Re: [CTRL] Clinton And The Quigley Factor

2003-02-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/25/2003 6:52:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rewind: Early in Bill Clintons first administration I cautioned my San Francisco radio audience that Clinton (still a young man) could and would pursue further opportunities to abuse power under the color of authority. I specifically suggested the prospect of a U.N. Secretary General Bill Clinton. I was vilified as a right wing "Clinton basher. 

Man, am I glad that Clinton is out of power. We're so lucky to have been shafted with the wonderful man now in office. Playing armies is such fun. If he's having a good time and his friends are happy, we are all so fortunate to be able to fulfill his prediction that we would have to lose some men in fulfillment of his plan to make the world free for "whatever." Quigley factor or not, I kind of think I'd rather have a man from "hope" than our present man from "no hope." Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] Iran sues U.S. in world court for helping Sadd

2003-02-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/25/2003 4:01:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A strange spectacle in court: As the USA prepares for a war against Iraq, it
is being sued by Iran for its previous close elationship to Saddam Hussein.
At the International Court of Justice, Teheran is accusing the United States
of delivering dangerous chemicals and deadly viruses to Baghdad during the

It would be interesting if the Bush family patriarch had to stay within our borders so he is not arrested. What a hoot. Prudy
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Ashcroft Scores A Victory on Road to War

2003-02-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
Can you imagine anyone in congress thinking they can successfully challenge our dictator? They just haven't been listening. Besides Dubya hasn't set aside the Constitution yet. He doesn't have to. Prudy
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[CTRL] Oil free zone experiments ?

2003-02-26 Thread Tony Dickinson
-Caveat Lector-

Here's a couple of areas to keep an eye on in the near future - they could
provide example test-cases of what might happen elsewhere ?


Feb 26, 2003:

Malta: Gas stations throughout Malta ran dry today as the state-run
Enemalta energy corporation brought fuel replenishment to a standstill.

Nigeria: Fuel reserves have ran out in Nigeria yesterday. According to
government officials, Nigeria's strategic Petroleum reserve has dropped
from 24 days worth of fuel, to just over 11 days worth.

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[CTRL] Fw: If War Starts, Battle Coverage to Be Unprecedented

2003-02-26 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Bread and circuses for the masses. Shades of the Roman coliseum and the
gladiators. The suspense of a Hitchcock film, will the emperor turn his thumb up
or down?

- Original Message -
From: Press

Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:40 AM
Subject: If War Starts, Battle Coverage to Be
By Kathleen T. RhemAmerican Forces Press
ServiceWASHINGTON, Feb. 26, 2003 -- If the United States is
forcedinto a war with Iraq, the American public can expect"incredibly
robust coverage," the woman in charge offacilitating that coverage said
today.Victoria Clarke, assistant secretary of defense for
publicaffairs, told NBC Today show's Matt Lauer that reporterswill be
with air, sea and ground units "from the verybeginning" of any conflict.
With current technology, it'sconceivable American and international viewers
could seereal-time battle coverage, she said.The only restrictions
will be "those things that couldimpact the success of the mission, those
things that canput people's lives at risk," she said.Clarke didn't
deny that live coverage could possibly leadto American viewers seeing
American soldiers die in battle."War is not a pleasant thing," she said.
"That's why thepresident and others are trying so hard to exhaust
everypossibility, so that (armed conflict) is a last resort."Such
open coverage is only possible because mediarepresentatives and defense
officials have spent countlesshours drawing up media "rules of engagement."
Clarke saidcooperation between major media outlets and the Pentagonhas
been extraordinarily close in recent months todetermine how best to
facilitate news coverage.Operational security is always a top concern,
Clarke said,but journalists who accompany units can generally betrusted
to follow established rules on the release ofinformation. She pointed to the
hundreds, even thousands,of reporters who covered operations in Afghanistan
as anexample."We had very few incidents in which we believed
reportersactually, knowingly, violated the guidelines," she said.The
assistant secretary refused to allow Lauer tocategorize such broad coverage
as propaganda. On thecontrary, she noted, openness is the U.S. military's
way ofcountering Iraqi propaganda."We're going up against people who
are masters of lies anddeception and denial," Clarke said. When such lies
arebroadcast on television, in newspapers and on the Internet,they can
quickly gain an air of truth and becomebelievable, she
explained."It's one thing for us to stand up and truthfully say,
forinstance, that Saddam Hussein has put civilians next tomilitary
assets or vice versa," Clarke continued. "It'sanother thing, and it's a
powerful thing, for NBC or CNNInternational to demonstrate to the world that
he is doingthat with their own pictures and their own
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[CTRL] Tony calls for Square One

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

State News
Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Retired Air Force general takes Bush to task on Iraq
Tony McPeak, who lives in Oregon, says the president has bungled diplomacy.
The Associated Press
February 25, 2003
LAKE OSWEGO  Tony McPeak, a four-star general who headed the U.S. Air
Force during Desert Storm, believes that President Bush should publicly
admit personal failure and restart diplomatic negotiations for a possible
war against Iraq.
McPeak, who retired to Oregon in 1995, says Bush has botched the crucial
process of building a coalition, of enlisting the United Nations and of
rebuilding Afghanistan as a model of reconstruction.
The world would breathe a sigh of relief, and wed go back and do it
right if Bush admitted failure, says the 67-year-old McPeak. I mean, the
world would fall in love with this guy. Its not that hard to fix.
McPeak served four years on the Joint Chiefs of Staff advising Bushs
father and then President Clinton after flying 269 Vietnam combat missions
and participating in the Thunderbirds, the elite aerobatic team. He is also
a graduate of Grants Pass High School.
Despite his military career, McPeak questions Bushs priorities as the
president confronts terrorism, North Korea and Saddam Hussein. It makes him
worry about a return to federal budget deficits and about declining
goodwill toward the United States since Sept. 11, 2001.
I pray that America will last another thousand years, and during all of
that time were a pre-eminent power, says McPeak. To do that, you have to
understand the world in a more sophisticated way. You make your friends
many and your enemies few.
As chief of staff from 1990 to 1994, McPeak accomplished the biggest
reorganization of the Air Force in its history. He believes Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should be dramatically transforming the military
to confront the new terrorist threat, slashing redundancy and cutting heavy
Army divisions in favor of agile special forces.
Guarding the Washington Monument with Stinger missiles, McPeak says, is
amateur hour.
McPeak thinks U.S. forces may well encounter biological weapons in Iraq but
not chemical munitions, which are difficult to deploy.
Airstrikes would wipe out Baghdads communications system again, McPeak
says. Close combat in Baghdad would be stupid, he says, despite what Army
generals may advocate.
Weve already radicalized 99 percent of the Arabs in the world, he said.
Well get the holdouts if we start doing hand-to-hand combat in Baghdad.

Copyright 2003 Statesman Journal, Salem, Oregon

Off system ... usual disclaimer applies ... for noncommerical use, et
cetera A:E:R 
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[CTRL] All or None

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Well, Mr. Bush, where are your same sentiments for Israel?
Web Posted - Tue Feb 25 2003
HOW strange that George W. Bush, President of the US, would seek to
belittle the United Nations because he cant get his way. Bushs recent
comments that the United Nations must fight or fade highlights the clear
double standards that characterises the Bush administration and by
extension the United States of America. President Bush finds it convenient
to use the United Nations to seek to justify his war with Iraq, but when
other nations of the world find the guts not to tow the line, suddenly the
United Nations will become irrelevant and ineffective. Well, Mr. Bush,
where are your same sentiments for Israel? Israel stands in defiance of 69
United Nations Security Council Resolutions. A further 32 resolutions
against Israel has not seen the light of day thanks to your veto power on
the Security Council. Israel is the only country in the Middle East that
has nuclear weapons and further more Israel is the only country in the
Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and
bars international inspections from its sites. How ironic, that Israel is
also the only country in the Middle East known to have targeted American
personnel and property for attack. In 1954, Israel blew up an American
diplomatic facility in Egypt and in 1967 attacked a US ship in
international waters, killing 33 and wounding 177 American sailors.
Furthermore, Israel represents more of a threat to the security, stability
and peace of the region, than any other nation in that area with its
domination and oppression of the Palestinian people and its self-declared
and American sponsored attacks on all persons and places that it views as a
problem. In 1982, Israel led an unprovoked attack on Iraq's nuclear reactor
flying over the sovereign airspace of Arab lands to carry this out. Despite
all of this, Israel today is the recipient of the largest amount of
American tax-payers dollars. Between 1949 and 1998, the US gave to Israel,
with a self-declared population of 5.8 million people, more foreign aid
than it gave to all of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, all of the
countries of Latin America, and all of the countries of the Caribbean
combined  with a total population of 1 054 000 000. Israel has received,
since 1949, a grand total of US$84.8 billion, excluding the US$10 billion
in US government loan guarantees it has drawn to date. The red Indians, the
original inhabitants of the American lands, made a point when they said,
Beware the white man who speaks with a forked tongue. Today, the red
Indians know well the results of such speech, so do the Palestinians and
now the Iraqis. Suleiman Bulbulia

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[CTRL] Fwd: WARNING: New Virus - LoveGate.C

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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Subject: WARNING:  New Virus - LoveGate.C
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:23:44 GMT
On 24th February 2003, MessageLabs stopped several copies of a new
variant of the LoveGate virus.  Initial analysis suggests that this is a
mass-mailing virus that incorporates an SMTP engine and a backdoor
The virus contains its own SMTP engine, which it uses to deliver its
email.  When activated, the virus may try to reply to any emails it finds
in the recipients in-box, attaching itself to the email.
It also appears to be able to harvest passwords from the recipients
machine, which may then be emailed to a number of email contacts.
The backdoor component may open TCP port 10168, allowing the machine to
be controlled remotely.  As well as the SMTP engine, it may also have the
ability to spread via various network shares.
From the copies that MessageLabs have intercepted, the email may be
composed as follows:
Subject names appear to be based on existing emails that are in reply,
and therefore random.
The body-text may also contain, I'll try to reply as soon as possible.
Take a look to the attachment and send me your opinion!
The file attachment is written in Microsoft Visual C/C++ and is
compressed using ASPack and is 78,848 bytes in size.  Attachment file
names may include:
billgt.exe, card.exe, docs.exe, fun.exe, hamster.exe, humor.exe,
images.exe, joke.exe, midsong.exe, news_doc.exe, pics.exe, pspgame.exe,
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2003-02-26 Thread Clark Michael
-Caveat Lector-

  That biological weapons were sold to Saddam

  is no secret any longer.   Just 3 weeks ago the

  D.O.D. ( Dept. Defense ) and C.I.A. admitted

  that 35 different BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS were

  sold to Saddam from the AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE

  COLLECTION LABORATORY in Mannassas Virginia.

Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Iran sues U.S. in world court for helping Sadd
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 08:21:31 EST
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/25/2003 4:01:26 AM Eastern Standard Time,
 A strange spectacle in court: As the USA prepares for a war against
Iraq, it
 is being sued by Iran for its previous close elationship to Saddam
 At the International Court of Justice, Teheran is accusing the United
 of delivering dangerous chemicals and deadly viruses to Baghdad during
It would be interesting if the Bush family patriarch had to stay within our
borders so he is not arrested.  What a hoot.  Prudy
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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Re: [CTRL] Leonardo De Blairio on his own 'Titanic' ?

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:05:20 EST, Prudy L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/20/2003 12:11:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Oh for Heaven's sake.  I didn't care about Clinton's picadillos, and I
care about Blair's.  Blair is an idiot, but his extra-marital affairs (if
ifn't) don't have a thing to do with his handling of matters of state.
keep telling us how moral Dubya is, and his aim in life is to exterminate
millions of Iraqi and thousands of our military.  I'd rather he had a
mistress.  Prudy
But would a mistress have him?

It wasn't anything that Bill Jeff or Al Capone did professionally that
got them in trouble.  It was always the Mistress Celanea that tends to
bring the big boys down.  Remember Gingrich?  Livingstone?
I will say that the circumstances surrounding Cherie's business dealings
sure sound strange,
like character autoassassination (doin' yer own reputation in) ...

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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[CTRL] El Moron and Newspeak/Robospeak

2003-02-26 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 11:56:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [R4P] ROBOSPEAK, NEWSPEAK and the Basic Formal Language of Logic

Wilfrid Hodges who has a doctorate in logic writes in his book, Logic
(1991) that The simplest grammars which are of any use at all are the
so-called context-free grammars, or CF grammars for short...They are
hopelessly inadequate to deal with a full-grown language like English. BUT
(p.80). IMO they cannot handle full-grown English because our language is
fraught with confusion and confounding and we simply don't consciously
know most of the rules we use when we speak English. Homo sapiens indeed!
I disagree with Hodges about hopelessly inadequate above (blocks are
mine, BTW) and I will explain why in more detail.

We can build up a version/style/sub-set of Standard English from the
logic language of CFG and there is no doubt about that. The only
question has to do with how far it can go. I will argue for semantic
comprehensiveness but I welcome any and all arguments to the contrary as
long as they stick with the points made and do not launch into ad hominem
attacks and such. Debating fallacies are are distraction and waste of

Remember that my doctorate is in phil-psych so I examine the writings of
logicians as a psychologist too. I noticed that a big part of
philosophical analysis has to do with wrestling with Standard English and
putting it in a form so that truth-table testing can be applied. In
essence the analyst is saying, What do you really mean by _?
That kind of implicit question is also found in logic analyses of the more
sophisticated statements in formal logic like if___then and if
and only if statements as well as the statements of predicate logic. I
can refer anyone interested in pursuing this further to logic texts with
the appropriate tables of substitutions. The substitutions reduce these
more sophisticated statements in logic to the basic formal language of
logic which is combinatorial logic; all that are required at this level
are grammatical AND/OR/YES/NO to accompany the
propositions/expressions/descriptors and their T/F valuations. So there
you have the seven components of this basic formal language of logic.
And each of them has a different physical/hardware analogue in the modern
digital computer.

Robospeak is then built UP from this context free grammar, according to
whatever context is applicable and according to the descriptor letter and
word strings the teacher wishes to impart to the machine. This approach to
NLP knows the rules all the way along so we don't have the problem of the
direct approach to NLP. It is focused on COMMUNICATION and not on finding
the algorithms or rules of normative Standard English. As long as I am
teaching my pr or pc to say things in a known context and I understand
those descriptor letter and word strings which I am substituting into the
basic formal language of logic, I can keep going. And I DO know the
context and meaning of what I am superimposing on that basic formal
language of logic or I don't teach it to the machine.

How far can I go? It takes many years to impart the knowledge of adult
normative Standard English to a child, starting at age 1-2. If I were to
teach my pc robospeak, that too would take years. But so far I cannot
see any way this teaching-learning would be limited except by my own
knowledge of the surrounding world. As an example, I could teach it the
dialogue necessary to function as my arithmetician. It would learn to
respond to my arithmetic questions in grammatically correct Standard
English with grammatically correct answers in Standard English. It would
even pass the Turing Test if limited to arithmetic (or other maths as
taught). If Stephen Hawking is in one room answering my arithmetic
questions in grammatically correct English and R4P is in another room
doing the same and both have visual barriers so I can't see them, I won't
know which is homo sapiens and which is robo sapiens.

The other monologues and dialogues I might teach R4P would not necessarily
be in normative Standard English. But remember that the purpose of
teaching robospeak is COMMUNICATION and that alone. This is a matter of
semantics, rather than lexicon and syntax per se. We plug into the basic
formal language of logic (which is also a sub-set of Standard English
syntax) only those portions of the Standard English lexicon which meet one
semantic criterion: WE UNDERSTAND THEM. And so far it looks
to me like robospeak is a style of Standard English which can take on
semantic comprehensiveness at an adult human level. In other words, I
should be able to impart as much understanding of the world as I
CONSCIOUSLY have, to R4P, in the 

[CTRL] Dominoes in the MidEast

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

February 24, 2003
Israel Sees War in Iraq as Path to Mideast Peace

ERUSALEM, Feb. 24  Israelis once believed that the Oslo agreement with the
Palestinians would usher in a new Middle East of comfortable Israeli-Arab
With Oslo in tatters, they are now putting similar hopes in an American war
on Iraq. Other nations may cavil, but Israel is so certain of the rightness
of a war on Iraq that it is already thinking past that conflict to urge a
continued, assertive American role in the Middle East. Shaul Mofaz,
Israel's defense minister, told members of the Conference of Presidents of
Major American Jewish Organizations last week that after Iraq, the United
States should generate political, economic, diplomatic pressure on Iran.
We have great interest in shaping the Middle East the day after a war, he
It may seem paradoxical that the country most vulnerable to an Iraqi attack
in the event of war is most eager for that war to begin. But Israel's
military intelligence has concluded that the chances of a successful Iraqi
missile strike here during this war, while ever-present, are small. Israel
believes that Mr. Hussein seeks devastating weapons but has far less
capacity for mayhem now than he did during the first Persian Gulf war, when
he fired 39 Scud missiles at Israel. The army also believes its own
national defenses are much improved. Israel regards Iran and Syria as
greater threats, and it is hoping that once Mr. Hussein is dispensed with,
the dominoes will start to tumble.
According to this hope  or evolving strategy  moderates and reformers
throughout the region will be encouraged to put new pressure on their
regimes, not excepting that of Yasir Arafat in the West Bank city of
The shock waves emerging from post-Saddam Baghdad could have wide-ranging
effects in Tehran, Damascus and in Ramallah, Efraim Halevy, Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon's national security adviser, said in a speech in Munich this
month. Until recently, Mr. Halevy was the chief of Mossad, Israel's spy
agency. We have hopes of greater stability, greater enhanced confidence
from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic shores of Morocco, he said.
Israelis have also suggested that the war might salvage their economy and
prompt recalcitrant Labor to join Mr. Sharon's coalition in a new
government of national unity.
Expressed in its broadest, vaguest terms, this theory has come in for the
sort of withering mockery that the idealistic vision of Oslo's effects
suffered from the right. The accusation is the same: fuzzy, wishful
thinking. Uzi Benziman, a journalist and author of a biography of Mr.
Sharon, wrote recently in the newspaper Haaretz, Israel is looking for
Ares, the ancient Greek god of war, to play the part of the deus ex machina
in this drama. Referring to this almost pagan faith, he continued, it's
still hard to shake the feeling that what the fervency of Israeli
expectations regarding the war really attests to is despair. Polls here
have shown a strong though not overwhelming majority in favor of war.
The precise mechanism for converting the war into regional stability and
comity has not been detailed.
The Israelis are counting on the lesson that will be learned from taking
on Saddam Hussein, said Rep. Gary L. Ackerman, the Queens Democrat, who
met here last week with some of Israel's security leaders. This is the
whipping boy theory. According to this theory, he explained, a prince who
misbehaves mends his ways after courtiers demonstrate the possible
punishment on a poor boy  Iraq  dragged off the streets.
The problem, Mr. Ackerman said, is that mere examples and even saber-
rattling may not do the trick. What do you then do? he asked. March on
Mark Heller, a senior researcher at the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies
at Tel Aviv University, said that no one expected the Americans to march on
Iran. Rather, he said, the potential engine for change would be the example
of a transformed Iraq.
It's at least conceivable that Al Jazeera will end up showing pictures of
Iraqis celebrating in the streets, in which case people in other places 
like Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt  are going to start saying, `If Iraqis
deserve decent government, so do we.'  Israeli officials say that only
sustained American pressure can turn this hope into reality. Mr. Mofaz
warned that, without continued attention to the rest of the region, an
Iraqi collapse could in fact strengthen Iran.
As they look ahead to the aftermath of an Iraq war, Israeli officials are
also considering how the Bush administration's present diplomatic struggle
could help or hurt them. A top Israeli official predicted that after the
war would come a fork in the road for American policy and a battle for the
heart and mind of President Bush.
He said that the administration might try to mend relations with Arab and
European nations by wringing concessions from Israel toward the
But he said it was more likely that 

[CTRL] Stolen Man

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

4pm update
British pensioner hits out at FBI Staff and agencies
Wednesday February 26, 2003
The Guardian
British pensioner Derek Bond, who was today released from a 21-day spell in
custody in South Africa, has hit out at the American authorities who held
him. Mr Bond was detained after the FBI mistook him for a dangerous
The 72-year-old, from Bristol, broke down in tears as he spoke of his
ordeal. He said his constant protestations of innocence had made little
impact on the FBI, which ordered his arrest. His voice shook with emotion
as he told a news conference: I was getting quite despondent. He revealed
how he had to sleep on a concrete floor, and had only a newspaper crossword
for company. Since they [the US] consider themselves the leading country
in the world, I thought that they would take a more human approach, Mr
Bond said. I did not eat for three days: I had such a knot in my stomach
that I just couldn't take any food ... When I started to have something of
an appetite, I was quite happy to try the African food, but it just wasn't
for me. I have certainly lost weight. He said he now knew that the FBI
file on him was at least four years old.
I think they owe me a great deal more than an apology. There was very,
very little action from the FBI, he added. Nobody took a statement from
me until I had been ten days in the police cells: [that] was the first time
that they asked me who I was. Mr Bond said there was every possibility
that he could make a claim for compensation. I will need to take advice
from my lawyers, but there does seem to be a justified claim, he said.
Mr Bond said that he had no real criticisms of the South African police.
We first arrived in South Africa on January 27, and we were held for seven
hours at Cape Town while the facts of the arrest were reported to the FBI.
The FBI did not respond at all ... The first response we had from the FBI
was about ten days after I came into South Africa. With his wife Audrey at
his side, Mr Bond broke down at one point, when he mentioned his
grandchildren. I just want to go home, he said.
Mrs Bond told the news conference: I have never felt like this in my life.
I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat ... The first couple of days I had to talk
to him through a glass panel, which was filthy.
Mr Bond, who was arrested while on a wine-tasting holiday and spent almost
three weeks behind bars at a police station in Durban, was freed after the
FBI admitted that he was not the man they wanted in connection with a
multi-million dollar fraud in the US. A man believed to be the real suspect
was arrested in Las Vegas last night, FBI investigator John Lewis told BBC
Radio Five Live. We got the wrong man, Mr Lewis said. Mr Bond is owed an
He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that the suspect arrested in Las
Vegas had identification in the name of Robert James Grant, but eventually
admitted that his name was Derek Lloyd Sykes and he apparently had a
British passport in the name of Sykes. He has admitted he is the person
whom we have charged, Mr Lewis added. He has not confessed to the crime
... The short answer is: it is a case of identity theft. As far back as
1989, the person arrested this evening was using the name, the identity of
Derek Bond. It is very frequent. In a sense, it is out of control, and
obviously in this case it has caused one person an awful lot of harm.
Mr Bond's MP, Valerie Davey, said she would be writing to the foreign
secretary, Jack Straw, to raise concerns about the case. The MP for Bristol
West said: The idea that the FBI can authorise any country to arrest and
then leave a person for more than 24 hours, without any question of their
identity, raises huge questions ... How a British citizen can be held by
the FBI in that way I find incredible.
Mr Bond's South African lawyer, Waldow Thore, told BBC Radio 4's Today
programme: We are absolutely elated ... The comedy of errors and the
strangeness of this whole incident is just unbelievable. We are really
over the moon that, at last, what we have been pushing the Americans to
come to some conclusion about has been finalised. Mr Bond's son Peter, 45,
said later that he did not believe his father would travel home for several
days. I would not think for one minute that he is up to travelling that
distance for some time, he added.
The FBI was hunting a suspect known by the names of Derek Bond and Derek
Lloyd Sykes, who had the same date of birth and passport number as the
retired businessman from Bristol. The Interpol website said the wanted man
may be dangerous, listing his offences as property conspiracy, fraud
conspiracy and money laundering. Mr Lewis, who is the prosecutor in the
case, told Radio Five Live's Up All Night programme that, following an
anonymous phone call made to him yesterday, FBI agents in Las Vegas
arrested a man with a passport in the name of Derek Lloyd Sykes. Mr Lewis
said he believed it took so long to clear Mr Bond because he waived 

[CTRL] Sour Kraut

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Berlin dispatch
Germany sells off the silver In desperate need of cash, German local
authorities are using byzantine and dubious arrangements to lease their
assets to America, writes John Hooper John Hooper
Wednesday February 26, 2003
The Guardian
At a time when US-German relations are at their lowest point since 1945,
large chunks of prized German assets are quietly falling into the hands of
Americans in a process that has raised questions about how much control is
being surrendered. The key to the phenomenon is Germany's glacial economic
growth since the mid-1990s. It has left many of its local authorities
either broke or, at least, short of the funds they need to provide the
kinds of services and facilities that Germans have come to expect. The
answer? For many German local politicians, it lies in so-called lease-in-
lease-out (Lilo) arrangements. Take the example of Bochum, a city in the
Ruhr area of western Germany. It handed over its sewerage system to a US
investor for 99 years in exchange for a payment of 500m euros made by way
of a trust. It then leased back the network through a bank in return for a
payment of only 480m euros, thereby making an instant profit of 20m euros.
What American investors gets out of these often complex arrangements is the
opportunity under US law to set foreign investments - though more apparent
than real - against tax. According to a report this week in the daily
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, between 150 and 200 cross-border leasing
arrangements have been set up between US firms and German public
authorities. Among the assets involved are the Cologne tram network, a
concert hall in Dortmund and three water purification plants in Stuttgart.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung estimated that around 40bn euros worth of
German assets has been leased - and that the total is growing at an
accelerating pace as economic reality bites into the accounts of one
overstretched council after the next. It is reckoned that a quarter of all
US-German Lilo transactions were done in 2002. Only recently have the deals
begun to attract publicity and stir disquiet. At the end of last month, a
bill was tabled in Bavaria that would outlaw cross-border leasing
throughout the state. So far, three councils in different parts of Germany
have been forced to pull out of planned Lilo deals by local resistance. One
problem is that the terms of the contracts oblige the local authorities to
keep open facilities that - it is argued - may not be required in the
future. Another is that they require the councils to keep in good repair
infrastructure which, if it developed serious problems, might otherwise be
closed down. Der Spiegel magazine this week quoted experts as saying that,
in some instances, the local authorities risked having to pay four times
what they had earned from their Lilo deals. But the biggest risk, for many,
is that Washington will one day find a way to ban the transactions
altogether, and in so doing pitch both sides into a legal nightmare. One of
many potential snags is created by the fact that whereas, under US law, the
asset belongs to the trust, under German law, it remains the property of
the original owner. Nevertheless, for as long as cross-border leasing
remains legal, it is likely to prove irresistible for hard-pressed local
politicians. In Berlin, for example, which owes almost 30bn euros,
officials have been wracking their brains for years over how to raise the
130m euros needed for the renovation of Daniel Barenboim's opera house, the
Staatsoper, on Unter den Linden. This week, it was reported that the
councillor responsible for the arts was looking at a Lilo deal with the US.
That would be doubly ironic because he is from the party which, in its
earlier guise, ran communist East Germany.
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003

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[CTRL] Premier 'Non'

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Frances ''Non'' On Iraq Is The First Of Many
Wednesday, 26 February 2003, 2:02 pm
Opinion: Marshall Auerback
by Marshall Auerback
25 February 2003 As obnoxious as many Americans find the current behaviour
of French President Jacques Chirac, there is clear method behind his
apparent madness. It is true that during past crises, France has usually
ended up alongside its American and British counterparts - as during the
Cuban missile crisis or the first Gulf war. Many have assumed that for all
of its Gaullist posturing, France would eventually fall in line on Gulf War
II as well.
This may not come to pass, despite Mondays announcement that the
government would seek tight deadlines to force Iraqi disarmament (thereby
potentially paving the way for a shift in policy). France is playing a
longer game here, largely based on a two-fold calculation in relation to
its external relations with the US on the one hand, and its concomitant
desire to organise the European Union in a manner that best maximises
French influence and ensures the long term viability of the euro on the
other. The countrys policy making elite increasingly sees America as a
decaying, overstretched empire; it may therefore no longer wish to throw
all of its eggs into the American basket. Related to this perception of
inexorable American economic decline is the recently manifested tendency to
resist further eastward expansion of the European Union, given the latter
blocs pro-American proclivities in foreign policy, which France views as
inimical to the cohesion and effectiveness of the European Union and
therefore fundamentally contrary to the long term success of the euro as a
viable reserve currency alternative. In regard to Frances declinist view
of the US, this may not be a totally unrealistic proposition. Martin Wolf
of the Financial Times, for example, has noted the paradoxical position of
the US today: it is both the world's greatest power and its biggest debtor.
This has allowed it to deploy guns and consume butter. The costs of this
policy are coming home to roost: The US current account deficit today is
nearly 50 per cent bigger than its defence spending. The trade deficit hit
a record $435.2 billion last year. The recently announced 2003 budget
forecasts a $304 billion deficit, but this figure excludes the deficits of
agencies that are guaranteed, backed or sponsored by the U.S. government, a
bailout of which could render the final number substantially higher, even
before adding the cost of the Iraq war and any other new outlays. That this
combination should worry US strategic planners is obvious. That it may also
deeply concern its allies has been given less consideration by commentators
unremittingly hostile to Frances current position. But it is undoubtedly
legitimate for a country like France to question the US ability to
perpetuate its huge deficits in the absence of sustained multilateral co-
operation and further economic discipline. Indeed, one of the original
rationales for the establishment of a currency union was a desire to
develop a legitimate alternative to the crumbling dollar reserve system.
But what kind of monetary union has always been a subject of active debate.
For a long interval between the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1991
and the critical year for economic assessment, 1997, it was commonly
assumed that EMU would initially take the form of a limited number of
countries, all of whom were well within the so-called convergence criteria
(e.g. exchange rate stabilisation, the convergence of consumer price
inflation and government bond yields, some upper limits for government
borrowing and public sector debt in relation to GDP, etc.). However, so
great was the prize of sharing a common currency and enjoying broadly
similar borrowing costs to those of France and Germany that very strenuous
efforts were made by all 11 original participants to comply with the
convergence criteria. By the spring of 1998, when the official reports on
Maastricht convergence were prepared by the European Monetary Institute and
the European Commission, the only obstacle to Italys participation was its
high government debt ratio. But since Italys ratio was scarcely worse than
Belgium (and there was never any question of excluding any of the Benelux
countries), Italy could not be excluded. Italys inclusion made the
acceptance of wide and weak version of EMU inevitable, and this came into
being at the start of 1999. In spite of their ultimate acceptance, this
broader version of EMU was received with misgivings on the part of France
and Germany, and has been cited as a persistent structural weakness of the
monetary union itself. The rationale for a smaller euro bloc was predicated
on sound economic principles: it was felt that the long-term success of the
currency project was more likely to be secured in a zone which consisted of
a smaller group of nations with a more 

[CTRL] None At All

2003-02-26 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

US Arms Control Hypocrisy is the Real Threat
Wednesday, 26 February 2003, 10:43 am
Opinion: Guest Opinion
US Arms Control Hypocrisy is the Real Threat to Security
by Ira Chernus Published on Monday, February 24, 2003 by
John Bolton was in Israel last week doing his job, fighting the spread of
weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Bolton is the U.S. Undersecretary of
State for Arms Control. But the way he was doing his job is enough to make
you laugh -- and cry. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told Bolton that
after the U.S. demolishes Iraq, it had better to move on to Iran. Not to
worry, Bolton replied. Iran is high on the Bush administration's to-do
list. So is Syria. When it comes to the danger of WMD in the Middle East,
the U.S. and Israeli governments are on the same page. The joke, of course,
is that only one nation in the Middle East has a massive arsenal of WMD:
Israel itself. Secretary Bolton was polite enough not to mention that
embarrassing fact. It would have been so rude to his hosts. Bolton also
stopped off to see Israels Foreign Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Perhaps
Bolton took along his special advisor, David Wurmser. It would have been a
nice reunion, since Wurmser was once an advisor to Netanyahu. In 1996,
Wurmser co-authored a report for Netanyahu: A Clean Break: A New Strategy
for Securing the Realm. The chief author, Richard Perle, and another co-
author, Douglas Feith, are now high-ranking Pentagon officials. In that
report, Perle, Wurmser and company laid out a truly messianic vision.
Israel can gain political control of the entire Middle East, they said. The
key is to contain and perhaps roll back Syria, by surrounding it with an
Israeli-led alliance including Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq. How to get Iraq
into the alliance? Simple. Use the principle of preemption, get rid of
Saddam Hussein, and put a Hashemite king (from the family that rules
Jordan) on the throne in Baghdad. Meanwhile, Israel would also use Iraqs
Shiites to weaken the power of Iran. But how to get the U.S. public to
support such a plan? We are now seeing the answer. Scare the public with
claims that Iraqs WMD pose a vital threat to our national security. Then
follow Sharons advice and link Iraq with Iran in the axis of evil.
Boltons comments revealed the next and crucial step: discover that Syria
also has a WMD program aimed at the U.S. heartland. That will put Syria in
the axis too. Once again, it will be pre-emptive regime change time.
Once Israel has friendly governments in place throughout the Middle East,
it wont have anyone to threaten with its WMD. Then Bolton can claim a
great achievement in non-proliferation. This is not to say that Washington
is taking orders from Jerusalem. Its largely the other way around. He who
pays the piper calls the tune, and Washington pays Jerusalem plenty. But
Boltons remarks in Israel have a much wider implication than U.S. - Israel
relations. With Bolton and Wurmser running our anti-proliferation program,
it is perfectly clear that the Bush administration sees nothing
intrinsically wrong with nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. They
are not out to stop the spread of these weapons. They just want to make
sure that only the good guys, like the U.S. and Israel (and Britain,
France, India, etc.), have WMD. There are good WMD and bad WMD, good arms
and bad arms. Bolton is Undersecretary of State for Bad Arms Control. How
do you tell the difference between good arms and bad arms? Tom Friedman,
the liberal-pundit-in-chief at the New York Times, spelled it out recently
in his usual reader-friendly way. The globe is now divided between the
World of Order and the World of Disorder, Friedman wrote. The World of
Order includes the U.S., the E.U., Russia, India and China, along with all
the smaller powers around them. The World of Disorder comprises failed
states, rogue states (the axis of evil), and messy states, like
Pakistan, Colombia, Indonesia, and many Arab and African states, along
with free-lance terrorists and criminals. How times have changed. Now
Russia and China are orderly good guys. That means their WMD arsenals are
good arms too. They got that way by linking their economic fortunes to the
multinational corporate capitalist system. They take their economic
marching orders from the G-7. As long as there is no imminent likelihood
that theyll slip out of that system into Disorder, they get to remain
good guys with good arms. John Bolton and Richard Perle apparently see it
the same way. Bolton told the Israelis that Syria would get a chance to
prove it was behaving in a way worthy of the international community.
Perle told an interviewer: I hope Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will
consider reforms. Otherwise he may say to himself, 'I could be the second
target.' Now the Syrians have a choice to make. They can sign up, line up,
play the U.S. imperial game, and magically transform their 

[CTRL] Echoes from History

2003-02-26 Thread DIG Bryan Schingle
-Caveat Lector-
"Rarely have Americans lived through so much change, in so many ways, in so short a time. Quietly, but with gathering force, the ground has shifted beneath our feet as we have moved into an Information Age, a global economy, a truly new world." 
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1998 

"We must all be profoundly grateful for the magnificent achievements of our forbearers in this century. Yet perhaps in the daily press of events, in the clash of controversy, we don't see our own time for what it truly is  a new dawn for America." 
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1999 

Those who hope that we shall move away from the socialist path will be greatly disappointed. Every part of our program of fully based on the principle of more socialism and more democracy." 
Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika - New Thinking for Our Country and the World 1988 

"I've always been a strong U.N. proponent Who was that guy who had the round table? Arthur? One for all, all for one." 
Ted Turner CNN Interview with Larry King 1997 

Reading these, look at the possibly pending war. Also, Bush's "hit-list" of N. Korea, Iran and Syria in the "None at all" article. Can anyone say N.W.O? Old quotes, I know, but history repeats.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2003-02-26 Thread Peat Luke
-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has sent you a link!
BBC | The Mystery of Stalin's Death
Fifty years ago, on 5 March 1953, the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin died.

His political life as a dictator who dominated millions has been minutely dissected 
over the decades.

But his last days continue to provoke speculation and argument.

Did he die of natural causes following a brain haemorrhage or was Stalin killed 
because he was about to plunge the Soviet Union into a war its people were in no 
position to fight?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Dominoes in the MidEast

2003-02-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/26/2003 3:37:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

ERUSALEM, Feb. 24  Israelis once believed that the Oslo agreement with the
Palestinians would usher in a new Middle East of comfortable Israeli-Arab

This is a joke? Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: If War Starts, Battle Coverage to Be Unprecedented

2003-02-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/26/2003 12:15:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Victoria Clarke, assistant secretary of defense for public
affairs, told NBC Today show's Matt Lauer that reporters
will be with air, sea and ground units "from the very
beginning" of any conflict. With current technology, it's
conceivable American and international viewers could see
real-time battle coverage, she said.

What are the odds? Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Rumsfeld Makes Power-Play for Entire Joint Chiefs of Staff

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Rumsfeld Makes Power-Play for Entire Joint Chiefs of Staff

By Pamela Hess
UPI Pentagon Correspondent
>From the International Desk
Published 2/25/2003 

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- The four chiefs of the armed services have not been briefed on an apparent plan by the Pentagon's civilian leadership to examine cutting their terms of service from four years to two. Neither are they aware of a draft proposal to have the statutorily independent Joint Staff report to the office of the secretary of defense rather than just to the military, they told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. 

"We've not been briefed on the details of such a proposal," said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John Jumper, who together with the three service chiefs, the chairman and the vice chairman comprise the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The legislation causes concern on Capitol Hill, where members of Congress solicit independent advice and commentary from the services as a counterweight to the president's politically appointed civilian leadership at the Pentagon...

Moreover, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs is expected to provide military assessments to the president. If the staff supporting the chairman is also beholden to the defense secretary, sources on Capitol Hill worry the chairman's independent, apolitical voice in the White House will be compromised.

According to the draft legislation -- a copy of which was obtained by United Press International -- the Pentagon has drawn up a series of changes it wants to see in the organization and chain of command at the Defense Department. Among them is a plan to have the Joint Staff, roughly 1,600 military personnel, answer not solely to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff but also to the civilian secretary of defense. 

It would also give the defense secretary unprecedented veto power over Joint Staff staffing decisions and allow the defense secretary to press members of the Joint Staff into duty in his office. 

"I think these proposals, taken together or separately, would undermine the ability of the uniform military to provide independent military advice to the civilian leadership, to the executive branch and to Congress," Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., said at the hearing. 

The Joint Staff was created to give the chairman of the Joint Chiefs independent military advice, separate from inter-service rivalry, which until the 1986 Goldwater-Nichols Act was extreme and often worked against overall military interests. 

Secretary of State Colin Powell wrote in his book "My American Journey" that it was the lack of an independent and strong Joint Staff voice that kept the military from speaking out against the "deepening morass" of the Vietnam War. 

Powell was one of the most powerful Joint Chiefs of Staff, using his direct influence over the president to help limit the 1991 Persian Gulf War to expelling Iraqi forces from Kuwait and not to pushing all the way to Baghdad. 

Indeed, the draft legislation would explicitly excise a reference to the independence of the Joint Staff. One proposed change would strike the word "independently" from the following sentence in the law: "The secretary of defense shall ensure that the Joint Staff is independently organized and operated so that the Joint Staff supports the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ..." 

The draft legislation would also repeal a limit on the number of staff serving the secretary of defense, now capped at 3,767. 

That change directly contradicts an earlier edict from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. On Sept. 10, 2001, Rumsfeld announced his intention to cut 15 percent from all headquarters staffs in the military. 

"We can take what I believe to be a very reasonable 15 percent cut in the tail, in the headquarters staffs, as opposed to our forces. And we've got a lot of people who want to do that. They recognize that these layers of bureaucracy here slow us down, make us less innovative," he said. 

The Pentagon legislative proposal says the changes would consolidate duplicative functions in non-war fighting areas of the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Staff and "enhance the level of support" and "organizational learning" and possibly also save personnel costs. 

The suggestion that the service chiefs should serve just two-year terms was rejected by the chiefs at the hearing. That proposal is contained in a memo written last fall by Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel David Chu. 

The memo directs the civilian service secretaries to develop legislative and policy changes that would put the service chiefs in the same cycle as the chairman. The military service chiefs are not on the memo's distribution list. 

The service chiefs are responsible for training and equipping their forces, and they say the effort needed to make the cumbersome acquisition system work and see their policies take hold requires a 

[CTRL] Pike Letter of 8/15/1871

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

March 9, 2001
Dear Newswatch Magazine Listeners/Readers

In a remarkable letter dated August 15, 1871, which was on display in the British Museum Library in London, England, until recent years Pike gave Mazzini details of the Luciferian plan for world conquest. In graphic details he outlined PLANS for three world wars. There would also be many revolutionary wars. He stated that in the third of these wars "WE [the Illuminati - worshippers of Lucifer] shall UNLEASH the Nihilists and Atheists, and WE shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its HORROR will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will EXTERMINATE those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, DISILLUSIONED WITH CHRISTIANITY, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass [direction], anxious for an ideal, but without knowing WHERE to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the DESTRUCTION of Christianity and athe-ism,both conquered and exterminated at the same time

While Russia was being built into a weapon of destruction by the Illuminati for fomenting wars and revolutions, its leaders were also laying the final groundwork for Albert Pike's plan and Lenin's update. In case the FINAL phase, the United States falling without war, did not come to pass, they needed an alternative plan. It was formulated in the 1930s by Dimitry Manuilski, Professor at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow. His declaration was: "War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. Today [the 1930s], of course, we are not strong enough to attack. Our time will come in thirty to forty years. To win, we shall need the element of surprise. The western world will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There shall be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate to their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard [military] is down, we shall SMASH THEM WITH OUR CLENCHED FIST."

One Communist Russian leader stated that by taking the "masses of Asia" and the continent of Africa, the Communists would have such overwhelming odds in population that the United States could not defend themselves. China and India are the two most populous nations on earth. Add to their 2 1/2 billion Africa's population of 600 million. That is overwhelming odds.

When Boris Yeltsin resigned from being president of Russia toward the end of 1999, Vladimir Putin inherited a state that was still in transition supposedly from its communist past. But is it? Or is it another deception that will ultimately bring a confrontation between the whole of the Communist world and the United States? Putin is a former KGB agent. Putin began student military training once again for ages 15 years and up. He has increased production of new modern military equipment at an alarming rate, along with Communist China.

With Communist China controlling both ends of the Panama Canal, Nicaragua and Cuba training guerrillas to destabilize EVERY government in Central and South America and Russia, China and North Korea building massive weap-ons of attack, certainly Manuilski and Pike's prophecies are about to come true. When America disarms to low levels, they will attack with surprise and destroy the last bas-tian of capitalism. Then they will have a Communist United Nations world.

David J. Smith 
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2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

February 26, 2003

No, there's a glimmer of hope for peace  but the War Party is working overtime to extinguish it 

Events may be conspiring to deny George W. Bush and his war-maddened advisors the chance to implement their plan for the conquest and occupation of Iraq. To begin with, the United Nations Security Council has been turned into the first battlefield in this war, and it doesn't look good for the War Party. As the Anglo-American proposal to unleash the dogs of war was raised in the latest session, France, Germany, and Russia were quick to offer their own resolution  giving Iraq another 120 days to comply. By that time, even if the Iraqis still refuse to cooperate, summertime in the desert would make warfare on the ground difficult if not impossible. 

Another obstacle looming large is Turkey's continued unwillingness to allow U.S. troops on its soil, even in exchange for a generous bribe. And supposing they eventually cave, a crucial question is the number of troops they'll permit in the country, and for how long. Before the U.S. can open up the crucial northern front in the administration's invasion plan, the Turks must not only negotiate their price but also convince Turkish legislators to accept the deal  by no means a foregone conclusion. 

And on the other side of the world, the North Koreans are demanding our attention. As Colin Powell, Japanese Prime Minister Junichero Koizumi, and other dignitaries arrived in Seoul to attend the inauguration ceremony installing Roh Moo-hyun as South Korea's new President, the North Koreans launched a missile into the Sea of Japan, as if to say: "Trouble is on the way." 

Trouble on the home front has already arrived, at least for the President and the GOP. Antiwar sentiment is on the rise, with a number of congressional Republicans deeply troubled by what they're hearing from their constituents. The Los Angeles Times reports:

"With the U.S.-Iraq showdown possibly headed to a climax, many Republicans who have spent months staunchly behind President Bush's hard-line posture are confronting anxiety, skepticism and some outright opposition among their constituents."

" Even some members of Bush's own party are expressing concern about the need for more allied support. 'Today, America stands nearly alone in proclaiming the urgency of the use of force to disarm Saddam Hussein,' Sen. Charles Hagel (R-Neb.) said in a speech Thursday at Kansas State University. 'America must balance its determination with patience and not be seen as in a rush to war.'"

Richard Lugar is another prominent Senator who wishes the President would cool down the war fever at the White House, just a bit, and the Indiana Republican is far from alone on his side of the aisle. According to Capitol Hill Blue, some of the President's advisors are beginning to counsel backing away from the brink:

"Some strategists within the Bush Administration are urging the President to look for an 'exit strategy' on Iraq, warning the tough stance on war with the Arab country has left the country in a 'no win' situation."

More good news:

"In addition, Republican leaders in both the House and Senate are telling the President privately that he is losing support in Congress for a 'go it alone war' against Iraq. 'The President's war plans are in trouble, there's no doubt about that,' says an advisor to House Speaker Dennis J. Hastert. 'Some Republican members want a vote on military action and some of those say they would, at this point, vote against such action.'"

But not that good:

"Some White House advisors are urging the President to consider complying with the UN position or to look for other 'face saving' ways to avoid war with Iraq. President Bush, however, is reported to be 'hanging tough' on plans to invade Iraq, even though his closest advisors tell him such a move could be 'disastrous' politically."

When a Republican strategist confides that he's advising his clients to distance themselves from Bush and his war, you know that something is up:

"Republican campaign strategist Vern Wilson says he is advising his clients to 'put some distance between themselves and the President' on war with Iraq. 'When you have former military leaders questioning the wisdom of war, then you have Vietnam and Gulf War veterans marching against the war, when you have Republicans in Congress questioning the President's judgment, it tells me we could have a problem,' Wilson said."

If the President isn't even listening to his own supporters, then the whole question of just what this war is really about looms larger and ever more mysterious. Why is Bush 43 willing to alienate not only our allies overseas, but an increasing number of prominent Republican office-holders? Among the most bothered and bewildered are state and local officials, already burdened with extra costs, forced to watch as Turkey openly extorts $24 billion from the 

[CTRL] The Facts About Rebellion

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Facts About Rebellion
by Charley Reese

Which political leader made war on his own people, killing 262,000 of them, burning their cities, destroying their food supply and placing the survivors under military occupation?

If your answer is Saddam Hussein, you're wrong. The answer is Abraham Lincoln.

Accepting the Northern but incorrect view of the War Between the States, Lincoln did exactly the same thing Saddam Hussein did. When "his own people" rose up in armed rebellion, he crushed the rebellion, brutally and decisively.

I'm making this point not to disillusion you about Lincoln but to point out how propaganda works. One effective way to propagandize people is to take a fact out of context. Much has been made of the fact that Saddam Hussein crushed the Kurdish rebellion. Any leader of Iraq would have crushed the Kurdish rebellion. If the Scots rose up in armed rebellion today, British Prime Minister Tony Blair would crush, or try to crush, the rebellion. What do you think the British have been doing in Ireland lo these many years?

Any government will assert the right to self-defense. When our forefathers chose to secede from the British Empire, the British tried to crush what they considered a rebellion. And before you give up the delicious and high-quality products of France, you should remember that without French troops and the French fleet, the British would likely have succeeded.

I know it's idealistic foolishness to expect the government to tell the truth rather than to resort to propaganda. For that reason, we, as citizens, have to learn to recognize propaganda. To sell the war, the Bush administration has demonized Saddam Hussein. The fact is, Saddam is a run-of-the-mill dictator, worse than some, better than some. In the war against Iran, a nation with three times the population of Iraq, the Iraqis used chemical weapons. So did the Iranians. In World War I, the United States, the British, the French and the Germans used chemical weapons. In World War II, we used nuclear weapons. In Waco, Texas, in 1993, the Federal Bureau of Investigation used chemical weapons against American civilians.

It's quite true that, like any other dictator, Saddam treats his political opponents harshly, but it's also true that if you stay out of politics, you could live as freely in Baghdad as you can in New York City. Unlike a communist-style dictator, Saddam doesn't give a damn what Iraqis think or do unless it involves a threat to his hold on power. There are two categories of dictators: totalitarians who want to control every aspect of a person's life, and gangsters who just want to stay in power. Saddam is in the gangster category. Iraqi women, for example, are entitled to free education, just the same as men, and are free to choose any vocation they wish. Prior to the Gulf War, Iraq had one of the largest middle classes in the Middle East, one of the best education systems and one of the best health care systems. We, not Saddam, have destroyed all three with the war and economic sanctions.

Another propaganda technique is to focus on Saddam. To hear the Bush administration and to watch American television, you'd think Iraq was occupied by one individual, Saddam. He's only one of 25 million people, and the overwhelming majority of Iraqis are just like us, with the same dreams and hopes we have.

I don't give a damn about Saddam Hussein. He's a tough guy and a killer. He's lived 66 years in a tough and dangerous world. I'm sure he's ready to die if it comes to that. But why should Iraqi children have to die or be maimed or orphaned just because our political leader doesn't like their political leader? It's too bad we can't give Bush and Saddam each a knife, put them both in a dark room and let them settle the matter between themselves.

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[CTRL] Powell Warned Bush Last Year Of Bloody War With Iraq Without UN Support

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Powell Warned Bush Last Year Of Bloody War With Iraq Without UN Support
By Jason Leopold

If the United States decides to wage a war with Iraq without the full support of the United Nations it will be "much more complicated and bloody" than the siege in Afghanistan after 9-11 and the first Gulf War combined, Secretary of State Colin Powell warned President Bush privately early last year, Bob Woodward wrote in the book "Bush at War." 

"It's nice to say you can do it unilaterally," Powell said to Bush about attacking Iraq, Woodward wrote. "Except you can't. A successful military plan would require we need allies... International support has to be garnered." 

So what has changed between the time Powell warned Bush about alienating a majority of our allies in the United Nations and now, when Powell's rhetoric before the U.N. Security Council this month is understood to mean that if the U.N. doesn't back a full-scale war with Iraq the U.S. and Britain will attack Iraq alone if necessary? 

Absolutely nothing. Despite the fact that Powell has recently changed his tone before the U.N., he knows full well that if the U.S. made good on its threats it will face a bloody battle in the Iraqi desert or on the streets of Baghdad. 

A, "unilateral war would be tough, close to impossible", Powell told Bush, according to Woodward's book. 

One can only assume that Powell's sudden departure from the earlier warnings he made to the President is just Powell being a team player and agreeing with the "hawks" even though he knows better, said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a political and media analyst at the University of Southern California's school of Public Policy and Development. 

"If anything, international support for a war in Iraq has eroded over the past five months," Jeffe said. "So it's likely that those risks Powell presented to President Bush last year still exist. Powell's rhetoric is just that. He knows better having spent most of his life in the military that without international support the U.S. is facing a dangerous situation if it decides to go to war alone." 

Dr. Hussein Shahristani, once Iraq's top nuclear scientist who spent 11 years in solitary confinement for refusing Saddam Hussein's order to build an atomic bomb, said in an interview Sunday on 60 Minutes that he believes the U.S. is rushing into a war without fully understanding the threat it faces. Shahristani was tortured for refusing to comply with the Saddam's order and fled Iraq during the first Gulf War. He said he would like nothing more than to see Saddam removed from power, but he warned the Bush Administration not to start a war with Iraq without the support of the U.N. 

As the U.S. moves closer to war it's important to take another look at how the Bush Administration got here, and how, through lying, manipulation, and with the events that brought this country to its knees, the Bush Administration has used this in attempt to make a case for war. 

Of the half-dozen books that have been written about Bush since he was sworn into office two years ago, the recurring theme throughout all of them is the strong desire by the Administration to find a reason to start a war with Iraq - be it allegations that the country is concealing weapons of mass destruction or using 9-11 as an excuse to launch an immediate assault - without caring about how such a war would alienate the U.N. and the public or the fact that the U.S. cannot make a good case to justify a war with Iraq. 

Woodward wrote in, "Bush at War", that Vice President Dick Cheney was, "hell bent for action against Saddam. It was as if nothing else existed." 
Following the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, Woodward wrote that Rumsfeld, "could take advantage of the terrorist attacks and make Iraq a target immediately." 

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said, without a shred of evidence to back it up, that there was a 10 to 50 percent chance that Saddam Hussein was involved in 9-11, Woodward wrote. 

David Frum, the former White House speechwriter who coined the phrase "Axis of Evil," wrote in "The Right Man," his book about the year he spent in the Bush Administration, that the U.S. received intelligence information from Czechoslovakia that it could not confirm that a meeting took place between Mohammed Atta, the lead 9-11 hijacker, and an Iraqi intelligence officer in Prague in April 200,1 "suggesting some degree of cooperation between the al-Qaeda and the Iraqi dictator." 

That information, which has never been confirmed by U.S. intelligence, according to Frum, became the excuse the Bush Administration would use to attack Iraq and link 9-11 to Saddam Hussein. But according to Woodward, who spent ample time with Bush before writing his book, the President had no evidence that Iraq was involved in 9-11. He only had a gut feeling. 

"I believe Iraq was involved 

[CTRL] WHICH War On Terrorism?

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Which War on Terrorism? 
America Will Not Be As Effective If It Continues to Pursue Multiple Targets, Rather than Focusing on Al Qaeda
 Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003

A U.S. military campaign against Iraq seems imminent, unless some alternative resolution can be reached. One of the most convincing critiques of the Bush Administration's war plans has been the fear that a war against Iraq will unnecessarily, and prematurely, distract from the more pressing efforts to disrupt and disband Al Qaeda. 

Recent events have only underlined the truth in this critique. We continue to fall far short of our goals when it comes to Al Qaeda, as recent warnings only emphasized. Yet instead of pursuing these goals, we spend much of our time on other objectives.

That raises a very serious question. America may be very capable of fighting two wars at once. But can it fight both of them well? 

Rather than confront this question, America has recently chosen to conduct yet a third war - on groups related to neither Al Qaeda nor Iraq. For instance, last week Sami Al-Arian, a Florida professor, was publicly arrested, and subsequently indicted on charges of supporting the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). 

Al-Arian, an outspoken critic of Israel's occupation, has many supporters who argue that his arrest is simply a political witch hunt. Regardless of whether or not they are correct, it is plain that Al-Arian does not belong to the inner core of terror on which the government should be focusing. 

America's Disappointing Record In the Real War on Terrorism

Al Qaeda, of course, remains a horrific threat. Not only is Bin Laden apparently still at large (and issuing messages to his followers), but his terrorist group also seems to have re-formed. Indeed, Al Qaeda recently launched effective attacks in Bali, Lebanon, Kenya, and Kuwait that cost lives, and instilled the very terror they were meant to create. 

Meanwhile, after last week's terror alerts, America remains on edge, fearing that the U.S. will face further attacks - and wondering when Al Qaeda will be stopped. Yet Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged "twentieth hijacker," remains our only 9/11-related arrest, and he was in custody before the attacks. (Germany has also tried and convicted Mounir el-Motassadeq, a suspect in the 9/11 plot, but seems to have done so quite independently of the U.S.) 

The hard truth is this: America's law enforcement role in the war against terrorism is, to date, not one in which most Americans can find comfort or security. 

Since 9/11, successes in the war against Al Qaeda, in particular, have been few and far between. 

There have been a handful of "material support" cases brought against Islamic charities. While cutting off funding is important, no one is under the illusion that these cases have directly prevented the terrorist attacks our own government tells us are imminent.

Meanwhile, two Americans are being held, incommunicado, in military confinement, based largely on facts not disclosed to the public. But if the cases against Yaser Hamdi and Jose Padilla are so strong, why not try them, at least before a military tribunal? 

Certainly if Hamdi and Padilla were going to speak to the government about co-conspirators, they would have done so by now. Granted, perhaps Hamdi and Padilla are co-operating even now. But if they were, it seems likely that the government would let us know. After all, they have publicized, by comparison, other alleged terrorists' cooperation. 

There have also been arrests of alleged Al Qaeda sleeper cells in New York and Washington. But, in both cases, the government admitted that the alleged cells were neither active nor planning any attack. The strongest case against the cells is that members appear to have been trained for fighting in Afghanistan. And, finally, there are the detainees being held in Guantanamo. This may be progress, but with warnings being issued, the public can be forgiven for believing it is not progress enough. 

Granted, the government's investigators and lawyers have a difficult job when it comes to ferreting out terrorists, pursuing and prosecuting terrorism cases. These cases are arduous, painstaking and not exactly conducive to press conferences. Most terrorists remain below the radar screen before their attacks. And Al Qaeda's policy of dividing members into cells whose members do not know each other, only makes investigation more difficult. 

But these difficulties are exactly the reason we ought to focus intensely on Al Qaeda, and not divide our focus so many times, among so many different alleged enemies, that in the end, we lose it entirely. 

There is plainly much room for improvement in our system. For example, an independent review by the General Accounting Office recently found that nearly half of the 288 convictions reported as international or domestic terrorism cases were 

[CTRL] Coalition of the willing? Make that war criminals

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Coalition of the willing? Make that war criminals 

February 26 2003 

A pre-emptive strike on Iraq would constitute a crime against humanity, write 43 experts on international law and human rights.

The initiation of a war against Iraq by the self-styled "coalition of the willing" would be a fundamental violation of international law. International law recognises two bases for the use of force.

The first, enshrined in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, allows force to be used in self-defence. The attack must be actual or imminent.

The second basis is when the UN Security Council authorises the use of force as a collective response to the use or threat of force. However, the Security Council is bound by the terms of the UN Charter and can authorise the use of force only if there is evidence that there is an actual threat to the peace (in this case, by Iraq) and that this threat cannot be averted by any means short of force
(such as negotiation and further weapons inspections).

Members of the "coalition of the willing", including Australia, have not yet presented any persuasive arguments that an invasion of Iraq can be justified at international law. The United States has proposed a doctrine of "pre-emptive self-defence" that would allow a country to use force against another country it suspects may attack it at some stage.

This doctrine contradicts the cardinal principle of the modern international legal order and the primary rationale for the founding of the UN after World War II - the prohibition of the unilateral use of force to settle disputes.

The weak and ambiguous evidence presented to the international community by the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, to justify a pre-emptive strike underlines the practical danger of a doctrine of pre-emption. A principle of pre-emption would allow particular national agendas to completely destroy the system of collective security contained in Chapter Seven of the UN Charter and return us to the pre-1945 era, where might equalled right. Ironically, the same principle would justify Iraq now launching pre-emptive attacks on members of the coalition because it could validly argue that it feared attack.

But there is a further legal dimension for Saddam Hussein on the one hand and George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard and their potential coalition partners on the other to consider. Even if the use of force can be justified, international humanitarian law places significant limits on the means and methods of warfare.

The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their 1977 Protocols set out some of these limits: for example, the prohibitions on targeting civilian populations and civilian infrastructure and causing extensive destruction of property not justified by military objectives. Intentionally launching an attack knowing that it will cause "incidental" loss of life or injury to civilians "which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated" constitutes a war crime at international law.

The military objective of disarming Iraq could not justify widespread harm to the Iraqi population, over half of whom are under the age of 15. The use of nuclear weapons in a pre-emptive attack would seem to fall squarely within the definition of a war crime.

Until recently, the enforcement of international humanitarian law largely depended on the willingness of countries to try those responsible for grave breaches of the law. The creation of the International Criminal Court last year has, however, provided a stronger system of scrutiny and adjudication of violations of humanitarian law.

The International Criminal Court now has jurisdiction over war crimes and crimes against humanity when national legal systems have not dealt with these crimes adequately. It attributes criminal responsibility to individuals responsible for planning military action that violates international humanitarian law and those who carry it out. It specifically extends criminal liability to heads of state, leaders of governments, parliamentarians, government officials and military personnel.

Estimates of civilian deaths in Iraq suggest that up to quarter of a million people may die as a result of an attack using conventional weapons and many more will suffer homelessness, malnutrition and other serious health and environmental consequences in its aftermath.

>From what we know of the likely civilian devastation caused by the coalition's war strategies, there are strong arguments that attacking Iraq may involve committing both war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Respect for international law must be the first concern of the Australian Government if it seeks to punish the Iraqi Government for not respecting international law. It is clearly in our national interest to strengthen, rather than thwart, the global rule of law.

Humanitarian considerations should also play a major role 

[CTRL] Gaining an empire, losing democracy?

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Norman Mailer: Gaining an empire, losing democracy? 

America is going to become a mega-banana republic where the army will have more and more importance in Americans' lives.

Iraq is an excuse

By Norman Mailer (Tribune Media Services)
Tuesday, February 25, 2003


LOS ANGELES: There is a subtext to what the Bushites are doing as they prepare for war in Iraq. My hypothesis is that President George W. Bush and many conservatives have come to the conclusion that the only way they can save America and get if off its present downslope is to become a regime with a greater military presence and drive toward empire. My fear is that Americans might lose their democracy in the process. 

By downslope I'm referring not only to the corporate scandals, the church scandals and the FBI scandals. The country has gone kind of crazy in the eyes of conservatives. Also, kids can't read anymore. Especially for conservatives, the culture has become too sexual. 

Iraq is the excuse for moving in an imperial direction. War with Iraq, as they originally conceived it, would be a quick, dramatic step that would enable them to control the Near East as a powerful base - not least because of the oil there, as well as the water supplies from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers - to build a world empire. 

The Bushites also expect to bring democracy to the region and believe that in itself will help to diminish terrorism. But I expect the opposite will happen: terrorists are not impressed by democracy. They loathe it. They are fundamentalists of the most basic kind. The more successful democracy is in the Near East - not likely in my view - the more terrorism it will generate. 

The only outstanding obstacle to the drive toward empire in the Bushites' minds is China. Indeed, one of the great fears in the Bush administration about America's downslope is that the "stem studies" such as science, technology and engineering are all faring poorly in U.S. universities. The number of American doctorates is going down and down. But the number of Asians obtaining doctorates in those same stem studies are increasing at a great rate. 

Looking 20 years ahead, the administration perceives that there will come a time when China will have technology superior to America's. When that time comes, America might well say to China that "we can work together," we will be as the Romans to you Greeks. You will be our extraordinary, well-cultivated slaves. But don't try to dominate us. That would be your disaster. This is the scenario that some of the brightest neoconservatives are thinking about. (I use Rome as a metaphor, because metaphors are usually much closer to the truth than facts). 

What has happened, of course, is that the Bushites have run into much more opposition than they thought they would from other countries and among the home population. It may well end up that we won't have a war, but a new strategy to contain Iraq and wear Saddam down. If that occurs, Bush is in terrible trouble. 

My guess though, is that, like it or not, want it or not, America is going to go to war because that is the only solution Bush and his people can see. 

The dire prospect that opens, therefore, is that America is going to become a mega-banana republic where the army will have more and more importance in Americans' lives. It will be an ever greater and greater overlay on the American system. And before it is all over, democracy, noble and delicate as it is, may give way. My long experience with human nature - I'm 80 years old now - suggests that it is possible that fascism, not democracy, is the natural state. 

Indeed, democracy is the special condition - a condition we will be called upon to defend in the coming years. That will be enormously difficult because the combination of the corporation, the military and the complete investiture of the flag with mass spectator sports has set up a pre-fascistic atmosphere in America already. 

Norman Mailer's latest book is "The Spooky Art: Some Thoughts on Writing." This comment was adapted from remarks Feb. 22 to the Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities and distributed by Global Viewpoint/Tribune Media Services International.

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[CTRL] Concentration Camps in Okanagon County?

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Concentration Camps in Okanagon County? 

Okanogan County Commissioner Dave Schulz says he's convinced his county is a designated home for a ``concentration camp'' in case of civil unrest.Schulz says he has copies of documents, although he hasn't been able to confirm the rumor.

Federal officials say they have no idea where the commissioner got the notion of civilian detention camps.

A Federal Emergency Management Agency spokeswoman says it sounds like an urban legend and a Pentagon spokesman says he's not aware of any planned camps in Okanogan County or elsewhere.

Rumors of planned U.S. detention facilities appear on dozens of Web sites.

Schulz says he thinks the plan has been written in the event of a national emergency where martial law is necessary, and hopes it never becomes necessary.

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[CTRL] Israel Seizes Nuke Papers to Stem Media Leaks

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israel Seizes Nuke Papers to Stem Media Leaks

BY JACK KATZENELL, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Originally Published 13/01/2001

JERUSALEM -- Israel's State Archives confiscated papers relating to the country's nuclear secrets from the widow of a former prime minister while she was out of the country, a newspaper reported Friday.

Alarmed by persistent leaks of nuclear secrets to the media, the Defense Ministry ordered the confiscation of documents belonging to late Prime Minister Levy Eshkol, the daily Haaretz said.

The ministry suspected the Eshkol archives might be the source of some of the leaked information, the report said.

The papers were in the possession of Miriam Eshkol but were kept at a Jerusalem government office dedicated to Eshkol's memory. State Archivist Evyatar Friesel took advantage of the widow's absence to have the documents moved to the State Archives, the paper said.

Friesel on Friday refused to comment on the report. Miriam Eshkol could not be reached for comment.

Israel has a nuclear reactor near Dimona in the Negev Desert and is widely assumed to have nuclear weapons, but has always refused to confirm it.

Eshkol became prime minister in 1964 when the nuclear program was said to have been in its early stages.

Last month, Israel announced the arrest of a retired general accused of disclosing classified military information to a reporter. Retired Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Yaacov, 75, a scientist who has U.S. as well as Israeli citizenship, was involved in the nuclear program, the British newspaper Sunday Times said.

In 1986, the Sunday Times published photographs taken by Mordechai Vanunu, a technician who worked at the Dimona facility. On the basis of the photographs, experts said at the time that Israel had the world's sixth-largest stockpile of nuclear weapons.

Vanunu is now serving an 18-year sentence for providing the pictures. The Defense Ministry recently decided to keep Vanunu under surveillance after his release, and to try him again if he again attempts to disclose classified information, Haaretz reported.

Defense Ministry spokesman Shlomo Dror said he was not familiar with either the reported confiscation of the papers or the ministry's decision on Vanunu.

However, he said both decisions would be justified to prevent such leaks of sensitive information.

"It is against the law to divulge classified information . . .," he said. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Israel - Germs, Gas And Nukes - Fingers On All The Buttons...

2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israel - Germs, Gas And Nukes

Fingers On All The Buttons...
© 2003 Index on Censorship

The world's best-known and most efficient 'secret' manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction is not Iraq, not even North Korea, but Israel. Neil Sammonds looks at a nuclear, biological and chemical warfare programme that even the Israeli Knesset cannot get access to, let alone the United Nations.   

In September 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at Israel's Dimona nuclear site, revealed to the Sunday Times that the nuclear military programme based there had produced 'over 200' nuclear warheads.   

Days later he was tricked into flying to Rome where he was abducted by Mossad agents and secretly transported to Israel. In November 1986, he was tried in camera and sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment, 14 of which were spent in solitary confinement.   

In 1999, in response to a petition from Yediot Ahronot newspaper, the government released about 40 per cent of the trial documents.   

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists estimates that Israel has the world's fifth largest stockpile of nuclear warheads (more than Britain, which it believes has 185).   

In February 2000, Knesset member Issam Mahoul said Israel had '200 to 300' nuclear weapons; in August of that year, the Federation of American Scientists said that Israel could have produced 'at least 100 nuclear weapons, but probably not significantly more than 200'; the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates 200.   

Other sources, including Jane's Intelligence Review, estimate between 400 and 500 thermonuclear and nuclear weapons.   

What Dimona is to Israel's nuclear programme, the Israeli Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) at Nes Ziona is to its chemical and biological warfare (CBW) programme. The high-security facility is absent from aerial survey photographs and maps, on which it has been replaced by orange groves.   

Except for token visits to Dimona by a Norwegian team in 1961 and a US team in 1969, there has been no international scrutiny. Even the Knesset is denied access.   

However, the 1993 report by the Office of Technology Assessment for the US Congress states that Israel has 'undeclared offensive chemical warfare capabilities' and is 'generally reported as having an undeclared offensive biological warfare programme'.   

Anthony Cordesman of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies states that Israel has conducted extensive research into gas warfare and is ready to produce biological weapons.   

According to an exhaustive study by Karel Knip, a Dutch journalist, the IIBR's work has included the synthesis of nerve gases such as tabun, sarin and VX.   

The October 1992 crash an of El Al cargo plane in Amsterdam that caused at least 47 deaths and caused hundreds of immediate and subsequent mysterious illnesses led to the disclosure in 1998 that flight LY1862 was carrying chemicals including 50 gallons of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) - enough to produce 594 pounds of sarin. The DMMP was supplied by Solkatronic Chemicals Inc of Morrisville, Pennsylvania, and was destined for the IIBR.   

Avner Cohen has catalogued reported uses of biological weapons by Jewish forces during the 1948 war in Palestine. The Israeli historian Uri Milstein alleged that 'in many conquered Arab villages, the water supply was poisoned to prevent the inhabitants from coming back.' Milstein states that one of the largest of such covert operations caused the typhoid outbreak in Acre in May 1948.   

The Palestinian Arab Higher Committee reported in July 1948 that there was some evidence that Jewish forces were responsible for a cholera outbreak in Egypt in November 1947 and in Syrian villages near the Palestinian-Syrian border in February 1948.   

In May 1948, the Egyptian ministry of defence stated that four 'zionists' had been captured while trying to contaminate artesian wells in Gaza with 'a liquid which was discovered to contain germs of dysentery and typhoid'.   

In 1954, it was widely reported that defence minister Pinchas Lavon had proposed using BW for special operations. Cohen says: 'Israel has presumably employed biological or toxin weapons for special operations.'   

In 1955, Prime Minister Ben Gurion ordered the weaponisation and stockpiling of chemical weapons in case of a war with Egypt. Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky claims that lethal tests have been performed on Arab prisoners at the IIBR.   

There are allegations that Israel has used CBW on numerous occasions:   

Chemical defoliants used by the army against Palestinian lands, including Ain el-Beida in 1968, Araqba in 1972 and Mejdel Beni Fadil in 1978; Armed nuclear missiles in the 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli wars; Chemical weapons in the 1982 war on Lebanon, including hydrogen cyanide, nerve gas and phosphorus shells; In the 1980s lethal gases against Palestinian civilians and Palestinian, 


2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israel's 'Use' Of Its Nuclear 
Weapons Against US
>From Lili

Jeff - These are paragraphs of 'special interest' I wish to highlight from the long and detailed USAF report that comments are in all caps:   

One other purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not often stated, but obvious, is their "use" on the United States. America does not want Israel's nuclear profile raised.[144] They have been used in the past to ensure America does not desert Israel under increased Arab, or oil embargo, pressure and have forced the United States to support Israeli diplomatically against the Soviet Union. Israel used their existence to guarantee a continuing supply of American conventional weapons, a policy likely to continue.[145]     

Israel went on full-scale nuclear alert again on the first day of Desert Storm, 18 January 1991. Seven SCUD missiles were fired against the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa by Iraq (only two actually hit Tel Aviv and one hit Haifa). This alert lasted for the duration of the war, 43 days. Over the course of the war, Iraq launched around 40 missiles in 17 separate attacks at Israel. There was little loss of life: two killed directly, 11 indirectly, with many structures damaged and life disrupted.[98] Several supposedly landed near Dimona, one of them a close miss.[99] Threats of retaliation by the Shamir government if the Iraqis used chemical warheads were interpreted to mean that Israel intended to launch a nuclear strike if gas attacks occurred.   One Israeli commentator recommended that Israel should signal Iraq that "any Iraqi action against Israeli civilian populations, with or without gas, may leave Iraq without Baghdad."[100] Shortly before the end of the war the Israelis tested a "nuclear capable" missile which prompted the United States into intensifying its SCUD hunting in western Iraq to prevent any Israeli response.[101] The Israeli Air Force set up dummy SCUD sites in the Negev for pilots to practice on"they found it no easy task.[102] American government concessions to Israel for not attacking (in addition to Israeli Patriot missile batteries) were:   

* Allowing Israel to designate 100 targets inside Iraq for the coalition to destroy,   

* Satellite downlink to increase warning time on the SCUD attacks (present and future),   

* Technical parity with Saudi jet fighters in perpetuity.[103]   

JFK demanded Israel allow inspectors to see Dimona, three months later he was assassinated and pro-Israel Johnson is President:   

The Israelis aggressively pursued an aircraft delivery system from the United States. President Johnson was less emphatic about nonproliferation than President Kennedy-or perhaps had more pressing concerns, such as Vietnam. He had a long history of both Jewish friends and pressing political contributors coupled with some first hand experience of the Holocaust, having toured concentration camps at the end of World War II.[51] Israel pressed him hard for aircraft (A-4E Skyhawks initially and F-4E Phantoms later) and obtained agreement in 1966 under the condition that the aircraft would not be used to deliver nuclear weapons. The State Department attempted to link the aircraft purchases to continued inspection visits. President Johnson overruled the State Department concerning Dimona inspections.[52] Although denied at the time, America delivered the F-4Es, on September 5, 1969, with nuclear capable hardware intact.[53]   

Not only were the Israelis interested in American nuclear weapons development data, they were interested in targeting data from U.S. intelligence. Israel discovered that they were on the Soviet target list. American-born Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard obtained satellite-imaging data of the Soviet Union, allowing Israel to target accurately Soviet cities. This showed Israel's intention to use its nuclear arsenal as a deterrent political lever, or retaliatory capability against the Soviet Union itself. Israel also used American satellite imagery to plan the 7 June 1981 attack on the Tammuz-1 reactor at Osiraq, Iraq. This daring attack, carried out by eight F-16s accompanied by six F-15s punched a hole in the concrete reactor dome before the reactor began operation (and just days before an Israeli election). It delivered 15 delay-fused 2000 pound bombs deep into the reactor structure (the 16th bomb hit a nearby hall). The blasts shredded the reactor and blew out the dome foundations, causing it to collapse on the rubble. This was the world's first attack on a nuclear reactor.[91]   


Another speculative area concerns Israeli nuclear security and 


2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

III. 1963-1973: Seeing the Project to Completion
Israel would soon need its own, independent, capabilities to complete its nuclear program. Only five countries had facilities for uranium enrichment: the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, France, and China. The Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation, or NUMEC, in Apollo, Pennsylvania was a small fuel rod fabrication plant. In 1965, the U.S. government accused Dr. Zalman Shapiro, the corporation president, of "losing" 200 pounds of highly enriched uranium. Although investigated by the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other government agencies and inquiring reporters, no answers were available in what was termed the Apollo Affair.29 Many remain convinced that the Israelis received 200 pounds of enriched uranium sometime before 1965.30 One source links Rafi Eitan, an Israeli Mossad agent and later the handler of spy Jonathan Pollard, with NUMEC.31 In the 1990s when the NUMEC plant was disassembled, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission found over 100 kilograms of plutonium in the structural components of the contaminated plant, casting doubt on 200 pounds going to Israel.32   

The joint venture with France gave Israel several ingredients for nuclear weapons construction: a production reactor, a factory to extract plutonium from the spent fuel, and the design. In 1962, the Dimona reactor went critical; the French resumed work on the underground plutonium reprocessing plant, and completed it in 1964 or 1965. The acquisition of this reactor and related technologies was clearly intended for military purposes from the outset (not "dual-use"), as the reactor has no other function. The security at Dimona (officially the Negev Nuclear Research Center) was particularly stringent. For straying into Dimona's airspace, the Israelis shot down one of their own Mirage fighters during the Six-Day War. The Israelis also shot down a Libyan airliner with 104 passengers, in 1973, which had strayed over the Sinai.33 There is little doubt that some time in the late sixties Israel became the sixth nation to manufacture nuclear weapons. Other things they needed were extra uranium and extra heavy water to run the reactor at a higher rate. Norway, France, and the United States provided the heavy water and "Operation Plumbat" provided the uranium.   

After the 1967 war, France stopped supplies of uranium to Israel. These supplies were from former French colonies of Gabon, Niger, and the Central Africa Republic.34 Israel had small amounts of uranium from Negev phosphate mines and had bought some from Argentina and South Africa, but not in the large quantities supplied by the French. Through a complicated undercover operation, the Israelis obtained uranium oxide, known as yellow cake, held in a stockpile in Antwerp. Using a West German front company and a high seas transfer from one ship to another in the Mediterranean, they obtained 200 tons of yellow cake. The smugglers labeled the 560 sealed oil drums "Plumbat," which means lead, hence "Operation Plumbat."35 The West German government may have been involved directly but remained undercover to avoid antagonizing the Soviets or Arabs.36 Israeli intelligence information on the Nazi past of some West German officials may have provided the motivation.37   

Norway sold 20 tons of heavy water to Israel in 1959 for use in an experimental power reactor. Norway insisted on the right to inspect the heavy water for 32 years, but did so only once, in April 1961, while it was still in storage barrels at Dimona. Israel simply promised that the heavy water was for peaceful purposes. In addition, quantities much more than what would be required for the peaceful purpose reactors were imported. Norway either colluded or at the least was very slow to ask to inspect as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) rules required.38 Norway and Israel concluded an agreement in 1990 for Israel to sell back 10.5 tons of the heavy water to Norway. Recent calculations reveal that Israel has used two tons and will retain eight tons more.39   

Author Seymour Hersh, writing in the Samson Option says Prime Minister Levi Eshkol delayed starting weapons production even after Dimona was finished.40 The reactor operated and the plutonium collected, but remained unseparated. The first extraction of plutonium probably occurred in late 1965. By 1966, enough plutonium was on hand to develop a weapon in time for the Six-Day War in 1967. Some type of non-nuclear test, perhaps a zero yield or implosion test, occurred on November 2, 1966. After this time, considerable collaboration between Israel and South Africa developed and continued through the 1970s and 1980s. South Africa became Israel's primary supplier of uranium for Dimona. A Center for Nonproliferation Studies report lists four separate Israel-South Africa 


2003-02-26 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

IV. 1974-1999: Bringing the Bomb up the Basement Stairs

Never Again!
- Reportedly welded on the first Israeli nuclear bomb77
Shortly after the 1973 war, Israel allegedly fielded considerable nuclear artillery consisting of American 175 mm and 203 mm self-propelled artillery pieces, capable of firing nuclear shells. If true, this shows that Dimona had rapidly solved the problems of designing smaller weapons since the crude 1967 devices. If true, these low yield, tactical nuclear artillery rounds could reach at least 25 miles. The Israeli Defense Force did have three battalions of the 175mm artillery (36 tubes), reportedly with 108 nuclear shells and more for the 203mm tubes. Some sources describe a program to extend the range to 45 miles. They may have offered the South Africans these low yield, miniaturized, shells described as, "the best stuff we got."78 By 1976, according to one unclassified source, the Central Intelligence Agency believed that the Israelis were using plutonium from Dimona and had 10 to 20 nuclear weapons available.79   

In 1972, two Israeli scientists, Isaiah Nebenzahl and Menacehm Levin, developed a cheaper, faster uranium enrichment process. It used a laser beam for isotope separation. It could reportedly enrich seven grams of Uranium 235 sixty percent in one day.80 Sources later reported that Israel was using both centrifuges and lasers to enrich uranium.81   

Questions remained regarding full-scale nuclear weapons tests. Primitive gun assembled type devices need no testing. Researchers can test non-nuclear components of other types separately and use extensive computer simulations. Israel received data from the 1960 French tests, and one source concludes that Israel accessed information from U.S. tests conducted in the 1950s and early 1960s. This may have included both boosted and thermonuclear weapons data.82 Underground testing in a hollowed out cavern is difficult to detect. A West Germany Army Magazine, Wehrtechnik, in June 1976, claimed that Western reports documented a 1963 underground test in the Negev. Other reports show a test at Al-Naqab, Negev in October 1966.83   

A bright flash in the south Indian Ocean, observed by an American satellite on 22 September 1979, is widely believed to be a South Africa-Israel joint nuclear test. It was, according to some, the third test of a neutron bomb. The first two were hidden in clouds to fool the satellite and the third was an accident"the weather cleared.84 Experts differ on these possible tests. Several writers report that the scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory believed it to have been a nuclear explosion while a presidential panel decided otherwise.85 President Carter was just entering the Iran hostage nightmare and may have easily decided not to alter 30 years of looking the other way.86 The explosion was almost certainly an Israeli bomb, tested at the invitation of the South Africans. It was more advanced than the "gun type" bombs developed by the South Africans.87 One report claims it was a test of a nuclear artillery shell.88 A 1997 Israeli newspaper quoted South African deputy foreign minister, Aziz Pahad, as confirming it was an Israeli test with South African logistical support.89   

Controversy over possible nuclear testing continues to this day. In June 1998, a Member of the Knesset accused the government of an underground test near Eilat on May 28, 1998. Egyptian "nuclear experts" had made similar charges. The Israeli government hotly denied the claims.90   

Not only were the Israelis interested in American nuclear weapons development data, they were interested in targeting data from U.S. intelligence. Israel discovered that they were on the Soviet target list. American-born Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard obtained satellite-imaging data of the Soviet Union, allowing Israel to target accurately Soviet cities. This showed Israel's intention to use its nuclear arsenal as a deterrent political lever, or retaliatory capability against the Soviet Union itself. Israel also used American satellite imagery to plan the 7 June 1981 attack on the Tammuz-1 reactor at Osiraq, Iraq. This daring attack, carried out by eight F-16s accompanied by six F-15s punched a hole in the concrete reactor dome before the reactor began operation (and just days before an Israeli election). It delivered 15 delay-fused 2000 pound bombs deep into the reactor structure (the 16th bomb hit a nearby hall). The blasts shredded the reactor and blew out the dome foundations, causing it to collapse on the rubble. This was the world's first attack on a nuclear reactor.91   

Since 19 September 1988, Israel has worked on its own satellite recon- naissance system to decrease reliance on U.S. sources. On that day, they launched the Offeq-1 satellite on the Shavit booster, a system closely related to the Jericho-II missile. They launched the satellite to the west away from the Arabs and 

[CTRL] The Bush-Laden Family is Well Connected

2003-02-26 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

see attached image.

Sorry to offend some. War is hell. Remember when the civilians are dying needlessly
because your fearless leader did not head your call for peace.

What are you going to do about it?
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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