[CTRL] Security Lapses Found at Nuclear Laboratory

2003-06-01 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

The University of California at Berkley has been a hotbed of subversives 
both among faculty and grad students for decades. - JR


  June 1, 2003
  Security Lapses Found at Nuclear 

  ASHINGTON, May 31 — The Energy Department has ordered 
  a full review of security at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory after 
  discovering "unacceptable" security lapses.
  Federal officials ordered the review of the laboratory in Northern 
  California on Friday after learning that the loss of an electronic access 
  badge had gone unreported to senior managers for six weeks. The badge 
  could help gain access to 3,000 offices at the facility, some containing 
  classified nuclear information.
  The electronic badge was lost by a security officer on a routine shift 
  in mid-April, and several days later, security officers discovered that a 
  set of keys to the gates of the weapons laboratory was also missing. 
  Laboratory officials changed the locks, and they said they had no 
  indication that anybody had used the keys or the electronic badge to gain 
  "I view this as a fundamental management failure at the laboratory," 
  Michael Anastasio, the director of the Livermore laboratory, said in a 
  telephone news conference Friday.
  Linton Brooks, the national nuclear security administrator at the 
  Energy Department, said the failure to report potentially serious security 
  breaches "is unacceptable." Mr. Brooks ordered a team from Washington to 
  visit the laboratory beginning Monday and review security problems. The 
  team will also consider whether the Energy Department should assume direct 
  management of security at Livermore, which is operated by the 
  University of California.
  Both Livermore and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, 
  the nation's other major site for nuclear weapons research, have been 
  beset by security problems in recent years. The Energy Department 
  announced in April that it would seek bids for the first time to operate 
  Los Alamos, also run by the University of 
  At Livermore, Mr. Anastasio acknowledged that the latest security 
  problems could lead officials to reconsider the university's management of 
  Livermore as well.
  The episodes follow other security problems at Livermore. A security 
  team member maintained in news reports that the laboratory's special 
  response team was not adequately prepared to defend against a terrorist 
  attack, and a security administrator left after it was disclosed that 
  while with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he had had a long-term 
  affair with a Los Angeles woman now accused of being an agent for China. 
  That incident was the subject of a separate, classified review.
  The security officer who lost his electronic badge in mid-April filed a 
  report at the time with an immediate supervisor, but senior managers were 
  not notified of the incident until this past Thursday, Mr. Anastasio said. 
  He said he was "still stunned" that senior managers were not told of the 
  problem, adding, "I have no answer or explanation as to why that 
  Livermore officials said that after learning of the loss of the badge 
  last week, they began immediately reprogramming electronic security to 
  prevent access by anyone who might find the card.
  One security manager has been suspended for five days, and more 
  disciplinary action is expected, Mr. Anastasio said.
  Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company | Home | Privacy Policy | Search | Corrections | Help | Back to Top 
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[CTRL] [JBirch] WS>>SPLC's "Extremist" Cash Cow (fwd)

2003-06-01 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 18:53:11 PDT
From: carl william spitzer iv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JBirch] WS>>SPLC's "Extremist" Cash Cow

  by William Norman Grigg=

  In  July 1988, Morris Dees of the Montgomery,  Alabama-
 based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was in search of  a
 new  foil  for his fund-raising efforts.   SPLC's  Klanwatch
 auxiliary  had  been  a potent fund-raising  tool,  and  the
 SPLC's  high-profile campaign against the Ku Klux  Klan  had
 earned  the group tremendous notoriety.  However,  Dees  la-
 mented to an associate that "the Klan thing is winding down"
 and  that  the SPLC might be left without a  raison  d'jtre.
 "Who  knows  what the Southern Poverty Law  Center  will  be
 doing  a  year  from now?" Dees mused to  a  reporter.   The
 militia movement coalesced just in time to rescue the SPLC's
 financial prospects.

  Nobody  has profited more from the  contrived  hysteria
 over  the militia movement than Dees, a millionaire  direct-
 mail  maven who co-founded the SPLC in 1971.  With  a  donor
 list adapted from the 1972 George McGovern presidential  bid
 (which  Dees served as chief fund-raiser), the SPLC  quickly
 amassed  a formidable operating budget.  The purpose of  the
 SPLC,  according to Dees, was to take on  "precedent-setting
 cases,  the models for new directions in the  law."  Twenty-
 five  years later, Dees has become the "expert"  on  "right-
 wing  extremism"  most frequently quoted in  the  media  and
 consulted by law enforcement agencies.

  The jacket of Dees' new book Gathering Storm: America's
 Militia Threat, is decorated with effusive endorsements from
 the  likes of Jimmy Carter, Leon Uris, and the  Anti-Defama-
 tion League's Abraham Foxman.  The February 1996 edition  of
 the Klanwatch Intelligence Report, which assails the "Patri-
 ot  Underground"  as America's  leading  domestic  terrorist
 threat, was distributed to over 6,500 law enforcement  agen-
 cies across the nation.  False Patriots: The Threat of Anti-
 Government  Extremists, a 64-page "special report" from  the
 SPLC  published in April, is presently making the rounds  of
 law  enforcement  agencies  and media  sources.   "When  169
 people were killed in the Oklahoma City explosion, it became
 clear that there was something more to the Patriot  movement
 than  their weekend war games," declares SPLC  Militia  Task
 Force  Director Joe Roy in the overview to  False  Patriots.
 "It is critical that media, law enforcement and other public
 servants  have  a clear understanding of  the  danger  these
 Patriots represent."

  Selling the "Cause"===

  Like  nearly  all  professional  critics  of  the  "far
 right," Dees has displayed few compunctions about consorting
 with terrorists and criminals who inhabit the far left.   In
 1975,  Dees was a member of the defense team in  the  murder
 trial  of  Joan Little, a black convict who was  accused  of
 killing  a prison guard with an ice pick.  During the  trial
 Dees  was removed from the defense team and slapped  with  a
 felony  charge  of  suborning perjury from  a  witness;  the
 charge was later dropped without explanation.

  As  reporter  Mark Pinsky recorded in  the  March/April
 1976  issue of the Columbia Journalism Review, Dees'  allies
 in  the Little case included the most unsavory  elements  of
 the hard left:

  [T]he  great untold (or unreported) story  of  the
  Joan Little trial ...  was the role of the Commun-
  ist  Party, through its National Alliance  Against
  Racist  and Political Repression,  in  controlling
  the  entire (and considerable) political  movement
  surrounding  the  case.  Angela Davis,  a  leading
  figure in both national organizations, became  the
  most  frequently quoted movement figure  and  con-
  stant companion of Joan Little  Party  members
  were  visible and influential on the defense  com-
  mittee, and the party frequently set up rallies of
  support around the country.

  This  is  not  to suggest that Dees  is  a  doctrinaire
 Marxist; rather, he is something of a leftist  entrepreneur.
 Millard Fuller, an attorn

[CTRL] Everyone checked for guns - except known terrorists!

2003-06-01 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


This is a 
  WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
  To view this item online, visit 
  Sunday, June 1, 2003

HOMELAND INSECURITYEveryone checked for guns – except known terrorists!Database used on law-abiding Americans while al-Qaida, other enemies 
  get free ride
  Posted: June 1, 20031:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com 
  Despite recent efforts to beef up security in the United States, those 
  most likely to use weapons against Americans are not even on background 
  checklists at local gun dealers. 
  While nine out of 10 gun purchases are now subject to instant FBI 
  criminal checks to filter out convicted felons, fugitives and a handful of 
  others, the State Department's list of known foreign terrorists – used by 
  airport security personnel and border patrols – is not included in the 
  database used by dealers to check a buyer's eligibility, reports CBS News. 

  Even the names of suspected al-Qaida cell members in the U.S. would not 
  show up in a background check by a gun store. 
  More than 20 months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a government 
  report prepared by the Congressional Research Service found both 
  international and domestic terrorists could take advantage of the 
  background-check loophole to purchase weapons ranging from rifles to 
  hundreds of pounds of explosive powder. 
  ''As long as they have evaded detection by law enforcement authorities 
  and are not identified as prohibited persons, they could purchase firearms 
  from licensed dealers,'' the report said. ''They could also purchase 
  firearms at gun shows from either licensed or unlicensed persons.'' 
  ''Why on earth would we want to shield the terrorists from being 
  identified?'' asks Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J. during an interview with 
  The report was requested by Lautenberg, who has introduced legislation 
  to prolong background checks and waiting periods for firearm purchases 
  during times of heightened terror alert. 
  Al-Qaida has apparently taken notice of the background-check procedure 
  for gun purchases. According to Lautenberg, a training manual for the 
  terror network was found in Afghanistan in which it's suggested weapons 
  are cheap and easily available in the U.S. 
  The CRS report noted that a convicted felon and member of the 
  Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah was able to purchase firearms at 
  Michigan gun shows in the months after Sept. 11. The man was later 
  convicted of conspiring to smuggle the arms overseas. 
  Many gun dealers and the National Rifle Association argue there are 
  enough checks in place already. Firearm advocates say the solution lies in 
  the enforcement of current laws, not new legislation. 
  ''This is a continuation of the shameless tradition of gun-ban 
  politicians embracing tragedy to push their agenda,'' Andrew Arulanandam, 
  a spokesman for the National Rifle Association, told the Newark 
  However, gun dealer Don Davis supports more checks. 
  ''My God, we do records all day. That one more record of checking out 
  one more guy is certainly not going to make any difference if you love 
  this country. And brother, I love this country,'' Davis told CBS.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Oswald theories live on in Belarus

2003-06-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Samuel Lightcap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Fri, 30 May 2003 17:46:14 -0400
Subject:[fort] Oswald theories live on in Belarus


Copyright © 2003 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com

Oswald theories live on in Belarus
Steven Lee Myers/NYT NYT
Monday, May 26, 2003

MINSK, Belarus The ornate apartment building at No. 2 Communist Street
rises beside a wooded park along a wide bend in the Svisloch River. The
balcony of Apartment 24, on the fourth floor, overlooks the trees and the
water and, in the distance, the classically columned Ministry of Defense.

It is a lovely spot, especially now, in spring, but one that bears no
outward sign of its part in one of history’s most notorious crimes, the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

There is no plaque, after all, that announces, ‘‘Lee Harvey Oswald Lived

For those whose historical curiosity — or conspiratorial bent — brings them
to the capital of Belarus, the landmarks of Oswald’s strange life here from
January 1960 to May 1962 remain, in some ways, remarkably unchanged four
decades later.

The sprawling factory where Oswald worked still produces radios and other
electronics. It is still state-owned and, today like then, remains closed
to visitors.

The KGB — still called the KGB — continues to operate the club where Oswald
liked to dance, and the club is still named after Felix Dzerzhinsky, the
father of the Soviet secret police.

Oswald defected to the Soviet Union in October 1959, inspired by romantic
notions of a workers’ paradise, only to become disillusioned later and
return home, more than a year before Kennedy’s assassination in November 1962.

The authorities — deeply suspicious and evidently unsure what to do with an
obviously troubled young American — sent him to Minsk, a regional capital
rebuilding itself in monumental Soviet style from the ruins of World War
II. They gave him a job at the radio factory and the apartment on Communist
Street and kept him under constant surveillance.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the KGB in Moscow and here in
Belarus opened their files to public scrutiny, most notably to Norman
Mailer, who used much of the material in his biography, ‘‘Oswald’s Tale: An
Ameri can Mystery,’’ published in 1995. In 1999, President Boris Yeltsin
gave President Bill Clinton still more declassified documents.

The files, most historians have agreed, support the Soviet Union’s claim at
the time that it had no role in the assassination, but here as elsewhere
conspiracy theories thrive, nurtured by distrust of authority and
suspicions that other files remain untapped.

‘‘From what I found out, I think and I’m pretty sure what was written in
the Warren Commission was just a cover-up of what really happened,’’ said
Oleg Belousov, who helped make a documentary film based on interviews with
those who knew and worked with Oswald during his 28 months in Minsk. It was
not, he noted conspiratorially, shown on Belarussian television.

Belousov, a bearded and bespectacled animator, has made a cottage industry
out of Oswald’s past here. (As conspiracy theories go, he favors one that
holds Oswald to have been an unwitting stooge of both the CIA and the KGB,
probably set up by the FBI to take the fall.)

The truth, he said, may yet be found here.

‘‘It’s absolutely clear that Minsk’s role in the whole affair has been
underestimated,’’ he explained.

It is certainly not advertised.

There are no plaques, no exhibits, no Oswald tours by the state tourist
agencies, Sputnik and Intourist, which have retained not only their Soviet
names but also regained, under Lukashenko’s centralized economic policies,
most of their monopolistic privileges.

‘‘No one asks,’’ said Svetlana Lubova, a youthful guide at Sputnik, when asked.

Even so, Oswald’s presence lingers in the minds of those who knew him here
and in the places he frequented.

Stanislav Shushkevich, the first leader of independent Belarus, who was
ousted in 1994 in a political struggle that brought Lukashenko to power,
worked at the factory with Oswald, then called the Minsk Radio Factory.

Shushkevich was assigned to teach him Russian. In an interview, he recalled
Oswald as a handsome but hapless worker who devoted most of his time to
socializing with factory workers.

‘‘The only secret was the reason he came over here,’’ he said. ‘‘We weren’t
allowed to ask him about that.’’ Despite the veneer of a new era — there is
a designer clothing store, for example, on the first floor of the apartment
building on Communist Street — little about Minsk has changed, for better
and worse. It leaves the mind free to imagine the environment that shaped
the man who would kill Kennedy.

Oswald’s apartment building once belonged to the radio factory, housing its
workers. Across the street is a rec

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The Failure to Defend the Skies on 9/11

2003-06-01 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-


by Paul Thompson

I was so upset at the media's lack of coverage about the Independent
Commission recent hearings on air defense, that I wrote my own essay
on the topic: The Failure to Defend the Skies on 9/11. Like my other
essays, this one is long, but I think to truly understand the
enormity of the US military's failure on 9/11, one needs to
understand the detail. The essay starts out by looking at many of the
warnings that should have led to strengthened defenses, and then
analyzes the failure of fighters to catch up to each hijacked plane.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP & Californian: Kucinich "showing his spirit

2003-06-01 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Sat, 31 May 2003 11:08:44 -0700
Subject:!b_a_Act: AP & Californian: Kucinich "showing his spiritual 
side as he
courts supporters in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination"
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This morning The Bakersfield Californian newspaper ran the AP story on
page 8 under Nation section top, Saturday, May 31, 2003

The Californian ran the AP story of May 30 as posted to SF Chronicle site,
but omitting last two paragraphs shown at


"The response that I get keeps getting more and more powerful," Kucinich
said during an interview this week.

"The fact that I write about and talk about themes that have a spiritual
connection is, I think, an important part of that," he said. "People want
someone who understands and has a higher concept of where our country is

...and The Californian ran it under headline of

"Democrat in touch with inner campaigner"

with subtitle of

"New Age candidate getting donations the old fashioned way
with appeals to the like-minded"

They printed a 5"x7" file photo of our Dennis speaking between cupped hands
into a podium microphone with two US Flags behind him with the caption,

"Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio speaks to the
Democratic National Committee in Washington in this February file photo.
Kucinich, a champion for down-to-earth issues such as blue-collar jobs and
the beleaguered steel industry, is showing his spiritual side as he courts
supporters in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination."

--- see www.kucinich.us for more info and how to help.

From: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AP 30May03 article on Dennis Kucinich in California
Date: Saturday, May 31, 2003 7:22 AM


Democratic candidate draws support from peace activists,
New Age gurus

MALIA RULON, Associated Press Writer   Friday, May 30, 2003


(05-30) 11:20 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

Dennis Kucinich, a champion for down-to-earth issues such as blue-
collar jobs and the beleaguered steel industry, is showing his
spiritual side as he courts supporters in his bid for the Democratic
presidential nomination.

Peace activists, New Age gurus and people who practice alternative
religions are among Kucinich's donors -- many of them attracted to
the Ohio congressman's stand on less-than-mainstream issues, such as
a call for a Cabinet-level Department of Peace and his support for
medical marijuana.

"I have a holistic view of the world," Kucinich explains. "I see the
world as interconnected and interdependent and that leaves no room
for war."

Kucinich's legislation to create a Department of Peace and ban the
use of weapons in space hasn't won widespread support in Congress,
where a majority in the House and Senate supported President Bush's
decision to wage war against Iraq. But those proposals are a
cornerstone of his campaign, often mentioned in his speeches on the
need to transform society and make nonviolence an organizing

"We need a message of peace. It's not about backing down. It's not
about rhetoric. It's about a way of life," said Chris Griscom, a
spiritual adviser who's been a close friend and supporter of
Kucinich for nearly 24 years.

Kucinich took his message to Santa Cruz, Calif., this week,
headlining a rally called "Imagine America" with lifestyle guru
Marianne Williamson and healthy living author John Robbins, a
political donor who, like Kucinich, is a strict vegetarian. Robbins
also is national co-chair of Kucinich's campaign.

Williamson, a close friend and political donor of Kucinich's,
founded the Global Renaissance Alliance, which teaches peace
activists and others how to lobby their local congressmen to support
Kucinich's Department of Peace bill.

Other supporters include Carol Rosin, a peace activist who founded
the Institute for Cooperation in Space. Rosin hosted Kucinich at a
home in Malibu, Calif., last year where he talked about his vision
for a world without weapons in space and especially without war.

At a peace conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia, last year, Kucinich was
more specific about his beliefs. He spoke about how the Eagle
Nebula, a star-forming region that is 7,000 light years from Earth,
reminds him of the relationship between stardust and the human

"The energy of the stars becomes us. We become the energy of the
stars. Stardust and spirit unite and we begin: One with the
universe," Kucinich said.

Several of his speeches, such as "Spirit and Stardust," "A Prayer
for America" and "The Soul of the Worker," have been posted on

[CTRL] Nazi GermanyS War On Terrorism

2003-06-01 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Sound familiar?
Nazi Germany’S War On Terrorism

Hitler used the 1933 burning of the Reichstag (Parliament) building by a deranged 
Dutchman to declare a “war on terrorism,” establish his legitimacy as a leader (even 
though he hadn’t won a majority in the previous election).

“You are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in history,” he proclaimed, 
standing in front of the burned-out building, surrounded by national media. “This 
fire,” he said, his voice trembling with emotion, “is the beginning.” He used the 
occasion ­ “a sign from God,” he called it ­ to declare an all-out war on terrorism 
and its ideological sponsors, a people, he said, who traced their origins to the 
Middle East and found motivation for their “evil” deeds in their religion.

Two weeks later, the first prison for terrorists was built in Oranianberg, holding the 
first suspected allies of the infamous terrorist. In a national outburst of 
patriotism, the nation’s flag was everywhere, even printed in newspapers suitable for 

Within four weeks of the terrorist attack, the nation’s now-popular leader had pushed 
through legislation, in the name of combating terrorism and fighting the philosophy he 
said spawned it, that suspended constitutional guarantees of free speech, privacy, and 
habeas corpus. Police could now intercept mail and wiretap phones; suspected 
terrorists could be imprisoned without specific charges and without access to their 
lawyers; police could sneak into people’s homes without warrants if the cases involved 

To get his patriotic “Decree on the Protection of People and State” passed over the 
objections of concerned legislators and civil libertarians, he agreed to put a 4-year 
sunset provision on it: if the national emergency provoked by the terrorist attack on 
the Reichstag building was over by then, the freedoms and rights would be returned to 
the people, and the police agencies would be re-restrained.

Within the first months after that terrorist attack, at the suggestion of a political 
advisor, he brought a formerly obscure word into common usage. Instead of referring to 
the nation by its name, he began to refer to it as The Fatherland. As hoped, people’s 
hearts swelled with pride, and the beginning of an us-versus-them mentality was sewn. 
Our land was “the” homeland, citizens thought: all others were simply foreign lands.

Within a year of the terrorist attack, Hitler’s advisors determined that the various 
local police and federal agencies around the nation were lacking the clear 
communication and overall coordinated administration necessary to deal with the 
terrorist threat facing the nation, including those citizens who were of Middle 
Eastern ancestry and thus probably terrorist sympathizers. He proposed a single new 
national agency to protect the security of the Fatherland, consolidating the actions 
of dozens of previously independent police, border, and investigative agencies under a 
single powerful leader.

Most Americans remember his Office of Fatherland Security, known as the 
Reichssicherheitshauptamt and Schutzstaffel, simply by its most famous agency’s 
initials: the SS.

And, perhaps most important, he invited his supporters in industry into the halls of 
government to help build his new detention camps, his new military, and his new empire 
which was to herald a thousand years of peace. Industry and government worked 
hand-in-glove, in a new type of pseudo-democracy first proposed by Mussolini and 
sustained by war.

"It works the same in any country, even America."

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor 
for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of 
the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the 
people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, 
or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to 
the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are 
being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the 
country to danger. it works the same in any country."
- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and Luftwaffe Commander in 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you

[CTRL] ritual abuse/mind control conference in August

2003-06-01 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
Hi !

Information about our conference this summer in August is at    
Ritual Abuse Conference - 2003  The schedule of speakers is now at the website. 

People who register for the conference before June 1 will get to pay a reduced fee of $135 for two days and $70 for one day. This includes lunches. If you e-mail us before June 7, we will hold this special price for you for one week. 

Partial fee waivers are also available. Please feel free to write me if you have any questions. Thanks.

Sincerely,  Neil   
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] PAS founder dies, Anglican Church, no chem weapons, Lynch story wrong

2003-06-01 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
""Parental Alienation Syndrome". The theory - one of the most insidious pieces of junk science to be given credence by US courts in recent years"

"They want to distort the picture. I don't know why they think there is some benefit in saying she has a bullet injury." (Pvt. Lynch)

scroll for news articles

Dr Richard A. Gardner - Child psychiatrist who developed the theory of Parental Alienation Syndrome 5/31/03 (deceased 5/25/03) "In a contentious child custody dispute in the suburbs of Pittsburgh a few years ago, three teenage boys begged a family court judge not to force them to continue visits to their father because, they said, he was physically abusive towards them. Rather than believe the boys, the judge relied on the testimony of an expert witness retained by the father, a Columbia University professor of clinical psychiatry, Richard A. Gardner. Gardner insisted the boys were lying as a result of brainwashing by their mother and recommended something he called "threat therapy". Essentially, the Grieco boys were told they should be respectful and obedient on visits to their father and, if they were not, their mother would go to jail. Shortly afterwards, 16-year-old Nathan Grieco, the eldest of the brothers, hanged himself in his bedroom, leaving behind a diary in which he wrote that life had become an "endless torment". Both Gardner and the court were unrepentant even after the suicide, and it was only after an exposé in the local newspaper that custody arrangements for the two surviving boys were changed. 
This "threat therapy" was part of a much broader theory of Gardner's known in family courts across the United States as "Parental Alienation Syndrome". The theory - one of the most insidious pieces of junk science to be given credence by US courts in recent years - holds that any mother who accuses her spouse of abusing the children is lying more or less by definition. She tells these lies to "alienate" the children from their father, a shocking abrogation of parental responsibility for which she deserves to lose all custody rights in favour of the alleged abuser. This is not only tawdry logic, guaranteed from the outset to protect the interests of divorcing fathers, by far Gardner's most enthusiastic constituency, but it has also destroyed the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands, of American families over the past 15 years. In state after state, courts deferred to Gardner's academic credentials and put children in the custody of their alleged abuser, even in cases where police records, medical records and testimony by teachers and social workers supported the mother's accusations. By now, the concept of "parental alienation" has entered case law and swayed thousands of disputes in which Gardner himself played no part. Yet it has no scientific basis whatsoever. It is not recognised by the American Psychiatric Association or any other professional body." http://news.independent.co.uk/people/obituaries/story.jsp?story=411000

Beattie calls for royal commission on child abuse 5/8/03 "Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says he is stunned to hear the Anglican Church in Brisbane has opened nearly 160 sex abuse files since early last year. A report last week on the church's handling of complaints under former Archbishop Peter Hollingworth has lead to increasing pressure on Dr Hollingworth to quit as Governor-General. His successor as archbishop, Philip Aspinall, says 157 files have been opened since he came to Brisbane.. Mr Beattie says the Prime Minister must now agree to hold a national royal commission. "There's no doubt now that there needs to be a national royal commission," Mr Beattie said. "We had our inquiry in Queensland, there needs to be a national royal commission, I think the revelations by the archbishop today confirmed that. "Paedophilia doesn't stop at borders." Http://www.abc.net.au/

Pentagon Expands Weapon Hunt - Reuters
WASHINGTON (May 30) - The United States on Friday announced a major expansion of so-far fruitless efforts to find chemical and biological arms in Iraq, forming a team of 1,400 U.S., British and Australian experts to take up the hunt. The Pentagon named Army Maj. Gen. Keith Dayton to head the new Iraq Survey Group, which will try to find alleged arms that Washington cited as its main justification for the invasion of Iraq in March that toppled President Saddam Hussein. No such weapons have been found, and the move was announced just hours after Lt. Gen. James Conway, the top U.S. Marine officer in Iraq, said U.S. intelligence was ''simply wrong'' in leading the military to believe that the invading troops were likely to be attacked with chemical weapons.
15 May, 2003, 08:50 GMT 09:50 UK Saving Private Lynch story 'flawed'

Private Lynch, a 19-year-old army clerk from Palestine, West Virginia, was captured when her company took a wrong turning just outside Nasiriya and was ambushed. Nine of

[CTRL] Nation Building - Why Bombs Don’t Make Democracies

2003-06-01 Thread William Shannon

June 2, 2003 issue
Copyright © 2003 The American Conservative

Nation Building:
Why Bombs Don’t Make Democracies
By John Laughland

There has been much hand-wringing over the widespread looting in Iraq following the Anglo-American invasion. Evidence that the looting was permitted, and perhaps even encouraged, by coalition troops has not quelled the party line that this is a transitional stage and that reconstruction is proceeding apace. But could the creation of chaos be a deliberate and even lasting policy? Recent events in Serbia, the last country to have democracy imposed on it by force, indicate that the lawlessness and anarchy that now terrorize the civilian population of Iraq are not a regrettable transitory stage in the onward march towards the New World Order. They are instead the very essence of that order.

It was Pierre Vergniaud, a Girondin, who correctly predicted that the French Revolution, like Saturn, would devour its own children. That certainly happened on the morning of March 12, 2003 in Belgrade, when an assassin’s bullet dispatched the Serbian prime minister in a few swift seconds. 

Few men incarnated the revolutionary force of the New World Order better than Zoran Djindjic—Marxist philosopher, bootlegger, and spook. Djindjic left Yugoslavia in the early 1970s to study at the feet of Jürgen Habermas, the extreme left-wing ideologue who, like his pupil, was later to become a prophet of globalism and the end of the nation-state. In 1984, Djindjic wrote that he had gone to study in Germany because Yugoslav Marxism had been fatally weakened by Marshall Tito’s policy of openness to the West. But his esoteric academic activities—which were in any case abandoned in the 1990s when he became an extreme Serb nationalist and, later, an extreme supporter of Euro-Atlantic integration and world-wide free trade—were in part a front for his business activities. He started off with a covert export-import business, involving the sale of textiles produced in his numerous sweatshops, and went on to become a major cigarette smuggler during the 1990s, something finally revealed by sections of the Serbian press, now closed down, in 2001. 

If the various and contradictory ideologies Djindjic adopted all had one thing in common—the destruction of the existing order in the name of total revolution—it was his status as a capo dei capi, one of the richest men in a region thick with wealthy and ruthless criminals, which made him attractive to the West. Here was a man who cared only for his own personal gain and not for his country. Moreover, his comings and goings between Germany and Yugoslavia had enabled him to work, it is said, for both the German and Yugoslav intelligence services. So in October 2000, Djindjic helped the Americans to organize the coup d’état that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic. According to two of his fans who wrote a history of that day, Oct. 5, 2000, Djindjic had carefully studied both Trotsky and Curzio Malaparte’s Techniques of a Coup d’état—based on Mussolini’s March on Rome—in preparation for his own march on Belgrade. He trousered some $100 million of U.S. taxpayers’ money for the purpose and did not hesitate to employ in this task other members of the criminal gangs of which he was a product.

These gangsters who helped him, as he was later to brag, included one Milorad Lukovic, alias Legija, the man who was accused of killing him in March. Legija had commanded a murderous paramilitary unit in Bosnia, which was later integrated into the Yugoslav police under the terms of the Dayton Accords in 1995. It was Legija’s agreement to support Djindjic that enabled the Oct. 5 coup to be successful. In April 2001, Legija’s men stormed Slobodan Milosevic’s residence and carted him off to the central prison in Belgrade, whence he was arrested and taken to The Hague. Throughout 2001 and 2002, moreover, Legija’s unit, according to the admission of the Serbian deputy prime minister, assisted the regular Yugoslav police in their anti-terrorist operations against Albanian insurgents in southern Serbia. Most Serbs, therefore, regarded it as a sick joke when Western governments claimed that Djindjic had been assassinated by Legija’s men because he was fighting organized crime. Although spivvery had certainly existed under Milosevic, an inevitable consequence of sanctions and war, it had only really let rip under Djindjic.

Serbian society is now so totally criminalized, indeed, that Serbs naturally assume that the West itself was somehow implicated in Djindjic’s murder. They speculate that Djindjic may have been finally getting too big for his boots; that he was starting to get awkward over the West’s failure to pay promised aid; and that several big contracts were about to go to German interests rather than American ones. They also point out that Djindjic was one of the few Eastern European leaders who refused to sign a letter of support for the Anglo-Ameri

[CTRL] America’s Brezhnev Doctrine

2003-06-01 Thread William Shannon

June 2, 2003 issue
Copyright © 2003 The American Conservative

America’s Brezhnev Doctrine
by Pat Buchanan

In May ’68, Moscow sent its tanks into Czechoslovakia to crush the “Prague Spring” and gave us “The Brezhnev Doctrine of Limited Sovereignty.” To wit, once the Communist system has been imposed on a nation, said Moscow, there is no turning back. 

A mirror image of the Brezhnev Doctrine is the American Doctrine. Once a nation has been “liberated,” like Germany and Japan, a U.S.-style democracy will be imposed. 

But there is a dilemma deeply embedded in democratist ideology. 

What do we do if a conquered people democratically tells us to get out and votes in a regime that rejects American values? Do we accept their democratic decision? Will we really accept Iraq’s democratic decisions if they imperil our interests? Or are we hypocrites and phonies, as much of the world believes?

President Bush gave his victory address aboard a 90,000-ton aircraft carrier named for America’s most beloved president. What was Abraham Lincoln’s answer to Southerners who voted democratically to secede? General Sherman, four years of fire and sword, and twelve years of “Reconstruction.”

A democratic process produced Chancellor Hitler. Yet, democratists today say we had a right to invade and overthrow the Nazi regime as early as 1933. Where did we acquire this right? Call it The American Doctrine of Limited Sovereignty. 

When the Spanish republic began to persecute priests and nuns in the 1930s, General Franco, to the cheers of Catholics everywhere, raised up a rebellion and put the republic to the sword. Forty years later, Nixon’s White House rejoiced when General Augusto Pinochet seized power from a democratically elected President Salvador Allende, who was steering Chile toward Castroism. And the Old Right has never condemned either coup. 

In 1992, Algeria was to hold a run-off election certain to bring to power an Islamist regime. With the blessing of France and the United States, the Algerian government and army canceled the election. Some 100,000 have perished in the ensuing civil war.

Any of the democracy mongers doing penance today for that one?

Recent elections in Turkey brought to power Islamists who denied us access to their territory for the liberation of Iraq. Elections in Pakistan turned two of four provinces over to virulent anti-Americans and admirers of Osama. What do we Americans do if the Shi’ites of Iraq join the Sunnis in free elections and, together, tell us to get out of their country?

Neoconservatives, with visions of Iraq as a strategic base camp from which to strike Islamic tyrannies, are now insisting that, before elections, Iraqis must be tutored in American values and democratic ideals, lest they commit a blunder at the ballot box. In short, Iraqis are free to choose a government—of which we Americans approve. Yet even if Iraqis create a constitutional republic, problems arise. 

Americans believe in separation of church and state, that religious indoctrination has no place in state schools. But, like pre-Vatican-II Catholics, Muslims believe that indoctrinating children in the faith of their fathers is the primary purpose of education.

Acolytes of American values believe the Bill of Rights gives infidels the right to preach, sodomites the right to practice, Larry Flynt and Salman Rushdie the right to publish, and every woman and wife the right to fornicate freely and have an abortion. Try selling that in Riyadh or Rawalpindi, and the authoritarian rulers will have to rescue you from the people’s will.

If a democratic referendum were conducted today from Morocco to Malaysia —and monitored by the National Endowment for Democracy—on the proposition: “Resolved: Israel should be erased from the map of the Middle East and Israeli Jews sent back where they came from,” how do you suppose it would come out? Those who would extend the franchise to the masses should perhaps discern first what it is the masses want. 

Nazism was embraced by Germans for only a decade. When the regime went, the Germans came home to the West. Communism, imposed on the peoples of Eastern Europe, was always detested. When it was swept from power, these people, too, returned to the West. 

But the beliefs of Islamic peoples are rooted in a faith and tradition 1,400 years old that has proven impervious to the greatest of Christian evangelists. Their beliefs will not be uprooted and replaced by secular humanist nostrums and democratist nonsense in a few short years. 

Rather than trying to instruct these people on how to believe, behave, and vote, we shall one day have to settle for them raising a regime in Iraq that simply does not threaten us or our vital interests. 

It’s a foreign policy called “realism.”

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] THE DRUG TRUST

2003-06-01 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

In 1987, the eighteen largest drug firms were ranked as follows:

1, Merck (U.S.) $4.2 billion in sales.

2. Glaxo Holdings (United Kingdom) $3.4 billion.

3. Hoffman LaRoche (Switzerland) $3.1 billion.

4. Smith Kline Beckman (U.S.) $2.8 billion.

5. Ciba-Geigy (Switzerland) $2.7 billion. 6. Pfizer (U.5.) $2.5
billion (Standard & Poor's gives sales as $4 billion).

6. Pfizer (U.S.) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's gives its sales as
$4 billion.)

7. Hoechst A. G. (Germany) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's lists its
sales as $38 Billion Deutschmarks).

8. American Home Products (U.S.) $2.4 billion ($4.93 billion
according to Standard & Poor's).

9. Lilly (U.S.) $2.3 billion ($3.72 billion Standard & Poor's).

10. Upjohn (U.S.) $2 billion.

11. Squibb (U.S.) $2 billion.

12. Johnson & Juhnson (U.S.) $1.9 billion.

13. Sandoz (Switzerland) $1.8 billion.

14. Bristol Myers (U.S.) $1.6 billion.

15. Beecham Group (United Kingdom) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's
gives $1.4 billion in sales of the U.S. subsidiary-$2.6 billion
pounds sterling as overall income).

16. Bayer A. G. (Germany) $1.4 bilIion (Standard & Poor's gives the
figure as $45.9 billion Deutschmarks).

17. Syntex (U.S.) $1.1 billion.

18. Warner Lambert (U.S.) $1.1 billion (Standard & Poor's gives the
figure as $3.1 billion).

Thus we find that the United States still maintains an overwhelming
lead in the production and sale of drugs. In the United States, the
sale of prescription drugs rose in 1987 by 12.5% to $27 billion.
Eleven of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United
States; three in Switzerland; two in Germany; and two in the United
Kingdom. Nutritionist T.J. Frye notes that the Drug Trust in the
United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group in a cartel
relationship with I.G. Farben of Germany. In fact, I.G. Farben was
the largest chemical concern in Germany during the 1930s, when it
engaged in an active cartel agreement with Standard Oil of New
Jersey. The Allied Military Government split it up into three
companies after World War II, as part of the "anti-cartel" goals of
that period, which was not unlike the famed splitting up of Standard
Oil itself by court order, while the Rockefellers maintained
controlling interest in each of the new companies. In Germany,
General William Draper, of Dillon Read investment bankers, unveiled
the new decree from his office in the I.G. Farben building.
Henceforth, I.G. Farben would exist no more; instead, three companies
would emerge-Bayer, of Leverkusen; BASF at Ludwigshafen; and Hoescht,
near Franfort. Each of the three spawns is now larger than the old
I.G. Farben; only ICI of England is larger. These firms export more
than half of their product. BASF is represented in the United States
by Shearman and Sterling, the Rockefeller law firm of which William
Rockefeller is a partner.

The world's No. 1 drug firm, Merck, began as an apothecary shop in
Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668. Its president, John J. Horan, is a
partner of J.P. Morgan Company, and the Morgan Guaranty Trust. He
attended a Bilderberger meeting in Rye, New York, May 10-12,1985. In
1953, Merck absorbed another large drug firm, Sharp & Dohme. At that
time, Oscar Ewing the central figure in the government Floridation
promotion for the Aluminum Trust, was secretary of the Merck firm,
his office then being at One Wall Street, New York.

Directors of Merck include John T. Connor, who began his business
career with Cravath, Swaine and Moore, the law firm for Kuhn,Loeb
Company; Connor then joined the Office of Naval Research, became
Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy 1945-47, became
president of Merck, then president of Allied Stores from 1967-80,
then chairman of Schroders, the London banking firm. Connor is also a
director of a competing drug firm, Warner Lambe

[CTRL] Leo Strauss - The Neocon Philosopher

2003-06-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Philosopher 
The late Leo Strauss has emerged as the thinker of the moment in Washington, but his ideas remain mysterious. Was he an ardent opponent of tyranny, or an apologist for the abuse of power?

By Jeet Heer, 5/11/2003 

ODD AS THIS MAY SOUND, we live in a world increasingly shaped by Leo Strauss, a controversial philosopher who died in 1973. Although generally unknown to the wider population, Strauss has been one of the two or three most important intellectual influences on the conservative worldview now ascendant in George W. Bush's Washington. Eager to get the lowdown on White House thinking, editors at the New York Times and Le Monde have had journalists pore over Strauss's work and trace his disciples' affiliations. The New Yorker has even found a contingent of Straussians doing intelligence work for the Pentagon. 

Yet while the extent of Strauss's influence is wide, his writings are frequently obscure, and his legacy is hotly disputed by admirers and critics alike. Certainly, Strauss was no ordinary Republican idea-maker: Steeped in ancient philosophy, he had dark forebodings about democracy, religion, technology, and nearly everything else that can claim the allegiance of the contemporary conservative (or liberal, for that matter). 

At first glance, a University of Chicago professor who spent most of his life pondering old books would seem an unlikely master-thinker for the policy wonks, career bureaucrats, and pundits who make up Washington's unelected elite. Strauss held that politics was a central human activity, but he also believed that ''all practical or political life is inferior to contemplative life.'' He participated in the battle of ideas not by issuing political manifestoes or angling for bureaucratic power, but by writing recondite and difficult books. 

A typical Strauss volume is a densely packed commentary on a classic text like Plato's ''The Laws'' or Machiavelli's ''The Prince,'' festooned with footnotes drawing on an array of hard-won languages from ancient Greek and Latin to medieval Arabic. It's often difficult to discern where Strauss's paraphrases of dead writers leave off and his own views begin-and this has only deepened the mystery that attaches to his work. 

Despite his life of quiet scholarly obscurity, Strauss has exerted a strong posthumous sway among those who bustle through the corridors of power. Washington Straussians have included Robert A. Goldwin, who had the bizarre and unenviable task of organizing weekly seminars in political theory and practice attended by President Gerald Ford in the mid-1970s; Carnes Lord, National Security Council advisor in the Reagan administration; and William Galston, deputy domestic policy adviser in the first two years of the Clinton administration. Irving Kristol, an intellectual whose name is virtually synonymous with neoconservatism, has named Strauss as a major influence, and Straussian writers and ideas regularly grace the pages of magazines like National Review, Commentary, and The Weekly Standard, which is edited by Irving's son William Kristol. The Bush administration's Straussians include the Pentagon officials Paul Wolfowitz and Abram Shulsky, who studied with Strauss at the University of Chicago, and the bioethics adviser Leon Kass, a colleague at Chicago. 

Strauss also claims a large, if rather clubbish, following in the academy, especially among scholars of political theory and American constitutional history. And yet even those academics who know Strauss's work best often sharply disagree about its fundamental meaning. There are East Coast Straussians, West Coast Straussians, and even some Straussian Democrats. Clifford Orwin, a professor at the University of Toronto strongly influenced by Strauss, describes him as a wise teacher who counseled prudence and moderation. But Shadia Drury, a professor of political science at the University of Calgary and the author of ''Leo Strauss and the American Right,'' completely disagrees. For her, Strauss was nothing less than ''a Jewish Nazi'' whose pretense of American patriotism and piety hid a cynical and extremist antidemocratic ideology. 

Was Leo Strauss a friend of liberal democracy, or an elitist who wanted society to be ruled by a secretive cabal? An ardent opponent of tyranny, or an apologist for the abuse of power? An atheist or a pious Jew? 

To understand Strauss, we need to look beyond the famous students and self-styled acolytes and examine the man himself. 

Born in 1899 to an Orthodox Jewish family in Germany, Leo Strauss learned at an early age that religion and philosophy are always vulnerable to the threat of political persecution. As a young man, Strauss was a liberal rationalist who nursed the hope, widespread in German Jewish circles, that assimilation into a liberal democracy would end anti-Semitism. As an undergraduate at the University of Marburg, his mentor