[CTRL] ArabNews: US Jews fight for peace in Palestine and Israel

2002-12-18 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Arab News

US Jews fight for peace in Palestine and Israel
By Barbara Ferguson, Arab News Correspondent
Published on 18 December 2002

WASHINGTON, 18 December 2002 — Joshua Ruebner is a man with a mission. Critical of
Israel’s occupation policy, two years ago he co-founded “Jews for Peace in Palestine 

With a current membership of 1,200, JPPI is taking on one of the most powerful lobbying
groups in Washington, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Ruebner admits it’s an uphill battle: “We’re gearing up for a difficult session in 
The big issue is how Congress is going to respond to Israel’s request of $14 billion in
economic and military aid.”

JPPI’s position is clear: “As long as Israel is getting military assistance from the 
US, it
should abide by the US Arms Export Control Act, which prohibits the use of US weapons
being used against civilians. Nationally, and internationally, the targeting of 
civilians is considered a war crime.”

He admits their position is different from other organizations that call for the 
ending of
Israel’s military aid. “We don’t think that’s realistic in the current political 
system. We
believe it’s more realistic to hold Israel accountable to existing US laws.”

Ruebner says JPPI is making headway. Last summer, they took a congressional staff
delegation to Palestine and Israel, with another group, American Muslims for Jerusalem.

“This was the first time that a Jewish and Muslim group teamed up to show congressional
staff the realities of the conflict on the ground,” says Ruebner.

“We found ourselves thrust into an international diplomatic controversy, when Israel
refused to allow the delegation into the West Bank. I explained to the police and 
officials, in Hebrew, that this was an official American government delegation, but 
when an
Israeli policeman came over to us and threatened us, we decided to leave for our own

Ruebner said the staffers “were astounded,” as “nobody had ever heard of anything like 
happening to a congressional delegation before.” He said what made it especially 
ironic was
a week before Saddam Hussein had urged members of Congress, and their staff, to come
to Iraq. “Israel was being less transparent and open than Iraq.”

After a 2 ½ day tussle, the State Department and the US Embassy in Tel Aviv told the
group they could enter, but without the two Muslims representing AMJ, also American

“We were very disappointed that our government acquiesced in Israel’s racist 
profiling,” he

The delegation visited Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem and Jerusalem and Israel proper. “I
think the staffers were deeply affected by what they saw. We went to refugee camps on
the outskirts of Bethlehem, which have suffered greatly from the Israel reoccupation 
of last

“It’s very important to see exactly what the occupation is — because so much of it is
abstract. Hearing about roadblocks, checkpoints, permits, licensing, and military 
bypass roads are one thing, but to see it on the ground is completely different.

“The Washington Report on Middle East said this trip was the best $20,000 ever spent on
any Middle East peace program in a long time,” says Ruebner.

The trip was very significant because AIPAC sends dozens of these congressional staff
delegations every year, says Ruebner, “and they are successful in promoting a certain
image of Israel which completely neglects aspects that are very unpleasant, 
specifically the

“As a Jew, I take seriously our religious obligation to work for justice, and I cannot 
be silent
about the oppression that my brothers and sisters in Israel are guilty of.”

But it has come at a cost. Ruebner says former friends refuse to speak to him, “and 
there is
the ridiculous hate mail and occasional death threats, but all that is just a signal 
to me that
we are on the right track.”

— For more information about JPPI, log onto www.jppi.org.

Copyright © 2002 ArabNews All Rights Reserved.

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[CTRL] From A Friend: 'Click2Houston - Feds Want To See Enron Videotape'

2002-12-18 Thread Euphorian
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Euphorian has sent you a story: Click2Houston - Feds Want To See Enron Videotape

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[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-12-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 And of course, it goes without saying that Wolfie and Newt are gonna be on the ground 
in the first wave.  And, they're gonna be there when the three faction (Shi'a, Sunni, 
 Kurd) guerrilla warfare starts up.  If you like(d) Kosovaria, you'll love Iraq!

 To view the entire article, go to 

 Projection on Fall Of Hussein Disputed

 By Thomas E. Ricks
 With war possible soon in Iraq, the chiefs of the two U.S. ground forces are 
challenging the belief of some senior Pentagon civilians that Iraqi President Saddam 
Hussein will fall almost immediately upon being attacked and are calling for more 
attention to planning for worst-case scenarios, Defense Department officials said.

 The U.S. war plan for a possible attack on Iraq, which has been almost a year in the 
making, calls for a fast-moving ground attack without an overwhelming number of 
reinforcements on hand. Instead, some follow-on troops would be flown into Iraq from 
outside the region. Among other things, this rolling start would seek to achieve 
tactical surprise by launching an attack before the U.S. military appears ready to do 

 In addition, the plan calls for some armored units, instead of traveling a 
predetermined distance and pausing to allow slow-moving supply trucks to catch up, to 
charge across Iraq until they run into armed opposition and then engage in combat, 
officials said.

 Those aspects of the plan, which appear riskier than usual U.S. military practice, 
worry the chief of the Army, Gen. Eric Shinseki, and the commandant of the Marine 
Corps, Gen. James L. Jones,   defense officials said.

 Shinseki and Jones, who as service chiefs are members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 
have questioned the contention of Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz and other 
top officials that  Hussein's government is likely to collapse almost as soon as a 
U.S. attack is launched, the officials said.

 The two generals are concerned that the Wolfowitz school may underestimate the risks 
involved, the officials said. They have argued that planning should prepare thoroughly 
for worst-case scenarios, most notably one that planners have labeled Fortress 
Baghdad, in which Hussein withdraws his most loyal forces into the Iraqi capital and 
challenges the United States to enter into protracted street fighting, perhaps 
involving chemical or biological weapons.

 In an interview last night, Wolfowitz rejected the view that he has been 
overoptimistic in his views. He said he also believes that, You've got to be prepared 
for the worst case. He added: It would be a terrible mistake for anyone to think 
they can predict with confidence what the course of a war is going to be. In 
discussions of the war plan, he said, he has repeatedly emphasized the risk of  
Hussein using his most terrible weapons.

 The dispute, which is taking place mainly in secret reviews of the war plan, promises 
to be the last major issue in the Pentagon's consideration of that plan, as more signs 
point toward forces being ready to launch a wide-ranging, highly synchronized ground 
and air attack in six to eight weeks. Psychological operations, such as leafleting and 
broadcasting into Iraq, have been stepped up lately, and there is talk at the Pentagon 
of large-scale troop movements or mobilizations being announced soon after the 

  The debate became more open last week when Jones alluded to it in comments made at a 
dinner held in his honor by former  defense  secretary William S. Cohen. Jones is 
scheduled next month to leave the Marine  post to become the commander of U.S. 
military forces in Europe. At that dinner, Jones indicated that he and other senior 
officers did not  share the optimism of others about the ease of fighting in Iraq.

 In an interview, Jones said that he did not  name who he thought was being overly 
optimistic. I did not say, 'folks at the Pentagon,'  he said. I said I didn't align 
myself with folks around town who seem to think that this is preordained to be a very 
easy military operation.

  If a victory were swiftly won, he continued: It is to be celebrated. But military 
planners should always plan for the worst case. He insisted that in his remarks he 
had not expressed a conclusion about how quickly Hussein might fall.

 He said he believed that he and Shinseki, the Army chief, are of the same view on 

 If anything, the Army's leadership is even more worried than Jones, said a senior 
officer who sides with the Wolfowitz view. The Army really is conservative on this, 
he said dismissively.

 The Army also has qualms about the likely burden of postwar peacekeeping in Iraq -- a 
mission that is likely to be executed mainly by the Army. They're concerned they're 
going to be left holding the bag after 

[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-12-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 To view the entire article, go to 

 Conseco Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

INDIANAPOLIS ––  Insurance and finance company Conseco Inc., facing $6.5 billion in 
debt and a federal investigation of its accounting practices, filed for Chapter 11 
protection in the third-largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.

 Terms were negotiated before Tuesday night's filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in 
Chicago, said Conseco spokesman Mark Lubbers. Conseco, the nation's seventh-largest 
insurance provider, has an agreement in principle with several of the company's 

 Details of the tentative agreement reached with two of three investor groups must 
still be resolved and approved by group members before a reorganization plan can be 
submitted for the court's approval, Lubbers said. A filing outlining specifics of the 
plan could be submitted within four to six weeks.

 Banks and bondholders who took part in the talks reached terms with Conseco, but 
holders of preferred securities did not, Lubbers said. Talks will continue with those 
investors, Lubbers said.

 The agreement with two creditor groups is critical to moving forward with the 
restructuring, Lubbers said. Sales of some Conseco assets are part of the tentative 
agreement, he said.

 Bondholders, who submitted a proposal in the talks to take full equity ownership of 
Conseco, are owed $2.5 billion in public debt. Banks are due $1.5 billion, with more 
than $2 billion owed to holders of preferred stock.

 Although the bankruptcy filing was not surprising given Conseco's recent woes, it 
marked a dramatic downfall for a company whose stock was once a Wall Street darling.

 From 1988 to 1998, the company's stock averaged a total return of 47 percent per year 
and Conseco shares traded as high as $58. Today, the stock trades at less than a 
nickel per share.

 Under the most commonly used measure to rank bankruptcies, Conseco's ranks third in 
the United States based on the $52.3 billion in assets the company and its 
subsidiaries reported as of Sept. 30.

 WorldCom's total assets at its July filing were $104 billion, followed by Enron's $64 

 Before Conseco's filing, the third-largest bankruptcy was the 1987 filing by Texaco, 
which had nearly $36 billion in assets at the time. Adjusted for inflation, that 
amount would be more than $56 billion today, according to the research Web site 

 Conseco maintains the use of assets to measure bankruptcies is inappropriate in its 
case because its insurance operations are not included in the bankruptcy filing. Also, 
Conseco says its debt entering bankruptcy is much smaller than several other 
companies' debts at the time they filed.

 The filing follows a yearslong tailspin after the conglomerate's aggressive 
acquisition strategy in the 1990s backfired.

 Company founder Stephen Hilbert was ousted in April 2000 after piling up $8.2 billion 
in debt. Federal regulators are investigating the company's accounting around the time 
of Hilbert's resignation and his replacement by Gary Wendt.

 The decline in Conseco's financial condition accelerated in recent months, leading to 
Wendt's Oct. 3 resignation. He had received a $45 million signing bonus when he was 

 Wendt, who remained board chairman, said as recently as May 1 that Conseco's 
short-term debt problems were behind it, and that he was confident about next year's 
prospects. Those statements and other reassurances from Conseco executives led to the 
filing of a string of recent shareholder lawsuits.

 Conseco has also suffered a series of downgrades by Wall Street credit rating 
agencies. Those downgrades, combined with bankruptcy fears, have hurt the ability of 
Conseco's insurance and finance subsidiaries to keep existing customers and attract 
new ones.

 Company officials have said Conseco's insurance subsidiaries have remained 
fundamentally sound despite the parent company's debt problems. However, the finance 
division, Conseco Finance, is insolvent after failing to make a $4.7 million payment 
due Dec. 4.

 The filing covers Conseco Inc., the parent company, as well as St. Paul, Minn.-based 
Conseco Finance Corp. and its consumer finance subsidiaries. Conseco's insurance 
operations are not included in the filing, Lubbers said.

 Conseco is based in the Indianapolis suburb of Carmel.

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[CTRL] Illegal Iraq Invasion Timetable Set

2002-12-18 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Iraq invasion timetable set
Earliest U.S. strike late this month, deadline for move comes in March
By Joseph Farah
Wednesday, December 18, 2002

WASHINGTON – A decision to strike Iraq has been postponed until at least
the end of this month to give United Nations weapons inspectors a chance
to make their report, according to U.S. military sources.

Nevertheless, while monitoring closely the work of Hans Blix, the chief of
U.N. weapons inspectors, the Pentagon is already well aware of numerous
arms violations by Baghdad thanks to its own intelligence and surveillance

The U.S. military has intercepted communications from Iraqi officials
discussing the hiding of weapons of mass destruction and their components,
sources told WorldNetDaily. The weapons are being hidden, the sources say,
in steel mills, parts factories and even in weapons and ammunition plants.

While the earliest date for a strike is the end of December, there is also
a deadline for a decision about 90 days later in March, say sources close
to the planning.

The 90-day window is necessary because of the massive military buildup in
the area. Hundreds of thousands of tons of vehicles, armor and other
equipment continue to pour into the region in support of the invasion. It
all moves at night through airports and seaports, and the planes and ships
are often gone before daylight.

Troops are being crowded into facilities designed for far fewer numbers,
and the high level of mobilization cannot be maintained indefinitely, say
the sources.

Troops, meanwhile, are being told by officers they could be in the region
for between 30 days and six months. But the action, sources say, will
begin in the 90-day window beginning in less than two weeks.

While the U.S. is mobilizing up to 300,000 military personnel for the
conflict with Iraq, Britain is contributing about 15,000 to the campaign.


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[CTRL] If You're Happy And You Know It Bomb Iraq

2002-12-18 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

  If You're Happy And You Know It Bomb Iraq

  by John Robbins

  If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
  If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
  If the terrorists are Saudi,
  And your alibi is shoddy,
  And your tastes remain quite gaudy,
  Bomb Iraq.

  If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
  If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
  If you think that SUVs,
  Are the best thing since sliced cheese,
  And your father you must please,
  Bomb Iraq.

  If the globe is quickly warming, bomb Iraq.
  If the poor will soon be storming, bomb Iraq.
  We assert that might makes right,
  Burning oil is a delight,
  For the empire we will fight,
  Bomb Iraq.

  If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
  If we think that someone's dissed us, bomb Iraq.
  So to hell with the inspections,
  Let's look tough for the elections,
  Close your mind and take directions,
  Bomb Iraq.

  If corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
  If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
  If your politics are sleazy,
  And hiding that ain t easy,
  And your manhood s getting queasy,
  Bomb Iraq.

  Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.
  For our might now knows no borders, bomb Iraq.
  Disagree? We ll call it treason,
  It's the make war not love season,
  Even if we have no reason,
  Bomb Iraq.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) PBS, Recruiting for Islam

2002-12-18 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

PBS, Recruiting for Islam
by Daniel Pipes
New York Post
December 17, 2002


What would be the best way to convert lots of Americans to Islam?
Forget print, go to film. Put together a handsome documentary with
an original musical score that presents Islam's prophet Muhammad
in the most glowing manner, indeed, as a model of perfection.
Round up Muslim and non-Muslim enthusiasts to endorse the
nobility and truth of his message.

Splice in vignettes of winsome American Muslims testifying to the
justice and beauty of their Islamic faith. Then get the U.S. taxpayer
to help pay for it.

Show it at prime time on the most high-minded TV network. Oh, and
screen it at least once during the holidays, when anyone out of
synch with Christmas might be especially susceptible to another
religion's appeal.

This is precisely what the producers of Muhammad: Legacy of a
Prophet have done. In a documentary The Washington Post calls
absorbing, . . .  enjoyable and informative, exotic images of the
desert and medieval miniatures mix with scenes of New York City
and the American flag. Born- and convert-American Muslims speak
affectingly about their personal bond to their prophet.

The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) will premiere this two-hour
documentary across the nation tomorrow night, then repeat it in
most areas.

The film's largest tranche of funding comes from the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting, a private, nonprofit corporation created by
Congress that in fiscal 2002 received $350 million in taxpayers'

The heart of the film consists of nine talking heads competing with
each other to praise Muhammad the most extravagantly. Not one of
them criticizes him.

Some of their efforts are laughable, as when one commentator
denies allegations about Muhammad contracting a marriage of
convenience with a rich older woman named Khadija: He deeply,
deeply loved Khadija. Oh, and his many marriages were an act of
faith, not of lust. How could anyone know this?

Other apologetics are more consequential. What Muhammad did for
women, viewers learn, was amazing - his condemning female
infanticide, giving legal rights to wives, permitting divorce and
protecting their inheritance rights. But no commentator is so impolite
as to note that however admirable this was in the 7th century,
Muslim women today suffer widely from genital mutilation, forced
marriages, purdah, illiteracy, sexual apartheid, polygamy and honor

The film treats religious beliefs - such as Muhammad's Night
Journey,  when the Quran says he went to heaven and entered the
divine presence - as historical fact. It presents Muslim wars as only
defensive and reluctant, which is simply false. All this smacks of a
film shown by missionaries.

Move to the present and the political correctness is stifling.

Hostility is said to be hurled at American Muslims since 9/11 - but
there's no mention about the prior and vastly greater (foreign)
Muslim hostility hurled at Americans, killing several thousand. The
narrator exaggerates the number of American Muslims,
overestimates their rate of growth and wrongly terms
them the country's most diverse religious community.

But these are details. Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet is an
outrage on two main counts.

* PBS has betrayed its viewers by presenting an airbrushed and
uncritical documentary of a topic that has both world historical and
contemporary significance. Its patronizing film might be fine for an
Islamic Sunday school class, but not for a national audience.

For example, PBS ignores an ongoing scholarly reassessment of
Muhammad's life that disputes every detail - down to the century
and region Muhammad lived in - of its film. This is especially odd
when contrasted with the 1998 PBS documentary, From Jesus to
Christ, which focuses almost exclusively on the  work of cutting-
edge scholars and presents the latest in critical thinking on Jesus.

* The U.S. government should never fund a documentary whose
obvious intent is to glorify a religion and proselytize for it. Doing so
flies in the face of American tradition and law. On behalf of
taxpayers, a public-interest law firm should bring suit against the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting,  both to address this week's
travesty and to win an injunction against any possible repetitions.

To comment on the article, please go to http://www.danielpipes

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To subscribe to or unsubscribe from this list, go to
Daniel Pipes sends out a mailing of his writings approximately twice
per week.

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[CTRL] Soldiers say U.S. let Taliban general go

2002-12-18 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

 Hmmm, I wonder if the commander of Task Force 180 has a fat
new secret Swiss bank account.


December 18, 2002
Soldiers say U.S. let Taliban general go
By Rowan Scarborough

 U.S. troops say that the military mistakenly released one of the
most-wanted Taliban leaders in Afghanistan in the summer based
on faulty intelligence.

 U.S. Special Forces soldiers said that in late July, a Green Beret
A-Team, backed by about 20 local Afghan fighters, apprehended
Mullah Akhter Mohammed Osmani as he left his compound at
daybreak in a town west of Kandahar. Soldiers identified him as
Osmani, handcuffed him and brought him by truck to Kandahar.

 Osmani, among the top six most-wanted Taliban, was flown to a
detention center at Bagram air base, north of Kabul, for
interrogation, the Special Forces soldiers said. He was one of the
Taliban's top generals, leading thousands of troops as coalition
forces ousted the hard-line regime.

 But, according to these soldiers, Task Force 180 — the overall
command in Afghanistan — released Osmani a few weeks later.

 U.S. government spokesmen expressed skepticism about the
soldiers' account in written responses to The Washington Times.

 The Times sources maintain their account is accurate. Two Army
soldiers and a senior administration official said in interviews that a
U.S. intelligence report placed Osmani in another location after his
apprehension. This led to his release.

 Rather than return to his village, Osmani quickly fled to Pakistan,
where he remains today, military officials said.

 A spokesman for U.S. Central Command, which runs operations
in Afghanistan, declined to comment on questions submitted by The

 Col. Roger King, chief spokesman for Task Force 180 in
Bagram, said, We don't discuss specifics of persons captured,
neither names nor nationalities. I will tell you that Osmani is one of
those we seek.

 Col. King quoted Lt. Gen. Dan K. McNeill, the task force
commander, as saying, If we had captured Osmani we would still
have him.

 Asked if a detainee by the name of Akhter Osmani had been
listed at the detention center in the summer, Col. King referred to
Gen. McNeill's statement.

 The Defense Intelligence Agency, which coordinates the
distribution of information to commanders, said in a statement, DIA
has no knowledge that Mullah Akhter Mohammed Osmani was ever
in U.S. custody in Afghanistan. Given Osmani's high profile and our
interest in detaining him, misidentification by experienced personnel
is unlikely.

 The soldiers and the administration official, however, are
convinced that the United States had Osmani, then mistakenly let
him go. They asked not to be identified for fear of reprisal from

 Osmani is one of a handful of top former Taliban leaders trying to
organize a guerrilla force of fellow militants to disrupt the U.S.-
backed government of Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan.

 The list of the six most-wanted Taliban also includes former
group supreme leader Mullah Mohammed Omar; Mullah Omar's top
aide, Tayeb Agha; and top military commander, Jalaluddin Haqqani.
 Mullah Omar is believed to be in hiding in his native Uruzgan
Province, an area riddled with drug traffickers and Taliban
supporters north of Kandahar.

 Helmand Province, famous for its poppy crop, also was a haven
for Taliban fighters in the summer, when informants told Special
Forces soldiers that Osmani had returned to his home in the

 The former general was living in a compound in the village of
Sangin, west of Kandahar, under the protection of Helmand power
brokers, the Afghan informants said.

 Right after the sweep through the country in the early spring,
they ran, said one soldier. But after time when it became obvious
we were not actively looking for these people, they returned home or
back to the areas they lived in.

 A Special Forces team traveled by night, via trucks, to the town.
They kept the house under surveillance until the man believed to be
Osmani emerged to walk to the local mosque.

 The man carried some type of old Taliban identification card that
contained his picture and the name Osmani, and the name of
Osmani's father. He also had burn scars on his chest that matched
intelligence data, the soldiers said.

 His Afghan companion was searched. Large amounts of cash in
Pakistan's currency were found in secret, sewed compartments.
 The man identified as Osmani refused to give his name, saying
only in his native Pashtun, Praise is God.

 He was on our list of Taliban to kill, capture or disrupt, the HVT
[high value target] list, said one soldier. He was in Osmani's
house. His ID said he was Osmani.

 The one discrepancy was that he appeared too young.
 Intelligence reports put Osmani at about age 40. This man was in
his early 30s.

 Still, soldiers said

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) PBS, Recruiting for Islam

2002-12-18 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

 * The U.S. government should never fund a documentary whose
 obvious intent is to glorify a religion and proselytize for

Pipes' use of the words should and never demonstrate an inability to see
the world in other than controlled black-and-white duality/polarity terms.
He has lots of company in that regard.

His book on conspiracy may be the most boring one I have tried to choke

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) PBS, Recruiting for Islam

2002-12-18 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Funny words from a time when my television shows me the president reading
Christmas stories to kids, big trees being lit up, movies inhabited by Santa
Claus and Jesus, and a promotion of a Christian shopping frenzy that would
make feeding sharks cringe.

How many shows about Jesus talk about his fucking a hooker he never intended
to marry?

How many examine the possibility of gay overtones amongst some of the

How many, while examining Christianity talk about how every crusade began
with a massacre of the Jews in the crusaders home towns?

How many examine the pogroms and killings every Easter and Christmas?

How many treat Jesus' lineage, resurrection, words and deeds as historical

In this season of non-stop Christian hoohah, it's nice to see ANYONE else
paid a modicum of attention to.

on 12/18/02 7:54 AM, klewis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Forwarded message follows ---

 PBS, Recruiting for Islam
 by Daniel Pipes
 New York Post
 December 17, 2002


 What would be the best way to convert lots of Americans to Islam?
 Forget print, go to film. Put together a handsome documentary with
 an original musical score that presents Islam's prophet Muhammad
 in the most glowing manner, indeed, as a model of perfection.
 Round up Muslim and non-Muslim enthusiasts to endorse the
 nobility and truth of his message.

 Splice in vignettes of winsome American Muslims testifying to the
 justice and beauty of their Islamic faith. Then get the U.S. taxpayer
 to help pay for it.

 Show it at prime time on the most high-minded TV network. Oh, and
 screen it at least once during the holidays, when anyone out of
 synch with Christmas might be especially susceptible to another
 religion's appeal.

 This is precisely what the producers of Muhammad: Legacy of a
 Prophet have done. In a documentary The Washington Post calls
 absorbing, . . .  enjoyable and informative, exotic images of the
 desert and medieval miniatures mix with scenes of New York City
 and the American flag. Born- and convert-American Muslims speak
 affectingly about their personal bond to their prophet.

 The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) will premiere this two-hour
 documentary across the nation tomorrow night, then repeat it in
 most areas.

 The film's largest tranche of funding comes from the Corporation for
 Public Broadcasting, a private, nonprofit corporation created by
 Congress that in fiscal 2002 received $350 million in taxpayers'

 The heart of the film consists of nine talking heads competing with
 each other to praise Muhammad the most extravagantly. Not one of
 them criticizes him.

 Some of their efforts are laughable, as when one commentator
 denies allegations about Muhammad contracting a marriage of
 convenience with a rich older woman named Khadija: He deeply,
 deeply loved Khadija. Oh, and his many marriages were an act of
 faith, not of lust. How could anyone know this?

 Other apologetics are more consequential. What Muhammad did for
 women, viewers learn, was amazing - his condemning female
 infanticide, giving legal rights to wives, permitting divorce and
 protecting their inheritance rights. But no commentator is so impolite
 as to note that however admirable this was in the 7th century,
 Muslim women today suffer widely from genital mutilation, forced
 marriages, purdah, illiteracy, sexual apartheid, polygamy and honor

 The film treats religious beliefs - such as Muhammad's Night
 Journey,  when the Quran says he went to heaven and entered the
 divine presence - as historical fact. It presents Muslim wars as only
 defensive and reluctant, which is simply false. All this smacks of a
 film shown by missionaries.

 Move to the present and the political correctness is stifling.

 Hostility is said to be hurled at American Muslims since 9/11 - but
 there's no mention about the prior and vastly greater (foreign)
 Muslim hostility hurled at Americans, killing several thousand. The
 narrator exaggerates the number of American Muslims,
 overestimates their rate of growth and wrongly terms
 them the country's most diverse religious community.

 But these are details. Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet is an
 outrage on two main counts.

 * PBS has betrayed its viewers by presenting an airbrushed and
 uncritical documentary of a topic that has both world historical and
 contemporary significance. Its patronizing film might be fine for an
 Islamic Sunday school class, but not for a national audience.

 For example, PBS ignores an ongoing scholarly reassessment of
 Muhammad's life that disputes every detail - down to the century
 and region Muhammad lived in - of its film. This is especially odd
 when contrasted with the 1998 PBS documentary, From Jesus to
 Christ, which focuses almost exclusively on the  work of cutting-
 edge scholars and presents the latest in 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) PBS, Recruiting for Islam

2002-12-18 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: thew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 In this season of non-stop Christian hoohah, it's nice to see
 ANYONE else
 paid a modicum of attention to.

Ah, but the Christians (like all religious fanatics) are RIGHT. Just ask

Religion is a greater threat than any world government I can imagine.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-12-18 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


The storm that knocked out our power also blew apart many of the
decorations for year 2000 in little Lathus. Even in their prime, they
looked rather feeble. Now they are pathetic.

As we drove up to the church at Bourg Archambault, we found that the wind
had also knocked over the cross in front of the church. There was the
Nazarine, still nailed to the cross. But the cross was lying on the ground.
Father Marchand took it as a good sign. But everything is a good sign to
him. Every storm portends fair weather.

He is a stopped clock. A perpetual optimist. A perma-bull on the
perfectibility of man and the triumph of good over evil.

But, beginning in December 1937...only 65 years ago...the world was
reminded of what evil was all about. Previous records in political
depravity were broken when the devil worked overtime for a six-week period.
When it was over, an estimated 377,000 people had been slaughtered.

These people, by the way, were not soldiers of the Reich nor draftees of
the Kremlin. They were men, women and children of all ages and party
affiliations. Democrats. Catholics. Confucians. Bricklayers. They shared
one common mistake - they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

These people were not obliterated in an impersonal air- raid...such as the
60,000 thought to have been killed at Dresden or the 200,000 killed at
Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Nor were they killed methodically and systematically as the Nazis and
Bolsheviks usually did with their victims.

Instead, they were put to death one by one...or in small groups. They were
often tortured...degraded...and made to suffer as much as the killers'
imagination made possible. Nothing personal...of course.

Butchery. Barbarity. Bestiality. It is hard to describe what happened in
words that do it justice.

When the Roman legions destroyed Carthage, they took the lives of about
150,000. Timur Lenk killed 100,000 prisoners at Delhi in 1398. He built
towers of skulls in Syria in 1400.

But no cameras recorded the spectacles. The photos in Iris Chang's book
provide evidence against those who believe in the perfectibility of man.
The event in question occurred more than 100 years after the Rights of Man
had been declared. And nearly two millennia after the birth of the Prince
of Peace. The prohibition against murder was well- established in all major
religions. Of course, the victims would have welcomed murder - it would
have been a comfort, like a stop loss in a bear market.

Some of the photos in Iris Chang's book are so revolting that I wish I had
not seen them. Once seen...they could not be ignored. I could barely go on
with my work. One of the photos in The Big Black Book of Communism had the
same effect...I could not look at it again...but it was hard not to recall

You might be tempted to say of the perpetrators of these crimes that they
were animals. Such a comment libels the animal kingdom. No beast of
burden or leisure would do such a thing...

I am talking about the Rape of Nanking, revealed to us in gruesome detail
by Iris Chang's book of the same name. The term Rape fails to convey the
extent of the misery visited on the hapless citizens of Nanking, China in
1937. Rape is not a nice thing...but it hardly describes what the
Japanese Imperial Army under Gen. Iwane Matsui did to the Chinese who fell
into their hands after they took the city of Nanking in 1937.

Though reported in the international press at the time, it was practically
ignored by everyone and quickly forgotten. It was the Nobody of mass

A shame. It might have alerted the world to what was to come.

If Mr. Bewitt were right about being no more than the sum of his
experiences...it is no mystery why the Japanese behaved as they did.
Japan's dominant caste was military...had been for centuries. It sought to
create a race of superior soldiers...with complete confidence in
themselves...and total contempt for the rest of the world. The whole
society had been politicized.

Iris Chang recounts the story of one schoolboy who quivered at dissecting a
frog. Struck by his teacher, he is asked, Why are you crying about one
lousy frog? When you grow up you'll have to kill one hundred, two hundred

The Chinese were deconstructed into chinks...pigs... animals...subhumans.
And enemies of the Imperial Army.

Here's what happened. Just as things couldn't be better for Wall Street
today [in December 1999], they couldn't have been worse for Nanking in
1937. Or so it seemed. And just as everyone is long on the future of NYC,
and America, on the eve of this Christmas season...everyone was short
Nanking back then. Nanking was near a bottom - its quality of life, its
morale, its capital values, even its population...were all sinking fast.

The Chinese army was overtaken by despair. Nothing partakes in group-think
so much as an army. That's why morale is so important to a fighting force.
At Nanking, the Chinese army so oversold 

[CTRL] Fwd: EXPOSE': 9/11 as pretext for extreme agenda

2002-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

"The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the "new Pearl Harbor",
described as "the
opportunity of ages". The extremists who have since exploited 11 September
come from
the era of Ronald Reagan, when far-right groups and "think-tanks" were
established to
avenge the American "defeat" in Vietnam. In the 1990s, there was an
added agenda: to
justify the denial of a "peace dividend" following the cold war.
The Project for the New
American Century was formed, along with the American Enterprise Institute,
the Hudson
Institute and others that have since merged the ambitions of the Reagan
with those of the current Bush regime."
Subject: John Pilger reveals the American plan - New Statesman (London)
16 December
New Statesman (London)
16 December 2002
John Pilger reveals the American plan
Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W.
Bush said what
America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have come
alarmingly true,
writes John Pilger.
The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and individuals
was outlined in
prophetic detail in a document written more than two years ago and
disclosed only recently.
What was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world's
resources, it
said, was "some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl
The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the "new Pearl Harbor", described
as "the
opportunity of ages". The extremists who have since exploited
11 September come from
the era of Ronald Reagan, when far-right groups and "think-tanks" were
established to
avenge the American "defeat" in Vietnam. In the 1990s, there was an
added agenda: to
justify the denial of a "peace dividend" following the cold war.
The Project for the New
American Century was formed, along with the American Enterprise Institute,
the Hudson
Institute and others that have since merged the ambitions of the Reagan
with those of the current Bush regime.
One of George W Bush's "thinkers" is Richard Perle. I interviewed Perle
when he was
advising Reagan; and when he spoke about "total war", I mistakenly
dismissed him as
mad. He recently used the term again in describing America's "war on
terror". "No stages,"
he said. "This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies.
There are lots of them out
there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then
we will do Iraq . . . this is
entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let our vision of
the world go forth, and we
embrace it entirely and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy,
but just wage a total
war . . . our children will sing great songs about us years from now."
Perle is one of the founders of the Project for the New American Century,
the PNAC. Other
founders include Dick Cheney, now vice-president, Donald Rumsfeld,
defence secretary,
Paul Wolfowitz, deputy defence secretary, I Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief
of staff, William J
Bennett, Reagan's education secretary, and Zalmay Khalilzad, Bush's
ambassador to
Afghanistan. These are the modern chartists of American terrorism.
The PNAC's seminal report, Rebuilding America's Defences: strategy,
forces and resources
for a new century, was a blueprint of American aims in all but name.
Two years ago it
recommended an increase in arms-spending by $48bn so that Washington
could "fight and
win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars". This has happened.
It said the United States should develop "bunker-buster" nuclear weapons
and make 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Banks' uncoverable short position in gold is getting noticed

2002-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

11:24p ET Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Note the excerpt below from today's CBSMarketWatch
story headlined Gold prices reach five-year high,
which you can find here:


  Against this backdrop, Weiss Research financial analyst
  Kevin Kerr said he could envision a scenario in which
  investment banks with huge short positions [in gold] are
  going to start feeling the worst kind of squeeze imaginable,
  and they should have to start unwinding their short positions
  in a hurry.

  The investment banks saw an opportunity to short a
  commodity [gold] they felt would never regain its value,
  Kerr explained, adding that their reason was likely based
  on greed and lack of foresight.

  It's a big mistake, he said. Now they're stuck in a big

  The investment banks' move to quickly unwind their short
  positions could light a fire under the price of gold, Kerr
  said, prompting further price spikes.

Word of the vastly underestimated short position in gold is
getting around, thanks to the work of GATA and its friends.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


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[CTRL] The War on Freedom, how and why America was attacked on 9/11

2002-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

Subject: [grc] The War on Freedom, how and why America was attacked on 9/11
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The War on Freedom, how and why America was attacked on 9/11

An interview with the author, Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

NOTE: When Mr. Ahmed was interviewed on KPFK recently over 730 listeners

signed up to become members of the station.

One hour transmission December 18, 15:00 EST

with a repeat on December 25

Parts One and Two, 29 min each

TUC Radio is now on the Pacifica KU Band

Uplink every Wednesday, 15:00 EST, Left Channel

mp3 files at http://www.radio4all.net

Search for tuc


The War on Freedom, how and why America was attacked on 9/11

An interview with the author, Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Two Parts

Very soon after the events of 9/11 questions were raised about the fact

that no planes were sent up to intercept the hijacked planes, about the

insider trading of airline stocks right before the 9/11 attack, the

person of Mohammed Atta and the role of the Pakistani Intelligence


Relatives of some of the victims of 9/11 and some members of Congress

demanded an independent inquiry. Vice President Cheney’s resistance

raised more questions. The November 2002 appointment (and recent

resignation) of Henry Kissinger  to head the commission of inquiry is

considered a scandal by foreign observers and raises even more

questions: What did the Bush administration know about the preparation

of the 9/11 attack and when did they know it?

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is the executive director of the British based

Institute for Policy Development Research. His book, The War on Freedom,

is the most comprehensive effort yet to explore these questions.

You can reach Nafeez Ahmed on his web site www.globalresearch.org

TUC Radio/Maria Gilardin

Box 410009/San Francisco, CA 94141

(415) 861-6962 [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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[CTRL] Voxfux: Propaganda - Theory and Practice

2002-12-18 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

Theory: Propaganda - Theory and PracticePosted by: valis on Dec 13, 2002 - 10:56 PM

 by voxfux - Here's how it's done.With 70% of all capital and human resources that the US government devotes to a given geostrategic objective, going to psychological operations, the propaganda which these Psy-ops are comprised of can be called the single most significant component of what it means to be an American. The level of propaganda is now so, all encompassing, that it becomes safe to say that the totality of American life is merely a simulation. It has been predicted by philosophers and sociologists from Beaudrilliard to McLuhan that this simulation would be our new reality soon. Voxnyc will be bringing you a series on propaganda. Most people associate propaganda with advertising, with partisan opinion heard on talk shows, or with a zealous Sunday morning radio preacher. Indeed, all of these are forms of propaganda, but for the most part they are the least harmful kind because the audience recognizes them as such. The advertiser, for example, clearly wants to sell something, and is trying to keep a particular product or service on the minds of the audience or to make it more appealing to potential consumers. Political commentary is nearly always recognized as such, and while it is intended to persuade its audience, it is far more useful as a means to inform or inspire those already in agreement with the speaker. And audiences likewise recognize that religious programming is intended as much to motivate followers to take a particular course of action (such as donating money) as it is to change the spiritual orientation of non-believers. Thus, they are convinced to embrace the ideas of the speakers or to follow their instructions only if they are already inclined to do so.But there are other types of communication that are far more intrusive -- precisely because audiences tend not to recognize them as propaganda.One example might be false or incomplete news reporting, presented as truth or objective fact. Reports that war has broken out nearby or that a highly-contagious and deadly disease is spreading among the local population would certainly produce a more immediate reaction among large numbers of people than would a commercial for a "new and better" laundry soap or a preacher s plea for money to keep himself on the air.Another way in which propaganda can turn around an unwilling audience is through the process of repetition. At the end of World War II, for example, the people of the United States were not inclined to worry very much about an invasion by the Soviet Union. After all, the Russians had been America s allies during the war. But as the country launched the most massive arms build- up in the history of the world, the Soviet "threat" was stressed again and again -- by government operatives and military leaders, who were soon joined by vast numbers of private organizations, political commentators, intellectuals, entertainers, and, of course, the news media. Though the messages may have differed from one another -- and probably even more so because they did -- the sheer volume of these warnings and the diversity of the sources involved served to confirm in people s minds the reality of the threat. Slogans like "the iron curtain" helped audiences to visualize the "danger." And by the 1950s, bomb shelters and air raid drills were added to the psychological arsenal -- orchestrated not so much to protect the country as to bring about active participation and thus to raise the level of hysteria. The resulting climate of fear justified rapid expansion of military research and arms stockpiling, as well as active combat in far-away places like Korea. Indeed, it was not until people actually saw the brutality of battle on their television screens during the Vietnam conflict that the notion of a "defensive" war on the far side of the globe began to be questioned. So profound, in fact, was the impact of propaganda in the anti-communist era that even after the collapse of the USSR, a large part of the population still wants to believe that America "survived" a great crisis.Indeed, as can be seen from the cold war generally -- and from such incidents as the Cuban missile crisis -- intensive, long-term propaganda tends to be self-fulfilling. Like the arms race that accompanied it, the anti-Soviet mania helped hostilities to flourish and multiply.And while the propaganda of the anti-communist era was designed to facilitate the development of a global US military presence, other types of propaganda are directed more toward social behavior or group loyalties. This was the case in later years of the cold war, when the ideological battleground shifted from Europe to the developing or "non-aligned" world. Covert OperationsHarry Rositzke, a retired chief at the Central Intelligence Agency, described the 

[CTRL] 1984 - The Next Step into Tyranny: Police Cameras In Your House

2002-12-18 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

Government: 1984 - The Next Step into Tyranny: Police Cameras In Your HousePosted by: valis on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 - 09:47 PM IDLW

 "For your safety", or to "help fight crime", or something or other, citizens in England are voluntarily installing mini-cameras in their homes so police can monitor activities."Hopefully, by installing these cameras in the most vulnerable properties, we will be able to catch thieves in the act." When has tyranny not begun voluntarily? 
DARPA is "soliciting innovative proposals to (1) determine whether genetically-determined odortypes can be used to identify specific individuals, and if so (2) to develop the science and enabling technology for detecting and identifying specific individuals by such odortypes." See DARPA's presolicitation notice for the "Odortype Detection Program," December 13, here.Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] drug nation

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-Caveat Lector-

Charles Bowden's new book, Down by the River, is about the DEA's war on
drugs and the murder of Bruno Jordan

‘Drug Nation’

Charles Bowden, chronicler of dusty borders and drug wars, talks about his
new book, Arizona’s underbelly and having a contract out on your head

By Seth Mnookin

  Nov. 20 —  Charles Bowden has made a career out of writing stirring
anthropological studies of American society, with memorable books on
subjects ranging from the American Southwest to Charles Keating.

HIS LATEST WORK, “Down by the River,” just out from Simon  Schuster, is a
wondrous feat of both reporting and writing. In it, Bowden tackles the 1995
shotgun murder of Bruno Jordan, the younger brother of Patrick Jordan, one
of the DEA’s rising stars.
Like all great stories, Bowden uses one small tale to illustrate
many larger truths, pulling back the curtains on the deep corruption in the
Mexican government, the occasional complicity of the United States and the
senseless and brutal violence of the Mexican cartels. “Down by the River,”
has been compared to the movie “Traffic,” and in tracing Bruno’s brother’s
slow decent into despair it does mirror that multifaceted illustration of
the drug world’s many-tentacled reach into American society. But unlike
Hollywood, Bowden has no pat answers or conclusions—Bruno’s murder remains
unsolved—and this book, with its infusion of existential hope, is one of the
great examples of reportage this year. Recently, Bowden talked to NEWSWEEK’s
Seth Mnookin from his home in Arizona.

   NEWSWEEK: This is a pretty labor-intensive book. What got you started
on what turned into a seven-year project?
   Charles Bowden: In 1995, I saw a news clip about the murder of Bruno
Jordan, and I got in my car and went to El Paso. It seemed like this could
be a way to penetrate the absolute tissue of lies that covers everything in
the drug world. I thought maybe I’d write a magazine story. I’d been doing
drug stories for about 10 years as a kind of sideline.

   What got you started writing about drugs?
   I live in Tucson, and in 1985 I started noticing a real change in my
part of the world—suddenly there were Uzis in the backcountry. That’s a big
change from the days when the drug trade around here was some fraternity
boys going down to Mexico to buy a backpack of marijuana. I didn’t realize
at first that this was because they’d [U.S. DEA agents] shut down Florida as
a drug entry point, and Mexico became a real hotspot. And the papers here
just ignored it all, like it would be bad for the town’s image. Right when
this was happening, I started a magazine [City Magazine, in Tucson], partly
out of a sense that I was going to put this on record. So by the time Bruno
came around, I’d already been saturated. This was naked, it was going on
everywhere, people were getting killed all the time. By the time Bruno came
along, I was getting frustrated. I knew Bruno’s brother was a big shot in
the DEA, and I gave him a call, thinking maybe this would be a story big
enough to get to some of the truth.

   And Phil Jordan just agreed to talk like that?
Says Charles Bowden on the war on drugs: Let's be real, if there's a
dangerous drug in our society, it's alcohol
  No, he said he wouldn’t talk unless I came down there, partly
because he wanted to see me and partly because he doesn’t trust talking on
the phone. So I got in my truck and drove down. And here I am, seven years

   When you started this reporting, did you think Bruno Jordan’s murder
would eventually be solved?

 Yes, I 

[CTRL] Fwd: KAL 007

2002-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-


The head of the John Birch organisation was on this flight. He was starting to be 
effective? Pehaps coincidence?
In South Africa , the nationalist government set up the AWB to act as a lightening rod 
for white radical feeling.
It appears that the judeomasonic complex set up the John Birch society for the same 
purpose. However the AWB fell into the hands of a nut called Eugene Terrblanche..who 
no one could control (he could not control himself and ended up beating up blacks 
capriciously and destroying any right wing cohesion) Was the John Birch starting to be 
effective unded the new head?



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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) PBS, Recruiting for Islam

2002-12-18 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector-

But who wants to hear about a MOON GOD and a holy meteor?
On Wednesday, Dec 18, 2002, at 07:16 US/Pacific, Dale Stonehouse wrote:

In this season of non-stop Christian hoohah, it's nice to see
paid a modicum of attention to.

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[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-12-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 To view the entire article, go to 

 List of the 12 Largest U.S. Bankruptcies

 The top 12 U.S. bankruptcies, ranked by assets:P#150; WorldCom Inc., July 21, 
2002; $103.9 billionP#150; Enron Corp., Dec. 2, 2001; $63.4 billionP#150; 
Conseco Inc., Dec. 18, 2002; $52 billionP#150; Texaco Inc., April 12, 1987; $35.9 
billionP#150; Financial Corp. of America, Sept. 9, 1988; $33.9 billionP#150; 
Global Crossing Ltd., Jan. 28, 2002; $25.5 billionP#150; UAL Corp., Dec. 9, 2002; 
$25.2 billionP#150; Adelphia, June 25, 2002; $24.4 billionP#150; Pacific Gas and 
Electric Co., April 6, 2001; $21.5 billionP#150; MCorp., March 31, 1989; $20.2 
billionP#150; Kmart Corp. Jan. 22, 2002, $17.0 billionP#150; NTL Inc., May 8, 
2002, 16.8 billionP#150;#150;#150;PSource: Bankruptcy Data.com, Securities and 
Exchange Commision filings

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[CTRL] Fwd:Thomas H Kean 9/11 committe chief related to Bush, hmm…

2002-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/18/02 6:27:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thomas H Kean

Forwarded Message:

Date:   Wednesday, December 18, 2002 6:27:09 AM

From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linda Minor)

Keeping it in the family.

- Original Message -


Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 5:16 PM

Subject: FW: George Bush, Kean, Livingstone blood relatives!

 They're keeping 9-11 'in the family' -- literally !!

 Here's the article...  note that it's from 1998.


 Metropolitan Desk

 NY Times

 November 23, 1998, Monday

 A Livingston Legacy Revived:

 Speaker-to-Be Has Rich Bloodlines in North and South By DAVID W. CHEN

(NYT) 1902 words Late Edition - Final , Section B , Page 1 , Column 5

ABSTRACT - Article discusses lineage of Livingston family, founded in

America by Robert Livingston; descendants of Livingston family, whose roots

are in New York's Hudson Valley, include many notable political figures,

including Repr Robert L Livingston of Louisiana, who is poised to become

next Speaker of the House; other descendants include Hamilton Fish, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Thomas H Kean and George Bush; photo (M)


  From: Honegger, Barb USA

  Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 5:13 PM


  Subject: George Bush, Kean, Livingston blood relatives!



  - Original Message -


  To: Linda Minor

  Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:36 PM






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DIVKeeping it in the family.

- Original Message -



DIVSent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 5:16 PM
Subject: FW: George Bush, Kean,

Livingstone blood relatives!

 They're keeping 9-11 'in the

family' -- literally !!
 Here's the article...  note that it's from


 Metropolitan Desk
 NY Times

November 23, 1998, Monday
 A Livingston Legacy Revived:

Speaker-to-Be Has Rich Bloodlines in North and South By DAVID W. CHEN

1902 words Late Edition - Final , Section B , Page 1 , Column 5

Article discusses lineage of Livingston family, founded in
America by Robert

Livingston; descendants of Livingston family, whose roots
are in New York's

Hudson Valley, include many notable political figures,
including Repr

Robert L Livingston of Louisiana, who is poised to become
next Speaker of the

House; other descendants include Hamilton Fish, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Thomas

H Kean and George Bush; photo (M)


From: Honegger, Barb USA
  Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 5:13

  Subject: George Bush, Kean, Livingston blood



#00 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px

  DIV style=FONT: 10pt arial- Original Message - /DIV


  style=BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: blackFrom:


  DIV style=FONT: 10pt arialTo: Linda Minor /DIV

  DIV style=FONT: 10pt arialSent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:36







  message from Linda Minor [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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  your own custom email address for FREE! Get [EMAIL PROTECTED] w/No Ads,

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

[CTRL] Charley Reese

2002-12-18 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


The Price Of Israel

The Christian Science Monitor published in its Dec. 9 edition a story about Thomas 
a consulting economist, who said recently that the total cost of U.S. support for 
Israel since
1973 is $1.6 trillion, or twice the cost of the Vietnam War.

This is relevant because the Israelis have just demanded from the U.S. taxpayers 
$4 billion to cover the cost of their oppression of the Palestinians as well as an $8 
loan guarantee.

Ladies and gentleman, there isn't a state in the union that is not facing a financial 
and if the U.S. government caves in yet again to the Israeli lobby on this matter, it 
will be
prima facie evidence of mass insanity or of the worse corruption since the 
administration of
Ulysses S. Grant.

Stauffer made his speech in a lecture commissioned by the U.S. Army War College for a
conference at the University of Maine. He has converted past aid into 2001 dollars and
counts this cost as follows:

Israel has been given $240 billion (remember, this is current dollars), while Egypt 
has been
given $117 billion and Jordan $22 billion as bribes for signing a peace treaty with 

In 1973, when the Arabs attacked Israel in an effort to recover territory taken by 
Israel in
the 1967 war, U.S. support for Israel triggered the oil embargo. This, according to 
kicked off a recession that cost $420 billion of output; the boost in oil prices cost 
billion; the necessity to build a strategic oil reserve, another $134 billion.

He points out that the United States has already guaranteed $10 billion in commercial 
to Israel and $600 billion in housing loans, and he expects the U.S. Treasury will end 
paying for all of these. He goes on and on listing more costs, direct and indirect. 
Israel, for
example, is the only recipient of foreign aid allowed to spend a sizeable percentage 
of the
money on Israeli products rather than American. It's the only country from which our
defense contractors are required to buy a certain amount of Israeli-made equipment. It 
the only foreign country that gets its aid in a lump sum and then invests it in U.S. 
bonds so
that taxpayers not only make an annual gift to Israel but also have to pay Israel 
interest on
that gift.

The fact is that the Israeli government and its powerful lobby have taken advantage of 
good-heartedness of the American people. The American people are generous, but never
generous enough to satisfy Israeli demands for more of our people's hard-earned tax

It is one thing to provide emotional support. It is one thing even to guarantee coming 
to the
defense of another country if it is attacked. It is quite another to undertake the 
subsidy of a foreign country, something our federal government does not even do for its
states. We have all kinds of problems in the United States that need attention. It's 
time to
tell the Israelis We can no longer afford you.

I highly recommend that you read the complete story in the Monitor. It should open your
eyes to a problem that will not be fixed unless the American people make their voices 
in Washington.

If we are going to be forced to subsidize a foreign country, I would rather it be 
France. We
can at least get a decent meal in France and enjoy the art treasures collected there.
Furthermore, France would not involve us in its quarrels.

It's America's policy of absolute support for Israel and Israel's cruel treatment of 
Palestinians that are a big part of our problem with terrorism. We stand convicted in 
eyes of the Muslim world of practicing a double standard by condoning Israel's human-
rights violations and protecting it from international sanctions. That, too, is a 
terrible price
the American people can no longer afford to pay.

© 2002 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] IHT: News Analysis: In EU, France now leads and Germany follows

2002-12-18 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Copyright © 2002 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com

News Analysis: In EU, France now leads and

Germany follows

John Vinocur/IHT IHT
Wednesday, December 18, 2002

PARIS Once again, France and Germany are willfully pushing themselves forward as a team
to lead Europe. This time, as in the days of Gaullist glory decades ago, France has 
the role of senior partner.

So far, the results of the French-German leadership drive are inconclusive. For now, 
rest of the European Union is largely reacting with caution to a series of working 
presented over the last two months that lay out joint proposals for the reorganization 
of the
EU approach to defense, justice, internal security and taxation.

At the same time, open contradictions and rivalries exist between the two countries, 
on economic policy and their performance in the area of defense. Taken together, they
suggest that a perfect French- German embrace may be a wavering prospect.

But what is becoming clear this time around is a new perception of who's in charge in 
relationship. As the two countries restate with seemingly less rote recitation than at 
time since German reunification that Europe cannot move ahead without their common
effort, France appears to be leading a weakened Germany with few current alternatives
other than to go along.

This corresponds to widespread recognition among its allies of Germany's diminished
diplomatic weight. As a result of its count-me-out stance on Iraq, it has undergone a 
total loss of leverage in Washington and the Middle East. Moreover, economically
diminished Germany just does not have the ready cash that for decades bought it 
relevance and, with reunification, the expectation that it eventually would lead 
Europe from

Over the past months, while Germany's policy choices were narrowed by its own doing,
France seized an opportunity to enhance its international role. This year, it stilled 
a policy of
reflex antagonism toward the United States and set a position of open options on Iraq,
including a possible military role, that appeals to many of its European partners.

The perception of renewed French predominance in the pair was clear at the EU summit
meeting in Copenhagen last week when Turkey reacted in rage to a French-German
document, put forward to serve as an EU basic position paper, that would have pushed 
discussion of Turkish entry until 2005.

For Prime Minister Abdullah Gul, it was not a Paris-Berlin axis at the root of the 
trouble, but
France, with the real blackmail coming from Chirac. Attacked as the EU's essential 
broker, the French president, Jacques Chirac, reacted, in turn, exactly as if he were
delegated to speak for Europe. He had no hesitation in lecturing the Turks on the 
spirit of
the community and the EU's requirement of behaving in a polite and civilized manner.

Apart from Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's shaking Turkish leaders' hands after a three-
way meeting with the French and Turks, Germany barely seemed a factor. Indeed,
according to a post-summit meeting editorial in the conservative newspaper Welt am
Sonntag, France showed it has become the uncontested prime mover in Europe.

It is in this mood that the entire membership of the German Bundestag will head to 
Paris on
Jan. 22 for a celebration with their French National Assembly counterparts of the 40th
anniversary of the signature of the Elysee Treaty, reconciling France and Germany 
after 100
years of almost constant war, and creating a partnership presided over then by Charles 
Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer.

Apart from attempting to restore a sense of grand mission and national emotion to a
relationship that stirs little passion in either country's population, the event is 
meant to send
a strong political signal.

Some diplomats think it may include a joint initiative bringing the two countries 
completely into line on the terms of a new European Constitution. This initiative would
probably provide for a single, powerful EU leader and in the process create the 
of France and Germany as twin pillars of the EU in its next phase of development.

But if the neighbors on the Rhine seem content these days to cast themselves as equals 
nominal terms, they are not necessarily so in their prerogatives.

Instead, Anne-Marie Le Gloannec, a political scientist attached to the Marc Bloch 
Center in
Berlin and to the international research unit of the Institut des Sciences Politiques 
in Paris,
judges Schroeder's Germany as having dilapidated its political capital.

Even though it will join the United Nations Security Council in January for a 
vetoless, two-
year rotating term, Le Gloannec said, Germany's position on Iraq deprives it of any

Indeed, she said, Germany projects its weaknesses onto the international scene - in 
of budgetary impotence because 

[CTRL] The New American - Kean in for Kissinger

2002-12-18 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Kean in for Kissinger
by William Norman Grigg

This update to our December 30th cover story will be published in our January 13, 2003

Henry Kissinger’s abrupt resignation from the 9-11 Commission leaves the cover-up in 
hands of an Establishment second-stringer.

Too transparent? Only by exhuming and reanimating Earl Warren could President Bush
have made his intentions clearer, THE NEW AMERICAN opined in our December 30th cover
story on Henry Kissinger (Kissinger: Cover-up King). Warren’s stewardship over the
notorious independent commission to investigate the JFK assassination, we noted, made
his name forever synonymous with ‘cover-up.’ Was Kissinger’s appointment a bit too
obvious? His resignation in the face of mounting criticism, particularly from family 
of 9-11 victims, suggests that this very well could have been the case.
Forced to choose between cementing the 9-11 cover-up, and continuing the cover-up of 
corrupt dealings as an international power broker, Henry Kissinger favored the latter. 
Friday, December 13th, Kissinger informed the White House of his resignation as head of
the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks. The ruling Establishment has a deep 
however. On the following Monday President Bush announced the appointment of former
New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, who, like Kissinger, is a member in good standing of
the Council on Foreign Relations.

Just one day before his unexpected resignation, Kissinger had met with relatives of 
victims to discuss potential conflicts of interest arising from his international 
consulting firm,
Kissinger Associates (KA). As previously reported in these pages (see Kissinger: 
King in our December 30th issue), Kissinger created his consulting firm during the 
1980s in collaboration with Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Eagleburger. The firm gives
secret high-level briefings to an equally secretive list of clients. Essentially a 
form of
matchmaking between foreign rulers and private corporate and banking interests, KA
briefing sessions are conducted orally, with nothing committed to paper.

After President Bush announced Kissinger’s appointment, critics from across the 
spectrum protested that Kissinger’s business contacts with foreign interests created
potential conflicts of interest. Commentators and Democratic politicians demanded that
Kissinger submit financial disclosures detailing any potential conflicts. The 
reflecting its penchant for official secrecy, insisted that because Kissinger was an
uncompensated presidential appointee, he wasn’t required by law to submit a financial
disclosure statement.

However, two reports from the Congressional Research Service concluded that all
commission members would be required to comply with Senate ethics guidelines, including
financial disclosure requirements. This finding prompted former Senator George 
selected by Democratic congressional leaders to serve as commission co- chair, to 
from the panel shortly before Kissinger did.

It’s possible that Kissinger — who exists in a cocoon of privilege — simply believed 
that he
could bluff his way through the conflict-of-interest issue. After all, that strategy 
worked for
his underlings at Kissinger Associates. Lawrence Eagleburger refused to disclose the 
client list during his 1989 Senate confirmation hearings; Eagleburger went on to serve 
assistant secretary of state, and then acting secretary of state, during the first Bush
administration. Nor was Brent Scowcroft required to reveal potential KA-related 
before serving as national security adviser to George Bush (the elder).

Unspecified Assurances

During his December 12th meeting with representatives from 9-11 family groups, 
offered unspecified assurances that his business contacts would not compromise his 
as chairman of the terrorist commission. According to an AP report, Kissinger outlined
procedures he was considering for the commission’s 10 members to disclose potential
conflicts of interest. According to Stephen Push, spokesman for the group Families of
September 11th, the proposed guidelines were designed in such a way that Kissinger 
not be required to release a list of his consulting firm’s clients.

It’s realistic to suspect that Kissinger had hoped to enlist the support of the 9-11 
families as
a way of neutralizing his critics, but they proved less than enthusiastic about 
self-serving proposal. Although Push said that the meeting offered the prospect of a 
working relationship with Kissinger, the families didn’t consider his proposed 
guidelines to be (in Push’s words) an alternative to following the law.

Kissinger outlined the essentials of his proposal in his resignation letter to 
President Bush,
pointing out that he was willing to submit all 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Blanchard Co. sues Barrick and Morgan, charging manipulation of gold price

2002-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

1p ET Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Blanchard  Co., the New Orleans gold coin and bullion
dealer, today brought a federal anti-trust lawsuit accusing
Barrick Gold and J.P. Morgan Chase of illegally
manipulating the gold price. GATA has been in contact
with Blanchard  Co. in recent weeks and will assist the
lawsuit in any way we can. The official announcement of the
lawsuit is appended here. Please distribute it.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

December 18, 2002

News media contact:
Neal R. Ryan (888) 531-4653
Blanchard and Company, Inc., and Save Gold

Barrick Gold Corp. And J.P.Morgan Chase  Co.
Accused Of $2 Billion Illegal Gold Market Manipulation

NEW ORLEANS, La. -- An anti-trust lawsuit filed today accuses
Barrick Gold Corp., Toronto, and J.P. Morgan Chase  Co.,
New York City, of  unlawfully combining to actively manipulate
the price of gold and making (US)$2 billion in short-selling
profits by suppressing the price of gold at the expense of
individual investors.

The suit was filed by Blanchard and Co. Inc. of New Orleans,
the largest retail dealer in physical gold in the United States,
and by Blanchard clients who bought gold bullion.  Blanchard
(www.blanchardonline.com) is paying the costs of the suit,
which asks the federal court to terminate the trading
agreements between Barrick and J.P. Morgan Chase and
other, as yet unnamed bullion banks.  Blanchard believes
its clients have suffered substantial losses as a result of
Barrick's and J.P. Morgan Chase's unlawful price
manipulation, anti-trust violations and unfair trade practices.

Since the end of 1987, when the collaboration between
Barrick and J.P. Morgan began, the growth of global income
and wealth would have lifted the gold price to approximately
$740 if the price had been able to respond to the normal laws
of supply and demand, stated Blanchard's chief executive
officer, Donald W.Doyle Jr.  If gold had kept pace with
inflation, the price today would be approximately $760.

The lawsuit claims that in the past five years Barrick and
J.P. Morgan Chase injected millions of ounces of additional
gold into the market -- additions that were several times as
great as the annual production of every gold mine in South
Africa, the largest gold producing nation in the world.  By
using privately negotiated derivative contracts and
concealing the addition of billions of dollars worth of
(physical) gold with off-balance sheet accounting,
Barrick was able to make it virtually impossible for gold
analysts and investors to determine the size and the
market impact of its trading positions.

The same type of accounting maze that hid Enron's
debts made it possible for Barrick to manipulate the price
of gold without the checks and balances that come from
public scrutiny.  As a percentage of Barrick's total
assets, its off-balance sheet assets make Enron look
like a champion of full disclosure, said Doyle. Is
Barrick a gold mining company, or is it a hedge fund
with a mine out back?

The suit alleges that J.P. Morgan Chase financed Barrick's
repeated short selling with remarkably advantageous
terms not available to others, including deferred
repayments and no margin calls. Doyle said the
short-sales scheme between the bank and Barrick
appears to be the proverbial money for nothing.

Over the past five years, J.P. Morgan Chase loaned
gold to Barrick at approximately 1.5 percent; sold the
gold into the market, and invested the dollar proceeds
at approximately 6.5 percent; then paid both the
proceeds from the sales and the 5 percent interest

[CTRL] 9/11 - Who Knew? Ask Senator Bob Graham

2002-12-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

9/11 - WHO KNEW?
By: Justin Raimondo

Just another boring PBS "Newshour," the droning voices of predictably safe panelists putting us to sleep, when, all at once, we are jolted wide awake:

GWEN IFILL: "Senator Graham, are there elements in this report, which are classified that Americans should know about but can't?"

SEN. BOB GRAHAM: "Yes, going back to your question about what was the greatest surprise. I agree with what Senator Shelby said the degree to which agencies were not communicating was certainly a surprise but also I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States."

So now we have it from a U.S. Senator: a foreign government was involved in 9/11 – and notice his use of the plural: governments. Heavy-lidded Gwen perked up as the Senator spilled the beans:

"I am stunned that we have not done a better job of pursuing that to determine if other terrorists received similar support and, even more important, if the infrastructure of a foreign government assisting terrorists still exists for the current generation of terrorists who are here planning the next plots."

Oh yeah, I sure am shocked – shocked! – to learn, from a government insider no less, that the authorities aren't pursuing this angle. After all, they've been telling us since 9/11 that another terrorist attack – perhaps bigger than the first one – is "inevitable." And they've been saying they're doing everything possible to make sure it doesn't happen again. But, here, let the Senator tell it:

"To me that is an extremely significant issue and most of that information is classified, I think overly-classified. I believe the American people should know the extent of the challenge that we face in terms of foreign government involvement. That would motivate the government to take action."

This isn't the first evidence of state-sponsorship. While the alleged Saudi connection seems dubious, at best – in spite of the strenuous efforts of the War Party to connect 9/11 to Riyadh – over a year ago, you'll recall, Carl Cameron of Fox News reported:

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9-11 attacks, but investigators suspect that they Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are 'tie-ins.' But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, 'evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

They always classify the good stuff. Or else what's the point? But, as I've said all along, this story is too big to stay covered up, and it looks to me like it's about to break. One can only imagine the querulous look on Gwen's face as she asked Graham:

"Are you suggesting that you are convinced that there was a state sponsor behind 9/11?"

GRAHAM: "I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing – although that was part of it – by a sovereign foreign government and that we have been derelict in our duty to track that down, make the further case, or find the evidence that would indicate that that is not true and we can look for other reasons why the terrorists were able to function so effectively in the United States."

A recent news story in Die Zeit, the respected German weekly, leaked information gleaned from French intelligence sources that the Mossad was tracking the hijackers 24/7: "Everything indicates that the terrorists were constantly observed by the Israelis." Der Spiegel and the BBC reported on this, but not a word about it in the American media. They are too busy trying to find the Klan robes in Trent Lott's closet to bother with such a minor story as the possible connection of certain foreign governments to the worst terrorist attack in American history. 

At this point in the interview, Gwen's eyes were practically bugging out of her head, but she managed to blurt out an approximation of the right question:

"Do you think that will ever become public, which countries you're talking about?"

GRAHAM: "It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now. And, we need to have this information now because it's relevant to the threat that the people of the United States are facing today."

It isn't clear if the good Senator knows which countries are involved, or if he's just trying to find out. If the former, he ought to be locked in a room and forced to listen to the complete works of Eminem until he breaks down and let's us little people in on the secret. If the latter, then we ought to wonder why a leading member of the Senate Intelligence Committee has decided to go public with his 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Rape of Nanking

2002-12-18 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


On the days that I don't publish, like today, you receive
Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you to keep
pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and I agree
on most things in the field of economics, so the two letters
reinforce each other.
The Rape Of Nanking

The Daily Reckoning

Baltimore, Maryland

Wednesday, 18 December 2002


*** Jolly old Mr. Claus is a fair-weathered friend...stocks

*** Is property 'the only game in town?' McPaper seems to
think so...

*** 12-second (or less!) loan approvals...from Money Honey to
Mortgage Mama...storms of evil...and more...

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As we write, Bill is somewhere over the Atlantic, hurrying
home to Paris for the holidays. Eric is still enjoying the
white sands and hot sun of Nicaragua...

And so, we bring you a market roundup from our own Addison


Addison Wiggin in Paris with the details...

- Mr. Claus...if it was him...didn't stick around long. Wall
Street watchers witnessed the Dow drop 92 points yesterday,
giving back about half of the jolly one's Monday gifts. The
SP and Nasdaq gave back a couple points too...7 and 8

- At 8535, the Dow is down nearly 15% for the year...and
barring any celestial intervention, is dead set on making
this calendar year number 3 on the short side of (what we
expect will be) a long bear market.

- Phewww...at least there's real estate.

- From time to time, a wave of optimism spreads around the
world like bushfire, Strategic Investment contributor Marc
Faber wrote back in May of this year. People believe that
they are seeing the dawn of a new era, which will bring
unimaginable riches and prosperity to all...[but] once
speculators realize that stocks have hit their peaks, they
shift their funds to another object of speculation.

- Faber, at the time, was talking about the shift of money
out of France after the burst of the Mississippi bubble in
1720 to London, where the South Seas bubble was just getting
underway. The analogy suits today's real estate market, too.

- Although analysts argue whether we're, in fact,
experiencing a speculative wave in real estate prices or
not...Dr. Steve Sjuggerud, for example, suggests that if you
really want a real estate bubble, you should take a look at
Florida in the 1920s. In our opinion, a few of today's
headlines tell the whole story. Here are four picked
seemingly at random:

Early retirements Put Off

Bear Market Shatters Retirement Dreams

Consumers Sell Stocks, Put Money In Real Estate

New Century Announces 12-Second Internet Loan Approvals

- A survey of 1,103 households with individual retirement
accounts, 401(k), pension and stock investments, reads the
first article in Newsday.com, found that 77 percent had lost
money in the stock market 

[CTRL] 9/11: The Case Of The Dancing Israelis

2002-12-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

9/11: The Case Of The Dancing Israelis
Posted by: Anonymous on Dec 17, 2002 - 03:34 PM 

 Those who resist the intense pressure to conform to the offical 9/11 theory the mainstream media is ordering the public to digest were and are considered unpatriotic, evil, a traitor, anti-Semitic, a terrorist, a Bin Laden sympathizer and should be crucified.

Nevertheless, after nearly 9 months of stonewalling and constant avoidance by the American media and by Israeli apologists(this excludes the many courageous Jews/Israelis who oppose the crimes its government commits against the Palestinians) ABC in June of this year finally decided to acknowledge and admit what alternative news sources such as www.Antiwar.com, www.WhatReallyHappened.net along with www.AmericanFreePress.net have been reporting from the beginning: On Tuesday September the 11th 2001, five men working for the Mossad (Israel’s notorious Intelligence agency) were observed and subsequently arrested for celebrating the attacks against America by taking video/photos of themselves with the two World Trade Centers exploding in the background. These men were unable to restrain their joy upon witnessing the murder of thousands of innocent people. 

ABC:The White Van-Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies? 

This ABC 20/20 report is highly sugar-coated and is meant to deflect any justifiable suspicion of possible Israeli (gov) complicity in the attacks against America. Despite the deliberate downplaying of the acts, the report does shed some light on this explosive incident. 

On Tuesday September the 11th 2001, a homemaker who was observing the destruction of the WTCs through her binoculars from her New Jersey apartment building accidentally ended up witnessing something as sinister as the attacks themselves. Through the lens of her binoculars and much to her surprise, she witnessed three men on top of a white van actually taking video/photos of themselves with the Towers at the back drop. “They seem to be taking a movie” the witness noted. You may be asking ‘Fine, what’s wrong with that?’ Making footage of the World Trade Centers’ demise was one thing but to express joy at the attacks and at the deaths of over 2000 people is…something else. The witness further explained, “They were like happy you know…They didn’t look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange.” 

That resulted in the witness jotting down the license plate number of the van and contacting the police. What has to be commended here is the extreme good judgment this witness used, for who would have been exercising their normal judgment and alertness under those circumstances? Soon the FBI got involved and a statewide search was declared on the van which was now identified as the property of a moving company going by the name of “Urban Moving Systems’. The van was located at approximately 4 pm and pulled over by the police. The five young men inside were handcuffed at gunpoint. From the start the police knew something wasn’t right since it was found that one of the men had approximately 4 grand hidden in one of his socks. Another man was found carrying two foreign passports and box cutters were also discovered inside the van as well. 

The five handcuffed men revealed that they were Israelis-much to the astonishment of the officers who were present. Perhaps what’s more astonishing is how one of the men, the driver, in a rather desperate attempt to spin the story and change the subject, declared “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem”. I suppose the 'commit the crime, blame the Muslim' game would come rather naturally to them. The police weren’t buying it however. The five Israelis were taken to jail and the case was now being investigated by the FBI’s Foreign Counter Intelligence section since many agents believed the men were working for the Mossad and were on a spying mission directed at America. Subsequently the FBI searched the offices of ‘Urban Moving Systems’, and seized many paper and electronic documents. The Bureau also questioned the owner of the company. When they attempted to confer with him the second time just a few days later, the owner had already emptied his home, placed it for sale and had fled to Israel. Now that’s fast moving! 

ABC: …But When FBI agents tried to interview him again a few days later, he was gone…The owner had also cleaned out of his New Jersey home, put it up for sale and returned with his family to Israel. 

Translation: the man escaped! If these five Israelis were legit and had nothing to conceal, why did the FBI have such a difficult time in extracting the truth from these men? As a matter of fact, one of the Israelis, P. Kurzberg, absolutely refused to take a lie detector test for ten weeks…only to FAIL it! The 

[CTRL] Pilger: A new Pearl Harbor

2002-12-18 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-

9-11: A New Pearl HarborPosted by: souljah on Dec 18, 2002 - 08:40 PM

 Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true. : John Pilger :12 Dec 2002
More at http://www.memes.org/modules.php?op=modloadname=Newsfile=articlesid=1414mode=threadorder=0thold=0

DARPA is "soliciting innovative proposals to (1) determine whether genetically-determined odortypes can be used to identify specific individuals, and if so (2) to develop the science and enabling technology for detecting and identifying specific individuals by such odortypes." See DARPA's presolicitation notice for the "Odortype Detection Program," December 13, here.Do you Yahoo!?
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Victimology, more priests, waterhouse, UK clergy, Lott=Nickles

2002-12-18 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Victimology Research Database (contents of current victimology research database)  http://www.victimology.nl/

Victims - Attorneys release records on 10 more priests, brothers By Michael Rezendes and Matt Carroll, Globe Staff, 12/17/2002 "On the day of Cardinal Bernard F. Law's first public comments since his resignation as Boston's archbishop, attorneys for victims of clergy abuse yesterday released church records on another 10 priests and religious brothers accused of sexual misconduct. The files include allegations that a religious brother accused of a violent act of sexual molestation taught third grade in the Boston school system; that two priests acted together to molest a 12- or 13-year-old boy, then passed the boy to a third abusive priest..." http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/351/metro/Attorneys_release_records_on_10_more_priests_brothers+.shtml

Government to accept child abuse report recommendations 6/29/00 (Waterhouse report ) "The government is expected to accept all of the recommendations made in the damning Waterhouse report into the sexual abuse of hundreds of children over two decades in North Wales children's homes. The report published in February said that systematic abuse, a climate of violence and a culture of secrecy existed in dozens of children's homesHundreds of children had been physically, sexually or emotionally abused in care homes in North Wales between 1974 and 1990. The inquiry heard from 240 people abused as children in 40 homes but there are thought to be hundreds more victims." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,337768,00.html

Archbishop admits new errors12/17/02 - "Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, admitted new errors in handling clerical abuse cases in his former diocese yesterday, but rejected calls to resign. He was responding to disclosures he allowed a priest investigated for allegedly abusing a nine-year-old girl to return briefly to his parish, despite warnings he was a risk to children. It also emerged the priest, Fr Christopher Maxwell-Stewart, had been flouting an agreement not to conduct regular parish Masses. Moreover, he has been living in a church house opposite a primary school" http://www.unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3?ca=9si=890202amp;issue_id=8504

Lott, Nickles Civil Rights Votes Similar By JIM ABRAMS
ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Don Nickles, the first Senate Republican to suggest that Trent Lott should be replaced as their leader, has built a civil rights voting record that is nearly identical to that of the man he would depose. The NAACP says that over the past decade, Nickles and Lott have voted the same on almost every issue deemed important by the civil rights communityNickles, currently the second-ranked Senate Republican and a past rival for Lott's leadership position, on Sunday became the first GOP senator to call for new leadership elections. "I am concerned that Trent has been weakened to the point that may jeopardize his ability to enact our agenda and speak to all Americans," Nickles said. Since the controversy began, Lott's critics have tried to show that for the past two decades he has consistently voted against civil rights bills. His allies, in turn, have produced records showing that Nickles and Lott are ideological compatriots. In 1983, for example, both Lott, then in the House, and Nickles opposed a new federal holiday commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Lott said the holiday would cost the government too much money and that there were other Americans "more deserving." Nickles unsuccessfully pushed alternatives to a paid holiday, including observing the holiday on a Sunday. That same year both Lott and Nickles backed a Jesse Helms amendment that would have preserved the tax-exempt status of private schools, such as Bob Jones University, which then banned interracial dating. The measure was defeated.-In 1993, both voted to extend the Confederate flag design patent for the Daughters of the Confederacy. The measure was defeated 75-25 -In 1994, both sided with a Helms amendment to strip federal funding from the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday Commission. The amendment was defeated. 
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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) PBS, Recruiting for Islam

2002-12-18 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
as if this is some expose...when was the last time i heard an expose about a pro-christianity broadcast already?
klewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector Forwarded message follows ---PBS, Recruiting for Islamby Daniel PipesNew York PostDecember 17, 2002http://www.danielpipes.org/article/982http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/64772.htmWhat would be the best way to convert lots of Americans to Islam?Forget print, go to film. Put together a handsome documentary withan original musical score that presents Islam's prophet Muhammadin the most glowing manner, indeed, as a model of perfection.Round up Muslim and non-Muslim enthusiasts to endorse thenobility and truth of his message.Splice in vignettes of winsome American Muslims testifying to thejustice and beauty of their Islamic faith. Then get the U.S. taxpayerto help pay for it.Show it at prime time on the most high-minded TV network. Oh, andscreen it at least once during the holidays, when anyone out ofsynch with Christmas might be especially susceptible to anotherreligion's appeal.This is precisely what the producers of "Muhammad: Legacy of aProphet" have done. In a documentary The Washington Post calls"absorbing, . . . enjoyable and informative," exotic images of thedesert and medieval miniatures mix with scenes of New York Cityand the American flag. Born- and convert-American Muslims speakaffectingly about their personal bond to their prophet.The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) will premiere this two-hourdocumentary across the nation tomorrow night, then repeat it inmost areas.The film's largest tranche of funding comes from the Corporation forPublic Broadcasting, a private, nonprofit corporation created byCongress that in fiscal 2002 received $350 million in taxpayers'funds.The heart of the film consists of nine talking heads competing witheach other to praise Muhammad the most extravagantly. Not one ofthem criticizes him.Some of their efforts are laughable, as when one commentatordenies allegations about Muhammad contracting a marriage ofconvenience with a rich older woman named Khadija: "He deeply,deeply loved Khadija." Oh, and his many marriages were "an act offaith, not of lust." How could anyone know this?Other apologetics are more consequential. What Muhammad did forwomen, viewers learn, was "amazing" - his condemning femaleinfanticide, giving legal rights to wives, permitting divorce andprotecting their inheritance rights. But no commentator is so impoliteas to note that however admirable this was in the 7th century,Muslim women today suffer widely from genital mutilation, forcedmarriages, purdah, illiteracy, sexual apartheid, polygamy and honorkillings.The film treats religious beliefs - such as Muhammad's "NightJourney," when the Quran says he went to heaven and entered thedivine presence - as historical fact. It presents Muslim wars as onlydefensive and reluctant, which is simply false. All this smacks of afilm shown by missionaries.Move to the present and the political correctness is stifling.Hostility is said to be "hurled" at American Muslims since 9/11 - butthere's no mention about the prior and vastly greater (foreign)Muslim hostility "hurled" at Americans, killing several thousand. Thenarrator exaggerates the number of American Muslims,overestimates their rate of growth and wrongly termsthem the country's "most diverse" religious community.But these are details. "Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet" is anoutrage on two main counts.* PBS has betrayed its viewers by presenting an airbrushed anduncritical documentary of a topic that has both world historical andcontemporary significance. Its patronizing film might be fine for anIslamic Sunday school class, but not for a national audience.For example, PBS ignores an ongoing scholarly reassessment ofMuhammad's life that disputes every detail - down to the centuryand region Muhammad lived in - of its film. This is especially oddwhen contrasted with the 1998 PBS documentary, "From Jesus toChrist," which focuses almost exclusively on the work of cutting-edge scholars and presents the latest in critical thinking on Jesus.* The U.S. government should never fund a documentary whoseobvious intent is to glorify a religion and proselytize for it. Doing soflies in the face of American tradition and law. On behalf oftaxpayers, a public-interest law firm should bring suit against theCorporation for Public Broadcasting, both to address this week'stravesty and to win an injunction against any possible repetitions.To comment on the article, please go to http://www.danielpipesorg/article/982#commentMost articles are also available online at: http://www.DanielPipes.orgTo subscribe to or unsubscribe from this list, go tohttp://www.danielpipesorg/subscribe.phpDaniel Pipes sends out a mailing of his writings approximately twiceper week.To receive television alerts, event invitations, lecture summaries,and news releases from the Middle East Forum, please sign up forthe 

[CTRL] Outsourcing Big Brother

2002-12-18 Thread Agent Smiley
-Caveat Lector-
~~~as forwarded to me below~
From: "Viviane Lerner" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "Infoshop" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: "Prog. Review" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "KBOO" [EMAIL PROTECTED],"David McReynolds" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 13:42:41 -0800Subject: [Infoshop News] Outsourcing Big BrotherReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.public-i.org/dtaweb/report.asp?ReportID=484L1=10L2=10L3=0L4=0L5=0December 17, 2002Special ReportOutsourcing Big Brother: Office of Total Information Awareness Relies onPrivate Sector to Track AmericansBy Adam Mayle and Alex KnottRELATED COMMENTARYRead the Commentary, Total Information Awareness: A Chance Encounter RaisesQuestionsThe Total Information Awareness System, the controversial Pentagon researchprogram that aims to gather and analyze a vast array of information onAmericans, has hired at least eight private companies to work on the effort.Since 1997, those companies have won contracts from the Defense Departmentagency that oversees the program worth $88 million, the Center for PublicIntegrity has learned.The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which oversees theTotal Information Awareness System (TIA), awarded 13 contracts to Booz Allen Hamilton amounting to more than $23 million. Lockheed Martin Corporationhad 23 contracts worth $27 million; the Schafer Corporation had 9 contractstotaling $15 million. Other prominent contractors involved in the TIAprogram include SRS Technologies, Adroit Systems, CACI Dynamic Systems,Syntek Technologies, and ASI Systems International.TIA itself was first proposed by an employee of a private contractor. JohnPoindexter, who worked on DARPA projects for Syntek, an Arlington, Va.-basedtechnical and engineering services firm, suggested the program in the wakeof the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Poindexter, who headed theNational Security Council during the Reagan administration, was convicted in1990 on five felony counts for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal. Theconvictions were overturned in 1991 because he had been given immunity forhis testimony during the congressional investigation of the affair. On Jan.14, 2002, he returned to the government as the director of the InformationAwareness Office.TIA draws heavily on the private sector. Five of the eight contractorsidentified by the Center are involved in evaluating future contracts for theprogram. Grey E. Burkhart, an associate of Booz Allen Hamilton, identifieshimself on his resume as “assistant project manager” of TIA systemimplementation. Even the phrase “Total Information Awareness” has a privatepedigree—Visual Analytics, Inc., a Poolesville, Md.-based software developerand DARPA contractor, has applied for a trademark for the phrase.In addition, the Center found that at least 24 universities received almost$10 million during the last five years to do research on TIA-relatedprojects. Some of the largest grants went to Cornell University, ColumbiaUniversity and University of California, Berkeley and dealt with the TIA'slanguage translation program, Translingual Information Detection,Extraction, and Summarization.“DARPA doesn’t do any of its own research,” Jan Walker, a spokeswoman forthe agency, told the Center. She also said that DARPA doesn’t requireprivate contractors to share their research solely with DARPA. “Thegovernment benefits when there are commercial applications [from DARPAresearch] because it keeps the cost down,” she said. Any limitations oncommercial use are negotiated “on a case by case basis,” she said, addingthat, “Many of the things DARPA does have commercial applications.”DARPA employs 240 people and oversees a budget of roughly $2 billion,according to its Website. It relies heavily on outside contractors. Some actas “systems engineering technical assistance,” or SETA contractors, whoassist DARPA in “managing the efforts and representing the program withCongress, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the military servicesand/or involved unified commander.” Typical projects involve five to tencontractors, two universities, and budgets between $10 and $40 million.DARPA’s Website also notes that the best program managers—the agency’semployees who oversee the contractors—“have always been freewheeling zealotsin pursuit of their goals…”A lack of oversightCongress, which exercises oversight of the executive branch and themilitary, has not held a single public hearing on TIA and sources on theHill suggested that members know little about it. In a Nov. 22, 2002,letter, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) asked the inspector general of theDefense Department to “conduct a complete and thorough review of the TIAprogram.” Noting that available information regarding TIA was notsufficient, Grassley wrote that “[the Defense Department’s] comments (aboutDARPA) only provide few answers and invite many more questions.”Grassley questioned the parameters and scope of TIA, how Poindexter wasselected to head it, and what protections are in 

[CTRL] How many people are on this list?

2002-12-18 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-

Can somebody please post the number of
people who are on this list?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] How many people are on this list?

2002-12-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/18/2002 5:36:03 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Can somebody please post the number of people who are on this list?

What for?
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Feds Want To See Enron Videotape

2002-12-18 Thread Peat
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

A funny thing happened on 
the way to bankruptcy at Enron and even Dubya and his Pa were in on the act. I'm 
sure the video would make for a great stocking stuffer for those that lost their 
jobs and life savings because of the companies now infamous financial debacle. 
Oh and I am quite sure that those people that lost their jobs are also so 
enjoying that clever "Let It 
Snow" Heineken commercial too! Maybe Heineken just wants to help those 
people out of their misery by recommending drinking more, I don't know. 

  Feds Want To See Enron Videotape
  HOUSTON -- Skits and jokes by a few former Enron Corp. executives at 
  a party six years ago were funny then, but now border on bad taste in light of 
  the events of the past year.
  A videotape of a January 1997 going-away party for former Enron President 
  Rich Kinder features nearly half an hour of absurd skits, songs and 
  testimonials by company executives and prominent Houstonians, the Houston 
  Chronicle reported in its Monday editions. 
  The collection is all meant in good fun, but some of the comments are 
  ironic in the current climate of corporate scandal. 
  In one skit, former Administrative Executive Peggy Menchaca played the part 
  of Kinder as he received a budget report from then-President Jeff Skilling, 
  who played himself, and Financial Planning Executive Tod Lindholm. 
  When the pretend Kinder expressed doubt that Skilling could pull off 600 
  percent revenue growth for the coming year, Skilling revealed how it could be 
  "We're going to move from mark-to-market accounting to something I call 
  HFV, or hypothetical future value accounting," Skilling joked as he read from 
  a script. "If we do that, we can add a kazillion dollars to the bottom line." 
  Richard Causey, the former chief accounting officer who was embroiled in 
  many of the business deals named in the indictments of other Enron executives, 
  made an unfortunate joke later on the tape. 
  "I've been on the job for a week managing earnings, and it's easier than I 
  thought it would be," Causey said, referring to a practice that is frowned 
  upon by securities regulators. "I can't even count fast enough with the 
  earnings rolling in." 
  Joe Sutton and Rebecca Mark, the two executives credited with leading Enron 
  on an international buying spree, did a painfully awkward rap for Kinder, 
  while former Enron Broadband Services President Ken Rice recounted a 
  basketball game where employees from Enron Capital  Trade beat Kinder's 
  Enron Corp. team, 98-50. 
  "I know you never forget a number, Rich," Rice said. 
  President George W. Bush, who then was governor of Texas, also took part in 
  the skit, as did his father. 
  At the party, the younger Bush pleaded with Kinder: "Don't leave Texas. 
  You're too good a man." 
  The governor's father also offered a send-off to Kinder, thanking him for 
  helping his son reach the governor's mansion. 
  "You have been fantastic to the Bush family," the elder Bush said. "I don't 
  think anybody did more than you did to support George." [more]

  Need a 
  .::DiVERSiONZ ::.A Weapon of Mass 
  Mail Diversionz: 

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Journalists are under fire for telling the truth

2002-12-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Robert Fisk: Journalists are under fire for telling the truth
18 December 2002

First it was Roger Ailes, the chairman of the Fox News Channel, who advised the US President to take the "harshest measures possible" against those who attacked America on 11 September, 2001.

Let us forget, for a moment, that Fox News's Jerusalem bureau chief is Uri Dan, a friend of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the author of the preface of the new edition of Sharon's autobiography, which includes a revolting account of the Sabra and Chatila massacre of 1,700 Palestinian civilians and Sharon's innocence in this slaughter. Then Ted Koppel, one of America's leading news anchormen, announced that it may be a journalist's duty not to reveal events until the military want them revealed in a new war against Iraq.

Can we go any further in journalistic cowardice? Oh yes, we can. ABC television announced, a little while ago, that it knew all about the killing of four al-Qa'ida members by an unmanned "Predator" plane in Yemen but delayed broadcasting the news for four days "at the request of the Pentagon." So now at least we know for whom ABC works.

The Pentagon said that the murdered men – and let's not lose sight of the "murdered" bit, though that's not the word ABC used – were between "two to 20" of the top ranks of al-Qa'ida. Really? So were they numbers two, three, four and five in al-Qa'ida? Or numbers 17,18,19 and 20? Who cares? The press are onside. Don't ask who is resisting forthcoming US censorship of the Iraq war. Ask who is first to climb aboard the bandwagon.

In Canada, the situation is even worse. Canwest, owned by Israel Asper, owns over 130 newspapers in Canada, including 14 city dailies and one of the country's largest papers, the National Post. His "journalists" have attacked colleagues who have deviated from Mr Asper's pro-Israel editorials. As Index on Censorship reported, Bill Marsden, an investigative reporter for the Montreal Gazette has been monitoring Canwest's interference with its own papers. "They do not want any criticism of Israel," he wrote. "We do not run in our newspaper op-ed pieces that express criticism of Israel and what it is doing in the Middle East..."

But now, "Izzy" Asper has written a gutless and repulsive editorial in the Post in which he attacks his own journalists, falsely accusing reporters of "lazy, sloppy or stupid" journalism and being "biased or anti-Semitic". These vile slanders are familiar to any reporter trying to do his work on the ground in the Middle East. They are made even more revolting by inaccuracies.

Mr Asper, for example, claims that my colleague Phil Reeves compared the Israeli killings in Jenin earlier this year – which included a goodly few war crimes (the crushing to death of a man in a wheelchair, for example) – to the "killing fields of Pol Pot". Now Mr Reeves has never mentioned Pol Pot. But Mr Asper wrongly claims that he did.

It gets worse. Mr Asper, whose "lazy, sloppy or stupid" allegations against journalists in reality apply to himself, states – in the address to an Israel Bonds Gala Dinner in Montreal, which formed the basis of his preposterous article – that "in 1917, Britain and the League of Nations declared, with world approval, that a Jewish state would be established in Palestine". Now hold on a moment. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 did not say that a Jewish state would be established. It said that the British government would "view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." The British refused to use the words "Jewish state".

This may not matter much to lazy writers like Mr Aspen. But when it comes to the League of Nations being involved, we really are into mythology. The League of Nations was created after the First World War – had it existed in 1917, it might have stopped the whole war – and Mr Asper is simply wrong (or, as he might have put it, "lazy, sloppy or stupid") to suggest it existed in 1917.

At no point, of course, does Mr Asper tell us about Israeli occupation or the building of Jewish settlements, for Jews and Jews only, upon Arab land. He talks about "alleged Palestinian refugees" – about as wrongheaded a remark as you can get – and then claims that the corrupt and foolish Yasser Arafat is "one of the world's cruel and most vicious terrorists for the past 30 years". He concluded his speech to Israel's supporters in Montreal with the dangerous request that "you, the public, must take action against the media wrongdoers".

Wrongdoers? Is this far from President Bush's "evildoers"? What in the hell is going on here?

I will tell you. Journalists are being attacked for telling the truth, for trying to tell it how it is. American journalists especially. I urge them to read a remarkable new book published by the New York University Press and edited by John Collins and Ross 

[CTRL] Nazi war crimes files: a clarification [Ravnitzky]

2002-12-18 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-

Cross-posted from H-ANTISEMITISM

By Michael Ravnitzky , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
December 18, 2002

The purpose of this note is to clarify a previous announcement of a
list of
Nazi War Crimes related FBI Files being transferred from the FBI to
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and to identify
existence of additional Japanese War Crimes FBI files being


The main three clarifications are that the release of the records
will be
delayed because of agency reviews -- the CIA and OSI may redact or
hold back
entirely some of these files -- and that there are a substantial
number of
Japanese War Crimes related files in a separate list.

A staff member at the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Records
Interagency Working Group (hereafter Interagency Working Group, or
IWG) was
concerned because I distributed the entire list of Nazi War Crime FBI
transferred to NARA via IWG.  I obtained this list through proper
The IWG thinks that only a portion of the records may ultimately
available, and in this respect the list might be misleading.  In my
it is useful for researchers to see which files are NOT opened as
well as
which files become opened.

In any case, I agreed to distribute this clarification.  I would
if you could forward on this note to anyone to whom you sent the
note or list.


My original message said that these files would be opened in January
This is incorrect.  According to an IWG press officer,


these records will be opened in due course at an undefined date after
materials have been processed by the IWG.  The IWG says that:

1) The materials must be reviewed for CIA equities (material of CIA

2) The materials must be reviewed for material of concern to the
Office of
Special Investigations (hereafter OSI).  OSI is the branch of the
of Justice Criminal Division that investigates and deports people who
part in Nazi-sponsored acts of persecution; and


3)   The National Archives must preserve the most fragile records for
handling by researchers (such as placing onionskin or thermofax
paper  between mylar sheets).

These steps will take additional time and will likely delay the
release of
the records to an unspecified degree.  However, the IWG says that
they don¹t
plan to wait until all the processing is complete, they plan to
release the
records at the National Archives on a rolling basis, that is the
will be released in batches as the reviews are completed.


NARA has received an important group of Japanese War Crimes Files
from the
FBI.  However, the IWG has not released a list of the Japanese War
FBI files it received, saying that it would be premature to release
the list
of transferred records.

According to the October 24, 2002 meeting minutes of the IWG (soon to
posted at


The FBI reported that it had completed its review of Japanese
documents in
August 2002.  After screening 127, 085 pages, 71,485 were determined
to be
relevant and transferred to NARA.

An interesting interim report on the Japanese War Crimes records is



In my opinion, the IWG should release the list of transferred
records so researchers can ascertain which records are kept closed
when the
records eventually become public.  As I understand it, a major
of archival records management is that researchers in a particular
set should be provided a sense of which records from the collection
are not
available.  The strategy of not informing the public of the records
were to be sequestered and removed from the open collection is not
correct one, in my humble opinion.

If there are criminal prosecution concerns relating to OSI efforts,
intuition tells me that the public interest in opening these records
(after 55 years) outweighs any concern about jeopardizing OSI
and subsequent deportations in a handful of cases.  Whether I am
right or
wrong, this debate deserves to occur in the public domain.

I encourage interested parties to attend the next meeting of the IWG,
planned for January or more likely February.  IWG meetings are open
to the
public.  You can get information on the date of the next IWG meeting
contacting IWG at:


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2002-12-18 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 16:19:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PARTY-OF-GOD] LYING Moron!

Forget about complete or incomplete reports or other obfuscations, Moron.
All along you have said that you have proof of weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq. So just pick up the phone and tell Blix where to stage the next
surprise visit by UN inspectors. As long as the UN comes out of this with
proof that there are no weapons of mass destruction, as expectedly it
will, then this PEACE PROCESS is a success. What excuses will you then
make to play your role as world terrorist leader and filthy evil-doing
liar, thief and murderer?


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This is ARMAGEDDON as General Scowcroft has called it; the APOCALYPSE as others have 
called it. But the WHITEHOUSE and U-S-A Congress have chosen the FATE OF THE WORLD!

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: The Homosexual Link To Pedophilia -- December 18, 2002

2002-12-18 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
Subject: Fwd: The Homosexual Link To Pedophilia -- December 18, 2002
Date: 12/18/02 3:38:46 PM

  From:   News at AIM [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject:The Homosexual Link To Pedophilia -- December 18, 2002
  Date:   Wed, 18 Dec 2002 14:38:46 -0700

 Image ImageImage

   ImageImage ImageImage ImageImage


  Read or Listen to
  AIM's Latest Media
  Monitor: The
  Homosexual Link To
  December 18, 2002

   Wednesday December 18, 2002

   Click Here  Return With Us
   Now to Those Thrilling Days
   of Yesteryear

   No matter how you feel about
   Al Gore's political future,
   or Trent Lott's, it may give
   you pause to consider the
   venues required for their

   final acts: Saturday Night
   Live and BET.
   December 18, 2002
   Click Here
   Generation Warfare: Coming
   No one should forget that we

   are fighting a War on
   Terrorism. The threat is
   still very much present no
   matter our success (or
   failure) in Afghanistan in
   taking on the Taliban and Al

   December 18, 2002
   Click Here
   Bob Simon
   Markets His Anti-War Bias
   CBS News correspondent Bob
   Simon is against a war on

   Iraq. He has said so
   publicly, and on 60 Minutes
   recently, he resorted to
   some of the same Madison
   Avenue tricks to promote his
   views that he accuses the

   Bush administration of using
   to sell the American people
   on such a war.
   December 11, 2002

 Image   ConservativeMall.com Banner

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   subscribers of Accuracy In
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Ariel Cohen, American Hero

2002-12-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 18, 2002
Ariel Cohen, American Hero

Those who fret over foreign entanglements may want to avoid glancing at the resume` of National Review Online contributor Ariel Cohen. Mr. Cohen has led an admirably itinerant life. Born in Yalta, with eleven years of Israeli residency to his credit, Mr. Cohen might not seem like the first person you'd contact for US foreign policy advice. But there he is, safely ensconced in the CFR and the Heritage Foundation, with a tidy sinecure as research fellow in Russian and Eurasian Studies in the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies. 

Talk about your immigrant success stories! It is perhaps fitting that America, having dumped its manufacturing base in favor of importing cheap and shoddy goods from foreign lands, has opted to do the same for its intellectual class. Mr. Cohen, according to his bio on the Heritage Foundation's website, is "a passionate debater on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. In numerous television appearances and opinion articles, Cohen has made the case that no peace will exist in the Middle East as long as Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority continue to encourage or ignore terrorist attacks on Israel, perpetrated by Arab extremist groups."

What a refreshing viewpoint! You certainly don't get enough pencil-necked geeks who couldn't win fistfights squawking fitfully on cable news shows about "Israel's right to defend itself" (with US armaments, of course). These folks are akin to those who claim they have a right to sleep with prostitutes paid off by the Washington regime.

What's that, you say? No one actually claims that Washington should pay for their patronage of whores, with the possible exception of members of that government? Well, of course. It's absurd to think that anyone could make the case that government-subsidized prostitution was "good public policy." After all, everyone knows the feds can't underwrite sex. They can only underwrite death.

And death, of course, is where the spectral Ariel Cohen comes in. For Mr. Cohen seems to know that death is coming before the rest of us. For example, his Heritage bio claims that he urged Congress to "offer to help Russia and China in countering the efforts of radical Islamic groups in Central Asia, including the Taliban and the Osama bin Laden organization." Golly, what foresight! It's as if Cohen, urging a preemptive strike, somehow knew the threat Al Qaeda posed even before our own government.

Of course, I don't mean to imply that there is any way in which Mr. Cohen's love for America could be doubted. Indeed, this American patriot showed his true feelings for his country in a playful little piece for NR Online entitled "Privatize Iraqi Oil", in which he comes off as the policy-wonk tagalong brother of Ken Adelman.

Like the aforementioned Adelman, Cohen feels free here to riff on language, displays a marked insouciance toward both language and war itself. In Cohen's reckoning, "the U.N. Security Council is caught up in a chain of events that is likely to end up in removal of Saddam Hussein's regime" that -- coincidentally enough -- requires the Bush team to "plan for the future of a post-Saddam Iraq." Well, of course, we're the indispensable nation and all. The ever-pragmatic Cohen cautions that "Sound economics are needed to help the Iraqi people rebuild their lives and their country after two decades of wars and four decades of repression under the current regime."

It goes without saying that Cohen's not here to give us a history lesson. The point of his piece is the future. That said, consider his CFR-approved version of how Iraq met its current dire economic circumstances:

Saddam's regime has succeeded in bankrupting the country even though it boasts the world's second-largest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia. . .GDP for 2001, at the market-exchange rate, is estimated to be only about one-third what it was in 1989. Iraq also is hobbled by its $140 billion foreign debt. This devastation was wrought by such policies as the nationalization of the country's chief export commodity, oil; extensive central planning of industry and trade; the 1982-1988 war against Iran; and the invasion of Kuwait, which precipitated the 1991 Gulf War.

To hear Cohen tell it, there never were economic sanctions or repeated bombing runs over what passes for Iraq's sovereign territory. The implication is that "nationalization" and "central planning" were the chief causes of Iraq's current condition. The facts run so contrary to Cohen's assessment that it seems less necessary to refute them than to simply point out how blatantly disingenuous his rewriting of history is here. His confidence in telling such lies only underscores his knowledge that the system is rigged such that the voices of genuine pacifism will never get a fair hearing.

For Cohen is a war hawk. As long as he doesn't 

[CTRL] Sander Hicks

2002-12-18 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel is Number One in so many ways- including most spies in the US

2002-12-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israel is Number One in so many ways- including most spies in the US
by Spy-Swatter 
• Tuesday December 17, 2002 at 07:28 PM

James Bond, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Secret Agent Man, all these fantasy spy films peaked our imagainations. Now, reality is far stranger and scarier than fiction! Who needs fantasy these days when you can read about real life sinister spies living here amongst us in the United States. As with many things, Israel leads the list of the biggest spy ring ever exposed in the US.

It's amazing. Israel leads the whole world in so many things! Here's just a partial list: 

Number One country for CYBER TERRORISTS, followed by Hong Kong, and France. 

Number One country for the only APARTHEID in existence in today's modern world. 

Number One country for the last remnant of European colonialism, where the indigenous people, the Palestinians, are not only subjugated, but constantly pressured to MOVE or do something desparate like blow themselves up. 

Number One recipient of US tax dollars by far!!! Besides the usual $6 Billion a year, right now they are negotiating for another $14 Billion!!! 

Number One for its Lobby groups and PACs in the US. 

Number One for spreading it's propaganda in the US. What other country employs a full time PR firm to keep reminding us that Israel is "the only democracy in the Middle East"? I guess they think if they tell us enough times, we'll actually believe them! 

Number One in the number of those of dual citizenship as in "American-Israeli". 

Number One in number of spies here in the USA. There is a ton of information on the Israeli spies and Israeli duplicity on this website: http://antiwar.com/israelfiles2.html 

With this kind of stuff, who needs to rent videos? Scary stuff. 

Our government is seriously compromising Americans' best interests by supporting the apartheid country of Israel. We must send in troops, like we did in Kosovo, to ensure that Israel is transformed into a true democracy, with equal rights for all, including all 5.5 Palestinian refugees. And the country should be renamed Palestine-Israel. It was Palestine for thousands of years, and there is absolutely no good reason why Palestinians should have to give up that name, just because the European UN decided so. Time to create something new. Make new history. This time with a sense of true justice for all, including the indigenous Palestinian people. 
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) [I-S] (fwd) Jordan queen's decree stirs tempest over cit

2002-12-18 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

I don't think Queen Rania intended to create a problem, says Oraib
Rantawi, a prominent Palestinian-Jordanian academic recently recruited
to advise King Abdullah.  But we have many extreme nationalists who
don't want Palestinians to be Jordanians.

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Subject:[I-S] (fwd) Jordan queen's decree stirs tempest over
citizenship rights


December 17, 2002

Jordan queen's decree stirs tempest over citizenship rights

Move highlighted tensions over stateless Palestinian population

By Nicolas Pelham | Special to The Christian Science Monitor

AMMAN, JORDAN - When the world's youngest and hippest queen stepped to
the podium of the Arab Women's summit in Amman last month, few imagined
that her decree - giving Jordanian women the same rights as men to pass
on their nationality to their children - was more than a naive impulse
to loosen the bonds of tradition in her conservative kingdom.

But now Queen Rania's first foray into politics has stirred a hornet's
nest among Jordan's Bedouin tribesmen, and threatens to alienate a
people who have for decades been the foundation of the Hashemite royal
family's security force and political support.

The uproar erupted after tribesmen objected that Rania's decree would
hand citizenship to hundreds of thousands of stateless Palestinians born
to Jordanian-Palestinian mothers.  The Palestinian-born queen, they
argued, had a hidden agenda: to tilt the fragile demographic balance in
this country of six million toward a Palestinian majority.

I don't think Queen Rania intended to create a problem, says Oraib
Rantawi, a prominent Palestinian-Jordanian academic recently recruited
to advise King Abdullah.  But we have many extreme nationalists who
don't want Palestinians to be Jordanians.

Three generations after Israel's war of independence sent the first
Palestinian refugees spilling into Jordan, the Arab world is still
wrestling with the problem of how far to absorb a migrant people, many
of whom still live in camps.  Humanitarian concern at the refugees'
50-year plight is balanced by Palestinian fears that full integration
would soften the struggle for the Palestinian right of return - and turn
countries with small indigenous populations like Lebanon and Jordan into
quasi-Palestinian states.  We are not male chauvinists, says Nahid
Hatr, a spokesman for advocates of East Bank supremacy.  But we don't
want the world to solve the Palestinian refugee crisis at our expense.

To spare the queen embarrassment, and to avoid further alienating the
Palestinians who make up the majority of the country's population,
Jordan's cabinet last week moved to defuse the outcry by issuing a
little-publicized amendment to Rania's decree.  There will be no
automatic right of naturalization, Jordan's Information Minister
Mohammed Adwan said.  We will study each application on a case-by-case
basis on humanitarian considerations, but we will not award hundreds of
thousands more passports.

But with continued conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and a
new war looming in Iraq, East Bankers remain deeply suspicious that
their homeland could become the Hotel Hashemite Palestine, and their
monarch its concierge.  Jordan is alone in the Arab world in routinely
granting refugees passports, but each war in the Middle East has
propelled a fresh wave of Palestinians into Jordan, turning its Bedouin
into a minority in their own land.

With the region again on the brink of war, senior officials say they are
concerned that Israel might now use the fog of war to push
Palestinians en masse into Jordan.  Their fears have reached new heights
since Jordan's foreign minister, Marwan Muasher, failed to secure a
public declaration from Israeli Prime Minister ariel Sharon disavowing
the possibility of a population transfer.

Analysts say the Hashemites can ill afford to further marginalize their
Bedouin subjects, who have ancient tribal and trading ties with Iraq, by
naturalizing more Palestinians.  Last month, the kingdom faced its worst
violence in 32 years, sending tanks to confront the southern town of
Maan, the heartland of East Bank identity, and sparking fears of
crumbling East Bank support for the Hashemites.  Analysts noted that
unlike Black September of 1970 when King Hussein deployed his Army
against Palestinian militants, the target is now an East Bank town, the
first in Jordan to recognize Hashemite rule.

Much of the anger has focused on King Abdullah's decision to suspend
elections, dissolve the parliament - hitherto an outlet for tribal
grievances - and rule by decree.  To soothe regional tensions, King
Abdullah recently started a Jordan First campaign designed to end
Palestinian-Jordanian rivalries and forge a national identity based on
kingdom rather than kin.  Billboards throughout the country are
emblazoned with Jordan First slogans, and alongside the requisite
portrait of 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Sentencing Continues for Wartime Leader of Bosnian Serbs

2002-12-18 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sentencing Continues for Wartime Leader of Bosnian Serbs

December 18, 2002

Filed at 1:01 p.m. ET

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - U.N. prosecutors called on Wednesday
for 15 to 25 years in jail for Bosnian Serb ``Iron Lady''
Biljana Plavsic, which lawyers for the only woman to
confess to war crimes at The Hague said was in practice a
life sentence.

Closing a pre-sentencing hearing for the former Bosnian
Serb president, who has admitted crimes against humanity,
prosecutors stressed the horrors wreaked on non-Serbs in
the 1992-5 Bosnian war but said Plavsic's guilty plea was a
mitigating factor.

``Absent the guilty plea we would have requested
imprisonment for the rest of her life,'' Chief Prosecutor
Carla Del Ponte said. ``I ask that the accused Mrs. Plavsic
be convicted by the Chamber to a period ranging from 15 to
25 years imprisonment.''

Plavsic, 72, gave an unprecedented courtroom ``mea culpa''
on Tuesday by admitting responsibility for atrocities
against Muslims and Croats, though she stopped short of

``Anyone who heard what she said yesterday cannot for a
minute believe she is attempting to avoid responsibility,''
defense lawyer Robert Pavich said in closing remarks to the
three-day hearing at the Hague war crimes tribunal.

Pavich said 15 to 25 years could ``only be described as a
life sentence'' and recommended she serve eight years at

Another major war crimes trial, of former Yugoslav
President and Serb strongman Slobodan Milosevic, wrapped up
for the year Wednesday after 10 months of landmark

The trial of Milosevic, accused of spearheading ethnic
cleansing in the Balkans in the 1990s, is set to resume on
January 9. Prosecutors accused Yugoslavia of withholding
documents critical to the trial and called for judges to
force Belgrade to hand them over.


Plavsic initially pleaded
innocent to numerous counts of genocide, crimes against
humanity and war crimes after surrendering to The Hague
tribunal in January 2001.

But in October she changed her plea to guilty of one count
of persecution on racial, religious and political grounds
-- a crime against humanity -- saying she was filled with

Other counts were dropped and Plavsic, the highest-ranking
figure to admit atrocities and the only woman publicly
indicted by the tribunal, avoided trial.

Plavsic has urged other Balkan leaders with blood on their
hands to admit guilt too. Her lawyer said imposing a long
sentence on her would discourage others from heeding her

Judges gave no date for announcing the sentence, but said
Plavsic could be provisionally released -- as she has been
for months -- before returning to The Hague to hear her
penalty for her role in a conflict that left 200,000 dead
or missing.

In their closing arguments, prosecutors tried to wrench the
focus from Plavsic's guilty plea back to the gravity of the
killings, rapes, torture and nightmarish detention camps.

``Victims individually demand justice,'' said prosecutor
Alan Tieger. ``Each of their tears...are part of this

While acknowledging as mitigating factors Plavsic's
advanced age, guilty plea and help in implementing the 1995
Dayton peace accord, Tieger said the gravity of the crimes
was paramount.

``The age of the accused does not trump the significance of
the crime or the aggravating circumstances surrounding the
crime for which the accused is to be sentenced.''


Among the witnesses at the
groundbreaking Plavsic hearing were former Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie
Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor.

Albright told the court the killings, rapes, deportations
and brutal camps of the Bosnian war were chillingly
reminiscent of World War II. Wiesel asked how Plavsic could
remain human ``in the face of such a betrayal of

Reaction to Plavsic's confession was mixed.

``I honor her because she is the only one who confessed
guilt until now,'' said Sanja Mandic, 40, a doctor in
Sarajevo. ``It means that her guilty conscience started to

Munira Subasic, a survivor of the Serbs' 1995 Srebrenica
massacre of up to 8,000 Bosnian Muslim males, was

``I think she was well advised by her lawyers how to do it.
It was great acting, well directed. It was all set up in
advance so she can get a lighter sentence.''

Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, meanwhile, said
Plavsic had shown bravery in assuming individual

``That is a good approach -- for everyone to take a look at
his own place in history and take his personal
responsibility, and not to hide always behind a team,
institutions and world politics,'' news agency Beta quoted
him as saying.



Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) PBS, Recruiting for Islam

2002-12-18 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

It's as interesting as any mythos, and more humane and interesting than

on 12/18/02 12:09 PM, Bill Howard at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 But who wants to hear about a MOON GOD and a holy meteor?
 On Wednesday, Dec 18, 2002, at 07:16 US/Pacific, Dale Stonehouse wrote:

 In this season of non-stop Christian hoohah, it's nice to see
 ANYONE else
 paid a modicum of attention to.

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 Justice Robert H. Jackson

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[CTRL] [THE-DIALECTIC-OF-THE-DIALECTIC] Re: [ctrl] [Fwd: Barrick Gold JP Morgan accused of gold market manipulation] (fwd)

2002-12-18 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 20:09:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: The Webfairy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [THE-DIALECTIC-OF-THE-DIALECTIC] Re: [ctrl] [Fwd:  Barrick Gold 
JP Morgan accused of gold market manipulation]

Hello there, Web Fairy. Is that an alias for Barney Frank?


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[CTRL] The Psychology of Dreamland

2002-12-18 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


The Psychology of Dreamland

How Secrecy is Destroying Public Faith in Government and Science

©1995 by Terry Hanson

Topographic maps of Groom Lake, Nevada, available for a modest fee from the
United States Geological Survey, show little more than scattered mountain
ranges, a dry lake bed, and assorted unimproved roads running this way and
that across the parched, high-desert terrain. The Las Vegas Sectional
Aeronautical Chart, published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration for navigation purposes, offers no indication of landing
strips or military facilities on or near the lake bed.

These maps are official cartographic lies, part of a coordinated strategy
among various federal agencies to deceive people about what the U.S.
government is doing out there in its sprawling, top-secret desert test range
northwest of Nellis Air Force Base. Yet even the most bungling and ill-
equipped spy can get a pretty good look at the clandestine Groom Lake
facilities by examining commercially available satellite photos. In sharp
contrast to U.S. government maps, the photos reveal an elaborate complex of
buildings and what is perhaps the world's longest runway cutting diagonally
across the western edge of the dry lake.

This suggests that the government's efforts at cartographic deception may be
aimed more at the American public than foreign intelligence agencies. If so,
it would not be unprecedented. CIA spy planes such as the U-2 and A-12,
designed at the legendary Lockheed Skunk Works, flew for years over the
Soviet Union, China and other foreign countries whose air-defense agencies
often knew quite well what was going on. It was the American public that was
successfully kept in the dark until these operations were exposed or

Though the Cold War is over, the U.S. military, with the generous assistance
of our congressional representatives, continues to work very hard to keep us
ignorant of where many of our tax dollars go. By various estimates, tens of
billions of dollars disappear each year into so-called black projects whose
purposes we are not allowed to know. How this happens has been outlined by
Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Tim Weiner in Blank Check: The Pentagon's
Black Budget (New York: Warner Books, 1990).

One of the most widely propagated explanations for where much of this money
is vanishing is that it's being used to develop and fly stealthy, high-speed
aircraft such as the rumored Aurora hypersonic spy plane and the TR-3A
Black Manta. (See, for example, the March 1993 Popular Science.)

Seldom mentioned in such accounts, however, are far more sensational RD
projects said to employ technology that is quite literally out of this world.
Although these bizarre and troublesome reports clearly are difficult for
mainstream journalists to get their minds around, the evidence that
otherworldly projects are under way in the Nevada desert is at least as good,
and often much better, than the evidence for the much-publicized Aurora.
Aside from the screaming headlines of sensationalist grocery-store tabloids,
though, the subject is carefully avoided by major national newspapers and TV
networks. As every astute editor knows, news, to be taken seriously, must be
plausible—even if it's wrong.

History has demonstrated, however, that the truth has occasionally been
unbelievable. So set aside your heart-felt prejudices and incredulity for the
moment, and come along on an epistemological adventure into the tangled and
shadowy jungle of officially forbidden knowledge. Here, rational analysis can
no longer be considered a reliable guide. This is a realm ruled by the high
priests of the intelligence community who simply do not like us poking our
noses into their business, even though we're footing the bill for it. They
have posted life-threatening signs warning us not to take pictures, much less
set foot on their turf, and they've unleashed their wizards of disinformation
to confound our investigative progress. Any hopes for certainty must be left
behind at the outer boundaries of consensus reality, for we are about to
explore the enigma of Dreamland.

Closing Freedom Ridge

In October of 1993, nearly nine years after the Air Force illegally seized
some 89,000 acres of public land surrounding the high-security Groom Lake
test-flight facility in Nevada, the Air Force asked the Interior Department
to close the last publicly accessible sites from which the base is visible.
Included among them were two often-visited areas—White Sides Mountain and
Freedom Ridge—that the Air Force had missed in its initial land grab due,
apparently, to a surveying error.

As with most of what goes on around Groom Lake, also known as Area 51 and
Dreamland, the reasons for the Air Force's sudden need for heightened
secrecy were never made public. When hauled before a congressional committee
to explain its actions in late 1984, an Air Force 

[CTRL] Former CIA Director Says UFOs are Real

2002-12-18 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that
UFOs are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its

-- Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Former Director of the CIA, February 28,
1960.  (Shortly after the inauguration of JFK.)

CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Former CIA Director Says UFOs are Real

2002-12-18 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

JFK was inaugurated in January 1961. Sorry about that.

On 18 Dec 2002 at 22:17, i, s, ctrl, ciadrugs wrote:

 Through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that
 UFOs are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its

 -- Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Former Director of the CIA, February 28,
 1960.  (Shortly after the inauguration of JFK.)

 CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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