-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Is this British-trained woman at the heart of a germ warfare plot?
Brian Whitaker
Tuesday September 24 2002
The Guardian

She is a 46-year-old mother with a PhD from the University of East Anglia ... and she 
takes up more space in Tony Blair's Iraq dossier than either of Saddam Hussein's two 

Rihab Taha is - or at least was - head of a secret biological warfare programme in 
Iraq and has allegedly overseen the manufacture of 10 billion doses of deadly viruses 
and bacteria,   including botulinum. She took up the job in 1984, almost immediately 
after completing a research degree in Norwich.

"Her work here was only on diseases affecting wheat and tobacco," a spokeswoman for 
her former university said yesterday. "She was here when the UK enjoyed good relations 
with Iraq and we have had no contact with her since she left."

During the 1990s, Dr Taha became well known among UN weapons inspectors for her 
histrionic performances under questioning. Though normally mild-mannered, she would 
explode into a rage or burst into tears, shout and throw chairs, or storm out of the 
room when interviewed.

At first she claimed that all biological agents and weapons had been destroyed in the 
first few months after the 1991 war, and made no mention of the secret germ warfare 
factory at   al-Hakam, 80 miles west of Baghdad, where work was carried on under her 

Later, when asked about the al-Hakam factory, she said it was only making chicken feed.

Bizarrely, it was through the weapons inspectors - and specifically Rolf Ekeus, former 
head of UNSCOM - that Dr Taha met her husband to be.

In 1993, Mr Ekeus invited her and the Iraqi oil minister, Amer Rashid, to the UN in 
New York for talks on UNSCOM-Iraqi relations. Between the discussions, romance 
blossomed. Mr Rashid divorced his wife and married Dr Taha.

In 1995, she admitted that a factory she had set up near Baghdad had made enough 
anthrax and botulinum to kill millions. UNSCOM suspected that weapons in her arsenal 
had been tested on humans

According to the British dossier, Dr Taha played a central role in Iraq's weapons 
programme. In 1985 she was appointed head of a small biological weapons research team.

"Significant resources were provided, including construction of a dedicated production 
facility at al-Hakam," the dossier says. "[Toxic] agent production began in 1988."

Four years ago Dr Taha was publicly honoured by Saddam Hussein at the Military 
Industrial Commission in Baghdad.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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