Re: [CTRL] Are We Going to War for Oil?

2002-12-14 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

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Steve Wingate, Webmaster
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[CTRL] Are We Going to War for Oil?

2002-12-14 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Are We Going to War for Oil?


It's now been discovered that what was once thought to be an oil bonanza in
Central Asia—with more oil than exists in the Middle East—is actually a bust.
And despite government support of hydrogen fuel cells, research indicates
that these will not be a viable reality in the near future, meaning we'll
continue to depend on Middle Eastern oil. At the same time, there's been a
dramatic shift in U.S. foreign policy toward Iraq and Saudi Arabia—and these
things may be connected.

Estimates of oil reserves in the Caspian Sea have gone from 200 billion
barrels to around 20 billion barrels. ExxonMobil is closing one of its
Caspian offshore projects due to the poor results of exploratory drilling,
and ChevronTexaco is withdrawing as well. Also, the Tengiz field in Central
Asia is very expensive to pump and deliver to market and the oil has a high
sulfur content (as much as 16 percent). Disposal of this waste sulfur will be
a major problem.

There has been very little talk lately about the trans- Afghanistan pipeline,
probably due to continuing instability in the country. One planned pipeline
which is also being rethought is the 1,090-mile long Baku-Ceyhan pipeline,
which will cost about $2.9 billion and will link an existing pipeline from
Azerbaijan to the Turkish Mediterranean Port of Ceyhan, crossing high
mountains and territory occupied by the Kurds, who may be aligned with
Islamic terrorists. Critics question whether there are enough oil reserves in
the Caspian Sea to support the pipeline, so U.S. interest in it may really be
an effort to destabilize OPEC.

The U.S. recently published a document promoting hydrogen fuels, but critics
feel this is mostly a public relations ploy, because there are serious
problems to overcome before we can make the transition to hydrogen fuel
cells. Because hydrogen is the simplest element, it will leak from any
container, no mater how well insulated, so some of the hydrogen will always
evaporate. Hydrogen gas is also very reactive, and when it comes into contact
with metal surfaces it decomposes into hydrogen atoms, which are so small
they can penetrate metal and make it brittle.

But the biggest problem is the size of the fuel tanks that would be needed.
62,000 gallons of hydrogen gas is necessary to replace the energy capacity of
20 gallons of gasoline. So far, hydrogen-powered cars have run on compressed
hydrogen, but a compressed hydrogen fuel tank can develop pressure leaks
through accidents or normal wear, which could cause it to explode.

If the hydrogen is liquefied, 4 four times the volume is needed to produce
the energy of a gallon of gasoline, so a 60 gallon tank would be needed to
replace a 15-gallon gas tank. Liquid hydrogen is also hard to store, because
it’s cold enough to freeze air. In test vehicles, accidents have occurred
from pressure build-ups in plugged valves. Beyond this, there’s the high cost
of liquefying the hydrogen and refrigerating it so that it remains in a
liquid state.

Hydrogen does not freely occur in nature in useful quantities, so it must be
split from molecules of methane from either fossil fuels or water. The water
process creates carbon monoxide as a byproduct, and the steam that’s used is
usually made from fossil fuels, so we can’t escape the production of
greenhouse gases—we simply transfer this pollution to hydrogen production

The basic problem with hydrogen fuel cells is the second law of
thermodynamics, meaning we’ll always have to use more energy creating the
hydrogen than we’ll get from using that hydrogen.

But a belief in hydrogen cell technology will help stock prices overcome the
bad news about Caspian oil reserves. Also, the idea that we are working on a
transition from fossil fuels may destabilize OPEC, making it easier to deal
with Arab oil states.

The government stresses the danger of Saddam’s nuclear and biological
weapons, but does not acknowledge that part of our reason for invading Iraq
is to protect our oil interests, since we’re still going to need plenty of
cheap fossil fuel in the near future, and the revelations about the Caspian
oil supply mean we’re going to have to continue to depend on Middle Eastern

For more information

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D";>
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That being said, CTRLgives n

[CTRL] Christendom and Freemasonry Exposed....

2002-12-14 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-


You are invited to visit a new conspiracy site on
the internet. There is much information on the 12+ pages of this site.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Psychiatric Drug Conspiracy

2002-12-14 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-


how psychiatric drugs are a suppressive tool of the elite and how they create
great harm and suffering. Is eugenics being carried out covertly under the
guise of a "beneficial medical treatment".
It sure looks that way. You will find this article is well written and
scientifically sound.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The Psychiatric Drug Conspiracy

2002-12-14 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-

See how psychiatric drugs are a suppressive tool of the elite and how
they create great harm and suffering. Is eugenics being carried out
covertly under the guise of a "beneficial medical treatment". It sure
looks that way. This article is well written and scientifically sound.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Info on Freemasonry

2002-12-14 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-

You are invited to visit a new conspiracy site on the internet. There is
much information on the 12+ pages of this site.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Say? Anyone With A New York Times Account?

2002-12-14 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

TA muchoz!!!


- Original Message -
From: "klewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Say? Anyone With A New York Times Account?

> -Caveat Lector-
> On 14 Dec 2002 at 21:56, David Sutherland wrote:
> >
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > Have access to this article:
> >
> >
> > 14MAP.html
> >
> September 14, 2002
> Was 'Old' Map Faked to Tweak the Nazis?
>  he Vinland Map must be the world's most contested piece of
> parchment. Donated to Yale University by the philanthropist Paul
> Mellon in 1957, the map, which famously describes the Viking
> discovery of North America, has been stuck in scholarly deadlock
> ever since. The subject of endless studies and counterstudies, the
> map is either a rare medieval artifact - the first cartographic
> representation of the continent - or else a modern fake.
> Consider the two conflicting studies that appeared in scientific
> journals last month. One, published in Radiocarbon, gives a date for
> the map's parchment of 1434, suggesting to the researchers that
> the map could well be authentic. The second study, published in
> Analytical Chemistry, comes to the opposite conclusion, arguing, as
> previous studies have, that the presence of a mineral called anatase
> in the map's ink indicates a 20th-century origin - even if the
> parchment is far older. And just last Sunday, in The Boston Globe,
> the rival factions were rehashing the debate once again.
> But now the forgery camp may have some fresh ammunition. A
> Norwegian historian says she has fingered the forger: a German
> Jesuit priest named Josef Fischer, whom she believes made the
> map partly to protest the Nazi regime.
> "He would have made the map not for profit and not to flaunt it
> publicly, but mostly as a private protest," said the historian, Kirsten
> A. Seaver, an independent scholar based in Palo Alto, Calif., who is
> the author of a well-regarded book about the Viking exploration of
> North America. "I'm very convinced it was done to tease the Nazis."
> Politics and religion are at the heart of Ms. Seaver's intricate case
> against Father Fischer, which she has laid out in several scholarly
> articles and is turning into a book that she hopes to publish next
> year. And though her evidence is mostly circumstantial - Father
> Fischer left no confession - experts say her theory merits serious
> attention.
> "He seems pretty plausible," said Robert W. Karrow, curator of
> special collections and maps at the Newberry Library in Chicago. "It
> may have been intellectual arrogance or just a game, but he was in
> pretty much the right place at pretty much the right time and had the
> right information. I think it all hangs together."
> As Ms. Seaver points out, in many ways the Jesuit is an obvious
> suspect. He was an avid scholar and collector of old maps, credited
> with discovering the now legendary Waldseemüller world map from
> 1507 - the first to use the word America.
> He was also passionately committed to the idea that the Norse had
> been to this continent long before Christopher Columbus, publishing
> a book on the subject in 1902. At the time, there was little evidence
> for Father Fischer's theory. Yet he was convinced a cartographic
> record of the venture must exist.
> These facts alone might qualify as probable motive, but Ms.
> Seaver's theory is more elaborate. Father Fischer, she argues,
> would have been outraged by the Nazis' persecution of Jesuits.
> In 1938, Nazi officials forced the sale of Stella Matutina, the Jesuit
> College in Feldkirch, Austria, where Father Fischer had taught and
> was living in retirement. (He moved to Munich the next year and
> died in 1944.)
> At the same time, Ms. Seaver contends, Father Fischer would have
> been appalled to see ancient Norse history put to use as Nazi
> propaganda. The Third Reich did a bustling traffic in ersatz Norse
> art and artifacts, she points out, as German officials saw in the
> Vikings an Aryan people with territorial ambitions much like their
> own. In particular, a Viking conquest of North America would supply
> a perfect rationale for the Reich's empire-lust overseas.
> By making the Vinland Map, Father Fischer would thus seem to be
> fulfilling a cherished Nazi dream. But - and here's the rub - the
> map is laden with Catholic imagery. The legend in the top left corner
> refers not only to the discovery of "Vinland" by "the companions
> Bjarni and Leif Eiriksson," but to a trip there soon after by Eric,
> "legate of the Apostolic See and the bishop of Greenland."
> This, Ms. Seaver argues, was Father Fischer's ruse: to give the
> Nazis - and history - a Viking conquest of the New World but to
> make clear that it was a Catholic one as well.
> "The map shows two things clearly," she said. "The R

[CTRL] Cartoon

2002-12-14 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Ain't it the truth:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Montgomery's Chief Moose Also Answers to 'Major'

2002-12-14 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Do you think "major" Moose might know something about why the F-16's never 
got off the ground from Andrews on 9/11? And a National Guard Sgt. who is secret 
Montgomery's Chief Moose Also Answers to 'Major' 

By Steve VogelWashington Post Staff WriterThursday, 
November 21, 2002; Page AA03 

The world may know him now as Chief Charles Moose, the Montgomery County 
police chief who was the foremost face of the sniper hunt. But at the D.C. Air 
National Guard, Chief Moose answers to "major."
Moose, who led the law enforcement task force that arrested two suspects 
linked by authorities to 15 shooting deaths in the Washington region, wears a 
second hat as commander of the D.C. Air National Guard's security forces 
It's a job that has kept him involved in another major story rooted in a 
different type of terror than the sniper spree -- the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on 
the Pentagon. Squadron members could be called to deploy overseas to support a 
U.S. war against Iraq, although there is a good likelihood that military 
officials would decide to exempt Moose because of his job as police chief.
"I don't make that call," Moose said in an interview. "I'm qualified. I'm in 
the mix. Being police chief is not any kind of a waiver."
Moose has commanded the squadron during a time of enormous activity brought 
on by world events. "It was real high tempo for a while, then it backed down, 
and now it's looking like it might go high tempo again," Moose said.
The squadron provides security for the D.C. Guard's 113th Wing, which is 
based at Andrews Air Force Base in Prince George's County. The wing flies F-16 
fighters that have regularly patrolled the skies over Washington since the 
hijacked airliner hit the Pentagon in the terrorist attacks.
Moose's squadron of 60 service members is responsible, among other things, 
for protecting the fighter aircraft, equipment and runways at Andrews. Some 
squadron members have been sent to protect U.S. aircraft and bases overseas, and 
more would likely be needed in the event of a war with Iraq.
"He's real focused on getting the job done and not who gets credit," said 
Brig. Gen. David Wherley, commander of the D.C. Air National Guard. "The people 
who work for him, they respect him."
Although a tough taskmaster who would make his displeasure with poor 
performance readily known, Moose is known to also look out for the welfare of 
the members of his squadron. "He spent time with the troops in the trenches, and 
they respect that," Wherley said.
"What you see is what you get with Maj. Moose," Chief Master Sgt. Bobby 
Spear, the senior enlisted member of the security forces squadron, said in a 
news release. "He is direct, but he is also a humanitarian."
Moose, who had served previously with the Oregon National Guard, joined the 
D.C. Air National Guard soon after arriving in Montgomery in 1999 and served in 
the headquarters. "He did such a great job, I asked him to be the security 
forces commander" leading the whole squadron beginning in May 2000, Wherley 
Before the Sept. 11 attacks, the 113th Security Forces Squadron would only 
occasionally get called out to help with security for events such as major 
protests in Washington or presidential inaugurations.
That all changed after the terrorist strikes. With the F-16s flying almost 
round-the-clock, the entire security forces squadron was called to active duty, 
except for Moose and Spear. Wherley said he made the decision that Moose's job 
as Montgomery police chief was more important than his Guard duties. 
Spear worked for the U.S. Secret Service at the time but has since 
"I told [Moose], 'I think you being a good chief in Montgomery County is more 
important than you being out here,' and he agreed," Wherley said.
Even so, Moose spent long hours at Andrews after the attack on the Pentagon, 
according to Guard officials, and when not at the base would frequently check in 
via cell phone or e-mail.
"He worked around the clock for two or three weeks after the terrorist 
attacks," Spear said. "He would work all day at Montgomery County and then come 
to Andrews and work with us late into the night, making sure we had everything 
we needed to keep our planes and our part of the base secure. He'd spend the 
night and then go back to work at Montgomery County the next day."
Moose was scheduled for weekend Guard duty during the sniper hunt, but he 
arranged to postpone it. "Everybody understood," Moose said.
"Until the sniper thing, he very seldom missed a weekend drill," Wherley 
Even during the sniper crisis, Moose was in touch with the squadron via cell 
phone and e-mail, though most of the communication was in the form of words of 
encouragement from squadron members. "They'd say," Moose recalled, " 'Don't 
worry, we'll take care of it. We're praying for you. Get some rest.' "

[CTRL] Article: To Save the Forest, The Trees Must Go

2002-12-14 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Save the Forest, The Trees Must Go

December 15, 2002

WASHINGTON - In the name of science, the United States
Forest Service has proposed the experimental logging of
half a million acres in two forests in the Sierra Nevada to
see how it will affect the habitat of the California
spotted owl and the ferocity of forest fires. But skeptical
environmentalists are saying the real purpose is simply to
give timber companies a chance to cut more big trees on
some of the nation's 190 million acres of public land.

The study is to be conducted in the Plumas and Lassen
National Forests, two of the 11 national forests that run
along the mountainous spine of California.

The Bush administration's experiment is designed on such a
grand scale that it will vastly increase the amount of
timber being taken from the two northern California
forests, which have been heavily logged in the past. Some
trees to be cut are much larger than current forest
regulations would allow: in some cases, up to 34 inches in
diameter, or almost nine feet in girth.

After a year in which forest fires raged through the West,
affecting seven million acres, the administration has been
pushing plans to thin the trees in places where years of
mismanagement - including the practice of putting out every
single fire - have left dense thickets of undergrowth.
Often these projects are aimed at protecting small
communities at the forest edge. But rarely do they involve
cutting so many trees, or such big ones, especially in
sensitive wildlife habitat deeper in the woods.

In its announcement of the project, the Forest Service
referred to the logging euphemistically as
"management-caused changes in vegetation," and said the
study would test whether the benefits of the cleared areas,
which would create firebreaks, exceed the ecological
damage, especially to the spotted owl habitat. Like the
more famous northern spotted owl of the Pacific Northwest,
the California species is struggling for survival.

Environmental advocates who have long fought logging in the
region, and some scientists, see this proposal as science
on the model of Japanese whalers, who take their harpoons
to sea in what they call a research project - one that
happens to put whale meat on the menus of pricey
restaurants in Tokyo.

"This comes to almost 30,000 acres per year of suitable owl
habitat that would be logged," said Chad Hanson, an
anti-logging advocate at the John Muir Project and a Sierra
Club board member.

The conservation groups say the plan is an attempt to
reverse existing rules, including those adopted during the
Clinton administration, that put much of the forest off

As evidence they pointed to the administration's
announcement last week of changes in rules governing
logging - changes that the government said were aimed at
limiting forest fires. The administration's goal was to cut
through environmental reviews, court appeals and litigation
that slow approval of the projects.

Mark Rey, the assistant secretary of agriculture who
oversees the Forest Service, said adversaries in the
debates should learn to trust each other and the

"I certainly trust the environmental groups," said Mr. Rey,
who was formerly a lobbyist for a forest industry group.
"They've spent millions of dollars on political ads to
demonize the administration, but that doesn't mean I don't
trust them."

He spoke with tongue firmly in cheek, knowing that
environmental groups are certain to challenge the
administration's proposals in court.

In fact, there was a big ruling last week on a related
issue, when a federal appeals court in San Francisco
decided to reinstate a ban on building roads in 60 million
acres of national forest. The policy, put in place under
President Clinton and challenged by the industry and some
local governments, is one that the Bush administration
wants to change.

Road construction is one problem that environmentalists see
in the California experiment. Another is the reduction in
canopy cover in some California forests to 40 to 50
percent, compared with 60 to even 90 percent before logging
- a result that is prohibited under the current forest plan
because of the likely harm to owls.

Limits on cutting large trees, on building roads and on
thinning the canopy were put into the regulations for the
region after intensive scientific study. The Forest
Service, however, said it would amend those rules, calling
the changes insignificant.

ENVIRONMENTALISTS are sure to object during the 45 days of
public comment that began last week.

"I think this is quickly going to spiral into a device for
getting around other restrictions on forest practices,
under the guise of scientific analysis," said Don Erman,
emeritus professor of forestry at the University of
California at Davis.

While the scientific question of how different methods of
logging affect the s

[CTRL] Welcome to the American Gestapo

2002-12-14 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Welcome to the American Gestapo

Wonder if any of the vast sums of money approved Tuesday for the new Department of 
Homeland Security are set aside for black uniforms with knee-length boots and black 
leather trench coats?

Should be. Since we’ve gone to all this trouble to create the new American Gestapo we 
might as well let them look the part.

Excuse me if I don’t join in all the senseless celebration over creation of yet 
another mammoth bureaucracy of the federal government. Pardon me if I don’t go ga-ga 
over a federal agency that has been given unlimited powers to spy on Americans, 
trample all over the First and Fourth Amendments, ignore the privacy of anyone it 
chooses and violate the rights of every man, woman and child who used to live in the 
Land of the Free.

Our own paranoia has accomplished what Osama bin Laden and his minions could not with 
hijacked airplanes and vague threats about future attacks – these fears have forced 
America to abandon its principles and create a police state.

This new Department of Homeland Security has the power to wiretap any American it 
wants, without a court order, without cause and without justification to any higher 
authority. Homeland Security goon squads will have the power to enter any American 
home, without a search warrant, without probable cause, simply because someone 
somewhere says “hey, this guy might be a threat.” No checks and balances, no due 
process. Nothing.

Video cameras at ATMs, convenience stores, department stores and office building 
lobbies already record Americans living in urban areas 75-100 times on any given day 
but that isn’t enough for the new American Gestapo. They plan to erect video cameras 
on streets, along public highways, in neighborhoods and deploy them on helicopters and 
police cars to record everything you and I do every day of the year.

“We are entering a new era of domestic surveillance,” says retired FBI agent Franklin 
Postel. “One where the constitution is secondary to the cause. The new department has 
the power to document the day-to-day actions of any American it chooses.”

A secret court decision last May already gives the Justice Department expanded powers 
to wiretap phones, spy on Americans and “share information” with other law enforcement 

These powers, granted under a dangerous piece of legislation called the “USA Patriot 
Act,” allow Attorney General John Ashcroft to sign away the normal rights and 
protections that Americans used to enjoy – little things like probable cause, due 
process and the now forgotten belief that any accused is presumed innocent until 
proven guilty.

Those who support these expanded powers say the system has "safeguards" where law 
enforcement personnel must get a judge's approval before wiretapping an American 
family but those who have studied the law said the "safeguards" are, in fact, 
"carefully worded loopholes."

"The law only requires an 'administrative review' by the very department that wants to 
spy on Americans," says retired federal judge John Macklin. "Most judges would not 
approve such wiretaps but the law is engineered to make sure that most judges never 
see the request."

Ashcroft says he will implement the new powers “immediately” and is already increasing 
surveillance of Americans.

Look closer at the powers granted under the act and you will find things that would 
make Hitler proud.

They include provisions to allow private citizens to spy on other private citizens 
without fear of prosecution if the Department determines their actions were conducted 
“in the national interest.”

“I’ve read some of the abstracts on the new law and they take the handcuffs off people 
like me,” says private detective Andrew Burlingame. “I can tap anyone I damn well 
please. All I have to do is claim I thought the guy was a terrorist.”

Under the new law, an agent of the Department of Homeland Security can walk into your 
bank, flash a badge and demand to see your checking and saving account records. No 
court order. All they need is the “presumption of guilt.” They can stop you in your 
car without cause and search it and you. They can hold you in jail for 30 days or more 
without filing any charges or allowing you to make any phone calls.

They can call up America Online and put a trace on all your Internet activity without 
a court order. They can require Visa to turn over all your credit card activity 
records without notice.

"Again, the process only requires an internal administrative review and not the 
involvement of any independent judicial authority," says retired judge Macklin. "It 
violates all previous standards for due process and probable cause."

In other words, they can do any damn thing they want and there isn’t a thing that any 
of us can do about it.

Some may argue the current terrorist threat requires such drastic measures. But what 
happens when that threat is met? The Department of Homeland Secur

[CTRL] Fwd: Resource: Nazi war crimes [Ravnitzky]

2002-12-14 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-

Cross-posted from H-ANTISEMITISM; permission for dissemination given by
author in last paragraph.


by Michael Ravnitzky , [EMAIL PROTECTED] [snipped by Tenorlove]

Next month (January), the public will have access to a massive trove
declassified FBI Files concerning Nazi War Crimes and related topics.
files are the original files (not copies) and are not redacted.

I have a Microsoft Word file containing the entire list of subjects
I'D BE HAPPY TO SEND to anyone who is interested.  If you would like
a copy,
please send me a note at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and make sure you ask me for
the list
of Nazi War Crimes Files.

The files themselves will be available onsite at the following
location, but
I strongly advise you to review the list of files and make
arrangements in
advance to view the files.

Here is the press contact for the National Archives.

Public Affairs Staff
National Archives and Records Administration
Room 3200
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740
Telephone: 301-837-1700
Fax: 301-837-0311

The curator for FBI files is Mr. Fred Romanski, who has always been
helpful, as are all the wonderful people at the National Archives.


For your inspection, I have also enclosed a Microsoft Word file of
the list
of FBI files.  It is an astonishing and important body of data, and
it is
urgent that serious researchers find out that it exists.

You may disseminate any or all of this information in any way you see
but I'd be happy to send out copies of the file to anyone who
requests a

This file was obtained from the FBI Press Office this afternoon.

Michael Ravnitzky
[location and phone # snipped by Tenorlove]

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2002-12-14 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-



My purpose in
publishing this page is this: [1] To tell you there is an 'Interactive
Prophecy' which describes great things for the time in which we live.
2] To tell you that the Dictators
of Planet Earth are taking counter measures to try to stop these things

There is a prophecy - (actually, an
  'interactive prediction', meaning, this is a future which can happen, if
  we make it happen) - of the Intertribal Medicine Societies of the tribes
  of North America, which is called, 'The Rainbow Dream Vision'. It's also
  called the 'Twenty Count', because it spans a period of 20
  describes people all over the world starting to stand up for what is
  right. It says that "TECHNOLOGY" will be used against these people to try
  to stop them. 
  half way through this 'Twenty Year Awakening of Humanity', there is a
  point where it says that civil and social law will "tumble", because
  people will be getting to the point where they are beginning to figure out
  what is right and what is wrong. 
  year, or time, seems to be around the year 2001. 
  <<<  2001  -  WE
  WILL SIT IN A NEW CIRCLE OF LAW. Civil and social law will tumble. All civil and social laws will
  have to be in conformity with natural laws or the people will not accept
  them and they will have the enlightenment necessary to reject those laws.
  Science will once again become metaphysics. They will discover four laws
  that will help them jump to Universal Law and transcend the time-space
  continuum which is the limitation of the age and once again we will begin
  to take our power and to work with rules and laws that are Cosmic Laws.
  2001, is when the NWO launched
  their counterpunch. And this 'Counterpunch' is also mentioned and warned
  of in the Rainbow Dream Vision. 
  As we
  now know, in the late 1990s, the world began a very new thing. We were no
  longer dependent on TV and newspapers for most of our information about
  the world - suddenly, the Internet was taking off like a
  Some say
  all the main media and news in the world is controlled by 6 to 12
  Internet is controlled, or organised, by several 100 million people - all
  of whom have equal standing with everyone else. 
  So. A
  big power shift was happening. And was rocketing by the year 2001. And the
  year 2001 is the year those few covert and overt, global power-mongers
  realised they, and their often highly devious methods, were being talked
  about, behind their backs - by 100s of millions of
  2001:  NWO
  I can't
  name every effort the global dictators have used to gain and maintain
  control over us for many, many years - but to set the scene for year 2001,
  let's point out that CHEMTRAILS (main factor: the mind-numbing and
  health-threatening qualities of Aluminium & Barium) had been sprayed worldwide for approximately 10 years prior
  to 2001; and in a more concentrated form since
  1] THE
  UK WAS ATTACKED BY 'FOOT AND MOUTH'. Keeping everyone away from the
  inspiring, and health re-charging quali

Re: [CTRL] Army to enforce smallpox quarantines

2002-12-14 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

"but the U.S. government fears that some of the stock may have been
stolen and sold on the black market."  Yeah, right - more likely the
SOLD it to the "enemy", just like they sold all those chemical and
biological ingredients and equipment to Iraq before they decided Saddam
wasn't their friend anymore!

If, as it seems likely with all this "preparation" going on, we do have
a biological "event", I will NOT believe the official bs line that will
inevitably come out.  If anyone were to think logically about all this
"terrorist threat" talk, they would realize that these events don't have
a "terrorist" flavor to them at all.  After all, how do these
"occasional" events benefit these so-called terrorists anyway?  And any
terrorist in his right threatening mind wouldn't be waiting for the
target to get all their defense ducks in a row before unleashing his
"terror", now would he?  That one's been bugging me for some time now,
it's so dang obvious!


Jim Rarey wrote:

> -Caveat Lector- We knew it was coming. Sounds like they are not going
> to depend on governors to get the job done. Maybe not enough states
> have adopted the Model Emergency Health Powers Act. Sound a lot like
> martial law, doesn't
> it? Jim
> plans for smallpox outbreak
> By Pamela Hess
> UPI Pentagon Correspondent
> From the International Desk
> Published 12/13/2002 4:36 PM";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Army to enforce smallpox quarantines

2002-12-14 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

We knew it was coming. Sounds like they are not going to depend on 
governors to get the job done. Maybe not enough states have adopted the Model 
Emergency Health Powers Act. Sound a lot like martial law, doesn't it?
Pentagon plans for smallpox 
By Pamela HessUPI Pentagon CorrespondentFrom the International 
12/13/2002 4:36 PM
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The military could be called on to keep order 
and quarantine affected areas if there were a smallpox outbreak in the United 
States, according to a Defense Department response plan completed in 
The White House and Pentagon unveiled plans Friday to begin vaccinating 
health-care workers and as many as 500,000 military personnel against the 
release of smallpox on the battlefield, but it also has a step-by-step guide for 
military commanders in the event of a domestic biological weapons attack. 
Because the disease was finally eradicated in 1979, a single case of smallpox 
would be considered to be the result of a germ warfare attack. There are only 
two known stocks of the disease -- in the United States and Russia -- but the 
U.S. government fears that some of the stock may have been stolen and sold on 
the black market.
Smallpox would kill one-third of its victims if they are not treated in time, 
according to the Centers for Disease Control.
The newly organized U.S. Northern Command, currently headed by Air Force Gen. 
Ralph Eberhart, would be in charge of coordinating military support for a 
domestic biological attack.
While the military is generally prohibited from performing law enforcement 
duties on American soil under a law known as the Posse Comitatus Act, the 
military can be pressed into service by civilian authorities in the event of an 
Military personnel would generally not be carrying weapons to enforce the 
quarantine in the event of a biological weapons attack. However, they could be 
deployed to the affected area with weapons, and the weapons would be secured in 
a warehouse in case they are needed. Weapons would only be carried with the 
express order by the secretary of defense and the attorney general, according to 
a Defense Department smallpox response plan released in September.
Local military commanders may use troops at local civilian authority request 
without approval from the Pentagon to save lives, prevent human suffering and 
mitigate great property damage, according to the plan.
An outbreak of smallpox in the United States could seriously infringe on 
military activities, as flights and troop movement would be cut to a minimum to 
slow the potential spread of the disease. Those within one hour of ground 
transportation -- or one leg of a commercial flight originating at an airport 
within an hour ground transport of an infected area -- would be considered the 
most likely to have been exposed.
Military personnel might also be pressed into mortuary-related duties in the 
event of mass casualtiesCopyright © 2002 United Press International
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 5 Unarmed Job Seeking Terrorists

2002-12-14 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector-

I couldn't have said better myself. Illegal immigration is economic
On Saturday, Dec 14, 2002, at 12:49 US/Pacific, thew wrote:

Of course I oppose illegal immigrants coming to the US primarily
of the environmental destruction caused by our immigration fueled
population explosion - but I certainly never called for capital
for illegal border crossers. Furthermore I don't blame poor immigrants
for trying to come here - I am more incensed over the corporations
that employ them at cheap wages thereby screwing native Americans
by keeping their wages low. Failure to enforce our immigration laws
is just another form of Corporate Welfare and helps keep the Mexican
Billionaire Kleptocracy in power. Anything the Wall Street Journal,
and Dashle agree on by definition must be bad for the country.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-12-14 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
Most Americans would agree (I hope) that the victims of a totalitarian dictatorship have the moral, if not the legal, right, indeed the obligation, to use any means to overthrow that dictatorship. The only people I can think of who don't, are Christians who misunderstand scripture, especially Romans 13. You would have to look a long time to find somebody who believes that victims of Nazi oppression didn't have the profound, moral right to use any means, from assassination to TNT, to destroy it. Again, if you believe Romans 13 says you must obey a ruler however evil he is and defer to whatever crimes he commits, if, in other words, you believe God is a Nazi, then you are probably one of those people it would take a long time to find. 
One reason the victims are morally justified in doing whatever they can get away with to liberate themselves is that a dictatorship by definition cancels the rules of normal human association. The main reason such victims may do as they like is that God says believers must replace an evil ruler, and scripture is full of praise for people who do exactly that. We are told to remember Jael with approbation, because she hammered a spike through Sisera's temples while he slept and nailed him to the ground. Not at all the kind of thing a genteel Republican woman would do. 
So, the question arises, how do you know when a system has become a totalitarian dictatorship, thereby liberating its victims to do whatever they can get away with? What are the signs? When did the Hitler system become totalitarian? 
That's easy. Hitler imposed a totalitarian dictatorship on Germany on . . . when he . . . Hmm.
Notice that even in Hitler's case that isn't an easy question to answer. Suppose we're living in Germany and it is January 30, 1933. That is the day Hitler takes over. Are we living under a dictatorship? No, not yet. Remember that Hitler took power legally. President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor. On January 30, 1933, Hitler hadn't yet done anything dictatorial. So, if we start the revolution on that day, we would be wrong. Hitler would have said we were breaking the law, and he would have been right. We do know that somewhere between that day and the day he started World War II in concert with his ally, fellow totalitarian socialist dictator Joe Stalin, September 1, 1939, he did impose a dictatorship on Germany. 
When? What did he do to make that fatal change? What we are talking about today applies to all totalitarian dictatorships; we are talking about Hitler, because the modern species of insanity known as "liberalism" has assiduously kept the "Nazi threat" alive for its own totalitarian purposes all these years. 
Early in the 20th century, some observer added the word "totalitarian" to dictatorship to describe a new development in government. Before that time, your typical dictator was satisfied just to run the system with mock elections, or none at all. Today, we call such a system "authoritarian." If you just let the dictator run the government, skim off the graft, live in the palace and make hefty deposits in Switzerland, he will leave you alone. Look at your typical banana republic or Al Capone's Chicago.
The totalitarian dictator is not just more of the same thing; he is something totally different. Inspired to liberal frenzy by the development of technology that makes it possible, he wants total power, power over every aspect of your life, from what you eat, to where you work, to what you read and think and then some. Hence, the term "totalitarian dictatorship."
New Chancellor Hitler went to work to grab total power, but the people wouldn't give it to him, so Nazi thugs burned the Reichstag, the building in which the German version of Congress met. Hitler blamed the Communists for the crime, and, in the emergency, the people gave him the power he wanted. All still legal. Hitler replaced the governments of the historic German states with his own men. See, for instance, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by William L. Shirer, a liberal.
So, it isn't easy to determine when you are looking at a totalitarian dictatorship, especially when you don't have the advantage of hindsight. Years later, professors with that advantage can point to a date and say when it happened. Indeed, even then they can't be sure. One can make a case that everything Hitler did from beginning to end was at least legal, because he was the government and made the laws. Ask the professors when Nazi Germany became a totalitarian dictatorship and you will probably get a few answers. And this would apply to every totalitarian dictatorship. 
Let me know if I'm wrong, but I can't think of one case in which one of these weasels came right out and told the people what he was doing. It would have been so helpful if Hitler had announced well before January 30, 1933: "Guten morgen, Damen u


2002-12-14 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
Most Americans would agree (I hope) that the victims of a totalitarian dictatorship have the moral, if not the legal, right, indeed the obligation, to use any means to overthrow that dictatorship. The only people I can think of who don't, are Christians who misunderstand scripture, especially Romans 13. You would have to look a long time to find somebody who believes that victims of Nazi oppression didn't have the profound, moral right to use any means, from assassination to TNT, to destroy it. Again, if you believe Romans 13 says you must obey a ruler however evil he is and defer to whatever crimes he commits, if, in other words, you believe God is a Nazi, then you are probably one of those people it would take a long time to find. 
One reason the victims are morally justified in doing whatever they can get away with to liberate themselves is that a dictatorship by definition cancels the rules of normal human association. The main reason such victims may do as they like is that God says believers must replace an evil ruler, and scripture is full of praise for people who do exactly that. We are told to remember Jael with approbation, because she hammered a spike through Sisera's temples while he slept and nailed him to the ground. Not at all the kind of thing a genteel Republican woman would do. 
So, the question arises, how do you know when a system has become a totalitarian dictatorship, thereby liberating its victims to do whatever they can get away with? What are the signs? When did the Hitler system become totalitarian? 
That's easy. Hitler imposed a totalitarian dictatorship on Germany on . . . when he . . . Hmm.
Notice that even in Hitler's case that isn't an easy question to answer. Suppose we're living in Germany and it is January 30, 1933. That is the day Hitler takes over. Are we living under a dictatorship? No, not yet. Remember that Hitler took power legally. President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor. On January 30, 1933, Hitler hadn't yet done anything dictatorial. So, if we start the revolution on that day, we would be wrong. Hitler would have said we were breaking the law, and he would have been right. We do know that somewhere between that day and the day he started World War II in concert with his ally, fellow totalitarian socialist dictator Joe Stalin, September 1, 1939, he did impose a dictatorship on Germany. 
When? What did he do to make that fatal change? What we are talking about today applies to all totalitarian dictatorships; we are talking about Hitler, because the modern species of insanity known as "liberalism" has assiduously kept the "Nazi threat" alive for its own totalitarian purposes all these years. 
Early in the 20th century, some observer added the word "totalitarian" to dictatorship to describe a new development in government. Before that time, your typical dictator was satisfied just to run the system with mock elections, or none at all. Today, we call such a system "authoritarian." If you just let the dictator run the government, skim off the graft, live in the palace and make hefty deposits in Switzerland, he will leave you alone. Look at your typical banana republic or Al Capone's Chicago.
The totalitarian dictator is not just more of the same thing; he is something totally different. Inspired to liberal frenzy by the development of technology that makes it possible, he wants total power, power over every aspect of your life, from what you eat, to where you work, to what you read and think and then some. Hence, the term "totalitarian dictatorship."
New Chancellor Hitler went to work to grab total power, but the people wouldn't give it to him, so Nazi thugs burned the Reichstag, the building in which the German version of Congress met. Hitler blamed the Communists for the crime, and, in the emergency, the people gave him the power he wanted. All still legal. Hitler replaced the governments of the historic German states with his own men. See, for instance, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by William L. Shirer, a liberal.
So, it isn't easy to determine when you are looking at a totalitarian dictatorship, especially when you don't have the advantage of hindsight. Years later, professors with that advantage can point to a date and say when it happened. Indeed, even then they can't be sure. One can make a case that everything Hitler did from beginning to end was at least legal, because he was the government and made the laws. Ask the professors when Nazi Germany became a totalitarian dictatorship and you will probably get a few answers. And this would apply to every totalitarian dictatorship. 
Let me know if I'm wrong, but I can't think of one case in which one of these weasels came right out and told the people what he was doing. It would have been so helpful if Hitler had announced well before January 30, 1933: "Guten morgen, Damen u

Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 5 Unarmed Job Seeking Terrorists

2002-12-14 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

I'm sure my children will curse me for far graver outrages than that, but I
assure they will also understand opposing viewpoints, and how to think for

on 12/14/02 2:49 PM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
>> Maybe I misremembered - I thought you had posted about illegal immigrants
>> coming into the US. If it was not you I apologize. I really don't find
> your
>> posts worth the hard drive space needed to keep them, so I don¹t
> Of course I oppose illegal immigrants coming to the US primarily because
> of the environmental destruction caused by our immigration fueled
> population explosion - but I certainly never called for capital punishment
> for illegal border crossers. Furthermore I don't blame poor immigrants
> for trying to come here - I am more incensed over the corporations
> that employ them at cheap wages thereby screwing native Americans
> by keeping their wages low. Failure to enforce our immigration laws
> is just another form of Corporate Welfare and helps keep the Mexican
> Billionaire Kleptocracy in power. Anything the Wall Street Journal, Bush,
> and Dashle agree on by definition must be bad for the country.
> Whether or not you decide to save my posts is up to you. Failure to
> save them is your children's loss since you will never be able to pass
> them on.
> They will curse you in your old age for your shortsightedness.
> flw
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
>";>Archives of
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

All the thoughts of a turtle are turtle

  Emerson, Journals, 1855

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 5 Unarmed Job Seeking Terrorists

2002-12-14 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> Maybe I misremembered - I thought you had posted about illegal immigrants
> coming into the US. If it was not you I apologize. I really don't find
> posts worth the hard drive space needed to keep them, so I don¹t

Of course I oppose illegal immigrants coming to the US primarily because
of the environmental destruction caused by our immigration fueled
population explosion - but I certainly never called for capital punishment
for illegal border crossers. Furthermore I don't blame poor immigrants
for trying to come here - I am more incensed over the corporations
that employ them at cheap wages thereby screwing native Americans
by keeping their wages low. Failure to enforce our immigration laws
is just another form of Corporate Welfare and helps keep the Mexican
Billionaire Kleptocracy in power. Anything the Wall Street Journal, Bush,
and Dashle agree on by definition must be bad for the country.

Whether or not you decide to save my posts is up to you. Failure to
save them is your children's loss since you will never be able to pass
them on.

They will curse you in your old age for your shortsightedness.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The strange affair of the Yemeni Scud missiles

2002-12-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The strange affair of the Yemeni Scud missiles  
By Peter Symonds
14 December 2002


In the midst of Washington’s efforts to ratchet up its “weapons of mass destruction” rhetoric and establish a pretext for war against Iraq, a peculiar episode took place this week in the Arabian Sea.

On Monday, two Spanish warships, which form part of a US-led anti-terrorist naval task force, intercepted in international waters a North Korean freighter, the So San, heading towards the Middle East. According to Spanish and US officials, the ship, which was about 1,000km from the Horn of Africa, was unflagged, its identification markings had been painted over and it failed to stop when challenged.

The Spanish frigate Navarra fired three bursts of warning shots at the vessel. Snipers shot out cables crisscrossing the deck, enabling a helicopter to hover and land a boarding party of armed marines who seized the ship. A search uncovered 15 medium-range Scud missiles packed under bags of cement, along with conventional high explosive warheads and drums of fuel.

Spanish authorities immediately called in US military experts from the USS Nassau, conveniently located nearby, to deal with the explosives and the ship was handed over to the US navy. The events—the Spanish snipers, the landing party and the cargo packed under bags of cement—were all captured on film for timely media release. The story leaked out in Washington within hours.

The initial press coverage was cautious but nevertheless pointed in a definite direction. According to the unnamed US officials, the ship did not appear to be heading towards Iraq, but the ultimate destination of the missiles was unknown. “Some people would like to rule out Iraq, others do not want to rule out Iraq. Yemen has Scuds. We don’t really know right now where this was going,” one told the New York Times.

Here, it appeared, was the potential casus belli for a war against Iraq that the Bush administration has been so desperate to establish. As the New York Times commented: “If Iraq had been the buyer, not only would confiscating the shipment have been legal under United Nations resolutions, but Iraq would also have been in material breach of those resolutions. The missiles would have given the United States grounds for war.”

But the whole affair rapidly went awry when the Yemeni government claimed the Scud missiles and issued a formal protest to Washington on Wednesday demanding the ship’s release. The purchase had been legal, it insisted, and the missiles were destined for the Yemeni army for defensive purposes. Following a flurry of phone calls involving US Vice President Richard Cheney and Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Washington reluctantly decided to comply.

Clearly the White House was not pleased. As a senior official told the New York Times, Bush was “a very, very unhappy man” after deciding to let the freighter continue on its way. But the alternative was to alienate a Middle East regime, which has collaborated closely with the US military in hunting down Al Qaeda suspects and whose support, even if only tacit, would be needed in any US invasion of Iraq. In return, Yemen gave Washington face-saving guarantees to make no further purchases and to ensure that the Scuds remained in the hands of its army.

It was left to White House spokesmen Ari Fleischer to put the best possible spin on the incident. He stumbled his way through a story fraught with contradictions. Even though US intelligence had tracked the ship, he said, the Bush administration had not known its destination and was concerned that “it may have been heading for a nation that was a terrorist—a potential terrorist nation.” Asked if that meant Iraq, he declared: “We had concern about where its ultimate destination might have been.”

When pressed as to why military rather than diplomatic means were used to ascertain the nature of the shipment, Fleischer insisted: “Until yesterday, we didn’t know what nation to talk to in terms of who was going to receive these. It may not have been Yemen. It turned out to be Yemen... Once we learned it was Yemen, we immediately talked to Yemen.”

Fleischer’s remarks include two bald-faced lies. Firstly, the US knew where the shipment was headed well in advance, and secondly, the Bush administration had contacted the Yemeni government prior to the interception of the So San.

On December 2—a full week before the ship was intercepted—the rightwing Washington Times published a story entitled “N. Korea ships fuel, missiles to Yemen”. Citing US intelligence officials, the article explained that the ship had been under surveillance since it left the port of Nampo in North Korea, that its destination was Yemen and its cargo included missile components and fuel.

An article in the Wall Street Journal this week explained that “the US has been virtually certain since


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from post below:  Hitler responded that the suspension of civil
liberties would last only until the emergency was over. That turned out to
be a lie. The decree remained in effect until the fall of the Third Reich in

Vol. 8, No. 1981W - The American Reporter - November 23, 2002

On Native Ground
by Randolph T. Holhut
American Reporter Correspondent
Dummerston, Vt.

DUMMERSTON, Vt. - We got a preview of what the 108th Congress
is going to be like with the Republicans' performance in ramming the
Homeland Security Act through this month's lame duck session.

The bill, which started out as a 32-page document, was magically
transformed after the GOP's midterm election triumph into a 484-page document
with pork, corporate welfare and special interest favors for the GOP's

The pro-gunners got a provision to arm airline pilots. The drug companies
got liability protection for developing new vaccines. The various companies
that make anti-terrorism technology got similar legal protection. U.S.
companies that have set up their headquarters overseas to avoid paying taxes
are now eligible for government contracts. And, as a going-away gift to
outgoing Texas GOP Senator Phil Gramm, Texas A & M has been awarded a
homeland security research center.

With the memory of what happened to Georgia Senator Max Cleland fresh in
Democrats' minds, most Democrats voted for the bill. Cleland's mild
objections to President Bush's plans to remove civil service protections
from more than 170,000 employees in the name of "national security" was used
as campaign fodder by Republican challenger Saxby Chambliss, who defeated
Cleland in the midterm election.

The spectacle of Chambliss, who used a bum knee and three student deferments
to avoid service in the Vietnam War, attack Cleland, a decorated Vietnam who
lost both legs and an arm in that war, as being unpatriotic was one of the
most disgusting acts in the recent history of the GOP. But the GOP got away
with this, and got away with turning the Homeland Security Act into a
bloated porker of a bill, because of the Democrats' fear of taking on George
Bush. This is only the first of what will likely be more legislative
outrages like over the next two years.

But that's the least of the problem. In an eerie replay of what happened
last October with the USA Patriot Act, Congress overwhelmingly approved a
massive law with many far-reaching consequences for Americans' civil
liberties without even attempting to read the fine print. Quite simply, put
the Patriot Act together with the Homeland Security Act and what you get is
the foundation for the creation of the modern equivalent of the Gestapo or

Think that statement is an exaggeration? Here's a sampler of what to expect
from from the new Department of Homeland Security:
It will have the power to eavesdrop on your phone calls and read your mail.
It can call up your Internet service provider and monitor all your e-mail
and web browsing habits. It doesn't need a court warrant to do these things,
nor will it need one to enter your home or stop you in your car and conduct
a search at any time for any reason if there's reason to suspect that you
are a "terrorist."
It can walk into your bank and demand to see your checking and savings
account statements. It can require credit card companies to turn over your
account information. It can go to the library or your local book seller or
video store to check on what you've been reading or watching. Again, no
search warrant is needed.
You could be held in jail for 30 days or more

[CTRL] A war for fools and cowards

2002-12-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A war for fools and cowards
Paul Robinson says that Saddam is no threat to the West — which is one reason why the hawks want to attack him 

As Britain prepares to help launch the first Western war of the new century, the usual brigade of do-gooders are reflexively girding their anoraks to oppose it. The mere presence of many of these people on the anti-war side is normally evidence enough that the war must be a good thing. But, for once, the peaceniks might have it right. There exists no legitimate reason for us to wage or threaten war against Iraq. Saddam Hussein poses no threat to us. 

As recently as ten years ago, it is unlikely that any British government would have considered taking military action unless there was a genuine threat to our national security. Today we are reduced to twitching over fantastic delusions of enormous enemy capabilities and make-believe scenarios of future holocausts, and Tony Blair can drive us inexorably towards an unnecessary and quite unjust war. When we were fighting the Cold War, the British Army Intelligence Corps used to produce a marvellous magazine called Threat. Full of grainy pictures of the latest sexy Soviet equipment, articles about the newest variant of the rear sprocket of the T-80 or BMP-2, and depictions of Motor Rifle regiments attacking from the line of march, Threat drew its readers’ attention to a serious danger existing just beyond our borders. The point about Threat is that the capabilities described were real. The equipment actually existed. The tactics had been used in recent military operations. By contrast, the ‘threat’ from Iraq is a figment of some overactive imaginations. 

Threat magazine, sadly, has gone the way of the centrally planned economy. With the breakup of the Evil Empire, threat-based defence planning vanished, to be replaced by ‘risk assessments’ and ‘contingency scenarios’. At a Nato meeting in 2001, the current President Bush went so far as to state that ‘the threat now comes from uncertainty’. This is palpable nonsense. Uncertainty means that one does not know what the threat is. Uncertainty by itself cannot be a threat. But Bush’s statement is representative of the sort of muddled thinking that has taken over in the post-Cold War world. 

We live in an increasingly risk-averse culture, but have lost the ability to distinguish between those risks bearing a tiny but real degree of significance and those which are utterly insignificant. (One might easily draw parallels here with many aspects of civilian life, such as the obsession with safety on the railways, etc.) We live in the most secure, comfortable environment in history and yet we are awash in a rising tide of paranoia. To defend our wealth and privilege, we feel entitled to inflict death and destruction on others to protect ourselves against the merest risk of a risk. 

In the case of Iraq, the government tells us that we must be prepared to go to war because inaction will lead to terrible consequences when Saddam Hussein launches his fearful weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against us. The famous dossier on the Iraqi WMD is cited as conclusive evidence that Iraq is knee-deep in WMD, if only the weapons inspectors could find them. In fact, the great majority of the ‘evidence’ in the dossier consists of descriptions of potentially dual-use facilities, which may well be entirely civilian in their actual purpose. We are told that Iraq ‘could have’ diverted dual-use facilities to biological weapons production, that it has a remotely piloted vehicle ‘which is potentially capable’ of delivering chemical and biological agents, that it has ‘the capability’ of producing chemical agents, that it has attempted to purchase equipment which ‘could be used’ to manufacture centrifuges to develop nuclear weapons, that it ‘wants’ to extend the range of its weapons systems, and so on. But none of this proves anything, and it all could be true of any number of countries. It certainly does not constitute a casus belli. 

If the truth be told, Iraq is in no position to launch an attack on anybody. Its armed forces are a shell of their former selves, lack the logistics for an invasion of any neighbouring country, and could not sustain major operations. Iraqi military spending is estimated to be about a tenth of what it was before the Gulf war. Even if the Iraqis have retained enough 1914-era technology to build some more mustard-gas shells, they lack the means to lob them at us. At the very worst, a handful of Iraqi missiles might just be able to make it to Cyprus if the launchers drove to the westernmost border of Iraq to fire. In short, the Iraqi threat to the West is next to zero. The interesting point is that we are well aware of that. That is why we are contemplating an attack. 

North Korea, unlike Iraq, has a massive and proven stock of WMD. It, too, has a brutal dictatorial

[CTRL] Lindbergh's Wonderful "Des Moines" Speech Of 9/11/41

2002-12-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Des Moines Speech

It is now two years since this latest European war began. From that day in September, 1939, until the present moment, there has been an over-increasing effort to force the United States into the conflict.

That effort has been carried on by foreign interests, and by a small minority of our own people; but it has been so successful that, today, our country stands on the verge of war.

At this time, as the war is about to enter its third winter, it seems appropriate to review the circumstances that have led us to our present position. Why are we on the verge of war? Was it necessary for us to become so deeply involved? Who is responsible for changing our national policy from one of neutrality and independence to one of entanglement in European affairs?

Personally, I believe there is no better argument against our intervention than a study of the causes and developments of the present war. I have often said that if the true facts and issues were placed before the American people, there would be no danger of our involvement.

Here, I would like to point out to you a fundamental difference between the groups who advocate foreign war, and those who believe in an independent destiny for America.

If you will look back over the record, you will find that those of us who oppose intervention have constantly tried to clarify facts and issues; while the interventionists have tried to hide facts and confuse issues.

We ask you to read what we said last month, last year, and even before the war began. Our record is open and clear, and we are proud of it.

We have not led you on by subterfuge and propaganda. We have not resorted to steps short of anything, in order to take the American people where they did not want to go.

What we said before the elections, we say [illegible] and again, and again today. And we will not tell you tomorrow that it was just campaign oratory. Have you ever heard an interventionist, or a British agent, or a member of the administration in Washington ask you to go back and study a record of what they have said since the war started? Are their self-styled defenders of democracy willing to put the issue of war to a vote of our people? Do you find these crusaders for foreign freedom of speech, or the removal of censorship here in our own country?

The subterfuge and propaganda that exists in our country is obvious on every side. Tonight, I shall try to pierce through a portion of it, to the naked facts which lie beneath.

When this war started in Europe, it was clear that the American people were solidly opposed to entering it. Why shouldn't we be? We had the best defensive position in the world; we had a tradition of independence from Europe; and the one time we did take part in a European war left European problems unsolved, and debts to America unpaid.

National polls showed that when England and France declared war on Germany, in 1939, less than 10 percent of our population favored a similar course for America. But there were various groups of people, here and abroad, whose interests and beliefs necessitated the involvement of the United States in the war. I shall point out some of these groups tonight, and outline their methods of procedure. In doing this, I must speak with the utmost frankness, for in order to counteract their efforts, we must know exactly who they are.

The three most important groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration.

Behind these groups, but of lesser importance, are a number of capitalists, Anglophiles, and intellectuals who believe that the future of mankind depends upon the domination of the British empire. Add to these the Communistic groups who were opposed to intervention until a few weeks ago, and I believe I have named the major war agitators in this country.

I am speaking here only of war agitators, not of those sincere but misguided men and women who, confused by misinformation and frightened by propaganda, follow the lead of the war agitators.

As I have said, these war agitators comprise only a small minority of our people; but they control a tremendous influence. Against the determination of the American people to stay out of war, they have marshaled the power of their propaganda, their money, their patronage.

Let us consider these groups, one at a time. 

First, the British: It is obvious and perfectly understandable that Great Britain wants the United States in the war on her side. England is now in a desperate position. Her population is not large enough and her armies are not strong enough to invade the continent of Europe and win the war she declared against Germany.

Her geographical position is such that she cannot win the war by the use of aviation alone, regardless of how many planes we send her. Even if America entered the war, it is improbable that


2002-12-14 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
Now this is getting interesting.  If "Little Boots" declares his horse a god, we will really have a clear picture of our future.  Prudy
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Sometime around 1980 John Rhodes the REPUBLICAN
HOUSE MINORITY LEADER arranged for me to meet with Henry Kissinger. 
I had just arranged a meeting in Washington for him with Dr. Gerard O'Neill
and Dr. Cheston of the SPACE STUDIES INSTITUTE.  Rhodes was so impressed
with them that he says to me BRIAN THERE IS SOMEONE YOU MUST MEET. 
HE JUST HAS THE ANSWERS TO EVERYTHING!!  And it turns out that he
means Dr. Henry Kissinger who will be visiting later that month!
So as it turns out the son of the seated Chief
Justice of the ARIZONA Supreme Court happens to be the "Campaign Chairman"
who arranges Kissinger's time in Phoenix.  All congressional staffers
think it is their job to keep people away from MR. BIG.  So I am to
be worked in during a $500 a plate dinner for 600 REPUBLICANS and this
kid who is not the least impressed with me treats my escort and myself
so shabbily that when two men in dark suits approach our table I was afraid
that we were going to be kicked out.  So when the first man says THE
Seldom have I heard as much scorn in a person's words as I was informed
So in front of every significant REPUBLICAN in
Arizona I am led to Dr. Kissinger for my chance to convey to him mankind's
options to open the vast frontiers of space for human exploitation.
I found nothing remarkable about him except the
blueness of his eyes which could have been colored contacts.  His
eyes were arresting.  But it was immediately evident that Kissinger
was not a quick study as John Rohdes had been.  I may as well have
been lecturing a frog on a lilly pad.  None of this related to Kissinger's
world.  I knew from the blank look on his face that he went away knowing
no more than when he came.  None the less, he agreed to meet with
Dr. O'Neill and Dr. Cheston in Washington so my mission was a success.
What Dr. Kisssinger has is connections --- not
What high irony selecting Kissinger to chair a
committee investigating COLD BLOODED MURDER!!  Between Kissinger,
Theodore Shackley and the Rockefellers ten million people were MURDERED
in COLD BLOOD in Southeast Asia alone!!
Before this nomination Bush looked to the masses
of Americans as if he was not covering anything up.  All of a sudden
people suspect that he has something to cover up.  This is the great
turning point we have all be holding out for!!
Brian Downing Quig

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Re: [CTRL] US President Implicated in Sex Scandal?

2002-12-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/14/2002 12:39:11 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hey pal, why not move to your beloved Israel and leave real Americans alone???
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] US President Implicated in Sex Scandal?

2002-12-14 Thread klewis
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2002-12-14 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

Click Here:

2uqkr.html">Yahoo! News -   GEORGE W. BUSH, WARLORD

Op/Ed - Ted RallGEORGE W. BUSH, WARLORDThu Dec 12,11:01 AM ETAdd Op/Ed - Ted
Rall to My Yahoo!
By Ted Rall
A Presidential Impostor Turns Political Assassin
NEW YORK--First he appointed himself President. Now George W. Bush has
declared himself God.
As Americans begin their third year of Supreme Court-ordered political
occupation, Bush has just signed an impressive new executive order. You may
be surprised to learn that it grants him the right to order your execution.
No judge, jury or lawyer. No chance to prove your innocence. One stroke of
Bush's pen, and bang--you're dead.
Not even your American citizenship, according to Bush, will save your life if
and when he decides to kill you. The only reason you're reading this right
now--instead of meeting the Entity Formerly Known as God--is that neither
Bush nor one of his "high-level officials" has yet signed a piece of paper
declaring you an "enemy combatant." Once they do the paperwork,
Administration officials assert, they have the right to murder you.
Bush's secret assassination directive surfaced on Dec. 3, when reporters
asked about the Nov. 3 Central Intelligence Agency (news - web sites) rub-out
of alleged Al Qaeda operatives riding in a car in Yemen. Langley fired a
Hellfire missile from a remote-controlled Predator drone into the vehicle,
blowing up several men. The CIA (news - web sites) later discovered that an
American citizen, Kamal Derwish, had inadvertently been killed in the
"No constitutional questions are raised here," asserted National Security
Advisor Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites), stretching credulity more than
usual. Officials claim that a loophole in Bush's order authorizing the CIA to
"covertly attack Al Qaeda all over the world" validates Derwish's murder.
Since this sneaky directive makes exception neither for Americans nor
American soil, these guys say, you and I have no more rights than the
now-deceased, not-presumed-innocent Kamal Derwish.
Your life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are now officially subject to
George W. Bush's personal judgement--or whim.
The war on terrorism isn't a war, it's a cheesy public service announcement,
like the "war on poverty" and the "war on drugs." Like those old un-won
campaigns, it involves no declaration of war, no defined enemy, no front. And
like them it will gradually fade into embarrassing irrelevance. "Can you
believe it?" future citizens will marvel. "People actually took this stuff
seriously!" In the meantime, America's Gang of Four--Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld
and Ashcroft--have brilliantly exploited the nebulousness of nullity. Having
no enemy means that anyone can be declared the enemy. Having no battleground
means that the battleground is anywhere and everywhere. "The Bush
Administration and Al Qaeda together have defined the entire world as a
battlefield," writes the Associated Press' John J. Lumpkin.
While the CIA has targeted U.S. citizens in the past, those killings were
officially sanctioned only when the person in question was considered an
immediate threat to American lives. Scott L. Silliman, director of the Duke
University Center on Law, Ethics and National Security asks: "Could you put a
Hellfire missile into a car in Washington, D.C. under the same theory? The
answer is yes, you could."
Never mind that anyone driving on the Beltway could just as easily be pulled
over by the cops. Like the medieval lords who wielded the right of life and
death over their subjects, our Texan warlord now claims the droit du seigneur
over the American people.
Under his legalized assassination mandate, Bush could theoretically declare
the 2004 Democratic nominee an "enemy combatant," Hellfire his campaign bus
and coast to reelection unopposed. It would be a heck of a lot easier than
preparing for debates.
Granted, it's unlikely that CIA missiles will begin raining down on Berkeley
or other liberal burgs anytime soon. Killing Muslims, even those with U.S.
citizenship, is one thing; offing "ordinary" Americans is another. As has
been the case with previous Bushie infringements on fundamental civil
rights--electronic eavesdropping, jailing people without trial or a visit by
a lawyer--most citizens believe themselves safe simply by virtue of their not
being terrorists.
They may be right. They might be wrong. It's all in the hands of the
executioner-in-chief now.
(Ted Rall is editor of "Attitude: The New Subversive Political Cartoonists,"
an anthology of cartoons, ephemera and interviews with 21 of America's best
editorial cartoonists. Ordering and review-copy information are available at
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End


[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Replies to "What's so bad about Total Information Awareness?"

2002-12-14 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Other Politech messages:


Subject: Re: FC: What's so bad about Total Information Awareness? by Ben Brunk
From: "Thomas A Giovanetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 23:48:35 -0600

If Ben is so bright a researcher, he should know better than to make such a
glaring error in the first sentence of his post.

TIA is NOT authorized in the Homeland bill. It was authorized as a DOD
(Dept. of Defense) appropriation.

In fact, the Homeland bill contains an explicit provision to ban anything
like the TIA from ever being implemented.

And that's good.

Now we need to get TIA cancelled from the DOD budget.
Tom Giovanetti
Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI)


Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 16:53:01 +1100
From: Nathan Cochrane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: The Age newspaper
Subject: Re: FC: What's so bad about Total Information Awareness? by Ben Brunk

Hi Declan

Much of what Ben writes has merit. To paraphrase:

1. Private companies use different, often incompatible technologies.

2. There are usually several instances of the same person in different
databases held in the same company.

3. There is no easy way to capture an individual's virtual identity across
multiple databases short of mandating use of a national ID card and number
at every transaction.

4. Lives could be ruined by poor use of information.

The drive by groups such as OASIS, Microsoft, IBM and Sun to deliver
eXtensible Markup Language (XML)-- a single rail gauge for online
information sharing -- makes linking systems easier. Although it will be
several years before this really takes hold because taxonomies still have
to be ratified, software coded, systems migrated etc. But already law
enforcement is looking at this area closely as a way to easily find the
people and legal documents it is looking for.

Legal XML lawful intercept technical committee announcement
"If emergency or exigent conditions exist ... judicial issuance of an
authorizing instrument (warrant) can usually be altered by the LEA (law
enforcement agency) using another instrument coupled with a posteriori
judicial or administrative action."

Legally speaking, it's a brief transition

Just because an investigator can't be 100 per cent certain a particular
identity is the one s/he is looking for, doesn't mean they can't be more or
less sure, at least so far as to continue an investigation. This raises a
bigger question, how much information will be winnowed out, and what
processes will exist to maintain privacy during this phase? By their very
existence, these sorts of fishing expeditions are harmful to a free society.

Governments around the world already have national id card and number
systems. In Australia it is the tax file number for individuals and BAS
number for business. You can't transact without using these numbers, all of
which is fed into government systems accessible by LEA here and in the US.
In the US there is a drive to do the same thing with drivers' licenses. A
single unique key is not necessary when you have a range of keys that can,
in unison, provide a high level of confidence.

DARPA is moving ahead with its plans to fund TIA. A few hours ago I spoke
with a member of the executive management team of supercomputer maker Cray
Inc. Cray is one of five companies each receiving $US3 million to fund a
feasibility study into developing a peta

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Hurrah for Total Information Awareness!

2002-12-14 Thread RoadsEnd
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

[The below essay is posted through an anonymous remailer. I have a
queue of other TIA replies I'll post later tonight or
tomorrow. Briefly, the essay highlights two different ways to protect
your privacy: (a) Maintain control over your information and use
technology to limit disclosure and linking with past behavior. See,
for instance, Stefan Brands' work I wrote about nearly three years
ago:,1282,34496,00.html or
(b) Allow the Feds and companies to collect your information and rely
on laws and government forbearance to protect your privacy. David
Brin has written about some of the problems with (a) -- though I do
not find his arguments persuasive -- and TIA shows us the problems of
(b). Laws can change in a moment at the whim of Congress or the
courts; technological methods won't. --Declan]

- Forwarded message from Nomen Nescio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Nomen Nescio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hooray for TIA
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 21:20:11 +0100 (CET)

For years we cypherpunks have been telling you people that you are
responsible for protecting your own privacy.  Use cash for purchases, look
into offshore accounts, protect your online privacy with cryptography
and anonymizing proxies.  But did you listen?  No.  You thought to
trust the government.  You believed in transparency.  You passed laws,
for Freedom of Information, and Protection of Privacy, and Insurance
Accountability, and Fair Lending Practices.

And now the government has turned against you.  It's Total Information
Awareness program is being set up to collect data from every database
possible.  Medical records, financial data, favorite web sites and email
addresses, all will be brought together into a centralized office where
every detail can be studied in order to build a profile about you.
All those laws you passed, those government regulations, are being
bypassed, ignored, flushed away, all in the name of National Security.

Well, we fucking told you so.

And don't try blaming the people in charge.  You liberals are cursing
Bush, and Ashcroft, and Poindexter.  These laws were passed by the entire
U.S. Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike.  Representatives have
the full support of the American people; most were re-elected with
large margins.  It's not Bush and company who are at fault, it's the
whole idea that you can trust government to protect your privacy.

All that data out there has been begging to be used.  It was only a
matter of time.

And you know what?  It's good that this has happened.  Not only has
it shown the intellectual bankruptcy of trust-the-government privacy
advocates, it proves what cypherpunks have been saying all along, that
people must protect their own privacy.  The only way to keep your privacy
safe is to keep the data from getting out there in the first place.

Cypherpunks have consistently promoted two seemingly contradictory
ideas.  The first is that people should protect data about themselves.
The second is that they should have full access and usability for
data they acquire about others.  Cypherpunks have supported ideas like
Blacknet, and offshore data havens, places where data could be collected,
consolidated and sold irrespective of government regulations.  The same
encryption technologies which help people protect their privacy can be
used to bypass attempts by government to control the flow of data.

This two-pronged approach to the problem produces a sort of Darwinian
competition between privacy protectors and data collectors.  It's not
unlike the competition between code makers and code breakers, which has
led to amazing enhancements in cryptography tec

[CTRL] priests removed, CIA/Venezuela, grass roots, Kissinger quits/discloses

2002-12-14 Thread Smart News
also has Enron, Sweden free speech

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss Sharman List of Priests removed from duty Since early February, the Archdiocese of Boston has removed 24 priests from active duty as the church investigates sexual abuse allegations against them.
USA intelligence agencies revealed in plot to oust Venezuela's President
report © by Reporters :  Thursday,  December 12, 2002 -- Uruguayan EP-FA congressman Jose Bayardi says he has information that far-reaching plans have been put into operation by the CIA and other North American intelligence agencies to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias within the next 72 hours. Bayardi says he has received copies of top-secret communications between the Bush administration in Washington and the government of Uruguay requesting the latter's cooperation to support white collar executives and trade union activists "to break down levels of intransigence within the Chavez Frias administration."

Published on Sunday, December 8, 2002 by the Los Angeles Times
New Breed of Patriots Speaking Up
Grass-roots efforts to rein in the anti-terrorist USA Patriot Act gain
support. Eugene, Ore., and other cities formally oppose aspects of law

by Scott Martelle

EUGENE, Ore. - the excesses of the USA Patriot Act, a sweeping federal law enacted after last year's terrorist attacks that broadens the government's ability to use secret searches, wiretaps and other covert surveillance techniques in the pursuit of terrorists. While the law's defenders say average citizens have nothing to fear, civil libertarians like Marston believe the law opens the door for government agents to resume the kind of domestic spying that flourished under J. Edgar Hoover, when affiliation with radical ideas was enough to get someone a place in the FBI's secret files. "We don't know how many people have had their homes searched, or their library or bookstore records checked," said Marston, a part-time secretary who launched the Eugene campaign after reading about similar efforts elsewhere. "People were amazed that there was something they could do locally."  Under pressure from a campaign that drew together liberals and Libertarians, Democrats and even a few Republicans, the Eugene City Council recently joined a growing list of local governments calling for a full or partial repeal of the Patriot Act, part of a nascent nationwide effort organizers hope will persuade Congress to undo the law.  Last week, city councils in Sebastopol, about 50 miles north of San Francisco, and Burlington, Vt., joined with their own resolutions, and activists are busy in Pasadena, Santa Barbara and at least eight other California communities. The campaign began in November 2001 in Northampton, Mass., although
the first cities to pass resolutions were Ann Arbor, Mich., and Denver, said Nancy Talanian, one of the Massachusetts organizers. So far, 17 cities have passed resolutions, and campaigns are underway in at least 50 cities in 25 states. Organizers hope that by marshaling the voices of locally elected
officials, they can better pressure Congress. "Resolutions passed by elected local leaders carry a lot more weight than letters from individual citizens," Talanian said. Still, the resolutions are largely symbolic, as local governments have no authority over federal laws or issues. 

At the heart of the challenge are elements of the USA Patriot Act that grant federal investigators wide latitude in "foreign intelligence surveillance." That authority was backed last month by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, which overturned a ruling that Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft was using the Patriot Act to improperly broaden the FBI's spying abilities. Under the act, federal investigators can secretly enter homes, plant wiretaps, search computers and take other investigative steps if they believe someone is connected with foreign terrorists. The act also
makes it illegal for anyone who has been served a warrant under the act – such as bookstore owners or librarians -- from talking about it.  

Replacement Sought for 9/11 Panel

WASHINGTON (Dec. 14) - President Bush is expected to move swiftly to find a replacement for Henry Kissinger as chairman of a commission investigating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks after the former secretary of state abruptly resigned because of conflict-of-interest concerns. Kissinger's resignation Friday came two weeks after his appointment and two days after the panel's vice chairman, former Sen. George Mitchell, D-Maine, stepped down. The twin resignations came as the commission hoped to begin its work next month and after disputes about its organization and its authority to issue subpoenas.

Kissinger cited concerns that had been raised about possible conflicts of i

[CTRL] US President Implicated in Sex Scandal?

2002-12-14 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Pravda.RU:Top Stories:More in detail

 22:19 2002-12-13

US President Implicated in Sex Scandal? 

American woman filed a sex crime lawsuit against George W. Bush 

A lot of women liked previous President of the United States Bill Clinton. Women thought that he was a very charming and attractive man. However, the situation with incumbent President George Bush is totally different. Mr. Bush is definitely a representative of another psychological type of human being. It is evident that he is often drawn to solve all problems with the help of the military force. As it turns out, this trait of his character it also seen when it comes to sexual relationships with women. 

There were some people in America, who tried to warn the American society that George W. Bush was not a mentally balanced man. They said that his conduct was suspiciously weird at times. Needless to mention that all those warnings stopped as soon as George W. Bush took the office of the American President. It was just said that it was a dirty elections method of his competitors. 

However, the society had to become concerned about their president after those warnings proved right. The White House press service had to think of many reasonable explanations to clarify Bush’s bruises or ridiculous slips of his tongue. Nevertheless, the monstrous acts of terrorism of September 11th made George Bush “innocent,” so to speak. He became a national hero - a sacred cow of the American democracy. Bush’s strange approach to the solution of various issues stopped being a surprise to anyone against the background of the patriotic outburst in the country. 

However, the people, who knew George Bush very well in his “pre-presidential life,” were not really surprised about rather a shocking piece of news. It became known that a resident of Missouri City, Texas, Margie Schoedinger, filed a lawsuit against the former governor of Texas and the current president of the United States. PRAVDA.Ru has the complete text of Schoedinger’s petition at its disposal. 

In her suit, Margie Schoedinger states that George W. Bush committed sexual crimes against her, organized harassment and moral pressure on her, her family members and close relatives and friends. As Schoedinger said, she was strongly recommended to keep her mouth shut. In addition to that, three unknown men attempted to kidnap her on October 26, 2000. 

According to Margie Schoedinger, Sugar Land police officers arrived at the scene of the crime. However, they treated kidnappers respectfully and let them go, while Margie and her family members were questioned rather aggressively. Eventually, the police made her dismiss her own lawsuit. Yet, the harassment continued in spite of the lawsuit dismissal. 

The frightened American woman went to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Yet, FBI Houston Office agents took on the same demeanor as Sugar Land police officers. One of them told the lady that everything was highly organized. 

Margie Schoedinger does not know, to which extent her husband might suffer from that sexual harassment. Whether or not her husband was raped remains in question. As Margie Schoedinger alleges, both she and her husband were drugged after she was raped. She can only state that “those men purported to be FBI agents raping her for the purpose of covering for how many times they had drugged her and allowed the Defendant (George W. Bush) to rape her in the same manner.” 

As a result of all that, pregnant Margie Schoedinger was hospitalized. She had a miscarriage. As she says, George W. Bush was the father of the lost child. Furthermore, she alleges that George Bush ordered to show pressure on her to the point, when she commits suicide. Margie Schoedinger’s husband was fired from work. Her husband has been unable to find any job since then. He does not get the federal unemployment allowance either. Later, Margie Schoedinger learned that both police officers and FBI agents acted like that at the behest of the defendant, incumbent President George W. Bush. 

The scandal with the woman was gathering pace. Sugar Land police decided to conduct a background investigation into Margie Schoedinger’s past activities. As it turned out, she “had seven dates, (which then became seven lovers), had told no lies, committed no crimes, gotten two traffic tickets and dated George W. Bush as a minor.” 

Officer Marcaurele from Sugar Land police department says that his department never had any records either from Margie Schoedinger or any of her relatives. The officer added that there were several attempts made to contact her, but she returned no call. 

Margie Schoedinger’s lawsuit was filed on December 2nd, 2002. The plaintiff acts as her own legal representative. The suit is currently in the Fort Bend County system in County Civil Court at Law 3. The plaintiff tries to make the defendant pay her 49 mil

Re: [CTRL] Chemtrails, HAARP, September 11, and the Aurora

2002-12-14 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
One note: tungsten is key in the development of stealth aircraft.  Covert Action Quarterly has said that it is tungsten that feuled the Vietnam war.
Ultra-secure "non-existent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operationally flown, including the Aurora hypersonic spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealth fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyper-speed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of anti-gravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs).
NARRATOR: Today, the desolate stretches of the Southwest desert are again the site of secret testing. Ninety-four miles north-northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada, the military is testing its latest high-tech aircraft, known as the Aurora Project.
Mr. AFTERGOOD: Well, one of the more amusing and perverse secrecy dramas today is being played out in Nevada,where there is a secret unacknowledged military facility, which has been used for decades as a test facility for advanced aircraft. Not only does the Air Force refuse to acknowledge the existence of the facility, but they have recently moved to seize several thousand additional acres of public land.
This is a collection of documents I've gathered from various sources that pretty much sum up the world of conspiracy theory: The Nazi rocket scientists, cattle mutilation, trilateral commission, UFO aliens from Zeta Reticuli, you name it, it’s all here. I call it "The Octopus" or "the big enchilada".
On this subject, here are some hints for UFO researchers. There are sonic quakes over Southern California that have been traced to an Aurora aircraft and OTHER CRAFT going to Groom Lake, Nevada. If you plot that course backwards, you come to Australia. Check out the underground facilities at Pine Gap, Australia, if you want to know more about one of the hideouts of the "Elite." The research shows that one of these craft flies over 4,000 miles per hour, but one who should know says they can fly over 8,000 miles an hour. That craft can get to Australia quicker than I can get home from work.
The body of the Aurora is a large, delta-shaped wing. It's suspected that the Aurora may not have any windows because of the extrema speed at which it travels. The Aurora encompasses a new Pulse Wave Detonation (PWD) engine which rather than igniting fuel inside the body of the craft ignites it just out side, adding a good amount of extra speed. The PWD is presently under development at Pratt and Whitney, however we have reason to believe that it's up and running in the Aurora.
Speculation about Aurora's existence is heated up by a simply slip of the wrist. In 1984 when an entry in the defense budget mentioned a $2 billion dollar, two-year "Aurora" project it was the break that "black" project watchers were looking for. Pentagon officials did what they do best and denied it was a spy plane. But journalists became suspicious when, a year later, "the Aurora line item vanished as mysterious as it has first appeared." Jane's Aircraft Guide still uses "Aurora" as the name for the secret plane, and it has stuck for ever. Some people have said that the Aurora project is now code-named "Senior Citizen" however no evidence of this has been seen yet. A number of Wall Street defense industry analysts have said for years that they thing Lockheed might be involved in the spy plane business now more than ever.
One phenomena which has been connected with the Aurora is the strange "doughnuts on a rope" contrails (see Pic. 5+6) which spread across the skies near Groom Lake, and other places. These "knots" or "doughnuts" are said to form when the fuel is ignited outside the engine (PWD). In a recent trip to NYC one of these contrails was spotted, and photographed, right over the city, suggesting that the Aurora is now flying full-time, and over populated areas.
Though to my knowledge there has not been any recent sightings of the Aurora aircraft, there have been a number of sightings of the contrails it leaves behind. On May 2, 1999, the SGRA team viewed, and photographed, the Aurora's contrail over New York City, and while doing so we met and spoke with three witnesses who had seen the aircraft that had made it. They worked in an office building located near Battery Park (at the bottom of Manhattan Island), and their window faced the water and the Atlantic Ocean.
So what was the first sign of the existence of such an aircraft? On 6 March 1990, one of the United States Air Force's Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird spyplanes shattered the official air speed record from Los Angeles to Washington's Dulles Airport. There

[CTRL] correction Re: Chemtrails, HAARP, September 11, and the Aurora

2002-12-14 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
the images of the aurora can bee seen at - go there and click on the word 'this' in the first paragraph
 ~~DARPA and Wetware you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Chemtrails, HAARP, September 11, and the Aurora

2002-12-14 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
Memes: Chemtrails, HAARP, September 11, and the AuroraPosted by: souljah on Dec 13, 2002 - 09:19 PM

 "Of course odd contrails are very much of interest to those people looking for the exotic propulsions, such as Pulsed Wave Detonation (PWD), which has been long associated with Black projects such as the famed Aurora."~Long ago, at the age of fifteen, I read Albert Einstein's General and Special Theories of Relativity. Even then, I had the mind of a bit of a physicist. Call it intuition if you wish, but at that age, before I had ever read of anything like a graviton in my perusings of information on the subatomic zoo, I 'came up with' the term: graviton.Intuition of course, whether or not scientist credits it with even existing, is responsible for many a discovery. Perhaps it is simply a matter of bisociation.About ten years ago, I hypothesized that the best craft one could design for interstellar and/or supra-atmospheric travel would be light enough to 'surf' along the Earth's electromagnetic fields (I was not the first by a long shot). Of course, it would have to be of a material that was HIGHLY conductive of electricity, I thought. Gold?I also thought that a saucer-shaped craft would be ideal for such 'surfing.' This is why the mpeg that was sent to me of a saucer hovering over Mexico City intrigued me: it bounced and wavered in place as if resting on the surface of an ocean (not an ocean of water of course). You, of course, will be wondering what the hell all this has to do with the Aurora, HAARP, 'chemtrails, and September 11.' The following is quoted from MILITARY RESEARCH AGENDAS FOR THE FUTURE"If and when 'Aurora' makes its appearance, it is expected to be able to do upwards of Mach 5 or 6 - it is a hypersonic plane built, according to certain sources, on the 'waverider' principle, utilizing 'pulsed wave detonation engines' that employ a unique means of external combustion. Such a hypersonic plane, even if not radar-invisible, would have little trouble penetrating most air defenses at such velocities, and probably could strike with complete anonymity"This snip brought me to a search for 'pulsed wave detonation.'This search, in turn, brought me to the following snip, taken from Strange Trails in the Sky."Of course odd contrails are very much of interest to those people looking for the exotic propulsions, such as Pulsed Wave Detonation (PWD), which has been long associated with Black projects such as the famed Aurora."Unfortunately, the site does not elaborate on this and I cannot find anything else online regarding it. However, another project associated with 'odd contrails' is HAARP which stands for High Frequency Active AURORAL Research Program. HAARP basically sends an electromagnetic beam upward (after a satellite-bound mirror reflects it, it could be sent ANYWHERE) into the ionosphere in order to cause it to reverberate, like a guitar string. This, in turn, can affect the weather. In fact, its applications are numerous. Of course, if the Aurora exists, and pulsed waves are relevant, then HAARP COULD be used to increase the charge of the ionosphere in order that the Aurora might 'surf' along more easily, not unlike the trains in Japan and Europe that ride on a magnetic field.The following is snipped from Contrail, Chemtrail, or Atmospheric Research?"I once saw photos someone had taken of the skies over the University of Colorado (in Boulder): they showed, apparently recordable by film but relatively invisible to naked eye, lasers - bright red beams across the sky. This person took his own pictures and, in my opinion, had not the technical capabilities to fake them. He often spoke of his readings that he engaged in, trying to decipher his results and he often spoke of mirrors - satellite-bound ones. As I think of that and look at the sky, it sure seems that when these contrails (highly compressed steam?) hit the area of the sky OVER the University of Colorado, they take on a wave something invisible is hitting it and making them ripple. Some portions even seem to be steaming UPWARD..."They might not be lasers of course.Again, a quote from MILITARY RESEARCH AGENDAS FOR THE FUTURE"Such a hypersonic plane, even if not radar-invisible, would have little trouble penetrating most air defenses at such velocities, and probably could strike with complete anonymity"Given that no one can seemingly agree on the nature of the craft in these images, did not this plane strike with 'complete anonymity' on September 11, 2001?I propose little regarding the answer to this question. I, rather, submit these ideas for further research.Thank you for your time.

THE PENTAGON PLANE MATCHES THE AURORA! (Score: 0) by Anonymeme on Dec 13, 2002 - 11:04 PM see alsohttp://accelerationre

[CTRL] NOW outraged over Lott remarks

2002-12-14 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 5 Unarmed Job Seeking Terrorists

2002-12-14 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Maybe I misremembered - I thought you had posted about illegal immigrants
coming into the US. If it was not you I apologize. I really don't find your
posts worth the hard drive space needed to keep them, so I don¹t

on 12/14/02 10:10 AM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
>> Yes - and I said it was a funny stance from someone who has expressed
> such
>> outrage at border violations in the past
> What do you mean? Please repeat the 'outrage' expressed by me about
> 'border violations in the past'.
> flw
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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The concept of ³god² is just a future memory of ourselves.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] PBS's Muslim Propaganda

2002-12-14 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/14/2002 9:54:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Don't expect the taxpayer-supported network to do the same favor
for other religions: a documentary meant to improve the image of

Well since we get most of our info re Muslims from the corporate owned networks and all of it seems to be filtered through Sharon's own propaganda department, and you know our taxpayers are funding him and all his programs, it seems only fair.  Prudy
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Feds Issue Non-apology for Wrecking Dr. Hatfill's Life

2002-12-14 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

December 14, 2002

Thursday, Dec. 12, 2002
Feds Issue Non-apology for Wrecking Dr. Hatfill's Life

The Department of "Justice" didn't mean to wreck the life of Dr.
Steven Hatfill. Really.  Just ask it.

The department insists its use of the term "person of interest" to
describe Hatfill in its failed anthrax investigation was not intended to
cast suspicion on him.

"The phrase was never used by the FBI or the Department of
Justice to draw media attention to Dr. Hatfill," Assistant Attorney
General Daniel J. Bryant says in a letter to Sen. Charles Grassley,

"On the contrary, the phrase was used to deflect media scrutiny
from Dr. Hatfill and explain that he was just one of many scientists
who had been interviewed by the FBI and who were cooperating
with the anthrax investigation."

Grassley released the letter today as FBI agents conducted an
unspecified search on public land in Frederick, Md., several miles
from Hatfill's old apartment.

The letter acknowledges there is no formal definition for "person of
interest" but says it is a commonly understood term for "an individual
whom law enforcement officials seek to question in connection with
a particular matter."

In a statement today, Grassley said the department's letter shows
use of the term to describe Hatfill is unprecedented and not
supported by any formal policy or evidentiary standard.

'Mindful of the Power'
"Government agencies need to be mindful of the power they wield
over individual citizens, and should exercise caution and good
judgment when they use that power," said Grassley, a senior
member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Another letter from Bryant to Grassley states that the Justice
Department had the authority to demand that Louisiana State
University stop using Hatfill's work related to a government contract.
LSU fired Hatfill on Sept. 3 after the department e-mailed the
university to "cease and desist" using Hatfill as an expert or course

The government, Bryant said, "may on occasion need to make a
decision concerning which personnel" should work on such
activities. The Justice Department, he claimed, did not bar Hatfill
from continuing to work on a project funded by the department so
long as he was not an expert or course instructor.

Hatfill remains jobless, a spokesman said.


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As nightfall does not come all at once neither does
oppression. In both instances there is a twilight. And,
it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of
change in the air, however slight, lest we become
unwitting victims of the darkness.
~~Justice William O. Douglas";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Meteors from the Twilight Zone

2002-12-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Hi!  I thought you'd be interested in this story from Science@NASA: The Geminid meteor 
shower, which peaks this year on Saturday morning, Dec. 14th, has begun.  Unlike the 
recent Leonids, which were nearly overwhelmed in some places by moonlight, the 
Geminids of 2002 will not be dimmed by a glaring moon.  These meteors come from a 
curious object--a "Twilight Zone" cross between a comet and an asteroid--called 3220 
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 5 Unarmed Job Seeking Terrorists

2002-12-14 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> Yes - and I said it was a funny stance from someone who has expressed
> outrage at border violations in the past

What do you mean? Please repeat the 'outrage' expressed by me about
'border violations in the past'.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Black students allegedly behind racist graffiti

2002-12-14 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

December 12, 2002
Black students allegedly behind racist graffiti
By Andy Kanengiser

Three African-American students at the University of Mississippi
have been accused of writing racist graffiti on doors outside rooms
of two other black students in the Kincannon residence hall on the
Oxford campus.

The students, all freshmen, wrote vulgar and obscene messages at
three other locations in the dorm.

They will face a University Judicial Council hearing when classes
resume in January, Ole Miss officials said Wednesday.

If they are found guilty, their punishments could be reprimands,
community service, suspension or expulsion. They can appeal.

A fourth African-American student also is being investigated in
connection with the incident, Ole Miss Communications Director Jeff
Alford said.

Ole Miss officials refused to release names of the students, citing
privacy laws.

Each freshman was charged with five violations of the student code
of conduct in connection with the Nov. 6 incident, Ole Miss officials

The students told school officials they were playing a prank on

"It was thoughtless on their part,'' Ole Miss Chancellor Robert
Khayat said. "We don't condone abusive behavior of any kind. They
should apologize.''

The fact that the students are African Americans "doesn't excuse
their behavior,'' Khayat said.

The incident received statewide and national publicity and came at a
time when the university was commemorating the admittance of its
first black student, James Meredith, in 1962.

Ole Miss received "a lot of unjust criticism,'' said student body
President Drew Snyder, 21, of Madison.

Snyder said he hopes the Judicial Council will "punish the students
to the fullest extent, regardless of race."

"It is harassment, plain and simple.''

The students were charged with flagrant disrespect of a member of
the university community, harassment/disorderly conduct,
vandalism, disregard for university authority and abuse of the
university judicial system.

The last two charges were related to the students allegedly making
false and misleading statements to investigators.

Ole Miss will not pursue criminal charges, Khayat said. The students
caused $600 damage to the dorm, including cleaning costs and
repair of doors.

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The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are
racist. The law of gravity is racist.
~~M. Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to

Credit card swindler jailed for five years
Friday December 13 2002
The Guardian

A member of one of Israel's most distinguished families was jailed for five years 
yesterday for planning and executing an international fraud.

Dan Mazar, 33, whose uncle, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, was Israel's second president, used 300 
credit cards in an array of bogus identities to pay for holidays, hotel rooms and 
shopping sprees.

Martin Hicks, prosecuting, told Southwark crown court, in south London: "He was 
involved both as prime mover and principal beneficiary. It was a meticulously planned, 
carefully executed conspiracy to defraud credit card companies on an unprecedented 

Mazar, of Hendon, north London, admitted one count of conspiracy to defraud, 
reflecting £286,903, the UK element of the scam.

His two-year 10-month crime spree - interrupted by a seven-month prison sentence for 
the Israeli end of the scam - ended when his "luck ran out" in a central London branch 
of Superdrug in April.

As a taxi paid for with one of the many credit cards waited outside, Mazar tried to 
embark on yet another shopping expedition. But staff became suspicious and called the 
police, who arrested him as he tried to escape in the cab.

Police found 15 credit cards in different names, and an extensive "aide memoir" with 
identification details.

Mr Hicks said Mazar, the only one to be arrested in connection with the scam in this 
country, used cards obtained from various American issuers, including American 
Express, either based on a variation of his own name or using other people's 

He had a string of credit card telephone numbers to check that the cards issued in the 
names of others had not been cancelled, and to make sure he did not exceed credit 

Judge Stephen Robbins said: "This type of offending is rife in this country and it 
causes massive losses. The annual loss to the banks in Britain is said to be 
£700m each year."

As well as ordering him to pay £40,000 of prosecution costs, the judge made a 
£286,902 confiscation order.

Jonathan Goldberg QC, defending, said Mazar was driven to crime after getting into 
debt with a loan shark.

Press Association

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] PBS's Muslim Propaganda

2002-12-14 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Don't expect the taxpayer-supported network to do the same favor
for other religions: a documentary meant to improve the image of

December 13, 2002
PBS show to 'counter' perceptions of Islam
By Jennifer Harper

 A two-hour PBS documentary on the life of the prophet
Muhammad, to air next week, is meant to help counter negative
images of Muslims, according to its creators.

 "Americans get most of their images about Islam and Muslims
from the headlines. Demonstrations and shouting in the streets
makes the news, and those images are repeated," said producer
Alex Kronemer, an American convert to Islam with a master's
degree in theology from Harvard University.

 "We wanted to offer a counter to that, to help Americans
understand that every Muslim is not Osama bin Laden," Mr.
Kronemer said yesterday.

 "Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet" will air on most of the 349
PBS affiliates nationwide Dec. 18, though District-based WETA will
broadcast the program Dec. 26. PBS also plans to rebroadcast
"Muslims," a two-hour "Frontline" special, on Dec. 19.

 Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum and author of
"Militant Islam Reaches America," said yesterday that he had only
"seen advance materials" of the production.

 "But all of this suggests that the American taxpayer is subsidizing
an attempt to proselytize Islam in America," Mr. Pipes said.

 The production airs in an uncertain marketplace as Americans
continue to assess their stand on Islam after September 11.

 In the past two weeks, evangelist Pat Robertson took on
President Bush, who visited a Washington mosque Dec. 5 and
praised Muslims who "lead lives of honesty, integrity and morality."

 In interviews with The Washington Times and ABC, Mr.
Robertson called Islam "violent at its core," and said that Mr. Bush
should refrain from religious commentary, as he "is not elected as
chief theologian."

 ABC characterized the dust-up as "a theological dispute which is
driving a political wedge between President Bush and some of his
conservative Christian allies."

 Meanwhile, representatives from PBS and the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting (CPB) said yesterday that they have received
no negative responses from viewers about the new program, or its
scheduled air time of Christmas week.

 Producers say that their project has been a long time coming,
and the direction has changed more than once.

 "The ground kept shifting under our feet," Mr. Kronemer said.

 Work began on the production three years ago, and was two-
thirds complete when terrorists struck September 11. What began
as a narrative documentary became a potential foil to public
backlash against American Muslims after the attacks.

 Initially, Mr. Kronemer and partner Michael Wolfe, also an Islam
convert, sought out the perspectives of American Muslims.

 The pair partnered with filmmaker Michael Schwartz, who said in
a statement that he was struck "by the numerous affinities between
basic American values and core Islamic beliefs" and that the
production was intended for "a predominantly non-Muslim American

 The personal narratives helped the producers explain the life of
Muhammad without having to show images of the 7th-century
prophet — considered offensive by Muslims.

 "After 9/11, these perspectives became important in their own
right to counter negative stereotypes," Mr. Kronemer said, adding
that Americans themselves are subject to stereotyping overseas.

 "In other countries, Americans are perceived as gun centered,
and living in a very violent society," he said.

 American-Muslim subjects in the production include a
congressional aide, a critical care nurse, and a Brooklyn fire
marshal and ground zero veteran who credits his faith in his
decision to become a firefighter.

 "The Koran teaches you that the saving of one life is as if you've
saved all of humanity," he says in the program.

 Personal stories are paired with biographical details of the
prophet's life, as well as academic analysis, all meant to reveal
"intrigue and faith, revolutionary ideas and bitter persecution, brutal
war and brilliant diplomacy," according to a press release.

 "Part of our subtext is that Muhammad is already in America, and
is motivating people to do good things," Mr. Kronemer noted.

 The program has received money from CPB's Diversity Fund,
which has granted $1.2 million to five other projects that create "a
biography of American culture and society in the 21st century,"
according to CPB President Robert Coonrod.

 Funds have also come from Arabian Bulk Trading Ltd., the El-
Hibri Foundation, the Sabadia Family Foundation, the David and
Lucile Packard Foundation, the Irfan Kathwari Foundation, the
Qureishi Family trust, and about 4,000 individuals, according to the
Islam Project, a nonprofit group that publicizes Muslim issues 

[CTRL] Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Church Woes Remain After Law Resignation

2002-12-14 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-,1282,-2244480,00.html

>>>The unfortunate thing -- albeit a "Catch-22" sort of dilemmal conundrum -- is that 
is let off the hook when he should be forced to confront the errors of his ways on a 
basis.  The best thing would be to keep him right where he is and in a sort of good 
old New
England pillory where he can be accessible to peoples' criticisms (overripe vegetables
optional) and offer himself up to proof that he's a true penitent.  Maybe one of those
updated medieval dunking machines would be good (a few 'maters then a bath).  Of
course, no one wants him around to run things as they are and were.  Hence the 
A further consideration is to do with him like they did with Hirohito and want to do 
Hussein: keep him handy but put the mitre on someone else's head.  A<>E<>R <<<

Church Woes Remain After Law Resignation

Saturday December 14, 2002 11:40 AM

BOSTON (AP) - Cardinal Bernard Law said he hoped his resignation would bring ``healing,
reconciliation and unity'' to the Boston Archdiocese, after an agonizing year of 
revelations of
sexual abuse by priests and failures by the church to confront the problem.

But Law's departure will not end the legal entanglements that he and the Boston
Archdiocese face. Nor will it relieve the pressures that have brought the archdiocese 
to the
brink of financial ruin.

Law is scheduled to be questioned by lawyers representing alleged victims of abuse 
Tuesday, and he has also been subpoenaed by the state's attorney general, who is
investigating a possible cover-up by church officials.

Law arrived at Rome's Fiumicino airport Saturday, a day after tendering his 
resignation. An
airport employee who refused to give his name later confirmed that Law left on a 
flight, but
would not specify his destination. Vatican press officials gave no details about the 
travel plans.

The cardinal had tendered his resignation to a ``deeply saddened'' Pope John Paul II in
Rome, becoming the highest-ranking U.S. church leader toppled by the furor engulfing 
Roman Catholic Church.

``It is my fervent prayer that this action may help the Archdiocese of Boston to 
the healing, reconciliation and unity which are so desperately needed,'' Law said in a
statement released by the Vatican. ``To all those who have suffered from my 
and mistakes, I both apologize and from them beg forgiveness.''

Law's resignation only partly mollified the archdiocese's critics, many of whom had
clamored for months for him to step aside.

``It's too little too late,'' said Anthony Muzzi, who says his priest molested him 
decades ago. ``It's gone beyond where it ever should have gone, with too much hurt to

The pope named Richard G. Lennon, an auxiliary bishop in Boston, to take temporary
charge of the archdiocese, the fourth largest in the country with about 2 million 

Lennon offered prayers for the victims of sex abuse and pledged ``to work toward 
as a church and furthering the mission of Jesus Christ within our community.''

It was in Boston that the abuse scandal first erupted nearly a year ago, spreading 
the country and plunging the church into an unprecedented moral and financial crisis. 
And it
was Law who many felt was at the core of the malignancy.

He first offered his resignation in April, but the pope rejected the idea and the 
cardinal went
back to work. The crisis intensified as more sordid details came to light, including
allegations of priests using drugs and abusing teenagers training to be nuns, telling 
them it
was God's will.

Since his appointment as head of the archdiocese in 1984, the 71- year-old Law had
become one of the pope's closest American advisers.

But in January court papers showed that Law had reassigned former priest John Geoghan
despite numerous accusations of sex abuse. The scandal quickly spread to dioceses 
the country, as more victims came forward and Catholics demanded greater accountability
from their leaders.

At least 325 priests have been removed from duty or resigned this year because of
molestation claims. U.S. bishops scrambled to come up with a new policy for handling 
abuse allegations, rules that are still being reviewed by the Vatican.

In recent weeks, thousands more pages of personnel files from the Boston archdiocese
were released, some offering disturbing details of misdeeds by priests. And earlier 
week, 58 Boston-area priests issued a petition asking Law to step down.

The lawyers who obtained and released the files are scheduled to question Law beginning
Tuesday in the lawsuit brought by alleged victims of the Rev. Paul Shanley.

``No one should believe that with the resignation of Cardinal Law this problem has 
though this church is moving in a positive direction with this resignation,'' said 
Roderick MacLeish, who represents more than 200 a

[CTRL] Ted Shackley dies @ 75

2002-12-14 Thread alien
-Caveat Lector-";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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CIA Operative Theodore Shackley Dies  



Friday, December 13, 2002 10:26 p.m. EST

Theodore Shackley, who ran the CIA's Miami operation during the height of U.S. tensions with Cuba in the 1960s, has died of prostate cancer. He was 75.

Shackley died Monday at his home in Bethesda, according to Joseph Gawler and Sons funeral home.

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As Miami station chief, Shackley directed about 400 agents and operatives during the Cuban missile crisis of October 1962 and Operation Mongoose, a U.S. effort to topple Cuban leader Fidel Castro .

He later served as the CIA's associate deputy director for clandestine operations from May 1976 to December 1977.

"Shackley was an emblematic figure of the Cold War  _ the epitome of the clandestine bureaucrat who had been involved in the key chapters, many of them dark, of the CIA's history," said David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation and author of "Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA's Crusades."

Nicknamed "The Blond Ghost" because he hated to be photographed, Shackley has been described by those who knew him as an exacting, intense, elusive covert operator.

He was "a brilliant mind, a tremendous tactician and strategist," said Miami attorney Thomas Spencer, a friend of Shackley's for three decades. "He was able to pick up the phone and talk to virtually every world leader that existed in the last 20 years."

Shackley held several high-profile posts during a 28-year career with the CIA, including work as a senior CIA officer in Berlin, Saigon and Laos.

He retired from the CIA in 1979 and set up a Washington-area consulting firm that offered security strategy to corporate executives. He also wrote a book on counterinsurgency in 1981 called "The Third Option."

Shackley was raised in West Palm Beach , Fla., and attended the University of Maryland.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

[CTRL] The Blair witch-hunt project -

2002-12-14 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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The Blair witch-hunt project

December 14 2002

Almost two weeks since her links with the notorious Australian conman Peter Foster were
first exposed, Cherie Blair, QC, mother of four, and wife of Britain's Prime Minister, 
been unable to kill off the persistent accusation that she lacks integrity and candour 
or is a
downright liar.

That she is probably guilty only of a serious lack of judgement and a poor choice of
associates - for which she has tearfully apologised - appears to matter little to 
either the
British public or media. There is blood in the water, and it's time to feed.

After a succession of ministerial scandals, Britons are heartily sick of Labour's 
spin, while
the press, having first been misled about Foster's role in helping the Blairs buy 
property, is
in absolutely no mood to let the affair, now dubbed Cheriegate, die away, despite 
pleas by
both Cherie and Tony Blair.

Blair says he is "very proud" of how his wife, a part-time judge, has handled herself 
Foster, the thrice-jailed conman who appears to have deliberately targeted the Blairs 
their friend, Carole Caplin, Mrs Blair's self-styled lifestyle guru. But the PM is 
alone. As Margaret Beckett, the Environment Minister and Blair acolyte, acknowledged on
Wednesday: "There are clearly quite a large number of people who loathe Cherie Blair,
loathe Tony Blair even more and would love to drive him out of public life."

Complete with not one but two ex-topless models and a raft of flaky new-age trappings, 
scandal has exposed New Labour's inclination to obfuscate and dissemble instead of 
it straight.

By first denying that Foster had been Cherie Blair's financial adviser, and then 
failing to
come clean
about her role in his deportation proceedings, Downing Street's relationship with the 
has sunk to an all-time low.

The high-selling tabloids the Daily Mail - which broke the story and printed the 
killer emails
between Foster and Cherie Blair - and the former New Labour supporting Daily Mirror 
declared open warfare on the Blairs.

The Mail's editor, Paul Dacre, says his paper has "no agenda apart from good 
journalism" -
and, in part, he's right. Persistent journalism and probably a large cheque helped 
bring the
emails between Cherie Blair and Foster to light and make it impossible for Downing 
to fudge the issue.

Since then, No 10 and Cherie Blair - and a succession of ministers and senior public
servants - have attempted to stem the flow of revelations and half-truths, with only
marginal success.

The fact is, no one, not even the Mail, has yet found that Mrs Blair has done anything
illegal. But as New Labour knows so well, in politics it is the perception that 
matters as
much as the truth.

Whether or not the scandal will do lasting electoral damage to Labour remains to be 
Polls taken after Cherie Blair's plea for understanding found public opinion running 
about 60
to 40 against the Blairs. In a Mirror poll, Labour has been branded the party of 

Many Britons have not been convinced by Cherie Blair's confession that she had made
mistakes, inadvertently promoted "misunderstandings" with the media and was only a
working mum, not "superwoman".

As Nick Butler, 26, from Manchester, told his local radio station: "At the end of the 
day she
lied and then tried to get the Government to cover it up. It [her speech] sounded like 
it had
come straight from the No 10 press office."

Of course, it had. But despite the public outrage, the Tory Opposition has so far 
incapable of making political mileage out of the affair. Dismissing calls for an 
inquiry, Tony
Blair allowed himself a sly dig at the Conservative leader, Iain Duncan Smith: "It's
absolutely typical of him that he dives into the swimming pool just as the water is 

Veteran pollster Bob Worcester, the chairman of the Mori group, told the Herald that 
the affair might cost Labour a few points in the polls, it only reinforced the 
existing view
that Labour was the party of spin.

This same perception had not cost it the previous election, and neither would it the 
which would be fought on the economy, health, education, transport and the delivery of

"There is already little trust in No 10's spin," he said. "It [the Foster affair] will 
have no
impact on the next general election. Frankly, it doesn't amount to a hill of beans."

Attempts to link Tony Blair directly to the scandal via the use of the family's blind 
trusts to
buy the two flats have also proved largely unsuccessful. The Prime Minister and his 
senior independent public servant, Sir Andrew Turnbull, have assured the Opposition and
public there was nothing wrong in releasing money for the flats from the trust.

Turnbull claims the Blairs had used the trust for security reasons, 


2002-12-14 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

IF YOU WANT to check up on the Washington Post's affection for the CIA, not
to mention its attraction to politically perverted role models, check out
its obituary section. Just a few weeks after giving the notorious Richard
Helms false nobility in an obituary, it sent off another egregious CIA
figure, Theodore Shackley, with even more misleading kudos. J.Y. Smith

"Theodore G. Shackley, 75, a retired associate deputy director for
clandestine operations of the CIA whose career took him from the streets of
Berlin to the jungles of Laos and Vietnam, died of cancer Dec. 9 at his
home in Bethesda. In the context of an agency and a profession whose
watchwords are secrecy and deception, Mr. Shackley was a legendary figure.
He was known as 'the godfather of secret warriors.' He was a three-time
recipient of the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the agency's highest

While Smith admitted that Shackley was controversial - a common Post
synonym for a bad sort it likes - there was no sense of the true
deceitful, murderous, and counter-productive life that Shackley led -
including his involvement with the pointlessly unsuccessful attempts to
kill Castro, the disastrous secret war in Laos with its resultant heroin
to the U.S., and the unpunished international war crime known as the
program. He was likely also involved in the October Surprise and in helping
Oliver North and George Bush Sr. establish what became a CIA guns and drugs
operation out of Mena Arkansas.

In a more balanced piece in the Miami Herald, Carol Rosenberg noted: "In
Miami, he directed an ambitious anti-Castro propaganda and paramilitary
campaign, and as a sign of its significance, Shackley would later say that
he commanded the third-largest navy in the Caribbean -- only the United
States and Cuba had more vessels than the CIA station chief's flotilla."

[CAROL ROSENBERG, MIAMI HERALD - "In Laos, Shackley helped run a secret war

using local tribes people, and at the end of that campaign the tribe was
decimated," said David Corn, author of the 1994 book, Blond Ghost: Ted
Shackley and the CIA's Crusade. "Shackley was in some ways the archetype of
the Cold War covert bureaucrat. He took orders from above . . . running
secret wars, undermining democratically elected governments, compromising
journalists and political opponents overseas . . . and made them a
reality,"Corn said.

Shackley also ran Latin American operations out of CIA headquarters in 1973
when Gen. Augusto Pincohet led a coup in Chile that toppled the elected
government of President Salvador Allende. "He was not the mastermind
of the clandestine operations of presidents and CIA directors. He was the
implementer," Corn said. 'And in doing so, he avoided the moral questions
that accompanied such actions and embodied the `ends justify the means'
mentality of America's national security establishment."]

Ralph McGehee, a former CIA officer, has described the Phoenix operation
as "originally designed to 'neutralize,' that is assassinate or imprison,
members of the civilian infrastructure of the [Vietnamese] National
Liberation Front. Phoenix offices were set up from Saigon down to the
district level. . . The original Phoenix concept was quickly diluted, for
two main reasons: (1) pressure from the top to fill numerical quotas of
person to be neutralized; (2) difficulties at the bottom of identifying NLF
civilian infrastructure, who were often indistinguishable from the general
population, and the near impossibility of proving anyone membership in the
NLF. The result was vastly to increase the numbers of innocent persons
rounded up and imprisoned, indiscriminately murdered, and brutally tortured
in an effort to show results . . . Between 1968 and 1972 hundreds of
thousands of Vietnamese civilians were rounded up and turned over to the
Vietnamese police for questioning. Such interrogation has usually been
marked by brutal torture."

While the Post mentions Shackley retiring during the Carter
administration - he was really fired - it describes CIA chief Stansfield
effort to reform the agency and get rid of its barbarian cowboys as
reducing the clandestine service." The Post does admit that "by the end of
the decade, Mr. Shockley's career appeared to have hit a dead end, in part
because of dealings he had with Edwin P. Wilson, a former CIA agent who
illegally sold explosives to Libya."

In fact, the well-meaning Carter-Turner effort had serious blowback, for
people like Shackley didn't really retire; they just became freelancers who
returned to haunt the country during the Iran-Contra era. The Post's claim
that "he had a minor and tangential role in the Iran-contra scandal that
rocked the Reagan administration" illustrates that while Shackley may be
dead, disinformation thrives.";>
CTRL is a discuss

[CTRL] Con man ready to reveal all in Blair witch-hunt -

2002-12-14 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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Con man ready to reveal all in Blair witch- hunt
By Eddie Fitzmaurice
December 15 2002

Con man Peter Foster yesterday threatened to reveal everything about the scandal that 
dogged British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie for the past 14 days.

The Australian, convicted for fraud, said he would tell his story tomorrow in a move 
to set alarm bells ringing within Mr Blair's already shell-shocked Labour 

Foster, 40, was previously reported to have been touting his story to British 
newspapers for
£100,000 ($280,000), but yesterday indicated he would not be seeking payment.

Speaking from the wheel of his Volvo sports convertible in London, Foster said: "There 
going to be a sensational twist in all this.

"I will be saying everything on Monday, and will be speaking to thePress Association 
news agency]."

Foster is wanted by Australian authorities in connection with a slimming-pill scam in 
investors lost more than $4.5million.

"I have been vilified more than I could have imagined possible," he told the Daily 
"I've held my tongue for two weeks. But now I've decided that enough is enough."

Foster has been at the centre of a media frenzy since it was revealed he helped Mrs 
buy two flats in Bristol, where the Blairs' son, Euan, is at university.

Questions over the probity of the £525,000 deal intensified after it was revealed Mrs 
had intervened in deportation proceedings against Foster, who is the boyfriend of her
unofficial lifestyle adviser Carole Caplin.

Mr Blair desperately tried to shut the story down on Friday when he bluntly refused to
answer reporters' questions on the so-called "Cheriegate" scandal at a European Union
summit in Copenhagen.

But after a fresh raft of disclosures in yesterday's British newspapers it was clear 
the affair
will rumble on.

The Sun printed a second collection of transcripts detailing phone conversations 
Foster and his 71-year-old mother, Louise Pelloti, in which he claimed he had explosive
secrets that would rock the Labour Government.

Foster, who described former topless model Caplin, 40, as "stupid" in an early taped 
also tells his mum his girlfriend is "nuts" in the latest transcript.

Vowing revenge on Labour spin doctors for their campaign against him, Foster added: 
got plenty of f** ammunition I can fire at them.

"I've got a couple of grenades I can throw back. Carole's angry, too. Look, I know 

The convicted con man also hinted he had reached a financial agreement with the Daily
Mail, which has led the onslaught against Mrs Blair.

His mother asks: "Will the Daily Mail still pay?"

Foster replies: "I don't know, we'll wait and see what happens tomorrow. This story 
not go away.

"Blair threw the gauntlet down by saying if anyone's got any proof, come forward.

"I'm not going to give in yet."

Meanwhile the Daily Mail shifted its attack by asking whether Mrs Blair's purchase of 
two flats had been funded by cash from an off-shore family trust based in the tax 
haven of

"The unanswered questions in this affair continue to multiply," the newspaper said in 

"And not least of them is whether Mrs Blair should shoulder all the blame ... or 
whether the
real fault lies with the Prime Minister himself."

Downing Street was warned of an alleged blackmail attempt relating to Foster's
involvement with Cherie Blair three days before the story broke, it was claimed last 

The media agency representing Carole Caplin said it had alerted Number10 on November
28 to an apparent blackmail letter which had been sent to Mr Foster.

In a statement, MacLaurin Media said it had been approached on November 28 to "advise
and assist" Miss Caplin after Mr Foster received the letter. "Miss Caplin feared that
inevitable media exposure would be damaging to herself, her partner and her close
friend," the statement said.

This story was found at:
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Say? Anyone With A New York Times Account?

2002-12-14 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 14 Dec 2002 at 21:56, David Sutherland wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> Have access to this article:
> 14MAP.html
September 14, 2002
Was 'Old' Map Faked to Tweak the Nazis?
 he Vinland Map must be the world's most contested piece of
parchment. Donated to Yale University by the philanthropist Paul
Mellon in 1957, the map, which famously describes the Viking
discovery of North America, has been stuck in scholarly deadlock
ever since. The subject of endless studies and counterstudies, the
map is either a rare medieval artifact — the first cartographic
representation of the continent — or else a modern fake.

Consider the two conflicting studies that appeared in scientific
journals last month. One, published in Radiocarbon, gives a date for
the map's parchment of 1434, suggesting to the researchers that
the map could well be authentic. The second study, published in
Analytical Chemistry, comes to the opposite conclusion, arguing, as
previous studies have, that the presence of a mineral called anatase
in the map's ink indicates a 20th-century origin — even if the
parchment is far older. And just last Sunday, in The Boston Globe,
the rival factions were rehashing the debate once again.

But now the forgery camp may have some fresh ammunition. A
Norwegian historian says she has fingered the forger: a German
Jesuit priest named Josef Fischer, whom she believes made the
map partly to protest the Nazi regime.

"He would have made the map not for profit and not to flaunt it
publicly, but mostly as a private protest," said the historian, Kirsten
A. Seaver, an independent scholar based in Palo Alto, Calif., who is
the author of a well-regarded book about the Viking exploration of
North America. "I'm very convinced it was done to tease the Nazis."

Politics and religion are at the heart of Ms. Seaver's intricate case
against Father Fischer, which she has laid out in several scholarly
articles and is turning into a book that she hopes to publish next
year. And though her evidence is mostly circumstantial — Father
Fischer left no confession — experts say her theory merits serious

"He seems pretty plausible," said Robert W. Karrow, curator of
special collections and maps at the Newberry Library in Chicago. "It
may have been intellectual arrogance or just a game, but he was in
pretty much the right place at pretty much the right time and had the
right information. I think it all hangs together."

As Ms. Seaver points out, in many ways the Jesuit is an obvious
suspect. He was an avid scholar and collector of old maps, credited
with discovering the now legendary Waldseemüller world map from
1507 — the first to use the word America.

He was also passionately committed to the idea that the Norse had
been to this continent long before Christopher Columbus, publishing
a book on the subject in 1902. At the time, there was little evidence
for Father Fischer's theory. Yet he was convinced a cartographic
record of the venture must exist.

These facts alone might qualify as probable motive, but Ms.
Seaver's theory is more elaborate. Father Fischer, she argues,
would have been outraged by the Nazis' persecution of Jesuits.

In 1938, Nazi officials forced the sale of Stella Matutina, the Jesuit
College in Feldkirch, Austria, where Father Fischer had taught and
was living in retirement. (He moved to Munich the next year and
died in 1944.)

At the same time, Ms. Seaver contends, Father Fischer would have
been appalled to see ancient Norse history put to use as Nazi
propaganda. The Third Reich did a bustling traffic in ersatz Norse
art and artifacts, she points out, as German officials saw in the
Vikings an Aryan people with territorial ambitions much like their
own. In particular, a Viking conquest of North America would supply
a perfect rationale for the Reich's empire-lust overseas.

By making the Vinland Map, Father Fischer would thus seem to be
fulfilling a cherished Nazi dream. But — and here's the rub — the
map is laden with Catholic imagery. The legend in the top left corner
refers not only to the discovery of "Vinland" by "the companions
Bjarni and Leif Eiriksson," but to a trip there soon after by Eric,
"legate of the Apostolic See and the bishop of Greenland."

This, Ms. Seaver argues, was Father Fischer's ruse: to give the
Nazis — and history — a Viking conquest of the New World but to
make clear that it was a Catholic one as well.

"The map shows two things clearly," she said. "The Roman Catholic
Church was here first, long before Hitler and the Third Reich could
claim any rights to the region, and it showed the Norse had
discovered America long before Columbus. Whoever the Nazi
authority was who was going to pronounce on such a map in the
public eye would have to make a choice. Should the map be
discarded because of its Catholic symbolism? Or should they go
with the lovely idea of the Norse 

[CTRL] Nuclear reaction jolts US -

2002-12-14 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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Nuclear reaction jolts US
By Doug Struck in Tokyo
December 14 2002

Plans by North Korea to resume work at three abandoned nuclear power plants that could
produce fuel for atomic bombs have revived the threat that brought it to the brink of 
with the United States in 1994.

Thursday's announcement brought alarm from capitals in the region and Washington.
Japan's Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi, called for calm, and the South Korean
Government convened its security chiefs over what it said was a looming "crisis on the
Korean peninsula".

Pyongyang said it would reopen shuttered nuclear power facilities and asked the
International Atomic Energy Agency to remove seals and monitoring cameras from all of 
nuclear facilities.

It said the move was a reaction to the US decision to suspend fuel oil deliveries made 
North Korea under the 1994 agreement that had frozen the country's nuclear plants.

Many experts had predicted an escalation in the stand-off by Pyongyang in response to 
US decision, but this move was more drastic than most had expected. It came on the 
of the US-backed interception of a North Korean ship carrying 15 Scud missiles,
Pyongyang's chief legal export, to Yemen.

North Korea yesterday demanded an apology from the US for "unpardonable piracy" in
its ship.

The So San was intercepted by Spain in the Arabian Sea on Monday and handed over to US
forces, which later allowed it to continue on its course after deciding it was not 
any laws.

In Sydney yesterday the US Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage defended the
stopping of the ship, saying claims it amounted to piracy were absurd.

"We had every right to stop [the unflagged, stateless ship carrying contraband 
cargo]," Mr
Armitage said.

"The message of the stopping of the ship off the Horn of Africa was a very sound and
severe message to the North Koreans. We know what they are doing; we know where they
are. They can run, but they can't hide."

Australia's Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, said he had asked his department to
summon the North Korean ambassador, who would be told Canberra wanted a "full and
frank explanation" of Pyongyang's position on the nuclear plants and of reports it 
expel international atomic energy inspectors.

The Bush Administration, which has been eager to avoid a crisis in North Korea that 
interfere with its plans for war in Iraq, reacted cautiously to Thursday's 

"The statement that North Korea made ... is regrettable," the White House spokesman 
"The announcement flies in the face of international consensus that the North Korean
regime must fulfil all its commitments, in particular dismantle its nuclear weapons

North Korea did not say it would begin work on producing a nuclear bomb, referring 
only to
resuming electricity production at the nuclear plants.

The moves were "short of the worst-case scenario", but evicting the nuclear inspectors
would be "the logical next step", said Kenneth Quinones, who helped set up the 
program in North Korea in 1994. The moves indicated Pyongyang was abandoning the 1994
nuclear agreement, he said.

"The Bush Administration now may feel it has got to respond with drastic action. I 
think we
are at a crisis now."

The White House announced it would cut off funding for fuel deliveries to North Korea 
month after it said North Korea had admitted in October to having bought equipment to
make enriched uranium for a bomb.

Mr Koizumi urged the world to "respond calmly" to the North Korean announcement.

In South Korea, both of the main candidates for next Thursday's presidential election
expressed alarm and demanded that North Korea retract its threat.

Eight years ago North Korea had a small nuclear power generating plant north of
Pyongyang. Nearby, it was building two much larger ones - 50 megawatt and 200

When the International Atomic Energy Authority concluded in 1993 that North Korea might
have diverted fuel for reprocessing, the regime announced it would withdraw from the 
and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The announcement produced a crisis that, some
White House insiders say, came close to military confrontation in 1994.

The Washington Post and agencies

This story was found at:
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the va

[CTRL] Article: Theodore Shackley, Enigmatic C.I.A. Official, Dies at 75

2002-12-14 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from
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Theodore Shackley, Enigmatic C.I.A. Official, Dies at 75

December 14, 2002

WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 - Theodore G. Shackley, a legendary
member of the C.I.A. who was known to colleagues as "the
Blond Ghost" because of his light hair and mysterious ways,
died on Monday at his home in Bethesda, Md. He was 75.

He had been suffering from cancer, said his daughter,
Suzanne Shackley.

Mr. Shackley was a three-time recipient of the
Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the C.I.A.'s highest
honor. In nearly three decades of service with the agency,
he was on the front lines, though surreptitiously, in the
cold war against Communism.

Mr. Shackley was the subject of the book "Blond Ghost: Ted
Shackley and the C.I.A.'s Crusades," published by Simon &
Schuster in 1994.

The author, David Corn, described Mr. Shackley as one of
the C.I.A.'s best and brightest, a good bet to become
director of central intelligence, until his career ran off
the tracks.

In the book, Mr. Shackley came across as cold, calculating,
almost bloodless - "weird," one colleague described him,
recalling Mr. Shackley's manner and pale features.

He served in the hot spots of West Berlin, Saigon and
Vientiane, Laos, and other places in a career that lasted
from 1951 to 1979. Along the way, he was involved in some
of the spy agency's most famous and controversial

But not as many as his biographers have written, his
daughter said today. She said her father was not involved
in Operation Mongoose, an intelligence operation said to
have been ordered by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy to
assassinate Fidel Castro.

Nor, despite rumors to the contrary, was he involved, after
leaving the C.I.A., in the Iran-contra arms-for-hostages
scandal that rocked the administration of President Ronald
Reagan, Ms. Shackley said.

Ms. Shackley said she believed her father's assertions that
he was not linked to those episodes, and believed similar
statements from others in a position to know. Her father's
supposed links to those affairs illustrate what happens
"when fiction ultimately becomes `fact' " through endless
repetition, Ms. Shackley said.

But some facts of the clandestine agent's life are well

Born in Springfield, Mass., on July 16, 1927, he grew up in
West Palm Beach, Fla., and served in the Army during the
post-war occupation of Germany. He graduated from the
University of Maryland with a degree in government and
politics in 1951 and was soon recalled to the Army because
of the Korean War.

He never got to Korea. He was assigned to the C.I.A.

His first overseas assignment was West Berlin, a beehive of
espionage during the cold war. In 1962, he became C.I.A.
station chief in Miami, where he was assigned to help Cuban
rebels bent on overthrowing Mr. Castro even after the Bay
of Pigs debacle the year before.

Next, he served in Vientiane, supervising a C.I.A.
operation pitting Hmong tribesmen against the Pathet Lao,
backed by the North Vietnamese. In the late 1960's, he
became station chief in Saigon. Later, he served in Chile.

In 1972, he returned to the Washington area to oversee the
C.I.A.'s clandestine activities in the Western Hemisphere.
In 1976, he was named associate deputy director for
clandestine operations. From the C.I.A. headquarters in
Langley, Va., Mr. Shackley helped to coordinate
counterintelligence operations and covert action around the

He had had a brilliant career. But the times were turning
against him.

Satellites began to take the place of spies in trench
coats. Congressional scrutiny revealed that the C.I.A. had
been involved in assassinations as well as
intelligence-gathering in Southeast Asia.

Then it came to light that Mr. Shackley was a close friend
of Edwin Wilson, a former C.I.A. agent who was found to
have illegally sold weapons to the Libyan dictator Muammar

In 1979, Mr. Shackley retired from the C.I.A. and founded
Research Associates International Ltd., a Bethesda
consulting firm specializing in analyzing risks and
protecting executives.

He wrote three books on intelligence and security, in which
he continued to argue that counterinsurgency was an
effective option, somewhere between total war and
diplomacy, to further American goals.

Mr. Shackley's daughter laughed softly when asked if she
agreed with labels like "covert bureaucrat" and "coldly
deliberate" that Mr. Corn and other chroniclers of her
father's career have fixed to him.

"That was not the man we knew," Ms. Shackley said.

real Ted Shackley was a man who cherished his hearth and
home, told good jokes over fine wine and collected Oriental
rugs, the daughter said.

Mr. Shackley is survived by his wife, the former Hazel
Tindol, whom he married in 1961; his daughter, of
Pensacola, Fla., and two grandsons.

[CTRL] Source: U.S. Firms on List Aided Iraq Arms Development

2002-12-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

From: Euphorian

Source: U.S. Firms on List Aided Iraq Arms Development

By Mohamad Bazzi
United Nations Correspondent

December 13, 2002

United Nations -- Iraq's 12,000-page declaration of its weapons programs lists 
American companies that provided materials used by Baghdad to develop chemical and 
biological weapons in the 1980s, according to a senior Iraqi official.

The public release of such a list could prove embarrassing for the United States and 
highlight the extent to which the Reagan and first Bush administrations supported Iraq 
in its eight-year war with neighboring Iran in the 1980s. U.S. military and financial 
assistance to Iraq continued until Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 
August 1990.

The Iraqi official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, would not name the companies 
or discuss how much detail the Iraqi declaration gives about them. The official said 
the American firms are named along with other foreign companies that provided arms and 
ingredients for making chemical and biological weapons to Iraq.

The declaration, which was submitted to UN weapons inspectors Saturday, was mandated 
under a new Security Council resolution that requires Iraq to declare and destroy all 
of its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Iraqi leaders insist they no longer 
have any such weapons, but the United States and Britain accuse Hussein of continuing 
with a secret program to develop banned weapons - and have threatened to go to war to 
disarm Iraq.

Hans Blix, the chief UN weapons inspector, said Tuesday that he does not intend to 
release the names of foreign companies that provided material to Iraq. He said such 
firms could be valuable to UN inspectors as sources of information about Iraq's 
weapons program. If the inspectors "were to give the names publicly, then they would 
never get another foreign supplier to give them any information," Blix said.

A Bush administration official declined to comment on U.S. companies' presence in the 
declaration, or the potential embarrassment if the list were made public. "The issue 
is not so much who the suppliers are. The issue is really Iraq's program and making 
sure that Iraq declares what it has," said the official, who asked not to be named. 
"We want companies to be able to provide information to the weapons inspectors. It's 
important to find out what the Iraqis may have received."

Other officials in Washington declined to comment. But U.S. officials have long 
acknowledged close military collaboration with Iraq while it was at war with Iran, 
which Washington viewed as a greater threat.

A 1994 report by the Senate Banking Committee concluded that "the United States 
provided the government of Iraq with 'dual-use' licensed materials which assisted in 
the development of Iraqi chemical, biological and missile-system programs."

This assistance, according to the report, included "chemical warfare-agent precursors; 
chemical warfare-agent production facility plans and technical drawings; chemical 
warfare filling equipment; biological warfare-related materials; missile fabrication 
equipment and missile system guidance equipment."

There is dissension within the council over the handling of Iraq's declaration. Under 
a deal quietly worked out over the weekend, the United States received the sole copy 
of the dossier and supporting material that was intended for the council. Washington 
then made duplicates for the four other permanent council members: Britain, France, 
Russia and China. Blix said the other 10 rotating council members will get edited 
copies of the dossier by Monday, with any information that could help countries 
develop weapons of mass destruction excised by UN inspectors.

Arms experts say it is likely that companies from all five permanent council members 
sold materials to Iraq that were used to develop its weapons. "All the permanent five 
members are probably on the Iraqi supplier list. They all have advanced chemical and 
biological industries," said Susan Wright, a research scientist at the University of 
Michigan and co-author of the book "Biological Warfare and Disarmament."

Wright said the release of a supplier list containing American companies would 
embarrass the United States. "It would bring people's attention to something that the 
Bush administration would rather forget about: that the United States was a supplier 
state to Saddam Hussein, even after it became clear that he was producing and using 
chemical weapons," she said.

At the heart of U.S. and other foreign trade with Iraq in the 1980s were so-called 
"dual-use" materials, which have both civilian and military applications. Under the 
new Security Council resolution, Iraq had to account for all its dual-use programs and 

The 1994 Senate report found that the United States had licensed dozens of companies 
to export various materials that helped Iraq make mu

[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - Enron Investigation Heats Up -- New Evidence

2002-12-14 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

t r u t h o u t | Statement
Senator Carl Levin
Chairman Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
Hearing On
Oversight of Investment Banks' Response to the Lessons of Enron

Leading US Financial Institutions Designed, Advanced and Profited from Enron

Wednesday, 11 December, 2002
Enron Hearing

Senator Carl Levin questions representatives of Investment Banks at the Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations hearing, Oversight of Investment Banks' Response to the
Lessons of Enron's Deceptive Practices

"Four witnesses for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. are sworn in before the Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations.

One year ago, on December 2, 2001, Enron Corporation, then the seventh largest company
in the United States, declared bankruptcy. The follow up to this financial disaster 
revealed a
litany of Enron corporate abuses from accounting fraud, to price manipulation, insider
dealing, and tax. Yet it is still the case today, as it was a year ago, that most top 
officials have walked away from the scandal they created with tens of millions of 
dollars in
their pockets, while Enron employees, creditors, and shareholders have suffered 

As disturbing as Enron's own misconduct is the growing evidence that leading U.S. 
institutions not only took part in Enron's deceptive practices, but at times designed,
advanced, and profited from them.

This is the third in a series of hearings held by this Subcommittee focusing on the 
role of
financial institutions in Enron's collapse. Our first hearing looked at more than $8 
billion in
deceptive transactions referred to as "prepays." Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase 
used these deceptive prepays to issue Enron huge loans that were disguised as energy
trades, which enabled Enron to misstate the loan proceeds as cash flow from business
operations. Investors and analysts were misled, along with the many employees who lost
their life savings and jobs.

Our second hearing looked in detail at a sham asset sale from Enron to Merrill Lynch 
before the end of the year 2000, so that Enron could book the fake sale revenue and 
both its year-end earnings and cash flow from operations. This transaction didn't 
qualify as
a true sale under accounting rules, because Enron had eliminated risk from the deal by
secretly promising Merrill Lynch to arrange a resale of the barges within 6 months, 
guaranteeing a 15 percent profit.

In both hearings, substantial evidence showed that the financial institutions involved 
in the
deals knew exactly what was going on – they structured the transactions, signed the
paperwork, and supplied the funds knowing that Enron was using the deals to report that
the company was in better financial condition than it really was. In the case of 
Citigroup and
Chase, the banks not only assisted Enron, they developed the deceptive prepays as a
financial product and sold it to other companies as so-called "balance sheet friendly"
financing, earning millions in fees.

Today's hearing will look at another set of deceptive transactions that took place 
over a six
month period from December 2000 to June 2001, involving Enron ventures in the pulp and
paper business. These transactions were known as Fishtail, Bacchus, Sundance, and
Slapshot. The evidence shows that Citigroup and Chase actively aided Enron in these
transactions, despite knowing they employed deceptive accounting or tax strategies and
were being used by Enron to manipulate its financial statements or deceptively reduce 
tax obligations. Citigroup and Chase received substantial fees for their actions or 
consideration in other business dealings.

These four transactions required months of work by the Subcommittee staff to untangle.
The complexity of the deals made the deceptions almost impossible for anyone to
understand without a detailed roadmap. They also show how far our financial 
have sunk in misusing structured finance. Instead of using structured deals to lower
financing costs or spread risk – which are legitimate uses – they used structured 
finance to
mislead investors, analysts and regulators about a company's true activities and 

I will place in the record at this time our Subcommittee staff report that describes 
the four
transactions in detail as well as charts and exhibits showing what happened. Here are 
of the highlights from that report and our investigation.


Enron constructed the first three transactions, Fishtail, Bacchus, and Sundance, as a 
asset sale of its new pulp and paper business venture in order to inflate its cash 
flow and
earnings by hundreds of millions of dollars and to keep the substantial debts 
with this business venture off its balance sheet and out of the view of investors and
analysts. The first two transactions took place in December 20

[CTRL] Article: General Sees Scant Evidence of Threat Near in U.S.

2002-12-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

This article from
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The FBI gets some credible leadership ... at last!  A<>E<>R


General Sees Scant Evidence of Threat Near in U.S.

December 13, 2002

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 - The nation's top general for domestic
security says he has seen little evidence to suggest an
imminent terrorism threat inside the United States by
members of Al Qaeda's network, and warns against using
"McCarthyism" in combating terror.

"I am not aware of a significant threat to this nation"
from so-called sleeper cells, said the officer, Gen. Ralph
E. Eberhart.

General Eberhart, who as head of the military's newly
created Northern Command oversees the Pentagon's
contribution to domestic counterterrorism efforts,
expressed concern that undetected terrorist cells could be
operating in the United States and plotting new attacks.

"To say that we're not aware of it," he said, "is not the
same to say that it doesn't exist."

But he said there was scant intelligence to suggest an
immediate domestic threat from Al Qaeda or other terrorist
groups, and voiced growing optimism about the government's
ability to prevent and respond to terrorist strikes.

The comments by the general, a four-star Air Force officer
who has access to much of the same intelligence that
President Bush receives, may be reassuring to a public made
jittery by repeated terrorism alerts from Washington. But
they appeared to contradict pronouncements from senior law
enforcement officials, including Attorney General John
Ashcroft, of an impending threat of domestic terrorist

In a wide-ranging 45-minute conversation at his
headquarters in Colorado Springs this week, General
Eberhart said his command had established a strong working
relationship with law enforcement agencies, noting that the
F.B.I. had a permanent representative on his staff. And
aides to the general said later that his comments, in his
first major interview since the Northern Command was
established on Oct. 1, were simply a candid airing of his
views, not a purposeful departure from Mr. Ashcroft's
outlook or Bush administration policy.

In Congressional testimony last summer, Mr. Ashcroft said
that Al Qaeda maintained an "active presence in the United
States, waiting to strike again," and that the United
States was "at war with a terrorism network operating
within our borders." He said that "there remain sleeper
terrorists and their supporters in the United States."

In June, the F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III, said a
"substantial" number of people suspected of ties to Al
Qaeda and other terror groups were under constant
surveillance in the United States. Since late summer, the
bureau has rounded up more than a dozen people in upstate
New York, Detroit and elsewhere who have been accused of
involvement in sleeper cells.

General Eberhart said he was increasingly confident that if
terrorist cells were in the United States, law enforcement
would ferret them out before they struck. But he said there
was a natural tension between a need for aggressive pursuit
of terrorists on one hand and, on the other, a need for
caution that there be no abridgements of civil liberties -
"some of the things we did in the 50's with McCarthyism,
which I think was a very sad chapter in our history."

"We just have to be very, very careful that we don't
misread some things we see, that we don't jump to
conclusions," he said.

"Our basic freedoms must be protected," he said, though he
acknowledged that "those who attack us usually leverage
those freedoms to do things that they couldn't do in other

A White House spokesman, Gordon Johndroe, said he could not
comment on the general's remarks without studying the full
context in which they were made. But Mr. Johndroe, who
works for Tom Ridge, the president's domestic security
adviser, said the White House supported the Justice
Department in its concern "about the possibility that there
may be Al Qaeda members or sympathizers here in the United

In his recent public statements on domestic terrorism
threats, Mr. Ridge, like General Eberhart, has sounded a
reassuring tone. In television interviews last month, he
said the government was "in a much better position" to
respond to threats of terrorism on American soil than
before the Sept. 11 attacks.

Spokesmen for the Justice Department and the F.B.I. had no
formal response to General Eberhart's remarks. But senior
officials at both the department and the bureau, speaking
on condition of anonymity, said the arrests since late
summer, in Lackawanna, N.Y., Detroit and elsewhere, showed
that the domestic terrorism threat was real.

The Northern Command is responsible for coordinating the
Pentagon's response to terrorism on American soil and to
other domestic threats, including natural disasters like
floods and forest fires. Fourteen military, law
enforcement, intelligence and 

[CTRL] BBC NEWS | Business | IMF: Israel can cope without US aid

2002-12-14 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday, 11 December, 2002, 11:24 GMT
IMF: Israel can cope without US aid

The Palestinian uprising has cost Israel dearly

Israel could cope with its worst recession in 50

years without US aid, the International Monetary Fund has said in its annual report on 

"It is clear that the US aid will help, particularly in containing the fiscal deficit 
and stabilising
the economy," IMF European Assistant Director Masahiko Takeda said.

"But the Finance Ministry is ready to cope with the situation without counting on US 
aid," he

Israel's economy has been battered by the global slowdown, hi-tech slump and a two-year
Palestinian uprising that has scared off tourists, slashed revenues and sent defence 

"We see considerable risk that revenue (next year) will fall short of the budgeted 
the report said.

Israel is reportedly seeking $8bn (£5.1bn) in loan guarantees and $4bn in defence and
other grants over 10 years from the US, the IMF's biggest shareholder.

Cutting interest rates

Israel is expected to overshoot its 3.9% budget deficit target substantially this year.

Mr Takeda said the government should address the causes of the deficit rather than 
on US aid to plug the gap.

In unusually direct advice to Israel's central bank, the Fund called on the Bank of 
Israel to
use "every opportunity" to cut interest rates from 9.1%.

It also criticised what appeared to be a politically inspired 2 percentage point rate 
cut last
December, which it said led to a sharp depreciation of the shekel, a surge in 
inflation and a
threat to financial stability.

The IMF said it was confident the government was committed to pushing through the
budget, due by 31 December, without compromising on spending cuts.

Disagreements about funding for Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip led 
the dissolution of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's government in November.

Elections are due to be held on 28 January.

Key stories

Israel's early elections

Bombs and Labour

Israel seeks US cash

Hamas resurgent


Ariel Sharon

Binyamin Netanyahu

Amram Mitzna

Yasser Arafat


Voices from the Conflict


How can Israel achieve



TV and Radio reports

See also:

11 Dec 02 | Business
Business caught in the

25 Nov 02 | Business
Israel asks US for more

04 Nov 02 | Business
Israel faces third year of

Internet links:


Government of Israel

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

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Links to more Business

stories are at the foot of the page.

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[CTRL] US President Implicated in Sex Scandal?

2002-12-14 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   John Q <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:SNET: US President Implicated in Sex Scandal?
Date sent:  Sat, 14 Dec 2002 03:30:15 -0800 (PST)

However, the people, who knew George Bush very well in
his "pre-presidential life," were not really surprised
about rather a shocking piece of news.  PRAVDA.Ru has
the complete text of Schoedinger's petition at its

Margie Schoedinger's lawsuit was filed on December
2nd, 2002.

By the way, the criminal proceedings against previous
American President Bill Clinton also started in a
small town.  Who knows, maybe Margie Schoedinger would
simply vanish one day.

It is hard to say, if this woman's story is true or
not.  Who knows, probably, she is one of thousands of
American women, who perform sexual favors to
high-ranking politicians of America.

How fortunate for the governments which administer
them that the people don't think.  Adolph Hitler

--- End of forwarded message ---
Steve Wingate, Webmaster
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Birch Society, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Phyllis Schlafly, et al

2002-12-14 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

What is omitted about these names 
mentioned is that they are all Vatican shills. Others mentioned like Paul Weyrich, an icon of the 
New Right, is RC Jesuit-trained as is Pat Buchannan who laments the alleged 
decline of his beloved Mother Church
- Original Message - 

  William Shannon 
  Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 12:15 
  Subject: [CTRL] Birch Society, Jeanne 
  Kirkpatrick, Phyllis Schlafly, et al
  -Caveat Lector- 
  Society, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Phyllis Schlafly, et al It's all 
  starting to come together! In the excerpt below, Eustace Mullins mentions 
  Jeanne Kirkpatrick as a director of the League for Industrial Democracy. She 
  is touted by Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum - CNP member) as a Conservative. 
  Kirkpatrick is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and appears on 
  Phyllis Schlafly's video "Global Governance". The big hook in that video - 
  which would leave a partially-informed individual with a sense of hopelessness 
  - is the inference that treaties supersede the Constitution. Other than that, 
  the major portion of the information is accurate, so it leads the viewer to 
  believe ALL the information is accurate, including the supremacy of treaties 
  over the Constitution. The phony conservatives are much like rat 
  poison when you think about it: 99.5% of the ingredients in rat poison are 
  tasty and nutritious for the rats (otherwise they wouldn't eat it, would 
  they?). Only 0.5% of the ingredients are actually deadly. Schlafly has 
  been interviewed many times on other radio broadcasts spreading misinformation 
  regarding the 'supremacy of treaties over the Constitution'. On several 
  occasions Bernadine Smith called in to refute the lie, and invited Phyllis to 
  join her in an on-air discussion to clear up the confusion once and for all. 
  Schlafly refused. Of course she would. When Phyllis was questioned 
  (sometime in 1998) by a caller on an Ohio 'religious' radio broadcast asking 
  why CFR member, Kirkpatrick, was featured on her video, Schlafly literally 
  screeched... her justification was that they can get valuable information from 
  Kirkpatrick. So, we're supposed to believe that Kirkpatrick would say anything 
  other than that which the Rockefeller controlled CFR would allow. 
  After several astute listeners of Sweet Liberty called, asking pointed 
  question the host asked her if she normally gets questions like this. Again 
  she screeched... "NEVER!!" A couple of other questions to Schlafly 
  were: 1) "Why are the meetings of the Council for National Policy 
  (CNP) so secret?" Her evasive response. "I don't control those meetings. 
  All of my meetings are open to the public." She was correct about that. 
  According to former CNP member, Reverend Austin Miles, who has been a guest on 
  Sweet Liberty on several occasions, Paul Weyrich is the Grand Puba of the CNP. 
  (Not sure exactly what Weyrich's 'title' is at the CNP, but Grand Puba should 
  suffice. He's in a league of his own... along with one other famous person; 
  Fred Flintstone was the Grand Puba of his fraternal lodge, wasn't he?) 
  2) "Are you a Dame of Malta?" (that is the female counterpart 
  to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta - better known as Knights of Malta). 
  Her response: "Yes. It's a benevolent organization." (I have an audio tape of 
  the broadcast referrenced) That's what Pat Buchanan said when asked by 
  radio talk show host, Roger Fredenberg, if he (Buchanan) was a Knight of 
  Malta. "It's a benevolent organization that costs me about $5,000 a year for 
  charitable causes" (paraphrased) -- Jackie -- August 17, 2002 - 
  Original Message - From: Dave Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 
  Subject: The Awful Truth about the John Birch Society Well, we 
  heard the rumors, now for the awful truth. I knew there was something screwy 
  about this outfit. A few years ago I began attending a local JBS 
  chapter. There was a table set up for people to leave flyers and pamphlets. I 
  left a copy of Jack McLamb's Vampire Killer 2000. The next day I got a call 
  accusing me of distributing copies of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of 
  Zion. What a bunch of nincompoops. As for William Buckley, I've always 
  thought there's been something a little strange about him. Something about how 
  he talks. He sort of lulls you into a trance. Now we 
  from the book Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins, chapter 10:--- 
  begin excerpt --- "The Rockefellers also wielded a crucial role 
  through their financing of the Trotskyite Communist group in the United 
  States, the League for Industrial Democracy, whose directors include such 
  staunch "an

[CTRL] Fw: Say? Anyone With A New York Times Account?

2002-12-14 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Have access to this article:
My e-mail 
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[CTRL] US Treatens World With WMD

2002-12-14 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

US warns of nuclear response
BBC News Wednesday,
11 December, 2002, 09:59 GMT

The White House says no options have been ruled out

Washington has said it is prepared to use nuclear weapons if necessary to
respond to any attack with weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against
itself or its allies.

"The United States will continue to make clear that it reserves the right
to respond with overwhelming force - including through resort to all our
options," a White House strategy document released on Tuesday said.

It is believed to be the first update on America's WMD policy since 1993.

BBC Washington correspondent Ian Pannell says that while the new document
only restates existing policy, it has been widely interpreted as a direct
warning to Iraq.

US officials said only that the passage was meant to put emphasis on the
role of deterrence against such an attack.

'Essential part of defence'

Copies of the six-page strategy document were released to the media ahead
of its official unveiling.

Called the National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction, the
document is to be delivered to Congress on Wednesday.

It says the threat of overwhelming force is an essential part of defence.

It also includes a commitment to boost programmes aimed at containing the
damage from any chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear attack.

The document also says that some states support terrorists and already
have weapons of mass murder; it contends that they seek even more "as
tools of coercion and intimidation".

"For them, these are not weapons of last resort, but militarily useful
weapons of choice intended to overcome our nation's advantages in
conventional forces and to deter us from responding to aggression against
our friends."

Iraqi denial

In 1991, President George Bush Senior warned Baghdad that it would face
the severest consequences if it attacked US forces with chemical or
biological weapons.

Iraq has used chemical weapons against its own Kurdish population and is
believed to have also used them in its war with Iran.

President George W Bush has repeatedly vowed to strip Baghdad of any
weapons of mass destruction by force if Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein does
not bow to a UN disarmament ultimatum.

UN inspectors are currently in Iraq to seek out any illegal arms held by
the regime.

Iraq denies possessing banned weapons but has been accused by America of
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