[CTRL] A Pilot Answers 911 Questions JCS General Myers Wouldn't

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A Pilot Answers 911 Questions 
JCS General Myers Wouldn't
From Bill Mitchell

Dear Jeff,   

The vital perspective provided by this pilot raises as many questions as it answers on - "Where Was The U.S. Air Force When We Needed It On 9-11?" - the answer is, they were in-flight along the Atlantic seaboard, but didn't follow regulations to intercept those off-course and unresponsive airliners - WHY? I hope you will post this along with the testimony given on September 13th, two days after, by General Richard Myers before the Senate Armed Services Committee. The questions by senators on 9-11 and his answers outrageously insult the intelligence of the senators, and by extension the congress and the American public. Nevertheless General Myers was promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, in spite of his dereliction of duty and criminal negligence on the morning of 9-11.   

Posted on the KPFK 90.7 FM Listener Online Bulletin Board


By Michael Guillaume 
I am a pilot and I know what happens to me when I lose my transponder. The controllers console immediately alerts him to the fact since he no longer has my transponder code and altitude. This causes him a graet deal of trouble and very shortly I get trouble also. I am usually instructed to stay below 3,500 feet and return to the airport. The reason for the concern is that I am a hazard to navigation. Now imagine the situation in the Air Route Traffic Control Center (commonly abreviated to "center").   

This is in the northeast corner of the U.S., the busiest airspace on the planet. Each controller has a wedged shaped sector that he is responsible for. His airspace is also bounded by altitude limits. Commercial flights, refferred to as heavies, are always under positive control. They must constantly be in communication with the controllers in order to maintain legal seperation. If one of these heavies loses its transponder, it causes instant problems for more than one controller since altitude information is lost.   

The controllers still have a skin paint, or passive echo from the airframe, but the blip now shows up on all consoles for that sector, not just the original one that was handling the altitude range of the flight. If that same flight loses communication with the controllers as well, the controller work load takes another giant step upward. Keep in mind that this is in an area that is normally stretched to the breaking point with controller overload. This flight is now a hazard to air navigation, and the controllers primary function of seperating the planes is in jeopardy.   

The procedure for lost communication emergencies is simple: follow your last clearance. If the flight under discussion follows its last clearance, the controllers can predict where it will go and can still keep other flights out of harms way. If in addition to losing communication and transponder the flight starts to deviate from its last clearance, the whole system is in an emergency condition. Alarms all over the country would be going off. One interesting piece of information is the recording of controller and pilote conversations. These tapes are a matter of public record and are written over after a few days unless something interesting happens. These tapes would show the response of the system. Where are they?   

So, we know that the traffic control system would be in panic mode within two to three minutes of the initial events. We know that Otis Airforce Base is only five minutes from Manhatten by F15. We know that the controllers always had a passive return form the planes and could vector an intercept. The last Airmans Informatiion Manual I bought has a date of 1989 and it describes intercept procedures. So we know that intercepts have been routine low level events since at least that time.   

We know that there is an Air Defence Intercept Zone just off shore for the entire Atlantic Coast. This zone is constantly being patrolled. In general fast movers would not need to be scrambled. They can be diverted from routine patrol and training flights for the intercept. I know from experience that early morning flights are every pilots favorite. You preflight the plane in the dark and take off. Even in a Cessna breaking out into the bright clear sunshine from the dark earth below is a kick. In an F15 doing Mach 1 straight up would make it impossible to stop grinning. The odds are that many flights would be on patrol just off shore. It would be most improbable that even one commercial flight could go more than ten minutes without being intercepted. The intercepting plane would slowly close from the left and take station slightly above and ahead of the errant heavy. At this pont he would rock his wings and expect the other plane to do the same as a form of non verbal communication. After this he would perform a gentle turn to the left and the intercepted plane is required to follow. If this does no

[CTRL] Did the Government Okay the Anthrax Attacks?

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Did the Government Okay the Anthrax Attacks?
by Michelle Mairesse

Eight months after the first death from anthrax inhalation was reported in Florida, someone is finally standing up to liars in public places.  

On June 7, 2002. Judicial Watch , "the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse," issued a press release headed "Judicial Watch Wants to Know Why White House Went on Cipro Beginning September 11th: What Was Known and When?"  

"Judicial Watch represents hundreds of postal workers from the Brentwood Postal Facility in Washington, DC. Until the Brentwood facility was finally condemned by the CDC, Brentwood postal workers handled all of the mail for Washington, DC, including the ‘official mail’ that contained the anthrax-laden envelopes addressed to Senators Daschle and Leahy. While Capitol Hill workers received prompt medical care, Brentwood postal workers were ordered by USPS officials to continue working in the contaminated facility. Two Brentwood workers died from inhalation anthrax, and dozens more are suffering from a variety of ailments related to the anthrax attacks. A variety of legal actions are being planned for the disparate treatment and reckless endangerment the Brentwood postal workers faced."  

"‘The American people deserve a full accounting from the Bush administration, the FBI and other agencies concerning the anthrax attacks. The FBI’s investigation seems to have dead-ended, and frankly, that is not very reassuring given their performance with the September 11th hijackers,’ stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. ‘One doesn’t simply start taking a powerful antibiotic for no good reason. The American people are entitled to know what the White House staffers knew nine months ago,’ he added."  

Judicial Watch asks, "What Was Known and When?"  

Good question. Cipro is a new antibiotic designed to combat anthrax infection. So why did the White House go on Cipro on the very day of the World Trade Center attacks? Larry Klayman said, "We believe that the White House knew or had reason to know that an anthrax attack was imminent or underway."   

The American people heard about the first terrorist anthrax attack on October 4, 2001, not quite a month after the World Trade Center attack. On October 4, 2001, not quite a month after the World Trade Center attack, Bob Stevens, a photo editor for American Media’s tabloid Sun, lay critically ill in a Florida hospital. The doctors diagnosed inhalation anthrax, a rare disease that workers sometimes contract after exposure to infected livestock or animal hides. Even when contracted in factories that process animal hides, inhalation anthrax is a very rare disease. This was the first case reported since 1976. A Bush spin team went into action immediately. 

Stevens’s doctor pontificated that it was a case of "a rare and obviously very serious illness that has found its way into the life of one individual." ("One individual" was a sneaky way of saying terrorism was not a factor.) A spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stepped up to the microphones next. "There is absolutely no indication this is tied in any way to terrorism."  

Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson’s message was meant to reassure any remaining skeptics. "We will be responding very aggressively. But I want to point out, once again, that this is an isolated case and it's not contagious."  

Florida Lt. Gov. Frank Brogan came forward with an alternative theory to terrorism. He said outdoorsman Stevens fell ill after returning from a trip to North Carolina.  

Tommy Thompson helpfully expanded on the "nature red in tooth and claw" angle. "We do know that he drank water out of a stream when he was traveling to North Carolina last week," said Thompson. "But as far as wool or other things, it's entirely possible. We haven't got all of the investigations done and we're doing a tremendous extensive job of investigating everything." He said investigators from the FBI and CDC were tracing Stevens’s steps in North Carolina.  

Only one expert contradicted the official line—the Florida state epidemiologist who noted that inhalation anthrax incubates in from six to forty-five days, a period which excluded the trip to North Carolina. The epidemiologist, having demolished the official explanation, was never heard from again.  

The spinners went to work again a day later, October 5, when Bob Stevens died of anthrax inhalation.  

Secretary Tommy Thompson reminded the nation that Stevens had probably picked up the infection in the great outdoors. He announced categorically, "There is no terrorism."   The following months of anthrax horrors, of panic, illness, and death, proved the spinners to be dead wrong, but they never apologized.  

A few

[CTRL] US knew of hostage rescue: Manila

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

JUNE 9, 2002 
US knew of hostage rescue: Manila
Contradicting Washington, Manila says the operation, in which an American and a Filipina died, was planned by US forces 

MANILA - There appears to be a dispute over the United States' role in the botched rescue operation of hostages, with Manila insisting that the US had prior knowledge.

However, Washington has maintained that it first learned of the operation after it was informed of the death of an American missionary.

Philippines Defence Secretary Angelo Reyes said that US forces helped plan the operation in the southern Philippines that ended in the death of the missionary and a Filipina captive.

Contradicting the Pentagon's version of Friday's bloody rescue attempt, Mr Reyes said the Americans 'participated in the planning and the execution in terms of advice and intelligence reports, and in the training of our soldiers' who carried out the mission. 

Christian missionary Martin Burnham, 42, and Filipino nurse Ediborah Yap were slain, while Burnham's wife, Gracia, 43, was wounded in the leg but rescued. A Filipino farm hand the rebels used as a guide and porter was also rescued. 

The operation ended a 376-day hostage drama that drew 1,000 US military advisers and engineers to the separatist-plagued south for a six-month campaign to help local troops stamp out the Abu Sayyaf guerilla group, described as a local ally of the Al-Qaeda terror network. 

'The fighting was done by Filipino soldiers, but in the conduct of the rescue and recovery mission the Americans actively participated,' Mr Reyes told reporters. 

'We cannot overemphasise the importance of the American contribution,' he told local radio earlier yesterday. 

He said Major-General Glicerio Sua, the head of the Philippine military task force, was 'joined by an American in the planning and supervision' of 'Operation Daybreak' by 500-600 Filipino troops. He did not identify the US official. 

US troops and aircraft later helped evacuate casualties, he added. 

Earlier, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the US military first learned of the operation when the Filipino military announced Martin Burnham's death and refused to criticise the operation. 

'When something does not go perfectly there are always a lot of people running around who say this, who say that. I'm not one of those,' he said. 

The US commander in the Philippines, Brigadier-General Donald Wurster, said that the Filipino rescuers operated under 'difficult circumstances' and that the US contingent 'supports' the actions they took. 

Asked about the US role in planning the operation, he said: 'I wouldn't care to comment on the specifics.' 

Foreign troops are barred from combat in Philippine territory. Under the terms of the exercise that ends on July 31, the US advisers are allowed to carry firearms but could only use them in self-defence. 

Mr Reyes said the operation began on May 27, the anniversary of the Burnhams' abduction from a western Philippines island resort, but before the US government announced a US$5 million (S$9 million) bounty on the heads of the top five Abu Sayyaf leaders. --AFP 

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[CTRL] The Infamous Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty: Special Report

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Infamous Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty: Special Report  

Friday, June 07 2002 @ 01:32 PM GMT
The Indisputable Events of June 8, 1967 

By Dr. E.A. Richards for Palestine Chronicle 


At 11:32 am, the USS Liberty, a sophisticated intelligence gathering vessel, commanded by Captain William L. McGonagle, was 15.5 miles north of the Sinai, and east of El Arish, Egypt, adjacent to the 12 mile limit off Egyptian waters, cruising international waters in an easterly direct. 

Just before 2:00 pm, the Liberty was north of the Bardawil Peninsula, still outside Egyptian territorial waters. In the morning hours, Israeli reconnaissance planes had circled the Liberty several times, ostensibly taking photographs, and other surveillance Israeli aircraft, including one slow-moving propeller-driven craft, were in the area at that time. 

Without any warning, the Liberty was attacked by Israeli fighter planes and torpedo boats while she lay in quiet waters off Bardawil. The United States naval vessel was machine-gunned repeatedly, and took 81 hits from aircraft rocket and cannon fire and a direct hit midships from a torpedo fired by one of the Israeli torpedo boat attack squadron. 

Thirty four American sailors were killed in the dastardly attack, and more than 170 were wounded. 


Lt. Richard F. Kiepher, a USS Liberty medical officer, wrote this to his mother: "We were cruising along, and it was a beautiful day under clear skies and the men were commenting about the Mediterranean pleasure cruise and what fine day it was for swimming. I heard the first explosion and then the jets were raking the decks with machine gun and rocket fire. 

"Our .50 caliber machine guns, which are our only armament, had a chance to return some small fire before another wave of jets knocked out the gun mounts and destroyed all the lifeboats and life- rafts." 

Kiepher wrote that when fires broke out, and crews attempted to put them out, the men were cut down by the strafing Israeli aircraft. Keipher himself was shot in the leg, his kneecap shattered, but in spite of the wound he set up an emergency hospital in the mess hall, as the sick bay was knocked out by four direct hits. He treated wounded sailors there for 18 hours straight. 

Joseph C. Lentini said this: "There was no way the Israelis could have mistaken the Liberty for an Egyptian ship. The hull was distinctively American, the lettering on the ship was English and not Arabic." He said the US flag was flying when the Israeli planes made their advance surveillance, and it flew during the attack. 

"The firing was too precise to be a spontaneous target-of- opportunity attack," Lentini went on, "The Israelis shot out the black boxes controlling the guns," noting, "precise fire such as that could only have come after the aerial photos taken by the Israelis had been carefully studied. 

"Moshe Dayan lied when he said the Israelis realized it was a mistake when they saw a life raft with "U.S. Navy" on it, and that is when the attack stopped. It stopped only a few seconds after a United States aircraft carrier finally received instructions from Washington to send American aircraft to the rescue of the Liberty." 

Captain McGonagle was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his command of the Liberty during the attack; Lt. George Golden, the ship's engineering officer, was given the Silver Star for his efforts to keep the crippled ship afloat and under power. 


After US jet fighters had been launched from the air craft carrier, and the unmarked Israeli planes had fled, the Israeli government called the US naval attache from the US Embassy to notify him that the Israeli air force had attacked the USS Liberty "by accident" thinking it was an Arab ship, and offering its abject apologies. United Press International Reporter Bill Small said that Menachim Begin stated, "Anyway, we can defy the American Congress and it will go along." It still appears to be true. 


Only a highly classified hear was ever held on the attack, and the only result that came out in summary was a statement that the attack was "unprovoked." Both Adlai Stevenson and Barry Goldwater wanted to conduct hearings on the Israeli attack, but were stymied. Neither Stevenson nor Goldwater believed that the Liberty attack was accidental. Later on both ran for President, massive amounts of pro-Israeli money poured in against them. 


Members of the Liberty crew were transferred to stations far apart from one another after the incident. The crewmen located said they had been ordered not to breathe a word about the attack, and feared for their jobs, their families, and some, their lives. 


To this day, a number of questions still have n

Re: [CTRL] HOPE (was: a tirade against Moslem women covering their faces for drivers licenses)

2002-06-10 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/10/02 5:31:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< This case should rather be used as the rallying point around which to
organize a campaign against the use of drivers licenses as general ID cards;
we should all start showing up at our license renewal offices wearing paper
bags over our heads and saying that as members of the Holy Order of Paper
Effigies (aka HOPE), it is against our religion to have our fleshy visages
placed on a plastic card, but that it would be acceptable for our paper image
(drawn on the paper bag) to be used... >>

In the state I live in, they want your finger print on the application. So,
as founding members of the Holy Order of Paper Effigies we should wear latex
gloves so the authorities can not get our finger prints.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bilderberg Batters Bush; But Unity remains on NWO

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bilderberg Batters Bush; But Unity remains on NWO

The United States took its worst beating ever at the secret Bilderberg meeting but there remains complete unity on the goal of establishing a world government.

Exclusive to American Free Press

By James P. Tucker Jr.

 CHANTILLY. Va.—Bilderberg luminaries battered their American counterparts over U.S Middle East policy, which they blamed for causing the need for a “war on terrorism” which could lead to bloody military misadventures.

However, most Bilderberg boys from both sides of the Atlantic were, for some reason, confident there would be no war between Pakistan and India. At that moment, both nations were on the brink of a nuclear holocaust.

It could have had something to do with the appearance of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who was hastily summoned to appear on Saturday, June 1. Rumsfeld had attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1975 at Cemse, Turkey, as an assistant to President Jerry Ford. Ford had attended Bilderberg as minority leader of the House.

Rumsfeld is known to have been summoned to reassure the Europeans there would be “no immediate” U.S. invasion of Iraq as had been planned by the White House (American Free Press, June 10). He was pressed, but refused to say, that the United States had no plans for future wars.

Whether Rumsfeld also helped reassure Bilderberg there would be no war between Pakistan and India could not be determined.

But, even as Rumsfeld was assuring Bilderberg of at least a momentary delay in launching a new war, President Bush was rattling sabers in a commencement ad dress at West Point.

“Pre-emptive strikes” will be used against nations or groups that threaten the United States, Bush told the newly minted Army officers. He vowed to “take the battle to the enemy, disrupt its plans and confront the worst threats before they emerge.”

Besides Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Kenneth Dam was scheduled to attend—and did. 

But unity was expressed with kind words, smiles, hand shakes and embraces on Bilderberg’s long-term agenda:

• Empowering the United Nations until it becomes a de jure, as well as de facto, world government. 

• Advancing this goal by creating a direct UN tax on “world citizens,” expanding NAFTA throughout the Western Hemisphere as a prelude to creating an “American Union” similar to the European Union and empowering international bodies to further erode the sovereignty of nations. Further establishing NATO as the UN’s world army was also discussed.

There was much hand-wringing over “rising nationalism” in Europe, as demonstrated by the electoral successes of Jean-Marie Le Pen in France and by a populist “resurgence” in The Netherlands and Denmark. Americans agreed to pursue a “world without borders.”

But on the issues of war and America’s Middle East policy, Americans faced three days of chastisement, both in formal sessions and during glass-tinkling between sessions. A grim-faced Henry Kissinger and others had to take it as Europeans denounced U.S. policy.

It reached the point that Europeans were praising their detested press, which has showered them with unwanted publicity in recent years. This is a close paraphrase of the angry words Americans heard:


In Europe, you would be unable to conduct such a one-sided policy in the Middle East. Europeans know, because of heavy press coverage, of Israel’s wars of expansion and brutal occupation of Palestinian lands. They are aware of the cruelty inflicted on civilians, including women and children, for no military objective at all.

Europeans know that Israel’s military machine is financed by the United States. They know that the planes, tanks and weapons attacking innocent citizens are provided by the United States. While there is no justification for the attacks in New York and Washington on Sept. 11, Europeans know that Palestinians will resist in any way they can.

Because of the unfair Middle East policy of the United States, we Europeans now must be your allies in your war on terrorism.


Americans responded to this with grim faces and shrugs.

The administration had anticipated this barrage and tried to soften it with a peace plan that included an independent Palestinian state. This goes beyond previous U.S. positions, Americans reassured the Europeans, which merely called for Palestinian statehood. The plan was still being drafted as Bilderberg met but they were assured it would be publicly unveiled in July.

Bilderberg celebrated the fact that a global UN tax is “part of the public dialogue” without a public outcry by “nationalists.” Alan Keyes, as President Ronald Reagan’s UN ambassador, denounced the proposed tax and it has been widely discussed since.

Bilderberg has offered several variations of the world tax. First, it suggested a 10-cent tax on o

[CTRL] Al Martin:The Missing Trillions and Other Government Scams

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Missing Trillions and Other Government Scams
by Al Martin

(June 10) Recently I had what could be called a "Close Encounters with the New Neighborhood Watch." I wake up and I see a car from the local county sheriff's office parked down the way. There's a guy with a clipboard walking around, and I see our new Neighborhood Watch Association group out front having coffee and donuts. They're all wearing their orange and black ballcaps with their whistles, clipboards, and Homeland Security arm badges. They're all in their golf carts because this is what's called an adult gated community. Our Neighborhood Watch Association has golfcarts which have the initials "NWA" painted on the side in black letters, while "Homeland Security." is painted in black letters across the front. Then on the front is a transfer decal of the new imperial state eagle that we've seen on the new 57 cent US postage stamp.

  When I checked my voice mail, I got a message which said, "Good morning, citizen, This is your local county sheriff's office. You will be pleased to know that today in your neighborhood we're having a Neighborhood Watch Association confab.And you're welcome to come out for coffee and donuts and get acquainted with everyone." Then the message continues that now we're supposed to look out for suspicious people.

  When I went out, I was given a sheet which includes all the new rules of our condo association. We all have to turn in our resident identification cards, and we're going to have to pay $25 for new high-tech resident ID cards which have a micro-chip built into them,so they can include everything from when you were born to the color of underwear you wear, etc. We were shown a model of the new federalized Neighborhood Watch security golf carts (we're being charged an extra $35 a month condo fee for the next 12 months to pay for it) They're like the regular golf carts, but they're four seater models, instead of the two seaters. They have a red and blue flashing light on the top and a 12-volt searchlight on each side as well as sirens. They also have tasers and pepper spray. And the Neighborhood Watch people will carry truncheons - in case they have to beat the oldsters into submission.

  Naturally the high security golf carts have a big American flag on the back, and they also have a computerized machine which looks like the device you pass your credit card when you pay for something in the stores.

  So when we're walking around the community, the new NWA has the right to stop us and ask us for our resident security card, so they can pass it through the little card reader. And these will be manned by our newly empowered federalized Neighborhood Watch volunteers.

  At that point, I said, "Look, wait a minute. The government gave the new Neighborhood Watch Association and their new allies from the old AmeriCorp $3.8 billion in government funds for security upgrades. So why do we the residents have to pay extra on our monthly condo maintenance fees?" They answered, "Oh no, that security upgrade was only to cover our new hats, our clipboards, our ID badges and a few other things."

  I thought it would be patently unconstituional - but I guess not. Then I got a list of the new rules from our condo association board. You have to submit to these people. You have to show them your new high-tech ID card when they ask for it. So if you don't submit, they will chase you in your golf cart with their golf cart. It'll be a golf cart chase, and they'll call in to the security booth up front, saying we have a disloyal citizen acting suspiciously fleeing in his golf cart.

  Another rule of the condo association is that anyone being disrespectful of our new Neighborhood Watch Association is going to get a fine of $20 from the condo board. The fine would be for "showing disrespect to governmental authority."

    The funny thing is that eight out of ten people around here say "we should have had this years ago." And this is a place where the only crime committed in this community was three years ago a couple of teenage kids got onto the property and stole a lawnmower.

  The head of the condo association warned me. She said if you click your heels one more time and give the heil hitler salute, you're going to be banned from Tuesday night bingo. When all the other oldsters heard that if you showed disloyalty, you could be banned from Tuesday night bingo, that's about the worst threat you could issue around here.

  What happened is that when the president of the condo association would come around (she gets her own golf cart and everytime you give one of these old gals a little power, they go nuts with it) and she tells you your fence has got to be closed and this has to be latched and the shrub is six inches too high. So every time she'd come by I used to give her the heil hitler salute and she'd get all pissed off. I'd tell her 

[CTRL] Newswatch Editorial 6/7/02

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

June 7, 2002

Dear Newswatch Magazine Listeners/Readers:

A former Jesuit priest by the name of Adam Weishaupt founded an ultra-secret society called the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. His goal was to overthrow every civilized government for a Novus Ordo Seclorium - New World Order. He instructed his disciples to change the name of the society if it became suspect, so their work could continue until world government was achieved.

Albert Pike of Little Rock came into equal leadership with Mazzini of Italy. Revolutions were to begin until they created world government. TODAY:

Behind the scenes, the United Nations continues to seek the accumulation of power unto itself. They hold conferences and make proposals that stripes nations of their national sovereignty. Those working this conspiracy for world government have no problem with dictatorships. They actually prefer a dictatorship. There are proposals that have never been ratified by Congress - mainly the Senate, yet our federal government is continuing to require laws be passed in every state to correspond to U.N. proposals - even though they have never become law. This shows the power of those who have usurped our federal government.

Americans do not understand the basics of Leninism/Marxism. First, there must be wars of liberation - destruction of a nations current government and IMPOSE Socialism. Secondly, Socialism is a process to make everyone equal economically. During this phase, anyone who resists the dictatorship of the proletariat is killed. Once EVERY nation on earth has been overthrown and Socialism installed with its purging process of mass killings, pure Communism is to become reality as the Third step for a perfect Utopian world.

To those working for World Government, the problem with mankind is ECONOMICS. If everyone has the same standard of living, all will be happy. If everyone has the same amount of money, happiness will break out. They say there will be no more greed, jealousy if everyone is equal.

This is nothing but a counterfeit of the real change that must take place for happiness to break out. The REAL cause of the world's problems is HUMAN NATURE. Our nature must be changed by the power of God's Holy Spirit. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.

The United States is under siege by Internationalists for destruction. The International Criminal Court has been accepted by 66 signatures, mostly Communist and Third and Fourth world countries. They all vote against the United States in the United Nation's General Assembly. This will also lead to the collapse of our once great nation into the embracing arms of world Communism.

While the U.N. and open Communist nations are the threat from without, we have secret society members in high positions of government who are also a threat to our freedom. They are working for world government under the direction of their false god - Lucifer or Satan. These secret Luciferian worshippers founded International Communism to become the seen enemy of the Western world of Christianity.

Their goal was to build Communism to be of equal strength militarily with the West. Then they would control this seen enemy UNTIL their purpose of creating the United Nations was achieved and advertised as the only hope for mankind's survival. They would use the threat of nuclear extinction as a club over the head of the world to create world government. This is the purpose of the U.N.

Anyone who has studied Communism knows the U.N. is established as a blueprint for a Communist world government. They use Marxist principles - example: To those who have contributes the most. So what do we see in financing the U.N.? The richest nation on earth pays 25% of the entire operation, and it used to be much more. Some nations pay little to nothing, yet they vote against America on nearly everything.

I have warned since the mid-1980s that the Genocide Convention Treaty to the United Nations would open Pandora's box for future persecution of Christians who will NOT join the World Council of Churches and deny Jesus Christ. The International Criminal Court will have ONE man selected by secret ballot by the General Assembly to sit in judgment over nations concerning Genocide. In the text of those who can be punished for the crime of Genocide is someone who causes mental harm. In other words, anyone who objects to the United Nations assuming power over every nation will be considered committing Genocide - mental harm - toward the people's of the world.

Truly, Bible prophecy is upon us. Will we remain strong and watch the power of God to protect the "very elect" or collapse under the pressure? Sincerely, 


David J. Smith 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-

[CTRL] National ID: Who Will Protect Us From "The System"

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

National ID: Who Will Protect Us From "The System"
By Dave Jansen 
June 7, 2002

The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) proposes to set uniform standards for drivers' licenses for all states and to link the state driver's license databases. Reps. Jim Moran (D-VA) & Tom Davis (R-VA) have introduced it as "Driver's License Modernization Act of 2002." On the surface this sounds feasible technologically. However, it has three major problems: creating an infrastructure for a national identification system, securing the data and maintaining data integrity. It also creates a data collection system. 

The AAMVA contends this is not a proposal for a national identification system but would merely link all state ID systems in one federal data store. "The recent AAMVA proposal to link state motor-vehicle databases is a nationwide identity system," says a recent National Academy Press report, "IDs--Not That Easy: Questions About Nationwide Identity Systems." [see: http://www.nap.edu/books/030908430X/html/ ] It could allow for other federal and private data to be linked as well such as driving history, criminal records, financial records, tax records, health information, library activity, etc. Is it necessary to have this information publicly and easily accessible? 

"I've done nothing wrong, I have nothing to hide" is a common refrain. Due to security flaws and data integrity issues, you may be accused of wrongdoing anyway. 

Would a national ID system increase national security and stop terrorists? By creating an identification system on the federal level, we only make fraud and forgery easier. 

Securing the data simply refers to making sure the data in this national system is not used for fraudulent or malicious means. A person attempting to gain access to anyone in the United States would only need to circumvent one security standard. Creating an easier target for our personal information will only lead to an increase in fraud and identity theft-in effect making it easier for terrorists to create or steal ID's. The AAMVA proposal would "put all your eggs in one basket" with your personal information. 

Most computer fraud and security breeches come from within an organization, as opposed to terrorists half a world away or 14 year olds with too much time on their hands. According to "Information Security: Serious Weaknesses Place Critical Federal Operations and Assets at Risk" (AIMD-98-92) and other GAO reports, all federal agencies have serious security weaknesses "with inadequately restricted access to sensitive data being the most commonly cited problem." Not only do serious security problems exist within federal systems, but most malicious activity is undetected "because agencies have not introduced effective controls to identify suspicious activity in their networks and computer systems." 

Abuse from inside is common. It may not be terrorists accessing the system, but it may be government or private employees snooping through our personal information. Without safeguards or controls in place, it is only a matter of time before information is read, altered or copied without our knowledge or consent. 

According to the General Accounting Office, most federal computer systems are not secure. Yet in the name of national security and thwarting terrorism, we want to create and verify identities using a federal system. 

Data integrity refers to the validity of data and can be compromised in a number of ways. The most common forms of generating inaccurate data: 

1- Software bugs or viruses 
2- Hardware malfunctions 
3- Data entry errors (occurring when data is first being recorded into a computer and most often dismissed as typos), and 
4- Errors that occur when data is transmitted from one computer to another. 

The National ID systems would exist across several computers and computer networks minimizing the impact of disk crashes and other hardware failures. However, any data that was corrupted due to these factors would generally be impossible to detect and correct. 

Computer bugs and viruses would be an enormous threat to the National ID system due to the standardization necessary for the system to exist. Once a virus infects one part of the system it could easily spread to the entire system. 

Errors in data entry are common and accepted in most industries with error rates as high as 10% but usually acceptable around 3%. Errors that occur when data is transmitted from one computer to another are also fairly common. With such a large scale, the number of errors will be compounded. The AAMVA proposal does not correct these problems. 

Data integrity can be corrected, but the task is daunting. Personal information will be replicated across multiple systems. As this occurs, it will be difficult to track and correct. 

Most National ID data errors will be detected by the individual. Correcting data 

[CTRL] Department of Homeland Defense: the scaffolding of a police state

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush’s new Department of Homeland Defense: the scaffolding of a police state

By the Editorial Board
8 June 2002

The sudden announcement by President George W. Bush that he will seek the creation of a huge new federal Department of Homeland Defense, to control most federal domestic policing and security programs, must be understood on two levels. In its timing, it is a transparent attempt to distract public attention from the revelations of advance warnings to the government about the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. In its substance, the proposal represents an acceleration of the moves towards presidential dictatorship that have characterized every step taken by the Bush administration since September 11.

The consolidation of agencies such as the Coast Guard, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Transportation Security Agency and others—22 in all, from five separate government departments—represents an unprecedented concentration of police powers at the federal level. The new cabinet level department would become overnight the third largest in the federal government, in terms of manpower, with 170,000 workers, behind only the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

As outlined by Bush, it would carry out four main functions: border and transportation security, emergency and disaster preparedness, the development of countermeasures for nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, and the centralized storage and analysis of information on potential threats, to be supplied by the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government spy services.

The Bush administration presented the plan as a measure to protect the American people. But it would be more correct to say that the new department will concentrate the police forces of the government for the purpose of surveillance and repression against the American people.

As the Washington Post noted, the agencies to be combined in the new department “go well beyond policing the borders.” The newspaper continued: “They reach deep into American life, doing everything from coordinating disaster relief to tracking down foreigners working illegally in restaurants. Some experts said this could prove controversial, because it blurs the boundaries between gathering intelligence on foreigners and doing the same with American citizens.”

Perhaps the most ominous measure is the inclusion in the Department of Homeland Defense of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), now headed by Bush’s former campaign manager, Joseph Albaugh. FEMA was designated as the lead agency in plans developed 20 years ago under the Reagan administration to impose martial law in the event of a new and unpopular Vietnam-style war in Central America. FEMA’s brief included the establishment of prison camps at mothballed military bases for the detention of hundreds of thousands of US citizens and foreign immigrants.

Similar moves are now being considered against the Arab-American and Asian-American population, and all other potential opponents of a new US war against Iraq or elsewhere in the Middle East—or in Colombia, the Philippines, Georgia, or some other target of US aggression. This has already been foreshadowed in the roundup of thousands of immigrants after September 11 and their ongoing mistreatment in jails and detention facilities.

Only three months ago the American media was filled with reports about the Bush administration’s decision to establish a “shadow government” in the wake of September 11, with the dispatch of designated executive branch officials to secret bunkers, without the knowledge or approval of Congress. But today there is not one comment from the media or the Congress connecting those preparations of a behind-the-scenes dictatorship to this week’s unveiling of the scaffolding for a police state.

Not a single voice in Congress opposes what amounts to a gross violation of fundamental US constitutional principles: separation of powers, checks and balances, congressional oversight of the executive branch, and the right to privacy and freedom from government prying. Congressional oversight of the new behemoth agency will be far more limited than the current supervision of 22 separate smaller agencies. Bush cited the lessened congressional scrutiny as one of the main advantages of his reorganization plan.

The White House plan was greeted enthusiastically by former Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman, Congresswoman Jane Harman, and other influential congressional Democrats, as well as by Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt. All pledged speedy action on the plan, and endorsed Bush’s appeal for passage before the end of 2002—a flagrant attempt to steamroll the changes through Congress without any serious public discussion or debate.

The centralization of all 

[CTRL] Could Terrorism Result In A Constitutional Dictator?

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Could Terrorism Result In A Constitutional Dictator? 
 Friday, Jun. 07, 2002

On September 14, 2001, President Bush declared that a "national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks ... and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States." When the emergency will end, no one knows.

At present, the President has opted to exercise only a few of his emergency powers. Under the National Emergencies Act, at this time, he is only utilizing provisions relating to the military. 

Will the President choose to use additional powers? It depends on the future. Because we don't know what shape this undeclared war on terrorism will take, we can't know what powers this president - or any successor - might need to cope with the problems of terrorism. 

An American President, should he need them, possesses awesome powers. Those powers potentially include what political scientists have described as the powers of a "constitutional dictatorship." No President has ever had to go that far - although they have come close. 

Now, however, it is not difficult to conceive of scenarios where terrorist groups, hell-bent on our destruction and refusing to abide by any known rules of war, could employ weapons of mass destruction or bio-terrorism in a manner that could threaten our existence as a nation. What happens then? 

Democracy In Crisis: Will It Transform Into Another Form of Government?

Democracy works best in times of peace, when there is debate, compromise, and deliberation in forming governing rules, regulations, and policies. When confronted with a major crisis - particularly one that is, like terrorism, of an unfamiliar nature - the nation will turn to the President for initiative and resolute leadership. If our very existence and way of life are threatened, Americans will want their President to do whatever is necessary. 

The history of democratic governments, from the ancient republics of Greece and Rome to the modern states that have replaced earlier totalitarian governments, show that governing by committees, or legislative bodies, never works in times of crisis. Fortunately, our Founders were aware of this when they designed our system. 

Alexander Hamilton explained in Federalist No. 70 that the essential nature of the chief executive is his "energy," which "is a leading [element] in the definition of good government. It is essential to the protection of the community against foreign attacks; it is no less essential to the steady administration of the laws; to the protection of property against those irregular and high-handed combinations, which sometimes interrupt the ordinary course of justice; to the security of liberty against the enterprises and assaults of ambition, of faction, and of anarchy."

While our constitution contains no express provision for "emergency" or "crisis" situations, such a provision is not necessary. The U.S. Supreme Court made clear in Ex Parte Milligan, following the Civil War, that "the government, within the Constitution, has all the powers granted to it which are necessary to preserve its existence." Or as one commentator has added, "self-preservation is the first law of any nation."

Presidents Create Their Own Emergency Powers

Past presidents - principally Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt - by exercising their powers in time of emergency, have expanded their authority as necessary to meet emergencies they faced. They have, in essence, made the law in times of crisis, not always in the manner envisioned. 

Lincoln launched the Civil War unilaterally, without Congressional action, following the secession of seven Southern states. Only later did he obtain Congressional approval. His critics called him a dictator. But he got the job done that had to be done.

Wilson asked for and received near dictatorial powers from Congress when attacks by Germany against American ships and submarines plunged the nation into World War I. He had to raise and equip a large army to fight on foreign soil. To do so, he demanded and received unprecedented new power and authority.

When Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated in 1933, the world-wide Great Depression had reached its depths. The new President promised action, and during his first 100 days, Congress gave him what he needed to enable him to use federal powers to rout the Depression and rescue every sector of the economy, as well as state and local government, from economic ruin. 

Later, following the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, which forced the United States into World War II, FDR's exertion of his presidential powers would far exceed anything Wilson or Lincoln had done. Through the strength of his personality, Roosevelt lead the nation from that day of "infamy" through battles in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific to total victory. 

While FDR continued

[CTRL] 9-11 Inside-briefing

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

9-11 Inside-briefing


The Night of 9/10 - 9/11 began without any fanfare. Tomorrow they would test the Global-Hawk´s capabilities. 4 - 6 commercial jets would be taken for an unscheduled ride complements of 4 Global-Hawks (2 from Boston airport and one or two from New York area airports and 2 from other locations). The take-overs would be un-announced and the Hawks would play hand-off for an hour and then return control to the pilots and disappear as quickly as they had "appeared". No-one was to be injured or be the wiser. The escapade was approved at the highest level of Gov´t and all was a go at 0600 EST when the operation purportedly commenced. Four Agencies were involved. The CIA would run the show. The other 3 were Brookhaven (Who controlled the Hawks), The Air Force who would monitor the Hawks and their performance without knowing the game-plan, NORAD who would prevent intruders (They were also in the dark as to the Mission), and The Executive Community and selected intelligence personnel who knew the program, had approved it in generalities and would evaluate the over-all results but not interfere. The 4 Hawks launched and took up positions, at least 4 aircraft were acquired and all went well. The 2 NY birds were handed off and flown to a Base, drained of passengers and crew and relaunched as were the 2 Boston birds (Probably the same base). The claim was a National Emergency and it worked. The Hawks killed the transponders remotely landed the 4 craft without incident. All 4 birds again took off and it was then that The Controllers Took Over. Bird # 1 was the second bird to strike (The Corner Shot). Birds 2 and 4 flew cover and ditched in H2O. Bird 3 went down in Penn. Number 1 strike was a business Jet loaded with incendiary devices and jet-fuel as was the object that hit the 5 sided affair. Sources say the original occupants of the birds were neutralized but no explanation was given as to how and we have no idea at this time. There were no hijackers and neither the Executives, nor NORAD nor The AF, and possibly not even The CIA knew the Real Whole Scenario. Only the controllers of The Hawks had the whole Program and dollars were involved. A Supposed Middle East "Old Friend" agreed to fund The Hawk Project and the controllers and the transfers were done that AM. The records were lost when the tower computers were neutralized permanently. The CIA handled the cover-up. The money was part of a transfer of $20 - $30 Trillion done that AM. The $5 - $6 Mill for the operation was done on 9/12 - 9/15 through other channels. The intelligence community and the controllers maintained that Things just went wrong and they were unavoidable errors.At that point, the cover-up kicked in. The rest is History. I am being understandably vague to cover my sources, your readers may judge for themselves the accuracy and/or plausibility of this scenario. It is how it looks from this vantage point - right or wrong. 

I hope the Congress catches the offenders as I Grieve for what NY City lost in Firemen and Police as well as all those lost in the event. Publish what and if you wish, this my slant after a lot of research and inquiry. As always I must remain ANON  

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2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

June 10, 2002 

There’s a spy in every computer, comrade – so watch what you say!

A C-Net news item, with the ominous title of "FBI digs deeper into the Web," details how the feds will be tracing the digital trails people leave as they surf the internet, and reports the outrage of civil libertarians. The new guidelines giving the Justice Department the formal authority to monitor the online activities of Americans will provide "stunning insight into their beliefs and habits." Blackmail, provocations, the political uses of leaking a certain politician's online "habits" – these are the least objectionable possibilities that come to mind. 

 This latest power grab, if it is not repulsed, will Sovietize American life. "I hate to be in a position of telling people 'don't go online and speak' or 'watch what you say,'" says Jim Dempsey, deputy director of the Center for Democracy and Technology, "but you have to take from this that on an arbitrary basis, the FBI is going to be tagging people as terrorists based on what they say online."


Reading that brought to mind a movie I just happened to have watched over the weekend: the film version of Ayn Rand's We the Living, a 1943 Italian production of Rand's first novel, starring Alida Valli and Rossano Brazzi. We the Living tells the story of Kira Argounova, an 18-year-old aspiring engineer in Soviet Petrograd whose love for the aristocratic Leo sets her in a life-and-death struggle with the Soviet regime. The story, set in the early 1920s, when the Soviets are still consolidating their rule, is truly brought to life by Ms. Valli, who suffuses the role of Kira with an almost supernatural quality, as if the character created by Rand had leapt right off the pages of the novel. 

One of the opening scenes take place at the Technological Institute, where Kira is enrolled, at a student meeting which shows the struggle of the "red" students against the openly anti-communist Cadets. Kira is sitting with the Cadets, talking with a friend, who warns her to be careful of what she says: "Their spies are everywhere." The Communist students harangue them from the platform, roaring their intention to create a "proletarian university," one that serves the purposes of the new Soviet order.

The meeting ends with the singing of the Communist anthem, the "Internationale." In the novel, Rand describes the scene as follows:

"It was the song of soldiers bearing sacred banners and of priests carrying swords. It was an anthem to the sanctity of strength."Everyone had to rise when the 'Internationale' was played.

"Kira stood smiling at the music. 'This is the first beautiful thing I've noticed about the revolution,' she said to her neighbor.

"'Be careful,' the freckled girl whispered, glancing around nervously, 'someone will hear you.'

"When all this is over,' said Kira, 'when the traces of their republic are disinfected from history – what a glorious funeral march this will make!'

"'You little fool! What are you talking about?'

"A man's hand grasped Kira's wrist and wheeled her around.

"She stared up into two gray eyes that looked like the eyes of a tamed tiger; but she was not quite sure whether it was tamed or not."

As this sinister looking thug stares at her coldly, like a snake that's spied its dinner, Kira faces him down with perfect Randian disdain, demanding to know "How much are you paid for snooping around?" He threatens her, and she laughs in his face: "Our stairs are slippery, and there are four floors to climb, so be careful when you come to arrest me." 

"Are you exceedingly brave," the Commie Snake-in-the-grass wants to know, "or just stupid?"

"I'll let you find that out," says Kira.


Every time I see this scene in the film, I am moved to applaud – but in the (sur)real life movie of post-9/11 America, I don't expect to be moved to do that very often. Not everyone is as brave as Kira. Indeed, hardly anyone is, and so we have no right to expect that the Sovietization of America will produce many like her. Most will be cowed by the new regulations, content to look over their shoulders in silent resentment, hoping to be protected by their own insignificance. Some will resist, but these will be drowned out by opportunists and the court intellectuals -- even a few tame "libertarians," who would gladly sell the last remnants of their integrity for an invitation to a White House dinner. 


Reading further on in the C-Net piece, past the horrified objections of the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Library Association, and Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., we come, finally, to Ashcroft's chief apologist, the main defender of this draconian legislation – none other than our old friend, Roger Pilon, of the Cato Institute, who has the gall to couch his apologia in the rhetoric of "l

[CTRL] THREE WARNINGS (Including Chemtrails)

2002-06-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

THREE WARNINGS (Including Chemtrails)
Mon Jun 10 08:42:26 2002

THREE WARNINGS (Including Chemtrails)


Dwight Eisenhower


John F. Kennedy at Columbia University,
10 days before his assassination.


The Final Hopi Warning


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] HOPE (was: a tirade against Moslem women covering their faces for drivers licenses)

2002-06-10 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

  From: Mike and 
  Diana >THIS DOES SAY IT ALL!!! >> >>After 
  hearing that the state of Florida changed its opinion >>and let 
  a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's >>license with 
  her face covered, I believe this is even more >>appropriate. 
  Read on, please! >> >>This is an Editorial written by 
  an American citizen, >>published in a Tampa Newspaper. He did 
  quite a job; didn't he? >> 
  I find it interesting that the same 
  crowd that constantly decries the increasing use of state (distinguished 
  from 'State') -issued drivers licenses as a national ID card is raising 
  such a hue and cry regarding this Moslem woman's ability to be able to 
  have her face covered for her own drivers license photo...
  Why should we demand that immigrants 
  adapt to something that we ourselves do not wish to follow?
  This case should rather be used as the 
  rallying point around which to organize a campaign against the use of 
  drivers licenses as general ID cards; we should all start showing up at 
  our license renewal offices wearing paper bags over our heads and saying 
  that as members of the Holy Order of Paper Effigies (aka HOPE), it is 
  against our religion to have our fleshy visages placed on a plastic card, 
  but that it would be acceptable for our paper image (drawn on the paper 
  bag) to be used...
  Of course if only a few people do this, 
  they will be laughed at; but if you get a whole bunch of people doing it 
  at the same time, especially in several states, well by cracky TPB will 
  realise that it's a movement afoot...
  Listen to the full version of Arlo 
  Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant", especially the latter portion, to get the 
  idea...   ;-)     June(who, 
  already being a 'Reverend', volunteers to head the Holy Order of Paper 


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: PEPIS #40 - Bilderberg participants 2002

2002-06-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

This is being sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as part of the mailing list that you joined.
URL: http://www.bilderberg.org

Dear all,

In a bit of a rush tonight - but here's the 2002 press release and participant list - 
marked STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL would you believe! Bilderberg certainly aren't short on 

Please have a good look through the list and let me know if you find dodgey 
connections - CIA, big oil, banks, military etc. - that aren't mentioned in 
participants' descriptions. They forgot to mention that John Deutch, for example, is 
ex-boss of the CIA. I'll update the list as necessary in a couple of weeks time.

Please note also that the Bilderberg 1 hour video is now available in PAL featuring 
interviews with Denis Healy, Jim Tucker and the ADL.
See http://www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#film

A message for Bilderbergers and their secretariat and security staff is appended. A 
reply would be appreciated because you have not replied to my recent communications.

The participant list is available at  http://www.bilderberg.org/2002.htm and Jim 
Tucker's wrapping up article on this year's conference is below.


[continued below...]

Power Elite Public Information Service  -  http://www.messagebot.com  -  to join/leave 
Please put in a link to http://www.bilderberg.org - now funded 'til 2003.
This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaign for an 
open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similar elite meetings.
See  http://www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#pepis  for more info.
Archives:  http://www.bilderberg.org/pepis00.htm  http://www.mail-archive.com/  &  


Dear Bilderbergers and Bilderberg staff,

Little or no mainstream press coverage of Bilderberg again.  Is that good or bad?

You really must consider sending out a Press Release a month or so before the meetings 
- so the press can write something about you if they want. A press conference at the 
end of each annual meeting is the minimum your 'Corporate Responsibility' demands. 
That is if you want commentators and the public to take the idea of 'Corporate 
Governance' seriously and not treat it as an empty PR spin term (or lie).

You could quite easily publish the list of participants after the meeting has finished 
with absolutely no security risk. The STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nonsense in the release 
seems calculated to stifle discussion in the west rather than 'for reasons of 
security' as you have stated.

If you're going to make progress towards your World Government, European Superstate, 
Global Currency or whatever it is you want, you must do it with the consent of the 
people of the world.  That, I'm afraid, means allowing at least some press scrutiny.

If you don't do that you open yourselves wide up to the allegation of being 
totalitarians. Something I would have thought you might want to avoid.

Press scrutiny is not an option. It is essential to democracy. Without it we have 

Also, it seems that politicians are only invited from the NATO countries. Although all 
Western European and North American Countries have representatives at the conference. 
France, for example, has no political repres

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: 3 Dead After Shooting at Missouri Abbey

2002-06-10 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this one on the Sollog line, or any of the other maps that various researchers have 
provided? Another Hegelian set-up by the gun grabbers?


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3 Dead After Shooting at Missouri Abbey

June 10, 2002

Filed at 6:36 p.m. ET

CONCEPTION, Mo. (AP) -- A man wielding two rifles opened
fire in the hallways of a Roman Catholic abbey Monday,
killing two monks and wounding two others before committing
suicide in a chapel, authorities said.

Investigators said they were trying to establish a motive
for the shootings at the Conception Abbey, a Benedictine
monastery and seminary. A spokeswoman for the Kansas
City-St. Joseph Diocese said it was not known if the
shootings were related to the sex scandal in which priests
around the country have been accused of molesting

``We have no idea who this person is,'' said Rebecca
Summers, diocese spokeswoman. ``There appears to be no
explanation as to why this happened.''

The gunman was identified by the sheriff's office as
71-year-old Lloyd Robert Jeffress of Kearney, about 15
miles northeast of Kansas City. The man apparently opened
fire at random in the halls around the business offices of
the monastery, said the Rev. Gregory Polan, abbot of the
abbey. Monks barred themselves in their rooms when they
realized they were hearing gunfire.

Two monks were killed and two other monks were seriously
wounded. Authorities later found the suspect with a gunshot
wound to the head, slumped over in a pew in a chapel on the
monastery grounds. Two weapons, an AK-47 and a sawed-off
.22-caliber rifle, were the body.

The victims were identified as the Rev. Philip Schuster,
85, and Brother Damian Larson, 64. Schuster was a greeter
at the monastery's front door; Larson worked as a
groundskeeper. Polan said both had been at the Abbey for
more than 30 years.

The Rev. Kenneth Reichert, 68, an assistant to the abbot,
was shot in the stomach and was in surgery. The Rev.
Norbert Schappler, 73, was listed in stable condition; it
wasn't immediately clear how he was wounded. Schappler
oversees the dining room and works as director at the
printing house.

Sheriff Ben Espey said officers had been sent to the
gunman's home about 70 miles south of the Abbey to look for
clues. But as of Monday afternoon, no evidence was

Polan said he was shown the man driver's license but did
not recognize him as an employee or as anyone with a
connection to the abbey.

``There's a lot of shock and sadness,'' Polan said. ``These
were two monks whose lives have been lived here in a
generous, gracious spirit.''

The Conception Abbey is on a 30-acre setting about 90 miles
north of Kansas City. No students or faculty were on campus
because the seminary had ended its academic year in
mid-May. The complex also has a large publishing house,
which turns out religious greeting cards, calendars and

The seminary college is the biggest priestly training
center in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. It lists a
staff of 19 priests, eight brothers, one sister and six lay
professors and has about 100 students.

Ronda Strueby, a supervisor in the packaging department of
the abbey's printing house, said all employees were

``One of the monks, Brother Jeremiah, said there's a man in
the monastery with a gun, and we need everyone to
evacuate,'' she said. ``We were all told to go home.''

He added: ``There's a lot of helicopters and things around
now. It's just not something you think about happening
especially in a religious institution.''

Bishop Raymond J. Boland issued a statement saying he has
gotten few details of the shooting, and encouraged people
to pray for the entire Conception community.

``We are also praying for the gunman whom, we have been led
to believe, took his own life,'' Boland's statement said.
``Whatever motivated him to orchestrate this carnage, we
still know that he and his family need our prayers and our
compassionate understanding.''


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Delmart Vreeland - US Intelligence And 9-11

2002-06-10 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

forward - another side of the story

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

>   If you are able to answer:  was Sexton/RL's visit planned much in advance,
> or was it spontaneous, ie, within the previous four or five days?  is
> there a criminal investigation being conducted?

Cameron Sexton / Rising Legion was invited by the Lt. to visit him the night that I 
posted the pdf's online - Thursday May 30th. He left first thing Friday morning and 
returned on Saturday. There is NO way that he had ANYTHING to do with this alleged 
poisoning, but given that Galati was poisoned on 23rd May (& don't forget that Galati 
is representing a terrorist suspect) I personally think that Vreeland made the whole 
thing up to give himself credibility.

As to Mike Rupperts email, in case you werent aware, Mike's site has been hacked 
repeatedly over the past two months & somebody has been sending emails purporting to 
be from him to various government officials and members of his "From the Wilderness" 
mailing list. Given that he has made absolutely no confirmation of this story, I am 
highly suspect that Ruppert was the origin of the email - rather it was the hacker.

I would also suggest that people review these documents:


where Mike Vreeland was arrested, used a false name & claimed he worked for the FBI.

I would also like people to consider why Mike Vreeland, ONI, would use AOL for email & 
why he would ask me and RisingLegion to trace IP addresses for him because he didn't 
know how. (I have copies of IM conversations with him that prove this.)

I would also like people to cosider why the Russian email bears a MSN copyright which 
reads '2002'. & also why many of the FIN documents bear a fax header from him dated 
April 28th 2002 (was he using his fax as a photocopier to produce fraudulent documents 
based on those which were already in circulation on sites like scholnick's & 

You should also read the judge's rulings available at:


(especially as to the evidence submitted of an email sent to the Pentagon just before 
the infamous phonecall requesting an office for Delmart Edward Vreeland - the Pentagon 
staff are not intelligence experts - otherwise I'm sure they would have *somehow* been 
absent from work on 9-11)

When you've finished with that, email me & I'll tell you more. I used to be 100% 
Vreeland as several people know. I was wrong. He is operating a pathetic scheme of 
lies - which is being bolstered by a growing internet cult of followers - in order to 
clear his name of the fraud charges & avoid extradition where he is wanted in many, 
many states. The defense fund is a convienient way to get pocket money in the mean 
time. I wouldn't be suprised if he's planning on selling his story to Hollywood or 
some other such crap. This man is a con man - a clever one - but a con man.

I will be posting a fuller statement soon when I have many other facts verified that 
will not put certain people under danger. But if ANYBODY continues down the line that 
Rising/Cameron poisoned Vreeland I will notify him and put the two of you in contact 
because that is considered slander.

So read the above (you might also be interested in finding out about "Paul Dore" and 
the novel "Ender's game" - which, when asked, the Lt claimed was his favorite book)

Rising and I put in a lot of effort for Vreeland. Rising scanned all the documents 
personally that I uploaded to the web. Vreeland's new game is to call everyone who 
disagrees with him a paid disinfo agent and people are going along with this.

I know the rest of the board is exhausted with this story - believe

[CTRL] clergy secrecy clause, FBI and Reagan at UC

2002-06-10 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Exposed: The clause that contradicts Pell By Frank Walker 6/9/02 The
Sun-Herald Embattled: Archbishop George Pell. "A disabled woman who said she
became pregnant after being raped by a Catholic priest had to sign a secrecy
clause before the Church would pay her $15,000 compensation. The deal,
authorised by a NSW bishop last month, contradicts Sydney Archbishop George
Pell's statements that victims were not prevented from discussing such abuse.
 The legal agreement for compensation between the woman, from rural NSW, and
the Church bars her from talking about the incidentIf she did talk, the
document says, she would have to repay the $15,000. Dr Pell has said victims
are not prevented from discussing the abuse they had suffered. Yesterday, the
Church spent about $100,000 on advertisements in newspapers across Australia
apologising to sex abuse victims.

from Lynne Moss-Sharmann


Secret FBI files reveal covert activities at UC
Bureau's campus operations involved Reagan, CIA
Seth Rosenfeld, Chronicle Staff Writer  Sunday, June 9, 2002

Under the guise of protecting national security, the FBI conducted
wide-ranging and unlawful intelligence operations concerning the University
of California that at different points involved the head of the CIA and
then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, The Chronicle has learned.  According to thousands
of pages of FBI records obtained by The Chronicle after a 17-year legal
fight, the FBI unlawfully schemed with the head of the CIA to harass
students, faculty and members of the Board of Regents, and mounted a
concerted campaign to destroy the career of UC President Clark Kerr, which
included sending the White House derogatory allegations about him that the
bureau knew were false.

SF Gate The Campus Files_ A Chronicle Special

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-06-10 Thread Mike Clark

-Caveat Lector-

Some persons have mailed me saying that IODIZED SALT would properly

fill up the THYROID with IODINE and prevent the collection of RADIOACTIVE

IODINE 131.   Evidently this is not the case.

For some reason IODINE has been added to table salt for the last 50 years

probably relating to nuclear testing in the western states.  But it doesnt

appear that table salt with IODINE would be sufficient to insulate the



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Delmart Vreeland - US Intelligence And 9-11

2002-06-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Sean McBride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't have a transcript of the interview.  A free MP3 player is
available at www.winamp.com.  Try to listen to the interview if you
can, because it seems quite credible -- more credible than Vreeland's
own performance in his message forums.
> There is reason to believe that the second Terry Weems was
deliberately created by Vreeland to try to discredit the real Terry
Weems.  I can't go into it now, but the truth will probably come out
on this matter soon.

Agreed, mysteries solved are progressive!
> I'm aware of the Garrison story, and of elaborate attempts by the
government to discredit witnesses and whistleblowers.  Originally I
thought something like that was going on with Vreeland until I learned

Well, that's the operative phrase eh?

Did you 'learn more', or did you
digest sophisticated 'disinformation' ?
> Ruppert may have excellent disinformation deflectors, but I've seen
him, with my own eyes and in direct encounters, make errors of fact
and judgment.  What do you make of this message from Ruppert?
> June 1, 2002  1400 hrs
> I am writing this from a hotel room in Sacramento. There is little I
can do from here except report what I know. I am presently without the
ability to report in further detail.
> Both Mike Vreeland and his lawyer Rocco Galati have been poisoned.
Both are apparently out of the woods, but for Vreeland it was a very
close call.

Well, this is calling out 'the elves' to protect the Lt.
Ruppert+internet+elves=45 minutes.
> Here's what I know. Approximately four days ago, shortly after
releasing the first batch of FIN (financial transaction documents
involving the FED) Vreeland received two bottles of wine from Allan

Subsequent info:
Talking to the Lt. according to the Lt. Mr. Greenspan
was glad that the missing docs had been discovered
and promised wine.
The Lt doesn't know the real origin of the clopazined bottle.
When wine arrived it was *assumed* to be from AG.

Then Cameron Sexton/RisingLegion handled the wine.
It's tres Poirot!

> Vreeland stated that he had spoken to Greenspan on the phone and
knew that the wine was coming.
> I was on the phone with Vreeland yesterday right after he had had
about two glasses of the wine. Upon answering the phone Vreeland
immediately stated that he had been vomitting blood. He looked in the
mirror while he was on the phone with me and said that the whites of
his eyes were turning blue and was feeling violently ill. I could hear
sounds of the toilet flushing and water running. Vreeland was
obviously ill.
> He became disoriented but as soon as he saw his eyes he said, "Shit,
it's the same stuff they gave Marc [Bastien] - clozapine." In a frenzy
he went to a stash or previously prepared syringes and took five
successive injections of medications. I have a list of what he took
but am not disclosing it now. I listened as the caps came off the
syringes, hit the floor, and as he injected.
> I stayed on the phone with him for about 45 minutes until a friend
of his got in the apartment. Vreeland was fighting sleep. He didn't
sound like he was faking at all.
> Today I learned from Vreeland that his attorney - Rocco Galati - had
been poisoned while eating in a Toronto restaurant and had begun
bleeding from his nose (and possibly ears) after becoming violently
ill. There were apparently multiple witnesses to this incident. The
Galati poisoning occured on the same day that Vreeland received the wine.

Conflicting info here.
I thought Rocco's case was earlier.

> Galati is now out of the hospital but extremely weak.

[CTRL] Princeton Students urge divestiture from Israel

2002-06-10 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

The Record

Students urge divestiture from Israel
Monday, June 10, 2002

Staff Writer

More than a decade has passed since student protesters staged sit-ins and
erected shantytowns to push their universities to divest from South
Africa - a movement that, in general, pitted students and professors
against administrators and trustees.

Now some students and faculty have revived that strategy, aimed at a
different target: Israel. And this time, it is pitting students against
students, professors against professors.

The divestment movement, which gained notoriety this spring at Princeton
University and has since spread to several other schools, demands that
universities sell their stock in companies that do business in Israel.
Their goal - which they said took on greater urgency in March when the
Israeli military, in response to a series of suicide bombings, staged an
armed assault in largely Palestinian territories - is for Israel to cede
control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A petition demanding that Princeton, which has about $8 billion in
investments, divest from Israeli-connected companies gained the support of
more than 300 students and 42 faculty members, including the history
department chairman. Some of the companies identified by the group include
General Electric Co., Lucent Technologies, McDonald's Corp., Merck & Co.
Inc., and Lehman Bros. Inc.

"We believe that the human rights of Palestinians must be respected,"
stated the petition, delivered to the university April 18. "Further, as
members of the Princeton University community, we believe that Princeton
University ought to use its influence - political and financial - to
encourage the United States government and the government of Israel to
respect these human rights."

Whether the divest-from-Israel campaign will have the same legs as the
divest-from-South Africa campaign remains to be seen. But this much is
already clear: Unlike most campus causes, in which some people are strongly
supportive and most others are indifferent, this movement has sparked a
sharp backlash.

During a protest outside Princeton's student center in April, another group
of students demonstrated a few feet away, holding signs that said,
"Self-defense is not apartheid," and "Arafat is no Nelson Mandela."

The divestment petition prompted at least 100 students to sign an opposing
petition, delivered the same day, urging the university to retain its
Israeli-connected stock. In addition, 43 professors signed a letter to The
Daily Princetonian condemning their colleagues for endorsing the divestment

"The South African regime was a tiny minority suppressing a large majority
in horrific ways," said economics professor Alan S. Blinder, who signed the
letter. "Israel has a democratically elected government, elected by the
majority, which is defending itself from outside aggression. You don't have
to agree with all of their policies - I don't - to be offended by the
parallelism. ... If there's any sanity here at all, and I think there is,
it will not go anywhere."

So far, it's not going anywhere, at least not at Princeton. A university
advisory committee considered the petition and concluded that it did not
meet the university's requirement that there be "considerable, thoughtful,
and sustained campus interest" before excluding a company from its

Vincent Lloyd, the student organizer of the campaign, said he wasn't
surprised by the university's decision.

"We didn't see that as an ending point," he said.

Princeton's holdings, or endowment, was ranked as the fourth-largest among
U.S. universities last year, and is about one-third the size of New
Jersey's state budget.

>From the late 1970s to the early 1990s, Princeton and many other
universities resisted student activists' calls to divest from companies
doing business in South Africa. In 1978, students took over Nassau Hall,
the main administrative building.

Eventually, Princeton sold its holdings in four companies that were deemed
to be in conflict with the university's values. But the issue quickly
evaporated after the white-controlled South African government began
dismantling apartheid, the policy of racial segregation and discrimination
against blacks.

Since then, the word "divestment" virtually disappeared from the campus
lexicon, and student activists turned their attention to tuition increases,
better wages for university workers, and banning the use of sweatshops in
the making of university apparel.

Lloyd, a religion major who just completed his junior year, said he was
inspired to take up the divestment issue after hearing Princeton alumnus
Larry Hamm describe his efforts to push the school to divest from South
Africa in the late 1970s.

Lloyd sees the situation in Israel as similar to South Africa under
apartheid - not so much a geopolitical struggle, but an issue of human
rights. His group, the Pri

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Delmart Vreeland - US Intelligence And 9-11

2002-06-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Sean McBride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree completely with you about the Octopus remarks at the end of
your message, but I doubt that Vreeland is a good guy in the exposing
of the Octopus.  Whistleblowers like Terry Reed, Chip Tatum, Chuck
Hayes and Michael Riconosciuto were much more credible than Vreeland.

Well, Tatum, Riconosciuto and Vreeland ended up framed in jail.
Also whistle-blowers like Leo Wanta and Bill Tyree.
Under current US circumstances being in jail *adds* to credibility imo.

> The people around them back up their stories.  The people who have
known Vreeland -- like Terry Weems -- dismiss him as a con artist and
> I still don't understand your proof that Vreeland was working for
Jeremy Boorda.  What exactly is the proof?

It wouldn't be prudent to discuss the UID on an open board.
It was Admiral Brooda's creation, an 'Unofficial Intelligence
Investigation Division' to investigate people who were so powerful
that no 'official' investigation was permitted. As CNO (Chief of Naval
Operations) Admiral Brooda was the one person who could arrest the
President for treason. The group was penetrated and started dropping
like flies. According to Lt. Vreeland--and knowing I was a journalist
he said up front that there were things he couldn't tell me, so I'll
assume what he told me isn't 'secret'--the original UID is down to six
survivors, all in hiding outside the US. However, after the Danny
Casalero murder, investigative journalists began cross-pollinating
with the UID and indymedia people could easily join; after all it is
'unofficial'. Every independent investigator is automatically UID.
As for 'proof', well, the victors write the history eh.
> What exactly did he say at the Michigan Mafia trial in 1998?  Is
there any corroboration from other sources for his claims?

Well, I suppose you could look into Michigan court records.
I believe the particular court case involved arson/insurance fraud
about a fellow named Moore. When an organized crime group gets bust
everybody gets arrested, including the undercover operator.
Otherwise the bad guys know who turned them in
and take revenge.
> - Original Message -
>   From: lday
>   Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 9:44 AM
>   Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Delmart Vreeland - US Intelligence And 9-11
>   --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Sean McBride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   > --
>   > "Lt. Vreeland also has a legend, a supposed 'criminal record' that
>   allowed him to penetrate organized crime. His UID boss, Admiral Jeremy
>   Brooda, was exceptionally annoyed that US navy ships were being used
>   to smuggle drugs into the US *with CIA complicity*. Lt Vreeland needed
>   the 'legend' to impress the criminals and allow infiltration of the
>   crime group."
>   > --
>   >
>   > How do you know this to be true.  Where is your proof.
>   He testified against the Michigan Mafia in 1998.
>   I can understand your skepticism. But I have met the Lt.
>   in person and judged his character for myself.
>   Also I've researched many cases of falsified frame-ups
>   by the US government: Bill Tyree, Bo Gritz, Chip Tatum,
>   Michael Riconosciuto, Leo Wanta.. There is a long list.
>   Any honest trial would have acquitted them all.
>   There are also a lot of  mysterious 'suicides': Admiral Brooda
>   and half the UID, Vince Foster, Danny Casalero, Cliff Baxter,
>   etc etc. The US seems to me to be in the grip of a highly
>   criminal octopus. So corruption becomes expected and it may be hard
>   to recognize a real patriot when one comes along.
>   Lawrence Day
>   >

[CTRL] (Ft. Steward soldier set free!) Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for June 10, 2002

2002-06-10 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

forwarded message below highlight

In a message dated 6/10/02 3:29:07 AM Central Daylight Time,

> __Fort Stewart Terrorist Is Set Free - What the HECK is Going On Here???
>  "The soldier from Fort Stewart, Ga, who was arrested on charges of
> an explosive device on a dirt road will serve 18 months probation after
> pleading no contest yesterday. A Jacksonville police officer stopped Derek
> Lawrence Peterson in May and found him wearing all black clothing and black
> plastic pads on his knees and elbows. Police said Peterson, 27, told them
> was in the area practicing 'recon tactics.' After he was arrested,
> who has served on an Army tank crew at Fort Stewart since March, at first
> held on a $5 million bond. Peterson's attorney, Hank Coxe, said yesterday
> client's case had been blown out of proportion because police initially
> suspected Peterson's actions were related to terrorism." WHAT? "No contest"
> means the Government did not want the truth to come out. Probation means
> Peterson will return to ACTIVE DUTY. This looks like a BLACK OPERATION by
> Pentagon to create a "terrorist" attack. Call your rep at 202-224-3121 and
> demand the truth!
>  http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/060802/met_9616747.html

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Anti-Bush Protests

Demand Media Coverage for Monday Press Conference By UnansweredQuestions.org

Greg Palast Tours the West Coast

Artists and Web Activists Must Lead a 'New Democratic Revolution'

Fort Stewart Terrorist Is Set Free - What the HECK is Going On Here???

Salon Delivers a NEW Enron Bombshell -- The Bushies Were Tipped Off in August!

Before 911, the NSA Monitored Calls between the Chief Hijacker and 911 Mastermind - 
And Then Sat on The Info?!

Bush and White House Staff Started Taking Cipro for Anthrax on Sept 11 - What Did They 

We Want David Frasca's Head on a Platter - But Just For the Appetizer

Like FBI Agents Coleen Rowley and John O'Neill, Robert Wright's Terrorism 
Investigations Were 'Intentionally and Repeatedly Thwarted'

Smoking Gun 5: The Events, Planes and Players of September 11 - Putting It All Together

John Ashcroft's FBI Spent A Year In The French Quarter - And Found Just 12 Prostitutes

Right Wing GOP Hypocrites Play Politics with OUR Safety

Department of Homeland Insecurity -- or is it the Department of Distract and Divert?

Public Support for 'War on Terror' Wanes as 'Boy Who Cried Wolf' Warnings End in 'But 
Have a Nice Weekend'

Karl Rove Uses the FBI to Teach Public Relations 101 : Change the Subject

Why Are the Whistleblowers Women? Why Are The Men Keeping Quiet About Enron and 911?

The Criminal Audacity of George Bush Never Ceases to Amaze

If Reagan was the 'Teflon' President, Bush is the 'Tinkerbell' Resident

Chicago Police Will Fingerprint and Investigate Journalists!

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 6/11, join 911 families in Washington, DC for a rally in support of a 911 
investigation. On 6/11,  protest Bush in Kansas City. On 6/14, Turn Your Back on Bush 
at the Ohio State University commencement. On 6/27, protest Cheney in Charlotte, NC.

__Demand Media Coverage for Monday Press Conference By UnansweredQuestions.org

"A press conference and web site launch for

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Afghan Opium Harvest Estimated at 3,000 Tons

2002-06-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

10. Newsbrief:  Afghan Opium Harvest Estimated at 3,000 Tons

The United Nations drug control office estimates that the Afghan
opium harvest will yield up to 3,000 tons of opium this spring.
That's what UN spokeswoman Antonella Deledda told a press
conference in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, the Frontier Post (Pakistan)
reported Monday.  While well below the record Afghan crop of 1999,
when the yield hit 4,600 tons, the huge harvest is a remarkable
reversal from last year.  In 2001, the Taliban effectively banned
opium growing and the estimated yield plummeted to 300 tons, most
of it from areas controlled by the Northern Alliance -- then an
opposition group, now the most powerful player in the new Afghan

Burma, which displaced Afghanistan as the world's leading opium
producer last year during the Taliban ban, produced an estimated
1,200 tons last year.  No estimate is available on current
production in Burma, but it appears likely that Afghanistan will
regain the title this year.

The stuff will be showing up as heroin in consumer markets from
Teheran and Karachi to Frankfurt and London later this year, after
enriching local warlords, corrupt officials and trafficking
organizations along the way.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] "Sympathy for the Devil"

2002-06-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Title: APFN
-Caveat Lector-


DukeMcCartney new video...he is the Sun God, Illuminati, anyone?Sun Jun  9 16:40:42 200224.88.214.105Have you seen it yet?  He is going through some "knightly" ritual journey and laying hold of the Sun at the end..."Sympathy for the Devil"...is inspired by the Bolshevik Revolution!!!  I'd have to draw an obvious parallel to a Rothschild as the original "man of wealth and taste" LOL...who "killed the Czar and his ministers" hmmm???"Sympathy for the Devil"Mick Jagger's mad, erudite incantation strutted '60s rock toward the dark side of history. - - - - - - - - - - - -By Douglas CruickshankJan. 14, 2002 | While the Beatles dominated pop in the 1960s, their music was nearly devoid of one vital element: darkness. At a time when authentic blues was still relatively unknown (and also not widely available) to most white kids, those who craved the seductive complexities of the dark side turned to the Rolling Stones. And nothing more vividly illuminated the group's supposed affinity for Lucifer than "Sympathy for the Devil," their anthem-cum-incantation in the form of a taunting cultural fable. It was the first cut on the A side of "Beggar's Banquet" -- which now, 33 years later, still stands as not only one of the Stones' finest albums, but one of the best rock records ever made. Released on Dec. 5, 1968, "Beggar's Banquet" came out just 10 days after the Beatles' White Album, and a year and a day before the Stones' notorious free concert  at Altamont Speedway in Livermore, Calif. (Contrary to popular legend, "Sympathy for the Devil" was not the song being played when a young man was killed at the free concert. The band was knocking out "Under My Thumb" when 18-year-old Meredith Hunter was stabbed to death by a member of the Hell's Angels motorcycle club. Several Web sites  reference Don McLean's allusi

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] KPFAer insights on treatment of Solomon's busting on Ruppert

2002-06-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

Read these words carefully:
"Those who read Solomon's attack and Ruppert's work will see
that Solomon flagrantly misrepresents him.
Although much remains hidden, the US government's actions (and
inactions) leading up to the Sept. 11th attacks are the story of the
century. As a station, we have kept this story almost entirely from
listeners because of vague fears about "credibility" based on a
inaccurate hatchet job from an icon of "progressive" media critique."

> From Ed Rippy, News Dept.
> `
> It is now common knowledge that the Bush administration received
> warnings of hijackings well before Sept. 11th. It is less well known
> that some of us in the station have been working on this story, and
> broader context, for months and have met with near-uniform
dismissal of
> our work.
> `
> Kellia Ramares, Bonnie Faulkner, and I have been developing this
> based largely on the reporting of the much-maligned Mike Ruppert.
> and Kellia played portions of his talk at Fort Mason on Guns &
> during a
> previous fund drive, raising near-record money. I gave the News
Dept. a
> short article I had written outlining the evidence (which goes way
> beyond the White House's admissions) for preplanning of the war on
> Afghanistan. When I later asked the recipient what (s)he thought of
> the response was, "I can't remember what it was about."
> `
> I brought the issue up (along with the new, conclusive evidence
> presented in Robert Stinnet's Day of Deceit that the Roosevelt
> administration provoked and permitted the attack on Pearl Harbor)
to the
> person in charge of another daily show; (s)he replied, "Even if it's
> true, I don't want to know." Seeing little interest at KPFA, I
posted my
> work (five articles so far) on Indymedia and circulated it as best I
> could in antiwar activist circles. Its reception has, in general,
> very good.
> `
> Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney spoke on "Flashpoints" on
> about her call for a serious investigation into the ignored
warnings of
> attack and profiteering from the ensuing war. To my knowledge, KPFA
> not cover the issue beyond this until establishment Washington
> its predicable storm of scorn and denials. To my knowledge, we have
> never examined the evidence beyond what I have mentioned and a
> or two on "Flashpoints" with Mike Ruppert.. Perhaps I have missed
> something.
> `
> Norman Solomon sent a three-page fax to Philip Maldari dissing
> work (and the thesis of US government foreknowledge of, or
> in, the attacks) in a very underhanded and dishonest way. This memo
> circulated through KPFA and as a result most of the staff wouldn't
> the story with a ten-foot pole. I gave the News Dept. a critique of
> Solomon's attack, but it doesn't seem to have helped.
> `
> "The Consortium," an informal group of reporters and activists
> investigating the deep politics of 9-11, produced a lengthy,
> rebuttal of Solomon's attack, and Kellia distributed it in the
> Those who read Solomon's attack and Ruppert's work will see
> that Solomon flagrantly misrepresents him.
> `
> Although much remains hidden, the US government's actions (and
> inactions) leading up to the Sept. 11th attacks are the story of the
> century. As a station, we have kept this story almost entirely from
> listeners because of vague fears about "credibility" based on a
> inaccurate hatchet job from an icon of "progressive" media
> `

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] KPFAer insights on treatment of Solomon's busting on Ruppert

2002-06-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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--- Begin Message ---

-Caveat Lector-

Read these words carefully:
"Those who read Solomon's attack and Ruppert's work will see
that Solomon flagrantly misrepresents him.
Although much remains hidden, the US government's actions (and
inactions) leading up to the Sept. 11th attacks are the story of the
century. As a station, we have kept this story almost entirely from
listeners because of vague fears about "credibility" based on a
inaccurate hatchet job from an icon of "progressive" media critique."

> From Ed Rippy, News Dept.
> `
> It is now common knowledge that the Bush administration received
> warnings of hijackings well before Sept. 11th. It is less well known
> that some of us in the station have been working on this story, and
> broader context, for months and have met with near-uniform
dismissal of
> our work.
> `
> Kellia Ramares, Bonnie Faulkner, and I have been developing this
> based largely on the reporting of the much-maligned Mike Ruppert.
> and Kellia played portions of his talk at Fort Mason on Guns &
> during a
> previous fund drive, raising near-record money. I gave the News
Dept. a
> short article I had written outlining the evidence (which goes way
> beyond the White House's admissions) for preplanning of the war on
> Afghanistan. When I later asked the recipient what (s)he thought of
> the response was, "I can't remember what it was about."
> `
> I brought the issue up (along with the new, conclusive evidence
> presented in Robert Stinnet's Day of Deceit that the Roosevelt
> administration provoked and permitted the attack on Pearl Harbor)
to the
> person in charge of another daily show; (s)he replied, "Even if it's
> true, I don't want to know." Seeing little interest at KPFA, I
posted my
> work (five articles so far) on Indymedia and circulated it as best I
> could in antiwar activist circles. Its reception has, in general,
> very good.
> `
> Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney spoke on "Flashpoints" on
> about her call for a serious investigation into the ignored
warnings of
> attack and profiteering from the ensuing war. To my knowledge, KPFA
> not cover the issue beyond this until establishment Washington
> its predicable storm of scorn and denials. To my knowledge, we have
> never examined the evidence beyond what I have mentioned and a
> or two on "Flashpoints" with Mike Ruppert.. Perhaps I have missed
> something.
> `
> Norman Solomon sent a three-page fax to Philip Maldari dissing
> work (and the thesis of US government foreknowledge of, or
> in, the attacks) in a very underhanded and dishonest way. This memo
> circulated through KPFA and as a result most of the staff wouldn't
> the story with a ten-foot pole. I gave the News Dept. a critique of
> Solomon's attack, but it doesn't seem to have helped.
> `
> "The Consortium," an informal group of reporters and activists
> investigating the deep politics of 9-11, produced a lengthy,
> rebuttal of Solomon's attack, and Kellia distributed it in the
> Those who read Solomon's attack and Ruppert's work will see
> that Solomon flagrantly misrepresents him.
> `
> Although much remains hidden, the US government's actions (and
> inactions) leading up to the Sept. 11th attacks are the story of the
> century. As a station, we have kept this story almost entirely from
> listeners because of vague fears about "credibility" based on a
> inaccurate hatchet job from an icon of "progressive" media
> `

[CTRL] UnansweredQuestions.org on Airforce Response on 911

2002-06-10 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  Excellent summary of events, including sourcing.



Airforce Response
At 8:20 am, Flight 11 from Boston ceases its transponder signal, radio
contact lost, plane goes dramatically off-course. According to NORAD, it
takes Air Traffic Control EIGHTEEN MINUTES to inform them about Flight 11,
(8:38) in contrast to routine procedure. (CNN) Compare this to the "Payne
Stewart" incident of 1999, where the Airforce was called in after about five
minutes - an Airforce jet vectored into position within eighteen. (National
Transportation Safety Report)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-06-10 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

According to author Gordon Thomas in his 2001 book Seeds of Fire, S-4 is
actually C-4.

His sources incidate the entire Nevada Test Site was built in response to
the events of the 1973 Yom Kippur war in which 109 American fighter planes
were shot down in 18 days because they could not evade primitive
ground-to-air missiles used by Israel's enemies.

The hidden purpose there was to develop the stealth fighter. Of course the
best way to keep that a secret is to sensationalize rumors such as the ones
about aliens and UFOs at the Nevada Test Site.

And if there actually were some of that going on as well, all the better for
disinformation purposes.

According to Thomas the real story is how Chinese intelligence penetrated
the biggest U.S. military secrets at the Los Alamos National Labs. Wen Ho
Lee was targeted erroneously, however; his work may have been on Operation
Holographic Portal, which is certainly more top-secret than any aircraft
ever developed.

Much also on Jonathan Pollard and the need to prevent Israel from getting
the Intelligence they want on U.S. military secrets.

Seeds of Fire is not a conspiracy book; however it touches on many subjects
normally relegated to "conspiracy theory."

Thomas, of course, is Irish and may have an agenda against Israel; he is
certainly not alone in that.

Seeds of Fire connects Chinese financing to Bin Laden; he was used as a
surrogate to attack the US on Sept. 11, 2001.

> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Wingate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: [CTRL] THE LAZAR FLAWS - Theories
> http://www.serve.com/mahood/lazar/fl-thery.htm
> THE LAZAR FLAWS - Theories
> Lazar was at S-4, but it was a setup, and he was shown what
> he was ?supposed?
> to see. He was the patsy.
> The idea behind this theory is that the government wanted to
> get out some dis-
> information (for uncertain purposes) and staged the episode for
> Lazar's benefit, knowing of his association with Lear, and
> inability to keep it
> secret. If that's the case, some elements might be real (the flight
> test), but others false (the other 8 craft).

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] They forced the children to take Nyquil

2002-06-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.sierratimes.com/02/06/10/raythomas.htm

Cuttin' through the Bull #117
By Ray Thomas Copyright © 2002
Published 06. 9. 02 at 13:43 Sierra Time

They forced the children to take Nyquil to make
them sleep. The children were forced to live in one room that contained no furniture
so they had to sleep on the floor. They had no access to bathrooms and were forced
to "do their business" right there on the floor and live in the stink. They yelled 
slurs at
them, and videotaped them being physically and sexually abused. Should the child
protectors snatch these children from these abusive parents? Probably not, since
they had already been snatched. The people who did this are the foster parents with
whom they placed these children after they snatched them from their real parents.

For that, Florida's Department of Children &

Families will pay $5 million taxpayer dollars to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of 
siblings who were physically and sexually abused while in foster care. In the suit, it
was claimed that state workers "ignored clear signs of danger" and allowed them to
be adopted by foster parents who starved them, locked them up, and beat them.
Why would they do such a thing, you ask.

My answer is simple: they don't care. They snatch children from guilty and innocent
families alike because each child "in the system" pays them a set fee every month
from the feds and the state. Plus they can get more fees when they can coerce the
parents into "counseling" and "parenting classes" for which they (the parents) must
pay. When they can place these children in a foster home that costs a little bit less,
they're money ahead and staff, from workers on up to the director get bonuses that
allow them to share in the bounty. It is my contention that these people involved
should not escape from having to pay for their crimes. They should each be sued for
personal assets, as is allowed when government agents violate the constitutional
rights of the people they rape -- and violate the constitutional rights of these 
and their parents they did, with abandon.

Ordinarily, damages in state negligence claims are capped at $100,000 (you try
"capping" claims against individuals and see how far you get), but since they
evidently violated the civil rights of these children the state (the taxpayers, 
really) are
subjected to a greater penalty (Unfortunately, the people who did the violating don't
pay a penny of that. The worst that normally happens to them is to lose their jobs.
More likely, they'll just be transferred until the public forgets their names.).

Named in the suit were DCF chief Kathleen Kearney and five unnamed DCF workers
(Why unnamed?).

The reason the case was settled was to get rid of it, since the department is under
intense criticism right now for "losing" 5-year-old Rilya Wilson, who had not been
visited by a worker in 15 months, although the paperwork said she was. They're still
searching for this child as this is written. The case for which they were sued, had
many similarities to the Wilson case, in that caseworkers failed to regularly visit the
children, and that various units within DCF overlooked problems in the foster parent's
backgrounds and turned a "blind eye" to the children's distress. At least they didn't
"lose" these children.

The foster parents, Frank and Jackie Lynch, had one of their own daughters
removed from their care in 1987 for sexual and emotional abuse, according to court
documents. Jackie Lynch's other three biological children were put under protective
supervision by the court, but were left in the home. DCF was aware that Frank Lynch
"had abandoned his biological children," had been arrested for obstruction of justice,
and had fallen $16,000 behind in child support payments. By the department's own
standards, rules, and regulations, the Lynch's home should never have been
licensed and re-licensed as a foster home.

But the DCF not only licenses them and placed these children in their home, they
promptly forgot them. The children's lawyer said that not a single DCF worker
documented a visit to the Lynch home in the first 20 months of their care there. They
left these children in the home even after learning that Jackie Lynch's 15-year-old
son was arrested for indecent assault and videotaping a 14-year-old girl having sex
with him.

They ignored other signs, too. In 1992, the children's day care operator told DCF that
Jackie Lynch refused to keep the children at home when they were sick and was
"uncooperative." They neither investigated the allegation nor visited the children to
see if they were well. In February 1992, a volunteer guardian appointed by the court
to monitor the children told DCF that the children were withdrawn and cried easily.
The guardian claimed that the oldest boy had "changed dramatically" and was like a
"whipped dog." DCF did not investigate the claim, and demanded the guardian be

[CTRL] We have a missing Airplane

2002-06-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.sierratimes.com/02/06/10/arst061002.htm

HEADS UP DIXIE: We have a missing Airplane from Georgia
A Sierra Times Special Report
Published 06. 9. 02 at 17:10 Sierra Time

Here's what we know: A 1979 Cessna 172, single engine airplane was reported
stolen from Daniel Field in Augusta on Saturday, and it's still off the radar screen as
of today.

The missing airplane is white with orange and brown stripe. The FAA tail tag number
of the missing plane is: N 6468E The Serial Number (harder to remove) is: 172 -

The owner thought a friend borrowed it, but when it didn't come back Sunday
morning, he did the 911 thing. "The best we can gather is that someone trespassed
on the property and flew the plane out of there," Sgt. Jimmy Vowell of the Richmond
County Sheriff's Office told news services in Atlanta.

Airport manager Buster Boshears said the airport does not have security or tower
personnel 24 hours a day, but the sheriff's office patrols at night. Boshears said the
Cessna aircraft ranges in price from $25,000 to $160,000.

Of course, there were warnings for everyone to watch for those planes taking
unauthorized flights after September 11. And after the Tampa incident,you'll think
we'd have learned something. The fact that no one knows where it went probably
means who ever nabbed it turned the transponders off.

If she's still airborne (fuel stops would be mandatory), look for something flying low;
as to look like ground clutter on NORAD or commercial airspace radar.

Investigator Cantrell of the Richmond Country Sheriff's Office told The Sierra Times
that all air control towers are on alert. "We are working very aggressively on the
situation". According to Deputy McClaren, "ain't no telling what that Cessna could
carry". Flight specs show a Cessna 172 can carry up to a 500 lb. Payload.

And before we get all bent out of shape, this could also be some drug boys looking
for a fast way out of town. If anyone in Dixie spots this bird - well, you know who to

More as this develops.

© 2002 SierraTimes.com (unless otherwise noted)


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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Death For Families Of Palestinian Fighters

2002-06-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.middleeastwire.com:8080/storypage.jsp?id=11152

Top Jewish Lawyer Urges Death For Families Of Palestinian Fighters
Publisher: Forward.com
Posted: 2002-06-09

A prominent Washington attorney and Jewish communal leader is calling for the
execution of family members of suicide bombers.

Nathan Lewin, an oft-mentioned candidate for a federal judgeship and legal advisor
to several Orthodox organizations, told the Forward that such a policy would provide
a much-needed deterrent against suicide attacks. Under the proposal, which Lewin
unveiled in the current issue of the opinion journal Sh'ma, family members would be
spared if they immediately condemned the bombing and refused financial
compensation for the loss of their relative. (Lewin's article appears on the web at
http://www.shma.com/may02/ nathan.htm.)

While a 20-month spate of suicide bombings has been met in the Jewish community
with calls for increasingly Draconian preventive measures, Lewin appears to be the
first Jewish communal leader to approve publicly of the concept of executing
innocent civilians in the hopes of curbing terrorism.

"If executing some suicide-bomber families saves the lives of even an equal number
of potential civilian victims, the exchange is, I believe, ethically permissible," 
Lewin, who served as president of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers
and Jurists and is a vice president of the Orthodox Union. "It is a policy born of
necessity — the need to find a true deterrent when capital punishment is
demonstrably ineffective."

Lewin argued that the biblical injunction to destroy the ancient tribe of Amalek serves
as a precedent in Judaism for taking measures that are "ordinarily unacceptable" in
the face of a mortal threat. His proposal, however, was rejected by an Israeli
diplomat in New York, and discounted, in terms ranging from mild to condemnatory,
by a range of commentators, terrorism experts and Jewish communal leaders from
across the American political spectrum.

"The State of Israel is determined to respond to every Palestinian provocation," said
Ido Aharoni, consul for media and public affairs at Israel's New York consulate.
"Israel's military approach is to pursue the perpetrators and those who seek to carry
out acts of terrorism against innocent Israelis. Within that framework, Israel is 
to minimize, if possible to eliminate, the number of innocent lives lost."

Several leading Jewish figures, including Harvard Law School professor Alan
Dershowitz, argued that the plan represented a legitimate if flawed attempt to strike a
balance between preventing terrorism and preserving democratic norms. But the
proposal was strongly condemned by the head of the Reform movement, Rabbi Eric
Yoffie, and the executive vice chairwoman of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs,
Hannah Rosenthal.

"The opinion is utterly reprehensible and totally contrary to the most fundamental
principles of the Jewish religious tradition and everything the State of Israel has 
about since its founding," said Yoffie, president of the Union of American Hebrew
Congregations. "I've said it, and everyone realizes, that in a war all of our standards
on civil liberties may not apply. But to say that you need to make common-sense
compromises is a long way from saying we are going to kill innocent people to bring
about deterrence."

Yoffie rejected Lewin's reference to Amalek as a possible justification for killing
innocents. He argued that for nearly 2,000 years talmudic sages and other rabbinic
commentators have argued that the lessons of Amalek could not be applied to
contemporary times. In an article that appeared in the Sh'ma journal alongside
Lewin's essay, Brandeis University Jewish studies professor Arthur Green wrote, "I
only wonder how long it will take [Lewin], by the force of this proof-text, to go all 
way and suggest that the Palestinian nation as a whole has earned the fate of

Green, former president of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, wrote that his
first desire upon reading Lewin's essay was to "tear my garments, as a sign of
mourning on hearing the desecration of God's name."

The criticisms of Lewin were taken one step further by Jeremy Burton, a member of
Sh'ma's advisory board and executive director of AMOS: The National Jewish
Partnership for Social Justice. Burton argued, in his own name, that the attorney
should now be blackballed from organized Jewish life, just as the late Rabbi Meir
Kahane was ostracized for calling for the mass deportation of Arabs from Israel.

Rosenthal, whose organization serves the national network of local Jewish
community relations councils and a range of national organizations, said that Jewish
groups need to condemn any talk in their community of justifying the killing of
civilians. "I can't begin to tell you how many meetings I've been in with colleagues
across the country where the words of spoke

[CTRL] Guess. Stop. Oh?

2002-06-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/25628.html

Dubya calls for US Gestapo
By Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 07/06/2002 at 14:36 GMT

US President George Dubya Bush took to the airwaves last night in an appeal for the
establishment of a new cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security, to keep us
all safe and snug in our beds.

"Thousands of trained killers are plotting to attack us," the President warned, and
added that "this terrible knowledge requires us to act differently."

Acting differently means creating a vast federal bureaucratic complex to gather and
sift data relevant to US persons collected by myriad federal and state government
and law enforcement offices, and commercial bodies such as banks, insurers and
direct marketing firms.

To this will be added regular reports from the NSA, CIA and FBI, at their discretion.

The stated purpose here is to provide a second layer of insurance against the
intelligence and communications failures affecting both the CIA and FBI, which
Congress is now investigating. But according to the White House, the new Homeland
Security Department will not have access to raw data from these agencies, but will
instead rely on whatever redacted reports they happen to volunteer. This means that
any important data these agencies fail to recognize will also be missed by the new
Department. So we can pretty well rule out the possibility that the stated purpose is
the real purpose.

The real purpose, clearly, is data acquisition, mining and manipulation on a
gargantuan scale.

The Department will bring together under one roof the Secret Service, the FBI's
National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS), US Customs, the Coast Guard, the Transportation Security
Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), among
others. It will involve something on the order of 170,000 federal employees and a
budget of $37 billion, though the White House insists that it will be 'budget neutral',
meaning that exisiting and planned federal revenues will simply be redistributed. Of
course it's impossible for a bureaucracy that size to remain 'budget neutral' over the
long term, but that's how it's to be rolled out and sold to Congress in any case.

Safety last
So, how much safer will the public be after all this is set in motion? No safer, or
somewhat less safe, the history of Washington politics tells us. Federal agencies do
not work and play well with others. They scent-mark and jealously defend their turf
and throw elbows at every point of overlap. They blame each other; they even
undermine each other. Anyone who imagines they can be brought together as one
big happy family is smoking, and inhaling.

The Feds will know what you're buying and what you're reading and what you're
watching on TV, but they certainly won't be in a position to use any of that to stop
terrorists. They'll be swimming in data, drowning in it, hopelessly struggling to sort 
out. Keep in mind that the current Congressional hearings on the CIA/FBI intel
failures indicate not that the agencies lacked the raw data they needed, but rather
that they were unable to distinguish the signal from the noise. And now we're to have
an enormous new Department which can accomplish nothing more than to get a lot
more federal employees listening to a lot more noise.

Right -- we feel safer already.

Congressional blindside
And if bureaucratic turf wars weren't enough to make you a pessimist about this
Laudable Scheme, the inevitable and additional Congressional battles ought bring
you around. If we consider all the federal agencies to be affected, twenty-two in 
then we're also probably talking about corresponding changes to something like fifty
or sixty Congressional committees with varying degrees of control over them.
Members wheedle and scheme and plot, sometimes for decades, to win coveted
seats on choice committees. Why? For a delicious combination of enriched media
exposure and meaty hunks of pork for the constituency back home, two immensely
valuable political assets.

As soon as Congress agrees to consider creating the new Department, which,
politically speaking, it must do, back-room alliances and alignments are going to start
shifting in unpredictable ways as Members manouvre to protect their turf. Yet
incredibly, Dubya imagines he can get Congress to sort all this out by the end of the
year. "We face an urgent need," he warned last night. "And we must move quickly,
this year, before the end of the Congressional session."

There are two good reasons for attempting it, however. First, the minute Congress
lifts a finger towards any other important business, the White house can righteously
accuse Members of not caring about the safety of Americans and their precious
children. Since delays are in fact inevitable, the Bush administration is guaranteed a
handy political weapon to use against Democrats in the mid

[CTRL] OT: Bad Breath(ing)

2002-06-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4430485,00.html

Flooded, stinking and sinking: Venice calls in British experts to rescue city

Thames-style barrier and floating marshes are planned

Paul Brown in Venice
Monday June 10, 2002
The Guardian

A team of British experts has been called in to try to save Venice from increasing
inundation from flooding, and to prevent the ancient palaces from being battered by
winter storms.

A controversial plan to build a Thames barrier-type structure with 79 gates, each
weighing 300 tonnes, has been given the go-ahead. Once built, the barrier will be
raised when a high tide threatens to engulf the city.

But there are fears about how this might affect the Venice lagoon, particularly the
possibility that it could further restrict the flushing of the city's waterways by the 
making the famous stinking canals more stagnant.

To avoid making a bad situation worse, the British scientists have been brought in to
map tidal flows, marine plants and sediment deposits, and then suggest ways to
prevent the city becoming the first high-profile victim of global warming anda rise in
sea levels.

The team, led by Professor David Paterson of St Andrews University, will begin the
£250,000 three-year project in August. As well as using remote sensing techniques
and satellite images, the water level and living creatures in the lagoon will be
constantly measured by a network of scientific instruments.

"Our first job is to find out what is going on at the moment and how the lagoon
operates, before the gates are put in place," Prof Paterson said. "If we have that data
we can then measure afterwards to see if the situation is getting better or worse, and
suggest ways of solving the problem."

Yesterday the tide was up, and the ice cream sellers in St Mark's Square were selling
more wellington boots than ices. The high tides of the past few days are an
increasing pattern. Everyone has known for centuries that Venice is sinking, but
floods are becoming a regular nuisance.

Today a floating symposium on the problems of the Adriatic sea, with 250 scientists,
politicians and church officials on board, reaches the city to discuss its problems.
Unless the water has receded, the participants - including the head of the Greek
Orthodox Church, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and Richard Chartres, the
Bishop of London - will have to wade to reach the service of thanksgiving in St
Mark's Cathedral.

Not everyone is convinced that the barriers are the best idea. Prof Paterson says
Venice's original sinking problems were caused when Italy's largest river, the Po,
was diverted from the city centuries ago. The idea was to prevent the sediment
carried down the river silting up the harbour and the grand canal, the original course
of the river.

"The problem with this is that it is the silt which built the sand and mud banks on
which the city stands. When the flow of silt to replenish these stopped, the city
gradually began to sink."

Rising sea levels have gradually eroded the salt marshes and mudbanks that stood
between the city and the Adriatic. Winter storms cause ever higher waves which are
battering the walls of the old palaces.

"There are plans to create artificial silt barriers to keep the waves at bay, but I am
working on a plan to have floating marshes anchored round the city, Prof Paterson
said. They will not stop the tide rising, but they will break up the waves, the main
cause of the structural damage. They could be very cheap and effective."

Last year St Mark's Square, the lowest and most famous part of the city, flooded
more than 90 times. In the whole of the 1920s, the city is recorded as having flooded
only 60 times. Partly because of the continual fear of floods as the warning sirens
become part of everyday life, the local people are moving out. The population of the
old city has halved to 70,000 in the last 50 years and the numbers continue to fall.

The city was originally built and still stands on wooden piles, or tree trunks, driven 
their thousands into the mud. Paintings by Canaletto, document the waterline on
buildings, showing that the tides now lap 80cm (30 inches) higher than two centuries
ago. Marble steps leading down to canals at the beginning of the 20th century are
now submerged, except at low tide.

Apart from diverting the silt away from Venice, modern man has contrived in other
ways to destroy the gem created by the Venetian empire. Professor Erdal Ozhan, a
Turkish expert on the Mediterranean coast who has studied Venice, said that natural
gas extraction in the northern Adriatic had also caused problems. "The combination
of natural gas extraction and tapping into the ground water below the city for drinking
has caused a half-metre drop in the level of the city in the last 50 years," he said.
"Add to that a sea level rise and the situation is critical."

The worst flood in the city's history was in 1966 when a combination of the s

Re: [CTRL] More on La Voz de Aztlan

2002-06-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

The thrust of these folks is somewhat empathic with the Palestinians, as they feel the
original Californians were kinda like pushed out of their lands by various groups who
have had little or no historical ties to the region.  Thus, their focus, as I 
understand it,
is relational.

And, I won't go into how "Semitic" the long-time residents of Palestine and environs
are nor further than having a connexion of sorts makes them, the LVdeA, "pro".

This is similar to the position I think Hussein has had with his efforts to flex his
muscularity in the region, for he hasn't done a whole lot differently with his attmepts
to acquire a might military, various NBC weapons, and reclaiming traditional

This is all about exposing a multiple standard.  I have a sneaking suspicion that if
everyone was treated with the same standard, all this war nonsense would somehow
evaporate.  Do the leaders get the ironies?  But it does give everyone a chance to
invoke and pay worshipful homage to the great deity embodied by the little Austrian

Anyone know how many pages have been devoted to the traditional spiritual
mythologies of the Middle East as compared to the number generated from
reverance for the 3rd Reich?  And how much inspirational he has been than the other


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'No one ever apologized'

2002-06-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


'No one ever apologized'

Beth Emley/Messenger Post Staff
June 06, 2002

Veteran John Hrankowski, pictured here walking around the pool at his Greece
home, won't give up on the fight to bring out the true account of the attack on the
American intelligence ship, the USS Liberty. (STAFF PHOTO/ANMARI LINARDI)
A Greece man strives to tell
the whole story of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty - 35 years later.

John Hrankowski will be miles away from Arlington National Cemetery this weekend,
but he will be close in spirit as fellow crewmates from the USS Liberty gather to
remember the 35th anniversary of an Israeli attack on an American intelligence ship.

The Greece man said his health is preventing him from attending the "No Greater
Love Remembrance Ceremony" Saturday in Washington, D.C., where crewmates
will pause to remember the 34 who died and 172 wounded during the June 8, 1967
air and sea attack. The attack occurred during the Six Day War between Israel and
the Arab states.

"It's got to be rectified because we didn't get killed. We're still here," said
Hrankowski, who was 19 at the time of the attack and earned a Purple Heart for
wounds he suffered.

The attack is controversial because Israel claimed it mistook the USS Liberty for an
out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir and that the U.S. was operating in a
war zone without displaying a flag.

Hrankowski and other Americans dispute that account. They say the ship was in
international waters, away from fighting, and that the American flag was flying.

Ever since the USS Liberty Veterans Association formed 20 years ago, Hrankowski -
the only known USS Liberty survivor in Monroe County and one of only a few in the
state - has been an outspoken advocate, talking to groups all over the country to tell
the full story.

"Our government said Israel apologized and paid, but the Israelis have not answered
and no one ever apologized," Hrankowski said.

According to information on the USS Liberty website, Lyndon Johnson in his
memoirs called the attack "a tragic accident." Robert McNamara, his secretary of
defense, stated "I didn't believe [the attack] was intended at the time, and I don't
believe it now."

But Dean Rusk, Johnson's secretary of state, differed, saying: "I was never satisfied
with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty
precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. I didn't
believe it then, and I don't believe it to this day. The attack was outrageous."

Hrankowski, 55, still suffers from post traumatic stress disorder because of wounds
he suffered from being hit by metal pieces from explosives during the attack.

A former deputy sheriff with the Monroe County Court system, he left work because
of his health 10 years ago. Over the past 10 years, he's endured colon surgery and a
heart attack - in addition to the ongoing mental trauma.

"There's not a night I've slept a full night," said Hrankowski.

Hrankowski was 21 when he was discharged from the Navy in November of 1969
and returned to Rochester with his wife, Mary Ann, whom he married a few months
before getting out of the service.

Hrankowski said for years, there wasn't much publicity about the attack until the early
1980s, when the Veterans Association formed.

During that time period, survivor Jim Ennes, an officer who witnessed the attack,
wrote "Assault on the Liberty," which tells the story.

Since then, another book, "Body of Secrets," was written by another survivor, James
Bamford, and a History Channel special called "Cover-up Attack on the USS Liberty,"
was aired four times this year.

A European film about the USS Liberty is about to be released, along with a book
written by a Pulitzer-prize winning author, Hrankowski said.

Hrankowski and other veterans traveled to Washington earlier this year to talk to
U.S. congressmen about the incident. He said there could be hearings in the future,
but nothing is definite yet.

Because of the anniversary of the attack, Hrankowski said he's been deluged with
requests for interviews from the local and national media, including MSNBC and

Hrankowski said publicity helps the cause, but what veterans want is full disclosure
to Congress.

"All we want is to have everything released," he said. "We're just asking them to give
us a shot like every other incident and have it documented for history and let us be
on our way."

For more information on the USS Liberty attack, go to the website at
www.ussliberty.org. The website was created by Jim Ennes and Joe Meadors, two
survivors of the attack.

©Greece Post 2002


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[CTRL] French Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire

2002-06-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

>From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : France

The French Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire defends its opportunism

By David Walsh in Paris
10 June 2002

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Many people and organizations claiming to be “revolutionary,” are, in fact, nothing of
the kind. The Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire [LCR—Revolutionary Communist
League] of France is an organization specializing in a brand of “left” demagogy that is
devoid of content. In reality, it is a deeply opportunistic organization, taking up a
position on the left flank of the French political establishment.

The response of the LCR to the first round of the presidential election April 21
represented a turning point in the history of the organization. The party’s candidate,
Olivier Besancenot, received 1.2 million votes in the balloting, 4.25 percent of the
national total, in a fragmented race in which the leading vote-getter, the incumbent
president, Jacques Chirac, received only 5.7 million votes. Never before had the LCR
received such support at the ballot box.

Much to the surprise of the political pundits, the first round results produced a 
between the right-wing Gaullist Chirac and the extreme right candidate, Jean-Marie
Le Pen of the National Front. The candidate of the parliamentary left, then-Prime
Minister Lionel Jospin of the Socialist Party, finished third and was excluded from the
run-off election. The response of the French bourgeois political apparatus, both its
right and left wing, including the Socialist Party and the Communist Party, was to
launch a concerted campaign for a vote for Chirac.

Demonstrating that it took seriously neither itself, nor its more than one million
voters, nor political principle, the LCR threw in its lot with the officially sponsored
campaign for the incumbent president. The party, headed by Alain Krivine, demurred
from openly calling for a Chirac vote. Instead it appealed to its supporters to “vote
against Le Pen” in the two-man race. It is not clear whom this was supposed to fool.

It did not fool the LCR’s presidential candidate, Besancenot, who publicly declared in
advance of the second round that he was voting for Chirac.

This “revolutionary” and “communist” organization effectively called on workers and
youth to give their political support to the chosen representative of French big
business. The LCR as a result has assumed political responsibility, whether or not it
acknowledges it, for the measures carried out by the Chirac government—not only its
attacks on the social programs and living standards of French workers, but also its
actions in defense of French imperialist interests throughout the world.

>From the point of view of Krivine and the rest of the LCR leadership, there was little
choice after April 21. To have resisted the pro-Chirac camp would have brought them
into open conflict with the middle class protest movements and Stalinist trade union
officials to which they are oriented. It would, moreover, have brought the crisis 
their own ranks to the point of a split. Such is the outcome of the protracted 
decay of this organization.

The LCR is perhaps the most perfected model of the Pabloite party. Pabloism is a
tendency that emerged in the Trotskyist movement in the early 1950s. It represented
the repudiation of the struggle to build an international party of social revolution,
which the Pabloites had come to consider a futile task. Instead it sought to reduce
the Fourth International, founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938, to the role of adviser and
“left” critic of the Stalinist and social democratic labor bureaucracies and the petty
bourgeois nationalist movements in the colonial and semi- colonial countries. The
French LCR, under the tutelage of Michel Pablo, Ernest Mandel, Pierre Frank,
Krivine and others, has been pursuing this liquidationist course for half a century.
Opportunism has distorted and perverted parties and individuals beyond recognition
in far less time.

In the campaign for the legislative elections, the first round of which takes place 
9, the LCR is running in 412 constituencies under the banner “LCR—100 percent à
gauche” (LCR—100 percent left). In several dozen other areas it is supporting
campaigns by various regional “left” coalitions. In all, it is presenting or supporting
candidates in 450 out of the 577 constituencies, covering some 80 percent of the
French electorate. This is a considerably larger campaign than the LCR organized in
1997, when it fielded 130 candidates.

The thrust of the LCR’s campaign is that there are now two “lefts” in France: the
official, parliamentary left of the Socialist Party and its coalition partners (the
Communist Party, Greens, Left Radicals) and the left “from below,” the “radical” left,
the left that is “clearly against the right and the extreme right.” The LCR includes
itself in t

[CTRL] FC: FBI illegally harassed California students, faculty

2002-06-10 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Secret FBI files reveal covert activities at UC
Bureau's campus operations involved Reagan, CIA
Seth Rosenfeld, Chronicle Staff Writer Sunday, June 9, 2002

Under the guise of protecting national security, the FBI conducted
wide-ranging and unlawful intelligence operations concerning the
University of California that at different points involved the head of
the CIA and then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, The Chronicle has learned.

According to thousands of pages of FBI records obtained by The
Chronicle after a 17-year legal fight, the FBI unlawfully schemed with
the head of the CIA to harass students, faculty and members of the
Board of Regents, and mounted a concerted campaign to destroy the
career of UC President Clark Kerr, which included sending the White
House derogatory allegations about him that the bureau knew were

The FBI, in contrast, developed a "close and cordial" relationship
with Reagan, who made campus unrest a major issue and vowed to fire
Kerr during his 1966 gubernatorial campaign.

And after he was elected, the FBI failed to report that Reagan falsely
stated on a federal security clearance form that he never had been a
member of any group officially deemed subversive, an omission that
could have been prosecuted as a felony.

The FBI later secretly gave Gov. Reagan's administration information
it could use "against" protesters.

The disclosure of the FBI activities concerning the University of
California during the 1950s and 1960s comes as the bureau has been
granted wider authority and more resources to conduct domestic
intelligence activities, and as President Bush seeks to create a new
Department of Homeland Security.

Experts said the FBI and CIA's past activities involving the
University of California provide a cautionary tale about potential
dangers to academic freedom and civil liberties.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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