Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

While looking over your links, I was struck by your use of Kevin
MacDonald who in no way is a neutral source when it comes to the Jewish
community.  There are many historical reasons why Jews find themselves
in the liberal camp without examining carefully as individuals their
involvements, and I find myself in disagreement with that philosophy for
many reasons.  When I first heard attacks on Kevin MacDonald, I wondered
what was going on, but after looking at his involvements and his
writings, I have no doubt that he falls into the antisemitic camp. Any
search on the net will provide much information on his work.  He would
fit very well into Veith's book, Modern Fascism, on fascism in the
academic community.  Particularly revealing was an article he wrote
which parallels the views of Savitri Devi, a hardcore antisemite.  A
biography of her is titled Hitler's Priestess.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brian Salter
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and
protest America's slide into fascism

-Caveat Lector-

i perceive a typically polarized argument going on here, so i'm going
to interject some comments...   just because i'm so damn sick and tired
of both sides of the left-right culture war!!!

On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:07 PM, Zuukie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I sent Mark's post to a number of people.  Here is a response from one

 of them:

 Fascism is based on the ideal of National SOCIALISM. The only real
 difference between a Nazi and a Communist is that a Nazi believes that

 socialism can be achieved in a single nation while a communist
 believes that a global socialist state is need to fully implement
 socialist tyranny.

IMO, the idea that National Socialism was genuine socialism (as the left
sees it, anyway), and the idea that National Socialism was the
capitalist world's defence against socialism are BOTH bullshit hoaxes,
perpetrated by the ideologues of left and right on eachother.  these
arguments are a disease of those who need to think in dualistic terms.
however, i have recently been tilting somewhat to the opinion that the
absolute categorization of the nazis as right wing is a distortion of
history by the left (especially trotskyists, who have abused the very
word fascism into oblivion by using it as a facile verbal weapon
against any ideology they don't like, whether or not it accurately
fits).  this is certainly the case if one equates fascism with late
capitalism, which has always been a cheapshot marxist canard.  the nazi
party platform was very heavily collectivist and strongly espoused a
planned as opposed to a market economy, and there was a notable
anti-capitalist element in both the nazi platform and many right-wing
nationalist movements of the time (a competitive, free-market system,
whatever it's real flaws may be, was seen as the enemy because it gave
an undesired equality to outsiders and thus weakened the volk).  a
more perceptive and fair way to look at the nazi regime was as a
rendition of what james burnham called the managerial society, which
was neither capitalism nor socialism, and in fact is antithetical to
both in important ways.  it is this managerial state which is the real
agenda of the wall st. so-called capitalists who supported hitler (and
some of whom, such as the rockefellers, had earlier supported the rise
of the bolsheviks, who created what burnham also considered to be a
managerial society).

anyway, here's a quote from a dissenting point of view:

The evidence that Nazism was part of the socialist tradition continues
to accumulate, even if it makes no headlines. In 1978 Otto Wagener's
Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant appeared in its original German. Wagener
was a lifelong Nazi who had died in 1971. His recollections of Hitler's
conversations had been composed from notes in a British prisoner-of-war
camp, and they represent Hitler as an extreme socialist utopian,
anti-Jewish because ``the Jew is not a socialist.'' Nor are
Communists--``basically they are not socialistic, since they create mere
herds, as in the Soviet Union, without individual life.'' The real task,
Hitler told Wagener, was to realize the socialist dream that mankind
over the centuries had forgotten, to liberate labor, and to displace the
role of capital. That sounds like a program for the Left, and many
parties called socialist have believed in less.

Hitler's allegiance, even before such sources were known, was
acknowledged by socialists outside Germany. Julian Huxley, for example,
the pro-Soviet British biologist who later became director-general of
UNESCO, accepted Hitler's claim to be a socialist in the early 1930s,
though without enthusiasm (indeed, with marked embarrassment).

Hitler's program demanded central economic planning, which was at the
heart of the 

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

i'll check out these references.  i'm not strongly endorsing macdonald;
however having read some criticsm and counter-criticism, i'm not
convinced he's anti-semitic.  in fact, his academic work is devoted to
ethnic particularism in general, and he has studied other diasporic
cultures as well, which somewhat rules out him having a personal agenda
or vendetta.  however i do think he overgeneralizes, and one thing that
i think is sorely missing is an awareness of how the attitudes of jews
have been manipulated by elites to play a certain role.  this is the
crucial element.   i believe that both christians and jews have been
massively manipulated to serve agendas that are not in their interests.
also i think that many elitists who are assumed to be jews or
christians are in fact nothing of the sort.  at the same time, it is
not fair to prohibit open analysis and consideration of jewish cultural
identity and its effect on politics and society, given the
extraordinarily disproportionate representation that jews have in
certain areas.  i think that this goes beyond the simple question of
zionism or anti-zionism.  one cannot ascribe *everything* to individual
experience or purely external factors; people are often influenced by
their cultural identity and this needs to be acknowledged, in an
objective way, without hate.  so, even if macdonald falls into the
anti-semitic camp, that doesn't mean that some of the issues and
research he brings up are out of the question.  that said, i think
peter meyers offers a more balanced discussion.
also this recent article by sherman skolnick (who is jewish) points the
way to a more nuanced view:

i'd also like you to back up your accusation against mark that he is a
jew hater.  can you point out some proof of that?  i am somewhat
familiar with mark's writing and opinions, and i have never seen any
evidence of that whatsoever.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 01:29 PM, Zuukie wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

While looking over your links, I was struck by your use of Kevin
MacDonald who in no way is a neutral source when it comes to the Jewish
community.  There are many historical reasons why Jews find themselves
in the liberal camp without examining carefully as individuals their
involvements, and I find myself in disagreement with that philosophy
many reasons.  When I first heard attacks on Kevin MacDonald, I
what was going on, but after looking at his involvements and his
writings, I have no doubt that he falls into the antisemitic camp. Any
search on the net will provide much information on his work.  He would
fit very well into Veith's book, Modern Fascism, on fascism in the
academic community.  Particularly revealing was an article he wrote
which parallels the views of Savitri Devi, a hardcore antisemite.  A
biography of her is titled Hitler's Priestess.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 11:12 AM, Zuukie wrote:
A great deal of the wealth created by the American capitalist economy
has been accomplished by taking control of third world nations (see the
references below), robbing their natural resources, installing
dictatorial (death-squad) governments, and then using their populations
as slave labor at wages of pennies per hour to grow and manufacture
products for American corporations.  This practice is still going on.
there are many libertarians, conservatives, and other advocates of
free-enterprise capitalism who absolutely deplore these types of
atrocities by the US government, and who deplore the form the
government has taken over the past century.  regardless of the pluses
or minuses of their viewpoints, it is totally unfair to their views and
a cheapshot to lump all non-socialist views together with the
atrocities of the current ruling elites and simply label it all
capitalism.  that's a gutter level cheap shot, and the left just
keeps on doing it.  in fact, although i have some fundamental
differences with the libertarians, i feel that their arguments that the
atrocities of the US govt have been enabled by the institutionalization
of the welfare-warfare state more than anything else are sometimes
more prinicpled and more analytically grounded than the left has to
M:Wrong.  Scandinavian and other countries that practice Social
Democracy...have much better distribution of wealth than the U.S.
Z:  Are you suggesting we should stop all foreign aid, all military aid
to other countries, support of the UN, all humanitarian aide to other
countries, etc. and keep the profits here for the betterment our
Coveting again?
i think that redistribution of wealth  land should be on the table...
 at the same time, it should be recognized that attempts to apply
aspects of social democracy in the US have had the opposite effect of
what was promised.  for example, the progressive income tax, which
was supposed to redistribute wealth, has actually served to demolish
the middle and upper-middle classes, thus preventing any challenges to
the top elites.  these top elites are also inveterate opponents of
genuine free enterprise; they LOVE planned economies.  (but these days,
instead of being planned by governments, they are planned by multilater
corporations.)this was spelled out in a carnegie foundation study
from the 30s, which is not well known today...
also i'd like to point out that there used to be some populist forms of
socialism in the US, believe it or not, but these were extinguished by
the postwar trotskyist / countercultural left.  i think some
open-minded reexamination is due:
M:Sooner or later tyrants and their advocates will divulge their true
motives!  Here Zuukie and (as I'm told) her friends are advocating
maintenance of economic-class, racial, and gender social barriers,
can mean nothing less than control of the government, society, and
economy by wealthy white businessmen. This is exactly the agenda of the
Fascists and the businessmen who supported them, for the simple purpose
of maximizing their profits.
Z: Wow.  All that?  Leaping logic 
leaping logic indeed.  mark is using polemical, either-or arguments,
demonizing rather than debating.  but zuukie, you're very polemical as

The gay rights movement isn't about civil rights for homosexuals.
Homosexuals enjoy all the same civil rights as other Americans.
Absolutely false.  Homosexual people are generally not allowed to have
official marriages, and so are denied the various economic and social
rights that such marriages confer, and they are also discriminated
against in employment, housing, etc.
homosexual marriages ought to be allowed; let's be humane.   but
homosexual parenting should not.   but the idea that the ruling class
in the US are homophobic per se is nonsense; the rockefeller-funded
kinsey studies deliberately exaggerated the prevalence of homosexuality
in america, along with other aspects of non-traditional sexuality.
it is very clear that the changing of america's sexual mores was
sanctioned from the top, from certain circles anyway.  not in the sense
of supporting liberation, but to create demographic changes, to
weaken the family structure and thus make the citizenry more
susceptible to having their values changed by propaganda, and also to
lower the birth rate in accordance with elite concerns about population
(the rockefellers were at the same time setting up groups like the
Population Council to carry on the eugenics cause...  the rockefellers
have been heavily involved in funding certain types of feminist
programs, and supporting feminist programs through the UN, because this
offers a convenient PR shield to hide the eugenics agenda behind some
family planning efforts.)  just because the reaction to social change
is often imbued with 

[CTRL] Charles 'Show Me The Money' Moose

2003-06-18 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

This is a 
  WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
  To view this item online, visit 
  Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Charles 'Show Me The Money' Moose
  Posted: June 18, 20031:00 a.m. Eastern
  By Michelle 
©2003Creators Syndicate, Inc. 
  As a resident of Montgomery County, Md., home of celebrity police chief 
  Charles A. Moose, I would like the rest of the nation to know what a 
  growing number of Moose's own employees and constituents think about him: 

He is an outlaw opportunist. 

He is an ineffective, absent leader. 

He is a money-grubbing menace who has put his personal ambition over 
public safety. 
  Moose, who was ubiquitous during last fall's Beltway sniper 
  investigation, is nowhere to be seen in our neighborhoods these days. He 
  has supposedly been on active duty for the Air National Guard, "helping 
  his air guard unit develop an anti-terrorism force protection plan," 
  according to the Washington Post. 
  When he's not avoiding phone calls about whether he ever plans to 
  return to his old job, he's traveling across the country giving supposedly 
  expert speeches about leadership and crisis management. Meanwhile, morale 
  among his rank-and-file officers has plunged. One veteran Montgomery 
  County cop told me this week: "The chief is snubbing his nose at us. All 
  he cares about is money. What kind of leader is that?" 
  A quick visit to reveals what Moose has really been up to 
  while out of the office. Instead of fighting crime and protecting his 
  local community, as his $160,000 government salary requires him to do, 
  Moose has been readying the fall launch of a book capitalizing on his 
  fame. "Three Weeks in October: The Manhunt for the Serial Sniper," 
  published by New York-based Dutton, features a huge cover photo of Moose 
  wearing his prominently placed, shiny police badge. 
  Moose and his publisher have put the book up for pre-order sales in 
  defiance of a local county ethics commission ruling earlier this spring 
  that barred him from writing the book. The panel concluded that 
  longstanding ethics regulations – regulations he agreed to abide by when 
  he was hired – prevented him from profiting from his job as police chief. 
  The ethics watchdogs also suggested he would reveal confidential 
  information to titillate readers. 
  The commission's concerns about Moose's upcoming book publicity circus 
  – which will coincide with sniper suspect John Muhammad's trial – were 
  shared by several top local law-enforcement officials who worked on the 
  sniper task force. Henrico County Police Chief Henry W. Stanley told the 
  Washington Post after a sniper task force meeting in February: "With all 
  that's happened, we certainly don't want anything to jeopardize the trial. 
  I felt, and I think the group felt, that we needed no more publicity that 
  could add to the trial issues." 
  The task force expressed unanimous disapproval of Moose's book 
  publishing plans. But he treated his fellow police chiefs the same way he 
  treated the county ethics panel: He ignored them completely. 
  Instead of following the law, he and his big-mouthed wife, an image 
  consultant and CEO of Chief Moose Inc., have hurled reckless charges of 
  racism at county employees. Mrs. Moose whined to the panel that the couple 
  resented having to answer to "a fully white group to give him permission 
  to make some money." She likened her spouse to Martin Luther King Jr. and 
  Nelson Mandela as a civil-rights trailblazer who "stood for principle." 
  The Mooses have sued Montgomery County over the ethics ruling, citing 
  their First Amendment rights. But their true motives are far less noble. 
  In closed hearings, as first reported by investigative 
  journalist Paul Sperry, Chief Moose grumbled that he made less than other 
  police chiefs around the country and mentioned the need to pay off his 
  wife's law school bills. Mrs. Moose pointed out that their house lacked 
  antiques because of all the humanitarian sacrifices Moose has made on 
  behalf of public safety. Moose, already the highest paid Montgomery County 
  official, stands to earn a book advance worth a reported $160,000 – and 
  much more if the planned TV movie gets off the ground. 
  This tacky pair should spare us their self-pity. As many local cops 
  have argued, Moose's ambition, incompetence and 

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest Americ...

2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 6/18/2003 3:35:11 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

i'd also like you to back up your accusation against mark that he is a
"jew hater". can you point out some proof of that? i am somewhat
familiar with mark's writing and opinions, and i have never seen any
evidence of that whatsoever.

Anyone who is even mildly critical of Israel is, to the Zuukies of the world, a "Jew hating anti-semite"...that's just her way...and the way of most Zionist chauvinists.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cheney Needs To Answer On Iraq

2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
From Volume 2, Issue Number 24 of Electronic Intelligence Weekly, Published

Tuesday, June. 17, 2003 
This Week You Need To Know
LaRouche Demands Iraq Answer  From Vice President Cheney
by Jeffrey Steinberg

June 14A political firestorm is building in Washington, over the mounting evidence that some officials of the Bush Administration and the intelligence community may have lied about Iraq's purported nuclear weapons program, to secure Congressional, public, and United Nations support for the war on Iraq. One focal point of the controversy is the use of forged documents by Administration officials, in promoting the idea that Iraq was on the verge of possessing nuclear weapons.

As late as March 16, Vice President Dick Cheney appeared on national television to make the incredible claim that Iraq already possessed a nuclear weapons capability. Such arguments, based on alleged "hard" secret intelligence, played a major role in compelling skeptical members of Congress to back President Bush's war on Iraq, several Congressmen have stated.

In this context, on June 7, Debra Hanania-Freeman, spokesman for Democratic Party Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., issued a statement, quoting LaRouche, demanding specific answers from Vice President Cheney: "Let there be no mistake about it," LaRouche said. "The nature of these charges constitute hard grounds for impeachment I want to know exactly what Dick Cheney knew and when he knew it. The charges are grave and specific and leave no wiggle room. Determining who knew what and when is, at this time, an urgent matter of national security." The LaRouche campaign statement (see below) is now circulating nationally as a million-run LaRouche in 2004 leaflet. Officials of the Bush Administration, starting with the Vice President, are going to have to disclose what they knew, and when.

The Niger Forgeries

As reported in EIR last issue ("The Henry Waxman Letter: Who Knew What, And When?"), some time in late 2001, the Central Intelligence Agency received copies of a series of documents, on a supposed letterhead of the government of Niger, purporting to show Iraq attempting to purchase large quantities of uranium oxide ("yellow cake"), for possible use in building nuclear weapons. According to news accounts, in February 2002, Vice President Cheney asked a former U.S. Ambassador to Africa to travel to Niger to determine the authenticity of the documents. The Ambassador, whose identity is not yet publicly known, did make the trip, and reported back that the documents were fake, and there was no evidence of any Iraqi attempt to obtain the uranium precursor from Niger.

Despite the fact that the documents were shown to have been forgeries, allegations about the Iraq-Niger transactions continued to surface, throughout the autumn of 2002, and reference to the Iraqi attempts to obtain the nuclear materials even appeared in a State Department "fact sheet" dated Dec. 19, 2002, and in President George Bush's Jan. 28, 2003 State of the Union address.

Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) followed up his letter to President Bush, with a new letter to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice on June 10. This letter challenged statements made by Rice on the June 8 Sunday talk shows, which "contradicted other known facts and raised a host of new questions." Waxman pointed to Rice's statement on NBC's "Meet the Press," that "maybe someone knew down in the bowels of the Agency" that the evidence cited by the President about Iraq's attempts to obtain uranium from Africa was suspect; he asked her to identify any such individual or individuals.

Waxman then added following questions: "When you were asked about reports that Vice President Cheney sent a former Ambassador to Niger to investigate the evidence, you stated, 'the Vice President's office may have asked for that report.' In light of this comment, please address: (a) Whether Vice President Cheney or his office requested an investigation into claims that Iraq may have attempted to obtain nuclear material from Africa, and when any such request was made; (b) Whether a current or former U.S. ambassador to Africa, or any other current or former government official or agent, travelled to Niger or otherwise investigated claims that Iraq may have attempted to obtain nuclear material from Niger; and (c) What conclusions or findings, if any, were reported to the Vice President, his office, or other U.S. officials as a result of the investigation, and when any such conclusions or findings were reported."

Waxman's letter concluded: "What I want to know is the answer to a simple question: Why did the President use forged evidence in the State of the Union address? This is a question that bears directly on the credibility of the United States, and it should be answered in a prompt and forthright manner, with full 


2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Next Airing: Wednesday, Jun 18 @ 8pm ET/PT  

Cover Up: Attack on the USS Liberty

On June 8, 1967, the intelligence ship USS Liberty, stationed off the Sinai Peninsula during the Six-Day War, was attacked by unmarked jets and later by unmarked torpedo boats. In all, 34 men were killed and 171 wounded. Deep into the attack, the captain and crew realized that the aggressor was their ally, Israel, who claimed they couldn't identify the ship as American. We examine crewmembers' contentions that the attack was intentional and that both governments covered up the true details.  TV PG
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Next Airing: Wednesday, Jun 18 @ 8pm ET/PT  

Cover Up: Attack on the USS Liberty

On June 8, 1967, the intelligence ship USS Liberty, stationed off the Sinai Peninsula during the Six-Day War, was attacked by unmarked jets and later by unmarked torpedo boats. In all, 34 men were killed and 171 wounded. Deep into the attack, the captain and crew realized that the aggressor was their ally, Israel, who claimed they couldn't identify the ship as American. We examine crewmembers' contentions that the attack was intentional and that both governments covered up the true details.  TV PG
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Re: conspiracies (fwd)

2003-06-18 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:07:54 -0400
Subject: Re: [ctrl] Re: conspiracies


This is EXCELENT!!!
Keep up this attitude.


At 05:58 PM 6/18/03 +, you wrote:
The difficulty for a naive empiricist or rationalist like me is that
in a sense the people who are currently producing and recycling all
the rubbish about global conspiracies, the David Ickes and William
Coopers of this world, are right. But only in a sense. Some of the
world's politics and economics is influenced - but not controlled -
by little groups of people. The Bilderberg Group does exist, does
meet. The Trilateral Commission does exist, does meet occasionally
and discuss a new world order. After all, these are the guardians of
capital, and disorder is what they don't want. Global investment
likes order. There are bankers ripping us off - but few of them are
Jewish. David Icke and the many Americans from whom he has adopted
these ideas, have a little nugget of truth there, but thanks to the
way they use it, they contaminate the subject matter and unwittingly
play into the hands of the very people they think they are opposing.

For most of the chattering classes - the media and knowledge
industry, academics, politicians and their assistants - the epithet
`conspiracy theorist' is the kiss of death. One of the bed-rocks of
the ideology of liberal democracies is that conspiracy theories are
always wrong, and those who espouse them are mental incompetents at
best. This unquestioned belief usually manifests itself in the
endless genuflections like this: of course I'm not a believer in the
conspiracy theory of history, or: as usual the cock-up theory of
politics turned out to be true. Indeed, I would say that the
espousal of the belief in the cock-up or coincidence theory of
history is at the heart of what passes for political and intellectual
sophistication in liberal democracies.

This is understandable up to a point. Who wants to be associated with
nutters who believe the world's being run by a cabal of American
politicians and extra-terrestrials? Or the Masons? What irritates me,
however, is that this legitimate allergy to mega conspiracy theories
extends much further than the crazy fringe to a general prohibition
on conspiracies. And this is very strange, because it is blindingly
obvious - is it not? - that political parties, for example, are
intrinsically conspiratorial. Routine internal party politics is a
network of interlocking cabals plotting how to get their hands on
this group, committee, caucus meeting, council, party, pressure
group. It is only a slight exaggeration to say, as Carl Oglesby did
in the early 1970s, that conspiracy is normal politics. Yet this idea
would produce everything from outrage to patronising shakes of the
head from almost all intellectual and political circles in this
country. Really, old boy, the world just isn't like that.

I met this view of the world on my first visit the Newsnight office
in 1986. I was then trying to persuade the media to take seriously
the allegations of Colin Wallace about anti-Labour activities by the
intelligence services in the 1970s. Wallace was then still in prison -
  he was framed on a manslaughter charge. I had written to him and
mentioned that I would be visiting Newsnight and Wallace wrote back
warning me that up in the higher reaches of the BBC was a man called
Alan Protheroe, who was an asset of the British secret state and who
knew Wallace and what Wallace had been up to in Northern Ireland in
1974. When I met the Newsnight journalist who was interested in
Wallace and was proposing to interview him when he came out of
prison, I said Wallace says watch out for Protheroe. He thinks he
will ky-bosh your interview.

I got the patronising smile of the higher media who know
everything: Oh come on, the BBC isn't like that. What happened?
Wallace was interviewed, and Protheroe blocked its transmission. The
BBC then denied that the interview had ever taken place. About a year
later it was revealed that M15 actually had an office inside the BBC
from which it vetted applicants for BBC jobs.

The belief that our society just isn't like that is a part of the
ideology of liberal democracy, which I identify as the concept of
pluralism. This is mostly what's taught in Anglo-American
universities. The last time I took a look at it, British academic
politics was still wrestling with the 

[CTRL] American Troops In Gaza? Never!

2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Justin Raimondo

The "road map to peace" in the Middle East has turned into the highway to hell  and given rise to what, up until a few months ago, would have been unthinkable: the prospect of direct U.S. military intervention in Gaza and the West Bank. How did we get to this point?

The "road map," you'll remember, was supposed to have been George W. Bush's big concession to the Arab world. After backing Ariel Sharon to the hilt, even at his most brutal, and taking out Saddam Hussein  Israel's worst enemy in the Middle East  the idea was to secure peace and garner some brownie points with the remnants of our Arab friends by throwing U.S. support to a nascent Palestinian state. But it hasn't worked out that way.

Instead, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has reached new heights of bloodthirsty intensity, with the two sides engaged in all-out war. Worse yet, the Republican administration is openly floating the idea of U.S. military intervention in Gaza and the West Bank: alone, as part of a NATO force, or in collaboration with the UN. Speaking to Fox News on Sunday, Senator Richard Lugar, the influential GOP foreign policy maven, raised this startling possibility:

"If force is required ultimately to root out terrorism, it is possible there would be American participation."

Such a plan, Lugar made plain, is being actively considered. The Israelis, having decimated the Palestinian Authority's military capacity and waged a relentless war against its political legitimacy, now complain that the PA cannot control Hamas. A power vacuum created by Israel has been filled by Hamas, and the defanged PA is powerless to stop it. Lugar recognizes this, albeit in a rather roundabout way, and proposes a terrible solution: 

"The dilemma for the Israelis is that it's possible that Abbas simply does not have security forces that are adequate to take on Hamas, quite apart from even the territories being suggested for his security now. And pragmatically, this may mean down the road  and this will come after a good number of talks  there has to be some fill in. At this point, Kofi Annan of the U.N. has suggested U.N. peacekeepers, maybe even armed peacekeepers. There have been suggestions that NATO may be involved, that the United States may be involved. At that point, the polls turn very sharply south, with regard to United States involvement."

Yeah, like as far as the South Pole, but that could change. The sudden discovery that Hamas possesses weapons of mass destruction might be a hard one to put over. But the spillover effect of the Iraq war may be enough to drag us in. Spreading the meme that growing resistance to the U.S. occupation of Iraq  variously described as consisting of "Saddam loyalists," and/or "foreign fighters" vaguely affiliated with Al Qaeda  is really being engineered by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad might be just the ticket. I can see the headline in the Telegraph now: "Hamas Fighters Ambush American Soldiers."

It's a story-line rich with possibilities, including the quite plausible scenario that Hamas is harboring Saddam Hussein. He was supposed to have been in Syria, you'll remember, but Lebanon  where Hamas is a legal political party, and operates an elaborate state-like network of charities and military training camps  is more likely. The mere possibility may be enough to lure U.S. soldiers back to Beirut, at least as far as the American public is concerned. If, later, the Hamas connection to the Iraqi resistance turns out to be tenuous, at best  and Saddam is nowhere to be found  it can always be claimed that getting rid of Hamas was worth it as an end in itself. 

It was laugh-out-loud hilarious watching Israeli ambassador Alon Pinkas on MSNBC piously agree with Pat Buchanan that U.S. troops in Gaza is not a good idea: "I object to it on the grounds that we have always prided ourselves on our self-sufficiency," he said, with a perfectly straight face. With U.S. military and economic aid to Israel at $6 billion-plus per year, Israel is less self-sufficient than a welfare mother on crack. Yet, as Jim Lobe points out, it is Sharon, not President Bush, who is in the driver's seat:

"Fourteen months ago, US President George W Bush demanded that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon halt incursions into Palestinian-controlled areas, withdraw from cities Israeli forces had re-occupied, and refrain from further unilateral actions that would inflame the conflict. 'Enough is enough,' snapped the president, who had conquered Afghanistan four months before. 

"Sharon, of course, treated Bush's demands in much the same way as he would the yapping of a chihuahua, politely explaining that protecting Israeli citizens from suicide bombs was his first responsibility, and otherwise ignoring him. Two weeks later, the president was praising Sharon as a 'man of peace,' while stepping up his 

[CTRL] The CIA and That Yellowcake

2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The CIA and That "Yellowcake"
Memo: To Sen. Robert Byrd [D WV]
>From Jude Wanniski
Re: It Gets Worse

As long as the Senate is going to investigate the CIAs assessments of Iraqs weapons of mass destruction, Senator, you might suggest some questions about the CIAs capabilities in understanding nuclear weapons. When I first heard the story about how Saddam Hussein was trying to buy uranium from Niger I thought it couldnt be true. The only reason he would be trying to acquire fissile material would be for use in a nuclear weapons program, and it has been clear for years and years that Saddam abandoned the program when his own efforts to manufacture highly-enriched uranium (HEU) fizzled. 

Even before the International Atomic Energy Agency found that the CIA report on the Niger yellowcake sale relied on obviously forged documents, it had to be puzzled as to what Iraq would do with it, as all the facilities Iraq had for trying to make a nuke had been dismantled under IAEA supervision. It is easy enough for some of your fellow Senators to say he could have reconstituted his nuke program once the inspectors were gone, but that is false. Any dim bulb at the CIA would have known of the IAEAs new protocols of perpetual inspections that Iraq would have to submit to under any circumstances. 

The reason I know so much about all this, Senator, is that I have for years relied for all my information regarding nuclear weapons on a nuclear physicist named Gordon Prather. Youve never heard of him, Im sure, although he occasionally writes for The Washington Times and also for But you know Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico, of course, and Senator Domenici was Dr. Prathers patron years ago, having first met him when he was a nuclear weapons designer in New Mexico at the Sandia Corp. Domenici helped Gordon get an appointment to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in the Nixon and Ford administrations. From there, Gordon worked for Sen. Henry Bellmon of Oklahoma on energy matters. He then served in the Reagan administration as the Armys chief scientist. The Senate Intelligence Committee would find him a valuable source of information and knowledge, of the kind I think may be lacking at the CIA and is certainly lacking in Congress. There is nobody with his skills on any congressional staff, of either party.

Which brings me to the reason for this memo about the yellowcake deal that turned out to be a forgery, almost certainly the work of Iraqi expatriates who were eager to have President Bush persuaded that a pre-emptive war was necessary. It was Gordon who e-mailed me about the inherent implausibility of the story to anyone schooled in nuclear weapons design. Here is how he put it:

"The neo-crazies must have been desperate to have seized on a sale of yellowcake by Niger to Iraq as an excuse for war. What good would yellowcake -- a mixture of Uranium oxides -- have been to the Iraqis? Yellowcake contains less than 0.3% U235. You need uranium enriched to 90% U235 to make a nuke. You need to be able to convert yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride -- a solid at room temperature. Then you need to gasify UF6 and run it through cascades of gas centrifuges, tens of thousands of them. Iraq never had the capability of producing kilogram amounts of HEU, and what capability they had was utterly destroyed during the Gulf War and its aftermath and never rebuilt."

See what I mean? You didnt know that Senator, and I wouldnt expect you to. But wouldnt you expect the CIA to know that, so it could keep you and the President informed? What I mean to say is the intelligence problem is a lot worse than you had imagined. Ill tell you something else. After President Bush was elected, I called my old friend Dick Cheney and asked for a meeting. Ive known the Vice President from the days when he worked for Don Rumsfeld in the Nixon administration. So on January 3 before the inauguration, I flew to Washington and spent a half hour with him. My main mission was to explain to him that the economy was suffering from a rare form of monetary deflation that would not respond to tax cuts or interest rate cuts. But while I was there, I urged him to find a role for Dr. Prather in the new administration. I actually suggested he hire him as his own personal science advisor. He assured me he would take a look.

Alas, Gordons big problem was that he had been one of the earliest and most insightful defenders of Wen Ho Lee, the Chinese expatriate who worked at the nuclear weapons facility at Los Alamos, New Mexico and was accused of being an enemy agent. From the day I saw the first story on page one of the New York Times, I knew it smelled fishy and suspected Lee was being set up by the same neo-conservatives who were behind the war in Iraq. Thats right. Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, and Cheneys chief of staff, Scooter Libby. Back in those days, they were agitating for 

[CTRL] Rebuilding America's Defenses The Project for the New American Century

2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

'Rebuilding America's Defenses' and the Project for the New American Century
by Bette Stockbauer
June 18, 2003

"Rebuilding America's Defenses (RAD)" is a policy document published by a neoconservative Washington think tank called the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Its pages have been compared to Hitler's Mein Kampf in that they outline an aggressive military plan for U.S. world domination during the coming century. And just as Hitler's book was not taken seriously until after his catastrophic rise to power, so it seems that relatively few Americans are expressing alarm at this published document that is a blueprint for many of the present actions of the Bush administration, actions which have begun to destabilize the balance of power between the nations of the world. 

There is, indeed, much reason for alarm because PNAC is not an ordinary think tank and "RAD" is not an ordinary policy paper. Many PNAC members now hold key positions in the White House, Defense and State Departments, among them Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliot Abrams, Lewis Libby, and John Bolton, along with others in lesser positions. William Kristol, writer for the conservative magazine, the Weekly Standard, is chairman of the group.

Some of these men have been advocating for a strong military posture since the ending of cold war hostilities with the Soviet Union. Wishing to capitalize on the fact that the US had emerged as the world's preeminent superpower, they have lobbied for increases in military spending in order to establish what they call a Pax Americana that will reap the rewards of complete military and commercial control of land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. This, they said, would be accomplished by the waging of "multiple simultaneous large-scale wars" and one of their first orders of business was always the removal of Saddam Hussein, thereby giving the US a toehold in the oil-rich Middle East.

During the Clinton presidency, when the Republicans were out of power, this militaristic wing in American politics became highly organized and efficient. They formed the PNAC in 1997 And published "RAD" in September 2000. Determined to have their world empire, they offered an eerie prophecy on page 52 of that document about how it might be accomplished, "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event  like a new Pearl Harbor." Their dream of a catalyzing event could not have been better actualized than in the events of 9/11. 

Although there could have been many responses to the tragedy of 9/11, the Bush administration seized upon that event to mold public opinion into accepting many ideas embodied in "RAD". The overthrow of Saddam Hussein, was being proposed by Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz one day after 9/11, even before anyone knew who was responsible for the attacks. As soon as the war against Afghanistan was completed, the focus of US policy became regime change in Iraq, with all of the tragic consequences we are now seeing in that country.

Policies advocated in "RAD" are being enacted with terrifying speed, such as denigration of the UN, importance of Homeland Security, abrogation of international agreements, revamping of the US nuclear program and the spread of American military power into all corners of the globe by preemptive engagement. In Iraq we have seen the embodiment of "RAD" directives that call for the subjugation of regimes considered hostile to US interests and the prevention of military build-up in countries that may challenge US power. Bush's "Axis of Evil" nations Iraq, Iran and North Korea are mentioned numerous times as potential trouble spots and there is repeated insistence that the US establish military outposts in the Middle East and East Asia.

Most frightening is its complete isolation from any ideas of world unity and cooperative action. The authors appear to be intent on waging war as an answer to the problems of our planet, tragically imagining that peace can be won by enforcing American values on every other nation. A more chilling statement of the PNAC devotion to militaristic domination cannot be found than in Richard Perle's concept of "total war". "No stages," he said, "This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq... this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war... our children will sing great songs about us years from now." 

This article is a summarization of "RAD." I believe it is of importance to become familiar with this document because it is determining US policy decisions which will have far 

[CTRL] Where Are the WMD?

2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Where Are the WMD?
by R. Cort Kirkwood

Columnist Charles Krauthammer was one of the many war-party conservatives who pounded the drums for war against Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

But for weeks now, he and his friends have been reminded of a little problem. No one can find the weapons. 

Dont worry, Krauthammer insists. The real issue isnt the weapons, but those who keep asking for the Bush Administration to produce them. Its all just "hype," says he, to hide their shame.

Actually, Krauthammer and war-party hyped the weapons, and now, they have some explaining to do. 

Krauthammer For War

To say Krauthammer and his ilk favored the war is rather an understatement. They were infatuated with it, and weapons of mass destruction were a principal obsession. 

"Doomsday has been democratized" he wrote in February. "There is no avoiding the danger any longer." 

"We are in a race against time," his alarum continued. "The civilized part of humanity," he averred, must "disarm the barbarians."

Now, he says, critics of the war are "hyping" our inability to find the weapons of mass destruction that justified the war. 

The "hype," he wrote last week, is "a way for opponents of the war  deeply embarrassed by the mass graves, torture chambers and grotesque palaces discovered after the war  to change the subject and relieve themselves of the shame of having opposed the liberation of 25 million people."

Weapons And UFOs

Hows that? Those of us who opposed the war are neither embarrassed nor ashamed. We do not agree that the "the liberation of 25 million people" is the proper job of the American republic. 

If it is, then we must depose the corrupt and murderous African suzerainties. Grotesque palaces and mass graves abound; starving millions await liberation. North Korea with its torture chambers and mass graves, would be next, and after that, China. There, billions await liberation.

Anyhow, we ask about weapons of mass destruction because they were a principal reason this nation went to war. Armageddon, the war partys propagandists said, was at hand.

Yet now the war party says we must cease the questions about the "doomsday" weapons for which American boys have died. 

"The idea that our inability to thus far find the weapons proves that the threat was phony and hyped is simply false," Krauthammer protested. Wrote war monger Robert Kagan a few weeks ago: "Today, of course, they and many other known weapons are still unaccounted for. Does it follow, therefore, that they never existed?"

As this writer quipped on the Lew Rockwell Weblog, the logic sounds about like the proof for UFOs: "The Roswell saucer and many other known UFOs are still unaccounted for," the UFOlogists say. "Does it follow, therefore, that they never existed?" 

Who Should Be Ashamed

Those who opposed the war, or at least the anti-war conservatives, opposed the war on principle, as anathema to our founders vision of this Republics role in the world. 

Eventually, an empire is hoist upon its own bloody petard. The Romans found that out. So did the British. In time, so shall we. 

We did not believe Iraq was a serious threat to the United States. And we were correct.

Right now, Iraqs weapons of mass destruction are as real as flying saucers. But American fighting men died over them. And still do. 

If anyone should be embarrassed and ashamed, it is Krauthammer and the war party. Indeed, they should beg forgiveness.

June 18, 2003

Syndicated columnist R. Cort Kirkwood [send him mail] is managing editor of the Daily News-Record in Harrisonburg, Va.
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[CTRL] Seminary sex abuse, media bias, Bush Sr. admin, Vatican/Facism, implants

2003-06-18 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has 
Inmates Released from Guantánamo Tell Tales of Despair
military doctors allegedly refused to treat three Iraqi children

scroll for news articles

from L Moss Sharman Seminary sex abuse recounted Peter Geigen-miller, Free Press Reporter 6/17/03 "A woman testified yesterday she watched "dirty" movies on television while her brother and a Catholic priest were in an adjacent bedroom at St. Peter's Seminary. The woman, whose identity can't be released under terms of a court order, said she went to Barry Glendinning's quarters at the seminary hundreds of times between 1969 and 1974. The witness was eight years old in the fall of 1969 when the visits started. Sometimes, she'd stay in the living room of the apartment and watch TV while her brother and Glendinning went into the bedroom, she said. She told the court she wasn't sure what she was watching on TV but saw images of naked people on the screen. The woman was testifying at the civil trial in which Glendinning and the Roman Catholic Diocese of London are being sued by John, Guy and Ed Swales and their family for $7 million. The Swales brothers say they suffered sexual abuse at the hands of Glendinning during visits to the seminary and on camping trips and other outings. Glendinning pleaded guilty in 1974 to gross indecency involving children. Yesterday, at the start of the second week of the civil trial, the woman testified Glendinning took her and her brother to the priest's room at the seminary and engaged with them in nude body painting and nude massages. On one occasion, Glendinning forced her and her brother to perform a simulated sex act while he watched, she said. When her brother was reluctant to do as the priest asked, Glendinning twisted the boy's arm behind his back and forced him to comply, she said."

Cheit, Ross E. (2003). What hysteria? A systematic study of newspaper coverage of accused child molesters. Child Abuse  Neglect, 27(6), June 2003, Pages 607-623. A. Alfred Taubman Center for Public Policy and American Institutions, Brown University, Campus Box 1977, Providence, RI 02912, USA "Most defendants (56.1%) were not mentioned in the newspaper. Factors associated with a greater chance of coverage include: cases involving first-degree charges, cases with multiple counts, cases involving additional violence or multiple victims, and cases resulting in long prison sentences. The data indicate that the press exaggerates "stranger danger," while intra-familial cases are underreported. Newspaper accounts also minimize the extent to which guilty defendants avoid prison. Conclusions: Generalizing about the nature of child molestation cases in criminal court on the basis of newspaper coverage is inappropriate. The coverage is less extensive than often claimed, and it is skewed in ways that are typical of the mass media.

from mparent Child Sexual Molestation - The molestation and sexual exploitation of children has been identified as a major public health and criminal-justice problem. Such exploitation demands a better awareness of those who exploit. Sex offenders who molest and exploit children come from all walks of life. They are people with families, jobs, and neighbors. Some are wealthy, some are poor, but all are engaged in criminal behavior."
The Sexual Compromise at The Capital Data Dump. Sex And The Capital Karlyn Barker, Washington Post, July 24, 1990: The alleged leader of what authorities have called the largest male prostitution operation in the Washington area surrendered to federal agents yesterday and pleaded not guilty to racketeering charges that have been filed against him and three alleged accomplicesAsked about earlier reports that some of those clients included high-level officials in the Reagan and Bush administrations, Stephens said the investigation had not revealed "additional conduct which suggests criminal conduct on behalf of other people." . . . The Vinson case provoked additional notice after The Washington Times published reports last summer suggesting that the alleged prostitution ring had been patronized by government officials.",18,01.htm#article4

This is fyi only How the Vatican collaborated with fascism in Yugoslavia Seán Mac Mathúna The Vatican, Croatia and the Nazi Gold "The recent apology by Pope John Paul II holds little weight with the heirs and few elderly survivors of one of the bloodiest chapters in the Roman Catholic Church, the 1941-1945 atrocities by the Croatian Nazis known as the Ustashe. In April 1941, multi-ethnic Yugoslavia fell to the Nazis who wasted no time in installing the fanatical Ante Pavlics Catholic Ustashe in power in Croatia. With the blessing of the Roman Catholic Church and the active participation of clergy, especially Franciscan monks, 


2003-06-18 Thread T Brennan
-Caveat Lector-

This is about getting a sleazy rag called PARANOIA
MAGAZINE off the stands.  On their website, they
recently printed an attack on J.R. Fesperman of Desert
Moon Periodicals (web address  I took the
opportunity to thank Fesperman for whatever he did to
them (see email below).  I urge anyone reading this to
do everything they can to BANKRUPT PARANOIA MAGAZINE!

Mr. Fesperman:

Thanks for your wonderful work in bringing the
hate-mongering PARANOIA MAGAZINE to its knees.  On my
end, I have contacted countless distributors and
retail outlets, urging them not to carry this trash.
What's more, you may be interested to know that we are
currently preparing a petition to be circulated in all
fifty states demanding the arrest of the pseudonymous
Al Hidell and Joan D'arc under anti-terrorism
laws.  To my knowledge, no more outlets in my home
town of Ann Arbor, Michigan carry PARANOIA; I'd like
to think that this is partly because of my efforts.
This is a victory, but it is hardly enough -- Al
Hidell and Joan D'Arc belong in the federal
penitentiary system.  Let's do all we can to put them

Below are some fan pages about my other work from
around the world.

Best wishes,

T. Casey Brennan

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

 One of the first things the Nazis did was to murder every
 socialist they could find.  When leftists talk about socialism
 today they mean DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, with workers (including
 managers) having democratic control (one-person-one-vote, not
 one-dollar-one-vote as in the U.S. today) over the businesses
 they work in and over the economy and government as a whole.

It is not possible to achieve socialism without establishing an authoritarian
state since the pervasive state involvement in all areas of a citizen's life
ncessary to implement socialism requires a degree of control only attainable
through an authoritarian state.

The one essential difference between Communism and Nazism was that the Nazis
learned from the mistakes Lenin made in the 1920's. Rather then replace the
nation's former, pre Revolutionary elite with a new (untrained) party elite, the
Nazis simply co-opted the old elite by making membership in the Nazi party
mandatory in order to keep one's position of power.

Thus the Nazis had the advantage of permitting the country to continue to
function efficiently after seizing power yet make the Party paramount in all
areas of life.
Eventually the old elite would be replaced by a new highly educated and
Party elite.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-06-18 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 6/18/2003 7:32:26 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is about getting a sleazy rag called PARANOIA
MAGAZINE off the stands. On their website, they
recently printed an attack on J.R. Fesperman of Desert
Moon Periodicals (web address I took the
opportunity to thank Fesperman for whatever he did to
them (see email below). I urge anyone reading this to
do everything they can to BANKRUPT PARANOIA MAGAZINE!

What are your problems with Paranoia?
I think it's a good and often great magazine and only wish it came out more often.
Please describe your gripes if you can. 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Surge Of Socialism Under George Bush

2003-06-18 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Surge Of Socialism Under George Bush:
Republicans Rally For Centralized Government

By: Robert Sentry

Told ya that before the last Presidential election.
But isn't fun to hear Hannity and Limbaugh squirm.
Phony Conservative talk show hosts trying to defend a phony Conservative President and 
a phony Conservative Republican Party.
Meanwhile, Saddam and Osama still run free, the opium business in Afghanistan is  
booming and our borders are STILL WIDE OPEN.

With a Presidents like Bush who needs a Clinton?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 08:25 AM, flw wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

One of the first things the Nazis did was to murder every
socialist they could find.  When leftists talk about socialism
today they mean DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, with workers (including
managers) having democratic control (one-person-one-vote, not
one-dollar-one-vote as in the U.S. today) over the businesses
they work in and over the economy and government as a whole.

what is seldom discussed is that socialist ideas about direct worker
control of factories, such as guild socialism or syndicalism, have a
direct link to the sort of corporatism seen in mussolini's fascist
regime.  this connection is particularly notable in the writings of
vilfredo pareto, a theorist who was influential in the development of
fascism.  the spanish civil war is often cited as an example of
supposedly successful application of democratic socialism, but many
better-informed leftists are very wary of this claim, given the
potential for corporatism that could have come out of that situation
(even more, since it only lasted about a year and a half, it really
doesn't amount to a successful test run of anything).  these surprising
connections are obscured and buried by the left / right labeling game
vis a vis fascism.  also obscured by the childish assumption that just
because different political groups are fighting  killing eachother,
their ideologies must be diametrically opposed.  not so.
on a deeper level, the obsession with collectivizing the workplace as
the single, driving objective of socialism, is the core marxist ruse 
psy-op... this creates maximum class antagonism between the working
class and middle class, and thus keeps the heat of the true overclass
-- the financial elite (with various cartels  monopolies at their
side).  it also obviates any possibility of reaching an equitable
social modus vivendi between workers and employers, as opposed to
utopian, absolutist egalitarianism.  marx's theories also divert the
blame solely on the dynamics of the productive sector of the economy
for economic instability and wealth accumulation, and thereby insulate
the manipulation of monetary systems and central banks from adequate
attention.  this is why wall st. bankers have such a cozy history with
marxism!   the link i posted yesterday about the populist socialism of
the 30s shows that they at least had their general priorities straight
-- their number one objective was to eliminate the fed and nationalize
the central banking system.  it's worth noting that even many
libertarians support one particular centralized, socialistic policy
that is really in our benefit -- a nationalized central bank.  (not
counting radicals like rothbard who advocate free-market monetary
a further note, marx's labor theory of value never worked as a
systematic theory of capitalism.  in fact, it was a shamble of
contradictions and illogic, as was first demonstrated by boehm-bawerk
in his famous critique.  in fact, in Kapital, vol. 3, marx actually
subtly admits that he couldn't really make this theory work in a way
that reflected real market behavior, not without some absurd fudge
factors.  that doesn't mean that there isn't a metaphorical truth to
the value theory of labor, however.  but marx's system otherwise simply
falls apart.  this must be considered as well.  i only discovered these
details recently, and it blew my mind.  just think of all that the
world has been subjected to on behalf of this theory which didn't work
from the start.  this is the dark human comedy, i guess...
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] The Hillary Bogey

2003-06-18 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
The Hillary Bogey
by William L. Anderson
Washington, D.C.  a.k.a. the Belly of the Beast  has
been a-twitter these past two weeks with the release of
Hillary Clinton's new book Living History. Contrary to
the hopes of conservatives, the book has sold very well
and might even justify the $8 million advance that the
former First Lady received.
The book  apparently written by a gaggle of
ghostwriters and not Mrs. Clinton herself  has not
revealed anything surprising, judging from the
accounts I have read. (No, I do not plan to read this
book, as I tend to steer away from memoirs
penned by the political classes. If I want to read
fiction, I will go to the proper outlets.) Yet, the
usual suspects either are calling it a triumph or a
pack of lies, depending upon how they have
historically viewed the Clintons.
From the various sources that have reported on this
book, Mrs. Clinton claims to have been surprised
and angered when her husband confessed to her
that, indeed, he and Monica Lewinsky had been
doing some nasties in the Oval Office and, no, it
was not the work of the Vast Rightwing
Conspiracy. Given that Mrs. Clinton knew from the
start that Bill's denials were outright lies, this
passage alone should give us pause to think that
Hillary Clinton is anything but a spinner of
fabricated tales, second only to her husband.
Elsewhere, we read that she wanted to do all sorts
of wonderful things for the country, but those Bad
Republicans who wish to turn back the clock so
old people can die in the streets kept her and Bill
from giving all of us free healthcare. We read that
the tax increases of 1993 created prosperity, and
that the modest tax cuts of 2001 created a recession.
(In other words, Hillary Clinton proves she is
economically illiterate  but we already knew that.)
As for her social activism, she tells us the same
thing she said a decade ago: her support of the
welfare state comes from her Old time Methodist
upbringing. (Murray Rothbard already has dealt
with that explanation, so there is no use in my
plowing the same ground that he so ably did before
his untimely death.)
All that being said, let me say that I believe that the
significance of this book is not that Mrs. Clinton
gives us the same drivel she poured out of the White
House while First Lady, but rather that it proves
once again the absolute mediocrity that
characterizes the political classes in this country.
For her supporters, Living History somehow
proves that Hillary is ready to be President of the
United States, while her detractors either try to tell
us that the book proves that either she is not
presidential material or they quake in fear at the
prospect of a Hillary presidency.
Now that I have said it, let me now say that this
whole business has become quite ridiculous. Those
who support her say she will make a wonderful
president, while those who hate her believe she
will be dishonest and vindictive. Perhaps I need to
put it another way: if she were to become president,
her behavior would mirror nearly everyone else
who has held this office in my lifetime.
Does this mean I think she should be president? My
short answer, not surprisingly, is no. I would hate
to see Hillary Clinton become president because I
think she would be a disaster. For all of her leftist
proclivities, I believe that she is a fascist at heart.
First, she is authoritarian and second, she most
likely would govern in the manner of her husband,
who was constantly manipulating the reins of
government to reward those companies that were in
his political camp.
However, all that being said, I cannot help wonder
if President Hillary would have launched a war
against Iraq, a conflict that no longer can be spun as
a Great Victory over the Evil Saddam. At this
writing, the U.S. Armed Forces there are losing
about one soldier or more per day as Iraqis engage
in guerilla warfare. I doubt that Mrs. Clinton would
have pulled us into such a conflict, which I believe
still will be the downfall of the presidency of
George W. Bush.
On the economic front, I doubt she would be worse
than what we are seeing from Congress and
President Bush. That is not a vote of confidence for
Mrs. Clinton. Since, as Lew Rockwell has so aptly
put it, John Maynard Keynes rules from the grave,
the overall economic policies of the U.S.
Government will be Keynesian, be it a Democrat or
Republican in the halls of power. Right now, can
anyone say with a straight face that the U.S.
Government under Republican leadership in all
branches of government is engaging in responsible
economic policy?
But what about environmentalism? some might
ask. Is not a Republican presidency better in that
area than what we see from Democrats? Again,
while I appreciate some of the lip service
Republicans give toward changing some
environmental policies, let us not forget that it was
the Republican administration of George I that gave
us the draconian 

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 12:21 PM, Brian Salter wrote:
regime.  this connection is particularly notable in the writings of
vilfredo pareto, a theorist who was influential in the development of
oops, i didn't mean to say Pareto... i was thinking of Georges Sorel.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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