Re: [CTRL] Remote Control QU-22 Bombs Jewish Quarter in Hollywood

2003-06-09 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

CNN is 
offering the video at this site.

  -Original Message-From: Conspiracy 
  Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  William ShannonSent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 6:51 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] Remote 
  Control QU-22 Bombs Jewish Quarter in Hollywood-Caveat 
  Control QU-22 Bombs Jewish Quarter in HollywoodNot a Terrorist 
  Attack! says Department of Homeland SecurityCopyright Joe 
  Vialls, 8 June 2003 At 1000 hrs Greenwich Mean Time on 7 June 2003, 
  Australias early television news ran some extraordinary Japanese video 
  footage showing a Beech 36 single-engine aircraft rolling into a perfectly 
  controlled 85-degree dive overhead Hollywood, California. With its wings 
  rock-steady, and without the slightest trace of yaw, the Beechcraft 
  accelerated swiftly before plunging vertically into an apartment block in 
  Fairfax, a predominantly Orthodox Jewish quarter located close to the famous 
  Hollywood Sunset Strip. Speed of impact was approximately 250 miles per 
  Twenty minutes later, stunned by the audacity and accuracy of the attack 
  dive, I called the network and asked if they could send me a few frames of the 
  footage by email, because my VCR was not switched on at the time. Not a 
  problem, the Chief of Staff said, but why are you so interested in the 
  accident? I told her, which was probably a very unwise thing to do. 
  Within minutes, network policy got in the way and I was abruptly 
  disconnected. Forty minutes after that, when the other news networks went to 
  air, the startling Japanese footage had vanished completely; replaced by 
  low-angle ground shots of Jewish volunteer paramedics helping out at the crash 
  The FBI initially sent in counterterrorism, hazardous materials and 
  bomb squad units, but after an urgent telephone call from the Department 
  of Homeland Security, changed its approach completely, stating instead 
  that a preliminary investigation has determined the crash Friday afternoon 
  was an accident. This absurd and completely premature judgement was swiftly 
  backed up by local Californian Councilman Jack Weiss, who claimed This was 
  not a terrorist 
  Just how ridiculously premature this decision was, can best be judged by 
  the statement of NTSB investigator Tealeye Cornejo, who said a few hours later 
  the same day, no flight recorder has been found in the wreckage, and 
  investigators have not yet determined who owns the plane. To make 
  things worse, the alleged [but unknown and unseen] pilot failed to contact the 
  Southern California Terminal Radar Approach Control facility, as ordered by 
  the Santa Monica control 
  Now let me see if I have this right so far: An aircraft nose-dives like a 
  crazed German Stuka right into the middle of a pack of 
  vulnerable Jews, who in turn are located right in the middle of Hollywood, 
  the most hated propaganda filmmaking facility in America. The Department of 
  Homeland Security does not know the name of the pilot or the owner of the 
  Beechcraft 36, but does know that the aircraft failed to follow direct orders 
  issued by the Santa Monica control tower. Then the Department of Homeland 
  Security declares it was merely an accident. Does this make any sense to you? 
  Of course it doesnt, because the entire sequence of events shrieks 
  terrorism at anyone with an IQ higher than 
  Unfortunately, the Office of Homeland Security faces a problem so serious 
  that, as you may have already noticed from time to time, it feels obliged to 
  tell outright lies. Many Americans have become so sensitized to terrorist 
  air crashes in the wake of 9-11 that they now travel by Amtrak or by 
  automobile, thereby accidentally driving the American domestic airlines ever 
  deeper into debt, with many operators now approaching complete bankruptcy. So 
  if even a single small aircraft crash is linked to terrorism, as was the case 
  with the Cessna flown into the Bank America building in Florida for example, 
  about one million more Americans join the ever expanding throng of 
  those who permanently refuse to fly. This is very bad news for airline 
  investors and Wall Street 
  There are only three ways a light aircraft like the Beechcraft 36 in 
  Hollywood can return to earth in accidental circumstances. If the engine fails 
  or runs out of fuel, the aircraft glides at a relatively shallow angle of 
  about 30 degrees, allowing the pilot time [and a little distance] to pick a 
  suitable landing site. If the engine fails and the pilot accidentally loses 
  control and stalls the aircraft completely, it will fall to earth in a spin, 
  unless or until it is physically recovered from that spin by the pilot. If the 

[CTRL] The noble feat of Nike

2003-06-09 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
The noble feat of Nike
Johan Norberg
  Globalisation  otherwise known as 'ruthless
  international capitalism' is enriching the
  world's poor, says Johan Norberg
Nike. It means victory. It also means a type of
expensive gym shoe. In the minds of the
anti-globalisation movement, it stands for both
at once. Nike stands for the victory of a Western
footwear company over the poor and dispossessed.
Spongy, smelly, hungered after by kids across the
world, Nike is the symbol of the unacceptable
triumph of global capital.
A Nike is a shoe that simultaneously kicks people
out of jobs in the West, and tramples on the poor
in the Third World. Sold for 100 times more than
the wages of the peons who make them, Nike shoes
are hate-objects more potent, in the eyes of the
protesters at this week's G8 riots, than McDonald's
hamburgers. If you want to be trendy these days,
you don't wear Nikes; you boycott them.
So I was interested to hear someone not only
praising Nike sweatshops, but also claiming that
Nike is an example of a good and responsible
business. That someone was the ruling Communist
party of Vietnam.
Today Nike has almost four times more workers in
Vietnam than in the United States. I travelled to
Ho Chi Minh to examine the effects of multinational
corporations on poor countries. Nike being the most
notorious multinational villain, and Vietnam being
a dictatorship with a documented lack of free speech,
the operation is supposed to be a classic of
conscience-free capitalist oppression.
In truth the work does look tough, and the conditions
grim, if we compare Vietnamese factories with what
we have back home. But that's not the comparison
these workers make. They compare the work at Nike
with the way they lived before, or the way their
parents or neighbours still work. And the facts
are revealing. The average pay at a Nike factory
close to Ho Chi Minh is $54 a month, almost three
times the minimum wage for a state-owned enterprise.
Ten years ago, when Nike was established in Vietnam,
the workers had to walk to the factories, often for
many miles. After three years on Nike wages, they
could afford bicycles. Another three years later,
they could afford scooters, so they all take the
scooters to work (and if you go there, beware; they
haven't really decided on which side of the road to
drive). Today, the first workers can afford to buy
a car.
But when I talk to a young Vietnamese woman, Tsi-Chi,
at the factory, it is not the wages she is most happy
about. Sure, she makes five times more than she did,
she earns more than her husband, and she can now
afford to build an extension to her house. But the
most important thing, she says, is that she doesn't
have to work outdoors on a farm any more. For me, a
Swede with only three months of summer, this sounds
bizarre. Surely working conditions under the blue sky
must be superior to those in a sweatshop? But then I
am naively Eurocentric. Farming means 10 to 14 hours
a day in the burning sun or the intensive rain, in
rice fields with water up to your ankles and insects
in your face. Even a Swede would prefer working nine
to five in a clean, air-conditioned factory.
Furthermore, the Nike job comes with a regular wage,
with free or subsidised meals, free medical services
and training and education. The most persistent demand
Nike hears from the workers is for an expansion of
the factories so that their relatives can be offered
a job as well.
These facts make Nike sound more like Santa Claus
than Scrooge. But corporations such as Nike don't
bring these benefits and wages because they are
generous. It is not altruism that is at work here;
it is globalisation. With their investments in poor
countries, multinationals bring new machinery, better
technology, new management skills and production ideas,
a larger market and the education of their workers.
That is exactly what raises productivity. And if you
increase productivity  the amount a worker can
produce  you can also increase his wage.
Nike is not the accidental good guy. On average,
multinationals in the least developed countries pay
twice as much as domestic companies in the same line
of business. If you get to work for an American
multinational in a low-income country, you get eight
times the average income. If this is exploitation,
then the problem in our world is that the poor
countries aren't sufficiently exploited.
The effect on local business is profound: 'Before I
visit some foreign factory, especially like Nike, we
have a question. Why do the foreign factories here work
well and produce much more?' That was what Mr Kiet,
the owner of a local shoe factory who visited Nike to
learn how he could be just as successful at attracting
workers, told me: 'And I recognise that productivity
does not only come from machinery but also from
satisfaction of the worker. So for the future factory
we should concentrate on our working conditions.'
If I was 

[CTRL] (1/2) Mossad Moving Companies: Masterminds Of Global Terrorism?

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon

June 2, 2003:

The other day I was scanning the news reports and came across a rather mundane item that really got me to thinking. It simply read:

Cloudcroft chief stops Israelis with suspicious cargo 
By Michael Shinabery Staff Writer, Alamogordo Daily News

CLOUDCROFT, NM -- That they were speeding through the school zone first got his attention. 

That they had Israeli driver's licenses and expired passports made him suspicious. 

Cloudcroft Police Chief Gene Green stopped the 2-ton van on Thursday, for speeding. Initially, Green thought the truck was commercial because of exterior markings. But when he found it was out of Chicago, he asked for documentation such as logs books and manifests. 

"They said this is a U-Haul truck and handed me a rental agreement (for) in-town delivery only in Illinois, (which) had expired two days before," Green said. He called for backup, and Otero County Sheriff's Deputy Billy Anders, who patrols the Sacramento Mountains, arrived, along with Capt. Norbert Sanchez and Det. Eddie Medrano. 

"We got them out and started digging a little deeper," Green said, "got permission to search the truck. They claimed they were hauling furniture from Austin to Chicago." When officers advised the men they were not exactly en route from one town to another, Green said the two men claimed they were Deming bound. "But they couldn't give us an address in Deming they were going to," he said. "Once we got into the truck, they had some junk furniture I wouldn't have given to Goodwill." 

Also inside the vehicle were, Green said, "50 boxes" they claimed was a "private" delivery, but the men insisted they had no "idea what was in them." 

At that point, the officers called for drug-sniffing and bomb-sniffing dogs. The men were turned over to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and U- Haul recovered the truck.

Contents of the boxes remain unknown, pending investigation.

Well, don't that just beat all? Another "moving company" with Israeli drivers with bad papers, and nobody even noticed... 

Well, I noticed.

Not only did I notice, I remembered a strange story about a similar event:

On May 7, 2002, local police authorities pulled over a Budget rental truck in Oak Harbour, Washington near the Whitney Island Naval Air Station. The driver and his passenger were Israeli nationals, one of which had entered the country illegally. The other had an expired visa. Tests performed on the vehicle revealed that there were traces of TNT on the gearshift and RDX plastic explosives on the steering wheel. But no actual explosives were reported to have been found in the truck. [Fox News, 5/13/02]

A report in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer the following day reported that the FBI performed follow-up tests on the truck which turned-up negative. One source speculated that perhaps the original tests had actually detected just cigarette residue, and not explosives. [Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 5/14/02, Jerusalem Post, 5/14/02]. 

Critics argued that it would make no sense for U.S. authorities to use a method of testing that could be skewed by cigarette residue. The website remarked:

The specific claim is made that residue from a cigarette lighter confused the tests for TNT and RDX. That doesn't explain why the trained bomb-sniffing dog, who surely knows the difference between explosives and cigarettes [else hewould false-positive every smoker, ashtray, and convenience store he came across] gave the first indications of explosives in the truck that led to the tests in the first place. Likewise, were the chemical tests unable to discriminate between tobacco and TNT/RDX, which are chemically quite different from tobacco combustion products, they would give false positive results for every vehicle ever tested in which smokers had ever ridden. Given the likelihood of finding tobacco residues in any car, such tests would have to be designed to tell the difference. 

The same is true for other products from non- electric cigarette lighters, the vast majority of which are butane.The same website also provided references to three documents with detailed information on the tests used to detect TNT and RDX. None of the documents indicated that the presence of cigarette residue might induce inaccurate testresults. [International Society for Optical Engineering 1984; Cold Regions and Research Engineering Laboratory 5-1996; Security Management n.d.] 

I also remembered another peculiar item: the so-called Urban Moving Company that some researchers suggest was a cover for Mossad. 

Many observers have suggested that Israel had foreknowledge of the 9/11 terrorists attacks. Some have even argued that they may have been behind the attacks, and it seems that the funny stories about Israelis with trucks and bad papers just keep popping up here and there.

On September 11, five employees of 

[CTRL] (2/2) Mossad Moving Companies: Masterminds Of Global Terrorism?

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

According to one independent journalist who was investigating the art students a CIA officer had told him, Weve just closed the book on it. And I recommend that you do the same. [Salon, 5/7/02]

Whoa! Now what's THAT supposed to mean? Is that a threat?! Again I ask why law-abiding American citizens must submit to the loss of all their constitutional freedoms while very suggestive evidence exists that Israel may be complicit in the 9-11 attacks - from which THEY AND THE BUSH GANG ALONE BENEFITTED - is "closed" to scrutiny?

One official of the present administration stated that the evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information. [Fox News 12/12-13/01]

Which brings up the question as to why the Bush Administration is not only blocking an unbiased investigation into the events of September 11, but are also stalling on releasing the reports that HAVE been assembled? What do they REALLY have to hide?

Well, maybe the following provides a clue:

Pro-Israeli director of the Middle East Forum Daniel Pipes wrote an op-ed piece asserting that the whole espionage story was just a myth. In spite of all the above evidence, he claimed the story was baseless and amounted to little more than fodder for the conspiracy theorists. [New York Post 3/11/02]

Critical media coverage of investigations into Israelis has been virtually non-xistent. The major media, with the exception of Fox News, completely ignored the Israeli spy scandal. But Fox soon canned the story under pressure for pro-Israeli lobbies.

Well, that's not a surprise considering that Jews control the media in the U.S. As Kevin MacDonald has written:

The rise of Jewish power and the disestablishment of the specifically European nature of the U.S. are the real topics of CofC. The war to disestablish the specifically European nature of the U.S. was fought on several fronts. The main thrusts of Jewish activism against European ethnic and cultural hegemony have focused on three critical power centers in the United States: The academic world of information in the social sciences and humanities, the political world where public policy on immigration and other ethnic issues is decided, and the mass media where ways of seeing are presented to the public. [...]

By all accounts, ethnic Jews have a powerful influence in the American mediafar larger than any other identifiable group. The extent of Jewish ownership and influence on the popular media in the United States is remarkable given the relatively small proportion of the population that is Jewish. [The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements 

I guess warnings to "close the book" carry a lot of weight. Salon reported, Oddly, four days after the Cameron investigation ran, all traces of his report -- transcripts, Web links, headlines -- disappeared from the archives. [Normally, Fox leaves a story up for two to three weeks before consigning it to the pay archive.]

Asked why the Cameron piece disappeared, spokesman Robert Zimmerman said it was up there on our Web site for about two or three weeks and then it was taken down because we had to replace it with more breaking news. As you know, in a Web site you've got x amount of bandwidth -- you know, x amount of stuff you can put stuff up on [sic]. So it was replaced. Normal course of business, my friend.  

When informed that Cameron's story was gone from the archives, not simply from the headline pages [when you entered the old URL, a Fox screen appeared with the message This story no longer exists], Zimmerman replied, I don't know where it is. [Salon, 5/7/02]

Le Monde, attempted 3 times to acquire the transcripts from Fox. The requests were ignored until February 26, when Fox explained that there was some sort of problem preventing them from sending it. The problem was not explained. [Le Monde 3/5/02; see also Salon, 5/7/02]

Several pro-Israeli organizations put pressure on Fox to halt its probe and retract its story.

In response to the Fox News stories, the Israeli embassy stated the following, The report on Fox News contains no quoted source, it has in no way demonstrated anything more than anonymous innuendo, and should be regarded accordingly. Israel does not spy on the United States of America. [Jerusalem Post, 5/14/02]

In response to the DEA report that was publicized by Intelligence Online, a spokesperson at the Israeli embassy in Washington claimed, No one in the US is taking this story seriously. I categorically deny the claims and my embassy has received no complaints from the US. . . . I am not aware of a single Israeli who has been charged with espionage. [Independent 3/6/02]

Forward, after initially denying the allegations of an Israeli spy ring, acknowledged its existence in mid March 2002, 

[CTRL] Conspiracy Too Monstrous To Conceive

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Conspiracy Too Monstrous To Conceive 
By Henry Makow, Ph.D. 
Cognitive Dissonance

" The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." 
--J. Edgar Hoover 

The world is in the malignant grip of a satanic cult. 

People recoil at the suggestion but proof stares us in the face every day. 

George W. Bush, President of the "Free World" is a member of "Skull and Bones" a chapter of the Illuminati order. His father, grandfather and uncle are also members. 

In his autobiography, "A Charge to Keep" Bush writes, "My senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society so secret I can't say anything more." In Aug. 2000 he said his "heritage is part of who I am." 

Isn't this a conflict of interest? 

Hello! Can a man hold any public office, let alone the most important, and belong to a "secret society"? If this society were benign, would it have to be secret? 

And what a secret society! The Illuminati is the hidden hand behind all modern cataclysms, including the French and Russian Revolutions, Communism, the Depression and Nazism. To affect the course of history only takes money. The people behind the Illuminati have plenty. 

It's time we faced reality. Murphy's Law applies to humanity. "If it can go wrong, it will." 

It has. The world is ruled by a satanic cult. 

The Illuminati and the Skull  Bones

The Illuminati originates with Jewish Cabalists, Babylonian mystery cults, the Templars, Freemasons and assorted interests dedicated to acquiring absolute power. On May 1 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Inglestadt in Germany, founded "The Order of the Illuminati." Many people believe Weishaupt was sponsored by Prince William of Hesse Casel and his banker Meyer Amschel Rothschild, the wealthiest man in the world. 

The Illuminati's stated goal was to destroy Western Civilization and to erect a new world order ruled by the Illuminati. Its method was to cut all social ties (employer, nation, religion, race, family) by exploiting social discontent and promising a golden age of "human brotherhood." 

Attracted by the promise of power and change, people served without realizing who or what they were supporting. Weishaupt urged his followers to "practise the art of counterfeit." New recruits were told the Illuminati followed the original spirit of Christianity. Weishaupt marvelled that even churchmen could be gulled. "Oh! Men, of what cannot you be persuaded?" (Nesta Webster, World Revolution, 1921, p. 27) 

The Illuminati had a hand in every so-called "progressive" movement of the past 200 years. Women, said Weishaupt, were to be enlisted with "hints of emancipation." They "can all be led toward change by vanity, curiosity, sensuality and inclination." (Webster, 29) 

William Huntington, an American who had studied in Germany, founded the "Skull and Bones" (Chapter 322 of the Bavarian Illuminati) at Yale University in 1832. The members wore a death's head on their chests and were sworn to secrecy on pain of death. "The Order" became the preserve of the leading New England families, many rich from the Opium trade. These include the Whitneys, Tafts, Buckleys, Lowells, Sloans, Coffins, and Harrimans. The Bush family was dependent on these interests. 

For over 150 years, "Bonesmen" have run the world from positions in banking, intelligence, media, law and government. Members included Presidential handler Averell Harriman, anti war leader William Sloan Coffin, Time-Life magnate Henry Luce, Truman war secretary Henry Stimson (responsible for dropping the atomic bomb), pseudo conservative William F. Buckley and many more. 

The Battle is not Between Left and Right

In the 1960's British-born Dr. Anthony Sutton was a Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institute when he discovered that, in spite of the Cold War, the US was supplying the USSR with its technology, including weapons used against American soldiers in Vietnam. Sutton dug deeper and discovered that Wall Street had sponsored both the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Nazi Germany. The resulting books ( which are on line) cost Dr. Sutton his academic career. 

In 1983, Dr. Sutton received a list of Skull and Bones members and immediately recognized the names of many men who controlled American policy. He published a book entitled "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" (1986). He updated and republished this book just before his death last June at age 77. Here are some of his conclusions. 

+"The Order" is " a purely American phenomenon with German origin." Dr. Sutton compares it to the Round Table Cecil Rhodes' secret society at Oxford known as "The Group." The American and British entities consist of 20-30 dynastic families 

[CTRL] Loftus' ethics, cannibals, Toulouse sex ring, priest child porn

2003-06-09 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Unrecallable memory: Who's twisting the truth? By David L. Corwin Special to The Times "The most important and far-reaching issue about the situation described in Susan Kelleher's article ("Professor questions study, then others question her," Times page one, March 17) is the breach of an individual's right to privacy after she had agreed to the publication of a scientific article about her caseAfter my article appeared, Loftus, Guyer and a private investigator violated Jane's privacy by determining her real identity and interviewing her mother, brother, stepmother and foster mother. The investigator also attempted but failed to contact Jane. In May and July of 2001, Loftus and Guyer published two articles in the Skeptical Inquirer titled, "Who abused Jane Doe?"...Loftus and Guyer did not contact me prior to violating Jane's privacy nor did they obtain Jane's consent for determining her identity, interviewing her childhood caregivers or publishing their articles about her childhood and abuse allegations. It is also now clear that they did not have authorization by their universities' Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) for their actions regarding Jane Doe's case. A very important fact described in Kelleher's article was that Loftus did not respond to the UW Institutional Review Board's questions about her proposed research in Jane Doe's case because Michigan's IRB had given her co-author, Melvin Guyer, the "go ahead to proceed." After reading this in Kelleher's article, I began to suspect some "truth twisting" about an IRB approving the violation of Jane Doe's privacy. I inquired about this assertion with the University of Michigan IRB office and was informed that it has no record of any such approval for research by Guyer on this case. The Michigan IRB had decided that the study did not come within its scope. Such a decision is not a "go ahead" but rather a caution that the IRB committee is not providing its approval or guidance nor is it forbidding the applicant from using his or her own judgment on how to proceed. Also, approval at one institution in no way constitutes approval for another institution without prior agreement." or

Professor questions study, then others question her By Susan Kelleher Seattle Times staff reporter "From the start, the methods used by Loftus and Guyer in re-examining the case were unorthodox. Instead of going to Corwin for more information or permission to talk with Jane, Loftus and Guyer picked up on clues  her real first name, locations, the year of her parents' divorce and her father's death  and figured out Jane's full name and whereabouts. With the help of a private investigator, they dug up divorce records and interviewed three women who knew Jane: her birth mother, foster mother and stepmother. The results of their investigation appeared in the Skeptical Inquirer, a mass-circulation magazine..."

four from mparent This may be very heavy for survivors. 

Ritual Cannibalism Stalks Congo's Remote East
 Cannibal soldiers 'selling human flesh'

Mayor's 'affair' with serial killer Paul Webster in Paris 6/6/03 "The scandal over alleged links between top officials in Toulouse and France's most notorious serial killer deepened yesterday when a news magazine revealed allegations that the former mayor, Dominique Baudis, had a sexual relationship with the murderer, Patrice Algre.",11882,971714,00.html

Judge jailed over sex party abuse case 6/6/03 "A German judge, who held regular sex 
parties at his home, has been jailed for three years for assisting a rape. A court in Berlin on Wednesday found him guilty of helping one of the guests rape a 19-year-old Slovakian woman. He had denied the charge, but then made a surprise confession."

Orgies, torture, murder and the mayor By Rob Parsons in Toulouse "The people of Toulouse, though, are in a state of shock. They find themselves at the centre of a scandal that is by turns both horrifying and fascinating France. At the centre of it all is Dominique Baudis, a 56-year-old former television presenter, whose family name is a part of the fabric of the city. Dominique's father was elected mayor here in 1971, staying on until 1983, when Dominique himself took over. It was the start of a reign that would last until 2001. Eighteen years of uninterrupted power.By most accounts, Baudis is the epitome of discretion, a very private man not given to taking risks. Yet, if the accusations of a serial killer and two former prostitutes, Fanny and Patricia, 

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-06-09 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 13:36:29 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
June 9, 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Walters Delivers Hillary Book Infomercial, Paints Her as Victim
In Sunday's Barbara Walters special promoting Hillary Clinton's new book,
Walters did little more than deliver an hour-long infomercial for the
book as she cued up items in the tome for Hillary to comment on,
book-ended with plugs for a presidential bid. For Walters, bad things
just seemed to happen to an innocent Hillary Clinton whom Walters
repeatedly saw as a victim: “You made investments in the commodities
markets, you dealt in real estate -- Whitewater, you worked for the Rose
law firm, all of which at the time you thought were very innocent. All
these things came back to haunt you.” Walters concluded the hour by
fancifully speculating on the possibility of a President Hillary Clinton
and First Husband Bill Clinton.

2. ABC Highlights Hillary's “Pain” Over Bush Ruining the Economy
Minutes before ABC's infomercial for Hillary Clinton's book aired in the
EDT and CDT time zones, ABC's World News Tonight/Sunday anchor Carole
Simpson highlighted how it “pains” Hillary Clinton “that her husband's
work to improve the economy has been reversed.” Clinton bawled about how
“it breaks my heart that in two and a half years we've gone back into
huge deficits and debt and jobs are down and people are falling back into

3. ABC Insists “Everyone” Excited by Hillary, Her Presidential Bid
Speak for yourself. Viewers of Sunday's This Week on ABC heard that
“everyone's” been waiting for the Barbara Walters-Hillary Clinton
interview, that “everyone” in Washington will be scouring Hillary's book
“for clues” about her political future, and that whether she will run for
President in 2004 is what “everyone's talking about.”

4. “Is the 'Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy' Bigger Than You Thought?”
An actual question from Time magazine's Nancy Gibbs to Hillary Clinton in
an interview for this week's issue which accompanies the magazine's cover
story excerpt of her new book: “Is the 'vast, right-wing conspiracy'
bigger than you thought when you brought that term into our vocabulary?”
And that wasn't the only question from Gibbs which presumed conservatives
were in the wrong. Gibbs wondered: “In the book you have a lot to say
about forgiveness. Have you forgiven Ken Starr?” Plus: “Would you call
Bush a radical?”

5. NBC Again Distorts Topic by Saying People “Left Out” of Tax Cut
On Friday night, Tom Brokaw raised the subject of how “some low-income
groups were left out” of “the President's tax cut,” but Brokaw again
failed to point out the basic fact that those in question do not pay net
income tax. David Gregory echoed the same language as he cited criticism
that the tax cut “left out a huge chunk of the working poor who wouldn't
benefit from the tax plan's expanded child credit.” Though their
situation would not change, Washington Post reporter Juliet Eilperin
ludicrously asserted those in question are “hurt” by not getting the
higher tax credit.

6. Hume: Clinton “Waving His Wand at Everyone Who Walked By...”
Best line of the weekend, from Brit Hume on Fox News Sunday in reaction
to Hillary Clinton's charge in her new book that the Starr Report was
“gratuitously graphic and degrading to the presidency.” Hume quipped: “So
you've got this President, who'd been waving his wand at everyone who
walked by...”

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:

Times Promotes Laughable Lefty Authors
Warren St. John profiles a “scrappy” left-wing publisher who has employed
anti-American author Noam Chomsky, disgraced arms inspector Scott Ritter
and self-important actor Sean Penn (and acquired a manuscript from the
Unabomber). It’s a target-rich environment, but St. John holds his fire.

Read the entire article as posted on

Re: [CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-06-09 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

Just a thought from a Canadian...

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

Why not pledge  to the DOCUMENT(s) (to wit: declaration OF independence 
constitution) upon which the US was founded.

The flag means shitinfact. most of your flags don't even meet US LAW
TITLE 4 section(s) 2, 3 inter alia.

No wonder you Americans let your country slip away.

Nation of fucking idiots.


- Original Message -
From: William Bacon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 4:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
 the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
 liberty and justice for all.

  visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
 for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 13:36:29 -0700
 From: Media Research Center IS Staff
 Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


 Media Research Center
 America's Media Watchdog
 Bringing Political Balance and
 Responsibility to the Media

 MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
 June 9, 2003
 .Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

 Today's CyberAlert:

 1. Walters Delivers Hillary Book Infomercial, Paints Her as Victim
 In Sunday's Barbara Walters special promoting Hillary Clinton's new book,
 Walters did little more than deliver an hour-long infomercial for the
 book as she cued up items in the tome for Hillary to comment on,
 book-ended with plugs for a presidential bid. For Walters, bad things
 just seemed to happen to an innocent Hillary Clinton whom Walters
 repeatedly saw as a victim: You made investments in the commodities
 markets, you dealt in real estate -- Whitewater, you worked for the Rose
 law firm, all of which at the time you thought were very innocent. All
 these things came back to haunt you. Walters concluded the hour by
 fancifully speculating on the possibility of a President Hillary Clinton
 and First Husband Bill Clinton.

 2. ABC Highlights Hillary's Pain Over Bush Ruining the Economy
 Minutes before ABC's infomercial for Hillary Clinton's book aired in the
 EDT and CDT time zones, ABC's World News Tonight/Sunday anchor Carole
 Simpson highlighted how it pains Hillary Clinton that her husband's
 work to improve the economy has been reversed. Clinton bawled about how
 it breaks my heart that in two and a half years we've gone back into
 huge deficits and debt and jobs are down and people are falling back into

 3. ABC Insists Everyone Excited by Hillary, Her Presidential Bid
 Speak for yourself. Viewers of Sunday's This Week on ABC heard that
 everyone's been waiting for the Barbara Walters-Hillary Clinton
 interview, that everyone in Washington will be scouring Hillary's book
 for clues about her political future, and that whether she will run for
 President in 2004 is what everyone's talking about.

 4. Is the 'Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy' Bigger Than You Thought?
 An actual question from Time magazine's Nancy Gibbs to Hillary Clinton in
 an interview for this week's issue which accompanies the magazine's cover
 story excerpt of her new book: Is the 'vast, right-wing conspiracy'
 bigger than you thought when you brought that term into our vocabulary?
 And that wasn't the only question from Gibbs which presumed conservatives
 were in the wrong. Gibbs wondered: In the book you have a lot to say
 about forgiveness. Have you forgiven Ken Starr? Plus: Would you call
 Bush a radical?

 5. NBC Again Distorts Topic by Saying People Left Out of Tax Cut
 On Friday night, Tom Brokaw raised the subject of how some low-income
 groups were left out of the President's tax cut, but Brokaw again
 failed to point out the basic fact that those in question do not pay net
 income tax. David Gregory echoed the same language as he cited criticism
 that the tax cut left out a huge chunk of the working poor who wouldn't
 benefit from the tax plan's expanded child credit. Though their
 situation would not change, Washington Post reporter Juliet Eilperin
 ludicrously asserted those in question are hurt by not getting the
 higher tax credit.

 6. Hume: Clinton Waving His Wand at Everyone Who Walked By...
 Best line of the weekend, from Brit Hume on Fox News Sunday in reaction
 to Hillary Clinton's charge in her new book that the Starr Report was
 gratuitously graphic and degrading to the presidency. Hume quipped: So

[CTRL] Neocons Lied Us Into War - Will They Get Away With It Twice?

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

June 9, 2003
Neocons lied us into war  will they get away with it twice?

Senator Robert Bennett (R-Utah) has denounced the widespread call for the U.S. to account for the "weapons of mass destruction" Iraq was supposed to have as "historical revisionism." This is odd phraseology. Our understanding of history is being constantly revised and updated, as new evidence comes to light, which is why "revisionism"  acting as a constant prod to orthodoxy  is the motor of intellectual progress. We need more "revisionism," not less. 

In retrospect, the events that have impelled us to war have turned out, in every case, to be elaborate hoaxes. We now know, for example, that the Maine was blown up, not by the Spanish, but by an internal malfunction: the investigation carried out by Admiral Hyman Rickover in 1976 showed that the event that sparked the Spanish-American War was in all likelihood spontaneous combustion in a coal bin. Yet the media whipped up a war hysteria that swept aside all questions of fact. "Remember the Maine!" is a slogan that ought to make us forever leery of war propaganda.

Those infamous tales of Belgian babies speared on German bayonets  war propaganda that did much to rile the American public on the eve of World War I  were a figment of some British propagandist's vivid imagination. The myth-makers were even busier in the period leading up to World War II: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, we have since learned, knew much more about the "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor than even the most cynical observers suspected. Clare Booth Luce was right when she said of FDR's deception: "He lied us into war." But it doesn't stop there.

The grand deception continued into the cold war era. The Satan with a sword that was supposed to have been the Soviet Union, it turned out, was a 90-lb. weakling that, finally, succumbed to its own inherent disability: yet, right up until the fall of the Berlin Wall, U.S. intelligence assessments were flat-out wrong, driven as they were by ideological assumptions and interests. The neocons at first denounced the self-dissolution of Communism, as carried out by Mikhail Gorbachev, as a trick. Right up until the end, they warned of the growing Soviet threat.

In the post-cold war world, the masters of deceit really went overboard: remember those Kuwait babies that were supposed to have been disconnected from their incubators by invading Iraqi troops and flung to the floor? It turned out that the "eyewitness" to these imaginary happenings was none other than the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, and that the hoax had been concocted by Kuwait's American PR firm. A similar style of blatant fakery permeates the war propaganda of the post-9/11 era, except on a much grander scale. 

John Dean speculates as to whether the lies about Iraq's alleged arsenal, told by this administration, and by George W. Bush personally, constitute grounds for impeachment. This seems, theoretically and practically, a dubious proposition: if every President who ever lied us into war had been tried and found guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, we'd have indicted every occupant of the White House in modern times.

Team Bush constructed an imposing edifice of lies to impress Congress and the people with the enormity of the Iraqi threat. Shocking, isn't it? Well, uh, no. Not when it comes to the neocons. They are, as has been widely noted, students and admirers of the late Leo Strauss  the New York Times calls them "Leo-cons." Strauss was a classics professor, influential thinker, and neocon icon who believed that wisdom must be imparted to intellectual elites in esoteric terms, because it might be misunderstood by the ignorant masses.

Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, a leading hawk, and Abram Shulsky, the director of the Office of Special Plans unit set up by Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to find evidence of Iraqi WMDs, received their doctorates under professor Strauss's tutelage. Shulsky is a scholar steeped in Strauss and the classics, and lest it be doubted that the labored effusions of a philosophic eccentric could have an application to intelligence work, there is always a 1999 essay, authored by Shulsky and Gary Schmitt, "Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence," which makes the argument that Strauss's concept of esoteric meanings:

"Alerts one to the possibility that political life may be closely linked to deception. Indeed, it suggests that deception is the norm in political life, and the hope, to say nothing of the expectation, of establishing a politics that can dispense with it is the exception."

So this administration lied to Congress and the American people over a period of several months  what else do you expect from people who proudly aver that "deception is the norm in political life" and make no bones about their disregard for the idea of objective truth?

Those trucks the President claims are 

[CTRL] Ashcroft is Coming! Ashcroft is Coming!

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

June 9, 2003
Ashcroft is Coming! Ashcroft is Coming!
One Way or Another He's Gonna Getcha

FBI Director Robert Mueller recently agreed with President Bush's assessment that "we" had Al Qaeda on the run." Of course Osama and Saddam are out there somewhere, but whatever Al Qaeda is (see Steve Perry's post that queries whether there really is an Al Qaeda), we have routed them.

So Michael Chertoff, chief of the criminal division and head of the antiterrorism prosecutions to date, is out of Justice and off to be a federal judge on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals (read my warning about him). And Assistant Attorney General Viet Dinh, who wrote the Patriot Act (and no doubt had a lot to do with Patriot II), is leaving boss John to teach constitutional law at Georgetown University Law School (the Dean must have a sense of humor, irony, or both).

And John is getting plea bargains left and right--though not to the charges prosecuted--and claiming, along with Bush, victory in the war on terror. Though he does, mind you, need a few more "tool" in his little black bag to finish up the task (and there is a stray right or two left in the Bill of Rights that he has not fully dispatched).

Nonetheless, things are getting a little boring around the Justice Department, what with the nude statues draped and all, and some of John's best buddies gone.

So, this week, John brought together some of his favorite prosecutors from around the country and hauled out boxes of files. Old files. Old surveillance files. Maybe on you and me.

And John said to his disciples, charge these people. I don't care with what. They must have done something or we wouldn't have a file on them. Charge them with inhaling marijuana, or jaywalking, or copying a VHS tape, or writing an article, or attending a mosque, or voting Democratic (or Green, or Libertarian). Charge them. Indict them. Tell the judge they are terrorist threats (remember, terror is what I say it is) and don't let them out on bail. Set their trials for 18 months away, like we did with that professor in Florida, who won't see the sun shine until at least January 2005. Maybe when they have been locked up for a few months, without lawyers, mind you. I forgot to tell you that. No lawyers. They are a threat to national security. Terrorists will not have the benefit of my Constitution. And mark those you think have done something really bad--like speak out in favor of Palestinian rights, or human rights. I will get George to name them unlawful combatants. Then they can get shipped out of the country. Call Putin up. See if he will get some of those gulags out of mothballs for us.

This is not just a funny story from a blogger who has had too much caffeine. This week, Ashcroft told his prosecutors to start reviewing 25 years of telephone and e-mail wiretaps and results from secret searches--in files on 4.500 people-- and decide whether they can file criminal charges under anti-terrorist laws.

The wiretaps and searches were performed on "suspected" spies and terrorists-suspected, as in no probable cause, but mere suspicion-- under the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. With permission from a super-secret U.S. spy court, the FBI has used such warrants to break into homes, offices and hotel rooms to install hidden cameras, copy computer files and eavesdrop on telephones. Agents also have intercepted e-mails and pried into safe deposit boxes.

Criminal prosecutors previously were not entitled to the contents of intelligence files, which were limited under Justice Department policies to government espionage and
counterterrorism experts. But a court ruling this year by the appellate branch of the secret court lowered that wall, allowing the review of old surveillance. The efforts of a trial FISA judge to curtail Ashcroft's runaway snooping was met not only with resistance by the appeals court, but the court gave Ashcroft more than a win. Yo, John, they said. Didn't you know that you could go back and use past searches to prosecute those new laws you wrote into the PATRIOT ACT?

So, Ashcroft reported this week that all U.S. attorney offices around the country are looking at the closed and open intelligence investigations to review for criminal purposes nationwide. There is no telling when charges will be brought, but the boots could some looking for you any day now. 

And the evidence used against you may be too secret for even you to know! You may be charged with smoking weed, but they may actually be telling the judge that you are sending money to Osama. 

U.S. Attorney Paul McNulty of Virginia, whose office is responsible for the terrorism case against Zacarias Moussaoui, said the review of the files allows federal prosecutors to "make sure we are aware of who is out there in the community and that we know what they're doing and be able to make some enforcement decisions as a result." (On a personal 

[CTRL] CIA-Funded Software To Scour For Clues

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CIA-Funded Software To Scour For Clues
By TED BRIDIS The Associated Press 
Published: Jun 9, 2003

WASHINGTON - The CIA is bankrolling efforts to improve technology designed to scour millions of digital photos or video clips for particular cars or street signs or even, some day, human faces. The innovative software from fledgling PiXlogic LLC of Los Altos, Calif., promises to help analysts make better use of the Central Intelligence Agency's enormous electronic archives. Analysts also could be alerted when a helicopter or other targeted item appears in a live video broadcast. 

PiXlogic is set to announce that the CIA's venture-capital organization, In-Q-Tel, has invested an unspecified amount to help the company improve the software. 

In-Q-Tel - named for ``Q,'' the fictional inventor of fanciful spy gadgetry for James Bond - makes about a dozen such investments annually with roughly $35 million it receives from the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology. In-Q-Tel was created in February 1999 and has gained favorable reviews from Capitol Hill. 

``There was a great deal of interest in these capabilities,'' Mike Griffin, In-Q-Tel's president, said of the picture-monitoring effort. ``Because more and more of what is on the Internet is in visual form, the ability to search on those materials is important and getting more important all the time.'' 

Neither In-Q-Tel nor PiXlogic would disclose terms of the deal, though executives said similar arrangements typically have been between $500,000 to $2.5 million. In-Q-Tel is organized as a nonprofit firm, and Griffin said it doesn't put onerous conditions on companies that earn its funding. 

``We're making a bet. We want them to succeed,'' he said. ``This is a way for government to tap into cutting-edge, state-of-the-art technology.'' 

PiXlogic's chief executive, Joseph Santucci, said the company is probably one year from adding effective face-recognition features to its software to help the CIA track photographs or videos of specific people. 

The cloak-and-dagger software presently has only rudimentary ability to recognize a face and then find other photos and video footage of that person, although a demonstration of this feature by Santucci worked almost flawlessly. 

Many current visual-search products rely on photographers or editors to manually assign keywords, dates or categories to photographs or videos describing their content, such as ``soccer game'' or ``President Bush speech.'' A few systems can study prominent colors in a picture to recognize that objects, for example, are mostly yellow or blue. 

PiXlogic's software analyzes each photograph or video frame, identifies items by geometry, color and other qualities, and stores those details in tiny computer files associated with each image. It can quickly compare details from a sample image against details from millions of other images in a private picture library or on the Web. 

Some photography experts expressed doubt that an automated system could yet categorize and find images as well as humans. 

``That stuff has not been widely adapted so far,'' said John Harrison, a vice president at MerlinOne Inc. of Quincy, Mass., which makes photo-retrieval software. ``It's not that the technology or concept isn't interesting, but its current level of development isn't quite there.''
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Neocons Lied Us Into War - Will They Get Away With It Twice?

2003-06-09 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


You think politicians would lie to us in order to get us into a war? I'm 
shocked, really shocked - not.

Woodrow Wilson lied us into World War I.

FDR let Pearl Harbor happen, much as 9/11 was allowed to happen, to get us 
into World War II to help Britain and the USSR.

Harry Truman's Secretary of State Dean Acheson invited North Korea to 
attack South Korea when he declared South Korea was "outside of our perimeter of 

Lyndon Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" to get 
usfully into the Vietnam conflict.

Bush the Elder told Saddam we would take no action if he invaded 

Now you think Bush II lied to get us into the war with Iraq? 

The only surprising thing is that anyone is surprised.

BTW, were all those above "neocons"?


p.s What's that old Indian maxim, "fool me once shame on you, fool me 

- Original Message - 
From: William Shannon 

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 12:25 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Neocons Lied Us Into War - Will They Get Away With 
It Twice?
-Caveat Lector- 
9, 2003BEHIND THE LIESNeocons lied us into war 
 will they get away with it twice?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Neocons Lied Us Into War - Will They Get Away With It Twice?

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

I am well aware of the incidents you cited. All accurate and all of which I'd have been vocally opposing if I was able at the time. My concern is not with what was done in the past but what is happening now, with the person in the White House and his handlers. Are you suggesting that we should silently accept it since "everyone does it?" I, for one, will not. Incidently, I was disturbed that April Glaspie's giving Saddam the green light against a neighbor who was slant-drilling into Iraqi oilfields was later used against him. Very poor form on our part and not a little embarrassing. Being in my mid-30's however I was not around to grouse about the others. But for the record, each of the scenarios are, in my opinion, unforgivable offenses.


In a message dated 6/10/2003 12:14:15 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You think politicians would lie to us in order to get us into a war? I'm shocked, really shocked - not.
Woodrow Wilson lied us into World War I.
FDR let Pearl Harbor happen, much as 9/11 was allowed to happen, to get us into World War II to help Britain and the USSR.
Harry Truman's Secretary of State Dean Acheson invited North Korea to attack South Korea when he declared South Korea was "outside of our perimeter of defense."
Lyndon Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" to get us fully into the Vietnam conflict.
Bush the Elder told Saddam we would take no action if he invaded Kuwait.
Now you think Bush II lied to get us into the war with Iraq? 
The only surprising thing is that anyone is surprised.
BTW, were all those above "neocons"?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wall Street Journal responds to the CTRL post on Strauss

2003-06-09 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

Well, maybe WSJ never hear ofCTRL's endless 
recycling of LaRouche material, but here is an interesting view of the 
LaRouche-neocon, Leo Strauss word bushels that appear here. The site also 
has some intelligent responses to the article itself.

Joining LaRouche In the Fever Swamps 
The New York Times and The New Yorker go 
off the deep end. BY ROBERT 
L. BARTLEY Monday, June 9, 2003 12:01 a.m. 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Wall Street Journal responds to the CTRL post on Strauss

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
LaRouche must be hitting the right people where it hurts for the WSJ to sanction this idiotic hit piece!!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Neocons Lied Us Into War - Will They Get Away With It Twice?

2003-06-09 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


My point was that Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives 
have all lied us into war. At least that's how it's perceived when in reality 
all those people are (or were) part of the same drive for global power that is 
at least a century old in this country.

Bashing Republicans and not Democrats, conservatives (neocons) and not 
liberals is not only not helpful, it perpetuates the division amongst us.


- Original Message - 
From: William Shannon 

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Neocons Lied Us Into War - Will They Get Away 
With It Twice?
-Caveat Lector- Jim,I am well aware of the 
incidents you cited. All accurate and all of which I'd have been vocally 
opposing if I was able at the time. My concern is not with what was done in the 
past but what is happening now, with the person in the White House and his 
handlers. Are you suggesting that we should silently accept it since "everyone 
does it?" I, for one, will not. Incidently, I was disturbed that April Glaspie's 
giving Saddam the green light against a neighbor who was slant-drilling into 
Iraqi oilfields was later used against him. Very poor form on our part and not a 
little embarrassing. Being in my mid-30's however I was not around to grouse 
about the others. But for the record, each of the scenarios are, in my opinion, 
unforgivable offenses.Bill.In a message dated 6/10/2003 
12:14:15 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You think politicians would lie to us in order to get us into a 
  war? I'm shocked, really shocked - not. Woodrow Wilson lied us 
  into World War I. FDR let Pearl Harbor happen, much as 9/11 was 
  allowed to happen, to get us into World War II to help Britain and the 
  USSR. Harry Truman's Secretary of State Dean Acheson invited 
  North Korea to attack South Korea when he declared South Korea was "outside of 
  our perimeter of defense." Lyndon Johnson lied about the Gulf of 
  Tonkin "incident" to get us fully into the Vietnam conflict. 
  Bush the Elder told Saddam we would take no action if he invaded 
  Kuwait. Now you think Bush II lied to get us into the war with 
  Iraq? The only surprising thing is that anyone is surprised. 
  BTW, were all those above "neocons"? 
DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational 
exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 
soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with 
its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically 
by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum 
of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 
of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 
no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
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subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SUBSCRIBE CTRL 
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Neocons Lied Us Into War - Will They Get Away With It Twice?

2003-06-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 6/10/2003 12:52:06 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bashing Republicans and not Democrats, conservatives (neocons) and not liberals is not only not helpful, it perpetuates the division amongst us.

And you suggest what? Sitting back while the liars and schemers run amuck?
If "liberals" were in power now and doing the exact same thing that is happening I'd be all over them too. The Democratic party is no better than the GOP. I am not a fan of either so if you're insinuating that my attack comes from the left you are sorely mistaken. The reason the Bush administration is the target of many of the pieces I post is simply because they are in charge at this time and are acting in a rather reckless manner. Lying and cheating and leading us one step closer to the socialist new world order that I abhor.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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