

Spain, one of the main points of entry for illegal immigrants coming to the European
Union (they cross the dangerous Straits of Gibraltar from Morocco by the thousands
every year) has cracked down, too.

Though Spain's recent 

[CTRL] Was It Hays or Feeney ?

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


  Longworth Building, Room 1506, Independence and New Jersey
 Avenues SE -- Can't Type? No Problem After two years, Elizabeth Ray
 had had enough. She had been on the payroll of Rep. Wayne Hays of
 Ohio, chairman of the House Administration Committee. But while she
 had a desk, a phone, a typewriter and a healthy taxpayer-funded
 salary, Ray claimed she was paid not for her office work but for
 being Hays' girlfriend. When she brought her story to the Post,
 she was being paid $14,000 a year. She told The Post that she
 couldn't type and wouldn't answer the phone, and that she was
 worried about losing her job after Hays married his longtime
 secretary. The revelation ended Hays' Hill career; shortly after it
 hit the newspaper, he almost ended his life with an overdose of
 prescription pills. Despite investigations into his indiscretions
 (with the payroll more than the girl), he was never tried.
 Elizabeth Ray's confessions made page one.

   Her book: The Washington Fringe Benefit.



Online Journal Contributing Editor

Risky business and fast times at Feeney High

May 12, 2002—HELP WANTED: The Christian Coalition's man of the year and
Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Tom Feeney is looking for
unqualified degreeless bimbette to raise money for putative congressional campaign.
Blonde hair, blue eyes and a decided resemblance to Rebecca DeMornay a decided
plus. If you can spell your own name you qualify.

Even if that was the ad former Hooters waitress and Republican operative Bridgette
Gregory answered, she still would have a problem other than the fact that she fell far
short of the requirements of the job Feeney hired her for.

According to Palm Beach Post reporter S.V. (Shirish) Dáte's excellent story which
appeared on Feb. 28, the taxpayer funded $55,000-plus aide by the name of
Bridgette Gregory—who bears a striking resemblance to entrepreneur Rebecca
DeMornay in Risky Business— couldn't even spell her name right.

In numerous notification letters Gregory sent out to folks appointed to boards and
commissions by Feeney, not only did Gregory exhibit awful grammar, she misspelled
her own name several times.

Another beaut of a letter she sent out to Seminole Tribe member James Billie read:

Please except [sic] my sincerest congratulations..

In fact Gregory's hiring and role, according to Dáte and the Post was to (mis)use her
state position to hustle money from lobbyists for Feeney's congressional campaign.

Feeney admits that Gregory is running his campaign, but denied she used his offices
to solicit lobbyists. The record, as Dáte and the Post show, suggest otherwise.

As for qualifications, the position Gregory was hired for required a degree. Gregory
had no degree. Florida State University had her listed as a dropout and not in good

But her standing was just fine with Tom Feeney who tried to re-write the job
description upon learning that the Palm Beach Post was on to the shell game.

Feeney fired back by banning Dáte from the House floor, claiming the reporter
shoved an aide.

The banishment in fact occurred even before the story ran. Indeed, Feeney held a
press conference days before the Post story ran to defend Ms. Gregory's—and his
own— honor.

Palm Beach Post editor Ed Sears defends both Dáte's story (although the Post did
issue one puzzling correction to the story which came across as throwing a bone to
Feeney) and Dáte s comportment on the House floor.

In an email interview with Online Journal Sears said, The whole banishment bit was
a sham. The speaker was annoyed by the story not some alleged pushing and

The Prosecution Calls Lucy Morgan

My old friend and source of political gossip par excellence, the estimable Erin Brock,
emailed me about the banishment of Dáte .

To my shock, Erin suggested that Feeney's star witness was none other than
Pulitizer prizer Lucy Morgan of the St. Petersburg Times.

After diligently searching the record, I couldn't find any stories verifying this or
suggesting anything of the sort.

Finally confirmation (of sorts) came from Miz Lucy herself in an email interview with
Online Journal:

I haven't offered to be a witness for anyone, Morgan coyly protested, but I did
decline to beat up on Feeney because I witnessed the incident that led to Dáte's
banishment from the House floor.

And what did Morgan witness?

I saw Dáte shove aside two of the sergeants deputies and attempt to grab Gregory
by the shoulder.

Any other witnesses? I asked, hoping she would give me the name of other

Kim Stone, Morgan replied.

Stone, as Morgan points out, is another aide to Tom Feeney.

Hmmm ...

Morgan's version of events, you might well guess, is highly suspect in some quarters.

Erin and another reporter I spoke with (who declined to go on the 

[CTRL] Fortunate Son

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Got mine two years ago.  It's like having the sheet music at the concert.

From http://www.buzzflash.com/premiums/Fortunate_Son.html


 Fortunate Son by James Hatfield

 List Price: $30.00 The retail price is $16.50.

 It is a volume to keep close at hand throughout these next four
 years, whatever happens next, and whatever they may tell us on
 TV. - Mark Crispin Miller

 Fortunate Son is back! The second edition of Fortunate Son has
 just been reprinted and BuzzFlash.com is once again offering it as
 a premium item. It is the legendary book that the Bush family tried
 to ban. Tragically, Jim Hatfield, the author of Fortunate Son,
 committed suicide last year.

 BuzzFlash.com will have our archived interviews with Jim and
 Sander Hicks, the Soft Skull Press Publisher of Fortunate Son,
 up on the BuzzFlash headlines for a limited time. (They can also be
 found in the Interviews archive section at the bottom of the home



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believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] $180 million anti-drug campaign

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From SF Gate

www.sfgate.com   Return to regular view

Survey says $180 million anti-drug campaign has not discouraged teen use
CHRISTOPHER NEWTON, Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
©2002 Associated Press

URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-

(05-14) 22:32 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

President Bush's top drug policy adviser says the government's anti-drug ads largely
are being ignored by teens, and a survey finds no evidence the multimillion-dollar
campaign is discouraging drug use.

The survey, conducted by the private research firm Westat and the University of
Pennsylvania, actually charted an increase in drug use among some teen-agers who
saw the television ads. But it noted that further analysis was necessary before the
ads could be directly tied to the increase.

The White House's drug policy office, headed by John P. Walters, said the ad
campaign must be refocused.

These ads aren't having an impact on teen-agers, said Tom Riley, a spokesman for
the White House drug policy office. We've spent millions on these ads and we are
not seeing a return on the investment.

The ads are part of a five-year campaign devised by some of the nation's best-
known public relations firms.

The evaluation is based on a survey of youth ages 12 to 18 between September
1999 and December 2001. The survey did not reflect the effectiveness of the new
ads that link drug use to funding terrorism.

Parents also were surveyed about ads persuading them to be more involved in their
children's lives.

Those interviewed were shown the commercials on a laptop computer. The teen-
agers then answered questions about their intentions to use drugs in the next 12

The survey revealed no decline in the rate of drug use among those surveyed. But
80 percent of the parents who viewed the ads aimed at them were positively
influenced to ask their child questions about their social lives and become more

Why the commercials are not having an effect on teen-agers is unclear, but the
survey suggests it's not that the ads don't make an impression.

According to the survey, 70 percent of teen-agers remember seeing the ads about
once a week.

The anti-drug ads are designed to approach teen-agers on their own turf, offering
electric guitar and skateboarding as cool alternatives to a generation too complex for
Just Say No.

Alan Levitt, manager of the anti-drug media campaign, said, We're pleased with the
impact the campaign is having on parents and having on their behavior in monitoring
kids, but it hasn't yet affected their own kids' behavior or attitudes.

The drug policy office, which Walters directs, partly blames the way the government
creates the ads, saying it cuts policy directors out of the creative process.

Currently the Partnership for a Drug Free America, an advocacy group, asks ad
companies to donate their services and create television spots. The government
buys the television time for airing them, but effectively has little creative control.

Walters, who openly criticized the ads even before he took the post, is pledging to
refocus the drug campaign. The campaign is now up for reauthorization for another
five years.

Walters wants Congress to maintain the campaign's funding at its current level --
$180 million. The federal government spends $18 billion on anti-drug efforts every

Riley said the office will begin testing ads in focus groups before they go on the air 
- -
an expensive process. The drug policy office also wants to target more heavily
children between the ages of 14 and 16, and become more involved in creating the

On the Net:

Office of National Drug Control Policy: http//www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/

©2002 Associated Press


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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest 

[CTRL] Follow the Bouncing Coin

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/2002/05/10_Shell_Game.html

Crusader Flap A Shell Game

May 10, 2002

Dear BuzzFlash,

Mr. Rumsfeld has no intention whatsoever of firing General White over this phony
Crusader flap. Mr. White did exactly what he was supposed to do and trained to do -
he shilled for corporate America. The Carlyle Group, the corporate entity where old
Republican war mongers (including George Bush Sr.) go to die, bought United
Defense Industries. This purchase would and could only be valuable if the Army
bought the Crusader system, price tag 11 billion and counting. General White then
hyped the Crusader and its likelihood of being commissioned. This caused United
Defense Industries stock to jump. The Carlyle Group then sold a huge block of the
stock and netted over 200 million dollars. After that, Carlyle, nor White, nor Rumsfeld
could care one way or another about whether the Crusader was built or not. Their
buddies had already made their dough and some other suckers were left holding the
bag. A move straight out of the Enron playbook.

John Moody
Studio City, CA

* * *

Source Material:

United Defense raises $400.9 mln in rare defense IPO
Bush Raises Defense Spending and Carlyle Pockets $237 Million - Is There a

*Note*: This part of the Carlyle scam is really devious. It's got Enron/Global Crossing
written all over it. By the way, Carlyle and Global Crossing share some of the same
principle players.

Carlyle takes money out of United Defense Industries
PE Column: Combination punch

Arms Buildup Enriches Firm Staffed by Big Guns
Defense: Ex-president and other elites are behind weapon-boosting Carlyle Group.

*Note*: For more on the Carlyle group check out--

Google Search: Carlyle profits from sale of United Defense Industries


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Only In America (fwd)

2002-05-15 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 03:25:06 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Only In America

Our situation is s bad it seems cruel to joke about it.  Our elected
Congressmen destroy our nation, as do our presidents with amnesty.  Get your
friends alerted and active, please.  Gordon


Original Message Follows
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Only In America
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 05:55:12 EDT

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Subject: Only In America

  I love America
  I come for visit, get treated regal,
  So I stay, who care,, I illegal?
  I cross border, poor and broke,
  Take bus, see employment folk.
  Nice man treat me good in there,
  Say I need to see welfare.
  Welfare say, You come no more,
  We send cash right to your door.
  Welfare checks, they make you wealthy.
  Medicaid it keep you healthy!
  By and by, I got plenty money,
  Thanks to you, American dummy.
  Write to friends in motherland,
  Tell them come as fast as you can.
  They come in rags and Chebby trucks,
  I buy big house with welfare bucks.
  They come here, we live together,
  More welfare checks, it gets better!
  Fourteen families they moving in,
  But neighbor's patience wearing thin.
  Finally, white guy moves away,
  Now I buy his house, and then I say,
  Find more aliens for house to rent.
  And in the yard I put a tent.
  Send for family (they just trash),
  But they, too, draw the welfare cash!
  Everything is mucho good,
  And soon we own the neighborhood.
  We have hobby--it's called breeding,
  Welfare pay for baby feeding.
  Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?
  We get free! We got no bills!
  American crazy! He pay all year
  To keep welfare running here.
  We think America darn good place!
  Too darn good for the white man race.
  If they no like us, they can go,
  Lots of room in Cuba  Mexico.
  I Love America!

---End Message---
---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: Hoffman Contra Sobran

2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767


Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
A HREF= http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

Sponsor a child today through Children International.  Give
a desperately poor child hope for a brighter future.  For
only $15 a month you can make a difference!
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May 15, 2002

Hoffman Contra Sobran:
Deconstructing the Loyal Opposition

 Lowering Our Guard
 by Joe Sobran

 Who would want to provoke a war?

 For some reason, even Israel's warmest supporters
 haven't picked up President Bush's description of Prime
 Minister Ariel Sharon as a man of peace. Unlike axis
 of evil, the phrase just isn't catching on. It's a bit
 like praising Arnold Schwartzenegger as this
 generation's Cary Grant. You can admire Arnold for many
 things -- and don't we all adore him? -- but suave charm
 isn't exactly his line.


Hoffman replies:  Bush's characterization of Sharon as a man of peace is
not only ludicrous, it's an indicator of the grave degree of disorder in
Bush's soul, the same Bush who the American establishment media refuse
to report was a business partner of the Bin Ladens.


Sobran writes:

 Sharon is tough. Give him that. And he refuses to
 allow his country to be swallowed up by the
 international community, the United Nations, and
 assorted acronymic agencies. Even when he's wrong, which
 is usually, he sticks to his guns. Sharon consistently
 puts his country first -- though this doesn't really
 distinguish him from most American politicians, who also,
 just as consistently, put his country first.


Hoffman replies:

Oh, God! Here's one of these excruciatingly nonseniscal Sobranisms that
have been cropping up in his columns over the past few years. Is this a
bit of diplomacy to try and win over the Sharon-worshipping
conservatives by faintly praising Sharon? If so, it's a fool's errand.

Give him that? No way. I give Sharon nothing. He's a baby killer. He's
the personification of the wicked Talmud, of genocidal Zionism's Master
Race doctrines.

Sharon defied the international community and the UN, says Mr. Sobran.
But Sharon's Jewish lobby intimidates, subverts, bribes and thereby
shapes and controls these communities and world bodies. If not, where
were the UN sanctions on Israel when it refused the UN war crimes
commission entrance to Jenin?

Sobran lauds Sharon because he says Sharon sticks to his guns even when
he's wrong...Sharon is tough. This is a virtue? Is the pun about guns
intended? The guns that kill helpless Palestinian grandmothers? The guns
that Sharon's boys used to kill the first victim of the latest Israeli
holocaust that began March 29-- an American citizen, a mother who was
holding her infant when she was shot for no reason other than the
Talmudic alibi that she was a sub-human Palestinian? Sharon sticks to
his guns. Even when wrong. What is Joe saying?

Mr. Sobran opines that Sharon consistently puts his country first.
Rubbish. Sharon and those like him will destroy the Jewish people. They
put their country last. The Talmud and Zionism are what comes
first--recipes for planetary suicide, of Israeli and Arab first, and
then of everyone.

Why this need to find something to praise in the hideous and disgusting
mass murderer Sharon, who ought to be sitting in death row at the Hague
awaiting a hangman's noose?

Sobran writes:

 U.S. Government officials have received information,
 unspecified and admittedly unreliable, that we could have
 an exciting July 4 ahead of us this year. Terrorists may
 have picked Independence Day as the date for an attack on
 a nuclear power plant.


Hoffman replies:

These cry-wolf reports are government-generated. They have been issued
to spread panic and fear a half dozen times since Sept. 11. Sobran helps
them by repeating without comment the latest govenrment panic bulletin,
intended to keep the American Group Mind on boil, to keep us away from a
cool, calculating assessment and investigation of the government's own
role in 9/11. Until we truly calm down, exciting flag-waving jingoism
obstructs sleuthing and skepticism.


Sobran writes:

 We are also getting news reports and rumors, hard to
 pin down, that Israelis, in this country illegally, have
 been arrested while engaged in curious activities: posing
 as art students, driving a truck with traces of TNT and
 another explosive. It's possible that these Israelis are
 here for innocent reasons, or that their doings aren't
 aimed against the United States: even if they are 


2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767




 May 15, 2002

 Trading Dispute Is Shrouded in Accusations of Bias


 Youssef Fakih attached a tape recorder to the
 telephone and pressed the record button before
 his stockbroker.

 Michael S. Cohen, sitting at his desk on the trading
 floor of Gruntal  Company, a midsize brokerage firm
 on East 42nd Street, answered on the first ring.

 At first, Mr. Fakih and Mr. Cohen exchanged
 pleasantries. Then the conversation turned

 I found out you lost the money purposely, said Mr.
 Fakih, who had lost more than a half-million dollars
 in just over a year and a half.

 I don't like liars, replied Mr. Cohen, who is
 Jewish. You lied to me. You told me that you were

 Mr. Fakih, an Arab immigrant from Lebanon, then
 So in other words, if I was a Jewish, you wouldn't
 lose me money?

 Listen, you are what you are, Mr. Cohen said. And
 quite frankly, the fact that you lost money, I
 don't care.

 That was one of the last of more than two dozen
 telephone calls that Mr. Fakih had recorded over
 several months as part of what he said was an effort
 to build a case against Mr. Cohen and Gruntal. Mr.
 Fakih provided excerpts of tapes of the
 as well as corresponding transcripts to The New York

 Mr. Fakih and his brother, Ali, are seeking more
 $36 million from Mr. Cohen and Gruntal in
 accusing them of conspiring to intentionally lose
 Fakih brothers' money in the stock market because
 are Arabs.

 Mr. Cohen does not challenge the authenticity of the
 tapes, but his lawyers, led by William B. Wachtel,
 argue that he was tricked into disparaging Arabs as
 part of a fraud perpetrated by the Fakih brothers to
 extort money from him and Gruntal. Their plan, his
 lawyers say, is to exploit tensions in the Middle
 and try to curry sympathy for Arabs.

 It's all bogus, Mr. Cohen said in a brief
 interview last week before declining to discuss the
 matter further and referring questions to his

 Mr. Cohen's lawyers said that he neither
 lost Mr. Fakih's money nor tried to do so because of
 any bias against Arabs. He said he just followed
 Youssef Fakih's instructions to speculate in
 technology companies whose stocks had slumped. Mr.
 Cohen's lawyers argue that Mr. Fakih told their
 to say that he had deliberately lost the money and
 that he hated Arabs in an effort to attract a
 prospective and fictitious Jewish client.

 Mr. Fakih's lawyer, Stuart D. Meissner, denied it
 a fraud and said his client never told Mr. Cohen
 anything of the kind.

 The case has spilled into criminal court. Mr. Cohen
 has been charged with harassment, a misdemeanor,
 accused of making threatening phone calls to Mr.
 after he filed his complaint. I told you to back
 that's it, Mr. Cohen is recorded as saying into Mr.
 Fakih's voice mail in the only full sentence he
 without an obscenity. Mr. Cohen is scheduled to be
 arraigned today in Brooklyn.

 The way Mr. Fakih tells it, he suspected something
 amiss last fall, when he heard from a friend, Joseph
 Cohen (who is not related to Michael) that Michael
 Cohen had bragged about intentionally losing his
 because of his ethnicity. After reviewing his broker
 statements, Mr. Fakih said he thought that Mr. Cohen
 had been buying stocks when he had been told to sell
 and had sold stocks when he had been told to buy,
 erratically shorting stocks and trading on margin —
 borrowed money — without authorization.

 Mr. Fakih decided to have a Jewish friend, Lazar
 Markowitz, pretend to be a prospective client with
 million and approach Mr. Cohen about opening an
 account, hoping Mr. Markowitz could persuade Mr.
 to acknowledge, on tape, that he intentionally lost
 Mr. Fakih's money.

 In several recorded calls, Mr. Cohen is heard
 Mr. Markowitz that he deliberately lost Mr. Fakih's
 money by buying bad stocks and shorting good stocks.
 I told him to buy Rambus, Mr. Cohen tells Mr.
 Markowitz, referring to Rambus Inc., a technology
 company that has fallen more than 90 percent from
 peak in 2000.

 I told him to buy Lucent Technologies, Mr. Cohen
 added, referring to another stock that fell
 significantly last year. Shorting some good stocks.
 When you short a good stock, and it goes up, you

 When the caller posing as a potential client asked
 he knew to switch strategy on Rambus and short the
 stock as it was about to go up, Mr. Cohen said that
 sometimes got tips about Rambus from a friend at
 another financial institution. I have special
 information, directly, he said in one conversation.

 In another recorded conversation, Mr. Cohen is asked
 whether Gruntal employs any Arab brokers. His

[CTRL] War Whoops

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://mondediplo.com/1999/05/02dolhem?var_s=apaches+tomahawks


Apaches and Tomahawks

Nancy Dolhem

Is it cynicism? Amnesia? Or have the Americans just not stopped to reflect that the
arms they are now using to attack the Serb regime with its odious ethnic cleansing
are named after the Indians they exterminated last century?

Think of Tomahawk missiles and Apache helicopters. The tomahawk was the
Indians' axe and the Apaches were, as the Sioux and the Cheyenne, victims of
appalling ethnic cleansing.

This is what Major Wynkoop wrote in his report of the inquiry into the extermination
of a camp of Indians by the First Cavalry Company of Colorado: Women and
children were killed and scalped, babies killed at their mothers' breasts, and all the
corpses were most horribly mutilated. … The women's corpses were profaned in a
way that makes you sick in the telling, and throughout, Colonel Chivington was
inciting his troops to commit their diabolical outrages.

There was a small child, his report went on, probably three years old, just old enough
to walk in the sand. The Indians had fled and the child was trying to reach them. He
was stark naked, just walking in the sand. Wynkoop saw a man dismount at about 80
yards, lift his gun and shoot. He missed. Another man arrived and said he could get
the bastard. He dismounted, knelt down and fired. He also missed. A third man said
the same, then fired. The child fell.

What would we say in 50 years or so if the Serbian armed forces decided to name
one of their missiles Kosovar?

(1) Helen Jackson (1830-85), A century of dishonour: a sketch of the United States
government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes, Norman, London, 1995.

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Nato and Russia establish new partnership (One-world army getting closer)

2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767

Nato and Russia establish new partnership
By Judy Dempsey in Reykjavik
Published: May 14 2002 15:44 | Last Updated: May 15 2002 08:53

 Nato and Russia agreed to establish a new partnership on Tuesday, ending decades of mistrust between the former cold war enemies. 

The agreement gives Russia a bigger voice in Nato discussions on a range of topics, including terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Russian diplomats will now have a place in the western alliance's Brussels headquarters. 

Lord Robertson, Nato secretary-general, described the deal to create a new Nato-Russia Council as "historic". 

Sergei Ivanov, Russian defence minister, on Tuesday night said the NRC "is a mechanism for equal co-operation among 20 nations, acting in their national capacities". 

Joschka Fischer, German foreign minister, said it was "an historic chance for the beginning of a real inclusion of Russia into the transatlantic relationship". 

"This is the funeral of the cold war. It marks a profound, historical change," said Jack Straw, UK foreign secretary. 

But Colin Powell, US secretary of state, was more muted in his assessment. "We believe it will lay a foundation for co-operation with Russia while fully respecting that Nato can act independently," he said. 

The agreement comes a day after Washington and Moscow agreed to cut the number of nuclear warheads on both sides by two-thirds over the next decade. That drew praise from Nato foreign ministers meeting in Reykjavik. 

Under the new agreement the Russian delegation will have it own offices in Nato "with a name on the door", said one UK diplomat. 

The NRC is an idea suggested by Tony Blair, British prime minister, last November. 

A deal was clinched after squabbling over whether to retain the current Nato-Russian permanent joint council. The Russians hope the PJC - which will be "dormant" - will serve as a reminder of the extent to which Tuesday's agreement enhances Moscow's role. 

Vladimir Putin, Russian president, and Nato heads of state will crown the relationship at a summit in two weeks. 

But US and European diplomats say the NRC will only work if Nato can give Mr Putin some tangible benefits. A Nato official said: "Putin has to get his own defence ministry, still suspicious of Nato, to recognise such co-operation with Nato would not be seen as a threat." 

[CTRL] A Letter to Joe

2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767

A Letter to Joe

[Editor's Note: This is a letter I recently sent to my lifelong pal, Joe. We grew up together, went to school together, and even joined the service together. He remained on the east coast while I moved to California in the early 90's. I became aware of the New World Order game in 1995 by reading Bill Cooper's book, Behold A Pale Horse. Prior to that, however, I didn't have a clue and went along with the programming just like everyone else I knew. Now that Crunch Time is really upon us, I'm trying to contact everyone I know and make them aware of the power grab that congress is about to bestow on Bush with the so-called "Fast Track" legislation. It's not easy to bring uninformed people up to date on the NWO conspiracy, but try we must. Their isn't much time left to bring pressure on politicians. Soon, politicians won't matter. Like the egregiously misnamed "Patriot Act", this latest descent into Nazidom will not be easy to undo once it passes. Make your voices heard while you still have the chance...Ken Adachi] 

May 15, 2002 
Hi Joe, Glad we got to talk again. I hope you can spend some time reading the stuff at my web site and not be too taken aback by what I have to say. We haven't talked in a long, long time, but this country will shortly become a place not unlike Nazi Germany of the late 1930's. The vast majority of the population do not realize what is taking place because they are being brainwashed by the media that everything is normal and fine, but this country is rapidly becoming a fascist state. The executive branch and most of congress are betraying us, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights; selling us straight down the river into the arms of tyranny. 

In the next few days, Congress will give Bush "Fast Track" authorization in negotiating foreign treaties. That means that congress, the supreme court, and the American people are out of the decision loop and cannot change or alter any 'agreements' that Bush makes with ANY foreign power (that means the international globalists, the New World Order Gang, with whom he is in cahoots). It means that the GAFTA, NAFTA, WTO, etc. "rules' will be decided by Bush and Bush ALONE! 

That's what a DICTATOR does. He makes unilateral decisions that affect his people and his country and no one can say 'boo' about it. Bush is being handed dictatorial powers by a pack of treasonous cowards called the US Congress who are more concerned about their personal safety, power, and wealth than the very Life of the American People or of this nation (yes, dear senators, congressmen, governors,  military brass, many of us are now aware of the 133 plus underground cities and 'who has a ticket to ride' ). These 'treaties' will include everything from vitamins to international court jurisdiction over American citizens. Unnamed, unknown, unelected, and unaccountable corporate globalist will make decisions behind closed doors that will directly impact all Americans in every facet of daily life. By the time Americans realize just how serious this is, the trap door will have slammed shut and they won't be able to do a damned thing about it. 

Take a moment to read my NWO intro page Joe. It's happening. The WTC was a set up. Those buildings did not fall naturally as a result of those plane hits. That's pure BS. The OKC Murray building bombing was a set up. There is no way in hell that a fertilizer bomb could do that damage and plenty of credible people have proven it. All of these 'crisis' events that we see in the news are set ups to stampede the citizens into meekly accepting fascist control over their lives (indeed, GRATEFULLY accept them- look how many people say they are 'grateful' for the presence of armed troops, 3 hour lines, body searches, and stockinged feet at the airports). 

Gun control, school shootings (mind controlled kids, a set up), the terrorists 'threat', pure BS. It's all a set up. Hitler burned down the Reichstag in 1938 for the same reason. The Anthrax in the mail: proven to be the weaponized strain of anthrax developed by the Army at Ft. Dietrick, MD, not from the stock piles of Saddam or Bin Laden. The Al queda, 'terrorists networks' that supposedly lurk in every country from Columbia to Iraq to Iran to North Korea etc.: all an EXCUSE to invade these people under the guise of routing out terrorists. It's part of a larger agenda to destroy America from within and from without. 

This is the game plan: get everyone in the world to hate Americans and want to see America destroyed; spread out and tie up American military forces in every corner of the earth so that when America is suddenly and unexpectedly rocked with another major convulsion(s) -Nightline, 20/20, Dateline, Frontline, etc. (read CIA), HAVE been trying to 'warn' us you know- (like a nuke power plant going off, a major biological attack, a 

[CTRL] [E]nact a constitution?

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.avnery-news.co.il/english/index.html

Uri Avnery

A Meeting with Arafat

They want us to enact a constitution? No problem!
I shall ask Israel to send me a copy of theirs and copy it word for word!
Arafat sent me an amused look. Israel, of course, has no constitution.
That was on Wednesday evening, after five Gush Shalom activists -
Haim Hanegbi, Adam Keller, Oren Medicks, Rachel Avnery and I - had succeeded in
reaching Ramallah (forbidden to Israelis) and entering the bombed,
fortified compound of the Palestinian leader.
There was a danger that Ariel Sharon, who was returning at the same time from
Washington, would exploit the murderous suicide bombing in Rishon-Letzion the
evening before in order to achieve his old aim: killing Yasser Arafat.
That would have been a disaster for Israel and prevented peace for generations.
We thought that the presence of Israelis in the compound might help to avert such
an attack.

Immediately after Arafat had finished his meeting with the European emissary,
Moratinos, during which they concluded the final agreement ending the siege of the
Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, he received us for a long meeting.
I shall give scholarships to the 13 who are to go abroad, he remarked, as if
continuing the previous conversation, and read us the document he had just signed.

Since meeting him in 1982 in besieged Beirut, in rather similar circumstances, I have
met him many times.
I found him relaxed, smiling, self-confident, a little tired.
He laughed when I described the reforms that George W. Bush demands to be
carried out in the Palestinian Authority:
Palestine should become democratic like Saudi Arabia, there should be a separation
of power like in Syria, it should be headed by a powerless president like Jordan,
there must be a unified security service like in Egypt and an independent court like in

The new Bush-Sharon idea of reforming the structure of the Authority (meaning:
the appointment of American agents),
as a pre-condition for peace, does not seem to have made a deep impression on
Actually, it is hard to decide whether this is a cynical pretext for postponing a 
or just a demonstration of monumental stupidity.
There will be no Palestinian Hamid Karzai, he said, alluding to the puppet-president
the Americans have brought to Afghanistan from outside.

Never before has Arafat been so deeply entrenched in the innermost heart of the
Palestinian people as now.
His prestige has risen sky-high all over the Arab world, where the masses compare
their own kings and presidents to the man who has endured six weeks of siege,
some of them almost without food, without water and electricity, at a distance of two
meters from the Israeli soldiers (we measured the distance ourselves), without
The idea that somebody from the outside could turn him into a figurehead is

The PLO stands above the Palestinian Authority, and I am the head of the PLO, he
reminded us.
The PLO represents all the parts of the Palestinian people, while the PA was elected
only by the inhabitants of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza

During the meeting, senior officers entered several times and reported on Israeli
troop concentrations around the Gaza Strip and Ramallah. It seemed as if Sharon's
attack could start at any moment.
He paid attention and issued short orders. Yasser Abed Rabbo was present
throughout the meeting, and other senior personalities entered from time to time and

We asked about his reaction to the Rishon-Letzion suicide bombing that had
happened 24 hours earlier.
I have published a strongly-worded condemnation (Arafat used, for the first time, the
Arab word 'irhab', terrorism) and ordered the arrest of Hamas activists.
He replied. They have timed the attack exactly during the meeting in which Sharon
asked Bush for permission to carry out his plans against the Palestinian Authority
and myself. The Hamas leaders knew that they are helping Sharon.
They want to destroy the Authority and don't mind using Sharon for this purpose.

Think for yourselves, he continued, Do I look such an imbecile as to put bombs
under my own seat? It was almost midnight when the meeting broke up.
The soldiers invited us to a dinner of pitta, sardines, cheese and humus.
During the long night in their company, we became an attraction in the compound,
which houses more than a hundred armed soldiers of Force 17, who continued
throughout the night to fortify the place with sandbags.
Many of them crowded around us, showering us with questions that showed that they
were immensely curious about the situation in Israel, as much as we were curious
about the situation on their side.
We were sitting in a great circle in a hall, where all the furniture had been moved to
the walls, talking and smoking. Haim became friendly with a youngster of 17, who
had not seen his family in Jenin for four months,
because of 

[CTRL] Robbing Peter

2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767

Robbing Peter 
by George F. Smith 

Imagine a thief so skilled he can take your money without it ever leaving your hands. If this sounds impossible, you underestimate the power of central planners. 

How does it happen? 

We know money as a medium of exchange. Over the centuries, just about everything was used for money, including tobacco, sugar, cattle, beads, and fishhooks. Two commodities--gold and silver--eventually supplanted all the others. Not only did most people prize them for their ornamental characteristics, they were easily divisible, durable, and transportable. 

Two points we should always remember: (1) On a free market, money is first a highly marketable commodity, a concrete good people want for its own sake and not just as a medium of exchange; and (2) people buying and selling on a free market chose gold and silver to serve as money because those commodities best fulfilled their need for an exchange media. [1] 

People often say we were once on the gold standard. What this means is the dollar was just a name for 1/20 of an ounce of gold, just as a British pound sterling was a name for 1/4 of an ounce of gold. Dollars, sterlings and other currencies did not exist independently from their designation of a certain weight and fineness of gold. Paper money was not money per se, but a legal claim for a specific amount of precious metal, either gold or silver. It was well-understood that these certificates carried with them the promise of payment in their respective metals, from any bank or the U.S. Treasury itself. [2] 

The government has always influenced the money system, even under the de facto gold standard of the 19th century. In addition to monopolizing the mint, government intervened through legal tender laws, the creation of paper money, and the development of inflationary banking. In spite of these interventions, the business cycle inflations and recessions were relatively short-lived because recovery was market-driven, not government-controlled. 

For the most part, Americans enjoyed a robust economy that carried into the 20th century. Then in 1913, the government passed two major pieces of economic legislation: the Federal Reserve Act and the income tax amendment. The Federal Reserve Act created a central bank, the Federal Reserve, which began issuing Federal Reserve Notes. When these notes appeared in 1914, they carried the message that they were not directly redeemable in gold. Furthermore, the income tax amendment stated that the revenue collected would not be shared with the states. 

This was a major shift toward central control of the economy. The income tax legislation allowed government to aggrandize power while appeasing widespread "soak the rich" sentiment. When explaining the Federal Reserve Act, President Wilson said it was needed to promote higher employment, stabilize the dollar, grow the country, and increase consumption. Yet, industrial production increased 534% in the U.S. from 1878 to 1913. [3] Does this characterize an economy crying out for help? 

Through a policy of artificial credit, the government inflated the boom of the 1920s that brought about the stock market crash of 1929. While president-elect Roosevelt waited for inauguration in January, 1933, concerned economists sent him a letter that was also printed in the press urging him to take certain measures to restore the economy's health. Part of their letter read: "The gold standard of present weight and fineness should be unflinchingly maintained. We should also encourage and facilitate the prompt restoration of the gold standard abroad . . . . With adequate movement of goods across international borders [which the reciprocal lowering of tariffs, another of their recommendations, would encourage], the gold of the United States and of the world is more than adequate for all credit needs." [4] 

The statement of the economists was consistent with the Democratic platform of 1932. During his campaign, Roosevelt pledged 100% support of the gold standard, as did the Republicans. But on March 9, 1933, Congress abdicated its responsibility and gave Roosevelt full discretionary powers over money and banking. He didn't waste time using them. 

On March 11, 1933, he issued an order forbidding banks to make gold payments. On April 5, Roosevelt ordered all citizens to surrender their gold--no person could hold more than $100 in gold coins, except for collector's coins. He also made it unlawful to export gold for payment abroad, unless done through the Treasury. The penalty for defying Roosevelt was 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. [5] 

"It became clear to governments that they could not afford to allow people to own and keep their gold," Murray Rothbard explains. "Government could never cement its power over a nation's currency, if the people, when in need, could repudiate the fiat paper and turn to gold for money." [6] 

On June 5, 

[CTRL] an oldie but a goodie, and funnie!

2002-05-15 Thread iggy


Title: UWO Gazette - Volume 94, Issue 61

Volume 94, Issue 61
Thursday, January 11, 2001


Y2K: A year with more zeros than we knew what to do with

Y2K: A year with more zeros than we knew what to do with

By Chris LacknerNews Editor

Sigh. I look back fondly upon the year 2000. She was good to me.

On a personal note, I was only directly responsible for the collapse of two of my romantic relationships (usually the count is much higher). This year, I was never hit by a car or beaten with a large stick and that pesky, invisible leprechaun has stopped speaking to me telepathically.

Despite the fact that I like to pretend I'm the centre of the universe, there are many noteworthy events which take place on our wonderous little planet. Here's a recap of some of the top stories in news, sports and entertainment from the year 2000.

The year began with a whimper, as the Y2K virus failed to live up to expectations. In a related story, computer technicians and gun suppliers across the globe were caught flashing perma-smiles throughout most of January. Later that month, an auditor's report uncovered the mismanagement of $1 billion by Human Resources Development Canada.

When confronted with the scandal by reporters, Minister Jane Stewart allegedly said Hey look, a unicorn!, pointed over their shoulders and subsequently leaped through a third-story window.

January also saw Industry Minister John Manley withdraw a federally proposed plan to assist Canada's National Hockey League teams. When asked for his reasoning Manley might have said:  I apologize, but the Liberal government doesn't give away free money unless your a friend of the prime minister who just happens to be in the hotel industry.

On Jan. 27, the Reform Party announced its intention to create a new political party which could help unite the conservative vote across Canada. As all of you kids already know, the initiative brought us the nationally beloved Canadian Alliance. When asked by the press whether the forming of the new party would bring about fresh ideas and political concepts, a party spokesperson should have said: No. We're still the same bunch of tax-cutting, baby-eaters we used to be.

It was the year of reality TV, as the show Survivor became permanently embedded in pop culture. An evil, fat, frequently naked, gay man won the $1 million prize, forever shattering the female stereotype that all the cute guys always end up being gay. King Richard, kudos to you. Besides, let's face it, Kelly was a bitch.

In the sporting world, Marty McSorley of the Boston Bruins drilled Donald Brashear of the Vancouver Canucks over the head with his stick during an NHL game on Feb. 2. Two days later, he was made commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation.

The Summer Olympics took place in Sydney, allowing Canadians to watch a superbly trained Australian team show us everything that is wrong with the Canadian junior athletic program.

The year 2000 also brought us Pope John Paul apologizing for 2,000 years of sins committed by the Roman Catholic Church. An unidentified Cardinal was later heard saying: You thought that stuff was bad? Just wait to see what we're cookin' up for the next millennium.

On the international political scene, Boris Yeltsin stepped down as the Russian President to focus more time on drinking vodka and dancing with hussies. Yugoslavia became a democracy, as their dictator Slobodan Milosevic was forced to accept defeat. The world prayed (and continues to pray) for an end to the escalating violence between Palestine and Israel. And finally, a little boy named Elian was used as a political tool in a power struggle between nations.

In a year that saw the most uninspired and negative Canadian federal election campaign in recent history, there were few things which touched the patriotic chords of Canadians. On one hand, there was Joe from the I am Canadian commercials, who inspired me drink too much and pass out in my friend's backyard.

But more importantly, there was the passing of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Love him or hate him, he was a prime minister who had a vision for this nation. Depending on who you talk to, Trudeau's vision may not have been the right one, but it was one driven by passion, leadership and determination. No wet suit or little red book will ever inspire the same kind of spirit and hope in people. The memories Trudeau brought forth in the Canadian consciousness made the empty rhetoric of this year's campaign all the more apparent.

We will not see another like him.

After a five-week legal circus and constitutional crisis, the American presidential election was finally handed to George Dubya Bush, who is in this writer's opinion, the most ignorant, inept man ever to be handed the keys to 

[CTRL] 'Idiotarians' are blind to Israel's 9/11 connection

2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767

May 15, 2002

'Idiotarians' are blind to Israel's 9/11 connection

Israel's internet amen corner is going ape-sh*t this morning [May 12], with James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal's "Best of the Web" and his blogger-clone, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit, both taking out after the Israeli "art students" story – and, of course, poor little me. 

Oh, what fun – it's a hoot seeing these two scrambling desperately to spin their way out of this one. Taranto, you'll remember, originally said he knew there was nothing to this story "because Justin Raimondo, of the crackpot antiwar.com website," thinks there is. Now that Ha'aretz and Salon [Warning – link for pay!] have published articles giving the story credence, Taranto is in a perfect snit: will this bloated windbag, with all the mighty resources of Dow Jones  Company behind him, be shown up for the arrogant fool that he is?

Why, the poor thing must be terrified, and it shows. Tellingly, Taranto ignores the Ha'aretz story, which gives a concise summary of the essential facts, providing only a link, and instead gets into an extended analysis of the muddled Salon article by Christopher Ketcham. See, I told you it was written just to blow smoke! Taranto notes that the Ketcham piece "ends up totally inconclusive," although, he chuckles condescendingly, "it has some amusing moments along the way." What's really amusing – if you like slapstick – is Taranto turning mental somersaults in an effort to spin the biggest spy story ever into a matter of no consequence. The fool falls flat on his face.

His problem, of course, is that it's painfully obvious he hasn't done any research. For example, he goes off on Ketcham for "breathlessly" reporting that "many of the students… had backgrounds in Israeli military intelligence and/or electronics surveillance." Taranto's witless answer: "Apparently it doesn't occur to him that this isn't all that unusual in a country with universal conscription."

But how many ordinary conscripts are attached to highly specialized military units, like intelligence, and why were such a high proportion characterized in the DEA report as having exotic job descriptions like "electronic interception expert," and "demolition/explosive ordnance specialist"? Taranto's facile analysis doesn't go this deep: he doesn't want to know too many bothersome details. This is how ideology turns people into idiotarians – people, like Taranto, so blinded by their fixations (in his case, unconditional support for Israel) that they think they don't need to know the facts. 

Taranto then takes me on, or tries to, and reveals his utter cluelessness in the process:

"The Salon piece prompted another rant by Justin Raimondo of the crackpot Antiwar.com Web site; he declares the spy rumors 'the story of the century.' To be sure, the century is still young, but we would venture to say the destruction of the World Trade Center was a somewhat bigger story."

Taranto clearly is not paying attention. He hasn't even consulted the four-part Fox News series, let alone read what I've written. Because if he had he'd realize that, in my view, it's all the same story. Israel didn't launch the biggest spy operation in the US since the cold war in the months prior to 9/11 just for the heck of it. The central point made by Carl Cameron of Fox News, and by me, is that Israel was watching the hijackers, had at least some foreknowledge of 9/11 – and somehow neglected to inform us. This key aspect of the story was central to the reports in Online Intelligence and LeMonde, and was repeated in virtually all of the news reports on the matter. Yet Taranto appears not to know this. Question: is he playing dumb, or did the dog eat his homework?

I would tend to think his air of utter ignorance is an act, but on reading further along I'm not so sure. For here is his explanation of why he's so smugly certain there's nothing to this story:

"Because we've heard from so many people who had encounters with 'Israeli art students' who plainly weren't spying. We published some readers' accounts in March, here and here. InstaPundit.com's Glenn Reynolds tells his own story."

It's truly pathetic to see this typical neocon-blogger "shout out" technique at work: one member of the hive cites another, and the echo effect is utilized to maximum effect – which, in this case, isn't very much. For Reynolds relates a lame and rambling story of how his household was visited by some Israeli art students, he bought a painting, and it's hanging on his wall. He goes on for paragraphs about this – bloggers just lve to talk about their boring little lives – but there's a point to it, this time:

"The girl left her gloves behind, which a spy probably wouldn't do--unless they contained sophisticated undetectable listening devices. I didn't detect any, but then I wouldn't detect an undetectable listening device, now would I? ('More proof that 

[CTRL] NCPA - Crime And Gun Control - Police As Gun Suppliers

2002-05-15 Thread iggy


Title: NCPA - Crime And Gun Control - Police As Gun Suppliers 

Crime And Gun Control

Police As Gun Suppliers

Most of the 26 municipalities that have sued the gun industry for
flooding the market with handguns have, themselves, poured
hundreds of thousands of second-hand police guns and confiscated
firearms into circulation, experts report.  Thousands of these
weapons have turned up in crimes -- including a Glock 26 pistol
used in the attack on a Jewish Community Center and in the
killing of a postman last week.

Critics of the suits say cities like Boston, New Orleans and San
Francisco have much to account for in the process of attacking

Data obtained by the Wall Street Journal show that at
   least 1,100 former police guns were among the 193,203
   crime guns traced last year by the federal Bureau of
   Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,

But Columbia University expert Howard Andrews says that
   number probably only represents "the tip of the iceberg"
   in former law-enforcement weapons used in crimes.

Handgun Control Inc. -- which as the nation's biggest gun
   control group is helping organize and lead the municipal
   lawsuits against the industry -- has reportedly tried to
   play down the issue of municipal sales of used guns.

Police swaps of old guns for new first became common in
   the mid-1980s and has picked up recently.

Since last fall, officials in a number of cities that were filing
or planning to file suits against the gun industry have worried
that their own police departments' methods of getting rid of old
service weapons would expose the cities to allegations of

The municipal suits accuse the industry of failing to oversee
aggressively how guns are distributed and sold.  The municipal
officials fretted that their cities, too, could be accused of
negligence if there was a risk that guns they were getting rid of
might end up in criminal hands.

Source: Vanessa O'Connell and Paul M. Barrett, "Cities Suing Gun
Firms Have a Weak Spot: They're Suppliers, Too," Wall Street
Journal, August 16, 1999.

For more on Police and Guns, Liability and Guns

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[CTRL] Depublic of Corruption

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Depublic of Corruption

Republic means returning the power to the public. On the same token, Depublic
would be taking the power from the public. . . but, there is still hope !

My 2 cents about our fake democracy

Those who have the power at their hands deem us as their subjects, although they
should be our servants. How do they manage to rule us almost absolutely, yet call it
democracy? Please take your time and try to understand my criticism about the roots
of this evil. Although I am focusing on Israel, some of the notions herein might have a
common pattern with other western democracies.

What is wrong within the Israeli democracy?

The basic law is incomplete.
There is inherent discrepancy within the vague law.

is it intentional?  I think it is!

Norms of wartime continue to exist in Israeli law, as if we were still back in 1948, 
in a
state of emergency.
Israeli Courts are abusing their ultimate power to rule; occasionally they rule 

a. abusing precedent cases, or
b. prejudiced by their political affiliation, while

there are no proper procedures and regulations.

(I have examples but unable to review them all in this context.)

The Israeli police is practically useless when it comes to protection of the individual
person (unless such a person is preferred by the rulers).
There is not enough separation of powers as required in a theoretical democracy.
The Israeli ethos disregards the economy of bribe that twists its social norms.
Politicians and high ranked officers can easily, and some of them do plunder public
resources for their private benefit.

Pattern of corruption in Israeli Governments

Commencing with the last item, the economy of bribe or economy of corruption
hinders the proper allocation of resources in Israel. High tax rates with special
provisions for tax shelters, the unilateral transfer of billions to special interest 
the inflated pompous public service sector are all twisting the norms of our society.

Anyone who reads the verdict of Arieh Deri's trial would realize that Deri had been
bribed getting State budget monies. Still the court has deliberately evaded the
question who exactly was bribing Deri, because those monies should have been
properly controlled by the State. And there is another question, why had Deri joined
the IDF (Israeli Army) for merely four months? This is because he had planned to
become a State employee (none may be a State employee without serving a military
service). Moreover, during his short military service Deri maintained the capacity of
secretary of his political party. . . but if so, why they lastly went after him?

The clue might be the stink manoeuver in 1990, when Arieh Deri betrayed his
comrades in the labor party, cooperating with the Likud. To keep this story short, the
pet of the Israeli Mafia became the Godfather . . .

Lack of a Constitution

For over fifty years the Israeli Parliament - the Knesset - has failed to constitute 
this country needs most of all - A CONSTITUTION. I think that if responsibility for
ratifying a constitution is left to our parliament then the task will never be 

The Law

Recently the increase in privately-sponsored legislation, as opposed to government-
sponsored legislation, is a positive trend.  More than half of the laws (a hundred and
ninety) passed in the recent fourteenth Knesset, are the result of private bills.
Previously, most of the laws had been proposed by the government.  Unfortunately,
private legislation often becomes a tool used by the legislator to promote self
interests, at the expense of the public welfare and the principles of social justice.
Moreover, some of the bills that are voted hastily by a very small number of MKs
(Knesset Members). Consequently some of these are incomplete or improper
statutes, but the damage caused would be apparent in the future, when these would
become dead letters.

Internal Committees

Additionally, the Knesset abuses its internal committees some of them act behind
closed doors quite far away from the public. As alleged above, the MKs are busy in
their internal affairs and their selfish bargaining. Likely their ultimate goal is 
private advantage over the rest (at least for the most of them). When I say the rest 
mean not only of MKs direct political opponents in the parliament, but the general
public. Undeniably the Knesset has given an immunity to its members. . .

Some top bureaucrats and corrupt politicians who betray the public trust allocate
state resources to their cronies, yet they remain within the consensus. The courts are
mostly lenient and the public forgives consequently. In my opinion, whatever a case,
the phenomenon of corruption must be thoroughly exposed and banned.
Unfortunately the Attorney General also evades dealing with top priority issues (Deri
case could be an exception).

Separation of Powers

Separation of powers isn't merely a 

[CTRL] U.S. Plans for Martial Law, Tele-Governance,and the Suspension of Elections

2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767

May 14, 2002

U.S. Plans for Martial Law, Tele-Governance, 
and the Suspension of Elections

When the War Hits Home

by John Stanton and Wayne Madsen

Since September 11, 2001, the Bush Regime, the US Congress and senior personnel in the U.S. military have been busy planning their escape routes from Washington, D.C. and surrounding communities in the event that the continental United States is attacked by another 19 global insurgents possessing little more than wit, dedication, an unrepentant animosity towards America, and an ample dose of radioactive material packed inside an explosive-laden metallic suitcase. Corporate executives have ensured that they too will find a place in the bunker along side their effete government colleagues through organizations such as National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC). That group is composed of "up to 30 industry chief executives representing the major communications and network service providers and information technology, finance, and aerospace companies the NSTAC provides industry-based advice and expertise to the President on issues and problems related to implementing national security and emergency preparedness " Defense contracting giants play a prominent role on the NSTAC and include Lockheed Martin, SAIC, Oracle (the company that volunteered to develop a post-911 national identification database), Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and CSC. The chairman of the NSTAC also conveniently serves as an ex-officio member of Homeland Security czar Tom Ridge's President's Homeland Security Advisory Council.

The U.S. government and its military and corporate officials are fond of making the pitch to the American public that the U.S. Constitution mandates that their survival, above all others, is absolutely necessary to ensure that the government that emanates from that document survives a debilitating attack. It is astonishing that the American public believes such absurdities. But one has to admire the boldly craven and callous "doomsday" planning of the Bush regime and its military centurions and corporate nabobs, who take pleasure in gutting the environment, the workforce, the economy, and the world in general. These are the same people who played hide-and-seek with the American public in September 2001.

We the People?

On September 11, 2001, one of the commercial aircraft commandeered by suspected Saudi and Yemeni insurgents made its final approach to its destination, the Pentagon -- located roughly three miles across the Potomac River from the U.S. Capitol and White House in Washington, DC -- by following Columbia Pike, in Arlington, Virginia, to its target. The Pentagon is located adjacent to the glitzy Pentagon City Mall in Arlington, Virginia, not Washington, DC, as much of the media conveniently fudged the geographic difference. Although not Manhattan, Arlington is a densely packed and diverse community of close to 200,000 people. It hosts five high schools and two notable colleges: Marymount University and George Mason Law School. When the aircraft slammed into the Pentagon, residents of Arlington--including many in office buildings, stores, and schools in the "South Side" -- felt the thud of the explosion as the aircraft incinerated a block of the Pentagon and killed 123 employees and contractors on the ground and 64 on the Boeing 757. 

Arlington fire fighters, police and EMT units were on the scene at the Pentagon -- as were their counterparts at the World Trade Centers in New York City-- within seconds of the aircraft's explosion. In Arlington's case, the rapidity of response was due to alert firefighters and police officers who noticed the aircraft off-path as it flew dangerously low over the heavily populated Columbia Pike corridor in Arlington that leads directly to the Pentagon. They alerted their colleagues in the Arlington Fire and Police Departments that something was terribly wrong. Someone at the controls of the aircraft knew to pick up the visual of the "Pike" as it is called by Arlingtonians, the same way other pilots pick up the Potomac River on visual to land at Reagan National Airport. 

Local residents scrambled to get their youngsters out of schools where the hallways were filled with the crying and unsettled. Teachers, counselors, and coaches did all they could to calm student's nerves. Local firefighters and police were busy trying to give relief to the Pentagon structure and its mangled people. Local hospitals were alerted to receive Pentagon injured. The same scene was played out in New York City. 

As mayhem broke loose in Arlington, Virginia, adjacent Washington, and New York City, the response of those who are tasked with national governance provides important clues as to who will live and die during the next disaster. Prior to 911, the only insight into continuity-of-government planning was provided by Stanley Kubrick's Doctor Strangelove, which through its 

[CTRL] Constitution? What constitution?

2002-05-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/kenwald/cpo_4000/Spring_2001/constlecture.htm

Constitutional System

Israel lacks a single, authoritative constitution

Founders were unable to agree on provisions, esp. involving religion
Adopted a set of transition laws sometimes known as Little Constitution - kept in
place existing laws and statutes
Have instead a set of Basic or Fundamental Laws setting out basic government
structure and practices
These generally lacked any special status and most could be overturned by a simple
Knesset majority
Would some day be converted into a constitution

System that emerged had several salient qualities unfamiliar to Americans

Lack of formal checks and balances as is typical of parliamentary systems
Some control over abuses

Parliamentary ombudsman to investigate government abuse of authority
State Controller can investigate and issue reports of corruption

No system of direct democracy - although pledges to undertake referendums
Lack of territorial democracy

Unitary system with little local autonomy
Lack of geographical representation for the Knesset

Basic structure of the judiciary

Has a three-tiered system of general courts
Highest in the Supreme Court

Consists of 9 judges
Appointed for life with mandatory retirement at age 70
Selection by committee including the Minister of Justice (Chair), another cabinet
minister, the President of the Supreme Court, two other justices of the Supreme
Court, two Members of Knesset, and two representatives of the Israel Bar

Emergence of judicial review

Israel's High Court was said to lack judicial review

Goal was to clarify meaning of statute but no authority to overturn it
Knesset could simply change the law if it was unhappy with the interpretation

This changed with passage of two new Basic Laws in 1992

Freedom of Occupation - freedom to select and engage any occupation
Human Dignity and Freedom - enshrines classic liberalism by emphasizing rights to
life, body, dignity, property, physical liberty, migration, privacy, confidentiality

Unlike previous basic laws, these contain restrictive clauses that limit the Knesset

Freedom for vocation limited only by laws enacted for a worthy purpose and for
reasons of the public good
Rights of human dignity infringed only by laws directed towards a worthy purpose
and must befit the values of the state

Implies a key role for the judiciary

Laws that contradict this may be overturned by the Court as incompatible with the
Leaves it up to Courts to decide the fundamental values of society

Has already generated considerable controversy

Overturned a ban on importing kosher meat as unlawful restraint of occupational
Compelled Air Force to admit women to pilot training under human liberty
Forbid Jewish Agency from discriminating against Arabs in allocation of land for
home building

Major conflict is with the religious authorities

They see Torah as the foundation of Israeli law
Many Western rights seem like attacks on core religious values
Has generated huge controversy and threats against judges


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] New system lets Kroger shoppers pay with fingerprint

2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767

May 15, 2002, 4:13PM
It's kinda touch-and-go
New system lets Kroger shoppers pay with fingerprint

Copyright 2002
Houston Chronicle

COLLEGE STATION -- At Kroger stores here customers are getting their groceries without cash, check or credit card. SOURCES

No, they're not using the five-finger discount. One finger will do. 

They rely on a new little machine called SecureTouch-n-Pay which enables a finger to bring home the bacon and give cash back. 

In the Bryan-College Station area, Kroger is trying out the new retail point-of-sale system in its three stores. 

Shoppers who enroll free of charge to use the finger image machine -- officially known as a biometric electronic financial transaction processing system -- simply walk up to a cashier, say, "I'm going to pay with my fingerprint" and voilá. 

Many customers are initially leery. They associate fingerprinting with getting hauled to jail -- not picking up milk. 

But once they get over their fears and try it, they like it, said Sam Powel, co-manager of one of the three Kroger stores in the Bryan-College Station area. 

At first, Powel said, "it was a Big Brother scenario. But that seems to have died down." 

Women in particular appreciate SecureTouch, he said, because they don't have to bring in their purses. 

The pilot program began three months ago. The three Bryan-College Station locations are the only Kroger stores in the nation experimenting with SecureTouch. 

About 10 to 15 people per store sign up each week, a very small percentage of Kroger's customers. 

To enroll in the fingerprint identity verification system, customers show a Kroger representative their driver's license and a credit card, and have their fingerprints recorded. Typically their phone number becomes their PIN. 

SecureTouch software and hardware were developed by Austin-based Biometric Access Corp. Other companies have created similar fingerprint identity verification technology. 

Customer feedback has been "very positive," said Gary Huddleston, Kroger's consumer affairs manager, who noted that the company is still evaluating the program. If it is deemed successful, he said, it may one day be implemented in Houston and other cities. 

Kroger customer Mary Smith, an employee relations representative at Texas AM University, had mixed feelings about SecureTouch when she first heard about it. 

"I was maybe a little afraid of it, but I like new stuff," Smith said. "I just thought I'd try it. "I think it's fine. It's quick. I don't have to write a check." 

Smith has exceptionally dry skin and has to rub her finger behind her ear or against the side of her nose before pressing it on the small SecureTouch window. 

The finger image-based verification system has two big benefits for Kroger, Huddleston said, one being "speed at the front end" which "is a savings to us." 

The other benefit, for both Kroger and customers, is fewer forged checks. 

If a thief were to come in with a stolen check and stolen ID belonging to someone enrolled in SecureTouch, the cashier -- after learning automatically from the computer that the check owner was enrolled in SecureTouch -- would become suspicious that the thief had not opted to use the quicker fingerprinting method of check cashing. 

Kroger became interested in the finger image machine three years ago, when the state of Texas began its own pilot program with the intention of eliminating food stamp fraud. It came out with a finger image version of the "Lone Star Card" used by food stamp recipients. The state approached Kroger and asked if it would participate in the pilot program. 

After a budget cut, the state abandoned the program, but Kroger -- the largest supermarket chain in the U.S. -- continued to explore the system. 

Holly Rios, marketing manager at Biometric Access, said that no other grocery chain is using her company's SecureTouch for point-of-sale transactions. One of her company's competitors, Indivos, began trying out a similar system in one grocery store in Seattle about two weeks ago, Rios said. 

A finger image machine might one day be in a store near you. 

"It's all about convenience for the shopper," said Lorrie Griffith, associate editor of the Shelby Report, a trade journal specializing in the supermarket industry. 

The self checkout machine is already fairly common, said Griffith, and other technologies are in the works -- including Electronic Product Code, which will enable a cart full of groceries to be scanned and totaled quickly without having to take them out of the cart. 

Some customers will resist the fingerprint system because of privacy issues, said Griffith, who noted that there are grocery shoppers "who don't even want loyalty cards, because they gather information about you." 

But they are a relatively small percentage of consumers, she said. 

"Most people are very interested in convenience," said Griffith. 

A few women in 


2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767

Copyright: Eric S. Margolis, 2002
May 13, 2002 

Gen. Sharon's habit of sending hit squads to kill people he deems enemies has caught on in Washington. It was just revealed that last Monday, CIA tried to assassinate my old acquaintance, the Afghan leader, Gulbadin Hekmatyar. 

US forces and CIA have targeted senior members of al-Qaida and Taliban since October. But Hekmatyar belonged to neither group: he leads the well-established Hisbi-Islami Party, which played the leading role in the 1980's struggle to free Afghanistan from Soviet rule. He had nothing to do with al-Qiada or 9/11, and was an enemy of Taliban. But in Washington's eyes, Hekmatyar was marked for death because he opposed the US-installed regime in Kabul of Hamid Karzai, and was thus a `terrorist.' 

I've know Hekmatyar since the mid-1980's, when we spent time together in Peshawar. Engineer Hekmatyar was the only mujahidin leader who did not come from a traditional tribal background: he was a raw and hated upstart who called for the end of tribalism and creation of an Islamic democracy. 

Hekmatyar was also the most effective mujahidin leader. Among the seven guerilla groups, his Hisbi Islami was the leading recipient of US arms and money, and did the bulk of fighting against the Soviets. Gulbadin worked closely with CIA and Pakistan's once crack intelligence service, ISI. But at war's end, the US decided Hekmatyar and his fellow Islamists were a liability. Overnight, the CIA's closest Afghan ally, once hailed by Washington as a `freedom fighter,' was marked for termination. 

Hekmatyar told me CIA tried to assassinate him by detonating a large truck bomb that killed scores of civilians, but missed him. In the early 1990's, Gulbadin served as prime minister of Afghanistan until it dissolved into civil war, in which Hekmatyar's Hisbi Islami was a major participant. Hekmatyar was no saint: his forces shelled Kabul and were deeply involved in the carnage that engulfed Afghanistan. Lately, Hekmatyar returned from exile in Iran and has been calling on Afghans to oust the US-installed Karzai regime, whom he calls a puppet under the control of foreigners. 

A missile-armed Predator drone - CIA's new weapon of choice in assassinations - was sent to kill the troublesome Hekmatyar. The missles missed him, but, reportedly, killed a number of his companions. What makes this attack noteworthy - and deeply disturbing - is that Washington now seems to have decided to `liquidate' troublesome foreign political opponents, using unproven charges of `terrorism' as a handy pretext. 

The White House and Pentagon have embarked on a campaign to rub out foes because of what they MIGHT do. It's called `preemption,' a favorite Israeli term. Iraq must be invaded because Saddam MIGHT at some distant future date have weapons of mass destruction that he MIGHT be crazy enough to use against the US and thus invite the vaporization of himself and his nation. Muslims across the US MIGHT get up to no good, so Grand Inquisitor cum Attorney General John Ashcroft has ordered they be rounded up and interrogated. Cuba might make germ weapons, so is a threat. Old ally Hekmatyar MIGHT cause trouble for America's puppet regime in Kabul, so he must be rubbed out. 

The Bush Administration is so gripped by Sharonism that not one of its members has challenged CIA's attempted murder of Hekmatyar, though this misdeed could well constitute a crime under American law. In fact, George Bush's White House has shown an alarming lack of concern with domestic and international law. Not just in its crusade against Muslim foes, or in threatening the rights and liberties of Americans, but also by an arrogant unilateralism that has outraged friends abroad: crude rejection of the Kyoto Accords; spitting on the worthy idea of an international court to try war criminals; abrogating arms treaties with Russia; violating the laws and conventions of war in Bush's Guantanamo gulag; shielding and abetting Israel in its devastation of the Occupied West Bank. 

General Sharon's mantra, `we are right and the rest of the world is wrong,' has become that of his acolyte and admirer, George W Bush. 

US and British officials claim the `war' in Afghanistan is over. This is nonsense. Taliban and al-Qaida have blended back into the civilian population and are simply lying low -for now. The conflict costs US taxpayers over US $1 billion monthly; Bush just asked Congress for $14 billion more until year end. Each day the US is getting sucked deeper and deeper into Afghanistan, and, now, Pakistan. 

CIA's attempted murder of Hekmatyar marks an ominous, new stage in America's involvement in the murky Afghan conflict. How long before CIA starts murdering political opponents of Pakistan's US-backed military leader, Gen. Pervez Musharraf? Will Predators go after leaders of Pakistan's Islamic parties? Or all those irksome radical Arabs and Iranians? Or 


2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767


The following article gives details of Freemasonry, its rituals, its influence, and its participation in animal abuse. 

Freemasonry, although it's leaders strenuously deny it, is a secret society. In England and Wales it has more than 600,000 initiates; a further 100,000 in Scotland and between 50,000 and 70,000 in Ireland. All the members of this Brotherhood are male, and all except those who are second, third, or fourth, generation Freemasons - who may join at eighteen - are over the age of twenty-one. Freemasonry's critics have described it as a business cult, a satanic religion, and a political conspiracy. Defenders of Freemasonry tell us it is nothing more than a benevolent and charitable fraternal brotherhood. 

The headquarters of the Brotherhood in England and Wales is in London, at the corner of Great Queen Street and Wild Street. This is the seat of the `United Grand Lodge of England', the governing body of the 8,000-plus Lodges in England and Wales. These Lodges, of which there are another 1,200-odd under the jurisdiction of the `Grand Lodge of Scotland' and about 750 under the `Grand Lodge of Ireland', carry out their secret business and ritual in Masonic Temples. Temples might be purpose built, or might be rooms in hotels or private buildings temporarily converted for Masonic use. Many town halls up and down the country, for example, have private function rooms used for Masonic rituals, as does New Scotland Yard - headquarters of the Metropolitan Police and home to the "Animal Rights National Index" (ARNI) and Special Branch. 


Debate about Freemasonry in the Police began in 1877 with the sensational discovery that virtually every member of the Detective Department at Scotland Yard, up to and including the second-in-command, was in the pay of a gang of vicious swindlers. The corruption had started in 1872 when, at a Lodge meeting in Islington, John Meiklejohn - a Freemason - was introduced to a criminal called William Kurr (Kurr had then been a Freemason for some years). One night the two Masonic brothers exchanged intimacies. Kurr was operating a bogus `betting agency' swindle and was sorely in need of an accomplice within the force to warn him as and when the Detective Department had sufficient information against him to move in. Meiklejohn agreed to accept £ 100. 00, nearly half his annual salary, to supply information. 


In forces all over England, Freemasonry is strongest in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). This had been particularly noticeable at Scotland Yard, and the situation remains the same today. Between 1969 and the setting-up of the famous Operation Countryman in 1978 there were three big investigations into corruption in the Metropolitan Police. These were:


(1) An enquiry into allegations of corruption and extortion by Police, first published in The Times. This resulted in the arrest, trial and imprisonment of two London detectives in 1972. 

(2) An enquiry by Lancashire Police into members of the Metropolitan Police Drug Squad. This led to the trial of six detectives, and the imprisonment in 1973 of three of them. 

(3) An enquiry into allegations of corruption among CID officers responsible for coping with vice and pornography in London's West End. Over twenty detectives were sacked from the force during the three-year investigation in the early 1970's, which led eventually to the notorious Porn Squad trials. There were corrupt Masonic Policemen involved in all these cases. 


According to anti-Masonic books to be re-published, and some modern works, Freemasonry was formed and continues to work to "dupe the simple for the benefit of the crafty" (p. 33, Proceedings of the US Anti-Masonic Convention, 1830). The Freemasonic value system and organisational structure can be used to conceal both immoral and illegal acts but, its members derive benefit from the Brotherhood only so long as the status quo is maintained. 


Inside the Brotherhood: Further secrets of the Freemasons, by Martin Short, carries on Stephen Knight's research into modern English Freemasonry and gives additional information on American Freemasonry. "Relying on first-hand evidence wherever possible, the book examines the extent to which Masonic oaths of mutual aid and secrecy have contaminated the fraternity, aroused mounting hostility from churches, politicians and public, and provoked charges of corruption in key areas of the law, local government, education, the medical profession, business, the armed forces, the Civil Service, and the secret services. " Acacia. 




Initiation into the various secret societies - the Freemasons being one of, if not the, most familiar, and the one referred to throughout this article - is relatively easy these days. Potential initiates are hand-picked and invited to join, tempted with the promise that, once accepted into the organisation, many 


2002-05-15 Thread iggy



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Frontline has obtained the bomb making
instructions and a copy of the sketch as displayed on the suspect
web site. Both items have been studied and a report of the findings
of that study are contained herein.


The files were saved on the Harris family
computer as indicated in the code contained in the file. The program
used was Microsoft Word which was registered to Wayne N. Harris
and appears to be the result of a chat session with an outside
third party as several autosaves were initiated before the file
was ultimately saved as "thebook.doc" in the DOOM2 directory
of the computer. Tokens in the body and front end tags indicate
that the document existed as an html document prior to being saved
on the computer, this reinforces the probability that the file
was created as the result of a chat session possibly in an active
game background with a third party providing technical assistance
to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.


The original text
appears in this red type italicized face

Analysis and comments appear in this
black type face

Pipe bombs

Pipe bombs are some
of the easiest and deadliest ways to kill a group of people or
destroy a few things. First off, we will talk about the pipes.
Second will be the explosive filler and last will be the shrapnel.

This immediately outlines the purpose
of this document and the intent of the participants. Significant
is the intent expressed as a method to kill a group of people,
this indicates that the receiver of the document in this case
apparently Harris had grandiose plans of destruction. It also
indicates that there was a general intent to kill a large group,
this is not the act of specific targeting but rather shows an
intent to develop a body count as the primary purpose of this


Pipes are about as
easy to purchase as a CD. You do not want to have the length any
longer than 8 inches. Diameter should usually be between BE''
and 2''. If it's any longer than around 8'' it might not blow
up how it's supposed to. If it's thicker than around 2'', it will
cost you a fuck-load of money. Normal metal galvanized pipes are
the best to use, since plastic melts to easy and I don't think
copper would be that great. Never did try it though. The way I
bought most of my pipes is by going out and getting all of the
caps one day, then getting the pipes a few days later, or at a
different store. You don't want to look too suspicious.

The verbiage here indicates that the
writer has had experience in the construction of pipe bombs, the
information is sound with respect to the mechanical properties
needed to construct a pipe bomb with easily obtained materials.
The writer is probably recommending a minimum diameter of 1"
for the pipe, the importance placed on the length is important
because a longer length could have a tendency to rupture in a
lengthwise split before the explosive has pressure from the explosive
has reached it's maximum level. This rupturing while presenting
a danger would produce far less shrapnel than would normally be
associated with a pipe bomb. Larger packages can be built in this
fashion but they require far more technical know-how in terms
of constructing an explosive device. The writer is probably young
in his twenties and has limited resources, the references to money
and relating purchasing pipe to a CD indicate this. The writer
is also careful to point out methodology as to purchasing the
supplies so as not to raise suspicions.

After you buy the
caps you need to drill a 1/8'' hole in the center of 1 cap per
pipe. This is for the cannon fuse. Be sure to use good quality
cannon fuse that isn't bent or taped together, to be sure it all
burns correctly. Try to keep that fuse in good condition. Even
though you can bend and fold that fuse all to hell and back and
it will most likely still burn though, you do not want to have
a bunch of your enemies staring at a real heavy paperweight that
isn't smoking. Once you have the hole in the cap stick the cannon
fuse through it and tape it on so it doesn't keep moving around.
1-2 inches inside the pipe should be plenty to do the job, but
in a fix you can have as little as a fingernail's length. As far
as how much you want on the outside, that depends on the delay
you want the blast to have. For a grenade type bomb you want about
a finger's length, for fun bombs you want about 2 feet, and for
time bombs you want about an inch.

This paragraph is once again sound as
to the mechanical details of a crude pipe bomb device, the advice
regarding the handling of the fuse indicates that the writer has
had some experience in handling and damaging fuse in the past.
The reference to "a bunch of your 


2002-05-15 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/15/02 6:03:37 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The heavy preoccupation with death and the lack of value for human life propagated by the societal groups that make up the industrial and shock rock segments of the entertainment industry coupled with the preoccupation of many of the fans contained in this societal segment with violent video games can produce an outcome consistent with the behavior exhibited by the suspects.

Oh what utter bullshit.
Blame music and video games huh? 
What a total copout. MILLIONS of kids play these games and listen to that music to no ill effect, the fact that these 2 did and then committed a violent act is either a coincidence or these two kids were mentally unable to seperate fantasy from reality which would indicate mental illness and/or drug usage.
Censorship is not now nor is it ever the answer.


Re: [CTRL] Constitution? What constitution?

2002-05-15 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Someone forwarded
 Israel lacks a single, authoritative constitution

Why not SKIP to the chase and simply install an
Oligarchy of --say -- 9 old geezers ... who whimsically
decide what laws mean at any particular time?


The U.S. Constitution may be flawed, but it's a whole lot
better than what we have now.   -- Unknown

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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