[CTRL] Horowitz Agrees With Leahy: 'West Nile Probable Bioattack'

2002-09-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

Subject:  Horowitz Agrees With Leahy: 'West Nile Probable Bioattack'

Horowitz Agrees With Leahy: 'West Nile Probable Bioattack'
Tetrahedron.org News Release No.44-DIA/4
Contact: Elaine Zacky 208 265-2575 800 336-9266

SANDPOINT, ID -- Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, has called for an investigation into the
possibility that recent West Nile Virus outbreaks were initiated by
bioterrorists. Suspects include Iraqi terrorists who apparently
received their initial stocks of the West Nile Virus from the United
States, according to public health officials, as recorded in the
Congressional Record.

Among experts providing Congressional testimony in support of Sen.
Leahy's thesis is, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard graduate and
independent investigator whose thirteenth book, Death in the Air:
Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, predated the 9-11 attacks by
three months. The book focuses on the West Nile Virus as part of a
biological weapons arsenal shipped to Iraq during the 1980s.

Dr. Horowitz testified before the Government Reform Committee on
Capitol Hill on April 18 of this year regarding evidence he compiled
showing that vaccine makers for the West Nile Virus and anthrax were
suspects in the outbreaks and mailings. Supportive evidence includes
records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in
Atlanta, submitted to Congress, showing that a pharmaceutical industry
and bioweapons supplier - the American Type Culture Collection in
Maryland - shipped Iraqi laboratories more than nineteen shipments of
anthrax and two containers of the West Nile Virus, during the 1980s.
Dr. Horowitz believes that the recent outbreaks and anthrax mailings,
including the ones to Senators Leahy and Majority Leader Tom Dashle,
are part of a fear-rousing bioterrorist agenda solely benefiting a
consortium of mostly foreign-owned vaccine, drug, and chemical
companies historically linked to such activities.

An excellent example, Dr. Horowitz said, is the Michigan-based
Bioport company. This infamous producer of America's anthrax vaccine,
vigorously sanctioned in the past by Congress and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for their untrustworthyness, is directed by a
wealthy Saudi industrialist with purported ties to the bin Laden
family or their investments. Bioport's operating plans were
discovered by American forces when they took control of an Osama bin
Laden encampment in Afghanistan.

News reports about West Nile Virus (WNV) spreading across America have
also missed obvious links to the global biological weapons trade. Dr.
Horowitz, who urgently alerted the FBI concerning what he viewed was a
developing anthrax mailings scam a week before it was announced in
the press, shared views supportive to Senator Leahy's during an
nationally televised interview on FOX News last month (See August 23rd
segment at http://www.healingcelebrations.com/wes). During a meeting
with Senator Daschle's staff on April 17, and again the following day
before the Government Reform Committee chaired by Rep. Dan Burton
(R-IN), Dr. Horowitz alerted officials regarding a possible profit
motive for recent epidemics, outbreaks, and anthrax attacks. His
written testimony

(Available at:
s_epidemic_autism.html ) reflected on Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) Secretary Tommy Thompson's unprecedented half-billion
dollars worth of anthrax and smallpox vaccine purchases, made shortly
after the anthrax mailings. Dr. Horowitz noted with suspicion that
these exact purchases fulfilled the request made by the chief anthrax
vaccine developer at Bioport, Dr. Robert C. Myers, as entered into the
Congressional Record in 1999. The mailings, he believes, provided the
perfect wag-the-dog impetus for the government expenditures.

Senator Leahy referred to an October 1999 issue of The New Yorker that
disclosed that the West Nile Virus arrived in New York (other reports
specify Rockefeller University labs) closely following the germ,s
isolation in 1937. It was shipped to New York by virologists working
in northwest Uganda - precisely where the Ebola virus, known to be the
world's best biological weapon, is believed to have originated.

This area of central Africa is also known as the heart of the African
AIDS belt. Classified government documents unearthed by Dr. Horowitz
during a three year investigation, along with eyewitness testimonies
published by 

Re: [CTRL] Zionism, Anti Semitism and American Democracy

2002-09-26 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Zionism, Anti Semitism and American Democracy

-Caveat Lector-

Re: [CTRL] Zionism, Anti Semitism and American DemocracyThew
you are partly right in your assesment of christianity being opposed to the
thought that christ was jewish.
What you have to understand is that Christ wasnt Jewish and he wasnt
christian these are just labels.People make their Hero their own

This applies to Christians. Not Jews. Jesus was totally and completely
Jewish and nothing else. He was born Jewish. His Parents were Jewish.
He lived in a Jewish country. His friends were Jewish. HE CLAIMED TO
BE JEWISH. His brothers died defending Jewish Jreusalem from the
Romans. AND, he was executed for being a Jewish freedom fighter
against Rome. The Romans said he was the King of the Jews. Not the
King of the Bhudists.

You know NOTHING about this subject. Try something else.


if Christ existed at all it was in the wrong vein.
He was an essene a teacher like Buddah. But the Powers in Rome turned it
around they needed a way out.
I have no doubt he did exist but not in the context we have been led to
What about quetzacotl ?
The Bible is a hodge Podge of mindcontrolled and carefully disected words
and passages. see Nag hammedi scrolls)
Look at it this way if you wanted to control christianity and keep the
people from asking questions what would you do.
It is a well known fact that in england in the middle ages they used
christianity to control people to take their money and keep them from asking
questions about their true origins.
I could go on forever on this subject but it really comes down to the fact
that you have to understand that religion is a controlling factor for the
powers to control the people
Ask yourself this question thew if There was no proof that Jesus existed
other than the bible then would there be this trouble in the middle east at
the moment and would there have been the wars that have happened related to
religion and its manmade divisions?
There is no division it is only in the minds of the people who seek to
control us.
Who gave us the names of Jew Gentile catholic Mormon Jehovahs witness
Its all a control device to get us warring against each other.
If god exists if Christ existed then we should all be of one mind not
brainwashed into thinking he is this he is that.
this is my land promised by god etc.,
What do you think of reincarnation and the soul and freewill ask yourself
these questions and suddenly the field becomes bigger.
The Mermaid x
  - Original Message -
  From: thew
  Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 3:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Zionism, Anti Semitism and American Democracy

  -Caveat Lector-
  And on this belief rests 2000 years of anti-Semitism and murder.
  Poor Christianity can never sit comfortably as long as there are Jews.
Every Jews who did not accept Christ as Jewish Messiah is a slap in the face
of the Christian worldview

  on 9/24/02 7:26 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It appears that Judaism made a mistake when it rejected Christ's gospel
of Love.


  To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and
day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any
human being can fight--and never stop fighting.

  -  e.e. cummings

  NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew
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== CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
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are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence
to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: FC: An open letter to the Internet Archive on Scientology and the DMCA

2002-09-26 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 8:41 AM
Subject: FC: An open letter to the Internet Archive on Scientology and the

News report on Scientology's successful attempt to have pages removed from
the Internet Archive (at archive.org):

Scientology's recent white paper a church spokeswoman sent to Politech:

I'd like to invite both the Archive folks (who provide an excellent and
valuable service) and a Scientology representative to reply to Politech and
clarify what's going on. It would be a public service for the Archive to
publicize what procedures it will follow when receiving DMCA
cease-and-desist letters in the future. It could, for instance: (1) change
the default page deleted text; (2) forward the letter to
chillingeffects.org; (3) offer the archivee the opportunity to reply; (4)
investigate the request to make sure it's not overly broad; (5) pledge to
do its best to preserve the public availability of information in the

It would be a public service for Scientology to state that it's interested
only in pursuing legitimate violations of its copyrights that are not
protected by a reasonable definition of fair use and it has no intention of
going further than that. If its request to the Archive was broader, and it
seems to be, I'd encourage Scientology to narrow it.



Subject: open letter to the Internet Archive
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 19:48:06 -0400

As the owners of SlatkinFraud.com, one of the websites that has been
blocked completely from the Internet Archive, we were left puzzled and
disturbed by the recent explanation provided by archive.org for our
site's omission.

While we understand that the organization behind the Wayback Machine
does not want to unwittingly contribute to copyright infringement, we
are distressed by the way in which the removal of our site was
conducted, and the lack of feedback that we received from archive.org
when we questioned this decision earlier this year.

When a Wayback Machine user attempts to access the archived version of
SlatkinFraud.com, they are instead provided with a misleading message
claiming that the 'site owners' requested that it not be included in
the archive.  This is wholly untrue, and entirely in contradiction to
the actual views of the website owners in question, who would very
much like to see our site become part of the Internet Archive.  The
material contained within SlatkinFraud.com is wholly owned and
maintained by its site owners.

Unfortunately, as has become clear in recent days, SlatkinFraud.com is
not the only site that has been summarily removed from the Archive
based on complaints from the Church of Scientology.  In the explanation
recently provided by archive.org, the writer notes that the Church
asserted ownership of an unknown quantity of material that was, at
the time, available through the Wayback Machine archives.  The
maintainers of archive.org, however, have apparently made no effort
whatsoever to inform site owners of these complaints lodged against
their material, and in fact, until now, had not even replied to direct
questions regarding the removal of certain sites when asked by the
site owners in question.

This is clearly not an acceptable system for determining what sites or
material should be archived by the Wayback Machine, since it does not
adhere to one of the main provisions of the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act: the counter-notification process.

Under the DMCA, the owner of a site that has been alleged to contain
infringing material has the right to challenge that claim via a
counternotification letter to the hosting ISP if he or she believes
that the material in question does not infringe on the copyright in
question.  After receiving this counter-notification from the user, the
ISP is obliged to replace any files that were temporarily removed
pending the complaint, at which point the original complainant must
either initiate formal legal action against the owner of the site, or
drop the matter entirely.

This system provides an important check to the sometimes perilous
balance between the rights of copyright owners, and those of users.  By
formalizing the process, and allowing a response from the individual
responsible for the alleged infringement, it frees the hosting company
from the annoyance of dealing with frivolous claims.

A similar situation that arose resulted from similar complaints made
by Church of Scientology lawyers about certain listings on the popular
search engine Google.  These complaints initially resulted in the
wholesale removal of several 

[CTRL] Fw: FC: Column: As election nears, attorneys general take aim at Net vice

2002-09-26 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Related Politech message:



   Exploiting online raunch at the polls
   By Declan McCullagh
   September 23, 2002, 4:00 AM PT

   What is it with state attorneys general trying to stamp out Internet
   vice around election time?

   On Oct. 27, 1998, precisely one week before Election Day, the New York
   State Attorney General's Office raided an Internet provider in Buffalo
   and confiscated its news server. The charge, according to former
   Attorney General Dennis Vacco, was that BuffNet carried Usenet
   newsgroups where child pornography could be found. It could be found,
   that is, if someone looked hard enough--and Vacco's investigators were
   nothing if not determined.

   The ploy didn't work. In one of the closest statewide contests ever,
   Vacco lost to Eliot Spitzer, a Democrat, by a vote of 2,084,948 to
   2,059,762--a whisker-thin margin of just 25,186 votes.

   This year, attorneys general for Pennsylvania and Michigan,
   gubernatorial hopefuls both, are testing the same underhanded tactic.
   In moves that are simultaneously constitutionally dubious and coldly
   calculating, they're betting they can win votes by spreading fear,
   uncertainty and doubt.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: FC: Ashcroft releases fact sheet on new FBI investigative guidelines

2002-09-26 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Previous Politech messages:

FBI gets more surveillance powers; Cato's Pilon says no problem

Analysis of FBI's new surveillance powers, from CDT




Attached please find a fact sheet discussing the new investigative
guidelines announced by the Attorney General on May 30, 2002 which were
designed to allow FBI field agents new authority to detect and prevent
terrorism before it occurs.  Copies of the guidelines are available at:

Fact Sheet
Attorney General's Guidelines:
Detecting and Preventing Terrorist Attacks

Understanding the Problem:
Past Investigative Guidelines Have Hampered the FBI
In Conducting Investigations Capable of Preventing Terrorist Attacks

Problem #1: Emphasis on Prosecuting Past Crimes Instead of Preventing
Future Crime

The previous guidelines emphasized investigation and prosecution of past
crimes.  They generally barred the FBI from taking the initiative to detect
and prevent future crimes, unless it learned of possible criminal activity
from external sources.  As a result, the FBI was largely confined to a
reactive role.

*General Internet Searches Could Not Be Conducted, Unless Tied to a
Specific Investigation.  In the past, there was no clear basis for
conducting online research for counterterrorism purposes-even of publicly
available information-except when investigating a specific case.  For
example, FBI agents could not conduct online searches to identify websites
in which bomb-making instructions or plans for cyberterrorism are openly
traded and disseminated.

*The FBI Had No Clear Authority To Use Commercial Data Services Any
Business in America Could Use.  Under previous guidelines, the FBI could
not use commercial data mining services-entities that collect and analyze
information on various topics, such as threats to computer systems-unless
in connection with a particular investigation.  In other words, the FBI was
sharply limited in its ability to use services that private businesses
regularly hire to assess threats against them.

*Information Collected in the Earliest Investigative Stages Could Only Be
Used to Investigate Specific Crimes, Not Groups Suspected of
Terrorism.  Under the old Guidelines, preliminary inquiries-where agents
gather information before enough evidence has been uncovered to merit an
outright investigation-could be used only to determine whether there was
enough evidence to justify investigating an individual crime.  They could
not be used to determine whether to open a broader investigation of groups
involved in terrorism (i.e., terrorism enterprise investigations).

*Investigations of Criminal Groups Were Impeded by Limits on Scope,
Duration, and Red Tape.  The previous guidelines impeded the effective use
of criminal intelligence investigations (i.e., investigations of criminal
enterprises) by imposing limits on the scope of such investigations, short
authorization periods, and burdensome approval and renewal requirements.

*No Clear Authority to Visit Public Places that Are Open to All
Americans.  Under the old guidelines, FBI field agents were inhibited from
visiting public places, which are open to all other citizens.  Agents
avoided them not because they were barred by the Constitution, or any
federal statute, but because of the lack of clear authority under
administrative guidelines issued decades ago.

Solution #1: Detect and Neutralize Terrorists Before They Attack

The new guidelines reflect the Attorney General's mission for the Justice
Department's war on terror: to neutralize terrorists before they are able
to strike, not simply to investigate past crimes.  The revised guidelines
create new information- and intelligence-gathering authorities to detect
terrorist plots, and strengthen existing provisions to promote effective
intervention to foil terrorists' plans.

*Enhancing Information Gathering.  The new guidelines strengthen the FBI's
intelligence-gathering capabilities by expressly stating that agents may
engage in online research, even when not linked to an individual criminal
investigation.  They also authorize the FBI to use commercial data mining
services to detect and prevent terrorist attacks, independent of particular
criminal investigations.

*Allowing FBI Field Agents to Use Information Collected in the Earliest
Stages To Investigate Groups Suspected of Terrorism.  The FBI will be able
to use preliminary inquiries to determine whether to launch investigations
of groups involved in terrorism (i.e., terrorism enterprise

*Expanding the Scope and Duration of Investigations, and Easing Red Tape
for FBI Field Agents.  The guidelines will expand the scope of criminal
intelligence investigations, lengthen their 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: California's Governor Signs Series of Anti-Gun Measures

2002-09-26 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

California's Governor Signs Series of Anti-Gun Measures

September 26, 2002

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25 - Gov. Gray Davis signed a series of
gun measures today, including a bill to repeal the special
immunity from liability suits granted to the firearms
industry nearly 20 years ago.

California, which was one of the first states to give
weapons makers protection from lawsuits, now becomes the
first state to lift that immunity. In the last five years,
more than two dozen states have granted the gun industry
immunity from suits filed by cities and counties seeking
damages to cover the costs of combating gun violence.

Gun-control advocates who pushed the California bills
hailed today's action as a significant victory over the
well-financed gun lobby.

This is a legal earthquake for irresponsible gun
manufacturers, said Luis Tolley of the Brady Campaign to
Prevent Gun Violence. They will no longer be able to hide
from the courts and escape legal accountability when they
engage in dangerous and irresponsible conduct that hurts
and kills people.

California is clearly bucking a trend in which 29 states
have acted to throttle a spate of government lawsuits
against gun makers. A bill before Congress to grant the
industry blanket immunity from such suits has 228 sponsors
in the House and 41 in the Senate, industry officials say.

Governor Davis urged Congress to reject those bills as bad
policy and an unwarranted shield for irresponsible gun
makers and sellers.

These federal bills are intended to pre-empt laws like the
ones I'm signing today and to take us right back to square
one, Mr. Davis said. They ensure that the gun
manufacturers remain accountable to no one.

A lawyer for gun manufacturers said the California
legislation would result in a torrent of litigation
intended to harass and bankrupt the industry.

The California Legislature has opened a Pandora's box, and
courts in California will now be flooded with suits
designed to hold manufacturers of legal, highly regulated
nondefective products responsible for criminal shootings,
said Lawrence G. Keane, general counsel of the Sporting
Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute, the trade
group for the gun industry.

Twelve California cities and counties have joined in a
lawsuit against the gun industry seeking to recover the
costs of investigating gun crimes and treating the victims
of gun violence. Trial is scheduled for April.

Mr. Davis signed several other gun-related bills today. One
gives city attorneys access to federal gun-sales records.
Another authorizes the Department of Justice to test
handgun models each year to determine whether they meet
state safety standards. A third prohibits the sale of
safety locks that are not approved in the state and a
fourth requires arms makers to obtain certification from
the Department of Justice that the recipient is an
authorized dealer.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NY Times -Israeli-Arab Hero Is Praised, but Not Embraced

2002-09-26 Thread thew
Title: NY Times -Israeli-Arab Hero Is Praised, but Not Embraced
-Caveat Lector-

September 26, 2002

Israeli-Arab Hero Is Praised, but Not Embraced

AFULA, Israel, Sept. 25  Something about the tall thin man waiting at the bus stop struck Rami Mahamid as suspicious. There was all that dust on his shoes and then there was that big black duffle bag in his hand. 

He was a fellow Arab. But Rami, who is 17 and Israeli, thought the stranger was Palestinian, and feared he was a suicide bomber. 

What happened next illuminates the problems faced by Israel's Arab minority, accounting for nearly 20 percent of the population of 6.6 million. It may also, perhaps, supply proof that Jews and Arabs can live together here, along with evidence of the suspicions that drive them apart. 

Rami saved an untold number of Israelis by alerting the police. But he was wounded after he stepped in, and he later found himself bound in a hospital, suspected by the Israeli police and the internal intelligence service of being the bomber's accomplice. They kept him shackled for two days after he was lucid enough to explain what happened, he said. Other Israeli Arabs, after all, had helped Palestinian terrorists.

But Rami foiled one. There were just the two of them last Wednesday at the bus stop by an Israeli Arab town, Umm el-Fahm, so Rami politely asked to borrow the man's cellular telephone. He walked a few feet away and dialed 1-0-0  the Israeli police. Speaking softly, he shared his suspicions. 

Then Rami walked back, returned the telephone, and sat down beside the stranger, giving nothing away.

I felt I did what I was supposed to do, Rami said today, seemingly puzzled by the suggestion that he might have simply walked away, or run, from the whole matter.

A policeman, Moshe Hizkiya, arrived with his partner in time to prevent the next bus from stopping for the waiting men, the police said. When the policemen demanded to examine the man's bag, it exploded, killing Mr. Hizkiya and the bomber. Rami had edged away, but not far enough.

He was conscious of a horrible blast, of body parts around him, of searing pain. Then he awoke to find himself in Ha Emek Hospital here, badly wounded and under guard, shackled to his bed.

They didn't believe me, he said as he lay in the same bed today. I felt harmed, and very angry.

A slash in his throat is sealed with 10 staples. His broken left arm is in a cast, and his fractured left leg is in traction. The shrapnel has been removed from his liver. A lean youth with close-cropped black hair, he sipped fruit juice through a straw and spoke slowly, with difficulty.

I wouldn't feel sorry for what I did, even if I lost my life, he said.

Today, the local commanders of the Israeli police interrupted a conversation at Rami's bedside to present him with a certificate. It praised him for saving life with great courage and initiative and celebrated his good citizenship. 

For Arabs, citizenship in Israel can be a tormenting affair. Rami, who delivers furniture for a living, took it for granted that his fellow Israeli Arabs would approve of his intervention. But his father, Mahmoud Mahamid, 58, is less certain, though the family does not want to share that view with Rami.

I think there are people who are criticizing it, Mr. Mahamid said.

Many Israeli Arabs identify themselves as Palestinians; they relish their relative freedom and opportunity as Israelis, but resent their frequent treatment as second-class citizens in a state that defines itself as Jewish. Increasingly, their fellow citizens suspect them of ties to terrorism. 

A year ago, an Israeli Arab blew himself up on a train station in northern Israel, killing three other people. In an incident last month that commanded intense attention in Israel, two Israeli-Arab nursing students fled from a bus north of here after a stranger warned one of them that something terrible was about to happen, the police said.

Nine people died minutes later, when the stranger blew himself up. The women have denied knowing of the threat. 

Israeli Arabs, like Rami, have also been victims of Palestinian attacks.

Brig. Gen. Dov Lutzky, one of the commanders who presented Rami with his citation today, said that here in northern Israel, with its large Arab population, Israeli Arab passers-by were often first to the scene of a bombing, helping the victims. I'm not willing to put a title and say `All the Arabs are like this' or `All the Arabs are like that,'  he said. Rami is the ultimate answer to those who put a general title.

General Lutzky defended the decision to shackle Rami, saying his story was so unusual that it had to be checked thoroughly.

He said he understood Israeli Arabs' sympathy for what he called their Palestinian brothers and sisters, adding, The situation of Arabs who are citizens of Israel is very, very complicated.

Rami identified himself as Israeli, not Palestinian. But he spoke with some bitterness about life as an Arab 

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-09-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Is this British-trained woman at the heart of a germ warfare plot?
Brian Whitaker
Tuesday September 24 2002
The Guardian

She is a 46-year-old mother with a PhD from the University of East Anglia ... and she 
takes up more space in Tony Blair's Iraq dossier than either of Saddam Hussein's two 

Rihab Taha is - or at least was - head of a secret biological warfare programme in 
Iraq and has allegedly overseen the manufacture of 10 billion doses of deadly viruses 
and bacteria,   including botulinum. She took up the job in 1984, almost immediately 
after completing a research degree in Norwich.

Her work here was only on diseases affecting wheat and tobacco, a spokeswoman for 
her former university said yesterday. She was here when the UK enjoyed good relations 
with Iraq and we have had no contact with her since she left.

During the 1990s, Dr Taha became well known among UN weapons inspectors for her 
histrionic performances under questioning. Though normally mild-mannered, she would 
explode into a rage or burst into tears, shout and throw chairs, or storm out of the 
room when interviewed.

At first she claimed that all biological agents and weapons had been destroyed in the 
first few months after the 1991 war, and made no mention of the secret germ warfare 
factory at   al-Hakam, 80 miles west of Baghdad, where work was carried on under her 

Later, when asked about the al-Hakam factory, she said it was only making chicken feed.

Bizarrely, it was through the weapons inspectors - and specifically Rolf Ekeus, former 
head of UNSCOM - that Dr Taha met her husband to be.

In 1993, Mr Ekeus invited her and the Iraqi oil minister, Amer Rashid, to the UN in 
New York for talks on UNSCOM-Iraqi relations. Between the discussions, romance 
blossomed. Mr Rashid divorced his wife and married Dr Taha.

In 1995, she admitted that a factory she had set up near Baghdad had made enough 
anthrax and botulinum to kill millions. UNSCOM suspected that weapons in her arsenal 
had been tested on humans

According to the British dossier, Dr Taha played a central role in Iraq's weapons 
programme. In 1985 she was appointed head of a small biological weapons research team.

Significant resources were provided, including construction of a dedicated production 
facility at al-Hakam, the dossier says. [Toxic] agent production began in 1988.

Four years ago Dr Taha was publicly honoured by Saddam Hussein at the Military 
Industrial Commission in Baghdad.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Iraqi domestic anthrax could happen so US economy not important

2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

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-Caveat Lector-

How can Dub talk about chasing IraqiPOTENTIAL
i.e."Saddam or his brother"potentially using
anthrax in Iraq
whenDub can't even find
domestic anthrax sources of
anthrax at home, not even lone
patsies? How does "they
could do it in 25 minutes" compare with They Did It
Year And We Don't Even Know Who They Are Yet?
Yankee-Go-Home item if ever there was one.

Today's frontpage spin in the WashingPost included
astute strategic political observation that when Dub
Cheney and other admin figures speak now in support
Republican candidates up for election this
their line is all about terrwar and Iraqwar and
economy has now been formally back burnered
from Dub's agenda. Add to that the plaintive cries from
Bush and Blair that Iraq could mount a DOMESTIC
ANTHRAX attack, domestically as Iraqi
extremists, inside its own house
in 25 minutes if Dub's
SWAT team broke in on the basis of
an anonymous tip
and we could be looking
at a crippled administration
Republicans are routed in November. The vote was 90-3
I think for 911 investigation. If
it quacks maybe it'sone of
those lamerubber


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[CTRL] FW: Dry Drunk:Is Bush making a cry for help?

2002-09-26 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

-- Forwarded Message

 Dry Drunk
 Is Bush making a cry for help?
 by Alan Bisbort

 Sept. 24, 2002 -- HARTFORD (APJP) -- Alcoholics Anonymous has a name for
 someone who is a drunk in every way except for the actual imbibing of spirits.
 They call that person a dry drunk. This is not a judgmental term, nor should
 this be a judgmental topic in America, where there are, by even the most
 conservative estimates, 10 million adult alcoholics, and very few families
 that have not been touched, in one way or another, by this national scourge.
 This same scourge has, by his own admission, also touched the life of our
 Commander in Chief.

 Whether George W. Bush is or was an alcoholic is not the point here. I am
 taking him at his word that he stopped what he termed heavy drinking in
 1986, at age 40. The point here is that, based on Bush's recent behavior, he
 could very well be a dry drunk. Of course, he may just be an immature bully
 who will gladly sacrifice thousands of lives to get his way even against the
 advice of the most respected and mature members of his own party.

 Still, Bush's past battles with the bottle are worth pondering at a time like
 this, one of the most dangerous in the nation's history. When a recovering
 alcoholic begins to engage in what AA calls stinking thinking, he or she
 begins to exhibit the old attitudes and pathologies of their drinking years.
 These include an increase in anxiety, mild tremors, mild depression, disturbed
 sleep patterns, inability to think clearly, craving for junk food,
 irritability, sudden bursts of anger and unpredictable mood swings. According
 to AA literature, Boredom and listlessness may alternate with intense
 feelings of resentment against family and friends, and explosive outbursts of

 Bush said he was a heavy drinker. But let's not be coy here. Anyone who has
 ever imbibed heavily over a long period of time knows that heavy drinker is
 the rich man's (or the politician's) code for alcoholic.

 For the record, Bush claims to have stopped drinking for reasons that change
 each time he's asked about his substance-abusing past (which isn't often,
 thanks to a cowed press). Let's say he started experimenting with alcohol, as
 per the national norm, at 16 at prep school, and he began getting regularly
 wasted at Yale at 18. This would mean that Bush drank steadily heavily for
 at least 22 years. We are, then, asked to believe that he went cold turkey
 after more than two decades of heavy drinking, a nearly impossible feat even
 for someone, as he claims, who was rescued by God.

 Far be it from me to cast stones when it comes to alcohol. I've seen the
 devastating toll alcoholism can take. My brother was an honors student in
 college, when he began drinking heavily (party drinking, as was the tradition
 at southern colleges back then). By the time he was in his mid-30s, real and
 dramatic changes had occurred in his metabolism and brain chemistry. Medical
 experts told me at the time that just 15 years of sustained drinking can do
 irreversible physical harm of this sort. In other words, even if my brother
 stopped drinking, the damage would remain done. But by most measuring sticks,
 my brother was a functioning member of society. He held jobs, paid his rent
 and bills, and he made heroic efforts to beat his cursed addiction. He climbed
 the 12 steps more times than Stallone climbed those steps in Rocky.

 Though I deeply loved my brother and miss him terribly now, I could not deny
 the damage, even in his long periods of sobriety, that alcohol did to him.
 Rather, I could not deny the damage, but I could not bear to watch it happen.
 I could feel it in my bones that he was up against something stronger than his
 will and his prodigious intellect. Stinking thinking, like kudzu, simply
 overtook his mind, and alcohol killed his body.

 It is worth reflecting on George W. Bush's academic history. He graduated from
 two of the finest institutions of higher learning in this country: Yale and
 Harvard. He didn't make great grades, but he graduated, an accomplishment
 warranting some respect. Many rich, well-connected boys have flunked out.
 [NOTE from the editors: ...or tossed out, as was one Richard Scaife, from
 Yale, allegedly for his own love of the bottle.]

 The question is then begged, and seems to at least deserve some pause for
 pondering: how did he, at age 58, get so fumble-tongued, incapable of
 stringing more than two coherent sentences together, snippily irritable with
 anyone who dares disagree with him or even ask a question, poutily turning his
 back on the democratically elected president of one of our most important
 allies because of something one of his underlings said about him (Germany's

[CTRL] Fwd: The Stock Market and Iraq

2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

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-Caveat Lector-


Issue 177Sept. 26, 2002


 Will we go to war in Iraq?  By going to the United
Nations in search of support for the war, President Bush
moved the locus of decision-making to an international
bureaucracy.  Saddam Hussein immediately took advantage of
this opportunity to delay the invasion.  He has said that
weapons inspectors may come into his country.  The UN is
likely to use this as a way to forestall a war that its
members do not want.  Bush gave Hussein one last chance,
and he took it.

 The stock market has responded to the stand-off by
falling lower over the last week.  Uncertainty is rising.
It's not clear yet whether we are going to war.  War is bad
for stock market performance unless the war is clearly
going to be short-lived.  War transfers purchasing power
from private consumer markets to weapons markets.

 This time, a coalition will not pay for our expenses,
unlike 1991.  There is no coalition.  How much will this
war cost?  If we expect to impose a regime change, we will
have to remain in Iraq to keep alive the politician who
rises to the top with our help.  He will know what will
happen to him once we depart.  Karzai is the model.  The
assassination strategy is a low-tech, low-cost response.
There will be vengeance for cooperating with the invader
that has put sanctions on the nation for a decade.


 Lawrence Lindsey is President Bush's senior economic
advisor.  He is a free market man.  But in serving as a
spokesman for the Administration, he has said some highly
un-capitalistic things recently.  The LONDON TELEGRAPH
(Sept. 17) reports the following.

 Saddam Hussein's removal from power would be a
 great boost for the global economy even though
 war in Iraq could cost America up to 140 billion
 pounds [$215+ billion], the White House has said.

 Larry Lindsey, President George W Bush's economic
 adviser, said increased oil production in a free
 Iraq could drive down oil prices.

 When there is a regime change in Iraq, you could
 add three million to five million barrels [per
 day] of production to world supply, he said.
 The successful prosecution of the war would be
 good for the economy.

 But Mr. Lindsey said the bill for war could be up
 to four times a previous estimate by the Pentagon
 of 35 billion pounds.  He did not provide a
 breakdown but the Pentagon figure included the
 cost of transporting and supplying troops and
 producing smart bombs.

 Think about this economic assessment.  We may be about
to hike spending in the range of a quarter of a trillion
dollars, not counting deaths.  This low-ball estimate
assumes that the Middle East doesn't explode in waves of
Islamic revolutionary violence that the United States
military will be called on to suppress.

 Why will this be a benefit economically?  Because of
increased oil flow, Lindsey says.  But the United States
can get this increased oil flow free of charge.  All the
President has to do is unilaterally remove the economic
sanctions that three consecutive Administrations have
placed on Iraq for over a decade.  We simply allow Iraq to
sell to the highest bidder all of the oil it can produce.
The price of oil would fall sharply, probably to under $20.
The TELEGRAPH reports:

 Now it has reserves of at least 112 billion
 barrels, second only to Saudi Arabia's 261
 billion.  But Iraq's oil production has dropped
 to 1.7 million barrels a day, compared to 3.5

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Lawsuit...

2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

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- Original Message - 
From: Catherine Austin 
To: Lyyisa Harris 
Cc: Carolyn Betts Esq. ; Linda Minor 
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 11:50 PM
Subject: Lawsuit...
Sued for Slave ReparationsDespite all the media hype about reparations 
for African-Americans, onemajor lawsuit involving reparations has not 
received much publicity. Findout why.Exclusive to American Free 
PressBy Michael Collins PiperIt hasn't made much of a 
splash in the mainstream media, but the world'swealthiest, most powerful and 
highly respected international bankingfamily-the Rothschilds-has been 
targeted in a lawsuit by African-Americanswho allege that numerous 
Rothschild empire-related corporations profitedfrom the African slave 
trade.Neither ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN nor Fox-all of which are owned by a 
clique ofpowerful, interconnected families and corporations with ties to 
theRothschild interests-have reported on this story.However, on 
Sept. 4 a brief item appearing in The Washington Post,referencing the 
Reuters news service, provided some specifics.African-American 
citizens-descendants of slaves-have filed suit against anumber of major 
global corporations demanding reparations for reapingprofits on the backs of 
slaves.The Post cited Deadria Farmer-Paellman, who is filing lawsuits 
against adiverse series of corporate targets demanding that they release 
corporatearchives which might shed light on how those corporations may have 
profitedfrom the slave trade.Farmer-Paellman had previously filed a 
federal class action suit against CSXrailroad, which used slave labor in 
building its lines, and Aetna, theinsurance giant. Aetna apologized for 
insuring owners against injured andrunaway slaves, but has refused to make 
restitution.What the story in the Post did not mention-but which is very 
much thecase-is that many (if not all) of the corporations targeted are 
corporationshistorically controlled by the wide-ranging international web 
primarilydominated by the Rothschild family.The diverse targets 
include: J. P. Morgan Chase  Co., Lehman BrothersHoldings, Inc., Brown 
Brothers Harriman, the Loews Corp, and Lloyds ofLondon among several others. 
These named corporations are all part of theRothschild sphere of influence, 
which includes such wealthy families as theBronfmans, the Reichmanns, the 
Belzbergs, the Newhouses, Murdochs,Sulzbergers and others.Other 
corporations named include American Inter national Group, Inc., theinsurance 
firm, as well as Union Pacific and Norfolk Southern Corp.railroads. 
WestPoint Stevens Inc., a textile firm, and such tobacco makersas R.J. 
Reynolds Tobacco Holdings Inc., Brown  Williamson Tobacco Corp. 
andLiggett Group, which is now indirectly owned by Vector Group 
Ltd.The interests, which dominate the American media, have downplayed 
thesignificance of these lawsuits, but the ramifications are far 
reaching:rather than asking every American taxpayer to "kick in" for 
reparations,those who are asking for payback are targeting those who 
actually profiteddirectly from the slave 
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[CTRL] Mossad

2002-09-26 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

BLAIRbyGordon Thomas 
The key new intelligence about Iraq's arsenal which Tony Blair revealed to 
the House of Commons last week came from Israel's Mossad.Some of the 
information was less than two weeks old. It was this updated information which 
allowed Blair to speak with such authority to MPs.The role of Mossad agents 
inside Iraq will become increasingly crucial in the coming weeks. Senior 
intelligence sources in Tel Aviv have confirmed to the Sunday Express that it 
has agents in place inside Baghdad.There are other agents at a listening 
post on the border between Jordan and Iraq. In an unprecedented move, King 
Abdullah of Jordan has authorised the existence of the post.It is equipped 
with state of the art monitoring devices. It is these devices that will provide 
the first warnings of any scud missiles that Iraq would launch against 
Israel.Blair told the Commons that there was good intelligence to support 
the claim that the scuds would contain bio-chemical warheads.Mossad agents 
were the first to discover that Saddam now has mobile laboratories deep in 
Iraq's deserts. They are designed to rendezvous with portable scud missile 
launchers.During the last Gulf war, Mossad agents provided fruitful 
information for the Allies. Meantime, the steady build-up of US forces in 
Kuwait continues. Shannon Airport, in the Irish Republic, has daily flights of 
US troop carriers landing to re-fuel before continuing on their way to the 
Middle East.ends
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describing how to commit state-approved murder.
For further information and download instructions visit www.gordonthomas.ie/mindfield.htm__
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[CTRL] Sharon

2002-09-26 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-


Is Ariel Sharon Leading Israel to a Dead End? Thomas L. Friedman The New York Times The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com 
Thursday, 26 September, 2002 
Wrecking peace hopes 
WASHINGTON I happened to be in Israel on Sept. 11, 2001, and on 
Sept. 12 went to the Israeli Defense Ministry to talk to security 
experts there about what Israel had learned from dealing with 
Palestinian suicide bombers that might help America. The main lesson, 
they said, was this: In the end, the only people who can effectively 
stop suicide bombers are those in the community they come from. 
Only if their political and spiritual leaders delegitimize 
suicide bombing, only if their security forces and intelligence agencies 
are mobilized to prevent it, can it really be stopped. Israel, they told 
me, could never penetrate Palestinian society the way Palestinians 
could. Therefore, the ultimate task for Israel was to find the right 
pressures and incentives to get the Palestinians themselves to stop the 
Unfortunately, that message does not seem to have reached Prime 
Minister Ariel Sharon, who, I believe, has never had a plan for how to 
reach a stable accommodation with the Palestinians, is only interested 
in making the West Bank safe for Israeli settlers to stay, not to leave, 
and is going to lead Israel into a dead end - if he sticks to his 
present course - and will take America along for the ride. 
I have enormous sympathy for Israel's plight today. There is no 
society in the world that has ever been exposed to what Israel has over 
the past two years - repeated suicide bombings of its civilians in their 
buses, restaurants and city centers, compounded by anti-Semitic attacks 
by Europeans, who call for a severing of ties with Israeli universities 
when Israel retaliates. That is enough to make any civilized society 
But the Sharon response is not working. Months ago Sharon 
dismissed the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat as "irrelevant," smashed 
his security services and announced Israel's intention to assume 
responsibility for its own security in the West Bank. But when 
Palestinian suicide bombers from Hamas and Islamic Jihad then perpetrate 
more suicide bombings, Sharon attacks Arafat's headquarters as if Arafat 
sent the bombers himself. 
If Sharon believes that Arafat sent these bombers, then he 
should evict him. If he thinks Arafat is irrelevant, then he should 
ignore him. But what makes no sense is to treat Arafat as if he's 
totally irrelevant and totally responsible. Because all that does is get 
Palestinians to rally around the feckless Arafat and abort any 
possibility of Palestinians producing a new leadership that would be 
relevant to negotiations and to Israeli security. 
That's not a pipe dream. Thanks to President George W. Bush's 
blunt call for Palestinians to dump Arafat - and thanks to Sharon's 
crackdown on Palestinians to prove that the foolish intifada they 
launched two years ago (in the wake of President Bill Clinton's peace 
overture) will not pay - Israel and the United States had begun to sow 
the first seeds of internal Palestinian reform that were needed for the 
Palestinians to rein in the suicide bombers. 
For the past months a few Palestinian leaders and commentators 
have been speaking about what a mistake it was for Arafat to have turned 
down the Clinton plan for a Palestinian state; Palestinian legislators 
have voted no confidence in Arafat's cabinet and pushed forward more 
responsible alternatives; and secular Palestinians have begun openly 
questioning suicide bombing. 
All of these trends are bad news for Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iraq 
and Iran. So they have been pushing out even more suicide bombers to 
trigger a Sharon reaction that would rally Palestinians around Arafat's 
failed leadership and abort the emergence of any new consensus. Arafat 
is celebrating. 
Sharon has a tough job. He has to pursue a peace settlement 
with the Palestinians, as if there were no terrorism, and to hunt the 
terrorists, as if no peace settlement were possible. That requires 
subtle distinctions. But Sharon's policy seems to be to ignore all 
distinctions - between Hamas and Arafat and between Hamas and the 
secular Palestinian mainstream, who would like to see change. 
One has to wonder whether Sharon really isn't out to undermine 
the whole Palestinian national movement in hopes that 

[CTRL] War Vets' Hope

2002-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/news/0902/25iraqvets.html

[ The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 9/25/02 ]

Gulf War vets hope errors not repeated

Many say GIs in '91 weren't told of risks of battlefield toxins

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer

Veterans of the Persian Gulf War say they are leery of a second foray into the region
because of the unexplained deaths and illnesses of so many of their comrades since the
end of that conflict.

Even those who back the Bush administration's efforts to topple Saddam Hussein are
cautioning the military not to repeat the mistakes it made the first time, said Steve
Robinson, executive director of the Washington-based National Gulf War Resource Center.

Gulf War veterans who are still serving or those who have left the service and are 
not ill
are more inclined to say: 'Let's finish the job we started in 1991,'  Robinson said 

But he added that those who are suffering from what has become known as Gulf War
Illness are less inclined to support a second war there.

About 700,000 American troops served in the Persian Gulf region during Operation Desert
Storm. Of those, 148 were killed in action and 467 wounded.

But since the end of the war, nearly 7,800 Desert Storm veterans have died, according 
an April 2002 report from the Department of Veterans Affairs. And nearly 200,000, about
28 percent of all those who were deployed to the region, have filed claims with the VA 
medical problems and compensation.

Distrust of the official line

Exactly why all those troops have died or gotten ill remains a mystery, said Robinson, 
former Army Ranger. He and other Gulf War vets think the Pentagon has not done enough
to find the causes before embarking on another war in the region.

Those who served during Desert Storm point to a variety of possible causes for the 
and illnesses.

They include exposure to biological and chemical weapons, depleted uranium from
ammunition, pesticides and smoke from oil well fires. In addition, they say, the 
effects of
various vaccines and medications that they were required to take, including 
inoculations for
anthrax, have not been fully investigated.

We're still getting a handle on what happened 11 years ago, and we shouldn't enter 
this new war ignoring those questions that haven't been answered, Robinson said.

Many Gulf War vets have mixed feelings about the government because of the unresolved
issues from their service, Charles Sheehan-Miles said. A native of Atlanta, Sheehan- 
served as a tank crew member with the 24th Infantry Division (mechanized) during the 

I don't know of many Gulf War vets who trust the government, said Sheehan-Miles, an
author and computer technician now living in Reston, Va.

Health screenings skipped?

Robinson said another issue the government has not addressed is the effectiveness of
protective gear and detection devices, in the event Saddam Hussein unleashes biological
and chemical weapons, as the administration says he is capable of doing.

The Pentagon originally denied that chemical or biological weapons were used in the 
Gulf War. The 14,000 alerts by the military's primary detection device were said to be 
positives, but those detectors are still in use, Robinson said.

It seems silly for them to waste money sending that stuff over there again, when they 
all of those alerts were false alarms, Sheehan-Miles said.

In 1997, the Pentagon admitted that the nerve agent sarin was among munitions destroyed
after the war. As many as 140,000 troops had been exposed in what Robinson calls the
largest friendly fire incident in history.

Concerns raised by Gulf War veterans prompted Congress to enact a law titled Force 
Protection. It requires all soldiers to undergo health screenings before they deploy, 
they are deployed and after they return home.

This law is being ignored even now with the troops in Afghanistan, Robinson said, 
that he has no evidence that it will be enforced for troops that might fight in Iraq.

We're not trying to prevent another war with Iraq, Robinson said. We are trying to
prevent the same mistakes from being made on a new generation of Gulf War veterans.
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you 

[CTRL] WAD (War Against Drugs) Shot

2002-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://news.independent.co.uk/world/asia_china/story.jsp?story=336722

26 September 2002 00:37 BDST
Home   News   World   Asia China

Massive post-war rise in
production of Afghan opium

By Jason Bennetto Crime Correspondent

26 September 2002 Internal links Massive post-war rise in production of Afghan opium
First Afghan war criminal is jailed
Britain is expected to be hit by a flood of heroin after a gigantic increase in the 
of opium in Afghanistan, the United Nations will warn today. A UN survey estimates the
farmers will grow 2,700 tons of opium this year compared with 185 tons in 2001, a 1,400
per cent jump.

In July 2000, the Taliban government banned farmers from growing the opium poppies, but
since the regime was toppled, production of the lucrative crop has resumed.

Afghanistan is the source of 75 per cent of the world's heroin and 90 per cent of 
supply. Evidence suggests heroin supplies to western Europe had been running low, an
international drugs conference in Paris will be told.

Brian Taylor, head of the supply, reduction and law enforcement section of the UN drug
control programme, will say that the Afghan authorities lack the equipment and 
training to
tackle the problem.

Customs and Excise, and MI5, have been warning ministers for months about the growing
drugs threat from Afghanistan. Mr Taylor will tell a conference on trafficking and law
enforcement, organised by the research organisation DrugScope, that the total amount of
opium expected to be produced this year is between 1,900 and 2,700 tons. In 2000 3,300
tons were cultivated, and 4,600 tons produced in 1999.

The UN will also report that the price of opium from Afghanistan has doubled to $350
(£225) a kilo. Ten kilos of opium make one kilo of heroin.

Drugs specialists from the UN made a survey in February in the growing regions of the
south and east of Afghanistan, which account for 84 per cent of the poppy cultivation 
in the
country. They found between 45,000 and 65,000 hectares (one hectare is 2.4 acres) were
under poppy cultivation. In May a second survey in the northern region found opium
cultivation had increased from 6,640 hectares in 2001 to 9,750.

Mr Taylor will say that despite the slump in heroin production last year the war in
Afghanistan lead to panic sales of reserves of the drug to western Europe, which 
kept the
prices stable.

There have been encouraging signs that purity levels of heroin seized in the UK had 
to drop, indicating that supplies may be running out, he will add.

Britain has a growing heroin problem, with the drug being used by an estimated 300,000
people in a trade worth £2.3bn a year. In April, the Foreign Office said the amount of
heroin on the streets would be cut by a scheme offering Afghan farmers £1,250 (£800) 
each hectare of opium destroyed.

Afghan authorities are beset with problems in trying to counter the cultivation of 
These include poorly trained and equipped staff, no operational police equipment, a 
lack of
transport, and no scientific equipment to test suspected drugs.
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Image / Chart

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[CTRL] The Chosen One

2002-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From URL @ bottom

Chosen By God To Lead America
Date Tuesday, September 24 @ 17:07:11
Topic Commentary

Having received the green light from “above,” Christian George is about to unleash a

holiness that just might Armageddon all of us.
By Rick Friedman  Stewart Nusbaumer

Gather ‘round us, brothers and sisters, saints and sinners. Rick and Stewart feel a 
sermon comin’ on.

All of us know that Osama bin Laden is a Muslim religious fanatic hell-bent on 
his demented version of Armageddon in the Middle East. What we’re not sure about,
however, is whether or not George Bush is a Christian religious fanatic hell-bent on 
demented version of Armageddon in the Middle East. It’s this scary thought planted in 
air of public consciousness that our timid mainstream media has begun to explore, 
explore, delicately dancing around the edges to avoid setting off the land mine of 

Two weeks ago in the Christian Science Monitor, Francine Kiefer wrote that Bush’s
religious beliefs are emerging as a central influence to his policies and politics --
inextricably linked to everything from the war on terrorism to the November 
elections.” “For
Bush,” Kiefer continued, “who reads his Bible every morning, faith extends beyond the
national catharsis of the moment. By his own admission, his religious views shape much 
who he is and, by extension, experts say, some of his most important decision-making.

Just over a week ago, Time published an article by Michael Duffy, who had interviewed
more than a dozen senior Republican Party operatives, people who advise and support the
president and talk regularly to him and his inner circle. Bush has always preferred 
poison straight up or down, good vs. bad, dead or alive, you’re either with us or 
you’re with
the terrorists,” Duffy wrote. In one horrifying two-hour period [on September 11], the
world shuddered and conformed to his way of thinking: there was good and there was 
and it wasn’t hard to tell the difference.” Then Duffy added: “Privately, Bush even 
talked of
being chosen by the grace of God to lead at that moment.

So Bush is chosen by God, but not by the U.S. Congress and not by the United Nations, 
lead an invasion of Iraq. During the Vietnam War, evidently Bush was chosen by God not 
lead anyone into that war, least of all himself. Welcome to America’s Chicken Heart
administration: chicken when they were asked to fight a war that they themselves 
in, and now all heart to send other young men off to a war that only they believe in.

And just a few days ago, The New York Times reported a new Bush doctrine whereby the
chosen by God Bush can unilaterally declare war on any country he deems is run by evil-
doers. Today Iraq, maybe next week Madagascar. Next month, possibly Philadelphia.

Let’s face it, our chosen by God leader is in a modern Christian crusade frame of 
mind. He’s
probably riding his lead pony right now around the White House war room. A year ago,
God’s choice used the word crusade to describe his War on Terrorism, which knocked 
Arab world right off its camel. Although Bush drank his way through Yale and then slept
through Harvard Business School, since Yale produced one long hangover, the Arab
heathens haven’t had excessive consumption and innate laziness black out their history.
Christian Crusades are still unpopular in the Middle East.

With 9/11 as Revelation, the President of the United States, personally chosen by God, 
about to lead us, sisters and brothers, saints and sinners, into what he believes will 
Armageddon. In the New Testament, Armageddon is described in Revelations “as the place
where the kings of the Earth under demonic leadership will wage war on the forces of 
at the end of World history. God’s heavenly armies will defeat the demonic forces of 

Bush has singled out the evil doer; co-ideologue Pat Robertson can’t shut up about
Armageddon, which will bring on the Second Coming and the conversion of all the Jews to
Jesus. The direct mail campaign of Jews for Jesus is right in step; cowriter Rick 
is urged to take Christ into your heart before Armageddon happens or you’re doomed!”
Actually, if we don’t get this nut out of the White House we’re all doomed.

If the chosen by God George Bush invades demonic Iraq he may very well ignite a larger
war in the Middle East that will pull in other Arab states and Israel, leading us to 
conclusion of Armageddon with both God’s forces and Satan’s army all going down the
toilet of defeat. And just think, all of this from a man who can’t spell “banana.” So 
and brothers, saints and sinners, hang on because revelation is bringing a revolution 
we just may end up back in the Stone Age.

By the way, if you’re not the fatalistic type, you could get off your spreading 
computer butt
and raise some hell! Bush might be chosen by God, but this is still a democracy.


[CTRL] Mystique

2002-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://reese.king-online.com/Reese_20020925/index.php

For Wednesday, September 25, 2002
The Mystique Of Iraq

For some reason unknown to me, Iraq casts a strange spell on the members of the Bush
family when they occupy the White House. It seems to corrupt them so that they resort 
lies and elaborate deceptions as their frenzy for war grows feverish.

The original Gulf War was based largely on lies. There was the outright lie that Iraqi
soldiers had snatched Kuwaiti babies out of incubators to steal the incubators. The 
big lie was the claim that Iraq was massing troops for an invasion of Saudi Arabia. 

Now, another Bush is misleading the American people in order to dupe them into a war
with Iraq. Let me trace the deceptions of the Bush team. In the first place, Republican
campaign advisers argued that war was better for Republican chances in November than
trying to campaign on domestic issues. It's quite clear that Mr. Bush was in somewhat 
of a
fog prior to the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. He has blossomed into a 
leader and seems determined to make sure he never runs out of wars.

The first ploy used to justify war was the claim that Iraq was developing weapons of 
destruction and therefore posed an imminent threat to the United States and, indeed, 
world itself. It's important to understand that in the past, a policy of containment 
with an enemy that had thousands of weapons of mass destruction and, unlike Iraq, the
means of delivering them. Yet Bush claims that Iraq, with one or two nuclear warheads,
could blackmail the world. That, of course, is patent nonsense. It couldn't even 
Israel, which has a nuclear force of 200 warheads and the rockets and the planes with
which to deliver them.

That aside, however, Bush was unable to produce any new evidence that would support the
claim that Iraq was building weapons of mass destruction. Everything the administration
tossed out as evidence was old stuff. It was flatly unable to prove that Iraq was on 
verge of some new, dangerous venture. So the strategy shifted.

Bush goes to the United Nations. He has to, since it was obvious no country except 
Britain was going to support a unilateral invasion by the United States. Here the ploy 
is that
Saddam Hussein, by failing to obey U.N. resolutions, has put the world body in the 
of either enforcing its resolutions or becoming irrelevant. What Bush really is 
saying is,
give me a U.N. cover to attack Iraq, or I'll call you a League of Nations.

There is one flaw in this strategy, which most Americans have swallowed whole. The
country that is the all-time world-class champion at failing to obey and at defying 
resolutions is Mr. Bush's favorite country, Israel. There is no way you can logically 
that failure to enforce about 70 resolutions against Israel does not jeopardize the 
Nations, but failure to enforce 16 resolutions directed at Iraq would and is a just 
cause for
war. The reason the United Nations has never tried to enforce its resolutions directed 
Israel is that the United States prevents it from doing so.

Now, much to President Bush's discomfort, Iraq has said the weapons inspectors can come
back without conditions. This throws a monkey wrench into Bush's war plans. True, it 
be just a trick by Saddam Hussein, but nothing will be lost or threatened by giving 
peace a
chance. The truth is that the original inspectors oversaw the destruction of 90 
percent to 95
percent of Iraq's weapons. It is also true that the United States kept raising the bar 
and had
furthermore corrupted the inspection process by using it as a cover for spying.

Finally, let me point out another obvious fact: All over the world, the United States
advocates dialogue as an alternative to war to settle disputes. Yet not one time since 
Gulf War has the United States even attempted to conduct a diplomatic dialogue with 
There is no justification for war with Iraq. The Bushes would waste every American 
life lost
in an attempt to satisfy their sick obsession with Iraq.

© 2002 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway


[CTRL] New Zealand opposition

2002-09-26 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Australia  South Pacific : New Zealand

New Zealand opposition leader launches racist diatribe against immigrants

By John Braddock
26 September 2002

Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author

The leader of New Zealand’s second main opposition party, New Zealand First, has used
the first parliamentary sitting following the July 27 election to deliver an 
inflammatory speech blaming the country’s worsening social crisis on recent immigrants.

In a major speech to the new parliament late last month, Winston Peters declared that 
country’s indigenous Maori population was being treated in an inferior way to new
migrants. In what commentators described as an “impassioned” attack on the re-elected
Labour government, Peters insisted: “We are treating thousands of immigrants for all 
of diseases, who will never work in our economy ever, and yet Maoridom has, for 
no diabetes programme, have they?”

Peters claimed there were people in his own electorate of Tauranga “who’ve waited three
years for serious operations. We can’t help a New Zealander but we can help every Tom,
Dick and Harry, Mushtaq and Ben Laden (sic) first. Do you know what they call that in 
countries? They call it treason.” Peters went on to allege that “[h]alf of the 
entering New Zealand were “carrying HIV and all sorts of Third World diseases into our
country”, and that “necrophiliacs and triple murderers” were being allowed in as a 
of course.

Peters’ aim is to catapult New Zealand First ahead of the National Party as the main
parliamentary opposition to Labor. In the July election, amid record voter abstention 
and a
movement to the rightwing minor parties, NZ First gained 13 seats after winning almost 
percent of the vote, doubling the number of its MPs and giving it the most seats after 
two main parties, Labour and National.

Labour had been expected to win by a wide margin, but its support declined from about 
percent to 41 percent during the course of the campaign. As a result, it was obliged 
to form
a minority government. At the same time, the vote for the National Party—the 
conservative party—collapsed to an historic low of 21 percent, giving two opposition 
bench places to NZ First. Between them, the three minor right-wing parties—ACT, NZ 
and United Future, Labour’s coalition partner—accounted for 24 percent of the 

Like Pauline Hanson in Australia, Pym Fortyn in Holland and other populist demagogues,
Peters seeks to divert popular hostility with the present political set-up into 
chauvinism. He has been able to capitalise on the widespread disaffection with Labour
among Maori, as a result of the government’s rundown of public health and its
entrenchment of unprecedented levels of social inequality.

Peters delivered his diatribe from a newly promoted position on the opposition front
benches. Yet just three years ago he was all but a spent force in New Zealand 
politics. That
he has returned to national prominence is entirely due to the policies pursued by the
Labour-Alliance government, with the support of the Greens, over the course of its past
term in office.

Peters first came to political attention as a National Party MP and leadership 
aspirant in the
late 1980s, after two terms of economic “restructuring” had been undertaken by Labour.
Appealing to the growing anger at Labour’s betrayals, he presented himself as a 
and campaigned against foreign capital and the excesses of big business. He clawed his
way to prominence by forcing the establishment of the so-called “Winebox Inquiry”, 
uncovered extensive corporate tax evasion, led by Fay Richwhite, one of the country’s 
prominent and aggressive “New Right” merchant bankers. As a result, he began to top the
polls as preferred prime minister.

When, in 1990, the turn against Labour swept the National Party back into government,
Peters was appointed Minister of Maori Affairs and put in charge of imposing a new 
of austerity measures on the Maori population. In her notorious 1991 “Mother of all
budgets”, Finance Minister Ruth Richardson embarked on the next stage of the assault on
jobs, living standards and social welfare demanded by big business. Vicious cuts to 
welfare plunged tens of thousands of beneficiaries into acute poverty. Even 
National policies in support of aged superannuation and rural services were reversed,
causing divisions and ruptures within the party’s own ranks. Ever the opportunist, 
dissociated himself, launching demagogic attacks on the government and its financial
backers—and was eventually expelled.

In 1993, basing himself on the growing opposition to both parties, Peters founded New
Zealand First on a program—encapsulated in the party’s name—of nationalism and

[CTRL] Don't Believe in Coincidences [West Nile]

2002-09-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

Subject:  Don't Believe in Coincidences [West Nile]
John LeBoutillier
Wednesday, June 14, 2000
I don’t believe in coincidences.
Here are two so-called coincidences – neither of which is anything but a deliberate 
act of malicious behavior against the United States:
I do not believe these lost or stolen computer hard drives at our Los Alamos 
laboratory disappeared coincidentally during the confusion from a calamitous fire 
admittedly set by our own government!
What is more likely is that our government has been dangerously penetrated – to the 
point where someone either set the fire with the intent to steal these valuable 
nuclear secrets or else used the fire as the distraction needed to steal these hard 
Amazingly, neither the media nor the congressmen and senators who grilled Energy 
Secretary Bill Richardson yesterday even raised the possibility of a deliberate 
linkage between the fire and the theft/loss of these secrets.
We have learned that under the Clinton administration nothing should be ignored. 
Anything is possible. The most innocent of explanations should be discarded; the worst 
implication should be drawn.
My guess is that the Chinese have deeply penetrated the Clinton administration. So 
deeply, in fact, that Clinton himself is not beyond suspicion. The Chinese military 
sees an invaluable window of opportunity closing when Clinton leaves office. So the 
time to strike is now.
Having learned what is where at Los Alamos, all that remained was a way to get those 
hard drives out of the lab.
The controlled burn” was the perfect distraction.
Whatever happened will never be revealed. If suddenly in the next few days the Energy 
Department suddenly finds” the lost hard drives, don’t believe it. That will be a 
cover story”; the truth is the lab’s secrecy has been forever violated and we have to 
assume for security purposes that all our enemies worldwide may very well have total 
access to all our nuclear secrets.
A proper president would do the following: a) fire Richardson immediately; b) close 
Los Alamos permanently; c) investigate every single human being who works or has 
recently worked at Los Alamos – from the head of the lab down to the parking lot 
attendant; d) investigate everyone even tangentially involved in setting the forest 
fire – including upper-level bureaucrats who may have known of the burn before it 
was initiated.
Clinton, of course, is an improper president. He will do none of the above.
Coincidence No. 2” is last fall’s sudden appearance in the New York metropolitan area 
of an outbreak of West Nile fever.
Never before had this Middle Eastern virus been seen in the United States. Then it 
suddenly is found in people and in birds in the borough of Queens and then in other 
areas around New York City. Several elderly people died from West Nile; many others 
were severely ill and hospitalized because of this mysterious disease.
Again the media and the Congress were – and remain – lax in linking up two related 
facts. U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ridder has revealed that Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi 
scientists were working on West Nile virus!
Why were Ridder and the United Nations inspecting Iraq at all? Because of evidence 
that Saddam was developing weapons of mass destruction and biological agents, as well. 
Thus the United Nations kept severe sanctions on Iraq until Saddam was proven to be in 
compliance with U.N. mandates on his government.
Saddam’s country is suffering because of these sanctions.
And Saddam was so furious that the U.N. would not lift these sanctions that he finally 
threw out the inspectors.
Do you believe that this clever and devious madman would just sit idly by while the 
United Nations kept turning the screws on his regime?
Do you believe it is a coincidence” that this virus suddenly then appeared directly 
across the East River from U.N. headquarters?
As I said, I do not believe in coincidences” – at least not when it comes to cases 
involving liars and deceivers such as Clinton and Saddam.

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
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[CTRL] New Bush Strategy: America As World's Cop

2002-09-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


New Bush Strategy: America As World s Cop
Sep 23, 2002
Source: NewsMax.com

America s new policy defining its role in the world as announced today by
the White House presents the U.S. as anxious to preserve peace and
democracy, but on closer reading it becomes clear that the real role is that
of the U.S. is to be the World s beat cop.

We will not hesitate to act alone, to exercise our right to self-defense by
acting pre-emptively  against terrorists,  President Bush warned in a new
document issued at the very moment where U.N. member states such as Russia
are showing serious reluctance to back U.S. calls for a new resolution that
would authorize an attack on Iraq.

The lengthy, 33-page document, The National Security Strategy of the United
States, is a report that the president must, under law, submit to Congress,
but this report goes far beyond any other presidential strategy report
issued in the past.

Observers say Bush s announced strategic policy is the most aggressive since
the Reagan administration, if not before. In it, the White House calls it a
value-oriented strategy, encompassing the idea that it is up to the United
States not only to make the world safer, but better.

America is now threatened less by conquering states than we are by failing
ones,  the document proclaims.

In releasing the document, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said in
a statement that the report sets forth the principles that will guide the
U.S. henceforth under the Bush administration.

America must always stand for and protect the universal values on which it
was founded. To this end, President Bush makes clear that the United States
will use its position of strength and influence in the world to defend,
preserve, and extend the peace, Fleischer said. This strategy states that
the safety and security of America is the first and fundamental commitment
of the our government.

The report opens by noting that The great struggles of the 20th century
between liberty and totalitarianism ended with a decisive victory for the
forces of freedom and a single sustainable model for national success:
freedom, democracy and free enterprise. In the 21st century, only nations
that share a commitment to protecting basic human rights and guaranteeing
political and economic freedom will be able to unleash the potential of
their people and assure their future prosperity.

People everywhere want to say what they think, choose who will govern them,
worship as they please, educate their children   male and female, own
property and enjoy the benefits of their labor. These values of freedom are
right and true for every person, in every society   and the duty of
protecting these values against their enemies is the common calling of
freedom-loving people across the globe. . . .

The events of Sept. 11, 2001, taught us that weak states like Afghanistan
can pose as great a danger to our national interests as strong states.
Poverty does not make poor people into terrorists and murderers. Yet
poverty, weak institutions and corruption can make weak states vulnerable to
terrorist networks and drug cartels within their borders.

According to the New York Times, the report states that American strategy
requires that the U.S.:

Speak out honestly about violations of the nonnegotiable demands of human
dignity using our voice and vote in international institutions to advance
use our foreign aid to promote freedom and support those who struggle
nonviolently for it, ensuring that nations moving toward democracy are
rewarded for the steps they take;
take special efforts to promote freedom of religion and conscience and
defend it from encroachment by repressive governments. . . .
Our priority will be first to disrupt and destroy terrorist organizations of
global reach and attack their leadership; command, control, and
communications; material support; and finances. This will have a disabling
effect upon the terrorists' ability to plan and operate.
We will disrupt and destroy terrorist organizations by:

direct and continuous action using all the elements of national and
international power. Our immediate focus will be those terrorist
organizations of global reach and any terrorist or state sponsor of
terrorism which attempts to gain or use weapons of mass destruction (W.M.D.)
or their precursors;
defending the United States, the American people and our interests at home
and abroad by identifying and destroying the threat before it reaches our
borders. While the United States will constantly strive to enlist the
support of the international community, we will not hesitate to act alone,
if necessary, to exercise our right of self-defense by acting pre-emptively;
. . . and
denying further sponsorship, support and sanctuary to terrorists by
convincing or compelling states to accept their sovereign responsibilities.
We will 

[CTRL] The Most Dangerous Person On Earth

2002-09-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


The Most Dangerous Person On Earth
It's Not Who Bush Would Like You To Think It Is

September 22, 2002

When George W. Bush was governor of Texas, his basic strategy was to stake
out a position and refuse to budge, hoping to bully others into acquiescing.
Only when met with strong opposition did he back down and compromise. We are
seeing the same strategy in his policy over Iraq. In the past weeks, the
president has attempted to bully the United Nations and now Congress into
allowing him to attack Iraq and depose its leader. He is likely to get his
wish. But the larger problem is not what will happen if no one stands up to
Saddam Hussein. It is what will happen if no one stands up to the president
and his vision of moral clarity.

Our Constitution left the power to declare war to Congress because of the
fear that if the president could act unilaterally, he might seek to
aggrandize himself by taking the country into one war after another.
Although the president could always defend the nation if attacked, he could
not initiate hostilities without Congress' approval. In the 20th century,
Congress' role has receded of necessity, so the president's power to make
war has been hemmed in largely by domestic politics, the threat of nuclear
reprisal and international law.

The Bush administration's new policy of pre-emptive attacks is a dangerous
addition to this mixture, creating a host of bad incentives. Simply by
announcing future threats that deserve pre-emptive action, presidents can
seize control of the political stage. A president who takes the country to
war pushes aside all other concerns. By shifting the nation's forces from
one military offensive to another, he can divert attention from domestic
failures and foreign policy blunders. The more often the president attacks
other countries pre-emptively, the more likely it becomes that our country
will be attacked in turn. The president can then justify additional military
action in response, and no patriotic American will oppose it.

In this way, the president can effectively govern through war, with
disastrous consequences for the nation and for the world. Armed with the
doctrine of military pre-emption, the perpetual political campaign perfected
by our last president might well become the perpetual military campaign of
future presidents.

President Bush had good reason to take us to war after Sept. 11. Still, he
has not accomplished his stated goal of eliminating al Qaeda or capturing
Osama bin Laden. With victory not achieved and Afghanistan still unstable,
he has now attempted to shift our attention to a new war with Iraq. Again,
he may well have excellent reasons for doing so. But we must pay attention
to the larger picture. Members of Congress debating authorization for an
attack on Iraq should ask the president tough questions about what future
military actions he is considering. The way the president's foreign policy
is proceeding, Iraq may not be the last war he asks us to fight.

The president is right about one thing, however. Today the world faces a
single man armed with weapons of mass destruction, manifesting an
aggressive, bullying attitude, who may well plunge the world into chaos and
bloodshed if he miscalculates. This person, belligerent, arrogant and sure
of himself, truly is the most dangerous person on Earth. The problem is that
his name is George W. Bush, and he is our president.

Jack M. Balkin is Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First
Amendment at Yale Law School. His latest book is The Laws of Change
(Schocken Books, 2002).

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WILDCARD: Down the rabbit hole
with the man who says he tried to
warn the world about 9/11

A GNN Special Report
By Sander Hicks

Part One: : A White Knight?

“The question of could [9/11] have been prevented will haunt us
as long as we exist as a country.” - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca.)

Delmart Mike Vreeland wants to meet me in the parking lot of the Loblaw
grocery store on Lake Shore Drive in Toronto. I arrive as a silver Lincoln
circles the parking garage. I park and the car silently glides to me. The
passenger door opens. Vreeland is sitting in back, hair cropped short into a
Caesar cut, wearing a tight black ribbed t-shirt and black parachute pants.
He looks like Eminem. He leans forward and says, Lock your car. Get in.

As a black storm builds out in the harbor, we head to a big tourist
restaurant on the waterfront called Docks. Vreeland buys us two beers each,
we drink and talk. He wonders aloud if anyone is tailing us. Suddenly
everyone around me is middle-aged, dressed inconspicuously and wearing
sunglasses. The storm breaks and we run inside. The middle-aged men follow us
in, still wearing their sunglasses.

That night the limo takes me, Vreeland, Vreeland's son, and the son's best
friend up north to a resort lodge. Vreeland feels safer there. He says he's
buying a condo for $600,000, in one lump sum to be wired over. From where? He
won't say. Does it have to do with his work with former U.S. Treasury
operatives, people who claim to be attempting to recover over $27.6 trillion
lost in 1993 when a secret Israeli/Palestinian peace deal went awry? (Yes,
that's right, $27.6 trillion) Perhaps . . . or perhaps it’s just another
Vreelandism: a wild story that dissolves in the waters of scrutiny.

Vreeland was no ordinary jailbird. He told Canadian authorities he was a spy
for the Office of Naval Intelligence.
This story begins in December, 2000, when Vreeland, an American citizen, was
arrested in Toronto and charged by Canadian authorities with fraud,
obstructing a peace officer and making a death threat (really, the last one
he says was for cursing his betrayers while being arrested). The Canadian
charges were soon dropped to speed his extradition back to the U.S., where he
was wanted in numerous states on charges that include identity and financial
fraud, forgery, and battery to an officer.

Despite his impressive litany of warrants and heavily tattooed body, Vreeland
was no ordinary jailbird. He told Canadian authorities he was a spy for the
Office of Naval Intelligence, one of the oldest and most powerful
intelligence arms of the U.S. government. He also claimed if he was
extradited to the U.S. he would be killed. Why? Vreeland claimed to have some
very sensitive information.

While in prison, during the summer of 2001, Vreeland says he repeatedly
attempted to warn the world about imminent terrorist attacks. Vreeland’s then
attorney Rocco Galati, (a respected former Canadian prosecutor known for his
support of progressive causes) made what he called head-bashing attempts(1)
to have Vreeland put in touch with the proper authorities, to pass on vital
information about national security(2) to the governments of Canada and the

The notes listed a number of potential terrorist targets including the Sears
Towers, World Trade Center, White House, and Pentagon; as well as the phrase,
Let one happen. Stop the rest!!!
Sometime around August 11 or 12, Vreeland wrote a set of notes. They listed a
number of potential terrorist targets including the Sears Towers, World Trade
Center, White House, and Pentagon. The notes also included the phrase, Let
one happen. Stop the rest!!! [see the notes here] He sealed them in an
envelope and handed them to his Canadian jailers. His lawyers, Galati and
Paul Slansky, another well-known former Canadian prosecutor, introduced the
documents into court that October, arguing that Vreeland’s life would be in
danger if he was sent back to the U.S. The lawyers were harassed with dead
cats hung on their porches, and smashed car windows. Galati has since bowed
out of the case.

News of Vreeland’s case spread quickly when alternative 9/11 journalist Mike
Ruppert began sending back dramatic dispatches from the courtroom in Toronto.
Ruppert called Vreeland a “White Knight Talking Backwards, in articles
published on his site, copvcia.com, and here on GNN.tv. To Ruppert,
Vreeland's story, combined with his lawyers’ testimony, proved that elements
within the U.S. government knew 9/11 was coming and did nothing to stop it.

The story became something of an Internet phenomenon, with thousands of
readers around the world tracking every dramatic twist and turn. But just as
Vreeland's star began to rise, it came crashing down. His long, colorful list
of outstanding warrants in the U.S. was released to 

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Part Two: Dissecting the Notes

Vreeland claims the now infamous notes were part of a 37-page memo to Admiral
Vern Clark, Chief of Naval Operations. Although they fast developed a
reputation as a warning letter, Vreeland says this wasn’t his intention. As
Vreeland told me in our first interview on April 6, 2002, These are my own
personal notes...The only way to understand the whole thing is to read the
whole memo. We have not made that public yet. A big YET on that.

I asked Vreeland about the exact contents and codes of the note:

What were you trying to do in August, 2001?
I wanted to avert 9/11.

If you had five minutes with President Bush what would you say?
I could not tell you what I would say to him. I am forbidden from telling
you. I am not suspecting him. I am not making a statement…I am not doing any

Five months later, Vreeland, is significantly less pro-Bush. The experience
has changed him, and he petulantly remarks, If anyone said they were going
to blow something up in the U.S. I wouldn't do a damn thing.

You have given up?
Yes. I can hold my punches with George Bush. They scammed that election…
It's a dictatorship. It's illegitimate.

Are you afraid?
I'm surprised I'm still here. I got too many people wanting me dead. If I
was after me, I would kidnap me, I would drug me, I would get the info I
wanted and then I would kill me.

If you were after you, do you think you could get you?
Absolutely! I can get anyone if I wanted them badly enough.

What information would you shake out of yourself?
I'd want to know where the Wanta money is right now. Who in the Pentagon has
done wrong? Who killed who…black ops…illegal arms trades, where are
blueprints, the docs you brought back from Moscow? Where's Susanna at? Was it
her or Oleg who poisoned Bastien? And did McComb County give up Bobby Moore
intentionally? Who shot Foster?

When did you leave ONI?

The opportunity came, I was getting old, I don't like getting shot, getting

I don't believe Osama had a fucking thing to do with 9/11. I don't believe
he set it up. I don't believe it was his people.

Vreeland's notes contain the scrawl Dr. Haider— who's his contacts?
According to the L.A. Times (3), Dr. Haider is an alias of Amar Makhnulif,
a.k.a. Abu Doha, a.k.a. Rachid Kefflous, a key al Qaeda figure accused of
being part of a plan to blow up the Los Angeles airport on New Year's Eve
2000. Abu Doha was arrested in London by British authorities in February of
2001 but then mysteriously released (4).

In April, Vreeland told me, I don't believe Osama had a fucking thing to do
with 9/11. I don't believe he set it up. I don't believe it was his people.
In our interview this September, Vreeland's beliefs hadn't changed. He asked,
Why would an agent of the U.S. Government blow up the WTC? You've got Putin
pissed off at Afghanistan, you've got the U.S. training Osama.

Then who did pull off the 9/11 attack? Vreeland believes that documents he
viewed during his trip to Moscow implicated Iraq. He told me, The document
in Russian talks about blowing up things in the U.S. Earlier, in an April 17
interview with popular Yahoo radio host Jeff Rense, Vreeland said that in
Moscow he had read a letter from Iraq to Moscow detailing what would
happen. Vreeland explains he was assigned to courier this letter to Canadian
intelligence, but he sensed that something was about to go awry, so he copied
the documents he was given. Rense asked him, How specific was that letter?
Vreeland responded evenly, Quite specific. It said September, World Trade
Center. It specifically named that target, then it identified what was to
happen after.

The initial strike or attack, will be started at the WTC on 9-11-2001, by
our brothers in faith...If everything goes as planned the attack will work.
After Americans, who undoubtedly will think that Osama is to be blamed and
will start a war with his group...
Late in my reporting this story, on September 23, 2002, I received a copy of
the original letter in Russian that Vreeland repeatedly made reference to in
April. He had given a copy to Kellia Ramires of Berkeley, Ca. radio's KPFA
that month and she had it translated by a Russian speaker not affiliated with
anyone in the story. The results were chilling. It is dated June 9, 2000:

The initial strike or attack, will be started at the WTC on 9-11-2001, by
our brothers in faith. 3 Mile Island and Pentagon are as well the goals that
we will not miss at the initial terrorist stage of the attack. If everything
goes as planned the attack will work. After Americans, who undoubtedly will
think that Osama is to be blamed and will start a war with his group, there
stands the Russian Empire, to gain the first fruit of war and money promised
by the Americans. 

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Part Three: The World's Best Con Man

It's Saturday morning in cottage country, at a lodge north of Toronto. The
lake is as big as the sky and opens up right under my window. I go down to
Vreeland's room, and we talk about his criminal past.

If you're the world's best con man you're not going to work for yourself,
are you?,” he says. “That would be stupid. Who would you want to work for?
Someone who can protect you.

I needed to have a criminal record.…It's easy to make someone your friend. I
can become friends with suits, punkers, rastas, anyone.
Vreeland repeatedly claims, I've never been legally convicted of anything.
The vocal emphasis is on legally by which Vreeland seems to mean
legitimately. How then does he explain his long list of outstanding
warrants and convictions? Well, I've seen other lists, with even more,
hundreds of them, and then I've also seen them disappear. Remember, the
FBI/NSIC fingerprints came back negative. It's true that when he was
arrested in Canada, according to the arresting officer's notes, the FBI said
they had no fingerprints on Vreeland. And although he is accused of credit
card fraud in Michigan, Vreeland's credit card report states that he never
had a credit card.

Vreeland says his alleged crimes were just part of his cover, I played the
criminal. Like taking down [a] drug dealer…we needed information, I would get
arrested and put in the same cell as him. I needed to have a criminal
record.…It's easy to make someone your friend. I can become friends with
suits, punkers, rastas, anyone.

The Nation's Corn called Vreeland's note a hard-to-decipher collection of
phrases and names that holds no specific information related to the 9/11
assaults. There is no date mentioned, no obvious reference to a set of

That's a distortion worthy of the CIA that Corn has written about (see Corn’s
book “The Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the Cia's Crusades, Simon and
Schuster, 1994). The name bin Laden appears at the top of the central
paragraph of this note. It mentions a list of targets: White House…World
Trade Center…Pentagon…let one happen, stop the rest…prob. they will call me

Yes, it is true. A minute later, she changed her answer to, No, the
prosecution now thinks he got the notes to the jailers after 9/11.
According to Greta Knutzen, reporting from Toronto for FromTheWilderness.com,
Vreeland requested that his guards seal the notes and register them in his
personal effects, which they did. As of her report several months ago, The
fact that the notes were written and sealed a month prior to the violent
attacks of Sept. 11 has not been disputed. However, a phone call to the
Canadian prosecution team resulted in new, somewhat murky results. When I
asked Assistant D.A. Dorette Hugins to confirm that the prosecution didn't
dispute that the notes was were handed to the jailers in mid-August 2001, she
immediately said, that Yes, it is true. A minute later, she changed her
answer to, No, the prosecution now thinks he got the notes to the jailers
after 9/11. Perhaps a forensics test will finally decide this question.
Vreeland claims to have written the notes with a kind of blue pen that is
technically illegal in Canadian jail. These pens had been handed to him by
his attorneys, but confiscated as contraband in late August. An analysis of
the pen ink of the notes could eventually help determine if they were in fact
written in August, 2001.

In court, D.A. Hugins and lead prosecutor Kevin Wilson argued that not only
were the notes bogus, but that Vreeland was no spy. On January 10, Vreeland
defense attorney Slansky pulled a dramatic courtroom stunt. He called a
Pentagon operator from a speakerphone in open court, and asked if there as a
listing for a “Delmart Vreeland.” He was given an office number and phone
extension. The prosecution countered that Vreeland is a computer expert who
likely discovered a way to hack into the Pentagon's network from jail, or had
simply called the Pentagon from a jail phone and conned a military
switchboard operation into assigning him an office and phone extension,
though they offered no proof to support their argument. Discussing this that
morning at the lodge, Vreeland was incredulous: You can track an IP [
Internet Protocol number] in a heartbeat. Why haven't I been prosecuted for
this? That's so stupid.

Vreeland and I are sitting out on the balcony of his hotel room in the crisp
Canadian sunshine. The trip is showing me a side of Vreeland that I hadn't
seen. He has a 17-year old son of whom he is very protective. For this
article, I promise to change his name. Call him Joey.

Joey is a punk skater with touches of raver. His favorite color is
fluorescent orange. He wears black nylon bellbottoms with millions of
pockets. He chain smokes, 

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Part Four: Moscow Nights

At this point, Vreeland makes claims that are his most difficult to
substantiate. In fact, they border on the absurd. Vreeland says he originally
brought into the Navy in 1984 to help develop Star Wars strategic missile
defense technology. Yet, not only did Vreeland not attend college, his Habeas
Corpus application contradicts itself about where he graduated from high
school, if he did at all. When pressed about his science background, he
answers that his reading habits consisted of Asimov, physics, whatever.
Ruppert, one of Vreeland's most fervent supporters, says he believes the Star
Wars line is a cover story.

In 2000, Vreeland claims he was sent by ONI to Russia to act as a courier for
documents related to said Star Wars technology. But something went wrong for
him in Moscow. Part of this mission was to break into the apartment of Chalva
Tchigirinski, the Russian oil mogul, but he says he was not warned about the
infrared scanners that scared him off before he got in. Someone was trying
to set me up.

Vreeland wrote Bastien a letter in June 2001, but when he was informed
Bastien had died six months earlier from natural causes, Vreeland started
making noise.
According to his sworn affidavit, when Vreeland was arrested in Canada on
December 6, 2000 one of his moves was to phone his contact in the Canada
Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Canada’s equivalent to the CIA. When
the CSIS didn’t respond, his claims about being ONI were laughed off by the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police. But that summer, Vreeland made news when he
was able to shed light on the mysterious death of a Canadian diplomat in
Moscow, Marc Bastien. Vreeland wrote Bastien a letter in June 2001, but when
he was informed Bastien had died six months earlier, in December 2000, from
natural causes, Vreeland started making noise. The official explanation
soon changed, after newspaper reports and analysis of Vreeland's claims
appeared and a few details from the autopsy were released. According to the
Ottawa Sun's Kathleen Harris, a source close to the investigation states a
mysterious woman had been with Bastien on his last night in Moscow, and a
trace of Clozapine (a powerful drug used to treat schizophrenia) was found in
Bastien's system. Harris herself was skeptical of Vreeland, though she told
me she consistently discovered nuggets of truth in his story.

Vreeland claims Bastien was the Canadian intelligence contact he met in
Moscow. He was able to prove a certain level of familiarity with him to
Canadian intelligence. I knew stuff about Bastien that no one else did, like
his grandfather's watch, what was inscribed on it, it was an inscription in
honor of his retirement. The Ottawa Sun’s Harris reported on Vreeland being
right-on about the Bastien death, which is now commonly believed to be a
result of something other than natural causes. Bastien's family is
reportedly bewildered, living in limbo where official answers are painfully

Today, on Vreeland's web site, he lists audio files of voicemails left for
him at the time of his arrest leave behind an interesting trail: Lt.
Commander Tom Welsh from JAG, i.e. the military court, Captain McCarthy,
and various top brass, media, and law enforcement personnel. Then there's
John Criminaro, with the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Criminaro tried for two
hours to send that fax. On January 7, 2001, Criminaro called Vreeland
several times, but did not return multiple messages left for him on his
voicemail in Moscow by this reporter. John Criminaro is with the U.S.
Embassy's Office of Environment, Science and Technology.

Part One: A White Knight?
Part Two: Dissecting the Notes
Part Three: The World's Best Con Man
Part Four: Moscow Nights
Part Five: The Man from Michigan
Part Six: The World's Worst Liar
Part Seven: ONI and CIA
Part Eight: The Junkyard Dog
Part Nine: AWOL in Wonderland
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Part Five: The Man from Michigan

Delmart Vreeland was born March 20, 1966 near Grosse Pointe, Michigan,
outside Detroit. He and his half-brother Terry Weems counted Steve Tocco
among their close family friends. (Tocco is related to Jake Tocco, the famous
Detroit mafia leader.) Vreeland was not close to his father, Delmart Sr., a
chef who was in prison briefly for embezzling money from the Big Boys
restaurants he managed. Delmart Jr's step-dad, Bob Woodbury, was a Detroit
cop who got the 13 year-old Delmart part-time work for the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms, busting party stores along Whittier Avenue who sold
liquor to kids. The only problem with this arrangement was that the ATF
required the arrests go on Delmart's juvenile record.

From there, Delmart Vreeland joined the Navy. The official Navy records
entered into Canadian Court (and in Vreeland's affidavit filed with his
Habeas Corpus application) claim that Vreeland was admitted on November 14,
1985 and was discharged only five months later. On March 7, 1986, it looks
like he got his walking papers, after repeated write-ups for insubordination
and an unwillingness to do push-ups. But the Navy's claim about a 1986
discharge is suspect for a number of reasons. In an LA Times story dated
October 2, 1986, Mike Vreeland appears as a friendly witness in a story
about a massive cocaine seizure. Confidential sources within LAPD (contacted
through Mike Ruppert) have confirmed that this was indeed Delmart Mike
Vreeland, in training as a special agent of ONI. The LA Times states the
cocaine raid was headed up by the LAPD's Lt. J.R. Schiller. Later tainted by
scandal, Schiller was long-rumored to enjoy deep U.S. intelligence
connections (5).

Petty Officer Gilford suggested that perhaps Vreeland was in a low-key type
field or got his rank through unusual means. You're a fishy guy, sir.
Vreeland and his supporters claim that there are falsifications in the Navy's
file on him. Perhaps anticipating this, on August 21, 2001, after his note
was sealed and in the hands of his jailers, Vreeland called the U.S. Navy
office of Personnel Service Detachment in Norfolk, Virginia. He spoke with
Petty Officer Terry Gilford. Through a 3-way connection with his attorneys,
he was able to make an audio recording and transcript of this conversation.
This tape has been copied and submitted to court as an exhibit.

The Petty Officer cheerfully helped Vreeland confirm that the records did
show him joining the Navy in 1985, to be kicked out five months later in
1986. How do you explain the records that showed Vreeland's rank as
Lieutenant, a rank that usually takes years to obtain? Petty Officer
Gilford admitted that something smelled funny. Gilford suggested that perhaps
Vreeland was in a low-key type field or got his rank through unusual means.
You're a fishy guy, sir, said Gilford, who agreed with Vreeland several
times throughout the conversation that the records appeared to have been
tampered with. When Vreeland confirmed Gilford's name, Gilford said, perhaps
half joking, I don't know if I wanna tell you my name now.

In court, the Navy submitted records that showed Vreeland was in the Navy for
less than a year. But this time the D.E.E.R.S record showed that he was in
the Navy's employ until December 9, 2000.
I confirmed this conversation with Petty Officer Gilford on June 12, 2002. On
the phone, Gilford remembered Lieutenant Vreeland, eleven months earlier.
Although all of Vreeland's records came up blank on almost all of the Navy's
databases, when Gilford checked Vreeland with the D.E.E.R.S (Defense
Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) he was able to view a read only
record that confirmed Vreeland joined up in November 1985. But this time the
D.E.E.R.S record showed that he was in the Navy's employ until December 9,
2000. For some reason, someone in the Navy had changed course and now the
record read closer to what Vreeland originally claimed. I double-checked this
D.E.E.R.S record at the local Navy/Marines recruiting station, and the exit
date of year 2000 was there as well.

All other medical and personnel records in Vreeland’s D.E.E.R.S. record,
including his blood type, were blank. Officer Gilford found the blood type
record especially odd, It's not just that it's unknown, it just says
'blank.' That's not unusual for someone who just joined up, but it's weird
for someone who's been with us for a while, fifteen years...I thought I would
be able to print that, but it wouldn't print.

According to the U.S. Navy's Rockie Beasley, GS-12 Assistant Officer in
Charge of the Personnel Support Department, at the Norfolk Naval Base, in VA,
it is not easy to modify a D.E.E.R.S record, You have to be authorized. You
need a background check and a password. You also need the new, 

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Part Six: The World's Worst Liar?

Vreeland's an extremely intelligent man, recalls Assistant District
Attorney for McComb County Eric Kaiser. He weaves truth and fiction so well,
it's difficult to sort out.

Many people who initially believed Vreeland's story have had a change of
heart. The Internet is rife with those who took up his cause, but then felt
betrayed by the many holes, inconsistencies and blatant lies in his story.
This reporter has himself been on both sides of the fence. The rule in
journalism (and law enforcement) is that once a source has lied to you,
nothing else that source says can be credible. So how do you deal with a guy
like Vreeland, a highly intelligent, slick, cunning and possibly professional
spy? As Ruppert said, Out of maybe thirty men I have met over the years that
have been connected with covert operations, only two have been total straight

Vreeland claims to be the great-grandson of Charles E. Vreeland, one of the
first directors of ONI. A couple days of research shows his great-grandfather
is actually Charles R. Vreeland, a railroad worker.
Vreeland's own web site proudly displays a photograph of the U.S.S. Vreeland
on the home page, a battleship named for Charles E. Vreeland, one of the
first directors of ONI. Delmart has claimed on his web site and in interviews
to be the great-grandson of this Charles E. Vreeland. However, a couple days
of research into Vreeland's heredity shows that his great-grandfather is
actually Charles R. Vreeland, a railroad worker.

Vreelands’ actual half-brother Terry Weems, a country-western guitarist who
lives in Alabama, has given numerous media interviews and popped up on
various web sites, including GNN.tv, to discuss his brother. Weems seems to
possess a feud-level obsession to discredit the theory that Vreeland has
intelligence connections. On GNN.tv’s message boards, Weems logged on to post
what he purported to be a list of Vreeland’s outstanding warrants, and to
lash out at readers who were sympathetic to his case. “He shoves out a lot of
B.S. and people like you swallow it down like your favorite drink,” he wrote.
“So go ahead say what you will about me. I still say in the long run I will
be laughing at ALL OF YOU! … Remember I know him and I have been around him
year in and year out so who knows what? I think I do. I wish some of you
could talk to his therapist. You probably need to.” Vreeland logged on
himself, and fired back. The ensuing flame war prompted GNN’s Stephen
Marshall to quip he “hears quiet echoes of some dueling banjos.”

Weems remembers Vreeland's early Naval career involving watching his
half-brother, yelling at an admiral over the phone and being AWOL. He was
arrested in the credit union. I was there also for that. He was on crack
really bad during that time.

Weems also claims that Vreeland stole and illegally used his Social Security
number, numerous times. In fact, Terry Weems is one of the aliases listed
on the U.S. State Department extradition document (signed by Colin Powell)
and sent to Canadian authorities. In an interview on Toronto radio station
CKLN, Weems said Delmart is the luckiest criminal I've ever known. He's very
good at identity theft, and after a lot of years, he was probably wanted, but
he was able to elude police using a fake ID.

Indeed, according a list of warrants supplied by Lt. Steve Zavislak of the
Troy, Michigan police department, Delmart's alleged crimes are garish,
colorful and wide. Reportedly, he test-drove a boat in Florida, ran aground
and swam back to shore. He reportedly scammed a furniture store in Michigan
of $40,000 worth of goods using an American Express card that AmEx later
claimed wasn't properly authorized (AmEx refuses to comment).

Vreeland's official criminal records say he was not only ripping off Scott
Shuptrine Furniture store on December 21, 1999, he was simultaneously in New
York, where he was arrested for Grand Larceny Auto. Vreeland claims he was in
jail in New York City around this time from a drunk driving incident on the
17th. He also says his friend, Josh Emley was approved to use his Amex card
in Michigan. As Greta Knutzen said, who first reported this for
FromTheWilderness.com, Whatever the truth is behind this one, 'official'
records claim that Vreeland was in two places at once—a fact that my
deductive reasoning informs me is a problem.

Law enforcement believed Bobby Moore was smuggling cocaine through the
digestive tracts of elephants.
Sound strange? You haven't heard about the Bobby Moore arson case. Bobby
Moore was a local impresario in the McComb County/Grosse Point area: an
outgoing restaurateur who raised elephants and raced speedboats. McComb
County Assistant District Attorney Eric Kaiser stated in our interview that
law enforcement there all 

[CTRL] [7] GuerrillaNews Special Report: Wildcard

2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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GuerrillaNews Special Report: Wildcard/A

Part Seven: ONI  CIA

Al Martin is a former ONI officer who got busted with his boss, the National
Security Council's Richard Secord, in the Iran/Contra Scandal. Today, on his
website and in his books, he exposes Pentagon pork-barrel greased palms and
Bush Family connivance. I asked the Vietnam Vet if he believed Vreeland was
former ONI.

Former ONI? I think he's still there!

To Martin, the brouhaha about Vreeland's criminality is just so much noise,
it's likely that Vreeland never technically left ONI. After all, Martin says,
ONI protect their prized domestic assets.

In Martin's view, ONI's historical advantage was, contacts in foreign
intelligence services and in foreign governments that the CIA never could
have hoped to obtain. The CIA can't control any of its own assets
domestically because it's against the law for it to do so, thus the ONI is
obviously in a superior position. ONI is where the real deep control is. It's
where the real deep secrets are kept.

After Mobster Lucky Luciano was pardoned for his work with ONI, he went
back to Italy and became a kingpin in the heroin trade.
According to A Tangled Web: A History of CIA Complicity in International
Drug Trafficking , an independent report read into the Congressional Record
in 1998 by Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ONI has been dealing with
criminals and shady characters since the end of World War II. ONI worked with
the U.S. Italian Mafia, including S. C. Luciana a.k.a. Lucky Luciano to fight
the communists in Italy, gather intelligence for the Allied invasion of
Sicily, and control the ports in the U.S. during wartime. After Luciano was
pardoned in jail for his work with ONI (and CIA precursor Office of Strategic
Services, OSS), he went back to Italy and became a kingpin in the heroin
trade. Around this time, ONI also worked with the Chinese mafia in the opiate
trade in the “Golden Triangle, the heroin-producing zone between Thailand,
Burma, Laos, Vietnam and China's Yunnan Province.

In Al Martin's experience with the Iran Contra operation Black Eagle,
crooks and highly intelligent con men were always part of the team. Black
Eagle was narcotics trafficking, massive fraud and weapons deals with con
man extraordinaire Lawrence Hamil at the center. Hamil was not just a
simple con man, a government-connected swindler and money launderer, as
people seem to think. He was very deeply involved in all sorts of political
deals at the same time.

Mike Ruppert is a former LAPD narcotics investigator who has known enough
intelligence operatives to see a pattern. Vreeland fits the profile: intense,
intelligent and slippery. In a recent open letter to his critics, Ruppert
wrote, Has Vreeland lied to me? Yes, he's lied to everybody I know who has
talked to him about one thing or another. But so did Chip Tatum, Bo Gritz,
Scott Weekly, Ed Wilson, Scott Barnes and many others whose cases I have been
familiar with.

Part One: A White Knight?
Part Two: Dissecting the Notes
Part Three: The World's Best Con Man
Part Four: Moscow Nights
Part Five: The Man from Michigan
Part Six: The World's Worst Liar
Part Seven: ONI and CIA
Part Eight: The Junkyard Dog
Part Nine: AWOL in Wonderland
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [8] GuerrillaNews Special Report: Wildcard

2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

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GuerrillaNews Special Report: Wildcard/A

Part Eight: The Junkyard Dog

In our original April interview, Vreeland quipped, I know people who know
George Bush Sr. personally. At the time, this paled amidst his other
outrageous tales. But it turned out to be a yarn with legs.

There were certain things in the note...clues to get people to contact
others to contact me, Vreeland said.

I mean, like the reference to the ‘M-234 RAGS.’ Those weapons were sold to
Malaysia. I wrote that to get Eva Teleki to contact me. She had been involved
in the sale. She contacted Leo Wanta and said, 'This guy needs our help.'

Wanta is a former U.S. Dept. of Treasury operative, and former Somali
Ambassador to Switzerland, among other things. The M-234 Ring Airfoil Grenade
is an attachment for an M-16 machine gun that creates an anti-riot,
crowd-control stun effect. And although Eva Teleki denies selling anything to
Malaysia, she does speak highly of Vreeland, confirming that he is a former
officer of the Office of Naval Intelligence. Both Teleki and Vreeland have
formal business relationships with Wanta.

I am of the opinion that my clients would endorse that you gathered the
information that you have shared with my client while acting in the capacity
of an 'intel op' agent of the U.S. Government.
On February 13, 2002, a former U.S. Attorney named Tom Henry wrote Vreeland a
letter. Henry, who is Leo Wanta’s legal advisor, had put Vreeland through a
series of tests attempting to see if Vreeland could recognize certain
passwords or security code names. Vreeland aced it. Henry's letter
concluded, On best information and belief I am of the opinion that my
clients would endorse that you gathered the information that you have shared
with my client while acting in the capacity of an 'intel op' agent of the
U.S. Government. In the past, Henry has worked with the Department of
Justice in the Ford Administration before moving on to become a consultant on
business matters in China.

Wanta, who describes himself as Ronald Reagan's former taskmaster, has an
extensive resume of his own, which includes work for the CIA, Dept. of
Treasury, and the NSC, as well as deals involving foreign currencies, arms,
and precious metals. Much of Wanta’s background is sketchy. But this much we
know: Wanta worked on the 1988 Bush Presidential campaign and received a
thank you letter from Bush in 1981, when Wanta was working on getting a job
with the White House. According to Claire Sterling's book Theives World,
and others contacted by GNN, Wanta destabilized the Russian ruble at the
White House's request in the 80's, hastening the fall of the crumbling Soviet

Tom Hanneghan, a powerful Los Angeles Democrat and commodities trader who is
critical of Wanta, gives him due credit, He worked for the U.S. intelligence
agencies. He helped bring down the Soviet communist government. He's a
brilliant engineer, lots of technical skills. He did a great job. He probably
gathered too much knowledge for his own sake.

Reagan had no faith in DC politicians, he liked his 'junkyard dogs' . . .
In 1988, Wanta made headlines trying to seal a deal to sell 30,000 automatic
pistols to Manuel Noriega.
Wanta says he was Ronald Reagan's favorite junkyard dog. He remembers,
Reagan had no faith in DC politicians, he liked his 'junkyard dogs.'
According to Wanta, Reagan praised him for his ability to get special tasks
executed quickly and without going through normal channels.

In 1988, Wanta made headlines trying to seal a deal to sell 30,000 automatic
pistols to Manuel Noriega. Wanta explains that this was a part of a scheme to
enable the U.S. to identify every member of the Panamanian military. Shortly
after, Bush invaded on December 20, 1989 , swiftly arresting Noriega,
restoring a pro-U.S. regime in control of the Panama Canal and leaving an
estimated 3,000 civilians dead.

Wanta's net worth in 1992 was $432 billion, according to tax documents
prepared in anticipation of Wanta's plans to move back to the U.S., pay
Federal income taxes from offshore business deals, and retire in 1995. This
$432 billion was not exactly all cash, according to Wanta - a lot of it was
tied up in prime bank guarantees, a kind of certified deposit that Wanta
would purchase from top credit-worthy banks and trade at a profit, on
behalf of the U.S. Treasury Department, working under the aegis of Aneko
Credit PTE, LTD, in Singapore. Wanta was involved in a complex form of
private banking, comparable to arbitrage but cash-based, highly-volatile, at
extreme velocity, and accumulating $22 million each day that a prime bank
guarantee was purchased at a par value of $100 million. Wanta planned to
retire in 1995. But it was not to be.

According to reports from Wanta, Henry, and Vreeland, Wanta traveled to
Switzerland with notorious financier Marc Rich between June 30 and July 3,
In early June of 1993, 

[CTRL] [9] GuerrillaNews Special Report: Wildcard

2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

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Click Here: A HREF=http://www.guerrillanews.com/wildcard/vreeland_nine;
GuerrillaNews Special Report: Wildcard/A

Part Nine: AWOL in Wonderland

Leutrell Osbourne is an antiterrorism expert who worked for the CIA for 26
years before quitting in disgust. A security consultant with ties to the
Black Congressional Caucus, Osbourne was interviewed on national television
the day after 9-11. Provided with updates throughout my journey down the
Vreeland rabbit hole, he was both skeptical and supportive of Vreeland’s
claims. He also had words of warning, I would back off, and watch it, watch
everything that happens, it's volatile, what do you got? Who's pulling the
strings? I'm not ready to say yet. But I'm getting closer.

So far, the progressive media has all but forgotten about Vreeland’s story.
The Nation, which has seen its circulation skyrocket since 9/11, is still
leading the charge against the claims of a 9/11 Bush conspiracy. But the
American people have questions. The Atlanta Journal Constitution's web site
polled their users on April 14, 2002, and asked how many believed Bush had
foreknowledge of 9-11, 46% was the final number, before the poll was taken
down and disappeared.

The September 11 disaster descended on the American people, killing working
Americans, motivating the rest of the population for war. The attacks also
transformed the lackadaisical and oily Dubya Bush into a hero.

That doesn't make them above the law…You can't kill 5,000 people and say,
'Hey hey you can't touch me, I've got immunity.’
But the recent evidence of ignored warnings indicates something is rotten.
Are interests larger than us using our anger? Are we getting the full story
from the media?

Vreeland told Yahoo radio's Jeff Rense, I want the people who did certain
things, and allowed certain things to take place, I want them to be dealt
with, by the law. Rense responded with sympathy and skepticism, You may be
talking about the highest levels of American government.

That doesn't make them above the law…You can't kill 5,000 people and say,
'Hey hey you can't touch me, I've got immunity.’

Rense: You'd like to think so.

Mike Ruppert was also present at this radio interview, and added some big
picture analysis at this point, None of us are saints, but all of us have
moments in which we try to do the right thing, and that's when we need to be
supported. This is not over yet.

Vreeland's apartment looked like a cyclone had hit it. It was ransacked, but
without signs of bloodshed.
On August 13, a death certificate with Vreeland’s name and details on it
showed up on the web. Apparently, he shot himself in the back of the head.
The internet is abuzz with the rumor. I call the dead man. He is unfazed, We
used to do this all the time. It's a way to let someone know you are after

Vreeland had an extradition hearing on Monday, September 9, 2002, but he did
not show up. He had spent the entire day before with his attorney, Paul
Slansky, who later told the Toronto Sun, Vreeland had been concerned that
certain forces, were going to shut him up and do something to him.

The next day a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. That night, Slansky
entered Vreeland’s apartment with the police. It looked like a cyclone had
hit it. It was ransacked, but without signs of bloodshed. If Vreeland had
left town of his own free will, it didn't show. Slansky stated, “Everything
is there, his toothbrush, his underwear, his shaving gear, everything.”

However, sources close to the story tell GNN that Delmart Mike Vreeland
still had his head above water, AWOL and on the run.

Part One: A White Knight?
Part Two: Dissecting the Notes
Part Three: The World's Best Con Man
Part Four: Moscow Nights Man
Part Five: The Man from Michigan
Part Six: The World's Worst Liar
Part Seven: ONI and CIA
Part Eight: The Junkyard Dog
Part Nine: AWOL in Wonderland

Sander Hicks founded Soft Skull Press in 1992, and worked there until 2001,
most notably on “Fortunate Son,” the controversial biography of George W.
Bush. On a leave of absence, he is working on a biography of Bush White House
strategist Karl Rove. He is the lead singer of White Collar Crime, a
playwright, and a political activist. His home page is www.sanderhicks.com.

A lot of people besides the author contributed work, advice and vitriolic
criticism to this article in its emerging draft stages over the course of
this summer. Special thanks to: Michael Ruppert and Greta Knutzen at
FromtheWilderness.com, Ron Anicich at CKLN Radio, Kellia Ramires at KPFA, and
Linda Fanton. Also, thanks to Tarrah Torino Haines for attending Vreeland's
extradition hearing when Vreeland did not.

Anthony Lappé, Executive Editor, GNN.tv, edited this article.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  

Re: [CTRL] Freedom of speech (for Nazis?)

2002-09-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/22/2002 12:00:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm paraphrasing the little hen who said "Then I will eat it all by myself" and the ant who told the lazy grasshopper "Sorry bub." On a more serious note, I don't think Jews should find themselves again victim to the "Covet, Steal, Kill" pattern that was played out against them in Germany. Anything they get back should come back to them as it was. 

It would seem that the Jews are now the ones who play out that obscene pattern. And do you mean that someone will replace the orchards and the olive trees? Prudy
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] former nun, disfellowship - Jehovahs, charged priest moved

2002-09-26 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
Please note : I rarely send attachments to people, only the newsletter. If you receive a strange looking e-mail from me with an attachment or with a strange title, please do not open the attachment. It appears that some virus programs may change the "from" address of certain e-mails, meaning that the e-mail is not from me. 

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss-Sharman Punishment by former nun terrified him, boy testifies - By Kevin Cox 9/24/02 "The children who testified yesterday were part of an 18-person commune that has operated a farm and restaurant in the rural community since moving from Alberta in 1995. The lifestyle described by the children was filled with hard work and harsh punishment...The former nun acted as the head of the commune, rigidly controlling the spiritual and personal lives of its members, as well as running the farm and restaurant. In July of 2001, provincial officials removed five children and placed them in foster care. Three others left the community." http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/PEstory/TGAM/20020924/UNUNNN/national/national/national_temp/1/1/18/

'Disfellowshipped' Jehovah's Witnesses speak out against practice By James Borchuk / St. Petersburg Times James Borchuck / St. Petersburg Times "As far as her children and 6 million people around the world are concerned, Shirley Jackson is as good as dead and has been for seven yearsWitnesses are told to immediately shun the disfellowshipped, who are said to be certain to die at Armageddon. Witnesses must pass them on the street without so much as a hello. Sons, daughters, mothers and fathers are expected to cut off relatives, making exceptions only in cases of family business or emergency." http://www.detnews.com/2002/religion/0208/30/d05w-574630.htm

Ex-Priest Arrested on Sex Charges By Sandra Marquez - Los Angeles (AP) - A former priest who was moved from parish to parish after admitting to Roman Catholic Cardinal Roger Mahony that he molested young boys was arrested Wednesday. Former parish priest Michael Baker was charged with 13 counts of child molestation for incidents involving several victims from 1977 to 1985, said Sgt. Dan Scott. In 1986, Baker told Mahony that he had molested young boys and was reassigned to several parishes after attending a treatment center for pedophile priests. From AOL 9/25/02 
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Its happening everywhere

2002-09-26 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

Its happening in Austrailia too now The 
Merm xVIKINGS WITHIN THE VILLAGEhttp://www.newswithviews.com/news_worthy/news_worthy40.htmBy 
Graham StrachanSeptember 25, 2002It was called 'Operation Vikings 
12' - an appropriate name considering that vikings formed themselves into 
raiding parties and descended under cover of night upon unsuspecting 
villages, brutalising the inhabitants.The 'vikings' in this case were 
600 - yes, 600! - police; the villagers were the citizens of Sydney, 
Australia, who were out to have a good time on a Saturday night, or so they 
thought (Associated Press Report, 22 September 2002). The vikings, 
undoubtedly flushed with that combination of Dutch courage, sense of mission 
and smug self-importance that comes from perceiving oneself as being part of 
some big 'operation', 'fanned out to the suburbs of Burwood, Marrickville, 
Newtown and St. George, as well as Sydney's CBD according to - and get this 
- Inner Metropolitan Region Commander, Assistant Commissioner, Dick Adams. 
Leaves one breathless just saying it.The excuse given was that 
police are 'cracking down on drugs', and the way to do that is to mount 
massive police raids with sniffer dogs on patrons in restaurants and night 
clubs - an activity the dogs must find distasteful even if the police dont. 
The term drugs obviously includes alcohol: 5,600 motorists were randomly 
pulled over, their licences demanded, then asked to provide a sample of 
their breath under threat of being deemed to have been driving drunk if they 
refused. It's the law. Twenty-five people - yes a whole 25 - were charged 
with drunk driving, a strike rate of 0.4%, which would be laughable if what 
was happening wasnt so serious.'Operation Vikings 12' was only one 
instance of what is now becoming a way of life in Australia. On 13 
September, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that 300 police with sniffer 
dogs 'hit' five Sydney night clubs. Outside one of them, dozens of people 
were forced to stand in small groups, with their legs apart, as a dog "gave 
them the once-over." Only a main-media journalist could do it: trivialise an 
assault by police, on people not yet in custody, using dogs, as the 
once-over'.On August 10 a similar mass operation was mounted on the city 
of Wollongong to Sydney's south. According to an eyewitness, a large column 
of police cars, sirens screaming and lights flashing descended upon the 
city. Swarms of police invaded restaurants and night clubs, and randomly 
stopped people in the street for questioning. In one restaurant police 
interrupted a private 21st Birthday party and subjected the guests to 
sniffing by dogs. One guest, who objected and pushed the dog away, was 
immediately surrounded by police, hauled outside into the street and 
interrogated.Can this really be Australia? What is going on?In 
my book '22 Steps to Global Tyranny' (available at www.grahamstrachan.com), 
I amass evidence to prove that the real aim of globalization is to bring 
about a single global order which is a Third Way, a combination of monopoly 
capitalism (corporatism) in economics, and totalitarian socialism 
(communism) in politics. The former communist bloc has to be made more 
capitalist by the introduction of so-called market reforms (done), while 
the former capitalist bloc is to be made more communist by the abolition of 
common law rights, and the introduction of communist people control measures 
(well under way).'Operation Vikings 12' is symptomatic of the new 
communist political regime in Australia, a taste of what it is like to be a 
citizen in an 'interdependent member state' of the globalist New World 
Order. It's no 'conspiracy theory', except in the news rooms of the major 
media. It is visibly taking shape before the very eyes of the Australian 
people who, like all innocents in the face of totalitarian evil, refuse to 
believe it is happening.The real purpose of raids such as 'Operation 
Vikings 12' is not to crack down on recreational drugs. The better procedure 
would be to deploy the 600 police to target suppliers, production facilities 
and warehouses. Nor is it to catch motorists driving with one beer too many. 
The sheer size of the operation puts the lie to those claims. The real 
purpose of these massive police raids is psychological: to condition the 
public to accept mass random processing by law enforcement 
agencies.Soon, while some police are demanding breath samples and DNA 
swabs with menaces, others will be searching the car for drugs, firearms and 
subversive literature. Anybody who objects to being processed or refuses to 
cooperate will be charged with 'interfering with police in the conduct of 
their duties, or obstructing the course of justice'. The idea that police 
might be violating citizens' rights has already been relegated to the 
Memory Hole through legislation.Oh, they wouldn't do that? Bearing 
in mind that the state Police Ministers were secretly plotting the 

[CTRL] Arafat sick.

2002-09-26 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - From: 
Shlomo Arnon To: JEFF RENSE Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 5:10 
AMSubject: URGENT!!! please READ this one, Arafat may die soon 
!15:13 2002-09-26Sickness at Arafat's HQThe Israeli 
Defence Force has decided to ignore a UN resolution instructing its forces to 
pull back to its positions before September 2000. Meanwhile, the first cases of 
sickness appear inside the Palestine Authority Headquarters in Ramallah, due to 
non-existent sanitary conditions. 250 people crammed together, sleeping 
on the floor and eating tinned fish. The toilets are blocked. Diarrhoea and 
vomiting begin to break out among those inside. Claude Leostic, French human 
rights activist, declared to France Presse, quoted by Brazilian news service IG, 
that "Each person has a restricted physical space, less than one square metre 
per person". She claims to be in permanent contact with those inside. 
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] White House 'Bonesman' leads nation into the dark

2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd
appointed fellow Bonesmen to high-level positions, such as Edward
McNally, the general counsel of the Office on Homeland Security and
senior associate counsel on national security. Yet, although one of his
first social gatherings at the White House was a Skull and Bones
reunion, Bush feigned ignorance when asked recently about Bones: ''The
thing is so secret that I'm not even sure it still exists,'' he replied.
Is it a coincidence that the federal government suddenly prioritizes
secrecy when a Skull and Bones president is in power? Maybe. But there's
no question that the Bush administration increasingly resembles the
Bones' dark, locked tomb.

Alexandra Robbins is the author of Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones,
the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that
matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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[CTRL] The Dishonesty of This So-Called Dossier

2002-09-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Published on Wednesday, September 25, 2002
in the lndependent/UK

The Dishonesty of This So-Called Dossier
by Robert Fisk

Tony Blair's dossier on Iraq is a shocking document. Reading it can only
fill a decent human being with shame and outrage. Its pages are final
proof – if the contents are true – that a massive crime against humanity has
been committed in Iraq. For if the details of Saddam's building of weapons
of mass destruction are correct – and I will come to the ifs and buts
and coulds later – it means that our massive, obstructive, brutal policy
of UN sanctions has totally failed. In other words, half a million Iraqi
children were killed by us – for nothing.

Let's go back to 12 May 1996. Madeleine Albright, the US Secretary of State,
had told us that sanctions worked and prevented Saddam from rebuilding
weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Our Tory government agreed, and Tony
Blair faithfully toed the line. But on 12 May, Mrs Albright appeared on CBS
television. Leslie Stahl, the interviewer, asked: We have heard that half a
million children have died. I mean, that's more than died in Hiroshima. And,
you know, is the price worth it? To the world's astonishment, Mrs Albright
replied: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the
price is worth it.

Now we know – if Mr Blair is telling us the truth – that the price was not
worth it. The price was paid in the lives of hundreds of thousands of
children. But it wasn't worth a dime. The Blair dossier tells us that,
despite sanctions, Saddam was able to go on building weapons of mass
destruction. All that nonsense about dual-use technology, the ban on
children's pencils – because lead could have a military use – and our
refusal to allow Iraq to import equipment to restore the water-treatment
plants that we bombed in the Gulf War, was a sham.

This terrible conclusion is the only moral one to be drawn from the 16 pages
that supposedly detail the chemical, biological and nuclear horrors that the
Beast of Baghdad has in store for us. It's difficult, reading the full
report, to know whether to laugh or cry. The degree of deceit and duplicity
in its production speaks of the trickery that informs the Blair government
and its treatment of MPs.

There are a few tidbits that ring true. The new ammonium perchlorate plant
illegally supplied by an Indian company – which breached those wonderful UN
sanctions, of course – is a frightening little detail. So is the new rocket
test stand at the al-Rafah plant. But this material is so swamped in
trickery and knavery that its inclusion becomes worthless.

Here is one example of the dishonesty of this dossier. On page 45, we are
told – in a long chapter about Saddam's human rights abuses – that on March
1st, 1991, in the wake of the Gulf War, riots (sic) broke out in the
southern city of Basra, spreading quickly to other cities in Shia-dominated
southern Iraq. The regime responded by killing thousands. What's wrong with
this paragraph is the lie is in the use of the word riots. These were not
riots. They were part of a mass rebellion specifically called for by
President Bush Jr's father and by a CIA radio station in Saudi Arabia. The
Shia Muslims of Iraq obeyed Mr Bush Sr's appeal. And were then left to their
fate by the Americans and British, who they had been given every reason to
believe would come to their help. No wonder they died in their thousands.
But that's not what the Blair dossier tells us.

And anyone reading the weasel words of doubt that are insinuated throughout
this text can only have profound concern about the basis for which Britain
is to go to war. The Iraqi weapon programis almost certainly seeking to
enrich uranium. It appears that Iraq is attempting to acquire a magnet
production line. There is evidence that Iraq has tried to acquire
specialized aluminum tubes (used in the enrichment of uranium) but there is
no definitive intelligence that it is destined for a nuclear programIf
Iraq obtained fissile material, Iraq could produce nuclear weapons in one or
two years. It is difficult to judge whether al-Hussein missiles could be
available for use. Efforts to regenerate the Iraqi missile programprobably
began in 1995. And so the dossier goes on.

Now maybe Saddam has restarted his WMD program Let's all say it out loud, 20
times: Saddam is a brutal, wicked tyrant. But are almost certainly,
appears, probably and if really the rallying call to send our
grenadiers off to the deserts of Kut-al-Amara?

There is high praise for UN weapons inspectors. And there is more trickery
in the relevant chapter. It quotes Dr Hans Blix, the executive chairman of
the UN inspection commission, as saying that in the absence of (post-1998)
inspections, it is impossible to verify Iraqi disarmament compliance. But on
18 August this year, the very same Dr Blix told Associated Press that he
couldn't say with certainty that Baghdad possessed 

[CTRL] Iraq Takes Journalists On Tour To Expose Blair 'Lies'

2002-09-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Iraq Takes Journalists On Tour To Expose Blair 'Lies'
Sep 25, 2002
Source: The Independent (Britian)

At the al-Qa'qa complex, 30 miles south of Baghdad, one of Iraq's main
centres for producing nerve agents   according to Tony Blair's dossier
the director-general, Sinan Rasim Said, declared yesterday he would welcome
United Nations inspectors to expose the lies.

Saddam Hussein's regime responded to the British report about its alleged
acquisition of a nuclear, chemical and biological arsenal with accusations
of baseless fabrications and zionist conspiracy, and demanded that the
document should be handed over to the UN monitors for examination.

Within two hours and 10 minutes of Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction   The
Assessment of the British Government appearing on the internet, the Baghdad
authorities were taking a group of British journalists to see the sites of
alleged manufacture and storage named in the document.

One was the al-Qa'qa chemical complex, the site of the execution of British
journalist Farzad Bazoft on spying charges in March 1990, and the other the
Amariyeh Sera vaccine plant at Abu Ghraib, a suburb of the capital. We, the
journalists, chose both locations and neither had been visited before by the

Al-Qa'qa, according to the British dossier, was severely damaged in the Gulf
War but has been repaired and (is) also operational. Of particular concern
are elements of the phosgene production plant. They were dismantled under
Unscom supervision, but have since been rebuilt. While phosgene does have
industrial use, it can also be used by itself as a chemical agent or as a
precursor for nerve agent, according to the dossier.

Unscom had established that the Amariyah Sera site was used to store
biological agents, seed stocks and conduct biological warfare associated
genetic research prior to the Gulf War. It has now expanded its storage

At al-Qa'qa, a 26 square kilometer military establishment, Mr Said insisted
that no part of the plant had ever been dismantled by Unscom.

He said that the work was solely to produce centralit, a stabliser for
gunpowder used in a variety of legal, conventional weaponry from artillery
to small arms. Phosgene, he claimed, was generated as a result of making
centralit, and could not be extracted from the manufacturing equipment, let
alone be used for making nerve agents.

Unscom knew all along what we are doing, it was done with their
authorisation, and they carried out regular inspections, he said sitting in
the boardroom, beside a portrait of President Hussein. Producing an Unscom
letter from Harald Marhold, Chief Inspector CG-15, dated 13 August 1998
authorising maintenance work, he continued they did not dismantle anything
here. Mr Blair's report is totally wrong.

We knew the Unscom people well, one was an English guy called Steve, all
the British have to do is ask them. The UN keeps records, it would have been
easy to find out. Al-Qa'qa was also bombed by the United States and British
warplanes, during Operation Desert Storm, in 1998. They destroyed boiler
rooms and a storage area, They did not bother to bomb the part of the plant
where there's phosgene, because they knew we can't make use of it, Mr Said

Orange smoke belched from chimneys at the plant. Vapours escaped through the
pipes containing the phosgene, Mr Said pointed out, sloshing through pools
of murky water on the floor. The phosgene was being stored in cooling tanks.

Unscom put stickers on pieces of equipment to ensure that they cannot be
used for dual use, and as you can see, we have kept them, he said. We have
given detailed reports every year since the inspectors left in 1998. They
are available for the inspectors. We want them to come and expose these lies
as soon as possible. However, like the majority of Iraqis we have spoken
to, Mr Said did not believe war could be avoided. I think the Americans
will bomb this place again, and use this false report as one of the
excuses, he said.

Amir al Sa'adi, a senior Iraqi weapons expert, accused Mr Blair of singling
out the plant because it could produce propellant powder for weapons from
pistols to artillery guns for Iraqi air defenses.

At Amariyah Sera, the director, Karim Obeid, disputed that Unscom had found
it was used for biological warfare associated genetic research or store
biological agents. They were coming here ever since the Gulf War until they
left, and they have never accused us of any of those things in that time,
he said. All our work was done with their supervision. The complex, he
said, was used for for testing typhoid fever.

These are all standard practices, the inspectors are welcome to see them,
said Mr Obeid, who added he was morally opposed to biological warfare both
as a scientist and a human being.

The storage capacity had indeed been increased, as the report claimed, he

[CTRL] Another lie from the dossier

2002-09-26 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

S Africa denies Iraq nuclear link
Britain says Iraq wanted African 



By Alistair Leithead 
  BBC, Cape Town 

The South African government says 
categorically it has not been approached to sell uranium to Iraq. 
South Africa's deputy foreign minister Aziz Pahad says his government will 
ask the British Government to clarify "vague statements" made in Prime Minister 
Tony Blair's Iraq dossier published this week. 
Mr Pahad said his government had not been approached, but would be 
investigating suggestions that Iraq tried to buy nuclear materials in Africa. 


  Africa's uranium production in 2001 

  Niger - 3,096 tonnes 
  Namibia - 2,239 tonnes 
  South Africa - 898 tonnes Source: Uranium 
  Information Centre The dossier on Iraq's nuclear 
capability and intentions said that Iraq had tried to obtain "significant 
quantities" of uranium from Africa. 
South Africa is the only country on the continent which has the capacity to 
enrich uranium. 
Gabon, Niger and Namibia have all exported unprocessed uranium oxide. 
South Africa produces the mineral, but has a domestic nuclear energy and 
research programme. 
Finger pointed at South Africa 
The dossier published by the British Government this week said Saddam Hussein 
had tried to acquire significant quantities of uranium from Africa, but did not 
provide any further evidence. 
Aziz Pahad said the finger had been pointed at South Africa as the only 
country on the continent with the capacity to enrich uranium. 


He said categorically the government had not supplied uranium to Iraq, nor 
had it been approached, and he would actively be seeking clarification from 
Britain on the vague statements made in the dossier. 
Mr Pahad cited the report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which 
he said showed the dossier had no substance with regard to nuclear material 
acquisitions in Africa. 
He said that, because of the strict regime in South Africa, it would be very 
difficult for private companies within the country to be involved in uranium 
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[CTRL] The United States, Not Iraq, Threatens Security Say Saudis

2002-09-26 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


The United States, Not Iraq, Threatens Security Say Saudis
Sep 24, 2002
Source: LA Times

This longtime ally of America isn't convinced that Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein poses a serious and imminent military threat to regional stability
and security. That threat, it believes, comes from another source: the
United States, top officials say.

Many here think that Hussein has been chastened by his military failures and
is unlikely to wage war on his neighbors--unless the U.S. decides to invade.
The U.S. may know something about the existence of chemical weapons in
Iraq, but we are not sure, said the nation's longtime security chief,
Interior Minister Prince Nayif ibn Abdulaziz, adding that a U.S. attack on
Iraq will create problems in the region faster than any Iraqi operation
against its neighbors.

For more than 70 years, Saudi Arabia and the United States have had close
ties, a marriage of convenience that has served their mutual political and
strategic interests. But relations have been strained since Sept. 11, 2001,
and the priorities of both countries have diverged. The U.S. government
wants Hussein ousted. The Saudi leadership wants the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict resolved first. Neither side has been willing to budge.

Against this backdrop, the White House faces the prospect of waging a major
military campaign in the Persian Gulf region without the key strategic
support of Saudi Arabia.

The Saudis don't regard Saddam as a military threat, said a high-level
Western diplomat based here in Riyadh, the capital. For the Saudis, he is a
political threat. The Saudis fear U.S. military action will not only divert
attention and break up a coalition to fight terrorism, but will also foster

So far, the Saudi government has been very clear. If the U.S. goes it alone,
without the endorsement of the United Nations, the government will refuse to
allow the use of its territory. When authorities said recently they would
allow U.S. forces to operate here if there is a U.N. resolution, observers
say, the goal was to thwart a war by pressuring Hussein to let in weapons
inspectors. It was not meant as a nod to the U.S. agenda. Anything that
will avoid military operations against Iraq, or military operations in the
region, will be a positive act, Prince Nayif said in an interview.

This reluctance to attack Iraq reflects the significant differences between
what is happening today and what occurred in 1990, when Hussein invaded
Kuwait and the entire area felt threatened by the region's largest armed
force. Saddam's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 posed the gravest threat
to Saudi Arabia's security that I had yet encountered in my military
career, Prince Khaled bin Sultan wrote in his book Desert Warrior: A
Personal View of the Gulf War by the Joint Forces Commander. Our vital
oil-producing Eastern province--the principal source of our national
wealth--lay open to his mechanized and armored divisions.

Saudi Arabia is a large land mass, with a relatively small population living
on top of a valuable resource: one-fourth of the world's known oil reserves.
It is surrounded by unpredictable neighbors, such as Iraq and Iran, and its
leadership strives to preserve credibility in a nation that has blended
political and religious authority. An alliance with the United States has
helped the Saud dynasty maintain the status quo.

For these reasons, Saudi Arabia continues to allow the U.S. to fly military
patrols over a no-fly zone set up in southern Iraq after the 1991 Persian
Gulf War and allowed America to use a high-tech command center to run the
war in Afghanistan.

Although the United States has moved thousands of its troops out of the
kingdom, about 5,000 U.S. military personnel remain in Saudi Arabia, as well
as the command center, which could be quietly used in an Iraqi operation.

At the moment, officials, diplomats and political observers say there is no
fear that Baghdad will attack any neighbor. But there is a fear that if the
U.S. strikes, Hussein could lash out, perhaps targeting the oil fields.

U.S. officials in the region are paying close attention to what the Saudi
government is saying, although they say there is no sign that it is wavering
in its opposition to a war. Saudi Arabia's leadership has a reputation of
choosing its words carefully, and rarely being duplicitous. They
conceivably could have a powerful role if they offered facilities to support
some sort of response to Iraq's flouting of U.N. resolutions, said a
high-level U.S. diplomat from the region. It would be practically very
important--plus, it would be a huge signal throughout the Arab world.

Even during the Gulf War there were elements of concern, ideas that today
have come to define the national policy. Some Saudi leaders didn't like the
idea of Arabs fighting Arabs, and they worried an invasion of Iraq could


2002-09-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By: Kevin Tuma

"An elective despotism was not the government we fought for."
---Thomas Jefferson

 "Degrees do not matter...one does not bargain about inches of evil."
---Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged 

As a paleoconservative, I find myself these days looking back at the Clinton Administration with a sort of warm, golden nostalgia. Much has changed since those days...and not for the better.

To anyone with even a basic understanding and respect for the Bill of Rights, the United States, since September 11, 2001, has begun a nightmarish descent. To put it simply, the Bush White House has put the Constitution on the chopping block in ways the Clintons would have never dared to attempt. The US public---naive and obedient as always--blithely sucked up the maudlin flag-waving and crocodile tears that accompanied the passage of the Patriot Act and the Office of Homeland Security. Authorities can now invade homes without warrants, arrest people without charges, and jail people without trials. The Feds have declared Posse Comitatus obsolete, and they are creating hordes of military police to be unleashed upon the country. A new branch of the military is now on the drawing board, to deal with "domestic threats"--i.e., common American citizens. Despite the fact that we are not at war, the government continues to hold hundreds of military prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and apparently will deal with them using military tribunals. People in the Press continue their ongoing demonstration that there's no lie the Federal government can tell that they are willing to expose, and no usurpation of power that they will ever find objectionable. Even the United States' 'shadow government' has been openly discussed--and no one dares to criticize the concept. Orwellian newspeak abounds. 

The government continues to turn the word Treason on its head with its unconstitutional treatment of the public and its illicit treatment of 'enemy combatants' like Yaser Esam Hamdi and Jose Padilla. In the latter case, the 'terrorist' is an American citizen being held without any charges, denied all legal representation, denied the right to defend himself, and the right to face his accusers. No one in the Imperial Media cares. Machiavellian plotting to establish armies of secret police and citizen informants goes on unabated, despite the fact that these measures did not pass Congress. The small public outcry generated by the TIPS plan is swept aside...a citizen informant system will be implemented anyway. Why? Because the Attorney General says so. Apparently, Mr. Ashcroft learned a very valuable lesson from his predecessor, Janet Reno: The Attorney General is--absolutely and without question---above the Law, and is capable of creating policy by fiat, just like the President does. We now have a modern triumvirate of entities that create policy, and answer to no one: the Supreme Court, the President, and the Attorney General of the United States. All Americans are subservient to their whims. 

The abuse of liberties in the name of safety goes on. The government continues to push for National ID cards and a computer chip implant tracking program for children--it would appear that human privacy is just as irrelevant now as human liberty. Only human 'safety' is important, even if it's the safety of the gulag. The New York Times published an article suggesting that the Feds have built concentration camps within the United States...there was no real denial from the Executive Branch. Media talking heads have actually asked citizens if they think torture of ‘terrorist suspects' is a good idea--as if to suggest that favorable public opinion would legitimize such tactics. In the War On Terror, no potential abuse of civil liberties goes unconsidered. One gets the queasy feeling that once official Washington has finished off what is left of the Constitution, they will revive the Inquisition and go after the Magna Carta next. 

It is time for a realistic assessment: We are living in a Police State right now. Not six months from now. Not ten years down the road. Not if someone we do not like gets elected President. Not if all our guns are taken away.

Right now. 

The only reason you are reading this article here is because they haven't started censoring political dissent on the Internet...yet. There are many evils that have not been implemented to date, but the mechanical apparatus of totalitarianism is completely in place, oiled, idling, and ready for use, thanks to the War On Terror. 

America was fascistic and centralized before, but not nearly this bad. American citizens at least had some legal protections against government abuse in the past, and some means to keep an eye on the Feds--these have been essentially stripped away. The Independent Counsel Act is dead, thereby making it much harder to investigate the 

[CTRL] Rep. Ron Paul: Can We Afford This War?

2002-09-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Can We Afford This War?
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
September 26, 2002

A casual analysis of the world economy shows it rapidly deteriorating into recession, with a possible depression on the horizon. Unemployment is sharply rising with price inflation rampant, despite official government inflationary reports. The world’s stock markets continue to collapse, even after trillions of dollars in losses have been recorded in the past 2 years. These losses already have set historic records. 

With government revenues shrinking at all levels, we find deficits exploding. Our national debt is currently rising at $450 billion per year. Confidence in corporate America has shrunk to levels usually reserved for governments alone. 

Government spending in all areas is skyrocketing, much of it out of the control of the politicians, who show little concern. Yet we are expected to believe our government leaders who say that we are experiencing a recovery and that a return to grand prosperity is just around the corner. The absence of capital formation, savings, and corporate profits are totally ignored. 

Evidence abounds that our $350 billion DOD budget and the $40 billion spent on intelligence gathering and our immigration policies have failed miserably in protecting our homeland. In spite of the rhetoric and new legislation attacking our civil liberties, we are as vulnerable to outside attack as before. 

Our military is drastically smaller than a decade ago, and we are spread around the world and involved in world conflicts more than we have ever been before. 

We have run a huge current account deficit for 15 years and massively expanded our money supply. No one should be surprised that the dollar is weakening and the commodity, natural resources, and precious metal prices are rising. 

Oil prices are over $31 a barrel, and predictions are that they can easily go up another $15 to $20 if international tensions grow. 

But the only talk here in the nation’s capitol is about when, not if, we must initiate a war that even the administration admits could cost $200 billion. Some are not even embarrassed to gloat about the political benefits for those who preach war over those who prefer negotiations, diplomacy and containment. The fact that the Arab nations are overwhelmingly opposed to an attack on Iraq and are joined by the European Community is of no concern to those who demand war regardless of any circumstance. 

Eighty percent of the American people now report that they believe that a war with Iraq will increase the chances of our suffering from a new terrorist attack. If this is true, we become less secure with an attack on Iraq, since little has been done to correct the deficiencies in the intelligence gathering agencies and our immigration policies. 

No credible evidence has been produced that Iraq has or is close to having nuclear weapons. No evidence exists to show that Iraq harbors al Qaeda terrorists. Quite to the contrary, experts on this region recognize Hussein as an enemy of the al Qaeda and a foe to Islamic fundamentalism. Many other nations pose much greater threats to world peace. Yet no one is clamoring for war against them. Saddam Hussein is now weaker than ever. 

Reports are now appearing that we are negotiating with allies to share in the oil bounty once Iraq is occupied in order to get support for our invasion from various countries around the world. 

Our national debt is over $6 trillion and is increasing by nearly half a trillion dollars a year. Since Social Security funds are all placed in the general revenues and spent and all funds are fungible, honest accounting, of which there has been a shortage lately, dictates that a $200 billion war must jeopardize Social Security funding. This is something the American people deserve to know. 

Since there are limits to borrowing and taxing, but no limits to the Fed printing money to cover our deficit, we can be assured this will occur. This guarantees that Social Security checks will never stop coming, but it also guarantees that the dollars that all retired people receive will buy less. We have already seen this happening in providing medical services. A cheap dollar; that is, an inflated dollar, is a sinister and deceitful way of cutting benefits. 

Rest assured, a $200 billion hit on the economy will have economic consequences, and the elderly retirees on fixed incomes, and especially Social Security beneficiaries, will suffer the greatest burden of policy, reflecting a belief that our country is so rich that it can afford both guns and butter. Remember, we have tried that before. 

The tragedy is that once the flaw in policy is discovered, it is too late to prevent the pain and suffering, and only finger pointing occurs. Now is the only time we can give serious attention to the true cost of assuming the burden of an endless task of being the world’s policeman and starting wars that 

[CTRL] 'Pro-Democracy' Think Tank is Front for Israeli Lobby

2002-09-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

'Pro-Democracy' Think Tank is Front for Israeli Lobby
by Ismail Royer
September 26, 2002

A new think tank reports it has "joined forces" with a Saudi dissident (what are they, the Wonder Twins?) in the neocon campaign to smear the Saudi government and Saudi-based Islamic groups. The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) and the so-called "Saudi Institute," a one-man show run by disgruntled Shi'ite Ali Al-Ahmed (above), claim in a new report that Saudi Arabian religious authorities are spreading "hate literature." 

The report is totally bogus, rife with mistranslation and selective quoting. For example, the report cites a passage from a book distributed by the Virginia-based Instititute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences, part of the Saudi university system, in which it is written that Muslims should feel hatred toward non-Muslims. He neglects to mention that this refers to what a Muslim's attitude toward the enemy should be during a period of war. He juxtaposes this with a quote 20 pages away that Muslims should not take the Christians and Jews as friends, regardless of whether or not they are combatants. They translate the word "awliyaat" as "friends," when the term actually means patrons or protectors ("isdiqaa" means friends). 

He conveniently avoids passages like this from the book: 

“Treat them with gentleness and in the best manner. You may give charity to the poor among them, give them presents and accept their presents, give them condolences, answer their greetings…and travel to their countries if there is no religious oppression. You may visit them, you may interact with them freely.” 

As a long time observer of the neocon anti-Islam industry, a think tank with a name like "Foundation for the Defense of Democracies" just begs me to delve a little deeper. Turns out it was co-founded by neocon godfather Richard Perle, one of "a group of high-ranking hawks in the Pentagon--led by Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz--that some DC insiders call the 'Kosher Nostra.'" Perle heads up the quasi-official Defense Policy Board, which sponsored the controversial Pentagon briefing in July that described Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States. 

Look a little further and we find that the FDD's vice president, Nim Boms, is a former Officer of Public and Academic Affairs for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC. Heading up the FDD is Clifford May, currently Vice Chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition, a group with a stated goal of “continuing foreign aid to Israel.” Other FDD officials include veteran pro-Israel activists like Charles Jacobs, who has been active with the National Unity Coalition for Israel (NUCI), a group he tells the New York Times (1/21/98) gives “voice to evangelical Christians who are ardent Zionists.” 

And violent groups? They apparently don't have a problem with them as long as they support their favorite country. Jacobs' NUCI has posted materials on its web site by an official of Kach, the violent Israeli militant group outlawed by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. And FDD Senior Advisor Walid Phares has had a long and close relationship with the Guardians of the Cedar, a pro-Israel Lebanese militia. The group, which in 1976 led the massacre of at least 3,000 Palestinian men, women, and children at the Tel al-Za'atar refugee camp near Beirut (and continues to call the massacre a "cleansing"), is labeled “an extremist Christian group” by the US State Department. The Congressional Research Service labels them an “extremist Maronite militia and terrorist organization.” 

The FDD says it believes that "terrorism ...is never justifiable, and must never be condoned or tolerated by civilized peoples." Obviously that's a lie, since two of its senior officers condone terrorists, at the very least. So what do they really want? The degradation of America's relationship with the Muslim world in general and with Saudi Arabia in particular, a strategy they hope will result in a proportionate gain for Israel.

Ismail Royer is an independent researcher based in Washington, DC and Bosnia. He is former Communications Specialist for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), where he worked in research, media relations, and civil rights. He served as Washington Bureau Chief for the on-line news site iviews.com and has worked with refugees in the Balkans and the United States.

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2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

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-Caveat Lector-

September 26,2002

George H.W. Bush/JFK Assassination and Sensenbrenner

To The Honorable Sam Farr:

On July 18, 2001, you presented four of my books dealing with the JFK
Assassination and George de Mohrenschildt to the House Select
Committee.Letter to Judiciary Chairman James F. Sensenbrenner.  You were
quite aware that much of my research dealt with George H.W. Bush's
connections to the JFK Assassination and George de Mohrenschildt, yet you
did not touch on this issue in your letter.

You may view your letter by clicking here http://ciajfk.com/farr.jpg

I find it very disturbing that our government will not give us a complete
accounting on George H.W. Bush's involvement with September 11th nor the JFK

1). George H.W. Bush's role in Operation Zapata the Bay of Pigs invasion in
1961 through Permargo Oil in Mexico City with Edwin Pauley;

2). Bush's association to Oswald's closest friend George de Mohrenschildt
since 1942, see http://ciajfk.com/images/bush-let.jpg ;

3). On November 22, Bush called the FBI office in Houston and told them that
one James Parrott was talking about killing Kennedy.  See

4).  Bush was suing Texas Governor John Connolly in the Houston District
Court prior to JFK's assassination; see at
http:ciajfk.com/home4.html/Bush-9.jpg ;

5). FBI Director J. E. Hoover was briefing George H.W. Bush of the CIA on
the JFK Assassination no one knew  that he knew de Mohrenschildt since 1942,
http://ciajfk.com/images/fbi3.gif ;

6).  Prescott Bush never forgave the Kennedy's for what they did over The
Bay of Pigs fiasco Operation Zapata ;  See

7).  Prescott Bush's banking firm Brown Brothers  Harriman gave George de
Mohrenschildt a $300,000 line of credit at a time he was meeting with
Vice-President Johnson and Lee Harvey Oswald; Johnson met de Mohrenschildt
twice prior to the assassination on April 26, 1963 and May 20,  1963 and
Johnson was Prescott Bush's favorite even though they sat on the opposite
sides of the aisle;  For FBI doc. see the following URL at

8). On April 11, 1963, Prescott Bush left the Senate and returned to work at
Brown Brothers  Harriman while George de Mohrenschildt was hanging out with
the future assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.  http://ciajfk.com/images/PRES-3.jpg

Mr. Sensenbrenner never did act on this matter and now I find a possible
connection to George H.W. Bush and Mohamed Atta's father El-Amir Atta.  The
connection is that Mohamed Al Fayed, father of Dodi Fayed met with George De
  Mohrenschildt in 1964 and was pretending to be a Kuwaitian oilman when he
was in reality an Egyptian from Cairo reprensenting one Mohamed El-Amir
Atta.  Both de Mohrenschildt and Bush have ties to Mohamed Al Fayed.

Mr. Al Fayed lost a lawsuit against the CIA and the Pentagon on Jully 13,
2001 five days before you wrote to Mr. Sensenbrenner and two months  before
the September 11, 2001 conspiracy.  Mr. Al Fayed believed that the Pentagon/
MI6 and CIA officials were behind the death of his son on August 31, 1997.
You might recall that two of the Sept. 11, 2001 hijackers were Egyptian
while the rest were of Saudi descent.   Is El-Amir Atta the same man that
Mohamed Al Fayed was representing in 1964 when he met George de
Mohrenschildt?  Oh, how I pray that he was not.  But if he was then this is
where the Bush familly connection lies.

Mohamed Al Fayed's brother-in-law was Adnan Khashoggi who is and was the
personal adviser to the Saudi Royal family and in charge of the George H.W.
Bush Iran-Contra Scandal.  Khashoggi was the richest man in the world in the


2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Extract taken from a papercopy.
I don't know from what place in the original text it is quoted.

A factual account by Alan W. Scheflin, Edward M. Opton, Jr., and co-author
Rodney Plotnick, from 1978. Mr. Scheflin is a professor of Law at the
University of California, and Dr. Plotnick is professor at the University of
California Medical School.

The ultimate bastion of freedom is biological: each of our stubbornly
separate brains reside in their individual case of bony armor. Law, religion,
morality and conscience are all more or less ephemeral, but Nature's
marvelous fortress, the skull, has always stood as an impenetrable barrier to
those who would impose their wills totally upon others. As long as a man's
thoughts remain his private possession, domination ends at the scalp.

History, to be sure, is largely the record of men's efforts - often
considerably successful - to impose their wills on one another. But these
attempts to expunge individuality and impose totalitarianism have always
carried within them the seeds of self-destruction. Repression produces
rebellion: tyranny generates revolution: when autocracy strains to hold down
the lid on individuality, it necessarily exhausts its energies and halts the
process of social evolution which alone could ensure its long term survival.

But what if man could manipulate man directly? What if he could eliminate the
expense of prisons and police find substitutes for censorship and propaganda.
and put away the paralyzing instruments of fear which have served as his main
technologies for exercising dominion over his fellows? What if men could
enter one another's brains to impose their will directly?

Mind-manipulation research has been conducted for decades by hundreds of
scientists in dozens of countries on thousands of people hundreds of
thousands of times. Behavior modification, a major school of psychological
thought, dominates many university psychology departments; psychosurgery has
been endorsed by a national commission established to investigate its
dangers; micro-miniature electronic circuits are making control of the mind
through direct brain stimulation a real possibility.

Is an increase in mind-manipulation technology inevitable? There can be
little doubt that it has seemed so during the past two decades. Perry London,
in his seminal book Behavior Control, surveys these developments with a heavy
heart:...The development of a refined technology of behavior control in
modern society is as inevitable as the maintenance of all other technologies
is certain ..And the nature of the refinements will make real what has
hitherto been mostly a fantasy of the ignorant control of the mind. As 1984
draws near, it appears that George Orwell's...concepts of the technology by
which tyranny could impress its will on men's minds were much too modest. By
that time, the means at hand will be more sophisticated and efficient than
Orwell ever dreamed, and they will be in at least modest use, as they have
already begun to be, not by the will of tyrants, but by the invitation of all
of us, for we have been schooled to readiness of their potential risk. The
capacity for control will continuously grow, evolving from benevolence.

The introduction of professional medical specialists into brain-washing
research produced a wide array of colourful terms to describe the process:
menticide, thought reform, coercive persuasion, brain warfare, and
the most pungent of all, mental douche. It was Edward Hunter, however, who
best stated the political significance:... The war against men's minds has
for its primary objective the creation of what is euphemistically called this
new Soviet man. The intent is to change a mind radically so that its owner
becomes a living puppet - a human robot - without the autrocity being visible
from the outside.

The aim is to create a mechanism in flesh and blood, with new beliefs and new
thought processes inserted into a captive body. What that amounts to is the
search for a slave race that, unlike the slaves of olden times, can be
trusted never to revolt, always to be amenable to orders, like an insect to
its instincts. The intent is to atomize Humanity.


CIA interest in mind manipulation began with the Agency's formation in 1947.
A decade earlier the Moscow Show Trials had scared the Western world into
thinking that Soviet psychologists had developed a subtle new interrogation
technique capable of extracting complete and detailed confessions from even
the most innocent and recalcitrant defendants. This new technique, which did
not appear to depend upon the more brutal, scar-producing forms of torture,
had a further advantage. It seemed to produce a reorientation of the victim's
mind, making him sound as if he really beleived - perhaps actually making him

[CTRL] Israelis Kill Baby for Violating Curfew

2002-09-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Print Edition  News Ha'aretz

Friday, September 27, 2002 Tishrei 21, 5763 Israel Time:  04:56  (GMT+3)

 Palestinian baby dies in Hebron when army lobs teargas into souk

Innocent Jenin man shot dead by IDF

By Arnon Regular

 A Palestinian infant was killed in Hebron yesterday morning near the
city's commercial center after an IDF patrol fired rubber bullets and tear
gas at Palestinians who violated the curfew imposed on the city's Arab

After the shooting, the body of 14-month-old Aram Mana was brought to Alia
hospital, a few hundred meters from the area of the incident. The infant
girl's parents live in the nearby town of Dahariya, south of Mt. Hebron.

The baby arrived at the hospital with serious respiratory difficulties and
all efforts to revive her failed, said Alia director Dr. Ismail Badir.

Tear gas is a full-fledged weapon, especially when used against infants
and old persons, said Badir.

Immediately after the incident, violent demonstrations broke out with stone
throwing against IDF troops, and the hospital reported that eight injured
civilians were brought there with light injuries.

In the afternoon, the corpse of the infant was taken by her family to
Dahariya for burial.

The IDF Spokesman announced that the army lacked enough evidence to
determine the veracity of the claim that the infant was killed due to tear
gas inhalation.

In another incident, Mahmoud Hasim, 50, was killed in an IDF operation last
night in Jenin. Sources said that the army was operating in the
neighborhood of Marah, in the western part of the city.

Palestinians said the IDF had rounded up a number of militants affiliated
with Islamic Jihad, but said Hasim, who was not affiliated with any
organization, was shot through his apartment window.

An IDF spokesperson expressed regret last night for Hasim's death. Armed
Palestinians opened fire at a group of soldiers in the city, and an
innocent man was killed in the fire exchange, the spokesperson said.

© Copyright 2002 Ha`aretz. All rights reserved

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Re: [CTRL] Freedom of speech (for Nazis?)

2002-09-26 Thread Zuukie

-Caveat Lector-

Prudy, I only speak for myself.  I am in the unfortunate postion of
having read both pro and con material and having researched the
New Age movement.   I cannot jump into the pro-Israel or anti-
Israel points of view.   I do not defend everything Israel has done,
nor do I jump into defending the other side.  It is very hard to meld
the moral point of view with the reality of what is happening now.
The actions of those who take a Palestinian activist role are not
moral, though   from a secular point of view it is necessary.  The
secular Jewish activities are not based on morality,but are based
on necessit.If those who speak for the Orthodox Judaism
morality could speak with the Muslim Orthodox morality, I think
other than the sources of this morality, they might agree.  This
would be in major opposition of the secular views of boths sides.

New Age leaders have made it a point of turning monotheists
against each other to destroy all sides.  From what I've seen, this is
an attempt to destroy monotheistic morality.

Prudy, the older I get, the less I am easily distracted by all of the
peripheral issues. And yet, I am opposed to United Religions.  The
only thing I can see of value in the future is individuals who know
they must remain true to the moral values of the monotheistic
religions.  Jews, Muslims or Christians who attempt to remain true
to the moral beliefs while facing the immorality of the secular
systems are under terrific pressure.  This is more than the human
system is expected to work thru.  Where it will all end up I don't
know.  Why you would expect individual Jews to act in a moral
maner than you would expect of others is beyond me.

Moral Jews!  Moral Muslims!  Moral secularists!  That's what it's all
about.  Organizations and individuals can claim to represent these
positions, but each one of us must look at our individual positions
and understand where we will stop and defend in the larger scheme
of things.
-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 9/22/2002 12:00:13 AM
 Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm paraphrasing the little hen who said Then I will eat it all
 by myself and the ant who told the lazy grasshopper Sorry bub.
 On a more serious note, I don't think Jews should find themselves
 again victim to the Covet, Steal, Kill pattern that was played
 out against them in Germany. Anything they get back should come
 back to them as it was.

 It would seem that the Jews are now the ones who play out that obscene
 pattern. And do you mean that someone will replace the orchards and
 the olive trees? PrudyA HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
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