Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Has anyone seen Cheney?

2003-03-10 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/9/2003 12:19:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Something happened to the balance of power inside the
Bush Administration. Before 9-11, Cheney was in the
driver's seat. Now they keep him locked in the

He's still driving. It's just that he had to have time to write up Halliburton's proposal for that contract to rebuild Iraq. Prudy

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [unorganizedmilitia] A border story from the lighter side

2003-03-10 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Forwarded third- or fourth-hand:

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 21:40:02 EST
Subject: Re: [Knights of the Rose]
Fwd: Be Prepared!

There was a very intresting event that happened 2 weeks ago.  The 8th Texas
Cavalry, our reenactment group, was practicing for it's upcoming filming for the
history documentary on a ranch on the Texas-Mexico border.  On the first day we
were joined for morning chow by many Mexican Immigrants, whom we welcomed,
and we explained what the old uniforms, tents, horses, and cannon were all about,
they all got a kick out of it as did the border patrol boys that came along the long 
that follows the Rio Grande.

Early the next morning we began firing the cannon battery, which could be heard for
miles, we saw no more immigrants crossing the border near our camps that day, we
massed the troops at sunset after 5 pm chow, we decided to practice our cavalry
charge, preceded by artillary support, and followed by the infantry.

We followed our imaginary yankees to the muddy Rio Grande, which is actually
about a foot deep at this location, when to our surprize we found about 20 armed
men around an 18 wheeler that had become stuck in the muddy river, they saw us
coming, charging with sabres drawn and bayonets fixed on our real carbine rifles, in
our Confederate uniforms, they dropped their weapons in the river and ran,
abandoning the truck, we called the Bordor patrol and the 8th Cavalry had it's first
victory in the new century.

God Bless !!
Maj.  John Parnell

Criminals prefer unarmed victims.
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
I am none of the above.[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] Bush Pushes the Big Lie Toward the Brink

2003-03-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-,1,6834172.column

Bush Pushes the Big Lie Toward the Brink

   We have not seen such systematic distortion of intelligence, such
manipulation of the American people, since the war in Vietnam,
 - John Brady Kiesling

By Robert Scheer

Even some in government can no longer be silent in the face of falsehood.

So the truth is out: George W. Bush lied when he claimed to be worried
about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction. Otherwise, Iraq's
stepped-up cooperation with the U.N. on disarmament would be stunningly
good news, obviating the need to rush to war.

Instead, the U.N. weapons inspectors' verification of Iraq's destruction
of missiles, private meetings with Iraqi weapons scientists, visits to
locations where biological and chemical weapons were destroyed in 1991
and a series of unfettered flights by U2 spy plans have been met with a
shrug and sneer in Washington. The White House line is that even if the
Iraqis destroy all their slingshots, Goliath is still bringing his tanks
and instituting regime change. The arrogance is breathtaking. We have
demanded that a country disarm -- and even as it is doing so, we say it
doesn't matter: it's too late; we're coming in. Put down your guns and
await the slaughter.

Abraham Lincoln once observed that even a free people can be fooled for a
time -- and this, mind you, was long before Fox News existed -- and in
his chaotic two-year presidency, Bush has pushed the Big Lie approach so
far that we are seeing dramatic signs of its cracking: an international
backlash, a domestic peace movement and whistle-blowing from inside our
own intelligence and diplomatic corps.

We have not seen such systematic distortion of intelligence, such
systematic manipulation of the American people, since the war in
Vietnam, wrote John Brady Kiesling, a 20-year veteran of the U.S.
Foreign Service in his letter of resignation last week to Secretary of
State Colin Powell. Kiesling, who was political counselor in U.S.
embassies throughout the Mideast, added that until this administration,
it had been possible to believe that by upholding the policies of my
president, I was also upholding the interests of the American people and
the world. I believe it no longer.

And this brave man is not the only one who has caught on. The entire
world is astonished that our president is lying not about a personal
indiscretion but about the most sacred duty of the leader of the most
powerful nation in human history not to recklessly endanger the lives of
his own or the world's people. Yet lie he has.

The first lie, claimed outright, was that Iraq aided and abetted the
Sept. 11 terrorists. There is no evidence at all for this claim. It is
also interesting to note that not a single leading Al Qaeda operative has
turned out to be Iraqi. The latest to be nabbed, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed,
was living in Pakistan, was raised in Kuwait and studied engineering --
and presumably the physics of explosives -- at a college in North

The second lie was that Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction
represent an imminent threat to U.S. security. Despite the most hugely
expensive but secret high-tech spy operation in human history --
estimated by most at well over $100 billion a year -- and a vast network
of defectors and spies, we have not been able to find their supposed

The third and most dangerous lie is that our mission now is to bring
lasting peace to the Mideast by a devastating invasion of Iraq, which
will end, as the president outlined last week, in U.S. dominance over the
structure of government and politics throughout the region. After
abandoning promising efforts by the previous administration to create
peace between Israel and the Palestinians, the Bush team now claims that
changing Muslim governments around the world will end the downward spiral
of violence there. Which leads us to another lie: that this is all good
for our ally, Israel -- the claim of the cabal of neoconservative
ideologues running our Mideast policy. In fact, however, Israel will be
placed in a terribly dangerous position, serving as a fig leaf for U.S.
ambitions, further ensuring that it remain forever an isolated military

This construction of a new world order comes from a naive and untraveled
president, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting
an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.

Bush insiders Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz
and Donald Rumsfeld are all members of something called the Project for a
New American Century that has been pushing for a U.S. redesign of the
Mideast since 1997. After Sept. 11, they seized on our national tragedy
as a way to enlist George W. in support of their grand design. Not only
was this reckless scheme never mentioned by Bush during the 

[CTRL] The Blunderers Are In Charge

2003-03-10 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Why France Is America's True Friend
 By Eric Margolis
Contributing Foreign Editor
Toronto Star

Outrageous dereliction of duty over Korea, obsessive
warmongering against Iraq, crude, aggressive behaviour
worthy of Leonid Brezhnev's Soviet Union, threats against
the UN, a $400-billion deficit that will infect the world
with inflation, and damage to America's reputation - such
are Bush's accomplishments to date. Who needs enemies
with world-class blunderers like this in charge?

MIAMI -- Watching American TV can be a surreal experience.
Sandwiched between ads for instant weight loss products,
predigested fast food, and incontinence panties, cable TV
commentators bay like rabid dogs for war against Iraq, and
subject nations daring to oppose President Bush's crusade to
venomous abuse or sneering disdain.

France, which speaks with the strongest, most logical voice
of those opposing war, has become the special target of
vituperation and hatred in America's leading neo-conservative
media - Fox TV, the Wall Street Journal, New York Post - and
the Bush administration's bete noire. Particularly so, now
that France, Germany, and Russia vow to veto U.S. attempts to
ram a war-enabling resolution through the UN Security Council.

France, many Americans claim, should do whatever Washington
orders out of gratitude for the U.S. saving it in two world
wars. U.S. television features angry veterans standing in
American military cemeteries in Normandy, denouncing France
for stabbing America in the back - as if invading Iraq to
grab its oil and crushing Israel's enemies had anything to do
with World War II.

Few flag-waving pundits mention America sat out almost 40% of
WWII until attacked by Japan. In 1940, the German armed forces
were the equivalent of the U.S. armed forces today - a full
military generation ahead of other nations. France's entire
army was destroyed in battle by the invincible Germans; had the
U.S. fought Germany in 1940, it too would have been routed. The
Soviet Union, not the U.S., defeated Germany, destroying over
100 Nazi divisions.

So enough with all the bombast about Word War II. In the eyes
of Europeans and most of the world, George Bush's administration
looks dangerously aggressive, dominated as it is by petrohawks
and neo-conservative ideologues linked to Israel's far right.
These little Mussolinis have no time for diplomacy or multi-
nationalism. No wonder a recent Pew Research poll found that
formerly favourable ratings of the U.S. have plummeted in 19
of 27 nations surveyed.

It seems at times that President Bush is even more eager to bomb
Paris than Baghdad. In fact, the administration has been treating
France like an enemy, rather than America's oldest ally and
intimate friend. Neo-conservatives even accuse France of anti-
Semitism, a disgusting slander.

Doing the right thing

Far from being an enemy, France has been doing what a true good
friend should do: telling Washington its policy is wrong and
dangerous, unlike the handkissing leaders of Britain, Spain and
Italy, who crave Bush's political support, or the East European
coalition of the shilling, ex-communist politicians pandering
to Washington for cash. Seventy percent of British, and 90% of
Italians and Spaniards oppose Bush's crusade.

France's President Jacques Chirac speaks for an overwhelming
majority of Europeans and, indeed, the world's people, in urging
the U.S. to opt for diplomacy and UN inspections over a war that
will not be worth the loss of a single American soldier, not to
mention tens of thousands of Iraqis and chaos across Mesopotamia.
So, too, warns the great and wise Pope John Paul II.

The contrast between France's reasoned diplomatic response and
Bush's belligerent behaviour could not be more stark. As is the
dignified, logical tone set by President Chirac and Foreign
Minister Dominique de Villepin compared to the bullying, low-
brow, locker-room talk issuing from the White House that has
seriously damaged America's reputation and image around the

Last week Turkey's new parliament, chosen in the first truly
democratic election in memory, followed Europe, courageously
rejecting Washington's bribes and demands that U.S. ground
forces be allowed to attack Iraq from Turkish territory.
Washington's churlish response - withdrawing its bribes,
threatening punishment - contrasted curiously to Bush's claims
his goal in Iraq is bringing democracy to the Mideast.
Democracy, its seems, is fine so long as it does U.S. bidding.
Inconveniently, Turkey's people and democratic government voted
a resounding no to war. How long the Turks can resist intense
pressure from the U.S. and its friends, Turkey's hard right
generals, remains to be seen.

Bush's crusade against Iraq will go on with or without Turkey.

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Bush Sr warning over unilateral action

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

Isthis the way out for Jr. 
jim adams

March 10, 2003 Bush Sr warning over unilateral actionFrom Roland Watson in Washington

THE first President Bush has told his son that hopes of peace in the Middle East would be ruined if a war with Iraq were not backed by international unity.
Drawing on his own experiences before and after the 1991 Gulf War, Mr Bush Sr said that the brief flowering of hope for Arab-Israeli relations a decade ago would never have happened if America had ignored the will of the United Nations.
He also urged the President to resist his tendency to bear grudges, advising his son to bridge the rift between the United States, France and Germany.
“You’ve got to reach out to the other person. You’ve got to convince them that long-term friendship should trump short-term adversity,” he said.
The former President’s comments reflect unease among the Bush family and its entourage at the way that George W. Bush is ignoring international opinion and overriding the institutions that his father sought to uphold. Mr Bush Sr is a former US Ambassador to the UN and comes from a family steeped in multi-lateralist traditions.
Although not addressed to his son in person, the message, in a speech at Tufts University in Massachusetts, was unmistakeable. Mr Bush Sr even came close to conceding that opponents of his son’s case against President Saddam Hussein, who he himself is on record as loathing, have legitimate cause for concern.
He said that the key question of how many weapons of mass destruction Iraq held “could be debated”. The case against Saddam was “less clear” than in 1991, when Mr Bush Sr led an international coalition to expel invading Iraqi troops from Kuwait. Objectives were “a little fuzzier today”, he added.
After the Gulf War, Mr Bush Sr steered Israel and its Arab neighbours to the Madrid conference, a stepping stone to the historic Israeli-Palestinian Oslo accords, in much the same way that the present President has talked about the removal of Saddam as opening the way to a wider peace in the region.
In an ominous warning for his son, Mr Bush Sr said that he would have been able to achieve nothing if he had jeopardised future relations by ignoring the UN. “The Madrid conference would never have happened if the international coalition that fought together in Desert Storm had exceeded the UN mandate and gone on its own into Baghdad after Saddam and his forces.”
Also drawing on the lessons of 1991, he said that it was imperative to mend fences with allies immediately, rather than waiting until after a war. He had been infuriated with the decision of King Hussein of Jordan to side with Saddam rather than the US, but while criticising the Jordanian leader in public and freezing $41 million in US aid, he also passed word to King Hussein that he understood his domestic tensions.
Mr Bush Jr, who is said never to forget even relatively minor slights, has alarmed analysts with the way in which he has allowed senior Administration figures such as Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, aggressively to criticise France and Germany.
There are, however, signs that Mr Bush Sr’s message may be getting through.
Father and son talk regularly and it was, in part, pressure from Mr Bush Sr’s foreign policy coterie, that helped to persuade the President to go to the UN last September. Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] This W is dangerous,  man!  ...makes Oct. 1962 potentially look like a cake walk.

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

Hey Dick:

This W is dangerous, man! I mean, I knew it was 
bad, but this makes Oct. 1962 potentially look like a cake walk.Look at 
the strategic interests Russia and China, not to mention France and Germany, 
have in Iraq and the region. But no one is even talking about those 
implications. How would W react if Russia staged Backfire bombers to 
Turkmenistan and upped its strategic forces (ICBM) alert level, while China 
decided the time was right to ready an amphibious attack force opposite Taiwan? 
Would that be "showing their cards"? Please pass the article along. Thanks. I'll 
be in the SF streets on the 15th.


Of God, and Man, in the Oval Office

By Fritz Ritsch

Sunday, March 2, 2003; Page B03 

The National Council of Churches (NCC), together 
with a number of peace organizations, recently ran an ad on CNN and Fox in which 
a bishop of the United Methodist Church, to which President Bush belongs, 
criticized the Bush administration's relentless war rhetoric. Going to war with 
Iraq "violates God's law and the teachings of Jesus Christ," said the 

It may confound people that some mainline 
Protestant churches continue to resist the president's call to arms. After all, 
it is couched in theological language: The term "axis of evil" was coined to 
give the war on terrorism a religious edge; President Bush speaks of giving the 
people of Iraq not democracy, but freedom, harkening back to both the biblical 
Exodus and the Civil War. "Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always 
been at war," he assured us after Sept. 11, "and we know that God is not neutral 
between them." If God is not neutral, and the choices are so straightforward -- 
almost the literal embodiment of a spiritual battle -- it seems perverse for 
mainline religious leaders to withhold support for war against 

NCC leaders were frustrated that the president had 
rebuffed their requests to meet with him to discuss their views. The president 
apparently believes that he can talk about theology from the bully pulpit 
without talking to theologians. Which begs the question: When did the president 
become theologian in chief?

The president used the words of a hymn, "There's 
Power in the Blood," to strengthen the religious rhetoric of his State of the 
Union speech. He spoke of the "power, wonder-working power," of "the goodness 
and idealism and faith of the American people." The original words of the hymn 
refer to the "wonder-working power" of "the precious blood of the lamb" -- Jesus 
Christ. The unspoken but apparently deliberate parallel between Americans and 
Jesus is disturbing, to say the least . The implication is that Americans are 
generous -- like Jesus. And that we are innocent victims -- like the lamb of 
God. In his February speech to religious broadcasters, Bush again expounded upon 
America's virtues and implied purity, concluding, "We are a compassionate 
country, and we are generous toward our fellow citizens. And we are a courageous 
country, ready when necessary to defend the peace." In both speeches, he used 
American virtues to segue into the reason that we must confront the "evil" 
before us.

The hymn continues, "Would you over evil a victory 
win?" The road to that victory is paved with American good intentions, the 
president suggests. These American virtues will almost supernaturally imbue our 
military ventures with righteousness -- and with victory.

Many parishioners at my small, inside-the-Beltway 
church, by contrast, do not view themselves or the nation in such a saintly 
light. American righteousness is by no means a sure thing to them. Nor do they 
view the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Akha Journal: Fuel Us Please!

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
The killings go on, the list builds, and I am beginning to track down the cases.
But my fuel costs are going way up, five to ten times the amount of road work so I need that those WHO UNDERSTAND what this is about and why I am doing it, send an email and pledge a donation for fuel and repairs, as this is a huge area to run over once again rapidly and track down the killings as they happen.
As you know I have already filed a report to the UN in my name regarding last years extra judicial killing of Akhas, now we have many more.
Matthew McDanielMatthew McDanielThe Akha Heritage FoundationMaesai, Chiangrai, 57130 ThailandDonations by check or money order may be sent to:The Akha Heritage FoundationPO BOX 6073Salem OR 97304  USA  Inquire to donate while in ThailandDo you Yahoo!?
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [consortium] Fw: A article about Amy Goodman

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: John Sheridan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 9:39 PM
Subject: A article about Amy Goodman

   Washington has now been notified!  Are we ready?

   To view the entire article, go to

   Peace Correspondent
By Michael Powell


   And now for the news:

President Bush last night claimed a war in Iraq would set the stage
 peace in the Middle East, but he did not set any deadline or detail any
 specific steps. . . .

The Financial Times describes the Bush administration's financial
 analysis as 'a piece of fiction.'  . . .

In Australia, 43 legal experts warn that an attack on Iraq is a
 violation of international law. . . .

And the United States asks aid groups in Baghdad for civilian
 coordinates in Iraq -- pregnant pause here -- Is it to bomb them or save

This is 'Democracy Now!'  says the anchor. The war and peace
 Cue the lilting Bob Marley reggae guitar licks.

This is not the news as Brit Hume construes it or Dan Rather intones
 In a Showdown: Iraq, Blix-is-nixed, pack-my-trench-coat-honey
 testosterone media age, Amy Goodman and her radio show, Democracy Now!,
 beam in as if from some alternative left galaxy.

Broadcasting on the Pacifica Radio network from a book-strewn loft in
 old firehouse a half-dozen blocks from Ground Zero,  Goodman is a daily
 polestar for those who crave the antiwar perspective that mainstream
 networks and newspapers often consign to the margins.

War coverage should be more than a parade of retired generals and
 retired government flacks posing as reporters, Goodman says after the
 show. Why not invite on some voices that are not Pentagon-approved?

Her 9 a.m. magazine show mixes investigative scoops (a recent report
 detailed how the Bush administration quashed an FBI investigation into
 Saudi Arabian funding of terrorist organizations), reports from foreign
 correspondents, and very few generals. She and her co-host, New York Daily
 News columnist Juan Gonzalez, speak, unabashedly, to those who oppose a
 with Iraq, a roomier club than one might imagine from watching cable
 television news channels.

A recent Washington Post-ABC poll found that six in 10 Americans harbor
 doubts about using force in Iraq, while 40 percent are opposed to any

The audience for Democracy Now! is small but growing, and the show is
 influential among antiwar activists. More than 120 stations carry it,
 including WPFW-FM (89.3) in Washington and some public radio affiliates.
 And in the last two years, it's begun broadcasting on Web TV (via and public access television channels around the
world .

And starting today the formerly 60-minute show expands by an hour to
 accommodate more reporting on the war.

Its politics can veer toward communion for the progressive choir. But
 this age of corporate media conglomeration, when National Public Radio
 sounds as safe as a glass of warm milk, Democracy Now! retains a jagged
 and intriguing edge.

Goodman is the show's center, a slight 45-year-old in a pullover vest,
 jeans and sneakers. Her unruly brown hair is streaked with gray. She can
 break out a playful smile, and punctuate an interview by opening a hatch
 her office floor and sliding down a fire pole to the floor below.

More often, though, her intensity burns through.

In two decades of reporting for Pacifica, she's been beaten bloody by
 Indonesian soldiers as she charted East Timor's battle for independence.
 And she's wandered the 

[CTRL] Why France is America's True Friend

2003-03-10 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

Seems to be the case in my mind

Why France is America's true friend

MARGOLIS -- Contributing Foreign Editor
MIAMI -- Watching American TV can be a surreal experience. Sandwiched
between ads for instant weight loss products, predigested fast food, and
incontinence panties, cable TV commentators bay like rabid dogs for war against
Iraq, and subject nations daring to oppose President Bush's crusade to venomous
abuse or sneering disdain. France, which speaks with the strongest, most
logical voice of those opposing war, has become the special target of
vituperation and hatred in America's leading neo-conservative media - Fox TV,
the Wall Street Journal, New York Post - and the Bush administration's bete
noire. Particularly so, now that France, Germany, and Russia vow to veto U.S.
attempts to ram a war-enabling resolution through the UN Security Council.
France, many Americans claim, should do whatever Washington orders out
of gratitude for the U.S. "saving" it in two world wars. U.S. television
features angry veterans standing in American military cemeteries in Normandy,
denouncing France for "stabbing America in the back" - as if invading Iraq to
grab its oil and crushing Israel's enemies had anything to do with World War II.
Few flag-waving pundits mention America sat out almost 40% of WWII until
attacked by Japan. In 1940, the German armed forces were the equivalent of the
U.S. armed forces today - a full military generation ahead of other nations.
France's entire army was destroyed in battle by the invincible Germans; had the
U.S. fought Germany in 1940, it too would have been routed. The Soviet Union,
not the U.S., defeated Germany, destroying over 100 Nazi divisions. So
enough with all the bombast about Word War II. In the eyes of Europeans and most
of the world, George Bush's administration looks dangerously aggressive,
dominated as it is by petrohawks and neo-conservative ideologues linked to
Israel's far right. These little Mussolinis have no time for diplomacy or
multi-nationalism. No wonder a recent Pew Research poll found that formerly
favourable ratings of the U.S. have plummeted in 19 of 27 nations surveyed.
It seems at times that President Bush is even more eager to bomb Paris
than Baghdad. In fact, the administration has been treating France like an
enemy, rather than America's oldest ally and intimate friend. Neo-conservatives
even accuse France of anti-Semitism, a disgusting slander. Doing the
right thing Far from being an enemy, France has been doing what a
true good friend should do: telling Washington its policy is wrong and
dangerous, unlike the handkissing leaders of Britain, Spain and Italy, who crave
Bush's political support, or the East European coalition of the shilling,
ex-communist politicians pandering to Washington for cash. Seventy percent of
British, and 90% of Italians and Spaniards oppose Bush's crusade.
France's President Jacques Chirac speaks for an overwhelming majority of
Europeans and, indeed, the world's people, in urging the U.S. to opt for
diplomacy and UN inspections over a war that will not be worth the loss of a
single American soldier, not to mention tens of thousands of Iraqis and chaos
across Mesopotamia. So, too, warns the great and wise Pope John Paul II.
The contrast between France's reasoned diplomatic response and Bush's
belligerent behaviour could not be more stark. As is the dignified, logical tone
set by President Chirac and Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin compared to
the bullying, low-brow, locker-room talk issuing from the White House that has
seriously damaged America's reputation and image around the globe. Last
week Turkey's new parliament, chosen in the first truly democratic election in
memory, followed Europe, courageously rejecting Washington's bribes and demands
that U.S. ground forces be allowed to attack Iraq from Turkish territory.
Washington's churlish response - withdrawing its bribes, threatening punishment
- contrasted curiously to Bush's claims his goal in Iraq is bringing democracy
to the Mideast. Democracy, its seems, is fine so long as it does U.S. bidding.
Inconveniently, Turkey's people and democratic government voted a resounding no
to war. How long the Turks can resist intense pressure from the U.S. and its
friends, Turkey's hard right generals, remains to be seen. Bush's
crusade against Iraq will go on with or without Turkey. The war will be akin to
throwing a grenade into a huge hornet's nest. France, which lives next to the
Arab world and has 5 million Muslim citizens, warns an invasion and occupation
of Iraq will roil the entire region, spark more terrorism, and hit Europe with a
dangerous backblast. But Bush couldn't care less, as he would say. While
Bush prepares war against demolished Iraq, he is ducking the surging nuclear
confrontation with North Korea, which, unlike Iraq, truly threatens North
America. Outrageous dereliction of 


2003-03-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, March 10, 2003

MARCH 10. Looking pale, nervous, and withdrawn, President Bush stepped to the podium Thursday night. 

In the first few seconds, he tipped his hand as to the paucity of substance in his remarks. He announced that the recent capture of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was a major event, because Khalid was, in fact, the mastermind behind 9/11. 

And yet, this supposed intelligence coup dropped like a lead balloon. Why? 

Why didnt Bush give the full aggressive trumpets-in-the-air treatment to the arrest? 

And why hadnt Ashcroft and Rumsfeld and others in the Bush circle already played up the FINAL AND LONG-AWAITED CAPTURE OF THE 9/11 MASTERMIND? 

Was it because, as I wrote several days ago, Khalid was reported killed last year? The Asia Times thought so. 

Was this nothing more than another lie, like the fine piece of work the Brits had put together on Iraq---the study that turned out to be largely plagiarized from a graduate students old paper? 

You would think that the administration would have pumped up Khalids arrest as the most important moment thus far in the war against terrorism. THEY FINALLY GOT THE MAN WHO PLANNED 9/11. 

But no such thing happened. 

My impression was that Bush knew he was skating on very thin ice when he announced the Khalid capture. The sub-text was, I dont even want to be saying this in public, so Im going to get it over with as quickly as possible and move on to more familiar territory---Iraq. 

Quite possibly Bush was also frightened because, well, if the highest operative in the planning of 9/11 had just been arrested, then what significance does the upcoming war against Iraq really have? 

Something very weird was going on just under the surface of Bushs remarks on Thursday---the pundits who came on afterwards to put their two cents in called his tone somber---as if this explained Bushs withdrawn demeanor. 

Of course, going a bit deeper, anyone who cares to think about 9/11 knows that this event was never treated as a straightforward crime investigation, as it should have been. The investigation was politicized from the first second, and thence all the PR flowed forward from there. 

I have yet to hear, for example, how the supposed 19 hijackers were IDed so quickly by the FBI. This is still a complete mystery. 

Former counsel to the House Committee on Assassinations, Robert K Tanenbaum---a famous lawyer who has never lost a felony case---once remarked that the JFK murder was full of holes and had never been treated as a crime investigation. The charges against Oswald were a mess---a real prosecutor would have had a hell of a time proving his case in a courtroom. 

But when crime investigations are handled by announcements from the White House, when references are made to shadowy intelligence reports from the CIA, the true state of affairs is buried. 

Which is one reason why the war on terror wants secret tribunals and arrests of suspects without charges, without defense lawyers, without bail, without judicial scrutiny, without limits on detainment. 

On Thursday night, Bush was supposed to be the mouthpiece for this secret process, and he was as weak as a churchmouse when he glossed over the Khalid arrest. 

I believe Bush was briefed before he went to the podium: This arrest isnt rock solid, Mr. President. Just announce it and get it out of the way and move on. The press wont catch on. 

And they didnt. Even though the obvious question was, Mr. President, if we have finally nabbed the number one planner of 9/11, why arent we seeing fireworks and streamers and balloons? Why arent we getting repetitive announcements of great praise for the FBI and the CIA? 


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2003-03-10 Thread Euphorian
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Camelot in the Shrubs

2003-03-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Camelot and the Bushies:
Some Disturbing Parallels
By Robert Higgs*

In the mythology that many Americans still cherish, the Kennedy
administration was manned by suave, smart, and sophisticated people, from
the cleverly articulate and frightfully handsome young president himself, to
the razor-sharp advisers such as Harvards McGeorge Bundy and MITs Walt
Whitman Rostow, to the steel-trap-rational cabinet officers such as Dean
Rusk and Robert McNamara, in whose hands electronic computers and
systems analysis promised to provide answers to even the most
complicated socio-economic and military questions. Not only were these
men the best and the brightest, but many of them were young and
dashing, too, relishing the company of Green Berets and others engaged in

No one, to my knowledge, has perceived any substantial similarity between
the lords of Camelot and the not-so-suave characters now ruling
Washington. With his inability to utter even the simplest English sentence
comfortably and correctly, George W. Bush will never be mistaken for JFK
redux. Nor do Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld call to mind qualities of
analytical geniuspolitical shrewdness and Machiavellian cunning, perhaps,
but hardly a trace of the cold, calculating, systems-analysis sort of
intelligence for which McNamaras whiz kids were renowned. Whereas
Jack Kennedy rested his faith on two millennia of Catholic doctrine and
ceremony, George Bush is a relative religious primitive, a Methodist and,
he claims, born again.

Yet, notwithstanding all the apparent dissimilarities between these two
ruling gangs, they display some disturbing similarities as well. These
parallels hit me hard recently as I was reading Derek Leebaerts new
history of the Cold War, The Fifty-Year Wound (Boston: Little, Brown,
2002). Leebaert brings into sharp relief some hallmarks of the Kennedy
administration that have tended to be suppressed or given a falsely positive
gloss by the many who have adulated the martyred president and his brief

The Kennedy people reeked of recklessness, not just in their personal
lives, where it could be kept out of sight or excused, but in their policy
making. The youthful and vigorous men who came to power in January
[1961], writes Leebaert, saw few limits and acted accordingly (p. 256).
Thus, they plowed ahead with the foolhardy, ill-prepared, and ultimately
disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion. They senselessly pushed the world to the
brink of nuclear catastrophe in their management of the Cuban missile
crisis. President Kennedys and his brother Robertsobsession with
killing Fidel Castro, an objective that went unrealized despite countless
comic-opera CIA plots to do the dirty work, so twisted their judgment that
it gave rise to more than a few policy pretzels.

Reckless in his dealings with the Cubans and the Soviets, Kennedy was no
more level-headed in dealing with the situation in Southeast Asia. Above
all, however, the mock-virile president resolved that he must demonstrate
toughness. He kept increasing the number of U.S. troops in South
Vietnamfrom 692 when he took office to nearly 17,000 at the time of his
death. By that time, too, more ominously, some one million U.S. troops had
been stationed at more than two hundred foreign bases scattered around
the globe.

The quintessential Cold Warrior and a frightening risk taker (p. 260),
Kennedy suffered no shortage of adrenaline, violence, or noble
intentions (p. 258). Not surprisingly, therefore, he failed to keep the
military on a short civilian leash at a time when nut-case generals cut from
the molds of Curtis LeMay, Thomas Power, and Lyman Lemnitzer were
running the show. The Pentagon was taking dangerous operational
shortcuts, Leebaert writes, such as putting thousands of [nuclear]
weapons on hair-trigger alert, and men outside the legal chain of
presidential succession would have been able to decide to launch them
(p. 317). It is worthwhile to recall that the classic Cold War film, Dr.
Strangelove, depicts conditions as they existed during the Kennedy
administration (though in the film President Merkin Muffley, oddly enough,
bears a close resemblance to Adlai Stevenson).

The Kennedy administrations leaders displayed, in Leebaerts phrase, an
astonishing militancy (p. 256). Yet, despite their high-toned educations
and their polished social graces, they generally had only the foggiest idea
what they were doingthey epitomized what the sociologist C. Wright Mills
called crackpot realists. Hence, misjudgment became inescapable as
emergency moved further into a dramatizable, institutionally underwritten
way of life (p. 257). From the bloody fiasco of the Bay of Pigs at the
outset, to the near- doomsday disaster of the missile crisis, to the
heedless plunge into the quicksand of Vietnam, these best and brightest
people whom the opportunities offered by the modern state tempt into
an eternal trifling with 

[CTRL] Fwd: [consortium] Maltese Double Cross

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

I think most of you will agree that past 'terrorist' events like OKC and 
Lockerbiw provide a useful research template for understanding 9-11 etc. 
This is a book review article that I hope you find useful.

 Taking the Blame
   by Paul Foot
 ?ondon Review of Books, January 6, 1994

Taking the Blame
   A review of:
   Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut to Lockerbie?nside the DIA by Donald 
Goddard with Lester Coleman. Bloomsbury, 325 pp., 99, 27 September 1993, 
0 7475 1562 X

   The Media and Disasters: Pan-Am 103 by Joan Deppa with Maria Russell, 
Dona Hayes and Elizabeth Lynne Flocke. Fulton, 346 pp., 99, 28 October 
1993, 1 85346 225X

   The American investigative columnist Jack Anderson has had some scoops 
in his time but none more significant than his revelation - in January 
1990?hat in mid-March 1989, three months after Lockerbie, George Bush rang 
Margaret Thatcher to warn her to 'cool it' on the subject. On what seems to 
have been the very same day, perhaps a few hours earlier, Thatcher's 
Secretary of State for Transport, Paul Channon, was the guest of five 
prominent political correspondents at a lunch at the Garrick Club. It was 
agreed that anything said at the lunch was 'on strict lobby terms'?hat is, 
for the journalists only, not their readers. Channon then announced that the 
Dumfries and Galloway Police?he smallest police force in Britain- had 
concluded a brilliant criminal investigation into the Lockerbie crash. They 
had found who was responsible and arrests were expected before long. The 
Minister could not conceal his delight at the speed and efficiency of the PC 
McPlods from Dumfries, and was unstinting in his praise of the European 
   So sensational was the revelation that at least one of the five 
journalists broke ranks; and the news that the Lockerbie villains would soon 
be behind bars in Scotland was divulged to the public. Channon, still 
playing the lobby game, promptly denied that he was the source of the story. 
Denounced by the Daily Mirror's front page as a 'liar', he did not sue or 
complain. A few months later he was quietly sacked. Thatcher, of course, 
could not blame her loyal minister for his indiscretion, which coincided so 
unluckily with her instructions from the White House.
   Channon had been right, however, about the confidence of the Dumfries 
and Galloway Police. They did reckon they knew who had done the bombing. 
Indeed, they had discovered almost at once that a terrorist bombing of an 
American airliner, probably owned by PanAm, had been widely signaled and 
even expected by the authorities in different European countries. The point 
was, as German police and intelligence rather shamefacedly admitted, that a 
gang of suspected terrorists had been rumbled in Germany in the months 
before the bombing. They were members of a faction of the Popular Front for 
the Liberation of Palestine, led by Ahmed Jibril. The aim of the gang was to 
bomb an American airliner in revenge for the shooting down by an American 
warship of an Iranian civil airliner in the Gulf earlier in the year. On 26 
October 1988, less than two months before the bombing, two of the 
suspects?afez Dalkomini and Marwan Abdel Khreesat?ere arrested in their 
car outside a flat at Neuss near Frankfurt. In the car was a bomb, moulded 
into the workings of a black Toshiba cassette recorder. In the ensuing weeks 
other raids were carried out on alleged terrorist hideaways in Germany, and 
16 suspects arrested. One of them was Mohammad Abu Talb, another member of 
the PFLP, who was almost instantly 

[CTRL] Untitled (fwd)

2003-03-10 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 07:51:27 -0700
From: Media Research Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Untitled

 ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
  11:50am EST, Monday March 10, 2003 (Vol. Eight; No. 45)
  The 1,452nd CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

 Jennings Argues to Powell that Inspections are Working
 NBC's Typical Iraqi: America is a Terrorist Country
 GMA Duo Marvel: Iraqis Love Hussein Who Earned 100% Vote
 Iraq Distracting from War on Terror? No Says 9-11 Victim
 Totenberg Calls Iraq Buying U.S. Uniforms Disinformation
 CBS Skips Over Poll Showing Backing of Military Action on Iraq
 Jane Hall Scolds MRC for Demonizing Those Against War
 Hume: Thomas is Nutty Aunt in the Attic of the Press Corps
 NBC's Matt Lauer Says Now is Time to Raise Taxes

 Distributed to more than 11,900 recipients by the Media
Research Center, bringing political balance to the news media
since 1987. The MRC is the leader in documenting, exposing and
neutralizing liberal media bias. Visit the MRC on the Web: CyberAlerts from this year are at:
For 2002:
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1) ABC's Peter Jennings pounded away at Secretary of State Colin
Powell from the left in an interview aired on Friday's World News
Tonight, pressing him repeatedly about giving the inspectors more
time. Jennings declared: So many people don't understand why you
shouldn't let the inspections continue if they are accomplishing
anything. Jennings also argued: Most people think they're doing
a reasonably effective job at the moment.

2) From behind enemy lines in Baghdad, as if Iraqi public opinion
is informed or is accurately expressed to a camera, on Friday's
NBC Nightly News Ron Allen relayed how many Iraqis believe
whatever they do, the United States will find a reason for war.
At a Baghdad cafe Allen highlighted a man who charged: America is
a terrorist country.

3) ABC's Diane Sawyer and Dan Harris marveled Friday morning over
the love Iraqis have for Saddam Hussein. Sawyer brought up how
Hussein says the love that the Iraqis have for him is so much
greater than anything Americans feel for their President because
he's been loved for 35 years, he says, the whole 35 years as
President. From Baghdad, Dan Harris relayed Hussein's claim that
he is restoring Iraq to its greatness, its historical greatness.
He points out frequently that he was elected with a hundred
percent margin recently.

4) Not the answer she wanted. On Friday's Good Morning America,
Diane Sawyer asked the mother of a 9-11 victim if she worries that
war with Iraq will distract from a concerted, concentrated
approach to the war on terror with Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda?,
the woman replied: I think that President Bush's focus on Iraq is
consistent with his focus on the war on terror.

5) NPR's Nina Totenberg dismissed as our own disinformation, it
just doesn't seem to be worth the time and effort, the story that
the Saddam Hussein regime is obtaining U.S. military uniforms so
his operatives can wear them while committing atrocities against
Iraqi civilians. Totenberg insisted on Inside Washington over the
weekend that it's much more likely Iraq just wants to confuse us
than they would kill their own people.

6) CBS's Bill Plante maintained on Thursday night that the nation
remains almost equally divided on whether the administration has
made the case for war and a solid majority of Americans...still
thinks the President should get UN approval before taking military
action. But that very same CBS News poll discovered respondents
favored taking military action to remove Saddam Hussein by 69 to
26 percent. Plus, it found significant reductions from the
previous week in the percentage of people who think the U.S.
should wait for UN approval or take allies' views into
account, and hikes in the percentage who want the U.S. to take
action without UN approval or do whatever it thinks is right.

7) Former Los Angeles Times Washington reporter Jane Hall, who
insisted on Saturday's Fox Newswatch that the media are in no way
liberal, chided the Media Research Center for fueling a very
unfortunate climate that has built up in which people have been

[CTRL] The presidential press conference

2003-03-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

The presidential press conference

By David North
8 March 2003

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According to an old adage, even lies should make some sense. This is a rule
that the president of the United Statesfor reasons that are principally
political but also partly neurologicalis unable to observe. The political
aims of the Bush administration require such a blatant and continuous
falsification of reality that all connection is lost between what the
president says and what masses of people generally perceive. The lies of
the administration necessarily assume, therefore, a grotesque in your
face character.

Matters are not helped by the fact that the president lacks the mental
capacity, let alone the intellectual discipline, to construct a logical
argument. Yet, no matter how absurd and illogical his statements, the
people are expected to accept, without thought or reflection, whatever
the president says. That is, they are expected to behave like the
personnel of the mass media.

In the hours leading up to the presidents press conference of Thursday
night, the media predicted that Bush would use the occasion to explain to
the American people why the invasion of Iraq is necessary and unavoidable.
What he actually provided was a monotonous litany of obvious lies and non

Speaking before a small and vetted audience of media hacks, who
understood that they were not to question, even indirectly, the legitimacy
of the administrations drive to war, Bush intoned the standard mindless
slogans, revolving endlessly around the same apocalyptic theme: the
imminent threat posed by the devil incarnate, Saddam Hussein, and his
Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The United States, the president said, is confronting the threat posed to
our nation and to peace by Saddam Hussein and his weapons of terror.

The noted American historian Richard Hofstadter several decades ago
wrote an interesting study of the role of paranoia in American politics.
Were he still alive, he might have updated his book with an entire chapter
on the current presidents fixation with Saddam Hussein. As one listened
to Bush dwell obsessively on the Baghdad bad man, it was difficult to avoid
the impression that within the precincts of Dubyas oddly immature
imagination, the Iraqi president has assumed the form of the bogeyman.

Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction are a direct threat
to this country  I will not leave the American people at the mercy of the
Iraqi dictator and his weapons  Saddam Hussein is a threat to our nation
 It used to be that we could think that you could contain a person like
Saddam Hussein, that oceans would protect us from his type of terror  I
believe Saddam Hussein is a threat to the American people  Hes a
murderer  Hes a master of deception  the American people know that
Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction 

Whenever Bush attempted to wander beyond these programmed phrases,
he ran into trouble. He made statements that were blatantly false, and
were clearly and directly contradicted a little more than 12 hours later by
the leaders of the United Nations inspections program, Dr. Hans Blix and
Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei.

Bush declared in his opening statement: Iraqi operatives continue to hide
biological and chemical agents to avoid detection by inspectors. In some
cases, these materials have been moved to different locations every 12 to
24 hours or placed in vehicles that are in residential neighborhoods.

This claim, which simply repeats allegations made by Secretary of State
Colin Powell in his disastrous presentation to the United Nations last
month, was again refuted by Blix in his Friday report to the Security

As I noted on 14 February, Blix stated, intelligence authorities have
claimed that weapons of mass destruction are moved around Iraq by trucks
and, in particular, that there are mobile production units for biological
weapons. The Iraqi side states that such activities do not exist. Several
inspections have taken place at declared and undeclared sites in relation
to mobile production facilities. Food and mobile workshops have been
seen, as well as large containers with seed processing equipment. No
evidence of proscribed activities has so far been found (emphasis added).

Bush also declared, We know from multiple intelligence sources that Iraqi
weapons scientists continue to be threatened with harm should they
cooperate with UN inspectors. This claim was also challenged by Blix the
following morning. In the last month, he stated, Iraq has provided us
with the names of many persons who may be relevant sources of
information, in particular, persons who took part in various phases of the
unilateral destruction of biological and chemical weapons and proscribed
missiles in 1991.


[CTRL] Austerity: Add layers of bureaucracy

2003-03-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East

Israel: Netanyahu to impose austerity policies

By David Cohen
10 March 2003

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The newly appointed Israeli finance minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, is going
to deal with the most serious slump in the countrys economy ever by
imposing draconian cuts and other austerity measures.

Netanyahu is Prime Minister Ariel Sharons main rival in the Likud party and
was Israels prime minister during the years 1996-1999. He joined Sharons
government as its foreign minister after Labours Shimon Peres left the
office following the breakdown of the Likud-Labour coalition. He has now
been appointed by Sharon to carry through the most unpopular
programme of economic measures in Israels troubled history.

The daily financial newspaper Globes reported, Netanyahu plans to submit
a new economic plan as part of a package deal. The plan will centre on a
massive sale of government companies through the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
(TASE) and capital market... The plan calls for the privatisation of all
government infrastructure companies to the public through the TASE
within three years, by 2005.

Globes added, The plan also includes a comprehensive pension and
capital market reform. Netanyahu wants to see institutional
investorsinsurance companies and pension funds become more active in
the capital market and buy the shares of the government companies
floated on the market. It concluded, Other companies that will be
offered for sale on the TASE are, Israel Aircraft Industry, Israel Electric
Corporation (IEC), and Mekorot National Water Company, the last probably
in 2004. IEC will probably be floated in the second half of 2003, after the
company carries out structural changes.

Netanyahu leads the most right-wing nationalist camp in Likud and has
previously criticised Sharon for not carrying through economic
restructuring with sufficient vigour. He intends to remedy this situation
through collaboration with the Zionist labour federation, Histadrut, in
order to stifle resistance in the working class. Netanyahu said he aims to
create a cross-class- collaboration economic policy involving the
government, Histadrut and the Coordinating Bureau of Economic
Organisations, which represents private-sector employers.

Haaretz daily newspaper reports that Netanyahu has already introduced
one innovation, a minister without portfolio, Meir Sheetrit, in the finance
ministry. Netanyahu said the extra minister is essential because of the
sheer scope of the tasks the ministry is coping with. Sheetrit was
appointed deputy speaker of the Knesset in 1996, chairman of the Likud
coalition in July 1997, and served as finance minister from February to
June 1999. Whilst championing vaguely populist measures, such as an
amended public housing law that enables tenants of public housing to
purchase their apartments at reduced prices, he is a firm supporter of
Netanyahus hardline free market economic policies.

After his nomination Netanyahu and Sheetrit held their first meeting with
the treasurys senior staff, at which each department head presented the
issues to be worked on. Netanyahu also met with Histadrut Chairman Amir
Peretz and the head of the Coordinating Bureau of Economic
Organisations, Oded Tyrah. He is expected to hold additional meetings
with both men in the coming days.

Peretz, a demagogue and self-promoter, was responsible for the famous
compromise with Israels Hapoalim Bank when the Histadrut convinced the
banks owner, the millionaire Sheri Arison, to reduce the number of fired
workers from 900 to 798. Peretz told Netanyahu that the Histadrut will
oppose any layoffs in the near future and proposed that the economys
problems be solved by levying a NIS 10 billion ($US2.06 billion) compulsory
loan on taxpayers and using the money to create jobsthus making
working people pay for the financial crisis by another route. The previous
government did nothing to spur growth; it merely cut the budget and kept
the deficit under control, charged Peretz.

The government deficit for February reached NIS 2.8 billion, NIS 300 million
higher than predicted. Januarys deficit stood at NIS 2.66 billion, according
to data released by the Finance Ministry. At the same time, the
governments February revenue from taxes decreased by nine percent to
NIS 11.5 billion, compared to the same month last year.

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World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects 

[CTRL] The inevitability of War in Iraq

2003-03-10 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

10 Mar 03

War in Iraq - logical, perhaps inevitable, but senseless and ultimately

President George W. Bush says regime change in Iraq is necessary for the war
on terrorism - and that is probably true. In the first days after 9/11 he
gave some clues.

He said something about going after those who finance, train and/or harbor
terrorists. At the top of this list would be Saudi Arabia, but for good
reason he did not name names.

Then there was the statement either you are with us or you are against us.
That sounds stupid unless you suspect it may be directed at the Saudi ruling
royal family, which knows where the terrorist funding is coming from - their

So why not attack Saudi Arabia and not Iraq? Because we need their oil to
maintain our economy and military might - unless and until we have a source
of oil to replace it should they retaliate by cutting off our supply.

That is where Iraq comes in - the USA needs that oil to flow west BEFORE it
can go after the terrorists and their funding in Saudi Arabia.

Secondarily, that oil must flow west in order to prevent it from flowing
east - into China, primarily, and probably Russia as well. Add the fact that
France is Iraq's biggest economic partner, and the upcoming UN vote is
pretty easy to figure out.

Colin Powell now says he thinks he has a majority of the 15 security council
members on his side. Unfortunately, of the five permanent members with veto
power, the USA and UK will vote for him but France, China and Russia will
say nyet.

So if the resolution passes, France will probably exercise its veto power,
which means Russia and China won't have to use theirs.

Whereupon Bush will proceed with regime change nonetheless for the above
reasons, coalition or no coalition, not because he must, but because he can.

Although this scenario makes some sense, one possible alternative might be
to cut US defense spending by a third and use the $135 billion per year to
develop alternative energy sources.

However, since death, destruction and mayhem produce much higher corporate
profits than peace and prosperity, this probably will occur only when no
other alternative is possible. And since that day must come, energy
independence is the only goal ultimately worth debating.

Which may cause one to conclude: oil dependence and oil profits make cents,
not sense. The only thing more certain than war in Iraq is one day all the
oil will be gone, and war cannot change that.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation
By Mary Louise
February 3, 2003

The CIA's secret activities, covert missions, and connections of
control are
all done under the pretense and protection of national security with no
accountability whatsoever, at least in their minds.  Considering the
is held accountable for everything we think, say, and do there is
seriously wrong with this picture.  The CIA is the President's secret
who have been and continue to be conveniently above the law with
power and authority, to conduct a reign of terror around the globe.

The old boy network of socializing, talking shop, and tapping each
for favors outside the halls of government made it inevitable that the
and Corporate America would become allies, thus the systematic
and takeover of the media.

Under the guise of 'American' objectives and lack of congressional
oversight, the CIA accomplish their exploits by using every trick in
book (and they know quite a few) that they actually teach in the
School of the Americas, nicknamed the School of Dictators and
School of
Assassins by critics.  The Association for Responsible Dissent
that 6 million people had died by 1987 as a result of CIA covert
called an American Holocaust by former State Department official
Blum.  In 1948, the CIA recreated its covert action wing called the
of Policy Coordination with Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner as its
director.  Another early elitist who served as Director of the CIA from
to 1961 was Allen Dulles, a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of
Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Rockefeller empire and
trusts, corporations, and cartels.

Starting in the early days of the Cold War (late 40's), the CIA began a
secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying
influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting
reporters on
the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success.
effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to become
spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Frank Wisner,
Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington
Wisner had taken Graham under his wing to direct the program code-named
Operation Mockingbird and both have presumably committed suicide.

Media assets will eventually include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek,
Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst
Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400
who have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on
file at
CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as go-
The CIA had infiltrated the nation's businesses, media, and
with tens of thousands of on-call operatives by the 1950's.  CIA
Dulles had staffed the CIA almost exclusively with Ivy League
especially from Yale with figures like George Herbert Walker Bush from
Skull and Crossbones Society.

Many Americans still insist or persist in believing that we have a free
press, while getting most of their news from state-controlled
under the misconception that reporters are meant to serve the public.
Reporters are paid employees and serve the media owners, who usually
when challenged by advertisers or major government figures.  Robert
reported the first breaking stories about Iran-Contra for Associated
that were largely ignored by the press and congress, then moving to
he witnessed a retraction of a true story for political reasons.  In
'Fooling America: A Talk by 

[CTRL] Top Ten #102

2003-03-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 102)
March 10, 2003
The We Want A Letter From Dick Cheney Too Edition

Attention Dick Cheney's lawyers: This week the Top Ten Conservative Idiots
features some first-rate lowbrow humor at the expense of your boss and
his wife, and we're really hoping to receive one of those cool letters like
you sent to that other website. (Send us an email if you need our mailing
address.) To everyone out there who isn't a lawyer for Dick Cheney, we've
got even more conservative idiot fun... George W. Bush (2) held a press
conference but didn't actually answer any questions. MSNBC (4) is packing
its TV schedule with right- wing extremists. Regent University (5) is building
a bridge to the fourteenth century. And Colin Powell (10) took a break
from warmongering for a little anti-gay fearmongering. Enjoy, and don't
forget the key!

Dick Cheney
Looks like Vice President Crashcart can't take a joke. After discovering a
parody about his wife Lynne at, Dick had his lawyers fire
off a letter to the site's owner, John Wooden, to inform him that Lynne V.
Cheney's name and pictures - altered to show her with a red clown's nose
and a missing tooth - could not be used to make money without her
consent, according to the Associated Press. Yes, it seems that John
Ashcroft's shredding of the Constitution has gone to Dick's head.
Fortunately the New York Civil Liberties Union sprang into action and
insisted that despite Big Time's delusions, the First Amendment does still
exist and therefore he should probably just leave the whole thing alone.
Kinda makes you wonder whether Dick's got anything better to do in his
spare time - although to be fair he was probably just looking for that porn
site whitehouse.COM and got confused. Note to Dick's lawyers: we would
like to make clear that Democratic Underground is in no way suggesting
that the vice president of the United States is viciously spanking the
monkey in his undisclosed location. And if he is, then it's between him and
Jesus. Clarification to the note: we of course mean that the MORAL
DILEMMA of vicious monkey spanking is between him and Jesus, not the
ACTUAL ACT of vicious monkey spanking - if there is indeed any vicious
monkey spanking going on at all. And we're not saying there is.

George W. Bush
Anyone tuning into Our Great Leader's press conference last Thursday
night may be forgiven for thinking that they were watching a rerun. Bush
offered no new insights into or evidence for war with Iraq, instead he
simply kept repeating Saddam is evil. Iraq must disarm. Smoke them out.
like some kind of bizarre slightly-worn mechanical parrot. Uh, yeah George,
we got that. How about answering questions like this one from Bloomberg
News reporter Dick Keil: If all of these nations, all of them our normal
allies, have access to the same intelligence information, why is it that they
are reluctant to think that the threat is real...? George's answer,
naturally, was to explain how Saddam is evil, that Iraq must disarm, and
that we would indeed smoke them out. Since decorum states that it is not
proper for reporters to stand up at prime time presidential press
conferences and scream Oh my God! Just answer the frickin' questions
already! Do you HAVE a brain? Dubya was once again given a free pass. Not
that it couldn't have been made more difficult for him - but White House
communications director Dan Bartlett explained to the Washington Post
the next day how Bush's political propaganda works: In this case, we know
what the questions are going to be, and those are the ones we want to
answer. So basically the whole thing was a completely pointless charade.
Hey - a bit like Bush's presidency!

Crossgates Mall
Surely everyone's heard about this story by now - a 61-year-old man named
Stephen Downs was arrested at Crossgates Mall in Guilderland NY last week
for wearing a T-shirt which read Give peace a chance. Downs was
approached by security guards and asked to remove the shirt or leave the
mall. He refused, and was arrested for trespassing. Days later, 100 anti-war
protesters marched through the mall in support of Downs, and now the
mall would like to drop the charges. But the question is, why on earth
would they have such a policy in the first place? Tim Kelley, director of
operations for the company which owns the mall, said in a statement that
Downs' behavior and clothing was disruptive to other shoppers, according
to the Associated Press. Mr. Kelley has clearly been worked up into an
anti-peace frenzy by the Limbaughs, Hannitys and O'Reillys, because how
anyone could suggest that Mr. Downs' T-shirt could be disruptive to other
shoppers is entirely beyond us. So congratulations right-wing hate-radio
dudes - you've successfully managed to vilify the concept of peace itself.
Hope you're proud of yourselves.

Speaking of right-wing hate-radio dudes, what the hell is MSNBC 

[CTRL] Special Relationship

2003-03-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
Arab News

The Curse of the Special Relationship
Neil Berry, Special to Arab News
Published on 10 March 2003

LONDON, 10 March 2003  The notion that Britain enjoys a special
relationship with the
United States has long been a preoccupation of the British political class.
One of the relationships greatest champions was Margaret Thatcher,
Britains prime minister from 1979 until 1990. Besotted by the American way
of life, this pugnaciously anti-European British leader did her utmost to
turn Britain into a mini-United States, a country with a dynamic American-
style enterprise culture. And in the name of the special relationship, she
was proud to offer the then American President Ronald Reagan whatever
British assistance he required. When, in the mid-1980s, Reagan resolved to
bomb Libya, she had no hesitation in allowing US bombers to fly from
Britain. In Mrs. Thatchers eyes, Britain and America were the twin pillars
of Western civilization, nations with identical interests and ideals.

It seemed barely conceivable that Britain would ever again have a leader
quite so fixated on the special relationship as Mrs. Thatcher. But Tony
Blair has achieved the apparently impossible: Endlessly advertising his
allegiance to Washington, forever insisting on how much the Anglo-
American relationship has benefited mankind, Blair makes his predecessors
pro- Americanism seem comparatively sober stuff. Ever since Sept. 11, 2001,
he has wasted no opportunity to proclaim himself Americas firmest friend.
Not long ago (and to general amazement), he declared that Britain must be
prepared to pay a blood sacrifice as a token of its loyalty to the US. And
since George W. Bush threatened to attack Iraq, Blair has promoted the
American case for war with at least as much zeal as Bush himself.

Evidently thinking of herself as Winston Churchill and of Ronald Reagan as
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher often seemed to be
re-enacting World War II: Just as they had joined forces to overcome Adolf
Hitler, so (in her own mind at least) she and Reagan were bent on
vanquishing what the latter dubbed the empire of evil, the Soviet Union
 not to mention such demonic new enemies of freedom as Col. Qaddafi.
More than twenty years younger than Mrs. Thatcher, Tony Blair is likewise
obsessed with World War II. He is given to reminding his fellow Britons how
the United States came to Britains aid when Hitlers Lutwaffe bombed
British cities during the Blitz of 1940  though in point of historical fact
the United States had still to abandon its neutrality at that point.

In an extraordinary gesture of Anglo-American solidarity, this most obliging
of prime ministers has even lent George Bush a bust of Churchill to place
on his presidential desk. Pondering his endless eagerness to please the
present American administration, the British writer Geoffrey Wheatcroft
waspishly suggested that Tony Blairs watchword is not my country right
or wrong but your country right or wrong.

It seems increasingly clear that the British political class never really came
to terms with Britains diminished role on the world stage. Arguably, the
British cult of the special relationship (a relationship which means little, if
anything at all, to the majority of Americans) has been rooted in national
self-delusion, in the wishful sense that by identifying its destiny with that
of the United States, Britain could sustain its former posture as a major
force in world affairs. If Britain has not infrequently appeared a reluctant
member of the European Union, it is surely because integration with the
rest of Europe is felt by many Britons to amount to the shaming admission
that their country no longer has a grand imperial role to play.

Forty years ago, the American statesman Dean Acheson remarked that
Britain had lost an empire without finding a compensatory new role. Loath
to acknowledge the truth of this, many among the British political elite
were incensed by Achesons comment. In reality, however, Britain was
already in the throes of embracing a fresh raison dtre  as the closest,
least critical, most trustworthy of all the United States allies. Now, in
Tony Blair, this long-standing British subservience to the US has found its
definitive personification. During the present crisis, the official line has
been that Blair regards himself as a bridge between Europe and America, a
restraining cisatlantic influence on Washingtons impetuosity. Yet this is
hardly how the rest of the world views him. Indeed, the more he has
maintained that he is acting out of profound personal conviction, the more
Blair has consolidated his worldwide reputation as Washingtons favorite
yes-man. At home, Blairs problem is that his fervor in the US cause is
straining the allegiance of many Labour MPs to breaking point. Nor is this
just Blairs problem, though. For  bereft of major allies as 

[CTRL] Liberating the Mideast: Why Do We Never Learn?

2003-03-10 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-
Arab News

Liberating the Mideast: Why Do We Never Learn?
Robert Fisk, The Independent
Published on 10 March 2003

On March 8, 1917, Lt. Gen. Stanley Maude issued a Proclamation to the
People of the
Wilayat of Baghdad. Maudes Anglo-Indian Army of the Tigres had invaded
and occupied Iraq  after storming up the country from Basra  to free
its people from their dictators. Our armies do not come into your cities
and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators, the British

People of Baghdad, remember for 26 generations you have suffered under
strange tyrants who have ever endeavoured to set one Arab house against
another in order that they might profit by your dissensions.

This policy is abhorrent to Great Britain and her Allies for there can be
neither peace nor prosperity where there is enmity or misgovernment.

Gen. Maude, of course, was the Gen. Tommy Franks of his day, and his
proclamation  so rich in irony now that President George Bush is uttering
equally mendacious sentiments  was intended to persuade Iraqis that
they should accept foreign occupation while Britain secured the countrys

Gen. Maudes chief political officer, Sir Percy Cox, called on Iraqs Arab
leaders, who were not identified, to participate in the government in
collaboration with the British authorities and spoke of liberation, freedom,
past glories, future greatness and  here the ironies come in spades  it
expressed the hope that the people of Iraq would find unity.

The British commander cabled to London that local conditions do not
permit of employing in responsible positions any but British officers
competent... to deal with people of the country. Before any truly Arab
facade (sic) can be applied to edifice, it seems essential that foundation of
law and order should be well and truly laid. As David Fromkin noted in his
magisterial A Peace to End all Peace  essential reading for Americas
future army of occupation  the antipathy of the Sunni minority and the
Shiite majority of Iraq, the rivalries of tribes and clans made it difficult to
achieve a single unified government that was at the same time
representative, effective and widely supported. Whitehall failed, as
Fromkin caustically notes, to think through in practical detail how to
fulfill the promises gratuitously made to a section of the local inhabitants.
There was even a problem with the Kurds, since the British could not
make up their mind as to whether they should be absorbed into the new
state of Iraq or allowed to form an independent Kurdistan. The French
were originally to have been awarded Mosul in northern Iraq but gave up
their claim in return for  again, ironies  a major share in the new
Turkish Petroleum Company, confiscated by the British and recreated as
the Iraq Petroleum Company.

How many times has the West marched into the Middle East in so brazen a
fashion? Gen. Sir Edward Allenby liberated Palestine only a few months
after Gen. Maude liberated Iraq. The French turned up to liberate
Lebanon and Syria a couple of years later, slaughtering the Syrian forces
loyal to King Faisal who dared to suggest that French occupation was not
the future they wanted.

What is it, I sometimes wonder, about our constant failure to learn the
lessons of history, to repeat  almost word for word in the case of Gen.
Maudes proclamation  the same gratuitous promises and lies? A copy of
Gen. Maudes original proclamation went under the hammer at a British
auction at Swindon last week, but Ill wager more than the 1,400 pounds
sterling it made that Americas forthcoming proclamation to the
liberated people of Iraq reads almost exactly the same.

Take a look at Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations  on
which Bush claims to be such an expert  that allowed the British and
French to divide those territories they had just liberated from Ottoman
dictators. To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of
the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the states which
formerly governed them, and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able
to stand by themselves... there should be applied the principle that the
well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of
civilization... the best method is that the tutelage of such peoples should
be entrusted to advanced nations who, by reason of their resources, their
experience or their geographical position, can best undertake this
responsibility... What is it about liberation in the Middle East? What is
this sacred trust  a ghost of the same trusteeship the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, now promotes for Iraqs oil  that the West constantly
wishes to visit upon the Middle East? Why do we so frequently want to
govern these peoples, these tribes with flags as Sir Steven Runciman,
that great historian of the 11th- and 12th-century Crusades, once called
them? Indeed, Pope Urbans 

[CTRL] Urgent Diplomacy Fails to Gain U.S. 9 Votes in the U.N.

2003-03-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

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Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 01:13:44 -0700
From: t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Subject: Urgent Diplomacy Fails to Gain U.S. 9 Votes in the U.N.   03/11/03

t r u t h o u t | 03.11

Urgent Diplomacy Fails to Gain U.S. 9 Votes in the U.N.
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Tony Blair More and More Isolated
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New York Times: Saying No to War
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Bush Sr. Warning Over Unilateral Action
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Maureen Dowd: The Xanax Cowboy
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Democratic Hopefuls Find Antiwar Minefield in Iowa
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Lawmakers Say Gas Tax May Be Needed
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t r u t h o u t | 03.10

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Again, White House Falsifies Evidence
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NY Times | The President Looks Toward War
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Dominique de Villepin Articulates the French Proposal
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Who is Dominique de Villepin?
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Lawmakers Cross Swords Over War
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t r u t h o u t  |  03.09

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Blix Hails Iraqi Cooperation
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Blix and El-Baradei: Key Points
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Let Them Hate As Long As They Fear
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British Proposal Sets March 17 Deadline for Iraq to Disarm
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U.S. Payrolls Fall Sharply as Jobless Rate Rises to 5.8%
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t r u t h o u t  |  03.08

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Bush Prepares Nation for War
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Daschle Says Bush Failed Diplomatically on Iraq
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Republicans Lose Bid to End Filibuster on Judge
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Halliburton Theft Ups Terror Fears
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t r u t h o u t | 03.07

Pope to Bush: Go Into Iraq and You Go Without God
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Blix: Iraq is Disarming
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Measuring Betrayal: The Strange Case of John Walker Lindh
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Security Council Dead End for Bush War Plans
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Top General Sees Plan to Shock Iraq Into Surrendering
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Marchers Protest Arrest of Man for Wearing Peace T-shirt
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Bush Isolated by Failure to Learn Father's Lesson
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t r u t h o u t - 

[CTRL] Bush Sr warning over unilateral action

2003-03-10 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: united stands america [EMAIL PROTECTED],
africadaily3 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:   Lic. Jim adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Mon, 10 Mar 2003 02:35:24 -0800 (PST)
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Bush Sr warning over unilateral action
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this the way out for Jr.

jim adams

March 10, 2003

Bush Sr warning over unilateral action
From Roland Watson in Washington
THE first President Bush has told his son that hopes of peace in the Middle East would 
ruined if a war with Iraq were not backed by international unity.
Drawing on his own experiences before and after the 1991 Gulf War, Mr Bush Sr said that
the brief flowering of hope for Arab-Israeli relations a decade ago would never have
happened if America had ignored the will of the United Nations.
He also urged the President to resist his tendency to bear grudges, advising his son to
bridge the rift between the United States, France and Germany.
“You’ve got to reach out to the other person. You’ve got to convince them that 
friendship should trump short-term adversity,” he said.
The former President’s comments reflect unease among the Bush family and its entourage 
the way that George W. Bush is ignoring international opinion and overriding the
institutions that his father sought to uphold. Mr Bush Sr is a former US Ambassador to
the UN and comes from a family steeped in multi-lateralist traditions.
Although not addressed to his son in person, the message, in a speech at Tufts 
in Massachusetts, was unmistakeable. Mr Bush Sr even came close to conceding that
opponents of his son’s case against President Saddam Hussein, who he himself is on 
as loathing, have legitimate cause for concern.
He said that the key question of how many weapons of mass destruction Iraq held “could 
debated”. The case against Saddam was “less clear” than in 1991, when Mr Bush Sr led an
international coalition to expel invading Iraqi troops from Kuwait. Objectives were “a
little fuzzier today”, he added.
After the Gulf War, Mr Bush Sr steered Israel and its Arab neighbours to the Madrid
conference, a stepping stone to the historic Israeli-Palestinian Oslo accords, in much
the same way that the present President has talked about the removal of Saddam as 
the way to a wider peace in the region.
In an ominous warning for his son, Mr Bush Sr said that he would have been able to
achieve nothing if he had jeopardised future relations by ignoring the UN. “The Madrid
conference would never have happened if the international coalition that fought 
in Desert Storm had exceeded the UN mandate and gone on its own into Baghdad after 
and his forces.”
Also drawing on the lessons of 1991, he said that it was imperative to mend fences with
allies immediately, rather than waiting until after a war. He had been infuriated with
the decision of King Hussein of Jordan to side with Saddam rather than the US, but 
criticising the Jordanian leader in public and freezing $41 million in US aid, he also
passed word to King Hussein that he understood his domestic tensions.
Mr Bush Jr, who is said never to forget even relatively minor slights, has alarmed
analysts with the way in which he has allowed senior Administration figures such as
Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, aggressively to criticise France and Germany.
There are, however, signs that Mr Bush Sr’s message may be getting through.
Father and son talk regularly and it was, in part, pressure from Mr Bush Sr’s foreign
policy coterie, that helped to persuade the President to go to the UN last September.

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--- End of forwarded message ---

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, 

[CTRL] How the U.S. Kills It's Own Soldiers

2003-03-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

From: John Draper
To: Dr Clark-egroup
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003

NOTE:  This is one of the most shocking subjects the controlled media
won't touch, how 30% of the 1st Gulf War vets are dead or dying from
depleted uranium from OUR shells, and in one State where studies were
made, almost a third of babies being born to Gulf War vets have serious
disfiguring mutations and health problems.  This stuff makes Agent Orange
seem rather benign in comparison.  The only way it makes any sense, like
the chemtrails across America, is to weaken us, our resistance to
invasion here in the U.S., as is planned by the Sino-Soviet alliance,
following the Iraq attack and retaliation with nukes and biologicals
across America. God forbid that this prophetic 3rd Great Peril  vision
of George Washington comes to pass (at )
but you can't say we haven't been warned! -CR


An Interview with Major Doug Rokke

Doug Rokke has a PhD in health physics and was originally trained as a
forensic scientist. When the Gulf War started, he was assigned to prepare
soldiers to respond to nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare, and
sent to the Gulf. What he experienced has made him a passionate voice for
peace, traveling the country to speak out. The following interview was
conducted by the director of the Traprock Peace Center, Sunny Miller,
supplemented with questions from YES! editors.

(EXCERPT FROM DR. ROKKE'S INTERVIEW: We also bombarded Vieques, Puerto
Rico, with DU in preparation for the war in Kosovo. That's affecting
American citizens on American territory. When I tried to activate our
team from the Department of Defense responsible for radiological safety
and DU cleanup in Vieques, I was told no. When I tried to activate
medical care, I was told no.)

QUESTION : Any viewer who saw the war on television had the impression
this was an easy war, fought from a distance and soldiers coming back
relatively unharmed. Is this an accurate picture?

ROKKE : At the completion of the Gulf War, when we came back to the
United States in the fall of 1991, we had a total casualty count of 760:
294 dead, a little over 400 wounded or ill. But the casualty rate now for
Gulf War veterans is approximately 30 percent. Of those stationed in the
theater, including after the conflict, 221,000 have been awarded
disability, according to a Veterans Affairs (VA) report issued September
10, 2002.

Many of the US casualties died as a direct result of uranium munitions
friendly fire. US forces killed and wounded US forces.

We recommended care for anybody downwind of any uranium dust, anybody
working in and around uranium contamination, and anyone within a vehicle,
structure, or building that's struck with uranium munitions. That's
thousands upon thousands of individuals, but not only US troops. You
should provide medical care not only for the enemy soldiers but for the
Iraqi women and children affected, and clean up all of the contamination
in Iraq.

And it's not just children in Iraq. It's children born to soldiers after
they came back home.

The military admitted that they were finding uranium excreted in the
semen of the soldiers. If you've got uranium in the semen, the genetics
are messed up. So when the children were conceived -- the alpha particles
cause such tremendous cell damage and genetics damage that everything
goes bad. Studies have found that male soldiers who served in the Gulf
War were almost twice as likely to have a child with a birth defect and
female soldiers almost three times as likely.

Q: You have been a military man for over 35 years. You served in Vietnam
as a bombardier and you are still in the US Army Reserves. Now you're
going around the country speaking about the dangers of depleted uranium
(DU). What made you decide you had to speak publicly about DU?

ROKKE: Everybody on my team was getting sick. My best friend John Sitton
was dying. The military refused him medical care, and he died. John set
up the medical evacuation communication system for the entire theater.
Then he got contaminated doing the work.

John and Rolla Dolph and I were best friends in the civilian world, the
military world, forever. Rolla got sick. I personally got the order that
sent him to war. We were both activated together. I was given the
assignment to teach nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare and make
sure soldiers came back alive and safe. I take it seriously. I was sent
to the Gulf with this instruction: Bring 'em back alive. Clear as could
be. But when I got all the training together, all the environmental
cleanup procedures together, all the medical directives, nothing

More than 100 American soldiers were exposed to DU in friendly fire
accidents, plus untold numbers of soldiers who climbed on and entered
tanks that had been hit with DU, taking photos 

[CTRL] Abuse scandal rocks Germany, Some Evidence on Iraq Called Fake

2003-03-10 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss Sharman Abuse scandal rocks Germany Authorities are shocked at the death of a five-year-old boy at the hands of a paedophile ring in a seedy pub Hannah Cleaver in Berlin 3/9/03 "Police say the ring was run by a woman, Christa Weyand, named in Germany only as 50-year-old Christa W, who served for three years as a voluntary lay magistrate in the local youth court. Twelve men and women have now been arrested and are in custody, though not yet charged, while police try to piece together the pattern of abuse, which mainly took place in the back of a seedy pub across the road from the youth court - 100 yards from the dead boy's home. The big question facing the authorities in Saarbrücken is how Christa W came to work in the justice system even though she was running a pub known to be a hang-out for prostitutes and drug dealers.",6903,910519,00.html
March 08, 2003
Some Evidence on Iraq Called Fake; U.N. Nuclear Inspector Says Documents
on Purchases Were Forged Joby Warrick, Washington Post Staff Writer

A key piece of evidence linking Iraq to a nuclear weapons program appears to have been fabricated, the United Nations' chief nuclear inspector said yesterday in a report that called into question U.S. and British claims about Iraq's secret nuclear ambitions. Documents that purportedly showed Iraqi officials shopping for uranium in Africa two years ago were deemed "not authentic" after careful scrutiny by U.N. and independent experts, Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told the U.N. Security Council. ElBaradei also rejected a key Bush administration claim -- made twice by the president in major speeches and repeated by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell yesterday -- that Iraq had tried to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes to use in centrifuges for uranium enrichment. Also, ElBaradei reported finding no evidence of banned weapons or nuclear material in an extensive sweep of Iraq using advanced radiation detectors. 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-03-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Ted Lang

The FBI is now an out-of-control federal police agency resembling a standing army. Federal appropriations are limited to two years by Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution thereby ensuring a standing army would be short-lived. The Founders fears have now been borne out. The prohibition against the military as a law enforcement agency was reiterated in the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act. 

The Navy was not so limited for two reasons: first, our Nation endured the incursions of the greatest navy in the world, the British Navy, during the American Revolution; and second, John Adams considered our Navy only as a defensive "wall of wood." The Founders felt that only land-based forces could threaten the populace.

Organizational jealousies and politics involving the New York and Washington Federal Reserve Banks precluded a timely response to the cash needs of the banking industry in 1929. This immediately preceded the Stock Market Crash leading to the Great Depression. And then there was Prohibition, another bumbling debacle by American government in its efforts to legislate morality. 

These massive failings by American Big Brother in its youth ushered in organized crime to fill the huge demand for alcoholic beverages by law-abiding citizens. And banks were having a grand time foreclosing on mortgages due to the financial failures of our economy exacerbated by the Fed in 1929. Machine-guns, bootleggers, bank robbers, public enemies, and "doity rats" were everywhere. And many of these felons became folk heroes, especially the bank robbers. Enter the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Big Bro's suit-and-tie standing army.

Under the corrupt Clinton administration, "the Bureau" was politicized even more and became a central government secret police and enforcement agency similar to Nazi Germany's Gestapo and the Soviet Union's KGB. Allegiance to "party government" is primary to the advancement and enrichment of its senior bureaucrats. 

So it comes as no surprise that in spite of the investigative work of Phoenix agent Ken Williams, and in spite of two separate attempts by Special Agent Coleen Rowley to secure approval from FBI headquarters to obtain a FISA search warrant for Zacarias Moussaoui's computer, competent government rank and file employees were ignored. The problem wasn't merely a failure to consolidate information. It was the glaring incompetence and unimaginative stupidity of FBI supervisors in not supporting the investigative professionalism of their field operatives. 

When Rowley's Minneapolis Office tried to circumvent the headquarters' roadblock by going to the CIA, more heat came down upon her and her fellow agents. Director Robert S. Mueller III, admitted that he had made comments contradicting information concerning the investigations of flight schools and bin Laden operatives, offering that he was still new to the job when he made them. This is precisely why Rowley took him to task - why didn't he answer honestly at the time instead of telling the press what he preferred them to believe? Moussaoui's computer would have detailed the plans of Sept. 11th. 

The FBI covered up TWA Flight 800, offering the ridiculous notion that an electrical short in a fuel tank caused the explosion and crash. The FBI spiked this to shield Bill Clinton from being criticized as soft on terror after the first WTC bombing in order to protect his 1996 re-election bid. More than 800 witnesses saw the missile - the only question that remains is whether it was an accidentally launched missile from our own Navy, or a terrorist act carried out the day after such a calamity was predicted in an Arab newspaper. 

Mueller, Bush's replacement for the corrupt Louis Freeh, right from the beginning upon assuming his management of the Bureau one week before 9-11, ordered agents to remain quiet about screw-ups. He is now continuing his directives against dedicated government employees and agents who want to be honest and forthright in order to improve the agency's responsiveness and effectiveness. It would seem that such goals should be at the forefront of Mueller's personal performance standards.

On Thursday, March 6th on The O'Reilly Factor on FOXNews cable, Bill O'Reilly interviewed former federal prosecutor Mark Flessner and former House of Representatives' Chief Investigative Counsel, David Schippers, who headed the House inquiry leading to Bill Clinton's impeachment. Schippers is now representing FBI Special Agent Robert Wright.

O'Reilly documented that FBI Agent Spike Bowman received a commendation from Mueller, but Agent Coleen Rowley did not. Bowman was the headquarters supervisory liaison to the field office where Rowley tried her best to protect the American people. Mueller is not only displeased with her, but also with Special Agent Wright, who is trying to blow the whistle on yet two 


2003-03-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Justin Raimondo

In their relentless drive to begin the American conquest of the Middle East, the War Party has lost all sense of proportion. This administration and its supporters have completely abandoned whatever sense of prudence they may have once possessed and pulled out all the stops in their campaign to justify their reckless course.

Their unforgivable irresponsibility is underscored when one considers their non-response to the horrific threats now emanating from the Bizarro-World regime of North Korea. Faced with starvation, backed up against the wall by a combination of its own insane policies and those of its enemies in Washington, Pyongyang is embarked on a road that can only end in conflagration  a war that could go down in history as the worst, the bloodiest ever. And yet George W. Bush's spokesman, the other day, dismissed the gathering Eastasian storm as "a regional problem."

Yes, "a regional problem"  if the nuclear obliteration of an entire region can be so characterized. 

Not that Washington is unaware of, or indifferent to, the escalating crisis: the other day, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld conceded what non-interventionists have been saying since the end of the cold war  that U.S. troops should withdraw from the Korean peninsula. Was this because he has suddenly been converted to a less aggressive, more rational foreign policy? Unfortunately not, and the response of our South Korean allies is a clue as to why. The New York Times reports:

"Officials here said today that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld had ignored them in suggesting realignment of American forces in Korea and demanded that they stay where they are at least until resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue."

So what's up with that? Haven't the South Koreans and their newly-elected President, Roh Moo Hyun, been complaining about the presence of U.S. troops, who act more like an army of occupation than a force that is supposed to be protecting the peninsula from a North Korean invasion? Didn't the Democratic Millenium Party come to power on the strength of a nationalist resentment against the all-pervasive presence of the Americans, who blocked the "sunshine policy" of Roh's predecessor and rattled the North by including them in the "axis of evil"? Shouldn't they be dancing in the streets? In a word: no, and here's why:

"We agree it's a critical issue,' said Song Young Gil, a National Assembly member from Mr. Roh's Millennium Democratic Party. 'After the nuclear crisis is solved, at that time we will consult on this problem.' Mr. Song shared a view, increasingly heard here, that any American proposal to move troops from near the line with North Korea may mean that the United States intends to attack North Korean nuclear facilities against the wishes of the South Korean government. The logic behind this thinking is that the United States would want its troops out of harm's way in case North Korean ground forces retaliated by striking across the demilitarized zone."

"American troops are something like hostages to attack by North Korea,' said Mr. Song. 'Maybe this kind of action means some kind of signal for a pre-emptive strike against North Korea.'"

Last week, George W. Bush wouldn't rule out force as an option in dealing with North Korea. A few days later, his Secretary of Defense suggests its time to get U.S. troops out of the line of fire on the peninsula, and, perhaps, out of Korea entirely. 

In the context of the developing game of nuclear chicken that is taking place on the Korean peninsula, U.S. withdrawal does not mean a policy of non-intervention: the North Koreans rightly read it as a prelude to a period of heightened hostilities, and quite possibly a preemptive strike. From the perspective of the North Korean military, which has been in a state of high alert since the beginning of the crisis, it looks like the U.S. is clearing the decks for an all-out attack. 

For Rumsfeld to make such a statement goes way beyond his ordinary blustering style: it dramatizes why our war-maddened "leaders" cannot be entrusted with power. That he said it without even bothering to inform the South Koreans  who would be instantly vaporized in a military confrontation between Washington and Pyongyang  shows that it was meant as a provocation, pure and simple, and a highly dangerous one at that.

Yes, U.S. troops should leave Korea  they should have done that many years ago. But this administration has now ratcheted up the crisis atmosphere on the peninsula to such a fever pitch that any precipitous American action must be preceded by direct talks with Pyongyang  and a mutual pledge of nonaggression. The Bush administration has stubbornly refused to take this obvious tack, because it misreads Pyongyang, misunderstands what is happening in Korea, North and South, and is misleading 

[CTRL] UK nuclear evidence a fake

2003-03-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-,2763,910113,00.html

UK nuclear evidence a fake 

British intelligence claims that Saddam Hussein has been trying to import uranium for a nuclear bomb are unfounded, according to UN nuclear inspectors 

Ian Traynor
Saturday March 8, 2003
The Guardian 

British intelligence claims that Saddam Hussein has been trying to import uranium for a nuclear bomb are unfounded and based on deliberately fabricated evidence, according to an investigation by the UN nuclear inspectors in Iraq. The chief nuclear inspector for Iraq, Mohammed El Baradei, yesterday flatly contradicted Downing Street's and British intelligence's claims of attempted uranium smuggling by Iraq and said that the documents used to substantitate the British claim were "not authentic". 

In a 55-page report last September detailing British intelligence evidence of Baghdad's ongoing attempts to acquire weapons of mass destruction, the government said that since 1998 "Iraq has sought the supply of significant supplies of uranium from Africa". 

British officials named the state of Niger as the source of the uranium and passed their evidence to the UN nuclear watchdog, the international atomic energy agency, in Vienna. 

"Close scrutiny and cross-checking of the documents, the letterheads on them, the signatures on them, led us to conclude with quite absolute certainty that the documents were false," an IAEA official said. 

"They were fabricated," said another IAEA official. 

The fabrication was transparently obvious and quickly established, the sources added, suggesting that British intelligence was either easily hoodwinked or a knowing party to the deceit. 

There was no suggestion that the British were involved in falsifying the evidence which is believed to have been manufactured in Africa, probably in Niger, and then passed to western intelligence agencies.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?

2003-03-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?
Issue of 2003-03-17
Posted 2003-03-10

At the peak of his deal-making activities, in the nineteen-seventies, the Saudi-born businessman Adnan Khashoggi brokered billions of dollars in arms and aircraft sales for the Saudi royal family, earning hundreds of millions in commissions and fees. Though never convicted of wrongdoing, he was repeatedly involved in disputes with federal prosecutors and with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in recent years he has been in litigation in Thailand and Los Angeles, among other places, concerning allegations of stock manipulation and fraud. During the Reagan Administration, Khashoggi was one of the middlemen between Oliver North, in the White House, and the mullahs in Iran in what became known as the Iran-Contra scandal. Khashoggi subsequently claimed that he lost ten million dollars that he had put up to obtain embargoed weapons for Iran which were to be bartered (with Presidential approval) for American hostages. The scandals of those times seemed to feed off each other: a congressional investigation revealed that Khashoggi had borrowed much of the money for the weapons from the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B.C.C.I.), whose collapse, in 1991, defrauded thousands of depositors and led to years of inquiry and litigation. 

Khashoggi is still brokering. In January of this year, he arranged a private lunch, in France, to bring together Harb Saleh al-Zuhair, a Saudi industrialist whose family fortune includes extensive holdings in construction, electronics, and engineering companies throughout the Middle East, and Richard N. Perle, the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, who is one of the most outspoken and influential American advocates of war with Iraq.

The Defense Policy Board is a Defense Department advisory group composed primarily of highly respected former government officials, retired military officers, and academics. Its members, who serve without pay, include former national-security advisers, Secretaries of Defense, and heads of the C.I.A. The board meets several times a year at the Pentagon to review and assess the countrys strategic defense policies.

Perle is also a managing partner in a venture-capital company called Trireme Partners L.P., which was registered in November, 2001, in Delaware. Triremes main business, according to a two-page letter that one of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November, is to invest in companies dealing in technology, goods, and services that are of value to homeland security and defense. The letter argued that the fear of terrorism would increase the demand for such products in Europe and in countries like Saudi Arabia and Singapore. 

The letter mentioned the firms government connections prominently: Three of Triremes Management Group members currently advise the U.S. Secretary of Defense by serving on the U.S. Defense Policy Board, and one of Triremes principals, Richard Perle, is chairman of that Board. The two other policy-board members associated with Trireme are Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State (who is, in fact, only a member of Triremes advisory group and is not involved in its management), and Gerald Hillman, an investor and a close business associate of Perles who handles matters in Triremes New York office. The letter said that forty-five million dollars had already been raised, including twenty million dollars from Boeing; the purpose, clearly, was to attract more investors, such as Khashoggi and Zuhair.

Perle served as a foreign-policy adviser in George W. Bushs Presidential campaignhe had been an Assistant Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reaganbut he chose not to take a senior position in the Administration. In mid-2001, however, he accepted an offer from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to chair the Defense Policy Board, a then obscure group that had been created by the Defense Department in 1985. Its members (there are around thirty of them) may be outside the government, but they have access to classified information and to senior policymakers, and give advice not only on strategic policy but also on such matters as weapons procurement. Most of the boards proceedings are confidential.

As chairman of the board, Perle is considered to be a special government employee and therefore subject to a federal Code of Conduct. Those rules bar a special employee from participating in an official capacity in any matter in which he has a financial interest. One of the general rules is that you dont take advantage of your federal position to help yourself financially in any way, a former government attorney who helped formulate the Code of Conduct told me. The point, the attorney added, is to protect government processes from actual or apparent conflicts.

Advisory groups like the Defense Policy Board enable knowledgeable people outside government to bring 

[CTRL] Richard Perle is a traitor. There's no other way to put it.

2003-03-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Expatriate Richard Perle
By Kurt Nimmo
March 10, 2003

"Richard Perle is a traitor. There's no other way to put it."   

Seymour Hersh is a rarity in America these days -- an investigative journalist.   

"Hersh is not a nice man in the Washington sense," writes Eric Alterman of Salon, "he does not know how to make small talk, flatter his bosses, spin his defeats and conceal his fierce competitiveness. He is simply the best investigative reporter alive and expects his work to speak for itself."   

Because Hersh does what he does so well, the chicken hawk Richard Perle called him a terrorist on CNN the other day.   

That's right. Perle equated Hersh with Osama bin Laden and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. "Sy Hersh is the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist," Perle told Wolf Blitzer.   

Perle slandered Hersh because the award winning journalist wrote in the March 17th issue of the New Yorker: "There is no question that Perle believes that removing Saddam from power is the right thing to do. At the same time, he has set up a company that may gain from a war."   

I have not read the New Yorker article, so I can't comment on it. I don't know if Perle set up a company situated to profit from his boss' plan to mass murder possibly a half million Iraqis or not. But if Hersh said it, there must be something to it. Hersh is known for his meticulous research. He conducts interviews, double checks facts. Seymour Hersh does not make things up. Due to his professionalism Hersh has won more than a dozen major journalism prizes, including the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting and four George Polk Awards.   

On the other hand, Perle and the neocons are liars.   

One big lie is that Mohammed Atta met with Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-Ani, an official at Baghdad's embassy in Prague. US intelligence agencies went over records of Atta,s travels and concluded that during the period in question he was in Virginia Beach, not in Prague. Perle knew this was a fabrication. He attempted to pass it off on the American people as truth. There are many other lies, as well, but I will not bother you with enumeration.   

That's how the neocons make their case before the American people -- through deceit, half-truth, fabrications, and outright lies. It should be considered treason. It should be a crime. Maybe one day Richard Perle will be prosecuted for his crimes. For now he is allowed to bend the ear of George W. Bush and prod the half-wit dictator into destroying America.   

When Perle was working for Senator Scoop Jackson, he was investigated by the Justice Department and found to have violated US policies relating to unlawful transmission of sensitive classified US information to Israel.   

"An FBI summary of a 1970 wiretap recorded Perle discussing classified information with someone at the Israeli embassy," writes Paul Findley (They Dare To Speak Out, Chicago, Ill, Lawrence Hill Books 1989)."He came under fire in 1983 when newspapers reported he received substantial payments to represent the interests of an Israeli weapons company. Perle denied conflict of interest, insisting that, although he received payment for these services after he had assumed his position in the Defense Department, he was between government jobs when he worked for the Israeli firm."   

In other words, Richard Perle is an Israeli spy.   

Perle should be expatriated immediately -- or made to share a cell with Jonathan Pollard, the spy who spent 18 months collecting and selling classified American intelligence to Israel from his position in U.S. Naval Intelligence. So pleased were the Israelis with the information passed on to them, two of the four government officials who had dealt with Pollard were promoted (Col. Aviem Sella, Pollard,s primary contact, was given full control of a major Israeli Air Force base). So arrogant are the Israelis that Sharon asked Bush to pardon and release Pollard.   

If these are our friends, who needs enemies?   

Okay, I'm going to use a word that will upset some of you -- Zionist. These days if you use the word Zionist you're going to be immediately accused of anti-Semitism. I receive hate email for using this word on occasion. You'd think I'm making excuses for the Holocaust (which is another subject that can get you in hot water, especially in France where you can go to prison for questioning the official verson of historical events). I'm not slandering Jews, I'm simply reporting the facts. Here's an indisputable fact: Richard Perle is a Zionist.   

Now what exactly does this mean? It means Richard Perle -- and Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and others in the Bush administration -- are Israeli nationalists. "Wolfowitz and fellow Jewish neo-cons Richard Perle and Douglas Feith have emerged as the Pentagon's Paladins," writes Ann Pettifer, "their aim being to subdue the Islamic world through decisive, 

[CTRL] Anti-War is Anti-American?

2003-03-10 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Anti-War is Anti-American?
by Jeff Adams

I was getting ready for work the other day and, like most mornings, I had Fox and 
Friends on. Not so much because I love these guys, but I can at least pick up on a few 
news items without gross liberal bias, and occasionally there is some humor on the 
show. Mind you, at times the overt neo-con mantra spewed forth gets to me, but it is 
mostly tolerable, as I don't find the Fox and Friends gang to be the brightest bulbs 
on the scoreboard and don't take them too seriously.

However, this particular day my wife had to suffer through me barking at the TV set 
like our catahoula hound dog looking out the back door barking at a squirrel on our 
fence. I really went off. I had to tell the lady on TV she was full of it, and how I 
thought she was making herself look like an idiot on national television. Mona Charin 
was on the show promoting her book Useful Idiots: How Liberals got it Wrong in the 
Cold War and Still Blame America First. I don't care if this lady goes on TV and hawks 
her book. Her efforts to sell her work are commendable. What got to me was that the 
host, Steve Doocy, was trying to tie Charin's book to everyone who is against the war 
with Iraq, as if everyone that opposes this coming war is a socialist. And Mona was 
joining in.

The discussion started off with the idea that liberals had been dupes for the 
communists during the Cold War. No argument there. However, when they tried to compare 
liberals, who for over 50 years have advocated socialist ideas, with everyone who 
doesn't agree with war on Iraq, that's when my hot button got pushed.

I oppose invading Iraq not because I'm a peacenik, but because I see nothing about 
this military venture that will seriously make America more secure. Who in their right 
mind goes off to a foreign land to fight an 'enemy' that poses no serious threat to 
our security or sovereignty while leaving the back door [our borders] wide open? Most 
of the anti-war liberal types never said a word when it was their boy, Bill Clinton, 
bombing away in Kosovo. I opposed that military intervention too, on the grounds it 
had nothing to do with the Constitutional instructions for the federal government to 
provide for the common defense of the U.S. [I also oppose the continued occupation 
of Kosovo by the U.S.]

Most liberals believe in a fool's paradise, which they think will be brought about by 
following the communist manifesto. Me, I just wish our federal government would mind 
its own business and our borders, and quit trying to remake the world against its 
will. However, in their conversation, Doocy and Charin acted as if only closet 
communists opposed the U.S. invading Iraq, and the only reason anyone would oppose 
invading Iraq is because they are 'anti-American.'

I keep hearing this from neo-cons. If you don't fall into line with their views, 
you're 'anti-American.' Quite frankly, neo-cons who don't have any serious 
intellectual grounds upon which to base their position usually put forth the argument 
that someone is 'anti-American' if that person doesn't agree with their position. It's 
like when someone questions Al Sharpton about his fraudulent activities concerning the 
Tawana Brawley fiasco, he just declares that person a racist, and that is suppose to 
shut them up. Mind you, Sharpton never really comments directly on what he did, or how 
wrong he was, or seriously defends his actions. The fact you asked a question he's 
uncomfortable with is enough, in his mind, for you to be a racist, and his actions 
don't matter compared to that. So it is with Mona Charin and the neo-cons of Fox and 
Friends. Based on their view of things, if someone has serious doubts about the 
validity of attacking Iraq, they surely must be 'anti-American.'

I will acknowledge the fact that Mona Charin attempted to justify her position, but 
she did a terrible job of it. Ms. Charin claimed that attacking Iraq was important so 
America could stay strong and secure. She then went into how we won the Cold War 
without firing a shot. What's wrong with this picture? If we could win the Cold War 
against the Soviet Union 'without firing a shot,' why can't we do the same with tiny 
old Iraq? But this shows the blind, illogical workings of a neo-con mind.

If Ms. Charin gets a chance to read this, let me point out how hot the Cold War really 
was. Ever hear of the Korean War? How about Vietnam? Plenty of shots were fired, by 
proxy, during the Cold War in Africa and South America. Does this lady not realize 
that every time the Arabs attacked Israel it was a 'live fire' drill for the U.S. and 
the U.S.S.R. so they could see how their weapons performed? So which is it, we don't 
need to fire any shots to win, or we need to invade to ensure our security? 
Personally, Iraq is a non-starter because Saddam is at most a threat to his neighbors. 
So let the neighbors handle it. In case no one has noticed, none of the 

[CTRL] An Open Letter to WorldNetDaily

2003-03-10 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

An Open Letter to WorldNetDaily
by Jimmy Cantrell

Controlling the access of ideas is essential if you desire to prevent the rise of 
opposition. If people remain ignorant, they will accept quietly almost anything heaped 
on them, but if they know, they will begin asking questions and perhaps making 
demands. That is the reason that Leftists finding their Long March Through the 
Academic Institutions successful immediately slammed shut the doors in the faces of 
non-Leftists so that no one could enter to refute them. They now have full say, 
unquestioned say, because they make certain that no one who disagrees fundamentally 
[as opposed to someone who agrees with basic Leftism but disagrees over matters of 
strategy or emphasis] is allowed to secure a position from which to oppose them. They 
then, if forced to acknowledge the existence of ideas contrary to received Leftist 
wisdom, assert that there is no need to address concerns of someone like me, because 
if I were intellectually competent I would hold a university teaching position
  or w
rite for some well-respected publication: as all really smart people who are not evil 
- the Leftist is certain - think in sympathy with, if not necessarily exactly like, 
the Modern Language Association and the Rainbow Coalition and the African National 
Congress, the fact that I do not so think proves that I am either unintelligent or 
evil. Because I am Southern, it proves to the preponderance of Left-thinkers [who are 
never guilty of prejudiced thinking, unless such is warranted] that I am probably both.

To the deconstructive postmodernist and other Leftists, only a mindlessly violent 
racist, sexist, homophobe would reject such beautiful logic, and, obviously, no decent 
person will bother understanding the views of white men deemed untouchable by 
enlightened Leftists, particularly those who meet at least one Affirmative Action 
quota and/or deny Christ in the name of the Talmud.

Neoconservatives reveal their Leftist foundation in many ways, and refusing, even as 
they present themselves as paragons of Free Speech, to allow any real debate once they 
come to control an institution, is a key one. Neocons [who are American Anglophilic 
Imperial Conservatives,] the pure WASP George Will-types as much as the Jewish 
newcomers still reeking of Marxism and passion to utterly secularize any Christian 
culture, hate and/or fear the South and Southern culture as much as do Leftists. In 
fact, it seems rather obvious to me that Neocons are on average far more willing to 
engage in non-rancorous debate and compromise with Leftists than with Southern 
Paleoconservatives; we they either dismiss as being too anachronistic, too atavistic 
to consider seriously or assert are fit, in this age of Enlightened Tolerance of 
Diversity, only for the genocidal ministrations of archetypal Yankee WASP Imperial 
Conservative General W. T. [the only good Indian is a dead Indian] Sherman.

It should be obvious why Leftists hate and fear the South: as the South is, and has 
been since at least the Revolutionary War era, the most politically and culturally 
conservative part of these United States, any movement to reject Leftism will be 
centered in the South and tied inextricably to Southern values. If the Left can kill 
Southern culture and Southern identity, it can rid itself of the greatest threat to 
its goals. Without Southerners who are culturally Southern, American non-Leftism can 
never amount to much more than mild pleas for Leftists to slow down a little as they 
careen toward the multicultural socialist Paradise of Millennial Peace that they have 
faith will replace Western Christian Civilization.

The difficulty for most people [including conservative Southerners] is to understand 
why Neocons often hate Southern culture and identity and invariably dismiss the former 
as at best backwardly in need of being forced to 'modernize' and the latter as ranging 
from primitively quaint to treasonous. The key is to focus on Neocons not as largely 
Jewish, which they are at least in contemporary leadership and emphasis, but as Yankee 
Imperial Conservatives. Neocons, like their arch-hero Abe Lincoln, believe in an 
American Empire with an imperial presidency and 'provinces' that serve the favored 
regions of the Empire. Just as the British Empire could not operate effectively around 
the globe, conquering and administering multitudes, if Ireland were recognized as 
having the right to secede or if a Scottish Parliament held States' Rights and could 
check the Westminster Parliament, an American Empire cannot tolerate States' Rights or 
any 'regional' cultural identity that could lead to ca
 lls f
or independence from an imperial government that runs roughshod over that region's 
traditional cultural values.

Neocons love the fact that Southerners are naturally opposed to Leftist economic 
claims. They also love the 'patriotism' 

Re: [CTRL] An Open Letter to PropagandaNetDaily

2003-03-10 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

PropagandaNetDaily don't you mean?

I'm not quite sure of the defining moment when I ceased to be a sheep and
became an independent thinker, but as the veil was lifted over my eyes I
began to get my news from alternative sources such as the WND you mention.

Being of a primarily conservative mind, I found it quite easy to demonize
liberals and read heaps upon heaps of self deluding left/right TRASH! (it
all seemed legit at the time)

Then as time progressed I found a wealth of information on other websites
that contradicted my holy grail of all conservativeness..  aka
WorldNetDaily I then learned a false left/right paradigm is in place to
conquer and divide us.

I soon realized that WND isn't nearly the Free Press for a Free People it
claims to be. It's like reading then flipping channels to
another infomercial. Two groups selling the same sh|t with a different brand

Joseph Farah is a SHILL and nothing more. I once respected this man but I
can no longer make than claim. Any praise I ever made of him turned to self
disgust for opening my mouth ages ago.

Nothing would please me more than to read some coked-up psycho gave him an
immediate dispatch. That also goes for a lot of politicians too. (99%)

Gee... could wishing he got his up  comings get me kicked off this list?

Like I said earlier I don't give a damn!

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 5:00 PM
Subject: [CTRL] An Open Letter to WorldNetDaily

 -Caveat Lector-

 An Open Letter to WorldNetDaily
 by Jimmy Cantrell

 Controlling the access of ideas is essential if you desire to prevent the
rise of opposition. If people remain ignorant, they will accept quietly
almost anything heaped on them, but if they know, they will begin asking
questions and perhaps making demands. That is the reason that Leftists
finding their Long March Through the Academic Institutions successful
immediately slammed shut the doors in the faces of non-Leftists so that no
one could enter to refute them. They now have full say, unquestioned say,
because they make certain that no one who disagrees fundamentally [as
opposed to someone who agrees with basic Leftism but disagrees over matters
of strategy or emphasis] is allowed to secure a position from which to
oppose them. They then, if forced to acknowledge the existence of ideas
contrary to received Leftist wisdom, assert that there is no need to address
concerns of someone like me, because if I were intellectually competent I
would hold a university teaching position
   or w
 rite for some well-respected publication: as all really smart people who
are not evil - the Leftist is certain - think in sympathy with, if not
necessarily exactly like, the Modern Language Association and the Rainbow
Coalition and the African National Congress, the fact that I do not so think
proves that I am either unintelligent or evil. Because I am Southern, it
proves to the preponderance of Left-thinkers [who are never guilty of
prejudiced thinking, unless such is warranted] that I am probably both.

 To the deconstructive postmodernist and other Leftists, only a mindlessly
violent racist, sexist, homophobe would reject such beautiful logic, and,
obviously, no decent person will bother understanding the views of white men
deemed untouchable by enlightened Leftists, particularly those who meet at
least one Affirmative Action quota and/or deny Christ in the name of the

 Neoconservatives reveal their Leftist foundation in many ways, and
refusing, even as they present themselves as paragons of Free Speech, to
allow any real debate once they come to control an institution, is a key
one. Neocons [who are American Anglophilic Imperial Conservatives,] the pure
WASP George Will-types as much as the Jewish newcomers still reeking of
Marxism and passion to utterly secularize any Christian culture, hate and/or
fear the South and Southern culture as much as do Leftists. In fact, it
seems rather obvious to me that Neocons are on average far more willing to
engage in non-rancorous debate and compromise with Leftists than with
Southern Paleoconservatives; we they either dismiss as being too
anachronistic, too atavistic to consider seriously or assert are fit, in
this age of Enlightened Tolerance of Diversity, only for the genocidal
ministrations of archetypal Yankee WASP Imperial Conservative General W. T.
[the only good Indian is a dead Indian] Sherman.

 It should be obvious why Leftists hate and fear the South: as the South
is, and has been since at least the Revolutionary War era, the most
politically and culturally conservative part of these United States, any
movement to reject Leftism will be centered in the South and tied
inextricably to Southern values. If the Left can kill Southern culture and
Southern identity, it can rid itself of the greatest threat to its goals.
Without Southerners 

Re: [CTRL] Anti-War is Anti-American?

2003-03-10 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/10/2003 6:52:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Most of the anti-war liberal types never said a word when it was their boy, Bill Clinton, bombing away in Kosovo. I

Let's discuss the Kosovo business. When the Serbs started their war, they made a move and waited to see what George Bush the First would say about it. The silence out of Washington was deafening. Had he said one word, the hell in Yugoslavia would have never happened. He didn't, and the entire world seemed to decide that whatever the Serbs did to the Bosnians (Moslem or Croatian) was fine, since the Serbs had all the weapons and the Bosnians had nothing. Bush continued to be silent, while the lovers were shot by a Serb sniper even though they had gotten permission to cross into Serb territory and the zoo animals starved to death because the Serb snipers picked off the keepers trying to feed them. It got so bad that I couldn't stand to watch television news, and half the guys in the State Department left their jobs, because they couldn't stand to see what was going on either. Every time the Bosnians asked for help, it was denied, and weapons were also denied, because it was determined that if they had a way to fight back, things might escalate. The Serbs were having a lovely time. It was only when Iran began to arm the Bosnians that anyone in the American government finally did anything, and then when Clinton started to move to stop the mess, his military-industrial complex and the CIA gave him the advice that they needed to use up all that nasty old DU ammo. So when the U.S. finally made a move, it was a nasty one. It would have been a lot better if we had given the Bosnians weapons and let them fight it out with the Serbs. Still I guess our military chiefs wanted to see just what the result of using all that DU would be. They're going to have a really fun time testing all their new stuff on the Iraqi and on our guys as well. Bush is always willing to make sacrifices. I guess it's the mark of the "compassionate conservative." On well--ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS.. Prudy 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Anti-War is Anti-American?

2003-03-10 Thread Awntie
-Caveat Lector-

I always appreciate your perspective. 


  - Original Message - 
  Prudy L 
  Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 4:51 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Anti-War is 
  -Caveat Lector- In a message dated 3/10/2003 6:52:58 PM 
  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Most of the anti-war liberal types never said a word when it was 
their boy, Bill Clinton, bombing away in Kosovo. ILet's 
  discuss the Kosovo business. When the Serbs started their war, they made 
  a move and waited to see what George Bush the First would say about it. 
  The silence out of Washington was deafening. Had he said one word, the 
  hell in Yugoslavia would have never happened. He didn't, and the entire 
  world seemed to decide that whatever the Serbs did to the Bosnians (Moslem or 
  Croatian) was fine, since the Serbs had all the weapons and the Bosnians had 
  nothing. Bush continued to be silent, while the lovers were shot 
  by a Serb sniper even though they had gotten permission to cross into Serb 
  territory and the zoo animals starved to death because the Serb snipers 
  picked off the keepers trying to feed them. It got so bad 
  that I couldn't stand to watch television news, and half the guys in the State 
  Department left their jobs, because they couldn't stand to see what was going 
  on either. Every time the Bosnians asked for help, it was denied, and 
  weapons were also denied, because it was determined that if they had a way to 
  fight back, things might escalate. The Serbs were having a lovely 
  time. It was only when Iran began to arm the Bosnians that anyone in the 
  American government finally did anything, and then when Clinton started to 
  move to stop the mess, his military-industrial complex and the CIA gave him 
  the advice that they needed to use up all that nasty old DU ammo. So 
  when the U.S. finally made a move, it was a nasty one. It would have 
  been a lot better if we had given the Bosnians weapons and let them fight it 
  out with the Serbs. Still I guess our military chiefs wanted to see just 
  what the result of using all that DU would be. They're going to have a 
  really fun time testing all their new stuff on the Iraqi and on our guys as 
  well. Bush is always willing to make sacrifices. I guess it's the 
  mark of the "compassionate conservative." On well--ONWARD CHRISTIAN 
  SOLDIERS.. Prudy A 
  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 
  Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 
  soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its 
  many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 
  different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum 
  of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 
  of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 
  no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Sr warning over unilateral action

2003-03-10 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/10/2003 4:32:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

THE first President Bush has told his son that hopes of peace in the Middle East would be
ruined if a war with Iraq were not backed by international unity.

Heck, he couldn't get him to stop drinking, and Dubya likes killing people a lot more than booze. Prudy
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mind Our Own Business

2003-03-10 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Mind Our Own Business
by Charley Reese

How would you feel if you woke up one morning and all the TV news outlets were blaring that Russia and China, in a joint declaration, had said that America's weapons of mass destruction were a threat to world peace, and unless they were destroyed, Russia and China would disarm the United States and change its government?

I expect it would make your cornflakes taste sour.

Now, it's very hard to say anything good about the government of North Korea. If ever a government mimicked the totalitarian nightmare described by George Orwell in his novel "1984," it is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Even its name is Orwellian, since it is neither democratic nor a republic. The people are controlled and indoctrinated every waking hour from the cradle to the grave.

Even so, we have no right to tell North Korea that it can't develop nuclear weapons. As a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, North Korea has every legal right to withdraw from it. There are provisions in the treaty for just such an event. As a sovereign nation, it has every right to develop any kind of weapons it wants.

When the United States, Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, China, Pakistan, India and Israel developed nuclear weapons, they did not ask the world's permission. As sovereign states, they did what they thought they had to do.

You know what's wrong with this world? We're trying to run it. Sometimes we act unilaterally, sometimes we use the United Nations as a cover, sometimes we use NATO, but the bottom line is we presume the right  simply because we are powerful  to intervene and to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations. So long as this remains true, there will never be peace in the world, and Americans will continue to lose their liberty as the country metamorphoses into a permanent war state.

Don't laugh at the North Koreans. Unless we reverse this trend, future Americans will be goose-stepping down Pennsylvania Avenue and shouting praises for their own Great Leader. Status quo is a myth. Governments are always moving either in the direction of freedom or in the direction of more power and more control. I don't have to tell you that there are no libertarians in the Bush administration.

This is not a new position for me. Back in 1991, I opposed all the restrictions imposed on Iraq. It would have been proper to exact a promise from Iraq to respect Kuwait's boundaries and even to pay reasonable reparations for actual damage done. But to tell Iraq what kinds of weapons it could have infringed on Iraqi sovereignty. It is from that infringement of Iraqi sovereignty that all the subsequent conflict  and now, it appears, a new war  flows. It was not then, and it is not now, any of our business what kinds of weapons Iraq has.

We have only one right in regard to other nations: the right to self-defense. Period. There are no more. Thus, our correct position would be to say to other nations: Build whatever weapons you want, but if you use them on us or threaten us with them, you'll wish you hadn't. It's none of our business what kind of government another nation has. The communist government in North Korea doesn't cause us any harm, nor does Saddam's dictatorship. Those are internal problems of the Korean and Iraqi people, respectively.

Even humanitarianism is not a legitimate excuse for intervention. Politicians being what they are, even that excuse will always be distorted by propaganda, as it was in the Balkans. No matter what somebody else is doing to somebody else, it is none of our business, and we have no right to interfere. Our government exists to serve our people and our land and no other.

If you want peace, if you want freedom, then you're going to have to force the American government to mind its own business. Otherwise, our future will not be a happy one, because, as my pappy used to say, the problem with being a tough guy is that, sooner or later, you run into somebody who's tougher than you are. It should be noted that there are still nuclear and other weapons installations in Russia that no American is allowed to see, agreements to the contrary notwithstanding.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] More Defense Department privatization

2003-03-10 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of DefenseNo. 
105-03FOR RELEASE AT(703)697-5131(media)5 p.m. ETMarch 10, 

Texas Gas Service Co., Austin, Texas, was awarded a 
$9,479,280firm-fixed-price type of contract for assuming 
ownership,operation and maintenance of the natural gas distribution 
systemfor the U.S. Army. The performance completion date is 
March2013. Contract funds will expire at the end of the 
currentfiscal year. This was a sole-source solicitation. 
Thecontracting activity is the Defense Energy Support Center, 
FortBelvoir, Va. (SP0600-03-C-8252).

Austin Business Journal - December 24, 2002 

December 24, 2002


  Want a 


ONEOK names head of Austin-based gas unit
An executive at ONEOK Inc. [NYSE: OKE] will become president of the 
Austin-based natural gas assets that the energy company is buying from Southern 
Union Co., ONEOK announced Monday. 
Once ONEOK's $420 million purchase of Southern Union Gas Co. is completed, 
Roger Mitchell will become president of what will be known as Texas Gas Service 
Co. Mitchell has been vice president for the eastern region of ONEOK's Oklahoma 
gas distribution subsidiary, Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. 
Texas Gas Service will maintain headquarters in Austin, and Mitchell will be 
based here, ONEOK spokeswoman Andrea Chancellor says. 
The ONEOK-Southern Union Gas deal is expected to take effect Jan. 1. 
The new Texas Gas Service serves about 535,000 customers and employs about 
730 people throughout Texas, including about 220 in Austin. 
"The same employees that were at the company prior to the change in name and 
ownership will be the same employees there tomorrow, providing gas service and 
responding to customer needs," Chancellor says. "Actually, the transition will 
fairly seamless and invisible to customers." 
The deal includes Southern Union Gas, 125 miles of natural gas transmission 
lines, SUPro Energy Co., Mercado Gas Services Inc. and Southern Union's natural 
gas distribution investments in Mexico. 
With its move into Texas, Tulsa, Okla.-based ONEOK will serve a total of 1.96 
million customers, a company news release states. According to the latest survey 
published by Pipeline  Gas Journal, that will make ONEOK the country's 
fifth-largest gas distribution company, based on the number of customers. 
Mitchell, 51, joined ONEOK in 1978 and has held numerous executive positions, 
including manager of corporate responsibility, manager of corporate 
communications and advertising, Oklahoma Natural Gas' area manager in Ponca City 
and Oklahoma Natural Gas' district manager of customer service in Oklahoma City. 

David Stevens had been president of Southern Union Gas since 1998. He now is 
president and CEO of Energy Worx Inc., a pipeline management subsidiary of 
Southern Union. 
On Monday, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.-based Southern Union [NYSE: SUG] announced it 
would use proceeds from the sale of its Austin-based natural gas division to 
help the parent company finance its $1.8 billion purchase of a gas pipeline 
company. © 2002 American City Business Journals 
Inc.Web reprint information 
All contents of this site © American City Business Journals 
Inc. All rights reserved.
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Re: [CTRL] Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

2003-03-10 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 9 Mar 2003 at 12:43, Euphorian wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-
  The post was actually something I'd been indirectly waiting for (wainting
 for something but didn't know what) given I've had a protracted case of
 writer's block; it provided the key to something I've been working on for
 a few months.

Happy to have been of service.

IMO, your stated objections to this program are based on unimportant externalities:
where the course is being held; what that the particular city smells like; the fact 
it's called an internship.

You didn't actually say Some interns have been abused.  These kids will be
interns, therefore they will be abused, but you were flirting with it, and it could be
inferred that's what your train of thought was.  They're no more likely to be abused
because they're in DC than they would be in their home towns - anyone who reads
the news knows there are abusers of authority in every setting.

Learning can take place in any location.  The curriculum materials and faculty are
far more important than what city.  Anyway, who knows what the program might
evolve into.  Maybe they will at some point incorporate your perambulatory vision
into the program.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Mr Bush goes for the kill

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Mr Bush goes for the kill

Online commentary:  There is a moral case for taking out Saddam.  But
what about everybody else?

Terry Jones Sunday March 9, 2003

Mr.  Bush is right, Saddam Hussein is a nasty man and nobody I know has the
least objection to Mr.  Bush killing him.  It's just the way he proposes
doing it that worries me.  Dropping 3000 bombs in 48 hours on Baghdad is
going to kill a lot of other people who, as far as I am aware, are not
nasty at all.

That's the bit of the 'moral' argument I don't follow.  It's a bit like the
police saying they know a murderer comes from the south of England so they
are going to execute everybody in Epsom.

Then again why does Mr.  Bush need to drop 3000 bombs on Saddam Hussein?  I
would have thought one would have been enough to take him out, if he knows
where Saddam is.  And if he doesn't know where he is, what on earth is the
moral justification for dropping any bombs at all?  Doesn't Mr.  Bush
realise they are dangerous things and tend to kill people when they land?

Or does Mr Bush simply enjoy the idea of taking out a lot of Iraqis?  I
appreciate Mr.  Bush's argument that because Saddam Hussein has refused to
take any notice of the UN, Mr.  Bush should teach him a lesson by dropping
a lot of bombs on him.  But now he's telling us that if the UN won't give
him permission to do it, he's jolly well going to drop a lot of bombs on
Saddam anyway.  In which case won't Mr.  Bush be guilty of the same thing
he's accusing Saddam Hussein of?  Apparently not because, according to the
President's advisers, if the United Nations won't give him permission to
drop a lot of bombs on Saddam Hussein, it will have ceased to be a
Responsible World Organization and therefore he doesn't need to take any
notice of it.

But doesn't the same thing go for Saddam Hussein?  If the United Nations
ceases to be a Responsible World Organization how can the fact that Saddam
Hussein has refused to take any notice of it be something so evil that it
justifies dropping bombs on the poor people living under his heel?

And that's another thing - everyone seems to be very certain that dropping
a lot of bombs on Baghdad will get rid of Saddam Hussein.  But will it?  -
any more than devastating Afghanistan (and killing maybe 20,000 people) got
rid of Al-Qaeda?  A recent UN report reckons that if and when the US starts
bombing as many as 100,000 Iraqis will die.

I can't really believe that the President of the United States gets his
rocks off by having people killed.  That's more like Saddam Hussein.

And yet it worries me that Mr.  Bush says that one of the reasons he wants
to kill a lot of Iraqis is because Saddam Hussein has also been killing
them.  Is there some sort of rivalry here?

Back in 1988 Saddam killed several thousand at once, in the town of
Halabjah.  Since then he's been carrying on the good work, but on a
piecemeal basis.  In fact, for all I know, since his 1988 spree, he may not
have killed any more of his own citizens than George W.  Bush did as
Governor of Texas.  When Mr.  Bush became Governor in 1995, the average
number of executions per year was 7.6.  Mr.  Bush succeeded in quadrupling
this to a magnificent 31.6 per year.  He must have had the terrible chore
of personally signing over 150 death warrants while he was Governor.  I
suppose the advantage of killing Iraqis is that you don't have to sign a
piece of paper for every one of them.  Just one quick scribble and - bingo!
You can kill a hundred thousand and no questions asked!  What's more,
nobody is going to quibble about some of them being mentally retarded or
juveniles, which is what happened to George W.  Bush when he was Governor
of Texas.

I'm not saying that George W.  

[CTRL] Fwd: Catherine Austin Fitts attending of GNN's Aftermath New York, March 13, 3:30PM

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector- 

presents a screening and open discussion of breakthrough documentary 
Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 
-- a production of the Sundance award-winning Guerilla News 
[GNN logo here] 
George Soros, billionaire philanthropist; Mary Schiavo, 9/11 
victim family lawyer and former FAA Inspector General; Michael Rupport, 
former LAPD investigator; Nafeez M. Ahmed, author of The War on 
Freedom;David McMichael, former CIA analyst; Peter Dale Scott, 
Professor Emeritus UC Berkeley; Michel Chossudovsky, editor of Global 
Outlook,John Judge, Coalition on Political Assasinations (COPA); 
Alex Jones, TV  radio personality; and Riva Enteen of the 
National Lawyers Guild. 
Special Guests 
Catherine Austin Fitts, co-founder of 
John Judge, co-founder of Coalition on Political Assasinations 
David McMichael, former CIA analyst  
John Jay College of Criminal Justice Thursday, March 
13 3:30PM - 5:30PM 445 West 59th Street Room 
-- Citizen initiatives for government oversight and independent inquiry 
will be discussed-- 
Donation: Welcomed and encouraged. (suggested $10) 
Presented by: Kyle F. Hence co-founder and Aftermath Associate Producer. 
To RSVP or for more info please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or call 
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Aftermath NYC Flyer (win).doc
Description: MS-Word document

Flyer for NYC Aftermath showing.doc
Description: MS-Word document
---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] An Open Letter to PropagandaNetDaily

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/10/03 4:50:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joseph Farah is a SHILL and nothing more. I once respected this man but I
can no longer make than claim. Any praise I ever made of him turned to self
disgust for opening my mouth ages ago.

Absolutely,I have met the man and been to his "compound" in southern Oregon. 

Glad to see the understandings arising. 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] Abuse scandal rocks Germany

2003-03-10 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

germans out there who can tell me what the hell that is supposed to 
vigilius haufniensis,6903,910519,00.html

Abuse scandal rocks 
Germany Authorities are shocked at the death of a five-year-old boy at the hands 
of a paedophile ring in a seedy pub Hannah Cleaver in BerlinSunday March 
9, 2003The Observer 
German police are 
hoping the ground will thaw enough this week for them to start digging in a 
quarry in their hunt for the body of a five-year-old boy whose death at the 
hands of a paedophile ring has sent shockwaves through the country. 
The death of the boy, known just as Pascal, is the only one attributed to the 
ring but he was not alone in being abused by the group. A friend of his who is 
now eight is also said to have been a victim, as well as a girl of a similar age 
and an unknown number of others. 
Police say the ring was run by a woman, Christa Weyand, named in Germany only 
as 50-year-old Christa W, who served for three years as a voluntary lay 
magistrate in the local youth court. 
Twelve men and women have now been arrested and are in custody, though not 
yet charged, while police try to piece together the pattern of abuse, which 
mainly took place in the back of a seedy pub across the road from the youth 
court - 100 yards from the dead boy's home. 
The big question facing the authorities in Saarbrücken is how Christa W came 
to work in the justice system even though she was running a pub known to be a 
hang-out for prostitutes and drug dealers. She has also been accused of renting 
rooms at inflated prices to vulnerable people on housing benefit. Her pub, the 
Pilsstube, was so notorious it was known locally as 'guest house of the golden 
In 1995 she fostered a baby boy and obtained trusteeship over his mentally 
disabled mother 'at the mother's request'. 
Despite repeated reports of neglect and abuse of the boy, who is said to have 
been undernourished and beaten by various friends of the two women, he remained 
in her 'care' for nearly six years, including most of the time between 1997 and 
2001 when she worked in the youth court. 
Now the authorities are talking of the 'criminal energy' with which they were 
fooled by Christa W, who described herself as a housewife when applying for her 
court position. Dr Kurt Wahrheit, head of the town's youth department, said the 
files relating to Christa W's approval as lay magistrate no longer existed. 
The boy was only removed from Christa W and placed in a different foster home 
when, in January 2001, Christa W's brother complained to the authorities that 
the boy was being neglected and beaten. 
Reports that the child was subjected to sustained sexual abuse by Christa W, 
his mother and the male partners of both women, only emerged at the end of 2002, 
giving police a vital clue to finding his missing friend Pascal, who had 
disappeared without trace at the end of September 2001. 
It now appears that he was in the back room of Christa W's pub being sexually 
abused by locals who paid Christa W for time with him. Police say that some of 
the men and women they have been questioning told of hitting Pascal to keep him 
But it seems he was hit so hard and so many times that eventually he stopped 
moving and the adults panicked and put the boy's body in a car, drove it across 
the border to France and buried it in a quarry. The authorities say he was 
killed on the same day he went missing. 
The Burbach area of Saarbrücken, where the crimes are alleged to have taken 
place, is a run-down, sordid area, awash with the detritus of poverty. One 
seasoned German reporter said: 'I'm shocked at 

[CTRL] Survivorship and S.M.A.R.T. Ritual Abuse Conference near Boston in May

2003-03-10 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
with corrected dates

Press Release

Survivorship and S.M.A.R.T. are co-sponsoring the first East Coast
Conference on Ritualistic Abuse on Saturday May 24, 2003, for survivors,
their allies, activists, and professionals.

It will be held at the Cambridge Friend's Meeting House from 9:30 to 5:00.
Cost is $50.00 ($30.00 for limited income attendees) if pre-registered. Add
$10.00 if not pre-registered or pre-paid .CEU registration is $15.00

Speakers and topics are:

Fran Demiany, Ph.D. -- "Building Internal Communication and Cooperation"
Neil Brick of S.M.A.R.T. -- "How Cues and Programming Work in Mind Control
and Propaganda."
Jeannie Riseman, MSW of Survivorship -- "Building Community"

There will also be small discussion groups, question and answer periods,
and a safe room staffed by the Cambridge Women's Center.

Survivorship has been approved by the California Board of Behavioral
Sciences as a provider of Continuing Education Credits for Licensed
Clinical Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists. The provider
number is 2690.

The May 24, 2003 East Coast Conference on Ritualistic Abuse meets the
Qualifications for four hours of continuing education credit for MFTs
and/or LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
Attendees will acquire knowledge of the following techniques

 1. Establishing and strengthening internal communications in
persons with dissociative conditions.
 2. Reducing internal conflict and encouraging internal co-operation
in persons with dissociative conditions.
 3. Recognizing and working with cues and programming used in mind
control and propaganda.
 4. Overcoming obstacles to communication between survivors of
ritualistic abuse.
 5. Encouraging networking and social action by survivors of
ritualistic abuse.

Space is limited. You may pre-register at or by writing

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Onward, Christian Soldiers

2003-03-10 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

( And I thought Jesus said Blessed are the peacemakers, or something like that. Are 
meek or a Cristian soldier, or just a taxpayer supporting the illegal upcoming war on
Iraq? Is Bush a compassionate conservative, or just another bully who used to love to
blow up frogs with firecrackers? He has some new weapons of mass destruction to use
against a leader built up by his father, who now profits from the defense buildup via
Carlyle Group and Cheney's Halliburtin. Now study the lyrics carefully because they are
the beliefs of your leaders. How convenient. How profitable!

Onward, Christian Soldiers

Onward, Christian Soldiers,
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before!

Christ the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See His banners go!

Onward, Christian Soldiers,
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before!

Like a might army
Moves the Church of God!
Brothers, we are treading
Where the saints have trod!

We are not divided,
All one body we,
One in hope and doctrine,
One in charity!

Onward, Christian Soldiers,
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before!

Onward. then, ye people!
Join our happy throng!
Blend with ours your voices,
In the triumph song!
Glory laud and honour,
Unto Christ the King,
This through countless ages,
Men and Angels sing.

Onward, Christian Soldiers,
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before!

Music by Arthur S. Sullivan and lyrics by Sabine Baring-Gould, 1871

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush's Crusade for Domination

2003-03-10 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 10 Mar 2003 19:05:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject:!b_a_Act: [P] Bush's Crusade for Domination
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(No war in Iraq -
  Subscribe or Unsubscribe to PNEWS (progressive news and views) forums
 (on internet since 1982):  ---


 ...General Zinni, a leading U.S.military figure and diplomat, has said
that he doesn't know on which planet the hawks in Washington are living.
And many others, including ex-President Carter, General Schwartzkopf and
even officials in the intelligence (sic) community, have expressed similar
sentiments. [Bertell Olman, Why War With Iraq? Why Now? - February 23,
2003, ZNet]

Olman says leaders of our Government are not that stupid or crazy, and
war is too important a matter to go forward without good reasons. They
have their reasons. Indeed they do and it is their holy crusade for oil
and to absolutely control a region of the world where resources are just
too important to leave to local rulers who don't always do what they're
told to do.

Olman says, The Bush oiligarchy wants direct control over a country whose
proven oil reserves are second only to those of Saudi Arabia. American oil
giants own none of this oil now. How much do you think they will own one
year after the war? Direct U.S. control over Iraqi oil will not only put
the profits of selling the oil and servicing the oil fields into American
hands, but will also also put the U.S. Government in a position to effect
the price of oil by determining how much of it is put onto the market at
any one time and to secure the dollar's position as the currency of choice
in the purchase of oil by other countries (since 2000, Iraq has tried to
undermine the hegemony of the dollar in world trade - with all its
implications for U.S. financial domination - by selling its oil for
Euros). And, as the availablility of this non-renewable source of energy
begins to decline (it has been estimated that the world has about fifty
years worth of oil left), the U.S. will be in a position to decide, almost
unilaterally, which countries will grow and develop and which will not.

Olman says controlling Iraq would also secure the water supplies - not
often mentioned - with which Iraq is blessed and all surrounding countries
are to some degree dependent.

He also states that conquering Iraq would establish American military and
political power - if not direct colonial control - of a major Arab country
in the heart of the middle-east for an indefinite period to help ensure
the existence of friendly governments and market economies throughout the

AND, of course it is very important that the war also provides a
rationale to expand the military budget and with it the profits of the
arms industry, which includes the oil industry.

And since the objective of capturing Osama bin Laden by fighting the war
in Afghanistan was never achieved this victory would make Americans
forget that we lost the war in Afghanistan, whose main objective was not
to remove the Taliban but to destroy Al Queda and capture Ossama Bin

Not to forget the diversion effect - to upstage the media attention given
to the failure of the Government's economic policies.

UNEMPLOYMENT IS UP about 35% and the STOCK MARKET is DOWN about 35% since
George W Bush became president..

Bush and Cheney have not yet been implicated in the many financial
scandals which occured after he took office and that situation has been
all but forgetten given the almost daily speeches by George Bush about the
evil Saddam Hussein and the need to make war against Iraq.

As noted by Olman, this establishes an atmosphere of permanent crisis
with its side-bars of fear and patriotism that will help the GOP to push
through the rest of its ultra-conservative political agenda and win the
next presidential election.

There will be assumed undeniable advantages to Israel when the U.S. wins
this war against Iraq although sometimes the obvious turns out to be wrong
and this could backfire. My feeling about this is it will hurt Israel by
the radicalization of even heretofore moderate Muslims who will consider
this a U.S./Zionist plan to kill Muslims.

To quote Olman:

 It is no surprise then that among our Government's top foreign policy
advisors some of the biggest hawks are right wing Zionists like - Paul
Wolfowitz (Deputy Defense Secretary, who earlier in life wanted to
immigrate to Israel and who wrote his first official paper calling for an
invasion of Iraq back in 1992), Douglas Feith (Under Secretary for Policy
in the Dept. of Defense), Elliot Abrams (National