[CTRL] Robin Williams blasts Bush - YES !

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

From: Thomas Buyea  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 April 2003 02:39
Subject: Robin Williams blasts Bush - YES !

Robin Williams blasts Bush;

 Bush Says -- We have to get rid of Dictators,
But he is pretty much one himself !  RW



Funnyman Robin Williams has launched a
scathing attack on President George W. Bush
and his decision to go ahead with war on Iraq.

The One Hour Photo actor also criticizes
what he sees as his country's mixed messages
when it comes to national security.

He says, America is broke, basically, but Bush
wants to wage a war that costs pretty much a
billion dollars a month.

We have a president for whom English is a
second language. He's like 'We have to get rid
of dictators,' but he's pretty much one himself.

In America, we have orange alert, but what the
hell does that mean? We're supposed to be afraid
of Krishna? Of orange sorbet? Then it's like,
'You can't go out and shop, it's too dangerous
out there,' but if that happens then the economy

The message is so mixed:
'Be afraid, but not too afraid.'


--- End of forwarded message ---

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] City buildings are the jungles of Iraq

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

City buildings are the jungles of Iraq

Christopher Bellamy, The Independent

LONDON, 29 March 2003 — Four centuries before Christ, China’s Gen. Sun-Tzu wrote in his
Art of War: “The worst policy is to besiege cities.” Nearly two and a half thousand 
later, the Americans and British invading Iraq and trapped outside Baghdad and Basra 
again become aware of this.

Six months ago, on the first anniversary of the attacks on New York, Tareq Aziz gave an
interview to Dr. Toby Dodge, of the University of Warwick. Aziz said: “People say to 
you (the Iraqis) are not the Vietnamese. You have no jungles and swamps to hide in. I
reply, let our cities be our swamps and our buildings our jungles.”

This interview is cited in Dr. Dodge’s perspicacious and prescient article, Cake Walk,
Coup or Urbanwarfare: the Battle for Iraq, in the Adelphi Paper No 354, Iraq at the
Crossroads, published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. Maybe, this
time, the academics got it right. So the Iraqi plan to frustrate and hold the Americans
was clearly well thought out six months ago. As Thomas Ricks, a Washington Post 
wrote Wednesday, the unexpectedly bad weather, long and insecure supply lines 
300 miles and surprising Iraqi resistance have led to a “broad reassessment of
timelines”. In other words, a longer and harder war than was expected a week ago.

An operational pause is in the offing. The 3rd US Infantry Division (Mechanised) is a
relatively small force (though more than double the size of even the best-appointed 
division), more than 300 miles from its base. Its 100 Apache helicopters, its main hi-
tech, anti-armor assets, are grounded by sandstorms. It is even having emergency 
of water and food trucked in from Kuwait. The logistics people in their soft-skinned
vehicles are probably even braver than the front-line soldiers. And they are the people
the Iraqis, striking at the vulnerable supply lines, will go for. Senior US officers 
cited as saying the 3rd Division must “run out of steam soon”. A sobering thought, if

The US and British commanders must be concerned about the cities they never wanted to
besiege. Baghdad has a population of five million. Najaf, the main jumping-off point 
an attack on the capital, has 600,000. Basra has 1.5 million. That is the same 
as Northern Ireland. The British have still not brought total peace to Northern Ireland
after having deployed, on average, 17,000 troops there, for nearly 34 years. If the 
Iraqi cities do not come over to the allies, and so far they have not, we face a very
different strategic problem — the one we faced on the outbreak of war more than a week

And the southcentral Iraqi theater will be the operational area of the US 4th Infantry
Division (Mechanised). Its heavy equipment is in 35 ships heading for Kuwait from the
Mediterranean via the Suez. The division, originally intended to strike Iraq’s northern
front through Turkey, will not be be ready until April.

In southern Iraq, where resistance has been far tougher than expected, its appearance
will, nevertheless, be hugely welcome. As one retired US general said: “I wouldn’t like
to go into Baghdad before I had another division up into my rear.” That can only be 4th
Division, and it will not be there until next month.

In the interim, 3rd Infantry’s long and vulnerable supply lines, attacked by Iraqi 
behind parties, can be reinforced only by the 82nd Airborne Division, based near Kuwait
City, and the 101st, who are, to quote The Washington Post, “deep inside Iraq”. Part of
one US airborne brigade, the 173rd, dropped to hold an airfield an hour’s drive north 
Irbil on Wednesday night.

Quite why the Americans felt they had to drop 1,000 men by parachute 50 miles behind 
front line in safe, secure, Kurdish territory to an airfield on which they were already
landing helicopters is unclear.

It could only have impressed the Western media. There is no way it could have impressed
Iraqis. The British Paras don’t parachute if there is an airfield to land on, and some 
them were not impressed, either. But it made good TV in the absence of much other good

Over the past 24 hours, the overwhelming lesson has, again, been: Be skeptical. On
Wednesday night and Thursday morning there were reports of a huge Iraqi armored force —
1,000 vehicles, about a brigade — trying to cut off the vulnerable US main supply 
and of the breakout of an Iraqi battle group — 120 tanks — from Basra down into the Al-
Faw Peninsula.

In the cold light of dawn, the great brigade counter-sweep dissolved. The battle group
was shot up by well-prepared US and British armor, artillery and air power.

News alternatives to US war propaganda:


Re: [CTRL] Insects thrive on Frankenstein 'pest-killing' crops

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

On 1 Apr 2003 at 14:15, Geoff Hodgman wrote:

 What does caveat lector mean?

I would hope you have the 'good sense' to eat as many genetically-modified, pesticide-
laced, and, radiation pasturized, and hormone-laden foods as possible. That way you 
probably die and early death, and hopefully your offspring will be mutated and sterile
thereby not polluting the gene pool with your stupidity. Or at least you wil die an 
death saving us much medicaid funds.

I love skeptics, especially when they work to promote the interests of the large
corporations who profit by sickness and death. Kharma is great.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Deadly Vietnam War

2003-04-01 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Vietnam War

And so to edit another page for the DeathEXPO 2004 theme diary, a page that
overshadows 'August 2nd' and marked 40 years after the Tonkin Incident.

I feel the artwork for such a page that depicts the commencement of the
Vietnam War will not show those who crawled in the rice fields, but those
who walk in the Eleusian Fields, over ruled by the great goddess Mother
Ceres, the goddess of food. And the food of the mind is her primary fare,
namely the poppy seeds, as emphasized by her wearing a turban made of poppy
flowers no doubt picked a long time ago from 'Flanders Fields'.

I will show a silver goblet filled with pomegranate juice mixed with crushed
seeds, for this will add another dimension to those so initiated, and drunk
after the 'happiness' leaves the mind of the soldier as he died in the
fields of Vietnam, and he is seen like all as a '126er'.

The American movement against the Vietnam War was the most successful
antiwar movement in US history. During the Johnson administration, it played
a significant role in constraining the war and was a major factor in the
administration's policy reversal in 1968. During the Nixon years, it
hastened US troop withdrawals, continued to restrain the war, fed the
deterioration in US troop morale and discipline (which provided additional
impetus to US troop withdrawals), and promoted congressional legislation
that severed US funds for the war. The movement also fostered aspects of the
Watergate scandal, which ultimately played a significant role in ending the
war by undermining Nixon's authority in Congress and thus his ability to
continue the war. Oxford Companion to American Military History:

So to the 'Alchemy of Numbers' that yields up the symbol for the Vietnam

An estimated total of 2,122,244 people were killed during the war in
Vietnam. Of these, 58,169 were Americans. Of those Americans, 11,465 were
teenagers. An estimated 3,650,946 additional people were wounded, of whom
304,000 were Americans. 153,329 Americans were categorized as 'seriously'
wounded. That total includes 10,000 amputees. An estimated 444,000 North
Vietnamese and 220,557 South Vietnamese military personnel and 587,000
civilians were killed.

So to the reference number for the Vietnam War when counting all the dead at
2,122,244 and 2,122,244.133 cubed thrice is 6.660e+170, hence the
Vietnam War is marked '666'.

Now to the reference number for the Vietnam War found in the 58,169 American

The ministry period of Jesus Christ when counting 40 days after his baptism
and leaving the wilderness, to his death by Crucifixion on Friday, April 7th
AD30 is 871 days.

The reference number for Jesus Christ or the AntiChrist is 9333 and 93.33 x
9.333 is 871.0488 days.

And 58,169 American dead as 58,169.0382 and cubed 4 times and the square
root is
the AntiChrist at 9.33300e+192.

Now the two sided flag, that is the 'Alien Flag' (called also the Trilateral
Insignia) is that of the Serpent Rouge (of 666 infamy) and has the reference
289 + Skull and Bones ('no mercy') the power of the Dragon at 322, is the
diabolical 611. And 611 x 611 x 611 x 611 and /160,000,000 is 871.0535 days.

And 6.11000e+96 x 6.11000e+96 and /4 and squared and cube root 4 times is
58,169.0420 American dead.

Next to the very 'Foundations of Death' the area of the Platform of the
Great Pyramid, the symbol of Death.

The mean width of the four sides is 440 cubits at 755.77334 feet, and an
area of 571,193.34 square feet.

And the 'Foundations of Death' increased to 5.7119334e+341 x 20 and square
root thrice and cube root twice is 58,169.0336 American dead.

The Subterranean Chamber, the 'Pit' is 97 feet below the Platform and 578
feet to the apex point, that is the Serpent Rouge at 289 + 289 feet.

Assuming that King Hades of the Underworld is night dreaming and has the
desire for all the American dead to enter his kingdom, he would use the
reference 126, that is the number for the spirit body within all humans,
sometimes called the 'Eye of Horus' and also a reference for the mind.

So King Hades counts 58,169 dead and at 58,169.022 x 126 each, and squared 6
times is 8 x 2.890e+438 the Serpent Rouge at 1.7e+219 x

So the 'Foundations of Death' can formed and fashioned out of the reference
number for the AntiChrist, or the Serpent Rouge, the Dragon, that converts
to Eagle's wings at 440 cubits of 20.6120 inches, and the dead are changed
into 'Food' for the Serpent Rouge, but then he is dreaming.

Fringe at its best?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.

[CTRL] secret plan

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

US draws up secret plan to impose regime on Iraq

Brian Whitaker and Luke Harding in Sulaimaniya
Tuesday April 1, 2003
The Guardian

A disagreement has broken out at a senior level within the Bush
administration over a new government that the US is secretly planning in
Kuwait to rule Iraq in the immediate aftermath of the overthrow of Saddam

Under the plan, the government will consist of 23 ministries, each headed
by an American. Every ministry will also have four Iraqi advisers appointed
by the Americans, the Guardian has learned.

The government will take over Iraq city by city. Areas declared liberated
by General Tommy Franks will be transferred to the temporary government
under the overall control of Jay Garner, the former US general appointed
to head a military occupation of Iraq.

In anticipation of the Baghdad regime's fall, members of this interim
government have begun arriving in Kuwait.

Decisions on the government's composition appear to be entirely in US
hands, particularly those of Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of
defence. This has annoyed Gen Garner, who is officially in charge but who,
according to sources close to the planning of the government has had to
accept a number of controversial Iraqis in advisory roles.

The most controversial of Mr Wolfowitz's proposed appointees is Ahmed
Chalabi, the head of the opposition Iraqi National Congress, together with
his close associates, including his nephew. During his years in exile, Mr
Chalabi has cultivated links with Congress to raise funds, and has become
the Pentagon's darling among the Iraqi opposition. The defence secretary,
Donald Rumsfeld, is one of his strongest supporters. The state department
and the CIA, on the other hand, regard him with deep suspicion.

He has not lived in Iraq since 1956, apart from a short period organising
resistance in the Kurdish north in the 1990s, and is thought to have little
support in the country.

Mr Chalabi had envisaged becoming prime minister in an interim
government, and is disappointed that no such post is included in the US
plan. Instead, the former banker will be offered an advisory job at the
finance ministry.

A senior INC official said last night that Mr Chalabi would not countenance
a purely advisory position. The official added: It is certainly not the INC's
intention to advise any US ministers in Iraq. Our position is that no
Americans should run Iraqi ministries. The US is talking about an interim
Iraqi authority taking over, but we are calling for a provisional

The revelation about direct rule is likely to cause intense political
discomfort for Tony Blair, who has been pressing for UN and international
involvement in Iraq's reconstruction to overcome opposition in Britain as
well as heal divisions across Europe.

The Foreign Office said last night that a relatively fluid number of British
officials had been seconded to the planning team.

Last week Colin Powell, the US secretary of state, told Congress that
immediately after the fall of President Saddam's regime, the US military
would take control of the Iraqi government.

His only concession was that this would be done with the full
understanding of the international community and with the UN presence
in the form of a special coordinator.

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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] dailybriefing

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

'You didn't fire a warning shot soon enough!'

A journalist's account of the killing of a car full of Iraqi civilians by US
soldiers differs widely from the official military version, says Brian Whitaker

Brian Whitaker
Tuesday April 1, 2003
The Guardian

The invasion forces suffered another self-inflicted disaster in the battle for
hearts and minds yesterday when soldiers from the US 3rd infantry division
shot dead Iraqi seven women and children.

The incident occurred on Route 9, near Najaf, when a car carrying 13
women and children approached a checkpoint.

A US military spokesman says the soldiers motioned the vehicle to stop but
their signals were ignored. However, according to the Washington Post,
Captain Ronny Johnson, who was in charge of the checkpoint, blamed his
own troops for ignoring orders to fire a warning shot.

You just [expletive] killed a family because you didn't fire a warning shot
soon enough!, he reportedly yelled at them.

In another checkpoint incident this morning, US forces say they killed an
unarmed Iraqi driver outside Shatra.

Meanwhile it has emerged - as a result of detective work on the internet
by a Guardian reader - that the explosion in a Baghdad market which killed
more than 60 people last Friday was indeed caused by a cruise missile and
not an Iraqi anti-aircraft rocket as the US has suggested.

A metal fragment found at the scene by British journalist Robert Fisk
carried various markings, including MFR 96214 09. This, our reader
pointed out in an email, is a manufacturer's identification number known as
a cage code.

Cage codes can be looked up on the internet (www.gidm.dlis.dla.mil), and
keying in the number 96214 traces the fragment back to a plant in
McKinney, Texas, owned by the Raytheon Company.

Raytheon, whose headquarters are in Lexington, Massachusetts, aspires
to be the most admired defence and aerospace systems supplier through
world-class people and technology, according to its website
(www.raytheon.com). It makes a vast array of military equipment, including
the AGM-129 cruise missile which is launched from B-52 bombers.

On the political front, two new quarrels have broken out. One centres on
an attempt by the US to set up its own inspection team to find the alleged
Iraqi weapons that United Nations inspectors did not find. The US appears
unaware that such a project will have little credibility internationally and
has pressed ahead, offering jobs to some of the UN inspectors.

The two chief UN inspectors, Hans Blix and Mohamed ElBaradei, head of
the International Atomic Energy Authority, are reportedly furious. Dr
Baradei, in remarks quoted by the BBC, insisted that the IAEA is the sole
body with legal authority to verify any nuclear programmes in Iraq.

The other row concerns the new Pentagon-controlled Iraqi government
that the US is establishing in Kuwait, with 23 ministries, each headed by an
American and with four US-appointed Iraqi advisers.

Former US general Jay Garner, who was placed in overall charge of the
interim government, is annoyed by the efforts of Paul Wolfowitz, the
deputy defence secretary, to impose several controversial Iraqis as
advisers in the government.

They include Ahmed Chalabi, head of the opposition Iraqi National
Congress, who will be offered an advisory post in the finance ministry. Mr
Chalabi was previously convicted in his absence of a multi-million dollar
banking fraud in Jordan, though he denies the charges.

Mr Wolfowitz wants posts in other ministries to go to Mr Chalabi's nephew,
Salem, and to three of his close associates, Tamara Daghestani, Goran
Talebani and Aras Habib.

In an interview with the BBC yesterday, the British home secretary, David
Blunkett, conceded that at present the invasion forces are seen as
villains, but he added:

Once this is over and there is a free Iraq, with a democratic state ... the
population as a whole will say that we want a free country, we want a
state to live in where we can use our talents to the full.

The veteran American war correspondent, Peter Arnett, was sacked by
NBC television yesterday for giving an interview to an Iraqi TV journalist in
which he said the US had misjudged the determination of the Iraqi
forces. He was immediately offered a new job by a British newspaper, the
Daily Mirror, which opposes the war.

Another war-related tragedy has occurred in Israel, where two elderly
sisters were found dead - apparently suffocated - in a room that they had
made airtight against a possible Iraqi chemical attack. Three others died in
similar circumstances a fortnight ago.

On the ground in Iraq, battles continue in various locations. US forces
testing the southern defences of Baghdad are reportedly fighting
Republican Guards and other forces at Hindiya, some 50 miles from the

Fighting has also erupted along the Euphrates river near ancient Babylon.
US marines entered Shatra, 

Re: [CTRL] US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush

2003-04-01 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Joshua Tinnin wrote:


 US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush
 Last Update: Sunday, March 30, 2003. 2:55am (AEST)
 Sunday's is Pray that the President and his advisers will seek God and his
 wisdom daily and not rely on their own understanding.

 Monday's reads Pray that the President and his advisers will be strong and
 courageous to do what is right regardless of critics.

I think that is just standard brainwashing techniques.

1) Asking the soldiers to excuse the President's illogical
   behaviour on the basis of him having God's divine guidance.

2) Asking to ignore his critics.

The president can not err. He has God on his side.
The bullets they shoot are his holy divine instruments,
blessed by Jesus.

Such as: US Marines Fire On Civilians At Bridge Of Death:


I think Sanity has left the government building. Either
that or they've been run over by Jews  Satanists.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reality is more complex

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

War analysis

Why 2003 is not 1991

Iraq's Shi'ite majority was thought so hostile to Saddam's Sunni-led regime
that they would welcome invasion. Reality is more complex

Dilip Hiro
Tuesday April 1, 2003
The Guardian

When Ali Hammadi al-Namani killed himself and four American soldiers in a
suicide attack near Najaf on Saturday, he put the final nail in the coffin of
the liberation scenario of the Washington-London alliance. The invading
Anglo- American forces will now have to keep all Iraqi civilians at bay,
treating everyone as a potential suicide bomber - just the way Israel's
occupation army treats Palestinians.

Earlier, any prospects of an uprising in the predominantly Shi'ite city of
Basra disappeared on Tuesday when Grand Ayatollah Mirza Ali Sistani issued
a fatwa, calling on Muslims all over the world to help Iraqis in a fierce
battle against infidel followers who have invaded our homeland. Sistani is
based in Najaf, the third holiest place of Shi'ite Muslims, and it is likely that
Nomani, a Shi'ite, was following his fatwa. As the only grand ayatollah of
Iraq, Sistani is the most senior cleric for Iraqi Shi'ites, who form 70% of
ethnic Arabs in Iraq. Any Anglo-American attempt to devalue Sistani's
opposition to the invasion - by saying he's a Saddam stooge, for example -
will boomerang because of his status; there are only five grand ayatollah's
in the world.

By now it is apparent that the Anglo-American decision-makers made a
monumental miscalculation by imagining that Iraqis in the predominantly
Shi'ite southern Iraq would welcome their soldiers as liberators. It stems
from their blind faith in the unverified testimonies of the Iraqi defectors
combined with their failure to realise the complexity of the task of
overthrowing President Saddam Hussein's regime.

The Anglo-American policy makers failed to distinguish between the
situations in southern Iraq in 1991 and now; between a civil strife among
Iraqis and an armed conflict between invading infidel troops and Muslim
Iraqis; between Iraqis' loyalty to their homeland and their fealty to their
current ruler - not to mention their failure to fully grasp the importance
that Muslims in general and Shi'ites in particular attach to the holy city of

In their enthusiasm to topple Saddam, the hawks overlooked major
differences between the current situation in Iraq and the one that
prevailed after the Gulf war. In March 1991, the retreating, demoralised
Iraqi soldiers - who had hardly a clue why they had occupied Kuwait in the
first place - rebelled spontaneously, and found many civilians joining them.
They also knew that they had been put on the run by a coalition in which
13 of the 28 countries were Arab or Muslim.

This time, Iraqi soldiers see their country invaded by non-Muslim troops
from America and Britain, their old imperial master.

Many of those Iraqis who hate Saddam loathe America more. They hold it
responsible for the UN sanctions which over the last dozen years have
reduced their living standards by 90% and caused them untold misery.

They know, too, that it is the Pentagon that has bombed Iraq six times
since the end of the 1991 Gulf war.

Grand Ayatollah Sistani's fatwa, therefore, reflects a prevalent feeling
among Iraqis of both Islamic sects, Shi'ite and Sunni. Their resolve to resist
is determined by their loyalty to Iraq. The Bush administration overlooked
too the fact that during the eight years of Iraq's armed conflict with
predominantly Shi'ite Iran, Saddam managed to retain the loyalty of the
Iraqi army, where Shi'ite conscripts formed a majority.

He did so by emphasising Islam while extending governmental control over
religious sites and sponsoring international religious gatherings. In April
1983 an Iraqi minister told an Islamic conference in Baghdad that all of the
nearly 3,200 Muslim religious sites were under total or partial gov ernment
supervision. After Iran's offensive in March 1985 had been repelled,
Saddam, a Sunni, offered much-publicised prayers at the Shi'ite shrines in
Najaf, Karbala and elsewhere. During the holy month of Ramadan he
decreed that government officials should hold fast- breaking banquets in

He went on to publish his family tree, which supposedly showed him to be
a descendant of Imam Ali, a cousin and a son-in-law of Prophet Mohammed,
entitling him to the honorific of sayyid (lord or prince) accorded to the
male descendants of Prophet Mohammed. The authorities distributed
millions of copies of Sayyid Saddam Hussein's family tree to emphasise his
religious credentials.

The caretaker of the shrine of Ali in Najaf has this family tree on the walls
of his wood-panelled office. It is one of only three images there, the
others being a picture of the shrine itself, and a photo of president
Saddam Hussein at prayer inside the shrine's inner sanctum.

If there is any collateral damage to this shrine by the 

[CTRL] War Criticized

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

April 1, 2003

Rumsfeld's Design for War Criticized on the Battlefield


V CORPS HEADQUARTERS, near the Kuwait-Iraq border, March 31  Long-
simmering tensions between Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and
Army commanders have erupted in a series of complaints from officers on
the Iraqi battlefield that the Pentagon has not sent enough troops to wage
the war as they want to fight it.

Here today, raw nerves were obvious as officers compared Mr. Rumsfeld to
Robert S. McNamara, an architect of the Vietnam War who failed to grasp
the political and military realities of Vietnam.

One colonel, who spoke on the condition that his name be withheld, was
among the officers criticizing decisions to limit initial deployments of
troops to the region. He wanted to fight this war on the cheap, the
colonel said. He got what he wanted.

The angry remarks from the battlefield opened with comments made last
Thursday  and widely publicized Friday  by Lt. Gen. William S. Wallace,
the V Corps commander, who said the military faced the likelihood of a
longer war than many strategists had anticipated.

The comments echo the tension in the bumpy relationship between Mr.
Rumsfeld and Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, the Army chief of staff.

Underlying the strains between Mr. Rumsfeld and the Army, which began
at the beginning of Mr. Rumsfeld's tenure, are questions that challenge
not only the Rumsfeld design for this war but also his broader approach to
transforming the military.

The first is why, in an era when American military dominance comes in
both the quality of its technology and of its troops, the defense secretary
prefers emphasizing long-range precision weapons to putting boots on the

At present, there are about 100,000 coalition troops inside Iraq, part of
more than 300,000 on land, at sea and in the air throughout the region for
the war. Just under 100,000 more troops stand ready for possible

Even after the war, some experts argue that it could take several hundred
thousand troops to hold and control a country the size of California, with
about 24 million people.

Mr. Rumsfeld has argued that he adopted this approach for flowing forces
to the region to prepare for war without upsetting the Bush
administration's diplomatic efforts.

The idea was to raise pressure on Iraq until President Bush made a
decision on whether or not to go to war, Mr. Rumsfeld has said.

Even some of Mr. Rumsfeld's advisers now acknowledge that they misjudged
the scope and intensity of resistance from Iraqi paramilitaries in the south,
and forced commanders to divert troops already stretched thin to protect
supply convoys and root out Hussein loyalists in Basra, Nasiriya and Najaf.
But they also point to the air campaign's successes in the past few days in
significantly weakening the Republican Guard divisions around Baghdad. As
one senior official said of the process that produced the war plan, as well
as the pace and sequencing of troops, It was a painful process to match
the political and military goals.

One Army officer said General Wallace's comments  particularly that the
enemy we're fighting is different from the one we war-gamed against 
were not meant to show defiance but merely express a view widely shared
among American officers in Iraq, at headquarters units in neighboring
Kuwait and back at the Pentagon. Some members of General Wallace's staff
have expressed concerns for the professional future of their boss.

Mr. Rumsfeld arrived at the Pentagon vowing to transform the military, and
senior aides promised to push aside what they described as hidebound
volumes of doctrine in order to create an armed force emphasizing combat
by long-range, precision strikes and expanding the most maneuverable
military assets, mostly ships, jets, drones, satellites and Special Operations

Many in the Army thought the defense secretary had declared war on
them, which struck them as unfair, because the Army had invested as
much brainpower as any other service in transforming itself  perhaps
because it had to, since the Air Force, Navy and Marines were already
more nimble.

In certain ways, the dissonance between Mr. Rumsfeld and General
Shinseki is surprising, because the general was himself the leading
advocate of reforming and modernizing the Army. In October 1999, General
Shinseki pledged to reshape the service from waging war by slog and slash,
calling for new theory and proposing new weapons to create a land force
more agile and precise in bringing lethal force to the battlefield.

On the substantive issues, Shinseki and Rumsfeld share a large agenda,
about making the Army more deployable, said Michael O'Hanlon, senior
fellow at the Brookings Institution. Shinseki was one of the first guys out
of the block with the concept, and it fit the world view Rumsfeld 

[CTRL] US Carpet Bombing Baghdad, F*ck Civilians - Jewish Apocalyptic Dreams Come True with MOAB

2003-04-01 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


When Cracks Appear . the reality of War reporting
31 Mar 2003

The first week of the war to .liberate. Iraq, remove Saddam and remove the
scourge to the world of weapons of mass destruction is stalling.

It is often said that truth is the first casualty of war. That being so,
then this surely is a most brutal of openings. Yet the tensions
surrounding the obvious and impressive resistance offered by the Muslims
of Iraq to the invasion, is causing the governments of the .coalition. .
in reality only American and Britain . great difficulty. The purposes of
war reporting are to maintain morale and a positive backing for war in the
West, demoralise the enemy whilst winning the hearts and minds of the
Iraqis, and last but surely least provide actual coverage of the events on
the ground.

Taking these objectives in turn it is clear that the Anglo Americans are
facing problems.

A good sign of domestic confidence in a war is the stock market. In the
euphoric run up to this bold faced aggression, the US and UK markets
rallied, dramatically rising by 14% and 16% since mid March.s uncertain
lows, a move which clearly exposed the real reasons for invasion. Yet one
week in, the markets are spiralling back down with confidence again
draining from investors. Last Monday the markets plummeted by 3.5% and the
dollar had its biggest drop against the Euro in eight months. House prices
are dropping in the UK, as is general consumer and business confidence in
the US. The supposed 4 week romp through Southern and Northern Iraq
culminating in glorious parades through a liberated and cheering Baghdadi
populace look a distant dream. We remember the urgency with which the
Anglo-Americans were forcing through their UN debates, mid March was
always the latest feasible start date of a war that had to be over before
the heat of summer arrives. The high temperatures of May are now not so
far away as Anglo-American forces struggle to maintain their supply lines
over the 400 kilometre stretch from Umm Qasr to Baghdad. For how long will
domestic public opinion in London and Washington hold for a war they were
not really behind in the first instance, as the mounting costs rise and
military set backs increase?

It is not surprising to see even amongst the Western journalists the signs
of angst over the folly of waging yet another old style colonialist war in
a land with such a staunch history of repelling aggressors as Iraq. Most
in the West cannot even remember the US inspired quagmires of Vietnam or
have blinkered views of fiascos like the humiliating withdrawals from
Beirut in 1984 or Mogadishu in Somalia, the latter defeat even being
reversed and glorified in a Hollywood blockbuster .Blackhawk Down..

It is also only a matter of time before the Western public grow tired of
the ingratiating, grating styles of their current leaders. Bush.s
simplistic rantings .WE (long pause) will prevail., or .God has no better
liberators than.. and so on, may go down to rapturous applause to the
Central command forces in Tampa Bay, but the public at large will soon
notice the ballooning budget deficit, and returning body bags. Blair too
has been exposed this past week for over dramatising the death of two
British soldiers contradicting the military confirmation of .death in
action. with his media circus portrayal of death by execution. Desperate
indeed, to play with the emotions of grieving families to bolster support
for his colonialist campaign.

The domestic propaganda campaigns are also suffering as the clear evidence
of gross under-estimates of resourcing needs and poor military tactics are
highlighted. There were severe doubts before the war started; those doubts
were perhaps partially assuaged by expectations of a short, sharp,
surgical campaign and rejoicing in the streets of Baghdad together with
Wall Street and the City. Those expectations are rapidly melting away.

So, what of the campaign to demoralise the regime in Baghdad and shape
Muslim public opinion throughout the region?

It is one of the most bizarre of expectations to think that the Iraqis
(whether Shia, Sunni or Kurdish) have sat for the last 12 years under the
most oppressive of sanctions regimes, witnessed the no-fly regions policed
by UK/US planes which have bombed weekly, watched as their water supplies
were contaminated and seen hundreds of deformed babies or thousands of
cancerous deaths by the depleted uranium left by the previous liberators,
and after all of this welcome the aid and guidance of the kuffar in
looking after them and their resources! The phrase .over my dead body.
easily springs to mind. The Guardian reported the first much vaunted aid
distribution in the South where locals shouted: Take it back. We want the
Americans to go back home. We do not need them here. Go back home. I do
not need this. The Anglo . Americans have been naïve in believing their
own spin.

Equally strange is 

[CTRL] Kin

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

This is cool!  Now, instead of having just one group of Iraqi expatriots
wanting to go back and change things, there'll now be several.  The Co-
lishun wants to put Chalabi the Crook back in there and one day they'll
find a use for one of the other members of the groups.  A:E:R 

The Washington Times

Kin of Saddam's aides fleeing

Rowan Scarborough
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published March 31, 2003

 Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said yesterday that family
members of Saddam Hussein's closest aides are fleeing Iraq, and that the
United States has not seen or heard the Iraqi leader and his two sons
since the allies bombed a leadership bunker March 19.
 Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the
allies will be patient in deciding when to attack the Republican Guard
outside Baghdad. But he called way off base a press report that the
Pentagon plans to wait 30 to 45 days to attack, as air strikes hit Iraqi tanks
and artillery.
 This is going to be a tough war, a tough slog yet, Gen. Myers said on
NBC's Meet the Press.
 We have no plans for pauses or cease-fires or anything else, Mr.
Rumsfeld told ABC's This Week.
 U.S. warplanes, including a massive armada of long-range bombers,
pounded leadership positions in Baghdad, igniting a fire that raged before
dawn today at the Iraqi Information Ministry.
 The attacks targeted leadership and command and control centers in
Baghdad and were carried out simultaneously by multiple B-1, B-2 and B-52
bombers, the U.S. Central Command said.
 Another series of massive explosions shook the Iraqi capital as dawn
broke today, and the sound of aircraft was heard overhead. It was not
immediately known what was hit.
 Mr. Rumsfeld said yesterday that the campaign has taken a heavy toll
on the Iraqi leadership.
 We know that there are people fleeing from the senior regime
leadership's family. ... We haven't seen Saddam Hussein or his son in close
to eight days.
 The allies sprung a surprise attack March 19 in the war's opening shot.
The United States received intelligence that Saddam, his sons, Qusai and
Uday, and other leaders were staying in a bunkered complex on Baghdad's
southern fringe. Two Air Force F- 117A stealth fighters penetrated Iraqi
airspace undetected, and each dropped two EGBU-27 bunker buster
bombs on the compound. Six to 10 sea-launched cruise missiles then hit
the compound.
 They have seen an attack on their leadership and we have not seen
their leadership since, Mr. Rumsfeld said on Fox News Sunday. All we
know is that since then we have not seen Saddam Hussein or his sons live
anywhere or heard any reports [of them] live.
 Mr. Rumsfeld dismissed videotapes of Saddam's broadcasts on Iraqi TV.
 They don't look legitimate to me, he said.
 He said it was interesting that Saddam's personal bodyguard was seen
at a weekend press conference standing behind Iraqi Defense Minister
Sultan Hashem Ahmed. Intelligence officials believe the bodyguard provided
security only to the dictator.
 We're aware of it, and we find it interesting, Mr. Rumsfeld said. It
may be an indication that Saddam Hussein is not moving around much.
 Gen. Myers said there are lots of rumors in Baghdad about where
Saddam is, where his first wife is, and those sorts of things, where the sons
are. These are good things, because there is doubt in a lot of their minds.
 Gen. Tommy Franks, who is running the war from a command center at
Doha, Qatar, told reporters yesterday, I have not seen credible evidence
over the last period of days since we started this operation that this
regime is being controlled by the top, as we understand the top.
 Mr. Rumsfeld said there are sites of weapons of mass destruction south
of Baghdad and around Saddam's hometown of Tikrit that have not been
inspected because they remain under Iraq's control.
 The bulk of it is in the area south of Baghdad down near Karbala, he
said, referring to the holy city 50 miles south of Baghdad where a major
battle is brewing between the Republican Guard and the allies. The bulk
of the weapons of mass destruction activity and sites [are] south of
Baghdad and north of Baghdad, up near Tikrit. We aren't there. That's the
area we haven't arrived in yet. ... We know where they are.
 The Washington Times reported last week that U.S. officials have
pinpointed a site they believe has chemical weapons, but that they had
not gained access to it.
 Navy, Air Force and Army aircraft continue a relentless bombardment
of Saddam's best troops, the Republican Guard. U.S. officials said yesterday
that in the past 24 hours, the coalition had increased the daily number of
air sorties from 1,000 to 1,800. About half those sorties were attack
missions, and more than half of those were against the Guard.
 The air strikes have focused on the Guard's 

[CTRL] 2003 Military Budget

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Fiscal Year 2003 Military Budget at a Glance

110 Maryland Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 543-4100

==$396.1 billion - Military budget request for FY 2003 (Budget Authority)

== $45.3 billion increase from FY 2002

(N.B. Above figures are called National Defense or 050 in the federal
budget; they include Pentagon budget plus the intelligence budget,
Department of Energy military programs and a few smaller programs.)

==FY 2003 National Defense budget authority (Function 050)

$379.3 billion - Pentagon

$ 15.6 billion - Department of Energy nuclear weapons activities

$ 1.2 billion - other (Coast Guard)

==$396.1 billion - TOTAL


1. The Administration is requesting a military budget of $396.1 billion in
fiscal 2003, a 1- year increase of $45.3. This will be the largest increase in
military budget authority since fiscal 1966 at the height of the Vietnam
War. The increase alone is larger that the military budget of all other
countries beside Japan, whose budget is $45.6 billion.

2. In fiscal 2007, the National Defense budget is slated to increase to
$469.6 billion.

3. While the budget is being touted for fighting terrorism, the bulk of the
funding goes for buying weapons and a force structure designed during
the Cold War, not for transformation systems such as precision-guided
bombs and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

==Unmanned aerial vehicles: $1.1 billion

==Precision-guided weapons: $1.3 billion

==Refurbish 4 Trident submarines for Tomahawk cruise missiles: $1 billion

The request for the three new tactical aircraft programs -- F-22, F/A-E/F
and Joint Strike Fighter -- is $12 billion

4. While the military budget increases, so too does the budget deficit; the
Congressional Budget Office is now projecting deficits of $106 billion for
2002 and $80 billion for fiscal year 2003.

5. The request for missile defense is $7.8 billion, about the same level
approved in fiscal 2002. That total is expected to reach $11.1 billion in
fiscal 2007.

6. The Pentagon has budgeted $27.2 billion to combat terrorism, including
the $10 billion contingency fund.

7. The Nunn-Lugar (Cooperative Threat Reduction) request is $416.7

8. Military construction is cut from $6.6 billion to $4.8 billion, with
programs delayed until the next round of base closings (not including
family housing)

9. I will earmark at least 20 percent of the procurement budget for
acquisition programs that propel American generations ahead in military
technology . . . [We will] skip a generation of technology. (Candidate
George W. Bush, speech at The Citadel, September 23, 1999). It is not
clear which if any programs have been skipped.


=B-2 bomber: $297.4 billion (to continue work on 21 planes, made in CA, WA

=Trident II (D-5 missile): $626.1 million (12 new missiles, made in CA)

=Ballistic Missile Defense: $7.8 billion

=Major elements of missile defense program:

$3,193 million - Midcourse defense segment

$1,128 million - Terminal defense segment

$ 797 million - Boost phase segment

$1,101 million - General missile defense work

$ 373 million - Sensors

$ 935 million - THAAD (Theater High Altitude Area Defense)

$ 472 million - Patriot PAC3 theater defense

==Other highlights of missile defense:

=Navy area theater program has been canceled

=Space-based Infra-Red System-Low (SBISR-L) satellite system has been
delayed by two years

=Space Based Laser program has been redirected

==New Pentagon definition of strategic triad, developed from Nuclear
Posture Review:

1. Nuclear weapons - land, sea and air

2. Missile defense

3. Enhanced convention capacity (intelligence, precision guided weapons)


FY 2002 FY 2003 WEAPONS PROGRAMS (state of prime contractors in

3,229.5 3,267.3 F/A-18 E/F Navy Super Hornet - (44 planes made in MA, MO

3,918.1 5,248.3 F-22 Air Force advanced fighter (23 planes made in GA, TX,
WA and FL)

1,524.9 3,471.2 JSF Navy-Air Force-Marine Joint Strike Fighter (Made in TX
and CT)

1,681.0 1,994.0 V-22 Osprey - (11 aircraft made in TX, PA and IN)

781.3 910.2 RAH-66 Army Comanche light helicopter (made in CT, PA, AZ, IN)

950.6 941.7 AH-64 Longbow Apache helicopter (74 helicopters made in MD)

3,871.8 3,983.9 C-17 Air Force airlift aircraft - (12 planes made in CA and CT)

665.6 545.5 C-130J cargo aircraft (4 planes made in GA and IN)

470.5 334.8 E-8C Joint STARS airborne radar system - (1 plane made in FL)

970.9 1,118.6 UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (37 aircraft)

2,467.9 2,457.4 NSSN New Attack Submarine (1 sub made in CT and VA)

3,407.6 2,670.2 DDG-51 Navy Aegis destroyer - (2 destroyers made in ME and

156.0 614.6 LPD-17 Navy transport dock ship (1 ship made in LA, ME, CA 

487.3 475.2 Crusaser artillery system (Made in MI, OK, MN 


2003-04-01 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

By: Henry Makow
Published in the April 1, 2003 issue of Ether Zone.

Donald Rumsfeld lied Friday (March 28) when a reporter asked if the US was
misleading the public about its casualties in Iraq.

Rumsfeld feigned indignation. Looking straight into the camera, he said
something like: That's a terrible thing to suggest. We always tell the

The official US death toll at the time was about 30. Does he seriously
expect us to believe that after only 30 deaths, the U.S. would postpone
the assault on Baghdad and bring in an additional 120,000 soldiers?

The Iraqi ambassador to Moscow claimed March 28 that over 500 Americans
died in the last 24 hours alone.

In An-Nasiriya alone last Sunday (March 23) as many as two-dozen US
soldiers were killed and over 60 wounded, the largest one day loses since
the Vietnam War. According to MSNBC:

'Each unit takes its turn being sacrificed,' said Sgt. Chris Merkle, 31,
from Irvine, Ca, 'everybody gets torn apart the same way.' (The report
continues:) Nasiriyah ... became a killing field ... with a pair of grisly
disasters for U.S. troops. An Army convoy that made a wrong turn drove
into an Iraqi ambush that left 12 soldiers dead or captured. In a separate
incident, at least nine Marines died in the fighting.

Sound to me like Rumsfeld was lying. A stench of lies emanates from Bush,
Blair and their minions.


The American people cannot conceive how traitorous and corrupt their
leadership is. For example, last week the Bush Administration failed to
approve $11 million funding for the (9-11 Investigating Commission.) This
was a minuscule (.00015) part of a $75 billion appropriation for the Iraq
war that was passed.

Obviously Bush doesn't want us to learn that 9-11 was a CIA-Mossad inside
job intended to justify this war. The purpose is to steal Iraqi oil;
advance Israel's strategic interests and to destroy Islam. Islam
represents a barrier to the totalitarian secular-materialist system (new
world order) promoted by world bankers and their lackeys.

The US and Israel are under no threat. While feigning self-defense, both
pursue aggression on behalf of the banking-oil cartel and its new world

Bush boasts that 46 countries have joined his coalition. He fails to
mention that six have no army. In terms of actual fighting, the coalition
consists of only three countries: the US, Britain and Australia. See The
Coalition of the willing but Not Able.

Even Canada is sitting out this war. I am Canadian and for once I agree
with my government. I have ripped up my membership in the opposition
Canadian Alliance Party that thinks we are bad friends and trade will

Someone talked about the true meaning of friendship on the radio: When a
friend wants to drive inebriated, you try to stop him. The US is drunk
with power.

The US is completely isolated and on course for World War Three. China is
talking about resisting US neo imperialism.

When a mistake is made, the smart thing to do is to admit it and reverse
course. That takes real courage. To stubbornly persist in hope of saving
face only makes matters worse.

When traitors have hijacked your country, patriotism consists in defiance.
Someone suggested that Americans should withdraw their savings from banks
in protest. This is completely legal. A run on the banks would indeed send
a message.

Every day that war continues, more soldiers die. More wives lose their
husbands; more children lose their fathers. Americans join the army to
serve their country: not to serve Israel, oil and a deranged  criminal
master class.

The best way to support the troops is to bring them home.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-04-01 Thread Ed Raymond
-Caveat Lector-

Since Iraqi sources always tell the truth, I guess everyone should believe the 
thousands and thousands of body bags used for American solders..


-Caveat Lector-

By: Henry Makow
Published in the April 1, 2003 issue of Ether Zone.

Donald Rumsfeld lied Friday (March 28) when a reporter asked if the US was
misleading the public about its casualties in Iraq.

Rumsfeld feigned indignation. Looking straight into the camera, he said
something like: That's a terrible thing to suggest. We always tell the

The official US death toll at the time was about 30. Does he seriously
expect us to believe that after only 30 deaths, the U.S. would postpone
the assault on Baghdad and bring in an additional 120,000 soldiers?

The Iraqi ambassador to Moscow claimed March 28 that over 500 Americans
died in the last 24 hours alone.

In An-Nasiriya alone last Sunday (March 23) as many as two-dozen US
soldiers were killed and over 60 wounded, the largest one day loses since
the Vietnam War. According to MSNBC:

'Each unit takes its turn being sacrificed,' said Sgt. Chris Merkle, 31,
from Irvine, Ca, 'everybody gets torn apart the same way.' (The report
continues:) Nasiriyah ... became a killing field ... with a pair of grisly
disasters for U.S. troops. An Army convoy that made a wrong turn drove
into an Iraqi ambush that left 12 soldiers dead or captured. In a separate
incident, at least nine Marines died in the fighting.

Sound to me like Rumsfeld was lying. A stench of lies emanates from Bush,
Blair and their minions.


The American people cannot conceive how traitorous and corrupt their
leadership is. For example, last week the Bush Administration failed to
approve $11 million funding for the (9-11 Investigating Commission.) This
was a minuscule (.00015) part of a $75 billion appropriation for the Iraq
war that was passed.

Obviously Bush doesn't want us to learn that 9-11 was a CIA-Mossad inside
job intended to justify this war. The purpose is to steal Iraqi oil;
advance Israel's strategic interests and to destroy Islam. Islam
represents a barrier to the totalitarian secular-materialist system (new
world order) promoted by world bankers and their lackeys.

The US and Israel are under no threat. While feigning self-defense, both
pursue aggression on behalf of the banking-oil cartel and its new world

Bush boasts that 46 countries have joined his coalition. He fails to
mention that six have no army. In terms of actual fighting, the coalition
consists of only three countries: the US, Britain and Australia. See The
Coalition of the willing but Not Able.

Even Canada is sitting out this war. I am Canadian and for once I agree
with my government. I have ripped up my membership in the opposition
Canadian Alliance Party that thinks we are bad friends and trade will

Someone talked about the true meaning of friendship on the radio: When a
friend wants to drive inebriated, you try to stop him. The US is drunk
with power.

The US is completely isolated and on course for World War Three. China is
talking about resisting US neo imperialism.

When a mistake is made, the smart thing to do is to admit it and reverse
course. That takes real courage. To stubbornly persist in hope of saving
face only makes matters worse.

When traitors have hijacked your country, patriotism consists in defiance.
Someone suggested that Americans should withdraw their savings from banks
in protest. This is completely legal. A run on the banks would indeed send
a message.

Every day that war continues, more soldiers die. More wives lose their
husbands; more children lose their fathers. Americans join the army to
serve their country: not to serve Israel, oil and a deranged  criminal
master class.

The best way to support the troops is to bring them home.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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 A HREF=http://archive.jab.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ctrl/A

[CTRL] (Fwd) AP: Raid Finds al-Qaida Tie to Iraq Militants

2003-04-01 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Raid Finds al-Qaida Tie to Iraq Militants

Raid on Iraqi Militant Group Indicates Ties to al-Qaida but
Leadership on
the Run to Iran

The Associated Press

March 31‹

A U.S.-led assault on a compound controlled by an extremist Islamic
turned up a list of names of suspected militants living in the United
and what may be the strongest evidence yet linking the group to al-
coalition commanders said Monday.

The cache of documents at the Ansar al-Islam compound, including
discs and foreign passports belonging to Arab fighters from around
Middle East, could bolster the Bush administration's claims that the
groups are connected, although there was no indication any of the
tied Ansar to Saddam Hussein as Washington has maintained.

There were indications, however, that the group has been getting
help from
inside neighboring Iran.

Kurdish and Turkish intelligence officials, some speaking on
condition of
anonymity, said many of Ansar's 700 members have slipped out of
Iraq and
into Iran putting them out of reach of coalition forces.

The officials also said a U.S. missile strike on Ansar's territory on
second day of the war missed most of its leadership which crossed
into Iran
days earlier.

U.S. officials said the government had reports some Ansar fighters
have made it into Iran and have been shuttling back and forth with

According to a high-level Kurdish intelligence official, three Ansar
identified as Ayoub Afghani, Abdullah Shafeye and Abu Wahel were
among those
who had fled into Iran. The official said the three were seen being
by Iranian authorities Sunday.

We asked the Iranian authorities to hand over to us any of the
Afghan Arabs
or Islamic militants hiding themselves inside the villages of Iran,
Boorhan Saeed, a member of the pro-U.S. Patriotic Union of
Kurdistan. We
asked them about it Sunday, and still don't have a response.

Last week, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld warned the
Iranians to stop
meddling in the war. Tehran denied any involvement.

Using airstrikes and ground forces, Kurdish soldiers and U.S. troops
cooperated in the past week to dislodge and crush Ansar militants in
villages surrounding the Iraqi city of Halabja about 160 miles
northeast of

We actually believe we destroyed a significant portion of the Ansar
al-Islam force there, Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, vice director of
operations on the Pentagon's Joint Staff, said Monday. He said
forces were
investigating the finds.

Among a trove of evidence found inside Ansar compounds were
passports and
identity papers of Ansar activists indicating that up to 150 of them
foreigners, including Yemenis, Turks, Palestinians, Pakistanis,
and Iranians.

Coalition forces also found a phone book containing numbers of
Islamic activists based in the United States and Europe as well as
number of a Kuwaiti cleric and a letter from Yemen's minister of
The names and numbers were not released.

What we've discovered in Biyare is a very sophisticated operation,
Barham Salih, prime minister of the Kurdish regional government.

Seized computer disks contained evidence showing meetings
between Ansar and
al-Qaida activists, according to Mahdi Saeed Ali, a military

It was unclear how strong Ansar remains.

Officials from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of two parties
share control of an autonomous Kurdish enclave in northern Iraq,
say they
killed 250 Ansar members during two days of intense fighting and

There was ferocious fighting, Saeed said. He said he chased 25
militants across the Iranian border and captured nine Ansar
belonging to a group called the Islamic Movement of Kurdistan.

The remaining Ansar fighters are thought to be in the mountains
along the
Iraq-Iran border, U.S. and Kurdish military officials have said.

Kurdish soldiers on Monday continued sporadic fighting in several
around Halabja and along the Iran-Iraq border near the village of
site of a destroyed building once allegedly used by Ansar militants to
produce poison.

Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said
Sunday the
Sargat compound was probably the site where militants made a
toxin, traces of which were later found by police in London.

We think that's probably where the ricin that was found in London
(from) he told CNN's Late Edition. At least the operatives and
some of the formulas came from this site.

British police raided a London apartment in January and found
traces of
ricin, a powerful poison made from castor plant beans. U.S. officials
believe the poison and those arrested were linked to Ansar.

The group's leader, Mullah Krekar, is being held in Norway on
charges of

[CTRL] Quote of the Day

2003-04-01 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

It just crushes morale. - Corporal Jonathan Kibler complains about
the shortage of cigarettes on the front line.

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2003-04-01 Thread RobGee
-Caveat Lector-

There was a clip shown last night on one of the channels, i forget which
one,  they all look alike now, where Colin Powell spoke with a backdrop
banner that read AIPAC. Anyone else catch that?


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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Oil industry suppressed plans for 200-mpg car

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-Caveat Lector-

  March 31, 2003

  Oil industry suppressed plans for 200-mpg car

  By Simon de Bruxelles

  THE original blueprints for a device that could have 
revolutionised the
  motor car have been discovered in the secret compartment of a 

  A carburettor that would allow a car to travel 200 miles on a 
gallon of
  fuel caused oil stocks to crash when it was announced by its
  Canadian inventor Charles Nelson Pogue in the 1930s.

  But the carburettor was never produced and, mysteriously, Pogue
  went overnight from impoverished inventor to the manager of a
  successful factory making oil filters for the motor industry. 
  since, suspicion has lingered that oil companies and car
  manufacturers colluded to bury Pogue's invention.

  Now a retired Cornish mechanic has enlisted the help of the
  University of Plymouth to rebuild Pogue's revolutionary 
  known as the Winnipeg, from blueprints he found hidden beneath a
  sheet of plywood in the box.

  The controversial plans once caused panic among oil companies 
  rocked the Toronto Stock Exchange when tests carried out on the
  carburettor in the 1930s proved that it worked.

  Patrick Davies, 72, from St Austell, had owned the tool box for 
  years but only recently decided to clean it out. As well as 
  of the carburettor, the envelope contained two pages of plans, 
  test reports and six pages of notes written by Pogue.

  They included a report of a test that Pogue had done on his
  lawnmower, which showed that he had managed to make the engine
  run for seven days on a quart (just under a litre) of petrol.

  The documents also described how the machine worked by turning
  petrol into a vapour before it entered the cylinder chamber, 
  the amount of fuel needed for combustion.

  Mr Davies has had the patent number on the plans authenticated,
  proving that they are genuine documents.

  He said: I couldn't believe what I saw. I used to be a motor 
  and I knew this was something else altogether. I was given the 
  box by a friend after I helped to paint her house in 1964. Her 
  had spent a lot of time in Canada.

  The announcement of Pogue's invention caused enormous
  excitement in the American motor industry in 1933, when he drove
  200 miles on one gallon of fuel in a Ford V8. However, the 
  was never manufactured commercially and after 1936 it 
  altogether amid allegations of a political cover-up.

  Dr Murray Bell, of the University of Plymouth's department of
  mechanical and marine engineering, said he would consider trying 
  build a model of the Pogue carburettor.

  Engineers who have tried in the past to build a carburettor 
  Pogue's theories have found the results less than satisfactory.
  Charles Friend, of Canada's National Research Council, told
  Marketplace, a consumer affairs programme: You can get 
  mileage if you're prepared to de-rate the vehicle to a point 
where, for
  example, it might take you ten minutes to accelerate from 0 to 
  miles an hour. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: History parallels

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-Caveat Lector-

Tim Freeborn has been
checking my history books and have found uncanny 

parallels between the Iraqi
war and the Boer war:

1) An Imperial power,
apparently at its zenith, but in fact 

in serious relative economic

2) Huge international

3) Struggle for control of
key resources: gold, oil.

4) Fairly early conventional
victory followed by massively 

expensive guerrilla campaign
lasting two years.

The London
market rocketed when war was declared in 1899. 

Then, interest rates went up
as government borrowing 

soared. Equities fell on
early defeats...and then generally 

suffered with the economy.
In the end, Britain
did win, but 

its economic performance in
the following decade was poor.

(and many of the same
characters are involved -Anglo imperialists and Jewish supremacists)

*** I don't like the
way this war is going, said Col.

Aubray, after Sunday's mass.
Rare among the French, the old 

soldier seems sympathetic to
Bush's war. But it brings back 

bad memories.

It reminds me of the
Algerian War. You know, we had a huge 

military advantage. And we
actually won the war, 

militarily. I remember I was
stationed at a tiny 

village...I was the only
European for miles around. And 

they encouraged us to bring
our wives...to show that it was 

all very safe and ordinary.
So Marie-Noëlle came with me. 

We had friends in the
village. But we were never sure when 

they might try to cut our

And Algeria
was not like Iraq.
The French had been there 

for hundreds of years...it
was a department of France,

a state in the U.S..
But once the locals decided to get rid 

of us, we couldn't stop

And we paid a terrible
price. I don't mean just money, 

either. That kind of
guerilla warfare - house to house, 

where you can't trust the
civilians and never know who's 

going to try to blow you up
- degrades an army. Terrible 

things were done during the
Algerian war...on both sides. 

And in the end, we had to
leave. It was just too costly to 


(ie to fight a war like this
you either have to win their hearts and minds- or put them all in concentration
camps and let them die)

ex The Daily Reckoning

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[CTRL] Fwd: Will There Be a Post-War Stock Market Boom?

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Issue 227 April 1, 2003


 This is no April Fool's trick issue.

 In the week preceding the invasion of Iraq, the stock
markets boomed.  The U.S. markets rose, and so did the
British FTSE.  We began hearing the familiar litany, We
have seen the bottom.  The litany has become a mantra for
the buy and hold crowd.  Month after month, year after
year, the mantra is proven wrong.  Still, they drone:
Stocks always go up in the long run.  Even if it's true,
it has paid to be in T-bills or short-term CD's in the
short run.

 On this point, Bill Bonner and I have been in
agreement for the past three years.  We have done our best
to get our readers out of stock market index funds.  We
have kept hammering away at the main theme: we are in a
primary bear market.  Yet, even after three years of
declines, the number of stock market analysts who say that
we are in a primary bear market is so low as to be
invisible.  The people who watch the Tout TV shows do not
get to hear the case for the bear market on a regular
basis.  For Tout TV, it's always time to buy.  Always, the
interviewers ask, What stocks look good?  Never do they
ask: Which stocks look bad?  The message: always buy or
hold, never short.

 I told my REMNANT REVIEW subscribers to get out of
NASDAQ stocks in February and March, 2000.  I told them to
short the SP 500 in November, 2000.  The short funds I
recommended then are up over 100%.  I told them this
February to expect a pre-war boomlet, but to be prepared to
buy more short funds as soon as it peaked.   It has clearly
peaked.  The Dow fell below 8,000 yesterday.  It can't
sustain a run above 9,000.

 I realize that most readers have grown tired of
hearing the bad news.  But, at the same time, they have
seen the bad news come true.  The vast majority of stock
market investors are still holding on in the hope that the
market will rebound.  This has kept the final collapse that
marks the end of a primary bear market from taking place.
So, the bear just keeps grinding away at people's

 As investors, we all have to make decisions in the
face of incomplete information.  These days, we hear about
the fog of war.  That phenomenon surely exists.  But there
is a fog of information in the economy, too.

 The stock markets have now backtracked, beginning on
the first Monday after the war began.  This raises a key
question: Was the one-week boom a product of pre-war
euphoria that did not count the costs of war and
reconstruction?  If it was, then the prediction that we
have seen regarding the bottom of the bear market, which
has now lasted for three years, is called into question.
Its brief recovery may have been a euphoria-driven hope
that will not survive the post-war U.S. budget deficits.
These deficits are about to escalate to levels undreamed of
by the voters.

 To forecast accurately what lies ahead, we need to
consider carefully the effects of rising taxes, rising
Federal deficits, and the political fallout.  We must begin
with a consideration of the Laffer Curve.


 Arthur Laffer's famous curve graphically shows that
tax cuts can increase government revenues when tax rates
are on the downward-sloping side of the curve, which they
are most of the time.  To see the curve, click here:


 The Laffer Curve has been an affront to Democrats.
The curve testifies to the presence of the politics of
envy, which implicitly announces: I don't care if the
economy will boom and government revenues will rise by
lowering the top 

[CTRL] Fwd: It's Alright, Maw - I'm Only Bleeding (R.U. Sirius Interviews Todd Brendan Fahey)

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-Caveat Lector-
This "lost interview" between Mondo 2000 Editor-in-Chief R. U. Sirius (Ken Goffman) and Todd Brendan Fahey, author of Wisdom's Maw,marks the beginning of an exhaustive research project on the elusive "Captain" Al Hubbard, the legendary OSS agent-turned-psychedelic messiah, and who turned the the CIA, Timothy Leary, Aldous Huxley and thousands of others on to LSD:
Fahey has unearthed 24 explosive, originaldocuments on Al Hubbard, placing him at the epicenter of such skunkworks as Cointelpro, Project MK-Ultra and Operation Artichoke and others.
Please forward this interview and the coming supporting documents (to be placed online within the next 24 hours) to your lists and allies.Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The battle between Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon

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-Caveat Lector-

There were reports last week that Iraqi exiles, 
including fervent Shiites, were crossing into Iraq by car and bus from Jordan 
and Syria to get into the fight on the side of the Iraqi government. Robert 
Baer, a former C.I.A. Middle East operative, told me in a telephone call from 
Jordan, Everybody wants to fight. The whole nation of Iraq is fighting to 
defend Iraq. Not Saddam. Theyve been given the high sign, and we are courting 
disaster. If we take fifty or sixty casualties a day and they die by the 
thousands, theyre still winning. Its a jihad, and its a good thing to die. 
This is no longer a secular war. There were press reports of mujahideen 
arriving from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Algeria for martyrdom 

AND DEFENSEby SEYMOUR M. HERSHThe battle between Donald Rumsfeld and the 
Pentagon.Issue of 2003-04-07Posted 2003-03-31As the ground 
campaign against Saddam Hussein faltered last week, with attenuated supply lines 
and a lack of immediate reinforcements, there was anger in the Pentagon. Several 
senior war planners complained to me in interviews that Secretary of Defense 
Donald Rumsfeld and his inner circle of civilian advisers, who had been chiefly 
responsible for persuading President Bush to lead the country into war, had 
insisted on micromanaging the wars operational details. Rumsfelds team took 
over crucial aspects of the day-to-day logistical planningtraditionally, an 
area in which the uniformed military excelsand Rumsfeld repeatedly overruled 
the senior Pentagon planners on the Joint Staff, the operating arm of the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff. He thought he knew better, one senior planner said. He was 
the decision-maker at every turn.On at least six occasions, the planner 
told me, when Rumsfeld and his deputies were presented with operational 
plansthe Iraqi assault was designated Plan 1003he insisted that the number of 
ground troops be sharply reduced. Rumsfelds faith in precision bombing and his 
insistence on streamlined military operations has had profound consequences for 
the ability of the armed forces to fight effectively overseas. Theyve got no 
resources, a former high-level intelligence official said. He was so focussed 
on proving his pointthat the Iraqis were going to fall apart.The 
critical moment, one planner said, came last fall, during the buildup for the 
war, when Rumsfeld decided that he would no longer be guided by the Pentagons 
most sophisticated war-planning document, the TPFDLtime-phased 
forces-deployment listwhich is known to planning officers as the tip-fiddle 
(tip-fid, for short). A TPFDL is a voluminous document describing the inventory 
of forces that are to be sent into battle, the sequence of their deployment, and 
the deployment of logistical support. Its the complete applecart, with many 
pieces, Roger J. Spiller, the George C. Marshall Professor of military history 
at the U.S. Command and General Staff College, said. Everybody trains and plans 
on it. Its constantly in motion and always adjusted at the last minute. Its an 
embedded piece of the bureaucratic and operational culture. A retired Air Force 
strategic planner remarked, This is what we do bestgo from A to Band the 
tip-fiddle is where you start. Its how you put together a plan for moving into 
the theatre. Another former planner said, Once you turn on the tip-fid, 
everything moves in an orderly fashion. A former intelligence officer added, 
When you kill the tip-fiddle, you kill centralized military planning. The 
military is not like a corporation that can be streamlined. It is the most 
inefficient machine known to man. Its the redundancy that saves 
lives.The TPFDL 

[CTRL] Fw: [JUGOINFO] Serbia Under Martial Law (N. Malic)

2003-04-01 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 12:21 PM
Subject: [JUGOINFO] Serbia Under Martial Law (N. Malic)


 Serbia Under Martial Law
 by Nebojsa Malic

 March 27, 2003

 Two weeks ago, Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic was shot and
 killed by a sniper bullet. His successors immediately declared a
 state of emergency - in effect, martial law - of undetermined
 duration, and launched a massive police operation to crack down on
 alleged crime syndicates suspected of Djindjic's murder. Djindjic was
 given a full state funeral and numerous eulogies in the Western press,
 before news of His Most Democratic Majesty's invasion of Iraq pushed
 Serbia out of the limelight.

 As Imperial forces, confident after terror-bombing Serbia into
 submission in 1999, fought against unexpectedly stiff Iraqi
 resistance, Djindjic's successors reaffirmed Serbia's vassal status by
 expelling Iraqi diplomats. Meanwhile, at home, they reveled in power
 over their citizens even the Emperor would envy.

 A different war

 Under the leadership of Djindjic's party comrade Zoran Zivkovic, who
 was appointed Prime Minister on March 17, the new government launched
 a war on organized crime.

 With uncanny speed, they blamed Djindjic's death on the Zemun clan,
 allegedly a crime syndicate based near Belgrade. Suddenly, the police
 that could not solve any capital murder cases in the past two years
 knew everything, and everyone responsible. On March 18, the government
 said it had arrested 750 people. Two days later, the number rose to
 over 1000, and by the 23rd, stood at 2700! By March 17, Belgrade
 prisons were full, and the arrested had to be sent elsewhere.

 While Serbia is certainly ridden with organized crime, as are all
 post-Communist countries, there are valid concerns that the government
 crackdown is not really aimed at destroying the mafia altogether. For
 example, though the little-known 'Zemun clan' is a target, the much
 better-known 'Surcin clan,' whose boss let Djindjic travel in his
 private jets, has not been mentioned at all.

 One of the alleged 'Zemun clan' kingpins, known as Legija, used to
 command a Special Operations Unit of the Interior Ministry. Djindjic
 enlisted Legija's help in 2000 to seize power, and in 2001 to seize
 Milosevic. There are indications he was about to deliver Legija's head
 to the Hague Inquisition, just before he was killed.

 The following facts need mention as well. Zivkovic was minister of
 police in the Yugoslav government until it was dissolved last month.
 Djindjic was killed on his watch - yet he got promoted! Dusan
 Mihajlovic, Serbia's minister of police (and thus even more
 responsible than Zivkovic) remained in his post. Legija's former unit,
 the Red Berets, has been directly subordinated to Mihajlovic since
 early 2002. (It was disbanded two days ago, just as some pro-Imperial
 elements advised.)

 There are numerous indications that the state of emergency and the
 'war on crime' are actually aimed at the government's political
 opponents and dissenters in general. War is the health of the state,
 Randolph Bourne famously said. State-launched 'wars' on social
 problems serve that purpose just as well.

 Let the purges begin

 Thanks to the emergency, the police do not need search or arrest
 warrants, but simply to barge into houses and offices of suspects.
 Property of the suspects can be confiscated or destroyed, as was the
 case with an office building owned by the alleged leader of the Zemun
 clan. Under emergency powers, suspects can be held for 30 days
 without charges.
 And since Serbia kept the Communist system of criminal justice, all
 suspects are pretty much presumed guilty until proven innocent.

 Djindjic's murder has been blamed on remnants of the Milosevic
 regime, both by the Serbian government and the Imperial press. It is
 hard to say exactly who claimed it first, though the accusations
 seemed to appear in American papers sooner than in official Serbian
 statements. It wouldn't be the first time that Serbia takes its cue
 from the Empire. As early as March 16, a friend of Djindjic's wrote a
 commentary for the Washington Post, openly blaming Slobodan Milosevic
 for the hit.

 Prime Minister Zivkovic also blamed politically affiliate groups,
 and pledged he would clean Serbia with an iron broom. A prominent
 member of the Djindjic regime opined that the PM's tragic death could
 be used as an inspiration to make Serbia into a democracy.

 If so, Serbia's leaders have a mighty odd definition of democracy.
 Does it mean censorship? Yes. Emergency powers provided for a full
 media crackdown, limiting the news to official statements only. This
 supposedly extends only to the causes of the emergency, but since the
 government interprets what does and what does not apply, in practice
 this means censorship of everything. Several publications and TV

[CTRL] Prince of Darkness Richard Perla Demands Regime Change Of UN Charter

2003-04-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

This article appears in the April 4, 2003 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

'Prince of Darkness' Richard Perle
Demands 'Regime Change' of UN Charter

by William Jones

"Prince of Darkness" Richard Perle, in the week before scandals forced him to quit as chairman of the Defense Policy Board (DPB) on March 27, delivered arrogant speeches laying out the demands for imperial "perpetual war" across the globe, which is the actual policy of the chicken-hawks behind the Iraq invasion. Perle also called for a new and revised United Nations Charter which would make U.S./British-dictated "regime changes" into UN policy.

Perle's resignation, accepted by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, is a major blow to the neo-conservative chicken-hawk faction, but he remains a member of the DPB. Congressman John Conyers (D-Mich.) said that the resignation did not change his insistence that the Pentagon investigate Perle's numerous conflicts of interest (see EIR, March 21 and March 28); Sen. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) and several watch-dog groups continue to insist that Perle leave the DPB advisory body and the government altogether. Lyndon LaRouche first made this demand as early as 2001; repeated after the scandalous Saudi-bashing Pentagon briefing, set up by Perle and delivered by one Laurent Murawiec on July 10; and renewed in the March 28 EIR, as a flank to stop the war itself.

On March, 21, Perle called for revamping defense policy in accordance with what he and his cohorts see as the new "imperial" role of the United States in global policy. The traditional doctrine of containment "makes no sense if what is at issue is taking place within national boundaries. The UN structure doesn't allow us to deal with the new threats," he told a meeting of the Defense Forum Foundation (DFF), an organization that promotes defense issues on Capitol Hill. "We need to rethink the structures of security for this new world that we now face. Perhaps we can amend the UN Charter to take account of the threats I talked about, or perhaps we can dispense with the UN altogether for these purposes and find some new set of security arrangements." Perle said.

Having launched a colonial-like "force deployment" utilizing only a "coalition of the willing," the cabal around Perle and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz was now intent on making such arrangements a permanent feature of the international scene. While officially not a member of the government, Perle has had direction of the DPB and an office next to Rumsfeld's. In addition, an entire gaggle of Perle acolytes and co-thinkers has been inserted into key Pentagon posts, and are intent on transforming the United States military into the legions of a "New Roman Empire." "What is to say that a war that might be legitimate, may not be legitimate if it can't get the approval of the United Nations?" Perle asked, at the Defense Forum. "A war that can't get France to sign on is somehow illegitimate, or a war that cannot assemble a majority of the Security Council, even though many of themor maybe even a majority of themwill turn out at any given moment to be dictatorships. We need to rethink that. And I think this war is going to enable us to rethink that."

'Today Baghdad, Tomorrow Tehran'

Perle also made it clear, that in making an invasion of Iraq the test-case for the "New Empire" paradigm, the much-touted weapons of mass destruction were only a pretext. "For many months our senior Administration officials were persuaded that we had to talk narrowly of 'weapons of mass destruction.' because 'regime change' was not authorized under the United Nations Charter," Perle told the DFF. "It's not in the mainstream of diplomatic practice to contemplate, much less undertake, the changing of regimes. Regime change was something of a taboo. In adopting that rather narrow view in talking to people the way diplomats talk to people, I think we failed to communicate to ordinary citizens throughout the world, whose values are very much like our own, and who understand what it means to be tyrannized as the people of Iraq have been tyrannized. And there would have been lawyers who will say that 'regime change' has not been contemplated under the United Nations Charter. And the answer to that is that we need to revise the United Nations Charter."

Perle arrived at the DFF event fresh from a Nazi Nuremberg rally over at his home base, the American Enterprise Institute. The ghouls of that neo-conservative house of ill repute had come out, a tad prematurely, to celebrate what they had assumed would be a swift victory for the "Empire." March 21 was the Friday preceding the ill-starred weekend in which the "cakewalk" to Baghdad (Perle's characterization of how the war would look) suddenly was transformed into a rather blood-soaked death march. Perle's partner-in-arms and self-professed "universal fascist," Michael Ledeen, got so 

[CTRL] Great War and Eleusis

2003-04-01 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

The Dead and the Mystery of Eleusis.

Some fierce editing will be required to shadow the page of November 2nd in
the 2004 theme diary DeathEXPO in that the Great War ended on that day in

The Mysteries of Eleusis were an ancient Greek religion in which initiates
celebrated a communion between gods and men. And the Mysteries of Eleusis
was an annual celebration of a fertility cult, over which the goddess
Demeter presided. Any Greek citizen could be initiated into the cult, but
only once in a lifetime.

The Greater Mystery was celebrated in the autumn in a sanctuary at
Eleusis, some 14 miles from Athens. For nearly 2000 years the annual
celebration was held. And Never the secret of the mystery was revealed.
Initiates passed the night together in the darkened Telesterion or
Initiation Hall, where they beheld a great vision which was new,
astonishing, inaccessible to rational cognition. Of the experience, they
could only say that they had seen the holy and it was forbidden by law,
under penalty of death, to say more. And some say that Socrates had to die
for revealing the Mysteries.

Most of our information about the Mysteries of Eleusis comes from the
Homeric Hymn to Demeter, an anonymous seventh century B.C. poem. The poem
describes the mythical founding of the Mystery by Demeter, who was grief
stricken by the abduction of her daughter Persephone (also called Kore) by
the god Hades, King of the Underworld. And so Demeter caused all of the
plants on the Earth to die. Zeus, feared humankind would also die, and so
leave nobody to make the necessary sacrifices to the gods, forced Hades to
return the Persephone to her mother goddess Demeter. But because Persephone
had eaten a pomegranate seed in the Underworld she was condemned to return
to Hades for six months of each year. And so the Spring, with its return of
Persephone to the Earth, is a myth which symbolized the natural mystery of
the changing seasons and the miracle of the springtime rebirth of cultivated
grain, which was essential food for the Greek people. It was the great
goddess Demeter ordered the building of the Sanctuary of Eleusis.

The Mysteries of Eleusis were brought to an end by Christians in the fourth
century when they destroyed the Sanctuary. We do not know if the secret
was recorded by Christians at time, but one assumes they knew what happened
during the initiation service. And the Sanctuary of Eleusis, near Athens,
Greece, was perhaps the most revered sacred site in the ancient world. For
over a thousand years, it was the center of a religious school whose
initiates came from all over the civilized world.

Thus eating the pomegranate seed is the reason for Persephone spending six
months in the Underworld each and every year.

So to the calculation, where the number for the Order of the Illuminatis
Hades  Happiness is 126, the reference for the spirit man in all humans,
and mentioned as time in the Bible: And I heard the man clothed in linen,
which [was] upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and
his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that [it
shall be] for a time, times, and an half; (1,260 days) and when he shall
have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these
[things] shall be finished. Daniel 12:7

And also important in the Mystery is the Abomination: And from the time
[that] the daily [sacrifice] shall be taken away, and the abomination that
maketh desolate set up, [there shall be] a thousand two hundred and ninety
days (1,290 days). Daniel 12:11

The Abomination at 1290 and increased is thrice 430 and 430 x 4300 is twice
924,500 square feet the Shroud of Death the covering of the Great Pyramid.

And 4.30e+24 x 2/9 and square root twice and divided by 126, the spirit
man, is 88.58225 x 88.58225 feet the area of the Hall of the Initiation, the
Telesterion, which was once some 27 metres square.

So it seems as first the New World Order French cubit, the metre, out the
French Revolution, is found in the Mystery of Eleusis at 3.280824 feet,
(until polished up a 150 years later to 3.280833 feet).

And so the French emphasized their connection to the Mystery of Eleusis by
building the Glass Pyramid near the Louvre Museum, and at basement level
is 54 metres square, so four times the sacred Telesterion, the Hall of

And the Ancient Egyptians had a liking for this measurement over 800 years
before the Telesterion, in that the Royal Sceptre found in the tomb of
Tutankhamun, is 1.77164 feet some 54cm in length, and this golden sceptre
was called khrerep, the Controller, sekhem, the Powerful, and aba, the

And a thousand years before Tutankhamun, this Telesterion measurement can
be contrived from that of the sarcophagus within the Kings Chamber of the
Great Pyramid, a granite coffer with an internal volume of 41.686248 cubic
feet (72,033.825 cubic inches). Because 4.16862485e+95 x 2 and square root 4
times and divided by 126, the 

[CTRL] Checkpoint Jitters ?

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Tobacco Shortage Makes Marines Irritable

53 minutes ago

By RAVI NESSMAN, Associated Press Writer

IN CENTRAL IRAQ - There is a war on, and danger lurks ahead, and the
Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry are getting desperate  for

AP Photo

It's been two weeks since they left they relative luxury
of their camp in Kuwait and their supplies of cigarettes and chewing
tobacco are running out. They are rationing their precious supplies, and
even begging smokes from local farmers.

An army, Napoleon reputedly said, marches on its stomach. But for
generations, armies have also marched on nicotine. And these Marines 
smoking more than usual under the stress of battle conditions  are
getting antsy.

It just crushes morale, said Cpl. Jonathan Kibler, 22, of Lexington, Va.

With the few remaining shreds of tobacco nearly gone, the Marines here
face the prospect of being involuntarily enrolled in what could be one of
the most successful programs to end nicotine addiction in history.

It's hard to overestimate the importance of tobacco to the Marines.

Cigarettes are smoked at every possible break and the doors of many
Humvees are streaked brown from the spurts of tobacco-filled spit that
shoot out of the windows every few minutes.

Tobacco helps relieve boredom, relax or stay awake for long nights, the
troops say.

It keeps your sanity, said Lance Cpl. Brandon Phelps, 20, of Franklinton,

It has been that way for generations. During World War II, cigarettes were
included in battle rations; on ships, sailors could buy whole cartons for 50
cents, $3 less than they cost on shore  IF they could be bought at all.

U.S. Rep. Lane Evans, D-Ill., a member of the House Committee on Veteran's
Affairs, has said that, From the time of the Civil War until 1956, the Army
was required by law to provide a cheap and nearly endless supply of
tobacco to its personnel.

That's changed. Since 2002, all Department of Defense (news - web sites)
facilities have been smoke-free  though of course that doesn't apply to
the battlefield. Despite the military's best efforts, 34 percent of the
members of the service smoke, compared to 23 percent of all Americans.

While living in their tent camp in Kuwait for nearly two months, the
Marines were constantly resupplied with cigarette cartons and rolls of 10
tins of dip mailed by family members or with tobacco they bought
themselves at the PX truck.

But there are no stores in this desert, though many Marines swear they
have huge stores of tobacco in the mail somewhere out there, there's yet
to be a mail delivery and there's little hope for one soon.

It's frustrating knowing that there's a box more of it back there that I
haven't gotten yet, said Capt. Daniel Schmitt, 31, of Glen Ellyn, Ill., a serial
dipper who ran out days ago.

With smokers and dippers becoming more desperate, the value of tobacco
has exploded.

Cpl. Aeron Jackson, 22, of Circleville, Ohio, sold 9 tins of chewing tobacco,
for which he paid $4 each, for prices that started at $5 and escalated to
$20 as his comrades run out.

Now he is almost on empty himself.

But most Marines, no matter how low their stocks, are sharing what little
they have.

As soon as someone gets a can it's pretty much gone in a day, said Kibler.
He offered to trade the entire contents of his day pack, except his
sleeping bag, for one more tin.

Phelps has been smoking since he was 9 and dipping since he was 7. But
the four cans and six packs he brought from Kuwait ran out about a week
ago and now he has to beg.

Every time I see somebody light up a cigarette I'm right there: 'What's up,
man?' he said.

So far, Marines have not exploded with nicotine rage. But they have
become a little more irritable and uncomfortable.

The real test will come when we're up for long hours and no one's got dip
or smokes, Kibler said. If we're up for 30, 36 hours, you'll see people
getting real edgy.

Cpl. Matt Nale, 31, of Seattle, Wash., normally smokes half a pack a day. He
brought three cartons of cigarettes with him from Kuwait, but they ran
out nearly a week ago after he shared them with his mortar platoon.

Desperate, he managed to bum two packs of local Sumer cigarettes 
stronger than his preferred Marlboros  off Iraqi farmers in the
countryside using hand signals to bridge the language gap.

We've had three cigarettes a day for the last three days because of those
farmers, he said.

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[CTRL] Hot F*** in the summertime

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



 Wars in the past have lasted certainly months, and mostly years. 
A new kind of war?

From Bob Roberts at US Central Command, Qatar

US Commander Tommy Franks warned last night that the war could go on
until summer with troops fighting in scorching temperatures of 120F.

The four-star General insisted the military campaign was not being driven
by President George Bush's need for a quick victory.

Asked about reports in Washington that senior figures now expect the
conflict in Iraq to last for at least three months, he said: One never knows
how long a war will last.

We don't know. But what we do know is that this coalition sees the
regime gone at the end of the war.

He added: Lots remains to be done. The days ahead will see ups and

What we need to do is remind ourselves that the outcome has not been,
is not and will not be in question.

General Franks denied there has been a falling out between him, George
Bush and US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about the progress of the

He insisted: No one has driven the timing of this operation except the
operational commander.

And Labour party chairman John Reid added: I don't know anybody who
thought that this was going to be over in 14 days.

Wars in the past have lasted certainly months, and mostly years.

On the ground some US troops said yesterday they had been told a
pause in land advances towards Baghdad could be extended by several
weeks because of overstretched supply lines, stiff Iraqi resistance and
waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

But war lasting until June or July would mean coalition troops having to
fight in the 120-degree heat of the Gulf summer. Many had hoped they
would be home by April.

One officer told his men: There is a realisation that we came in a ttle

According to a Time/CNN poll out yesterday more than half of Americans
believe the US government was too optimistic in its assessment of how long
the war would last.

Nearly half - 46 per cent - said they expected the war to last from four
months to more than a year.

General Franks also said it may be time to look again at force levels in Iraq.
There have been complaints there are not enough troops to guard the
250-mile supply line between Kuwait and the front line.

But it was claimed yesterday that Donald Rumsfeld repeatedly rejected
advice from the military more troops and armoury would be needed. He
insisted at least six times in the run-up to the war that the proposed
number of troops be reduced.

A senior Pentagon planner said: He thought he knew better. He was the
decision-maker at every turn.

This is the mess Rummy put himself in because he didn't want a heavy
footprint on the ground.

Mr Rumsfeld is also said to have ignored advice from General Franks to
delay invasion until troops - denied access via Turkey - could be brought in
by another route.

He also miscalculated the level of Iraqi resistance and rejected
recommendations to deploy at least four army divisions and ship in
hundreds of tanks and other vehicles.

The official told the New Yorker magazine: They've got no resources. He
was so focused on proving his point the Iraqis were going to fall apart. Mr
Rumsfeld denied he overruled military planners.

Thousands of US Marines yesterday pushed north towards Baghdad during
'seek and destroy' missions.

Their aim was to open the route to Baghdad and stop attacks along
Highway Eight - which links Nassiriya and the front line at Karbala -
nicknamed Ambush Alley. Around Najaf US Marines claim to have killed 23
Iraqi paramilitary fighters.

It was revealed yesterday 1,000 soldiers from the US Army's 10th Mountain
Division are being flown into northern Iraq to open a second front.

Last night General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
said US troops are ready to launch a major assault against Iraqi Republican
Guard forces protecting Baghdad - but may wait for pressure on Saddam to

He said troops were just 49 miles south of Baghdad and added: We'll just
continue to draw the noose tighter and tighter.

Meanwhile, two explosions rocked the centre of Baghad early today as US
and British warplanes kept up a fierce attack on the city.


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[CTRL] W...W... ?

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m

Last update - 18:51 01/04/2003

Mofaz: U.S., Israel view Assad's acts, words as 'very grave'

By Ze'ev Schiff and Nathan Guttman, Haaretz Correspondents, and Haaretz

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Tuesday that the United States and
Israel view as very grave the wartime aid that Syrian President Bashar
Assad has given the Saddam Hussein regime, as well as recent Assad
comments that Mofaz said suggested that no peace with Israel was

Bashar Assad has recently engaged in and expressed himself in two
spheres that in the view of the Americans and in our view are very grave,
Mofaz said on a visit to the army's central induction center near Tel Aviv.

The first is the very fact of their granting physical aid to the Iraqis. The
second is his remark about Israel, in which he says in essence that no
peace agreement can be reached with Israel.

We must follow both his remarks and his actions in a very, very thorough
manner, Mofaz said.

In a front-page interview with Lebanon's as-Safir newspaper last week,
Assad was asked if he believed Syria - which has led Arab opposition to the
war and appears on a U.S. list of states sponsoring terrorism for supporting
Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrilla group and Palestinian organizations fighting
Israel - would be next on Washington's 'target list' after Iraq. The
possibility is always there, Assad replied.

As long as Israel exists, the threat is there. As long as there is an
aggression on an Arab country and a war on our borders, the danger is
there...But worry does not translate to fear.

Despite American warnings, in the last few days Damascus has expedited
the passage of volunteers wishing to join the Iraqis in their war against the
Americans, Haaretz said Tuesday in an exclusive report, according to
which thousands of volunteer, most of them Syrians, are thronging to the
Mosul and Kirkuk regions in north Iraq.

U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has accused Damascus of
transferring weapons to Iraq, but did not mention the volunteers. On
Monday the United States warned Syria and Iran again not to cooperate
with terrorism and with Saddam Hussein's regime.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said at the AIPAC convention on
Sunday that Syria will have to make a critical choice: Syria can continue
direct support for terrorist groups and the dying regime of Saddam
Hussein, or it can embark on a different and more hopeful course. Either
way, Syria bears the responsibility for its choices, and for the

Ratcheting up the war of words
Ratcheting up the war of words with Washington, Syria Tuesday called the
U.S.-British invasion of Iraq a fiasco and suggested American officials be
tried for crimes against humanity.

The English-language Syria Times newspaper - one of several state-run
newspapers - said in an editorial that the invasion had proven to be a
major embarrassment for the U.S. military and has led to anti-U.S.
sentiments reaching unprecedented levels.

The only way out is to stop the war immediately and hold those
responsible for it 'accountable' for their crimes against humanity, the
newspaper said.

Commenting on Powell's warning, the Syria Times said Powell had a choice
of his own to make: He can continue direct support for the military in the
invasion of Iraq, or he can embark on a different and more hopeful course
and quit. U.S. officials must accept full responsibility for the aggression
fiasco, it said. The war is unjustifiable and illegal.

The administration made it clear on Monday that since that equipment
delivery from Syria to Iraq - which according to Rumsfeld consisted mainly
of night-vision goggles - no further deliveries had been observed.

Volunteers stream from Syria to Iraq
The dozens of volunteers who first passed from Syria to Iraq came mostly
from Lebanon and from the Palestinian refugee camps in it. Syria let them
cross into Iraq through the official border passes, and became the first
state bordering with Iraq to permit the passage of volunteers. One of the
buses driving the volunteers in Iraq was hit by an American missile and five
of its passengers were killed.

At first, Palestinians and Lebanese was dominant among the volunteers, but
as their numbers increased, the number of Syrians among them grew. Now
the stream of volunteers is estimated at thousands. Iraqi Deputy Prime
Minister Tareq Aziz said in an interview two days ago that some 4,000
volunteers had arrived in Iraq from various Arab states. He did not say
where they came from, but it is known that the Iranians, Jordanians and
Turks do not permit the passage of volunteers to Iraq.

In the past, America has taken a lenient view of the Syrian aid to Iraq. A
few months ago, Haaretz first reported of the Syrian military purchases for
Iraq in various East European states. The equipment and weapons reached
Syria's Atkia harbor and were transferred 

[CTRL] Losing Hearts Minds ofthe ... Alamedans ?

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

April 1, 2003

Mass Layoffs Threatened for Teachers in California


LAMEDA, Calif., March 31  The entire teaching staff, and some
administrators, have received pink slips for the next academic year from
the Alameda school district, which serves this island city of 75,000 across
the bay from San Francisco.

No one expects the schools to close in the fall, but the layoff notices, in
keeping with a state legal requirement, are an indication of the serious
financial troubles haunting California's schools. Not since the economic
downturn of the early 1990's have schools here experienced such

The pink slips, and those issued to thousands of other teachers across the
state this month, also illustrate the mixed  and some say, very worrying 
signals being sent to prospective new teachers.

California is projected to face years of increasing student enrollment. The
state also continues to experience a shortage of teachers, especially in
math, science and special education. But now, with the state's budget
problems, many districts fear they cannot afford to pay those already in
the classroom.

After years of trying to encourage people to enter teaching through
multimillion-dollar programs, state officials are being accused of
undermining their own successes with the threat of widespread layoffs.
Many critics fear the consequences will be felt long after the current
budget crisis passes, particularly if students entering teaching programs
now decide the future looks too risky.

We hear all these things in our school placements, that everyone is
getting a pink slip and they are laying off all these first-year teachers, said
Sarah Kenley, a graduate student in education at San Francisco State
University. It worries me. I think I just came into the profession at the
wrong time.

Education and union officials estimate that 25,000 teachers statewide have
received layoff notices this month, which are required under state law if
school districts are contemplating letting teachers go this summer. It is
unclear how many of those teachers will actually lose their jobs because
most districts have not yet settled on budgets for next year.

Gov. Gray Davis has proposed cutting about $1.6 billion in direct financing
for the state's 1,000 school districts, part of his effort to deal with a gaping
budget deficit attributed to the high-technology bubble burst and a
sluggish economy after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

If the Legislature approves the education cuts, local officials say they will
need to increase class sizes, eliminate programs and, unavoidably, let go
teachers. They will not know for certain until June, when the state
budget is supposed to be approved. Financing for school districts comes
primarily from the state and is determined by a complex formula, based on
the number of students enrolled and other factors.

The goal was to keep the cuts as far away from the classroom as
possible, said Ann Bancroft, a spokeswoman for Mr. Davis's education
secretary, Kerry Mazzoni. Over the past few years, districts were able to
raise salaries, in most cases double-digit increases. That's in fact why some
districts are needing to lay off teachers: their inability to sustain the level
of increases.

Alameda went to the extreme and issued pink slips to all 635 of its
contract teachers so district officials would have as many options as
possible about making cuts, district officials said. Though it is likely that
only a small portion of the teaching staff willlose their jobs, the tactic led
to protests by teachers outside the district headquarters and prompted
the teachers' union to seek a restraining order to block the layoffs. The
matter is still in the courts.

The district figured, `They aren't going anywhere, they need the jobs,' so
we all got fired, said Gretchen Mackler-Lipow, a high school government
teacher and a former president of the teachers' union. I have been
teaching for 32 years and I've never seen anything like it. It is absolutely

The district's board has begun public hearings to get suggestions about
how to cut about $1.7 million from its $77 million budget. The battle over
the cuts, and how many teachers might be affected, has made for some
tense moments in a district that narrowly averted a teachers' strike two
years ago.

But less noticed and perhaps more significant in the long term was another
recent announcement by the district. The annual teacher's recruitment
fair, scheduled for April, had been canceled.

It was a difficult decision, even with the prospect of layoffs. Like many
districts across the state, Alameda has spent years trying to attract good
teachers, as the state has imposed new academic requirements and the
demand for teachers, especially those with credentials and training in
math and science, has far outpaced the supply.

The district typically hires 60 to 80 new 

[CTRL] Fw: Thousands Of Israelis March Against The War

2003-04-01 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 7:04 PM
Subject: FWD: Thousands Of Israelis March Against The War

 Thousands in a Demonstration held by CPI, YCLI and

 Thousands of people participated in the demonstration
 held by the Communist Party of Israel, the Young
 Communist League of Israel  the Democratic
 Front for Peace  Equality (Hadash), Saturday March
 the 29th in Nazareth.

 Jews and Arabs, from CPI, YCLI, Hadash and other
 progressive peace movements from all over Israel
 arrived to Nazareth to take part in the
 demonstration held in protest against the
 Anglo-American War waged on the Land and People of

 Demonstraters shouted: No to the Imperialist War on
 Oil Bush, Blair  Sharon are the major terrorists
 You Marins will be kicked out by the Iraqis

 Along side with other slogans condemning the Arab
 regimes cooperating - secretly or not - with the
 Anglo-American war on Iraq and its people.

 The demonstration ended with speeches by leaders from
 CPI, Hadash and the GS of YCLI calling to stop the
 imperialist war on Iraq and on its people
 and oil, condemning the American-British policy and
 calling to end the ongoing Israeli occupation of the
 Palestinian Territories.

 We ll be sending more photos of the demonstration held
 yesterday, Sunday, in the 27th memory of the Earth Day
 in the city of Sakhnin.

 For more info: +972-6789-1148 or contact

 Yours in Struggle,

 Reem Hazzan
 International Relations Dept.
 Executive Bureau
 YCL Israel

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[CTRL] Another Vietnam?

2003-04-01 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-


Finding Fault

For nearly a week, ever since the war in Iraq turned out to be something
more difficult than a military cakewalk, officials at the White House and
the Pentagon have been on the defensive. Faced by reports that US and
British forces are getting bogged down in southern Iraq, they have
announced that the allies are making good progress. Confronted by
suggestions that the war is a US affair, they have declared that an
impressive coalition supports the administration's policies. And, plagued by
rumors of a rift between the Pentagon's civilian and military leadership,
they have insisted that the war plan was developed -- and is backed -- by
administration officials and career officers alike.

That argument has appeared strained, however, as a growing cadre of retired
military leaders have criticized the military plan, suggesting that civilian
officials at the Pentagon overruled or ignored recommendations from
commanders in the field. And, as Bryan Bender of The Boston Globe reports,
the criticism is being aimed at a single target: Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld. In particular, Bender writes, Rumsfeld is being derided for
micromanaging war planning, opting for a 'rolling start' strategy, and a
minimal ground force.

The angry denials have come from Rumsfeld (if you ask anyone who has been
involved in the process from the Central Command ... every single thing
they've requested has in fact happened) and Joint Chiefs boss General
Richard B. Myers (If there's more force flowing, it had always been planned
to flow). But are the denials denting the perception that something has
gone terribly wrong in the Pentagon's planning?

Perhaps the most telling -- and damning -- account of the schism within the
Pentagon has come from Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker. Hersh is rapidly
emerging as one of the most insightful -- and, in the eyes of the Bush
administration, troublesome -- journalists covering Washington today. In his
latest report, he writes that Rumsfeld's team took over crucial aspects of
the day-to-day logistical planning -- traditionally, an area in which the
uniformed military excels -- and Rumsfeld repeatedly overruled the senior
Pentagon planners on the Joint Staff. Notably, Hersh cites senior war
planners as sources for his report.

On at least six occasions, the planner told me, when Rumsfeld and his
deputies were presented with operational plans -- the Iraqi assault was
designated Plan 1003 -- he insisted that the number of ground troops be
sharply reduced. Rumsfeld's faith in precision bombing and his insistence on
streamlined military operations has had profound consequences for the
ability of the armed forces to fight effectively overseas. 'They've got no
resources,' a former high-level intelligence official said. 'He was so
focussed on proving his point -- that the Iraqis were going to fall apart.'

Importantly, Hersh also describes the sort of Pentagon that Rumsfeld has
built. It is an institution shaped by the secretary's early show of
personal contempt for many of the commanders in place when he arrived, and
his love for off-the-cuff memoranda chastising military commanders.

'In those conditions -- an atmosphere of derision and challenge -- the
senior officers do not offer their best advice,' a high-ranking general who
served for more than a year under Rumsfeld said. One witness to a meeting
recalled Rumsfeld confronting General Eric Shinseki, the Army Chief of
Staff, in front of many junior officers. 'He was looking at the Chief and
waving his hand,' the witness said, 'saying, 'Are you getting this yet? Are
you getting this yet?'

In early February, according to a senior Pentagon official, Rumsfeld
appeared at the Army Commanders' Conference, a biannual business and social
gathering of all the four-star generals. Rumsfeld was invited to join the
generals for dinner and make a speech. All went well, the official told me,
until Rumsfeld, during a question-and-answer session, was asked about his
personal involvement in the deployment of combat units, in some cases with
only five or six days' notice. To the astonishment and anger of the
generals, Rumsfeld denied responsibility. 'He said, 'I wasn't involved,''
the official said. ''It was the Joint Staff.''

'We thought it would be fence-mending, but it was a disaster,' the official
said of the dinner. 'Everybody knew he was looking at these deployment
orders. And for him to blame it on the Joint Staff -- ' The official
hesitated a moment, and then said, 'It's all about Rummy and the truth.'

Among the influential former military commanders launching precision strikes
against Rumsfeld is retired Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, the onetime advisor to
then-Joint Chiefs boss Colin Powell. Writing in US News, McCaffrey echoes
other military planners in deriding Rumsfeld's early determination that a
war in Iraq could be won through air power and special operations 

[CTRL] Russkies in Tete-a-tete w/ 'Raqis

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, March 31, 2003

Russian Agents Are Meeting With Iraqis, Newspaper Says

The Associated Press
Russian intelligence agents are holding daily meetings with Iraqi officials in
Baghdad, Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported Friday and suggested they are
interested in gaining control of Iraqi secret service archives if Saddam
Hussein's regime falls.

The report, which said that the meetings include agents of the SVR, the
foreign intelligence service, did not specify its sources. But the newspaper
is believed to have well-placed contacts in military and intelligence

Telephone calls to the SVR press office were not answered Friday evening.

The newspaper said the archives could be highly valuable to Russia in
three major areas: in protecting Russian interests that remain in a post-
war Iraq; in determining to what extent the Hussein regime may have
financed Russian political parties and movements; and in providing Russia
access to intelligence that Iraqi agents conducted in other countries.

The report speculated that gaining access to the archives was a key topic
of discussion when President Vladimir Putin sent Yevgeny Primakov to
Baghdad last month to meet with Hussein.

Primakov, a Middle East expert, once headed the foreign intelligence
service in the Soviet era. Later, as Soviet foreign minister, he attempted to
negotiate an agreement to avoid the 1991 Gulf War.

His meeting with Hussein in February was given little publicity, with the
Foreign Ministry issuing only a brief statement saying he had received
Hussein's promise to cooperate with United Nations resolutions, and the
trip has remained cloaked in mystery and speculation.
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tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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[CTRL] Kuwaiti Shopping Mall Attack A CIA False Flag Op!

2003-04-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CIA Launches False-Flag Attack on
The Biggest Shopping Mall in Kuwait

While the 3rd Infantry massacres unarmed Iraqi children

Joe Vialls, 1 April 2003   

Shortly after midnight during the night of 28/29 January 2003, a lone American B52H strategic bomber was flying at 40,000 feet over the Red Sea, on what was described as a routine transit flight between RAF Fairford in England, and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
Well, almost routine. As the aircraft passed abeam the Aswan Dam in Egypt, its bombardier threw a series of switches and checked a handful of status lights, then launched CALCM [Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missile] serial number 5420 from a pylon on the B52s wing.
Now under the power of its own internal jet engine, and already out of sight of the bomber crew, CALCM 5420 spread its retracted wings and commenced a steady descent towards its final transit altitude of 500 feet, starting a slow left-hand turn at the same time.
None of the bomber crewmembers knew where CALCM 5420 was headed, but this is considered quite normal in an age of push-button warfare. All cruise missile guidance systems are programmed by targeting specialists, normally but not always working for the Pentagon, either by remote secure data transfer or locally with a computer floppy disc.
Unlike the usual To Saddam With Love or other crude remarks in English, this cruise missile had Arabic writing sprayed on its side at Fairford, with hints to the bomber crew that the target was probably one requested by US Special Operations teams located in Djibouti. The obvious inference was that CALCM 5420 was headed for somewhere in the Yemen, but the crew didnt really care.
Flying down the Red Sea was a lot less stressful than carpet-bombing the outer edges of Baghdad, and just for a change they were not under the direct control of Central Command Headquarters in Qatar. Strategic bomber transfers outside the Iraqi War Zone are not the business of Central Command, so General Tommy Franks was, and would forever remain, ignorant of the covert Strategic launch of CALCM 5420.

Not quite so ignorant was the Saudi Arabian Air Defense radar north of Jeddah, which was monitoring the B52H flying down the Red Sea, and detected the smaller cruise missile as it turned left across Saudi sovereign territory. It was easy enough to plot during its gradual descent from altitude, because unlike the smaller radar-opaque Tomahawk cruise missile, the CALCM was originally designed as a decoy intended to deliberately attract the attention of Russian radars during the Cold War.
Back then in the late fifties, the main risk was to the nuclear bomber itself was from surface to air missiles, so a system was devised to give the bomber a better chance on its way to a target deep inside Russia. The plan [mercifully never tried in real life] was to launch six of these decoys from each bomber, which would then spread out in a fan formation, hopefully presenting Russian air defense with seven bomber plots, only one of which would be real. But that was then, and now is now.
Saudi radar plotted 5420 as it crossed the sovereign border on a descending course [apparently] towards southern Iraq, finally losing the picture as the cruise missile settled into the ground clutter below the radar horizon. The launch of a single weapon from the Red Sea initially puzzled them, and then later alarmed them considerably when they discovered that the main cruise missile strike on Baghdad that night, did not take place until 0330 hours, i.e. several hours after CALCM 5420 was launched.
Although they did not find out until later that day, the Saudi radar operators were right to be alarmed. At 0145 hours local time, CALCM 5420 approached Kuwait City directly from the south, and exploded on a jetty fifteen yards offshore the Souq Sharq shopping mall  a multilevel shopping center with department stores, restaurants, theaters and Western-style shops. The massive shock wave and shards of missile debris shredded the southern side of Souq Sharq, easily the biggest shopping mall in Kuwait. 

Initially identified by Central Command as an Iraqi Silkworm or Seersucker anti-ship cruise missile fired from the Al Faw peninsula, the attack was immediately attributed to President Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the Evil Tyrant who was obviously trying to kill innocent Kuwaiti women and children in an unprotected shopping mall. Imagine the propaganda value to America if the missile had not fallen a little short, and had instead landed and detonated in the middle of Souq Sharq.
Those readers who are already mentally linking this shopping mall attack to the two later market attacks in the outer suburbs of Baghdad are probably right to do so. All we know for sure is that Central Command later blamed the two lethal strikes in Baghdad, which killed more than 60 civilians, on Saddam Husseins anti-aircraft 

[CTRL] Saves 'Em $$$ at Xmas

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Bush, Blair Excommunicated: Church Of The Nativity

The warmongers are barred from ever entering Christians most sacred
By Yasser El-
Banna, IOL Palestine Correspondent

BETHLEHEM, March 31 (IslamOnline.net) - Spokesman of the Orthodox
Church in the Holy Lands, archimandrite Attallah Hanna declared that U.S.
President George Bush, his Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, British
Premier Tony Blair, his Foreign Minister Jack Straw have all been deprived
from visiting the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem.

This decision was taken to express the refusal of the Palestinian Christians
of the U.S.-led invasion on Iraq.

In a special interview with IslamOnline.net, Monday, March 31, Hanna
described both Bush and Blair as excommunicates, as they have turned a
deaf ear to several calls by the Orthodox Church and other churches
before war erupted.

This indicates that leaders of the invading states did not listen to the
church, and hence, we deem them excommunicates and perverted.

Bush and Blair behave in an antagonistically to the Semitic Church that
calls for stopping the aggression and hostilities against Iraq, he added.

The Church of Nativity decided on Sunday, March 30, 2003, to
excommunicate Bush, Rumsfeld, Blair and Straw due to their military
attacks on Iraq.

The decision was declared Sunday by Father Banar Teyous, representative
of the Orthodox Nativity Church during a march, organized by Orthodox
institutions in front of the Church, to criticize the U.S. British invasion of

Father Banar Teyous said that U.S.-British invaders are war criminals and
children assassins and hence, the Church decided to excommunicate

The War Has No Religious Cover

The attacks undertaken by the alliance in Iraq is contrary to the
instructions and message of Christianity, Father Attalah said.

Such a war targets both Muslims and Christians and is in favor of the
world Zionism that seeks to promote the notion of religious and
civilizational struggle, he added.

We condemn the aggression and call for an immediate stop thereof, as
what is happening in Baghdad, capital of civilization, is extremely painful.

He expressed the sympathy of the Christian church with the Iraqi people,
underlining that there is no moral or religious cover for the deeds of
invaders in Iraq.

Hanna said that the excommunication decision is only a means to express
disapproval and strong condemnation of what is currently going on in Iraq.
It is also an expression of the Churchs sympathy with the Iraqi people.

The Church also declared its desire to put an immediate end to the war on
Iraq, he said.

Global Christian Campaign

Hanna unveiled the efforts and contacts made by the Oriental Orthodox
Church with several Christian churches the world over to organize a global
Christian campaign in coordination with the Islamic institutions in order to
stop the aggression that targets the Arab nation, the civilization and
human values stipulated under the heavenly scriptures.

Archimandrite Hanna called upon the whole world, Christians and Muslims,
to cooperate in order to defuse the Zionist and imperialist plans.

He said that there must be an Arab, Islamic and Christian cooperation with
the objective of boosting historical links among followers of both doctrines
in order to strengthen the values of dialogue and unity in the Arab world.

It is worth noting that the Church of Nativity is the first church on earth
and has a special importance for different Christian sects, as it was
established where Jesus Christ was born.

The Church consists of a huge religious compound that includes the
church building as well as a number of monasteries and other churches
that represent different Christian sects.

The Church is managed by three sects, namely, Orthodox, Earth and
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have to stand on their own merits.

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is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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2003-04-01 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 4/1/2003 8:46:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There was a clip shown last night on one of the channels, i forget which
one, they all look alike now, where Colin Powell spoke with a backdrop
banner that read "AIPAC". Anyone else catch that?

Yeah, it was covered by C-SPAN. He was speaking to AIPAC. The full text of the speech is available. I think on AIPAC's web site. Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) AP: Raid Finds al-Qaida Tie to Iraq Militants

2003-04-01 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
Uh huh. Prudy
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2003-04-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 4/1/2003 1:04:59 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yeah, it was covered by C-SPAN. He was speaking to AIPAC. The full text of the speech is available. I think on AIPAC's web site. 

Will they also provide the full text of Rice's speech?? If not, why not?

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[CTRL] Fwd: 9/11 CitizensWatch Press Release

2003-04-01 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

PRESS RELEASE -- 9/11 CitizensWatch
Contact: RI/NY: Kyle Hence
In D.C.: John Judge
voice mail: 401-847-1963
cell: 401-935-7715

Group Pledges to Monitor 9/11 Government Commission:
"9/11 CitizensWatch" Says Unanswered Questions Must
be Addressed; Group Includes Victims’ Family Members and Other Americans

New York -- March 31: The government's 9/11 National Commission opened
today. A new non-partisan group called 9/11 CitizensWatch presented "unanswered
questions" from 9/11. [see page 2 below] It says it will work with both
the National Commission and independent researchers to get to the bottom
of the September 11 tragedy.
"We honor the victims by learning the truth," said Kyle Hence of 9/11
CitizensWatch, "and by learning the truth of what happened that day and
why, we help ensure that such a tragedy never happens again. The fact is,
a global community of independent researchers has been investigating 9/11
for eighteen months, and is finding a great deal of evidence that conflicts
with the official story. We welcome the federal government in finally joining
this historic truth-finding effort, and we plan to constructively engage
the National Commission and act as a liaison to the independent research
The announcement by CitizensWatch was made at a lunchtime press conference
Monday in the U.S. Customs House in New York City, where the National Commission
was holding its first open hearings. Independent researcher Allan Wood
of the "Complete 9/11 Timeline" research project; Andrew Rice, who lost
his brother David on September 11; and Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant
Secretary of Housing under the first President Bush; spoke at the press
conference. CitizensWatch says it will issue periodic statements about
the Commission’s work and the work of independent researchers, and that
it supports the formation of a fully independent 9/11 Commission.
"9/11 CitizensWatch is a hub for the most credible, well-sourced, well-documented
research on 9/11," explained John Judge, "We will sift through the research
and bring the strongest to the public. We have a research standard of excellence,
we will continue to address the unanswered questions, and we hope that
the National Commission does, as well. We believe it is our collective
responsibility and obligation as Americans to get to the bottom of what
happened on Sep. 11, 2001."
"What disturbs me," said former Wall St. Investment banker Catherine
Austin Fitts, "is that in the aftermath of 9/11 the DoD was somehow able
to avoid the problem of $2.3 trillion in ‘undocumentable adjustments.’
Cooked books at the Pentagon compromises our economic and national security."
Said Ryan Amundson, who lost his brother Craig in the terrorist attack
on the Pentagon, "I desperately want to be able to trust the government,
but as long as these questions remain unanswered I will always have doubt
in my mind."

Unanswered Questions from 9/11
(Presented at 9/11 CitizensWatch Press Conference; Customs House,
NYC, March 31)

1) Why in the months before 9/11 did FBI headquarters consistently obstruct
field agent investigations of potential terrorists or terrorist financiers?
2) Why were many detailed warnings from the intelligence services of
Britain, Germany, Israel, Egypt, Russia, Italy, and other foreign governments
3) Why were some prominent travelers warned not to fly on 9/11?
4) Why in the days immediately before 9/11 were there massive spikes
in the number of "puts" on the stocks of airline and insurance companies?
5) Why did the chief of 


2003-04-01 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/31/2003 10:00:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But American Israel Public Affairs Committee officials say privately that
they are concerned that a closed-door briefing in the midst of the Iraq war
by the president's national security adviser may only add fuel to the
conspiracy theories.

I don't know why they're worrying. After all Dubya had a secret meeting with the right-wing so called Christians and talked them into voting against McCain. He promised them that he would take care of their entire wish list, didn't he, and he sure has been keeping that promise. What more could they have wished for then our attorney general? Condi will ask the Israeli lobbyists to be more circumspect about their ambitions, and Dubya will see to it that they get their 14 billion dollars and we will continue to act as their golem. Prudy
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush WORSE then Clinton

2003-04-01 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/29/2003 3:43:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What the Clinton apologists can't seem to get is that the President and
Chief Law Enforcement Officer DID commit perjury 

No what we don't get is why a lot of time and money that could have been better spent was wasted on worrying about a yayhoo from Arkansas having oral sex. If there had been a decent judge in the case, the question would have been disallowed. And since the oral sex was so fascinating to the adolescent minded right wingers, we got saddled with a president that is dragging our country into a penniless, putrifying quagmire. But enjoy. We don't think he's had sex in the oval office. That's really all that matters. Prudy
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [PARTY-OF-GOD] Amazing Disgrace (fwd)

2003-04-01 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 12:51:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Christianity Today [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PARTY-OF-GOD] Amazing Disgrace

Further to your Ezine posting on Amazing Grace, let me comment on the
Amazing Disgrace which is Christianity Today. Only one day needs to be
honoured by CT and that Unholy Day could as well be April Fools Day to
commemorate the quintessential attribute of CT, ie suckering the
worldooops did they think we meant succoring?

The faith-healing LIE as promulgated by Grizzly Adams Productions and NOW
TV (ie LIE TV) is just one example.

A bigger one is that the answer to What would Jesus do? or What would
Jesus drive? is given in I Cor. ie we are instructed to do all for the
glory of God or the conclusion of Ecc. ie to fear God and serve Him.

The hypocrisy of CT which can describe hundreds or thousands of pagan
cultures as it utterly transforms them, yet cannot describe its own
culture according to the teachings of Christ, needs a day of recognition.
April Fools Day says it all.


On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Christianity Today wrote:

 Dear Reader:

 In recent years the volume of mail, e-mail, and fax responses to articles in
 CHRISTIANITY TODAY has increased enormously. As a result, we are able to
 print only a small portion of the letters we receive.

 Your letter has been passed along to the editor responsible for our Letters
 column. It will be read carefully, and if space permits will be included in
 a future issue (if you included your full name and address).

 Whether you gave us kudos or cautions, we thank you for giving CHRISTIANITY
 TODAY your careful attention.


 The Editors

 - Original Message -
 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 3:33 PM
 Subject: Is Prayer Good Medicine?

  Last night the MMI Grizzly Adams film, Did Ancient Doctors Know More?
  was shown on NOW TV. It announced in exact words: Prayer is Good
  Medicine and stated that an open mind is the best healer.
  Now, almost half of North American medical schools teach that
  faith-healing has some degree of effectiveness. Perhaps James Randi who is
  sometimes on Discovery can tell you why none of those medical colleges or
  religious institutions manifest their open-mindedness by conducting a
  simple experimental proof of the faith-healing which would earn them JR's
  $1,000,000 prize.
  It is the extreme of closed-mindedness to dogmatically assert the
  effectiveness of prayer without proof, when that proof is readily at hand
  to decide the issue one way or the other.

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Re: [CTRL] War, Hitler, Cheney

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

On 1 Apr 2003 at 13:56, David Sutherland wrote:

   The Beatles had no genuine musical talent, but were a product shaped according to
   British Psychological Warfare Division (Travis, and promoted in Britain by agencies
   which are controlled by British intelligence.

No genuine musical talent?!! I think that statement says it all about the value of your


News alternatives to US war propaganda:


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] War, Hitler, Cheney

2003-04-01 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Maybe you should look at the post again ... this time try reading dimwit ...
instead of giving us your out of context, halfwit 'anal ysis'.


- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] War, Hitler,  Cheney

 -Caveat Lector-

 On 1 Apr 2003 at 13:56, David Sutherland wrote:

The Beatles had no genuine musical talent, but were a product shaped
according to
British Psychological Warfare Division (Travis, and promoted in
Britain by agencies
which are controlled by British intelligence.

 No genuine musical talent?!! I think that statement says it all about the
value of your

 News alternatives to US war propaganda:


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The coalition's other 'enemy'

2003-04-01 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

The coalition's other 'enemy'
Cal Thomas

April 1, 2003

Before firing Peter Arnett - the Tokyo Rose of our time - NBC issued a
ludicrous statement defending Arnett's interview on Iraqi TV as a
professional courtesy. When the condemnations started rolling in, NBC saw
the handwriting on the ratings wall and quickly cut him loose. NBC News
President Neal Shapiro said, It was wrong for Mr. Arnett to grant an
interview to state-controlled Iraqi TV - especially at a time of war - and
it was wrong for him to discuss his personal observations and opinions in
that interview. Arnett later apologized on the Today show, but the damage
to what remains of his career was already done (Arnett was reprimanded by
CNN in 1998 for a report that accused U.S. forces of using sarin gas on a
Laotian village in 1970 to kill U.S. defectors and left that network).

Would Edward R. Murrow, William Shirer or Walter Cronkite have allowed
themselves to be interviewed on German radio as a professional courtesy
during World War II? No, because they correctly viewed the Nazis as the
enemy of humanity and American forces as the liberators of Europe. What did
they study in school that Arnett skipped?

Arnett gave aid and comfort to our enemy when he delivered these gems on
Iraqi TV: Clearly the American war planners misjudged the determination of
the Iraqi forces, and Clearly (Baghdad) is a city that is disciplined ..
My Iraqi friends tell me there is a growing sense of nationalism and
resistance to what the United States and Britain are doing, and Our
reports about civilian casualties here, about the resistance of the Iraqi
forces are going back to the United States and help those who oppose the
war. It took 63 days to get the Taliban out of Kandahar, Afghanistan, and
Peter Arnett is declaring a more formidable war that is less than two weeks
old a failure?

Arnett's remarks may encourage Saddam Hussein to fight on. This could lead
to the deaths of more American and British soldiers. Arnett is a naturalized
American. He does not deserve his citizenship, and his comments go far
beyond any journalistic ethic with which I am familiar.

Some journalists may think they can reprise their anti-war role from the
Vietnam period, but this time the public is not going to let them get away
with it. Most journalists probably can't change the oil in their own cars
(limos if they're anchors), much less service a tank, but suddenly they have
become experts on the pace of troop movements, supply lines and the service
requirements of tanks, trucks and armored personnel carriers. Shallow news
anchors and retired generals with no direct information about war plans or
their execution speculate and opinionate endlessly. The only thing most
reporters know about war is what they have seen in the movies. Had they been
covering World War II, they would have called for the court-martial of
Eisenhower and Patton for causing too many civilian casualties.

As bad as some of the American media are, things are worse in Britain. If
Saddam Hussein listens to the BBC World Service, he might think he is
winning. A column in last Sunday's (March 30) Telegraph by Caroline Lees,
who says she is stranded in Eritrea, reveals the frustration of British
citizens with their media. Lees says the BBC is her only source for war
news, but I am tired of the relentless bombardment of worst-case scenarios,
endless analysis of problems before they occur, and blow-by-blow accounts of
perceived errors by the coalition forces. I realize war is never easy, and
it is not the BBC's job to pretend things are going well when they are not,
but all I ask, as a listener, is a little balance.

With competition for viewers (and readers) hotter than ever, the big media
cannot afford to ignore complaints about biased and negative reporting. The
proliferation of cable TV means news consumers have more choices than they
did during the Vietnam War. The New York Times reported last week that
combined ratings for Fox Broadcast and the Fox News Channel were second only
to the larger NBC network.

Is it too much to ask journalists simply to report what is happening in the
war and to stop endless speculation and editorializing without direct and
credible knowledge of the facts? Apparently it was for Peter Arnett, and
NBC, sensitive to the ratings war, made him a casualty.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 

Re: [CTRL] The coalition's other 'enemy'

2003-04-01 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 4/1/2003 4:35:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Is it too much to ask journalists simply to report what is happening in the
war and to stop endless speculation and editorializing without direct and
credible knowledge of the facts? Apparently it was for Peter Arnett, and
NBC, sensitive to the ratings war, made him a casualty.

Did Cal Thomas actually write the above? I ask you! As for Arnett, I don't care what his opinion is. I might agree and I might not. As for Cal Thomas, I don't think he's ever said anything I could agree with. Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] War, Hitler, Cheney

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

David, are you our new psyops controller? Just wondering...


On 2 Apr 2003 at 8:21, David Sutherland wrote:

 Maybe you should look at the post again ... this time try reading dimwit ...
 instead of giving us your out of context, halfwit 'anal ysis'.


News alternatives to US war propaganda:


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-04-01 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 13:03:06 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
April 1, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Arnett Blames “Right-Wing Media” Who Fear His “Truth” Telling
It took Peter Arnett just a few hours to hook up with a far-left,
virulently anti-American tabloid in London. In his first piece for the
Daily Mirror, Arnett charged that he lost his job because the U.S.
government and “right-wing media” fear his “truth” telling. He blamed the
end of his “successful NBC reporting career” on how “I stated the obvious
to Iraqi television; that the U.S. war timetable has fallen by the
wayside.” Arnett elaborated on the conspiracy against him: “The
right-wing media and politicians are looking for any opportunity to be
critical of the reporters who are here.”

2. NBC Story Cites MRC Monitoring of “Alleged Liberal Bias”
Monday's NBC Nightly News used Peter Arnett's forced departure from NBC
News as a hook for a story on the debate over whether reporting dissent
conflicts with patriotism, a story which, after noting angry e-mail to
NBC over Arnett, mentioned how “alleged liberal bias in the media is what
the Media Research Center in Virginia looks for every day.”

3. Newsweek: Bush as “Red Buttons” and Cheney as “Arrogant”
A particularly vicious “Conventional Wisdom” box in this week's Newsweek
with President Bush assigned a down arrow because “his war cluelessly
flings open the gates of hell” and Vice President Cheney also getting a
down arrow for once suggesting that “we will be greeted as liberators,” a
forecast Newsweek denounced as “an arrogant blunder for the ages.” In
awarding Tony Blair an up arrow for how he “can actually explain this
thing coherently,” the magazine couldn't resist a shot at Bush: “He's
Churchill to Bush's Red Buttons.”

4. Hersh: “Never Too Early” to Brood About Another Vietnam
It's never too early to worry about another Vietnam, Seymour Hersh
contended on Monday's Today. Brought aboard to expound on his article in
the New Yorker about how Donald Rumsfeld repeatedly demanded a reduction
in the number of troops to be deployed, Hersh insisted: “It's never too
early to start hearing words like, we're, you know, 'there's light at the
end of the tunnel.'...some of us from the Vietnam War” see “a tremendous
discrepancy between what the four-star generals and the high officials in
this government” and so for those who “went through the Vietnam War it's
sort of terrifying to think it's starting already.

5. AP Reporter Worries About U.S. “Demonizing the Iraqis”
A day after suggesting Iraqis who use terroristic tactics are just
employing “legitimate resistance” methods, AP reporter Nicole Winfield
followed up at Monday's CENTCOM briefing by worrying about why the
coalition is “demonizing the Iraqis” in para-military units by tagging
them as “terrorist death squads,” a classification which she suggested
could imperil U.S. POWs.

6. Garofalo: “Stupid People” Watch Fox  Talk Radio Hosts Lie
On HBO, Janeane Garofalo denounced the U.S. attack on Iraq as “not fair”
because it is an “unprovoked strike.” She suggested the attacks on the
Dixie Chicks are a “wonderful way for really stupid people to hook up.
They meet...they tell stories about who their favorite Fox anchor is...”
When co-panelist Michael Graham, a radio talk show host, recalled seeing
a sign at an anti-war march proclaiming, “We Support Our Troops...When
They Shoot Their Officers,” Garofalo doubted it ever existed and flew
into a rage about how “that's what all you right-wing radio hosts do. You
make s*** up all the time.”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


A new project of the Media Research Center
Launched in March 2003, Times Watch is dedicated to documenting and
exposing the liberal bias, factual errors and outright goofs of the New
York Times, America's most influential newspaper. Times executive editor
Howell Raines calls criticism of his paper's bias a 'disinformation'
effort 'of 

[CTRL] priest porn, memory/abuse, navy pilot, troops thin, pray for bush, Saddam/Al Q

2003-04-01 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Iowa Briefs by AP 3/30/03 Priest faces federal child-porn Charges - Davenport - "A Davenport priest who authorities say possessed child pornography on a church computer has been indicted on federal charges. The Rev. Richard Poster, 38, was indicted Wednesday by a grand jury on one count of receipt and one count of possession of child pornography. Charges filed against Poster by the Scott County Attorney's office have been dismissed." http://www.thonline.com/News/03302003/Iowa/172198.htm

>From Backlash_ology Memory for Abuse: What can we learn from a Prosecution Sample?In press, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse Jennifer J. Freyd, University of Oregon Comment on Goodman, G.S., Ghetti, S., Quas, J.A., Edelstein, R.S., Alexander, K. W., Redlich, A.D., Cordon,I.M.,  Jones, D.P.H. (2003) A Prospective study of memory for child sexual abuse: New findings relevant to the repressed-memory debate. Psychological Science, 14, 113-118. "Goodman et al. (2003) reported that 81% of the participants reported the documented abuse, a proportion that is somewhat higher than in some previously published prospective studies assessing memory for abuse (e.g., Williams, 1994). Near the end of the paper, the authors summarize their findings: "Results from this study indicate that forgetting of CSA may not be a common experience, at least not in a prosecution sample" (p. 117)Because the participants had been involved as children in criminal cases related to their victimization (a so-called "prosecution sample"), documentation for the abuse was particularly thorough and offered researchers the opportunity to compare later disclosures with documented records. However, along with the fact that the paper provides important new information, there is a substantial risk that the research reported in the paper might be misinterpreted. In particular, the results of this research might be generalized to non-prosecution samples." "it is critical that we take care to avoid generalizing from highly unusual prosecution samples to populations that may have fundamentally lacked the opportunity of being "believed, supported, and legitimated." http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/~jjf/goodman.html

from L Moss Sharman Navy Pilot Sentenced for Soliciting Sex With Minor By Allan Lengel 4/1/03 Baltimore - "A decorated Navy commander and pilot who repeatedly used his computer at the Pentagon to solicit sex on the Internet from an undercover Maryland State Police detective posing as a 12-year-old girl was sentenced today to three years and one month in prison and fined $2,500." http://www.washingtonpost.com/
from AOL
Allied Troops Stretched Thin In Iraq by Paul Majendie, Reuters
LONDON (April 1) - After the race to reach Baghdad, the resilience of British and U.S. troops may now be stretched as tightly as their supply lines. They have been harried by guerrillas, hit by friendly fire and fear chemical attacks and suicide bombers. They worry no corner of Iraq is safe. Soldiers on the ground, as well as psychologists, war veterans and defense analysts, believe morale could be dented in a conflict tougher and longer than military planners expected. Some say that within a month, the invaders could be at breaking point. As the war heads toward the end of its second week, psychologist Dr John Potter said: ''The maximum I would ever like to see anyone in combat is 40 days.

Pray for Bush
'A Christian's Duty'
03/31/2003 @ 10:36am   
Before this Administration came along, it was hard to imagine that something as intensely personal and private as a man's prayer before going into battle could be appropriated in a business-like fashion. Now, according to "A Christian's Duty in Time of War" -- a pamphlet given out to thousands of Marines in Iraq -- our soldiers in the war zone are supposed to fill out a form pledging to pray every day for George Bush. The pamphlet has a tear-out section which the soldier is to sign and mail to the president: "I have committed to pray for you, your family, your staff ..." The pamphlets were created by In Touch Ministries, an evangelical group that says "We may not all be in the military, but we are all engaged in warfare ... spiritual warfare." 
Today's prayer: "Pray that the President and his advisers will be strong and courageous to do what is right regardless of critics." 

How to Unseat the War Criminals and Reverse the Tide of War?
Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Administration by Michel Chossudovsky
15 March 2003 
When people across the US find out that Al Qaeda is not linked to Saddam...
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[CTRL] Learning by Example

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

How the British bombed Iraq in the 1920s

By Henry Michaels
1 April 2003

Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author

The US and British governments, and most Western media pundits, have
tried to explain the determined resistance of the Iraqi people to the US-
led assault by referring to the first Bush administrations 1991 betrayal of
the Kurds in the north and Shiites in the south. Once Iraqis are confident
that the Allies are serious about occupying the country, the argument
goes, they will rise up and welcome them as liberators.

These assertions ignore the deeply-felt hostility to decades of colonial and
semi-colonial rule by the Western powers, who long plundered Iraqs oil
reserves. During World War I, Mesopotamia was occupied by British forces,
and it became a British mandated territory in 1920. In 1921, a kingdom was
established under Faisal I, son of King Hussein of Hejaz and leader of the
Arab Army in World War I. Britain withdrew from Iraq in 1932, but British
and American oil companies retained their grip over the country.

One of the most bitter chapters in this history, one with direct parallels to
the current military campaign, occurred during the 1920s. In many
respects, the air war now being employed in Iraq is an offshoot of a
military policy developed by Britain as it clung to its Iraqi colony 80 years

Confronting a financial crisis after World War I, in mid-February 1920
Minister of War and Air Winston Churchill asked Chief of the Air Staff Hugh
Trenchard to draw up a plan whereby Mesopotamia could be cheaply
policed by aircraft armed with gas bombs, supported by as few as 4,000
British and 10,000 Indian troops.

Several months later, a widespread uprising broke out, which was only put
down through months of heavy aerial bombardment, including the use of
mustard gas. At the height of the suppression, both Churchill and
Trenchard tried to put the most flattering light upon actions of the Royal
Air Force.

British historian David Omissi, author of Air Power and Colonial Control: The
Royal Air Force 1919-1939, records: During the first week of July there
was fierce fighting around Samawa and Rumaitha on the Euphrates but,
Churchill told the Cabinet on 7 July, our attack was successful The
enemy were bombed and machine-gunned with effect by aeroplanes which
cooperated with the troops.

The order issued by one RAF wing commander, J.A. Chamier, specified:
The attack with bombs and machine guns must be relentless and
unremitting and carried on continuously by day and night, on houses,
inhabitants, crops and cattle.

Arthur Bomber Harris, a young RAF squadron commander, reported after
a mission in 1924: The Arab and Kurd now know what real bombing means,
in casualties and damage: They know that within 45 minutes a full-sized
village can be practically wiped out and a third of its inhabitants killed or

The RAF sent a report to the British Parliament outlining the steps that its
pilots had taken to avoid civilian casualties. The air war was less brutal
than other forms of military control, it stated, concluding that the main
purpose is to bring about submission with the minimum of destruction and
loss of life.

Knowing the truth, at least one military officer resigned. Air Commander
Lionel Charlton sent a letter of protest and resigned in 1923 over what he
considered the policy of intimidation by bomb after visiting a local
hospital full of injured civilians.

The methods pioneered in Iraq were applied throughout the Middle East.
Omissi writes: The policing role of most political moment carried out by
the Royal Air Force during the 1920s was to maintain the power of the
Arab kingdoms in Transjordan and Iraq; but aeroplanes also helped to
dominate other populations under British sway.

Schemes of air control similar to that practiced in Mesopotamia were set
up in the Palestine Mandate in 1922 and in the Aden Protectorate six years
later. Bombers were active at various times against rioters in Egypt,
tribesmen on the Frontier, pastoralists in the Southern Sudan and nomads
in the Somali hinterland.

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rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it 

Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails

2003-04-01 Thread Michael Davidson
-Caveat Lector-

Absolutely right on!

All treasonous and anti-American thinking can be traced directly to the
Republican party.


 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:01:59 +0300
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, cybervoyager wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In response to who is behind the anti-American messeges

 1) those who are not brainwashed by the CIA CNN controlled media.
 2) those who have a mind of their own
 3) those who do not buy into American Imperialism
 4) those who are fed up with the American Industrial Military complex.

 ... I am sure many could add a lot more to this list, that is just a few
 that come to my mind.

 I think those are the real pro-Americans here.

 Anti-Americans are those who are running the US Government
 right now. They have no real patriotism in their blood,
 They do not work for the good of America, but for their own
 personal profit. It is indeed their only motive.

 1) They are purposefully provoking the whole Arab world to
 conduct terrorist attacks against America. It is indeed
 their very business plan. Published in the open even.

 2) They are aggressively working to make a minority of a
 few rich people much richer.

 3) They are actively ripping the legislature apart and promoting
 polluting for short term profits of a few corporations, and in
 the process destroying the American environment.

 4) They are covering up major corporate crime and past crimes.

 5) They are sabotaging the investigations of 9-11.

 True patriots work for the good of all of America,
 and that means ALL AMERICANS.

 The cowardly liars leading the country, are working
 for the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA. Indeed, they have a
 history of shirking their patriotic duty, a history
 of inside dealings and outright governmental fraud
 (Bush Energy Policy Meetings) costing BILLIONS to
 California. True American patriots are ashamed of
 their conduct and for a reason.

 The fact that the true Patriots of America are seeing them
 for the lying bastards that they are, and are brave enough
 to stand up and say so, should make you proud. Open your
 own eyes if you are brave enough to stand up for the values
 and constitution which you swear and vow to defend. Be true
 to those words, your conscience clear, if you dare.

 If you want to see a real anti-american you can go meet CNN
 journalists or some other organization devoted to spreading
 lies and covering up the truth from the Americans.

 America, living true to it's values should have nothing
 to fear from seeing the truth, for it would have nothing
 to be ashamed of.

 America's current government has nothing but lies and contempt
 to offer the world, for it has nothing but conduct and values
 to be ashamed of.

 So if you are looking for REAL ANTI-AMERICANS, look no further
 than the Prince of Lies leading the Cabbal of War in the name
 of Christ.

 We have only TRUE PATRIOTS here.

 - Original Message -
 From: Flash Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 5:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Depleted Uranium Makes Good Mutant-Slaves
 I am new to this list. Some of the messages on this
 list are treasonous and anti-American. I wonder who is
 behind these messages?

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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] The coalition's other 'enemy'

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

4/2/2003 10:35:11 AM, David Sutherland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This looks like a classic example of luring the enemy into a false sense of
security.  I heard Sean Hannity on the Faux News today describe Arnett as
being a propaganda shill, in favour of the Iraqis.  Of course, neither Sean
nor Cal have the cajones to risk their lives by being in the centre of a war
zone, where Arnett has been on and off for forty years.  As a virtual
hostage, it makes some sense to be a little gracious to those who could
cause an untimely death at any time.  Arnett is probably telling everyone
what they want to hear in such circumstances and, in so doing, may be
causing the wannabees a little envy if not jealousy (watch out Sean and
Cal: deadly sins!).  Even MSNBC has stated that the remarks might have
made no difference except they were on Iraqi National TV.  But.  How did
WE hear of these remarks?  I don't get nor (obviously) watch Iraqi TV.  So:
what's the message here?  Extending a further challenge to the Iraqis to be
a little foolishly emboldened?  Did Arnett do what he did (with over 40
years of wartime journalistic experience) on purpose (and whose)?  Or, did
he have to free himself from some constraints?  This whole thing was too
pat.  See:

The firing of Peter Arnett: right-wing straitjacket tightens on the US media

Arnett gave aid and comfort to our enemy when he delivered these gems
on Iraqi TV: Clearly the American war planners misjudged the
determination of the Iraqi forces, ... 

What did they study in school that Arnett skipped?
This is interesting from the standpoint that Cal puts Arnett into the same
group as some of the most respected and distinguished newsmen of their
respective times.  One other thing that Cal doesn't address is what schools
(if any) these three went to (Pulitzer didn't feel good reporters needed to
be schooled; just good reporters.  He has an endowment named after him
at Columbia that was administered a little differently than he might have
wanted [see Weaver, *News and the Culture of Lying*]).  He doesn't tell
about Shirer being in Germany prior to the outbreak of WW2 reporting on
things that were going on.  He asks the reader to assume a lot of things
that he never explains, probably because he's a shill in his own right (!) and
can't explain them.  This story is not over, I would venture to say.

Well, before my critique gets longer than the article, the enemy is
confinement of speech (except in Sean and Cal's cases, apparently, and
their blithering blabbering is just ducky).  Let them go into the bush with
Arnett and let's see how long they last (and how many Pulitzers do those
two have?).


Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

4/1/2003 6:40:18 PM, Michael Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Absolutely right on!

All treasonous and anti-American thinking can be traced directly to the
Republican party.

Is this the same as the American Bathist Party, considering a good
number of these have been bent over and skewered by the Queen and
made Saturday Knights (everyone take a) of Bath (together)?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Barbed Wire Fence or Jail for the Radiocratisers ?

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Sponsored by


Critics: Radio shows fuel hate

By Anthony Colarossi
Sentinel Staff Writer

September 14, 2001

As Central Floridians crawled through morning traffic Thursday, a talk-radio
host told his listeners that Muslims at the mosque on Goldenrod were
celebrating Tuesday's terrorist attacks on America.

A talk-show caller related the tale of a melee at the University of Central
Florida prompted by rejoicing Arab-Americans.

Neither incident occurred. There was no celebration. And there was no

The airing of anonymous callers making unchecked claims about local
Muslims celebrating terror has prompted a debate on the role of talk radio
at a sensitive time.

Muslims say they are receiving death threats prompted by the shows and
false notions that they support or had something to do with the attacks.

A prominent media researcher says those with the access to communicate
far and wide have a responsibility not to spread rumors.

But one radio-show host says false reports aren't his problem.

What am I supposed to do? Edit out everything they say? said Shannon
Burke, whose Thursday morning show on 540 AM (WFLA) included the
statement about the mosque. It's a show about opinions.

Burke said he had two callers phone in accounts of celebration at the
mosque on Goldenrod Road. As it turned out, one caller was confused by
television coverage that abruptly cut from a segment on the mosque to
Palestinians cheering in the Middle East.

But another caller stated the celebration as fact; Burke repeated it on
the air but said he qualified it by saying, If it were true, it would be
disgusting and un-American.

Once members of the Islamic Society of Central Florida told him the claim
was false, Burke said, he corrected it.

Deputy sheriffs have regularly patrolled the mosque and adjacent school
since Tuesday morning's tragedy because of threats of violence. Officers
reported no celebrating.

Self-restraint urged

I'm not a journalist, Burke said. I'm a talk-show host. The only thing I edit
out of my program are profanities.

Joseph N. Cappella, a professor at the Annenberg School for
Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, said that although many
talk-show hosts don't adhere to the same professional standards print or
broadcast journalists do, some discretion should be exercised at times like

At this time in the United States, I think we all need to take a deep
breath and think twice about what we say and what we claim, said
Cappella, who has conducted several studies on political talk radio.

That self-restraint, he said, should be used by media personalities and
certainly people in the public domain providing information of any sort.

Cappella said hosts could maintain spontaneity on their shows and still
avoid spreading incendiary or false information by sorting through the

They could not repeat rumors, he said. They could say, 'I want to hear
from other callers who have seen this too.' 

Jim Philips, a popular afternoon talk-show host on 104.1 FM (WTKS), also
said he wouldn't censor callers -- but said he avoids repeating unfounded

Still, Philips said he is proud of talk radio's venue as a wry, unfettered
forum. We don't operate under the same rules as a newspaper, he said.
The policy is to allow people on the air to speak their minds.

Imam Muhammad Musri, president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida,
said misinformation such as the celebration claim only stokes anger
directed at people solely because of ethnicity or religion.

They can say anything they want and nobody can hold them
accountable, Musri said. The Muslim community is deeply hurt by the
acts of terrorism in New York and Washington.

'Flat-out didn't happen'

UCF officials also were angry at misinformation broadcast on talk radio. A
caller to WFLA described a fight on campus involving Muslims -- something
UCF officials and police say didn't occur.

That just flat-out didn't happen, said UCF spokesman Dean McFall, who
called the station's news director Thursday when he heard about the
broadcast statement.

He called the unchecked airing of such statements reprehensible.

We need to recognize what talk shows are, McFall said. They're not
news. They're entertainment.

Tom Benson, WFLA's program director, said the station's listeners ought to
know the difference between news and the banter in a talk-show forum.

Still, the practice of broadcasting statements without checking facts
frightens Musri.

I know you can't stop people from saying what they want to say, he said,
but these are utter lies.

Anthony Colarossi can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

or 407-420-6218.

Copyright  2003, Orlando Sentinel
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material

[CTRL] Update - Skolnick

2003-04-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Update - Skolnick
By Sherman Skolnick



[1] Press conference 4/1/03, Rumsfeld TWICE denied reports of cease fire being arranged for U.S. through a third party. HE CHOSE WORDS, however, allowing him, through semantics, to wiggle out of that.   

[2] He said he did not know if SADDAM is still alive but said that Saddam's relatives have been observed leaving Iraq. Rumsfeld and general standing next to him, had no adequate explanation why purported U.S. troops are being flown in rather than coming down highway. [Hinting at supply route troubles. Russians describing same. http://www.iraqwar.ru/www.iraqwar.ru ]   

[3] Through threatening to blackmail Bush with treason proof, France is to be part of interim "post-war" Iraq government and get piece of Iraq oil treasure. Further, France has purportedly with Russia worked out a cease fire for U.S. to avoid oncoming U.S. military disaster. White House and other network reporters, having ceasefire details, warned by their bosses in New York, if the reporters reveal openly ceasefire details, reporters will never work in media again.   

[4] Reliable French sources contend that reports of U.S. attempt, through bunker-buster munitions, to assassinate Saddam Hussein, are/were FICTITIOUS. Saddam in Switzerland having face re-made as disguise.Saddam, Bush/CIA creation, has been playing dirty games with CIA, like Osama, for some time. Start of Gulf War Two a magic show and fiction. Departure of Saddam, however, has made the matter serious. [Daddy Bush/Saddam Hussein business partnership gone sour, visit our website story, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".]   

[5] In press session 4/1/03, Ari Fleischer was asked (a) role of France in post-war government, etc. He dodged it. White House reporters are aware that through blackmail, France is to be given a role in interim alleged "post-war" Iraq government. France is sitting, for more than a year, on documentary absolutely proving George W. Bush installed by fraudulent proceedings in Florida and elsewhere and that Daddy Bush and Jr. are guilty of several documented treasons.[Our group aware of and involved in production of documentary. More cannot be discussed just yet.]   

(b) Ari was further grilled on whether Bush is mediating disputes between various generals and Rumsfeld. Ari denies that and denies that there are disputes.   

[6] BIG OIL worried that price of oil may now decline to BELOW 18 dollars per barrel and also, that payments to oil countries be required in Euros, NOT U.S. Dollars.   More coming. Stay tuned.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails

2003-04-01 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector-

Was this written on the wall above the third urinal from the left?
On Tuesday, Apr 1, 2003, at 16:40 US/Pacific, Michael Davidson wrote:
Absolutely right on!

All treasonous and anti-American thinking can be traced directly to the
Republican party.
A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails

2003-04-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 4/1/2003 7:24:08 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Was this written on the wall above the third urinal from the left?

Yeah, right below your phone number and an odd (and in some jurisdictions, illegal) request...

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Callous Calamitous Cal

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

June 08, 2001
Keep Cal Thomas Away From Your Kids

By Ahmed Amr.

If you have never read Cal Thomas before, check him out. He's
the closest thing to a real-life Nazi on the op-ed page: a Hitler Youth with
a bowl-cut, mustache, and what appears to be a condescending sneer on
his lips, that's Cal. J. Edward Tremlett.

Cal Thomas is the kind of deviant religious bigot who spices his writings
with derogatory remarks about those who take orders from Allah, who
wants all infidels dead. (Cal Thomas, July 31,2000 Jewish World Review). If
he is in a particularly vicious mood, which is every other article, he will
throw in a word about murderous Islam that he assures his readers has a
devine mandate to destroy the West.

A word about Cal Thomas's religion. The man is a zealot who believes in a
unique from of 'Zionist' Christianity, a cult that longs for the fulfillment of
the ancient prophesies that foretell Armageddon. To demonstrate his
deep longing for Armageddon; which is always just around the corner; He
quotes Oscar Hammerstein But it's coming, by God. You can feel it come;
you can feel it in your heart, you can see it in the ground, you can see it
in the trees; you can smell it in the breeze.

Cal Thomas is free to believe whatever he wants to believe. The problem is
that a nut like Cal Thomas does not want to just sit back and wait for
Armageddon to take its own time coming. He wants to be an active agent
in making it happen. The old depraved fool, with one foot in the grave,
wants to make it happen quickly so he can get to watch it with his grand
kids on CNN. No doubt, he fully expects Wolf Blitzer to be on the scene in
Tel Aviv, having fulfilled his part of the deal to 'go back in the Holy Land
with his people', ready to give a blow by blow account of what comes

This is how the cosmos works for fundamentalist extremists like Cal.
According to this cult, the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948 was a good
thing, but not enough of a good thing. He wants the rest of them out of
the Holy Land; Christian Palestinians included. Next, he wants all the Jews
of the world to pick up and go back to where they came from because
according to this school of Christian Zionism, that is another specific
requirement for 'the last days'.

Now, I don't care if Cal Thomas believes the earth is flat as long as he
doesn't advocate the use of our nuclear arsenal to flatten it. But as a
Christian Zionist, he feels no qualms about asking our government and the
government of Israel to get the ball rolling, so we can hasten the coming
of Armageddon. Note that this bigot is a big 'hit' with the right wing Likud
crowd in the American Jewish Press. They have different faith traditions,
but both want the natives of Palestine to find somewhere else to live. Or
somewhere else to die.

First things first. To enhance his spiritual experience, to confirm his 'faith
tradition', Cal Thomas wants the American and Israeli government to exile
the Arabs. It should now be clear that Israel cannot tolerate a huge Arab
population within its borders, so a political decision must be made. Most
Arabs and Palestinians appear to be nonviolent but it can be difficult to
tell the difference...Israel should declare its intention to transfer large
numbers of its Palestinian residents to Arab nations...Eviction is a better
avenue to stability. Will it happen? Probably not. Should it? Yes. (June 6,
2001, Jewish World view).

Not many people will be surprised that a fascist like Cal Thomas feels
comfortable advocating 'transfer', another word for 'ethnic cleansing. The
instructive thing here is that Thomas is considered a 'mainstream' journalist
who is syndicated by the Tribune Media Service and appears regularly in
the Washington Times and the Jewish World Review. He is considered a
'conservative' who still gets an invite to have a chat with Vice President
Dick Chenney. So, you have to wonder if some of his conservative pals in
high places share his 'visions' of expelling the Palestinians. Lets get one
thing straight; if you believe in collective punishment, you are a barbarian
beyond redemption. Cal Thomas is not a 'conservative', he is a bona fide
right wing extremist. He is Jim Jones on a bad hair day. I can hear him
trying to coax the Palestinians out of their ancient villages Come to me my
Palestinian babies. What kind of poison are you going to mix in the Kool
aid, Cal? This sorry excuse of a human being has, so far, been considered
just a bad joke; the only people who buy into his crap are Likudniks and
guys who are waiting for Armageddon with ants in their pants. But now he
has exposed his deeply held bizarre Christian supremacist views. His views,
of course, are not original. They are views that were shared by another
man, in another time in a place called Nueremberger.

If you want to get a handle on what Cal has in mind, go read the Nazi

[CTRL] Murrow / Cronkite (Two for you, Cal!)

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Murrow, Edward R. (b. Egbert Roscoe Murrow)
1908 -- 1965

Broadcast journalist; born near Greensboro, N.C. He grew up in
Washington, where he worked in logging camps while attending Washington
State College. As assistant director of the Institute of International
Education (1932--35), he traveled abroad extensively, then went to work
for CBS in 1935. Appointed director of CBS's European bureau in 1937, he
personally described the Nazi takeover of Vienna for radio audiences. His
broadcasts from London rooftops during the German bombing raids made
him famous, along with the salute, Good night, and good luck. He
returned to New York to be a CBS vice-president and director of public
affairs (1946--47). With Fred Friendly, he produced and narrated a weekly
radio program, Hear It Now (1950--51). An episode from his acclaimed
television series, See It Now (1951--58), helped turn public opinion against
the anti-Communist Senator Joseph McCarthy. For the television series
Person to Person (1953--59), Murrow interviewed celebrities. In 1961, he
became director of the U.S. Information Agency but retired in 1964; his
premature death from cancer was probably hastened by his trademark, the
ever-present cigarette. He was both an eloquent and direct speaker
whose courage and integrity set the standard for the profession.

Cronkite, Walter
1916 --

Reporter, television news anchor. Born Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. on
November 4, 1916, in St. Joseph, Missouri, to parents Walter and Helen. As
one of the most recognizable news reporters in American journalism,
Cronkite is best known for his unbiased reporting that has spanned such
major world events as World War II, the 1963 assassination of President
John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War, the 1969 lunar landing, and the
Watergate scandal.

Cronkite grew up in Houston, Texas, where he attended high school and
worked on the school newspaper. He attended the University of Texas
from 1933-1935, while working as a campus correspondent for The Houston
Post. Dropping out of college, he continued to work at the Post until 1936,
when he moved to Kansas City, where he got a job as an announcer at
radio station KCMO.

From 1937-1948, Cronkite worked for United Press International (UPI),
where he gained valuable experience as a war correspondent. Initially his
assignments were in the United States, but after World War II broke out,
he became a correspondent in both Europe and North Africa. He
participated firsthand in many of the wars major battles, such as landing
with the Allied forces at Normandy Beach, and parachuting into Holland
with the 101st Airborne Division.

Following the war, from his UPI outpost in Brussels, Cronkite served as the
chief correspondent during the Nuremberg trials. Later, he was named the
bureau chief in Moscow. In 1950, the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
hired Cronkite, and in 1951, Americans got their first look at the journalist
who would become one of the most respected television news anchors in
broadcast history. Cronkite began hosting CBS Up to the Minute,
anchoring numerous segments: The Week in Review until 1952, and from
1953-57, You Are There. His popularity continued to grow, and from
1957-1970, he narrated The 20th Century, which was renamed The 21st
Century in 1967.

By 1962, he had become sufficiently established to headline his own news
program. The CBS News with Walter Cronkite aired from 1962-1981 and
featured Cronkites trademark nightly send-off, And thats the way it is,
at the end of every news broadcast. His journalistic talent lay in his ability
to relay the most important news topics of the day with a clear and
objective perspective. On the rare occasion that he demonstrated
emotion during a broadcast, he did so in a way that precisely articulated
the sentiments of the nation. His tearful delivery on November 22, 1963, of
the shocking news of President Kennedys assassination remains one of the
defining moments in the history of broadcast journalism.

In another instance, Cronkite, an avid follower of the Apollo 11 space
mission, did not bother to suppress his exhilaration when, on July 20,
1969as the lunar module finished touching down on the moons
surfacehe reported: Boy! There they sit on the moon! Just exactly
nominal wasnt it? On green with the flight plan, all the way down. Man
finally is standing on the surface of the moon. My golly!

In addition to winning a Golden Globe in 1960, Cronkite is the recipient of
numerous Emmys for his work in broadcast journalism. In 1973, an opinion
poll voted Cronkite the most trusted man in America.

Cronkite has remained active in his retirement, hosting the occasional
television special. In 1995, he provided the voiceover for the Broadway
musical comedy How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. He is
the author of A Reporters Life (1997), a narrative of his 

[CTRL] William L Shirer [covered the German army]

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Shirer, William L. (Lawrence)
1904 -- 1993
Journalist, author; born in Chicago. After working as a correspondent in
Europe and (briefly) in India, he joined CBS in 1937 and broadcast on the
momentous events in Europe from Vienna, London, Prague, and ultimately
Berlin, alerting Americans to the peril of Nazism; at the outset of World
War II he covered the German army in the field. He wrote a syndicated
column for the New York Herald Tribune from 1942 to 1948, Quitting CBS in
1947 in a dispute over the scope for personal opinions, he worked for the
Mutual Broadcasting System before turning to writing full-time. His
comprehensive study of the Nazi regime and its origins, The Rise and Fall of
the Third Reich (1960), though called oversensational by some and
condemned in West Germany as anti-German, won wide praise and a
National Book Award, besides becoming a best-seller. Other books range
from Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 1934--41 (1941)
to Gandhi: A Memoir (1979), based on interviews with Mahatma Gandhi in
the 1930s. His two-volume memoir, Twentieth Century Journey, was
published in 1976 and 1984.

With an Introduction by John Keegan and a Preface by Inga Shirer Dean

This is Berlin
Radio Broadcasts from Nazi Germany

A comprehensive and detailed journal by a reporter gifted with a camera
eye and a tape-recorder earWilliam Shirer preserved an insightful and
invaluable record of a focal part of our history's worst of times The New
York Times Book Review

William Shirer, the acclaimed journalist whose The Rise and Fall of the
Third Reich quickly became, and still remains, the standard work on Nazi
Germany, was a masterful chronicler of the events in Europe that led up to
World War II. This is Berlin gathers together two-and-a-half years worth of
his daily CBS radio broadcasts that described the menacing steps Germany
took toward World War II, just as America and the world heard them. It
would be almost impossible to overstate the importance of William L.
Shirer's broadcasts from GermanyMr. Shirer's descriptionsread as well as
they were heard 60 years ago, said the Dallas Morning News.

Covered here is the staggering news of the almost unbelievable Soviet-Nazi
non-aggression pact; German threats against Poland and the Nazi invasions
of Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium; the Battle of France; the Battle
of Britain; and the threatened German invasion across the Channel. With
chilling immediacy, Shirer's compelling and urgent writings take readers to
the front, providing flashpoints of the imminent war in the words of
America's most trusted correspondence. An introduction by noted
historian John Keegan and a preface by Shirer's daughter, Inga Shirer
Dean, put Shirer's life and work into context.

Here is a vivid, compelling and urgent narrative, one of the great first-
hand documents of the Second World War-The diary of Western
civilization's slide into world war and genocide.  Cleveland Plain Dealer

These transcripts paint a vivid picture of Nazism at its zenith...this new
book will give you a sense of how much scarier World War II was before the
outcome was known. National Review

Shirer's broadcastsare models of eloquence and subterfugeread so well
that one can imagine their power transmitted over the radio waves to an
unsettled worldoffer a firsthand look at history in the making with such
immediacy that any reader will find it hard to put down. Publishers
Weekly (starred review)

His broadcastshave an enduring freshness. Sunday Times

William L. Shirer (1904-1994) was a newspaper correspondent and radio
journalist in the years before and during World War II. He is the author of
the critically acclaimed bestseller The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich as
well as Berlin Diary, The Nightmare Years and many other works.

ISBN: 1-58567-279-3
$18.95 paperback ($27.99CAN)/ 6 x 9 / 478 pp.
May 2002

ISBN: 0-87951-719-0
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October 1999

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after

Re: [CTRL] War, Hitler, Cheney

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

4/1/2003 3:01:54 PM, Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No genuine musical talent?!! I think that statement says it all about the
value of your 'analysis'.

Well, they didn't until they went to the Summer of Love in San Fran then
got a hold of some of that acid that removed the bubblegum from their
instruments ... notice the change in style during that period ...


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[CTRL] Nevada Coining Own Coinage

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Assembly Bill No. 532Committee on
Constitutional Amendments

March 24, 2003

Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments
  SUMMARYDirects issuance of Nevada silver coins. (BDR 31?1297)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.  Effect on
the State: No.


EXPLANATION  Matter in bolded italics is new; matter between brackets
[omitted material] is material to be omitted.
Green numbers along left margin indicate location on the printed bill (e.g.,
5-15 indicates page 5, line 15).

  AN ACT relating to state financial administration; directing the issuance
of Nevada silver coins; providing that such coins are legal tender for all
debts in this state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


1-1 Section 1. Chapter 353 of NRS is hereby amended by adding
1-2 thereto the provisions set forth as sections 2 and 3 of this act.
1-3 Sec. 2.  The Legislature finds that:
1-4 1.  The State of Nevada, at the time of its admission to the
1-5 United States, was a sovereign entity on equal footing with the 13
1-6 sovereignties that formed the compact known as the Constitution
1-7 of the United States.
1-8 2.  In ratifying and approving the Constitution of the United
1-9 States, Nevada agreed to delegate certain of her sovereign powers
1-10 to three agencies of government, all in the form provided by the
1-11 Constitution.
1-123.  Among the powers delegated by Nevada was the sovereign
1-13 power to issue money. That power was delegated by Nevada and its
1-14 sister states to the Congress of the United States in Section 8 of
1-15 Article I of the Constitution of the United States, on condition that
1-16 the Congress would issue all money.

2-1 4.  Nevada also, in Section 10 of Article I of the Constitution
2-2 of the United States, agreed not to issue its own money. This
2-3 agreement was also conditioned upon the Congress discharging its
2-4 obligation to issue money as the agent of Nevada and its sister
2-5 states.
2-6 5.  The purported delegation by the Congress of the power to
2-7 issue money to the Federal Reserve Bank, a privately owned
2-8 corporation, is a violation of the terms of the Constitution of the
2-9 United States.
2-106.  The failure of the Congress to discharge its obligation to
2-11 issue all of the money pursuant to Section 8 of Article I of the
2-12 Constitution of the United States absolves the State of Nevada
2-13 from its constitutional obligation not to issue money.
2-14Sec. 3.  1.  The State of Nevada shall issue into circulation
2-15 coins of the State of Nevada in the face amount of $50,000,000.
2-16 The coins must contain 1 ounce of fine silver, must be alloyed to
2-17 90 percent fineness and must bear The Great Seal of the State of
2-18 Nevada on one side and the words Contains One Troy Ounce
2-19 Fine Silver, Twenty Dollars, Nevada Legal Tender and the
2-20 year of issue on the other side. The coins so issued are legal tender
2-21 for all debts, public and private, in this state.
2-222.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, when the
2-23 coins authorized by subsection 1 are received into the State
2-24 Treasury, they must be reissued. The coins must not be held as a
2-25 reserve except as the Legislature otherwise directs.
2-263.  If the number of coins subject to the control of the State
2-27 Treasurer diminishes to 500,000, the State of Nevada shall make
2-28 successive issues of coins in accordance with subsection 1 in the
2-29 face amount of $50,000,000, unless the total face value of the
2-30 coins already issued is $500,000,000, in which case the State of
2-31 Nevada shall issue no further coins without prior approval of the
2-32 Legislature.
2-334.  If the Legislature of the State of Nevada determines that
2-34 the Congress of the United States is fulfilling its constitutional
2-35 obligation to issue money by:
2-36(a) Requiring the Federal Reserve Bank to retire its
2-37 circulating notes; and
2-38(b) Causing the issuance of sufficient notes of the United
2-39 States and other currency to meet the needs of the commerce of
2-40 the United States and of Nevada,
2-41 the State Treasurer shall retire the coins authorized by this section
2-42 as they are received into the State Treasury.
2-43Sec. 4.  This act becomes effective upon passage and approval.
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is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Demolishing US War Propaganda

2003-04-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-

Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
A HREF= http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

Demolishing US War Propaganda

Editor's Note: What follows is the most incisive deconstruction of the
carnival booths of US propaganda thus far, and deserves wide

Arrogant Propaganda

Meticulous Documentation of US Media  Government Propaganda During the
First 10 Days of the Iraq War

By Paul de Rooij

March 31, 2003

Your BS detector must be on at full blast.
-- Michael Moore, March 28, 2003

In the good old days, the US used to tell a lie -- crass propaganda --
and it would stick for a long time. Journalists would have to scurry for
months before they could expose the lies, but by then it would be almost
irrelevant, e.g., the Tonkin incident lie provided to justify escalation
in the Vietnam War, or the infamous throwing-babies-out-of-incubators
story concocted to swing American opinion in favor of the Gulf War in
1991. In the run up to the US-Iraq war, it became increasingly evident
that propaganda has a diminished half-life [1].

Whereas years ago the reigning technique was to repeat a lie often
enough, now it seems to have given way to a constant barrage of lies or
semi-lies with a very short half-life. As soon as a propaganda ploy has
been exposed, the current media spinners will move to the next tall
story. They seem to count on either the poor memory of the population,
their general disinterest or their credulity. There are also good
reasons to believe that the current barrage-propaganda approach is
losing its effectiveness.

It has become much more difficult to sell wars these days and the
propagandists are remarkably inept. Watching CNN or BBC reveals jarring
shoddy propaganda that is immediately transparent. Marines discovered
a camouflaged chemical weapons factory, but then both CNN and BBC
revealed the source of the story: The Jerusalem Post; it was then
distributed by Fox News. This was the fastest way to discredit the
story, which only lasted two days--later exposed as a fabrication by the
March 25th Financial Times.

In the meantime, one of the warmongering neocons appeared on CNN,
repeating the story, elaborating the details and saying that there was
now proof of the existence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). A day
later CNN mentioned finding a Scud missile inside a factory--another
story with a half-life of a day. On March 26th, they were talking about
finding 3,000 chemical protection suits, as if this proved something. It
is like smelling manure, and then claiming you have found a horse.

This story also is destined for the trashcan if only because Hans Blix,
the ex-UN weapons inspector, mustered a pixel of backbone to state that
it didn't prove anything. Finally, the first few missiles shot by the
Iraqis on Kuwait were intimated to be Scud missiles (illegal under UN
resolutions), but this turned out to be false too.

One must admit that the so-called embedded journalists don't have an
easy time. They tag along with the military and have to amplify the
statements made by the officers who direct them. High-ranking officers
are interviewed, but no critical questions are posed to them.
Transparent nonsense is uttered, and it isn't challenged. The next day
the recently uttered news has been discredited, but it also has
entered both the journalist's and the officer's memory hole.

Never mind, today is another day and another 

[CTRL] CIA Launches False-Flag Attack

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

CIA Launches “False-Flag” Attack on The Biggest Shopping Mall in Kuwait

While the 3rd Infantry massacres unarmed Iraqi children

Joe Vialls,  1 April 2003


News alternatives to US war propaganda:


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2003-04-01 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-



This week's meeting in Washington of the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee has put a spotlight on the Bush administration's delicate dance
with Israel and the Jewish state's friends over the attack on Iraq.

Officially, Israel is not one of the 49 countries the administration has
identified as members of the Coalition of the Willing. Officially, AIPAC
had no position on the merits of a war against Iraq before it started.
Officially, Iraq is not the subject of the
pro-Israel lobby's three-day meeting here.

Now, for the unofficial part: As delegates to the AIPAC meeting were
to town, the group put a headline on its Web site proclaiming: Israeli
Weapons Utilized By Coalition Forces Against Iraq. The item featured a
photograph of a drone with the caption saying the Israeli-made Hunter
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is being used by U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

At an AIPAC session on Sunday night, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom
proclaimed in a speech praising Secretary of State Colin L. Powell: We
followed with great admiration your efforts to mobilize the international
community to disarm Iraq and bring democracy and peace to the region, to
Middle East and to the rest of the world. Just imagine, Mr. Secretary, how
much easier it would have been if Israel had been a member of the Security

A parade of top Bush administration officials -- Powell, national security
adviser Condoleezza Rice, political director Kenneth Mehlman,
of State John R. Bolton and Assistant Secretary of State William Burns --
appeared before the AIPAC audience. The officials won sustained cheers for
their jabs at European opponents of war in Iraq, and their tough remarks
aimed at two perennial foes of Israel, Syria and Iran.

The AIPAC meeting -- attended by about 5,000 people, including half the
Senate and a third of the House -- was planned long before it became clear
it would coincide with hostilities in Iraq.

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[CTRL] Low Mercury Levels Found in Most Women and Children

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Low Mercury Levels Found in Most Women and Children

By Serena Gordon

HealthScoutNews Reporter

TUESDAY, April 1 (HealthScoutNews) -- Most women and children in the United States have
low levels of mercury in their blood, a new federal study says.

However, about 8 percent of women have blood levels of mercury higher than the 
limit set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (news - web sites), the study

Overall, mercury levels are low in the U.S. population, says study author Susan
Schober, a senior epidemiologist from the National Center for Health Statistics.

But she cautions that pregnant women and women who plan to become pregnant should 
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (news - web sites) (FDA) guidelines on fish
consumption, as well as any state and local advisories on the amount of fish that is 
to eat, because fish is a major source of mercury exposure.

The study appears in the April 2 issue of the Journal of the American Medical 
(news - web sites).

Mercury exposure comes from both natural and man-made sources. Humans are exposed to
mercury through coal burning, the incineration of medical waste, dental fillings and
workplace exposure.

However, one of the primary sources of mercury in the body, Schober says, is the
consumption of fish.

When mercury interacts with microbes in the water, it changes into methylmercury, a 
neurotoxin. Methylmercury is particularly dangerous to developing fetuses, the study

Schober and her colleagues conducted physical examinations and took blood samples to 
for mercury levels in 705 children between the ages of 1 and 5. They also tested 1,709
women between the ages of 16 and 49. And they interviewed the study participants -- or
their parents -- about their consumption of fish or shellfish during the previous 30

Most of the women and children had acceptable levels of mercury in their blood. 
percent of the children and 6 percent of the women in the study had undetectable levels
of mercury in their blood.

The researchers did find that 8 percent of the women had mercury levels higher than 
is considered safe by federal standards: Women, on average, had three times the level 
mercury in their blood that the children did.

Mercury levels were almost four times as high in women who ate three or more servings 
fish a week, compared to those who reported eating no fish.

We've been talking about mercury levels in children and pregnant mothers for a long
time, says Dr. Mark Werner, an obstetrician at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak,

Werner says he limits his pregnant patients to three servings of fish per month.

The problem is, what is really safe to eat anymore? adds Werner, noting that fruits 
vegetables are sprayed with potentially harmful pesticides and that meat often harbors
unsafe bacteria.

The FDA recommends that pregnant women avoid eating swordfish, shark, tilefish and king
mackerel altogether. Other fish and shellfish should be limited to no more than 12 
per week. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency adds fresh and frozen tuna to that list,
but says canned tuna is probably fine because those fish are raised differently.

Schober is quick to point out that fish is an important food that has a lot of
nutritional benefits, so we certainly don't want people to be so concerned that they
don't eat it. In fact, she says, the American Heart Association (news - web sites)
recommends eating two servings of fish a week.

Some fish are likely safer than others, the new study reports. Haddock, tilapia, 
cod, pollock and sole appear to have lower levels of methylmercury, according to the

Schober says it's important to pay attention to local and state advisories as well the
FDA guidelines, because some areas of the country may have higher mercury pollution 

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[CTRL] Pentagon To Run Iraqi Colonial Appointments

2003-04-01 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld has rejected a team of officials
proposed by the State Department to help run postwar Iraq in what sources
described as an effort to ensure the Pentagon controls every aspect of
reconstructing the country
and forming a new government. While vetoing the group of eight current and
former State Department officials, including several ambassadors to Arab
states, the Pentagon's top civilian leadership has planned prominent roles
in the postwar administration for former CIA director R. James Woolsey and
others who have long supported the idea of replacing Iraq's government,
according to sources close to the issue.

The dispute is over who will occupy what are designed as de facto cabinet
ministries under retired Gen. Jay M. Garner, the Pentagon-named head of a
new Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, until the country
can be fully handed over to Iraqis. By interagency agreement, portfolios
such as education and trade were to be filled by the State Department, with
the Pentagon choosing the civilian advisers for other departments.
said that Walter Slocum, who served as undersecretary of defense during the
Clinton administration, has been penciled in for the Iraqi defense
Slocum declined to comment last night.

The Pentagon had listed Woolsey for the Iraqi information ministry, sources
said, until the White House suggested he might be inappropriate because of
his CIA background and close association with one faction of the incohesive
Iraqi opposition. Sources said that he is still in consideration for a
variety of jobs. Asked yesterday whether he is joining Garner's
team,Woolsey said he felt such information should come from the government
rather than from him.

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[CTRL] The Fight to Control Your Mind

2003-04-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Fight to Control Your Mind
Richard Glen Boire

Should the government have the right to alter the biochemistry of your brain? Richard Glen Boire, codirector and legal counsel of the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, says no, and he's making his case before the Supreme Court. In Sell v. US, the government argues that it can drug Charles Sell, a dentist from Missouri, in order to make him competent to stand trial. Boire, whose amicus brief argues that Sell has a right to integrity of mind, explains why cognitive liberty goes way beyond this one case. 

WIRED: What is cognitive liberty? 

BOIRE: It's the right to determine your own thinking processes, which also means resisting attempts by others, including the government, to manipulate the electrochemical state of your brain. In Sell's case, the government wants to alter his thinking by forcibly drugging him. It's a scary notion with deep implications for the modern status of freedom of thought.

The Constitution already protects freedom of thought. 

That's true. What we're arguing is that the legal interpretation of the Constitution needs expanding to account for recent scientific advances in manipulating the brain. 

So you think the law isn't keeping up with technology?

To adapt Marshall McLuhan's phrase, the law drives forward by looking in the rearview mirror. The law needs to be harmonized with what's going on in society today so we're not just giving lip service to freedom of thought while the thing that makes it meaningful, the autonomy of a person's brain, is being eroded.

How is it being eroded?

The law needs to account for the plethora of new drugs and technologies making it possible to augment, modulate, and surveil thinking. The question increasingly is: Who has the power to do this, the individual or the government? We contend that the power should rest with the individual. 

Charles Sell is a pretty unsavory character, particularly in his views about race. So why should we care what the Supreme Court says about his cognitive liberty? 

Protecting speech for everybody means protecting it for unsavory people. The same is true of cognitive liberty. The point is to avoid giving government the power to commit cognitive censorship, whether it's targeting people we agree with or people we don't. That's inherent in all true freedoms.

- Michael Erard

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[CTRL] Iraq: The Public Divides

2003-04-01 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Deeply divided US agrees on only one issue - support for the troops
By Andrew Gumbel, in Los Angeles
02 April 2003

In the eyes of the American public, the conflict in the Middle East is
going in one of two radically different ways.

For those who were broadly supportive of the war to start with, the
campaign is making excellent, if not trouble-free, progress.

Civilian casualties have, as promised, been kept to a minimum. Saddam
Hussein may well be dead, and the rest of the Iraqi leadership is, they
believe, severely weakened and growing weaker by the day.

A very different interpretation is circulating among opponents of the war.
As they see it, American and British troops have made a disastrous series
of miscalculations and are now struggling on the battlefield as they await

Warplanes and troops are engaging in an immoral slaughter of innocents and
risk unleashing a humanitarian disaster in Iraq's cities. Not only is the
Iraqi leadership not capitulating, but President Saddam is being turned
into a hero for his stance against the most powerful military force.

America is thus experiencing a truly bizarre split. People in the anti-war
camp often say they do not know a single person in favour of the Iraq
campaign, and refuse to believe opinion polls showing support for the
conflict holding steady at about 70 per cent.

Pro-war Americans can't make quite the same claim - almost every one of
their rallies, after all, has been met by a protest - but they too believe
they represent the true feelings of their fellow countrymen.

Under these circumstances, determining the prevailing mood is next to

One prominent political pollster, Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy
Institute of California, said opinions were very much fluid and influenced
by the events du jour. Another poll, by a group called Pipa/Knowledge
Networks, broke down the 70 per cent pro-war figure and discovered that
only 40 per cent of Americans are firmly behind the war; 20 per cent are
firmly against, and the rest - in common with the mainstream media and the
Democrats - are inclined to rally round President George Bush for the time

It does not help that much public opinion is marked by ignorance and
confusion. Almost half of the country believes Saddam was responsible for
11 September, which he was not.

Broadly speaking, opposition to the war tends to increase with greater
education levels, although that is not uniformly true. War supporters tend
to get their news from television, especially the Fox News cable channel, a
shameless cheerleader for Mr Bush's agenda, and tend to believe what they
are told by the Pentagon. Opponents are more likely to surf the internet
for foreign newspaper reports and alternative news sites, discounting what
the government says as empty propaganda.

If the two sides agree on anything, it is the troops. In contrast to the
Vietnam War, when returning soldiers were sometimes spat on, this
generation's peace movement says the best way to support the troops is to
bring them home.

Although most military families are either pro-war or keep their doubts to
themselves, a new group called Military Families Speak Out has sprung up,
representing about 300 families. I support the warrior, not the war, one
of its founders, Charley Richardson, who has a son aged 25 in the marines,

In some ways, life is going on as normal. Though attendance at cinemas has
dropped, people are going to sports games, to parties and big Broadway
shows. Anxiety is nevertheless on the rise, especially in states where
severe budget deficits are leading to draconian cuts in education, public
health and other services.

With the war, and the budget cuts, and the recession, this is just the
worst time imaginable in many of our lives, said Alan Friedenberg, a
school principal in southern California.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Russian military intel update: War in Iraq, March 31

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Russian military intel update: War in Iraq, March 31
01.04.2003 [13:13]

During the night of March 30-31 the situation on the US-Iraqi front became increasingly
more critical. All indications are that the coalition has launched a new attack.

Following a three-hour-long artillery barrage and several nighttime aviation strikes 
coalition forces came in contact with the Iraqi troops near Karabela and attempted to
move around the Iraqi defenses from the east.

For now the coalition is limiting its actions to probing the forward layer of the Iraqi
defenses, attempting to assess its density and organization after nearly five days of
artillery and aerial bombardment. There have been no reports of any coalition breaks
through the Iraqi defenses in this area. At the same time morning radio intercepts
uncovered a large US military convoy moving around the Razzaza Lake. At the moment it 
unclear whether the purpose of this movement is to get to the town of Ar-Ramdia or a
wider maneuver leading to the town of Al-Falludja.

Another [coalition] convoy numbering up to 100 combat vehicles was seen near the town 
Al-Hillah moving in the southeaster direction 30 kilometers from the strategic Baghdad-
Basra highway. Given there is no Iraqi resistance this coalition force will be able to
reach the highway by today’s night. So far there were no reports of any losses in this

The US forces resumed attacking Iraqi defenses near An-Najaf. The US group of force in
this area has been reinforced with at least three reserve Marine battalions and now
Americans are trying once again to capture this key town. According to the US
intelligence Iraqi defenses in this area number up to 3,000 troops aided by around 
volunteers and [Ba’ath] party activists. The Iraqis here are armed with around 30 T-55
and T-62 tanks, up to four artillery batteries and more than 300 various anti-tank
weapons. The town is being stormed by the elements of the 1st Marine Division numbering
up to 6,000 troops assisted by 80 tanks and 60 artillery systems. Additionally, aerial
support is provided by up to 40 helicopters. So far the Americans were unable to push 
enemy. Early today morning an American tank was destroyed near An-Najaf. At least two 
its crew were killed.

Intensive exchange of fire is continuing in the vicinity of An-Nasiriya. The US Marines
have so far been unable to side nth staging area they captured seven days ago on the 
bank of Euphrates. The bridge connecting this staging area with the main coalition 
is nearly destroyed and is under constant fire from the Iraqi defenses located in the
riverside city blocks. This is the reason why the [coalition] troops holding the 
area can only be reinforced by small and lightly-armed units and only during nighttime.
During the past night alone the Marines holding the staging area sustained 2 killed 
and 5

The situation [for the coalition] is complicated by the fact that the residential 
occupied by the defending Iraqis come to the very edge of the river, giving a 
advantage to the defenders who control the river and all approaches to the river.
Currently the coalition artillery and aviation is methodically destroying these blocks 
an attempt to push the Iraqis away from the shoreline.

Intercepted radio communications indicate that the Marines engineering units are 
to build a pontoon crossing up the stream from An-Nasiriya and move up to three
battalions of Marines and troops from the 82nd Airborne Division to the left bank of 
Euphrates for a future strike in the rear of the An-Nasiriya garrison. The coalition
command would have been ready to bypass other defended crossings on the Euphrates if it
wasn’t for one problem: the entire group of forces has only two pontoon units. Any new
pontoon units will arrive not sooner than in mid-April.

A standoff between the Basra garrison and the British marine infantry is continuing in
the area of Basra. Using localized attacks the British are attempting to “lean” on 
as closely as possible and to tighten the blockade, but so far they were unsuccessful.
Thus, during the last night the British attempted to take the town of Al-Hasib located 
kilometers southeast of Basra. The British plan was to reach the Al-Arab River and to
slice the local Iraqi defenses in half, separating Basra from the defending Iraqi 
on the Fao peninsula. Up to a battalion of the British marine infantry supported by
armored vehicles entered the town of Al-Hasib from south but in less than an hour they
were stopped by Iraqi fire and requested aviation and artillery support.

Fighting for the control of the town is continuing. At least two British soldiers were
killed and three were wounded in this battle. One British armored personnel carrier was
destroyed. British commanders are reporting killing 50 Iraqis and capturing 10. In the
area of the As-Zubair River port, which 

[CTRL] Friends don't let friends start wars

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Friends don't let friends start wars of aggression
Montreal Gazette
Monday, March 31, 2003

Joseph Heath holds the Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Political
Economy at the Universit de Montral.

Local cheerleaders for the war against Iraq, having failed to convince
many Canadians of the substantive merits of the American case, have
recently begun to switch tactics. They are now claiming that, regardless
of how we feel about the weapons-of-mass-destruction issue, we owe it to
our American friends, as a matter of pure loyalty, to assist them in
their hour of need.

They point out, quite correctly, that Canada benefits greatly from the
protection of the United States security umbrella. One of the reasons
that we get away with spending so little on our own defence is that we
know the U.S. would protect us, were we ever to be attacked. So do we
owe it to the U.S. to show a bit of gratitude and help them out now that
they are at war?

This argument was picked up recently by Paul Cellucci, the United States
ambassador to Canada. After making some thinly veiled threats about
compromised trade relationships, Cellucci had this to say: There is no
security threat to Canada that the United States would not be ready,
willing and able to help with. There would be no debate, there would be
no hesitation, he claimed. That is why so many in the United States are
disappointed and upset that Canada is not fully supporting us now.

The claim seems to me correct, as far as it goes. The problem is that it
completely misses the point. I have no doubt that if Canada faced an
actual security threat, like a foreign invasion, the United States would
indeed help out. But what if Canada merely felt threatened?

And what if Canada was unable to produce any concrete evidence that
threat was imminent? What if many of the documents Canada put forward
support of its claims turned out to be forged or inconclusive?
Furthermore, what if the American leadership concluded that the threat
was not serious enough to justify pre-emptive military action?

Under such circumstances, could we really expect American assistance
no debate and no hesitation, simply because we asked for it? Anyone
who reflects honestly upon the question, and who understands how the
political system functions, knows the answer. Under such circumstances,
absolutely no American assistance would be forthcoming. Why? Because
U.S. military does not consider itself responsible for protecting Canada
against imaginary threats. No matter how much they might like us.

Thus, the problem with the ambassador's claim is that he is presupposing
what he should be proving. He starts by assuming that the American
position is correct - that Saddam Hussein posed an imminent threat to the
security of the United States. But that is precisely what is at issue in
the disagreement between Canada and the U.S. The government of Canada
judged that Iraq did not pose a security threat sufficient to justify
pre-emptive war.

It bears repeating that Canada is not the only country in the world to
come to this conclusion. It is precisely because the overwhelming
majority of nations in the world share this judgment that the U.S. was
unable to obtain a second Security Council resolution. The fact that
Mexico shares our position speaks volumes (especially since Mexico is
much more vulnerable than Canada to threats of the type that Cellucci

In spite of accusations that it has been waffling, the Chrtien
government has actually been perfectly on message when it comes to this
issue. Last week, both Prime Minister Jean Chrtien and Foreign Affairs
Minister Bill Graham were careful to draw a terminological distinction
between the war on terror and the war against Iraq, thereby
emphasizing that the government of Canada does not regard the latter as a
legitimate component of the former. Both went on to emphasize that
remains wholeheartedly committed to the war against terrorism. In other
words, we are prepared to assist the U.S. with security threats that we
judge to be salient.

No one can deny that when the United States was attacked, Canada
to its defence (with no debate and no hesitation). We just need to keep
reminding everyone that the United States was attacked by Al-Qa'ida, not
Iraq. Does loyalty to our American friends compel us to act against our
own better judgment? Does it compel us to act against what we perceive
be their best interests? I don't think so.

Everyone knows the saying, friends don't let friends drink and drive.
Perhaps we should introduce a new saying for international affairs:
friends don't let friends initiate wars of aggression in defiance of
world opinion.
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on 

[CTRL] Fwd: New from Rule-the-World Productions

2003-04-01 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
Subject: Fwd: New from Rule-the-World Productions
Date: 4/1/2003 7:15:42 PM

T r u t h W a t c h


A brief progress report from Jim Babka,
President, American Liberty Foundation

Plus, a rare satirical column by Harry Browne
on Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Dear Friends,

Im amazed and gratified by the growing
interest in http://www.TruthAboutWar.org.
Last Wednesday, we had our highest traffic day
ever -- over 5,000 visitors in a single day.

In addition, our TruthWatch subscriber list has
grown to 1841 since the site was launched a
mere 49 days ago. About a third have subscribed
since the war began.

We had expected that traffic would decline once
the war in Iraq began and our radio ads were no
longer running. However, that hasnt been the

There has been more public opposition in the
early days of this war than I recall being
present at the start of any previous conflict.
And, although most Americans are willing to
support the war in Iraq, and especially our
troops, much of that support is uneasy and

Americans may be willing to give President Bush
the benefit of the doubt, but there are doubts.
Doubts about whether this war was truly
necessary; doubts about the foreign policy
choices that ultimately led to this conflict.

People with doubts seek information. Documented
facts they can rely on. An alternative to the
propaganda (both pro and anti-war) that they
get from the mainstream media. An alternative
they find at

Thats our mission. We believe that presenting
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth about war is the best way to prevent it.

We remain committed to exposing Americans to
the truth -- that war is the health of state
and virtually always conducted for its benefit,
not for the benefit of the citizens of America.
That war is the means by which government
expands its power and extinguishes liberty.

Were working to complete our site redesign as
quickly as possible, so that we can begin
exposing Americans to the truth about all wars
while interest in this ware remains high. The
more people we can network together during this
war, the better our chances of preventing the
next one.

However, its going to take several weeks to do
the research, draft new sections and articles,
and launch the new site. Given the strong
traffic the site is still receiving, we also
need to continue sending out updates and
publishing fresh new articles about the war in
Iraq. We want people to continue visiting the
site and recommending it to their friends,
family, and coworkers.

In order to continue publishing fresh content
while the site is being redesigned, we need to
devote more staff time and other foundation
resources to this project than we had
originally budgeted.

Do you appreciate the work were doing? If so,
can you help us reach even more people with the
truth about war? Your generous tax-deductible
donation will help make it happen by enabling
us to devote more staff time and resources to

To contribute, please visit:

In the past, I've been able to count on your
support in our campaign to tell the truth about
war. I hope I can count on your support again
to continue this important project. Thank you.


Jim Babka
American Liberty Foundation

P.S. In recent years, there's been some kind of
serious military flare-up, foreign policy
crisis, or war about every 12-18 months. We
need to build a network of Americans committed
to exposing the truth about war now, before the
next conflict begins. Please give us your
support. Please contribute today at:

P.P.S. Here is a rare, satirical column by
American Liberty Foundation Founder Harry
Browne. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Rule-the-World Productions Proudly Presents ...

Now Playing on a TV Channel Near You

**  Operation Iraqi Freedom **

Coming Attractions

See our other Epic Productions, coming soon:

Operation Iranian Freedom
Operation Syrian Freedom
Operation Libyan Freedom
Operation Lebanese Freedom
Operation Zimbabwian Freedom
Operation Philippine Freedom *
Operation Pakistani Freedom
Operation Afghan Freedom III *
Operation Indonesian Freedom
Operation Saudi Arabian Freedom
Operation Algerian Freedom
Operation Angolan Freedom
Operation Azerbaijanian Freedom *
Operation Bahrainian Freedom
Operation Belarusian Freedom
Operation Bhutanian Freedom
Operation Bruneian Freedom
Operation Burmese Freedom
Operation Burundian Freedom
Operation Cambodian Freedom
Operation Cameroonian Freedom
Operation Chadian Freedom
Operation Colombian Freedom *
Operation Cuban Freedom
Operation Egyptian Freedom
Operation Equatorial Guinean Freedom
Operation Eritrean Freedom *

[CTRL] Oil industry suppressed plans for 200-mpg car

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   hrossthjof [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Tue, 01 Apr 2003 13:56:56 -
Subject:[cia-drugs] Oil industry suppressed plans for 200-mpg car
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  March 31, 2003

Oil industry suppressed plans for 200-mpg car

By Simon de Bruxelles

THE original blueprints for a device that could have revolutionised the motor car have
been discovered in the secret compartment of a tool box.

A carburettor that would allow a car to travel 200 miles on a gallon of fuel caused oil
stocks to crash when it was announced by its Canadian inventor Charles Nelson Pogue in
the 1930s.

But the carburettor was never produced and, mysteriously, Pogue went overnight from
impoverished inventor to the manager of a successful factory making oil filters for the
motor industry. Ever since, suspicion has lingered that oil companies and car
manufacturers colluded to bury Pogue's invention.

Now a retired Cornish mechanic has enlisted the help of the University of Plymouth to
rebuild Pogue's revolutionary carburettor, known as the Winnipeg, from blueprints he
found hidden beneath a sheet of plywood in the box.

The controversial plans once caused panic among oil companies and rocked the Toronto
Stock Exchange when tests carried out on the carburettor in the 1930s proved that it

Patrick Davies, 72, from St Austell, had owned the tool box for 40 years but only
recently decided to clean it out. As well as drawings of the carburettor, the envelope
contained two pages of plans, three test reports and six pages of notes written by 

They included a report of a test that Pogue had done on his lawnmower, which showed 
he had managed to make the engine run for seven days on a quart (just under a litre) of

The documents also described how the machine worked by turning petrol into a vapour
before it entered the cylinder chamber, reducing the amount of fuel needed for

Mr Davies has had the patent number on the plans authenticated, proving that they are
genuine documents.

He said: I couldn't believe what I saw. I used to be a motor mechanic and I knew this
was something else altogether. I was given the tool box by a friend after I helped to
paint her house in 1964. Her husband had spent a lot of time in Canada.

The announcement of Pogue's invention caused enormous excitement in the American motor
industry in 1933, when he drove 200 miles on one gallon of fuel in a Ford V8. However,
the Winnipeg was never manufactured commercially and after 1936 it disappeared 
amid allegations of a political cover-up.

Dr Murray Bell, of the University of Plymouth's department of mechanical and marine
engineering, said he would consider trying to build a model of the Pogue carburettor.

Engineers who have tried in the past to build a carburettor using Pogue's theories have
found the results less than satisfactory. Charles Friend, of Canada's National Research
Council, told Marketplace, a consumer affairs programme: You can get fantastic mileage
if you're prepared to de-rate the vehicle to a point where, for example, it might take
you ten minutes to accelerate from 0 to 30 miles an hour.

--- End of forwarded message ---

News alternatives to US war propaganda:


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Is Hussein Owner of Crashed UFO?

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Clarence Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Is Hussein Owner of Crashed UFO?
Date sent:  Tue, 01 Apr 2003 18:35:33 -0800

Subject: Is Hussein Owner of Crashed UFO?

clip On December 16, 1998, during Operation Desert Fox against Iraq, a
video clip aired on CNN showing a UFO hovering over Baghdad; it moved away
to avoid a stream of anti-aircraft fire.  At that time we all thought it was
another UFO sighting, although captured on videotape.  But now, ufologists
think it was much more than a mere incident.

Full article: http://english.pravda.ru/main/2003/01/31/42821.html
--- End of forwarded message ---

News alternatives to US war propaganda:


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [anti-imperialiste] Primakov=TRAITOR

2003-04-01 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:22 PM
Subject: [anti-imperialiste] Primakov=TRAITOR

 Get Ready for the USSA
 (The United Soviet States of America)
 Behind the Scenes in the Beltway is published regularly online at Al
Martin Raw, (http://www.almartinraw.com).

 (March 17) You will be happy to learn that the former head of the KGB (the
secret police of the former Soviet Union), General Yevgeni Primakov, has
been hired as a consultant by the US Department of Homeland Security. Do you
think he will share his expertise in security to prepare US citizens for
domestic internal passports under the pretense of fighting the never-ending
War on Terrorism?

 CAPPS II is the name of the new program which is technically under the
auspices of the US Department of Transporation, but that's only technical
and the only reaosn they did that was to use the Transportation Department's
budget to buy the computer hardware and software they need.

 The way it works is you give them your credit card and they slide it
thorough like you would in a store and then they hit a button and the
monitor reads: CAPPS II, SS CTF. The SS CTF evidently stands for State
Security Citizen Threat File. But it has nothing to do with the Department
of Transportation. It goes directly to a division, which has been
established between the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the
CIA and several other federal agencies. This is a new division, referred to
as the Office of Internal Security, which is coordinating the effort to
establish citizen threat files on every US citizen. It will be a huge
database including credit files, medical files, political and religious
affiliation, military history, attendance at anti-government rallies,etc.

 The newsclip didn't point out what information is being accessed.

 The only thing they'll tell you is they're going to access your credit
history, but like the guy giving the interview said they will be accessing a
whole lot more. They just don't tell you what it is. When the Department of
Homeland Security was asked about it, they wouldn't say but replied that it
would defeat the purpose if we told you what it was we were looking for.

 No announcement will be made to the public about what information exactly
is being accessed or exactly how much information or what type of
information is going to be included in each citizen's security threat file.

 What I liked about this segment is that they interviewed General Yevgeni
Primakov, who is now a consultant to the Department of Homeland Security
along with General Alexander Karpov.

 Primakov was laughing about it because he's getting paid a big fee to do
it. He doesn't care, of course. Primakov speaks beautiful English, as you
would expect a former head of the KGB to do. When he was asked what is this
CAPPS II program really about, because obviously even terrorists could
have credit ratings.

 Primakov said that this is one of the steps now being employed along with
NICA and new identity upgrade features which are coming to your driver's
license. It is being used to get the people used to new types of
documentation and carrying new types of identity cards pursuant to the
United States instituting a formal policy of internal passports.And he
actually used the words internal passports.

 It's like he said and he was pretty knowledgeable. When the NICA (National
Identity Card Act) gets passed, the Posse Comitatus Act gets overturned, a
few other pieces of legislation yet to be proffered get passed, the White
House will have more control over the American people than the Kremlin had
over the Russian people when Stalin was alive. He said that and then he

 What Primakov finds funny are what he calls these right wing flag wavers
that were so anti-communist and now they're supporting a state policy of
internal passports.

 The irony is deafening.

 Old right wing farts -- turn up your hearing aids for the irony is

 Primakov continued by saying that he had been hired as a consultant and he
was consulting on other security matters, an ongoing policy in various
agencies of government (some of these offices haven't even been created yet)
to consistently narrow the rights of the American people and to expand the
power of government. He professed not to know why, the reason for all this
was, other than he admitted that it doesn't have much to do with 'fighting

 In other words, it's funny that we need a commie to come over here and
tell people the truth. And remember its not just any commie, it's the former
head of the KGB, who is being (paid) for with taxpayers' money from all the
(naive) flag wavers out there.

 If you think about it - how ironic this whole thing is. And it's not only
Primakov, who was, by the way the last general of the KGB, before the KGB
was changed to RFSS. Look who else was hired. There's General 

[CTRL] Inferno

2003-04-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


MEDIA LENS: Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media

March 28, 2003


Civilian Casualties, Censorship and Patriotism

Niche Killing

It's hard to believe that a little more than one week ago, the Iraqi regime,
facing imminent attack, was meekly dismantling its al-Samoud missiles,
presenting scientists for interview, and allowing hundreds of air strikes to
deplete its forces without reply. US oil, 'defence' and other
state-corporate interests had of course long since chosen war. Or, rather,
they had chosen a cake walk  a parade of the best firepower money can
buy, a travelling arms fair ensuring that the latest killing machines would
be suitably 'combat tested'. US generals talked of flexibility and
responsiveness, British generals of niche combat roles. This sounded
disturbingly like the Total Quality jargon of management consultancy.

And now a giant snake of military equipment lies caked in dust, bruised and
battered, its body wallowing in the blood of innocents. Suddenly Stalingrad
feels like something that happened only sixty years ago. There is a palpable
sense of the ghosts of ancient wars looking down grimly on a humbled
leviathan. It's an old story: supply lines overstretched by overconfidence,
state of the art power shaken by 'little people' who weren't supposed to
matter, people who haven't read the script. Suddenly war seems about blood
and courage again, not computers.

But there is no glory here  US and UK troops have been lead into a
nightmare, they are dying for a cause that no one should be asked to die
for. Can you imagine dying for Bush and Blair? Can you imagine killing for
them? Michelle Waters, the sister of a Marine who died soon after the war
began, says of her family:

It's all for nothing. That war could have been prevented. Now, we're out of
a brother. Bush is not out of a brother. We are. (Quoted, 'Media War:
Obsessed With Tactics And Technology', Norman Solomon, ZNet, March 27, 2003)

And the people of Iraq  their soldiers, often conscripts, are people too -
are being slaughtered in their thousands. Hell, we now know, is a bombed
market place under an orange sky in a war fought for oil and power. Hell is
an impoverished, speechless market trader trembling amid the body parts.
Alas, cried Shantideva a thousand years ago, our sorrows fall in endless

Restraining Hands

In some spiritual traditions compassion is described as the invisible
protector of living beings. If this sounds like mere sentiment, consider
that compassion is protecting the civilian population of Iraq in a very real
way, right now. The millions of ordinary people who felt like insignificant
ants marching in giant crowds in February and March have had this very real
effect: they have placed an invisible restraining hand on the shoulders of
the people throwing the Tomahawks, the MOABs and the JDAMs. The US military
does not feel able to shed the blood of thousands of civilians by bringing
its giant, fiery hammers down on urban areas  they know the world is
watching, they know the world will not tolerate it. They know this because
you and we filled small areas of space with our bodies on the streets of our
cities. It didn't feel like much at the time.

Be in no doubt, if this had been Stalin or Churchill, if it had been Nixon
or Reagan, Basra and Baghdad would now be rubble. This could well be
changing  when mighty armies start taking casualties the gloves tend to be
mislaid  and optimism must not stray into naivety, but we must be clear
about one important point: the protests, the concern, the dissent, are
absolutely vital. They have made a difference.

The media is, of course, busy sanitising the horrors that are taking place
in our names. Indeed the ability to overlook horrors committed by the West
and its allies is a key job requirement for mainstream journalists. A Nexis
database search showed that between 1990-1999 the Los Angeles Times, New
York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek and Time used the word 'genocide' 132
times to describe the actions of Iraq against Kurds. Over the same period
the same word was used 14 times to describe the actions of Turkey against
Kurds. We all know what Iraq is alleged to have done to the Kurds at Halabja
and elsewhere, but how many people know about the 50,000 Kurdish dead and 3
million refugees, victims of Turkish military assault? Who knows that 80% of
the arms were supplied by the US, including M-60 tanks, F-16
fighter-bombers, Cobra gunships, and Blackhawk 'slick' helicopters? As
Turkish commandos slip now across the border into Northern Iraq, the BBC's
John Simpson comments: Of course the Kurds are very nervous about the whole
thing. (BBC1, March 22) If an enemy and not a NATO ally had been involved,
we might perhaps have been given a little information on the detail behind
the jitters.

Hiding the good guy horrors of course becomes seriously problematic in
time of war. On 

[CTRL] A think tank war: Why old Europe says no

2003-04-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


A think tank war: Why old Europe says no
ByMargo KingstonMarch 7 2003
This war came from a think tank
by Jochen Boelsche, spiegel
It was in no way a conspiracy. As far back as 1998, ultra right US think 
tanks had developed and published plans for an era of US world domination, 
sidelining the UN and attacking Iraq. These people were not taken seriously. But 
now they are calling the tune.
German commentators and correspondents have been confused. Washington has 
tossed around so many types of reasons for war on Baghdad "that it could make 
the rest of the world dizzy", said the South German Times.
And the Nuremburg News reported on public statements last week by 
Presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer to an inner circle in the US that war can 
only be avoided if Saddam not only disarms, but also leaves office.
Regime change is a condition that is in none of the barely remembered 18 UN 
resolutions. The Nuremburg News asked in astonishment whether Fleischer 
had made the biggest Freudian slip of his career or whether he spoke with the 
President's authority.
It's not about Saddam's weapons
So it goes. Across the world critics of President Bush are convinced that a 
second Gulf War is actually about replacing Saddam, whether the dictator is 
involved with WMD or not. "It's not about his WMD," writes the German born 
Israeli peace campaigner, Uri Avnery, "its purely a war about world domination, 
in business, politics, defence and culture".
There are real models for this. They were already under development by far 
right Think Tanks in the 1990s, organisations in which cold-war warriors from 
the inner circle of the secret services, from evangelical churches, from weapons 
corporations and oil companies forged shocking plans for a new world order.
In the plans of these hawks a doctrine of "might is right" would operate, and 
the mightiest of course would be the last superpower, America.
Visions of world power on the Web
To this end the USA would need to use all means - diplomatic, economic and 
military, even wars of aggression - to have long term control of the resources 
of the planet and the ability to keep any possible rival weak.
These 1990's schemes of the Think Tanks, from sidelining the UN to a series 
of wars to establish dominance - were in no way secret. Nearly all these 
scenarios have been published; some are accessible on the Web.
For a long time these schemes were shrugged off as fantasy produced by 
intellectual mavericks - arch-conservative relics of the Reagan era, the coldest 
of cold-war warriors, hibernating in backwaters of academia and lobby 
At the White House an internationalist spirit was in the air. There was talk 
of partnerships for universal human rights, of multi-lateralism in relations 
with allies. Treaties on climate-change, weapons control, on landmines and 
international justice were on the agenda.
Saddam's fall was planned in 1998
In this liberal climate there came, nearly unnoticed, a 1997 proposal of the 
Project for the New American Century (PNAC) that forcefully mapped out 
"America's global leadership". On 28 Jan 1998 the PNAC project team wrote to 
President Clinton demanding a radical change in dealings with the UN and the end 
of Saddam.
While it was not clear whether Saddam was developing WMD, he was, they said, 
a threat to the US, Israel, the Arab States and "a meaningful part of the 
world's oil reserves". They put their case as follows:
"In the short term this means being ready to lead military action, without 
regard for diplomacy. In the long term it means disarming Saddam and his regime. 
We believe that the US has the right under existing Security Council resolutions 
to take the necessary steps, including war, to secure our vital interests in the 
Gulf. In no circumstances should America's politics be crippled by the misguided 
insistence of the Security Council on unanimity." (clintonletter)
Blueprint for an offensive
This letter might have remained yellowing in the White House archives if it 
did not read like a blue-print for a long-desired war, and still might have been 
forgotten if ten PNAC members had not signed it. These signatories are today all 
part of the Bush Administration. They are Dick Cheney - Vice President, Lewis 
Libby - Cheney's Chief of Staff, Donald Rumsfeld - Defence Minister, Paul 
Wolfowitz - Rumsfeld's deputy, Peter Rodman - in charge of 'Matters of Global 
Security', John Bolton - State Secretary for Arms Control, Richard Armitage - 
Deputy Foreign Minister, Richard Perle - former Deputy Defence Minister under 
Reagan, now head of the Defense Policy Board, William Kristol - head of the PNAC 
and adviser to Bush, known as the brains of the President, Zalmay Khalilzad - 
fresh from being special ambassador and kingmaker in Afghanistan, now Bush's 
special ambassador to the Iraqi opposition.
But even before that - over ten years ago - two 

[CTRL] Practice to Deceive

2003-04-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


Practice to Deceive
Chaos in the Middle East is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario--it's
their plan.

By Joshua Micah Marshall
Imagine it's six months from now. The Iraq war is over. After an initial
burst of joy and gratitude at being liberated from Saddam's rule, the people
of Iraq are watching, and waiting, and beginning to chafe under American
occupation. Across the border, in Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, our
conquering presence has brought street protests and escalating violence. The
United Nations and NATO are in disarray, so America is pretty much on its
own. Hemmed in by budget deficits at home and limited financial assistance
from allies, the Bush administration is talking again about tapping Iraq's
oil reserves to offset some of the costs of the American presence--talk that
is further inflaming the region. Meanwhile, U.S. intelligence has discovered
fresh evidence that, prior to the war, Saddam moved quantities of biological
and chemical weapons to Syria. When Syria denies having such weapons, the
administration starts massing troops on the Syrian border. But as they begin
to move, there is an explosion: Hezbollah terrorists from southern Lebanon
blow themselves up in a Baghdad restaurant, killing dozens of Western aid
workers and journalists. Knowing that Hezbollah has cells in America,
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge puts the nation back on Orange Alert.
FBI agents start sweeping through mosques, with a new round of arrests of
Saudis, Pakistanis, Palestinians, and Yemenis.

To most Americans, this would sound like a frightening state of affairs, the
kind that would lead them to wonder how and why we had got ourselves into
this mess in the first place. But to the Bush administration hawks who are
guiding American foreign policy, this isn't the nightmare scenario. It's
everything going as anticipated.

In their view, invasion of Iraq was not merely, or even primarily, about
getting rid of Saddam Hussein. Nor was it really about weapons of mass
destruction, though their elimination was an important benefit. Rather, the
administration sees the invasion as only the first move in a wider effort to
reorder the power structure of the entire Middle East. Prior to the war, the
president himself never quite said this openly. But hawkish neoconservatives
within his administration gave strong hints. In February, Undersecretary of
State John Bolton told Israeli officials that after defeating Iraq, the
United States would deal with Iran, Syria, and North Korea. Meanwhile,
neoconservative journalists have been channeling the administration's
thinking. Late last month, The Weekly Standard's Jeffrey Bell reported that
the administration has in mind a world war between the United States and a
political wing of Islamic fundamentalism ... a war of such reach and
magnitude [that] the invasion of Iraq, or the capture of top al Qaeda
commanders, should be seen as tactical events in a series of moves and
countermoves stretching well into the future.

In short, the administration is trying to roll the table--to use U.S.
military force, or the threat of it, to reform or topple virtually every
regime in the region, from foes like Syria to friends like Egypt, on the
theory that it is the undemocratic nature of these regimes that ultimately
breeds terrorism. So events that may seem negative--Hezbollah for the first
time targeting American civilians; U.S. soldiers preparing for war with
Syria--while unfortunate in themselves, are actually part of the hawks'
broader agenda. Each crisis will draw U.S. forces further into the region
and each countermove in turn will create problems that can only be fixed by
still further American involvement, until democratic governments--or,
failing that, U.S. troops--rule the entire Middle East.

There is a startling amount of deception in all this--of hawks deceiving the
American people, and perhaps in some cases even themselves. While it's
conceivable that bold American action could democratize the Middle East, so
broad and radical an initiative could also bring chaos and bloodshed on a
massive scale. That all too real possibility leads most establishment
foreign policy hands, including many in the State Department, to view the
Bush plan with alarm. Indeed, the hawks' record so far does not inspire
confidence. Prior to the invasion, for instance, they predicted that if the
United States simply announced its intention to act against Saddam
regardless of how the United Nations voted, most of our allies, eager to be
on our good side, would support us. Almost none did. Yet despite such grave
miscalculations, the hawks push on with their sweeping new agenda.

Like any group of permanent Washington revolutionaries fueled by visions of
a righteous cause, the neocons long ago decided that criticism from the
establishment isn't a reason for self-doubt but the surest sign that they're
on the right track. 

[CTRL] The enterprising hawk

2003-04-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


The enterprising hawk

By Jason Leopold
Online Journal Assistant Editor

March 29, 2003-Richard Perle's resignation Thursday as chairman of the
Defense Policy Board, a Pentagon advisory group, is long overdue. Perle quit
the board because he was hired to help bankrupt telecommunications firm
Global Crossing win approval from the Department of Defense to sell the
company to a Hong Kong billionaire and lawmakers questioned whether Perle's
dual roles were a conflict-of-interest.

Presumably, Global Crossing hired Perle, who served as assistant secretary
of defense under former President Ronald Reagan, as a lobbyist because he
wields an enormous amount of power around the Pentagon and would likely get
the job done. Perle is a key adviser to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
and a leading architect in the Bush administration's policies toward Iraq.

The Pentagon and the Federal Bureau of Investigation objected to Global
Crossing's sale to Asian investors last year because the government uses
Global Crossing's fiber optics networks and a sale would put the networks
under control of the Chinese government. Global Crossing said it would pay
Perle $125,000 and an additional $600,000 if the deal went through.

Perle denied Thursday that his unpaid advisory role on the policy board
would have interfered with his lobbying on behalf of Global Crossing, which
is mired in shareholder lawsuits as a result of its questionable accounting
practices. But Perle has a long history of using his influential role as a
government adviser to line his pockets.

Richard Perle . . . has made a lucrative career out of some bald conflicts
of interest, wrote Mark Crispin Miller, a New York University media
professor, in the Free Press in 2000.  As an Assistant Secretary of Defense
for International Security under Ronald Reagan, he got in some slight
trouble when he wrote a memorandum urging the department to consider buying
equipment from a company that had paid him a $50,000 consulting fee (as the
New York Times noted back in 1984). As chairman and CEO of Hollinger Digital
(owned by media titan Conrad Black), Perle maintains his close connections
with the military industries. For example, as a non-executive director of
Morgan Crucible, PLC (UK), which has done business with the Pentagon . . .

Moreover, Perle was also a director of Memorex Corp., a defense contractor,
in the 1990s while he was advising then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney as
a member of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee during the first
Bush administration.  At the same time, Perle also was a paid consultant to
a Turkish-hired lobbying firm in Washington and has been both an adviser to
FMC Corp. and a director of an FMC-Turkish joint venture building military
equipment. It should be noted that during Perle's tenure in the Reagan
administration he was a fierce proponent of aid to Turkey's military.

In 1987, the Pentagon's Office of General Counsel opened an inquiry into
whether Perle's attempts to write a fictional novel based on classified
intelligence information were a conflict-of-interest. At the time, Perle was
offered a $300,000 advance for the novel, titled Memoranda.

The proposal for the novel described an inside look at the bureaucracy and
promised a plot that seemed a thinly veiled account of Perle's long-running
internecine struggle with former Assistant Secretary of State Richard R.
Burt. It promised an array of bureaucratic maneuvers recounted in the
context of actual events altered only enough to make them publishable, to
preserve the fiction in 'Memoranda.'

In April of 1987, Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), the former ranking Democrat on the
Senate Armed Services Committee, wrote an angry letter to Reagan suggesting
that Perle's book creates a climate encouraging disrespect for the
protection of classified information and might have a chilling effect on
the candor of [officials'] policy analysis and recommendations. Nunn also
raised questions about the propriety of the sale of the book during Perle's
tenure in office.

In response to the inquiries, Perle resigned his post as assistant secretary
of defense in April 1987 to write the book. The title was later changed to
Hard Line.

Jason Leopold spent two years covering California's electricity crisis as
bureau chief of Dow Jones Newswires. He has written more than 2,000 news
stories on the issue and was the first journalist to report that energy
companies were engaged in manipulative practices in California's newly
deregulated electricity market. Most recently, Mr. Leopold has reported on
Enron. He was the first journalist to interview former Enron President
Jeffrey Skilling following Enron's bankruptcy filing in December 2001. Mr.
Leopold has broken numerous stories on the financial machinations Enron
engaged in and his investigative pieces on the company have been published
in The Nation, Salon, The 

[CTRL] Advisors of Influence: 9 Members of the Defense Policy Board Have Ties to Defense Contractors

2003-04-01 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


Advisors of Influence: Nine Members of the Defense Policy Board Have Ties to
Defense Contractors

By André Verlöy and Daniel Politi
Data by Aron Pilhofer

Of the 30 members of the Defense Policy Board, the government-appointed
group that advises the Pentagon, at least nine have ties to companies that
have won more than $76 billion in defense contracts in 2001 and 2002. Four
members are registered lobbyists, one of whom represents two of the three
largest defense contractors.

The board's chairman, Richard Perle, resigned yesterday, March 27, 2003,
amid allegations of conflicts of interest for his representation of
companies with business before the Defense Department, although he will
remain a member of the board. Eight of Perle's colleagues on the board have
ties to companies with significant contracts from the Pentagon.

Members of the board disclose their business interests annually to the
Pentagon, but the disclosures are not available to the public. The forms
are filed with the Standards of Conduct Office which review the filings to
make sure they are in compliance with government ethics, Pentagon spokesman
Maj. Ted Wadsworth told the Center for Public Integrity.

The companies with ties to Defense Policy Board members include prominent
firms like Boeing, TRW, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and Booz Allen
Hamilton and smaller players like Symantec Corp., Technology Strategies and
Alliance Corp., and Polycom Inc.

Defense companies are awarded contracts for numerous reasons; there is
nothing to indicate that serving on the Defense Policy Board confers a
decisive advantage to firms with which a member is associated.

According to its charter, the board was set up in 1985 to provide the
Secretary of Defense with independent, informed advice and opinion
concerning major matters of defense policy. The members are selected by and
report to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy-currently Douglas Feith,
a former Reagan administration official. All members are approved by the
Secretary of Defense. The board's quarterly meetings-normally held over a
two-day period-are classified, and each session's proceedings are summarized
for the Defense Secretary. The board does not write reports or vote on
issues. Feith, according to the charter, can call additional meetings if
required. Notices of the meetings are filed at least 15 days before they are
held in the Federal Register.

The board, whose list of members reads like a who's who of former high-level
government and military officials, focuses on long-term policy issues such
as the strategic implications of defense policies and tactical
considerations, including what types of weapons the military should develop.

Michael O'Hanlon, a military expert at The Brookings Institution, told Time
magazine in November 2002 that the board is just another [public relations]
shop for Rumsfeld. Former members said that the character of the board
changed under Rumsfeld. Previously the board was more bi-partisan; under
Rumsfeld, it has become more interested in policy changes. The board has no
official role in policy decisions.

The agendas for the last three meetings, which were obtained by the Center,
show a variety of issues were discussed. The Oct. 10-11, 2002 meeting was
devoted to intelligence briefings from the Defense Intelligence Agency and
other administration officials. One of the first items on the agenda was an
ethics brief by the Office of the General Counsel.

In December 2002, a two-hour intelligence briefing, strategy, North Korea,
and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency were on the agenda. In
February 2003, the topics discussed on the first day included North Korea,
Iran and Total Information Awareness, the controversial Pentagon research
program that aims to gather and analyze a vast array of information on
Americans. As the Center previously reported, research for the program is
being conducted by private contractors.

Richard Perle, who has been a very public advocate of the war in Iraq,
resigned the chairmanship of the Defense Policy Board after being criticized
in recent weeks because of his involvement in companies that have
significant business before the Defense Department. He did not return the
Center's phone calls.

In a March 24 letter, Rep. John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House
of Representatives Judiciary Committee, asked the Pentagon's inspector
general to investigate Perle's role as a paid adviser to the bankrupt
telecommunications company Global Crossing Ltd. The Hamilton, Bermuda-based
company sought approval of its sale of overseas subsidiaries from the
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, a government panel
that can block sales or mergers that conflict with U.S. national security
interests. Rumsfeld is a member of the Committee.

Perle reportedly advised clients of Goldman Sachs on investment

Re: [CTRL] Attacking UFO Impossible

2003-04-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

Hi Mackie,

This is an introduction on depleated uranium:


On 2 Apr 2003 at 1:19, mackie mcbroom wrote:

 hi steve
 depleted uranium, this is something im not altogether understanding what
 they are or do.
 i know what uranium is and has to do with nuclear but the depleted part im
 not getting the full picture of.
 could someone explain in short order.
 Mackie McBroom
 http://www.procupracing.com  PCRS Admin
 http://www.intraleague.com ILS Chairman
 http://www.filsca.com   FILSCA Marketing

 ---Original Message---

 Date: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 1:16:15 AM
 Subject: RE: IUFO: Attacking UFO Impossible

 On 1 Apr 2003 at 18:43, Clarence Spence wrote:

  Americans opened fire on those balls, although no bullet managed to cause
  any damage to them.

 I wonder if depleted uranium munitions would be able to damage UFOs?

 Not that I am advocating the use of this highly toxic material.


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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Spies in the Skies: Both a Savior and a Disaster

2003-04-01 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
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Spies in the Skies: Both a Savior and a Disaster

April 2, 2003

In the months after World War II, American military and
political leaders grew increasingly alarmed at the
disposition of Soviet forces. They had few clues as to how
many submarines, bombers and rockets it had, where they
were and whether the Russians were planning to launch them.
In Washington, where fresh memories of Pearl Harbor were
still rattling through the power corridors - much like
today, 18 months after Al Qaeda's attacks on New York and
the Pentagon - the lack of good intelligence on Soviet
forces was unnerving.

In late 1946, spy flights were sent over Russia's Pacific
and Baltic coasts. The lumbering, modified World War II
bombers, replaced by low-flying jets a few years later,
were quickly spotted and often shot down, accompanied by
emphatic protests from Moscow. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
the supreme Allied commander, who assumed the presidency in
1953, rightly imagined the domestic outcry here if Soviet
bombers were regularly caught flying over the United
States. He feared Russian leaders might have to take
stronger measures.

So girded by the ideas of a handful of visionary scientists
and engineers, men like Richard S. Leghorn of Eastman
Kodak, Edwin H. Land of Polaroid, and the legendary
aviation designer Kelly Johnson of Lockheed, Eisenhower
embarked on a crash program to build an untouchable eye in
the sky. Luckily the program was put in the hands of an
intense, rumpled Connecticut Yankee at the Central
Intelligence Agency, Richard M. Bissell Jr.

This is their story, or at least it could have been - a
kind of Right Stuff for the colorful crowd that put the
U-2 spy plane and the Corona reconnaissance satellite in
the sky, much like Tom Wolfe's immortalizing of the Mercury
astronauts. With their quirks, idealism, genius and
cowboylike enthusiasms, they are in fact an engaging cast.
Eisenhower himself does a nice turn in the tale as a kind
of Father Knows Best.

But Philip Taubman, a former correspondent for The New York
Times and now the paper's deputy editorial page editor, has
evidently set out to accomplish something else. Instead of
paring his story down to a tightly focused, dramatic
narrative on the drive to put spies in the sky, he has
attempted the complete history, with seemingly every nut
and bolt and bureaucratic dead end laid down on the page.
As such, Secret Empire may not be for everybody, but it
should find a prominent place on the shelf of important
cold war reference works.

In July 1956, the first glider-like U-2 flights soared
70,000 feet over the Soviet Union, bringing back clear
pictures of airstrips and missile sites. The Russians
couldn't touch it. But four years and 24 flights later,
when the C.I.A. pilot Francis Gary Powers was punched out
of the sky by a Soviet missile, the program was brought to
an ignominious end, with Eisenhower caught by the Soviet
Prime Minister, Nikita S. Khrushchev in a series of
excruciatingly bald-faced lies. It set a shocking new
standard for deceit at the time, Mr. Taubman observes,
and left many Americans wondering whether they could trust
their leaders.

The overflights didn't deserve such a tawdry ending,
considering what they had accomplished. The myth of an
American missile gap with the Soviet Union was embraced
by warmongering extremists in the Air Force, but the U-2,
an astonishing technical accomplishment, can fairly be said
to have prevented World War III by undercutting that idea
where it counted, in the Oval Office.

The U-2 (the U was a standard designation for a military
utility aircraft, and thus a handy cover name) was a marvel
of engineering. Of course, few among the Pentagon brass
thought a plane could be designed to fly above 70,000 feet,
where fuel evaporated, jet engines flamed out, wings had
little purchase and a pilot's body could explode. By
handing management of the program to the C.I.A. and the
freewheeling Bissell, however, it benefited from a
collection of Air Force renegades, visionary scientists and
geniuses like Johnson at Lockheed, who made temporary fixes
to engineering problems with insecticides, diapers and
sanitary napkins. This thing is made out of toilet paper,
a pilot exclaimed after his first experience with the
remarkably delicate, long-winged craft.

From 1950 to 1970, at least 252 crew members crashed on spy
flights of all kinds, most directed against the Soviet
Union, Mr. Taubman reports. Only 90 of them survived, while
138 were reported missing, with at least some of them
surviving for years in captivity. Although Mr. Taubman
doesn't say so, the men's families must have been told they
died in some other way.

All of which gave impetus to building a bird that couldn't
be shot down. When Eisenhower stopped overflights of the
Soviet Union in May 1960 after several humiliating
misfires, the program to put a spy satellite